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How to Write the Perfect NP School Personal Statement

Apr 7, 2020 | Job Search Tips

Nurse Practitioner School

Most nurse practitioner (NP) schools require their prospective students to compose a personal statement. Often, these elusive essays cause applicants to panic, but with just cause: personal statements are one of the most important components of NP school applications.

Having applied to a BSN, MSN, and DNP program in my past, I have written more personal statements than I can count. In this article, I offer general advice for preparing, writing, and editing your essay.

To help temper your anxiety, this post elaborates on the importance of:

  • Following directions
  • Being honest
  • Writing passionately and professionally
  • Making your case
  • Starting with an outline
  • Offering a story
  • Speaking the nursing language
  • Addressing your “red flags”
  • Giving yourself plenty of time
  • Using correct syntax and grammar
  • Reading it out loud

Follow Directions

First and foremost, follow directions. Each school has different guidelines for their personal statements, and you do not want your application thrown out just because you fell under their required word count. Some schools provide explicit information on the length, format, and content of the personal statement while others leave the task more open-ended.

For example,  Vanderbilt University  provides an open-ended prompt for the admissions essay: “The Statement of Purpose should reflect your understanding of the role of the advanced practice nurse and your interest in either a particular patient population, in healthcare leadership or in nursing informatics. Before writing your statement of purpose, please carefully review information about the specialty on our website so that you clearly indicate to the faculty that your career goals are a fit with the specialty.”

Drexel University  also offers specific guidelines for their personal statement requirement: “Personal statement (under 1,000 words) that will give the admissions committee a better understanding of: (1) Why you are choosing this particular program of study; (2) Your plans upon completion of the graduate degree; and, (3) How your current work experience will enhance your experience in this MSN program.”

On the other hand, NP schools like  Duke University  and  University of California San Francisco  merely ask for a “personal statement” or “goal statement” with no further direction. Be aware that not every school calls your essay a personal statement. Allen College, for example, calls it a “biographical sketch,” and Johns Hopkins University calls it a “written expression of goals.”

Every application will be slightly different, so it is important to stay organized. Table 1 is an example of how I stayed organized during my NP school applications.

Table 1: How to Organize Personal Statement Information*
School Due Date Length Format Content
Name of school with link Application due date Word or character count How should it be submitted (e.g. PDF, Word document, email, online application) Copy and paste the guidelines directly from the school’s website
11/1/2016 None specified PDF via online application (1) Your understanding of the role of the advanced practice nurse and your interest in either a particular patient population
(2) Clearly indicate to the faculty that your career goals are a fit with the specialty.
5/1/2016 Less than 1,000 words Via Online application (1) Why you are choosing this particular program of study
(2) Your plans upon completion of the graduate degree
(3) How your current work experience will enhance your experience in this MSN program
*Information in this table is just an example. Please check each school’s website for the most up to date information.

Make sure your answers line up with your resume or curriculum vitae. Do not exaggerate your skills or accomplishments. Instead, be proud of what you have achieved and speak enthusiastically about your desire to become an NP.

Never let someone else write your essay for you, and never plagiarize content from books, blogs, or journal articles. The admissions committee may scan your personal statement for plagiarism using an online program. Be sure to check your essay before you submit it using a website like  PlagTracker ,  Turn It In , or  Grammarly .

Write Passionately and Professionally

One of my favorite quotes is from Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” If being an NP is your goal, pursue it with courage, determination, and passion. Become enthusiastic about all things nurse practitioning.

Writing professionally does not mean writing a bland, scientific paper. Be concise, be consistent, use clear examples, and make it sound like you. Make sure your personal statement succinctly and lucidly portrays your passion for becoming an NP. Do not use this essay as a means to criticize past professors or other NP programs.

Make Your Case

Think of your personal statement as your chance to convince the admissions committee to accept you. Why should they admit you? What makes you unique? Why will you succeed in graduate school? Why will you be an excellent nurse practitioner? Use your essay to make your case.

Make sure you tailor your answers to your chosen medical specialty. For example, if you are applying to become an emergency nurse practitioner, what characteristics do you have that will ensure your success? Are you quick on your feet, calm under pressure, and compassionate to all? Are you enthusiastic about this specialty? What have you done or what do you do that demonstrates your passion?

Start with an Outline

Sometimes the hardest part is figuring out where to begin. A mind map can help you start brainstorming. A mind map is a spidergram that offers a structured method for developing ideas.

When you are ready, use your mind map to create a topical outline. Typically, you will want to have an introduction and conclusion paragraph that sandwich a handful of body paragraphs. Your introduction and conclusion should include your thesis and summary of your subtopics. Each body paragraph should elaborate upon one subtopic. I use the following outline when beginning my articles.

Introduction Paragraph

  • An attention-grabbing opening statement
  • A thesis statement summarizing the theme and purpose of the paper
  • Mention each subtopic covered in the body paragraphs

Body Paragraphs (one for each subtopic)

  • Opening sentence that indicates subtopic to be discussed
  • Multiple sentences that provide supporting details and examples
  • A short explanation regarding how these details or examples relate to your thesis

Concluding Paragraph

  • Begin with a restatement of your thesis
  • Summarize your main topic and subtopics
  • End with global statement

Offer a Story

You want the admissions team to remember you. You want to stand out. Try to incorporate a personal story that will make you memorable. The stories can usually be about anything you like: anything from a conversation with a mentor to a volunteer experience. Make the story interesting and use it to illustrate and emphasize your key points.

Choose a story that describes how you decided to become an NP or one that illustrates your personal values. You might also write about a particular challenge or experience that changed your perspective. Try to choose a story that gives the reader a clear impression of who you are and why you will be successful in NP school.

Consider beginning the story in your introduction, telling small pieces in each body paragraph, and ending the story in your conclusion paragraph. If you decide to tel a story in your personal statement, I suggest using the outline below.

  • Open with a short vignette that introduces your story and the conflict or challenge
  • With each new body paragraph, tell a little more of the story, relating each part of the anecdote to the subtopic
  • Conclude the story with what you learned or by emphasizing the moral
  • Restatement of your thesis and summarize your subtopics

Speak the Nursing Language

In your personal statement, speak the nursing language. This will give you credibility. For those new to the NP field, learn the language by reading as many books as you can.  A good place to start is Stewart and DeNisco’s  Role Development for the Nurse Practitioner . This text offers a broad overview of health policy, healthcare reform, mentoring, prescriptive authority, and the history of NPs. A newer book that I love is Carolyn Buppert’s  Nurse Practitioner’s Business Practice and Legal Guide . This book will give you more detailed information about the scope of practice laws in each state.

It never hurts to touch on these seminal publications from the  Institute of Medicine :

  • The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health
  • Assessing Progress on the IOM Report The Future of Nursing
  • To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System
  • Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century
  • Health Professions Education: A Bridge to Quality

You might also consider citing these position papers published by the  American Association of Nurse Practitioners :

  • Quality of Nurse Practitioner Practice
  • Scope of Practice for Nurse Practitioners
  • Use of Terms Such as Mid-Level Provider and Physician Extender
  • Clinical Outcomes: The Yardstick of Educational Effectiveness
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Discussion Paper
  • Nurse Practitioner Curriculum

Address Your Red Flags

If you have a red flag in your application, explain it in your personal statement. Do you have a bad grade or low Graduate Record Exam score? Maybe you lack a full year of nursing experience. Rather than shying away from the topic, offer a clear, accurate explanation. Demonstrate humility, and write about how you have compensated for this mistake, challenge, setback, or flaw.

Give Yourself Plenty of Time

Do not procrastinate! Start your personal statement weeks in advance. Give yourself adequate time to brainstorm, write an outline, compose each paragraph, revise, and edit. A rushed essay might land your entire application in the rejected pile.

Use Correct Syntax and Grammar

Proofread, proofread, and proofread again! A clean, well-composed essay exemplifies your ability to succeed in a graduate program. My favorite website for checking grammar is  Grammarly . They offer a free and premium service. They advertise that their software catches 250 errors that Microsoft Word does not detect. I also find their free  Grammar Handbook  helpful.

Throughout my DNP program, I started a list of general writing tips. Here are some of the most important:

  • Use  American Psychological Association  (APA) formating
  • Avoid generalities, cliches, and psychobabble
  • Do not use the verb “to get”
  • Do not use “very” as an intensifier
  • Data is plural, so use a plural verb
  • Use active voice whenever possible
  • “Compare with” points out differences between two similar things
  • Affect is a verb and effect is a noun
  • Keep the subject and the verb close together
  • Omit needless prepositions
  • Use that if what you are saying cannot be eliminated without changing the meaning of the sentence
  • Use which if you can delete the clause and the sentence will still have the same meaning
  • Avoid using negative statements
  • Write out numbers under 10 (e.g. three, seven, 10, 45)
  • Be consistent with abbreviations and titles
  • Avoid contractions

In general, avoid adverbs. Instead, use stronger verbs that imply the adverb. Here is a list of strong verbs to consider:

  • Exemplifies
  • Corroborates
  • Approximates

There are a variety of websites that can help you with APA formatting, grammar, syntax, and checking for plagiarism. Some good resources include:

  • http://www.apastyle.org/
  • http://www.thesaurus.com/
  • https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/
  • http://www.grammarbook.com/
  • https://www.plagtracker.com

Read it Out Loud

After you have finished writing your essay, read it out loud. Most people have more experience listening and speaking than writing and editing. By reading your personal statement out loud, your brain will hear the information and new way and notice flaws you did not see before.

It helps to print a copy of your paper so that you can take notes as you read. Read at a slow to moderate pace. Try to be systematic about your reading: check for grammar the first time through, syntax the second time, and tone the third time.

As you listen to your paper, pay attention to the order of your ideas. Note any gaps in your explanations. Make sure you transition clearly from one main idea to the next. Do not be afraid to reorder sentences, paragraphs, or entire sections. Also, listen for grammatical and syntax errors. You will probably notice sentences that are awkward, too convoluted, and repetitive.

Finally, hearing your paper out loud will give you a sense of its tone. Does your paper sound too casual, too chatty, or too formal? This essay is the admission committee’s first impress of you. Consider reading your paper to a friend and asking them what impression they obtain from your answers.

Dr. Melissa DeCapua, DNP, PMHNP-BC

Dr. Melissa DeCapua, DNP, PMHNP-BC

AuthorMelissa DeCapua is a board-certified psychiatric nurse practitioner who graduated from Vanderbilt University. She has a background in child and adolescent psychiatry as well as psychosomatic medicine. Uniquely, she also possesses a bachelor’s degree in studio arts, which she uses to enhance patient care, promote the nursing profession, and solve complex problems. Melissa currently works as the Healthcare Strategist at a Seattle-based health information technology company where she guides product development by combining her clinical background and creative thinking. She is a strong advocate for empowering nurses, and she fiercely believes that nurses should play a pivotal role in shaping modern health care. For more about Melissa, check out her blog  www.melissadecapua.com  and follow her on  Twitter @melissadecapua .

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Best Master of Science in Nursing Degrees

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Do I Have to Write a Thesis to Complete a Master’s Degree in Nursing?

Completing a thesis might seem like an expected part of the graduate school experience, but a Master’s thesis for a nursing degree isn’t always required. Many schools now give students the option to complete additional courses or elective work in lieu of a thesis. After completing your undergraduate degree and looking for graduate schools, consider whether you can devote a large amount of time in your last year towards working on a thesis. Picking a topic is only one part of the process.

What is a Thesis?

A thesis is a long paper or project that you complete as part of your studies. Most schools will also refer to the thesis as a capstone project or a final research project. Not all students complete a high amount of research and complete a long paper. Some students will work in a specific area of nursing, including pediatric nursing or critical care nursing. They use their experiences in the field to create a detailed account of how the field operates. Students may also research and develop a new operational method then attempt to implement it with the guidance of a doctor or nurse.

Thesis Topics for Nurses

There are thousands of topics that students can consider when completing a Master’s thesis for a nursing degree. Personal hygiene is a popular topic and may include studying the importance of proper hand washing among medical professionals, new methods of sanitizing equipment or the cleaning of an intensive care unit. Another popular choice is the study of stress and how stress can affect those working in hospitals or clinics.

Non-Thesis Route

The non-thesis route gives students the chance to graduate without completing a research project or paper. Some schools give students the option of taking additional courses in the nursing field, while other schools recommend that students take electives to compensate for the lack of a thesis. Many schools will also let students perform an internship or take one or more seminars instead of doing a thesis. Seminars delve deep into one area of nursing and culminate in a research paper that is shorter than a thesis, while an internship awards students course credit for working in the field.

Thesis or Non-Thesis?

Jeremy S. Hyman and Lynn F. Jacobs recommend that students pick a topic they have some familiarity with when writing a thesis. They point out that you can save time on research when you have preexisting knowledge. Even if you have some experience and knowledge, you might find that you can’t dedicate time to researching the topic and pulling together your thoughts in a paper. Other students work full-time jobs, which limit the time they have to implement a new idea in the field. Employers won’t necessarily ask if you did a thesis, but writing a thesis may help you get a leg up in some competitive areas of nursing.

Students often think that they must write a thesis to finish graduate school, but many schools and programs now offer other options. If you are looking for a program that offers options, check out the 20 Most Innovative Nursing Graduate Programs in the U.S.

Nurse Practitioner Certification

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A cute seven year old girl is at a check-up appointment with her healthcare provider. She is sitting on the examination table with her mother. She is looking at her male nurse practitioner and smiling while her mother is seated next to her.

What is a Nurse Practitioner?

4 min read • February, 09 2024

A nurse practitioner (NP) is an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) with advanced clinical training who provides direct patient care. NPs work closely with physicians and other health providers in primary care and specialty settings. They offer a range of services, such as ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, treating acute and chronic conditions, and prescribing medication.

How to Become a Nurse Practitioner

The steps to becoming a nurse practitioner include graduate-level education and advanced clinical training. NPs begin their careers as registered nurses (RNs) before completing the additional nurse practitioner requirements.

As an NP, you can expand your clinical practice to include responsibilities such as diagnosing patients and creating treatment plans. In many states, you’ll also have prescriptive authority without requiring physician oversight.

Nurse Practitioner Education Requirements

Becoming a nurse practitioner takes six to eight years, including undergraduate and graduate-level training. Graduate programs typically take two to four years to complete, depending on the type of degree. In comparison, medical doctors (MDs) generally complete 10-14 years of education and advanced clinical training.

Prerequisites to Becoming an NP

The first step in the nurse practitioner path is to complete the education and training required to become a registered nurse (RN). While an associate degree can satisfy RN-level educational requirements, a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) is necessary for graduate school admission. Many colleges and universities offer programs specifically designed for RNs who need their BSNs to apply to become nurse practitioners.

Nurse Practitioner Degree Requirements

You can choose from two options when considering nurse practitioner schooling — a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) or a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP). An MSN program usually takes two years to complete, and a DNP program is typically four years.

An MSN or DNP degree will qualify you to become a nurse practitioner, but NPs who have earned their doctorate tend to have better career opportunities. Many employers and state licensing boards now require a DNP degree.

Accreditation Requirements

After completing their MSN or DNP, nurse practitioners must secure national accreditation from the American Nurses Credentialing Center ( ANCC ) or another specialty certification board. This accreditation confirms that the NP has completed all necessary coursework and clinical training and they’re eligible for an APRN license to practice. Since each state issues licenses independently, aspiring NPs should consider where they intend to practice and ensure their training meets the licensure board’s requirements.

A female African American Adult-Geriatric Nurse Practitioner is seated with an elderly African American woman and going over a treatment plan, while a family member looks on.

What Are a Nurse Practitioner’s Responsibilities?

Nurse practitioners play a critical role in delivering health care services, particularly as the number of primary care doctors in the United States continues to decline. Nurse practitioners provide many of the same services as physicians, including diagnosis, treatment, and ongoing care. They can also prescribe medication, order tests, and perform medical procedures. An NP’s main focus is primary care, compared to an RN, who generally provides direct care for patients with immediate needs.

Do Nurse Practitioners Work Under a Doctor’s Supervision?

Nurse practitioners work closely with other health care team members to provide patient-focused care. Certain states require NPs to work directly with a licensed physician, but many states allow full practice authority .

Where Do Nurse Practitioners Work?

NPs practice in all U.S. states and various health care settings, including major teaching hospitals, independent facilities, clinics, physicians’ offices, acute care centers, and urgent care or walk-in clinics.

What Specialties Do Nurse Practitioners Cover?

Nurse practitioners specialize in various facets of health care. Typical NP specialties include:

  • Family Medicine
  • Primary Care
  • Women’s Health
  • Adult/Gerontology

Becoming a nurse practitioner offers a range of benefits. NPs typically have more responsibility and autonomy than RNs. The specialty also provides tremendous growth opportunities and job security. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , the need for nurse practitioners continues to increase. For nurses looking to positively impact patients’ lives, a career as a nurse practitioner is a reliable and fulfilling choice.

Images sourced from Getty Images

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do you have to write a thesis for nurse practitioner

7 Tips for Writing the Perfect Family Nurse Practitioner Essay

NurseJournal Staff

If you are pursuing a career as a family nurse practitioner, you will likely be required to submit a personal essay. Your nurse practitioner personal statement explains why you want to become a family nurse practitioner (FNP) and is an important step in the graduate nursing program application process.

What you say in your nurse practitioner essay should tell the admissions committee who you are as a person and why you will make an effective and ethical nurse practitioner.

When answering the section on “why I want to be a nurse practitioner,” your response may come easily. Others might struggle with putting their reasons into words in an original and clear way. This guide will show you how to convey who you are and why you make an excellent candidate.

1. Be Specific

When you receive your essay questions, you will notice that they are reasonably generic. What the university is looking for, however, is how you turn that into something specific.

Don’t just outline your overall feelings about a full topic. Instead, go into detail and use specific examples from your personal experience that truly demonstrate your capabilities. Not only is this a better way of answering the question, but it also means your essay will be far more interesting. It will properly showcase your personality, which is a very important part of nursing.

2. Be Concise

Always remember that you are writing an essay and not the next great saga. Oftentimes, there will be a word count limit. However, if there isn’t, you shouldn’t write every little detail you come up with. What matters is that the information is complete and doesn’t go off-topic. Stick to the guidelines provided, as they have been given for a good reason (one of them is to test you on how well you can follow instructions). You must be concrete in your answers.

Admissions committees must get through dozens or hundreds of applications. If your nurse practitioner essay is too long, they’ll likely lose focus. In addition, nursing requires concise communication in daily work. If you come across as taking a long time to get to the point, this may leave an unprofessional impression.

3. Demonstrate Your Passion and Commitment

When you describe why you want to be a nurse practitioner, your passion and commitment should leap off the page and make the admissions committee excited to offer you a place. They should see you as the kind of student and colleague that they want to represent their school. You can do this by making sure that your nurse practitioner essay:

  • Shows how your experience and education motivate you
  • Describes specific motivators, such as mentors, experiences with nurses, or even experiences as a patient
  • Shows that you are committed to all aspects of nursing, including patient care, collaboration, cultural competence , and continual learning and improvement
  • Clearly summarizes these elements to match your background and passion to the school’s culture, as well as to nursing

Avoid clichés or general statements about why nursing is important. They already know that. What they don’t know — what you have to tell them — is why your passion will make you an excellent FNP.

4. Tell a Story

Storytelling is the most powerful and memorable form of communication. The stories we’ve lived shape who we are. Leverage the power of storytelling in your nurse practitioner essay.

  • Choose the right story and apply it to nursing. It doesn’t have to be about nursing specifically, but it needs to apply to nursing. Talk about instances where you’ve demonstrated teamwork, perseverance, crisis response skills, or communication successes.
  • Start with a vivid hook that makes the reader want to know what happens next.
  • Use clear language that helps the reader understand and identify with the choices you made.
  • Make stories about more than just yourself. Nursing is a team practice, and if you write as though you’re the only important character in the story, it can seem arrogant or self-involved.
  • Show empathy. Empathy doesn’t mean having a lot of feelings or dwelling on them. It means understanding others and meeting them where they are.
  • Customize your nurse practitioner essay to the program. What values does the school hold? How does the school site describe learning, teachers, and current students? Make these values and priorities stand out in your writing.

5. Highlight Your Strengths

Your essay is an opportunity for you to show what you are made of. Highlight all the things that are good about you, such as your education, your career, your background, and other experiences. Perhaps you have done volunteer work, or you have already been employed in the medical field. It is always a good idea to give some examples of the experiences you have had to demonstrate why you are good at what you do and why you want to become an FNP.

When highlighting these strengths, it is best to be specific and include examples. For instance, saying you are hardworking may sound like a good trait to focus on, but it could be more impactful to provide a specific example of how you have worked hard during your career. This will add credibility to your essay and reinforce your claims.

6. Keep it Professional

You want your nurse practitioner personal statement to be memorable, but only in the right way. Keep your tone professional and individual. Think of your essay as though you were a stranger reading it. Would you want the person who wrote this essay to be in charge of your or a loved one’s care?

Never make a colleague or patient look bad in your nurse practitioner essay. This is a surefire way to get rejected, as it comes across as unprofessional, unfair, and potentially unethical. While a sense of humor is invaluable for a nurse practitioner, humor is very difficult to convey to an audience you don’t know.

Avoid exaggerating, even for dramatic effect. While exaggerating might improve the story, obvious exaggeration will cast doubt on your professional judgment.

Lastly, don’t use foul language in your nurse practitioner essay. Just like humor, while many nurses use it as a coping method, they are careful about their intended audience.

7. Edit Again and Again

Finally, once you have completed your essay, proofread it. After that, give it to someone else to proofread and then edit it once more yourself. Spelling errors, typos, and layout problems are certain to have your application denied because they show a lack of attention to detail. Share your essay with as many people as possible and ask for their suggestions and edits before you finally submit it.

Remember that the faculty members of the FNP program you are applying for also look at how well you can write. Clear communication will be an important skill for successful FNPs. Hence, you must make sure that your essay is well-reviewed and well-written. This is also why you should start developing your essay as early as possible, as this is not a job that can be rushed.

Putting Pen to Paper

Think of your nurse practitioner essay as a way to show who you are, to reflect what is most important to you, and why you will be an excellent FNP.

If you’re not sure where to start, try having a conversation with a friend who is a good listener and have them ask you questions about why you want to be a nurse practitioner. Ask them to probe into what you say and tell you when something comes across as especially meaningful or significant.

Begin by writing anything at all about “why I want to be a nurse practitioner.” Turn your inner editor off. For this first step, the goal is quantity, not quality. Either as you keep writing or when you review it later, you’ll usually find something valuable you can use.

A few final tips:

  • Start early. Even if you’re not sure when you’ll want to earn your MSN, you can start keeping notes now. Once you know when you want to apply, outlining your nurse practitioner essay months ahead will pay off.
  • Ask a variety of people to review your writing. Different people bring different perspectives.
  • Think of it not just as an essay but as a chance for reflection. This is another reason to start early, since this kind of reflection can bring new insights that you’ll want to use.
  • Remember that the better your nurse practitioner personal statement reflects you, the better the decision the committee can make. Be your best self, but be yourself.

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do you have to write a thesis for nurse practitioner

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A thesis statement is a sentence (or sentences) that expresses the main ideas of your paper and answers the question or questions posed by your paper. It offers your readers a quick and easy to follow summary of what the paper will be discussing and what you as a writer are setting out to tell them. The kind of thesis that your paper will have will depend on the purpose of your writing. This handout will cover general thesis statement tips, explain some of the different types of thesis statements, and provide some links to other resources about writing thesis statements.

General Thesis Statement Tips

A thesis statement generally consists of two parts: your topic, and then the analysis, explanation(s), or assertion(s) that you're making about the topic. The kind of thesis statement you write will depend on what kind of paper you're writing.

In some kinds of writing, such as narratives or descriptions, a thesis statement is less important, but you may still want to provide some kind of statement in your first paragraph that helps to guide your reader through your paper.

A thesis statement is a very  specific  statement -- it should cover only what you want to discuss in your paper, and be supported with specific evidence. The scope of your paper will be determined by the length of your paper and any other requirements that might be in place.

Generally, a thesis statement appears at the end of the first paragraph of an essay, so that readers will have a clear idea of what to expect as they read.

You can think of your thesis as a map or a guide both for yourself and your audience, so it might be helpful to draw a chart or picture of your ideas and how they're connected to help you get started.

As you write and revise your paper, it's okay to change your thesis statement -- sometimes you don't discover what you really want to say about a topic until you've started (or finished) writing! Just make sure that your "final" thesis statement accurately shows what will happen in your paper.

Analytical Thesis Statements

In an analytical paper, you are breaking down an issue or an idea into its component parts, evaluating the issue or idea, and presenting this breakdown and evaluation to your audience. An analytical thesis statement will explain:

what you are analyzing

the parts of your analysis

the order in which you will be presenting your analysis

Example: An analysis of barn owl flight behavior reveals two kinds of flight patterns: patterns related to hunting prey and patterns related to courtship.

A reader who encountered that thesis in a paper would expect an explanation of the analysis of barn owl flight behavior, and then an explanation of the two kinds of flight patterns.

Questions to ask yourself when writing an analytical thesis statement:

What did I analyze?

What did I discover in my analysis?

How can I categorize my discoveries?

In what order should I present my discoveries?

Expository (Explanatory) Thesis Statements

In an expository paper, you are explaining something to your audience. An expository thesis statement will tell your audience:

what you are going to explain to them

the categories you are using to organize your explanation

the order in which you will be presenting your categories

Example: The lifestyles of barn owls include hunting for insects and animals, building nests, and raising their young.

A reader who encountered that thesis would expect the paper to explain how barn owls hunt for insects, build nests, and raise young.

Questions to ask yourself when writing an expository thesis statement:

What am I trying to explain?

How can I categorize my explanation into different parts?

In what order should I present the different parts of my explanation?

Argumentative Thesis Statements

In an argumentative paper, you are making a claim about a topic and justifying this claim with reasons and evidence. This claim could be an opinion, a policy proposal, an evaluation, a cause-and-effect statement, or an interpretation. However, this claim must be a statement that people could possibly disagree with, because the goal of your paper is to convince your audience that your claim is true based on your presentation of your reasons and evidence. An argumentative thesis statement will tell your audience:

your claim or assertion

the reasons/evidence that support this claim

the order in which you will be presenting your reasons and evidence

Example: Barn owls' nests should not be eliminated from barns because barn owls help farmers by eliminating insect and rodent pests.

A reader who encountered this thesis would expect to be presented with an argument and evidence that farmers should not get rid of barn owls when they find them nesting in their barns.

Questions to ask yourself when writing an argumentative thesis statement:

What is my claim or assertion?

What are the reasons I have to support my claim or assertion?

In what order should I present my reasons?

do you have to write a thesis for nurse practitioner

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do you have to write a thesis for nurse practitioner

Writing Nursing Dissertations, Theses, & Scholarly Projects (Step-by-Step Guide)

do you have to write a thesis for nurse practitioner

Are you a doctoral, master's, or undergraduate nursing student? If yes, this guide has been made with love for you! As long as you will be handling a nursing scholarly project or dissertation, you have all the reasons to fall in love with this well-thought-guide.

The dissertation writing process is complicated to follow for most DNP nursing students. So, we made this guide to simplify it; we created this guide to make life a bit easier for you.

Although this step-by-step guide will not help you design and execute clinical research or implement quality improvement processes, it will help you successfully plan, organize, and write your nursing dissertation or scholarly project.

Let's begin.

What Is a Nursing Dissertation?

A nursing dissertation is a comprehensive research project a doctoral nursing student must complete to graduate. The centerpiece of the research project is the paper documenting the entire thing, and this paper is what is known as a dissertation.

Some nursing programs allow master's and undergraduate students to write dissertation-style scholarly projects.

Generally, nursing dissertations are between 5,000 to 15,000 words long. The length of your dissertation will largely be determined by the dissertation requirements set by your nursing school, and it will take you between three to twelve months to write your dissertation, depending on its length and complexity.

A typical nursing dissertation comprises several chapters, a references section, and an appendices section. And it is formatted following the APA manual. Therefore, when writing your paper, strictly adhere to the APA stylebook or Harvard formatting style (if you study in Australia or UK).

Before you commence your dissertation project, you will be assigned a supervisor. The supervisor is supposed to provide you with the guidance (mentorship) you need to make your dissertation a robust academic paper.

Therefore, you and them will have to meet regularly to discuss your dissertation from start to finish. So if you were very worried about the dissertation writing process thinking you may fail, you now know there will be someone to hold your hand and get you back on track in case you deviate.

As you may have noticed from the information shared above, a nursing dissertation is a complex paper requiring plenty of work and effort, and you must be at the top of your game to write a solid dissertation paper.

Get professional dissertation assistance from us if you need it at any point.

Structure of Nursing Dissertation

The typical nursing dissertation has the following chapters.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Your nursing dissertation paper has to start with an introduction chapter. In the chapter, you have to provide the reader with background information on the topic of your paper.

The chapter introduces your topic and makes a case for its significance. Any reader reading your nursing dissertation should tell the topic by reading the first two sentences.

Therefore, if you are handling a topic related to CAUTIs, make the first sentence about CAUTIs. A good way is to give statistics or statements about the CAUTIs issue in healthcare settings. You can describe the affected population, the depth of the issue, mortality and morbidity rates, and whether the problem is increasing or its impact is becoming greater.

Beginning the introduction with general to specific ideas help you settle in your readers. Therefore, the first paragraph of the introduction chapter should state the problem and its prevalence while making a general statement on its impact. In your succeeding paragraphs, you will have finer details through your problem statement, purpose statement, research or PICOT question, rationale, and aims/objectives. Giving appropriate background information is critical.

When writing the introduction, you should answer four fundamental questions:

  • What is happening?
  • Why should we care?
  • What do we know currently?
  • What do we need to find out and why?

Answering these questions should lead to a statement otherwise referred to as the purpose statement. A clear and concise purpose statement is vital to your dissertation introduction. Below is an example of a nursing dissertation purpose statement.

This quality improvement project aims to reduce the number of adverse events resulting from medical errors within 90 days.

This study aims to determine whether educating mothers about the importance of exclusive breastfeeding at a local maternity facility will increase adherence and acceptance to exclusive breastfeeding of newborns rather than relying on alternatives such as supplements.

Sometimes, you might be required to write a PICOT-based problem statement, especially if you are doing quantitative research or a quality improvement project.

PICOT stands for:

  • Population: Who is the focus of the project or study?
  • Intervention: What activity/behavior is being tested?
  • Comparison: What group are you comparing your population to?
  • Outcome: What are the outcomes you are examining?
  • Time: What is the duration of the intervention or study?

Related Reading: Formulating PICOT questions plus examples.

Since patients with heart failure have high readmission rates, I propose implementing a discharge follow-up program that encompasses a bi-weekly post-discharge home visit by nurse practitioners within two weeks after hospital discharge. I will compare 40-day readmission rates for the patients during the six months before and after the introduction of the program.

Note that not all the purpose statements for nursing dissertations can be formulated as PICOT problem statement the same way; not all nursing research questions can be PICOT questions. If you are doing a qualitative study, you might sometimes not have time for the comparison, outcome, and intervention.

The purpose statement is followed immediately with a brief description of how you plan to accomplish it. If you are researching, detail your methodological approach, including the design, population, data collection and analysis methods, and your research timeline.

You can also state your hypotheses in the last section of your paragraph. It is also wise to include measurable objectives. Below is an example:

In the six months following the implementation of nurse practitioner-led post-discharge home visits, the average 40-day heart failure readmission rate will be lower than 15%.

You can then reformulate the purpose statement into a specific research question or question. For example:

Will biweekly home visits by nursing practitioners for two weeks post-hospital discharge reduce the readmission rates of heart failure patients?

You also have to provide the reader with an explanation of what is known and what is not known. Lastly, it would be best to clarify what you are investigating, why it is important, and how you will do it.

A good dissertation introduction convinces the reader of the importance of the study or project, includes clear and concise background information and a purpose statement, and identifies the research gap. It also has research questions, hypotheses, and aims/objectives as needed.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

In this chapter, you have to provide definitions for concepts and variables, and you also have to provide the theoretical framework for your dissertation. Your chapter two or the literature review should help the readers understand everything you are researching, the issue you are addressing, and why. It offers the context of the study or project and establishes the significance of the topic and the rationale for your study. A comprehensive literature review helps you critically analyze or synthesize all the available information on your topic. Focusing on peer-reviewed scholarly articles published in the last five years is important. You can also include seminal and classic articles. If you have gray literature, identify it as such in your literature review. The gray literature includes non-peer-reviewed articles,

technical reports, conference reports, reports from recognized organizations working in the topic area (such as NGOs), committee reports, white papers, or unpublished research report

Note that chapters one and two of the dissertation are the same as your proposal (if you were initially asked to write one). It should explain your chosen theoretical model or conceptual framework in depth. You can include your search strategy in the literature review, especially for doctoral programs.

Wrap up the literature review by stating the research gaps you identified that your current study would address.

As the literature review is the longest chapter in a dissertation, you can use subheadings to organize information and guide the readers through complex concepts.

Of course, your lit review must have a review of the literature, and you must provide a comprehensive and analytical review of the literature in this chapter, followed by a summary and an identification of the research gaps.

Chapter 3: Methodology

The methodology chapter is one of the most important chapters of a nursing dissertation because it is the chapter where the design of the study is revealed. So you have to discuss the design of your project in this chapter.

The discussion should include your planning activities, the setting, the people, the sample, the ethical considerations, the data collection, the instruments, the data analysis, the anticipated and actual barriers, the strategic plan, the budget, and the project timeline.

As you can see, many important project elements are to be covered in this chapter. Do not forget any of them if you want to ensure your dissertation is not rejected.

Chapter 4: Results/Findings

This chapter is just as crucial as the chapter above, and it is where you discuss the results of your project. The must-have elements of this chapter include the response rate, the sample size, the demographics, the preliminary statistical tests, the final statistical tests/analyses, the qualitative tests, and the project implementation outcomes.

This chapter is written at a sweet time when you have already collected and analyzed your data or fully implemented your science project. Writing it is all about detailing what you did and the outcomes.

Chapter 6: Discussion, Conclusion, and Recommendation

After detailing what you found out in your project, you must discuss it. This is where the rubber meets the road - you show the world you are a worthy doctoral nursing student. The essential elements you should have in this chapter include a summary of the problem, your key findings, what the findings mean, the implications of the findings, recommendations for future studies, the limitations of the study, and your conclusion.

Unlike the previous chapters, this chapter needs a lot of thinking and a lot of interpretation. Therefore, many students consider it challenging to write. Nevertheless, it is just a chapter like the others, so it can be written. It may take some time, but it can be written.

References Section

The references section of your dissertation is where you make clear the sources you used. Here, you must correctly include the citations for all the sources you have used in your dissertation.

You do this to credit other researchers who have worked hard like you to do their research. You also do it to avoid plagiarism, and your dissertation can be dismissed if you are found to have used sources without referencing.

Appendices Section

The appendices section of your dissertation provides your reader with all the images, tables, and other raw data you used in your dissertation.

You do this to enable the reader to find out more without distracting them from the main objective of your paper.

Steps for Writing the Perfect Nursing Dissertation

Follow the steps below to write a brilliant nursing dissertation.

1. Choose A Topic

This may sound easy, but it is not because your chosen topic will determine whether your dissertation is successful. To choose the perfect topic for your dissertation, you need to do a lot of brainstorming.

Do this by thinking about your areas of interest in nursing. What would you like to improve or to know more about? Note down everything significant that comes to mind. Then proceed to look at recently published journal articles in nursing and note down interesting gaps in the research.

All the things you have noted are potential topics for your dissertation. Identify the three most interesting ones and present them to your dissertation supervisor for a discussion. They will help to settle on the perfect topic for your nursing dissertation.

Related Reading:

  • Capstone project ideas and topics
  • Tips for choosing a nursing dissertation topic
  • Epidemiology nursing topics
  • Mental health nursing topics
  • Nursing informatics topics
  • Steps for writing a nursing philosophy statement
  • Nursing research topics for nursing papers and essays.

2. Conduct Pre-Research

After settling on the perfect topic for your dissertation, you should research your topic. This research aims to help you refine your topic and your potential research question.

The most efficient way to conduct pilot research into your chosen topic is to find and review relevant scholarly literature. Find the literature by searching your topic or its keywords in broad scholarly databases such as Google Scholar and CINAHL.

Take plenty of notes as you review the literature to understand the topic better.

3. Conduct Deep Research

A nursing dissertation is an opportunity to show your readers (professors) your nursing knowledge, research, and writing skills. And the only way you can confidently do this is by reading a lot of literature on the topic you want to write about.

So conduct deep research into your chosen topic to find relevant literature for your dissertation. Use the notes you took in the step above to conduct the research. And conduct the research into as many nursing databases as you have access to � Google Scholar, CINAHL, Embase, the Cochrane Library, ClinicalKey, PubMed, etc.

As you conduct deep research into the topic, take plenty of notes. Your goal during this step should be to know your topic inside-out, which will help you think clearly about it and know what exactly you need to do.

4. Write A Research Proposal

Before writing your dissertation, you will need to write a research proposal. Your supervisor will assess the proposal, and the format and all the other requirements will be made clear by your supervisor.

The proposal aims to show you understand what you want to investigate and discuss in your dissertation. Therefore, make sure it discusses your dissertation research topic, proposed methodology, and the key literature reviewed. In this step, you will have to think of the best methodology to use for your research.

Upon assessing your proposal, your supervisor will give you feedback on whether you are on the right track. They will tell you what to do to ensure your dissertation is perfect.

5. Research A Lot

After getting feedback from your supervisor, you should incorporate their feedback and then embark on research. Research differentiates an ordinary dissertation from an extraordinary one, so ensure your research is thorough.

What are you researching in this step? You are researching similar dissertations to the one you have proposed, and you should use resources like ProQuest Dissertations to find them.

The purpose of researching similar dissertations to what you have is to understand what it takes to develop an outstanding dissertation. You most likely have never read a published dissertation before. So read several and look at the language, the formatting, the methodology, the discussion, and so on to find out what you need to do.

6. Start Writing

This is where you start pulling everything together. Start writing your introduction chapter, the next chapter, and the next until you conclude. Writing the thousands of words you need to complete your dissertation will take time and effort. Have this in mind when you start writing to avoid getting frustrated.

As you are writing, make sure you properly organize your chapters. If you are unsure what chapter to write next or what to write in a chapter, refer to the outline/structure provided in this post.

One more thing to remember is that each chapter is a building block to your entire research. Therefore, it must agree with the rest of the chapters; nothing in it must sound off or out of place.

7. Present Your Paper to Your Supervisor

After you write your dissertation or thesis paper, present it to your supervisor for discussion. You now have something to show and something concrete for them to assess. Send it to them and await their feedback.

They will assess your dissertation and give you feedback. Upon receiving the feedback, you need to incorporate the feedback into your dissertation. This will ensure your final paper/dissertation is perfect or near perfect.

8. Proofread and Polish Your Dissertation

After incorporating the feedback given by your professor, proceed to proofread and polish your dissertation. Since your dissertation is thousands of words long, you should proofread and polish it chapter by chapter.

Remember, it usually takes days to proofread and polish a dissertation. Therefore, do not feel pressured or frustrated if you feel as if you are moving slowly. Just push forward, and you will get to the end.

9. Make Sure Your Dissertation Is Well-Formatted

After polishing your paper, ensure your dissertation is well-formatted. You need to be very careful when formatting. Do not forget to apply any APA rule to your dissertation.

Move methodically and apply every relevant formatting rule to your paper. Do not forget to correctly add all the references and appendices to your dissertation.

10. Present Your Dissertation to Your Supervisor

After you complete the step above, you will be all but done with writing your dissertation. What you need to do now is to present your dissertation to your supervisor one more time.

They will give you their feedback and help you prepare to defend your dissertation. Of course, you must incorporate their feedback into your academic writing before starting any dissertation defense preparations.

Once you are done with this step, you are done writing your dissertation.

Tips for Writing an Excellent Dissertation for Nursing

Follow the 20 tips below to write a brilliant nursing dissertation paper.

1. Start Immediately

When you know your school's guidelines for writing a nursing dissertation, you should start working toward choosing a dissertation topic. After choosing a topic, you should begin taking steps to prepare your dissertation writing, and then you should go ahead and start writing it.

Students often assume they have much time to write their dissertations, which is frequently untrue. Time flies when you are a DNP student; before you know it, you will have only a few short months to start and complete your dissertation.

2. Cite All the Sources You Use

When writing your dissertation, cite all the sources you use. A dissertation is an opportunity for you to show not only your academic knowledge but also your academic integrity. And academic integrity is all about honesty.

You need to cite all the sources you use. Never present someone else's work as your own. Always cite the source where you've taken information. Failure to cite correctly can result in your dissertation being rejected. Most professors are rigorous on this.

3. Make Sure Your Topic Is Specific

When choosing a topic for your dissertation, ensure it is very specific. Making sure your topic is particular will make your research easier, and it will also make your dissertation much easier to write and better to read.

In contrast, if your topic is too big or ambitious, you will end up with a situation where your dissertation sounds too broad. You will find it somewhat difficult to cover your topic as in-depth as you like. So be realistic and make your topic specific.

4. Don't Use Big Words When Simple Words Can Do

Some students think a dissertation is an opportunity to show how clever or sophisticated they are. Therefore, they use big words, jargon, and complicated sentences to try and prove this. This is unnecessary because it usually doesn't make their work any better.

Using big words, jargon, and complicated sentences will most likely make your work difficult to read and affect the flow of your work. So use simple words instead of big words whenever you can.

5. Save Your Progress Often and in Multiple Places

Starting and completing a dissertation is a massive undertaking. This is because a typical dissertation research project takes months to complete. The number of words to be typed to complete a dissertation is in the thousands, and the formatting is usually a pain in the *ss.

Because starting and completing a dissertation is difficult, you should save your work often and in multiple places. Send it to yourself in your email, WhatsApp, etc. These backup copies will ensure all your hard work is NOT lost in case you lose your laptop to a virus or a thief.

6. Plan Your Dissertation Writing Process

There is a common saying about planning that is almost cliche; failure to plan is planning to fail. If you don't plan for something, you unknowingly plan to fail. In other words, planning is essential for success.

So once you have been given the departmental guidelines for writing your dissertation, you should create a comprehensive plan with deadlines to help you complete your dissertation project. If you create a good plan, you will find the dissertation writing process easier to manage.

7. Make Sure Your Major Decisions Are Research-Informed

Every big decision you make in your paper is informed by research. For example, before you decide on your dissertation's focus, research more about what you want to write about. Before you decide on the methodology, you will use research to discover the most appropriate methods.

Making sure your significant decisions are backed up by research, as shown in the two examples above, will make it very easy for you to explain why you made the decisions to your reader. It will also make your paper more scientific, accurate, and academically sound.

8. Don't Panic If Your Results Are Not What You Expected

If, after the careful planning and execution of your research project, you get unexpected results, do not panic. Unexpected results are as valuable as expected results. The key is to ensure you do more research to explain why you think you got the results in your discussion section.

By carefully explaining your unexpected results, you will show your professors you researched and understood the topic you decided to investigate. This will make your dissertation more likely to get an excellent mark/grade.

9. Show Awareness of Your Research Limits

No matter how good your research skills are, it would help if you showed awareness of your research limits. In other words, you should indicate the limitations of your research. Of course, the limitations you note should be backed by research.

It is essential to show the limitations of your project to let the reader know that you fully understood what you were doing. It will also help the reader better contextualize your results and findings.

10. Take It Easy

Dissertation writing is hard work full of pressure and frustrations. However, it would help if you didn't let all that get to you. Remember, calm heads always prevail in one way or another. So keep your cool no matter how difficult and frustrating things get.

Keeping your cool no matter what will help you to push forward with your dissertation and to complete it successfully. On the other hand, getting frustrated will make you get stuck, which could result in you being among the many students that do not complete their dissertations.

11. First Draft Isn't Perfect

When writing your dissertation, please do not feel too much pressure to perfect it. Your goal should be simple; to complete your first draft, and your goal should be to complete your first draft to get a psychological boost and not make the first draft perfect.

The first draft isn't perfect and doesn't need to be. If you make peace with this, writing and completing your first draft will be easier. The right time to perfect your dissertation is when you proofread and edit it. You will likely need to rewrite huge parts of your first draft to make it brilliant.

12. Be Flexible

You don't need to write the chapters in a perfect sequence when writing your essay. Some students think they must do this to create a good dissertation flow. However, this is unnecessary. You create flow by making sure your sentences and paragraphs are easy to understand and by using transition words and sentences generously.

Write your chapters in any way you like. Write the easiest chapters first to gain momentum in your dissertation. This momentum will make it easier for you to write the trickier chapters.

13. Talk to Your Supervisor Regularly

Your dissertation supervisor/advisor is there to help you. You should plan to meet them biweekly or more frequently to discuss your dissertation and the progress you have made.

Do not be afraid or shy to ask your supervisor questions or clarifications. Your supervisor is there to help you and guide you through your work, and they are there to ensure you stay on track. So meet them regularly and show them your work to get all the tips and advice you need to remain on the proper path.

14. Don't Forget Your Health and Wellbeing

Just because you are writing your dissertation doesn't mean you have to let your health deteriorate. Ensure you eat well, exercise, sleep well, and stay healthy. Maintaining your physical health will ensure you are always in the right physical condition to continue putting in the hard work you need to complete your project.

Also, take care of your mental health. Your mind is the biggest tool you need for your project. Protect it by taking breaks, relaxing, hanging out with friends, and doing the things you love regularly. The more protected your mind is, the easier it will be for you to write your dissertation.

15. Don't Give Up

Dissertating is extremely difficult, and it takes a lot of physical and mental effort to complete a nursing dissertation successfully. Therefore, you will feel like throwing in the towel in many instances. If you ever feel like this, do not do it.

Don't give up. Choosing not to give up and persevering will give you a sweet psychological victory and make you feel stronger and more capable. It will also ensure you graduate with the master's degree you have sacrificed so much to get.

16. Get Professional Assistance

If you ever need assistance to complete your entire dissertation or a part of it, do not be afraid to get professional assistance. Many dissertation writing services can provide you with the help you need at a small fee, and we are one such service.

We can help you write your entire dissertation paper or any part. We can also help with specific parts of the dissertation writing process, e.g., the research, the introduction, the methodology section, the proofreading/editing, and the incorporation of feedback.

As you Ponder the Steps and Tips ...

We hope we have provided all the information you need to write your nursing dissertation paper. Now it is up to you to step up and start dissertating.

Related Articles:

  • Step-by-step guide for writing a nursing change project
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If you need any assistance in any part of the dissertation writing process, please visit our home page to get the assistance you need.

Our writers are experts with multiple years of experience in dissertation writing, formatting, and editing. You can never go wrong with us.

What is a dissertation?

A dissertation is a comprehensive research paper written to fulfill a graduate degree. A dissertation can be required to graduate with a master's degree in the UK or a doctorate in the US.

How long does it take to write a nursing dissertation?

It usually takes between three to twelve months to write a nursing dissertation. Two things largely determine how short or long a dissertation will be - the departmental requirements and the methodology chosen.

Can you write a nursing dissertation in three months?

Yes, you can. It is certainly not impossible, but it will take you every single day and night to write a good dissertation in such a short time. If you don't have enough time to write a dissertation, work with a dissertation writing service to get the desired results quickly.

Related: Is the WGU RN-BSN worth your time and money?

How long is a nursing dissertation?

Most nursing dissertations are between 6000 to 16000 words long. Of course, some are shorter than 6,000 words, and others are longer than 16000 words.

What is the difference between a thesis and a dissertation?

Masters nursing students need to write a thesis to complete their degree, while doctoral nursing students need to write a dissertation to complete their degree.

Is getting help with a nursing dissertation online illegal?

No, it is not. No law prohibits you or anybody else from getting a nursing dissertation online. So if you need dissertation assistance from a dissertation writing business online, feel free to get it.

Can a nursing dissertation be done as a group?

No. Dissertations are individual research projects, and you can get guidance and assistance from anywhere you want, but your dissertation is your project and will only have a single author - you.

Does a nursing dissertation require an abstract poster?

Yes, if it is going to be presented at a conference. The poster should include a title, a summary, an intro, the methodology used, the results, the discussion, and the conclusions. All these things should be less than 300 words.

Do nursing students defend their nursing theses and dissertations?

Yes, they do. In most colleges, nursing students must defend their theses and dissertations before a committee that usually includes faculty members.

Who writes a nursing dissertation?

In the US, a doctoral student writes a nursing dissertation, while a master's student writes a nursing thesis. In the UK, it is the opposite - a master's student writes a nursing dissertation and a doctoral student writes a nursing thesis.

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do you have to write a thesis for nurse practitioner

‘Efforts to tackle discrimination are laudable but more is needed’


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A practical approach to the process of writing a dissertation

09 October, 2017

dissertation cropped

Writing a dissertation does not have to be stressful and should be a vehicle for learning, not a chore. This article offers practical advice for student nurses embarking on the task

While many student nurses find the task daunting, writing a dissertation is essentially a powerful vehicle for learning; it is an opportunity to work on methodology and organisational skills, develop an appreciation of research, and demonstrate critical thinking. With the help of a good supervisor, a carefully planned dissertation will develop almost naturally, as long as students follow a few basic rules. This article considers the essentials of writing a dissertation and offers practical guidance to students.

Citation: Lowry M (2017) A practical approach to the process of writing a dissertation. Nursing Times [online]; 113: 11, 36-39.

Author: Mike Lowry is a freelance writer and former nursing academic.

  • This article has been double-blind peer reviewed
  • Scroll down to read the article or  download a print-friendly PDF here
  • Also read our article Making the most of the relationship with your dissertation supervisor


Many student nurses feel overwhelmed by the task of writing a dissertation, uncertain how to approach it and doubtful about their chances of success. Few are fully confident that they know how to go about writing the dissertation, manage the supervisory relationship and highlight the essentials of the topic they wish to examine. However, writing a dissertation is a learning process, and need not be such an onerous task if it is carefully planned.

A dissertation can be defined as the report of a process; it may also be seen as a long essay (Biggam, 2015). By comparison, a thesis is more sophisticated and adds to the knowledge in a field, or challenges accepted norms to bring about changes in established understanding. Undergradu-ates and taught master’s degree students are more likely to produce a dissertation, as do many master’s students, whereas students at doctoral level are more likely to write a thesis.

Writing a dissertation equates to developing an understanding of research or systematic enquiry rather than generating new evidence; that is the purpose of a doctoral thesis. While there are various methods according to the nature of the project, the main purpose of a dissertation is to enable students to demonstrate organisational skills, beginning insights into research, and deeper, more critical understanding of their chosen focal topic. However, there are commonalities be-tween a dissertation and thesis, especially around the importance of good supervisory relationships. This article focuses on dissertations, offering a framework for students embarking on – or stuck in the middle of – the process of writing one.

Purpose of a dissertation

Students are asked to write a dissertation to demonstrate their ability to focus on a subject, examine it in detail through systematic enquiry and identify relevant theories. They need to show they are capable of presenting work in an orderly, academic form, clearly demonstrating a working knowledge of their chosen subject. Equally important is the development of various levels of critical insight, depending on the level of degree for which the dissertation is to be submitted – undergraduate or master’s. Box 1 summarises what is expected from you in a dissertation.

Box 1. What your dissertation must demonstrate

  • Ability to delve into a subject through systematic enquiry
  • Capacity to present written work in an orderly, academic form
  • Working knowledge of a subject
  • Clarity of purpose, clarity of thought and sophistication of argument
  • Ability to focus, plan, organise and work methodically
  • Ability to think critically

Getting started

Acording to Wisker (2013) a dissertation is a large piece of work requiring careful planning, good time management, critical thinking, conceptual understanding and adherence to practices for completion. The time taken initially to decide on the topic, approaches and resources will be time well spent.

Many students consider identifying and refining the topic of their dissertation to be one of the most difficult elements in the process. It is fair to say that once the topic has been defined, the rest unrolls like a carpet – as long as you follow a few basic rules (Box 2).

Box 2. Basic rules for writing a dissertation

  • Refine the topic, spending time with your supervisor at this stage
  • Choose question(s), where relevant, that will likely produce interesting answers
  • Consider resources
  • Do not hesitate to write in the first person if appropriate
  • Put effort and care into every stage of the process
  • Justify your choices rather than simply stating them
  • Produce a lively and informed discussion
  • Follow the format requirements of your institution/supervisor

It is important to avoid chaos and to put effort and care into every stage of the process; the SCARY checklist contains useful advice on what a dissertation should and should not be (Box 3).

Box 3. The SCARY checklist

Your dissertation should be SCARY , in other words:

S traightforward: avoid waffling or overcomplicating ideas; you should, however, demonstrate complexity when discussing findings and literature

C lear and unambiguous: whatever you set out to do must be easily defined and may be trailed for audit

A chievable: within the time frame, limits of the remit, available resources and size limitations

R ecency, ensure that the material you are using to inform the work is current; it might be wise to ensure that all literature dates from the last 10 years or so, depending on the subject matter. Unless older work is seminal, avoid citing it and seek newer material; never use literature just because it is convenient or to hand

Y ours: do not be tempted to claim anyone else’s work as your own

One key piece of advice is that it must be the student’s own work, which means plagiarism must be avoided (Box 4).

Box 4. Plagiarism: do not go there

As Singh and Remenyi (2016) explain, plagiarism is using, in an essay or dissertation, ideas that have been sourced from work published by other authors without acknowledging them. It is academic misconduct to fail to acknowledge the original source, a point echoed by Biggam (2015). In the worst case scenario, plagiarism can lead to the candidate’s work being disallowed.

If you are tempted to use the work of others and claim it for yourself, the advice is simple: do not go there.

The qualities that distinguish an outstanding dissertation from an average one include clarity of purpose, clarity of thought and sophistication of the argument. A first-class submission will be highly organised and focused, clearly demonstrating critical insight, as opposed to a simple, unquestioned description.

Refining the topic

A topic that may seem obvious at the outset can prove to be too vague or too complex. It can be helpful to distil your ideas using a framework such as Lowry’s reflective triangle (Lowry, 2016). Start by making notes on what interests you and why (the ‘case’), then put these into the ‘context’ and consider all the ‘variables’ (Fig 1). For example, you might have an interest in educating patients and want to explore this case in more depth. The context might be your recent experience of a patient being unclear about information on treatment options. Given the importance of patients understanding treatment options so they can make informed decisions, the scenario might appear more complex than it first seemed. You might want to consider the impact on you as a practitioner, who else was involved, what was particularly important and why (the variables). Your reflections will eventually crystallise into a clearer topic and will help you justify your choice.

fig 1

This part of a dissertation is often seen as the most challenging. Without a clear focus, the rest of the process is likely to stall, so spending time with your supervisor at this stage is invaluable. Go it alone if you will, but it is far better to nurture the supervisory relationship (Kimani, 2014).

Determining the research question

Not all dissertations need a question or questions; some can be purely observational – for example if they use grounded theory. When questions are involved, however, these must be relevant and have a reasonable chance of producing answers.

Unless the subject matter makes it impossible, you should never use a closed question (questions starting with “is”, “are”, “does” or “can”), as the answer will inevitably be yes or no. For example, the answer to the question “Is the process of completing a dissertation arduous?” is almost certainly yes, to an extent, so the question has no real value. A more interesting alternative would be to ask “To what extent is completing a dissertation arduous?”. This offers something to explore and play with to produce a discussion. If you study human society in any shape or form, you will quickly discover that it is seldom binary and rarely fits an ‘either/or’ format.

Considering resources

While refining your topic and research question, you also need to identify and justify the resources you may need, such as help from a statistician, support with transcribing data or advice from experts. Consider whether these resources will be available within the time frame and budget. It would be unwise to seek answers to questions that require disproportionate resources.

Using discursive writing

Students tend to avoid discursive writing, preferring to report rather than to argue, but Kamler and Thomson (2006) emphasise the importance of producing lively and informed discussions. There are opportunities for discussion in various sections of a dissertation, including in the literature review, and it can be used throughout your work, starting with the justification of your choice of topic and methods.

Choosing the right pronoun

It has long been debated whether to use the personal pronoun in academic work; the upshot is that, where justified, there is no reason to avoid writing in the first person. As Kamler and Thomson (2006) put it, “‘I’ is not just a matter of personal choice. There are epistemological/methodological and rhetorical reasons for choosing to use the first person pronoun”. Conversely, trying to shoehorn the personal pronoun (or third person) into your writing when it is unnecessary detracts from the intrinsic quality of the dissertation.

Discuss your preference with your supervisor and be ready to argue your case; the reason for your choice must be clear from the outset. Whatever choice you make – first or third person – must be adhered to throughout, so never alternate between pronouns.

Format and elements of a dissertation

Once you have a general feel for what your dissertation is going to look like, you can get started. The requirements for format and what elements the dissertation should include vary according to institutions and supervisors, so be guided by them. More information on the practicalities of pre-paring a research-based dissertation can be found in Bowen (2005). Generally, all the elements described below are needed in one form or another. At each step, remember to justify your choices as opposed to alternatives, rather than simply stating them and moving on. In terms of style, avoid colloquialisms and discipline your thinking to search for relevant illustrative expressions.

Although the introduction to the dissertation comes first it should be written last, after everything else is complete. Only then will you know exactly what is in your dissertation and how to introduce it.

The background section tells the story of what led you to undertake this work – for example, a recent placement, clinical experience or a presentation in an academic forum. It brings the reader to the table, so to speak.

Aims and objectives

Aims and objectives must be determined at the outset. Have at least one (main) aim and four (contributory) objectives: fewer than four objectives might appear superficial, especially considering that the aim has been deemed interesting enough to merit a study. Objectives must be relevant to the aim(s), and aims and objectives must be clearly stated and explained.

The aim is the overall destination and the objectives are what you need to do to get there; for example, if your aim was to help women to decide what method of contraception to choose, your objectives would include establishing what methods are available, examining the risks and benefits of each, and evaluating different forms of patient information.

Literature review

The literature review – sometimes called literature search or literature enquiry – is crucial. What you have read must be current and relevant, and you need to show that you have examined it critically. If one author’s assertion is contradicted by another, your role is to unravel the arguments and extract meaning from them. The fact that authors have had their work published does not mean they are necessarily right.

Synthesise what you have read, bring the information together and demonstrate how it has contributed to your thinking. From your reading you will develop ideas on how to investigate your topic – including what design best fits your purpose.

Journal articles are generally more focused and detailed than books. Ensure the journals you cite are peer-reviewed: this means its articles have been scrutinised by people with the relevant spe-cialist expertise before being accepted for publication. How many articles or books you include depends on the nature of your work. You are likely to need at least 20 current articles or books to make sense of your topic. Fewer sources may betray an unwillingness to delve into the subject, whereas featuring a huge amount of literature may indicate you have skimmed through it. Be selective and be prepared to justify your choice of included work.

The design – also referred to as approach or method – is the way in which you explore your topic. This section can adopt various presentations but should be clear and succinct, and you should avoid becoming mired in uncertainties. It may feature:

  • The epistemological approach – for example qualitative or quantitative, or perhaps eclectic – and why you made that choice;
  • The method – for example, if you have chosen a quantitative approach your method could be a survey, while a qualitative approach could be the observation of informants and interpretation of their behaviour with the help of follow-up interviews. These methods are by no means exhaustive and relevant texts on research principles, such as Parahoo (2014); Moule and Aveyard (2016); Ellis (2016) will help you select your method.
  • Resources needed for your project;
  • Any perceived limitations, such as availability of informants, response rates or equipment, and how these were dealt with.

Ethical approval

Research is awash with ethical challenges; you need to identify them early and show what steps you have taken to address them. Do refer to the theories on ethics that you have used to guide your thinking. As a general rule, undergraduates should not be encouraged to involve patients in their research projects, but they will still need to secure ethical approval if they intend to involve peers, staff or any other informants who could potentially be harmed. Obtaining ethical approval is a long and sometimes complex process that should not be taken lightly.

This section states what sources you derive information from; for example, this could be literature only, different types of literature, individual informants or observations.

Describe what you have done, what worked and what did not. Do not avoid exploring errors in your work, but when doing so, demonstrate how they have contributed to your understanding.

This is the section where you describe what has emerged from your study and what you think needs to be examined further (and why). Do not merely end with a series of superficial comments about what else could be done, but explain what brought you to these views.

The discussion is your chance to shine. It is likely to be longer than most other sections – if not there may be a problem. Start by stating what resulted from your enquiry, and every time you make a statement, ask yourself: so what? It may seem odd, but this self-enquiry will result in deeper insights, which will impress examiners.

If you want to excel, incorporate the findings from the literature review into your discussion and explore whether the findings from your work concur with or differ from the literature. You can further enhance the discussion by integrating fieldwork, findings and ethical challenges. The more fully you engage with the dissertation at this stage, the more sophisticated the end product will be.


The conclusions (or recommendations) need to be brief, draw everything together and suggest what needs to happen next and why.

Your work must include a carefully compiled list of literature cited in your dissertation. Bear in mind that examiners do check references – especially if they are themselves among the authors cited. They may find incomplete reference lists – or, even worse, their published work misquoted or wrongly interpreted – extremely irritating. Refer to your institution’s guidelines for reference protocols.

A dissertation is a means for students to demonstrate they can work methodically and think critically. It is also a powerful vehicle for learning, and one that may well stimulate students to become further involved with systematic enquiry. At the very least, it will engender an appreciation of the process of research.

  • Many students feel overwhelmed by the task of writing a dissertation
  • A dissertation that has been carefully thought through should develop naturally
  • Time taken initially to decide on the topic, questions and methods will be time well spent
  • Dissertations must be clear, organised and focused, and demonstrate critical insight
  • Plagiarism is academic misconduct and must be avoided

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I am a 3rd year student nurse embarking on my dissertation so found this article interesting. It is true, most students do feel nervous and overwhelmed at the thought of writing a dissertation especially on top of other assignments and being in practice.

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Do You Have to Write Papers In Nursing School?

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I hate writing papers so much. Hate it! Hate it! Hate it! It’s not what I’m good at, and I don’t enjoy the process.

Understandably, someone thinking about becoming a nurse would be wondering if they have to write papers in nursing school.

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Do You Have to Write Papers in Nursing School?

You’re going to be writing papers in nursing school. How much you’ll be writing will depend on your degree track. LPNs will write little to no paper, but once you get to an MSN or a DNP nursing program, you will be writing a lot of papers.

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Writing Papers in Nursing School

nursing student typing on computer

From my experience, there’s a lot of paper writing that happens in the nursing degree track. It’s been surprising to me, but I have come to accept that it’s just part of nursing.

If you’re wondering how many papers and essays you’ll be writing, it’s going to vary. It will depend on what degree track of nursing you’re on and the school you’re going to.

For example, an LPN will get far fewer essay assignments (if any) than a nursing student who’s in a master’s or doctorate program (they’ll be getting a lot of papers to write).

Here’s a better breakdown of it.

Related: How Smart Do I Have to Be for Nursing School?

How Many Papers Will You Write in an LPN Nursing Program?

In an LPN program, you’ll write little to no papers as your coursework will consist primarily of practical nursing work.

How Many Papers Will You Write in a 2 Year ADN Program?

In an ADN program, you’re going to write some papers here and there. But it won’t be anywhere near as much as a BSN program.

How Many Papers Will You Write in a 4 Year BSN Program?

In a BSN program, you’re going to write several big papers along with many other smaller written assignments. From experience, you’ll write more papers as you get into your later years when you’re taking leadership and community nursing classes.

How Many Papers Will You Write in an MSN Degree Program?

There’s a surprising amount of papers you’re going to write in an MSN degree program. When I was in a family nurse practitioner track, I wrote several big research papers on top of several smaller ones. I can only imagine a non-clinical MSN route would have written even more paper.

I also want to add that I wrote more papers in my MSN degree track than when I got my BSN. On top of that, there’s a higher expectation set on papers in an MSN degree program.

How Many Papers Will You Write in a DNP or Ph.D. Degree Program?

You’re going to write a lot of papers in a DNP or Ph.D. nursing program. Writing research papers and dissertations will be the primary way you’ll be graduating from these programs.

Find a Nursing Program

Don’t let the number of papers you’ll be writing in nursing school scare you away from an awesome career path.

Whether you want to go the LPN route or the registered nurse route, becoming a nurse is a great career field to go into.

Go here to start searching for a nursing program that fits your needs (classroom, hybrid, online-only). There are also part-time and full-time programs available.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What kinds of papers do you write in nursing school.

Academic papers, personal narratives, professional compositions, and big research papers (to name a few) are the type of papers and written assignments you will have in nursing school.

Does nursing school require essays?

Yes. Some nursing programs will require a personal essay to go along with your application for admission.

Do you have to write a thesis for nursing?

Not every nursing program will require a thesis. Some may have a non-thesis option in which a final capstone project is presented. Check with your nursing program of choice to be sure what they require.

Do nurses write research paper?

Unless you’re a research nurse, clinical nurses don’t typically write research papers. Nursing students will write research papers because it helps them learn nursing principles and concepts.

portrait of thomas wearing scrubs with stethoscope

About the Author

Thomas Uzuegbunem is a registered nurse who graduated with a bachelor’s in business and went on to get his bachelor’s of science in nursing. He’s worked in the ICU, mental health (inpatient, outpatient), & GI specialty areas. He’s the lead editor and founder of Nurse Money Talk.

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Online Help for a Great Thesis Statement

  • Writer's Handbook - UW Madison
  • Creating a Thesis Statement - Purdue
  • Thesis Statements - UNC Chapel Hill A short tutorial dealing with what a thesis statement is, how to make a thesis statement, and how to know if a thesis statement is strong. It also includes several examples.
  • Developing a Thesis - Harvard Detailed tips about constructing a good thesis, with annotated examples of good and bad thesis statements.

Why the Thesis Statement Is Backwards

Why the thesis statement is backwards.

by Natalya Zielnicki at windyconditions.net

I used to hate the phrase, “thesis statement.” In English and writing classes, it was a vague, overly-emphasized concept that stuck out in my humanities education like a sore thumb. I loathed assignments bidding my classmates and me to, “write a thesis statement,” and answer “what’s your paper’s thesis?” before setting out to do any research on the topic!

And for whatever reason, in spite of all the weight placed on this holy grail entrusted to young writers, I simply did not understand its importance. I would try to find a thesis — set out to prove that “Wilbur was highly humble until Charlotte wrote on her web, ‘Some Pig’” before finishing Charlotte’s Web . After “finding” my thesis I would sit in front of my computer, straining from word constipation until last minute panic hit me and I would write some awful paragraphs “supporting” my statement at the end of the first paragraph in an essay. This method was great at scraping me A-s, with occasional As or B+s on most papers…but it left me resenting writing. Drained of any creativity in the confines of writing a “thesis statement” every few weeks, I tried to avoid as many humanities classes as I could by taking more math classes.

Then, a wonderful kick in the face occurred during a few upper level math classes, which invariably taught me to write. Once you hit a few upper level math classes such as Analysis, a student will be asked to write a math proof. Sometimes the question is not put in the easiest way; assignments usually read, “is this statement true or false? Either find a counterexample or give a proof of this statement.” Oh, how I loathed such questions, where there was no black-and-white way to solve something!

But then, after many hours and sleepless nights, proof-writing started clicking , and my mind was molded into way of thinking that started trickling into many applications. Proof-writing is a wonderfully fulfilling process; it involves the creative steps of exploring, questioning, and then — once all the steps are laid out nicely in front of you — you neatly summarize it in plain English.

Consider, for example, the following proof from an old Number Theory homework set. Notice how no sentence is wasted; each explored step takes me closer and closer to the conclusion we make in our “proof” statement:

Number Theory proof

And this is how I learned how to write. I learned that writing is a logical proof: you explore, experiment, and each sentence becomes one step closer to the insightful conclusion you are about to make. That conclusion is your thesis. Don’t set out to prove a thesis first; as you think, experiment until you prove your newfound thesis. Similar to the above proof, the thesis statement isn’t meant to be some clean sentence at the end of the first paragraph of your five-paragraph paper. Instead, it is this polished result that you obtain by getting your hands dirty, and then unraveling it out until finally — you have it, in one beautiful statement or two. As you explore your topic, you venture into the unknown, and with each logical step and creative measure, you have pulled from the dredges of the unknown something that you and your readers will love and appreciate for all its glory. I guarantee it.

Sure, this method takes a little more research and thought than a nicely packaged handout that your teachers would like to show. But trust me, if you prod it, if you polish and polish some more, if you really put some thought into each paper and sentence you write, that thesis will shine. And you will soar in all your writing assignments from hereon out.

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  • Last Updated: Mar 6, 2024 9:17 AM
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8 Tips on How to Write Nursing Thesis

Do you need to write a nursing thesis and don’t know where to start? In this post, we’ll tell you what you need to do so that you can complete your project in record time.

First, it usually happens that as you get closer to the dreaded thesis statement, the pressing questions begin. What topic will I choose? Who will be my mentor? Where will I find the bibliography? Who will help me write my thesis? And yes, this is all a new scenario within your usual academic routine, so you will have to prepare for a new learning experience. 

The dissertation, also known as a graduate thesis or senior thesis project, is not an obstacle in your path. It should be your first thought every morning to integrate and accept the fact that once you start your project, you will have to devote a reasonable amount of time to it every day. 

Table of Contents

What No One Told You About Writing a Nursing Thesis

Stay strong, you are one step away from getting your degree, and that should be the reason for your enthusiasm. As professionals, we know that you are facing one of the key challenges of your academic life. Completing a thesis is a big step, so we want to give you the 8 keys to move forward in record time and successfully complete your project. You can also contact apa format paper writing service if you need thesis writing help.

The most important thing is to make a schedule for your nursing thesis work and stick to it. The time you devote to your research project should be efficient, not too long, and not too short. This way, you can be productive and consistent while avoiding burnout and distraction. Be realistic about how much time you will spend working on your thesis. 

Routine: Constant writing is one of the key points. We know all too well that fear of the blank slate is prevalent among students at the beginning of their studies. 

One of the keys to successful dissertation writing is to integrate it into your life as an event in your career. For many students, it often takes the form of a giant monster and takes years and years to complete. We don’t want that to be your case, and we don’t want you to put off the happiness of achieving your academic goal. 

8 Keys to Writing a Successful Nursing Thesis

Planning is the key to writing a thesis.

It is very important that at the beginning of your research, you can organize all of the tasks and activities that you will have to do. For example: finding material, conducting interviews, reading bibliographies, finding background information, etc.

Choose a good topic

A mega-deciding factor for the success of your educational psychology dissertation. Choosing a good research topic will be very important to achieving your goal as a researcher. Above all, it should motivate you enough that you devote a reasonable amount of time to it each day. In addition, it should be properly limited so that we can reach our goal at the right time. 

Finding Information

Outlines are designed to create a connection between a topic and a theme. This way, you will have a very clear visual sample of all the content that needs to be organized. In addition, you will be able to focus on key concepts and prioritize them. This way, your time will be used more efficiently and you will be able to achieve results faster.

Share with your classmates

Choose a good place for dissertation writing.

Although it may seem like a minor detail, it is very important that you choose your place of study carefully and that it always be the same. Sure, you can change your surroundings, but keep in mind that this will ultimately lead to a decrease in your productivity. 

If you are constantly changing your workplace, your productivity will decrease significantly. Choose a quiet, suitable place where you have all your materials at your fingertips.

Turn off your cell phone

If you don’t want to turn off your cell phone, at least mute your notifications, a technique we call “doing the thesis without distraction.” The more focused you are, the faster you will finish your research project. 

Set a deadline

Consult with your tutor.

Communication with your mentor will be fundamental to getting your project moving in the right direction. The success of your nursing thesis will depend on whether or not you follow their recommendations and make any necessary adjustments. Pay attention to their comments and let them know that you are very interested in the thesis.

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Master Thesis

Specialties NP

Published Jul 19, 2006


I have a question about the master thesis paper. What were some of the difficulties that you came upon? Exactly how long did it take you to write it? What are some things that you would have done differently? If I could get anyone's thoughts about the master thesis, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

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In my graduate program (I'm sure every school does it a little differently), we had a required course the second semester of the first year in which we met in small groups (

The best advice I can give about a thesis is to remember that you don't have to set the world on fire, or change the face of nursing as we know it -- you have the rest of your career to do that. You just have to meet the requirements for graduation. Many of my classmates had very ambitious and grandiose ideas for research projects, and bit off quite a bit more than they ended up actually wanting to chew! Remember that the point of a Master's thesis isn't the final result of the study -- it is for you to go through the process of designing, conducting, and writing up a study.

My other "best advice" for a thesis is to choose a topic which hasn't been researched much and doesn't have a lot of literature. It makes a big difference in how much research and writing you have to do. It was just (happy) coincidence that my topic was one that had v. little literature out there, but my lit review ended up being only 13 pages. Classmates who chose more popular topics that had lots of previous research ended up writing lit reviews the size of a good-sized telephone directory ...

The primary general advice that faculty gave us at the time was this -- writer's block is the big downfall of many people, and your brain finds all kinds of excuses to not focus on working. As soon as you sit down to write, your brain becomes preoccupied with how you really need to mop the kitchen floor, or reorganize your closet, or change the oil in your car. Instead of sitting in front of the computer agonizing about it, just get up and do , first, whatever it is you need to do (mopping, reorganizing, etc.) and get it out of the way in order to be able to sit down and focus on writing. Do whatever you need to do in order to be able to write, even if it seems silly or weird.


Your school will (should ...) have v. specific requirements for theses about format, margins, etc. -- take those v. seriously, and follow them exactly! At our school, theses occasionally got rejected (despite the content being just fine) because the margins or something else about the format of the final, bound copy didn't meet the school's requirements (it didn't mean those students didn't graduate -- but they had a terrible time at the last minute, running around frantically to reformat, reprint and get the new version rebound in time to meet the final deadline. No point in putting yourself through that if you can avoid it in the first place. :) )

Best wishes for your studies.


Hello WannabFNP:

Some schools are no longer requiring either a thesis or a master's project. I guess they feel like it is a lot of energy devoted to something that will just "sit on a shelf and gather dust" (as one nursing dean I spoke with said).

There is also another thread on this topic somewhere here. It refers to the problems many have had with thesis papers, and how it has delayed their graduation for a lengthy time, in some cases.

I know a few NP's that had nightmarish stories to tell me about their own thesis experience.

Needless to say, I have chosen a school that does not require a thesis!


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Best Nursing Research Topics for Students

Writing a research paper is a massive task that involves careful organization, critical analysis, and a lot of time. Some nursing students are natural writers, while others struggle to select a nursing research topic, let alone write about it.

If you're a nursing student who dreads writing research papers, this article may help ease your anxiety. We'll cover everything you need to know about writing nursing school research papers and the top topics for nursing research.  

Continue reading to make your paper-writing jitters a thing of the past.

Popular Online Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Programs

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Enrollment: Nationwide, but certain programs have state restrictions. Check with Purdue for details.

  • Accelerated BSN-to-MSN
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  • See more Purdue nursing programs

Grand Canyon University

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  • BSN-to-MSN - Psychiatric Mental Health NP
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  • See more WGU nursing programs

Grand Canyon University

A nursing research paper is a work of academic writing composed by a nurse or nursing student. The paper may present information on a specific topic or answer a question.

During LPN/LVN and RN programs, most papers you write focus on learning to use research databases, evaluate appropriate resources, and format your writing with APA style. You'll then synthesize your research information to answer a question or analyze a topic.

BSN , MSN , Ph.D., and DNP programs also write nursing research papers. Students in these programs may also participate in conducting original research studies.

Writing papers during your academic program improves and develops many skills, including the ability to:

  • Select nursing topics for research
  • Conduct effective research
  • Analyze published academic literature
  • Format and cite sources
  • Synthesize data
  • Organize and articulate findings

About Nursing Research Papers

When do nursing students write research papers.

You may need to write a research paper for any of the nursing courses you take. Research papers help develop critical thinking and communication skills. They allow you to learn how to conduct research and critically review publications.

That said, not every class will require in-depth, 10-20-page papers. The more advanced your degree path, the more you can expect to write and conduct research. If you're in an associate or bachelor's program, you'll probably write a few papers each semester or term.

Do Nursing Students Conduct Original Research?

Most of the time, you won't be designing, conducting, and evaluating new research. Instead, your projects will focus on learning the research process and the scientific method. You'll achieve these objectives by evaluating existing nursing literature and sources and defending a thesis.

However, many nursing faculty members do conduct original research. So, you may get opportunities to participate in, and publish, research articles.

Example Research Project Scenario:

In your maternal child nursing class, the professor assigns the class a research paper regarding developmentally appropriate nursing interventions for the pediatric population. While that may sound specific, you have almost endless opportunities to narrow down the focus of your writing. 

You could choose pain intervention measures in toddlers. Conversely, you can research the effects of prolonged hospitalization on adolescents' social-emotional development.

What Does a Nursing Research Paper Include?

Your professor should provide a thorough guideline of the scope of the paper. In general, an undergraduate nursing research paper will consist of:

Introduction : A brief overview of the research question/thesis statement your paper will discuss. You can include why the topic is relevant.

Body : This section presents your research findings and allows you to synthesize the information and data you collected. You'll have a chance to articulate your evaluation and answer your research question. The length of this section depends on your assignment.

Conclusion : A brief review of the information and analysis you presented throughout the body of the paper. This section is a recap of your paper and another chance to reassert your thesis.

The best advice is to follow your instructor's rubric and guidelines. Remember to ask for help whenever needed, and avoid overcomplicating the assignment!

How to Choose a Nursing Research Topic

The sheer volume of prospective nursing research topics can become overwhelming for students. Additionally, you may get the misconception that all the 'good' research ideas are exhausted. However, a personal approach may help you narrow down a research topic and find a unique angle.

Writing your research paper about a topic you value or connect with makes the task easier. Additionally, you should consider the material's breadth. Topics with plenty of existing literature will make developing a research question and thesis smoother.

Finally, feel free to shift gears if necessary, especially if you're still early in the research process. If you start down one path and have trouble finding published information, ask your professor if you can choose another topic.

The Best Research Topics for Nursing Students

You have endless subject choices for nursing research papers. This non-exhaustive list just scratches the surface of some of the best nursing research topics.

1. Clinical Nursing Research Topics

  • Analyze the use of telehealth/virtual nursing to reduce inpatient nurse duties.
  • Discuss the impact of evidence-based respiratory interventions on patient outcomes in critical care settings.
  • Explore the effectiveness of pain management protocols in pediatric patients.

2. Community Health Nursing Research Topics

  • Assess the impact of nurse-led diabetes education in Type II Diabetics.
  • Analyze the relationship between socioeconomic status and access to healthcare services.

3. Nurse Education Research Topics

  • Review the effectiveness of simulation-based learning to improve nursing students' clinical skills.
  • Identify methods that best prepare pre-licensure students for clinical practice.
  • Investigate factors that influence nurses to pursue advanced degrees.
  • Evaluate education methods that enhance cultural competence among nurses.
  • Describe the role of mindfulness interventions in reducing stress and burnout among nurses.

4. Mental Health Nursing Research Topics

  • Explore patient outcomes related to nurse staffing levels in acute behavioral health settings.
  • Assess the effectiveness of mental health education among emergency room nurses .
  • Explore de-escalation techniques that result in improved patient outcomes.
  • Review the effectiveness of therapeutic communication in improving patient outcomes.

5. Pediatric Nursing Research Topics

  • Assess the impact of parental involvement in pediatric asthma treatment adherence.
  • Explore challenges related to chronic illness management in pediatric patients.
  • Review the role of play therapy and other therapeutic interventions that alleviate anxiety among hospitalized children.

6. The Nursing Profession Research Topics

  • Analyze the effects of short staffing on nurse burnout .
  • Evaluate factors that facilitate resiliency among nursing professionals.
  • Examine predictors of nurse dissatisfaction and burnout.
  • Posit how nursing theories influence modern nursing practice.

Tips for Writing a Nursing Research Paper

The best nursing research advice we can provide is to follow your professor's rubric and instructions. However, here are a few study tips for nursing students to make paper writing less painful:

Avoid procrastination: Everyone says it, but few follow this advice. You can significantly lower your stress levels if you avoid procrastinating and start working on your project immediately.

Plan Ahead: Break down the writing process into smaller sections, especially if it seems overwhelming. Give yourself time for each step in the process.

Research: Use your resources and ask for help from the librarian or instructor. The rest should come together quickly once you find high-quality studies to analyze.

Outline: Create an outline to help you organize your thoughts. Then, you can plug in information throughout the research process. 

Clear Language: Use plain language as much as possible to get your point across. Jargon is inevitable when writing academic nursing papers, but keep it to a minimum.

Cite Properly: Accurately cite all sources using the appropriate citation style. Nursing research papers will almost always implement APA style. Check out the resources below for some excellent reference management options.

Revise and Edit: Once you finish your first draft, put it away for one to two hours or, preferably, a whole day. Once you've placed some space between you and your paper, read through and edit for clarity, coherence, and grammatical errors. Reading your essay out loud is an excellent way to check for the 'flow' of the paper.

Helpful Nursing Research Writing Resources:

Purdue OWL (Online writing lab) has a robust APA guide covering everything you need about APA style and rules.

Grammarly helps you edit grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Upgrading to a paid plan will get you plagiarism detection, formatting, and engagement suggestions. This tool is excellent to help you simplify complicated sentences.

Mendeley is a free reference management software. It stores, organizes, and cites references. It has a Microsoft plug-in that inserts and correctly formats APA citations.

Don't let nursing research papers scare you away from starting nursing school or furthering your education. Their purpose is to develop skills you'll need to be an effective nurse: critical thinking, communication, and the ability to review published information critically.

Choose a great topic and follow your teacher's instructions; you'll finish that paper in no time.

Joleen Sams

Joleen Sams is a certified Family Nurse Practitioner based in the Kansas City metro area. During her 10-year RN career, Joleen worked in NICU, inpatient pediatrics, and regulatory compliance. Since graduating with her MSN-FNP in 2019, she has worked in urgent care and nursing administration. Connect with Joleen on LinkedIn or see more of her writing on her website.

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Nursing Essay Thesis Statement [+How to & Examples]

This article provides information on thesis statement , structure, and style, as well as tips on how to write an effective nursing essay thesis statement and nursing essay thesis statement examples.

There are many different formats that you can use when writing nursing essays. Thesis statements, for example, will be at the beginning of your essay, while the body of your essay will contain details and examples supporting your thesis statement.

In order to ensure that your essay is well organized and flows from point to point, it is important to follow a specific structure.

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How to write a Thesis Statement in a nursing essay

Nursing essay writing format [Thesis, Structure]

A thesis statement is the most important part of your nursing essay . It should be a clear, concise, and compelling statement that outlines your main argument. It should also be based on research you have done and reflect your personal opinion. Follow these tips to help create a strong thesis statement for your nursing essay:

1. Start by identifying the problem you want to address. What problem do you think needs to be addressed in the nursing profession? For example, do nurses need more training in preventative care ? Do they need more support when caring for patients ? When writing about a problem that you haven’t personally experienced, it’s important to cite reliable sources that will help support your argument.

Read more on How to Start a Nursing Essay [Nursing Essay Introduction]

2. Be specific about the impact of this problem on nurses and patients . State how this problem has harmed nurses and patients in specific ways . For example, do nurses feel overloaded with work? Do they lack adequate resources to care for their patients effectively ? Be clear about the magnitude of the issue and how it impacts both nurses and patients.

3. Use evidence to back up your argument. Cite reliable sources that supports your thesis statement . For example, if you’re arguing that nurses need more training in preventative care , you can use research studies to back up this claim. Be sure to cite your sources so that readers can verify the information you are presenting.

4. Write in a clear and concise manner. Use specific examples and language to help illustrate your point. For example, rather than saying “Nurses need more support,” say “Nurses need more assistance from their superiors when caring for patients.” This will make your argument more clear and easier to understand.

Nursing essay thesis statement [+how to & examples] 1

5. Don’t be afraid to state your opinion. In fact, it’s important to do so. However, make sure that your opinion is based on evidence and research. Don’t simply state what you believe without backing it up with evidence or analysis.

here’s How to Conclude a nursing essay [Nursing Essay Conclusion + Examples]

Nursing Essay Thesis Statement Examples

A thesis statement is a concise, compelling statement of your argument. When writing an essay , you should choose a thesis statement that reflects your main arguments and supports your analysis. A good thesis statement will summarize the main points of your essay and introduce new ideas . The following are examples of effective thesis statements for nursing essays:nnNurses are in constant need of updated education in order to provide quality care to their patients .

There are three main types of thesis statements in nursing: descriptive, explanatory, and persuasive. Descriptive statements describe what has been observed or what is known about a certain subject. Explanatory statements explain how something works or why it exists. Persuasive statements engage the reader in your argument by showing how what you are saying is related to their own situation or experience.

Besides, you can use these 100+ Strong Persuasive Nursing Essay Topics Ideas [+Outline]

The following are examples of descriptive, explanatory, and persuasive thesis statements:

Descriptive Thesis Statement: Nursing is an important profession that helps people to maintain their health and extend their lives.

Explanatory Thesis Statement: Nursing plays an important role in the care of patients who are critically ill or who have serious injuries.

Persuasive Thesis Statement: Becoming a nurse is an excellent way to gain valuable experience that will help you to become a successful

Here are 210+ Current Nursing Essay Topics to write about [+Outline]

Nursing Essay Thesis Statement Examples 1

In this essay, I will discuss the importance of nursing , identify the essential skills and qualities necessary for success as a nurse, and provide an example of a powerful nursing thesis statement.

Here are four example thesis statements for nursing essays:

Nursing is an important career choice for those who want to make a difference in the lives of others. Nursing provides unique opportunities to develop personal relationships with patients and their families. Nursing is critically important to the health and well-being of the population . The nursing profession faces many challenges , but it has the potential to make a significant impact on society

Find out more on  How to write DNP capstone project Methodology Chapter ,  How to write a DNP Capstone Project Literature Review ,  How to write a DNP capstone project chapter 1 – Introduction , and  DNP Capstone project Abstract Examples [Outline & How-to]

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Nursing Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

Psychological Distress, Resilience, and the Impact on Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Survivors With Taxane-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy , Lauren Schwab

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Medication-Assisted Treatment Versus 12-Step Group Therapy: A Comparative Analysis of Adherence and Abstinence In Patients With Opioid Use Disorder , Derrick C. Glymph

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Quality of Life of Older Adults with Complicated Grief Receiving Accelerated Resolution Therapy: A Mixed Methods Study , Tina M. Mason

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

In Post-Extubated Patients What are the Preferred Methods of Communication During Their Experience of Endotracheal Intubation with Mechanical Ventilation , Lanette Dumas

The Effect of Hope on the Relationship between Personal and Disease Characteristics and Anxiety and Depression in Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer , Sharon B. McNeil

Predictors of Nonadherence to Radiation Therapy Schedules Among Head and Neck Cancer Patients , Jennifer Lynn Miller

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Perceived Discrimination and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Blacks: A Secondary Data Analysis of the Heart SCORE Study , Marilyn Aluoch

Exploration of Gratitude in Cardiovascular Health: Mediators, Medication Adherence and Psychometrics , Lakeshia A. Cousin

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Fatigue-related Symptom Clusters and their Relationship with Depression, and Functional Status in Older Adults Hospice Patients with Cancer. , Suzan Fouad Abduljawad

Genetic Moderation of Pain and Fatigue Symptoms Resulting from the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Breast Cancer Program , Carissa Bea Alinat

The Moderating Effect of Religion on Death Distress and Quality of Life between Christian Cancer patients in the United States with Muslim cancer patients in Saudi Arabia , Doaa Almostadi

Prevention of Post Intensive Care Syndrome-Family with Sensation Awareness Focused Training Intervention: A Randomized Controlled Trial Pilot Study , Paula L. Cairns

Assessing Abstinence in Infants Greater Than 28 Days Old , Genieveve J. Cline

The Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Motor Function in Hospitalized Older Adult Survivors of Critical Illness , Maya N. Elías

The Role of Migration-Related Stress in Depression Among Haitian Immigrants in Florida: A Mixed Method Sequential Explanatory Approach , Dany Amanda C. Fanfan

The Effect of Depression, Inflammation and Sleep Quality on Risk for Cardiovascular Disease , Catherine L. O'Neil

Adapting SafeMedicate (Medication Dosage Calculation Skills software) For Use In Brazil , Samia Valeria Ozorio Dutra

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

The Relationship Between Total Neuropathy Score-reduced, Neuropathy Symptoms and Function. , Ashraf Abulhaija

Validation of the Electronic Kids Dietary Index (E-KINDEX) Screening Tool for Early Identification of Risk for Overweight/Obesity (OW/OB) in a Pediatric Population: Associations with Quality of Life Perceptions , Patricia A. Hall

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

The Effectiveness of an Intervention Designed to Improve Chlorhexidine (CHG) Bathing Technique in Adults Hospitalized in Medical Surgical Units , Janette Echemendia Denny

Levels of Distress Among Women Veterans Attending a Women’s Health Specialty Clinic in the VA Healthcare System , Debbie T. Devine

Examination of the Use of Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) in the Treatment of Symptoms of PTSD and Sleep Dysfunction in Veterans and Civilians , Marian Jevone Hardwick

Investigating the Mutual Effects of Depression and Spiritual Well-being on Quality of Life in Hospice Patients with Cancer and Family Caregivers Using the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model , Li-Ting Huang

The Change in Nutritional Status in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients: A Retrospective Descriptive A Retrospective Descriptive Study , Dina A. Masha'al

Exploring the Relationship Between Severity of Illness and Human Milk Volume in Very Low Birth Weight and Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants Over Six Weeks , Shannon Leigh Morse

Cardiovascular Disease Risk Scores and Novel Risk Factors in Relation to Race and Gender , Johanna Wilson

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

A Comparative Evaluation of the Learner Centered Grading Debriefing Method in Nursing Education , Marisa J. Belote

Sleep, Depressive Symptoms and Cognition in Older Adults and Caregivers of Persons with Dementia , Glenna Shemida Brewster

The Relationship between Hearing Status and Cognitive Performance and the Influence of Depressive Symptoms in the Older Adult , Julie A. Daugherty

Basal Salivary Oxytocin and Skin to Skin Contact among Lactating Mothers of Premature Infants , Jessica Marie Gordon

The Relationship Between Nurses' Emotional Intelligence and Patient Outcomes , Mary Kutash

Sexual Functioning and Body Image in Younger Breast Cancer Survivors , Carly Lynn Paterson

Cognitive Load of Registered Nurses During Medication Administration , Sarah Faith Perron

A Comparison of Quality of Life between Intense and Non-Intense Treatment for Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia and High-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome , Sara Marie Tinsley

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Acculturation, Self-Efficacy and Breastfeeding Behavior in a Sample of Hispanic Women , Ivonne F. Hernandez

Knowledge and Acceptance of HPV and the HPV Vaccine in Young Men and Their Intention to be Vaccinated , Brenda Renee Jasper

The Relationships Between Sleep Disturbances, Depression, Inflammatory Markers, and Sexual Trauma in Female Veterans , Ellen Marcolongo

Examination of Possible Protective Effect of Rhesus D Positive Blood Factor on Toxoplasma-related Depressive Symptoms in Pregnancy , Lisa Lynn Parnell

Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice of Primary Care Nurse Practitioners Regarding Skin Cancer Assessmnets: Validity and Reliability of a New Instrument , Debra Michelle Shelby

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Knowledge and Practice of Reproductive Health among Mothers and their Impact on Fetal Birth Outcomes: A Case of Eritrea , Winta Negusse Araya

Race/Ethnicity, Subjective and Objective Sleep Quality, Physical and Psychological Symptoms in Breast Cancer Survivors , Pinky H. Budhrani

Factors Predicting Pap Smear Adherence in HIV-infected Women: Using the Health Belief Model , Crystal L. Chapman Lambert

The Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status and Body Mass Index on Vitamin D Levels in African American Women with and without Diabetes Living in Areas with Abundant Sunshine , Shani Vann Davis

Predictors of Quality of Life in Patients with Cutaneous T cell Lymphoma , Darcie Marie Deaver

Relationship between dysphoric moods, risk-taking behaviors, and Toxoplasma gondii antibody titers in female veterans , Allyson Radford Duffy

Prenatal Stress, Depression, and Herpes Viral Titers , Pao-Chu Hsu

Factors Associated with Fear of Breast Cancer Recurrence Among Survivors , Jean Marie Lucas

Sickle Cell Disease: The Role of Self-Care Management , Nadine Matthie

Factors Influencing Vaccination Decisions in African American Mothers of Preschool Age Children , Chauntel Mckenzie Mcnair

The Strong Black Woman, Depression, and Emotional Eating , Michelle Renee Offutt

Development of an Investigator-designed Questionnaire Concerning Childbirth Delivery Options based on the Theory of Planned Behavior , Chun-Yi Tai

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

The Mediating Effect of Distress Caused by Constipation on Predictors of Quality of Life of Hospice Patients with Cancer. , Abdel Alkhalouf

Testing a Model of Bacterial Vaginosis among Black Women , Jessica Brumley

The Effect of Tight Glycemic Control on Surgical Site Infection Rates in Patients Undergoing Open Heart Surgery , Sierra Gower

Development of a Tool for Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment and Preventive Interventions in Ancillary Services Patients , Monica Shutts Messer

Hospice Nurses- Attitudes and Knowledge about Pain Management , Amie Jacqueline Miller

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Literacy and Hazard Communication Comprehension of Employees Presenting to an Occupational Health Clinic , Christine Bouchard

A Meta-Analysis of Cultural Competence Education in Professional Nurses and Nursing Students , Ruth Wilmer Gallagher

Relationship Between Cancer-Related Fatigue and Depression: A Pilot Study , Gloria Michelle Guess

A Comparison of Oncology and Non-Oncology Nurses in Their Knowledge of Cancer Pain Management , Nicole Houle

Evaluating Knowledge and Attitudes of Graduate Nursing Students Regarding Pain , Eric Bartholomew Jackson

Bone Marrow Transplant Nurses' Attitudes about Caring for Patients Who are Near the End of Life: A Quality Improvement Project , Leslie Lauersdorf

Translation and Adaptation of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression (CES-D) Scale Into Tigrigna Language for Tigrigna Speaking Eritrean Immigrants in the United States , Mulubrhan Fisseha Mogos

Nurse Manager Emotional Intelligence as a Predictor to Registered Nurse Job Satisfaction and RN Perceptions of the Practice Environment and the Relationship to Patient, Nursing and Hospital Outcomes , Jacqueline Cecilia Munro

The Relationship of Mid-Pregnancy Levels of Cytokines, Stress, and Depression with Gestational Age at Delivery , Melissa Molinari Shelton

Prophylactic, Risk-Reducing Surgery in Unaffected BRCA-Positive Women: Quality Of Life, Sexual Functioning and Psychological Well-Being , Sharon Tollin

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

The Relationship Between FAM5C SNP (rs10920501) Variability, Metabolic Syndrome, and Inflammation, in Women with Coronary Heart Disease , Jennifer L. Cline

Women’s Perceptions of Postpartum Stress: A Narrative Analysis , Nancy Gilbert Crist

Lived Experience: Near-Fatal Adolescent Suicide Attempt , Phyllis Ann Dougherty

Exploring the Relationships among Work-Related Stress, Quality of Life, Job Satisfaction, and Anticipated Turnover on Nursing Units with Clinical Nurse Leaders , Mary Kohler

A Comparative Study of Knowledge of Pain Management in Certified and Non-Certified Oncology Nurses , Sherrie A. LaLande

Evaluating Knowledge and Attitudes of Undergraduate Nursing Students Regarding Pain Management , Jessica Latchman

Evaluation of Oncology Nurses' Knowledge, Practice Behaviors, and Confidence Specific to Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy , Rebecca Denise McAllister

Moderating the Effectiveness of Messages to Promote Physical Activity in Type 2 Diabetes , Rachel E. Myers

Factors Affecting the Process of Clinical Decision-Making in Pediatric Pain Management by Emergency Department Nurses , Teresa A. Russo

The Correlation Between Neuropathy Limitations and Depression in Chemotherapy Patients , Melissa Thebeau

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Fatigue Symptom Distress and Its Relationship with Quality Of Life in Adult Stem Cell Transplant Survivors , Suzan Fouad Abduljawad R.N., B.S.N.

Nursing Advocacy and the Accuracy of Intravenous to Oral Opioid Conversion at Discharge in the Cancer Patient , Maria L. Gallo R.N., O.C.N.

Transitional Care for Adolescents with HIV: Characteristics and Current Practices of the Adolescent Trials Network Systems of Care , Patricia Gilliam

The Effect of Ethical Ideology and Professional Values on Registered Nurses’ Intentions to Act Accountably , Susan R. Hartranft

Falls in Bone Marrow Transplant Patients: A Retrospective Study , Lura Henderson R.N., B.S.N.

Predictors of cancer caregiver depression symptomatology , Henry R. Rivera

Psychosocial outcomes of weight stigma among college students , Sabrina Joann Robinson

The Experience of Fatigue and Quality of Life in Patients with Advanced Lung Cancer , Andrea Shaffer

The Relationship Between Uncertainty in Illness and Anxiety in Patients With Cancer , Naima Vera

Shifting Paradigms: The Development of Nursing Identity in Foreign-Educated Physicians Retrained as Nurses Practicing in the United States , Liwliwa Reyes Villagomeza

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Prostate Cancer Screening Intention Among African American Men: An Instrument Development Study , Susan Anita Baker

The Geriatric Cancer Experience in End of Life: Model Adaptation and Testing , Harleah G. Buck

Communication Systems and HIV/AIDS Sexual Decision Making in Older Adolescent and Young Adult Females , Rasheeta D. Chandler MS, ARNP, FNP-BC

Relationship of Anger Trait and Anger Expression to C-Reactive Protein in Post-Menopausal Women , Rosalyn Gross

Identifying Patients with Cancer at Risk of Experiencing a Fall While Hospitalized , Joann M. Heaton

Modulation of Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cell Maturation and Function by Cigarette Smoke Condensate in a Bronchial Epithelial Cell Co-Culture Model , Alison J. Montpetit

Cancer Patients with Pain: Examination of the Role of the Spouse/Partner Relationship In Mediating Quality of Life Outcomes for the Couple , Mary Ann Morgan

Development of an Ecological Model to Predict Risk for Acquisition of Clostridium difficile -Associated Diarrhea During Acute Care Hospitalization , Susan Elaine Steele

Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy Assessment Tool , Cindy S. Tofthagen

Health Decision Behaviors: Appropriateness of Dietary Choice , Daryle Hermelin Wane

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

The Relationship Between Sleep-Wake Disturbance and Pain in Cancer Patients Admitted to Hospice Home Care , Marjorie Acierno

Wheelchair Positioning and Pulmonary Function in Children with Cerebral Palsy , Lee Barks

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50 Nursing Philosophy Examples + How To Write Your Own

do you have to write a thesis for nurse practitioner

From the first semester of nursing school, aspiring nurses learn about the ethics and values associated with becoming a nurse. However, there comes a time when each nursing student or nurse must decide what they value most and how to incorporate those things into their roles as nurses. This important step is often referred to as establishing a personal philosophy of nursing. Perhaps you have heard of nursing philosophies but are unsure how to develop your personal philosophy. Have you wondered or asked, "What are some good personal philosophy of nursing examples?" If this sounds like you, keep reading! In this article, I will share some insight about nursing philosophies and provide you with information about 50 nursing philosophy examples + how to write your own.

What Is A Personal Philosophy Of Nursing?

Does every nurse have a personal nursing philosophy, what are the key components of a personal nursing philosophy, • knowledge:, 7 reasons why having a personal nursing philosophy is so important for your career, what are some good personal philosophy of nursing examples.

Nursing Philosophy Examples For Nursing Students
“I believe it is important for everyone to strive to demonstrate the characteristics of honesty, persistence, and compassion. My philosophy on nursing is that if I use those characteristics, coupled with a desire for lifelong learning and a willingness to represent others in need, I can make a difference in the life of my patients and their families and become a strong member of the profession."

“As an aspiring nurse, I feel like it is my responsibility to develop an attitude of life-long learning and take advantage of every opportunity to develop skills that will benefit my patients. If I were to articulate my own philosophy of nursing, I would say I believe nursing is one of the most selfless jobs a person can have, and I intend to put everything I have into this pursuit so I can make a difference in the lives of others.”

“My nursing philosophy is that nursing is more than a career. It is a privilege accepted by people who are passionate about using their skills and knowledge to help others who cannot help themselves. I vow to be the best nurse I can be and dedicate my professional life to making the lives of others better."
Nursing Philosophy Examples For New Grad Nurses
“My philosophy about nursing is that it takes diverse people with strong skills and dedication to help impact and improve the lives of patients. I intend to use the education and skills I've obtained in nursing school to establish myself in this profession. I believe if I dedicate myself to a lifelong pursuit of knowledge and personal growth, I can influence the profession of nursing and help improve outcomes for my patients and their loved ones."

"I believe in taking a holistic approach to nursing care, respecting my patients' cultural beliefs, ethnic background, and personal preferences. My philosophy of nursing is based on a desire to uphold the values and codes established by the American Nurses Association and to promote a sense of self-value in my patients as I help them reach their healthcare goals.”

“My personal philosophy of nursing is that all nurses, whether we are new graduates or nurses with years of experience, have something of value to offer to patients and nursing as a profession. My sincere desire is to develop strong clinical skills and be open to new opportunities to learn and grow so I may contribute to the well-being of my patients and the further development of this profession."
Nursing Philosophy Examples For Registered Nurses
“As a registered nurse, I believe the care I provide should involve more than giving medicines or changing bandages. I want to treat my patients with the best care, making them feel respected, comfortable, and confident about the care they receive from my service.”

“My philosophy as a registered nurse is quite simple. I want to serve everyone I can by giving my best as a nurse and decent human being. I believe all patients, families, and colleagues are unique individuals with unique needs, and I aim to offer my best to them in service as a registered nurse.”

“I believe it is important for all nurses to provide safe, high-quality, patient-centered care. My personal philosophy of nursing is driven by a desire to recognize my patients as more than a medical diagnosis or room number. Instead, I desire to be the nurse who promotes the well-being of patients and helps improve outcomes, which will help support and further our profession.”

“I chose to become a nurse because I have a deep-rooted desire to help people in need. My personal philosophy of nursing is that I will use my education and clinical experiences to care for my clients and act as an advocate for them, encouraging them to be actively involved in their own care, which increases their feelings of self-worth and results in improved outcomes."

“I believe nursing is the truest version of living art a person can demonstrate. As I consider what I feel about my nursing philosophy, I realize the important role I have in improving the lives of others. I want my practice to reflect a genuine concern for every person entrusted to my care and to be a source of hope and encouragement."

“For me, there was never any doubt I would become a nurse. I love people and feel most fulfilled when I can do something to help others. I believe nurses are in a unique position to make significant differences in the lives of others. I have made it my personal philosophy to embrace every opportunity to enrich my patients' lives and contribute to this wonderful profession."

“My philosophy of nursing is based on the belief that, as a registered nurse, I am an educator, patient advocate, and promoter of good health practices. I feel being a nurse is an honor and privilege, and I desire to fulfill my role with the highest level of integrity and best practices, with the hope that I can contribute positive things to the lives of my patients and their families.”

“It is my strong belief that my job involves much more than performing a nursing assessment or administering medications. I exercise my role within the personal nursing philosophy that all clients are unique in their own right and deserve to have care as unique as they are. By viewing each client as an individual and providing care with a holistic approach, I hope to positively impact their healthcare experiences and outcomes."
Nursing Philosophy Examples For Pediatric Nurses
“I always knew I wanted to become a nurse and had a strong desire to care for children, which is why I chose to specialize in pediatric nursing. I believe by combining compassionate and relational care that is centered around my patients and their family units, I can impact their lives and health outcomes.”

“To me, there is no greater joy than being involved in the care of pediatric patients and their families. My personal philosophy of nursing is based on the understanding that open communication, as well as respect and appreciation for the importance of family and each family member's role, can significantly improve my patients' outcomes and help me be a strong member of the pediatric nursing community."

“My philosophy of nursing may seem simple, but I truly believe it is possible to impact patient lives by using the power of human touch and emotional connections. I believe, as a pediatric nurse, it is especially important to develop trusting relationships with patients and their families so we can work together to reach positive patient outcomes.”
Nursing Philosophy Examples For Psychiatric Nurses
“I originally chose to pursue a career as a psychiatric nurse because of my personal experiences with major depression and anxiety. The more I learned, the more I realized how important it is to have competent nurses willing to be transparent enough that patients can relate and feel comfortable seeking help. My nursing philosophy stems from a strong belief that by being the type of nurse I needed when dealing with mental health issues, I can and will help my patients learn ways to manage and overcome obstacles that impact their well-being.”

“My philosophy of nursing centers around a sincere desire to help others realize and obtain their desired health goals. Psychiatric nursing is a specialty that is truly personal for me, as I have experienced the loss of a close loved one due to mental illness. I believe nursing should incorporate a holistic approach that honors patient values and promotes positive outcomes."

"I can't remember a time when I did not feel a longing to care for others in need, which I believe is what led me to choose nursing as a career. Psychiatric nursing is important to me because I feel as a society, we are just now beginning to realize the true impact mental health and wellness has on every other aspect of our lives. I feel happy when I serve others, and my personal philosophy of nursing is centered on the desire to serve and be compassionate toward others.”
Nursing Philosophy Examples For Neonatal Nurses
“I believe being trusted with the care of someone else’s child is a gift. As a neonatal nurse, I want to serve my patients and their families by using my skills to be actively involved in their journey of healing so they can recover and grow up to live healthy lives.”

“I feel like anyone would be hard-pressed to try and simplify nursing in just a phrase or two. Just like nursing is a complex system made up of many people, I believe our personal philosophies of nursing are often multi-faceted. For me, my nursing philosophy centers around a longing to care for others and help them realize their potential. As a neonatal nurse, that philosophy encompasses patients, families, and everyone involved in care.”

“I have a deep desire to care for neonatal patients and their families. My philosophy related to neonatal nursing is that it is my ethical duty to advocate for these patients who do not yet have a voice of their own. I intend to use every resource possible to learn and develop skills that will benefit my patients, comfort and educate their families, and be a strong partner in the neonatal nursing team.”
Nursing Philosophy Examples For ICU Nurses
"I chose to become an ICU nurse because I feel patients with intensive care needs should have the highest levels of quality care and compassion possible. My belief and personal philosophy of nursing is that all patients, regardless of their prognosis, should be cared for by nurses with a heart for healing. I desire to bring that type of care and compassion to my patients and their families."

"Loved ones and I have received care from extraordinary nurses, which solidified my belief in the goodness of others, leading me to choose to pursue this role. Although I chose to become a nurse, I believe nursing is more of a calling, one I am glad I headed. My philosophy related to nursing is that if I can help make the life of one patient better, I will have achieved more than most."

“I feel honored to be a nurse, and I have intentionally developed a personal nursing philosophy that reflects the privilege. My philosophy as an intensive care nurse is that I will offer the highest quality in nursing care to my patients and deliver it with compassion as if they were my own family. After all, we all want to feel wanted and cared for, especially when we are unable to care for ourselves."
Nursing Philosophy Examples For School Nurses
“I believe that school nurses can play a significant role in the lives of those we serve. My nursing philosophy is that I can positively influence those I meet and serve daily and that I will do everything I can to encourage their understanding of what it takes to be physically and mentally well. I feel strongly that when children learn the importance of health and wellness at an early age, they are more likely to make smart decisions about their health later. My personal goal in nursing is to have a positive impact on every client who crosses my path."

"I believe it is important for nurses to emphasize the value of every patient for whom we provide care. I understand a student's health can directly impact his ability to learn. My philosophy of nursing, especially as I practice as a school nurse, is to be a source of education and guidance to help students realize their physical and academic potential and to help them strive to achieve their attainable goals.”

“My personal nursing philosophy is built upon the belief that addressing the mental, physical, and social health needs of students is a responsibility that rests largely upon my shoulders. The job of a school nurse can be challenging but rewarding, and I am dedicated to always performing with the best interest of each student in mind.
Nursing Philosophy Examples For Labor And Delivery Nurses
“My philosophy is that nurses have an obligation to provide safe, patient-centered care in a manner that supports individual patient choices, values, and beliefs. I feel, as a labor and delivery nurse, it is crucial to understand the concept of holistic nursing care and to implement it with each patient and family."

“I believe nursing is much more than treating illness or disease. Instead, my philosophy of nursing is that it should be focused on providing high-quality patient care tailored to the patient's individual needs. Working in labor and delivery means offering the same care and compassion to the patient's spouse or other loved ones and ensuring everyone's needs are met."

"My nursing philosophy is based on my knowledge of what it feels like to need a competent nurse to coach and support me as I labored and delivered my children. I remind myself daily what it meant to have someone in my corner, and I intend to be the same professional, compassionate supporter for all my clients.”
Nursing Philosophy Examples For Home Health Nurses
“As a provider of nursing care with the privilege of serving in clients’ homes, I realize I am simply a guest who happens to have skills that could enrich my patients’ lives. Although some parts of my personal philosophy may change over time, the core of my personal philosophy on nursing is that I have a great responsibility to provide care for those unable to care for themselves. Knowing this, I am both grateful and extremely humbled."

"My beliefs about nursing and the philosophy I try to live by include acknowledging that all patient care should be based on respect for the value and dignity of the patient as an individual with rights. I desire to have a strong work ethic and demonstrate genuine compassion for those entrusted to my care."

“I believe effective nursing requires nurses to develop and adhere to strong personal and professional philosophies. My philosophy of nursing is that all patients, whether they are cared for in hospitals, nursing homes, another type of healthcare facility, or their own homes, deserve to feel respected and have their voices heard. I work hard to make sure my clients know their thoughts and feelings are important and promote an atmosphere of care conducive to positive outcomes."
Nursing Philosophy Examples For Charge Nurses
“As a nurse with several years of experience seeking to work as a charge nurse, my nursing philosophy is based on my duty to provide compassionate, competent nursing care and to lead others in doing the same. I am committed to providing exceptional nursing care and being a role model for other nurses to follow.”

“My philosophy of nursing is firmly rooted in beliefs instilled in me as a child. The values and beliefs taught to me by family and others include the need for respect, trustworthiness, and compassion. These beliefs led me to choose nursing as a profession and why I now desire to work as a charge nurse. It is my hope to pass these values onto other nurses for generations to come.”

“I feel strongly that all nurses have a responsibility to provide personalized care to patients, regardless of the patient's background or beliefs, and respect the patient's right to autonomy. My philosophy as a charge nurse is to demonstrate the work ethic and professional values I want to see in my team and to support them as they pursue professional goals and strive to provide exceptional patient care."
Nursing Philosophy Examples For Nurse Managers
"From the time I was in junior high school, I knew I would become a nurse. I love serving others and feel most successful when I help others succeed. My philosophy of nursing includes a belief that a few of the main factors in being a good nurse manager are the ability to effectively communicate with others and a desire to build solid teams, instead of promoting myself.”

“I have always believed nurses have a way of touching lives that others do not. As I embraced my career and began considering what is important to me, I began to develop a personal nursing philosophy based on the characteristics I value in others and how I can apply them to my life. To succeed as a nurse manager, I must treat every nurse with respect and appreciation and model the type of behavior I want for my patients, so my team has a strong leader to follow."

“I believe one of the most important jobs a nurse can do is be a strong support for patients and families. My nursing philosophy is grounded in the belief that by being a supportive advocate and giving clients a safe person to talk with and trust to provide their care, we can transform their healthcare experiences. I desire to become the kind of nurse manager who leads teams of nurses equipped to handle even the most delicate situations and who are viewed as assets to patient care."
Nursing Philosophy Examples For Directors Of Nursing
“I feel being a competent Director of Nursing requires active participation with the nurses on my team and the patients we provide care for. As a registered nurse serving as a nursing director, I believe in establishing an atmosphere of collaboration that fosters growth and a renewed commitment to our common goal of patient care"

"I sincerely believe nursing is the most rewarding career I could have chosen. I have a strong philosophy based on the idea that by exerting positive influence, promoting quality nursing care, and facilitating collaborative communication among the disciplinary team, we can be a strong nursing force. As a Director of Nursing, I intend to put those ideas into practice every day."

“My personal philosophy of nursing is that we all have the power to significantly impact and improve patient outcomes and promote the furtherance of our profession. I believe a solid education and continued learning are essential for the success of nurses. I also believe any nurse in a directorship position should promote the growth of every nurse on her team. That is something I vow to do."
Nursing Philosophy Examples For Nurse Practitioners
“As a nurse practitioner, my philosophy of nursing is to provide individualized care to my clients by acknowledging their unique situations, educating patients and their families, and providing unconditionally compassionate, high-quality care. I believe my success as a nurse practitioner requires me to accept accountability for being a strong advocate for my patients and their loved ones, as well as being a strong representative of advanced practice nursing."

“My personal nursing philosophy is grounded in a conviction that I am in a unique position to positively impact my patients and help improve their outcomes. I believe in the importance of creating an atmosphere that supports strong provider and patient relationships based on respect for my patient’s beliefs and desires for their health and their freedom of choice.”

"To me, being a nurse practitioner is more than prescribing medications or treating a specific illness. If I could describe my personal philosophy of nursing from the perspective of a nurse practitioner, I would say it is my duty to promote a healthcare environment that is respectful of and therapeutic for all patients and their families. I will take the role of being a nurse practitioner, representing my patients and the nursing profession to the best of my ability.”
Nursing Philosophy Examples For Nursing Educators
“As a nurse educator, I value the opportunity to pour into the lives of student nurses. I believe being a nurse educator is a true calling, and if I serve in my role to the best of my ability, I can help change the trajectory of my students' lives and the lives of every patient they ever encounter."

“I have based my personal philosophy of nursing on the belief that one of the greatest gifts I can give to my profession is a willingness to impart knowledge to, and encourage learning among, aspiring nurses. I have dedicated my life to improving the lives of others and will continue to do so as a nurse educator, with the hopes of impacting student nurses, the patients we care for, and this profession."

“My philosophy of nursing is that we all have a role to play in the health and wellness of ourselves, our families, and our communities. I experienced some of the greatest influence in my life from nursing educators who prepared me for this career. I now intend to give back to the profession and society by demonstrating a strong work ethic and providing patient-centered care, with the hope of helping patients achieve wellness and students achieve professional goals."


1. define what nursing means in your perspective., 2. ask yourself what personal experience relates to your passion for nursing., 3. consider how you want to impact patients, families, and communities through your role as a nurse., 4. highlight your skills., 5. define your personal and professional values., 8 questions to ask yourself when developing your own personal philosophy of nursing, question #1: why did i choose to become a nurse, how to find an answer to this question:, question #2: what are my personal beliefs about nursing, question #3: what qualities make someone a great nurse, question #4: what skills should all nurses have, question #5: why is nursing important to me, question #6: what theories do i have about nursing, question #7: what values should nurses consider important, question #8: would i choose this career again, useful online resources to learn more about nursing philosophy, blogs/websites, youtube videos, bonus 5 important things to keep in mind when writing your personal philosophy of nursing statement, 1. keep it simple., 2. show you are prepared for action., 3. be yourself., 4. be open to change if needed., 5. make a copy for yourself and keep it visible., my final thoughts, frequently asked questions asked by our expert, 1. what was florence nightingale's philosophy of nursing, 2. is there a set format or right way to write a personal philosophy of nursing statement, 3. how do i start my nursing philosophy statement, 4. how can a nurse determine whether her nursing philosophy is good, 5. how long should a personal nursing philosophy statement be, 6. when should i write my nursing philosophy, 7. can i change my nursing philosophy from time to time, 8. how to write the introduction of my personal nursing philosophy, 9. should nursing students have a personal philosophy of nursing, 10. does an informatics nurse have a personal philosophy of nursing, 11. do nursing organizations have their own philosophy of nursing, 12. how does nursing philosophy influence nursing practice, 13. is it required for every nurse to have a personal nursing philosophy, 14. what happens if a nurse does not have a personal philosophy of nursing, 15. what are some famous personal philosophy of nursing quotes.

do you have to write a thesis for nurse practitioner


  1. Writing a Thesis for Nursing School

    Writing a thesis presents an opportunity for graduate students to conduct scholarly inquiry, with the potential of publishing their finished paper. A thesis requires nursing students to identify a problem in nursing, and review academic literature while developing advanced research skills. Thesis advisors and committees guide students from the ...

  2. RN-MSN Thesis vs. project

    It is usually substantially more involved than a thesis. A project can be whatever that is defined by the program. In social sciences it is generally the application of a theory. For example in social work it might be the establishment of a support group. Both a project and a thesis may require substantial time.

  3. How to Write the Perfect NP School Personal Statement

    To help temper your anxiety, this post elaborates on the importance of: Following directions. Being honest. Writing passionately and professionally. Making your case. Starting with an outline. Offering a story. Speaking the nursing language. Addressing your "red flags".

  4. Do I Have to Write a Thesis to Complete a Master's Degree in Nursing?

    Completing a thesis might seem like an expected part of the graduate school experience, but a Master's thesis for a nursing degree isn't always required. Many schools now give students the option to complete additional courses or elective work in lieu of a thesis. After completing your undergraduate degree and looking for graduate schools ...

  5. What Is a Nurse Practitioner and How Do You Become One?

    A nurse practitioner (NP) is an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) with advanced clinical training who provides direct patient care. NPs work closely with physicians and other health providers in primary care and specialty settings. They offer a range of services, such as ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, treating acute and ...

  6. 7 Tips for Writing the Perfect Family Nurse Practitioner Essay

    While exaggerating might improve the story, obvious exaggeration will cast doubt on your professional judgment. Lastly, don't use foul language in your nurse practitioner essay. Just like humor, while many nurses use it as a coping method, they are careful about their intended audience. 7. Edit Again and Again.

  7. PDF Clinical Dissertation Guidelines

    a. One of the two members must be a Nurse Practitioner (NP). 3. The third member can be either a faculty member or a qualified off-campus expert in the field. If this committee member is not a full or associate member of the graduate faculty, the approval of the Graduate School Dean is required.

  8. Writing

    The kind of thesis statement you write will depend on what kind of paper you're writing. In some kinds of writing, such as narratives or descriptions, a thesis statement is less important, but you may still want to provide some kind of statement in your first paragraph that helps to guide your reader through your paper.

  9. The Value of Research for Nurse Practitioners

    To incorporate best evidence into clinical decision making, nurses practitioners (NPs) like all health professionals are required to have skills in assessing, retrieving, evaluating and applying research outcomes into their clinical decision making. Studies have shown however, that most independent clinicians including doctors and NPs, rarely sought research evidence in everyday clinical ...

  10. How to Write a Nursing Dissertation (A Guide)

    Chapter 1: Introduction. Your nursing dissertation paper has to start with an introduction chapter. In the chapter, you have to provide the reader with background information on the topic of your paper. The chapter introduces your topic and makes a case for its significance.

  11. A practical approach to the process of writing a dissertation

    Abstract. While many student nurses find the task daunting, writing a dissertation is essentially a powerful vehicle for learning; it is an opportunity to work on methodology and organisational skills, develop an appreciation of research, and demonstrate critical thinking. With the help of a good supervisor, a carefully planned dissertation ...

  12. Do You Have to Write Papers In Nursing School?

    You're going to be writing papers in nursing school. How much you'll be writing will depend on your degree track. LPNs will write little to no paper, but once you get to an MSN or a DNP nursing program, you will be writing a lot of papers.

  13. Research Opportunities for NPs

    Getting involved in NP-specific research doesn't have to be difficult. Whether it is designing your own study, participating in a survey through NPInfluence or periodically updating your American Association of Nurse Practitioners® (AANP) membership profile, there are many opportunities to get involved. AANP Network for Research (AANPNR)

  14. Crafting a Thesis Statement

    Thesis Statements - UNC Chapel Hill. A short tutorial dealing with what a thesis statement is, how to make a thesis statement, and how to know if a thesis statement is strong. It also includes several examples. Developing a Thesis - Harvard. Detailed tips about constructing a good thesis, with annotated examples of good and bad thesis statements.

  15. 8 Tips on How to Write Nursing Thesis

    8 Keys to Writing a Successful Nursing Thesis. Follow these tips from the best dissertation writing services when doing a thesis:. Planning is the key to writing a thesis. It is very important that at the beginning of your research, you can organize all of the tasks and activities that you will have to do.

  16. Master Thesis

    Remember that the point of a Master's thesis isn't the final result of the study -- it is for you to go through the process of designing, conducting, and writing up a study. My other "best advice" for a thesis is to choose a topic which hasn't been researched much and doesn't have a lot of literature.

  17. Best Nursing Research Topics for Students in 2024

    1. Clinical Nursing Research Topics. Analyze the use of telehealth/virtual nursing to reduce inpatient nurse duties. Discuss the impact of evidence-based respiratory interventions on patient outcomes in critical care settings. Explore the effectiveness of pain management protocols in pediatric patients. 2.

  18. Nursing Essay Thesis Statement [+How to & Examples]

    Here are 210+ Current Nursing Essay Topics to write about [+Outline] Nursing Essay Thesis Statement Examples 1. In this essay, I will discuss the importance of nursing, identify the essential skills and qualities necessary for success as a nurse, and provide an example of a powerful nursing thesis statement.

  19. Nursing Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2009. Fatigue Symptom Distress and Its Relationship with Quality Of Life in Adult Stem Cell Transplant Survivors, Suzan Fouad Abduljawad R.N., B.S.N. Nursing Advocacy and the Accuracy of Intravenous to Oral Opioid Conversion at Discharge in the Cancer Patient, Maria L. Gallo R.N., O.C.N.

  20. Thesis Statement For Nurse Practitioner

    The document discusses the challenges of crafting a thesis statement for a nurse practitioner program, which requires extensive research, critical analysis, and clear articulation of the research question and proposed contribution. Writing a thesis is a complex and time-consuming process involving literature reviews, data collection and analysis, and synthesizing findings. Due to these ...

  21. Thesis For Nurse Practitioner

    The document discusses the challenges of writing a thesis for a Nurse Practitioner program. It notes that thesis writing requires extensive research, analysis, and writing skills at every step. For aspiring Nurse Practitioners, writing a thesis necessitates a comprehensive understanding of medical concepts as well as the ability to critically evaluate research. Many students also juggle other ...

  22. 8 Nurse Practitioner Resume Examples + How to Write

    1. Contact Information: The first section of all nurse practitioner resumes needs to include your full name, address, phone number, and email. Some experts do not advise that your address be attached. Essentially, you need to make it very easy for a potential employer to get ahold of you to set up an interview.

  23. 50 Nursing Philosophy Examples + How To Write Your Own

    1. A personal nursing philosophy serves as a guideline to help nurses live by standards they have set for themselves. 2. Having a personal philosophy of nursing can improve how you interact with patients, their loved ones, and your peers. 3. Personal nursing philosophies help guide ethical, competent, evidence-based, and science-driven nursing ...