PhD Interview Questions and Answers (13 Questions + Answers)

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Most PhD applications include an interview. This allows your university (and perhaps even your prospective supervisor) to discuss the PhD with you in more detail.

This article lists some of the most common PhD interview questions along with their answers. The goal is to help you prepare for a PhD interview and pass with flying colors.

1) How did you develop this proposal?

PhD interview questions

When responding to this question, demonstrate your thought process, research skills, and the evolution of your ideas. Let's choose the subject of "Renewable Energy Integration in Urban Planning" as an example.

Sample answer:

"My proposal on 'Renewable Energy Integration in Urban Planning' originated from my undergraduate thesis on sustainable cities. Intrigued by the potential of renewable energy in urban environments, I conducted a literature review to identify gaps in current research. This review highlighted a lack of comprehensive strategies for integrating renewable technologies at a city-wide level. I then consulted with experts in urban planning and renewable energy, which provided practical insights into the challenges and opportunities in this field. I designed a methodology that combines spatial analysis with energy modeling to explore optimal renewable energy integration in urban landscapes. This proposal represents an amalgamation of academic research, expert consultation, and innovative methodology development."

This answer is effective because it mentions a literature review demonstrates the ability to conduct thorough research and identify gaps in existing knowledge.

2) Why do you wish to pursue a PhD?

For this question, it's important to articulate your passion for the subject, your long-term career goals, and how the PhD program aligns with these aspects.

Let's choose the subject of "Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare" for this example.

"I am passionate about leveraging technology to improve healthcare outcomes, and pursuing a PhD in Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare aligns perfectly with this passion. During my Master's, I was fascinated by the potential of AI to revolutionize diagnostic processes and personalized medicine. I believe a PhD will provide me with the deep technical knowledge and research skills necessary to contribute significantly to this field. My goal is to develop AI systems that enhance medical diagnostics, ultimately improving patient care and treatment efficiency. This PhD program, known for its pioneering research in AI and strong healthcare collaborations, is the ideal environment for me to develop these innovations and achieve my career aspirations in healthcare technology."

This is a great answer because you clearly state that the PhD will provide the necessary skills and knowledge, indicating a clear understanding of the purpose of the program.

3) Why do you think you are the right candidate for this PhD program?

Discuss how your research interests align with the program's strengths and the faculty's expertise. Explain how the program's resources, courses, and research opportunities can help you achieve your academic and career goals.

"I am deeply passionate about environmental science, particularly in the area of sustainable urban development. This passion was ignited during my master's program in Environmental Studies at XYZ University, where I completed a thesis on urban green spaces and their impact on city microclimates. This research not only honed my skills in data analysis and GIS mapping but also highlighted the importance of interdisciplinary approaches to environmental issues. I am drawn to your PhD program at ABC University because of its innovative research on sustainable urban planning and the renowned work of Professor Jane Smith in this field. Her research aligns with my interest in integrating green infrastructure into urban planning to mitigate climate change effects. My perseverance, attention to detail, and ability to synthesize complex data make me an ideal candidate for this challenging program. Pursuing this PhD is integral to my goal of becoming an environmental consultant, where I plan to develop strategies for cities to reduce their environmental footprint."

This response is effective because it mentions particular aspects of your experience and the program, avoiding generic statements. It also outlines how the PhD fits into your career path.

4) What do you plan to do after you have completed your PhD?

Be specific about the type of career you aspire to, whether it's in academia, industry, research, etc. Explain how the PhD will equip you with the skills and knowledge for your chosen career path.

"After completing my PhD in Computational Neuroscience, I plan to pursue a career in academia as a university professor. My doctoral research on neural network modeling will provide a strong foundation for teaching and conducting further research in this area. I aim to develop innovative courses that bridge computer science and neuroscience, addressing the growing demand for interdisciplinary knowledge in these fields. Additionally, I intend to continue my research on applying machine learning techniques to understand brain function, which has potential implications for developing new treatments for neurological disorders. This academic pathway allows me to contribute significantly to both education and research in Computational Neuroscience."

This is a great answer because it connects the PhD research directly to future career plans.

It also articulates how your work can impact both academia and the broader field of Computational Neuroscience.

5) Why have you chosen this specific PhD program?

Mention specific aspects of the program that attracted you, such as the curriculum, research facilities, faculty expertise, or reputation.

Explain how the program aligns with your research interests or academic background.

"I chose the PhD program in Artificial Intelligence at MIT because of its cutting-edge research and interdisciplinary approach, which perfectly aligns with my academic background in computer science and my passion for machine learning. The program's emphasis on both theoretical foundations and practical applications in AI is particularly appealing. Additionally, the opportunity to work under the guidance of Professor [Name], whose work in [specific area, e.g., neural networks or AI ethics] has deeply influenced my own research interests, is a significant draw. This program is an ideal fit for me to further develop my skills and contribute to the field of AI, ultimately aiming for a career in AI research and development in the tech industry."

This answer connects your background and goals to the program's offerings.

Including a specific professor's name shows detailed knowledge about the program and faculty.

6) What impact would you like your PhD project to have?

When answering this question, convey both the academic significance and the potential real-world applications of your research. Let's choose a project focused on developing eco-friendly battery technologies for electric vehicles for this example.

"My PhD project aims to develop new eco-friendly battery technologies for electric vehicles (EVs), addressing both the environmental impact of battery production and the efficiency of energy storage. I hope my research will contribute to the academic field by advancing our understanding of sustainable materials for energy storage, potentially leading to publications and patents. Beyond academia, I envision this project significantly impacting the EV industry by providing a more sustainable and efficient battery alternative. This innovation could play a crucial role in reducing the carbon footprint of transportation and supporting global efforts towards a greener future. Ultimately, I aspire for my work to not only advance scientific knowledge but also drive real-world changes in how we approach energy sustainability in transportation."

This is an excellent answer because it connects the project to larger environmental goals and societal benefits. It also reflects a forward-thinking approach, demonstrating your understanding of the project's potential long-term implications.

7) What difficulties would you expect to encounter during this project?

It's important to demonstrate awareness of potential challenges and convey a proactive mindset toward problem-solving. Let's choose a project focused on the development of a novel AI-driven diagnostic tool for early detection of neurological diseases for this example.

"In developing an AI-driven diagnostic tool for early detection of neurological diseases, I anticipate several challenges. Firstly, the accuracy and reliability of the tool depend heavily on the quality and diversity of the data used for training the AI algorithms. Obtaining a comprehensive dataset that adequately represents the population can be difficult due to privacy concerns and data availability. Secondly, ensuring the AI model's interpretability to be clinically useful while maintaining high performance is another challenge, given the complexity of neurological diseases. To address these, I plan to collaborate with interdisciplinary teams, including data privacy experts and neurologists, to source and utilize data ethically and effectively. I also intend to continuously refine the AI model, focusing on both its predictive accuracy and clinical applicability. These challenges, while significant, present valuable opportunities for innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration."

This response is effective because it clearly outlines realistic challenges specific to the AI diagnostic tool project. It also presents a proactive approach to overcoming these challenges, showing problem-solving skills.

8) How will you fund this project?

When answering this question, show that you've thought about the financial aspects of your research and are aware of funding sources that are available and applicable to your project. 

"I have identified multiple funding sources to support my renewable energy research project at Stanford University. Firstly, I plan to apply for the DOE Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) Program, which offers substantial support for projects focusing on sustainable energy. My proposal for this grant is already in progress, highlighting how my project aligns with the DOE's priorities in advancing clean energy technologies. Additionally, I'm exploring departmental fellowships at Stanford, particularly those aimed at renewable energy research. I am also keen on establishing industry partnerships, given the project's relevance to current energy challenges and the potential for collaborative funding and technological exchange. Last but not least, I will seek conference grants to present my research findings, which can lead to further academic collaborations and additional funding opportunities."

Notice how this answer mentions funding sources that align with the renewable energy focus of the project and the resources available at Stanford University.

9) Tell us about a time you experienced a setback

Focus on a situation relevant to your academic or research experience. Let's use a real-world example where a research experiment failed due to unexpected variables.

"During my Master’s thesis on the effects of soil composition on plant growth, I faced a major setback. My initial experiments, which involved growing plants in different soil types, failed to produce consistent results due to unanticipated environmental variations in the greenhouse. This was disheartening, especially as the deadline approached. However, I responded by reassessing my experimental setup. I consulted with my supervisor and decided to control more variables, such as humidity and temperature. I also refined my data collection methods to include more frequent soil and plant measurements. These adjustments led to more reliable results, and I successfully completed my thesis. This experience taught me the importance of adaptability in research and reinforced the value of meticulous experimental design."

This is a great answer because it shows how you’ve encountered and overcame a specific problem, demonstrating resilience and adaptability.

10) What are your strengths and weaknesses?

When answering this question, it's important to present a balanced view of yourself, showing self-awareness and a commitment to personal development. Choose strengths that are relevant to a PhD program and weaknesses that you're actively working to improve.

"One of my key strengths is my analytical thinking, which I demonstrated during my Master's project where I developed a novel algorithm for data analysis. This required me to not only understand complex theories but also apply them creatively to solve real-world problems. As for weaknesses, I sometimes struggle with overcommitment, taking on too many projects at once. This occasionally led to stress during my undergraduate studies. However, I am actively working on this by improving my time management skills and learning to prioritize tasks more effectively. I've started using project management tools and setting clear boundaries, which has already shown improvements in my workflow and stress levels."

This answer maintains a good balance between strengths and weaknesses. It also shows self-awareness, demonstrating a proactive approach to personal development.

11) Why have you chosen to study for a PhD at this university?

Mention specific aspects of the PhD program that attracted you. Explain how your research interests align with the work being done at the university.

"I am drawn to the PhD program in Astrophysics at Caltech due to its outstanding reputation in space research and the unparalleled resources available at the Owens Valley Radio Observatory. My research interest lies in the study of exoplanets, and Caltech's active projects in this area, such as the Zwicky Transient Facility, align perfectly with my academic goals. The opportunity to work under the guidance of Professor [Name], known for pioneering work in exoplanetary atmospheres, is particularly exciting. Additionally, Caltech's collaborative environment and emphasis on interdisciplinary research are conducive to my professional growth, providing a platform to engage with experts from various fields in astrophysics."

This response directly connects your research interests with ongoing projects and facilities at Caltech. It also shows you’ve done your research on faculty members and their work.

12) What can you bring to this research group?

Focus on your unique skills, experiences, and perspectives that will contribute to the research group's success. Let's choose the field of Biomedical Engineering at Johns Hopkins University for this example.

"As a prospective member of the Biomedical Engineering research group at Johns Hopkins University, I bring a unique combination of skills and experiences. My expertise in microfluidics, honed during my Master’s research, aligns well with the group’s focus on developing lab-on-a-chip devices for medical diagnostics. I have also co-authored two papers in this field, demonstrating my ability to contribute to high-impact research. Additionally, my experience in a start-up environment, where I worked on developing portable diagnostic tools, has equipped me with a practical understanding of translating research into applications. I thrive in collaborative settings, often bringing interdisciplinary insights that foster innovative problem-solving. I am excited about the prospect of contributing to the group’s ongoing projects and introducing fresh perspectives to advance our understanding and application of biomedical technology."

This response shows your relevant expertise, ability to work in a team, and the unique perspectives you can offer, positioning you as a valuable addition to the research group.

13) Do you have any questions for us?

Asking good questions demonstrates your motivation. It also shows that you’ve given some genuine consideration to the project and/or program you’re applying to.

Some questions you can ask the interviewer include:

  • What will the supervision arrangements be for the project?
  • What kind of training and skills sessions are offered as part of the PhD program?
  • How many other PhD students has this supervisor seen to completion?
  • Are there any major developments or partnerships planned for the department?
  • Are there likely to be any changes to the funding arrangements for the project?
  • What opportunities will I have for presenting my research?

Remember: you’re a good student, with lots of potential. You’re considering at least three years of hard work with this university. You need to know that you’ll get on with your supervisor, that your work will be appreciated and that there are good prospects for your project.

What to wear to a PhD interview

Wear formal attire for a PhD interview. Your best bet is to wear a suit. A navy blue suit is the best and most versatile option. No matter your gender, a suit is always very professional.

For men, wear a suit with a tie, dress shirt, and dress shoes. For women, wear a suit (pantsuit or skirt suit) with a blouse, or conservative dress, and closed-toe shoes.

When in doubt, it’s better to be slightly overdressed than underdressed. The goal is to make a professional impression and feel confident, without your attire distracting from the conversation.

What to expect from a PhD interview

At its core, a PhD interview will consist of questions that allow your potential supervisors to get to know you better and have an understanding of what you’d like to study, why you’ve chosen your field of study, and whether you’d be a good fit for the PhD program.

You should expect general questions to help the interviewer get a sense of your likes and dislikes, and your overall personality.

Next, expect questions about your personal motivations for studying a PhD. Your interviewer will also be interested in any relevant experience you have to qualify you to study this PhD.

In the next section, expect questions about your PhD project. You should be prepared to discuss your project idea in detail and demonstrate to the interviewer that you are the ideal candidate.

Last but not least, the interviewer will discuss your future ambitions and give you an opportunity to ask questions. Remember that this interview goes both ways.

It’s important to ask the interviewer relevant questions to show your engagement and the serious consideration you are giving their program.

You are preparing to spend several years of your life at this school. Think about what is important to you and what would make or break your decision to attend this university.

Prepare a list of questions ahead of the interview.

Understanding the interviewer’s point of view

During a PhD interview, interviewers are typically looking for a range of traits that indicate whether you are well-suited for the rigors of a doctoral program and a research career.

These traits include:

Intellectual Curiosity and Passion: A strong enthusiasm for the subject area and a desire to contribute to and expand knowledge in the field.

Research Skills and Experience: Demonstrable skills in conducting research, including designing experiments, collecting and analyzing data, and interpreting results. Prior research experience relevant to the PhD topic is often a plus.

Resilience and Perseverance: The capacity to handle setbacks and challenges, which are common in research, and to persist in the face of difficulties.

Collaboration and Teamwork: Although PhD research can be quite independent, the ability to work well with others, including advisors, faculty, and other students, is crucial.

Self-Motivation and Independence: The drive to work independently, manage one's own project, and stay motivated over the long term.

Fit with the Program: Alignment of the candidate’s research interests and goals with the strengths and focus of the PhD program and faculty.

These traits not only indicate your readiness for a PhD program but also your potential to contribute meaningfully to their field of study and succeed in a research-oriented career.

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what to expect in phd interview

January 18, 2024

How to Prepare for Your PhD Interview

what to expect in phd interview

Although not all PhD programs require interviews, most do, and you will  usually interview with the faculty member who will be supervising your research. If you’re invited to a PhD interview, you want to take full advantage of the opportunity you’ve been given by preparing effectively.

In this post, we’ll focus on some of the questions you might be asked in your PhD interview and offer tips on how to prepare for them.

what to expect in phd interview

What were the factors that prompted you to apply to this program?

  • Review your notes on the department.
  • Familiarize yourself with the research agendas of the faculty members, especially the professors you want to work with.
  • Make note of any unique opportunities you would have as a student in the department. Does the department provide funding to attend and/or present at conferences, or subsidized housing for graduate students?
  • Read journal articles or books written by the professors you are most interested in.

What are your research interests?

  • Be prepared to briefly discuss your past research and how it influenced what you want to research in the PhD program. 
  • You might also be asked about your research methods. You’ll want to have an explanation ready as to why you elected to investigate your hypothesis the way you did. If you could start again, what would you do differently?

What is your research plan?

  • Present the specific topic you aim to research in the program and explain how you believe this research will contribute to the field. 
  • Be prepared to discuss important issues in the field, such as bias and discrimination in AI training data or algorithms. 

What strengths are you bringing to this program?

  • Know what your standout skills, qualities, and experiences are – as well as any areas you might need to improve on. If you have had any teaching experience, mention that you look forward to being a Teaching Assistant, if that type of position is available to you.

what to expect in phd interview

What are your goals post PhD?

  • Do you want to continue to research and teach in academia? Or do you want to research in an industry setting? Be clear about your objectives, but it is also okay to indicate that you are open to other opportunities that might present themselves while you’re in the PhD program.

What questions do you have?

  • It is important to have a few questions prepared in advance. We do not recommend trying to come up with compelling questions on the spot. 
  • Some questions you can consider include “Will I have the opportunity to collaborate with faculty in other related departments?,” “What do you think differentiates this department from other programs?,” and “What advice do you have for me that would help me excel in this program?” 
  • If the topic you are researching crosses over into other departments, you can ask about interdepartmental collaboration.

Usually, your PhD program interviewer will have read your application materials and your resume/CV before your meeting. So, make sure to review everything you submitted, especially if it has been several months since you uploaded your information. You don’t want to be caught off guard. However, this type of interview is also a conversation. Be confident – the faculty would not be taking the time to interview you if they weren’t serious about your candidacy. And remember to smile; it’s not an interrogation!

Dr. Karin Ash

With 30 years of career and admissions experience at four universities, including Cornell’s College of Engineering and Johnson Business School, Dr. Karin Ash facilitated students’ entry into the world’s best companies. As an adcom member, she also evaluated applications and therefore knows what schools and employers seek. Want Karin to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch!  

Related Resources:

  • Applying to PhD Programs: When, Where, How, and Why?
  • How to Write About Your Research Interests
  • Deciding Who Should Write Your Letters of Recommendation – PhD

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Top 15 PhD Interview Questions and Answers

Top 15 PhD Interview Questions and Answers

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Are you ready to conquer the pivotal challenge of PhD interviews? Your path to securing a coveted spot in a doctoral program hinges on your ability to navigate the often intricate world of PhD interview questions. In this guide, we'll delve deep into the types of questions you may encounter, equip you with effective strategies to tackle them, and provide insights to help you shine in your academic pursuits. Let's dive right in and decode the art of answering PhD interview questions with confidence and poise.

What is a PhD Interview?

A PhD interview is a critical step in the admissions process for doctoral programs. It serves as an opportunity for the admissions committee to get to know you better, assess your qualifications, and determine your suitability for the program. In a PhD interview, you'll typically engage in a conversation with faculty members or admissions representatives to discuss your academic background, research interests, motivations, and potential contributions to the program.

Importance of PhD Interviews

PhD interviews hold immense significance in the admissions process. Here's why they matter:

  • Assessment of Fit : Interviews help institutions assess whether you are a good fit for their program and research community. They want to ensure that your academic and research goals align with their offerings and objectives.
  • Personality and Interpersonal Skills : Interviews provide insight into your personality, communication skills, and how well you might collaborate with faculty and peers. Your interpersonal skills can be as important as your academic qualifications.
  • Clarification and Engagement : Interviews allow you to clarify any aspects of your application and engage in meaningful conversations about your research interests. This interaction can set you apart from other candidates.
  • Demonstration of Enthusiasm : By participating in an interview, you have the chance to demonstrate your genuine enthusiasm and passion for your field of study and the program itself.
  • Lasting Impression : A successful interview can leave a lasting positive impression on the admissions committee, potentially tipping the scales in your favor during the final decision-making process.

How to Prepare for PhD Interviews?

Effective preparation is key to a successful PhD interview. Here's what you need to consider:

  • Research the Program : Dive deep into the program's website, course offerings, and faculty profiles. Understand their research areas, recent publications, and ongoing projects. Be ready to discuss how your interests align with theirs.
  • Create a Strong CV and Personal Statement : Craft a compelling CV and personal statement that highlight your academic achievements, research experience, and motivations. Tailor these documents to reflect your passion for the field and your alignment with the program.
  • Practice Interview Responses : Practice answering common interview questions, both alone and with a friend or mentor. Focus on clarity, conciseness, and relevance in your responses.
  • Gather Questions to Ask the Interviewers : Prepare thoughtful questions to ask the interviewers. This shows your genuine interest and engagement. Examples include inquiring about ongoing research projects and the support structure for graduate students.
  • Dress and Present Professionally : Choose a professional and comfortable outfit for your interview. Dressing appropriately shows respect for the process, while confidence in your appearance can boost your self-assurance during the interview.

Remember that preparation is the foundation of success in PhD interviews. By understanding their significance and thoroughly preparing, you can approach your interviews with confidence and increase your chances of securing a spot in your desired program.

Types of PhD Interviews

PhD interviews come in various formats, each designed to assess different aspects of your candidacy and suitability for a doctoral program. Understanding these interview types will help you tailor your preparation effectively.

Structured Interviews

Structured interviews are highly organized and follow a predefined set of questions. They aim to objectively evaluate your qualifications and fit for the program. Here's what to expect:

  • Question Consistency : In structured interviews, all candidates face the same questions, ensuring fairness and comparability.
  • Focused Assessment : Interviewers assess your responses against specific criteria, such as academic background and research experience.
  • Formal Setting : These interviews often occur in a formal setting and may involve a panel of interviewers.

Unstructured Interviews

Unstructured interviews take a more conversational approach, allowing interviewers to explore your personality, motivations, and compatibility with their research group. Here's what makes them unique:

  • Open-Ended Questions : Interviewers ask open-ended questions, giving you the freedom to express yourself more spontaneously.
  • Personality Assessment : This format delves into your personal qualities, interpersonal skills, and enthusiasm for the field.
  • Informal Atmosphere : Unstructured interviews often create a more relaxed, informal atmosphere.

Panel Interviews

Panel interviews involve multiple interviewers assessing you simultaneously. While they can be intimidating, they offer diverse perspectives and insights into your candidacy:

  • Varied Perspectives : Different panel members may come from various academic backgrounds, providing a holistic assessment.
  • Multifaceted Questions : Be prepared for a range of questions, including those related to your research, motivations, and potential contributions.
  • Time Management : Managing your responses and interactions with multiple interviewers can be challenging but crucial.

Video Interviews

In the digital age, video interviews have become increasingly common, especially for international candidates. Excelling in a video interview requires additional considerations:

  • Technical Setup : Ensure your camera, microphone, and internet connection are reliable to avoid technical disruptions.
  • Virtual Presence : Convey your enthusiasm and professionalism through the screen by maintaining eye contact and using appropriate body language.
  • Background and Attire : Choose a clean, professional background and dress as you would for an in-person interview. Avoid distractions.

Understanding these interview types will help you tailor your preparation and approach to each specific format, increasing your chances of success in the PhD admissions process.

Research Experience and Background Interview Questions

1. tell me about your research experience and background in your field..

How to Answer: Start with a brief overview of your academic and research journey, highlighting key milestones, projects, and publications. Emphasize your expertise, the relevance of your work to the PhD program, and any unique contributions you've made.

Sample Answer: "I hold a Master's degree in [Your Field] and have been actively involved in research for the past five years. My work has primarily focused on [Specific Research Area], where I've conducted experiments on [Research Topic]. I've published several papers in reputable journals and presented my findings at international conferences."

What to Look For: Look for candidates who can effectively communicate their research experience, showcasing their passion for the field and the impact of their work. Assess the alignment between their research background and the program's objectives.

2. Can you discuss a specific research project you've worked on in detail?

How to Answer: Choose a significant research project and provide a structured overview, discussing the objectives, methodologies, key findings, and your role in the project. Be concise and clear in explaining the project's relevance.

Sample Answer: "Certainly, one of my most impactful research projects was centered around [Project Title]. The primary aim was to [Project Objective]. I employed [Research Methodology] and collaborated closely with [Team Members]. Our findings, which indicated [Key Finding], have the potential to [Potential Impact]."

What to Look For: Evaluate the candidate's ability to articulate complex research projects coherently, emphasizing their contribution, teamwork, and understanding of the research's implications.

Motivation and Goals Interview Questions

3. why do you want to pursue a phd in [your field].

How to Answer: Share your genuine passion for your field, explaining how a PhD aligns with your long-term goals and emphasizing your commitment to contributing to knowledge.

Sample Answer: "I am deeply passionate about [Your Field] because of its potential to address pressing global issues, such as [Relevant Issue]. Pursuing a PhD is the next logical step for me to delve deeper into these challenges, conduct innovative research, and ultimately make a meaningful impact."

What to Look For: Seek candidates who demonstrate a clear and authentic passion for their field and a well-thought-out rationale for pursuing a PhD.

4. What are your specific research interests and potential research topics for your PhD?

How to Answer: Discuss your research interests, explaining how they align with the department's expertise. Mention potential research topics and why they are relevant.

Sample Answer: "My research interests revolve around [Specific Research Area], and I'm particularly intrigued by [Specific Aspect]. I see potential for investigating [Potential Research Topic] because it addresses [Research Gap], and it complements the ongoing work at your department, especially with [Professor's Name]'s research in [Related Area]."

What to Look For: Look for candidates with well-defined research interests that align with the program and an understanding of how their interests fit within the department's expertise.

Academic Preparedness Interview Questions

5. how have your academic achievements prepared you for a phd program.

How to Answer: Highlight your academic achievements, emphasizing relevant coursework, grades, honors, or awards. Discuss how these accomplishments have equipped you for the challenges of a PhD.

Sample Answer: "During my undergraduate and master's studies, I consistently excelled in courses related to [Relevant Subjects], earning top grades. I was also honored with [Academic Award] for my outstanding performance in [Specific Course], which I believe demonstrates my ability to excel in rigorous academic environments."

What to Look For: Evaluate candidates' academic records, looking for a history of strong performance and evidence of their ability to excel in the PhD program.

6. How do you plan to manage the demands of a PhD program, including coursework, research, and potential teaching responsibilities?

How to Answer: Outline your organizational and time-management skills, discussing strategies for balancing coursework, research, and other responsibilities. Mention any prior experience in multitasking or teaching.

Sample Answer: "I recognize that a PhD program can be demanding, but I've honed my time-management skills through [Relevant Experience]. I plan to create a detailed schedule that allocates dedicated time for coursework, research, and any potential teaching duties, ensuring that I maintain a healthy work-life balance."

What to Look For: Seek candidates who demonstrate a proactive approach to managing the academic demands of a PhD, emphasizing their organizational skills and adaptability.

Research Proposal Interview Questions

7. have you developed a research proposal for your phd if so, can you provide a brief overview.

How to Answer: Summarize your research proposal briefly, outlining the research question, objectives, methodology, and potential significance. Be concise and showcase your innovative thinking.

Sample Answer: "Yes, I've developed a preliminary research proposal focusing on [Research Question]. The main objectives are to [Research Objectives]. I plan to employ [Research Methodology] to investigate this, and if successful, this research could contribute by [Potential Impact]."

What to Look For: Evaluate the candidate's ability to conceptualize a research project, the clarity of their proposal, and the alignment with the program's research priorities.

8. How does your research proposal align with the department's research priorities and potential advisors?

How to Answer: Explain the alignment between your research proposal and the department's strengths and potential advisors. Mention specific faculty members you are interested in working with.

Sample Answer: "My research proposal aligns closely with the department's focus on [Department's Research Focus]. I am particularly interested in collaborating with [Professor's Name], as their work in [Professor's Research Area] directly relates to my research proposal, and I believe their expertise would be invaluable."

What to Look For: Look for candidates who have thoroughly researched the department's strengths and potential advisors and can clearly articulate the alignment between their proposal and the program's resources.

Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Interview Questions

9. can you describe a complex problem you've encountered in your research or academic work and how you approached solving it.

How to Answer: Share a specific example of a challenging problem, outlining the steps you took to address it. Emphasize your problem-solving skills and critical thinking.

Sample Answer: "In one of my research projects, we encountered a complex issue with [Problem Description]. To tackle this, I initiated a collaborative discussion with my team, conducted thorough literature reviews, and explored alternative approaches. Eventually, we devised a novel solution that not only resolved the problem but also contributed to the field."

What to Look For: Assess the candidate's ability to navigate complex challenges, their problem-solving strategies, and their commitment to finding innovative solutions.

10. How do you approach interdisciplinary collaboration and integrating different perspectives into your research?

How to Answer: Explain your approach to interdisciplinary collaboration, highlighting instances where you've successfully integrated diverse perspectives into your work. Emphasize the benefits of such collaboration.

Sample Answer: "I believe that interdisciplinary collaboration is essential for addressing complex issues. In my previous research on [Project Name], I collaborated with experts from [Related Discipline]. We integrated their insights, which enriched our project by [Outcome]. This experience has reinforced my commitment to embracing diverse perspectives."

What to Look For: Look for candidates who value interdisciplinary collaboration, demonstrate an ability to work effectively with experts from other fields, and can articulate the benefits of such collaborations.

Communication Skills Interview Questions

11. how do you communicate your research findings to both academic and non-academic audiences.

How to Answer: Discuss your communication skills, emphasizing your ability to convey complex ideas in a clear and accessible manner. Mention any presentations, publications, or outreach activities.

Sample Answer: "I believe in effective science communication. I've presented my research findings at conferences, where I tailored my presentations to engage both experts in my field and non-specialist audiences. Additionally, I've authored articles for [Publication], aiming to make my research accessible to a wider readership."

What to Look For: Evaluate candidates' communication skills, assessing their ability to adapt their message to different audiences and their commitment to disseminating their research beyond academia.

12. How would you handle a situation where your research findings faced skepticism or resistance from peers or advisors?

How to Answer: Describe a hypothetical scenario where your research findings were met with skepticism, and outline your approach to addressing this challenge diplomatically and professionally.

Sample Answer: "If my research findings were met with skepticism, I would first seek to understand the concerns of my peers or advisors. I'd be open to constructive feedback and engage in respectful discussions to address their doubts. If necessary, I'd reevaluate my methodology or findings and provide additional evidence to support my conclusions."

What to Look For: Look for candidates who demonstrate resilience, the ability to handle criticism professionally, and a commitment to constructive dialogue when faced with skepticism.

Professional Development Interview Questions

13. how do you stay updated with the latest developments and trends in your field.

How to Answer: Share your strategies for staying informed about the latest developments in your field, such as attending conferences, reading journals, or participating in online forums.

Sample Answer: "I stay updated by regularly attending conferences like [Conference Name], subscribing to relevant journals, and actively participating in online communities and forums where experts discuss emerging trends. This continuous learning helps me remain at the forefront of advancements in my field."

What to Look For: Assess candidates' commitment to professional development and their proactive approach to staying informed about the latest research and trends.

14. Can you discuss any leadership or mentoring experiences you've had in your academic or professional journey?

How to Answer: Highlight any leadership or mentoring roles you've undertaken, emphasizing your ability to lead and mentor others effectively.

Sample Answer: "I've had the privilege of serving as a mentor for junior researchers in my lab, guiding them through research processes and offering academic support. Additionally, I was elected as the president of [Student Organization], where I led a team of [Number] members in organizing [Event/Project], which greatly enhanced my leadership skills."

What to Look For: Seek candidates who have demonstrated leadership and mentoring abilities, showcasing their capacity to contribute positively to the academic community.

Conclusion and Fit with the Program Interview Questions

15. why do you believe you are an ideal fit for our phd program in [your field].

How to Answer: Summarize the key reasons why you believe you are a strong fit for the program, emphasizing your alignment with the department's goals, resources, and values.

Sample Answer: "I am enthusiastic about your PhD program because it aligns perfectly with my research interests in [Your Field]. The department's renowned faculty, well-equipped laboratories, and collaborative environment make it an ideal place for me to pursue my research goals. Furthermore, I appreciate the department's commitment to fostering interdisciplinary collaborations, which mirrors my approach to research."

What to Look For: Evaluate candidates' understanding of the program's strengths and their ability to articulate why they are an excellent fit based on their research interests and values.

How to Prepare for a PhD Interview?

Preparing for PhD interviews is a critical step in ensuring your success in the admissions process. We will dive into the key aspects of thorough preparation that will help you leave a lasting impression on the interview panel.

Researching the Program and Faculty

Before you step into the interview room, it's essential to have a deep understanding of the program you're applying to and the faculty members who might become your mentors. Here's how to do it effectively:

  • Program Insights : Explore the program's website, course offerings, and any recent publications or research projects. Understand the program's strengths and what sets it apart from others.
  • Faculty Profiles : Dive into the profiles of faculty members in your area of interest. Familiarize yourself with their research, publications, and current projects. Identify potential advisors who align with your research goals.
  • Department Culture : Seek insights into the department's culture and values. This can help you tailor your responses to demonstrate your alignment with their objectives.

Creating a Strong CV and Personal Statement

Your CV and personal statement are your opportunities to showcase your academic achievements, research experience, and motivations. Crafting these documents effectively is crucial:

  • CV Highlights : Ensure your CV highlights relevant academic accomplishments, research contributions, and any publications or presentations. Use a clear, concise format.
  • Personal Statement Impact : Your personal statement should be a compelling narrative of your academic journey, research interests, and why you're passionate about pursuing a PhD. Tailor it to the program you're applying to.
  • Demonstrate Fit : Emphasize how your academic background and research experience align with the program's goals and faculty expertise. Show how you can contribute to the department's research endeavors.

Practicing Interview Responses

Practice makes perfect, and practicing interview responses is no exception. Here's how to hone your interview skills:

  • Mock Interviews : Conduct mock interviews with friends, mentors, or career advisors. Practice answering common questions while receiving constructive feedback.
  • Video Recordings : Record yourself answering interview questions. Review the recordings to assess your body language, clarity, and confidence.
  • Storyboard Responses : Create storyboards for potential questions. Outline your responses with key points and examples to ensure you address the interviewers' expectations.

Gathering Questions to Ask the Interviewers

Preparing thoughtful questions to ask the interviewers not only demonstrates your interest but also helps you gain valuable insights:

  • Research-Based Questions : Ask questions related to ongoing research projects, faculty collaborations, and opportunities for graduate students. For example, inquire about recent publications or upcoming research initiatives.
  • Program Support : Seek information on the support structure for graduate students, including funding, resources, and mentorship opportunities.
  • Departmental Vision : Ask about the department's vision for the future and how they envision contributing to your academic and research growth.

Dressing and Presenting Professionally

Your appearance and demeanor play a crucial role in creating a positive first impression. Here are some tips for presenting yourself professionally:

  • Appropriate Attire : Choose professional attire that is appropriate for the interview setting. Dressing well shows respect for the process and your interviewers.
  • Grooming : Pay attention to grooming and personal hygiene. Ensure you feel comfortable and confident in your chosen attire.
  • Body Language : Practice good body language, such as maintaining eye contact, offering a firm handshake, and sitting up straight. These non-verbal cues convey professionalism and confidence.

Thoroughly preparing for your PhD interviews is your opportunity to shine and showcase your commitment to academic excellence and research. Each aspect of preparation contributes to a successful interview experience, increasing your chances of securing a spot in your desired program.

During the PhD Interview

The moment you step into the interview room is when your preparation meets the real test. This section will guide you through the crucial aspects of handling yourself during the interview, leaving a lasting impression on the interview panel.

Arriving Early and Being Punctual

Punctuality is a mark of professionalism and respect. Arriving early not only demonstrates your commitment but also helps you settle in and overcome any last-minute nerves. Here's how to ensure you're punctual:

  • Plan Your Journey : Calculate the travel time and consider potential traffic or delays. Aim to arrive at least 15 minutes before your scheduled interview time.
  • Venue Familiarity : If the interview is in person, visit the interview venue beforehand, if possible, to familiarize yourself with the location. This can help reduce anxiety on the interview day.
  • Backup Plans : Have a backup plan in case of unexpected circumstances, such as traffic jams or technical issues for virtual interviews.

Building Rapport with Interviewers

Building a positive rapport with the interviewers can go a long way in making a favorable impression. Here are some strategies to establish a connection:

  • Engage Actively : Be an active listener during the interview. Respond thoughtfully to the interviewers' questions and show genuine interest in their responses.
  • Respectful Interaction : Address the interviewers by their titles or preferred names, and maintain a respectful tone throughout the conversation.
  • Ask Clarifying Questions : If you're unsure about a question or need clarification, don't hesitate to ask. This demonstrates your commitment to understanding and providing thoughtful responses.

Communicating Clearly and Confidently

Effective communication is essential during your PhD interview. Clear and confident communication helps convey your ideas and qualifications effectively:

  • Clarity is Key : Ensure your responses are clear and concise. Avoid jargon or overly technical language that might be unfamiliar to some interviewers.
  • Confidence and Poise : Maintain a confident tone while speaking, even when discussing complex topics. Confidence can inspire trust in your abilities.
  • Practice Active Listening : Show that you're engaged by nodding or providing verbal cues to indicate you're actively listening to the interviewers.

Addressing Tough Questions with Poise

Challenging questions are a part of most PhD interviews. How you handle them can make a significant difference. Here's how to address tough questions with poise:

  • Take a Breath : If faced with a difficult question, take a moment to collect your thoughts. Don't rush into an answer. Composure is more important than speed.
  • Structured Responses : Structure your responses logically, addressing the question's core and providing relevant examples or evidence to support your answer.
  • Be Honest : If you don't know the answer to a question, it's okay to admit it. Offer to explore the topic further or express your eagerness to learn.

Demonstrating Enthusiasm and Passion

Your enthusiasm for your field of study and the PhD program should shine through during the interview. Here's how to convey your passion effectively:

  • Speak About Your Research : When discussing your research interests, convey your excitement and the potential impact of your work on the field.
  • Share Relevant Experiences : Highlight experiences that have fueled your passion for the subject matter. Discuss the projects or coursework that have influenced your journey.
  • Show Gratitude : Express your gratitude for the opportunity to interview and your eagerness to contribute to the academic community.

The interview is your moment to not only showcase your qualifications but also your personality, professionalism, and enthusiasm. By mastering these aspects during the interview, you'll leave a memorable impression on the interview panel.

Post-PhD Interview Etiquette

Once the interview is over, your job isn't done yet. Proper post-interview etiquette is crucial in maintaining a positive impression and handling potential next steps. We'll delve into the essential aspects of post-interview conduct.

Sending Thank-You Notes or Emails

Sending a thank-you note or email after your PhD interview is a courteous gesture that can leave a lasting impression. Here's how to do it effectively:

  • Promptness : Send your thank-you note within 24-48 hours of the interview to express your appreciation while your interview is still fresh in the interviewers' minds.
  • Personalization : Customize each thank-you message for each interviewer, referencing specific points of discussion or insights gained during the interview.
  • Express Gratitude : Express your gratitude for the opportunity to interview and your enthusiasm for joining the program.

Reflecting on the Interview Experience

After the interview, take some time to reflect on the experience. Self-assessment can be a valuable tool for personal growth and future interviews:

  • Strengths and Weaknesses : Identify your strengths during the interview and areas where you can improve. Reflect on the questions that challenged you.
  • Learning Opportunities : Consider what you've learned from the interview process. How can you apply this knowledge to future interviews or your academic journey?
  • Feedback : If you receive feedback from the interview panel, use it constructively to enhance your interview skills for future opportunities.

Preparing for Possible Follow-Up Interviews

In some cases, you may be invited for a follow-up interview, especially if you're a strong candidate. Be prepared for the possibility of additional interviews:

  • Research Continuation : Be ready to discuss your research interests in more depth. Prepare to elaborate on your proposed projects or potential contributions to the program.
  • Personalized Questions : Expect more specific questions related to your application or areas of interest. Demonstrate your commitment and passion for the program.

Handling Rejections and Acceptances

The outcomes of your PhD applications can be emotionally charged, especially when it comes to rejections and acceptances.

Coping with Rejection

Receiving a rejection can be disheartening, but it's important to remember that it's not a reflection of your worth or potential. Here's how to cope:

  • Seek Feedback : If possible, request feedback from the admissions committee. Understanding the reasons for rejection can help you improve your future applications.
  • Stay Resilient : Maintain a positive outlook and resilience. Rejections are a natural part of the application process and can lead to growth and self-improvement.
  • Explore Alternatives : Consider alternative options, such as reapplying in the future or exploring similar programs that align with your goals.

Evaluating PhD Offers and Making Decisions

If you're fortunate enough to receive multiple offers, you'll face the pleasant yet challenging task of evaluating and choosing the right program for you. Here's how to navigate this decision-making process:

  • Comparative Analysis : Create a spreadsheet or chart to compare the pros and cons of each program, considering factors like funding, research opportunities, faculty expertise, location, and support services.
  • Visit the Campuses : If possible, visit the campuses or engage in virtual tours to get a feel for the environment and culture.
  • Consult Mentors and Advisors : Seek guidance from mentors, advisors, or professors who can provide insights and advice based on your academic and career goals.
  • Trust Your Instincts : Ultimately, trust your instincts and choose the program that aligns best with your aspirations and offers the support and resources you need.

Handling the aftermath of PhD interviews, including sending thank-you notes, reflecting on your experiences, and managing outcomes, is an integral part of the journey. By following these guidelines, you can leave a positive impression and make informed decisions regarding your academic future.

Facing PhD interview questions may seem daunting, but with careful preparation and a confident approach, you can shine during this critical stage of your academic journey. Remember to showcase your qualifications, passion for research, and enthusiasm for the program. Your ability to communicate effectively and handle questions with poise will set you on the path to success.

As you reflect on your interview experience and await the outcomes, maintain a positive attitude and be ready to adapt and learn from each opportunity. Whether you receive an acceptance or a rejection, remember that every step in this process is a valuable learning experience that can help shape your future endeavors. Stay resilient, stay motivated, and keep pursuing your passion for knowledge. Your PhD journey is just beginning.

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Dos and don’ts of a phd interview.

Dos & don'ts of a PhD interview

Studying for a PhD is an amazing academic achievement, as well as serious time commitment , and it's certainly not one for the faint-hearted. Once you've decided to embark on this academic path, your PhD interviewer needs to be sure that you are able to rise to the challenge and are academically capable of achieving this ultimate goal. And the PhD interview is how they assess your potential for a place on the program when applying for a PhD .

Your PhD interview will consist of questions that will enable your potential supervisors to get to know you better and have an understanding of what you’d like to study, why you’ve chosen your field of study, and whether you’d be a good fit for the PhD program. 

This interview will also give you the opportunity to ask questions about the program and the university to make sure it’s the place you’d like to study. 

Here, we've compiled a list of dos and don'ts of a PhD interview from the interviewer's perspective, to hopefully guarantee you success when answering the PhD interview questions and thus beginning your Doctorate journey.

PhD Interview dos and don'ts

PhD interview questions to help you prepare

Your interviewers will ask a range of different questions in order to determine whether you will be let into the PhD program . They will ask different types of questions to get an idea of who you are, what your interests are, and how much of an asset your research will be to the university. 

General PhD interview questions

One important aspect of the PhD interview is for the interviewers to get a good idea of who the interviewee is.

They will do this by asking a series of questions that are more general to try and get a sense of your likes and dislikes, and your overall personality. These opening questions could be viewed as ‘warm up questions’ and are likely to also include questions and discussions about your academic history, reasons why you are interested in your particular research topic, and why you’re studying a PhD.

Example questions could include:

  • What is your academic background?
  • Describe your personal qualities?
  • What sets you apart from the candidates?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?

The PhD interviewer will ask you questions about your motivation to study a PhD which you should find straightforward to answer as you clearly have a keen interest and knowledge in a particular research topic to be considering it at PhD level. Now all you need to do is illustrate to the interviewer why you are the right person for this PhD at their university.

The first way to do this is to go into detail about your personal motivations for studying a PhD. Do you have a historical or family link with this topic? Was it an area you covered in your bachelors degree that you now want to explore further? Are you destined for a career in academia? 

Another thing you should demonstrate in your PhD interview is what experience you’ve had either academically, personally or in the workplace that has strengthened your passions for your research.

It is also important to show that you have researched the university, the supervisor and your project. If many universities offer this particular PhD course, then why did you choose this specific one? Do they have resources that will be useful? Is there a supervisor you’d like to work with? 

Example questions that you can expect to receive at this stage in your PhD interview could include:

  • Why are you motivated to pursue a PhD and why in this specific field?
  • Why did you choose this university?
  • Why did you choose this program?
  • Tell us about a time you experienced a setback

Relevant experience

Your PhD interviewer will be interested in any relevant experience you have to qualify you to study this PhD. Use your answers to draw attention to your specific qualifications that may not be obvious from your CV or project. Discuss other courses that you’ve taken, past research, etc. Use this time to reassure your prospective supervisor that you have the skills and experience needed to undertake a doctorate.

Consider what is the critical knowledge and skills needed for this project and explain to the interviewer how you meet these.

Don’t just summarise your CV as the interviewer has already seen this. They will want to see your passion and motivation for your research project.

Example questions they may ask at this stage could be:

  • What experience do you have that makes you suitable for this particular PhD and in what ways?’
  • Why should we choose you?

Your PhD project

Interviewers will want to know that students understand their project and the research involved in successfully studying a PhD. 

You should be prepared to discuss your project idea in detail and demonstrate to the interviewer that you are the ideal candidate. For example, you should explain that you understand the current gaps in knowledge around your topic and how you propose to fill these gaps. Show that you know what your aims and objectives are and how your efforts will contribute to the research field.

Here are some example questions to help you discuss your PhD project:

  • How are you planning to deliver your project on time? 
  • What will you do if you do not find the expected results?
  • What difficulties would you expect to encounter during this project?
  • How did you develop this proposal?

Future ambitions

It’s important for students to know where their work may lead them. Knowing how a PhD will help achieve this, and articulating these aspirations to the interviewer, will give the interviewer a better picture of the student’s goals. 

If the goal is to have an academic career, use this as an opportunity to show the interviewer that you understand the academic career path.

An example question at this stage could be:

  • How will this PhD open the door for future ambitions and aspirations?

Your own questions

As well as being properly prepared to answer questions about your PhD proposal, it is also important to ask your own questions to the interviewer to make sure that this is the university and PhD program that you’re looking for.

Example questions that you could ask a potential supervisor could include:

  • Are you likely to remain at the university for the duration of my PhD program?
  • Are there good links within a specific industry/work field for your post-PhD career?
  • How many PhD students to you supervise at one time?
  • How much contact time am I likely to get?

PhD interview questions: DOs 

PhD Interview dos

  • "Brand" yourself. Show your personality . We must remember you for something besides your academic skills.
  • Be confident and sure of your abilities, but don’t be overconfident. You are not the best in everything that you do, so don't pretend you are!
  • If we ask you a witty question, reply with a witty answer.
  • All PhD interviews are different. Be flexible when preparing for your interview and don’t take anyone’s advice as definite, instead use it to build upon.
  • Avoid simple yes or no answers.
  • Show that you are an independent and original thinker by engaging in debate and supporting your arguments with reasonable statements. However, always be polite and argue without insulting us.
  • Be professional. Professionals can find the right measure between being serious and being informal.
  • Show that you care about what you want to study and about what we do, and don’t be interested in our PhD program just to get the title.
  • Research what we do. We don’t want to talk to someone who knows nothing about our work.

PhD interview questions: DON'Ts

PhD Interview don'ts

  • Don’t undermine the importance of 'soft' general questions like “Where do you see yourself in future?” or “What is motivating you to do the PhD?”
  • Don't be passive in communication. We are interviewing you, but you are also interviewing us.
  • Don’t give too general answers. Be specific and to the point because that will show us that you are not feigning but you know what you are talking about.
  • Don’t get nervous if you think the interview is not going well. In many cases this is just your personal impression, which may be wrong.
  • Don’t come dressed as if you just woke up – make an effort! 
  • Don’t talk jargon. It is not very likely that we were born in the same place or have the same background, so we may not understand what you are saying.
  • Don’t try to pretend that you are someone you're not. We don’t like pretentiousness and can usually see straight through it.
  • Don’t try to be too funny. We may have a different sense of humour than you do, especially if you come from a different culture.
  • Don’t become too emotional during the PhD interview. Enthusiasm is good but not if it’s exaggerated, then it becomes quite off-putting.

Summary of PhD interview questions 

This table shows some examples of different categories of questions you might enounter at a PhD interview.

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March 14th, 2023

Invited to the phd interview here’s how to prepare.

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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Firstly, congratulations! If you’ve been invited to a PhD interview, it means that your application was solid enough to make the shortlist. That’s a small win. Now, onto the preparation for your interview. The PhD interview is an excellent opportunity for you to showcase why you’re a good fit for the programme. This requires you to prepare well for a successful admission. Here are some focus areas and tips for your interview.

Know your research proposal thoroughly

If you submitted a research proposal with your application, ensure that you read it thoroughly and know it well. There’s no such thing as overpreparation with your proposal. Of course, your proposal will be refined several times as you progress along the PhD, but for the interview, you can expect questions around the rationale, methods, and expected outcomes of your research. There can also be questions about the impact your research is likely to have. Also, have a think about the timelines of your project to answer questions around practicality and feasibility.

Research your interviewers

Your invite will indicate who is on your interview panel. Usually, they are likely to be your first and second supervisors. Although you may have contacted them previously and worked with them on your proposal, it’s advisable to read up on their work, research papers that they contributed to, their research interests and the work they’re presently involved in. All this information will be available on the faculty webpages of the department you’re applying to. Knowing this information will help you reiterate why and how you think their supervision will inform your work and how you hope to contribute to their on-going projects.

Brush up on technical know-how

There may be some questions around your past experience and academic background to gauge how well-suited your candidacy is for the topic and the programme you’re applying to. Additionally, these questions will also help your interview panel understand your training needs and how best they can be met to support your studies. Therefore, it’s necessary that you do some reading on the technical aspects of your research, the methodologies you’re proposing to deploy, the analytical tools you’ll be using among others. It’s advisable to be candid about your training needs and what you hope to gain from the programme.

Be sure about your motivations

The interview will be a discussion involving lots of “why” questions. Why do you want to do a PhD? Why do you want to go to LSE? Why do you want to research the topic you’re proposing? The answers for all these questions will be different but the common threads highlight your underlying motivations for applying to the PhD programme. Think long and hard about these questions before your interview. The interviewers want to understand your motivation and ensure that you recognise the commitment involved in signing up for a PhD programme. So don’t be afraid to get personal and really answer with your truest intentions.

The interviewers are likely to ask questions about your funding plans. If you’re planning to self-fund, you must state this clearly. If you’ve applied to funding opportunities, be sure to list them out along with when you’re expecting the decisions from the funding bodies. If you’ve applied to the department’s studentship opportunities, make sure you reiterate it during the discussion. While it’s not necessary to get into the fine details, it’s important that you clearly outline your plans around funding.

Final words of advice

Be reasonably confident. Prepare notes that you can refer to during the interview, if that is permitted. Ask questions about opportunities for collaboration, the research agenda in the department, or even the cohort size. Lastly, make sure to send in a thank-you note to your interviewers post your interview.

All the best! 😊

About the author

what to expect in phd interview

I’m Aish, an MPhil/PhD student at the Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science. I study the impact that personality characteristics can have on performance at the workplace. When I’m not actively PhD-ing, I spend my time cooking, writing, and hula-hooping.

Thank you, Aishwarya, for your thorough and clear explanations. I truly appreciate your assistance.

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Top 10 PhD Interview Questions

So, you’ve been invited for a PhD interview. Congratulations! This means that the admission committee thinks you are qualified and capable of doing a PhD at their university. The interview will allow the committee to determine if you’re a good fit, and you have the motivation and drive to complete a doctorate. While you cannot predict the exact questions you will be asked, certain topics are almost inevitable. Here are ten common PhD interview questions.

1. Tell us about yourself

This is a popular opener for just about any type of interview. It’s meant to be an easy icebreaker, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a wrong answer. Make sure to your response is relevant to the context of a PhD interview. Talk about your academic background, motivation, and interests. You don’t have to get into the details at this point, just give an overview.

2. Why do you want to do a PhD?

This is another straightforward question that doesn’t have a straightforward answer. A PhD is a big undertaking and you’ll have to be driven to see it though. Your answer should address your motivation for doing a PhD in a way that conveys your passion and enthusiasm for the subject.

3. Why are you interested in this program?

What drew you to this program and this school? Does it have a unique feature or take a different approach than other programs? Are there certain professors you are interested in working with? Your answer to this questions shows you have done some research and are ready to engage in the department. It’s also an opportunity to demonstrate that you don’t just want a PhD, you want one from this school.

4. What experience makes you a good candidate?

Yes, the interviewer has read your CV, but this question allows you to draw their attention to specific qualifications or skills that might not be obvious from just your resume. Talk about courses you have taken that have taught you the necessary skills for graduate work or give examples of past research experience from your Bachelor’s or Master’s.

5. How did you develop this proposal?

There are no trick questions here. The interviewer wants to see that you are engaged with the field and spent some time preparing your proposal. Take them through your thought process and discuss the background reading and research you did. What other approaches did you consider before deciding on this one? What will your project contribute to the field?  

6. What difficulties would you expect to encounter during this project?

No matter how carefully you plan, no project goes off without a hitch. Be honest about where you see potential difficulties, but more importantly discuss how you plan to work through them.

7. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Another classic interview question, and one you definitely don’t want to be answering off the top of your head. Pick a strength that is relevant to this position and then give a few examples of how you have used it well. When it comes to choosing a weakness, be truthful and then (using examples again) talk about how you have been working to overcome it.

8. Tell us about a time you experienced a setback

The next three to six years of your PhD won’t be smooth sailing. You are likely to hit many snags along the way. The interviewer wants to know you are resourceful and can handle these setback. Try to think of an academic challenge you have had to overcome rather than a personal one.

9. What are your future career plans?

This is another way to suss out your motivations for doing a PhD and see if you have given a thought to what comes after your doctorate. How will a PhD help you achieve your future goals? Someone with a clear goal in mind is likely to be more committed to doing a PhD. For many, the goal will be to pursue an academic career, in which case this is an opportunity to show you understand the academic career path.

10. Do you have any questions for us?

Remember that this interview goes both ways. It is important that you have some questions to ask the interviewer to show your engagement and the serious consideration you are giving their program. You are preparing to spend several years of your life at this school. Think about what is important to you and what would make or break your decision to attend this university. Prepare a list of questions ahead of the interview.

The interview is your time to shine, and being prepared will allow you to do just that.

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what to expect in phd interview

How To Prepare for a PhD Interview

  • Katie Baker
  • September 26, 2023

what to expect in phd interview

So, you’ve written your personal statement, you’ve sent through your application and now you’ve been invited to a PhD interview, the first step is to congratulate yourself; only 30 – 50% of PhD applicants make it through to the initial interview stage. The invitation is a sure-fire sign the admissions team were impressed by your academic track record, essays, research proposals and personal statement, but you aren’t out of the woods and in the door just yet. 

PhD interviews are conducted by universities to discuss the PhD program or your research proposal with you in more detail. You can also expect to be asked questions about your academic background, skills, and career goals. By asking these questions, university admissions teams will assess whether you are capable enough to carry out doctoral research. With enough preparation, your PhD interview doesn’t need to be daunting. 

To help you prepare for your interview, this page will outline advice on how to prepare for a PhD interview and give you an insight into what typically happens at PhD interviews. However, it is worth bearing in mind that each university interviews its potential PhD candidates differently. 

Along with following the advice outlined here, you will also want to ensure you have a good idea of what to expect from your interview. For example, some university boards will ask you to do a short presentation; others will only ask you questions based on your research proposal and other application materials that spurred them to pick up the phone and invite you to elaborate on your application. 

Know What To Expect From a PhD Interview

Even though PhD interview questions can vary significantly from institution to institution, depending on the circumstances of your PhD application or be formulated specifically around your subject area, every interview serves the same purpose. 

So while it is difficult to give you an idea of a standard PhD interview format, the principle is the same; you will be discussing the finer details of your research proposal or your academic background if you are applying for a program with pre-determined aims and objectives. 

Formal interviews will put you in front of a postgraduate recruitment panel, potentially comprising admission tutors and PhD supervisors; on the other end of the spectrum, you could be asked to meet your potential supervisor for lunch or in a coffee shop on campus to discuss your research interests. Some universities even choose to include orientation activities in the initial interview process; this will give you the chance to explore the research facilities and meet staff members and peers. 

Whichever setting your interview takes place in, and whoever is present, remember that the focus will always be on your achievements, academic interests, and goals.

PhD Interview Presentations

If a PhD interview presentation is required, you will be informed by the university well in advance to allow you to prepare. Your prospective department will also outline their expectations for the presentation, including how long it should be, what needs to be covered, and how it should be delivered. 

Typically, PhD interview presentations should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete, be delivered via PowerPoint and cover your academic achievements and background, research methods and the impact of your research. However, for students interviewing for advertised positions, there may be a requirement to give a short presentation on a specified topic related to your field.

How Long Does a PhD Interview Take?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer for how long a PhD interview takes; the duration depends on the format, how quickly you provide the information that the postgraduate recruitment panel and several other factors.

With some interviews, you should block out an entire day in your calendar as the university may invite you to meet the recruitment panel in the morning, have lunch on campus, explore the department, and have your formal interview afterwards. With others, you can expect to meet your future supervisor and speak with them for an hour over coffee. Whichever interview format you are invited to, remember you’ll be doing the degree be prepared to make the most of it!

row of students sitting on a bench waiting next to eachother

PhD Interviews for Advertised Positions

Most STEM PhD programs come with pre-defined aims, usually part of a research program with broader research objectives; your doctoral research will contribute to the body of research. Furthermore, many advertised PhD projects will also have secure funding. With these kinds of positions, all applicants must prove via their interviews that they can carry out the research to a high standard and prove they deserve the secured funding or studentship.

For example, imagine a particular PhD degree involving the analysis of a particular protein. Being a talented and competent life scientist can get you the interview, but exhibiting your knowledge of the specific proteins and familiarity with the techniques and equipment you need to run your analytical research will seal you the position. You don’t need to be an expert; you need to prove your capacity to become an expert – given the chance.

With advertised positions, the interviews are typically more formal, and the main component will comprise a question-and-answer session where you will be in front of a qualified postgraduate recruitment panel involving three or more people, including project supervisors, postgrad admissions staff, lead investigators and funding reps.

The panel will focus on your research goals and interests and how they correlate to your academic background. You may also be expected to expand on sections of your application which need more clarification. 

It isn’t heard of for interviewers to ask you to give a specific presentation in addition to answering questions. However, this presentation shouldn’t be too long or complex. Alternatively, you may be asked to cover your research proposal in more intricate detail or summarise previous research projects. 

At the end of the interview, you will get the opportunity to ask your own questions; prepare some in advance; this will show your interest and enthusiasm, and you will also gain clarification that the program is right for you.

PhD Interviews for Self-Proposed Research Proposals

If you have applied for a position with a self-proposed research proposal, the interview will differ from the interviews for students hoping to complete doctoral research with pre-defined objectives. 

With self-proposed research proposals, you won’t only need to prove your competency, but you will also need to prove the value and originality of your project. Once accepted, you will have freedom over the research you conduct – to a certain extent – however, you will still gain access to similar levels of support, training and resources. 

Even though you have to defend your research proposal, these interviews are typically more flexible and relaxed; you won’t have the pressure of competing for secured funding or affirming why you deserve studentship above other applicants. However, you will face just as much scrutiny as students competing for advertised positions as you will need to confidently convey that the project is viable in terms of time, methodology, and facilities available at the university. 

It is more likely that interviews for students proposing their own research will be more casual; don’t take this as an indication that they are any less important. The postgraduate research panel or your potential supervisor will still need confirmation that you have the right skills and knowledge to go in-depth with research in their field. 

Taking on a new doctoral candidate is a big multi-year commitment for PhD supervisors; you will want to assure them it is worth their time. Typically, this process will include going through points already illustrated in your proposal and expanding on uncovered areas. If funding is on the cards, it will be allocated on a merit basis; with this in mind, elaborate on the value of your project.

How to Prepare for a PhD Interview

Regardless of how your interview is conducted, you will still need to speak about your research proposal and previous work and experience. Spend ample time reviewing your former essays, considering your previous feedback, and going over your proposal with a fine-tooth comb. You should always be prepared to defend any claims you have made with evidence and examples.

During the interview, expect the academic work carried out in your bachelor’s and master’s degrees to be brought up. The merits of them won’t seal your acceptance offer, but discussing your academic background can exhibit your enthusiasm and show how your interest in your research topic developed.

In addition to re-reading your work, take the time to familiarise yourself with the current or recent research carried out by your supervisor. This familiarity will prove that you will relish the opportunity to work with them. If you aren’t sure who your PhD supervisor will be, review the research carried out in the department. 

The lack of originality in research proposals is one of the main reasons for PhD application rejections, which typically happens before the interview stage. However, during your PhD interview, you will also need to verify, if you have self-proposed your own research, that you have investigated the field to ensure your thesis will be completely original.

For PhD projects with pre-set aims, never overlook any of the details of the program. Beyond reviewing the objectives, take an interest in who will be involved, clue yourself in about external funders, and note the available development and training. 

Practice doesn’t only mean perfect; it also means you are committed, capable and confident. Enlist the help of your current academic contacts and peers while practising your interview or presentation material. This is especially important if you don’t have much experience with public speaking or giving presentations.

What To Wear and Bring to a PhD Interview?

Appearance isn’t everything in a PhD interview, but it can go a long way for potential candidates wanting to make the best first impression. Even though academics don’t typically share a similar wardrobe with CEOs during their average workdays, you should present yourself how you would if you were attending a job interview for your dream job. 

The PhD admissions team will inform you if you need to bring anything specific to your interview, such as a presentation. However, if it makes you feel more comfortable and prepared, you can bring hard copies of your previous essays or dissertations, which you can re-read or reference where appropriate. It may also be beneficial to bring a hard copy of your research proposal if you submitted one. 

A notepad and pen will also help you to take notes after you have asked your questions at the end of the interview. Remember, like a job interview, a PhD interview will assess your suitability for the university and the suitability of the university for you. Doctoral research is a big commitment; you will want to ensure that the institution is right for you; your initial interview may be your only chance to explore the campus and meet the staff.

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Questions to Ask During Your PhD Interview

Zebastian D.

  • By Zebastian D.
  • August 22, 2020

PhD Interview Questions to Ask

As someone applying for PhD positions, you’ll no doubt be thinking of and preparing for the interview with your potential supervisor(s). You’re absolutely right to be doing this and planning your answers to some of the PhD interview questions that they’ll probably ask you; make sure you’ve read our guide on this to help you prepare.

Remember though that the PhD student-supervisor relationship works both ways; as much as the potential supervisor is interviewing you for a PhD position within their lab, you should also have the mindset that you’re also interviewing the professor for the role of supervisor, and be ready to ask questions! Ultimately the key thing you want to know after your PhD interview is you are both a good fit for each other.

With that in mind, I’ve prepared a common list of questions that you should consider asking to help you decide if the supervisor and the research lab is the right fit for you. You don’t need to ask all these questions but instead use this list as a guide for picking what feels most important to you.

I should also note that some of the answers to these questions can usually be found through a quick Google search of the potential supervisor or looking at their university profile. So do think about which questions in particular you want to bring up in person at the PhD interview.

Now on to the questions….

How many PhD students have you supervised previously, and did they all gain their PhDs?

You’re asking this to firstly work out how experienced the professor is at supervising students, based purely on the numbers previously supervised. The reason to ask the second question of how many students gained PhDs is to get an idea of the supervisor’s track record of successful supervision. The lower the percentage of students that went onto complete their PhD under his or her supervision (and not leave the program early ), the more alarm bells that should be ringing for you. This of course shouldn’t be your only data point in the decision-making process, and you should try and find out more about why those that left their PhD program before completion, did so. Equally it’s also a possibility that some students have been successful in their PhD research in spite of a supervisor’s lack of support. A good way to get a truer sense of this is by speaking to the supervisor’s current and past students.

Whilst a supervisor’s successful track record can be reassuring, don’t be put off if they haven’t supervised many (or even any) students before, particularly if they’re still fairly new in the job. There are many other ways in which you can get a sense of the supervisor-student fit.

what to expect in phd interview

How many years does a PhD project usually take in your lab?

If you’re in the UK, a full time PhD should normally take you 3-4 years to complete , as reflected by most funding grants for PhD research being for this time frame. You want to know and have some reassurance that most students in this lab do finish within this time frame. Asking this question will also help you better understand the supervisor’s attitude towards completion time frames; is this someone that would have no issue with a student that’s been working on their PhD for 6 years or are they driven to help students complete ‘on time’.

What are the key milestones for progression that you expect from students?

This is a good follow on from the previous question. Some supervisors can be very ‘hands off’ and set no expectations on their students about deliverables and if this is the type of student-supervisor relationship you’re after (which some are), then perfect!

However, whilst a PhD project is an independent body of work, that doesn’t mean you have to do it in isolation. Having a supervisor that also acts as a mentor is important; a key aspect of this is to help keep you on track to complete your project ‘in time’, which is most effectively done using regular milestones.

The actual milestones will vary between supervisors but what you’re looking for in their response is some indication that they’ve actually thought about them. Examples of milestones may be the completion of the literature review within the first 6 weeks of starting, first experimental data captured by month 3 and first paper published by the time you end year 1.

what to expect in phd interview

How many other students do you supervise?

You ideally don’t want your supervisor to have too many (>5) other PhD students under his or her supervision at any one time, simply because of the dilution of their time that will naturally occur. Being part of an active research lab is a big advantage however, so you don’t necessarily want to be the only student under their supervision either. Remember that the professor may also be responsible for several Master’s and undergraduate students too so you just need to know what to realistically expect from him in terms of available time to meet with you regularly.

How often do you meet with your PhD students?

You don’t want a supervisor that’s too prescriptive in how you run your project, but you do want someone who you know you can rely on to meet with regularly. Some professors set weekly one-on-one or group research meetings that occur at the same time, day and venue; you know exactly what you’re getting here. Others tend to meet less frequently but still at regular intervals. A good balance would be to have catch up meetings every 2 weeks but it’s important to know upfront what the expectations are from both sides about how often to meet.

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How flexible is the direction of the PhD project?

At the PhD level of higher education, the supervisor is there to provide mentorship and guidance to help you avoid going in a completely wrong direction with your research. You should however expect to have the freedom to take your project in any direction you want to (within reason). This should be the case even if it means deviating from the original research questions that were proposed at the start; you and your supervisor should be in agreement before you start about how much flexibility there can be. Remember too that sometimes the project may have to stay closely aligned to the original plan if it’s required by the industry funder, so this decision may be out of the supervisor’s hands to some extent.

What funding is available for this project?

You should know by the time you come to interview if the project is to be self-funded or if there is specific funding associated with it. It may feel like an awkward question to ask but you need to be very clear on how much of a living stipend you should expect and if there is any additional funding for things such as conference travel, paying for journal publication fees or other bench fees; you don’t want any unpleasant surprises about finances when you’ve already started the PhD.

what to expect in phd interview

Do you expect there to be any changes in funding during the course of the project?

Specifically, you want to find out if there’s any risk that the funding associated with the project could be removed. Most often, funding bodies don’t transfer the entire monetary amount of the agreed funding up front in one lumpsum (which can be in excess of £75,000 for a 3-year studentship). Instead, payments are made in instalments and may be done so on the basis that certain milestones are met. For industry funded projects, for example, there may be a service work element (such as specialist analysis using university-based equipment) associated with the funding which will need to be delivered on time for the university to continue to receive money. In reality a complete loss of funding is unlikely to happen, but you should find out if this is at all a possibility of happening.

What is the source of the funding?

It’s important for you to understand how your project will be funded. As discussed in the previous question, the specific funder may place certain requirements on the university that need to be fulfilled to receive the funds. Don’t let this put you off applying or even impact your decision to take on the specific project, but it’s an important factor to be aware of.

Are there any opportunities to earn additional money as a PhD student?

Even if you will receive a stipend during the course of your research project, it comparatively won’t be a lot of money to live on. If you want it, the opportunity to earn extra money can make a big difference in managing your finances. This may in the form of one day/week working as a research technician or paid work preparing and delivering lectures to undergraduate students. It’s useful to know if these opportunities will exist to help you manage your expectations about your finances. Make sure you don’t let yourself feel obligated to take on this additional work however, even if it is paid; the priority will be ensuring your research progresses on schedule.

Will I have the opportunity and be expected to publish papers?

what to expect in phd interview

In the UK there is no requirement for you to have published any journal papers before you are awarded a PhD. Doing so however can go some way towards making your final viva that much easier, and also giving you a ‘head-start’ on your publication track record if you continue on into academia after your PhD.

You should get a sense of if your potential supervisor sees an opportunity for you to publish your research, if this is something that you want to do. Equally you should be aware of the supervisor’s expectations about publishing to avoid any potential conflict between your supervisor wanting you to publish work during your PhD and you wanting to wait until you’re in the post-doc stage before writing papers.

How many papers have previous PhD students published with you?

Knowing the answer to this should give you a good idea about the expectations and opportunities of publishing papers during your PhD. It’s certainly a positive sign to know that previous students have successfully published their research and is often a sign of a good supervisory system being in place.

How often does your research group present at academic conferences?

Having the opportunity to present your research at an academic conference is a key experience to have obtained during your time as a PhD student. Some supervisors actively encourage this and ensure that all funding applications include allocations for paying for conference related fees. Others are less convinced about the value of students going to conferences, particularly due to the additional expense of doing so, and may therefore not be as supportive of conference participation.

It’s useful to know what the norm is within the supervisor’s research group so that there are no surprises further down the line.

what to expect in phd interview

Is there funding support available for attending conferences?

Again, to be clear on expectations of funding and support for conference attendance, you should find out if there are funds specifically allocated for this purpose. If there aren’t, does the supervisor actively provide support to their students in applying for additional funding for this?

Are there courses and training sessions available for PhD students?

Find out if there are extra resources available to you should you want to use them. For example, do the supervisors students go on paper writing courses, or workshops on how to perform literature reviews? There are lots of new things that you’ll be doing during your PhD, especially at the beginning so it’s good to know that there’s external help available if and when you need it.

What are your past PhD graduates doing now?

This is an interesting one to find out from the supervisor. Are most of their graduates continuing their career development within academia or have many moved into industry work or even to a field completely different to their area of research? Ideally, you’d want this to align with your own career options. If most PhD holders have gone into industry whereas you want to pursue an academic career, you should try and find out why they ended up leaving academia. For example, did these graduates initially have aspirations of becoming professors themselves but were not able to do so or does your particular field normally open up more opportunities within industry?

What kind of support do you or the university provide for helping with jobs after?

In particular, what role does the supervisor play in helping their recent PhD graduates find their next job role? Do they have any connections within industry that they’d be able to help you network with? Or have any of their past PhD students stayed on in the lab as post-docs and are there resources in place for you to potentially do the same?

Will there be opportunities to teach undergraduate students?

The opportunity to give lectures to undergraduate students or lead tutorials with them can be a good way to earn some extra money during your PhD (note though that not all universities/departments formally pay PhD students to do this). Getting teaching experience is also important if you’re planning on continuing on down an academic career path at a university so it’s useful if you can gain some of this during your PhD.

Do you as a lab do any team activities together?

This will help you get a sense of the environment you’ll be working in for at least the next three years. Is this a lab with several PhD students and post-docs that make up an active ‘research family’? Does the team ever go out for lunch together or day trips away together to unwind? This can be a great way to build a sense of comradery in a research job that can often feel like you’re working alone in. Some supervisors actively encourage and get involved in nurturing a team environment whilst others are more hands-off, leaving the students to do their own thing.

what to expect in phd interview

What is the work environment like? Do students work in a shared office space?

Be clear on what your daily workspace will be like at the lab and university. Do all PhD students sit together in an open space or are there smaller office spaces for one or two students to work in? Some people prefer the buzz of an open space whilst others like the quiet of lone working. Either way, you should know what your work environment will look like for the next three years and plan accordingly (e.g. buy some noise cancelling headphones if you need some quite time in the open plan office).

I’ve given you a number of different questions to think about and ask your potential supervisor at your PhD interview. Not all of them may be relevant, or even appropriate to ask, so do think carefully about which ones you do want to bring up at the interview and which answers you could find out independently by either speaking to other students or looking online. Your research project and your experiences at the university will be so much more enjoyable if you can make sure you and your supervisor are a good fit for each other. The best way to do this is to ask questions!

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Dr Ayres completed her PhD at the University of Warwick in 2017, researching the use of diamond to make electrochemical sensors. She is now a research scientists in the water industry, developing different analytical techniques and sensors to help keep our water systems safe.


Dr Smethurst gained her DPhil in astrophysics from the University of Oxford in 2017. She is now an independent researcher at Oxford, runs a YouTube channel with over 100k subscribers and has published her own book.

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  • Jan 27, 2020

PhD Interview Weekend: A guide for aspiring scientists

By Michael Whaby

First of all, if you’re here because you’ve been invited to interview for a PhD program: Congratulations! If otherwise, then I hope to offer some useful information to any considering or currently applying to graduate school. Last year, I applied to five and was invited to interview for four different PhD programs—three were biomedical science programs; one was a systems biology program. Each interview weekend had its own little twists, but they all essentially contained the same events on the schedule.

I’m going to try to guide you through some of the inevitably awkward dinners and other social interactions that will likely take place during the interview weekends. I am also going to help you see into the future to imagine what the interactions with interviewers might be like. From my experience, there are definitely some mainstream topics to expect talking about with each interviewer. By the end, you should be supplied with an arsenal of general information about what to expect for the PhD interview weekend.

( The bottom of the page contains a General PhD Interview Weekend Itinerary . This is just one example of how an interview weekend can be structured.)

Talking through the awkward

PhD interview weekend poster session.

During one interview weekend, after a morning introduction from the Dean, all of the faculty and students were gathered in one big room. After the faculty introduced themselves to the students, the students were to walk around the room and talk to those faculty members about their research. By far, this was the most awkward event that occurred during any of the interview weekends. The goal was to introduce yourself, talk quickly about research, then, finally, end the conversation and move on to the next faculty member. Kind of like researcher–student speed dating; more so just a really weird form of forced communication.

Traditionally, there are poster sessions held where students walk around and stop at posters that interest them—sometimes they even offer beer or wine to enjoy as you walk around and conversate with faculty members and current graduate students. In my opinion, the poster sessions are a much less awkward style of meeting faculty and talking about research. Also, if you’ve properly prepared for your application to that program, then you might even run into faculty whose research enticed you to apply there in the first place. Coming prepared and well-informed will make for easier, less awkward conversation.

Background information and curiosity will make for the best use of time during poster sessions. In fact, the background information will even help to boost curiosity should the topic at hand be of interest. Engage in conversation and ask questions about the research, the current students, past students, and the program itself. Remember, the interview is not just another assessment of your qualification-ness; you are also assessing if a particular program is the right fit . They want to make a good impression on you just as much as you want to for them. I denied offers from a few programs because I didn’t feel that they were good fits for me—even programs that were more “prestigious” than the one I finally chose. You ultimately should decide where you believe you will thrive.

Typical PhD interview weekend faculty dinner.

The PhD interview weekends always include at least one faculty dinner. There is usually a dinner with current graduate students as well, but this is a rather less tense and more casual vibe than the faculty dinners. From my experience, the faculty dinners come in two flavors: they can be at a faculty member’s house...or somewhere else. If the faculty dinner with the interviewing students is at a faculty member’s house, odds are that the hosting faculty member is ballin’. The house will likely be beautiful (to me, at least). Great food, as well as beer and wine, were served at these house dinners. I’ve also attended faculty dinners in banquet halls or in a lobby with a lot of space; good food, beer and wine are also served in these settings.

Something about having a beer (or wine) really helped ease some tension and made the conversations with faculty feel more casual—especially if they were drinking too. During one interview weekend, I actually drank a whole pitcher of beer at a campus bar before leaving for the faculty dinner, where more beer was served (NOT recommended, but I actually did get into that program).

Bottom line, be yourself . You are a part of the interview weekend, which means you obviously have something in common with everyone there: a passion for science. And while the dinners might not be the best opportunity to talk about science, its a great time to gauge whether these are people that you want to learn science with and from for the next 4-6 (or 7) years of your life.

The interviews

Typical PhD interview weekend interview.

Interviews. The most stressful part of the whole weekend. Doing well in the interviews requires some homework beforehand. You will be informed of which faculty members you will be interviewed by sometime before the interview weekend. They try to match you with faculty that you have expressed interest in meeting, but this often doesn't happen. Regardless, before going into the interview, you need to know yourself and your interviewer. That sounds ridiculous right? Of course you know yourself. And how the hell are you supposed to know someone you've never met before? (If you read this post , then you would know!) Let me clarify:

Know yourself

You are going to be asked many questions about yourself. To name a few: Why do you want to pursue a PhD? (Read about why I chose to here .) Why did you apply to this program? What are your research interests? Tell me about your previous research. Why did you suck so bad freshman year of college? Why did you drop this class? It says here in your personal statement ________________, could you explain that further?

Basically, know how to back up all of the information that they have of you from your application . Be able to explain why you sucked freshman year, and what you did to get to where you are now. Be able to show in your GPA when you started to see the impact of your hard work or new behavior. You should even have stories in your mind for each topic you touched on in your personal statement. Also, know your CV.

Lastly, be able to think and talk scientifically . If you did research, make sure you know that research. Talk to your former research mentor if you think that you need help better preparing. I put emphasis on this, because one of my interviews did not go so well because I didn't know some of the science behind the research that I did well enough. I had only one interviewer formulate a hypothetical scientific scenario, where I was challenged with a genetics-related molecular biology question. Just have your scientific thinking cap on.

Know the interviewer

I remember telling one of the professors that I had in the Biomedical Master's Program at the University of Pittsburgh that I got my first interview invitation to a PhD program. The first thing he told me was, "know your interviewers' research focuses. At least read some abstracts." He couldn't have been more right.

The overwhelming majority of time during the interviews was spent talking about the interviewers' research—whether you want to or not. This is particularly challenging when the interviewer does research that is of little interest to you, but, if any, this would be a time to act interested. If you can walk into that interview with questions about the interviewer's research, you are off to a great start.

Lastly, know the interviewer's position and role(s) in the program, and ask them questions about the program, or research, or anything that you want to know. You might find that some of them aren't prepared with talking points to cover 30-45 minutes, so you being able to contribute to the conversation and knowing a bit about who you are talking to will really help you and them.

So, that's all I have for now. There are many other great sources out there. I'd recommend checking out some blog-style articles written in Nature or Science magazines. They always have good stories told from people with a wide variety of experiences.

General PhD Interview Weekend Itinerary

Day 1 (Thursday or Friday) – usually a day to meet people and get comfortable

12:00pm Arrive somewhere on campus or at hotel and get settled in.

1:00-6:00pm Orientation, seminars and poster session.

6:00-8:00pm Dinner with faculty and/or graduate students, with beer and wine.

Day 2 (Friday or Saturday) – usually interview day

8:30am A light breakfast with other students to have something to throw up after interviews.

9:30am-10:00am First interview.

10:15am-10:45am Second interview.

11:00am-11:30am Third interview.

11:45am-12:15pm Fourth interview?

12:30pm-1:00pm Fifth interview??

1:15pm-2:30pm Lunch.

3:00pm-3:30pm Exit meeting.

4:00pm-6:30pm Relax back at the hotel, or wherever.

7:00pm-8:30pm Dinner with faculty and/or graduate students, with more beer and wine.

Day 3 (Saturday or Sunday) – usually a tour of the campus surroundings (“things to do here”)

9:30am-11:30am Tour of campus and the surrounding environment.

12:00pm-1:00pm Lunch.

1:00pm You made it. Go home.

Good luck everyone! Hope this helped.

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Are you thinking of pursuing a PhD, or are you currently in the middle of a program? Ever wonder what life can look like on the other side of defending your dissertation? Well, the path is not all too linear, and your first job may not be your last job; however, it may be a door to a world of opportunities. Check out this alumni profile from the graduate school to spark innovation within your own exploration: Alumni Profiles Series: Jeannie Karl | The Graduate School (

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Shonda Rhimes' 3 Children: All About Harper, Emerson and Beckett

'Grey's Anatomy' creator Shonda Rhimes is raising her three daughters to be strong women

Jessica Booth is a contributing writer at PEOPLE. She has been working at PEOPLE since 2022. Her work has appeared in Brides, Parents, What To Expect, Romper, The Knot and Forbes.

David Livingston/Getty

Shonda Rhimes has not only been at the helm of several successful television shows , but she is also the proud single mom to three children: Harper, Emerson and Beckett.

The Grey's Anatomy creator has been open and honest about motherhood, including the difficulties of balancing a busy work life with being a parent.

“If you are a working mother you are often not there as much as you’d like to be,” she told Business Insider in a 2017 interview. “I said this once somewhere, that if I’m standing on set watching some amazing thing being shot, then I am missing my daughter’s science fair."

Rhimes continued, "Or if I’m at my daughter’s dance recital, then I miss Sandra Oh ’s very last day ... That’s what happens. Those are the trade-offs.”

The producer welcomed Harper through adoption in 2002, and Emerson joined the family 10 years later. In 2013, Rhimes welcomed Beckett via surrogacy.

Shonda Rhimes Instagram

Despite a packed schedule, Rhimes is committed to raising her daughters with care.

“They couldn’t be more different from one another, but they’re all stubborn — and I meant that in the best way,” the Emmy winner told Good Housekeeping in 2016. “No one will ever take advantage of them. They will always go their own way because they have decided they’re going to.”

“I don’t want to have a nice girl,” Rhimes added. “I’d rather have a stubborn girl.”

Here’s everything to know about Shonda Rhimes’ children: Harper, Emerson and Beckett.

Harper Lee Rhimes, 22

Rhimes welcomed her oldest daughter, Harper Lee Rhimes, through adoption in 2002 — a decision the director made after the tragic events of 9/11.

In a 2006 conversation for O, The Oprah Magazine , Rhimes said that when she was 32 years old, she rented a farmhouse in Vermont to take a trip to “think about my life” and 9/11 happened the next day. While watching the events unfold on television, the screenwriter thought about everything she wanted to do, so she went home and hired an adoption attorney.

“Up until then, I’d spent a lot of time asking myself, ‘What’s wrong with my life?’ ” she said. “I was feeling so unhappy.”

Rhimes added, “Nine months and two days after 9/11, my daughter was born. I named her after Harper Lee. Now I can’t remember what I did with my time before she got here.”

Harper and her mom are close, but that doesn’t mean she watches everything Rhimes has created. In a 2022 interview with WSJ. Magazine , Rhimes revealed that none of her daughters had watched Grey’s Anatomy yet, saying that Harper “finds it horrifying that I’ve written a show that all of her friends have seen multiple times.”

“So she has never seen it and I have to say, I think that might be the best compliment ever," the BAFTA winner explained. "I think about it like, her mother wrote a show that tells all her friends what to think about love and sex. So she’s not interested in watching it, and I think that’s a very good thing.”

In a 2017 interview with The Hollywood Reporter , Harper said she “used to watch” Scandal , adding, “it hasn’t really grown on me in a while.”

Amy Tierney/WireImage

Harper also shared that she is an artist who loves to dance and ride horses. When it comes to her favorite TV, she revealed that she enjoys watching Stranger Things , Shameless , Friends and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air .

Rhimes added that while Harper had shown an interest in producing, she wasn’t sure she wanted a career in entertainment.

Still, Harper got a little taste of the industry once, when she made a quick appearance in the 2018 series finale of Scandal . She was only on the show for about 30 seconds as one of the kids looking at a portrait of Olivia Pope.

After graduating from the Los Angeles-area Marlborough School in 2019, Harper enrolled at Parsons School of Design in New York City, where she studies business and is set to graduate in 2025, per her LinkedIn .

Outside of the classroom, she is the founder and CEO of the nonprofit Serve a Purpose, which connects professionals with "at-risk youth" who may not have access otherwise. The foundation offers several services, including therapy, yoga and career-building sessions with experts, according to its website .

Although Harper tends to keep her life more private, followers can sometimes catch a glimpse of the mother-daughter duo on Rhimes’ Instagram, like in April 2023, when the showrunner shared a photo of herself and Harper dressed up.

“They grow up so fast,” she wrote in the caption. “Had a great time in London with my fabulous daughter.”

Emerson Pearl Rhimes, 12

Jason Mendez/Getty

Rhimes welcomed her second daughter, Emerson Pearl Rhimes, through adoption in 2012.

Four years later, Rhimes opened up in a TED talk about how Emerson helped get her creative spark back when she was feeling burnt out. She explained that Emerson, who was a toddler at the time, referred to everyone as “honey” as if she were a “Southern waitress.”

One day, Emerson asked Rhimes if she wanted to play with her, and Rhimes realized that Emerson was no longer calling anyone “honey.”

Once she realized how fast time was going by, Rhimes decided to start saying “yes” to her daughter when she asked if she wanted to play. Focusing more on finding creativity and joy rather than stressing over work helped Rhimes get back into the groove.

“My kids are my happy place,” she said. “They’re my world.”

Beckett, 11


Rhimes welcomed her third daughter, Beckett, in 2013 via surrogacy.

She posted the happy announcement on X (formerly Twitter) , writing, “Been AWOL from Twitter. I totally have a good reason: TINY HUMAN #3 is here and she’s perfect! Babies are good. Life is good. #2shows3kids.”

In 2016, Rhimes revealed that Beckett was a huge fan of women’s gymnastics after Gabby Douglas helped the United States bring home a gold medal at the Olympics.

“True story,” she wrote on X . “Yesterday my 3 yr old announced that her name is now GabbyDouglas Rhimes.”

Though Beckett is still young, Rhimes has made it clear that she is striving for her and her sisters to grow up to be strong women.

In a commencement speech for Dartmouth University, per The Bump , Rhimes said, “I want my daughters to see me and know me as a woman who works. In their world, mothers run companies.”

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Nurse Interview Questions: What to Expect and How to Prepare For Your Next Job Opportunity

E ntering the healthcare field and launching your nursing career can be exhilarating. One critical stage in this process is the nursing job interview.

The nurse interview is your opportunity to showcase your skills, express your passion for patient care and convince hiring managers that you would make a valuable addition to their healthcare team.

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The nurse interview questions may range from general inquiries about your background and experience to specific questions assessing your competencies in various scenarios.

These interviews can be challenging because, in addition to evaluating your technical knowledge, hiring managers are also interested in your interpersonal skills, critical thinking abilities, adaptability and capacity to handle stressful situations.

However, it's important to remember that this isn't a one-way street. Interviews are also a chance to evaluate whether the organization and the role align with your career goals and values.

The key to succeeding in a nursing job interview lies in preparation. It's not enough to have an impressive resume — you also need to articulate your skills and experiences effectively during the interview.

By preparing in advance, you can confidently walk into the interview room, ready to provide thoughtful and articulate answers to any questions.

How do you truly understand the job description for nursing positions?

To prepare effectively for a nursing job interview, one of the first steps is to understand the job description thoroughly.

A job description is more than a list of tasks; it serves as a blueprint of what the organization looks for in an ideal candidate.

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The components of a nursing job description can be broadly classified into four categories:

  • Job summary: This section provides a broad overview of the role, its main objectives and where it fits in the healthcare team.
  • Responsibilities and duties: Here, you'll find a list of typical tasks you'd be expected to perform in the role. It might include responsibilities related to patient care, administering medication, maintaining patient records and collaborating with other healthcare professionals.
  • Qualifications and skills: This part outlines the professional and academic qualifications needed for the role, such as a bachelor's degree in nursing or a valid registered nurse license. It also lists desired skills like problem-solving, communication and teamwork.
  • Physical and emotional demands: Nursing can be physically and emotionally demanding. This section details the physical abilities required (like lifting patients) and the emotional resilience needed to cope with stressful situations.

By understanding the job description, you can anticipate some of the nurse interview questions that might come up.

For instance, if the job description emphasizes teamwork, be prepared to answer questions about your experience working in a team, how you handle conflicts and how you have collaborated with coworkers in the past to improve patient care.

Studying the job description is not just a part of the job search process — it's also a vital part of interview preparation.

Knowing the job description inside and out can help you tailor your responses during the interview, allowing you to demonstrate why you're the best candidate for the position.

What are some common questions to expect during a nursing interview?

When it comes to nursing job interviews, several questions tend to come up, whether you're a fresh-faced graduate from nursing school or a seasoned nurse practitioner looking for new opportunities.

By understanding and preparing for these most common nursing interview questions, you'll be well-positioned to make a strong impression on recruiters and hiring managers.

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"Tell me about yourself."

While not technically a question, you're almost certain to face the ubiquitous "tell me about yourself" request. It may seem simple, but this is not the time for a rambling account of your life story.

Instead, view this question as a golden opportunity to offer a strategic overview of your professional trajectory, carefully focusing on experiences that underscore your commitment to excellence in nursing and patient care.

For instance, you could begin by speaking about where you received your education, perhaps noting any specific areas of study that ignited your passion for nursing. You might then touch on your clinical experiences during nursing school , discussing where you completed your rotations and detailing some of the key learnings or moments that stand out in your memory.

If you've already begun your nursing career, make it a point to highlight the roles you've held and accomplishments you're proud of. Don't be shy about sharing any recognition or awards you've received — these can be powerful testaments to your skills and dedication.

"Tell me about yourself" is an open-ended question that invites you to frame your narrative in a way that positions you as a strong candidate for the role. Tailoring your answers to fit what you know about the job can be as impactful as having a well-crafted cover letter.

"Why should we hire you?"

The question, "Why should we hire you?" is another staple of the nursing interview. When confronted with this question, it's vital to deliver a clear, concise and persuasive argument that aligns your unique skill set and experiences with the needs outlined in the job description.

Take the time to dissect the job description and identify its essential requirements. Then, consider how your skills, experiences and attributes meet these requirements. Be specific with your examples.

For instance, if the job description emphasizes the importance of teamwork and adaptability, be prepared with an example answer demonstrating how you've previously excelled in these areas, perhaps by describing a situation where you successfully navigated a conflict within your team or adapted to a sudden change in a patient's condition.

What are some common behavioral questions in nursing interviews?

In addition to general questions, you can expect to encounter behavioral interview questions during your nursing job interview. These questions are designed to gauge your critical thinking skills, adaptability and how you handle difficult situations, all crucial components of nursing work.

One widely-accepted approach to answering these questions is the STAR method: Situation, Task, Action and Result.

This method helps you structure your answer by providing a specific example (Situation and Task), explaining what you did (Action) and then sharing the outcome (Result).

Related: 6 Tips on How Job Seekers Can Prepare for All Types of Interview Questions | Entrepreneur

For instance, you may be asked, "Can you describe a time when you had to handle a difficult patient?"

Using the STAR method, you might respond with the following:

  • Situation: "In my previous role as a registered nurse at XYZ hospital, I was assigned a patient who was non-adherent with their treatment plan."
  • Task: "As their primary nurse, it was my responsibility to ensure they understood and followed their treatment plan."
  • Action: "I took some extra time to sit with them, educate on the importance of the treatment in language they could understand and address their fears and concerns."
  • Result: "After their educational session, the patient participated in afternoon rounds with the care team and became adherent with their treatment, and their condition improved significantly."

Preparing for these questions is essential by reflecting on your past experiences in patient care, teamwork and critical thinking. Remember, it's not just about what happened but how you handled it, what you learned and how it influenced your approach to nursing.

What questions about teamwork and interpersonal communication might you hear at a nursing interview?

Working effectively as part of a healthcare team is a crucial attribute of nursing .

Consequently, you should expect questions regarding your teamwork skills and experience collaborating with coworkers during your nursing job interview. The idea is to find out if you're a "team player" or not.

For instance, you might be asked, "Can you describe a time when you had to work with a difficult coworker?"

An example response, using the STAR method, might be as follows:

  • Situation: "At my previous nursing job, I had a coworker who often failed to complete their charting on time, which created delays and confusion for the rest of the nursing staff."
  • Task: "As this affected patient care and the overall productivity of the team, it was important to address the issue without escalating tensions."
  • Action: "I chose to have a private conversation with the coworker, explaining how their delayed charting was impacting both the team members and patient care. I also offered to help them with charting tips if they were feeling overwhelmed."
  • Result: "The coworker was receptive to my feedback and improved their charting habits, leading to a smoother workflow for our team."

Remember that when answering these questions, the focus should be on your ability to maintain a professional and positive attitude, resolve conflicts and contribute to a collaborative and supportive work environment.

What role-specific nursing interview questions might you be asked?

During your nursing job interview, you can also anticipate questions that pertain specifically to the role you're applying for.

Whether you're interviewing for a position as a registered nurse, nurse practitioner, ICU nurse or pediatric nurse, it's essential to tailor your responses to highlight your relevant skills and experiences.

For example, if you're interviewing for an ICU nurse position, you might be asked, "How do you handle high-stress situations?"

You could respond by explaining your stress-management techniques and providing an example of a high-pressure scenario you successfully navigated in a past ICU role.

If you're interviewing for a pediatric nurse role, you might be asked about your experiences working with children and families. You could discuss any family-centered care approaches and how you communicate effectively with young patients and their family members.

In preparing for these role-specific questions, revisiting your nursing school or NCLEX knowledge is essential, particularly regarding the role in question. Also, carefully review the job description to understand the primary responsibilities and requirements of the position.

Remember, the goal is to demonstrate that you have the requisite technical skills and the situational aptitude to excel in the specific nursing role you're pursuing.

The more you can align your responses with the unique needs of the role, the more convincing your suitability for the job will be to the hiring managers.

What are scenario-based nursing questions?

Scenario-based interview questions, situational or "what would you do" questions, are often used in nursing interviews to evaluate your problem-solving skills, critical thinking abilities and understanding of patient care.

These questions often involve hypothetical situations related to stressful situations, charting errors or issues with patient safety.

One such question could be, "What would you do if you noticed a mistake in a patient's charting ?"

In this case, an effective response might be: "First, I would double-check to ensure that I'm not mistaken. If confirmed, I would immediately inform my nurse manager or the appropriate authority about the discrepancy. I understand that accurate charting is crucial to patient safety and it's essential to correct any errors as soon as possible."

When addressing these questions, it's critical to stay calm, methodically walk through your thought process and emphasize your commitment to patient care and safety. If possible, relate your response to a real-life experience where you applied similar decision-making skills.

What are some tips for recent nursing graduates?

Entering the nursing field as a new grad can be daunting, particularly when facing your first nursing job interview.

Here are a few tips for new grads starting their nursing career path.

  • Prepare for different interview formats: You might be asked to do a phone interview before an in-person interview. For phone interviews, ensure you have a quiet, uninterrupted space. For in-person interviews, dress professionally and arrive early to show punctuality and respect for the interviewer's time.
  • Research the institution: Familiarize yourself with the institution's mission, values and patient population. This will show your initiative and allow you to tailor your responses to align with the institution's values.
  • Prepare for questions about your career goals: You might be asked where you see yourself in the future. Be honest about your career goals and emphasize your willingness to learn, adapt and contribute to your new workplace.

For example, if asked, "Where do you see yourself in five years?" you could say: "In five years, I see myself having grown significantly in my nursing skills and knowledge, perhaps even specializing in a particular area of care. However, my primary focus right now is to learn as much as I can, provide the best patient care and positively impact my team and the patients I serve."

Remember, preparation is critical to a successful interview. By anticipating the types of questions that might be asked and considering your responses in advance, you'll be better equipped to answer with confidence and poise.

Your nursing school education and NCLEX study prep have prepared you for this moment — now it's time to take that final step toward your nursing career.

What should you ask your interviewer?

An important, often overlooked aspect of any job interview, including a nursing job interview, is asking questions to the hiring managers.

Asking well-thought-out questions demonstrates your genuine interest in the role and the healthcare team you may be joining. It also helps determine if the job and the organization align with your career goals and values.

Related: Essential Questions to Ask at the End of an Interview | Entrepreneur

Here are some insightful questions you might consider:

  • "What are the opportunities for professional development and continuing education here?" This question showcases your eagerness for growth and learning within your nursing career.
  • "How does the hospital handle stressful situations like an influx of patients or a shortage of nursing staff?" By asking this, you show you're forward-thinking and considering how you'll handle challenging circumstances.
  • "How would you describe the hospital's culture and the dynamics of the healthcare team I'd be working with?" This gives you insight into the work environment and team dynamics.

Remember, the job interview is as much a chance for you to learn about your potential employer as it is for them to know about you. Take this opportunity to ensure the role and organization fit your career aspirations well.

The next steps in your nursing career

Preparing for nurse interview questions can seem daunting, but you can confidently navigate your nursing job interview with careful preparation.

From understanding the job description and common nursing interview questions to handling behavioral and scenario-based questions, you're now equipped with the knowledge to ace the interview.

Related: How to Nail a Job Interview (Whether You're Applying or Hiring) | Entrepreneur

Remember that each interview is an opportunity for new grads to learn and grow. Regardless of the outcome, take the time to reflect on the experience, consider the feedback received and improve your interview skills.

The journey in your nursing career is rewarding and filled with opportunities to make a difference in patients' lives every day. Whether you're a registered nurse, a nurse practitioner, an LPN or LVN or aiming for a specialized nursing role, the interview process is a crucial step on this path.

Best of luck with your nursing job interview and here's to the many successes that lie ahead in your nursing career.

If you're interested in learning more about healthcare opportunities in the world of business, then check out some of the other articles at Entrepreneur for more information.

Nurse Interview Questions: What to Expect and How to Prepare For Your Next Job Opportunity


What to Expect from New York Jets' 2024 NFL Schedule Ahead of Wednesday's Release

Ralph ventre | 20 hours ago.

Sep 11, 2023; East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA; New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers (8) walks on

  • New York Jets

The New York Jets are likely to land multiple marquee time slots when the NFL releases its 2024 schedule in full on Wednesday evening.

With four-time NFL MVP Aaron Rodgers as their starting quarterback, the Jets will be nationally relevant again while being seen as an asset by network television executives.

"There's a lot of really good storylines in the league right now, one of which is Aaron Rodgers," said NFL VP for broadcasting Mike North during a comprehensive interview on the It's Always Gameday in Buffalo podcast with Sal Capaccio and Matthew Bove. "This time [late April] last year, we were all in on the Jets. Everybody was. He made it four plays, and that schedule suffered as a result. Now, he seems like he's healthy. He seems like he's relevant. The Jets seem to have gotten better, so are we all in again on the Jets?"

As the NFL network partners began trickling out select matchup dates, we learned that New York will contest at least two games in standalone windows, including an October 6 battle against the Minnesota Vikings in London.

For the second year in a row, the Jets will play in the Monday Night Football opener . This time, they will kick off on the road against the Super Bowl LVIII runner-up San Francisco 49ers .

Last year's September 11 game against the Buffalo Bills drew mega ratings for the MNF franchise.

Earlier this month, I identified five primetime matchups that make sense for Gang Green in 2024, and one of the Jets-Bills divisional battles appears destined for marquee billing.

"Every time Aaron Rodgers plays Josh Allen that feels like must-see TV now. It was last year. I think it is again," said North.

Here are a few factors to keep in mind when speculating about the Jets' 2024 schedule.

The Opponents Although dates and times are to be announced, their opponents have been set since the conclusion of the 2023 campaign.

In addition to home-and-homes with their three AFC East divisional rivals, New York will play one game against every AFC South and NFC West team. They also face the reigning third-place finishers from the NFC North, AFC North and AFC West divisions.

With 17 total dates, the annual rotation between conferences tabs the Jets with nine road games this season.

Home (8) : Buffalo Bills, Miami Dolphins, New England Patriots, Houston Texans, Indianapolis Colts, Los Angeles Rams, Seattle Seahawks, Denver Broncos

Away (9) : Buffalo Bills, Miami Dolphins, New England Patriots, Jacksonville Jaguars, Tennessee Titans, Arizona Cardinals, San Francisco 49ers, Pittsburgh Steelers, Minnesota Vikings

America's Black Friday Team? Will there be one and will it be the Jets?

New York hosted the Miami Dolphins in the inaugural NFL Black Friday Game last November, and there's been speculation that the league could designate the Jets as the annual site of the post-Thanksgiving affair.

The reigning Super Bowl champion gets the Thursday Night Football opener. The Detroit Lions and Dallas Cowboys have Thanksgiving.

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Thanksgiving and Christmas Plans In addition to the Thanksgiving primetime nightcap that follows the Lions and Cowboys, the NFL plans to play on Christmas Day again in 2024. With the holiday falling on a Wednesday, the selected teams will be asked to play on the prior Saturday, too.

"The more of these teams that have quarterbacks, running backs, wide receivers, superstars that everybody wants to watch, how often can we pair them up with each other. How often can we get those on the big national windows, whether it's on Christmas or Thanksgiving, or a Sunday night or a Monday night," said North.

With players like Rodgers, Breece Hall and Sauce Gardner, New York might slide into America's holiday plans.

Ralph Ventre


Ralph, a former college football conference administrator, brings 20 years of media experience to the New York Jets beat. Prior to concentrating on Gang Green, he covered the NCAA Football Championship Subdivision for NFL Draft Bible on FanNation. Ventre remains as an official voter for the Stats Perform FCS Top 25 and the annual legacy awards. The Fordham University graduate is a member of the Pro Football Writers of America. The veteran sports media professional resides in his native state of New Jersey.


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  13. Top 10 PhD Interview Questions

    Here are ten common PhD interview questions. 1. Tell us about yourself. This is a popular opener for just about any type of interview. It's meant to be an easy icebreaker, but that doesn't mean there isn't a wrong answer. Make sure to your response is relevant to the context of a PhD interview. Talk about your academic background ...

  14. Top 15 PhD interview questions that you must be ready to answer!

    Structure of a PhD interview. Before I'll talk about the most common PhD interview questions, let me briefly outline what you can expect during the interview itself. Depending on the graduate school and the preference of the prospective supervisor, the interview can be very formal or quite informal.

  15. Top Tips for Acing Your PhD Interview

    Tip #1: Do your homework! I cannot stress this one enough. After all, you are applying for a place as a PhD (i.e. research) student - you really have no excuse not to do a targeted Google search beforehand. My top tips for pre-interview due-diligence include reading around the topic area; perhaps select a handful of key papers by your ...

  16. Grad School Interview Question & How to Answer Them

    Grad School Interview Question & How to Answer Them. Published on March 29, 2021 by Lauren Thomas.Revised on June 1, 2023. Grad school interviews are the last step of the application process, so congratulations for making it to this stage!Getting this far is a big accomplishment—graduate schools only conduct interviews with those applicants they are seriously considering accepting.

  17. How To Prepare for a PhD Interview

    September 26, 2023. Home » PhD » How To Prepare for a PhD Interview. So, you've written your personal statement, you've sent through your application and now you've been invited to a PhD interview, the first step is to congratulate yourself; only 30 - 50% of PhD applicants make it through to the initial interview stage.

  18. Graduate School Interviews: 10 Questions With Sample Answers

    Many graduate schools require an interview as part of the application process. Graduate school interviews allow university staff to evaluate your potential to succeed in their program. These interviews might be with a single interviewer or a panel of university staff, and will likely include a mixture of specialized questions about your subject area and general questions about your goals and ...

  19. PhD Interview Questions + Answers

    If you have a PhD interview coming up you will want to prepare some answers to the possible questions that your PhD supervisors will ask you. In this video I...

  20. Questions to Ask During Your PhD Interview

    You're asking this to firstly work out how experienced the professor is at supervising students, based purely on the numbers previously supervised. The reason to ask the second question of how many students gained PhDs is to get an idea of the supervisor's track record of successful supervision. The lower the percentage of students that ...

  21. Phd Interview Tips

    Think outside the box: Before the interview, research the PhD topic as much as you can. Try and find an existing gap in knowledge. Prior to the interview, plan ways in which this gap in knowledge could be filled. Another way of showing that you are "thinking outside the box" could be to approach the project from a new and unique perspective.

  22. PhD Interview Weekend: A guide for aspiring scientists

    6:00-8:00pm Dinner with faculty and/or graduate students, with beer and wine. Day 2 (Friday or Saturday) - usually interview day. 8:30am A light breakfast with other students to have something to throw up after interviews. 9:30am-10:00am First interview. 10:15am-10:45am Second interview.

  23. 14 Common PhD Interview Questions

    The sample PhD interview questions and tips below will help you to prepare thoughtful answers that tell interviews exactly what they're looking for: 1. Tell us about yourself. This popular opening question is an invitation to introduce yourself.

  24. Exploring Careers as a PhD

    Are you thinking of pursuing a PhD, or are you currently in the middle of a program? Ever wonder what life can look like on the other side of defending your dissertation? Well, the path is not all too linear, and your first job may not be your last job; however, it may be a door to a world of opportunities.

  25. Shonda Rhimes' 3 Children: All About Harper, Emerson and Beckett

    Shonda Rhimes is raising her three daughters, Harper, Emerson and Beckett, as a single mom. Here's everything to know about Shonda Rhimes' children: Harper, Emerson and Beckett.

  26. Nurse Interview Questions: What to Expect and How to Prepare For ...

    When it comes to nursing job interviews, several questions tend to come up, whether you're a fresh-faced graduate from nursing school or a seasoned nurse practitioner looking for new opportunities.

  27. What to Expect from New York Jets' 2024 NFL Schedule Ahead of Wednesday

    The New York Jets will be an attractive draw once again in 2024, so expect to see Aaron Rodgers and Co. in a number of primetime TV windows when the NFL releases its schedule on May 15.

  28. Kings of Leon Just Want Us To Have Fun

    "The thought of prison doesn't sound awful to me," Jared Followill admits with a laugh, "because I know exactly what I'm doing at exactly what Kings of Leon's Jared Followill