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10 Expert Tips to Create and Deliver a Killer Keynote Presentation

tips to create presentations, keynote presentation

So you’ve got a keynote presentation coming up, and you’re hitting the books to make sure you’re armed with the best plan possible. Besides taking notes from all the greats on TED, you’re reading up about a message structure that works, and looking for the perfect template.

While it seems like you’ve got your bases covered, like all things in life, there’s always a way to streamline the planning process.

According to Aaron Weyenberg , the UX Lead for TED and a self-professed “master of slide decks,” and the wizards behind Apple’s presentation slides , there are a number of tricks of the trade that you can rely on to create a rocking keynote presentation .

Below are some of our favorites. And to easily create a professional-looking presentation , sign up for Piktochart . It’s free and it allows you to make beautiful visuals without being a graphic designer.

1. Do your slides last

While most keynote speakers will typically build their presentation around the structure of a template, Weyenberg says that “building your slides should be the tail end of developing your presentation.” Before working on your slides, you should put together your main message, structure, supporting points – then practice and time your presentation. The reason for this, he says, is that the presentation needs to be strong enough to stand on its own. Approaching a keynote like this requires a shift in thinking.

While a beautiful set of slides is imperative to your presentation, it should not be central to it.

Weyenberg said it best: “The slides are just something you layer over [the presentation] to enhance the listener experience.”

Observe these 2017 Google I/O keynotes, especially CEO Sundar Pichai’s – the role of the slides are to support what the speaker is saying – not the other way around.

2. Get creative with photos

Often times, presenters will be far too literal or cheesy with their image choice. Weyenberg suggests to use images that are simple, yet punchy – and pairs nicely with your spoken words. He says to look for photos that are:

  • Related to your keynote’s concept
  • Are not complex in terms of composition

how to make inspiring keynote presentations

3. Simplify charts and graphs

While most presenters will simply drop an image of their charts and graphs into their deck, Weyenberg points out that it might be a bit “unsightly.” If you need to use data to back a point that you’re making, you should make the extra effort to make it more attractive – and this can be done by recreating it in your presentation maker .

There are a couple benefits to doing this:

  • It will make your presentation seem consistent and well-thought out
  • You’ll have control over colors, typography, and more.

weyenberg graph, typography in charts examples

4. One theme per slide

According to the designers of Apple presentation slides, less is certainly more. Trying to cram too many ideas on one slide can only work to your detriment. Beyond ideas, the same goes for statistics.

Let’s play a little game: For the following idea, how many slides would you use? “The developer program is incredibly vibrant. We have over six million registered developers. Demand for this show has never been greater. We sold out in just over a minute [71 seconds].”

While the average person might think that 6 million and 71 seconds would belong on the same slide and be short and sweet enough, let’s compare it with what Apple’s CEO Tim Cook did.

He only leveraged two slides: The first said “6 million,” and the second: “71 seconds. Sold out.”

how to make presentation attractive

5. Create a visual experience with data

Taking a leaf again from Apple’s presentation book, once you’ve gotten the hang of having just one stat per slide – you should also make it as visual as possible.

visual presentations

One data point per slide, combined with it being visually interesting – is sure to be memorable.

6. Practice Really Makes Perfect

Imagine the late Steve Jobs, a legendary keynote presenter, still rehearsed for months before a presentation. According to Brent Schlender , one of the co-authors behind the Steve Jobs biography “Becoming Steve Jobs,” Jobs would rehearse and prepare “exhaustively” for all of his public appearances.

Despite being a natural on the stage, Jobs never would wing it, he came to the show well prepared.

“I once spent an entire day watching him run through multiple rehearsals of a single presentation, tweaking everything from the color and angle of certain spotlights, to editing and rearranging the order of the keynote presentation slides to improve his pacing,” remembers Schlender.

While you may not be a perfectionist like Jobs, you are likely also not nearly as good of a presenter as he is – so practice really makes perfect in this case.

7. Tell A Consistent Story

Circling back to Weyenberg’s tips – he suggests that in a good slide deck, every slide should feel “like part of the same story.” Think of your deck like a story – every slide should feel cohesive to the big picture message you’re trying to communicate – as opposed to random ideas juxtaposed together.

You can do this by:

  • Using the same or similar typography, colors, and imagery across all slides
  • Using presentation templates can help with maintaining the same look and feel

8. Less is more

We explored the less is more concept earlier in the article by suggesting you keep to one idea per slide. The same can be applied to text.

When it comes to creating slides for your next keynote, the cardinal sin is a slide with ample text that is verbatim of your spoken presentation.

What this does is encourage people to keep their eyes on your slides instead of listening to you.

Weyenberg also points out that a text-heavy slide forces the brain to multitask between focusing on what it’s reading and hearing – which is quite difficult and will compromise your presentation.

bad presentation example

9. Consider topic transitions

While you want to make your slides look like a cohesive unit, you want to also keep in mind that making every slide look the same may be boring. Weyenberg suggests to:

  • Create one style for the slides that are the “meat” of the message
  • Then create another style for the slides that are transitioning between topics

For example, if your overall slides have a dark background with light text, you can use transitional slides that have a light background with dark text. This way, they’ll still feel like they’re from the same presentation family without being completely uniform.

10. Tell a captivating story

It is fitting that our final tip comes from likely the greatest keynote presenter of all time. The late and great Steve Jobs had the ability to captivate and inspire his audience with his talks, and that’s because he was a very good storyteller. And that’s the golden leaf that you can take from Jobs’ book today.

Always aim to tell a captivating story.

One example is perhaps when he introduced the iPod: “In 2001, we introduced the first iPod. It didn’t just change the way we all listen to music. It changed the entire music industry.” Listen to Steve Jobs weave a story about the digital music revolution when unveiling the iPod.

Bonus Round: Tips From Piktochart Designers  

keynote slide templates

  • Always remember that your audience is sitting far away . So ensure that your title font size is large enough to be seen from a distance, and that your body text is no smaller than 20px.
  • Use only two colors for your entire presentation – a primary and secondary color. If you must use a large color palette, your maximum choice should be up to five colors.
  • Make sure that there is enough white space throughout your presentation . This will give your content room to breathe. Less is definitely more in this case.
  • Emphasize only one object per slide – whether it’s an image, statistic, quote. This will make sure your audience stays focused.

Time to Make Your Own!

business keynote templates

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Pro Speakers on How to Give a Perfect Keynote Presentation

Allie Decker

Updated: January 13, 2021

Published: November 03, 2020

Two years ago, I was asked to give a presentation about my HubSpot article on emotional marketing . It was by far the most exhilarating and nerve-wracking experience of my professional life.

Pro Speakers on How to Give a Perfect Keynote Presentation

I don’t necessarily hate public speaking. However, leading up to the event, I felt the full responsibility of not only delivering a good presentation but also teaching the audience valuable , actionable information — and that was very intimidating.

I wanted to do a good job, and I wanted to be a good teacher.

→ Free Download: 10 PowerPoint Presentation Templates [Access Now]

Therein lies the importance of keynote presentations : to be effective, they should be educational and entertaining. Do you have a keynote presentation in your future? Read on for some advice from professional speakers.

First, what is a keynote presentation? Glad you asked.

You may also be tasked with a keynote presentation in order to secure funding, make a sale, or update stakeholders or executives. Whatever stage you find yourself on, delivering a keynote presentation is an important responsibility as a public speaker.

How to Give a Perfect Keynote Presentation, According to the Experts

I spoke with four professional speakers on how to deliver a near-perfect presentation. Here are five pieces of advice they shared.

1. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse.

When it comes to public speaking, practice quite literally makes perfect. Every expert I spoke with mentioned how frequently they rehearse their presentations.

“However much you think you need to rehearse, rehearse 10 times more than that. When you show up to a concert, you expect that the musicians know their songs, and you certainly don't want the first time they try to play it to be right there on stage. You owe your audience and the folks hiring you to speak the same respect,” said Melanie Deziel , international keynote speaker and founder of StoryFuel . (She received this advice herself from Michael and Amy Port at Heroic Public Speaking .)

Melanie Deziel keynote speaker hubspot

Provided by Melanie Deziel

As more presentations and events become fully virtual, the likelihood of technical difficulties also grows. Rehearsing your content can help you weather any interruptions or last-minute changes.

Rehearsal not only leads to content mastery; it allows freedom in your presentations. “The more you rehearse and become comfortable with the content, the freer you'll be to take chances, experiment, and truly focus on your delivery, rather than trying to remember what comes next,” shared Deziel.

How do these experts recommend practicing your presentations? “[Use] a mirror,” said Olivia Scott , keynote speaker and founder of Omerge Alliances . “I take the time to see how I'm being received, I look at my body posture, and I look at everything to make sure that I feel good about what I'm delivering. This isn’t exactly a tool or technology, but it's a way to practice and rehearse.”

olivia scott keynote presentation hubspot

Additionally, consider asking friends, family, and trusted colleagues to listen to your practice runs and provide feedback on your presentation.

2. Ask for feedback.

Speaking of feedback, expert orators know to ask for it on a regular basis — from friends, peer groups, mentors, audience members, and clients. “Find a support crew and connect with other speakers in the industry,” mentioned Karen Hopper , keynote speaker and data strategist at M+R. Hopper personally recommends Shine Bootcamp , which provided her with lifelong friendships, helpful feedback, and a priceless education about public speaking.

Karen Hopper keynote presentation hubspot

Provided by Karen Hopper

“We help each other with feedback on our pitches, topics, outlines, and presentations, and we celebrate each others' wins,'' said Hopper. “ ... It’s well worth surrounding yourself with people who will cheer for you and who will give you honest feedback — the fastest way to get better is to ruthlessly seek out that feedback.”

Clients can also be an incredibly helpful source of feedback. If you’re asked to speak at an event or conference, consider asking the people who hired you. “I ask my client for their reaction immediately after every presentation. It’s important to know how they felt, and whether the presentation achieved their goals. Every time my client is happy, that’s my most successful presentation,” said Jeff Toister , keynote speaker, author, and customer service expert.

jeff toister keynote speaking hubspot

Lastly, the best feedback often comes from the source — in this case, your audience. Whether you ask questions during your presentation (which we’ll discuss next) or ask for feedback following your presentation, it’s never a bad idea to know what your audience thought about your keynote.

Feedback may look different if giving a remote keynote presentation, but it's still possible.

“It’s been a creative challenge to adapt a talk I'd hoped to give in person to work in a virtual environment. It's much harder to tell how your talks are received online, without being able to see nodding and note-taking and hear laughter and clapping. But all the feedback I have received [over email] indicated that my talk successfully changed the way many people are thinking about their content idea generation process, and that was the ultimate goal of the talk: to change how people think ,” shared Deziel, referring to her recent keynote at Content Marketing World 2020.

3. Engage your audience.

Nobody likes being talked at . Sure, delivering a keynote presentation involves you doing most of the talking, but it doesn’t have to be a one-way conversation. Many of the experts I interviewed encouraged some sort of audience engagement or interaction to enhance your presentation.

“People love to be involved in a presentation. Rather than explain a concept to my audience, I find a way to have them experience it,” said Toister. “For example, when I share how multitasking hurts productivity and causes us to make more errors, I have the audience try a brief multitasking exercise so they can experience the problem themselves.”

Did you know that audience engagement levels drop considerably (14%) if a presenter does most of the talking, versus if the audience talks just as much? Moreover, 64% of people believe that a presentation with two-way interaction is much more engaging than a one-way presentation.

Presentation engagement also takes practice — just like your presentation content itself. “ ... Entertainment comes from the performance itself: the way in which you deliver that content and the energy you bring to that delivery. This is a separate skill you need to practice. Work with a coach, watch back recordings of yourself to identify opportunities to improve your craft, and watch videos of top-notch comedians, poets and other speakers to see what you can learn from them,” encouraged Deziel.

Lastly, as important as engagement is, don’t let technology stand in the way. While smartphones and polling software can make audience interaction easier, they can also get in the way of you connecting with your audience. “I prefer to just have people stand up, raise their hand, or clap to participate in the poll. It gets the audience moving, and I don’t have to worry about WiFi connections or whether the polling software is working,” said Toister.

4. Prioritize your content as much as the delivery.

While entertaining and interacting with your audience is helpful and exciting, it shouldn’t take precedence over your presentation content itself. “Nearly all of what the audience can learn from you comes from the content: the stories you tell, the examples you share, the facts you cite and the other information you explain. Carefully crafting those materials and testing it out ensures that the audience will get the information they were promised from your session,” said Deziel.

Tools like PowerPoint, Keynote, Google Slides, and Canva can help you hone your content and develop a story within your presentation. A 2018 Prezi study (another presentation tool option) showed that 90% of people believe a strong narrative makes for a more engaging, interesting presentation. Data can help form arguments and explain facts, but stories stay with your audience long after your time on stage.

Storytelling is yet another way to engage with your audience, especially by evoking emotions like humor. “It’s entertaining to ask questions, saying, ‘Can anyone relate to this? Has anyone ever had this type of experience before?’ and then getting them involved with some laughter around those experiences. Laughter always helps,” said Scott, who presented at INBOUND 2020 .

Hopper, who was also a Breakout Speaker at INBOUND 2020, agreed: “Don't be afraid to be funny or drop in jokes — there are studies that show that laughing actually helps your brain retain information better, so not only will your audience have a good time laughing with you, but they'll also get more out of your presentation. It’s a win-win!”

5. Focus on the audience.

Finally, everyone can agree that public speaking is either revered or feared. If you relate to the latter and find yourself nervous when giving presentations, turn your focus on the audience.

“Speakers easily get nervous when they focus on themselves and worry too much about their own performance. Focusing on your audience first takes the nerves away and redirects your attention to making sure your audience gets something of value from your keynote,” shared Toister.

That’s the goal of a keynote presentation — to provide value to your audience. Regardless of what story you’re telling, what tools you’re using, or how you’re engaging the crowd, as long as you deliver a presentation that inspires your audience to think differently — even for 30 minutes — you’ve given a perfect keynote presentation.

Note: HubSpot Marketing teams reserve the right to use guest blog author’s likeness across our content as we see fit, including but not limited to HubSpot’s social media channels.

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Keynote User Guide for iPad

  • What’s new in Keynote 14.0
  • Intro to Keynote
  • Intro to images, charts, and other objects
  • Create a presentation
  • Choose how to navigate your presentation
  • Open a presentation
  • Save and name a presentation
  • Find a presentation
  • Print a presentation
  • Prevent accidental editing
  • Undo or redo changes
  • Quick navigation
  • Change the working view
  • Customize the toolbar
  • Copy text and objects between apps
  • Basic touchscreen gestures
  • Use Apple Pencil with Keynote
  • Create a presentation using VoiceOver
  • Add or delete slides
  • Reorder slides
  • Group or ungroup slides
  • Skip or unskip a slide
  • Change the slide size
  • Change a slide background
  • Add a border around a slide
  • Show or hide text placeholders
  • Show or hide slide numbers
  • Apply a slide layout
  • Add and edit slide layouts
  • Change a theme
  • Add an image
  • Add an image gallery
  • Edit an image
  • Add and edit a shape
  • Combine or break apart shapes
  • Save a shape to the shapes library
  • Add and align text inside a shape
  • Add 3D objects
  • Add lines and arrows
  • Add and edit drawings
  • Add video and audio
  • Record video and audio
  • Edit video and audio
  • Add live video
  • Set the movie and image formats
  • Position and align objects
  • Use alignment guides
  • Place objects inside a text box or shape
  • Layer, group, and lock objects
  • Change object transparency
  • Fill shapes and text boxes with color or an image
  • Add a border to an object
  • Add a caption or title
  • Add a reflection or shadow
  • Use object styles
  • Resize, rotate, and flip objects
  • Add linked objects to make your presentation interactive
  • Select text
  • Copy and paste text
  • Format a presentation for another language
  • Use phonetic guides
  • Use bidirectional text
  • Use vertical text
  • Change the look of text
  • Use text styles
  • Change text capitalization
  • Add drop caps
  • Make characters superscript or subscript
  • Format fractions automatically
  • Format dashes and quotation marks
  • Format Chinese, Japanese, or Korean text
  • Set tab stops
  • Format text into columns
  • Adjust line spacing
  • Format lists
  • Add mathematical equations
  • Add borders and rules (lines) to separate text
  • Add or delete a table
  • Select tables, cells, rows, and columns
  • Add or remove rows and columns
  • Move rows and columns
  • Resize rows and columns
  • Merge or unmerge cells
  • Change the look of table text
  • Show, hide, or edit a table title
  • Change table gridlines and colors
  • Use table styles
  • Resize, move, or lock a table
  • Add and edit cell content
  • Format dates, currency, and more
  • Highlight cells conditionally
  • Format tables for bidirectional text
  • Alphabetize or sort table data
  • Add or delete a chart
  • Change a chart from one type to another
  • Modify chart data
  • Move, resize, and rotate a chart
  • Change the look of data series
  • Add a legend, gridlines, and other markings
  • Change the look of chart text and labels
  • Add a chart border and background
  • Use chart styles
  • Animate objects onto and off a slide
  • Animate objects on a slide
  • Change build order and timing
  • Add transitions
  • Present on your iPad
  • Present on a separate display
  • Present on iPad over the internet
  • Use a remote
  • Make a presentation advance automatically
  • Play a slideshow with multiple presenters
  • Add and view presenter notes
  • Rehearse on your device
  • Play a recorded presentation
  • Check spelling
  • Look up words
  • Find and replace text
  • Replace text automatically
  • Set your author name for comments
  • Highlight text
  • Add and print comments
  • Send a presentation
  • Intro to collaboration
  • Invite others to collaborate
  • Collaborate on a shared presentation
  • See the latest activity in a shared presentation
  • Change a shared presentation’s settings
  • Stop sharing a presentation
  • Shared folders and collaboration
  • Use Box to collaborate
  • Create an animated GIF
  • Post your presentation in a blog
  • Use iCloud Drive with Keynote
  • Export to PowerPoint or another file format
  • Restore an earlier version of a presentation
  • Move a presentation
  • Delete a presentation
  • Password-protect a presentation
  • Create and manage custom themes
  • Transfer files with AirDrop
  • Transfer presentations with Handoff
  • Transfer presentations with the Finder
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Keyboard shortcut symbols

designing keynote presentation

Create a presentation in Keynote on iPad

To create a new presentation, you first choose a theme to use as a starting point. Themes use coordinated fonts and colors for a unified look and often include placeholders that you can replace with your own content.

Create a presentation from a theme

the Add button

In the theme chooser, tap the category names at the top of the screen to view different themes, then tap a theme to open it.

Some themes aren’t downloaded to your device until you choose them or open a presentation that uses one. If your connection is slow or you’re offline when this happens, placeholder images and slide backgrounds in the presentation may appear at a lower resolution until you’re online again or the theme finishes downloading.

the Format button

Each slide layout offers a different arrangement of text and images that you use as a starting point for your content.

Do any of the following to build your presentation:

the Add Slide button

Add text: Double-tap placeholder text to add your own.

the Replace Image button

To end the presentation, pinch closed anywhere on the screen. For more ways to show a presentation, see Play a presentation on your iPhone or iPad .

the Back button

Keynote automatically saves your changes as you work, so you don't need to worry about consistently saving your presentation manually. However, it's a good idea to rename your presentation so you can easily find it the next time you want to work on it. You can change the name of the presentation or change where it’s saved at any time.

Create a presentation outline

You can create a text outline of a new presentation in outline view in Keynote. Outline view displays your slides as a hierarchical series of titles, subtitles, points, and media placeholders. You can add and edit text, place images and videos, and change the format of slides in outline view. This is useful for creating an initial draft, taking notes, or focusing on the structure of a new presentation.

Outline view with the text outline on the left side of the screen, and the vertical slide navigator on the right side.

Do any of the following:

To quickly add a slide while typing in the last row of a slide, tap Return twice.

the drag handle

Reorder slides: In the slide navigator, touch and hold the slide until the slide appears to lift up, then drag it to a new location.

Add text: Tap a row in the text outline, then type.

the single image placeholder

Your presentation is saved automatically as you work, so you don’t lose your work when you close the presentation. Closing the presentation doesn’t quit Keynote.

To learn more about working in outline view, see View slides as text outlines .

the View Options button


Ace the Presentation

how to prepare a keynote speech

Here’s an Excellent Keynote Speech GUIDE: With 2 Great Examples

You’ve probably been asked to give a keynote speech and you are afraid of it. Well, if you’ve never done this before, then there’s no need to panic. Thankfully, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s start with the basics, shall we? 

So, what is a keynote speech? 

Simply put, a keynote speech is usually given to set the theme of the entire event. It is a speech that is generally delivered by an expert, renowned and well-respected individual, depending on the theme of the event.

Being asked to give a keynote speech in front of a large audience can be a little intimidating. However, it’s the greatest honor to be selected as a keynote speaker. That said, you must deliver the best speech you possibly can. 

Now that we’ve covered what a keynote speech is, it’s time to key steps that you should take when preparing a keynote speech. 

Related Article: 7 Basic Elements of Public Speaking

How to prepare a keynote speech

Keynote speeches are very important. With that in mind, it’s one of the best opportunities for you and your business. Therefore, if you’ve been asked to be the keynote speaker, take advantage of such an opportunity. But, first, you will have to prepare your speech: 

1.     Find out the theme for the day

For any first-timer, you will probably be given the theme for the day by the event organizer. But if you are an experienced speaker, I’m sure everyone will applaud anything you say. All the same, both scenarios still require you to plan and organize your thoughts for your speech. 

2.     Outline your presentation

Sadly, most speakers always skip this part. And, it’s usually visible in their delivery and line of thought. The best way to handle this situation is by creating a sort of blueprint for your presentation which will include: 

  • Highlight some of the key structural elements, for instance, introduction, conclusion, or even stories. 
  • Highlight your key element in the presentation. What do I mean? Start by answering the question-what messages are you using to support your logical key point? 
  • Link all the elements together in a systematic sequence
  • Also, try mapping out the transition from one key point to the next and ensure that it’s flawless. 

3.     Now fill each section

Following your outline, use keywords to convey a clear message to your audience. This will also help in keeping the audience’s attention. On top of that, it will ensure you have a great flow of thoughts in your presentation. 

Write down the topic you’d like to present. Then go ahead and add principal keywords. Afterwards, write what you derive from each keyword. Thankfully, the structure of your keynote speech will give you a set of new keywords to follow. 

Make sure that you are brief and clear when filling each section. More importantly, don’t crowd up your content. You will also need to ensure you have most of the keywords in your mind. This will save you the time you use to check on your keynote speech instead of maintaining eye contact with the crowd. 

4.     Make the work visually attractive

Without a doubt, you should always ensure that your work has some visual ideas that would be easy to interpret. Add graphs or charts where necessary, but only where necessary. Too much of anything will lead to you losing the attention of your audience. 

5.     Add personal stories

Anecdotes and stories will assist you in illustrating your ideas to the audience. On top of that, it’s the best way to show your research. With stories, you should be able to capture the attention of your audience. Additionally, your audience will be emotionally invested which will differentiate you from nervous and inexperienced speakers. 

Play a game, add a question, or simply just maintain eye contact with your audience. This will help you gain their full attention throughout your speech. 

6.     Finally, rehearse

There’s no shortcut in this section. For you to present a killer speech in front of your audience without sounding nervous is through research. By rehearsing your speech several times, you can understand what it means to your audience and also see places where you can improve your speech. 

Actually, you can even record yourself while giving your keynote speech. That way, you will be able to work on your body language and speaking rate. If you have stage freight, this is a good way to avoid the effects of it. 

Now that you already know how to get ready for your speech, let’s take on how to open a keynote speech. 

The next points of discussion are: how to open a keynote speech, how long should a keynote speech be, and some great examples of keynote speeches. Before digging into that, let me add below some of the top related and interesting articles that can add to what you’re learning from this one. If any of the titles picks your interest, please click and open in a new tab, so you can check them out later. Enjoy!



The happiness when receiving a call marking the job interview gives rise to endless anxiety. After all, it’s only a few minutes to prove your worth, impress the recruiter and seize the opportunity. However, to do well at the job interview, you need to think about what you will say, how you will present yourself,

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How to open a keynote speech?

I bet you are probably worried about your opening lines in your keynote speech, right? Well, first thing’s first, don’t be in a rush to speak. Before you open your mouth, the attention is usually high at this moment. Therefore, once you arrive up there, pause for a moment. To the audience, you will appear like you are trying to be confident and collected, so use that moment. 

The audience will lean in to try and hear your first few words. And at that moment, the audience will form their first impression of you with the first words you utter. An example of the first opening words include, ‘um, good evening everyone
.I’m happy to be here in front of you. I will like to thank you so-so-so-so much

Trust me if you start your speech with these words, the audience will feel like you are repeating words that will sound the same as the conversations they have been trying to avoid. 

To get the full attention of your audience, here are some quick tips on your opening statements. 


Before we go into how to open your keynote speech

I would like to announce that you can get more insightful tips and how-to’s from our recently launched eBook, now available at Barnes & Noble , at $4.99. We tried to pack it with valuable information and price it below $5 to be as inclusive as possible with our pricing. Click below and Get a Copy!

designing keynote presentation

Key tips on the opening statement in your keynote speech

  • Name someone central to your message
  • Use a provocative question
  • Use a short, pithy quote
  • Start with a personal association
  • Tell an Interesting and relatable Story
  • Paint a picture with your words, and so on

keynote speech

How long should a keynote speech be?

Usually, the maximum length of the keynote speech depends majorly on the skill of the speaker. Therefore, the minimum length of the keynote speech depends on how long the speaker will need to make an impact on the audience.

You will know when the keynote does not last long enough when the message said by the speaker doesn’t have a deep effect on the audience. Additionally, the length of the keynote speech depends on the time allocated to the event. 

Examples of Excellent Keynote Speeches 

If you follow the instructions above, you won’t even need examples to sharpen your skills. However, here are some of the examples you can check out to give you a deeper understanding of keynote speeches

  • Fire Antony speech
  • A speech by Briana Scurry

With these two examples, you will be able to draft your speech in no time. 

To wrap it all up

A keynote speech is an incredible way to get over public speaking and be able to introduce yourself to the audience. It doesn’t matter the number of people in the gathering. Always remember to count every opportunity that comes your way. 

Also, a great speech is not one that strings different elements together-no siree! A great speech is one that weaves them in the minds of the audience in such a way that they are not able to tell the difference between the segments. The speech shouldn’t be repetitive or random. It should be something that you sat down and constructed to perfection. 

Give the audience something that they can remember you by. A speech that will make them concentrate on the best course of action. Someone once told me that, ‘words can change the world’ and I believe it. Now, this is your opportunity to change the world. 




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5 Steps to Preparing an Engaging Industry Presentation You can make a great impression and generate interest with an exciting, informative presentation. Find out my five secrets to creating an industry presentation guaranteed to wow.

By Cyrus Claffey Edited by Chelsea Brown May 28, 2024

Key Takeaways

  • This article offers practical advice for delivering impactful presentations at industry events, emphasizing the importance of a comfortable stage presence, understanding your audience, designing effective slides and more.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Industry events are a chance to network with your colleagues and impress distributors — but to really make the most of your time at a conference, you need to learn how to prepare a presentation that engages, informs and leaves an impact.

I've presented at some of the most important real estate and property technology events in the country as the founder of ButterflyMX . Here are a few tricks I've picked up along the way to wow any audience.

Related: 6 Tips for Making a Winning Business Presentation

1. Getting comfortable with the stage

I recommend taking a walk around the stage before your presentation. By familiarizing yourself with your environment, you can prepare yourself better.

And while you're on stage, a relaxed, comfortable presence goes a long way in keeping your audience engaged . Whether you want to play your presentation casually or more formally, audiences can sense discomfort, which prevents them from fully connecting with your message.

To project your sense of comfortability, focus on your body language . You can project confidence by speaking slowly and clearly and by walking across the stage to keep the audience's attention — even if there's already a podium or lectern set up on stage.

Unfortunately, if a speaker spends too long standing behind the podium, an audience might interpret that as a sign of indecision and inaction from the speaker. Instead, you can remove any barriers between yourself and the audience by using the whole length of the stage.

2. Familiarity with industry statistics

An audience that doesn't know me might be wondering why they should be taking my advice. I certainly don't blame them. When I'm watching a new presenter, I ask the same question.

If you can back up your claims with hard data, your presentation will ring true with listeners. You can cite industry-wide statistics or establish your own bona fides by citing stats that buttress your own credibility by establishing your company's success.

In my case, I'm happy to use a couple of statistics that prove how successful my company, ButterflyMX, is in the proptech industry. For instance, we serve more than one million apartment units, and if you're interested in how consumers feel about us, look no further than the internet — we have over 20,000 five-star reviews !

Related: 7 Ways to Captivate Any Audience

3. Knowing your audience

Depending on who your audience is , you'll have to adjust your game plan and prepare for different things.

I've spoken at conferences where the audiences couldn't be more different — a presentation that wows one crowd might have no information that's applicable to another. As the founder of a property technology company, I have the pleasure of speaking at a variety of different conferences that serve different markets.

For example, integrators and installers might value a talk on product features and hardware more than others. And if I'm presenting to an audience of property managers, I'll know to dial down the technical talk and focus on the benefits a robust video intercom offers, such as simplifying their day-to-day workloads.

Depending on your audience, you need to strike the right balance between talking about hardware specs and features.

4. Designing your slides carefully

Slides are a good opportunity to share the aesthetics, tone and values of your company — but you've got to make sure you use them effectively.

A slide with too much text looks busy, and it'll distract your audience and draw focus away from you. Instead, consider putting that information into your notes and speaking it aloud. Slides should focus on one or two visual elements, like bullet points, charts and graphs.

As for the actual design of your slides, you should ensure that you adhere to your company's brand guidelines. If you're unfamiliar with the concept, brand guidelines are a single, governing document that goes over important design concepts like the colors and logos that your company has.

Related: 6 Ways to Take Your Next Presentation to the Next Level

5. Asking for audience participation

Asking for audience participation is the ultimate way to ensure everybody is locked in and paying attention — but it's also a double-edged sword. You also need to be prepared in case asking the audience to participate doesn't necessarily go your way.

For example, you might generally ask if an audience has any questions at the end of your presentation. But you run the risk of running into a hostile, bad-faith question — or you might even be met with silence.

That's why I'd recommend you give the audience questions and tasks that have a little more structure. You could do things like asking for a show of hands, asking for specific anecdotes or taking a poll.

Polls have gotten an especially high-tech upgrade recently — see if you can set up an electronic voting system that allows audience members to vote with their smartphones. Then, you'd be able to throw the results on screen and watch them update in real time!

You should pepper these interactive sections throughout your presentation to ensure that audiences are engaged throughout your entire talk.

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor

Founder of ButterflyMX

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Canva's 'cringe' 'Hamilton'-like hip-hop routine gets called out

  • People on X are complaining about a "cringe" performance at a recent Canva event.
  • The hip-hop routine gave some people flashbacks to Lin-Manuel Miranda's musical "Hamilton".
  • Canva reportedly continues to attract interest from investors, though it doesn't have any firm plans yet for an IPO.

Insider Today

Forget Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer dancing at the Windows 95 launch party . On Sunday, some in the tech world were focused on a new bizarre performance.

The routine took place last week on the stage at Canva Create, a conference hosted in Los Angeles by the company behind the design and editing app . In it, a singer is performing a hip-hop song and dance routine praising the virtues of Canva with six backup dancers surrounding him.

Suddenly, another singer posing as a hypothetical chief information officer from one of the company's clients appears onstage.

"We've got pretty high stakes, no room to err," the CIO sings as she challenges the first singer on Canva's abilities as a jazz track plays in the background. "We need more than a cute little post to share!"

"You can even manage automated licensing, compliancy, there's privacy," he responds to another question later in the performance. Canva did not respond to a request for comment on the performance from Business Insider.

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A video of the performance went viral on X, formerly known as Twitter, over the weekend. Even in an industry known for odd spectacles at conferences, some users said the routine stood out:

This is the most cringe shit I have ever seen in my entire tech career pic.twitter.com/RPEaUxtLyT — Alex Cohen đŸ€  (@anothercohen) May 26, 2024
Call 911 I'm having a cringe overdose https://t.co/MfAWI1bwiG — Finn McKenty (@thefinnmckenty) May 26, 2024

Other posters pointed out the performance's similarities to " Hamilton" , the musical written by Lin-Manuel Miranda that's famous for using slant-rhymes and rap battles to tell the life story of Alexander Hamilton:

This is Lin Manuel Miranda’s fault 😭 https://t.co/JOZD1xxmIY — Han (@FilesSandwich) May 26, 2024
send lin-manuel miranda to the hague already https://t.co/1VsnnM7ln5 — Danya (@dandoon_danya) May 26, 2024

Early Canva investors and employees made $1.6 billion on a share sale last month which valued the startup at $26 billion, according to the Australian Financial Review.

The sale indicated strong interest in the company's shares as the company considers going public in the future, the Review reported. A date for an IPO has not been set.

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Iphone 16 pro max: key new upgrades leaked in latest report.

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A few years ago, all iPhones had cameras with 12-megapixel sensors. Now, they all have one 48-megapixel sensor and either one or two with 12 megapixels. But a new report claims the iPhone 16 Pro Max will see a new main sensor and hugely upgraded Ultra Wide camera.

The iPhone 16 Pro Max's cameras could be an upgrade to the current iPhone 15 Pro Max.

Updated on May 26. This post was first published on May 23, 2024.

As reported by MacRumors , Weibo user OvO Baby Sauce OvO has claimed that the main camera will replace the existing sensor with another one, also with 48-megapixel resolution. Specifically, this will be the Sony IMX903. That’s an upgrade which will only apply to the iPhone 16 Pro Max, the leaker claims.

While all the iPhones released this year will doubtless have great cameras, it looks like the iPhone 15 Pro Max will be, as Daniel John at Creative Bloq puts it, “the one to get excited about.”

The main sensor on the smaller iPhone 16 Pro will stick with the Sony IMX803 that is on the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max.

But there’s another change which will apply to both sizes of Pro iPhone, and that’s the Ultra Wide camera which, it’s predicted, will leap from 12 megapixels to 48 megapixels.

As always with phone cameras, the intended benefit is mostly to improve performance in low light, where smaller sensors with smaller pixels usually struggle.

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And as Creative Bloq points out, there are other changes on their way, affecting all three cameras on the iPhone 16 Pro and Pro Max, as well as both of the snappers on the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus. This change is to the lenses themselves, which are being redesigned “to reduce lens flare by incorporating new anti-reflective optical coating technology on the lenses.”

A higher-resolution sensor will likely have smaller pixels still, but will almost certainly use the pixel binning process, where multiple pixel sites are combined to work as one, to draw in more light. Specifically on a 48-megapixel camera, four adjacent sites are linked, providing the equivalent of a 12-megapixel shot but with the bigger pixels the binning provides.

It's a process that works brilliantly on the current iPhone series on the main camera, and additionally offers extra flexibility because there’s also the option to shoot in full 48-megapixel resolution for the highest quality—when the lighting situation allows.

That means it’s only the telephoto camera which isn’t changing this year, for the iPhone 16 Pro Max, with its 12-megapixel sensor and 5x optical zoom equivalent. However, there have also been rumors that the iPhone 16 Pro will see an improvement compared to this year’s model.

The iPhone 15 Pro only manages a 3x zoom because, I’m told, there just wasn’t room for the Max’s 5x zoom to fit in. That will change, it seems, this fall and both sizes of Pro will have the same excellent 5x zoom currently on the iPhone 15 Pro Max.

Actually, there’s a possibility that the Pro Max will see a better telephoto this fall as well. As Creative Bloq points out, the iPhone 16 Pro Max might feature a “super” telephoto zoom which would take the focal length from 77mm to 300mm, which is much longer, obviously. The report says, “Increased zoom capabilities could be a huge boon for creatives, making the device a valid contender for sports or even nature photography.”

David Phelan

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WWDC 2024: Everything you need to know

Apple WWDC24 logo

Of the big Apple events of the year, WWDC is the most reliable: In each of the past 17 Junes, like clockwork, Apple has held a big get-together for its developer partners and announced a raft of important software updates. The September iPhone launch and the March/April spring event (which didn’t happen in 2023) seem almost unpredictable by comparison.

In this article, we list the major announcements (and some of the smaller titbits) you can expect to hear about at WWDC 2024. Some of these–updates to the five big Apple operating systems, most obviously–are as predictable as the timing of the event. But we reckon Apple will spring a few surprises this year.

Apple has announced that WWDC24 will be held from June 10-14 . Apple has confirmed that the keynote is on June 10.

When is WWDC 2024?

Apple will kick off WWDC24 with a keynote at 10am Pacific Time on June 10, and the event for developers continues through June 14.

Here are the dates from the past few years:

  • WWDC 2023: June 5-9
  • WWDC 2022: June 6-10
  • WWDC 2021: June 7-11
  • WWDC 2020: June 22-26
  • WWDC 2019: June 3-7
  • WWDC 2018: June 4-8

What time does WWDC 2024 start?

The keynote event will start at 10 a.m. in California. If you are wondering what time will the WWDC keynote start where you are it translates to:

  • US: at 10 a.m. (PDT), 11 a.m. (MDT), noon (CDT), 1 p.m. (EDT)
  • Canada: at 2 p.m. (ADT)
  • UK: at 6 p.m. (BST)
  • Europe: at 7 p.m. (CEST)
  • India: at 10.30 p.m. (IST)
  • Singapore and China: next day at 1 a.m.
  • Japan: following day at 2 a.m. (JST)
  • Australia: following day at 1 a.m. (AWST), 2.30 a.m. (ACST), 3 a.m. (AEST)
  • New Zealand: following day at 5 a.m. (NZST)

How to watch WWDC 2024

When WWDC starts Apple will live stream the opening keynote on its website and elsewhere, including on YouTube and on the Apple TV app. This means you’ll be able to watch the presentation on iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV, and even PC.

Here is the WWDC keynote video from 2023:

Get in the mood for WWDC24!

To help promote WWDC24, Apple has created a music playlist “of summer sounds.” Go to the playlist .

#WWDC24 is almost here! Check out this playlist of summer sounds to get ready for the biggest Apple developer event of the year. https://t.co/6BxZT3Ozau pic.twitter.com/uSHqq4clN3 — Apple Music (@AppleMusic) May 29, 2024

What will Apple announce at WWDC 2024?

WWDC stands for the Worldwide Developers Conference and is dedicated to the third-party software and hardware developers that create apps and accessories for Apple’s platforms: iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV, and now Vision Pro . If you are a developer we have more information about getting an invite below.

While devs are at the heart of the event, it’s also a press event that Apple uses to announce its software plans and potentially some new Macs and other products to the world.

Read on to find out what we expect to see Apple unveil at the event, from software and hardware to some entirely new products.


WWDC 2024: Software releases

WWDC is all about the software, so we can be certain that Apple will reveal details of its upcoming operating system updates for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV, HomePod, and Apple Watch. Those updates will then be issued to developers as a beta to test, and then a few weeks later a public beta will start. Eventually, the new software will be available for everyone to download in the fall (usually September for iOS/iPadOS/watchOS and October for macOS, although in 2023 macOS Sonoma arrived in September). Here’s what to expect:

The headliner of the event simply because of the sheer number of iPhone owners across the planet. If you’ve got an iPhone made within the past five years, you’ll likely be able to install the new version of iOS when it’s released in the fall of 2024.

The rumors we’ve heard about iOS 18 so far indicate that it could be one of the biggest iOS update ever. You can expect AI-specific features, including generative-AI updates to Siri, Pages, Numbers, Keynote, Sarafi, and Messages . RCS support is also said to be coming to iPhones in that time frame. User interface updates are also rumored, with new ways to organize icons on the Home screen.

But before then, there’s a whole beta-testing cycle to get through. iOS 18 will be announced at WWDC 2024, then released as a developer beta (for registered app developers only) almost immediately after the keynote. Developers will then be able to install the iOS beta and a few weeks later a public beta version will be made available for all users who want to try the new features. Our advice is to be cautious and prepared for serious flaws with the beta software–it might even brick your device.

Over the course of the next few months, the developer and public betas will go through a testing process where features will be tweaked, changed, fixed, and updated until we reach the finished iOS 18.0 public release, most likely in September.

Read all the rumors and our hopes for iOS 18 in our iOS 18 guide.

The accompanying update for iPad owners, iPadOS 18 is likely to incorporate most of the new features of iOS 18, but adapted to a larger-screen interface. When Apple’s two mobile operating systems split in 2019 they were similar in most respects, but the iPad version is heading steadily into its own realm.

In 2022, Apple released iPad OS 16 a month after iOS 16, so it’s possible that the two versions don’t arrive at the same time.

What’s Apple got in store for its follow-up to macOS Sonoma ? We’ll find out at WWDC 2024.

This version will be numbered macOS 15, but what is less predictable is the California landmark Apple will name the version after. So far we’ve had: Mavericks, Yosemite, El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura and Sonoma. Based on the trademarks Apple has applied for , macOS Rincon or Skyline could be likely.

We’ll share all the rumors and our hopes for macOS 15 in our macOS 15 guide .

Now that the Vision Pro is on sale you can expect to hear about new software features coming to the device at WWDC. Apple is likely to have things to say about new apps being made for the device as well as third-party software that is being created for Vision Pro.

The new operating system for the Apple Watch will be revealed at WWDC 2024. This is more of a niche than the iPhone, iPad, and Mac updates discussed above but could bring more health and fitness features to Apple Watch owners around the world. Expect AT to have an impact here as well.

The lowest-profile of the big Apple operating systems, tvOS is the platform that runs on the Apple TV.

What will we get this year? You’ll find out at WWDC.

HomePod software version 18

Apple is also likely to update the software on the HomePod and HomePod mini alongside the other operating systems. In 2022 Apple introduced HomePod Software Version 16 which didn’t bring a lot of new features at the time, but a later update: HomePod Software Version 16.3 brought temperature and humidity sensing to the HomePod mini and more. We may hear more about Apple’s plans for the HomePod during the WWDC event–especially as Apple is rumored to planning big changes to the HomePod .

Other software

You can also expect Apple to update its developer-focused apps, like Swift, Xcode, and TestFlight.


WWDC 2024: Hardware releases

WWDC tends to be a software-focused event, but Apple has often found time during its WWDC keynotes to launch hardware products too. The first few iPhone revisions—iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, and iPhone 4S—were all released at WWDC, and the HomePod had its unveiling at the event in 2017 as well.

However, the event has focused on Mac releases in recent years. Apple unveiled the iMac Pro in 2017 alongside updates to the iMac, MacBook, and MacBook Pro, and announced a new Mac Pro and the Pro Display XDR in June 2019. At WWDC 2020, Apple announced the transition from Intel to Apple silicon, and WWDC 2022 saw Apple launch the M2 chip in the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro. WWDC 2023 saw Apple introduce the Vision Pro, 15-inch MacBook Air, and the Mac Studio and Mac Pro with M2 Ultra chip.

What’s in the hardware pipeline for Apple right now? There are plenty of WWDC rumors, but what’s really coming? Here’s what we hope to see:

The Vision Pro launched in the U.S. in February, but it’s still not available elsewhere in the world. We expect Apple to announce availability for the U.K., Europe, Canada and Australia at WWDC in June. Frankly, if Apple doesn’t start selling the device outside the U.S. soon, it is going to look like a flop. Read more here: Apple Vision Pro: Everything you need to know .

We already have M3, M3 Pro and M3 Max, and updates to the Mac mini and Mac Studio are long over due. However, the Mac Studio and Mac Pro aren’t on Apple’s 2024 release schedule . Apple introduced the M4 chip with the new iPad Pro, so it looks like Apple is done with the M3 series. The M4 MacBook Pro isn’t expected until later this year, so it’s possible we may not see any new Macs at WWDC24.

Over the years, including in 2023, new Mac Pro models have launched at WWDC. However, a Mac Pro update may not happen at WWDC24. Read what we know about the M3/M4 Mac Pro .

A recent report stated that the Mac Studio is not on Apple’s 2024 release schedule, so it may not be upgraded at WWDC24. Read more here: Mac Studio M3/M4 rumors .

Now that the iMac and MacBook Air have an M3 chip, and the MacBook Pro an M3, M3 Pro and M3 Max chip, it seems as if it’s only a matter of time before those same chips make their way into the Mac mini. However, Apple may decide to wait until 2025 to update the Mac mini with M4-series chips. Read our new Mac mini rumors .

For some time there have been rumors that the iMac Pro will make a return, in the form of a M3 Pro and possibly M3 Max version of Apple’s all-in-one. This could make an appearance at WWDC 2024, but rumors do seem to suggest we could be waiting a little longer for this larger iMac. Read the rumors about Apple’s plans for the iMac Pro .

How to attend WWDC

If you want to attend the WWDC Keynote in person you need to be prepared to enter a lottery and apply for a ticket alongside other developers. There is a lot of competition for those tickets, which are randomly selected from those to apply and aren’t transferable. The good news is that tickets are free. The bad news is they have already been allocated for 2024.

Apple invites developers to participate in a series of classes, workshops, and sessions to learn about the system-wide changes coming to the major software platforms in the coming year so they can update their apps. Some lucky developers even get to watch the event live in person.

Apple has stopped taking requests to attend the keynote. It was open to the following:

  • Current Apple Developer Program members.
  • Apple Entrepreneur Camp alumni.
  • Swift Student Challenge winners; 2024 challenge applicants will be included in a separate random selection process for winners (in early May 2023 Apple began alerting the lucky few of their status as winners).
  • Current Apple Developer Enterprise Program members.

The lucky applicants were notified of their success in getting a ticket at the beginning of April 2024.

You can find out more about how to get tickets to WWDC in our FAQ.

WWDC keynote tickets have been free and randomly distributed for the past few years, but it previously cost $1,599 for developers to attend and those tickets sold out very quickly.

Even without a ticket, all registered Apple developers get online access to session videos, slides, and sample code throughout the week.

Apple will share additional conference information in advance of WWDC24 through the  Apple Developer app .

Further reading

We’ll update this article regularly in the run-up to WWDC, so check back to see the latest news.

For a broader view of the year’s plans, check out our guide to the new Apple products coming in 2024 .

Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference to kick off June 10 with Keynote address

A graphic shows the WWDC24 logo.

Apple Keynote

Platforms State of the Union

Access to Experts

Session Videos and Guides

Swift Student Challenge

Apple Design Awards

Developer App

Text of this article

28 May 2024

The annual online conference takes place June 10-14 and promises an incredible week of technology and innovation

Today, Apple unveiled the lineup for its annual Worldwide Developers Conference, including Keynote and Platforms State of the Union, and shared more information about what developers will learn and experience all week. The free online conference brings the global Apple developer community together to provide them with insights into the latest technologies, tools, and frameworks coming to iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, and watchOS. Throughout the week, developers will be able to hear from Apple engineers, designers, and other experts through more than 100 technical sessions, in-depth consultations, and live forums for guidance on building even more innovative and platform-differentiating apps and games across all Apple products.

June 10, 10 a.m. PDT WWDC24 kicks off with a first look at groundbreaking updates coming to Apple platforms later this year. The Keynote address will be available to stream on apple.com/in , the Apple Developer app, the Apple TV app, and the Apple YouTube channel. On-demand playback will be available after the conclusion of the stream.

June 10, 1 p.m. PDT Following the Keynote, the Platforms State of the Union will take a deeper dive into the latest advances across iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, and watchOS, and new tools that will further empower Apple developers. The Platforms State of the Union will be available to stream on the Apple Developer app and the Apple Developer website. A playback will be available after the conclusion of the stream on the Apple Developer app, website, and YouTube channel.

Apple Developer Program members and Apple Developer Enterprise Program members can connect directly with Apple experts through online labs and in-depth consultations for guidance on implementing the latest technologies, following best practices, and elevating their apps and games. Apple engineers and designers will also be available via live Apple Developer Forums to offer technical assistance.

With over 100 technical sessions released throughout the week, WWDC24 will offer developers a chance to hear from Apple engineers, designers, and other experts for a deeper dive into the latest technologies and frameworks. Sessions will be available on the Apple Developer app, website, and YouTube channel. This year, developers can also access curated guides to walk them through the conference’s biggest announcements, from new documentation to sessions and more.

Apple is proud to support developers through the Swift Student Challenge, one of many Apple programs that seeks to uplift the next generation of technologists, creators, and entrepreneurs. This year, 50 Distinguished Winners have been recognised for outstanding submissions and will visit Apple Park for a three-day experience with special activities throughout the week of WWDC.

The Apple Design Awards celebrate excellence in app and game design and highlight the craft, creativity, and technical expertise that developers bring to their work. Meet this year’s finalists, who were unveiled today via the Apple Developer website and the Apple Developer app. This year’s winners will be announced soon.

The Apple Developer app is a great way to experience WWDC24 on iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV, and Apple Vision Pro. The Developer app is where developers can find all the latest news, video sessions, announcements, and activities. It’s also where developers can browse by topic, register for in-depth consultations, watch video sessions with their peers using SharePlay, copy code directly from session videos, and more.

Developers can also access all WWDC content, registration, news, feature stories, and documentation at  developer.apple.com .

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Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.

Keynote Templates

Keynote , part of Apple’s iWork suite, is a presentation tool for the pros. With beautiful layout tools and typography, it can give your presentation an edge. This Keynote feature covers tips for using the app, giving stand-out presentations, as well as beautiful Keynote templates and themes.

Keynote has everything you need to create sleek presentations with layout tools and typography that’s made with design in mind.

It allows users to create presentations that look sleek without a lot of design capability. The tools are easy and intuitive. The slide navigator includes options for designing slides with different layouts, animations, fonts and you can even bring in presentations from other software.

But how to do you make the most of this tool? Keynote templates can be one of the quickest ways to start using keynote to its full potential right away.

Latest Keynote Template Articles

100+ Best Keynote Templates of 2024

18 Mar 2024

100+ best keynote templates of 2024.

Even though Apple’s Keynote app gives you plenty of tools and options for creating beautiful presentations, it can be tricky to find the time to build a beautiful, custom design. Don’t worry — we’ve got you covered with this collection of the best Keynote templates!

With these templates, you don’t have to spend hours designing presentation slides. You can simply edit the slides that have already been crafted by professional designers, customize charts, change colors, and voila! You have your own beautiful, unique Keynote presentation.

We picked out a few of the most professional-looking Keynote templates that’ll work perfectly for your next presentation (and we’ve also collected some tips for using Keynote templates to help you as well!). And if you’re not sure whether to use Keynote or Powerpoint, we also have a quick look at 3 reasons to choose Keynote over PowerPoint .

60+ Modern, Premium Keynote Templates

22 Feb 2024

60+ modern, premium keynote templates.

Having a modern, premium Keynote template is a key starting point to a successful presentation. We have gathered a set of amazing Keynote templates that you can use for your next presentation, to give a modern and professional look-and-feel.

These templates range from business-centric themes to fashion design, creative presentations, and many others. All of these templates are affordably priced, and super-simple to install. We’ve also included a few similar Powerpoint templates if you don’t have a copy of Keynote, so you aren’t left out!

Keynote is a presentation tool for Mac (and iOS) that you can use to create beautiful presentations wherever you go, on whatever device you’re using. It’s highly useful, dynamic, and practical. Keynote is easy for producing and professional presentations that set you apart from the usual Powerpoint crowd!

Need a hand getting started? Have a read of our tips for creating a modern Keynote presentation .

70+ Best Animated Keynote Templates With Stylish Transitions

14 Feb 2024

70+ best animated keynote templates with stylish transitions.

A great way to make your Keynote slideshow more attractive is to use animation effects. With just a few entrance animations or transition effects, you can instantly make your presentation look more professional.

However, it takes a lot of configuring and testing to figure out the right animations for each and every slide in your presentation. If you’re in a rush to finish up a presentation, there won’t be any time to play around with animation effects and transitions.

We found a solution to this problem in animated Keynote templates. We handpicked some professional and creative Keynote templates for this collection that also comes fully equipped with predefined animations and transition effects. All you have to do is download the template and start customizing it.

We’re also sharing some helpful tips for choosing slide transitions .

60+ Keynote Business Slide Templates 2024

60+ Keynote Business Slide Templates 2024

What’s the most important part of a business presentation? The way you dress? Your speech? Or is it your body language? It’s actually none of the above!

Your presentation slides are the most important part of a business presentation. Why? Because your clients will be staring at the slides at all times and you’ll be using those slides to visualize your speech. That’s why you should pay close attention when designing the slides for your presentations.

To help you get started with your Keynote slide designs, we handpicked the best Keynote slides templates you can use for your business and corporate presentation needs. Design your presentation right, follow our tips on how to give a Keynote presentation with impact , and you’ll capture and keep the attention of everyone in the room!

What Is A Keynote Template?

keynote template

A Keynote template is a collection of slides – complete with a font and color palette – that you can use to create a presentation. The template saves you hours of time because you don’t have to spend hours designing custom slides.

Templates are fully customizable so that you can create and change anything in the design to fit your content or brand standards. Swap colors, fonts, content types and more so that the design looks custom but takes a lot less time to create.

5 Reasons to Use A Keynote Template

keynote template

Even though you can create presentations in Keynote from scratch, starting with a template is the preferred method. Here’s why:

  • Jumpstart presentation designs with a template to create a consistent presentation.
  • It’s easier to learn Keynote – especially for those switching from PowerPoint – if you have a presentation framework that’s put together properly. A template can be just the way to learn the software quickly.
  • Templates help you create beautiful presentations, even if you don’t have a lot of time or design experience.
  • Match a template to the type of presentation you are giving for tools and slide designs that will mesh with content.
  • Templates come with many integrations built into the design so that your presentation can include images, sounds, video or other file types.

Free vs. Premium Keynote Templates: Pros + Cons

keynote template

When it comes to finding Keynote templates, you have two options: free and premium. The big differences are price and functionality.

Free Keynote templates are a no-cost option, but don’t always include the same number of features or customization options as premium themes.

Premium templates (we’ve collected the best Keynote templates previously) often come with extra transition options or animations, more color palettes or skins to choose from and many more slide choices to work with. Most free templates only include a handful of slides and a palette to get you started.

Which option is best for you depends on how you will use the presentation deck. Is it for one-time use? Or will it be the base for a design that gets used over and over? Will multiple people work with the Keynote template?

If you are planning to use the template repeatedly and for multiple uses or users, then a premium theme is probably your best option. The good news is that they are quite affordable. Many premium Keynote templates are $30 or less.

Further Keynote Template Reading

90+ Best Free Keynote Templates 2024

31 Jan 2024

90+ best free keynote templates 2024.

Today we’re bringing you a collection of the best free Keynote templates for making all kinds of presentation slideshows, including business, creative, agency, and startup pitch decks.

Keynote is a great tool for making effective presentations. But, let’s face it, when it comes to the default templates included, your options are limited. Luckily you can still download and use Keynote templates made by other designers. For this collection, we handpicked some of the best free Keynote templates just for you.

Sure, these templates might not have the polish of premium Keynote templates you can spend a few dollars on. But, for the very low price of free, these will give you more than enough to design a stand-out slideshow.

10 Presentation Design Mistakes to Avoid (With Examples)

27 Jun 2023

10 presentation design mistakes to avoid (with examples).

One of the most important aspects of a successful presentation is designing an effective slideshow. Unfortunately, it’s also a part most professionals often neglect or don’t pay attention to.

This is why most of the bad presentation designs share a pattern. They are usually made using the default PowerPoint templates. They use the same default fonts as every other presentation. They also include terrible stock photos. And try to stuff as much information as possible into a single slide.

We noticed all these mistakes and more while exploring some of the most popular presentations on SlideShare. They were slideshows with thousands and even millions of views. But, they were riddled with mistakes and flaws.

In this guide, we show you how these mistakes can be harmful as well as give you tips on how to avoid them. Of course, we made sure to include some examples as well.

What Is Keynote on iPhone? 5 Useful Tips

16 Jun 2023

What is keynote on iphone 5 useful tips.

Apple’s Keynote is a game changer for presentations, turning a traditionally mundane task into a creative and engaging process. Now, imagine having all that power right in the palm of your hand. Yes, we’re talking about Keynote on iPhone!

Gone are the days when you need to lug around your laptop to work on your presentations. With Keynote on iPhone, you can create, edit, and present your slides on the go. Whether you’re commuting, waiting for a meeting, or simply away from your desk, your presentation is just a tap away.

And guess what? You don’t need to be a tech wizard to use Keynote on iPhone. It’s user-friendly and intuitive, designed to make mobile presentation-making a breeze. Let’s take a look at some useful tips to get the most out of Keynote on your iPhone.

How to Crop an Image in Keynote

15 Jun 2023

How to crop an image in keynote.

Want to step up your Keynote presentation game with some tailored imagery? Cropping images directly in Keynote is an excellent way to focus on the important parts of a picture and keep your audience’s attention exactly where you want it. If you’re unsure about how to go about this, you’re in the right place!

Whether you’re a Keynote newcomer or a seasoned pro, this guide will ensure you master the art of cropping images within your presentations. We’ll break down the process into simple, easy-to-follow steps.

Are you ready to polish your Keynote presentations with precision-cropped images? Let’s delve into the world of image editing within Keynote together, and by the end, your presentations will have a whole new level of professionalism and appeal!

How to Convert Keynote to Google Slides

14 Jun 2023

How to convert keynote to google slides.

Ready to switch from Apple’s Keynote to Google Slides but unsure how to take your presentations along with you? You’re in the right place! Converting Keynote presentations to Google Slides is a process that, while not immediately intuitive, is simple once you know the steps.

Whether you’re just starting with Google Slides or are an experienced user transitioning from Keynote, this guide has you covered. We’ll walk you through the process of conversion in easy-to-follow steps, ensuring your presentations make the journey intact.

So, are you ready to embark on this migration mission? Let’s dive in and discover how to convert Keynote presentations to Google Slides together, ensuring your work remains vibrant and accessible, no matter the platform!

25+ Keynote Roadmap & Timeline Templates 2024

15 May 2023

25+ keynote roadmap & timeline templates 2024.

It’s often said that life comes down to a few key moments. Turning points, milestones, forks in the road—whatever you call them, they’re the pivotal points on a timeline.

It’s even easier to create a timeline when you use Keynote timeline templates. These pre-built slide layouts already have illustrations with timelines in every style imaginable.

In this article, we’re going to learn how to use Keynote timeline templates to create an engaging graphic. You’ll see the best Keynote timeline, and roadmap templates that you can use in your upcoming presentation to weave together a sequential story.

60+ Best Minimal & Creative Keynote Templates

27 Apr 2023

60+ best minimal & creative keynote templates.

If you’re in the process of creating a Keynote slideshow presentation for your next business meeting, we have a solution that will help you craft minimal, creative slides with beautiful designs.

There’s no need to spend hours perfecting the design of your slides or hire freelance designers. You can simply use Keynote templates designed by professionals to create the perfect slideshow presentation in a few minutes.

Minimalism is the key to capturing an audience and showing off professionalism. In this collection, we handpicked a set of creative and minimalist Keynote presentation templates for creating slideshows for business meetings, project proposals, pitch decks, and much more.

Plus, we’re also answering the most common Keynote template FAQs to help you get your presentation off to the best possible start.

What Is Apple Keynote? (And 5 Tips for Getting Started)

29 Mar 2023

What is apple keynote (and 5 tips for getting started).

Mac and iPad/iPhone users have probably seen the little blue presentation icon on the devices. But have you ever really used it? This icon is for Apple Keynote, a presentation tool that comes standard on all iOS devices.

Keynote is native to Mac, so you won’t find it on PC devices. It’s a tool that people tend to love once they make the switch from another type of presentation software. It’s focused on design, a polished presentation, and creating a really solid experience as you design your slides.

Today, we’re going to look at Apple Keynote—what it is and, and how to get started with this robust presentation tool.

20+ Keynote Pitch Deck Templates (Business Plan Pitches)

30 Sep 2022

20+ keynote pitch deck templates (business plan pitches).

When you’re pitching your great business idea, you’ll often be faced with tough competition. You’ve got to tell the growth story of your company so that you add investors and employees to your company. A Keynote pitch deck can help convey your message.

Pitch decks introduce your business plan to potential investors. Keynote pitch deck templates are the best way for you to succeed. Polish leads to a successful pitch presentation. That’s why it’s critical to stand out with an amazing pitch deck presentation.

Check out these fantastic, and professionally designed Keynote templates that have been specifically built for a business presentation or investor pitch and are ready to download and customize at the click of a button.

Keynote vs PowerPoint: Which Presentation App to Choose?

10 Nov 2021

Keynote vs powerpoint: which presentation app to choose.

It’s presentation time! Whether you are creating a template for your boss or prepping slides for a talk, using the right software can make the job a lot easier. We’re pitting Keynote vs. PowerPoint against one another to lay out the pros and cons of each.

For Mac users, there are two pretty obvious choices – Keynote and PowerPoint. But which do you choose? Should you always stick with one, or use different apps for different presentations?

Each has its own set of benefits and costs, and they’re both great for different uses. Hopefully, we’ll be able to help you make the right choice.

How to Convert Keynote to PowerPoint

23 Aug 2019

How to convert keynote to powerpoint.

Apple Keynote is one of the most popular apps professionals use to create presentation slideshows. Although, there may come a time when you’ll want to edit a Keynote slideshow in PowerPoint because not everyone has access to the same app.

For example, you may run into problems when you’re collaborating on a team presentation or want to share your slideshow with someone else who’s using a Windows device because the Keynote app is exclusive to Apple devices. Thankfully, the Keynote app has a built-in solution to this problem. In such cases, you can convert your Keynote file to PowerPoint format quite easily.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to export a Keynote presentation to PowerPoint format, step by step.

How to Embed a YouTube Video in Keynote

21 Aug 2019

How to embed a youtube video in keynote.

If you’ve ever wanted to embed a YouTube video in Keynote to create a more engaging slideshow for in-person or recorded presentations, don’t worry. It’s not complicated at all.

We’re going to take you through how to embed a YouTube video in Keynote step-by-step, and share a few tips for how to use video to supercharge your presentations.

You don’t need any special software, and you’ll be all set with a video-packed presentation in minutes!

30+ Best Keynote Templates of 2016

20 Dec 2016

30+ best keynote templates of 2016.

Preparing for a last minute presentation? Don’t know how to design beautiful slides with Keynote? We’ve got you covered!

Whether you’re trying to put together a slideshow for an unexpected presentation or simply can’t afford to hire a someone to design your slides, we have a solution that’ll save you hours of your time and money: Keynote templates!

The key to winning over the audience and your clients with your presentations is making your slides clear, precise, and visually appealing.

These Keynote templates, designed by professionals, will help you to easily wow your audience.

5 Tips and Tools for Designing a Stand-Out Presentation

20 Feb 2013

5 tips and tools for designing a stand-out presentation.

Most people who need to create an exciting presentation are not design experts. Fortunately, there are a number of really neat tools and websites that can assist you in creating a captivating, professional look for your slides.

In this article, we’re going to take a look at five such tools. While I can’t promise that these tools alone will turn you into a design professional, they will certainly point you in the right direction.

10 Tips for Designing Presentations That Don’t Suck: Part 2

10 Tips for Designing Presentations That Don’t Suck: Part 2

Last week we looked at part one of our two part series on designing better presentations. We learned practical tips on using photography, typography, color and more to create stunning results.

Today we’ll wrap things up with tips six through ten and teach you how simplifying your designs can lead to drastically improved results. Let’s get started!

10 Tips for Designing Presentations That Don’t Suck

10 Tips for Designing Presentations That Don’t Suck

PowerPoint has produced more bad design in its day that perhaps any other digital tool in history with the possible exception of Microsoft paint.

In this post we’re going to address the epidemic of bad presentation design with ten super practical tips for designer better looking and more professional presentations. Along the way we’ll see a number of awesome slide designs from Note & Point along with some custom examples built by yours truly. Let’s get started!

DSC Doctoral Research Conference keynote

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Joint regenerative futures keynote presentation by Dr Nina Terrey and Dr Melis Senova to launch the inaugural College of Design and Social Context Doctoral Research Conference.

Dr Nina Terrey and Dr Melis Senova present a joint keynote presentation to launch the inaugural DSC Doctoral Research Conference , exploring the theme of regenerative futures. 

Bathtubs, babies, and barnacles – what have they got to do with the future of design?

This talk will address the opportunities for designers to be more systemic, systematic, and regenerative. Drawing from firsthand observations over the last twenty years of the strategic design industry, this talk will explore the changing requirements for designers and why the role is more important than ever. A core provocation is the emerging regenerative literacy designers need to create a positive and lasting impact on the world. The trajectory of regenerative systems is essential for planetary healing and health.

The way out, is in: the role of inner development in designing regenerative futures

Through exploring the role of 'design character' in design and leadership, this discussion will consider how the inner world of designers directly influences the outer world they create. Regenerative design requires designers and leaders to be potent and ethical practitioners, whose work has long lasting, systemic impact. To instigate this level of change we must focus on developing our character to meet the unique opportunities and challenges this work presents.

Dr Nina Terrey co-founded ThinkPlace, a global innovation and design company. Nina has dedicated her career to fostering sustainable changes in systems and initiatives delivering public good. Nina has carved a niche in co-designing complex systems change addressing pressing environmental and social challenges. Nina has worked with governments, foundations, industry leaders, community groups, and organizations worldwide across diverse problem spaces such as energy transition to net zero, circular economy, gender equality, and strengthening institutions and democratic systems. Beyond her consultancy and advisory roles, Dr. Terrey contributes to the broader discourse on sustainability, regenerative futures, and design thinking through academic teaching, speaking engagements, workshops, and published works. Nina holds a PhD in Design and is on her own regenerative journey, currently studying for a Master's in Sustainability at Harvard Extension School.

Dr Melis Senova is an entrepreneur, author, executive advisor and recognised industry leader in systemic design and human-centred leadership with 15 years consulting experience, and 23 years in design-led practice. Co-founder of the strategic design firm Huddle, author of This Human (2017) and Design Character (2023), Melis' current focus is on establishing her latest venture, this human, a social enterprise focussed on personal development for the creators and leaders committed to a regenerative future.

Please join us for a networking reception following the presentation.

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The sun will rise for you by Ji Li


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RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business.

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  1. 50+ Best Keynote Templates of 2020

    designing keynote presentation

  2. 45 Best Keynote Templates to Customize & Download

    designing keynote presentation

  3. 40 Modern Keynote Templates to Create Beautiful Presentation Designs 2020

    designing keynote presentation

  4. 25+ Best Keynote Presentation Templates (+ Stunning Slide Design for

    designing keynote presentation

  5. Design Custom Keynote Presentations With Canva

    designing keynote presentation

  6. 20 Best Keynote Template Designs (For 2023 Presentations)

    designing keynote presentation


  1. ENCORE Keynote: Designing a Business that Endures

  2. Lessons from the Global South on Designing Inclusive Tech: Keynote address with Payal Arora

  3. Retail Resurgence: Designing a Rightsized and Resilient Branch Network

  4. How to change the slide size in Keynote on an iPhone

  5. #004 Animated Keynote Slide Design Tutorial 2019 Principle Same as PowerPoint

  6. Keynote tips: Creating a drag and drop page in Keynote (iPad tutorial 2020)


  1. How To Create An Engaging Keynote Presentation (2021 Guide)

    2. Your Goal as the Presenter. This may be a combination of professional goals and personal goals, and it's unique to every individual speaker.For instance, you may be speaking to promote a product, to establish your company as an industry leader, or to build your own status as a thought leader in the marketplace. 3.

  2. How to Create a Keynote Presentation Template Design

    Step 4: Duplicate Your Master Slide. Another way to easily scale your presentation is to duplicate your master slides and give additional color options. As an example, let's create a different color photography master slide. First, right-click on the master slide you just designed in the slide list over to your left.

  3. 15 best keynote presentations

    In this presentation, the text is always offset with a visual aid. The simplicity and consistency of the slides and style of images unite the whole presentation. If you have a presentation meant mainly to re-iterate your speaking points, this is the keynote design to go for.

  4. How to Make Amazing Keynote Presentations With Modern Template Designs

    2. Colington Creative Keynote Template. Colington is one of those Keynote designs that follows the popularity of minimalism. That means that you can use it to make an awesome Keynote presentation that's on-trend. With the help of the lightweight and airy slide designs, your audience will easily follow the content.

  5. Make a Great Presentation in Keynote With Template Designs

    Learn to use a Keynote presentation template to build your own supporting slides. You'll choose a starting template, then customize it to match the Keynote design that you've got in mind. To build your Keynote presentation, start with a template like BePro from Envato Elements to save hours of time. Keynote presentation templates save time.

  6. Free and customizable keynote presentation templates

    These are just a few keynote presentation ideas to consider. When coming up with your slides, the important thing is to find a design that encapsulates your keynote's main idea. Make sure to ultimately customize and download a keynote presentation that embodies your theme. Customizing is a breeze using our beginner-friendly design dashboard.

  7. 10 Expert Tips to Create and Deliver a Killer Keynote Presentation

    1. Do your slides last. While most keynote speakers will typically build their presentation around the structure of a template, Weyenberg says that "building your slides should be the tail end of developing your presentation.". Before working on your slides, you should put together your main message, structure, supporting points - then ...

  8. Pro Speakers on How to Give a Perfect Keynote Presentation

    I spoke with four professional speakers on how to deliver a near-perfect presentation. Here are five pieces of advice they shared. 1. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse. When it comes to public speaking, practice quite literally makes perfect. Every expert I spoke with mentioned how frequently they rehearse their presentations.

  9. Create a presentation in Keynote on Mac

    Choose Keynote > Settings (from the Keynote menu at the top of your screen). Click General at the top of the window, then select "Use theme" in the For New Presentations controls. The name that appears after "Use theme" is the currently selected theme. Click the Change Theme button, select a theme, then click Choose.

  10. Getting Started With Keynote: How To Create Your First Keynote

    Click on Keynote and you'll be able to see all the Keynote files you've made on other iCloud-linked devices. If you want to create a new file, click on Create Presentation. Just like in the desktop version of Keynote, you'll see the Theme Chooser menu on your screen: Click on the theme you want to use.

  11. 100+ Best Keynote Templates of 2024

    Blitz is a sleek Keynote template that combines professional design with a creative touch. This set includes over 20 unique, meticulously detailed slides that are easily editable. With its wide-screen ratio, focus on typography and usability, as well as free web fonts, it is adaptable to any presentation type.

  12. Free Online Keynote Maker

    Professional Keynote Maker for Stunning Keynote Presentations. Create Your Presentation It's free and easy to use. Online presentation maker with 900+ slide layouts, templates, themes and more. Millions of high-quality images, cut-outs and mockups to choose from. Thousands of customizable icons, shapes, illustrations and more.

  13. Beginner's Guide to Apple Keynote

    Learn the basics of using Apple's great presentation software, Keynote! Apple Keynote empowers you to create stunning presentations with dramatic transition...

  14. 90+ Best Free Keynote Templates 2024

    Taya - Free Keynote Presentation Template. Taya is a creative and minimal Keynote template you can use to design slideshows for modern businesses, agencies, and brands. The template is fully customizable and features a clean layout with image placeholders. It's available in PowerPoint version as well.

  15. Create a presentation in Keynote on iPad

    To play the presentation, tap , then tap a slide to go to the next slide. To end the presentation, pinch closed anywhere on the screen. For more ways to show a presentation, see Play a presentation on your iPhone or iPad. To close the presentation, tap in the top-left corner of the screen. Closing the presentation doesn't quit Keynote.

  16. 18 Keynote Tips to Deliver an Outstanding Presentation

    15. Change Fonts in the Entire Presentation. While drafting a Keynote presentation, I always struggle with picking the perfect font. If you also encounter the same issue, then this would be one of the best Apple Keynote design tips for you. The application lets you pick a font and implement it in the entire presentation with a single click.

  17. 70+ Best Animated Keynote Templates With Stylish Transitions

    Simpleco is a creative Keynote template made for designing presentations for business and marketing purposes. It includes useful charts, pricing tables, projections slides, and more for creating effective presentations. The template features 93 unique slides filled with animations and in 2 different color themes.

  18. Design Custom Keynote Presentations With Canva

    Start Designing a Keynote Presentation. Easy to create and customize. Beautifully designed templates. Millions of photos, icons and illustrations. Easily download or share. Throw out your boring slides and create a sizzling keynote presentation with Canva! Combine your speech with our design acumen, then take the stage with confidence and give ...

  19. Here's An Excellent Keynote Speech GUIDE: With 2 Great Examples

    1. Find out the theme for the day. For any first-timer, you will probably be given the theme for the day by the event organizer. But if you are an experienced speaker, I'm sure everyone will applaud anything you say. All the same, both scenarios still require you to plan and organize your thoughts for your speech.

  20. 51 Best Presentation Slides for Engaging Presentations (2024)

    Use clear and legible fonts, and maintain a consistent design throughout the presentation. 2. Visual appeal: Incorporate visually appealing elements such as relevant images, charts, graphs, or diagrams. Use high-quality visuals that enhance understanding and make the content more engaging.

  21. 5 Steps to Preparing an Engaging Industry Presentation

    Here are a few tricks I've picked up along the way to wow any audience. 1. Getting comfortable with the stage. I recommend taking a walk around the stage before your presentation. By familiarizing ...

  22. 30 Best Free Keynote Presentation Templates Designs (for 2023)

    2. BePro Keynote Business Template. This beautiful Keynote presentation is functional and comes from a seasoned design professional. It's filled with design elements such as an infographic, charts, maps, mobile device mockups, and more. Few free Keynote templates can say that.

  23. Canva's 'Cringe' Hamilton-Like Hip-Hop Routine

    The routine took place last week on the stage at Canva Create, a conference hosted in Los Angeles by the company behind the design and editing app. In it, a singer is performing a hip-hop song and ...

  24. iPhone 16 Pro Max: Key New Upgrades Leaked In Latest Report

    Now, they all have one 48-megapixel sensor and either one or two with 12 megapixels. But a new report claims the iPhone 16 Pro Max will see a new main sensor and hugely upgraded Ultra Wide camera ...

  25. WWDC 2024 Guide: Date, time, how to watch and what to expect

    Apple will kick off WWDC24 with a keynote at 10am Pacific Time on June 10, and the event for developers continues through June 14. Here are the dates from the past few years: WWDC 2023: June 5-9 ...

  26. Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference to kick off June 10 with

    Apple Design Awards. The Apple Design Awards celebrate excellence in app and game design and highlight the craft, creativity, and technical expertise that developers bring to their work. Meet this year's finalists, who were unveiled today via the Apple Developer website and the Apple Developer app. This year's winners will be announced soon.

  27. Joseph F. Rice School of Law

    Sex-Defining Laws and Equal Protection 112 Cal. L. Rev. 259 (2024). This Article uses the pro-trans bathroom cases to illustrate what can go wrong when courts fail to examine the connection between the state's definition of sex and its proffered justifications for the law. Faculty scholarship, news, and impact published in May 2024.

  28. Keynote Templates

    A Keynote template is a collection of slides - complete with a font and color palette - that you can use to create a presentation. The template saves you hours of time because you don't have to spend hours designing custom slides. Templates are fully customizable so that you can create and change anything in the design to fit your content ...

  29. DSC Doctoral Research Conference keynote

    Dr Nina Terrey and Dr Melis Senova present a joint keynote presentation to launch the inaugural DSC Doctoral Research Conference, exploring the theme of regenerative futures. Bathtubs, babies, and barnacles - what have they got to do with the future of design?

  30. 35 Best Keynote Presentation Templates (Designs For Mac Users 2024)

    16:9 wide screen Keynote layouts. drag and drop image placeholder. 15. Exalio Plus - Multipurpose Keynote Template. Exalio is a multi-purpose Keynote presentation design. It's ready to use with Keynote themes for Mac. This business Keynote template has style. It's easy to customize on your Mac.