English Summary

Short Speech on Time Management in English for Students and Children

Dear Principal, teachers, and my dear friends. Very good morning to all of you. Today I stand in front of you to speak on the topic- Time management. I am presenting a short speech keeping the importance of our time in mind.

Time management is basically dividing, and allocating your time wisely to do important tasks in a day. You must be wondering why is it important or beneficial for us? There are various reasons for it.

Time management is very important for our careers. It is one of the key factors to success in any field of work. For example, if we won’t devote an equal amount of time to all the subjects you study, we may not be able to score good marks in each of them and this will affect your percentage overall.

Time management teaches us patience and teaches us how much time is needed to be devoted to a particular activity or task. For example, our class test of 20 marks is usually for half an hour or 45 minutes but our final exams are for 100 marks and 3 hours.

Each work requires a certain amount of time. If we are spending more time on that work, we are wasting our time. Time is money. It should not be wasted. It is so precious that once gone never returns.

Time management also teaches us to balance our lives. We should not spend our day doing just one task. When we make a time table for time management, we include everything in it. For example, food time, playtime, exercise time, study time, etc.

If we do not do time management, we may spend more time on a particular task and may completely avoid another. For example, people spend more time in the office and completely forget to exercise which affects their health.

In short, time management demands attention as it is very important for our overall well-being. I would request you all to manage your time and live a balanced life.

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short speech on time management for students

“Time Management For Student”- Speech In English

Hey there, students! Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by never-ending tasks and deadlines? Well, fret no more because we’ve got the ultimate solution for you!

In this Time Management For Student , we’ll learn the tricks and techniques to help you make the most of your day. From effective planning to prioritizing your activities, we’ve got your back.

Get ready to unlock the secrets of time management and discover how to strike the perfect balance between work and play. So, let’s jump right in and embrace the art of time management together!

Table of Contents

How to start a speech on time management:

  • “Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone. Today, I’d like to talk to you about a topic that affects us all – time management. We all have the same amount of time each day, yet some people seem to make the most of it while others struggle to get everything done. In this speech, I’ll share some strategies for effective time management that you can use in your personal and professional life.”
  • “Hello, and thank you for joining me today. As we all know, time is a precious commodity that we can never get back. Managing time effectively is crucial to achieving our goals and living a fulfilling life. In this speech, I’ll share some tips and tricks for making the most of our time.”

Time Management Speech (Template 1)

Time management is the excellent and helpful art of managing your time intelligently and efficiently enough so you can accomplish all your daily tasks and systematically complete your target. One who can handle his time with intelligence and resourcefulness can efficiently complete almost any task successfully.

Time management is necessary for productively using time. Now let us discuss the importance and also the steps to manage time.

Time Management is essential for many people in various areas and life classes. It can be a student, a homemaker, or a working professional – everyone must try their best to manage his/ her time correctly to manage their work well. 

Students must struggle with various activities throughout their day, from attending the institutions to taking various tuitions, from being busy with the self-studies to participating in different sports activities.

In such a complicated situation, if students do not try to divide their time properly, they wouldn’t be able to continue or complete any task correctly and efficiently.

Many parts of our time are wasted in the attempt to think and plan what to do next; when someone tries to prepare a schedule to divide and manage their time to make it more valuable than they should already know what is to be done next and which can deliver the gem of greater productivity .

It is always better to begin the day a little early to get more time to invest than in some productive activities. But remember not to compromise on your required sleep.

It is really essential for you to take 7-8 hours of sleep each day to remain fit.

The first work one should do in the first hour of the morning is to plan your day properly, and the proper way to do that is to prepare a to-do list for the entire day carefully.

Note down and divide all your tasks on a priority basis and try to accomplish them one after the other as per the plan.

Also, divide the time according to each of the tasks listed by you and try your best to complete them within the allotted time.

Don’t rush or run heedlessly from one task to the other one. Give yourself some resting time in between your tasks to relax your mind and begin the next task freshly with greater motivation.

It is essential to have a well-planned and well-balanced diet to remain energized all time of the day and make good use of most of the time you have in your life.

To conclude, I can say that time management is easier to be said than done. It really takes a lot of work, dedication, and proper determination to stay focused all the time and follow the planned schedule you have set for yourself to handle your time as efficiently as possible.

However, when you can master the art of doing things properly within a given time, you will go to a perfect place.

Short Speech on Time Management for Students (Template 2)

Time management is an ability required by every student in today’s world. In a world where everyone wants to excel in more than one field, this skill is necessary for the time being.

Students have a lot to deal with along with their studies.

Therefore, the skill of dividing time to manage multiple projects at hand can make it easier for the students to not run out of time and complete all the tasks in a given period. Managing time between studies and physical activities and providing time for developing hobbies and other curricular activities is a classic example of time management at a student’s level.

However, it requires a lot of effort on one’s part to bring those 24 hours into use by dividing them.

2 Minute Speech On The Importance Of Time Management For Students (Template 3)

In today’s busy world, where everyone is busy with so many things, time management makes it easier to manage all the tasks together.

Time management is the skill of managing different tasks efficiently by dividing time for every job.

It helps to work smart and hold onto work even under great pressure. It is a process of careful planning and controlling how much time to be spent on what kind of work. It makes you prioritize your needs and necessities. It is essential for people who balance many things or work at once to help them make time for the things needed of the hour and help them from running late with work.

A Simple Speech About Time Management ( Template 4 )

“Time is the most valuable coin in one’s life.” Everybody understands the importance of maintaining a balance between his work and private life. Leisure time is something everyone desires, but not everyone gets to enjoy it.

With the help of this skill, you can control the amount of time you use on unimportant things and utilize it for something more productive.

Time management can be considered one of the pillars of being successful. It teaches you patience and how to tackle complex tasks in a given time.

In addition, it teaches you how to make the most of your valuable time and increase your productivity and efficiency.

“Importance of time is realized when it is gone already.”

Importance Of Time Management For Student Speech (Template-5)

Time management means utilizing every second of your time. It’s crucial, and it’s not to be missed. One can achieve much more quickly, making every moment worth a lot more.

Time management is especially important for students as they have so much to study in a short time. It’s a beautiful skill that can make people’s life more comfortable. Everyone gets limited daily hours; some succeed, and some don’t. Those successful people generally know the importance of time.

For people still struggling with all the time-related issues, it is advised to prioritize their workload to lead a simple and stressless life.

“The key to time management is to realize the value of every moment.” All great personages who have succeeded have used the secret of optimal time usage. Time management is an influential art to master for every person as it makes up for a better future and comparatively more straightforward life.

Time management is not only required by a student but also by an adult. It is a skill for every field.

Time management can be a life hack, maintaining your work and balance. It helps you develop hobbies and self-care.

Unfortunately, when busy, our mind is preoccupied with what to do next, skipping tasks. This is a common mistake.

Time Management Benefits

  • Increased Productivity : Effective time management helps you accomplish more in less time, making you more productive.
  • Reduced Stress : By prioritizing your tasks and managing your time well, you can reduce stress levels and avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  • Improved Decision-Making : With better time management, you have more time to think about your options and make informed decisions.
  • Enhanced Focus and Concentration : When you manage your time effectively, you can focus on one task at a time without getting distracted.
  • More Free Time : By managing your time well, you can complete your work efficiently, giving you more free time to do what you enjoy.
  • Increased Accountability : Time management allows you to take responsibility for your tasks and complete them on time, increasing your sense of accountability.
  • Improved Work-Life Balance : Good time management skills allow you to balance your work and personal life, making time for the things that matter most.

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FAQ for Time Management Speech…

How do speech therapists manage their time.

Time management is a skill that comes through practice; the more you balance your time, the more productive it becomes.

Spacing out time each day can benefit you in managing tasks that are needed on time.

How To Manage Time Wisely Speech?

Managing your time can be challenging, but once you get to do it, you know how wise it is to use it daily.

A wise man certainly knows that small changes in daily routines, such as minimizing distractions and focusing more on given tasks, can ease life.

How To Manage Your Time Effectively Speech?

A person who knows how important time is for him can succeed in his future and lead a disciplined life.

However, if we all want to manage our time, we must list work, prioritize tasks, and set goals to achieve. Time management teaches you to work productively under great pressure and a heavy workload.

How To Write A Speech About Time Management?

“Time management is life management.” Nowadays, time management is an important skill required not only by students but also by office workers and people in business.

Everyone has a limited 24 hours in a day to perform various activities. People wise enough to divide their time according to their tasks have the upper hand in managing time.

What Are The Three Basic Goals Of Time Management?

“Time is the same for everyone. If you want to do extra, make time for yourself.” Effective time management can be achieved by various means. For example, creating a daily work list, setting reminders for all your tasks, avoiding not getting distracted easily, to complete the task within a specific time limit are many ways to make your day productive.

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1 thought on ““Time Management For Student”- Speech In English”

What an Interesting speech

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  • Importance Of Time Management Speech [1,2,3 Minutes]

Time management refers to planning how to divide your time between specific activities. The key elements of Time Management are setting priorities, excluding non-priorities, goal setting, creating a suitable environment & developing the right habits.

There are a lot of benefits of time management. It can make a person more efficient, productive, and disciplined . The one who can manage his time is more prone to achieve goals within a set time. Apart from that, It boosts your confidence & reduces stress.

1 Minute Speech

“Time management is life management”. This is one of my favorite quotes which describes the meaning of time management in just a few words.

Before heading ahead to my speech on Time Management, I would like to wish you all the best wishes and also want to pay thanks for having me this valuable opportunity.

Time is a limited resource to anyone and so the most expensive. You can not buy it or extend it. But Time management is a process of planning your time between more and less important activities to fetch you faster results in any given field.

Nowadays time management is a need for everyone be it a student , office worker, or businessman. Each day you have only 24 hours to perform various daily activities. Time management assists you to bring efficient and more productive results out of your efforts. If you are not managing your time, you are wasting it.

Thank you, I hope you like my words.

2 Minute Speech on Time management

Most Reputable teachers and principle and loved friends. first of all, I want to wish you all the best wishes for the day. Also, I am very grateful for having a chance to deliver a speech on time management.

I want you all to answer a question; what is the most expensive thing for you? For me, it is time because it can not be expanded. You have only 24 hours in a day and a limited lifetime. But the good thing is that we can manage our time in a way that will achieve more in less time.

The term “time management” refers to dividing your time between your daily activities according to priorities. Time management consists of setting priorities, excluding non-priorities, goal setting , creating a suitable environment & developing the right habits.

Apart from that, in this busy era, students don’t get enough time to enjoy their childhood but if they properly schedule their time, they can get some time for other hobbies and entertainment. for working people, time management will help to free their time for their family and friends.

Time management tips

  • Have a master schedule
  • Prioritize your work
  • Use a checklist
  • Break down big tasks into smaller ones
  • Reward yourself for accomplishments
  • Eliminate distractions

If someone masters the skill to manage time, nothing can stop him from achieving success in life. The setting goal becomes his habit that gets faster and more accurate results. Plus, when you get frequent success, your confidence level boosts.

There is a lot to say but as a part of time management, I have to stop here. Thank you all.

Short Speech on Time management

3 Minute Speech on Time management

Time holds a crucial role in the field of science and human life. Everything you see is in the realm of time. Even, one of the most popular scientific theories  Einstein’s Special Relativity explains the relationship between space and time .

Before heading ahead to my speech on Time management I cordially welcome you all & I want to pay thanks for having me this great opportunity.

We all live in a three-dimensional world and time is considered the fourth dimension of reality which is used to describe events in three-dimensional space. As a part of existence, time is vital for the execution of universal processes.

Time has a feature that it does not stop in any condition. That is why it imposes a limitation on each and every element of the universe and so on humans. Now, you can understand how important is time and why it is necessary to manage your time.

Even though we can not regulate time but we have the option to use it properly by applying time management skills. Time management is nothing but dividing your time between activities according to priorities. The next question is what are the benefits of time management?

Benefits of Time Management

Time management has a lot of advantages listed below:

  • Time management gets you faster results
  • It gets you more work done in less time
  • It helps you prioritize your work
  • It boosts your self-confidence
  • Time management prevents procrastination
  • It prevents you from stress

How a student can manage his time

Here are some tips for students to manage time:

To sum up, If you know the art of time management, you will get success faster. If you are not managing your time, you are wasting it. Never waste your time as it never comes back.

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Speech on Time Management In Students Life

Time management is like a secret weapon for students. It helps you stay on top of your studies and reduces stress. In a student’s life, it’s a skill that can transform your academic journey.

You might be juggling school, homework, extracurricular activities, and even a part-time job. Effective time management can make all these tasks manageable. It’s about making the most of every moment of your day.

1-minute Speech on Time Management In Students Life

Good day to everyone. Today, we are going to talk about a very important subject – Time Management in a Student’s Life.

Time management is like a secret recipe to make our lives tastier, giving it a unique flavor. It’s like a road map that guides us on the path to success. For students, it’s the key to balance school, homework, activities, and fun in an effective way.

Imagine your time as a big, juicy apple. You need to divide this apple into pieces to share it with your friends – studies, sports, hobbies, relaxation, and family. If you give too much to one friend, you may have none left for the others. So, how do we divide our apple fairly? That’s where time management steps in.

Firstly, you need to plan. Write down all your tasks for the day, week, or month. This way, you’ll know what you have to do and when. It saves you from the scary feeling of forgetting something important. It’s like having a shopping list when you go to the supermarket.

Next, prioritize your tasks. Some tasks are more important or urgent than others. Like doing your homework is more crucial than watching your favorite TV show. Remember, the TV show can wait, but your homework cannot.

Lastly, avoid distractions. It’s easy to lose focus with so many exciting things around us – games, gadgets, friends, and more. But remember, these distractions steal pieces of your apple, leaving less for other things.

To wrap up, picture that apple and remember how to divide it evenly. Plan, prioritize, and avoid distractions. This is the secret to successful time management for students. Practice this and I promise, you will see a great change in your life. Thank you.

2-minute Speech on Time Management In Students Life

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Time management is like a golden key that opens the door to success, especially in a student’s life. It’s a way to plan your day, week, or even your year so that you can make the best use of your time.

Imagine time as a huge box of chocolates. Each chocolate represents an hour of your day. Now, you have to decide how many chocolates you want to spend on study, play, rest, and other activities. If you eat all your chocolates at once, you won’t have any left for later. That’s why time management is important. It helps you divide your chocolates wisely.

Learning how to manage time is like learning how to ride a bicycle. At first, it might seem hard, but with practice, it becomes easier. You start by planning your day. You can use a diary or an app on your phone. Write down the things you need to do and the time you need to do them. This is your plan. It’s like a map that guides you through the day.

Next, it’s important to stick to your plan. It’s easy to get distracted, to want to play when you should be studying, or to watch TV when you should be sleeping. But remember, every time you swap a study chocolate for a play chocolate, you’re losing precious time. So, stick to your plan. It’s like following a recipe. If you miss a step or change the order, your cake might not come out right.

But what if something unexpected happens? What if your friend invites you to a party, or you need more time to finish a project? This is where flexibility comes in. It’s okay to change your plan, as long as you make sure you still have enough chocolates for everything else. It’s like juggling balls. Sometimes, you need to catch a new ball without dropping the others.

Finally, it’s important to take breaks. Studying for hours without a break is like running a marathon without stopping to drink water. You’ll get tired and lose focus. So, take short breaks. Play a game, walk around, eat a snack. It will refresh your mind and help you study better.

In conclusion, time management is a skill that every student needs. It’s like a magic wand that helps you control your life. It’s not always easy, but with practice, it becomes a habit. And once you’ve mastered it, you’ll have more time for study, play, rest, and everything else that makes life fun and interesting.

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Speech on Importance Of Time Management - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

Time management is the process of planning and organising how to allocate time effectively and efficiently to achieve specific goals and objectives. It involves balancing the time spent on different activities, prioritising tasks based on their importance and urgency, and setting deadlines to ensure that tasks are completed on time.

Speech on Importance Of Time Management - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

10 Line Speech On Importance Of Time Management

The commodity of time, once dissipated, cannot be recovered through any means.

The practice of adept time management enables one to prioritise tasks and concentrate on what is of the utmost importance.

Effective time management leads to increased productivity and achievement of goals.

This approach facilitates the balancing of personal and professional responsibilities.

Through effective time management, stress levels decrease, resulting in an overall improvement in well-being.

By employing time management strategies, one can efficiently utilise time, avoiding any tendencies towards procrastination and idleness.

With the aid of sound time management skills, one is able to work with greater intellect and effectiveness, rather than simply exerting more effort.

The implementation of a well-structured time management system enables one to meet deadlines and evade the pitfalls of last-minute haste.

In the corporate world, the ability to manage time effectively is highly prized.

In our fast-paced society, the significance of time management extends beyond professional settings and is crucial for success in all aspects of life.

Short Speech On Importance Of Time Management

Good time management skills allow us to prioritise our tasks and use our time more effectively, which can lead to increased productivity and a sense of accomplishment.

When we manage our time well, we can reduce stress, increase focus, and achieve our goals more efficiently. On the other hand, poor time management can lead to missed deadlines, increased stress, and a feeling of being overwhelmed.

One of the key principles of time management is setting priorities. By identifying what is most important, we can allocate our time accordingly and ensure that we are using it in the most effective way possible.

Another important aspect of time management is setting goals and creating a plan to achieve them. This helps us stay focused on what we want to accomplish and ensures that we are using our time in a purposeful manner.

Time management is a crucial skill that can have a significant impact on our personal and professional lives.

By using our time wisely, we can achieve more, reduce stress, and lead a more fulfilling life.

Take the time to evaluate your own time management practices and make any necessary changes to improve the way you use this precious resource.

Long Speech On Importance Of Time Management

Time is a precious commodity that we cannot buy, trade, or reclaim once it has passed. For students, managing this precious resource with efficiency and purpose can mean the difference between academic success and mediocrity.

With the demands of classes, extracurricular activities, and a personal life, it's easy for time to slip away and leave us feeling overwhelmed. But by harnessing the power of effective time management, students can transform their lives, cultivate a sense of balance, and reach new heights of accomplishment.

Effective Ways to Manage Time

Prioritising tasks | One of the most effective ways to manage time is to prioritise tasks. Students should make a list of their tasks and rank them based on their importance and urgency. This will help them focus on the most critical tasks first and avoid wasting time on less essential ones.

Time blocking | Another effective way to manage time is to use the time blocking method. This involves dividing the day into blocks of time and assigning specific tasks to each block. This helps to eliminate distractions and ensure that students stay focused on their tasks.

Eliminating distractions | Distractions are a significant hindrance to time management. Students should identify their distractions and find ways to eliminate or reduce them. This could include turning off notifications on their phones, closing unnecessary tabs on their computer, or finding a quiet study space.

Staying organised | Staying organised is another key aspect of time management. Students should have a system for keeping track of their assignments, schedules, and deadlines. This could include using a planner, keeping a to-do list, or using an electronic calendar.

Taking breaks | Taking regular breaks is essential for maintaining focus and avoiding burnout. Students should schedule breaks throughout the day to recharge and refresh their minds.

How Managing Time Can Be Beneficial

A student who is able to manage their time effectively is likely to see several benefits, including:

Improved academic performance | When students prioritise their tasks and focus on the most critical ones first, they are more likely to complete their assignments on time and to a higher standard. This can result in better grades and a stronger academic record.

Increased productivity | Effective time management enables students to get more done in less time. By eliminating distractions and staying organised, students can be more productive and make the most of their time.

Reduced stress | When students have a clear understanding of what they need to do and when they need to do it, they are less likely to feel overwhelmed and stressed. Effective time management can help students lead a more balanced and stress-free life.

Better personal life | When students manage their time effectively, they have more time to pursue their personal interests and spend time with family and friends. This can result in a more fulfilling personal life and improved relationships.

Effective time management is essential for students, as it can help them achieve their goals, lead a balanced and stress-free life, and ultimately be more successful in their academic and personal lives. By prioritising tasks, using the time blocking method, eliminating distractions, staying organised, and taking regular breaks, students can manage their time effectively and achieve their full potential.

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Time-Management Tips for College Students

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Time Management in College: How to Have Time for Everything

We all started college with the clear expectation to have the best time of our lives.

Of course we were ready to study and complete different assignments, but we didn’t expect them to occupy our entire time.

Here is the most important question on every student’s mind: “ How do I write every single essay, get ready for the exams, and have fun at the same time? ”

Maybe you think that’s an impossible mission, but the answer to that question is pretty simple: effective time management .

When you start organizing your life according to a particular system, you’ll achieve a whole new level of productivity.

Here are some tips that will help you do that.

Time Management Skills for Students

1) Use time-saving apps

If you have to handle too many tasks in a single day, you need to start using some apps that will make multitasking easy. Even while you're in your student accommodation , these apps can be used anywhere you desire. Here are some suggestions:

When you use so many apps and services, it’s easy to spend a great deal of time with them. The initial purpose of this service is to connect the different online services you’re using. For instance, IFTTT can post your tweets as Facebook statuses, and it can automatically share your Instagram photos to Twitter and Facebook.

However, IFTTT is much more than it initially seems. Think about it: the app can light up the room for you at sunset, set the coffee machine to prepare a good-morning coffee, tell your friends where you are, and keep your family updated when you’re heading for home.

Appisfree is a mobile app that provides a vast collection of apps for Android devices. It offers a user-friendly interface, allowing users to easily search for and download their desired apps. You can find the latest and greatest apps, as well as older versions of apps that may not be available in the Google Play Store.

You locate an awesome online resource that can help you complete an assignment? Your bookmarks tab is already full of icons, so you can easily forget about the source before you start working on the task. Thanks to Pocket, you can save all that content and access it even when you’re offline.

Further Reading from Skills You Need

The Skills You Need Guide for Students

The Skills You Need Guide for Students

Skills You Need

Develop the skills you need to make the most of your time as a student.

Our eBooks are ideal for students at all stages of education, school, college and university. They are full of easy-to-follow practical information that will help you to learn more effectively and get better grades.

2) Plan your time

Let’s say you plan to spend five hours of your day in classes, three hours studying, two hours writing assignments, and have your well-deserved rest after that. You may have a plan in your head but, if you don’t put it in writing, you’ll easily get distracted.

Here are some apps you can use for that purpose:

Are you still using daily planners and post-it notes to keep track of your tasks and ideas? It’s time to abandon that practice since you can easily lose the paper. With Clear, you’ll be able to keep track of all daily tasks in a simple app. Clear allows you to set priorities in your daily lists, thanks to the color-coding system that indicates their urgency.

Remember the Milk

This is one of the simple apps that let you create daily lists of tasks. You can easily add new to-dos, and you’ll never forget an important task or deadline because the app will send a reminder via IM, email, text, or Twitter.

3) Start working on your assignments as soon as possible

Study Skills - Note Taking

When you have to study for the upcoming exams, the last thing you need is yet another research paper, essay, book review, or another type of assignment your professors request.

Some students decide to outsource when they encounter such difficulties, but you have to admit that such practices are unethical.

Really smart and organized students, on the other hand, start working on their assignments as soon as they get the instructions.

Be honest: your professors probably didn’t give you instructions for the term paper just before exam week, did they? You know the requirements and submission dates for complex projects a few weeks or even months before the deadline, so you can organize your time without feeling any pressure.

Use your Google Calendar and mark the due date with red. Then, plan how much time you’ll need to get that assignment done, and organize the workload in stages.

Start with the research process as soon as you possible, develop an outline, and then start writing at least one page per day. You won’t even feel the stress that usually comes hand in hand with the writing process.

4) Get some sleep!

Continuous lack of sleep is a serious cause of stress. You think you’ll achieve more when you sleep less, but things are not that simple.

When you don’t get enough rest, your body stops responding efficiently to new information, and you feel the fatigue and tension in all muscles as well.

You have to sleep for at least seven hours a day if you want to maintain your mind and body as fresh as possible.

See our page: The Importance of Sleep for more information.

5) Take notes during class

How are you using your time during lectures? Are you listening to everything the professor says, or are you talking to your friends or playing games on your phone?

When you do your best to listen and learn during class, you’ll need much less time to complete the papers and get ready for the exams, since you’ll already have a solid base of information in your head.

Write down all important points your professor emphasizes. You can use a plain notebook (see our page on Note-Taking for some tips) or a note-taking app (like Evernote ) on your tablet to do that.

6) Learn how to say NO

Your friends ask you to go to the movies, but the due date for an important term paper is tomorrow?

You know you won’t be able to write anything if you go out, since you’ll go to have few drinks after the movie. In some situations, you’ll need to say no . Your professor won’t extend the deadline for the term paper, but you can certainly go to the movies and have fun the next day.

You may find our further reading on Assertiveness Skills useful.

7) Discover your rhythm

You can’t change the class schedule and you’ll have to attend classes at a particular time of day, but you have the flexibility to deal with the rest of your time as it works best for you.

If, for example, you notice that you’re doing your best work in the mornings, you can start waking up really early, do a short exercise routine, have a coffee, and do some studying before you head off to class.

If you’re a night person, then you can have a nap after classes, spend some time with your friends during the day, and leave the night for studying and completing papers. Everyone’s productivity peaks at different times of the day.

When you discover your own rhythm, it will be easy for you to organize your time around it.

8) Isolate yourself during midterms and finals

You’ll have your life back as soon as exam week is over. During midterms and finals, you have to isolate yourself from your friends, family, social media, forums, and anything else that distracts you from the really important things. No time-management technique will help you to get space for those things during survival time.

Commit yourself to studying and let everyone know finals are coming. Then, organize your time in a way that allows you to leave enough space for each subject. Once you go through this stressful period with success, you’ll be free to have as much fun as you want.

You're the Boss of Your Own Time!

This is the most important thing to remember: you can have time for everything in college.

You don’t have to sacrifice your studies for the sake of having friends, and you don’t have to eliminate your social life if you want to have good grades.

If you follow the tips above, you’ll notice that you can do much more in those 24 hours you get in a day.

About the Author

Alice Depp is a creative writer.

She has recently graduated college. She is planning to launch her blog, so now she is getting experience in digital writing sphere. Her hobbies include playing tennis, reading and handicraft.

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Essay on Time Management

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  • Updated on  
  • Aug 27, 2022

Essay on Time Management (1)

“Time isn’t the main thing, it’s the only thing”- Mile Davis.

Time management is a prestigious topic for budding subconscious minds. It is one of the most crucial skills that you must inculcate from early on. This skill has vital importance when you move into a professional setting. It is extremely important to manage time efficiently as not managing time can create many problems in your day-to-day life. It is also a common essay topic in the school curriculum and various academic and competitive exams like IELTS , TOEFL , SAT , UPSC , etc. This blog brings you samples of essays on time management with tips & tricks on how to write an essay.

Essay on Time Management in 200 words

Time stops for none and is equal for all. Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day but some people make better use of time than others. This is one of the most important reasons some people are experts in what they do. Therefore, time management plays a vital role in both personal as well as professional lives.

Time management is basically an effort made consciously to spend a certain amount of time performing a task efficiently. Furthermore, it is estimated that to have better results, one needs to do productive work. Thus, productivity is the key focus here. Moreover, maintaining a careful balance between professional life, social life, and any other hobbies or activities is a great example of efficient time management.

Time management is also crucial for students from an academic perspective as students require to cover many subjects. Thus, efficiently managing time is an important skill in everyone’s life.  Around the world, there are two views for time management – linear time view and multi-active time view. The linear time view is predominant in America, Germany and England, and it aims at completing one task at a time. Whereas a multi-active view aims at completing a number at once and is predominant in India and Spain. Nevertheless, time management is one of the important traits of a successful individual, students are advised to follow whichever is convenient for them.

Essay on Time Management in 300 Words

Time Management is a key skill for job opportunities as employers recruit candidates who have this efficient skill. Thus, it is advised to initiate inculcating this vital skill as soon as possible. In the academic setting, time management plays a vital role and helps in the accomplishment of tasks efficiently and effectively.

Time management is the process of planning and performing pre-scheduled activities with the aim of increasing productivity, effectiveness and efficiency. Different cultures hold different views on Time Management. However, a multi-active time view and a linear time view are the two predominant views. In a linear time view, the aim is set to complete one particular task at a time whereas, in a multi-active view, the focus is on completing a greater number of tasks at once. Emphasis is given on productivity and effectiveness, but students are free to choose their own view of time management.

Time management is crucial as it is helpful in setting a timeline for achieving a particular goal. Moreover, it also increases the efficiency of the tasks at hand. It becomes necessary for working professionals as they need to balance their personal and professional life. Thus, they do not have time to dwell on each and every detail in every task. In such cases, a multi-active view is one of the helpful methods. Time management works best when a goal or target is set. For instance, a student becomes far more effective at learning when they decide to assign 2 hours for learning a particular concept. This is effectively a method of benchmarking progress. So, every time the activity is performed, one can measure themselves and improve upon various aspects of their tasks.The clear conclusion is that time management is a crucial skill for students and working professionals. Thus, everyone must practise time management to improve productivity and efficiency of tasks.

Tips for Writing an Essay on Time Management

To write an impactful and scoring essay here are some tips on how to manage time and write a good essay:

  • The initial step is to write an introduction or background information about the topic
  • You are required to use the formal style of writing and avoid using slang language.
  • To make an essay more impactful, write dates, quotations, and names to provide a better understanding
  • You can use jargon wherever it is necessary as it sometimes makes an essay complicated
  • To make an essay more creative you can also add information in bulleted points wherever possible
  • Always remember to add a conclusion where you need to summarise crucial points
  • Once you are done read through the lines and check spelling and grammar mistakes before submission

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Lastly, we hope this blog has helped you in structuring a terrific essay on time management. Planning to ace your IELTS, get expert tips from coaches at Leverage Live by Leverage Edu .

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Sonal is a creative, enthusiastic writer and editor who has worked extensively for the Study Abroad domain. She splits her time between shooting fun insta reels and learning new tools for content marketing. If she is missing from her desk, you can find her with a group of people cracking silly jokes or petting neighbourhood dogs.

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  • Speech on Value of Time


Speech on Value of Time in English for Students

Speech on topic importance of time.

Time is very important in life. No one can escape the passing of time. If time is managed properly it would lead to the development of a good habit of organizing the daily activities.

Students should understand the importance of time. It will help them in managing time properly. 

Below 2 speeches are given on the importance of time, A long speech on value of time in student’ life and a short speech on value of time in students' life. These speeches will help the students to understand how precious time is. 

 Long Speech on Topic Importance of Time

‘Good morning everyone’! Today I want to talk about the importance of time. So what is time? Well, time is measured by hours, days years, and so on. Time is very important in life. No one can escape the passing of time. If time is managed properly it would lead to the development of a good habit of organizing the daily activities. We all cannot escape time and are subject to ageing and mortality. 

Time plays an important role in everyone’s life. If time is invested properly it could be used to develop a skill. Time also healing a person both externally and internally. 

Time is considered to be the ultimate thing that cannot be measured. When proper work is done and completed on time it will yield a fruitful result. 

As the proverb goes “TIme and tide wait for none”, all the students should understand this proverb. Time waits for no one and it just passes by. It is the duty of the person to value time and manage it properly so that the task could be completed. 

Students should understand that time is invaluable. People think that money has the most value on Earth but it is not. Time is more valuable than money. Lost money can be earned back but lost time cannot be and nothing can stop the flow of time in our lives. Time is precious and it is required that everyone should use it wisely. 

So the next question that comes to everyone’s mind is how to use time wisely? Well, there is the word for that and that is ‘Discipline’. Everyone should have discipline in every walk of life. If we are disciplined in our life no one can raise a finger against us. 

Discipline plays an important role in students’ life. If the student shows discipline and if is always on time. It is a sign of maturity and he or she will be appreciated by the teachers. 

The next thing that I want to talk about is Time management as it is required to understand the value of time. A person who completes his or her work on time will in turn help them to be successful. 

Students should develop the habit of time management as early as possible. While preparing for an exam, time management plays an important role. Students who manage their time by studying a particular subject at a particular time help the students to complete the syllabus in time and perform well in exams. 

To conclude this speech, I want to say that everyone should develop a habit to complete a particular task in that frame of time. The task could be anything from preparing for exams, working out, or sleeping. Completing the task on time will help in saving the time which could be used to develop a new skill. History is evident that all successful people in the world are very good at managing time. Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, and so on manages time very effectively and use the free time to read books. The most important people in the world are very conscious of the value of time. Hence, we should also not waste time and try to make the best use of it. Thank You. 

Short Speech on Value of Time in Students Life

‘Good morning everyone’! Today I want to talk about the importance of time. Time is measured by hours, days years, and so on. Time is very important in life. No one can escape the passing of time. Time plays an important role in everyone’s life. If time is invested properly it could be used to develop a skill. Time also healing a person both externally and internally.

As the proverb goes “TIme and tide wait for none”, all the students should understand this proverb. It is the duty of the person to value time and manage it properly so that the task could be completed. 

Students should understand that time is invaluable. Time is more valuable than money. Lost money can be earned back but lost time cannot be and nothing can stop the flow of time in our lives. Time is precious and it is required that everyone should use it wisely. 

Time management is required to understand the value of time. A person who completes his or her work on time will in turn help them to be successful. 

To conclude this speech, I want to say that everyone should develop a habit to complete a particular task in that frame of time. The most important people in the world are very conscious of the value of time. Hence, we should also not waste time and try to make the best use of it. Thank You. 

10 Lines About Speech on Value of Time in Students Life

Time is measured by hours, days years, and so on. Time is very important in life.

Time is considered to be the ultimate thing that cannot be measured. When proper work is done and completed on time it will yield a fruitful result.

Time waits for no one and it just passes by. It is the duty of the person to value time and manage it properly so that the task could be completed. 

Time is more valuable than money. Lost money can be earned back but lost time cannot be and nothing can stop the flow of time in our lives.

Time is precious and it is required that everyone should use it wisely. 

Discipline plays an important role in students’ life. If students a disciplined in life they will achieve success one day.

Time management is required to understand the value of time. 

Students should develop the habit of time management as early as possible. It will help them to excel in exams.

The most important people in the world are very conscious of the value of time. Hence, we should also not waste time and try to make the best use of it.


  • Speech Topics For Kids
  • Speech on The Importance Of Time

Speech on the Importance of Time

The importance of time is one of the interesting speech topics for kids . “You may delay, but time will not.” These are the words told by Benjamin Franklin. So without further delay, mark your pursuit behind the greatest runner of all – ‘time’. Go through this article and prepare a thought-provoking speech on the topic.

Table of Contents

Top quotes to use in a speech on the importance of time, speech on the importance of time management in a student’s life, two-minute speech on the importance of time, one-minute speech on the importance of time, frequently asked questions on importance of time.

  • “Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days.” – Zig Ziglar.
  • “The most efficient way to live reasonably is every morning to make a plan of one’s day and every night to examine the results obtained.” – Alexis Carrel.
  • “He who every morning plans the transactions of that day and follows that plan carries a thread that will guide him through the labyrinth of the most busy life.” – Victor Hugo.
  • “The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot” – Michael Altshuler.
  • “Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday and avoiding today.” – Wayne Dyer.
  • “It’s surprising how much free time and productivity you gain when you lose the busyness in your mind.” – Brittany Burgunder.
  • “Realise that now, in this moment of time, you are creating. You are creating your next moment. That is what’s real.” – Sara Paddison.
  • “One can find time for everything if one is never in a hurry.” – Mikhail Bulgakov.
  • “Have regular hours for work and play; make each day both useful and pleasant, and prove that you understand the worth of time by employing it well.” – Louisa May Alcott.
  • “One always has time enough, if one will apply it well.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Sample Speeches on the Importance of Time

A couple of sample speeches on the importance of time are given below. Go through them and utilise the resource to better understand the topic.

Effective time management is one of the finest qualities that has to be instilled in every child’s life from a young age itself. The skill of time management is very important in life; it helps an individual to prioritise actions and thus can systematically deal with incidents happening in life. A person with time management skills can easily sort out particular activities and can perform them well based on priority.

Childhood is considered the best time to learn life lessons. Effective time management is one of the best life lessons that they have to be taught.“By education, I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in the child and man; body, mind and spirit.” These are the words told by Mahatma Gandhi. Education is not only about scoring good marks and performing well in academics. The purest form of education is obtained from the exploration of our life. So to experience the exact sweetness of education, more and more have to be explored. A person needs time to do so. With the quality of effective time management, a person can schedule each and every day and live life to the fullest. It acts as a timesaver and offers time to perform more in life.

Time management is one of the finest traits valued by every employer. It is important in all stages of life. From childhood to old age, its advantages are well visible. In simpler terms, we can define time management as one of the few shortcuts to success in life.

What is human life? Human life is a short journey between birth and death. We only have limited time on this planet. So each and every second of our lives counts and is infinite in its worth. According to the words of Jim Rohn, “Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.” Don’t you agree with this statement?

Even though time limitation is well known to all, people still invest their lives in money rather than on time. Many people prioritise money over time. They are not willing to accept the fact that money can be made by any person who has got time left with them. Wasting time to make money is one of the most commonly made mistakes by human beings. It’s high time we stopped comparing the value of time with money because the value of time is inconceivably higher than that of money or anything else on this planet. Stop blindly pursuing to accumulate wealth and start living your life.

Do you know what determines the success of an individual? An individual’s success in life is determined by the productive utilisation of the 24 hours in a day. The efforts taken by the individuals differentiate them from one another. Like the words told by Lord Chesterfield, “Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness, no laziness, no procrastination; Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.”

Procrastination is never the choice of the wise. By procrastination, a person is actually trying to evade responsibilities. A person is only inviting trouble by doing so. We are all familiar with the proverb” A stitch in time saves nine”, right? So it is always better to finish tasks on time. Seize every opportunity and live every moment because time once lost is lost forever.

Why is time precious for every individual?

Human life is a short journey between birth and death. We only have a very limited time for living on this planet. So each and every second of our lives counts and is infinite in its worth. The value of time is inconceivably higher than that of money or anything else on this planet.

Why is time management so important in human lives?

Childhood is considered the best time to learn life lessons. Effective time management is one of the finest qualities that has to be instilled in every child’s life from a young age itself. The skill of time management is important in life; it helps an individual to prioritise actions and thus can enable them to systematically deal with incidents happening in life. A person with time management skills can easily sort out particular activities and can perform them well based on priority.

List some quotes to use in a speech on the importance of time.

  • “Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days.” – Zig Ziglar.
  • “The most efficient way to live reasonably is every morning to make a plan of one’s day and every night to examine the results obtained.” – Alexis Carrel.
  • “He who every morning plans the transactions of that day and follows that plan carries a thread that will guide him through the labyrinth of the most busy life.” – Victor Hugo.

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Speech on Stress Management for Students and Children in 800 Worls

Speech on Stress Management for Students and Children in 800 Words

In this article, we have published a speech on stress management for students and children in 800 Words. You can take help from this speech for various events and for exams.

Speech on Stress Management (800 Words)

Hello everyone, a warm welcome and a hearty good morning to the entire gathering. Thank you for allowing me to give a speech on the topic, ‘Stress Management’. Many of you may know that without proper stress management methods, one can suffer from severe consequences, which can cause either physical or mental damage.

Attention Getter: Life is a journey full of difficulties and twists and turns. Usually, in this journey of life, people face various difficulties that arose from these ups and downs because they have to fight with the challenges by themselves alone. Mostly, getting out of such situations is tricky and takes much time. 

The primary reason behind such feelings is the chaotic activity of our day-to-day life, which ultimately gives raises to stress. Stress, if enhances to its ultimate form, can create problems for both our physical and mental health .

That’s why we must practice effective stress management techniques to stay away from stressful issues. The better we understand our problems and situations, the better we can be able to fight with them, and the easier it becomes to overcome stress.

I am here to discuss some useful information and scientifically proven facts about the causes and effects of stress. We will also discuss some useful techniques and methods to reduce stress.

Significance or Credibility: Source, “According to….”

Connective: (you ensure that the audience knows that you’ve completed the introduction, and now you’re moving towards the central part of the body)

Spending quality time with your loved ones and your family is one of the best methods to reduce stress. The quality time spent with your family helps in reducing stress, and can also make you forget your problems and your work for a while.

People take alcohol and drugs to reduce stress for a while, but it doesn’t work in that way. Alcohol and drugs are hazardous for health in the long term. 

That’s why; finding stress relief in alcohol and drugs is not a solution. People just consume it for the first time and get addicted to it; they then get to a point where they can do anything to get their dose or drugs. Apart from causing several health issues, alcohol and drugs are also a waste of time and money.

However, if you hold on to positive without dealing with negative ones can help you maintain a positive attitude towards life. Thinking positively about ourselves is the first thing that we can do. Surrounding ourselves with positive-minded people and inspiring people can help in elevating our mood. 

Of distress, we must talk about our inner feelings with others, which helps in reducing stress. Sharing your feelings with one of your close friend or a family member also helps in reducing stress.

Talking with a health care professional or a clergy also helps in reducing the feelings of distress. Studies suggest that taking part in events with other people who experience similar difficulties like you, are also beneficial to some point to ease distress. 

Apart from all the methods I have mentioned till now, there are a lot of other ways that you can do to reduce stress, like you can find a hobby in which you are interested.

Hobbies have the potential to make you forget your problems, reducing your stress levels. You can go for a walk early in the morning or in the evening, you can go shopping, or you can go to see a picture with your friends or your family. 

These are some brilliant ideas which not only reduce stress but also help in relaxing your mind. When you enjoy these things, you will forget your problems for a while. You can also practice yoga or other exercises, which is not only helpful in reducing stress but also adds up to your physical wellbeing. You can also take a walk alongside your house.

This will be beneficial for you in a better way. When you walk, you can see the clear sky and enjoy other natural or artificial views and get relaxed. It usually feels boring by visiting the same place every day. Try changing your routes, and you can visit a lake or a beach, you can also take a walk beside a river. Take a bike ride, which also helps in reducing stress.

In the end, I would like to say that stress is not bad. In this speech, I have dealt with negative stress or distress; there’s another kind of stress which arouses out of excitement.

One positive part of stress is that it shows you the reality and responsibilities of your life. You know that stress is a normal part of everyone’s life, which can’t be ignored. You need to reduce your stress. 

Thank you for listening to me. Thank you.

I hope you liked this Speech on Stress Management for Students and Children.

2 thoughts on “Speech on Stress Management for Students and Children in 800 Words”

It is very useful

It’s very insightful and informative.

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short speech on time management for students

Speech on Time for Students and Children

3 minutes speech on time.

Time is something that is very precious and important to all of us. Thus it is important to utilize it wisely as it is very important in our lives and plays a significant role. Also, our whole life revolves around it. Read Speech on Time here.

Speech on Time

Moreover, we should respect the time and understand the value of time because the time gone is never coming back. So, it is better to respect and follow time instead of regretting afterward.

We all are very familiar with the proverb “Time and tide wait for none” and this proverb is best suited because tide doesn’t wait for anyone. In the same manner, time also doesn’t wait for anyone. So, we should make time our opportunity and grab it as it is very precious and important in our life.

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Why time is important?

To understand the importance of time let’s look at some points:


For living a better life one should be punctual in their daily life. Those who understand the importance of time are always punctual and successful in life. Moreover, those who are not punctual may have to face many problems and consequences in life.

Time is Invaluable

It is more valuable than money as we can earn money in any sphere of our life but we cannot earn the time back, which has already gone. Furthermore, the flow of time cannot be stopped and therefore we should use it wisely.

Importance of time management

An important factor for success in life is time management. It will always remain an important factor for a person to be successful in life. Suppose, if a student does not study regularly then he may face problems during the examination due to which his result will be affected.

Being on time should be our propriety. Moreover, if we don’t respect time than it doesn’t mean that the other person is also not respecting time. For our appointments, we should be on time and should not waste the time of others.

Unpredictable future

No one can predict her/his future. Hence, we should work hard to and perform all our tasks on time in order to make our future bright. Also, in order to avoid chaos, we should finish our tasks on time.

The best medicine

Publius Ovidius Naso or Ovid says that “Time is the best medicine” and it is really true that it is the best medicine as it helps to heal all our wounds, feelings, and broken hearts. Also, it helps us to forgive a person for his mistakes and hence said to be the best medicine.

The proverb “killing time is not a murder, it’s a suicide” perfectly suits all those who do not understand the value of time and also don’t respect it. They waste their time doing useless things or doing nothing at all.

Furthermore, there are people who give excuses like they do not have time for doing work. It’s not that they do not have time but they don’t know how to manage time.

Every person in this world daily has 24 hours. However, it depends upon the person how to manage their golden hours and how to set priorities.

Moreover, if we learn to manage our rime then there is no one in this world that can stop us from being successful in life.

To conclude, we all can easily understand what time is and how important it is in our life. Hence, we should manage our time in a proper way and achieve our goals. As time helps us to become a successful person.

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16 responses to “Speech on Water for Students and Children”

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This Helped Me With My Speech!!!

I can give it 100 stars for the speech it is amazing i love it.

Its amazing!!

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Commonwealth of Australia

Ministers Treasury portfolio

  • The Hon Dr Jim Chalmers MP

Budget Speech 2024–25

Delivered on 14 May 2024 on the second reading of the Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2024–25.

Speaker, I move that the Bill be now read a second time.

Cost of living help and a future made in Australia

On this Ngunnawal land we acknowledge all the First Nations people of this country and the custodians, customs and cultures which guide and inspire us.

This is a Budget for the here‑and‑now and it’s a Budget for the decades to come.

It’s a responsible Budget that helps people under pressure today – and invests in the promise and potential of the more prosperous future we can make together.

Our main priorities are:

  • Helping with the cost of living.
  • Building more homes for Australians.
  • Investing in a Future Made in Australia – and the skills and universities we’ll need, to make it a reality.
  • Strengthening Medicare and the care economy.
  • And responsible economic management, which is set to produce another surplus and help fight inflation.

This government and this Budget delivers for every Australian:

A tax cut for every taxpayer.

Wages growing in every industry.

A better deal for every working parent.

A fairer go at every checkout.

New help with energy bills for every household and for small business.

Stronger Medicare in every community.

More homes in every state and territory.

More opportunities in every TAFE and University.

A dignified retirement for older Australians.

Energy and industry policies that help bring the jobs of the future to every corner of our country.

An economic plan where growth and opportunity go together.

A government and a Budget for every Australian.

Economic outlook

It’s framed in fraught and fragile global conditions.

The world economy is resilient in parts but subdued overall.

Inflation is lingering in North America, growth is slowing in China and tepid in Europe, tensions have escalated in the Middle East and persist in Ukraine, global supply chains are fragmenting.

This uncertainty combines with cost of living pressures and higher interest rates to slow our economy, with growth forecast to be just 1¾ per cent this financial year and 2 per cent next.

Slower growth means a softer labour market, with unemployment expected to rise slightly to 4½ per cent next year, even as we create tens of thousands of new jobs.

I want Australians to know that despite everything coming at us, we are among the best placed economies to manage these uncertainties and maximise our opportunities.

We have an envied combination of moderating inflation, record new jobs, near‑record participation, real wages growth, the lowest‑ever gender pay gap, and expanding business investment.

Annual inflation has more than halved from its peak in 2022 and it’s now lower than anticipated in the mid‑year update but we know people are still under the pump.

That’s why we designed our cost of living policies to ease these pressures and take another ¾ of a percentage point off inflation this year, and ½ a percentage point next year.

Treasury is now forecasting inflation could return to target earlier, perhaps even by the end of this year.

At the same time, around 780,000 jobs have been created under this government, a record for any first term.

This is stronger jobs growth than in any major advanced economy.

Real wages are growing again for the first time in almost 3 years.

Business investment is now expected to record its longest annual expansion since the mining boom –

And we’re addressing the pressures caused by population growth, with net overseas migration next year now expected to be half what it was last year.

Easing cost of living pressures

The number one priority of this government and this Budget is helping Australians with the cost of living.

Responsible relief that eases pressure on people and directly reduces inflation.

The comprehensive cost of living plan in this Budget:

  • Delivers a tax cut for every taxpayer.
  • Provides new power bill relief for people and small businesses.
  • Freezes the cost of medicines.
  • Makes student loans fairer.
  • Boosts competition in our economy so families and farmers get a fairer go.
  • And supports renters.

Tax cuts for every taxpayer

Our new tax cuts for middle Australia are the biggest part of the cost of living relief in this Budget.

From July 1, all 13.6 million taxpayers will get a tax cut.

And for 84 per cent of taxpayers, and 90 per cent of women, a bigger tax cut than they would have under the previous government.

This is about rewarding the hard work of our nurses and teachers, truckies and tradies.

And the 2.9 million people earning $45,000 or less, who would have received nothing.

The average benefit is $1,888 a year, that’s $36 a week.

Our tax cuts are better for families, communities, women, and young people, and better for business and the economy.

New power bill relief

In 2022, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine triggered the biggest shock to global energy prices since the 1970s.

We know Australian families and businesses have felt this pain – and that’s why we stepped in to help.

Electricity prices would have risen 15 per cent in the last year if not for our efforts – instead they rose 2 per cent.

Tonight, I assure Australians more help is on the way.

This Budget delivers $3.5 billion in new energy bill relief.

For everyone.

Just as every Australian taxpayer will get a tax cut, every Australian household will get energy price relief.

From July 1, Australians will receive an energy rebate of $300 – and one million small businesses will get a bit more.

The ABS has shown how cutting energy bills directly cuts inflation too.

Keeping the lights on for families and businesses – and keeping downward pressure on inflation.

Cheaper medicines

Labor governments make Medicare stronger – and medicine cheaper.

We are providing up to $3 billion for cheaper medicines and the community pharmacies that distribute them.

And we are freezing the maximum cost of PBS prescriptions.

This year and next year, no‑one will pay more than $31.60.

Six out of 10 PBS scripts go to pensioners and concession cardholders.

And we will freeze the cost of their medicines, for 5 years.

Meaning no pensioner or concession cardholder will pay more than $7.70 for the medicine they need.

We’re also investing $3.4 billion to add life‑changing and life saving medicines to the PBS.

Cutting the cost of one breast cancer treatment from around $100,000 down to just $31.60.

Debt relief for students

Going to university can be a life‑changing opportunity.

For 35 years now, our student loan system has supported millions of people who study hard to chase their dream.

But spikes in inflation have exposed a flaw in this system – and put young people under unfair pressure.

We are fixing that and changing it so it won’t happen again.

We are capping indexation of student loans to either the Consumer Price Index or the Wage Price Index, whichever is lower.

Backdating it to mid‑2023 will cut indexation from last year in half.

It will wipe $3 billion in student debt for over 3 million Australians and save the average person around $1,200.

A fair go at the checkout

Australians are feeling the pinch at the check‑out.

That’s why we empowered the competition watchdog to hold supermarkets accountable –

Why we’re taking steps to make the Food and Grocery Code mandatory –

And making our economy more competitive across the board –

By strengthening the mergers regime –

And abolishing nuisance tariffs and reducing compliance costs for business.

Because more competition means more choices, lower prices, better services and better jobs.

More help for renters

Rising rents are another big part of the inflation challenge, and we’re supporting renters who need our help.

We are providing $1.9 billion to increase the maximum rates of Commonwealth Rent Assistance by a further 10 per cent.

On top of the 15 per cent increase delivered in our last Budget.

It’s the first back‑to‑back increase to Commonwealth Rent Assistance in more than 30 years.

And more much‑needed help for young people and renters of all ages doing it tough.

Building more homes for Australians

We’re easing the cost of living – and we’re building more homes for Australians.

In the 5 years from this July, we aim to build 1.2 million of them.

Our goal is ambitious – but achievable, if we all work together and if we all do our bit.

$6.2 billion in new investments mean our $32 billion Homes for Australia plan will:

  • Clear local infrastructure bottlenecks.
  • Provide more housing for students.
  • Fund more social and affordable housing.

And we will also deliver better transport for better access to suburbs, cities and regions.

Infrastructure that supports more homes

More homes means more affordable homes.

And a better deal for buyers, builders and renters alike.

The current housing pipeline is backed up.

We’ve already allocated $3.5 billion to address bottlenecks and slash red tape –

And this Budget includes another $1 billion to help states and territories build more housing sooner.

And we’re providing $89 million for 20,000 additional fee‑free TAFE and VET places to train more construction workers to do the work we’ll need.

More housing for students

Australia’s international education sector is a national asset.

But for too long, enrolments have grown without being matched by an increase in student housing supply.

This puts pressure on prices and rents, especially in our cities and suburbs.

It makes finding housing harder for everyone.

We have a more substantial, more sustainable approach.

If universities want to take more international students, they must build more student accommodation.

We will limit how many international students can be enrolled by each university based on a formula, including how much housing they build.

More social and affordable housing

So more student housing – and more social housing.

Tonight’s Budget delivers an additional $1.9 billion in loans to help build 40,000 social and affordable homes.

We have also secured the national housing agreement, which would otherwise have run out.

We’re building more remote housing in the NT –

Doubling funding dedicated to address homelessness –

And we’re directing $1 billion towards accommodation for women and children fleeing domestic violence, and youth.

Better transport for cities, regions and suburbs

Building new homes will mean building new connections to community too.

So people can find good jobs and count on reliable transport close to where they want to live.

We are investing in vital projects to build new transport networks across every state and territory.

Including a new rail link that will bring the communities of the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane together –

Opening Western Sydney to the world with $2.3 billion for better infrastructure and the new international airport –

And $102 million to upgrade regional airports and remote airstrips, better connecting remote communities to essential services.

Investing in a Future Made in Australia

We are building more homes and helping people now.

And we are building an economy that will position our people to benefit from the opportunities of the decades ahead.

The world is committed to net zero by 2050.

This will demand the biggest transformation in the global economy since the industrial revolution.

Australian energy can power it.

Australian resources can build it.

Australia’s regions can drive it.

Australian researchers can shape it.

And Australian workers can thrive in it.

Our $22.7 billion Future Made in Australia package will help make us an indispensable part of the global economy.

A crucial part of a growth agenda which is all about:

  • Attracting investment in key industries.
  • Making our country a renewable energy superpower.
  • Strengthening our defence capabilities and economic security.
  • Supporting small business to grasp the opportunities of our transforming economy.
  • And expanding and reforming tertiary education for a more skilled workforce.

Attracting investment in key industries

To realise the opportunities of a Future Made in Australia we’re changing the way we attract and deploy investment.

A new Act and new framework will impose the rigour –

Focusing investment on transformational opportunities –

And setting conditions to ensure investors benefiting from our incentives are supporting their people and communities – to lift private investment in skills, workforces and local supply chains.

We will create a front door for investors to accelerate and coordinate transformational projects –

Establish a domestic National Interest Account, that adds discipline to investments in the national interest –

And strengthen and streamline approvals – across environmental, planning, cultural heritage and foreign investment.

Making Australia a renewable energy superpower

We know the global energy transformation represents a golden opportunity for Australia.

The world is changing, the pace of that change is accelerating, and our approach to growth and investment needs to change as well.

If we hang back, the chance for a new generation of jobs and prosperity will pass us by – and we’ll be poorer and more vulnerable as a consequence.

This Budget invests in our renewable energy superpower ambitions –

Including $13.7 billion in production tax incentives for green hydrogen and processed critical minerals, so industries are rewarded for scale and success –

The $1.7 billion Future Made in Australia Innovation Fund, to develop new industries like green metals and low carbon fuels –

And $520 million to deepen net zero trade and engagement with our region.

We’re also allocating $566 million to map the geological potential of our entire country.

To get a comprehensive picture of our critical minerals and groundwater.

Strengthening our defence capabilities and economic security

In a world of rapid economic change and heightened strategic competition, investing in modern defence industries serves our economic and national security interests.

That’s why we’re injecting $50.3 billion over the decade to deliver the capabilities we need to keep Australians safe – as part of the National Defence Strategy.

We’re also boosting economic resilience and strengthening supply chains –

Giving Australian firms the chance to manufacture more of the next generation of solar panels –

Moving our nation along the critical minerals value chain through investing in battery production –

And backing the Australian creators of the world’s first commercial‑scale quantum computer.

Support for small business

In defence, in energy, in resources and right around our economy –

We want Australian small businesses to share in the big opportunities ahead as well.

That’s why we are extending the $20,000 instant asset write‑off until 30 June 2025.

Providing $290 million in cash flow support for up to 4 million small businesses.

And investing $625 million to help farmers and rural communities reduce emissions and better prepare for climate change and drought.

Expanding tertiary education

To seize the transformative opportunities of a more modern economy, we will expand the opportunity and reach of tertiary education to more Australians, in response to the Universities Accord.

Because it shouldn’t matter whether you live in the suburbs or the regions, whether your parents are rich or poor –

Whether you were born with disability or grew up with disadvantage –

Whether you’re a First Nations Australian or a first‑generation Australian –

The chance and the choice to go to university or TAFE should not be out of reach.

Tonight, we are setting a national target of 8 out of 10 workers achieving a tertiary qualification by 2050 and backing it in with new funding reforms to meet this goal.

We’re investing $350 million for fee‑free uni‑ready courses.

These courses give those who would have missed out on studying a degree, a foot in the door.

And we are paying students in critical sectors like nursing, teaching and social work to do the practical placements which are an important part of their studies.

We’re also investing $500 million in skills for priority industries like clean energy, construction, and manufacturing, and supporting women to build careers in these fields.

These landmark reforms will improve the quality, affordability and sustainability of the tertiary education system and drive lasting, transformative change for our students and our economy.

Strengthening Medicare and the care economy

One of the best and most important things about our country is the way we look out for each other and look after each other.

Our health system and our care economy are central to this.

That’s why, in this Budget we are:

  • Strengthening Medicare, and mental health.
  • Delivering better, stronger aged care.
  • Making the NDIS fairer and more sustainable.
  • And boosting wages in the care economy.

Strengthening Medicare

The purpose and promise of Medicare is world‑class healthcare every Australian can access and afford.

The foundation of that is bulk billing.

Bulk‑billing GPs in family medical centres.

And bulk billing consultations in our new Medicare Urgent Care Clinics.

Since June last year, almost 400,000 visits have been made to our 58 Clinics in suburbs and regions all over Australia.

Almost one in 3 visits have been for children under 15.

And because these clinics open early and close late, more than one in 3 visits were outside normal working hours.

In this Budget, we are allocating $227 million for a further 29 Medicare Urgent Care Clinics.

Taking pressure off emergency departments and making it easier for Australians to access free healthcare.

Making Medicare stronger means doing better on mental health too.

That’s why we’re investing $361 million to strengthen our mental health system.

Including new funding for a national digital mental health service that will provide free support to 150,000 Australians a year.

Better, stronger aged care

As more Australians live longer, healthier lives, demand for aged care services is growing – and the sort of care we need is changing.

We will invest another $2.2 billion in aged care and implement more of the Royal Commission.

Including $1.2 billion to improve systems so our aged care services remain accessible, up‑to‑date and reliable.

Ensuring dignity and security for older Australians means allowing people to choose the care that’s right for them – including staying in their own home.

That’s why we are investing $531 million for another 24,000 home care packages, giving more Australians that choice.

Making the NDIS fairer and more sustainable

Whether it’s aged care or the National Disability Insurance Scheme, we will work with the community and across the Parliament to fund the future services people need and deserve.

Over the last decade the NDIS has delivered life‑changing support for Australians with disability.

All of us in this place take pride in it – and all of us must take responsibility for securing its future.

Working with National Cabinet to put participants at the centre of the scheme, and design and fund additional foundational supports outside of it.

And ensuring every dollar invested in the NDIS goes to those who need it most.

Which is why we are providing $469 million to keep working with the disability community and the states and territories, and to crack down on fraud and exploitation.

Boosting care economy wages

This government is ensuring Australians can earn more and keep more of what they earn – in the care economy and in every industry.

We will ensure those who look after our kids as they learn, and our parents as they age, have the secure, well‑paid jobs they deserve.

We will fund a further increase in award wages for our aged care workers, building on the $11.3 billion we funded last year.

And we have provisioned for a wage increase for childcare workers as well.

This will help recruit and retain more early childhood educators, giving more Australian children the best start we can.

Broadening opportunity

Women’s equality and opportunity.

In childcare, aged care, and across the care economy, the majority of workers are women.

Lifting wages in these industries has helped bring the gender pay gap to a historic low.

Our government is the first in history with more than 50 per cent women – and we are 100 per cent committed to women’s equality, opportunity and safety.

Violence against women is a national shame – and it requires national action.

We’re delivering $925 million to establish the permanent Leaving Violence Program.

Which takes our total investment to address violence against women to $3.4 billion.

But we know there is more work for all of us to do.

And we are very proud that this Budget extends superannuation to parents on paid leave.

When it comes to those first months of your child’s life, you can’t put a price on being there.

And you shouldn’t pay a price for being there.

That’s why we’ve provided $1.1 billion to pay super on government‑funded Parental Leave.

This will make the super system fairer, reduce the gender gap and benefit 180,000 families a year.

And we’re providing another $56 million to improve access to women’s health services and $19 million to support carers to better choose how and when they work.

Supporting the most vulnerable

We know cost of living pressures fall heaviest on the most vulnerable.

New energy rebates and more rent assistance will help.

And we’re continuing the freeze on social security deeming rates until 30 June 2025, benefiting over 870,000 people, including 450,000 Age Pensioners.

For those who face additional barriers to finding work, we’re providing $41 million to further extend eligibility for the existing higher rate of JobSeeker.

So people who can only work up to 14 hours a week will see their payment increase at least $54.90 a fortnight.

Support for First Nations

We will also make new investments in health, housing, education, and jobs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

As well as more remote housing, we’re creating the new Remote Jobs and Economic Development Program.

With 3,000 new jobs in remote Australia to build new skills and new confidence within communities.

Responsible economic management

From delivering a tax cut to every taxpayer to reducing student debt or helping renters.

From new energy bill relief to the care economy to a Future Made in Australia.

We are easing pressure on Australians while investing in our people, our economy and our future.

At the same time as we strengthen the Budget and pay down debt.

Last year, our responsible economic management delivered the first surplus in 15 years.

We now expect another surplus, of $9.3 billion this year.

These would be the first back‑to‑back surpluses in nearly 2 decades.

But pressures on the Budget intensify after that, rather than ease.

We are expecting a deficit of $28.3 billion in 2024–25 –

But a stronger fiscal outcome in every year, compared to when we came to government.

On our watch, the Budget is $215 billion stronger over the 6 years to 2027–28.

Gross debt is now expected to peak at 35.2 per cent of GDP in 2026–27 before declining to 30.2 per cent by 2034–35.

This year gross debt will be $904 billion instead of the more than one trillion we inherited –

Meaning debt is $152 billion lower.

A stronger Budget means we save around $80 billion in interest costs over the decade.

These are the dividends of our responsible economic management.

We’ve found $27.9 billion in savings and reprioritisations in this Budget and $77.4 billion since the election.

We’re limiting real spending growth to an average of 1.4 per cent per year since we came to government, less than half the average of the last 30 years and around a third of the growth under our predecessors.

And we are banking 96 per cent of revenue upgrades this year – keeping pressure off inflation while it is still above band.

With Treasury now expecting we could get back to the inflation target this year, not next.

That means inflation is expected to be lower, sooner.

We’ve achieved all of this despite much smaller revenue upgrades.

And still providing an extra $3 billion to ensure Australians, including our veterans receive better essential services.

Economic security in a world of churn and change

The story of Australia is more than a tale of challenges we have endured.

And in our future, we must strive for more than muddling through or making do.

This Budget shows we are realistic about the pressures people face now – and optimistic about the future.

It reflects our biggest ambitions and our highest aspirations –

To make Australians the primary beneficiaries of a world of churn and change.

Tapping their confidence, compassion, and creativity –

To manage their pressures and maximise our advantages –

To forge a new economy and a new generation of prosperity.

And in that effort –

To make Australians and Australia more secure –

In the bigger opportunities we shape, and the future we make, together.

And that’s why I commend this Bill – and this Budget – to the House.


  1. Importance Of Time Management Speech [1,2,3 Minutes]

    short speech on time management for students

  2. Speech On Value Of Time

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  3. 🏷️ Time management essay. Effective Time Management Essay Example. 2022-10-25

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  4. Value Of Time Speech In English

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  5. 😂 Speech on time management. Public Speaking 1315 Flashcards. 2019-02-28

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  6. Essay On Time Management

    short speech on time management for students


  1. Motivational speech /time management skills

  2. Speech Time management for school Assembly

  3. Time management By Anjali Dhanorkar Dy. Collector Motivational Speech

  4. Time management tips

  5. Time management

  6. Time Management in Life By Anjali Dhanorkar Dy.Collector


  1. Short Speech on Time Management in English for Students and Children

    Dear Principal, teachers, and my dear friends. Very good morning to all of you. Today I stand in front of you to speak on the topic- Time management. I am presenting a short speech keeping the importance of our time in mind. Time management is basically dividing, and allocating your time wisely to do important tasks in a day.

  2. Speech On Time Management For Students And Professionals

    Here I add some points that you can add to your speech as per your audience's needs or flow of your speech. Use the Pomodoro Technique for time management: This technique involves working in short, focused bursts followed by brief breaks. Set a timer for 25 minutes and work on a task without distractions.

  3. Speech On Time Management For Students

    5. While performing a task it is important to make a to-do list so that one can get the task completed on time. 6. Avoid distractions when completing a task. 7. Taking care of one´s health is important when one is going for the task to be completed. 8. Time management impacts the health of an individual positively. 9.

  4. "Time Management For Student"- Speech In English

    Short Speech on Time Management for Students (Template 2) Time management is an ability required by every student in today's world. In a world where everyone wants to excel in more than one field, this skill is necessary for the time being. Students have a lot to deal with along with their studies.

  5. Importance Of Time Management Speech [1,2,3 Minutes]

    Benefits of Time Management. Time management has a lot of advantages listed below: Time management gets you faster results. It gets you more work done in less time. It helps you prioritize your work. It boosts your self-confidence. Time management prevents procrastination. It prevents you from stress.

  6. Speech on Time Management In Students Life

    Time management is like a golden key that opens the door to success, especially in a student's life. It's a way to plan your day, week, or even your year so that you can make the best use of your time. Imagine time as a huge box of chocolates. Each chocolate represents an hour of your day. Now, you have to decide how many chocolates you ...

  7. Speech on Importance Of Time Management

    Speech on Importance Of Time Management - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech. Time management is the process of planning and organising how to allocate time effectively and efficiently to achieve specific goals and objectives. It involves balancing the time spent on different activities, prioritising tasks based on their importance and urgency ...

  8. Speech on Time Management

    Time management helps you get more free time. Every single person needs free time. It is one of the basic things required for the growth of an individual. People must be offered freedom of choice, and be able to use some time of their own to think and act. It is always from free thoughts that great things are born.

  9. Best Speech on Time in English for Students

    Here are 10 quotes on importance of time. Feel free to add them to your topics related to time. 'The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.'. - Marthe Troly-Curtin. 'Lost time is never found again. - Benjamin Franklin. 'Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.'. - William Penn.

  10. Speech on Time Management

    Time management refers to the art of harnessing time in an effective and efficient manner, enabling individuals to allocate appropriate durations for specific activities. In essence, it is the skill of turning time into a productive resource. Time management empowers individuals to accomplish a multitude of tasks without feeling overwhelmed by ...

  11. Speech on Time for Students in English

    Here we have provided both long and short speech on time for students of Class 5 to 12 along with 10 lines for writing a speech on importance of time for students of Class 1 to 4. Long and Short Speech on Time. ... time management is important. It is one of the most critical aspects of professional success in any area.

  12. Best Speech on Time for Students and Children in English

    Given below are short and long speeches on Time. The students can refer to the following speeches for performing outstandingly in their school activities. Long Speech on Time is helpful for students of classes 7,8,9 and 10. Short Speech on time is helpful for students of classes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.

  13. Value of Time Speech for Students and Children

    Importance. Time is one of the most valuable and priceless things in this universe. Also, we should utilize our time for ourselves and our loved ones. We should also use the time for the good of other people around us. This helps us and the society to grow towards a superior tomorrow. Moreover, we should teach our kids the importance and value ...

  14. Time-Management Tips for Students

    1) Use time-saving apps. If you have to handle too many tasks in a single day, you need to start using some apps that will make multitasking easy. Even while you're in your student accommodation, these apps can be used anywhere you desire. Here are some suggestions:

  15. Short and Long Paragraph on Time Management in English for Students

    Paragraph 1 - 100 Words. Time management means properly managing the time available to you. Time is very essential and should not be wasted. There is always much to do in little time and so much to accomplish. Time management is especially important for students for they have to study a number of subjects in a limited time period.

  16. Essay on Time Management for Students

    Essay on Time Management in 200 words. Time stops for none and is equal for all. Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day but some people make better use of time than others. This is one of the most important reasons some people are experts in what they do. Therefore, time management plays a vital role in both personal as well as professional lives.

  17. Speech on Value of Time in English for Students

    Below 2 speeches are given on the importance of time, A long speech on value of time in student' life and a short speech on value of time in students' life. These speeches will help the students to understand how precious time is. Long Speech on Topic Importance of Time. 'Good morning everyone'! Today I want to talk about the importance ...

  18. Essay on Time Management for Students and Children

    Self-study is an important aspect of education. The student should not neglect this. As the day ends, they get too tired. Due to which there is no energy left. This degrades the performance of the student. There is a difference between a topper and an average student. That difference is proper time management.

  19. Speech on the Importance of Time

    Top Quotes to Use in a Speech on the Importance of Time. "Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days.". - Zig Ziglar. "The most efficient way to live reasonably is every morning to make a plan of one's day and every night to examine the results obtained.". - Alexis Carrel.

  20. Speech on Stress Management for Students and Children in 800 Words

    You know that stress is a normal part of everyone's life, which can't be ignored. You need to reduce your stress. Thank you for listening to me. Thank you. I hope you liked this Speech on Stress Management for Students and Children. In this article, we have published a speech on stress management for students and children in 800 Words.

  21. Spring Commencement 2024

    Join us for this afternoon's commencement exercises for our graduating class of 2024. #ForeverToThee24

  22. Speech on Time for Students and Children

    Read Speech on Time here. Moreover, we should respect the time and understand the value of time because the time gone is never coming back. So, it is better to respect and follow time instead of regretting afterward. We all are very familiar with the proverb "Time and tide wait for none" and this proverb is best suited because tide doesn ...

  23. PowerSchool Schoology Learning

    PowerBuddy for Learning. PowerBuddy for Learning is the personal assistant for teaching and learning. PowerBuddy makes educators' lives easier by helping them easily create high-quality assignments and instructional content. Students benefit from an always-available personalized assistant to support them in the way they choose to learn.

  24. Hello GPT-4o

    Prior to GPT-4o, you could use Voice Mode to talk to ChatGPT with latencies of 2.8 seconds (GPT-3.5) and 5.4 seconds (GPT-4) on average. To achieve this, Voice Mode is a pipeline of three separate models: one simple model transcribes audio to text, GPT-3.5 or GPT-4 takes in text and outputs text, and a third simple model converts that text back to audio.

  25. Budget Speech 2024-25

    But pressures on the Budget intensify after that, rather than ease. We are expecting a deficit of $28.3 billion in 2024-25 -. But a stronger fiscal outcome in every year, compared to when we came to government. On our watch, the Budget is $215 billion stronger over the 6 years to 2027-28.