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  • Gandhi Jayanti Speech


Speech on Gandhi Jayanti in English For Students

Gandhi Jayanti speech is given by students on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi , also known as Mahatma Gandhi. It is celebrated as Gandhi Jayanti on the 2nd of October every year, and students and children participate in various stage programs and deliver speeches honouring Gandhiji. The world will celebrate the 154th birth anniversary of Gandhi Ji on 2 October 2023.

In this article, the Gandhi Jayanti speech in English or the speech on 2nd October is given in detail. Students can prepare a long speech on Gandhi Jayanti and a short speech on their own with the help of the information below.

Long Speech on Gandhi Jayanti

A long speech on Gandhi Jayanti in English is advantageous for students in grades 7-12. Let’s take a look at the speech about Mahatma Gandhi in English for students.

Greetings to everyone gathered here on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti. I (your name) heartily welcome you to celebrate this momentous day along with us.

On 2nd October every year, India celebrates a national holiday in remembrance and honour of the birth of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi as Gandhi Jayanti. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, also famously referred to as Mahatma Gandhi, was given the title of “ Father of The Nation '' by Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose for his relentless struggles for our independence. The Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore gave him the title of ‘Mahatma’, which means ‘the one with the greatest soul’.

This year is his 154th birth anniversary, and we are here to revisit the principles with which he led his life and fought for independence.

Gandhiji’s two main principles were peace and non-violence (Ahimsa). He had always been a follower of truth, honesty, and non-violence. As he gave the world a strong weapon of ‘non-violence’ for fighting, the UN General Assembly declared this day as the ‘International Day of Non-Violence’ to honour his principles.

If we look into the biography of Mahatma Gandhi, he was born in Porbandar, Gujarat, on October 2, 1869, in British India to a merchant-class family. He completed his initial studies in British-ruled India and later went to England to pursue law.. After completing his education, he tried to practice law in India. At 24 he left India with his wife Kasturba Gandhi to practice law in South Africa.

In South Africa, he encountered inequality for the first time due to his race and colour. He was thrown out of the train because he didn’t resemble his white co-passengers. He worked in South Africa to improve the lives of Indians for a few years.

When he returned to India to practice law, he was appalled to see the injustices around him, which triggered a deep sense of doing justice in him. Soon he joined the Indian National Congress and started working for India’s independence with Champaran Satyagraha in 1917.

With his weapon of non-violence, he showed the world a new light toward change. He always fought for what was right and participated in many non-violent civil rights movements, and led many campaigns like Dandi March to protest against British rule.

In 1930, he led the Dandi March, also called Salt March, to protest against the illegally imposed salt tax as this basic amenity was already freely available to the Indians due to our coastal location. Thousands of people followed Gandhi. He also led the famous Quit India Movement, Civil Disobedience Movement, and Non-co-operation Movement to attain India’s independence from the ruling Britishers. Due to these protests, Mahatma Gandhi, along with his followers and many other freedom fighters, served their time in prison.

He invented a new way to protest referred to as peaceful Civil Disobedience (Satyagraha). His non-violent protests impacted the people of the world in many ways. He struggled for India’s freedom and helped us gain freedom from the British subjugation that lasted over 200 years. Gandhi ji also toiled to remove social evils that were rampant in the then Indian society. This included evils like sati, child marriage, untouchability, and casteism.

Gandhiji led a life of simplicity . He wanted to preach to his followers to keep things simple and not be attached to worldly pleasures. Despite being a world-renowned leader, he wore plain Khadi clothes that he spun at home on his charkha. He was inspired by the great ascetics and gurus of India who achieved great feats through simple living. Gandhiji was devoutly religious and respectful towards all Indian religions. He believed in the equality of all and that everybody had a right to worship their own gods.

He devoted his life relentlessly to spreading awareness about the importance of equality, peace, harmony and brotherhood. He always opposed untouchability and worked for Hindu-Muslim unity. He believed in eradicating all social evils, worked with his wife, Kasturba, to empower women, and fought for women’s rights. He was also concerned about farmers, so he tried to improve their economic condition throughout his life. His principles and values still hold great value, and people consider it the right path to follow. His ideas were spread by many of his disciples, literature writers, and artists.

On 30 January 1948, he was assassinated by Nathuram Godse at the age of 78. His samadhi, named Raj Ghat, is situated in Delhi. He is no more with us, but his light and guidance are immortal. ‘Hey Ram’ were his last words , and ‘My life is my message’ was his motto.

Our honourable Prime Minister, President, and other people go to Raj Ghat to pay respect to his Samadhi on Gandhi Jayanti with flowers. His favourite song, ‘Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram,’ is also sung worldwide on the occasion. All academic institutions, government offices, and other organisations stay closed on this day. Various programs like speech competitions, essay writing , collage making, poster presentation, etc., are held everywhere to commemorate Gandhiji’s birth anniversary.

He followed and actively preached non-violence through his actions. He was a great man who still inspires Indians and people all around the world to live honest and truthful life and believe in the powers of virtues. Today as we go about our lives, let’s remember and honour his philosophy by treating people with respect and equality without any prejudices and not conforming to violence even at our worst. Let’s lead a peaceful life by following the path of non-violence, as taught by our Bapu. Jai Hind!

Short Speech on Gandhi Jayanti

A short speech on Gandhi Jayanti in English for students is helpful for students in grades 4-6. Let’s take a look at the short speech on Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti in English.

Good morning all! My name is (your name), and we have gathered to celebrate the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi.

On 2nd October every year, India observes a national holiday as Gandhi Jayanti to celebrate independence and honour the principles through which our freedom fighter and leader, Mahatma Gandhi, led us to this day. This year, we are celebrating the 154th birth anniversary of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the Father of our Nation, who is also called Bapu, especially by children.

He worked in South Africa against racial injustice. He fought for our independence by following the principles of peace and non-violence. He led many successful campaigns, like removing the tax imposed on salt and also calling out the British to Quit India - all through non-violence.

He was the cheerleader for reforming rights and questioning norms, especially for the underprivileged and for section of society that was paid the least attention to. He worked to attain India’s freedom and freed us from British governance after 200 years. He also strived to abolish untouchability from Indian society.

Gandhi Ji preferred a simple life with minimal things and was a keen observer of cleanliness. Our government runs ‘Swachchh Bharat Abhiyan’ in his name to encourage people to keep their surroundings clean. Despite being a known leader, he always wore plain Khadi clothes. This symbolises his simplistic way of living, which was one of his ideas of living. In his spare time, he spun Khadi on a charkha.

He lived like an ascetic and used minimal things in his day-to-day routine. Gandhi Ji deeply respected and took pride in the Indian traditional culture. He was a pious man who believed in God and encouraged people to follow their gods without any discrimination.

Gandhiji breathed his last on 30th January 1948 and uttered “Hey Ram” as his last words. He was assassinated by Nathuram Godse. He rests today at Raj Ghat in New Delhi, and thousands of people pay respect in the form of garlands and by singing his favourite song, ‘Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram’.

India’s Prime Minister, President, and other notable leaders go to Raj Ghat (his Samadhi) on Gandhi Jayanti to pay tribute to him.

He believed in simple living and big deeds. His life’s motto, ‘My life is my message,’ also conveyed the same ideas. He once said, ‘An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind’ to show the importance of non-violence. His life, messages, and wisdom not only influenced Indians but also inspired the whole world to believe in the religion of humanity.

On this day of Gandhi Jayanti 2023, let us pledge ourselves to follow the path of the legacy he left behind and lead our lives in peace and harmony.

10 Lines Speech on Mahatma Gandhi

The 10-line Speech on Mahatma Gandhi is extremely helpful for students in grades 1-3 as they gain a certain perspective on the topic in a simple and easy form.

Gandhi Jayanti is a national holiday celebrated on the 2nd of October every year, and 2023 marks his 154th birth anniversary.

This day is observed as a national holiday and is the third national holiday after Independence Day and Republic Day.

It is also celebrated worldwide as the International Day of Non-Violence.

Children and adults both celebrate this day with equal zeal.

Mahatma Gandhi fought bravely for the freedom of our country and was a great freedom fighter.

Children dress up as ‘Bapu’ and participate in different stage performances on this day.

Every community and religion, celebrate Bapu’s birthday with a great sense of unity.

People revisit the ideologies and teachings of Mahatma Gandhi.

At the end of the school, celebration sweets are distributed among children.

His ideas of non-violence are discussed and debated.


FAQs on Gandhi Jayanti Speech

1. What is a good way to start a speech?

Introducing the key theme of your speech or adding a quote which represents your speech. In this way, you can add a significant impact and catch your audience’s attention from the beginning.

2. How to make your speech more effective?

Having adequate knowledge of the topic can prove to be of significant value. For instance, the Gandhi Jayanti speech can be delivered smoothly when you have proper information regarding the history of Gandhi and his role in attaining the freedom of India. 

One can get access to great speeches on Mahatma Gandhi ji like these from the website of Vedantu and its mobile application. 

3. The year 2023 marks how many years of Gandhi Jayanti celebrations?

India and the world will celebrate the 154th Gandhi Jayanti on 2 October 2023. 

4. When was  Mahatma Gandhi born?

Mahatma Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, Gujarat, India.

5. Name some major freedom movements initiated by Mahatma Gandhi.

Champaran Movement, Kheda Movement, Civil Disobedience Movement, Dandi March and Satyagraha Movement are some of the major movements initiated by Gandhi.

6. What is the significance of Gandhi Jayanti and why is it celebrated with speeches?

Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated on October 2nd to commemorate the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, a prominent leader in India's struggle for independence. Speeches on this day serve to remember his contributions and spread his ideals of nonviolence, truth, and social justice.

7. Who typically delivers Gandhi Jayanti speeches, and what are the key themes covered in these speeches?

Gandhi Jayanti's speeches are often delivered by political leaders, activists, educators, and community leaders. The speeches commonly focus on Mahatma Gandhi's life, principles, and his impact on India's freedom movement. They may also address contemporary issues related to peace, harmony, and social justice.

8. How can one prepare and deliver an effective Gandhi Jayanti speech that resonates with the audience?

To deliver an impactful Gandhi Jayanti speech, it's important to research Gandhi's life and philosophy thoroughly. Highlight his teachings on nonviolence, civil disobedience, and communal harmony. Incorporate anecdotes and examples to illustrate his principles and relate them to current societal challenges. Engage the audience emotionally and inspire them to uphold Gandhian values in their lives.

Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English for Students and Children

Gandhi jayanti speech in english.

Mahatma Gandhi has been given the title of ‘Father of India’ as he took up the path of non-violence to fulfil his goals. An international organisation like United Nations General Assembly has marked his birth anniversary as the International Day of Non-Violence which is October 2. Gandhiji’s life has been an inspiration to many because of the life he led. It is truly incredible how a barrister who was so nervous to make a speech in London court went on to lead the Indian National Movement. Before learning about Gandhi Jayanti, it is important to learn about the man himself.

Mahatma Gandhi

The full name of Mahatma Gandhi was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He took birth in the state of Gujarat in the town named Porbandar. The legacy which Gandhiji has left behind still impacts the people living in modern times. His relentlessness and hard-work to achieve Swaraj are truly commendable. Not only that, but Gandhiji also worked to get rid of other social evils to make India an inclusive country.

He worked tirelessly to remove the system of untouchability which was very prevalent back then. Moreover, he also empowered women and worked to enhance the economic condition of Indian farmers in addition to much more.

Not only that, he played a pivotal role in 3 major movements. They were the Non-cooperation movement, Dandi March and the Quit India Movement. In other words, he is one of the most important figures to help India get freedom from British rule.

Nothing trampled Gandhiji’s spirit even though he was imprisoned and discriminated against badly by the Britishers. Even though his body was frail, his ambitions were stronger. He surprised everyone with his undying determination by walking 440 km on foot to defy the salt tax. These are just some of the contributions of the man to Indian history.

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Gandhi Jayanti Celebrations

The whole country of India joyfully celebrates Gandhi Jayanti. The government has declared it a gazetted holiday and all schools, colleges, offices, banks, etc. remain closed. The cremation place of Mahatma Gandhi, Raj Ghat, is decorated with garlands and flowers on this day. People from all over the world pay homage to this great leader on Gandhi Jayanti.

Ahead of his birth anniversary, many schools organise various events that revolve around his great life. Students participate in various competitions of essay writing, slogan writing, poster making, and more. All these are based on the great works of Mahatma Gandhi.

Moreover, they also educate them about the teachings of the great leader. It is an important day for every Indian as Gandhi Jayanti gave us one of the greatest human beings to ever walk this earth.

In all offices, both private and government, people celebrate Gandhi Jayanti with equal zeal and nationalism. They put garlands on the statue or portrait of Mahatma Gandhi and pay respect to him. Some of the offices also give out sweets on Gandhi Jayanti.

It would be fair to say that Gandhiji was indeed the greatest person to support democracy. He did not let anything deter his fight for independence and eradication of social issues. His principles of truth and non-violence and not just limited to India, in fact, the whole world follow him and his teachings. Although he was assassinated, it only killed his body because his ideas live on in the hearts of people.

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  • School Life

Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English for School Students [2023]

Gandhi jayanti speech in english: gandhi jayanti is celebrated each year on october 2nd to mark the birth anniversary of mahatma gandhi. on the solemn occasion of the 154th birth anniversary of gandhi ji, check here gandhi jayanti long and short speech in english to use for competitions, school assembly, etc. also, check mahatma gandhi's short speech in english 10 lines..

Pragya Sagar

Gandhi Jayanti Speech and Lines in English: Are you also trying to write a speech about Mahatma Gandhi on Gandhi Jayanti but finding it difficult or confusing to make it the best?  Gandhi Jayanti is an annual celebration to honour the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, lovingly known as “Bapu”, the Father of the nation. In this article, we have provided 10 line speech on Mahatma Gandhi and a Short and Long Speech on Gandhi Jayanti in English with his famous slogans and quotes. 

How Can I Start My Gandhi Jayanti Speech?

  • Start your Gandhi Jayanti Speech by addressing your audience with Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Good evening.
  • Begin with a catchy saying or famous quote of Mahatma Gandhi to instantly grab the attention of the listeners.
  • Do not forget to have a gentle smile on your face.
  • Keep your body language positive. Do not slouch, shake or stand stiff. Stand upright with a good posture.

Famous Sayings by Gandhi Ji

  • "Honest differences are usually a healthy sign of progress."
  • “You should not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean, the ocean does not become dirty if a few drops dry up.”
  • "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
  • “It is better to commit violence, if that violence is in our hearts, than to raise the cry of non-violence to cover up impotence.”
  •  “Freedom means nothing if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.”
  •  “It is not wise to be completely confident about one's own intelligence. It is good to remember that even the strongest can be weak and even the wise can make mistakes.”
  • "Non-violence is the greatest duty. If we cannot follow it completely, we must understand its spirit and follow humanity by staying away from violence as far as possible."

10 Lines Speech on Mahatma Gandhi

  • Line 1: Good morning, respected principal, teachers and my dear friends. Today, we celebrate the birth anniversary of Bapu Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of our Nation.
  • Line 2: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 at a village in Porbandar, Gujarat. 
  • Line 3: His father’s name was Karamchand Gandhi and his mother’s name was Putlibai Gandhi.
  • Line 4: Gandhiji was married to Kasturba Gandhi.
  • Line 5: Bapu is revered worldwide for his principles of non-violence and truth.
  • Line 6: He was one of India’s greatest freedom fighters, leader, philosopher, and social reformer. 
  • Line 7: Gandhi ji led India to independence through non-violent methods of Satyagraha and Civil Disobedience.
  • Line 8: He inspired millions of Indians and people around the world to fight for their rights and freedoms using non-violence as their weapon.
  • Line 9: Gandhi was shot to death on January 30, 1948. 
  • Line 10: On his 154th birth anniversary, let us all promise to practice ahimsa, always being honest and compassionate towards all. 

Short Speech on Gandhi Jayanti

Check short speech on Gandhi Jayanti in English (200 words) below:

Good morning, respected principal, teachers and my dear friends.

Today, on the auspicious occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, we have all gathered to pay tribute to Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. October 2nd, 2023, marks the 154th birth anniversary of Gandhiji, Father of the Nation. He is the extraordinary man who changed the course of history through the power of non-violence and truth.

Gandhi Jayanti is not just a day of celebration but a day of reflection. It reminds us of the principles that Gandhiji stood for - peace, non-violence, compassion and the relentless pursuit of truth. His life was a testimony to the idea that even in the face of oppression and injustice, non-violence can bring about significant changes.

As we commemorate this day, let us remember the sacrifices he made and the struggles he endured for India's freedom. Gandhiji's unwavering commitment to truth and non-violence inspired movements for civil rights and freedom around the world. His legacy lives on as a reminder that even in our complex and turbulent world, peaceful resistance can bring about profound transformation.

On this Gandhi Jayanti, let us pledge to uphold the values he cherished and work towards a world where justice, equality, and non-violence prevail. 

Happy Gandhi Jayanti to all!

Long Speech on Gandhi Jayanti

Check long speech on Gandhi Jayanti in English (450 words) below:

Good morning, respected principal, teachers and my dear friends. We have gathered here to celebrate the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, born on October 2, 1869. Today marks the 154th birth anniversary of the "Father of the Nation" Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi known for his role in India's fight for independence. We also affectionately call him 'Bapu.' He dedicated his life to India's freedom using his powerful tool, 'Non-violence.' Not only in India but worldwide, this day is observed as the International Day of Non-violence. In his honour, the United Nations General Assembly declared June 15th, 2007, as The International Day of Non-Violence.

Gandhi Jayanti reminds us of his principles of peace and non-violence. Each year, on his birth anniversary, we are reminded of Gandhiji's efforts to make India independent. He endured a long struggle so that the people of India could live in a free nation. He firmly believed in truth and non-violence. 

Each year, we celebrate Gandhi Jayanti at Raj Ghat in Delhi. Our Prime Minister and President gather to pay tribute by offering flowers at his Samadhi. His favourite song, "Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram," is sung in his memory. Gandhi Jayanti is a national holiday. All schools, colleges, private offices, and government organisations remain closed on this day.

Gandhiji's full name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He was born in Porbandar, Gujarat, in 1869. In 1888, he completed his law studies in the UK and later moved to South Africa to practice law. When he returned to India after 21 years, he started the civil disobedience movement or Satyagraha. He used Ahimsa (non-violence) to fight for India's freedom from British rule. 

Gandhiji was also a great leader, He wore Khadi dhoti to promote Indian culture. He encouraged people to have faith in themselves and fight for their rights. He started the Non-Cooperation movement wherein he urged Indians not to cooperate with the British and to fight for their freedom. Gandhiji dedicated a significant part of his life to India's freedom struggle. He joined Gopala Krishna Gokhale, who was already fighting for India's independence. During this struggle, Gandhiji was imprisoned several times. He led important movements like the Quit India movement, the Civil Disobedience Movement, and the Non-Cooperation Movement. In 1930, he initiated the Dandi March or Salt Satyagraha, walking 400 kilometres to protest the British monopoly on salt. The Quit India movement was a call to the British to leave India.

Throughout his life, Gandhiji accomplished many great things that continue to inspire people today. He worked tirelessly for Swaraj, against untouchability, women's rights, and the economic well-being of farmers. His dedication and struggle led to India's freedom from 200 years of British colonial rule.

Gandhi Jayanti Quotes and Slogans

Include the following Gandhi Jayanti Quotes and Slogans in English to make your speech more impressive:

1. "You must be the change you want to see in the world." 

2. "An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind." 

3. "Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever." 

4. "Satyameva Jayate" 

5. "Ahimsa Parmo Dharma" 

6. "Cleanliness is next to godliness." 

7. "Simple living, high thinking." 

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  • What are good lines for Gandhi Jayanti? + Line 1: Good morning, respected principal, teachers and my dear friends. Today, we celebrate the birth anniversary of Bapu Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of our Nation. Line 2: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 at a village in Porbandar, Gujarat. Line 3: Bapu is revered worldwide for his principles of non-violence and truth. Line 4: He was one of India’s greatest freedom fighters, leader, philosopher, and social reformer.
  • What is an easy slogan for Gandhi Jayanti? + Satyamev Jayate is a slogan that truly represents the principles of Bapu. Ahimsa Parmo Dhrama is another slogans which resonates with the ideas of Gandhi Jayanti. A famous saying of Mahatma Gandhi is “Freedom means nothing if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.”
  • How can I start my Gandhi Jayanti Speech? + A. Start your Gandhi Jayanti Speech by addressing your audience with Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Good evening. B. Begin with a catchy saying or famous quote of Mahatma Gandhi to instantly grab the attention of the listeners. C. Do not forget to have a gentle smile on your face. D. Keep your body language positive. Do not slouch, shake or stand stiff. Stand upright with a good posture.
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Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English, Short and Long Speech

Gandhi Jayanti speech is the most important topic that many school and college students surf through. Here we have provided a gist of long and short Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English for Students.

Gandhi Jayanti Speech

Table of Contents

Gandhi Jayanti Speech is the most important event in the celebrations of Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti every year to remember the birth of the great soul. This year on 2nd October 2023, we are going to celebrate the 154th birth anniversary of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. As a part of celebrations, children and college students take part in different stage programs to deliver meaningful speeches in honouring Gandhiji. The article highlights and covers some important points on Short and Long Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English that give ideas to students to craft a meaningful speech.

Short Speech on Gandhi Jayanti

The short speech on Gandhi Jayanti provides insights into various aspects of Gandhiji’s life history and how Gandhi Jayanti celebrations are done in a short and crisp tone within time constraints.

Dear Principal, Teachers and Friends, a very Good Morning to one and all. We all have gathered here to commemorate the 154th birth anniversary of Gandhiji, the ‘Father of our Nation’. Mahatma Gandhi is a true embodiment of peace, ahimsa, kindness, truth and simplicity. He had great principles and ideologies that had paved the way for India to attain Independence.

Mahatma Gandhi who was the great leader and freedom fighter was born on 2nd October 1869 in Porbandar, Gujarat. He was raised in an affluent Hindu Family. He went to England to pursue Law studies and soon became a Barrister. When Gandhiji was in South Africa, he was very much disturbed by racial discrimination issues.

He started various movements in India as a part of the freedom struggle. In each and every action he followed the principles of non-violence, truth and honesty. He always believed in satyagraha, which means the power of truth. He lived a simple life by wearing khadi, hand-woven clothes and eating simple food. His Quit India Movement, Civil Disobedience Movement, and Dandi March are his most remarkable movements that had light at the end of the tunnel.

When Gandhiji was 78 years old, he was terribly assassinated by Nathuram Godse on 30th January 1948. His memorial is located in a place called Raj Ghat, Delhi and every year during Gandhi Jayanti the black-marbled cremation is garlanded with colourful flowers. Many dignitaries from various countries pay floral tribute to his statue.

As students and responsible citizens of India, let us all follow the teachings of Gandhiji in our various aspects of life. Let us together build a better Nation by following the footprints of Mahatma Gandhi. Thank you for listening. Happy Gandhi Jayanti! Jai Hind!

Long Speech on Gandhi Jayanti

The students of grades 7 to 12 can get in touch with the long speech on Gandhi Jayanti that has been drafted here, which highlights all important facts and aspects of Gandhi’s life history .

Warm greetings and I welcome one and all gathered here to celebrate this year’s Birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi and to commemorate this memorable day. Every year 2nd of October is declared a National Holiday, where all educational institutions, Government organizations and banks remain closed.

The principles and ideologies of Gandhiji are highly recognized by every one of us even today. He led a very simple life and believed in non-violence, truth and honesty to safeguard India from the terrible rule of the Britishers. To honour his sacrifices for the Nation, he is known as “Father of Nation”.

He is lovingly called as Bapuji by many people and children, he was born on 2nd October 1869, in Porbandar, Gujarat into a merchant-less family. He has travelled to London to study law and worked as a Barrister in South Africa. He was deeply annoyed by the social discrimination that had prevailed in South Africa in which the white people dominated many South Africans.

He contributed a lot to the freedom struggle of India, his service and sacrifices are remarkable. When he returned to India, he saw Britishers dominating poor Indians, he had the fire in his eyes to uproot the foreign rulers from Indian soil. He protested against the salt tax levied on Indians, which was freely available in the coastal region, so he led the Dandi March. Thousands of people joined the Salt March, to honour and support the protest. The famous Quit India Movement, Civil Disobedience Movement, and Non-co-operation Movement were also led by him, symbolising his non-violent method of combating the British people’s rule.

Gandhiji was a man of simplicity. He was not attracted to worldly pleasures and preached to his followers the same. He preferred wearing simple Khadi clothes spun on a chakra. Apart from the freedom struggle, he had put efforts into eradicating some common issues such as untouchability and Hindu-Muslim disputes, Sati, Child marriage and casteism. He believed in the equality of all religions, He also fought for the sake of Indian farmers, when land taxes were levied on them and to improve the standard of living of the farmers.

Throughout his life, he worked relentlessly to sustain peace, harmony, equality of religion and women’s rights. His principles and ideologies are of greater value, hence people of today honour him with utmost respect. His teachings and values are spread by many of his disciples, literature writers, and artists.

Nathuram Godse, an Indian Nationalist assassinated Gandhiji on 30th January 1948, thereby the life of a prominent soul came to an end. He uttered the last words, ‘Hey Ram’  and was shot three times in the chest to death. His Motto was “My life is my message” and we as Indians remember his principles of non-violence and preaching to lead a peaceful life and build a beautiful nation. Jai Hind!

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Gandhi jayanti speech-FAQs

Q1. in 2023, what is the birth anniversary of mahatma gandhi.

Ans. This year, 2023 we celebrate 154th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.

Q2. When and where was Gandhiji born?

Ans. Gandhiji was born on 2nd October 1869, in Porbandar, Gujarat into a merchant-less family.

Q3. What are the key themes covered in Gandhi Jayanti speeches?

Ans. The key themes that are to be covered in Gandhi Jayanti Speech focus on Mahatma Gandhi's life history, principles, ideologies and his contributions on freedom movement. A part of Speech can also be covered on contemporary issues that he strived hard to eradicate such as women rights, Sati, Untouchability, peace, Hindu-Muslim unity.

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As Team Lead- Content Writer, I take on leadership within our content creation team, overseeing the development of error-free educational content. My primary responsibility is to produce and analyse high-quality content educating and informing the aspirants about upcoming government exams published on our website. I have more than 6 years experience in content writing wherein 3.5 years of experience in ed-tech content writing.

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Gandhi Jayanti Speech for Students and Children in English

Gandhi Jayanti Speech for Students and Children in English

10 Lines Speech on Mahatma Gandhi

Short speech on gandhi jayanti for kids, long speech on gandhi jayanti in 400-600 words.

Hello, young learners! Every 2nd of October, India celebrates a special day – Gandhi Jayanti. It’s a day to honour and remember the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi, the pioneer of India’s freedom journey. Every 2nd of October marks the birth anniversary of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, aka Mahatma Gandhi, known worldwide for his peaceful negotiations and participation in the Indian freedom struggle. Today, let’s dive into a Gandhi Jayanti speech that enlightens and informs. For those who’ve been looking forward to a Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti speech in English or eager to understand more about the 2 October Gandhi Jayanti speech, you’re in the right place.

For those wanting a Gandhi Jayanti speech in English with 10 lines or to grasp the essence of 10 lines on Gandhi Jayanti, let’s delve deeper. Mahatma Gandhiji, the “Father of the Nation,” taught that the mightiest weapon isn’t aggression but a compassionate heart. Ready for a Mahatma Gandhi speech in English within 10 lines? This is your gateway to the Gandhi Jayanti speech for class 1 and so on.

Mahatma Gandhi’s birth on 2nd October 1869 marked history.

A beacon of peace, truth, and non-violence, he led from the front.

Through ‘Satyagraha’, he showed the might of truth and patience.

His Dandi March was a peaceful protest against British salt laws.

Because of his guidance, India today enjoys the fruits of freedom.

He championed simplicity, evident in his choice of hand-spun attire.

For Gandhi, the spinning wheel was more than a tool, it was a philosophy.

His principles continue to inspire countless souls globally.

Celebrated worldwide, his messages of peace remain unmatched.

Every 2 October, Gandhi Jayanti, we’re reminded of his unwavering spirit.

It is important to remember that Mahatma Gandhi’s legacy isn’t just about the past. It’s a torch that lights our path today and always. If ever you need a 1-2 minute speech on Mahatma Gandhi in English, or even ten lines about Mahatma Gandhi, reflect upon these lines and let his wisdom shine through.

10 Lines Speech on Gandhi Jayanti in English

For our younger school students, especially those in the lower primary grades, who are keen on delivering a short speech on Mahatma Gandhi, we’ve tailored two samples just for you. These Mahatma Gandhi short speeches in English for students are concise, ranging between 200-300 words, ensuring they’re both engaging and easy to remember. Let’s explore them!

Short Speech 1

Dear friends,

Whenever I think about peace and truth, one name instantly resonates: Mahatma Gandhi. Born on 2nd October, we celebrate his ideals and life every year through Gandhi Jayanti. More than a remembrance, this day calls us to embrace his values of non-violence and honesty. A beacon of compassion and courage, Mahatma Gandhi continues to inspire generations of all age groups at different timelines.

Mahatma Gandhi showcased that genuine transformation arises not from aggression but through compassion and mutual respect. His vision steered India to independence, powered not by weapons but by sheer will and peaceful defiance. He led powerful movements throughout India that inspired not only Indian citizens at that time but also people of other nations later on. Some of the popular movements he exercised include the Champaran Movement (1917), the Non-cooperation Movement (1920), the Civil-Disobedience Movement (1930), the Quit India Movement (1942), and more.

In today’s rapidly advancing world, it becomes even more vital to recollect his teachings. As we navigate our lives, let’s endeavour to radiate kindness, uphold truth, and champion what’s just. Today, let’s salute this luminous spirit and vow to uphold the principles he so ardently championed with different acts of kindness and compassion.

Short Speech 2

Hello everyone,

This morning, I wish to share about a beacon of hope and resilience: Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi Jayanti, celebrated on 2nd October, isn’t just a date but a testament to this great man’s enduring legacy.

He wasn’t merely a freedom fighter; he embodied hope. He engrained in us that victories are sweeter when achieved with patience and peace. Through non-violence, he illustrated that true power lies in gentleness and conviction. History has witnessed his powerful movements throughout India that inspired not only Indian freedom enthusiasts at that time but also people across continents. Some of the popular movements he exercised include the Champaran Movement (1917), the Non-cooperation Movement (1920), the Civil-Disobedience Movement (1930), the Quit India Movement (1942), and more.

As we confront daily adversities, let’s draw inspiration from Gandhi’s teachings. By fostering peace, love, and unity, we don’t merely remember him; we strive for a harmonious world.

Each small action we take has the power to reshape our world. Just as Mahatma Gandhi once profoundly expressed, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” Delivering a short speech on Gandhi Jayanti is meaningful, but truly imbibing the values and essence found in every small speech on Mahatma Gandhi is how we genuinely honour his teachings in our everyday lives.

Dear students and children, immerse yourselves in the profound wisdom of Bapu through this Gandhi Ji speech. Embrace the teachings and legacy in this English speech on Mahatma Gandhi, tailored just for our budding leaders.

Gandhi Jayanti Speech 1

Respected Principal sir/maam, teachers, and my dear friends, today we are assembled here to remember and commemorate a beacon of peace, the Father of our Nation – Mahatma Gandhi. As India marks Gandhi Ji’s 155th birth anniversary, it’s an honour to walk you through his journey.

Born in Porbandar, Gujarat, in 1869, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is widely recognised as Mahatma Gandhi. His legacy is so profound that 2nd October isn’t just celebrated in India but is also recognised by the UN as the ‘International Day of Non-Violence’. The moniker’ Mahatma’, signifying ‘the one with a grand soul’, was aptly bestowed upon him by the legendary Rabindranath Tagore.

From his early days as a barrister in South Africa, where he fought against racial discrimination, to his return to India, Gandhi Ji was determined to combat injustice. He became a pivotal figure in the Indian National Congress, initiating groundbreaking movements like the Champaran Satyagraha in 1917 and, later, the Dandi March and Quit India Movement. Other significant movements led by this popular figure include the Non-cooperation Movement in 1920, the Civil-Disobedience Movement in 1930, the Kheda Movement in 1914, the Khilafat Movement in 1920, and more. His principle of Ahimsa, or non-violence, wasn’t just a political strategy but a philosophy he lived by. People from different ethnicities and castes supported Gandhi Ji in their movements. One prime example of people supporting them is Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, who, under Mahatma Gandhi’s guidance, directed several farmers to protest against the tax collection by Britishers during the times of the famine. Similarly, several other philanthropists of that time, including Sarojini Naidu, Jamanalal Bajaj, Vallabhbhai Patel, Vinoba Bhave, and more supported Gandhi.

His simple living, adorned in self-spun Khadi, was a testament to his belief in self-reliance and indigenous products. Apart from the fight for freedom, Gandhi Ji was a staunch advocate against social evils, pushing for women empowerment, supporting farmers, and championing Hindu-Muslim unity. His life’s motto, ‘My life is my message’, resonates with us even today.

On this day, our leaders, including our honourable Prime Minister and President, pay homage to Raj Ghat in Delhi. Schools and institutions nationwide commemorate his legacy with various programs and activities, such as slogan competitions, plantation drives, sketching competitions, skits, fancy dress competitions, seminars, and more. As we remember Gandhi Ji, let us pledge to imbibe his teachings of non-violence, truth, and harmony in our lives.

Gandhi Jayanti Speech 2

Honourable Principal, esteemed guests, revered teachers, and my dear fellow students,

Today, as we congregate in this hall, we pay homage to a visionary who not only led India to its much-desired freedom but also gifted the world a philosophy imbued with truth and non-violence. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, affectionately known as Bapu, is not just a historical figure; he is a beacon of hope, a symbol of perseverance, and a testament to the indomitable human spirit.

In the coastal town of Porbandar, 1869, Gujarat, the young Mohandas was as ordinary as any of us. But it was his experiences, both in India and abroad, especially in South Africa, that shaped his convictions, molding him into the Mahatma – the great soul. It’s these convictions that taught us the power of peaceful dissent, of Satyagraha , and of the belief that in the heart of all human beings, there resides an inherent sense of good.

But why, after so many years of his passing, do we still find the teachings of Gandhiji relevant? The world today is starkly different from the one he lived in. Yet, the core principles he advocated for are timeless.

In a world grappling with intolerance and discrimination, his unyielding stand against all forms of prejudice resonates strongly. At a time when he could’ve chosen to be bitter against those who were oppressed based on colour or caste, he chose love, understanding, and reconciliation. He dreamt of an India where all its citizens, irrespective of caste, creed, or religion, lived in harmony. This dream, in today’s diverse and often divided world, stands as a goal we should all strive towards.

Furthermore, as our planet faces unprecedented challenges, Gandhiji’s emphasis on sustainable living is more pertinent than ever. His life was a testament to minimalism. He believed in consuming only what was necessary. Today, as we deal with climate change and environmental degradation, adopting a Gandhian approach to consumption could very well be the solution we seek.

Another of his invaluable teachings was that of self-reliance. At a time when India was under colonial rule, he championed the cause of the indigenous industry, urging people to wear Khadi to spin their own yarn. This wasn’t just a protest against foreign goods but a call to every individual to be self-sustaining and to believe in their own potential.

Furthermore, in today’s era of rapid digital communication, where misunderstandings proliferate at the click of a button, Gandhiji’s commitment to truthful communication is a lesson for all. His regular writings, be it in ‘Harijan’ or ‘Young India’, always aimed at spreading truth and fostering understanding among communities.

To sum up, the life of Mahatma Gandhi stands as a testament to the power of will, the strength of conviction, and the potential of the individual to bring about meaningful change. His journey, from being the young, unsure Mohandas to becoming the Mahatma, is a journey each of us can undertake in our own capacities. As we remember him today, let’s pledge to imbibe and inculcate his teachings, to be the change we wish to see, and to create a world that he would be proud of.

1. What is a good way to initiate a speech?

One can begin by introducing the core idea or by sharing a relevant quote. This not only sets the tone but also engages the audience right from the start.

2. How can you enhance the impact of your speech?

To amplify the effectiveness of your speech, keep it concise, use relatable anecdotes, maintain a clear structure, and employ vocal variations to emphasize key points. Additionally, interactive elements like questions can engage the audience.

3. How many years of Gandhi Jayanti celebrations does 2024 represent?

The year 2024 marks 155 years of Gandhi Jayanti celebrations since Mahatma Gandhi’s birth in 1869.

4. Can you list some prominent freedom movements led by Mahatma Gandhi?

Some of the major movements initiated by Mahatma Gandhi include the Non-Cooperation Movement, the Salt March or Dandi March , and the Quit India Movement.

5. What are some key themes to touch upon in a Gandhi Jayanti speech?

In a Gandhi Jayanti speech, one can discuss Gandhi’s philosophy of non-violence, his contribution to India’s freedom struggle, and his enduring impact on global peace and justice movements.

6. How to incorporate Gandhi’s teachings in a modern-day speech?

One can draw parallels between current global challenges and Gandhi’s principles, emphasizing the relevance of his teachings on non-violence, truth, and harmony in today’s context.

7. What are some of the most famous slogans associated with Mahatma Gandhi?

Mahatma Gandhi slogans that are closely associated with him include:

  • “Satyameva Jayate” (Truth Alone Triumphs)
  • “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”

In delivering a speech about Gandhiji in English, we don’t just remember a historical figure, but we embrace timeless values of truth, non-violence, and perseverance. His teachings, transcending generations, serve as a guiding light, urging us to be agents of positive change in our world today.

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mahatma gandhi jayanti speech in english

Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English, Long And Short

mahatma gandhi jayanti speech in english

Gandhi Jayanti Speech: Mahatma Gandhi's Jayanti is celebrated on 2nd of October every year. Check out this article to learn long and short speech in English on Gandhi Jayanti 2023.

mahatma gandhi jayanti speech in english

Gandhi Jayanti Speech

India observes the 2nd of October as Gandhi Jayanti, a day dedicated to celebrating the birthday of the Father of the Nation, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, commonly known as Mahatma Gandhi. Both government and private sectors mark this day as a national holiday. Below is a detailed speech on Gandhi Jayanti in English, suitable for schools and various social occasions.

Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English

On the occasion of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’s birth anniversary, also known as Mahatma Gandhi, students actively engage in delivering speeches during Gandhi Jayanti. Every year, on October 2nd, this significant day is observed, and students across the nation participate in various stage performances and speeches as a tribute to Gandhiji. In the year 2023, the global community will commemorate Gandhi Ji’s 154th birthday.

  • Date: October 2, 2023
  • Purpose of Celebration: Gandhi Ji’s Birthday
  • Country: India

On this auspicious occasion, schools, government institutions, and private sectors come together to celebrate and pay homage to Gandhi Ji. The English version of the Gandhi Jayanti address is detailed on this page, providing students with information to craft both elaborate and concise speeches.

Also Read: Mahatama Gandhi Biography

India celebrates its independence and reflects on the values that guided its liberation warrior and leader, Mahatma Gandhi, on October 2, 2023, known as Gandhi Jayanti. Born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, Gujarat, British India, Mahatma Gandhi emerged from a merchant-class family. Completing his undergraduate education in India under British rule, he further pursued a law degree in England.

This year marks the 154th anniversary of the birth of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, affectionately known as Bapu and the Father of our Nation. Renowned poet and Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore honored him with the title “Mahatma,” meaning the one with the greatest soul. As we commemorate his 154th birthday, we gather here to reflect on the principles that defined his life and his struggle for freedom.

Gandhiji’s fundamental tenets centered around Ahimsa (nonviolence) and peace. He consistently adhered to the principles of honesty, integrity, and non-violence. In his honor, the UN General Assembly declared this day as the International Day of Non-Violence, acknowledging his contribution of providing the world with a potent weapon of non-violence for combat.

Long Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English

Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone,

Today, we gather here to commemorate a man whose life and teachings have left an indelible mark on the pages of history—Mahatma Gandhi. As we observe Gandhi Jayanti on the 2nd of October, we pay tribute to the Father of the Nation, whose principles continue to inspire generations.

Gandhi ji, born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, Gujarat, was not just a leader; he was the embodiment of nonviolence, truth, and simplicity. His philosophy of Ahimsa, or nonviolence, became the cornerstone of India’s struggle for independence. Gandhi ji demonstrated that conflict and violence were not necessary means to resolve societal issues.

One of his fundamental teachings was “Satyagraha,” the power of truth. He believed that telling the truth had the transformative power to bring about positive change in society. His life was a living testament to these principles, and his legacy endures as a guiding light for those who seek a path of righteousness and justice.

Gandhi ji’s way of life reflected simplicity and frugality. He wore simple khadi clothes, spun on his charkha, and lived a life content with basic necessities. His teachings emphasized the value of being satisfied with what one already possesses, promoting a life of minimalism and self-sufficiency.

As we gather here on Gandhi Jayanti, let us honor his lessons of simplicity, love, and truth. His role in the Indian liberation movement was pivotal, leading movements like the Dandi March and the Non-Cooperation Movement. Today, his nonviolent and peaceful beliefs continue to motivate us to strive for a better and more just society.

Let us reflect on these values, not just today but every day, and strive to follow in his footsteps. Embrace truthfulness, show courtesy to others, and lead an honest, straightforward life. In doing so, we pay homage to the great soul, Mahatma Gandhi, whose legacy lives on in the heart of our nation.

Also Read: Lal Bahadur Shastri Biography

How Should I Begin My Gandhi Jayanti Speech?

  • Commence your Gandhi Jayanti speech with a warm greeting, such as “Good morning,” “Good afternoon,” or “Good evening,” to establish a connection with your audience.
  • Capture the audience’s attention right from the start by incorporating a memorable proverb or a quotation from Mahatma Gandhi himself.
  • Maintain a soft grin on your face, creating an inviting and approachable atmosphere.
  • Sustain a positive and upbeat body language throughout your speech. Avoid swaying, trembling, or remaining too still. Stand with proper posture, exuding confidence and erectness.

Gandhi Jayanti Speech and Key Points

  • Gandhi Jayanti is commemorated on October 2, 1869, in honor of Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday.
  • Gandhi ji, a remarkable leader, advocated for nonviolence, emphasizing the principle of causing no harm to others.
  • His life exemplified that conflict and violence are unnecessary means to resolve issues.
  • The concept of “Satyagraha,” or the power of truth, was a cornerstone of his teachings.
  • Speaking the truth holds transformative power and the ability to positively impact society.
  • Gandhi ji led a modest life, dressing simply and embracing frugal living.
  • He encouraged contentment with what one already possesses.
  • On this day, we pay homage to his lessons of simplicity, love, and truth.
  • As a pivotal figure in the Indian liberation movement, Gandhi ji’s nonviolent and peaceful beliefs continue to inspire us today.
  • To contribute to the betterment of our nation, let’s follow in his footsteps.
  • Embrace truthfulness, show courtesy to others, and lead an honest and straightforward life.

Short Speech on Mahatma Gandhi

Short Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English:

On this special occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, we gather to remember and honor Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation. Born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, Gujarat, Gandhi ji’s life was a beacon of nonviolence, truth, and simplicity.

His philosophy of Ahimsa, or nonviolence, guided India to its independence. Gandhi ji taught us the power of truth, encapsulated in the concept of Satyagraha. His life was an epitome of simplicity, dressing in khadi and leading a life content with basic necessities.

As we commemorate Gandhi Jayanti, let us imbibe his teachings of simplicity, love, and truth. Gandhi ji’s contributions to India’s liberation movement were monumental, and his nonviolent beliefs continue to inspire us today.

Let us strive to live by his principles, embracing truthfulness and leading a life of honesty and simplicity.

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Gandhi Jayanti Speech FAQs

Why do we celebrate gandhi jayanti, which birth anniversary of mahatma gandhi in 2023, what is the full date of gandhi jayanti, what is the importance of 2 october, what is mahatma gandhi famous for.

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Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti Speech for Students in English (Short and Long Speech)

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, better known by his given name Mahatma Gandhi, was a well-known Indian lawyer, politician, social activist, and writer who gained notoriety during the nationalist movement against British rule in India. An Indian native of Porbandar, he was born on October 2, 1869.

10 lines speech on Mahatma Gandhi Ji Jayanti

In 2022, the nation celebrated Gandhi Jayanti—the day on which Gandhi was born—for the 153rd time.

This day is observed as the third national holiday, following Republic Day and Independence Day.

It is also known as the International Day of nonviolence and is celebrated all around the world.

Schools and government organisations hold special events the day prior to honour this outstanding person.

Mahatma Gandhi was a well-known freedom fighter who valiantly fought for our country's independence.

There are no alcoholic beverage businesses operating because it is a dry day across the nation.

There are several cleaning activities taking place all around the country as people commemorate the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi.

Mahatma Gandhi is honoured for his contribution to achieving India's freedom.

The beliefs and teachings of Mahatma Gandhi are constantly revisited.

On this day in Delhi's Rajghat, India's political elite and dignitaries pay tribute to Gandhiji.

Short speech on Gandhi jayanti

Every year on October 2, we honour Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the Father of our Nation and the man children affectionately refer to as "Bapu."

He led an anti-racial inequality movement in South Africa. He fought for our independence by upholding the values of peace and nonviolence. He oversaw several nonviolent initiatives that were successful, including the movement to abolish the salt tax and the movement to demand that the British leave India.

In his leisure time, he spun Khadi on a charkha. He engaged in asceticism and used little resources in his everyday activities. Gandhi Ji really valued and was proud of Indian heritage. He was a devoted man who exhorted others to worship their various gods regardless of their gender or ethnicity. Gandhiji died on January 30, 1948, and his last words were "Hey Ram." His murder was committed by Nathuram Godse.

Thousands of mourners present him with flowers and sing his favourite hymn, "Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram" as he rests tonight at Raj Ghat in New Delhi. His life's motto, "My life is my message," conveyed the same ideas. He famously said, "An eye for an eye will turn the whole world blind," to emphasise the benefit of nonviolence.

Long speech on Gandhi jayanti

Every year on October 2, India observes Gandhi Jayanti, a national holiday honouring and remembering Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi's birth. For his tireless efforts to secure our freedom, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose bestowed the title of "Father of the Nation" on Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, commonly known as Mahatma Gandhi.

Rabindranath Tagore, a Nobel laureate, bestowed upon him the honorific title "Mahatma," which translates to "the one with the greatest spirit." He had always adhered to the principles of honesty, integrity, and non-violence.

In his honour, the UN General Assembly declared this day the "International Day of Non-Violence" because he gave the world a powerful tool for conflict resolution known as "non-violence."

Mahatma Gandhi was born into a merchant-class family in Porbandar, Gujarat, British India. He completed his undergraduate studies in India while it was governed by the British before travelling to England to obtain a legal degree. After finishing his education, he intended to practise law in India. He and his wife Kasturba Gandhi moved to South Africa at the age of 24 to pursue law careers. In South Africa, he first encountered discrimination based on his race and background.

He helped Indians in South Africa improve their lives for a few years. He came to India to practise law after being outraged to see the injustices; this inspired him to feel strongly about bringing about justice. In 1917, he promptly joined the Indian National Congress and launched his Champaran Satyagraha campaign for the independence of India.

The Indians already had free access to this necessary facility due to our coastal location. He led the Salt March, also known as the Dandi March, in 1930 to demonstrate against the unfair salt tax. Gandhi had a huge following. He also organised the well-known Quit India Movement, Civil Disobedience Movement, and Non-Cooperation Movement in order to free India from British colonial rule. Mahatma Gandhi, his supporters, and several other freedom fighters were all imprisoned as a result of these rallies.

Celebration and Inspiration

He intended to instil in his disciples the importance of keeping things simple and letting go of earthly pleasures. He wore basic Khadi clothing that he spun at home on his charkha, despite being a well-known leader in the world.

He was slain by Nathuram Godse on January 30, 1948, when he was 78 years old. Raj Ghat is the name of the shrine where he is buried. He is no longer among us, yet his light and counsel remain forever. His final words were "Hey Ram," and he lived by the maxim "My life is my message." On Gandhi Jayanti, our esteemed Prime Minister, President, and others visit RajGhat to offer flowers in remembrance of his Samadhi.

Gandhi's birthday is celebrated globally with a variety of activities, such as speech competitions, essay writing assignments, collage-making projects, poster presentations, etc. He led by example and vigorously practised what he preached.

He was a great individual who still inspires others to keep moral standards and believe in values, not just among Indians but around the world. Let's spend our lives in remembrance of his beliefs by treating everyone equally and without bias and by abstaining from using violence even when circumstances are at their worst. Let's follow our Bapu's guidance on nonviolence so that we might live in peace.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

Due to his commitment, work, and leadership in achieving India's independence, Mahatma Gandhiji was referred to as the Father of the Nation long before the title was bestowed by Mr. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose in the Constitution of Free India.

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Gandhi Jayanti Speech | Speech on Gandhi Jayanti for Students and Children in English

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Gandhi Jayanti Speech: Mohandas Karam Chand Gandhi, also known as Father of Nation, was born on October 02nd, 1869 at a small town named Porbandar in Gujarat. Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th Birth Anniversary will celebrate in India, not only in India his birth anniversary will celebrate and organize with different programs around the world. On this occasion, students will give different stage programs and speeches. In this article, we are providing complete information about a Short Speech on Gandhi Jayanti. Read on to Find more about Gandhi Jayanti Speech.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc.

Long and Short Speeches on Gandhi Jayanti for Kids and Children in English

A Long Speech on Gandhi Jayanti is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech on Gandhi Jayanti is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Gandhi Jayanti

Long Speech on Gandhi Jayanti (2nd October) 600 Words in English

Good Morning Everyone! My name is XYZ and we have gathered here to celebrate the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi. This is Gandhiji’s 150th birth anniversary. Because of his struggle for India’s Independence, Netaji Subhash Chandra bose gave him the name of “Father of the Nation”. Also, sometimes we call him ‘Bapu’. In India, Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated every year on 2nd October, to pay a tribute to him, who devoted his life to India’s Independence by using his strong weapon, ‘Non-violence’. Not only in India, in fact, in the whole world, but this day is also celebrated as International Day of Non-violence.

Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated to remember Gandhi’s principles of peace and non-violence. And to educate and inspire the present generation, the contribution made by Gandhiji to make India an independent country. He has gone through a long struggle so that the people of India can breathe in an independent nation. He was a devotee of truth and non-violence (Satya and ahimsa ke pujari). In his honor, the UN General Assembly has announced this day as The International Day of Non-Violence, on 15th June 2007.

Every year Gandhi Jayanti is feasted at Raj Ghat, Delhi and our prime minister along with the president of India gathers here to pay the tribute by offering flowers to his Samadhi. Also, his favorite song “Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram” is sung for him. All the schools, colleges, private offices, and government organization remains closed on this National holiday.

Gandhiji’s full name was Mohandas Karam Chand Gandhi. He was born in a small coastal town of Gujarat, known as Porbandar, in 1869. He was an honest man and ‘truth lover’. In 1888, he completed his law in the UK and then shifted to South Africa to practice it. After 21 years, he started with peaceful civil disobedience or Satyagraha. After coming back to India, with Ahimsa (nonviolence), he fought for the freedom of India from the British rule. It is because of him and other national freedom fighters, India got freedom from 200 years of slavery.

Gandhiji being such a great leader, preferred to wear Khadi clothes. He never accepted British culture and always followed the old traditional culture of India. He always encouraged the people of India to have faith in themselves and fight for their rights. He asked the Indians to not to serve the British and fight for their freedom. It is because of his devotion and struggle, that India is a free bird today.

Gandhiji spent a major part of his life to get freedom for our country. He joined Gopala Krishna Gokhale, who was already struggling for India’s independence. During this struggle, Gandhiji has to go jail several times. He has led to many important movements such as the Quit India movement, Civil Disobedience Movement and Non-Co-operation Movement. Also, he started Dandi March or Salt Satyagraha in 1930 and walked for 400kms. Quit India was a call to Britishers, to leave India and go.

He did great works all through his life which still has an impact on the people in this modern era. He has worked with great effort to achieve Swaraj, to remove untouchability customs from society, the eradication of other social evils, empowering women’s rights, developing the economic condition of farmers and many more.

Many leaders and freedom fighters have also contributed their part in getting India’s Independence such as Azaad, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and many more. They have fought till the death has touched their feet and taken them to heaven. In the history of India, these national freedom fighters along with Gandhiji will always be remembered. India finally got its independence on 15th August 1947 and we celebrate this day as “Independence Day”, every year.

Students can get  Gandhi Jayanti Essay  from here.

Short Speech on Gandhi Jayanti 300 Words in English

On 31st January 1948, Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated by a Hindu Nationalist Nathu Ram Godse, who was also a member of Hindu Mahasabha. This day has mourned the people and the whole of the country was full of sorrow.

Today, on his birthday, let us remember him and celebrate this day with joy and prosperity. His life was an inspiration for all of us and the sacrifices he made, are our responsibilities now. Let us contribute ourselves to the growth and development of our country, to pay a salute to Nation’s Father. Do not waste their efforts and struggles, by letting India go down. Even our Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi has started Swach Bharat Abhiyan, to maintain the cleanliness of our society, on this very important day.

A speech is not enough to speak about Mahatma Gandhi’s values and deeds. But, we as the future of the country, can honor him by living our life with his principles of truth, peace, and non-violence and lead our country to an incredible nation.

Jai Hind, Jai Bharat!

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Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English for Students

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Gandhi Jayanti Speech: Gandhi Jayanti, a day that echoes the principles of truth, non-violence, and inspiration, holds immense significance for students. As we delve into the importance of delivering a compelling speech on this occasion, we explore the life of Mahatma Gandhi and the impact his teachings can have on the younger generation.

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In this speech, we delve into the life and philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi. From his early years to his pivotal role in India’s freedom movement, understanding the man behind the icon is crucial for any student preparing to speak on this auspicious day.

Gandhi jayanti speech

Long and Short Speech on Gandhi Jayanti

We have provided below variety of speech on Gandhi Jayanti for the students under various words limit according to their class standard. All the Gandhi Jayanti speech are written using very easy words and small sentences for the students. Dear students, you can select any of the given speeches on Gandhi Jayanti according to your need and requirement. We also have a speech on Mahatma Gandhi that can inspire and enlighten minds about the principles of nonviolence, civil disobedience, and the relentless pursuit of justice that defined his extraordinary life. Using such simple speeches you can participate in the speech recitation activity in your school without any hesitation.

Gandhi Jayanti Speech – 1

A very good morning to the excellencies, respected Principal sir, teachers and my dear colleagues. As we all know that we are gathered here to celebrate a nice occasion called Gandhi Jayanti, I would like to recite a speech in front of you all. My dear friends, today is 2 nd October, the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. We celebrate this day with great enthusiasm every year to pay tribute to the Father of the Nation as well as remember his courageous deeds on the way of independence struggle for the country from British rule. We celebrate Gandhi Jayanti as one of the great national holidays all over the India. The full name of the Mahatma Gandhi is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, also known as Bapu or Father of the Nation.

2 nd of October is also celebrated internationally as the International Day of Non-Violence because of being a preacher of non-violence throughout his life. 2 nd of October was declared as International Day of Non-Violence by the United Nations General Assembly on 15 th of June in 2007. We will always remember Bapu as a symbol of peace and truth. He was born on 2 nd of October in 1869 in a small town (Porbunder, Gujarat) however performed great deeds all through his life. He was a lawyer and he took his law degree from U.K and practiced in South Africa. He had described his life history full of struggle in his autobiography named “ My experiments with Truth ”. He fought continuously with lots of patience and dare against British rule for the independence of India all through his life untill the independence came on the way.

Gandhiji was the man of simple living and high thinking which has been set as an example to us. He was very against to the smoking, drinking, untouchability, and non-vegetarianism. At this day the selling of alcohol has been completely banned for whole day by the government of India. He was the pioneer of truth and non-violence who started the Satyagraha movement for India’s freedom. It is celebrated with lots of preparations at the Raj Ghat, New Delhi (the cremation place of him) such as prayers, offerings of flower, playing his favorite song “Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram, Patit Pavan Sita Ram”, etc in order to pay homage to the Gandhiji. I would like to share one of his great sayings such as: “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”

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Gandhi Jayanti Speech – 2

A very good morning to the excellencies, respected Principal sir, teachers and my dear colleagues. My name is … I study in class … standard. I would like to recite a speech on Gandhi jayanti. First of all I would like to say a big thank to my class teacher for giving me an opportunity to speech on this great occasion. As we all know that we gathered here every year to celebrate 2 nd October, the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. My dear friends, Gandhi Jayanti is not celebrated only in our country however it is celebrated as an event all over the world. 2 nd of October is celebrated as Gandhi Jayanti in India however as International Day of Non-Violence all across the world as he was a preacher of non-violence throughout his life.

His full name is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi however popularly known as Bapu, Mahatma Gandhi or Father of the nation. He was born on 2 nd October in 1869 at Porbunder, Gujrat. At this day, the President and Prime Minister of India pay homage to the Mahatma Gandhi’s statue at his samadhi by offering prayer, flowers, bhajans, devotional songs, etc at the Raj Ghat, New Delhi. Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated in almost all the states and territories of India in order to commemorate the person who always respected the people of all the religions and communities in same manner. At this day, verses and prayers from religious holy books are read out especially his favorite ones like “Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram”. Prayer meetings are also held in various state capitals in the country. As this day has been declared as the national holiday by the government of India, all the schools, colleges, offices, etc remain closed throughout the country.

Mahatma Gandhi was a great person who struggled a lot and played a significant role in the achievement of freedom for India from British rule. He not only pioneered the unique method of non-violence to get freedom for India against British rule but also proved the world that freedom can be achieved peacefully through the path of non-violence. He is still remembered among us as the symbol of peace and truth.

Also Read: Famous Speeches of Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi Jayanti Speech – 3

I would like to say a very good morning to the excellencies, respected Principal sir, teachers and my dear friends. My name is … I study in class … standard. My dear friends, we have gathered here to celebrate an auspicious occasion of 2 nd October, the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. At this day, the father of the nation took birth in 1869 at Porbunder, Gujrat. This celebration means a lot to us. The full name of Mahatma Gandhi is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi however popularly known as Gandhiji, father of the nation and Bapu all over the world. The birthday of Bapu gets celebrated all over country as Gandhi Jayanti however all over the world as an event, International Day of Non-Violence.

Bapu took birth in a very small town of the country however his deeds were so great that no one could stop to get spread all over the world. He was the person who always believed in getting freedom from the British rule very peacefully through non-violence. He was the pioneer of non-violence, a only effective way to achieve freedom from British rule according to him. Bapu was a great freedom fighter who spent his whole life in struggling for freedom of India.

After realizing a real pain of Indians, he started participating in various freedom movements together with the Gopal Krishna Gokhale. The campaigns what he run for India’s freedom were non co-operation movement, civil disobedience movement and quit India movement. He went to prison many times however never lose his patience of fighting peacefully. The whole life of Bapu has been set as an ideal example (in front of us and future generations) of patriotism, sacrifice, non-violence, simplicity, and firmness. Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated with lots preparations every year by the Indian people. The aim of celebrating this occasion is to pay tribute to the Bapu as well as let our future generations know about all the struggles made by Bapu in order to get freedom from British rule. It teaches us to be active with open eye every time in order to maintain the honor of our motherland. I would like to share with you some sayings by the Mahatma Gandhi:

“My life is my message.” and “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

Jai Hind, Jai Bharat!

Gandhi Jayanti Speech – 4

A very good morning to the excellencies, Principal sir, teachers and my dear colleagues. My name is … I study in class … standard. I would like to recite a speech at this great occasion of Gandhi Jayanti. However, first of all I would like to say a big thank to my class teacher for giving me this opportunity to speech here at this national occasion. My dear friends, we are here to celebrate Gandhi Jayanti (2 nd of October means birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi). It is an auspicious occasion which provides us an opportunity to commemorate a great patriotic leader of the country. It is celebrated worldwide, nationally (as Gandhi Jayanti) and internationally (as International Day of Non-Violence).

Today, on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, I would like to focus on the life history of father of the nation. Mahatma Gandhi was born on 2 nd of October in 1869 in a small town of India called Porbandar, Gujarat. The name of his parent was Karamchand Gandhi and Putlibai. After completing the education of primary and higher secondary, Bapu went to England in 1888 for getting higher education in law. After completing his law degree, he returned to India in 1891 and started participating in the independence movement of India. Once he became the victim of racism in South Africa which badly affected his soul, from then he started opposing the social evil of racism.

After his returning to India he met Gopala Krishna Gokhale and joined the movements of Indian freedom struggle in order to raise his voice against British rule. On the way to freedom of India he started various movements such as non-cooperation movement in 1920, dandi march in 1930 and quit India movement in 1942. He was a great patriotic leader whom continuous efforts forced Britishers to go back on their back foot in 1947. We celebrate his birth anniversary to pay him a tribute and say him a thank to give us an Independent India.

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Gandhi Jayanti Speech 5 – Role of Mahatma Gandhi in India’s Struggle for Freedom

Hon’ble Principal, Vice Principal, Respected Teachers and My Dear Friends – Warm Greetings to one and all!

I, Sarthak Pandey – from Grade IX, Section (C), on this auspicious occasion of Gandhi Jayanti would like to deliver a speech on the “Role of Mahatma Gandhi in India’s struggle for freedom”. Needless to say, the role of this legendary figure in winning back India’s freedom cannot be overlooked and the history speaks volumes about his efforts. Popularly known as Bapu, he was a man of great character and fortitude.

Born on 2 nd October in the year 1869 as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi , he rose to become the great political leader of India during 1900s. He took the reign of India’s freedom movement in his hands and guided the nation towards achieving independence. Our country was ruled by Britishers for more than 250 years. In order to join the movement, he came back from South Africa in the year 1915 leaving behind his glorious career in the field of law. He was requested by Gopal Krishan Gokhale to join the nation for this cause.

His contribution in Independence Day movement cannot be simply summed up in words. Along with the other freedom fighters, such as Shahid Bhagat Singh, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Subhash Chandra Bose, Sarojini Naidu, Lala Lajpat Rai and others, Mahatma Gandhi pushed Britishers to leave India. His several policies, chiefly the policy of non-violence became an instrumental tool in winning back the country’s freedom. With his effective policies, he became a source of inspiration for the people nationwide.

The then Viceroy of India, Lord Chelmsford, invited Mahatma Gandhi in the capital city of Delhi for a War Conference. In order to earn the trust of British Empire, Gandhi gave his consent to make people join the army for World War I. However, he also mentioned to the Viceroy in a letter that personally “he will not injure or kill anybody, friend or foe”.

There is a village in Gujarat known as Kheda, which was once severely affected by floods and the local farmers requested the higher authority to let go off the taxes, post which Gandhi began a signature campaign to enable peasants pledge for the non-payment of taxes. Besides, he also led a campaign for the social boycott of the talatdars as well as mamlatdars, i.e. revenue officials. In the year 1918, the government listened to their pleas and provided relaxation on the revenue payment until the situation of famine subsided.

Thus, besides taking an active part in the Independence Day movement of India Gandhi ji also worked on various other fronts within the country for the deprived section of the society, such as farmers, untouchables and helping women finding their due place in society.

Interestingly, he was a leading spokesperson in the All India Muslim Conference and returned the honor that he was given by the Empire in South Africa during the Indian Ambulance Corps times. His involvement in the Khilafat movement raised him to fame and he became a national hero in no time.

In the end, it can be said that he was a man of great caliber whose involvement and great leadership in the India’s struggle for freedom cannot be forgotten by the generations to come.

This is all from my end, thank you!

Gandhi Jayanti Speech FAQs

When is gandhi jayanti.

Gandhi Jayanti is the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi celebrated on October 2nd.

Write a speech for Gandhi Jayanti?

A very good morning! I would like to recite a speech in front of you all. My dear friends, today is 2nd October, the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. We celebrate this day with great enthusiasm every year to pay tribute to the Father of the Nation as well as remember his courageous deeds on the way of independence struggle for the country from British rule.

What is Gandhi Jayanti in simple words?

Gandhi Jayanti is an event celebrated to mark the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi. It is a national holiday in India and celebrated annually on 2 October.

What is Gandhi's most famous speech?

The Quit India Movement Speech given by Mahatma Gandhi on 8th August 1942. On the eve of the ‘Quit India’ movement, Gandhi addressed people at the August Kranti Ground, Bombay. The speech of Gandhiji included many important points but mostly it was more prominent in describing the importance of ‘Ahimsa’ or Non-Violence.

What is the importance of Oct 2?

2nd of October is celebrated as Gandhi Jayanti in India. It is also celebrated as International Day of Non-Violence all across the world as he was a preacher of non-violence throughout his life.

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Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English For School Students

Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English, We celebrate Gandhi Jayanti every year on October 2nd to honor Mahatma Gandhi's birthday. This year marks his 154th birth anniversary.

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October 10, 2023

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Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English On October 2, 2023, we will Celebrate the 154th birth anniversary of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Are you struggling to craft a meaningful speech about Mahatma Gandhi for Gandhi Jayanti? In this article, we offer concise 15-line speeches about Mahatma Gandhi, both short and long speeches in English for Gandhi Jayanti, and also provide answers to frequently asked questions about Mahatma Gandhi.

Gandhi Jayanti is an annual event dedicated to honoring the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, known as “ Bapu ,” the Father of the Nation. Bapu , or Gandhi ji , was the visionary leader who championed India’s quest for independence through the principle of ‘Non-Violence.’ By celebrating his birthday each year, we are reminded of his principles of Ahimsa and encouraged to strive for a better society.

Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English(Long)

Here, we offer an English speech for school students on Gandhi Jayanti. This speech will not only enrich your understanding of Mahatma Gandhi but also aid in your preparation for competitions.

Good morning, dear principal, teachers, and my wonderful friends. We have gathered here to celebrate Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday. He was born on October 2, 1869. Today is the 154th Birth celebration of this great leader, often called the “Father of the Nation,” Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi . We honor him for his important part in India’s fight for freedom.

This day is very important in our history because it celebrates the man who guided India to freedom by following ideas like telling the truth, not using violence, and peacefully disobeying unfair laws.

Mahatma Gandhi , who we lovingly call Bapu, was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, Gujarat. He lived a very simple and humble life, always working very hard to make things fair and just for everyone.

Non-violence , which Gandhi called Ahimsa , was a very important part of his way of thinking. He believed that problems and fights could be solved without hurting anyone. This belief led to some big and important events like the Salt March and the Quit India Movement , which helped us a lot in our struggle to be free from British rule.

Gandhi believed in something important called Satyagraha , which means the strength of truth . He showed that you can reach your goals by doing what’s right without hurting anyone. He inspired many people to walk the path of truth and non-violence, a way of living that still helps and guides us today.

Gandhi’s life was a testament to simplicity . He wore simple clothes, lived a modest life, and believed in the dignity of manual labor. He said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” This reminds us that change starts from within.

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan , our nation’s cleanliness drive, is a fitting tribute to Gandhi’s emphasis on hygiene and sanitation. He believed that cleanliness is not just about physical cleanliness but also about a clean mind and heart.

Equality was another principle close to Gandhi’s heart. He fought against the evils of caste discrimination and worked tirelessly for the upliftment of the oppressed. His efforts paved the way for a more inclusive India.

Today, as we remember the Mahatma, it’s important to reflect on how his teachings are still relevant. In a world filled with strife, Gandhi’s message of non-violence and truth is a guiding light.

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Gandhi’s legacy isn’t just confined to India; it’s a global inspiration. Leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela were deeply influenced by his ideas and methods of peaceful resistance.

On this Gandhi Jayanti, let’s promise to follow the important ideas Bapu believed in. We should work to make the world cleaner, fairer, and more peaceful. Let’s be like Gandhi, making positive changes in our actions and thoughts, so his memory stays alive in what we do.

Gandhiji passed away on January 30, 1948, and his last words were “Hey Ram.” He was killed by Nathuram Godse. Today, he is laid to rest at Raj Ghat in New Delhi. Many people show their respect by offering flower garlands and singing his favorite song, ‘Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram.’

Gandhi Jayanti is not just a day of remembrance,it is a day of reflection and inspiration. Let us all strive to be the change we want to see in the world, just as Mahatma Gandhi did. Happy Gandhi Jayanti!

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Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English (Short)

Good morning, Principal, teachers, and friends. Today, we Celebrate the 154th birth anniversary of the “Father of the Nation,” Mahatma Gandhi, born on October 2, 1869. His principles of truth, non-violence, and civil disobedience played a crucial role in India’s struggle for freedom, making this day a historic milestone in our history.

Mahatma Gandhi was a great leader of our country. He was born on October 2, 1869. He taught us some very important things that we can all learn from.

Gandhi ji believed in “ Ahimsa, ” which means non-violence . He said that problems can be solved without fighting or hurting anyone. He showed us that even in tough times, we can be strong without being mean.

He also believed in “ Satyagraha ,” which means the power of truth. Gandhi ji always told the truth and said that speaking the truth can change the world. He used peaceful ways to fight for our country’s freedom.

Gandhi ji lived a simple life. He wore simple clothes and ate simple food. He taught us that we don’t need a lot of things to be happy. Being content with what we have is important.

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On January 30, 1948, when he was 78 years old, Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated by Nathuram Godse. His final resting place, called Raj Ghat, is located in Delhi. Even though he is no longer with us, his teachings and guidance will always be remembered. His last words were ‘Hey Ram,’ and his motto was ‘My life is my message.’

So, on Gandhi Jayanti, we remember these important lessons from him. We should be kind to others, tell the truth, and live a simple and honest life.

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Let’s try to follow Gandhi ‘s teachings in our lives and make our country a better place.

Thank you for listening. Happy Gandhi Jayanti!

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Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English (15-Line)

The 15-line speech about Mahatma Gandhi is very useful for young kids because it presents information about him in a simple and easy way.

  • Today, we celebrate Gandhi Jayanti, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, born on October 2, 1869.
  • Gandhi ji was a great leader who believed in non-violence, meaning not hurting anyone.
  • He showed us that problems can be solved without fighting or violence.
  • He also taught us the power of truth, known as “Satyagraha.”
  • Speaking the truth is important, and it can change the world.
  • Gandhi ji lived a simple life, wearing simple clothes and eating simple food.
  • He said we should be content with what we have.
  • On this day, we remember his teachings of kindness, truth, and simplicity.
  • He played a significant role in India’s freedom struggle.
  • His ideas of peace and non-violence still inspire us today.
  • Let’s follow his path to make our country a better place.
  • Be kind to others, always tell the truth, and live a simple and honest life.
  • Gandhi ji’s legacy continues to guide us in building a better future.
  • We can learn from him and work together for a more peaceful world.
  • Happy Gandhi Jayanti! Jai Hind!

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Mahatma Gandhi Quotes and Slogans

These quotes and slogans reflect the principles of peace, non-violence, and social justice that Mahatma Gandhi stood for and are often used to inspire and motivate people to work towards a better and more just society.

Gandhi Jayanti Quotes:

  • “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  • “You must be the change you want to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  • “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  • “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  • “An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  • “The future depends on what you do today.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  • “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  • “You may never know what results come of your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results.” – Mahatma Gandhi

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Gandhi Jayanti Slogans:

  • “Satyamev Jayate” (Truth Alone Triumphs)
  • “Ahimsa Paramo Dharma” (Non-violence is the supreme duty)
  • “Jai Hind” (Victory to India)
  • “Sarvodaya” (Welfare for All)
  • “Swaraj is my birthright and I shall have it.” – Bal Gangadhar Tilak
  • “Inquilab Zindabad” (Long live the revolution)
  • “Quit India” – A slogan from the Indian independence movement
  • “Vande Mataram” (I bow to thee, Mother)

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Gandhi Jayanti Speech i FAQs

Gandhi Jayanti is a special day celebrated throughout India on October 2nd to honor the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi.

Mahatma Gandhi was a prominent leader in India's struggle for independence from British rule. He advocated for non-violence, civil disobedience, and social justice.

Gandhi is called the "Father of the Nation" in India because he played a very important part in leading the country to independence, and he had a big impact on the values and beliefs of the nation.

Gandhi's key principles include non-violence (Ahimsa), truth (Satyagraha), simplicity, equality, and self-reliance.

Gandhi played a pivotal role by organizing non-violent protests, boycotts, and civil disobedience campaigns against British rule, ultimately leading India to independence in 1947.


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Mahatma gandhi jayanti 2021: speech for students, gandhi ji was born on 2 october 1869 at porbandar, gujarat..


Gandhi Jayanti: The world will celebrate the 152nd birth anniversary of Gandhi Ji, also known as the Mahatma Gandhi and 'the father of the nation' on Saturday, 2 October 2021. This day is also known as Gandhi Jayanti.

Mahatma Gandhi was one of the greatest leaders of Indian independence movement and was popular for his non-violent means. He became an active part of the Indian freedom struggle in early 20th century. Many important movements of resistance against the British colonial rule, like 'Non-cooperation Movement', 'Salt March', 'Quit India Movement', etc were led by him.

Gandhi Jayanti is observed every year to celebrate the ideas of non-violence and unity promoted by Gandhi Ji. Multiple events are organized in India and abroad to celebrate the day. Students in schools also participate in various events like speech , essay writing, poster making, etc.

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In this article, we have provided a sample speech for students which they can refer to for Gandhi Jaynati speech event.

Speech for Gandhi Jayanti

Greetings to all my friends and teachers present here. Today, we celebrate the birth anniversary of one of the greatest leaders of Indian freedom struggle, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He was also known as "the father of the nation", and was famous for his non-violent ways to fight for independence. Before starting the event, here is a brief account of his life.

Gandhi Ji was born on 2 October 1869 at Porbandar, Gujarat. He completed his early studies in British ruled India, and then went on to pursue his higher studies in England.

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After completing his studies, he returned to India to practice law, but was unable to establish himself as a successful lawyer. However, he further went to South Africa in the capacity of a lawyer to help a client. He spent a considerable amount of time in South Africa to work towards the conditions of Indians living there.

In 1915, he returned to India and became a part of freedom struggle. Just after two years of his return, he led the 'Champaran Satyagraha', which was one of the landmark movements of Indian freedom struggle.

He further led many other important movements like Non-Cooperation Movement (1920), the Salt Satyagraha also known as the Dandi March (1930), and Quit India Movement (1942). He also worked towards the Hindu-Muslim unity during the partition of India.

His continuous emphasis on non-violence, showed the world a new way of life.

On 30 January, 1948, Nathuram Godse assassinated him. However his teachings and ideas became immortal. His life is an inspiration to the people all around the world, as he himself said “My life is my message” .

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Gandhi Jayanti 2022: Speech and essay ideas in English for students


Updated Sep 30, 2022, 16:58 IST

Gandhi Jayanti

Gandhi Jayanti

  • Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated on October 2
  • This year marks the 153rd birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi
  • The day is celebrated as the International Day of Non-Violence around the world

Gandhi Jayanti speech tips

  • Keep the Gandhi Jayanti speech short as students may not be able to learn a lengthy one.
  • Don't stuff the Gandhi Jayanti speech with words students won't remember.
  • Keep it simple so that students are able to learn it.
  • Practise the speech multiple times.

Gandhi Jayanti speech in English

  • Gandhi Jayanti is observed on October 2 every year.
  • It is one of the three officially declared holidays in our country.
  • Mahatma Gandhi was born in Porbander, Gujarat, on 2nd October 1869.
  • People fondly called him Bapu.
  • He is known for his non-violent ways to fight for independence.
  • Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated as the International Day of Non-Violence around the world.
  • Gandhiji completed his early studies in British-ruled India and then went on to pursue law in England.
  • After practising law in South Africa, he returned to India in 1915 and became a part of the Indian freedom struggle.
  • He led important movements like Champaran Satyagraha, Non-Cooperation Movement, Dandi March and Quit India Movement.
  • Gandhi’s favourite bhajan was Raghupati Raghav Rajaram.

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mahatma gandhi jayanti speech in english


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Gandhi Jayanti Speech | Speech on Gandhi Jayanti for Students and Children in English

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Reported by Pankaj Bhatt

Published on 11 July 2024

Gandhi Jayanti Speech : Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated each year to commemorate the birth anniversary of the man who led the fight for freedom with ‘Non-Violence’, Mahatma Gandhi. His birth anniversary is of great significance not only in India but also in other countries. On his birth anniversary, students perform and present the Gandhi Jayanti speech.

If you’re also looking for the best Gandhi Jayanti speech describing the legendary man. Then, you have landed on the right page. `Here we are presenting the Gandhi Jayanti Speech for students and children. We have divided this Gandhi Jayanti speech into two heads, a long speech and a short speech, to help students and Children disperse the ideologies of Gandhiji.

Gandhi Jayanti Speech

Gandhi Jayanti Speech for Students (Long)

“An eye for eye, only ends up making the whole world blind” Mahatma Gandhi

Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi, the Father of the Nation. An Individual of high merit and a man of high wisdom. Such was his wisdom that influenced the world and the one, who was a firm believer of the path of Truth and non-violence.


Good Morning to All!

My name is ‘ your name ‘. Today on the occasion of the Gandhi Jayanti, we all have assembled here to celebrate the birth anniversary of the greatest man of all time, ‘Mahatma Gandhi’.

Born in 1869, at Porbandar, Gujarat. This year, in 2023, it is the 154th birth anniversary of the man who was ahead of his times. His Ideologies of Non-Violence and Ahimsa impacted the lives of many Great individuals like Martin Luther King Jr. and still don’t fail to influence our lives today. For the people of India, he was ‘Bapu’ (father). Subhash Chandra Bose entitled him as the ‘Father of the Nation’. People also referred to him as ‘Mahatma’, meaning, the one with the greatest soul.

Gandhiji was a Lawyer by profession. At 19, he went to London, to complete his higher studies. He studied law there. Post the completion of his studies, he went to South Africa with his wife Kasturba Gandhi and resided there for many years. He led a simple life there but remained active in the movements that led to fighting injustice against the Indians living in South Africa.

His struggle against injustice and unlawful acts began with the Civil Disobedience Movement in Africa, which started in 1906. Gandhiji fought for eight years in South Africa against the Transvaal government concerning the registration of Indians. Indians were made to pay unlawful taxes. During the Movement, many Indians residing in South Africa were shot dead, and many were left jailed in severe atrocities.

His journey from a simple man to a National leader was a remarkable one. Often in his practice days, some incidences left him questionable to his identity as an Indian man whose country is ruled by another country. Once, In the courtroom, Gandhiji was asked to put off his turban, which made him helpless to act nothing but leaving the courtroom. In addition to all this, there were several incidences where Gandhiji faced crucial discrimination by the white people just because of being a non-white in a white country.

So, how did this fire of freedom ignite in him?

The resistance of Gandhiji towards colonial rule was unassertive until one train journey which changed the whole perspective and purpose of his life and gave India, a leader like him. A train journey in South Africa, where Gandhiji was thrown out of a First Class Compartment just to not give his seat for a European Passenger, ignited the fight of freedom in him and made his return back to India forever, to free India.

His last visit to India was a final return in 1914. Upon his return to his homeland, he started the movement of independence in 1917 with the Champaran Satyagraha. After which he joined the Indian National Congress in 1920. The fight of Mahatma Gandhi started with the Satyagraha, a non-violent movement, a fight of truth and lawful. After coming back to India, some of the major people-led movements started by him were, the Civil Disobedience Movement, Quit India Movement, Non-Cooperation Movement, and the famous Dandi March in 1930, in which thousands of Indians joined the campaign and travelled through 385 km on foot. The movement actually brought people together to fight for the freedom of all.


At several points in his life, Gandhiji was Imprisoned by the British government, but he never chose the path of violence, instead gave his voice more power by doing strikes for days, with no food.

His contribution to the lives of Indian People is undebatable and we Indians are truly indebted by his sheer dedication to providing us with a free country in, which we reside today. He struggled through many years to provide independence to India from the locks of British rule. It was the outcome of his struggles, that India gained Independence . He made it possible, not with force or violence but with the message of Peace.

With 200 years of British rule, Indians had actually accepted the British rule as their fate and left the very thought of attaining freedom, with all the failed attempts. But it was only Mahatma Gandhi that again ignited the fire of freedom in the heart of the Indian people. His actions were subtle, yet influential enough to create a mass movement against the British and ignite the fire of freedom, in every Indian who had been enslaved for so long.

Beyond his sheer dedication to the freedom of India. He was also an Individual with high values. His life is a learning book of its own. Mahatma Gandhi was a firm believer of Right living. Living his life in his Khadi attire, he spun his own clothes and never wasted food. Not only he make his living, a remarkable one but also urged Indians to reduce their dependency on foreign textiles. His movement favouring the adoption of Khadi led people to adopt Khadi and abandon the textiles bought over by the Britishers.

In addition to this, Mahatma Gandhi particularly focused on the issues of cleanliness, which were never addressed before. Today, the current Prime Minister of India added to the value of Gandhi Jayanti with the launch of the Swacch Bharat Abhiyan to incorporate the habit of Cleanliness in the people of India and not forget the values of our ‘Bapu’.

Another issue about which Gandhiji was quite peculiar was the ‘treatment of untouchables’ of that time. He was stringent against the injustice done to the so-called ‘untouchables’. It was he who addressed such people as ‘Harijans’ and gave them the title of the Children of God, to not let people use other disgraceful words for them. To affirm the idea, he also published journals named Harijan, Harijan Sevak, and Harijan Bandhu in 1933 in Gujarati, Hindi and English.


Post-independence, he worked for the Unity of Hindu-Muslims which was influenced at most, under all these years of British rule which was the ultimate cause for them to rule over us. He never favoured the partition of India but did it for the peace of the disputed communities. On June 15, 2007, the United Nations declared Gandhi Jayanti as the ‘ International Day of Non-Violence. Every year, the Prime Minister of India pays a tribute to the Raj Ghat, by offering flowers and prayers to his soul, alive in every Indian.

Even though it was the path of Non-Violence that gave us freedom, the contributions of other freedom fighters cannot be disregarded. We are indebted to the sacrifices of such elite souls. Gandhi Jayanti is an occasion to inspire the people of India and their intrinsic value of no violation against any living being. Life of Mahatma Gandhi is a lesson, to incorporate, learn and practice each day. I believe, his words and life will never fail to influence you and make you carry his wisdom all along through.

Gandhi Jayanti Speech for Children (Short)

Good Morning to all!

Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated every year on 2nd October. The day is celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of the greatest man of all time, Mahatma Gandhi.

The birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi is of huge significance to all Indians. The occasion of Gandhi Jayanti is a Proud moment for all and is celebrated with great enthusiasm. On the Raj Ghat, garlands and flowers are presented over the Samadhi of Gandhiji.

Today, the whole world is a follower of the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi, which gave value to India and the world. The world follows his teachings and his Ideologies of Non-Violence and Ahimsa, but they still don’t fail to Impact the lives of people.

His efforts helped India attain freedom from the long colonial atrocities of British Rule. He was a great freedom fighter who never used violence as a tool to revolt against the British. He died on January 30, 1948 .

To celebrate the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti , many schools arrange programs highlighting the contribution of Gandhi Ji to the life of the people of India. The teachings of Gandhi are presented. Various rallies, Competitions and seminars are organized to integrate the values of Gandhi on each individual of India. People of all religions celebrate this day because he worked across societal barriers and worked for all.

His teachings are still discussed today and will be discussed for ages.

Why do we celebrate Gandhi Jayanti?

Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated to symbolize the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, who led movements for the freedom of India from British Rule.

When did Mahatma Gandhi come back to India?

Mahatma Gandhi came back to India in  1893  and went back to start practising his law. But after facing continuous atrocities in South Africa, he finally returned to India in  1914 .

When is the International Day of Non-Violence?

International Day of Non-Violence is celebrated on  2 nd October, the birth of Mahatma Gandhi.

What were the three Harijan journals published by Mahatma Gandhi?

Mahatma Gandhi published journals named Harijan, Harijan Sevak and Harijan Bandhu in 1933.

When did Mahatma Gandhi die?

Mahatma Gandhi died on  January 30, 1948 .

When did India part from Pakistan?

The partition of India, happened in  1947 , creating India and Pakistan.

When was Mahatma Gandhi born?

Mahatma Gandhi was born on 2nd October in the year 1869, at a village in Porbandar of Gujarat.

For how many years, did Mahatma Gandhi live in South Africa?

Mahatma Gandhi lived in South Africa for about  20  years.

What was the Salt March?

Salt March, also known as the Dandi March took place in 1930. It was an on-foot march through Gujarat. The march started from Ahmedabad and ended on the coast of the Arabian Sea. It was joined by thousands of Indians, making their own salt and standing up against the illegal tax on salt.

When was Mahatma Gandhi arrested by the British?

Mahatma Gandhi was arrested by the British in  1922 , where he remained in prison for two years.

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Pankaj Bhatt

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Check out Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti Speech 2022: Short and Long Speech and 10 Lines

Gandhi Jayanti Speech 2022: Mohandas Karam Chand Gandhi, also known as the Father of the Nation, was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, Gujarat. Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th birth anniversary will be celebrated in India, but it will also be celebrated and organised with various programmes around the world. On this occasion, students will perform various stage programmes as well as a Gandhi Jayanti speech in English. We will provide 10 lines for Gandhi Jayanti Speech In English as well as short and long Gandhi Jayanti Speech in this article.

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Short Speech on Gandhi Jayanti in English

Long gandhi jayanti speech in english for students, 10 lines on gandhi jayanti in english, gandhi jayanti speech faqs.

Get the help of a short Gandhi Jayanti Speech to curate and prepare your own speech on 2 October in English.

Hello to all of my friends and teachers who are present. Today is the birth anniversary of one of India’s greatest freedom fighters, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He was also known as “the father of the nation,” and he was well-known for his nonviolent methods of fighting for independence. Before we begin, here is a brief history of his life.

Gandhi Ji was born in Porbandar, Gujarat, on October 2, 1869. He completed his early studies in British-ruled India before moving on to higher education in England.

He returned to India to practise law after finishing his studies, but he was unable to establish himself as a successful lawyer. He did, however, return to South Africa as a lawyer to assist a client. He spent a significant amount of time in South Africa working to improve the conditions of Indians living there.

He returned to India in 1915 and became involved in the freedom struggle. He led the ‘Champaran Satyagraha,’ which was one of the landmark movements of the Indian freedom struggle, just two years after his return.

He also led the Non-Cooperation Movement (1920), the Salt Satyagraha, also known as the Dandi March (1930), and the Quit India Movement (1942). During India’s partition, he also worked for Hindu-Muslim unity.

His consistent emphasis on nonviolence demonstrated a new way of life to the world.

Nathuram Godse assassinated him on January 30, 1948. However, his teachings and ideas live on. His life serves as an inspiration to people all over the world, as he himself stated, “My life is my message.”

Read about: International Day of Non Violence

You can make changes in the above Gandhi Jayanti Speech as per the requirements. 

Below is the given long Gandhi Jayanti Speech to help you curate and prepare your own speech for the day.

Namaste everyone! My name is ABC, and we’ve gathered here to commemorate Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday. This year marks the 150th anniversary of Gandhiji’s birth. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose bestowed the title “Father of the Nation” on him in recognition of his contribution to India’s independence. We also refer to him as ‘Bapu’ at times. Gandhi Jayanti is observed every year on October 2nd to pay tribute to him, who dedicated his life to India’s independence by employing his powerful weapon, ‘Non-violence.’ Not only in India, but throughout the world, this day is observed as the International Day of Nonviolence.

Gandhi Jayanti commemorates Gandhi’s principles of nonviolence and peace. And to educate and inspire the current generation, Gandhiji’s contribution to India’s independence. He fought a long battle so that the people of India can live in an independent nation. He was a believer in the truth and nonviolence (Satya and ahimsa ke pujari). In his honour, the United Nations General Assembly declared June 15th to be the International Day of Nonviolence.

Every year on Gandhi Jayanti, our Prime Minister, along with the President of India, gathers at Raj Ghat in Delhi to pay tribute to Gandhi by offering flowers to his Samadhi. His favourite song, “Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram,” is also performed for him. On this National holiday, all schools, colleges, private offices, and government organisations are closed.

Mohandas Karam Chand Gandhi was Gandhiji’s full name. In 1869, he was born in Porbandar, a small coastal town in Gujarat. He was a man of integrity and a “truth lover.” In 1888, he graduated from law school in the United Kingdom and moved to South Africa to practise. He began with peaceful civil disobedience, or Satyagraha, after 21 years. After returning to India, he fought for India’s independence from British rule using Ahimsa (nonviolence). Because of him and other national freedom fighters, India was liberated after 200 years of slavery. Gandhiji, as a great leader, preferred to dress in Khadi. He never accepted British culture and always adhered to India’s old traditional culture. He always encouraged Indians to believe in themselves and fight for their rights. He urged the Indians not to serve the British and instead fight for their independence. India is a free bird today because of his devotion and struggle.

Gandhiji dedicated a significant portion of his life to achieving freedom for our country. He joined Gopala Krishna Gokhale in his fight for India’s independence. Several times during this struggle, Gandhiji was imprisoned. He was the driving force behind many significant movements, including the Quit India movement, the Civil Disobedience Movement, and the Non-Cooperation Movement. In addition, he began the Dandi March or Salt Satyagraha in 1930 and walked for 400 kilometres. Quit India was a call to British citizens to leave India.

Throughout his life, he accomplished great things that continue to have an impact on people today. He has worked tirelessly to achieve Swaraj, eradicate untouchable customs from society, eradicate other social evils, empower women’s rights, improve farmers’ economic conditions, and achieve many other goals.

Many leaders and freedom fighters, including Azaad, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, and others, have also contributed to India’s independence.

They fought until death touched their feet and took them to heaven. These national freedom fighters, along with Gandhiji, will be remembered throughout Indian history. India gained independence on August 15, 1947, and we commemorate this date every year as “Independence Day.”

Use the following 10 lines on Gandhi Jayanti in English to help you prepare a fantastic speech for Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday. The 10 lines about Gandhi Jayanti are extremely beneficial for students in grades 1-3 because it provides a specific perspective on the topic in a simple and easy format.

  • Gandhi Jayanti is an annual national holiday observed on October 2nd.
  • Children and adults alike rejoice with equal fervour.
  • Mahatma Gandhi was a great freedom fighter who fought bravely for our country’s freedom.
  • Children dress up as ‘Bapu’ and take part in various stage performances.
  • Every community, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, and Christian, comes together to celebrate Bapu’s birthday.
  • People are revisiting Mahatma Gandhi’s ideologies and teachings.
  • This day is observed as a national holiday, the third after Independence Day and Republic Day.
  • It is also recognised as the International Day of Nonviolence.
  • Children are given celebration sweets at the end of the school day.
  • His nonviolent ideas are discussed and debated.

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Hope you found this article on Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English.

Gandhi Jayanti is observed every year on October 2nd to commemorate the birth anniversary of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, also known as Mahatma Gandhi.

The ‘Quit India’ Address (August 08, 1942)

Check out the article for the 10 Gandhi Jayanti lines.

Mahatma Gandhi launched the Quit India Movement, also known as the Bharat Chhodo Andolan, on August 8, 1942.

The International Day of Nonviolence is observed on October 2, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of the Indian independence movement and the founder of the nonviolent philosophy and strategy.


Speech on Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti

Speech on Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti | Gandhi Jayanti Speech for Students and Children in English

Speech on Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti: Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated on 2 October. A great leader, Mahatma Gandhi, who is also known as the father of the nation, was born on 2 October 1869 at a small city Porbandar in Gujarat. He is always remembered because of his unforgettable struggle and contribution to our freedom. He always believes in nonviolence; that’s why his main aim was to create and build a new society that practices honest behavior and nonviolent. He did so many moments for freedom with other patriots and always treated people equally. Today, Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti celebrates in all over India like in school, in any government organization, and the common man also celebrates it.

Currently, how we live with freedom of study, speech, and anything because of many patriots, so we should not forget them. We should always remember them and value them because they died for the country for us. We should always remember his rules like ahimsa parmo dharma.

Long and Short Speeches on Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti for Students and Kids in English

We provide here one example of a long Speech and one example of a short Speech, both of them on the topic of Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti Speech . The long Speech related to this particular topic consists of around 450-500 words, while the short Speech consists of 100-150 words. This speech is used by everyone so that a proper way of thank you can be said through words towards the person whom we finally bid goodbye.

Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti Speech

Long speech on Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti 500 words in English

Welcome to one and all present here, today I am here to present a speech on Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti. We are all present here to celebrate Bapu’s birthday, and on this occasion, I am going to tell you some part of his life.

Mahatma Gandhi was the biggest and great patriotic in India. He was a man who is had a great personality, and I am sure he certainly doesn’t need anyone like me appreciating and praising him. Apart from this, his efforts and struggle for Indian freedom are unparalleled, and we can say without him, we may not get independence. He inspired many people with freedom movements and civil rights all over the world.

Early life: 

Mahatma Gandhi opened his eyes to this beautiful world on 2 October 1869. He was born in the Indian Gujarati family, and his father’s name was Karamchand Gandhi. However, the real name of Gandhi Ji was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, who has added the name mahatma due to their work. He completed his law training at the inner temple in London and went to South Africa. He spent some part of his life here.

Life-changing events: 

When Mahatma Gandhi returned to South Africa again, he had to face with racial discrimination because of his skin color. Once during travel on a stagecoach with the Europeans, he was asked to sit on the floor near the driver due to black skin. Mahatma Gandhi refused it and came forward, and because of his refusal, he had to suffer and face a beating.

Other incidents also have at Pietermaritzburg in South Africa. At this time, Gandhi was made to quit train forcefully, and this incident occurs because he refuses to quit and leave the first class. As a result, he spent the whole night in the railway station and shivering the entire night. If we talk about the incident, then he faced so many events like equal rights and many other events. After these events, Mahatma Gandhi started to question and fight against the British Empire with some Indians.

Struggle for independence: 

From South Africa, Mahatma Gandhi returned to India in 1915. At this time, he was very popular, and his reputation increases so much. Therefore he was known and popular as a leading Indian nationalist. After the back to India, Gandhi became a member of the Indian national congress. In 1920, he became the leader of the Indian congress organization. As a part of the independence struggle, Gandhi launched many important movements such as kheda satyagraha, Champaran Satyagraha, non-co-operation, khilafat, civil disobedience, salt satyagraha, and quit India movement. This event was a step towards Indian freedom.

Legacy of Mahatma Gandhi: 

As you read, Mahatma Gandhi was a great leader, so that he has influenced several international leaders across the globe. Many leaders got so much inspiration from the struggle of Mahatma Gandhi. Some leaders are martin Luther king jr, James Lawson, and James beve. The Nelson Mandela also influenced from the freedom struggle of Gandhi Ji. Along with Lanza Del Vasto especially came to India to spend some time and live with Mahatma Gandhi. The UN has greatly honored Gandhi Ji; that’s why they announced that they celebrate 2 October as an international day of nonviolence. Mahatma Gandhi received so many awards as the greatest political icon, father of the nation, and many more.

These speeches will be useful for students, teachers, and followers of Gandhiji addressing people on Gandhi Jayanti, or for people promoting ideas of Ghandhiji and non-violence, or by the government or NGOs working on Ghandhiji’s ideology promotion.

Thank you for listening to me so patiently; you are a great audience.

Short Speech on Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti 150 words in English

Welcome to everyone present here, today I am here to present a speech on Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was the full name of Mahatma Gandhi. He was come into this world on 2 October 1869 in Gujarat’s small city Porbandar. After completing the matrix, he went to London for further studies. Mahatma Gandhi has done his law in England and returned to India in 1893. After his degree, he started his career as a lawyer. The social life of Mahatma Gandhi began in South Africa, and he faced many problems here.

He fights against that the white men were treating bad of a black man means Indian. Many times he was insulted and tortured by white men. He went back to India, did so many movements, and became very popular as a father of the nation. The lifestyle of Gandhi Ji was very simple, and he believed in simple living and high thinking. He taught lessons of ahimsa to many people. He fights for the caste barrier, and he was dead on 30 January 1948. People remembered him because of his biggest virtues.

Speech on Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti

10 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English

  • Mahatma Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869 in a Hindu family. And His father’s name is Karamchand Gandhi, and he was a Porbandar’s diwan.
  • He was the leader of Indian freedom events against the British Empire.
  • He was the biggest freedom fighter and He was the follower of nonviolence and truth and supported it entirely his life.
  • Kasturba was 1-year-old compare to Gandhi Ji. And he had 4 sons harilal, Devdas, manilal, and Ramdas. Gandhi Ji married Kasturba makhanji in 1883.
  • Before going to South Africa, Mahatma Gandhi gave promise to his mother that he would not take liquor and far away from the women.
  • Gandhi died on 30 January 1948, and the Indian government announced this day as a martyr day.
  • Gandhi Ji joined Indian congress organization in 1920. And the main movement started by Gandhi Ji, while freedom struggle is kheda satyagraha, salt satyagraha, Champaran Satyagraha, and many more.
  • Nathuram Godse was murdered Gandhi Ji on 30 January 1930.
  • Gandhi Ji began the first event in 1917 against British rule.
  • Gandhi Ji fights to civil rights in SA from 1893 to 1914 against color discrimination.

FAQ’s on Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti Speech

Question 1. When did Mahatma Gandhi go to Kerala for the first time?

Answer: In 1920, Mahatma Gandhi Ji first time visited Kerala.

Question 2. When did Bapu experience first satyagraha?

Answer: In September 1906, Gandhi Ji was fought and protest against the Asiatic ordinance in South Africa.

Question 3. Where Gandhi Ji started the phoenix settlement?

Answer: Mahatma Gandhi Ji started the phoenix settlement, Durban, in South Africa.

Question 4. When did Mahatma Gandhi Ji back to India from the SA?

Answer: Gandhi Ji back to India on 9 January 1915, and this day is known as Pravasi Bharatiya divas.

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Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English for School Students, Long & Short

Commemorating gandhi jayanti – a day of inspiration.

To honor the birth anniversary of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the 2nd of October is designated as Gandhi Jayanti. This significant day is observed as a national holiday across the nation. It is in Porbandar, Gujarat, that Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation, was born on October 2, 1869. This year, he would have been 152 years old. Gandhi Jayanti is commemorated with various activities both domestically and internationally, with school students actively participating in events such as Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English, essay writing, and poster-making.

Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English: Embracing Non-Violence

The title of “Father of India” has been bestowed upon Mahatma Gandhi due to his unwavering commitment to non-violence as a means to achieve his goals. October 2 has been declared the International Day of Non-Violence by international organizations, including the United Nations General Assembly. Gandhi’s life has served as a profound source of inspiration for countless individuals. It’s truly astonishing that the leader of the Indian National Movement, a lawyer, once hesitated to deliver a Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English in a London courtroom. Understanding the man behind Gandhi Jayanti is crucial.

Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English for School Students, Long & Short

Gandhi Jayanti Celebration: A Patriotic Affair

In India, Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated as a national holiday, marked by a strong sense of patriotism and nationalism. Throughout the country, people enthusiastically celebrate Gandhi Jayanti to honor the principles and strategies of the leader of India’s freedom movement, often delivering speeches in English. The celebration of Gandhi Jayanti is particularly exciting for college and school students.

Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English for School Students: A Tribute to Bapu

Esteemed dignitaries, Principal, teachers, and dear colleagues, I am honored to deliver a speech today as we gather to commemorate Gandhi Jayanti. Friends, Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday falls on October 2, and every year, we enthusiastically commemorate this day to pay tribute to the Father of the Nation and to remember his bravery in the struggle for India’s freedom from British rule. India observes Gandhi Jayanti as a national holiday, and Mahatma Gandhi is affectionately referred to as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Bapu, or Father of the Nation.

Speech Details for Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English:

  • Date: October 2, 2023
  • Purpose of Celebration: Gandhi Ji’s Birthday
  • Country: India
  • Gandhi’s Birth Date: October 2, 1869

Due to his lifelong advocacy of non-violence, October 2 is also recognized as the International Day of Non-Violence. On June 15, 2007, the UN General Assembly officially established October 2 as the International Day of Non-Violence. We will always remember Bapu as an icon of peace and truth. Born in Porbandar, Gujarat, on October 2, 1869, he achieved remarkable feats throughout his life. After completing his education in the UK, he practiced law in South Africa. His book, “My Experiments with Truth,” chronicles his challenging journey. He displayed unwavering courage and commitment in his lifelong struggle against British tyranny for India’s independence.

How to Begin Your Gandhi Jayanti Speech

As you embark on your Gandhi Jayanti speech, consider the following tips:

  • Greetings: Start by extending a warm “Good morning,” “Good afternoon,” or “Good evening” to your audience.
  • Quotation or Proverb: Capture your audience’s attention right away with a memorable proverb or a quote by Mahatma Gandhi.
  • Smile: Maintain a gentle smile on your face throughout your speech.
  • Body Language: Exude positivity through your body language; stand upright with proper posture, avoiding unnecessary movements.

Key Points to Highlight in Your Gandhi Jayanti Speech

Gandhi Jayanti, marking the birth of Mahatma Gandhi on October 2, 1869, is a day to remember his legacy:

  • Gandhi ji, a remarkable leader, advocated nonviolence, emphasizing the importance of not causing harm to others.
  • He demonstrated that conflicts can be resolved without resorting to violence.
  • He introduced us to “Satyagraha,” the power of truth, which can transform society.
  • Gandhi ji led a simple life, dressing modestly and practicing frugal living.
  • His teachings of simplicity, love, and truth continue to inspire us today.
  • He played a pivotal role in India’s struggle for independence through nonviolent and peaceful means.
  • Let us follow his path by always speaking the truth, treating others with respect, and leading an honest and straightforward life.

Short Speech on Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi once said, “My life is my message.” Born in Porbandar on October 2, 1869, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was not only a lawyer, but also a social activist, politician, and writer. He spearheaded the Indian Independence nationalist movement and earned the title “Father of the Nation” for his humble actions. Every October 2, we observe Gandhi Jayanti as a national holiday to honor his remarkable contributions.

Gandhi’s impact on India’s liberation movement cannot be overstated. He led significant initiatives such as the Dandi March, Quit India Movement, and Non-Cooperation Movement. Those who recall pre-independence India hold great respect for Mahatma Gandhi’s tireless efforts. Today serves as a reminder to express gratitude and strive to lead meaningful lives, one day at a time.

FAQ of Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English

Q: Why is a speech given on Gandhi Jayanti?

A: A speech is delivered on Gandhi Jayanti to commemorate the great Indian leader who adopted non-violence as a means to achieve India’s independence. It serves as an opportunity to remember his values and teachings.

Q: What is the significance of Gandhi Jayanti?

A: Gandhi Jayanti holds immense significance in Indian history as it marks the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, a key figure in the Indian freedom struggle who advocated for non-violence and civil disobedience. It is a day to reflect on his life and contributions.

Q: Who usually delivers Gandhi Jayanti speeches?

A: Gandhi Jayanti speeches are often delivered by students, teachers, politicians, and community leaders. Schools and institutions across India organize events where students often take center stage to deliver speeches in honor of Mahatma Gandhi.

Q: What topics are covered in a Gandhi Jayanti speech?

A: A Gandhi Jayanti speech typically covers aspects of Mahatma Gandhi’s life, his philosophy of non-violence (Ahimsa), his role in India’s struggle for independence, and his enduring legacy. It may also touch on the importance of truth, simplicity, and peace.

Q: How can one start a Gandhi Jayanti speech effectively?

A: Starting a Gandhi Jayanti speech effectively involves greeting the audience warmly, using a memorable quote or proverb by Mahatma Gandhi, and maintaining a positive and respectful tone throughout the speech.

Q: What is the objective of delivering a Gandhi Jayanti speech?

A: The primary objective of delivering a Gandhi Jayanti speech is to pay homage to Mahatma Gandhi, inspire others with his ideals, and promote the values of non-violence, truth, and social justice that he stood for.

Q: How long should a Gandhi Jayanti speech be?

A: The length of a Gandhi Jayanti speech can vary depending on the occasion and audience. Typically, these speeches range from a few minutes to around 10-15 minutes, with the aim of conveying key messages effectively.

Q: Is Gandhi Jayanti celebrated only in India?

A: No, Gandhi Jayanti is not limited to India. It is also observed internationally as the International Day of Non-Violence, as declared by the United Nations General Assembly, to honor Mahatma Gandhi’s commitment to non-violent resistance.

Q: What are some key takeaways from a Gandhi Jayanti speech?

A: A Gandhi Jayanti speech often emphasizes the importance of non-violence, truth, simplicity, and the enduring relevance of Gandhi’s teachings in today’s world. It encourages individuals to strive for positive change and social harmony.

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    Learn about gandhi jayanti speech topic of english in details explained by subject experts on Register free for online tutoring session to clear your doubts.

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    Short Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English. Ladies and gentlemen, Today, on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, we gather to pay tribute to Mahatma Gandhi, a towering figure in the history of India and a global symbol of peace and non-violence. Gandhiji, born on October 2nd, 1869, led our nation to freedom through his unwavering commitment to truth ...

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    Short Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English: Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone, On this special occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, we gather to remember and honor Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation. Born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, Gujarat, Gandhi ji's life was a beacon of nonviolence, truth, and simplicity.

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    Short Speech on Gandhi Jayanti 300 Words in English On 31st January 1948, Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated by a Hindu Nationalist Nathu Ram Godse, who was also a member of Hindu Mahasabha.

  10. Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English for Students

    Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English for Students Gandhi Jayanti Speech: Gandhi Jayanti, a day that echoes the principles of truth, non-violence, and inspiration, holds immense significance for students. As we delve into the importance of delivering a compelling speech on this occasion, we explore the life of Mahatma Gandhi and the impact his teachings can have on the younger generation.

  11. Gandhi Jayanti 2022 Speech in English: Short, Long Essays and Speech

    Gandhi Jayanti 2022 Speech in English: Mahatma Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869 at Porbandar, Gujarat. Gandhi Jayanti 2022 marks the 153 birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi (Bapu).

  12. Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English For School Students

    Here, we offer an English speech for school students on Gandhi Jayanti. This speech will not only enrich your understanding of Mahatma Gandhi but also aid in your preparation for competitions. Good morning, dear principal, teachers, and my wonderful friends. We have gathered here to celebrate Mahatma Gandhi's birthday.

  13. Gandhi jayanti Speech

    Gandi jayanti speech| English with Subtitle| Speech on Gandhiji Mahatma Gandhi, Short speech for students and kids

  14. Best Speech on Gandhi Jayanti (1100+ Words)

    A speech is a spoken discourse or an expression of thoughts delivered in front of an audience by the speaker. In this post, we have written a brilliant 'Speech on Gandhi Jayanti '.

  15. Gandhi Jayanti 2021 speech: 1-min short speech for students in English

    Find a short and simple speech in English for students to celebrate Gandhi Jayanti on October 2, the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. Learn about his life, achievements and legacy with this speech.

  16. Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti 2021: Speech for Students

    Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English: The world will celebrate the 152nd birth anniversary of Gandhi Ji, also known as the Mahatma Gandhi and 'the father of the nation' on Saturday, 2 October 2021

  17. Gandhi Jayanti 2022: Speech and essay ideas in English for students

    Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated on October 2 to mark the birth anniversary of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. The day is a national holiday in the country. Mahatma Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, Gujarat. This year marks the 153rd birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.

  18. Gandhi Jayanti Essay & Speech Ideas in English for Students

    Table of Contents Gandhi Jayanti Speech: Every year 2nd of October is celebrated as Gandhi Jayanti. While the country observes a national holiday, there are multiple events like campaigns, rallies, poster-making, and speeches are organised in every corner of the country. Mahatma Gandhi is an inspiration for millions of people. On this day, schools organise various cultural programmes to ...

  19. Gandhi Jayanti Speech

    Gandhi Jayanti Speech: Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated each year to commemorate the birth anniversary of the man who led the fight for freedom with 'Non-Violence', Mahatma Gandhi. His birth anniversary is of great significance not only in India but also in other countries. On his birth anniversary, students perform and present the Gandhi Jayanti speech.

  20. Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English for Students & Teachers Here!

    Long Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English for Students. Below is the given long Gandhi Jayanti Speech to help you curate and prepare your own speech for the day. Namaste everyone! My name is ABC, and we've gathered here to commemorate Mahatma Gandhi's birthday. This year marks the 150th anniversary of Gandhiji's birth.

  21. Speech on Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti

    Speech on Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti: Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated on 2 October. A great leader, Mahatma Gandhi, who is also known as the father of the nation, was born on 2 October 1869 at a small city Porbandar in Gujarat. He is always remembered because of his unforgettable struggle and contribution to our freedom. He always believes in nonviolence; that's why his main aim was to ...

  22. Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti Speech (6 Min Speech)

    A speech is a spoken discourse or an expression of thoughts delivered in front of an audience by the speaker. In this post, we have written a brilliant 'Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti Speech '.

  23. Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English for School Students, Long & Short

    Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English for School Students: A Tribute to Bapu Esteemed dignitaries, Principal, teachers, and dear colleagues, I am honored to deliver a speech today as we gather to commemorate Gandhi Jayanti. Friends, Mahatma Gandhi's birthday falls on October 2, and every year, we enthusiastically commemorate this day to pay tribute to the Father of the Nation and to remember his ...