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How to Write a Statement of Purpose | Example

Published on February 13, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on June 1, 2023.

When you apply for graduate programs or scholarships, the admissions committee is looking for more than just a list of grades. The statement of purpose (also known as a statement of intent or motivation letter) is your chance to stand out from the crowd and showcase your motivation, skills and potential. It should:

  • Outline your academic or professional interests and goals
  • Discuss relevant skills, experience and achievements
  • Demonstrate why you’d be a good fit for the program

Table of contents

Successful statement of purpose example, requirements and prompts, personal introduction, experience and achievements, goals and motivations, fit with the program, tips for an effective statement of purpose, other interesting articles.

The torment of the Founding Fathers is responsible for my interest in Classics. My desire to learn Latin stemmed from reading American Revolutionary-era history during junior high and high school, and particularly from the countless Latin quotations I found in John Adams’ writings. Always eager for a challenge, I was intrigued by the American founders’ accounts of the torture of learning such a difficult language. In my first semester at university, I started learning Latin and thoroughly loved it. As I learned more and more about classical civilization through the language, I realized that I was passionately interested in many aspects of the field of Classics. I have since taken courses on mythology, art and archaeology, and religion, on ancient history, and on the classical tradition. I have also learned Greek, of course, starting with an intensive two-semester course at the university’s summer school. My experience studying abroad in Florence and traveling through Italy and Greece intensified my zeal for the field and, in particular, fueled my ambition to specialize in classical archaeology.

My personal philosophy of life is that everything is connected, and this conviction drives my desire to study Classics. The most rewarding moments for me are discovering and investigating connections – both broad ones, between fields and disciplines, and more specific ones, like the relationship between a piece of literature and an object of material culture. My liberal arts education has equipped me with a broad base of knowledge in the sciences, social sciences, humanities, and arts, and in the honors program I pursued independent projects exploring academic and personal connections, including a paper on ancient Mayan astronomy, a self-observation study on the effects of nutrition and hydration on exercise performance, and a paper on the influence of political context on the changing artistic representations of John Adams. By seeking out connections between seemingly unrelated areas of academia, I have acquired a well-rounded outlook which helps me approach new ideas with both a range of prior experiences and a mind always open to different interpretations.

In accordance with my personal philosophy, I have also continued to explore connections within Classics and between Classics and other fields. In 2007, I published an article in my university’s undergraduate humanities journal; inspired by my studies in Florence, I compared representations of the birth of Venus in ancient and Renaissance literature and art. My major academic achievement to date, however, has been my senior honor thesis on John Adams’ connection to the Classics. Funded by a Hilldale Research Fellowship, I conducted research in the Adams Papers at the Massachusetts Historical Society and in John Adams’ personal library at the Boston Public Library on the influence of the classical tradition on Adams’ worldview and how he consciously modeled himself on classical ideals. It was particularly fulfilling to connect historical and classical research in writing about the figure most responsible for instigating my study of the Classics.

As well as my research skills, I have demonstrated proficiency in the classical languages, winning prizes for both Latin and Greek translation from the Classics Department, as well as receiving an enthusiastic nomination from the department for the Pearson Fellowship from the American Philological Association. I am also the president of the undergraduate Classics Society, which allows me to share my enthusiasm for Classics with other students and the larger community.

One of the most appealing aspects of studying Classics is the vast range of topics encompassed by the field. Because my interests are broad and I value an interdisciplinary approach, I would like to pursue graduate study ultimately leading to a PhD in Classical Archaeology. Archaeology in itself is, of course, a multi-faceted field, requiring knowledge of history, language, anthropology, and various scientific and technological methods. I have already started building my skills in this area: I participated in a microartifact analysis from the excavation of a Maya site in Belize as part of an honors project, and this summer I will take part in two archaeological projects in Turkey after working as a research assistant on related material in the spring semester. This PhD program includes many other opportunities I am eager to explore, such as palaeography and papyrology courses, and especially the variety of fieldwork and museum experiences available. I believe that my strong background in the classical languages and wide range of courses on classical civilization and archaeological methods have prepared me well for this program, and I am convinced that, guided by my philosophy of interconnectedness, I will flourish in this program.

The first step is to read the application instructions. These should include the length of the document (usually 1-2 pages), any formatting requirements, and often a question or prompt that indicates what you should focus on.

In some cases, you might also be asked to submit a personal statement . Similar advice applies to both of these documents—both should give a sense of who you are, what you’ve done and what you want to do. But a statement of purpose is often more formal, tightly focused on your academic background and your suitability for the program.

If you are working on multiple applications, don’t try to write a one-size-fits-all text—tailor your statement of purpose to each program. Make sure to respond to the prompt and include all the information you’re asked for. A typical statement of purpose prompt looks like this:

Your focus will be slightly different depending on whether you’re applying for research-based academic programs (such as a PhD ) or professional qualifications (such as an MBA). But all statements of purpose should contain the following elements.

This is your chance to introduce yourself to the admissions committee and let them hear your voice. The statement of purpose shouldn’t tell your life story, but it should give a glimpse into who you are.

Academic and personal background

Give an overview of your academic background, and show what drives your interest in this field or profession. You might want to include some personal background too—your family history, social circumstances, personal relationships and life experiences have all shaped your trajectory and perspective. What unique insights will you bring with you?

Characteristics and personality

Think about aspects of your character that make you well-suited for graduate school. Don’t just list generic adjectives—give examples that demonstrate your strengths and show why they’re relevant.

  • Are you organized enough to handle a high-pressure workload?
  • Do you have the creativity needed to develop original ideas, or a systematic mindset perfect for problem-solving?
  • Do you have strong leadership skills, or are you great at working collaboratively?

Avoid including irrelevant autobiographical detail in the statement of purpose. Everything you include should be aimed at showing why you’d be a strong candidate for the program.

Your experience shows that you have the necessary skills to succeed in graduate school. Don’t just summarize everything you’ve done—pick out some highlights to build a clear picture of your strengths and priorities, illustrating how you’ve learned and developed along the way.

Academic experience

If you’re applying for a research-focused program, such as a PhD, show your knowledge of the field and outline your research experience. This might include:

  • A brief summary of your thesis or final project
  • Courses that you found particularly valuable
  • Projects you contributed to
  • Publications
  • Presentations
  • Extracurriculars that gave you relevant skills or experience

Professional experience

If you’re applying for a professional program, such as an MBA, outline your experience so far and show how it relates to your career plans. This might include:

  • Past or current job roles
  • Projects you led or participated in
  • Internships
  • Voluntary work
  • Training courses

In all cases, give specific examples with details of what you worked on, what you achieved, and what you got out of the experience.

As well as showing that you’re prepared for the program, explain what you expect to get out of it. What are your motivations for applying? How do you plan to make the most of its opportunities, and how will it help you achieve your goals?

Academic motivations

For academic programs, indicate your research interests, showing how they follow from and build upon what you have studied so far. This might include:

  • A subfield that you want to strengthen your expertise in
  • A specific problem or question that you’d like to address
  • An initial idea for a research project
  • A theoretical or methodological approach that you want to develop

This isn’t the place for an in-depth research plan, but it’s a chance to show your enthusiasm and knowledge of your field.

Professional motivations

For professional programs, outline your career aspirations and show how your experience informs your goals. This might include:

  • The next step you want to take in your career. What position are you aiming for and how will the program help you achieve it?
  • Your motivations for a career change. Can you make a link between your previous experience and your new direction?
  • Your long-term goals. Where do you want to be in five or ten years, and how do you see yourself getting there?

The admissions committee wants to know that you’re genuinely motivated to complete the program, and the clearer your plans, the more convincing your commitment.

It’s important to show not only why you want to study this subject, but also why you want to do it in this particular institution and department.

  • Do your research, and mention particular classes, specialisms or faculty that attracted you.
  • Show why you’re a good fit. Do your priorities align with the values and culture of the institution? What will you contribute to the department?
  • Discuss the specific skills, knowledge and experience you expect to get from the program.

The statement of purpose isn’t only about selling yourself—it’s about illustrating an ideal match between you and the program.

Once you’ve made sure to cover all the key elements, you can work on strengthening and polishing the text. Follow these tips to make your application the best it can be.

Stay focused

It can be tempting to try to cram in everything you’ve done, but a good statement of purpose requires careful selection to craft a focused narrative. One way to do this is by building your text around a central theme—for example, a character trait, an intellectual interest, or a career goal.

This strategy helps structure your text and puts your priorities centre stage. Link each paragraph back to the central idea, making it clear how everything fits together.

Think about your structure

The structure of a statement of purpose is somewhat flexible, as long as you include all the relevant information in an order that makes sense.

For example, you might start with a chronological story of where your interests began, or you might open with your goals and then select a series of examples that show your capacity to achieve them. If you’re desperate to study in this specific program, you could lead with a summary of why it’s your ideal choice, and then elaborate on each aspect to show why you’re a perfect fit.

The important thing is that the text showcases your strengths and motivations in a compelling, coherent way. As in any other piece of academic writing, make sure each paragraph communicates one main idea, and that each sentence flows smoothly and logically from the last. Use transition words and topic sentences to move between paragraphs.

Add meaning to your resume

The bare facts of your achievements—grades, prizes, work experience—are already included in your graduate school resume and transcripts. Use the statement of purpose not to repeat yourself, but to add personal meaning and texture to these facts.

If you got top marks for your thesis, describe the research process and demonstrate your enthusiasm for the topic. If you completed an internship or participated in a project, explain what new skills you learned and which aspects you found most valuable. If you already have lots of experience in the field, show how each step developed your skills and shaped your current plans.

Revise, edit, proofread

Your statement of purpose isn’t only about the content—it’s also a chance to show that you can express yourself fluently, confidently and coherently in writing. Spend plenty of time revising, editing and proofreading your text before you submit.

Make sure you stay within the recommended length, and check if there are any specific formatting requirements. If not, use a standard 12pt font, 1-inch margins and 1.5 line spacing.

When you have a final draft, our professional statement of purpose proofreading service can offer an extra pair of eyes to make sure every sentence is perfect.

Proofread my statement of purpose

Checklist: Statement of purpose

My statement of purpose clearly responds to the prompt.

I have introduced my academic, professional and/or personal background.

I have described any relevant experience and shown my development over time.

I have highlighted key achievements that demonstrate my talents.

There is a clear connection between my previous experience and my future plans.

I have explained how the program will help me achieve my goals.

I have mentioned specific aspects of the program, department and institution that appeal to me.

Every paragraph focuses on one central idea.

The paragraphs are organized in a logical order and tell a clear, coherent story.

You're on the way to a successful application. To maximize your chances of getting accepted, a Scribbr editor can help you improve your language, style, and structure.

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McCombes, S. (2023, June 01). How to Write a Statement of Purpose | Example. Scribbr. Retrieved July 4, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/graduate-school/statement-of-purpose/

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Northeastern University Graduate Programs

How To Write a Statement of Purpose for Graduate School

How To Write a Statement of Purpose for Graduate School

Congratulations! You’ve chosen a graduate program , read up on tips for applying to grad school , and even written a focused grad school resumé . But if you’re like many students, you’ve left the most daunting part of the application process for last—writing a statement of purpose. The good news is that the task doesn’t have to feel so overwhelming, as long as you break the process down into simple, actionable steps. Below, learn how to write a strong, unique statement of purpose that will impress admissions committees and increase your chances of getting into your dream school.

What is a statement of purpose?

A statement of purpose (SOP), sometimes referred to as a personal statement, is a critical piece of a graduate school application that tells admissions committees who you are, what your academic and professional interests are, and how you’ll add value to the graduate program you’re applying to.

Jared Pierce, former associate director of enrollment services at Northeastern University, says a strong statement of purpose can be the deciding factor in a graduate student’s admission.  

“Your statement of purpose is where you tell your story about who you are and why you deserve to be a part of the [university’s] community. It gives the admissions committee the chance to get to know you and understand how you’ll add value to the classroom,” he says.

How long should a statement of purpose be? “A statement of purpose should be between 500 and 1,000 words,” Pierce says, noting that it should typically not exceed a single page. He advises that students use a traditional font at a readable size (11 or 12 points) and leave enough white space in the margins to make the statement easy to read. Make sure to double-space the statement if the university has requested it, he adds. 

How to write a statement of purpose: a step-by-step guide

Now that you understand how to format a statement of purpose, you can begin drafting your own. Getting started can feel daunting, but Pierce suggests making the process more manageable by breaking down the writing process into four easy steps.

1. Brainstorm your ideas.

First, he says, try to reframe the task at hand and get excited for the opportunity to write your statement of purpose. 

“Throughout the application process, you’re afforded few opportunities to address the committee directly,” he explains. “Here is your chance to truly speak directly to them. Each student arrives at this process with a unique story, including prior jobs, volunteer experience, or undergraduate studies. Think about what makes you you and start outlining.”

When writing your statement of purpose, Pierce suggests asking yourself these key questions:

  • Why do I want this degree?
  • What are my expectations for this degree?
  • What courses or program features excite me the most?
  • Where do I want this degree to take me, professionally and personally?
  • How will my unique professional and personal experiences add value to the program?

Jot these responses down to get your initial thoughts on paper. This will act as your starting point for creating an outline and writing your first draft.

2. Develop an outline.

Next, you’ll want to take the ideas that you’ve identified during the brainstorming process and plug them into an outline that will guide your writing. 

An effective outline for your statement of purpose might look something like this:

  • An attention-grabbing hook
  • A brief introduction of yourself and your background as it relates to your motivation behind applying to graduate school 
  • Your professional goals as they relate to the program
  • Why you’re interested in the specific school and what you can bring to the table
  • A brief summary of the information presented in the body that emphasizes your qualifications and compatibility with the school

An outline like the one above will give you a roadmap to follow so that your statement of purpose is well organized and concise. 

3. Write the first draft.

Your statement of purpose should communicate who you are and why you are interested in a particular program, but it also needs to be positioned in a way that differentiates you from other applicants. 

Admissions professionals already have your transcripts, resumé, and test scores; the statement of purpose is your chance to tell your story in your own words.

When you begin drafting content, make sure to:

  • Provide insight into what drives you , whether that’s professional advancement, personal growth, or both.
  • Demonstrate your interest in the school by addressing the unique features of the program that interest you most. For Northeastern, he says, maybe it’s experiential learning; you’re excited to tackle real-world projects in your desired industry. Or perhaps it’s learning from faculty who are experts in your field of study.
  • Be yourself. It helps to keep your audience in mind while writing, but don’t forget to let your personality shine through. It’s important to be authentic when writing your statement to show the admissions committee who you are and why your unique perspective will add value to the program.

4. Edit and refine your work.

Before you submit your statement of purpose:

  • Make sure you’ve followed all directions thoroughly , including requirements about margins, spacing, and font size.
  • Proofread carefully for grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
  • Remember that a statement of purpose should be between 500 and 1,000 words. If you’ve written far more than this, read through your statement again and edit for clarity and conciseness. Less is often more; articulate your main points strongly and get rid of any “clutter.”
  • Walk away and come back later with a fresh set of eyes. Sometimes your best ideas come when you’re not sitting and staring at your computer.
  • Ask someone you trust to read your statement before you submit it.

Making a lasting impression

Your statement of purpose can leave a lasting impression if done well, Pierce says. It provides you with the opportunity to highlight your unique background and skills so that admissions professionals understand why you’re the ideal candidate for the program that you’re applying to. If nothing else, stay focused on what you uniquely bring to the classroom, the program, and the campus community. If you do that, you’ll excel.

To learn more tricks and tips for submitting an impressive graduate school application, explore our related grad school success articles .

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Editor’s note: This article was originally published in March 2017. It has since been updated for thoroughness and accuracy.

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Statement of purpose (SOP) done right! [with Samples]

Statement of Purpose (SOP) or Personal Statement forms a crucial element of the graduate school application process. For the uninitiated, a Statement of Purpose is an essay that introduces YOU to the Admissions Review Committee (AdCom). It contains your accomplishments, career plans, and reasoning of why you think a particular graduate program is the ‘right fit’ for you. 

Nearly every respectable graduate program in the world, be it a Master of Science, Engineering Management, MiM or MBA requires applicants to submit a Statement of Purpose while applying.

The AdComs put a lot of value on a candidate’s SOP, evaluating their ‘intent for applying to that program’ and whether it resonates with the University’s mission and objectives.

Jared Pierce, associate director of enrollment services at Northeastern University, says a strong statement of purpose can be the deciding factor in a graduate student’s admission.

“Your statement of purpose is where you tell your story about who you are and why you deserve to be a part of the [university’s] community. It gives the admissions committee the chance to get to know you and understand how you’ll add value to the classroom,” he says.

Clearly then, you will have to construct your statement of purpose which tells your “story” rather than list out your “achievements”

So, how do the applicants go about writing the SOP? Which experiences are viewed favorably by the AdCom, and what should be avoided. In this blogpost, I touch upon the effective strategies that if adopted, can transform your SOP into your story.

STEP – I: Decoding the types

Let’s start by clearing out a few things about the Statement of Purpose. They go by different names — Personal statement, letter of intent, letter of motivation, mission statement, elevator pitch, video sop…. The list is too long! Each of them serves a different purpose and should be written within the frameworks of the university guidelines.

Perhaps the first step you should do before you start writing your SOP is to prepare an outline and use it as a roadmap.

To be honest, this is not a very popular step with most of the students. They imagine that this “extra” step will add time and complicate their application process when in fact, creating an outline can not only help streamline one’s essay writing but can also go a long way in boosting the resulting essays’ effectiveness.

the statement of purpose essay

By organizing your thoughts in the form of short phrases and key terms, you will observe that your story unfolds more easily. Moreover, it also ensures that there are no gaps of information in what you are trying to convey. This translates to a more persuasive final SOP and, in most cases, fewer rounds of editing and revision.

Sample Outline A

  • Passion for chess – coaching and playing
  • Volunteer activities with Greenpeace 
  • Love of Shah Rukh Khan films
  • Managing literature conference at IIT, Mumbai
  • Love of biking – Sunday bike rides with “team”
  • Semester exchange in France 
  • Travel to 21 countries – Iceland, Russia and Peru highlights
  • Close relationship with grandma
  • Budding love of cooking
  • Love of Mumbai

Once a sample outline has been prepared, it is now easier to construct a structure for the statement of purpose.  

STEP – II: Break it down

Building upon the outline, each SOP needs to be structured so that it logically fits in the narrative.

Many clients that we have encountered confuse ‘structure’ with ‘chronology’. When asked to write a draft of the essay, they present their achievements in chronological order, thinking that this will give the essay a proper structure.

However, your experiences and how they have translated and shaped you into what you are today, may or may not be chronological. Thus, you have to start your essay with the most significant one and connect the dots from there.

The Admissions Review Committee is looking out for very specific things in your application. Unless you break it down, it will be an arduous task to explain them your story. And no one wants a confused AdCom guy in their life.

What is the Admission Committee looking for?

The simple answer would be – what makes you, YOU.

But if only things were so simple. What they are really looking for is how you fit into the overall scheme of things at the University.

Broadly, there are 5 factors they are trying to evaluate you on:

– Why have you applied for that particular program?

– What kind of skills do you have to succeed in that program?

– How do you want to leverage your university connections to network and contribute to the school community?

– How are your professional goals aligned with the program outcomes?

– Why are you the ‘best fit’ for the university?

Your statement of purpose or letter of motivation should talk in brief about all these points.

Even for the most practiced of writers, crafting a successful application essay can be an uphill task. So, trust us on this – Most of the SOPs that we read make us go….

the statement of purpose essay

Ideating and then organizing thoughts into outlines for essays will facilitate this process, as we illustrated in Part 1 of this guide, and now we will offer a few basic steps that will help you create and refine your drafts.

STEP- III: Tell your story

As we discussed it earlier, your statement of purpose is not merely an instrument to present facts from your life to the AdCom. Infact, it’s a platform to tell your story. Of who you are, and how has your experiences shaped you. You should therefore focus on narrative writing (which primarily describes) rather than expository writing (which primarily explains). In a narrative, the central facts about a situation are not just bluntly introduced, but are presented in a way that lets them speak for themselves and paint a rounded picture of an experience.

the statement of purpose essay

Consider the following examples:

My upbringing in a family full of entrepreneurs made me acquainted to data analytics early in life. When I supported my father’s organization, where they manually used to analyze data and predict delivery date & raw material ordering, I helped them develop an automated system with the use of pivot tables and slicers, that can be used together to visualize data and create easy to use dashboards.

Coming from a business background and having an undergrad degree in Information Technology, it was only natural for me to have a formidable combination of – entrepreneurial streak and technical expertise. My formative years were spent engaging in insightful dining table discussions with my father, pertaining to our business-related products and services. As a result, I was presented with several opportunities to understand the legal, commercial and technical aspects of our business. However, the opportunities that I loved most were the technically challenging ones that had the potential to impact our business positively. One such opportunity that I got was to review and remodel our existing data management system, which had severe limitations in terms of performance and scalability.

Which one of the above example do you think creates a more compelling image of the person you are reading about?

While example A is vague in terms of details, example B has a lot of specifics. It creates a holistic picture of the candidate and evokes imagery for the reader, which is more compelling. Thus, leaving out important details is detrimental to the health of the essay.

STEP – IV: Connect the dots

A good story is as good as its parts. Details, which are crucial to the development of the story, if left out does not reveal the entire picture and leaves the readers confused.

As you write your essay drafts, check each sentence to make sure that it includes a key part of the story you are telling. If you can remove a sentence and your essay still makes sense, that line is unnecessary and should remain deleted. However, if your narrative suddenly becomes unclear, that is your proof that the sentence in question is not superfluous and that you are on your way to creating a profoundly connected narrative.

Having a keen interest in operations research motivated me to work on my bachelor’s thesis: Efficient utilization of weight and volume capacity of a fleet of goods containers. The objective here is to build an algorithmic model for transportation of goods, cargoes, and shipments by utilizing the maximum load and volume capacity of the containers. The study is being carried out with a view to enabling the freight companies in reducing cost and enhancing operational efficiency. I have identified the constraints posed such as categorization of goods according to their suitability, shortest route according to the consignments, delivery of goods within the prescribed time, maximizing the profit and providing customer satisfaction, and successfully developed a mathematical model for the intercity transport, using shortest route and minimum cost per volume using traveling salesman and transportation concepts. Moreover, I am also trying to implement algorithm theory and computational complexity theory to solve the combinatorial problem considering the constraints faced.

Notice how the dots are getting connected.

1st sentence – Having a keen …. – Provides a justification to work on the bachelor’s thesis in Operations Research based on the interest of the applicant.

2nd sentence – The objective here is to build an algorithmic model…. – Clears the aim of the the project and gives idea to the AdCom about the scope of the project.

3rd sentence – The study is being carried out …. – End goal of the project is described.

4th sentence – I have identified the constraints… – talks about problem/constraint identification that the student is trying to resolve

… and successfully developed a mathematical model… -highlights the solution to the given constraints.

Leaving out any sentence written in this paragraph would be eliminating a key detail, and thus will confuse the reader about the project. In short, the story will be difficult to follow.

STEP – V: Create a ‘hook’ in the Introduction paragraph

Sometimes the most difficult part of writing a strong essay is determining the best way to start it. Even when you have a strong outline in hand, crafting those first few words or phrases can be challenging. To help you over this hurdle, we offer a few strategies for beginning your essays.

Maintaining a mystery

This is one of the best ways to grab the attention of the AdCom.

There are only a few rare moments in life, interspersed within our chaotic daily routines, during which we find our true calling. And those moments generally come like a blitzkrieg, inspiring us to make choices which define who we eventually become. I encountered one such moment, as a part of my internship with Bless Foundation, an NGO which strives to alleviate the sufferings of the underprivileged.

(Selected at University of South California, MS in Computer Science).

Do people shape cities or do cities shape people? Irrespective of the order of transformation, I am of the belief that city landscapes impact our daily lives in a significant way.

(Selected at TU Delft, MS in Architecture)

While watching the digitally remastered and coloured version of 1960 Bollywood classic ‘Mughal-e-Azam’, then shot in monochrome, I realised that I was less concerned about the cinematic brilliance but more about certain stats I read about the movie.

(Selected at Cornell University, MPS program in Applied Statistics)

The main stage was set while I enthusiastically waited in the crowd for Guns N’ Roses to surface from behind the spotlight. It was an absolute dream for me to witness the band live in concert, after having grown up and getting inspired by Slash and his musical eccentricities. As they emerged on stage and plucked the first strings, I was transported in a trance of hedonistic pleasure. Surprisingly, it was not the music that had the greatest influence that night.

(Selected at Stanford, MS in Computer Science)

In all of the above examples, the first few lines draw the reader into the essay and make him ask the question, what happens next? This approach is a sure shot way to indulge the AdCom into reading your application in full.

Strictly avoid: Clichés

Let’s be honest here. The AdCom knows when clichés are coming. And no one likes them. Consider this for example:

Being an ardent fan of the Marvel Universe, I believe that if we have the thirst for knowledge, ability to rectify the errors and better our skillset like Ironman and if we have grit, perseverance and will to do good for the mankind like Captain America, then we can win any battle and achieve something great. I tried to follow these ideologies while working on all my projects and technical papers.

My profound interest in mathematics, computers, and problem-solving became the basis for furthering a career in Computer science. In order to broaden my horizons of technical acumen, I joined Oracle after completing my undergrad. This allowed me to develop a clearer vision about pursuing a career in my field of Software Engineering.

It’s safe to say that introductions like these should be avoided at all costs as they have been read by the AdCom a million times. You don’t want to be the million plus one candidate.

Lead with your best

When you are pitching your application to the AdCom, it is highly recommended that you start your essays with your most compelling experience. Do not follow a template of chronological detailing of your academic records and professional achievements. Show your best foot forward. You do not always have to outline your history to create context for your narrative.

Example A (Student Version of her internship)

Due to these rewarding experiences and key learnings acquired from projects, I secured a position as a Developer at Barclays India, which has been exhilarating from the onset. In a span of four months, I underwent intensive training in several technologies like Java, JavaScript, Embedded JavaScript, Spring Framework, Servlets etc.

Example B (Gradsmiths version)

At Barcalays, internship not only meant exposition to multimillion-dollar client portfolio, but also getting intensive training in tools like Java, JavaScript, Embedded JavaScript, Spring Framework, and Servlets.

Example A exhibits significant backstory, but the most important parts that she learned new technologies was mentioned after the third line. In example B, this happens right in the second line, and is smartly packaged for the reader.

This introduction—just one sentence long, rather than four—introduces the reader to the individual’s high- level position right away and is therefore much more compelling and effective.

the statement of purpose essay

Step – VI: Don’t put extra information in your essays

Although it seems to be a no brainer, most students end up doing this. They provide irrelevant information in their essay, which makes it a boring read.

Consider this:

My final year project was ‘Analysis and Design of a high rise building with R.C Shear wall’. This project was done by 4 undergrads. In the initial phase, a 3-storied building is designed in ETABS software using Dead and Live load. In the next phase a 15-storied building with shear walls considering Earthquake and wind load is designed under G. A. Bhilare Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Pune. Seismic design parameters like story drift, lateral displacement was studied and shear forces, axial forces, bending moment were interpreted. This project increased my understanding of ETABS and improved my skills .

In the example above, there are too many details like the no. of storey of the building and name of the consultants, which are not required. It adds on to the word count and makes it a slow-developing paragraph.

Revised version

To gain more understanding of structures and the mechanics of forces at play, my final year project focused on the analysis and design of a high rise building with R.C Shear wall. In association with three other undergrads, we worked to design a 3-storied building, followed by its higher version in ETABS software using Dead and Live load. Carefully monitoring the shear walls considering Earthquake and wind load, we studied Seismic design parameters like story drift, lateral displacement. All this culminated under a sponsored industry project in collaboration with top architects of the city. This experience helped me to analyse complex structural models with loads, and design them in the most sustainable way, a skill which I am confident will prove beneficial during my graduate studies.

Step VII: Honour the word limit

Although we can assure you that no one will toss your application in the trash if your essays exceed the school’s stated word limits a little, in general, sticking as closely as possible to these limits is the best plan. Doing so indicates to the admissions committee not only that you pay attention to and can follow directions (which reflects positively on you as a potential student who will be required to follow numerous guidelines throughout the course of the MS program) but also that you are willing to put in the work required to convey your story effectively within the stated parameters. Also, you show respect for the school as well as for the admissions readers, who must sort through thousands of essays each week. A good rule of thumb is to not surpass the school’s requested word count by more than 5%, though of course, the fewer extra words you include, the better—and minimizing any risk of a negative impression resulting from exceeding the set word count is best.

Step VIII: Answer the question

This is our most obvious rule yet, but one that must be stated nonetheless: make sure that you answer the question the school is asking. Sometimes candidates possess a great story and really want to “spin” it for a particular essay prompt. Other times, applicants work and rework an essay so much that when they are done, they do not realize that they have changed their initial story entirely and the resulting essay no longer addresses the school’s question. Not answering the question is one of the admissions committees’ biggest peeves. In addition to indicating an ability to follow directions on your part (if not an outright attempt to withhold information), not answering the question asked means that you have not provided the information the admissions committee is specifically seeking and needs. So, regularly revisit the essay prompts as you revise your essays, ensuring that you are on track and providing a topical response.

Step IX: Customize your responses

It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to customize your essays for your choice of University. Many a times, we have seen that one SOP is sent to 5 different universities, with just a few line changes.

To us, this is a very easy and a lazy approach to essay drafting. Moreover, the AdCom through their years of experience of reading SOPs figure out whether you have followed a template or not.

Your short and long term goals should be aligned with the research areas and expertise of the University. AdCom loves to see how the university can help you realize your personal and professional milestones.

A common point of contention among students is whether or not to include the names of professors. In our opinion, you should go beyond name-dropping and identify key research areas where you would like to work. This creates a better representation of your academic interest and underlines your motivation to apply for the program.

It is important to understand that the AdCom is looking for unique and interesting candidates, who contribute to the campus and community. Thus, desire to work in student clubs, campus organizations, or community service is viewed positively. It shows that you have a multi-dimensional personality and go beyond your academic interests. Another quirky thing to add is why the location of the college is important to you and your goals. It can be the vibrant startup culture of the place, proximity to tech centers or Silicon Valley, or even the music vibe of the place.

Step X: Read, Re-read, Proofread. Repeat.

If you have followed all the steps above, and drafted your statement of purpose, great work done! Now will be a good time to send it to your friends, relatives, colleagues, and anywould who would care to read it.

You will amazed at how many grammatical errors get discovered. And we don’t even want to get started on the formatting bits.

Your goal, before sending out your statement of purpose should be to make it as error-proof as possible. This can be achieved by proofreading it multiple times to check for nasty little bits of flaws that hides furtively behind the pompous words and achievements.

The Statement of Purpose is perhaps the hardest thing you will encounter during your application stage.

The good news is that the process does not seem so overwhelming when you break it down into simple, actionable steps as described above.

At Gradsmiths, we have come across more than a thousand essays and SOPs, some brilliant while some total disasters. What really saddened us was that the same mistakes were being repeated in every other document, which motivated us to compile these steps that we follow into this post to draft an awesome statement of purpose.

Statement of Purpose (Samples and formats)

Statement of Purpose that got accepted to UPenn MS in Computer Science

Sample Statement of Purpose that got accepted to MS in Mechanical Engineering, Arizona State University

Statement of Purpose that got accepted to Cornell University’s Engineering Management program

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If you have got the time, do check out our FREE E-book on ‘Biggest Mistakes you make in your resume’. It contains some super pointers on how to modify your resume and make it fit for a graduate school application.

the statement of purpose essay

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Stanford Online

How to write a compelling statement of purpose for graduate school.

man writing a statement of purpose

A statement of purpose (SOP) is a critical component of most graduate school applications, and are often required for various types of graduate level programs, including Graduate Certificates and Master’s Degrees .

An SOP offers you the opportunity to showcase your motivations, qualifications, and aspirations to a school’s Office of Admissions. Crafting an effective SOP requires careful planning and attention to detail. Whether you're applying to Stanford or any other institution, here's a guide on how to write a standout statement of purpose that shows how your goals align with the program's expectations.

Understanding the Prompt

A prompt's comprehensive nature offers you the chance to provide a holistic view of your journey, motivations, and aspirations. Be sure to check the websites of any programs you’re applying to, as they often have additional information or suggested frameworks to get you started.

Stanford Master’s Degree

If you are applying to a Stanford master’s degree program , the recommended maximum length for your SOP is 1,000 words and the prompt for the statement of purpose emphasizes several key elements:

  • Reasons for applying
  • Preparation for the field of study
  • Research interests
  • Future career plans
  • Relevant aspects of your background

Stanford Graduate Certificate

If you are applying to take individual graduate courses or pursue a graduate certificate through Stanford Online, the prompt contains less elements than for the master’s program. This statement of purpose should be brief, as you’re limited to 4000 characters. You should summarize:

  • Specific course work on your transcript that meets the course and or certificate prerequisites
  • Relevant aspects of your professional experience

Tips for Writing your Statement of Purpose

After you fully understand the prompt for the program you’re applying to, use these tips to guide your writing:

  • Be Concise and Focused Most institutions have maximum lengths for words or characters. With limited space, it's important to be concise and focused. Use each word purposefully to convey your message. Ensure that every paragraph adds value and contributes to your overall narrative.
  • Start Strong Your opening should be attention-grabbing. Consider sharing a personal anecdote, a relevant quote, or a thought-provoking question that sets the tone for your SOP. Engaging the reader from the beginning can make your statement more memorable.
  • Address the Prompt Thoroughly Cover each aspect of the prompt thoroughly, addressing your reasons for applying, your background preparation, your research interests, and your future career plans. Use specific examples to illustrate your points. For instance, if you're applying to a computer science program, discuss projects, coursework, or experiences that highlight your passion and readiness for further study in this field.
  • Showcase Fit with the Program Demonstrate a clear understanding of the program you're applying to and explain why it's an ideal fit for your academic and career goals. Highlight specific courses, professors, research opportunities, or unique features of the program that attracted you. This showcases your commitment to the program and demonstrates that you've done your research. You may consider including reasons your presence will benefit the program as your uniqueness may help set you apart from other applicants.
  • Highlight Research Interests Discuss your research interests in detail. Explain how your past experiences have shaped your interests and how the program's resources can help you further develop them. Share any relevant research projects you've been a part of and explain their impact on your academic journey. If your program includes a capstone, you may want to include more actionable, compelling examples.
  • Connect to Your Future Career Articulate your future career plans and explain how the program will prepare you for success. Whether you plan to pursue academia, industry, or another path, convey how the skills and knowledge gained from the program will contribute to your career trajectory.
  • Weave in Personal Background Share aspects of your personal background that are relevant to your journey. This could include challenges you've overcome, experiences that have shaped your perspective, or unique qualities that set you apart. Ensure that these details contribute to your overall narrative and that adding them showcases your qualifications.
  • Edit and Proofread After writing your SOP, review it meticulously for grammar, punctuation, and clarity. Typos and errors can detract from the impact of your statement. Consider seeking feedback from mentors, professors, or peers to ensure your SOP effectively conveys your message.
  • Tailor for Specific Programs If you're applying to multiple programs, make sure to customize each SOP to align with the specific program's offerings and requirements. Avoid using a generic SOP for all applications, this tends to be very noticeable to admissions.
  • Seek Inspiration from Examples If you’re applying to a Stanford Master’s program, the Stanford Graduate Admissions website provides specific guidance on the statement of purpose. Review your program’s recommendations and, if available, consider reading sample SOPs from successful applicants to gather inspiration and insights.

Writing a compelling statement of purpose for graduate school requires thoughtful reflection, careful planning, and clear communication. By addressing the prompt comprehensively, showcasing your fit with the program, and demonstrating your passion and readiness, you can craft an SOP that stands out and may even increase your chances of admission to your desired program. Although it’s far from the only criteria that will be considered in the admissions process, your SOP is your chance to tell your unique story and show why you are a perfect candidate for graduate study. We hope you find this guide useful as you write your statement of purpose, please know that following this guide does not guarantee your admission to any program.

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Purdue Online Writing Lab Purdue OWL® College of Liberal Arts

Statements of Purpose: Drafting Your Statement

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Write one essay for each program. Although they may sound similar, each program’s statement prompts asks for slightly different pieces of information about who you are. You may be fortunate to have two or three similar prompts for a few programs, but even then, remember that you must meld your own interests with the opportunities available at each particular program--so, no two statements should read exactly alike. In essence, be prepared to draft (and continuously revise) dedicated statements for each program application. Don’t send out a boilerplate essay.

Attempt to create one unifying theme in your narrative. Some applications ask you to include the answers to broad prompts in your statement. For instance, the only instructions you get may be: describe your goals and preparation to pursue graduate study in no more than 1500 words. Conversely, others may ask you to answer a series of very specific questions such as your reasons for applying to their program in particular, how your background fits into your professional goals, how your past achievements would aid you during your time in graduate school, and what you have learned from your prior professional experience. Regardless of the particular kind of writing situation, attempt to fit your narrative into one unifying theme. For example, if your essay focuses on how family has played an important role in your decision to go to graduate school, do not throw in an experience from your trip to a foreign country as another factor in your decision making process unless it is strongly tied with the overall theme of family. Also, be sure to stick to the word limits.

Strong statements of purpose answer four important questions that inform admissions committees of who you are professionally and personally.

Professionally, statements of purpose answer two questions for the committee.

First: what kind of work are you interested in doing in graduate school?

Be specific, don’t make the mistake of thinking that being vague in your focus will reach a wider audience. For instance, if you mainly want to study business ethics with two prominent faculty members who focus on that topic, write that in your statement. Do not worry that you are pigeonholing yourself by being specific and instead list several other areas that you could be interested in. There will not be enough time to go into all of these areas and it will make your statement sound aimless and disconnected.

Second: why is the program you are applying to a good fit for you?

This is where your online research on each program comes into play. Be specific about what makes the program that you are applying to your ideal choice. Avoid general statements such as “your program is one of the best in the country.” Focus more on the specific things that you think make it great—for you and your research in particular. If it has a good instructor to student ratio, how will that benefit you? If what separates the program from the rest is that it provides excellent field training before you graduate, how will you take advantage of this? Be specific. You may also talk about your goals after grad school. Where do you see yourself? Does the program have a good history in helping other students get there? You don’t have to be one hundred percent certain about your future plans; no one will pull your application essay before you graduate and express shock and disappointment if your interests happen to change. But generally, going to graduate school is a huge commitment. Admission committees want to know that you understand this and that you envision some type of gain for your dedication.

A word of caution: Avoid changing your statement just to get into a program if it is a bad fit for you. You’ll save yourself time and money down the line.

Be aware that while it is generally a good idea to be as honest about your intentions as possible, avoid being too candid about your reasons for applying to a certain school if they are less than scholarly. For instance, admission committees do not want to hear that you are applying to their program primarily because of the school’s proximity to significant others, family, friends; because it is located in a place with a great college town feeling; or, because it offers a variety of funding opportunities (however, you could probably mention this last one in passing if their funding is outstanding among other programs, signaling a dedication to its students’ goals).

Personally, statements of purpose also answer two questions for the committee.

First: What matters to you—and why?

The committee will receive a lot of data about you. The statement of purpose allows you to give that data meaning. It is important that you not just rephrase whatever is on your CV or resume because this won’t get at the meaning behind your experiences. A job or a class may have lasted only a few months, but it may have been the impetus for you to go to graduate school because of a unique experience that occurred there. The statement of purpose should give the committee a sense of who you are and how you have personally interpreted events in your life.

Second: How are you unique from the other candidates?

Above all, avoid playing it safe with bland language. It can be tempting to resist making yourself stand out in your statement because you don’t want to ruin your chances by “sounding weird.” Ironically, this type of information may be what makes you the most compelling candidate. Graduate program committees receive dozens—sometimes hundreds—of applications each year. Make your voice stand out among the rest by showing that you are not only professional but that there’s a person behind the important decisions you have made. What was the human element that motivated you to get you to where you are?

Many people wonder whether they should mention their minority status. Generally, you should mention your minority status only if it pertains to your studies. For instance, did working with a minority group (that you belong to) motivate you to go to graduate school? How so? Are you interested in undertaking minority issues once you have earned your degree—and, if so, in what capacity? For example, once you earn your Masters in Social Work, are you hoping to help Hispanic individuals who suffer from serious and persistent mental illness? Tie this with your background to give this goal some context.

Remember to switch over between other graduate application tasks such as asking for letters of recommendation, ordering your transcripts, filling out the questionnaire for each school, and so forth. This will break up the writing task and help to re-energize you.

Works Consulted

Getting In: A Step-By-Step Plan for Gaining Admission to Graduate School in Psychology . Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. 1997. Print.

Kaplan, Inc. Get into Graduate School: A Strategic Approach . New York: Simon & Schuster. 2003. Print.

Stelzer, Richard J. How to Write a Winning Personal Statement for Graduate and Professional School . 3rd. ed. Lawrenceville, NJ: Peterson’s Publishing, 2002. Print.

Stewart, Mark Allen. Peterson's How to Write the Perfect Personal Statement . Lawrenceville, NJ: Peterson’s Publishing, 2009. Print.

the statement of purpose essay

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How to Write a Statement of Purpose: Tips, Guidelines, and Statement of Purpose Examples

Success in college and grad school applications begins with knowing how to write a statement of purpose. A statement of purpose should succinctly express your goals, stand out among others, and convince the selection committee that you are well-suited for the program.

According to Statista, the projected number of master’s degree recipients for the 2022 to 2023 academic year is 836,000. The statement of purpose examples provided in this guide will help you shine in your college application and get into the graduate program of your dreams. Keep reading to learn some quick tips for beginning and ending a good statement of purpose.

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What is a statement of purpose.

A statement of purpose is a graduate school application essay that articulates one’s interests, academic and professional experience, career goals, accomplishments, and reason for applying to the program. It is written by the prospective student and is a prerequisite for graduate and undergraduate college admissions.

A statement of purpose is your chance to tell the admissions committee who you are, how you can impact the academic community, and why you are an attractive candidate. If you want to get accepted into a good college , it is necessary to learn how to write a statement of purpose.

What Are the Parts of a Statement of Purpose?

  • Introduction. You should start your statement of purpose by introducing yourself. Focus on your academic interests and what motivated you to pick your particular field. The admissions team has a large number of applications to review, so it’s vital to highlight your background and interest in your program of choice.
  • A summary of your academic journey. Your academic record is a vital part of your statement of purpose. To qualify for a graduate program and start your chosen career path, you must state where you obtained your undergraduate degree. Place attention on your undergraduate thesis and how it has impacted your academic and career choices.
  • A description of relevant experiences and accomplishments. Discuss relevant personal experience you have in your fields such as jobs, internships, or volunteer work, and indicate what your responsibilities were. This part of your essay should be original as it’s your chance to show a more personal side of yourself to the selection committee.
  • Conclusion. End your statement of purpose by briefly stating your long-term goals . Explain how the program will prepare you to accomplish your future plans. Be clear and precise when you articulate your professional goals and ensure they relate to your program of choice.

How to Write a Statement of Purpose: Beginning and Ending

As with any piece of writing, it can be difficult to decide how to begin or end a statement of purpose. Read the guidelines below to learn how to keep your reader engaged from start to finish.

How to Begin a Statement of Purpose

If you’ve ever written a personal statement, writing a statement of purpose might seem quite similar. However, a statement of purpose is a formal academic piece that tells the reader about your career plans, not about who you are. It requires a slightly different approach. Your statement of purpose needs to stand out.

Your opening paragraph helps readers form their first impression of you and assess your academic proficiency. Starting with a famous short quote is a fun way to relate to the program or tell the committee relevant details about yourself. You want to highlight your academic interest, your passion for the field of study, and the motivating factor behind your choice of program.

How to End a Statement of Purpose

The closing paragraph must convey a sense of completeness and flow from the central theme of your essay. You should end your statement of purpose by restating its strongest points. Make sure not to include any information that shifts from the contents of the main body of the essay.

Show some enthusiasm by ending your statement of purpose on a positive note. Show the reader that you’re excited about the program and are prepared to take on the responsibilities that it entails. Ending your essay is just as important as starting it as it’s the impression that will linger for the admissions team.

How to Write a Statement of Purpose: 5 More Useful Tips

A person writing a letter on a dark brown wooden table

Don’t Tell Your Life Story

While you may be trying to intrigue the reader and catch their attention, avoid excessive storytelling in your essay. The admissions committee prefer concise essays that explain a person’s academic goals and career objectives, so don’t waste time sharing personal experiences that are irrelevant to your application.

Customize Your Essay

A common mistake many students make is using one essay as a template for all of their different school applications. Every school has diverse characteristics and requirements, so it’s important to customize your statement of purpose to suit each school or program. You want to show the team that you’re attentive to detail and not cutting corners.

Show Your Qualifications

You want to convince the reader that you are an ideal candidate for the program, so be elaborate and specific about the area of study you are interested in and show your qualifications. Include a summary of your academic journey, relevant extracurricular activities, accomplishments, and work experiences that relate to the program.

Use a Formal but Conversational Tone

You want to use a formal yet conversational tone when writing a statement of purpose. Although you want to be professional, your essay should also be conversational and engaging. Do your best to maintain a balance between incorporating the required information in a formal and concise way and letting the reader get a sense of your personality.

Proofread Your Essay

Proofreading is a critical phase in any writing process. Read over your statement of purpose several times to spot any grammatical errors or writing inconsistencies. We recommend having someone else proofread your essay to gain a third-person perspective and be prepared.

Statement of Purpose Examples to Help You Get Accepted Into College or Graduate School

Now that you’ve learned how to write a statement of purpose, we’ve drafted a few examples to help you write a strong statement of purpose and nail your graduate school application.

Statement of Purpose Example 1: Culinary Arts Statement of Purpose

“A recipe has no soul. You as the cook must bring soul to the recipe.” I was eight years old and the youngest at the kid’s culinary camp when I first heard this quote by Thomas Keller. I remember writing it down and immediately picturing what it would look like engraved on the wall of my restaurant. That’s the day I knew I wanted to be a cook. My high school days exposed me to recreational cooking classes where I gained hands-on experience and knowledge about different elements of the food industry. My interest in culinary arts was further fueled by encounters I had with culinary entrepreneurs from around the world, from winemakers in France and chefs in Mexico to local food truck owners across my street.

I developed my leadership skills when I started a cooking club at my high school. I followed this ambition to college where I hosted the school’s first mini chef-style competition. My culinary journey continued when I took up cooking as a community service project and volunteered at a homeless shelter in California. I learned about flavors from different cultures, which I hope to share with guests at my restaurant, someday. This experience motivated me to take a course in sustainable food and agriculture, fulfilling my intellectual curiosity about food and nutritional security.

One of the driving factors behind seeking admission into your culinary program is the prospect of working with Chef André. His intriguing recipes and diet planners are promising areas for advanced study on sustainable diet and food security. I would be thrilled to work with him and explore my interest in these topics. I am also drawn to your extensive curriculum featuring culinary innovations, and your yearly seminars and conferences that bring together the best culinary experts from around the world. With my academic background, experience, and passion for culinary arts, I believe I am a perfect candidate for your program.

I am very proud of my ability to carry my passion for culinary arts from my childhood to this stage with the limited resources that I had. When I visit the cities of New York and California, I feel connected with my culinary journey, which further fuels my passion. With this program, I aim to acquire skills that are crucial to the evolution of my practice as a professional chef and restaurant owner.

Statement of Purpose Example 2: Mechanical Engineering Statement of Purpose

My journey to mechanical engineering began with an obsession with taking apart and rebuilding random objects around my family house. Soon after, this curiosity metamorphosed into an overarching desire to become a part of the engineering community. My passion for building began to evolve into creating. I was modifying everyday objects to make them look less conventional. By the time I was 17, I had built a remote-control mini drone.

My undergraduate studies in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Denver Institute of Technology have provided me with vast knowledge about different areas of the engineering field, such as thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and machinery kinetics. In college, I was focused on creating designs that improved the efficiency and safety of objects rather than just modifying their appearance. For my undergraduate project, I designed and fabricated a burglary-proof door. For about a year and a half, I worked as a junior engineer at Hawks Automobile. My responsibilities involved research before I was transferred to the design team after a few months. Some of my designs were integrated into their inventions and I hope to create more designs for future innovations across top-level engineering companies.

With my experience in both the academic and industry aspects of mechanical engineering, I look forward to working with experts to design prototypes that solve more complex human problems. I am certain that your master’s program will give me the skills and knowledge I need to excel as a trained professional in the engineering industry. The insights I will have learned from your program will equip me to tackle industry-level challenges with interdisciplinary solutions. This will help me gain a competitive advantage in the mechanical engineering job field.

Engineering has been an essential part of my life. I look forward to deepening my understanding of engineering concepts from a research perspective to reinforce my drive and natural predisposition to the field of mechanical engineering.

How to Use Statement of Purpose Examples to Write Your Own

Using a sample statement provided, you should be able to write a powerful statement of purpose that will leave a lasting impression on the admissions officers. Follow the guidelines and steps outlined in this article to write an original, motivating and truthful statement of purpose.

Now that you know how to write an effective statement of purpose, you’re one step closer to confidently acing the admissions process and walking through the gates of your dream school. We recommend you get acquainted with commonly asked college interview questions and have a look at the US Bureau of Labor Statistics’ employment outlook for graduate-level occupations .

How to Write a Statement of Purpose FAQ

No, a statement of purpose does not require any title or labels. The most important function of a statement of purpose is to express the candidate’s academic interest, future career goals, and reasons for wanting to join their program of choice.

A typical statement of purpose has an average word count of 800-1000 words and should not go beyond one to two pages. However, the range of 800-1000 words is not the standard word count, as some schools set their minimum word count to 500 and the maximum word count to 1200 words. Make sure to read the application instructions carefully.

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No, you don’t need to write your name on a statement of purpose unless otherwise stated in the application instructions. Your essay is one part of the admissions bundle required by the admissions office during the application process. Your application already contains your name, so you do not need to include it in the statement of purpose.

A statement of purpose is important because it’s a requisite for prospective students. It helps articulate your interests and goals and is one of the defining factors in whether or not you’re admitted into your dream school. For these reasons, it’s important to have a carefully crafted statement of purpose.

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How to Write a Statement of Purpose for Graduate School

How to Write a Statement of Purpose for Graduate School Slide

When writing your statement of purpose for graduate school, focus on your specific plans and how the graduate program and its faculty will help you meet these goals. Graduate study is not for slackers. It takes focus and determination to pursue an advanced degree. That's why admissions committees examine your statement of purpose (also called a letter of intent or research statement) very closely—they want to see whether you have the right stuff to succeed in grad school. Follow these tips to write an effective graduate school statement of purpose.

1. Know what grad schools are really asking.

Different grad school programs have different prompts. Nonetheless, they're all asking for the same four pieces of information:

  • What you want to study at graduate school?
  • Why you want to study it?
  • What experience you have in your field?
  • What you plan to do with your degree once you have it?

Admissions committees look for candidates with clear, well-defined research interests that arise from experience. With that in mind, your statement of purpose should reveal that you care deeply about your chosen discipline and that you have the background to support your ideas and sentiments. It should also demonstrate that you're a diligent student who will remain committed for the long haul. Always answer the question asked of you. Being substantive and direct is much better than being creative or flashy.

2. Be selective about the details you include.

Grad schools don’t care that you make a great chicken casserole or play intramural bocce ball. They do care about those activities that speak to your suitability for graduate work. As a graduate student, you'll be called upon to do difficult coursework and research. You may have to teach undergraduate classes within your field and conceivably even design a course. And you'll have to get along with a diverse group of colleagues who will sometimes work very closely with you. Any experience in school, work, or your extracurricular life that speaks to those abilities is worth talking about.

Read More: 5 Tips for Choosing a Grad School

3. Make your statement of purpose unique.

While it's important to be focused, there's no need to be boring. To distinguish your essay, add unique (yet relevant) information. One of the best ways to do this is to discuss—briefly—an idea in your field that turns you on intellectually. It's an effective essay-opener, and it lets you write about something besides yourself for a bit.

Remember, the idea you choose to talk about can tell an admissions committee a lot about you. And it demonstrates your interest in your field, rather than just describing it.

4. Ask for feedback.

Be sure to show your statement of purpose to someone you respect, preferably the professors who are writing your recommendations, and get some feedback on the content before you send it in. Have someone else proofread your essay for spelling and grammar. A fresh set of eyes often picks up something you missed.

Finally, don't just reuse the same statement of purpose for each school to which you apply. You can recycle the same information, but make sure you change the presentation to fit each individual program.

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Statement of purpose

The statement of purpose is a short essay that should be customized for each program you apply to. it will be evaluated by the graduate program faculty, so present yourself as someone who will be a good fit for the program., crafting a strong statement of purpose.

Your statement of purpose is an important part of your UC graduate school application. Be sure to write a polished essay so you'll make a good first impression when you apply. Each application is different, but a good Statement of Purpose shouuld contain the following elements: 

  • Introduction: Indicate the degree you want to earn and the topic you want to study. Describe your research and how graduate school will help you reach your career goals, as well as the contribution you will make to the program.
  • Accomplishments: Summarize your achievements, including research projects, classes or work that stimulated your desire for graduate studies during your undergraduate or master’s career.
  • Referrals: If you've received encouragement from professors in the program you would like to enter, mention that as well.
  • Format: Modify your statement of purpose for each application you submit, carefully following the guidelines and instructions, which may vary from program to program. Typically, your essay should be one to two pages, single-spaced, using a 12-point font that's easy to read; but make sure to confirm the institutions formatting requirements. Proofread to make sure there are no typos or grammatical errors.

A few writing helpful tips

Writing a statement of purpose can be intimidating, but the following tips can help you create a strong statment that highlights your readiness to begin your graduate education. 

  • Address your audience: Your primary audience is the faculty in the program to which you are applying. Treat your statement of purpose as an application to work with a specific professor in that department or scholarly field. Be compelling and clear.
  • Provide specific examples: Rather than simply saying you are a high achiever, for example, describe a project on which you exceeded a professor’s expectations. If your grades suffered because of a misfortune, such as an illness, explain how you persevered. You can describe a mistake that taught you a valuable lesson — but don’t make excuses. Be positive and concise.
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  • Graduate School

15 Winning Graduate School Statement of Purpose Examples

Featured Expert: Dr. Shiti Malhotra, PhD


Here’re the top 15 graduate school statement of purpose examples that got their writers accepted! In this article, you will learn how to increase your chances of getting into graduate school by submitting a statement of purpose that stands out among thousands! Let’s get started! 

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Article Contents 11 min read

Graduate school statement of purpose example #1.

This graduate school statement of purpose got 5 acceptances!

“Architecture is the will of an epoch translated into space.” I was 16 when I first read this quote by Mies van der Rohe, and, back then, I thought I really understood what it meant. Thinking of this quote one summer evening, as I walked around my beloved New York City, I was inspired to commit to a future in architecture. At that early stage, I cherished romantic ideals of designing grandiose buildings that would change a city; of adding my name to the list of architectural geniuses who had immortalized their vision of the world in concrete, steel, glass, and stone. It was in college that I became passionately interested in the theoretical design and engineering concepts that form the basis of architecture, while also exploring in greater detail the sociological and economic impact of architecture.

The true breakthrough for me took place in my sophomore year of college, when I was volunteering at The Bowery Mission, a women’s shelter situated in Queens, New York. The shelter was in a poorly ventilated building, with an essentially non-functioning air conditioning system. The little bit of relief for the people who stayed there was a small park nearby, a patch of green between suffocating buildings. One day when I was working the afternoon shift there in the peak of summer, I looked out to see bulldozers in the park. It was being torn up to make room for yet another building. I saw that completed building a year later – a grey block of steel that did not utilize any of the original park space. Witnessing this injustice, while learning every day about how climatology, materials technology, and engineering mechanics intersect with urban planning and architectural design, ignited a passion for sustainable design in me. [BeMo2] How can we, as architects, minimize our harm to communities and eco-systems? How can we design buildings with a view to sustain long-term energy and resource efficiency without sacrificing immediate economic viability? What are the eco-conscious solutions that architects can put forward to address the environmental changes of the 21st century? These were the questions that plagued me then and I have pursued the answers to these questions throughout my academic career so far.

I found the answers to some of these questions in the robust curriculum I pursued at ABC College of Architecture, New York. I took up advanced coursework in Engineering Mechanics, Surveying, Soil Mechanics, Steel Structures, Model Making etc. which helped me hone my technical skills. As my interest in sustainable architecture developed, I became curious about the social and anthropological impact of architecture. I studied Art History, African American Literature, Anthropology, and Cultures of Ancient Greece, which helped me develop a deeper understanding of the socio-ecological impact of architecture and ethical responsibilities of architects. With this strong background of academic exploration, my architectural philosophy continued to evolve. I became interested in cutting-edge design techniques and their application to sustainable design. In my junior year at college, I participated in the New Dimensions of Architecture conference held in New York City, presenting my own paper on “Analyzing the Implications of the Weiszman Design Theory for the Sustainable Architecture of the Future”. In fact, it was at this conference that I met Professor Richard Wright, the esteemed architect and professor emeritus at the Architecture department of XYZ University. Talking with him was one of the most enlightening moments of my life. We discussed our shared passion for ecologically efficient and socially cohesive architectural solutions, and he introduced me to the works of Leonard Nieman, Mary Andrews, and other cutting-edge green architecture firms that are making a real contribution to ecologically sustainable urban planning.

In fact, the possibility of learning from and working directly with Professor Wright is one of my main reasons to seek admission into your M.Arch program. His innovative design theories have a tremendous potential for sustainable architecture solutions. I would love to learn from him and collaborate with him to continue to explore my interest in these topics. I am also deeply interested in the scope of studies afforded by your wide-ranging curriculum that focuses on the latest architectural innovations as well as socio-economic evolutions in architecture. Moreover, for a budding green architect, nothing is more attractive than your quarterly line-up of seminars and conferences that frequently feature the names of the architects at the forefront of design innovation. With my strong academic background in both the technical and socio-economic aspects of architecture, and my focused passion on sustainable architectural solutions for the future, I think I am a perfect candidate for your master’s program. This education is exactly what I need to launch me into the next phase of my career, where I hope to gain experience at one of New York’s top green architecture firms, working on problems of low-budget housing, eco-friendly factory designs, and organic city planning. Eventually, I hope to specialize in sustainable, low-budget urban planning for socio-economically disadvantaged neighborhoods.

It’s funny to think how far I’ve come from my early romanticized ideals of what it meant to be an architect. Those sunset walks around New York city from my teenage years, surrounded by the works of Mies van der Rohe and Rem Koolhas, inspired in me an awe for the cultural power an architect can wield. It was an early lesson that a building can both represent and transform spaces. Today when I walk around my beloved city, what I see are the innumerable missed architectural opportunities to organically inhabit and improve any given space with sustainable design. And now, when I consider Mies van der Rohe’s famous quote, I no longer think of my own petty will or the limited scope of individual genius; I think of the will of an entire generation committed to saving our planet with teamwork, collaboration, and true passion, and how grateful I am to be a part of this generation of architects. (998 words).

Click here to read this grad school statement of purpose example.

Graduate School Statement of Purpose Example #3

Graduate school statement of purpose example #4, graduate school statement of purpose example #5, graduate school statement of purpose example #6, graduate school statement of purpose example #7, graduate school statement of purpose example #8, graduate school statement of purpose example #9, graduate school statement of purpose example #10, graduate school statement of purpose example #11, graduate school statement of purpose example #12, graduate school statement of purpose example #13, graduate school statement of purpose example #14, graduate school statement of purpose example #15.

A graduate school statement of purpose provides the admissions committee with a way of understanding more about you as an applicant. This essay gives them the opportunity to assess your suitability for their particular program and institution. Finding the right fit between an applicant and a graduate program is crucial for both parties, and your statement of purpose is your opportunity to explain to the admissions committee why you believe this graduate program is right for you. Here’s what our admissions expert Dr. Malhotra, PhD, shared about her experience writing an SOP:

“I found the graduate school statement of purpose to be the hardest application component, as I was not sure which experience to include and which to exclude. Additionally, it was difficult to know how to present me as a unique candidate; someone who will be a good fit for the graduate program. My biggest advice for writing the statement of purpose is to keep a balance between academic and non-academic aspects of your background.” – Dr. Shiti Malhotra, Ph.D.

With this in mind, it is important to use the statement of purpose as a way of showcasing what led you to graduate school and your chosen program , and what you hope to achieve if accepted. Here’s a quick list of what should be included in your grad school statement of purpose:

  • Why you are pursuing a PhD or a Master's program
  • Why you are interested in a field or a specific program
  • How you have prepared yourself academically or professionally for a career in this field
  • What you will contribute to the program
  • Your future career goals and how the program will help you achieve them

Here's a quick guide to writing a grad school statement of purpose if you'd rather watch a video:

How to Write a Graduate School Statement of Purpose

You need to lay some groundwork  before  you even start drafting your statement of purpose. Here are the steps you need to take to prepare yourself.

#1 Set Aside the Time

Preparing and writing a statement of purpose is not a quick undertaking. Since the statement itself will also require several drafts before reaching its final form, always keep in mind that this is not something to leave to the last minute! Ideally, you should give yourself 6-8 weeks to write your statement.

#2 Research Your School and Program

 Visit the school’s website and pay close attention to any mission statements or values that are stated. Visit the pages dedicated to your department and program of choice to glean clues regarding their academic culture.

#3 Brainstorm How and Why You Would Fit into the School and Program

It’s not enough to want to attend a particular school just because of their good reputation or nice location. While learning about your program of choice and its faculty, you should be constantly reflecting upon how and why you would fit in as a member of that community. Think about what you can contribute to the school and how the program will help you achieve your career goals.

#4 Contact any potential mentors

If during your research you have discovered a faculty member whose work sounds intriguing to you, reach out to them to introduce yourself. Forming a direct connection with a faculty member could significantly boost your candidacy, especially if the faculty member is willing to supervise you or write you a  graduate school recommendation letter . Plus, you can mention your interest in their research in your statement:

"My advice for writing [a statement of purpose] is to always include some specific faculty members and their research that was interesting to you. Look into their research! Find some recent publications that you can offer some ideas for!” – Dr. Hanlin Liu, PhD, University of Toronto

"statement of purpose was the hardest [application component]. i did not know how to structure it based on my university/program requirements.” - helen martin, phd.

Every program is unique. Make sure you understand the specifics of what they are looking for, e.g. length, emphasis, any required formatting guidelines. Many graduate schools will provide prompts to make your writing process easier. Make sure to read the prompt carefully, as they provide clues as to what the admissions committee expects to see in your statement.

#6 Choose Experiences to Include

“the hardest part was narrowing down my experiences into a concise impactful narrative.” – dr. reem sabry, phd.

And our admissions expert Dr. Sabry is not alone! To make this process simpler, make a short list of which experiences and achievements you would especially like to highlight in your statement. Ideally, include 1 to 3 experiences in your SOP. Note down specific examples of achievements you want to highlight. Make sure your experiences reflect WHY you are pursuing a graduate degree. Make sure the experiences you choose align with the program’s mission and culture. Think of your accomplishments and strengths in relation to what you know about the school. Do they value research? Share your top research experience. Does the program tout the importance of community? Discuss any community service you have participated in. Dr. Sabry continues:

“The biggest advice for a SOP is to highlight specific experiences that align with the specific program/research you are applying for.”- Dr. Reem Sabry, PhD

When you are ready to write, take a moment to review the length requirements. A statement of purpose is typically between 500 to 1,000 words long.

The statement of purpose should follow the structure of an academic paper, with a clear introduction, main body, and conclusion.


You need to grab your reader’s attention. Start with a compelling first sentence: choose an anecdote, a quotation, or jolt the reader with a gripping personal fact. Your opening statement would make a reader stay with you to the end. The second half of your introduction should provide a brief snapshot of what you will cover in greater detail in the main body of your statement.

If you find yourself struggling to write your introduction, set it aside until you have written the body and conclusion of your statement, since you will then know how the introduction could tie it all together.  

The main body of your statement should highlight 1-3 formative experiences that led you to grad school. Avoid making your statement of purpose just another grad school CV – you need to create a narrative! Remember, it’s more important to show why you are a great candidate, rather than simply talk about it.


Your conclusion needs to tie everything together and should leave the reader wanting to know more about you. Try to leave your reader with one last compelling thought or insight as you reflect upon what enrolling in the program would mean to you. You could speak about the current challenges faced by experts in your discipline, and your own eagerness to become more involved in contributing to the field.

Otherwise, your conclusion might also be a good place to address your career plans, as it ends the statement by looking to the future. You could end by specifying how the program will help you achieve your professional goals. 

Be prepared to write and re-write your statement as many times as necessary! Carefully review your statement after every draft to look for areas you could improve or elements you might need to add or replace. ","label":"Important Note:","title":"Important Note:"}]" code="tab6" template="BlogArticle">

Checklist for Submitting Your Statement of Purpose

Click here for the checklist.


Here's how we helped Nikki get into graduate school!

A strong statement of purpose offers a compelling narrative about your interests, abilities, and experiences, to show the committee that you are a strong applicant and the right fit for their institution and graduate program.

A graduate school statement of purpose usually ranges between 500 and 1,000 words in length. Be sure to check the specific requirements stated by the program as you prepare to apply.

A graduate school statement of purpose should contain an introduction, a main body based on 2 or 3 experiences, and a conclusion. Your statement should be clearly written and well-organized to help the reader follow the flow of your narrative.

A statement of purpose should include four main elements: your research interests in your chosen field, your academic and professional preparation, and your career plans. You need to give specific examples for each of these main elements, and to explain what you have learned from every experience you mention.

In writing your statement of purpose, you need to commit to writing several drafts to make sure your statement is as strong as it can be. You should ask for feedback from trusted academic mentors or professional consultants to ensure that your statement is effective and compelling. You also need to carefully proofread your work multiple times before submission.

You must never plagiarize your statement of purpose. Avoid using clichés and tired phrasing to keep your writing original and fresh. It is also important to favor clarity over artfulness, so be sure to avoid using overly-fancy language so that the focus is always on the substance of what you’re saying. Also avoid technical or overly specialized language unless absolutely necessary, and be sure to define any technical or specialized terms that you must use. 

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BeMo Academic Consulting

Hi Ablie! Thank you for your comment! We are glad you found this helpful!

Ayman Alfadil

Thanks a lot for your information. If my intended field of Ph.D. research is quite different from my previous research experiences, what am I suppose to do to link my previous interest with the new one? and Is it possible to have feedback on my writing?

Hello Ayman! Thank you for this wonderful question! It is not a problem that your previous research experience is not related to your new PhD interest. Even if they are not related in theme, it is important to showcase how your previous research experience honed your skills as a researcher. Demonstrate that the expertise that you acquired throughout your research history can be easily translated into this new field. Do not forget to give the admissions committee some sense of how you got interested in this new field, but it is not a problem that you decided to switch disciplines/interests. And of course we can help you with feedback on your writing. Please contact us for a free initial consultation (https://bemoacademicconsulting.com/Contact-Us.php) and we can discuss how we can help you make your statement the best it can be.

Ayman Alfadil, you are the winner of our weekly draw. Please email us by the end of the day tomorrow (June 19) at content[at]bemoacademicconsulting.com from the same email address you used to leave your comment to claim your prize!

Joana Smith

This is indeed the best Statement of purpose ever ,I love everything written here! It has really help me thank you!!!

Hello Joana! Thanks for your comment! We are glad you enjoyed this article!

Asra Tabassum

Hi...I want the sample for statement of purpose (for masters) where the student changes his filed/background/majors from science to IT... Atleast one sample which helps me to write my own. Thank you.

Hi Asra! Thanks for your comment and suggestion! We will try adding this kind of example as soon as possible!

Segun Abiri

I am so much in love with the way you make a big and difficult task simple. As a practitioner in adult education in Nigeria with over 6 years of experience, I intend to further my experience by having a Masters program in Canada. Problem is, my first degree is not in education, but Arts - Philosophy. I hope to scale through. Thank you for this great write ups.

Hi Segun! Thanks so much for your comment! We are glad you enjoyed the article. When you apply to a Master's program in Education, you do not need to have an undergrad degree in education. Your first degree in liberal arts will be a perfect fit for an Education graduate degree. Good luck and let us know if we can help you any further!

Chika happiness nwachukwu

Hi,indeed is the best statement of purpose ever,please I want the sample for statement of intents for masters,where the student changes his field,background/ majors from accounting education to educational foundations that will help me write my own. Thank you.

Hello Chika! Thanks for your comment! We will keep your request in mind when we update this blog! Thanks!

Hi, I wonder if you can only help me with SOP edits? Thanks.

Hello Bob! We can absolutely help you! Please contact us here https://bemoacademicconsulting.com/Contact-Us.php to schedule your free initial consultation.

Nwabueze Kewulezi

Hi, this is the best article on SOP I have read. Please, I need your advice. I am very passionate about teaching. I studied English, but my M.A. thesis is related to pragmatic. How do I relate both to my deep flare for education?

Hello Nwabueze! Thanks for your comment. Try to reflect on what connects your educational and professional background to teaching? Just because your MA thesis is not related to education, it does not mean that it cannot inform your love for teaching. Try making connections between your experience in the MA and what you want to do next. Hope this helps!

Samuel Frimpong

Can i get samples of these write-ups in Music?

Hello Smuela! Thanks for your comment. When we update the blog, we will make sure to keep your request in mind.

Chisa Amadi

Good morning, please I want to start up personal statement but don't seem to know how to go about it am applying for Agricultural science soil and water option. Please I will need a guide. Thank you

Hi Chisa! Thanks for your comment. Please feel free to reach out to us to discuss how we can help you with your personal statement! Look forward to hearing from you!

hey, thanks for the clear explanation, can you please help me write purpose statement for a journalism degree course

Hello Lucy! Please feel free to reach out to us to discuss how we can help you with your statement of purpose. Hope to hear from you!

This piece is extremely helpful

Hi Frimpong! Thanks! Glad you found this helpful!

Thank you for sharing this useful tips on SOPs.

Hello Anne! Thank you so much for your comment. Glad you found this helpful!

Elif Ülkü Türkoğlu

Thank you so much, this will be super helpful for my MA applications.

Hi Elif! Thanks for your comment! We are glad this is helpful!

Raphael Barrack Wangusu

Currently struggling with SOP preparations..i pursued Law for my bachelor degree and i wish to apply for masters scholarships in CANADA, UK, SWEEDN and USA. Thank you.

Hello Raphael! Thank you for your question. Please reach out to us for a free strategy call to discuss how we can help. 

Amazing content! I've never seen it explained the way you guys did it here!! Thank you!!!

Hello Joy! We are very glad you found this helpful!

It made me understand clearly what i have to do. thank you

Thanks Tumie! Glad you found this helpful!

i cant find any sop become related to food science. I really need a sample to help me. Could you help me please

Hello Shabnam, thanks for your message. We will keep your request in mind for when we update this blog.

I have enjoyed reading every bit of this document. I am so enlightened by it. Thank you.

Hello Michael! Glad you found this helpful! Thanks for your comment. 

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the statement of purpose essay

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Writing the Statement of Purpose

The statement of purpose should convince the admissions committee that your achievements show promise for your success in graduate study. Think of the statement of purpose as a composition with four different parts.

Make sure to check on the appropriate departmental website to find out if your statement should include additional or specific information.

Part 1: Introduce yourself, your interests and motivations

Tell them what you’re interested in, and perhaps, what sparked your desire for graduate study. This should be short and to the point; don’t spend a great deal of time on autobiography.

Part 2: Summarize your undergraduate and previous graduate career

a) Research you conducted. Indicate with whom, the title of the project, what your responsibilities were, and the outcome. Write technically, or in the style of your discipline. Faculty are the people who read these statements.

b) Important paper or thesis project you completed, as well as anything scholarly beyond your curricular requirements.

c) Work experience, especially if you had any kind of responsibility for testing, designing, researching or interning in an area similar to what you wish to study in graduate school.

Part 3: Discuss the relevance of your recent and current activities

If you graduated and worked prior to returning to graduate school, indicate what you’ve been doing: company or non-profit, your work/design team, responsibilities, what you learned. You can also indicate here how this helped you focus your graduate studies.

Part 4: Elaborate on your academic interests

Here you indicate what you would like to study in graduate school in enough detail to convince the faculty that you understand the scope of research in their discipline, and are engaged with current research themes.

a) Indicate the area of your interests. Ideally, pose a question, define a problem, or indicate a theme that you would like to address, and questions that arise from contemporary research. This should be an ample paragraph!

b) Look on the web for information about departments you’re interested in, including professors and their research. Are there professors whose research interests parallel yours? If so, indicate this. Check the specific program; many may require you to name a professor or professors with whom you might work.

c) End your statement in a positive manner, indicating your excitement and readiness for the challenges ahead of you.

Essential Tips

1. What the admissions committee will read between the lines: self-motivation, competence, potential as a graduate student.

2. Emphasize everything from a positive perspective and write in an active, not a passive voice.

3. Demonstrate everything by example; don’t say directly that you’re a persistent person, show it.

4. If there is something important that happened to you that affected your grades, such as poverty, illness, or excessive work, state it. Write it affirmatively, showing your perseverance despite obstacles. You can elaborate more in your personal statement.

5. Make sure everything is linked with continuity and focus.

6. Unless the specific program says otherwise, be concise; an ideal essay should say everything it needs to with brevity. Approximately 500 to 1000 well-selected words (1-2 single space pages in 12 point font) is better than more words with less clarity and poor organization.

the statement of purpose essay

How to Write a Statement of Purpose

the statement of purpose essay

Getting into a top university for an MBA, MS, or Ph.D. program often requires more than just good grades. Nowadays, one essential part of the application process is writing a Statement of Purpose, commonly known as an SOP. And since there's stiff competition out there, applicants with well-written SOPs are more likely to catch the attention of admissions committees and secure coveted spots in their desired programs.

So, if you're aiming for colleges in the USA, the UK, Canada, or elsewhere, knowing how to write a compelling statement is crucial. In this article, we'll break down the process for you, providing a clear format, step-by-step guidance, and even some samples and examples to help you get started!

What Is a Statement of Purpose

A Statement of Purpose is a key part of your application that lets you tell the admissions committee about your academic goals and why you're a great fit for their program. Unlike a personal statement, it highlights why you are applying to graduate school with a specific focus on your academic and professional goals. Essentially, it's your opportunity to explain who you are, what you want to achieve, and how their program can help you get there. When writing one, make sure to include the following:

  • Personal background
  • Financial status
  • Academic history
  • Work experience
  • Short and long-term goals
  • Why this school
  • Field interest
  • Publications
  • Submitted papers

When writing your statement of purpose grad school, it's important to focus on relevant experiences and ensure that every detail you include serves the purpose of strengthening your application and showcasing your suitability for the program. Our dissertation writers for hire suggest a few more things to consider:

  • Do not include irrelevant personal stories that do not tie back to your academic or professional goals.
  • Steer clear of clichés and generic statements that do not add value or unique insight into your application.
  • Do not speak negatively about yourself or others, as this can leave a bad impression.

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How Long Should a Statement of Purpose Be

A Statement of Purpose should typically be between 500 to 1,000 words, which usually amounts to 1 to 2 pages. This length allows you to provide a thorough overview of your background, goals, and reasons for applying while also allowing you to be concise and focused. Admissions committees appreciate clear and well-structured essays that convey your message without unnecessary details.

It's important to check the specific requirements of the program you're applying to, as some institutions may have more precise guidelines regarding length. Sticking to these guidelines demonstrates your ability to follow instructions and respect their process, which is an important quality for any prospective graduate student.

Statement of Purpose Format

When it comes to formatting your Statement of Purpose, our psychology essay writing service asserts that attention to detail can make a significant difference in how your application is perceived.

Make sure to choose a professional font such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri, and stick to a readable size, typically between 10 and 12 points. Avoid decorative fonts or sizes that are too small, as they can be difficult to read.

Next, use standard one-inch margins on all sides of the document for a clean, professional look and maintain consistent spacing. While there is no strict rule on the length of an SOP, aim for conciseness and clarity. Typically, SOPs range from 500 to 1,000 words or 1 to 2 pages, as we just discussed above.

Lastly, submit your SOP in a commonly accepted file format, such as PDF, and while saving your file, use a descriptive naming convention that includes your name and the purpose of the document (e.g., "Martin_Spilberg_SOP.pdf").

After thoroughly researching the programs and schools you want to apply to, it's time to start writing your statement of purpose. Before we move on to the next sections, here's a quick statement of purpose outline you'll need to follow.

How to Write a Statement of Purpose

Outline for Statement of Purpose
Research or Relevant Experience
Current Interests
Statement about Your Fit for the Program
Summary and Conclusion

Now that it's clear what sections to include in your document, let's review them and highlight what you need to focus on in each part. And while you're at it, you can simply request - write my personal statement for me . We're here to make your wish of a professionally crafted statement come true, no judgment, just top-notch help!

Step 1: Start Strong with an Introduction

Begin your statement of purpose by introducing yourself. Start with a brief overview of your academic and professional background, highlighting key experiences and accomplishments.

Provide a clear picture of who you are and your future aspirations. Highlight qualities that make you stand out from other applicants, such as unique experiences, being a member of an underrepresented population, or being the first in your family to attend college.

Next, specify the degree program, department, and school you are applying to. For example, "I am applying to the Ph.D. Program in Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University."

Discuss the origin and development of your research interests. Explain what you intend to study in graduate school and why. Share how you became interested in your field, linking your inspiration to your current research interests. Describe what motivates you to pursue a graduate degree in this field and why a Ph.D. is your next logical step.

Step 2: Share Your Research or Relevant Experience

Next, highlight specific experiences and professional achievements that make you a strong candidate. Include any relevant industry experience, such as volunteer work, internships, or residencies in your field. This is the time to showcase what you've done and how it prepares you for the program you're applying to.

This section will be the most detailed part of your statement. It should:

  • Highlight your research or other relevant experiences.
  • Illuminate your research and academic goals.
  • Demonstrate your familiarity with the field's terminology and concepts.

Discuss the influences or inspirations that shaped your development as a researcher or scholar. Consider addressing the following points:

  • Was there a pivotal moment when you realized you wanted to pursue this path?
  • Have you had any summer research experiences or other significant experiences? Discuss them in detail.
  • Is there a particular researcher or professor who inspired you? Mention them and explain their impact on your journey.

Explain how these research and relevant experiences relate to your current interests. Show your understanding of the subject matter you wish to study in graduate school and how these experiences have prepared you for this next step.

Step 3: Talk About Your Current Interests

To structure this section, address the following questions:

  • Why is graduate school the next logical step for you? Explain how further education will help you build on your previous experiences and support your future aspirations. For example, you might say, "Graduate school will provide me with the advanced research skills and academic knowledge necessary to become a leading expert in renewable energy technologies."
  • What do you plan to accomplish while in graduate school? Outline your goals and what you hope to achieve during your studies. This might include specific research projects you wish to undertake, skills you want to develop, or contributions you aim to make to your field. For instance, "During my time in graduate school, I plan to conduct research on innovative solar energy solutions and contribute to the development of sustainable energy policies."

By clearly articulating your current interests and future goals, you will demonstrate to the admissions committee why graduate school is an essential step in your professional journey.

Step 4: Explain Why You're a Good Fit for the Program

Describe why you are a good fit for the program. Start by explaining what attracts you to this specific program. Mention aspects like the curriculum, research facilities, or the program's overall reputation that appeal to you.

Next, identify particular professors you would like to work with and explain why. Choose at least two faculty members and mention their research areas. Include a sentence or two about their work, referencing relevant articles or books they have published. This shows that you have done your homework and are genuinely interested in their research.

For example, you might say, "I am drawn to this program because of its strong focus on sustainable energy solutions and its state-of-the-art research facilities. I am particularly interested in working with Dr. Jane Parker, whose research on solar energy innovations has greatly influenced my own work. Her article on photovoltaic materials was particularly inspiring. Additionally, Dr. John Doe's studies on wind energy integration align perfectly with my research goals, especially his recent book on renewable energy systems."

By demonstrating your knowledge of the program and its faculty, your statement of purpose shows that you are a well-prepared and motivated candidate, ready to contribute to and benefit from the program.

Step 5: Wrap It Up with a Summary and Conclusion

Conclude your statement with a strong summary. Don't just repeat what you've already said. Instead, use the information from the earlier sections to reinforce your main theme.

Highlight your enthusiasm for the program and your readiness to contribute. Emphasize the positive aspects of both yourself and the program. In your statement of purpose example, you could say, "In summary, my academic background and research experience have prepared me well for the challenges of this program. I am excited about the opportunity to work with leading experts like Dr. Parker and Dr. Doe, and I am confident that this program is the ideal place for me to advance my career in sustainable energy."

Keep the tone upbeat and positive, showing your eagerness to join the program and your belief in the mutual benefits of your admission. This leaves the admissions committee with a strong, positive impression of your application.

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Tips for Writing a Statement of Purpose

For polishing your document, you can use the following tips:

Tips for Writing a Statement of Purpose

Revise, Revise, Revise: Keep refining your statement.

  • Make it clear and concise, and don't hesitate to make changes to improve it.

Proofread Carefully:

  • Check your spelling and grammar.
  • Make sure your writing flows well.
  • Stick to the word limit.
  • Have colleagues read it to check for readability and typos.
  • Get feedback from academic mentors, colleagues, or teaching assistants.
  • Ask faculty mentors to review it and offer advice specific to your field.

Address Inconsistencies Directly: If there are any gaps or issues in your academic record, mention them and explain how you dealt with them, such as retaking a course or changing your priorities.

  • A single minor issue may be forgiven, but a low GPA can be a concern.
  • Some applications have a section for this; use it if available.
  • Focus on your strengths.
  • You can also ask one of your recommenders to mention and explain the issue in their letter.

Statement of Purpose Example

Here are practical examples you can use for reference. Also, if you want custom-made samples on any topic, you can easily buy essay papers online on our platform.

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Statement of Purpose Grad School Examples

You can refer to these samples once you've completed your graduate studies and are applying for further education at an advanced level.

In wrapping up, remember to take your time to craft your SOP carefully, paying attention to each section we've discussed. Don't hesitate to ask for feedback from mentors or peers to ensure it's polished to perfection. And most importantly, stay true to yourself and let your passion and goals shine through. With dedication and a well-written statement, you'll be well on your way to achieving your academic and professional aspirations.

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How Long Should a Statement of Purpose Be?

What is a statement of purpose, what not to write in a statement of purpose.

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is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

the statement of purpose essay

  • Updated FAQs
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  • Writing your academic statement of purpose : Graduate school . (n.d.). https://gradschool.cornell.edu/diversity-inclusion/recruitment/prospective-students/writing-your-statement-of-purpose/
  • Joubert, S. (2024, February 6). How to write a statement of purpose for graduate School . Graduate Blog. https://graduate.northeastern.edu/resources/how-to-write-a-statement-of-purpose/
  • How to write a great statement of purpose. (n.d.-b). https://www.mcnair.ucsb.edu/sites/default/files/sitefiles/resources/HowToWriteAGreatStatementOfPurpose.pdf

How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay

  • Statement of Purpose, Personal Statement, and Writing Sample

Details about submitting a statement of purpose, personal statement, and a writing sample as part of your degree program application

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Statement of Purpose 

The statement of purpose is very important to programs when deciding whether to admit a candidate. Your statement should be focused, informative, and convey your research interests and qualifications. You should describe your reasons and motivations for pursuing a graduate degree in your chosen degree program, noting the experiences that shaped your research ambitions, indicating briefly your career objectives, and concisely stating your past work in your intended field of study and in related fields. Your degree program of interest may have specific guidance or requirements for the statement of purpose, so be sure to review the degree program page for more information. Unless otherwise noted, your statement should not exceed 1,000 words. 

Personal Statement

Please describe the personal experiences that led you to pursue graduate education and how these experiences will contribute to the academic environment and/or community in your program or Harvard Griffin GSAS. These may include social and cultural experiences, leadership positions, community engagement, equity and inclusion efforts, other opportunities, or challenges. Your statement should be no longer than 500 words.

Please note that there is no expectation to share detailed sensitive information and you should refrain from including anything that you would not feel at ease sharing. Please also note that the Personal Statement should complement rather than duplicate the content provided in the Statement of Purpose. 

Visit Degree Programs and navigate to your degree program of interest to determine if a Personal Statement is required. The degree program pages will be updated by early September indicating if the Personal Statement is required for your program.

Writing Sample 

Please visit Degree Programs and navigate to your degree program of interest to determine if a writing sample is required. When preparing your writing sample, be sure to follow program requirements, which may include format, topic, or length. 

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the statement of purpose essay

Need to write a graduate school statement of purpose, but not sure where to start? Let us guide you through how to write a statement of purpose for grad school!

We’ll go over what a statement of purpose, or letter of intent, for grad school is and how it’s different from other admissions essays like personal statements. Then we’ll discuss what schools are looking for in a statement of purpose for graduate school. Finally, we’ll give advice on how to write one!

What Is a Grad School Statement of Purpose?

If you’re on this page, you probably know that a statement of purpose (AKA a letter of intent) is an essay requested by lots of graduate programs as part of their application process. But there’s more to it than that.

A statement of purpose is where you tell the admissions committee why you’re interested in a particular graduate program, the kind of work you plan on doing when you’re there, and why you in particular should be doing that work.  At more research-focused programs, like PhDs, the graduate school statement of purpose will be focused on your research skills and interests. At more professionally-focused programs, like MPPs and MBAs, the statement will more closely address your professional skills and goals.

It’s important to note that a statement of purpose is not the same thing as a personal statement. What’s the difference? Well, a grad school statement of purpose is more closely focused on your academic/professional qualities, accomplishments, and goals, while a personal statement is more concerned with you as an overall person. Personal statements allow for you to be more personal. There’s definitely some overlap in that both will expect you to address your goals and interests in the field, but a statement of purpose generally has a slightly tighter focus.

Of course, the demarcation between a statement of a purpose and a personal statement won’t always be hard-and-fast. Some programs will call the essay that they want a personal statement, but most of the questions they offer to guide you are academic/professional. Others will ask for a statement of purpose but provide sample essays laden with personal anecdotes and experiences. Still others will ask for a “personal statement/statement of purpose.” Graduate school admissions processes are, alas, not totally consistent across programs even within the same field.

You can allow the information available on the admissions website to guide the direction of your graduate school statement of purpose. However, if they don’t provide further specifications, the general scheme holds: A statement of purpose = tight focus on academic work/research and a personal statement = broader picture of you as a person (including academic goals).

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Some programs ask for a graduate school letter of intent instead of an essay. A letter of intent for graduate school is very similar to a statement of purpose in content and focus. You’ll just structure it a little more like an actual letter by addressing your writing to the admissions committee and signing your name.


What Are Schools Looking for in a Statement of Purpose?

Now that we’ve provided a brief overview of what a statement of purpose is, let’s consider what programs are looking for in a statement of purpose or grad school letter of intent more specifically. There may be some small variation in what different programs are looking for; you should consult any available guidelines for each program. However, here are the specific elements that most graduate programs will be looking for in a statement of purpose:

Your Research and Professional Interests

One of the main things programs will be looking for in your graduate school statement of purpose is a description of the research and/or professional interests you want to develop in their program. For a research-focused program (like pretty much all PhDs and some master’s programs), you’ll target this more specifically to the research projects you would like to do while you there.

For more professionally-focused graduate programs, there may not be much a built-in research component. In this case, focus more on your specific interests within the degree field and what related skills you’re trying to build through the program.

It’s best to be as specific as possible in discussing what interests you. Don’t be vague or say that everything in the field appeals to you. This will make you seem both unfocused and boring. Instead, use particular examples of situations or phenomena that you find exciting. You want everything about your grad school statement of purpose to be intriguing and memorable!

Don’t worry that your statement of purpose will box you into a particular research area. Admissions committees understand that interests change, especially as you become more immersed in a field. However, having a focused plan helps reassure admissions committees that you are motivated and will actually be able to complete the program.

How Your Background Qualifies You

The next essential component admissions offices will be looking for is evidence of how your background qualifies you to pursue this particular field and area of interest (and research area if applicable). What brought you to these particular interests? You can describe your undergraduate studies, relevant professional experience, any major projects you’ve worked on, papers you’ve written, talks you’ve given, mentors you’ve worked with, and so on. Don’t just tell the admissions committees what makes you particularly suited to what you’re pursuing—show it with specific, vivid examples.


A Track Record of Success

Admissions committees will also be looking for a proven record of academic and personal success. Your accomplishments will almost certainly overlap with your background and qualifications. Just keep in mind that you’ll want to emphasize major accomplishments that highlight your ability to succeed in the rigorous graduate school environment!

What Interests You in the Program

At every program you’re applying to, you should be able to speak to particular things about that program that appeal to you. Are there specific professors you want to work with? Does the department have a specific focus that gels well with yours? Is there something special or particular about the curriculum you’re excited to take advantage of?

You should also demonstrate how you (and your research/work) fit in with the program. Why is it a match? What do you bring? Again, admissions committees will want you to show, not tell.


Your Passion for the Field

Admissions officers will also be looking for you to show genuine passion for your field and research/professional area of interest. Why are you planning on devoting your life to this thing? Remain professional, but communicate your excitement!

It’s become a common refrain, but be specific. You won’t stand out—at least not in a good way—if you write things that are vague, cliche, and/or grandiose. Stay away from things like “I love engineering,” or “Ever since I was a child I knew I wanted to be a lawyer.”

And don’t just say that you’re interested in disease pathology because you want to help people or save the world. It’s fine to mention an altruistic motive, but you should be specific and particular when articulating what you’re passionate about within your field. So instead, say something like “Volunteering with HIV-positive individuals in a community program impressed upon me the critical importance of improving our understanding of HIV. I feel driven to work towards improved treatments with fewer side effects.”

Your Writing Skills

Graduate school invariably involves writing, and usually lots of it. Admissions committees will be looking to your statement of purpose (and any other writing you submit with your application) to make sure you have the writing skills necessarily to succeed in a graduate program. So you want your statement to be well-organized and clearly communicate your ideas. Admissions committees will also be looking for your statement of purpose to be descriptive but concise; a statement of purpose for graduate school shouldn’t be longer than two pages even if there’s no hard word limit. You also want your writing style to stand out. While you shouldn’t use an overly familiar tone, you also don’t want to be too staid and buttoned-up. You definitely don’t want to bore anyone reading your essay!


How to Write a Statement of Purpose for Grad School

When you sit down to write your statement of purpose, there are two major components to consider: content (what you’re going to say) and style (how you’re going to say it). Content is what makes up the underlying bones of your statement of purpose/letter of intent. Graduate schools care about both content and style, but during the writing process, it makes sense to focus first on content and then consider style more closely when you know what you want to say.

This nine-step guide will walk you through how to write a statement of purpose for grad school.

Step 1: Brainstorming

The first step is to generate ideas for what to include in your grad school statement of purpose. This should include many of the elements we addressed in the previous section. As you brainstorm, it’s fine to start with more general statements and ideas and then hone in on more specific examples to include in your statement. But thinking of specific examples in advance will make writing the actual statement of purpose much easier!

There are many brainstorming methods you could consider. Some people like making lists while others prefer to just free-write paragraphs. Some would rather draw a mind map or even make voice memos. Just so long as it helps you record the information and get your brain going, any method is fine.

Here are some things to consider in your brainstorming session, with brainstorming questions for each:

Your research/professional interests in the field

  • What interests you most in your field? Consider what you’ve researched/done before, and how closely you want your future interests to hew to what you’ve done in the past.
  • Are there particular themes, methods, theories, etc. that interest you?
  • What problems are you hoping to solve or address through your work/future career?

Your research/professional background and qualifications

  • What major projects have you worked on? Did you write a thesis? Do an amazing internship? Work on a research project? Build an app? Create a curriculum? Have clinical experience?
  • Have you presented at any conferences? Do you have any papers published?
  • If you have work experience, how is it relevant to your program? What competencies and skills did you build there that carry over to your planned research/work?

Your major accomplishments

  • Any major accomplishments not covered in your background/qualifications? Try to tie them back to your ability to succeed in graduate school and your specific research/professional endeavors.

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What’s appealing about the specific programs you’re applying to

  • Are there specific professors you want to work with?
  • Do they have resources especially suited to your research/professional interests? Like particular classes or special programs?
  • How will your work fit there?

Why you’re passionate about the field

  • What made you initially interested?
  • What goals are you passionate about accomplishing?
  • What do you find particularly fascinating or intriguing in your field?

Weaknesses to address

Are there any weaknesses in your application you need to address? If you have a semester with very low grades or another “hole” in your application, you can address it directly in your statement of purpose. Graduate schools won’t want excuses, but it’s fine to provide some kind of explanation: were you dealing with a family emergency or chronic illness? Did you need to work full-time and go to school full-time? Whatever you write, try to frame it in positive terms, to emphasize your ultimate success in the face of setbacks.

If you find yourself struggling to generate ideas for any of the above areas, there are a few things you could do. You could look at old papers and projects you’ve turned in. You could also speak to mentors and friends. They’ll remember amazing things you’ve done and should talk about in your application.

It’s also a good idea to discuss your graduate school statement of purpose with a professor in your field of interest. They are likely to have a good idea what graduate programs and looking for and can help you generate and hone ideas.


Step 2: Outline

Next, you’ll want to select your most impactful ideas and examples from your brainstorming session and arrange them into an outline. Highlight the overall points you want to make and the examples that go with each of those points. Try to arrange your points in an order that flows logically.

However, don’t get too hung up on the details for your initial outline. It’s better to keep moving with a rough plan than to be paralyzed early in the process!

Step 3: First Draft

Next, with the help of your outline, you’ll write your first draft. Don’t feel like your first draft has to be application-ready. In fact, your very first draft doesn’t have to be ready for anyone’s eyes but your own. The purpose of this draft is to get your initial thoughts on paper. It’s fine to focus more on content than style. Hammer out your main points, and don’t worry too much about word limit yet (although you will have to cut down to 1-2 pages at most for your final statement of purpose).

Step 4: Initial Edit

Once you have a first draft, you’ll want to make a first editing pass through yourself to tighten things up. Try to make sure that your writing flows logically and start to cut points that seem less relevant. You don’t need to make your statement of purpose perfect right now on your first editing pass, but try to refine it into something you’re comfortable sharing with others.

Make sure that the following critical points are coming through clearly:

  • Your research/professional interests
  • Your qualifications and accomplishments
  • Why you’re interested in the particular program

If you’re feeling lost or stuck, it’s fine to move on to step 5 and solicit some feedback from others.


Step 5: Get Feedback

Now that you have a workable draft, it’s time to get feedback from other people—preferably people familiar with the graduate school admissions process. They can read your statement of purpose and give you advice on the clarity and organization of your ideas. They can help you figure out if you’ve framed your examples correctly and advise where you need to further develop ideas.

It’s a good idea to have several people look at your draft. You don’t necessarily need to accept every piece of writing advice from every person who looks at your essay. However, if multiple people give a similar piece of feedback, you should probably take that advice.

Step 6: Edit Again

Next, you’ll revise your graduate school statement of purpose again based on the feedback you received from others. Now you should try to really tighten things up and think about how the final product will be received by the admissions committee. Make sure all of your examples and points are well-organized, concise, and impactful. Bring your statement under the word limit.


Step 7: Make It Sparkle

As you work on finishing up your statement of purpose for graduate school, you want to really go the extra mile on making your statement stand out. So make the following stylistic tweaks:

Make sure your opening sentences are attention-grabbing (in a good way)! Starting with a cliche, a generalization or another boring statement will disengage your readers right from the start, which is the last thing you want. Here are some cliches to avoid:

  • Don’t start with a quote unless it’s somehow very directly linked to your research interests. Admissions committees are interested in your thoughts and insights; borrowing the insights of others can make you seem intellectually lazy.
  • Don’t start with “Ever since I was a child, I wanted to…” This is a hugely overused beginning and also says nothing about you as a person now, which is what programs are interested in.
  • Avoid starting with an overly broad or vague statement, like “I love science” or “I was born to be a lawyer.” You want to engage readers from the very first sentence, and since everyone applying to the program presumably loves science or wants to be a lawyer (etc), you’ll make yourself seem generic.

Of course, you should avoid platitudes and cliches throughout your writing, not just in the introduction. Try to replace cliche phrases like “Achilles heel,” “wake-up call,” “right up my alley,” and so on with more vivid and memorable language.

Make sure you’re using active voice instead of passive voice in your writing. So instead of “I was told by my professor…” try “My professor told me…”

Avoid overly informal language, contractions, and slang.

The first time you use an acronym, spell out what it is.

Step 8: Get Feedback Again

Now that you have a fairly polished second draft, hand it around for another round of feedback. You can ask more specifically for writing-style based feedback at this point if you would like.

Step 9: Final Tweaks

After you get your last round of comments from your readers, it’s time for the final tweaks. Incorporate any comments you want to address. Fix any punctuation, grammar, or spelling mistakes. Reading your entire essay out loud is a good technique as it will allow you to catch mistakes more easily and point to places where the text may sound awkward.

Once you’ve put on the final finishing touches, you’re ready to submit your graduate school statement of purpose!

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The Keys to a Great Graduate School Statement of Purpose

A graduate school statement of purpose serves to introduce your research/professional skills and interests to the programs you’re applying for. It’s more tightly focused on your academic and professional life than you as an overall person.

Here are the key ingredients committees will be looking for in your graduate school statement of purpose:

  • A clear articulation of your research and/or professional interests (whichever is more applicable to the program)
  • What qualifies you for the program (and for any proposed research)
  • Examples of your professional/academic success
  • Your interest in the features of a particular department/program
  • A deep level of passion for the field
  • Skillful writing!

And here’s a nine-step process to writing one:

  • Brainstorm: Brainstorm ideas and examples for all of the essential ingredients mentioned above
  • Outline: Arrange the best ideas from your brainstorm into a loose outline
  • First draft: Write a rough first draft. Focus on getting ideas onto paper.
  • First edit: Make a pass through to clean up your thoughts and ideas.
  • Ask for feedback: Ask mentors and people you trust to look over your draft and give feedback.
  • Second edit: Incorporate feedback and tighten everything up into a more cohesive piece of writing.
  • Make it sparkle: Hone in on writing style concerns. Make sure your language is lively, concise, and effective.
  • Get feedback again: Get a final round of feedback. This can focus more on style issues if you’d like.
  • Make final tweaks: Address any comments from your readers and make sure your statement is error-free!


What’s Next?

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the statement of purpose essay

Author: Ellen McCammon

Ellen is a public health graduate student and education expert. She has extensive experience mentoring students of all ages to reach their goals and in-depth knowledge on a variety of health topics. View all posts by Ellen McCammon

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University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences

Nursing MSN & DNP

| 18 December 2019

How to Write a Statement of Purpose: Tips & Topics

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Congrats! You’ve chosen a graduate program and are ready to begin your application. An important piece of the graduate school application is your statement of purpose, also called a “personal statement” or “letter of intent.” Admissions committees will examine this to see if you’re a good fit for their school.

Your statement of purpose can help you stand out from the crowd and could be your ticket into the graduate program of your dreams. This guide explores how to write an impactful statement of purpose, including formatting, topics, and tips for success.

What is a Statement of Purpose?

A statement of purpose is an essay that tells the admissions board who you are, why you’re a good candidate for your chosen program, and how earning this degree would further your career aspirations. It is one of the most important aspects of your application. Your statement of purpose should answer questions like:

  • In what ways are this school and program a good fit for you?
  • What makes you unique?
  • What obstacles have you overcome in your life to get to where you are now?
  • What is your long-term career goal , and how would earning this degree support th is goal?

How Long is a Statement of Purpose?

Length typically ranges between 500 and 1,000 words but be sure to follow the guidelines specified by the school. Use a standard font such as Times New Roman in a readable size (11 or 12 points). Double-space your essay and use normal margins.

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9 Tips for Writing a Great Statement of Purpose

  • Read the instructions : This may seem obvious, but after filling out several applications, some students begin to skip over vital information. Different programs have different prompts and requirements, so make sure to thoroughly read the instructions before you begin.
  • Research the program : Learn everything you can about the particular program you’re applying to. Referencing unique attributes of the school and program will leave a more lasting impression and will show the admissions office r that you have done your homework.
  • Know your audience : Remember that you’re writing to a university admissions officer—not judges in a creative writing contest. They are not looking for an extensive or artistically innovative story. They are expecting a clear, well-structured essay.
  • Choose your angle : The purpose of your statement is to present your personal story to the admissions committees. It should not be generic or cliché. How have you overcome challenges in your life? What did you learn that could apply to succeeding in graduate school?
  • Outline what you will bring to the program : Focus on the life experiences and personal qualities that make you unique. What talents and perspectives will you bring to their program and graduate student community? In which ways do you stand out from your peers? Which campus organizations do you plan to get involved in?
  • Discuss what you studied in undergrad : Mention what you studied in your undergraduate program. What courses did you find most exciting? Discuss how you will build on that knowledge in graduate school.
  • Mention valuable experiences outside of school : Discuss any research, paid, or volunteer experience you’ve done outside of school that relates to your degree and future goals.
  • Add quantifiable details : It’s great to mention that you volunteered, but be sure to include quantifiable details such as how long, where, and any accolades you received (as space permits).
  • Ask for feedback : Once you’re done with your first draft, ask people you respect to review your essay. Consider family members, professors, or other mentors who can provide a unique perspective on how your statement conveys your skills and passion.

Examples of Topics for Specific Programs

Nursing If you are applying to a graduate nursing program , your graduate school statement should provide insight into your passion for nursing, perhaps illustrated by an anecdote from your career. Highlight what attracts you to this particular program and why. Make sure to discuss which field of nursing you are currently working in and how earning your graduate degree in nursing would further your long-term career goal . List your academic background and accolades, any relevant paid or volunteer experience, and the individual characteristics that would make you a valuable addition to their program.

the statement of purpose essay

Want to know more about our nursing programs?

Occupational Therapy When writing a personal statement for an occupational therapy program , begin by showing your enthusiasm for the profession. Demonstrate your knowledge of what occupational therapy is and how it helps patients live to their fullest potential. Make sure to include any relevant work experience or volunteer experience as well as your educational background and academic interests , as these are common interview questions . You might explore the moment you realized you wanted to be an occupational therapist—or discuss why it’s so important for patients to improve their function in daily occupations.

the statement of purpose essay

Want to know more about our OT programs?

Physical Therapy To write a personal statement for a physical therapy program , make sure to write sincerely and passionately. You could start by choosing an experience that motivated you to pursue the profession. How did this experience shape you and your future goals as a physical therapist? Be sure to mention your academic background and work experience. Consider also discussing:

  • An experience you had with a person who has an injury or disability
  • The importance of quality of life and movement
  • Which PT specialty you are most interested in

the statement of purpose essay

Want to know more about our PT programs?

The University has five campuses in  San Marcos , California; St. Augustine  and  Miami  in Florida; and Austin  and  Dallas  in Texas. Our entry-level, first-professional degree offerings include:  Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) ,  Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD) ,  Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT) , Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies (MSPAS) , and  Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology (MS-SLP) . The University also offers graduate post-professional education programs, including the  Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) ,  Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) ,  Master of Health Administration (MHA) , P ost-Professional Doctor of Occupational Therapy Degree (PPOTD) , Doctor of Education (EdD) and continuing education seminars and certifications for currently licensed therapists. 

The University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences is institutionally accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) , 1080 Marina Village Parkway, Suite 500, Alameda, CA 94501, (510) 748-9001, www.wscuc.org .

The University maintains programmatic accreditation on a campus-by-campus basis with the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE), Council on Academic Accreditation (CAA) for Speech-Language Pathology, and the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). For Physician Assistant Studies, the Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA) has granted Accreditation-Provisional; all new programs are required to go through a provisional accreditation period prior to receiving full accreditation. PA program graduates will be deemed to have graduated from an accredited program if their PA degree program was accredited at the time of their matriculation. Learn more about the University’s institutional and programmatic accreditation.

The University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences (USAHS) completed a rigorous assessment by B Lab®, an independent non-profit organization that serves as a global movement of people using business as a force for good, and  became a Certified B Corporation® . 


There could be an article about you here one day. Take charge of your own life-story!

Take charge of your own life-story

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11 Tips for Writing a Powerful Statement of Purpose [Sample SOP Included]

the statement of purpose essay

By Jitta Raghavender Rao • GradSchool Admissions

The Statement of Purpose is probably one of the most misunderstood aspects of graduate applications. Most students pass it off like it is just another essay about themselves, and naturally, write monotonous stuff that doesn’t stand out. That is why, the university admissions committee puts a hefty weight on statement of purposes and their structure  – they want to see whether you take the interest in letting them know how much you want to study at their university.

Most Statements Of Purpose Start Off Like This:

“I am applying to the Master of Science program in Something Engineering at the University of Example because I believe my technical skills will blossom at your program as it is a place where I will be challenged and where I can develop my scientific and technical knowledge.”

Or Like This:

“I am honored to apply for the Master of Science program at the University of Example because for as long as I can remember, I have had a love affair with science. Since I was a kid in school, I have known I wanted to be a scientist/engineer.”

Now, almost 99% of the statements are structured similarly, and often times, students copy-paste, and edit statement of purposes from their seniors or friends, making it sound even more generic or irrelevant to their applications. If you want to stand out from the crowd; if you want the admissions committee to remember your essay at the end of the day, even after going through hundreds of applications; if you want to gain that extra advantage by being somewhat special and unique, you will have to draft a great statement of purpose.  Great, but original .

the statement of purpose essay

How Can Your Statement Of Purpose Stand Out From The Crowd?

How do you write a great statement of purpose that sounds original, but at the same time gives the admissions committee what they are looking for? Simple. Basically, every university expects a student  to answer to some basic questions  that the admissions committee has. They may not ask you openly, but  these are generally what they expect you to answer:

  • What you want to study at graduate school?
  • Why you want to study only this degree?
  • Why do you want to study at this particular college? What do you like in us?
  • Why did you choose to study in this particular country? What do you like about it?
  • How much and what kind of experience you have in your field?
  • Is your experience related to you choice of degree?
  • If you are already experienced, what additional skills are you planning to gain from the degree?
  • What you plan to do with your degree after graduation?
  • Would you choose to end up with a job or take up research?
  • What are your expectations from both the graduate program, and the university?
  • Would you like to study or do research under any particular professor? If yes, why only them?
  • How can you contribute to our university and our program? What specific skills do you bring to the table?
  • Apart from work and education, what are your hobbies, interests, and habits? What are you like, as a person?
  • What do you understand about our student community and culture? Why do you think you will fit in?
  • What is that one unique aspect/characteristic about you that we should know? Why does it matter to us or to the fellow students of your class?

Now, these are the questions you will have to consider before starting off with your statement of purpose. Write down answers separately to each of the questions asked above, and try to build a story that the admissions committee would love to read. Remember, unlike an MBA program, you won’t be having any personal interviews for a graduate program, so  the only way to impress the admissions officers is by telling your story through the statement of purpose . You will have to convey your story in the best possible way, such that the committee finds you interesting enough. And if you are interesting enough to them, you will end up with not only admission, but also a decent scholarship as well .

Strategies to Write a Powerful Statement of Purpose

It is important that you follow a specific strategy when it comes to drafting your statement of purpose. Though most students write whatever comes to their mind, or whatever they see on the internet, you are not most people.  You would want your statement of purpose to sound brilliant, and original . And for that, you’ll need some strategies.

1. Write Stories. Not Statements

If given a choice, would you prefer reading a novel or a newspaper?

A novel, without a doubt. Do you know why?

Because while a newspaper gives you mere news and some eye-catching headlines, a novel tells you a story; a beautifully written piece of  literature that you will be emotionally connected to . It brings those humanly feelings out of you, and involves you in its storyline. You imagine yourself in place of the narrator/character, and understand why he/she has done that, or taken such decisions. We remember stories much easier than statements.

Because stories connect to us, statements don’t.

For example, most people say this:

“I used to work in a multinational software company in the development team, and I had to do the same job every day: code stuff. There was nothing new for me to learn at work, and there was nothing very exciting about going to the office. One day I decided that I had to get out of there, so I applied to college to study higher courses and get a better job.”

Doesn’t that sound like most stories? Albeit, a very normal story? Instead, how about saying this:

“Late in the night one Monday, I had found myself in the middle of a deserted office, and fifteen thousand lines of code. Full of caffeine in my bloodstream, and an empty life beyond office, I realized that the computers started coding my brain, and controlling my life. No longer wanting to let the machines feed on me, I decided that college would be my salvation.”

Both the stories come to about four lines. But which narrative do you think will keep the admissions committee reading? Which story do you think will be remembered by them even after reading 5000 applications?

Think again.  Do you want your statement of purpose to read like a novel or a newspaper?  If the former is your answer, then you need to put in a lot of effort to tell your story. Think about ‘why’ you want to study what you want to study. Is there a strong reason behind it? Is the reason emotional, economical, or any other? Think hard, and you will find a connection. The reason might not seem obvious in plain sight, but when you think hard enough, you will understand that  there is strong reason why you want to study a particular course/degree.

Now, when you have found this strong reason, tell it as a story. Write a short, but great narrative about what made you make this choice. About why you have chosen to study this course at this university. Impress the committee with your creative storyline, and you will reap the benefits big time.

2. Quantify Your Stories

Even though we asked you to write a story, you will have to remember that  your story should not read like a thesis . It should rather serve as the best source of information about you. And when it comes to information, numbers play a key role. Your story should be not only qualitative, but also quantitative. And that means,  your story must contain measurable quantities  instead of just stories, so the reader can understand the depth of it.

For example, if you have worked for a local NGO teaching math to primary kids, you could say:

“During my engineering days, I helped a local NGO by joining as a math tutor, where I taught basic math concepts to school children.”

Now even though this sounds really good, it doesn’t give the reader the entire picture and they certainly do not know how much of an impact you made on those children.

So,  you could change that bit to something like this:

“During my second year of engineering, I joined ‘Teach Math’, a local NGO, where I was a part of the Math tutoring team. For a  period of 10 months , I  taught basic math  like algebra, geometry and arithmetic  to more than thirty  5th and 6th grade students. And every single student I taught to,  secured an A  in math that year. I’ve never been prouder in my life.”

Do you see the difference? These numbers suddenly give a whole new perspective to the readers, and their respect for you is suddenly multiplied. That’s the power of numbers;  they add authenticity, and authority to your stories . If you can quantify your stories properly, and show the results instead of just actions, the committee will not forget your name. You can use the same strategy for the rest of your story, no matter what it is about.

Whether it is a research project you did, or a college fest you organized, or a college sports team you led, whatever it is, add numbers to your stories, and make them sound more realistic, and more beautiful.

3. Be Specific

You have to make sure that whatever you say in your statement of purpose, you need to be very specific with it. Don’t just say something because you think it will impress the admissions committee. Whatever you say,  you have to really dig into details . Be introspective. Don’t just say “I chose this degree because I love this field.” Explain clearly why you love this field, what made you decide that you want to work in this field for the rest of your life, what skills you are trying to amass, why it completes you as a person, etc.

Don’t beat around the bush like you normally would, when you talk to your friends. Don’t use ideal sentences like ‘I want to change the world’ or ‘I want to find my inner self’ or any of those cheesy lines. Just be straightforward and always to the point, but not so much as to come off as arrogant. Find your reasons and then  find a nice, memorable way to say it .

Grad school admissions officers require the statement of purpose not just because they want to find about you and your dreams. More importantly,  they want you to think for yourself , as to why you are taking such a life-changing step; why you think this is the best thing that can happen to you; and why you think you truly need it to succeed in life.

The ‘why’ is always profoundly important , and also an extremely difficult question to answer, which is why, if you can find answers to all the whys, then you are almost in.

4. Customize Your Essay

One of the biggest mistakes students make is to prepare a basic template for their statement of purpose, and if they are applying to more than one university, they simply change the relevant names and details. But the rest of the statement is an exact copy.

This is never a good idea, because though they might seem quite similar to each other, every university is vastly different from the others. Each of them has a diverse set of characteristics that define them, and their  cultures, methodologies, visions, values, mottos, strengths, weaknesses , etc., vary greatly. These things are much more important than the departments, or university rankings, or number of Ph.D.’s or other materialistic qualities.

So, if you are applying to multiple universities, you need to factor in all these qualities of every university, and customize your statement accordingly. Mere changes in names and details won’t suffice. You need to tailor your essay such that the admissions officers think you will fit in well into their community. Remember,  every student community is like a family , and if you give hints that you cannot fit into a family or their culture, you may not be welcomed easily.

Speaking of cultures, different countries obviously have different cultures, but even a large country like the US has different cultures in different parts of the country. So, before you begin writing, try and research the general culture within the region in which your target university is, and learn something about it. It may also help in aiding your decision process;  if a culture doesn’t attract you much, then there’s no point in wasting an application .

5. Use a Formal But Conversational Tone

Nearly all statements or essays come under two categories:  The super formal, and the super friendly . The first category is when you write a statement of purpose that is so formal, it looks like you are writing to your lieutenant in the military. The second one, of course, looks like a casual email to a friend. Now, when asked which one seems like a better choice, most students say the formal way is the way to go, and super friendliness is a big no. And still, a minor set of applicants think they can outsmart the admissions committee by sounding friendly, welcoming, and funny.

But, on further reflection, you would understand that  neither of the approaches is ideal . And you are right, neither of them is right. Like we talked about it already, your statement of purpose should read like a novel: slightly formal language, but still a tinge of fun and uniqueness. That is what you need. A conversational tone is the best and the safest way to go. Write like you are talking to someone, but avoid using casual language.

Imagine you are talking to your dean, or the director of your college . What would your language be like? That’s how your statement of purpose should sound. Now, occasional humor is okay, but you shouldn’t try to sound too funny or too smart. No intentional jokes or funny lines should find their way into your statement. After all, it’s a statement of purpose, and  the purpose is to pursue a graduate degree , not to impress people with your sense of humor. So, if what you write brings a smile on the readers face, then it’s perfectly alright. But  it shouldn’t make them throw away your application  because you didn’t seem serious enough to them.

6. Decide How You Want To Portray Yourself. And Learn How to Portray Indirectly.

You must see that the statement of purpose serves as a medium to convey your attitude, your personality and your character. Alright, those are some heavy words, and it can actually be difficult to them on paper. So, what you can do is,  learn what your statement of purpose should portray you as , in terms of a few criteria, which tell the admissions committee that you are:

  • Very passionate about the field of study you have chosen.
  • An Intelligent student who can withstand the academic workload of a graduate program.
  • Well-prepared academically and personally, and eager to study new courses.
  • Able to take on the challenges of studying at an international graduate school.
  • Able to build and maintain a good rapport with professors and fellow grad students.
  • Able to finish the graduate degree within time, and graduate with a good percentage.
  • A potential remarkable representative of that grad school in your future career.
  • A successful alumni of the grad school who in the future can help in recruiting graduates.
  • A responsible alumni who in the future will help raise funds for the grad school, to spend on research, infrastructure, facilities, student scholarships, etc.

These are basically the parameters that grad school admissions officers look at, when they decide who is joining their class.

Now, you might be wondering that the statement of purpose can only be as long as 1000 words, and that there’s quite a lot to cover in that little space. This is where your writing skills should come in. You simply can’t just go ahead and write “I am very passionate about the field of study I have chosen.” That is the last think you would want to write. What you should instead write is a sentence that indirectly means the same. You will have to choose your words wisely so as to indirectly communicate your “passion. You can use brief examples to show why you are so passionate about it.

For example,  you can say something like:

“My grandfather was a car mechanic. I remember when I was nine, he took me to his garage for the first time and showed me how he could repair my damaged bicycle so I could ride it again. When he passed away a few years later, he left me the entire garage. It was a turning point in my life. Some of my best days were spent inside the garage, where after coming back from school, I tried fixing various appliances in the house. That was what led me to choose to be a Mechanical Engineer.”

The above paragraph speaks volumes about you as a person and your passion for Mechanical Engineering without you actually saying it.  Any admissions officer in the world wouldn’t reject an applicant with such a deep reason , and such a wonderful story behind him/her. Now, remember, you don’t have to lie. Try and remember stories from your life that have shaped your decisions. And connect them beautifully to your goals and dreams.

Now similarly,  your “intelligence” can be conveyed by how you write . The quality of the statement of purpose, the organization, expression, etc. of your statement tells how intelligent you are. Demonstrating knowledge of the field, and using related jargon shows that you are “well-prepared”. Showing what you have done already describes your ability “to take on the challenges of grad school”. Your grades and your previous performance prove your ability “to finish the graduate program in time”. Being a “future remarkable alumni” can be implied by your being a commendable representative of your previous institutions, like your high school, or undergraduate school. Similarly, you will have to try and represent all the qualities mentioned above in an indirect, but powerful way.

7. Don’t Create Stories. Be Yourself

Because we asked you to write stories, there would naturally be an inclination to “create” stories out of thin air. Do not do this at all.  Write great stories only if you have great stories . Some people might come from normal backgrounds, who had normal lives, and probably didn’t achieve anything spectacular. It’s completely okay.  If you don’t have anything great to write, don’t write it . Be normal, and write normal stories.

It is better to be normal than to pretend to be someone you are not. The admissions officers are expert psychologists, and  they can spot a true applicant from a false applicant  with just one reading. So, you will badly hurt your chances of getting into your dream school if you try to be someone else. Just be yourself, and write only about the things that have happened to you, and the things that you are passionate about.

For instance, saying “I love research” just because you think they will like it, isn’t going to help you a lot. Whatever you say just for the sake of it, won’t appeal much to the committee, as  they would look for relevant evidences in your stories and in your past . So, don’t even think about fooling the committee with a false storyline. Try and be yourself throughout the essay.

8. Address Your Problems

The Statement of Purpose is a great opportunity for you to address some of your problems. If you have had any problematic academic background, or a gap year in your career, or if you had any work-related problems, you can address them on the statement of purpose in order to reassure the admissions committee. You must  try and be as honest as possible , and talk about your problems in a matured manner.

Instead of trying to defend yourself, you can point out the actual reasons that led to the problems, but more importantly, you should highlight ‘how’ you overcame the situation, and ‘what’ you have learnt from the experience. For example, let’s say that you got all C’s or all D’s in one semester. This normally isn’t the kind of academic profile a good grad school would want from you, unless there is a strong reason behind it. So, take some time and  dedicate a few lines to explain whatever happened .

If you had a health problem during your semester exams, or if you faced any emotional setback during that time, if you experience any personal loss, or if you had to take up additional family responsibilities other than studying, you can mention that in your statement. But, more importantly, you should not forget to demonstrate how your grades have been steadily improving since then, and that you now have a decent grade-point average in the discipline.

If you can spin this story well enough for the committee to empathize with you, then  your story will enhance the admissions committee’s image of you as a matured student , with the abilities to “take on additional challenges” and “to finish on time”, even when things are against you.

9. Do Your Homework

This is one very important point you should exercise while you are writing a statement of purpose. You should be thorough with the details of all the universities you are applying to, and list down all the things you like about each university, before you write the essays.

Most students simply write generic sentences like “I am impressed by the importance your university gives to research” or “I would like to study here because you have 100 Ph.D.’s and 20 Nobel prize winners.” etc. No, that is not how you do it. The admissions committee knows how great their college is;  you don’t have to remind them again and again . But, you should let them know what exactly you like about them, that you so badly want to be there.  The specifics are really important .

For example, you could say something like this. (Excuse the random jargon, it is only to give you an idea.)

“I would fully utilize the resources that the Wallenberg Hall provides, as I am particularly interested in the field of molecular chemistry. The special 24/7 laboratories provided for student research on molecular processing is exactly the kind of opportunity I am looking for, as I could totally see myself working in the labs day and night.”

And something like:

“I especially want to study under Dr. Mark Adams, Ph.D., as I have been an avid follower and admirer of his work in the field of quantum chemistry, which is not only the field I would choose for my research study, but also is a topic that I am zealous about, personally. I would be more than honoured if I can earn a spot in his research group.”

Do you see how professional it sounds? Such things show how well prepared you are, and how eager you are to study at that university. Now, to write something like this,  you obviously need to do lots of research  both online and offline, and be very thorough about the college, its facilities, courses, and professors. Yes, it is very difficult, but you better believe it is completely worth all the hard work.

10. Proofread, Edit, and Re-edit. Ask Friends and Family To Grade Your Essay

Another mistake students make is, they try and keep their essays to themselves. Maybe they are shy, or maybe they think their friends and family aren’t necessarily experts on the subject. So they think there’s no point in asking friends and family to critique on their essays. Wrong. Your statement of purpose speaks about you as a student, as an individual. Yes, there is technical slang involved, and yes your family members may not be experts on that. But,  they sure are experts on ‘you’ . Which is exactly why you should approach them.

They can not only give you additional points to add, but they can give you  valuable stories about your childhood  or schooling days, which you probably won’t remember. Plus, it’s very easy to say something about others, but at the same time, it’s painfully difficult to describe yourself to someone. Which is why someone very close to you, like friends and family, can describe you accurately. You will get  new perspectives on your stories , which sometimes are better than your own versions, and including them in your statement of purpose will do you a lot of good. Also, remember to proofread your statement time and again, and keep on re-editing content until you, your family and friends think you have the best statement in the world.

Remember that your statement of purpose is a  literary picture of ‘you’ as a person , and it is representing on your behalf. So, make it a top priority to avoid typos, misplaced commas and semicolons, overused quotes, being too wordy, using too many complex words and sentences, and being too straightforward. Be careful.  Be a perfectionist when it comes to writing . It shows how much you care about going to a particular college. And, once you are done with everything, do not forget to ask your friends and family to grade your statement of purpose, and ask them to criticize it accurately, so you can avoid submitting a less than perfect copy of your statement.

11. Take Advice From Professors.

If you know a professor at your undergrad institution, don’t hesitate to approach him/her for advice regarding your statement of purpose. They are of course very experienced prospects, and they might have seen thousands of statement of purposes and students in their careers. So, it wouldn’t hurt to ask for their opinion. Plus, since unlike your family, they are technically sound, they can also provide you valuable insights on how to project your technical expertise and project works in the statement.

After all, a  professor knows what another professor looks for in a prospective student , so it would only help if you approach your college professors. And, if they are really close to you, you can  also ask them for a really good letter of recommendation . So whichever way you look at it, there are only benefits for you.

Checklist for a Powerful Statement of Purpose

Here’s a basic checklist designed to help you draft a flawless Statement of Purpose. Make sure you write in an organized manner, and cover your points in a proper order. We have given this checklist so that you can write your statement of purpose without confusing yourself and the readers. Following a meticulous order like this will  make your statement of purpose a lot better to read and understand  about you and your story. Feel free to add anything else to the list if you think it will boost your chances, but remember to not write too much because you would then be exceeding the word limit. 


  • Introducing yourself in a unique manner.
  • Demonstrating your passion for the field.
  • Story about your background or experience in the field you’ve chosen.
  • Description of your academic background in the field you’ve chosen.
  • Specific classes or special courses you have taken, that are related to your field of interest.
  • Some of the professors you have studied under, especially if they are well-known in that field.
  • Co-curricular and Extracurricular activities in the field of you interest.
  • Publications or other professional accomplishments in the field (perhaps conference presentations or public readings)
  • Any community service or leadership experience while in college.
  • Explanations about problems in background (if needed)
  • Explanation of why you have chosen the specific grad school and other related questions as discussed in the beginning of this article.
  • Mention what you like about the university you are applying for, and why: facilities, infrastructure, etc.
  • Mention names of one or two professors in that school and what you know of and appreciate about their work, and why you want to study or work under their guidance.
  • Specific features of the grad program and the university, which attract you personally. And why.
  • Get advice from several of your professors, family, and close friends. Ask for stories about yourself.
  • Proofread and edit; ask friends and family to proofread for you as well.

So, those are some strategies and tips for you to write a powerful statement of purpose, impress the committee, and thereby ace the admissions process. Make sure you do every one of these things, and you won’t be far away from the college of your dreams. Do you have any strategies that worked well for you? Do let us know in the comments section.

We almost forgot!  We are giving away a sample Statement of Purpose for download, so you can get an actual glimpse of how the aforementioned tips and strategies have been incorporated in a real Statement Of Purpose. But remember, this should serve only as an inspiration to  your own  Statement of Purpose, but not a source to copy from. Close to 10000 students check this space regularly, and if every single one of them uses the same phrases in their own statement of purposes, very soon, everyone will be held for plagiarism. So, try and copy only the framework and the organization, but not the actual content. Happy Writing!

Download your free sample SOP now:

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127 Comments to “11 Tips for Writing a Powerful Statement of Purpose [Sample SOP Included]”

the statement of purpose essay

I am confused about a question that why you want to pursue MS in CS ? I don’t have any research paper for technical work. But i have solid final year system project. and i want to go for higher education.

Need Help….

the statement of purpose essay

It’s a question many students face when applying for a Computer Science program. In your case, if your final year project is related to Computer Science, try and emphasise how doing that project made you realize your interest for Computers. If you have any relevant work experience (software) then it will be easy for you to convince them about your choice of study. If you are applying for a top program, this is really important.

Try and build stories around your interest for computers, and use all the techniques given above. If you are still unsure, then maybe you should take a break, work for a year or two in a relevant field, and apply again. But, if you really want to go ‘now’, you should emphasise your project really well. Be positive! Good luck! 🙂

Hi Sachin, Thanks for useful insight on difficult doubt. I have tried hard for my SOP. i need someone could just refer it so i could get more correction and may help me build a good SOP.

If possible give me your mail-id. so i could mail to you !!!

the statement of purpose essay

I sincerely appreciate the time and the effort you put to carefully explaining these steps, I am really grateful.

Thank you for all you do.

I have mailed my SOP on mentioned Email-Id. Could you please let me know any improvements in my SOP asap…..

the statement of purpose essay

Just sent you a mail with steps you should take to improve your SOP. Let me know if you need help! 🙂

Just had a look around your suggestion. I would surely work around it. But I am confused which content to be removed because I have had much extracurricular activities and projects too!

Still I will concise it and will make improvements soon.

Thanks a lot!

Hi Jitta/ Sachin,

I have revised my SOP. Made necessary changes as suggested by you, Jitta. Thanks for your help! 🙂

the statement of purpose essay

I sincerely appreciate the team that up this wonderful work together which I we take my time to follow accordingly but and I get a direct SOP format on my mail or something to prove read for me when done with it

the statement of purpose essay

Sachin yar , why you guys do not send the pdf man . I get a message that I will be delivered on the mail but I never receive it

the statement of purpose essay

Geat advice. Thank you so much!

the statement of purpose essay

Where is the sample sop? Can you please give me the download link?

The download link is available right at the end of the blog post. Hope you have found it already.

the statement of purpose essay

The essay is not available from the download link. I received one sample sop as a .vcf file which is not opening.

Paul, I just checked and the download link is working. Mind trying again?

Ok im trying again . but i told you that i got the mail after i clicked on the link. the mail has a .vcf file attached, which is not opening.

Could you check your email? We have sent you the direct download link. Happy Studying! 🙂

got it 🙂 Thanks so much 🙂

Awesome! Would love to hear how it helped you 🙂

the statement of purpose essay

Hey Sachin,

Thanks for the article! I really appreciate it!

the statement of purpose essay

I have already confirmed my email but can’t download the sample SOP.If you can send me the direct link as you did with “shaoni paul”, this will be nice .

Please re-enter your mail id and you will taken to the download page. Let me know if it doesn’t work 🙂

I hope you find the sample SOP helpful!

the statement of purpose essay

Just sending a .vcf file and downloading the same. Tried it twice.

the statement of purpose essay

Hey Keerthi,

I am sorry to hear that you had to go through this process twice. I just checked and it looks like your email isn’t confirmed yet. Please re-enter your email and make sure you confirm your subscription. You should receive an email with a link to the SOP after a few minutes. Let me know if you don’t receive this mail 🙂

the statement of purpose essay

Hello, what is an ideal length for SOP? Please reply quickly as I need to finalize my SOP within this week. This article helped me a lot. Thanks in Advance.

Shrawan, there is no definitive ideal length for a statement of purpose. It entirely depends on the course you are applying to. For instance, if you are applying for an engineering school and send a 5 page SOP, the admissions committee may conclude that you are unable to express yourself concisely. And if you are applying for a literature school and send a 1 page SOP, that would again be a disaster too.

The general norm is a two to three pages statement of purpose. If you are going beyond that, it just means you are writing things that are totally unnecessary and would only act as a hindrance to your admission.

the statement of purpose essay

It was great to me~ It’s so helpful~

the statement of purpose essay

This article was really helpful and readable. It was very surprising that your article actually answered what I was asking inwardly! I think you just have an insight into a person’s mind! Thank you very much 🙂

Thanks for the kind words, Sarah, I’m happy to hear that the article helped you answer your questions.

Let me know if there is anything I can do 🙂

the statement of purpose essay

Hi Thanks for your useful post. I made my SOP based on your tips and I emailed it now. Could you please kindly review my SOP and give notes about it? I’m in a hurry, because I’m going to apply tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow for universities where their deadlines are 5 Jan. So I appreciate if you do me the favor urgently 🙂

Hey Ali, Please check your inbox and let me know if there is anything else I can do 🙂

the statement of purpose essay

The blog is excellently written and I am confident that it will certainly help me with my personal statement. Thanks.

the statement of purpose essay

Thank you very much for the article. It was very useful! Last year, I applied to a couple of grad schools and got rejected, which I believe was in part due to my weak SOP. This year, I’ve tried to improve it and would be grateful if you could please review it for me, and let me know of its flaws. Thanks. Keep the good work going.

the statement of purpose essay

Thanks for the write-up. I really need the sample SOP. Thank you.

the statement of purpose essay

I really needed some advise and you really provided with excellent explanation and SOP. And want to tell you thank you very much for all this. Now I know what was the biggest mistake in my prior SOP and why University did not admit me. Thank you very much again!!! ^_^

the statement of purpose essay

Excellent information with unique content and it is very useful to know about the information based on blogs.

the statement of purpose essay

Hi, Thanks for such a wonderful article being made. It helped me in stating the exact way of writing and proposing in the way the reader expects….. Thanks a lot…. 🙂

the statement of purpose essay

Thank u immensely for that great inside on SOP,I HV a better idea now on what to write.

the statement of purpose essay

There’s definitely a lot to know about this issue. I like all the points you made.

the statement of purpose essay

Thank you very much For such a creative blog,its much helpful. I really found answers of my all questions in this pretty written blog and it really awakened my mind to show that creativity which i had once before 3 years. Thanks once more dude.

the statement of purpose essay

it’s really helpful, thank you!

the statement of purpose essay

These tips are damn cool and intuitive hope so this will push me to touch zenith

the statement of purpose essay

This is the best blog i have seen so far that fully explains how to write a SOP. Most blogs show you a lot of wordy stuff which forces you to copy since you don’t understand the structure instead of writing something original for yourself. With this information, it really bring out the saying; “Teach a man how to fish rather than giving him fish…” Thanks for all the help.

the statement of purpose essay

Thank you for the tips and strategies am hopeful to write a good SOP and I have just started preparing my SOP and will continue to seek for your guide indue course.

the statement of purpose essay

This article is quite amazing and full of insight. I am going to take to the above instructions with due attention to details.

the statement of purpose essay

Thank you so much! Very helpful.

the statement of purpose essay

This blog is excellently written, wished I found you earlier.

the statement of purpose essay

High sachin, Thank you for your wonderful explanations on how to write a powerful SOP, To be sincere with you I really understand everything that you just explained and how you articulated it, I believed that it’s really going to help me a lots but the issues that I am having right now is that I don’t know if it’s actually possible for a computer science undergraduate that is currently in final year now at University to apply for any scholarship to pursue his MS in CS because I don’t have any research work though I’m still doing my project work

the statement of purpose essay

Thank You So Much For Helping The World.

the statement of purpose essay

Happy to help, Adikalie! Glad to know you found it useful. 🙂

the statement of purpose essay

Thank you so much for this guide.

Hello plz when can I get a reply yet?

the statement of purpose essay

Hi, Thank you for this wonderful information on writing SOP. It covers everything I was looking for

the statement of purpose essay

Very informative…Thanks.

the statement of purpose essay

Hy. Thank you, it is very helpful. now, I work on my own SOP for student exchange and this article solved my problem.

the statement of purpose essay

Simply wonderful!

the statement of purpose essay

Thank you for sharing this great source of information! I will prepare my statement accordingly!

the statement of purpose essay

Hi, I find this article really impressive and useful.I hope this will help me a lot writing my SOP.

the statement of purpose essay


the statement of purpose essay

Thanks for the detailed tips

Thanks for the detailed tips. Am so grateful for this.

the statement of purpose essay

This article is so informative! Thanks a lot for such useful tips! Some students underestimate the role of the statement of purpose and as a result, they get rejections. So, without an appealing, error-free, interesting and sweet SOP it is almost impossible to get a place at grad school or any other institution. Some students prefer writing this piece of paper on their own while others consider hiring professional SOP writers to help them out and make their lives a bit easier. Anyway, as the author said, a statement of purpose is a chance to impress the assessing committee and distinguish yourself from the crowd. Let’s do this 🙂

the statement of purpose essay

Fantastic SOP guide! I’m gonna apply to top universities this year so it’s going to be useful.

the statement of purpose essay

Hi! the instructions are amazing and gave me great insights on how to write my ideal SOP! Thank you so much!

the statement of purpose essay

Hello The post was wonderful and so much helpful

Thank you very much

the statement of purpose essay

What a nice guidance… Thank you… I like the way you explain

the statement of purpose essay

Sop writing is not a piece of cake but you have jotted down all the points in beautiful way. Keep It UP

the statement of purpose essay

Your article is very helpful!

Thank you, Ray

the statement of purpose essay

Hi, thank you for your helpful guidance.

the statement of purpose essay

Hi! Thank you so much for these useful tips. They really helped me with getting started.

Hi! Thanks for the tips they really helped.

the statement of purpose essay

This was extremely helpful!

the statement of purpose essay

Excellent post! very useful information. you are the best

the statement of purpose essay

Hi, Sachin!

Thank you very much for great advices and tips!

the statement of purpose essay

Hi.. the post is amazing….

the statement of purpose essay

Helpful tips!

the statement of purpose essay

Thanks so much! This is really helpful.

the statement of purpose essay

It was very helpful. Thank you so much!

the statement of purpose essay

As much as I am still left tensed and pumped to work towards my SOP, this helped me calm down and have a sit-down with my own brain and work my way around it more steadily! Thank you so much!!!

the statement of purpose essay

Hi,thank you for this, I’ve been thinking of how to compose my sop, but with this guide I believe I will be able to come up with something that’ll impress the grad school committee and gain my place in the university.

the statement of purpose essay

Thanks for the detailed information.

Helpful information

the statement of purpose essay

The guide is excellent. All students aspiring to write SOP must get it. THANKS SIR

the statement of purpose essay

I found this article very useful and I appreciate the effort you put into it to keep us abreast. Cheers.

the statement of purpose essay

Hello ! Just found out about your brilliant article.

Have a good day !

the statement of purpose essay

That was great, complete and truly helpful.

the statement of purpose essay

Thanks for this write up.

the statement of purpose essay

Thank you for the useful article. An ever-increasing number of students will utilize this to compose their personal statement. The admissions committee will utilize this to enable them to see exactly your identity and to judge your reasonableness for their school, so it should be composed consummately. This will be the most critical piece of your application necessities and should be composed superbly. The application process for whichever school you’re applying for will expect you to supply a personal statement as a major aspect of your application. Thank you.

the statement of purpose essay

Thank you for this wonderful steps in achieving a better SOP.

the statement of purpose essay

Thank you very much for this important information. Actually I have realized that most of the mistakes I have been making are here mentioned. This time I will not repeat the mistakes. Thank you very much.

the statement of purpose essay

Hi, Thanks, the tips are beautiful and really helpful

the statement of purpose essay

Hi, thank you for the amazing article. I will apply these tips and tricks as soon as possible.

the statement of purpose essay

Thanks for this brilliant article;

the statement of purpose essay

I have always wondered how should my SOP look like ? I always wanted to have my own unique version as I am applying now. Though I had a rough idea, after going through this blog,I must say that I am more clear about what the contents should be and how the SOP should sound. Thanks a lot for sharing the tips.

the statement of purpose essay

You are the best for sure! i am satisfied and i hope that i am going to make a very good SOP

the statement of purpose essay

wow This is great

the statement of purpose essay

Very useful post.

the statement of purpose essay

We all appreciate your kind helpfulness,continue your good work.thanks

the statement of purpose essay

This Piece was well put together. Thanks

the statement of purpose essay

This is a valuable article so I hope to get a free sample SOP as you have mentioned above. Thank you in advance

the statement of purpose essay

WOW just what I was searching for. Came here by searching for Help Writing Essay Homework

the statement of purpose essay

Thank you very much for this post. It is extremely helpful.

Thanks & regards, Debanjana Dey

the statement of purpose essay

Nowadays it’s very rare to come across an article like this. And it’s even rarer that I read a full article without getting bored. I read this one beginning to end. Brilliant!

Glad you enjoyed it, Flyod! Feel free to message us if you have any questions! 🙂

the statement of purpose essay

It’s has been very helpful

It’s has been very helpful, educative and interesting

the statement of purpose essay

This has lighten my burden about SOP to a great extent. Thanks for these tips.

the statement of purpose essay

Thanks for these wonderful tips.

the statement of purpose essay

Really helpful post. This post has the all the information which I need. Thank you so much.

the statement of purpose essay

Hi! Thank you very much for such priceless tips.

Again, thanks a lot

the statement of purpose essay

Excellent article..its a good site to explore ..Thanks for the blog post.Really thank you! Much obliged..

the statement of purpose essay

Very good post. I think these tips are helpful and needed. Writers often struggle with purpose statements, yet they are so important. What I like about your post is that you delve into various ideas and explain them well. Thank you for helping writers!!

the statement of purpose essay

I am writing my SOP with the help of your brilliant tips. Thank you

the statement of purpose essay

Thank you so much for what you’ve given us!

the statement of purpose essay

Such a great help!

the statement of purpose essay

Wow, the concept of writing the statement of purpose for graduate programme admission vividly explained and well understood

the statement of purpose essay

Great job ! I’m thoroughly impressed with your tips here. Thanks!

the statement of purpose essay

This article is excellent and helpful.

the statement of purpose essay

Thanks for this great post. It exposed a lot of flaws in my SOP and made me to believe that what caused the rejection of my grad application is the SOP. The admission committee states in the comment section that I met the minimum requirements but my application is not competitive.

Sure, I will do a hard think and find answers to all the why questions.

the statement of purpose essay

Thank you for such nice tips. SOP are now becoming a requirement of every reputable college and university. I am also very worried as I want to apply for my masters in a reputable US university but I fear that my SOP writing skills are not very good. I hope these tips help and I get into a reputable university.

the statement of purpose essay

Hey! I found the article to be AMAZING and so helpful! Thank you!

the statement of purpose essay

It was great reading the writing skills of SOP, more in a story manner rather a statement. I will try to work on these lines. Thank you.

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Download The Free GRE Guide (Valued at $30)

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  • Statement Of Purpose

50 Statement Of Purpose Examples (Graduate School, MBA, PhD)

Many students applying for a graduate school course are usually requested to write an essay about who they are, their purpose of applying, the reasons why they consider themselves as qualified candidates and their aspirations for the future. This application essay is also known as a Statement of Purpose letter. There are several statement of purpose examples available if you need a reference.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Statement Of Purpose Examples
  • 2 Purpose and format of statement of purpose
  • 3 Statement Of Purpose Formats
  • 4 Tips for writing statement of purpose
  • 5 Statement Of Purpose Templates
  • 6 How to prepare effective content for the statement of purpose?
  • 7 Statement Of Purpose Vs Personal Statement
  • 8 Statement Of Purpose Samples

Statement Of Purpose Examples

Free statement of purpose example 01

Purpose and format of statement of purpose

Statement of Purpose examples don’t just present you as an aspiring contender. They also showcase your writing skills. Graduate school and college entail a lot of serious writing. It’s not remarkable for students at this level to write reports and papers that can be 10-20 pages long.

Bearing this requirement in mind, you will need to show in your statement of purpose format that you’re truly an able writer. Here are some tips you may consider when composing your statement of purpose template:

  • Check your document for any grammatical or spelling errors.
  • Use clear, succinct, and strong language.
  • Avoid using repetitive language and clichés.
  • Keep formality in your language.
  • Always maintain a confident and positive tone

The general statement of purpose format is a lot like any other type of academic document. You must use:

  • Times New Roman font with 12-point size.
  • 1-inch margins on all sides of the document.
  • 1.5-inch line spacing throughout the document.

This general format makes your writing more readable and is also an expected format in letters of this type. Unfortunately, an applicant won’t get extra points for rendering a letter with standing visual formats. It is, therefore, more important to concentrate on impressing the reader with the actual substance of your statement of purpose template.

Statement Of Purpose Formats

Free statement of purpose example 10

Tips for writing statement of purpose

Often, you might get confronted with the issue on what to include in your statement of purpose letter. You may look at different statement of purpose examples to get inspiration and to know exactly how to go about writing the document. To guide you further, here are some tips for for writing an effective statement of purpose examples

  • First paragraph: all about you Start by introducing yourself with a short background, then state your current career objective or goal . Make sure that this introduction relates to the program you’re aspiring for. When comparing statement of purpose vs personal statement, this is the main difference. For instance, you don’t talk about how much you love animals when you plan to apply to medical school. All the information contained in the introduction should have something to do with the specific aspect of the program you’re applying for. This means that you have to do thorough research on the program. This ensures that anything you include on the document relates directly to the details included in the program.
  • Second paragraph: your reasons for applying The next thing to include in your statement of purpose template is an explanation of the reasons why you became interested in this specific field of study. In the first section, you stated your goal and background related to the program. Here, you provide an explanation of your interest. This is the reason why you’re writing a statement of purpose, to inform the admission officers the reasons you’re applying. Avoid giving reasons that are too general as this only confuses admission officers on your purpose. Furthermore, they won’t see you as a good candidate but just as part of a group who just provides too many reasons. If you understand your own reasons for applying and you specify them as much as you can, you can easily convince admission officers that you’re the correct choice.
  • Third and fourth paragraphs: why you’re the best candidate In the third section, you can open up on your personal experiences that have relevance to the area of study you want. Take these from your past jobs, projects , internships, and so on. However, some people may not be able to come up with such applicable experiences. If this was your case, talk to other people, friends, and relatives who know you very well. They may help in ferreting out some significant experiences you’ve had. You can describe in the fourth paragraph any other experience you’ve had which helped you decide on the field of study or have helped you in preparing for graduate studies. But be as concise as possible in expounding on this topic as the letter is not the right forum to narrate long stories.
  • Closing paragraph: future plans In the final section of the letter, take time to concisely explain your long-term objectives, career-wise. Be very specific and clear when writing about this topic. You may notice the objective here is very different from your current goal in the first paragraph. In the beginning, you talked about your present desires or actions and the goal in this final paragraph refers to what you’re planning to achieve. In the concluding paragraph, you discuss what you want in the future.

Statement Of Purpose Templates

Free statement of purpose example 20

How to prepare effective content for the statement of purpose?

Never take for granted the value of statement of purpose examples. You have to compose this document perfectly and in conformity with the statement of purpose format. Most students think it’s just another essay assignment where they talk about themselves. But as aforementioned, when considering a statement of purpose vs personal statement, the former is more important.

Statement Of Purpose Vs Personal Statement

Free statement of purpose example 30

An effective letter gives the impression that you’re interested in letting the recipient know how much you want to study in their institution.

  • Write stories instead of statements Most people would rather read a novel than a newspaper. While the latter can only offer you news and an eye-catching headline, the former tells a story which you can relate to. This applies as well to statement of purpose letters. Given a storyline, you can imagine yourself in place of the narrator or character. You then understand why he had made such decisions in his life. Moreover, stories are better remembered than statements.
  • Quantify the stories you write As you write these stories, they should serve as a source of information about you. When it comes to information, it comes down to a game of numbers. This means that your narration should contain measurable quantities instead of just stories. This way, the reader understands you better if you add more depth to your statement of purpose.
  • Be specific Everything you say in your statement of purpose should be specific. Don’t include irrelevant stuff just to impress the admissions committee. Whatever you say must have supporting details. Be as introspective as possible but also, explain things clearly. Be direct and straightforward with your explanations without having to sound arrogant. As for your reasons, make sure to word them properly by finding a memorable way to say it.
  • Customize your document One of the worst mistakes when sending out statement of purpose examples is preparing a basic template and sending the same to multiple recipients. All you change are the relevant names and details. Aside from these, the rest of the document remains the same. This is never a recommended idea for the simple reason that you will send the statement to different places which are very different from one another.
  • Use a formal but conversational tone Don’t be too formal and stiff with the language of your statement of purpose. As mentioned earlier, it should read like a story using a slightly formal language. Add a tinge of fun and uniqueness. Write it with a conversational tone, like when you’re talking to someone, but remember to avoid using casual language.
  • Don’t invent information about yourself A statement of purpose should serve as a medium that communicates your personality, attitude, and character to the admissions committee. Although it’s a good idea to make your statement in the form of a story, this doesn’t mean you should create one. Never inject lies in your statement. Only write stories that have factual bases. If you have something great to write, then do so. If you don’t have anything, don’t.
  • Talk about the problems you have faced in the past The statement also affords you the opportunity to focus on some problems you’ve faced. Share your shortcomings like issues with your academic background, a gap in your career or any other issues that you can talk about to reassure the admissions committee. Not everyone has a clean background, so it’s best to be as honest and straightforward as possible. Explain these issues in a mature way. Indicate the reasons which led to your issues. This is better than constantly defending yourself about the same. More importantly, though, talk about how you overcame these predicaments and what you have learned from these experiences. You should highlight these in your statement.
  • Ask your family and friends to proofread and make suggestions to your essay Get your family and friends involved by requesting them to proofread, or maybe even critique, your work. Remember that your statement of purpose speaks about you as one person. The close people around may not be as adept on technical lingo but one thing is for sure. They’re all experts on “you.” This is the exact reason why you should seek their assistance.

Statement Of Purpose Samples

Free statement of purpose example 40

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How to Write a Successful Statement of Purpose with this Format

EssayEdge > Blog > How to Write a Successful Statement of Purpose with this Format

The hardest part of any piece of writing is just getting started after choosing the writing direction. Having a format can help quickly give structure to not only what you should write but what the finished piece should look like to impress readers. The following statement of purpose (or statement of interest) format offers some general direction so you can start getting ideas and get to writing to get an amazing outcome.

Before taking up the process of writing, you may wonder how long should a statement of purpose be, the difference between statement of purpose grad school and Ph.D. statement of purpose, or how to end statement of purpose to leave an unforgettable impression.

Our statement of purpose editing is to help you find out the answers for all the bothering issues.

Think about it, do you really want to waste your time trying to figure out everything you need to know about your statement of purpose? Of course not. That’s why we wrote this quick explanation guide to tell you everything you need to know to go from staring at a blank screen to writing a statement of purpose first successful draft.

Table of Contents:

What is a statement of purpose?

A statement of purpose (SOP or also called statement of intent), in the context of applying for graduate schools or universities, is an essay that’s one of the most important aspects of your application because it tells the admission committee who you are, why you’re applying, why you’re a good candidate, and what you want to do in the future, your professional goals, what will you do when becoming alumni or Ph.D., apart from your GPA, test scores and other numbers. Therefore, don’t neglect the importance of this essay. It’s sometimes called an SOP letter, application essay, personal background, objectives for graduate study, cover letter, or something similar to one of these. The thing is that this diversity of titles implies SOP anyway. Keep in mind that even top-rated universities, like MIT , Stanford , or Berkley take essays as a deciding factor.

See also: personal statement vs statement of purpose to know the difference between the essays and not to fail the admissions to your dream university. 

What are the general conditions required for statement of interest? 

The statement of purpose (statement of interest) reflects not only who you are as a candidate but your writing abilities and qualifications as well. In college and graduate school, you’re going to be doing a ton of writing. Seriously a ton. It is a common deal for universities. It was not unusual for me to write papers 10-20 pages or longer. Take it as a commitment. With that in mind, it is really important to show that you are a truly competent writer. Some quick statement of purpose tips are:

  • Your statement of purpose shouldn’t have any typos, spelling or grammatical errors
  • Use strong, clear, and concise writing
  • Avoid cliches and repetitive language
  • Stay away from overly informal language
  • Keep a positive and confident tone

Also, there is a common question of how to format a statement of purpose and fit into the common requirements. There is a diversity of variants. However, the general format is similar to any other piece of academic writing. You should use:

  • 12 point Times New Roman font
  • 1-inch margins on all sides
  • 1.5 line spacing

This format will make your writing easier to read and provide you with some additional explanation. It is also the expected format. Sadly, you probably won’t get bonus points for standing out with your general visual formatting. It is going to benefit you much more to focus on wowing your reader with your actual content. It will help you get a great outcome.

Do’s of Personal Statement Formatting

  • Format the essay.
  • Avoid informal language.
  • Check grammar and spelling.
  • Space the text.
  • Use readable font.

Don’ts of Personal Statement Formatting

  • Submit half-backed paper.
  • Pretend as you write a message to your buddy.
  • Use overcomplicated language and sentence constructions.
  • Apply colorful and vivid background.
  • Use a beautiful or awkward font.

Do I need to put my name in the statement of purpose heading?

In general, no, you don’t need to put your name on your SOP. The reason is that your statement is a part of your larger application which already has your name throughout it. However, it is important to look at the specific requirements for the program you’re applying to. If the requirements for your program say that you should include your name, then you should follow those directions. You may also like  diversity statement .

How long should a statement of purpose be?

Many students are doubtful regarding statement of purpose length and its importance . A statement of purpose should really be one page and only one page. You could write up to one and a half pages if needed, but nothing longer than this. The reason is that you need to be economical with your writing and not overwhelm your readers. Admissions officers departments read dozens of applications a day, so you are going to need to be able to concisely and clearly state what you want to say. Writing longer than 1 – 1.5 pages will make you seem like you lack focus and clarity in your purpose for school. Get rid of all unnecessary data, like descriptions of your grades, anyway, they can be found in your GPA paper.

Julia Z.

Besides, you should check the official site of the educational institution you want to apply to. As a rule, admissions offices or departments promulgate the conditions of how long should a statement of purpose be.

Check out personal statement length for more detailed information. 

Statement of purpose tips that will help you create your best essay ever

It can be hard to know what to include in each section of your writing and what strategies to take into consideration. The following statement of purpose format is a simple five-paragraph essay that will help you address all the points admissions officers expect you to cover. Also, this section is supposed to help you decide on the way how to write a statement of purpose on the whole.

Part 1: Who are you, and what do you want to do? – 1st paragraph

In the first paragraph, you should introduce yourself by briefly giving your background and stating your current career goal or objective in the thesis. Your introduction should be relevant to the specific program and its coursework you’re applying to. Talking about your love of cooking when you’re applying to medical school won’t really help you by itself or play the role of your accomplishments. Any information you include in your introduction needs to be relatable back to specific aspects of the program. Moreover, think closely about the topic of relationships for your essay as it can provide a twofold impression in some cases.

For example, consider this statement from the description of the Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology (HST) program , it will help you decide on how to start a statement of purpose, “HST students learn to carry their engineering and scientific expertise from the laboratory bench to the patient’s bedside and to bring clinical insights from the bedside to the bench.” If you were applying to this program, you’d probably want to include some background you have with scientific research and what was its relevance for you or bedside interactions with patients to let the faculty staff and particular department know more about you. Your career goal or objective should also clearly show that this is the kind of work you want to do.

Research the program and its coursework you are applying to thoroughly, and make sure that what you write about directly relates to the specific details included in the program description and include those points into your statement of purpose outline. It will help you stick to the requirements connected exactly to your field of interest.

See also: how to start a personal essay and college essay introduction writing tips and tricks to make it magnificent.

Part 2: Why do you want to do it? – 2nd paragraph

The second paragraph should explain how you came to be interested in your specific area of study, either it is faculty of literature or economics. Now that you’ve made it clear that you have a background and goal related to the program, explain your interest in it, why the commitment of successful admissions is that crucial for you. Your statement of purpose tells admissions officers why you’re applying, and fast! Think over the fact what is a statement of purpose for you, your relationships with this particular field of interest, and your future career before you start making up the reasons for the second paragraph.

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Don’t give really general reasons like, “I like helping people.” General reasons don’t help admissions officers understand you as an individual as they haven’t been in a close relationship with you. This is because so many people give these reasons. You probably do like helping people, and that’s great; now look deeper and try to include it in the list of your accomplishments. Why do you like helping people? How did you come to like helping people? Why do you want to learn in this specific program to help people? What is its relevance for your life? Why graduate school is the crucial place for your future? The more completely you understand your reasons, the better you’ll be able to convince admissions officers you’re the right choice. Concentrating on the reasons why you are the most appropriate person is the most essential part of writing, either you are to submit college statement of purpose, grad school personal statement , or personal statement . In the way of submitting letter of intent graduate school has a chance to see what is a statement of purpose for you and how you took the opportunity to prove yourself to receive further qualifications.

Part 3: Why are you the right candidate for the program? – 3rd and 4th paragraphs

After this, in the third paragraph, briefly describe any experience you may already have in your area of study. In this way, you can provide the admissions committee with more crucial data about your personality. Think of any jobs , internships, projects, and so on that, you have done. It all matters if you want to give the faculty staff and department of your studying field a comprehensive overview of your background. It can be difficult for some people to think of any applicable experience they may have. If this is you, try talking to some friends or family that know you well and with whom you have a great relationship. They may be able to help you think of some relevant experience.

Look back to the background and career goals and motivations from the first paragraph. This should be your point of reference when talking about your experience. Using the school’s program description as a guide on how to write a statement of interest, talk about any related experience you have. The more direct the experience, the better. If you don’t have direct experience, choose the most closely related experience if possible. Be sure to reference how your experience relates to the program. This will show that you have a clear understanding of what the program is and how you fit into it. The admissions committee seeks the candidate whose professional goals and personality can match the student community.

Next up is the fourth paragraph, where you can describe any other experiences you’ve had that helped you decide on your specific area of study or have helped you prepare for graduate studies in general. Tell about the book that made you interested in literature or the volunteer work that made you love economics. Do this briefly, though. Your statement of purpose is not the place to give long narratives. To find some inspiration and become aware of how to present the data briefly, look through statement of purpose examples . 

If there is any other insight information you really think the admissions officer should know about you, include it here. It is important to emphasize that the admissions officer really should know this insight information. Ask yourself if you can clearly articulate the specific value these experiences add to your story. Would you mention those as your recommendation? This is another chance to stand out and be unique, but it still needs to be tightly focused on explaining why you are the best person for the program.

Part 4: What do you want to do in the future? – Closing paragraph

And here the concluding part of statement of purpose tips from the professional team of EssayEdge . In the final closing paragraph, you should very briefly describe your long-term career goals and motivations. Be very clear and specific when you write this. Also, notice how this is a bit different than the current goal from the first paragraph. In the first paragraph, you talk about what you want to do right now, in other words, the next goal you want to achieve. Do you want to stop education at the stage of alumni or do you want to become a Ph.D. in your field? The closing paragraph discusses where you want to be years from now. For example, your next step may be to become a manager in your field, but your long-term goal may be to be a director or CEO or whatever the applicable title for your field is. Discuss these professional goals in your essay to tell the admissions committee about the seriousness of your intentions.

Up until this point, you’ve talked about the past and present and went through statement of purpose formatting. These are important for showing how you fit the program right now. From the admissions and universities’ perspective, they want to select students that have a long-term vision related to the program. The reason is that it shows you clearly see yourself as using what you’ll learn to truly grow and contribute to your field of study. Why would an admissions officer want to admit a student that doesn’t have a clear vision of how they want to grow their field? It doesn’t make sense for them to choose a student that does not have a clear long-term goal over a student that does.

Our recommendation is to look through this article, it can be useful for you: how to end a personal statement as it also has importance for the reader.

1-st paragraph Introduction
2-nd paragraph Tell the reader why you apply
3-rd paragraph Your uniqueness
4-th paragraph Any additional data that you want to share
5-th paragraph Conclusion

Statement of purpose examples and a great editor are what you need to polish your essay

Now that you have a basic idea of the statement of purpose format, the next thing to do is to get started. If you’re ready, you can get started writing immediately. If you’re not quite sure what this format looks like in action, you should read some statement of purpose examples.

While you read a sample essay, try to notice how the writer either followed or diverged from the above format. Evaluate whether or not you think the writer was clear in their statement of purpose and what you might do differently when you write your own. Make sure to take notes while you read and use them as a reference. Take into consideration that it will certainly help you further!

Remember, you want to be able to show admissions officers that you are clearly focused on your purpose for going to graduate school. This process will help you truly take control over how you convey yourself in your writing.

Writing and editing are complicated. Really complicated, in fact, if you don’t have several thoughtful strategies. This statement of purpose format is meant to give you a great head-start on how to write statement of interest, but there is a lot more than just the format. There is a fine art to selecting the right verb for a sentence. You also need to cut through the clutter and deliver your message with just the right blend of punchiness and evocativeness. Good writing is clear thinking and varied vocabulary made visible. When you have 1-page to convince a stranger that your future should be what you think it should be, you’ll want some really good writing.

Your willingness and awareness can help you create the best possible essay ever, even if you decide not to refer to statement of intent examples . However, when you’re writing something as important as a statement of purpose, having your essay well-edited can make the difference between a letter of acceptance and a letter of rejection. You also don’t get to reapply right away. If you get rejected from the school you want, you may have to wait months or even up to a year before you can reapply. If you’d like to be more confident that your statement of purpose has the best chance of getting you an acceptance letter, consider hiring a professional editor who has enough proficiency in your field of interest. Therefore, refer to law school personal statement editing in case you apply for a place in the law school, or the editor who is acknowledged in the medical field if you want to enter the medical school. In the scheme of how much school costs, a professional essay editor is pretty inexpensive. Most textbooks you’ll buy are more expensive.

The team of our proficient editors has prepared a successful essay statement of purpose example to inspire you and provide you with a case example that won admission and enter the top-rated universities like Harvard or Berkley .  Check out our samples page to be aware of different types of essays. We have:

  • graduate school personal statement examples ;
  • graduate school statement of purpose example ;
  • college statement of purpose examples ;
  • and many other useful examples.

Checklist for your best statement of purpose

  • The main idea is presented clearly.
  • There are no grammatical errors
  • There are no typos in the text
  • The lexis usage is appropriate
  • 1 paragraph – 1 idea
  • The text is engaging
  • There is clarity of the narrative
  • You have looked through statement of purpose sample
  • The vocabulary isn’t too familiar
  • The editor has checked everything

Robin W. - professional essay editor and proofreader

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Personal Statements & Statements of Purpose

Personal statements and statements of purpose are carefully crafted essays for academic applications, like graduate schools or fellowships, meant to effectively communicate to the admissions committee who you are, your motivations, your goals and how you prepared for graduate school.

Personal Statement vs. Statement of Purpose

While the terms might be used interchangeably, the two are subtly distinct from one another.

A personal statement is commonly written for scholarly fields in academia and professional fields like medicine and law. While it includes information about academic and career goals, it typically includes information about yourself as a person and your motivation for your chosen field. A strong personal statement demonstrates how much genuine motivation you have to pursue this field of study and that you have the necessary skills and background to be successful. It is typically a personal narrative.

A statement of purpose is written largely for science-oriented disciplines and typically describes your preparation to pursue your chosen field, your academic and research experience, and your career goals. A strong statement demonstrates how you have advanced your academic interests and how you plan to successfully pursue your goals. When writing a statement of purpose, you are making a case that you are a preferred candidate. Be logical, concise and clear in your writing for the best results.

Basic Content

Regardless of which version you are requested to write, a basic framework can be a good starting point. Keep in mind that your essay should be a reflection of your goals and illustrate your ability to write well. Take time to refine your personal statement and be sure to include transitional sentences between paragraphs. A good flow to your essay and story is essential to keeping your reader’s attention!

A personal statement or statement of purpose should answer the following 5 questions:

  • Why do you want to go to graduate school?
  • How have you prepared for graduate school?
  • Why will you be a strong and successful graduate student?
  • What are you career goals and how will this degree help you achieve them?
  • Why do you want to attend this particular graduate program? Make sure you personalize your essay for each program and describe why the particular program or faculty is a good fit for you.

Getting Started

Do you feel like you don’t know what to focus on or don’t have experiences that will help you stand out? Try these activities to help you get started.

Brainstorming Activity

Select one of the following prompts and free write on the topic for 5 minutes.

  • Think about a time you overcame an obstacle.
  • Write about a person who inspires you. What qualities do they possess?
  • Write about a time you acted as a leader.
  • Think about key moments when you realised you wanted to pursue graduate school.
  • What qualities do individuals in your field of study possess? Write about how you have demonstrated one of these qualities.

Once you have finished your free writing, have a friend read over the statement and highlight the one sentence that most interests them. Then free write for five minutes on that sentence. You will find this may help you narrow down your focus.

Call a Friend

Some people have a harder time writing than they do talking. If this sounds like you, have a conversation with a friend or family member about why you want to go to grad school and how you have prepared. Make sure to make an audio recording of your conversation and then type up when you said. This will give you some content you can start shaping for your statement.

Diving Deep into the Components

Committee members will read through hundreds of applications — How will you help yours stand out? Make sure to put significant thought into every section of your essay and that you’ve answered the 5 basic content questions above.


Learn how to write in an engaging fashion that will bring your story to life. Avoid clichés like “ I have always wanted to be a... ” and instead paint a picture that creates connection to the reader.

The opening paragraph for a personal statement typically introduces the reader to your personal and/or professional motivations. Here are two examples:

For twenty-three years, my grandmother (a veterinarian and an epidemiologist) ran the Communicable Disease Department of a mid-sized urban public health department. The stories of Grandma Betty doggedly tracking down the named sexual partners of the infected are part of our family lore. Grandma Betty would persuade people to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases, encourage safer sexual practices, document the spread of infection and strive to contain and prevent it. Indeed, due to the large gay population in the city where she worked, Grandma Betty was at the forefront of the AIDS crisis, and her analysis contributed greatly towards understanding how the disease was contracted and spread. My grandmother has always been a huge inspiration to me, and the reason why a career in public health was always on my radar.

The brain, to me, is such a complex and sovereign organism that has influence over the internal mechanisms and this has always allured to me. My true fascination has manifested from observing the external factors that can affect the function of the brain. From a young age I have been exposed to addiction; a factor which I believe has incited a passion within me to pursue a neurological career. I have witnessed the physical and psychological effects that an alcohol addiction has over an individual, and in my seventeen years the greatest thing that I have observed is the pattern of habits that relapse and evolve with an addiction. Although this can be a truly upsetting environment to have been around, I have learnt that people and their minds are incredibly resilient. This is something I wish to delve deeper into in during a Master’s in Counseling.

On the other hand, opening paragraphs for statements of purpose should grab the reader’s attention in a straight-forward manner, since the reader is not expecting that you stray too far from your academic or professional field. Openings involving research experience, classroom experience or other specifics related to the field of study are common. Here are two examples:

I might not have learned about Professor Norman Roland’s lab if it had not been for the Freshman Research Initiative. This innovative program at The University of Texas at Austin introduces high-achieving freshman to university research. As a result, I worked for two semesters with Professor Roland’s team on the mutation rates and genetic interactions of bacteria. As a young Texan from a very “business-oriented” family in El Paso, I found myself in new territory. Those first two semesters were pivotal in defining my career direction. They gave me the foundation to pursue undergraduate assistantships in two additional research labs at UT Austin, which helped me identify my own specific research interests and the motivation to pursue a Ph.D. in cell and molecular biology.

While assisting in field biology research in Prince William Sound, Alaska, I was intrigued to see that when a colony of 16,000 blacklegged kittiwakes was flushed by a predator, they made a particular descending warble vocalisation. In fact, this distinct call seemed to be the only coordinated activity in which I ever saw them participate. Later that afternoon, I practiced making the “flush call” for hours. Finally, I climbed onto the colony and did my best imitation. The thunder of the entire colony lifting off, as other birds picked up the call, cemented my long-held intention: I want to work with sound. My purpose for undertaking doctoral work in acoustics and animal behaviour is twofold. First, my professional goal is to contribute to the existing research on biological systems, which use sound. Second, my personal goal is to convey in-depth understanding and love of these systems to the students I teach.


Admissions committees want to know where your interests originated, how they have evolved over time, and what experiences you have had in college to prepare you for success in their program. Don’t try to cram every experience on your resume into your statement. Instead, pick 2-4 of the most impactful experiences you had to describe in greater detail and how each of those experiences prepared you for graduate school.

Research or Academic Experiences

If you have had research experience or school-related activities (e.g., projects, papers, presentations) that have been influential to your goals, focus more on what you learned from these experiences if you are writing a personal statement, and more on describing the project or research study in detail if you are writing a statement of purpose. This paragraph would also be the place to mention any personal qualities that would make you a successful student in their program. Be sure to back up those statements with specific examples documenting your abilities in these areas.

Internships & Work Experience

Internships and work experience is extremely valuable when applying to graduate school. Make sure you include these in your statement especially if they are related to your field of interest.

Co-curricular Activities

Involvement outside the classroom can offer valuable experiences to your personal and professional development. This may be particularly important in business and law, where leadership qualities are given priority. For instance, being an officer in a student organization or editing the college newspaper can show programs the leadership qualities you possess. Again, do not simply describe your experiences. Thoughtfully analyze your activities and look for ways to set yourself apart from the crowd.

Career Goals

Although you do not need to have your life mapped out in detail, be able to identify some general career goals and indicate how you plan to use your graduate training. Admissions committees want to see that you can conceptualize your future. Point out how your goals are congruent with the training you would receive from that program. Keep in mind that no one in the graduate program will remember what you put for your career goals in your admissions essay so it is okay if these goals change in the future.

Goodness of Fit

Before making their admissions decisions, the committee first needs to determine if you are a good match for them and if they are a good match for you. Your academic record and exam scores, reference letters and personal statement all help them assess if you could be a successful student in their program. By pointing out what attributes about their program appeal to you and/or how the research by certain faculty is in line with your interests, you demonstrate to them your motivation to learn from their specific program. This is most appropriate when applying to a scholarly or research program and not for applied fields like law. Here is an example:

During my graduate training, I want to enhance my research skills, further my knowledge of pharmacology, and learn how to successfully and independently investigate complex research questions. I believe UTSW will provide the necessary training and resources to achieve my goals because of cutting-edge technology and a collaborative work environment. Outstanding faculty research, like the efforts to understand mechanisms of neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases by Dr. Maria Chahrourand and Dr. Gang Yu, respectively, support my research interests and career goals of working in neurological diseases. Acceptance into UTSW’s graduate school would be the first step in achieving my career goal of becoming a successful research scientist.

In your final paragraph of the essay, briefly summarize your main points and remind the committee members that you are eager to be a part of their graduate program. Be mindful to not sound repetitive. A nice touch could be to return to the theme of your catchy intro and have your story conclude full circle.

Extenuating Circumstances

The statement can also provide an opportunity to explain extenuating circumstances or particulars about your background. Clarifying the reason you had a low GPA, for instance, can help the admissions committee understand your application better. The important thing is to explain, not make excuses for, your situation. We strongly recommend making an appointment with a CNS Career Coach to talk about the best way to frame your situation in your statement.

Tips and Mistakes

Our CNS Career Coaching team reads hundreds of essays each year. Here are our top tips and most common mistakes to help you be successful writing your admissions essays. 

  • Focus on you : Graduate school committees are interested in knowing more about you as a person and whether or not you’re a good fit for their program.
  • Follow word and/or character limits .
  • Proofread : Keep in mind that these essays are a sample of your communication skills. Triple check for grammatical errors, typos and unclear passages before you submit your essays.
  • Be concise and relevant : Admissions committees read hundreds of application each cycle. Keep their attention with concise and relevant writing.
  • Finish before the deadline : Give yourself time to draft, revise and edit multiple times. Your recommendation letter writers will likely want to see a draft of your statement as well — another good reason to start early!
  • Consider your audience : Most admissions committee members are professors in the department of the program you are applying to. 
  • Create a holistic picture : Your statement should complement your resume/CV, but both documents should be understandable without the other.
  • Have multiple people review your draft : CNS Career Coaches, faculty,  graduate students and the University Writing Center can all provide feedback.
  • Only you will know when you are done .

Common Mistakes

  • Breadth over depth : Focus on in-depth description of 2 or 3 key experiences as opposed to briefly mentioning everything you have done.
  • Telling your life story : Instead, selectively mention key experiences that are most relevant to the application and you future field of study.
  • Dramatic generalizations : These usually take the shape of “I always knew...” Don’t proclaim your passion. Demonstrate it.
  • Not focusing on you : Make sure you hone in on what makes you uniquely qualified for this particular graduate program and how you can be an asset.
  • Incomplete : Make sure your essay answers the question(s) or prompt provided by the application committee. If there is no prompt, then review our 5 questions your statement should answer at the top of this page.
  • Dishonesty : Don’t just say what you think the admissions committee wants to hear. You don’t know what they want to hear. They will sense dishonesty and you lose credibility.
  • Be careful with quotes: Admissions committees want to hear your story in your words. Avoid quotes unless there’s absolutely no way to tell your particular story without it.
  • Mixing up schools : This usually happens when applying to more than one school. Carefully check which statement is going to whom and that any mention of the program you’re applying to is correct in the essay.

Want Help with Your Statement?

Visit the University Writing Center


9 Examples: How to Write a Purpose Statement

By Status.net Editorial Team on September 30, 2023 — 15 minutes to read

  • Key Elements of a Purpose Statement Part 1
  • How to Write a Purpose Statement Step-by-Step Part 2
  • Identifying Your Goals Part 3
  • Defining Your Audience Part 4
  • Outlining Your Methods Part 5
  • Stating the Expected Outcomes Part 6
  • Purpose Statement Example for a Research Paper Part 7
  • Purpose Statement Example For Personal Goals Part 8
  • Purpose Statement Example For Business Objectives Part 9
  • Purpose Statement Example For an Essay Part 10
  • Purpose Statement Example For a Proposal Part 11
  • Purpose Statement Example For a Report Part 12
  • Purpose Statement Example For a Project Part 13
  • Purpose Statement Templates Part 14

A purpose statement is a vital component of any project, as it sets the tone for the entire piece of work. It tells the reader what the project is about, why it’s important, and what the writer hopes to achieve.

Part 1 Key Elements of a Purpose Statement

When writing a purpose statement, there are several key elements that you should keep in mind. These elements will help you to create a clear, concise, and effective statement that accurately reflects your goals and objectives.

1. The Problem or Opportunity

The first element of a purpose statement is the problem or opportunity that you are addressing. This should be a clear and specific description of the issue that you are trying to solve or the opportunity that you are pursuing.

2. The Target Audience

The second element is the target audience for your purpose statement. This should be a clear and specific description of the group of people who will benefit from your work.

3. The Solution

The third element is the solution that you are proposing. This should be a clear and specific description of the action that you will take to address the problem or pursue the opportunity.

4. The Benefits

The fourth element is the benefits that your solution will provide. This should be a clear and specific description of the positive outcomes that your work will achieve.

5. The Action Plan

The fifth element is the action plan that you will follow to implement your solution. This should be a clear and specific description of the steps that you will take to achieve your goals.

Part 2 How to Write a Purpose Statement Step-by-Step

Writing a purpose statement is an essential part of any research project. It helps to clarify the purpose of your study and provides direction for your research. Here are some steps to follow when writing a purpose statement:

  • Start with a clear research question: The first step in writing a purpose statement is to have a clear research question. This question should be specific and focused on the topic you want to research.
  • Identify the scope of your study: Once you have a clear research question, you need to identify the scope of your study. This involves determining what you will and will not include in your research.
  • Define your research objectives: Your research objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. They should also be aligned with your research question and the scope of your study.
  • Determine your research design: Your research design will depend on the nature of your research question and the scope of your study. You may choose to use a qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods approach.
  • Write your purpose statement: Your purpose statement should be a clear and concise statement that summarizes the purpose of your study. It should include your research question, the scope of your study, your research objectives, and your research design.

Research question: What are the effects of social media on teenage mental health?

Scope of study: This study will focus on teenagers aged 13-18 in the United States.

Research objectives: To determine the prevalence of social media use among teenagers, to identify the types of social media used by teenagers, to explore the relationship between social media use and mental health, and to provide recommendations for parents, educators, and mental health professionals.

Research design: This study will use a mixed-methods approach, including a survey and interviews with teenagers and mental health professionals.

Purpose statement: The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of social media on teenage mental health among teenagers aged 13-18 in the United States. The study will use a mixed-methods approach, including a survey and interviews with teenagers and mental health professionals. The research objectives are to determine the prevalence of social media use among teenagers, to identify the types of social media used by teenagers, to explore the relationship between social media use and mental health, and to provide recommendations for parents, educators, and mental health professionals.

Part 3 Section 1: Identifying Your Goals

Before you start writing your purpose statement, it’s important to identify your goals. To do this, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What do I want to achieve?
  • What problem do I want to solve?
  • What impact do I want to make?

Once you have a clear idea of your goals, you can start crafting your purpose statement. Your purpose statement should be a clear and concise statement that outlines the purpose of your work.

For example, if you’re writing a purpose statement for a business, your statement might look something like this:

“Our purpose is to provide high-quality products and services that improve the lives of our customers and contribute to the growth and success of our company.”

If you’re writing a purpose statement for a non-profit organization, your statement might look something like this:

“Our purpose is to improve the lives of underserved communities by providing access to education, healthcare, and other essential services.”

Remember, your purpose statement should be specific, measurable, and achievable. It should also be aligned with your values and goals, and it should inspire and motivate you to take action.

Part 4 Section 2: Defining Your Audience

Once you have established the purpose of your statement, it’s important to consider who your audience is. The audience for your purpose statement will depend on the context in which it will be used. For example, if you’re writing a purpose statement for a research paper, your audience will likely be your professor or academic peers. If you’re writing a purpose statement for a business proposal, your audience may be potential investors or clients.

Defining your audience is important because it will help you tailor your purpose statement to the specific needs and interests of your readers. You want to make sure that your statement is clear, concise, and relevant to your audience.

To define your audience, consider the following questions:

  • Who will be reading your purpose statement?
  • What is their level of knowledge or expertise on the topic?
  • What are their needs and interests?
  • What do they hope to gain from reading your purpose statement?

Once you have a clear understanding of your audience, you can begin to craft your purpose statement with their needs and interests in mind. This will help ensure that your statement is effective in communicating your goals and objectives to your readers.

For example, if you’re writing a purpose statement for a research paper on the effects of climate change on agriculture, your audience may be fellow researchers in the field of environmental science. In this case, you would want to make sure that your purpose statement is written in a way that is clear and concise, using technical language that is familiar to your audience.

Or, if you’re writing a purpose statement for a business proposal to potential investors, your audience may be less familiar with the technical aspects of your project. In this case, you would want to make sure that your purpose statement is written in a way that is easy to understand, using clear and concise language that highlights the benefits of your proposal.

The key to defining your audience is to put yourself in their shoes and consider what they need and want from your purpose statement.

Part 5 Section 3: Outlining Your Methods

After you have identified the purpose of your statement, it is time to outline your methods. This section should describe how you plan to achieve your goal and the steps you will take to get there. Here are a few tips to help you outline your methods effectively:

  • Start with a general overview: Begin by providing a brief overview of the methods you plan to use. This will give your readers a sense of what to expect in the following paragraphs.
  • Break down your methods: Break your methods down into smaller, more manageable steps. This will make it easier for you to stay organized and for your readers to follow along.
  • Use bullet points: Bullet points can help you organize your ideas and make your methods easier to read. Use them to list the steps you will take to achieve your goal.
  • Be specific: Make sure you are specific about the methods you plan to use. This will help your readers understand exactly what you are doing and why.
  • Provide examples: Use examples to illustrate your methods. This will make it easier for your readers to understand what you are trying to accomplish.

Part 6 Section 4: Stating the Expected Outcomes

After defining the problem and the purpose of your research, it’s time to state the expected outcomes. This is where you describe what you hope to achieve by conducting your research. The expected outcomes should be specific and measurable, so you can determine if you have achieved your goals.

It’s important to be realistic when stating your expected outcomes. Don’t make exaggerated or false claims, and don’t promise something that you can’t deliver. Your expected outcomes should be based on your research question and the purpose of your study.

Here are some examples of expected outcomes:

  • To identify the factors that contribute to employee turnover in the company.
  • To develop a new marketing strategy that will increase sales by 20% within the next year.
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of a new training program for improving customer service.
  • To determine the impact of social media on consumer behavior.

When stating your expected outcomes, make sure they align with your research question and purpose statement. This will help you stay focused on your goals and ensure that your research is relevant and meaningful.

In addition to stating your expected outcomes, you should also describe how you will measure them. This could involve collecting data through surveys, interviews, or experiments, or analyzing existing data from sources such as government reports or industry publications.

Part 7 Purpose Statement Example for a Research Paper

If you are writing a research paper, your purpose statement should clearly state the objective of your study. Here is an example of a purpose statement for a research paper:

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of social media on the mental health of teenagers in the United States.

This purpose statement clearly states the objective of the study and provides a specific focus for the research.

Part 8 Purpose Statement Example For Personal Goals

When writing a purpose statement for your personal goals, it’s important to clearly define what you want to achieve and why. Here’s a template that can help you get started:

“I want to [goal] so that [reason]. I will achieve this by [action].”

Example: “I want to lose 10 pounds so that I can feel more confident in my body. I will achieve this by going to the gym three times a week and cutting out sugary snacks.”

Remember to be specific and realistic when setting your goals and actions, and to regularly review and adjust your purpose statement as needed.

Part 9 Purpose Statement Example For Business Objectives

If you’re writing a purpose statement for a business objective, this template can help you get started:

[Objective] [Action verb] [Target audience] [Outcome or benefit]

Here’s an example using this template:

Increase online sales by creating a more user-friendly website for millennial shoppers.

This purpose statement is clear and concise. It identifies the objective (increase online sales), the action verb (creating), the target audience (millennial shoppers), and the outcome or benefit (a more user-friendly website).

Part 10 Purpose Statement Example For an Essay

“The purpose of this essay is to examine the causes and consequences of climate change, with a focus on the role of human activities, and to propose solutions that can mitigate its impact on the environment and future generations.”

This purpose statement clearly states the subject of the essay (climate change), what aspects will be explored (causes, consequences, human activities), and the intended outcome (proposing solutions). It provides a clear roadmap for the reader and sets the direction for the essay.

Part 11 Purpose Statement Example For a Proposal

“The purpose of this proposal is to secure funding and support for the establishment of a community garden in [Location], aimed at promoting sustainable urban agriculture, fostering community engagement, and improving local access to fresh, healthy produce.”

Why this purpose statement is effective:

  • The subject of the proposal is clear: the establishment of a community garden.
  • The specific goals of the project are outlined: promoting sustainable urban agriculture, fostering community engagement, and improving local access to fresh produce.
  • The overall objective of the proposal is evident: securing funding and support.

Part 12 Purpose Statement Example For a Report

“The purpose of this report is to analyze current market trends in the electric vehicle (EV) industry, assess consumer preferences and buying behaviors, and provide strategic recommendations to guide [Company Name] in entering this growing market segment.”

  • The subject of the report is provided: market trends in the electric vehicle industry.
  • The specific goals of the report are analysis of market trends, assessment of consumer preferences, and strategic recommendations.
  • The overall objective of the report is clear: providing guidance for the company’s entry into the EV market.

Part 13 Purpose Statement Example For a Project

“The purpose of this project is to design and implement a new employee wellness program that promotes physical and mental wellbeing in the workplace.”

This purpose statement clearly outlines the objective of the project, which is to create a new employee wellness program. The program is designed to promote physical and mental wellbeing in the workplace, which is a key concern for many employers. By implementing this program, the company aims to improve employee health, reduce absenteeism, and increase productivity. The purpose statement is concise and specific, providing a clear direction for the project team to follow. It highlights the importance of the project and its potential benefits for the company and its employees.

Part 14 Purpose Statement Templates

When writing a purpose statement, it can be helpful to use a template to ensure that you cover all the necessary components:

Template 1: To [action] [target audience] in order to [outcome]

This template is a straightforward way to outline your purpose statement. Simply fill in the blanks with the appropriate information:

  • The purpose of […] is
  • To [action]: What action do you want to take?
  • [Target audience]: Who is your target audience?
  • In order to [outcome]: What outcome do you hope to achieve?

For example:

  • The purpose of our marketing campaign is to increase brand awareness among young adults in urban areas, in order to drive sales and revenue growth.
  • The purpose of our employee training program is to improve customer service skills among our frontline staff, in order to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • The purpose of our new product launch is to expand our market share in the healthcare industry, by offering a unique solution to the needs of elderly patients with chronic conditions.

Template 2: This [project/product] is designed to [action] [target audience] by [method] in order to [outcome].

This template is useful for purpose statements that involve a specific project or product. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate information:

  • This [project/product]: What is your project or product?
  • Is designed to [action]: What action do you want to take?
  • By [method]: What method will you use to achieve your goal?
  • This app is designed to provide personalized nutrition advice to athletes by analyzing their training data in order to optimize performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key elements of a purpose statement.

A purpose statement should clearly communicate the main goal or objective of your writing. It should be concise and specific, providing a clear direction for your work. The key elements of a purpose statement include the topic or subject matter, the intended audience, and the overall goal or objective of your writing.

How can a purpose statement benefit your writing?

A purpose statement can help you stay focused and on track when writing. It can also help you to avoid going off-topic or getting bogged down in unnecessary details. By clearly identifying the main goal or objective of your writing, a purpose statement can help you to stay organized and ensure that your writing is effective and impactful.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when writing a purpose statement?

One common mistake is being too vague or general in your purpose statement. Another mistake is making your purpose statement too long or complex, which can make it difficult to understand. Additionally, it’s important to avoid including unnecessary information or details that are not directly relevant to your main goal or objective.

How can you tailor your purpose statement to your audience?

When writing a purpose statement, it’s important to consider your audience and their needs. You should tailor your purpose statement to your audience by using language and terminology that they will understand. You should also consider their level of knowledge or expertise on the subject matter and adjust your purpose statement accordingly.

What are some effective templates for writing a purpose statement?

There are many effective templates for writing a purpose statement, but one common approach is to use the following structure: “The purpose of this writing is to [insert goal or objective] for [insert audience] regarding [insert topic or subject matter].”

Can you provide examples of successful purpose statements?

  • “The purpose of this report is to provide an analysis of the current market trends and make recommendations for future growth strategies for our company.”
  • “The purpose of this essay is to explore the impact of social media on modern communication and its implications for society.”
  • “The purpose of this proposal is to secure funding for a new community center that will provide educational and recreational opportunities for local residents.”
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  • 6 Example Emails: How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation
  • 2 Templates and Examples: Individual Development Plan
  • 5 Effective Examples: How to Write a Two-Week Notice
  • 3 Examples: Job Application Email (with Tips)


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Statement of Purpose (SOP): Format, Samples & Writing Tips

the statement of purpose essay

What is a Statement of Purpose?

Statement of Purpose, commonly known as SOP, is an essay that highlights your intentions of applying for admission. An SOP is written in 1000 words, unless otherwise specified. A good statement of purpose should reflect your personality, creating a bridge between your past experiences and future goals.

Submitting an SOP is a significant step of your admissions process. It’s also a mandatory requirement for UG and PG programs at universities abroad . There are various aspects of a statement of purpose which you need to understand before writing it. This blog will discuss the following aspects of an SOP :

Why SOP is important?

A statement of purpose is a direct route for you to connect with the admission committee. Wondering how? Well for the admission committee, you are a complete stranger. They don’t know your personality or attitude. With the SOP you tell and convince them of how you are a good fit for their program and institution.

It is based on what you have written in the SOP that the committee analyzes your aptitude and future prospects. That’s why its important to cater all aspects in your statement of purpose. From explaining your weakness to emphasizing your strengths and vision, everything should be added.

Is SOP only required for admissions? The significance of an SOP is not just limited to admissions to various universities in the world . Potential international students are often asked to write an SOP for a student visa and SOP for scholarships/sponsorships.

Since your SOP reflects your overall personality, it will comprise numerous elements, ranging from academic qualifications to personal experiences. While the format for the statement of purpose differs from course, geography, and overall objective, its basic elements remain the same.

SOP Format: Basic Elements

  • Introduction: In this, you introduce yourself and very briefly mention your family; integrating a little idea about getting interested in the subject area will make the SOP more effective. Students often try to begin or add a famous quote to impress the committee- that’s a bad idea, simply put.
  • Background Information: Here you mention your academic and professional record till now and how you became interested in the subject area of your chosen studies.
  • Skills: A few lines about your skills and knowledge that are relevant to the academic domain. This is where you mention your final projects or internships.
  • Choice of Program & University: Give a little detail about your interest in the subject and why you would like to study it further. Mention the reasons for choosing a particular institution.
  • Goals: It is advisable to mention your short-term and long-term goals and vision regarding your higher studies as it helps the selectors to decide your role vis a vis society also.
  • Conclude: In the end, re-emphasize your major skills and qualities that make you most suitable for the course.

How to Write a SOP?

By now, you know what all you need to incorporate in your SOP. But, addressing every element and still maintaining the statement of purpose format is going to be a difficult task. So, let’s break it down into four steps, each answering a set of questions:


  • What is your academic field? It's important to note that this section focuses on your academic background and interest rather than introducing yourself personally. 
  • What made you interested in a particular domain? Additionally, you should mention a particular example or experience that influenced your decision to pursue a specific domain or field of interest. This might also involve considering your family background.

Past Experience

  • What kind of past experience do you possess? Majority of students pursuing professional degrees abroad have some kind of prior experience. Be it in terms of volunteering or part-time jobs, or full-time employment. Share your work experience(s) as vividly as possible along with the skills you have gained in that duration. Emphasizing your professional experience is significant for a master's essay, such as an SOP for MS.
  • In case you don’t have any professional or volunteering experiences to share, then, emphasize the papers you have published. Any other academic achievement such as presentation work, project work, etc can also be included in the SOP.

Purpose of Study

  • What are your expectations from the course? Once you decide to pursue a certain program, for instance, MBA in Canada , you expect to gain some knowledge and skills. Highlighting those will in turn highlight your interest in the program.
  • What are your intentions post completion of this course? For instance, some students want to start working as soon as they complete their courses, whereas, some decide to pursue research and academia. Having clarity of how you want to proceed professionally is always good and is something that the selection committee is very much interested in.

Choice of Program

  • Why do you want to study in this country? Along with the choice of program, it is significant for students to offer reasons for their choice of country. For instance, if I choose to pursue an MBA in Canada, then I have to offer genuine reasons for choosing Canada over USA or Australia, or Germany.
  • Why did you choose this particular university? Be specific and relevant information to show that you have researched that college and are interested in going there. Do not try to flatter them.


  • What is it about you that makes you unique? It is important for you to emphasize your personality traits and individuality. Talk about the qualities which separate you from the crowd. Refrain from using adjectives like dedicated, interested, etc.
  • How do you think you’ll fit in your chosen institution? Your suitability for the program is not just limited to your achievements. Whether or not you have the potential to become a part of the student community plays an important role.

How long should an SOP be?

A good statement of purpose should be 800-1000 words long unless word count is specified. However, some universities have a fixed word limit for SOP of 500 words or even 200 words.

How do you write an SOP in 500 words? The general format remains the same for a 500-word statement of purpose. The only difference is in the writing style which ensures that your essay is short and crisp.

Statement Of Purpose vs Personal Statement

Elements Personal Statement Statement of Purpose
Theme Story of your personal experiences Combination of your experiences and long-term career goals
Word Count 500-600 words 1000-1500 words
Purpose Assess your suitability for the university’s student community Assess your suitability for the applied program
Requirements Asked for UG admissions & selective PG courses Majorly asked for PG admissions

Statement of Purpose Sample

Since I was a child, I've enjoyed watching my older brother construct various model rockets at home. As I grew older, my interest shifted from mere observation to active participation. I eagerly joined him in the entire process, from carefully assembling the rockets to exciting excursions to a nearby open field, which served as our designated launch area. The experience of playing and launching those rockets not only intensified my interest in aerospace engineering but also instilled in me a deep sense of wonder and appreciation for the limitless potential of scientific exploration. This motivated me to pursue B.E in Aerospace Engineering from ACS College of Engineering in Bangalore.

During my undergraduate studies, I delved into a range of aerospace engineering subjects, absorbing knowledge and skills that would lay a strong foundation for my future endeavors. From studying aerodynamics and propulsion systems to aircraft design and space exploration, I embraced each opportunity to deepen my understanding of this captivating field. Along with my studies, I actively engaged in organizing 5+ workshops and seminars, collaborating with industry professionals and fellow enthusiasts. Through these engagements, I had the privilege of learning from professionals and sharing insights with my peers, further fueling my passion for aerospace engineering. Apart from this, I also participated in the National Flying Drone Competition with a team of 7 skilled members. We designed and crafted an impressive RC Ornithopter, drawing inspiration from the graceful flight patterns of birds. This unique creation, equipped with gears, BLDC motor, Lipo battery, two 9g servos, and a 2.4GHz TX and RX system, not only replicates the avian motion but can also served as a remarkable spy bird for tracing purposes. Our hard work and ingenuity paid off as we proudly secured the 2nd position among numerous participants in the competition.

After completing my undergraduate studies, I was given the opportunity to work as a junior engineer at Lockheed Martin India Private Limited. During the entire tenure of 10 months, I worked with hundreds of specialists and researchers, providing valuable insights and actively participating in cutting-edge projects. As an integral member of the esteemed research team at Lockheed Martin, I had the incredible opportunity to actively contribute to the development of advanced laser weapon systems. Our collaborative efforts focused on creating solutions to defend and protect both India and allied forces. With a deep understanding of platform integration, I worked diligently to counter a wide range of emerging threats faced by military forces and vital infrastructure across land, sea, and air domains. I now carry the invaluable knowledge and passion acquired from this experience, ready to embark on new endeavors and continue making impactful contributions in the field of aerospace engineering.

As my career progressed, I realized that I need to take on more responsibility and challenging roles in this field in order to achieve my goals. My short-term goal is to join popular aerospace companies such as Boeing or Airbus to gain practical knowledge and enhance my technical skills. My long-term goals is to be involved in designing and developing innovative aircraft and spacecraft, pushing the boundaries of human understanding and opening new possibilities for space exploration. Additionally, I aim to contribute to sustainable and environmentally-friendly aviation solutions, working towards a greener and more efficient aerospace industry. Ultimately, I hope to inspire the next generation of aerospace engineers and be recognized as a prominent figure in the field. 

To turn these aspirations into reality, pursuing an MS in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Texas holds immense significance. This highly regarded program, renowned for its top-10 national ranking, offers exceptional research opportunities led by distinguished faculty. Through this program, I will acquire the necessary knowledge, resources, and professional connections to thrive in my chosen field. The prospect of joining a community of like-minded peers and learning from distinguished instructors and industry professionals is an inspiring catalyst for my personal and career development. I am confident that the experiences and knowledge gained from the University of Texas will lay a solid foundation for a successful career as an aerospace engineer, allowing me to make significant contributions to the field and accomplish my long-term objectives. This master's degree is a life-changing and career-making opportunity for me and I am hoping to get a positive reply from your esteemed institution.

Format for SOP for MS, MBA, Ph.D., and UG Courses

It goes without saying that every course has its own set of requirements that candidates must fulfill. These requirements vary depending upon your choice of academic stream, course and curriculum, and level of study. An SOP for UG coursework focuses entirely on your academic qualifications whereas an SOP for master's or doctoral programs includes both academic and experience-oriented. Compared to this, SOP for MBA talks most about your practical learning and professional experience. Checkout course-wise SOP format and samples:

  • SOP format for MBA
  • SOP format for MS
  • SOP format for UG
  • SOP format for PhD

Also Check:

Format for SOP for USA, Canada, UK, & Australia

The major differences in SOP guidelines and requirements in top study abroad destinations are- Guidelines of an SOP for US universities are the most stringent and rigid in terms of structure, content, and format. The word count for the SOP essays is highest in Australian and Canadian universities. The tone should also be a little more personalised on SOP for Canada.

Nonetheless, the basic guidelines remain the same in specific countries. For details, checkout the format along with samples for different countries:

  • Format of SOP for USA
  • Format of SOP for Canada
  • Format of SOP for UK
  • Format of SOP for Australia
  • Format SOP for Germany
  • Format of SOP for Ireland

What mistakes to avoid in an SOP?

  • Writing an SOP just before the submission: As you must have established, writing an SOP is a time-taking process. From penning down your points to proofreading the final draft, everything requires time and patience. Therefore, begin working on your statement of purpose well before the deadline.
  • Copying and pasting from the Internet: As tempting as this might sound, copying from the internet is a bad idea. Not only because it will become difficult for you to maintain the flow of the essay, but also because it will not be consistent with your other documents.
  • Usage of Slangs/Informal Language and Repetition of Phrases: A well-written SOP doesn’t include the same ideas multiple times. Furthermore, students forget that SOP is a part of their application package and is therefore a formal essay.
  • Lack of structure and organization: Ensure that your SOP has a clear structure with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Present your ideas in a logical and coherent manner, allowing the reader to follow your thought process.
  • Excessive length: While it's important to include relevant information, avoid making your SOP overly long. Any statement of purpose which surpasses the word count is outright rejected by the committee.
  • Exaggeration or embellishment:
  • Offering false information: While it's important to present your achievements and skills, avoid exaggerating or embellishing them. Universities conduct thorough background checks on each shortlisted candidate. Therefore, be truthful and provide evidence or examples to support your claims.

Applicants should remember that the purpose of the SOP is to impress the admission committee. Hence, the content should be driven towards convincing them that you have a solid background and interest in the discipline. Only a well-written SOP can demonstrate your true potential to be successful and pave the path of your admission to desired course and institute.

Ques. Should a statement of purpose have an applicant’s name?

Ans. Since your SOP aka statement of purpose is an integral part of your application package, there is no need for you to sign your name separately on the document. But, to be sure, read the guidelines carefully.

Ques. What is the ideal length and structure of an SOP?

Ans. Ideally, a well-written statement of purpose is somewhere between 1000 to 1500 words. In terms of structure, it is recommended to break down your SOP in 4 to 5 paragraphs, depending upon the information you are offering.

Ques. Can I take the help of my professor to write down my statement of purpose?

Ans. While it is recommended to take feedback from others, it is not advisable to take help from your professors, friends, or family members. Your SOP should be totally personal and entail information and experience which you consider important.

Ques. What is the best way to begin a SOP?

Ans. There are multiple ways for you to begin your statement of purpose. Some people start their SOP with a motivational quotation while others begin with discussing their background/long-term goals. One way or the other, remember that your SOP should always begin with indirect self-introduction. You can take help from the following prompt:

Ques. How is an SOP for a student visa different?

Ans. A general statement of purpose includes reasons for your choice of program and study destination, long-term goals, characteristics of your personality, and your experience. In addition to all this, your SOP for a student visa entails details of your finances and your clear intention of returning home.

Ques. What should be covered in an SOP for graduate programs?

Ans. One of the most important aspects that a graduate statement of purpose must cover is your decision of pursuing that particular program. Apart from this, you must also talk about

  • The reason why you have applied for the chosen program in this particular university.
  • How will you become a part of the applied university's student community?
  • What are your future goals or career aspirations?

Ques. How is an SOP for PhD different from an SOP for masters?

Ans. The approach of a statement of purpose for PhD course is research-based, whereas that for a masters/professional program is career-oriented. While writing an SOP for PhD, students need to emphasize the purpose of research, and what is the end goal (once their research query is solved).

Ques. What role does SOP play in admission decisions?

Ans. Your Statement of Purpose can definitely make or break the chances of securing admission to your dream university. The most pertinent reason behind this is that an SOP is the first communication between the applicant and the admission supervisor. And, it is your chance to convince them about your suitability for the program.

Ques. How should I conclude my SOP?

Ans. When concluding your SOP, focus on highlighting your achievements and your future plans. Ensure that it is grammatically correct and reflects upon your strong points. You must also include a slight description of how the specific university or course can help you grow. It must also highlight what you will bring as a peer to that specific course/college/university.

Ques. Is the statement of Purpose required for PG Diploma courses abroad?

Ans. International students planning to study abroad are advised to submit a statement of purpose or statement of intent, even if they are applying for a PG Diploma. Of all the study destinations, Canada is one country in which PG diploma students submit an SOP. Learn how to write an SOP for PG Diploma in Canada .

In addition to Canada, the majority of the US institutions also ask their PG Diploma applicants to submit a statement of purpose. In the UK and Australia, this requirement is rare.


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  1. How to Write a Statement of Purpose

    The statement of purpose (also known as a statement of intent or motivation letter) is your chance to stand out from the crowd and showcase your motivation, skills and potential. It should: Outline your academic or professional interests and goals. Discuss relevant skills, experience and achievements. Demonstrate why you'd be a good fit for ...

  2. 7 Great Statement of Purpose Examples for Grad School

    A statement of purpose is a core component of an application for graduate school. Its primary job is to convince the admissions committee that you should be admitted to their specific program. As you'll see in the examples and analysis below, demonstrating that you've done your homework on the program you're applying to and that you and ...

  3. How to Write a Statement of Purpose for Graduate School

    1. Brainstorm your ideas. First, he says, try to reframe the task at hand and get excited for the opportunity to write your statement of purpose. "Throughout the application process, you're afforded few opportunities to address the committee directly," he explains. "Here is your chance to truly speak directly to them.

  4. Statement of purpose (SOP) done right! [with Samples]

    Statement of Purpose (SOP) or Personal Statement forms a crucial element of the graduate school application process. For the uninitiated, a Statement of Purpose is an essay that introduces YOU to the Admissions Review Committee (AdCom). It contains your accomplishments, career plans, and reasoning of why you think a particular graduate program ...

  5. 7 Successful Statement of Purpose Examples • PrepScholar GRE

    We've provided you with four successful statement of purpose samples from our graduate school experts! Statement of Purpose Sample One: Japanese Studies MA. Statement of Purpose Sample Two: Music MM. Statement of Purpose Sample Three: Economics PhD. Statement of Purpose Sample Four: History of the Book MA.

  6. Statement of Purpose for Grad School I Stanford Online

    A statement of purpose (SOP) is a critical component of most graduate school applications, and are often required for various types of graduate level programs, including Graduate Certificates and Master's Degrees. An SOP offers you the opportunity to showcase your motivations, qualifications, and aspirations to a school's Office of Admissions.

  7. Graduate School Statement of Purpose: The Ultimate Guide

    A statement of purpose is an essay that summarizes your past work and preparation for graduate studies. It lays out your most important experiences (e.g., jobs, internships, apprenticeships, teaching) and accomplishments (e.g., publications, presentations, grants, exhibitions, speaking engagements) with the goal of getting you into your first ...

  8. Statements of Purpose: Drafting Your Statement

    The statement of purpose is perhaps the most important, and most challenging, element of your application packet. This letter needs to reflect who you are and why you would be an asset to the program you are applying to. It needs to make you stand out from the hundreds of other applicants and yet stay within the genre-based expectations for a ...

  9. How to Write a Statement of Purpose

    A typical statement of purpose has an average word count of 800-1000 words and should not go beyond one to two pages. However, the range of 800-1000 words is not the standard word count, as some schools set their minimum word count to 500 and the maximum word count to 1200 words. Make sure to read the application instructions carefully.

  10. How to Write a Statement of Purpose for Graduate School

    3. Make your statement of purpose unique. While it's important to be focused, there's no need to be boring. To distinguish your essay, add unique (yet relevant) information. One of the best ways to do this is to discuss—briefly—an idea in your field that turns you on intellectually. It's an effective essay-opener, and it lets you write ...

  11. Statement of purpose

    Format: Modify your statement of purpose for each application you submit, carefully following the guidelines and instructions, which may vary from program to program. Typically, your essay should be one to two pages, single-spaced, using a 12-point font that's easy to read; but make sure to confirm the institutions formatting requirements.

  12. 15 Winning Graduate School Statement of Purpose Examples

    A graduate school statement of purpose provides the admissions committee with a way of understanding more about you as an applicant. This essay gives them the opportunity to assess your suitability for their particular program and institution. Finding the right fit between an applicant and a graduate program is crucial for both parties, and ...

  13. Writing the Statement of Purpose

    The statement of purpose should convince the admissions committee that your achievements show promise for your success in graduate study. Think of the statement of purpose as a composition with four different parts. ... Unless the specific program says otherwise, be concise; an ideal essay should say everything it needs to with brevity ...

  14. How to Write a Statement of Purpose with Samples

    Statement of Purpose Format. When it comes to formatting your Statement of Purpose, our psychology essay writing service asserts that attention to detail can make a significant difference in how your application is perceived.. Make sure to choose a professional font such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri, and stick to a readable size, typically between 10 and 12 points.

  15. Statement of Purpose, Personal Statement, and Writing Sample

    Statement of Purpose The statement of purpose is very important to programs when deciding whether to admit a candidate. Your statement should be focused, informative, and convey your research interests and qualifications.

  16. 9 Steps to Write a Great Statement of Purpose for Grad School

    Step 3: First Draft. Next, with the help of your outline, you'll write your first draft. Don't feel like your first draft has to be application-ready. In fact, your very first draft doesn't have to be ready for anyone's eyes but your own. The purpose of this draft is to get your initial thoughts on paper.

  17. How to Write a Statement of Purpose

    How Long is a Statement of Purpose? Length typically ranges between 500 and 1,000 words but be sure to follow the guidelines specified by the school. Use a standard font such as Times New Roman in a readable size (11 or 12 points). Double-space your essay and use normal margins.

  18. 11 Tips for Writing a Powerful Statement of Purpose [Sample SOP

    4. Customize Your Essay. One of the biggest mistakes students make is to prepare a basic template for their statement of purpose, and if they are applying to more than one university, they simply change the relevant names and details. But the rest of the statement is an exact copy.

  19. 50 Statement Of Purpose Examples (Graduate School, MBA, PhD)

    To guide you further, here are some tips for for writing an effective statement of purpose examples. First paragraph: all about you. Start by introducing yourself with a short background, then state your current career objective or goal. Make sure that this introduction relates to the program you're aspiring for.

  20. How to Write a Successful Statement of Purpose with this Format

    A statement of purpose (SOP or also called statement of intent), in the context of applying for graduate schools or universities, is an essay that's one of the most important aspects of your application because it tells the admission committee who you are, why you're applying, why you're a good candidate, and what you want to do in the ...

  21. Personal Statements & Statements of Purpose

    Personal Statements & Statements of Purpose. In This Section. Personal statements and statements of purpose are carefully crafted essays for academic applications, like graduate schools or fellowships, meant to effectively communicate to the admissions committee who you are, your motivations, your goals and how you prepared for graduate school.

  22. 9 Examples: How to Write a Purpose Statement

    The first element of a purpose statement is the problem or opportunity that you are addressing. This should be a clear and specific description of the issue that you are trying to solve or the opportunity that you are pursuing. 2. The Target Audience. The second element is the target audience for your purpose statement.

  23. Statement of Purpose (SOP): Format, Samples & Writing Tips

    Statement of Purpose, commonly known as SOP, is an essay that highlights your intentions of applying for admission. An SOP is written in 1000 words, unless otherwise specified. A good statement of purpose should reflect your personality, creating a bridge between your past experiences and future goals. Submitting an SOP is a significant step of ...