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How to Open Water Bottle Company in India? 10 Easy Steps!

To open a water bottle company in India, one needs to follow a standard process.

This includes conducting a detailed market analysis, acquiring necessary licenses from the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), devising a comprehensive business plan, investing in the required machinery and infrastructure, obtaining necessary NOCs, and finally, launching and promoting the business.

Opening a water bottle company in India involves several steps. It starts with understanding the market through extensive research about the existing competitors, consumer preferences, and potential gaps to capitalize on.

Next, one needs to apply for the necessary licenses, especially from the BIS – the regulating authority for packaged drinking water.

Then a detailed business plan has to be created outlining the operations, investment, and revenue models.

Following this, one has to set up the infrastructure including water purification units, bottling machinery, and packaging facilities.

Subsequently, acquiring NOCs from the local bodies and environmental clearance is essential. The final step is to launch the business and engage in intensive marketing efforts.

Opening a water bottle company in India is a lucrative business opportunity given the growing demand for packaged drinking water.

However, it requires thorough planning and adherence to various regulatory norms. Missteps can lead to legal complications and business failure. Hence, it is crucial to follow

10 Steps to Open a Water Bottle Company in India

Step 1Researching the Market
Step 2Creating a Business Plan
Step 3Registering the Business
Step 4Obtaining Required Licenses
Step 5Sourcing the Water
Step 6Preparing the Bottling Plant
Step 7Marketing and Selling the Bottled Water
Step 8Managing the Business Operations
Step 9Adhering to Health and Safety Regulations
Step 10Expanding the Business

Table of Contents

Key Takeaway

How To Open Water Bottle Company In India

Five Facts About Open Water Bottle Company In India

Understanding the regulatory landscape.

Starting a water bottle company in india requires a solid understanding of the regulatory landscape.

From key regulations and requirements to obtaining necessary licenses and permits, navigating this aspect is crucial for a successful venture.

Here’s a comprehensive overview of the regulatory framework for opening a water bottle company in india.

Key Regulations And Requirements For Starting A Water Bottle Company In India

To ensure compliance and smooth operations, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the key regulations and requirements for starting a water bottle company in India.

Here are the important points to consider:

  • Food safety and standards authority of india (fssai) registration: All water bottle companies must obtain fssai registration, which ensures compliance with food safety standards. This includes maintaining hygiene, quality control, and adhering to labeling and packaging regulations.
  • Bureau of indian standards (bis) certification: Water bottles need to meet the standards set by the bureau of indian standards. Obtaining bis certification guarantees that your product meets safety requirements and quality benchmarks.
  • Water source approval: The source of water used for bottling must be approved by the concerned authorities to ensure its potability and suitability for consumption.
  • Packaging and labeling regulations: Packaging and labeling play a crucial role in consumer safety and information dissemination. Ensure that your product packaging adheres to the regulations specified by fssai and other relevant authorities.
  • Environmental regulations: As a responsible water bottle company, it is important to adhere to environmental regulations and adopt sustainable practices. This includes proper waste management, recycling, and complying with relevant environmental guidelines.

Obtaining Necessary Licenses And Permits For Production And Distribution

Apart from understanding the regulations, you need to obtain the necessary licenses and permits for production and distribution.

Here are the key points to consider:

  • Industrial license: If you plan to set up a manufacturing plant, you may need to acquire an industrial license from the appropriate authorities.
  • State pollution control board (spcb) approval: Depending on the scale of your operations, you might need to obtain clearance from the state pollution control board to ensure that your production processes meet environmental standards.
  • Trade license: Obtain a trade license from the local municipal corporation or urban local body where your business is located. This license validates your legal operation as a water bottle company.
  • Gst registration: Register your water bottle company under the goods and services tax (gst) framework, as it is mandatory for businesses with an annual turnover exceeding the specified threshold.
  • Transportation permits: Ensure you have the necessary permits for the transportation of your products, especially if you plan to distribute to different states within india.

By understanding the key regulations and obtaining the required licenses and permits, you can establish a water bottle company in india that operates legally and responsibly.

Remember to stay updated with any changes in regulations and compliance requirements to ensure continued success in the industry.

Identifying The Target Market

The success of any business venture heavily relies on identifying and understanding the target market.

When it comes to opening a water bottle company in india, conducting thorough market research plays a crucial role in determining the potential customers.

Here are some key points to consider:

Conducting market research to identify potential customers:

  • Carry out a comprehensive market analysis to understand the current trends and demands in the water bottle industry.
  • Utilize online tools, surveys, and focus groups to gather data about consumer preferences and habits.
  • Explore the market size, growth potential, and competition in the water bottle industry.
  • Identify target demographics such as age, gender, location, lifestyle, and income levels.

Analyzing consumer preferences and purchasing habits:

  • Determine the features and qualities indian consumers look for in a water bottle, such as durability, design, and sustainability.
  • Understand the purchasing habits of potential customers, including their preferred distribution channels, price sensitivity, and brand loyalty.
  • Consider the cultural factors that influence consumer choices in india, such as regional preferences and health consciousness.
  • Identify any niche markets or specific segments within the target audience that your water bottle company can cater to.

By conducting extensive market research and analyzing consumer preferences, you can position your water bottle company to effectively target the right audience in India.

This understanding will not only help in product development, marketing strategies, and pricing decisions but also in building a strong brand presence in the competitive market.

Remember, knowing your target market is the first step towards a successful water bottle venture in India.

Differentiating Your Product

Opening a water bottle company in india can be an exciting venture filled with opportunities. With the increasing awareness of health and environmental issues, the demand for sustainable and high-quality water bottles is on the rise.

However, in a competitive market, it becomes crucial to differentiate your product from the rest.

In this section, we will explore some strategies to develop a unique selling proposition and create a brand identity for your water bottle company.

Developing A Unique Selling Proposition For Your Water Bottle Company

  • High-quality materials: Ensure that your water bottles are made from durable, non-toxic materials such as stainless steel or bpa-free plastic. Highlight the superior quality and long lifespan of your products compared to competitors.
  • Eco-friendly features: Emphasize the sustainable aspects of your water bottles, such as being reusable, recyclable, or using eco-friendly manufacturing processes. Appeal to the growing eco-conscious consumer base in India.
  • Innovative design: Create water bottle designs that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and user-friendly. Consider unique features like leak-proof lids, easy-grip handles, or built-in infusers for fruit infusions.
  • Personalization options: Offer customization options that allow customers to personalize their water bottles with their names, quotes, or designs. This adds a personal touch and makes the product more appealing.
  • Value-added services: Provide additional services like free bottle cleaning supplies, replacement parts, or a warranty to enhance the customer experience and add value to your product.

Creating A Brand Identity And Product Positioning Strategy

  • Define your target audience: Identify the specific demographic or niche market that you want to cater to. This could be fitness enthusiasts, students, professionals, or environmentally conscious individuals. Understand their needs, preferences, and pain points to tailor your product and brand strategy accordingly.
  • Brand messaging: Develop a clear and compelling brand message that resonates with your target audience. Highlight the unique aspects of your water bottles, such as durability, sustainability, or convenience. Craft a brand story that connects emotionally with consumers.
  • Engaging packaging: Invest in visually appealing and informative packaging that reflects your brand identity and communicates the value of your product. Consider using eco-friendly packaging materials to align with your brand values.
  • Effective marketing channels: Identify the most effective marketing channels to reach your target audience. Utilize social media platforms, influencer partnerships, content marketing, and traditional advertising channels to create brand awareness and drive sales.
  • Product differentiation: Highlight the unique features and benefits of your water bottles in your marketing campaigns. Showcase how your product stands out from the competition, whether it’s through superior quality, innovative design, or sustainability.

By developing a unique selling proposition and creating a strong brand identity, you can differentiate your water bottle company in the indian market.

Focus on delivering high-quality, eco-friendly products while effectively communicating your brand values to attract and retain customers.

Setting Up Production Facilities

Choosing the right location for your production facility:

Establishing a water bottle company requires careful consideration of the location for your production facility.

Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Accessibility: It is crucial to choose a location that allows for easy transportation of raw materials and finished products. Opt for an area with good connectivity to major highways or transportation hubs.
  • Proximity to suppliers: Look for a location that is in close proximity to suppliers of raw materials such as plastic, caps, labels, and packaging. This will help in reducing transportation costs and ensuring a steady supply chain.
  • Availability of utilities: Ensure that the chosen location has access to reliable and cost-effective utilities such as water, electricity, and natural gas. These resources are essential for running the production machinery efficiently.
  • Labor availability: Consider the availability of skilled and semi-skilled labor in the selected area. A pool of experienced workers can contribute to the smooth operation of your production facility.
  • Cost considerations: Assess the overall cost of setting up and operating a production facility in different locations. Consider factors such as land prices, taxes, and government incentives to make an informed decision.

Assessing the equipment and technology required for manufacturing:

To manufacture water bottles efficiently, evaluate the following factors when selecting equipment and technology:

  • Production capacity: Determine the desired production capacity based on your market research and future growth projections. This will help in selecting equipment that can meet your output requirements.
  • Quality control: Invest in equipment that enables stringent quality control measures throughout the production process. This includes machinery for material testing, leak detection, and labeling accuracy.
  • Automation: Evaluate the benefits of incorporating automation into your production line. Automated equipment can increase efficiency, reduce human error, and enhance overall production output.
  • Machinery maintenance and support: Consider the availability of maintenance services and technical support for the chosen equipment and technology. Opt for reputable manufacturers that offer reliable after-sales support to minimize downtime.
  • Cost considerations: Compare the prices and operational costs of different equipment options. Consider factors such as energy efficiency, durability, and long-term maintenance requirements to make a cost-effective choice.

Selecting the right location for your production facility and assessing the equipment and technology required are crucial steps in setting up a water bottle company in India.

Careful consideration of these factors can contribute to the overall success and efficiency of your manufacturing operations.

Ensuring Quality And Safety Standards

Opening a water bottle company in india requires careful attention to quality and safety standards.

As the demand for purified drinking water continues to grow, consumers are increasingly concerned about the quality and safety of the products they consume.

In this section, we will explore the essential steps you need to take in ensuring that your water bottle company meets industry standards and adheres to food safety regulations and certifications.

Implementing Quality Control Measures To Meet Industry Standards

To establish a successful water bottle company in india, you must prioritize implementing robust quality control measures.

  • Conduct thorough research on the quality standards and regulations specific to the bottled water industry in India.
  • Implement a comprehensive quality control system to ensure that your products consistently meet or exceed the required standards.
  • Set up quality control checkpoints at various stages of the production process, including sourcing raw materials, manufacturing, packaging, and distribution.
  • Regularly test your water samples for parameters such as ph levels, microbiological contamination, and chemical impurities.
  • Maintain detailed records of quality control tests and inspections to demonstrate your commitment to maintaining high standards.
  • Continuously evaluate and improve your quality control processes through regular audits and staff training programs.

Complying With Food Safety Regulations And Certifications

Being compliant with food safety regulations and obtaining relevant certifications is crucial for the success of your water bottle company.

Consider the following key points:

  • Familiarize yourself with the food safety and standards authority of india (fssai) regulations pertaining to bottled water production, packaging, and labeling.
  • Ensure that your facility meets the necessary sanitation, hygiene, and infrastructure requirements specified by fssai.
  • Obtain the necessary licenses and approvals from fssai to operate your water bottle company legally.
  • Implement strict protocols for maintaining the cleanliness of your production facility, equipment, and packaging materials.
  • Adhere to the regulatory guidelines for labeling and packaging of bottled water, including accurate information about the source, composition, and safety of your products.
  • Consider pursuing certifications such as iso 22000, which demonstrate your commitment to food safety management systems.

By following these guidelines and prioritizing quality control and compliance with food safety regulations, you can establish a reputable water bottle company in india.

Remember, your customers’ health and safety should always be your top priority, and meeting industry standards will help you build trust and loyalty in the market.

Distribution And Marketing Strategies

Developing an effective distribution network.

Creating a successful water bottle company in india requires a solid distribution network. To ensure your products reach the right market segments efficiently, consider the following key points:

  • Identify potential distribution partners: Look for retailers, wholesalers, and distributors who have experience in the fmcg (fast-moving consumer goods) industry and share a similar target audience.
  • Utilize technology and e-commerce platforms: Explore digital platforms such as e-commerce websites and mobile applications to reach a wider customer base. Leverage popular online marketplaces like amazon, flipkart, and bigbasket.
  • Establish a strong logistics network: Partner with reliable logistics providers that can handle the transportation and storage of your water bottles. Efficient logistics will enable timely deliveries and prevent fulfillment issues.
  • Offer incentives to your distribution partners: Incentives, such as attractive profit margins, volume-based discounts, and promotional support, can motivate your partners to actively promote your brand and generate higher sales.
  • Regularly evaluate and optimize your distribution network: Continuously monitor the performance of your distribution partners, assess their effectiveness in reaching target markets, and make necessary adjustments to optimize your network.

Creating A Marketing Plan To Promote Your Water Bottle Company

To stay competitive in the water bottle industry in india, it is essential to have a well-thought-out marketing plan.

Consider the following strategies to effectively promote your water bottle company:

  • Understand your target audience: Conduct market research to identify the needs, preferences, and demographics of your potential customers. This will help you tailor your marketing efforts accordingly.
  • Build a compelling brand: Develop a unique brand identity that resonates with your target audience. This includes designing an appealing logo, creating a consistent brand message, and showcasing the quality and benefits of your water bottles.
  • Leverage social media platforms: Utilize popular social media platforms like facebook, instagram, and linkedin to connect with your audience, share engaging content, and run targeted advertising campaigns.
  • Collaborate with influencers: Partner with influencers, bloggers, and fitness enthusiasts who align with your brand values to endorse and promote your water bottles. Their influence can help expand your reach and build brand credibility.
  • Implement content marketing strategies: Create valuable and informative content related to hydration, health tips, and the benefits of drinking water. Publish this content on your blog, website, and social media channels to establish yourself as an industry expert.
  • Participate in events and sponsorships: Attend relevant trade shows, health fairs, and community events to showcase your water bottles. Consider sponsoring local sports teams or wellness events to increase brand visibility.

Remember, developing an effective distribution network and implementing a well-rounded marketing plan are crucial for the success of your water bottle company in india.

Stay focused, adapt to market trends, and consistently evaluate and refine your strategies to stay ahead of the competition.

Leveraging Digital Marketing Channels

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for the success of any business, including a water bottle company in india.

With the right digital marketing strategies, you can effectively reach your target audience, build brand awareness, and drive sales.

Here are some key ways to leverage digital marketing channels for your water bottle company:

Utilizing Social Media And Online Advertising To Reach Your Target Audience:

Social media platforms such as facebook, instagram, and twitter provide great opportunities to connect with your potential customers.

Here’s how you can utilize social media and online advertising effectively:

  • Create engaging and shareable content: Develop a content strategy that focuses on creating informative and entertaining posts related to water bottles, hydration, and health. Share tips, product features, and customer testimonials to keep your audience engaged.
  • Targeted advertising campaigns: Utilize the targeting options available on social media platforms to ensure your ads are seen by the right audience. Define your target demographic, location, interests, and behaviors to narrow down your audience. Run ads that promote the benefits of your water bottles and drive traffic to your website or online store.
  • Influencer partnerships: Collaborate with influencers in the health and lifestyle niches to promote your water bottles. Influencers have a loyal following and can help you reach a wider audience. Partner with influencers who align with your brand values and target audience.
  • Online contests and giveaways: Launching contests and giveaways on social media can help create buzz around your water bottle company. Encourage participants to share your posts or tag their friends to increase brand visibility and engagement.

Building An Online Presence And Engaging With Customers:

  • Establish a user-friendly website: Invest in a well-designed website that showcases your water bottles and provides essential information about your company. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly, loads quickly, and has clear navigation.
  • Content marketing: Create a blog section on your website and publish articles related to hydration, health, and fitness. Provide valuable information to your audience and establish your company as an authority in the field. Incorporate relevant keywords into your content to improve search engine visibility.
  • Engage with your audience: Respond to comments, messages, and reviews on social media and your website promptly. Encourage customer feedback and address any concerns or issues promptly. Engaging with customers shows your dedication to customer satisfaction.
  • Email marketing: Build an email list and send regular newsletters to your subscribers. Share information about new product launches, discounts, and industry news. Make your emails informative and visually appealing to encourage engagement.
  • Online customer reviews and testimonials: Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews on platforms like google my business, yelp, and your website. Positive reviews can build trust and attract new customers.

With the digital marketing strategies mentioned above, you can effectively promote your water bottle company in India.

Leverage social media and online advertising to reach your target audience, build an online presence, engage with customers, and set your business up for success in the competitive market.

Can I Use a Water Bottle to Plant Money Plant for My Water Bottle Company?

Yes, you can definitely use water bottles for planting money plants. It’s a unique and eco-friendly way to showcase your water bottle company’s commitment to sustainable living. By planting money plants in water bottles , you’ll not only beautify your surroundings, but also promote the concept of reusing and recycling. Embrace this green initiative and let your water bottle company stand out as environmentally conscious.

FAQ About Open Water Bottle Company In India

How can i start a water bottle company in india.

To start a water bottle company in india, you need to register your business, obtain necessary licenses, and set up manufacturing and packaging facilities.

What Are The Legal Requirements To Open A Water Bottle Company In India?

To open a water bottle company in india, you need to have a valid business registration, obtain necessary licenses such as fssai and bis, and follow all the regulations related to quality and safety standards.

How Much Does It Cost To Start A Water Bottle Company In India?

The cost of starting a water bottle company in india can vary depending on factors such as the scale of operation, location, and manufacturing equipment. It is recommended to have a comprehensive business plan to estimate the expenses accurately.

What Are The Market Opportunities For Water Bottle Companies In India?

The market for water bottle companies in india is growing rapidly due to the increasing demand for packaged drinking water. With the right marketing strategies and quality products, there are ample opportunities to capture market share and expand your business.

How Can I Differentiate My Water Bottle Company In The Indian Market?

To differentiate your water bottle company in the indian market, you can focus on factors such as product innovation, sustainable packaging, competitive pricing, and effective marketing strategies. Providing excellent customer service and ensuring product quality can also help you stand out from the competition.

Starting a water bottle company in india can be a profitable and rewarding venture. With the increasing demand for bottled water, an entrepreneur can tap into a growing market and make a positive impact on people’s lives.

By focusing on factors such as sourcing quality ingredients, ensuring a reliable supply chain, and implementing eco-friendly packaging solutions, a water bottle company can not only meet consumer demands but also contribute to sustainable business practices.

In addition, leveraging digital marketing strategies, such as optimizing the website for search engines, utilizing social media platforms, and engaging with customers through valuable content, can help the company establish brand presence and reach a wider audience.

With careful planning, innovative strategies, and a commitment to quality, a water bottle company in india has the potential to achieve success in this competitive industry.

bottle water business plan in india

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Making a Splash-How to Start Your Water Bottle Business in India


The packaged drinking water business in India, a flourishing industry, resonates with the country’s growing emphasis on health and cleanliness. This blog serves as a comprehensive guide for aspiring entrepreneurs, offering profound insights into every critical aspect of establishing a successful packaged drinking water business.

Understanding the Significance of Packaged Drinking Water Business in India

The market for packaged drinking water in India has gained significant traction in recent years, driven by increased health consciousness, contamination concerns and an expanding middle class. The sector offers lucrative opportunities for new entrants.

Packaged Water Business: An Opportunity Worth Considering

The packaged water industry’s appeal lies in its essential role, promising growth prospects and lucrative profit potential. Therefore, considering an investment in this sector presents a compelling opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Determining the Capital Investment: Startup Costs and Recurring Expenses

Establishing a packaged water business necessitates an understanding of initial startup costs – including the purchase of purification systems, bottling machinery and land for the plant. Additionally, recurring expenses like maintenance, utilities and labor costs should also be taken into account.

Understanding the Legalities: Necessary Licenses and Permits

Obtaining the necessary licenses and permits from organizations like the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is an essential step. This ensures the business adheres to regulatory compliances and guarantees the quality of the product.

Identifying a Reliable Water Source

Identifying a consistent and reliable source of water is vital. The quality of the source water can drastically affect the purification process and the final taste of the product, influencing customer satisfaction.

Selecting the Right Purification Technique

Purification is a pivotal step in the packaged water business. Selecting an appropriate method – like Reverse Osmosis (RO), Ultrafiltration (UF) or Ultraviolet (UV) – ensures the water meets stringent safety standards.

Bottling and Packaging Essentials

Bottling and packaging are not only about containment and aesthetics but also about maintaining water quality, ensuring durability and adhering to regulations. The right choice of materials can greatly impact a product’s market acceptance.

Constructing a Water Bottle Business Plan

Creating a comprehensive business plan outlining objectives, financial projections, marketing strategies and growth plans provides a roadmap for the water bottle business in India. It acts as a compass guiding the enterprise towards its envisioned success.

Identifying the Target Market

Understanding consumer preferences, demographic factors and consumption patterns are crucial for identifying the target market.

Establishing a Strong Distribution Network

A robust distribution network guarantees that the product reaches every nook and corner of the target market. Collaborating with local retailers, supermarkets and eateries can ensure wide accessibility.

Importance of Branding and Marketing in Packaged Water Business

A potent branding and marketing strategy can provide a competitive edge in the market. Building a trustworthy brand and crafting compelling narratives through advertising can foster customer loyalty.

Navigating the Challenges in Packaged Water Business

Although the packaged mineral water business holds the promise of lucrative returns, it also presents a unique set of challenges that aspiring entrepreneurs must navigate. Chief among these are the intense competition from well-entrenched players in the market and the growing environmental concerns surrounding the use of plastic bottles, which have come under scrutiny for their detrimental impact on the planet.

Sustainable Practices in the Packaged Water Business

Adopting sustainable practices, like using recyclable or biodegradable packaging materials, can help mitigate environmental impact. This not only helps the environment but can also appeal to eco-conscious consumers, enhancing brand image.

Conclusion: Mapping a Successful Journey

In conclusion, starting a packaged drinking water business in India, can be a rewarding venture. With a well-laid plan, proper understanding of the market and unwavering determination, one can navigate this complex path and build a successful enterprise.

In response to the challenges in the packaged water business such as competition, marketing and strategic planning, ffreedom app offers a comprehensive course designed for packaged drinking water bottle start-up aspirants. This course, tutored by successful industry mentors, covers essential topics like understanding Packaged Water Product Types and Pricing Strategies, effective marketing and branding tactics for your water bottle business and more. By delving deep into the complexities of the industry, ffreedom app equips you with the right tools and knowledge to navigate these challenges and successfully start your own purified water bottle business. To learn more and start on this enlightening journey, download the ffreedom app today

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Water Business In India: A Complete Guide To Run Your Own Startup

Starting your own water business in India is a great lucrative business idea because it has the potential to generate high revenue in low investment. This business plan also takes less professional skills and could be acquired with the help of basic business smarts and organization and planning skills.

Packaged water bottles are seen everywhere because they are needed everywhere. While we are traveling or least visiting someplace, we don’t always have clean water available, and that’s when the bottled drinking water becomes a necessity. They are really common and their demand is always increasing.

Running your own water bottle company in India is not quite as difficult and complicated as it sounds. It just takes you to have some basic knowledge about the market potential, raw materials required, water purifying process, and what are the permissions and licenses that are required in order to start your own water bottle company in India . And each of these is discussed thoroughly in the article below.

Market Research

While traveling, whether it is foreign tourists or local ones, they always prefer packaged drinking water because it provides safety guarantee. Also, the cost of each bottle is also very less so people don’t hesitate before buying one.

Due to its high demand, the water bottle industry is now 162 Billion INR industry as per the last year’s data and it is expected to grow in the coming years as well. The market potential of water business in India is really high as per the stats so there is no doubt this business plan will generate high revenue if executed in a proper manner.

Starting a small scale water plant in India seems to be a great idea through an entrepreneurial perspective. It gives you an opportunity to explore the market and your earning potential first before investing a huge sum of money in the business.

Licenses and Approvals Required for water business in India

Running any sort of business plan requires you to have some permission from the legal authorities and acquire some licenses for the legal acceptance of your business. To start your own water bottle in India, you need to have the following permits:

2. BIS Certification- BIS Certification stands for Bureau of Indian Standards, it is mandatory for selling few products ensuring public safety, and packaged water comes under it.

3. GST Registration- GST registration is the service tax registration which is mandatory for carrying all types of business.

5. FSSAI- Food Safety and Standard Authority of India certification is also a need for running a water plan as the water industry comes under the food processing industry.

Setting Up The Commercial Unit

The commercial unit will be used for keeping the machinery and doing the whole processing of the plant as well as you will also need enough space for the packaging of the products. You can divide the area as per your convenience.

Raw Materials Required For Water Business in India

The water business will require you to have some basic things available. The main thing remains, of course, water. You can make water available from the natural resources or from the water suppliers such as the municipal corporation’s water supply lines.

1. Water bottles and their caps.

4. Cartoon Boxes for storage

Machinery Required

There is a whole series of machinery that is required in the water business. These machineries are used for different purposes such as storage of water, then purifying it, packaging it, etc. The cost of your machinery will depend on your investment capacity. The market has a wide range of products to suit your pocket ranging from fully automatic machinery to semi-automatic machinery.

Different machinery is equipped with different features and you can choose the type as per your want. To set up a water plant in India, you will need to have the following machinery available:

Water Purification Process

The whole process from getting supplied the raw water to making it available to the customers involves a series of steps. These steps are performed with careful execution to serve the consumers with quality product ensuring their health safety.

In this process you will have to make the water available for further purification. As discussed above, water is either gathered from the natural water resources or you could get a supplier.

The collected water should be treated further to make it drinkable. First of all, you need to remove the impurities, you could perform this step by letting the water settle then performing the osmosis method to make all the impurities go away.

3. Chlorination Tank

Sand Water filters are necessary to trap the undissolved impurities from the water. After the previous process, the water is passed through this filter for further purification.

6. Micro Filters

Now that the water is in drinkable condition and purified properly, it is filled in the water bottles through the machine. Firstly the water is filled into the bottles then the bottle caps are added with the help of the capping machine.

The water business is definitely a good idea for starting your own startup as it requires less investment and has the potential to generate high revenue. You can take your water bottle business to different local markets such as supermarkets , fast food restaurants, retailers, etc. Also, you can take the business to the wholesale market where the production will be in bulk.

At last, you could also take help from the online platforms for the branding and marketing of your products. If you have any queries or doubts, you can ask them in the comment section below.

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How to Start Packaged Drinking Water Business ?

Market of bottled water business today in india , steps involved in packaged drinking water production, steps to start a bottled water business, fssai license for packaged drinking water, fssai license permissions for packed drinking water, promotions and market of bottled water business today in india, challenges of bottled water business, packed bottled water business overview.

Water is available throughout the globe but how much of the available water is fit for drinking? We all rely on a water supplier (either the government water board or an external supplier) for consuming purified water. Unpurified water is highly dangerous as it may contain chemical impurities, bacteria, and dust. Naturally, available water must undergo a treatment process to ensure it has the right PH balance and only required minerals. With the consumption of water increases due to the growing population, it is quite imperative that the world would require a greater number of water purification units. This is where the bottled water business players are benefitting from.

Bottled water business comprises purifying the water, bottling them for consumption and selling them. Bottled water is extremely convenient to carry especially for employees, travelers, and students. It keeps them hydrated irrespective of their proximity to the water supply.

Bottled water can be made of spring water, mountain water or normal water. Spring and mountain water are referred to as mineral water. Flavored drinking water is a new trend in the bottled water industry.

Do you want to start top Business Ideas with Less Investment and contact us at StartupYo as we provide entire Guidance to start your own water Bottle Business with less Investment?

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Economic conditions do not affect consumption of water as it is something, we all can’t survive without. According to a survey, the global bottled water market was valued at USD 17.0 billion in 2014 and is estimated to reach USD 280.0 billion by 2020. The bottled water industry is growing at 8.5% CAGR from 2015 to 2020. Packaged water business contributes to 18% of the total beverage sales in the world.

Books you Must Read

Water business wiz: quick success tips.

Drinkable water must be tasteless, odorless and colorless. However, some minerals and salts can be added to enhance its taste. Steps involved in packaged drinking water production depend on the quality of source water. Quality of source water determines the treatment required. Treated water must be bottled in sterilized bottles with a label containing the details of expiry, composition, quantity, price, etc. A fully-automatic plant or a semi-automatic plant can be installed depending on the production capacity.

Conduct a feasibility study and analyze market trends A feasibility study is required for an entrepreneur to understand the requirements, determine the pricing strategy and define a marketing strategy that can make the product survive the market. A thorough market analysis can give valuable insights to untapped market places and opportunities or even enhancements to bottled water.

Register the Business Register a business name. It helps in identification in the market, gaining trust from customers and avoiding competitors misusing your market value.

Write a business plan Business plan for bottled water business can make business execution easy and also win funds for you. Business plan for bottled water must have sections like an executive summary, vision, missions, potential market, market analysis, promotion, and marketing, staffing, capital and return estimations.

Obtain necessary permits and licenses After registering the business, permits, and licenses on establishing a water plant, procuring water, selling them and certifying the safety of water is required. Absence of any the permits or licenses might invoke serious actions from the government and may even result in shut down of the company.

Find a suitable location Choose a location strategically by considering factors like a water source, transportation distance to the market, availability, and affordability of a space large enough to set up huge water tanks and most importantly continuous power supply. Ensure that the location selected has enough space for transporting water tankers.

Find a good water source A good water source is essential to the success of the business. The source of water could be boring well water, surface water, seawater, municipal supply or other sources in which treatment is possible.

Identify Bottle Suppliers The cost of bottles purchased for filling water is one of the major costs incurred in bottled water business. So, to gain good profit margins, focus on minimizing the expenditure on bottles. Find a supplier who provides bottles for an acceptable price with satisfactory quality.

Procure Machinery The machinery for bottled water business depends on the scale on which you would like to produce. The common machinery required is a generator, tanks, bottle filling, labeling and sealing machines, testing tools, treatment machines, filters and water purifying chemicals. To ensure safety and hygiene, the bottles must first be washed and sterilized. This is can be done manually using warm water for small scale water plant units but must be automated for medium and large-scale units.

Hire Your Staff and Start Operations Bottling water business involves many activities and might have complex processes depending on the method used for purification of water. Minimum staffing for bottled water business includes a trained professional for water testing, machine operators, sales manager, production helpers, supervisors, drivers, and cleaners. Hiring experienced water testing personal, machine operators and the salesperson is key to run the business.

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is the food regulatory body in India that ensures the safety and quality of food, water, and other beverages. According to FSSAI, no Food Business The operator should produce bottled drinking water without FSSAI License or Registration . Businesses cannot obtain a license without having a BIS certificate. Therefore, it is mandatory to procure a BIS certification to avoid cancellation of FSSAI registration or license. There are three types of FSSAI licenses.

FSSAI Basic License  – for retailers with an estimated annual turnover of less than Rs. 12 Lakhs.

FSSAI State license  – for estimated Annual turnover of more than Rs. 12 lakhs and less than 20 Crores.

FSSAI Central License  – for manufacturers running units in more than one state or for estimated annual turnover more than Rs. 20 Crores.

As per FSSAI, water for bottling can be obtained from surface water, underground water, seawater, civic water supply or other consistent supply of water. To obtain an FSSAI license, the rules set by FSSAI must be adhered to.

  • Water must undergo purification by decantation, demineralization, filtration (a combination of filtrations), aerations, activated carbon filtration, remineralization, reverse osmosis etc.
  • Water must be disinfected. Microorganisms must be the scientifically accepted level.
  • Seawater must be desalinized.
  •  Containers used in the plant must be sealed.
  • Chemicals and ingredients used for remineralization must be approved by food grade and pharma-grade quality.

To obtain an FSSAI License for your bottled water business, you will need the following registrations and documents:

  • SSI Registration.
  • ISI Mark Certificate (BIS Registration): BIS Registration is mandatory for the packaged drinking water in India.
  • Pollution control certificate: Pollution control certificate is issued by the Pollution Board office of the state or local government.
  • Test reports of raw water and pure water.
  • Pest control certificate.
  • Degree and medical certificate of Chemist.
  • Degree and medical certificate of Microbiologist.
  • Registration of trademark.
  • Document of ownership or lease of land.
  • Electrical department load sanction.
  • Memorandum of Association (MOA) of companies or Partnership.
  • Sanction of the layout plan.
  • NA of land if it is not in the industrial area.

Is a packaged mineral drinking water business profitable?

Both packaged drinking water and mineral water are profitable businesses. Despite heavy competition, small and medium water business players still make significant profits due to undying demand the variation in the cost of water bottles and the wide range of customers. Take additional care to create unique and personalized labels for parties and events. Focus on retaining all your existing customers.

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Profits on Bottled Water Business

The profit margins vary anywhere between 25% to 200%.

Normal water and Mineral water advantages and disadvantages

Normal water:  Normal is packaged drinking water or bottled water. The water from borewell, surface water or civic water is used and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is reduced through the RO process. It does not contain any minerals. It is relatively cheap to set up a normal water plant.

Mineral water:  Spring water or mountain water is referred to as mineral water. Water from springs or mountains is processed and minerals like sodium, potassium, calcium, etc. are used. It is healthy compared to normal water. Setting up a mineral water plant requires intensive capital.

Disadvantages of using Normal Water:-

  • Might contain toxic minerals like lead and chlorine.
  • Might contain pesticides.
  • Might contain bacteria and other harmful organisms.

Advantages of using Packaged Drinking water Business:-

  • Easy to carry.
  • Free from contamination due to pesticides, toxic minerals, and microorganisms.
  • Free from unpleasant taste and odor.

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Thoughtful promotions and marketing are necessary to compete with the competitors in the bottled water business. Understand the offerings by the small, medium and large-scale bottled water business players and craft a marketing strategy. Get creative and innovative with the promotions, packaging and bottle shapes.

  • Build corporate contacts.
  • Focus on setting up deals with retailers, hotels, restaurants, gyms and sports clubs, etc.
  • Use social media to establish your brand through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
  • Participate in roadshows and exhibitions.
  • Encourage direct marketing and sales.
  • Target event planners for customized water bottles.
  • Sponsor a few events or programs.
  • Distribute fliers in your target location.
  • To retain existing customers, make sure the taste and quality of the water you the bottle is consistent.

Every business has its own challenges. Let’s look at the potential challenges in starting a bottled water business.

  • Bottled water business requires significant capital to set up a plant, hire a work location, transport water, purchase large machinery and run maintenance repairs.
  • Technical knowledge of machine handling, water testing is mandatory for the staff. Hiring them expensive and so is training them.
  • Bottled the water business is heavily reliant on uninterrupted power. Therefore, arrangements for generator sets must be made to ensure operations during power outages.
  • Bottled the water business is susceptible to frequent inspections to check on water quality and hygiene conditions.
  • Changing weather conditions impact availability of water and its quality so take extra care during summers and monsoons.

Water is essential for our survival and every person on earth would want to drink clean and safe water. The bottled water market is overcrowded with many small, medium and large-scale industry players but there is and there will always be scope for new entrants offering bottled water that is safe, tasty, and affordable. Focus on establishing your market reach and catering to customized orders. Restaurants, hotels, event managers are all now looking for unique and customized bottled water with personalized labels (names, logos, etc.) and added health benefits.

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How To Open Water Bottle Company In India

How To Open Water Bottle Company In India

Market Analysis

The Indian market for water bottles is quite vibrant and lucrative. According to the research conducted by Euromonitor International, the bottled water industry witnessed a growth of 28.5% between 2013 and 2018 in terms of revenue with the market reaching a value of INR 183 billion. The bottled water industry, mainly dominated by non-alcoholic drinks and other beverages have witnessed a gradual increase in production and sales. The sale of packaged water and other beverages has grown due to the rise in the number of young consumers and those who prefer convenience and hygiene. There has been a significant rise in the number of supermarkets and online retailers such as grocery stores, fruit shops, and mobile back units which have caused the sales of bottled water to accelerate. Furthermore, the constant rise in the number of restaurants, bars, and cafes in India as well as the growing demand for healthier and more convenient hydration solutions have driven the market for water bottles. Without a doubt, packaged water is increasingly becoming the preferred choice for consumers. This growth has encouraged and opened up opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors to start their own water bottle companies in India.

Business Strategy

Starting a water bottle company in India involves having a comprehensive business plan with clearly defined strategies, and it would also require capital investment and financial resources. Careful planning and analyzing the potential of the market, including pricing strategies and the target audience, should be included in the business plan. The taste of water should also be taken into consideration, such as including layers of flavor such as lemon or lime and their correct concentration. Likewise, the manufacturers will need to determine the size, shape and strength of the bottle, as well as the type of materials used for construction. Social media networks can be used as a tool for marketing, and considerable plans should be made for promotions and advertisements. A clear understanding of the competition and their offerings is essential. Furthermore, the company should be able to distinguish itself from its competitors by offering additional benefits or incentives through loyalty programs and rewards.

Resource Checklist

To start a water bottle company in India, it will require resources and materials such as land, water, capital, machinery and appropriate production techniques, packaging, lab equipment and supplies, quality control measures, and of course, knowledgeable staff who are experienced in this sector. These resources must be judiciously acquired and managed. Moreover, entrepreneurs must understand that regulations and laws regarding registering a water bottle company are also needed. The company will need licenses and registrations pertaining to location, tax, and value-added services. Owners must also comply with the relevant labelling and product development regulations. Finally, customers must be provided with excellent customer support and even allow them to provide feedback and suggestions which must be considered and implemented. This can be achieved through regular surveys or customer reviews.

Production Process

How To Open Water Bottle Company In India

Once the resources and materials are procured, the production process can begin. The production process involves designing the bottles, purchasing labels and containers for packaging, selecting the preferred water source, filtering the water, and finally disinfecting the water to remove bacteria and other contaminants to make it suitable for consumption. The bottles must then be labelled accordingly and the right codes have to be applied. The bottles must then be tested. Laboratories must be certified by the local government to ensure the safety of the water source and quality of the bottled water. The production process must then be monitored and documented.

The branding of the water bottle company is also an important factor in its success. It involves creating an attractive logo and designs that will draw attention, build recognition and ultimately attract customers to the company. Traditional media should also be used for marketing and advertising the company, such as billboards and posters. Additionally, since internet usage is on the rise, digital marketing can be opted for including email marketing, content marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO). Furthermore, the company should have an active presence on social media platforms.

Distribution Channels

The distribution channels selected for the water bottle company are also an important factor in its success. The company must decide on direct distribution or indirect distribution. Direct distribution involves the company selling its products directly to the customers, whereas indirect distribution involves the companies selling their products through wholesalers and retailers. The company must also decide on the pricing and discount strategies to encourage customers to buy their product. This involves setting the right price and offering discounts or rewards based on purchase.

Competitive Edge

In order to be successful and stay ahead of the competition, it is essential to have a competitive edge. Companies must focus on providing high-quality products that are safe and hygienic. In addition, innovative packaging and attractive design should be considered. Furthermore, in order to ensure customer loyalty, the company should focus on providing excellent customer service. An important aspect from a customer’s perspective is the experience. A memorable experience will bring them back for more. Companies should provide customers with the best products or services through their loyalty programs and rewards.

Production Automation

How To Open Water Bottle Company In India

The production and bottling processes can be automated. Automation is essential for a company as it ensures efficiency, cost savings, proficiency and fast turnaround of production, which increases the overall profit. Automation also helps to reduce wastage and improve safety in the workplace. The production machines are sophisticated and require a lot of training and expertise to be properly operated. They are highly efficient and can automate entire production processes such as mixing, bottling, labeling, and packaging of bottles.

New Technologies

The water bottle industry has also seen an increase in the use of new technologies such as digital tracking, RFID, bar codes, and automated order machines. Companies can use digital tracking and bar codes for product tracking and product authentication, whilst RFID and automated order machines can be used for warehousing and inventory management. The use of new technologies helps to streamline the process and improve production efficiency. It also makes it easier for customers to replenish their orders and businesses to monitor stock levels.

In conclusion, starting a water bottle company in India has great potential as it is a growing market with an increasingly health-conscious population. It is essential to have a clear business strategy and to acquire the right resources, materials, and technologies. Branding and innovation, as well as using the right distribution channels and having a competitive edge are also factors that must be taken into consideration. Automation and the use of new technologies can also help to ensure success and enhance productivity and efficiency. All of these aspects must be taken into consideration in order to start a successful water bottle company.

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Wallace Jacobs

Wallace Jacobs is an experienced leader in marketing and management. He has worked in the corporate sector for over twenty years and is a driving force behind many successful companies. Wallace is committed to helping companies grow and reach their goals, leveraging his experience in leading teams and developing business strategies.

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bottle water business plan in india

Is Bottled Drinking Water Business Profitable In India? [With Cost Estimates]

Keevurds desk.

  • Guides , Latest
  • March 30, 2024

Is The Bottled Drinking Water Business Profitable In India

Yes, the bottled drinking water business in India can be profitable, with a potential profit margin of 15-20%. This is because the demand for clean and convenient drinking water is high. Also, there is a growing awareness of health concerns associated with tap water.

However, profitability depends on several factors:

  • Location: Demand for bottled water is higher in urban areas, offices, and places with unreliable tap water supply. Thus, setting up your plant near these areas can reduce transportation costs and increase sales.
  • Brand: Building a strong brand that signifies trust and quality can help you command a premium price and attract a loyal customer base. For example: Bisleri.
  • Packaging: Attractive and eco-friendly packaging can influence customer purchase decisions.
  • Operational Efficiency: Optimizing your production process and distribution network can significantly improve your profit margins.

The bottled water market in India is competitive, so having a well-defined business plan will be important for your success .

If you want to understand further, let us take a look at the cost of setting up a bottled water business In India:

How Much Does It Cost To Start a Bottled Water Business?

The cost of starting a bottled water business in India can vary depending on the scale of your operation but typically ranges from ₹5 lakhs to ₹30 lakhs or more.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of the factors influencing the cost for both small-scale and large-scale setups:

Small-scale Setup (₹5 lakhs – ₹10 lakhs):

  • Land & Building: This can be a significant cost, even for a small operation. Renting an existing warehouse or industrial space might be more economical than purchasing land and constructing a building initially. Costs can vary depending on location and size but expect a range of ₹1 lakh – ₹1.5 lakh per year for rent.
  • Water Purification Plant: This is the heart of your operation. A basic Reverse Osmosis (RO) plant with a capacity of 100 Liters Per Hour (LPH) can cost around ₹1- ₹2 lakh. Upgrading to a higher capacity plant will increase the cost.
  • Bottles & Caps: Purchasing bottles and caps in bulk is important for cost-effectiveness. Prices depend on the material (plastic, glass), size, and design. Expect a range of ₹0.50 – ₹2.00 per bottle/cap for a basic setup.
  • Labeling & Packaging: Labels for branding and providing product information are essential. Basic printing can cost around ₹0.25 – ₹1.00 per label. Consider the cost of shrink wrap or other packaging materials for bundling bottles.
  • Labor: Hiring staff for operating the plant, packaging, and potentially for initial delivery might be required. Costs will depend on location and number of employees.

Large-scale setup (₹30 lakhs or more):

All the cost factors mentioned above apply to a large-scale setup, but with a significant increase in scale:

  • Land & Building: You’ll likely need to purchase land and construct a dedicated facility to house a larger production plant, storage space, and potentially an office. Costs can range from ₹20 lakhs onwards.
  • Water Purification Plant: Industrial RO plants with much higher capacities (1000 LPH or more) are needed. These can cost anywhere from ₹5 lakhs to ₹10 lakhs or more.
  • Automated Bottling Line: For faster and more efficient production, you can consider investing in automated bottling lines for filling, capping, and labeling. These can be expensive, ranging from ₹10 lakhs to ₹20 lakhs or more.
  • Transportation: Delivery vehicles are crucial for distributing your product to a wider market. Depending on the chosen mode (trucks, vans), expect costs to range from ₹5 lakhs to ₹15 lakhs or more for vehicles.

Additional Costs (both scales):

  • Licenses & Permits: Obtaining Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) certification and FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) licenses are mandatory. Costs can vary but typically range from ₹1 lakh to ₹2 lakh.
  • Marketing & Branding: Building brand awareness is essential. Costs can vary depending on your marketing strategy (local advertising, online marketing, guerrilla marketing , etc.) but budget ₹1 lakh – ₹2 lakh initially.
  • Utilities: Electricity and water usage for purification will be ongoing costs.

Important Point To Remember: These are estimated costs and can vary depending on specific choices of equipment, location, and manpower. You need to conduct thorough market research and get quotes from suppliers before finalizing your investment plan.

We hope this guide will help you in setting up a profitable bottled water business in your area or at a national level. If you are interested, you can also read our other guides on T-shirt printing and food truck business .

Picture of KeeVurds Desk

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Packaged drinking water industry | distilled water | bottled water manufacturing | mineral water bottling plant, project report.

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The home and household sectors, as well as the industrial sector, which includes mining, electricity generation, pharmaceuticals, pulp and paper, upstream oil and gas, refining and petrochemicals, microelectronics, and food and drinks, are all served by the global water market. In addition, the importance of wastewater management in the broader water market cannot be overstated. As freshwater becomes scarcer, municipal and industrial sectors are being pushed to clean wastewater for reuse. The most modern and widely used technologies in wastewater treatment are the removal of suspended particulates, separation of oil and water, biological treatment, removal of dissolved solids, and oxidation and disinfection.

The water market has profited substantially from increased global spending on these technologies. The water market in emerging countries demonstrates that, while the industry has been growing at a breakneck pace, there is still a lot of room for growth. The fast improvement of the economy and growing population in most emerging countries play a critical role in the demand for water for industrial and home usage. The rise of the water market in industrialised countries is just as promising as it is in emerging economies. The demand for desalination plants, wastewater treatment and reuse facilities, and efficient maintenance of existing infrastructure is strengthening the water market, despite modernization, sophisticated infrastructure, and reliable income sources.  


The worldwide water industry is a big, fast-growing market worth more than $20 billion per year. Many countries around the world are experiencing annual growth rates of more than 10%. The need continues to rise as more and more problems with the drinking water supply are discovered, and pollutant levels in the water rise as a result of pollution. Many locations also have water that has never been truly safe to drink. A water business can be developed in a variety of ways, either as a franchise with many sites or as a single location. Water retailers, bottling factories, bagging plants, and bottled water distribution are all affected. Many significant ideas, elements, and concepts must be addressed in order for a business to be successful.

Type of Water Businesses:

  • Retail water store.
  • Water bottle refilling for delivery, 1-5 gallon bottles.
  • Water in plastic bags.
  • Small bottle plant.


The Market for Distilled Water is predicted to develop at a CAGR of 7.00 percent. The distilled water market is driven by the growing demand for distilled water in laboratories. Water that has been cooked into vapour and then condensed back into liquid in a separate container is known as distilled water. Impurities in the initial water that do not boil below or close to the boiling point of water stay in the container. Distilled water, on the other hand, is a sort of purified water. Due to its high purity, distilled water is preferred by laboratories and pharmacies.

The Global Bottled Water Market is predicted to increase at a CAGR of 11.1 percent over the next five years. The important elements driving the industry over the next few years will be portability, ease of use and installation, and low maintenance costs. Additionally, increased consumer awareness of the health benefits of drinking bottled water is expected to fuel market expansion. Product sales are driven by a preference for bottled water over tap water, particularly among younger consumers. As a result of this trend, a number of restaurants are now offering bottled water to suit customer demand. Water appears to have struck a chord with health-conscious consumers. In the future years, the fast expansion of restaurants in the United States is expected to produce a substantial demand for bottled water. Asia Pacific leads the global water market, with rising demand for water and water systems spurred by a surge in industry and construction activity across the area, as well as a vast population that continues to increase. Additionally, the Asia Pacific water market has benefited from government efforts in Japan, India, China, and other developing countries to promote and stimulate urbanisation while allocating adequate resources to wastewater treatment systems. The water market in Europe, North America, and South America is being driven by rising demand for bottled water and increased usage of water in the utilities sector. Water quality is a key issue in most Middle Eastern and North African countries. This indicates that the water market in the Rest of the World has a lot of room to grow.


The packaged bottled water business in India is predicted to develop at a 22 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR). In the late 1990s, the bottled water market in India exploded after Bisleri introduced packaged drinking water to the country. The industry’s boom in advertising that “bottled water was pure and nutritious” fueled this tremendous growth. With a surge in health awareness, poor tap water quality, and the ease of access to bottled water, India’s per capita consumption of bottled water is on the rise. Bisleri, PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, Dhariwal, and Parle are currently the top five participants in India’s packaged bottled water business. Due to insufficient infrastructure, these corporations struggle to reach tiny non-tier cities and towns, creating a chance for small regional competitors to establish a foothold in regional markets.


  • Aquafina, PepsiCo
  • Bailley, Parle Agro
  • Glaceau Smartwater
  • Himalayan, Tata Global Beverages
  • Oxyrich, Manikchand
  • Poland Spring
  • Qua, Narang Group
  • Rail Neer, IRCTC
  • Tata Water Plus
  • Vedica, Bisleri

Reports & Books

Suggested business ideas for entrepreneurs.

  • Flavoured Drinking Water
  • Flavoured Drinking Water (Still)
  • Mineral Water
  • Packaged Drinking Water
  • Packaged Drinking Water With Pet Bottles
  • Packaged Drinking Water With Pet Bottles (1 Ltr) (Automatic Plant)
  • Packaged Drinking Water With Pet Glasses (250 Ml) (Automatic Plant)
  • Packaged Drinking Water, Soda Water And Pet Bottles
  • Water Softener

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M/s.   IMC Limited Chennai, Tamil Nadu Market Survey Cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report on Lube Oil Blending Based on Imported Base Oil
M/s. Brice and Company Limited Saint Lucia,  Caribbean Island Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Steel Billets and TMT Bars (Rebar)from Scrap Metal
M/s. Kiboko Enterprises Ltd. Uganda Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Toothpaste
M/s. Amponsah-Efah Pharmaceuticals Limited Ghana, West Africa Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Toothpaste
M/s. Zimbabwe Bearings Private Limited Zimbabwe Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Roller Bearing
M/s. Whitewood Nigeria Limited Nigeria Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Woven PP Cement Sacks
M/s. Printexchem Production and Trading Company Limited Vietnam Information on Epoxy Resins, Adhesive Formulary, Modern Packaging Industries, Printing Technology, Phenolic Resins, Industrial Adhesives, Food Packaging, Natural Dyes & Pigments
M/s.   Kadombara Udyog Ltd. Kolkata, West Bengal Feasibility Study for Establishment of Grain based Alcohol Distillery Unit
M/s.   Shakti Bhog Foods Ltd. Haridwar, Uttarakhand Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Plain Corn Flakes and Coated Choco Flakes Plant
M/s.   Shri Lakshmi Cotsyn Ltd. Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh Techno-Economic Feasibility Study for Establishment of Precipitated Silica from Rice Husk Ash
M/s. Petroleum and Gas Company Fiji Limited Fiji Islands Information on  Coconut Products
M/s. Chengdu Green Gold Biological Science & Technology Co. Ltd. China Details on Neem & Allied Products
M/s. Can Tho Fertilizer and Chemical Joint Stock Company Vietnam Market Survey Cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report on Sodium Silicate from Rice Husk Ash
M/s. Kingyal Coke and Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Bhutan Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Dolomite Bricks
M/s.   Sunil Healthcare Limited New Delhi, Delhi Feasibility Study for Establishment of Cashew Nut Processing Plant
M/s.  B.L. Agro Oils Ltd. Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh Project Feasibility and Market Study for Establishment of Cold Storage Unit
M/s.  Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. Mumbai, Maharashtra Market Survey Cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report on Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC Blocks) Manufacturing Plant
M/s.  Gujarat Ambuja Exports Ltd. Ahmedabad, Gujarat Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Sodium Silicate from Rice Husk/Hull
M/s.  ITC Limited-Agri Business Division-IL Ltd. Guntur, Andhra Pradesh Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Nicotine from Tobacco Waste
M/s. Global Plastics Industries South Africa Pre-Investment Feasibility Report for Establishment of  PET Bottle Recycling
M/s. Icon Construction ,Inc. USA Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Copper Sulphate from Metallic Scrap Copper
M/s. Transmara Sugar Company Limited Kenya Pre-Investment and Pre-Feasibility Study on Yeast from Molasses Project
M/s. SDI Automobiles Pvt. Ltd. Nepal Techno-Economic Feasibility Study for Establishment of Lubricants Blending Plant (Lubricants/Grease/Brake Fluid/Coolant)
M/s. QAS Arabia Co. Ltd. Saudi Arabia Techno-Economic Feasibility Study for Establishment of PVC Cables & Wires Manufacturing Unit
M/s.  Jindal Udyog Limited Kolkata, West Bengal Market Survey Cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report on Cold Rolled Sheet Mill
M/s.  Mep Cotton Ltd. Rajkot, Gujarat Pre-Investment and Pre-Feasibility Study on Cotton Seed Delinting/Crushing and Refining Unit
M/s.  Orissa Stevedores Limited Cuttack, Odisha Market Survey Cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report on Cenosphere Processing Unit
M/s.  Quiz Electronica LLP Palghar, Maharashtra Techno-Economic Feasibility Study for Establishment of LED Street Light Assembling Unit
M/s.  Rubfila International Ltd. Palakkad, Kerala Pre-Investment Feasibility Report for Establishment of Flexible Polyurethane Foam Production Unit
M/s.  Sarda Metals & Alloys Limited Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh Feasibility Study for Establishment of Manganese Oxide (Mno) through Calcination of Manganese Oxide Ore in Rotary Kiln Project
M/s. Rabdhuen Pvt. Ltd. Bhutan Pre-Investment Feasibility Report for Establishment of HDPE Pipes Manufacturing Unit
M/s. Gaffar Food Products Ltd. Bangladesh Feasibility Study for Establishment of Medical College With Hospital Project
M/s.   Autochemicals Uk Ltd United Kingdom
M/s.   FITI Testing and Research Institute Korea
M/s. ACS Manufacturing Co. Philippines
M/s. Advanced Electroplaters New Zealand
M/s. Al Ahli Leather Factory Co Ltd. KSA
M/s. Asia Resource Co Ltd Taiwan
M/s. B.H. Blackwell Ltd. England
M/s.  Shree Cement Ltd. Beawar, Rajasthan Pre-Investment Feasibility Report for Establishment of Gypsum Plaster Board Production Unit
M/s.  Tata Steel Limited Jamshedpur, Jharkhand Techno-Economic Feasibility Study for Establishment of Iron Powder Production Unit
M/s.  Tetra Tech India Ltd. New Delhi, Delhi Techno-Economic Feasibility Study for Establishment of Re-Refining of Engine Oil, Transformer Oil and Hydraulic Oil Plant
M/s.  Vandana Global Ltd. Raipur, Chhattisgarh Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Chromite Beneficiation Plant
M/s. Ajeet Seeds Ltd. Aurangabad, Maharashtra Techno-Economic Feasibility Study for Establishment of Beer Plant
M/s. Citland Limited Guntur, Andhra Pradesh Techno-Economic Feasibility Study for Establishment of Nicotine Extraction from Tobacco Waste
M/s. Capital Oil Refining Industries Ltd. Malawi
M/s. Coates Brother’s Zambice Ltd. Zambia
M/s. Current Pacific Ltd. New Zealand
M/s. Gulf Facilities Trading & Contracting Co. Kuwait
M/s. Gulf Organization For Industrial Consulting Qatar
M/s. Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Bangladesh
M/s. International Trading & Manufacturing SRL Italy
M/s. Kenana Sugar Co. Ltd. Sudan
M/s. Kenya Invalid & Pharmacy Suppliers Ltd. Kenya
M/s. Luatek Nigeria Ltd. Jordan
M/s. Danapur Flour Mills Ltd. Patna, Bihar Techno-Economic Feasibility Study for Establishment of Stainless Steel Sheet Rolling & Manufacturing of S.S. Utensils
M/s. DCM Shriram Industries Limited Delhi Techno Economic Viability (TEV) study  on Synthetic Camphor
M/s. Dharampal Satyapal Limited Noida, Uttar Pradesh Detailed Project Report
M/s. Gemco Energy Limited Faridabad,Haryana Information on Economic, Technical, Financial, Managerial and Production Aspects of Lithium lon Battery (Battery Assembly)
M/s. Gorakhpur Resources Limited Gorakhpur, Haryana Pre-Investment and Pre-Feasibility Study on Beer Plant
M/s. Gravita India Limited Jaipur, Rajasthan Pre-Investment and Pre-Feasibility Study on Lead Recycling (Smelting & Refining) Plant
M/s. JK GD Cooperative Housing & Infrastucture Ltd Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir Project Feasibility and Market Study for Establishment of Residential Apartment
M/s. JSW Steel Ltd. Thane, Maharashtra Pre-Investment Feasibility Report for Establishment of Aluminium Alloy from Virgin Metal Project
M/s. Krishnonics Ltd. Gandhinagar,Gujarat Feasibility Study for Establishment of Peanut Butter
M/s. Maha Laxmi Sugars Ltd. Ethiopia
M/s. Mannai Co. Ltd. UAE
M/s. MGM International Machinery Ltd. Malaysia
M/s. Midway Centre Ltd. Singapore
M/s. Nabil Bank Ltd. Egypt
M/s. Narayan Vegetable Industries (P) Ltd. Kuwait
M/s. NR Chemicals & Organics Industry Japan
M/s. Pisu & Co. Ltd. Poland
M/s. Polivent Ltd. Mauritius
M/s. KSL & Industries Ltd. Nagpur, Maharashtra Techno-Economic Feasibility Study for Establishment of Coal Based Power Plant 500 MW
M/s. Kusalava International Limited Krishna District,Andhra Pradesh Preparation of the DPR and  Pre-Investment Study of Cold Storage (Shrimp & Agricultural Products)
M/s. Majalgaon Sah. Karkhana Ltd. Sundernagar, Himachal Pradesh Market Survey Cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report on Onion Powder Manufacturing Plant
M/s. Merino Industries Ltd. Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh Market Survey Cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Report on Tissue Culture Lab for Production of Potato Seeds
M/s. Modern Tube Industries Ltd. Vadodara, Gujarat Project Feasibility and Market Study for Establishment of Cigarette Manufacturing Unit
M/s. Nesco Limited Karamsad,Gujarat Feasibility Study for Establishment of Steel Shots & Grits
M/s. Proec Energy Ltd. New Delhi, Delhi Preparation of Detailed Project Report on HDPE/PP Woven Fabric
M/s. Saipem India Projects Limited Chennai, Tamil Nadu Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Unsaturated Polyester Resins Production Plant
M/s. Sethia Oil Industries Ltd. Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh Pre-Investment and Pre-Feasibility Study on Maize Starch and Its By Products Processing Unit
M/s. Shakti Rail Infra Limited Rourkela, Orissa Techno-Economic Feasibility Study for Establishment of Wood Plastic Composite (WPC) Plant
M/s. SRF Limited Bhiwadi, Rajasthan Pre-Investment and Pre-Feasibility Study on Gypsum from Synthetic Resin
M/s. The Dharamsi Moraji Chemical Co. Ltd. Mumbai, Maharashtra Pre-Investment Feasibility Report for Establishment of  Sulphuric Acid Plant including Manufacture of Chlorosulphonic Acid, 23 % Oleum
M/s. Thermal Powertech Corporation India Limited Nellore, Andhra Pradesh Preparation of Detailed Project Report on Button Mushroom Cultivation

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How to Start a Water Bottle Business in India 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Start a Water Bottle Business in India 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

Table of Contents

1. introduction of how to start a water bottle business in india 2024: a comprehensive guide, 1.1 why start a water bottle business in india.

How to Start a Water Bottle Business in India 2024: A Comprehensive Guide Starting a water bottle business in India in 2024 is a lucrative venture due to the increasing demand for clean and safe drinking water. With a growing population and awareness about health and hygiene, there is a substantial market for bottled water.

1.2 Market Overview

The bottled water market in India has witnessed significant growth in recent years. Consumers are increasingly opting for packaged drinking water as a convenient and reliable source of hydration. Understanding the market dynamics is crucial for a successful venture.

2. Legal and Regulatory Requirements

2.1 business registration.

How to Start a Water Bottle Business in India 2024: A Comprehensive Guide Before delving into the water bottle business, it’s essential to register your business. This involves choosing the right legal structure, obtaining a unique business name, and fulfilling the necessary paperwork.

2.2 Licensing and Permits

Compliance with regulatory requirements is vital. Acquiring the required licenses and permits from health and safety authorities ensures that your water bottle business operates within legal boundaries.

2.3 Quality Standards

How to Start a Water Bottle Business in India 2024: A Comprehensive Guide Maintaining high-quality standards is imperative in the water bottle industry. Adhering to the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and other relevant quality benchmarks builds trust with consumers.

3. Market Research and Business Planning

3.1 identifying your niche.

Understanding your target market and identifying a niche within the bottled water industry helps in tailoring your products to specific consumer needs. How to Start a Water Bottle Business in India 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

3.2 Competitor Analysis

Conducting a thorough analysis of competitors provides insights into market trends, pricing strategies, and potential gaps you can exploit.

3.3 Business Plan Development

A well-structured business plan outlines your goals, target market, financial projections, and strategies for overcoming challenges.

4. Manufacturing Process

4.1 water source and treatment.

Selecting a reliable water source and implementing effective water treatment processes are critical for ensuring the purity and safety of your bottled water. How to Start a Water Bottle Business in India 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

4.2 Bottle Manufacturing

Choosing the right material for bottle manufacturing and establishing efficient production processes contribute to the overall quality of your product. How to Start a Water Bottle Business in India 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

4.3 Filling and Sealing

Implementing advanced filling and sealing technologies ensures the hygiene and integrity of the bottled water during the packaging process.

4.4 Quality Control

Rigorous quality control measures at every stage of the manufacturing process are essential to meet industry standards and consumer expectations.

bottle water business plan in india

5. Packaging and Branding

5.1 labeling and packaging design.

Eye-catching and informative packaging design, along with accurate labeling, enhances brand visibility and communicates product attributes to consumers.

5.2 Branding Strategies

How to Start a Water Bottle Business in India 2024: A Comprehensive Guide Developing a strong brand identity involves creating a compelling brand story, logo, and messaging that resonates with your target audience.

5.3 Eco-Friendly Packaging Options

How to Start a Water Bottle Business in India 2024 : A Comprehensive Guide Incorporating eco-friendly packaging options not only aligns with consumer preferences but also contributes to environmental sustainability, a growing concern among consumers.

6. Distribution and Logistics

6.1 distribution channels.

How to Start a Water Bottle Business in India 2024: A Comprehensive Guide Choosing the right distribution channels, whether through retailers, supermarkets, or online platforms, plays a crucial role in reaching your target market efficiently.

6.2 Transportation and Warehousing

How to Start a Water Bottle Business in India 2024: A Comprehensive Guide Efficient transportation and warehousing logistics are essential to ensure timely delivery and proper storage of your bottled water.

6.3 Supply Chain Management

How to Start a Water Bottle Business in India 2024: A Comprehensive Guide Streamlining the supply chain from manufacturing to distribution is vital for minimizing costs and maximizing efficiency.

7. Marketing and Sales

7.1 digital marketing strategies.

Utilizing digital marketing channels such as social media, search engine optimization, and online advertising helps in reaching a broader audience.

7.2 Offline Marketing Tactics

Traditional marketing methods, such as participating in trade shows, sponsorships, and collaborations, can complement your digital strategies.

7.3 Sales Strategies

Implementing effective sales strategies, including promotional offers, partnerships, and customer loyalty programs, can drive sales and enhance brand loyalty.

8. Financial Planning

8.1 initial investment.

Estimating the initial investment required for infrastructure, equipment, marketing, and working capital is crucial for financial planning.

8.2 Operating Expenses

Carefully calculating and managing operating expenses, including production costs, packaging, distribution, and marketing, is essential for sustainable business operations.

8.3 Revenue Projections

Developing realistic revenue projections based on market research and sales forecasts helps in assessing the financial viability of your water bottle business.

9. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

9.1 what are the key legal requirements for starting a water bottle business in india.

Starting a water bottle business in India requires business registration, obtaining necessary licenses and permits, and adhering to quality standards set by authorities like the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).

9.2 How can I ensure the quality of my water bottles?

Ensuring the quality of water bottles involves selecting a reliable water source, implementing effective treatment processes, and maintaining rigorous quality control measures during manufacturing.

9.3 What marketing strategies work best in the water bottle industry?

Digital marketing strategies, such as social media promotion and online advertising, along with offline tactics like trade show participation and sponsorships, are effective in the water bottle industry.

9.4 How do I choose the right packaging for my water bottles?

Choosing the right packaging involves considering factors such as material, design, and sustainability. Eco-friendly packaging options are increasingly preferred by consumers.

9.5 What are the potential challenges in the distribution process?

Challenges in distribution may include selecting the right distribution channels, ensuring efficient transportation and warehousing, and managing the overall supply chain effectively.

10. Conclusion

Starting a water bottle business in India in 2024 offers promising opportunities amid the growing demand for safe and convenient hydration options. By navigating the legal landscape, conducting thorough market research, implementing efficient manufacturing and distribution processes, and adopting effective marketing strategies, entrepreneurs can establish a successful venture in the booming bottled water industry. Stay adaptable, prioritize quality, and embrace sustainability to thrive in this dynamic business landscape. Best of luck on your journey to entrepreneurship in the water bottle industry

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bottle water business plan in india

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Startup Business Idea

Packaged Drinking Water Business in India

How to start packaged drinking water business in india [manufacturing process, brands,cost,machinery,profit].

Rampant water, land and air pollution has taken its negative toll on the earth. Dumping untreated waste directly into the waterways has reduced the quality of water. It is definitely unsafe to consume water from lakes and ponds. Untreated water is not safe for consumption. It will contain germs, dust, and pollutants, which will play havoc with our health. Thus, it is mandatory to drink treated and filtered water, obtained from clean source. It is this awareness that has increased the demand for packaged drinking water in the society. If you desire to make a mark in this lucrative business, then this article is a “must read.”

Packaged Drinking Water Business

Estimated cost for starting business

Opening a bottled or packaged water manufacturing plant is cost intensive. A medium sized plant, with the capacity of dishing out around 45 lakh bottles, during one financial year, will require anything between Rs. 118 lakhs to 122 lakhs. It is a rough estimate, and will vary on several relative factors. It is the amount that you require to set up the plant. The overall financial expenditure necessary to get the desired production is around Rs. 240 to Rs 245 lakhs. Opting for a dealership is a better option. If you get a dealership, then you can start the business with anything between Rs. 15 to Rs. 25 lakhs. The actual amount will vary according to region, host company policies, demand and other factors.

Equipment list and estimated cost

Opening a mineral water manufacturing plant is a medium to big scale business. It cannot be done on a small scale. If you do not have necessary funds and resources, then it is better to opt for dealerships or franchise. But that is equally expensive proposition. Whether you open your own manufacturing unit or opt for a franchise, a number of high end machines are needed for purifying, processing and packing the water. A detailed list of these machines and their estimated costs are given in the table below.



Land & Factory

0.5 acres of plot for factory setup Rs. 1 lakh
Constructing space for keeping machinery, processing, bottling and packaging Rs. 26 to 30 lakhs
Fencing, wall and gate Rs. 3 lakhs






Equipment necessary for plant

Alum. Treatment tanks (at least 3) Rs. 1.20 lakhs
Chlorination tanks Rs. 0.80 lakhs
Reverse Osmosis Equipment Rs. 3.20 lakhs
Sand filters Rs. 0.50 lakhs
Micron filters Rs. 0.40 lakhs
Activated charcoal filters Rs. 0.60 lakhs
Ultraviolet disinfectant unit Rs. 0.32 lakhs
Electronic doser for chlorine & aluminum Rs. 0.30 lakhs each
Ozone Generator Rs. 3.15 lakhs
Water collecting systems Rs. 1.60 lakhs
Automated washing, filling and capping units Rs. 7.50 lakhs
Shrink wrapping unit Rs. 0.15 lakhs
Other tools and gears Rs. 1.50 lakhs
Lab testing and quality maintenance Rs. 1.50 lakhs


Fixed assets in the factory

Furnishing and associated items Rs. 088 lakhs
Deep bore tube wells Rs. 1.30 lakhs
Security deposit with power department Rs. 1 lakh
Delivery vans and others Rs. 5 lakhs
Planning of operation cost Rs. 1.50 lakhs

Working expenses


Acquiring bottles and caps Rs. 13.50 lakhs
Reagents and chemicals Rs. 0.50 lakhs
Boxes for transporting, binding tapes Rs. 3.10 lakhs
Wage related expenses Salary of official, technical and additional staff Rs. 1 lakh (approx.)
Utilities expenses Electricity, fuel and others Rs. 0.45 lakhs
Contingency costs Insurance, repair, taxes, permits, consumable items, postage fee etc Rs. 0.11 lakhs
Total funds necessary for starting the business = Rs. 121 lakhs (approximately)

  How many employees are needed?

If you are opening a medium to large scale bottled water manufacturing agency, you will need a host of employees. They will assist in operating the machines, maintaining records and factory. Most of the processing, purification, filling, capping, labeling and boxing will be done by the automated machines. But you need trained people to operate these machines. Staring the setup with 5 labors, 5 technical staff, 1 manager, 2 maintenance men and 2 security guards will be adequate. Overall, one can manage the operations with 15 men.

Money necessary for one year operations Rs. 221.16
Annual depreciation interest on building (5%) Rs. 1.45 lakhs
Annual depreciation interest on machines, tools (10%) Rs. 3.50 lakhs
Overall interest on funds invested (15%) Rs. 18.40 lakhs
Total Production cost for one year = Rs. 245 lakhs
Total Turnover (45 lakh bottles) = Rs. 282 lakhs
Total Profit (282 – 245) = 37 lakhs

How to start a packaged drinking water company?

  • Comprehensive planning – Starting a mineral water business is no mean task. To achieve satisfactory goals, you must be ready to put in hard work. You need to be ready with contingency plans for meeting any unforeseen circumstance. For this, adequate planning at all stages is necessary.
  • Market research is a must – If you desire to setup your own plant, you must have information about the mineral water business, permits needed, machines necessary, water processing technology and other associated features.
  • Getting funds – Interested candidates need to opt for credit from any financial institution. 1.50 Crore is not a small amount. Once you have the funds in hand, you can start the next phase of planning.
  • Opting for franchise – Opting for franchise is another way of starting your packaged water business. Each company has its specific rules for offering franchise. For instance, to get a franchise of Bisleri, you need to make sure that there is no other such service provider in the area. Otherwise, your application will be rejected by the company.
  • Selection of location – A packaged water manufacturing plant requires a significant area. After arranging funds, it is time to attain a suitable plot, where you have power supply, transportation, and adequate natural water resource.
  • Attaining the machines – All machines, which have been listed in the table, are available in the market. These high end machines can be custom made according to the requirement of the owner.
  • Attain permits – This business is directly related to health and wellbeing of people. Thus, government has strict policies to ensure quality products. You need to apply for and prove yourself worthy of getting the necessary licenses.
  • Hiring human resource – Next comes hiring people for operating the machines, and maintaining smooth functioning in the plant.
  • Actual manufacture – Once all these steps have been completed, it is time to start work on the actual water processing and bottling.

Packaging of the product

Packaging is another important aspect of the mineral water manufacturing industry. If the capping and packaging is not done properly, then the quality of water will deteriorate. There are separate machines for manufacturing water pouches. These machines can cost anything between Rs. 1.25 lakhs to Rs. 1.75 lakhs. Other than that, automatic capping and packing machines are also available. The cost of these bottling machines can range from Rs. 5 lakhs to Rs. 7 lakhs.

Once a set of bottled have been filled, capped and sealed, they are grouped and sent to the packing unit. Here, with the help of an automated machine, these bottles are packed in transparent packets. Once sealing is complete, these are placed in cardboard boxes. These cardboard boxes are then sealed with tape. In medium sized plants, it is done manually, but in bigger factories, automated machines are installed for this task as well. After this, these boxes are coded and stacked on delivery vans to reach their destination.

Permits necessary for the business

  • SSI registration – Appropriate license from the Small Scale Industries department is a must for starting the business. The permit helps in acquiring funding, equipment and related items with ease.
  • BIS registration – License from the Bureau of Indian Standards is a must to manufacture any item. The ISI is the mark of quality and purity. Thus, this certificate is all the more important for mineral water business.
  • Pollution control report – The state government issues Pollution Control Certification to several manufacturing industries. The experts test the water, surrounding, equipment, production process and packaging methods to ensure that the factory is not adding to pollution levels in the area.
  • Water sample analysis – Water is the main resource you need to start mineral water factory. For that, you need a clean source of water. Getting samples of this water tested at government labs is a must. If they are happy with the quality of water, then you will get the permits.
  • Pest control reports – Safety and hygiene is of utmost importance in a mineral water production company. Thus, you need to get permit from the pest control department
  • NOC certificate – It is the responsibility of the factory owner to get no objection certificate from the Gram Panchyat or Municipality.
  • Worker medical certificates – The owner of the company must get health reports of each employee. The owner needs to ensure that the workers are not suffering from any communicable disease. Otherwise, the health department will not give the license.
  • Trademark and brand registration – It is better to pot for brand name and logo registration. It will safeguard the identity of the company.
  • Land ownership registration – A significant land area is needed to establish the factory. Whether you own the plot or get in on lease, you need to submit the papers, and share the information with the state authority to attain land permits.
  • Layout grant permits – You need to get the layout plan sanctioned from the Municipal or Gram Panchayat. For this, you need to submit all architectural plans of the plant, after getting thumbs up from a registered architect.
  • Power certificates – Whether your mineral water plant is small or big, it will require a lot of electricity. All heavy duty machines require electricity to operate. It is not possible to do so with domestic connections. You must apply for commercial connection to the respective government department. Once you get this permit, the power company will install commercial meters at the plant.
  • Certification from power agency – You will not be able to start production until you acquire the safety certificate from the power enterprise and department. The experts will visit the plant, check the meter, wiring, and safety equipment. If they are happy with the report, then they will give the grant to start production.

Franchise name of the business

There are no extra pints for guessing that opening a packaged drinking company on your own is a massive task. Arranging the necessary funds is the biggest hurdle that you need to cross. Though banks offer credit, interested applicants must have enough knowledge about machines, where to get these, and how to operate them. In case, a person is not comfortable with these risks, he/she can opt for franchise of packaged drinking water manufacturing brands, which are already reputed and well-placed in Indian market. Some of these brands are Bisleri, Kinley, Aquafina, Bailley, Qua, Himalayan Water, Tata Water Plus and others. If any person is interested in getting franchise or dealership of these companies, then he/she needs to log on to the official websites.

Bisleri –

Kinley –

Aquafina –

Bailley –

Qua –

Himalayan Water –

Tata Water Plus –

Best marketing areas

  • Schools, colleges and offices – If you desire to get a steady stream of orders, then these areas will be ideal. The regular attendance in schools, colleges and offices is high. If you crack a deal to supply purified water from your company to these places, your turnover will increase.
  • Malls, fairs, events – As the footfall in big malls, movie auditoriums, fair and events us high, setting up stalls in these places will ensure high sale.
  • Restaurants and café – There is no way to ensure that the quality of water, served at the cafes and restaurants is good. So, most people go for mineral bottled water. A deal with café and restaurant owners will also prove to be beneficial.
  • Beverage and grocery stores – Make sure that your water is available in all beverage and grocery stores. This will increase exposure and salability of the product.
  • Sell at domestic level – Many health conscious people try to cook food in mineral water. They opt for 20 liter water jars. Thus, selling these mineral water jars at domestic level will boost your sale.

Promotional tips for better business

  • Online advertising – Today, online representation is a must for any company. If reputed agencies are taking assistance of online promotion, then it is a must for a person, just starting out in the business as well.
  • Traditional advertising – Apart from online promotions, you can also harness the power of traditional media. Audio media (radio), audio – video media (television) and print media will offer your product positive exposure and promotion.
  • Making use of social media – Social networks are potent platforms for getting in touch with the target clients. Maintaining a separate account for the brand will keep people posted about the upcoming events and launches. It also increases exposure that is a must for promotion and business.
  • Distribution of pamphlets – If you are manufacturing and selling mineral water under your own brand name, then distributing handouts, and offering free samples to people will come in handy to create a hype in the market. It must be done before the actual launch of your product.
  • Promotional hoardings and banners – Putting up promotional hoardings and banners, in places where a large number of people can see it, will increase the chances of your brand’s exposure.

Risks and management

  • Preventing underground water pollution – As these plants depend on ground or underground water sources, and waste water is drained out, steps must be taken to prevent any risk to these natural water sources.
  • Safe storage of fuel and chemicals – The commercial water purification plants use a number of chemicals. The machines also run on fuel. Better care must be taken to store these chemicals and fuel, to keep risks and accidents at bay.
  • No faulty storage of products – A lot depends on the storage facility. If the storage areas are not clean, then the packaged water can turn bad in no time. Risks can be averted by paying attention to capping, sealing, boxing and boxing activities.
  • Adequate quality control – Another risk, closely associated with the mineral water business is inability to maintain high quality of water. It is the responsibility of the R&D department to carry out batch tests to make sure that purification and addition of preservatives have been done accurately.

Waste management

The bottled water manufacturing plants generate a high percentage of liquid waste on daily basis. The effluents have high potential to increase soil and water pollution. To prevent environmental degradation, these waste products must be treated. The plants must ensure that only treated wastes are going out in the sewage drains. The slant of main drains, going out of the plant, must be adequate. These drains must be covered, and should not be placed adjacent to water processing and packaging units. Back run of dirty water, into the plant must be stopped at all costs. Chemicals must not be stored alongside bottled water boxes.

It is necessary to create awareness among people. But hoping that everyone will readily purchase a bottle of mineral water is not right. Drinking packaged water is not the only option. Boil and strain water before consumption. It will kill germs, as well as remove insoluble particles from the water. One should never take chances with his/her health. Those who can afford it must stick to consuming treated mineral water.

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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Business > How to Start a Water Supply Business in India?

How to start a water supply business in india.

bottle water business plan in india

With rapid urbanization and increasing population, the demand for clean drinking water in Indian cities is on the rise. Businesses and civil societies are willing to pay for easy access to fresh, mineral-rich drinking water for daily consumption. That makes the water supply business one of the most profitable ventures to own. However, you need a well-planned strategy to be successful in your water distribution venture. This blog will explore the step-by-step process of starting a water supply business in India.

A step-by-step guide to starting a water supply business

Here are the steps you must take to establish a profitable commercial water suppliers venture in India:

1. Create a business plan

Before starting a business, you need a solid roadmap for success. First, perform market research to identify competitors, prevalent products, and prices. It will also help you assess the actual cost of starting and operating a water business. Then you can easily formulate a business plan and decide your target market and price of your product.

2. Create a company

The next step commercial water suppliers take is they formulate a company. You have to decide the name of your company and its structure. Most water distribution businesses opt for Private Limited Company and LLP Registration. But if you are a solopreneur, you can also register your business as a Sole Proprietorship.

3. Get all necessary licenses

When private water suppliers have formed a company, they must apply for various licences and registrations necessary to run a business in India. And since water is for consumption, you will also need additional safety permits. Here is a list of permits and registrations you must apply for when starting a water supply business:

I. GST Registration

II. PAN Registration

III. Digital Signature Certificate Registration

IV. ISO/BIS Certification

V. FSSAI Registration

VI. Pollution Control and Pest Control Certifications

4. Select a location for the factory

Location is also a key decision for commercial water suppliers because a mineral water factory requires adequate space for machinery and storage. Ideally, you will need a facility spread over 1000 square feet or more to fit all the equipment and storage units. Another factor to consider when choosing the location is the proximity to the target market. Make sure your clients are accessible within your serviceable radius.

5. Decide on the equipment

The next decision private water suppliers make is to decide the equipment they want for their factory. You will need a water pumping machine, a water purifying machine, and a water packaging machine. Depending on your needs, you can decide on the machinery based on its production capacity and level of automation it offers. 

6. Acquire funds

At last, your water supply business needs adequate funds to function. One of the best ways to fund your business is to avail of a business loan. You can apply for secured and unsecured business loans to set up a business. You can also take loans tailored to meet specific business needs like purchasing raw materials, equipment financing, working capital needs, etc. Business loans give you instant access to funds and you can repay the loan as your business grows.

Wrapping up

That was the step-by-step guide to help you start a water distribution business. If you need funds for your water supply venture, check out Tata Capital, India’s most trusted financial service provider. At Tata Capital, we offer collateral-free business loans of up to Rs 75 lakhs at attractive interest rates. You can also avail of our tailored loan products like working capital loans, term loans, equipment financing, etc. Visit the Tata Capital website to know more.

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A Guide To Start Mineral Water Plant Project in India

Home » A Guide To Start Mineral Water Plant Project in India

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Mineral Water Plant

Purifying the water, bottling it for consumption, and selling it make up the bottled water industry. Bottled water is very portable, especially for tourists, students, and office workers. Regardless of where they are in relation to a water source, it keeps them hydrated.

Spring water, mountain water, and ordinary water can all be found in bottled water. Mineral water is referred to as spring and mountain water. A recent development in the bottled water market is flavoured water.

If you wish to set up a mineral water plant, here’s how you can do it.

Steps to Start a Bottled Mineral Water Business

Conduct Feasibility Study And Analyse Market Trends An entrepreneur needs a feasibility study to comprehend the needs, decide on a pricing strategy, and define a marketing plan that will help the product survive the market. An in-depth market analysis can provide useful information about untapped markets, business opportunities, and even improvements to bottled water.

Write A Business Plan And Register Your Business A business plan for a bottled water operation can facilitate operations and help you secure funding. An executive summary, purpose, missions, market potential, market analysis, advertising and marketing, staffing, capital, and return predictions are all required components of a business plan for bottled water.

Register your company name. It aids in brand recognition, increasing customer trust, and preventing rivals from abusing your market worth.

cost of mineral water plant

Obtain Necessary Permits And Licences Permits and licences for building a water plant, purchasing water, selling it, and guaranteeing the safety of the water are needed after the business has been registered. The absence of any permissions or licences could lead to serious government action and potentially the closure of the business. Here are the mandatory permits and licences you’ll need.

  • ISI certification by the Bureau of Indian Standards: Since 1955, India has used the ISI mark as a standards-compliance indicator for specific products. The mark guarantees that the product complies with the Indian standard (IS), which is supported by BIS, the highest level of government. The use of ISO markings is optional for some products.
  • Test reports of both raw and processed water: Once you have a BIS licence, you must also have a BIS report on both raw and processed water. You must visit LWTL in order to fulfil this purpose (Local Water Testing Laboratory).
  • Food licence from the FSSAI: Some strict standards for mineral water factories in India have been supported by the FSSAI safety and standard body of India. Those who operate without a food licence are subject to severe fines from the authority. As a result, obtaining a food licence is a requirement under Indian law for packaged water plants.
  • SSI registration: The expansion of India’s small-scale industries depends on SSI registration. You must therefore submit an application for this registration in order to get numerous government subsidies.

Find A Location Strategically choose a location by taking into account elements such as a water source, travel time to the market, the availability and price of a space big enough to set up enormous water tanks, and most crucially, a steady supply of power. Make sure there is enough room at the chosen location for water tanker transportation.

Find A Good Water Source For the firm to succeed, a reliable water source is necessary. Water may come from municipal supplies, surface water, borehole water, ocean, or other sources that can be treated.

Identify Bottle Suppliers One of the biggest expenses in the bottled water industry is the price of the bottles that are bought to hold the water. So, concentrate on cutting costs on bottles to increase your profit margins. Locate a supplier that offers bottles of suitable quality and price.

Procure Machinery The equipment needed for a bottled water business depends on the volume you plan to produce. The typical equipment needed includes a generator, tanks, bottle filling, labelling, and sealing machines, testing equipment, treatment equipment, filters, and chemicals for water purification. The bottles must first be cleaned and sterilised to ensure safe and hygienic conditions. For small-scale water plant units, this can be carried out manually using warm water, while medium- and large-scale facilities require automation.

Mineral water production is a labour-intensive procedure that involves numerous stages of filtration and disinfection for the raw water. The amount of pure water you want to generate will also affect how much the mineral water plant project costs . Before investing your hard-earned money in any venture, it is advisable to delve deeper and gain greater clarity on your business goal.

Indian Ion Exchange & Chemicals Ltd is a reputed group started in 1994. They have been bringing technological advancements in mineral water plants since then, and their reputation precedes the quality they provide. If you are setting up a mineral water plant, then contacting them would be the best choice.

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Bottled Water Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

bottle water business plan

Bottled Water Business Plan

Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 1,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their bottled water production companies. On this page, we will first give you some background information with regards to the importance of business planning. We will then go through a bottled water business plan template step-by-step so you can create your plan today.

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What is a Bottled Water Business Plan?

A business plan provides a snapshot of your bottled water company as it stands today, and lays out your growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business goals and your strategy for reaching them. It also includes market research to support your plans.

Why You Need a Business Plan for a Bottled Water Facility

If you’re looking to start a bottled water business, or grow your existing business, you need a business plan. A business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your bottled water company in order to improve your chances of success. Your business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.

Sources of Funding for Bottled Water

With regards to funding, the main sources of funding for a bottled water company are personal savings, credit cards, bank loans and angel investors. With regards to bank loans, banks will want to review your business plan and gain confidence that you will be able to repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the loan officer will not only want to confirm that your financials are reasonable, but they will also want to see a professional plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate a business. Personal savings and bank loans are the most common funding paths for bottled water businesses.

Finish Your Business Plan Today!

How to write a business plan for a bottled water company.

If you want to start a bottled water company or expand your current one, you need a business plan. Below we detail what should be included in each section of a business plan for a bottled water production company.

Executive Summary

Your executive summary provides an introduction to your business plan, but it is normally the last section you write because it provides a summary of each key section of your plan.

The goal of your Executive Summary is to quickly engage the reader. Explain to them the type of bottled water company you are operating and the status. For example, are you a startup, do you have a bottled water business that you would like to grow, or are you operating a bottled water production company in multiple markets?

Next, provide an overview of each of the subsequent sections of your plan. For example, give a brief overview of the bottled water industry. Discuss the type of bottled water business you are operating. Detail your direct competitors. Give an overview of your target customers. Provide a snapshot of your marketing plan. Identify the key members of your team. And offer an overview of your financial plan.  

Company Analysis

In your company analysis, you will detail the type of bottled water company you are operating.

For example, you might operate one of the following types of bottled water businesses:

  • Purified or Distilled bottled water : this type of bottled water sells water that has been produced by distillation, deionization, or reverse osmosis.
  • Sparkling bottled water: this type of bottled water contains carbon dioxide after the water has been treated. 
  • Alkaline bottled waters: this type of bottled water includes increased hydrogen that causes greater hydration. Fitness enthusiasts are fans of this type of water as it provides more hydration than regular water. 

In addition to explaining the type of bottled water business you will operate, the Company Analysis section of your business plan needs to provide background on the business.

Include answers to question such as:

  • When and why did you start the business?
  • What milestones have you achieved to date? Milestones could include the number of customers served, number of positive reviews, reaching X amount of clients served, etc.
  • Your legal structure. Are you incorporated as an S-Corp? An LLC? A sole proprietorship? Explain your legal structure here.

Industry Analysis

In your industry analysis, you need to provide an overview of the bottled water industry.

While this may seem unnecessary, it serves multiple purposes.

First, researching the bottled water industry educates you. It helps you understand the market in which you are operating. 

Secondly, market research can improve your strategy, particularly if your research identifies market trends.

The third reason for market research is to prove to readers that you are an expert in your industry. By conducting the research and presenting it in your plan, you achieve just that.

The following questions should be answered in the industry analysis sectio:

  • How big is the bottled water industry (in dollars)?
  • Is the market declining or increasing?
  • Who are the key competitors in the market?
  • Who are the key suppliers in the market?
  • What trends are affecting the industry?
  • What is the industry’s growth forecast over the next 5 – 10 years?
  • What is the relevant market size? That is, how big is the potential market for your bottled water production business? You can extrapolate such a figure by assessing the size of the market in the entire country and then applying that figure to your local population.

Customer Analysis

The customer analysis section must detail the customers you serve and/or expect to serve.

The following are examples of customer segments: grocery stores, offices, schools, and gyms.

As you can imagine, the customer segment(s) you choose will have a great impact on the type of bottled water company you operate. Clearly, gyms would respond to different marketing promotions than grocery stores, for example.

Try to break out your target customers in terms of their demographic and psychographic profiles. With regards to demographics, include a discussion of the ages, genders, locations and income levels of the customers you seek to serve.

Psychographic profiles explain the wants and needs of your target customers. The more you can understand and define these needs, the better you will do in attracting and retaining your customers.

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Competitive Analysis

Your competitive analysis should identify the indirect and direct competitors your business faces and then focus on the latter.

Direct competitors are other bottled water production companies. 

Indirect competitors are other options that customers have to purchase from that aren’t direct competitors. This includes online retailers, sports drinks such as Gatorade and Vitamin Water, and protein shakes. You need to mention such competition as well.

With regards to direct competition, you want to describe the other bottled water businesses with which you compete. Most likely, your direct competitors will be bottled water businesses located very close to your location.

For each such competitor, provide an overview of their businesses and document their strengths and weaknesses. Unless you once worked at your competitors’ businesses, it will be impossible to know everything about them. But you should be able to find out key things about them such as:

  • What types of customers do they serve?
  • What type of bottled water do they provide?
  • What is their pricing (premium, low, etc.)?
  • What are they good at?
  • What are their weaknesses?

With regards to the last two questions, think about your answers from the customers’ perspective. And don’t be afraid to ask your competitors’ customers what they like most and least about them.

The final part of your competitive analysis section is to document your areas of competitive advantage. For example:

  • Will you provide bottled water that tastes differently than the competition?
  • Will you provide a type of bottled water that your competitors don’t offer?
  • Will you provide better customer service?
  • Will you offer better pricing?

Think about ways you will outperform your competition and document them in this section of your plan.  

Marketing Plan

Traditionally, a marketing plan includes the four P’s: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. For a bottled water production company, your marketing plan should include the following:

Product : In the product section, you should reiterate the type of bottled water company that you documented in your Company Analysis. Then, detail the specific products you will be offering. For example, in addition to bottled water, will you provide electrolytes, different flavors, vitamins, and any other health products?

Price : Document the prices you will offer and how they compare to your competitors. Essentially in the product and price sub-sections of your marketing plan, you are presenting the services you offer and their prices.

Place : Place refers to the location of your bottled water company. Document your location and mention how the location will impact your success. For example, is your bottled water production business located in a busy retail district, an office setting, near gyms and fitness facilities, etc. Discuss how your location might be the ideal location for your customers.

Promotions : The final part of your bottled water marketing plan is the promotions section. Here you will document how you will drive customers to your location(s). The following are some promotional methods you might consider:

  • Advertising in local papers and magazines
  • Billboards and bus benches
  • Social media marketing
  • Local radio advertising

Operations Plan

While the earlier sections of your business plan explained your goals, your operations plan describes how you will meet them. Your operations plan should have two distinct sections as follows.

Everyday short-term processes include all of the tasks involved in running your bottled water business, including cleaning equipment, taking inventory, ordering new bottles and labels, placing labels on bottles, bottling each bottled water, marketing and promotions, and communicating with clients and customers.

Long-term goals are the milestones you hope to achieve. These could include the dates when you expect to sell your Xth bottled water, or when you hope to reach $X in revenue. It could also be when you expect to expand your bottled water business to a new city or location.  

Management Team

To demonstrate your bottled water business’ ability to succeed, a strong management team is essential. Highlight your key players’ backgrounds, emphasizing those skills and experiences that prove their ability to grow a company. 

Ideally you and/or your team members have direct experience in managing bottled water production companies. If so, highlight this experience and expertise. But also highlight any experience that you think will help your business succeed.

If your team is lacking, consider assembling an advisory board. An advisory board would include 2 to 8 individuals who would act like mentors to your business. They would help answer questions and provide strategic guidance. If needed, look for advisory board members with experience in managing a bottled water production business or marketing executive with experience in company branding and advertising.  

Financial Plan

Your financial plan should include your 5-year financial statement broken out both monthly or quarterly for the first year and then annually. Your financial statements include your income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statements.

Income Statement : an income statement is more commonly called a Profit and Loss statement or P&L. It shows your revenues and then subtracts your costs to show whether you turned a profit or not.

In developing your income statement, you need to devise assumptions. For example, will you start with a small selection of bottled water flavors and types and expand to offer a wider selection of bottled water ? And will sales grow by 2% or 10% per year? As you can imagine, your choice of assumptions will greatly impact the financial forecasts for your business. As much as possible, conduct research to try to root your assumptions in reality.

Balance Sheets : Balance sheets show your assets and liabilities. While balance sheets can include much information, try to simplify them to the key items you need to know about. For instance, if you spend $50,000 on building out your bottled water production business, this will not give you immediate profits. Rather it is an asset that will hopefully help you generate profits for years to come. Likewise, if a bank writes you a check for $50,000, you don’t need to pay it back immediately. Rather, that is a liability you will pay back over time.

Cash Flow Statement : Your cash flow statement will help determine how much money you need to start or grow your business, and make sure you never run out of money. What most entrepreneurs and business owners don’t realize is that you can turn a profit but run out of money and go bankrupt. 

In developing your Income Statement and Balance Sheets be sure to include several of the key costs needed in starting or growing a bottled water business:

  • Cost of inventory 
  • Cost of equipment and supplies
  • Payroll or salaries paid to staff
  • Business insurance
  • Taxes and permits
  • Legal expenses

Attach your full financial projections in the appendix of your plan along with any supporting documents that make your plan more compelling. For example, you might include your bottled water location lease or list of bottled water types you plan to sell.  

Putting together a business plan for your bottled water business is a worthwhile endeavor. If you follow the template above, by the time you are done, you will truly be an expert. You will really understand the bottled water industry, your competition, and your customers. You will have developed a marketing plan and will really understand what it takes to launch and grow a successful bottled water business.  

Bottled Water Business Plan FAQs

What is the easiest way to complete my bottled water business plan.

Growthink's Ultimate Business Plan Template allows you to quickly and easily complete a business plan for a bottle water production company.

Where Can I Download a Bottled Water Business Plan PDF?

You can download our Bottled Water business plan PDF  here. This is a business plan template you can use in PDF format.

What is the Goal of a Business Plan's Executive Summary?

The goal of your Executive Summary is to quickly engage the reader. Explain to them the type of water bottle business you are operating and the status; for example, are you a startup, do you have a water bottle business that you would like to grow, or are you operating a chain of water bottle businesses?

Don’t you wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your Bottled Water business plan?

OR, Let Us Develop Your Plan For You

Since 1999, Growthink has developed business plans for thousands of companies who have gone on to achieve tremendous success.   Click here to see how Growthink’s professional business plan consulting services can create your business plan for you.

Other Helpful Business Plan Articles & Templates

Business Plan Template & Guide For Small Businesses

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Bisleri is the most trusted brand of mineral drinking water in India dominates the mineral water industry with 60% market share.

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A symbol of goodness, trust and purity, Bisleri has been a household name for decades. A leader in its category, it is the most trusted brand of mineral water in India. Having a strong presence, with 122 operational plants (13 owned) and a strong distribution network of 4500 Distributors & 5000 Distribution trucks across India & neighbouring countries, Bisleri stands true to its promise of providing safe, pure & healthy mineral water to consumers for the last 50 years.

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How to Start Water Plant Business In India (Complete Guide)

The water Plant business is a very profitable business in some places. In a lot of cities and areas, it is very hard to get pure or drinkable water. There is a huge opportunity in the business. Below is the step-by-step guide on how to start a water plant business .

How to Start Water Plant Business

The probability of succeeding in the water plant business is very high because everyone can not afford a water purifier machine. At most of the water plants, the price of the water is between Rs. 10 – 15 for every 20 Liter of water.

There are many places where drinkable water is not available like many places in Haryana, Delhi , Prayagraj City , etc. You have to locate a such place to start a water plant business . You have to invest one time in the business later you have to invest a small amount on maintenance and other things.

Below are a few more business ideas you can start with very low investment. These businesses are also very profitable.

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  • How To Start Nursery Business in India

Why Start Water Plant Business?

Below we will share a few quick points that will show you how profitable is the business and the opportunities in the business. These quick points will give you some ideas about the water plant business.

  • One-time investment: You need to invest money almost one time, later you have to invest money in a very low amount on maintenance and other minor things.
  • Low Investment: You can start the business with around rs. 10 lakh. The investment amount also depends on the capacity of the machine as well as its brand.
  • Highly Profitable: This business is highly profitable because water is required for everyone and you have to invest only one time.
  • Quick Profit: This water plant business will start giving you profit from 1st-day of starting the water plant.
  • Maintenance Charge: The maintenance charge in the business is very low.
  • Manpower: Only 1 person can handle the whole business if you are not delivering the water home to home. Water Plants owners charge extra for home delivery in almost every place.

Limitations in the Business

There are several limitations in the business and most probably you know the limitations. Not everyone can start a water plant business because the profit from 1 water plant is limited because a water plant can cover a limited size of the area.

  • Limited Profit: You can deliver water home to home when the distance is very high. In short, with a water plant, you can cover a 3-4 KM area for delivering water.
  • Can’t Capture a Large Area: Most probably you can not capture a large area because the delivery cost will be high and most probably you’ll find a water plant in almost every area.
  • Need Manpower: In the water plant business, you can maximize the profit by delivering water bottles home to home. For delivery, you have to hire a few people. You can charge delivery charges extra.

Start Water Plant Business

Above we shared some information needs to start a water plant business e.g. reasons to start the business, limitations in the business, the investment needed, etc. The above-shared information is not enough or complete, the rest of the information is mentioned below.

Note: We strongly recommend you do not start any business just by getting a little information from the internet or any website. Go and visit the business by yourself and explore everything related to the business.

Step 1: Collect Information

Collect all the information related to the water plant business. In this post, we almost shared everything about the business but in the reality will be a little bit different. So, go and visit any water plant and collect all the information deeply.

Step 2: Location

This business also needs a good location for a huge profit. I have seen a lot of water plants where people visit themselves to take water because the water plant charges extra money for each bottle for delivering the water bottle home. So, you have to start your water plant business in the center or any colony, area, or location. So, that people can easily visit.

Location ideas where you should start the water plant for a good profit.

  • In the center of the colony or area where a lot of people live.
  • Your water plant should be away from other water plants but near the area or colony.
  • The water plant should be easily reachable.

Step 3: Get License and Permissions

You need to get a license to start a water plant business in any area. We don’t have much information regarding water plant licenses and permissions. We recommend you to ask any local consultant for more information in detail.

We are not sharing any information regarding licenses and permissions because less knowledge is always very harmful.

Step 4: Machine Setup

Once everything is done and now it’s time to set up all the machines and required tools and equipment. These machines and tools don’t need a lot of space for installation. Most probably, they will send anyone to install the machine from where you bought the machine. In short, you don’t need to think much about it.

Step 5: Marketing

Once the installation is completed, you are ready to sell the water and make a profit from the business. Only a limited number of people come because all the people don’t know about your water plant.

Start marketing your water plant through online or offline marketing. Marketing will help you to grow your profit very quickly in almost no time.

Step 6: Supply Water In Functions

Just by selling and delivering water bottles, you can not make a lot of money from the water plant business. There are also several ways to sell water bottles in bulk to get a good amount of money at one time.

Supply water bottles in bulk for any type of function or event. In function or event, the demand for water is very high, hope you noticed that these RO water are found in almost every function or event.

This depends on the size and capacity of the water plant. Approximate Rs. 5 – 6 lakhs need to start the mineral water plant.

Yes, this business is very profitable because it needs a low investment to start and it only needs a one-time investment. In short, this is a very profitable business.

The steps and pieces of information need to start the RO plant business are written above in detail. So, read the post carefully to understand the business in deep.

Final Words

We hope this guide will help you a lot to start a water plant business . If you have any queries regarding the topic let us know. We also shared a lot of business ideas and guides to starting the business on the blog. So, if you want to know more about more business visit the blog.

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India Bottled Water Market: Industry Analysis And Forecast (2024-2030)

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India Bottled Water Market Overview:

India Bottled Water Market

India Bottled Water Market Dynamics

India bottled water market segment analysis, india bottled water market regional insights, india bottled water market scope: inquire before buying.

India Bottled Water Market
2023 2024-2030
2018 to 2023 US 3792.39 Mn.
13 % US 8922.00 Mn.
by Product Flavoured Water Purified Water Mineral Water Sparkling Water Others
by Distribution Channel Off-trade On-trade

India Bottled Water Market Key Players are:

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Report ID 20197
Category Food & Beverages
Published Date May 2024
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Newly Established Bottled Water Business Seeking Loan in Chennai, India

Established 0-1 year(s)
Employees < 2
Legal Entity Sole Proprietorship/Sole Trader
Reported Sales Nil
Run Rate Sales Nil
EBITDA Margin Nil
Locations  Chennai
Local Time 9:40 AM Asia / Kolkata
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active

Newly Established Packaged Water Business Seeking Loan in Chennai, India

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bottle water business plan in india

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    Having a strong presence, with 122 operational plants (13 owned) and a strong distribution network of 4500 Distributors & 5000 Distribution trucks across India & neighbouring countries, Bisleri stands true to its promise of providing safe, pure & healthy mineral water to consumers for the last 50 years. Apply for distributorship.

  20. How to Start Water Plant Business In India (Complete Guide)

    Step 1: Collect Information. Collect all the information related to the water plant business. In this post, we almost shared everything about the business but in the reality will be a little bit different. So, go and visit any water plant and collect all the information deeply.

  21. India Bottled Water Market: Industry Analysis And Forecast 2030

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    1. The business is a startup based in Chennai, focusing on the manufacturing of packaged mineral RO water under its own brand name. 2. The business is in the pre-operational phase and is currently seeking funding to acquire the necessary machinery. 3. Upon commencement of operations, the initial production will include 1-liter and half-liter bottles, with plans to expand to 300ml, 2-liter, and ...

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    The Scope of Setting up a Mineral Water Plant Business in India. In India, the consumption of bottled water is mainly due to the absence of safe drinking water. Your water plant can strive to eliminate this. High demand for bottled water offers a lower risk. Water business offers quick and guaranteed returns on investment.