
Essay on Public Transportation

Students are often asked to write an essay on Public Transportation in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Public Transportation


Public transportation refers to vehicles like buses and trains, used by the public to travel. It is a shared system, meaning it carries multiple passengers at once.

Using public transportation can save money as it’s cheaper than maintaining a car. It also promotes social interaction and provides mobility to those who can’t drive.

In conclusion, public transportation is beneficial for the environment, economy, and society. Therefore, we should consider using it more frequently.

250 Words Essay on Public Transportation

Role in urban mobility.

Public transportation plays a pivotal role in facilitating urban mobility. It reduces congestion by transporting a larger number of people in a single vehicle, compared to private cars. This efficiency aids in reducing travel time, enhancing productivity, and improving the overall quality of life for citizens.

Economic Impact

Public transportation is a significant economic driver. It creates job opportunities, both directly and indirectly, and stimulates local economies by enhancing accessibility to businesses. It also plays a crucial role in reducing the economic burden of transportation for individuals, particularly those from lower-income groups.

Environmental Implications

Public transportation contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing the carbon footprint. It minimizes the number of vehicles on the road, leading to lower emissions and reduced energy consumption. It also aids in mitigating climate change by fostering a transition towards a low-carbon urban transport system.

Social Equity

Public transportation promotes social equity by providing affordable and accessible transportation options to all, irrespective of socio-economic status. It ensures that everyone can access essential services, job opportunities, and social activities, thereby reducing social exclusion.

In conclusion, public transportation is a cornerstone of sustainable urban development. It is instrumental in promoting economic growth, environmental sustainability, and social equity. Therefore, investing in public transportation is not just a matter of urban policy, but a key to achieving sustainable and inclusive cities.

500 Words Essay on Public Transportation

The role of public transportation.

Public transportation serves as the backbone of urban mobility, providing a sustainable alternative to private vehicle use. It mitigates the environmental impact of transport by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. Public transit systems like buses, trams, and metros are designed to accommodate large passenger volumes, thereby decreasing the number of vehicles on the road and reducing traffic congestion.

Moreover, public transportation fosters social inclusion. It provides access to employment, education, healthcare, and recreational activities for all segments of the population, including low-income groups, the elderly, and people with disabilities. By offering a reliable and affordable means of travel, public transportation can bridge socio-economic disparities and facilitate social cohesion.

Challenges in Public Transportation

Despite its numerous benefits, public transportation faces several challenges. These include inadequate infrastructure, insufficient funding, and a lack of integrated planning. Many cities struggle with aging infrastructure and overcrowded transit systems, which can lead to service delays and reduced passenger comfort.

Lastly, a lack of integrated planning can lead to inefficient transit systems. To maximize efficiency and user convenience, public transportation should be coordinated with other urban services such as housing, land use, and pedestrian infrastructure.

The Future of Public Transportation

The future of public transportation lies in smart, interconnected, and sustainable systems. Technological advancements like autonomous vehicles, real-time tracking apps, and contactless payments can improve service efficiency and passenger experience.

Furthermore, the integration of public transportation with other modes of travel, such as bike-sharing and ride-hailing services, can create a seamless and flexible mobility network. This concept, known as Mobility as a Service (MaaS), represents a paradigm shift in urban transport, moving from vehicle ownership to shared mobility.

Sustainability is another key aspect of the future of public transportation. As cities strive to achieve carbon neutrality, electric buses, hydrogen-powered trains, and other forms of green public transit will play a crucial role in reducing transport-related emissions.

Public transportation is more than just a means of getting from one place to another. It is a tool for urban development, social equity, and environmental sustainability. Despite the challenges it faces, with proper planning, sufficient funding, and the integration of advanced technologies, public transportation can continue to serve as a vital component of urban life, shaping our cities for the better.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

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what is the strongest thesis for an essay on public transportation

151 Transportation Essay Topics & Writing Tips

Have you ever thought about the importance of transportation? Every day we see cars, trucks, planes, and ships and never wonder what exactly they are doing. In fact, these vehicles not only transport people from one place to another. They also form a vast system that plays a vital role in any country.  

This is what transportation essays are devoted to. This article by Custom-Writing.org team will help you with writing your paper. Here, you will find:

  • a list of 151 excellent topics;
  • a step-by-step writing guide;
  • a public transportation essay sample.
  • 🔄 Before You Start
  • ✈️ Transportation Topics
  • ✍️ Outline & Guide
  • 📑 Essay Sample

🔗 References

🔄 essays on transportation: before you start.

First of all, we want to explain the two essential things you should consider before writing an essay. These are narrowing down the scope and planning .

STEP#1: Narrow down the scope.

Needless to say, transportation is a field that offers hundreds of issues to consider. You can start by determining what aspects of transportation interest you the most and using them as a starting point for your essay.

STEP#2: Plan your paper.

After you’ve collected plenty of material for the essay, the next step is to think what specific points you want to highlight and what particular sources will be necessary. An effective way to do it is to make note cards while researching your topic:

  • On every note card, write down the point that you want to include in your paper.
  • Look through your cards and choose ideas that will finally make up your transportation essay.

✈️ Transportation Essay Topics

Now you’re ready to choose a perfect topic. Below you’ll find various exciting ideas that you’ll enjoy writing about.

Transportation Essay Topics: Top 10

  • Public transport in rural areas.
  • Road transport’s economy.
  • The future of public transport.
  • How to start a car
  • Gender inequality in driving
  • Family cars: pros and cons
  • American vs. British driving
  • Peculiarities of building bridges
  • My first driving experience
  • Preventing road accidents.

Topics for an Essay on Transportation in the Past and Present

Transport plays an integral part in human  history . Its development facilitated the expansion of territories and allowed different nations to collaborate. Explore these fascinating transportation topics in your essay: 

  • Importance of mobility: then and now. The role of transport has changed dramatically over time. Are you interested in studying differences in vehicle use between the past and present? This topic is for you.
  • Transportation modes before and after the Industrial Revolution .   Choose several vehicles from the past. Then, compare them to some modern ones. Which of the old transportation modes have survived to this day? 
  • Animal-powered transport: past to present.  With this topic, consider the earliest methods of transit. You can focus on horses, camels, or llamas. It’s also interesting to look into the current use of animals for transportation. 
  • How did transport influence expansion? Assess the role of vehicles during the Age of Exploration. How did they facilitate competition between countries? 
  • National Road: connecting the US through the first highway. The National Road was vital for America’s expansion. Write about its past and present impact in your essay.  
  • From the Appian Way to the Silk Road.  Compare these two historic roads. Which of their features caused trade to boost? Can we trace present-day trade globalization to them?  
  • Interstate Highway System and its legacy. The Interstate Highway System is a perfect transportation topic. Your essay might address its role in the US transit development. How does it connect America’s past with its present?
  • Challenges of transport in the past and present. Comparing past issues to the present ones can provide you with a perspective. This topic requires thorough historical analysis. For instance, you may focus on infrastructure development vs. environmental concerns. 
  • From horse-drawn carriages to gasoline cars.  The invention of the first automobiles is an exciting essay idea. Describe the significance of this innovation. How did it influence people’s lives? 
  • Air travel: a revolution in the transportation industry. This exciting topic will take you on a journey through history. Describe the invention of a plane starting with the earliest attempts. What makes it a crucial step in global development? 
  • Transport in the military. Vehicles help to accomplish critical tasks in the army. In your essay, explore inventions introduced during wartime. For example, you may examine the role of zeppelins and U-boats in WWI or bombers in WWII . 
  • Transit for indigenous cultures in the past and present. Examine several tribes in your transportation essay. Various aboriginal cultures have unique approaches to transit. What factors influenced their emergence? 

Topics for an Essay on Transportation Systems 

Transportation systems are various means of carrying goods or people. These include air, water, and land transport. All of their components are interconnected, with each one serving a unique role.  

  • Intelligent Transportation Systems: how AI transforms the industry.  Explore the latest innovative ideas with this topic. Will AI systems define the future of supply chain management?  
  • Transport systems and sustainability: working toward a better future. It’s not easy to maintain an environmentally friendly approach in the transportation industry. Your essay can explore several recent solutions.  
  • Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs): what are the prospects? CAVs are a recent yet promising development. Will they be the next milestone in public mobility?
  • Control of hazardous materials: key concerns.  Environmental hazards are often mentioned in conjunction with public transport issues. This concern harkens back to the problem of sustainability. Further research on this topic can help improve road management. 
  • Video detection: opportunities for flexible data capture. This future-oriented essay will be fascinating to write. For example, you can research the options that digital video detection tools offer.  
  • AI-based traffic control frameworks.  Traffic control is a crucial factor in road management. What innovative tools were introduced in recent years? Review them in your paper. 
  • Deep learning in transportation systems.  Technological updates are essential for preventing accidents. What opportunities does deep learning offer in this regard?
  • Complex system software for improving the road management system. You can focus your essay on IT tools. What type of software is required to navigate a modern transportation framework? Review its various opportunities.
  • Construction and structural design of road systems.  Road designs change to reflect our current needs. Today it’s essential to make them safe and sustainable. Look into the industry trends and outline them in your paper. 
  • Integration of manufacturing systems. Lean production is an exciting idea to explore. How can manufacturing systems help in improving the transportation sector?
  • Manufacturing, modeling, and simulation.  Explore modeling and simulation as tools for creating safer vehicles. Can they increase the efficacy of current transportation systems? 

Ideas for an Essay on Transportation and Communication

Communication is intrinsically connected with transportation. From the dawn of humanity, people exchanged goods and information by traveling. Throughout the ages, the speed of these exchanges increased. Today, our opportunities regarding communication are practically endless. Enjoy researching them in your essay!

  • Ways of increasing market size using transportation and communication. For this paper, analyze the changes in the target market attributes. What influences market size?
  • Role of communication in informing the public about disasters. Discuss disaster preparedness and information management.
  • How do transport and communication improve travel accessibility? Assess the extent of this change. What are its economic implications?
  • Investments in infrastructure development.  Analyze the current model of managing transport-related financial concerns. Does focusing on socioeconomic factors make it effective? 
  • Policymaking as an issue in transportation and communication. Analyze the implications of policymaking on economic development. Will development rates increase if we reconsider the existing policies?
  • Updating policies for cargo storage handling. In your essay, review the issues of cargo management. How can we make it better?
  • Investing in transportation and communication. Point out the connections between investment and the socioeconomic environment. 

The picture enumerates the main components of transportation.

  • Spatial problems in building a transport system network.  Spatial problems cause multiple infrastructure issues. Study them and expose the issues in building of transportation and communication channels.  
  • Economic issues in transport management: key outcomes.  Your essay could also delve into the financial problems of transit. Transport should be linked in a working system. Otherwise, you can expect dire consequences for its management.  
  • Ways of increasing reliability of data management. Information management directly affects the realm of transport. The reliability of the data determines its effectiveness. How can we improve it? 
  • Building a global transportation and communication system.  With this topic, you can review critical global transport trends. Explore advantages and drawbacks of the innovation. Pay attention to the development of a worldwide framework.  
  • Transportation and communication: gateway to economic development.  Economic changes will lead to improved communication within transport systems. As a result, it will become more efficient. Encourage this improvement by writing an essay about it. 

Benefits of Public Transportation: Essay Topics

Nowadays, public transportation is losing its popularity. More and more people prefer buying a car instead. However, buses and subways still have numerous benefits. Explore them with this list of essay topics:

  • What are the three main benefits of urban public transport?  Talk about how public transportation improves life in the cities. Mention how subways are faster than any type of private urban transport.   
  • How does public transit benefit the environment?  Discuss how it helps to keep the air clean by reducing CO2 emissions. 
  • Private transport is not as safe as public transit. Talk about how safe public transport is. Unlike traveling by car, it has fewer accidents, traffic casualties, and deaths.
  • In what ways does mass transit reduce health issues?  Here you can mention how the use of subways increases physical activity.  
  • Public transportation gives people more free time.  For instance, it allows passengers to read, study, or work instead of watching the road. It can also reduce the commute time. 
  • Why is public transit perfect for tourists? Discuss how it helps tourists to learn more about the places they travel to.
  • Public transportation contributes to the country’s economy. For example, it creates job opportunities such as drivers and dispatchers.
  • Mass transit is the best way to travel. You can interview people who prefer to use public transport. Mention how it helps them to save money and time.
  • How does public transportation help to reduce air pollution? For instance, you can mention that using it leads to fewer car emissions.
  • The importance of efficient public transportation.  Explain how the development of mass transit helps to improve people’s lives. For example, it allows them to commute to work and travel between cities and countries.  
  • Public transit helps to reduce traffic congestion in the big cities.  You can assess the role of an efficient transport system with timetables.  
  • How does technology change public transportation? Talk about technological development that helps to improve the mass transit system, making it more convenient.
  • What makes up an efficient public transport system? Mention various means of transport, as well as good routes and timetables.
  • Reasons why you should use public transportation.  You can discuss its safety, convenience, and other benefits. 
  • The popularity of mass transit in the modern world. Talk about how it allows people to travel to work and visit other cities or countries.

Essay on Air Transportation: Topics & Ideas

The invention of air transport was one of the greatest milestones in human history. It allowed us to travel faster and safer than ever before. Are you interested in aircraft and its various uses? Check out these examples of air transportation essay topics:

  • The effect of air transportation on tourism.  Mention that the developments of air services have shaped tourism in many countries. 
  • The main benefits of air transportation.  For example, talk about how it allows people to travel far distances in a relatively short amount of time.  
  • Aviation and its adverse effects on the environment.  Discuss how aircraft use contributes to air, noise, water, and soil pollution.  and soil pollution.  
  • Economic development and aviation. Discuss how air transportation contributed to the global economy. For instance, you can mention the development of tourism.
  • Traveling by plane is safer than road transportation.  Here you can mention that despite many flights dispatched each day worldwide, the reports of crashes are very rare. On roads, however, no day goes by without a report of a motor accident. 
  • What are the reasons for the rise of air transportation?  Explain why it became popular. For example, you can talk about how air travel became more accessible for people. 
  • Why is air transportation more efficient than high-speed rail?  Mention how a plane can get you anywhere, as it doesn’t need roads.  
  • Aviation and its accessibility.  For example, you can mention the prices of the tickets and the number of airports in different countries.  
  • Main reasons why air transportation is safe.  Talk about the high-security standards in airports. Give some statistics that show how rarely accidents occur. You can also mention how airplanes and helicopters are equipped for emergencies. 
  • Air transportation and globalization. Talk about how aviation contributed to globalization, allowing people to travel and transport goods over significant distances.
  • What is the importance of air transportation?  Discuss the benefits of air transportation and how it helps to improve people’s lives. 
  • Pros and cons of air transport.  The development of air transportation helped to improve communication between the countries.  On the downside, it has a serious environmental impact. 
  • Does air transportation have any environmental benefits?  Discuss whether aviation affects nature only in a negative way. You can talk about the technological improvements that help modern airplanes to emit less carbon monoxide.  
  • The political importance of air transportation. Here you can talk about how the development of air transportation improved communication between nations. You can also mention how aircraft can be used as a weapon.
  • Ways to improve air transportation. Talk about technological development that can make traveling by plane more environmentally friendly.

Extra Transportation Topics

Still haven’t found a suitable topic? Well, here are 76 more transportation essay ideas:

  • The importance of transportation for a country’s economy.  Review the main effects of urban transport on different aspects of the economy and assess its significance. 
  • The public transport system. Research the sphere of different transport modes and determine how they’re connected.
  • Transportation in times of the Industrial Revolution.  The industrial revolution has influenced today’s transport economy in many ways. The transport organization of that period is an interesting topic to research. 
  • Urban transport improvement in developing countries.  Focus the research on finding ways to solve transport problems. You may also propose a new transport policy.
  • Adjustments for transport fares in a city of your choice. The essay may identify issues in the transport economy and suggests measures for its improvement.
  • Raising funds for transport improvement.  With this topic, you can focus on different fundraising strategies, such as public campaigns. With this topic, you can focus on different fundraising strategies, such as public campaigns. 
  • Types of government interventions in air transport organization.  The essay may review existing governmental instruments for improving air transportation in a region.
  • Balancing supply and demand in rural transport economy.  You can explore this important topic by identifying issues in rural transport and reviewing strategies for matching supply and demand. 
  • Application of economic theory to urban transport.  For this essay, study various economic theories and see which of them can be applied to different modes of transport. 
  • Effective transport systems in various countries. One option is to study several examples of public transport in India and South Africa.
  • Development of water transport. This essay can explore how different modes of water transport could improve a city’s connectivity.
  • Recent economic trends in rural transport
  • How to choose transport for people with mental disorders 
  • Current healthcare-related transport issues in the United States 
  • A dilemma of animal-powered transport and animal rights
  • The idea of transportation from the Amish point of view
  • Travel by train or by plane: the importance of psychological factors
  • Story of the first car made by Francois Isaac de Rivaz
  • Public  transportation in the USA : the 1990s vs. the 2000s
  • Rail transport: 5 issues to worry about in the 21st century
  • Peculiarities of shooting films on trains:  Murder on the Orient Express  
  • Importance of communication during travel by plane
  • Threats of cruise ships: Titanic’s story 
  • Passenger 57  vs.  Speed : movies about transportation challenges
  • The Fast and the Furious : a wave of popularity for car movies
  • Is it acceptable to text while driving?
  • Toll roads in the USA: an important inequality issue
  • Pixar’s Cars : what does it teach us about transport?
  • Advertisement banners in the subway: a powerful marketing tool or a peril? 
  • School bus transportation in Europe and the United States
  • What emotional problems do students face when they use school buses?
  • Bike lanes in parks: the question of safety
  • Cycling infrastructure: threats and benefits for drivers
  • Who is responsible for safety in aviation? 
  • Transport that kills: the case of 9/11
  • Riding a motorcycle: benefits and possible risks
  • Special free training programs to support motorcycle safety 
  • Public helipads in the city: equipment that matters
  • Traffic congestion in the United States: causes and solutions 
  • Impact of traffic jams on human health and employment
  • Overpopulation or lack of roads: what toughens traffic congestion? 
  • Safety of cable transport: how to behave in elevators
  • Reasons to visit the Moon: spaceflight access for Americans 
  • Gas pipelines: a safe means of transportation or a reason for concern?
  • Benefits of ferry transport: a place for contemplation
  • Water bike free access: the necessity of a license
  • Illegal behavior of drivers : lessons to learn
  • What are the most common driving distractions?
  • Traffic jams and their impact on human behavior 
  • Electric transportation technologies of the 21st century 
  • Hygiene in public transport: subway threats for Americans
  • Driving accidents: the roles of drivers, passengers, and pedestrians 
  • Transportation lessons from movies: Gone in 60 Seconds
  • Types of conflicts between motorcyclists and car drivers
  • Availability of transport for low-income families in the United States
  • Why do people need vehicles in their lives? 
  • What would happen if all modern transport disappeared? 
  • Pros and cons of transportation progress in society
  • Competition between different transportation systems
  • Differences between airline flight classes: are they equally safe? 
  • Child car seat: a new law and new power 
  • The popularity of monorail tracks in different parts of the world
  • Do people actually like using transport or do they just have to do it?
  • The effects of drunk driving on road traffic death rates.
  • Gas prices and human needs: solutions for drivers 
  • What can your car tell about you?  
  • Environmental concerns in car driving discussions : dilemma without a solution
  • Public and private transportation: how to make the right choice 
  • You can live without a car, but do you want it? 
  • Transportation in healthcare: goals, techniques, and outcomes
  • Emotions while driving: the importance of control and expert help
  • Radio, phone calls, and communication: threats for drivers 
  • Plane and train traveling: history and current situation 
  • Water transportation characteristics and techniques: sea vs. river
  • Space for people: what should you know about spaceflights? 
  • A variety of transport in the  James Bond  franchise 

If you haven’t found what you’re looking for, feel free to use our topic generator !

✍️ Transportation Essay Outline & Writing Guide

Now that you’ve chosen a perfect transportation topic, you’re ready to learn how to plan your essay. Similar to any other type of academic writing, a transportation essay consists of three main parts:

The picture shows a transportation essay template.

Now, let’s see how to write each essay part.

Transportation Essay Introduction

An introduction is the first part of the essay. Its goal is to let the reader know what they can expect from this work. Try to make your introduction as brief and straightforward as possible.

Since the introductory paragraph starts the paper, it has to draw the reader’s attention. The most effective way to achieve it is by using a hook . A question, an interesting fact, or statistics can work as a hook:

Why is public transportation important?

Did you know that in 2019 Americans took around 9.9 billion trips using public transportation?

After you’re done with the hook, do the following:

  • State what your paper is about. The reader needs to know the essay’s main topic and why it is important.
  • Provide some background information. It will help you to establish the issue.
  • Finally, build a strong thesis statement. Want to know how? Read the following section.

What Is the Strongest Thesis for an Essay on Public Transportation?

A thesis statement is a sentence that contains an answer to your paper’s central question. It helps you organize and develop your arguments and ideas. It also makes it easier for the reader to follow your logic.

To generate a good thesis statement, think of a question you will answer in your essay. For instance, let’s say your topic is “Explain how using public transportation can benefit people’s health.” With a topic like this, you may choose a question such as “What are the health benefits of using public transport?”

After you have a question, you can think of some answers to it. For instance:

  • The possible health benefits of using public transportation are that it helps to be more active, reduces stress, and keeps the air cleaner.
  • Using public transportation can help people stay more active, avoid stress, and keep the air cleaner.

Keep in mind that a thesis statement shouldn’t be too general. Try to narrow down the topics so that it becomes more specific. Take a look at the following thesis examples:

Thesis exampleComments
Public transportation has many benefits. This sentence is too general. It also does not provide any information on how or why public transportation use is beneficial.
✔️ Public transportation enables economic growth and helps make citizens’ lives more convenient. This sentence directly demonstrates the benefits of public transport. It also narrows them down to 2 major aspects: economy and convenience.

Transportation Essay: Main Body

In the essay’s body, you prove your thesis and support it with examples. If you have a simple thesis, you probably won’t need many body paragraphs to explain your ideas. Usually, 2 or 3 are enough.

Each of the main body paragraphs should contain:

Main idea The main idea is what a paragraph is focused on. It’s stated in a topic sentence. The main ideas can be argued, and that’s why you need to prove them.
Evidence to support the idea Evidence helps you make a point. It also convinces the reader that the information you introduce is accurate. Statistics, facts, quotations, and findings from your research are all considered evidence.
Idea discussion and analysis In this part of a paragraph, you give examples and explain the evidence. Make sure to connect it with the paragraph’s main idea.
Transitions Transitional words help you to move from one paragraph to the next one smoothly. They appear at the beginning of a topic sentence. It’s better to start rather than end a paragraph with a transitional phrase. Here are some examples:

Transportation Essay Conclusion

In a conclusion, you go back to the main focus of your essay. When writing a concluding paragraph, make sure to:

  • Rephrase the thesis statement. Remind the reader of your main argument using the information you have discussed in the body paragraphs.
  • Summarize the points you’ve made. It’s better to avoid mentioning new information in your conclusion. Briefly summarize the points you’ve made and explain how they support your ideas.
  • Talk about the argument’s significance. Demonstrate why the discussion on this topic is important. For instance, you may demonstrate how your argument helps shed light on a neglected issue. You can also suggest what the reader can do with the information they’ve learned.

📑 Public Transportation Essay Sample

Looking for an example a transportation essay? Look no further! Below, you will find an excellent essay example. Check it out:

Title: Transportation Challenges of the Present
Introduction Transport infrastructure is multifaceted and complicated. Millions of tons of oil, fuel, and gasoline are used every day to transport people and haul goods worldwide. Such a complex system leads to challenges, such as dependence on transport on personal and public levels, traffic noise, and pollution.
1st body paragraph Nowadays, people are constantly using different types of transport, which forms a kind of dependence. As the Covid-19 pandemic has revealed, if the transportation system suddenly freezes, it would lead to a collapse. As most of the public transport stopped, thousands of people were stuck abroad, and big transport companies faced millions in damages. The future of air transportation was also threatened, as many airlines requested bailouts. Thereby, an unforeseen circumstance has shown how transport paralysis negatively affected humanity.
2nd body paragraph Ships are a means of transport that also come with serious challenges. They can seriously harm the environment, especially when it comes to accidents involving large liners carrying oil. The consequences of accidents in which tons of oil are thrown into the seas and oceans are dire. Diesel exhaust fumes are harmful to the environment, not to mention soot emissions, incomplete fuel combustion, and noise pollution. Considering the threat of global warming, managing these problems became a serious challenge.
Conclusion To sum up, people are not only too dependent on the transportation system, but they also harm the environment. Recent events have shown that having a global transportation system has numerous downsides which need to be dealt with.

We hope that this article helped you write your essay. Tell us in the comments which transportation topic you’ve chosen. Don’t forget to check our free tips on other essay types!

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It’s nice to find a blog providing helpful posts on writing various papers. This one on writing essays on transportation is really useful for me. Thanks!

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How to Write a Research Paper on Public Transport?

How to Write a Research Paper on Public Transport?

From the first glance, writing research on public transport looks like writing any other research paper — look for information, choose the facts that support your thesis, put your arguments in order, describe the methodology, draw conclusions, add citations, do the formatting, and submit. However, like any topic, this one has its peculiarities, pitfalls, opportunities, and challenges. For example, due to the fact that public transport is an everyday part of our lives, it is difficult to come up with some novice topics about it, to look at it from a different angle, with fresh eyes. That is why, if you need some fresh ideas and overall guidance to deal with this assignment, read this article.

The research paper is written in the form of a step-by-step guide, but you can focus only on the one that seems the most troublesome to you.

Let's get started with considering the following easy steps and tips, - and you will be able to write your research paper like academic experts do from WriteMyPaperHub, for example.

Writing a Quality Research Paper on Public Transport

Brainstorm for ideas if you have the luxury to choose a topic. Of course, there is a chance that you don't have a say in a topic for your research paper. Colleges and universities are different, and demands differ from one professor to another. However, if you have an opportunity to choose, brainstorm topics first, don't just agree to the first offered option. 

Plan your research and writing. You need to plan every stage — brainstorming, research, writing, formatting, proofreading. It is not easy if you do it for the first time, but it is important to get used to it. Normally, students think that they have all the time in the world to finish their research paper, but once they write a thorough plan, they understand they should have started "yesterday."

Write an outline for your Public Transport paper. The outline is a necessary part. It is a plan, but for a text. If you skip this part, at some point, you will inevitably get lost. Write an outline when you feel motivated and fresh. Later, when you feel a desire to procrastinate or don't know what to write, a quality outline will save the day.

Use only up-to-date sources and Google Scholar search. If you come with a stunning idea for research but use outdated materials, the result will be less than average in quality. To avoid this situation, please, use Google Scholar search instead of a simple Google search, use online and offline libraries you have access to, and check every research for more updated versions.

Identify trends and opportunities. Which trends related to public transport can you identify right away? For example, you can write about an effect pandemic had on public transport. You can pay attention to public transport getting more inclusive for people with special needs. Even if you write about a topic that is not directly related to current trends, try to make it related — it is good to show connections and interdependencies. 

Identify threats to the industry. It is another opportunity to make your research paper more interesting and "fresh." Don't focus on negative perspectives too much, but show what can be done better and what poses the biggest threat to the industry or people working in it.

Come up with an engaging thesis statement. We bet you already know that you can spend a comparable amount of time writing a whole outline and composing one short thesis statement. It is recommended to follow a simple step-by-step strategy and not to try to come up with a perfect thesis statement from the first try. First, describe what you want to say in general in 3-5 sentences. Later, cut them again and again till you come up with one clear sentence summarizing everything.

Choose/formulate quality arguments. You need at least three and no more than five arguments to support your statement. Start with a strong argument and finish with the strongest. 

Make sure the structure of your paper is logical. Most probably, you are not a newbie and know how to structure a research paper. However, it is not only about the titles of paragraphs and sections but also about their content. Don't add arguments to methodology; don't describe methods in the introduction; don't introduce new ideas when writing conclusions. 

Proofread your paper thoroughly. When you are done writing, the easiest thing is just to get relaxed, read briefly, and submit. It would be a mistake! Give yourself some time to rest and later start proofreading your paper. Use paid online proofreaders, read aloud, print your paper to find more mistakes when reading a printed text. It is very unpleasant to get a lower grade for a quality paper just because of some technical omissions and grammar mistakes.

Make a technical check for plagiarism. You know that you don't plagiarize. We believe that you don't plagiarize. But more than 20% of accusations of plagiarism happen because of some technical derivation. That is why it is important that you check your citations several times and use some online sources to check your paper for plagiarism, at least preliminary.

How to Deal with Research Papers on Time

If you are not sure that all the mentioned tips can help you finish a research on time, it is good to address a professional writing service and pay to have your research paper done by someone who is a real academic expert. First, if you are not experienced in writing complex academic papers, you will receive a quality sample that can be used as a perfect step-by-step tutorial. Second, you will rest assured that this particular paper will be assessed favorably. Third, you will receive a list of well-thought-out references that you can further use when writing on related topics. Getting professional research paper writing help is a good Plan B decision, especially when you are in a hurry. Unfortunately, academia is generally deaf to students' problems outside the college or university, and delegating some assignments to writing professionals is a good way out in such a situation.

what is the strongest thesis for an essay on public transportation

Anushka Khare is a Post Graduate in Journalism from Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism and Communication, Bhopal (MP). She covers stories and updates from India.

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How to Write an Essay on Transportation Problems

Examples of Proposal Arguments

Examples of Proposal Arguments

Writing an essay on transportation problems is a generally easy and simple task. When writing your essay, it is very important to be clear about what your transportation problem is and what suggestions and/or solutions that you may have. Providing a good example of your transportation problem is also a must, as it will help your reader understand your frustrations. An essay that has clarity and examples makes a convincing read.

Writing an Essay on Transportation Problems

Construct and develop your thesis for your essay on transportation problems. You can place the thesis in the beginning of your opening paragraph, in the middle or use it as your last sentence. Your thesis should be the main emphasis of your essay and reflect its main idea. For instance, if your essay is dealing with transportation problems at a busy intersection, your thesis could be that the busy intersection is dangerous and that a traffic light needs to be installed for safety concerns. Your thesis can really be anything you want it to be, as long as it is relevant to your transportation problems essay.

Write the body paragraphs of your transportation essay using pertinent examples regarding your transportation problems. There is no better way to help convince your reader of your point than by providing relevant examples, especially regarding transportation problems. Most drivers have been annoyed by transportation issues, whether they were construction delays, dangerous intersections, heavy traffic or bad drivers. It is important to provide good examples in your essay so you can illustrate your perspective. You might want to support your thesis with information from your local, state or federal transportation departments.

Write the conclusion of your essay using your suggestions for improving the transportation problems highlighted in your essay. The conclusion is important, as you want to leave the reader with a good impression. By incorporating your ideas into the conclusion, the reader will be impressed with your proposed transportation improvements, which will help make your essay stand out. The conclusion will, ideally, be supportive of your thesis and help tie the essay together.

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  • Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue: Urban Transportation Problems

Kevin Irons graduated in May 2008 from Saint Leo University with a bachelor's degree in creative writing. He's been writing professionally since 2008 and is pursuing his Master of Fine Arts in creative writing. He has expertise in surfing, playing music and sports.

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TREC Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2019 2019.

Social Equity in Transit Service: Toward Social and Environmental Justice in Transportation , Torrey Lyons (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Travel Mode Choice Framework Incorporating Realistic Bike and Walk Routes , Joseph Broach (Dissertation)

Cyclist Path Choices Through Shared Space Intersections in England , Allison Boyce Duncan (Dissertation)

Improving the Roadside Environment through Integrating Air Quality and Traffic-Related Data , Christine M. Kendrick (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

An Exploration of Bicyclist Comfort Levels Utilizing Crowdsourced Data , Bryan Philip Blanc (Thesis)

Safety at Half-Signal Intersections in Portland, Oregon , Todd Robert Johnson (Thesis)

The Effects of Urban Containment Policies on Commuting Patterns , Sung Moon Kwon (Dissertation)

Bicyclist Compliance at Signalized Intersections , Samson Ray Riley Thompson (Thesis)

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Determinants of Recent Mover Non-work Travel Mode Choice , Arlie Steven Adkins (Dissertation)

Bicyclists' Uptake of Traffic-Related Air Pollution: Effects of the Urban Transportation System , Alexander Y. Bigazzi (Dissertation)

Analyses of Bus Travel Time Reliability and Transit Signal Priority at the Stop-To-Stop Segment Level , Wei Feng (Dissertation)

Predicting Bicyclist Comfort in Protected Bike Lanes , Nicholas Mark-Andrew Foster (Thesis)

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Bicycle Level of Service: Where are the Gaps in Bicycle Flow Measures? , Pamela Christine Johnson (Thesis)

Exploring Pedestrian Responsive Traffic Signal Timing Strategies in Urban Areas , Sirisha Murthy Kothuri (Dissertation)

The Objective vs. the Perceived Environment: What Matters for Active Travel , Liang Ma (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Improving Vehicle Trip Generation Estimations for Urban Contexts: A Method Using Household Travel Surveys to Adjust ITE Trip Generation Rates , Kristina Marie Currans (Thesis)

Exploring Data Quality of Weigh-In-Motion Systems , Chengxin Dai (Thesis)

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Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

An Empirical Study of Particulate Matter Exposure for Transit Users at Bus Stop Shelters , Adam Moore (Thesis)

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Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Leveraging Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) Data to Estimate Link-Based Heavy-Duty Vehicle Emissions , Heba Naguib Alwakiel (Thesis)

Traffic Congestion Mitigation as an Emissions Reduction Strategy , Alexander York Bigazzi (Thesis)

Bus Replacement Modeling and the Impacts of Budget Constraints, Fleet Cost Variability, and Market Changes on Fleet Costs and Optimal Bus Replacement Age, A Case Study , Jesse Alexander Boudart (Thesis)

Exploration of Weather Impacts on Freeway Traffic Operations and Safety Using High-Resolution Weather Data , Chengyu Dai (Thesis)

Exploring Traffic Safety and Urban Form in Portland, Oregon , Kristie Werner Gladhill (Thesis)

Assessment of an Optimal Bus Stop Spacing Model Using High Resolution Archived Stop-Level Data , Huan Li (Thesis)

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Investigating Freeway Speed-Flow Relationships for Traffic Assignment Applications , Meead Saberi Kalaee (Thesis)

Modeling the Role of Operational Characteristics in Safety Performance of PublicTransportation Systems: The Case of TriMet Bus Collision and Non-collision Incidents. , Paul Herman Wachana (Dissertation)

Multi-Criteria Trucking Freeway Performance Measures for Congested Corridors , Nicole Marie Wheeler (Thesis)

Theses/Dissertations from 1994 1994

A Simultaneous Route-level Transit Patronage Model: Demand, Supply, and Inter-route Relationship , Zhongren Peng (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 1991 1991

The Effect of Road Investment on Economic Development: A Case Study of the Oregon Counties , Ameer Mohammed Al-Alwan (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 1990 1990

Exurban Commuting Patterns: A Case Study of the Portland Oregon Region , Judy Seppanen Davis (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 1985 1985

Women's labor force supply and commuting behavior: a time-budget analysis , Ta-Win Lin (Dissertation)

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Public Transport - Essay Examples And Topic Ideas For Free

Public transport systems are vital for the connectivity and mobility of urban populations. Essays could discuss the benefits and challenges of public transport, compare transport systems around the world, or delve into the impact of public transport on economic and social structures. A vast selection of complimentary essay illustrations pertaining to Public Transport you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Public Transportation is the Way to Go

Cities can promote public transportation in many ways. However, many cities fail to do so. They make the postulation that people will utilize public transportation only if they optate to, and it does not require to be promoted. This is far from the truth. Many people may not ken about transportation options in their city, and they may not realize how benign these options can be (Barletta, et al, 2008). There is a postulation by many people that public transportation […]

Importance of Public Transport

Transport (from Lat. Transporto - I move) is a national economic complex that transports people and goods. According to the object of transportation, there are passenger and freight transport. Passenger transport is part of a unified transport system. Modern passenger transport provides transportation of people, their hand luggage and baggage in various types of communication. When solving the problems of further development of the economy, the effective work of a socially significant sector, which is the urban passenger transport. Passenger […]

Why does Western Europe Experience more Terrorism than America?

Introduction The act of terrorism is defined as "intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion, or to affect the conduct of a government" (Cornell, 2001). Acts of terror have always existed but have been gaining popularity within extremist groups in recent history. While every country may experience some type of terrorism, America and Western Europe have historically coincided with major terrorism activity. A high number of these terror […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

Taking a Car and Taking Public Transportation

Every time one wants to travel, the first question is always the mode of transportation to use. An underlying reasoning backs either choice. For instance, one opting to use public transit may cite environmental concerns while one using private means may consider convenience. The essay shall compare the two modes of transportation, which share many differences surprisingly on underlying decisions to opt either way of traffic. The first difference fronted by those opting a public transportation means is the ability […]

Managing Air Pollution with Urban Transportation

Abstract: The recent economic expansion along with the population growth experienced in developing countries has had a big impact on the development of large cities like Delhi, India. Accompanied by Delhi's rapid spatial growth over the last 25 years, urban sprawl has been contributing to increased travel. The vehicle fleet projected at current growth rates will result in more than 13 million vehicles in Delhi in 2020. Planning and managing such a rapidly growing transport sector will be a big […]

Accessibility and Equity: Advancing Public Transport Systems

In the pulsating veins of urbanity, the heartbeat of public transportation resonates as a vital conduit, facilitating the daily movements of countless souls. Yet, beneath the surface of convenience lies a complex tapestry of challenges woven around the notions of accessibility and equity. As cities burgeon and transform, ensuring that public transport systems resonate with the needs of all citizens becomes an imperative. This essay delves into the intricate layers of accessibility and equity within public transport, charting a course […]

Revolutionizing Urban Mobility: the Future of Public Transport

In the pulsating heart of urban landscapes worldwide lies a conundrum as old as cities themselves: mobility. With populations swelling and city boundaries expanding, the strain on transportation systems grows palpable by the day. Traffic snarls, pollution clouds, and the sheer inefficiency of traditional modes of transport underscore an urgent call for a paradigm shift. Enter the dawn of a new era in urban mobility - one propelled by the radical transformation of public transport - promising to reshape the […]

The Diverse Landscape of Public Transportation Options

Within the dynamic fabric of urban and rural advancement, communal transit emerges as a linchpin of sustainable progression, inclusivity, and ecological stewardship. This inquiry delves into the diverse array of public transportation modes that interlace societies, furnishing a conduit to realms beyond one's immediate vicinity. From the unassuming bus networks traversing metropolitan thoroughfares to the intricate frameworks of subterranean railways and tramway systems, each transit mode presents a unique ensemble of attributes, benefits, and contextual applicability. Buses, often heralded as […]

The Green Lifeline: Public Transport’s Role in a Sustainable Future

Amidst the complexities of urbanization and environmental shifts, communal transit emerges as a beacon of optimism, proffering an array of advantages that transcend mere travel convenience. This discourse elucidates the invaluable contributions of public transit systems, from assuaging traffic congestion to fostering societal inclusivity, thereby accentuating their pivotal role in shaping a sustainable and just tomorrow. One immediate boon of public transport lies in its capacity to markedly alleviate traffic congestion. By furnishing a dependable and efficient alternative to personal […]

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Essays on Public Transport

In today's world, the choice of public transport as an essay topic is an important and relevant subject for discussion. Public transport plays a crucial role in the daily lives of millions of people around the world, and it is a topic that can be explored from a variety of angles. Whether one is interested in the environmental impact of public transportation, the economic implications of investing in public transit, or the social and cultural aspects of public transport, there are many different essay topics to choose from.

One of the most compelling reasons to choose public transport as an essay topic is the environmental impact of transportation. With the growing concern over climate change and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, public transportation has become an increasingly important issue. Essays on this topic could explore the ways in which public transport can help to reduce air pollution and congestion, as well as the potential for public transportation to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Another important aspect of public transport that is worth exploring in an essay is the economic implications of investing in public transit. Many cities and countries around the world are making significant investments in public transportation infrastructure, and essays on this topic could examine the potential economic benefits of these investments. For example, public transportation can help to stimulate economic growth by making it easier for people to access jobs and businesses, and it can also help to reduce the costs of transportation for individuals and families.

In addition to the environmental and economic aspects of public transport, there are also important social and cultural dimensions to consider. Essays on this topic could explore the ways in which public transportation can help to promote social inclusion and equity, as well as the ways in which public transportation can shape the cultural identity of a city or region. For example, public transportation can provide access to cultural and recreational activities for people who might not otherwise be able to afford or access them, and it can also help to bring people from different backgrounds together in shared public spaces.

When writing an essay on public transportation, it is important to consider the different perspectives and experiences of the people who use public transportation. For example, essays could explore the experiences of people who rely on public transportation as their primary mode of getting around, as well as the experiences of people who might use public transportation less frequently or who have access to other transportation options. By considering the diverse experiences and perspectives of public transportation users, essays on this topic can help to shed light on the ways in which public transportation can impact people's lives in different ways.

In order to write a successful essay on the topic of public transportation, it is important to consider the ways in which public transportation intersects with other important social, economic, and environmental issues. For example, essays could explore the ways in which public transportation can help to address issues of social equity and access to opportunity, as well as the ways in which public transportation can contribute to efforts to reduce air pollution and combat climate change. By considering the ways in which public transportation is connected to these broader issues, essays on this topic can help to highlight the importance of public transportation in addressing some of the most pressing challenges of our time.

The choice of public transportation as an essay topic is an important and relevant subject for discussion. Public transportation plays a crucial role in the daily lives of millions of people around the world, and it is a topic that can be explored from a variety of angles. Whether one is interested in the environmental impact of public transportation, the economic implications of investing in public transit, or the social and cultural aspects of public transport, there are many different essay topics to choose from. By considering the diverse experiences and perspectives of public transportation users, essays on this topic can help to shed light on the ways in which public transportation can impact people's lives in different ways.

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what is the strongest thesis for an essay on public transportation

The Insufficient Public Transportation System in the US Essay

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The reasons why the u.s. public system is underdeveloped, works cited.

To those who visit the United States for the first time, it may be surprising to discover how an average American is dependent on a personal car in their everyday living. On the other hand, American tourists traveling, for instance, to Europe, China, Russia, or Japan, may find that daily public transportation usage is at least as important as driving a personal automobile. For this reason, a certain percentage of the general U.S. public has been concerned about developing the public transit system in the country for a long time now.

They argue that the increased availability of subway lines and bus routes would help significantly reduce CO2 emissions and benefit those who cannot afford to have a car. Yet, the supporters of the improved public transportation add, at the current moment, it is evident that the overall system is severely underdeveloped and does not satisfy the existing demand.

However, not all people and government officials agree with the latter claim and maintain that the public transit system is sufficiently established to cover the actual need. They emphasize that the reason why public transport is not as popular as in many other developed or developing countries lies in the prevailing preference among Americans toward driving a personal vehicle. In this regard, the current paper seeks to provide arguments in favor of the former position and explain why those who claim that the U.S. public transportation system is sufficiently developed are wrong.

Firstly, there is low access to public transportation around the country. As such, according to the American Society of Civil Engineers, 45% of the citizens do not have access to transit (142). In contrast, in Europe, the average level of difficulty in accessing public transportation equals approximately 20.5%, with the worst country not exceeding 31% (International Association of Public Transport et al. 5). As a result, Bok and Kwon argue that it can be challenging for many U.S. citizens to use public transport without a personal car because it is impossible to reach the closest station on foot (235). Therefore, it is clear that the public transport infrastructure in the U.S. is quite underdeveloped.

Secondly, due to insufficient investments, there is a significant number of vehicles that necessitate an overhaul or a complete change. For instance, Anderson found that in 2013 around 40% of the buses and 25% of the trains were in poor condition. Such a condition of public transport does not only deter people from abandoning the usage of personal automobiles but also is negatively related to public safety (American Society of Civil Engineers 146). Thus, to able to attract more passengers, the policymakers should consider investing more money in purchasing new vehicles and repairing the old ones.

Last but not least, there is a lack of thorough planning, which leads to the inefficient operation of the public transit system. One of the issues that Schmitt mentions is that certain cities in the U.S. have bus stations located too close to each other. In New York, the author continues, the average distance between the stops equals 750 feet. As a result, such inadequate location of the stations greatly increases the time that it takes for passengers to reach the destination.

Still, as was mentioned above, some people state that the public system in the U.S. is sufficiently developed to cover the existing demand. In this regard, Ercan et al. claim that the country’s citizens have a developed habit of driving personal vehicles instead of using public transportation services (1790). Therefore, the majority of Americans would not consider abandoning their cars even if there were more buses and railroads available. However, it is clear that such an argument is wrong as there are many marketing and PR methods that can help to reshape the existing culture. Yet, those efforts would be futile unless the country had a developed public transportation system. Thus, it can be concluded that public transportation in the U.S. is indeed underdeveloped and necessitates further improvements.

American Society of Civil Engineers. 2021 Infrastructure Report Card . ASCE, 2021.

Anderson, Monica. “ Who Relies on Public Transit in the U.S. ” Pew Research Center . 2016. Web.

Bok, Jinjoo, and Youngsang Kwon. “Comparable Measures of Accessibility to Public Transport Using the General Transit Feed Specification.” Sustainability , vol. 8, no. 3, 2016, pp. 224-237.

Ercan, Tolga, et al. “Public Transportation Adoption Requires a Paradigm Shift in Urban Development Structure.” Journal of Cleaner Production , vol. 142, 2017, pp. 1789-1799.

International Association of Public Transport, et al. Urban Mobility Indicators: For Walking and Public Transport , 2019. Web.

Schmitt, Angie. “ America’s Bus Stops Are Too Close Together. ” Streets Blog USA . 2017. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, December 1). The Insufficient Public Transportation System in the US. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-insufficient-public-transportation-system-in-the-us/

"The Insufficient Public Transportation System in the US." IvyPanda , 1 Dec. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/the-insufficient-public-transportation-system-in-the-us/.

IvyPanda . (2022) 'The Insufficient Public Transportation System in the US'. 1 December.

IvyPanda . 2022. "The Insufficient Public Transportation System in the US." December 1, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-insufficient-public-transportation-system-in-the-us/.

1. IvyPanda . "The Insufficient Public Transportation System in the US." December 1, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-insufficient-public-transportation-system-in-the-us/.


IvyPanda . "The Insufficient Public Transportation System in the US." December 1, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-insufficient-public-transportation-system-in-the-us/.


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