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Blackboard: Clearing or deleting a Blackboard Assignment submission


You may find that you need to clear a submission made to a Blackboard Assignment link. For example, a student may have mistakenly submitted the wrong file.

Important information!

Clearing an assignment

1.    In your course, go to the Control Panel > Full Grade Centre .

Control Panel with Full Grade Centre link highlighted

2.    Click on the downward grey chevron arrow icon in the right of the cell corresponding to the submission.

3.    Select View Grade Details .

Drop down menu within grade centre to access Grade details

4.    Select Clear Attempt in the bottom right of the page.

Clearing an attempt , highlighting the button

5.    Blackboard will issue a warning message reminding you that the submission cannot be recovered.  Click OK to delete the attempt.

Warning message of action being final

You will see in the Grade Centre that the ‘Needs Grading’ icon has disappeared, indicating that the attempt has been deleted.

Grade Centre view with blank space where attempt was cleared

Page last updated on July 2, 2020 by andyturner

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how to unsubmit an assignment on blackboard 2023

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Clearing an Assignment Attempt

Video tutorial, instructions.

how to unsubmit an assignment on blackboard 2023

NOTE: If you wish to keep the student’s previous attempt: Click on Allow Additional Attempt instead. 

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  • Editing an Assignment in Blackboard

These instructions will show how to edit an assignment drop box in Blackboard.

Editing an Assignment

Image of an assignment in Blackboard with an arrown pointing to the chevron button next to the assignment.  A menu is open on screen with the Edit option outlined with a red circle.  An arrow is pointing to this option with instructions to select Edit from the menu.

Locate the assignment that you wish to edit, and hover over the link for the assignment. Click the chevron button that appears next to the assignment and select Edit from the menu.

Setting up Assignment Information

Image of the Assignment Information section with the following annotations: 1.Name and Color: Enter a name for the assignment here, and use the color selector to change the color of the assignment link.2.Instructions: Enter a description for the assignment using the provided textbox.

Assignment Information allows you to enter a description for the assignment.

  • Name and Color: Enter a name for the assignment here, and use the color selector to change the color of the assignment link.
  • Instructions: Enter a description for the assignment using the provided textbox.

Attaching Files to the Assignment

Image of Assignment Files with the Browse My Computer and Browse Course buttons.

Assignment Files allows you to attach a file to the assignment, for example assignment guidelines or a sample assignment.  To attach a file, click on the Browse Local Files to attach a file from your computer, or click Browse Course Files to attach a file that has already been added to the course content collection.

Setting up the Assignment Due Date

Setting up the Assignment Due Date

Due Dates allows users to set a due date for the assignment.  To set a due date, check the box and use the date and time pickers to set the due date.  The due date will be recorded in the students' To Do module, and will create a calendar entry for the student.  If students submit an assignment past the due date, the system will mark it as late.

Setting up Grading Information

Image of the Grading section with the following annotations: 1.Name and Color: Enter a name for the assignment here, and use the color selector to change the color of the assignment link.2.Instructions: Enter a description for the assignment using the provided textbox.

The Grading section allows you to specify the point value for the assignment.

  • Points Possible: Enter the point value for the assignment.  If you are setting up the assignment for extra credit, enter 0.
  • Associated Rubrics: If you have created an interactive rubric, click the Add Rubric button to add the rubric to the assignment.
  • Submission Details: Click on Submission Details to expand this section to set up parameters related to the submission of the assignment
  • Grading Options: Click on Grading Options to enable options related to anonymous grading and delegated grading.
  • Display of Grades: Click on Display of Grades to determine how grades will be displayed to students.

Setting up Assignment Submission Details

Setting up Assignment Submission Details

After clicking on Submission Details, the screen will expand to show the following options:

  • Assignment Type : Choose the type of assignment submission ( Individual Submission, Group Submission, or Portfolio Submission )
  • Number of Attempts: Select the number of attempts to allow students to make (Single Attempt, Multiple Attempts, Unlimited Attempts).
  • Maximum Attempts: If you selected multiple attempts, enter the maximum number of allowed attempts here.
  • Score Attempts Using: If you selected multiple or unlimited attemptsSelect the desired option for reporting graded attempts to students ( Last Graded Attempt, Highest Attempt, Lowest Attempt, First Graded Attempt, or Average of Graded Attempts) .
  • Plagiarism tools: Check the box for the option labeled Check Submissions for plagiarism using Safe Assign to check students for plagiarism.
  • Allow students to view Safe Assign Originality Report for their attempts : Check this checkbox to make the safe assign report visible to student.
  • Exclude Submissions: Check this option to exclude student papers from SafeAssign's databases.

The assignment type (i.e. from individual to group assignment) cannot be changed if students have already submitted assignment attempts.

Assigning the Assignment to Groups

Image of the Assignment Submission section of the assignment options showing Assignment Type and Groups to Select with the following annotations: 1.Select the Group Submission option under Assignment Type.2.Items to Select: Select the groups from the left column you wish to assign the assignment to.3.Click the right-facing arrow button to select the groups and move them into the Selected Items column:4.Selected Items: Groups to which the assignment has been assigned will appear here.

To assign the assignment to groups:

  • Select the Group Submission option under Assignment Type.
  • Items to Select: Select the groups from the left column you wish to assign the assignment to.
  • Click the right-facing arrow button to select the groups and move them into the Selected Items column:
  • Selected Items : Groups to which the assignment has been assigned will appear here.

Modifying Grading Options

Image of the Grading Options section showing the following items: 1.Enable Anonymous Grading: Check this option to hide usernames when grading students' attempts. After checking this option, users will be given the option to disable grading on a specific date, or after all items have been graded.2.Enable Delegated Grading: Check this box to enable delegated grading, which allows instructors to assign users to grade students' attempts.3.Show: Use this dropdown menu to show All Possible Graders, All Assigned Graders, and All Unassigned Graders.4.Grader: A list of all eligible graderes will appear here. 5.Submissions to Grade: Use the dropdown menu next to each grader to assign grading responsibilities. Graders can be assigned to All Submissions, a Random Selection of graded attempts, or specific student Groups. 6.View Settings: Check the checkbox to allow the grader to view other graders' scores, feedback, and notes.  This option is checked by default for users with a role of Instructor.7.Reconcile Grades: a +/- icon will indicate that the user has permission to reconcile items graded by other users.

To modify grading options, click on the link labeled Grading Options:

  • Enable Anonymous Grading: Check this option to hide usernames when grading students' attempts. After checking this option, users will be given the option to disable grading on a specific date, or after all items have been graded.
  • Enable Delegated Grading: Check this box to enable delegated grading, which allows instructors to assign users to grade students' attempts.
  • Show: Use this dropdown menu to show All Possible Graders, All Assigned Graders, and All Unassigned Graders.
  • Grader: A list of all eligible graderes will appear here.
  • Submissions to Grade: Use the dropdown menu next to each grader to assign grading responsibilities. Graders can be assigned to All Submissions , a Random Selection of graded attempts, or specific student Groups.
  • View Settings: Check the checkbox to allow the grader to view other graders' scores, feedback, and notes.  This option is checked by default for users with a role of Instructor .
  • Reconcile Grades: a +/- icon will indicate that the user has permission to reconcile items graded by other users.

Modifying Grade Display Options

Image of the Display of Grades section expanded to show the following items: 1.Display Grade As: Primary: Use the dropdown menu to show how grades are displayed to students and in the Grade Center:  The available options are Score, Percentage, Letter, Text or Complete/Incomplete.2.Display Grade As: Secondary: Use the dropdown menu to show a secondary grade display in the Grade Center.  The secondary display is not shown to students.  The available options are Score, Percentage, Letter, Text, or Complete/Incomplete.3.Include in Grade Center Grading Calculations: Check this box to include assignment scores in the Grade Center calculations.4.Show to Students in My Grades: Check this box to show the results to students. Uncheck this box to hide the results from students.5.Show Statistics (average and median) for this item to Students in My Grades: Check this box to show the average and median grades to students.

Clicking on the item labeled Display of Grades allows you to change how the results are displayed to students:

  • Display Grade As: Primary: Use the dropdown menu to show how grades are displayed to students and in the Grade Center:  The available options are S core, Percentage, Letter, Text or Complete/Incomplete.
  • Display Grade As: Secondary: Use the dropdown menu to show a secondary grade display in the Grade Center.  The secondary display is not shown to students.  The available options are Score, Percentage, Letter, Text, or Complete/Incomplete.
  • Include in Grade Center Grading Calculations: Check this box to include assignment scores in the Grade Center calculations.
  • Show to Students in My Grades: Check this box to show the results to students. Uncheck this box to hide the results from students.
  • Show Statistics (average and median) for this item to Students in My Grades: Check this box to show the average and median grades to students.

Setting up the Assignment Availability

Image of the Availability section showing the following annotations: 1.Make the Assignment Available: Check this box to make the assignment visible to students.2.Limit Availability: Check the boxes and use the date and time selectors to limit the availability of the dropbox.3.Track Number of Views: Check this box to enable statistics tracking on the item.4.When finished, click the Submit button to create the assignment.

The Availability section allows you to edit the assignment's visibility to students.

  • Make the Assignment Available: Check this box to make the assignment visible to students.
  • Limit Availability: Check the boxes and use the date and time selectors to limit the availability of the dropbox.
  • Track Number of Views : Check this box to enable statistics tracking on the item.
  • When finished, click the Submit button to create the assignment.
  • Prev: Creating an Assignment in Blackboard
  • Next: Creating a SafeAssign Assignment in Blackboard
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Last Updated

Mar 03, 2021

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Ultra Workflow 2: Blackboard Assignment

  • Setting up a Blackboard Ultra assignment
  • Setting up a Blackboard Ultra Assignment for group assessments.

Changing or moving a Blackboard Ultra Assignment.

  • Find a Blackboard Ultra Assignment submission.
  • Finding a group submission to a Blackboard Ultra Assignment
  • Identifying and contacting non-submitters
  • Giving feedback and grades to individual students in Blackboard Ultra.
  • Giving feedback and grades to groups in Blackboard Ultra.
  • Using Blackboard Ultra Rubrics
  • Releasing grades and feedback to students
  • Grading, feedback and verification processes in NILE
  • Sending grades to Student Records
  • Guidance for external examiners

Select the Assessment and submission folder.

how to unsubmit an assignment on blackboard 2023

Locate your Assignment Item.

Use Drag and Drop  or keyboard shortcut to move the Assignment in or out of a Folder .

Select  More Options to Edit or  Delete  the Assignment.

how to unsubmit an assignment on blackboard 2023

  • << Previous: Setting up a Blackboard Ultra Assignment for group assessments.
  • Next: Find a Blackboard Ultra Assignment submission. >>
  • Last Updated: May 9, 2024 9:11 AM
  • URL:

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Create and Edit Assignments

You are viewing Original Course View content

Your institution controls which tools are available in the Original Course View . Assignments are always available to instructors in the Ultra Course View .

You can create assignments alongside other content.

With assignments, you can create coursework and manage the grades and feedback for each student separately. You can create assignments in content areas, learning modules, lesson plans, and folders.

how to unsubmit an assignment on blackboard 2023

When you create an assignment, a Grade Center column is created automatically. From the Grade Center or Needs Grading page, you can see who has submitted their work and start grading. Students access their grades from their My Grades pages or the assignment's Review Submission History page.

You can also create a group assignment and release it to one or more groups in your course. Each group submits one collaborative assignment and all members receive the same grade. You can create a single assignment and assign it to all groups, or create several unique assignments and assign them to individual groups.

More on group assignments

Create an assignment

You can create assignments in content areas, learning modules, lesson plans, and folders.

In the Blackboard mobile app, assignment instructions for Original courses show after students begin an attempt.

Drag files from your computer to the "hot spot" in the Attach Files area. If your browser allows, you can also drag a folder of files. The files will upload individually. If the browser doesn't allow you to submit your assignment after you upload a folder, select Do not attach in the folder's row to remove it. You can drag the files individually and submit again.

You won't be able to drag files to upload if your institution uses an older version of Blackboard Learn.

You can use the file name or provide another name for the file.

how to unsubmit an assignment on blackboard 2023

  • Optionally, select a Due Date . Assignments with due dates automatically show in the course calendar and in the To Do module. Submissions are accepted after this date but are marked late. If you don’t want students to access an assignment after the due date, choose the appropriate display dates.

If you set the points possible to a non-whole number, letter grades may not be assigned correctly.

  • Optionally, add a rubric . Expand the sections to make selections such as anonymous grading, how the grade is displayed, and the number of attempts. You can allow more than one attempt on an assignment.
  • Make the assignment available when you're ready for students to access it. Select the appropriate options for availability, tracking, and display dates. Display dates don't affect an assignment's availability, only when it appears.
  • Select Submit .

More on assignment grade settings

More on adding files in the editor

More on Course Files vs. the Content Collection

Video: Create an Assignment

Watch a video about creating an assignment.

The following narrated video provides a visual and auditory representation of some of the information included on this page. For a detailed description of what is portrayed in the video, open the video on YouTube , navigate to More actions , and select Open transcript .

Video: Create an assignment explains how to create an assignment.

Late assignments

When you assign a due date for an assignment, students can still submit attempts after the date passes. Submissions after the due date are marked late. If you penalize late submissions, inform students in the assignment instructions.

You can view the late label in these areas:

  • Student's submission page in the grade panel
  • Student's Grade Details page
  • Needs Grading page

how to unsubmit an assignment on blackboard 2023

From the Grade Center, you can also view a list of all submissions with the Assignment File Download option in an assignment's menu. View who has submitted, submission dates, and the grading statuses. You can sort by date to easily see who submitted after the due date.

how to unsubmit an assignment on blackboard 2023

If you don’t want students to access an assignment after the due date, choose the appropriate display dates. Inform students that you won’t accept submissions after the due date and the assignment will no longer be available.

Students see the late label after they make a submission after the due date.

how to unsubmit an assignment on blackboard 2023

Student assignment submission confirmations

When students submit assignments successfully, the Review Submission History page appears with information about their submitted assignments and a success message with a confirmation number. Students can copy and save this number as proof of their submissions and evidence for academic disputes. For assignments with multiple attempts, students receive a different number for each submission. If your institution has enabled email notifications for submission receipts, students will also receive an email with a confirmation number and other details for each submission.

You and your students won't be able to view confirmation numbers if your institution uses Blackboard Learn 9.1 Q4 2016 or earlier. Student email notifications and student access to receipt history were introduced in Blackboard Learn 9.1 Q2 2017.

how to unsubmit an assignment on blackboard 2023

You and your administrators have a retrievable record in the system even if an attempt, assignment, or student is later deleted. These records are maintained in the course and also retrievable after the archive and restore process.

You can access all of your students' confirmation numbers from the Grade Center. Open the Reports menu and select Submission Receipts .

how to unsubmit an assignment on blackboard 2023

On the Submission Receipts page, you can view information for each assignment, such as who submitted and when. Group assignments are also logged and the Submitter column lists who submitted for the group. In the Submission column, view if a student submitted a file or wrote the submission in the assignment's editor.

Use the menus at the top of the page to filter the items. In the second menu, select Not blank and leave the search box empty to show all of the submission receipts. Select a column heading to sort the items.

Edit, reorder, and delete assignments

You can edit, reorder, and delete your assignments. Change the order of assignments with the drag-and-drop function or the keyboard accessible reordering tool. For example, reorder the assignments to keep the current one at the top.

how to unsubmit an assignment on blackboard 2023

From an assignment's menu, select on option:

  • Move an assignment to another location in your course. When you move an assignment, it's removed from its original location. You can't copy an assignment.
  • Edit an assignment. If you change the instructions, students who have already made submissions will see the new instructions only on subsequent attempts.
  • Apply release criteria, tracking, metadata, and review status.

More on options you can apply

Delete assignments

You can delete an assignment from a course area and if no student submissions exist, the Grade Center column is also deleted.

When you delete an assignment that has student submissions, you also delete all the submissions. You have two options:

  • Preserve the scores in the Grade Center, but delete the assignment and all submissions. Though the scores remain in the Grade Center, you can't access the students' submissions again. The action is irreversible.
  • Delete the assignment, the Grade Center column, all assigned grades, and all submissions. The action is irreversible.

Alternatively, make the gradable item unavailable in your course to preserve the submissions and the scores in the Grade Center.

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  1. How to Unsubmit an Assignment on Blackboard as a Student?

    Follow these steps: Access the Assignment: Click on the assignment you want to unsubmit. This will take you to the assignment details page. Locate the Unsubmit Option: Look for the "Unsubmit" or "Revert" option. This button allows you to take back your submission. Confirm Unsubmission: After clicking "Unsubmit," confirm your decision.

  2. Submit Assignments

    On the Upload Assignment page, make your changes. Optionally, enter comments about your submission. Select Submit. The Review Submission History page appears with information about your submitted assignment. When you finish your assignment, you must select Submit. If you don't, your instructor won't receive your work.

  3. Blackboard: Clearing or deleting a Blackboard Assignment submission

    You may find that you need to clear a submission made to a Blackboard Assignment link. For example, a student may have mistakenly submitted the wrong file. It is not possible to clear a submission if the assignment is anonymous. This option is not available when anonymity is selected.

  4. How to Clear a Student's Assignment Submission on Blackboard

    Thie video briefly covers how to clear a student's assignment submission on Blackboard.

  5. Deleting Student Assignment Submissions in Blackboard

    How to provide extra attempts or remove student submissions from Blackboard assignments.

  6. Student Questions About Assignments in Learn

    Your instructor can create assignments for you to submit individually or as part of a group effort. You can do all of the same things with a group assignment as with a regular assignment. One member submits the group assignment for the entire group. The grade you receive is the same for all members of the group. More on accessing and submitting ...

  7. PDF Clearing a Student Submission

    Find the chevron next to the entry and left click it. From the pull down menu select View Grade Details. On the screen that appears, find the submission near the bottom of the screen. To the right of the entry, click the button labeled Clear Attempt. Click OK on the popup window that appears.

  8. PDF Blackboard: Clearing an Assignment Attempt

    Blackboard: Clearing an Assignment Attempt Find the item in the grading column you want to clear. Hover over the cell and click on the contextual menu on the right side of the cell. Then select the View Grade Details from the drop-down menu. On the following page, click on the Clear Attempt button or Allow Additional Attempt. Clearing the ...

  9. Submit Assignments

    To upload a file, you can either drag and drop it from your computer into the Submission box, or select Attachment - represented by the paper clip icon- and browse for a file from your computer. A status window appears to show the progress of the file upload. Your assignment will be automatically saved after 2 seconds.

  10. Clearing an Assignment Attempt

    Blackboard for Instructors Home; Start of the Semester Open list of links in this section 1-1. Get Your Courses Ready; Course Copy; ... Clearing an Assignment Attempt. Video Tutorial. Instructions. In the Full Grade Center, click on the down arrow next to the student's attempt. Click View Grade Details.

  11. Deleting Assignments and Discussions

    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

  12. Editing an Assignment in Blackboard

    To assign the assignment to groups: Select the Group Submission option under Assignment Type. Items to Select: Select the groups from the left column you wish to assign the assignment to. Click the right-facing arrow button to select the groups and move them into the Selected Items column: Selected Items: Groups to which the assignment has been ...

  13. Ultra Workflow 2: Blackboard Assignment

    Changing or moving a Blackboard Ultra Assignment. Select the Assessment and submission folder.. Locate your Assignment Item.. Use Drag and Drop or keyboard shortcut to move the Assignment in or out of a Folder.. Select More Options to Edit or Delete the Assignment. << Previous: Setting up a Blackboard Ultra Assignment for group assessments.

  14. How do you unsubmit an assignment?

    01-19-2021 08:49 AM. You can set an assignment to allow unlimited submissions so students don't need to unsubmit. They can just resubmit the assignment and you will see both submissions and the timestamp in SpeedGrader. View solution in original post. This reply answered my question.

  15. How can I remove a submission from the assignment inbox?

    Within the assignment, tick the checkbox for the paper you wish to remove; the Delete drop-down option will then appear. Click on the Delete button and select Remove From Inbox. This will remove the paper from the assignment. Once a paper is removed from an assignment, instructors can then resubmit on behalf of the student, or the student can ...

  16. PDF Student Guide: How to Submit Assignments in Blackboard in an Ultra

    Step 1: In your Blackboard course, click on the name of the assignment as shown below. Note: the assignment title will be the name of the particular assignment for your class, not "Paper #1.". You will notice that Assignments have their own icon. Step 2: A panel will open on the right side of the course after you click on the assignment name.

  17. Manage Discussions

    Open a thread in a forum. On the thread's page, point to a post to view the available functions. Select Edit or Delete. The delete action is irreversible. If you're allowed to delete your post with replies, all posts are permanently deleted. When you edit, the page expands so that you can make edits in the editor while you view the original ...

  18. How to submit the assignment in blackboard (students)

    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

  19. Create and Edit Assignments

    Create an assignment. You can create assignments in content areas, learning modules, lesson plans, and folders. From the Assessments menu, select Assignment and provide the name, instructions, and the files students need. You can use the functions in the editor to format text and add files. You can also add files in the Assignment Files section.

  20. How do you unsubmit an assignment?

    There are multiple reasons why you would employ an unsubmit feature: students need to make changes, teachers give feedback and then have the students take the feedback and resubmit, group work, issues of cheating, etc. At least teachers should be able to unsubmit work. Canvas should consider this.

  21. How to Submit an Assignment in Blackboard

    Step 2. On the Upload Assignment page, review the instructions, due date, points possible, and download any files provided by your instructor. If your instructor has added a rubric for grading, you can view it. Select Browse My Computer to upload a file from your computer or drag files from your computer to the hot spot in the Attach Files area.

  22. Submitting an Assignment in Blackboard

    This video outlines how to submit an assignment in Blackboard. Always be sure to follow any extra instructions provided by your instructor!

  23. How To Resubmit An Assignment on Blackboard

    This video explains how you can resubmit an assignment on Blackboard. You may only resubmit your assignment, if it is allowed by your Professors. Please reac...