Compassion - Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

Compassion is the feeling of empathy or sympathy towards others, often coupled with a desire to help alleviate their suffering. Essays could discuss the psychological and social benefits of compassion, its role in moral and social development, or strategies for cultivating compassion in individuals and communities. We’ve gathered an extensive assortment of free essay samples on the topic of Compassion you can find at Papersowl. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

The Caring and Compassion

My personality and characteristics as a nurse can affect and influence my interaction between patient, family, and other healthcare members. Caring and compassion is an organic self-concept I, as a nurse, must exemplify to all my patients. It is an essential characteristic to have because I am the first point of contact in a healthcare environment. Enthusiastic and assertiveness are other personalities that I continue to cultivate for it can affect my patient’s overall outlook with their recovery. Last, being […]

The Compassion for Kids

Have you ever seen someone who was doing so well and was so proud of something that they have achieved and then you get that sad feeling inside. That feeling is called compassion. In the story Marigolds, they live in a very poor, run down town. The kids are always bored so sometimes they go mess with old Ms. Lottie. In this old dirty town Ms. Lottie plants marigolds which brings her happiness. One day they decide to go destroy […]

Marigolds by Eugenia Collier

In the short story “Marigolds” by Eugenia W. Collier is about a 14-year-old girl named Lizbeth that is living in the time of The Great Depression. Early in the story, she is being a child, naive to the world around her but later in the story, she begins to realize that she is living in poverty once she hears her father crying. This leads her to destroy the Mrs lotties symbolic marigolds as an act of anger and sadness which […]

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The is Compassion Definition

When Walter Williams, the founder of University of Missouri’s school of journalism wrote the famed Journalist’s Creed (1908), he mentioned that: “I believe that the journalism which succeeds best … is … constructive”, he had the idea of constructive journalism in mind. A story on CNN’s website on October 2018 read: “Tropical Storm Rosa is about to make landfall and drench the arid Southwest.” The story went ahead to highlight how the storm could “soak” the dry Southwest. A few […]

What is Self Compassion

In the essay “on compassion” (2017), Ascher narrates about On one side is a black man in very shabby clothes and long uncombed hair walking down the street of Manhattan, he stops next to a mother and baby?The mother became nervous and clutched the pram, and the pedestrians who were waiting for the lights to change turned their eyes away from the homeless black man. Finally the homeless man got the five dollars from the mother. On the other side […]

Statement on the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy shows his sympathy and shares his advice in this speech. He shows how instead of us all show hatred towards one another, we should all come together and do great things for this country. He talks about how Blacks should not hate whites for the death of Martin Luther King Jr., although they could, but they should come together and continue what Martin had started but didn't get the chance to finish. Use this time of mourning […]

Compassion Can Save Life

When it comes to being a nurse, professionalism can be defined in many different ways. Being a professional nurse takes one to be confident, compassionate and accountable, these are just a few examples. Webster Dictionary defines professionalism as; the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person. I feel it is also the ability to evaluate your own work and proactively take corrective action to improve your own performance. The first step into becoming […]

The Love and Compassion

My operational theology derives from my mental imaging of God, those dynamic pictures that are present in my reality, such as the tender look of Jesus when he was curing, healing or talking with love and compassion; all of those being part of the set of beliefs and values which in combination with the theological virtues are constantly forming my life experience toward holiness and getting me closer to be more like Jesus, more close to God, Who is the […]

Theme of Just Mercy

Justice is not about taking revenge; it is about equity. The purpose of this reflection is to present the thoughts and analysis of the Just Mercy book by Bryan Stevenson (2014). Stevenson is the main character of the book; it is about his journey from graduating Harvard Law School to being a civil rights fighter through his profession as a lawyer. It was after I read this book that I learned the real brutality of imprisonment in the United States. […]

Why is Compassion Important

Albert Schweitzer once said that “The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.” Compassion is feeling sympathy, being kind, and caring for others. In William Shakespeare’s play King Lear, an important theme is that it’s important to show kindness to others, even in difficult times. Shakespeare demonstrates this theme through King Lear’s conversations with his daughters, especially the youngest, Cordelia, and his conversations with his friends. King Lear follows the […]

Compassion Fatigue Impact Nursing Job Satisfaction

Compassion Fatigue Among Nurses Multiple studies have been conducted on compassion fatigue among nurses and the ultimate effect it has on the patients under the nurse’s care. Nurses experiencing the issue of compassion fatigue exhibit physical and/or psychosocial problems that can be detrimental to the nurse and the patients under the care of the nurse. Compassion fatigue is, “the term used to describe the combination of burnout and secondary traumatic stress” (Kelly, Runge, & Spencer, 2015). Journal of Nursing Scholarship […]

My Personal Attitude to Religion

Growing up in a family who saw religion as not only priority, but a way of life is something I will always cherish. Ever since I can remember, my family and I had the same routine Sunday, after Sunday, after Sunday. Even though my parents were constantly busy with their jobs, I was always running around to attend my different sporting events while my brother and sister were vigorously training to improve their sound on the instruments they played in […]

The Tragic Legacy of Tyler Clementi: a Call for Change and Compassion

Tyler Clementi's story is one that resonates with heartbreaking clarity. A talented 18-year-old violinist at Rutgers University, his life was cut tragically short in 2010 in an incident that became a national talking point about bullying, cyber privacy, and LGBTQ+ rights. Clementi's story is not just a case study; it's a stark reminder of the consequences of intolerance and the urgent need for empathy and understanding in our digital age. Tyler's ordeal began when his roommate, Dharun Ravi, used a […]

Basic Values, Kindness, Compassion, Love and Respect

"I remember a grandmother clutching her grandson in his swaddling clothes, not knowing where the baby's next meal would come from," said Garret Hondronastas, Communications Manager at Infant Crisis Services. He was reminiscing about the time when he helped another family in their time of need (Garret Interview). In Oklahoma, one in four children live in poverty which means they lack access to clean diapers and daily food, putting them at risk for developmental delay (English). The demand grows stronger […]

How to Start a Compassion

Similarly, According to the article, the author has stated that Turgenev saw human beings as creatures bestowed with awareness, realization, feelings, and capable of finding the difference right and wrong. They have their own moral values and norms. While, Marx saw them always as “snowflakes in an avalanche, as instances of general forces, as not yet fully human because utterly conditioned by their circumstances” (Dalrymple,page 2 How and How Not to Love Mankind 2.pdf).Turgenev and Marx both of the great […]

The Care and Compassion

Counselors are recognized in communities as the healers to people who come to them in distress from problems in their current lives, previous severe trauma, or behaviors they’re not proud of, all in hopes that their counselor will do the healing process. When the workload of typical cases of huge distress or trauma start to accumulate during their careers, counselors may start facing burnout, or exhaustion from excessive amount of work handed to them. It should be noted that burnout […]

My Imaginary City

My "imaginary" city. The utility I would suggest it as an ideal imaginary city as close as conceivable to Eco City, despite the fact that there are a few contrasts. For instance, because of force interest, I suggest that the city have a photovoltaic force station, however in such frantic occasions, energy will come from close by towns and other force plants in the state It is bought from. To give spotless and solid water to residents and sightseers, we […]

Risk of Developing Compassion Fatigue in Refugee Service Workers

The Social Work Grand Challenge that this problem is addressing is Close the Health Gap. Refugee Service Workers of the Consulate of El Salvador are at the frontline witnessing survivors recount heart-wrenching stories of trauma (Lusck and Terrazazs, 2015). These Refugee Service Workers are at risk of developing compassion fatigue (Hu, 2018). Charles Figley coined the term Compassion Fatigue which is defined as “the suffering of clients and the natural consequence resulting from knowing about a traumatizing event experienced or […]

Traumatic Compassion Fatigue

Masters' counseling programs promote continual self-improvement to become a more competent practitioner. However, that growth sometimes originates from difficult experiences, rather than learning new techniques. When a counselor engages daily with clients dealing with traumatic events, they can rapidly become influenced by the conversation to the point it starts to affect them personally. Figley (1995) coined the term 'compassion fatigue' to describe the process of being influenced by a traumatic event from being secondarily exposed to the mere knowledge of […]

Compassion Fatigue

Working in an emergency department can be extremely stressful for nurses. Seeing a high volume of patients with potentially high acuity shift after shift exposes nurses to stress and puts them at risk for compassion fatigue. Having worked as a registered nurse in a Level II trauma center, I have witnessed first-hand the amount of stress that takes a toll on nurses. “Nurses who provide care to traumatized individuals can have intense and painful emotional responses” (Schmidt & Haglund, 2017). […]

Compassion in School Curriculum

 Research has revealed that early childhood is an important developmental time where changes are happening that shapes a child’s future. As soon as a child enters school, they are building foundational skills in literacy, math and other abilities but sometimes, the social emotional skills are neglected. Schools often do not teach children how to be kind and mindful of others when that is what holds the key to their future and makes lasting consequences. (Flook, L., Goldberg, 2015) The purpose […]

All Summer in a Day Theme

In “All Summer in a Day,” a gathering of schoolchildren live in a world of Venus with their families. The children are nine years of age, anxiously anticipating a groundbreaking event. Following five years of constant downpours, the researchers on Venus have anticipated that the sun will come out today, signaling an extremely rare event. The kids remember seeing the sun when they were two; however, they do not recall what the giant body looks or feels like. To plan […]

The Analysis of Man in the Mirror

Man in the Mirror is about a lone man by changing himself can he change the world. The main focal point of the melody is a man's battle to work on himself ethically in the wake of witnessing his inability to affect the existences of those out of luck. Michael Jackson thinks about how his general surroundings is suffering while he carries on with an existence of solace, and the blame triggers his choice to change himself so he can […]

Am i Blue by Alice Walker Summary Analysis

Walker opens her well known paper with an epigraph from the melody that additionally gives its title. "Ain't these tears in these eyes tellin' you?" asked Harry Akst and Grant Clarke, who protected the tune in 1929, just as each craftsman who performed "Am I Blue?" consistently, including African American jazz legends Ethel Waters and Billie Holiday. It is a melody about discovering one's sweetheart gone one day "without a notice," a tune about depression and distress, about adoration, misfortune […]

Gender Roles in Mrs. Doubtfire

As far back as Americans can remember gender roles have had their place in society. The most argued place of gender roles is within the household. The conservative side viewed men as the main or only “breadwinners” in household, while women were the considered “caretakers” or “homemakers”. Whereas the liberal side viewed the mother and fathers as equal sharing the responsibility of work and home. Mrs. Doubtfire challenges these stereotypes by portraying a man showing care and affection to his […]

What i Learned in my Ethics Class: Transformative Lessons

My Initial Perception of Ethics When I first came to dental school, I hadn’t thought much of ethics. Of course, I remember it being asked during two of my interviews and me having to define what I think it means to be ethical. My response was always very textbook-like: “Being ethical requires one to behave morally, respect others, and treat everyone as if they were your equal.” Although I still believe this definition fits, I don’t think I really knew […]

The Pathophysiology of Burnout

Introduction  Many people get into the nursing profession with the impression that they are going to make a difference in the world by getting people better. Unfortunately, it is not always that black and white, nurses do not always have the privilege of experiencing events to their moral, emotional, or spiritual ideations of patient outcome and treatment. Those that work in locations with regular exposure to trauma, death, and dying face greater emotional distress than those that do not. Facing […]

Gandhi: One of the Strongest Politicians Known

Who is the man that saved India from British rule¹3, influenced MLK², and who still today causes a difference in people? Gandhi is that man, and he was a hero. To be a hero, you need to be wise, courageous, and compassionate. Gandhi is a great hero, and always will be. Gandhi’s amazingly strong universal love brought a lot of the world together². Gandhi fasted for 21 days simply to get people to stop fighting over the cost in a […]

Consider the Lobster Analysis

David Foster Wallace's 2004 article "Think about the Lobster," initially distributed in Gourmet magazine, explores a point, not for the most part covered by such distributions—the vibes of one of the creatures who turn into our food. Wallace, an American writer, author, and English educator, names himself as perusers' "allowed reporter" of the 56th Annual Maine Lobster Festival (236). Bragging 25,000 pounds new got lobster, cooking rivalries, thrill rides, unrecorded music, and a wonderful show, the MLF draws 100,000 guests […]

The Captivating Characters of Dr. Seuss’s “Horton Hears a Who!”

Dr. Seuss's timeless book "Horton Hears a Who!" brings to life a fascinating ensemble of characters, each playing a critical role in the story's enchanting narrative and deep themes. This essay explores the main characters, examining their contributions and significance within the whimsical universe created by Dr. Seuss. Central to the story is Horton the Elephant, a character defined by his immense kindness and steadfastness. Horton stumbles upon the tiny town of Whoville on a speck of dust and immediately […]

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Essay Samples on Compassion

What is the difference between sympathy and empathy.

From time to time, we all experience various hardships throughout our lives. Whether these are minor incidents, or prolonged and profound difficulties that take a little longer to overcome, it’s important that we all support one another in the appropriate way. Understanding that everyone is...

Expression of Sympathy in Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Mary Shelley’s gothic novel Frankenstein (1818) is set in Switzerland, Germany, France, England, and Scotland. It tells the story of a wicked creation of a monster. The two main characters, Victor and the creature, both endure many struggles which cause them to do irrational things....

  • Frankenstein

"Marigolds" by Eugenia Collier: The Impact of Compassion on People

As a famous actress and activist, Susan Sarandon, once said, “ When you start to develop your powers of empathy and imagination, the whole world opens up to you”. This meaning that through experience, humans can gain empathy to learn many important and beneficial lessons...

How the Compassion Can Improve the Relationships with Others

A lack of compassion can either make the world a little bit better, or it could make the world worse than it already is. There are times it is easy to be compassionate to others, but there are times it is difficult to show compassion...

  • Individual Identity

The Importance of Self-Comprassion to Mental Health

With the mental health crisis that is currently sweeping the nation and rising to epic proportions, people need to begin making different choices. As defined by Kristin Neff, self-compassion is choosing Self-Kindness rather than Self-Judgement, Common Humanity over Isolation and Mindfulness rather than Over-Identification. Choosing...

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How Self-Compassion Influences the Ability to be Comprassionate to Others

Self-compassion is the ability to be compassionate and understanding to oneself. Similarly, self-compassion may influence an individual’s compassion towards others as well. Compassion is an important characteristic of the mental health profession. Bowen & Moore (2014) stated that counselor functioning may be impaired due to...

Compassion and Mindfulness in Social Representation Theory

About in 1998-1999, there was a company, named Central Model Agency in Bratislava; they were approaching young “good-looking” people to become models. It was by pure choice of agent to choose someone who would look good on screen. If an approached individual has been accompanied...

  • Mindfulness

Balance of Compassion and Effective Healthcare Leadership

This assignment will evaluate the current literature to identify the impact of compassion and compassion fatigue on efficiency. Consideration will be given to the direction and impact of the dark side of leadership, as Schantz (2007) highlighted that for nurses (leaders) to powerfully impact the...

Recovery from Eating Disorder Fueled by Compassion

Compassion is the ability to show empathy, love, and concern for other people with a desire to help reduce their suffering. It is often confused with empathy, and although the two share similar qualities, empathy refers to our ability to feel the emotions another person...

  • Eating Disorders

The Significance of Compassion in Nursing: Connecting with Patients

The nursing profession is unique in that it requires practitioners to connect with patients on a deep and meaningful level. Compassion is a vital aspect of nursing practice, requiring nurses to demonstrate empathy and kindness to patients. In this essay, we will explore the meaning...

How To Go Through Life Without Fighting

With all the joyful information there is always a lot of compassion. The festive moments have their share of instant despair. That's life. The encouraging exchange of a pregnancy and the hope of a new life that must be born have an effect that causes...

  • Ethics in Everyday Life
  • Personal Philosophy

Best topics on Compassion

1. What is the Difference Between Sympathy and Empathy

2. Expression of Sympathy in Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

3. “Marigolds” by Eugenia Collier: The Impact of Compassion on People

4. How the Compassion Can Improve the Relationships with Others

5. The Importance of Self-Comprassion to Mental Health

6. How Self-Compassion Influences the Ability to be Comprassionate to Others

7. Compassion and Mindfulness in Social Representation Theory

8. Balance of Compassion and Effective Healthcare Leadership

9. Recovery from Eating Disorder Fueled by Compassion

10. The Significance of Compassion in Nursing: Connecting with Patients

11. How To Go Through Life Without Fighting

  • Career Goals
  • Personality
  • Personal Experience
  • Family Values

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Compassion Essay Examples

Compassion - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Compassion encompasses a strong feeling or sympathy for an individual feels to another who is in need (Aaron 7). An excellent example of compassion in the Biblical teaching of a Good Samaritan. The Good Samaritan had met a person who had severely beaten, robbed, and left on the roadside. Two guys had walked by without even acknowledging the guy who had been beaten, but the good Samaritan came along and took the one in need and helped his bruises, cuts, and paid for shelter until not needed anymore.

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Essay examples

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  • “On Compassion” and “Homeless”
  • A Crime of Compassion
  • Care and Compassion in the Nursing Profession
  • Showing Compassion in Health Care
  • Compassion Fatigue
  • Compassion in The Witch of Blackbird Pond
  • The Compassion Gap in American Poverty Policy
  • Christian Values: Compassion, Forgiveness, Justice and Peace
  • Social Justice and Compassion in Medicine
  • Compassion Fatigue, Secondary Trauma and Burn out
  • Theoretical Framework: Compassion Fatigue
  • My Experience with Homelessness and Compassion for the Homeless
  • Common sense and compassion in the workplace have been replaced by litigation
  • The Importance of the Concept of Compassion, Fairness, Equality, Love, and Social Justice in the Perspective of Christianity on Homosexuality
  • Ender Book Report Compassion vs Ruthlessness
  • Nursing concepts: competence, compassion, professionalism,
  • The Threat of Compassion Fatigue Among Healthcare Workers and Caregivers
  • Compassion Fatigue in Veterinary Medicine
  • African American Community in Black Is Black Ain’t
  • Compassion & Forgiveness in Macbeth & The Kite Runner

Sympathetic Sorrow

On the other hand, pity entails a sympathetic sorrow that an individual feels after learning or experiencing the suffering of others. Pity and compassion are used interchangeably to mean the same thing, but the fact is these two terms are different. Precisely, compassion is more of an action or a compulsion to do something to relieve the pain of others while pity is a feeling, a sharing in the pain of others. These two terms have been differently used by various philosophers such as Emanuel and Plato.

Emanuel Kant on Compassion

In his philosophical work on categorical imperative, Emanuel Kant demonstrated what an act of compassion entails. Based on the perception that every act that an individual takes comes after extensive reasoning. A compassionate act results after an individual weigh what is right between helping the person in need and failing to help at all. Based on the philosophy of categorical imperative, a person is said to be good or bad based on the motivation of his or her actions rather than the goodness of the consequences of those actions (Stephen 23). In this context, the term motivation means the driving force that influences a person to do the action (the reason for doing it). For example, in reference to the aforementioned example of a Good Samaritan, the motive of helping the person who had robbed, beaten and left on the roadside was not due to what he would have received at the end (for example, praise and fame from those who witnessed his acts of compassion) but because of his humanity. He ever expected anything from the person in need regarding being thanked and refunded the money that he spent on him but was motivated by the acts of kindness and compassion that he had. The acts of compassion make an individual have moral worth, and this is only if he or she motivated by morality rather than the desires or emotions of what he or she will get at the end. Besides, Kant also stated that for a person to be genuinely compassionate to another who is in need, he or she must perceive that he is being motivated by duty, which compels him or her to do it regardless of whether he liked it or not.

Motivation for Compassion

Though compassion is the sympathetic act that an individual opts to take in order to help another who is in need, it can be motivated by many factors. Compassion is “retain the indecency, future oriental, driven by pleasure and sharing in a project” (Bova, Patrick. CUNY Medgar Evers, Phil 100-Logic, 10/13/2018. In-Class Notes). The context is telling the person that one has to results its problem by receiving the advice from others. Pity is one of the factors which can motivate an individual to be compassionate to another who is in need of help. It is also (Past oriental that drove by not want to help, Driven by the need to recognize pain.) (Bova, Patrick. CUNY Medgar Evers, Phil 100-Logic, 10/13/2018. In-Class Notes) For example, using the case of a Good Samaritan, he first felt pity to the robbed and beaten man before proceeding to help him. Pity is what compelled him to show compassion by helping him out regarding wiping the bruises, giving him accommodation and some coins to take care of himself. The aim is to get others to feel as you fed to think as you think.

It is unfortunate that in the present times, most individuals do not possess these virtues and are happy when they happen to learn or see others suffering. For example, it is miserable there are still people who are starving to death in the present times despite the presence of numerous individuals who belong to the upper economic class. When most of the wealthy individuals happen to encounter fellow human beings who are starving, malnourished and living in general poverty, the former claims that the predicament of the latter is due to laziness. This analogy alone makes the rich to be reluctant to help the poor, and this is enough proof that most of the individuals in the present times rarely possess the aspect of being pitiful and compassionate to the less fortunate. Although these pressures should not dilute the level of competition for limited.

Boasting in Social Media

The few individuals who show pity and compassion to others do not do it out of good will or do not do it as a duty, but they do it for the sake of gaining fame. For example, considering that numerous technological inventions have developed today, most individuals have embraced the use of social media platforms to enhance their popularity. In this regard, some of the individuals who are being pitied and compassionate to others always end up posting what they have done in these social media platforms in order to be recognized, appreciated and even manage to win the minds of most followers especially by asking them to vote them in various public offices. However, these acts dilute the moral worth of a person who is doing compassionate acts to others. Regarding the philosophy as mentioned earlier of a categorical imperative, an individual does not earn moral worth if the motivation of the compassionate act was desires or personal happiness. Posting images of compassionate acts on social media motivated by the urge of feeding an individual`s ego, rather than the duty to do it since it is the right thing to do.

It is also worth noting that an individual can be pitiful to another person who needs and fail to be compassionate to the same passion. For example, when an individual happens to see others starving on his or her television, he may feel pity but also long as he or she does not take the initial step of trying to help such a victim, he does not earn a moral worth. In contrast, a person who is compassionate is also being pitiful to the person in need of help, and this is because being pity is one of the driving forces for an individual to be compassionate (Aaron 31). For example, a person who proceeds to help another from a problematic situation tends to have shown pity to the victim, and this is what motivates him or her to help.

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Best 18 Self Compassion Journal Prompts (+FREE Worksheets)

Self Compassion Journal Prompts

This post contains some of the best self-compassion journal prompts.

What Are Journal Prompts?

What is self-compassion, self compassion journal prompts, self-compassionate statements pdf, benefits of using self compassion journal prompts, how to use self compassion journal prompts.

Journal prompts are writing prompts or questions that are designed to inspire and guide you in your journaling practice.

They provide a starting point for reflection, self-discovery, and creative expression.

Journal prompts can be simple questions like “What made you smile today?” or they can delve deeper into topics such as personal growth, relationships, or gratitude.

They are meant to spark your thoughts, encourage self-reflection, and help you gain insights into your emotions, thoughts, and experiences.

By using journal prompts, you can explore different aspects of your life, enhance your writing skills, and cultivate a deeper connection with yourself.

Self-compassion is not self-pity.

Self-compassion doesn’t mean you don’t hold yourself accountable.

Self-compassion is accepting and honoring your humanness, including your imperfections and the fact that we all make mistakes.

Self-compassion is treating yourself as you would a dear friend who is in pain.

Related: How To Start A Self Love Journey? Top 10 Powerful Ways to Love Yourself More

Dr. Kristin Neff, pioneer of self-compassion, identified 3 key elements of self-compassion ( Source ): 

1. Self-kindness vs. Self-judgment.

Rather than criticizing ourselves when we suffer, we can practice being gentle with ourselves.

In the same way you’d comfort a dear friend who’s in pain, you extend compassion to yourself and show yourself kindness and understanding.

Self-Kindness Statements:

  • It’s okay to feel this way.
  • I’m doing my best and that’s good enough.
  • I forgive myself.

2. Common humanity vs. Isolation.

Self-compassion entails recognizing that suffering is something that we all go through and that we’re not alone in our suffering.

Common Humanity Statements:

  • I’m not alone in this.
  • Everyone makes mistakes.
  • I’m only human.

3. Mindfulness vs. Over-identification.

Self-compassion requires recognizing our suffering in a balanced way, rather than suppressing it or exaggerating it.

This means being able to observe our difficult emotions with openness and without judgment.

It also means seeing our situation in a larger perspective by relating personal experience to others who are also suffering.

Mindfulness Statements:

  • I’m not my thoughts or emotions.
  • I choose to be present with this feeling.
  • My feelings don’t define me.

1. What do you need right now?

2. How would you like to feel today? What’s one thing you can do to cultivate this feeling?

3. Who in your life is nonjudgmental, safe, and genuinely have your best interest at heart? How can you spend more time with these people?

Related: Best 25 Journal Prompts For Self Love And Confidence Building

4. What emotions have you been having a hard time feeling lately?

5. What is one healthy thing you can so to uplift your mood when sad or stressed out?

6. What one self-care practice you can add to your routine to feel more joy or calm?

7. How can you be a nurturing parent to yourself?

8. What is preventing you from being compassionate to yourself? What is one small step you can take to overcome this obstacle?

9. What standards you have of yourself have you been pressuring yourself to meet? How can you adjust that standard to be more realistic?

10. What is one thing you can let go to create more space for rest and self-care?

11. What stressful circumstance are you currently experiencing? If you had a friend in the same situation, what advice would you give them?

Related: Top 23 Self Love Questions (+FREE Self-Love Resources)

12. If you loved yourself fully, how would you treat yourself every day? What’s one small step you can take towards that?

13. Did you recently make a mistake? What can you say to yourself show yourself more self-compassion?

14. What’s one important thing that you feel scared to do? How would a close friend encourage you to overcome that fear?

15. Are you holding a grudge against someone? What could you do to forgive and let go?

16. What is one thing you can forgive yourself for?

17. What in your life right now are you grateful for?

18. Write down a few self-compassion affirmations you can use when you need support.

The following are some examples:

  • I accept the best and worst aspects of myself.
  • It’s okay to make mistakes and forgive myself.
  • I love and accept myself, even when anxious.
  • I will treat myself with kindness and respect.
  • I care about myself enough to want the best for me.

Related: Best 100 Self Care Affirmations To Honor Yourself

Here are some key advantages of incorporating self-compassion journal prompts into your daily routine:

1. Increased self-awareness: Journaling prompts encourage you to explore your thoughts, emotions, and experiences in a nonjudgmental way. This process helps you develop a deeper understanding of yourself, your patterns, and your needs.

2. Foster self-acceptance: By using self-compassion journal prompts, you learn to approach yourself with kindness and understanding. This practice cultivates a sense of self-acceptance, allowing you to embrace your imperfections and vulnerabilities.

3. Enhance self-compassion: Writing about challenges and setbacks with self-compassion prompts encourages you to treat yourself with empathy and compassion during difficult times. This helps you build a strong foundation of self-compassion, leading to improved emotional well-being.

4. Develop resilience: Self-compassion journal prompts promote resilience by helping you reframe negative experiences and setbacks. By emphasizing self-compassion, you can better cope with adversity, bounce back from failure, and navigate life’s challenges with greater ease.

5. Improve self-esteem: Regularly reflecting on self-compassion prompts allows you to acknowledge your successes, strengths, and achievements. Over time, this practice can boost your self-esteem and reinforce a positive self-image.

6. Reduce self-criticism: Journaling prompts focused on self-compassion help challenge and reduce self-critical thoughts. This shift from self-judgment to self-compassion fosters a healthier mindset and increases overall self-acceptance.

7. Enhance emotional regulation: Through self-compassionate journaling, you can develop better emotional regulation skills. Writing about challenging emotions allows you to process and understand them, leading to more effective coping strategies and a greater sense of emotional balance.

Related:  Top 25 Self-Reflection Journal Prompts

Using self-compassion journal prompts can be a powerful tool for cultivating self-acceptance, understanding, and kindness towards oneself.

Here’s how you can use them effectively:

1. Create a safe space: Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can concentrate without distractions. Make sure you feel relaxed and ready to reflect on your thoughts and feelings.

2. Set an intention: Begin by setting an intention for your journaling session. This can be a general intention of practicing self-compassion or a specific focus area you would like to explore.

3. Choose a prompt: Select a self-compassion journal prompt that resonates with you. It could be a question, statement, quote, or affirmation that encourages self-reflection and self-kindness.

4. Reflect and write: Take a few moments to ponder the prompt and let your thoughts and emotions flow naturally. Write down your responses without overthinking or worrying about grammar or spelling. Be honest and vulnerable with yourself but also remember to approach your thoughts and feelings with gentleness and non-judgment.

5. Explore and expand: After writing your initial response, dig deeper into your thoughts and feelings. Ask yourself why you think or feel a certain way and try to uncover any underlying beliefs or patterns. Challenge any negative or self-critical thoughts with self-compassionate alternatives.

6. Practice kindness: As you write, practice being kind and compassionate towards yourself. Offer words of encouragement, support, and understanding. Remind yourself that it’s okay to make mistakes and that you are deserving of love, care, and forgiveness.

7. Reflect and learn: Once you have finished writing, take a few moments to reflect on what you have discovered. Notice any patterns, insights, or new perspectives that emerged during the process. Consider how you can integrate self-compassion into your daily life.

Remember, self-compassion journaling is a personal practice, so feel free to adapt these steps to suit your needs and preferences.

Allow yourself time and patience as you explore and cultivate self-compassion through this process.

Related:  Best 10 Self Discovery Books

Using self-compassion journal prompts can have numerous benefits for your well-being and personal growth.

By incorporating self-compassion journal prompts into your daily routine, you can experience these benefits and create a nurturing space for personal growth, self-reflection, and overall well-being.

  • Self-compassion – Wikipedia
  • Give Yourself a Break: The Power of Self-Compassion (
  • Kristin Neff Argues Self Compassion Works Better Than Self Esteem – The Atlantic
  • 15 Most Interesting Self Compassion Research Findings (
  • The Role of Self-Compassion in Development: A Healthier Way to Relate to Oneself – PMC (
  • The influence of self-compassion on emotional well-being among early and older adolescent males and females – PMC (
  • The Scientific Benefits of Self-Compassion – The Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (

Hadiah is a counselor who is passionate about supporting individuals on their journey towards mental well-being. Hadiah not only writes insightful articles on various mental health topics but also creates engaging and practical mental health worksheets.

compassion essay prompts

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The Role of Compassion Essay

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In her book, The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, Anne Fadiman explores the experience of a Hmong family struggling through the healthcare system of California. This book can throw light on the challenges faced by these people who have to confront a different socio-cultural environment. This source can be better analyzed with the help of the essay Mother Tongue written by Amy Tan.

This author also discusses the interactions between people who have different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. It is possible to apply such a concept as compassion in order to examine the themes which Anne Fadiman explores in her work. This notion can be defined as the ability of an individual to understand and fill pity for the suffering of another person. To a great extent, this ability is critical for interactions between people who can have different cultural or linguistic backgrounds.

While Anne Fadiman’s this book seems to be primarily related to the impact of linguistic and cultural barriers on the experiences of immigrants, Amy Tan’s essay suggests that their difficulties can be explained primarily by lack of compassion which is essential for the emotional well-being of individuals. This is the main thesis that should be elaborated more closely.

Anne Fadiman’s book is a valuable source that can illustrate the problems which emerge when immigrants have to interact with healthcare professionals. It should be kept in mind that the representatives of foreign cultures often question “the efficiency of Western medical techniques” (Fadiman 23). As a rule, these people “require more time and attention” since the services of an interpreter are needed (Fadiman 25). These are some of the details that should be considered.

This text’s text can be analyzed with help of Ami Tan’s essay Mother Tongue, and this reading indicates that language barriers can significantly impair the experiences of immigrants. This source demonstrates that a person may find it extremely difficult to express his/her thoughts very clearly.

It is usually argued that they speak in “broken or fractured English” (Tan 48). Moreover, it is often assumed that these people think in a primitive way. The author speaks about her mother who also struggled with the language barrier. Many people assumed that “her English reflected the quality of what she had to say” (Tan 48). Thus, one can speak the discrimination against these individuals.

Admittedly, Anne Fadiman also provides numerous examples indicating that linguistic and cultural differences can prevent people from integrating into the society. For instance, the author mentions that medical professionals often have to communicate with teenaged children of patients and discuss such issues as surgery or resuscitation of “a dying family member” (Fadiman 25).

In most cases, such experiences are extremely stressful for family members. Moreover, Anne Fadiman’s book shows that physicians often had “no way of taking a patient’s medical history”; as a result, their choices of treatment could often be questioned (Fadiman 25). Therefore, the emphasis on linguistic barriers is quite justified.

Nevertheless, it is important to remember that this problem is not the only reason why many immigrants can face significant difficulties. In many cases, their hardships can be explained by the inability or unwillingness of many individuals to feel compassion for the problems of others.

In order to illustrate this argument, one should look at the situation described by Amy Tan. In particular, this author mentions that her mother was suspected to have a benign brain tumor (Tan 48). The physicians lost her CAT scan and did not apologize for this mistake.

These people did not consider that she had been very “anxious to know the exact diagnosis” (Tan 49). Nevertheless, they only said that “she had come for nothing” (Tan 49). As a rule, individuals, who are treated in this way, often feel helpless or even desperate. This is why lack of compassion is one of the factors that profoundly affect the experiences of immigrants who are often left to their own devices. This is one of the main arguments that can be put forward.

It is possible to examine Anne Fadiman’s work from this specific perspective. For instance, when Lia was brought to the hospital, she was immediately diagnosed with “early bronchiopneumonia” (Fadiman 26). Yet, the physician did not consider the possibility that her symptoms could be explained by epilepsy (Fadiman 26).

A single conversation with parents could have helped him make the correct diagnosis. However, he did not try to do it. Later, Lia’s parents were asked by to give her certain drugs, and she was almost immediately discharged from hospital (Fadiman 26). Lia’s father was asked to sign the following statement, “I hereby acknowledge receipt of the instructions indicated above” (Fadiman 26).

The physician did not even make sure that parents could fully understand his instructions. This medical worker did not want to make extra effort. So, his indifference is one of the aspects that should be considered. Later, Lia was hospitalized once again, and the physicians made the same misdiagnosis. This is one of the most striking examples that should be considered. Provided that physicians had some compassion for this family, they would have used the services of an interpreter who could speak the Hmong language.

In this way, they could have eliminated the risk of misdiagnosis. Moreover, they might have considered that Lia’s parents felt virtually helpless when they had to deal with healthcare professionals. The main issue is that the physicians were not willing to discuss Lia’s condition with her parents. This is why this child did not receive appropriate medical assistance on time. This is the main problem should not be overlooked by the readers. Admittedly, there were some people who were genuinely willing to help Lia’s parents.

For example, one can mention Dan Murphy who immediately realized how frightened these people had been because they did not know how to help their daughter. Due to his effort, Lia’s parents received at least some support. This example is important for showing how the attitudes of physicians could differ from one another.

To a great extent, these examples suggest that immigrants may face a great number of challenges while trying to integrate into a new community. Certainly, their limited knowledge of English can be the cause of their hardships. However, more attention should be paid to the lack of compassion since this attitude makes their hardships virtually unbearable.

Admittedly, the role of cultural barriers should not be disregarded, but their impact can be mitigated provided that people try to put themselves in the position of one another. One can say that Anne Fadiman is useful for understanding the peculiarities of cross-cultural interactions. In turn, Amy Tan’s essay can throw a new light on the ideas that Anne Fadiman tries to express. These are the main details that should be taken into consideration.

Works Cited

Fadiman, Anne. The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures . New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2012. Print.

Tan, Amy. “Mother Tongue”. Across Cultures: A Reader for Writers . Ed. Sheena Gillespie and Robert Becker. New York: Longman, 2010. 46-52. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2018, November 28). The Role of Compassion.

"The Role of Compassion." IvyPanda , 28 Nov. 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'The Role of Compassion'. 28 November.

IvyPanda . 2018. "The Role of Compassion." November 28, 2018.

1. IvyPanda . "The Role of Compassion." November 28, 2018.


IvyPanda . "The Role of Compassion." November 28, 2018.

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