अधूरा ज्ञान बहुत खतरनाक होता है A little knowledge is a dangerous thing in Hindi

थोड़ा ज्ञान एक खतरनाक बात है या अधूरा ज्ञान बहुत खतरनाक होता है A little knowledge is a dangerous thing in Hindi

पोप कहना चाहते हैं कि थोड़ी जानकारी या ज्ञान हमें सिर्फ भ्रमित करता है और हमें इस गलतफहमी में डालता है कि हमें ज्यादा पता है, हालांकि ऐसा होता नहीं है। इस दुविधा का एक ही हल हो सकता है कि जीवन में हमेशा सीखना जारी रखा जाए अथवा कभी ज्ञान बटोरने की कोई सीमा ना हो।

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ज्ञान है तो सब कुछ है, ज्ञान से ही संवरता जीवन है। फिर ऐसा क्यों कहना कि अधूरा ज्ञान खतरनाक है !?! ज्ञान तो ज्ञान है, क्या पूरा या क्या अधूरा !!! पर जरा सोचिए अगर डॉक्टर को सर्जरी या दवाओं के बारे में अधूरा ज्ञान हो, तो क्या होगा उसके मरीजों का, अगर इंजीनियर को इमारतों का अधूरा ज्ञान हो, तो क्या इमारतें मजबूत बन पाएंगी, अगर एक शिक्षक को अधूरा ज्ञान हो तो क्या भविष्य होगा उसके छात्रों का, अगर एक ड्राइवर को अधूरा ज्ञान हो, तो क्या होगा वाहन में बैठे राहगीरों का, अगर एक सिपाही को अधूरा ज्ञान हो, तो क्या होगा देश की सुरक्षा का। तो इस प्रकार अधूरा ज्ञान हानिकारक ही नहीं बल्कि बहुत कष्टदायक भी हो सकता है।

इस बात का उदाहरण एक कहावत के द्वारा दे सकते हैं, “अधजल गगरी छलकत जाए”, मतलब जब घड़ा आधा भरा होता है तो छलकता ज्यादा है, आवाज ज्यादा करता है अथवा भरा हुआ घड़ा कम आवाज करता है।

एक व्यक्ति को हमेशा संबंधित विषय के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी रखनी चाहिए ताकि वह आज की दौड़ भाग की जिंदगी में समय के साथ कदम से कदम मिलाकर चल सके। आधे ज्ञान के साथ मूर्ख या बेवकूफ बनने से बेहतर है कि संपूर्ण ज्ञान ले लिया जाए। एक व्यक्ति जिसके पास संपूर्ण ज्ञान होता है वह स्वभाव से हमेशा शालीन एवं विनम्र होता है, वह कभी भी सस्ती लोकप्रियता के चक्कर में नहीं पड़ता, वह कभी भी किसी को नीचा दिखाने की कोशिश नहीं करता।

आइए हम इस बात को एक कहानी के द्वारा समझे Example Story

नौकरी ना मिलने के कारण उसने अपनी इज्जत एवं आत्म सम्मान, सभी कुछ खो दिया; अगर उसने सही पढ़ाई की होती अथार्त अपने शिक्षकों की बात मानी होती, तो उसके पास पूरी जानकारी होती एवं नौकरी के ढेरों अवसर होते और साथ ही साथ समाज में इज्जत भी होती।

निष्कर्ष Conclusion

a little knowledge is a dangerous thing speech in hindi

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अधूरा ज्ञान खतरनाक होता है.


अधूरा ज्ञान खतरनाक होता है अधूरा ज्ञान बहुत खतरनाक होता है A little knowledge is a dangerous thing Hindi - अधूरा ज्ञान का होना ज्ञान के बिलकुल भी न होने की अपेक्षा अधिक खतरनाक है .वह व्यक्ति जिसे कुछ ज्ञात नहीं है ,वह कम से कम ,कुछ भी न जानने का दावा तो कर सकता है .वह अपने तथा समाज के प्रति सत्य निष्ठ हो सकता है .लेकिन एक व्यक्ति जिसे अपूर्ण ज्ञान प्राप्त है ,वह न यहाँ का है न वहां का है .न तो वह यह कह सकता है कि वह कुछ नहीं जानता ,न ही वह यह कह सकता है कि वह सब कुछ जानता है .

अधूरा ज्ञान

a little knowledge is a dangerous thing speech in hindi

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10 मोटिवेशनल किताबें जो आपको ज़रूर पढ़नी चाहिएं

Popular proverbs & sayings प्रसिद्ध मुहावरे एवं कहावतें.

Last Updated: October 8, 2017 By Gopal Mishra 310 Comments

Proverbs Sayings Idioms and Phrases With Meaning in Hindi and English

हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में अर्थ के साथ नीतिवचन कहावतें मुहावरे और वाक्यांश.

Proverb 1:  Might is right.

rummy gold

Hindi Equivalent:  जिसकी  लाठी  उसकी  भैंस.

Meaning:  जो  ताकतवर  होता  है  उसी  की  बात  माननी  पड़ती  है .

Rummy Perfect

Proverb 2:  A fog cannot be dispelled by a fan .

Hindi Equivalent:  ओस  चाटने  से  प्यास  नहीं  बुझती .

Meaning:  बड़े  काम  के  लिए  बड़ा  प्रयत्न  करना  पड़ता  है .

Proverb 3:  An empty vessel sounds much .

Hindi Equivalent:  थोथा  चना  बाजे  घना . / अधजल गगरी छलकत जाय.

Meaning:  जिसको  कम  ज्ञान  होता  है  वो  दिखावा  करने  के  लिए  अधिक  बोलता  है .

Proverb 4:  Birds of same feather flock together.

Hindi Equivalent:  चोर – चोर  मौसेरे भाई . / एक ही थैली के चट्टे-बट्टे.

Meaning:  एक  जैसे  लोग  एक  साथ  रहते  हैं .

Proverb 5:  Do evil & look for like.

Hindi Equivalent:  कर बुरा  तो  होय  बुरा.  / जैसी  करनी  वैसी  भरनी.

Meaning:  जो  जैसा  करता  है  उसके  साथ  वैसा  ही  होता  है .

Proverb 6:  Good mind, good find.

Hindi Equivalent:  आप  भले  तो  जग  भला .

Meaning:  जो  खुद  अच्छा  है  उसके  लिए  सब  अच्छा  है .

Proverb 7:  It takes two to make a quarrel.

Hindi Equivalent:  एक  हाथ  से  ताली  नहीं  बजती .

Meaning:   जब  दो  लोगो  में  विवाद होता  है  तो  दोनों  की  ही  कुछ  न  कुछ  गलती  होती  है .

Proverb 8:  Barking dogs seldom bite .

Hindi Equivalent:  जो  गरजते  हैं  वो  बरसते  नहीं .

Meaning:  जो  ज्यादा  बोलते  हैं  वे  कुछ  करते  नहीं  हैं .

Proverb 9:  Avarice is root of all evils.

Hindi Equivalent: लालच  बुरी  बला  है .

Meaning: लालच  करना  बुरी  बात  है .

Proverb 10:  Gather thistles & expect pickles .

Hindi Equivalent:  बोए पेड़ बबूल का तो आम कहाँ से होय .

Meaning:  जैसा  कर्म  करोगे  वैसा  फल  मिलेगा .

Proverb 11:  Drowning man catches at straw.

Hindi Equivalent:  डूबते  को  तिनके  का  सहारा .

Meaning: मुसीबत  में  पड़ा  व्यक्ति  उससे  निकलने  का  हर  एक  प्रयास  करता  है .

Proverb 12:  As the king so are the subjects.

Hindi Equivalent:  जैसा  राजा वैसी  प्रजा .

Meaning:  जैसा  नेत्रित्व  होगा  वैसे  ही  अनुयायी  होंगे .

Proverb 13:  A honey tongue , a heart of gall.

Hindi Equivalent:  मुख  में  राम  बगल  में  छूरी .

Meaning:  ऊपर  से  चिकनी -चुपड़ी  बातें  करना  और  अन्दर  से  बुरे  विचार  रखना .

Proverb 14:  Pure gold does not fear the flame.

Hindi Equivalent :  सांच  को  आंच क्या .

Meaning:  जो  सच्चा  होता  है  उसे  किसी  बात  का  डर  नहीं  होता  है .

Proverb 15:  Great cry little wool.

Hindi Equivalent:  ऊंची  दूकान  फीके  पकवान ./ नाम  बड़े  और  दर्शन  छोटे.

Meaning:  देखने  में  अच्छा  पर  असलियत  में  सामान्य  होना.

Proverb 16:  A drop in the Ocean .

Hindi Equivalent:  ऊँट  के  मुंह  में  जीरा .

Meaning:  जहाँ  ज्यादा  ज़रुरत  हो  वहां  बहुत  कम  होना.

Proverb 17:  A nine days wonder .

Hindi Equivalent:  चार  दिन  की  चांदनी  फिर  अँधेरी  रात .

Meaning:  थोड़े  समय  के  लिए  सबकुछ  बहुत  अच्छा  होना .

Proverb 18:  Crying in wilderness .

Hindi Equivalent:  भैंस  के  आगे  बीन  बजाना . / मूर्ख के आगे रोए अपने नैन खोए.

Meaning:  किसी  मूर्ख  को  अपनी  बात  समझाना .

Proverb 19:  Do good & cast in to the river.

Hindi Equivalent:  नेकी  कर  दरिया  में  डाल .

Meaning:  भलाई  करने  के  बदले  में  कुछ  अपेक्षा  न  रखना .

Proverb 20:  Diamonds cut diamonds.

Hindi Equivalent:  लोहा  लोहे  को  काटता है .

Meaning:  शक्तिशाली  को  शक्तिशाली  ही  हरा  सकता  है .

Proverb 21:  A burnt child dreads the fire. / Once bitten twice shy.

Hindi Equivalent:  दूध  का  जल  छाछ  को  भी  फूंक – फूंक  कर  पीता  है .

Meaning:  एक  बार गलती  हो  जाने  पर  व्यक्ति  सावधान  हो  जाता  है .

Proverb 22:   A figure among ciphers.

Hindi Equivalent:  अन्धो  में  काने  राजा .

Meaning:  कम  बुद्धिमान  लोगों  में  अधिक  बुद्धिमान  होना .

Proverb 23:  A little knowledge is a dangerous thing ./ Half knowledge is dangerous.

Hindi Equivalent:  नीम हकीम ख़तरा-ए-जान

Meaning:  चीजों  की  अधूरी  जानकारी  होना  खतरनाक  हो  सकता  है .

Proverb 24:  A wolf in lamb’s clothing.

Hindi Equivalent: भेड़ की खाल में भेड़िया.

Meaning:  ऊपर  से  भला  और  अन्दर  से  बुरा .

Proverb 25:  All is well that ends well.

Hindi Equivalent: अंत  भला  तो  सब  भला .

Meaning:   आखिर  में  क्या  होता  है  वही  मायने  रखता  है .

Proverb 26:  Grass on the other side always looks greener.

Hindi Equivalent: दूर  के  ढोल  सुहावने  लगते  हैं.

Meaning: दूर  से  चीजें  अच्छी  लगती  हैं . /  जो  दूसरों  के  पास  होता  है  वो  अधिक  महत्त्व  का  लगता  है .

Proverb 27:  A bad workman blames his tools.

Hindi Equivalent: नाच न जाने आंगन टेढ़ा.

Meaning: अपनी कमी से कुछ  ना  कर  पाने  का  दोष  अन्य  चीजों  पर  देना .

Proverb 28:  All that glitters is not gold.

Hindi Equivalent: हर चमकने  वाली  चीज सोना  नहीं  होती .

Meaning: बाहरी  रंग -रूप  से  प्रभावित  नहीं  होना  चाहिए .

Proverb 29: You cannot live in Rome and fight with the Pope.

Hindi Equivalent: जल में रहकर मगर से बैर ठीक नहीं.

Meaning: अपने  क्षेत्र  के  ताकतवर  व्यक्ति  से  दुश्मनी  नहीं  करनी  चाहिए.

Proverb 30:  Tit for tat.

Hindi Equivalent: जैसे को तैसा.

Meaning:  अच्छे  के  साथ  अच्छा  और  बुरे  के  साथ  बुरा  करना .

Proverb 31:  A friend in need is a friend in deed.

Hindi Equivalent: अपना वहि जॊ आवे काम्.

Meaning: मुसीबत में  काम  आने  वाला  व्यक्ति  ही  सच्चा  मित्र  होता  है .

Proverb 32:  Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

Hindi Equivalent: दान की बछिया के दांत नहीं देखे जाते.

Meaning: दान  में  मिली  चीजों  में  कमी  नहीं  निकालनी  चाहिए .

Proverb 33:  The pot is calling the kettle black ”

Hindi Equivalent: उल्टा चोर कोतवाल को डांटे.

Meaning:  खुद  गलती  करना  और  दूसरे   को  भला  बुरा  कहना .

Proverb 34: As you sow, so shall you reap.

Hindi Equivalent: जैसा  बोओगे वैसा काटोगे.

Meaning:  कर्म  के  हिसाब  से ही  फल  मिलता  है .

Proverb 35:  More to it than meets the eye

Hindi Equivalent: दाल  में  काला.

Meaning: कुछ  गड़बड़  होना .

Proverb 36:  Between the devil and the deep sea.

Hindi Equivalent: आगे  कुआँ  पीछे  खाई.  / आसमान से गिरा खजूर में अटका.

Meaning : हर तरफ मुसीबत होना.

Proverb 37:  Speak/Think of the devil and the devil is here.

Hindi Equivalent:  नाम लिया और शैतान हाजिर .

Meaning :  किसी के बारे में सोचते/बोलते  ही उसका सामने आ जाना.

Proverb 38:   To turn tail ./ To show a clear pairs of heels.

Hindi Equivalent:  दुम दिखाकर भाग जाना.

Meaning :  डर के भाग जाना .

Proverb 39:  When in Rome, do as Romans do.

Hindi Equivalent: जैसा देश वैसा भेष .

Meaning :  जगह के अनुसार रहना चाहिए.

Proverb 40:  It is no use crying over spilt milk.

Hindi Equivalent:  अब पछताए होत क्या जब चिड़िया चुग गई खेत.

Meaning :   कुछ हो जाने के बाद उस पर पछताना नहीं चाहिए.

Proverb 41:   A black sheep.

Hindi Equivalent:  घर का भेदी लंका ढाहे.

Meaning :  करीबी व्यक्ति दुश्मन के साथ मिल कर अधिक नुक्सान पहुंचा सकता है.

कुछ जागरूक रीडर्स ने कमेंट के माध्यम से कई प्रोवर्ब्स, इत्यादि contribute किये हैं, जिन्हें मैं यहाँ add कर रहा हूँ\ सभी contributors को thanks a lot

By Lokesh Jangid 

Over shoes over boots Hindi Equivalent ओखली में सर दिया तो मुसलो से क्या डरना Meaning-जब कोई चुनौती स्वीकार कर ली है तो आने वाली रूकावटो से नहीं डरना चाहिए

By Hasnain Zaidi 

Rang jaamana = Prabhav dikhana Chadar taan ke sona = Nishchint ho jana Pralay dhana = atyadhik utpat machana/ zulm dhana Hilorey marna = Surplus hona / Khush hona Andhey ki Laathi = sahara banna Eent ka jawab pathar se dena = badh matra mein prahar karna

By Upendra Prajapati

casting pearls before swine

भैंस के आगे बीन बजाना : बेकार का प्रयास करना

By Gurseemapreet kaur

“diya tale andhera”

nearer the church farther from God

jis thali m khana usi m chhed karna

Bite the hand that feeds you

All that giltters is not gold

har chamakti cheez sona nahi hoti

By Sana Ullah

Chalti ka naam gadi

Nothing succeed like success

By Jaynath 

Rome was not built in day

Hatheli pe saraso nhi ugaye ja sakate / हथेली पर सरसों नहीं जमती

Bandar Kya Jane Adrak Ka Swad

a blind man is no judge of colours

By Dipak Mashal

money makes the mare go

दाम बनावे काम

Dudh ka jaala, chass bhi phuk phuk kar pita hai!

The burnt child dreads the fire /once bitten twice shy…

By Kaustav Biswas 

Zameen khaa gayi ya aasmaan nigal gaya ?

Disappearing in the thin air…!!

By Shraddha kapoor 

1.Aasman sir par utana : bahuth shor machana (to make noise)

2. Akla ka dushman : moorkh vyakti( fool)

3. Paid main choohe koodna : bhookh lagaana( very hungry)

tare ginana – neend na aana – sleepless aankh ka tara – bahut priya hona – very dear tare tod lana – bahut mushkil kam kar dikhana – to achieve something very difficult din me tare dikhna – bahut badi mushkil me pad jana – to be in a very difficult situation

By Narendra

LEAVE NO STONE UNTURNED= खून पसीना एक करना khun pasina ek karana The police left no stone unturned in looking for the Presidents murderer

care kills cat – chinta chita ke samaan hai

Jako rakhe saiya Mar sake na koy – He Whom God steers sails safely.

kalam ki dhar talvaar ki dhar se tej hoti hai – ‘PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN SWORD”

By Sandeep Kumar

every cock fights best at its own dung hill – apni gali me to kutta bhi sher hota hai.

By Mohammad Altaf 

1)Good For nothing.-  Kaam ke na kaaj ke dushman Anaj ke. 2)Have a sigh of relief. – Saans me saans aana. 3)Cat got your tounge. – Gunga ho jaana. – मुंह में दही जमना

Ayush Goyal

1.Laato ke bhoot baato se nahi maante:-  Rod is the logic of fools 2.Chidiyo ke par nikal aaye:-  The worm has turned

1)To rub salt into the wound- jale per namak chhidhakna. 2) to sleep like a log- Ghodhe bech ker sona.

Champat Raj Garasiya

  • It’s never too late to mend = जब जागो तब सवेरा
  • God’s mill grinds slow but sure = भगवान के घर देर है अंधेर नहीं
  • Never say die= कभी हार मत मानो
  • Add a feather in a cap = चार चाँद लगाना
  • Kill two birds with one stone = एक पंथ दो काज
  • Don’t judge a book by it’s cover = कभी किसी को ऊपरी तौर पर मत आंको
  • Spare the rod , spoil the child = डंडा हटा नहीं के बच्चा बिगड़ा नही
  • Curses come home to roost = बुरी नजर वाले तेरा मुँह काला


Please contribute to this list through your comments. 

कमेन्ट के माध्यम से कृपया इस सूची में अपनी तरफ से भी योगदान दें.

Thanks to Vijay Sati Ji for helping in this compilation.

Note:  Despite taking utmost care there can be some mistakes in the Proverbs Sayings Idioms and Phrases, Kahawatein listed here. सावधानी बरतने के बावजूद नितिवचनो कहावतों मुहावरों और वाक्यांशों तथा उनके अर्थों में त्रुटियाँ हो सकती हैं.


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a little knowledge is a dangerous thing speech in hindi

March 3, 2022 at 10:40 am

What is the meaning of ‘Tiny drops make a mighty ocean ‘

a little knowledge is a dangerous thing speech in hindi

December 26, 2021 at 6:55 pm

Wow it good and mostly engaging.

a little knowledge is a dangerous thing speech in hindi

December 10, 2021 at 11:02 am



a little knowledge is a dangerous thing speech in hindi

September 11, 2021 at 1:21 pm

A cat turns to monk 100 चूहे खाकर बिल्ली हज को चली

a little knowledge is a dangerous thing speech in hindi

May 26, 2021 at 11:41 am

रक्षक ही भक्षक का English proverb

a little knowledge is a dangerous thing speech in hindi

May 4, 2021 at 11:40 am

It is too helpful for everyone and with this, you are doing a good job and thanks for helping us Also I appreciate your job.

a little knowledge is a dangerous thing speech in hindi

January 28, 2021 at 2:30 pm

God help those who help themselves. khuda ya bhagwan usi ki madad karta hai jo apni madad khud karte hai.

a little knowledge is a dangerous thing speech in hindi

October 20, 2020 at 4:13 pm

Drop is known , unknown is ocean Ka hindi equivalent ?

a little knowledge is a dangerous thing speech in hindi

February 12, 2021 at 8:17 pm

Jungle me in more nacho kind dekha

a little knowledge is a dangerous thing speech in hindi

October 8, 2020 at 4:20 pm

Very nice collection in Hindi. Thank you so much sir

October 3, 2020 at 10:28 am

Action is enough for wise=

समझदार के लिए इसारा ही काफी है

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a little knowledge is a dangerous thing speech in hindi


A Little Knowledge Is A Dangerous Thing: Meaning in Hindi & English

Kartik Patel

The idiom “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing” means that having a small amount of knowledge on a particular subject can be more harmful than having no knowledge at all. In other words, attempting to use or apply knowledge without proper understanding and expertise can lead to negative consequences.

“थोड़ी सी जानकारी अहम हो सकती है” ये मुहावरा इस बात का अभिव्यक्ति करता है कि किसी विशेष विषय पर थोड़ी सी जानकारी होना कोई भी जानकारी न होने की तुलना में खतरनाक हो सकता है। अन्यथा, उचित समझ और विशेषज्ञता के बिना ज्ञान का उपयोग या उत्पादन नकारात्मक परिणामों में भी विकसित हो सकता है।

What does “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing” mean?

“A little knowledge is a dangerous thing” means that having a limited or insufficient understanding of a particular subject can lead to negative consequences.

Usage of “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing”

This phrase can be used to caution someone against taking action based on limited or incomplete knowledge. It is also used to emphasize the importance of obtaining proper expertise and understanding before attempting to apply knowledge.

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Examples of “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing” in a sentence in English and its meaning in Hindi:

  • He thought he knew enough to fix the car himself, but a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. (वह सोचता था कि वह कार को स्वयं ठीक करने के लिए पर्याप्त जानकारी रखता है, लेकिन थोड़ी सी जानकारी भी खतरनाक हो सकती है।)
  • She tried to give legal advice based on her own research, and ended up making the situation worse. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. (उन्होंने अपने खुद के अनुसंधान पर आधारित कानूनी सलाह देने का प्रयास किया और स्थिति को बदतर बना दिया। थोड़ी सी जानकारी भी खतरनाक हो सकती है।)
  • They hired a consultant with industry experience to avoid the pitfalls of thinking that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. (वे उद्योग अनुभव वाले एक सलाहकार को नियुक्त किया था ताकि “थोड़ी सी जानकारी खतरनाक हो सकती है” की गलती से बचा जा सके।)

Translating “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing” into Hindi

The Hindi translation of the phrase “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing” is “थोड़ी सी जानकारी अलगाव पैदा कर सकती है”.

“थोड़ी सी जानकारी अलगाव पैदा कर सकती है” यह वाक्य बताता है कि किसी विशेष विषय की पर्याप्त समझ न होने की तुलना में उस पर जरूरत से ज्यादा आधार पर आधार नहीं करना खतरनाक हो सकता है।

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Proverbs Sayings Idioms and Phrases with Meaning in Hindi and English

Proverbs sayings idioms and phrases with meaning in hindi and english.

Hindi: जिसकी लाठी उसकी भैंस.

Meaning: जो ताकतवर होता है उसी की बात माननी पड़ती है .

Hindi: ओस चाटने से प्यास नहीं बुझती .
Meaning: बड़े काम के लिए बड़ा प्रयत्न करना पड़ता है .

Hindi: थोथा चना बाजे घना . / अधजल गगरी छलकत जाय.
Meaning: जिसको कम ज्ञान होता है वो दिखावा करने के लिए अधिक बोलता है .

Hindi: चोर – चोर मौसेरे भाई . / एक ही थैली के चट्टे-बट्टे.
Meaning: एक जैसे लोग एक साथ रहते हैं .

Hindi: कर बुरा तो होय बुरा. / जैसी करनी वैसी भरनी.
Meaning: जो जैसा करता है उसके साथ वैसा ही होता है .

Hindi: आप भले तो जग भला .
Meaning: जो खुद अच्छा है उसके लिए सब अच्छा है .

Hindi: एक हाथ से ताली नहीं बजती .
Meaning: जब दो लोगो में विवाद होता है तो दोनों की ही कुछ न कुछ गलती होती है .

Hindi: जो गरजते हैं वो बरसते नहीं .
Meaning: जो ज्यादा बोलते हैं वे कुछ करते नहीं हैं .

Hindi: लालच बुरी बला है .
Meaning: लालच करना बुरी बात है .

Hindi: बोए पेड़ बबूल का तो आम कहाँ से होय .
Meaning: जैसा कर्म करोगे वैसा फल मिलेगा .

Hindi: डूबते को तिनके का सहारा .
Meaning: मुसीबत में पड़ा व्यक्ति उससे निकलने का हर एक प्रयास करता है .

Hindi: जैसा राजा वैसी प्रजा .
Meaning: जैसा नेत्रित्व होगा वैसे ही अनुयायी होंगे .

Hindi: मुख में राम बगल में छूरी .
Meaning: ऊपर से चिकनी -चुपड़ी बातें करना और अन्दर से बुरे विचार रखना .

Hindi: सांच को आंच क्या .
Meaning: जो सच्चा होता है उसे किसी बात का डर नहीं होता है .

Hindi: ऊंची दूकान फीके पकवान ./ नाम बड़े और दर्शन छोटे.
Meaning: देखने में अच्छा पर असलियत में सामान्य होना.

Hindi: ऊँट के मुंह में जीरा .
Meaning: जहाँ ज्यादा ज़रुरत हो वहां बहुत कम होना .

Hindi: चार दिन की चांदनी फिर अँधेरी रात .
Meaning: थोड़े समय के लिए सबकुछ बहुत अच्छा होना .

Hindi: भैंस के आगे बीन बजाना . / मूर्ख के आगे रोए अपने नैन खोए.

Meaning: किसी मूर्ख को अपनी बात समझाना .

Hindi: नेकी कर दरिया में डाल .
Meaning: भलाई करने के बदले में कुछ अपेक्षा न रखना .

Hindi: लोहा लोहे को काटता है .
Meaning: शक्तिशाली को शक्तिशाली ही हरा सकता है .

Hindi: दूध का जल छाछ को भी फूंक – फूंक कर पीता है .
Meaning: एक बार गलती हो जाने पर व्यक्ति सावधान हो जाता है .

Hindi: अन्धो में काने राजा .
Meaning: कम बुद्धिमान लोगों में अधिक बुद्धिमान होना .

Hindi: नीम हकीम ख़तरा-ए-जान
Meaning: चीजों की अधूरी जानकारी होना खतरनाक हो सकता है .

Hindi: भेड़ की खाल में भेड़िया.
Meaning: ऊपर से भला और अन्दर से बुरा .

Hindi: अंत भला तो सब भला .
Meaning: आखिर में क्या होता है वही मायने रखता है .

Hindi: दूर के ढोल सुहावने लगते हैं.
Meaning: दूर से चीजें अच्छी लगती हैं . / जो दूसरों के पास होता है वो अधिक महत्त्व का लगता है .

Hindi: नाच न जाने आंगन टेढ़ा.
Meaning: अपनी कमी से कुछ ना कर पाने का दोष अन्य चीजों पर देना .

Hindi: हर चमकने वाली चीज सोना नहीं होती .
Meaning: बाहरी रंग -रूप से प्रभावित नहीं होना चाहिए .

Hindi: जल में रहकर मगर से बैर ठीक नहीं.
Meaning: अपने क्षेत्र के ताकतवर व्यक्ति से दुश्मनी नहीं करनी चाहिए.

Hindi: जैसे को तैसा.
Meaning: अच्छे के साथ अच्छा और बुरे के साथ बुरा करना .

Hindi: अपना वहि जॊ आवे काम्.
Meaning: मुसीबत में काम आने वाला व्यक्ति ही सच्चा मित्र होता है .

Hindi: दान की बछिया के दांत नहीं देखे जाते.
Meaning: दान में मिली चीजों में कमी नहीं निकालनी चाहिए .

Hindi: उल्टा चोर कोतवाल को डांटे.
Meaning: खुद गलती करना और दूसरे को भला बुरा कहना .

Hindi: जैसा बोओगे वैसा काटोगे.
Meaning: कर्म के हिसाब से ही फल मिलता है .

Hindi: दाल में काला.
Meaning: कुछ गड़बड़ होना .

Hindi: आगे कुआँ पीछे खाई. / आसमान से गिरा खजूर में अटका.
Meaning : हर तरफ मुसीबत होना.

Hindi: नाम लिया और शैतान हाजिर .
Meaning : किसी के बारे में सोचते/बोलते ही उसका सामने आ जाना.

Hindi: दुम दिखाकर भाग जाना.
Meaning : डर के भाग जाना .

Hindi:जैसा देश वैसा भेष .
Meaning : जगह के अनुसार रहना चाहिए.

Hindi: अब पछताए होत क्या जब चिड़िया चुग गई खेत.
Meaning : कुछ हो जाने के बाद उस पर पछताना नहीं चाहिए.

Hindi: घर का भेदी लंका ढाहे.
Meaning : करीबी व्यक्ति दुश्मन के साथ मिल कर अधिक नुक्सान पहुंचा सकता है.
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Interesting Literature

The Meaning and Origin of ‘A Little Learning is a Dangerous Thing’

In this week’s Dispatches from The Secret Library , Dr Oliver Tearle explores the origins of a famous quotation – and its less famous source

‘A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.’ This line is often quoted, but it’s actually, technically, a misquotation. What’s more, the meaning of this aperçu is worth analysing more closely, because it is open to misinterpretation as well as misquotation. Let’s take a look at the origins of ‘a little knowledge is a dangerous thing’ – or, more accurately, ‘a little learning is a dangerous thing’.

The source and origin for this quotation is Alexander Pope (1688-1744), one of the leading neoclassical or Augustan poets of the first half of the eighteenth century. Pope was a fascinating figure: as a young boy he was expelled from Twyford School for writing a satire about one of his teachers, and he continued to lose friends and create enemies through not being afraid to speak out and criticise those with whom he disagreed. (For a time, while fearing attacks from especially vicious rivals, Pope rarely left his house without a brace of pistols and his dog, a Great Dane named Bounce.)

Sadly, outside of academia, few people read Pope now because he is perceived as dry and emotionless (and therefore dull), and even in the late nineteenth century, his fellow master of the one-liner, Oscar Wilde, was quipping, ‘There are two ways of disliking poetry. One way is to dislike it, and the other is to read Pope.’

Pope’s poem ‘An Essay on Criticism’ gave us not only ‘A little learning is a dangerous thing’ but also ‘ To err is human; to forgive, divine ’ and ‘ For fools rush in where angels fear to tread .’ Given how proverbial all three of this statements have now become, that’s a pretty impressive hit rate for a single poem – and, what’s more, one written when its author was still only 23!

A little learning is a dang’rous thing; Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, And drinking largely sobers us again. Fir’d at first sight with what the Muse imparts, In fearless youth we tempt the heights of arts, While from the bounded level of our mind, Short views we take, nor see the lengths behind, But more advanc’d, behold with strange surprise New, distant scenes of endless science rise!

As the title of Pope’s poem, ‘An Essay on Criticism’, makes clear, Pope is specifically advising critics – especially literary critics – when he opines, ‘A little learning is a dang’rous thing’ (the elision in ‘dang’rous’, to indicate that the word should be pronounced as two syllables rather than three to keep with the iambic pentameter metre, is not often preserved when people quote Pope in their writing).

The Pierian Spring in Macedonia was sacred to the Muses, so in order to ‘taste the Pierian spring’ the critic (and poet?) needs to ‘drink deep’, i.e., read widely. A little learning is a dangerous thing because it can lead the critic to think they know it all when they, in fact, know very little. A little learning is more dangerous than complete ignorance, because it gives you the illusion of knowledge when you, in fact, have only cursory knowledge of the subject:

There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, And drinking largely sobers us again.

In other words, drinking only shallowly from the spring will make you drunk with your own knowledge, but drinking deeply or ‘largely’ brings you back to reality so you have a fairer and more accurate assessment of what you do and don’t know. So it is with learning: the more we learn, as the old adage has it, the less we know.

Pope, as a classicist, would have been familiar with the Delphic Oracle of Ancient Greece, who, asked to name who the wisest person in Athens was, proclaimed that it was Socrates, ‘for he alone is aware that he knows nothing’.

Pope, then, isn’t claiming that learning in itself is dangerous: but a little (as contrasted with a great deal ) is. Anyone who’s found themselves collared by the pub bore or in an argument on social media over some historical, scientific, or even literary topic will probably be able to attest to that.

Pope’s ‘An Essay on Criticism’ is, as I say, a didactic and discursive poem recommending good things for a critic to do. Much of his advice, though, can be extrapolated beyond the realm of literary critics and reviewers of poetry. Good taste and knowing one’s own limitations, for instance, are universal rules to live by, and poets as well as critics would do well to heed them.

So in many ways, ‘A little learning is a dangerous thing’ (or ‘dang’rous thing’) is a line that nearly encapsulates Pope’s argument in ‘An Essay on Criticism’. More mischief is arguably caused by those who think they know it all than those who know they know nothing.

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3 thoughts on “The Meaning and Origin of ‘A Little Learning is a Dangerous Thing’”

  • Pingback: A Little Learning is a Dangerous Thing – Education Technology

Thank you very much for this very interesting post. I hadn’t given much thought to the phrase “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing” as being a quote from a poem that had passed into common speech as a proverb until I spotted it in The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations. I enjoyed how you expanded or little bit of knowledge with very interesting facts about the author and his life. The information in this snippet is much more engaging than what I read in The Oxford Book of Quotations – which merely gives you the name of the author and sometimes a bit more of the text from which the quote was taken.

  • Pingback: ‘Fools Rush in Where Angels Fear to Tread’: Meaning and Origin – Interesting Literature

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“A little knowledge is a dangerous thing”

This is a beautiful essay on an old phrase “A Little knowledge is a dangerous thing” . In this era of expert knowledge, a little knowledge of the world stands nowhere. One has to keep oneself updated in order to be somewhere in this world.

Be it any stream of knowledge, any part of wisdom, in depth knowledge of it is necessary in order to be able to formulate an opinion or develop a line of thought. Whether it is art, science, literature, politics, technology, communication, astronomy, computers, economics, administration, law etc or whether it is simply about life in general, one has to have great, deep and wide knowledge about it in order to be able to speak about it— for, or against. This is necessary, needed and demanded especially in today’s world where opinions are challenged and words have to pay a price.

In this era of expert knowledge, a little knowledge of the world stands nowhere. One has to keep oneself updated in order to be somewhere in this world. Moreover, where every word spoken is accountable and is scrutinized closely one cannot get away with sweeping statements which in reality conceal shallow knowledge. It has been proved many times that words spoken without any real knowledge and statements given without true understanding have often created trouble and controversy. Words thus uttered thoughtlessly have created mess which is cleared often by apologies. Thus, if one wants to stay away from troubles one has to learn to be aware of one’s own world around and continuously gather knowledge as readily as children enjoy gathering flowers in a garden during spring time.

An ill-informed soldier will get himself foolishly killed if he has no knowledge of war strategies or else will even more foolishly kill his own comrades. A teacher will instill absurd knowledge and inverted concepts if he has no real learning himself. An industrialist will ruin his fortune as well as of the others if he has no true knowledge about his own business. A lawyer will ruin his clients’ fate without thorough knowledge of law and legality. A dumb engineer’s bridge is sure to collapse and God save a patient from a dumber doctor!

Therefore, it is always very dangerous to rely on such a half-knowledge. It is rather better to have no knowledge and learning than to prove to be a fool with an incomplete one. It is usually seen that people with half-knowledge and little or meager learning show and pretend to have a lot of it than those people who have true taste of what knowledge is. Wise people are usually quiet when fools talk. And it is this blindness of fools to their own lack of knowledge which lets them remain in their benighted condition for the rest of their lives. They are blind to their follies and rather cover them up with their superficial learning and hence close all doors for further learning and advancement. A wise person is also fully informed about his own ignorance so that he can shovel away the cobwebs of his ignorance and enlighten himself with the weapon of knowledge. People with real wisdom are like those trees over-laden with fruit bending low so that everyone can enjoy their blessed fruits. It is the man of little learning who is haughty and self-conceited-standing erect likes a dry and rotten tree which breaks but does not bend. Hence, in turn, loses its own very existence.

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  • A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing Essay


Essay on a Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing

There is no denying that knowledge is the greatest asset known to man. It is perhaps one of the fundamental elements to assess where he is at the moment. Throughout history, humanity has evolved, implementing the knowledge gained over the years. Initially, human beings were on par with other animals, when they started thinking about their surroundings, questioning everything, finding the answers to the unknown, getting a rational opinion and started thinking, they got differentiated from the rest. Hence, rational thought and the ability to think is what makes human beings stand out from the rest. From then, we never stopped our quest to answer the unknown things. 

However, little knowledge has proved to be dangerous for the entire humanity. Anyone with little knowledge poses a threat to the whole society as they believe that they know everything. But in reality, all we know is a minute part of the entire world.  Through this essay on a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, one can tread safely on the right path and not be tempted to walk in the wrong direction. 

A Long Essay  

One needs food to survive. Likewise, a man needs the right food for his brain to choose the right path with insightful thoughts. A man’s brain can not stay idle and also an empty brain is said to be the devil’s workshop. The thought of questioning and the quest for answers is what triggers new developments and inventions. It encourages us to expand our horizons.  A wise man is like a calm stream of water flowing to its destination peacefully. 

One can see what is beneath the water. It is like an open book that anybody can enter and gain knowledge and understanding. Wise people strife for the benefit of humanity and infuse positivity into society. We can observe this quality from great leaders, thinkers and philosophers like Buddha, Aristotle, Plato etc. Though they knew more than an average person, they never claimed that they knew everything. They were always excited about expanding their knowledge and were open to change.

He is not like a teacher with mediocre knowledge on a particular subject and learns to thrive on his understanding. It is a result of producing students who are ill-informed about the subject. 

The same can be said about an industrialist, who does not have proper knowledge of running a business. This will result in the business garnering colossal losses. A little knowledge is dangerous for an electrician who does not know how to differentiate between AC/DC connections. 

He is most likely to cause a massive accident and loss of life.  A doctor who does not have complete knowledge about a surgery or medical procedure might end up putting many lives in danger. A chef who does not know the entire process to cook a dish spoils the taste of it and brings a bad reputation to the restaurant. Even the common people, who do not know complete knowledge about their work, end up losing their job. When you decide your life, any choice without proper knowledge will only put you downhill. It is completely okay to make mistakes but, these mistakes should not be resulted from not having proper knowledge about the decision you make.

The real issue is not with the educational system, but with the individual's learning abilities and skills. A person with little knowledge tends to consider himself supreme to the one who knows more. He thinks that he knows everything and stops trying to be inquisitive. This will not only stop his mental growth but also leave him behind if he does not know what is happening around him. 

They think that they are better or wiser than others. These men promulgate their little knowledge and trumpet their beliefs to others based on their little learning of the subject. 

The paragraph on a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, helps one realize how in a world that is technology-driven, having little knowledge may not come in handy. One must have the zeal to keep updating themselves to be heard. 

The knowledge man wants to possess must take him on the right path. Because a person with little or less knowledge is like a frog in the well, ready to be devoured by its prey. One must take efforts to wake up and be accountable for the words spoken by them as they are accountable for them. 

For example, like drugs, it can save lives, but at the same, destroy lives when people become addicted to them. That is because little knowledge of medication is harmful. One must understand the side effects of the medications before consuming them. 

People who have little knowledge about a particular thing tend to act proud and knowledgeable, while not letting the wise open his mouth. This is a dangerous trend because the listeners are filled with the wrong facts and make a major blunder when they delve into it. 

Besides, when a fool talks, the prudent man prefers to stay quiet. These people do not realize that they are hiding behind a dark curtain, depriving them of learning facts. In reality, they lay confirmed to the darkness that so effortlessly bounds them for the rest of their lives. 

A Short Essay  

As comforting as it is to hear, thinking that one knows everything is the same as living in a fool's paradise. Being satisfied with the knowledge attained is nothing but sheer arrogance. It then leads to unwanted paths and eventually opens a Pandora's Box. 

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing; one learns that fools do not fear treading where knowledgeable don't want to walk upon. The pride of a man leads to his destruction. Sadly, he will not be the lone casualty. Instead, take with him countless innocent souls into the path of darkness. 

That is because words when spoken without based on facts or true knowledge can cause greater harm than good. They tend to create unwanted problems and controversies. So, one should stay away from such issues, by gaining true knowledge on the surrounding happenings. 

A sensible man knows how to complete the task on time. When we fail to realize, we fail for sure. 


A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Essay in English aims to enunciate the fact that little or more knowledge can be a dangerous path to tread on. So, one must see the truth and walk in the direction of that the truth shows you to and learn a thing to its fullest.


FAQs on A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing Essay

1. What does a Little Knowledge is a Dangerous thing Essay imply?

One must always strife to learn more about something in order to have the right knowledge. Having little knowledge is not dangerous, but one must not rely on their own perceptions. That is because it misleads the people in a completely wrong direction.

People with little knowledge on a particular concept or topic can be misleading. That is because they sputter nothing but fumes of destruction. It is like a surgeon who is not rightly qualified using the wrong equipment to perform a surgery.

2. In the Essay on a Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing, how much Knowledge is Sufficient?

Attaining too little or too much knowledge is always dangerous. It never has a good intention. Scientists know the destructive force of science when used in the wrong way. A person having complete knowledge on a particular subject or topic can deliver the goods effortlessly.

He can speak fearlessly because he knows what he is dealing with. Of course, one cannot master everything in life or become experts in all subjects. But, one has to make it a point to learn something completely before imparting knowledge to others.

3. Why is having little knowledge dangerous?

The essay “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing” tells us that when a person has very little knowledge, people around him take advantage of him. Also, people with little knowledge feel pompous about them and think that they are superior to the people who have more knowledge. This makes them shut their doors close to the new things coming up around them. Having little knowledge in one’s profession will lead them downhill. For example, a doctor who does not know how to perform surgery properly might end up causing death. Similarly, a driver without complete knowledge about driving, local rules and regulations will cause loss to several people or end up paying huge fines. So, the essay tells us that one should have all the knowledge required to continue their chosen profession and also should have minimum knowledge about things happening in their surroundings.

4. How can we improve our knowledge?

Knowledge is one such thing that never ends. No matter how much we know about something, there is always at least a grain left. This is why many great thinkers and philosophers claim that they know only a minute part or sometimes nothing. Earlier, knowledge was gained from the teacher also known as the guru and it was passed on to the student also known as shisha. This knowledge was not only academic but also included life lessons. As the times changed, the particulars changed and many kings had patronized great thinkers in their courts. They obtained knowledge from the thinkers. Later, modern-day schools emerged to teach the students things needed to earn a livelihood and also taught some moral values and life lessons. We can gain knowledge irrespective of our age, place, time from books. They are an important source to look into the depths of any topic. As technology changes, we can also gain a lot of knowledge from the internet. However, there is a part of knowledge that has to be explored by oneself. This can be done when we start questioning things happening around us and also the unknown things that we encounter.

5. What is the gist of this essay “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing”?

The above article is an essay on  “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing”. It tells us how people with little knowledge overestimate themselves and feel that they know everything. But in reality, people who know more than these people remain silent about the knowledge they have accumulated but share their knowledge to the possible extent. The essay also tells us what are the ill effects when a professional does not know completely about his occupation and yet continues to practice it without trying to improve himself. In the last, the essay concludes by saying how it is important to develop inquisitiveness to gain more and more knowledge.

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing

What's the meaning of the phrase 'a little knowledge is a dangerous thing'.

The proverb ‘A little knowledge is a dangerous thing’ expresses the idea that a small amount of knowledge can mislead people into thinking that they are more expert than they really are, which can lead to mistakes being made.

What's the origin of the phrase 'A little knowledge is a dangerous thing'?

‘A little knowledge is a dangerous thing’ and ‘a little learning is a dangerous thing’ have been used synonymously since the 18th century.

A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again.

The similarity of the two phrases is demonstrated by what appears to be an impromptu coining of ‘a little knowledge is a dangerous thing’ in a piece in The monthly miscellany; or Gentleman and Lady’s Complete Magazine, Vol II , 1774, in which the writer misquoted Pope:

Mr. Pope says, very truly, “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.”

Both Pope’s original verse and the misquotation of it were pre-dated by a similar notion expressed by an anonymous author, signing himself ‘A B’, in the collection of letters published in 1698 as The Mystery of Phanaticism :

“Twas well observed by my Lord Bacon, That a little knowledge is apt to puff up, and make men giddy, but a greater share of it will set them right, and bring them to low and humble thoughts of themselves.

Again, there is a degree of misquotation here. ‘My Lord Bacon’ was the English politician and philosopher Francis Bacon, Viscount St Alban, and what he actually said, in his The Essays: Of Atheism , 1601, was:

“A little philosophy inclineth man’s mind to atheism; but depth in philosophy bringeth men’s minds about to religion.”

The number of writers who were stating variants of ‘a little learning is a dangerous thing’ in early 18th England is probably a consequence of spread in the availability of scholarly works in English. The Age of the Enlightenment, as the period was known, saw a growth in the interest of cultural and philosophical concerns amongst the middle classes. Discussion of such topics had previously been conducted mainly in Latin and been the preserve of the elite. The sight of the hoi-polloi having views on higher matters wasn’t welcomed by those who had been classically schooled – hence ‘a little learning is a dangerous thing’.

See also: the List of Proverbs .

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A little knowledge is a dangerous thing

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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “A Little Knowledge is A Dangerous Thing” Complete Essay for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, Graduation classes.

A Little Knowledge Is A Dangerous Thing

3 Best Essay on “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing”

Essay  No. 01

This proverb cautions us against the dangers of having a little knowledge. A little knowledge about a thing is both defective and harmful. A man with a little knowledge misleads those who follow him. He pretends to be what he is not. He is like a quack that causes the death of many people. He may have the prescription of a few ailments but tries his hand on every type of ailment. He spreads pain and suffering in society. One must have full knowledge of a thing or no knowledge at all. It does not pay to be a Jack of all trades and master of none. Only a person with full knowledge can deliver the goods. He can speak about a thing with authority and confidence. No doubt knowledge is limitless. We can’t master it in all our life. But whatever knowledge we possess must be perfect. A man with a little knowledge is like a frog in the well. We should try to rise above the narrow bounds of our knowledge. Thus the proverb stresses the importance of full knowledge.

Essay  No. 02

A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous

Things According to Pope, knowledge is good but a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. A person with little knowledge is like an empty vessel which makes a lot of noise. Similarly to conceal their weakness, the people who know very little about a subject pose themselves as an authority on the subject. A little knowledge is always accompanied by false pride. It is necessary thus that one is fully trained and qualified before entering a particular field as an untrained and unqualified person can be even dangerous to fellow beings. Although it is true that life is short and knowledge is vast, it still does not mean that one should be content with imperfect knowledge. It is better not to acquire any knowledge at all than a little knowledge for it can be dangerous to others and oneself also.

Essay  No. 03

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing

Man has the curiosity to know more about the things around him. This urge has added meaning to his life. From time immemorial man has been engrossed in the quest for knowledge. This curiosity has led him to get unthinkable. But there have been also times when this brought about the downfall of the man himself.

Little knowledge of a matter is dangerous. A person who has little knowledge often attempts to do what is beyond his ability. He goes boasting about his learning and knowledge. He misjudges things. A mechanic having blunt knowledge of his work may spoil the machinery.

Persons with little knowledge mislead others. They often expose themselves to the ridicule of others. When a man boasts of himself, foolish people consider him a great man. They believe in whatever he says. They attribute many things to him which he does not know. He enjoys a reputation, which he does not deserve.

A little knowledge is very dangerous in this scientific era. With a little knowledge of medicine, he may prescribe the wrong medicines and diagnose the patient wrongly. An engineering firm may save money by giving employment to underqualified engineers. But such a firm loses a hundred times more through wastage and inefficiency. A railway engine driver who is not an expert or a pilot who knows just a little about aeronautics may bring disaster on so many passengers.

The teachers whose knowledge of his subject is not thorough may prove to be a source of incalculable harm to his students. A political leader who has little knowledge about the economic, social, and political problems of his country may prove harmful.

Alfred Nobel revealed the concept behind the dynamite to be used for the betterment of humanity. He could not realize that it could be used for destructive purposes also. In technical matters, mastery over the subject is a must. In some cases, a little knowledge can be helpful but is only where practical use of knowledge is not involved. Limited knowledge may invite many troubles. It does not contribute to the betterment of society. It makes a man dogmatic. By blowing his own trumpet, he propagates his ignorance. People having little knowledge are rude and discourteous. They make a lot of noise while boasting.

We should always try to learn more and more about a subject. So long we do not know fully about a particular subject, we should not venture to give any opinion about it.

About evirtualguru_ajaygour

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What Does A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing Mean?

Home » Phrase and Idiom Dictionary » What Does A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing Mean?

A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing Meaning

Definition: A small amount of knowledge about a topic can make people falsely believe they are experts on that topic.

The idiom a little knowledge is a dangerous thing means that one can become falsely overconfident about his expertise in a certain subject if he possesses a small amount of knowledge about it. The idiom is a piece of caution to exercise humility, and it demonstrates that one should research a topic extensively before proclaiming oneself an expert on that topic.

Origin of A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing

This phrase has a few variations, including,

  • A little learning is a dangerous thing.
  • A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing.

No matter what variation is used, they carry the same meaning.

a little learning is a dangerous thing

  • A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring.

The idiom as it appears here was first used in 1774, in The Gentlemans and Lady’s Complete Magazine, Vol II :

  • Pope says, very truly, “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.”

The latter example is a clear allusion to Pope’s earlier statement, although it was inaccurately quoted. Perhaps this explains why both idioms are used interchangeably.

Examples of A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing

a little knowledge dangerous

Amy: My son came home with a tattoo that his buddy gave him, and now it’s infected.

Sean: Just because someone has a tattoo gun doesn’t mean they know what they’re doing. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

The English idiom a little knowledge is a dangerous thing means that one who only knows a little bit about a subject might mistake oneself for an expert on it.

Essay on “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing” English Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12 for College and Competitive Exams.

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing

A little knowledge is more dangerous than no knowledge at all. At least a person who does not know anything can claim of not knowing anything. He can be truthful to himself and the society. But a person with incomplete knowledge is neither here nor there. He cannot say that he knows nothing nor can he say that knows all. Therefore when the situation arises his knowledge is at test, he is unable to give the correct assessment. He thus opens himself to ridicule and cause harm. For example, a doctor who is not fully qualified will put the life of a patient in danger and instead of doing good will do more harm. The same is true for a car-driver, a technician a school teacher or any other person who is not well versed with his job. Only when a person has complete knowledge about his profession or subject he/she is capable of being useful to society.

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Change into indirect speech He said, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing."

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