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"…didn't finish…yet" versus "…haven't finished…yet"

If I worked on something yesterday but it was not finished, which tense should I use?

I didn't finish it yet or I haven't finished it yet
  • present-perfect
  • transatlantic-differences
  • present-perfect-vs-simple-past

Mari-Lou A's user avatar

  • 1 Per Difference between 'haven't …yet' and 'didn't… yet' , the presence of "yet" at the end of both these alternatives makes a huge difference to how "acceptable" they are. So unless you think it's somehow important to your question about didn't finish/haven't finished , you might consider editing the word out. –  FumbleFingers Commented Nov 2, 2012 at 22:46

3 Answers 3

If you worked on it yesterday, stopped yesterday before finishing then, and don't want to say anything else about whether you will or can continue or not, but more likely that you are done for good (like a one-time test), then:

I didn't finish it.

If you worked on it yesterday, stopped yesterday before finishing, and want to imply that you are still planning on working on it, then:

I haven't finished it.

or with a bit more emphasis on the expectation of continuing

I haven't finished it yet.

The sentence

*I didn't finish it yet.

sounds off, because "didn't" isn't particularly continuous, but "yet' implies an expectation or possibility, and so also a continuing act.

Mitch's user avatar

  • This is a very clear and precise explanaton, Thanks Mitch. –  Sarawut Positwinyu Commented May 11, 2011 at 3:58
  • 1 "I didn't finish it yet" is very odd in UK English. I have the impression that it is rather more normal in US English, but I don't know: can anybody comment on this? –  Colin Fine Commented May 11, 2011 at 11:27
  • 1 In US (spoken) English, didn't is used much more frequently that havent't done . Also, in US English you almost always say I don't have rather than I haven't got . –  Phonon Commented May 11, 2011 at 16:28
  • 2 @Colin Fine - Not normal in US English either (at least to this USAite.) –  MT_Head Commented Jun 9, 2011 at 0:20

The sentence "I did not finish it yet" is incorrect because of mismatched tense. The phrase did not finish is in the past tense, while the word yet indicates that the task is ongoing (present tense), which creates a contradiction.

The sentence "I have not finished it yet" is correct because the phrase have not finished is in the present tense and can be safely used with "yet". In fact, the word "yet" is not strictly necessary. "I have not finished" would carry the same meaning.

e.James's user avatar

  • I believe this explanation is slightly misleading. You can say I did not start it yet. It's not the past tense/present tense conflict that is wrong here, but the expectation that the task is not ongoing. –  Peter Shor Commented May 11, 2011 at 10:45
  • Strictly speaking "I have not finished it" is in the Present Perfect tense: . Present would be "I finish" or "I do not finish". –  Lunivore Commented May 11, 2011 at 10:46

“I haven't finished it yet” is definitely a much more natural-sounding version but “I didn't finish it yet” might also be acceptable (though a bit more awkward).

MetaEd's user avatar

  • It's certainly true your first version is more natural-sounding, but as @e.James indicates above, the second version is a bit worse than "awkward". Most native speakers would say it's just plain "wrong" - even if they couldn't explain exactly why as eloquently and succinctly as @e.James does. –  FumbleFingers Commented May 11, 2011 at 17:34
  • Anecdotally, the second sounds completely natural to this native speaker. –  recursive Commented May 11, 2011 at 18:27

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How can I tell my boss I have not been successful in completing an assignment?

I received an assignment almost 2 weeks ago that I have not been able to complete, due to lack of support, both from inside and outside my company, despite reaching out for assistance both in and outside the company (no response came from outside). This task was allocated to me by a coworker, who did not give much direction, even though it was known this is my first time trying to complete this type of task. Now the boss is asking for an update, and I have nothing to report, because it is not complete. Furthermore, it can't be completed today because the outside support I need is closed. How do I word an email saying this isn't done because no one helped me through the roadblocks that came up but I will fix it first thing in the morning by going down to the other company in person?

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Joe Strazzere's user avatar

  • 10 Well, you've dug yourself a big hole here. You should have raised the issue with your boss when you were having problems, not after the deadline has passed. –  Philip Kendall Commented Feb 20, 2017 at 18:18
  • 7 "nothing to report" is sort of backwards relative to the situation. Reports of the form "I have encountered difficulty X in doing task Y, and I am not sure I can resolve it soon enough to finish on time" are especially important and urgent. Much more important to get to management than "Task Y is on track and expected to be completed on time." –  Patricia Shanahan Commented Feb 20, 2017 at 19:35

3 Answers 3

Now the boss is asking for an update, and I have nothing to report, because it is not complete.

It sounds like you have plenty to report.

It's unfortunate you waited until now to talk about it. If you had mentioned the roadblocks when they occurred, perhaps your boss could have helped "unblock" them.

The best you can do now is to explain where you are in the process now, what you plan to do to complete the assignment, and when you think you will actually be complete.

  • 1 I'd also add to this if you need help, say so . It is unlikely they expect you to do this with no support, but it is likely that they expect you to ask for help when you need it. –  Kat Commented Feb 20, 2017 at 22:34
  • My shortest report was "Boss, I think I f*ed this up really bad" (I knew I can use this word with this boss). Because I had no idea what exactly went wrong. Failure report is still a report, like Joe says. Oh, and my boss was really glad to hear this promptly, when we still had enough time to figure out what went wrong, and deliver on time. –  Mołot Commented Feb 21, 2017 at 10:40

The OP hasn't explicitly indicated a deadline has passed, but regardless, if there are problems which are blocking completion the boss needs to know as soon as that becomes a known risk.

Even blowing a deadline occasionally is OK as long as everyone knows it's going to happen in advance and isn't blindsided by it. One of the most important unwritten rules in the workplace that causes a lot of new people pain is " don't surprise your boss ".

To answer your question about the email:

  • First, its usually better to give bad news in person rather than email if that's possible and timely.
  • Blaming anyone else even if it is entirely their fault would be considered bad form at this point because you could have addressed it earlier. Much better to accept full responsibility and a willingness to solve the problem.
  • It's not the end of the world, just say what you've done so far, what the problems are and what help you need to move forward.

teego1967's user avatar

Email your boss (better, talk to them in person or by phone), and tell them exactly what you've put in this email. But, you should also tell them what you have done. If the job is not complete, did you manage to do any part of it? Even if you're just reporting the people you've contacted and the research you've done, that's more concrete than saying "I did nothing...". Maybe next time, give your manager a status report by email each Friday afternoon, so they know of any blockages in advance.

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Are you looking for strategies to help students who have trouble completing assignments independently? If so, keep reading.

1. Create classroom rules: • Remain on-task. • Complete assignments quietly. • Request assistance when needed. • Remain in your seat. • Finish tasks. • Meet task expectations. Examine rules often. Praise students for following the rules.

2. Establish time limits for finishing tasks .

3. Praise the learner for performing tasks independently.

4. Get the learner to prioritize tasks by importance (e.g., task A must be done today, task B can be done today, and task C can wait until tomorrow).

5. Organize their surroundings to enable task conclusion (i.e., make sure the learner’s tasks are on their capacity and ability level , be sure that instructions are clear, and keep frequent interactions with the learner to enable success).

6. Urge parents to set aside and enforce a consistent period at home for the learner to finish homework . All family members should work on tasks (e.g., correspondence, balancing accounts, reading, etc.) during this time.

7. Give the learner structure for all academic learning activities (e.g., specific instructions, routine (schedule) format for tasks, time limits, etc.).

8. Praise the learner for beginning, working on, and finishing tasks .

9. Make sure that directions, explanations, and instructions are delivered on the learner’s capacity and ability level .

10. Assess the appropriateness of giving the learner tasks that require copying if the learner’s capacity and ability level make it impossible for him/ her to finish the task.

11. Let the learner have additional time to finish tasks when working independently.

12. Give the learner a selection of tasks and require them to select a minimum number of tasks to perform independently (e.g., present the learner with 10 academic tasks from which 6 must be finished that day).

13. Explain your expectations to the learner for the successful conclusion of tasks .

14. Give a written list of instructions for a long-term task.

15. Plan leisure activities at the end of the day. Make participation in these learning activities dependent upon the conclusion of tasks .

16. Connect with the learner’s parents to disseminate information about their child’s progress. The parents may reinforce the learner at home for finishing tasks independently.

17. Assess the degree of task difficulty concerning the learner’s capacity and ability to perform the task.

18. Be firm, fair, and consistent, expecting the learner to finish tasks. Do not let the learner fail to finish designated tasks one time and expect tasks to be finished the next time.

19. Praise those students in the classroom who finish tasks independently.

20. Urge the learner to follow a less desirable task with a more desirable task . Make the conclusion of the first appropriate to perform the second.

21. Consider using an education app to help the student sharpen their organizational skills. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend .

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Grammatical Dissection of “it is not completed yet”

Look at the following sentence.

It is not completed yet.

I think the sentence is in passive voice as the word “completed” is a verb. So, if I add an object in the sentence, it would be:

It is not yet completed by him.

In active voice:

He did not complete it yet.

What is the sense of “yet” here?

Also, if someone has assigned me a task, and I haven’t completed it yet, should I say “It is not yet complete” or former?

M. Noraiz's user avatar

  • Yes, "completed" is a verb in your example. But it's ungrammatical: a passive VP is required as in "It has not been completed yet". The nearest active equivalent is "x has not completed it yet". "Yet" means 'up to the time of the utterance'. Note that "completed" is only an adjective when it's a pre-head modifier of a noun, as in "Please submit your [completed application] within 14 day", and even there a case could be made for analysing it as a verb. –  BillJ Commented Oct 7, 2021 at 16:46

2 Answers 2

Complete can be either a verb or an adjective. It would be more natural to say

It is not complete yet (adjective) - or It has not been completed yet (verb, passive). He has not (I have not) completed it yet (verb, active).

In all these cases, yet means up to and including the present time.

Kate Bunting's user avatar

The phrase is not completed can be a passive verb phrase; but if it is, it is present simple, and so it would refer to an act of completing, not a resulting state; furthermore, since it is present simple not present continuous, in most contexts it would refer to something habitual.

So as a verb phrase, It is not completed means something like It does not (generally, or normally) get completed - something that might be said, but not very commonly. I haven't been able to think of a plausible example of it.

However, like many past participles, completed can also be an adjective, describing the state that results from completing. In that sense It is not completed yet is fine: it is not yet in the state "completed".

Complete is more common than completed as the adjective, but both are po9ssible, and in this context I can't find any difference in meaning.

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How to Finish Assignments When You Can’t

How to finish assignment

Crunch time is coming, deadlines need to be met, essays need to be submitted, and tests should be studied for. As a student who’s waiting for the end of crunch time, you’re looking for all the right ways to cut corners while being ultra efficient with your time and energy. But sometimes racing the clock you’ll come to a realization that this mountain of a task is insurmountable and it seems almost impossible to accomplish. But at this low point is exactly where you shouldn’t settle with an incomplete assignment or missing work. There are workarounds and “life hacks” that can help pull you out of this sticky situation.

Homework and education are very important, so finishing your assignments should be something that’s on every student’s mind. Here’s some ideas to get you started on your path to getting your assignments finished:

Ask for an Extension

Lots of students find themselves in this awful situation that seems impossible to do. Even if it is your fault for being a bad student or lazy, it’s worth a try to confront your professor or teacher and ask for an extension – as long as you actually complete it. Teachers and professors understand that the point of homework isn’t to give you something to do, rather train you and give you extra practice on materials you learn in class. Just know that it’s not their responsibility to give you an extension and they are not obligated to give you points for your late or missing assignments. But do them anyway – and have your teacher check your work so they know you’re good for the work even though it’s late. 

Ask for Help from Classmates

Your classmates are a good resource for you to help you finish your assignments, late or on time. They may even just give you answers – as long as you are polite about it and aren’t pressuring them to do so. They are helping you when they aren’t required to, and they’ll be more inclined if you are also reliable. The worst position to be in is to be the student who helps others but doesn’t receive help. Help could even be in the form of understanding the assignments and learning from them, kind of a tutoring situation. But again, it’s important that your classmates aren’t obligated to help you, so be grateful for any help you receive. 

Prevent This Happening in the Future

We don’t want you to constantly be stuck in this seemingly impossible situation – so we urge you to think about your assignments carefully – so it doesn’t happen again. This means several things:

  • Keep Organized – understand when your assignments are due, and know how much time you have left so you can plan around it. It’s worth noting that this will also help you plan your lifestyle a bit better, so its a great thing to do
  • Give Yourself Time – saving things for last minute is a surefire way to shoot yourself in the foot. Don’t do that. Instead, if they give you an assignment to do for the next lesson or the next day – set time aside after school to do it.
  • Don’t Procrastinate – saying that you’ll do it later is the downfall of many missed assignments. You may forget about it or something may come up that will prevent you from doing your assignments on time. Get it done sooner rather than later

Use Your Resources

When we say “resources” we mean tutors, teacher’s assistants, and even the world wide web to help you complete your assignments when you’re unable to. Don’t make it a habit, but there are websites like Assignment Expert that are here to help you do exactly that: finish your homework. Note that schools and universities have their own rules for these types of resources, so use with caution. There are also websites that may have guides or flash cards that can help you in most of your subjects. If you do use them, they can be quite helpful to get you out of this situation. 

Prioritize Your Assignments

If you’ve got a ton of assignments to finish – and only a limited amount of time – its good to prioritize them in an order of importance – which classes do you need to complete them today – ones with very lenient teachers or professors – and ones that are low priority because you’re allowed to miss this one assignment. Having that done, your experience with finishing your assignments will go over much smoother and less stressful. 

Motivate Yourself

There’s a reason why you’re feeling stressed in this crunch time, you’re trying to accomplish something. Whether its to improve your grade or pass class, you still have motivation to do it. If you didn’t have any motivation, you wouldn’t be this stressed to read this article on the internet. But keep in mind your end goals so you’ll have the time and energy to spend on it. Complaining about not having enough time, isn’t going to give you more time.

Figure Out Your Problems

If you’ve procrastinated and put off your assignments, there must be a good reason, right? A good reason or not – you should reevaluate the things you’re doing in your life that put you in this position. If it can be helped, avoid these kinds of situations. Education is important and you should treat it as such. 

Once you get a handle on your situation, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Managing your time isn’t easy, so once its done you can relax a bit before your next deadline. 


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How to Finish All Your Missing Assignments Fast; 8 Useful Tips

When you do not submit or complete assignments on time you are faced with the challenge of missing assignments. It can be hard to keep track of all your missing assignments when they pile up but don’t worry.

First, talk with your teachers about the assignments you failed to submit and ask for a deadline extension. Then, make a plan for how to handle your work, putting the most important tasks first. Take breaks, treat yourself, and keep a good attitude to get more done. It’s not easy to make up for the schoolwork you missed, but if you’re organized and have a plan, you’ll be better able to handle whatever comes your way.

It is a daunting situation, and without the right approach, you may end up not finishing your missing assignments which will affect your overall grade. Here are critical steps that can help you finish all your missing assignments fast.

1.   Create a list of all missing assignments

List of missing assignments

When working on missing assignments, you are more likely to pick the easier assignment first and forget about the tough assignments. Making a list of all your assignments helps to make sure you complete all missing assignments.

List all the missing assignments that need to be done; even if you have to re-read notes, all these tasks must be included in the list. Tick off the tasks after completion to keep you motivated.

2.   Create a detailed timetable

timetable for your missing assignments

A timetable helps you plan your tasks. Assign all your missing assignments time. Schedule more time for the tough assignments. Remember you are on a deadline, so whatever time you estimate an activity might take, reduce it by at least 5 to 10 minutes. You have to be ruthless and, at the same time, realistic when coming up with a timetable.

3.   Gather all assignment materials

After listing all the missing assignments, you will have an idea of all the required materials. You must gather all the necessary tools, such as laptops and writing materials. By doing this, you ensure that you will not have to take breaks now and then to fetch something leading to time wastage. If you are the type of person who concentrates better on music in the background, this can be a great time to choose a studying playlist.

4.   Switch off your devices

You must turn off all the gadgets not needed to do the assignments. These may include phones and tablets. You need to find a place with minimal distraction to enable you fully concentrate on the task at hand.

Being destructed will cost you time which could have been used to finish your missing assignments. Therefore, you can choose to keep your devices in a different room and only use them when you are on break. You can use one of the breaks already programmed to check on your social media.

5.   Ask for Assignment help online

If you’re thinking “I need help with my missing assignments” and want to finish homework fast, don’t avoid getting help. There are fast writers online who will help you with your assignments – for a small price of course.

Remember that your mental health has a big effect on how much you get done. No matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to finish your assignment faster if you are tired or stressed out. Assignment help experts will relieve you of your missing assignments stress.

6.   Reward yourself after finishing a missing assignment

Doing assignments may be challenging. Our brains work better when there is a possibility of getting a reward. Rewarding yourself after finishing each assignment will motivate you to continue and improve your speed.

These rewards can be a few minutes of rest, eating a snack, playing games, or spending some time on social media. These rewards should be manageable, they should not be activities that will take much of your time.

7.   Avoid unnecessary breaks

Breaks are very important when doing any task, but you need to be disciplined and take breaks only when necessary to avoid wasting time. The best way to do this is by working in short sprints and taking at most a 5-minute break.

Remember, it is also not advisable to work continuously without a break. Your mind will be exhausted, and you will take longer to complete simple tasks.

To ensure you are disciplined, you need to have punishments in place if you don’t achieve your target. You can punish yourself by taking away break privileges when a task is not done as allocated.

8.   Stay positive and remember what is at stake

Apart from following these steps, the most important step to finishing all your missing assignments is having a positive mindset. You must remember what is at stake, which in this case, is your academic achievement. Having this in mind will act as a form of motivational tool whenever things seem impossible.

Is it bad to have missing assignments in college?

Yes, it is bad to have incomplete assignments. You can skip some assignments without getting into trouble with the faculty, but you will lose some credits. Some lecturers are lenient and will award you partial credit for late submission of assignments, while others will give you nothing. When you miss assignments and are in an upper-division class, be sure your grades will be negatively impacted. You may not get into trouble with the faculty for missing one or two assignments, but your grades might be affected in the long run.

Do missing assignments affect your GPA?

Yes, missing assignments do affect your GPA. Missing assignments are usually given low or 0 marks which negatively impacts the grade, which is not a good thing for the student. You must maintain a GPA of 2.8 and above to have a good academic transcript. To remain competitive with the higher percentile range of students, you must have a 3.2 and above GPA score.

Can a professor drop you from a class for missing assignments?

Generally, a professor cannot drop you from a class because of missing assignments. However, this will also depend on your institution and its policy regarding missing assignments. Some lecturers are usually lenient and will pardon you for missing a few assignments, while others are stricter.

If you have any concerns about missing assignments, it is important to talk to your lecturer and understand their expectations and policies regarding missing assignments. If you are interested in getting the best results, you can contact your professor with genuine reasons why you missed the assignments and they might agree to give you partial credit that will assist in boosting your final grade.

Can I complete all my missing assignments in a day?

Yes, you can complete all missing assignments in a day. However, it will depend on the type and quantity of assignments you have. In most cases, it will be better to ask for more time instead of producing sub-standard work because of time.

Completing all missing assignments in a day will also require you to devise a good plan and implement it. You will have to stay away from any disruptions that may hinder your progress. Prior planning and communication with your lecturer will help you avoid situations whereby you have to complete a number of missing assignments within a day. You can ask for assignment help online if overwhelmed by deadlines.

Do missing assignments show up on transcripts?

No, missing assignments do not appear in your transcript; they only reduce your grades. Unlike cheating, missing assignments only affect total grades; therefore, it is better to have unsubmitted assignments than receive an “F” because of cheating. The only issue you will have on your transcript due to missing assignments is your GPA.

Can you graduate with missing assignments?

No, you cannot pass a class with missing assignments; therefore, you cannot graduate with incomplete assignments. To complete a course, some different assignments and tasks need to be completed, and failure to complete assignments will greatly affect your overall score.

Therefore, it is critical for a student to ensure that all assignments are completed and preferably on time. However, depending on the institution, you can graduate if the missing assignment didn’t greatly affect your final score.

Can a professor fail you for missing one assignment?

Not really, missing assignments will only impact your grade, and the lecturer has nothing to do with it. Most lecturers deal with several students and do not have time to deal with a particular student’s missing assignment. It is the responsibility of a student to make sure that all the assignments are completed. However, there are lecturers teaching units with few students; such lecturers have the time to follow up on individual students’ missing assignments. You need to know that even the lecturers that follow up on missing assignments will still deduct credit for a late submission.

It is completely the student’s responsibility to ensure no missing assignments. Professors do not fail students because of missing assignments because missing an assignment does not necessarily mean the student is performing badly; it might be because the student had a legitimate reason for not doing that assignment.

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Students are given a grade of NOT YET instead of a letter or number grade if work is not demonstrating mastery.

March 24, 2015

Many times, students see a grade on an assignment and conclude that there is nothing to be done about it- it is final.  Writing  Not Yet on a paper helps students understand that the work is not completed and that it is important to persist when challenged.

Strategy summary:

When grading student work, be it formative or summative, create a cut off point for what you would consider mastery.  All work that does not meet this expectation is marked NOT YET.  When returned to students, explain that they are to revise work and provide guidelines and structure for students to fix their assignments and demonstrate mastery. 

Before Class:

Create a grading system that meets expectations of your school and allows for students to revise work that doesn't meet standards.  This may include dedicated time each week in class for students to revise or a special time after school they can meet with you.

During Class:

1) Start a class discussion about what it means to get an F on an assignment.  Document student ideas.

2) Explain that your grading practices will be different- there will be no Fs.  Ask for student reactions- how will this change this class?  How will this change your responsibilities?

3) In order for student to understand why the grading procedure is being changed, give a mini-lesson on growth mindset.  Click here for a great resource.

4) Explain that NY ( Not Yet) will be the grade on assignments that have not demonstrated mastery. Provide a structure for students to redo NY assignments along with timing parameters. Share these procedures with fellow teachers and with parents.

Grades:  {[ gradeLevels[2] ]} through {[ gradeLevels[13] ]}

Subjects:  Math,  English / Lit.,  Science,  Social Studies,  Other

Time of year:   Anytime

Class period:   Anytime

Related Practices

  • Give feedback
  • Belonging for Educators
  • About Growth Mindset
  • Teaching a Growth Mindset
  • Praise the Process, Not the Person
  • Celebrate Mistakes
  • Give Tasks That Promote Struggle And Growth
  • Assessments For A Growth Mindset
  • For Teachers
  • For Parents
  • For Mentors
  • Professional Development
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Feedback helps us grow!

Mindset Kit is still in beta, and we are working hard to improve it every day. Please help us make it more useful by telling us what could be better. Don't hold back!

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Grammar Quiz

“ I haven’t finished the assignment yet. I’m really sorry”.

A. The boy apologizes to me for not having finished the assignment yet .

B. The boy apologizes to me of having finished the assignment

C. The boy apologized to me for not finishing the assignment yet .

D. The boy apologized to me for not having finished the assignment yet .

Select your answer:          

Next Quiz >

Other quiz:

Deserts are harsh and dry, ________ many plants grow there.

A. For B. So C. Yet

I ___ home yesterday afternoon. I ___ basketball with Tom in the park.

A. weren’t; play

B. wasn’t; played

C. wasn’t; am playing

D. didn’t; can play

How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button.

GrammarQuiz.Net - Improve your knowledge of English grammar, the best way to kill your free time.

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Assignments Not Completed

  • February 16, 2020
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not completed assignments yet

Assignments that are incomplete or not turned in are a concern for many teachers. It is frustrating and devastating to students. Assignments, especially homework are important for a student’s learning. However, many students do not complete the work . Also, they do not complete daily classroom work. There are a few reasons why assignments are important for students to complete.

  • It teaches a student to be responsible.
  • Students develop time management skills.
  • Students learn more about the subject.
  • Assignments build regular study habits that are important for the development of life-long learners.

Reasons Assignments Aren’t Complete

Nonetheless, many students do not do homework. There are several reasons for not completing the assigned work.

First, and foremost, homework is too difficult.

Also, students say it is too time-consuming.

They feel it has no value to their daily or future lives. So, they feel it has no purpose.

Students feel they have too much homework to complete.

There is no feedback on the assignment.

Students do not have a plan or a place for completing homework.

Last, it is not interesting.

Unfortunately, students that are not engaged in work whether in class or out of class, cannot learn. Plus, assignments that are not complete give teachers and parents a partial look at the student’s ability. Knowing their ability provides a picture of how a student learns and how to guide the learning.

Make Homework Work

Teachers and parents must make homework meaningful. Begin the assignment in class and encourage students to engage parents. Students must understand the assigned work before it is completed. They must relate the assigned work to real-life. Also, feedback is important. Assigned work has to be meaningful.

Homework is still debated as being beneficial. However, most schools require teachers to give work. Yet, there will always be students that do not complete the work.  A little planning on its purpose helps to get students to complete work. Also, some planning and help on the part of parents help. Hence, a plan to involve parents will provide the needed results.

not completed assignments yet

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Tip:  Use your search bar to search for an assignment by keyword.

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The Upcoming  tab will show all upcoming assignment you have not done yet, sorted by order of due date. The Past Due tab will show all Past Due assignment not completed yet. Sorted by today and older 

past due

Late assignments will include a Past due warning.

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Upcoming assignment status

Assignment title and due date —Before the due date. You haven’t turned in work yet.

Past due —You haven’t turned your assignment in yet and it’s past the due date. This will only appear if your educator is accepting late turn-ins.

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Completed assignment status

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The due date for this assignment has passed and you can no longer turn it in.

This assignment has been submitted. You'll see a time and date stamp of your most recent turn-in.


You'll see a time and date stamp of when your educator returned the assignment to you. If the assignment is , your educator may want you to make edits and resubmit the assignment.

You'll see this option when your educator has returned an assignment to you but is still accepting submissions. This means you can submit any revisions your instructor has requested.

Your educator hasn't returned your work yet and submissions are still open. Use this option if you forgot to include something or want to update your work before turning it in again.

View grades in one class


Here you'll see all your assignments listed with the nearest due date at the top. View your status on each assignment as well as points you've received on graded work. Assignments without points will show as Returned after your educator has reviewed them.

Average Grade

If your class has enabled it, you can also see the Average Grade for this class and View Details to see your trend for your assignments.


View assignments across classes

To view assignments across all your classes, select Assignments from your app bar. Select an assignment to open it or turn in work. 


Select Upcoming to see any upcoming assignment across all of your classes.

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Select  Completed to see work that you have completed across your classes.

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What happens if the "due date" for an assignment passes, but some students have not yet completed the assignment?

The assignment you created will be continue to be available to students past the due date within Google Classroom or Canvas. The Assignment Report will note how many days late the student completed the assignment.

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ASSISTments is a free public service operated jointly by Worcester Polytechnic Institute and the ASSISTments Foundation. ‍ The ASSISTments Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization sponsored by Worcester Polytechnic Institute created in 2019. ‍ Worcester Polytechnic Institute is a 501(c)(3) non profit created in 1865. ‍ The ASSISTments Project work at WPI is led by Professor Neil Heffernan. ‍ The ASSISTments Foundation is led by Cristina Heffernan.

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Tip: Do not submit assignments early

Get them done early if you want and save them but DO NOT submit them until after the last class before it’s due.

From personal experience, many times I have submitted something early and felt accomplished, only to have people ask questions in class and the professor clarifies something or the professor to go over some sort of concept which I then think “damn! I should have included this concept in my assignment/done this instead or something I wish I could have changed.”

This is just from personal experience. Would love to hear thoughts.


George has not completed the assignment yet and Maria hasn't neither

Error Detection

George has not completed the assignment yet, and Maria hasn't either.


And maria hasn't either


hasn`t neither

1. george has not completed the assignment yet and maria hasn’t neither..

Explain Bot

To detect errors in the given sentence, we need to analyze the sentence structure and look for any grammatical mistakes.

The sentence "George has not completed the assignment yet and Maria hasn't neither" contains an error in the negative form. When using negative structures, we usually pair "not" with "either" instead of "neither." Therefore, the correct form of the sentence would be: "George has not completed the assignment yet, and Maria hasn't either." To reach this conclusion, we need to understand the appropriate usage of negative forms in English grammar. In negative sentences, we use "not" together with auxiliary verbs like "hasn't" to indicate the absence of an action or condition. When connecting two negative expressions, we typically use the word "either" instead of "neither." This creates a parallel structure and ensures correct grammar in the sentence.


Brooklyn Nets Getting an Extra Piece in Mikal Bridges-Knicks Trade

Jed katz | jul 1, 2024.

Jan 23, 2024; Brooklyn, New York, USA; Brooklyn Nets forward Mikal Bridges (1) drives to the basket against New York Knicks forward Precious Achiuwa (5) and guard Quentin Grimes (6) during the fourth quarter at Barclays Center. Mandatory Credit: Brad Penner-USA TODAY Sports

  • Brooklyn Nets
  • New York Knicks

With the Mikal Bridges-Knicks trade still not officially finalized, the Brooklyn Nets will receive another player in the deal to even out the salary. New York is hard-capped at the first apron right now, so another player would get them under that to even out the money swap. Bojan Bogdanovic is already included in the trade, making $19 million in 2025 . Given the Knicks' current contract situation, and the fact that Bridges is set to make $23.3 million in 2025 , another player has to be added.

According to Ian Begley of SNY , the Knicks have 'virtually no interest' in sending guard Miles McBride to the Nets. Out of the realistic options Brooklyn could receive, McBride would've been the first choice for Nets fans, and the last for Knicks fans. The 23-year-old had somewhat of a breakout season in New York, averaging 11.8 points, 2.5 assists, and 2.3 rebounds in 33 games since February 1, 2024 .

With the Knicks unwilling to send the 6-foot-2 guard across the bridge, it only puts the Nets at a further advantage. Of course, New York is set on getting Bridges, and the Knicks' core of Jalen Brunson, Donte DiVincenzo, Josh Hart, OG Anunoby, and Julius Randle are not leaving. However, Mitchell Robinson, who was previously in trade talks to be moved to the Washington Wizards , has not been mentioned yet.

The Knicks plan on trying to keep starting center Isaiah Hartenstein, and the only other players who could've been sent over are Alec Burks and Precious Achiuwa, who are unrestricted free agents.

For both sides, the trade is a win-win. New York is getting one of the best two-way players in the NBA to help push them further toward title contention, while Brooklyn brings in numerous draft picks to start their long-overdue rebuild.

As of right now, the Knicks just need to figure out who to send over in the trade, because the new CBA does not allow them to take on additional salary if they are over that first apron, which they would be if the players swapped were Bridges and Bogdanovic alone.

Given the context, the Nets have some leverage in this deal. If the Knicks cave in and are forced to send McBride, Brooklyn could add draft picks going back to New York to even out both sides. The Nets are already receiving six first-round picks; four unprotected, one via Milwaukee, and a pick swap, which spans from 2025 to 2031.

Want to join the discussion? Like Inside the Nets on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to stay up to date on all the latest Nets news. You can also meet the team behind the coverage.

Jed Katz

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NHL Free Agent Tracker

Comprehensive list of signings by team, available players


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A comprehensive list of 2024 NHL free agents and signings:


Leason, Vaakanainen each signs 1-year contract with Ducks

Harkins signs 2-year-contract with Ducks

Free Agents

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Pavol Regenda.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Andrew Agozzino (signed: UTA), Trevor Carrick, Chase De Leo, Glenn Gawdin (signed: LAK), Bo Groulx (signed: NYR), Robert Hagg, Max Jones (signed: BOS), William Lagesson (signed: DET), Brett Leason (re-signed), Gustav Lindstrom, Blake McLaughlin, Ben Meyers (signed: SEA), Jakob Silfverberg, Alex Stalock, Brayden Tracey, Urho Vaakanainen (re-signed), Colton White (signed: NJD).


Lindholm, Zadorov each signs contract with Bruins

Jones, Tufte, Koepke, Oesterle, Sweezey, Viel sign with Bruins

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Michael Callahan, Marc McLaughlin, Alec Regula, Jeremy Swayman.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Joey Abate, Jake DeBrusk (signed: VAN), Jesper Boqvist (signed: FLA), Derek Forbort (signed: VAN), Matt Grzelcyk (signed: PIT), Curtis Hall, Danton Heinen (signed: VAN), Kyle Keyser, Milan Lucic, Pat Maroon (signed: CHI), Jayson Megna, Dan Renouf, Anthony Richard (signed: PHI), Kevin Shattenkirk, James van Riemsdyk, Oskar Steen, Reilly Walsh (signed: LAK).


Zucker signs 1-year contract with Sabres

Gilbert signs 1-year contract with Sabres

Aube-Kubel signs 1-year contract with Sabres

Bryson signs 1-year contract with Sabres

Lafferty signs 2-year contract with Sabres

Reimer signs 1-year contract with Sabres

Poolman signs 1-year contract with Sabres

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Henri Jokiharju, Peyton Krebs, Ukko-Pekka Luukkonen, Beck Malenstyn.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Brandon Biro (signed: SEA), Jacob Bryson (re-signed), Joseph Cecconi (signed: MIN), Eric Comrie (signed: WPG), Jeremy Davies (signed: OTT), Zemgus Girgensons (signed: TBL), Tyson Jost (signed: CAR), Brett Murray, Victor Olofsson (signed: VGK), Justin Richards, Eric Robinson (signed: CAR), Calle Sjalin, Riley Stillman (signed: CAR), Dustin Tokarski, Linus Weissbach.


Mantha signs 1-year contract with Flames

Bean signs 2-year contract with Flames

Lomberg signs 2-year contract with Flames

Cooley signs 2-year contract with Flames

Aspirot signs 1-year contract with Flames

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Adam Klapka, Yan Kuznetsov, Nikita Okhotiuk, Jakob Pelletier, Cole Schwindt, Ilya Solovyov, Dustin Wolf.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Riley Damiani, Oscar Dansk, Dillon Dube, Dennis Gilbert (signed: BUF), A.J. Greer (signed: FLA), Oliver Kylington, Ben Jones (signed: MIN), Brady Lyle, Jordan Oesterle (signed: BOS), Colton Poolman (signed: BUF), Mark Pysyk.


Carrier signs with Hurricanes

Martinook signs 3-year contract with Hurricanes

Walker signs 5-year contract with Hurricanes

Jost signs 1-year contract with Hurricanes

Robinson signs 1-year contract with Hurricanes

Gostisbehere signs 3-year contract with Hurricanes

Stillman signs 1-year contract with Hurricanes

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Dylan Coghlan, Jack Drury, Seth Jarvis, Martin Necas.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Callahan Burke, Maxime Comtois, Tony DeAngelo, David Kase, Jordan Martinook (re-signed), Griffin Mendel, Blake Murray, Stefan Noesen (signed: NJD), Brett Pesce (signed: NJD), Antti Raanta, Brady Skjei (signed: NSH), Teuvo Teravainen (signed: CHI), Tuukka Tieksola.


Teravainen, Bertuzzi each signs contract with Blackhawks

Maroon, Smith each signs contract with Blackhawks; Anderson re-signs

Brossoit signs 2-year contract with Blackhawks

Martinez signs 1-year contract with Blackhawks

Brodie signs 2-year contract with Blackhawks

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Isaak Phillips.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Joey Anderson (re-signed), Colin Blackwell (signed: DAL), MacKenzie Entwistle (signed: FLA), David Gust, Mike Hardman (signed: NJD), Reese Johnson (signed: MIN), Tyler Johnson, Sam Lafferty (signed: BUF), Jaycob Megna, Luke Philp (signed: WSH), Rem Pitlick, Taylor Raddysh (signed: WSH) Filip Roos (signed: OTT), Vili Saarijarvi, Jaxson Stauber, Michal Teply, Jarred Tinordi, Nikita Zaitsev.


Drouin signs 1-year contract with Avalanche

DeHaan signs 1-year contract with Avalanche

Kiviranta signs 1-year contract with Avalanche

MacDonald, Tynan each signs contract with Avalanche

Rosen signs 1-year contract with Avalanche

Kelly signs 2-year contract with Avalanche

Brannstrom signs 1-year contract with Avalanche

Aamodt signs 1-yer contract with Avalanche

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Wyatt Aamodt (re-signed), Jason Polin.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Alex Beaucage, Nate Clurman (signed: PIT), Andrew Cogliano (retired), Jonathan Drouin (re-signed), Brandon Duhaime (signed: WSH), Gianni Fairbrother, Pavel Francouz, Arvid Holm, Brad Hunt, Jack Johnson, Caleb Jones, Vladislav Kamenev, Joel Kiviranta (re-signed), Fredrik Olofsson, Zach Parise, Ivan Prosvetov, Corey Schueneman (signed: STL), Spencer Smallman (signed: WSH), Yakov Trenin (signed: MIN), Riley Tufte (signed: BOS), Sean Walker (signed: CAR).


Monahan signs 5-year contract with Blue Jackets

Gambrell signs 1-year contract with Blue Jackets

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Jake Christiansen, Jet Greaves, Kirill Marchenko, Cole Sillinger.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Tyler Angle, Jake Bean (signed: CGY) Marcus Bjork, Nick Blankenburg (signed: NSH), Josh Dunne, Brendan Gaunce (signed: MIN), Carson Meyer, Alex Nylander, Malcolm Subban, Billy Sweezey (signed: BOS), Calvin Thurkauf, Jakub Zboril.


Lyubushkin signs 3-year contract with Stars

Duchene signs 1-year contract with Stars

DeSmith signs 3-year contract with Stars

Lundkvist signs 1-year contract with Stars

Steel signs 1-year contract with Stars

Hughes signs 1-year, 2-way contract with Stars

Dumba signs 2-year contract with Stars

Lind signs 1-year, 2-way contract with Stars

Capobianco signs 2-year contract with Stars

Brendan Smith signs 1-year contract with Stars

Blackwell signs 1-year contract with Stars

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Thomas Harley.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Gavin Bayreuther, Nick Caamano, Matt Duchene (re-signed), Max Ellis, Jani Hakanpää, Fredrik Karlstrom, Nils Lundkvist (re-signed), Matt Murray (signed: NSH), Joe Pavelski, Derrick Pouliot (signed: TBL), Scott Reedy, Jerad Rosburg, Craig Smith (signed: CHI), Sam Steel (re-signed), Scott Wedgewood (signed: NSH).


Talbot signs 2-year contract with Red Wings

Fischer signs 1-year contract with Red Wings

Lagesson signs 1-year contract with Red Wings

Campbell, Dries each signs contract with Red Wings

Gustafsson signs 2-year contract with Red Wings

Snively signs 1-year contract with Red Wings

Motte signs 1-year contract with Red Wings

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Jonatan Berggren, Lucas Raymond, Moritz Seider, Joe Veleno.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Zach Aston-Reese, Austin Czarnik, Christian Fischer (re-signed), Shayne Gostisbehere (signed: CAR), Taro Hirose, Michael Hutchinson, John Lethemon, Matt Luff, Jared McIsaac, Wyatt Newpower, David Perron (signed: OTT), James Reimer (signed: BUF), Radim Simek, Daniel Sprong.


C. Brown signs 1-year contract with Oilers

Arvidsson signs 2-year contract with Oilers

Perry signs 1-year contract with Oilers

J. Brown signs 3-year contract with Oilers

Hamblin signs 1-year contract with Oilers

Hoefenmayer signs 1-year contract with Oilers

C. Carrick signs 1-year contract with Oilers

Delia signs 1-year contract with Oilers

Skinner signs 1-year contract with Oilers

Stecher signs 2-year contract with Oilers

Henrique signs 2-year contract with Oilers

Janmark signs 3-year contract with Oilers

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Philip Broberg, James Hamblin (re-signed), Noel Hoefenmayer (re-signed) Dylan Holloway, Raphael Lavoie.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Connor Brown (re-signed), Sam Carrick (signed: NYR), Vincent Desharnais (signed: VAN), Adam Erne, Ryan Fanti, Warren Foegele (signed: LAK), Sam Gagner, Seth Griffith, Adam Henrique (re-signed), Mattias Janmark (re-signed), Brad Malone, Greg McKegg, Markus Niemelainen, Corey Perry (re-signed), Carter Savoie, Troy Stecher (re-signed)


Kulikov signs 4-year contract with Panthers

Nosek signs 1-year contract with Panthers

Asplund signs 1-year contract with Panthers

Greer signs 2-year contract with Panthers

Boqvist signs 1-year contract with Panthers

Driedger signs 1-year contract with Panthers

Entwistle signs 1-year contract with Panthers

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Anton Lundell.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Rasmus Asplund (re-signed), Lucas Carlsson, Evan Cormier, Nick Cousins, Oliver Ekman-Larsson (signed: TOR), Casey Fitzgerald (signed: NYR), Mack Guzda, Magnus Hellberg, Santtu Kinnunen, Egor Korshkov, Dmitry Kulikov (re-signed), Ryan Lomberg (signed: CGY) Steven Lorentz, Josh Mahura, Gerry Mayhew, Brandon Montour (signed: SEA), Kyle Okposo, Aleksi Saarela, Kevin Stenlund (signed: UTA), Anthony Stolarz, Vladimir Tarasenko, Alexander True.


Foegele, Edmundson each signs contract with Kings

Copley, Lewis each signs 1-year contract with Kings

Malott, Madden, Studnicka, Gawdin, Walsh each signs contract with Kings

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Quinton Byfield, Arthur Kaliyev, Jordan Spence.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Viktor Arvidsson (signed: EDM), Kevin Connauton (signed: UTA), Pheonix Copley (re-signed), Aaron Dell, Hayden Hodgson (signed: OTT), Jacob Ingham, Trevor Lewis (re-signed), Blake Lizotte (signed: PIT), Tyler Madden (re-signed), Mikhail Maltsev, Matt Roy (signed: WSH), Steven Santini (signed: TBL), Cam Talbot (signed: DET), T.J. Tynan (signed: COL).


Trenin signs 4-year contract with Wild

8 players sign two-way contracts with Wild

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Declan Chisholm, Graeme Clarke, Adam Raska, Sammy Walker.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Will Butcher, Turner Elson, Steven Fogarty, Alex Goligoski, Sam Hentges, Simon Johansson, Hunter Jones, Jujhar Khaira, Jacob Lucchini (signed: NSH), Zane McIntyre, Dakota Mermis (signed: TOR), Dmitry Ovchinnikov, Mason Shaw, Nick Swaney.


Barre-Boulet signs 1-year contract with Canadiens

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Justin Barron.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Arnaud Durandeau, Lias Andersson, Filip Cederqvist, Brady Keeper, Phillippe Maillet, Mattias Norlinder, Tanner Pearson, Mitchell Stephens (signed: SEA), Colin White, Chris Wideman, Jesse Ylönen (signed: TBL).


Stamkos, Marchessault, Skjei each signs contract with Predators

Carrier signs 3-year contract with Predators

Wedgewood signs 2-year contract with Predators

Hinostroza, 3 others sign two-way contracts with Predators

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Marc Del Gaizo, Juuso Parssinen, Spencer Stastney, Philip Tomasino, Adam Wilsby.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Wade Allison, Jaret Anderson-Dolan (signed: WPG), Tyson Barrie, Anthony Beauvillier (signed: PIT), Alexandre Carrier (re-signed), Liam Foudy, Gustavs Grigals, Troy Grosenick (signed: MIN), Jordan Gross, Kevin Lankinen, Roland McKeown, Kiefer Sherwood (signed: VAN), Jasper Weatherby, Jason Zucker (signed: BUF).


Pesce, dillon each signs contract with devils.

Noesen signs 2-year contract with Devils

Hardman signs 2-year contract with Devils

White signs 2-year contract with Devils

Tatar signs 1-year contract with Devils

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Adam Beckman, Nico Daws, Dawson Mercer.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Kyle Criscuolo, Cal Foote, Kaapo Kahkonen (signed: WPG), Erik Kallgren, Keith Kinkaid, Michael McLeod, Tomas Nosek (signed: FLA), Brendan Smith (signed DAL), Chris Tierney, Michael Vukojevic, Tyler Wotherspoon.


Duclair signs 4-year contract with Islanders

Reilly signs 1-year contract with Islanders

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Dennis Cholowski, Simon Holmstrom, Ruslan Iskhakov, Tyce Thompson, Oliver Wahlstrom.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Sebastian Aho (signed: PIT), Kenneth Appleby, Robert Bortuzzo, Cal Clutterbuck, Otto Koivula, Karson Kuhlman, Paul LaDue, Matt Martin, Reece Newkirk, Brian Pinho, Mike Reilly (re-signed), Robin Salo.


Carrick signs 3-year contract with Rangers

Fitzgerald signs 2-year contract with Rangers

Groulx signs 1-year contract with Rangers

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Karl Henriksson, Ryan Lindgren, Matthew Robertson, Braden Schneider.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Nikolas Brouillard (signed: SEA), Erik Gustafsson (signed: DET), Mac Hollowell (signed: PIT), Olof Lindbom, Nic Petan, Tyler Pitlick, Jack Roslovic, Chad Ruhwedel, Bobby Trivigno, Alexander Wennberg (signed: SJS), Blake Wheeler.


Amadio signs 3-year contract with Senators

Pilon signs 2-year contract with Senators

Davies signs 1-year contract with Senators

Gregor signs 1-year contract with Senators

Roos signs 1-year contract with Senators

Hodgson signs 1-year contract with Senators

Gaudette signs 1-year contract with Senators

Pinto signs 2-year contract with Senators

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Kevin Mandolese, Shane Pinto (re-signed), Mads Sogaard, Egor Sokolov, Lassi Thomson.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Erik Brannstrom (signed: COL), Rourke Chartier, Josh Currie, Dillon Heatherington, Bokondji Imama (signed: PIT), Boris Katchouk, Parker Kelly (signed: COL), Dominik Kubalik, Jacob Larsson, Garrett Pilon (re-signed), Jiri Smejkal.


Johnson signs 1-year contract with Flyers

Richard signs 1-year-contract with Flyers

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Bobby Brink, Egor Zamula.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Adam Brooks, Denis Gurianov, Carter Hart, Erik Johnson (re-signed), Tanner Laczynski, Cooper Marody, Victor Mete, Mason Millman, Felix Sandstrom, Marc Staal, Will Zmolek.


Grzelcyk signs 1-year contract with Penguins

Beauvillier signs 1-year contract with Penguins

Shea signs 1-year contract with Penguins

Hollowell signs 1-year contract with Penguins

Clurman signs 1-year contract with Penguins

Imama signs 1-year contract with Penguins

Benstrom signs 1-year contract with Penguins

Lizotte signs 2-year contract with Penguins

Aho signs 2-year contract with Penguins

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Corey Andonovski.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Emil Bemstrom (re-signed), Maxim Cajkovic, Jeff Carter, Taylor Fedun, Dillon Hamaliuk, Jansen Harkins (signed: ANA), Vinnie Hinostroza (signed: NSH), Pierre-Olivier Joseph, Xavier Ouellet, Jack Rathbone, Dmitri Samorukov, Ryan Shea (re-signed), Ludovic Waeber, Radim Zohorna.


Toffoli signs 4-year contract with Sharks

Wennberg signs 2-year contract with Sharks

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Egor Afanasyev, Ty Dellandrea, Ty Emberson, Carl Grundstrom.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Calen Addison, Alexander Barabanov, Ryan Carpenter, Devin Cooley (signed: CGY), Mike Hoffman, Kevin Labanc, Oskar Lindblom, Jacob MacDonald (signed: COL), Eetu Makiniemi, Jacob Peterson, Jack Studnicka (signed: LAK), Filip Zadina.


Montour, Stephenson each signs contract with Kraken

Biro, Meyers, Stephens, Brouillard, Lajoie each signs contract with Kraken

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Matty Beniers, Peetro Seppala, Eeli Tolvanen.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Pierre-Edouard Bellemare, Connor Carrick (signed: EDM), Chris Driedger (signed: FLA), Cameron Hughes (signed: DAL), Kole Lind (signed: DAL), Ville Petman, Andrew Poturalski, Mitch Reinke, Jimmy Schuldt, Justin Schultz, Devin Shore (signed: MIN), Marián Studenic, Tomas Tatar (signed: NJD), Kailer Yamamoto.


Kapanen signs 1-year contract with Blues

Schueneman signs 1-year contract with Blues

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Mikhail Abramov, Nikita Alexandrov.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): William Bitten, Sammy Blais, Adam Gaudette (signed OTT), Josh Jacobs, Wyatt Kalynuk, Kasperi Kapanen (re-signed), Matthew Peca, Calle Rosen (signed: COL), Marco Scandella, Jakub Vrana, Keean Washkurak,


Girgensons signs 3-year contract with Lightning

4 players sign 1-year, 2-way contracts with Lightning

Atkinson signs 1-year contract with Lightning

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Hugo Alnefelt, Waltteri Merela, J.J. Moser.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Alex Barré-Boulet (signed: MTL), Logan Brown, Sean Day, Calvin de Haan (signed: COL), Anthony Duclair (signed: NYI), Matt Dumba (signed: DAL), Haydn Fleury, Cole Koepke (signed: BOS), Tyler Motte (signed: DET), Philippe Myers (signed: TOR), Felix Robert, Brent Seabrook, Steven Stamkos (signed: NSH), Austin Watson.


Tanev, Ekman-Larsson, Domi each signs contract with Maple Leafs

Murray signs 1-year contract with Maple Leafs

Mermis, Myers, Paré each signs 1-year contract with Maple Leafs

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Connor Dewar, Nicholas Robertson, Alex Steeves.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Tyler Bertuzzi (signed: CHI), TJ Brodie (signed: CHI), Kyle Clifford, Max Domi (re-signed), Joel Edmundson (signed: LAK), Dylan Gambrell (signed: CBJ), Mark Giordano, Noah Gregor (signed: OTT), Martin Jones, John Klingberg, Max Lajoie (signed: SEA), Ilya Lyubushkin (signed: DAL), Matt Murray (re-signed), Jake Muzzin, Keith Petruzzelli, Ilya Samsonov (signed: VGK), Chris Tanev (re-signed)


Stenlund signs 1-year contract with Utah

Cole signs 1-year contract with Utah

Connauton signs 2-year contract with Utah

Agozzino signs 2-year contract with Utah

Barron signs 1-year contract with Utah

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Curtis Douglas, Barrett Hayton, Jan Jenik, Milos Kelemen, Victor Soderstrom.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Travis Barron (re-signed), Travis Boyd (signed: MIN), Josh Brown (signed: EDM), Cameron Crotty (signed: MIN), Travis Dermott, Steven Kampfer, Justin Kirkland, John Leonard, Bryan Little, Ryan McGregor, Nathan Smith (signed: VAN), Jakub Voracek


DeBrusk signs 7-year contract with Canucks

Forbort signs 1-year contract with Canucks

Heinen signs 2-year contract with Canucks

Sherwood signs 1-year contract with Canucks

Smith signs 1-year contract with Canucks

Desharnais signs 2-year contract with Canucks

Patera signs 2-year contract with Canucks

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Arturs Silovs.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Nick Cicek, Ian Cole (signed: UTA), Casey DeSmith (signed: DAL), Sheldon Dries (signed: DET), Matt Irwin, Filip Johansson, Elias Lindholm (signed: BOS), Aidan McDonough, Zach Sawchenko, Nikita Zadorov (signed: BOS).


Samsonov, Dorofeyev, Korczak each signs contract with Golden Knights

Olofsson signs 1-year contract with Golden Knights

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Pavel Dorofeyev (re-signed), Kaedan Korczak (re-signed), Ivan Morozov.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Layton Ahac, Michael Amadio (signed: OTT), William Carrier (signed: CAR), Byron Froese, Anthony Mantha (signed: CGY), Jonathan Marchessault (signed: NSH), Alec Martinez (signed: CHI), Jiri Patera (signed: VGK), Mason Primeau, Sheldon Rempal, Akira Schmid, Chandler Stephenson (signed: SEA), Mikhail Vorobyev.


Roy signs 6-year contract with Capitals

Duhaime signs 2-year contract with Capitals

Raddysh signs 1-year contract with Capitals

McMichael signs 2-year contract with Capitals

Philip, Smallman each signs contract with Capitals

Sutter, Haman Aktell each signs 1-year contract with Capitals

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): Mitchell Gibson, Hardy Haman Aktell (re-signed), Alex Limoges, Connor McMichael (re-signed), Riley Sutter (re-signed).

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Nicolas Aube-Kubel (signed: BUF), Lucas Johansen, Max Pacioretty, Matthew Phillips, Damien Riat, Joe Snively (signed: DET).


Kahkonen signs 1-year contract with Jets

Comrie signs 2-year contract with Jets

Miller signs 2-year contract with Jets

Anderson-Dolan signs 2-year contract with Jets

Restricted Free Agents (RFAs): David Gustafsson, Ville Heinola, Simon Lundmark, Cole Perfetti, Logan Stanley.

Unrestricted Free Agents (UFAs): Laurent Brossoit (signed: CHI), Kyle Capobianco (signed: DAL), Collin Delia (signed: EDM), Brenden Dillon (signed: NJD), Artemi Kniazev, Jeff Malott (signed: LAK), Colin Miller (re-signed), Sean Monahan (signed: CBJ), Kristian Reichel, Ashton Sautner, Oskari Salminen, Tyler Toffoli (signed: SJS), Jeffrey Viel (signed: BOS).


These players have been tendered a qualifying offer by their respective Clubs and are subject to draft-choice compensation and right to match. The draft choice compensation scale is based on compensation offered by the new Club:

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Journal Article

Deep reinforcement learning-based task assignment for cooperative mobile edge computing.

    Documentation     Topics

Published: April 25, 2023 Citation: IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing vol. 23, no. 4, (April 2024) pp. 3156-3171

Li-Tse Hsieh (Catholic University of America) , Hang Liu (Catholic University of America) , Yang Guo (NIST) , Robert Gazda (InterDigital, Inc.)

Mobile edge computing (MEC) integrates computing resources in wireless access networks to process computational tasks in close proximity to mobile users with low latency. This paper investigates the task assignment problem for cooperative MEC networks in which a set of geographically distributed heterogeneous edge servers not only cooperate with remote cloud data centers but also help each other to jointly process user tasks. We introduce a novel stochastic MEC cooperation framework to model the edge-to-edge horizontal cooperation and the edge-to-cloud vertical cooperation. The task assignment optimization problem is formulated by taking into consideration dynamic network states, uncertain node computing capabilities and task arrivals, as well as the heterogeneity of the involved entities. We then develop and compare three task assignment algorithms, based on different deep reinforcement learning (DRL) approaches, value-based, policy-based, and hybrid approaches. In addition, to reduce the search space and computation complexity of the algorithms, we propose decomposition and function approximation techniques by leveraging the structure of the underlying problem. The evaluation results show that the proposed DRL-based task assignment schemes outperform the existing algorithms, and the hybrid actor-critic scheme performs the best under dynamic MEC network environments.

Control Families

None selected


Publication: Preprint (pdf)

Supplemental Material: None available

Document History: 04/25/23: Journal Article (Final)

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DCC CEO not yet made decision on Dublin transport plan

The council said the first phase of the transport plan will be implemented in August

A report which could delay the implementation of the Dublin City Transport Plan will not be completed until just a few weeks before the plan is due to come into effect.

Dublin City Council Chief Executive Richard Shakespeare told councillors last night that he will consider an economic impact plan commissioned by the Dublin City Traders Alliance before he decides when the plan will be rolled out.

The council had said the first phase will be implemented in August.

Mr Shakespeare said that he attended a meeting with retail representatives and Minister of State for Retail Emer Higgins where he was asked to delay the implementation until March or April 2025 .

He said he responded that he would not make a decision on that until he had received the report commissioned by the Traders' Alliance.

The alliance told RTÉ News that the report is still being prepared and will not be ready for at least another 10 days.

This would mean that Mr Shakespeare will not receive it before the middle of July.

Groups representing more than two thirds of the councillors elected in last month's election have called for the plan to be implemented without any delay.

Councillor Daragh Moriarty of the Labour Party said: "I'm deeply concerned as well about the presentation of economic analysis carried out on behalf of this business group because anybody can commission anybody to tell them what they want to hear already."

Green Party Councillor Feljin José said the council had already agreed to the plan, adding "Dublin needs this, I got the bus from Phibsborough to Rathmines there last week, it took around 40 - 45 minutes, from one canal to the other".

"That is not sustainable, that is not good for us, it is not good for jobs," he added.

Councillor Paddy Monahan for the Social Democrats said: "Minister of State Higgins, is seeking to delay the transport plan. "

He described this as an "utterly inappropriate intervention".

"It's an attempt to undo the agreement that was made by this council, the democratic agreement and the work of councillors," he said.

not completed assignments yet

Sinn Féin Councillor Daithí Doolan was unhappy with the intervention from the Traders' Alliance.

He said: "It smacks of big business dictating to the city about how we do business.

"There was an open, transparent, inclusive consultation process and we did our best then to accommodate further engagement with the disability sector and now we have big business putting the dead hand of bureaucracy of the plan."

Explainer: Which areas of Dublin city centre will see traffic reduced under new plan?

A public consultation last year received more than 3,500 submissions and 81% of those were positive towards the plan.

There have, however, been concerns expressed by both disability groups and businesses.

In recent weeks, a number of business groups, including Ibec and the Dublin City Centre Traders Alliance, called for the plan to be paused .

In April, councilllors voted to ask the council to engage further with Disabled Persons Representative Organisations and Disabled Persons Organisations.

Officials from the Environment and Transportation Department have updated councillors on their contacts with groups which included AsIAm, Disabled Women Ireland, Irish Deaf Society, My Voice Ireland and Voice of Visual Impairment (VVI).

The VVI was the organisation with the most interaction.

There were 18 emails sent to VVI, 11 received and 14 phone calls between VVI and council staff.

Officials said the main concern raised was about access for "blue badge" holders to the north and south quays, and their ability to access all areas of the city.

A "blue badge" on a car allows the permit holder to park in disabled parking spaces but does not provide any other privileges or exemptions under any road traffic legislation.

The council does not have the power to allow cars displaying a blue badge to access any areas not open to all private vehicles.

not completed assignments yet

As a result of the concerns raised, Dublin City Council is making changes to the City Traffic Plan.

The changes include moving the bus gate the north quays either east or down the quays to O'Connell Bridge.

It had been planned that private vehicles would have to turn left at Jervis Street, now all vehicles including those driven by blue badge permit holders will be able to access all of Bachelors Walk and turn left onto O'Connell Street.

The bus gates at O'Connell Bridge on both sides of the quays will now be operational only from the hours of 7am to 7pm. Outside those hours the restrictions will not apply.

The right turn from O'Connell Bridge onto Eden Quay had been removed during the original plan.

This is now being reinstated to allow access to Eden Quay.

Head of Technical Services for the council Brendan O'Brien said the consultation is ongoing and a revised report will be circulated to councillors in due course.

Councillor Ray McAdam speaking for the Fine Gael group on the council said: "I do not favour any prolonged delay or deferral of the implementation of the City Transport Plan, but what I do believe, however is now absolutely necessary is the level that is taking place with individual businesses and representative groups."

His party colleague Lord Mayor James Geoghegan speaking on RTÉ's Morning Ireland said Richard Shakespeare would not be relying just on the report prepared for the Traders Alliance but would also get an independent appraisal of that document.

"I'd be quite hopeful and quite confident that we'll actually have a more robust plan at the end of it and when the plan is implemented it would be less susceptible to challenge," Mr Geoghegan said.

He said he is in favour of the plan and is hopeful it will be implemented.

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  1. didn't finish…yet" versus "…haven't finished…yet"

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    This task was allocated to me by a coworker, who did not give much direction, even though it was known this is my first time trying to complete this type of task. Now the boss is asking for an update, and I have nothing to report, because it is not complete. Furthermore, it can't be completed today because the outside support I need is closed.

  3. 21 Strategies to Help Students Who Have Trouble Completing Assignments

    1. Create classroom rules: • Remain on-task. • Complete assignments quietly. • Request assistance when needed. • Remain in your seat. • Finish tasks. • Meet task expectations. Examine rules often. Praise students for following the rules.

  4. Verb phrases/Linking Verbs/Action Verbs Flashcards

    The street is wet. is is the main verb. The street is being swept. is being is the verb (is is helping verb, being is main verb) The pizza tastes delicious. tastes is a linking verb. I taste the cookie. taste is an action verb. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Action Verb, Being Verbs, Linking Verbs and more.

  5. Grammatical Dissection of "it is not completed yet"

    However, like many past participles, completed can also be an adjective, describing the state that results from completing. In that sense It is not completed yet is fine: it is not yet in the state "completed". Complete is more common than completed as the adjective, but both are po9ssible, and in this context I can't find any difference in ...

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  8. Mindset Kit

    3) In order for student to understand why the grading procedure is being changed, give a mini-lesson on growth mindset. Click here for a great resource. 4) Explain that NY ( Not Yet) will be the grade on assignments that have not demonstrated mastery. Provide a structure for students to redo NY assignments along with timing parameters.

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    B. wasn't; played. C. wasn't; am playing. D. didn't; can play. How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button. About GrammarQuiz.Net - Improve your knowledge of English grammar, the best way to kill your free time. " I haven't finished the assignment yet. I'm really sorry".

  10. Assignments Not Completed

    Nonetheless, many students do not do homework. There are several reasons for not completing the assigned work. First, and foremost, homework is too difficult. Also, students say it is too time-consuming. They feel it has no value to their daily or future lives. So, they feel it has no purpose.

  11. View and navigate your assignments (student)

    Upcoming assignments. The Upcoming tab will show all upcoming assignment you have not done yet, sorted by order of due date.The Past Due tab will show all Past Due assignment not completed yet.Sorted by today and older Late assignments will include a Past due warning.. Select an assignment to view details, attach resources, and turn it in.

  12. Underline the verb or verb phrase in the following sentences. Write

    The verbs in the sentences are as follows:. 1.18 The students have not completed their assignment yet. (Action Verb)1.19 They feel happy about their work so far. (Linking verb) 1.20 Sarah had become too tired to finish her work. (Linking verb)1.21 Doctors have recommended eight hours of sleep or more for teenagers.(Action Verb) 1.22 Students will begin their work at 8:30 a.m. tomorrow.

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  14. Troubleshoot quizzes & assignments

    Open the course the assignment is in. Click Grades and open the assignment you want to check for a saved draft. Click My submission. If your assignment has been saved as a draft, you'll be able to see and edit it. If you can see your assignment, but you can't edit it, that means you submitted the assignment.

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    Completed postal votes must have reached councils by 10pm on July 4. Here, ITV News explains what your options are if you have not yet received your postal voting package and what is causing the ...

  16. Not Yet Graded Assignments

    Canvas has an option to assign a 0 (or some other grade) to any assignments that are missing, after the due date has passed. Let's assume that you (or your district) has that option turned on. It is in the Gradebook settings, by the way. Assignment A is due on Monday at 11:59 PM.

  17. What is another word for "not completed"?

    Find 156 synonyms for "not completed" and other similar words that you can use instead from our thesaurus.. What's another word for Synonyms. Antonyms ... not-yet-finalized. unperformed. left. omitted. neglected. outstanding. remaining. pending. unpolished. unattended to. passed over. half-finished. not prepared. awaiting completion.

  18. George has not completed the assignment yet, and Maria hasn't neither

    George has not completed the assignment yet, and Maria hasn't neither. has not. the assignment. yet. hasn't neither. hasn't neither Correction: Hasn't either. Subject + auxiliary negative either.

  19. Tip: Do not submit assignments early : r/college

    There's some professors out there that continue to speak about stuff that's relevant to the assignment all the way up until it's due. It's like you don't have a choice but to complete the assignment right before it's due. It's pretty shitty on their part, but there's also no harm in continuing to work on an assignment in stages.

  20. George has not completed the assignment yet and Maria hasn't neither

    When using negative structures, we usually pair "not" with "either" instead of "neither." Therefore, the correct form of the sentence would be: "George has not completed the assignment yet, and Maria hasn't either." To reach this conclusion, we need to understand the appropriate usage of negative forms in English grammar.

  21. linking verb, the students

    In the sentence "The students have not completed their assignment yet," the verb phrase is have completed. This is an action verb phrase because it describes what the students have failed to do, which is to complete their assignment. It is not a linking verb because it does not link the subject to a state of being or attribute.

  22. assignments not marked as completed

    assignments not marked as completed. Community Support (Archived) — Steffie Gracia S asked a question. December 12, 2020 at 9:39 AM. assignments not marked as completed. i have completed all of my assignments yet its not marking me as completed. Learner Support.

  23. Brooklyn Nets Getting an Extra Piece in Mikal Bridges-Knicks Trade

    Jan 23, 2024; Brooklyn, New York, USA; Brooklyn Nets forward Mikal Bridges (1) drives to the basket against New York Knicks forward Precious Achiuwa (5) and guard Quentin Grimes (6) during the ...

  24. How can I tell if I completed an assignment?

    Assignments that have yet to be completed have a white checkmark. 4. Select a skill you haven't completed yet. Skills that have yet to be completed have a white checkmark. 5. Complete the skill from the assignment. If your teacher assigned more than one skill to an assignment, you will see the option to go to the next skill at the end of one.

  25. NHL Free Agent Tracker

    Comprehensive list of signings by team, available players

  26. Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Task Assignment for Cooperative

    Mobile edge computing (MEC) integrates computing resources in wireless access networks to process computational tasks in close proximity to mobile users with low latency. This paper investigates the task assignment problem for cooperative MEC networks in which a set of geographically distributed heterogeneous edge servers not only cooperate with remote cloud data centers but also help each ...

  27. DCC CEO not yet made decision on Dublin transport plan

    A report which could delay the implementation of the Dublin City Transport Plan will not be completed until just a few weeks before the plan is due to come into effect. Dublin City Council Chief ...

  28. My students have completed their assignments. Now what?

    To skip, assign or reassign units or activities to the individual student (s): 1. From the Classes tab, click on the class name. 2. To see the list of students that have been assigned a particular assignment, click the + sign to the left of the assignment. 3. Click Customize to the right of the name of the student.

  29. Supreme Court rules Trump has limited immunity in January 6 case ...

    The Supreme Court ruled Monday that Donald Trump may claim immunity from criminal prosecution for some of the actions he took in the waning days of his presidency in ...

  30. SCOTUS rules presidents have immunity for official acts, delaying Trump

    The justices said unofficial acts have no immunity, sending Donald Trump's Jan. 6 case back to the D.C. judge to decide which alleged acts are official. Donald Trump is immune from prosecution ...