
PHD क्या है कैसे करे – फीस, योग्यता, एंट्रेंस एग्जाम: पूरी जानकारी देखे

शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में महानता हासिल करना अपने आप में एक अनोखा काबिलियत है, PhD एक ऐसा माध्यम है जिसके द्वारा शिक्षण शैली में महानता प्राप्त करने का अवसर मिलता है. शिक्षा के महान दर्शनिक को PHD कि डिग्री से नवाजा जाता है.

यह उपाधि ऐसे उम्मीदवार को दी जाती है जिसमें विशेष गुण निहित होता है. इस डिग्री को प्राप्त करने के कई अवसर मिलते हैं,  कभी-कभी महान उद्देश्य को पूरा करने के बाद इस डिग्री से उम्मीदवार को नवाजा जाता है और कोर्स के माध्यम से भी किसी विशेष क्षेत्र में PhD की डिग्री प्राप्त किया जा सकता है.

करियर के दृष्टिकोण से PhD सबसे महत्वपूर्ण कोर्स माना जाता है क्योंकि इस उपाधि से सम्मानित उम्मीदवार किसी विशेष विषय में विशेषज्ञता हासिल किए होते हैं इसलिए किसी विशेष बिंदुओं पर विस्तार से चर्चा करना उनकी प्राथमिकता होती है.

Table of Contents

PHD क्या है पूरी जानकारी

पीएचडी एक स्नातकोत्तर (Postgraduate) डॉक्टरेट (Doctoral) की डिग्री है, जो उन छात्रों को प्रदान की जाती है जो अपने विषय में ज्ञान के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण योगदान देने वाले एक प्रमुख शोध को पूरा करने की पुर्णतः कोशिश करते है.

पीएचडी की डिग्री सभी विषयों में उपलब्ध हैं और आम तौर पर एक व्यक्ति को प्राप्त होने वाली सर्वोच्च शैक्षणिक डिग्री का उच्चतम स्तर है.  PhD कोर्स आमतौर पर तीन साल की अवधि का होता है जो उम्मीदवारों को अधिकतम पांच से छह वर्ष के अंतराल में कोर्स पूरा करना होता है.

  • BCA क्या है और कैसे करे
  • MBA कोर्स से सम्बंधित पूरी जानकारी

हालांकि, Ph.D कोर्स की अवधि एक संस्थान से दूसरे में भिन्न हो सकती है जो पूरी तरह इंस्टीट्यूट के सिलेबस और प्राथमिकता पर निर्भर करता है.

PHD डिग्री मुख्यतः उन लोगों के लिए है जो अपने विशेषज्ञता को और अधिक बढ़ाना चाहते हैं एवं समाज को शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में जागरूक बनाना चाहते हैं. 

डॉक्टरेट एक विशेष योग्यता है जो डॉक्टरेट की उपाधि से सम्मानित करता है. यह उपाधि प्राप्त करने के लिए आपको उन्नत कार्य करने की आवश्यकता होती है जो आपके चुने हुए विशेष क्षेत्र में एक महत्वपूर्ण योगदान देता है. संभवतः ऐसा करने से आपको ‘डॉक्टर’ की उपाधि से सम्मानित किया जाता है

Doctor of Philosophy Course Highlights

Ph.d. किसे करना चाहिए.

  • अपने विषय/वस्तु में रिसर्च करने की आदि व्यक्ति
  • अपने रिजल्ट एकत्र करने में माहिर व्यक्ति
  • थीसिस लिखने और रिसर्च करने वाला 
  • प्रोफेसर बनाने के इच्छुक व्यक्ति  

Ph.D के लिए योग्यता

उम्मीदवारों को पीएचडी करने के योग्य होने के लिए किसी भी स्ट्रीम से ग्रेजुएशन डिग्री के साथ-साथ मास्टर डिग्री की भी आवश्यकता होती है. 

पीएचडी के लिए उम्मीदवारों को एक विषय में गहन अध्ययन के साथ-साथ Smart Study करने की आवश्यकता होती है, इसलिए उम्मीदवारों को पीएचडी का पढ़ाई करते समय बेहद कठिन परिश्रम करने के साथ-साथ आवश्यक कौशल और समर्पण की आवश्यकता होती है.

  • 12th और ग्रेजुएशन अनिवार्य
  • पोस्टग्रेजुएट यानि मास्टर डिग्री 55% के साथ अनिवार्य
  • अच्छी लेखन क्षमता
  • रिसर्च में इक्छुक व्यक्ति
  • अंग्रेजी स्किल
  • हार्ड वोर्किंग

आवश्यक स्किल्स:

  • Inquisitive
  • Good at research
  • Hard-working
  • Good writing capacity
  • Self-motivated
  • Keen observer

Ph.D का फुल फॉर्म

पीएचडी एक लैटिन शब्द है जिस का संक्षिप्त रूप पीएचडी होता है एवं अंग्रेजी में फुल फॉर्म (डॉक्टर आफ फिलासफी) “Doctor of Philosophy” होता है जो “ दर्शन शब्द ” अपने मूल ग्रीक अर्थ को दर्शाता है

Ph.D में एडमिशन प्रक्रिया 

उम्मीदवार Ph.D कोर्स करने के लिए तभी योग्य होते है यदि उन्होंने अपनी मास्टर डिग्री एक समान कोर्स / क्षेत्र / स्ट्रीम में पूरी की है जिसमें वे पीएचडी करना चाहते हैं

कुछ कॉलेज यह भी निर्देश करते हैं कि उम्मीदवारों को उनके द्वारा पेशकश की गई पीएचडी कोर्स को आगे बढ़ाने के लिए एक एमफिल (MPhil) पूरा करना होगा. 

जिन उम्मीदवारों ने UGC NET, GATE, JEST की प्रवेश परीक्षा को क्लियर किए है, उन्हें आमतौर पर पीएचडी कोर्स करने के दौरान फ़ेलोशिप की पेशकश की जाती है.  इसके अलावा, इग्नू और दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय जैसे विश्वविद्यालय भी अपने साथ पीएचडी पाठ्यक्रम करने वाले छात्रों को फेलोशिप प्रदान करते हैं. 

महत्वपूर्ण Ph.D की एंट्रेंस एग्जाम 

  • UGC Net Exam
  • CSIR-UGC NET exam
  • JNU PhD Entrance
  • NIPER PhD Entrance Exam
  • AIIMS PhD Entrance Exam

Ph.D कोर्स फ़ीस

पीएचडी कोर्स की फीस इंस्टिट्यूट एवं संस्थान के अनुरूप अलग अलग होता है,  सरकारी संस्थान की फ़ीस प्राइवेट इंस्टिट्यूट की तुलना में कम होता है. पीएचडी कोर्स मुख्यतः 3 वर्ष का होता है जो  6 सेमेस्टर में बता हुआ होता है. 

 कॉलेज, इंस्टीट्यूट इस कोर्स की फीस समेस्टर या  वार्षिक अवधी का अनुशार मांग करते हैं. प्राइवेट इंस्टिट्यूट में पीएचडी कोर्स की  न्यूनतम फ़ीस 20000 से 30000 के करीब तथा अधिकतम फ़ीस 30000 से 50000 के बीच होता है.

जबकी सरकारी संस्थान में न्यूनतम फ़ीस 15000 से 25000 के बीच तथा अधिकतम फ़ीस 40000 तक होता है.

अवश्य पढ़े, B.Ed कैसे करे योग्यता एवं करियर

Ph.D सुब्जेस्ट्स

पीएचडी की डिग्री निम्नलिखित विषय में हासिल किया जा सकता है वर्तमान समय में नीचे दिए गए विषय सर्वाधिक महत्वपूर्ण है, लोकप्रियता की वजह से ही नहीं बल्कि समाज कल्याण के लिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है.  इसलिए निम्न विषय में पीएचडी की डिग्री प्राप्त करने की अवसर आसानी पा सकते हैं.

  • Ph.D. in English
  • Ph.D. in Social Sciences
  • Ph.D. in Public and Economic Policy
  • Ph.D in Humanities & Social Sciences
  • Ph.D in Humanities and Life Sciences
  • Ph.D in Psychology
  • Ph.D in Arts
  • Ph.D in International Relations and Politics
  • Ph.D in Physiology
  • Ph.D in Public Policy
  • Ph.D in Literature
  • Ph.D in Chemistry
  • Ph.D in Clinical Research
  • Ph.D in Science
  • PhD in Bioscience
  • PhD in Bioinformatics
  • PhD Biotechnology
  • PhD in Mathematical and Computational Sciences
  • PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering
  • PhD in Applied Chemistry & Polymer Technology
  • PhD in Applied Sciences
  • PhD Zoology
  • PhD in Physics
  • PhD in Basic and Applied Sciences
  • Phd in Mathematics
  • PhD in Zoology
  • PhD in Commerce Management
  • PhD in Accounting and Financial Management

सामान्य प्रश्न: FAQs

पीएचडी एक  स्नातकोत्तर डॉक्टरेट डिग्री है, इस डिग्री को वैसे स्टूडेंट को प्रदान किया जाता है, जो किसी एक सब्जेक्ट में अध्ययन करते है. इस कोर्स को करने के लिए एंट्रेंस एग्जाम क्लियर करना पड़ता है, उसके बाद किसी अच्छे कॉलेज में एडमिशन में सकता है.

पीएचडी में बहुत सारे विषय होते है, क्योंकि इस कोर्स में किसी एक विषय पर अध्ययन किया जाता है. अर्थात, आप किसी भी एक सब्जेक्ट के साथ पीएचडी कर सकते है.

सरकारी कॉलेजों में पीएचडी की फीस लगभग 15-20 या 30 हज़ार रुपए तक होता है. जबकि प्राइवेट कॉलेजों में पीएचडी की फीस 5 – 6 लाख रुपए तक हो सकता है.

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PhD kaise kare: जानिए स्टेप बाय स्टेप गाइड

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  • Updated on  
  • मई 17, 2023

Ph.D. रीसर्च के आधार पर की जाने वाली डिग्री है। जिसमे विद्यार्थी अपनी पसंद के मुताबिक़ विषय चुनकर उसपर विस्तार से ज्ञान हासिल कर सारी जानकारी को एक जगह एकत्रित करता है जिसे थीसिस कहा जाता है। इसका मकसद यह रहता की आगे उस विषय पर जान्ने के लिए उस थीसिस का इस्तमाल किया जा सकता है और विषय पर जानकारी ली जा सकती है। एक Ph.D. होल्डर ज़्यादातर प्रोफेसर , असिस्टेंट प्रोफेसर , लेखक आदि के रूप में अपने भविष्य को आकार देते है । लेकिन स्कोप बेहद है। PhD kaise kare इसके लिए योग्यता, आवेदन प्रक्रिया, टॉप यूनिवर्सिटीज आदि के बारे में इस ब्लॉग में विस्तार से बताया गया है।

This Blog Includes:

Phd क्या है, phd क्यों करें, प्रोफेशनल डॉक्टरेटस, उच्च डॉक्टरेटस, न्यू रूट phd, टॉप पीएचडी कोर्सेज, phd होल्डर की ज़िम्मेदारीयां, phd kaise kare स्टेप बाय स्टेप गाइड, phd के लिए दुनिया की टॉप यूनिवर्सिटीज़, टॉप भारतीय यूनिवर्सिटीज़ , पीएचडी की फीस, phd के लिए योग्यता , आवेदन प्रक्रिया, phd के लिए एंट्रेंस एग्जाम, phd के लिए छात्रवृत्तियां, phd के बाद करियर और सैलरी.

PhD की फुल फॉर्म Doctor of Philosophy है। PhD विश्वविद्यालयों द्वारा प्रदान की जाने वाली विद्या-संबंधी डिग्री में सबसे ऊंची डिग्री मानी जाती हैं । PhD साथ-साथ एक पोस्ट ग्रेजुएट कि डॉक्टरेट डिग्री हैं जिसकी पूर्ती के बाद PhD करने वाले के नाम से पहले डॉ लग जाता हैं। वो विद्यार्थी जो अपने पसंद के विषय में महारथ हासिल करना चाहतें हैं। पीएचडी को चुनते हैं जिसमें उन्हें उस विषय पर रीसर्च कर उसकी बेहतर जानकारी होना और उस पर लिखना शामिल होता हैं। एक पीएचडी होल्डर अपना करियर किसी भी तरह से शुरू कर सकता हैं। मूलतः विद्यार्थीओ का पीएचडी करने का उद्देश्य प्रोफेसर बनना या रिसर्चर बनना होता हैं। 

PhD शिक्षा प्रणाली का एक महत्पूर्व अंग हैं। PhD का मूल उद्देश्य ही नई खोज को जन्म देना और अलग अलग विषयो के बारे में गहरायी से ज्ञान अर्जित कर उसे सब तक पहुँचाना हैं। नई स्किल्स को उभारना और विकसित करना, नई चीज़ो को जान पाना और समझ पाना इसकी असल परिभाषा हैं। तो अगर आप वे व्यक्ति हैं जो किसी विषय कि गहराई में जाने में दिलचस्पी रखता हैं तो पीएचडी आपके लिए हैं।

PhD के प्रकार

एक समय था जब PhD कि महत्वता को कम बढ़ावा दिया जाता था या कह लीजिये कि PhD कम प्रचलित हुआ करती थी। लेकिन समय के साथ PhD होल्डर्स के लिए कई द्वार खुले और PhD कि महत्वता बढ़गयी। अब PhD सिर्फ ज्ञान अर्जित करने स्त्रोत नहीं हैं। कई नौकरिया और प्रोफेशंस PhD होल्डर्स को ही प्राथमिकता देते हैं जोकि PhD होल्डर्स के करियर को बेहतरी कि और ले जाता हैं और नए विकल्प प्रदान करता हैं। Ph.D. कैसे करें, के इस ब्लॉग में PhD के कुछ प्रकार विस्तार में दिए गए हैं: 

एक प्रोफेशनल डॉक्टरेट का मूल उद्देश्य वास्तविक समस्याओं पर रिसर्च कर उसे लागू करना हैं। जटिल परिस्तिथ्यो का उपाय निकालना और उसको डिज़ाइन करना ताकि प्रोफेशनल कार्यो में विपदा आने पर उसका निवारण हो सके। वो प्रोफेशन कोई भी हो सकता हैं। लेकिन किन कार्यो से उस समस्या का उपाय निकलेगा ये रिसर्च करके ही मालूम चल सकता हैं। इस प्रकार के PhD कोर्स को इंजीनियरिंग, मेडिसिन जैसे विषयों पर रिसर्च करने के लिए विद्यार्थियों द्वारा चुना जाता है। PhD के इस प्रकार को उन विद्यार्थियों द्वारा चुना जाता है, जो डिग्री पूरी करने के बाद एक विशेष प्रोफेशनल करियर विकल्प को चुनना चाहते हैं।

उच्च डॉक्टरेट एक प्रकार हैं जिसमे स्कॉलर्स को औपचारिक रूप से सार्वजनिक मान्यता दी जाती हैं। वो PhD होल्डर्स जिन्होंने अपने विषय में सामाजिक तौर पर एक अलग छाप छोड़ी हैं उन्हें ये डिग्री देकर सम्मानित किया जाता हैं। इस प्रकार की डिग्री के लिए कैंडिडेट को इंटरनल और एक्सटर्नल एग्ज़ामीनर कमिटी की सिफ़ारिश पर विशेष ग्रांट्स की आवश्यकता होती है। Ph.D. के इस प्रकार में Doctor of Divinity (DD), Doctor of Literature/ Letters (DLit/D’Litt/LitD/LittD), Doctor of Science (DS/SD/DSc/ScD), Doctor of Civil Law (DCL), Doctor of Music (DMus/MusD) और Doctor of Law (LLD) जैसे कई पुरस्कार शामिल हैं।

PhD के इस प्रकार में एडमिशन लेने के लिए विद्यार्थियों को PhD शुरू करने से एक वर्ष पहले MRes यानी एक साल रिसर्च में मास्टर डिग्री लेना अनिवार्य है। इस कोर्स में पढ़ाए गए सभी आयामों को प्रैक्टिकल अनुभव और इंडिपेंडेंट रिसर्च के साथ मिलाकर परिणाम पर आया जाता हैं।। विद्यार्थियों के पास एजुकेशन, मीडिया, एडवांस IT, भाषाओ और बिज़नेस जैसे क्षेत्र में रिसर्च करने के लिए विस्तृत तरीके और बेहतर स्किल्स कि ज़रूरत होती है।

कई बार कुछ कारण वर्श ऑफलाइन PhD करना और क्लास लेना मुमकिन नहीं हो पाता हैं। ऐसे विद्यार्थियों के लिए ऑनलाइन PhD एक अच्छा विकल्प हैं। जैसा कि आप नाम से समझ पा रहे होंगे इस कोर्स में आपको यूनिवर्सिटी जाकर अपनी डिग्री पूरी करना अनिवार्य नहीं हैं। दुनिया कि वो आबादी जो काम करती हैं और डॉक्टरेट डिग्री चाहती हैं वो इस विकल्प के माध्यम से डिग्री पा सकते हैं। नीचे कुछ PhD कोर्सेज़ की लिस्ट दी गई है:

टॉप पीएचडी कोर्सेज की लिस्ट नीचे दी गई है:

साइंस स्ट्रीम में बेस्ट पीएचडी कोर्स

  • PhD in physics
  • PhD in Chemistry
  • PhD in Mathematics
  • PhD in Bioscience
  • PhD in Clinical Research
  • PhD in Biotechnology
  • PhD in zoology
  • PhD in Bioinformatics
  • PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering

ह्यूमैनिटी में बेस्ट पीएचडी कोर्स

  • PhD Economics
  • PhD in Humanity
  • PhD in Geography
  • PhD in English
  • PhD in Psychology
  • PhD in Physiology
  • PhD in Arts
  • PhD in social work
  • PhD in Public Policy

इंजीनियरिंग में बेस्ट पीएचडी कोर्स

  • PhD in Civil Engineering
  • PhD in Engineering and Technology
  • PhD Computer Science Engineering
  • PhD in Information Technology
  • PhD in Chemical Engineering
  • PhD in Mechanical Engineering
  • PhD in Electronics and Communication Engineering

बिजनेस और मैनेजमेंट में बेस्ट पीएचडी कोर्स

  • PhD in Business Administration
  • PhD in Management
  • PhD in Commerce
  • PhD in Marketing/Brand Management
  • PhD in Accounting and Financial Management

मेडिकल में बेस्ट पीएचडी कोर्स

  • PhD in Paramedical
  • Doctorate of Medicine (Cardiology)
  • PhD in Medicine
  • PhD in Radiology
  • PhD in Medical Physics
  • PhD in Pathology
  • PhD in Neuroscience
  • Doctor of Medicine in Homeopathy

PhD होल्डर की ज़िम्मेदारीयां विस्तार से नीचे दिए टेबल में दी गयीं हैं:

PhD kaise kare के लिए step-by-step guide नीचे दिया गया है:

  • Step 1: कैंडिडेट को 12 साल की बुनियादी शिक्षा ( कक्षा 1st -12th ) पूरी होना अनिवार्य हैं।
  • Step 2: PhD करने के लिए किसी भी विषय से बैचलर डिग्री में पास होना अनिवार्य हैं।
  • Step 3: आपको कम से कम 50%-55% के साथ मास्टर डिग्री में पास होना ज़रूरी है। मास्टर डिग्री में पास होने के बाद ही आप PhD के लिए योग्य साबित होते हैं। 
  • Step 4:   मास्टर डिग्री के बाद PhD में एडमिशन लेने के लिए आपको UGC-NET, TIFR,JRF-GATE या स्टेट लेवल के एंट्रेंस एग्ज़ाम पास करने होंगे।
  • Step 4: एंट्रेंस एग्ज़ाम पास करने के बाद आप अपनी पसंद और कोर्स के अनुसार PhD के लिए अप्लाई कर सकते हैं।
  • Step 5: अधिकतर PhD कॉलेजेस में एडमिशन लेने के लिए व्यक्तिगत इंटरव्यू आयोजित किया जाता है। वह क्लियर करने के बाद ही आपको PhD में एडमिशन मिलता है।

PhD kaise kare और कहाँ से करें के लिए दुनिया की टॉप यूनिवर्सिटीज़ की लिस्ट नीचे दी गई है:

PhD kaise kare और कहाँ से करें के लिए टॉप भारतीय यूनिवर्सिटीज़ की लिस्ट नीचे दी गई है:

  • दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय
  • JNU, दिल्ली
  • बनारस हिन्दू यूनिवर्सिटी
  • महाऋषि दयानन्द यूनिवर्सिटी
  • अन्नामलाई यूनिवर्सिटी
  • एडम्स यूनिवर्सिटी
  • अलाहबाद स्टेट यूनिवर्सिटी
  • बनस्थली विद्यापीठ
  • डॉ बी.आर.आंबेडकर यूनिवर्सिटी ऑफ़ सोशल साइंस
  • जैन यूनिवर्सिटी
  • गुरु घासीदास विश्वविद्यालय
  • अरुणाचल यूनिवर्सिटी ऑफ़ स्टडीज़

किसी भी कॉलेज में पीएचडी की फीस बहुत से फैक्टर्स पर निर्भर करती है। सरकारी कॉलेज में PhD की फीस लगभग ₹20,000 से ₹60,000 तक हो सकती है। जबकि प्राइवेट कॉलेज में ₹30,000 से ₹1,50,000 तक हो सकती है।

  • आईआईटी बॉम्बे (IIT B) – लगभग ₹60,000
  • आईआईटी दिल्ली – लगभग ₹45,000
  • आईआईटी कानपुर – लगभग ₹65,000
  • यूनिवर्सिटी ऑफ दिल्ली – लगभग ₹10,000
  • आईआईटी मद्रास – लगभग ₹20,000

योग्यताओ से अर्थ है , वो बातें जो PhD करने से पहले आपको रखनी होंगी ध्यान में। जिनकी पूर्ती ना होने पर आप PhD में एडमिशन नहीं ले पाएंगे। विश्विद्यालयों की बात करें तो सभी विश्विद्यालयों का माप दंड एक सा नहीं होता। सामान्य तौर पर हर यूनिवर्सिटी में निम्नलिखित योग्यताओ का होना आवश्यक है।

  • PhD कोर्स में अप्लाई करने के लिए विद्यार्थीयों को 10+2 में कम से कम 50% अंकों के साथ पास होना आवश्यक है।
  • PhD के लिए आपको संबंधित कोर्स में मास्टर डिग्री कम से कम 50%-55% अंकों के साथ पास करनी ज़रूरी है।
  • भारत में PhD कोर्स में एडमिशन लेने के लिए आपको UGC-NET , TIFR, JRF-GATE या स्टेट लेवल के एंट्रेंस परीक्षा पास करने होंगे।
  • विदेश में PhD करने के लिए कोई विशेष एंट्रेंस परीक्षा नहीं है, हालाँकि कुछ यूनिवर्सिटीज़ द्वारा एंट्रेंस परीक्षा संचालित करवाई भी जाती है।
  • इंटरनेशनल विद्यार्थियों को भी PhD में एडमिशन लेने के लिए एक रिसर्च प्रपोज़ल,  रिसर्च इंटरेस्ट एंड मेथोडोलॉजी की आवश्यकता होती है।  जिससे आपके रिसर्च में आपकी दिलचस्पी और कार्य की गंभीरता का माप दंड लगाया जाएगा।
  • आपकी अंग्रेजी में कुशलता को मापने के लिए एक अच्छा IELTS/ TOEFL स्कोर महत्व रखता है।
  • स्टेटमेंट ऑफ़ पर्पस यह एक लिखित स्टेटमेंट होती है जो आपके व्यक्तित्व को दर्शाती है।
  • अंग्रेजी में निबंध
  • लेटर ऑफ़ रिकमेन्डेशन या LOR s
  • अपडेटेड प्रोफेशनल रज़ूमे

किसी भी कोर्स में प्रवेश के लिए हर यूनिवर्सिटी की एक निर्धारित आवेदन प्रक्रिया होती है। सभी छात्रों का एडमिशन इसी प्रक्रिया के आधार पर होता हैं और जो इस प्रक्रिया को सफलता से पूर्ण कर लेते हैं उनका एडमिशन हो जाता हैं। भारत में आने वाली यूनिवर्सिटीज़ की आवेदन प्रक्रिया और विदेश में आने वाली यूनिवर्सिटीज़ की आवेदन प्रक्रिया में अंतर हैं। आइए इन्हे विस्तार से समझते हैं।

विदेश के विश्वविद्यालयों में प्रवेश के लिए आवेदन प्रक्रिया इस प्रकार है–

  • आपकी आवेदन प्रक्रिया का फर्स्ट स्टेप सही कोर्स चुनना है, जिसके लिए आप  AI Course Finder की सहायता लेकर अपने पसंदीदा कोर्सेज को शॉर्टलिस्ट कर सकते हैं। 
  • एक्सपर्ट्स से कॉन्टैक्ट के पश्चात वे कॉमन डैशबोर्ड प्लेटफॉर्म के माध्यम से कई विश्वविद्यालयों की आपकी आवेदन प्रक्रिया शुरू करेंगे। 
  • अगला कदम अपने सभी दस्तावेजों जैसे SOP , निबंध, सर्टिफिकेट्स और  LOR  और आवश्यक टेस्ट स्कोर जैसे IELTS ,  TOEFL ,  SAT ,  ACT  आदि को इकट्ठा करना और सुव्यवस्थित करना है। 
  • यदि आपने अभी तक अपनी  IELTS ,  TOEFL ,  PTE , आदि परीक्षा के लिए तैयारी नहीं की है, जो निश्चित रूप से विदेश में अध्ययन करने का एक महत्वपूर्ण कारक है, तो आप  Leverage Live कक्षाओं में शामिल हो सकते हैं। ये कक्षाएं आपको अपने टेस्ट में उच्च स्कोर प्राप्त करने का एक महत्त्वपूर्ण कारक साबित हो सकती हैं।
  • आपका एप्लीकेशन और सभी आवश्यक दस्तावेज जमा करने के बाद, एक्सपर्ट्स आवास,  छात्र वीजा और छात्रवृत्ति / छात्र लोन के लिए आवेदन प्रक्रिया शुरू करेंगे । 
  • अब आपके प्रस्ताव पत्र की प्रतीक्षा करने का समय है जिसमें लगभग 4-6 सप्ताह या उससे अधिक समय लग सकता है। ऑफर लेटर आने के बाद उसे स्वीकार करके आवश्यक सेमेस्टर शुल्क का भुगतान करना आपकी आवेदन प्रक्रिया का अंतिम चरण है। 

भारत के विश्वविद्यालयों में आवेदन प्रक्रिया, इस प्रकार है–

  • सबसे पहले अपनी चुनी हुई यूनिवर्सिटी की ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट में जाकर रजिस्ट्रेशन करें।
  • यूनिवर्सिटी की वेबसाइट में रजिस्ट्रेशन के बाद आपको एक यूजर नेम और पासवर्ड प्राप्त होगा।
  • फिर वेबसाइट में साइन इन के बाद अपने चुने हुए कोर्स का चयन करें जिसे आप करना चाहते हैं।
  • अब शैक्षिक योग्यता, वर्ग आदि के साथ आवेदन फॉर्म भरें।
  • इसके बाद आवेदन फॉर्म जमा करें और आवश्यक आवेदन शुल्क का भुगतान करें। 
  • यदि एडमिशन, प्रवेश परीक्षा पर आधारित है तो पहले प्रवेश परीक्षा के लिए रजिस्ट्रेशन करें और फिर रिजल्ट के बाद काउंसलिंग की प्रतीक्षा करें। प्रवेश परीक्षा के अंको के आधार पर आपका चयन किया जाएगा और लिस्ट जारी की जाएगी।

PhD के लिए आवश्यक दस्तावेज

PhD kaise kare के लिए आवश्यक दस्तावेज नीचे दिए गए हैं:

  • आपका शैक्षणिक रिकॉर्ड (12th,बैचलर डिग्री,मास्टर डिग्री)
  • अंग्रेजी में कुशलता का प्रमाण पत्र ( मुख्य रूप से IELTS/ TOEFL स्कोर )
  • लेटर ऑफ़ रिकमेन्डेशन या LOR s
  • स्टेटमेंट ऑफ़ पर्पस यह एक लिखित स्टेटमेंट होती है जो आपके व्यक्तित्व को दर्शाती है।
  • अपडेटेड प्रोफेशनल रिज्यूमे

पीएचडी के लिए एंट्रेंस एग्जाम की लिस्ट नीचे दी गई है:

  • JNU Entrance Examination
  • AIIMS PhD Entrance Exam

PhD kaise kare इसके लिए आप नीचे दी गई टॉप स्कॉलरशिप के लिए अप्लाई कर सकते हैं :

PhD के बाद आप प्रोफेस्सर के अलावा राइटर, रिसर्चर, बैंक इन्वेस्टर आदि क्षेत्रों में भी अपना करियर बना सकते हैं। आपकी सैलरी में आपके स्किल्स और एक्सपीरियंस के अनुसार उतार-चढ़ाव आते हैं। PhD के बाद कुछ प्रसिद्ध जॉब प्रोफाइल और उनकी सैलरी के अनुसार नीचे दी गई है:

जी नहीं, PhD करने के लिए कोई age limit नहीं होती।

-आपका शैक्षणिक रिकॉर्ड (12th,बैचलर डिग्री,मास्टर डिग्री) -अंग्रेजी में कुशलता का प्रमाण पत्र ( मुख्य रूप से IELTS/ TOEFL स्कोर ) -लेटर ऑफ़ रिकमेन्डेशन या LOR s – स्टेटमेंट ऑफ़ पर्पस यह एक लिखित स्टेटमेंट होती है जो आपके व्यक्तित्व को दर्शाती है। -अंग्रेजी में निबंध -अपडेटेड प्रोफेशनल रज़ूमे

जी, हाँ भारत में PhD के लिए UGC-NET, स्टेट लेवल या यूनिवर्सिटी लेवल के एंट्रेंस एग्ज़ाम पास करना आवश्यक है। 

PhD  Admission 2021: नई शिक्षा नीति के तहत फैसला किया गया है कि  PhD  कोर्स में एडमिशन के लिए अभ्यर्थियों का  NET  क्वालीफाई करना जरूरी है.

-केमिस्ट्री में  P hD- केमिकल रिसर्च सेंटर्स एंड लेबोरेटरीज में एनालिस्ट -जियोलॉजी में  p hd- जियोलॉजिकल सेंटर्स में हेड ऑफ़ सर्विस -न्यूट्रीशन में phd- साइंटिफिक एडवाइजर -बायोकेमिस्ट्री में  p hd- पेटेंट लॉयर -लॉ में  p hd- गवर्नमेंट सेक्टर्स में एडवाइजरी पोजीशन्स -इंग्लिश लिटरेचर में  p hd- कॉलेज प्रोफेसर आदि।

Phd में आप अपनी मर्ज़ी से विषय का चुनाव कर सकते है। यह आप पर निर्भर करता है। कुछ प्रमुख phd के विषय निम्नलिखित हैं। हिंदी , अंग्रेजी , होम साइंस , एग्रीकल्चर , इतिहास , फाइन आर्ट्स , सर्जरी , जियोलॉजी , जियोग्राफी , अकॉउंटिंग , बायोमिस्ट्री , फार्मेसी आदि।

हमें उम्मीद है कि इस ब्लॉग में आपको PhD kaise kare के बारे में सभी जानकारी मिल गई होगी। यदि आप भी विदेश में पढ़ना चाहते है तो हमारे Leverage Edu के एक्सपर्ट्स से 1800572000 पर कांटेक्ट कर आज ही 30 मिनट्स का फ्री सेशन बुक कीजिय।

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हिमानी महर्षि

A writer with more than 3 years of experience in various fields of communication, I takes great pleasure in helping students and their parents by addressing their queries regarding their journey to study abroad via blogs, News and Quora.

प्रातिक्रिया दे जवाब रद्द करें

अगली बार जब मैं टिप्पणी करूँ, तो इस ब्राउज़र में मेरा नाम, ईमेल और वेबसाइट सहेजें।

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Top 8 University For PhD In Hindi In India

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  • July 11, 2023


Literature is the study of a human being. It is a mirror to society. Hindi literature has its value and magnificence that make this subject worth studying. Although there are fewer no. Of scholar who continues their studies in Hindi as compared to another language phd in hindi literature. Hindi literature is as old as Hindu tradition. It gives a description and dimensions of Indian society from the 11th century to the modern age. Although the emergence and rise of the English language in modern made the road of Hindi literature  a little tough yet there are still people who work so hard to make it still relevant even in the postmodern era. With the same enthusiasm, there is a scholar who went a step ahead and pursue a PhD in Hindi. Hindi literature has its roots and so many academic students want to pursue their career in Hindi literature phd in hindi literature. Different universities offer bachelor degree, master degree and also give the opportunity of research work. here is an article on Top 8 University For PhD in Hindi In India.

Delhi University

Jawaharlal nehru university, jamia milia islamia university, indira gandhi national open university (ignou), presidency university, central university of tamil nadu, university of rajasthan, banaras hindu university, the list of 8 universities for philosophy of doctorate in hindi literature:.

Delhi University is one of the prestigious University that offer PhD programme in Hindi. To get enrolled in this university for your PhD, you have to clarify UGC Net Exam or DU PhD entrance exam along with a personal interview phd in hindi literature. The total duration for this course lies in 3 to 5 years. The candidate must have completed his post-graduation from any recognised university.

Du social work

Jawaharlal Nehru University is one of the recognised central University. Situated in New Delhi, the university offers a PhD program in Hindi phd in hindi literature. The candidate must have completed his 2 years of M.Phil or 1 year of M. Phil along with one year of reset work or complete his master degree minimum with 55%. The admission is an entire merit list of the entrance exam. The total fees are 4,949.


Situated in Delhi, Jamia Milia Islamia University is founded in 1920. The university offers a Full-time PhD program in Hindi literature. The candidate must have completed his post-graduation from any recognised university with a minimum of 55% or equivalent degree phd in hindi literature. The admission process is entirely based on UGC Net exam clarification and through the personal interview round along with the availability of seat every year.  

Jmi social work

Indira Gandhi National Open University  is of the most famous university for its distance learning program. The university allows learners to complete their PhD program in Distance or part-time mode. The period to complete their PhD is a minimum of three years and a maximum of five to six years. The total course fees in 16, 800.  

Presidency University, Kolkata   offers a full-time PhD degree in Hindi. The degree must be completed within a minimum of 3 to 6 years. The total number of availability of seat is 10 only. The selection process is entirely based on UGC Net Exam clarification and personal interview. The candidates must have to complete their masters with 55% and relaxation of up to 5% is granted for SCs / STs/ OBCs and anyone with some disability. The total fee INR 29,000.  

Presidency Kolkata Hindi University

One of the most recognised national university offers a five-year full-time PhD program in Hindi. The candidates must have a UGC Net exam to admission to this recognised university. The total no . Of seat are only 15. The total fees for the course are 64,683.  The candidate must have completed his post-graduation from any recognised institution with a minimum of 55%.

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The University of Rajasthan  is a prestigious university that offers a PhD program in Hindi as a full-time five-year course. The candidates must have completed their post-graduation from any recognised university with 55% and must crack the UGC Net Exam. The total fees for the course are 83,305. The total duration to complete the degree is a minimum of 3 years to a maximum of 5 years.


Situated in Varanasi, this Famous university offers a full-time Doctorate Degree in Hindi. The total time duration to complete the degree is 5 years. The candidates must have completed their post-graduation in the respective subject and clear the UGC Net Exam to get admission to this university phd in hindi literature. The total fees for the whole course are 20,468.

By: Simran Bhati

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PhD in India 2024 – Cost, Duration, and Eligibility for Admission

Complete guide to phd in india: duration, costs, eligibility, and recent updates 2024.

Dr. Somasundaram R

Embarking on a PhD journey in India is a significant academic and professional pursuit. Aspiring research scholars often have questions regarding the duration of a PhD, the associated costs, eligibility criteria, and recent developments in the field. In this comprehensive guide, ilovephd aims to address these queries and shed light on the essentials of pursuing a PhD in India.

How many years is a PhD in India?

A PhD program in India typically takes around 3 to 5 years to complete, depending on various factors such as the discipline, research area, individual progress, and university regulations.

The duration may vary, but it is important to be prepared for a substantial commitment of time and effort.

How much does a PhD cost in India?

The cost of pursuing a PhD in India varies across institutions. Generally, public universities offer PhD programs with minimal or subsidized tuition fees. Private universities may have higher fees.

It’s advisable to explore funding options such as scholarships, fellowships, or research grants provided by government bodies, funding agencies , or individual institutions to support your PhD journey.

What qualifications are required for a PhD in India?

To pursue a PhD in India, a candidate typically needs a postgraduate degree (Master’s or equivalent) in a relevant field. It is important to note that specific eligibility criteria may vary between universities and disciplines.

Additionally, universities often require candidates to clear entrance exams or interviews and meet minimum academic standards to be considered for admission.

What is the age limit for a PhD in India? Is 25 too old to start a PhD?

In most cases, there is no strict age limit for pursuing a PhD in India. As long as you meet the eligibility criteria and demonstrate the necessary academic qualifications, you can pursue a PhD at any age.

Therefore, 25 is certainly not too old to start a PhD Many scholars begin their doctoral studies later in life, bringing valuable experiences and perspectives to their research.

Can I do a Ph.D. without the National Eligibility Test (NET)?

While the National Eligibility Test (NET) is a common requirement for lectureships and research fellowships in India , it is not mandatory for all PhD programs. Some universities may have their own entrance exams or selection processes.

It is important to check the specific requirements of the university or institution where you plan to pursue your PhD

Who is eligible for direct PhD admission?

Direct Ph.D. admission is a pathway for exceptional candidates who have completed their undergraduate studies and wish to pursue a PhD without a Master’s degree.

However, this option is typically available to a limited number of candidates, and universities may have specific criteria and guidelines for direct PhD admissions. It is advisable to consult with individual institutions to understand their policies regarding direct Ph.D. admissions.

Is it okay to do a PhD without a Master’s degree?

While a Master’s degree is generally the standard qualification for pursuing a PhD, some universities in India offer integrated PhD programs that allow students to directly enter the Ph.D. track after completing their undergraduate studies.

However, this option may be limited to certain disciplines or institutions. It’s important to research and identify institutions that offer such programs if you wish to pursue a PhD without a Master’s degree.

What are the recent rules for PhD admissions in India?

The rules and regulations for Ph.D. admissions in India are subject to change and can vary between universities and disciplines.

It is advisable to stay updated with the guidelines provided by individual universities and regulatory bodies such as the University Grants Commission (UGC) or the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) to ensure compliance with the latest requirements.

25 Tips to Join PhD in India

25 tips to help you join a PhD program in India:

  • Research your field of interest thoroughly to identify potential research areas and topics.
  • Explore various universities and research institutes in India that offer PhD programs in your chosen field.
  • Check the eligibility criteria and admission requirements of each institution you are interested in.
  • Take note of application deadlines and ensure you submit your application well in advance.
  • Prepare a strong statement of purpose (SOP) that highlights your research interests, goals, and why you are interested in pursuing a Ph.D.
  • Contact potential supervisors or faculty members whose research aligns with your interests to discuss your research proposal.
  • Prepare for entrance exams that may be required for admission, such as the UGC-NET, GATE, or university-specific entrance exams.
  • Enhance your academic profile by participating in research projects, publishing papers, or presenting at conferences.
  • Build a strong recommendation letter portfolio by reaching out to professors or mentors who can attest to your academic abilities and research potential.
  • Seek out scholarships, fellowships, or research grants offered by government bodies, universities, or funding agencies to fund your Ph.D.
  • Familiarize yourself with the research facilities, laboratories, and resources available at the institutions you are considering.
  • Attend research seminars, workshops, and conferences related to your field to stay updated with the latest developments and network with researchers.
  • Develop good communication and writing skills, as they are essential for presenting research findings and publishing papers.
  • Create a well-structured and feasible research proposal that clearly outlines your research objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes.
  • Be prepared for interviews or presentations as part of the selection process, where you may need to defend your research proposal or discuss your academic background.
  • Gain teaching experience by assisting professors or taking up teaching assignments to enhance your profile for future academic positions.
  • Connect with current Ph.D. students or alumni of the institutions you are interested in to gain insights into the program and research environment.
  • Stay updated with any changes in the rules, regulations, or policies related to Ph.D. admissions in India.
  • Develop a strong work ethic and time management skills, as PhD programs require dedication, self-discipline, and long hours of research.
  • Consider the location and infrastructure of the institution, ensuring it suits your research needs and provides a conducive environment for learning.
  • Explore interdisciplinary opportunities and collaborations to broaden your research scope and gain different perspectives.
  • Discuss funding options and financial support with the institutions you are applying to, and be prepared to seek external funding if necessary.
  • Keep track of your research progress and maintain regular communication with your supervisor or mentor.
  • Attend preparatory courses or workshops on research methodology or academic writing to enhance your research skills.
  • Finally, be passionate, persistent, and proactive in pursuing your PhD dream. Embrace the challenges, stay motivated, and enjoy the journey of knowledge creation.

Remember, each institution may have its specific requirements and procedures, so it’s crucial to carefully review their official websites or contact the admissions offices for accurate and up-to-date information.

10 Steps to Join PhD in India

Here are 10 steps to join a PhD program in India:

  • Research your field: Explore different research areas and identify your specific field of interest for pursuing a PhD in India.
  • Shortlist institutions: Identify universities or research institutes in India that offer PhD programs in your chosen field.
  • Review eligibility criteria : Check the eligibility requirements of the institutions you are interested in, including minimum educational qualifications and entrance exam scores.
  • Prepare application documents: Gather the necessary documents, such as academic transcripts, recommendation letters, statement of purpose (SOP), and research proposal.
  • Prepare for entrance exams: If required, prepare for entrance exams like UGC-NET, GATE, or university-specific exams. Familiarize yourself with the syllabus and exam pattern.
  • Apply to institutions: Submit your applications to the shortlisted institutions within the specified deadlines. Pay attention to the required application fees and submission procedures.
  • Attend interviews (if applicable): Some institutions may conduct interviews or presentations to assess your research aptitude and fit for the program. Prepare well for these interactions.
  • Secure funding: Explore funding opportunities such as scholarships, fellowships, or research grants. Check if the institutions offer any financial support or external funding options.
  • Accept an offer : After receiving acceptance letters from the institutions you applied to, carefully evaluate and select the most suitable offer based on research facilities, faculty expertise, funding, and overall fit.
  • Complete admission formalities: After accepting an offer, complete the necessary admission formalities as specified by the institution. This may include submitting additional documents, paying fees, and fulfilling any other requirements.

It’s important to note that the specific steps and procedures may vary between institutions. Therefore, always refer to the official websites and admission guidelines of the institutions you are applying to for accurate and up-to-date information.

Pursuing a PhD in India is a rewarding and intellectually stimulating endeavor. Understanding the duration, costs, eligibility criteria, and recent developments is crucial to navigating the process effectively.

By considering these factors and conducting thorough research, aspiring Ph.D. scholars can embark on their academic journey confidently and clearly.

Remember to contact universities or institutions directly for specific information and seek guidance from mentors or faculty members who can provide valuable insights into the PhD application process in your chosen field. Good luck with your Ph.D. pursuit!

PhD in India

Also Read: Best 100 Institutions to Study PhD in India – 2024

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Dr. Somasundaram R

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Ph.D. in Hindi

  • About Course


A Ph.D. in Hindi is a doctoral degree in the field of Hindi literature. Modern Standard (MSH) is a standardized version of the Hindustani language, which is spoken predominantly in Northern India. The term "Modern Standard" refers to the type of grammar used in the language, which is based on the Khariboli dialect, which is a widely used dialect in Delhi and its neighboring regions. A Ph.D. in Hindi can focus on any aspect of the Hindi language.

A Ph.D. in Hindi is a rigorous three-year doctoral program focused on developing linguistic, cultural, and literary skills. Graduates with this degree have excellent career prospects in fields ranging from the arts and humanities to law, media, and counseling. It is also a great option for individuals who are interested in pursuing a career in the field. This Ph.D. course is available online and in many universities. The requirements vary by institution, but there are several key requirements.

In addition to pursuing a Ph.D. in Hindi, you will also gain access to many high-level jobs in government and other fields. The job market for Ph.D. in Hindi graduates is growing rapidly, and it is important to stay updated on the latest developments. This degree will not only ensure your success in your field but will also give you access to opportunities abroad. The scope is vast and you'll be well-paid.

A Ph.D. in Hindi is an advanced linguistic research-based course. After completing the program, you will be entitled to a variety of job opportunities and higher pay scales. You will have plenty of job opportunities when you have a Ph.D. in Hindi. There are many benefits to earning this doctorate, and it will open doors for you worldwide. The study in your chosen field is not only satisfying, but it can also make a difference in your life.


Candidates who want to take admission in Ph.D. must have a post-graduate degree in Hindi with at least 55% marks from a recognized university and must have passed the national level entrance examination or university level entrance examination. National level entrance exams like UGC NET / UGC CSIR NET / GATE / SLET or University entrance exams consist of written tests and personal interviews.

Benefits of Ph.D. in Hindi subject

After completion of the Ph.D. course, a candidate is eligible to teach at various schools or publish their thesis. They can also choose to work as authors, news organizations, or language translators and writers. A degree is an excellent way to develop your research and writing skills. It also provides the students with a strong base in the Indian language. In addition, the Ph.D. program will help candidates get into various types of jobs, including those in the arts, media, and government.

Those who want to pursue a Ph.D. in Hindi subject can find many employment opportunities and earn a higher salary after completion of the program. They are in great demand in the fields of journalism, drama, and theater. These professionals can also work in law firms and counseling. The benefits of pursuing a Ph.D. in Hindi subject are endless! You can be an expert in the field of Hindi and contribute to society and the global community by writing, translating, and translating.

Having a Ph.D. in Hindi will provide you with numerous opportunities. Having this degree will allow you to gain an edge over your competitors. Not only will it open up new opportunities for you, but it will help you advance your skills and earn a higher pay scale as well. In addition, you can pursue a variety of job fields. The benefits of a Ph.D. in Hindi subject are numerous. You can work in fields such as media, theatre, and drama. You can even work in law firms and counseling if you have a background in this field.

The benefits of a Ph.D. in Hindi subject can be enormous. Apart from developing your own knowledge, you will also be able to develop your own personality and critical thinking. To prepare for the Ph.D. in Hindi subject, you should take up regional languages, general knowledge, and liability tests. Moreover, it is important to create an organized study plan and interact with professors to gain fresh insights.

The Ph.D. in Hindi is a 3-year degree program in which you earn a doctorate degree. During this time, you will be engaged in research and study a range of topics. Upon graduating from this program, you can choose to work in academia or pursue a career in media and translation. Besides, the Ph.D. will help you gain a worldwide reputation in your chosen field of study.

A Ph.D. in Hindi will help you develop critical and creative thinking. You will learn to understand the language as a whole and interact with professors in a way that will provide new insights. The Ph.D. will also teach you technical and soft skills, which will give you a competitive advantage in the job market. As a result, it will improve your chances of getting a job in the same field.

The career and future scope of Ph.D. In Hindi Subject

Students who pursue a Ph.D. in Hindi subject are likely to be interested in pursuing research. The discipline is extremely wide, with numerous opportunities for job-seeking graduates. The language of the language is highly valued by both Indians and foreigners, and it is an international language, so there is always a demand for bilingual speakers. The course combines critical analysis of literature, history, culture, and contemporary theory, as well as interdisciplinary extensions.

The career prospects of Ph.D. students in Hindi are excellent, and they can choose between teaching, writing, or research. In many cases, Ph.D. holders go on to work as translators, content editors, or letter translators. Some even go on to work in the media, as reporters, or as media professionals. All of these positions are rewarding and offer good salaries, depending on performance and expertise.

A Ph.D. in Hindi enables graduates to think critically and create new knowledge. Their focus is on developing their personality, enabling them to be more flexible in their careers. For this reason, it is important to learn regional languages and general knowledge in order to make the most of their Ph.D. program. Taking a basic aptitude test is recommended for those who are preparing for this program. While you're at it, you should also make a course plan. If you have the time and energy, you should be able to interact with your professors, which will help you find new perspectives.

A Ph.D. in Hindi subject will allow you to develop critical thinking and knowledge of the subject matter. The focus is on developing individual personality, and thus it is important to learn regional languages. In addition, students can study general knowledge, take a liability test, and plan their course curriculum accordingly. Finally, they should practice the language and prepare for exams. During their studies, they should practice their research and study. As the degree teaches them how to communicate, they will be able to bring fresh ideas into their research and writing.

A Ph.D. in Hindi course is an important step toward a career in the language. A degree in Hindi allows students to become content writers, editors, or customer support officers. In some cases, they may also become a journalist or a translator. All these roles are lucrative, and salary levels will depend on your work experience and expertise. There are many other jobs and career opportunities available to those who have a Ph.D. in Hindi.

A Ph.D. in Hindi allows students to become subject matter experts. They can write articles, write letters, or conduct research on any subject in Hindi. The focus is on developing an individual's personality. They should also know how to prepare for a liability test. In addition to their work, they should take a general aptitude test and complete a course plan. After graduating, they should apply for the position they want.

Course Duration:

Course fees:.

Ph.D. in Hindi


MA Hindi or PG degree from equivalent streams+ the candidates should have cleared the Entrance test conducted by the respective university.

Ph.D. in Hindi

Type of Course

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Home » Career Guidance » A Comprehensive Guide to Applying for a PhD in India [2024]

A Comprehensive Guide to Applying for a PhD in India [2024]

phd in india

Quick Summary

  • A PhD is a postgraduate research degree in India. It’s the highest academic degree in the country. 
  • The cost of a PhD course in India differs based on the kind of university people choose. However, if you take estimates, it can cost you around 80k to 2 lacs.
  • For admission in PhD in India, students require a Master’s degree in a relevant field. An overall grade point average of at least 55% (or equivalent) is required.

Table of Contents

Did you know that India produces over 20 thousand PhD holders , making it one of the top 5 countries with the most PhD holders?

Sounds great right?

And this number of PhD holders is only going to increase in upcoming years, with the rise in new technologies and scientific research more and more people will pursue a PhD in India.

If you are also thinking about pursuing PhD degree, then read this article till the end to know all about doing PhD in India. 

what is PhD

PhD in India- Course Highlights

Reasons to pursue a phd in india.

It is known that the purpose of a PhD is to teach individuals how to conduct research in a field. Candidates learn how to write scholarly papers and present findings, along with gaining skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication. However, there are career-related reasons to choose PhD course, and these reasons are:

  • Getting monthly allowances from the government to fund research.
  • A PhD student is seen as an expert in their field, thus, making them eligible for job openings related to teaching and research.
  • A chance to go to other countries for Academic Exchange Programs and learn various things.
  • Getting complete control over what you want to study and how you wish to continue with your research.
  • A PhD student gets to interact and work with the best academicians in their field and the professional experts who will guide them during their research.

Types of PhD Courses in India

There are different types of PhD degrees, some are based on distance and some are based on stream. Here is the list of major types of PhD in India.

Common PhD Degrees

Stream-wise phd degrees.

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Major PhD in India Entrance Exams

Every university takes its entrance exam for admission and checks the qualification for a PhD of every applicant. However, some entrance exams are conducted on a national level and have more importance. These are the major PhD course entrance exams.

Have a read at a Comprehensive Guide to Entrance Exams after Graduation .

PhD in India- Eligibility Criteria

Getting admission in PhD course is not an easy task, and if you are trying to get admission to any PhD program, check for these PhD eligibility criteria beforehand.

  • The candidate must have completed a Master’s degree i.e. (MTech/ MSc/ MA/ MPhil/ MBA). And it must be a full-time Master’s course from a recognised university by the government.
  • The overall grade point average of the candidate’s Master’s program must be at least 55% (or equivalent).
  • Candidates under SC, ST, and OBC categories will be given 5%- or 10%-mark relaxations. Applicants must present their reservation certificate to use these benefits.
  • The candidate must pass the PhD entrance exam.
  • A No Objection Certificate (NOC) f rom the educational institution or company where candidates are employed is required. Candidates must have job experience in a related field for a part-time PhD.

PhD Course Structure

1. coursework.

In PhD courses, students take a set have to take core courses or seminars in their field of study to build foundational knowledge. The coursework varies according to university but does includes both required and elective courses.

2. Research proposal

After completing the core courses, students must develop a research proposal outlining the problem they plan to investigate, the research questions they aim to answer, and the methods they will use to collect and analyze data.

3. Comprehensive exams

Before beginning their research for PhD course, students need to pass certain comprehensive exams covering their field of study to demonstrate their competence in the subject matter.

4. Research

Once students have completed their coursework and passed their comprehensive exams, they can begin their research. This typically involves conducting experiments, collecting data, or engaging in other research activities to answer the questions outlined in their research proposal.

5. Dissertation

The final requirement for a PhD course completion is the dissertation, which is a book-length document outlining the student’s research findings, conclusions, and contributions to their field of study. The dissertation has to be defended in front of a committee of faculty members and other experts in the field.

Read more: Complete Guide to Writing a Research Paper

steps to write phd dissertation

5 Step PhD Course Admission Process

There is Candidates must take the following seven steps to apply for a PhD in India:

Step 1 Find a Mentor

PhD students should find a supervisor willing to support them through their PhD journey. After finding a supervisor, candidates can apply offline or online. Almost all colleges and universities accept online applications now. However, if you wish, you can apply via the offline process by visiting the office of the university.

Step 2 Fill Online Admission Form

Candidates must complete the online PhD admission form before applying on the university or college website. All the needed qualification for PhD is listed on the university’s official website and should be met. The online application is rejected if candidates fail to meet these requirements.

Step 3 Submit Necessary Documents

After completing the online application form, candidates must provide all necessary papers. These documents may include your passing certificate, degree, and migration certificate. Check the list of papers on the website before applying for the PhD admissions.

Step 4 Pass the Entrance Exam

The college/university needs PhD entrance exam. This exam must be taken after completing the application form. Fill out the form for the entrance exam and appear for it.

Step 5 Pass the Interview

Upon passing the PhD entrance exam, candidates will be invited for a doctoral academic interview. Admission is based on the academic doctoral interview and PhD entrance exam results. The institution or college decides the grades of students at each level and after passing the interview and fulfilling some other requirements you get admission.

Top Colleges for PhD in India

Top 10 career options after phd in india.

Source: Ambition Box

Plan Your Career in PhD

Being known as PhD holder is something to be proud of, not just because it’s a symbol of great knowledge but also a great future. If you want a career like this then doing PhD in India is the best choice and if you are confused about how you are going to get admission in PhD, then re-read the article. Do your research, know which specialization you want to choose and excel in your PhD course.

Make sure you carefully explore all your professional options because your career is extremely important. Before making the right decision, look over our  career advice.

Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of a PhD course in India differs based on the kind of university people choose. However, if you take estimates, it can cost you around 80k to 2 lacs. This figure can go up or down based on whether you choose a private institute or a government one.

A PhD program lasts for three to five years. Candidates have a maximum of five to six years to finish the program. The course length may be different for different institutes and the time taken by student in completing their thesis.

For admission in PhD in India, students require a Master’s degree in a relevant field. An overall grade point average of at least 55% (or equivalent) is required. In addition to this, candidates must know the language in which the course is taught and evaluated. Now, an MPhil degree is not a must for PhD admissions.

Getting a PhD in India is not easy. Candidates pursuing PhDs in India must pass the entrance exams such as NET. This written exam checks if they have the relevant subject knowledge to conduct advanced research. Candidates must further clear a PhD interview exam. Candidates must clear these rounds before pursuing PhDs in their chosen areas of specialization.

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PhD Admission in India 2024: Dates, Eligibility, Entrance Exams, Admission Process, Top Colleges

Updated On: May 10, 2024 12:36 pm IST | UGC NET

Looking for PhD admission in India 2024? If yes, then you might be thinking about what are the PhD eligibility criteria, required entrance exams, top colleges, career scope, etc. Scroll through to find PhD admission process in India.

PhD Admission 2024: Latest Updates

Application deadline for phd admission 2024 in top colleges, eligibility criteria for phd admission 2024, admission process for phd admission 2024, entrance exams required for phd admission 2024, top entrance exams schedule for phd admission 2024, phd admission 2024: how to apply, top universities in india for phd admission 2024, preparation tips for phd admission, job prospects after phd in india.

PhD Admission in India

PhD admission in India 2024 is carried out based on a national-level Research Entrance Test or University-level Entrance Exam followed by a personal interview round in which applicants must present their research proposal. As a part of the PhD eligibility criteria, candidates must also sit for entrance exams such as the UGC, CSIR NET, IIT JAM, etc. PhD admissions are available for research programmes in a variety of fields, including mass communication, management, science, law, humanities, engineering, commerce, and pharmacy.

The Doctor of Philosophy, or PhD course is an advanced research degree that lasts three years if pursued full-time and six years if pursued part-time. It is necessary for applicants seeking PhD admission in India 2024 to present their findings, submit progress reports, and participate in an open defence viva voce for their thesis. UGC NET entrance test is administered by the National Test Agency (NTA) for participation in the PhD admission process in India at prominent central universities such as JNU, DU, etc. Aspirants must have scored at least 50% to 55% of aggregate marks or an equivalent CGPA in their postgraduate degree to be eligible for admission at the top PhD colleges in India 2024 .

All PhD admissions for the academic year 2024 have been completed. Here is a list of important dates and events that occurred for your convenience. Here are the latest updates on PhD admission 2024:

  • By July 29, 2024, register for the PhD programme at ICFAI Jaipur (On-going).
  • The revised entrance exam date for the RGUHS PhD programme is scheduled for May 04, 2024 (Over).
  • VIT Vellore PhD admission is now accepting applications through April 28, 2024, based on VITREE (Over).

The table below includes the top PhD colleges and their application dates for PhD admission 2024:

Students who intend to pursue PhD in India must meet the necessary PhD admission eligibility criteria required by their respective colleges. Listed below are the detailed PhD qualifications required for pursuing a PhD from India:

  • Masters degree holders are eligible for PhD admission 2024 into the doctoral programme. Although, for some subjects, having a Master in Philosophy (MPhil) is one of the criteria for PhD admission eligibility. It must be noted by the candidates that in some Indian universities, for a Master's programme, a specific percentage (or equivalent CGPA) is required to satisfy a PhD course eligibility requirement.
  • For admission into some reputable universities, a candidate must qualify for the all-India examination, like the National Eligibility Test for Lectureship (NET) conducted by NTA. Final-year students appearing in the qualifying degree examination can also apply although they must submit the attested copies of their qualifying degree certificates
  • Admission is offered based on interview. Also, the interview may be supplemented with a written exam if needed.
  • Candidates should have a valid Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering or GATE 2024 score to satisfy a PhD admission eligibility criteria in the field of engineering and technology. Also, candidates should have completed their degree in MTech course / Masters in Engineering (ME) in any engineering branch to satisfy the PhD course eligibility in engineering.

The need for a PhD degree in India has increased in recent times because of the increasing career prospects and the growing requirement for higher specialisation. Applicants who want a PhD admission 2024 must consider the following points concerning the admission procedure as the admission is done based on merit and/or entrance exams.

  • Admission into colleges/ universities in India is available for candidates in full-time and part-time programmes in various disciplines of engineering, arts, management, commerce, science, humanities, finance, law, medicine and IT.
  • Candidates can choose to pursue their PhD either full-time or part-time. The minimum duration of PhD is two years wherein the course follows the semester system including theory and practical versions on the specialisation of a respective course.
  • For PhD admission 2024, a Master's degree is required in India. Some universities in India offer seats to students having a minimum of 55% aggregate marks or equivalent.
  • In some cases, doing an MPhil is a part of their PhD admission criteria to pursue courses offered by some universities.
  • Admissions to a PhD programme is done through an entrance test at the university level or national level.

The admission procedure for both processes is described below.

PhD Admission 2024: Selection Criteria

Candidates interested in pursuing a doctorate should consider the subsequent factors during the PhD admission process in India.

  • The applicants who are selected will be contacted to participate in a personal interview round as part of the final selection process.
  • Depending on the applicant's MTech project and certain academic areas, the interview process will take place.
  • Students chosen for PhD admission are determined by their performance on entrance exams or merit.
  • Applicants must pass certain academic requirements before beginning a PhD.
  • Based on personal interview results, PhD admission in India 2024  will be awarded. If needed, a written exam could be added to the interview.

The entrance exams for PhD courses conducted in India may vary university-wise. PhD admission in India is based on enrollment to several universities. Universities accept the results of either a national-level or a university-level entrance examination. The following section summarises the PhD admission 2024 entrance exam schedule. Mentioned below is the list of the top entrance exams for PhD in India:

As discussed, PhD admission 2024 is primarily based on entrance exams. Applicants can select from several PhD specialisations, including mathematics, engineering, education, and engineering. The table below shows the exam schedules for India's most competitive PhD entrance exams.

Prospective applicants can take part in the PhD admission process in India with a bachelor's as well as a master's degree. However, they must be conscious that to be eligible to register for a PhD study at any of the Indian schools, they need to meet a certain percentage requirement (or comparable CGPA). PhD admission is granted based on the interview. If required, in addition to the in-person interview, a written exam may be administered at a respective university's discretion. The following is a discussion of how students can apply for admission to their preferred PhD course.

  • On the official portal of their preferred college or university, applicants should review all the details on all PhD courses before selecting their specific research topic.
  • Those who wish to apply for PhD admission in India 2024 should keep an eye out for notifications about admission to their desired course on the university's official website (preferable) and in the local newspaper.
  • The individual needs to cross-check if they match PhD eligibility criteria. Next, they should fully complete the application and submit it by the dates specified on the official portal. Additionally, aspirants need to be mindful that they need to register by the formulated deadline along with all necessary documents and fees.
  • A few Indian universities stipulate that applications must be submitted with a research proposal; the application itself is reviewed afterwards.
  • Most colleges shortlist candidates after the examination, and those only then appear for the entrance exam. There is one more testing phase included to reduce the number of applicants for PhD admission in India.
  • The individuals selected for the PhD programme are subsequently paired with research mentors.

Typically, PhD admissions in India are carried out in the spring and fall semesters. Usually, the Spring Cycle starts in January and ends in June with admissions. PhD admissions for the Autumn Session open in July and end in December. Thus, to stay informed about the admission cycle, aspirants need to keep a close eye on the important dates, and deadlines and monitor the respective official portal routinely. The following is a discussion of the top government and private universities that offer PhD admission in India 2024.

List of Government Institutions Offering PhD Admission 2024

PhD admission in India 2024 is now being offered by numerous Central and State Universities for the July Session. The majority of institutions use the Research Entrance Test or UGC NET/JRF results for admittance. Applicants may directly take part in an interview and showcase their research proposal if they have authentic UGC NET/JRF results. Also, a lot of universities only admit PhD hopefuls who have completed their JRF. Consequently, aspirants need to focus especially on these requirements. The following table highlights a list of the top government institutions offering PhD admission in India 2024:

List of Private Institutions Offering PhD Admission 2024

Numerous private colleges provide PhD programmes in a range of subjects and provide candidates with respectable stipends. In addition to offering PhD admission to students who have passed any fellowship entry exams, the majority of these institutions also administer their own Research Entrance Tests. The following table highlights a list of the top private institutions offering PhD admission in India 2024:

Here are some preparation tips for PhD entrance exams which students can use for reference:

  • Students should gather past year PhD entrance exam question papers from reliable sources and study accordingly.
  • They must refer to the PhD entrance exam syllabus as per their specialisation.
  • The entrance exam format varies depending on the conducting body; therefore, the aspirants must be informed of the structure to plan accordingly.
  • They must cover all exam subjects at least one month before the exam.
  • To relieve exam stress, the students must take advantage of the various mock tests available.
  • Keeping up with current events is vital because they are essential for grades.
  • Visiting the exam centre a day before the exam to avoid last-minute confusion about where the exam centre location is advised.
  • Before the exam, students must get a good night's sleep.

In today’s world, there is immense scope for candidates after they have completed their PhD. Gone are those days when the scope of PhD was limited to academia. After completing a PhD, one should track their potential and apply to jobs based on exact skills and expertise. Following are a few career options that candidates can choose after pursuing a PhD:

  • Lecturer & Professor
  • Author & Writer
  • Editor & Critic
  • Human Services/ Social Worker
  • Independent Consultant
  • Philosophical Journalist
  • Industrial R&D Lab professionals
  • Senior Research Scientist

PhD is considered one of the most valued degrees not just in India but abroad as well. When it comes to your career graph, it can be a good qualification for the aspirants. Many colleges or universities offer this course for aspiring students, however, one should satisfy their respective PhD admission eligibility. With this, candidates will have in-depth knowledge and develop mastery over the subjects they have chosen for specialisation, which will be extremely useful for them in their careers.

Stay tuned to CollegeDekho for more such updates and information. Aspirants can also check out our QnA Zone to get their queries resolved by our experts. We wish good luck to all the candidates seeking PhD admission 2024 in India!

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In most cases, a two-year Master's OR MPhil degree in the relevant field from any accredited Indian or foreign university is the minimal requirement for admission to a PhD programme. She or he must have earned a master's degree or a grade equivalent with at least 55%.

The university-level PhD entrance exam or the national research entrance test is used in deciding admissions. The next step is a face-to-face interview where applicants submit their research project. A lot of India's top universities are currently accepting applications for PhDs.

Yes, students can finish their PhD in two years. While a small percentage of exceptionally talented candidates can finish their PhDs in under 12 months, most applicants finish theirs in two years. The rarity and impressiveness of this cannot be overstated, but it is always possible. The secret to completing a PhD promptly is to have a solid academic background before you begin.

Yes. It is every so often possible to forego your master's programme and enrol directly in doctoral courses. You can choose to forego your PG degree by enrolling in a research programme after earning your bachelor's degree.

The list of the top 10 easiest PhDs to obtain includes a PhD in Humanities, a PhD in Education, a PhD in Theology, a PhD in Business Administration, a PhD in Psychology, a PhD in Literature, a PhD in Criminal Justice, a PhD in Public Policy, a PhD in History, and a PhD in Sociology.

A PhD is the highest educational qualification that can be obtained. A PhD candidate can expect to earn PhD salary between INR 6 and INR 12 lakhs per year.

Whether a PhD is required after a master's degree depends on a candidate’s interests in a particular specialisation. To be eligible to enrol in a PhD programme, candidates must hold a master's degree in good standing. A PhD course can be pursued by students in any field.

A PhD programme allows you to specialise in a variety of fields. Chemistry Clinical Psychology Education Physics Electronics and Communications Engineering Educational Leadership and Administration are some of the popular doctorate level courses.

A doctorate or PhD degree typically takes three years to complete. Candidates accepted into the programme have a maximum of 5 to 6 years to complete their research. However, the duration of the PhD programmes varies by institute.

Yes, students can get a direct PhD admission in India after completing the UG degree in any discipline or subject of their preference. As per the University Grants Commission (UGC), candidates can apply for a PhD provided they have a four-year bachelor’s degree along with a 75% aggregate mark or its equivalent grade.

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how to do phd in india in hindi

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Ph.D Hindi Syllabus and Subjects

Roumik Roy

The PhD Hindi syllabus imparts detailed theoretical knowledge to the students of several subject areas based on Hindi literature such as Research, Shodh, Medieval period, Reetikaal along with the study of Broad Perspective of Indian & Hindi Renaissance, Gandhism, Indian Theater, and Western Theater concepts , etc. 

The Hindi PhD syllabus prepares graduates with skill-oriented knowledge to establish potential career prospects. Henceforth, the job scope of PhD Hindi is adequate and spread across various industries. 

Table of Contents

First-Year PhD Hindi Syllabus

Second-year phd hindi syllabus, third-year phd hindi syllabus, subjects in the phd hindi syllabus, semester wise phd hindi syllabus.

Ph.D. Hindi Syllabus is offered to students with theory and practical lectures, workshops, projects, and a thesis . Any Ph.D. in Hindi subject offers a comprehensive learning of the origin, philosophy, linguistics, and evolution of the Hindi language .  A semester-wise representation of Ph.D. Hindi syllabus is given below:

The 1st year Ph.D. Hindi Syllabus is given below:

The subjects in the second-year PHD Hindi Syllabus are given below:

The 3rd-year PhD Hindi syllabus is given below:

Note: This is the general PhD syllabus in Hindi. This can differ for different colleges. Students can access the PhD Hindi syllabus PDF from the college websites to know more information about the subjects. 

The prime motive of a PhD in Hindi subject is to impart the essential knowledge of Hindi literature along with several elements of linguistics, applications in the contemporary world, and other important dynamics of the Hindi language .  Some of the PhD Hindi subjects are given below:

Core Subjects

The PhD Hindi syllabus consists of 4-8 core subjects that are compulsory in this doctorate course. Some of the core subjects in the PhD syllabus in Hindi are listed below:

  • Research: intent, nature, and Purpose
  • Medieval Period: time, society, and culture
  • Reetikaal, Broad Perspective of Indian Renaissance and Hindi Renaissance
  • History of Hindi Prose
  • Hindi Drama and Theater
  • Indian Theater and Western Theater concepts

Elective Subjects

The elective subjects in the PhD syllabus in Hindi are given below:

  • Future Studies: Premchand
  • Special Studies: Mira
  • Diaspora Literature of Hindi
  • Translation Theory and Practice
  • Abhasmatamul literature of Hindi
  • Prominent saint poetry and poetry of South India
  • Post-independence Hindi poetry

Detailed view subjects in the PhD syllabus 

The PhD Hindi syllabus is broad and includes several topics from Hindi literature and linguistics . A detailed view of some of the subjects in the PhD Hindi syllabus is given below:

The Ph.D. Hindi Course Structure

The Ph.D. Hindi course is semester-wise, and the curriculum comprises four parts: foundation, core, electives, and research projects during the six semesters. The course structure includes seminars, thesis writing, project, and internship for effective training. The standard course structure of Ph.D. Hindi is given below:

  • III-V Years
  • Core and Theory subjects
  • Projects/Assignments
  • Research and Viva
  • Dissertation

The Ph.D. Hindi Teaching Methodology and Techniques

The Ph.D. in Hindi degree course curriculum includes various teaching methods and techniques that help students understand multiple topics taught in their classes. Some of the different teaching methodologies and techniques adopted in the course curriculum of The Ph.D. in Hindi degree course are as follows:

  • Live Demo Sessions
  • The emphasis on Practical and Theoretical Learning
  • Guest Lectures, Seminars, and Workshop
  • Group Assignment and Discussion
  • Learning through Industrial Visit
  • Practical Development
  • Research Work

The Ph.D. in Hindi Projects

Project Topics for the Ph.D. in Hindi is a resourceful opportunity for students from Hindi literature backgrounds. The best topics for Ph.D. in Hindi literature projects or research are related to the medieval period, drama, Hindi literature, linguistics, ancient Hindi period, folk & tales, laws, politics , etc.  Some of the standard project topics for a Ph.D. in Hindi are given below:

  • Shri Lal Shukl Ke Sahitya Mein Rajneetik Chetna
  • Pandit Chanderdhar Sharma Guleri Ke Sahitya Ka Vishleshan Atmak Adhiayan
  • Kubernath Rai Ke Lalit Nibandhon Ka Saanskritik Vishleshan
  • Sawadesh Deepak Ke Sahitya Mein Kathya Aur Shilp
  • 'Ashak' Ke Upnayason Mein Panjab Ke Shahari Madhiyavarg Ki Chetna
  • Braj Aur Punjabi Ke Vivah Sambandhi Lok Geeton Ka Tulnatmak Adhyayan

The Ph.D. in Hindi Reference Books

The reference books for Ph.D. in Hindi help students understand various subjects and topics covered in the course curriculum and expand their knowledge & vision. Some of the best Ph.D. in Hindi books are given below:

What is the 1st year syllabus of PhD Hindi?

The 1st year syllabus of Ph.D. Hindi includes subjects like Shodh Ke Saadhan Evan Upkaran, Shodh: Anusandhaan, Gaveshana Aur Sarvekshan, Aitihasik Evam Sanskritik, Literary Research, etc.

What are the core subjects in PhD Hindi?

The core subjects of PhD Hindi are Reetikaal, Broad Perspective of Indian Renaissance and Hindi Renaissance, Bloomfield and Structural Linguistics, Indian Theater and Western Theater concepts, Gandhism, etc.

What are the PhD Hindi projects?

Some popular Ph.D. Hindi project topics are Shri Lal Shukl Ke Sahitya Mein Rajneetik Chetna, Pandit Chanderdhar Sharma Guleri Ke Sahitya Ka Vishleshan Atmak Adhiayan, Sawadesh Deepak Ke Sahitya Mein Kathya Aur Shilp, etc.

What are the essential books for Ph.D. Hindi?

A few popular reference books include Childhood And Growing Up in Hindi Medium by Rajesh Kumar Vashist, Hindi Adhyapan Padhdhati by Vinod Patil, Madhushala by Harivansh Rai Bachchan, etc.

What is the PhD Hindi course structure?

The syllabus and course curriculum for PhD in Hindi is divided into core and practical subjects, assignments, and research projects. The curriculum consists of six semesters, two per year.

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Best Ph.D in Hindi Universities in India

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UGC recognized University | NAAC 'A' Grade | Merit & need-based scholarships available

Sharda University Admissions 2024

Sharda University Admissions 2024

North India's Largest Educational Group | NAAC A+ Grade | Highest Package 1 Cr | Scholarships upto 100% | Last date : 30th Apr'24

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KIET B.Tech Admissions 2024

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Shiv Nadar University, Chennai Admissions 2024

Shiv Nadar University, Chennai Admissions 2024

Distinguished Faculty from Top-Ranked Universities and Research Institutions

Rishihood University B.Sc. Admissions 2024

Rishihood University B.Sc. Admissions 2024

Round 4 Deadline - 30th June 2024 | Top faculty from DRDO, IISc, IITs, Delhi University & more | Opportunity to get scholarships upto 10%

Galgotias University | Admissions 2024

Galgotias University | Admissions 2024

NAAC A+ Grade | 1.5 CR-Highest Package

Adikavi Nannaya University, Rajahmundry

Amu aligarh - aligarh muslim university, aligarh.

  • Ph.D ( 35 Courses )

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Top Institutes Accepting Applications

Amity University | B.Sc Admissions 2024

Ranked amongst top 3% universities globally (QS Rankings)

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B.Com(Hons.), B.A. (Hons.) & M.Sc. Finance @ JSBF | recognised as IOE | #1 Private University | Inter-discilinary | Merit-based scholarships

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Ranked #1 Private University | Institute of Eminence | NAAC Accredited | AACSB & AIU member | Apply Now

Annamalai University - Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar

  • Ph.D ( 19 Courses )

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Assam University, Silchar

  • Ph.D ( 6 Courses )

Atal Bihari Vajpayee Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur

  • Ph.D ( 2 Courses )

Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore

  • Ph.D ( 16 Courses )

APSU Rewa - Awadhesh Pratap Singh University, Rewa

  • Ph.D ( 8 Courses )

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Baba mastnath university, rohtak, bbau lucknow - babasaheb bhimrao ambedkar university, lucknow, bhu varanasi - banaras hindu university, varanasi.

  • Exams : BHU UET
  • Ph.D ( 4 Courses )

BU Bhopal - Barkatullah University, Bhopal

Filter by exam, bhakta kavi narsinh mehta university, khadia, bharathiar university - bharathiar university, coimbatore.

  • Ph.D ( 5 Courses )

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Binod bihari mahto koyalanchal university, dhanbad.

  • Exams : UGC NET
  • Ph.D ( 9 Courses )

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  • Ph.D ( 7 Courses )

Capital University, Koderma

Career point university, kota.

  • Fees : ₹ 92 K
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Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh

Central university jammu - central university of jammu, jammu.

  • Fees : ₹ 1.49 Lakhs

Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi

Cuk karnataka - central university of karnataka, gulbarga.

  • Fees : ₹ 61.60 K
  • Ph.D ( 15 Courses )

Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod

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  • Ph.D ( 17 Courses )

Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University, Cooch Behar

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  • Ph.D ( 13 Courses )

DAVV - Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore

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  • Fees : ₹ 48 K

DBRAU Agra - Dr BR Ambedkar University, Agra

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  • Ph.D ( 11 Courses )

English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad

  • Fees : ₹ 27.57 K

FS University, Shikohabad

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Pearson Undergraduate Entrance Exam

( cuet ug ) common university entrance test (ug).

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( CUET PG ) Common University Entrance Test (PG)

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( GAT-B ) Graduate Aptitude Test-Biotechnology

( jam ) joint admission test for programmes.

Others - 2nd admission list

( NEST ) National Entrance Screening Test

( ts eamcet ) telangana state engineering agriculture and medical common entrance test.

Counselling Date - Round 1 - Registration, processing fees, slot booking for document verification

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Allahabad University PG Exam

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Economic Times


  1. How to apply for PHD? (Hindi)

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  2. पीएचडी क्या है कैसे करें?

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  3. How to do PhD

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  4. What is PhD

    how to do phd in india in hindi

  5. How To Do Phd In Hindi

    how to do phd in india in hindi

  6. What is PhD full details in Hindi

    how to do phd in india in hindi


  1. *Daveedu PhD: India is going to be changed*

  2. PhD kya hai। PhD kya hota hai। PhD kese kare। course work, entrance exam की सम्पूर्ण जानकारी

  3. HINDI PhD

  4. PhD का रामबाण #shorts #phdadmission @DrLokeshBali

  5. PhD in India vs PhD Abroad

  6. PhD क्या है ? कैसे करे पीएचडी ? Phd Kaise Kare ? Steps of Phd پی ایچ ڈی کے مراحل


  1. Phd क्या है कैसे करे

    PhD computer science Phd in Psychology PhD in History PhD in Business Administration PhD in engineering Phd in Economics PhD in Nursing : Online PhD Program: IGNOU IISc Bangalore Dr. BR Ambedkar Open University Hyderabad Madhya Pradesh Bhoj Open University: Fully Funded PhD Programs: Students need to clear UGC NET exam to get funded by the ...

  2. PhD kaise kare: जानिए स्टेप बाय स्टेप गाइड

    PhD kaise kare के लिए step-by-step guide नीचे दिया गया है: Step 1: कैंडिडेट को 12 साल की बुनियादी शिक्षा ( कक्षा 1st -12th ) पूरी होना अनिवार्य हैं।. Step 2: PhD करने के लिए ...

  3. Ph.D Hindi: Course Details, Eligibility, Admission, Fees

    Admission Process for Ph.D. in Hindi. The admission process for the PhD in Hindi in India is carried out either from the college premises directly or can be done online. The aspirants applying for the course must satisfy the PhD in Hindi eligibility criteria, a combination of marks scored in their 10+2+3+2 and the entrance exams.

  4. PhD Hindi Book, Syllabus, IGNOU, Admission 2024

    The eligibility criteria for pursuing PhD Hindi requires either to complete MPhil Degree and a Postgraduate degree in any stream with a minimum of 55% marks from a recognized university or Master's degree in any stream with 55% of marks. Admission to the course is usually merit-based. Therein marks obtained in the qualifying examinations are ...

  5. PhD Study in India

    The Indian higher education system has expanded at a simply phenomenal rate during the 21st Century - and it shows no sign of stopping. This rapid growth in the number of individual PhD universities is also producing a range of research opportunities, ranging from cutting-edge Science and Engineering projects to unique programmes exploring the country's own diverse history and culture.

  6. Top 8 University For PhD In Hindi In India

    University of Rajasthan. The University of Rajasthan is a prestigious university that offers a PhD program in Hindi as a full-time five-year course. The candidates must have completed their post-graduation from any recognised university with 55% and must crack the UGC Net Exam. The total fees for the course are 83,305.

  7. Ph.D.

    PHD. Learn more about Ph.D. - Hindi Program including the program highlights, fees, scholarships, events and further course information.

  8. PhD in India 2024

    To pursue a PhD in India, a candidate typically needs a postgraduate degree (Master's or equivalent) in a relevant field. It is important to note that specific eligibility criteria may vary between universities and disciplines. Additionally, universities often require candidates to clear entrance exams or interviews and meet minimum academic ...

  9. Ph.D. (Doctorate Research Program) in Hindi Course detail

    A Ph.D. in Hindi can focus on any aspect of the Hindi language. A Ph.D. in Hindi is a rigorous three-year doctoral program focused on developing linguistic, cultural, and literary skills. Graduates with this degree have excellent career prospects in fields ranging from the arts and humanities to law, media, and counseling.

  10. A Comprehensive Guide to Applying for a PhD in India [2024]

    The cost of a PhD course in India differs based on the kind of university people choose. However, if you take estimates, it can cost you around 80k to 2 lacs. For admission in PhD in India, students require a Master's degree in a relevant field. An overall grade point average of at least 55% (or equivalent) is required.

  11. Ph.D. (Hindi), Doctor of Philosophy in Hindi, Syllabus, Eligibility

    Hindi is the study of literature, linguistics and philosophy of the Hindi language. The students under this degree are required to prepare a detailed thesis on any of the topics within the Hindi language. Ph.D. in Hindi is the course where there is a thesis which the student should make it by own in his/her own language.

  12. PhD Admission in India 2024: Dates, Eligibility, Entrance Exams

    Based on personal interview results, PhD admission in India 2024 will be awarded. If needed, a written exam could be added to the interview. Entrance Exams Required for PhD Admission 2024 The entrance exams for PhD courses conducted in India may vary university-wise. PhD admission in India is based on enrollment to several universities.

  13. Prime Minister Research Fellowship (PMRF)

    Fellowship Amount: Selected candidates will be offered admission to Ph.D. program in one of IITs/IISc with a fellowship of Rs.70000 p.m. for initial 2 yrs, then Rs.75000 p.m. for the 3rd yr, and Rs.80000 p.m. in the 4th and 5th yrs. A research grant of Rs.2 Lakh p.a. will be provided to each Fellow for a period of 5 yrs to cover their academic ...

  14. Ph.D Hindi Syllabus and Subjects 2024

    Some of the PhD Hindi subjects are given below: Core Subjects. The PhD Hindi syllabus consists of 4-8 core subjects that are compulsory in this doctorate course. Some of the core subjects in the PhD syllabus in Hindi are listed below: Research: intent, nature, and Purpose. Medieval Period: time, society, and culture.

  15. 202. PHD kaise kare in hindi

    PHD kaise kare in hindi | PHD kya hai | what is PHD in hindi | PHD Full details in hindiStudents wants to know about PHD full form to everything about PHD in...

  16. Ph.D. abroad for Indian students

    A PhD is a research degree that signifies the completion of a program of advanced study and is the highest level of academic qualification that can be obtained. PhD stands for Doctor of Philosophy. ... If you are thinking about applying for a Ph.D. program abroad from India, it is important to research the specific requirements of the country ...

  17. PhD Online: in India, Free, Fees, Admission, Programs 2024

    USD 2,000-5,000 or INR 1,45,200-3,63,000. $1,000 Online College Scholarships. Students achieving a certificated online university qualify for the reward, adding the students to online doctoral programs. The aspirants must hold a minimum 3.0 GPA and also achieve at least 80% online courses.

  18. Pursuing a PhD in India: Navigating the Pros and Cons Today

    The decision to pursue a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in India today is akin to stepping onto a dynamic roller coaster. It promises intellectual growth, academic recognition, and the potential to ...

  19. Indian Institute of Science Bangalore

    The Institute offers exciting opportunities to motivated and talented Bachelor's degree holders with a keen sense of scientific enquiry for pursuing advanced research in frontier areas of Biological, Chemical, Physical and Mathematical Sciences leading to a Ph D degree. Experience shows that students entering this program save nearly a year ...

  20. Best Ph.D in Hindi Universities in India

    Check out the list of top Ph.D in Hindi Universities in India with courses, fees, cut-off, admission, placement, reviews, ranking, latest news, and more on

  21. PhD History Course, Admission, Fees, Eligibility, Entrance Exams

    PhD History Job Prospects and Career Options. In India, PhD History is one of the top career choices in Arts made by students who opt to research and analyze historical facts and data. There are lots of job opportunities available in India as well as in foreign countries for History graduates.

  22. PhD kya hota hai in hindi

    PhD Kya hai PhD kya hota hai in hindi PhD kaise kare in hindi PhD full details in hindi Ph.D course details PhD full information in hindi what is PhD in ... CBSE Exam, class 10.

  23. PhD interview in Hindi

    PhD interview in Hindi | PhD Interview life science | PhD interview questions in Hindi- This lecture explains about the PhD interview in Hindi | PhD Intervie...