How to Write a Webinar Script [+ Template]

Allie Decker

Published: February 05, 2021

Whether or not you enjoy public speaking, I’d bet you don’t like hopping on stage without preparing for a speech or keynote address.

Person learning how to write a webinar script in a workshop

Running through slides, practicing in front of a mirror, or pre-writing a script — whatever type of preparation you prefer, it’s key to calming nerves and delivering an engaging, valuable presentation .

The same goes for a webinar. You and your panelists may be at home and behind a screen, but that doesn’t mean webinars are any less important to prepare for (or that they can be any less nerve-wracking).

To help your preparation and quell your nerves, consider writing a webinar script.

Not only will this guarantee your webinar presenters and panelists stay on topic, but it will also ensure you deliver a relevant, actionable webinar  that doesn’t waste your audience's time.

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What is a webinar script?

A webinar script is a pre-written dialogue of what you plan to share and teach during your webinar. At a minimum, your webinar script should include an introduction, an agenda of what you and your panelists plan to discuss, the specific points that your panelists will cover, and a closing call-to-action .

Webinar scripts can also include timing details (to ensure your guests don’t veer off course or take time from another presenter), navigational instructions (such as when to share a screen, direct attendees to a certain website, or at what point certain panelists may join or drop off), and certain terms or discussion points to avoid.

Why write a webinar script?

Webinar scripts are valuable because they help keep your webinar valuable . Without proper planning, it’s easy to lose your train of thought due to nervousness, excitement, or perhaps an audience question.

Writing a script for your webinar ahead of time also allows you to decide on the goal of your webinar. Think:

  • What do you want your audience to learn?
  • Who do you want to invite to speak that would help teach your audience?
  • What actions do you want your audience to take during and after your webinar?

By answering these questions before your webinar (and before you write the script), you can tailor your webinar script and angle its speakers and content to stay focused on these deliverables. You can also share your webinar script with your speakers so they have an idea of the presentation flow.

Let’s say I was teaching a webinar on content marketing. There are so many topics and stories I could share — from freelance writing to building a strategy  to SEO- vs. non-SEO-driven content.

If I sat down to write my webinar content ahead of time, I’d be forced to face how vast (and ambiguous) just “content marketing” is as a topic. Writing the script would require me to hone the purpose and goal of my webinar, which would then inspire my guest panel and subsequent CTA.

Webinar scripts keep your webinar focused, confident, and audience-centric. Finally, webinar scripts can inspire much of your webinar marketing , saving you significant work for writing up emails, social media copy, and promotional blog posts.

How to Write a Webinar Script

In this section, we’ll talk about what to consider when writing your script. I’ll also touch on when you should certainly use a script, and when a webinar script may be more limiting than liberating .

First, open a blank Google Doc or pull out a fresh notebook. Jot down why you want to run a webinar , what some main points or takeaways you want to feature, and any other ideas you may have. You may see a flow begin to form — what points you’ll open with, how to support your takeaways with panelists or research, and where they may be some gaps you can fill with further brainstorming. Consider this your webinar script “outline.”

(I encourage you to do this in a Google Doc versus slide deck as a slide deck will force you to parse up and order your ideas before you’re ready, which can interfere with the brainstorming process.)

Once you have a script outline, you’re ready to start fleshing out the script. Yes , I mean writing verbatim what you plan to say and what points you want to cover—your webinar talk track. If you’ll have panelists on your webinar, encourage them to do the same as it pertains to their sections.

While you can’t script the Q&A section, writing your webinar content ahead of time also allows you to understand what you plan to cover from start to finish. Therefore, if an audience member asks a question about a topic you know you or a guest speaker will be covering later on, you can ask them to wait versus derailing the presentation.

Now, let’s unpack the important components of a webinar script.

1. Webinar Introduction

The webinar introduction sets the stage (albeit digital) for your whole presentation. The introduction script should include a brief introduction of yourself and your business, explain why you’re equipped to teach, and touch on the webinar agenda — including what speakers your audience can expect to see.

Be sure you thank your audience in the introduction, too. If you plan to ask for audience engagement through polls or the webinar chat feature, make note of that for your attendees and briefly explain how they can participate if they so choose.

2. Webinar Agenda

You might’ve touched on the webinar agenda in your introduction, but this section is your chance to explain more of what your audience members will see and learn. You can break up your webinar into sections (e.g., What, Why, How, etc.) or, if you have guest speakers, outline what your speakers will be discussing.

This is also where you can mention how long each section and/or presentation will take, as well as how much time will be left at the end for questions. As I mentioned before, the goal of your webinar script is to keep your presentation on track and avoid wasting your audience’s time — a webinar agenda will do just that.

3. Webinar Goal and Purpose

Next, feature a section that discusses the “why” of your webinar. Perhaps you have a single, punchy sentence that will grab the attention of your audience. Or, you may choose to feature a bulleted list of ways your audience will benefit from the webinar.

However you choose to present your webinar goal or purpose, be sure to script supporting content to discuss during the section or slide. Don’t forget to mention what your audience can expect after  the webinar, too, be it a CTA or bonus for attending.

4. Webinar Educational Content

For your webinar, you may be bringing in panelists, or you may be presenting the webinar alone

If the former applies to your webinar, ask your panelists to script their sections ahead of time and send them over for your review. (You can also provide one of the recommended templates below or share your script as an example.)

If the latter applies, this section is the crux of your webinar script. It contains the valuable, educational information that your audience likely signed up to see . According to how you organized your presentation in the agenda section, develop the talk track for each section — down to the transitions. If you plan to include imagery, engage your audience, or share your screen to demonstrate a concept , make note of these actions in your script.

Don’t forget to incorporate stories and examples in your webinar lessons, as these will help your audience relate your concepts and takeaways to real-life scenarios. If you don’t want your anecdotes to feel too scripted or forced, perhaps make a note where you will tell that story (instead of writing it out word-for-word). This is an example of where a script can limit you.

Tip : If you’ve written blog content about your webinar topic, consider pulling in some of that content and reworking it to fit your lessons and main takeaways.

5. Webinar Conclusion and Q&A

The conclusion to your webinar is crucial; it helps anchor your lessons for your audience and recaps important takeaways. You can also script an engagement activity, such as a short concept quiz or brief feedback session when your attendees can share something new they learned.

This section serves as the TL;DR, so the script should be short and concise, too. After you’ve recapped your presentation, open the floor for questions.

6. Webinar Next Steps and Close

After you and/or your speakers have shared your webinar content and answered any questions, it’s time to wrap up. First, script your closing comments — thanking the audience and sharing any important contact or follow up information.

Then, share the next steps. What would you like your audience to do now that they’ve attended your webinar? Close the webinar presentation with a strong call-to-action and concise instructions on how your audience can follow suit.

Congratulations! You just wrote a webinar script. Now, I have a few final tips for you:

  • Write your script as you talk, in a conversational tone and with everyday language. It helps to write the script with full sentences so you don’t get lost in a sea of bullet points or fragmented sentences.
  • Practice your script from top to bottom, verbatim. Time yourself to see if the script is too long. Ask your presenters to do the same with their scripts.
  • Only when you’ve read your script aloud a few times through should you begin to design your webinar slides. Don’t copy and paste your script to your slides; use the script to inspire important bullets and talking points.

Above, I encouraged you to start with a blank Doc or notebook as a starting point for your webinar script. If you need some help organizing your thoughts and ideas, consider using the following webinar script template as a starting point.

Webinar Script Template

This template serves as an example webinar script — not one to copy and plug the appropriate details. Even if you use this as a starting point, I encourage you to personalize the content to match your presentation, speakers, and audience.

Hello, everyone! Welcome, and thank you for dialing in for our webinar today. My name is [name] and I'm the [role] at [company]. At [company], we help [audience] like you [unique value proposition / product or service mention]. Today, we’ll be discussing [topic] and featuring [speaker], [speaker], and [speaker].

You can expect each speaker to have the floor for about 10 minutes, and we’ll conduct a short Q&A at the end of each session. If you have any questions during the webinar, please type them into the chat window — we’ll address them during the Q&A.

By the end of our time today, we hope you feel more comfortable and confident about [topic]. We’re very passionate about [topic] and have many exciting stories and learnings to share here today. Our goal is to [goal].

We’ll start with [speaker], who will be speaking on [topic]. [speaker] is [details and bio for credibility].

[Insert speaker’s webinar script here when I receive it.]

Thank you, [speaker]! Who has questions for her?

[I read questions from the chat window for the speaker to answer.]

Those are all of our questions. [speaker], anything else you want to touch on before we move onto our next guest?

[All speakers present and take questions.]

Well, that’s all we’ve got for you here today. Thank you for joining [company] to discuss [topic]. We appreciate you signing in and hope you learned [goal].

Before we sign off, I’d love to tell you about [main announcement or call-to-action]. Feel free to reach out to me via email if you’re interested or want to know more. We’ll see you next time!

How much you prepare for your webinar has a direct impact on its quality and benefit to your audience.

Writing a webinar script ahead of time helps you get aligned and focused on your topic, inform your guests of the purpose and flow of your webinar, and practice , practice , practice  until you’re confident in your presentation. Use this guide to help you get started writing your next webinar script.


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5 Tips for Writing the Best Webinar Introduction Script

Melissa Hugel

Webinar introductions are very important to your overall presentation, but they can also be very hard to get right. Get it wrong and you may lose your audience completely.

So how do you make sure your webinar introduction is effective? Writing a script can be really helpful. In fact, we recommend writing a script for your whole presentation to make sure you’re getting the most from your content and presenters.

A webinar introduction script doesn’t have to lay out word for word what you’re going to do, but it should have some points to keep you on track and keep your audience interested. We’ve put together a couple of helpful tips for writing your own webinar introduction script.

1. Get the greeting right

This may sound really obvious, but the greeting is the first thing your audience is going to hear when they join, so getting this right not only sets the tone for the webinar, but it can largely determine whether your attendees will stay on for the rest of the presentation.

So what does a good greeting sound like?

Well first off, you should be welcoming. This can be as simple as saying: "Welcome to today’s presentation, <title of the webinar>." It’s simple, yet effective and it will signal that the presentation is beginning (meaning people should stop writing that email or shopping for that new couch).

It should also include some sort of thank you to your attendees. A lot of people only think to thank their audience at the end of the webinar, but it’s just as important to say it up front. After all, these people are taking time out of their day to attend your webinar, you want to make sure they feel appreciated up front. This will make them more likely to watch the whole thing, and it will also make them more likely to engage with things like polls, Q&A and surveys.

Showing a bit of gratitude in your webinar opening can go a long way.

SAMPLE: “Hello, and welcome to today’s webinar, 5 metrics for measuring webinar success. Thank you for taking time out and being here today.”

2. Make sure you go over any housekeeping

This is another section a lot of people skate over in their webinar introductions, but it’s super important to lay out all of the elements of the webinar at the beginning. I’m not just talking about an agenda.

Are you going to be running any polls? Is there an ‘Ask a question’ feature? Will there be a Q&A at the end of the webinar? Make sure you mention any of these things in your introduction or else you run the risk of no one participating. Don’t just assume that your audience will know what to do - lay it out for them as efficiently as possible.

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For example, when we run a webinar we normally use the ‘Ask a question’ feature to get questions for our Q&As . We explain up front, not only what we’re doing, but also where to find it.

You should also tell your audience if they will be getting access to an on-demand recording. I try and lay this out as early on in my introduction as possible, because it’s normally the first question we get. Letting them know they’re getting the recording, or even the slides, means that your audience can concentrate on the presentation itself and not taking notes.

SAMPLE: “We’ll be running a live Q&A at the end of the webinar, so we have enabled our ‘Ask a Question’ feature. It is on the right-hand side of your screen in the auditorium, so if you have any questions, just pop them in there. And, if you miss anything, don’t worry, we’ll be sending around the on-demand recording when it’s available.”

3. Tell them why they should stay

You may assume that because someone has started the webinar with you, they know what they are going to get and why they should listen. Guess what? They don’t. Yes, they are interested in the topic or maybe the speaker, but you can’t assume they know why they should listen to you for an hour. The webinar introduction is the perfect place to lay this out for them.

You can start by introducing yourself and any presenters you may have on. We’re not just looking for a name and a title, your audience wants to know what makes you an expert on the topic. A round-up of your presenter’s career highlights works, or maybe they have recently done something of note, so make sure to include that.

Laying out the agenda can also show your audience the value of your webinar, as it will outline the exact topics you'll be covering. Ensure that the agenda is in-line with the promotion you’ve been doing, or else you may see a drop off during your webinar introduction. If you’ve been promoting a webinar about how to convert leads to customers, your agenda shouldn’t focus on generating leads.

SAMPLE: “I’m Melissa Hugel, the Marketing Manager here at WorkCast. I have spent almost a decade in content marketing, with a focus on generating high-quality B2B leads. Today we’ll be looking at the following:

  • Agenda point 1
  • Agenda point 2
  • Agenda point 3

4. Don’t make it too long

I’ve seen a lot of people make the mistake of making their webinar introduction too long. While you want to ensure you greet them and set out the agenda, you shouldn’t spend 20 minutes telling your audience about what they are going to be hearing - you want to get into the bulk of the content as quickly as possible.

Think about it this way, if your webinar is 60 minutes and you make your introduction 15 minutes, you’ve now spent a quarter of your allotted time just introducing your topic. That doesn’t leave much time for your content, and will definitely cut into any Q&A time.

A webinar introduction should be informative, yet succinct. Don’t linger on the agenda - you’ll cover the points in-depth later on in the presentation. And, don’t spend too much time introducing presenters, they’ll show their value as they’re presenting.

This is a great example of why it’s important to write a webinar introduction script (and a script for your overall presentation). People who ‘wing-it’ tend to ramble on, and this will cut into your valuable presentation time.

5. Think outside the box

Okay, so I’ve laid out the parts of any introduction. Now, ignore them.

While it’s helpful to follow an order and use a script, you don’t have to do the same into every time. What do I mean?

Well, video can be a great way to do all of the things I just said in a really fun and engaging way. If you’ve got the time and resources, why not create a video introduction. It doesn’t have to be just speaking to camera - maybe you have a clip of your presenter doing a talk, or maybe there is a news clip that references them or your topic. These are great, creative ways to grab your audience’s attention, while also making sure they’re engaged with your webinar.

At the end of the day, a webinar introduction is meant to be a gateway for your audience to your topic and presentation. Don’t get too bogged down in the detail, and let your content speak for itself. Oh, and our Ultimate Webinar Checklist can come in pretty hand too.

Want more useful tips on how to create amazing webinars? Download our free eBook ,  The Ultimate Webinar Handbook , today. 

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Create An Engaging Webinar Welcome Speech In 10 Easy Steps

Last Updated:  

February 9, 2024

10 Steps to Make Your Webinar Welcome Speech Engaging

As a host, you’re responsible for keeping your audience interested from the moment you begin the webinar until you wrap it up. A boring webinar presentation feels like a chore to finish. This is where an engaging webinar welcome speech comes in handy.

A welcome speech sample would guide you on what to say when you start the session. Learn our tips and tricks to open a webinar in the most impactful and memorable way.

Key Takeaways on Creating Welcome Speeches for Webinars

  • Warm Welcoming Sets the Tone : Start your webinar with a warm greeting, setting a friendly atmosphere to engage attendees from the beginning. A positive tone establishes a connection.
  • Express Gratitude to Your Audience : Thank your attendees for their time and participation. Acknowledging their presence builds a sense of appreciation and strengthens the host-audience relationship.
  • Brief, Impactful Introduction : Introduce yourself briefly, sharing your name, role, and a relevant story. Personal connections through storytelling enhance audience engagement in the early moments of the webinar.
  • Highlight Guest Speakers : Professionally introduce guest speakers, emphasising their expertise and accomplishments. Generate anticipation and excitement among the audience for what the speakers will contribute.
  • Transparently State the Webinar's Purpose : Clearly articulate the purpose of your webinar, setting expectations for the audience. Transparency helps attendees understand the value they will gain, increasing their interest.
  • Outline Key Takeaways : Share a concise outline of the presentation's key takeaways. Utilise interactive elements like videos and images to enhance understanding. Assure your audience that the webinar content aligns with their interests.
  • Encourage Active Participation : Foster a positive webinar experience by encouraging audience participation. Guide them on when to ask questions and utilise the webinar platform features for real-time interaction. Active involvement enhances engagement.

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The Importance of Audience Engagement in Starting a Webinar

Now that people’s attention spans are shorter, making an impression at the start of the webinar is crucial. These reasons help you get your audience’s attention and pave the way for a successful virtual event:

  • Maintain Interest: Your audience will listen to everything you say when you have their attention. Boring introductions make them turn their attention somewhere else.
  • Build Connections: Having the audience’s interest right in the first minute connects you with the audience. This makes them interested in your topic, like they’re part of the whole journey.
  • Retain Information: Your audience will remember what you say when they’re interested. They can remember the message better and learn more from you.
  • Lead a Positive Experience: Keeping your audience engaged throughout the webinar makes the event enjoyable. They participate and interact more with you.

Now that we’ve rounded up why audience interest is important, let’s tackle the ways of making a webinar welcome speech engaging.

How to Bring Your Webinar to an Impressive Start

Captivate your webinar attendees with a great welcome speech with these tips:

1) Extend a warm greeting

A warm welcome is the precursor of a fun webinar. Set a friendly and inviting tone when you say hello or greet everyone during the time of the day. Put a smile on your face to set the atmosphere of the event. Share with your audience how excited you are about what you’re working on related to the webinar.

2) Thank your attendees

People invest time and effort in attending your webinar. Thank them for their presence to make them feel appreciated and seen. Following up on your greeting with thankful words builds a relationship between you and the audience.

3) Make your Introduction short yet sweet

Briefly introduce yourself with your name, title, and what you do for a living. Spice up your webinar introduction with a relevant story that connects with the topic. 

Stories allow you to connect and relate with your audience in a personal way for just a short while.

4) Shine the spotlight on your guest speaker

If you have a speaker or guest speakers that will offer insights in your webinar, introduce them in a professional and friendly way. Familiarise yourself with their work and highlight their accomplishments and educational attainment. Make your audience anticipate by expressing 

your excitement with what your speakers will say.

5) State the webinar’s purpose

Be transparent about your webinar’s purpose and what your audience will get. Transparency helps set expectations and keep your audience tuned in until the end of the webinar. They can also decide if your webinar topic meets their needs as they learn its purpose.

6) Share the presentation’s outline

After setting expectations with your webinar’s purpose, highlight the key takeaways your audience should expect. 

Use interactive elements like videos and images to reinforce the topics. Let them have a brief overview of the topics that you’ll tackle in the webinar. Doing so gives assurance that they have a topic they’ll like within your outline.

7) Encourage your audience to participate

Virtual events are more fun with audience participation. Let your audience know when to ask questions at specific times during the panel discussion and Q&A session. Encourage them to use the features of the webinar platform, like the chat function, for real-time interactions. 

Allowing your audience to participate fosters a positive webinar experience for everyone.

8) Inject some humour

Humour is an effective way to finally break the ice and entertain everyone for a short while. Make sure your jokes and lighthearted anecdotes are well-placed and inoffensive. But don’t overdo it to avoid straying the audience from the webinar.

9) Keep it brief and natural

No one wants to listen to a lengthy and robotic speech. Make it sound natural by adding enthusiasm and energy to your words to capture your audience’s attention. 

Keep it short to maintain the momentum and prevent yourself from going astray with your introduction.

10) Don’t forget your Call to Action

End your welcome speech with a compelling and urgent call to action. Seize this opportunity to tell your audience to join the webinar. Providing the next step urges your audience to continue and finish the webinar with you.

Audience engagement is an essential part of your job as a webinar host. Keeping the audience interested will have them returning in the next webinar. Remember to have a short, friendly, and authentic introduction to make the webinar experience memorable for your attendees.

Most importantly, use a webinar platform that takes more work off your shoulders, such as creating schedules and designing a registration page from scratch. Your chosen webinar platform should also be able to host live chat and create polls to make real-time interactions. By selecting a seamless platform, you wouldn’t have to worry about technical glitches that may come along the way.

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introduction speech webinar

How to Write the Perfect Webinar Script (Templates Included!)

introduction speech webinar

Hosting a webinar comes with many responsibilities. You need to lead the discussion, moderate, and even keep track of the time. Webinars can be held for all types of subjects, so you may need to create a webinar script to keep up with the content! A webinar script helps to create fluid conversations while also keeping the webinar host on track. 

What is a Webinar Script?

A webinar script is a piece of dialogue, written before the webinar and is shared throughout the duration of the webinar. Your webinar should include an event agenda , any important talking points, and closing remarks. Webinar scripts are essentially roadmaps to the event. You can include timing and what order the speakers will speak in. Rather than going into the webinar blindly, the perfect webinar script will plan out exactly what you are going to say. 

Why You Should Write a Webinar Script

Webinars are important for keeping your webinar attendees engaged throughout the event. Without a webinar script, the event can go off track and you will lose the attention of your guests. Webinar scripts help to keep your webinar focused, on track, and timely. You can also create your webinar script around the goals you set for the webinar, so you can easily track the webinar goals that you want to achieve!

How To Write a Webinar Script

When you begin to write your webinar script, you can write it in an online document or hand-write it in a notebook. However, writing it in an online document makes it so much easier to share with anyone that you need to share it with. These 6 tips will help you write the perfect webinar script template for your event! 

Read and Learn: How to Add Energy, Impact, and Results at Every Stage of Your Webinar

Webinar Introduction

The introduction for your webinar presentation sets the tone for the whole event! Within the introduction, you can introduce not only yourself but also your business and any guest speakers you have scheduled. When you introduce the guest speakers with a small introduction, it will give the guest speakers more time to present. Take the time to thank your audience for their attendance, as well as your guest speakers for taking the time to join the webinar. You can also touch upon what the webinar will be focused on, without going into too much detail. Here's a webinar introduction script sample to guide you: “Welcome to [Webinar Name], hosted by [Your Company]. Today we have [Guest Speaker Name] with us to talk about [Topic]...” Take the time to thank your audience for their attendance, as well as your guest speakers for taking the time to join the webinar.

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Webinar Agenda

You don’t need to go into  too much detail about what the webinar entails in the introduction,  because you’re going to explain it in the webinar agenda. During this portion of the webinar, hosts can explain to  the audience what they can expect from the webinar. Hosts can also outline what topics the speakers will cover during their speaking portion. Again, this saves time  from the speakers introducing themselves and what they are going to be talking about, ultimately giving them more time to speak about those topics. Event hosts can also tell the audience how long each segment of the webinar will last, giving the audience a better understanding of how long the event as a whole will last! According to a study by Zippla , only 37% of workplace meetings actively use agendas.

Webinar Goal And Purpose

The webinar goal and purpose are considered the “why” of the event. In order to grab the attention of your audience, you can have a list of bullet points of all of the topics you’re going to cover within the webinar. After stating the topics in the bulleted points, you can then begin to explain the benefits of the webinar and what your guests can take away from the event. Not only can your guests take away ideas from the webinar, but they can also take away topics to explore further after the webinar is over. If this is the case, express to the audience how they can go about finding their event takeaways once the webinar is over. 

Webinar Goal And Purpose

Webinar Educational Content

Once the introductions are over, the educational content that attracted your audience to your webinar can begin! The educational content can be any type, depending on your webinar goals and the type of speakers you have. Once you acquire your guest speakers, ask them to create a webinar script of their own ahead of time! This is the segment where insights and valuable information are shared by the webinar presenter. This will keep your guests on track with what they’re talking about, so they won’t stray away from the topics at hand. The more guest speakers you have, and the more content you provide to them will be beneficial for everyone. When your guest speakers talk about their topics , encourage them to share their own personal stories to add a sense of personalization to your content. Audience members can relate to what the guest speakers are saying, creating those personal relationships that you should strive for in the business world. 

Webinar Conclusion and Q&A Session

Webinar Conclusion and Q&A Session

Once all of the guest speakers have spoken, the host can begin the conclusion and Q&A session. According to Wyzowl , 92% of attendees want a live Q&A session included in the webinar. If you have a webinar moderator, they can help in managing this section efficiently. Before the Q&A session begins, you can recap the webinar as a whole! Be sure to recap any important ideas and takeaways the guests can walk away with. Keep this part short and sweet, as there may be many questions from the audience. If you choose to have an engagement activity, you can include a small quiz or a feedback session to allow webinar hosts to see how well the guests understood their presentations and if they learned something new.. Once this portion is completed, you can then begin the Q&A session ! Q&A sessions allow your guests to voice any questions or concerns they may have; either because they didn’t understand an aspect of the webinar or because they have a question about something that wasn’t covered in the webinar. There may be guests who have all kinds of questions, so be sure to try your best to get to everyone who has a question. If time does run out before you can get to every question, you should have an option for guests to ask their questions at a later time.

Webinar Next Steps And Closing

First and foremost, you should thank your guests and guest speakers for attending your event! They took time out of their day to attend the webinar to learn more about the topics. Thanking them for attending can mean so much to your guests and your speakers. Next, you can then begin your closing statements , which can be the invitation for a call-to-action related to your digital marketing strategy or other services you offer. If you wish to have a call-to-action button for your guests, be sure to add instructions on how they can go about doing that, and can be answering a post-event survey, polls, or giving any feedback. Once all of this has been discussed with your audience, you can then thank your guests again and everyone can go their separate ways! With a solid webinar script, you'll be well on your way to delivering a successful webinar presentation, achieving desired audience engagement, and reaching your marketing strategy goals.

2 Webinar Script Templates for Your Next Event

Depending on the type of webinar you are hosting , there are several types of scripts that can be created. Below are a few examples, both formal and informal, of webinar scripts that you can use based on your company model. Feel free to use any of these webinar templates for your own company! 

Webinar Template #1: 

Introduction: .

  • Greeting - Introduce self, guest speakers, role at company
  • Thank audience and guest speakers for coming
  • Introduce guest speakers, where they are from, what topics they will cover
  • What to expect during this webinar, what guests can take away from webinar
  • Please hold any and all questions until the end, will have a formal Q&A session
  • Review every topic that is going to be covered, which guest speaker will cover topic
  • Review how long each topic and segment will take
  • Outline entire webinar from beginning to end

Goal And Purpose:

  • List all of the benefits of the guest speakers and topics they speak on
  • Present the webinar goals and how to plan on achieving them
  • Review any expectations for the guests after the webinar is over

Educational Content: 

  • Have guest speakers begin their presentations
  • Keep track of time to keep conversations flowing
  • Be sure to have guest speakers share personal stories

Conclusion and Q&A:

  • Once event concludes, begin the recap of any webinar highlights
  • Run engagement activity - polls, small quiz, feedback 
  • Let audience share something new that they learned, if time allows
  • Once the above aspects are completed, begin the Q&A session
  • Allow everyone to ask questions, if time allows

Next Steps and Closing:

  • Be sure to thank everyone for coming again
  • Walk guests through the call-to-action portion
  • Once everyone has had a chance to ask questions and move forward to the call-to-action, conclude the webinar with closing remarks
  • Any further questions, feel free to reach out via LinkedIn or email

Webinar Template #2: 

Frequently asked questions about webinar scripts.

1. What is a webinar script, and why is it important? ‍

A webinar script is a structured plan that outlines the content and flow of a webinar. It's important because it helps the presenter stay organized, maintain focus, and deliver a clear and engaging presentation.

2. Do I need a script for every webinar, or can I improvise?

While some experienced presenters can improvise effectively, having a script is highly recommended for most webinars to ensure a coherent and well-structured presentation.

3. How do I create an effective webinar script?

To create an effective script, start with a clear outline, define your key points, incorporate engaging content, and ensure a logical flow from start to finish.

4. Should I write my script word-for-word, or is an outline enough?

It depends on your comfort level and the complexity of the content. Some presenters prefer a detailed, word-for-word script, while others find an outline with key talking points more natural and flexible.

5. How can I make my webinar script engaging for the audience?

Incorporate storytelling, audience interaction, visuals, and engaging examples to keep your audience interested and involved throughout the webinar.

6. Can I include humor in my webinar script?

Yes, humor can be effective in engaging your audience, but use it judiciously and ensure it's appropriate for your topic and audience.

7. What's the ideal length for a webinar script?

‍ The ideal length varies based on the webinar's purpose and audience. Generally, webinars range from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. Ensure your script fits the allotted time without rushing.

8. Can I use a script while conducting live Q&A sessions during the webinar? ‍

While a script is not typically used during Q&A sessions, it's essential to prepare for questions in advance and have key talking points ready to address a variety of queries.

9. How do I handle technical details and transitions in my script?

Include instructions for managing technical aspects like screen sharing, slides, or video clips in your script. Clearly mark transitions to ensure a smooth flow.

10. Can I make changes to my script on the fly during the webinar?

Yes, it's okay to make minor adjustments if needed, but practice and preparation will help you stick to the script and reduce the need for last-minute changes.

11. Are there resources or templates available for creating webinar scripts?

Yes, there are various webinar script templates and resources online that can serve as helpful starting points for structuring your script.

12. How can I practice and refine my webinar script for a polished presentation?

Practice delivering your script multiple times, consider recording yourself, and seek feedback from peers or colleagues to make improvements.

Download Hubilo's Webinar Success Blueprint to get our Essential Planning Checklist for Winning Events

Creating the Perfect Webinar Script Doesn’t Have to Be Hard

Creating the Perfect Webinar Script

Creating a webinar script can help webinar hosts stay on track and stay focused when they’re hosting! You can include every aspect of your webinar on the script to ensure you don’t lose focus. The webinar script can be formal or informal, as long as you have all of the information you need. You can add any notes as needed, and this script can even include times for each segment of the webinar. This helps with keeping the webinar running  in a timely manner, and nobody runs over their allotted time. Guests take time out of their day to attend your webinar, so when you have a script and you stick to it, the webinar can provide the guests with the most information possible in a timely manner!

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Hubilo is the webinar platform built for marketers that helps you 2X your pipeline. Founded in 2015, Hubilo's powerful engagement features, dedicated client experience team, and custom branding tools have helped create over 12K virtual events & webinars, creating hundreds of millions of minutes of high-engagement experiences and counting. Headquartered in Bengaluru and San Francisco, Hubilo's 200+ employees are dedicated to enabling webinars & virtual events that convert.

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Mastering the Webinar Introduction Script

August 2nd, 2023 Mark Bornstein

Female thinking at laptop

It’s funny, when it comes to webinar best practices, the one thing that rarely gets discussed is the opening. And openings are perhaps the most important aspect of a webinar. I have attended and delivered a LOT of webinars in my life and it occurs to me that the most boring section of most webinars is actually the intro – and this shouldn’t be the case. There, the host will greet everybody and go through some kind of housekeeping section that feels like the presenter would rather be doing anything else in the world. It’s often painful to listen to, even if some of the information is important.

How to Be a Superstar Virtual Presenter

Will we still need to do webinar intros and housekeeping? Sure — they establish the host, set the tone and provide valuable information to the audience about how to navigate the next hour. Can this be done better? Of course it can. Here are a few tips that will help make your webinar intros much more effective.

Set the tone

So many webinar presenters have a strange misconception about tone. They believe that webinars have to have a dry, professional, but personality-less feel to them, and tend to speak to the audience in a monotone voice – which is guaranteed to disengage the audience; anathema to the very point of a webinar.

When you greet your webinar audience for the first time, do it with energy and enthusiasm. Let them know that they are amongst friends. Give them a warm greeting and show them that they are in for a non-painful, and perhaps even fun, hour of education and inspiration. Even if you are delivering webinars for a serious industry such as healthcare or financial services, that doesn’t mean that your webinars should feel emotionless. There is nothing wrong, EVER, with greeting your audience with a smile.

Don’t read your abstract

Another strange thing I see companies do at the beginning of webinars is to read the abstract or email promotion for the event they are already attending. Hey, they are there, you don’t need to convince them again! They know why they signed up and are in your webinar and ready to go. The best way to keep your audience is to get on with the show.

Master the webinar basics:

  • ON24 Basics: What a Webinar Is and How It Works
  • Four Ways to Detox Your Webinar Slides
  • Discovering Simulive, an Easier Way to Schedule Webinars
  • The 3 Rules for On-Demand Webinars

Script the intro, carefully

I often get asked if webinars should be carefully scripted and my answer is always a definitive no… except for the webinar introduction script . There is simply too much detail to review with your audience to try to memorize it all. You have enough on your mind just preparing for your presentation. Also, you want to make sure that you get the instructions right. There is nothing worse than someone stumbling through housekeeping recommendations, confusing the audience before the presentation even begins. In addition, reading from a script can appear unnatural, and certainly not personable.

Housekeeping: Be thorough but quick

If you have set up a bunch of features for your audience, you certainly need to point them out. There is nothing wrong with reviewing all of the features of your webinar (free content downloads, Q&A, links to other assets, etc.) but do so quickly. Try to review them in order, perhaps reviewing widgets from left to right to make it easy to follow. And don’t leave your smile at the door. Maintain your happy demeanor, even as you read the script.

Choose one CTA to emphasize

Most of the extra webinar features that you make available to your audience are there to elicit an action. Perhaps you are linking to a free trial or a demo. Maybe you are using your webinar to promote another upcoming event. There is a limit to how much you want to do in your housekeeping, so try to focus on one key CTA that you can emphasize as something that your audience should pay special attention to.

Use a visual

A lot of companies actually create a housekeeping slide to show what is available in the webinar console. The speaker can either highlight what is on the slide or simply let the audience view for themselves during the welcome, saving more time for content. If you do this, however, it’s as important to make sure that you are constantly updating that slide as you customize each webinar console.

Some companies have even made housekeeping videos that run before the webinar starts. This can be a fun way to check the housekeeping box — but it’s hard to make changes to a video in real time , so be aware.

Save the intros

One thing I always thought was awkward is when webinar hosts introduce speakers, then pause to review the housekeeping, then go back to the speakers. The audience can get confused as to who is who, and you end up having to re-introduce the speakers all over again. This is especially true for audio-only webinars. Welcome your guests, review the housekeeping and then segue to your speaker and content introductions. It will make everything flow so much better.

A webinar is just like any other type of entertainment. People can lose interest quickly if the beginning isn’t engaging, the people are boring, and the show isn’t easy to follow. Greet your audience with a smile, quickly let them know what they need to know, and get on with the show.

introduction speech webinar

How To Write A Captivating Webinar Script + Free Template

Category: video marketing

February 2, 2023 | 0 COMMENTS

Webinars can help you connect with your target audience, establish yourself as a thought leader, and drive sales for your products or services.

In order to achieve these goals, though, it’s critical to create a webinar game plan. One of the key elements of this game plan is a webinar script.

Webinar scripts answer questions like:

What is the format of your webinar? Is it a Q&A, a presentation, or an interactive workshop? What do you plan to talk about? What are the key ideas that will help you get your point across? How will visual elements aid your presentation?

Having all this information laid out in front of you can not only help you prepare for a webinar but stay on track throughout the presentation.

Here, we will help guide you through the process of creating a webinar script so that you and any other webinar presenters are well-prepared. We’ll also share a free webinar script template you can use to write a webinar script.


What is a Webinar Script?

A webinar script outlines the content and structure of an online seminar or presentation. This outline typically includes the topics and main points to be discussed during the webinar, along with the order in which they should be presented.

It also provides a guide for any visuals, activities, or other elements that will be used during the presentation.

The webinar script should be designed to facilitate a webinar that engages the audience while presenting valuable information. It should include clear objectives, calls-to-action, and any visual elements you plan to use, i.e., images, diagrams, and videos.

Ultimately, having a well-prepared script is essential for having an effective webinar presentation.

The Goal of a Webinar Script

A webinar script aims to ensure that you, or the facilitator of the webinar, are prepared and able to get your message across. It also ensures that all webinar attendees have an enjoyable experience, gain something valuable from the webinar, and take the next step you outline for them.

webinar script

Think of it as a map for a successful presentation. How will you guide attendees through the information and prompt them to take action?

A good webinar script can also help keep conversations on track by providing a webinar agenda, focus points, and guiding questions. This can be particularly helpful if there are multiple presenters or guest speakers.

By creating a comprehensive plan for the webinar, you and your team will be better able to control outcomes and maximize engagement from participants.

Who Should Use a Webinar Script?

Anyone who is hosting a webinar should use a webinar script. If you’ve never hosted a webinar before, it can be a great way to connect with your customers, receive feedback, build credibility, drive sales, and more.

Whether you’re a thought leader in your field, an entrepreneur with your own coaching business , or an influencer, you can utilize a webinar format to share your expertise and reach your goals. You can even sell tickets to your webinar or create a series of webinars that you market as an online course.

While hosting live or automated webinars isn’t new, it has become more commonplace and useful since the pandemic. These 100% virtual events allow you to connect with current and potential customers when in-person events are less feasible. Additionally, because they aren’t specific to one location, they can enable you to reach a much broader audience.

So, if you want to host a webinar as a part of your sales or marketing strategy, start by crafting a solid webinar script.

Before Writing Your Webinar Script

Before you start writing your webinar script, you should have a good grasp on the webinar content you want to provide, the audience you want to share that content with, and the outcomes you expect from the webinar.

Know Your Audience

Who will you be talking to at your webinar? Knowing the answer to this question is critical to hosting a successful webinar. After all, you can’t develop a webinar presentation that resonates with your audience without knowing who your audience is.

Once you know who your audience is, you can choose a topic that is relevant to them. Then, you can begin to map out an interesting webinar script based on this topic.

Define Webinar Goals

When writing a webinar script, it’s important to set goals for the webinar beforehand.

Remember, a webinar script should aim to inform, educate, and engage audience members by providing valuable information that is relevant to them. Beyond this, though, it should also have a strong call to action.

What action do you hope webinar attendees take after watching your webinar? Do you hope they sign up for your email list, join the next webinar, or subscribe to your product or service?

With this goal in mind, you can more effectively craft the webinar introduction, content, and conclusion.

Solidify Your Webinar Topic

Now that you know your audience and what you want to your webinar to achieve, you can solidify your webinar topic.

Consider what topics within your area of expertise your audience will find the most interesting and important. Additionally, you can choose a topic to showcase your unique perspective on a particular subject. This could go a long way to establishing you or your business as a thought leader in your field.

It’s also important to consider how long you want the webinar to be. This will help you determine how many topics and ideas can be covered within a reasonable time frame. Some may be suited for a shorter-format webinar, while others may require more time or multiple webinars.

Once you’ve honed in on a unique and engaging topic that you can share in a timely manner, you can use this information to create a webinar title that is catchy, engaging, and informative.

webinar script

How To Create a Webinar Script

With your goals, audience, and topic at hand, you can develop a solid webinar script that will help you structure your entire presentation accordingly.

1. Start with Your Webinar Introduction

The webinar introduction sets the tone for the entire webinar. Your audience will feed off your energy, so it’s important to launch the beginning of the session with a positive and engaging attitude.

This is your opportunity to thank your guests for attending and any sponsors or partners who made this webinar possible.

Next, introduce yourself, your business, and any team members or guest speakers who your audience will be hearing from. You can also use this time to briefly state what qualifies you and your guests to teach or share.

After introducing yourselves, provide your audience with a brief overview of the agenda and what they can expect. If there will be a Q&A segment or a feedback session at the end, let attendees know and encourage them to stick around.

Additionally, you can encourage questions or comments in the chat window if you will be using one to drive audience engagement.

2. Overview of Your Key Points

After introductions and expectations, provide an overview of the webinar agenda, including the main points that will be covered.

This is your opportunity to get the audience hooked so that they stay engaged throughout the presentation. So, consider using anticipatory language, i.e., “and then, the fun part, where we will discuss…” or “Finally, we’ll put all of this together and…”

Then, you can launch into the bulk of the webinar content.

3. Gather Supplementary Data and Visual Aids

Images, diagrams, and videos can help explain complex concepts more effectively and enhance engagement with the audience. So, whenever possible, use visuals to illustrate key points in the webinar.

Citing external research studies or sharing real-life case stories are also great ways of backing up your points.

Gather these supplementary materials so you can include them in your script and reference them during the webinar.

4. Organize Your Content

A perfect webinar script is not necessarily an outline of the webinar word for word. While this may be helpful for some, it can also sound too rehearsed and leave no room for audience engagement.

Rather, when writing webinar scripts, organize the content using bullet points. Include your main themes, key talking points, and supplementary materials. If using a slide deck to present the webinar, it can be helpful to organize the content into webinar slides.

Other information to outline includes which visual aids accompany which talking points, which guest speaker will discuss each topic, and how much time is allotted for each section or slide.

As you organize your content, don’t forget to allocate space in the script and time on your agenda to ask the audience for feedback or questions.

5. Conclude the Webinar

The final piece of a webinar script is the conclusion.

Use this time to restate the key takeaways from the webinar and drive home your call to action. Explain what the audience needs to do next and include any information they need to take that next step.

Then, take time to answer any final questions or to enter into the Q&A segment of the webinar. In your webinar script, you can include a few pre-scripted questions to initiate this portion and encourage audience members to ask their own. If you are holding a brief feedback session, you can initiate that during this time as well.

Finally, after the Q&A or feedback session, thank attendees and guests again for participating in the webinar and encourage them to share it with their network.

Webinar Script Template

You can use this example webinar script template to structure your own webinar scripts.


  • Welcome attendees to [webinar title] and thank them for joining.
  • Introduce yourself and any other panelists or guests who will be speaking.
  • Thank any sponsors or partners who made this webinar possible.
  • Provide an overview of what attendees can expect to learn during the webinar.
  • Start by providing an overview of the main points that will be covered.
  • Share any relevant data or research to support your points.
  • Invite panelists or guests to share their insights and experiences.
  • Engage with attendees by asking for their feedback or questions.
  • Use multimedia, such as slides or videos, to enhance the content.


  • Recap the key takeaways from the webinar.
  • Encourage attendees to take action based on what they learned.
  • Provide resources or next steps for attendees who want to learn more.
  • Thank attendees for participating and invite them to future events.
  • Allow time for attendees to ask questions.
  • Answer questions as they come in, or save them for the end and answer them all at once.
  • Thank attendees for participating and encourage them to share the webinar with their network.
  • Provide any final thoughts or messages.
  • End the webinar.

Want to launch a webinar?

If you think live webinars could be a great marketing strategy or sales tactic for your business, developing webinar scripts using this sample webinar script template is a great place to start.

If you are unsure if this is the right next step for your business or if you are looking for more guidance, we’re here to help. You can sign up for a free digital marketing audit , and our experts will provide personalized recommendations for your digital marketing strategy. 


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How To Write A Webinar Script To Grab The Attention Of Your Audience

Use a webinar presentation for your business.

Webinars are a great way to share your knowledge with others, whether you're selling something or giving them training. They allow for more personal connections between the speaker and listener, leading to opportunities down the road!


Webinar content can be a great way to share updates about your product with customers, build your brand, and drive lead generation goals. 

Not only do live webinars allow you direct access to your audience, but they can also reduce the overall costs associated with customer engagement. 

However, even the best webinars can miss the mark if you don't have a webinar script that retains the attention of audience members. 

What Are Some Tips For The Perfect Webinar Script Template?

No matter how complex your webinar topic is, a good webinar script provides the presenter with waypoints that help them successfully deliver their message. 

The perfect webinar script will vary based on your audience, but your webinar script should include several main points to make sure your presentation follows a logical progression. 

1. Welcome & Webinar Introduction

Your introduction script should welcome webinar attendees to the presentation. Keep your webinar introduction short and friendly to introduce yourself to your webinar attendees. 

Be sure to share your name, relevant experience/knowledge about the topic you are speaking on during the intro, and reiterate the name of your webinar to ensure your audience is in the fitting session. 

It's also important to highlight how your webinar will address the pain points of your audience . Not only will this help make your webinar content more relevant for your attendees, but it will also improve audience engagement throughout the entire presentation. 

2. Present The Webinar Agenda

Your audience has limited time, so you need to outline critical parts of your webinar before you dive into the webinar content. 

The outline should be simple to understand, and you can include the outline on a single slide deck with a few bullet points, like: 

Intro: Introduce yourself and share some relevant information to establish yourself as an expert.

Proof: Outline key points about the information you will share with examples of how the information leads to a positive outcome. It's a good idea to share testimonials from people who have benefited from your webinars in the past. 

Core Webinar Content: This part of the webinar agenda will outline the core pieces of your presentation.

Strong Call-To-Action: You should include a strong CTA to get your audience to take action at the end of your webinar presentation. This can include signing up for an email list, reaching out to the sales team, or downloading an ebook. 

3. Tell A Story Before Transitioning To The Main Content

You know that feeling when you're telling a story, and the audience is right there with every twist? Well, it's time for them to get in on this! I want my readers (or listeners) to experience something new. 

Be sure to share a story to connect your webinar topic with the audience before transitioning to the main webinar content. 



4. Use Bullet Points To Build Your Webinar Script

You want your webinar presentation to sound natural and engage with your audience. The best way to accomplish both goals is to create your webinar script with some essential bullet points and key takeaways instead of scripting the entire webinar word-for-word. 

This strategy is commonly used for public speaking because it provides flexibility for the presenter throughout the presentation. You are less likely to get off track than a word-for-word webinar script. 

5. Write A Webinar Script For Your Intended Audience

Webinars are a great way to reach your target market. Consider the language you'll use, as well as points of reference and units when scripting webinars for maximum impact on attendees who want clear communication too!

A Simple Webinar Script Example That You Can Use Today

A webinar script can help your confidence during a live webinar. It can also help you stay on track throughout the webinar presentation and keep your audience's attention. Your webinar script template doesn't need to be fancy- in fact, a simple webinar script can be best because you will be able to add information based on audience feedback. 

Here is a simple webinar script template that can help you make your webinar's structure and content easy to follow for listeners, no matter who is presenting. 

[Begin Webinar]


Host : Welcome, everyone! Thank you for joining us on this exciting journey. My name is [HOST NAME], and I am the CEO of an ills leading provider in our industry with XYZ's service. 

We are happy that so many people can't wait until next week when we will be discussing how they, too, could benefit from all these fantastic tools.

Host : Today, we are presenting a sneak peek into the future. Today's presentation will be about [TITLE] by our expert presenter - just one of many tools available through your BeaconLive control panel for your audience with ease!


Presenter : Thank you, [HOST]! I appreciate the introduction. It's great to be speaking with all of you today… It gives me such pleasure that we can share some time!



Host : Thank you, [PRESENTER]! We will now take some time for questions. Just a reminder to make sure your question is answered properly using the interactive BeaconLive webinar software. 


Host : It looks like we have covered all the bases. Is there anything else you wanted me to mention before wrapping up?

Presenter : I think we're good for now! Thank you, everyone. It was a pleasure being with you today, and I hope that this has been a great experience for everyone!

Host : Thank you, everyone! We appreciate you being here. [MENTION ANY OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS & MAIN CALL TO ACTION]. Thanks again for joining us today, and we will see you all next time around :)

[End Webinar]

Host A Great Live Webinar With The Perfect Webinar Script

There are a lot of benefits to webinars, but you have only limited time. This means the right words need saying for your audience and potential conversions can be achieved. 

It doesn't matter if what you want is simply reaching as many people with information or trying out something new.

Whether you are an experienced webinar host or just a beginner, a webinar script can help you stay on track and improve audience engagement. 

Make sure you follow these tips when creating a presentation to make it more interesting for your audience. The result will be that they are hooked from start-to-finish, and have no choice but take action!

Want To Hire A Professional Moderator For Your Upcoming Webinar?

BeaconLive provides a trained moderator for every event. Our moderators will add a level of professionalism and high production value to your event through communicating with your audience, introducing speakers, moderating Q&As and keeping everyone on schedule. Moderators are an essential part to a smooth, efficient and well-received event. 

BeaconLive also provides Event Producers, Design Team and a 24/7 Customer Support Team for every virtual event or webinar. Learn more about our in-house team or contact us if you have any questions about our fully-managed services. 

Topics: Speaker Best Practices , Webinars & Webcasts , Webinars: Best Practices

Go Virtual With Confidence Using Our Most Helpful Content


Webinar Script Templates & Webinar Hosting Tips

  • This 19-page guide will provide you with everything you and your team will need to consider on the day of your webinar. There are also three scripts you can use to guide guest speakers through the webinar experience.


Rhode Island Housing Virtual Training & Automated Certificates Case Study

  • A white-labeled training and certification platform for RIH and their end-users - Our platform allowed them to centralize all training materials for their products, train, certify and track certificates of their users in a timely manner.


Virtual & Hybrid Events with BeaconLive

  • Going virtual is complicated, so let us handle everything. BeaconLive’s platform offers over 150 interactive features and is managed by our in-house events services team.

Scheduling your webinar at the wrong time and not respecting your audience's time are both mistakes that can lead to low attendance. Another misstep hosts make is not promoting their event enough, which also affects registration rates as well.

In most cases, you don't have to appear on video for a webinar. You can participate using the chat function or by simply listening with an audio/talk button if your mic is connected.

The majority of webinars are 60 minutes long. This will give you enough time to get acquainted with the speaker, learn about their company or topic for that day in just 5-7 minutes while they're welcoming everyone before starting on presentations which can go anywhere from 38 - 45 min each!

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Let’s prepare your webinar script

Webinar script is one of the main components for the success of your webinar. If you have the perfect content for your audience, then you will not be able to present it well without a detailed plan and script. Hosting a webinar could be nerve-wracking and challenging, but a good webinar script can help make it easier and minimize potential mistakes and issues.

Top-Notch Webinar Script

Guess what? In this article we will try to analyze common issues and help you create a high-quality webinar script for your first webinar and a template for all your upcoming webinars. Yeah, yeah, we’re pretty amazing. You’re welcome!

Best tricks and tips

How to script your webinar practical tricks, presentation in a webinar, closing remarks, and what about the questions in the chat, how to write a script for a presentation.

Webinars have become a popular way for businesses to connect with their audience, share valuable information, and generate leads and sales. However, creating a successful webinar takes more than just pressing records and hoping for the best. Crafting a winning webinar script would be best to engage your audience and achieve your goals truly.

The first step in creating an excellent and top-notch webinar script is clearly defining your objectives. What do you hope to achieve with your webinar? Are you looking to educate your audience, generate leads, or promote a product or service? Once you have a clear goal, you can start developing your script with your audience in mind.

A successful webinar script should be structured to keep your audience engaged from beginning to end. Start with an attention-grabbing introduction that clearly states what the webinar is about and why your audience should care. From there, focus on delivering valuable content clearly and concisely. Use visuals and examples to help illustrate your points and keep your audience interested.

Another important aspect of crafting a winning webinar script is incorporating audience engagement throughout the presentation. This can be done through interactive polls, Q&A sessions, or even breakout rooms for smaller group discussions. By actively involving your audience, you can keep them engaged and increase their overall satisfaction with the webinar.

Practicing your script beforehand is essential to ensure that it flows smoothly and fits within the allotted time frame. Rehearsing your hand can also help you identify areas where you may need to add additional content or clarify specific points.

Now, let’s look at the script; it’s written for a host and a presenter, but if you’re both, you can easily combine the roles when holding your webinar . Remember that paying attention to the needs of the participants is a priority. If you run your webinar using a dry script, your audience will be bored and irritated.

Okay, so first, you need to start the webinar and press the record button. It is not part of the script, but you don’t want to forget this!

Moderator: Good afternoon! Thank you all for finding the time and visiting today’s webinar. My name is [moderator name], and I am [job title] at [company name]. Our company is the leading provider of [name of the product/service].

I will send a very short poll to confirm if you can see and hear us well.

(Launch a poll as seen in the picture below and inform them of the time allotted for the response.)

Thanks for the feedback! I will quickly review some points, so we all have a seamless webinar experience. To avoid disturbing the course of the webinar, please communicate only via this button and, in exceptional cases, in the chat.

(Next, show the webinar agenda on the slides.)

Breaks are planned for about an hour [insert exact time of breaks], but if there is a need for additional time, please let me know.

We will address some questions during short breaks in the presentation. Then, finally, we will leave time for a more extended Q&A session.

In case of any technical issues, please signal me in the chat. We will try to help you resolve it quickly. After the webinar, everyone will receive a link to the recording, which will only be valid for three days and all links to the mentioned sites.

Message to people who indicated that they have a technical problem:

Moderator: If you have technical issues, please first check the following basics:

  • Is your internet connection stable? Is the upload speed fast enough?
  • Are your headphones adequately connected? Is the volume level appropriate?
  • Are other programs running in the background blocking the proper reception of the webinar, such as Skype, Viber, Teams etc.?

Now we can begin! Today’s speaker is [exciting facts from the speaker’s biography highlighting their expertise and status in the field].

Show a slide with the speaker’s photo and a short list of the main accomplishments and provide contacts.

Presenter: Thank you, [moderator’s name]! It’s great that we can all meet today to explore the topic [Webinar Topic]. I will try to make it as clear and understandable as possible. However, please let me know in the chat if anything requires additional clarification. I am also happy to share supplemental materials if anyone is interested. Let’s get started!

(Take a break every 10 minutes during your presentation to talk to participants, ask about something, or answer questions. Then, you can turn on the poll once in a while and ask a single-answer question. The idea is not to control that participants are listening but to ensure they are actively engaged in the meeting.)

Common questions and answers

Presenter: And that’s all for today. Thank you for participating in the webinar. I hope this meeting has expanded your knowledge. Now it’s time for your questions. Rest assured that I will try to answer each question if possible.

The audience can submit questions by typing them in a separate window. The host can check in advance what the participants are most interested in. Remember that this option doesn’t mean you can skip any questions because you find them boring. None of the participants should feel ignored.

Prepare a few variants for yourself in case of questions you cannot answer. You can get inspired by participating in free webinars on any topic. Notice how they deal with embarrassing or stressful questions. Then, apply that to your scenario.

Want access to helpful features like the “Ask a Question” button? Check out MyOwnConference! You can try the webinar platform for free with up to 20 attendees. Larger meetings do have a cost, but don’t worry – there are flexible pricing plans to fit everyone’s needs.

Here’s what to say if the Presenter does not know the answer to a question:

Presenter: I admit that the question is very intriguing. I am not 100% sure about the answer, so I would like to explore this topic a bit before I try to explain it. Please leave your e-mail address in a private message, and I will be happy to answer this question later.

Moderator: Great! Thank you all. We appreciate your being with us today. We care about your opinion, so please complete a short poll.

(The customer satisfaction survey should have three closed questions in which participants can rate the meeting.

Finally, it’s time for all the other announcements and the main call to action.)

Thank you again for attending today’s meeting. We encourage you to connect with us on social media. In addition, you can contact us by e-mail or telephone if you have additional questions. We are happy to provide additional support.

Notes for a webinar script

We advise you to turn off the chat when the speaker presents. Conversation can be pretty distracting, causing participants to lose focus. Instead, let the viewers ask their questions via a separate window. Thus, a moderator or a speaker can select exciting questions and answer them when the time is right. Such a system will also make it easier to keep order.

To make everything look natural, you should not write a detailed script for your presentation . Instead, prepare only a plan and an outline. When creating slides, try to reduce the number of words and focus more on eye-catching pictures.

Make sure to read our post on the seven most popular types of visual content to use in your webinars .

We hope you have plenty of ideas about writing a webinar script. Also, look at our previous articles for even more valuable tips and guidelines.

The webinar script is the first step in holding your webinar successfully. Without it, it will be challenging to conduct a good webinar, as a clear and detailed script helps eliminate many side mistakes and improvisation.

The webinar script is the must-have item to minimize any mistakes and issues during the webinar. It also helps reduce the stress level during the event and almost wholly removes unexpected improvisation.

To write a quality script for your webinar, you must create a topic for your webinar and collect all the information you will present at your event. Next, you need to prescribe the sequence of your speech and make a list of frequently asked questions so that you can immediately answer them.

An expert behind the simplified online meeting and webinar software platform, MyOwnConference. In today’s flexible work environment, Dan offers invaluable life hacks, in-depth reviews, and savvy tips for organizing, promoting, and excelling in virtual conferences and webinars.

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Introduction Speech for Webinar

Ai generator.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good [morning/afternoon/evening],

It is my great pleasure to welcome you all to today’s webinar on [Webinar Topic]. I am [Your Name], and I am honored to serve as your host for this insightful and engaging event. We are delighted to have you with us, whether you are joining from near or far.

Our webinar today is focused on [briefly describe the topic and its significance]. In a world that is constantly evolving, staying informed and connected is more important than ever. This webinar aims to provide you with valuable insights, practical knowledge, and the opportunity to engage with experts in the field.

We are privileged to have with us an esteemed guest speaker, [Speaker’s Name]. [Speaker’s Name] is a renowned [mention their profession or title] with extensive experience in [mention relevant experience or achievements]. Their work in [mention field or industry] has been widely recognized, and we are fortunate to have them share their expertise with us today.

Before we begin, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our sponsors and partners for their support in making this webinar possible. A special thank you goes to the organizing team, whose hard work and dedication have ensured that every detail has been meticulously planned.

To our participants, thank you for being here. Your presence and active participation are what make events like this so valuable. We encourage you to engage with the content, ask questions, and make the most of this learning opportunity.

Today’s webinar will include [mention the structure of the webinar, e.g., a presentation followed by a Q&A session]. We want this to be as interactive and beneficial as possible, so please feel free to participate actively and share your thoughts and questions.

As we proceed, let’s embrace the spirit of learning and collaboration. Together, we can create an environment that fosters growth, innovation, and meaningful dialogue.

Without further ado, let us begin our webinar. Please join me in welcoming our guest speaker, [Speaker’s Name], who will be presenting on [briefly introduce the speaker’s topic].

Thank you, and enjoy the webinar!

[Your Name]


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Sample Webinar Script and Agenda Template for Businesses

September 04, 2017

This post was originally published in December 2015. We've updated it for current webinar best practices for business.

Webinars  or webcasts are a powerful lead generation tool in your digital marketing program. As a middle of the funnel offer, a webcast is more personal than an article or ebook and help potential clients get to know your company before having a sales conversation.

Many of our clients have started webinar programs with much success, and others express hesitation for how to get started. We're often asked for a script or an agenda to help the m structure it properly. A script is very useful if you've never hosted a webinar before and so we're providing one here. 

But first, let's review some   best practices for how to host a webinar .

  • Use data to select a compelling and specific topic. 
  • Choose a presenter who is a subject matter expert and an engaging speaker.
  • Build a visually interesting slide deck.
  • Set up and schedule your webinar.
  • Integrate registration with your CRM/database so you can automate capture of leads.
  • Present (see below for script).

Sample Webinar Introduction Script and Template

So without further ado, here is a sample webinar script and template that you can use to present your own webinars. This script assumes that the webinar will involve two people: a host and a presenter.

The host is the person who starts off the webinar and sets the tone. This person also fields questions and then closes out the webinar. The presenter is the one actually giving the presentation.

Here is the sample script   so it's easy to get started:



Host:   Welcome, everyone! Thank you for joining us for today's webinar. My name is [HOST NAME] and I'm the [JOB TITLE] at [COMPANY NAME]. [COMPANY NAME] is the leading provider of [SERVICE].

Today we are presenting "[TITLE]" presented by [PRESENTER]. Just a little housekeeping before we get started. If you have any questions during the presentation, please type them into the question box in your [Zoom, GoToWebinar, WebEx] control panel. I'll bring them up during the presentation and we will also have time for questions at the end.

Now without further ado, we will turn the time over to [PRESENTER]! Our presenter today is [details/bio of PRESENTER to highlight credibility and expertise on subject matter].


Presenter:   Thank you, [HOST]! I appreciate the introduction. It's great to be speaking with all of you today....

[Give presentation]

Presenter: with that, we will go ahead and take some time for questions.


Host:   Thank you, [PRESENTER]! We will go ahead and take some time for questions now. Just a reminder, please be sure to type your questions into the question box in your control panel.

It looks like we have a few questions. Jim asks...


Host:    It looks like we've covered all of our questions. [PRESENTER], is there anything else you wanted to cover before a wrap-up?

Presenter:   No, I think we're good for now! Thank you, everyone. It was a pleasure being with you today.

Host:    Great! Thank you, everyone! We appreciate you being here. [MENTION ANY OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS & MAIN CALL TO ACTION]. Thanks again for joining us today and we will see you next time.


Naturally, you can modify this script to suit your needs, but this works well for us and should serve as a good framework for your webinars.

New call-to-action

Final Thoughts & Tips:

  • I like to take questions during the webinar, but it's totally up to you. You might want to wait until the end to cover them. I just like to address them as people are asking them so they can get answers right away and I can weave the answers into the presentation to add context.
  • When bringing up questions, be sure to just mention the requester's first name to preserve privacy.
  • The host should have a few questions with made-up names written down in case there are no questions. That way you can bring up a few commonly-asked questions in the event that the audience is shy.
  • Don't just read this script like a robot! Speak naturally as if you are talking to a friend. Nothing makes a webinar more boring than a host or presenter that just reads the script. Speak casually and follow these   public speaking tips . 

Presenting a webinar doesn't have to be difficult but it does help to have a good script so you can feel confident and lower anxiety. Feel free to use this for your next webinar and let us know how it goes!

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How to Write and Deliver an Engaging Guest Speaker Introduction

Last Updated: April 3, 2023 Fact Checked

Sample Speeches

Writing the introduction, delivering the speech, expert q&a.

This article was co-authored by Deb DiSandro and by wikiHow staff writer, Ali Garbacz, B.A. . Deb DiSandro is the Owner of Speak Up On Purpose, an organization dedicated to improving and teaching public speaking. Deb has over 30 years of experience as a national speaker and has presented at the Erma Bombeck Writer’s Conference and the National Society of Newspaper Columnists. She was awarded the National Speakers Association Member of the Year 2007 and has been published in Writer's Digest, Daily Herald, Women's Day, and Better Homes & Gardens. There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,202,013 times.

Introducing a guest speaker is quite an honor. As the introducer, you get the audience excited about the talk they’re about to hear and play a crucial role in connecting the speaker to their audience on a more human level. Writing the perfect introduction speech requires some research and rehearsal on your part, but rest assured that you’ll be left with a speech that’ll leave your audience wanting more. Keep reading for our complete guide to writing the best introduction speech. Also, take a look at the samples we’ve included to get help you get started.

Things You Should Know

  • Establish the guest speaker’s credibility by mentioning notable achievements and experiences that relate to the topic of their speech.
  • Share a quick anecdote or surprising fact about the guest speaker to paint a picture of their personality and character.
  • Get the audience excited for the upcoming presentation with a short sentence stating what the guest speaker will be talking about.
  • Wait until the very end to introduce the guest speaker by their full name and title.

introduction speech webinar

Researching the Speaker

Step 1 Ask the speaker what they’d like you to say.

  • When the speaker provides an introduction for you, use it. Read it over a few times and don’t hesitate to ask them for any clarification if you need it.

Step 2 Find out the speaker’s topic and who their audience is.

  • For example, if the speech is about encouraging young girls to learn computer programming, don’t spend time explaining how the speaker can teach these skills to adults.
  • Additionally, if the audience is mostly people who work in the education field rather than computer programming, avoid using a lot of jargon specific to computer programming so the audience can follow along better.

Step 3 Gather biographical information about the speaker.

  • Another method is to ask the speaker for their resume. Use this to pick out their most notable achievements to help establish their credibility.
  • A good introduction goes beyond just reciting the speaker’s personal history. However, noting their most relevant and impressive achievements will help establish them as an authoritative figure to the audience.

Step 4 Avoid using sensitive or embarrassing information without approval.

  • Always get the speaker’s permission before using these details. If you need to use this information, have an explanation ready as to why it’s important to your introduction.

Step 5 Find other speeches the speaker has given.

  • Be careful if you’re using pieces from another speech since it is copyrighted material and can’t be used without the speaker’s permission. Talk directly to the speaker about using these portions, or rephrase the section in your own words.

Step 6 Include a surprising detail if it works in your intro.

  • “Many don’t know that John Doe originally went to school for law, but ended up choosing psychology instead. Just like many of you, he didn’t have much of an idea of where his life would take him. Little did he know that his legal studies would actually help him to become one of the most renowned therapists we know today.”

Step 7 Master pronouncing the speaker’s name.

  • Avoid using overly casual language to refer to the speaker, such as “guy,” “girl,” or “kid.” Instead, use “person,” “woman,” or “man.”

Step 1 Keep the introduction under 1 minute.

  • “Jane’s passion for creative writing goes back to her high school days where she began the draft for her very first novel at the age of 15. By the time she was entering her sophomore year of college at 19 years old, she had already published her first book.”
  • “John has received recognition and praise from some of the largest Fortune 500 companies for his dedication to creating curriculums to help strengthen teamwork in the workplace. He’s received multiple awards for his work and has even gone on to write a book sharing his unique insights and perspective.”

Step 3 Tell the audience what they’ll be learning from the speaker.

  • “Jane will tell you exactly how you can manifest every single one of your goals by making just five simple changes in your daily life.”
  • “John is here today to share the secret to maximizing your savings so you can live freely without ever having to worry about finances again.”

Step 4 Include a short personal anecdote if you have one.

  • “John and I met a few years back and immediately bonded over the struggle of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. I’m sure many of us can relate to this.”
  • “Jane’s book on navigating childcare in our current economy struck me at a very deep level. I’ve never read such relatable and honest words, and her work has given me comfort and reassurance during these unpredictable times.”

Step 5 Focus more on the speaker’s credibility rather than humor.

  • For example, you might say, “John Smith’s story working in the lumber industry inspired me to go out and build a cabinet. Unsurprisingly, it fell apart within five minutes of being built. I went back to him, and he was sure to reassure me that it’s a practice that requires much patience.”

Step 6 Introduce the speaker’s name at the end.

  • “Please join me in welcoming Dr. John Smith!”
  • “Here to discuss her newest book, “How to Live a Happier Life,” please give a warm welcome to Jane Doe.”
  • “Here to share his unique perspective on the current political climate, please welcome Professor John Doe.”

Step 7 Read your speech aloud to catch any errors.

  • Also, practice using a friendly and relaxed tone when you give your speech to avoid coming off as super stiff and nervous.
  • To overcome stage fright , recite the introduction while looking in a mirror. Once you feel comfortable, rehearse it in front of family and friends.

Step 2 Rehearse the introduction sparingly before going on stage.

  • For example, “Good evening. My name is Alex Brown, and I’m the organizer of this event.”
  • If everyone in the audience is familiar with you, there’s no need to introduce yourself.

Step 4 Show lots of enthusiasm while speaking.

  • Get the speaker’s approval of the introduction you’ve written. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Forget about cliches such as “This person needs no introduction.” Instead, focus on making your introduction unique and descriptive. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Ask the speaker to revise a provided introduction if you don’t feel that it’s right for the audience they’ll be presenting to. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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About This Article

Deb DiSandro

Before introducing your guest speaker, introduce yourself in case there are people in the audience who don't know you. Then talk about the speaker’s background and qualifications, and give the audience a high-level overview of what they might learn from the presentation. See if you can include a short, personal anecdote about the speaker, like "I read their book and really loved it," for example. Try to keep your introduction to less than 3 minutes, and finish it by welcoming your speaker and telling the audience their name. For more advice on introducing a guest speaker, including how to research them in advance, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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introduction speech webinar

Introducing a Speaker Sample Script

introduction speech webinar

Many people get asked to introduce a speaker at an event and have no idea how to do it. In this quick guide, we give you several different frameworks that you can use, as well as plenty of sample scripts and explain the questions you must ask both your speaker and your client before you start.

Key Points of  a Great Speaker Introduction

A Biography is not an Introduction

  • Grab the audiences attention
  • Establish the importance of the Topic
  • Establish the credibility of the Speaker
  • Outline “What’s in it for Them”
  • Say the Speakers name last

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Why do we introduce a speaker or performer.

There are many reasons why we have someone else introduce a speaker or an act rather than them just coming out on stage and beginning their presentation or performance. Understanding these is an important part of the process of crafting a great introduction. Here are some of the reasons…

  • It shows respect for the speaker
  • It settles the audience down and gets them focussed on the stage.
  • Alternatively, it can hype the audience up and get them excited about what they are going to experience
  • It gives a chance for the Production crew to correct the sound levels, lights and be ready with any audio/visual cues.
  • It lets the audience know who this person is before they start, in case there is no printed program.
  • It can link the content or the message of the speaker to the theme of the event.
  • It can emphasise why this message is important to the group and why they should listen
  • It can show why this person is qualified to speak about the topic and share their insights
  • It can allow the speaker to get straight into the meat of their presentation

So, as you can see there is a lot going on behind even the simplest of introductions!

Before you start writing a Speaker Introduction!

Before you start writing an introduction, find out, does the speaker have a prepared Introduction?

If the person presenting is a professional speaker, e.g this is what they do for a living, they should have a standard introduction already prepared for you or better still, an introduction they have prepared specifically for this event. They will understand the importance of the introduction and how it can help them and their presentation succeed.

In reality however, not all professional speakers will provide you with a prepared introduction and most other non professional speakers will not provide one at all. They may not even be aware that they can do this.

What you will get in most situations is a Biography, which is not an Introduction and shouldn’t be read out “as is!” This is one mistake many people make. We will show you later in the article how to convert a Bio into an Introduction.

If you do get an introduction, either supplied by the booker, the client or the speaker themselves, use it as written. Don’t attempt to improve it. The only time to do this is if you see some glaring error or you really need to cut some time off, but you are going to find most provided introductions are carefully crafted and most will be quite succinct.

If you do add anything, say it before you start the provided introduction and then end on their words.

Speaking of time … if a Speaker does provide you a long winded introduction or insists that a video highlights package is run before they come on stage, make sure this is included in their presentation time!

I normally start timing a speaker after I leave the stage and they have started, but if they insist on a really long one or play a 5 minute video first, that should be part of their allocated time.

There is a bit of a trend for having a video play before they actually come on. It really is part of the presentation..

Notice, I have been referring to provided Introductions. These are not Biographies!

Often you will be provided with a Biography of the Speaker. The Client has probably recieved this from the Speaker or copied it from their website and it was useful to them in selecting the Speaker for the engagement. But these are seldom useful as Speaker Introductions.

A Biography, like a CV that you put together to help you obtain a job,  lists all your Qualifications, Achievements, Career Highlights, Publications, Awards etc.

But your audience doesn’t really need to know all this! They don’t really care. They want to essentially know just three things.

  • Is this Topic important?
  • Is the Speaker qualified to talk about the Topic?
  • What’s in it for them?

Don’t fall into the trap of just reading out a long Biography that you are given.  We will show you later in the article how to quickly craft a strong Speaker Introduction.

It’s always a good idea if you can check directly with the speaker that the topic of their speech is unchanged.

Many speakers get booked many months before their presentations. In the case of large international events this may even be a year or so prior! In some cases a speech Topic or Title may change. The speaker may in fact have a totally different theme or presentation to what’s printed in the Agenda or in the notes provided.

If you craft a wonderful Introduction, touching on the theme or the importance of the speech, it helps if it’s in alignment.

Two strategies

Firstly, you should if at all possible talk to your speakers before you introduce them. There are many reasons for this, that we have discussed here. During this conversation you can check that the title and topic is much the same.

Secondly, if the Speaker has a Powerpoint Presentation to accompanies the speech you can usually see the first slide. This should alert you to the fact of a change early on. You will either see this when they are setting up on stage or you may be able t see it at the Audio Visual Desk if it is being controlled by the AV Team.

If you see there is an obvious change you can then find out more and alter accordingly.

Questions for Your Client

We already have a specific  training that covers all the questions you should ask your client before an event, but here are a few that specifically relate to the introduction.

  • What is the purpose of the whole meeting?
  • What is the purpose of this speech?
  • Why did you choose this speaker?
  • Will I be provided with a Biography or a set Introduction?

The answers to these questions should provide you with a fairly solid base to work from, especially if you are going to follow the Introducing a Speaker Sample Script outlined below.

Speaker Introduction Framework 1

Here is a very solid framework to start with that I have used for many years.

I was taught this by Ron Tachhi who was a very successful speaker and then ran a large Speaker Bureau in Australia. His was based on a framework taught in the Toastmasters Training. (I should point out, I have modified the order of the 4 points as I feel it has much more impact done this way.)

The Speaker Introduction has 4 parts that address a different question in turn.

1/ Why this Subject?

Why is this subject important?  This allows you to start with a bang – to pose a question, state an alarming fact, interesting insight or staggering statistic.

What you are trying to do here is to grab the audiences attention, stop them thinking about the previous presentation or even just to look up from their phone where they have been checking their email.

It can be as short as just a sentence or perhaps two or three to frame the topic.

“Did you know that there are more Shopping Malls in America than there are High Schools?”

“What do you think is the most common cause of death of children under 5 years worldwide?”

“A quick show of hands … Who here believes that  (XXXXXX)  is the biggest issue facing our industry at the moment?”

2/ Why this Speaker?

Next you need to establish the credibility of the speaker. This is where you mention some of the highlights taken from their Biography. Choose the most significant ones and importantly, the ones that relate most to the topic and theme.

You are positioning the speaker as the best person give insights and solutions to the subject.

3/ Why this Audience?

You now build a link between the Subject and the Audience. How does this subject effect them directly.

“You guys are leaders in our community … “

“These changes to the legislation and going to impact you more than most …”

“If you expect to earn more next year …”

4/ Why Now?

Why is it great to be learning this now?

What is the benefit to them?

What are they going to get out of it?

Why should they pay attention right now?

In Sales terms.. you heard about the pain, now here is the solution!

What’s in it for them!

You are picking up the momentum and building a little excitement.

“In the next 30 minutes you will learn …”

“Let’s get some inside secrets from someone who …”

Combining these 4 Parts together has a nice flow to it and it builds up to a strong finish.

Speaker Name Last

It’s usually better to end with the persons Name as the last thing you say.

If you were introducing me for instance you could say ….

“Would you please welcome to the stage, Timothy Hyde , the founder of”

It’s far better to say …

“Would you please welcome to the stage, the founder of,  Timothy Hyde ”

Length of Introduction

Depending on the circumstances you should really try and keep a Speakers introduction short and tight.

You can pack a lot into just 2 minutes!

Speaker Introduction Framework 2

There’s another element that you can add into any introduction and that is a more personal touch. This requires that you can contact the speaker before the event or at least have a few words with them on the day.

What you try and find out is some personal anecdote or connection that you weave into the speaker introduction.

It might be a connection to the group, the venue or the cause. It could be where they live, where they were born or where they are travelling to next. Hobbies and Sports Teams they follow are great ones, and I quite often ask … “what’s the essential album you like to listen to on a long car trip?”

As you can see these questions go beyond the normal level of formal introductions and add something a bit special. It also allows a bit of humour.

If you are introducing a number of speakers at one event you can use this technique with each one. After the first couple of introductions the audience will be expecting to hear it each time and it becomes a great “running gag.”

Should I stay or Should I go?

The other question I get asked a lot is “Should I give the speaker introduction and then leave the stage or should I give the introduction and then wait for the speaker to get to the lectern / centre stage and then leave?

My feeling on this is you should wait at the lectern and there are a number of reasons for this.

I like to control the audience focus!

If I walk off before the speaker comes on, the audience don’t know where to look.

I like to give the Speaker Introduction and gesture towards where they are coming from. Once they are onstage and moving to the centre, everyone will be looking at them. I then move slightly to the side but wait for them. Once they nearly get to the speaking position I extend my hand in welcome, shake hands and then leave the stage.

However, I don’t completely leave. Speakers sometimes are nervous, they might drop their notes, fumble with the control button for the slides etc. I’m close enough that I can respond if needed. Once they start I can then proceed completely offstage.

Final Thought on Introducing a Speaker

One of the joys of being an MC is that you get to meet and work with some amazing speakers.

Over the years I’ve introduced – famous Sportsmen, Entrepreneurs, Explorers, Prime Ministers, Astronauts, Inventors, life changing Surgeons and many more.

And every time you witness a great speech, that you introduced well, you can think to yourself … “I helped make that a success!”

introduction speech webinar

Timothy Hyde

Widely acknowledged as one of Australia's busiest & best MC's and a global authority on the MC Industry, Timothy Hyde shares his expertise and insights into this fascinating Professional Speaking niche via this site and a dynamic YouTube channel. His best selling book The ExpertMC Toolkit and Resource Manual has helped thousands of people worldwide improve their Emcee skills and in many cases, start earning a living by taking on the role.

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Introduction Speech

Barbara P

Introduction Speech - A Step-by-Step Guide & Examples

11 min read

introduction speech

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Introduction speeches are all around us. Whenever we meet a new group of people in formal settings, we have to introduce ourselves. That’s what an introduction speech is all about.

When you're facing a formal audience, your ability to deliver a compelling introductory speech can make a lot of difference. With the correct approach, you can build credibility and connections.

In this blog, we'll take you through the steps to craft an impactful introduction speech. You’ll also get examples and valuable tips to ensure you leave a lasting impression.

So, let's dive in!

Arrow Down

  • 1. What is an Introduction Speech? 
  • 2. How to Write an Introduction Speech?
  • 3. Introduction Speech Outline
  • 4. 7 Ways to Open an Introduction Speech
  • 5. Introduction Speech Example
  • 6. Introduction Speech Ideas
  • 7. Tips for Delivering the Best Introduction Speech

What is an Introduction Speech? 

An introduction speech, or introductory address, is a brief presentation at the beginning of an event or public speaking engagement. Its primary purpose is to establish a connection with the audience and to introduce yourself or the main speaker.

This type of speech is commonly used in a variety of situations, including:

  • Public Speaking: When you step onto a stage to address a large crowd, you start with an introduction to establish your presence and engage the audience.
  • Networking Events: When meeting new people in professional or social settings, an effective introduction speech can help you make a memorable first impression.
  • Formal Gatherings: From weddings to conferences, introductions set the tone for the event and create a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

In other words, an introduction speech is simply a way to introduce yourself to a crowd of people. 

How to Write an Introduction Speech?

Before you can just go and deliver your speech, you need to prepare for it. Writing a speech helps you organize your ideas and prepare your speech effectively. 

Here is how to introduce yourself in a speech.

  • Know Your Audience

Understanding your audience is crucial. Consider their interests, backgrounds, and expectations to tailor your introduction accordingly.

For instance, the audience members could be your colleagues, new classmates, or various guests depending on the occasion. Understanding your audience will help you decide what they are expecting from you as a speaker.

  • Start with a Hook

Begin with a captivating opening line that grabs your audience's attention. This could be a surprising fact, a relevant quote, or a thought-provoking question about yourself or the occasion.

  • Introduce Yourself

Introduce yourself to the audience. State your name, occupation, or other details relevant to the occasion. You should mention the reason for your speech clearly. It will build your credibility and give the readers reasons to stay with you and read your speech.

  • Keep It Concise

So how long is an introduction speech?

Introduction speeches should be brief and to the point. Aim for around 1-2 minutes in most cases. Avoid overloading the introduction with excessive details.

  • Highlight Key Points

Mention the most important information that establishes the speaker's credibility or your own qualifications. Write down any relevant achievements, expertise, or credentials to include in your speech. Encourage the audience to connect with you using relatable anecdotes or common interests.

  • Rehearse and Edit

Practice your introduction speech to ensure it flows smoothly and stays within the time frame. Edit out any unnecessary information, ensuring it's concise and impactful.

  • Tailor for the Occasion

Adjust the tone and content of your introduction speech to match the formality and purpose of the event. What works for a business conference may not be suitable for a casual gathering.

Introduction Speech Outline

To assist you in creating a structured and effective introduction speech, here's a simple outline that you can follow:

Here is an example outline for a self-introduction speech.

Outline for Self-Introduction Speech

7 Ways to Open an Introduction Speech

You can start your introduction speech as most people do:

“Hello everyone, my name is _____. I will talk about _____. Thank you so much for having me. So first of all _______”

However, this is the fastest way to make your audience lose interest. Instead, you should start by captivating your audience’s interest. Here are 7 ways to do that:

  • Quote  

Start with a thought-provoking quote that relates to your topic or the occasion. E.g. "Mahatma Gandhi once said, 'You must be the change you want to see in the world."

  • Anecdote or Story

Begin with a brief, relevant anecdote or story that draws the audience in. It could be a story about yourself or any catchy anecdote to begin the flow of your speech.

Pose a rhetorical question to engage the audience's curiosity and involvement. For example, "Have you ever wondered what it would be like to travel back in time, to experience a moment in history?”

  • Statistic or Fact

Share a surprising statistic or interesting fact that underscores the significance of your speech. E.g. “Did you know that as of today, over 60% of the world's population has access to the internet?”

  • “What If” Scenario

Paint a vivid "What if" scenario that relates to your topic, sparking the audience's imagination and curiosity. For example, "What if I told you that a single decision today could change the course of your life forever?"

  • Ignite Imagination  

Encourage the audience to envision a scenario related to your topic. For instance, "Imagine a world where clean energy powers everything around us, reducing our carbon footprint to almost zero."

Start your introduction speech with a moment of silence, allowing the audience to focus and anticipate your message. This can be especially powerful in creating a sense of suspense and intrigue.

Introduction Speech Example

To help you understand how to put these ideas into practice, here are the introduction speech examples for different scenarios.

Introduction Speech Writing Sample

Short Introduction Speech Sample

Self Introduction Speech for College Students

Introduction Speech about Yourself

Student Presentation Introduction Speech Script

Teacher Introduction Speech

New Employee Self Introduction Speech

Introduction Speech for Chief Guest

Moreover, here is a video example of a self introduction. Watch it to understand how you should deliver your speech:

Want to read examples for other kinds of speeches? Find the best speeches at our blog about speech examples !

Introduction Speech Ideas

So now that you’ve understood what an introduction speech is, you may want to write one of your own. So what should you talk about?

The following are some ideas to start an introduction speech for a presentation, meeting, or social gathering in an engaging way. 

  • Personal Story: Share a brief personal story or an experience that has shaped you, introducing yourself on a deeper level.
  • Professional Background: Introduce yourself by highlighting your professional background, including your career achievements and expertise.
  • Hobby or Passion: Discuss a hobby or passion that you're enthusiastic about, offering insights into your interests and what drives you.
  • Volunteer Work: Introduce yourself by discussing your involvement in volunteer work or community service, demonstrating your commitment to making a difference.
  • Travel Adventures: Share anecdotes from your travel adventures, giving the audience a glimpse into your love for exploring new places and cultures.
  • Books or Literature: Provide an introduction related to a favorite book, author, or literary work, revealing your literary interests.
  • Achievements and Milestones: Highlight significant achievements and milestones in your life or career to introduce yourself with an impressive track record.
  • Cultural Heritage: Explore your cultural heritage and its influence on your identity, fostering a sense of cultural understanding.
  • Social or Environmental Cause: Discuss your dedication to a particular social or environmental cause, inviting the audience to join you in your mission.
  • Future Aspirations: Share your future goals and aspirations, offering a glimpse into what you hope to achieve in your personal or professional life.

You can deliver engaging speeches on all kinds of topics. Here is a list of entertaining speech topics to get inspiration.

Tips for Delivering the Best Introduction Speech

Here are some tips for you to write a perfect introduction speech in no time. 

Now that you know how to write an effective introduction speech, let's focus on the delivery. The way you present your introduction is just as important as the content itself. 

Here are some valuable tips to ensure you deliver a better introduction speech:

  • Maintain Eye Contact 

Make eye contact with the audience to establish a connection. This shows confidence and engages your listeners.

  • Use Appropriate Body Language 

Your body language should convey confidence and warmth. Stand or sit up straight, use open gestures, and avoid fidgeting.

  • Mind Your Pace

Speak at a moderate pace, avoiding rapid speech. A well-paced speech is easier to follow and more engaging.

  • Avoid Filler Words

Minimize the use of filler words such as "um," "uh," and "like." They can be distracting and detract from your message.

  • Be Enthusiastic

Convey enthusiasm about the topic or the speaker. Your energy can be contagious and inspire the audience's interest.

  • Practice, Practice, Practice

Rehearse your speech multiple times. Practice in front of a mirror, record yourself, or seek feedback from others.

  • Be Mindful of Time

Stay within the allocated time for your introduction. Going too long can make your speech too boring for the audience.

  • Engage the Audience

Encourage the audience's participation. You could do that by asking rhetorical questions, involving them in a brief activity, or sharing relatable anecdotes.

Mistakes to Avoid in an Introduction Speech

While crafting and delivering an introduction speech, it's important to be aware of common pitfalls that can diminish its effectiveness. Avoiding these mistakes will help you create a more engaging and memorable introduction. 

Here are some key mistakes to steer clear of:

  • Rambling On

One of the most common mistakes is making the introduction too long. Keep it concise and to the point. The purpose is to set the stage, not steal the spotlight.

  • Lack of Preparation

Failing to prepare adequately can lead to stumbling, awkward pauses, or losing your train of thought. Rehearse your introduction to build confidence.

  • Using Jargon or Complex Language

Avoid using technical jargon or complex language that may confuse the audience. Your introduction should be easily understood by everyone.

  • Being Too Generic

A generic or uninspiring introduction can set a lackluster tone. Ensure your introduction is tailored to the event and speaker, making it more engaging.

  • Using Inappropriate Humor

Be cautious with humor, as it can easily backfire. Avoid inappropriate or potentially offensive jokes that could alienate the audience.

  • Not Tailoring to the Occasion

An introduction should be tailored to the specific event's formality and purpose. A one-size-fits-all approach may not work in all situations.

To Conclude,

An introduction speech is more than just a formality. It's an opportunity to engage, inspire, and connect with your audience in a meaningful way. 

With the help of this blog, you're well-equipped to shine in various contexts. So, step onto that stage, speak confidently, and captivate your audience from the very first word.

Moreover, you’re not alone in your journey to becoming a confident introducer. If you ever need assistance in preparing your speech, let the experts help you out. offers a custom essay service with experienced professionals who can craft tailored introductions, ensuring your speech makes a lasting impact.

Don't hesitate; hire our professional speech writing service to deliver top-quality speeches at your deadline!

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Barbara P

Dr. Barbara is a highly experienced writer and author who holds a Ph.D. degree in public health from an Ivy League school. She has worked in the medical field for many years, conducting extensive research on various health topics. Her writing has been featured in several top-tier publications.

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How To Introduce A Webinar Perfectly?

Webinars are excellent tools to teach a few persons or large audiences. If done well, it can convert to hot leads, increased sales, and business opportunities for the presenter. One of the most important parts of the webinar is the introduction.

introduction speech webinar

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A confident, engaging, introduction can make or break your webinar. If done right, it can spread the word and increase attendance to future events. Here’s how to introduce a webinar so you get off on the right foot.

1) Creating Your Webinar Introduction

The first step is to create your webinar and the introduction. For this example, we will use the ezTalks Webinar to easily set up the webinar. Once you sign up or download the mobile app, you can create your webinar on the dashboard. Click on the webinar icon. Input the start date, topic, registration, and click publish.

The Waiting Room allows you to insert an image on the cover. Here you can upload an image that covers one or two key points you would like to start off with or. Next, use the webinar agenda section to type in introductory information. This will come up when they log in to the webinar, as well as a customized email invitation you sent.

The best way to introduce a webinar is to keep it short and value packed. Create slides with PowerPoint or Google Slides or prepare webinar introduction script to cover the content.

2) Welcome Your Audience

If you’re the moderator, spend a couple minutes introducing the speaker. If you’re the speaker, quickly jump into a quick hello, a warm welcome, and introduce any other speakers or panelists. Take a minute to say what you do and your authority to speak on the topic.

3) Housekeeping Rules

Many webinar introductions spend too much time on the behavior expected, how you will handle questions, and social media practice. You can easily lose your attendees here. They are there for value, not to be policed. In a few sentences, cover basic rules, aiming for three minutes or less. If necessary, put on one slide. If you’ve used the Agenda section in ezTalks to set housekeeping rules, you save valuable time.

4) Immediately Add Value

The introduction is where participants hear what they will get out of the webinar. Spend most of your introduction time here. Reiterate why they joined the webinar and exactly what they can expect to learn. Focus on how you will solve their problems, but not just following other webinar introduction examples.

5) Uploading Your Introduction

The introduction and webinar slides can be shown on your screen with Slides, or PowerPoint. If you’re recording the webinar for future use, example an on-demand webinar, you can save your introduction and webinar in the Cloud storage section. Future participants can see the great intro and be intrigued and engaged.

Tips for an excellent webinar introduction

Companies and presenters can have presentations packed with high value. However, if they are unable to introduce the content effectively, they can end up with disinterested attendees. This means lost sales! Here are some extra tips on how to start a webinar introduction.

a) Get in the webinar room early

As the presenter and moderator, you should log into your webinar room at least fifteen minutes before time. Check sound quality, test the audio with someone else, and make sure your slides load. Technical issues can turn your webinar into a disaster. If you spend the first five minutes tinkering with audio, you could lose valuable participants.

b) Set the tone

Engagement is the name of the game. If someone joins your webinar, they not only expect value, they expect some entertainment. Don’t sound like a robot. Try to sound upbeat, and excited to share something that can change the lives of participants.

c) Keep it short

Our attention spans are dwindling each year. You have a few minutes to get to the point. Don’t spend extra time on housekeeping. Also, spend no more than a couple sentences introducing yourself and why they should listen to you. If it feels monotonous or self-centered, you can quickly lose interest.

d) Keep it clutter-free

In addition to keeping it short, keep any slides that introduce the topic clutter free. Don’t list all housekeeping, achievements, and objectives on one or two slides. In fact, your introductory slides should have two or three sentences, max. One slide states what the webinar is about, one describes who you are, and one for any housekeeping rules.

e) Practice

Practice your introduction with your moderator or partner. Get honest feedback on tone, pace, and content. It’s difficult to inspire confidence in attendees if you’re going through your content at the start. Practice builds conviction. It will help you reach the point where you introduce the content so well that attendees can’t help but stick around to hear more.

For your webinar to be successful, it should consist of valuable content, a strong sell (or Call to Action), and an engaged audience. Yet a large part of your audience can miss what you can do if you don’t capture their attention with the perfect introduction. Follow these steps on how to introduce a webinar. It can make it fun and engaging and you will see increased success and sales.


The Power of a Welcome Speech in Webinars

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A well-delivered welcome speech can set the ideal mood for a corporate event or school function and even impact its success. Crafting an effective yet short one is an art form worthy of attention!

Through this article, you will learn:

  • The importance of generating interest from the outset
  • Key elements of a short welcome speech
  • Tips for creating an impactful and concise welcome speech

Table of Contents

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Why Short Welcome Speech for Webinars Matters

A short event welcome speech in webinars is more than just a courtesy–it’s a strategic necessity. Here’s why:

Attention spans

Attendees are all bombarded with information, and their online attention spans are shrinking. A long, drawn-out speech for an event risks losing viewers before it begins. A concise welcome gets to the point quickly, hooking your audience from the get-go and keeping them engaged.

Setting the tone

The first few minutes set the tone for the whole webinar.

A short, good welcome speech builds excitement and anticipation to prime viewers for the valuable information to come. On the other hand, a rambling intro creates a sluggish atmosphere and might even lead to drop-offs.

Maximizing engagement

Webinars live and die by audience interaction. A short welcome leaves more time for the actual content and Q&A. It also allows you to introduce interactive elements sooner. This keeps viewers actively involved and invested in the experience.

Building rapport

Even within a short timeframe, you can connect with your audience on a personal level. Share a relevant anecdote, express genuine enthusiasm for the topic, or simply welcome them warmly. This creates a positive atmosphere and makes viewers more receptive to the rest of the webinar event.

Remember, the goal of a welcome address speech isn’t to fill time. But it’s to ignite interest, set the stage, and prepare your audience for a valuable learning experience.

Elements of an Effective Short Welcome Speech

Creating a very warm welcome speech for webinars involves considering the virtual nature of the event and engaging participants who may be joining from various locations.

Here are the key elements for a short and effective welcome speech for webinars:

  • Greetings – Begin with a friendly greeting tailored to the time of day and the global nature of webinars. Example : “ Good [morning/afternoon/evening] to all our participants joining from different corners of the world! ”
  • Introduction – Briefly introduce yourself, emphasizing your role and connection to the webinar topic. Example : “I’m [Your Name], and I’m excited to be your host/facilitator for today’s webinar on [Topic]. ”
  • Acknowledgment of participants – Acknowledge the diverse audience and express gratitude for their virtual presence. Example : “ A warm welcome to each of you. It’s wonderful to see participants from various locations sharing this virtual space. ”
  • Webinar purpose – Clearly state the purpose of the webinar and what participants should expect. Example : “ Today, we’ll be exploring [briefly explain the main focus of the webinar] and discussing key insights that will benefit each of you. ”
  • Interactive elements – Encourage participation by mentioning interactive elements like polls, Q&A sessions, or chat discussions. Example : “ This is an interactive session, so feel free to use the chat box and share your thoughts and connect with fellow participants. ”
  • Webinar agenda overview – Outline the key topics or segments that will be covered during the webinar. Example : “ We have an exciting agenda, including [mention key topics/speakers]. ”
  • Encouragement for engagement – Emphasize the importance of participant engagement and active involvement. Example : “ Your active participation is crucial. Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts and engage with our speakers and fellow participants. ”
  • Closing anticipation – Close the welcome speech by expressing excitement about the upcoming discussions and insights. Example : “ Get ready for an engaging session. I’m looking forward to exploring [topic] with all of you! ”
  • Contact information – Provide information on how participants can contact you or seek assistance during the webinar. Example : “ If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to me through the chat. Let’s make this webinar a collaborative and enriching experience for everyone. ”

Tailoring these elements ensures that participants feel welcomed and informed to participate actively in the virtual/formal event.

Tips for Writing an Effective Welcome Speech

To create an impactful short welcome speech, following a few key tips and guidelines is essential. These suggestions will help you to have the right balance between being concise and informative.

Consider the following tips when crafting your welcome speech:

1. Prepare and plan ahead

When writing your welcome speech, it’s important to keep your audience in mind. Consider their needs, expectations, and level of knowledge on the topic .

Are they industry professionals seeking advanced insights or beginners looking for introductory information?

Understanding your audience helps your speech resonate with them on a deeper level.

2. Structure your speech

Having an efficient way of presenting your ideas is essential when delivering a speech. An effectively organized address can make the content more understandable and hold people’s concentration longer.

Here’s a structure to keep your speech concise yet impactful:

  • Opening remarks . Your welcome address – your introductory speech or opening remarks – is a chance to grab the attention of those present and set up expectations. A powerful start will excite listeners and get them ready to hear more from you!
  • Webinar agenda . Clearly communicate the purpose and what joiners can expect to gain from it. Outline the main topics or key takeaways that will be covered during the session.
  • Conclusion . At the end of your speech, you have a chance to make an enduring impact on those listening. To effectively wrap up your remarks, it is important to link all of its parts together.

3. Choose your words carefully

The choice of words in a welcome speech is important, whether you’re one of the special guests or hosts. Aim for a balance between formality and friendliness to tailor the tone to the event’s atmosphere. Use positive language and express enthusiasm. Additionally, avoid jargon or overly complicated terms that may alienate the audience.

4. Add personal touches

To make your welcome speech more engaging, consider adding personal touches such as:

  • Relevant quotes
  • Poll/Survey
  • Icebreakers or fun facts
  • Interesting facts about the event or attendees

These elements can help create a connection and capture the audience’s attention.

5. Maintain eye contact and use body language

When delivering your welcome speech, maintain eye contact with the audience to create a sense of connection. Exude confidence and use appropriate gestures and formal language to emphasize key points or convey sincerity.

6. Keep it concise

While it is important to cover all important information, avoid making your welcome speech too long. Aim for a duration of approximately two to three minutes . This allows for a brief and impactful introduction without overwhelming the audience.

How to Present Your Welcome Speech

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Once you have written your welcome speech, it is essential to focus on how you present it. Effective delivery can improve your speech and enhance the impact on your audience.

Here are tips for presenting your welcome speech:

Voice Projection and Volume

Ensure that your voice is loud enough to be heard clearly by all attendees, especially those seated farther away. Practice projecting your voice without shouting or straining, maintaining a pleasant and audible tone.

Practice Makes Perfect

Rehearse your welcome speech multiple times before the actual event. Practice in front of a mirror or ask your friend or family member to provide feedback on your delivery. This will help you refine your presentation and boost your confidence.

Sample Short Welcome Speeches

Here are two sample short welcome speeches for webinars:

Webinar Speech Sample 1:

“ Good [ morning/afternoon/evening ] everyone,

I am delighted to welcome you all to [ Event/Webinar Name ]. It’s a pleasure to have such an esteemed gathering of [ industry/profession ] professionals with us today.

In the next [duration] hours, we have an exciting lineup of great speakers who will share their expertise on [ topic/theme ]. We believe the insights and knowledge shared here will be valuable to each of you.

I encourage you to actively participate by asking questions in the chat, engaging in discussions, and making the most of this opportunity to learn and network.

Without further ado, let’s kick off [ Event/Webinar Name ] and make it a memorable and enriching experience for everyone. Thank you for being here, and let’s dive into the world of [ topic/theme ]. ”

Webinar Speech Sample 2:

“ Hello and welcome, [ webinar/event ] enthusiasts,

I am thrilled to extend a welcome to all our participants from different corners of the world joining us. Your presence here today is a testament to your commitment to continuous learning and professional development.

Throughout today’s [ event/webinar ], we have gathered industry experts and thought leaders to share on [ topic ]. It promises to be an enlightening experience that I’m sure you’ll find both informative and inspiring.

Feel free to interact with our speakers, ask questions, and connect with fellow participants. This is not just an event; it’s a community of like-minded individuals passionate about [ industry/profession ].

So, buckle up for a knowledge, collaboration, and growth journey. Thank you for being a part of [ Event Name ], and let’s make this webinar a truly interactive and enriching experience for everyone.

Enjoy the session! ”

If you’re craving the efficiency of automated webinars, then look no further than StealthSeminar . This is the industry leader with over a decade of proven success. 

StealthSeminar helps you to run pre-recorded webinars as if they were live. Imagine the freedom to leverage your time effectively, scaling your reach and income without sacrificing immediacy.

Think of the welcome speech as you’re the chief guest making a delicious sandwich. The first bite ( your opening ) should be fresh and juicy, grabbing everyone’s attention. Then, you need a satisfying filling ( your structured presentation ) that keeps them engaged. Finally, you top it off with a sweet and memorable dessert ( your conclusion ) that leaves everyone wanting more.

If you love to create a webinar without any hassle, a webinar platform can help you with that. From customized templates to automated email sequences, StealthSeminar takes the guesswork out of webinar marketing. This powerful combination of automation, optimization, and stunning customization makes it the ultimate all-in-one solution for businesses .

So, ditch the awkward silences and boring introductions. Craft a welcome speech that’s as captivating as a good story with StealthSeminar . You’ll have your audience hooked from the first word to the last!

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May 29, 2024 / 11:27 PM EDT / CBS/AP

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Hong Kong Finds 14 Guilty in Biggest National Security Case

Observers said their subversion case illustrates how the security law is being used to crush the political opposition following huge anti-government protests in 2019. But the Beijing and Hong Kong governments insist the law has helped bring back stability to the city and that judicial independence is being protected.

When Britain handed Hong Kong back to China in 1997, Beijing promised to retain the city's Western-style civil liberties for 50 years. However, since the introduction of the 2020 law, Hong Kong authorities have severely limited free speech and assembly under the rubric of maintaining national security. Many activists were arrested, silenced or forced into self-exile. Dozens of civil society groups disbanded.

Hong Kong Finds 14 Guilty in Biggest National Security Case

In December, Jimmy Lai, a media tycoon, an outspoken Beijing-critic and free speech advocate, went on trial in Hong Kong on charges of colluding with foreign forces under that 2020 law. Supporters said his real offense, however, was criticizing China's ruling Communist Party and its crackdown on freedom in Hong Kong. His trial is still ongoing.

In August 2020, Hong Kong police raided the offices of Apple Daily , a popular Chinese-language tabloid owned by Lai, and took him into custody. He has been jailed ever since.

The prosecution of the primary case involves pro-democracy activists across the spectrum. They include legal scholar Benny Tai, former student leader Joshua Wong and a dozen former lawmakers including Leung Kwok-hung and Claudia Mo.

Thirty-one of them, including Tai, Wong and Mo, pleaded guilty to the charge of conspiracy to commit subversion. They have a better chance at shorter jail terms and will be sentenced at a later date.

Sixteen others, including Leung, pleaded not guilty and underwent a non-jury trial. After the verdicts, mitigation hearings will be scheduled to determine the sentences of those convicted.

Dozens of residents had lined up outside the police-guarded court building before 6 a.m. Thursday to secure a seat in the public gallery for the verdicts. Some supporters who were among the first in the line came as early as Wednesday evening.

Social worker Stanley Chang, a friend of one of the 16 defendants, said he arrived the site at 4 a.m. because he feared he could not get a seat. Chang said there were very few things supporters could do for them and that attending the hearing is a kind of company.

"I want to give some support for my friend and the faces I saw in news reports," he said, who is in his 30s.

SL Chiu, who only gave his initials due to fear of government retribution, said the hearing marked a historic moment. To show his support, he said he had collected messages for the 47 activists from others in a sketchbook and planned to mail them if possible.

"Hong Kongers are still here. We haven't given up. We are still with you all," he said.

On Wednesday night, Lee Yue-shun, one of the accused, said on Facebook that Thursday was like a special graduation ceremony for him, though graduation is usually about sharing happiness with families and friends,

"This perhaps best reflects the common helplessness of our generation," he said.

The July 2020 primary was meant to shortlist pro-democracy candidates who would then run in the official election. It drew an unexpectedly high turnout of 610,000 voters, representing over 13% of the city's registered electorate.

The pro-democracy camp at that time hoped they could secure a legislative majority, which would allow them to press for the 2019 protest demands, including greater police accountability and democratic elections for the city leader.

But the government postponed the legislative election that would have followed the primary, citing public health risks during the coronavirus pandemic. The electoral laws were later overhauled, drastically reducing the public's ability to vote and increasing the number of pro-Beijing lawmakers making decisions for the city in the legislature.

Beijing also had criticized the vote as a challenge to the security law, which criminalizes secession, subversion and collusion with foreign forces to intervene in the city's affairs, as well as terrorism.

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