
How to Make an Eye-catching Video Presentation in Minutes | InVideo

  • video presentation

excellent presentation video

Video is now the undisputed king of mediums in business communication. HubSpot reports that 85% of companies use videos in their marketing efforts. From webinars to demos, from sales presentations to investor pitches, and from welcome videos to online tutorials, videos are the go-to channel. Clearly, video marketing  is on the surge.

And video presentations are among the most widely used formats for video marketing. But how exactly can you create winning video presentations, to begin with?

Simply by signing up to InVideo for business where you get tailor-made template and video editing services on demand so you can spend your time running your business. Sign up for a free demo here. 

Video Presentations Q&A

Before we get into the meat of our guide, let’s quickly answer a few commonly asked questions.

1. What is a Video Presentation?

A video presentation is a form of communicating with an audience with the aid of a video or completely using a video. The video could be made of PowerPoint slides , still images, animation, or actual video footage.

2. Why Should I use Video Presentations?

Common reasons for using videos as presentation aids include:

- Overcoming space/time limitations - Using video as a visual aide to drive your point home - Video enables you to compress a lot of information into a digestible size

3. How do I make a Video Presentation?

Thanks to the advancements in technology, making video presentations has become very easy. It has also become more affordable than it was a couple of years ago. While different video makers have different steps to take when making a video , here are the basic steps to follow:

- Come up with a concept for your presentation. - Craft an engaging script . - Decide on the visual assets (and format) you’ll use. - Use a professional video editing app to bring it all together. - Promote the video.

Pro tip: To make things even easier, you could sign up to InVideo for business and get presentations made for your brand using the editing-on-demand services.  Sign up for a free demo here . 

4. How do you begin a Presentation?

You can open your presentation in 7 ways:

1. Share an anecdote or short personal story. 2. Kick-off with a provocative statement. 3. Present a startling statistic or data. 4. Tell a good clean joke that suits the audience. 5. Ask a loaded rhetorical question. 6. Show the audience a compelling visual. 7. Hook people with a fascinating quotation.

5. How do you Make a Video Presentation with PowerPoint?

Turning a PowerPoint presentation into a video is easy. Just follow these steps:

Step 1: On the File  menu, select Save  to make sure you have saved all your recent work in PowerPoint presentation format (.pptx).

Step 2: On the File  menu, select Save As .

Step 3: Select the folder location where you want to store your PowerPoint Show file.

Step 4: In the Save as type  box, choose PowerPoint Show (*.ppsx) .

PowerPoint Show Save as Options

Step 5: Select Save . That’s it.

Now that we’ve answered a few basic questions, let’s dig deeper into why videos are so powerful.

What Makes Video Presentations so Effective?

Why do they increase the impact of your message?

Well, it’s simple, really – people are visual creatures. This means we take in more information by watching than by reading. Remember the saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words”? Besides that, here are 4 other reasons video is so effective:

1. Conveys emotions better

No other communication channel conveys emotions better than video. That’s because video caters to the brain’s visual and auditory systems, helping the viewer pick up on cues like body language, facial expressions, imagery, and music.

2. Cements information better

According to research , people remember 10% of what they hear and 20% of what they read. However, they remember a staggering 80% of what they experienced. In short, visuals are easier to remember than text or audio because they help your audience “experience” your message. It makes video an essential part of creating presentations your audience will remember for a long time.

3. Makes it easier to digest information

Especially when explaining complicated concepts, video is a great way to present information in an easy-to-understand way. Not only is the format easy to take in, but it also makes breaking down concepts easier.

4. Builds relationships fast

I’m sure you know the marketing mantra: people buy from people they know, like, and trust. Nothing beats video in making prospects or your audience know, like, and trust you
   fast. Video is an instant relationship builder. It’s the next best thing to live face-to-face communication.

A video is a great tool that has made it easier to communicate thoughts and ideas with people – not just in a room, but even across the globe.

6 Types of Video Presentations You Need to Know

Video presentations come in different flavors, depending on their purpose.

types of video presentations

1. Educational Presentations

These are mainly used in teaching and learning sets online or in a classroom setting. These make it easier for the teacher to convey information and the students to grasp the concepts.

Use this template

2. Sales Presentations

The field of sales has evolved tremendously in the past decade. With customers being savvier, sales reps must play the game well if they’re to bag sales. One way they can do that is by creating story-based sales video presentations.

Sell more with pro video presentations

Use 5000+ InVideo templates to get started

Sell more with pro video presentations

3. Investor Pitches

Need to woo an investor? One of the best ways to do that is by using a video pitch. This will help you present your business plan in a visually appealing way so they can easily grasp your business concept.

4. Promotional Videos

Whether you’re promoting an existing product or a new one, video is your best bet for getting eyeballs on your product (or cause). People relate better to what they can see, making video the best medium for presenting your promotions (like product reviews, for example).

5. Employee Training and Onboarding

Video presentations are great for conducting employee training and onboarding. One of the main reasons for this is that video helps reduce the resources spent on these 2 important aspects of employee relationship management.

6. Informational Videos

As the name suggests, the informational/how-to type of presentation serves to pass on important information. Why video in this case? Because it’s more engaging and can pack a lot of information in a short clip.

Pro tip: You can get tailor-made templates to create any kind of presentation for your brand or business using InVideo for business . Sign up for a free demo here . 

How to create killer Video Presentations – 4 Tips

Now you know why video presentations are important and which scenarios to use them in. Now to the fun part – tips on creating killer video presentations. Let’s get to it, shall we?

Tip #1 - Know your Audience

how to create a killer video presentations - know your audience

The most important aspect of creating a stellar presentation is to know and understand your audience. Even if you use the best video presentation maker , if you don’t target a specific, clearly defined audience, your presentation will flop. Understanding your audience will help you:

A. Communicate effectively

Effective communication involves knowing the language and examples that resonate with your audience.

B. Choose the right visuals

Certain visuals are more impactful when used on a particular audience. Study those that your audience will easily understand and relate to.

C. Connect on an emotional level

No matter the type of presentation, it’s crucial to connect with your audience on an emotional level. And to do that, you need to understand the emotional triggers to push in your video presentation.

Invest in adequate audience research. While it may be time-consuming (and a bit costly), it will pay off in the end.

Idea #2 - Brainstorm video content ideas

Create Killer Video Presentations - Brainstorm Video Content Ideas

Now that you have gathered enough audience data, it’s time to brainstorm some content ideas. Whether you’re creating your talk solo or as a team, 3 crucial questions will lay the foundation of your brainstorming session:

1. What do you want the video to achieve? 2. Which emotions do you want the video to evoke? 3. What will visual elements help your video achieve its goal?

The answers to these questions will help guide your ideas. They are key to creating a killer video that your audience will love.

Tip #3 - Craft engaging scripts

Craft Engaging Scripts

Audience research? Check.

Great idea? Check.

Now we get to another interesting stage of creating great video presentations  â€“ crafting an engaging script. Whether it’s a live presentation, a webinar, or even a product review, you’ll need a great script to ensure you keep your audience engaged.

Even if you love creating impromptu videos, having a script for your video presentations is important. And no, you need not be Quentin Tarantino to produce a great video script (although it won’t hurt to learn how to become a good copywriter). Here are 3 reasons a good video script is a must:

1) Helps structure your video

To ensure your video has a smooth and progressive flow, you’ll need a good script.

2) Eliminates “dead spots”

Dead spots, or moments of inactivity, are a great turn-off in a video. They reek of unprofessionalism and can lead to your audience disengaging. The best way to eliminate dead spots is to craft a solid video script .

3) Keeps you on track

It’s very easy to get sidetracked when creating a video . However, with a script, you minimize the instances of going off-topic.

Creating scripts for your videos is a best practice that shouldn’t be overlooked. If anything, invest more in your script than the visuals as a good script can save a video with poor visuals.

Pro-tip: Once you’re confident about your script, it is time to make things even more clear. A  storyboard will allow you to break down your video visually, scene by scene, describing what is happening in it.

Tip #4 - Invest in the Right Tools

video presentations right tools - InVideo

With video, one thing you should never skimp on is the tools you use, particularly your video editing software. While there is a gazillion free video editing software on the market, it’s highly recommended that you use a professional video editor . And that means going the paid route.

Why should you spend on a video editor when there are countless free options available? Here’s why:

A. Get more (professional) features

Creating professional-looking videos requires a lot of resources and features. Most free video editors lack the features that will enable you to create professional videos.

B. Avoid branding and ads

With video editing software, free is never free. That’s because you pay through being forced to include the video editors brand in your work. In other words, you pay by advertising for them. Besides branding, some free video editors may subject you to irritating in-app ads.

If there’s one thing that’s inevitable when it comes to software, it’s that one time or another you’ll encounter glitches. This is where paid video editors have a great advantage over their free counterparts – you’ll have access to customer support.

From hardware (like cameras) to software (like video editing software), the tools you use will determine the quality of your videos. Invest in professional tools, and your presentations will sweep your audience off their feet because they’ll be more polished.

Pro tip: If you don't have the time or bandwidth to find your way around an editing tool, simply sign up to InVideo for business and get presentations created using tailor-made templates and on-demand editing services. Sign up for a free demo here . 

Tip #5 - Adopt Video Presentation Best Practices

There’s no need to reinvent the wheel when creating presentations . Most winning video presentations are based on common fundamental principles that work. Here are some you need to know:

1) Create impactful intros (and outros)

Your intro is the most important part of your presentation as it sets the tone for the rest of the talk. If you can’t engage your audience with your intro, you probably won’t get another chance to engage them.

2) Keep it short, sharp, and sweet

No matter how engaging your video is, always remember it’s not a movie. The point is to keep your audience engaged enough to pass on your information, no more no less.

3) Be professional

Don’t throw out your professional etiquette just because you’re on (or using) video. Maintain professionalism in your video presentations by, for example, using clean language and maintaining a good posture.

4) Use quality sound

Sound plays an integral part in presentations. Whether it’s music or speech, make sure it’s crisp, clear, and audible.

By following these (and other) video presentation best practices, success is inevitable. Remember, the presentation is not about you; it’s about your audience. So, ensure that your presentations provide a good user experience for your audience.

Make video presentations in minutes

With customizable InVideo templates

Make video presentations in minutes

Looking for a great Video Presentation Template? Here’s what you should consider

video presentation templates in InVideo

Templates are lifesavers. They help you create a decent presentation in a snap, even if you are a newbie.

Here are 3 simple questions to help you determine if a template is good:

1) Is it editable? – Are you able to change things like playback speed, effects, or text, so you produce something you like? Stay away from rigid templates that don’t give you the freedom to create with ease.

2) Is it customizable? – Can you design brand-specific clips using your company’s colors, fonts, and styling? Good templates give you wiggle room to include your brand’s specific needs.

3) Is it campaign-specific? – Different videos fit different scenarios. Ideally, you want templates tailored to your current campaign.  That way, you have less tweaking to do because the templates are close to what you want.

Pro Tip: Get more tailor-made templates for your video presentations by signing up to InVideo for business . Sign up for a free demo here . 

5 Awesome Video Presentation ideas to bring The House Down

Presentation is both an art and science. Get the balance right, and you have the audience eating out of the palm of your hand. Here are some ideas to help you do just that.

Idea #1 - Tickle them with humor

Humor is a powerful learning tool.

According to studies by Physiology Org humor leads to learning because of it:

- Attracts and sustains attention. - Relieves tension and produces a relaxed atmosphere. - Enhances participation. - Increases retention and motivation. - Bonds the student and the teacher.

However, to reap all these benefits, the humor must be appropriate and on-topic. So spice up your presentation with a joke or two. The result? Your audience will laugh and learn.

Idea #2 - Use Relevant Examples

Effective presenters use timely, powerful illustrations.

The word illustration comes from the Latin term ‘illustration,’ which means illumination. So practical examples are like windows of your presentation. They let light in. They help people see or understand the material better.

Here are 5 questions to ask about your illustrations:

1. Are they relevant to the topic? 2. Are they suited to the audience? 3. Are they suited to the time limit? 4. Are they enlightening? 5. Are they well told?

Grab compelling examples from books, movies, TV shows, history, children, current events, and captivating real-life incidents. Use good illustrations ram your points home.

Idea #3 - Wield Questions like a Ninja

Questions are an integral part of learning.

Sharp questions aid learning. Plus, they keep listeners highly engaged.

Ask questions:

- At the beginning of your presentation to draw your audience in. - In the middle of the presentation to revive waning audience interest. - At the end of the talk, so the audience reflects on the material.

Also, allow the audience to ask questions. When your audience asks questions, they switch from passive spectators to active participants.

Idea #4 - Be Minimal

Have you ever sat through a presentation and felt:

- Dazed? - Confused? - Strained?

More than likely, the reason is the presenter drowned you in a blaze of inessential stuff. There was too much going on you couldn’t cope with.

Minimalism is removing all unnecessary material, leaving only the bare minimum needed to put your points across. It means using just enough text, visuals, scenes, or slides to make the point and no more. A minimal presentation is clean and uncluttered.

Simple yet intriguing. Plain but profound. Basic but punchy.

Most importantly, it makes learning easy and enjoyable.

Idea #5 - Connect emotionally with a story

Stories are speakers’ most powerful weapons. That’s because stories play a dual purpose –

- Engage intellectually - Connect Emotionally

And an emotional connection is key to bringing the house down with your presentation. Why?

An emotional connection:

- Endears you to your audience - Makes your presentation memorable - Inspires your audience to take action

By using a relevant story in your video presentation, you’ll ensure that your audience walks the entire journey with you from intro to outro.

6 PowerPoint Presentation tips to wow your audience

powerpoint presentation tips

No business video guide is complete without PowerPoint, the staple software for business presentations.

Here are 6 golden rules to help you nail your next PowerPoint presentation and leave your audience crying for more:

1. Keep Things Simple

Legendary artist Leonardo da Vinci once said something profound:

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication".

With the plethora of apps and templates at your disposal, you will be tempted to complicate things. Don’t. Keep things simple.

Simple design. Simple colors. Simple story.

People get swamped and confused by complicated stuff but easily absorb and appreciate straightforward material.

2. Good visual contrast

What use is your blockbuster presentation if the audience can’t see it?

You want people to enjoy your presentation, not endure it. If you use dark fonts on dark backgrounds or light fonts on light backgrounds, you’ll strain your audience’s eyes. They’ll struggle to see your lovely slides.

Classic black-on-white color contrast does just fine. You can use colors like red, blue, or yellow for headings and images. If you don’t like black and white, you can use other colors you prefer as long as the contrast of your combination is bold and strong.

3. Use a few words and animations

It’s easy to go overboard with fancy animations and a gushing stream of words. Only use as many words as it takes to get your point across and no more.

Too many words cause the audience to read rather than listen. Remember, your slides are there to compliment your talk, not substitute it. Also, a lot of words will fill up many slides that wear your audience down.

Ruthlessly cut out senseless animations that don’t add value to your talk.

4. Use excellent images

Images are to a presentation, what water is to fish. Without them, your presentation becomes bland. It lacks the needed fizz to keep your audience hooked. But only include relevant images.

Not only that. Above all, make sure all pictures are of high quality. Amateur-looking clip art causes the audience not to take you seriously.

Pro-tip: Get access to millions of stock assets and tailor-made templates with InVideo for business . Sign up for a free demo here . 

5. Smooth and fast transitions

While PowerPoint transitions can make your presentation engaging, don’t overdo them, especially the advanced ones. Not only do they quickly drain power on weaker machines, but they also distract the audience. Stick to simpler and faster transitions like wipe or slide.

6. Avoid overloading your slides

In presentations, less is more.

Having a lot going on your screen confuses and overwhelms listeners.

Cramming too much info into your slides is a big no-no. Clutter is your enemy. Strip your slides down to essential words and images. Your audience will love you for it and leave you with many takeaways.

Pro looking Video Presentations – No longer an option

With Industry 4.0 fast coming into its own, going digital is no longer an option for businesses and speakers.

And one of the most important communication mediums in the digital age is video. That’s why you can’t afford to ignore video any more. Whether you’re speaking before a live audience or seeking to disseminate information to a global audience, video presentations are the way to go.

Need a great tool to create stunning video presentations? Then make sure to schedule a demo and see just how much you can do with InVideo for business. 

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5 Video Presentation Techniques for Maximum Impact

Jeong Lee headshot

Senior Marketing Manager at Loom

excellent presentation video

Traditional slideshows can be a snooze-fest. You know, the kind where the people read aloud the text on the slides verbatim while you're also reading the same text yourself.

The flood of information and monotonous narration don’t help their case either. 

How will you transform your lackluster, one-way presentations into captivating experiences that leave a stronger impact on your audience?

The answer is simpler than you think: video presentations .

Ready to ditch the dull and embrace the dynamic? Learn five techniques to create video presentations that enthrall your audience and learn how to record them. 

The power of video presentations 

Video presentations aren’t just a fancy way to show off your tech skills. They’re a powerful way to interact with your audience and leave a lasting impression. 

Think about all the times you zoned out during a PowerPoint presentation with endless paragraphs and bullet points. Video presentations serve as an antidote. 

So, what really sets video presentations apart? 

They grab attention like nothing else. Research shows that presentations with video get 32% more engagement . People are likelier to watch and interact with a video than stare at a static slide.

It’s not just about getting more people to watch your presentations. Videos also boost understanding and retention. 

As they say, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” It turns out that a video is worth even more. 

The same study revealed that presentations with videos embedded had a 37% longer average reading time. The data shows that video presentations keep people around longer to absorb your message. 

How to record a video presentation with audio and video 

Video presentations are staples in business and education. 

Whether used as video messaging for internal communications , client-facing pitches, tutorials, intros to your webinars, or for onboarding new employees, presentations offer a dynamic way of presenting information. 

Luckily, screen recording tools like Loom are now making this process easier than ever before. 

You don't need to buy fancy mics or wrestle with clunky presentation slides. You just have to hit record, make some simple edits, and share your video presentation with as many people as you want with a single click. Anyone can create a good video presentation with a bit of practice. Plus, Loom’s video editing tools make it easy to trim and polish your presentation. 

Here’s a quick step-by-step overview of how to record a video presentation with audio and video using Loom: 

Step 1. Prepare your presentation material

Before you sit down to record, be prepared with your notes, script, or any props or visual aids you might need. At the same time, make sure you choose a quiet, well-lit environment to ensure excellent audio and video quality. 

Step 2. Launch Loom 

To capture your Mac or Windows screen, open the Loom app on your desktop or use the Chrome extension. If you’re using your mobile for screen recording , you can install Loom’s mobile app. 

Also, if you plan to capture: 

Google Slides: You can use Loom’s Chrome extension . 

PowerPoint, Keynote, or Canva slides: Install the desktop app to capture yourself along with the slides. 

Whatever device or computer system you use, you can download and install the Loom app within minutes. 

Step 3. Select recording mode

Choose whether you want to record your screen, webcam, or both. If you have slides, select screen and webcam to capture both your presentation and your face. Your face will appear on the screen in a cam bubble, as shown here.


You can also choose to record only your screen or the entire desktop. 

Step 4. Start recording 

Finally, click the “Start Recording” button. 

Watch Loom’s own training video on video recording best practices.

Step 5. Begin your presentation 

Deliver your presentation as you would in person, and remember to make eye contact with the camera. 

Step 6. Review and edit your presentation video

After stopping the recording, Loom automatically uploads the video file to your Loom account. You can trim the video, add a call to action (CTA), or make other edits directly in Loom’s video editor.

Where some video presentations fall short 

Even well-intentioned presentations can sometimes miss the mark. Here are some areas where your video presentations might be falling short: 

Lack of engagement: Presentations are a two-way street. If you don’t build in opportunities for audience engagement elements like Q&A, live feedback, polls, and even simple interaction, you’re missing out. 

Information overload: Too many key points covered in one presentation can overwhelm viewers. 

Technical glitches: Double-check your equipment before the final presentation. Technical glitches like a frozen screen or a microphone cutting out can derail even the best-prepared presentation. 

Lack of personalization: What’s the point of the presentation if your tone and message don’t resonate with the audience? Consider your target audience and adjust your presentation style accordingly. For example, a video for new hires might need a different tone and content than one for senior executives. 

Considering these nuances and implementing a few interactive elements will help you create an engaging video presentation.

5 techniques for creating great video presentations 

Technique 1: engaging storytelling.

Viewers crave something more than just data. They want a story.

Stories resonate powerfully because they tap into your emotions, creating a connection that facts alone can't achieve.

There’s science behind it. When you hear a story, your brain releases oxytocin , which increases trust and positive emotions. Stories also activate multiple brain parts, making them more memorable than isolated facts. In a world where attention is scarce, stories capture and hold it.

So, how do you capture your audience with engaging storytelling? Here are some tips: 

Find your narrative arc: Every good story has a beginning, middle, and end. Think of a classic hero facing obstacles, overcoming challenges, and emerging as the victor. Your video presentation can follow a similar arc, even if the hero is your product or service. 

Evoke emotions: Identify your target audience to discover what type of content resonates with them. Based on your research, add emotional moments—either funny or thought-provoking—to catch your audience’s attention and create a lasting impact.  

Build conflict: Before you start pointing out the solution, introduce the problem that needs solving, the challenge that needs overcoming, or a question that needs answering. 

Show, don’t just tell: Talking doesn’t have the same effect as showing the problem your product solves. Use screen recording tools like Loom to demonstrate the problem and its solution firsthand. This helps the viewer appreciate the real value of your product. 

Apple’s product launches are an excellent example of engaging storytelling. 

They don’t just point out features, they weave a story and paint a picture of how Apple devices will enrich your daily life. 

Technique 2: Visual impact and design

Remember those “wall of text” slides? The clipart that looks like it’s from the 90s? 

While these types of presentations do the job, it’s worth noting that people process visuals faster than text. A visually appealing video presentation will endear you to your audience and engage them better. 

According to research by Robert Horn at Stanford University, actions and visuals make written information 70% more memorable .

Clearly, incorporating visuals into your presentation isn’t just about aesthetics. It’s also about making your message stick.  

Here are some tips to help you create visually stunning presentations: 

Use high-quality videos and images. High-resolution visuals make your presentation more appealing and easier to grasp. If you’re recording your screen, invest in a good-quality screen recording tool to create polished and professional presentations. 

Incorporate data visualization. Use charts, graphs, GIFs, and infographics to present data in an easily understandable manner. 

Leverage color psychology. Pick a color combination that aligns with your brand image and messaging. For example, blue evokes professionalism and trust, while orange conveys energy and excitement. 

Choose fonts wisely. Typography also affects how your presentation appears visually. Sans serif fonts like Helvetica and Arial are clean and modern, while serif fonts like Times New Roman and Georgia add a touch of sophistication.


Incorporating these tips makes your presentations both visually appealing and more effective in getting your point across. 

Technique 3: Effective use of audio elements

You’re watching a National Geographic documentary. It features sweeping aerial shots of the sun-drenched plains of the Masai Mara, close-ups of exotic wildlife, and evocative narration.

But it’s not just the visuals that hold you spellbound. It’s the sound of the rustling leaves, the leap of the gazelles, the gentle river flow, and the commanding voice of the narrator. The background music ties it all together, transporting you into the experience. 

While visuals and text capture attention, audio completes the experience by evoking emotions and reinforcing your message. 

Want to create a similar immersive audio experience for your presentation? Here are some things to consider: 

The voice-over should be crisp and clear. There are two ways to record crisp, clear voice-overs. One, you can invest in a good microphone. Or, you can record your screen with audio like Loom. 

Add strategic sound elements. Add background music that matches your content and complements your messaging. In between your presentation, add sound effects that emphasize key points and transitions. 

Embrace silence at strategic moments. A well-timed pause can help you create anticipation or emphasize a point. A pause before you move forward also allows the previous message to sink in. 

Make sure you blend all these audio elements, including a voice-over, background music, sound effects, and even pauses, to create a perfect harmony. 

Technique 4: Interactive elements to engage audience

According to a recent survey, 78% of people saw better online sales with interactive video compared to a passive video.

This means that viewers are more likely to stick around if your video has interactive elements, compared to a one-sided monologue. 

Here are some interactive elements that can help you turn one-way presentations into two-way conversions:

Knowledge check quizzes: Keep your audience engaged with brief quizzes a few minutes into the presentation. This will reinforce your message while keeping the viewers engaged. 

Polls and surveys: These elements work as the proverbial two birds, one stone—they keep viewers from dozing off and provide feedback you can use to tailor your content.

Clickable CTAs: Guide your viewers to take a specific action by adding clickable elements to your presentation. 

Gamification elements: Add a touch of fun with animations, points, badges, and leaderboards. These elements also work as incentives and might encourage viewers to stick around to the end.

But how do you add these interactive elements to your videos?

Pro tip: The easiest way is to find a video recording platform that simplifies the process. 

For instance, Loom offers a range of built-in interactive features.

Creators can embed clickable CTAs, annotate their screens, and even add tasks to their presentation videos. 


At the same time, viewers can react with emojis for instant feedback, leave time-stamped comments to encourage discussions and tag their teammates. 

Recipients can react to a Loom video with any emoji

Technique 5: Timing and pace for maximum retention

Ever watched a video that felt like it was dragging on forever? Or one that was so fast-paced you felt like you were missing key information? 

The wrong timing and pace can leave your audience mentally exhausted or disengaged.  

But how do you strike the right balance for maximum retention? 

One approach is to use Guy Kawasaki’s 10/20/30 Rule of PowerPoint : 

Your presentation should have at most 10 PowerPoint slides, which could be 10 critical points in the case of video presentations. 

It shouldn’t be more than 20 minutes long.

The font shouldn’t be smaller than 30 points. 

If you can’t contain your message in 20 minutes, break your video presentations into bite-size segments to prevent information overload. 

Think of it like chapters in a book. Each segment contributes to the overall narrative while standing alone as a valuable piece of information.

You can use a video presentation tool like Loom to make this process seamless. 

Loom automatically creates a video library to organize your video clips. This also allows your audience to revisit specific presentation segments later to access key takeaways.


You can also label your videos by specific topics or categories, making them easily accessible.  

Elevate communication with video presentations

The verdict is clear: Video presentations help engage your audience and increase interaction. 

So, why rely on traditional slideshows when you can get better outcomes with video presentations, especially with access to advanced video presentation software?

For example, with Loom, you can record, edit, and share high-quality video presentations that captivate your audience. No more technical headaches or pricey equipment.

Ready to turn your presentation ideas into videos? Sign up for free and create polished video presentations in no time with Loom.

Jun 29, 2024

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Jeong Lee works in Marketing at Loom.

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From ideas to screen: How to make presentation videos that shine

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What type of content do you primarily create?

excellent presentation video

Visuals can mean the difference between a killer presentation and a lost opportunity.

For salespeople, it’s difficult to close a deal without business presentations to back up your pitches. For marketers and business owners, video presentations help communicate ideas and share results from projects to ensure future success. 

Customers also love high-quality visuals, like branded explainer videos and product tours. They’re the fuel that drives eight in 10 people to make online purchases. 

But what makes a good presentation? And how can you engage viewers throughout your video? This guide covers what you need to know about creating video presentations, no matter the purpose.

What is a video presentation ?

A video presentation refers to a sequence of visuals combined with audio to convey information, arguments, ideas, or narratives. It can be about a product, service, internal business reports, or even a topic of interest.

Video presentations can range from simple slideshow-style videos with voiceovers to more complex productions involving animations, live-action footage, music, sound effects , and more.

A good video presentation provides information clearly and concisely. But the best video presentations engage your target audience with professional video quality: a good camera and mic, skilled editing, and a confident presenter. 

There are a ton of different types of video presentation formats you can choose from, including:

  • Animated explainer videos
  • Employee onboarding videos
  • Screen recordings
  • Training videos
  • Product demos
  • Microsoft PowerPoint presentations with a talking head
  • Sales presentations
  • Awards presentations

Benefits of a video presentation 

These are great reasons to put in the effort to produce this type of video content.

Enhanced engagement

Video recordings—whether on social media or hosted on your website—are great for engagement and getting your audience’s attention. Wyzowl found that 95% of marketers have said video marketing has helped them increase brand awareness, 90% say it has helped generate leads, and 87% said it has helped them increase sales.

Visual clarity

There's a reason many people suggest something like "If you can learn it, you'll find it on YouTube." The presentation video format is unique in its ability to teach and demonstrate, similar to the in-person experience you'd get with a tutor or salesperson. 

The same Wyzowl report found that 96% of marketers say videos have helped increase user understanding of products and services. In short: video helps customers retain your information.

Global reach and accessibility

Video presentations are a great way to reach a global audience. More than half of people say they’re more likely to share a video with others than any other type of content. 

A video presentation is also better for accessibility than other content types. With video editing software , you can:

  • Easily add subtitles and annotations to your video footage for those with hearing loss.
  • Add an audio description voiceover for those with sight loss.
  • Change the color filters for those with color blindness.

Personal connection

Building a personal connection with your audience is critical for overall brand engagement. A video presentation, especially one with a person in the video, helps you do that. Research shows that students have positive feelings for videos presented by an instructor, for example.

How to create a video presentation

Step 1. plan and prepare.

Proper planning and preparation can help the rest of your presentation creation process run smoothly. 

Think about what you’ll say, and use a storyboard to build out a visual plan of your presentation ideas. Storyboarding your presentation, instead of making it on the fly, will help you stay focused when you fire up your presentation software. (You don’t need to be an artist; just set out the scenes in a way that makes sense to you.)

At this point, start writing the video script for your presentation. You’ll know what to say and when to say it, and won’t fill your presentation up with filler words like “um” and pauses when trying to think about what to say next. 

Step 2. Gather resources

After you’ve completed your paper storyboard and script, it’s time to go digital. With Descript, you can build your slideshows into the video editor just like any slideshow tool . 

To create a presentation video in Descript:

  • Hit New project .
  • Import any media (images, infographics, short video clips, GIFs, or sounds) you want to include in your presentation.
  • Drop your visuals into the script and edit them into a sequence, or work scene by scene by adding a / at the beginning of each slide.
  • Add the background of your presentation, then your script in the left panel.
  • Add captions to your presentation by hitting the T icon at the top and choosing Captions.

When you've set up all your slides, you can get fancier and add transitions, extra media, and special effects later.

But maybe you’d prefer to create the presentation using more familiar software, like Prezi, PowerPoint slides, or Google Slides. In that case, you can import the presentation into Descript later or use its screen recording functionality. (If you upgrade your Descript plan, you can create your own video presentation templates to use over and over again, if that’s your style.)

Step 3. Record your presentation video

With your slides all set up, it’s time to turn them into a video. This step is pretty straightforward if you’ve used Descript to make the presentation slides. All you’ll need to do is go to the beginning of the presentation and hit the Record button at the top of the screen:

 If, like in the image example above, you’ve written your script into the scenes, change the default setting Record into script to Record new layer . This preserves your script so you can read from it whil recording your presentation video. 

Decide if you want to record a voiceover only (leaving the record option as Audio only ), or add a floating head video with your webcam to show yourself as the speaker by clicking the Screen option. Either way, go through your script as the slides move along. 

If you created your presentation in another software like Google Slides, there may be no built-in option to record your presentation over the slides. In that case, use Descript’s screen recorder to film your screen with audio. The video file will be ready and waiting for you in the video editor when you finish recording.

Step 4. Edit and enhance

At this point, you’ve got the basic presentation down. It’s time to bring out your inner filmmaker and turn the slideshow into something special. 

With Descript’s free video editor, you can:

  • Add title screens to introduce your presentation.
  • Choose from a library of background music.
  • Change the fonts of your captions and any other text layer.
  • Add cool slide transitions.
  • Improve audio quality with Studio Sound .

Descript’s video editing is different (and easy) since you can edit the video using the script instead of a traditional timeline editor. This makes the process super efficient since you can quickly identify what needs cutting. Simply delete the part of the script you don’t want, and the accompanying video will disappear.

Step 5. Review and fine-tune your video

What makes Descript extra special is the ability to edit your audio by taking out filler words you might have accidentally recorded. Remove “ums,” “uhs,” and awkward pauses in a single click with filler word removal . 

If, like me, you also have a habit of forgetting to say something important, you can use Descript's Overdub feature to add those few missed words without re-recording the whole scene. The software will create an AI clone of your voice to fix audio mistakes. 

With your video presentation fine-tuned, you’re ready to save and share it with the world. Click the Publish button in the top right corner and download the MP4 file, or export it directly to a platform like YouTube or Wistia.

6 key elements for crafting a great video presentation

Now you know the practical how-tos of making a presentation video, let’s look at some key elements that turn a good video presentation into a great one. 

Clear and engaging content

Visual appeal, narration and voice quality, engagement techniques, structure and flow.

  • Audience-centric approach 

No one likes feeling confused. If your presentation isn’t clear, you’ll end up frustrating your audience. A nice trick for clarity is to imagine you’re explaining your presentation to a child; don’t use big words to sound smart. Presentations that are clear from the start are naturally more engaging.

Gone are the days of 360p Nokia footage. Even if you don’t have a professional camera setup, you can still record a video on a PC, phone, or webcam with high quality. But don’t forget about the images and text overlays. No one wants to try deciphering pixelated visuals—use the highest quality video resolution you can.

Even the best-quality video presentation can be ruined by bad audio. Poor-quality narration is hugely frustrating to viewers. Prioritize your audio quality, especially for information-rich videos like presentations, and use Studio Sound to remove distracting background noise from your presentation video.

When it comes to video presentations, you should think like a salesperson. You can't expect your audience to believe the information you give them if they don't trust you. Engage your audience by telling a personal story, describing relatable scenes, or emphasizing important points throughout your video.

Treat your presentation like a story with a beginning, middle, and end. Information should flow nicely from one point to the next. Do a test run through your slides before you start recording to ensure any questions don't crop up prematurely because the viewer thinks you haven't covered it (when you do a few slides later). 

Learn: Narrative structure: How to compose the best story for your footage

Audience-centric approach

It's pretty much always to the audience's benefit when you make a presentation video, so you shouldn't focus too much on yourself. Address your audience's needs and go above and beyond to answer any questions they may have. Otherwise, why would they listen to you?

5 tips to help you craft remarkable video presentations

Now we know what makes a great presentation video, here are five bonus presentation tips to create yours. 

1. Practice and rehearse

You won’t always get it right the first time, and that’s okay. But the more you practice before hitting record, the better your presentation video will be—and the less legwork you’ll need to do throughout the video editing process.

2. Invest in good equipment

Top-notch equipment makes your life easier throughout the video creation process. Replace your webcam with your iPhone to improve picture quality, and invest in editing tools that allow you to record and edit in the same dashboard.

3. Optimize lighting

Another area where you can improve the quality of your video is the lighting technique . If you have the budget, you can use a simple ring light, but if you don’t have the cash to invest in video equipment, use natural light (such as a window) behind your camera.

4. Engage with eye contact

If someone was talking to you and they weren’t looking at you, you’d probably be a little confused or uncomfortable, right? It’s the same with video. Look into the camera when making video presentations to simulate real eye contact with your audience. If you forget, use Descript’s Eye Contact AI effect to fix it.

5. Keep it concise

If you waffle on with unnecessary information or get sidetracked on a story, you’ll lose your audience’s attention, and they’ll click away or switch off. Stick to your video script and keep your presentation concise.

Elevate your video presentations with Descript

Creating an informative and engaging video presentation isn’t the easiest task in the world. You’ve got to know your audience and what they want, present the information confidently, and do it with visually appealing content.

With Descript, you can take your presentation video to the next level with an editing experience that allows you to:

  • Record your screen on a Mac or Windows device
  • Create and record slides (with voiceover) in one dashboard
  • Remove filler words with a single click
  • Use Studio Sound to remove background noise from your presentation
  • Turn your presentation into a YouTube video, or download it as an MP4 file

Take a free tour of Descript and see why thousands of creators love its video editing platform.

How to make presentation videos FAQ

How do i make a presentation video for free.

  • Choose a slideshow software like Descript
  • Create your slides
  • Add transitions 
  • Record your voiceover
  • Edit your presentation
  • Share your video 

How do I video myself when presenting a PowerPoint?

Use PowerPoint’s built-in recording feature and choose the “Cameo” option to record yourself when presenting. Or, use Descript’s screen recording feature and have the presentation ready for editing when you finish recording. 

How do I make an audio-video presentation?

If you don’t want to record yourself on video, use a screen recorder to film your presentation slides. Video presentation makers like Descript allow you to record a voiceover.

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Our 2021 Staff Picks: The year’s best Prezi videos

Get your team on prezi – watch this on demand video.

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Meghan Ryan November 30, 2021

Discover the best Prezi video presentations, hand-picked by our editors based on a number of factors, including design and content quality. It’s an eclectic mix of winning entries from business professionals, industry experts, influencers, and educators. Hear from Prezi’s Editorial Director, Lorraine Lee, as she describes what we liked about each one:

Ready to check them out? Here’s our list of the year’s best videos .

Using copy to engage on social media

Social media is an essential part of marketing. Not only do most companies use social media to connect with their audiences, many are also building out amplification and advocacy programs with their employees to expand their reach. With such broad use, there’s never been a better time to fine-tune your social media copy.

That’s why we’ve included this excellent how-to video by Ashley Faus , Content Strategy Lead at Atlassian, who discusses tips for writing more engaging copy. She provides tangible, hands-on advice for everyone representing a brand on social media, whether you’re handling a brand account or advocating as an employee. What we love about her video is her straightforward, easy-to-follow framework, as well as her friendly on-screen demeanor. With Prezi Video , her content appears next to her on screen, allowing her to maintain eye contact with the audience and use her hands for emphasis throughout the video. The result is a really engaging video, full of smart and usable tips.

Watch Ashley’s video here:

How to use Prezi Video for product demos

Traditionally, sales people would travel to demo a physical product in person, but would still fire up a presentation to go into greater detail. Now that most product demonstrations are taking place virtually, the presenter is often relegated to a small window of the screen, which can be a bit underwhelming. 

Russell Anderson-Williams , founder of presentation design company The Prezenter, blends the in-person experience and the virtual presentation to demo a product like you’ve never seen before. He uses Prezi Video to handle the physical product and show its details next to him on screen. The greatest part of his demonstration is that neither the presenter nor the product are at a disadvantage – both are important elements of the presentation and both are at the forefront.

Watch Russell’s video here for a great example of a product demo:

Engaging the audience at home

What Bonnie Zix’s video shows is that your online lessons can be fun and educational. Here she teaches her students how to extract DNA from a banana, while keeping the instructions and key information below her on the screen. This makes it easy for students to follow along with her demonstration and take note of important details.

This is a great way to engage students at home. While students would be able to see the demonstration and read information on the whiteboard in person, virtual classrooms are sometimes at a disadvantage. Bonnie’s video takes advantage of Prezi Video’s options to create an experience that’s perhaps even more engaging than being therein person.

Check out her video to see for yourself:

Demonstrating and practicing 

In a virtual classroom, the time you have with your students is one of the most vital parts of your teaching, but Nucleo’s video uses his time off screen to an advantage. His video teaches students to count eighth-note subdivisions. When he’s first demonstrating the count at the beginning of the video, he appears on screen next to the information. As soon as he wants students to practice the count, he lets his  content take over, making it easier for them to focus and perform the count themselves.

Watch Nucleo’s video for a great example of a demonstration and practice lesson:

Grab attention by starting with a story

Elena Valentine starts her presentation with the ultimate attention grabber: a good story. What we love about this opener is that it expertly proves her point that storytelling is a great way to get your audience’s attention and make yourself more relatable. Throughout her video, she discusses the reasons storytelling is effective, shows examples of great storytelling by other presenters, and gives you tips to get started.

Elena is the CEO of the media production company Skill Scout, so she knows a thing or two about engaging content. This video shows off her expert use of color and imagery, and is paced to flow smoothly through the beginning, middle, and end of her presentation.   

Discover B2B marketing’s next big role

“If you go back in time and you think about who started innovating first in business, it was the B2B marketers,” notes Carla Johnson , keynote speaker and bestselling author. In her video on innovation and intrapreneurship, Carla speaks directly to the innovator in every B2B marketer. She points out the moments in which B2B marketers have driven change in their industries and have transformed other essential parts of business, such as branding and customer experience. 

This is a really effective way to energize her audience and get them excited about learning what they can do to continue spurring innovation. She also uses a bright template and beautiful imagery to keep the audience engaged.

Watch her video for a great example of a conference presentation:

How to get someone to change their mind 

“No.” Whether you’re a leader, a parent, a salesperson, or practically anyone else on this planet, you’re probably used to this obstacle of a word by now. And if you’re a reporter like Jessica Marble, it’s an answer you’ll need to learn to overcome.

In this video, Jessica teaches you how to persuade someone to give you something important (such as an interview) when they’re hesitant or resistant. She does a great job detailing how to do this, kicking it off with the three Ps – persistence, politeness, and patience. She also uses a lot of GIFs and animation throughout her video that engage the viewer and make the video more eye-catching. The result is a straightforward video providing the audience with a clear path to follow.

Learn about the three Ps of persuasion and more here:

How to make your Prezi presentations impactful 

Joshua Peterse is a specialist at the presentation powerhouse Missing Link who motivates his audience to make better presentations. “It’s time for you to find a way to share your content in a way that’s really interesting, because the truth of the matter is that attention is now a diminishing resource.” 

You may think that designing an intricate slide is the best way to grab attention, but your narrative is actually going to do the most effective work. Your presentation design should enhance your narrative, not overwhelm it.

That means you have to rethink the way you design your presentations. As Josh puts it, it’s not that we’re designing slides; “we’re now designing scenes.” To help you get started, he shares six simple examples of scenes, and how to create them in Prezi Video. Watch his video here to check them out:

Presentation mistakes executives and managers make

Boris Hris t ov is the founder of the presentation agency 356labs. As he notes, “virtual meetings and hybrid meetings are here to stay, so our people need to know how to communicate through those channels.” He urges his audience to deliver presentation trainings that take virtual tools into consideration, and teach trainees how to use them in tandem with more traditional presentation skills.

His video dissects common presentation mistakes made by people who need to be good communicators: executives and managers. He does a great job providing details and solutions for each mistake, and makes his presentation easy to follow with bright visuals, a clean template, and subtle animations. He also takes advantage of Prezi Video’s capabilities by going full-screen when he wants to make an important point. 

Watch Boris’ video here:

A quick introduction

Professor Robert Morgan provides this introductory video to new students at Washington University in St. Louis. At just over 90 seconds long, he doesn’t have much time to make an impact, but with a simple template, photos, and some fun tips like his favorite spot on campus, he’s able to create an introduction that gets students excited to see their new school. 

Video is a great way to engage your students virtually. We love that Robert uses Prezi Video to show his content next to him on screen, perfect for an introduction when students aren’t that familiar with him yet.    

Watch his full video here:

There are so many ways to use Prezi Video to create interesting, memorable videos that break through the everyday noise and make a point that sticks with an audience. These are just a few of the best videos we’ve seen this year, but there’s a lot more where these came from. Check out our Video Gallery for more videos, or create your own video today. You might just be our next staff pick!

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10 Creative Video Presentation Ideas

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Turn your texts, PPTs, PDFs or URLs to video - in minutes.

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Making video presentations doesn’t have to be a pie in the sky đŸ„§

In other words — despite the work it takes — good video presentations aren’t impossible to create.

From developing the video presentation idea to creating all the creative assets, your engaging presentation requires a few steps. But even when you take the right steps, the process might leave you feeling a little bit drained.

As people who not only create hundreds of videos a year (and who also created the software to make those videos), we’ve got a little secret to tell you

only rookies start with a blank canvas.

There’s no better way to get your creative juices flowing than by using a framework or example that’s proven to work .

The following engaging video presentation ideas (which are super easy to replicate) are perfect for unleashing your inventiveness. And possibly even get you to produce something similar as early as today.

You can easily use the video editing software Synthesia to duplicate and adapt these stunning video presentations. Just click on the video template to begin!

What should you put in a video presentation to make it creative?

How many times have you seen someone yawn at yet another slideshow? We're betting yes. The thing is, anyone, can make a presentation, but it takes something special to hold someone's attention. 

And it takes something even more special to cement the memory of the message you’re trying to communicate!

There are many creative options to grab and keep attention, but as you work through the following 10 best video presentation ideas, think about how you could make your presentation more interesting by:

  • Going against the grain and doing something unexpected 
  • Using humor to help with memory and retention 
  • Hooking people with a catchy value proposition about why your video is worth watching 
  • Use dynamic presentation effects such as music, sound effects, motion graphics and creative transitions 
  • Using audio narrative and storytelling to take your audience on a journey 
  • Making your presentation CTA easier to follow through with by including resources or a QR code.

1. Playful presentation

This short playful video presentation is perfect for covering lighter topics. The bright color tones create a sense of joy, optimism, and excitement. It starts with an agenda slide where you can easily hook your viewers. And there are many different ways you can use it.

Notable features:

  • Bright video clips keep your audience hooked right from the cover slide. 
  • Features a wide range of customizable slides that feel similar to a powerpoint presentation — cover, agenda, image, and video slides.
  • Boasts different colorful overlays you can change as you, please. 

đŸ‘‰đŸ» Click here to use this template.

2. Spring collection presentation template

This light and swift collection video presentation template demonstrates how to gauge interest from the first words in your video. Beautifully designed with light, spring-like tones, you can use it to showcase your work and give a refreshing look to any potentially boring list.

  • Video format creates a sense of depth with multiple animations entering the scene.
  • Works with pattern interruptions, alternating full-screen with medium video slides.
  • Displays bold, large visuals that take up the entire screen.

3. Creative presentation

Telling a story is an excellent way to make a creative video presentation, and this template is perfect for storytelling. Its 6 fully-customizable slides are just a starting point. You can duplicate them and change visual elements to include not just animated pictures but also video footage. It's great for anything like an event presentation to a sales video .

  • Introduces a framework for telling a visually strong story that keeps the audience engaged.
  • Deviates from the traditional white background , playing with bold colors.
  • Takes you through different types of slides — agenda, statement, and 3-step animation.

4. Creative project pitch deck

This is your well-designed, well-delivered template for persuading the audience to take action. It’s professional but also dynamic, so it doesn’t come across as stiff. And the various slide formats and visual effects it juggles are bound to engage your audience during even an educational presentation.

  • Facilitates a cinematic experience and holds the audience's attention.
  • Includes visually strong chapter divider slides and upbeat music.
  • Highlights important messages by switching from no-distraction medium shots to medium close-ups.

5. Creative pitch follow-up

This template easily passes the creativity test. It will best serve the bold ones who want to make a lasting impression with a colorful daring design. And because it makes information recap effortless, it can summarize any kind of data and facilitate retention and engagement.

  • Underlines the key points with animated colorful layers.
  • Features lots of movement and energetic background music .
  • The avatar stands back, allowing relevant information to pop up on the screen.

6. Timeline template

Who says presenting a timeline has to be boring? This template proves you can get creative with presenting a chronological sequence of events. And even though it starts as a corporate timeline, it can easily turn into creative AI video presentations such as a historical or biographical video, project or event recap, product development video, or even just an educational video .

  • Alternates enter-scene with exit-scene text & image animations in a beautiful flow.
  • Up-tempo background music stands out between the key points in the timeline.
  • Fully customizable, can present as many timeline points, events, or steps as needed.

7. Promo video

Whether for a product launch, brand introduction, or event promotion, this video presentation will help you craft a memorable message. You can use this creative presentation to capture attention, create an emotional connection with your audience, and even differentiate from your competitors. 

  • Fun visuals that aren’t overshadowed by the avatar’s presence keep the audience's attention.
  • Bold, animated typography enters the slide from all directions yet doesn’t feel tiring.
  • Lively music creates a sense of energy and maintains the pace by filling empty spaces.

8. Sales deck video

Use this versatile template to build a creative and appealing video presentation sales deck for your product or services. You’ll grab potential buyers by the eyeballs and have them follow you through the entire presentation, all the way to throwing their money at you. 

  • Features a lot of movement, right from the cover slide, with animated text and visuals.
  • Supports strong arguments with full-screen video templates and lower-third labels.
  • Keeps an engaging pace with camera variations and emphasis on certain parts of the script.

9. KPI video presentations

Do you want to communicate your business metrics in a comprehensible and memorable way? With this presentation-style template, you can take your KPI video presentations from mundane to outstanding. All it takes is combining well-structured information with eye-catching visuals. You’ll jolt your audience from their passiveness and inspire them to smash those KPIs by next month.

  • Sums up all the relevant information through infographic slides and flawless audio narration.
  • Not your typical report presentation design, but rather colorful and cheerful.
  • Introduces smooth velocity animations, conveying a serious topic and a more polished look.

10. Media-rich template

You might as well call this video presentation the “Show, don’t tell” template. If you’re looking to convey a story in bold images that take up the screen, this media-rich video will do the trick. It has 7 fully-editable slides you can also duplicate for many different types of professional quality video presentations. And you can use it for brand or product explainers, immersive learning experiences, travel/event videos, or orientation videos.

  • Synchronized transitions for memorable intro and outro scenes.
  • Variations of full-screen and medium video slides enriched with lower-third motion graphics that work to keep your audience engaged.
  • Logo placeholder on top of all slides to ensure brand recognition and capitalize on a highly-creative presentation.

Ready to turn your own video presentation ideas into a reality?

It takes a lot of daring combinations to knock your creative video presentation out of the park. But most video creators don’t afford to go through all that trial and error because they lack the resources. 

When you use an AI video presentation maker like Synthesia, however, your internet browser becomes your playground. See what it’s like to make a quick video in 5 minutes with this free AI video generator . 

You’ll love the demo and you’ll want to go full mode to test all your awesome ideas in a highly creative, easy-to-control environment.

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Create a cover image for a blog post explainer video software Size: 1200 x 630 px Style: illustrations or vector graphics Colors: light purple, dark blue, light blue, light grey, white

Frequently asked questions

Ready to try our ai video platform.

Create an account and get started using Synthesia, with full access to all 160+ avatars and 130+ languages.

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  • Promo Video
  • Real Estate Video
  • Corporate Video
  • Trailer Video
  • Tutorial Video
  • Birthday Video
  • Wedding Video
  • Memorial Video
  • Anniversary Video
  • Music Video
  • Travel Video
  • Social Media
  • YouTube Video
  • Facebook Video
  • Instagram Video
  • Twitter Video
  • TikTok Video
  • YouTube Intro Video

Generate videos from your prompt, article, or URL

Generate scripts for any purpose

Paste the URL and turn your blog post into compelling videos with AI

Generate images in various styles

Turn text into natural-sounding voices

Create multi-language videos with ease

Generate subtitles or captions for your video automatically

Remove background from images automatically with one click

  • Video Compressor
  • Video Converter
  • Video Trimmer
  • Video Merger
  • Frame Video
  • Reverse Video
  • Video Effects
  • Screen Recorder
  • Freeze Frame
  • Video Collage
  • Speed Curve
  • Add Text to Video
  • Text Animations
  • Add Subtitle to Video
  • Add Text to GIF
  • Video to Text
  • Audio to Text
  • Audio Editor
  • Audio Cutter
  • Audio Converter
  • Audio Joiner
  • Add Music to Video
  • Ringtone Maker
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Tired of boring PowerPoint presentations? A modern video presentation is what you're looking for! Using a video to complete the presentation can help those presenters communicate their vision, passion, and message more effectively.

Keep reading and learn how to create video presentations online and also turn your PowerPoint presentation into a video that win the hearts of your audience. You can also check some stunning presentation video templates for inspiration to make your own one with great ease.

Free Customizable Presentation Video Templates:

Golden Light Spot Modern Company Profile

Can't Miss: How to Make a Corporate Video with Free Templates>

Part 1 How to Make a Video Presentation Online for Free

When you're making your presentation, you can make your video the whole presentation, or just a part of the whole. And even you can embed a video in a Powerpoint presentation .

Here we'll show you how to make a video presentation online easily with a powerful presentation video maker, FlexClip .

FlexClip is a free and easy-to-use, powerful and flexible video maker allowing you to make professional and excellent videos for your presentation with great ease. It's all online, so there's no software to download.

Once you have come up with a concept for your presentation and got all your visual assets ready, you can turn to FlexClip presentation video editor to bring it all together. Simply click the Get Started Now button below to start your video directly, or you can view our stunning templates for inspiration and pick one to customize.

Step 1 Add Footage to Your Presentation Video

Drag and drop all your photos and videos to the blank section and apply them to the Timeline. You can add the footage to the timeline directly or use the PIP feature to make the photo/video collage in your video presentation.

If necessary, you pick some stock Video and Photo assets from FlexClip's media library.

Add Footage to Your Presentation Video

Image Board: Add Footage to Your Presentation Video

Step 2 Highlight Your Presentation Video with Text

Switch to the Text to add some text to your presentation video. Enter the title or write a short description to highlight the main ideas.

FlexClip's text tool is rich-features, allowing you to customize the text in your video presentation in various way - change the color and font, adjust the style and motion, and also set the text duration to control the time when the text appears and disappears.

Highlight Your Presentation Video with Text

Image Board: Highlight Your Presentation Video with Text

Step 3 Set the Tone of the Presentation Video with Music

Go to the Music to add a piece of music from FlexClip's music library to your video. You can also upload your own music from a local file simply by clicking the Add Audio.

Once the music added, you can trim it and adjust the position where the music starts and ends, apply the fade in/out effect to make the music match your video presentation perfectly. Also, you can adjust the volume to make the music softer.

Set the Tone of the Presentation Video with Music

Image Board: Set the Tone of the Presentation Video with Music

Step 4 More Edits to Enhance Your Presentation Video

FlexClip features many editing functions allowing you to customize your presentation video in many ways, like adding transitions , filters, color grading, etc.

More Edits to Enhance Your Presentation Video

Image Board: More Edits to Enhance Your Presentation Video

Part 2 Creative Video Presentation Ideas with Free Templates

Have no ideas on your video presentation?. Here are some free templates for you to choose depending on your purpose. Check out and you should be inspired to make your own video presentation.

Sales Video Presentations

>> Every business has a primary function of making sales and increasing them. The sales video presentations can help you achieve this goal easily.

Back To School Big Sale Promo

Promotional Video Presentations

>> As its name suggests, the promotional video presentation is those videos that promote or depict a particular cause or thing. It aims to spread a social cause or popularize the concerned product.

Epic Effect Documentary Film City Promotional

Educational Video Presentations

>> Video presentations are not just restricted to business purposes but are also widely used for educational uses. You can teach or learn something easily through an educational video presentation.

Online Education

Corporate Video Presentation

>> For corporate, video presentations are also a great tool to manage employee relationships, and they are great for conducting employee training and onboarding .

Simple Company Introduction White Green

Entertainment Video Presentations

>> Entertaining video presentations solely for entertainment's sake. Entertaining video presentations can vary in scope, genre, and purpose.

Blue General Knowledge Questions Quiz

More excellent video presentation ideas are waiting for you to explore, just turn to FlexClip templates library right now.

Part 3 How to Make a Video Presentation with PowerPoint

May you also want to turn your PowerPoint presentation into a video directly, PowerPoint allows you to do so by saving it as one. Now, we'll show you step by step, how to make a video presentation with PowerPoint. Later, we'll also provide you with the online video presentation tool that can help you make the presentation video look even more professional with captions, effects, and more.

Here's what you need to do to turn your presentation slides into a video in PowerPoint:

Make a Video Presentation with PowerPoint

Image Board: Make a Video Presentation with PowerPoint

Final Words

That's all for how to make an excellent video presentation. We hope you can get some inspiration from this blog and start your video presentation on the right foot.


Has 4-year of professional photographing experience. Very much into recording every detail of life. She is passionate about all things related to video production, and loves to exploring tips and tricks about it.

FlexClip Video Maker

The easiest way to help you create custom videos, no design skills needed.


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Blog Beginner Guides How To Make a Good Presentation [A Complete Guide]

How To Make a Good Presentation [A Complete Guide]

Written by: Krystle Wong Jul 20, 2023

How to make a good presentation

A top-notch presentation possesses the power to drive action. From winning stakeholders over and conveying a powerful message to securing funding — your secret weapon lies within the realm of creating an effective presentation .  

Being an excellent presenter isn’t confined to the boardroom. Whether you’re delivering a presentation at work, pursuing an academic career, involved in a non-profit organization or even a student, nailing the presentation game is a game-changer.

In this article, I’ll cover the top qualities of compelling presentations and walk you through a step-by-step guide on how to give a good presentation. Here’s a little tip to kick things off: for a headstart, check out Venngage’s collection of free presentation templates . They are fully customizable, and the best part is you don’t need professional design skills to make them shine!

These valuable presentation tips cater to individuals from diverse professional backgrounds, encompassing business professionals, sales and marketing teams, educators, trainers, students, researchers, non-profit organizations, public speakers and presenters. 

No matter your field or role, these tips for presenting will equip you with the skills to deliver effective presentations that leave a lasting impression on any audience.

Click to jump ahead:

What are the 10 qualities of a good presentation?

Step-by-step guide on how to prepare an effective presentation, 9 effective techniques to deliver a memorable presentation, faqs on making a good presentation, how to create a presentation with venngage in 5 steps.

When it comes to giving an engaging presentation that leaves a lasting impression, it’s not just about the content — it’s also about how you deliver it. Wondering what makes a good presentation? Well, the best presentations I’ve seen consistently exhibit these 10 qualities:

1. Clear structure

No one likes to get lost in a maze of information. Organize your thoughts into a logical flow, complete with an introduction, main points and a solid conclusion. A structured presentation helps your audience follow along effortlessly, leaving them with a sense of satisfaction at the end.

Regardless of your presentation style , a quality presentation starts with a clear roadmap. Browse through Venngage’s template library and select a presentation template that aligns with your content and presentation goals. Here’s a good presentation example template with a logical layout that includes sections for the introduction, main points, supporting information and a conclusion: 

excellent presentation video

2. Engaging opening

Hook your audience right from the start with an attention-grabbing statement, a fascinating question or maybe even a captivating anecdote. Set the stage for a killer presentation!

The opening moments of your presentation hold immense power – check out these 15 ways to start a presentation to set the stage and captivate your audience.

3. Relevant content

Make sure your content aligns with their interests and needs. Your audience is there for a reason, and that’s to get valuable insights. Avoid fluff and get straight to the point, your audience will be genuinely excited.

4. Effective visual aids

Picture this: a slide with walls of text and tiny charts, yawn! Visual aids should be just that—aiding your presentation. Opt for clear and visually appealing slides, engaging images and informative charts that add value and help reinforce your message.

With Venngage, visualizing data takes no effort at all. You can import data from CSV or Google Sheets seamlessly and create stunning charts, graphs and icon stories effortlessly to showcase your data in a captivating and impactful way.

excellent presentation video

5. Clear and concise communication

Keep your language simple, and avoid jargon or complicated terms. Communicate your ideas clearly, so your audience can easily grasp and retain the information being conveyed. This can prevent confusion and enhance the overall effectiveness of the message. 

6. Engaging delivery

Spice up your presentation with a sprinkle of enthusiasm! Maintain eye contact, use expressive gestures and vary your tone of voice to keep your audience glued to the edge of their seats. A touch of charisma goes a long way!

7. Interaction and audience engagement

Turn your presentation into an interactive experience — encourage questions, foster discussions and maybe even throw in a fun activity. Engaged audiences are more likely to remember and embrace your message.

Transform your slides into an interactive presentation with Venngage’s dynamic features like pop-ups, clickable icons and animated elements. Engage your audience with interactive content that lets them explore and interact with your presentation for a truly immersive experience.

excellent presentation video

8. Effective storytelling

Who doesn’t love a good story? Weaving relevant anecdotes, case studies or even a personal story into your presentation can captivate your audience and create a lasting impact. Stories build connections and make your message memorable.

A great presentation background is also essential as it sets the tone, creates visual interest and reinforces your message. Enhance the overall aesthetics of your presentation with these 15 presentation background examples and captivate your audience’s attention.

9. Well-timed pacing

Pace your presentation thoughtfully with well-designed presentation slides, neither rushing through nor dragging it out. Respect your audience’s time and ensure you cover all the essential points without losing their interest.

10. Strong conclusion

Last impressions linger! Summarize your main points and leave your audience with a clear takeaway. End your presentation with a bang , a call to action or an inspiring thought that resonates long after the conclusion.

In-person presentations aside, acing a virtual presentation is of paramount importance in today’s digital world. Check out this guide to learn how you can adapt your in-person presentations into virtual presentations . 

Peloton Pitch Deck - Conclusion

Preparing an effective presentation starts with laying a strong foundation that goes beyond just creating slides and notes. One of the quickest and best ways to make a presentation would be with the help of a good presentation software . 

Otherwise, let me walk you to how to prepare for a presentation step by step and unlock the secrets of crafting a professional presentation that sets you apart.

1. Understand the audience and their needs

Before you dive into preparing your masterpiece, take a moment to get to know your target audience. Tailor your presentation to meet their needs and expectations , and you’ll have them hooked from the start!

2. Conduct thorough research on the topic

Time to hit the books (or the internet)! Don’t skimp on the research with your presentation materials — dive deep into the subject matter and gather valuable insights . The more you know, the more confident you’ll feel in delivering your presentation.

3. Organize the content with a clear structure

No one wants to stumble through a chaotic mess of information. Outline your presentation with a clear and logical flow. Start with a captivating introduction, follow up with main points that build on each other and wrap it up with a powerful conclusion that leaves a lasting impression.

Delivering an effective business presentation hinges on captivating your audience, and Venngage’s professionally designed business presentation templates are tailor-made for this purpose. With thoughtfully structured layouts, these templates enhance your message’s clarity and coherence, ensuring a memorable and engaging experience for your audience members.

Don’t want to build your presentation layout from scratch? pick from these 5 foolproof presentation layout ideas that won’t go wrong. 

excellent presentation video

4. Develop visually appealing and supportive visual aids

Spice up your presentation with eye-catching visuals! Create slides that complement your message, not overshadow it. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words, but that doesn’t mean you need to overload your slides with text.

Well-chosen designs create a cohesive and professional look, capturing your audience’s attention and enhancing the overall effectiveness of your message. Here’s a list of carefully curated PowerPoint presentation templates and great background graphics that will significantly influence the visual appeal and engagement of your presentation.

5. Practice, practice and practice

Practice makes perfect — rehearse your presentation and arrive early to your presentation to help overcome stage fright. Familiarity with your material will boost your presentation skills and help you handle curveballs with ease.

6. Seek feedback and make necessary adjustments

Don’t be afraid to ask for help and seek feedback from friends and colleagues. Constructive criticism can help you identify blind spots and fine-tune your presentation to perfection.

With Venngage’s real-time collaboration feature , receiving feedback and editing your presentation is a seamless process. Group members can access and work on the presentation simultaneously and edit content side by side in real-time. Changes will be reflected immediately to the entire team, promoting seamless teamwork.

Venngage Real Time Collaboration

7. Prepare for potential technical or logistical issues

Prepare for the unexpected by checking your equipment, internet connection and any other potential hiccups. If you’re worried that you’ll miss out on any important points, you could always have note cards prepared. Remember to remain focused and rehearse potential answers to anticipated questions.

8. Fine-tune and polish your presentation

As the big day approaches, give your presentation one last shine. Review your talking points, practice how to present a presentation and make any final tweaks. Deep breaths — you’re on the brink of delivering a successful presentation!

In competitive environments, persuasive presentations set individuals and organizations apart. To brush up on your presentation skills, read these guides on how to make a persuasive presentation and tips to presenting effectively . 

excellent presentation video

Whether you’re an experienced presenter or a novice, the right techniques will let your presentation skills soar to new heights!

From public speaking hacks to interactive elements and storytelling prowess, these 9 effective presentation techniques will empower you to leave a lasting impression on your audience and make your presentations unforgettable.

1. Confidence and positive body language

Positive body language instantly captivates your audience, making them believe in your message as much as you do. Strengthen your stage presence and own that stage like it’s your second home! Stand tall, shoulders back and exude confidence. 

2. Eye contact with the audience

Break down that invisible barrier and connect with your audience through their eyes. Maintaining eye contact when giving a presentation builds trust and shows that you’re present and engaged with them.

3. Effective use of hand gestures and movement

A little movement goes a long way! Emphasize key points with purposeful gestures and don’t be afraid to walk around the stage. Your energy will be contagious!

4. Utilize storytelling techniques

Weave the magic of storytelling into your presentation. Share relatable anecdotes, inspiring success stories or even personal experiences that tug at the heartstrings of your audience. Adjust your pitch, pace and volume to match the emotions and intensity of the story. Varying your speaking voice adds depth and enhances your stage presence.

excellent presentation video

5. Incorporate multimedia elements

Spice up your presentation with a dash of visual pizzazz! Use slides, images and video clips to add depth and clarity to your message. Just remember, less is more—don’t overwhelm them with information overload. 

Turn your presentations into an interactive party! Involve your audience with questions, polls or group activities. When they actively participate, they become invested in your presentation’s success. Bring your design to life with animated elements. Venngage allows you to apply animations to icons, images and text to create dynamic and engaging visual content.

6. Utilize humor strategically

Laughter is the best medicine—and a fantastic presentation enhancer! A well-placed joke or lighthearted moment can break the ice and create a warm atmosphere , making your audience more receptive to your message.

7. Practice active listening and respond to feedback

Be attentive to your audience’s reactions and feedback. If they have questions or concerns, address them with genuine interest and respect. Your responsiveness builds rapport and shows that you genuinely care about their experience.

excellent presentation video

8. Apply the 10-20-30 rule

Apply the 10-20-30 presentation rule and keep it short, sweet and impactful! Stick to ten slides, deliver your presentation within 20 minutes and use a 30-point font to ensure clarity and focus. Less is more, and your audience will thank you for it!

9. Implement the 5-5-5 rule

Simplicity is key. Limit each slide to five bullet points, with only five words per bullet point and allow each slide to remain visible for about five seconds. This rule keeps your presentation concise and prevents information overload.

Simple presentations are more engaging because they are easier to follow. Summarize your presentations and keep them simple with Venngage’s gallery of simple presentation templates and ensure that your message is delivered effectively across your audience.

excellent presentation video

1. How to start a presentation?

To kick off your presentation effectively, begin with an attention-grabbing statement or a powerful quote. Introduce yourself, establish credibility and clearly state the purpose and relevance of your presentation.

2. How to end a presentation?

For a strong conclusion, summarize your talking points and key takeaways. End with a compelling call to action or a thought-provoking question and remember to thank your audience and invite any final questions or interactions.

3. How to make a presentation interactive?

To make your presentation interactive, encourage questions and discussion throughout your talk. Utilize multimedia elements like videos or images and consider including polls, quizzes or group activities to actively involve your audience.

In need of inspiration for your next presentation? I’ve got your back! Pick from these 120+ presentation ideas, topics and examples to get started. 

Creating a stunning presentation with Venngage is a breeze with our user-friendly drag-and-drop editor and professionally designed templates for all your communication needs. 

Here’s how to make a presentation in just 5 simple steps with the help of Venngage:

Step 1: Sign up for Venngage for free using your email, Gmail or Facebook account or simply log in to access your account. 

Step 2: Pick a design from our selection of free presentation templates (they’re all created by our expert in-house designers).

Step 3: Make the template your own by customizing it to fit your content and branding. With Venngage’s intuitive drag-and-drop editor, you can easily modify text, change colors and adjust the layout to create a unique and eye-catching design.

Step 4: Elevate your presentation by incorporating captivating visuals. You can upload your images or choose from Venngage’s vast library of high-quality photos, icons and illustrations. 

Step 5: Upgrade to a premium or business account to export your presentation in PDF and print it for in-person presentations or share it digitally for free!

By following these five simple steps, you’ll have a professionally designed and visually engaging presentation ready in no time. With Venngage’s user-friendly platform, your presentation is sure to make a lasting impression. So, let your creativity flow and get ready to shine in your next presentation!

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Make Video Presentations with Outstanding Visuals

Bring new quality to your presentations and turn them into attractive and top-notch videos to enhance your storytelling.

video thumbnail

Join Millions of Users to Save Time and Succeed!

High-quality presentation video templates.

Whether it’s a whiteboard video presentation or explainer animation, we have millions of slides in different categories to cover all your design needs. Simply choose your desired style and continue the editing process online, directly in your browser.

Business Presentation Pack

Business Presentation Pack

Whiteboard Animation Toolkit

Whiteboard Animation Toolkit

Informative Social Pack

Informative Social Pack

Ultimate Icon Animation Pack

Ultimate Icon Animation Pack

Modern Infographics Pack

Modern Infographics Pack

Company Presentation Toolkit

Company Presentation Toolkit

Explainer World Toolkit

Explainer World Toolkit

Dynamic Corporate Presentation

Dynamic Corporate Presentation

3D Explainer Video Toolkit

3D Explainer Video Toolkit

What kind of presentation videos can you create.


Whiteboard Explainers

Our whiteboard animation toolkit has thousands of animated whiteboard scenes which do help to bring life to your ideas and visuals.


Explainer Videos

Explainer video templates can be used to create an animated video presentation for maximum engaging results.


Footage-Based Presentations

We have an immersive library of 1M+ stock footage and images, which can be combined with your texts and turned into beautiful and informative presentation videos.


Informative Pitch Decks and Infographics

Use infographics and typography presentation templates and turn your ideas and numbers into beautiful animations, which stand out from the crowd and make you unique.

The Process of Presentation Video Creation

number 1

Pick a Video Template

Start creating your presentation by going through our rich template library and selecting your favorite one. Each template offers hundreds of scenes separated by categories. Pick and add the scenes manually, or go with the fully customizable video presets, to streamline the creation. The scenes will then be added to the editor for further personalization.

image 1

Personalize Your Video Presentation

Design a compelling presentation by customizing the scenes to match them with your project purpose. Use the flexible editing tools of video maker to modify the text, alter style and colors, upload your media, and pick a dynamic transition. Move to the 'Music' section and add a background tune or a voiceover.

image 2

Export and Share Your Presentation

Go to the “Preview” section to see the final version of your presentation video. Ensure that there are no more changes to be made in there. Once the video is final, export it in your preferred quality. Then, instantly share the video to digital platforms, or download it to your device.

image 3

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23 presentation examples that really work (plus templates!)

Three professionals engaged in a collaborative meeting with a Biteable video maker, a laptop, and documents on the table.

  • 30 Mar 2023

To help you in your quest for presentation greatness, we’ve gathered 23 of the best business presentation examples out there. These hand-picked ideas range from business PowerPoint presentations, to recruitment presentations, and everything in between.

As a bonus, several of our examples include editable video presentation templates from  Biteable .

Biteable allows anyone to create great video presentations — no previous video-making skills required. The easy-to-use platform has hundreds of brandable templates and video scenes designed with a business audience in mind. A video made with Biteable is just what you need to add that wow factor and make an impact on your audience.

Create videos that drive action

Activate your audience with impactful, on-brand videos. Create them simply and collaboratively with Biteable.

Video presentation examples

Video presentations are our specialty at Biteable. We love them because they’re the most visually appealing and memorable way to communicate.

1. Animated characters

Our first presentation example is a business explainer from Biteable that uses animated characters. The friendly and modern style makes this the perfect presentation for engaging your audience.

Bonus template:  Need a business video presentation that reflects the beautiful diversity of your customers or team? Use  Biteable’s workplace scenes . You can change the skin tone and hair color for any of the animated characters.

2. Conference video

Videos are also ideal solutions for events (e.g. trade shows) where they can be looped to play constantly while you attend to more important things like talking to people and handing out free cheese samples.

For this event presentation sample below, we used bright colours, stock footage, and messaging that reflects the brand and values of the company. All these elements work together to draw the attention of passers-by.

For a huge selection of video presentation templates, take a look at our  template gallery .

Business PowerPoint presentation examples

Striking fear into the hearts of the workplace since 1987, PowerPoint is synonymous with bland, boring presentations that feel more like an endurance test than a learning opportunity. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Check out these anything-but-boring business PowerPoint presentation examples.

3. Design pointers

This PowerPoint presentation takes a tongue-in-cheek look at how the speakers and users of PowerPoint are the problem, not the software itself.

Even at a hefty 61 slides, the vintage theme, appealing colors, and engaging content keep the viewer interested. It delivers useful and actionable tips on creating a better experience for your audience.

Pixar, as you’d expect, redefines the meaning of PowerPoint in their “22 Rules for Phenomenal Storytelling”. The character silhouettes are instantly recognizable and tie firmly to the Pixar brand. The bright colour palettes are carefully chosen to highlight the content of each slide.

This presentation is a good length, delivering one message per slide, making it easy for an audience to take notes and retain the information.

Google slides examples

If you’re in business, chances are you’ll have come across  slide decks . Much like a deck of cards, each slide plays a key part in the overall ‘deck’, creating a well-rounded presentation.

If you need to inform your team, present findings, or outline a new strategy, slides are one of the most effective ways to do this.

Google Slides is one of the best ways to create a slide deck right now. It’s easy to use and has built-in design tools that integrate with Adobe, Lucidchart, and more. The best part — it’s free!

5. Teacher education

Here’s a slide deck that was created to educate teachers on how to use Google Slides effectively in a classroom. At first glance it seems stuffy and businessy, but if you look closer it’s apparent the creator knows his audience well, throwing in some teacher-friendly content that’s bound to get a smile.

The slides give walkthrough screenshots and practical advice on the different ways teachers can use the software to make their lives that little bit easier and educate their students at the same time.

6. Charity awareness raiser

This next Google slide deck is designed to raise awareness for an animal shelter. It has simple, clear messaging, and makes use of the furry friends it rescues to tug on heartstrings and encourage donations and adoptions from its audience.

Pro tip: Creating a presentation is exciting but also a little daunting. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed — especially if the success of your business or nonprofit depends on it.

Prezi presentation examples

If you haven’t come across  Prezi , it’s a great alternative to using static slides. Sitting somewhere between slides and a video presentation, it allows you to import other content and add motion to create a more engaging viewer experience.

7. Red Bull event recap

This Prezi was created to document the Red Bull stratosphere freefall stunt a few years ago. It neatly captures all the things that Prezi is capable of, including video inserts and the zoom effect, which gives an animated, almost 3D effect to what would otherwise be still images.  

Prezi has annual awards for the best examples of presentations over the year. This next example is one of the 2018 winners. It was made to highlight a new Logitech tool.

8. Logitech Spotlight launch

What stands out here are the juicy colors, bold imagery, and the way the designer has used Prezi to its full extent, including rotations, panning, fades, and a full zoom out to finish the presentation.

excellent presentation video

Sales presentation examples

If you’re stuck for ideas for your sales presentation, step right this way and check out this video template we made for you.

9. Sales enablement video presentation

In today’s fast-paced sales environment, you need a way to make your sales enablement presentations memorable and engaging for busy reps.  Sales enablement videos  are just the ticket. Use this video presentation template the next time you need to present on your metrics.

10. Zuroa sales deck

If you’re after a sales deck, you can’t go past this example from Zuora. What makes it great? It begins by introducing the worldwide shift in the way consumers are shopping. It’s a global phenomenon, and something we can all relate to.

It then weaves a compelling story about how the subscription model is changing the face of daily life for everyone. Metrics and testimonials from well-known CEOs and executives are included for some slamming social proof to boost the sales message.

Pitch presentation examples

Pitch decks are used to give an overview of business plans, and are usually presented during meetings with customers, investors, or potential partners.

11. Uber pitch deck

This is Uber’s original pitch deck, which (apart from looking a teensy bit dated) gives an excellent overview of their business model and clearly shows how they intended to disrupt a traditional industry and provide a better service to people. Right now, you’re probably very grateful that this pitch presentation was a winner.

You can make your own pitch deck with Biteable, or start with one of our  video templates  to make something a little more memorable.

12. Video pitch template

This video pitch presentation clearly speaks to the pains of everyone who needs to commute and find parking. It then provides the solution with its app that makes parking a breeze.

The video also introduces the key team members, their business strategy, and what they’re hoping to raise in funding. It’s a simple, clear pitch that positions the company as a key solution to a growing, worldwide problem. It’s compelling and convincing, as a good presentation should be.

13. Fyre Festival pitch deck

The most epic example of a recent pitch deck is this one for Fyre Festival – the greatest event that never happened. Marvel at its persuasion, gasp at the opportunity of being part of the cultural experience of the decade, cringe as everything goes from bad to worse.

Despite the very public outcome, this is a masterclass in how to create hype and get funding with your pitch deck using beautiful imagery, beautiful people, and beautiful promises of riches and fame.

Business presentation examples

Need to get the right message out to the right people? Business presentations can do a lot of the heavy lifting for you.

Simply press play and let your video do the talking. No fumbling your words and sweating buckets in front of those potential clients, just you being cool as a cucumber while your presentation does the talking.

Check out two of our popular templates that you can use as a starting point for your own presentations. While they’re business-minded, they’re definitely not boring.

14. Business intro template

Modern graphics, animations, and upbeat soundtracks keep your prospects engaged as they learn about your business, your team, your values, and how you can help them.

15. Business explainer template

Research presentation examples.

When you’re giving a more technical presentation such as research findings, you need to strike the perfect balance between informing your audience and making sure they stay awake.

As a rule, slides are more effective for research presentations, as they are used to support the speaker’s knowledge rather can capture every small detail on screen.

With often dry, complex, and technical subject matter, there can be a temptation for presentations to follow suit. Use images instead of walls of text, and keep things as easy to follow as possible.

16. TrackMaven research deck

TrackMaven uses their endearing mascot to lighten up this data-heavy slide deck. The graphs help to bring life to their findings, and they ensure to only have one bite-size takeaway per slide so that viewers can easily take notes.

17. Wearable tech research report

Obviously, research can get very researchy and there’s not a lot to be done about it. This slide deck below lays out a ton of in-depth information but breaks it up well with quotes, diagrams, and interesting facts to keep viewers engaged while it delivers its findings on wearable technology.

Team presentation examples

Motivating your team can be a challenge at the best of times, especially when you need to gather them together for….another presentation!

18. Team update template

We created this presentation template as an example of how to engage your team. In this case, it’s for an internal product launch. Using colorful animation and engaging pacing, this video presentation is much better than a static PowerPoint, right?

19. Officevibe collaboration explainer

This short slide deck is a presentation designed to increase awareness of the problems of a disengaged team. Bright colors and relevant images combine with facts and figures that compel viewers to click through to a download to learn more about helping their teams succeed.

Recruitment presentation examples

Recruiting the right people can be a challenge. Presentations can help display your team and your business by painting a dynamic picture of what it’s like to work with you.

Videos and animated slides let you capture the essence of your brand and workplace so the right employees can find you.

20. Company culture explainer

If you’re a recruitment agency, your challenge is to stand out from the hundreds of other agencies in the marketplace.

21. Kaizen culture

Showcasing your agency using a slide deck can give employers and employees a feel for doing business with you. Kaizen clearly displays its credentials and highlights its brand values and personality here (and also its appreciation of the coffee bean).

Explainer presentation examples

Got some explaining to do? Using an explainer video is the ideal way to showcase products that are technical, digital, or otherwise too difficult to explain with still images and text.

Explainer videos help you present the features and values of your product in an engaging way that speaks to your ideal audience and promotes your brand at the same time.

22. Product explainer template

23. lucidchart explainer.

Lucidchart does a stellar job of using explainer videos for their software. Their series of explainers-within-explainers entertains the viewer with cute imagery and an endearing brand voice. At the same time, the video is educating its audience on how to use the actual product. We (almost) guarantee you’ll have more love for spiders after watching this one.

Make a winning video presentation with Biteable

Creating a winning presentation doesn’t need to be difficult or expensive. Modern slide decks and video software make it easy for you to give compelling presentations that sell, explain, and educate without sending your audience to snooze town.

For the best online video presentation software around, check out Biteable. The intuitive platform does all the heavy lifting for you, so making a video presentation is as easy as making a PowerPoint.

Use Biteable’s brand builder to automatically fetch your company colors and logo from your website and apply them to your entire video with the click of a button. Even add a  clickable call-to-action  button to your video.

Share your business presentation anywhere with a single, trackable URL and watch your message turn into gold.

Make stunning videos with ease.

Take the struggle out of team communication.

Try Biteable now.

  • No credit card required
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excellent presentation video

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How to Make a “Good” Presentation “Great”

  • Guy Kawasaki

excellent presentation video

Remember: Less is more.

A strong presentation is so much more than information pasted onto a series of slides with fancy backgrounds. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others. Here are some unique elements that make a presentation stand out.

  • Fonts: Sans Serif fonts such as Helvetica or Arial are preferred for their clean lines, which make them easy to digest at various sizes and distances. Limit the number of font styles to two: one for headings and another for body text, to avoid visual confusion or distractions.
  • Colors: Colors can evoke emotions and highlight critical points, but their overuse can lead to a cluttered and confusing presentation. A limited palette of two to three main colors, complemented by a simple background, can help you draw attention to key elements without overwhelming the audience.
  • Pictures: Pictures can communicate complex ideas quickly and memorably but choosing the right images is key. Images or pictures should be big (perhaps 20-25% of the page), bold, and have a clear purpose that complements the slide’s text.
  • Layout: Don’t overcrowd your slides with too much information. When in doubt, adhere to the principle of simplicity, and aim for a clean and uncluttered layout with plenty of white space around text and images. Think phrases and bullets, not sentences.

As an intern or early career professional, chances are that you’ll be tasked with making or giving a presentation in the near future. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others.

excellent presentation video

  • Guy Kawasaki is the chief evangelist at Canva and was the former chief evangelist at Apple. Guy is the author of 16 books including Think Remarkable : 9 Paths to Transform Your Life and Make a Difference.

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Top 12 Best Video Presentation Software of 2024 [Including Free Presentation Makers]

Top 12 Best Video Presentation Software of 2024 [Including Free Presentation Makers]

Written by: Orana Velarde

video presentation software - header

Are you in search of the best video presentation software for your project? With so many options out there, it can be difficult to choose the right one!

In this post, we’ve rounded up the 12 best video presentation software out there and given you an overview of their features for creating video presentations. Some are completely free video presentation makers, while others let you test drive their tool with a free trial.

Thankfully with Visme, you can create pretty amazing video presentations, from animated explainer videos to informational webinars.

And while there are some pretty powerful presentation makers out there apart from Visme, we think you’ll like the fact that we aren’t JUST a video presentation maker. We’re a lot more than that.

Alternatively, if you want to know more about animated presentation makers, you can check out this list .

Below are 12 of the best video presentation makers and PowerPoint alternatives .

First up, Visme, of course.

Table of Contents

Video presentation faqs.

presentation apps - Visme logo

Visme allows users to create, download and share video presentations as easily as any other type of content. You can upload your own video footage and clips as well as use any of the video clips in our extensive stock video gallery. 

Even if you don’t add any special animated features or video footage, all your slides have integrated slide transitions that you can turn on and off at will.

Visme is a cloud-based, completely free video presentation software and an excellent alternative for PowerPoint. 

video presentation software - visme dashboard

Create your own video presentation today! Try It For Free

Library of Customizable Templates

Visme has hundreds of video presentation templates and thousands of animated presentation slides. There are three main styles — simple, creative and modern.

In the presentation section, there are three presentation themes — simple, creative and modern. Each style has hundreds of slides to choose from, with options by purpose, layout and function. Furthermore, there are thousands of templates for different industries with a number of beautiful slides.

There are also special animated templates to help you make creative video presentations with professional animations and effects.

Visme templates—for video and other content types—have a long list of benefits for your business content creation. Here are some of our favorites features in the Visme template editor:

  • Dynamic fields: When creating lots of repurposed content or many versions of the same project, dynamic fields will save you tons of time and effort. They update information throughout your projects quickly.
  • Shortcuts: Designing visual content takes time. We’ve incorporated features into the editor that save you precious minutes. With the shortcut feature , you can access all the basic design options and search for what you need just by clicking on the forward slash /.
  • Draw Freehand: Can’t find the ideal shape or line? Draw it freehand ! Do you want to annotate easily while presenting? Use the freehand drawing tool and add personality to your Visme content.
  • AI-generated graphics: Add AI-generated backgrounds, graphics and shapes to your videos. Use the prompt window to create unique design elements for your content.
  • AI Image Edit Tools: Enhance and refine your visuals effortlessly with Visme's AI image edit tools . Unblur and upscale blurry or small images, remove or add objects or seamlessly remove backgrounds from your images. Elevate the quality of your graphics with ease and add a professional touch to your presentations.
  • AI Writer: Tired of spending hours crafting content? Visme's AI writer has you covered. It helps you quickly generate texts for your slides, simplify complex ideas or concepts, maintain a cohesive and uniform tone throughout your presentation, proofread your content and more.

Video Capabilities

Video creation with Visme is easy and intuitive. We don’t believe in reinventing the wheel. Instead, we create solutions that you recognize but are more effective than you think. Our video editor is a great example with a smart undo and redo feature.

These are the video features you’ll get to know and love in no time:

  • Video editing timeline: Easily edit slide transitions, the order of animated objects in each slide, the duration of the individual or grouped animated objects in each slide, add or record narration and other audio, as well as adjust the timing of all of these elements.
  • Trim videos: Trim the beginning and end sections of a video in your slide by dragging the yellow bar in the timeline.
  • Video settings: Choose how an added or uploaded video plays inside the project. The options are loop, mute, autoplay and show control bar.
  • Video uploads: Depending on your subscription plan, you can upload your own videos to add to a video project. Please always ensure you have the right license for each video you upload.
  • Adding video with a URL or from a video provider: Easily add videos from YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia and more. Either use the app integration or add the video URL.
  • Animated characters and graphics: Add interactive visuals with Visme’s exclusive animated elements; you won’t find them anywhere else. Control their basic features like color and movement repetition.
  • Animation controls : Add creative animations to any elements on the slide and adjust them to fit your timeline. Choose animation effects like bounce and zoom.
  • Video creation on mobile: You can create and download videos with the Visme iOS app. All the projects on your computer are available in the app on your phone.

Vast Library of Visuals & Video

Visme visuals

The visuals that are available in Visme are numerous and varied. And they’re always available for your video presentations.

Video Presentation Software - Screenshot of 3D icons in Visme

Create videos for social media with 3D visuals animated characters, put together report videos with animated data widgets, or design explainer videos with your own footage, photos and voice overs .

Stock images Visme

Visme has a large gallery with millions of images and hundreds of hand-selected video clips. You can use these as both backgrounds or elements in your video composition. Make your images look better with frames and interesting shape cutouts.

Video Presentation Software - Screenshot of Visme image Library

You can also embed third-party content from other apps into your Visme video presentations.

Hey marketers! Need to create scroll-stopping visual content fast?

  • Transform your visual content with Visme’s easy-to-use content creation platform
  • Produce beautiful, effective marketing content quickly even without an extensive design skillset
  • Inspire your sales team to create their own content with branded templates for easy customization

Sign up. It’s free.

excellent presentation video

Data Visualization

Visme has a ton of data visualization capabilities. From data widgets to charts and graphs that can visualize up to 50 columns of data. All charts and graphs are automatically animated and you can also edit the way they enter and exit the slides.

Data Visualizations Visme

Visualizing data is one of the best features in the Visme editor. You can make any type of data look amazing by simply importing an Excel sheet, or you can create a report dashboard with live data from Google Sheets.

 data visualization capabilities in Visme

Instant Branding

Video presentations in Visme can be branded easily.

The Visme Brand Wizard uses AI to generate a vast collection of branded templates, including videos. Teams can also create branded templates from scratch using the workspace Brand Kit and assign them to colleagues for review .

With a team plan, all the users can create content while staying on brand no matter what format they use apart from video presentations.

Audio Capabilities

Audio Capabilities Visme

Add audio to your video presentation from the Visme audio library. There are a huge repository songs you can use or upload your own clips. Additionally, you can record a voiceover straight into the software.

Trim the audio length for each individual clip using the audio editing timeline. Adjust it to the video using the video timeline. Add a background clip to play across all slides and customize when it starts, fades or stops.

With Visme's Presenter Studio, you can even record your entire presentation ahead of time and share it with your audience via a shareable link. This is a great way to give asynchronous presentations, feedback, sales pitches, etc., especially if you’re working across time zones.

Length Limit

Videos can be a few minutes long but with upcoming updates, there will be a longer length limit.

Video Output Options

Your video presentation can be embedded on a website, or downloaded as an MP4 or GIF file to share offline. Here are some video output essentials you need to know about Visme:

Apart from downloading to your PC, you can also send the video directly to your Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive and Hubspot accounts.

Your video continues to render even if you close your browser. Keep an eye out for an email letting you know that your video is ready for download.

Your video presentations can also be shared with a public or private Visme link without the need to download them. They also can be sent directly to social media.

Easily share to Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Twitter and email right within the Visme editor to enhance your content marketing efforts.

When you share a video as a link or embed it into a site or digital document, you can get analytics about who has opened and viewed your content. Hardly any other video presentation app has this feature. That’s why Visme is better at helping you create content with a purpose.

Finally, videos made with Visme can also be exported in SCORM and xAPI formats. You can easily create engaging corporate video presentations or virtual courses. Help your learning and development team create better e-learning content with Visme.

Learn how to download and present your video presentation below.

Your video presentations can also be shared with a public or private link, plus they can be sent directly to social media. Easily share to Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Twitter and email directly.

Share video presentations with a public or private link or embed your presentation to receive analytics about who has opened and viewed your content. Hardly any other video presentation tools have this feature. That’s why Visme is better at helping you create content with a purpose.

video presentation software - A screenshot of Visme's pricing page.

Pricing tiers in Visme are monthly and annual. The annual option has a great discount in comparison to the monthly and is as follows:

  • Basic: Free
  • Starter: $12.25 / month
  • Pro: $24.75 / month
  • Teams/Enterprise: Upon request

Who is Visme For

Visme is for the busy professional who wants to create stunning visual content but doesn’t have the time or desire to spend hours perfecting the design. With thousands of templates and millions of design assets, Visme makes it quick and easy to create content that will wow your audience.

Watch this quick video to learn more.

video presentation software - lumen5

Making a video presentation with Lumen5 is a bit different from the other software we mention here.

The original idea with Lumen5 when it started was to import the URL of a blog post and the AI software created a video for you. A few years after inception Lumen5 is now a stronger software with more features to support their original idea. 

Lumen5 is a cloud-based video presentation software.

The Interface

Lumen video interface

The Lumen5 interface is simple and easy to grasp. There are two very similar interfaces, one that has a content tab for when you upload a blog post or long text and the interface to use with templates. The only difference is the content tab.

Text layouts have limited customizations for placement and animation. All animations are automatic but can be personalized to some extent.

Video proportions can be changed into all social media sizes easily and all the content rearranges itself automatically. There are no undo-redo controls.

Available Templates

Lumen video interface

The Lumen5 software offers a number of templates to start with. There aren’t a ton of options, but enough to get you started. Every template has various size versions so the complete template gallery looks bigger than it really is.

Available Visuals

The visuals available in Lumen5 consist of stock images and video clips. Depending on your subscription level, you can access up to 330M stock photos from Getty and Shutterstock. You can upload images, video and audio from the desktop or straight from your phone.

There are no data visualization capabilities in Lumen5.

All paid plans have branding options like fonts, music and a branded outro.

There are many music audio clips available in the software and you can upload your own audio clips too. Users can also add their own voiceover to their presentation.

Lumen5 videos cannot be any longer than 10 minutes, regardless of your plan.

Video Output

All videos are downloaded as MP4, in horizontal, vertical or square formats. They can be embedded or shared to Facebook.

The quality of the video depends on your subscription plan.

Lumen Pricing

Apart from their free plan, Lumen5 has four paid plans. Pricing is as follows:

  • Basic: $19/month
  • Starter: $59/month
  • Professional: $149
  • Enterprise: Upon request

Who is Lumen5 For

Lumen5 is perfect for content creators that want to create videos from their blog posts. Also for those who post a lot of content on Facebook, the integration is quite seamless. 

This video presentation software is also for people who don’t want to be fussing with too many tools and want things done fast.

Biteable Logo

Biteable markets their video creation software as a marketing video maker. Nevertheless, the horizontal format on Biteable also works well as a video presentation.

Biteable is a cloud-based video presentation software.

video presentation software - biteable interface

Using the Biteable 3.0 editor is easy and straightforward. The tools for editing fonts are simple with the ability to change the font, size and color. The animation of the text is done per slide so you can’t animate one piece of text one way and another in a different way.

The video editor is separated into text, footage and music tracks. You can edit the footage by trimming.

There are no undo and redo controls.

video presentation software - biteable template library

Biteable offers hundreds of pre-designed video templates to start with. Additionally, from inside the editor, you can access a library of video slides. We’re big fans of the claymation explainer animated slides.

The image and footage library has thousands of ready to use photos and clips. Most are from Unsplash —the same photo library you already get access to with Visme .

There are no data visualization tools available in Biteable.

Easily add a watermark, upload fonts and use hex codes for colors. However, there isn’t a set Brand Kit.

The Biteable software offers stock audio and you can upload your own.

Biteable has a maximum video length limit of 10 minutes.

Videos can be shared online or downloaded as Mp4 HD and full HD. Both are available on paid plans.

The free plan only lets you create videos. In order to download, you’ll have to upgrade to one of the plans. Their pricing is as follows:

  • Pro: $49/month
  • Teams: $99/month

video presentation software - biteable pricing

Who is Biteable For

Biteable is for content creators that work mostly with social media. 

video presentation software - animaker

The Animaker video presentation software has lots of tools and resources to make complex videos of any type. Choose between animated videos and live-action videos. 

The video editing controls are more elaborate than on other programs and the character animation options are extensive.

video presentation software - animaker interface

Animaker has two interface options, a full and a lite version. The full version has all the tools on hand to create scenes, animated character options, frame editing and more. 

The lite version is a simplified editor window for users who don’t need to have all the tools available at all times. Switching from one to the other is easy.

There are no undo-redo options.

video presentation software - animaker templates

Animaker has millions of templates in both animation and live-action formats. Before starting a video creation, select from the template sizes. 

Once inside the editor, all the other templates in the same size are also available through the magic box tab.

There are millions of images and video clips, shapes, icons, designed text layouts, plus animated video clips, customizable characters and animated scene effects.

There are no data visualization tools available. 

The software has a simple brand kit in the user dashboard. Animaker brand kits include an animated character, and an intro/outro set. Assets are available in the editor.

Videos can have music or voice-overs recorded with the user’s computer microphone. The media library has many audio files to choose from, organized by category and style. Audio files can also be uploaded.

Free plans can create videos up to 2 minutes in length. Some paid plans can create videos of up to 30 minutes.

Finished videos can be downloaded as MP4 in varying qualities. Shapes can be horizontal, vertical or square. GIFs can be downloaded at a limit of 30 seconds. Videos can also be shared directly to Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. 

Additionally, videos can be downloaded for specific social outlets like Slack and Flickr. The software suggests optimization for each channel.

The free plan lets you download as many videos as you want—but with a watermark. Some other options are available in the free plan but are limited. The Starter and Pro plans have a limited amount of downloads with an extra price for additional downloads.

Plan pricing is as follows:

  • Basic: $12.5/month
  • Starter: $25/month
  • Pro: $39/month

Who is Animaker For

Animaker is for any kind of content creator. Highly geared at creators looking for explainer videos but now expanded to more options. The learning curve is not very high but it still needs some getting used to, especially in the timeline editor tools.

video presentation software - powtoon

Powtoon has long been a favorite for creating video presentations, especially explainer videos. Their animated and whiteboard explainers have been around for a while. 

Now the software has a lot more creative options for making video presentations in five main styles with lots of templates in each. 

The main size is horizontal presentation but you can also switch to square and vertical.

Powtoon is a cloud-based video presentation software.

video presentation software - Powtoon interface

The editor interface on Powtoon has two options. Editor and Creator. When you choose a template, the editor interface opens on Edit, with options to customize the content in the template. 

By switching to Create, then many more options show up and you can add lots of things to a video presentation.

video presentation software - Powtoon templates

Powtoon has thousands of templates in five categories; modern edge, whiteboard, cartoon, infographic and real. All the templates are available before starting a project and also once inside the editor. 

You can also import PowerPoint presentations as a beta feature.

The visuals available are varied and extensive. There are thousands of different animated characters, which is what Powtoon is known for. Additionally, there are icons, shapes, design elements, images and video clips. 

There are charts but they are not editable. Apart from those, there are no data visualization tools available.

There is no practical brand kit available but since the editing options are extensive, videos can be branded to some extent. The ability to upload fonts is only available in the highest subscription. 

Also, resell right and white label rights are available in the Agency Plan.

Corporate and Enterprise plans have a brand toolkit. These plans are upon request.

Users can record voice-overs or music directly into the software. The music upload feature has an integration with Fiverr to hire a professional music creator. Additionally, there are hundreds of tracks to choose from right inside the app.

The maximum video length on Powtoon is 30 minutes.

Videos can be downloaded, published to social channels, or shared directly. Downloads can be MP4, PPT or PDF. 

Publishing goes straight to Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo, Slideshare, Wistia and Hubspot. Shares go to Twitter, email and Linkedin. There is also an embed option.

video presentation software - Powtoon pricing

Annual pricing for the annual plans are as follows:

  • Lite: $15/month
  • Professional: $40/month
  • Business: $125/month

Who is Powtoon For

Powtoon is for anyone interested in creating elaborate video presentations for all sorts of purposes. The free and low tier options are fine for social media marketers, while the higher tiers are good for corporate or education longer type video presentations.

Create a stunning presentation in less time

  • Hundreds of premade slides available
  • Add animation and interactivity to your slides
  • Choose from various presentation options

excellent presentation video

6 PowerPoint

video presentation software - Microsoft logo

The classic PowerPoint software,  and powerful Google Slide alternative ,  can also be used as a video presentation software. 

Any presentation created with PowerPoint can be saved as a video in MP4 or MOV file. You simply create a presentation how you would normally, add animations and audio, then export or save as an MP4 or MOV file.

Don’t forget that you can also import a PPTX presentation to Visme and add all of our visual features to make an even better video presentation.

video presentation software - powerpoint interface

The PowerPoint interface has a toolbar on top just like all Microsoft software. There are many options for creating video presentations, from animated titles, images and graphics to creative transitions between slides. 

The slides are organized on the left hand tab and slide templates are added easily with different layouts to choose from. 

You can use any of the classic templates that PowerPoint has to offer to create a video presentation.  Additionally you can use any PowerPoint template from sites online or specialized PowerPoint slide creators.

You can also start a video presentation quickly with the help of QuickStarter. Simply add a topic to start with a PowerPoint outline and start your presentation from there.

There are plenty of standard visuals in PowerPoint for video presentations. You can select shapes, images, animation effects for text and other visual elements like tables, graphs and 3D models. 

There is also a section called smart design that offers premade templates of visuals like flowcharts, cycles and other types of layouts.

PowerPoint has a variety of charts and graphs for your video presentations. Data can be imported from Excel or entered manually. 

Create branded video presentations by selecting color palettes, using your brand fonts and adding your logo. Branded templates can be saved for future use to stay on brand.

Import any audio files from your computer to your video presentation. PowerPoint doesn’t offer an audio library inside the program. You can also record voice overs straight into the platform.

There is no real limit to how long a video presentation made with PowerPoint can be. GIFs don’t have a length limit either. But for optimization purposes they shouldn’t really be longer than 30 seconds.

Video presentations can be downloaded as MP4 or MOV files. There are no sharing capabilities to social media or email. If you aren’t fully happy with your video presentation, save it as a PPTX file and upload it to Visme to finish off with better tools.

PowerPoint can be purchased on its own for a one-time fee of $159.99, or users can choose to sign up for the full Microsoft 365 subscription starting at $6.99/month.

video presentation software - keynote

Keynote is the Apple version of PowerPoint. It comes included with all Apple computers and is relatively easy to use. The tools are not as varied as PowerPoint but it’s still pretty useful. 

The highest pro to Keynote is that it’s free with all Mac computers. Apart from that it’s just a simple video presentation maker.

The Keynote interface is simple and no-frills. The tools are organized in small tabs that don’t take up too much space on the dashboard and editor. Slides are listed on the left, tools are on top and settings are on the right. 

Undo and redo options are controlled with keyboard shortcuts ctrl+Z and ctrl+Y.

video presentation software - keynote templates

Keynote has a number of available templates to start designing. There haven’t been any new ones added to the program lately. You can import any templates from third party sites like Envato.

The only available visuals in Keynote are icons and charts. Images and videos can be uploaded from your computer easily but there aren’t any available inside the software. The visuals that are available in the software can all be animated

Keynote offers a number of charts and graphs in three different styles, flat, 3D and interactive. Input the data in a sheet inside the program manually.

Branded video presentations are created easily by using a brand’s color palette but Keynote will only let you use Apple fonts.

Upload audio clips are uploaded into a video presentation directly for your computer. There are no available audio files inside the program. You can record a voiceover with your microphone.

There is no length limit to download video presentations. You can also download animated GIFs. 

You can download video presentations from Keynote as mp4 or animated GIFs. They can’t be shared to social media straight from the program.

Keynote is free with all Mac computers. Windows users can get Keynote with an Apple iCloud account.

Who is Keynote For

Anyone can use Keynote, especially since it’s free. Even if it doesn’t have the greatest of features, it can create any sort of simple video presentations for any industry. Keynote is a great choice for students who always need to create presentations for class .

video presentation software - vyond

Vyond is the new name for GoAnimate, a recognized video presentation software. The new rebrand has also come along with a new look and more features. Vyond video presentations are all about the characters and the number of ways they can be customized is pretty extensive. 

Apart from that, all other features are pretty standard, there are backgrounds and sets for the characters to interact in.

Vyond is a cloud-based video presentation software.

video presentation software - vyond interface

The Vyond editor is called Vyond Studio. The tools are all hiding behind a menu of tabs so the editor is generally empty of clutter for easy editing. Tutorial bubbles help when you’re new so you can get used to all the tools and where they are.

The bottom of the screen is taken up by an extendable timeline editor that lists scenes, frames and all objects in order of animated settings.

There are undo and redo controls.

video presentation software - vyond templates

All the templates in Vyond are separated into three categories: contemporary, business-friendly and whiteboard animation. There are no complete templates to start with. 

When you choose one, the Vyond Studio opens up with one starting scene and all the continuing slides are created with different backgrounds, props and characters.

The main visuals in the Vyond Studio are the characters, props and backgrounds. The characters are highly customizable, to the point of face angle and animated actions. 

There are hundreds of props that can be arranged with the characters and backgrounds to create infinite combinations.

All the visuals can be animated with different movements and styles. All these animations are controlled in the bottom bar to a granular level. Additionally, you can add camera movements.

There are some customizable charts that can be added to the Vyond video presentation. Data can be entered into the editor and the charts can be color-coded. The available charts are pie charts, line charts and percentages. 

Vyond doesn’t offer a brand kit but colors can be customized with hex numbers . In high pricing tiers, companies can create a unique character and import fonts.

The best aspect of audio in Vyond is that voice overs are synced to the character’s mouth movements. Apart from that, you can add background music.

Videos can be downloaded as videos of GIFs but only with paid subscriptions. Higher subscriptions offer higher quality video output. Videos are only available in horizontal format.

video presentation software - vyond pricing

Annual Pricing is as follows:

  • Essential: $25/month
  • Premium: $54/month
  • Professional: $92/month

Who is Vyond For

The video presentations made with Vyond are good for people that need to create explainer videos in one place and like to have complete control over the animations. The learning curve for the animations can be a bit high so the people creating it need to know what they’re doing.

video presentation software - wideo

Wideo is an easy-to-use video presentation software. The tools are just what you need to create a video presentation fast. What’s surprising about Wideo is the granular control of the animations and transitions.

Wideo is a cloud-based video presentation software.

video presentation software - wideo interface

The Wideo editor interface is clean looking and with plenty of space to work in. The bottom section is the timeline editor which controls one scene at a time. There are options to preview one scene or the entire video.

On the left is the toolbar for adding elements to the scenes and the right bar is the controls for adding and organizing scenes.

Wideo has undo and redo controls.

video presentation software - wideo templates

Before starting a video presentation with Wideo you have the choice of around a hundred templates. Every template is available as landscape, square or vertical. You can still add more slides inside the template you chose.

The elements available in Wideo are backgrounds, images, videos, text effects and animated text scenes. 

There are no data visualization options in Wideo.

There aren’t any specific branding tools apart from being able to choose the right colors. You can have white label rights on the higher plans.

You can add music audio files from the Wideo library or upload your own.

The video length limit depends on the subscription plan, from one minute to ten minutes to 30 minutes.

Videos can be downloaded as horizontal, square, or vertical orientation as mp.4. They can also be uploaded to YouTube or shared to Twitter or Facebook. They can also be embedded.

There are three plans for Wideo. The subscriptions are as follows:

  • Pro +: $79/month

video presentation software - wideo pricing

Who is Wideo For

The Wideo video presentation software is great for content creators that need to make videos or social media posts, ads and simple explainers. 

video presentation software - Promo logo

Promo (formerly known as Slidely) is a cloud-based visual content creation program that offers video presentation slide designs. You can create videos with a horizontal format that can work as presentations.

They don’t call their creations video presentations but rather video ads and marketing videos . This makes sense since the available text area is limited and there are nonexistent data visualization capabilities. 

video presentation software - Promo interface

The Promo editing interface is simple and to the point. They’ve set up a simple video editor with clips and tracks to separately edit the text, visuals and audio The controls are simple but effective. 

video presentation software - Promo templates

Promo has over 2M pre-designed templates to choose from in a variety of categories. The first time you log in, an onboarding wizard takes you through the choices to show you the templates that suit your needs.

All the templates are easy to customize but have limited capabilities when it comes to text length. You can only add 100 characters to each text block. 

That being said, all the text options are nice but can’t be changed too much apart from the font and color and alignment.

The Promo video presentation maker has millions of stock images and video clips from Getty Images and Shutterstock. Upload your own images or short .mp4 videos. Uploaded videos can be trimmed to fit the overall composition.

There are no data visualization tools in Promo.

In paid plans, you can upload a watermark logo, use hex colors and upload fonts. There is no set Brand Kit, but in higher tiers, videos are white-labeled so that companies can apply their branding.

The program offers some song tracks. You can upload your own songs and recordings.

The longest video you can make with Promo is five minutes.

Videos in all pricing plans are downloaded as mp.4 in HD. Higher plans offer Full HD. The available sizes are square, horizontal, vertical and banner.

The Free plan only lets you create videos, not download any. To be able to actually download or share videos, you need to get a subscription.

The pricing options are as follows:

  • Basic: $29/month
  • Standard: $59/month
  • Pro: $199/month

video presentation software - Promo pricing

Who is Slidely For

Promo by Slidely is for content creators that need to make simple but eye-catching video presentations. These videos are best suited for social media. 

11 Premiere Rush

video presentation software - Adobe PremiereRush

Premiere Rush is more of a video editing software than a video presentation software but it still works for the same purpose. Especially if the presentation needs detailed video editing. 

This software is part of the Adobe Cloud and is like an easy version of Adobe Premiere, one of the best video editors in the industry. You’ll need footage to create a video presentation with Premiere Rush. It can be images or video clips.

Premiere Rush has a desktop and mobile app, they communicate with each other. These are both downloadable programs.

video presentation software - Adobe Premiere Rush interface

The Premiere Rush interface is like a classic video editing software. The timeline and tracks are at the bottom of the screen, the media is organized on the left and the tools are on the right. All the video editing tools are on the bottom left of the menu. 

Premiere Rush might need a bit of getting used to and another tool to work with alongside it. Visme is a great option where you can create a perfect video presentation and then import it to Premiere Rush to make longer and more elaborate videos.

Both desktop and mobile versions have undo-redo controls.

There aren’t any templates to choose from when starting a project, but there are motion graphics title templates that can be added to a video in the editor. The same applies to creative transition templates between clips.

Apart from titles and transitions, the software has all the editing features you need for a professional video.

There are no data visualization integrations in Premiere Rush but you can import any media from another software as long as it’s an image or a video clip.

When it comes to branding, you can apply any font in your computer to the titles you use. But titles can’t be customized, they come as they are.

You can upload any audio or voice over you’d like to add. There are no available clips in the software.

There is no limit to how long your video can be, but keep in mind that the more resources you add to a timeline, the heavier its file will be.

Videos are downloaded as MP4. They can also be shared directly to Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Behance.

Premiere Rush and Premiere Pro are two tools within the Adobe Creative Cloud. You can get both for $20.99/month, or get access to the full creative suite for $54.99/month.

video presentation software - Adobe pricing

Who is Premiere Rush For

This video presentation software is good for content creators that want to create content on the go. Premiere Rush is not your regular presentation software so it’s more for a different kind of presentation. 

It’s more about the footage than the info, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t create presentations. 

12 FlexClip

Flex Clip Visme

FlexClip is a web-based video maker that allows users to create professional-quality videos for various purposes such as business, education, personal, and more.

One of the most useful tools on FlexClip is the AI text-to-speech feature. This feature allows users to add voice overs to their videos without the need for expensive equipment or professional voice actors.

excellent presentation video

The FlexClip interface is user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for beginners to create high-quality videos. The editor features drag-and-drop functionality, a timeline, and a variety of editing tools, such as text overlays, transitions, and filters.

excellent presentation video

FlexClip offers a wide selection of templates for different video types, including social media videos, business videos, and personal videos. These 5000+ templates are customizable and can be used as a starting point for creating a video.

The FlexClip library includes millions of stock photos, videos, and music tracks that users can use in their videos. Users can also upload their own media files to use in their videos.

Currently, there are no tools for visualizing data.

Users can add their own logos, watermarks, and brand colors to their videos to create a cohesive brand identity.

FlexClip offers a wide selection of music tracks and sound effects that users can use in their videos. Users can also upload their own audio files or record voiceovers directly within the editor.

The length of the videos permitted is determined by the subscription plan, ranging from one minute to an unrestricted video duration.

FlexClip videos can be downloaded in MP4 format in resolutions ranging from 480p to 1080p. Videos can also be shared directly to social media platforms or embedded on websites.

FlexClip offers a free plan with limited features, as well as two paid plans:

Plus: $9.99/month

Business: $19.99/month

excellent presentation video

Who is FlexClip For

FlexClip's user-friendly interface and extensive library of templates, stock footage, and music make it an ideal choice for individuals, small businesses, and marketers who want to create video presentations that stand out. With FlexClip, users can easily customize their videos by adding their own logos, images, and text, without having to learn complex video editing software.

The AI text-to-speech and auto subtitle features take video editing to the next level by making it more accessible and efficient for creators of all levels.

Q. What Is a Video Presentation?

A video presentation is a dynamic and engaging method of delivering information to an audience. It involves using moving visuals and sound to explain concepts, promote ideas or convey messages.

Unlike traditional text-based presentations, it uses graphics, animations, voiceover, music and video clips to create an interactive and engaging experience.

Q. How Do You Make a Presentation Video?

Making a video presentation involves several steps. Initially, you should clearly define your topic and objectives, then create a storyboard or script detailing what you plan to say and show. Use this as a guide when filming or recording the video.

Choose a reliable video editing software from the list we provided in this article. These tools will help combine your visuals, add audio or voiceover, include transition effects and arrange the video clips in a logical sequence.

Remember to review thoroughly and edit where necessary. Once you're satisfied with your video presentation, export it into an appropriate format that suits your distribution channel.

Q. Why Make a Video Presentation?

Video presentations are especially effective for capturing and retaining the audience's attention. They make complex topics more digestible by breaking information into chunks, accompanied by appropriate visuals.

Also, you can access them remotely, reaching a wider, potentially global audience. Video presentations can effectively communicate emotions, making your message more persuasive and impactful.

Q. What Should Be Included in a Video Presentation?

A successful video presentation should always be thoughtful, engaging and impactful. Here are some of the critical components of a good video presentation:

  • Clear Objective: Outline your core message from the start. It sets the course of your entire presentation.
  • Engaging Script: Craft a script that's clear, concise and appealing to your audience.
  • Relevant Visuals: Use relatable images, graphics or videos to support your message and help your content attract viewers.
  • Quality Audio: Ensure your audio (voiceover, dialogue, or music) is clear. Poor-quality audio can ruin the viewing experience.
  • Smooth Transitions: Connections between segments or slides should be logical and seamless to avoid disrupting the flow.
  • Call to Action: Include a call to action to guide your audience to their next step, like visiting your site, attending an event or buying a product.

Create Your Own Video Presentation With Visme’s Video Presentation Software

As you can see, there are many options to help you create a video presentation . But none of them have the quantity and quality of tools that Visme has. 

Other tools have more animated characters but no data visualizations. Others have 3D visuals but no audio files or brand kits. Only Visme has it all, making it the perfect tool for anyone. 

Visme is both a video presentation creation tool and video presenter software. No need to download videos or even share them when you have to present them in a Zoom meeting. Simply present directly from Visme and show the best version of your content.

Register for a Visme subscription and give your team the tools to create better content every day.

Create captivaing video presentations with Visme

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About the Author

Orana is a multi-faceted creative. She is a content writer, artist, and designer. She travels the world with her family and is currently in Istanbul. Find out more about her work at

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The beauty of local backups, how to get more free chatgpt 4o access, quick links, table of contents, start with a goal, less is more, consider your typeface, make bullet points count, limit the use of transitions, skip text where possible, think in color, take a look from the top down, bonus: start with templates.

Slideshows are an intuitive way to share complex ideas with an audience, although they're dull and frustrating when poorly executed. Here are some tips to make your Microsoft PowerPoint presentations sing while avoiding common pitfalls.

define a goal

It all starts with identifying what we're trying to achieve with the presentation. Is it informative, a showcase of data in an easy-to-understand medium? Or is it more of a pitch, something meant to persuade and convince an audience and lead them to a particular outcome?

It's here where the majority of these presentations go wrong with the inability to identify the talking points that best support our goal. Always start with a goal in mind: to entertain, to inform, or to share data in a way that's easy to understand. Use facts, figures, and images to support your conclusion while keeping structure in mind (Where are we now and where are we going?).

I've found that it's helpful to start with the ending. Once I know how to end a presentation, I know how best to get to that point. I start by identifying the takeaway---that one nugget that I want to implant before thanking everyone for their time---and I work in reverse to figure out how best to get there.

Your mileage, of course, may vary. But it's always going to be a good idea to put in the time in the beginning stages so that you aren't reworking large portions of the presentation later. And that starts with a defined goal.

avoid walls of text

A slideshow isn't supposed to include everything. It's an introduction to a topic, one that we can elaborate on with speech. Anything unnecessary is a distraction. It makes the presentation less visually appealing and less interesting, and it makes you look bad as a presenter.

This goes for text as well as images. There's nothing worse, in fact, than a series of slides where the presenter just reads them as they appear. Your audience is capable of reading, and chances are they'll be done with the slide, and browsing Reddit, long before you finish. Avoid putting the literal text on the screen, and your audience will thank you.

Related: How to Burn Your PowerPoint to DVD

use better fonts

Right off the bat, we're just going to come out and say that Papyrus and Comic Sans should be banned from all PowerPoint presentations, permanently. Beyond that, it's worth considering the typeface you're using and what it's saying about you, the presenter, and the presentation itself.

Consider choosing readability over aesthetics, and avoid fancy fonts that could prove to be more of a distraction than anything else. A good presentation needs two fonts: a serif and sans-serif. Use one for the headlines and one for body text, lists, and the like. Keep it simple. Veranda, Helvetica, Arial, and even Times New Roman are safe choices. Stick with the classics and it's hard to botch this one too badly.

use fewer bullets

There reaches a point where bullet points become less of a visual aid and more of a visual examination.

Bullet points should support the speaker, not overwhelm his audience. The best slides have little or no text at all, in fact. As a presenter, it's our job to talk through complex issues, but that doesn't mean that we need to highlight every talking point.

Instead, think about how you can break up large lists into three or four bullet points. Carefully consider whether you need to use more bullet points, or if you can combine multiple topics into a single point instead. And if you can't, remember that there's no one limiting the number of slides you can have in a presentation. It's always possible to break a list of 12 points down into three pages of four points each.

avoid transitions

Animation, when used correctly, is a good idea. It breaks up slow-moving parts of a presentation and adds action to elements that require it. But it should be used judiciously.

Adding a transition that wipes left to right between every slide or that animates each bullet point in a list, for example, starts to grow taxing on those forced to endure the presentation. Viewers get bored quickly, and animations that are meant to highlight specific elements quickly become taxing.

That's not to say that you can't use animations and transitions, just that you need to pick your spots. Aim for no more than a handful of these transitions for each presentation. And use them in spots where they'll add to the demonstration, not detract from it.

use visuals

Sometimes images tell a better story than text can. And as a presenter, your goal is to describe points in detail without making users do a lot of reading. In these cases, a well-designed visual, like a chart, might better convey the information you're trying to share.

The right image adds visual appeal and serves to break up longer, text-heavy sections of the presentation---but only if you're using the right images. A single high-quality image can make all the difference between a success and a dud when you're driving a specific point home.

When considering text, don't think solely in terms of bullet points and paragraphs. Tables, for example, are often unnecessary. Ask yourself whether you could present the same data in a bar or line chart instead.

find a color palette

Color is interesting. It evokes certain feelings and adds visual appeal to your presentation as a whole. Studies show that color also improves interest, comprehension, and retention. It should be a careful consideration, not an afterthought.

You don't have to be a graphic designer to use color well in a presentation. What I do is look for palettes I like, and then find ways to use them in the presentation. There are a number of tools for this, like Adobe Color , Coolors , and ColorHunt , just to name a few. After finding a palette you enjoy, consider how it works with the presentation you're about to give. Pastels, for example, evoke feelings of freedom and light, so they probably aren't the best choice when you're presenting quarterly earnings that missed the mark.

It's also worth mentioning that you don't need to use every color in the palette. Often, you can get by with just two or three, though you should really think through how they all work together and how readable they'll be when layered. A simple rule of thumb here is that contrast is your friend. Dark colors work well on light backgrounds, and light colors work best on dark backgrounds.

change views

Spend some time in the Slide Sorter before you finish your presentation. By clicking the four squares at the bottom left of the presentation, you can take a look at multiple slides at once and consider how each works together. Alternatively, you can click "View" on the ribbon and select "Slide Sorter."

Are you presenting too much text at once? Move an image in. Could a series of slides benefit from a chart or summary before you move on to another point?

It's here that we have the opportunity to view the presentation from beyond the single-slide viewpoint and think in terms of how each slide fits, or if it fits at all. From this view, you can rearrange slides, add additional ones, or delete them entirely if you find that they don't advance the presentation.

The difference between a good presentation and a bad one is really all about preparation and execution. Those that respect the process and plan carefully---not only the presentation as a whole, but each slide within it---are the ones who will succeed.

This brings me to my last (half) point: When in doubt, just buy a template and use it. You can find these all over the web, though Creative Market and GraphicRiver are probably the two most popular marketplaces for this kind of thing. Not all of us are blessed with the skills needed to design and deliver an effective presentation. And while a pre-made PowerPoint template isn't going to make you a better presenter, it will ease the anxiety of creating a visually appealing slide deck.

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6 presentation skills and how to improve them


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What are presentation skills?

The importance of presentation skills, 6 presentation skills examples, how to improve presentation skills.

Tips for dealing with presentation anxiety

Learn how to captivate an audience with ease

Capturing an audience’s attention takes practice. 

Over time, great presenters learn how to organize their speeches and captivate an audience from start to finish. They spark curiosity, know how to read a room , and understand what their audience needs to walk away feeling like they learned something valuable.

Regardless of your profession, you most likely use presentation skills on a monthly or even weekly basis. Maybe you lead brainstorming sessions or host client calls. 

Developing effective presentation skills makes it easier to contribute ideas with confidence and show others you’re someone to trust. Although speaking in front of a crowd sometimes brings nerves and anxiety , it also sparks new opportunities.

Presentation skills are the qualities and abilities you need to communicate ideas effectively and deliver a compelling speech. They influence how you structure a presentation and how an audience receives it. Understanding body language , creating impactful visual aids, and projecting your voice all fall under this umbrella.

A great presentation depends on more than what you say. It’s about how you say it. Storytelling , stage presence, and voice projection all shape how well you express your ideas and connect with the audience. These skills do take practice, but they’re worth developing — especially if public speaking makes you nervous. 

Engaging a crowd isn’t easy. You may feel anxious to step in front of an audience and have all eyes and ears on you.

But feeling that anxiety doesn’t mean your ideas aren’t worth sharing. Whether you’re giving an inspiring speech or delivering a monthly recap at work, your audience is there to listen to you. Harness that nervous energy and turn it into progress.

Strong presentation skills make it easier to convey your thoughts to audiences of all sizes. They can help you tell a compelling story, convince people of a pitch , or teach a group something entirely new to them. And when it comes to the workplace, the strength of your presentation skills could play a part in getting a promotion or contributing to a new initiative.

To fully understand the impact these skills have on creating a successful presentation, it’s helpful to look at each one individually. Here are six valuable skills you can develop:

1. Active listening

Active listening is an excellent communication skill for any professional to hone. When you have strong active listening skills, you can listen to others effectively and observe their nonverbal cues . This helps you assess whether or not your audience members are engaged in and understand what you’re sharing. 

Great public speakers use active listening to assess the audience’s reactions and adjust their speech if they find it lacks impact. Signs like slouching, negative facial expressions, and roaming eye contact are all signs to watch out for when giving a presentation.

2. Body language

If you’re researching presentation skills, chances are you’ve already watched a few notable speeches like TED Talks or industry seminars. And one thing you probably noticed is that speakers can capture attention with their body language. 

A mixture of eye contact, hand gestures , and purposeful pacing makes a presentation more interesting and engaging. If you stand in one spot and don’t move your body, the audience might zone out.


3. Stage presence

A great stage presence looks different for everyone. A comedian might aim for more movement and excitement, and a conference speaker might focus their energy on the content of their speech. Although neither is better than the other, both understand their strengths and their audience’s needs. 

Developing a stage presence involves finding your own unique communication style . Lean into your strengths, whether that’s adding an injection of humor or asking questions to make it interactive . To give a great presentation, you might even incorporate relevant props or presentation slides.

4. Storytelling

According to Forbes, audiences typically pay attention for about 10 minutes before tuning out . But you can lengthen their attention span by offering a presentation that interests them for longer. Include a narrative they’ll want to listen to, and tell a story as you go along. 

Shaping your content to follow a clear narrative can spark your audience’s curiosity and entice them to pay careful attention. You can use anecdotes from your personal or professional life that take your audience along through relevant moments. If you’re pitching a product, you can start with a problem and lead your audience through the stages of how your product provides a solution.

5. Voice projection

Although this skill may be obvious, you need your audience to hear what you’re saying. This can be challenging if you’re naturally soft-spoken and struggle to project your voice.

Remember to straighten your posture and take deep breaths before speaking, which will help you speak louder and fill the room. If you’re talking into a microphone or participating in a virtual meeting, you can use your regular conversational voice, but you still want to sound confident and self-assured with a strong tone.

If you’re unsure whether everyone can hear you, you can always ask the audience at the beginning of your speech and wait for confirmation. That way, they won’t have to potentially interrupt you later.

Ensuring everyone can hear you also includes your speed and annunciation. It’s easy to speak quickly when nervous, but try to slow down and pronounce every word. Mumbling can make your presentation difficult to understand and pay attention to.


6. Verbal communication 

Although verbal communication involves your projection and tone, it also covers the language and pacing you use to get your point across. This includes where you choose to place pauses in your speech or the tone you use to emphasize important ideas.

If you’re giving a presentation on collaboration in the workplace , you might start your speech by saying, “There’s something every workplace needs to succeed: teamwork.” By placing emphasis on the word “ teamwork ,” you give your audience a hint on what ideas will follow.

To further connect with your audience through diction, pay careful attention to who you’re speaking to. The way you talk to your colleagues might be different from how you speak to a group of superiors, even if you’re discussing the same subject. You might use more humor and a conversational tone for the former and more serious, formal diction for the latter.

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses when it comes to presenting. Maybe you’re confident in your use of body language, but your voice projection needs work. Maybe you’re a great storyteller in small group settings, but need to work on your stage presence in front of larger crowds. 

The first step to improving presentation skills is pinpointing your gaps and determining which qualities to build upon first. Here are four tips for enhancing your presentation skills:

1. Build self-confidence

Confident people know how to speak with authority and share their ideas. Although feeling good about your presentation skills is easier said than done, building confidence is key to helping your audience believe in what you’re saying. Try practicing positive self-talk and continuously researching your topic's ins and outs.

If you don’t feel confident on the inside, fake it until you make it. Stand up straight, project your voice, and try your best to appear engaged and excited. Chances are, the audience doesn’t know you’re unsure of your skills â€” and they don’t need to.

Another tip is to lean into your slideshow, if you’re using one. Create something colorful and interesting so the audience’s eyes fall there instead of on you. And when you feel proud of your slideshow, you’ll be more eager to share it with others, bringing more energy to your presentation.

2. Watch other presentations

Developing the soft skills necessary for a good presentation can be challenging without seeing them in action. Watch as many as possible to become more familiar with public speaking skills and what makes a great presentation. You could attend events with keynote speakers or view past speeches on similar topics online.

Take a close look at how those presenters use verbal communication and body language to engage their audiences. Grab a notebook and jot down what you enjoyed and your main takeaways. Try to recall the techniques they used to emphasize their main points, whether they used pauses effectively, had interesting visual aids, or told a fascinating story.


3. Get in front of a crowd

You don’t need a large auditorium to practice public speaking. There are dozens of other ways to feel confident and develop good presentation skills.

If you’re a natural comedian, consider joining a small stand-up comedy club. If you’re an avid writer, participate in a public poetry reading. Even music and acting can help you feel more comfortable in front of a crowd.

If you’d rather keep it professional, you can still work on your presentation skills in the office. Challenge yourself to participate at least once in every team meeting, or plan and present a project to become more comfortable vocalizing your ideas. You could also speak to your manager about opportunities that flex your public speaking abilities.

4. Overcome fear

Many people experience feelings of fear before presenting in front of an audience, whether those feelings appear as a few butterflies or more severe anxiety. Try grounding yourself to shift your focus to the present moment. If you’re stuck dwelling on previous experiences that didn’t go well, use those mistakes as learning experiences and focus on what you can improve to do better in the future.

Tips for dealing with presentation anxiety 

It’s normal to feel nervous when sharing your ideas. In fact, according to a report from the Journal of Graduate Medical Education, public speaking anxiety is prevalent in 15–30% of the general population .

Even though having a fear of public speaking is common, it doesn’t make it easier. You might feel overwhelmed, become stiff, and forget what you were going to say. But although the moment might scare you, there are ways to overcome the fear and put mind over matter.

Use these tactics to reduce your stress when you have to make a presentation:

1. Practice breathing techniques

If you experience anxiety often, you’re probably familiar with breathing techniques for stress relief . Incorporating these exercises into your daily routine can help you stop worrying and regulate anxious feelings. 

Before a big presentation, take a moment alone to practice breathing techniques, ground yourself, and reduce tension. It’s also a good idea to take breaths throughout the presentation to speak slower and calm yourself down .

2. Get organized

The more organized you are, the more prepared you’ll feel. Carefully outline all of the critical information you want to use in your presentation, including your main talking points and visual aids, so you don’t forget anything. Use bullet points and visuals on each slide to remind you of what you want to talk about, and create handheld notes to help you stay on track.

3. Embrace moments of silence

It’s okay to lose your train of thought. It happens to even the most experienced public speakers once in a while. If your mind goes blank, don’t panic. Take a moment to breathe, gather your thoughts, and refer to your notes to see where you left off. You can drink some water or make a quick joke to ease the silence or regain your footing. And it’s okay to say, “Give me a moment while I find my notes.” Chances are, people understand the position you’re in.


4. Practice makes progress

Before presenting, rehearse in front of friends and family members you trust. This gives you the chance to work out any weak spots in your speech and become comfortable communicating out loud. If you want to go the extra mile, ask your makeshift audience to ask a surprise question. This tests your on-the-spot thinking and will prove that you can keep cool when things come up.

Whether you’re new to public speaking or are a seasoned presenter, you’re bound to make a few slip-ups. It happens to everyone. The most important thing is that you try your best, brush things off, and work on improving your skills to do better in your next presentation.

Although your job may require a different level of public speaking than your favorite TED Talk , developing presentation skills is handy in any profession. You can use presentation skills in a wide range of tasks in the workplace, whether you’re sharing your ideas with colleagues, expressing concerns to higher-ups, or pitching strategies to potential clients.

Remember to use active listening to read the room and engage your audience with an interesting narrative. Don’t forget to step outside your comfort zone once in a while and put your skills to practice in front of a crowd. After facing your fears, you’ll feel confident enough to put presentation skills on your resume.

If you’re trying to build your skills and become a better employee overall, try a communications coach with BetterUp. 

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Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

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17 PowerPoint Presentation Examples That Show Style and Professionalism

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By Iveta Pavlova

in Inspiration

6 years ago

Reading time: 2 min

Viewed 201,340 times

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17 PowerPoint Presentation Examples That Show Style and Professionalism

There are way too many bad PowerPoint presentation examples that can bore you to death. Well, today’s post is not about them. We believe that it’s always important to show the good examples out there and follow their lead. We admit it, it was pretty hard to dig out the good PowerPoint presentation examples from the mass. We’ve added our opinion on each piece and why we believe it’s worthy of being included in this collection. Let’s begin!

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1. The Sketchnote Mini-Workshop by Mike Rohde

An eye-catchy PowerPoint presentation example whose content is fully hand-written. What we love about this design, is the high personalization level that is achieved via handwriting. It almost feels like the author is drawing and writing in front of the viewers’ eyes. A digital presentation that conveys a physical feeling.

2. 10 Ways to Spread The Love in The Office by Elodie A.

The following presentation is a real eye candy. We can’t help it, the cartoon style lives in our hearts. An incredibly appealing PowerPoint presentation that brings positive vibes and a good mood through vibrant cartoon illustrations. It gets bonus points for the usage of bullet points and little text.

3. The Great State of Design with CSS Grid Layout and Friends by Stacy Kvernmo

A presentation that tells a story is always a good example that everyone should follow. This PowerPoint presentation has a lot of slides that tell different mini-stories. The way they are depicted is really engaging – they almost look like a sequence of frames that make up a video. This technique really nails the viewers’ attention.

4. We live in a VUCA world by Little Dragon Films

A classy design of a PowerPoint presentation example – a dark theme and white font on top with just a single color accent – red. Such designs are really suitable for serious topics like this one. To soften the contrast between the black background and white font, the author has used a gradient on the background which gives the illusion of soft light in the middle of the design.

5. 2017 Marketing Predictions—Marketo by Marketo

A design that was made over a year ago but it’s still really trendy. In the following PowerPoint presentation example, we can see the combination of 3D shapes, beautiful hand-written fonts, negative space techniques, and more. The overall feeling is of futuristic design. Moreover, they used the color of 2018 – Ultra Violet for their color scheme. Maybe, they did predict the future after all.

6. 10 Ways Your Boss Kills Employee Motivation by Officevibe

Who doesn’t like to see a familiar face? We know your audience does! It’s proven that if you show a familiar face to your viewers, you nail their attention and boost their engagement level. This is the technique used in the following PowePoint presentation. Moreover, the inner slides of the presentation are also cartoons with big conceptual illustrations and little text. The formula for a really good presentation.

7. How to Successfully Run a Remote Team from

We haven’t really seen many PowerPoint presentation examples with top-view illustrations. The following presentation really reminded us that when presenting to an audience, you should always think: How to make your design stand out from the rest? Well, this one really caught our eye. In addition, we love the bright colors, geometric shapes, and overall flat feeling, all of which are among the graphic design trends for 2022 .

8. SXSW 2018 – Top Trends by Matteo Sarzana

People love visuals and this is an undeniable fact. The whole PowerPoint presentation is built on high-quality photos, each including a little tagline in the middle. We love the consistency, we love the factor of surprise, and we love the high engagement level this presentation creates. Just make sure to back up such presentation type with a good speech!

9. How to study effectively? by sadraus

Semi-transparent overlays, geometric shapes, a video inside… Everything about this PowerPoint presentation screams “modern”. The grayscale coloring is accompanied by a fresh green color accent. The choice of images clearly suggests that the target audience is young people. The overall feeling that we get from this PowerPoint presentation – is youthful and modern.

10. Study: The Future of VR, AR, and Self-Driving Cars by LinkedIn

A presentation about the future should look futuristic, right? The following PowerPoint presentation example is proof that you should always connect the subject of your presentation to its design. Everything in this presentation speaks of futuristic: the choice of fonts, colors, effects, and even some elements look like holograms from the future.

11. 9 things I’ve learned about SaaS by Christoph Janz

A PowerPoint presentation example created in a consistent style by using a blue theme. Why did we include this presentation? We love the fact that the author has shown an alternation of text and visuals (from slides 7 to 22). This technique is proven to hold the attention of the viewer. Moreover, the way the graphics are presented (on a napkin) draws the interest even more.

12. How To Achieve Something Extraordinary In Life by Sultan Suleman Chaudhry

A PowerPoint presentation example that shows consistency and style by using a strict color scheme: orange, beige, and deep blue. Orange and blue are one of the most popular contrasting combinations widely used in all kinds of designs. If you are not sure what colors to go with, simply choose a tested color scheme.

13. New trends to look out for 2018 winter season by FemmeConnection

Geometric shapes and negative space techniques are among the  graphic design trends for 2018  which is why we see them often in PowerPoint presentation examples and other designs. In the following presentation, we can see a collection of women’s clothes presented in a very engaging way with the help of rounded geometric shapes, negative space technique, and the color pink.

14. Fear of Failure by Sultan Suleman Chaudhry

Speaking of the usage of geometric elements in the presentation’s design, let’s see another example. An elegant design decorated with circles, triangles, and more geometric details. What else we love about this presentation is that it only has one color accent – light yellow which looks classy and pleasant for the eye.

15. The Three Lies About Your Age by Sean Si

A great choice of fonts, beautiful semi-transparent geometric elements, and trendy futuristic colors. This is one of the PowerPoint presentation examples that we absolutely love. The story is engaging and the design is extremely appealing – a combination that keeps the viewers’ eyes on the screen from the beginning till the end.

16. Secrets to a Great Team by Elodie A.

Bright, fun, using lots of illustrations and cartoon characters – definitely our kind of PowerPoint presentation. Why do we love it so much? Well, cartoons are real ice-breakers between you and your audience. Moreover, cartoon characters are easier to relate to than a real human face. If you need to connect on a deeper level with your audience, this is your kind of presentation!

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17. How to Build a Dynamic Social Media Plan by Post Planner

A great presentation PowerPoint example with watercolor illustrations and backgrounds that look hand-drawn. We also see semi-transparent colorful overlays, high-quality conceptual photos, and great, useful content. What more would you want from a presentation, right?

We always love to hear your opinion about stuff. So, what do you think of these PowerPoint presentation examples? Do you think that you’ve created a presentation better than these? We’d love to see your own creations in the comments below if you want to share them with us.

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Iveta Pavlova

Iveta is a passionate writer at GraphicMama who has been writing for the brand ever since the blog was launched. She keeps her focus on inspiring people and giving insight on topics like graphic design, illustrations, education, business, marketing, and more.

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Copilot tutorial: Create a branded presentation from a file

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Duration: 56 seconds

See how Copilot in PowerPoint effortlessly transforms templates, files, or PDFs into sleek, branded presentations, intuitively incorporating insightful speaker notes.

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