
7 TV Show Pitch Deck Examples That Won Over Streaming Giants

Discover TV show pitch deck examples designed to captivate streaming giants and use our customizable templates to craft your own winning TV series bible.


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TV show pitch deck

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Short answer

What is a TV show pitch deck?

A TV show pitch deck is a visual presentation that outlines your show's concept, often accompanied by a TV series bible. It's a key tool for persuading networks or producers to invest in your idea, showcasing your vision and potential.

Your pitch deck can make or break your TV show dream

In the fiercely competitive world of television, your pitch deck is your ticket to joining the ranks of shows like Stranger Things or Peaky Blinders.

Networks are flooded with ideas, but only those with a magnetic pitch deck get to bask in the spotlight. A mediocre presentation could mean your groundbreaking show idea remains just that—an idea.

But don’t worry, this post is here to help.

We’ll show you some successful TV show pitch deck examples to spark your creativity. Following these inspirations, you'll learn step-by-step how to craft a pitch deck that convinces network execs your show is the next big thing.

Let's dive in.

What’s the difference between a TV show pitch deck and a show bible?

A TV show pitch deck is a brief, engaging presentation designed to capture a producer's interest with your show's concept and unique appeal. In contrast, a show bible provides an in-depth look, detailing characters, plotlines, and episode breakdowns for deeper understanding.

What does a TV show pitch deck look like?

You might think a simple PDF could launch the next Grey’s Anatomy– after all, this classic show started its journey as just that, but times have changed.

Today's TV show pitch decks are far from static documents. Think 'Stranger Things' – it's often quoted for a reason.

Modern pitch decks are interactive, dynamic, and visually compelling. They're not just about the content; they're about the experience.

An interactive deck brings your story to life, making it tangible and immersive for producers.

It's about showing, not just telling. With multimedia elements, you can weave in teasers of your show's look and feel, character sketches, and even pilot episode snippets.

This approach doesn't just tell your story; it lets your audience live it, even if just for a moment.

You can see the power of a modern, interactive deck below:

What should be included in a TV show pitch deck?

Crafting a TV show pitch deck is like assembling a puzzle where each piece is crucial to the overall picture. You need to make every component count to leave a lasting impression and convince network executives that your show is the next big hit.

4 key components of a pitch deck for a TV show:

1) Logline (Elevator pitch)

This is your show's heartbeat. In one or two sentences, capture its essence. For example, if 'Friends' were pitched today, its logline might be: "Six friends navigate the ups and downs of life and love in New York City."

Your logline should be equally engaging, offering a snapshot of your show's plot and appeal.

2) One-sheet

Think of this as your show's business card. It's a succinct yet powerful summary that includes your contact information, the show's name, genre, and logline, plus a brief but captivating outline of your idea.

It's what you leave behind to keep your pitch alive in the minds of executives.

3) Series bible

This is the blueprint of your show. It delves deep into the world you're creating.

Start with the title and logline, then unfold into a detailed synopsis that paints a vivid picture of the series' setting, themes, and narrative arc.

Flesh out your characters, making them real and relatable, and provide an overview of the pilot episode.

Don't forget to include a brief description for each episode in the first season, showcasing your vision for the show's progression.

4) Pilot script

This is where your idea comes to life. Your pilot script is not just a sample of your writing; it's the first chapter of your story.

It sets the tone, establishes the setting, and introduces the main characters and conflicts. It's your chance to show how your series will start with a bang.

TV show pitch deck examples that captivate producers

A great TV series pitch deck does more than share an idea; it tells a story, paints a picture, and creates a world that networks can't wait to explore.

In this section, we'll explore TV series pitch deck examples that have mastered this art and successfully turned concepts into TV realities.

Stranger Things pitch deck

The 'Stranger Things' pitch deck is a stellar example of how a well-crafted presentation can capture the essence of a TV show.

The deck effectively communicated the show's unique blend of 1980s nostalgia, supernatural elements, and character-driven storytelling.

It included visual references and moodboards that resonated with the 1980s pop culture and classic sci-fi and horror genres, setting the stage for a show that was both a nostalgic tribute and a fresh take on the genre.

Stranger Things TV series pitch deck

What makes this TV show pitch deck great:

Engaging storytelling: The deck excelled in weaving a compelling narrative that intrigued and engaged the audience, making the story's concept clear and captivating.

Visual impact: With its strong visual elements, the deck effectively conveyed the show's atmosphere and tone, giving a clear picture of the world it was set to create.

Character depth: It emphasized the depth and relatability of its characters, ensuring that the human element was as engaging as the supernatural aspects, making the story resonate with a wide audience.

Adventure Time pitch deck

The 'Adventure Time' pitch deck is a vibrant and imaginative presentation that effectively captures the essence of this unique animated series.

Known for its colorful and distinctive animation style, the deck included engaging character sketches and world-building visuals that brought the Land of Ooo to life.

It detailed the whimsical adventures of Finn and his magical dog Jake, blending humor, heart, and a touch of surrealism.

Adventure Time TV show pitch deck

What makes this TV series pitch deck great:

Engaging visuals: The deck's strong visual elements, including character designs and setting illustrations, immediately drew attention to the show's creative and distinctive art style.

Unique concept: It presented the show's unique blend of fantasy, adventure, and humor, setting 'Adventure Time' apart from other animated series and highlighting its appeal to a diverse audience.

Emotional depth: The pitch deck emphasized the emotional journeys of its characters, ensuring that the narrative was not just entertaining but also resonant and meaningful.

Wednesday pitch deck

The 'Wednesday' pitch deck is a masterful example of how to pitch a TV series with a unique blend of horror and comedy. This interactive pitch deck brings the concept to life with multimedia, animation, and clickable elements.

The deck outlines the series' format, genre, budget, and key team members, including writers, directors, and composers.

It provides a synopsis of the series, focusing on Wednesday Addams' adventures at Nevermore Academy and her psychic talents.

Interactive experience: The use of multimedia and interactive elements makes the pitch deck not just informative but also engaging, allowing viewers to immerse themselves in the world of 'Wednesday'.

Strong visual aesthetics: The deck's visual aesthetics, influenced by Tim Burton's style, create a captivating atmosphere that perfectly encapsulates the series' tone.

Detailed character and plot descriptions: The in-depth descriptions of main characters and the plot provide a clear and intriguing picture of the series, highlighting its unique blend of horror, comedy, and coming-of-age elements.

Laugh Riot TV series pitch deck

The 'Laugh Riot: The Series' pitch deck is an engaging presentation that introduces a comedy series set in a bustling metropolis.

Directed by Alex Johnson, known for his comedic storytelling, the series revolves around an eclectic group of friends, each bringing their unique humor to the narrative.

It provides a synopsis of the series, focusing on the characters' misadventures and the comedic chaos they create.

Engaging character descriptions: The deck provides detailed and humorous descriptions of the main characters, making them relatable and intriguing.

Vibrant visuals: The use of a bold color palette and visual inspirations adds energy and life to the presentation, reflecting the series' comedic tone.

Theme emphasis: The focus on themes of friendship and laughter in the face of life's chaos resonates with a wide audience, highlighting the show's universal appeal.

Bravest Warriors pitch deck

The 'Bravest Warriors' pitch deck is a dynamic and colorful presentation that showcases the series' blend of sci-fi elements, youthful energy, and humor.

This deck brings to life the adventures of a group of teenage heroes in a futuristic universe. It features detailed character profiles, their unique abilities, and the imaginative worlds they explore.

The deck also highlights the series' commitment to storytelling that combines action-packed sequences with heartfelt moments of friendship and growth.

Youthful energy: The deck captures the spirit of adventure and the vibrancy of its young characters, making the series relatable and exciting for a younger audience.

Sci-Fi world building: It effectively showcases the expansive and imaginative universe of 'Bravest Warriors', highlighting the series' creative setting and futuristic concepts.

Balance of humor and heart: The pitch deck skillfully balances action and humor with emotional storytelling, illustrating the depth and appeal of the series beyond its visual charm.

Ultimate Beastmaster pitch deck

The 'Ultimate Beastmaster' pitch deck is a dynamic presentation for this competitive sports entertainment series. It showcases the show's unique format, featuring athletes from various countries competing in an intense, innovative obstacle course.

The deck details the course design, the challenges involved, and the unique aspects that distinguish it from other obstacle course shows.

It also emphasizes the global aspect of the competition, highlighting the diverse range of competitors and the international appeal of the series.

Ultimate Beastmaster TV show pitch deck

Dynamic format: The deck vividly presents the show's exciting and challenging format, capturing the intensity and thrill of the obstacle course.

Global appeal: It underscores the international nature of the competition, showcasing the diversity of the athletes and the series' universal appeal.

Visual impact: Strong visual elements in the deck convey the scale and excitement of the obstacle course, making it visually captivating and engaging.

The Tracks pitch deck

'The Tracks' TV series pitch deck is a creative and immersive presentation that transports viewers back to the 90s grunge era.

The deck is designed to evoke the feel of the time, incorporating elements like xerox machine aesthetics, halo drop shadows around medium-sized type, and the use of Helvetica font.

The teaser of the deck presents a unique concept: a fictional “old school” band that never existed, with music, photos, and stories all crafted in recent times. This intriguing premise is central to the deck, offering a fresh and captivating narrative for the series.

The Tracks TV show pitch deck

Era-specific design: The deck's design authentically captures the 90s grunge era, creating a nostalgic and immersive experience for the viewer.

Intriguing concept: The unique premise of a fictional band with a fabricated history captures the imagination and sets the stage for an engaging narrative.

Creative execution: The use of specific design elements and typography adds depth to the presentation, effectively conveying the show's thematic and stylistic nuances.

How do you write a TV show pitch deck?

Creating a TV show pitch deck is like telling a story before the story itself gets told. It's your golden opportunity to make your TV show idea irresistible to networks and investors. Here’s how to do it in a few easy steps.

7 steps to write a compelling TV show pitch deck:

1) Start with a strong logline

The logline is your first hook. It's a single sentence that encapsulates the core conflict and unique aspect of your show. For a detective series, it might be: "A retired detective is lured back to solve the one case that has haunted him his entire career."

2) Set the scene

Describe the setting in vivid detail – is it a dystopian future, a historical past, or a reflection of the modern world?

Then, introduce your characters. Don't just list their traits; tell their stories. Why should we root for them? What are their struggles and dreams?

Next, outline the plot. Give an overview of the season, episode by episode, but keep it concise. Each episode description should be a teaser that builds on the last, showing the progression of your story.

3) Add an emotional hook

Your pitch should resonate emotionally. Whether it's through a relatable protagonist or a universal theme like love, loss, or redemption, find the emotional core of your story and bring it to the forefront of your pitch.

4) Include a finished pilot script

Your pilot script is where your idea becomes tangible. Ensure that your script aligns with the tone and style outlined in your series bible and one-sheet. It should be a compelling read that leaves the reader wanting more.

5) Demonstrate market viability

In your pitch deck, it's crucial to highlight your show's market viability. Briefly identify your target audience and align your concept with current TV trends, showing awareness of what viewers are watching.

Mention potential marketing strategies and cross-promotion opportunities, suggesting ways to engage viewers beyond the screen.

Lastly, provide a realistic yet concise budget estimate, demonstrating an understanding of production costs. This section should convey that your show is not just creatively compelling but also a viable, marketable entity in the competitive TV landscape.

Here's an example of a marketing and distribution plan slide:

Marketing and distribution plan slide

6) Be prepared for development

Be open to the idea that your show will evolve. Show that you're flexible and collaborative, ready to work with a network or production team to refine and develop your concept.

7) Outline the next steps

End with a memorable conclusion that reinforces the uniqueness of your show. Make it easy for the readers to take action by including contact details or embedding your calendar directly into the deck.

And remember, unlike the 'Marry Me' pitch , let's keep it professional – no inappropriate offers, even if you're really, really keen on selling your show! ;)

Here's an example of a next steps slide:

CTA slide example

What are some tips and best practices for pitching a TV show?

When it comes to pitching TV shows, who better to learn from than Judd Apatow and the queen of TV dramas herself, Shonda Rhimes. Drawing from their experience, here's how to make your pitch stand out.

8 best practices when pitching TV shows:

Write the pilot first: Before you dive into the full pitch, get that pilot script polished. It's your golden ticket. A strong pilot can open doors for those crucial face-to-face meetings.

Get to the point: Apatow's golden rule - keep it short. Your pitch should be like a great tweet: brief, punchy, and memorable. Can you sum up your story in the time it takes to ride an elevator? That's the goal.

Emotion is key: Rhimes knows drama, and she'll tell you: hook them with emotion. Your story should tug at the heartstrings or tickle the funny bone - sometimes both.

Know your story's future: Don't just have a great opener; know where you're heading. Can you outline seasons 2 and 3? Show them you're not a one-hit wonder but a saga creator.

Practice makes perfect: Rehearse your pitch until it feels like a chat with a friend. You've got less than half an hour to make an impression, so make every minute count.

Do your homework: Tailor your pitch to your audience. Show that you've done your research and know exactly why your show would be a perfect fit for their network.

Passion sells: Bring energy to the room. If you're not excited about your show, why should they be?

Ditch the slides: Seriously, leave the PowerPoint at home. This is your story, not a board meeting. Let your words paint the picture.

Interactive TV show pitch deck templates

Let's face it, even if you're a natural-born storyteller, crafting a pitch deck from scratch can be as overwhelming as a blank script page.

You've got the vision and the passion, but sometimes, getting it all down in a structured, professional format is a whole different challenge.

That's where interactive TV show pitch deck templates come in.

They're designed to guide you through the process, ensuring you cover all the essential elements of a compelling pitch: from your gripping logline to the detailed series bible, and everything in between.

Grab one and see for yourself.

how to make a presentation about a tv show

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

how to make a presentation about a tv show

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How to Pitch a TV Show to Any Network or Streamer (Free Checklist)

Now, more than ever, you need to know how to pitch a tv show. every network and streamer needs content. so, it's time to learn how to develop your tv ideas. .

Pitching a TV Show Idea

Do you have a great TV show idea? How can you get it in the right hands? It might be time for you to master the TV show pitch and to write your pitch treatment to get it ready for the room.

You've probably heard someone say that we're in a "golden age" for television . There are 400+ shows on the air right now, and more are added each year as digital and streaming channels begin to dominate the airwaves. If you're a writer or director, your best chance to break in and to form a long career is no longer just in movies. Now people are talking about television.

This rise of TV has to do with lots of different factors, from the sheer size of the unit in your house to the prevalence of access, to the diversity and uniqueness of the form. There are also a few key decisions you need to make initially. Like is your story a single-cam or multi-cam ?

In addition to creating a tv show bible , learning how to pitch a TV show is super important to your chances at breaking into Hollywood.

Today we'll go over all the aspects of television pitches, give you a free pitch template, and discuss how to get your ideas into the right hands.

Let's go!

What is a TV show pitch?

A television show pitch is a comprehensive document or presentation that outlines your idea from logline to full season for executives who are in control of a network. This presentation could last anywhere from ten minutes to an hour and should detail all the events that happen in your pilot, explain the characters and how they arc , and let the executives know why the show could last for multiple seasons.

You want to make sure your tone, the core idea, and the heart of the story come across.

What are the parts of a TV pitch packet?

A television pitch packet differs from the aural pitch you'd give in a room full of executives. A pitch packet contains your bible, pilot script, and any other documentation you want executives to have that reflects your TV show. Sometimes those other docs can be a look book, novel, intellectual property the show will be based on, or even a sizzle reel you cut together or shot yourself that reveals the tone and story you want on the screen.

Pitch packets and sizzle reels are much more prevalent in reality television because they're usually selling a family or storefront or something else that will be the star, not the writing.

We cover how to write a TV pilot here and also cover how to write a television bible in other articles on the site!

The TV Show Pitch Template

We covered a lot of pitch tips in our elevator pitch post and our process on how to pitch a movie , but I want to really shine a light on what makes pitching TV so special.

When you sit across from development executives, your pitch should take them on a great journey. You want them hanging on the edge of their seats because you also want them to see the viability of your tv pitch in the open market. This pitch will help you get producers, and then you'll take the producers out to snag a network or a streamer.

So what should be in your television pitch?

The TV Pitch Checklist

  • A personal connection to the story
  • The way you came up with the idea
  • The events of the pilot
  • A summary of season one of the series
  • An explanation of where the television show will go in future seasons

So what do each of these headers mean? Let's break them down.

1. A personal connection to the story

This is so important and cannot be understated. Your story needs to come from you. Why are you the right person to write it and why will other people care. Your personal connection to the story also needs to get executives to find their personal connection too. So try to make your story universal in a way that draws others in, but specific enough that they'll see the audience who could become die-hard fans.

2. The way you came up with the idea

Everyone loves an origin story. So while making your personal connection, get us involved in the spark that took your idea to the next level. That spark should light a fire in the executives. Remember, you're trying to get people on your bandwagon.

3. The events of the pilot

Sure, at this point they might have the pilot to read, but you want to take them through the character arc and development within the pilot. Who are we following? What's their world like, and how will the pilot shake things up? This is applicable to both dramas and comedies. Once you're done describing the pilot, I want to know where we are going.

4. A summary of season one of the series

This can be quick, but we have to know the show has legs. Where are we going in season one? How do the events of the pilot cause a ripple effect in the character's lives? Here's where you can listen too. Executives love having a hand in helping craft seasons. See where they think it's going, subvert their expectations, and use their best ideas. This is all about collaboration.

5. An explanation of where the television show will go in future seasons

After season one, where can we go? This is where you can explore the major themes of your story as well as the way you see it ending. How big can the conspiracy get? Will people fall in and out of love? Cook meth for a white supremacist and die next to their creation? The choices are yours, but always have an idea where your story map leads.

Tips on how to pitch a TV show

Now that we've covered the "how to," let's look at some tips on pitching television shows to networks and streamers. Masterclass put together a few pitch tips from Shonda Rhimes and Judd Apatow , two of the best in their fields. Apatow's main advice is to keep it short. He says...

"The worst pitches are long pitches. When someone comes in and starts giving a play-by-play and you think, this is going to take 20 to 45 minutes. First of all, I think they're crazy. I think they've lost their minds. And I want to escape the room. Sometimes I will tunnel and I will crawl out through the floor."

Rhimes takes her advice and spells out the process for you.

"If you can't take me from plot A point to plot B to plot C point, and I don't know what's going to happen, or I have no sense of where we're going or where we've been, that's terrible. If I'm lost or it's just too much, like if it goes on for too long, and it gets sort of painfully long, you're doomed. You want to be able to get in, speak your piece, let them ask you questions, and then you can elaborate all you want to, and get out."

In ScriptMag's list of tips , I like these wise words from Sarah Carbiener .

“Open and close with the theme of the story, and if part of your opening can include why you relate to that theme, why you’re the one to tell this story, even better. It lets you start the pitch with your enthusiasm for the big picture. Also, make it as conversational and colloquial as possible. I recommend memorizing, and when my partner and I work on a verbal pitch, we literally write in “um” and “so” and “like” to remember to keep it casual and give it room to breathe.”

Hopefully, these tips get you ready for your next big pitch meeting. Whether you are pitching to HBO or just trying to get your web series some legs, make sure you follow our template and checklist to get you feeling comfortable in the room. Practice your pitch with your friends, tell it at parties, and make sure you know it front to back. Keep it breezy, leave room for questions, and get out there and sell your TV show!

What's next? Learn how to write a TV pilot !

Want to learn how to write a TV pilot? You've come to the right place.

Breaking into Hollywood with a writing career is one of the hardest things you can do. Fewer and fewer movies are being made every year, and now, many young writers are turning to television to find jobs. But to get a job in television you need a sample. Samples are speculative pilot scripts that your agent or manager can hand to showrunners to prove your worth. Don't hesitate to read other TV pilots to help get a sense of what works ... and what doesn't!

Click the link to learn more!

  • What’s the Best Way to Format a TV Pitch Deck Document? ›
  • How to Pitch HBO: 6 Insider Tips for Getting the Green Light from Top Execs ›
  • 6 Essential Ways to Prep Your TV Pitch for Studio Execs ›
  • How to Write a TV Show Pilot (Drama or Sitcom) ›
  • Learn to Write a TV Show Bible With Our Show Bible Template ›
  • Imagination Is a Double-Edged Sword, so Learn To Wield It With Power ›
  • Pitch a TV Show Podcast ›
  • How to Pitch a Movie Idea ›
  • Pitch Meeting Lessons ›
  • How to Pitch a TV Show: A Step-By-Step Guide ›
  • How to Pitch a Television Show: Tips from Judd Apatow and Shonda ... ›
  • How to Pitch a TV Show to Netflix & Networks: The Ultimate Guide to ... ›

What Is an Anthology Series? Definition and Examples from Film and TV

Are you a fan of anthology tv series can you define them and give examples .

I watch so many TV shows that I can get a little burnt out after a while. Sometimes when you binge or watch multiple seasons with the same characters, you might feel this way too. Well, the anthology series might be your new favorite thing.

They're sort of the best of TV and movies mixed into one thing. It's various plots and characters that take you on new adventures.

But what is an anthology series? And what are some examples of them in TV?

Today we're going to define anthology TV shows and go over a few from Netflix, FX, and all sorts of other channels.

Make sense? Let's get started.

What Is an Anthology Series?

Anthology series cover all sorts of media, from radio to novels to short films to TV shows and so on. The world loves diversity in characters, storylines, and situations. These series open up different seasons and even episodes to change.

Anthology Series Definition

An anthology series is a radio, television, video game, or a film series that presents a different story and a different set of characters. They make these switches in each episode, season, segment, or short, as determined by the creators.

Why Do Writers and Directors Like Anthology Series?

As I mentioned in the opener, as a viewer, I like the contestant switch of characters , situations, and stories. Well, writers and directors like that too. Anthology series allow creatives to play with different genres , characters, and situations while maintaining a clear title.

Series can be sold by genre or by characters or even by place. They have a ton of elbow room for people to play with different ideas. They keep them from getting too stagnant or overstaying their welcome.

What Are the Best Anthology Series?

There are so many excellent series out there. Some of my favorites are American Horror Story, Love, Death, and Robots, and most of True Detective . The ability to change stories and characters has always been interesting to me.

TV shows like The Twilight Zone are sold on the idea that they can change weekly. They explore different big ideas. They can scare you, make you laugh, and even be a place where you can take a small idea and twist it into something larger.

Horror anthologies, TV shows like Tales from the Crypt , do their best to scare people week in and out. where a traditional horror TV show might lose its luster after you get used to the scares, anthologies let you terrify people every week with something different.

I think it's hard just arbitrarily to pick the best. So instead, here are some examples from lots of different genres.

Adult Animation Anthology Series

  • The Boys Presents: Diabolical (2022)
  • Cake (2019–present)
  • Cartoon Sushi (1997–98)
  • Greatest Party Story Ever (2016)
  • Jokebook (1982)
  • Like, Share, Die (2015)
  • Liquid Television (1991–1994)
  • Love, Death & Robots (2019–present)
  • Off the Air (2011–present)
  • Party Legends (2016–17)
  • Robot Chicken (2005–present)
  • Spicy City (1997)
  • Sunday Pants (2005–06)
  • Children and Family
  • ABC Afterschool Special (1972–1997)
  • ABC Weekend Special (1977–1997)
  • CBS Afternoon Playhouse (1978–1983)
  • CBS Children's Film Festival (1967–1978)
  • CBS Children's Mystery Theatre (1980–1982)
  • CBS Schoolbreak Special (1984–1996)
  • CBS Storybreak (1985–1987)
  • Disneyland (1954–1958)
  • Dramarama (1983–1989)
  • Faerie Tale Theatre (1982–1987)
  • The Fox Cubhouse (1994–1996) (contains Johnson and Friends, Jim Henson's Animal Show, Rimba's Island, Magic Adventures of Mumfie and Budgie the Little Helicopter)
  • It's Itsy Bitsy Time (1999) (contains Budgie the Little Helicopter, 64 Zoo Lane, The Animal Shelf, Tom and Vicky, and Charley and Mimmo)
  • Jackanory (UK, 1972–1985)
  • Lift Off (1992–1995)
  • NBC Children's Theatre (1963–1973)
  • Noddy (1998–2000)
  • Off to See the Wizard (1967–68)
  • Once Upon a Classic (1976–1980)
  • Shining Time Station (1989–1993)
  • Shirley Temple's Storybook (1958–1961)
  • Special Treat, also known as NBC Special Treat (1975–1986)
  • Tall Tales and Legends (1985–1987)
  • Walt Disney Presents (1958–1961)
  • Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color (1961–1969)
  • The Wonderful World of Disney (1969–2009)
  • WonderWorks (1984)
  • The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss (1996–98)

Comedy Anthology Series

  • The Comic Strip Presents... (1982–2015)
  • Carol and Company (1990–91)
  • Cilla's Comedy Six (UK, 1975)
  • Cilla's World of Comedy (UK, 1976)
  • Comedy Lab (1998–)
  • Comedy Playhouse (UK, 1961–2014)
  • Dear Uge (2016–)
  • Dr. Terrible's House of Horrible (2001)
  • The Eddie Cantor Comedy Theatre (1955)
  • El Chapulín Colorado (1973–1979)
  • Ripping Yarns (UK, 1978–79)
  • George Burns Comedy Week (1985)
  • Good Heavens (1976)
  • The Guest Book (2017–2018)
  • High Maintenance (2012–2015, 2016–present)
  • Human Remains (2000)
  • Inside No. 9 (2014–)
  • Oboler Comedy Theater (1949)
  • Love, American Style (1969–1974)
  • Miracle Workers (2019–present)
  • Murder Most Horrid (UK, 1991–1999)
  • The Ronnie Barker Playhouse (UK, 1968)
  • Seven of One (UK, 1973)
  • Six Dates with Barker (UK, 1971)
  • Undressed (1999–2002)

Crime Anthology Series

  • Adventure Theater (1956)
  • American Crime (2015–2017)
  • American Crime Story (2016–)
  • Agatha Christie's Marple (UK, 2005–2014)
  • Agatha Christie's Poirot (UK, 1989–2014)
  • The Big Story (1949–1958)
  • The Black Robe, also known as Police Night Court (1949–1950)
  • Crime Patrol (2003–)
  • Fargo (2014–)
  • FBI: The Untold Stories (1991–1993)
  • Gang Busters (1952, 1954–55)
  • Lawbreakers (1963–64)
  • The Man Behind the Badge (1953–1955)
  • Official Detective (1957–58)
  • Police Call (1955)
  • Police Story (1952)
  • Police Story (1973–1978)
  • Tatort (1970–)
  • The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes (UK, 1971–1973)
  • They Stand Accused (1949–1952, 1954)
  • True Detective (2014–2019)
  • Underbelly (2008–)
  • The Walter Winchell File (1957–58)
  • The Whistler (1954–55)
  • The Sinner (2017–2021)
  • Educational
  • Inside/Out (1972–73)
  • Omnibus (US, 1952–1961)

Historical Anthology Series

  • Captain Newfoundland from the Tip of Atlantis/Captain Atlantis Late Night (Canada, 1972–present)
  • The Great Adventure (1963–64)
  • Our American Heritage (1959–1961)
  • Profiles in Courage (1964–65)
  • Saga of Western Man (1963–1969)
  • You are There (1953–1957)

Medical Anthology Series

  • The Doctor, also known as The Visitor (1952–53)
  • Medic (1954–1956)
  • Medical Story (1975–76)

Military Anthology Series

  • Flight (1958–59)
  • Men of Annapolis (1957–58)
  • Navy Log (1955–1958)
  • The Silent Service (1957–1959)
  • The West Point Story aka West Point (1956–57)
  • Mystery and suspense
  • Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1955–1965)
  • Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1985–89)
  • Behind Closed Doors (1958 TV series) (1958–59)
  • The Best in Mystery (1954)
  • The Boris Karloff Mystery Playhouse (1949)
  • Byline, also known as Adventures in Mystery and News Gal (1951)
  • The Chevy Mystery Show (1960)
  • The Clock (1949–1952)
  • Danger (1950–1955)
  • Dark of Night (1952–1954)
  • Darkroom (1981–82)
  • Dow Hour of Great Mysteries (1960)
  • The Edgar Wallace Mystery Theatre (US TV version of British theatrical second features, 1960–1965)
  • Escape (1950)
  • Escape (1973)
  • Espionage (1963–64)
  • Eye Witness (1953)
  • Fallen Angels (1993–1995)
  • George Sanders Mystery Theater (1957)
  • Hands of Mystery, also known as Hands of Destiny, Hands of Murder (1949–1952)
  • The Hitchhiker (1983–1987)
  • I Spy (1955–1957)
  • Inner Sanctum (1954)
  • Invitation Playhouse: Mind Over Murder (1952)
  • Kraft Mystery Theatre (Summer 1961, 1962, 1963)
  • Kraft Suspense Theatre (1963–1965)
  • Mr. Arsenic (1952)
  • Murder in Mind (2001–2003)
  • Murder Most Horrid (UK, 1991–99)
  • Mystery! (1980–)
  • Panic! (1957–58)
  • Philip Morris Playhouse (1953–54)
  • Rebound, also known as Counterpoint (1952–53)
  • Scene of the Crime (1991–92)
  • Stage 13 (1950)
  • Sure as Fate (1950–51)
  • Suspense (1949–1954)
  • Suspicion (1957–58)
  • Target (1958)
  • Twisted Tales (1996–97)
  • Two Twisted (2006) (Sequel to Twisted Tales)
  • The Vise (1955 TV series) (1955–57)
  • Volume One (1949)
  • The Web (1950–1954)
  • The Web, syndication title Undercurrent (1957)
  • Your Play Time (1953–1955)

Science Fiction and Horror Anthology Series

  • Alcoa Presents: One Step Beyond
  • Amazing Stories (original series)
  • Amazing Stories (reboot)
  • American Horror Story
  • American Horror Stories
  • Are You Afraid of the Dark?
  • Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction
  • Black Mirror
  • Castle Rock
  • Channel Zero
  • Deadtime Stories
  • Dimension 404
  • Electric Dreams (2017 TV series)
  • Fantasy Island
  • Fear and Fancy
  • Fear Itself
  • The Fearing Mind
  • Freddy's Nightmares – A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series
  • Friday the 13th: The Series
  • Ghost Stories
  • Ghost Story
  • Great Ghost Tales
  • The Haunting
  • Historias para no dormir
  • Infinity Train
  • Inside No 9
  • Into the Dark
  • Journey to the Unknown
  • Lee Martin's The Midnight Hour
  • Love, Death & Robots
  • Masters of Horror
  • Masters of Science Fiction
  • Métal Hurlant Chronicles
  • Mystery and Imagination
  • Night Gallery
  • Night Visions
  • The Nightmare Room
  • Nightmare Cafe
  • Nightmares & Dreamscapes: From the Stories of Stephen King
  • Out of the Unknown
  • Out of This World
  • The Outer Limits
  • Perversions of Science
  • Play for Tomorrow
  • Quinn Martin's Tales of the Unexpected
  • The Ray Bradbury Theater
  • R.L. Stine's The Haunting Hour
  • Science Fiction Theatre
  • Strange Stories
  • Tales from the Darkside
  • Tales from the Crypt
  • Tales of Mystery
  • Tales of Mystery and Imagination
  • Tales of the Unexpected
  • Tales of Tomorrow
  • The Twilight Zone (original series)
  • The Twilight Zone (first reboot)
  • The Twilight Zone (second reboot)
  • The Twilight Zone (third reboot)
  • The Unexpected
  • Urban Gothic
  • Welcome to Paradox
  • What If...?
  • Star Wars: Visions

What Are Keys to Writing An Anthology Series?

Writing an anthology series presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities compared to traditional serialized storytelling. Here are some key considerations and steps to keep in mind when developing an anthology series:

  • Identify a unifying theme or concept that ties together each installment. Whether it's a genre (e.g., horror as in "The Twilight Zone") or a more abstract theme (e.g., technology's impact on society as in "Black Mirror"), having a strong central theme will give your anthology coherence.
  • Given that each episode or installment will be its own unique story, it's a chance to bring in different writers, directors, and actors for each. This diversity can provide a richness of perspectives, styles, and voices.
  • Despite varying stories and possibly varying creators, maintain a consistent tone throughout. This could be achieved through similar pacing, mood, visual aesthetics, or musical choices.
  • Since each story will be relatively short, characters need to be quickly and effectively established. Dive into the heart of the characters' motivations and conflicts to immediately draw the audience in.
  • Each installment should be satisfying on its own. While some anthologies might have subtle connections or Easter eggs between episodes, each episode should have a clear beginning, middle, and end.
  • One of the joys of an anthology series is the opportunity to experiment. Consider varying the structure, setting, time period, or narrative style from one episode to the next.
  • Many successful anthology series resonate because they tap into current societal fears, hopes, or dilemmas. Think about the larger themes or questions you want to explore and how they relate to the world today.
  • Given the standalone nature of each installment, it's important to provide resolutions that feel both unexpected and earned.

Remember, the beauty of an anthology series is its flexibility. By keeping these guidelines in mind but also allowing for creative freedom and experimentation, you can create a compelling and memorable series that captures the imagination of your audience.

Summing Up "What Is An Anthology Series?"

Now that you know what an anthology series is, you can go create your own. Enjoy the freedom of writing new characters and worlds with each season or episode.

Before you go, let us know what your favorite anthology series is in the comments!

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TV WRITING & DEVELOPMENT MASTERCLASS How to Pitch a TV Show [Pitch Template & Examples]

In this video we're going to show you the basics to pitching your show: delivery style, key story components and how to put them together.

How to pitch a TV SHOW: Episode 6

How to pitch a tv show.

Short answer: come prepared.

The pitch meeting is the culmination of all of the work you have done thus far: your treatment , character breakdown , pilot script , logline and show bible were all created for this moment. They are the most powerful tools that you have in your utility belt.

If you can create visuals for the presentation, that is a bonus. Why tell  them what your show is about when you can  show  them. Don't let their imaginations run wild--anticipate their questions and create a slick proof-of-concept that will blow their minds.

Lastly, know your audience and their core desires. Put yourself in their shoes and ask yourself what would you want in a show?

...And before you arrive, use our patented formula below to make sure you hit on all of the important points:

Briefly touch upon what inspired you to write this idea. 


Why will the audience care?


Who is this about? Where are they in their lives?

What do they want... right now?


What's in the way? What types of things will they have to encounter as they try to reach their goals.


What are the funny / sad / bonkers moments that will stand out as memorable?


What can we expect to see from  the rest of the series?

Lastly, remember to  be brief  and to  be confident . Have passion for your idea and believe in it. Your audience will feel your confidence and belief in your idea radiating out. 

Now that we've covered the basics, it's time for you to get in there and pitch away! 

As always, thanks for reading and happy writing! 

Grab your FREE TV Show Pitch Template

Pitch your TV series more effectively with our  FREE TV Pitch template. Enter your email address and you'll receive it instantly!

TV Show Pitch Template-min

Learn more about developing TV shows

You have a great idea for a TV Show. So how can you get managers, agents, producers, Executives to see all this potential? You create a TV show pitch bible.


  • How to connect with your show bible audience and draw them into a different space
  • The secret sauce you need to include in your show bible
  • The ingredient behind the best TV show bibles

We cover the techniques that will help you craft a strong TV series pitch and how to formulate your idea into our TV show pitch template. 

  • Major tips and techniques to help you craft a stronger TV pitch
  • What you need to pitch a TV show to a network
  • How to read a pitch room and pitch your TV show once inside the meeting

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Top 10 TV Show Proposal Templates with Examples And Samples

Top 10 TV Show Proposal Templates with Examples And Samples

Naveen Kumar


"Lucy, you've got some 'splainin' to do!" These iconic words from the first-ever televised sitcom, "I Love Lucy," marked an unforgettable moment in television history. Premiered in 1951, the show introduced America to the zany antics of Lucy Ricardo, played by Lucille Ball, and her affable husband, Ricky Ricardo, portrayed by Desi Arnaz. With its innovative three-camera setups and live studio audiences, "I Love Lucy" set the stage for a revolution in the world of entertainment. This show marked the inception of an entertainment medium that has become an almost-survival necessity of the world today! 

Television shows have come a long way since those black-and-white days of Lucy and Ricky Ricardo. It has evolved into an elaborate landscape, showcasing an incredible array of genres, styles, and storytelling formats. 

From the suspenseful dramas of "The Twilight Zone" in the early 1960s to the epic fantasy of "Game of Thrones" in the 2010s, television has continually pushed the boundaries of creativity and innovation. As per Statista, the projected market volume of the TV show industry by 2027 will be $784.3 Billion, with a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 3.51%.

TV Show Proposal Templates

As TV shows continue to captivate audiences worldwide, the need for fresh and compelling content remains constant. Whether you're a seasoned TV writer or a newcomer to the industry, having a strong TV show proposal is essential to get your project off the ground. That's where our TV show proposal templates come in. 

These content-ready slides streamline the proposal process, providing a structured framework to express your vision, outline your plot, define your characters, and showcase your show's marketability. The 100% customizable nature of these PPT Designs allows you to edit and create persuasive and professional proposals for your creative script ideas. 

Let's explore these TV show proposal templates that can turn your creative ideas into reality!

Created by SlideTeam's presentation team, this proposal is your key to securing more sponsors for your TV show. It helps you articulate proposal objectives, event details, and audience demographics. With pre-designed sections on sponsorship benefits, packages, and a contact form for potential sponsors, this presentation deck streamlines the process. The proposal also includes terms & conditions and a sign-off page, saving you valuable time.

TV Show Proposal Templates

Download this complete TV Show Proposal deck

1. Cover Letter Presentation Template for TV Show Proposal

This template features a well-designed cover letter to attract potential sponsors and secure investment in your TV show's development. It includes a concise summary of your TV show, highlighting its launch date, studio location, and key objectives. Use this template to make a compelling first impression, inviting sponsors to join your show's journey. Encourage them to explore the full proposal for in-depth details about the show and the range of sponsorship opportunities available. Use this professional and persuasive presentation design to start new partnerships. Download it now!

Cover Letter Presentation Template for TV Show Proposal

Download this template

2. TV Show Objectives Template for Proposal Presentation

This sample presentation design highlights the fundamental objectives of a talent hunt show, which include recognizing, acknowledging, encouraging, and rewarding young and gifted individuals. With a user-friendly layout that allows for easy customization, this template empowers you to edit and showcase the core objectives of your TV show concept. Whether you're pitching to networks, investors, or collaborators, this tool helps you convey the core mission of your show. Get it now!

TV Show Objectives Template for Proposal Presentation

3. TV Show Audience Demographics Presentation Template

Creators, producers, and marketing teams can use this template to provide a comprehensive overview of their TV show audience demographics, including geographical distribution, age groups, and gender breakdowns. With visually engaging graphics and a user-friendly table, you can communicate the percentage of viewers from different regions, age brackets, and gender distribution among your target audience. Use this template to support your TV show proposal or marketing strategy, demonstrating a deep understanding of your viewership. Grab it today!

TV Show Audience Demographics Presentation Template

4. Why Sponsor Us Template for TV Show Proposal Presentation

This PPT Set conveys compelling reasons to partner with your TV show project in a strategic way. It provides a platform to showcase powerful visuals/images at the top, enhancing the pitch's impact. By articulating key benefits such as brand exposure, relationship building, and the opportunity for businesses to take center stage, this PPT Layout empowers you to set clear expectations for potential investors. Download it now!

Why Sponsor Us Template for TV Show Proposal Presentation

5. Sponsorship Packages PPT Template for TV Show Proposal

This presentation design presents a clear breakdown of sponsorship tiers, including titanium, platinum, and gold sponsors, with investment requirements and corresponding benefits. Ideal for tailoring sponsorship proposals, this PowerPoint Slide allows users to communicate the value of different sponsorship levels to potential partners. Use it to simplify the pitch process, entice sponsors with customizable package details, and secure financial support and partnerships for your TV show. Get it now!

Sponsorship Packages PPT Template for TV Show Proposal

6. TV Show Sponsorship Benefits Presentation Template

Tailored for creators, producers, and marketing teams, the presentation slide showcases the advantages of sponsoring your show in an easy-to-understand manner. It details benefits such as promotion, marketing exposure, promotional printing materials, and additional complementary perks. The PPT Slide features well-organized tables that offer a comprehensive comparison of benefits available for different sponsorship tires — like titanium, platinum, and gold sponsors. This presentation template empowers you to communicate the tangible value and return on investment potential sponsors can expect. Elevate your pitch, secure partnerships, and ensure a win-win collaboration with this PowerPoint Layout. Grab it today!

TV Show Sponsorship Benefits Presentation Template

7. TV Show Sponsorship Contract Form Presentation Template

Our TV show sponsorship contract form will help creators, producers, and event organizers formalize sponsorship agreements with precision and professionalism. This PPT Design offers a structured contract form that allows potential investors to provide essential details, including the primary contact's name, number, title, email, company name, and address for program guide and promotion purposes. Interested parties can also specify the sponsorship tier and the investment amount, along with selecting the preferred payment method for invoicing. This PowerPoint Slide streamlines the contract process, ensuring that all parties have a clear understanding of their commitments, and helps foster successful collaborations. Download it now!

TV Show Sponsorship Contract Form Presentation Template

8. TV Show Sponsorship Terms & Conditions PPT Template

This PowerPoint Layout outlines payment terms, discount conditions, and the cancellation policy in a meticulous way, ensuring transparency and legal compliance in your sponsorship contracts. With dedicated space for infographics at the bottom, users can further illustrate and clarify these terms or other related information. Take advantage of this presentation slide to reduce misunderstandings and foster long-term partnerships for your TV show. Get it now!

TV Show Sponsorship Terms & Conditions PPT Template

9. Sign-off Template for TV Show Proposal Presentation

This PPT Design underscores that the investor has thoroughly reviewed and comprehended the terms and conditions of the proposal. It invites interested sponsors to endorse their commitment to the pitched TV show project by signing below. The slide includes fields for the client's name and the proposal submitter's details. At the bottom, you'll find editable and marked spaces to add the signatures of both the client and the user assigned. Our sign-off template makes sealing the deal with potential investors a cakewalk and formalizes your TV show project partnerships. Grab it today!

Sign-off Template for TV Show Proposal Presentation

10. Contact Us Template for TV Show Proposal Presentation

Adding a 'contact us' at the end of your proposal is key to starting seamless communication with potential investors. This PowerPoint Slide allows you to insert your address, contact number, and email address, facilitating easy contact for inquiries or discussions related to the proposal or TV show project. You can personalize it by adding your photo or brand's logo at the top, enhancing recognition and professionalism. With this PPT Design, establishing and maintaining open lines of communication with stakeholders and reinforcing your commitment to transparency and collaboration in the TV show proposal process will be effortless. Download it now!

Contact Us Template for TV Show Proposal Presentation

The Climax!

A compelling proposal can increase your chances of securing a producer and getting your TV show on the air. It acts as a roadmap that showcases your creativity and proves your project's viability and marketability. Our TV show proposal templates are designed by experts to empower you with a structured, professional foundation for your investor pitch. Whether you're launching your career or looking for more investments for your already-running TV show, remember that the journey begins with a proposal, and our presentation designs are here to help you pave the way to television success. 

Download these TV show proposal templates today, and let your vision shine on the sky of television entertainment. Your opportunity to make a lasting impact on audiences worldwide awaits with one click!

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The Los Angeles Film School

The Ultimate Guide to Creating Your Film/TV Pitch Deck

Montauk Stranger Things

We’ve sourced everything you need to know about creating a pitch deck for your next film project. There is a lot of great information out there and luckily, pitching your script is easier now thanks to the abundance of updated visualization technology. After all, your pitch deck is a visual supplement to your screenplay or script. This is your chance to share your vision of why your film should get made.

First, Let’s Look at the Original Stranger Things Pitch Deck “Montauk”

If you follow @lafilmschool on Instagram and Facebook, you may have seen our video on the Stranger Things pitch deck. If you’re curious, go back and watch the video to see what three elements made that original pitch deck such a success. We’ll dive deeper into what makes a film pitch deck successful here in a moment, but let’s examine the original pitch deck from Netflix’s Stranger Things .

The Duffer brothers built their franchise empire off a charming, supernatural-inspired show concept they originally called “Montauk.” Their pitch neatly laid out the show’s vision across a 20+ page pitch deck to attract networks and eventually secured a home with Netflix.

The title page of the pitch deck shows an eerie grey-washed photograph of an abandoned bike on the side of a desolate road. “Montauk” is clearly displayed in red block letters above the photo. The only other text on the title page is… “An Epic Tale of sci-fi horror.”

The 3 Things the Duffer Brothers included in their pitch deck that made “Montauk” into one of Netflix’s most successful series franchises

1. use imagery that builds your vision .

Imagery is used throughout the deck to convey what type of vibe the series is aiming to achieve. 

The Duffer Brothers leveraged colors, textures, and even imagery from supernatural ’80s cult classics, building a strong vision for investors right off the bat.

2. Write a Clear and Engaging Synopsis

Your readers should feel hooked right from the introduction page. This sets the tone for the rest of the pitch deck and includes a strong final sentence that sums up what’s to come:

From Montauk’s Pitch Deck: “Emotional, cinematic, and rooted in character, Montauk is a love letter to the golden age of Steven Spielberg and Stephen King – a marriage of human drama and supernatural fear.

Both the STORY and STRUCTURE sections of this pitch did an excellent job of painting a clear trajectory of the story while still giving investors a sense of mystery and intrigue.

3. Appeal to Your Investors’ Business Sense

The final page of the pitch deck is “Franchise Potential,” which aims to pique the interest of studio executives and networks. It gives a solid story continuation layout if the series were to get picked up and do well with audiences. Spoiler alert— Stranger Things did more than just well, the show was a smash hit.

How can you apply these same concepts to your own film or TV show pitch deck?

Now that you’ve seen what a successful film pitch deck looks like, it’s time to perfect your own. Leading with the three essential elements of a great pitch deck (1. Strong imagery 2. Clear synopsis and 3. A future plan ), let’s dive into your ultimate pitch deck checklist.

Under those three main buckets are subcategories to include in your pitch deck. You’ll want to make sure your vision for your project is clearly defined. Potential networks need to see the value of your project’s pitch deck and connect with the story synopsis right off the bat.

Your Pitch Deck Should Have… Strong Imagery

film pitch deck example

  • Instant visual cues included in your writing
  • Mood board images to convey the style and tone
  • Examples of inspiration from other film and TV projects

Your Pitch Deck Should Have a… Clear Synopsis

film pitch deck example

  • A brief story introduction following your title slide
  • Background on the creative team behind the screenplay and/or film project
  • Introduction of characters (make your audience care and feel a sense of who each character is)

Your Pitch Deck Should Have a… Future Plan

film pitch deck example

  • Breakdown of targeted genres and audience demographics
  • Financial and distribution details
  • Mention potential installments or series continuation opportunities

Take a look at your own pitch deck and see if you have these elements outlined above. Ask yourself if there is anything missing. Does your pitch deck convey a clear tone and build interest with each slide? Are you representing the project in the most effective way?

STUDENT PRO TIP: If you’re a student at The L.A. Film School, you can get your pitch decks and film reels peer-reviewed by our advisors in Career Development or with your course instructors.

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How to Pitch a TV Show

Jakob Straub

A successful TV show pitch determines if a TV series will move from an initial idea into development and production.

When you’re screenwriting a TV show, creating the TV script is only half the job.

TV writers also need to be able to sell their show’s concept and craft a compelling pitch for a successful television series.

We’ll explain the details of a TV show pitch to screenwriters and delve into the important elements of a solid pitch document. You’ll also improve your TV show pitching with our practical tips and can learn from famous pitch examples.

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What is a TV show pitch?

The Hollywood cliche of a pitch is a young upstart convincing a hotshot producer of their vision for a television show during a short elevator ride–hence the name “elevator pitch”. In the form of a logline, it gives a brief one-sentence summary of the TV series to hook the reader and generate interest.

The entertainment industry can be formulaic: just like screenwriting follows an established format, a TV show pitch is a presentation varying in length but based on a comprehensive document; the pitch document. This contains the following elements:

The goal of a television show pitch

The purpose of a pitch (in the form of a pitch document, verbal pitch, or a presentation including both) is to sell the core idea of your TV show. It’s a proof of concept that includes the unique selling points, draws the big picture of the who and what, as well as the defining details.

When you’re crafting your pitch, think of the audience to whom you’re selling your television series. TV producers, development executives, executive producers, and studio execs tend to think in categories and in terms of what’s been done before, so they’ll want to classify your core concept and compare it to others. Because of this, you’ll need to include format details. Are you screenwriting a sitcom, docu-series, an unscripted reality TV show or a reality series, possibly with contestants? Is your TV script a half-hour or hour-long?

Parts of the pitch document like the pilot script, the main characters and the show bible are likely to change throughout the development process. But if these format details are not clear, it stands less of a chance with Netflix and co.

Elements of a television show pitch

A TV show pitch consists of a pitch document and you, the author of the core idea or scriptwriter, who pitches it. Your target audience can be a production company, an executive producer or studio execs, a cable network or a streaming platform such as Netflix, Bravo TV, or HBO. In the following, we’ll explain the contents or elements of a pitch document.

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Find the emotional hook

You have a personal connection to your story and the concept for your TV show. Your pitch should demonstrate that it comes from you, that you are the right person to write it, and that the audience will care. To achieve this, make it personal and universal at the same time by appealing to the audience's emotions.

The emotional hook is what draws your audience in. Feelings are universal, we all have them, yet we experience them as something deeply personal. Give your story a strong emotional foundation and let the emotional core of your television show shine through.

In pitch meetings, you can come from the angle of your personal connection to get to the emotional part, but in a pitch document, you’ll have to evoke feelings through the written word. Connect the emotional hook to your main characters, their arc and the show’s themes: love, acceptance, forgiveness, trust, faith, greed, selflessness, responsibility, remorse, blame, redemption–don’t be afraid to draw with broad strokes here!

The logline

The logline or log line is the elevator pitch of Hollywood: it encapsulates the core concept of your TV show and summarizes the story in one or two sentences. Writing killer loglines might appear to be an art form, but in practical terms, it’s a skill you can learn and perfect. Take existing shows you know and come up with lines to answer the following questions:

Consider this logline:

“A young boy mysteriously disappears from a quiet suburban town in the 1980s and his friends, his mother, and the police chief have to work together to fight horrifying creatures from another dimension to bring him back. ”

This description of Stranger Things contains the who and what, where and when, and sets the show apart as a sci-fi mystery horror drama playing on our emotions through fear, horror, loss, team spirit, and overcoming mysterious adversaries.

Note that it’s good to know the audience of your pitch: you can expand your logline to include details on the genre and format because development executives or network representatives might want to hear those buzz words to categorise the show: sitcom, docu-series, web series, half-hour, reality tv show, horizontal or vertical. All of these can be placed as prefixes in your logline:

“The show is a horizontal, prime-time, hour-long sci-fi mystery comedy-drama about… ”

The one-sheet is precisely that: one sheet of paper, sometimes printed double-sided, with a condensed pitch for your TV show. Think of it as a handout for a pitch meeting or a calling card for your project as part of your pitch document, something by which executives can remember your core idea with all relevant information.

What should the one-sheet include? For a TV show pitch, you should list the following:

Series bible and summary

A show bible used to be a document with all the essential details to bring newcomers up to speed. The series bible still serves that function, but screenwriters also produce it as marketing material to pitch a TV show. The bible addresses these questions:

Although show bibles can be long and include a comprehensive overview of complete episodes, try to be succinct and limit the number of pages. Repeat the title and logline of your show, then give a synopsis covering the entire series or first season: what and who, where and when, what is the main point.

The next section lists and describes the main characters, so the audience will learn what drives them, followed by a TV pilot breakdown and an overview of future episodes. For a short pitch, two to three sentences for each episode is enough, though comprehensive bibles might take an entire page per episode.

Here’s a brief TV show bible template:

Pilot Script

A TV pilot is a jargon term for the first episode of a TV show, and your pitch should include a TV script for this pilot episode. Your pilot script transfers the core idea that your title and logline suggest into a real thing that network executives can evaluate. Your script allows them to get to know your writing style, to visualize the main characters with their quirks and interactions, to get a feel for the tone and style, as well as possible audience reactions.

It’s part of the goal of your pitch to have decision-makers read your pilot script so you can win them over with your screenwriting skills. It’s unlikely that your script alone will make or break a deal, but once your pilot script is in front of someone, it should be able to stand on its own.

Development: Where Will The Series Go?

Once a network or executive producer expresses interest in your TV show, the development will still be back and forth. Although there are cases in the entertainment industry where a writer sells a nearly completed show, a producer or a network will usually want to align a show with existing programming or otherwise change a few details.

The exact runtime or number of seasons is generally not predetermined when production on a first season or TV pilot starts, so expect some development over the course of events. For a successful pitch, it may be necessary to communicate that you’re flexible and open to changes as well as collaboration.

This can include willingness to work on your TV show with other writers or a writers' room, development executives and other professionals, even though you might not have envisioned them when your core idea first came to you. The same goes for casting: actor suggestions can come across as amateur since networks work with casting directors. However, you can flip it around and ask for casting suggestions if the matter comes up during a pitch.

What Is A Sizzle Reel?

A sizzle reel is a “sizzling hot” showreel showcasing your previous work. In the context of a pitch, it can be a video of three to five-minute length summarizing your TV show’s story and plot points, narrative approach or core concept, as well as the main characters. It’s not a trailer or promotional video, but a very clear look at the show, the idea and the style.

The target audience is the executive producer or the decision-makers to whom you’re pitching. Showing the sizzle reel can be part of your presentation, or you can submit a copy or link with your pitch document.

Tips for pitching a TV show

As you’ll see below from our examples, repeated rejections are common, even for shows which go on to become smashing hits. Nonetheless, tackle each pitch meeting individually, give it your all and crush it with the following tips!

Executive producers and network executives dread the nightmare of a long pitch. Don’t give a play-by-play, don’t simply read or narrate your pitch document, and don’t make your audience wonder when it's going to end. Show your personal connection, employ the emotional hook to draw them in, succinctly talk them through the main characters and storyline, and leave them wanting more!

Be Confident

You know you’re the one to tell your story, so go and convince your pitch audience of it! You can begin and end your pitch on the theme of your story, which is particularly effective if you can demonstrate why you relate to it, and why it engages the emotions of the audience. Speak with passion and enthusiasm about the big picture. Don’t be afraid to ask questions yourself. A pitch meeting is also a chance to interview the network or production company on why they would be the best fit for your project.

Eliminate pauses, gaps and filler expressions from your presentation. Memorize your pitch, time it, and polish it. Seemingly contrary to that advice, you shouldn’t come across as if you’re reciting something by heart, or are pitching this for the umpteenth time. Keep it conversational and colloquial and treat the pitch as if it was happening as a spontaneous meeting instead of something you’ve planned to perfection. Anticipate common questions, so you don’t choke when being asked about details.

TV show pitch examples

Breaking bad.

breaking bad

Vince Gilligan made his name working on The X-Files, but found himself unemployed for a stretch when that show was canceled. He joked with a friend about "a guy who'd put a meth lab in the back of a Winnebago and drove around the south-west." That guy became Walter White, and the story of Breaking Bad became his transformation "from Mr Chips into Scarface". The networks didn't see it though, and Gilligan struggled with producing his TV show. Showtime passed on the pitch, which included an outline and written TV pilot, because they already had Weeds. HBO and TNT didn't like the idea of a meth dealer as the main character. FX became interested in 2005 but committed to the drama Dirt instead. Gilligan's pitch eventually won over AMC's execs, and the network acquired the rights from FX.

The Sopranos


The Sopranos spanned over six seasons and had an eight-year run on HBO. The mob drama that revolves around relatable crook, Tony Soprano, is a darling of TV audiences and critics alike. Creator, David Chase, originally envisioned a feature comedy about a mafia boss, played by Robert De Niro, and his strained relationship with his mother. Yet, his agent rejected the pitch, calling mob comedies "out of date." Chase adapted his vision for TV and crafted strong female leads during the transition, which the network execs hated. Every major network rejected his pitch for The Sopranos! The notes from CBS said all psychiatry scenes would have to go. HBO eventually accepted the mafia and psychodrama mashup pitch and produced a pilot. By then, Chase seemed to have lost faith in the project, expecting a cancelled show after the pilot. When it aired, the network drew record viewers.

Stranger Things

stranger things

After more than twenty rejections by TV networks, the Duffer brothers sold their TV show, originally titled Montauk, to Netflix. The love the Duffer brothers have for all things 80s shows in the cryptic Montauk show bible, which pays homage to all its inspirations. They designed and styled their bible like a Stephen King paperback and relied more on an introduction and focus on the themes than a synopsis and logline-because the Montauk / Stranger Things pitch consisted of a written spec pilot. In a mere 23 pages and without an episode breakdown, the series bible establishes the mythos, the story and its structure, genre, tone and style, and the main characters. Everything's there, it just took Netflix to realize the potential.


David Simon's original series bible of The Wire, a dramatic series written for HBO, has been floating around online for quite a while. It consists of a two-page overview, a one-page setting, a comprehensive list of the show's many characters, and quite detailed sketches of all episodes in the first season, which make up the largest chunk of the 79 pages. It is in the introduction, however, that Simon brings out the big guns, calling the show a drama of "multiple meanings and arguments" with themes such as national existentialism and culture, the human condition, and the nature of the American city. He also outlines the structure, story arc for each episode and season, and the hyper-realistic style. Yet David Simon ends almost essayistic: "But more than an exercise is realism for its own sake, the verisimilitude of The Wire exists to serve something larger."

Mr robot

Mr Robot isn't a TV show typical for the USA network. In the words of USA development chief Alex Sepiol, Mr Robot is a "very unique show" and "like nothing else on television." Esmail's core idea came to USA when the network was ready to change up its programming and further evolve its brand. Executives were looking for dramas with unlikely, flawed heroes, darker themes, and extraordinary circumstances. Sam Esmail, on the other hand, was convinced by the USA's promise of a successful launch and series despite his lack of TV experience. His pitch accomplished its goal because Esmail had a long-term plan for the show with completed character arcs and several seasons figured out.

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How to Write and Pitch an Idea for a TV Show

Last Updated: April 3, 2024 Approved

This article was co-authored by Lucy V. Hay . Lucy V. Hay is a Professional Writer based in London, England. With over 20 years of industry experience, Lucy is an author, script editor, and award-winning blogger who helps other writers through writing workshops, courses, and her blog Bang2Write. Lucy is the producer of two British thrillers, and Bang2Write has appeared in the Top 100 round-ups for Writer’s Digest & The Write Life and is a UK Blog Awards Finalist and Feedspot’s #1 Screenwriting blog in the UK. She received a B.A. in Scriptwriting for Film & Television from Bournemouth University. There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article received 56 testimonials and 87% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 1,238,885 times.

Competition is stiff in the television industry, even more if you don't have your name out there already as shows come and go rapidly. Knowing how to write and pitch your original ideas or scripts will give you a huge leg-up, allowing you to get your ideas into the open and get paid in return.

Pitching Your TV Show

Step 1 Prepare an effective pitch to sell your idea once you're in the door.

  • The Hook: Return to the "what if" of your show. Why is it original, compelling, and worth watching? [1] X Research source
  • The Audience: Who is this show geared towards? How does it fit with the network's current audience.
  • The "Trailer:" If you were selling this show in a commercial, what parts would you highlight? What are the "clips" that flesh out the world of the show. [2] X Research source

Step 2 Add your material to a searchable online industry database.

  • Accepting unsolicited submissions without a mediator puts companies at risk of being accused of stealing. Getting electronic proof of review by companies is a unique benefit that the Internet provides in today's television development arena.

Step 3 Create a list of appropriate companies that might like your idea and approach them online.

  • You would never pitch a cheesy monster movie to NBC, you'd send it to SyFy. You wouldn't send a Historical Drama to Greg Danial's ( The Office ) production company. Think about what the studio is already making to pitch to the right people. [3] X Research source
  • Look into studio fellowship programs. These are paid 6-8 week programs that allow you to hone your ideas at the studio. They are, however, incredibly competitive.

Step 4 Network with everyone you can.

  • When possible, work on film and TV sets as a production assistant or intern -- anything to get your foot in the door.
  • While not strictly necessary, selling your idea to Hollywood is easiest if you're in Hollywood. If you're serious, it's time to move to LA. A lot of TV is also produced, however, in NYC.

Step 5 Remember to be a salesperson, not a writer.

  • You must know what types of shows the network produces, and who its audience is, to capture its attention. [4] X Research source

Step 6 Pitch quickly and energetically.

  • You must practice your pitch ahead of time, multiple times. It needs to be as well prepared as your script and treatment.
  • It can help to have multiple other ideas on hand too, even if they don't have a treatment. They may love you and your idea, but not have room in the schedule for that specific show.

Developing the Concept

Step 1 Come up with your

  • You don't need, or want, to weigh this down with a lot of subplots or other ideas yet. Just get the essence of your show on paper. Seinfeld, after all, was famously pitched as "what if we did a show about nothing?"

Step 2 Research current televised programming to learn about current trends or opportunities.

  • Write down names and studios attached to projects that seem like yours. These are the names most likely to buy your work later.

Step 3 Determine your genre.

  • Having a genre doesn't mean you are locked into one type of story. It simply makes it easier to market and sell your idea.

Step 4 Develop some characters.

  • Round. The characters have multiple facets, not just an "angry woman," or "strong hero." Round characters have strengths and weaknesses, and the chance to grow.
  • Filled with desires and fears. Their ability or inability to get over their fear (of being poor, of being alone, of space aliens, of spiders, etc.) is what drives their conflicts each episode and shows you the goals in the series.
  • Have agency. A good character makes choices which push forward the plot. They make mistakes, try and fix things, go to parties, etc. because it is something their character would do, not something the writer needs them to do. [10] X Research source

Step 5 Understand what makes a great idea sellable.

  • Originality: Has this been seen before? Is it similar to anything else and, if so, is it different enough to stand on its own?
  • Projected Cost: Few studios will risk hundreds of millions of dollars on an unproven writer or filmmaker. It is difficult to sell big concepts like The Walking Dead if you've just started working in TV, because they have high financial risk.
  • A Screenplay/Proof of Concept: This means writing a treatment, script, or shooting some sketches. Your idea may get you in the door, but you need some work to prove that the show is going to get made. [11] X Research source

Writing A Treatment

Step 1 Come up with your title.

  • Back to the Future: A high school student, is sent to the past on accident, where his presence causes his parents to never meet -- or make him! [12] X Research source
  • Jaws: A police chief battles a killer shark despite being afraid of the sea. Meanwhile, the greedy town board refuses to admit there is a problem at the beach at all, complicating matters.
  • Ratatouille: A French rat teams up with a terrible chef to prove that anyone can cook, though jealous critics and pest-control will do anything to prove that it is a sham. [13] X Research source

Step 3 Write a 300-500-word synopsis.

  • The setting.
  • The general plot of the series.
  • The arc of most episodes (what is generally happening in every episode?)

Step 4 Create a short but detailed character sheet.

  • If you're pitching a documentary-style reality series, having any short video on the subject or people involved can help producers see the potential of the project. You can also outline potential plot lines in the people's lives.

Step 6 Put your treatment together.

  • Episode arcs. [14] X Research source
  • If you are creating a reality television show, ensure that you are creating an executable format. In the case of reality competition shows, ensure that every aspect of gameplay is outlined. It is important to write what we are specifically watching unfold in brief, yet powerful points.

Step 7 Consider writing a script.

  • If you are writing a scripted TV show, such as a drama, learn how to write scripts . Script-writing classes can also be taken at local community colleges.
  • Specialized script-writing software can make quick work of a script. Movie Magic Screen Writer, Celtx, Writer Duets, and Final Draft are popular picks.

Step 8 Register your project with any copyright system service such as the Writers Guild of America.

  • Registering with the WGA will cost just $20 ($10 at the WGA site if you are already a WGA member), and is considered the industry standard.
  • The registered material is kept on file for five years, at which time you may renew. Terms may vary per service and site.

TV Show Idea Template and Example

how to make a presentation about a tv show

Expert Q&A

Lucy V. Hay

  • Do research and come up with an idea that's original. People aren't going to accept ideas that have been used in films, books or other shows. Thanks Helpful 16 Not Helpful 6
  • The more ideas and treatments you have, the better. Keep working on different ideas in similar genres so that you have a whole portfolio to pitch. Thanks Helpful 19 Not Helpful 8

how to make a presentation about a tv show

  • Getting electronic proof of copy or WGA registration can help prevent someone from stealing your ideas. Thanks Helpful 31 Not Helpful 1

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About This Article

Lucy V. Hay

If you want to write and pitch an idea for a TV show, start by coming up with a catchy title that captures what your show is about. You should follow this up by writing a logline, which is a 2-3 sentence description of your show. Next, create a 300-500-word synopsis that provides an overview of the show, including things like the setting and plot. Additionally, make a character sheet with a summary of each character. Then, register your project with the Writers Guild of America to ensure copyright protection, and send it to your chosen TV channel. For tips on how to network with others to promote your show and how to put it on online databases, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Best Introduction or Starting Lines for TV Presenters

Best Introduction or Starting Lines for TV Presenters

Who is a TV Presenter?

A TV presenter is a person who introduces or host a television program. Being a Television presenter you required the following skills:

  • Excellent communication and presentation skills
  • The ability to improvise when necessary
  • Research and interviewing skills
  • Calmness under pressure
  • A good memory for recalling scripts and facts
  • The ability to work on more than one task at a time

The TV presenter is one of the most exciting fields to work in and if you are one of the volunteers and wanting to be present on TV on a regular basis. here I am giving you the 5 best introduction or starting lines for TV Presenter.

Whether you are a beginner or a professional, the following 5 best introductions or starting lines for TV presenter will help you to make a good first impression and gain the attention of your audience.

10 Best Introduction or Starting Lines for TV Presenters

1. Good morning/afternoon/evening, welcome to your number one TV station news and updates. I am your host/anchor (Name here) taking you through this session. Stay tuned…

2. Good Evening and welcome to our TV show. Our guest tonight is Mr./Ms. (Name here) who is a well-known personality because of his/her (tell about achievements), so let’s welcome him/her with a big round of applause.

It’s an honor for us to have with us a great personality, who has consumed himself/herself to light the society. Thank you, Sir. for accepting our invitation.

3. Good Morning, My name is (Name here) and I am the (Name of the channel) Weather Woman. Put your coats away because the weather has given us the perfect mix of heat and wind. These cloudy skies cast beautiful outside weather while…

4. Hello everyone and welcome to _____sports! I am_______ with my co-anchorr_____. Happy to have you here (co-worker’s name) looking back on this week’s highlights of sports.

5. Hello, it’s_______________ and you are watching the_____________ bringing you the “eye on the news” for Thursday, 30 May 2019. Today we have 3 different stories which are…

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Questions to Ask a Guest in the session

You can ask 5-10 of the following questions form your guest or make up your own questions.

  • What is your most extreme fear?
  • Where do you want to live after you graduate?
  • What is your favorite type of music? Who is your favorite singer? What is your favorite song?
  • What is your favorite book? Who is your favorite author?
  • If you could be anyone or anything for 1 day, who or what would it be? Why?
  • If you had money to help anyone or any group of people in the world, who would you help and how would you help them?
  • What are your 3 big wishes?
  • If you had 1 day that you could do absolutely anything that you wanted, what would you do?
  • What is your favorite TV show? Why? Who is your favorite actor or actress?
  • Where would you go if you could travel anywhere in the world? Why?
  • What do you think you will be doing in 20 years?
  • If you could meet anyone living now or in the past, who would that be? Why?
  • What is your favorite place to go out to eat?
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Importance of Voice and Speech of TV Presenter/host

Voice and speech are two important factors that a TV presenter must have, the ability to communicate effectively in all areas of the program and it depends on how confident you are. Presence of a camera may make anyone a bit nervous which is called “Stage Fright”, but this can be overcome when you trust the information, news or knowledge you are delivering to your audiences and of course the way you are presenting it.

Voice and speech are two different things. Voice is something which depends on our anatomy. And a speech, on the contrary, is an acquired characteristic which depends on our method of the deliverance of voice.  Remember through your speech, you are supposed to deliver information, knowledge or emotion.

There are many reasons that a good voice and speech are needed and the most important factors are as follow:

  • perception of credibility
  • Emotion Connection
  • Comprehension

Qualities of a TV Presenter

Outstanding presenters always pursue the following qualities:

  • Adept Nnonverbally: Which includes clear communication with body language and body language includes your body movements, gestures, posture, and facial expression.
  • Adept Verbally: Fully speaking a command and use great words. Your verbal communication, the way you speak can carry an audience. Also your tone, inflection, volume, and how your pace, pause and enunciate.
  • Animated: Full of life and excitement and act alive!
  • Assertive: Being strong and forceful but not overbearing. This is between the bookends of aggressive and passive.
  • Astute: Keen ability to accurately assess a situation or person and turn it into an advantage.
  • Cheerful: Noticeably happy and optimistic and simply smile while you present.
  • Clearance: Easy to perceive, leaving no doubt and attain clarity by testing your message beforehand.
  • Commanding: Being authoritative and you should own the room while enabling your audience to freely participate.
  • Confident: Confident is being self-assured and a quality that is catchy.
  • Credible: Convincing and believable that seems inherently obvious.
  • Dynamic: Stimulating and make your audience think and it’s one way to garner participation.
  • Effective: Successful in producing the desired result. Ultimately this is what your presentation is all about, and ensure your audience gets what they expect and want.
  • Energetic: Demonstrating vitality and pace yourself as you move about the room.
  • Engaging: Attracting and occupying interest and another key quality is connecting individually with both large and small audiences.
  • Engrossing: Absorbing all attention and keep eyes up not down on any devices.
  • Enthusiastic: Showing intense and eager enjoyment.
  • Focused: Paying particular attention to the topic at hand and keeping on the point and don’t allow your audience to take control.
  • Innovative: Original and creative thinking and give your audience more than what they expect.
  • Knowledgeable: Intelligent and well-informed and knowing the concept well enough to explain it to the uninitiated.
  • Logical: Clear and sound reasoning. What you present must make immediate sense.
  • Memorable: Easily remembered and worth remembering. Make sure your audience takes something away with them.
  • Natural: Smooth and polished and all this takes is a bit of concentrated practice.
  • Organized: Structured and in control also respect your audience by taking the time to adequately prepare.
  • Passionate: Showing strong feelings of interest. If you are not passionate, how can you expect your audience to follow suit?
  • Poised: Graceful and elegant. Indeed, this is the quality that encompasses many of the others. All the synonyms apply here: self-assured, composed, dignified and in complete control.
  • Present: Fully focused and engaged in the current situation and focus on what is happening, as it happens.
  • Relaxed: Being comfortable, not tense or anxious and set a calm tone for your presentation.
  • Understandable: Easily understood by your audience, which is the critical part.
  • Investigative: You need solid investigative skills. Get relevant information and ask the right questions to get the answers you need from your audience.
  • Humanity: don’t forget your integrity or your humanity.

So these are the 28 important qualities for TV presenters, anchors or host, now it is up to you. All it takes is to practice and perform it practically to master these skills.

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5 Ways To Play Looping Slideshows On A TV – Computer Free

Looping TV Slideshow

1. Portable Digital Media Player

HDMI Media Player, Black Mini 1080p Full-HD Ultra HDMI Digital Media Player for -MKV/RM- HDD USB Drives and SD Cards

What’s needed: AGPteEK Media Player ($40) and a TV with an available HDMI port.

2. Amazon Fire TV Stick and FlickFolio

Amazon Fire TV Stick

The easiest way to create a looping slideshow using an Amazon TV Fire Stick is with the $2.99 app “ FlickFolio .” This app pulls the images (slides) that you’ve uploaded to your Flickr account. One neat feature with this solution is that anyone with access to your Flickr account can upload photos and images into the slideshow album.

What’s needed : Amazon Fire TV Stick ($39), FlickFolio app ($2.99), Flickr account (free) and a TV with an available HDMI port.

3. Android Sticks and Photos Alive

how to make a presentation about a tv show

What’s needed: Rikomagic MK802 or equivalent ($60), PhotosAlive! Digital Frame ($1.49), DropBox account (free) and a TV with an available HDMI port.

4. Raspberry Pi and Rise Vision Player

how to make a presentation about a tv show

Typically users install Rise Vision Player on their device and use free presentation services that Rise Vision provides to its users.

What’s needed: Raspberry Pi ($45), Rise Vision Player (free) and a TV with an available HDMI port.

5. USB Thumb Drive in a USB Port

USB Flash Thumb Drive

What’s needed: USB thumb drive ($10) and a TV that with repeat slideshow functionality.

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There are several situations where you may want to play a looping slideshow on a TV, including:

  • Family gatherings: You may want to play a looping slideshow of family photos during holiday gatherings, birthdays, or other events to share memories with loved ones.
  • Business presentations: In a business setting, a looping slideshow can be a useful tool for showcasing products, services, or company information to potential clients or investors.
  • Trade shows: At trade shows or conferences, a looping slideshow can be a great way to draw attention to your booth and highlight your products or services.
  • Waiting rooms: In waiting rooms such as doctor’s offices or lobbies, a looping slideshow can provide entertainment or information for visitors while they wait.
  • Retail displays: In a retail setting, a looping slideshow can showcase products and promotions, providing customers with additional information and incentives to make purchases.
  • Museums or galleries: In a museum or gallery setting, a looping slideshow can be used to display images of artwork, artifacts, or historical photos.
  • Weddings: At weddings, a looping slideshow can be used to display photos of the couple and their families, providing a personalized touch to the event.

Overall, a looping slideshow on a TV can be a versatile and effective way to communicate information, tell a story, or share memories in various settings.

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Tv Show Presentation Template

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TV Show Presentation

Transcript: Main Characters: Introduction of the TV Show Black man. Great job. Beautiful wife. Big home in a classy neighborhood. Dre Johnson. Dr. Rainbow "Bow" Johnson. CRAZY MOM TV Show Presentation Gender Roles Salha Alasiry Dre takes on all her wife's duties for a week making two dozen cupcakes for the twins’ class. Rainbow"Moms do everything and no one ever notices." Andre was late to a meeting,"Family comes first,” his colleagues said.

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Transcript: Victims Sex Worker Advocates Mandatory First Offender Program Current & Proposed Legislations Dr. Stephany Ashley Medical Director at St. James Infirmary 623 Valencia Street, San Francisco 415.861.4910 [email protected] for watching Women's Talk! Mimi Chung Jane Kelvin How to identify victims of human sex trafficking? Girl prostitute on the street in San Jose • Are there bruises or other signs of physical abuse? • Is she submissive or fearful? • Is she being controlled? • Is she allowed to be in public alone? • Is she a minor engaging in commercial sex? • Has someone threatened her family? • Does she fear her employer? • Does she have identification? • Is she being deprived of food, water, sleep, medical care, or other life necessities? (former victim) Student and mother of 2 in Germany Facts U.S. Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 Women's Talk Thank You Anna Ellyn Bell Executive Director at The SAGE Project, Inc 68 12th Street, 2nd Floor. San Francisco 415.358.2723 [email protected] http;// Massage Parlor in San Francisco

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Transcript: Catfish Are you the one? Ten perfect matches are chosen and are brought to live all together in Hawaii. The problem is that even living together, nobody knows who your ideal partner, so the search begins: appointments, tests, doubts, jealousy ... If at the end of the season 10 perfect matches won default all form one million dollars, if not, nothing takes. TV SHOW Catfish comes to MTV to find out who is on the other side of the computer and if what you are telling is true or false. In each episode Nev Schulman and Max Joseph embark by the protagonist in finding your digital love.

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tv show presentation

Transcript: Tv Show Evolution Prezi Template by Lana Lopez 1975 In 1975, 11% of households had three tv sets in the US while 57% had only one tv and 32% had two tvs 1986 In 1986, 82% of American adults watched television daily, and the average household had the television set on for seven hours a day. Between 1986 and 1990 Add more pages into a date Create Subtopics Tim Berners-Lee releases files describing his idea for the World Wide Web. WWW debuts as a publicly available service on the Internet. 1991 August 6 1995 Closer to the Present When new tv shows started being created, they had a much shorter theme song, if any theme song. 2002 Customize the Template Rearrange, duplicate and resize the elements 2009 2012 An Important Event Can't remember what it was Earthquake, War, Movie Awards? Sports Event, Business Timeline? Present about any topic 2020 The Future Is it here yet?

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Transcript: STRANGER THINGS STRANGER THINGS STUDENT: MARIA JOSE ESTUPIÑAN TORRES TEACHER: ARITH MURILLO GROUP: 3-A HOW DO YOU FEEL I feel happy to see it since it is a series that i like a lot and every time i see it i get excited NAME , GENRE AND SETTINGS 1 NAME: -Stranger Things 2 GENRE: -Drama , Suspense and Terror 3 SETTINGS : -Town in Hawkins,Indiana. ACTORS: -Millie Bobby Brown: Eleven -Finn Wolfhard: Mike Wheeler -Noah Schnapp: Will Byers -Gaten Matarazzo: Dustin -Caleb McLaughlin: Lucas -David Harbour: Jim Hopper -Winona Ryder : Joyce Byers - MAIN IDEA A young boy, Will Byers , goes missing near a top-secret government laboratory.As friends , family and local police search for answers , they are dawn into an extraordinary mystery involving top-secret government terrifying supernatural forces and one very strange little girl. This girl is a bit strange and look for a way to communicate with them,this helps them find the govern is hiding from them. ADJECTIVES TO DESCRIBE THE SHOW Its funny suspenseful , scary at times , and its very entertaining and very astonishing. People reactions People react to this series in a happy way since it is for everyone , and it is very funny and of great interest. CHARACTERS YOU LIKE AND WHY I like: Eleven: its weird and its fun Mike: Its fun and falls very well Dustin: Its too funny and always brings out a smile Lucas: Because he is always helping and is alwasys with his friends. CHARACTERS YOU DON'T LIKE AND WHY Will: Because it is never included and it is always sad. Karen Wheeler : Because hes always complaining about his son and it doesn't help much.

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Transcript: TV Show Program consists of 20 seasons Attended 14 models TV show in which participants complete for the title of "Top Model American-style" Show created by supermodel Tyra Banks leading programmy.First season started in May 2003 America’s Next Top Model Model

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Transcript: Promotional Plan Place to be aired Comedy Central tbs Competition FX Based on how many people watch Similar to other shows (i.e. 21 Jump Street, Workaholics) The Drop-outs SWOT Pilot Place/Competition Mediums Publicity Promotion Techniques Personal Selling Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Starts at a college Three guys sitting in an office New policy.... needs college degree The three go back to college Price/success

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Tv Show Presentation

Transcript: It's Not About the Nail. By: Theodore Ibarra and Joseph Barnes 9/26/2022 Today's Topics of Discussion Introduction Rate the Quality of the Conversation Identify the diffrent perspectives Identifying the Five Axioms in the conversation We also be Discussing Intro. pt.2 Types of Noise Types of Body Language It's Not about the Nail Today's Video Rate the Quality of the Conversation How effective would you say the two communicated? Conversation Quality Perspectives of a conversation What were the two diffrent pespectives in the clip Perspectives Identifying the 5 Axioms 5 Axioms Axiom 4: ‘Communication involves digital and analogic modalities’ Axiom 5: ‘Communication can be symmetrical or complementary’ Axiom 1: ‘One cannot not communicate’ Axiom 2: ‘Every communication has a content’ Axiom 3: ‘Communication is punctuated’ Types of Noise What types of noise were effecting the conversation? Types of Noise Internal External Sematic How was body language used in the clip. Body Language How did body language effect communication? Body Language Clip Follow Up Questions Questions ? How did the tone of voice effect the convesation? Was the conversation predominetly verbal, or non-verbal? Do you think this video was misogynistic? Thank you for your Participation :) Thanks

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Home Blog PowerPoint Tutorials How to Play a PowerPoint Slideshow on TV

How to Play a PowerPoint Slideshow on TV

PowerPoint presentations are often presented via projectors, where an individual can copy files to a computer which is connected to the projector in the hall. However, sometimes the projector is replaced with a large monitor or TV. There are many ways by which you can connect your computer or mobile device to a TV for presenting your slides. Here are a few simple methods which can be used to answer the age old question that many PowerPoint newbies ask; i.e. how to play a PowerPoint Slideshow on TV.

1. Connect Your Laptop or Mobile Device Using an HDMI Cable

This is the easiest way by which you can play a PowerPoint presentation on TV. In the old days the legacy VGA cable was used for this purpose, which is still usable with even the most modern TVs. However, an HDMI cable gives better quality playback and is easier to use.

In this demo we will show you how to connect a laptop with an LED TV using an HDMI cable. However, there are different mobile devices (e.g. Android and iPad tablets) which also support HDMI to TV connectivity.

Step 1: Plug in your HDMI cable into your laptop’s HDMI Port (as shown below).

Connect laptop to HDMI

Step 2: Connect the other end of the cable to your TV’s HDMI port. Usually, there are two HDMI ports, one located on the side and the other behind the TV.


Step 3: Switch to ‘HDMI’ from your TV’s Remote. Usually, this option is available from the remote’s Menu button. You might have options like ‘HDMI 1’ and ‘HDMI 2’ appearing on-screen. This is because one of the menu options connects to your first port and the other to the second. The image below shows connectivity with my TV’s second HDMI port. The port numbers might be labeled differently depending upon your TV’s model.

The below image shows the Organizational Charts PowerPoint Template running on an LED TV connected to a laptop via HDMI cable.

TV Example

2. Play Slides as Image Slideshow or Video from a USB

This is another fine method for playing a PowerPoint slideshow on a TV. However, you will require converting your PowerPoint presentation to a supported format. For example, many TV’s support image formats like JPEG or Video formats like MP4. You can convert your presentation to a video format or export your slides as images and run them as a slideshow on your TV.

To learn how to convert your PowerPoint presentations to image or video format, see our guide about:

How To Save a PowerPoint Slide As a Picture and How To Convert a PowerPoint 2013 Presentation to a HD Video .

3. Convert and Play Your Slides from a DVD Player

You can also convert your PowerPoint files to DVD video format, write it on a DVD and play it using a good old DVD player. While this method is more laborious than the aforementioned, it is a pretty functional method. To get the video format right, follow the instructions given below.

Step 1: Save your PowerPoint to video format. You can refer to our tutorial mentioned above or simply go to File –> Save As –> and save your video to either MP4 or WMV. Unlike older versions, PowerPoint supports both formats.


Step 2: Open Windows DVD Maker, and select Choose Photos and Videos .

Burn PowerPoint to DVD

Step 3: Click Add Items and select the converted video file (file converted from PowerPoint to video format). Once the video with your video slides is picked, click Next .

Select file to burn

Step 4: Now, customize menus for your DVD according to need, insert a blank DVD to your computer and click Burn .

Note: This process can be used to burn videos and photos to create DVD slideshows using Windows DVD Maker. You can also use another third-party DVD authoring tool for this purpose.

Burn to DVD

4. Connect to Your TV Using Wi-Fi or Wired Network

There are various TV models and devices which enable connecting to the Internet. The most common example of this can be found in the form of Smart TVs and Smart TV devices. Depending upon your TV model or the supported digital box you might be using, you can play a video slideshow by converting your PowerPoint presentation to a video format supported by your TV.

The below image shows connectivity settings for a Samsung Smart TV.


Recommended reading: How to embed video in PowerPoint

5. Use a Video Streaming Device

Last but not least, you can use a video streaming device like Roku 3, Apple TV or Google Chromecast to play a slideshow (e.g. one that has been converted to video format). The below image shows connectivity options for Apple TV. The various connectivity options in a video streaming device such as HDMI, USB and Wi-Fi / Ethernet provide ample scope for streaming various file types to your TV. This makes it possible to run an image, video or PPT/PPTX slideshow of your presentation slides (depending upon the mode of connectivity).

Apple TV

Do you know that using a high-quality PowerPoint Template with a connected TV can give you an excellent playback experience? Instead of using templates with dull backgrounds and hazy designs, you can download these Premium PowerPoint Templates to get the best output on your high definition TV or monitor.

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HDMI, Microsoft PowerPoint, PowerPoint 2013, PowerPoint 2016, PowerPoint Tips, Presentation Videos, Presentations, Slideshow, TV, Videos, View Presentation Filed under PowerPoint Tutorials

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16 Responses to “How to Play a PowerPoint Slideshow on TV”

Useful article with great options for projecting presentations on TVs. It seems to happen more often than not, that you come across a TVs in meeting rooms at e.g. customer sites. One suggestion is to add the Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter as another option under pt. 5 for Wireless video streaming.

Awesome! Thanks for clearing this up.

I’m still curious if a wireless option exists. PowerPoint From computer to Smart TV via Bluetooth maybe?

Very useful article, i dont ave a laptop at home and was wondering how i could study the power-point presentations using the tv. thanks for the simplicity of the article too, very easy to apply.

So if I have a load of PowerPoint presentations with images, text and links to short film clips which if I plug into a pc at work they play on the interactive whiteboard perfectly. How do I use the same USB stick to play these in my other place of work on the Apple TV monitor?? Can I?

Your interactive whiteboard has probably a computer built-in, possibly even running some form of Windows, that can natively display PPTs as a regular presentation. But a standard monitor can only display a video signal it gets through an input, but cannot process any presentation or other files. And most, if not all, smart TVs, cannot handle PPTs, just like they cannot open Word Docs etc. Only media files file images, and videos.

Been searching for an answer for a while now, how can I play a ppt file on a tv without converting to an mp4 or jpegs?? and without connecting laptop to tv??

I have a Toshiba 50L5200U, and want to play a PowerPoint as a slideshow from a USB on the back of the TV. Is this possible on this model (if I convert the PPT to another format-if so, which one?), and if not, would a Firestick work, to enable me to transmit the powerpoint/slideshow wirelessly?

Thanks in advance!

Hi David. That model of Toshiba TV supports JPG images. You’d try to export the PowerPoint slides to JPG and then save them to the memory stick. It would be possible you need to rename the images to play in order or choose the appropriate sort by filter. This method depends purely on the TV, but if you have a Firestick or Chromecast, you can play the PowerPoint remotely from your computer.

I figured it out! If you export the slides from PPT as jpegs and change the dimensions to 1920×1080 (my laptop automatically made the second part 1081), it will be high-res and full screen when it displays on the TV from your USB. Originally, mine was 1280×720 and I had the same zoom issue, but when I tried to change the ratio in design (on power point), it messed up my formatting and some background colors. By changing the size of the jpegs when saving, there was no distortion and I was able to navigate the slides perfectly.

Hi @Tatyana. Glad to know you could figure it.


Please contact [email protected] with your question. Thanks.

Hi i am looking to show a “what’s on’s” at our social club using powerpoint with repeat function on an ordinary flat screen(not smart)tv.can you explain the easiest & cheapest way,i.e. memory stick,chromecast,media box i need to export images from a laptop. Thanks in advance

Hello, please contact [email protected] . For sure we will be able to help you.

Hello, I need to set up several tv monitors in a building that will loop through powerpoint slides. There is currently no wifi in the building. Can I just export the powerpoints into a movie format (wmv) and play it right from the usb to the monitor?

We’ve done this in the past, just simply exporting the presentation as a “video”. Using the feature File>Export>Create a Video. You can select the appropriate resolution, and generate the video. The video is generated as MP4 which is generally supported by TV’s. We uploaded the file to a pendive and use it in the screen.

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how to make a presentation about a tv show

how to make a presentation about a tv show

How to make a slide show

Learn how to make a slide show with photos, videos, music, and custom settings using a slide show maker.

Learn how to make a slide show with PowerPoint

Discover how to make a slide show with photos, videos, music, and custom settings using a slide show app like PowerPoint.

What is a slide show maker?

To create a slide show, you’ll want to use a slide show maker—or slide show app—which is a software program or online service that enables you create digital slide shows with text, photos, videos, music, and other special effects. The full range of slide show features and functionality varies from program to program.

Once you’ve created a slide show, it can be published on the internet or shared with others as a video file. Additionally, you can use slide shows to create dynamic, interactive content on websites.

Slide show software can be used for a variety of purposes, such as creating presentations for work, school, and even your personal life. For instance, slide shows are often used to:

how to make a presentation about a tv show

Display photos during an event

Slide shows are a great way to share photos and videos with guests at a wedding, birthday, or other special event.

how to make a presentation about a tv show

Create a digital photo album

Some slide shows are created for personal reasons, such as sharing important memories with family or friends.

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Highlight products or services

Businesses can use slide shows to showcase their products, promote special offers and sales, or pitch their services to potential clients.

how to make a presentation about a tv show

Enhance teaching, training, and public speaking

Slide shows can also provide helpful visuals in educational settings, classroom presentations, and public speaking forums.

What you need to make a slide show

When it comes to creating a slide show, there are a few things you'll need to get started. First and foremost, you'll need a device equipped with presentation software or access to an online slide show app. Secondly, you’ll need a way to display your slide show, which usually means connecting your device to a projector or big screen TV. Beyond that, you’ll need some visual aids and other media to bring your slide show to life.

Explore each of these slide show requirements in more detail:

Devices and equipment —To create a slide show, you’ll use a computer or other device—such as a tablet or mobile phone—with PowerPoint or a similar program installed. You will also need a way to project the slides onto a screen or wall. This can be done with a projector, but if you don't have one available, you can use your TV or computer monitor. Simply connect your device to the TV or monitor using an HDMI cable and select the correct input. Your slides will now be projected onto the screen.

Media —Of course, creating a slide show requires media that adds visual and even audio elements to your presentation. This can be anything from photos and videos to music and text. You can use search engines to find copyright-free media to use in your slide show.

Another option is to purchase royalty-free stock footage, images, and audio files from online media libraries. This could be a bit more expensive, but it guarantees that you have the legal right to use the media in your presentation.

Finally, you can also use your own videos, images, and even music. While this can be a time-consuming process, it does allow you to create custom content specifically for your slide show.

Slide show creator —To bring your slide show together, you’ll need a slide show creator. The slide show software you choose will depend on your presentation requirements and preferences. There are many slide show makers on the market, with Microsoft PowerPoint being one of the most popular and widely used programs globally.

How to choose a slide show maker

When choosing slide show software, it's important to consider the features and specifications that are most important to you. Some of the questions you might ask when choosing a slide show maker include:

  • How easy is the software to use?
  • Is the software Mac or PC compatible?
  • Can I access and edit my slide show on the cloud?
  • What kind of slide shows can be created with the software?
  • How many photos and/or videos can be included in a slide show?
  • Can text and other elements be added to slide shows?
  • Are transitions and effects available for slide shows?
  • Is music accompaniment an option?
  • What are the options for saving and sharing your slide show?

Building a slide show doesn't have to be difficult. With the right software, you can create an engaging presentation in no time.

Six steps for creating a slide show

how to make a presentation about a tv show

1. Plan your slide show

Before getting too deep into your slide show project, it’s a good idea to select and save the photos and videos you want to use. This helps you create a slide show more efficiently and purposefully, ensuring a better outcome.

how to make a presentation about a tv show

4. Import media

Start adding photos, videos, and other desired media to your slides. You can upload these from your device or online media libraries. If you planned your slide show in advance, you should have all your media saved in one place.

how to make a presentation about a tv show

2. Launch your slide show app

Once you’ve decided on a slide show maker, you’ll want to launch the app from whatever device you’ll be using to create your presentation.

how to make a presentation about a tv show

5. Add text, music, and transitions

After you’ve arranged the visuals in your slide show, you can provide additional information and communicate sentiment using custom text, music, and timed slide transitions.

how to make a presentation about a tv show

3. Choose your theme

Most slide show software offers a variety of pre-set themes, colors, and designs. You can choose one that best suits your slide show or create a custom theme using the program’s various tools and features.

how to make a presentation about a tv show

6. Record, save, and share your slide show

Now you’re ready to record your slide show, which can include a voiceover or Cameo . Once your slide show is complete, you can save it as a video to your device or to the cloud, such as OneDrive . You can access your saved slide show at any time to display at events, use in meetings, share online, or send directly to other people.

How to make a slide show with photos

Adding photos to your slide show is a great way to enliven your presentation and make it more visually interesting. Here are a few different ways you can add photos to your slide show in PowerPoint.

A user adding photos to their PowerPoint presentation

Add photos from your device

Whether you’re using a computer, tablet, phone, or other device, you can use photos that are saved to your device to create your slide show. In PowerPoint, simply select “Insert” then “Pictures” from the program menu, then choose “This Device.” This will open your photo library and allow you to find the photos you want to use. Once you’ve selected the photos that you want to import, just click on the "Insert" button and they will be added to your slide show. If you’re using a pre-made theme, you can also right-click the image in the slide show and select “Change Picture.” Again, you will choose “This Device” to access your photo library. After inserting your photo, you can reposition it on your slide or resize it however you like.

Two people looking at a laptop and pointing at the screen

Use stock photos

Another way to add photos in PowerPoint is to follow the same process you would when adding photos from your device, but when prompted to choose your photo source, select “From Stock Images” instead of “This Device.” This will display a library of photos that you can use in your slide show without worrying about copyright infringement. There are thousands of stock images available in most slide show maker programs. Once the library is open, you can explore existing photo categories or use keywords to search for photos that fit your needs.

Two people in a conference room viewing a slideshow in PowerPoint on a large display

Explore online photo sources

Online photos are images you can insert into a PowerPoint slide show directly from the internet, as opposed to using those you have saved on your device. This is a convenient option if you don't have photos already prepared for your slide show, or if you can’t find the right kind of photo in the stock image library. However, there are some potential risks associated with using online photos, namely that you must be careful to use royalty-free images so not to infringe on any copyrights. In PowerPoint, there is a filtering option to ensure your search results only show royalty-free photos. Inserting photos from online sources follows the same process as the previous two methods, but this time, you’ll select “From Online Sources.”

How to add videos, music, and text

Two people in a meeting room viewing a PowerPoint presentation titled We Create Extra Ordinary Experiences.

How to add videos to PowerPoint slide shows

Adding videos to your slide show involves accessing videos from your device, a stock video library, or online video sources—just as you would when adding photos. In this case, however, you’ll navigate to the menu in PowerPoint and select “Insert,” followed by “Media,” then “Video.” Once your video appears on your slide, you can resize or reposition it to fit your presentation needs. You can also set your video to play automatically in the slide show by selecting “Playback” on the menu and choosing “Start Automatically.”

A person wearing headphones and using a laptop view a PowerPoint presentation

How to add music to PowerPoint slide shows

Much like adding videos, you can add music to individual slides in PowerPoint by navigating to “Insert” on the menu, then “Media,” and finally “Audio.” You can then import music from your device, or you can record your own audio directly in PowerPoint. However, if you want your audio to play across multiple slides in your presentation—for example, as background music for a slide show—you’ll have to take a couple of extra steps. Once you’ve imported your audio file, select “Playback” from the menu and choose the “Play in Background” option. Your music will now play across all slides. You can set one song to loop for the duration of the slide show, or you can add more songs to play continuously throughout the slide show.

A person using a pen and tablet to add text to a PowerPoint presentation being displayed on a desktop monitor

How to add text to PowerPoint slide shows

Premade themes in PowerPoint make adding text slide shows easy. On slides that already have templated content, you can simply click on the text and begin editing. In addition to changing what the text says, you can resize, recolor, reposition, and add special effects to the text. Of course, you can also change the font—or style—of the text. Most of this can be done from the “Home” tab on the menu while certain effects, such as shadows, can be found on the “Shape Format” tab. If you’re designing your presentation slides from scratch, or want to create additional text, find “Insert” on the menu, then choose “Text Box” or “Word Art,” depending on your desired text effect.

Discover custom slide show settings

Add even more effects to your PowerPoint slide show with custom settings like timing, transitions, and looping.

Four people in a meeting sitting around a circular table while a PowerPoint presentation is being given over a Teams call

Set slide show timing

Adding timing to your slide show is a great way to control the pacing and flow of your presentation. To add timing in PowerPoint, go to the "Transitions" tab on the menu and find the "Advance Slide" area. Make sure the box next to “After:” is checked, then input the amount of time you’d like each slide to appear on-screen. The slides will automatically advance, creating a movie-like effect that’s great for events and special occasions.

Three people in a conference room using tablets and laptops and a presentation is displayed on a large screen on the wall

Create slide show transitions

Now that you’ve added automatic timing to your slide show, you can make it more visually appealing by creating slide transitions. Transitions are special effects that allow you to animate the way your slides change from one to the next, and there are a variety of different transitions in PowerPoint that you can choose from. You can add these transitions to your slide show from the "Transitions” tab. From there, you’ll select the transition you want to add. To preview the transition, simply click on it. You can click “Apply To All” to automatically add the same transition to every slide in your slide show, or you can manually add different transitions to different slides.

A person standing over their desk and looking at a PowerPoint presentation being displayed on a desktop monitor

Loop your slide show

If you want your slide show to play continuously until you choose to turn it off, you can set your PowerPoint presentation to loop. This will ensure your slide show automatically starts over from the beginning once it reaches the end. To get started, navigate to the “Slide Show” tab on the menu and select “Set Up Slide Show.” When the settings window opens, check the box next to “Loop continuously until ‘ESC’” and then click “OK.” When you’re ready to turn your slide show off, simply press the Esc key on your keyboard.

Slide show template and theme tips

Search themes and templates online.

With numerous slide show themes and templates available, it’s easy to find one that fits your needs.

Customize your design

If you can’t find the perfect theme or template, you can change things like colors and fonts.

Build a custom template

If you want a blueprint to use with future slide shows, you can create your own template.

Add new slides

If you need more slides, you can choose a specific layout and your theme will be carried over.

Edit your slide layouts

Even when using a theme or template, you can rearrange slide content to highlight key information.

Add photos, videos, and text

Themes and templates make adding media easy since most slides have designated content areas.

Change or resize your fonts

If your theme’s font is too small, you can resize it or choose a new font to make it easy to read.

Reorder your slide show

Some themes and templates have a predefined sequence, but you can reorder slides to meet your needs.

Create your own slide show

Slide shows are a great way to engage your audience and present important information. Whether you're creating a slide show for personal or professional reasons, slide shows are an essential tool for anyone who wants to share information in a visually appealing manner.

Discover more ways to improve your slide show

What options are available to create a slide show?

Slide show makers come in many forms. Some slide show software can only be used on specific devices, while other slide show creators can be accessed via the cloud from any device at any time.

It’s a good idea to evaluate a variety of slide show makers to ensure that you find one with all the features you need. For instance, some slide show software skews toward business use cases and others toward personal.

Microsoft PowerPoint is a popular slide show app that allows you to save presentations to your device or the cloud, and is widely used for personal, professional, and educational purposes.

Frequently asked questions

What are slide show apps and software.

Slide show apps and software are used to create and share slide shows. Slide show programs are typically used to communicate information, diagrams, plans, or processes. They can also be used to display photos and videos at events or retail stores. Usually, slide show makers have a range of built-in features and layouts, making them easy to use, regardless of technical skill levels.

What should a slide show include?

An effective slide show should be engaging, visually appealing, and informative. To achieve this, you'll want to make sure to include the following elements:

  • A catchy headline or title. This will help grab your audience's attention and set the tone for the rest of your presentation.
  • A variety of images. Don't just rely on text—incorporate photos, illustrations, or even video to maximize viewership.
  • Bullet points or short blocks of text. Keep your slide content concise and easy to digest; too much information will only overwhelm your viewers.

How do I make a picture slide show?

There are a few different ways to make picture slide shows. You can use online programs, or you can create a slide show directly on your computer, phone, tablet, or other device using slide show software. Some programs, such as Microsoft PowerPoint, can be accessed on your personal device and on the cloud.

How long should a slide show be?

The length of your slide show will depend on several factors, such as the topic of your presentation, the audience you're presenting to, and the amount of time you have. That said, slide shows are generally between five and ten minutes long.

How can I make a slide show better?

Here are a few tips to make your slide show more engaging:

  • Add images, videos, and music to bring your slide show to life.
  • Use a font that is easy to read from a distance.
  • Try not to use too many words on each slide.
  • Use custom transitions and timing to make your slide show flow.
  • Ensure a cohesive slide show by using a theme or template.
  • For live presentations, practice with the Speaker Coach feature .

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how to make a presentation about a tv show

5 Tips to Boost Your Presentation Skills and Wow Your Audience

  • The Speaker Lab
  • May 24, 2024

Table of Contents

Crafting an unforgettable presentation requires more than just compelling content. The way you deliver your message is just as important. No matter your role—CEO, entrepreneur, author, professor, coach, or consultant—honing your presentation skills is key to effectively communicating your ideas and making a memorable impact on your audience. It may not always be easy, but we’re here to help. To help you nail it every time, we’ve compiled 10 essential tips for honing your presentation skills . From knowing your audience to practicing confident body language, we have the guidance you need to give a presentation that’s effective and memorable.

5 Essential Tips for Delivering a Killer Presentation

You’ve probably sat through your fair share of presentations—some good, some not so good. The difference between an effective presentation and one that falls flat often comes down to a few key factors. If you want to improve your skills and deliver a presentation that engages your audience, here are some essential tips you need to keep in mind.

1. Understand Your Audience

Before you even start putting together your presentation, you need to take some time to understand who you’ll be speaking to. What are their needs, interests, and expectations? What level of knowledge do they have about your topic?

Tailoring your content and delivery style to your specific audience is crucial for making a real connection and delivering value. For instance, if you’re giving a presentation to a group of executives who are pressed for time, you’ll probably want to give them key takeaways upfront. By adapting your approach and leading with the most important points, you would be able to better hold your audience’s attention and make a strong impact.

2. Practice Makes Perfect

If you only go away with one tip today, then know that having the discipline to practice is an essential presentation skill. Rehearsing your talk multiple times helps you build confidence, refine your delivery, and ensure a smooth flow. Make sure to practice out loud, as if you’re in front of the actual audience. You can even record yourself and watch the video back to identify areas for improvement. It might feel awkward at first, but it can make a huge difference in your final delivery.

3. Engage with Eye Contact

Making eye contact with your audience is one of the most powerful ways to connect with them and keep them engaged. When you look people in the eye, it builds trust and shows that you’re confident in what you’re saying.

During your presentation, make a point to scan the room and make brief eye contact with individuals in different sections. It creates a sense of intimacy and makes people feel like you’re speaking directly to them. Just be sure to keep it natural and avoid staring anyone down.

4. Use Compelling Visuals

Visuals can be a game-changer when it comes to delivering an effective presentation. Well-designed slides, images, and videos help reinforce your message, break up text-heavy content, and keep your audience interested.

The key is to use visuals strategically, not just for the sake of having them. Every visual element should serve a clear purpose and enhance your overall message. And don’t forget about quality—blurry images or cluttered slides can be more distracting than helpful.

5. Tell a Story

Humans are wired to respond to stories. Integrating storytelling into your presentation is a fantastic way to make your content more engaging, memorable, and relatable.

Think about how you can structure your presentation as a narrative arc, with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Use anecdotes, case studies, and examples to illustrate your points and create an emotional connection with your audience. Some of the best presentations are the ones that take the audience on a journey and leave them feeling inspired.

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Master Your Body Language for Maximum Impact

Your body language can speak volumes during a presentation, often conveying just as much as your words. Mastering non-verbal communication is key to delivering a killer presentation that commands attention and leaves a lasting impression. Below are our tips for improving this presentation skill.

Maintain Confident Posture

How you carry yourself on stage can instantly impact your perceived confidence and credibility. Stand tall, keep your shoulders back, and maintain a stable, grounded stance. Avoid slouching, fidgeting, or shifting your weight from side to side, as these habits can make you appear nervous or unsure.

In addition, make a conscious effort to take up space and own the room. It’s not about being arrogant, but about projecting self-assurance and authority. Practice power poses beforehand to get in the right headspace and boost your confidence.

Use Gestures Purposefully

Incorporating hand gestures can add emphasis, clarity, and visual interest to your presentation. However, it’s important to use them purposefully and avoid overdoing it.

What’s our tip for improving this presentation skill? Use open, expansive gestures to convey confidence and inclusivity. Pointing can be effective for directing attention or making a strong point, but use it sparingly. Avoid crossing your arms or putting your hands in your pockets, as these positions can make you seem closed off or disengaged.

Vary Your Tone and Pace

Your voice is a powerful tool for engaging your audience and keeping them interested. Vary your tone, pitch, and pacing throughout your presentation to add dynamic energy and prevent monotony.

Speak with enthusiasm and conviction, allowing your passion for the topic to shine through. Use strategic pauses for emphasis or to give the audience a moment to process a key point. Adjust your volume and speed based on the room size and acoustics.

Avoid Distracting Mannerisms

Distracting mannerisms can quickly derail an otherwise great presentation. Be aware of any nervous tics or habits you might have, such as playing with your hair, clicking a pen, or saying “um” or “like” excessively.

Practice self-awareness and work on minimizing these behaviors. It can be helpful to video record yourself and watch it back to identify any distracting mannerisms you might not realize you have. Remember, the goal is to keep the focus on your message, not your quirks.

Overcoming Stage Fright and Nerves

Even the most seasoned presenters can experience stage fright and nerves. The key is to have strategies in place to manage those feelings and deliver a confident, impactful presentation.

Prepare Thoroughly

One of the best ways to combat stage fright is to be thoroughly prepared. When you know your material inside and out, it gives you a solid foundation to fall back on, even if nerves start to creep in.

For instance, you might create a detailed outline of your presentation, including key points, transitions, and any important data or examples. Using the outline, practice delivering the content out loud multiple times until it feels natural and conversational. When it’s time to actually present, you can fall back on the outline if you feel yourself start to get nervous.

Visualize Success

Visualization is a powerful tool for boosting confidence and calming nerves. In the days leading up to your presentation, take some time to close your eyes and imagine yourself delivering your talk with ease and conviction. Picture the audience responding positively, nodding along, and applauding at the end. Envision yourself feeling calm, confident, and in control. The more vividly you can imagine a successful outcome, the more likely you are to achieve it.

Breathe Deeply

Although tips on breathing exercises might seem unrelated, they’re actually an invaluable presentation skill. Think about it. When we’re nervous, our breathing tends to become shallow and rapid. This can exacerbate feelings of anxiety and make it harder to think clearly.

Before and during your presentation, focus on taking slow, deep breaths from your diaphragm. Inhale through your nose for a count of four, hold for four, then exhale through your mouth for a count of four. This simple technique can help calm your nerves and center your mind.

Focus on Your Message

When stage fright starts to take hold, it’s easy to get caught up in worries about how you’re coming across or what the audience might be thinking. Instead, try to shift your focus to your message and the value you’re providing.

Remind yourself of why your topic matters and how it can benefit your audience. Concentrate on delivering your content with clarity, conviction, and enthusiasm. When you’re passionate about what you’re saying, it shines through and connects with your listeners.

Crafting Memorable and Engaging Content

No matter how polished your delivery is, the foundation of a killer presentation is always the content itself. Crafting a memorable and engaging message is essential for making a lasting impact on your audience.

Start Strong

The opening moments of your presentation are crucial for capturing your audience’s attention and setting the tone for what’s to come. Don’t waste this opportunity with a generic introduction or a long-winded anecdote.

Instead, start with a bang. Use a surprising statistic, a thought-provoking question, or a bold statement that immediately grabs people’s interest. Make it clear why your topic matters and what your audience stands to gain from listening to you. Practice these tips and you’ll have this presentation skill mastered in no time.

Use Examples and Anecdotes

Abstract concepts and dry data can be difficult for audiences to grasp and remember. That’s where examples and anecdotes come in. These concrete illustrations help bring your ideas to life and make them more relatable.

When crafting your presentation, always look for opportunities to weave in real-world examples, case studies, or personal stories that reinforce your key points. Not only do these elements make the content more engaging, but they also help the audience see how the information applies to their own lives and experiences.

Incorporate Humor

Injecting humor into your presentation can be a great way to break the ice, lighten the mood, and keep your audience engaged. A well-timed joke or a witty observation can make your message more memorable and help you connect with your listeners on a human level.

Of course, it’s important to use humor judiciously and appropriately. Make sure your jokes are relevant to your topic and won’t offend or alienate anyone in the audience.

End with a Call to Action

Your presentation shouldn’t just be informative—it should also be actionable. As you near the end of your talk, be sure to include a clear and compelling call to action.

What do you want your audience to do with the information you’ve shared? Is there a specific step they can take to apply your ideas or further their learning? Make it explicit and easy for them to follow through.

You can also end your presentation with a challenge or a question that encourages the audience to reflect on how they can put the content into practice. It’s a powerful way to drive home your message and ensure that your words have a lasting impact.

Handling Questions and Audience Interaction

One of the most daunting aspects of giving a presentation can be handling questions from the audience. But with the right approach, this interaction can actually be an opportunity to reinforce your message and build credibility. Below are some tips on how to improve this presentation skill and close out your speech with confidence.

Anticipate Common Questions

Before your presentation, take some time to brainstorm the questions your audience is likely to ask. Consider their background, their level of knowledge on the topic, and any potential objections or concerns they might have.

Once you have a list of anticipated questions, practice answering them out loud. This will help you feel more prepared and confident when the time comes to address them in real-time.

Listen Attentively

When an audience member asks a question, give them your full attention. Make eye contact, nod to show you’re listening, and avoid interrupting or rushing to respond. If the question is lengthy or convoluted, don’t be afraid to ask for clarification. Paraphrasing the question back to the asker can also help ensure that you’ve understood it correctly and give you a moment to gather your thoughts.

Respond Concisely

When answering questions, aim to be concise and to the point. Avoid rambling or getting sidetracked by tangential information. Stick to the key facts and insights that directly address the question at hand.

If a question requires a more in-depth response than time allows, offer to follow up with the individual after the presentation. You can also direct them to additional resources or materials that provide more detail on the topic.

Redirect Off-topic Queries

Occasionally, you may receive a question that is off-topic or not directly relevant to your presentation. In these cases, it’s important to acknowledge the question while gently redirecting the conversation back to your main points.

You might say something like, “That’s an interesting question, but it’s a bit outside the scope of what we’re focusing on today. Let’s talk more about [relevant topic] and how it relates to [your key message].”

Remember, your goal is to keep the discussion focused and productive, while still making the audience feel heard and valued.

Leveraging Technology for Impactful Presentations

In today’s digital age, technology can be a powerful tool for enhancing your presentations and engaging your audience. However, knowing how to use technology isn’t always straightforward. That’s why we’re offering you some tips on how to level up this presentation skill. Below are some insights on how to use technology strategically and not let it overshadow your message.

Keep Slides Simple

When it comes to presentation slides, less is often more. Avoid cluttering your slides with too much text, busy graphics, or distracting animations. Instead, keep them clean, concise, and visually appealing.

Use a consistent color scheme and font throughout your presentation to create a cohesive look. Stick to one main idea per slide, and use bullet points or short phrases rather than full sentences.

Remember, your slides should support and enhance your message, not compete with it. They’re meant to be a visual aid , not a crutch or a substitute for your own knowledge and expertise.

Use High-Quality Images

Incorporating relevant, high-quality images into your presentation can help illustrate your points, break up text, and keep your audience engaged. But be selective about the images you choose. Avoid generic stock photos or low-resolution graphics that can make your presentation look amateurish. Instead, opt for images that are clear, compelling, and directly related to your content.

If you’re using graphs or charts to present data, make sure they’re easy to read and interpret. Use colors and labels strategically to highlight key insights and trends.

Embed Videos Strategically

Videos can be a great way to add variety and interest to your presentation. They can help illustrate complex concepts, provide real-world examples, or evoke an emotional response from your audience.

However, it’s important to use videos judiciously and strategically. Avoid relying on them too heavily or using them as a crutch for weak content. Make sure any videos you include are high-quality, relevant, and add value to your overall message.

It’s also a good idea to test your videos beforehand to ensure they play smoothly and without technical glitches. Nothing derails a presentation faster than a video that won’t load or has poor audio quality.

Ensure Smooth Transitions

Smooth transitions between slides and sections of your presentation are key to maintaining a professional and polished look. Abrupt or jarring transitions can be distracting and disrupt the flow of your message.

Practice navigating through your slides beforehand to ensure that everything flows logically and seamlessly. Use consistent transition effects throughout your presentation, but avoid overusing flashy or gimmicky animations.

It’s also a good idea to have a backup plan in case of technical difficulties. Bring a printed copy of your slides or have them saved on a USB drive in case the technology fails. The show must go on, even if your fancy transitions don’t.

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Avoiding Common Presentation Mistakes

Even the most well-crafted presentation can fall flat if you make some common mistakes. Here are a few pitfalls to avoid to ensure your message lands with maximum impact.

Over-Reliance on Notes

While it’s fine to have some notes or a general outline to guide your presentation, relying too heavily on them can be a major distraction. Reading directly from your notes or slides can make you seem unprepared or disengaged from your audience.

Instead, aim to internalize your content so that you can deliver it naturally and conversationally. Use your notes as a gentle reminder of key points, but don’t let them become a crutch. If you do need to reference your notes, try to do so subtly and sparingly. Glance down briefly, then look back up and make eye contact with your audience as you speak.

Reading Slides Verbatim

One of the biggest mistakes presenters make is simply reading their slides word-for-word. Not only is this boring for your audience, but it also makes your slides redundant. If you’re just going to read them aloud, why bother having them at all?

Your slides should be a visual aid, not a script. Use them to highlight key points, provide visual examples, or reinforce your message with data or graphics. And remember that the bulk of your content should come from your own knowledge and expertise.

If you find yourself tempted to read directly from your slides, it’s a sign that you either have too much text on them or you haven’t practiced enough to feel confident delivering the content on your own.

Rushing Through Content

When you’re nervous or pressed for time, it can be tempting to rush through your presentation at breakneck speed. However, this can leave your audience feeling overwhelmed, confused, and disconnected from your message.

Remember, your audience needs time to process and absorb the information you’re sharing. Speak at a measured pace, pausing occasionally to let key points sink in or to allow for questions.

If you find yourself running short on time, resist the urge to speed up. Instead, prioritize your most important points and cut out any extraneous information.

With a few tips, anyone can improve their presentation skills. By understanding your audience, crafting compelling content, and mastering your delivery, you’ll be well on your way to giving presentations that truly resonate.

Remember, it’s not about being perfect. It’s about being authentic, engaging, and delivering value to your audience. So take these tips, make them your own, and go out there and wow your audience. You’ve got this!

  • Last Updated: May 24, 2024

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How To Play Powerpoint Presentation On Samsung Smart TV

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Welcome to the world of digital presentations! If you have a Samsung Smart TV and want to showcase your stunning PowerPoint presentations on a bigger screen, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we will guide you through the process of connecting your Samsung Smart TV to your computer and playing PowerPoint presentations seamlessly.

Imagine the impact of showcasing your visually appealing slideshows on a large high-definition television screen, captivating your audience with every slide transition and vibrant color. With the advancement in technology, it’s easier than ever to bring your presentations to life on your Samsung Smart TV, creating a truly immersive experience.

Whether you’re a business professional looking to make a compelling sales pitch, an educator wanting to deliver engaging lessons, or simply someone who loves to share your creativity through presentations, this guide will help you unlock the full potential of your Samsung Smart TV.

In the following sections, we will explore different methods to connect your Samsung Smart TV to your computer, transfer PowerPoint presentations, and play them seamlessly on the big screen. From using HDMI cables to wireless options like Chromecast, AllShare Cast, and the Smart View app, we will cover it all.

We’ll also provide you with some valuable tips and tricks to enhance your viewing experience and troubleshoot any potential issues that may arise. So, let’s dive in and unleash the power of your PowerPoint presentations on your Samsung Smart TV!

Connecting Samsung Smart TV to Computer

In order to play PowerPoint presentations on your Samsung Smart TV, the first step is to establish a connection between your computer and the TV. Let’s explore the various methods you can use to achieve this:

  • Wired Connection: The most straightforward method is to use an HDMI cable to connect your computer to the HDMI port on your Samsung Smart TV. Simply plug one end of the HDMI cable into your computer’s HDMI output port and the other end into the HDMI input port of your TV. Once connected, your TV will mirror your computer’s display.
  • Wireless Connection: If you prefer a wireless setup, there are a few options available. One of the easiest ways is to use Chromecast , a device that plugs into your TV’s HDMI port and allows you to stream content wirelessly from your computer. To set it up, install the Chromecast app on your computer, connect the device to your TV, and follow the on-screen instructions to establish a connection between your computer and the TV.
  • AllShare Cast (Samsung devices only): If you have a Samsung smartphone , tablet, or laptop, you can use the AllShare Cast feature to wirelessly mirror your device’s screen onto your Samsung Smart TV. Simply enable AllShare Cast on your Samsung device and search for available devices on your TV. Once connected, you can navigate to your PowerPoint presentation and play it directly on your TV.
  • Smart View App (Samsung devices only): Another option for Samsung users is to utilize the Smart View app . This app allows you to stream content wirelessly from your Samsung device to your Samsung Smart TV. Install the Smart View app on your device, connect it to your TV using the same Wi-Fi network, and select the PowerPoint presentation you wish to play on your TV.

By following one of these methods, you will establish a connection between your computer and Samsung Smart TV, making it possible to transfer and play PowerPoint presentations seamlessly. Now that you’ve successfully connected your devices, let’s move on to the next step: transferring your PowerPoint presentation to your Samsung Smart TV.

Transferring PowerPoint Presentation to Samsung Smart TV

Now that you have established a connection between your computer and your Samsung Smart TV, it’s time to transfer your PowerPoint presentation to the TV. There are a few different methods you can use to accomplish this:

  • USB Drive: One of the most straightforward ways to transfer your PowerPoint presentation is by using a USB drive. Simply save your presentation file onto a USB drive, plug it into the USB port on your Samsung Smart TV, and navigate to the file using the TV’s file explorer. From there, you can open and play the presentation directly on your TV.
  • Network Sharing: If your computer and Samsung Smart TV are connected to the same Wi-Fi network, you can take advantage of network sharing to transfer your PowerPoint presentation. Locate the presentation file on your computer, right-click on it, and select the option to share it on the network. On your Smart TV, navigate to the network shares or media server section and access the shared presentation file.
  • Cloud Storage: Another convenient method for transferring your PowerPoint presentation is to store it in a cloud storage service like Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive. Upload the presentation file to your cloud storage account and install the corresponding app on your Samsung Smart TV. Open the app on your TV, sign in to your account, and access the presentation file to play it on the big screen.
  • Remote Access: If you have remote access software installed on your computer, such as TeamViewer or AnyDesk, you can remotely control your computer from your Samsung Smart TV. Install the remote access app on your TV, establish a connection with your computer, and navigate to your PowerPoint presentation to display it on the TV.

Choose the method that is most convenient for you based on the available resources and your personal preference. Once the PowerPoint presentation is successfully transferred to your Samsung Smart TV, you’re now ready to enjoy your slideshows on the big screen. In the next section, we will explore different ways to play your PowerPoint presentation on your Samsung Smart TV using the connection you’ve established.

Using HDMI Cable to Play PowerPoint Presentation on Samsung Smart TV

If you prefer a reliable and direct method to play your PowerPoint presentation on your Samsung Smart TV, using an HDMI cable is a great option. This method ensures a stable connection and guarantees high-quality video output. Follow these steps to play your presentation using an HDMI cable:

  • Connect one end of the HDMI cable to the HDMI output port on your computer. Make sure to remember which HDMI port you have connected to.
  • Connect the other end of the HDMI cable to one of the HDMI input ports on your Samsung Smart TV. Again, remember the HDMI port you have used.
  • On your Samsung Smart TV, use the remote control to navigate to the source menu and select the corresponding HDMI input that you connected the cable to.
  • Ensure that your computer is set to duplicate or extend the display to the Samsung Smart TV. This can be done through the display settings on your computer. Refer to your computer’s instruction manual or the operating system’s documentation for detailed instructions.
  • Once the HDMI connection is established and the display is properly extended or duplicated, open your PowerPoint presentation on your computer.
  • Go into slideshow mode in PowerPoint and play your presentation as you normally would. The presentation will now be mirrored or extended onto your Samsung Smart TV.
  • Use the remote control for your Smart TV to control the slideshow navigation, or have a wireless keyboard or mouse connected to your computer for more convenience.

Using an HDMI cable is a simple and reliable method to play your PowerPoint presentation on your Samsung Smart TV. The cable provides a direct connection between your computer and TV, ensuring smooth playback and minimal latency. Enjoy the impressive visuals and immersive experience as your presentation comes to life on the big screen of your Samsung Smart TV.

Next, we will explore another wireless option using Chromecast to play your PowerPoint presentation on your Samsung Smart TV.

Using Chromecast to Play PowerPoint Presentation on Samsung Smart TV

If you prefer a wireless option to play your PowerPoint presentation on your Samsung Smart TV, using Chromecast is an excellent choice. Chromecast allows you to stream content from your computer directly to your TV through a Wi-Fi network. Follow these steps to use Chromecast:

  • Ensure that your Samsung Smart TV and your computer are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
  • Plug the Chromecast device into the HDMI port of your Samsung Smart TV.
  • On your computer, install the Google Chrome browser if you haven’t already.
  • Open Google Chrome and install the Google Cast extension from the Chrome Web Store.
  • Once installed, click on the Google Cast extension icon in the Chrome toolbar .
  • Select your Chromecast device from the available list of devices.
  • After connecting to Chromecast, open your PowerPoint presentation in the Google Slides web app.
  • In the Google Slides web app, go into fullscreen mode and start the slideshow.
  • Your PowerPoint presentation will now be displayed on your Samsung Smart TV via Chromecast.
  • Use your computer or mobile device as a remote control to navigate through the slides.

Using Chromecast provides you with the convenience of wirelessly streaming your PowerPoint presentation to your Samsung Smart TV. You can easily control the presentation from your computer or mobile device, allowing you to move around and interact with your audience seamlessly.

With Chromecast, you can enjoy the flexibility of casting not only from your computer but also from other devices, such as smartphones or tablets, making it a versatile solution for playing your PowerPoint presentations on your Samsung Smart TV.

Next, let’s explore another option specifically designed for Samsung devices – using AllShare Cast to play your PowerPoint presentation on your Samsung Smart TV.

Using AllShare Cast to Play PowerPoint Presentation on Samsung Smart TV

If you own a Samsung smartphone, tablet, or laptop, you can take advantage of the AllShare Cast feature to wirelessly display your PowerPoint presentation on your Samsung Smart TV. AllShare Cast allows you to mirror your device’s screen onto the TV, providing a seamless viewing experience. Follow these steps to use AllShare Cast:

  • Ensure that both your Samsung device and your Samsung Smart TV are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
  • On your Samsung device, go to the “Settings” menu and select “Screen Mirroring” or “Smart View.”
  • The device will start searching for available devices to connect to. Select your Samsung Smart TV from the list.
  • Your Samsung device’s screen will now be mirrored on your Samsung Smart TV.
  • Open your PowerPoint presentation on your Samsung device.
  • Enter slideshow mode to start the presentation.
  • Your PowerPoint presentation will be displayed on your Samsung Smart TV through AllShare Cast.
  • You can control the presentation using your Samsung device’s touchscreen or optional peripherals, such as a stylus or Bluetooth keyboard.

Using AllShare Cast provides you with the convenience of wirelessly mirroring your Samsung device’s screen onto your Samsung Smart TV. This feature is particularly useful if you have your PowerPoint presentation saved on your Samsung device and want to present it directly without the need for additional transfers or connections.

With AllShare Cast, you can showcase your PowerPoint presentation with ease, utilizing the full capabilities of your Samsung device and enjoying the immersive visuals on your Samsung Smart TV.

Now that you’ve learned about using AllShare Cast, let’s explore another wireless option specifically designed for Samsung devices – using the Smart View app to play your PowerPoint presentation on your Samsung Smart TV.

Using Smart View App to Play PowerPoint Presentation on Samsung Smart TV

If you are a Samsung device user, you can utilize the Smart View app to wirelessly display your PowerPoint presentation on your Samsung Smart TV. The Smart View app provides a seamless connection between your Samsung device and TV, allowing you to navigate and present your slides with ease. Follow these steps to use the Smart View app:

  • On your Samsung device, download and install the Smart View app from the Google Play Store (for Android devices) or the App Store (for iOS devices).
  • Open the Smart View app on your Samsung device and select your Samsung Smart TV from the list of available devices.
  • The app will establish a connection between your Samsung device and your TV.
  • Your PowerPoint presentation will be displayed on your Samsung Smart TV through the Smart View app.
  • You can control the presentation using your Samsung device by tapping or swiping on the screen.

Using the Smart View app provides you with a convenient and intuitive way to present your PowerPoint slides on your Samsung Smart TV. With the ability to control the presentation directly from your Samsung device, you can freely move around and engage with your audience while delivering a dynamic and captivating presentation.

The Smart View app offers a seamless connection between your Samsung device and TV, allowing you to fully utilize the features of your Samsung device and enjoy a high-quality presentation on your Samsung Smart TV.

Now that you’ve explored various wireless options, as well as using an HDMI cable, let’s move on to the next section, where we’ll provide you with some valuable tips and tricks for playing PowerPoint presentations on your Samsung Smart TV.

Tips and Tricks for Playing PowerPoint Presentation on Samsung Smart TV

Here are some tips and tricks to enhance your experience when playing PowerPoint presentations on your Samsung Smart TV:

  • Optimize your presentation: Before transferring your PowerPoint presentation to your Samsung Smart TV, optimize it by reducing the file size, compressing images, and ensuring compatibility with the TV. This will help improve the loading time and ensure smoother playback.
  • Choose the right display mode: When playing your PowerPoint presentation on your Samsung Smart TV, choose the appropriate display mode that suits your needs. You can opt for duplicating the screen, extending it, or selecting the “Presenter View” if you’re using a device that supports it.
  • Use a wireless presenter: To have better control over your presentation while standing in front of your Samsung Smart TV, consider using a wireless presenter or a Bluetooth-enabled device that allows you to navigate through slides without needing to be close to your computer or device.
  • Utilize presentation remotes: Smart TVs often have smartphone/tablet apps or dedicated remotes that can act as presentation remotes. Take advantage of these features to control your presentations more conveniently.
  • Practice and rehearse: Before presenting on your Samsung Smart TV, practice and rehearse your PowerPoint presentation to ensure smooth transitions, proper timing, and familiarity with the content. This will help you deliver a polished and confident presentation.
  • Consider using animations and transitions: To make your presentation visually engaging on the big screen, utilize animations and transitions in your PowerPoint slides. However, ensure you use them judiciously and avoid going overboard, as excessive animations may distract or overwhelm your audience.
  • Test compatibility and formatting: Before the actual presentation, test your PowerPoint presentation on your Samsung Smart TV to ensure that all formatting, fonts, and media are displayed correctly. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure the best possible viewing experience.
  • Use a high-quality display source: If possible, ensure that the source material for your PowerPoint presentation (such as images or videos) is of high quality. This will enhance the visual experience on your Samsung Smart TV and captivate your audience.
  • Engage your audience: Take advantage of the dynamic and immersive nature of your Samsung Smart TV to engage your audience. Move around the room, make eye contact, and use gestures to amplify your message and create a memorable experience.

By following these tips and tricks, you can elevate your PowerPoint presentations on your Samsung Smart TV and leave a lasting impression on your audience. With proper planning and utilization of the TV’s features, you can deliver an impactful and visually stunning presentation.

Now that you’re equipped with these tips, it’s time to put them into practice and make the most out of your PowerPoint presentations on your Samsung Smart TV.

Playing PowerPoint presentations on your Samsung Smart TV opens up a whole new world of possibilities for sharing your ideas and captivating your audience. Whether you choose to connect via HDMI cable, utilize wireless options like Chromecast, AllShare Cast, or the Smart View app, the process of showcasing your presentations on the big screen is easier than ever.

In this guide, we explored different methods to connect your Samsung Smart TV to your computer, transfer your PowerPoint presentations, and play them seamlessly. We discussed the reliability of using an HDMI cable, the convenience of wireless options like Chromecast and AllShare Cast for Samsung devices, and the versatility of the Smart View app.

To enhance your experience, we provided valuable tips and tricks, such as optimizing your presentation, choosing the right display mode, using wireless presenters or smartphone apps as remotes, and practicing your delivery. These tips will help you make the most out of your PowerPoint presentations and engage your audience effectively.

Now that you have the knowledge and tools to play your PowerPoint presentations on your Samsung Smart TV, it’s time to unleash your creativity, captivate your audience, and deliver impactful presentations on the big screen. Whether you’re in a business meeting, classroom, or simply sharing your ideas with friends and family, the impressive visuals and immersive viewing experience offered by your Samsung Smart TV will leave a lasting impression.

So, connect your devices, transfer your presentations, choose the right method for your needs, and embrace the power of sharing your PowerPoint presentations on your Samsung Smart TV. Enjoy the seamless connectivity, brilliant display, and dynamic presentation capabilities that this setup offers.

Now it’s your turn. Start exploring the possibilities and share your ideas with the world on your Samsung Smart TV!

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Blog Beginner Guides How To Make a Good Presentation [A Complete Guide]

How To Make a Good Presentation [A Complete Guide]

Written by: Krystle Wong Jul 20, 2023

How to make a good presentation

A top-notch presentation possesses the power to drive action. From winning stakeholders over and conveying a powerful message to securing funding — your secret weapon lies within the realm of creating an effective presentation .  

Being an excellent presenter isn’t confined to the boardroom. Whether you’re delivering a presentation at work, pursuing an academic career, involved in a non-profit organization or even a student, nailing the presentation game is a game-changer.

In this article, I’ll cover the top qualities of compelling presentations and walk you through a step-by-step guide on how to give a good presentation. Here’s a little tip to kick things off: for a headstart, check out Venngage’s collection of free presentation templates . They are fully customizable, and the best part is you don’t need professional design skills to make them shine!

These valuable presentation tips cater to individuals from diverse professional backgrounds, encompassing business professionals, sales and marketing teams, educators, trainers, students, researchers, non-profit organizations, public speakers and presenters. 

No matter your field or role, these tips for presenting will equip you with the skills to deliver effective presentations that leave a lasting impression on any audience.

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What are the 10 qualities of a good presentation?

Step-by-step guide on how to prepare an effective presentation, 9 effective techniques to deliver a memorable presentation, faqs on making a good presentation, how to create a presentation with venngage in 5 steps.

When it comes to giving an engaging presentation that leaves a lasting impression, it’s not just about the content — it’s also about how you deliver it. Wondering what makes a good presentation? Well, the best presentations I’ve seen consistently exhibit these 10 qualities:

1. Clear structure

No one likes to get lost in a maze of information. Organize your thoughts into a logical flow, complete with an introduction, main points and a solid conclusion. A structured presentation helps your audience follow along effortlessly, leaving them with a sense of satisfaction at the end.

Regardless of your presentation style , a quality presentation starts with a clear roadmap. Browse through Venngage’s template library and select a presentation template that aligns with your content and presentation goals. Here’s a good presentation example template with a logical layout that includes sections for the introduction, main points, supporting information and a conclusion: 

how to make a presentation about a tv show

2. Engaging opening

Hook your audience right from the start with an attention-grabbing statement, a fascinating question or maybe even a captivating anecdote. Set the stage for a killer presentation!

The opening moments of your presentation hold immense power – check out these 15 ways to start a presentation to set the stage and captivate your audience.

3. Relevant content

Make sure your content aligns with their interests and needs. Your audience is there for a reason, and that’s to get valuable insights. Avoid fluff and get straight to the point, your audience will be genuinely excited.

4. Effective visual aids

Picture this: a slide with walls of text and tiny charts, yawn! Visual aids should be just that—aiding your presentation. Opt for clear and visually appealing slides, engaging images and informative charts that add value and help reinforce your message.

With Venngage, visualizing data takes no effort at all. You can import data from CSV or Google Sheets seamlessly and create stunning charts, graphs and icon stories effortlessly to showcase your data in a captivating and impactful way.

how to make a presentation about a tv show

5. Clear and concise communication

Keep your language simple, and avoid jargon or complicated terms. Communicate your ideas clearly, so your audience can easily grasp and retain the information being conveyed. This can prevent confusion and enhance the overall effectiveness of the message. 

6. Engaging delivery

Spice up your presentation with a sprinkle of enthusiasm! Maintain eye contact, use expressive gestures and vary your tone of voice to keep your audience glued to the edge of their seats. A touch of charisma goes a long way!

7. Interaction and audience engagement

Turn your presentation into an interactive experience — encourage questions, foster discussions and maybe even throw in a fun activity. Engaged audiences are more likely to remember and embrace your message.

Transform your slides into an interactive presentation with Venngage’s dynamic features like pop-ups, clickable icons and animated elements. Engage your audience with interactive content that lets them explore and interact with your presentation for a truly immersive experience.

how to make a presentation about a tv show

8. Effective storytelling

Who doesn’t love a good story? Weaving relevant anecdotes, case studies or even a personal story into your presentation can captivate your audience and create a lasting impact. Stories build connections and make your message memorable.

A great presentation background is also essential as it sets the tone, creates visual interest and reinforces your message. Enhance the overall aesthetics of your presentation with these 15 presentation background examples and captivate your audience’s attention.

9. Well-timed pacing

Pace your presentation thoughtfully with well-designed presentation slides, neither rushing through nor dragging it out. Respect your audience’s time and ensure you cover all the essential points without losing their interest.

10. Strong conclusion

Last impressions linger! Summarize your main points and leave your audience with a clear takeaway. End your presentation with a bang , a call to action or an inspiring thought that resonates long after the conclusion.

In-person presentations aside, acing a virtual presentation is of paramount importance in today’s digital world. Check out this guide to learn how you can adapt your in-person presentations into virtual presentations . 

Peloton Pitch Deck - Conclusion

Preparing an effective presentation starts with laying a strong foundation that goes beyond just creating slides and notes. One of the quickest and best ways to make a presentation would be with the help of a good presentation software . 

Otherwise, let me walk you to how to prepare for a presentation step by step and unlock the secrets of crafting a professional presentation that sets you apart.

1. Understand the audience and their needs

Before you dive into preparing your masterpiece, take a moment to get to know your target audience. Tailor your presentation to meet their needs and expectations , and you’ll have them hooked from the start!

2. Conduct thorough research on the topic

Time to hit the books (or the internet)! Don’t skimp on the research with your presentation materials — dive deep into the subject matter and gather valuable insights . The more you know, the more confident you’ll feel in delivering your presentation.

3. Organize the content with a clear structure

No one wants to stumble through a chaotic mess of information. Outline your presentation with a clear and logical flow. Start with a captivating introduction, follow up with main points that build on each other and wrap it up with a powerful conclusion that leaves a lasting impression.

Delivering an effective business presentation hinges on captivating your audience, and Venngage’s professionally designed business presentation templates are tailor-made for this purpose. With thoughtfully structured layouts, these templates enhance your message’s clarity and coherence, ensuring a memorable and engaging experience for your audience members.

Don’t want to build your presentation layout from scratch? pick from these 5 foolproof presentation layout ideas that won’t go wrong. 

how to make a presentation about a tv show

4. Develop visually appealing and supportive visual aids

Spice up your presentation with eye-catching visuals! Create slides that complement your message, not overshadow it. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words, but that doesn’t mean you need to overload your slides with text.

Well-chosen designs create a cohesive and professional look, capturing your audience’s attention and enhancing the overall effectiveness of your message. Here’s a list of carefully curated PowerPoint presentation templates and great background graphics that will significantly influence the visual appeal and engagement of your presentation.

5. Practice, practice and practice

Practice makes perfect — rehearse your presentation and arrive early to your presentation to help overcome stage fright. Familiarity with your material will boost your presentation skills and help you handle curveballs with ease.

6. Seek feedback and make necessary adjustments

Don’t be afraid to ask for help and seek feedback from friends and colleagues. Constructive criticism can help you identify blind spots and fine-tune your presentation to perfection.

With Venngage’s real-time collaboration feature , receiving feedback and editing your presentation is a seamless process. Group members can access and work on the presentation simultaneously and edit content side by side in real-time. Changes will be reflected immediately to the entire team, promoting seamless teamwork.

Venngage Real Time Collaboration

7. Prepare for potential technical or logistical issues

Prepare for the unexpected by checking your equipment, internet connection and any other potential hiccups. If you’re worried that you’ll miss out on any important points, you could always have note cards prepared. Remember to remain focused and rehearse potential answers to anticipated questions.

8. Fine-tune and polish your presentation

As the big day approaches, give your presentation one last shine. Review your talking points, practice how to present a presentation and make any final tweaks. Deep breaths — you’re on the brink of delivering a successful presentation!

In competitive environments, persuasive presentations set individuals and organizations apart. To brush up on your presentation skills, read these guides on how to make a persuasive presentation and tips to presenting effectively . 

how to make a presentation about a tv show

Whether you’re an experienced presenter or a novice, the right techniques will let your presentation skills soar to new heights!

From public speaking hacks to interactive elements and storytelling prowess, these 9 effective presentation techniques will empower you to leave a lasting impression on your audience and make your presentations unforgettable.

1. Confidence and positive body language

Positive body language instantly captivates your audience, making them believe in your message as much as you do. Strengthen your stage presence and own that stage like it’s your second home! Stand tall, shoulders back and exude confidence. 

2. Eye contact with the audience

Break down that invisible barrier and connect with your audience through their eyes. Maintaining eye contact when giving a presentation builds trust and shows that you’re present and engaged with them.

3. Effective use of hand gestures and movement

A little movement goes a long way! Emphasize key points with purposeful gestures and don’t be afraid to walk around the stage. Your energy will be contagious!

4. Utilize storytelling techniques

Weave the magic of storytelling into your presentation. Share relatable anecdotes, inspiring success stories or even personal experiences that tug at the heartstrings of your audience. Adjust your pitch, pace and volume to match the emotions and intensity of the story. Varying your speaking voice adds depth and enhances your stage presence.

how to make a presentation about a tv show

5. Incorporate multimedia elements

Spice up your presentation with a dash of visual pizzazz! Use slides, images and video clips to add depth and clarity to your message. Just remember, less is more—don’t overwhelm them with information overload. 

Turn your presentations into an interactive party! Involve your audience with questions, polls or group activities. When they actively participate, they become invested in your presentation’s success. Bring your design to life with animated elements. Venngage allows you to apply animations to icons, images and text to create dynamic and engaging visual content.

6. Utilize humor strategically

Laughter is the best medicine—and a fantastic presentation enhancer! A well-placed joke or lighthearted moment can break the ice and create a warm atmosphere , making your audience more receptive to your message.

7. Practice active listening and respond to feedback

Be attentive to your audience’s reactions and feedback. If they have questions or concerns, address them with genuine interest and respect. Your responsiveness builds rapport and shows that you genuinely care about their experience.

how to make a presentation about a tv show

8. Apply the 10-20-30 rule

Apply the 10-20-30 presentation rule and keep it short, sweet and impactful! Stick to ten slides, deliver your presentation within 20 minutes and use a 30-point font to ensure clarity and focus. Less is more, and your audience will thank you for it!

9. Implement the 5-5-5 rule

Simplicity is key. Limit each slide to five bullet points, with only five words per bullet point and allow each slide to remain visible for about five seconds. This rule keeps your presentation concise and prevents information overload.

Simple presentations are more engaging because they are easier to follow. Summarize your presentations and keep them simple with Venngage’s gallery of simple presentation templates and ensure that your message is delivered effectively across your audience.

how to make a presentation about a tv show

1. How to start a presentation?

To kick off your presentation effectively, begin with an attention-grabbing statement or a powerful quote. Introduce yourself, establish credibility and clearly state the purpose and relevance of your presentation.

2. How to end a presentation?

For a strong conclusion, summarize your talking points and key takeaways. End with a compelling call to action or a thought-provoking question and remember to thank your audience and invite any final questions or interactions.

3. How to make a presentation interactive?

To make your presentation interactive, encourage questions and discussion throughout your talk. Utilize multimedia elements like videos or images and consider including polls, quizzes or group activities to actively involve your audience.

In need of inspiration for your next presentation? I’ve got your back! Pick from these 120+ presentation ideas, topics and examples to get started. 

Creating a stunning presentation with Venngage is a breeze with our user-friendly drag-and-drop editor and professionally designed templates for all your communication needs. 

Here’s how to make a presentation in just 5 simple steps with the help of Venngage:

Step 1: Sign up for Venngage for free using your email, Gmail or Facebook account or simply log in to access your account. 

Step 2: Pick a design from our selection of free presentation templates (they’re all created by our expert in-house designers).

Step 3: Make the template your own by customizing it to fit your content and branding. With Venngage’s intuitive drag-and-drop editor, you can easily modify text, change colors and adjust the layout to create a unique and eye-catching design.

Step 4: Elevate your presentation by incorporating captivating visuals. You can upload your images or choose from Venngage’s vast library of high-quality photos, icons and illustrations. 

Step 5: Upgrade to a premium or business account to export your presentation in PDF and print it for in-person presentations or share it digitally for free!

By following these five simple steps, you’ll have a professionally designed and visually engaging presentation ready in no time. With Venngage’s user-friendly platform, your presentation is sure to make a lasting impression. So, let your creativity flow and get ready to shine in your next presentation!

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5 Steps to Preparing an Engaging Industry Presentation You can make a great impression and generate interest with an exciting, informative presentation. Find out my five secrets to creating an industry presentation guaranteed to wow.

By Cyrus Claffey Edited by Chelsea Brown May 28, 2024

Key Takeaways

  • This article offers practical advice for delivering impactful presentations at industry events, emphasizing the importance of a comfortable stage presence, understanding your audience, designing effective slides and more.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Industry events are a chance to network with your colleagues and impress distributors — but to really make the most of your time at a conference, you need to learn how to prepare a presentation that engages, informs and leaves an impact.

I've presented at some of the most important real estate and property technology events in the country as the founder of ButterflyMX . Here are a few tricks I've picked up along the way to wow any audience.

Related: 6 Tips for Making a Winning Business Presentation

1. Getting comfortable with the stage

I recommend taking a walk around the stage before your presentation. By familiarizing yourself with your environment, you can prepare yourself better.

And while you're on stage, a relaxed, comfortable presence goes a long way in keeping your audience engaged . Whether you want to play your presentation casually or more formally, audiences can sense discomfort, which prevents them from fully connecting with your message.

To project your sense of comfortability, focus on your body language . You can project confidence by speaking slowly and clearly and by walking across the stage to keep the audience's attention — even if there's already a podium or lectern set up on stage.

Unfortunately, if a speaker spends too long standing behind the podium, an audience might interpret that as a sign of indecision and inaction from the speaker. Instead, you can remove any barriers between yourself and the audience by using the whole length of the stage.

2. Familiarity with industry statistics

An audience that doesn't know me might be wondering why they should be taking my advice. I certainly don't blame them. When I'm watching a new presenter, I ask the same question.

If you can back up your claims with hard data, your presentation will ring true with listeners. You can cite industry-wide statistics or establish your own bona fides by citing stats that buttress your own credibility by establishing your company's success.

In my case, I'm happy to use a couple of statistics that prove how successful my company, ButterflyMX, is in the proptech industry. For instance, we serve more than one million apartment units, and if you're interested in how consumers feel about us, look no further than the internet — we have over 20,000 five-star reviews !

Related: 7 Ways to Captivate Any Audience

3. Knowing your audience

Depending on who your audience is , you'll have to adjust your game plan and prepare for different things.

I've spoken at conferences where the audiences couldn't be more different — a presentation that wows one crowd might have no information that's applicable to another. As the founder of a property technology company, I have the pleasure of speaking at a variety of different conferences that serve different markets.

For example, integrators and installers might value a talk on product features and hardware more than others. And if I'm presenting to an audience of property managers, I'll know to dial down the technical talk and focus on the benefits a robust video intercom offers, such as simplifying their day-to-day workloads.

Depending on your audience, you need to strike the right balance between talking about hardware specs and features.

4. Designing your slides carefully

Slides are a good opportunity to share the aesthetics, tone and values of your company — but you've got to make sure you use them effectively.

A slide with too much text looks busy, and it'll distract your audience and draw focus away from you. Instead, consider putting that information into your notes and speaking it aloud. Slides should focus on one or two visual elements, like bullet points, charts and graphs.

As for the actual design of your slides, you should ensure that you adhere to your company's brand guidelines. If you're unfamiliar with the concept, brand guidelines are a single, governing document that goes over important design concepts like the colors and logos that your company has.

Related: 6 Ways to Take Your Next Presentation to the Next Level

5. Asking for audience participation

Asking for audience participation is the ultimate way to ensure everybody is locked in and paying attention — but it's also a double-edged sword. You also need to be prepared in case asking the audience to participate doesn't necessarily go your way.

For example, you might generally ask if an audience has any questions at the end of your presentation. But you run the risk of running into a hostile, bad-faith question — or you might even be met with silence.

That's why I'd recommend you give the audience questions and tasks that have a little more structure. You could do things like asking for a show of hands, asking for specific anecdotes or taking a poll.

Polls have gotten an especially high-tech upgrade recently — see if you can set up an electronic voting system that allows audience members to vote with their smartphones. Then, you'd be able to throw the results on screen and watch them update in real time!

You should pepper these interactive sections throughout your presentation to ensure that audiences are engaged throughout your entire talk.

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor

Founder of ButterflyMX

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