Top 10 Objections and the Scripts to Overcome Them

listing presentation objections

Real Estate Objections & Scripts to Deal with Them

Objections exist in any sales profession, as customers have to overcome them to be ready to make a purchase. In this post, we explore the top seller objections in real estate, specifically. If you’re looking for scripts relating to other scenarios, we have them here .

The key real estate scripts provided will help you craft a quick and efficient response to some of the top objections faced in the industry — ensuring that you are able to meet with prospective sellers and seal the deal on-site. Once you’ve answered a seller’s objections, they will decide to list their home with you on the spot.

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What is an Objection Handling Script?

Objection handling scripts in real estate focus on the different reactions that can take place in regard to somebody selling or buying a home. An objection-handling script is a guide for addressing and overcoming customer concerns in sales or customer service. It includes responses to common objections , helping individuals respond confidently and persuasively. The goal is to turn objections into opportunities by demonstrating your value and closing the deal. 

Scripts for the Most Common Objections in Real Estate

Here are some of the top seller objections in real estate and how you can overcome and handle them.

Every listing presentation objection will include a personalized aspect of the argument, mentioning relevant comp sales, names, reiterating their situation and concerns, and making a push toward closing the deal.

1. “I have to keep my promise to a friend or previous agent I talked to/bought the home from.”

  • “That’s great, I can appreciate your loyalty and that is a quality that I respect in people …
  • So I’m curious, let me ask you this …
  • Has there ever been a time when you decided to buy something or do something and because a friend said, hey no problem, when you need help, I can do it and in the end, because you didn’t check around, you didn’t get what you wanted … have you ever been there before?” (Yes)
  • “Well this time is just like that time, and with that in mind, I’m sure you can see the importance of having me over just to give you a second opinion … that wouldn’t hurt anything, would it?”

Buying a home is a big money decision, and they know it’s important to be smart about it, and not let emotions guide them. This real estate objection suggests a simple solution: getting second opinions is a wise move. Doing what’s best for you and your family is good for business. Just choosing someone you know doesn’t guarantee the best financial results.

2. “We are waiting to see if our loan modification goes through.”

  • “That’s great … let’s start premarketing the home as coming soon while you’re waiting.”  If your modification goes through, you stay put.  If for some reason it does not go through, well will have a list of buyers ready to make an offer”

Today’s market is super competitive. Using pre-marketing to tackle objections in your listing presentation just makes sense. If the price is right and the opportunity is too good to pass up, why not give it a shot? You might be overlooking the perfect time to get the best value for your property.

3. “You’re too busy, you have so many listings, we want someone that can give us the attention we deserve.”

  • “It’s funny that you say that … Benjamin Franklin said, “if you need something done, ask a busy person.”

Level Shift:      

  • “I can appreciate that and you probably haven’t had a chance to think about the advantage I have over my fellow agents in town.
  • You see, the more listings I have the more signs I have on the street.  The more signs I have on the street, the more calls I get from buyers … and, of course, most of those buyers don’t buy the home they call about and many will be interested in your home.
  • If you were a buyer would you want to talk to an agent who had 2 homes for sale or 50 homes for sale?
  • Can you see the advantage of listing with an agent that has 50 or more homes for sale?”

In this objection script, highlight your successful track record that’s moving you ahead. If you’re selling 50 homes, your results speak for themselves – the kind they want for their deal. Those with fewer properties might lack the same experience. Don’t penalize efficiency; focus on getting the best for your property in today’s market.

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4. I want to find a house before I put mine on the market.

“I agree, finding your new home is important and the unfortunate thing is it may take as long as 3 to 5 months for your home to sell.  Then it will take another month to get the closing done and by that time, any home that you would have found will likely already be sold.   Does that make sense?

Let’s get your home on the market right now and get to work on getting your home sold so you don’t have to wait any longer than is necessary to get moved into your new home … sound good?”

Not every market accepts this objection script, but it’s wise not to assume things too early. Even if a house takes time to sell, there are other positives. In certain markets, they can request a rent-back and remain competitive. Review some of our FREE agent tools to find some other creative ways to help your clients, no matter the market.


“Terrific!  Have you seen a home you want to put a contract on? (No)  Great let me go ahead a schedule a time with my buyer agent so they can help you find the perfect home.  In the mean time I can be working on getting your home sold that way when we get a contract on your home we can put in a contract on your #1 choice-close both homes the same day and … move only once.  Won’t that be great?”

To address this objection during a listing presentation, focus on the home buying or selling process. Highlight the importance of considering the whole picture with both aspects—buying and selling. Also, mention negotiable options such as rent-back or delayed settlement. Consider asking them for a one-day listing , this tactic is helping attract new leads.

5. You don’t handle many homes in our price range.

“You’re right, I don’t sell a lot of homes in your price range and that’s exactly why I’m here tonight … I usually sell homes in lower price ranges and what I find is … after I sell my clients homes, many of them move up to your price range, therefore, it only makes sense … that the next logical step, is for me to sell your price range as well, considering I already have a relationship with many buyers that will be interested in your home … does that make sense?”

This top-seller objection focuses on an agent’s lack of experience in a specific price range. Perhaps you sell properties that are largely over or under the price they would be looking to sell their own home for. Consider the implications:

  • Is the way you market or sell the property different if the price is dramatically over or under the property in question?
  • Your experience in the market has given you experience in a variety of marketing techniques Wouldn’t you say that you’re well versed in identifying marketing opportunities and figuring out the local market for them? For example; you can look at that neighborhood’s average day on market, identify if properties are selling for/at/above listing price, and identify recently sold comparative properties.
  • How can working in different price points work towards the benefit of an agent? If their property is exclusive in a price range, wouldn’t it receive more attention as it’s the prime property to sell for the largest amount of commission?

6. “If we have to sell that low, we will sell it ourselves and pay 3% to the agent that sells it.”

  • “I completely understand your point of view and it sounds like you haven’t been involved in this kind of transaction in a while … can I tell you why?
  • Agents work with buyers because it is easy.  You show the house, the agent writes the offer and the agent on the listing side handles the next 30 to 60 days of the legal paperwork trying to get the deal closed … does that make sense?
  • If you list it for sale yourself, who will follow up with the 30 to 60 days of legal paperwork … you?  If so, what agent will want to risk the fact that you may not have done it before?
  • Let me ask you this … if you were an agent, would you rather show homes that were listed with professional agents that worked to get deals closed?
  • Or would you rather show a home and keep your fingers crossed, hoping that you don’t get sued by the buyers because some legal aspect was overlooked by the homeowners and the transaction didn’t get done … which would your rather do?
  • Do you see my point?
  • Your idea sounds valid.  It just doesn’t fit in today’s market reality … Are there any other questions I can answer before you sign the listing agreement?”

There are other points of value that an agent brings to a seller–outside of just the paperwork–that can help overcome this common seller objection . Use examples of what value agents bring! 

  • You market the property internally, and on the MLS.
  • You handle coordinating professional photographs.
  • You offer tips to make the house more easily sold and even provide access to interior decorators on occasion.
  • You have good relationships with handymen and contractors who will be able to complete work quickly and to appropriate standards to make your home ready to show.
  • You have real estate signs and other marketing material that can help emphasize your property’s value.
  • You have experience with negotiations, writing contracts, and know-how to help get their seller what they’d like.
  • Agents know today’s market well and understand what can make or break a deal. To ensure you don’t miss out on money in a real estate transaction, it’s smart to use an experienced agent.

7. “We can always come down in price later.”

  • “You’re right, and I think you need to take into account how homes get sold.
  • You see, if we come out of the gate with your home overpriced, all of the agents that show properties will instantly write you off as non-motivated sellers…Can I explain what that means from an agent’s perspective?
  • You see, if we come out of the shoot with your home overpriced, all of the agents that show properties will instantly write you off as a non-motivated seller …
  • The higher a price on a property, let less the seller needs to sell it … at least that’s what the agents believe … purely from their past experience …
  • Now a non-motivated seller means, that even if you come down on your price later, two things will happen.  Most agents won’t even realize your home has bee n reduced.  Now you might say, can’t we just send them a flyer telling them that it has been reduced?
  • Yes, we could send everyone a flyer telling them the price has been reduced, and yet the agents get 500 flyers a week and there’s a good chance it will go unnoticed.
  • If they see that you had the home priced really high in the beginning that will tell them that you were kind of unrealistic when we listed the property, meaning that you didn’t believe that what I was saying was true … all agents interpret this as trouble when it comes to getting the deal closed.
  • Do you understand why?  If we price it to sell right from the beginning, our odds of getting agents to show it is much higher.
  • Alternative: “By the time the buyer for your home will have bought another.  Do you want to lose that buyer?”
  • Alternative: “By that time the buyer for your home will have bought another. Do you want to lose that buyer?”

Agents are skilled at finding comparative sales and similar properties that sold nearby. Since they earn commission based on the sale price, they’re motivated to help you get the highest value for your property. Selling your home for less would not only hurt you but also cost them money.

When facing objections during your listing presentation, go back to your presentation. Show recently sold nearby properties with prices similar to your market analysis .

8. “We aren’t quite ready yet, we need to finish a couple of projects around the house before we put it on the market.”

  • “I agree that making sure the house is up to par is important and you probably didn’t realize how little effect it will have on securing a buyer …
  • Let’s get your home listed for sale, get some of the top brokers inside to show the house, and get their feedback.  The good news is you’ll find out exactly what projects you don’t have to do and the ones you need to do while we’re in the escrow period.
  • It sure would be nice to not have to spend a dime to get your home sold…wouldn’t it?Great, which would be better for you, tonight at six or 7:30?”
  • Alternative: “Great, why don’t we complete the paperwork now and while you are doing your projects, I’ll get the flyer done and paperwork processed so when you are ready, I will be ready too!  We can begin showing in 2-3 weeks.”
  • Alternative: “How much money will you spend on those?  You’ll probably not make that money back on the sale.  Let’s just sell it as is and save you the time and money ok?”

Agents have the best tools to sell a property. If a seller tries to do it themselves, they might waste resources on unproven methods. For instance, marketing an open house only with neighborhood signs is less effective than listing it on the MLS, shared on websites like Zillow, which agents have access to.

9. “Will you cut your commissions, other agents will?”

  • “You know, you’re right, there are a lot of desperate agents out there and I’m a little concerned … can I tell you why?
  • Do you own anything more valuable than this home?  (No)
  • Could you say that it is your most valuable possession?  (Yes)
  • If an agent is so desperate that they are willing to broadcast the fact that they don’t think they have value as a Realtor, then I’m confused.
  • Is that the type of person you want sitting across from the negotiating table trying to negotiate you a better price?
  • We are talking about a person who has already admitted that he or she doesn’t even see value in himself or herself.
  • Is that the type of person you want to represent you in the most valuable transaction of your life?
  • Good. If that was the case, then I should not even come over, considering I work 14 hours per day and my assistant works 8 hours a day to get your home sold and that’s very valuable … don’t you think.”

In this objection, emphasize the shared interest in the property’s success. If another agent easily lowers their commission, it raises questions about how they would market and represent the home – probably in a similar way.

For instance, compare a property listed with cell phone pictures to one marketed with professional photos and staged by an interior designer. Ask which property they think would sell for a higher price. Highlight that a reduced commission could affect your ability to get the best price for their property.

10. “We want to have an exclusion in the listing contract in case our company, friend or neighbor wants to buy it”

  • “I agree that it’s important to be thorough when we are filling out this contract and let me ask you this …
  • Why haven’t you already sold the home to your company, friend or neighbor? (No one has made us an offer)
  • Your personal marketing hasn’t worked and that’s why you are hiring me … is that right? (That’s right)
  • So, I’m curious as to why I should waive my commission. If my marketing works well enough to convince your company, friend or neighbor to buy it … isn’t that what you are paying me for in the first place?
  • Aren’t you hiring me to let the public know your home is for sale and convince people they should buy it?
  • So why would I cut my commission if my marketing works??”
  • Alternative: “You have 24 hours to let them know you’re listed. Call them. They do or they don’t.”

Recap of Objection Handling Scripts

In today’s market, buyers and sellers are well-informed. Prepare for objections during a listing presentation by anticipating common questions and addressing them. By the end of your presentation, they’ll be ready to sign your exclusive right to represent and move forward with selling their property!

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How to Overcome Common Listing Objections and Win the Listings

listing presentation objections

We’ve all been there. You arrive at a listing presentation, confident and ready to sell the clients on working with you. 

You think everything is going well until you get to the close — and suddenly, the homeowners come up with some reason they can’t list with you right then and there.

It’s beyond frustrating, and if you don’t know how to overcome common objections, you could miss out on a lot of listings. 

This isn’t just a problem for new agents — even experienced top earners struggle with tough objections. They just have more sales opportunities, more case studies, and generally more confidence to overcome hesitations. 

I’ve met lots of amazing agents, and very few of them can work “miracles” and win “impossible-to-get” listings. So stop beating yourself up (and be thankful you won’t have to work with clients who would likely give you a headache). 

Instead, focus on the objections you can overcome and become more confident in overcoming them. In today’s blog, I’ll give you the tools to improve your approach. 

The number one way to handle objections is to reduce the odds of them ever coming up in the first place. 

How can you do that?

Always try to “oversell” the seller on listing with you. You’re always better overselling than underselling. People who are undersold often change their minds, throw out objections or delay making decisions. 

If you think someone is ready to list with you, don’t stop your presentation. 

Instead, use a trial close to make sure they’re ready to list with you. A few good trial closes are: 

  • “Does this sound like what you’re looking for?” 
  • “Are you ready to move forward today?”
  • “If I can get you what you want, do you want to move forward today?”  

Use every tool at your disposal to “oversell” the seller. Here are some examples: 

  • Give the seller your book as soon as you walk through the door.
  • Whenever you talk about something, reference it in your book. (I recommend bringing a second copy with post-it notes on the pages with your talking points.)
  • Use a Powerpoint or Flipchart listing presentation. 
  • Show the seller case studies and/or lists of other homes you/your company have sold. 
  • Build rapport as soon as you walk through the front door. 
  • Use the assumptive close.  

Talk about how your marketing will generate more buyer interest so the sellers get a higher price. If you can demonstrate how you’ll get the homeowners both, you’ll separate yourself from agents who only talk about how many homes they’ve sold. 

Practice your presentation until you’re amazing at it. After all, practice makes perfect. 

Sell yourself 100%, and it will be easier to sell others on how great you are. Sales is the transference of belief from one party to the other. If you don’t believe in what you’re selling, neither will the sellers. 

One of the best ways to sell yourself on the value you provide is to go through all of your successful case studies. Look at the homes you sold that other agents couldn’t sell. Look at the homes you sold for a record high price. When you reflect on your successes, you’ll realize the value you bring to the table. 

Stop the negative self talk and focus on positive self talk. Tell yourself, “I’m the best Realtor in my town,” “I sell homes for top dollar,” “Sellers want to hire me,” etc. Yes, I know this sounds arrogant and almost like magical “voodoo.” But, it works.

If a seller is resistant, tell them they can fire you at any time if they change their mind. I’ve won lots of listings because I was willing to do that. And in today’s review-driven real estate environment, you’d probably allow a seller to cancel at any time anyways. It’s not like you’re really losing anything. 

Practice handling objections. The mere act of practicing objections reduces the likelihood of them ever coming up. I know this sounds strange, but it’s true. Confidence can prevent people from voicing their hesitations.  

How to handle specific objections:  

Objection: “i want to think about it.”  .

When someone voices that objection, what they’re really saying is: “I’m not 100% convinced that you’re the right agent to hire.” In that situation, you want to identify what is holding them back, address it, and then ask for the sale again.  

How to address it: “I’ve shown you how I can market your home to attract more buyers and sell it for more money. What’s specifically stopping you from moving forward with me today?” 

Usually, the seller will voice their specific objection or hesitation. Then you can address it and ask for the listing again. 

Objection: “We want to pray about it.” 

This is basically the same objection as the one above. There are a few different ways to address it. 

If you’re comfortable doing so, offer to pray with them. Most clients who use this objection will be swayed by your willingness to relate to them and appeal to their beliefs. 

Otherwise, you can use the objection handler above to see if there is anything stopping them from listing with you. 

How to address it: “You want to pray about it? Then let’s pray.” Start your prayer out loud, go through it, and finish it. “OK, ____, I’ve shown you how I can market your home to attract more buyers and sell it for more money. Will you list your home with me today?”

Objection: I want to find my next house before I put this one on the market. 

How to address it: “You know, ________, this sounds like a great way to sell your home and buy your next one. But, do you want to risk losing out on your perfect dream home?” 

Pause and wait for the seller to say “No.” Then continue below.

“Here’s the problem with finding your next house first. As you know, it’s probably going to be a really great house. And because it’s great, lots of other people will be interested in it, which means the sellers will be able to pick and choose which offer they want to accept. 

“And if you were that seller, which offer would you want to accept? An offer from a seller who hasn’t even listed their house, or an offer from a seller whose house is sold and who has everything lined up to buy your home? You’d probably take the offer from the seller whose house is sold, and the person selling your home probably feels the same way. So let’s get your home on the market, get it under contract, and then I’ll go to work to find the perfect home for you. Let’s move forward and get started today.” 

Then, just assume they want to move forward and continue. 

Objection: Another agent told me they can get me a higher price.  

Remember that you can always ask for price reductions in the future. If the seller is insistent on a higher price, tell them you’ll list it at that price but warn them that you don’t think it’s realistic. Let them know that some agents just tell you the highest price to get you to sign with them, but they rarely actually deliver. 

How to address it: “We can list your home at that price, but I want you to be aware that I believe that price is too high for this area. I worry your home won’t be seen by the right buyers if it’s listed at an unrealistic price point, but we can start there and see how it goes if you’d like.”  

Objection: Have you sold any homes in this area/neighborhood?  

Agents often run into these objections with sellers in a high-end area when they don’t have an established track record there. 

How to address it: “No, I have not sold any homes in this area. But, that’s exactly why you should hire me. Let me explain. You see, I work with a lot of people who are selling a lower priced home who will then be buying a home like yours, which means I’m going to be working with more buyers than an agent who works exclusively in this area. Does that make sense?”  

Wait for them to say “Yes” and then ask for the listing. 

Objection: I’m going to sell it myself. 

Most people have no idea how much work it takes to sell a home — especially for top dollar.  

How to address it: “I can appreciate that. And on the surface it really looks like you can sell your home yourself and save a lot of money. It sounds like you really just want the most money in your pocket, is that right?” 

Pause and wait for the seller to say “Yes.” Then continue: “And that’s exactly why you should hire me. I’ve shown you how I can market your home to attract more buyers and sell it for more money. My strategies will make your home sell for 2-3% more money, save you over 100 hours of work, keep you safe, and make the whole process much more seamless. I NET you the same amount of money and save you over 100 hours of time. Based on that, will you list your home with me today?” 

Objection: Your commission is too high.

How to address it: “I agree there are a lot of desperate agents out there who will happily drop their commission. And I’ve shown you how I will market your home to attract more buyers and sell it for 2-3% more money. So, you will NET more money with me. Can I show you why? 

Pause and wait for the seller to say “Yes.” Then continue: “Here’s why I’ll NET you more money. Not only will I do a better job marketing your home and attract more buyers, but I’ll also fight for you. I’ll fight to get you the highest price and the best terms. Do you really think those agents who were so quick to fold with you will fight for you when a buyer wants to get a better deal?” 

Pause and wait for the seller to say “No.” Then continue: “That’s why you need me. Let’s get started today.” 

Another great way to combat this objection is by showing the seller how much money they will save by selling faster. Check out how Rusty handles questions about his commission rate.

Objection: I have a friend in the business. 

If the seller has met with you, then they aren’t “dead set” on hiring the friend. In my experience, this is usually a smokescreen objection the seller is using to try and get rid of you. So don’t get flustered. Here are some different ways to handle it:

1. Ask if they want to mix business and friendship.

It's never a good idea to work with someone you know when there’s a lot of money at stake. 

How to address it: “I have a lot of friends in the real estate business, too, which is why when I look to hire someone, I look for the best. Obviously, you chose to interview me because you want to get your home sold for the most money possible. That’s what you want, isn’t it?”

2. Offer a referral fee to their friend.

This can allow the owner to hire you and feel good about not working with their friend.

When you offer this and remind them that mixing business and friendship can be difficult, it works a lot of the time.

Pause and wait for the seller to say “Yes.” Then continue: “I’ve shown you how I can market your home to attract more buyers and sell it for more money. Your friend wants what’s best for you, and I’ll call and give them the news. Let’s get started today.” 

Objection: We need to interview more agents before we decide who to hire. 

How to address it: “___ I can appreciate that. And I’ve already done that for you. I shopped all the best agents in the area and compared what they do to what I do. And you know what was surprising to me?” 

Pause and wait for the seller to say “No.” Then continue: “None of those Realtors took marketing as seriously as I do. And that’s why I’m going to get you top dollar. Which leads me to believe that somewhere along the way, I haven’t convinced you 100% that I can get you top dollar. So, what specifically is stopping you from moving forward with me today?” 

Usually the seller will voice their specific objection. You can then address it and ask for the listing again. 

Final Thoughts

Overcoming objections is about making a decision to become the best. Set a goal and then start working on it. Real estate is one of the best businesses in the world — if not the best. Where else can you make more money than a dentist, without going to 12 years of school, without being trapped inside people’s mouths all day, and without the risk or overhead a dentist has to deal with?

You decided to get into this business because you realized how awesome it is. So you might as well get really good at it and crush it! 

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10 Tips to Nail Your Next Listing Presentation


Last updated: Aug 14 2023

In the fast-paced world of real estate, first impressions are everything. Your listing presentation is a key opportunity to set the tone of what it’s like to work with you, showcase the ways that you’re a total boss at what you do, and ultimately win their business. Delivering a knockout presentation requires more than just rehearsing a data dump of facts and figures: it’s about creating a shared narrative. Make your clients feel understood, tell them a story of success that aligns with their own vision, and demonstrate the unique skills and attributes you bring that will help them achieve it. After all, you’re in this together.

In this article, we’ll give you our top tips and strategies to help you deliver a real estate listing presentation that builds trust and wins business. Here’s a rundown of what we’ll cover:

Understand Your Audience

Build a strong narrative, clarify your unique value proposition.

  • Use High Quality Visuals

Spell Out Your Marketing Strategy

Be upfront about pricing, include case studies and testimonials, practice, practice, practice, be prepared to handle objections, follow up promptly.

Before you even begin building your real estate listing presentation, it’s essential to gather as much information about your prospective clients as possible. What’s their motivation for moving? What are their needs and goals? Are they focused on getting the highest price, or is a quick sale more important? Understanding where the seller is coming from and where they want to go allows you to tailor your presentation to address their specific concerns and objectives, creating a more persuasive argument for listing with you. After you’ve set your meeting, be sure to ask these questions in advance, as well as any others that will help you add personal touches to your presentation or let you highlight your skills.

To craft a really persuasive listing presentation, it can help to think of it as a story—the story of how you will sell the client’s property. Every story needs a compelling narrative arc: a beginning, a middle, and an end. Start with the current situation, describe the journey (i.e., your proposed marketing and sales strategy), and end with the successful result (a sold property). This structure will help your clients visualize the process and understand how you plan to achieve the desired outcome.

There are many, many real estate agents out there—why should clients choose you? Your real estate listing presentation is the perfect opportunity to differentiate yourself from the competition. Identify what you’re best at and say it loud, say it proud. Whether it’s your innovative marketing techniques, in-depth market knowledge, or exceptional negotiation skills, make sure the unique value you bring shines through in your presentation. You probably know it in your bones, but if you’re looking to refine it, be sure to follow up with your past clients to reconnect and ask for testimonials. Bonus — you can use these in your listing presentation to lend even more support to your value prop.

10 Tips to Nail Your Next Listing Presentation

Use High-Quality Visuals

Sellers want to be able to envision how you’ll handle listing their home. They want to see the kinds of photos you take, the graphics you use, and the buzz you’ll attract. Consider your listing presentation a preview of the quality sellers can expect when you market their home to potential buyers. High-quality visuals bring your real estate listing presentation to life and give sellers confidence in your approach, so now is not the time to get scrappy. Whether it’s professional photos of properties you’ve sold, charts showing market trends, or infographics detailing your sales process, visually appealing and informative graphics significantly enhance your presentation and make it all feel more real for your seller clients. 

listing presentation objections

If you can do it, MoxiPresent lets you show it. Live listing presentations from MoxiPresent let you embed any content you want, including MatterPort, 3D tours, and more, so you can show off your full range of capabilities. Build better presentations.

Marketing is a critical aspect of selling a property, and it’s way more than just pretty photos on Zillow. Your real estate listing presentation should detail your comprehensive marketing plan. This includes online and offline marketing strategies, from professional photography and virtual tours to direct mail campaigns and open houses. Highlight any unique or innovative marketing techniques you use, and be prepared to answer questions about how they produce results.

listing presentation objections

Pricing is often a sensitive topic in real estate. In your real estate listing presentation, it’s essential to be transparent and honest about pricing from the start. Provide a detailed comparative market analysis (CMA), explain how you arrived at the suggested listing price, and be prepared to take feedback and discuss different pricing strategies. It’s okay if you and your potential client have different numbers in mind at the start of your conversation — what matters most is how you guide the client and work together to agree on a price by the end.

Need to run the numbers again? MoxiPresent lets you edit and update a CMA on the fly in seconds, so you can collaborate with clients on pricing strategy without missing a beat. Explore MoxiPresent .

It may seem obvious, but one of the most persuasive elements you can include in your real estate listing presentation is evidence of your past success. Incorporate case studies of properties you’ve sold that are similar to the client’s, detailing your strategies and the results you achieved to lend a personal touch. 

listing presentation objections

Tip: Because testimonials from past clients are so important (and you’ve worked so hard to earn them!) be sure to create a process to ask for them as part of your closing practices. 

A well-rehearsed presentation comes across as polished and professional. Practice your real estate listing presentation until you can deliver it smoothly and confidently. This will also make it easier to adapt to interruptions or questions without losing your flow. Most importantly of all, knowing your listing presentation in and out will ensure nothing interferes with your personality shining through.

While we cross our fingers that our presentations go smoothly, many clients will have at least some objections or concerns during a real estate listing presentation. Anticipate these as best you can in your presentation and be prepared with well-thought-out responses. Whether it’s about your commission, the suggested listing price, or your marketing strategy, showing that you can handle curveballs professionally and confidently instills confidence in your clients. Remember, no home sale will be completely hiccup-free, so handling objections well is a great way to preview your working relationship and show clients that you’ll make a great team.

Your listing presentation doesn’t end when the meeting is over. Always follow up with prospective clients within the same day, thanking them for their time and providing any additional information they requested. This not only demonstrates your professionalism and responsiveness, but also keeps the lines of communication open for further discussions.

Pro tip: Be sure to ask for their preferred contact method — and respect it. It isn’t always the way they got in touch with you first!

Building and delivering an effective real estate listing presentation is both an art and a science. Even if you’ve been giving the same presentation for years and getting decent results, there’s always an opportunity to adapt and improve it. By understanding your audience, crafting a compelling narrative, showcasing your unique value proposition, and preparing thoroughly, you can significantly increase your chances of winning business and building lasting relationships that will bring value for years to come.

*Agents who fully utilize MoxiPresent see 77% more transactions than those without.

Ready to learn more?

Get the power to create stunning, dynamic real estate listing presentations in minutes. Agents can generate a live CMA in just a few clicks, beautifully reflect their personal and broker brand, and seamlessly edit any information on the fly for more persuasive presentations that help them sell more homes.


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Sr. Product Marketing Manager at MoxiWorks With a background in marketing at one of Kentucky's top real estate firms, June now supports agents around the world in understanding the strength of broker-provided technology through MoxiWorks. Just don't get her started on her two schnauzers. 

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  • Listing Agent

Agents: 5 crucial steps to preparing for a listing presentation

  • September 12, 2023

listing presentation objections

When it comes to ensuring you have a rock-solid listing presentation, the main ingredient in the secret sauce of success is preparation . It might seem like a given, but there’s a lot that goes into getting ready to rock your pitch to prospective seller clients.

You’ve landed the listing presentation and have a date and time set. Don’t sweat about what you should do next — just take these 5 crucial steps we’ve laid out to ensure you’re primed and prepped to knock your presentation out of the park.

The art of the listing presentation

When you boil it down to its primary goal, your listing presentation shouldn’t be a deck you drone through — it needs to be a true marketing move. You’re not only selling yourself as an agent for hire, you’re presenting exactly how you’ll market their home, how you make the selling process less stressful, and also a highlight reel of your own unique, competition-smashing expertise.

Put yourself in the prospective sellers’ shoes. They want to sell for a good price, they want the process to be as stress-free as possible, and they want their home in the right hands.

As you craft your listing presentation, keep in mind you should weave in the following questions it needs to answer:

  • How exactly do you plan to market their home?
  • Why are you the best agent to promote and sell their home?
  • What success metrics do you have to prove you’re the best?
  • What sets you apart from the competition in your market? Is it your expertise of the area, your unmatched network, your approach to marketing, all of the above?

5 crucial steps to preparing for your listing presentation

As you prep your deck and steady your pitch, here are 5 absolutely crucial steps you must take to prepare for your listing presentation. It’s not just a pep talk, it’s real, actionable steps you can take to knock it out of the park.

Ready to get your game face on? We know you are. Let’s go.

Step #1: Create a top-notch presentation

The most powerful presentations are given with an impactful visual aid. Don’t just talk at your prospective seller clients, walk them through your presentation, step-by-step. Add in visual elements and cues, such as stock photos and listing photos.

If you can visualize market data, even better. Call on PowerPoint templates, Canva visuals , and free stock photo sites like Unsplash to get access to easily-created visual elements that can help you wow your potential sellers.

Step #2: Prepare your pitch

This might seem like a no-brainer, but do you really have your pitch dialed in?

For your listing presentation, your pitch should be a two-pronged approach. You want to have an elevator pitch highlighting your skills as a real estate pro. Highlight your deep expertise in selling, your win records, and unparalleled finger on the pulse of the current state of the market. Consider adding in a slide or blurb with a testimonial from previous seller clients about their experience working with you.

For the other part of your pitch, make it all about them : show off what’s unique about their property, how you’ll showcase it in all its glory to potential buyers, and your techniques to win the sale.

listing presentation objections

Step #3: Tighten up your presentation skills

Now that you’re laying the groundwork of what you’ll talk about in your listing presentation, it’s a great time to work on your actual skills as a presenter.

Practice makes perfect, so run through your deck daily to make sure you know it inside and out. When your presentation becomes second nature, you’ll spend less time reading from it and more time having an active, engaging conversation to cover it.

Step #4: Anticipate (and practice for) objections

When you’re prepping for your listing presentation, you need to approach it fully anticipating objections. They’re only natural, but never, ever, take them as a flat-out “no”. Instead, they’re an opportunity for you to get to the real root of the problem, which will allow you to know — and present — exactly how you can solve it.

And when it comes to being as prepared as possible, anticipating and embracing objections also helps protect you from getting the wind knocked out of your sails during your listing presentation appointment.

Step #5: Scope out other listings

You should already come to the table in your listing presentation with plenty of data, but make sure you’re also keeping your eye on what’s happening locally, in real-time. Take a beat to research other listings in the immediate and broader area. By seeing what else is actually out there, you can strengthen your marketing plan and positioning for their property.

You’re ready to rock your listing presentation

With a cleaned-up, top-notch, crystal-clear deck in hand, a marketing plan that’d make any other agent in the market feel envious, and your presentation and objection-handling skills tightened up, you’re ready to knock your listing presentation out of the park.

Go forth with confidence and show your prospective seller clients’ the fact of the matter: you’re the best agent there is to sell their home.

For more resources to strengthen your skills as a real estate pro, click here to check out the latest and greatest of everything we’re publishing in our Resource Center.

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Kyle Handy

25 Tips To Create The Ultimate Real Estate Listing Presentation

If you’re a new real estate agent, you might be intimidated by the thought of doing your first real estate listing presentation.

This post details 25 steps you can take to prepare for your presentation and give you the confidence you need to make the best impression. 

Tips For Preparation

1. build and maintain your online presence.

In today’s internet-driven world, people do their research on you before they even speak with you. Focus on building and maintaining your online presence across social media, Zillow and , and your website.

Interact with your audience across these platforms so that people get a sense of your personality. You want to attract people who are actually interested in working with you.

The more people know of you before you show up, the easier the appointment will go. They’ll already have an idea about your experience and your process, which gives you a great foot in the door.

2. Practice Your Presentation

Remember, it’s ok to feel nervous. Try practicing your real estate listing presentation out loud before going to the client’s home. Repeat it enough times until you feel confident in your delivery. Having a firm grasp on the main points of your presentation will help tame your nerves.

3. Visit Active Listings in the Client’s Neighborhood/Area

A unique tip that most agents don’t take the time to do is to visit other active listings in the client’s neighborhood before your listing appointment. 

This will give you more knowledge about the area, and you’ll see the prices of other homes in the area. Sellers will appreciate this extra work because it shows your dedication.

5. Drop Off A Pre-Listing Package

One tip that will start you off on the right foot before the listing appointment even starts is to drop off a real estate pre-listing package . The package should include any marketing materials you have created, including a description of your unique value proposition and marketing plan.

When you drop off your real estate pre-listing package, make sure that it is presented professionally. Use binders, folders, and be sure it’s personally branded.

A real estate agent conducting a listing presentation with a couple

Tips For During the Presentation

5. share your story in under 2 minutes.

Clients want to get to know you and your business, but make sure you keep it short. The main goal in your real estate listing presentation is to get the client talking more about themselves and their goals in selling their home.

Tell a brief story about what you do and what makes you different from other realtors. If this isn’t your first listing, talk about successful listings you’ve handled in the past.

6. Have Good Posture and Body Language

Most experts agree that 70% to 93% of all communication is nonverbal . So whether you’re touring the home or sitting down with your clients to get to know them, be sure your back is straight, you aren’t slouched, and you don’t cross your arms. And of course, give all your attention to your client as they are speaking and practice basic listening skills.

7. Use Social Proof to Your Advantage

If you have some previous listings under your belt, be sure to leverage them as social proof and use them to your advantage. For example, add in quotes from satisfied past clients, or share a success story regarding a previous transaction.

Having social proof in addition to what is online goes a long way in impressing your potential client. It will also help to establish you as a real estate professional with authority and knowledge in the real estate industry.

8. Personal Statistics

Along with social proof, be sure to include some personal statistics about your previous listings, such as:

  • Average days on market
  • Average list price to sales price ratio
  • How you compare to the market average

9. Create a Slide Deck to Stay on Task

A classic slide deck or PowerPoint presentation is the best way to keep your pre listing presentation organized and flowing smoothly. It’ll help you stay focused from one point to the next, so you don’t end up rambling throughout your presentation.

The interior of a home

10. Have a Marketing Plan

Come up with a comprehensive  real estate listing marketing plan  for listing your client’s home. Be sure to include the following marketing material:

  • How you will leverage social media
  • Which websites their listing will be shown on
  • Advertising strategy
  • Any broker groups or email lists you plan to use
  • If you plan on holding open houses , and if so, how often
  • Professional photos  and video

Don’t skimp on photos in your marketing strategy. Even if it seems expensive, professional photos will showcase the home much better than personal photos. In addition, you’ll build a beautiful portfolio to show future clients. They will take notice of how much better your photos look compared to your competition and want to work with you as a result.

11. Introduce the Power of Your Brokerage

If you have a brokerage, be sure to talk about what makes your brokerage unique. Highlight past experience and successes, and focus on how your brokerage will add value to your client’s listing as well.

12. Ask Questions, Build Trust, and Identify Motivation

Before you tour the home or jump into your own background, sit down and ask the client some questions to get to know them, build rapport, and understand their goals for selling their home. Some good questions to ask include:

  • The reason they want to sell their home and what date they need to move by
  • What area they are looking to move to, and if they’ve already found a home there
  • What’s more important to them: selling their home quickly, or for the best price
  • What their alternative plans are in case their home doesn’t sell
  • What their ideal listing agent would look like
  • How much they still owe on their mortgage and whether or not the property has any liens
  • If there are any hidden issues with the home
  • Their experience level with selling homes, and what those other experiences were like

The more you can connect with the client in these first 15 to 20 minutes, the better the listing presentation will go.

A photo of a living room filled with furniture

13. Tour The Home

Next, after you’ve gotten to know the seller, ask them if they can give you a tour of the inside and outside of their home before you begin your presentation.

As they’re showing you around, have them point out details about their home. For example, any work they’ve done and any work they know needs to be done before they sell the home.

Your goal is to get them to point out that their house isn’t perfect. This will give you a couple of details to lean on later when you’re discussing the price.

As you’re walking through the house, be very observant and take your time looking at every aspect, including the ceilings.

14. Tailor Your Presentation to Relate to Sellers Motivation

Use the client’s answers to the questions above to create a story in your real estate listing presentation. Go through a comparative market analysis ( CMA ) and show them the listings that have and haven’t sold in the area.

For example, you might find a listing that was priced way too high, sat on the market for 125 days, and sold for 10k below its listing price. Explain to your client all these details, and then show them a listing of another home that was perfectly staged and photographed.

Show them how it got a contract in seven days for above the asking price, which may also be their goal for their own home. This way, you’re creating a more relatable story for your client, and they will want to follow the same strategy as the second home.

Home search on a tablet

Tips For Research

15. do your research.

Everyone knows that knowledge is power, and power breeds confidence. Doing your research ahead of time will give you the knowledge you need to keep the ball in your court.

One strategy is to call recently sold listings in your client’s neighborhood and ask those agents how they thought the sale went and if they can give you any tips on selling in the area.

16. Automated Values

Be sure to cover Zestimates and tax values in your presentation. The prospective seller probably came across these numbers already and will want to know if they are accurate or not.

A couple of questions you can ask your clients to get an estimate of what they think their home is worth include:

  • What do you think your home is worth, based on the research you’ve done?
  • What number do you think is a good starting point for your home?

17. Local Market Statistics

During your real estate listing presentation, have some statistics on hand for the local market so that the client can compare their home to others in the area. These should include:

  • Average days on the market for homes in the area
  • Average sales price
  • Price per square foot
  • Inventory level

18. Neighborhood Comp Analysis

Be ready with a comp analysis. Choose four to five other homes in the neighborhood that are similar to the client’s home and become familiar with the ins and outs of those properties.

After you’ve toured their home, you’ll have a better idea of which comp to show them.

You can let them know how long they can expect the selling process to take based on the average list price to sales price, sold comps, available comps, and days on the market.

A real estate agent talking to a couple

Tips For Moving Forward

19. refine value.

Once you have a good feel for the home, let the home seller know if you think the home’s value should be higher or lower than your initial assumption based on the market data.

At that point, you can tell them that you recommend listing their home for X amount to have the most realistic chance of selling it.

In order to figure out a good price, you can use the MLS to find out the average list price to sales price ratio for a certain neighborhood.

20. Outline Your Pricing Strategy

Go through your pricing strategy and let your clients know how you determine if a home is above, fair to, or below the market value.

21. Explain Your Sales Process

Your real estate listing presentation is a great chance for you to go through each step of your sales process, from pre-listing to closing. Explain every detail, so your clients can know what to expect when working with you.

22. Additional Included Services

Offer the client any other services that you and your team provide. This could be transaction management, a preferred vendor list, or buyer services.

23. Don’t Be a “Yes” Agent Just to Win New Business

Stay firm on your process and pricing. Some sellers will see if they can get you to negotiate on your own terms. However, this isn’t advisable. Stick to your process and price, and be confident in your knowledge and research.

A real estate agent giving a real estate listing presentation to a couple

24. Prepare For Some Objections and Lots of Questions

To that end, be prepared to face some  real estate objections  and questions about your experience, process, and pricing. Some of the questions might include:

  • What makes you different from other realtors in the area? How are you better?
  • Why do your credentials make you the right person to sell my home?
  • How familiar are you with this market? Have you sold homes in this area before?
  • What is your opinion on my home, and what do you think we can do for it to sell better?
  • Do you have an ideal list price in mind for my home? If so, is it lower or higher than what I think it is?
  • What are your sales and marketing strategies for listing a home?
  • How many other clients are you working with, if any? Will your workload affect your ability to work on my home?
  • I’ve spoken to another real estate agent who said they would list my home for a certain percent. Can you match that?

25. Follow up with a Thank You Note

Even if you don’t walk away with a  signed listing agreement  in hand, be sure to send a thank you note. Mail this out the day before your appointment, so it arrives soon after the appointment is over. This will ensure you make a good impression on everyone you meet.

Final Thoughts on 25 Steps to Win a Real Estate Listing Presentation

Whether it’s your first real estate listing presentation or you are a seasoned Realtor, these 25 steps can help you build a successful real estate business and bring the most amount of value to your clients.

Keep in mind that in the end, how you treat people will be more impactful than anything you say or do.

Kyle Handy

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5 Crucial Steps To Become A Master At Objection Handling In Real Estate

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Blog Post Feature Image For The Post How To Become A Master At Objection Handling in Real Estate | Founder Jess Lenouvel, Sitting and Smiling

Objection handling in real estate is one of the most important skills you need to build in order to grow your business to seven figures.

Too many agents focus on the wrong things during their listing presentation – and they totally bore their clients.

They concentrate on market stats and numbers, droning on and on in corporate lingo…

… Rather than communicating on a human-to-human level and engaging emotionally with their potential clients. 

Conversation leads to conversion. 

If you only talk AT your potential clients rather than having a true back and forth, you’ll never understand the deeper psychological reasons for the move. 

When you practice deep listening and asking the right questions, you’ll begin to notice when your prospect is hesitating.

You’ll be able to anticipate objections before they even come up, because you’re that in tune with your ideal client avatar. 

Every time you have a listing presentation and an objection comes up, jot it down.

Once you’ve got twenty or so listing conversations under your belt, you’ll know in advance what those objections are – and you can devise a plan for how to deal with them.

There’s a very specific strategy when it comes to objection handling in real estate, so keep reading to learn how to deal with objections like a pro! Improving your close rate is one of the best approaches for how to get more listings WITHOUT having to work a whole lot harder!  

Be Upfront About The Objection 

If you sense a financial concern, the worst thing you can do is shy away from it. 

Agents tend to ignore situations that make either us or the client uncomfortable. Don’t do that. 

Instead, dive into any point where you notice the client hesitating.

When you’re trying to build that trust, it is always better to address something proactively than reactively—because those objections that were there from the beginning will always come up again at the end. 

For example, one especially common objection that comes up when dealing with younger clients is that they need to review everything with their parents. To handle that, ensure that all decision-makers will be present when you book the listing appointment. This is always going to be better because you can build relationships with everyone . The last thing you want is a client trying to relay what you said and not doing it justice.

Once you’ve overcome the objection, you also have to come to a mutual understanding that the objection is no longer a concern. Get verification from the client that you’re now on the same page. If you don’t get that verification, continue to address the objection until you do. 

The 5-Step Objection Handling Formula For Real Estate Agents

You can use this formula to effectively become a PRO at objection handling in real estate so you can close more deals.

Step 1: Acknowledge

People expect resistance to an objection. Give your clients the opposite with phrases like, “Of course,” or “I totally understand.”

This immediately puts your client at ease rather than feel like they’re in a tug of war. 

Step 2: Accept

When you accept your client’s objection as their truth, you validate them and build trust. You put yourself on the same side of the table. 

Step 3: Shut Up

Once you’ve handled the objection, stop talking. Get it in your head that the first person who speaks loses. Don’t oversell your response.

Step 4: Pinpoint the Pain Point

Go back to the reason the client sought you out. Why is it important for them to sell their home at this particular time?

Step 5: Close

You have to be comfortable asking for the close. If you don’t ask for it, you’ll likely go in circles. Give your client the opening to say “yes” by asking them directly if they are ready. Be confident enough to ask and it will raise their confidence in you.

You don’t always have to go for the hard close. Make the close feel more like an invitation. 

The way you go about this is entirely dependent on the client’s demeanor. Sometimes it can be as simple as: 

“Do you have any other questions? Are you ready?”

“Is there anything else we need to cover before we sign this paperwork?”

Of course, there are also situations in which clients are legitimately scared and will interview fifty agents and still never make a decision because they don’t trust themselves. In that situation, you might say something like:

“It seems like there’s a trust issue here. It’s either that you don’t trust me or that you don’t trust yourself to make the right decision. Do you know which one it is?”

That might sound bolder than you’re comfortable with, but the key to good sales is to say the thing that others don’t want to say or that your client might not even be aware of. 

70 Percent Versus 30 Percent

The whole purpose of handling objections is to figure out where the client is at. 

We can break this into a 70/30 split. 70 percent of objections are trust objections. The other 30 percent are based on a legitimate concern. 

The 70 percent is the hardest part to manage because a trust objection can be a difficult obstacle to overcome. 

The best way to handle the 70 percent zone is with real estate testimonials and case studies demonstrating how you have helped clients in situations similar to theirs, along with building rapport by asking as many questions as you can. 

The more understood and emotionally connected your client feels to you, the better.

It pays to have a case study in the back of your mind for every objection you can think of. They can help you build trust through legitimacy without having to boast that you’re number one or that you’ve worked with X amount of people. Clients don’t connect with that. 

The key to objection handling in real estate is not being afraid of the objections or shying away from them. This only gives the objection more power. 

Instead of letting the elephant remain in the room to do cartwheels, call it out as quickly as you can. When you’re able to say that you understand that there’s some trust that needs to be built here, you can not only acknowledge the elephant but escort it out.

Then you can ask them what they need to feel more comfortable. Sometimes the solution might just be connecting them to a past client to speak with. 

listing presentation objections

Do you want more tips on how to have successful sales conversations? Check out this post on how to close more real estate deals using a simple 8-step formula. 

Another thing to remember is that building trust with clients starts well before your listing conversation. 

You should be nurturing your potential clients so you become the #1 agent in their mind…before you’ve even met them.

Learn how to build a real estate marketing machine that builds relationships at scale by downloading The Listings Lab Guide for free.

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The Biggest Reasons Your Listing Presentation Didn’t Win the Client

listing presentation objections

Securing a listing is a critical part of a real estate agent’s job, and losing out on a potential client can be disheartening.

Understanding the reasons behind a failed listing presentation can help you refine your approach and increase your chances of success in the future. Here are some of the most common reasons your listing presentation might not have won the client.

Lack of Preparation

Preparation is crucial for any successful presentation. If you didn’t research the property thoroughly, failed to prepare a detailed Comparative Market Analysis (CMA), or overlooked important market trends, the client might perceive you as unprepared or unprofessional.

Clients expect you to have a comprehensive understanding of their property and the local market.

Poor Presentation Materials

Using outdated or low-quality materials can negatively impact your presentation. Clients want to see polished, professional materials that reflect your expertise and attention to detail.

High-quality photographs, clear graphics, and well-organized documents can make a significant difference in how you are perceived.

listing presentation objections

Engaging with the client and addressing their specific concerns is key to building trust.

Inadequate Marketing Plan

Clients want to know how you plan to market their property effectively. If your marketing plan lacks detail, innovation, or a clear strategy, the client might doubt your ability to attract potential buyers.

Presenting a robust, tailored marketing plan that leverages both traditional and digital channels is essential.

Failure to Build Rapport

Building a personal connection with the client is crucial. If you came across as impersonal or didn’t make an effort to understand the client’s unique situation, they might choose an agent they feel more comfortable with.

Showing empathy, being personable, and establishing a genuine connection can set you apart from competitors.

Misalignment on Pricing

Disagreements about the listing price can be a deal-breaker. If you suggested a price that seemed unrealistic or didn’t align with the client’s expectations, it could lead to a loss of trust.

Ensuring your pricing recommendations are backed by data and communicating the rationale clearly is important.

Inability to Handle Objections

Clients often have concerns or objections that need to be addressed. If you aren’t able to handle these objections confidently and convincingly, the client might question your expertise.

Being prepared to address common objections with well-thought-out responses can help reassure the client.

By addressing these common pitfalls and continually refining your approach, you can improve your listing presentations and increase your chances of winning over clients.

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3. The Free Online Real Estate Business Plan

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4. The Become a Listing Legend Free eBook 

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How To Overcome The Most Common Objections In Real Estate

Handling objections in real estate .

Welcome back to Mike Ferry TV . My name is Tony Smith.

I am thrilled that Mike Ferry asked me to step in on this edition of Mike Ferry TV . Here we are on the week of May 22nd. Okay? And Mike asked me to really bring forward a very specific topic today. We’re going to talk about handling objections. Okay. Don’t leave. We’re going to talk about handling objections. But before we get into that, I want to have you think about something here. We are approaching the end of May. Okay. Five months of the year is pretty much in the bag. We have seven months left to achieve your goals. I wrote it down this morning.

“We have seven months left to achieve your goals.”

Are you passionately and aggressively pursuing your transaction and income goal for the year? Are you passionately and aggressively pursuing your income and transaction goal for this year? Right. What we know is many people kick off the year with some high expectations and then most people give up on their business plan, they start giving up on their goals, they start giving up on their income and they settle into things just being the way they’re going to be. We don’t want that to be you. I want you to commit, recommit, recommit to the goals that you’ve set for yourself. How many times have you heard Mike Ferry say, “Keep going? There’s a lot of business to be done.” That applies here today at the end of May. All right.

Handling of Objections

So let’s talk about handling objections. Okay. Handling objections. This is one of the most interesting things to me and one of the most intriguing topics that we have in MFO. This one intrigues me. Okay, let’s start with a little setup on this. Back when Mike Ferry started selling Real Estate a long, long time ago, okay, when he went back and he was in the Real Estate business and he started in the mid-70s, right? He came into Real Estate. Now what we know is Mike Ferry was an incredible salesperson trained by some of the best people in the world. There was no problem with Mike being a great salesperson. So Mike Ferry went right to work for a small independent company in Southern California, and he went out and started knocking on 100 doors a day in the Huntington Beach area. Okay, first of all, I hope you can grasp that. Knocked on 100 doors every workday in Huntington Beach. Are you doing that?

Okay, Well, what happened is Mike is an aggressive salesperson. He started talking to all of the other agents in this small company and said, “Okay, so when you lose a listing, why do you lose it? Well, what happens when you don’t get a listing? Why?” And he started getting all the answers . Well, some people say they want to wait and then I miss the opportunity , some people say they have a friend in the business and they list with the friend, some people say they tell me they want to sleep on it and then they list with somebody else, some people tell me they want to cut the commission and our company doesn’t cut commissions, so I lose the listing.

Handling objections in the sales process

And what came from that dialog is Mike Ferry knew how to generate business. He was going to go out and prospect, no question. But then he figured out that in Real Estate, one of the problems that agents are faced with is they don’t know how to handle the objections they receive. So when Mike did all this research, he gathered the ten most common or excuse me, 12 most common objections that people give as a Seller when it comes to listing property. And Mike said, Well if I can figure out the responses to the 12 most common objections and I can learn how to overcome those, will I then win the listing over my competition? And of course, Mike Ferry started selling 100 homes a year when nobody was selling 100 homes a year in those times.

“Well if I can figure out the responses to the 12 most common objections and I can learn how to overcome those”

So the reason this baffles me is I personally am baffled by this because, in my own personal career in selling Real Estate, this one made sense to me when I heard this. There are 12 common objections. They never change. Why not learn the answers to them so you can succeed? It’s so simple. Like why not learn the answers to the things you’re going to get for the rest of your life? So I’m going to ask you directly, the person watching the person in your seat right now, how strong are you in handling the most common objections you receive? How strong are you right now? Is there work to be done? This one is crazy because I just don’t see why we wouldn’t do this. And at the same time, most agents, when we talk about handling objections are I don’t want to deal with that. Interesting to me.

1) Handling objections is a simple process

So here are some points I made for this. Okay. The first point I wrote down, it’s a simple process. Don’t complicate it. Handling objections is a simple process. Don’t complicate it. Gosh, there are times when we’ll see these people send us these scripts all the time, these objection-handling scripts that are like pages long. There are like five, six, and seven paragraphs trying to handle the objection. Why would we make it so complicated? I don’t believe people want it that complicated. If you notice Mike Ferry’s objection handlers. They are direct, right, they are logical, they are to the point and they work. Why would you complicate it?

Pro-Tip #1 – Just memorize and internalize our objection handlers

I made these notes under it. Just memorize and internalize our objection handlers. Don’t skip over those and go to some really technical, you know, some incredibly creative approach to handling an objection. Just memorize our scripts.

Pro-tip #2 – Understand the logic of our scripts

I wrote down work to understand the logic in our scripts . If you’ll take time with the objection handlers we have and you’ll really work to understand the logic in them, they make sense, they’re logical, but you need to work on it personally.

Pro-tip #3 – The client will believe you when you believe you

And then the last thing I wrote down on this point, remember, the client will believe you when you believe you. We want you to cut the commission. Okay? If you don’t believe you’re worth the full commission when you go to handle that objection, they won’t believe you. The client will believe you when you believe you. You have one major job when it comes to objection handling, and it’s for you to build the belief behind them, to understand them, to believe it, to trust it, and as soon as you do, your belief is what makes the objection handler work. So work on it.

2) Direct correlation between the number of objections you receive and the strength and quality of your presentation

Number two, I wrote down, there’s a direct correlation. You’ve heard this a thousand times for Mike. If you’re new to us, you may not have heard this, okay? But there’s a direct correlation between the number of objections you receive and the strength and quality of your presentation . Okay. If you’re getting a lot of objections, you must point the finger back at the strength and quality of your presentation . If you show up, you’re dressed to the nines, you’ve got a big smile on your face, you’re perfectly manicured, your car is clean, you’ve got a big smile on your face, you know how to nod your head right? You walk in with confidence and authority. You become the obvious choice for listing the home. So the number of objections decreases. But if you show up and you’re unconfident and you’re scared and you’re nervous and you can’t smile naturally in public and you’re catatonic and you’re awkward, then the objections go through the roof, don’t they? So if you work on your presentations, the number of objections you receive shrinks. Would you like fewer objections? Presentation. Okay.

3) Always agree, always smile, always nod your head, and never argue

The next point I wrote down. It’s really simple. Always agree, always smile, always nod your head, never argue. Think about it. Always agree, always smile, always nod your head, and never argue. Mike used to say this the first time I heard it, I answered incorrectly. Mike said, “Can you win an argument with the Seller?” And I said, “No.” Right. But then I came to realize he was so true. Can you win an argument with the Seller? Yes. You just won’t get the listing. So do you find yourself arguing with the Sellers as part of objection handling? That’s not going to get you where you want to be, does it? It’s not the answer. So here it is. Here’s a little I want to give you a little formula for it. Here’s a little formula for objection handling.

Remember this formula? Smile, nod your head, smile, nod your head, repeat their objection, approve, which means agree, repeat, approve, ask a question, ask a question, and close for the signature. Smile, nod your head, repeat, approve, ask a question, ask a question, and close for the signature. It’s a fun little process that you can start training yourself to go through when you get objections. It starts with this. When someone says, We want to cut the commission, does your face get catatonic? Do you get mad? Do you get upset? Well, we have a friend. Do you get upset about it? Do you get nervous? You smile and nod your head. This is normal. This happens all the time. I get this. I’m so comfortable with this, right? It’s a secret to it.

4) Prequalify the Seller in depth

I wrote this point down. Your success in objection handling is often found by prequalifying the Seller in depth. You’ve got to connect the dots between handling objections and prequalifying. Right? When we prequalify a Seller, we get all the answers. If we do a good job, we get the possible objections that they may have. Now we have a chance to prepare. Now we have a chance to perfect our presentation. Now we know what we’re in for. But if you don’t prequalify and you go in blind, what if you go in blind? Now you get hit with an objection. Blindsided, right? I always think about this thought almost everything we do in MFO you get to read. I’m using a script right now. For almost everything we do, we’ve got great scripts and dialogs for prospecting. You can read them over the phone, right?

We’ve got a great prequalification for a Seller. You’ve got all the questions, you can read the questions and write down the answers. We have a great Listing Presentation. We ask You to read it to the Seller. So, so much of what we can do, you get to read. Okay. But when it comes to objection handling, it’s the one place, the one place that you have to be completely prepared for them all. And they can come from different angles. You have to memorize and internalize them, don’t you? It’s the one place where you have to have those responses down pat. I think that’s one of the reasons so many agents resist it. It’s one place where you actually have to memorize, rehearse and internalize the script. It’s interesting, right?

5) Post answers to the toughest objections you receive in your prospecting area

I made this note to post the answers to the toughest objections you receive in your prospecting area. If your prospecting area doesn’t have the objection handlers posted here, if you prospecting away and they object to something, if you don’t have a response here, then you’re making it harder than you need to make it. Why wouldn’t you just then go ahead and have it here in front of you so you can refer to it when you’re prospecting? Interesting, isn’t it? I hope you have. If you haven’t, make sure and get it done.

6) Write down your 12 most common objections 

Okay. Now, here’s what I would ask you to do If I were to give you any advice at all, I would ask you from today, I would ask you from today to take either a 6 or 12-week window, 6 weeks or 12 weeks if you’re a fast learner, 6 weeks if you’re a little bit slower learner like I was 12 weeks. And then I would ask you to create a little curriculum for yourself, a little curriculum with the 12 most common objections we have. And I would ask you to take 1 or 2 of those objections per week and master them. Can you imagine 6 weeks from now or 12 weeks from now, with your objection, handling skills through the roof? How much confidence will you have? How much authority will you have? How strong will your presentation be? And then how much more money and how many more listings will you take?

7) Put this skill to work and reduce the number of lost deals to objections 

You have to consider this thought. How many listings have I lost over one objection or another? You know, I lost one this year because of the commission. I lost another one this year because they said they wanted to wait and they listed when I wasn’t looking, I lost one because they had a friend in the business and I didn’t handle it. We could be losing two and three and four and five and six listings so far this year over one objection or another. So we need to know them all, don’t we? Can you consider yourself a master of handling objections? I believe you could if you put your body and mind to work and do the job. Thanks for your time. Let’s all become incredible objection handlers. Thanks.

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How to Overcome FSBO Listing Presentation Objections

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How REALTORS overcome For Sale By Owner (FSBO) listing presentation objections

As online platforms like Zillow and become more and more popular, clients will come to you with more FSBO listing presentation objections. It might seem easier for them to list the home themselves. Or, they don’t want to pay you a commission. We work with our clients here at Icenhower Coaching and Consulting on objection handling like this. Whatever the objection, you must prepare yourselves with a few scripts to combat these common FSBO listing presentation objections.

VIDEO: How to Overcome FSBO Listing Presentation Objections

Common FSBO Listing Presentation Objections

Sometimes a seller will say (over the phone or during a virtual listing consultation ) that they want to wait. They have different reasons, but one example would be “I want to try to sell it myself first.” This is a FSBO listing consultation objection and ultimately you want them to see the benefit of listing with you.

One way to handle the objection is to first tell the seller that you understand where they are coming from. If they want to try listing it themselves as a FSBO until a certain date, tell them that’s fine. If this happens during your listing presentation, great! Take some time to ask them a few questions that may lead them back to wanting to list with you sooner rather than later.

Educate your client on the market

One point to hit on is that the inventory in the market is low right now. Supply is low and demand is high. FSBOs get minimal exposure. Most homebuyers (I would say 98%) use a Realtor to buy a house. Realtors help buyers find a home by searching the local MLS. FSBOs aren’t on the MLS. Therefore, in order to raise the sellers chances of getting the best price for their house, listing with you is in their best interest.

Especially during COVID-19 , FSBOs feel very hidden. You may have a sign in your front yard, but not many people are out and about. People are staying at home, and buyers trust a Realtor. Now more than ever, buyers will want to have a professional on their side to make sure the process goes smoothly . FSBO listing presentation objections are common, but in this current market there are a lot of reason to go with a Realtor.

FSBO listing presentation objections

Why choose a Realtor?

Yes, your potential client could post their listing to Zillow or, but buyers that are working with Realtors will rely on their expertise . And Realtors will show buyers listings on their MLS. Zillow is a secondary news feed. Most of the properties on Zillow are the homes no one wanted to buy. The best priced homes that are the most desirable and in the best shape typically sell in 24 hours with multiple offers. Those houses don’t ever make it to Zillow. We as Realtors have full access to live data from the MLS, and we have the ability to give that access to our clients.

One thing to worry about with these FBSOs is that they are talking to multiple Realtors. They may be working the system and talking to multiple agents and asking them to bring a buyer. Watch out for that! They may be having multiple listing presentations and presenting the same FSBO objections to every agent. All you can do is move them closer to signing the listing agreement and be wary of someone trying to take advantage of you.

Persistence and coming from contribution are key

The best thing you can do is to stay with your potential client every week. Set them up on a listing alert email. Call them about status changes in their neighborhood. Converting most FSBOs is a 6-week process. Communicate and add value for 6 weeks, and you will see that they will likely list with you. Keep trying! Continue to talk these FSBOs through their objections in additional listing presentations. Try to hold a virtual open house. Keep giving them CMAs. Keep washing their windows! Come from contribution until they change their tune.

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Brian Icenhower

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Brian Icenhower is the CEO and Founder of Icenhower Coaching & Consulting (ICC), which provides customized coaching and training programs to many of the highest producing real estate agents, teams, and brokerage owners in North America. This progressive company also produces online courses, podcasts, training materials, white label training portals, speaking events, video modules, and real estate training books. ICC is one of the largest real estate coaching companies in the world with thousands of clients and a large team of the most accomplished coaches in the industry.

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  5. 10 Real Estate Objections + How to Overcome Them

    Real Estate Objections in Listing or Buyer Presentations. The most effective way to handle real estate objections is to address them proactively in your listing and buyer presentations. By anticipating common concerns and providing clear, concise answers upfront, you demonstrate expertise, build trust, and reduce the chances of objections ...

  6. What You Need for a Killer Listing Presentation

    If you've dropped lots of cake, chances are your listing presentation needs some work. Read on to learn what you need for a killer listing presentation: How to prepare one, what it must include, how to overcome objections, and send effective follow-ups. Need a great listing presentation template? Try our easy-to-customize template in Canva!

  7. 10 Ways to Deliver a Successful Real Estate Listing Presentation

    Be Upfront About Pricing. Include Case Studies and Testimonials. Practice, Practice, Practice. Be Prepared to Handle Objections. Follow Up Promptly. Understand Your Audience. Before you even begin building your real estate listing presentation, it's essential to gather as much information about your prospective clients as possible.

  8. 25 Real Estate Listing Presentation Ideas and Tips

    Pro Tip: Practice your listing presentation in front of a mirror or record yourself to check your body language and make sure you aren't sending mixed messages. 21. Prep Yourself for Objections. Objections are a natural part of any sales presentation. No matter how aggressively they are presented, don't let them fluster you.

  9. 6 Steps To Handle Every Real Estate Objection (+ 5 Examples)

    Proceed with your presentation, and end by going over the next steps and gently guiding them to sign the listing or buyer's representation agreement. ... Here are five of the most common real estate objections you might face during a listing or buyer presentation. 1. "I know an agent who can do the same thing for a lower commission."

  10. Agents: 5 crucial steps to preparing for a listing presentation

    Step #1: Create a top-notch presentation. The most powerful presentations are given with an impactful visual aid. Don't just talk at your prospective seller clients, walk them through your ...

  11. How to Do Real Estate Listing Presentations [Checklist]

    Build your real estate listing presentation in 7 simple steps. Aim for no more than a dozen slides, a video that's only a few minutes long, a single physical takeaway (like a tear sheet), and a script. Quick tip: Your script should let you cover the most important elements in between 30 and 90 minutes.

  12. Listing Presentation

    By conducting thorough research, showcasing your expertise, and addressing potential questions and objections in your listing presentation, you'll be well on your way to impressing potential clients. Here are our suggestions on what you should prepare for a listing presentation: 1. Research the Property and Seller.

  13. The Best Listing Presentation Guide for 2024

    The flow of your appointment might go like this, for example: Get comfortable - handshakes, small talk, finding a place to sit, etc. Offer a quick overview of how the meeting will go. Go through "part one" of the listing presentation. Tour the home. Go through "part two" of the listing presentation.

  14. How to Overcome Listing Presentation Objections

    Listing Presentations: Determine the Motivation. It is important to understand that most client objections stem from a general resistance to take action. Action requires uncomfortable behavior, and objections are simply a way to justify not having to take the uncomfortable steps necessary to move. This is why it is imperative to take the time ...

  15. 25 Tips To Create The Ultimate Real Estate Listing Presentation

    Try practicing your real estate listing presentation out loud before going to the client's home. Repeat it enough times until you feel confident in your delivery. Having a firm grasp on the main points of your presentation will help tame your nerves. 3. Visit Active Listings in the Client's Neighborhood/Area.

  16. How to Prepare the Perfect Listing Presentation

    Congrats! But the real work has just begun. It's time to prepare yourself for the listing presentation. The perfect sales presentation includes four main components: making a good first impression, being well prepared and knowledgeable, overcoming objections and getting the listing signed. So what exactly makes the perfect listing presentation?

  17. Objection Handling In Real Estate: 5 Steps To Close More Sales

    Step 5: Close. You have to be comfortable asking for the close. If you don't ask for it, you'll likely go in circles. Give your client the opening to say "yes" by asking them directly if they are ready. Be confident enough to ask and it will raise their confidence in you. You don't always have to go for the hard close.

  18. Listing Presentation Scripts for Real Estate Agents

    An effective listing presentation script allows agents to conduct an efficient consultation by focusing on questions to determine the needs of clients rather than presenting a long and drawn out value proposition containing all of the agent's marketing activities and other credentials. The ideas is to come from curiosity to determine the ...

  19. The Top Listing Appointment Checklist for Real Estate Agents

    Every top-producing listing agent I know agrees that there are only three things agents need to do to win every listing appointment: 1. Be prepared, 2. Be prepared, and 3. BE PREPARED. So, for you to have the best chances of getting new listing clients, I've gathered all the best tips and strategies to prepare for your listing appointment. If ...

  20. The Biggest Reasons Your Listing Presentation Didn't Win the Client

    Understanding the reasons behind a failed listing presentation can help you refine your approach and increase your chances of success in the future. Here are some of the most common reasons your listing presentation might not have won the client. ... Inability to Handle Objections. Clients often have concerns or objections that need to be ...

  21. Overcome Handling Objections in Real Estate

    You've got all the questions, you can read the questions and write down the answers. We have a great Listing Presentation. We ask You to read it to the Seller. So, so much of what we can do, you get to read. Okay. But when it comes to objection handling, it's the one place, the one place that you have to be completely prepared for them all.

  22. Live "Listing Presentation" & Handling Tough Seller Objections

    In this video, you'll see me do a live listing presentation role play using my listing presentation real estate script. In this listing appointment presentat...

  23. How to Overcome FSBO Listing Presentation Objections

    Converting most FSBOs is a 6-week process. Communicate and add value for 6 weeks, and you will see that they will likely list with you. Keep trying! Continue to talk these FSBOs through their objections in additional listing presentations. Try to hold a virtual open house. Keep giving them CMAs.

  24. New Real Estate Agent Objections and Scripts

    132 - 7-Step Objection Handling (Deep Dive) 30. 00:00:00. 30. In fact, by following this plan, you will quickly be able to handle any incoming objections while also strengthening your relationship with the prospect. Clarify. Repeat back their objection with an upward tone and pause. (ex.

  25. Hazard Communication Standard; Final Rule

    [Federal Register Volume 89, Number 98 (Monday, May 20, 2024)] [Rules and Regulations] [Pages 44144-44461] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [] [FR Doc No: 2024-08568] Vol. 89 Monday, No. 98 May 20, 2024 Part IV Department of Labor ----- Occupational Safety and Health Administration ----- 29 CFR Part 1910 Hazard Communication Standard; Final Rule ...

  26. Federal Register :: Renewable Energy Modernization Rule

    The Department of the Interior (the Department or DOI), acting through the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) ("the agencies"), is finalizing regulatory amendments to its renewable energy regulations under the authority of the...