The Idea Door

The Idea Door

Always free helps and printables for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and anyone else who can use it.

Assignment Reminders

I have had several ask if I can put up a editable file of these stickers, the answer is yes and no, reason is, I could put it up but I use a software called Printmaster, most don’t have it or have even heard of it. So putting the editable file of the stickers up will not help, since you will not be able to open it.

This page hold all generic versions of “reminders” but every year I do also put of reminders based on the Primary Theme. Look for those in the Primary sections under this years theme. I always try to also include a direct link below too.

I do make them for every years theme, with the scipture etc on them, just checking out the main Primary Page and then click on this year and you will find them listed there.

  • Assignment Reminder Cards
  • Assignment Reminder Stickers
  • Assignment reminder Wrist bands
  • Primary Mail -offsite

Reminder Stickers

Here is the info on using stickers:

These are stickers which we handed out to the kids after they gave the prayer, talk or scripture during primary, we also have stickers for those who had a birthday (along with the small birthday gift for them) or for new children or visitors etc. I print them out on 2×4 shipping labels, which I buy at places like Staples or Office Max, Office Max has there own brand which makes them even cheaper, it is number #86111, and they come in 10 labels per sheets with 25 sheets, so you get 250 labels, for about $9.00, but you can buy more in bulk and pay cheaper!

These are in PDF format, ready to print on labels

NOTICE!! When printing a PDF file on to stickers, labels or CD labels: * When you click print what does the “Page Scaling” say?? I have been looking in to this a little more, people have told me that the are not fitting/printing right to the paper, you will need make sure that the “Page scaling” say “NONE”, I print in that, when I printed in “fit to printer margins” it was off!! So try this and it should print right!!

 Generic Reminder Stickers

[ddownload id=”13801″]

  211.13 KB   216.01 KB
  218.07 KB 212.73 KB

  Assignment Reminders – Postcard size

[ddownload id=”13803″]

  161.91 KB  197.16 KB
  85.26 KB   105.64 KB
  154.01 KB   120.76 KB

 Assignment Reminder Wrist Bands

Here is another idea for reminders on giving talks, pray and scriptures, you can run these off on colored paper, cut then up, then fill them out, then you can use tape or a stapler and put these on the child’s wrist.

[ddownload id=”13804″]

  440.79 KB
  22.54 MB
  123.46 KB

Information 06/25/2023

The time has come for me to be honest with myself,  that I just can't keep up with this site any more. I am working full time now and loving on my grandkids.  I will still be adding great quotes I find and things from General conference etc. Never fear, I am still here for you. If you need something please reach out to me, and I will See what I can do. You can reach me at [email protected]

Thanks for your understanding! Liz from the Idea Door

This will close in 30 seconds

The Idea Door

  • Missionary Work
  • Relief Society
  • Come Follow Me-Handouts
  • Ward Activities
  • Family Home Evening
  • General Conference
  • Family History Work and Genealogy
  • Self-Reliance (Food Storage / Preparedness)
  • Cub Scout Page
  • Printable Quotes from Church Leaders
  • Skits and Programs
  • Small gifts ideas
  • Stories, Poems, Talks & Quotes
  • Video Messages / Movies

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Getting clear on the new coding rules can help you eliminate bloated documentation and improve reimbursement to reflect the value of your visits.


Fam Pract Manag. 2022;29(1):26-31

Author disclosures: no relevant financial relationships.

primary assignment 2021

In 2021, significant changes were adopted for the documentation guidelines for outpatient evaluation and management (E/M) visit codes. Most notably, medical decision making or time became primary drivers of visit level selection, rather than the number of history and physical exam bullets.

In this article, we review the context for these changes, describe them briefly, and offer a quick reference tool to help physicians apply the new rules in practice.

The revisions to the E/M outpatient visit codes reduced administrative burden by eliminating bullet points for the history and physical exam elements.

Code level selection is now simplified — based on either medical decision making or total time.

The authors' one-page coding reference tool can help simplify the new rules.


In the 2019 Medicare physician fee schedule final rule, released in November 2018, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) adopted revisions to the outpatient E/M codes in order to reduce administrative burden. (See .) Originally scheduled for implementation in 2021, these changes would have combined visit levels 2–4 into a blended payment rate (e.g., one rate for 99202-99204 and one rate for 99212-99214), among other changes.

In response, the American Medical Association (AMA) convened a joint CPT Editorial Board and Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC) workgroup to build on the changes and propose some alternatives. The workgroup's goals were to decrease administrative burden, payer audits, and unnecessary medical record documentation while ensuring that payment of E/M services is resource-based.

The workgroup approved significant revisions to the outpatient office visit E/M codes. Code 99201 was deleted. The history and/or physical examination and the counting of bullets were eliminated as components for code selection (although history and/or physical examination documentation should still be performed as medically appropriate). Medical decision making (MDM) or time could be used for code level selection. Changes were made to the code descriptors for 99202-99205 and 99211-99215, the definition of medical decision making, and the calculation of time, and a shorter prolonged services add-on code was created. CMS adopted these new E/M coding guidelines. As a result of the changes to medical decision making and time-based coding, the RUC revised the 2021 relative value units (RVUs) for office visit E/M codes. Most of the values increased, yielding an overall increase of more than 10%.


For outpatient E/M coding, medical decision making now has three components:

Number and complexity of problems addressed at the encounter,

Amount and/or complexity of data to be reviewed and analyzed,

Risk of complications and/or morbidity or mortality of patient management.

There are four levels of decision making for each of these components: straightforward, low complexity, moderate complexity, and high complexity.

To determine the level of code for a visit, two of the three components must meet or exceed that level of coding. ( See the table .) For example, if the patient has multiple problems addressed at the encounter, but the data is limited and the risk of complications is low, then the level of medical decision making would be low. New patient codes 99202-99205 and established patient codes 99212-99215 use the same components and levels of decision making for code selection.

StraightforwardMinimalMinimal or noneMinimal

Determining medical decision making usually starts with identifying the number and complexity of problems addressed and then determining the data or risk components that support that medical decision making. If a second component does not meet or exceed the problem component, then a lower level of decision making is appropriate. The set of tables below illustrate the essential concepts of these code levels. Each level has specific criteria for each component.

Straightforward medical decision making: Codes 99202 and 99212 include one self-limited or minor problem with minimal or no data and minimal risk.

An example of a 99202 or 99212 is an otherwise healthy patient with cough and congestion due to the common cold.

Low complexity medical decision making: Codes 99203 and 99213 include two or more self-limited or minor problems, one stable chronic illness, or one acute uncomplicated illness or injury.

The data component requires one of two categories to establish the level. Category 1 data requires at least two items in any combination of the following: each unique source's prior external notes reviewed, each unique test result reviewed, or each unique test ordered. Tests include imaging, laboratory, psychometric, or physiologic data. A clinical lab panel, such as a complete blood count, is a single test. Of note, if a test is ordered, the review of that test is included with the ordering, even if the review is done at a subsequent visit. Tests ordered outside of an encounter may be counted in the encounter in which they are analyzed. Category 2 data includes significant history given by an independent historian. Parents giving the history for their child is a typical example.

The risk component is low. There is low risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment.

An example of a 99203 or 99213 is a sinus infection treated with an antibiotic. Although the prescription makes the risk component moderate, the one acute uncomplicated illness is a low-complexity problem, and there are no data points.

Moderate complexity medical decision making: Codes 99204 and 99214 include two or more stable chronic illnesses, one or more chronic illnesses with exacerbation, progression, or side effects of treatment, one undiagnosed new problem with uncertain prognosis, one acute illness with systemic symptoms, or one acute complicated injury. A patient who is not at a treatment goal, such as a patient with poorly controlled diabetes, is not stable. Systemic general symptoms such as fever or fatigue in a minor illness (e.g., a cold with fever) do not raise the complexity to moderate. More appropriate would be fever with pyelonephritis, pneumonitis, or colitis.

The data component requires one of three categories to establish the level. Category 1 data requires at least three items in any combination of the following: each unique source's prior external notes reviewed, each unique test result reviewed, each unique test ordered, or independent historian involvement. Physicians cannot count tests that they or someone of the same specialty and same group practice are interpreting and reporting separately (e.g., electrocardiogram, X-ray, or spirometry). Category 2 data includes the independent interpretation of a test performed by another physician/other qualified health care professional (QHP) (not separately reported). For instance, if a chest X-ray was ordered and the ordering clinician included the interpretation in the visit documentation, this would qualify for data point Category 2. However, if the ordering clinician bills separately for the interpretation of the X-ray, then that cannot be used as an element in this category and would be an element for Category 1. Category 3 data includes discussion of management or test interpretation with an external physician/QHP (not separately reported).

The risk component may include prescription drug management, a decision for minor surgery with patient or procedure risk factors, a decision for elective major surgery without patient or procedure risk factors, or social determinants of health (SDOH) that significantly limit diagnostic or treatment options, such as food or housing insecurity. For prescription drug management, renewing pre-existing chronic medications would qualify. Documentation that the physician is managing the patient for the condition for which the medications are being prescribed would help establish validity in the use of this criterion for MDM.

An example of a 99204 or 99214 is a patient being seen for follow-up of hypertension and diabetes, which are well-controlled. An example using SDOH would be a patient with chronic knee pain and a positive anterior drawer test who needs imaging of the knee but cannot afford this care. Documenting that the patient cannot afford to obtain an MRI of the knee at this time, which significantly limits your ability to confirm the diagnosis and recommend treatment, adds to the risk component.

High complexity medical decision making: Codes 99205 and 99215 include one or more chronic illnesses with a severe exacerbation, progression, or side effects of treatment, or one acute or chronic illness or injury that poses a threat to life or bodily function.

The data component requires two of three categories to establish the level. These data categories are the same as those for 99204 and 99214, and they follow the same rules.

The risk component may include drug therapy requiring intensive monitoring for toxicity. Decisions regarding elective major surgery with patient or procedure risk, emergency major surgery, hospitalization, or “do not resuscitate” orders are also high risk. Intensive prescription drug monitoring is typically supported by a laboratory test, physiologic test, or imaging, and is done to evaluate for complications of the treatment. It may be short-term or long-term. Long-term monitoring is at least quarterly. An example would be monitoring for cytopenia during antineoplastic therapy. Monitoring the therapeutic effect of a treatment, such as glucose monitoring during insulin therapy, is not considered intensive prescription drug monitoring.

An example of a 99205 or 99215 is a patient with severe exacerbation of chronic heart failure who is admitted to the hospital.


Minimal or noneMinimal risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment
99205 + G221289–10399215 + G221269–83
99205 + G2212 X 2104–11899215 + G2212 X 284–98
99205 + G2212 X 3 or more for each 15 minutes119 or more99215 + G2212 X 3 or more for each 15 minutes99 or more
99205 + 9941775–8999215 + 9941755–69
99205 + 99417 X 290–10499215 + 99417 X 270–84
99205 + 99417 X 3 or more for each additional 15 minutes105 or more99215 + 99417 X 3 or more for each additional 15 minutes85 or more


An alternative method to determine the appropriate visit level is time-based coding. A major change is that total time now includes both face-to-face and non-face-to-face services personally performed by the physician/QHP on the day of the visit. Additionally, time-based coding is no longer restricted to counseling services. Instead, it includes the following:

Preparing to see the patient (e.g., reviewing external test results),

Obtaining and/or reviewing separately obtained history,

Performing a medically appropriate examination and/or evaluation,

Counseling and educating the patient, family, or caregiver,

Ordering medications, tests, or procedures,

Referring and communicating with other health care professionals (when not separately reported),

Documenting clinical information in the electronic or other health record,

Independently interpreting results (not separately reported with a CPT code) and communicating results to the patient, family, or caregiver.

Care coordination (not separately reported with a CPT code).

Time spent by clinical staff cannot count toward total time. However, time spent by another physician/QHP (not a resident physician) in the same group can be included. If a nurse practitioner performs the initial intake and the physician provides the assessment and plan, both of those times can be counted, although only one person's time can be counted while they are discussing the case with each other. The visit should be billed under the clinician who provided the substantive portion (more than half) of the time, although both clinicians need to be identified in the medical record. Time spent must be documented in the note. It is advisable to specifically document the time spent and the activities performed both face-to-face and non-face-to-face.

The amount of total time required for each level of coding changed under the new time-based coding guidelines. (See the “Total time ” table.)


When time on the date of service extends beyond the times for codes 99205 or 99215, prolonged visit codes can be used. The AMA CPT committee developed code 99417 for prolonged visits, and Medicare developed code G2212. These are added in 15-minute increments in addition to codes 99205 or 99215. Code G2212 can be added once the maximum time for 99205 or 99215 has been surpassed by a full 15 minutes, whereas code 99417 can be added once the minimum time for 99205 or 99215 has been surpassed by a full 15 minutes. Less than 15 minutes is not reportable. Multiple units can be reported. Prolonged visit codes cannot be used with the shorter E/M levels, i.e., 99202-99204 and 99212-99214. (See “Prolonged services ” tables.) Clinicians should consult with individual payers to determine which code to use — G2212 or 99417.


The revisions to the outpatient E/M visit codes reduced administrative burden by eliminating bullet points for the history and physical exam elements. Only medically appropriate documentation is required. Code level selection is simplified — based on either medical decision making or total time. By applying these changes, primary care clinicians can eliminate bloated documentation and improve reimbursement reflecting the value of the visit.

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primary assignment 2021

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“12. Primary,” General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (2024).

“12. Primary,” General Handbook .

Purpose and Organization

The Primary organization helps God’s children prepare to return to His presence. As they embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they will “be steadfast and immovable, always abounding in good works” ( Mosiah 5:15 ).

Primary helps children:

Feel their Heavenly Father’s love and learn about His plan of happiness.

Learn about Jesus Christ and His role in Heavenly Father’s plan.

Learn and live the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Feel, recognize, and act on the influence of the Holy Ghost.

Prepare for, make, and keep sacred covenants.

Participate in God’s work of salvation and exaltation.

Primary Theme

The Primary theme is a reminder of the blessings of serving in Primary:

“All thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children” ( Isaiah 54:13 ; 3 Nephi 22:13 ).

Nursery helps children 18 months to 3 years feel Heavenly Father’s love and learn about His plan of happiness.

Nursery leaders love, teach, and minister to the children. They also ensure their safety and well-being.

At least two people should be called for each nursery class. If the nursery leaders are not husband and wife, they should be the same gender.

Nursery lasts the entire time scheduled for Primary. For more information, see 12.1.4 and 12.3.5 .

Image icon, guidelines for adaptation Classes

Primary classes help children feel Heavenly Father’s love and learn about His plan of happiness. Lessons follow the Come, Follow Me curriculum. On fifth Sundays, teachers are encouraged to use “ Preparing Children for a Lifetime on God’s Covenant Path .”

Primary classes are organized by age and the number of teachers available. Units with fewer children or teachers may combine two or more age-groups into one class. In larger units, Primary leaders may form more than one class for an age-group and more than one nursery.

When there are enough children, they are divided into classes based on their age on December 31 of the previous year, as shown on the following chart:

Age on December 31 of the Previous Year

Class on January 1


Nursery (children join nursery at 18 months)












Valiant 8


Valiant 9


Valiant 10

Children generally advance from Primary into Young Women or the deacons quorum in January of the year they turn 12. They may receive a certificate of advancement . These certificates may be generated in Leader and Clerk Resources.

In some circumstances, an 11-year-old may not be ready to leave Primary. The bishop, parents, and child counsel together about the timing.

Children may not complete Primary before January of the year they turn 12. Nor may young men be ordained deacons before that time.

Singing Time

Singing time helps children feel Heavenly Father’s love and learn about His plan of happiness. As children sing about gospel principles, the Holy Ghost testifies of their truthfulness. The words and music will stay in the children’s minds and hearts throughout their lives.

Singing time is different from class time. During singing time, children learn as they actively engage in singing. Primary music leaders teach gospel principles, but they do so primarily through music.

The Primary presidency and music leader select songs for each month to reinforce gospel principles the children are learning in their classes and at home. Songs that reinforce these principles are also suggested in Come, Follow Me .

For more information, see “ Instructions for Singing Time and the Children’s Sacrament Meeting Presentation .” See also 12.1.6 and 12.3.4 in this handbook.

Children’s Sacrament Meeting Presentation

The annual children’s sacrament meeting presentation is held during the last few months of the year. The children present what they have learned at home and at church during the year. They help the congregation focus on Heavenly Father, the Savior, and Their teachings.

The Primary presidency and music leader prayerfully plan the presentation. The bishopric gives direction. Children may sing, give talks, and share stories, scriptures, or testimonies.

Because of the sacredness of sacrament meeting, the presentation should not include visuals, costumes, or media presentations.

For more information, see “ Instructions for Singing Time and the Children’s Sacrament Meeting Presentation ” in Come, Follow Me .

Temple and Priesthood Preparation Meeting

Parents have the primary responsibility to teach their children about the temple and the priesthood. To support them, the Primary presidency plans a Temple and Priesthood Preparation meeting each year. The bishopric gives direction. The meeting is for children in the Valiant 10 class. Parents are invited. This meeting has the following purposes:

Help children understand priesthood purposes, responsibilities, and blessings.

Help children participate in temple and family history work and prepare to make and keep sacred covenants.

Help boys prepare to receive the Aaronic Priesthood.

Help children prepare to receive a temple recommend.

The meeting may be held during Primary on Sunday, at another time on Sunday, or at a different time. A member of the bishopric conducts. At least one member of the Primary presidency attends.

For more information, see Temple and Priesthood Preparation on .

Participating in God’s Work of Salvation and Exaltation

God invites all to come unto Christ and assist in His work by:

Living the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Caring for those in need.

Inviting all to receive the gospel.

Uniting families for eternity.

Primary helps children, families, leaders, and teachers participate in this work. For more information about God’s work of salvation and exaltation, study chapter 1 .

Living the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Roles of parents and leaders.

Parents are responsible to teach their children the gospel and help them live it (see Doctrine and Covenants 68:25–28 ). Primary leaders and teachers support parents in this responsibility as follows:

Ensure that Primary lessons, singing time, and service and activities help children follow the example of the Savior.

Help children prepare for baptism and confirmation.

Help boys prepare for priesthood ordination.

Help children prepare to receive a temple recommend and temple ordinances.

Teach children about the blessings of sharing the gospel, including full-time missionary service.

Leaders should be sensitive to children who lack family support for gospel living.

Parents and leaders strive to be good examples to children. They encourage children in their efforts to become more like Jesus Christ. The Children and Youth program is a resource to help children ages 8–11 (see ).

Gospel Learning

Primary leaders and teachers encourage children and their families to learn the gospel at home. These leaders and teachers study the gospel and share with the children what they learn. They invite children to share at church what they are learning at home.

Sunday Primary meetings help children fulfill the purposes of Primary (see 12.1.1 ). A member of the Primary presidency conducts the opening. The music leader conducts singing time. Primary teachers teach children during classes.

Primary meetings for children ages 3–11 are held every Sunday for 50 minutes while adults and youth attend their classes. The schedule is as follows:

Part of Meeting


Opening (prayer, scripture or Article of Faith, and talk—all given by children)

5 minutes

Singing time

20 minutes

Transition to classes

5 minutes

Classes and closing prayer

20 minutes

Nursery for children ages 18 months to 3 years lasts 50 minutes. Behold Your Little Ones provides a suggested schedule. Children may start attending nursery when they are 18 months old.

Service and Activities

Beginning in January of the year they turn 8, children may begin attending Primary activities. For general activity guidelines, see chapter 20 .

Primary activity leaders plan service and activities that help children participate in God’s work of salvation and exaltation. Service and activities should be fun and engaging. They build testimonies, strengthen families, and foster personal growth.

Primary activities are held at times other than Sundays or Monday evenings. Adult leaders help ensure that activities are safe (see ; see also 20.7 in this handbook). At least two responsible adult leaders should be present at all activities (see 12.5.1 ).

Primary activities are held two times a month when possible. They can be held more or less frequently. Leaders consider family circumstances, travel distance and costs, and safety.

Generally, children are organized by age-groups. Boys and girls normally meet separately. However, they may combine for certain activities or in locations with few children.

Leaders may choose to plan and hold annual day camps for Primary children ages 8–11. Primary activities, including day camps, do not include overnight stays.

All supplies and activities, including day camps, are paid for by the ward budget. Travel and expenses should not be excessive.

The bishopric ensures that the budget and activities for boys and girls in Primary are sufficient and equitable. Budget is allocated according to the number of children.

For more information, see . See also , where it is available. These resources provide service and activity ideas.

Personal Development

In their efforts to become more like the Savior, children—beginning in the year they turn 8—are invited to set goals to grow spiritually, socially, physically, and intellectually (see Luke 2:52 ). With help from parents, children seek inspiration to discover what to work on. They make plans, act on their plans, and reflect on what they learn. Leaders offer support as needed. However, they should not track the children’s goals or progress.

Beginning in the year they turn 8, children are encouraged to complete at least one goal in each of the four areas each year. They can use Personal Development: Children’s Guidebook to set and record goals.

For more information, see .

Caring for Those in Need

Children should have regular opportunities to serve others in and with their families and during Primary activities. Ideas for service can be found at . Where it is available, suggests opportunities for service in the community.

Inviting All to Receive the Gospel

Children can invite all to receive the gospel in many ways. Some of these ways are listed below:

Set a good example as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Share their testimonies with friends and family members.

Minister to less-active class members.

Invite friends to attend church, activities, or baptisms or to be taught by the missionaries.

Invite friends to participate in the Children and Youth program. Leaders work closely with parents of these children to help them understand the program and determine how they and their children would like to be involved.

Invite friends and family members to attend the annual children’s sacrament meeting presentation.

Uniting Families for Eternity

Children can help unite families for eternity in many ways. Some of these ways are listed below:

Honor their parents and set an example of Christlike living in their home.

Prepare to have their own eternal family.

Strive to be worthy to receive a temple recommend at the appropriate age.

Prepare to receive ordinances, including eternal marriage.

Learn about their extended families and ancestors (see My Family: Stories That Bring Us Together ).

Identify ancestors who need temple ordinances (see ).

Prepare to participate in baptisms and confirmations for the dead.

Participate in indexing with a family member (see ).

Ward Primary Leadership

The bishop’s foremost responsibility is for the rising generation in his ward. The bishop or an assigned counselor meets regularly with the Primary president.

The bishop and his counselors respond promptly to recommendations from the Primary presidency for those to be called to serve in Primary. The bishopric works with the presidency to maintain continuity in teachers and music leaders. When possible, members in these callings should serve long enough to establish loving, trusted relationships with the children. Such relationships help nourish testimonies in the hearts of children.

The bishop and his counselors regularly attend Primary. They also learn the names and understand the home circumstances of each child in the ward.

Image icon, guidelines for adaptation Primary Presidency

The bishop calls and sets apart an adult woman to serve as the ward Primary president. If the unit is large enough, she recommends one or two adult women to be called as her counselors (see chapter 30 ). The bishopric considers her recommendations and extends the callings.

The Primary presidency receives orientation and ongoing support from the stake Primary presidency.

In a small unit, the Primary president may be the only called leader in Primary. In this case, she works with parents to organize lessons, singing time, and activities. She also ensures that at least two responsible adults are present at all meetings and activities. If the unit is large enough, additional callings might be filled in this order: counselors, music leader, teachers and nursery leaders, secretary, and activity leaders.

If a branch does not have a Primary president, the Relief Society president may help parents organize instruction for children until a Primary president is called.

The Primary presidency helps parents prepare children to enter and progress along the covenant path. This is one of their most important responsibilities.

To accomplish this, the Primary president may assign a member of the presidency to help parents prepare their children to be baptized and confirmed. The Primary president may assign another presidency member to help parents with temple and priesthood preparation for their children.

These presidency members make parents aware of resources in the Gospel Library that can help. See, for example, “ Preparing Your Children for a Lifetime on God’s Covenant Path ” in Come, Follow Me . Presidency members may work with ministering brothers and sisters, teachers, and others to support parents.

The Primary president has the following additional responsibilities. Her counselors assist her.

Serve on the ward council. She serves as (1) a ward council member who helps address needs in the ward and find solutions and (2) a representative of the Primary. She helps the ward council know the name and home circumstances of each child in order to enhance ministering to children and families. See 29.2.5 .

Regularly hold Primary presidency meetings and meet with the bishop or his assigned counselor.

Submit recommendations to the bishopric for adult men and women to serve in Primary.

Help the ward council know of children who will be eligible to be baptized in the next year (see ).

Help plan baptismal services for children of record when asked (see 18.7.2 ).

Plan and conduct the opening of Sunday Primary meetings.

Minister to individual children, teachers, and leaders in Primary.

Teach Primary leaders and teachers their responsibilities and support them in those responsibilities by orienting them to their callings (see Teaching in the Savior’s Way [2016],  38 ).

Help Primary leaders and teachers during class time, singing time, and transitions.

Visit Primary classes and arrange for teachers to attend teacher council meetings.

Help introduce the Children and Youth program to children turning 8 and to their parents. This could occur in their homes or their Primary class (see 12.5.7 ).

Oversee the records, reports, budget, and finances of Primary.

Image icon, guidelines for adaptation Secretary

If the unit is large enough, the Primary president recommends to the bishopric an adult woman to serve as the secretary. She has the following responsibilities:

Help the Primary presidency prepare agendas for presidency meetings. She attends these meetings, takes notes, and keeps track of assignments.

Work closely with teachers and leaders to keep accurate attendance records.

Using LCR, work with elders quorum and Relief Society secretaries to keep attendance records for adults serving in Primary.

Make sure the Primary presidency is aware of:

New children and visitors.

Children coming into nursery and children moving from nursery to the Sunbeam class.

Children who are eligible for baptism.

Children who will advance from Primary.

Assign children to give prayers, scriptures, and talks during the opening of Sunday Primary meetings (under the presidency’s direction). She also notifies parents.

Help the Primary presidency prepare a budget, account for expenses, and track Children and Youth materials.

Music Leader and Pianist

Come, Follow Me

Instructions for Singing Time and the Children’s Sacrament Meeting Program

Children’s Songbook

Primary Music Collections on

“ Primary Singing Time—Music Can Teach Doctrine ” (

The bishopric must approve the use of any other music in Primary.

Sacred Music app

Gospel Library app

CDs at

Children can also sing without accompaniment.

The music leader can help with music for nursery when invited. An additional music leader may be called if needed.

The music leader works with the Primary presidency to help the children prepare for the annual children’s sacrament meeting presentation (see 12.1.6 ).

See Singing Time on for more ideas and resources.

Teachers and Nursery Leaders

It is a sacred privilege to teach children. Jesus Christ taught, “Behold your little ones” and “feed my lambs” ( 3 Nephi 17:23 ; John 21:15 ). By following these invitations, Primary leaders love and teach children in the Savior’s way.

The Primary presidency recommends to the bishopric men and women to serve as Primary teachers and nursery leaders. The bishopric considers these recommendations and extends the callings. These members are called to teach and minister to specific age-groups of children.

Primary teachers teach from Come, Follow Me (ages 3–11). On fifth Sundays, they are encouraged to teach lessons from “ Preparing Your Children for a Lifetime on God’s Covenant Path .”

Nursery leaders teach from Behold Your Little Ones .

Teachers and nursery leaders follow the principles in Teaching in the Savior’s Way and chapter 17 of this handbook.

When adults teach children in Church settings, at least two responsible adults should be present. The two adults could be two women, two men, or a married couple. If this is not possible, leaders should combine classes. Leaders and teachers must complete the training at . (See 12.5.1 .)

Youth should not teach in Primary, including as substitutes.

Primary teachers and nursery leaders stay with the children throughout Primary, including singing time and transitions. During singing time, teachers participate with their classes. Teachers should remain with young children after Primary until a family member comes for them.

Teachers and nursery leaders attend quarterly teacher council meetings (see 13.4 ).

Image icon, guidelines for adaptation Activity Leaders

Primary activity leaders minister to children as they plan service and activities beginning in January of the year children turn 8 (see ). Service and activities focus on God’s work of salvation and exaltation. They are fun and engaging. They build testimonies, strengthen families, and foster personal growth.

Primary activity leaders can be the children’s Primary teachers. They can also be other members the Primary presidency recommends and the bishopric calls. At least two leaders attend each activity. Leaders can be two women, two men, or a married couple. Leaders must complete the training at . (See 12.5.1 .)

Image icon, guidelines for adaptation Stake Primary Leaders

The stake presidency calls an adult woman to serve as stake Primary president. If a stake is large enough, she recommends one or two adult women to serve as counselors and another to serve as secretary. These women are called and set apart by a member of the stake presidency or an assigned high councilor. For information about the responsibilities of the stake Primary presidency and secretary, see 6.7.1 , , and 6.7.3 .

A counselor in the stake presidency has responsibility for Primary in the stake. He also has responsibility for the work of the stake Primary presidency. He also instructs bishops in their responsibilities for Primary.

The stake presidency assigns a high councilor to work with the stake Primary presidency (see 6.5 ).

Additional Guidelines and Policies

Safeguarding children.

When adults are interacting with children in Church settings, at least two responsible adults should be present. It may be necessary to combine classes to make this possible.

All adults who work with children must complete the children and youth protection training within one month of being sustained ( ). They repeat the training every three years thereafter.

Children Who Have Special Needs

When a child has a long illness, disability, or special need, Primary leaders talk with parents and the bishopric. Together they make a plan to support the family and help the child participate in Primary.

Children with disabilities typically attend their regular Primary class. As necessary, additional teachers may be called to assist.

Children with disabilities or other special needs typically complete Primary at the beginning of January in the year they turn 12. Some children may not complete Primary on this schedule. The bishop and parents work together to decide what is best for each child.

Men Serving in Primary

The bishopric and Primary presidency should remember the positive influence of worthy men serving in Primary. Men may serve as teachers, nursery leaders, music leaders and pianists, and Primary activity leaders.

Restroom Safety

Leaders and teachers should encourage parents to take their children to the restroom before Primary. During Primary, a young child must be taken to the restroom by a parent or legal guardian. Leaders and teachers should not take children into the restroom.

Role-Playing Activities

Leaders and teachers should be careful when acting out sacred events in Primary. Heavenly Father and the Holy Ghost are not portrayed. Children may portray the Savior only in a Nativity scene. For additional guidelines, see 20.5.6 .

Image icon, optional resources CTR Rings

When children begin the CTR 4 class, the Primary presidency and their Primary teacher remind them to “choose the right.” These leaders also give each child a green CTR ring .

Introducing the Children and Youth Program

At the beginning of each year, the bishop, one of his counselors, or members of the Primary presidency may visit the home or Primary class of each child who will turn 8 during the year. They introduce children and their parents to the Children and Youth program. Each child receives the emblems of belonging and a copy of Personal Development: Children’s Guidebook . These resources are available at .

One Willis Family

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2021 Primary Bundle

2021 Primary Theme Bundle, Doctrine and Covenants

$ 20.00

This 2021 Primary Theme Complete set includes over 40 Great printables and everything you will need this year. They are Editable or DIY text in adobe reader. 2021 Primary for Doctrine and Covenants

This 2021 Primary theme set also comes with this year’s Doctrine and Covenants theme clipart and posters. It includes beautiful colors and artwork to bring the fun of the Doctrine and Covenants into your primary.

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This 2021 Primary Theme package includes all of our great printables shown in our shop

  • This includes binder covers, planning sheets, Thank you sub printables, and more
  • This includes 2021 Primary Theme Doctrine and covenants banner, “come follow me” banner, Doctrine and covenants art and bulletin clipart including Joseph Smith, Emma Smith, and Jesus. Also it includes three different temple art. Editable Heading and coordination color sheet.
  • Birthday Printables
  • including full page and half page editable files
  • Three different bookmark designs
  • editable in adobe reader for long and short month
  • including program cover, invitations, and Thankyou card)


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  • including program cover, invitations, and Thankyou card)\

This 2021 Primary kit is great for this years primary decor and tools to make your primary run more smoothly. From Birthday to weekly newsletters and bulletin decor it is sure to have what you need for this years primary.

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The login behavior for GA/CE users will be as detailed below:

  • When using account name or primary assignment name, the system will check whether the primary assignment has the login permission.
  • When using other assignment usernames, if that username has login permission, then the system will let the user log in to the system without checking login permission of primary assignment.

Admins can check which username is assigned as primary assignment from Manage Login Account page. Below is the screen shot for the same.

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Assignment Cards & Scripture Prompts

  • December 29, 2014
  • 2015 Outline Songs , Scripture Prompts , Susan Fitch

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Or an all-girl version:

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Check out this quick tutorial video for accessing the Resource Library:

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These printables are filed on my Resource Library page under Category Title > Assignment Cards > English or Spanish (choose the folder).

Make singing time easy!

Get it to go.

Singing time just got even easier!  With my Singing Time To-Go, all you have to do is print!  Be prepared for the entire month – every month!

Camille's Primary Ideas: Singing Time To-Go Membership

8 thoughts on “Assignment Cards & Scripture Prompts”

' src=

Hi Camille, When I tried to open the file for the talk and prayer assignmets, I got a Google Drive Error saying it couldn't be opened and referred me to Googles privacy and terms agreement. Any ideas? Thanks again for your incredible resources!

Me Again, I am getting the same error message for the Scripture Document:

' src=

I have no idea…I hope I haven't violated any terms of service – ACK! I've put a call into Google to see if they can help me figure out what's going on.

In the meantime, if you contact me using the tab above, I'll get your email address and send you any file you need, just let me know which ones.

Sorry about all this…what a hassle!

I just uploaded new copies of the 2 above documents to Google Drive and created new links…it appears to be working now. Let me know if you still have problems.

Thanks! ~Camille

Hey Camille, I LOVE THIS! I am wondering if you have an assignment card for the article of faith as well?

I just updated the post to reflect an Article of Faith version. Hope that helps!

' src=

Hi! When trying to download the assignment cards for Primary prayers, talks, etc. the Primary talk template keeps openging instead. Can you email me the assignment cards? Boys and girls? I appreciate your talent for those of us who can use it! Thank you! Jolyn [email protected]

I’ve emailed you the link. Hopefully you can get it to work.

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Camille's Primary Ideas: Singing Time To-Go

Be prepared in singing time for the entire month – every month!  And all you have to do is print!

Recommended singing time supplies:

Camille's Primary Ideas: Primary Assignment Cards using Susan Fitch Artwork

This Little Light of Mine Singing Time Ideas

Teach This Little Light of Mine to children using these teaching ideas that include a fun craft and movement activities.  It’s perfect for a Primary summer activity, vacation bible school and more!

Camille's Primary Ideas: Bishop's Card Father's Day Singing Time Idea

Father’s Day Bishop’s Card Primary Singing Time Idea

Celebrate the father of your ward this Father’s Day! This unique Father’s Day Bishop’s Card singing time idea combines candy-grams with Primary songs to uniquely show love from your Primary toward your Bishop!

Camille's Primary Ideas: Jesus Said Love Everyone Primary Singing Time Ideas

Jesus Said Love Everyone Primary Singing Time Ideas

The Primary Song Jesus Said Love Everyone shares a simple concept that is amazingly difficult!  No wonder it’s the 2nd greatest commandment!  Make sure to help children understand what loving their neighbor means by teaching Jesus Said Love Everyone using these Primary singing time ideas.

Copyright © 2023 Camille’s Primary Ideas

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Primary Assignments Sticker Pack - LDP-SP-GIV
  • Perfect for Primary leaders
  • These LDS Primary Assignments Sticker Pack is a must have for all Primary leaders! Each sheet includes the following: 

    • 3 "I'm giving the talk in Primary" stickers
    • 3 "I'm giving the prayer in Primary" stickers
    • 3 "I'm giving the scripture in Primary" stickers
    • 3 "I'm giving the Article of Faith in Primary" stickers

    Pass them out to your Primary children as a reminder that they have been assigned something for the following week. You'll get five sheets in a pack, for a total of 60 stickers. These fun and colorful stickers are approximately 1.25" in diameter and made of glossy vinyl. These stickers are perfect for Primary and ministering friends. They were designed to match our LDS Primary Recognitions Sticker Pack. 

    Our vinyl stickers are both waterproof and removeable, leaving no sticky residue on important surfaces. Our stickers are not acid-free

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    Wayne Johnson defeats man convicted in Jan. 6 riot in Georgia House primary runoff

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    Republican Wayne Johnson, a former Trump administration official, has won the GOP primary runoff for a House seat in Georgia, according to Decision Desk HQ, defeating a candidate  convicted  of a misdemeanor related to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

    Johnson beat out Chuck Hand for the GOP nod in the race for Democratic Rep. Sanford Bishop’s seat in the Peach State’s 2nd Congressional District.

    Johnson had won a plurality of votes in last month’s primary, but his 45 percent support fell short of the majority needed to avoid a runoff. He had the edge heading into Tuesday’s contest, but Hand’s support was nevertheless looked at as a signal that some in the GOP are ready to welcome a Jan. 6 convict into Congress more than three years after the riots.

    Hand  pleaded guilty  in 2022 to illegally demonstrating inside the Capitol and was sentenced to 20 days incarceration, according to documents with the Justice Department.

    Wayne  served  during the Trump administration as the chief strategy and transformation officer and chief operating office for the Department of Education’s Office of Federal Student Aid. Chris West, the Republican nominee for Georgia’s 2nd Congressional District in 2022,  endorsed  Johnson a week ahead of the runoff, lauding Johnson as the best candidate “to help Donald Trump get back in the White House.”

    The race came as former President Trump  praises  “J6 warriors” along the campaign trail. Political observers say Trump, who has dismissed his own legal battles as politically motivated, is opening the door for voters to shrug off Jan. 6 convictions.

    But Johnson emerged victorious from Tuesday’s runoff and is now set to face off in November against 16-term incumbent Bishop in the longtime blue district.

    Copyright 2024 Nexstar Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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    Assignment Moscow: Reporting on Russia From Lenin to Putin

    Assignment Moscow: Reporting on Russia From Lenin to Putin

    Reviewed by maria lipman, by james rodgers.

    Rodgers, a British journalist who has worked in Russia at various times since the 1990s, writes about the plight of the English-speaking correspondents who have covered Russia, going all the way back to the Russian Revolution in 1917. That their task was not easy is hardly surprising, yet Rodgers repeatedly emphasizes the difficulties they faced (the word “difficult” is used to describe their job at least two dozen times): strict censorship (foreign journalists were forced to clear their dispatches with Soviet authorities until 1961), travel restrictions, limited access to senior officials and ordinary people alike, and the government’s suspicion that Anglo-American correspondents were spies in disguise. Even Rodgers’s discussion of the American journalist Hedrick Smith—who, despite the restrictions, famously managed to produce exceptionally rich and insightful coverage of the Soviet Union and its people in the 1970s—is reduced to Smith’s reflections on how difficult his work was. Rodgers’s narrative rests on an enormous number of articles in Anglo-American media, books by and about journalists, and his own interviews with many Moscow correspondents. He quotes some of them as saying that journalists knew and understood Russia better than diplomats or policymakers did. This may or may not be true. Unfortunately, Rodgers doesn’t give the diplomats and policymakers a chance to respond.

    • More By Maria Lipman

    More from Eastern Europe and Former Soviet Republics

    primary assignment 2021

    Nested Nationalism: Making and Unmaking Nations in the Soviet Caucasus

    By krista a. goff, a short history of russia: from the pagans to putin, by mark galeotti, weak strongman: the limits of power in putin’s russia, by timothy frye.

    Jan. 6 defendant who walked out during a debate loses House GOP primary runoff in Georgia

    Georgia Republican Chuck Hand

    WASHINGTON — A convicted Jan. 6 defendant from Georgia who served 20 days in prison for his actions during the attack on the U.S. Capitol lost a Republican primary runoff for a House seat in Georgia, The Associated Press projects .

    Charles Hand III, or Chuck Hand , was defeated by former Trump administration official Wayne Johnson as they vied to face Democratic Rep. Sanford Bishop in the general election in the solidly blue district. The two candidates advanced to a runoff after neither won a majority of the vote in the initial May primary.

    A crowd of people at the Capitol

    Hand walked out of a debate earlier this month with Johnson not long after a former candidate in the race, Michael Nixon, brought up the criminal history of his wife, Mandy Robinson-Hand, who was his co-defendant in his Jan. 6 case. As federal prosecutors noted in their 2023 sentencing memo in her Jan. 6 case, Robinson-Hand was previously convicted in 2008 of possession of oxycodone with intent to distribute and use of a communication facility in committing a felony. In his Jan. 6 case, Hand admitted that he "broke off a piece of metal fencing and placed it in his back pants pocket" as rioters fought with police on the west front of the U.S. Capitol. Inside the Capitol, he admitted that he saw rioters fighting with officers and "moved towards the altercation," but that his wife pulled him away.

    Hand, prosecutors wrote in a sentencing memo, "participated in the riot on January 6, despite watching rioters assaulting police and seeing the destruction of property around him. He then celebrated his participation in the riot, telling his wife, 'Like I said it was a perfect time to be a. Part of history!'. He then encouraged his wife to not turn herself in and to 'Deny, deny, deny.'"

    A side by side of Hand holding the metal fencing and the object in his back pocket

    Hand also had a history of arrests for driving under the influence in 2005 and 2010. In a letter to his sentencing judge in his Jan. 6 case, Hand wrote that while he's now sober, he'd "forced" his wife into his truck after he was drinking more than 10 years ago and "almost took her life because of my poor decision." Robinson-Hand, her husband wrote, "ended up in a coma and on life support, with her body mangled and mauled." She was bedridden and wheelchair bound for years, Hand wrote, adding that he “single handedly altered her life."

    More than 1,400 people have been charged in connection with the Jan. 6 Capitol attack, with prosecutors securing convictions against more than 1,000 defendants so far. More than 540 defendants have been sentenced to periods of incarceration that have ranged from short sentences like those given to Hand and his wife all the way up to  22 years in federal prison for a Proud Boys leader convicted of seditious conspiracy .

    Hand was one of several candidates running for office across the country this year who was involved in the Jan. 6 attack.

    primary assignment 2021

    Ryan J. Reilly is a justice reporter for NBC News.

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    AP Decision Notes: What to expect in Georgia’s primary runoffs

    FILE - Voters depart an election center during primary voting, May 21, 2024, in Kennesaw, Ga. (AP Photo/Mike Stewart, File)

    FILE - Voters depart an election center during primary voting, May 21, 2024, in Kennesaw, Ga. (AP Photo/Mike Stewart, File)

    primary assignment 2021

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    WASHINGTON (AP) — A southwest Georgia Republican who served a brief federal prison sentence for his actions inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, is among those running on Tuesday for a chance to serve in Congress when the state holds primary runoff elections in a handful of U.S. House and state legislative races.

    The contests will determine who will challenge two U.S. House members from opposite ends of Georgia’s political spectrum: 16-term Democratic Rep. Sanford Bishop and two-term Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene . The Republican race in Bishop’s 2nd Congressional District is the latest example of someone convicted of a crime on Jan. 6 seeking to return to the Capitol as a member of Congress.

    Bishop’s Republican general election opponent will be either Chuck Hand, a construction superintendent who pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of illegally demonstrating inside the Capitol Building on Jan. 6, or Wayne Johnson, a former U.S. Department of Education official in the Trump administration. Johnson placed first in the May 21 Republican primary with about 45% of the vote, short of the majority vote needed to avoid Tuesday’s runoff. Hand received 32% of the vote.

    The third-place candidate, Michael Nixon, received about 19% of the vote and held a press conference in late May endorsing Johnson, while offering a blistering rebuke against Hand . In response, Hand walked off the stage in the middle of a televised June 9 debate with Johnson, whom he accused of orchestrating the attacks by Nixon . The 2nd District is among the state’s Democratic enclaves. Voters there supported Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden in the last two presidential elections with about 54% and 55% of the vote, respectively. Sanford won his 2022 reelection bid with 55% of the vote.

    FILE - Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., smiles while speaking during an event at AFSCME Council 13 offices, March 14, 2024, in Harrisburg, Pa. Abortion rights, suddenly a potent political force in the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to leave such matters to the states, have found an unlikely champion in swing-state Pennsylvania. Casey, who will appear on the November ballot beneath President Joe Biden as they both seek reelection, has begun doing something he's never done before: attacking an opponent over abortion rights. (AP Photo/Marc Levy, File)

    In the 3rd Congressional District, former state Senate Majority Leader Mike Dugan and former White House political director Brian Jack are running to replace retiring Republican U.S. Rep. Drew Ferguson . Jack has the endorsement of his former boss Donald Trump and was the top vote-getter in the May 21 primary with about 47% of the vote. Dugan received about 25% of the vote, with the remaining vote split among three candidates. The winner will face Democrat Maura Keller, an Army veteran. Ferguson won the seat in 2022 with about 69% of the vote.

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    The Democrats vying to challenge Greene in the 14th Congressional District are Clarence Blalock, a former City of Smyrna employee and 2021 Atlanta City Council candidate, and Shawn Harris, a retired Army brigadier general and rancher. Blalock edged Harris in the primary by just 128 votes out of more than 18,000 cast. Greene won reelection in 2022 with about 66% of the vote.

    Also facing runoffs are candidates in four state Senate and four state House districts. The only incumbent on Tuesday’s ballot is Republican state Rep. Steven Sainz in House District 180. Sainz received 49.7% of the primary vote, falling just short of avoiding a runoff. His opponent is Glenn Cook, a Navy veteran and airline pilot.

    All 56 state Senate and 180 state House seats are up for election in November. Republicans have comfortable majorities in both chambers.

    Runoff elections in Georgia used to be held nine weeks after the primary, but a sweeping election law enacted in 2021 shortened the period to four weeks .

    Here’s a look at what to expect on Tuesday:


    Georgia’s state primary runoff elections will be held Tuesday. Polls close at 7 p.m. ET.


    The Associated Press will provide vote results and declare winners in 11 runoffs: three contested primaries for U.S. House and four each for state Senate and state House.


    Registered voters may participate in their district’s partisan runoff election if: They voted in the same party’s primary on May 21, they voted only in the nonpartisan primary, or they did not vote in the primary. In other words, Republican primary voters can’t vote in a Democratic runoff or vice versa.


    Runoffs tend to be lower-turnout events than the initial elections that prompted them. This could slow the race-calling process for a competitive contest, especially in smaller state legislative districts. In these cases, determining the outcome could rest on a small handful of ballots that have yet to be tabulated.

    Turnout in primaries and runoffs for the party out of power in safe Democratic or Republican districts also tends to be low, which could mean determining the winners in the 2nd and 14th Congressional District primaries could also come down to relatively few votes.

    In the 3rd Congressional District Republican runoff, Jack came close to winning the nomination outright in the May 21 primary, and his endorsement from Trump should be an asset in winning over some district residents who voted for neither him nor Dugan. Trump won this area with 66% of the vote in 2016 and 64% in 2020.

    In the May 21 primary, Jack carried 14 of the district’s 15 counties, including nine with outright vote majorities. To win the runoff, Dugan would need to far outperform the 52% he received in his home county of Carroll to offset Jack’s advantage elsewhere in the district.

    The AP does not make projections and will declare a winner only when it’s determined there is no scenario that would allow the trailing candidates to close the gap. If a race has not been called, the AP will continue to cover any newsworthy developments, such as candidate concessions or declarations of victory. In doing so, the AP will make clear that it has not yet declared a winner and explain why.

    There is no automatic recount provision in Georgia, but a losing candidate may request a recount if the margin is less than or equal to 0.5% of the total vote. The AP may declare a winner in a race that is eligible for a recount if it can determine the lead is too large for a recount or legal challenge to change the outcome.


    As of June 7, there were just more than 8 million registered voters in Georgia. Voters in Georgia do not register by party.

    About 1.3 million voters participated in the May 21 primary, or about 16% of all registered voters. About 44% of ballots were cast before primary day.

    As of Thursday, a total of 3,012 pre-Election Day ballots had been cast in the 2nd Congressional District Republican primary, 8,375 in the 3rd Congressional District Republican primary and 2,213 in the 14th Congressional District Democratic primary. A combined total of 4,658 pre-Election Day ballots had been cast in the three Democratic state Senate runoffs and 331 in the Republican state Senate runoff in District 7. In the state House runoffs, 553 pre-Election Day ballots had been cast in the two Democratic runoffs, most of them in House District 145, and 1,779 in the two Republican runoffs, mostly in House District 180.


    In the May 21 primary, the AP first reported results at 7:02 p.m. ET, or two minutes after polls closed. The election night tabulation ended at 3:13 a.m. ET with about 99% of total votes counted.


    As of Tuesday, there will be 140 days until the November general election.

    Follow the AP’s coverage of the 2024 election at .


    Assignment Russia

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    • Table of Contents
    • Chapter One

    Subscribe to the Brookings Brief

    Becoming a foreign correspondent in the crucible of the cold war.

    A personal journey through some of the darkest moments of the cold war and the early days of television news

    Marvin Kalb, the award-winning journalist who has written extensively about the world he reported on during his long career, now turns his eye on the young man who became that journalist. Chosen by legendary broadcaster Edward R. Murrow to become one of what came to be known as the Murrow Boys, Kalb in this newest volume of his memoirs takes readers back to his first days as a journalist, and what also were the first days of broadcast news.

    Kalb captures the excitement of being present at the creation of a whole new way of bringing news immediately to the public. And what news. Cold War tensions were high between Eisenhower’s America and Khrushchev’s Soviet Union. Kalb is at the center, occupying a unique spot as a student of Russia tasked with explaining Moscow to Washington and the American public. He joins a cast of legendary figures along the way, from Murrow himself to Eric Severeid, Howard K. Smith, Richard Hottelet, Charles Kuralt, and Daniel Schorr among many others. He finds himself assigned as Moscow correspondent of CBS News just as the U2 incident—the downing of a US spy plane over Russian territory—is unfolding.

    As readers of his first volume, The Year I Was Peter the Great , will recall, being the right person, in the right place, at the right time found Kalb face to face with Khrushchev. Assignment Russia sees Kalb once again an eyewitness to history—and a writer and analyst who has helped shape the first draft of that history.

    Related Books

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    October 10, 2017

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    Assignment Russia Book Events

    • April 9: Politics & Prose LIVE! Marvin Kalb—Assignment Russia: Becoming a Foreign Corresponding in the Crucible of the Cold War – with Jake Tapper
    • April 13: National Press Club Virtual Book Event —Marvin Kalb, Assignment Russia
    • April 15: Brookings Event —Assignment Russia: A conversation on journalism and the Cold War
    • April 29: Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy Event —Assignment Russia: Becoming a Foreign Correspondent in the Crucible of the Cold War
    • May 25: George Washington University —Assignment Russia: Becoming a Foreign Correspondent in the Crucible of the Cold War

    Praise for Assignment Russia

    “It is impossible to put this engrossing book down—it illuminates so many dark corners of the Cold War. With a master correspondent’s insight, skepticism, sensitivity, and great clarity, Kalb brings vividly to life all the hopes and fears of the most consequential foe this nation has had.” —Ken Burns, filmmaker

    “A fascinating memoir of Marvin Kalb’s Cold War adventures as he sought to penetrate the mysteries of Nikita Khrushchev’s Soviet Russia while building his career as one of broadcast journalism’s legends.” —Jack Matlock, U.S. ambassador to Russia (1987–1991)

    “Marvin Kalb’s engaging Assignment Russia is like Hamilton’s ‘The Room Where It Happens.’ It is a delightful narrative of Kalb’s personal encounters with some of the most famous characters of the 1950s and 1960s, like CBS’s legendary Edward R. Murrow, who hired Kalb, or Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, who nicknamed him ‘Peter the Great.’ It is also an engrossing memoir of a foreign correspondent’s adventures in the enemy camp during the Cold War. I loved it, I learned from it, and, I dare say, had fun reading it.” —Lesley Stahl, co-anchor, CBS’s 60 Minutes

    “Marvin Kalb’s great new book Assignment Russia is a rollicking and engaging memoir that takes you to the front lines of the Cold War, to a mic in the early days of broadcast news, and into the mind and career of one of ‘Murrow’s Boys.’ It’s an important book from a legend in journalism, a book you can’t put down.” —Jake Tapper, CNN anchor and chief Washington correspondent

    “A nostalgic treat for older readers…a wake-up call for younger ones.” —Edward Kosner, The Wall Street Journal

    “Kalb’s fond, generous memoir, which vividly delineates a bygone era of early journalism, will appeal to students of 20th-century American history as well as aspiring broadcast journalists. The author was involved in many significant Cold War moments, and he brings us directly into that world. Hopefully Kalb is back at his desk; readers will be eager for the next volume.” — Kirkus Reviews

    “Readers should be forewarned that once they pick up the book, it will be hard to put it down until they reach the end.” —Naseer Ahmad, Pakistan Link

    Marvin Kalb is a former senior adviser to the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, a Harvard Professor emeritus, former network news correspondent at NBC and CBS, senior fellow nonresident at the Brookings Institution, and author of 16 other books, the most recent of which is the first volume of his memoirs, The Year I Was Peter the Great (Brookings).

    Media Coverage

    Journalist Marvin Kalb on dangers, thrills of reporting from Russia during the Cold War

    Why Navalny’s Attempt To Dismantle Putin’s Regime Feels Out Of Reach

    An American journalist in Cold War Moscow

    The Rise of Marvin Kalb

    Veteran journalist Marvin Kalb on covering Cold War Russia

    Whine Line, Marvin Kalb

    Q&A with Marvin Kalb

    M. Kalb, Foreign Affairs Reporter

    Wednesday, April 14th: Marvin Kalb

    State Circle: April 30, 2021

    An earnest young correspondent in Cold War Moscow

    ‘Assignment Russia’ Review: Murrow’s Man in Moscow

    Book Review: Assignment Russia, Marvin Kalb’s Memoir

    Assignment Russia: Becoming a Foreign Correspondent in the Crucible of the Cold War

    Marvin Kalb in the World

    Marvin Kalb at Home and Abroad

    For Your Listening Pleasure

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    Assignment Moscow: Reporting on Russia from Lenin to Putin

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    James Rodgers

    Assignment Moscow: Reporting on Russia from Lenin to Putin Paperback – May 18, 2023

    The story of western correspondents in Russia is the story of Russia's attitude to the west. Russia has at different times been alternately open to western ideas and contacts, cautious and distant or, for much of the twentieth century, all but closed off. From the revolutionary period of the First World War onwards, correspondents in Russia have striven to tell the story of a country known to few outsiders. Their stories have not always been well received by political elites, audiences, and even editors in their own countries-but their accounts have been a huge influence on how the West understands Russia. Not always perfect, at times downright misleading, they have, overall, been immensely valuable. In Assignment Moscow , former foreign correspondent James Rodgers analyses the news coverage of Russia throughout history, from the coverage of the siege of the Winter Palace and a plot to kill Stalin, to the Chernobyl explosion and the Salisbury poison scandal.

    • Print length 280 pages
    • Language English
    • Publisher Bloomsbury Academic
    • Publication date May 18, 2023
    • Dimensions 6.15 x 0.85 x 9.15 inches
    • ISBN-10 1350356107
    • ISBN-13 978-1350356108
    • See all details

    Editorial Reviews

    “ Assignment Moscow exposes how the Moscow correspondent has had to adapt to multiple manifestations of censorship, or compete with state-run media, the severity of which has ebbed and flowed with changes in regime.” ― History Today “Rodgers's narrative rests on an enormous number of articles in Anglo-American media, books by and about journalists, and his own interviews with many Moscow correspondents.” ― Foreign Affairs Magazine “Rodgers retains his focus on the correspondent's interactions with Russia and Russians, rather than being sidetracked into discussions of normative values or political controversy. This approach prepares the reader for the conclusion, which celebrates the openness and curiosity of the best Russia correspondents, reminding the reader that what they have just read is a history not of Russia but of how Western correspondents have told Russia's stories. Differentiating the two is an important and hitherto neglected task but one that James Rodgers has achieved masterfully.” ― Journalism “Reporting from Russia has never been easy; Rodgers vividly captures the changing fortunes of Moscow correspondents over the past hundred years, as they penetrated the mysteries of life in Russia and brought them to our newspapers and screens. Some were duped, some were fellow-travellers or spies; most battled against censors and blank-faced politicians; all have helped to shape our understanding of the world's biggest country.” ― Angus Roxburgh, former Moscow correspondent for the BBC, Sunday Times and Economist “Writing about journalism in Russia since the revolution, James Rodgers rightly emphasises that to understand Russia you have to talk to people of all kinds. But he argues that even correspondents who knew the language and the history found it hard to report dispassionately because of official obstruction and their own emotional involvement.” ― Rodric Braithwaite “A highly original, engrossing and accessible book, Assignment Moscow stands out among journalistic accounts of Russia for its subtlety, humility and historic scope. It tells the story of British and American journalists who aimed to throw light on Russia from Lenin to Putin, and in the process illuminated the West itself.” ― Arkady Ostrovsky, Author of The Invention of Russia: The Rise of Putin and the age of Fake News, Winner of the 2016 Orwell Prize “It is hard to believe that in the torrent of books published on Russia each year, that one could come along as original and valuable as Assignment Moscow. One comes to appreciate the service of our reporting men and women in Moscow. For all their fallibilities, without their dedication, we wouldn't have half the understanding of Russia that we have today, imperfect as it will always be. We therefore owe them – and especially Rodgers as journalist, teacher, analyst and cataloguer – a huge debt.” ― James Nixey, Chatham House “[Rodgers'] experience has been wisely distilled in this fair-minded, balanced and perceptive exploration of the problems reporters have faced in trying to report from Russia.” ― British Journalism Review “Reveals how journalists' experiences reporting from Russia for the past 100 years mirrors its changing attitude to the West.” ― The Journalist

    About the Author

    Product details.

    • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Bloomsbury Academic (May 18, 2023)
    • Language ‏ : ‎ English
    • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 280 pages
    • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1350356107
    • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1350356108
    • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 15.5 ounces
    • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6.15 x 0.85 x 9.15 inches
    • #1,303 in Media & Internet in Politics (Books)
    • #1,421 in Russian & Soviet Politics
    • #6,224 in Journalist Biographies

    About the author

    James rodgers.

    James Rodgers writes books on international affairs, especially armed conflict. His work has a focus on how the stories of those events are told to the world. Much of his writing draws on his own experience reporting from the former Soviet Union and the Middle East as a journalist from the 1990s onwards. During his BBC career (1995-2010), James completed postings in Moscow, Brussels, and Gaza where, from 2002-2004, he was the only international correspondent based in the territory. His numerous other assignments included New York and Washington following the September 11th attacks; reporting from Iraq in 2003 and 2004 during the United States-led invasion; and covering the wars in Chechnya.

    James now lectures in International Journalism at City, University of London. He still works as a journalist, too--contributing work to the BBC, NBC Think,, Monocle Radio, and others.

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    2021 Primary – Doctrine and Covenants: Assignment Cards, Wristbands, and Stickers

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    2. 2021 Primary

      This EDITABLE 2021 Primary Opening Exercises Kit was designed to help you stay organized this year. We have included three different Primary assignment printables for your convenience. Pick and choose the options that best meet the needs of your Primary: Primary Assignment Wristbands. Primary Assignment Cards. Primary Assignment Stickers.

    3. 2021 Primary

      Primary Assignment Cards; Primary Assignment Stickers; Each assignment printables was created to highlight the 2021 Primary - Doctrine and Covenants curriculum. 2021 PRIMARY NEWSLETTER KIT. This helpful Primary Newsletter kit was designed to help you keep your ward informed of upcoming Primary announcements, birthdays, activities, etc!

    4. 2021 Primary

      Save even more by purchasing these Primary assignment cards, wristbands, and stickers in our 2021 Primary - Doctrine and Covenants COMBO Kit This EDITABLE 2021 Primary Opening Exercises Kit was designed to help you stay organized this year. We have included three different Primary assignment printables for your convenience. Pick and choose the options that best meet the needs of your Primary ...

    5. Assignment Reminders

      Assignment reminder Wrist bands; Primary Mail -offsite; Reminder Stickers. Here is the info on using stickers: These are stickers which we handed out to the kids after they gave the prayer, talk or scripture during primary, we also have stickers for those who had a birthday (along with the small birthday gift for them) or for new children or ...

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    7. 12. Primary

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    8. Primary Assignment Tracking

      This is a digital downloadKeep track of your primary opening/ closing exercises with this tracking sheet.Included in this download is one blank and one 2022 tracking sheet for primary assignments. We have also created editable google doc versions that are linked on the first page of this download.Other Primary Binder Downloads:CLICK HERE TO SEE OUR ASSIGNMENT WRISTBANDSCLICK HERE TO SEE OUR ...

    9. 2021 Primary Theme Bundle, Doctrine and Covenants

      Assignment Wristbands, bookmarks Three different bookmark designs; Monthly Newsletter editable in adobe reader for long and short month; Primary Presentation Kit ... This 2021 Primary Theme Complete set includes over 40 Great printables and everything you will need this year. They are Editable or DIY text in adobe reader. 2021 Primary for ...

    10. 3045327

      The login behavior for GA/CE users will be as detailed below: When using account name or primary assignment name, the system will check whether the primary assignment has the login permission. When using other assignment usernames, if that username has login permission, then the system will let the user log in to the system without checking ...

    11. Primary 2021 Assignment Cards

      Check out our primary 2021 assignment cards selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our digital shops.

    12. Assignment Cards & Scripture Prompts

      Also available is an idea for helping you write your primary program using talks given throughout the year! Check out more details HERE. Once cut and filled out, each assignment is placed in our primary's mailbox found here: Then as part of opening exercises, we'd "check the mail" and pass out the next week's assignments. At the time ...

    13. LDS Primary Assignments Sticker Pack

      Primary Assignments Sticker Pack. Item #: LDP-SP-GIV. No reviews yet Write a review. $3.99. Ready to Ship: 1-3 Business Days. Primary assignments sticker pack. Includes 5 sheets of 12 stickers - 60 stickers total. Individual stickers approximately 1.25" in diameter. Perfect for Primary leaders.

    14. Download 2020 Primary School Holiday Assignments

      Free Download 2020 Download 2020 Primary School Holiday Assignments for Science, English, Maths, Kiswahili, Social Studies from Grade 1, to Standard 8. ... 2021 Term 2 Primary School Exams and Marking Schemes for Class 5, 6, 7, and 8

    15. Week 8 Primary Assignment PG.docx

      American Vision & Values 29 th July 2021 Week 8 Primary Assignment The Necessity of Rights Learning Objective: Through intensive thinking analysis of selected Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, we learn that a republic cannot exist without the protection and promotion of rights.

    16. Wayne Johnson defeats man convicted in Jan. 6 riot in Georgia House

      Republican Wayne Johnson, a former Trump administration official, has won the GOP primary runoff for a House seat in Georgia, according to Decision Desk HQ, defeating a candidate convicted of a misdemeanor related to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.. Johnson beat out Chuck Hand for the GOP nod in the race for Democratic Rep. Sanford Bishop's seat in the Peach State's 2nd ...

    17. Primary Health Care Assignment 1 for the year 2021.

      this was my assignment 1 which i did this year and was very difficult as we are doing everything online.we had to attend classes from home due to covid. primary. ... (What is the Alma-Ata declaration, 2021) Primary health care, which is a state of total physical, mental and social well-being, is a fundamental human right. ...

    18. Primary Source Assignment Instructions(1) (pdf)

      Prof. Griffin Baruch College, Fall 2021 5) Turn in the written portion of the assignment (steps 3-5) as a word-processed document (preferably in .doc or .docx format), of approximately 3 pages in length. Your document should be double-spaced and use a 12-point font and standard 1" margins. Upload your assignment via the "Primary Source Assignment" portal on Blackboard (under "Course Readings ...

    19. 2024 Primary-Book of Mormon-Assignment Cards, Stickers, and Wristbands

      2024 Primary-Book of Mormon. $ 5.50. Add to cart. 2024 Primary - Book of Mormon Assignment Cards, Stickers, and Wristbands. *NOTE: This kit is also included in our 2024 Book of Mormon - Ultimate Primary Bundle HERE and our Presidency Tools Bundle HERE. Don't let assignments for Opening Exercises get lost this year! This easy-to-use ...

    20. Find Healthcare Providers: Compare Care Near You

      Find Medicare-approved providers near you & compare care quality for nursing homes, doctors, hospitals, hospice centers, more. Official Medicare site.

    21. A Review of "Assignment Moscow" by James Rodgers| Foreign Affairs

      Reviewed by Maria Lipman. Rodgers, a British journalist who has worked in Russia at various times since the 1990s, writes about the plight of the English-speaking correspondents who have covered Russia, going all the way back to the Russian Revolution in 1917. That their task was not easy is hardly surprising, yet Rodgers repeatedly emphasizes ...

    22. Jan. 6 rioter Chuck Hand loses GOP primary runoff in Georgia's 2nd District

      Jan. 6 defendant who walked out during a debate loses House GOP primary runoff in Georgia Republican Chuck Hand served 20 days behind bars for his participation in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the ...

    23. What to expect in Georgia's primary runoffs

      WASHINGTON (AP) — A southwest Georgia Republican who served a brief federal prison sentence for his actions inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, is among those running on Tuesday for a chance to serve in Congress when the state holds primary runoff elections in a handful of U.S. House and state legislative races.. The contests will determine who will challenge two U.S. House members from ...

    24. Assignment Russia

      Assignment Russia Book Events. April 9: Politics & Prose LIVE! Marvin Kalb—Assignment Russia: Becoming a Foreign Corresponding in the Crucible of the Cold War - with Jake Tapper. April 13 ...

    25. Assignment Moscow: Reporting on Russia from Lenin to Putin Assignment Moscow: Reporting on Russia from Lenin to Putin: 9781350356108: Rodgers, ... 2021. Book arrived quickly, and in excellent condition. Thank you. Read more. Helpful. Report. See more reviews. Top reviews from other countries Terry Miles. 3.0 out of 5 ...

    26. Presidential Address to Federal Assembly • President of Russia

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    27. Primary Assignment Stickers Archives

      2021 Doctrine and Covenants; Youth. 2024 Youth Theme - I Am a Disciple of Jesus Christ; ... Products tagged "Primary Assignment Stickers" Open Categories. Books (Spiral Bound) (36) Popular (14) Primary (487) 2024 Come Follow Me Curriculum (181) Youth (227) 2024 General Conference LDS (8)

    28. 1644 Picotee Cir, Moscow, ID 83843

      Zillow has 10 photos of this $534,900 3 beds, 2 baths, 1,528 Square Feet single family home located at 1644 Picotee Cir, Moscow, ID 83843 built in 2024. MLS #98911716.

    29. Trump's 'Wartime Consigliere' Now Faces Legal Peril of His Own

      Three months later, Mr. Epshteyn was being paid a monthly retainer by Blake Masters, who would beat Mr. Brnovich in a primary after a Trump endorsement but ultimately lost to the incumbent ...

    30. Working meeting with Moscow Region Governor Andrei Vorobyov

      The President emphasised the importance of developing the primary care sector, particularly because the Moscow Region is experiencing a continued increase in population, unlike many other regions. Andrei Vorobyov reported that there was a population increase of 70,000 last year and highlighted the high level of migration in the region.