
Impact of globalization on Indian culture | Sociology Optional for UPSC Civil Services Examination | Triumph IAS

Impact of globalization on Indian culture, Best Sociology Optional Coaching, Sociology Optional Syllabus.

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Relevant for ups-cse general studies paper 1 (impact of globalization of indian society).

Impact of globalization on Indian culture, Best Sociology Optional Coaching, Sociology Optional Syllabus.


Globalization is a process of increasing interdependence, interconnectedness and integration of economies and societies to such an extent that an event in one part of the globe affects people in other parts of world.

The effect of globalization is far reaching. It affects us all but affects us differently. Thus, while for some it may mean new opportunities, for others the loss of livelihood. Women silk spinners and twisters of Bihar lost their jobs once the Chinese and Korean silk yarn entered the market. Weavers and consumers prefer this yarn as it is somewhat cheaper and has a shine.

Similar displacements have come with the entry of large fishing vessels into Indian waters. These vessels take away the fish that used to be earlier collected by Indian fishing vessels. The livelihood of women fish sorters, dryers, vendors and net makers thereby get affected. In Gujarat, women gum collectors, who were picking from the ‘julifera’ (Baval trees), lost their employment due to the import of cheaper gum from Sudan. In almost all cities of India, the rag pickers lost some of their employment due to import of waste paper from developed countries.

It is obvious that globalization is of great social significance. But its impact on different sections of society is very different. There are, therefore, sharply divided views about the impact of globalization regarding its effect. Some believe that it is necessary to herald a better world.

Impact of Globalization on Indian Culture

  • There are many ways that globalization affects culture. Over the ages India has had an open approach to cultural influences and has been enriched because of this. The last few decades have seen major cultural changes leading to fears that our local cultures would be overtaken. Thus there are heated debates in our society not just about political and economic issues but also about changes in clothes, styles, music, films, languages, body language. The debate is not new and 19th century reformers and early nationalists also debated on culture and tradition. The issues today are in some ways the same, in some ways different. What is perhaps different is the scale and intensity of change.
  • A central contention is that all cultures will become similar, that is homogeneous. Others argue that there is an increasing tendency towards globalization of culture. Globalization refers to the mixing of the global with the local. It is not entirely spontaneous. Nor is it entirely delinked from the commercial interests of globalization. It is a strategy often adopted by foreign firms while dealing with local traditions in order to enhance their marketability. In India, we find that all the foreign television channels like Star, MTV, Channel V and Cartoon Network use Indian languages. Even McDonald sells only vegetarian and chicken products in India and not its beef products, which are popular abroad. McDonald’s goes vegetarian during the Navaratri festival . In the field of music, one can see the growth of popularity of ‘ Bhangra pop ’, ‘Indi pop’, fusion music and even remixes.
  • Joint family has been adversely affected due to globalization. There has been an increase in nuclear families. This can be clearly manifested in the increasing number of old age homes that are present now. The diversity in family forms has given way to a dominance of nuclear family in the globalized India
  • Due to opening up of food joints like McDonalds, KFC across the country, there has been a homogenization of food available across the country, but there has also been heterogenization in food. Old restaurants are now replaced by Mc. Donalds . Fast food and Chinese dishes have replaced juice corners and Parathas.
  • Borrowing of money has become more acceptable now as compared to the past. Taking loans is very common due to increasing access to financial institutions
  • In place of old cinema halls, multiplex theatres are coming up.
  • Use of English has increased manifold in urban areas, this has led to a homogenization in language across the country, but the rural areas have been less affected by it.

Globalization  of Culture

  • India has its unique cuisine, but the cuisines of foreign countries have become more easily available, they are modified to suit the taste buds of Indians (like Paneer Tikka Burger in McDonalds) . This has led to a wide variety of food being available, leading to heterogenization French, German and Spanish are taught to students right from school level along with indigenous languages, this is an exemplification of hybridization of culture
  • Popularity of foreign movies has increased, Hollywood, Chinese, French and Korean movies are quite popular among the urban youth. Along with this, dubbing of these foreign movies in local languages is testimony of increased glocalization. Festivals: celebrations of Valentines’ day, Friendship day are examples of change in cultural values related to festival. However, along with these new days, traditional festivals are celebrated with equal enthusiasm.
  • Importance of marriage is decreasing, there has been an increase in divorce, increase in live-in relationships, and single parenting is increasing. Marriage used to be considered as bonding of the souls; but today marriage is becoming professional and contractual. However, despite change in forms of marriage, it has not declined as an institution.

Revival of Culture

  • Revival of Yoga in the country as well as in the international level. This can be seen in the popularity of the ‘Art of Living’ course by Ravi Shankar, or the celebration of International Yoga day across the world
  • There has been a revival of ayurvedic medicines in the country as well as outside it.
  • Due to increasing uncertainty by inter-linkage with the outside world, there has been religious revivalism. This can be manifested in the use of religion to attract voters, or mobilizing people on the basis of religion.
  • Increasing demand for local handicraft products in global market, such as Chikenkari or bandhani.
  • Due to increasing global tourism, locals are making efforts to preserve their diversity and revive their traditions.

All these changes have led to drastic changes to Indian culture, though most of these changes are confined to the urban areas, but the rural areas are fast catching up. We can see that the western culture is influencing the Indian culture, but it is not replacing it, rather there is a mixture of both cultures. It is to be noted that culture cannot be seen as an unchanging fixed entity that can either collapse or remain the same when faced with social change. What is more likely even today is that globalization will lead to the creation of not just new local traditions but global ones too.

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Impact of Globalization, Indian Culture, Social Significance, Globalization of Culture, Revival of Culture, Nuclear Families, Revival, Social Structures, Chikenkari or bandhani

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One comment.

Hey there! Your essay was rather eye-opening, but I couldn’t help but notice that you, in your admirable attempt to convey the widespread effects of globalisation in our country, may have conveyed what can be best described as unsubstantiated hearsay and anecdotal evidence as proof of your claims. I would love to see some data regarding the various points you’ve gone over in your essay. Cheers.

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Effects of Globalization on Indian Society

Last updated on April 9, 2022 by ClearIAS Team

effects of globalization on indian society

Globalization has virtually diminished the distances and connected the whole world. Read here to know the effect of globalization on Indian society.

Globalization is a term used to describe how trade and technology have made the world a more connected and interdependent place. Globalization also captures in its scope the economic and social changes that have come about as a result.

In today’s world, consumers have a wide choice of goods and services before them. The latest models of digital cameras, mobile phones, and televisions made by the leading manufacturers of the world are within the reach. Every season, new models of automobiles can be seen on Indian roads. Gone are the days when Ambassador and Fiat were the only cars on Indian roads.

Today, Indians are buying cars produced by nearly all the top companies in the world. A similar explosion of brands can be seen for many other goods: from shirts to televisions to processed fruit juices. Such a wide-ranging choice of goods in our markets is a relatively recent phenomenon.

One wouldn’t have found such a wide variety of goods in Indian markets two decades back. In a matter of years, our markets have been transformed! How do we understand these rapid transformations? What are the factors that brought about these changes? And, how did these changes affect the lives of the people? The answer to all these questions starts with ‘globalization’.

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Effect of globalization on Indian society

Globalization has several aspects and can be political, cultural, social, and economic, out of which financial integration is the most common aspect. India is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world and is predicted to reach the top three in the next decade.

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India’s massive economic growth is largely due to globalization which was a transformational change that didn’t occur until the 1990s. Since then, the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) has grown at an exponential rate.

The many effects of globalization on Indian society and multiple aspects of it have been discussed here.

Impact of globalization on the Indian economy

Overall, globalization has improved various aspects of India, like:

  • International trade relations
  • Technology and communication
  • Corporate world
  • Social and cultural expansion

The reduction of export subsidies and import barriers enabled free trade that made the Indian market attractive to the international community. The untapped potential of the nascent Indian market was opened to the global market and the significant changes were made to its industrial, financial, and agricultural sectors:

Industrial   sector: It saw a massive influx of both foreign capital investments ’ India became a favorite offshore market for pharmaceutical manufacturing, chemical, and petroleum industries. This brought advanced technologies and processes that helped in the modernization of the Indian industrial sector.

Financial sector: Prior to globalization and privatization, India’s financial sector had been mismanaged by a combination of corrupt and inept government officials. The privatization of the financial space created a much more dynamic financial services sector.

Agricultural sector: India still has a largely agrarian society , with a significant majority of the country’s population depending on this sector either directly or indirectly for their livelihood. The new technological capabilities of farmers have increased helping drive global exports of Indian products such as tea, coffee, and sugar.

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The betterment of these sectors has brought about an increase in national income, employment, exports, and GDP growth.

Advantages of globalization for India

  • The increasing globalization of India has access to markets of the country to foreign companies seeking to invest and operate within the massive Indian market.
  • Increase in employment opportunities.
  • Initially, globalization gave foreigners access to an inexpensive, robust labor force. But as the country has progressed, the labor force has grown more skilled and educated over time. Now India has the largest diaspora living abroad.
  • For foreign investors considering the economy as a whole, India offers a well-diversified export basket. This has been highlighted in the Economic Survey of India as well.

The cultural impact of globalization on Indian society

The process of globalization increased access to television and other entertainment sources over the years. Even in the rural areas satellite television has an established market. In the cities, Internet facility is everywhere and it is being extended to rural areas also through schemes like Smart Cities Mission .

There is an increase in the global food chain and restaurants in the urban areas of India. Multiple movie halls, big shopping malls, and high-rise residential are seen in every city.

The entertainment sector in India has now obtained a global market. After economic liberalization, Bollywood expanded its area and showed a major presence on the global scale. Bollywood movies are quite famous in Middle Eastern and many African countries as well.

Western styles began to be incorporated into Bollywood films to expand the outreach.

As these new cultural ideologies began to permeate the Indian population, the Indian urban population was pushed to re-evaluate their traditional Indian cultural ideology.

Bollywood movies are also distributed and accepted at the international level. Big international companies like Walt Disney, 20th Century Fox, and Columbia Pictures are investing in this sector.

Similarly, famous International brands such as Armani, Gucci, Nike, and Omega are also making investments in the Indian market with the changing of fashion statement of Indians.

Women are getting the equal opportunities they very well deserve now in more numbers due to the globalization of the market. Their empowerment has given considerable opportunities and possibilities for improving employment conditions through global solidarity and coordination. It is found that the growth of computers and other technologies enabled women with better waged, flex timings, and capacity to negotiate their role and status in-home and at the corporate level.

Effects of Globalization on Indian Education:

There is a profound effect observed in the educational sector due to globalization such as the literacy rate becoming high.

Foreign Universities are collaborating with different Indian Universities now, expanding the reach for Indian students.

The Indian educational system embraced globalization through Information technology and it offers opportunities to evolve new paradigms shifts in developmental education.

The shift from largely uneducated to an industrial society to an information society has gradually taken shape.

Globalization promotes new tools and techniques such as E-learning, Flexible learning, Distance Education Programs, and Overseas training.

Many government schemes like the ‘ New Education Policy ’ are pushing for a more global education system to make Indian students from every walk of life at par with the global community.

Challenges of globalization in Indian society

  • Economically, for a large market like India is harder to maintain a free, convertible, and open access enabled transnational market.
  • Globalization also means growing interdependence in other nations- this can issues like misdistribution of resources. The parity between underdeveloped, developing, and developed remains status quo in many cases.
  • The universalization of information technology has boons but also banes, in terms of cybercrimes and other darknet activities . The increase in the number of cyberattacks in India is proof of this.
  • Globalization does have a great effect on the ecologies and environments of nations that need safeguards that lessen the negative effects rather than exploiting them without regard to such concerns.
  • The negative effects of globalization on the Indian Industry are that with the coming of technology the number of labor required is decreased and this resulted in increasing unemployment, especially in the arena of the pharmaceutical, chemical, manufacturing, and cement industries.
  • There are a few challenges for companies due to globalization such as Migration, relocation, labor shortages, competition, and changes in skills and technology.

The effects of globalization on Indian society are manifold and have been discussed in detail. The process of globalization has changed the industrial pattern and social life of people. This has had an immense impact on Indian trade, finance, and cultural system.

The globalization of the economic, social, and cultural structures happened in simultaneously. Previously, the pace of the process was slow but now the change is happening in every arena at lightning-fast speed with the use of information technology.

Globalization has resulted in an increase in the production of a range of goods and services. MNCs have established manufacturing plants all over the world. It has positive effects on India and the administration is trying its best to overcome many obstacles and adopt global policies to expand business an international scale.

India is surely gaining international recognition which leads to the strengthening of economic and political areas.

Truly, globalization has made the world a small place, a whole lot of different people interconnected in diverse ways.

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Globalization and Its Impact on Indian Culture & Social Values

Profile image of Interal Res journa  Managt Sci Tech

2019, isara solutions

Globalization has a wide role to play worldwide. It has left back its footprints at every sphere of life. Not only in India, but the interchange of world views and ideas has resulted in a major transformation of the lifestyle and living standard of people globally. Indian culture is no bar to this transformation process. Our deep rooted traditions and customs have loosened up their hold with the emergence of globalization. India has a rich cultural background and pride of its culture is famous throughout the world. Globalization has not only inculcated the westernization in India, but conversely the Indian culture has also spread its impact globally. Culture and traditions of any geographic region hold a special significance with respect to its uniqueness and that is the differentiating factor for a population within a geographic boundary from the other. This uniqueness has been disturbed to the varying degrees in lieu of globalization. Such an impact is very much pronounced when they hit a developing country like India.

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Impact of Globalisation on India

essay on impact of globalisation on indian culture

Globalization has been defined as the process of rapid integration of countries and happenings through greater foreign trade and foreign investment. It is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture.

What are the factors aiding globalization?

1) Technology : has reduced the speed of communication manifolds. The phenomenon of social media in the recent world has made distance insignificant.

The integration of technology in India has transformed jobs that required specialized skills and lacked decision-making skills into extensively defined jobs with higher accountability that require new skills, such as numerical, analytical, communication, and interactive skills. As a result of this, more job opportunities are created for people.

2) LPG Reforms : The 1991 reforms in India have led to greater economic liberalization which has in turn increased India’s interaction with the rest of the world.

3) Faster Transportation: Improved transport, making global travel easier. For example, there has been a rapid growth in air-travel, enabling greater movement of people and goods across the globe.

4) Rise of WTO: The formation of WTO in 1994 led to reduction in tariffs and non-tariff barriers across the world. It also led to the increase in the free trade agreements among various countries.

5) Improved mobility of capital : In the past few decades there has been a general reduction in capital barriers, making it easier for capital to flow between different economies. This has increased the ability for firms to receive finance. It has also increased the global interconnectedness of global financial markets.

6) Rise of MNCs : Multinational corporations operating in different geographies have led to a diffusion of best practices. MNCs source resources from around the globe and sell their products in global markets leading to greater local interaction.

These factors have helped in economic liberalization and globalization and have facilitated the world in becoming a “global village”. Increasing interaction between people of different countries has led to internationalization of food habits, dress habits, lifestyle and views.

Globalization and India:

Developed countries have been trying to pursue developing countries to liberalize the trade and allow more flexibility in business policies to provide equal opportunities to multinational firms in their domestic market. International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank helped them in this endeavour. Liberalization began to hold its foot on barren lands of developing countries like India by means of reduction in excise duties on electronic goods in a fixed time frame.

Indian government did the same and liberalized the trade and investment due to the pressure from World Trade Organization. Import duties were cut down phase-wise to allow MNC’s operate in India on equality basis. As a result globalization has brought to India new technologies, new products and also the economic opportunities.

Despite bureaucracy, lack of infrastructure, and an ambiguous policy framework that adversely impact MNCs operating in India, MNCs are looking at India in a big way, and are making huge investments to set up R&D centers in the country. India has made a lead over other growing economies for IT, business processing, and R&D investments. There have been both positive and negative impacts of globalization on social and cultural values in India.


Economic Impact:

  • Greater Number of Jobs : The advent of foreign companies and growth in economy has led to job creation. However, these jobs are concentrated more in the services sector and this has led to rapid growth of service sector creating problems for individuals with low level of education. The last decade came to be known for its jobless growth as job creation was not proportionate to the level of economic growth.
  • More choice to consumers : Globalisation has led to a boom in consumer products market. We have a range of choice in selecting goods unlike the times where there were just a couple of manufacturers.
  • Higher Disposable Incomes : People in cities working in high paying jobs have greater income to spend on lifestyle goods. There has been an increase in the demand of products like meat, egg, pulses, organic food as a result. It has also led to protein inflation.

Protein food inflation contributes a large part to the food inflation in India. It is evident from the rising prices of pulses and animal proteins in the form of eggs, milk and meat.

With an improvement in standard of living and rising income level, the food habits of people change. People tend toward taking more protein intensive foods. This shift in dietary pattern, along with rising population results in an overwhelming demand for protein rich food, which the supply side could not meet. Thus resulting in a demand supply mismatch thereby, causing inflation.

In India, the Green Revolution and other technological advancements have primarily focused on enhancing cereals productivity and pulses and oilseeds have traditionally been neglected.

  • Shrinking Agricultural Sector: Agriculture now contributes only about 15% to GDP. The international norms imposed by WTO and other multilateral organizations have reduced government support to agriculture. Greater integration of global commodities markets leads to constant fluctuation in prices.
  • This has increased the vulnerability of Indian farmers. Farmers are also increasingly dependent on seeds and fertilizers sold by the MNCs.
  • Globalization does not have any positive impact on agriculture. On the contrary, it has few detrimental effects as government is always willing to import food grains, sugar etc. Whenever there is a price increase of these commodities.
  • Government never thinks to pay more to farmers so that they produce more food grains but resorts to imports. On the other hand, subsidies are declining so cost of production is increasing. Even farms producing fertilizers have to suffer due to imports. There are also threats like introduction of GM crops, herbicide resistant crops etc.
  • Increasing Health-Care costs: Greater interconnections of the world has also led to the increasing susceptibility to diseases. Whether it is the bird-flu virus or Ebola, the diseases have taken a global turn, spreading far and wide. This results in greater investment in healthcare system to fight such diseases.
  • Child Labour : Despite prohibition of child labor by the Indian constitution, over 60 to a 115 million children in India work. While most rural child workers are agricultural laborers, urban children work in manufacturing, processing, servicing and repairs. Globalization most directly exploits an estimated 300,000 Indian children who work in India’s hand-knotted carpet industry, which exports over $300 million worth of goods a year.

Socio-Cultural Impact on Indian Society

Nuclear families are emerging. Divorce rates are rising day by day. Men and women are gaining equal right to education, to earn, and to speak. ‘Hi’, ‘Hello’ is used to greet people in spite of Namaskar and Namaste. American festivals like Valentines’ day, Friendship day etc. are spreading across India.

  • Access to education : On one hand globalisation has aided in the explosion of information on the web that has helped in greater awareness among people. It has also led to greater need for specialisation and promotion of higher education in the country.
  • On the flip side the advent of private education, coaching classes and paid study material has created a gap between the haves and have-nots. It has become increasingly difficult for an individual to obtain higher education.
  • Growth of cities : It has been estimated that by 2050 more than 50% of India’s population will live in cities. The boom of services sector and city centric job creation has led to increasing rural to urban migration.
  • Indian cuisine: is one of the most popular cuisines across the globe. Historically, Indian spices and herbs were one of the most sought after trade commodities. Pizzas, burgers, Chinese foods and other Western foods have become quite popular.
  • Clothing: Traditional Indian clothes for women are the saris, suits, etc. and for men, traditional clothes are the dhoti, kurta. Hindu married women also adorned the red bindi and sindhur, but now, it is no more a compulsion. Rather, Indo-western clothing, the fusion of Western and Sub continental fashion is in trend. Wearing jeans, t-shirts, mini skirts have become common among Indian girls.
  • Indian Performing Arts: The music of India includes multiples varieties of religious, folk, popular, pop, and classical music. India’s classical music includes two distinct styles: Carnatic and Hindustani music. It remains instrumental to the religious inspiration, cultural expression and pure entertainment. Indian dance too has diverse folk and classical forms.
  • Bharatanatyam, Kathak, Kathakali, Mohiniattam, Kuchipudi, Odissi are popular dance forms in India. Kalarippayattu or Kalari for short is considered one of the world’s oldest martial art. There have been many great practitioners of Indian Martial Arts including Bodhidharma who supposedly brought Indian martial arts to China.
  • T he Indian Classical music has gained worldwide recognition but recently, western music is too becoming very popular in our country. Fusing Indian music along with western music is encouraged among musicians. More Indian dance shows are held globally. The number of foreigners who are eager to learn Bharatanatyam is rising. Western dance forms such as Jazz, Hip hop, Salsa, Ballet have become common among Indian youngsters.
  • Nuclear Families : The increasing migration coupled with financial independence has led to the breaking of joint families into nuclear ones. The western influence of individualism has led to an aspirational generation of youth. Concepts of national identity, family, job and tradition are changing rapidly and significantly.
  • Old Age Vulnerability : The rise of nuclear families has reduced the social security that the joint family provided. This has led to greater economic, health and emotional vulnerability of old age individuals.
  • Pervasive Media : There is greater access to news, music, movies, videos from around the world. Foreign media houses have increased their presence in India. India is part of the global launch of Hollywood movies which is very well received here. It has a psychological, social and cultural influence on our society.
  • McDonaldization : A term denoting the increasing rationalization of the routine tasks of everyday life. It becomes manifested when a culture adopts the characteristics of a fast-food restaurant. McDonaldization is a reconceptualization of rationalization, or moving from traditional to rational modes of thought, and scientific management.
  • Walmartization : A term referring to profound transformations in regional and global economies through the sheer size, influence, and power of the big-box department store WalMart. It can be seen with the rise of big businesses which have nearly killed the small traditional businesses in our society.

Psychological Impact on Indian Society

  • Development of Bicultural Identity : The first is the development of a bicultural identity or perhaps a hybrid identity, which means that part of one’s identity is rooted in the local culture while another part stems from an awareness of one’s relation to the global world.
  • The development of global identities is no longer just a part of immigrants and ethnic minorities. People today especially the young develop an identity that gives them a sense of belonging to a worldwide culture, which includes an awareness of events, practices, styles and information that are a part of the global culture. Media such as television and especially the Internet, which allows for instant communication with any place in the world, play an important part in developing a global identity.

A good example of bicultural identity is among the educated youth in India who despite being integrated into the global fast paced technological world, may continue to have deep rooted traditional Indian values with respect to their personal lives and choices such as preference for an arranged marriage, caring for parents in their old age.

  • Growth of Self-Selected Culture : means people choose to form groups with like-minded persons who wish to have an identity that is untainted by the global culture and its values. The values of the global culture, which are based on individualism, free market economics, and democracy and include freedom, of choice, individual rights, openness to change, and tolerance of differences are part of western values. For most people worldwide, what the global culture has to offer is appealing. One of the most vehement criticisms of globalization is that it threatens to create one homogeneous worldwide culture in which all children grow up wanting to be like the latest pop music star, eat Big Macs, vacation at Disney World, and wear blue jeans, and Nikes.
  • Emerging Adulthood : The timing of transitions to adult roles such as work, marriage and parenthood are occurring at later stages in most parts of the world as the need for preparing for jobs in an economy that is highly technological and information based is slowly extending from the late teens to the mid-twenties. Additionally, as the traditional hierarchies of authority weaken and break down under the pressure of globalization, the youth are forced to develop control over their own lives including marriage and parenthood. The spread of emerging adulthood is related to issues of identity.
  • Consumerism : Consumerism has permeated and changed the fabric of contemporary Indian society. Western fashions are coming to India: the traditional Indian dress is increasingly being displaced by western dresses especially in urban areas. Media- movies and serials- set a stage for patterns of behavior, dress codes and jargon. There is a changing need to consume more and more of everything.

Globalisation is an age old phenomenon which has been taking place for centuries now. We can experience it so profoundly these days because of its increased pace. The penetration of technology and new economic structures are leading to an increased interaction between people. As with other things there have been both positive and negative impacts on India due to it.

Conclusion: We cannot say that the impact of globalization has been totally positive or totally negative. It has been both. Each impact mentioned above can be seen as both positive as well as negative. However, it becomes a point of concern when, an overwhelming impact of globalization can be observed on the Indian culture.

Every educated Indian seems to believe that nothing in India, past or present, is to be approved unless recognized and recommended by an appropriate authority in the West. There is an all-pervading presence of a positive, if not worshipful, attitude towards everything in western society and culture, past as well as present in the name of progress, reason and science. Nothing from the West is to be rejected unless it has first been weighed and found wanting by a Western evaluation. This should be checked, to preserve the rich culture and diversity of India.

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Effects of Globalisation on Indian Society

Globalization is a significant factor in competitive world that integrate and mobilize cultural values of people at global level. In the age of rapid technical progression, many countries are unified and transformed due to the process of globalization. Globalization has a huge impact on cultural, social, monetary, political, and communal life of countries. Abundant theoretical studies demonstrated that globalization intercedes in a cultural life of populace that raises numerous critical issues (Robertson, 1992). In broad sense, the term 'globalization' means combination of economies and societies through cross country flows of information, ideas, technologies, goods, services, capital, finance and people. Globalization is described by theorists as the process through which societies and economies are integrated through cross border flows of ideas, communication, technology, capital, people, finance, goods, services and information.

Aspects of Globalisation in India

Cross country incorporation has several aspects and can be political, cultural, social and/or economic, all which equal globalization. Nevertheless, financial integration is the most common aspects. Economic integration involves developing a nation's economy into an international economy. After World War I and II the early trends of globalization decreased throughout the world due to many barriers which restricted the movement of goods and services. In fact, cultural and social integration are even more than economic integration. Globalization increases competitiveness at company level and national level, which leads company management and governments to embrace strategies designed to increase labour effectiveness with reference to productivity, quality and innovation.

Generally, globalization involves economies that are opening up to international competition and that do not distinguish against international capital. Consequently, globalization is often accompanied by a liberalization of the markets and the privatization of productive assets. But globalization also leads to unemployment, increasing casual employment and weakening labour movements. Theoretical literature denotes that Globalization has made countries to realize that they can share their cultural values and economic exchanges to promote business and gain competitive advantage. The fervour of globalization has even enforced Governments to be tuned to the merits of a Global economy. Management studies have defined the process of globalization. Fraser (2007) explained that Globalization is a word on every commentator's lips nowadays, but is very difficult to define satisfactorily, for it arises in so many different contexts like economic, sociological, political, cultural and environmental. Akteruzzaman.Md, 2006 stated that globalization is the interconnectedness of nations and regions in economic domain, in particular, trade financial flows and multinational corporations.

Concept of Globalisation

The concept of globalization means that the world is getting smaller as well as bigger. Akteruzzaman.Md, 2006 described that globalization can contribute to develop pattern of cross border activities of firms, involving international investment, trade and strategic alliances for product development, production, sourcing and marketing. These international activities companies to enter new markets, to exploit their technological and organizational advantages and to reduce business costs and risks. Other theorists stated that globalization is a social phenomenon that defines the geographical boundary in terms of many different issues. According Brinkman, 2002, globalization as a triumphalism light, as the penetration of capitalism into every corner of the world, bringing with it the possibility for all of the world's population to participate in the fruits of the international division of labour and market economy. ALI, 2015 explained the globalization as a process of rapid economic, cultural, and institutional integration among countries. This association is driven by the liberalization of trade, investment and capital flow, technological advances, and pressures for assimilation towards international standards. Globalization has reduced barriers between countries, thus resulting in strengthening of economic competition among nations, dissemination of advanced management practices and newer forms of work organization, and sharing of internationally accepted labour standards.

Globalisation and Indian Society

Challenges of globalization and its effects

Many theorists asserted that change in environment has both positive and negative aspects (Harris, 2002). These stimulate driving or resisting forces toward the change of the status quo. This is most obvious relative to both globalization, and the resulting spread of the global organization. There are four factors that accelerate globalization.

The market imperative: Impact on national economies of larger, transnational markets characterized by free, convertible currencies, open access to banking, and contracts enforceable by law.

The resource imperative: Growing interdependence of nations and their activities on one another, fostered by the depletion of natural resources, misdistributions of arable land, mineral resources, and wealth, as well as overpopulation. The undeveloped nations need the capital, technology, and brainpower of the wealthier countries, while the First World economies are progressively dependent on the natural and human resources of the developing nations.

The IT imperative: Modernizations in glob communications, science and technology contribute toward universalization or planarization.

The ecological imperative: Globalization does have great effect on the ecologies and environments of nations which need to safeguards that lessen the negative effects rather than exploiting without regard to such concerns.

India was main mover of globalization. The government of India made major modifications in its economic policy in 1991 by which it allowed direct foreign investments in the country. As a result of this, globalization of the Indian Industry occurred at large scale. In India, economic expansion was observed in nineteenth century due to major crisis led by foreign exchange. The liberalization of the domestic economy and enhanced incorporation of India with the global economy helped to step up gross domestic product (GDP) growth rates which made good position in global scale. Effects of globalization in Indian Industry are observed as this process brought in large amounts of foreign investments into the industry especially in the BPO, pharmaceutical, petroleum, and manufacturing industries. As a result, they boosted the Indian economy quite significantly. The benefits of the effects of globalization in the Indian Industry are that many foreign companies set up industries in India, especially in the pharmaceutical, BPO, petroleum, manufacturing, and chemical sectors and this helped to offer great opportunities for employment to Indian people. Also this helped to reduce the level of unemployment and poverty in the country. It is observed that the major forces of globalization in India has been in the development of outsourced IT and business process outsourcing services. Since last many years, there is an increase of skilled professionals in India employed by both local and foreign companies to service customers in the US and Europe. These countries take advantage of India's lower cost but highly talented and English-speaking work force, and utilizes global communications technologies such as voice-over IP (VOIP), email and the internet, international enterprises have been able to lower their cost base by establishing outsourced knowledge-worker operations in India. The foreign companies brought in highly advanced technology with them and this made the Indian Industry more technologically advanced. Globalization in India has been beneficial for companies that have ventured in the Indian market. It is recommended by researchers that India has to focus on five important areas to enhance its economic status. The areas include technological entrepreneurship, new business openings for small and medium enterprises, the importance of quality management, new prospects in rural areas and privatization of financial institutions.

In terms of export and import activities, Many Indian companies have expanded their business and became famous at global level such as fast food, beverages, and sportswear and garment industries. Records indicated that Agriculture exports account for about 13 to 18% of total annual export of the country. In 2000-01, agricultural products valued at more than US$6 million were exported from the country of which 23% was contributed to the marine products alone. Marine products in recent years have emerged as the single largest contributor to the total agricultural export form the country accounting for over one fifth of the total agricultural exports. Cereals (mostly basmati rice and non-basmati rice), oil seeds, tea and coffee are the other prominent products each of which accounts for nearly 5 to 10% of the countries' total agricultural exports. Globalization speeded export of food items in India in the form of increased consumption of meat, western fast food, sodas and cool drinks, which may result in public health crisis. The rich biodiversity of India has yielded many healthy foods prepared from locally available entities. But the marketing by MNCs with large advertisement campaigns lead the people to resort to their products (Mascarenhas, 2003).

Figure: Indian companies going global:


Technological and Cultural impact of globalization in India

With the process of globalization, there is an access to television grew from 20% of the urban population (1991) to 90% of the urban population (2009). Even in the rural areas satellite television has a grown up market. In the cities, Internet facility is everywhere and extension of internet facilities even to rural areas. There is an increase of global food chain /restaurants in the urban areas of India. Excessive Multiplex movie halls, big shopping malls and high rise residential are seen in every cities. Entertainment sector in India has a global market. After economic liberalization, Bollywood expanded its area and showed a major presence in the global scale. The industry began to explore new ways to become more global and modern. In India, modernity is observed with the West. Therefore, Western philosophy began to be incorporated into Bollywood films. As these new cultural messages began to reach the Indian population, Indian moviegoers were pushed to re-evaluate their traditional Indian cultural ideology. Bollywood movies are also distributed and accepted at international level. Big international companies (Walt Disney, 20th Century Fox, and Columbia Pictures) are investing on this sector. Famous International brands such as Armani, Gucci, Nike, and Omega are also making investment in the Indian market with the changing of fashion statement of Indians.

Impact of globalization on education in India

There is immense effects observed in educational sector due to globalization such as literacy rate become high and Foreign Universities are collaborating with different Indian Universities. The Indian educational system faces challenges of globalization through Information technology and it offers opportunities to evolve new paradigms shifts in developmental education. The distinction between formal, non-formal and informal education will vanish when move from industrial society to information society takes place. Globalization promotes new tools and techniques such as E-learning, Flexible learning, Distance Education Programs and Overseas training.

It is observed in current Indian society that through globalization, women have gained certain opportunities for job options and to recognize women's rights as a part of the human rights. Their empowerment has given considerable opportunities and possibilities of improving employment conditions through global solidarity and co-ordination. It is found that the growth of computer and other technologies enabled women with better waged, flex timings, and capacity to negotiate their role and status in home and at corporate level.

There are some negative impact of globalization such as this process made disparity between rural and urban Indian joblessness, growth of slum capitals and threat of terrorist activities. Globalization increased competition in the Indian market between the foreign companies and domestic companies. With the foreign goods being better than the Indian goods, the consumer preferred to buy the foreign goods. This reduced the amount of profit of the Indian Industry companies. This happened mainly in the pharmaceutical, manufacturing, chemical, and steel industries. The negative Effects of Globalization on Indian Industry are that with the coming of technology the number of labour required are decreased and this resulted increasing unemployment especially in the arena of the pharmaceutical, chemical, manufacturing, and cement industries. Some section of people in India that are poor do not get benefit of globalization. There is an increased gap between rich and poor that lead to some criminal activities. Ethical responsibility of business has been reduced. Another major negative effect of globalization in India is that youngsters of India leaving their studies very early and joining Call centres to earn fast money reducing their social life after getting habituated with monotonous work. There is an increase of every daily usable commodities. This has an adverse effect on cultural aspect. The institution of marriage is breaking down at fast rate. There are more people approaching divorce courts instead of maintaining marital life. Globalization has considerable impact on the religious situation of India. Globalization has brought about raising a population who is agnostic and atheist. People visiting places of worship are reducing with time. Globalization has reduced nationalism and patriotism in country.

It can be said that Globalization is motivating factor in current business environment. There are few challenges for companies due to globalization such as Migration, relocation, labour shortages, competition, and changes in skills and technology. Globalization powerfully influences the social partners' attitudes since traditional labour relations have to cope with completely new and very dynamic situations. In political field, globalization helps to eradicate poverty, malnutrition, illiteracy, ill-health and fighting cross border terrorism and global terrorism. Globalisation in context of status of women implicates the relegation of the stereotypic pattern of duties of the women like rearing and caring the children to the back ground and taking up the various diversified occupation and thus making their living quite vibrant and alive. Globalisation benefits the schedule caste people in promoting cultural homogeneity in the way of loosening of the ideas of pollution and purity and eradication of untouchability and so many socio-cultural and economic disabilities associated with them. Globalisation of goods has developed enthusiasm in India for western brand names. A consumerist mentality has been carefully fostered. This leads to an adversative impact on the tendency to save or the domestic accumulation of capital. Lastly, in Indian scenario, globalization developed a consumer credit society. Today, people can buy goods and services even if they do not have sufficient purchasing power and the prospect of raising a loan has become easy in the age of globalisation. Credit cards have given boost to consumerism and pushed many households into indebtedness. At the same time globalization has unfavourable impact on mass-media in India. Currently, realistic coverage of events and happening doesn't receive much importance because it doesn't determine the standing of a newspaper or TV channel. Globalisation has brought violation of journalistic ethics in India.

To summarize, the process of globalization has changed the industrial pattern social life of global people and it has immense impact on Indian trade system. The globalization of the economic, social and cultural structures happened in all ages. Previously, the pace of process was slow. Today with the start of the information technology, new ways of communication have made the world a very small place. With this process, there is a big market place. Globalization has resulted in increase in the production of a range of goods. MNCs have established manufacturing plants all over the world. It has positive effects and India will overcome many obstacles and adopt global policies to expand business at international scale. India is gaining international recognition and strengthening in economic and political areas.

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Effects of Globalization

Definition of globalization, drivers of globalization.

Globalization is defined as interaction among different countries in order to develop global economy. It entails political, technological, cultural and political exchanges which are facilitated by infrastructure, transport and communication. Some of the traditional international theories of globalization include Ricardian theory of international trade, Heckscher-Ohlin model and Adam Smith’s model (Scholte, 2005).

For globalization to take place, it must be driven by certain factors. The first factor that drives globalization is competitiveness in the market, which focuses on aspects such as global competitors, interdependence among countries and high two-way trade. The second factor that drives globalization is the government.

The government drives globalization through regulation of marketing activities, provision of technical standards that are compatible and elimination of restrictions imposed on trade and investment procedures. The third factor that drives globalization is cost.

Cost in globalization deals with efficiency in sourcing activities, world economies and emerging technological trends. The fourth factor that drives globalization is market, which covers ordinary needs of customers, channels of world markets and marketing techniques that can be transferred to different regions.

Globalization is associated with both positive and negative effects. Its first positive effect is that it makes it possible for different countries to exchange their products. The second positive effect of globalization is that it promotes international trade and growth of wealth as a result of economic integration and free trade among countries.

However, globalization is also associated with negative effects. Its first negative effect is that it causes unemployment. Since companies compete with their rivals in the market, sometimes they are forced to sack some of their employees in order to reduce salary costs and instead maximize profits. This is common in developing countries, where large numbers of unemployed people live in urban areas.

The second negative effect of globalization is that it promotes terrorism and criminal activities because people, food and materials are allowed to move freely from one country to the other. Individuals with evil intentions take advantage of this freedom and carry out terrorism activities and other crimes (Negative Effects of Globalization, 2013).

Negative Effects of Globalization. (2013). Web.

Scholte, J. (2005). Globalization: A Critical Introduction. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

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IvyPanda . "Effects of Globalization." June 17, 2018.

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  • RE: Globalization and its impact on Indian Culture. -ED (07/07/21)
  • Very narrow-minded view. While it started out okay and the structure is easy to read, these sound like personal opinions and not well researched.
  • RE: Globalization and its impact on Indian Culture. -anonymous (05/09/20)
  • your point of view is way too narrow minded and negative. Indian clothing is still widely worn. Indian festivals are still celebrated with great joy. joint families are still a thing. and those perverted minds are the ones that need help. women should NOT be told how to dress. they should be able to dress however they want. those perverted minds are the one that need serious help and get some sense talked into. the females should NOT be pointed out whatsoever.
  • RE: Globalization and its impact on Indian Culture. -Karthik (05/15/19)
  • please note that Hindi is not our national language. It is just one of the 22 official languages.
  • RE: Globalization and its impact on Indian Culture. -Vinuta (02/06/18)
  • Helped a lot thanks for this useful notes
  • RE: Globalization and its impact on Indian Culture. -golu (12/13/17)
  • It is like but short. Sir,please you does not use for hard minnig any article. Thanks sir
  • RE: Globalization and its impact on Indian Culture. -Arushi Kumar (08/11/17)
  • So good app.
  • RE: Globalization and its impact on Indian Culture. -Sarah (08/09/17)
  • Essay very well written... Helped a lot thanks...
  • RE: Globalization and its impact on Indian Culture. -Athar Malik (05/04/17)
  • Nice notes...keep it up.. I am author at
  • RE: Globalization and its impact on Indian Culture. -sohel malek (02/22/17)
  • I want this eassay In hindi language
  • RE: Globalization and its impact on Indian Culture. -vyshnavi gopal (01/24/17)
  • this essay is very useful to me...thanks for the help..
  • RE: Globalization and its impact on Indian Culture. -debajyoti (01/20/17)
  • you only mentioned the bad effects and some effects which you considered bad in your perspective(westernization is not bad at all) but there were many good effects you should have pointed out them.
  • RE: Globalization and its impact on Indian Culture. -aman ku.purohit (10/25/16)
  • In india agricultural is the backbone of our country because of natural condition and annual ranfall favour of agriculture . so government should more importance on agricultural sector, but due to rapid growth of these kind of policises become much more importtance on privatisationas well as welcome to other country for the pourpose of trading activities and other sence a new kind of shystem emerge that is capitalism.the devloping countriers like U.S.A and other devloped nation are exploted through thr IBF,IMF,WB etc.
  • RE: Globalization and its impact on Indian Culture. -subrat behera (10/25/16)
  • really globalisation has great impect on indian culture as well as lost their moral values.otherhand its open the door for other countries to explote the natural resource of india. in other prospect its chance to emerge the industrilisation.It has agreat role on twenty centure its not a narrow concept but it has a wider aspect.Those country are gradually, trying devlope their economic condition buyt emergence of these kind of policies the rich become rich and poor getting poor.
  • RE: Globalization and its impact on Indian Culture. -Mehul Desai (09/21/16)
  • There are also numbers of benefits of Globalization which are needed to be pointed out.
  • RE: Globalization and its impact on Indian Culture. -thulasi (08/09/16)
  • Such a great wonderful article!!!it helped me a lot.thank you!!!!
  • RE: Globalization and its impact on Indian Culture. -Borase Sudhakar Jagannath (07/23/16)
  • nice research paper,i m very appreciate
  • RE: imporance of indian culture n the age of globalisation -dev kushwah (12/25/15)
  • please somebody please somebody help me i want to give a project report on = importance of indian culture in the age of globalisation i want to give it in 2 days please someone tell me about this i just need one or two page info on it please please please tell me something . if anyone finds something on it please mail it to me on [email protected] please please
  • RE: Globalization and its impact on Indian Culture. -chandan (11/18/15)
  • i m so appriciate ur wording
  • RE: Globalization and its impact on Indian Culture. -Lilitin Anna philip (11/18/15)
  • Thank you so much for this information and this helped me to study.
  • RE: Globalization and its impact on Indian Culture. -Aloo Ghobi (11/18/15)
  • Mahatma Ghandi is my aunty
  • RE: Globalization and its impact on Indian Culture. -Saarika (09/16/15)
  • replace *effected with affected
  • Thank you for this article. I just have a question that if there globalization would not have taken place then how would it have been possible for India to attain knowledge of new technologies, IT etc. Are there only ill-effects of globalization? It is just in our hands to protect our culture. If all ill-effects of globalization would have been true then it surely would have effected CHINA too but they have maintained their culture and values along with the equal distribution of technology and advancement. IT is just a question from my side if anyone could answer. Please.
  • RE: Globalization and its impact on Indian Culture. -aastha (08/21/15)
  • thank you for this wonderful article. it helped me a lot.
  • RE: Globalization and its impact on Indian Culture. -Mahendra Verma (07/29/15)
  • Who is the author of this article?
  • RE: Globalization and its impact on Indian Culture. -AJISH PN (07/18/15)
  • i got huge knowledge from it , its very helpful to prepare my exams
  • RE: Globalization and its impact on Indian Culture. -Tinku Sharma (06/23/15)
  • This Topic is very Nice for me .it has use all over about indian culture. I getting more knowledge about indian culture from this article. so..thanks
  • RE: Globalization and its impact on Indian Culture. -hari (05/18/15)
  • the article was quiet informative but the mentioning of hindi as national language is disgusting,tehnically speaking all languages spoken in india are national languages,please donot mislead people and create space for hindi hegemony...
  • RE: Globalization and its impact on Indian Culture. -Bijoy Rakshit (10/05/14)
  • I went through the would be of immense help of mine in intermingling some points during the time of my paper writing...thank you so much...

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Table of Content

  • Globalisation Effect

Globalisation in the Indian economy

What is globalisation.

The term globalisation refers to the integration of the economy of the nation with the world economy. It is a multifaceted aspect. It is a result of the collection of multiple strategies that are directed at transforming the world towards a greater interdependence and integration.

It includes the creation of networks and pursuits transforming social, economical, and geographical barriers.  Globalisation tries to build links in such a way that the events in India can be determined by the events happening distances away.

To put it in other words, globalisation is the method of interaction and union among people, corporations, and governments universally.

Also Check:  Important Questions for Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation

Effect of Globalisation in India

India is one of the countries that succeeded significantly after the initiation and implementation of globalisation. The growth of foreign investment in the field of corporate, retail, and the scientific sector is enormous in the country.

It also had a tremendous impact on the social, monetary, cultural, and political areas. In recent years, globalisation has increased due to improvements in transportation and information technology. With the improved global synergies, comes the growth of global trade, doctrines, and culture.

Globalisation in India

Indian society is changing drastically after urbanisation and globalisation. The economic policies have had a direct influence in forming the basic framework of the economy.

Economic policies established and administered by the government also performed an essential role in planning levels of savings, employment, income, and investments in the society.

Cross country culture is one of the critical impacts of globalisation on Indian society. It has significantly changed several aspects of the country, including cultural, social, political, and economical.

However, economic unification is the main factor that contributes maximum to a country’s economy into an international economy.

Also Read: What are Economic Reforms?

Advantages of Globalisation in India

Increase in employment: With the opportunity of special economic zones (SEZ), there is an increase in the number of new jobs available. Including the export processing zones (EPZ) centre in India is very useful in employing thousands of people.

Another additional factor in India is cheap labour. This feature motivates the big companies in the west to outsource employees from other regions and cause more employment.

  Increase in compensation: After globalisation, the level of compensation has increased as compared to the domestic companies due to the skill and knowledge a foreign company offers. This opportunity also emerged as an alteration of the management structure.

  High standard of living: With the outbreak of globalisation, the Indian economy and the standard of living of an individual has increased. This change is notified with the purchasing behaviour of a person, especially with those who are associated with foreign companies. Hence, many cities are undergoing a better standard of living along with business development.

Impact of Globalisation

Outsourcing : This is one of the principal results of the globalisation method. In outsourcing, a company recruits regular service from the outside sources, often from other nations, that was earlier implemented internally or from within the nation (like computer service, legal advice, security, each presented by individual departments of the corporation, and advertisement).

As a kind of economic venture, outsourcing has increased, in recent times, because of the increase in quick methods of communication, especially the growth of information technology (IT).

Many of the services such as voice-based business processes (commonly known as BPS, BPO, or call centres), accountancy, record keeping, music recording, banking services, book transcription, film editing, clinical advice, or teachers are being outsourced by the companies from the advanced countries to India.

Debate on Globalisation

Arguments on Globalisation

Solved Questions.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Globalisation

What are the different kinds of globalisation.

The top five types of globalisation are:

1. Financial globalisation. 2. Economic globalisation. 3. Technological globalisation. 4. Political globalisation. 5. Cultural globalisation.

What are examples of Globalisation?

The two examples of globalisation are as follows:

1. Travel: The capacity to travel to other places and experience their cultures. 2. Transportation:  The international transportation systems, such as air travel and shipping.

What is the importance of Globalisation?

Globalisation is important to expand the markets and enable a business to make a sensible utilisation of the available resources. It also solves various issues of an individual and the nation, giving them many options to choose from and satisfy their needs. Globalisation boosts exports, discourages import, and uplifts foreign exchange.

What are the main reasons that caused Globalisation?

The main reason that caused globalisation are as follows:

1. Making global travel easier by improving transportation. 2. Advanced technology made communication and sharing of information easier. 3. Minimised tariff barriers and encouraged global trade. 4. Broadening of global media.

What are the positive impacts of Globalisation?

The four positive impacts of globalisation are as follows:

1. Creates efficient markets 2. Increases competition 3. Stabilises security 4. Increases wealth equality across the world

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essay on impact of globalisation on indian culture

Very helpful and nice way of explanation

I am so happy with your way of explaination of every topic.

This is very helpful for us. It explains everything so well.

It is very helpful for us and very easy to understand all the things

It is very helpful for us.

amazing notes

essay on impact of globalisation on indian culture

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