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Argumentative Essay On Are Mothers Better Parents Than Fathers

Type of paper: Argumentative Essay

Topic: Youth , Parents , Women , Behavior , Children , Father , Teenagers , Family

Words: 1400

Published: 02/01/2020


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It is undeniable that mothers and fathers have different parenting styles within the family structure. Ideally, a family will have both a mother and a father present to raise a child, but this is not always possible in all sets of circumstances. Mothers and fathers often play different roles in a child’s life, and it is very difficult for one parent to raise a family on his or her own. Children require a great deal of attention, and it is therefore best for two parents to raise a child together. In the case where a single mother must raise a child, she will face unique challenges that a single father trying to raise a child will not face. Women in general will be paid less than men in most countries, and will therefore have to work longer hours to get the same salary as a man would. Children are expensive, particularly young children, and money problems can be very significant for single mothers (Venezaino, 2004). Single mothers may also face problems when it comes to finding a suitable partner, as it is more common for men to be unwilling to marry women with children than vice versa (Venezaino, 2004). When a single father is given the task of raising a child, he faces different challenges. Many men, for instance, are not used to the responsibilities that come with raising children, whereas women are more accustomed to all the tasks and problems that come along with childrearing and the responsibilities associated with childrearing (Venezaino, 2004). Single fathers do not often face the same level of economic challenge as single mothers, but their social challenges may be greater, and they may need to hire help to care for their child or children, if they have more than one. In addition, single-parent households often have to juggle custody arrangements, which, in the United States, heavily favor the mother (Venezaino, 2004). These custody arrangements can make it difficult for one of the parents to see the child frequently, causing issues with bonding between the child and the non-custodial parent. If the father is absent more frequently than the mother, then the child may experience certain effects; however, if the mother is absent more frequently than the father, the children will face different challenges. Deciding whether the mother or the father is the better parent can only be determined after looking at the differences in parenting styles between mothers and fathers. Regardless of whether mothers or fathers are better parents in general does not dictate whether or not a specific mother or father is a good parent, of course. However, when looking at the ideal candidate for a single-parent custodial arrangement, there are many different factors to look at. According to Martin et al.(2007), there are many ways to look at the differences between female and male parenting styles: Anadvantage to studying parents in combination is that it may be possible to identify interactions between the effects of mothers’ and fathers’ parenting that are not visible in studies of main effects. For example, based on the literature linking maternal and paternal supportiveness to early child cognition, it might be expected that the effects of a supportive mother and a supportive father are additive. However, there may be a synergistic dynamic between two supportive parents that produces a multiplicative effect (Martin et al., 2007). Mothers are certainly more nurturing than fathers for the most part, according to Martin et al (2007). For the most part, mothers have a bond that is formed with their children from the time they give birth to them; for fathers, this bond is acquired, not experienced as a biological imperative. Motherhood and pregnancy floods a woman’s body with hormones, causing her to feel elation and bond with her child (Martin et al., 2007). For babies, mothers are biologically better caretakers than fathers, because they can provide the child with milk and sustain them with important nutrients throughout the pregnancy. Research suggests that babies that are breastfed are often better adjusted and healthier throughout their lives; for this reason, mothers are imperative to the proper growth of the child throughout its infancy. As the child gets older, a caring and compassionate father can easily do the job of a mother, but during infancy, nothing can replace the mother biologically as far as the care and feeding of the infant is concerned. According to many sources, mothers have more patience with young children than fathers do. Mothers and fathers often have different parenting styles, with fathers acting as disciplinarians more often than not. This is an important role, to be sure, but during young childhood, a mother who cares and nurtures her child cannot be overstated. Another problem with fathers acting as the primary custodial figure in parental rights disputes is listed by Updegraff (2007): But how accurate are fathers' perceptions of their children's problem behaviors? Are fathers' perceptions and behaviors with their children also affected by personal adjustment problems? Very little research has been conducted with the fathers of conduct-problem children Their research indicated that fathers' ratings were not correlated with teachers' ratings of the children's externalizing behaviors, whereas mothers' ratings were significantly correlated with teachers' ratings (Updegraff, 2007). Mothers and fathers interpret their children’s behavior differently; mothers seem to be more in tune with their children’s behavior for the most part, particularly when the behavior is deviant and when they are young children. Mothers are better than fathers because mothers are also groomed from a young age to know how to look after children. Not all women know how to look after children, of course, but society does put more emphasis on learning how to take care of children for women than for men. For instance, when was the last time a sitcom made fun of a mother for not knowing how to change a diaper or make a bottle? It is always women who are expected to know how to care for children. Mothers are often more patient than men when it comes to children as well. This may be because they are biologically inclined to be more patient, but it may also be because they are taught to deal with children from a younger age than men. Men who grow up with young siblings can often have very good patience with young children. However, even though some of the characteristics that mothers have can be learned or acquired by men who are interested in being single fathers, there are some biological functions that women can perform that men simply cannot. For an infant, for instance, a man cannot ever learn to breastfeed; it is up to the mother to provide this vital service to her new infant or young child. Society is also more willing to help women who are raising children on their own, because sometimes circumstances happen where the father is no longer in the picture. During this time, single fathers are much less likely than single mothers to receive help from society as a whole. Overall, it is difficult to say whether mothers or fathers are better as parents, because it is a very individualized judgement call. However, when it comes to choosing a mother or a father for the custodial parent, the mother should be chosen when she is a fit parent who has no major social or emotional problems in her life. Mothers are not always superior to fathers, but for the most part, a mother will be more successful raising a child on her own than a father will be.

Martin, A. et al. (2007). The Joint Influence of Mother and Father Parenting on Child Cognitive Outcomes at Age 5. National Center for Children and Families . Schaffer, C. et al. (2005). Predictors of Child Abuse Potential Among Military Parents: Comparing Mothers and Fathers. Journal of Family Violence, 20 (2). Unknown. (1986). Mothers' and Fathers' Perceptions of Child Deviance: Roles of Parent and Child Behaviors and Parent Adjustment. Journal of ConsuIting and Clinical Psychology, 56 (6). Updegraff, K. (2001). Parents' Involvement in Adolescents' Peer Relationships: A Comparison of Mothers' and Fathers' Roles. Journal of Marriage and Family, 10 (1). Veneziano, R. (2004). Parental Roles. Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender – Men and Women in the World’s Cultures: SpringerReference .


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Essay on Fathers Are Better Than Mothers

Students are often asked to write an essay on Fathers Are Better Than Mothers in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Fathers Are Better Than Mothers

Strength and protection.

Fathers are often seen as strong. They work hard to keep their family safe. Many children feel secure when their dad is around. Fathers can be like superheroes who protect their family from danger.

Teaching Life Skills

Dads are great at teaching skills like fixing a bike or playing sports. They show their kids how to be brave and tackle problems. Fathers can be good at helping children learn to be independent.

Fun and Adventure

Fathers can be very fun. They might play games, tell jokes, or take their kids on exciting trips. With dads, life can be an adventure full of laughter and new experiences.

Emotional Support

Some people think fathers are not as good at giving hugs or understanding feelings. But many dads are great at listening and helping their kids when they are sad or worried. Fathers can give excellent advice and make their children feel loved.

250 Words Essay on Fathers Are Better Than Mothers

Strength of fathers.

Many people say that fathers are stronger than mothers. This is often because fathers are seen doing hard tasks like fixing things around the house, lifting heavy objects, and sometimes working in tough jobs. Their physical strength can be clear to see, which might make children think they are better.

Courage and Protection

Fathers are often thought of as protectors. They check for monsters under the bed or scare away the stray dogs. Their courage in these situations can make children feel safe and could be why some believe fathers are better.

It is also said that fathers are more fun. They play sports, go on hikes, and sometimes let children stay up late. These fun times can create exciting memories, making fathers seem like the better parent to some kids.

Fathers teach life skills like how to ride a bike or how to fish. They show children how to be brave and to try new things. When a child learns something new from their dad, it can make fathers look better in their eyes.

In conclusion, some might think fathers are better because of their strength, protection, fun nature, and the life skills they teach. But it’s important to remember that both fathers and mothers are special in their own ways. They both love their children and want the best for them. It’s not about who is better; it’s about the unique things each parent brings to a child’s life.

500 Words Essay on Fathers Are Better Than Mothers

Fathers are strong leaders.

When people think about families, they often picture mothers as the ones who take care of children and fathers as the ones who make money. But fathers can be just as good, or sometimes even better, at taking care of kids as mothers. One reason is that fathers are often seen as strong leaders. They make tough decisions and solve problems in smart ways. Kids can learn how to be brave and make good choices by watching their dads.

Fathers Teach Different Skills

Fathers often teach their children different things than mothers do. They might show their kids how to play sports, fix a bike, or build a model airplane. These skills are important for children to learn. Fathers can also be more playful and encourage their kids to try new things. This can help children to be more confident and to not be afraid of challenges.

Fathers Protect Their Families

Many people think of fathers as the protectors of the family. They work hard to make sure their children are safe and have everything they need. Fathers might teach their kids how to be safe when they are outside or how to stand up for themselves. This can make children feel secure and know that their dad will always be there to protect them.

Fathers Set an Example

Fathers are role models for their children. Boys often look up to their dads and want to be like them when they grow up. Girls also learn from their fathers what to expect from men in their lives. If a father is kind, hardworking, and honest, his children will want to be that way too. This can have a big impact on how children act and the kind of people they become.

Fathers Provide for the Family

Traditionally, fathers are the ones who bring money into the home. They work hard to make sure their family has a place to live, food to eat, and clothes to wear. While mothers can do this too, fathers are often seen as the main providers. This can make them very important in making sure the family has what it needs to live a good life.

Fathers Show Love Differently

Mothers often show love by hugging, kissing, and saying nice things to their children. Fathers might show love in different ways. They might play games, teach their kids new skills, or work hard to provide for the family. Even though it’s different from how mothers show love, it is just as important. Children need to feel loved by both their parents.

In conclusion, fathers have a special role in families. They are leaders, teachers, protectors, role models, and providers. They show love in their own way and teach their children important life skills. Even though mothers are wonderful and do so much for their kids, fathers can be just as good at taking care of their children. It’s important to remember that every family is different, and both mothers and fathers are important in their own ways.

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write an argumentative essay on the topic fathers are better than mothers

Are Women Better Parents Than Men? Essay

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“A Mother is Better than a Father” – Gender Inequality in Parenting

Reasons why mothers are better parents than fathers, impact on child’s emotional state, communication shouldn’t be neglected, do women make better parents than men, works cited.

Traditionally, the role of raising children was the mothers’. Therefore, it is often considered that women are better parents than men. However, today, circumstances have changed, and both the father and mother are responsible for bringing up the children. There is a stronger bond between a mother and child from birth. The relationship that a mother forms with the child during pregnancy is evident even after the child is born. Mothers will do everything to make sure their children are alright. This is unlike the fathers who always act aloof. This is an argumentative essay that aims to prove that mothers are better parents than fathers.

Mostly, fathers appear to have a weak bond with the children. Fathers are detached from their children and can quickly desert them, while women can not. One of the reasons why fathers seem less committed to their children is because most fathers are not sure about the paternity of the child. For mothers, there can never be such doubts. However, the father cannot be sure that the child is his, and this is the gender difference. Therefore, he is reluctant to support and spend his resources on a child that could be another man’s (Kazanawa par 4).

Another reason for the lack of a strong bond between a father and the children is because men have a more significant potential to have more children than women. The men can get children throughout their lives while this is not possible for women after menopause.

Therefore, the men are not so attached to their children because even if they lose them, they can always have some more. That is why the majority of men can abandon their wives and children and move on to start another family. (Kazanawa par 7). Fathers may be considered biologically inferior parents. This discussion aims to prove that women are better at parenting than men.

Many communities assign the role of caring for children to the mother while the father is expected to provide for the family and instill discipline in children.

The father is thus distanced from the children because they fear him as they view him as a disciplinarian. Today, there are no distinct roles expected of either the father or mother. In most homes, both the father and mother share the responsibility of providing for the family.

There are also many homes with one parent because of divorce or the death of one parent. The role of upbringing their children should be shared between the mother and the father since both of them go to work . However, fathers do not participate much in raising their children.

Mothers spend more time with their children and, therefore, the children form a better connection with them. A hormone called oxytocin enables the mother to bond better with the child than the father. It allows the child to feel secure as long as he/she is with the mother. When the mother leaves, the child gets upset and cries but is happy again when she returns.

This is the reaction of the hormone. It makes the child know that the mother will always be there and will never let him/ her down (Kuchinskas 31). From birth, the mothers spend more time caring for the child. At this stage, the child needs a lot of attention and specialized care, and the mother is the one best suited to do that.

The father only comes in when the baby is older. Therefore, women are better parents than men. Opponents of this position may argue that fathers are better at parenting since they provide financial support. However, active involvement in a child’s life is the most important kind of support in family for children when they are growing up because it shapes their psychological development. Therefore, there should be no differences between female and male parenting.

Both parents need to be aggressively involved in the nurturing of the child. In any case, even mothers are in employment, and both parents share the responsibility of providing for the family. Therefore, men cannot excuse themselves from the role of nurturing the child based on providing financial support as their role is of great importance.

Mothers are more emotional than men. They are more sympathetic and understanding of their children whenever they are in trouble (Weiten, Dunn and Hammer 344). A mother may even defend her children when their father is angry and wants to punish them. Children, therefore, see the mother as a source of comfort and protection and will seek help from her whenever they need something.

They will invariably run to her when they experience problems. The father is less emotional and less likely to sympathize with the children. Therefore, they will not feel free to share their issues with him. The children tend to love the mother more than the father. One might object here that being very emotional and soft on the children might spoil them and make them unprepared for life’s challenges.

One might argue that men are not overprotective and are rough with the children, and therefore, they teach them to be courageous and go-getters in life. They believe that softly treating the children will make them cowards and reluctant to deal with tough situations in the future.

However, the way men treat children may have a detrimental effect on them. This is because treating children harshly and aggressively may affect them emotionally, and this may impact on their future lives as adults. Research reveals that children’s upbringing affects how they relate with others in the future, how they perform in school, and the way they handle challenges. Children who experience violent treatment are impoverished at socializing with others (Attili, Vermigli and Roazzi 24).

Women have better rearing skills than men because that is what they grow up practicing. The parents assign their daughters the roles that involve caring and nurturing. Therefore, by the time they become adults, they have perfected these skills. As they grow up, girls will engage in motherly activities like caring for their dolls or younger siblings.

Boys, on the other hand, are not concerned with such roles. They are interested in rough games and machines, and these do not prepare them to nurture their children. As a result, they grow up without a clue about how to raise their children.

Furthermore, women tend to be gentler than men. They treat the children well while the men are rough and sometimes violent (Weiten, Dunn and Hammer 343). Raising children is a task that requires a lot of patience, gentleness, and tenderness. Women can withstand irritating situations like the constant crying and nagging of a baby. As such, many people believe that women make better parents than men.

Men do not possess such traits and will quickly get angry and impatient with the child. They might even be tempted to yell or hit the children. A child at this stage requires to be taken care of by someone with the right qualities.

Communication aspect should also be reviewed to answer the question “Are women better parents than men?” Women also have better communication skills than men (Weiten, Dunn and Hammer 344). As they grow up, children need to be listened to and understood. They also need to be advised and reproached. Women can achieve this through proper communication with the children.

Lack of communication between the children and the parents can lead to children looking for answers from other sources, like the peers and the media, which can be misleading (Kanazawa 2008). Mothers will, therefore, be seen as better parents because the children will always prefer to share their problems and concerns with them than with their fathers. Men are less expressive than women and this is another point why mothers are better parents.

Another reason why women are better parents is that they are more conscious and conscientious to the needs of their children than men. When babies cry, the mothers’ maternal instincts will enable them to know what they need. It is not easy for a father to understand what a crying baby needs.

A young baby needs to be understood and attended to accordingly. This makes the women better parents than the men (Frodi, Lamb, Leavitt and Donovan 190). Critics of this position may argue that fathers are good parents because they will be involved in caring for their children later when they grow older and no longer need so much attention. However, the father needs to be actively engaged in raising the child from birth because his involvement is most critical when the child is young.

Women are more sympathetic and softhearted than men (Costello par 6). Sometimes children go through experiences that require the parents to be compassionate and comforting to them. Mothers are perfect at this, while fathers are not willing to show emotion as it might be seen as a sign of weakness.

Fathers want to be perceived by their children as severe and in control. Most of them will always admonish their children. This alienates many fathers from their children as they will always choose to share their concerns with the mother. Of course, the father needs to appear tough so that the children can be well-disciplined, but overdoing it might scare them and negatively affect their relationship.

From the above discussion, it is clear that women play a more significant role than men in bringing up children. There are several reasons why mothers are more important than fathers in the family. They provide the right environment for the healthy upbringing of a child. They do this by actively participating in nurturing the child since birth. Carrying a child through pregnancy establishes a powerful bond between the mother and the child.

Mothers also provide comfort and sympathy, which is critical in a child’s psychological development. Moreover, women are sensitive and understanding of the needs of the children more than men. On top of that, women are excellent communicators and will always lend an ear to their children’s concerns.

They are also more sympathetic and less aggressive towards the children than the men. Above all, women have maternal instincts, which always make them look out for their children’s safety. These qualities make most of the children to be more attached to their mothers than their fathers. Therefore, women are better parents than men.

Attili, Grazia, Patrizia Vermigli, and Antonio Roazzi. Children’s Social Competence, Peer Status, and the Quality of Mother-Child and Father-Child Relationships: A Multidimensional Scaling Approach. European Psychologist 15.1 (2010): 23-33. Web.

Costello, Victoria. Daddy and Baby: The Science of New Fatherhood. 2011. Web.

Frodi, Ann, Michael Lamb, Lewis Leavitt, and Donovan Wilberta. Fathers’ and mothers’ responses to infant smiles and cries. Infant Behavior and Development 1 (1978): 187-198.

Kanazawa, Satoshi. Why are mothers better parents than fathers? . 2008. Web.

Kuchinskas, Susan. The Chemistry of Connection: How the Oxytocin Response Can Help You Find Trust, Intimacy, and Love. USA: New Harbinger Publications, 2009.

Weiten, Wayne, Dunn, Dana S., and Elizabeth Hammer Yost. Psychology Applied to Modern Life: Adjustment in the 21st Century. USA: Cengage Learning, 2011. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2018, June 12). Are Women Better Parents Than Men? Essay. https://ivypanda.com/essays/are-women-better-parents-than-men/

"Are Women Better Parents Than Men? Essay." IvyPanda , 12 June 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/are-women-better-parents-than-men/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Are Women Better Parents Than Men? Essay'. 12 June.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Are Women Better Parents Than Men? Essay." June 12, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/are-women-better-parents-than-men/.

1. IvyPanda . "Are Women Better Parents Than Men? Essay." June 12, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/are-women-better-parents-than-men/.


IvyPanda . "Are Women Better Parents Than Men? Essay." June 12, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/are-women-better-parents-than-men/.

Study Paragraphs

Essay On Fathers Are Better Than Mothers

The idea that fathers are better than mothers, or the other way around, changes from person to person. This essay, however, looks at what makes fathers special when raising children. This isn’t to say that mothers aren’t as important, we’re focusing on the father’s role which sometimes isn’t appreciated enough.

Table of Contents

Essay: Father Or Mother – Who Is Better?

An age-old debate has revolved around the comparative importance of mothers and fathers within the family unit. While it’s indisputable that both parents play crucial roles, this essay seeks to delve into the unique and often underappreciated facets of a father’s influence on a household and a child’s development. The paper will analyze various dimensions, including emotional support, financial stability, and role modeling, to substantiate the argument that fathers, in many aspects, might hold equal or even surpassing importance compared to mothers.

Fathers (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); as Pillars of Strength

Fathers are often the strong foundations of a family. They give a feeling of safety and keep everyone safe. This is especially true in Nigeria where life can sometimes be tough. In a lot of Nigerian cultures, fathers make the difficult decisions and provide for the family to make sure everyone is safe and secure.

Teaching Life Skills and Discipline

Fathers also help their kids learn important skills for life and discipline. They teach their children to be independent and strong, even when life gets tough. Fathers show through their actions how to work hard, keep trying, and always be honest.

Supporting Emotional and Psychological Well-being

Fathers also help a lot with their children’s emotions and mental health. The way they support their kids is different from how mothers do it, but it’s just as important. They help their children grow emotionally and do well in social and academic situations.

Conclusion: The Balance of Parenthood

So, the father’s role is just as important as the mother’s role. Kids today need both a mother’s and a father’s influence to grow up well. There may be areas where fathers do better, and there are areas where mothers do better. This balance of parenthood is what really helps the children.

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DEBATE TOPIC: Father is better than Mother ( Support and oppose the motion)

Discover why the debate on Father is better than Mother is more than just a comparison. Explore the unique contributions of both parents in child development.

The age-old debate of Father is better than Mother, or vice versa, in raising and nurturing children has sparked countless discussions. However, it’s essential to recognize that this isn’t a competition. Both fathers and mothers play indispensable roles in a child’s upbringing, each bringing a distinct set of qualities to the table. Let’s delve into the various aspects of this debate and explore how both parents contribute to the holistic development of their children.

DEBATE TOPIC: Father is Better than Mother – A Balanced Perspective:

When discussing the roles of fathers and mothers in child development, it’s important to avoid falling into the trap of pitting one against the other. Instead, let’s celebrate the strengths and attributes that each parent brings to the upbringing of their children.

Father’s Strengths and Contributions:

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Fathers contribute uniquely to a child’s upbringing. Their involvement is often associated with promoting physical activity, exploration, and risk-taking. Fathers tend to encourage independence, problem-solving, and resilience through engaging in activities that challenge children’s boundaries. Studies suggest that children with actively involved fathers exhibit higher levels of self-esteem and better cognitive development.

The Power of Play:

Fathers often engage in play with their children that involves physical activities and imaginative scenarios. This type of play not only fosters creativity but also aids in motor skills development. From building forts to playing sports, fathers encourage active participation and hands-on learning.

Setting Boundaries and Teaching Responsibility:

Fathers often emphasize discipline and structure, helping children understand the importance of rules and consequences. This approach aids in developing a sense of responsibility and understanding the outcomes of their actions.

Fostering Problem-Solving Skills:

Fathers tend to challenge children with puzzles, riddles, and constructive tasks that promote critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. This encourages children to approach challenges with a solution-oriented mindset.

Mother’s Strengths and Contributions:

Mothers, on the other hand, bring their own set of strengths to child-rearing. Their nurturing and empathetic qualities create a secure emotional foundation for children. Mothers are often associated with fostering emotional intelligence, effective communication, and social skills.

Emotional Support and Communication:

Mothers excel in providing a safe space for children to express their feelings and thoughts openly. This emotional connection aids in building strong communication skills and healthy relationships in the future.

Teaching Empathy and Compassion:

Mothers are known for their ability to teach children about empathy, compassion, and understanding. Through their nurturing nature, they model the importance of caring for others and being aware of their emotions.

Nutrition and Well-being:

Mothers play a crucial role in ensuring the physical well-being of their children by providing proper nutrition and care. Their attention to health and hygiene practices establishes a foundation for a healthy lifestyle.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Father is better than Mother

Q: Does the debate suggest one parent is superior to the other? A: No, the debate focuses on recognizing the unique contributions of both parents to child development, highlighting their individual strengths.

Q: Are fathers less nurturing than mothers? A: Not necessarily. Fathers may express nurturing in different ways, such as through play and encouragement of independence.

Q: Do single-parent households miss out on the benefits of both parents? A: While single parents can provide a nurturing environment, having both parents involved often brings a diverse range of influences to a child’s growth.

Q: Can a child’s gender influence their preference for one parent over the other? A: Children’s preferences for spending time with either parent can be influenced by a variety of factors, including personal connection, activities, and shared interests.

Q: How can both parents ensure a balanced approach to child-rearing? A: By recognizing and appreciating each other’s strengths, parents can work together to provide a holistic upbringing that encompasses various developmental aspects.

Q: Do fathers and mothers have equal impact on child development? A: Yes, both parents contribute significantly to a child’s development, albeit in distinct ways that complement each other.


In the debate on Father is better then Mother, it’s important to shift the focus from comparison to collaboration. Fathers and mothers bring their own unique qualities to the parenting journey, contributing to the holistic growth of their children. By acknowledging and celebrating these strengths, we pave the way for a balanced approach to child development that benefits from the best of both worlds.

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Father or Mother, Who is More Important in the Family

  • Post author: Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka ACMC
  • Post published: March 15, 2021
  • Post category: Scholarly Articles

Father or Mother, who is more important? The debate regarding the importance of fathers and mothers in the family or society is one that can not be settled by taking a particular stand. Even till today, many people argue that mother/father is generally more important than the other, but a critical look at their arguments will show that their assertion is based on personal experiences.

Nevertheless, in this article, I will take my time to explain this debate topic. I will also make a final conclusion regarding the topic, father or mother, who is more important in the family.

I highly recommend that you pay attention to the words used in this article so that you will be able to grasp everything contained here. Now here we go!

who is more important in the family: fathers or mothers

Imagine that both your Mom and Dad are in near-death situations, who will you save first?

Say your Mom is drowning and at the same time your dad is about to fall off a cliff. What will guide your choice of who to rescue?

One might pick the Mom over the Dad and vice versa but that only depends on the circumstances and peculiarities surrounding each case scenario.

You’ll agree with me that parents are an indispensable part of any individuals life and contribute imersely to an individual’s overall personality, perception and to a large extent decisions in life.

However,there are people who grew up having just one parent in their life example, a single Mom or Dad was all they ever got to know and live with.

Where as, another percentage (most time referred to as orphans) had only guardians and others just themselves to look out for them. This is sad but a reality.

Nonetheless, our focus is on parents, the roles they play , who is most preferred, more important and the reason(s) for this/these prefence.

father or mother, who is more important in the family

Table of Contents

Who are Parents

The term parent, in this article, encompasses other sub terms i.e, mother and father. A parent is one who cares for, protects and nourishes a child.

The health, safety and total  well being of the child is the responsibility of the former.

The society in fact expects parents to raise their children to become better adults and good citizens instigating positive changes in their present environment which hopefully would extend  beyond their present dispensation for the purpose of making the world a better place.

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Roles of Fathers and Mothers in the family

1.They provide food, shelter and clothing: This is true for both fathers and mothers.

In an African setting, it is typical for one to assert that it is the duty of the father to provide money for food and clothing whereas the mother is expected to prepare the meal or buy the clothes.

The man again is seen as the figure that is saddled with the duty of providing a roof over the heads of his family.

But this is not true in other parts of the world and even in Africa there are exceptions to this notion.

2. Education and vocational training: One may safely postulate that education is the most common (and in most instances) the only legacy that parents bequeath their children.

Parents (even those not educated) strive to ensure that their children get a very good education and for whatever it’s worth they strive to ensure that in the absence of the former, the child should at least learn a trade or skill.

The goal generally is to secure a good and indeed bright future , a level of independence at the long run for the child with a mindset that when they’re frail and old that such child can take proper care of them (i.e, reciprocate their kindness).

3. Guidance and counseling: Parents are the first contact a child makes with the society and world at large. The society automatically expects that the parents should teach the children behaviors that are acceptable in the society and by extention how to relate properly with everyone; elders, age mates, younger ones, same and opposite sex alike and parents in turn are fully aware and carryout this duty to the best of their ability.

Parents also help their children make certain important decisions in life, example they help the child discover their interest/passion and improve it, they guide them in making career choices e.t.c.

4. They provide love and security: Parents nurture their children with love and ensure their safety both within and outside their home for example they try to know and provide what their children like,  where they are, whom they’re with, what they’re doing, whether or not it is safe for them and so on.

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Why people prefer their mothers to fathers

A local research shows that 8% of every 10% of children would easily pick their Mom over their Dad, the reason for this is quite simple, mothers have a way of living in the moment with their kids hence becoming a part of their day to day activities and lives in general.

This is in apposition to fathers who are so engrossed in their daily struggles and desire to make ends meet as the expense of a beautiful relationship with their children.

The children in response to this perpetual absence cultivate and indeed become acquainted with an insane level of distance from their fathers all be it unintentionally (by default).

However, it is pertinent to state that the opposite might infact be the position in scenerios covered by the remaining 2%.

Suffice to say that, this is not an attempt to render the roles or importance of fathers inexistent or negligible.

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Mother or Father, Who is more important in the family?

Fathers and Mothers are equally important in the family. There’s no gain saying that the role of former preceeds or overrides the latter.

Nonetheless, both of them are of essence in every individual’s life and the absence of one whether or not expressly stated by the child in question actually has an effect on the child on the long run, perhaps not financially but emotionally.

The child always feels that there’s something missing and of course such child is right.

Again, in the case of orphans this assertion is more clearly potrayed as they’re often conscious of the absence of their parents and this absence to a large extent has a negative effect on their overall life ,behavior and sadly defines/ limits in most cases their level of success and achievement in life.

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Parents generally are equally important in every individual’s life though they might contribute in different ways to the well being and development of a child.

Individual contribution is nonetheless desirable and essential and should not be neglected.

Ask single parents who double both functions and they would confess to you that a little (or maybe tiny) but of them actually crave help from their partners in raising their kids.

write an argumentative essay on the topic fathers are better than mothers

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.

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write an argumentative essay on the topic fathers are better than mothers

Mother is more important in the family

write an argumentative essay on the topic fathers are better than mothers

No they are not

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Women Make Better Parents than Men – IELTS Writing Task 2

Kasturika Samanta

Updated On Dec 08, 2023

write an argumentative essay on the topic fathers are better than mothers

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Women Make Better Parents than Men – IELTS Writing Task 2

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Opinion essays, like Women Make Better Parents than Men, are the most common type of IELTS exam. This kind of question is quite similar to an  Agree/Disagree question  in that it presents two opposing viewpoints and requests your response.

In order to answer  opinion essays  like ‘Women Make Better Parents than Men’, first you need to understand the topic. Then, choose your opinion out of the two given options and strictly follow it. Be aware that opinion essays like the one given in this post do not require a balanced view.

As achieving proficiency in the Essay Writing section of the IELTS Writing module poses a difficulty for numerous test-takers. Hence, it is essential to enhance your essay writing abilities by practising essay topics like Women Make Better Parents than Men, before undertaking the   IELTS Writing Task 2  to ensure success.

Therefore, without wasting too much time, let’s have a look at the  IELTS Opinion Essay  – Women Make Better Parents than Men – with expert-curated Band 7, 8 & 9 sample answers.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that is why they have the greater role in raising children in most societies. others claim that men are just as good as women at parenting. write an essay expressing your point of view., give reasons for your answers and provide relevant examples and experience you might have., you should write at least 250 words., outline of opinion essay – women make better parents than men.

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Band 7 Sample Answer for Writing Task 2 Question – Women Make Better Parents than Men 

In many societies, the common belief is that women make better parents than men, leading to their principal role in raising children. While many people think that this is not true, I think it is true, and my opinion will be discussed in the following paragraphs.

Women are frequently known as caregivers due to their natural ability to provide emotional support. Mothers often create a warm and loving environment that encourages a sense of security for their children. Then, women are seen as more patient and sensitive, necessary features in handling the challenges of parenting. A mother’s ability to understand the needs and emotions of her children adds greatly to their general well-being. This emotional understanding is considered a fundamental aspect of effective parenting.

Also, the role of women as primary caregivers has led to a lot of parenting knowledge passed down through generations. This experience, along with a natural motherly sense, places women as strong sources of guidance and support for their children. The father just earns the money and lacks the time and patience to take care of the children.

So, the belief that women make better parents is based on the qualities of love, warmth, and patience that mothers commonly display. While accepting the importance of fathers, this recognition of the mother’s strengths points out the unique and valuable contributions women bring to the essential task of educating the next generation. (234 words)


  • Principal (Adjective)

Meaning: first in order of importance; main

E.g.: You should talk to the principal engineer to make these changes in the design.

  • Frequently (Adverb)

Meaning: regularly or habitually; often

E.g.: Roy went to meet his family frequently and yet did not understand their problems.

  • Sensitive (Adjective)

Meaning: quick to detect or respond to slight changes, signals, or influences

E.g.: Mr. Jackson is a sensitive person so deal with him very carefully.

  • Fundamental (Adjective)

Meaning: forming a necessary base or core; of central importance

E.g.: Water, air, fire and earth are the fundamental elements of our environment.

  • Guidance (Noun)

Meaning: help and advice about how to do something or about how to deal with problems connected with your work, education, or personal relationships

E.g.: The student needed some guidance to make a change in life.

  • Unique (Adjective)

Meaning: something or someone is unlike anything or anyone else; very special

E.g.: Yami always presents a unique point of view.

  • Essential (Adjective)

Meaning : absolutely necessary; extremely important

E.g.: Trust and teamwork are essential to make this project successful.

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Band 8 Sample Answer for Writing Task 2 Question – Women Make Better Parents than Men 

In today’s societies, many believe that the mother is the primary parent. However, the concept that women naturally make better parents than men is a stereotype that needs to be eliminated. I firmly believe that parenting is a shared responsibility, and both genders are equally capable of providing love, support, and guidance to their children and this point of view will be discussed in the following paragraphs.

To begin with, parenting is not defined by gender but by the individual’s qualities and commitment. Both parents can be compassionate, understanding, and patient guardians. For example, research has shown that children benefit from having various role models, and involved parents, be it the mother, father, or both, can contribute significantly to a child’s emotional and logical development.

Moreover, the idea that women are typically better parents is rooted in ancient gender roles. Societal expectations have traditionally assigned women the primary caregiving role, leading to the misconception that they are genetically more suited for parenting. However, with changing times, men are increasingly taking on active roles in bringing up their children, challenging these stereotypes. Shared parenting responsibilities lead to more balanced households and contribute to the overall well-being of the family.

In conclusion, parenting abilities are not determined by gender but by the individual’s qualities and commitment. In my opinion, both men and women can be excellent parents, and breaking free from traditional stereotypes is crucial for encouraging equality in parenting. Meanwhile, embracing diverse parenting styles enriches children’s experiences, giving them a broader viewpoint and a strong foundation for their future. (258 words)

  • Stereotype (Noun)

Meaning: an idea that is used to describe a particular type of person or thing, or a person or thing thought to represent such an idea

E.g.: It is a stereotype that pink is for a girl and blue is for a boy.

  • Capable (Adjective)

Meaning: having power and ability

E.g.: Josh is capable of fulfilling the commitment.

  • Defined (Verb)

Meaning: to fix or lay down clearly and definitely

E.g.: The role of each member of the team is defined in the document.

  • Compassionate (Adjective)

Meaning: feeling or showing sympathy and sadness for the suffering or bad luck of others, and wanting to help them

E.g.: Kayla is a compassionate person and yet she met a difficult end.

  • Guardians (Noun)

Meaning: a person who has the legal responsibility to take care of someone who cannot take care of themselves

E.g.: The Principal called the guardians of the child to inform them about his mischief.

  • Role model (Noun)

Meaning: someone others look to as a good example

E.g.: Every child needs a better role model to grow up into a better person.

  • Ancient (Adjective)

Meaning: of or from a long time ago, having lasted for a very long time

E.g.: The ancient temple is a place that everyone needs to visit.

  • Misconception (Noun)

Meaning: an idea that is wrong because it has been based on a failure to understand a situation

E.g.: There is a misconception that Jack is the mastermind of the game.

  • Commitment (Noun)

Meaning: a promise or firm decision to do something

E.g.: The couple made their commitment to each other.

  • Enriches (Verb)

Meaning: improve or enhance the quality or value of

E.g.: Experience always enriches life.

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Band 9 Sample Answer for Writing Task 2 Question – Women Make Better Parents than Men 

Unlock Answer

The question of whether women are better parents than men has long been a topic of debate. Traditional societal norms have often dictated that women play a greater role in child-rearing, while others argue that men are equally capable. In this essay, I will assert that parenting skills are not naturally gender-specific and that both men and women can be equally effective parents.

Firstly, women are commonly believed to possess a natural nurturing instinct, making them better caregivers. However, studies have shown that men can develop strong bonds with their children equally. For instance, a father who actively engages in nourishing activities, such as reading bedtime stories, helping with homework, or attending school events, can contribute significantly to a child’s emotional development. Further, children benefit from exposure to diverse role models, and the belief that only women can provide appropriate role modeling is unjustified. A supportive and involved father can teach essential life skills, values, and emotional intelligence.

Moreover, nowadays, couples recognize the importance of equal partnership in raising children, with both parents contributing to various aspects of their children’s lives, from education to psychological support. In addition, in some societies, like the Aka in Central Africa, men play a more active role in child-rearing, challenging the generalization that women are inherently better parents.

  • Dictated (Verb)

Meaning: determined or decided upon as by an authority

E.g.: As we entered the campus, the seniors dictated the rules.

  • Assert (Verb)

Meaning: to behave in a way that expresses your confidence, importance, or power and earns you respect from others

E.g.: You need to assert your rights in order to live peacefully.

  • Exposure (Noun)

Meaning: an act or instance of revealing or unmasking

E.g.: Continuous exposure to radioactive elements can cause genetic disorders.

  • Unjustified (Adjective)

Meaning: not able to be explained in a reasonable way; not deserved

E.g.: The bad treatment that he received in that company was unjustified.

  • Generalization (Noun)

Meaning: a general statement or concept obtained by inference from specific cases

E.g.: In case of generalization there will be errors in the calculation.

  • Inherently (Adverb)

Meaning: existing as a natural and permanent quality of something or someone

E.g.: The elder son/daughter of every family is inherently considered to be the responsible one.

  • Adhering (Verb)

Meaning: attaching or staying attached; sticking, or causing something to stick, to something else

E.g.: In order to win this game, adhering to the rules is a must.

  • Outdated (Adjective)

Meaning: no longer useful or relevant to modern life

E.g.: The phone numbers in the directory are all outdated.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Connectors Used in the Sample Answers for Women Make Better Parents than Men – IELTS Writing Task 2

Check out the list of  connectors  used in the above-given sample answers that will help you add coherence to your writing and earn points for your IELTS Writing Task 2 – Women Make Better Parents than Men.

  • To begin with
  • For example
  • In conclusion
  • In my opinion
  • For instance
  •  In addition
  • On the whole
  • From my perspective

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  • Discussion and Opinion Essays in IELTS (Essays on Technology)
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Kasturika Samanta

Kasturika Samanta

Kasturika is a professional Content Writer with over three years of experience as an English language teacher. Her understanding of English language requirements, as set by foreign universities, is enriched by her interactions with students and educators. Her work is a fusion of extensive knowledge of SEO practices and up-to-date guidelines. This enables her to produce content that not only informs but also engages IELTS aspirants. Her passion for exploring new horizons has driven her to achieve new heights in her learning journey.

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"Are mothers better parents than fathers" - debate the essay topic?

saravanan 1 / 2   Dec 9, 2011   #1 My teacher gave me the debate topic that " Are mothers better parents than fathers " ? I have sorted some points but I still need some more points !!!!! So, please help me ! I will be very thankful . Awaiting for your reply....

write an argumentative essay on the topic fathers are better than mothers

OP saravanan 1 / 2   Dec 9, 2011   #3 Thank you very much for your quick reply . These points were very useful .... I just need a few more points !!!!!! Awaiting for your reply Thanks

OP saravanan 1 / 2   Dec 9, 2011   #5 Thankyou very much Sir . I did get a very good essay on it Thankyou very much

equalityfan - / 1   Dec 28, 2011   #6 Dont be fooled by any claims that Females are better parents based on sex. Even leading feminists denounce essentialism. The issue of mothers and fathers as parents is often hijacked by industry who, pre-industrial revolution, needed men to work as women would miscarry if they had to perform manual labor. Post industrial revolution life expectancy increased with technology and advanced medical care. Taking men away from the family and leaving females alone was the deterrent for women not to have children and thus lower the population and be an active part of the work force. This action lead to single mother families and the ideal that mothers were better parents was pushed. Dr Warren Farrell has written extensively on this topic. Interestingly he points out that children learn their sensitivities from their fathers. Fathers are also quoted to be more fair than women and single mothered families often end with one child more fair than others. This added to the fact that women hold the views that girls are vastly different to boys has lead to boys being victimised prompting Dr Farrell to give a series of lectures about the "Poor Boy" syndrome. Also the notion that women multi task and therefore are better at raising a child whilst running a household, is only half the statement. Women may multi task better but men are calmer under pressure. In cases where there are many things to be done, men are often better to deal with the situation because of their cool heads. Mothers in two parent households are often quoted to have less of an ego and therefore be better at smoothing over tensions in the family. Thus their role to keep the family together is asserted. However, there is no scientific evidence for females having more or less of an ego than men. In fact in observations, women are often called "catty" due to their rivalries with other females. Also note that studies show 70% of domestic violence issues are instigated by the female, which contradicts the role of mothers holding the family together. As an extra note, in some Islamic nations custody of the child always goes to the father after the teenage years begin as the fathers role is seen as more important at this point. My personal view is that sex does not matter and humans are all different. We should move away from speaking of mothers v fathers and concentrate on being parents. Hope this response is of use to you or anybody who wishes to write about this topic.

write an argumentative essay on the topic fathers are better than mothers

Why are mothers better parents than fathers? Part II

How does the 'biological clock' make mothers better parents.

Posted June 15, 2008

write an argumentative essay on the topic fathers are better than mothers

The best they can do is better for men

In my last post , I explained that paternity uncertainty -- the distinct possibility of cuckoldry -- is one reason that fathers are less committed to their children than mother are. The other reason is the absence for men of the proverbial “biological clock.”

The second biological factor that makes fathers less committed parents is their higher fitness ceiling (the best they can do reproductively). Fetuses gestate for nine months within the female body, and infants are, at least in the past, nursed by the mother for several years after birth, during which the mother is usually infertile (lactational amenorrhea). Women also have a much shorter reproductive life than men do due to menopause . These two factors combine to create a much higher fitness ceiling for men than for women.

Men can potentially have many more children than women can. The largest number of children that a man has ever had is at least 1,042. The last Sharifian emperor of Morocco, Moulay Ismail the Bloodthirsty (pictured above), maintained a large harem, as many ancient rulers did, and had at least 700 sons and 342 daughters. The exact number of children that Moulay Ismail had in his lifetime is lost to history, because they stopped counting them after a while. The reason the recorded number of sons is more than twice as many as the recorded number of daughters is because they stopped counting daughters long before they stopped counting sons.

In contrast, the largest number of children that a woman has ever had is 69. The wife of an eighteenth-century Russian peasant, Feodor Vassilyev, had 27 pregnancies in her life, including 16 pairs of twins , seven sets of triplets, and four sets of quadruplets; amazingly, Mrs. Vassilyeva never had any single births in her life! And all but two of her 69 children survived to adulthood.

Exactly how many children Moulay Ismail the Bloodthirsty and Mrs. Vassilyeva had is not important. What’s important is this: The largest number of children that a man can potentially have is two orders of magnitude greater than the potential number of children that a woman can have (thousands vs. tens).

The massive sex difference in the largest possible number of children means that, while reproductive success is equally important to men and women (in fact, to all biological organisms), each child is far more important to the mother than it is to the father. Each child represents a far greater proportion of a woman’s lifetime reproductive potential than it does a man’s. If a 40-year-old mother of five deserts her children and they die as a result, she will likely end her life as a total reproductive loser, having failed to leave any copy of her genes in the next generation. If a 40-year-old father of five does the same, he can go on to produce five (or ten or twenty) more children.

Both paternity uncertainty and the higher fitness ceiling make fathers less committed parents than mothers, and this is why there are so many more deadbeat dads than deadbeat moms; very few women abandon or neglect their children. Ironically, it is the mother’s greater commitment to her children that allows the father to neglect them even more. Knowing the mother’s greater commitment to her children, the father can abandon them, secure in the knowledge that the mother would never do likewise, because if she did, the children would be virtually certain to die. In other words, divorced parents with children are playing a game of Chicken, and it is usually the mother who swerves. Most fathers would probably prefer to invest in their children and raise them by themselves rather than see them die, but they normally do not have to make this difficult decision, because they know that the mother would never abandon them. The mother’s greater commitment to her children ironically allows the father to have his cake and eat it too, by moving on to the next marriage and family in which to invest.

I will conclude this series with the next post , in which I discuss yet another example of “the exception which proves the rule.”

Satoshi Kanazawa

Satoshi Kanazawa is an evolutionary psychologist at LSE and the coauthor (with the late Alan S. Miller) of Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters .

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write an argumentative essay on the topic fathers are better than mothers

Fathers Are Better Than Mothers… Discuss For/Against.

Earlier I had seen a topic in my daughter’s notebook about roles of family members. Father’s pay school fees and buy’s clothes E.t.c while Mummy’s role is to cook. I felt that was not a good portrait of a woman and decided to tell her teacher about it but I forgot.

Weeks later, I heard my daughter telling her self. My Mummy only cooks food but Daddy does plenty things… He buys my clothes, shoes, pays our school fees and the list went on and on. I want to be like daddy so I can do plenty things. Ha! I thought but allowed her to finish her solo discussion.

First, I went to her school to suggest… It will be a good idea to teach the children that the mother’s role is not only in the kitchen. Yes, mothers cook but some fathers do it too because they want to. Mothers also support fathers with all the “plenty” work that Daddy does even if she is a housewife…

I remember growing up and being part of debate topics like Mothers are better than Fathers or boys are better than girls(then you argue for or against) I don’t know if schools still debate such topics. But some of these things are part of the reasons why there is even gender struggle in the first place. There shouldn’t be a competition, Both gender together keeps the wheels running smoothly.

The next step was to teach my children the roles in the home. We showed and explained with actions how Daddy and Mummy help each other both in and outside the home. How truly daddy provides, but mommy’s place is not in the kitchen alone.

They should not start forming the mentality of who does better, who is lower or wait with crossed legs for prince charming to come and put them in the kitchen while he does everything and their brain lies fallow… Nah, not on my watch!

Did the school take my suggestion? Maybe… It is their job to teach but they only support the foundation built by parents. If you leave the job for the school alone… then whatever you get you take!!!

What foundation is your child’s school building on… No foundation, haphazard or solid foundation?

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2 Responses to “ Fathers Are Better Than Mothers… Discuss For/Against. ”

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My dear, that is how my second daughter keeps shouting “I want to be a daddy when I grow up so that I can wear a tie and go to work” not because of anything she was taught at school, but because she likes how daddy always looks like a “gentleman” (in her own words). Lol

And yes! I agree with you that we are not in any gender struggle because both genders keep the wheel rolling. I’m happy that I play the role I do.

Thank you Ufedo for this piece. God bless you 😍😘♥

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Lol @tie and go to work… Yes o… All roles are important Amen, Thanks dear

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write an argumentative essay on the topic fathers are better than mothers

Mothers Are Better Parents Than Fathers

Mothers are more attuned Both parents can be equally good parents but overall, I do think mothers are a lot more attuned and responsive. It makes sense because they bear the child during pregnancy for nine months in their bodies! So you certainly feel the child already so close on that level. Something a father can never have and get. The mother knows the temperament of the baby even before It Is born.

Essay Example on Are Mothers Better Parents

After the baby Is born she spends all day and night feeding, changing diaper, putting baby to sleep, playing tit baby.

So there is more experience and learning about baby that helps Inform mom about how to raise this particular child. Like what works what don’t. What the child Likes and don’t like. Also women are generally more relationship and emotionally oriented. This helps with providing emotional support and teaching social skills to child. Women also have a biological Instinct.

Fathers can sleep through a crying baby but mothers don’t.

I strongly believe that mothers are better than fathers because they are more ND spend more time with the kids and when the mothers hatch you like an egg you would know they love you more than anyone in the world they know how to look after you and protect you from other people by defeating. In conclusion mothers are better because they are looking after you gently not like the fathers just taking after you and Just go run off someone else leaving you out alone with no one else wit you and when your parents get divorced your mum would look after you way better than father .

write an argumentative essay on the topic fathers are better than mothers

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Mothers Are Better Parents Than Fathers. (2019, Nov 27). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-mothers-are-better-parents/

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"Mothers Are Better Parents Than Fathers." PaperAp.com, Nov 27, 2019. Accessed May 30, 2024. https://paperap.com/paper-on-mothers-are-better-parents/

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PaperAp.com. (2019). Mothers Are Better Parents Than Fathers . [Online]. Available at: https://paperap.com/paper-on-mothers-are-better-parents/ [Accessed: 30-May-2024]

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Mothers Are Better Parents Than Fathers

Some say mothers are better parents than fathers What is your opinion

Some say mothers are better parents than fathers. What is your opinion.

Profile picture for user bilalaslam239@gmail.com

One of the most conspicuous trends of today's world is a colossal upsurge in the number of people to believe that mothers are more caring and better parents than father. There is a widespread worry that this will only lead to a myriad of concerns in one's life. However, I do not entirely accept this, and explain why in this essay. There are a number of arguments in favor of my stance. The most preponderant one is that mother's are better parents than father's but I believe that father and mother both take important place in every life. Both play their own role and both are loving style are different. Thanks to the wide range of advantages being offered by topic mothers are better parents than fathers. Parents can enhance the standard of their life with much ease, efficacy and convenience. Needless to say, all these merits stand one in good stead, as far as augmenting their chances of a better life is concerned. Another pivotal aspect of the aforementioned proposition is that it is likely to help one thrive and excel in varied areas. Besides, only when one follows such a system, can one broaden their horizons, thus learning such essential attributes are dedication and responsibilities. Hence, It is apparent why many are in favor of mothers are better parents than fathers. To conclude that, the benefits of mothers are better parents than fathers are indeed too great to ignore.

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Grammar and spelling errors: Line 1, column 250, Rule ID: ONES[1] Message: Did you mean 'one's'? Suggestion: one's ...ll only lead to a myriad of concerns in ones life. However, I do not entirely accept... ^^^^ Line 2, column 241, Rule ID: PROGRESSIVE_VERBS[1] Message: This verb is normally not used in the progressive form. Try a simple form instead. ...life. Both play their own role and both are loving style are different. Thanks to the wide... ^^^^^^^^^^

Transition Words or Phrases used: besides, but, hence, however, if, thus

Attributes: Values AverageValues Percentages(Values/AverageValues)% => Comments

Performance on Part of Speech: To be verbs : 19.0 10.5418719212 180% => OK Auxiliary verbs: 3.0 6.10837438424 49% => OK Conjunction : 8.0 8.36945812808 96% => OK Relative clauses : 7.0 5.94088669951 118% => OK Pronoun: 19.0 20.9802955665 91% => OK Preposition: 29.0 31.9359605911 91% => OK Nominalization: 4.0 5.75862068966 69% => OK

Performance on vocabulary words: No of characters: 1159.0 1207.87684729 96% => OK No of words: 241.0 242.827586207 99% => OK Chars per words: 4.80912863071 5.00649968141 96% => OK Fourth root words length: 3.94007293032 3.92707691288 100% => OK Word Length SD: 2.56757638195 2.71678728327 95% => OK Unique words: 135.0 139.433497537 97% => OK Unique words percentage: 0.560165975104 0.580463131201 97% => OK syllable_count: 373.5 379.143842365 99% => OK avg_syllables_per_word: 1.5 1.57093596059 95% => OK

A sentence (or a clause, phrase) starts by: Pronoun: 2.0 4.6157635468 43% => OK Article: 2.0 1.56157635468 128% => OK Subordination: 1.0 1.71428571429 58% => OK Conjunction: 1.0 0.931034482759 107% => OK Preposition: 1.0 3.65517241379 27% => More preposition wanted as sentence beginning.

Performance on sentences: How many sentences: 13.0 12.6551724138 103% => OK Sentence length: 18.0 20.5024630542 88% => OK Sentence length SD: 34.4453945703 50.4703680194 68% => OK Chars per sentence: 89.1538461538 104.977214359 85% => OK Words per sentence: 18.5384615385 20.9669160288 88% => OK Discourse Markers: 2.92307692308 7.25397266985 40% => More transition words/phrases wanted. Paragraphs: 4.0 4.12807881773 97% => OK Language errors: 2.0 5.33497536946 37% => OK Sentences with positive sentiment : 10.0 6.9802955665 143% => OK Sentences with negative sentiment : 2.0 2.75862068966 72% => OK Sentences with neutral sentiment: 1.0 2.91625615764 34% => More facts, knowledge or examples wanted. What are sentences with positive/Negative/neutral sentiment?

Coherence and Cohesion: Essay topic to essay body coherence: 0.306491411931 0.242375264174 126% => OK Sentence topic coherence: 0.113528237421 0.0925447433944 123% => OK Sentence topic coherence SD: 0.126603048389 0.071462118173 177% => OK Paragraph topic coherence: 0.204915420025 0.151781067708 135% => OK Paragraph topic coherence SD: 0.0835419698812 0.0609392437508 137% => OK

Essay readability: automated_readability_index: 10.5 12.6369458128 83% => Automated_readability_index is low. flesch_reading_ease: 61.67 53.1260098522 116% => OK smog_index: 3.1 6.54236453202 47% => Smog_index is low. flesch_kincaid_grade: 9.1 10.9458128079 83% => OK coleman_liau_index: 10.62 11.5310837438 92% => OK dale_chall_readability_score: 8.33 8.32886699507 100% => OK difficult_words: 58.0 55.0591133005 105% => OK linsear_write_formula: 10.5 9.94827586207 106% => OK gunning_fog: 9.2 10.3980295567 88% => OK text_standard: 11.0 10.5123152709 105% => OK What are above readability scores?

--------------------- Rates: 72.7777777778 out of 100 Scores by essay e-grader: 65.5 Out of 90 --------------------- Note: the e-grader does NOT examine the meaning of words and ideas. VIP users will receive further evaluations by advanced module of e-grader and human graders.

In most of socities, the role of mother and father differs. What are the causes of these difference? What will be the parental roles in future?

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To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
  • Sentence 1 - Background statement
  • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
  • Sentence 3 - Thesis
  • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
  • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
  • Sentence 2 - Example
  • Sentence 3 - Discussion
  • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
  • Sentence 1 - Summary
  • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
  • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

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PTE King

PTE You will have 20 minutes to plan, write and revise an essay about the topic below. Your response will be judged on how well you develop a position, organize your ideas, present supporting details, and control the elements of standard written English. You should write 200-300 words.

Some say mothers are better parents than fathers. What is your opinion?

PTE #217 - Better Parents

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