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1.04 i like your style English 3 DBA

i have an english dba coming up this week 1.04 for english 3. im taking it on the 6th (tmrw) does anyone have an tips if you've taken it already? or a quizlet i can use to study would be great!!! also when i finish if anyone needs help ill tell you what she asked !!

The Virtual Voice

FLVS Discussion-Based Assessments (DBAs): Options and Alternatives

assignment 01 04 geometry foundations discussion based assessment

At FLVS, we want students to be successful and completely comfortable when learning online. This includes discussion-based assessments.  Even though some students may get nervous or anxious , just remember that DBAs are simply a verbal conversation between you and your teacher.

DBAs are one of the ways we ensure academic integrity (and make sure that it’s actually you doing the work). This is why teachers need to hear directly from you! They will be referencing the work you have done and speaking to students and parents multiple times throughout the course, so there is a common thread of communication that helps teachers connect a face (or voice) to the same student they see in live lessons and through submitted work. DBAs are also there for teachers to help you!

To get ready for a DBA, you can use any notes you have taken, your assignments, and lessons. You can contact your teacher to see if they have any other specific resources for their course to help you prepare.

There is a myth that DBAs can only be completed over the phone and that is not true! Your teacher does need to verbally speak with you directly, but we have several options available to do this. Make sure to contact your teacher to discuss your options. 

The main thing is to not be nervous! Your teacher is there to help you succeed. If you have any questions or you get to the point when you are ready to complete a DBA, you can contact your teacher via email, text, or phone. We know you will be fantastic!

84 comments on “ FLVS Discussion-Based Assessments (DBAs): Options and Alternatives ”

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Thank you this is very helpful.

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yes you can use your notes 🙂

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I’m about to take a DBA, but I’m not sure if I’m allowed to use my notes during it? Am I allowed to look at my notes during a DBA?


Yes, you can reference your notes! Hope your DBA went well. 🙂

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When I enter a live lesson it says my chat permission is turned off. I am not sure why ? I also can’t hear anything in the lives or type

Hi Kimberly. Sometimes the teacher has the chat feature turned off during live instruction. Don’t hesitate to check with them via email or text if you are having trouble or confused!

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If you are taking a foreign language on flvs do your teachers call you (for dba’s) in that specific foreign language or do they ask the dba questions in English?

Hi Naomi! Some teachers may use both depending upon the level of the course. However, students who are new to the language and beginner level will initially focus on vocabulary, etc. Hope this helps!

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Are we allowed to do DBA’s through text if we are not comfortable with using our voice with people online?

Your teachers want to ensure that they are hearing from you – but a video call or live lesson setting (using the mic) are options you could discuss with your teacher!

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I understand DBA’s are to make sure things are going well but now my daughter has 4 dba’s per segment. That is just too much when the reason for home school is flexibility and independence. No good options at all.

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Yeah, when you get into middle school and higher, the DBA amount gets higher! It is annoying how they (my teachers at least!) never let me reschedule, they just have me get a bad score if I can not get in on time, (I have a lot of stuff happening, so it is hard to be ready for every DBA, and sometimes my availabilty changes!) which sucks.

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Are there any alternatives for children with severe anxiety?

Yes! Please discuss options like those listed in this post with your teacher.

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My daughter has a severe anxiety disorder which was the reason for homeschooling in the first place. Talking to people on the phone and doing dbas gives her anxiety to the point where she feels like she’s going to throw up. This has been an ongoing problem and the anxiety has just been getting worse. Is there any alternatives for the dbas?

Hi Ashley. Yes, you can discuss options like those listed in this post with your student’s teacher.

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What is the alternative then? I also joined FLVS because my anxiety was too bad for in school. The fact that we have to talk on the phone completely ruins the whole point of joining to try to feel more comfortable. I cry and feel sick to my stomach before EVERY SINGLE dba, regardless of the fact that I’ve never even failed one before. These ”alternatives” are not alternatives, you’re just recommending other programs to talk on. It isn’t helping.

Elizabeth Jones

Hi Caylee, Please reach out to your teacher or school counselor so we can help!

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Flvs should have an alternative to being on the phone while texting the students questions about what they learned if they have anxiety over getting on the phone. I’m literally about to not get my diploma for a class because I’m too scared to get on a dba. Keep in mind I do have an A in the class but the Dbas have been stopping me from going to my next semester and I’m supposed to graduate in 15 days!!!!

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My daughter has Selective Mutism which basically means she can’t speak in certain situations. She will be physically incapable of completing these DBAs. Is there any alternative option for her that doesn’t require speaking? She gets straight A’s in school and really takes school seriously, so I would hate for her to lose points on this.

Hi Sandra! Yes, the teachers can accommodate. Please be sure to discuss with your teacher when starting so they can make adjustments as needed. You can also reach out to our ESE team with questions or for support!

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Is there a limit to how many DBA’s we can complete a day?

Hi Mya! Students can take 1 DBA per subject a day! Hope this helps. 🙂

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For most students there are but one time my teacher had me take 2 at once to catch up since I finished both modules.

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So if I do the live lesson I don’t have to take the dba?

Hi Emery. Students are required to take DBAs but you can discuss alternative options with your teacher if needed. Hope this helps!

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Do you have to take DBAs? Can you just skip them and do the rest of the work and still pass?

Hi Annie. DBAs are required but you can reach out to your teacher to discuss other options like the ones mentioned above if you need.

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Can you fail a DBA and still continue on with the course? Or do you have to get a 60% or higher on them to continue on? I’m asking because I am a student with an anxiety disorder and I can’t get on a call without breaking down. I have already spoken with my teachers but they said that there is nothing they can do.

Hi Alyssa, DBA’s can be stressful for students. However, they are required to be taken and passed for a student to move on in the course. DBA’s are a great opportunity to talk with your teacher and ask questions to make sure you really understanding the material. If you are nervous, please let your teacher know! This blog may help you as well:

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Hi I accidently forgot my DBA appointment does that mean I fail or do they take points off.

Hi Ariel! You can reach out to your teacher to reschedule your DBA. 🙂

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Hello! I actually am about to take a DBA tomorrow and I just want to ask what “kind” of questions will the teachers ask?? Like, will they ask for definitions, examples, etc.? I’m not gonna lie but I am kind of nervous about the call. I have made sure that I read each chapter and wrote notes just feeling a little anxious and nervous… 🙁

Hi Angelyn, The questions will depend on the course and module you’re working on. It’s okay to let your teacher know that you’re nervous. They are there to help you and make sure you understand the material. Hope this helps!

I actually finished the DBA it wasn’t all bad! For those who are going to do a DBA and you’re really nervous…KEEP READING. Ok, so I am not smart. No one is born smart, your hard work determines your intelligence on something! Cornell notes REALLY helped me do good on the DBA. I’m not saying that I did it perfectly! Now that I know how the DBA will be done, I feel more confident! Also, trust me do cornell notes! You’ll thank me later! Ask honest questions and try your best! You can do this! Look, if I can do this you can do it better! Good Luck!

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If you cant get everything in by the end of the first segment do you fail the class?

Hi there! We recommend reaching out to your teacher to discuss your academic progress. Hope this helps!

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Hi so my question is about the Visual Dba, so do you have to have your camera on or just answer the questions and talk ?

Hi there! You can reach out to your teacher to discuss alternative options, such as a phone call.

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Does all your flvs options require dbas? I like flvs because I can do my work on my own time, it’s just the dbas make me so nervous and the teachers are always putting pressure when I get an answer wrong as if they’re assuming something else. I want to re-register with you guys but I don’t wanna have to deal with the dbas because of anxiety.

Hi Nana. Yes, DBAs are required but you can discuss other options with your teachers.

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If I have my final DBA do I have to do it within 7 days of me submiting the wellness plan for module 6?

Hi TJ, We recommend reaching out to your teacher to ask about upcoming due dates and DBAs. 🙂

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Are teachers able to excuse you from taking dba’s?

A different format may be available, but assessments typically include some kind of verbal component. Talk to your teachers about your options!

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Is Flvs available in summer?

Hi Hanh. Yes, students can take online courses year-round with FLVS Flex. 🙂

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So can a Live lesson substitute a DBA or do we still have to take DBAs.

Hi Makaio, DBAs are required but you can discuss alternatives with your teacher if needed.

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so I went to a small private school last year for my freshman year and I took Spanish there, but there wasn’t like a grading system and I don’t have any type of paperwork that said I finished Spanish 1 and 2. This year I started doing homeschooling (flvs flex) and I just finished Spanish 3 with an A. Would it be a problem for good colleges that I don’t have anything that says I finished Spanish 1 and 2 but did Spanish 3 and planning to do Spanish 4, Or should I just take it on flvs now and finish it both Spanish 1 and 2 after I already finished 3 ?

Hi John, we recommend reaching out to an FLVS counselor to discuss your transcript.

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Am I allowed to take 2 dBA’s in one day in the same course? Because my graduation deadline is Friday & my teacher says I have to wait till Friday to take my 2nd Dba.

Hi HT! We recommend reaching out to your teacher as soon as possible to discuss your graduation deadline.

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Hi! So I am currently a senior, and my graduation is on June 8th. I am currently taking an economics course that I am finishing up, however I have 3 Dba’s, am I allowed to take more than one in a day? Also I completed my first assignment on may 27th, are they allowed to issue a grade before the first 14 days of working in the course?

Hi Derron! We recommend reaching out to your teacher to discuss your upcoming deadlines.

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I have social anxiety and my anxiety gets so bad for DBAs i can’t remember anything I learned, it makes it seem like i don’t do my work when i actually do, and i never pass or it brings my grade down. It’s also super embarrassing when I don’t know the answer, i can sense the teacher getting annoyed. I hate them so much. part of the reason why i wanted to do school online was so i didn’t have to speak to anyone. people often tell me about pen foster because you don’t have to do DBAs but the only thing is that i have to pay. but anyways, i see that the teachers can give alternative options, what are the alternatives?

Hi Harley, we recommend reached out to your teacher to discuss alternative options.

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what happens if you don’t get to finish all the DBAs well you still pass

Hi Jezreel, DBAs are a required part of FLVS courses. You can reach out to your instructor to discuss your progress and options.

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hi i m scehduling a dba through zoom could i just talk in the chat to my teacher?

Hi Sandra, you can discuss alternative options with your teacher if needed. 🙂

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Are teachers allowed to force a student to do a DBA?

Hi Christopher, DBAs are part of each FLVS course but you can discuss alternative with your teacher if needed.

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Hello! When you are doing a Dba in a math class are you aloud to look off your notes to respond to a question you teacher is asking you?

Hi Jonaira! Don’t hesitate to reach out to your instructor if you have any questions. 🙂

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Hello, thanks! So you don’t know then?

Hi Jonaira – DBAs are a way for your instructor to assess your learning throughout the course. Instructors requirements may vary by grade and subject so it’s best to ask your instructor what tools can be used. Hope this helps!

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What am I supposed to write in the student box comment when doing the dba??

Hi Kim, be sure to reach out to your teacher if you need assistance. 🙂

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i get like “im almost going to throw up” sick with the thoughts of dbas, also, I know what I’m talking about most of the time but i usually can’t explain it with talking because I stutter to much, I want to type it but they usually don’t like it. I’ll talk but I’d like to write my response.

Hi Bella, We know that DBAs can be stressful. Be sure to let your teachers know if you’re struggling. They want to help you succeed! This blog may help:

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What should I do if my miss my dba. I was supposed to have my dba but I missed it. How would I rescchedule if there are no spaces left?

Hi Bella, be sure to reach out to your teacher!

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Can you retake a DBA?

Hi Duvud – Yes, be sure to communicate with your teacher if you need to reschedule or retake a DBA. Thanks!

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I feel that those who suffer from anxiety and have 504 plans should be offered an alternative to DBAs. The ADA law requires that schools make accommodations for those with disabilities. Anxiety is a legitimate disability. The fact the FLVS requires a DBA (without a suitable alternative) for people with anxiety is in violation of the law. May I propose allowing the student to chat via text with the teacher while being on zoom or another video method so that the teacher can see that it is the actual student responding? Also, my daughter has taken several online duel enrollment classes at our state college and they do not require DBAs. I recommend fulfilling your high school requirements with those instead of using FLVS.

Hi Linda, We understand your frustration. Please reach out to one of our FLVS counselors so we discuss alternative options.

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Are DBAs unique to foreign language classes or is it for all your classes?

Hi Raheem — Yes, students in World Language courses are also required to take DBAs.

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Can I do 2 AB courses over the summer. I want to do it because I want to double accelerate in the world language I am taking and ELA.

Hi Kavin – To allow for successful course completion, prior to the AP exams in May, please enroll for your AP course(s) during the following registration periods: (1 credit courses: June 1 – September 29) (0.5 credit courses: June 1 – January 30)

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is there another way to schedule DBA’s without going through the link in the course, because the link isn’t working. i know i can text her for an appointment but is there another option other then that? thank u

Hi Abigail, Thanks for reaching out! Please contact your teacher so they can assist you further.

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Hey guys! So if anyone is nervous about DBAs please keep reading! So most teachers have a study guide set up on their home page with all the things you need to know for your DBA so that you can make sure you have everything prepared! This makes it easier especially if you are learning a language and are not sure what to study. So this way you can have everything that you are going to say planned out! Hope this helps!

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