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Setting Goals & Staying Motivated 

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This vidcast talks about how to set goals and how to maintain motivation for long writing tasks. When setting goals for a writing project, it is important to think about goals for the entire project and also goals for specific writing times. These latter goals should be specific, measurable, and manageable within the time allotted for writing. The section on motivation shares ideas for boosting motivation over the course of a long writing project. The handouts on goal-setting and staying productive, as well as the scholarly writing inventory, complement the material in this vidcast and should be used in conjunction with it. 

Note: Closed-captioning and a full  transcript  are available for this vidcast. 


Goal-Setting for your Personal Intensive Writing Experience (IWE) | [PDF]

This handout guides writers through the important process of goal-setting for the personal Intensive Writing Experience. Specifically, it talks about how to (1) formulate specific, measurable, and reasonable writing goals, (2) set an overall IWE goal, (3) break up the overall goal into smaller, daily goals, and (4) break up daily goals into smaller goals for individual writing sessions. Writers are prompted to clear their head of distracting thoughts before each writing session and, after each session, to debrief on their progress and recalibrate goals as needed. 

Scholarly Writing Inventory (PDF) 

This questionnaire helps writers identify and inventory their personal strengths and weaknesses as scholarly writers. Specifically, writers are prompted to answer questions pertaining to (1) the emotional/psychological aspects of writing, (2) writing routines, (3) research, (4) organization, (5) citation, (6) mechanics, (7) social support, and (8) access to help. By completing this questionnaire, scholarly writers will find themselves in a better position to build upon their strengths and address their weaknesses. 

Stay ing Productive for Long Writing Tasks (PDF)

This resource offers some practical tips and tools to assist writers in staying productive for extended periods of time in the face of common challenges like procrastination. It discusses how the process of writing is more than putting words on a page and offers suggestions for addressing negative emotions towards writing, such as anxiety. The handout also lays out helpful methods for staying productive for long writing tasks: (1) time-based methods, (2) social-based methods, (3) output-based methods, (4) reward-based methods, and (5) mixed methods. 

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dissertation de motivation

How to keep motivated when working on your dissertation or final project

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Is your summer filled with research and writing rather than relaxing? Motivation for a long-term project can be challenging to maintain, especially when it feels like everyone else in on a break. So we’ve put together our top tips on keeping motivated when writing your dissertation.

Write something every (work)day

On the days when you plan to work, aim to write a set number of words a day without fail. Giving yourself this target will do wonders to keep yourself motivated, slowly seeing yourself finishing up section after section while nearing the word count will give you an immense sense of progress. You can always go back and edit, but getting the words down is often the hardest part.

Plan your working hours throughout the day

Doing a 10 hour shift without any objective may seem like a productive session because of all the hours you’ve done but in reality it isn’t. Instead, work out what you want to achieve each day and break your day down into sessions. Give yourself a time in which you’ll get a certain task done. Depending what you want to achieve that day you might have one session, or you might have three if you’re really busy.

Forcing yourself to work in designated time slots with specific aims will help you be more productive (and give you time to do other things too).

Take a proper break/ do other things

Taking a break could be the best thing to get your motivation back. Try taking a walk outside if the weather is nice,meet your friends in the park, or switch off and enjoy some well-deserved Netflix – you won’t regret it and you’ll feel even more recharged for your next bit of work.

Find study partners

In many cases, having a study partner(s) will keep you motivated and accountable to each other to keep going. Additionally, having someone else read your work could help identify any mistakes you missed.

Partnering up with someone who is committed as you will also make your study sessions go faster.

Create a progress chart

One of the most demotivating things is the feeling of putting the hard work in without seeing any return.

By tracking your efforts, the progress chart will remind you of where you are doing well and where you need to focus more. It could be a visual reminder that you are moving in the right direction. Do this however suits you – tick off a to do list, something bright and colourful – whatever will make you feel that sense of achievement as you progress.

Take a look at MLE courses on over summer and our pieces on  writing productively,   and  proofreading  for more advice. 

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Maximizing Motivation During Dissertation Writing

Maximizing Motivation During Dissertation Writing

I. Introduction to Dissertation Writing

Dissertation writing is a challenging process, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. This guide will help you with the preparation and actual writing of your dissertation, providing useful advice on how to structure and organize your work as well as maintaining focus throughout what may seem like an overwhelming project.

Things You Should Know About Dissertation Writing:

  • It’s essential that you select a research topic that interests you personally; this will make researching much more enjoyable.

Your dissertation supervisor should act as a mentor throughout the process – from literature review through statistical analysis all the way up until submission. They are there to offer guidance on developing ideas, setting achievable goals for progress, formatting correctly according to academic conventions and improving overall quality.

II. Strategies for Maximizing Motivation

In order to maximize motivation, it is important to employ effective strategies. These can include setting clear and specific goals, using positive feedback loops, focusing on intrinsic rewards, establishing a supportive environment and leveraging technology.

  • Setting Goals: Setting both long-term and short-term goals that are clearly defined contributes significantly towards increased levels of motivation. Breaking longer objectives into smaller tasks makes them more achievable and provides the feeling of accomplishment as each milestone is hit.
  • Positive Feedback Loops: Providing timely reinforcement for completed milestones encourages greater engagement with tasks. Positive feedback also acts as recognition for hard work which further increases morale.

III. Establishing Realistic Goals and Expectations

When it comes to goal setting, one must consider their individual limitations and capabilities. It is important to determine what you can realistically achieve within a given timeframe in order for your goals to remain achievable. For example, if you are taking on too many projects simultaneously or have limited resources available, then it is important that these factors be taken into consideration when establishing the timeline and objectives of each task.

Additionally, having realistic expectations should also be considered when determining how long the project will take. It is best not only create reasonable benchmarks but also outline any potential obstacles or challenges that may arise throughout its execution; this will help reduce possible frustrations along the way.

  • Be mindful of personal skillset
  • Define tasks with reasonable timelines

IV. Finding Sources of Inspiration and Support

In order to successfully manage challenging situations, finding sources of inspiration and support can be a valuable tool. There are many outlets available to find mental and emotional support, including:

  • Self-help books/guides
  • Internet resources such as blogs or websites related to the situation at hand.

Community Support Groups : Community based organizations connected with specific issues like bereavement, cancer patients, addiction recovery etc., offer an invaluable source of guidance. Some communities provide online message boards that allow anonymity which may help create a safe space for individuals who prefer not communicate in person. Additionally, there are confidential helplines that may offer useful advice when needed most. .

Seeking Professional Help : There is also the option of seeking professional help by visiting therapists and counselors who specialize in areas such as stress management or anger control. They often provide necessary guidance on how best handle life obstacles effectively while taking into consideration individual needs and preferences..

V. Implementing Effective Time Management Techniques

Time management techniques have the potential to increase productivity, enhance efficiency and optimize results. To effectively implement time management techniques in a workplace setting, it is important to understand how best to use them.

  • Set goals: Before implementing any system of organization for tasks or workloads, it is first necessary to set achievable objectives that can be easily tracked by employees. Goals should be specific and measurable so that progress can be monitored and changes in strategies as needed.
  • Prioritize: Once objectives are identified, they must then be prioritized into different categories depending on their importance or level of urgency. This will help workers focus on those tasks requiring immediate attention while also allowing time for activities with lower priority.

With clear vision , suitable planning , structured commitments and perseverance , effective implementation of Time Management Techniques ensures higher levels of performance .

VI. Crafting a Rewarding Reward System

A successful reward system should be designed to incentivize and recognize employees who consistently contribute towards the achievement of organizational goals. Employers need to consider both extrinsic effects, such as monetary rewards or other material benefits; and intrinsic ones, including recognition by senior management or extended autonomy.

There are several best practices for crafting rewarding reward systems:

  • Foster collaboration : Provide systematic incentives that reward employee engagement with one another beyond individual performance.
  • Stay up-to-date : Get feedback from employees on their preferences regarding rewards so that you can stay aware of what motivates them.
  • Make it meaningful : Select awards that have meaning for recipients and reflect an employer’s commitment to recognizing good work.

Ultimately, a well-executed reward system is key in motivating workplace collaborations and boosting employee morale—it serves as tangible proof of the company’s appreciation of its staff members’ hard work. To this end, organizations should strive to create robust incentive plans tailored around team-wide effort improvement initiatives while still providing personalized forms of recognition when appropriate.

VII. Coping with Challenges During the Process

Starting a new project can be both exciting and intimidating at the same time. During the process of any project, it is common to face unexpected difficulties that need to be addressed in an effective manner. Here are some useful tips for managing potential issues you may encounter:

  • Identify adaptability : Assess your ability to adjust your strategies based on changes in the environment or other obstacles.
  • Set achievable goals: It’s important to set realistic goals throughout all stages of the project so as not to get overwhelmed by unachievable expectations.

When meeting challenges during a project, effective communication is paramount. Maintaining open lines of dialogue with team members will help ensure everyone stays up-to-date on progress, tasks and deadlines. It also encourages everyone involved to come together as a collective unit when faced with difficulty. In conclusion, there are a variety of ways to maximize one’s motivation during dissertation writing. By developing awareness and adopting strategies in areas such as goal setting, environment design, self-care practices and time management it is possible for students to stay focused on their projects with the greatest degree of enthusiasm throughout the long process.

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Thèse de doctorat Motivation et Réussite scolaire

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La motivation est un concept que l’on retrouve aussi bien dans la littérature scientifique que dans le langage courant et d’autant plus scolaire. Elle est mise en avant pour expliquer tantôt la réussite, tantôt l’échec des élèves. Toute la difficulté réside dans la manière d’aborder et de définir le terme de motivation puisqu’il se compose d’une mosaïque de théories ; Fenouillet (2009), dans son modèle intégratif, n’en recense pas moins d’une centaine. Dans ce travail, nous nous intéressons plus particulièrement à trois de celles-ci : le sentiment d’efficacité personnelle (SEP), les buts d’accomplissement et l’intérêt pour essayer de répondre à la question : Quels rôles SEP, but et intérêt jouent-ils conjointement dans les résultats scolaires et dans quelle mesure l’intérêt se retrouve lui-même à son tour impacté par les deux premiers concepts ? Ce travail s’appuie sur 14 études menées auprès d’élèves de cycle 3 d’école primaire et les résultats nous permettent entre autre de voir que : - Le SEP (et particulièrement en français) impacte positivement les résultats des élèves - Le but d’approche de la performance impacte négativement les résultats scolaires - Le but d’approche de l’apprentissage n’a pas d’impact sur les résultats scolaires - Les buts d’évitement ne sont pas forcément néfastes pour les résultats scolaires - L’intérêt, s’il est impacté à la fois par les buts et le SEP, n’impacte que dans de faibles proportions les résultats scolaires Enfin cette thèse propose plusieurs prolongements possibles afin de mieux connaître les dynamiques motivationnelles en jeu dans les classes d’école primaire tant au niveau de l’évaluation que dans l’aspect multi-niveaux de ces concepts (disciplinaire et général). Mots clefs : Motivation, Sentiment d’efficacité personnelle, buts d’accomplissement, intérêt, résultats scolaires.

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15 Interesting Dissertation Topics on Employee Motivation

The best way to motivate you on writing an excellent dissertation is to choose a topic related to motivation. You may do research on employee motivation and explore many methods to increase the performance of workers. However, you need to narrow this idea in order to look at it from a particular angle. Here you may look at different topic examples for your dissertation on employee motivation.

  • The role of employee motivation in an office environment.

Explore in your paper the importance of keeping office employees motivated.

  • Techniques of improving employee motivation depending on the goal of the company.

Discuss what techniques of motivation are better to use in certain conditions.

  • Methods of keeping employees motivated in stressful times.

Investigate in your dissertation how to motivate your employees in difficult times for the organization.

  • Strategies of employee motivation that don’t include money rewards.

List and discuss how to motivate employees without raising their payments.

  • Results that might be faced by the organization with de-motivated employees.

Discuss the real cases when de-motivation of employees has led to dreadful consequences for companies.

  • Game techniques in employee motivation.

Do research and explain how to apply game techniques to increase employees’ performance.

  • Individual approach in employee motivation: is it worthwhile?

Discuss in your dissertation whether it’s efficient to motivate each employee in separate way.

  • Money: is it the best way to motivate an employee?

Investigate whether money rewards and raising salary are the best motivational instruments.

  • Employee motivation and team building.

Explore in your paper what is the best way to build a highly motivated team of employees.

  • Comparison between public and private companies: whose employees are motivated better?

Do research and compare the motivational levels of employees in public and private sectors.

  • Influence of the organization’s growth on employee motivation.

Investigate whether an employee gets more motivated when the company where he or she works grows.

  • Employee motivation and expectancy theory.

Explore how to use a theory of expectations to better motivate employees.

  • Motivational techniques for non-profit organizations.

Discuss the nuances of motivation in an environment of non-profit organization in your dissertation.

  • Reward and recognition programs: their influence on employees’ performance.

Explore how different motivational techniques affect the work of employees.

  • Influence of employee motivation on the quality of production.

Discuss whether proper motivation may increase not only the quantity of produced goods, but also their quality.

Use may use these topics to do your own research and write a brilliant dissertation.

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    Writing a dissertation can be an overwhelming process. To stay motivated, set realistic goals and take regular breaks to keep your energy levels up. Additionally, make sure you have the support of family and friends throughout the process. ... Self-motivation is an invaluable skill which can help individuals to stay focused and achieve their ...

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    The objective of the thesis was to find out the impact of employee motivation on organizational effectiveness. The study focused on (1) defining the motivation concepts and methods, (2) identifying the most motivating factors, and the linkage of employee motivation with an organization's productivity and effectiveness.

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    organizations to persuade motivation of their employees Kalimullah et al, (2010). Employee motivation is a greatest asset to the organization for significantly higher performance, motivation of employees can affect the performance of employees which in turn can affect the business, goodwill and reputation of the organization. Lilian.

  18. Thèse de doctorat Motivation et Réussite scolaire

    La motivation est un concept que l'on retrouve aussi bien dans la littérature scientifique que dans le langage courant et d'autant plus scolaire. Elle est mise en avant pour expliquer tantôt la réussite, tantôt l'échec des élèves. ... Toute la difficulté réside dans la manière d'aborder et de définir le terme de motivation ...

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    The reward system consists of financial rewards (fixed and variable pay) and employee benefits, which together comprise total compensation. The system also incorporates non-financial rewards (recognition, praise, achievement, re-sponsibility and personal growth) and in many cases, performance management processes.

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    the role of motivation on employees performance: a case of strategies insurance tanzania limited (sitl) dar es salaam mary noel a dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of master of business administration (mba) of the open university of tanzania 2019

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  23. 15 Best Topics For Your Dissertation On Employee Motivation

    15 Interesting Dissertation Topics on Employee Motivation. The best way to motivate you on writing an excellent dissertation is to choose a topic related to motivation. You may do research on employee motivation and explore many methods to increase the performance of workers. ... Discuss the real cases when de-motivation of employees has led to ...