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Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

78 Agriculture Speech Topics

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

agriculture speech topics

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In this article:

General Agriculture Speech Topics

Agriculture speech topics for an informative speech, agriculture speech topics for a persuasive speech.

Search for possible angles of view you like in the library, new information the audience will like to hear, and fact figures that will fit your assignment.

I want to start with two nice lists for your convenience on – what I call in this stage – general agriculture speech topics education ideas could be:

  • Farming regulations
  • Indoor cultivation of Chinese bamboo.
  • Agro policies
  • Agroindustry
  • Alternative breeding
  • Animal diseases control
  • Animal genetics
  • Animal nutrition
  • Aquaculture
  • Biodiversity
  • Biotechnology
  • Botanical pesticides
  • Climate change
  • Crop management
  • Drainage systems
  • Ecology studies
  • Economic development
  • Environmental legislation
  • Epidemiology
  • Agro management
  • Farming systems
  • Milk factory types
  • Fertilizers
  • Forest ecology
  • Food safety
  • Forest products
  • Horticulture
  • Import quota
  • Insecticides
  • Corn cooperation
  • Trade barriers
  • Milk producing
  • Natural resources
  • Organic farming
  • Pest control
  • Plant anatomy
  • Plant products
  • Postharvest technology
  • Farming quality controls
  • Sustainable windmills
  • Viticulture
  • Vivisection

These subjects could serve as agriculture speech topics for an informative speech:

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  • How to deal with the import restrictions on meat.
  • Solid soil and water management determines our future.
  • How genetic seed improvement works.
  • How sustainable grazing systems benefit nature.
  • The potato, food of millions of people around the world.
  • How to stop avian influenza or the H5N1 virus.
  • The 5 risks in the food chain revealed.
  • Your favorite endangered plants or wildlife animals.
  • How honeybees do their job.
  • Trends in agricultural productivity growth.
  • Renewable energy sources. Think about conveying info on biodiesel, ethanol fuels and other earth-friendly sources of biomass energy.
  • Signs of the foot and mouth disease and how to act on them.

Now a list of agriculture speech topics for a persuasive public speaking speech assignment:

  • Reduce farmer subsidies in the industrialized G8 nations.
  • Encourage livestock owners to adopt systems that improve productivity and reduce pressure to destroy native forests.
  • Natural and national borders are no longer effective barriers to the spread of unwanted pests.
  • Buy sustainably harvested coffees and help poor farmers.
  • Our forests can’t satisfy the increasing demand for wood and energy.
  • The import and export regulations on meat can’t be strict and severe enough.
  • Vivisection is wrong, or is it a necessary evil?
  • Most of the time pesticides can be replaced by alternative biological forms of pest control

130+ Demonstration Speech Topics

Special Occasion Speech Topics [With Setup Checklist]

4 thoughts on “78 Agriculture Speech Topics”

well one great, or should i say good, topic is the petree dish grown meat. its about how scientist are taking genetics from animals and using them to make meat products in science labs.

Role in agriculture of different Agriculture technology

this was all helpful but what about agricultural employment?

I’m currently writing a speech on organic foods. It’s going pretty well. It’s an interesting topic.

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A List of Interesting Agriculture Speech Topics

agriculture topics to write a speech about

Research Paper Topics for Organic Food

When choosing a topic for a school or 4-H agricultural speech, think about some of the relevant issues affecting agriculture today. Choose topics such as genetically modified foods, seed patents, organic farming, or any other agriculture issue in which you have a strong opinion. When composing the speech, select a topic with a substantial message, and make certain to organize it to include an introduction, outline the main points’ pros and cons, and end with a resounding and strong conclusion. Save time to ask for questions from the audience.

TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read)

Quick ideas for agricultural speeches:

  • What's happening to the honeybees?
  • Environmental legislation's effect on farming
  • Pros and cons of fish hatcheries
  • The 5 risks in the food chain
  • Impacts of grazing vs. penned beef

Genetically Modified Foods

Supporters of the practice praise scientists for using biotechnology to create hardy, disease-resistant plant species that grow bigger and faster in poorer conditions. Others are concerned that genetically modified crops might breed with wild crops and cause undesired changes in local ecosystems.

Genetically modified plants made to resist disease could potentially lead to stronger disease strains that destroy natural wild plants and vegetation. Food labeling also spurs debate, as anti-GMO food advocates believe genetically modified foods should be labeled, while the other camp believes labeling would hurt sales.

Seed Patents

As a hot issue, seed giants like Monsanto develop genetically modified strains of plants, then patent the seeds as intellectual property. As corporations patent more seeds, farmers have fewer options and must continue to buy patented seeds, as plants grown from patented seeds don’t usually produce plants that make more seeds. In the old days of farming, farmers only needed to purchase seeds occasionally because they could the seeds from the current crop.

Monsanto and other seed-patenting giants actively prosecute farmers they believe to be saving seeds. Seed-patent holders believe their practices are ethical because the new plants reduce pesticide and water use over time. The Center for Food Safety believes seed patenting has dangerous implications for the future of agriculture, as control of seeds -- and the world's food supply -- moves to corporate ownership.

Agriculture Subsidies

The agriculture government supports financially has a big impact on the food supply and human health. The government subsidizes corn growers with billions of dollars each year to lower the cost of corn production across the country.

Those in favor of corn subsidies praise the government's role in lowering food costs and creating farming jobs. Those opposed to corn subsidies cite that the low-cost processed foods made with corn contribute to obesity and obesity-related illnesses, which not only shorten individual lifespans, but increase the nation's healthcare costs and dependence on prescription drugs. Milk and sugar are also subsidized.

Organic Farming

Organic farming, which doesn't rely on chemical pesticides or fertilizers, has gained in public favor so that even stores like Wal-Mart carry organic products. In a speech, address the struggles organic farmers face, such as growing food in polluted soil, competing with non-organic farmers and dealing with continually changing and often nebulous organic farming definitions and standards. Or choose to address the benefits and downsides of organic farming instead.

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  • Union of Concerned Scientists: Genetic Engineering in Agriculture
  • Grist: Corn Subsities Make Unhealthy Food Choices Rational Ones; Donald Carr; September 2010
  • Cornell University: Organic Farming

About the Author

A Jill-of-all-trades, Lillian Downey is a certified Responsible Sexuality Educator, certified clinical phlebotomist and a certified non-profit administrator. She's also written extensively on gardening and cooking. She also authors blogs on nail art blog and women's self esteem.

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70+ Agriculture Speech Topics – Inspiring Ideas to Engage Your Audience

Mar 3, 2024 | 0 comments

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Mar 3, 2024 | Topics | 0 comments

 Agriculture is an essential part of our daily lives, providing us with the food we eat and the resources we use. Discussing Agriculture Speech Topics is crucial to understanding the industry’s challenges and opportunities. From sustainable farming practices to the impact of climate change on crop yields, there are many issues to explore within the realm of agriculture. In this article, we will delve into the various agriculture speech topics that are relevant and relevant in today’s ever-changing world. Whether you’re interested in the future of food production, the role of technology in farming, or the importance of agricultural education, there is something for everyone to learn and discuss. So, let’s dive in and explore the fascinating world of agriculture together. 

Delve into compelling arguments and thought-provoking ideas in our article on Agriculture Persuasive Speech Topics , where agriculture meets persuasion in a compelling narrative!

General Agriculture Speech Topics

  • The Role of Farmers in Sustainable Agriculture
  • Effective Public Speaking in Agriculture Advocacy
  • Plant and Animal Health in Modern Agriculture
  • Livestock Management for Sustainable Farming
  • Reducing Pesticide Dependency in Agriculture
  • Embracing Organic Farming for Healthier Produce
  • From Seed to Plate: Understanding Agricultural Production
  • Promoting Sustainable Agriculture Practices
  • The Impact of Agricultural Subsidies on Food Production
  • Engaging the Audience: Raising Awareness about Agriculture

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Best Agriculture Speech Topics

1. Enhancing Crop Yields through Sustainable Practices 2. Recognizing the Critical Importance of Agriculture 3. Soil Health: The Foundation of Sustainable Farming 4. The Impact of Corn Production on Agriculture 5. Encouraging Youth Participation in Agriculture 6. Sustainable Meat Sourcing for a Healthier Future 7. Fertilizer Management for Sustainable Agriculture 8. Mitigating the Dangers of Soil Degradation 9. The Future of Food: Innovations in Growing Food 10. Responsible Breeding Practices for Livestock

Dive into a wealth of compelling ideas in our Health Care Essay Topics article, where the pulse of healthcare debates resonates with insight and innovation!

Agriculture Speech Topics for an Informative Speech

1. The Impact of Pesticides on Soil Health 2. Strategies to Improve Food Supply Chain Resilience 3. Soil Erosion: Causes, Effects, and Solutions 4. The Role of Pollinators in Agricultural Ecosystems 5. Sustainable Agriculture Practices to Combat Land Degradation 6. Food Security: Challenges and Opportunities 7. Integrating Technology in Agriculture for Efficient Food Production 8. Addressing Climate Change in Agriculture for Sustainable Food Supply 9. The Importance of Biodiversity in Agriculture 10. Innovations in Food Production to Meet Growing Demand

Dive into our engaging article on Speech Topics for Teens , where every topic is tailored to captivate and inspire young minds!

Agriculture Speech Topics for a Persuasive Speech

1. Empowering the Next Generation of Agricultural Leaders through FFA 2. The Ethical Implications of Genetically Modified Crops 3. Brandon’s Ranch: A Model of Sustainable Agriculture 4. Harnessing Renewable Energy Sources in Agriculture 5. The Role of Agricultural Leadership in Industry Innovation 6. Advancing Ethanol Fuels for a Sustainable Future 7. Managing Water Use in Agriculture for Sustainability 8. Addressing Human Health Concerns in Agriculture 9. Reducing Food Costs through Sustainable Farming Practices 10. The Impact of Chemical Corporations on Agricultural Practices

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Interesting Agriculture Persuasive Speech Topics

1. Revolutionizing Agriculture: The Future of Farming 2. From Rancher to Restaurateur: A Journey in Sustainable Agriculture 3. Water Scarcity: A Threat to Agriculture and Food Security 4. The Health Impact of Modern Agricultural Practices 5. Balancing Convenience and Sustainability in Agriculture 6. Cultivating a Desire for Sustainable Agriculture 7. The Role of Agricultural Advisors in Promoting Sustainability 8. Fighting Food Waste: The Role of Agriculture in Conservation 9. Innovations in Water Use Efficiency in Agriculture 10. The Influence of Agriculture on Global Health Trends

Explore a myriad of thought-provoking ideas in our article on Climate Change Essay Topics , where every topic is a call to action for a greener, more sustainable future!

Agriculture Persuasive Speech Topics for High School

1. The Impact of Modern Agriculture on the Environment 2. Promoting Sustainable Practices in High School Agriculture Programs 3. The Role of Agriculture in Addressing Climate Change 4. Advocating for Ethical Treatment of Animals in Agriculture 5. Exploring Careers in Agriculture: Beyond Farming 6. The Importance of Agricultural Education in High Schools 7. The Future of Agriculture: Innovations and Technologies 8. Enhancing Food Security through Local Agriculture Initiatives 9. The Benefits of Community Gardens in High Schools 10. Engaging Youth in Urban Agriculture to Combat Food Deserts

Discover a diverse array of compelling topics tailored for college students in our article on Speech Topics for College Students , where ideas ignite, and conversations soar!

Controversial Agriculture Speech Topics

1. The Role of Industrial Agriculture in Soil Destruction 2. Genetically Modified Crops: Promising Innovation or Environmental Destroyer? 3. Ethical Considerations of Animal Agriculture and its Impact on the Environment 4. Destroying Biodiversity: The Consequences of Monoculture Farming 5. The Dark Side of Chemical Pesticides: Environmental and Health Impacts 6. Land Degradation: How Agriculture Practices are Destroying Habitats 7. Destroying Water Bodies: Agriculture’s Impact on Water Quality 8. The Debate Over Agricultural Subsidies: Do They Help or Harm? 9. Sustainable Agriculture vs. Agribusiness: A Clash of Ideologies 10. Urban Sprawl: How Agriculture is Affected by Land Development

Dive into a world of chemical wonders with our article on Chemistry Topics , where elements, reactions, and discoveries converge to unveil the secrets of the molecular universe!

Agriculture Speech Topics for College Students

1. Sustainable Agriculture Practices for the Future 2. The Impact of Climate Change on Global Agriculture 3. Biotechnology in Agriculture: Promises and Concerns 4. The Role of Big Data in Modern Agriculture 5. Organic Farming: Myths and Realities 6. The Economics of Agriculture: Balancing Profit and Sustainability 7. Agricultural Policy and Its Effects on Farmers 8. The Future of Food Security: Challenges and Solutions 9. Agriculture and Rural Development: Bridging the Gap 10. Innovations in Agricultural Machinery and Technology

Delve into our captivating article on Ceremonial Speech Topics , where the art of celebration meets the power of words!

Get Help With Your Agriculture Speech Paper

Essay Freelance Writers are the best in the industry for providing expert writing help for agriculture speech papers. Look no further if you struggle to compile a well-written and engaging speech on agricultural topics. Our team of experienced writers can help you research, draft, and edit your paper to ensure it meets all your requirements and impresses your audience. Don’t waste more time stressing over your speech assignment – place your order today by clicking the ORDER NOW button above to get the assistance you need. With our professional help, you can deliver a top-notch agriculture speech that will earn you the grade you deserve.

Agriculture Speech Topics FAQ

What are the topics for speeches in ffa.

When selecting agricultural speech topics for FFA speeches, consider areas like the agriculture industry , sources of biomass energy , and the future of farming. These topics can cater to both informative and persuasive speech requirements.

What is the biggest problem facing agriculture today?

One of the biggest challenges agriculture faces today is environmental sustainability . Issues such as climate change, water scarcity, and soil degradation are critical problems that need to be addressed for the future of farming.

What is the future of farming?

The future of farming lies in technological advancements such as precision agriculture, smart farming, and the integration of digital tools for improved efficiency and sustainability in agriculture. Embracing innovation is essential for the evolution of the industry.

What is India’s agriculture in English?

Agriculture in India is a significant sector that employs a large portion of the population and contributes significantly to the country’s economy. India’s agriculture encompasses a wide range of crops, farming practices, and challenges that vary across different regions of the country.

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Home » Communication » 28 Exceptional FFA Speech Topics

28 Exceptional FFA Speech Topics

The National FFA Organization provides resources for educators on effective ways to communicate to others for influence decisions and impacting change. Language skills included can be spoken, written, or visual based through presentations and aids. Focusing on emotional appeal and logical reasoning will aid in achieving the desired goals of the speaker. A collection of topics combating agricultural changes and industry knowledge are outlined below.

Buy sustainability harvested coffees and help poor farmers. Competition among organic and non-organic farmers in the industry. Encourage livestock owners to adopt systems that improve productivity and reduce pressure to destroy native forests. Health impact of corn based products from government subsidization. How genetic seed improvement works. How honeybees do their job. How sustainable grazing systems benefit nature. How to deal with the import restrictions on meat. How to stop avian influenza or the H5N1 virus. Impact of subsidization of corn. Industry standards for organic farmers. Most of the time pesticides can be replaced by alternative biological forms of pest control. Natural and national borders are no longer effective barriers to the spread of unwanted pests. Our forests can’t satisfy the increasing demand for wood and energy. Pros and cons of organic farming. Reduce farmer subsidies in the industrialized G8 nations. Renewable energy sources. Think about conveying info on biodiesel, ethanol fuels and other earthfriendly sources of biomass energy. Seed patents as an intellectual property. Signs of the foot and mouth disease and how to act on them. Solid soil and water management determines our future. Struggles facing organic farmers. The 5 risks in the food chain revealed. The benefits of organic farming. The import and export regulations on meat can’t be strict and severe enough. The potato, food of millions of people around the world. Trends in agricultural productivity growth. Vivisection is wrong, or is it a necessary evil? Your favorite endangered plants or wildlife animals.

The following infographic outlines the increasing demand for food supply that burden future generations with meeting the needs of a global population. It is estimated that current agriculture production must increase by 70% to meet the necessary demand by 2050. Developing countries around the world are estimated to be the most drastically impacted by this dilemma. Encouraging the participation of women labors is estimated to increase annual production levels by 2.5% to 4%, creating available food resources for an additional 150 million people worldwide.

Agriculture Trends and Facts

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127 Exceptional Agriculture Essay Topics For Students

agriculture essay topics

What is agriculture? Also known as farming, agriculture is the practice of cultivating and harvesting a wide variety of crops and raising livestock. Nowadays, agriculture is an essential part of our economy and our lives. Without it, there would be widespread famine. And this is just one of the reasons why you should search for the most interesting essay topics on agriculture.

You can write your academic paper on just about anything, as long as it pertains to agriculture. Remember, you can also write about livestock and farm animals. You can write the paper on agricultural technology or even the latest fertilizers and pesticides. You can even research agriculture in remote parts of the world and write an extraordinary paper about it. However, you need a good topic to get you started. To help you out, we’ve created a list of 127 original agriculture essay topics that you can use for free. Check it out below:

Sustainable Agriculture Essay Topics

Our experienced writers and editors have managed to put together a list of sustainable agriculture essay topics that will surely impress any professor. Pick one and start writing today:

  • What are cover crops and why are they important?
  • Talk about biofuels
  • An in-depth look at agritourism
  • Agroforestry in the 21st century
  • The importance of environmental health
  • Social equity in sustainable agriculture
  • Humane methods used for pest management
  • Water management in sustainable agriculture
  • The importance of crop rotation and diversity
  • Reducing erosion through sustainable agriculture

Easy Agriculture Topics To Write About

You probably don’t want to spend too much time writing your paper. After all, you have other things to do. No problem, just take a look at this list of easy agriculture topics to write about:

  • How much does raising a pig cost?
  • Would you work on a farm? Why?
  • Agriculture in India
  • Talk about the world’s population and agriculture
  • Discuss the use of water in agriculture
  • Discuss agriculture in China
  • The latest agricultural technology you’ve heard about
  • Organic agriculture: pros and cons
  • Talk about agriculture in Latin America
  • Talk about genetic engineering in agriculture
  • Agriculture in Eastern Europe

Interesting Agriculture Topics

In this list, we have collected all of the most interesting agriculture topics (in our opinion, of course). You can pick any one of these topics and use it for free. Yes, you can even reword them.

  • The relation between agriculture and culture
  • Challenges in livestock production in 2023
  • How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected agriculture?
  • Improving agricultural productivity using sustainable methods
  • An in-depth research of the global food system
  • Grain and corn from Ukrainian farms affected by the war
  • Renewable energy in agriculture
  • Fish hatcheries: pros and cons

Agricultural Research Paper Topics

Our seasoned agriculture experts have just finished putting together a list of unique agricultural research paper topics. Take a look at these ideas and choose the one you like the most:

  • An in-depth research of agriculture in Taiwan
  • Talk about seed pathology in agriculture
  • Discuss agricultural issues in North Korea
  • The use of banned GMOs in Europe
  • A closer look at Turkey’s agriculture
  • Research the topic of water management in agriculture
  • Food chain risks posed by the war in Ukraine
  • Natural farming versus organic farming

Technology In Agriculture Topics

Technology plays a major role in today’s agriculture, as you can imagine. So, why now write your paper about one of these interesting technology in agriculture topics:

  • Soil data sensing technology
  • The Internet of Things in agriculture
  • Talk about satellite imaging in agriculture
  • Discuss weather tracking and its benefits
  • Research pervasive automation in agriculture
  • The use of RFID tech in agriculture
  • What is vertical farming and how is it done?

Agriculture Persuasive Speech Topics

If you are struggling to write a persuasive speech about agriculture and don’t know what to talk about, we can help you out. Here are some original agriculture persuasive speech topics for you:

  • Problems with soil degradation in the United States
  • Talk about employment in the agricultural sector
  • How is the genetic improvement of seeds done?
  • The importance of the potato for our world
  • Talk about sustainable grazing methods
  • The importance of home gardening in 2023
  • Managing plant weeds without using glyphosate

Food And Agriculture Essay Ideas

All of our food comes from agriculture, so it’s a great idea to talk about this link. We have a long list of unique food and agriculture essay ideas for high school and college students right here:

  • Vegans and animal husbandry
  • Where does KFC get all its meat from?
  • The quality of meat coming from intensive farming
  • Animal husbandry in the Middle Ages
  • Dangerous nitrate concentrations in vegetables
  • Talk about minerals in vitamins in vegetables
  • Using chemicals in agriculture: a danger to our health

Importance Of Agriculture Essay Topics

There is much to talk about when it comes to the importance of agriculture. Here are some importance of agriculture essay topics that should get you started right away:

  • The importance of good sheepdogs
  • Talk about the importance of agriculture in India
  • Discuss the importance of subsidence farming
  • Agriculture in ancient times
  • Talk about the importance of agriculture for Mayans
  • The most interesting agricultural tools ever discovered
  • Supply chain problems for KFC

Complex Agriculture Topics

If you want to impress your professor, you can give a more difficult topic a try. You can get some bonus points for it. Check out our latest list of complex agriculture topics:

  • Discuss GMO corn in North America
  • Talk about the use of solar power in agriculture
  • Pumping water efficiently with minimal costs
  • The latest global economic issues affecting farmers
  • Greenhouse gas emissions caused by agriculture
  • Talk about the controversies surrounding chemical fertilizers
  • Challenges for modern agriculture in the United Kingdom

Livestock Topic Ideas

Yes, raising livestock is a significant part of agriculture today. So, why now write your essay or research paper on one of our interesting livestock topic ideas:

  • How important are bees for our world?
  • The dangers of raising yaks on your farm
  • Research cattle farming in North America
  • Discuss pig farming in European countries
  • Talk about intensive animal farming (chickens)
  • Talk about raising animals humanely
  • Negative effects of cattle farms

Best Topics For Discussion Agriculture

Did your professor ask you to prepare for a discussion or debate on a topic in agriculture? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back! Here are the best topics for discussion:

  • What animal do you think is the best for a farm?
  • Do we really need farm subsidies?
  • Talk about food processing tech
  • Discuss the use of drones in agriculture
  • Automation in agriculture
  • Talk about the benefits of vertical farming

Agricultural Essay Topics For High School

Are you a high school student? Do you need to write a paper on agriculture? Perfect! Here are the absolute best agricultural essay topics for high school students:

  • Hunter gatherer versus agricultural societies
  • Talk about the negative effects of industrial agriculture
  • Talk about the agricultural policy in Europe
  • How has the rise of global temperature affected agriculture?
  • Talk about how drought can completely destroy the global food system in less than 10 years
  • The effects of pesticides on the population of bees in the US

Agriculture Paper Topics For College

College students should choose topics that are more complex in nature if they want to get a top grade. Check out this list of agriculture paper topics for college and choose one right now:

  • The economics behind a sheep farm in the UK
  • How important is the price of energy for local farms in Germany?
  • An in-depth look at agricultural subsidies in North America
  • Differences between the agricultural policies of North America and Europe
  • An effective business model for an organic farm in 2023
  • The impact of a 1 degree Celsius (33.8 Fahrenheit) increase in global temperature on grain crops in the UK

Controversial Agriculture Topics For Essays

Our experienced staff has worked hard to find the most controversial agriculture topics for essays. You won’t need to buy cheap essays with these topics! All of these topics are original, so you are already on your way to getting bonus points from your professor:

  • The use of pesticides in North America
  • Talk about genetically modified organisms
  • Discuss the local food controversy
  • Talk about climate change and its effect on agriculture
  • The rise in demand for high quality food
  • Organic food in 2023
  • Discuss the wages of people working in agriculture
  • Destroying the soil through intensive agriculture

History Of Agriculture Topics

Talking about the history of agriculture can be both fun and educative. After all, agriculture has suffered many major transformations over time. Here are some great topics to write about:

  • Agriculture during the Roman Empire
  • Talk about agriculture in ancient Egypt
  • Agriculture in South Asia
  • Agricultural tools in Mesopotamia
  • Ancient Greek agriculture
  • Discuss the evolution of organic agriculture
  • Discuss the British agricultural revolution
  • What is the Green revolution?
  • Agriculture in Mesoamerica
  • Research agriculture in the 20th century
  • How has the war in Ukraine changed agriculture in Europe?
  • Early development of agricultural tools

Other Agriculture Research Paper Ideas

This list contains all the agricultural topics that didn’t quite fit anywhere else. It’s a collection of other agriculture research paper ideas that professors may find interesting:

  • Negative effects of modern pesticides
  • The dangers of over-using fertilizer
  • The most profitable livestock in 2023
  • Raising myotonic goats
  • The strange eating habits of geese
  • Research the farmers of Gambia
  • Raising Mangalitza pigs
  • Talk about intensive animal farming in China
  • The peculiarities of a yak farm
  • Dangerous farm animals you should never raise

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100+ Best Agriculture Topics For Presentation

Here is the list of 100+ Best Agriculture Topics for Presentation. These latest agriculture & farming topics will help students, teachers, academicians, parents, and researchers. B. Sc. Agriculture, M. Sc. Agriculture, Agribusiness Management & MBA Agriculture students will get an idea of various farming related presentation topics. You can use these topics for PowerPoint (PPT), Prezi or Google Slide presentations, essays, seminars, conferences, speeches and debates and group discussions.

Let’s explore the list of best agriculture topics for presentation crafted especially for you.

Table of Contents

Agriculture Topics for Presentation

Agriculture & technology.

Technological Transformations in Agriculture

Digital Technology: Game Changer In Agriculture

Biosensor: Use In Agriculture

Automation In Agriculture Using Microcontroller

Biotechnology In Agriculture Food Processing: Opportunities Challenges

Advanced Food Processing Technologies in Agriculture

Digital Agriculture: Connecting the Unconnected

Drone Agriculture: Use of Drone Technology for better farming

Agricultural Machinery

Wind & Solar Energy In Agriculture

Agricultural robots: New hopes for Agribusiness

Solar-Powered Irrigation System

Implications of Nanobiosensors In Agriculture

Advanced Technologies and Automation in Agriculture

Latest Agricultural Presentation Topics

Farm Bill 2020 : Boon or Bane for farmers!

Smart Farming: The Future of Agriculture?

Is It Agriculture’s Time To Shine?

Farm Bill 2020: Impact on the future of farming

Electricity Water Pumping System Using Wind Mill: Boon For Agriculture!

Agriculture: Evolution or Devolution?

New developments in agriculture!

Agriculture: A Fertile Ground for Digitization

Genetic Engineering & Agriculture

Genetic Engineering in Agriculture

Genetically Modified Crops

Genetically Modified Foods

Revolutionizing agriculture with synthetic biology

Subsistence Farming Vs Industrial Farming

Subsistence Farming Vs Intensive Farming

Organic Farming Topics for Presentation

The Future Is Organic: But It’s More Than Organic!

Organic Farming

Organic Farming Vs Chemical Farming

Organic Farming Vs Conventional/Traditional Farming

Organic Food: Future Or Not!

Organic Horticulture (Organic Gardening)

Organic Soil

Organic vs. Sustainable Agriculture

Natural Farming Topics For Presentation

Natural Farming Vs Factory Farming

Subsistence Farming Vs Commercial Farming

Agroforestry: Forest Farming

Sustainable Agriculture

Natural Farming

Natural Farming – Let’s go Beyond Organic Farming

Spiritual Farming: a way to sustainable holistic farming!

Zero Budget Natural Farming : Need of the Hour

ZBNF: Thinking Beyond Organic Farming?

Zero budget spiritual farming: The new way of farming!

Read more about ZBNF FAQs

Agribusiness Presentation Topics

Agriculture & Business

Agribusiness: Making Up For Lost Time

Agro-Based Industries

Integrated Farming Production

Whole Farm Management System

Integrated Farming System

Agriculture & Government

Agricultural Subsidies

Are Farm Subsidies Necessary?

Are Agricultural Subsidies Still Relevant?

Are Agricultural Subsidies Causing More Harm Than Good?

Should The United States Cut Its Farm Subsidies?

Should Agricultural Subsidies Be Stopped?

Don’t End Agricultural Subsidies. Fix Them

Should The India Cut Its Farm Subsidies?

Who Benefits From Agricultural Subsidies?

Innovative Farming

  • Vertical farming: The next big thing
  • Shifting Agriculture (Shifting Cultivation)
  • Plantation Farming
  • Multi-layer farming: Solution for better yield
  • Farming The Wind: Wind Power Agriculture

Agriculture & Environment

Climate Effect On Farming Systems

Deforestation and its Disastrous Effects

Eco-labelling for Agri Products

Eco-labelling: The Influence of Eco-labeled Products on Consumer Buying Behavior

Climate Impacts On Agriculture Food Supply

Effect Of Global Warming On Agriculture

Effects of Agriculture on the Environment

Effects Of Climate Change On Agriculture

Effects Of New Agri Techniques On World Hunger

How Natural Disasters Affect Agriculture?

Soil Degradation in the Developing World

Veg Non-Veg food: Relation with Agriculture and Hunger

Fertilizer Pollution: Concerns & Solutions

Agriculture and Urbanization

Veganism: Saving the Environment & Agriculture

Vegetarianism and the World Hunger

Farming & Animal

Farming & Cow

Desi Cow Vs Jersey Cow: Effects On Agriculture

Desi Cows For Better Agriculture

Miscellaneous Topics

Farming Methods

Future of Agriculture!

Importance of Agriculture in Life

Aquafarming (Aquaculture)

Chinampa Agriculture

Collective Farming: A Boon Or Bane!

Conventional Vs. Organic Vs. Natural Farming

Urban Agriculture

Dairy Farming

Subsistence Farming In the Developing World

Mariculture: A Specialized Branch Of Aquaculture

Agriculture: Evolution

Indus Valley and the Beginnings of Agriculture

Future Of Organic Products: Brands Or Retailer Private Labels?

Origins of Agriculture: the stepping stone for civilization

Philosophy of Agricultural Science

Agriculture and Population Growth

Agriculture and Rural Development

Women’s Role In Agriculture

Solving Agricultural Problems with Experimental Economics

Earthworms Vermicomposting

Farming: Feeding the World

GMO Foods: What Am I Eating?

Government Intervention in Agriculture Industry

Seed Patents

The Honeybee in Agriculture

This is all about agriculture-related presentation topics useful agribusiness & other management students.

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Agriculture Speech Topics

Agriculture speech topics are topics that allow students to research more about agriculture and gain a deeper understanding of the subject. These topics are a great way to help students increase their knowledge base when it comes to agriculture. These topics are relevant and current in todays world. The topics are vast and varied. They include genetic modification, definition of agricultural jargons, seed patents and organic farming.

Students might have a challenge figuring out what to write about because of the vastness of agriculture. However, we have developed topics that are current and relevant to research. The topics are carefully selected in order to bring out the different aspects of agriculture. It is important that students pick a topic that brings out different perspectives and are substantial.

It is important that when writing on these topics, students keep in mind a few factors. The topics should have an introduction, main body and conclusion. The organization of information is very important. The verdict must end with strong and valid points that summarise the whole essay. Students should only pick what they find interesting otherwise may get bored midway and become unable to finish the assignment. Here are the best topics you can write about:

  • What Is Agro Management?
  • What Are the Policies in Agriculture?
  • Define Agro Industry
  • What Is Alternative Breeding?
  • Describe Measures of Disease Control
  • What Are Animal genetics?
  • What is Animal Nutrition?
  • What Is Aquaculture?
  • What is Biodiversity?
  • What is Biomassa?
  • What is Botanical Pesticide?
  • What Is Breeding?
  • Describe Climate Change
  • What is Crop Cooperation
  • What is Cover Crop
  • What is Crop Management
  • What Are The Drainage Systems
  • What Are The ecological Studies
  • Define Economic Development
  • Describe Ecosystems
  • What Is Entomology
  • What Is Environmental Legislation?
  • Define Epidemiology
  • What are The Controls For Farming Quality
  • Define The Environment Regulations
  • What Are The Farming Systems
  • What Are Fisheries?
  • Define Food Saftey
  • What is Forest Ecology
  • What Are the Products Obtained From Forests?
  • Define Herbicide
  • What Is Horticulture
  • The Way To Improve Genetic Seeds
  • The Way Honeybees Work
  • The Importance of Grazing Systems on Nature
  • How to Handle Restrictions on Importing Meat
  • Define Hydrology
  • What is Immunology
  • Define Import quota
  • What are Insecticides
  • What Is Irrigation
  • What is Milk Producing
  • List The Natural Resources
  • What Are The Alternative Forms Of Biologically Controlling Pests
  • What Is Organic Farming
  • The Role of Forests In Satisfying Wood Demand
  • What Is Pest Control
  • What Are Pesticides?
  • What Are The Products of Plants
  • What Technology exists For Post harvesting
  • What Are The Rangelands
  • The Impact of reducing Subsidies for Farmers in G8 countries
  • Indication That There is Mouth and Foot Disease and How To Treat Them
  • What Are Th Problems within The Food Chain
  • The Extent of Restrictions of Import of Meat as Well As Export
  • What Hinders Trade
  • The Prevalence of Potato Dishes in The World
  • Examples of Vegetables
  • The Different Types of Viruses
  • What is Viticulture
  • Define Vivisection
  • What Impact Does Vivisection Pose
  • What Is Your Best Endangered Specie? Animal or Plant
  • What Are The Developments Of Agriculture
  • Define Sustainable Windmills
  • How Soil Management Impacts our Life In The Future
  • The Different Types of Renewable Energy Sources
  • What Role Do Natural Barriers Play on Pest Control?
  • What Are The Types of Milk Factory
  • Define Livestock
  • What Does Irrigation Pertain
  • What is Import Quota
  • Ways of Curtailing The Spread of H5N1
  • Ways of Handling Meat Restrictions
  • Define Horticulture
  • What Are Fisheries
  • Ways Of Encouraging Livestock Owners To Conserve the Forests By Using Better Methods
  • What Are Studies of Ecology
  • What Systems of drainage are there
  • How Will Sustainable Coffee Help Poor Farmers
  • Define Breeding
  • What Is The Impact of Using Botanical Pesticide
  • What Does Crop Cooperation Entail

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A collection of TED Talks (and more) on the topic of Agriculture.

Video playlists about Agriculture

agriculture topics to write a speech about

How we can feed the future

Talks about agriculture.

agriculture topics to write a speech about

Is cultivated meat the future of food?

agriculture topics to write a speech about

A snack's journey from the farm to your mouth

agriculture topics to write a speech about

A climate solution? The wisdom passed down through generations

agriculture topics to write a speech about

What Earth in 2050 could look like

agriculture topics to write a speech about

How humanity got hooked on coffee

agriculture topics to write a speech about

Can nanoparticles help fight hunger?

agriculture topics to write a speech about

When ancient wisdom beats modern industry

agriculture topics to write a speech about

Why is rice so popular?

agriculture topics to write a speech about

Can we hack photosynthesis to feed the world?

agriculture topics to write a speech about

Meet methane, the invisible climate villain

agriculture topics to write a speech about

What really caused the Irish Potato Famine

agriculture topics to write a speech about

A cleaner world could start in a rice field

agriculture topics to write a speech about

What would happen if everyone stopped eating meat tomorrow?

agriculture topics to write a speech about

Which is better for you: "Real" meat or "fake" meat?

agriculture topics to write a speech about

Whatever happened to the hole in the ozone layer?

agriculture topics to write a speech about

How agri-robotics will change the food you eat

Exclusive articles about agriculture, 8 mouthwatering tv shows and movies about the future of food and our planet, from fake meat to cow burps: 5 ways to use seaweed to tackle climate change, insects, fungi and algae — climate-friendly foods that could be headed to your dinner plate.

Agriculture Speech Essay Topics & Ideas

  • Argumentative Essay Topics About Agriculture
  • Persuasive Essay Topics About Agriculture

Essay Examples on This Topic

✒️ argumentative essay topics about agriculture.

  • “Agriculture Credit To Farmers In India- An Overview On Structure And An Assessment On Current Issues”
  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of Diversification In Agriculture Environmental Sciences
  • Advantages Of Modern Agriculture
  • Agricultural And Rural Development
  • Agricultural Revolution
  • Agriculture In India
  • Agriculture In Nepal
  • Agriculture Income
  • An Evaluation Of The Impact Of Rmb Appreciation On The Chinese Agricultural Trade
  • Appropriate And Inapropriate Technology In The Agriculture Sectors In Zambia
  • Aztec Food And Agriculture Informative Speech
  • Before The Agricultural Revolution, Many People Lived In Rural Areas Because
  • Before The Introduction Of New Agricultural Technology During The Industrial Revolution,
  • Benefits And Risks Of Genetic Modification In Agriculture
  • Case Study Of Agricultural Research Projects In Rwanda
  • Gender Role In Hunter-Gather And Agriculture-Based Society
  • Small farming and “traditional” agriculture in the Caribbean

What are good argumentative topics?

Society is a set of human relationships that are regulated by certain norms and rules. Law Topics. Law is such a multifaceted science that you need to study it all your life.

What are some examples of argumentative essays?

A good example of an argumentative essay would contain the following: A clear, concise, and defined thesis statement A thesis statement comes at the introduction of your argumentative essay. The writer should make the readers know the topic to be discussed.

What are some argumentative Paper topics?

In an argumentative essay, the introduction should engage the reader’s attention, provide essential background on the topic and tell the reader the main argument of the essay. Whoever is reading your essay is probably reading at least 20 more essays, so make the paper engaging from the start.

What should be in the introduction of an argumentative essay?


✍ Persuasive Essay Topics About Agriculture

  • History And Development Of Australian Agriculture
  • How Does Genetic Engineering Affect Agriculture?
  • Hunting And Gathering Vs Agriculture Research
  • Importance Of Agriculture In Indian Eeconomy
  • Inflation – Impact On Indian Economy & Agriculture
  • Organic Agriculture: A Clean, Safe, And Environmentally Friendly Process Of Food Production
  • Role Of Agriculture In Deforestation And Desertification Environmental Sciences
  • Small Farming And “Traditional” Agriculture In The Caribbean
  • Special Issues In Agriculture In The Philippines
  • Subsistence Agriculture
  • The Agricultural Revolution In Britain
  • The Legendary Of Agricultural-Wheat Roller Mill
  • Traditional Agriculture In Latin America
  • Two Main Aspects of Life for the Aztecs – Agriculture and Human Sacrifice
  • What Has Been Mostly Responsible For Advancing From The Agricultural Age To The Industrial Age?
  • Why Do Governments Intervene In Agricultural Markets?

What is agriagriculture persuasive speech?

Agriculture persuasive speech is a kind of speech that a person gives intending to convince the audience to accept his or her own view about agriculture. The opinions of people about agriculture varies widely, and the only way an individual can make other people agree with his or her own opinion is by giving persuasive speeches.

What are some good topics for an agriculture speech?

Trends in agricultural productivity growth. Renewable energy sources. Think about conveying info on biodiesel, ethanol fuels and other earth-friendly sources of biomass energy. Signs of the foot and mouth disease and how to act on them.

What are some good topics to talk about in an essay?

Your favorite endangered plants or wildlife animals. How honeybees do their job. Trends in agricultural productivity growth. Renewable energy sources. Think about conveying info on biodiesel, ethanol fuels and other earth-friendly sources of biomass energy.

How can we reduce agricultural pests and diseases?

Encourage livestock owners to adopt systems that improve productivity and reduce pressure to destroy native forests. Natural and national borders are no longer effective barriers to the spread of unwanted pests. Buy sustainably harvested coffees and help poor farmers.

  • Advantages of Modern Agriculture
  • Agriculture in india
  • Agriculture in Nepal
  • The Best Essay Of Barry and Britt
  • Aztec Food and Agriculture Informative Speech
  • Marc Antony’ s Speech In Caesar Essay
  • Organic Agriculture Industry
  • The Principles of Organic Agriculture

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agriculture topics to write a speech about

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  • Speech on Agriculture


Inspirational Speech For Farmers on Agriculture

Agriculture is the primary sector of our economy. Apart from being the source of food, agricultural produce serves as the raw materials for several industries. We at Vedantu, have come up with a speech on agriculture that can be also used as an inspirational speech for farmers. Here, we have tried to cover the main aspects of agriculture and put light on how it serves as the backbone of our economy. Below, we have provided a long speech and a short speech on agriculture, and a 3-minute speech on agriculture comprising 10 lines for the reference of students.

As we have covered several important points of organic farming, students can take a cue for a speech on organic farming from the below-given speeches.

Long Speech on Agriculture

Good morning to everyone present over here. Today I am here to speak on agriculture, which forms the primary sector of the Indian economy. I hope to pull it off as an inspirational speech about agriculture for all of us. Agriculture is one of the main contributors to our Gross Domestic Product and contributes about 70 percent to the total export proceeds of our country. It forms the basis of many other economies in the world. Ours is an agricultural country and since time immemorial, farmers have been working relentlessly to provide food for us. However, the farmers who work to meet the food requirements of the ever-growing population of our country, lack the basic amenities and resources. 

Agriculture can be the primary occupation of the people of a country, only when it has a favorable climate for growing various crops throughout the year. As we all know, the main conditions required for growing a crop are the type of soil, water supply for irrigation, and temperature. Now, since there is a huge population to feed in our country, farmers have adopted many advanced techniques of agriculture that help them with a better yield. For example, nowadays, farmers use HYV seeds that increase the yield by manifolds. Yes, in case you are not aware, the High Yield Variety seeds are capable of increasing the yield by 10 times than the ordinary seeds, in the same farmland. Hence, these seeds are termed miracle seeds. In fact, many farmers in our country practice the modern techniques of organic farming for a better quality of crops. Now I will try to make this part of my speech on organic farming short yet informative. This type of farming does not involve the use of chemical fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides to enhance crop yield. Well, in organic farming, farmers may use some chemicals to improve the soil quality. For example, they use chemicals to restore the fertility of the soil after a crop is harvested. The more dependency is on the natural resources in organic farming. Sustained methods of agriculture are practiced in organic farming, which in turn, cater to save our environment from degradation. Among the advanced techniques of agriculture, greenhouse farming is the one that allows us to grow crops in areas of lower temperatures.

Coming to the predicament of most farmers in the remote villages of our country, it is undeniable that they are underpaid for the efforts they put into their work. They earn their livelihood by providing food for the rest of the population, but even today, many farmers’ families do not have the basic amenities like electricity, education, healthcare facilities, right at their hands. Even today, many farmers suffer from low crop yield due to a lack of irrigation facilities or degraded soil quality. The modern resources or inputs for sustainable farming are still not available to them due to their remote location. Though they provide food for us, yet, many of our farmers struggle to meet their families’ food requirements. Some new agriculture laws are proposed by the government and our farmers are in turmoil regarding the same. I hope that I was able to highlight a few of the major issues faced by our farmers in this part of my speech on agricultural problems.

Since our farmers work hard to provide food for us, their interests and well-being must always be kept at the forefront. Our agriculturists and research fellows are constantly working to bring up new inputs for the farmers to enhance their work quality. Yes, the methods of farming are getting enhanced with the advances in technology and that brings a fresh air of hope for our farmers.

To conclude my speech on farming I would like to thank all our farmers for whom we can rest assured of satiating our most basic need of food. With the increasing awareness among the youth of our country, we can expect a greater number of students to pursue higher studies and research in agriculture in the coming years, in turn, ensuring a better agricultural yield and quality of life for our farmers. 

Short Speech on Agriculture

Hello everyone, I am (name). Today I will be speaking on agriculture and its contribution to our lives. I would like to make this an inspiring speech for farmers who work day in and day out tirelessly to provide food for us. They form the primary sector of our country’s economy and the crops that they grow serve as the raw materials for many other industries. In fact, the sector of agriculture contributes a good 70 percent to the GDP of our country.

Since, India has a tropical climate, diverse topography, and water bodies surrounding it, the climatic conditions are favorable for growing quite a good number of crops. India is a major producer of crops like rice, wheat, coffee, pulses, spices, etc. Some parts of India are suitable for growing food crops whereas others are suitable for cash crops. The common methods of farming practiced in India are intensive subsistence farming, plantation farming, mixed farming, terrace farming, dry farming, and crop rotation.

The main requirements for cultivating a crop include optimum temperature, suitable soil quality, and proper irrigation. Nowadays, there are several advanced methods of irrigation that have reduced the dependency on rains for agriculture. Many farmers are being educated on the techniques of farming that are effective as well as eco-friendly. Hence our farmers are now able to adopt efficacious methods of farming to enhance the crop quality as well as the amount of yield. To top it all, the advanced methods of farming, such as, organic farming, greenhouse farming, etc. are sustainable in nature. Thereby, even a greater yield does not affect the quality of crops and natural resources. Several development plans for the farmers of our country have been implemented by our government. Many campaigns to support our farmers are conducted by the NGOs to rekindle their hope for a better tomorrow. Hereby, concluding this inspirational speech for farmers, I pledge to support our farmers in any possible ways and spread awareness on the significance of agriculture among the youth.  

10 Lines Speech on Agriculture

A simple 10-lines farming speech is given below. This speech on agriculture can be referred to by the young students of Classes 1 to 3.

Agriculture is the backbone of our country’s economy.

It is the main traditional occupation of our country.

India produces both Kharif and Rabi crops.

The main crops produced in India are rice, wheat, maize, jute, sugarcane, other cereals, pulses, spices, cotton, tea, coffee, etc.

The main methods of agriculture include subsistence intensive farming, dry farming, terrace farming, crop rotation, mixed farming, plantation farming, etc. 

The crops produced in surplus are exported to other countries, and agriculture is one of the major contributors to the export industry of India.

Our farmers are now adopting new advanced techniques of farming. 

For example, organic farming and greenhouse farming are now being practiced in many parts of India.

These newer methods of farming are more sustainable and environment-friendly.

 We should always be grateful to our farmers as they provide us with our food.


FAQs on Speech on Agriculture

1. What are the negative effects of Agriculture?

Agriculture has many advantages but anything that has its benefits will always have some negative impacts within it. That is why agriculture is no different in this, it has many disadvantages which are discussed below: 

The impacts of agriculture tend to be harmful not only to the environment but also to the people working and involved in this sector. 

One has to clear the land to grow crops on it. Deforestation is the main negative effect of agriculture. Several trees and bushes were cleared so that farmers could use the land. 

The usage of river water for irrigation is pretty high. This causes the rivers and ponds to dry off early and create a disbalance in the natural habitat. 

2. How is agriculture useful for medicine?

Agriculture is useful to many fields including the field of medicine. There are many tablets that are made from the crops grown on the fields by the process of Agriculture.

Its uses are given below: 

It is used to make papaya enzymes. The fruit of the papaya is used to make papaya Enzyme. This papain comes in use as an enzyme that is organic for the obvious reason. It is used as a substitute for indigestion in place of any digestive enzyme. 

The name of the Morphine that gives relief in severe pain, cough, and loose motions is opium Alkaloids. This type of Alkaloid is found in farms by growing opium poppy plants.

3. What is the importance of biodiversity in agriculture?

In driving humanity, agriculture biodiversity plays a vital role in it. biodiversity is held responsible for many important reforms. It also is responsible for providing food to the people and making the raw materials available for the products. The products that agriculture biodiversity provides are shelter, fuelwood, clothing cotton, medicinal roots and plants, and biofuel resources. It also provides livelihood and employment opportunities to the people. 

It also helped in the services of the ecosystem like preservation of water and soil, fertility of the soil, pollination, and biota protection.

4. What do you understand about Agribusiness?

Agribusiness is also known as bio-business or Bio-enterprise. It indicates the system, industry, and the field of the study of interdependent value chains in agriculture. The main motive behind agribusiness is to maximize their profit along with the satisfactory needs of the consumers for the products that relate to natural resources like food, farm, fishery, fuels, fibers, and biotechnology. It excludes non-renewable resources like mining. It is not bound to farming only. The Agribusiness system has a broader range that includes, marketing, value addition, input supplies, micro-financing, entrepreneurship, and extension of agriculture.

5. Write about the evolution of agribusiness?

Agribusiness is a word that is formed by mixing two words agricultural and business together. The word was first coined in 1957 by two professors of Harvard business school named, John Davis and Ray Goldberg when they published the book with the title “A concept of Agribusiness”. Their book spoke against the president of the US then, Franklin Roosevelt’s new deal programs as it increased the prices of agriculture. Goldberg and Davis both favored agriculture that is corporate-driven. That means large-scale farming in order to revolutionize the sector of agriculture that leads to less dependency on power and politics of the state. To know further, look at the study material provided by Vedantu.

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Speech On Agriculture | Agriculture Speech for Students and Children in English

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Speech On Agriculture:  The backbone of a country’s economy like that of India’s, is the Agriculture. One of the oldest practices that made humans more civilized is Agriculture, and it has been in practice for more than over a thousand years.

With the advancement of technology, more modern equipment has been introduced to replace traditional farming methods. This evolution in farming has brought new heights to Agricultural development.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long And Short Speeches On Agriculture for Kids And Students in English

We are providing a long Speech On Agriculture of 500 Words and a short Speech On Agriculture of 150 Words along with ten lines on the topic.

These speeches will be useful for school and college students who might be assigned to write or give a speech on Agriculture. A Short Speech On Agriculture is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. A Long Speech On Agriculture is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Long Speech On Agriculture Of 500 Words In English

Good morning everyone!

Agriculture is the art or rather the science of cultivating soil, growing and then harvesting. Rising of livestock is also considered to be a part of Agriculture. If we are, to sum up, what Agriculture means in the broadest sense in modern time, then we can say that it includes the cultivation of plants and the domestication of animals for human use and marketing.

When Agriculture was comparatively a new practice for humans in earlier times, they used very primal tools for the cultivation of land. Before cultivation was discovered, humans used were nomads who traveled miles after miles in search of food. The human biodiversity management led to the practice of domesticating plants and animals.

Plants grow naturally because of the contributions made by animals like birds, squirrels, chipmunks, bees, etc. Birds often drop seeds after eating, and fruit and that eventually grows into new plants. Also, squirrels and chipmunks store nuts for winter, but they often forget the place, and those nuts eventually germinate and are the cause of the creation of many such forests. I doubt anyone of us present here is unaware of bees’ contributions because, without them, pollination of plants at such a large scale wouldn’t have been possible.

The national income of a country like India is highly dependent on the Agriculture of the country as it is also one of the major contributors to our GDP (Gross Domestic Product). The livelihood of many families in India solely depends on farming, and as we all know, it is a very laborious occupation.

India is a very prosperous country when it comes to Agriculture. The climatic conditions over different parts of India are suitable for the various crop growths. And because of such prosperity, around 70% of the total exports made by India are for agricultural products. Items that are popularly exported by India are tea, textiles, sugar, spices, tobacco, jute products, rice, etc.

However, the condition of farmers, who are responsible for such prosperous Agriculture in India, is controversial. Even though Agriculture is one of the most important aspects behind the growth of a society, but the ones who toil barely get the fruit they deserve. The majority of poverty lies in farmer families of India.

The livelihood of this vast poor population depends on the land and water. But the cruelties of society and natural calamities have pushed farmers to face chronic poverty. Agriculture in India is still under development even though Agriculture’s practice has prevailed in the country for thousands of years.

I would like to conclude my speech with a request to the young minds sitting in front of me. As India’s future, please try to bring justice to the farmers who toil the land and, with their hard work, provide the national food and health. India needs a better-structured system where the farmers should not be denied the price and respect they deserve for their work, unlike the conditions at present.

Short Speech On Agriculture 150 Words In English 

Short Speech On Agriculture 150 Words In English

Greetings and salutations to everyone present here.

Humans became conscious about Agriculture when constant migrating in search of food started being unfruitful. And primitive communities decided to settle in an area and grow their own crops observing the natural phenomena of plant growth.

Thousands of years have passed since a human had started consciously, putting effort into utilizing the Earth’s surface to cultivate crops and raise livestock for survival and monetary gain. And now with the advancement of science and technology, modern means of Agriculture has become much easier.

The traditional means of Agriculture depended solely on natural conditions like soil type availability, rain, sunlight, climatic condition, etc. But now with inventions like dams or canals for irrigation of soil, tractor for easier and faster toiling of land, modern tools for easier and faster cutting of crops. Yet, many poor farmers still have to use traditional farming modes because their poverty prevents them from buying modern equipment.

We should keep challenging, developing, and evolving the social, political, and economic systems until farmers receive the respect and necessities they deserve. Thank You.

10 Lines On Agriculture Speech In English

  • Humans have categorized Agriculture into four types: Nomadic, Herding, Shifting Cultivation, and Commercial Plantation.
  • Several medicines are also made using the byproducts of crops.
  • Earlier cultivation was solely dependent on climate, but now with innovations like dams, pump-sets, canals, farmers don’t rely on monsoon for irrigation in fields.
  • The Green Revolution in India brought prosperity to the country as it became self-sufficient to provide food for its population.
  • The surplus of any crop production allows the country to export it to other nations.
  • India counts as one of the largest exporters of agricultural goods in the world.
  • Excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides to ensure a higher yield production causes soil and water pollution.
  • The forested lands where lands are soft and easy to dig make it assumed that primitive Agriculture began there.
  • Agriculture came into practice when the population of early nomadic communities increased, and so did the demand for food.
  • The practice of Agriculture in primitive forms required more skills as it was not only about planting and harvesting of crops, but the sedentary folks also needed to protect it from getting stolen.

10 Lines On Agriculture Speech In English 

FAQ’s On Speech On Agriculture

Question 1. What are the various types of farming systems?

Answer: Some of the popular types of Agriculture are:

  • Shifting Farming
  • Dry Agriculture
  • Intensive Farming
  • Mixed Agriculture
  • Subsistence Farming
  • Sedentary Agriculture
  • Plantation Farming
  • Terrace Cultivation
  • Crop Rotation

Question 2. Mention some importance of Agriculture other than the provision of food.

Answer: Agriculture other than providing food also is a source of livelihood for many. A country’s revenue like that of India is highly dependent on Agriculture. Also, the raw products required in several industries are provided by Agriculture.

Question 3. What are the various studies related to Agriculture?

Answer: Agriculture is itself a vast field of study with many branches like horticulture, dairy farming, poultry, gardening, aquaculture, organic farming, vermiculture, sericulture, etc.

Question 4. State the types of planting in Agriculture.

Answer: There are two types of planting in Agriculture namely, direct seedling type and transplanting.

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85 Farming Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best farming topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 good essay topics on farming, 💡 most interesting farming topics to write about.

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  • Farm-to-Table Supply Chains for Supermarkets A potential risk is that small farms may be unable to provide a steady supply of the necessary magnitude or adhere to the same standards of quality.
  • Natureview Farm: Problem Case It is in this regard that Wagner advised the management to increase the firm’s revenues from $13 million to $20 million before the end of 2001.
  • Dairy Meal as an Important Concentrate in Dairy Cow Farming The number of times that the dairy meal is fed to cows depends on the management regime of the cow. The dairy meal is one of the feeds that guarantee better productivity to the farmer.
  • Organic Farming for Sustainable Food Production The article is titled “Will Organic Agriculture Feed the World,” and it provides its readers with an overview of the statistics that apply to the sustainability of organic farming.
  • Role of Technology in the Future of Farming The role technology has to play in farming in the future needs to be in great as it has been in the transportation sector in the past.
  • Agriculture and Farming in Abu Dhabi Many researches have been done on soil taxonomy in the UAE, with the invention of a non-absorbent type of soil that was one of the breakthroughs that have greatly influenced agriculture in Abu Dhabi.
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  • The Entomo Farms Company’s Analysis Such an approach contributes to improved control over the company’s development and ensures that Entomo can incorporate customers’ feedback for enhancement.
  • Smart Farming and Sustainable Agriculture Smart farming allows for a wide range of options, from robotization and satellite imagery to the Internet of Things and the blockchain technology that increases the efficiency of crop cultivation by optimizing the use of […]
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  • Food Processing and Farming Methods Afoakwa, Budu, and Merson note that nutrient loss in canned food depends on the amount of heat that is applied during the pre-treatment step, the type of tin, and the type of nutrients in the […]
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  • Artificial Intelligence in Drone Technology for Farming Automated drones fitted with spraying features are used in the monitoring of agricultural processes and crops to schedule tasks and expeditiously address the observed issues throughout plant life.
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  • Face Recognition in Farming: The Multi-UAV Framework Indeed, the consumer wants a delicious and quality meat product, and it is known that the absence of stress in the life of an animal directly affects the structure of the meat.
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 29). 85 Farming Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"85 Farming Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 29 Feb. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '85 Farming Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 29 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "85 Farming Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "85 Farming Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024.


IvyPanda . "85 Farming Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024.


Speech On Agriculture [1 to 3 Minutes]

In this article, we will share some examples of speech on agriculture. These examples are written in an easy-to-understand English language. It will also help you magnify your speech composition skills.

Welcome To . Let’s start with the first speech.

1 Minute Speech On Agriculture

Hello and welcome all of you gathered here. I am here to present a short speech on agriculture.

The invention of agriculture taught humans the skill to grow their own food. Before that humans used to eat the flesh of animals by killing them. Agriculture offered them to enjoy a number of tastes present in nature. Nowadays, not only agriculture feeds the population but it also helps in the progress of many countries.

Humans are doing agriculture for about 11000 years but in recent times the demand for food is gradually rising due to overpopulation. This led the planet to many problems such as deforestation for more agricultural land, heavy water wastage and the contamination of soil & groundwater due to the use of fertilizers.

Moreover, the conditions of the farmer section are miserable. They provide the world with food but sometimes they are not able to feed themselves. This is because the raw produces are sold at very cheaper prices while other daily needs are gradually being expensive.

At last, I want to say that the agriculture section requires attention for removing all the drawbacks. Plus, we need to support farmers in each and every way possible. Thank you!

Speech On Agriculture For 2 to 3 Minutes

I warmly welcome all of you gathered here. I am here to a few words on agriculture. Before I start my speech, I would like to wish you a good day. Also, I want to thank you for giving me this valuable opportunity.

Food is one of the most important basic needs of each living being. Each organism has its own way to get food. Humans produce their food through agriculture and farming. These are not new methods rather they existed since ancient civilizations.

Agriculture was one of the chief factors in the progress and development of many ancient civilizations. The farmers of that time used to sell their surplus to others. Hence, it is considered one reason behind the evolution of trade and business.

Most importantly, there are many economies in the contemporary world that are majorly dependent on agricultural produce. Indian economy is one of those. Despite the fact that Indian  agriculture began by 9000 BCE the country remained under-developed for a long time.

Today, the Indian economy is gaining momentum and it exports its agricultural surplus to other countries. This progress was seen after the adoption of the green revolution in the country. The primary export items are tea, cotton, textiles, tobacco, sugar, jute products, spices, rice, and many other items.

Although agriculture helped humanity to flourish, it has many downsides that must not be overlooked. First of all, with the rising demand for food, many forests are being converted into agricultural land. This process is called deforestation which is a threat to our biodiversity and ecosystem.

Number two, the chemicals and pesticides used in farming contaminate the soil and groundwater. Number three, people practice traditional farming which leads to the wastage of water. Many other reasons negatively impact nature and living beings.

It is the need of the hour to understand the significance of and spread awareness about efficient farming practices. Today, we have many methods and technologies which can help us remove all the negative impacts of traditional agricultural practices.

It is also a need to witness sustainable development on the planet so that our future generations can have a good and comfortable lifestyle.

There is a most important thing to be discussed. This is all about the contributions of farmers. Even though they feed the world, they do not get appraisal and recognition. In some developing countries like India, the condition of farmers is miserable.

The farmers take loans for agricultural needs but when crops get destroyed due to any reason, they are compelled to take wrong steps such as suicide. Hence, there is a need to provide support to the farmers.

To sum it up, agriculture is the utmost need for the food supply to the world. Agriculture requires high amounts of hard work but modern tools, methods and technologies can transform this activity into an easy and efficient one. Moreover, we can also provide support to the farmers in various ways. In fact, they are the ones who feed us.

Thank you! I hope you liked my thoughts.

Short speech on agriculture

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agriculture topics to write a speech about

MSU Extension Agriculture

Ag talk: i gave my presentation, but did my farmers listen to me.

Ricardo Costa and Janelle Stewart <[email protected]> , Michigan State University Extension - December 26, 2019

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A good speech will increase your audience's willingness to practice the ideas delivered during your presentation.

Man giving a presentation to people in a room

Before the era of the internet and smartphones, there were only a few ways for producers to find reliable information about crop management, and going to field days and conferences was by far the best option to keep up to date with the new findings and technologies. Today, farmers have almost all of the information they need at their fingertips, so driving for a few hours to listen to a speaker is something that needs to be worth their time. Taking that into consideration, what can you do to engage with farmers? How do you give a presentation knowing your audience understood and appreciated your talk?

First of all, know your audience. Knowing your audience’s background will help you to tailor your talk to that specific group. You don’t need their names, but knowing who your audience is will help you figure out what topics will be more appealing to that group. It is not uncommon to hear farmers complaining about speakers that were speaking about topics that had little or no relevance to them, or using too many complex terms and forgetting to address the points farmers really care about.

Michigan State University Extension  suggests these tips to know your audience:

  • Review registrations.
  • Take a short survey prior to the meeting.
  • Build in the presentation information by gathering questions.

Putting aside some time to prepare your presentation is essential. Farmers notice if a presenter is not prepared, and that can affect how much they will trust you and how many of them will ever return to listen to you again.

Indications of a prepared presenter:

  • Practice prior to the presentation.
  • Know the information without reading it.
  • Move words from slides to the notes section.
  • Utilize appropriate images, charts and graphics.

Indications of an unprepared presenter are slides with heavy text and reading directly from the screen.

Another thing to think about is how long your presentation should be. Some speakers believe they need to talk about everything they learned in a full year of research during a 50-minute talk. That is definitely not the case. It is better to focus on two to three subtopics and make sure the public will remember them after your speech.

In a nutshell, presentations should have:

  • An attention-getter.
  • A main topic.
  • Two to three subtopics.
  • A conclusion.
  • A call to action.

You speak, but so does your body. Body language and voice intonation need to be taken into consideration. It does not matter how much you know about your topic, no one will listen to you if you sound monotone. Make eye contact and use your body to help the engagement process. Jokes make every situation better, but use this technique only if you feel comfortable doing so.

Your job as a presenter is not only to deliver the information. You need to ensure your audience leaves knowing more from listening to you. In addition, you represent your employer as well as yourself. Your goal is to leave a good impression on your audience.

This article was published by Michigan State University Extension . For more information, visit . To have a digest of information delivered straight to your email inbox, visit . To contact an expert in your area, visit , or call 888-MSUE4MI (888-678-3464).

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Speech on Agriculture for Students and Children

3 minutes speech on agriculture.

Good Evening Ladies and gentlemen. I am here before you today to present the speech on agriculture. Agriculture is the backbone sector of the Indian economy and also to many countries. It is practiced in our country for thousands of years. Over a period of time, it has developed a lot. Now in this modern era, the use of new technologies and equipment have replaced almost all the traditional methods of farming. This Agricultural evolution not only contributed to the growth of itself but also of the other sector of the country.

Speech on Agriculture


India largely depends on the agriculture sector. Although for thousands of years, we are practicing agriculture still, it remained under-developed for a long time. But we are trying our best. Like post-independence, we use to import food grains from other countries to fulfill our demand. But, after the green revolution, we become self-sufficient and started exporting our surplus to other countries.

We use to depend completely on monsoon for the cultivation of food grains but now we have constructed dams, canals, tube-wells, and pump-sets. Also, nowadays we have a better variety of fertilizers, pesticides, and seeds, which help us to grow more food in comparison to what we used to produce during old times.

After the green revolution, our agriculture sector has grown stronger than many countries and we are the largest exporter of many food grains.

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Significance of Agriculture

The agricultural sector is one of the major contributors to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the national income of the country. It requires a large labor force and employees around 80% of the total employed people.

Moreover, agriculture forms around 70% of our total exports. The primary export items are tea, cotton, textiles, tobacco, sugar, jute products, spices, rice, and many other items.

Agriculture for Medicine

Enzymes: The Papain enzyme is obtained from the fruit of papaya. This papain is useful as an enzyme that is organic. This papain is obtained by the cultivation of papaya on a large scale. It is useful as a substitute for indigestion for one of the digestive enzymes.

Alkaloids: Opium alkaloids such as morphine relieve severe pain, cough, and lose movements as well. This alkaloid is obtained in farms through the growth of opium poppy plants.

Glycosides: Examples include heart failure cardiac glycosides such as digitalis. Senna is a glycoside that is in use in constipation treatment. Steroidal glycosides are in use to produce steroid drugs in the heart.

Importance of Agricultural Biodiversity

Agricultural biodiversity has a major role in driving humanity. This biodiversity is responsible for major reforms and provides people with food and raw materials for products. The products include such as clothing cotton, shelter, and fuelwood, medicinal plants and roots, and biofuel resources, as well as employment and livelihoods.

It also performs the ecosystem services such as soil and water preservation, soil fertility and biota protection, and pollination, all of which are necessary for human survival. All domesticated plants and animals are the result of human biodiversity management, which is continuously adapting to new challenges under constantly varying conditions to sustain and increase productivity.

Negative Impact of Agriculture

There are several impacts of agriculture which are harmful to both environments as well as the people involved in this sector. Deforestation causes the negative impact of agriculture as many forests have been cut down to turn them into agricultural land.

Secondly, the high use of river water for irrigation causes many small rivers and ponds to dry off which disturbs the natural habitat. Nowadays, the use of several chemical fertilizers and pesticides for high yield production contaminate the land as well as water bodies nearby.

This leads to topsoil depletion and contamination of groundwater. There are several other reasons related to agriculture which creates a negative impact on our nature.

In most countries, agriculture is an important source of livelihood. This entails hard work, but it contributes to the nation’s food safety and health. Agriculture was the sole backbone of the economy prior to the industrial revolution. It is the most reliable source of life for humanity, as well as one of the honest sources of income. A major part of the population from developing countries rely for their livelihood on agriculture.

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16 responses to “Speech on Water for Students and Children”

this was very helpful it saved my life i got this at the correct time very nice and helpful

This Helped Me With My Speech!!!

I can give it 100 stars for the speech it is amazing i love it.

Its amazing!!

Great !!!! It is an advanced definition and detail about Pollution. The word limit is also sufficient. It helped me a lot.

This is very good

Very helpful in my speech

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Tomorrow is my exam . This is Very helpfull

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Agriscience Prepared Public Speaking

The Agriscience Prepared Public Speaking Leadership Development Event is designed to develop leadership and communication skills and promote specific interest in agricultural leadership and career exploration by providing members participation in agricultural related public speaking activities.

  • Develop and practice great communication skills.  
  • Gain knowledge of current agricultural topics and issues.  
  • Explore career interests in the diverse field of agriculture.  

Event Rules

  • The event is open to students who are regularly enrolled in high school agricultural education and who are active members of FFA chapters in good standing with the state association and national organization. Dual members speaking in 4 ‐ H public speaking are ineligible to speak in FFA public speaking during the same school year.
  • The event is structured in four levels of advanced participation: Regional, Area, State, and National Qualifying. The state event will be limited to participation by two students in each division who have been determined winners in an area event.
  • Members may participate in more than one division if they give a different speech. A different speech is defined as follows: “All speech material in each manuscript must be entirely different, including the introduction, body, and conclusion, which also includes all facts, figures, quotes, titles, etc.” Any member violating this rule will automatically be disqualified in all speech divisions entered.
  • A member that wins a state speaking division is ineligible to speak again in that division. The speech manuscript is retired, and a copy is kept on file in the state office. 
  • Each manuscript will be the result of the student’s own effort.
  • Any speech participant not in Official FFA Dress will receive a five ‐ point deduction.
  • Official FFA dress for FFA members is an official FFA jacket zipped to the top. Black slacks and black socks or black skirt and black nylons. White collared blouse or white collared shirt. Official FFA tie or official FFA scarf. Black dress shoes with closed heel and toe. Note: Official garb of recognized religions may be worn with Official Dress. See /About Us /Official Dress Standards for additional recommendations.

Event Format

Team make-up.

Each participant must provide the following items to the State FFA Office on or before 5:00 p.m., Thursday, the day before the state event:  

  • Three double-spaced, typewritten copies of the speech on 8½ x 11 white paper. It is recommended all speech contest manuscripts be bound by a coil, comb, or zip bind type of GBC or similar brand of binding
  • The manuscripts may have a cover provided the cover is CLEAR . The manuscript may also have a back cover in any color. No pictures, artwork, words, logos or any image may be on either the clear front cover or the back cover.  
  • Speech Title  
  • Speech Division
  • Official FFA Emblem not to exceed 4” in Height  
  • Contestant’s Name  
  • Name of the FFA Chapter
  • It is recommended the Title Page be generated from the fillable form generated fro m the CDE tab at .  
  • *Note: No word art, pictures, artwork, additional words or additional logos, or any other image may be on the Title Page.  
  • It is required that a complete and accurate bibliography used in writing the speech be included at the back of EACH manuscript. (It is recommended to use an online bibliography generator like or utilizing the APA bibliography format.)  
  • It is required that the Certification Sheet (statement of originality signed by the contestant and advisor) must be included at the back of EACH manuscript. (It i s recommended the Speech Certification form be generated from the CDE tab at .)
  • In the Agriscience speaking division, participants may choose any current or future subject that deals with topics such as biotechnology, biogenetics, bioengineering, mechanical engineering, farm safety, use of technology, GPS, research, laser, satellites, computers, embryo transfer, etc.
  • All subject matter should have ties to the agriculture industry. In all speech divisions it is desired, but not required, to tie “FFA” in as a part of your speech in an appropriate way. Career opportunities should also be considered. Historical aspects should be avoided.
  • Each speech shall be a minimum of six minutes in length and a maximum of eight minutes. Participants are penalized one point per ten seconds for under six minutes or over eight minutes. Examples: 8:01 to 8:10 would cost a one ‐ point deduction; 8:11 to 8:20 would cost a two ‐ point deduction, etc.

Immediately following the speech, participants will be allowed five minutes additional time to be asked questions from the judges relating to their speech.  


  • It is recommended that three competent and impartial persons judge each divis ion. A timekeeper will be designated to record the time used by each participant.  
  • Each judge will be provided with a typewritten manuscript of each participant’s speech that must contain a bibliography and contestant certification form. Failure to comply will mean automatic disqualification of the participant.  
  • Judges should be seated i n different sections of the room in which the event is held. Each judge will score each participant based on the criteria of the judge’s score sheet provided.  
  • Following the presentation, each judge will formulate and ask questions. Questions will pertain directly to the material presented by the speaker. The full five minutes allotted for questions should be used. Judges will score each participant on the abilit y to answer all questions asked by all judges.  
  • Judges will return two copies of the manuscript to each contestant as they exit the contest room. The third copy will be kept on file in the state FFA office.  
  • No tape recorders or video machines will be allowed in the contest room.
  • When all participants have finished speaking, each judge will total the score for each participant. The timekeeper’s record will be used in computing deductions for over/under time. On the bottom line of the score sheet, each judge will rank each participant in numerical order based on the final score. Judges will complete the judgi ng process without consultation with each other.  
  • Each judge’s score sheet will be submitted to the designated event superintendent to determine the final ranking of participants. The lowest total of the final ranking is the winner. In the event two judges place a participant first, he/she is automatically first. In the event of a tie in the final ranking, the participant that two judges place highest will be determined the winner.
  • No props ar e to be used. Failure to comply will mean automatic disqualification of the participant.  
  • Applause shall be with held until all participants have spoken.  

Manuscript............................................................................. 25 Speech........................................... .... ..................................... 50 Questions...................... ....... ................................................... 25

Total Points Individual ............................................................................... 100

National Qualifying Rules

  • The state winner in each of the six designated prepared divisions will compete during the state FFA convention to determine Oklahoma’s representative in the National Prepared Public Speaking Event.
  • A student who wins more than one designated prepared division at the state event must choose one division to participate in at the national qualifying event during the state convention. The division(s) not selected will be filled by the second ‐ place state winner who will advance to the national qualifying event at the state convention.
  • The speech manuscripts of all six participants in the national qualifying event at the state convention will be retired, and these participants cannot participate in the same division in future year.
  • Any member who has represented Oklahoma in a national career development event or national awards area as a 4 ‐ H or FFA member is ineligible to participate again in the National Qualifying Event for that area as an FFA member. Therefore, a member who has represented Oklahoma in the National Prepared Public Speaking Event is ineligible to participate again in any prepared division at the OSU State FFA Interscholastics.
  • A member can participate in only one national career development event in a given year. A member speaking in the state event in both prepared and extemporaneous public speaking must declare in which division the speaker would represent Oklahoma in the national event in the event the speaker won both divisions. This must be done prior to the national qualifying event for the prepared division.
  • A member who wins both extemporaneous and prepared divisions but chooses to participate in the prepared division at the national event may compete again in the extemporaneous division for the right to represent Oklahoma in the national event. The reverse of this does not apply.

The division winners at the OSU State FFA Interscholastics in Stillwater will receive all cash awards, plaques and scholarships provided by sponsors for that division.  

This list of resources is not intended to be all inclusive. Other sources may be utilized, and teachers are encouraged to make use of the very best instructional materials available. The following list contains references that may prove helpful during event preparation.  

  • Oklahoma Curriculum and Instructional Materials Center (CIMC), FFA Prepared Public Speaking DVD, catalog number AG7301DVD.  
  • Oklahoma FFA web site at . Click on Career Development Events. Click on Prepared Speech & Extemp Topic Research Links (provided by Rhett Laubach)  
  • Figures of Speech DVD— ‐of‐speech‐ dvd ‐ p37895.aspx
  • Great Speeches and Presen tations— ‐ speeches‐ and presentations‐p37634.aspx
  • CDE Q&A’s DVD (2007‐ 2010)—http://shop.ff ‐qas‐c1413.aspx
  • FFA Learn—2005 & 2006 CDE Q&A’s—  
  • APA Style Guide (most current edition) –  
  • United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250  
  • State colleges, research centers and/or experiment stations  
  • The Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.  

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Speech on Agriculture in simple and easy words

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Table of Contents

Speech on Agriculture: Agriculture is certainly one of the most significant activities of a country as it not only feeds millions of people but also contributes towards the overall growth of the GDP. At various social events, school or college functions, agriculture is a much talked about topic. In fact, for the government, it’s a pertinent issue and various steps are being taken for the improvement of this sector.

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Long and Short Speech on Agriculture in English

Speech on agriculture is delivered at various social, political gatherings in order to raise awareness on this issue.

In case, you are also dealing with any assignment or are preparing for a speech on this topic, then our short speech on agriculture as well as long speech on agriculture can serve as a guide for you and give you a better understanding of the subject.

Here we have provided various long and short speech on agriculture which will be proved helpful for you.

So, find out on your own!

Speech on Agriculture – 1

Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman! Welcome to the speech ceremony organized by our society to honor the labour of our farmers, who feed millions of people and significantly contribute in the economic growth of a country.

As we all know that Bharat, i.e. India is a Krishi Pradhan Desh , which implies that farmers act as the dominant force in our country without which the country cannot imagine its existence. As a matter of fact, it is the governing force for any country. For instance, the majority of Indian population draws their source of income from farming, which accounts for nearly 16 percent of the whole GDP. This ratio says enough about India, which as already mentioned above, is a Krishi Pradhan Desh and is therefore highly dependent on its agricultural activities because a vast area of land is used for it. There is no reason to doubt that agriculture always has an upper hand in terms of its contribution towards the overall growth of our country and hence it becomes important to ensure its growth.

Special attention must be devoted to this particular sector so that farmers can benefit from the latest state-of-the-art technology for agriculture, which in turn can yield good results. Better the focus on agricultural activities, greater will be our nations’ growth.

Since agriculture already has a great influence on the economic development of a country, special efforts should be devoted towards its improvement. In fact, various beneficial schemes can be integrated with the agriculture-based activities for the growth of the farmers and proper guidance should be given to them on how to improve their ways of farming and learning innovative ways to better their skills. In addition, important steps should be taken to overcome the incurred loss because of inadequate or heavy rainfall so that our farmers can lead a fulfilling life. Agriculture is not only one of the major activities of our country, but the most powerful one too. Its importance cannot be overlooked as it accounts for the high rate of GDP.

Let’s learn some of its benefits in a little more detail:

Offers a mean of earning to the people: In order to meet the needs of a country, it’s agricultural activities should be first strengthened. In India, more than 70 per cent of the total population is dependent on agriculture and is one of the important means of earning livelihood for the people, particularly in the rural areas. The ratio is very high to say that under-development is one of the primary reasons why such a huge sector as this is a part of agriculture. Majority of the population consists of farmers, who have no other option, but to do farming and make a contribution in the supply of food across the country.

Make a contribution in the national income: As stated above, agriculture is certainly one of the major sectors that accounts for the high GDP and it’s not just India, but many countries are dependent on it. In case of India, it is surely a major source of income for many families. Thus, it can be said that agriculture makes a significant contribution in the national income and is an extremely important sector to further improve upon.

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Speech on Agriculture – 2

Dear Friends – I welcome you all to our session that is organized with an aim to highlight the importance of agriculture and spread awareness amongst the masses to support agricultural activities and farmers who often face great negligence from the government and/or authority in terms of strengthening their status in society.

Before we understand various nuances of being a farmer in today’s industrialized society, let’s first understand what exactly defines agriculture. Agriculture involves methodical sowing of beneficial plants, including rearing of livestock under the supervision of man. In other words, agriculture involves conscious efforts of a man to modify a part of the earth’s surface by cultivating crops or raising the livestock for survival or monetary gain.

Thus, agriculture implies farming in various branches, which includes soil cultivation as well as tillage, dairying, the cultivation and production, growing and reaping of any horticultural and agricultural commodities, the rearing of poultry or livestock along with any practices undertaken by a farmer on his farm in conjunction with different farming operations. However, it does not involve the manufacturing or processing of tobacco, coconut, sugar, or other farm products.

Agriculture is the principal source of food for the people in any country. In fact, in the absence of agricultural activities imagine how a country can feed the masses and supply them with the requisite energy to continue working all day long? Hence, this is the very basic or primary need fulfilled by the farmers through agricultural activities by producing necessary nutritious products, such as wheat, rice, onion, potato, mangoes, tomato, beans, sugarcane and cotton, to name a few. Our farmers work really hard for the whole day in order to ensure that these products reach the marketplace and can be accessed by the people who in turn can supply themselves and their families with the healthy food products. Therefore, without any doubt agriculture’s elementary requirement is to make sure that the essential need of food as well as nutrition is met and no one remains empty stomach. It is thus very much like a ‘way of living’ rather than a ‘mode of doing business’.

In addition, agriculture is not only important for feeding people, but is also crucial for export purposes. In any country’s economy, it is trading that draws a huge amount of revenue and brings prosperity to the nation. When agricultural-based products are sold into other countries, which are facing the scarcity of certain products, a substantial income is earned. Let me cite an instance, in the year 2013 our country India exported agricultural products that resulted in the earning of about 39 billion dollars, which is indeed not a small amount given the financial status of our country.

Needless to say that agriculture in itself is a very important sector, which other than being the key sector, has also encouraged the growth of other industries, which we commonly called them as agro-based industries. Don’t we? These are those industries which in some or the other way are connected with agricultural products like sugar industry, tobacco, cotton and the list goes on.

Thus, it can be evinced that agriculture is truly the backbone of any nation-state across the world and the benefit of farming are enormous. So let’s take a pledge to support our farmers as much as we can and push the government to give them a favorable working environment.

Speech on Agriculture – 3

Dear Students – Welcome to this special session, which is specially organized at the request of you all!

As we all know that in your Social Science subject you have one complete section dedicated to farming and studying the geographical, social, cultural as well as political impact on various agricultural activities of the farmers. So here I am to deliver a succinct speech on agriculture in order to give you a fair understanding on the subject.

First, let’s understand the very definition of agriculture. Agriculture means the cultivation and breeding of plants, animals as well as fungi for fiber, food, medicinal plants, bio-fuel, including a host of other products that are important for the sustenance and betterment of human life. When human civilization was born, agriculture began as a key activity wherein the farming of pet species led to the growth of food surpluses, which in turn supported the progress of civilization. The agricultural study is defined as agricultural science and the history of which goes back to thousands of years and its growth has been driven and described in terms of varied cultures, climates and technologies. Agriculture-based industries founded on big-scale monoculture farming have gained ascendancy over other agricultural methods.

Needless to mention, agriculture is the most crucial activity of all which not only helps the people to survive in terms of supplying them with food for life, but also strengthens the economic base of a country and brings prosperity as well as well-being. If we go at a deeper level and try to further understand the importance of farming, then I can unhesitatingly say that agriculture provides fiber, food, furniture, fuel as well as raw materials for various industries and also gifts human beings fresh and healthy environment. If agricultural activities will be given due prominence then it can yield plenty of food to drive out such horrifying situation as famine and encourage a feeling of friendship between people from different backgrounds and nations doing away with fights.

When agricultural production is carried out satisfactorily, it leads to the restoration of peace, happiness, health, wealth and prosperity for the people and driving away negative feelings of discord, distrust ad anarchy. It also enables communities of different castes and class to come together and form a unified society thus leading to the creation of better social, political, cultural and economical life. Development in agriculture is multi-directional endowed with a galloping speed and quick spread in terms of time and space.

I am sure all of you remember green revolution, right? So it was post green revolution that farmers began using improved technologies and agricultural practices in rigorous cropping systems along with laborers-centered programs with a view to increase the production potential per unit land, input and time. It provided a convenient atmosphere to all the improved genotypes for promoting and manifesting their yield capacity in newer places and regions. Agriculture involves growing plants as well as rearing livestock in order to sustain and produce while in the end striking an organic equilibrium in nature.

I hope I have been able to convey most of the important points related to farming in this limited time period. Now, you can raise your hands one-by-one and ask your questions.

Speech on Agriculture – 4

Hon’ble Principal, Vice Principal, Teachers and My Dear Fellow Students – Warm Greetings of the Day to all! Special thanks to our hon’ble principal and vice principal for gracing the speech ceremony of today with their presence. I am thankful from the bottom of my heart because we all realize the value of your time.

The speech topic for today is Agriculture. There are 2 reasons behind choosing this topic. Firstly, India is an agriculture-based land often called “ Krishi Pradha Desh ”. So it is important that as a youth we take up important issues and spread awareness. Secondly, I hail from a farmer’s family and my father himself is a farmer. Every day I see him toiling on land and working hard on his crops. No other topic could have been a better choice for me other than this because I want to raise the sensitivity of people on this subject and enable a mass support for the farmers so that our government can take appropriate measures for strengthening their status in our society. So here I go!

Do you know the source from where the word “agriculture” is derived? It is from the Latin words, i.e. Ager and Cultura, meaning land or field that the word is derived wherein cultura implies cultivation. Thus, the term suggests cultivation of land, i.e. the art and science of cultivating crops as well as rearing livestock for monetary gain. It also implies the science of growing crops and rearing animals from the earth’s natural resources. The chief aim of agricultural activities is to make an empty piece of land productive and securing it from misuse or deterioration. Farming and agriculture are often used irreplaceably – where it means the cultivation of food, fodder, including other industrial resources.

Agriculture is synonymous to art, the science and business of raising crops and livestock for monetary benefits. As an art, agriculture takes into purview the methods of performing the farm operations using great dexterity and skillfulness. The skill that I am talking of is divided into 2 chief categories, i.e.

  • Physical Skill : It is about the capability to perform operations in the most efficient way possible, for instance efficient handling of farming-based equipment, animals, etc implanting seeds, fertilizer, application of pesticides, etc.
  • Mental Skill : It is the ability of a farmer where he is able to take firm decisions by drawing on his experience, such as (i) making a choice of crop as well as cropping system to suit climate and soil (ii) choosing method and most importantly time of ploughing (iii) adopting better methods of farming.

As a Science: Agriculture makes use of the latest technologies based on scientific principles, like breeding, crop production, improvement and protection, etc with an aim to increase the growth and profit margin. For instance, new varieties and crops are developed with the help of hybridization, herbicides are used to prevent the growth of weeds and bio-control agents are used to fight off crop diseases and pest.

As a Business: Till the time agriculture is the way of living life in the rural regions, production will eventually be linked to consumption. However, when it comes to business the aim of agriculture will then shift from merely consumption to maximizing output so as to yield maximum return on the same with the help of effective management of labor, land, capital and water as well as making use of the varied knowledge of Science for the production of fiber, food and fuel.

Thus, agriculture is a vast phenomenon and need to be understood in a larger national as well as global context.

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We invited Harrison Butker to speak at our college. We won't bow to cancel culture.

The reaction to commencement speech by kansas city chiefs kicker harrison butker reaffirmed benedictine college's commitment to be a university in the full sense of the word..

agriculture topics to write a speech about

Benedictine College is on a mission to transform culture in America, but we didn’t expect one commencement address to put us in the center of our country’s current culture wars. The experience, though, is a good reminder that the mission we have is more important than ever. Let me explain.

Benedictine, the college I serve as president in Atchison, Kansas, was the site of the recent graduation speech by Harrison Butker , kicker of the Kansas City Chiefs. In retrospect, it had all the elements needed to go viral: It was given by the high scorer from the last two Super Bowls who quoted Taylor Swift and offered views on politics, religion and gender roles.

No one expected it to be as big as it became, though. Suddenly the speech and reactions were everywhere. It was the topic of the "Today" show and "Fox & Friends," "The View" and "The Daily Wire," NPR and the BBC.

For days, talk shows weighed in nationwide. It seemed that everyone had an opinion, and some of the reactions were a surprise. For example, Bill Maher applauded part of the speech on its substance, and Whoopi Goldberg – along with Kansas City quarterback Patrick Mahomes and coach Andy Reid – defended Butker on free speech grounds.

At first, the negative reactions overwhelmed the positive ones. We logged thousands of hateful emails and hours of angry phone calls. More recently, though, positive reactions have surged. Through it all, reporters, callers, friends and foes wanted to know: Do we agree with Harrison Butker’s sentiments?

Universities were not created to be 'safe spaces'

We decided not to comment publicly on the speech. For one reason, doing so could just incite the haters again.

The other reason is even more significant: The demand that we weigh in on Butker’s speech is exactly the kind of problem Benedictine College hopes to counteract in American culture.

We’ve hosted cardinals and bishops, a U.S. House speaker and a governor, authors and businesspeople, entertainers and athletes. Until this year, no one ever asked us if we shared their views, attacked us for hosting them, or demanded that our commencement speakers be chased from the public square, silenced and fired. This sort of reaction is wrong.

Butker is right about motherhood. But the NFL kicker is wrong about our choices.

Our history as educators goes back over 1,500 years. Benedictines began schools across Europe for students to share the learning of monks and sisters who are guided by the Rule of St. Benedict , written in the sixth century.

From the start, our universities were not created to be “safe spaces” where people cocoon themselves away from ideas that challenge them. They were institutions that guarded their faith fiercely, but where every question was posed and vigorously investigated.

Because of that, after the Roman empire fell, Benedictines transformed Western civilization through their mission of community, faith and scholarship by creating abbeys, liturgy and schools.

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Community is the answer to cancel culture

The reaction to Butker’s speech reaffirmed Benedictine College’s commitment to be a university in the full sense of the word. The same Benedictine mission can be just as powerful in America as it was in Europe: Community is the answer to the cancel culture; faith is the answer to the culture of unbelief; and scholarship is the answer to the culture of relativism.

As a Benedictine school, transforming culture is in our DNA, and as a U.S. college, transforming culture is our patriotic duty. St. Pope John Paul II noted that democracies can easily become anti-cultures controlled by “the wishes of the few.”

But, he said, “the United States possesses a safeguard, a great bulwark, against this happening. I speak of your founding documents : the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights. These documents are grounded in and embody unchanging principles of the natural law whose permanent truth and validity can be known by reason, for it is the law written by God in human hearts.”

Education is an end in itself: Young conservatives like me are told not to attend college. That's shortsighted.

So Benedictine College is building a new classically designed library reminiscent of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, with a replica of the Assembly Room and the Liberty Bell to teach about the founding principles. We are in the early stages of a proposed new school of medicine that will enshrine Catholic moral teaching on the infinite dignity of the human person as created by God.

Pope Benedict XVI said the hallmark of a Catholic university is that we share Christ’s love with our students. I tell each professor we hire that here we love our students.

When we do our job right, we educate students in our mission on campus, and then they build community, faith and scholarship in all walks of life, in their neighborhoods and cities.

Benedictine College will continue to work on transforming culture in America, so that one day, all Americans, and not just Super Bowl stars, can be free to speak their minds and engage each other without being shouted down, threatened and intimidated.

I wish we were there already.

Stephen D. Minnis is   president of Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas .

You can read diverse opinions from our USA TODAY columnists and other writers on the Opinion front page , on X, formerly Twitter, @usatodayopinion and in our Opinion newsletter .


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    The Agricultural Revolutions: Timeline, Causes, Inventions. This revolution prevented food emergencies in Latin America and Asia during the 1970s and 1980s. However, the revolution was not a successful tactic in ending global food shortage and hunger. Argentina-Kenya International Trade in Agriculture.

  6. 28 Exceptional FFA Speech Topics

    28 Exceptional FFA Speech Topics. Feb 5, 2014 by Brandon Gaille. The National FFA Organization provides resources for educators on effective ways to communicate to others for influence decisions and impacting change. Language skills included can be spoken, written, or visual based through presentations and aids.

  7. 127 Best Agriculture Essay Topics: Free List (Updated)

    Agriculture Persuasive Speech Topics. If you are struggling to write a persuasive speech about agriculture and don't know what to talk about, we can help you out. Here are some original agriculture persuasive speech topics for you: Problems with soil degradation in the United States; Talk about employment in the agricultural sector

  8. 100+ Best Agriculture Topics For Presentation

    Natural Farming Topics For Presentation. Natural Farming Vs Factory Farming. Subsistence Farming Vs Commercial Farming. Agroforestry: Forest Farming. Sustainable Agriculture. Natural Farming. Natural Farming - Let's go Beyond Organic Farming. Spiritual Farming: a way to sustainable holistic farming!

  9. Agriculture Speech Topics

    Agriculture speech topics are topics that allow students to research more about agriculture and gain a deeper understanding of the subject. These topics are a great way to help students increase their knowledge base when it comes to agriculture. ... It is important that when writing on these topics, students keep in mind a few factors. The ...

  10. Ideas about Agriculture

    From solar panels to electric vehicles, all sorts of exciting technologies are being used to address the climate crisis. But some solutions already exist in the natural world. Seaweed -- yes, seaweed -- could help us absorb carbon emissions, generate marine protein and replace petroleum-based products. Posted Sep 2021.

  11. Top 42 Agriculture Speech Essay Topics & Ideas for 2022

    The Best Essay Of Barry and Britt. Aztec Food and Agriculture Informative Speech. Hunting And Gathering Vs Agriculture Research. Marc Antony' s Speech In Caesar Essay. Organic Agriculture Industry. The Principles of Organic Agriculture. Subsistence Agriculture.

  12. Speech on Agriculture in English For Students

    A simple 10-lines farming speech is given below. This speech on agriculture can be referred to by the young students of Classes 1 to 3. Agriculture is the backbone of our country's economy. It is the main traditional occupation of our country. India produces both Kharif and Rabi crops.

  13. Public Speaking Tips for the Farm Bureau Speech Contest

    Tell your audience what you are going to tell them! Next, create the body of your speech. The body of the speech contains support for your purpose. The body also contains the main points of your topic. Three to five main points are a good number to use. Keep your ideas well-defined so that the audience will remember them.

  14. Speech On Agriculture

    Long And Short Speeches On Agriculture for Kids And Students in English. We are providing a long Speech On Agriculture of 500 Words and a short Speech On Agriculture of 150 Words along with ten lines on the topic. These speeches will be useful for school and college students who might be assigned to write or give a speech on Agriculture.

  15. 85 Farming Topic Ideas to Write about & Essay Samples

    Natureview Farm's Strategic Plans. The chief executive officer of Natureview analyzed the market stance and tasked his team to develop strategic plan to ensure that the revenue growth increase by over 50% at the end of the year 2001. We will write. a custom essay specifically for you by our professional experts.

  16. Speech On Agriculture [1 To 3 Minutes]

    Speech On Agriculture For 2 to 3 Minutes. I warmly welcome all of you gathered here. I am here to a few words on agriculture. Before I start my speech, I would like to wish you a good day. Also, I want to thank you for giving me this valuable opportunity. Food is one of the most important basic needs of each living being.

  17. Speech on Agriculture in English

    Long Speech on Agriculture. "Agriculture is our wisest pursuit because it will, in the end, contribute most to real wealth, good morals, and happiness." In simple words, agriculture is the art and science of cultivating land, growing crops, and feeding and raising livestock. India largely depends on the agriculture sector.

  18. PDF Prepared Public Speaking

    Participants may choose any current subject for their speech that is of an agricultural character (nature), which may include Agriscience and technology, agribusiness, agrimarketing, international agricultural relations, and agricultural communications. Leadership topics are also permitted. Official judges of any FFA Prepared Public

  19. Ag talk: I gave my presentation, but did my farmers listen to me?

    Some speakers believe they need to talk about everything they learned in a full year of research during a 50-minute talk. That is definitely not the case. It is better to focus on two to three subtopics and make sure the public will remember them after your speech. In a nutshell, presentations should have: An attention-getter. A main topic.

  20. Speech on Agriculture for Students and Children

    After the green revolution, our agriculture sector has grown stronger than many countries and we are the largest exporter of many food grains. Get the Huge list of 100+ Speech Topics here. Significance of Agriculture. The agricultural sector is one of the major contributors to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the national income of the country.

  21. Agriscience Prepared Public Speaking

    Gain knowledge of current agricultural topics and issues. Explore career interests in the diverse field of agriculture. ... It is required that a complete and accurate bibliography used in writing the speech be included at the back of EACH manuscript. (It is recommended to use an ...

  22. Speech on Agriculture: Students' guide for their academic purpose

    Speech on Agriculture for Students in English. A warm welcome to everybody, and a sincere greeting to all. My name is Parshant, and I am a student of Arya Public School, 10th class. I am grateful for the chance to educate myself and others about agriculture. Agriculture is one of the main activities performed by the Indian population for their ...

  23. (Speech on Agriculture) in simple and easy words

    Speech on Agriculture: Agriculture is certainly one of the most significant activities of a country as it not only feeds millions of people but also contributes towards the overall growth of the GDP. At various social events, school or college functions, agriculture is a much talked about topic. In fact, for the government, it's a pertinent issue and various steps are being taken for the ...

  24. "Open To Debate" Mock Trial: Murthy v. Missouri, A Case On Free Speech

    Via Open To Debate -- The Supreme Court is taking up a case that could affect how you learn about issues during a crucial election year. Government officials concerned about misinformation related ...

  25. Butker's graduation speech shows we must push back on cancel culture

    Suddenly the speech and reactions were everywhere. It was the topic of the "Today" show and "Fox & Friends," "The View" and "The Daily Wire," NPR and the BBC. For days, talk shows weighed in ...