business owning essay

How to Write a Business Essay for Impactful Communication and Analysis

business owning essay

So, you've got a business essay coming up, and you're feeling a mix of excitement and a tad bit overwhelmed, right? Totally get it. Writing a business essay might sound boring, but trust me, it's a skill that's gonna come in handy when you're out there in the real world.

In this article, we're dishing out some awesome tips just for you if you have question on how to start a business essay. Think of it as your secret weapon to tackle those business essays like a pro. We'll keep it real, easy, and super practical – no fancy jargon or complicated theories. Let's dive into the world of business essay writing, where your words can make a big impact. In case you lack time or motivation to finish your assignment, use our business essay writing service to streamline the process.

What Is a Business Essay

Business essays are written pieces that explore and analyze various aspects of business-related topics, often focusing on management, marketing, finance, or entrepreneurship. They provide a platform for students and professionals to articulate their understanding of business concepts, theories, and real-world applications. Typically written in a formal and structured manner, a business essay requires critical thinking, research skills, and the ability to communicate ideas effectively. Whether delving into case studies, discussing industry trends, or evaluating business strategies, the essay aims to provide insights, draw conclusions, and contribute to a deeper understanding of the dynamic world of business.

What Is a Business Essay

How to Write an Introduction for a Business Essay

A business essay introduction sets the tone for the entire paper and captures the reader's attention. Here are some steps and tips to help you write an effective introduction for a business essay:

  • Understand the Purpose of the Introduction

Clearly understand the purpose of your essay. Are you providing an overview of a business concept, analyzing a case study, or arguing a specific point? Tailor your introduction accordingly.

  • Start with a Hook

Grab the reader's attention with a compelling hook. This could be a relevant quote, a surprising fact, a rhetorical question, or a thought-provoking statement. The goal is to make the reader want to continue reading.

  • Provide Context

After the hook, provide some background or context related to the topic of your essay. Help the reader understand the significance and relevance of the subject matter in the business world.

  • Thesis Statement

Clearly state your thesis or the main argument of your essay. This should be a concise and focused statement that outlines what the reader can expect from the rest of the essay. Make sure it is specific and reflects the purpose of your writing.

  • Outline the Scope

Briefly outline the main points or areas that your essay will cover. This gives the reader a roadmap of what to expect and helps them understand the structure of your essay.

  • Use Clear and Concise Language

Keep your introduction clear and concise. Avoid unnecessary jargon or complex language that might confuse the reader. Aim for clarity and precision.

  • Be Relevant

Ensure that every sentence in your introduction is directly related to the topic of your essay. Avoid going off on tangents or providing excessive information that doesn't contribute to the main points.

  • Consider the Tone

Choose a tone that is appropriate for your audience and the nature of your essay. Business essays can vary in tone, from formal and academic to more conversational, depending on the context.

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Business Essay Introduction Example

Here’s an example of an introduction for an essay titled “The Rise of E-commerce: Shaping the Future of Retail”:

The retail landscape is undergoing a seismic shift as e-commerce continues to redefine the way consumers shop. In this essay, we explore the profound implications of this digital transformation on traditional retail models and analyze the key strategies businesses are employing to thrive in this dynamic environment. From changing consumer behaviors to the strategic use of technology, the impact of e-commerce on the retail sector is undeniable, prompting businesses to adapt or face the risk of obsolescence.

How to Write a Business Essay

Working on a business essay might seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. In this guide, we'll break down the process into simple steps to help you navigate through it smoothly. In this next section. We’ll be breaking down the essentials of drawing up a business essay from start to finish. From defining your main argument to structuring your points effectively, let's explore the key strategies that will set you on the path to success. 

How to Write a Business Essay

Analyze the Prompt

Start by carefully reading and understanding the essay prompt. This involves breaking down the question to grasp what it's asking for, identifying the main topics, and recognizing any specific tasks or points to cover. This step helps you set the stage for a focused and relevant essay by ensuring you address all aspects mentioned in the prompt. You can hire a business essay writer to expedite the process if you want.

Think of a Thesis Statement

When writing a business essay, think of the thesis statement as the essay's compass. It should be a concise, strong sentence that lays out your main argument or viewpoint on the topic. Your thesis guides the entire essay, so make sure it's specific, debatable, and gives readers a clear idea of what to expect in your writing.

Create an Outline

We’ve already shared tips on how to write an introduction for a business essay, so let’s move on to the next stages. Organize your thoughts by outlining the main points and structure of your essay. This doesn't have to be too detailed; just a roadmap that helps you see how different ideas connect. An outline ensures a logical flow in your writing and prevents you from going off track. By the way, have you already picked business essay topics ? If not, here’s a list of great ideas you can use!

Provide Topic Background

Before diving into your main points, the business essay writing format implies giving your reader some context about the topic. Briefly introduce the key concepts, relevant facts, or historical background that will help readers understand the importance and relevance of your essay.

Write the Main Body

Start developing your essay by expanding on the main points outlined in your thesis. Each paragraph should focus on a specific idea or argument supported by evidence or examples. Be clear and concise, ensuring a smooth transition between paragraphs. It’s the most difficult part of the assignment, meaning you can use our college essay service to simplify it.

Write a Conclusion

Summarize your key points and conclusively restate your thesis. The conclusion should tie up the loose ends and leave a lasting impression on the reader. Avoid introducing new information but rather reinforce your main argument. For more details about how to write a conclusion for an essay , please refer to our guide.

Add a Bibliography

List all the sources you used in your research. Be meticulous about citing your references properly, following the chosen format (APA, MLA, etc.). This adds credibility to your essay and avoids plagiarism issues.

Edit and Proofread

As you’ve learned how to write a business essay, it’s time to master the art of self-revising. Review your essay for clarity, coherence, and grammatical errors. Editing ensures that your ideas flow smoothly, and proofreading catches any overlooked mistakes. It's a crucial step to polish your essay and present a professional piece of writing. Do you have another assignment on business management ? This guide will help you!

Choose the Writing Format

Reiterate the importance of selecting and adhering to the chosen writing format throughout the essay. Consistency in formatting, citations, and other style elements contributes to the overall professionalism of your work.

Business Essay Example

Business essay examples offer practical assistance to students tackling assignments by showcasing the application of essential writing principles in a real-world context. As a tangible reference, it demonstrates an effective essay structure and how to formulate a clear thesis statement and provide coherent arguments. By examining examples, students can glean insights into research techniques, proper citation practices, and overall essay organization, empowering them to approach their business assignments with increased confidence and proficiency.

Example 1: “The Impact of Technological Advancements on Modern Business Operations”

This essay explores the multifaceted impact of technology on operational efficiency, innovation, customer relations, and global connectivity. From integrating automation and artificial intelligence for streamlined processes to facilitating global expansion through digital platforms, technology emerges as a driving force shaping the success and sustainability of contemporary enterprises. While acknowledging the numerous benefits, the essay also highlights the challenges and ethical considerations inherent in adopting these technologies, emphasizing the need for businesses to navigate these complexities responsibly for long-term growth and competitiveness.

Example 2: “Sustainable Business Practices: A Strategic Imperative for Corporate Success”

This essay explores the pivotal role of sustainable business practices as a strategic imperative for corporate success in the contemporary entrepreneurship scene. Addressing environmental concerns, social consciousness, and economic viability, the essay delves into the multifaceted benefits of adopting sustainable approaches. It discusses how businesses can align profitability with responsible practices, emphasizing environmental stewardship, social impact, and community engagement. The essay underscores the importance of regulatory compliance and risk mitigation in business by examining the economic advantages and innovation opportunities arising from sustainable initiatives.

Final Considerations

Students engage in writing business essays to develop essential skills and knowledge crucial for success in the professional world. These essays serve as a platform for honing critical thinking, analytical, and communication skills, allowing students to articulate and analyze complex business concepts. Through the process of researching, organizing thoughts, and constructing coherent arguments, students gain a deeper understanding of business principles and practices. Business essays also cultivate the ability to synthesize information, evaluate various perspectives, and present well-reasoned conclusions. If you find with task troublesome, you can always tell us, ‘ write my research paper ,’ and one of our wordsmiths will fulfill the assignment quickly.

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How Many Paragraphs Does a Business Essay Have?

What is the most important part of a business essay, how do you start off a business essay.

Annie Lambert

Annie Lambert

specializes in creating authoritative content on marketing, business, and finance, with a versatile ability to handle any essay type and dissertations. With a Master’s degree in Business Administration and a passion for social issues, her writing not only educates but also inspires action. On EssayPro blog, Annie delivers detailed guides and thought-provoking discussions on pressing economic and social topics. When not writing, she’s a guest speaker at various business seminars.

business owning essay

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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How to Write a Business Essay: an Ultimate Guide

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Table of Contents

Writing an essay can be boring. A lot of essays are basically the same thing over and over again. You write an introduction, then you write your supporting paragraphs, and then you create a conclusion. Overall, the process is not a lot of fun, and you can often feel as though you are simply going through the motions for the sake of churning out extra work. But since you have to write an essay, it’s worth considering the many ways that you can make the process faster and easier. In this ultimate guide, we’ll discuss the best way to write a business essay so you can get through the process faster and with relatively little trouble.

A graphic of a man sitting behind a desk, writing, with the title text: "Business Essay Writing Guide"

It might seem obvious, but the first thing you need to do when you write an essay is to read the essay question. You need to be sure you understand each part of the essay question and how the parts of the question work together. You would be surprised how many students only glance at the question and then write a paper that only partially addresses the assignment. You don’t want to lose points because part of your paper isn’t on topic. If you find any parts of the paper that you don’t understand or that require explanation, be sure to contact your instructor for clarification before you start writing.

Read the essay rubric

These days, most essays have a grading rubric included with the question. A grading rubric is like a cheat sheet for writing your essay. When you review the essay rubric, you’ll see exactly how your instructor will grade your paper and what your instructor will be looking for. When you write your paper, you will therefore know exactly what to include and how to write about it in order to maximize your points—and you’ll also see what you can spend less time on because it won’t contribute to your overall grade.

Make friends with your library

Many students automatically turn to search engines like Google in order to research their papers, but this is not the most effective way to find high-quality business sources for your paper. Instead, take advantage of your library’s databases. Your college or university library will likely have dedicated business databases that collect high-quality academic articles on business topics. Using these resources in your paper will make your essay stronger and more effective, and it will put your paper on a solid academic footing.

Compile your sources before you write

Many students use the start-and-stop method to write their papers, composing a sentence or two and then stopping to look up more information in order to keep going. This, however, is an inefficient way to work. A better way is to read through your research sources before you start and copy into a separate file a series of quotations and facts that you might use in your paper, creating in-text citations and reference list entries for each before you start. Doing so will make sure that you don’t have to stop for research and have a ready bank of pre-cited material to work with as you write.

Outline before you write

Outlining is an important skill that will both save you time and improve the quality of your essay. Take time before you write to lay out your paper from beginning to end. Start with your thesis statement and carefully lay out the body paragraphs with a topic sentence, supporting details (including research, quotes, and citations ), and a closing paragraph . Plan your transitions to link paragraphs together. Any amount of outlining can be helpful, but the more effort that you put into outlining at this stage, the easier it will be to write your paper, and the less likely it will be that you get stuck in a tangent that goes nowhere or meander into a point that requires you to change your thesis and revise you whole essay.

Remember to revise and proofread

When you finish the draft of your paper, you aren’t done yet. The first draft is rarely the finished product. You should always set aside time to read your work back and to make revisions to make it clearer. You also need to carefully proofread for mechanical grammar, punctuation, and syntax issues to ensure that your paper is as close to perfect as possible. You don’t want to leave points on the table because your paper had easy to fix minor spelling or grammar errors.

Consider professional writing help

Another great way to get your paper done quickly is to seek out custom professional help from an essay writing service with academic experts. An online writing company such as this can create business papers for college students and deliver them fast. When you utilize professional writing assistance, you can receive a custom-written essay that can serve as a great model to help you understand how a professional would approach your business topic and organize and develop an essay to address your assignment. Using a model such as this can save you time and effort as you work on your own paper, allowing you to focus on the learning process more than the mechanics of academic essay writing.

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Business Essay Examples

Cathy A.

13 Business Essay Examples for Students

14 min read

Published on: May 1, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 30, 2024

business essay examples

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Are you struggling to figure out the structure, research, or data required to make your essay stand out? Or frustrated by the lack of inspiration and ideas for your essay?

But don't give up yet! We have a powerful solution that will make your essay writing a breeze. Our list of business essay examples is here to help! 

We have compiled expertly written business essay examples that will illustrate how to write a striking business essay.

With our examples, you'll be able to see how to structure your essay and generate creative ideas for your topic. And our tips will help you make the most of these examples.

So, let's dive in and get ready to learn!

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What is a Business Essay?

A business essay is a type of academic writing that focuses on business-related topics and issues. These essays can cover a wide range of topics such as marketing, finance, management, entrepreneurship, and more.

The importance of business essay lies in presenting a well-researched and informed analysis. To do this effectively, writers need to conduct extensive research and analysis on the topic at hand.

Referring to examples of business essays can help you gain insight into the structure, tone, and content of a well-written essay.

Business Essay Examples For Students

Here is a list of business writing examples

Business Essay Examples Pdf

Business Essay Example Grade 10

Business Essay Example Grade 11

A Level Business Essay Examples

University Business Essay Examples

International Business Essay Examples

Short Essay About Business

College Essay About Starting A Business

Types of Business Essay with Examples

When it comes to business essay writing, there are several different types that you might encounter. 

Here's a brief overview of each type, including their characteristics and an example of each.

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Case Studies

A case study is an in-depth analysis of a specific business situation or problem. It involves extensive research and data analysis to provide recommendations.

Case studies often showcase the application of theory to real-world business scenarios.

Research Papers

Research papers involve a more academic approach to business writing. They typically require an extensive literature review, data analysis, and original research. 

Business research papers aim to contribute new knowledge to the field of business. These often involve a hypothesis or research question.

Argumentative Essays

Argumentative business essays aim to persuade the reader to adopt a particular point of view or take a specific action. They present an argument and use evidence and logic to support their claims. 

Argumentative essays can address various business topics such as management practices, ethical issues, or market trends.

White Papers

A white paper is a document that provides a detailed explanation of a particular issue or problem, often with recommendations or solutions. 

White papers are typically used to educate stakeholders about a specific topic. These are often used in the business-to-business (B2B) context.

Comparative Essays 

Comparative business essays compare and contrast two or more topics or ideas. They typically analyze the similarities and differences between the topics to evaluate their pros and cons. 

Comparative essays can focus on various aspects such as products, companies, markets, or strategies.

How to Structure Your Business Essays

As you begin writing your business essay, it's important to structure it in a clear and organized way. 

Here's a step-by-step guide with business essay samples to help you do just that:

Executive Summary

The executive summary is a brief overview of your entire essay. It should summarize your main points and highlight your recommendations. 

This section should be written after completing the essay, as it gives a clear picture of what the essay covers. 

Here is how you start a business essay sample:


The introduction sets the stage for the rest of the essay. It should introduce the topic, provide background information, and explain the purpose of the essay. 

Here is a business essay introduction example:

Industry Analysis

In this section, you'll conduct a thorough analysis of the industry in which the business operates. You should examine factors such as competition, market trends, and customer behavior. 

Here is a sample industry analysis

Key Issues or Problems

This section should identify the main issues or problems faced by the business. You should provide evidence to support your claims and analyze the impact of these issues. 

Here is an example paragraph:

Solutions or Recommendation

Here, you'll provide solutions or recommendations to address the issues identified in the previous section. Your solutions should be well-supported and feasible. 

For instance:

Implementation Plan

For this part, you'll outline a plan for implementing the solutions or recommendations you've proposed. This is sort of a description of the business model you suggest. 

This section should be detailed and include specific action steps. 

For example:

Finally, you'll wrap up your essay by summarizing your main points and reiterating your recommendations. 

This section should be clear, concise, and impactful. 

By following this structure, your business essay will be well-organized, coherent, and easy to follow for your readers.

Tips for Using Business Essay Examples Effectively

Now that you have quite a few business essay examples at hand, you should know how to use them effectively:

  • Use them as a guide, not a template : While it's great to learn from examples, you should never copy them outright. Instead, use them as a starting point for your own research and writing.
  • Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the essay : Take note of what works well in the example essay, as well as any areas that could be improved. This will help you understand how to make your own essay even better.
  • Use them to inform your own research and writing : Pay attention to the research methods, sources, and evidence used in the example essay. This can give you ideas for your own research and help you strengthen your arguments.
  • Avoid plagiarism and ensure proper citation: Whenever you use ideas or information from an example, make sure to cite your sources. This will help you avoid plagiarism and maintain academic integrity.

You now have a plenty of business essay examples on different topics to help you get started!

By following our tips and studying the sample essays, you can confidently write your own essays that are clear, concise, and impactful. 

However, if you still find yourself struggling with your business essays, just reach out to our professional business essay writing service . 

We have the best online essay writing service and are ready to provide you a high-quality business. Our writing service has subject specialist writers who can tackle any business essay topic.  

So why wait? Contact us today and let our AI essay writer take your business essays to the next level!

Cathy A. (Literature)

For more than five years now, Cathy has been one of our most hardworking authors on the platform. With a Masters degree in mass communication, she knows the ins and outs of professional writing. Clients often leave her glowing reviews for being an amazing writer who takes her work very seriously.

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business owning essay

Free Business Essay Examples & Topics

If you are studying law, economics, finances, or management, the chances are that you will have to write a business essay. It is a fairly standard assignment encountered at a school or college level. Thus, every student should at the very least know the basics concerning this particular phenomenon.

What is business? Everyone has a vague understanding of the term, but there is also a specific definition. A business is a commercial, professional, or industrial organization involved in entrepreneurship. It is not necessarily motivated by financial gain – a charity can also be a business. The nature of business refers to its operations, its mission statement, and the type of service or product it provides. The organization’s size can range from sole ownership to large multinational conglomerates.

Our experts have selected some business essay examples for you to check out so that you won’t struggle with your task. Besides, in this article, you will find advice for writing these papers. You will see how to organize your work best and which elements to include in your essay.

How to Write a Business Essay

In this section, you will see the top recommendations for starting a business essay. The tips here are of most use for argumentative and persuasive writing assignments. These are the most popular styles for essays about business.

1. Pick a topic or analyze a given one.

If you’re free to choose one, select a topic that you find intriguing. Identify a relevant central idea to discuss. When writing an essay on an assigned topic, determine the exact question that needs to be addressed. Double-check the essay format that you have to follow.

2. Research and take notes.

Examine the topic to get a better understanding of the specific field. After identifying a central idea of the business essay, search for the information relevant to your paper. There are plenty of data available online. Yet, books and journals from your local library are also great resources. While researching, note all the useful sources to find them again later.

3. Create a reference list.

In most essays on business, you’ll have to illustrate your points and provide credible sources. Thus, collect the bibliography to indicate all the required citations. It’s a good idea to compile the references before you begin writing. This way, you won’t have to rush to get it all together at the end.

4. Write a thesis statement and create an outline.

Just like any successful organization requires a business plan, your essay requires a solid outline. Create your objectives and formulate your thesis statement around them. Ensure that your points and supporting evidence correspond directly to your central idea.

5. Revise and edit.

Most school and college students don’t bother to double-check their academic works once they are done. However, only with revision and editing will your essay truly achieve success. Check for grammar mistakes and the flow of your sentences. Ensure the logical order of your analysis. If anything sounds off, better to change it before submitting it.

Even after reading these steps, you may still be at a loss as to how to write a business essay. Examples of works written by other students can help you analyze relevant ideas. You can peruse the ones we have provided underneath the article.

Business Essay Outline

In the previous section, we mentioned that you need to create an outline for a successful paper. Thankfully, most essays have the same general structure they follow. We will analyze it in more detail below.

In essence, a business essay structure consists of the following:

1. Introduction. It is the place for you to explain the general idea behind your topic. This is also where you will provide a thesis statement. In the introduction, you will have to identify the central elements of the essay. Make sure you establish communication with the reader.

2. Background. You will always want to clarify specific terms or concepts essential to your audience. Thus, provide relevant definitions and context in your introduction or separate paragraph if your task allows it. For example, most people probably know what leadership is but will struggle to understand social responsibility. If you are writing a case study, important background information is necessary to include in your essay.

3. Main Body. Using your selected sources, create a detailed analysis of the topic. Make sure to incorporate:

  • Arguments in favor of your position.
  • Examples as evidence to support your claims.
  • Counterarguments as evidence that you’ve examined the topic from different perspectives.

Don’t forget to include quotes and citations from relevant sources. These will provide credibility to your research.

4. Conclusion. In your last paragraph, provide a concise discussion of the separate points. Re-examine your thesis statement and reiterate it in different words. Summarize your findings and make sure that they relate to the purpose presented in the introduction.

Thank you for checking our recommendations. Below, you will find business essay examples on different topics. Good luck writing your assignment!

31538 Best Essay Examples on Business

Implementation of total quality management (tqm): toyota case study.

  • Subjects: Management
  • Words: 2733

The Flower of Services: Marketing Concept

  • Subjects: Marketing

Historical Development of Operations Management

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Time Management Theories and Models Report

  • Words: 3158

“Men Make Better Leaders Than Women”: Discussion of the Statement

  • Subjects: Leadership Styles

Intern Performance Evaluation at an Organization

  • Subjects: Employees Management

McDonald’s Marketing Plan and Strategy Report

  • Words: 4291

Leaders are Made, Not Born: Examples and Debate Points Essay

Walmart problems and solutions essay.

  • Subjects: Case Study
  • Words: 1081

Samsung Company Main Challenges Essay

  • Subjects: Company Analysis

McDonald’s Case Study Problem Statement: Improper Resource Management

  • Subjects: Company Missions

H&M Target Market Analysis – Case Study

Kfc marketing strategies: business, branding, advertising, and more | report example.

  • Subjects: Strategy
  • Words: 3244

Coca Cola Operations Management and Inventory

  • Words: 1192

Apple Company: Problems and Solutions Essay Example

  • Subjects: Business Controversies
  • Words: 1008

Multi-Choice Africa TV Company

  • Words: 1219

Apple Strategic Management: Planning and Management Process — Apple Company Essay

  • Subjects: Financial Management
  • Words: 5021

Apple Marketing Objectives and Strategies: Iphone | Report

  • Words: 3810

21st Century Human Resource Management: Its Role and Changes — Report

  • Words: 2796

Objectives of Nike Corporation: Marketing Strategies Report

  • Words: 1849

External and Internal Analysis of Starbucks: Case Study

  • Subjects: Recognizable Brand
  • Words: 2391

McDonald’s Operation Management & Supply Chain

  • Words: 2479

Nicosia Model and Engel Blackwell Miniard Model of Consumer Behaviour

  • Words: 1195

Nike Distribution Channels Essay

  • Words: 1119

Apple External & Internal Analysis: Environment Analysis Research Paper

  • Words: 2918

Apple Corporate Strategy & Business Strategies Essay

  • Words: 1715

An Analysis of External and Internal Environments of McDonald’s

  • Words: 2309

Justice Theory: Business Ethics, Utilitarianism, Rights, Caring, and Virtue

  • Subjects: Business Ethics
  • Words: 3792

The Coca Cola Public Relations: PR Strategy and Examples — Case Study Example

  • Words: 3954

Issues and Recommendations for Apple Case Study

  • Words: 1118

McDonald’s Ethical Issues: Examples of Unethical Marketing Practices

  • Words: 17732

Rolex Target Market & Brand Positioning

  • Words: 3449

Nike Strategic Management: The Case Study Essay

  • Words: 3907

What I Learned in Human Resource Management – Essay

  • Words: 5457

Business Plan: Coffee Shop Report

  • Words: 3413

Recruitment and Selection Process of Apple Company

  • Words: 1163

Management of KFC – Organizational Communication System

  • Subjects: Business Communication

Nike New Product Development: Strategy and Ideas | Nike Report

  • Subjects: Marketing Project
  • Words: 2600

Strategic Management: The Case of Coca-Cola

Nestle: production and operations management analysis report.

  • Words: 1000

Starbucks Quality Management and Performance Improvement

  • Words: 1440

Human Resource Management at the Apple Inc. and Sony Corporation

  • Words: 3822

Online Shopping vs. Traditional Shopping

  • Subjects: E-Commerce
  • Words: 1278

IKEA Human Resources

  • Words: 2881

The Impact of Scientific Management in the 21st Century Essay

  • Words: 2140

BMW: Case Study Essay

  • Words: 1417

Factors Affecting Employee Relationships

  • Subjects: Employee Relationships
  • Words: 6901

Nike Company: Costs of Production and Overall Market

Unitarist perspective vs. pluralist perspective case study.

  • Words: 3685

Porter’s Five Forces Analysis on the Hospitality Industry

Zara logistics system & transportation strategy.

  • Words: 2578

Apple Case Study

  • Words: 3300

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Organization Development: Define Open and Closed Systems

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Samsung Company’s Management Information System

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  • Words: 1112

Brief Description of Nike Inc: Is Nike a Monopoly?

  • Words: 2814

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  • Words: 1388

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Traditional Training Methods Report

Impact of culture on communication reflective essay.

  • Words: 1153

IMC Plan of Melo Fruitti Ice Cream Report

  • Words: 4551

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  • Subjects: Industry
  • Words: 1455

Interviews, Questionnaires and Observations

  • Words: 1898

The Four-Day Workweek and Its Positive Effects

Fashion clothing company’s financial statements.

  • Words: 1124

An Ethical Dilemma Faced by Nestle: Case Analysis

Ikea company total quality management.

  • Subjects: Company Information
  • Words: 1162

Cosmetic Industry Five Forces Analysis

  • Subjects: Brand Management

Application of the Porter’s Five Forces: Beer Industry

  • Words: 1356

Walmart Information System Processes Report

Strategic plan: nike incorporation report.

  • Words: 3859

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  • Subjects: Strategic Management

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  • Words: 2379

Operations Management Case Study: Toyota

  • Words: 2179

Rumelt’s Criteria for Strategy Evaluation

Scrub daddy inc.’s superior sponge marketing plan.

  • Subjects: Product Marketing
  • Words: 3585

Importance of Marketing in an Organization

  • Subjects: Strategic Marketing
  • Words: 1201

Coca-Cola and PepsiCo: A Comparative Study of Various Strategies

  • Words: 7836

Harborco Negotiation Solution: Process and Outcomes

  • Subjects: Managerial Negotiation

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business owning essay

How to Start a Business Essay: Full Explanation with an Example

business owning essay

Starting a business is like setting off on a wild adventure. It's thrilling, full of ups and downs, and it's up to you where you want to go. But let's face it: it's also confusing! With so much to think about, it's easy to feel lost. That's where this essay comes in. We're here to break it all down for you, giving you the lowdown on turning your business dreams into a solid action plan. So, grab a cup of coffee and get ready to dive in!

What Is a Business Essay?

An essay on business is a written composition that explores various aspects of the business world, ranging from theoretical concepts to practical applications. Typically, it analyzes specific topics within the realm of business, such as management practices, marketing strategies, financial analysis, or entrepreneurship. Business essays often provide insights, arguments, and recommendations supported by research, data, and real-world examples. They aim to inform, persuade, or educate readers about key issues, trends, or challenges in the business environment, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter and stimulating critical thinking. Our business essay writing service supports such types of assignments, so if you need help – feel free to request a quote.

What Is a Startup Business Concept?

A startup business concept is essentially the seed from which an entire venture grows. The initial spark of inspiration sets the foundation for everything that follows. This concept typically arises from identifying a gap or inefficiency in the market or recognizing an unmet need or problem potential customers face. Entrepreneurs then conceptualize innovative solutions to address these challenges, whether a new product, service, or approach.

The concept defines the startup's unique value proposition, outlining what makes it stand out in a crowded marketplace. For example, a startup concept might involve developing a mobile app to streamline a tedious process, creating a sustainable alternative to an existing product, or offering a niche service tailored to a specific audience.

Once a startup concept is formulated, it undergoes refinement and validation through market research, feasibility studies, and prototyping. This stage involves gathering feedback from potential customers, testing assumptions, and assessing the concept's viability in the real world. Entrepreneurs analyze market trends, competitive landscape, and consumer preferences to fine-tune their concept and ensure it aligns with market demand.

Additionally, they evaluate the concept's scalability and potential for growth, considering factors such as market size, revenue potential, and scalability. Through this iterative process, the startup concept evolves into a robust business model that serves as the blueprint for the startup's operations, guiding decisions related to product development, marketing strategy, and resource allocation.

business owning essay

How to Start a Business Essay?

Starting a business involves several key steps. Firstly, it's essential to identify a viable business idea that aligns with your passion, expertise, and market demand. Research your target market, competitors, and industry trends to refine your concept. Once you have a solid idea, develop a comprehensive business plan outlining your goals, strategies, and financial projections. This plan will serve as a roadmap for your venture and help secure funding or investment.

Next, you'll need to choose a legal structure for your business, such as a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or LLC. Register your business name and obtain any necessary licenses or permits. Set up your business finances, including opening a business bank account and obtaining any required insurance. Finally, develop a marketing strategy to promote your products or services and attract customers. Building a strong online presence, networking with other businesses, and utilizing social media can all be effective marketing tactics. With careful planning and execution, you'll be well on your way to launching a successful business. Now, let’s review a basic business essay outline:

business owning essay


  • Grab the reader's attention with an interesting fact, quote, or anecdote related to the topic.
  • Provide context and background information on the topic.
  • State the main argument or purpose of the essay.

Body Paragraphs

  • Paragraph 1: Describe the current business landscape, including trends, challenges, and opportunities.
  • Paragraph 2: Discuss the significance of developing a comprehensive business plan for startups and established businesses.
  • Paragraph 3: Outline the essential components of a business plan, such as market analysis, competitive analysis, marketing strategy, operations plan, and financial projections.
  • Paragraph 4: Explore different sources of funding available to entrepreneurs, including bootstrapping, loans, venture capital, and crowdfunding.
  • Paragraph 5: Discuss effective marketing strategies for promoting products or services, building brand awareness, and attracting customers.
  • Paragraph 6: Highlight the significance of delivering exceptional customer service and building strong relationships with customers.
  • Paragraph 7: Emphasize the importance of adaptability and innovation in responding to market changes and staying competitive.
  • Summarize the main argument or purpose of the essay.
  • Review the main points discussed in the body paragraphs.
  • Leave the reader with a thought-provoking idea, question, or call to action related to the topic.

Business Paper Format

The business essay format typically follows a structured outline, including the following sections:

Business Paper Format

  • This page includes the paper's title, your name, the name of your institution (if applicable), and the date.
  • A brief summary of the paper's main points, usually around 150-250 words, providing an overview of the topic, purpose, methodology (if applicable), and key findings or conclusions.
  • This section introduces the paper's topic, provides background information, and states the purpose or objective of the study.

Literature Review

  • A review of relevant literature and research on the topic, highlighting existing theories, studies, and findings related to your research question or problem statement.


  • If applicable, this section outlines the research methods and techniques used to collect and analyze data, including any tools, procedures, or sampling techniques.
  • Presentation of the findings or results of your study, often including tables, charts, or graphs to illustrate data and statistics.
  • Interpretation and analysis of the results, discussing their significance, implications, limitations, and relevance to the research question or problem statement.
  • A summary of the paper's main findings and key points, restating the purpose and significance of the study, and offering recommendations for future research or practical applications.
  • A list of sources cited in the paper, formatted according to a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).
  • Optional supplementary materials include additional data tables, survey instruments, or detailed methodology descriptions.

How to Write an Introduction for a Business Essay?

Writing an introduction for a business essay requires capturing the reader's interest while setting the stage for the topic you'll be discussing. Here's a guide to crafting an effective introduction:

Start with a Hook

  • Begin with an attention-grabbing opening sentence to pique the reader's curiosity.
  • This could be a surprising fact, a compelling statistic, a thought-provoking question, or a relevant quote from a business leader or expert.

Provide Context

  • After the hook, provide a brief overview of the topic you'll address in the essay.
  • Give the reader some background information to understand the significance and relevance of the subject matter.
  • Explain why the topic is important and matters in the business world.

State Your Thesis

  • End the introduction with a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines your essay's main argument or purpose.
  • This statement should provide a roadmap for what the reader can expect to learn or discover in the essay.
  • Make sure your thesis is specific, debatable, and supported by evidence you'll present in the body paragraphs.

Transition to the Body

  • Use the end of the introduction to transition smoothly into the essay's main body.
  • Briefly preview the key points or arguments you'll discuss in the subsequent paragraphs to give the reader an idea of what's to come.

How to Write a Business Essay?

Let's kick things off with a solid step-by-step guide that sets the stage. We're about to dish out some awesome business essay writing tips to make your essay shine like a beacon in a sea of words. So, buckle up, grab your pen (or keyboard), and let's get started on crafting an introduction that'll hook your reader from the get-go!

Understand the Business Assignment

Take the time to carefully read and understand the assignment prompt or guidelines provided by your instructor. Pay attention to any specific requirements, such as the length of the essay, formatting style, or particular topics to address. If you have any questions or uncertainties about starting a business essay, don't hesitate to seek clarification from your instructor to ensure you're on the right track before you begin researching and writing.

Research and Gather Information

Start your research by consulting various credible sources relevant to your topic. Utilize academic journals, books, reputable websites, and industry reports to gather information and evidence to support your arguments. Take detailed notes while conducting your research, recording key ideas, quotes, statistics, and their corresponding sources. Keep track of your sources to facilitate proper citation later on. Consider how you will engage readers in the business essay introduction – an anecdote, interesting quote, or relevant statistics.

Outline Your Essay

Create an outline for your how to start a business essay to organize your thoughts and structure your essay. Begin by outlining the main sections of your essay, such as the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Within each section, outline the main points you want to cover and the supporting evidence you'll use to support your arguments. Consider the logical flow of information and how each section relates to the overall thesis of your essay. Your outline serves as a roadmap for writing your essay and helps maintain coherence and clarity.

Write the Essay

With your outline in hand, start drafting your essay. Begin with a strong introduction that provides context for your topic, grabs the reader's attention, and clearly states your thesis or main argument. In the body paragraphs, develop each main point outlined in your outline, providing evidence, examples, and analysis to support your arguments. Ensure you cite your sources accurately and consistently throughout the essay according to the chosen citation style. Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points discussed in the body paragraphs and reinforcing the significance of your thesis. Leave the reader with a memorable closing thought or call to action related to the topic.

Revise and Edit

After writing a business essay, take the time to revise and edit it thoroughly. Review your essay for clarity, coherence, and logical flow of ideas. Check for grammar, punctuation, spelling errors, and any inconsistencies or gaps in your argumentation. Consider your essay's overall structure and organization, making adjustments as needed to improve readability and coherence. Seek feedback from peers, tutors, or instructors to gain fresh perspectives and identify areas for improvement. Make revisions based on the feedback received, and refine your essay until you are satisfied with the final draft. Finally, proofread your essay one last time to ensure it meets all the requirements and is ready to be submitted.

Startup Business Ideas

  • A meal prep delivery service.
  • An online marketplace for handmade goods.
  • Mobile car wash and detailing.
  • Virtual tutoring platform.
  • Dog walking app.
  • Farm-to-table food delivery.
  • Outdoor gear rental.
  • Virtual event planning.
  • Home repair matchmaking.
  • Maternity wear rental.
  • On-site beauty services.
  • Freelance photography booking.
  • DIY crafting workshops.
  • Mobile bike repair.
  • Sustainable flower delivery.
  • Virtual fitness training.
  • Plant-based meal kits.
  • Urban parking rental.
  • Houseplant subscription.
  • Fresh produce delivery.
  • Mobile car maintenance.
  • Gift concierge service.
  • Virtual cooking classes.
  • Errand running assistance.

Business Essay Topics

  • Social media marketing's impact on small businesses.
  • Improving employee engagement strategies.
  • E-commerce: Challenges and opportunities.
  • Customer relationship management success.
  • Sustainable business practices and benefits.
  • The gig economy: Pros versus cons.
  • Workplace diversity and inclusion.
  • Technology's influence on operations.
  • Managing remote teams effectively.
  • Corporate social responsibility in ethics.
  • Entrepreneurship: Challenges and successes.
  • Globalization's impact on SMEs.
  • Leadership in organizational change.
  • Workplace wellness programs.
  • Business ethics in the digital age.
  • The power of branding: Identity creation.
  • Crisis management strategies for resilience.
  • Efficient and sustainable supply chain management.
  • Future of work: Trends and implications.
  • Business innovation: Creativity and adaptation.
  • Financial management for small businesses.
  • Data privacy and security.
  • Effective time management strategies.
  • Emotional intelligence in leadership.
  • Company culture: Retention and satisfaction.

Do’s and Don’ts of Business Essay Writing

There are certain rules for writing a business essay that you must follow and particular don’t-do-this issues that you should avoid.

  • Clearly understand the essay prompt and adhere to any guidelines provided.
  • Conduct thorough research using credible sources to support your arguments.
  • Create a well-organized outline to structure your essay effectively.
  • Craft a strong introduction that grabs the reader's attention and states your thesis clearly.
  • Provide evidence and examples to support your arguments, using proper citations.
  • Maintain a formal and professional tone throughout the essay.
  • Use clear and concise language, avoiding jargon or overly complex terminology.
  • Proofread your essay carefully to eliminate errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
  • Conclude your essay by summarizing key points and restating your thesis.


  • Don't plagiarize or use someone else's work without proper attribution.
  • Avoid going off-topic or including irrelevant information in your essay.
  • Don't rely solely on personal opinion; support your arguments with evidence and analysis.
  • Avoid using informal language or slang in your writing.
  • Don't rush through the writing process; take the time to revise and edit your essay thoroughly.
  • Avoid making unsupported claims or assertions without evidence to back them up.
  • Don't forget to cite your sources properly according to the chosen citation style.
  • Avoid overloading your essay with too much information; focus on quality over quantity.
  • Don't neglect the importance of formatting and presentation; ensure your essay is well-structured and visually appealing.

Business Essay Example

Here’s an example of a business essay that will be an excellent source of inspiration and formatting hints. If you want a new paper of similar quality, feel free to leave a quote.

Business essays serve as invaluable learning tools for students, providing them with a platform to apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios and develop essential skills for success in the business world. Students hone their critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication abilities by learning how to set up an essay , research topics, analyze facts, and write eloquently about various business topics. Business essays also encourage students to stay updated on current trends and developments in the business landscape, fostering a deeper understanding of industry dynamics and challenges. Moreover, writing business essays cultivates students' ability to formulate well-reasoned arguments, articulate their ideas effectively, and present information in a structured and persuasive manner, all of which are crucial competencies in professional settings.

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How many paragraphs does a business essay have.

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Business Essay and the Best Way of Its Writing

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business owning essay

Business is an essential aspect of today’s evolving world. It is a lucrative industry that impacts many sectors, including education. Business-related courses are popular as many students are pursuing the programs. There are many branches in the business field, from business management to finance. College tutors often give students different business papers to test their knowledge as part of the assessment.

A business essay is an academic assignment that involves writing a paper that responds with a strategic and analytical approach to specific situations occurring in the market. Each business essay has a different topic that students tackle. However, the primary purpose of such essays is to collect relevant facts that align with the research question and analyze the data to get solutions.

Writing a business essay might seem simple, but it requires impressive writing skills and extensive research. You must be familiar with the topic to know the paper’s direction. Topic selection is a tricky section that affects the entire writing process. It is essential to identify a relevant topic to assist you in crafting a remarkable paper. You have to write a well-structured and compelling paper to get good grades. Presenting accurate arguments with supporting examples from reliable sources is an essential research aspect. Thus, a business essay must follow the required academic standards and theoretical frameworks.

However, writing is not everyone’s cup of tea, and incorporating logical arguments can be challenging. If you are stuck, you can check any business essay example online to understand the format. You will know how to structure the paper and relate it to the relevant themes.

That is why our writing service is here to help needy students craft exceptional essays. We will connect with a proficient business essay writer to help with the research and writing process. Get flawless documents from us and earn the best score in your class.

Business Essay Format

Most learners often overlook the importance of having a business essay format. It is imperative to use a format to help you outline your work. Proper thought organization and articulation are essential aspects that translate into a well-written business essay.

Below is an example of the format:

  • Introduction
  • Background information
  • Introduce main topics
  • Thesis statement
  • Topic sentence
  • Research explanation
  • Restate points
  • Significance of the study

The above outline is a map that will guide you to know what to include in each section. In addition, you will understand what the assignment requires you to do from the introduction to the conclusion.

If you still find it challenging to get the proper format, you can study a relevant business essay example from our site and jumpstart your paper. Whether you need a business school essay or a business plan essay, we have you covered.

Write Business Essay In 5 Steps

While writing might seem challenging, with the proper format and topic familiarity, you are on the right track. It is imperative to understand the writing process before composing your business essay. You need to read the prompt carefully to know what you are supposed to research and write about.

Here is an overview of the writing process in 5 simple steps:

  • Topic Selection

Choosing a good topic is mandatory in crafting an excellent paper. You must select a theme that aligns with the research question. Additionally, ensure you select a familiar topic you are passionate about to avoid writing mistakes and illogical paragraphs.

  • Extensive Research

Conduct extensive research to get facts and supporting evidence. Narrow down your theme and include only good points. Avoid broad topics because you will waste time during research.

  • Essay Outline

Make sure you use a proper outline to organize your thoughts and line of arguments. Follow the format essay

Start writing your paper while using the required academic format. Organize your work and include the introduction, main body paragraphs, or conclusion.

  • Editing and Proofreading

Finally, edit and proofread your essay to eliminate grammatical and spelling mistakes.

The above steps will help you during business essay writing to craft remarkable papers. It would be best to plan your time adequately to avoid rushing through the process. However, you must select an appropriate topic for your paper. It could be a business management essay or a marketing paper. No matter the subject discipline, ensure you follow the correct procedure.

Business Essay Topics

popular business topics

Our experts have compiled a list of different business essay topics to inspire your writing:

  • Discuss the importance of bookkeeping in a business.
  • Evaluate the impact of value addition in products.
  • An analysis of income and expenditure transactions.
  • Analyze the supply-chain industry.
  • The effects of product promotion in business growth.
  • How to develop an effective marketing strategy.
  • Impact of policymaking in enhancing company productivity.
  • What is multilevel marketing?
  • Impact of technology in the business world.
  • Discuss the challenges affecting entrepreneurship.
  • Significance of human resource management.
  • Explore the importance of budget analysis.
  • How does technology impact advertising?
  • The importance of a financial strategy.
  • How to start an online business.
  • How can organizations profit from sustainable practices?
  • How to develop a positive organizational culture.
  • The importance of employee diversity in an organization.
  • Effective ways of fraud prevention in a company.
  • Explore the communication channels in an organization.

Let us look at interesting argumentative business essay topics

  • Discuss the influence of cultural differences on international companies.
  • A comprehensive analysis of cryptocurrencies.
  • Discuss the ethical dilemmas in international organizations.
  • The influence of globalization on the business community.
  • Should large organizations have a social media presence?
  • Causes and effects of economic recession.
  • Impact of politics on business growth.
  • Discuss the effective strategies of negotiating cross-cultural business deals.
  • Explore the integrity of online entrepreneurship.
  • The impact of corporate social responsibility in an organization.

The field is quite diverse with various course programs. You can derive different topics from these programs to get logical arguments. So, get inspiration from the compelling business school essay examples and craft exceptional papers.

business management essay topics

How To Start A Business Essay

Knowing how to start a business essay is essential for academic writing. The first step entails topic selection because it will determine the essay’s direction. Identifying a relevant topic is vital, and you need to ensure you get the suitable theme. It will also help save you time during research and simplify the writing process.

When it comes to essay writing service , business papers are among the assignments that require extensive research and analysis. Read the essay prompt carefully to understand the tutor’s expectations. Then, make sure you conduct a comprehensive brainstorming session to get the major points for your paper. Having the right points will help you compose logical arguments in a flawless manner.

Moreover, it would help to read previous essays and publications from reliable essays widely. You will get essential data to support your arguments. Besides, the sources will help you cite your essay correctly.

Start your essay with an insightful introduction and include your perspective regarding the topic. Incorporate a powerful thesis statement that informs your readers of the paper’s direction and the major points you will discuss.

Proceed to write the body paragraphs with a topic sentence that captures all significant arguments. Each paragraph should have well-explained arguments that flow logically.

Finally, conclude your business essay by restating your main points and the significance of the study.

Still, need help with your paper? Worry no more. Our competent business essay writers are on standby, ready to assist you with any academic paper. Stop wasting time and reach out to us. We will help you score top-of-the-class grades within no time.

The paper “Enterprises Resource Planning Success and Failure” is an outstanding example of a business essay. An Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system according to Aslan et al. (2012, p.693) is a management system within an organization that has sets of connected inclusive software, which may be used when espoused and put into practice effectively, to oversee and connect every organizational function. Basically, ERP systems may be employed as a tool for helping to improve the supply chain network as well as the level of performance by helping in decreasing cycle times.

Besides that, ERP systems have been utilized routinely in capital-intensive industries like building, construction, manufacturing, as well as defence. Latterly, ERP systems have advanced further and nowadays they are prevalent in industries such as education, health care, finance, hospitality, and telecommunications. Fundamentally, the benefits of ERP systems are hard to realise not unless a strong disposition, as well as participation, is established within the organisation; so, the article seeks to critically analyse ERP success and failure experienced by organisations.

BodyAs mentioned by Hellens et al. (2005, p.283), ERP systems are built upon a single database and application, as well as a coordinate that is unified in the whole organization. For that reason, every application serving different departments such as HR, accounting, and supply chain are integrated firmly under a single ERP system. Al-as observed by Al-Masha et al. (2003, p.354), ERP systems are useful when successfully implemented because they accelerate the process of decision-making. So, the success of ERP systems depends on the ability of an organisation’s managers to efficiently oversee the operation of a business, given that ERP systems can help them reduces operation costs.

Success drivers of ERP systems can be categorised into two: operational and technological drivers. In this case, operational drivers are associated with ways of improving organisational performance, supporting business strategies, as well as cutting production costs. On the other hand, technological drivers are predominantly associated with compliance with existing rules and regulations. The notion of success varies as the process of implementation continues, in that for planning and implementation (the first two stages of the cycle) success is mainly rooted in completing the ERP project to the standards that are acceptable within the budget as well as a time limit.

As pointed out by Hanafizadeh et al. (2010), stabilization as well as Improvement (the last two stages of the cycle) success is founded on the seeming impact of the ERP system on the performance of the organization. As indicated in Hanafizadeh et al. (2010) study, there are scores of factors vital for the success of ERP systems; support is top management one of the factors, and it involves encouraging commitment, positivity, and support of top management in the ERP project. Another factor is the utilization of knowledge as well as experience of system and technology consultants.

Additionally, the balanced project team is crucial for the success of ERP systems because it includes the integration of employees and information technology with the broad knowledge of the processes in the organization. As evidenced in Hellens et al. (2005) study, the accuracy of the information is crucial to the success of ERP project, so, data loaded from accessible legacy systems must at all times be of high quality. ERP project cannot succeed if the project management teams do not have a well-defined, detailed project plan related to the goals of the project.

Change management is also a success factor in the implementation of ERP project; so, careful attention has to be offered to this, considering that several changes in business processes are experienced during ERP systems implementation. Training and education are also important given that technical expertise regarding the ERP system, its reference model, and facts regarding its working are useful in the process of implementation. Other factors crucial for success consists of, availability of experts who aside from being in top management will frequently help the organization realize ERP system benefits.

Failure of ERP projects has been prevalent, and this has continued to bite worldwide across all business platforms. As pointed out in Xue et al. (2005, p.279) study, ERP poise substantial benefits like improving customer service, reducing manufacturing costs and boosts productivity, but these benefits are only realised after successfully implementing the ERP systems. Nevertheless, statistics show that implementation of ERP systems is still a failure amongst scores of companies. Statistically, 90 per cent of ERP systems implementations in Asia countries, especially China are either completed late or use more money and resources than those stipulated in budget.

In Xue et al. (2005) study, where they differentiated implementation success of ERP system in China as well as western countries, they noted that China had a higher percentage of failure which was attributed mainly to lack of support from top management as well as data inaccuracy. Other factors that led to ERP failure include poor participation, education and training, insignificant time ensuing from a minimal understanding of cross-operational organisational processes (Dechow & Mouritsen, 2005, p.691). Furthermore, ERP systems are exceedingly expensive, and also the need for the organisation to hire consultants to assist in the configuration as well as implementation, results in further escalation of price; thus, creating a high possibility of failure.

The cost used on consultants is almost thrice the cost of an ERP system; this negatively affects the productivity of the company and can lead also to the failure of the ERP system. ConclusionIn conclusion, it has been argued that ERP systems are beneficial because they improve the flow of information between every function of the company and also manages the connections to external stakeholders. Currently, the key basis of competitive advantage is the capability of a business to improve the processes of the supply chain.

This necessity has created the need for more advanced information systems like ERP systems. The articles have heightened numerous factors critical to the success of ERP, and which have allowed companies to efficiently plan their resources resulting in business efficient functionality and increased productivity. Failures as discussed in the article are caused by lack of support from top management, data inaccuracy, and lack of sufficient education and training.

The paper “New iPhones Show a Hit For Apple as Quarterly Profit Fluctuate 13 Percent” is an outstanding example of a business literature review. Yao (2014) explains that China is expected to provide information about its weakest growth since the occurrence of the global financial crisis within the third quarter while the property downturn is assessed based on manufacturing and investment. As a result, more pressure has been put on Beijing to unveil new stimulus measures. According to Yao (2014), the market assumes that the Communist Party leader will be able to adjust to the gradual slowdown. This will happen only in circumstances where there are no possibilities of experiencing a potentially destabilizing fluctuation in unemployment. However, anything weaker would lead to more speculations of key stimulus measures, for instance, an interest rate cut. Although the leadership has consistently provided steady aid specifically to vulnerable sectors of the economy, it has been noted that several stimuli have been ignored because China is still struggling to pay a huge local government debt (Yao 2014).

Article 2: New iPhones show a hit for Apple as quarterly profit fluctuate 13 percent

Due to strong demand for APPLE’s new larger-screen iPhones released in September, its quarterly profit increased by 13 percent. This also enabled APPLE to overcome the sluggish iPad sales (Jones 2014). Despite the more intensifying competition felt by Samsung Electronics as APPLE’s leading Smartphone competitor, Jones (2014) points out that the iPhone is attracting more consumers who are also ready to pay high prices particularly for cutting-edge handsets. Through its latest phones, Apple is profitably catching with its major competitors, such as, Samsung that have from time to time managed to post attractive sales of larger phones. It has also been noted that the marketing strength that iPhone has gained stands in contrast to sluggish iPad sales and the issues affecting Samsung’s Smartphone business (Jones 2014).

Article 3: Coal not the solution for poverty

Couchi (2014) examines that cheap coal-fueled electricity is highly considered by miners and politicians as the best alternative way out of poverty, particularly for developing nations. However, Africa has not considered this. In the business report provided by Couchi (2014) about the U.S financial group Citi, it can be noted that the booming market for African electricity has been a result of the coal approach. In the attempt to reinforce coals bearish outlook, Couchi (2014) reports that Citi discovered that a new International Energy Agency (IEA) outlook on the commodity is in contrast with the idea of BHP, the US coal producer Peabody as well as the Minerals Council of Australia which maintains that coal would play an integral role in minimizing energy poverty, particularly for developing countries. Despite its metallurgical and thermal forms, coal is considered the second-biggest mineral exported from Australia after iron ore (Couchi 2014).

Article 4: Ebola could be in the headlines, but tobacco is yet another killer in Africa

Research conducted by The Guardian (2014) shows that although Ebola dominates the headlines, there is yet another killer pandemic of great importance that continues to kill many people in the African continent unnoticeably. It is has been noted that tobacco kills at least one between two long term smokers. Currently, it is anticipated to kill 1 billion people globally before 2100. This is relatively more compared to the current number of people who die of Ebola. The Guardian (2014) terms this global issue as injustice and inequality because Transnational Tobacco Companies (TTCs), such as UK-based British American Tobacco (BAT) earn humungous profits yet they cause economic damage worthy over half a trillion dollars each year. Besides, TTCs contribute more to environmental degradation and thus create risks that compromise the health as well as the sustainability of populations. To earn more profits, TTCs are currently shifting and expanding their business to untapped markets in regions with unrestricted opportunities for growth (The Guardian 2014).

Article 5: NAB, ANZ lead pack in building home-lending share

The home loan is still considered the major driving force in recovering credit growth for banks. In this case, National Australian Bank (NAB) and ANZ are on the frontline to encourage the big banks in taking the advantage of the mortgage market, while home and business lending are sustainably becoming strong. Therefore, NAB and ANZ have put on media their fastest growth out of the big in all the past three months (Yeates 2014). Despite the faster growth and expansion made by NAB compared to their rivals in home lending, Yeates (2014) notes that analysts see business lending as a bigger concern because the bank has lost shares and faced more pressure, particularly on its margins. Generally, the home loan market is considered a major driving force that enables banks to recover from credit growth regardless of the risks associated with life specifically in business lending (Yeates 2014).

The paper “Globalization and Culture” is an outstanding example of a business essay. Today, it is common to hear people refer to the world as ‘a global village’. This has been a result of the process of globalization. This process has opened up and improved trade across regional and national borders. Not only has globalization enhanced economic interactions across nations but also improved access to information and uplifted the fight for human rights, among other benefits. Recent technological and communication developments along with improved road networks have been the key drivers of globalization. However, critics of globalization say that these benefits have been realized at a very high price: that of surrendering regional and national cultural values, mainly, for Western morals (Kwame, 2007).

Regarding this debate, two key schools of thought emerge. From one angle critics argue that globalization spreads out any and every culture all over the realm, leading to cultural heterogeneity and deeper understanding between diverse groups. This is mainly defined through the global production and distribution of commodities such that people in different parts of the world have access to commodities they would otherwise have never seen. A case in point is the cultural interaction between the United States and Japan. Teens in the U.S interact with the Japanese culture through their comic books, animations and video games, while teens in Japan interact with the American culture through watching TV shows and Hollywood movies produced in the U.S (Kwame, 2007).

On the flip side, critics argue that globalization erodes the regional and national cultural identity through cultural homogeneity. This leads to a cohesive global culture constituting diluted varieties of regional and national cultural nuances. For instance, French pastries, ‘American’ fried chicken, and Japanese sushi can be eaten in almost any part of the world. Restraint chains such as MacDonald’s and Starbucks have influenced traditions and behaviors in different countries. Even though champions of globalization claim that this merely affects consumer goods and media broadcasting, critics contend that it deteriorates customary culture ((Kwame, 2007; Czinkota, 2003).

Culture is a prevalent aspect in business whether it is in marketing, production, or human resource management. It is a key variable in the function of success in new markets (Czinkota, 2003). People’s purchasing decisions are based on a product’s design, style or color that supports their religious beliefs and practices. Empirical evidence shows that the success or failure of a company, especially, in a foreign market is reliant upon the effective managerial exercise of local religious beliefs and practices. Therefore, managers ought to be on familiar terms with their market’s religious differences given that religion influences people’s attitudes. For instance, Asians have a different attitude toward authority and women that differs from Western beliefs and practices. Whereas many parts of the world, including Asia, South America, and Africa, value collectivism very much, Americans are more individualistic. Chinese, Latin Americans and Koreans take time casually even as Americans are more proactive.

Failing to appreciate the religious beliefs and practices of the market will often lead to lots of inadvertent mistakes, such as being socially violent, cultural mix-ups, tarnished interpersonal relations, poor negotiations. As a consequence, the company’s future performance dwindles as profits decline. Lack of religious competence, or religious dogmatism, can easily put at risk millions of dollars through fruitless negotiations, lost purchases or sales, and pitiable customer relationships (Czinkota, 2003).

Cultural Literacy

Culture is a broad system that includes traditions, beliefs, attitudes, values, institutions and social interactions. This system reflects the global crunch facing the human race, and so it is a cultural catastrophe (UNESCO 1997). Dealing with such a cultural diversity calls for an important skill referred to as cultural competence. Chrisman (2007) defines cultural competence as ‘attitudes, practice skills, and system savvy for cross-cultural conditions’. The key force in work involving cultural competence is the people’s flexibility and ability to appropriately consider and treat the general public politely and in a proper way fitting their culture. Cultural literacy takes account of cultural competence plus the capacity to analytically mirror, and if needed institute change in, one’s a specific culture. Cultural literacy also comprises the capacity to examine the actions of central cultures measured against other cultures. This becomes very much useful in business. A case in point is the understanding of the effect of globalization or cross-cultural businesses on indigenous cultures all over the world.

Cultural literacy has been likened to an iceberg, through the iceberg model of culture. This is due to the expanse contextual material one requires to understand the culture. Cultural literacy often involves much more than the information essentially spoken. In other words, to understand the meaning of a cultural term, one has got to have much information that is not revealed by the bare meaning of that term. The clear cultural meaning of the term is like the ‘tip of an iceberg’ meaning that the deeper understanding lies below the casual meaning of the term and it constitutes a person’s own applicable information. It is known that 15 per cent or less of an iceberg can be seen above the water surface, 85 per cent or more of the iceberg is submerged below the water surface. This means that there is quite a different picture depicted shallowly from that which is the actual translation in the literature, giving the imprint that implied information comprises relatively tiny bits and pieces of information, left out by the correspondent due to dismissal or suitability (Hawkes, 2001).

Figure 1: Iceberg Model of Culture

It has been stated earlier that culture is a broad system that among other aspects involves religion. The world is very diverse in terms of culture as well as religion. Each culture embodies a creation in itself and yet it is not closed. Cultures give religious convictions semantics, and religions provide decisive connotation to each culture. Religion is a way of life for numerous cultures saturating every one human action. In other cultures, it characterizes the utmost ambitions of human life, and for others, religion is an institution that claims to convey a meaning of deliverance (Hawkes, 2001).

The paper “The Different Communications ” is an outstanding example of a management assignment. Phone: 23 rd August: the communication was made to remind that the bill for the mobile phone is outstanding and if not paid within the date will have a fine imposed on it. The communication was successful as it helped to fulfill my need and acted as a reminder. Further, the call also ensured that it was complete and all the details like outstanding amount, due date, late fine, and other details were provided. The call was complete and highlighted the important aspect which if ignored could have an impact on my usage.

Radio: 24 th August: The communication was made regarding the areas which are having huge traffic and showed the roads which should be avoided. The communication was successful as it helped to fulfill my requirements by highlighting the different roads which need to be avoided and which need to be used. The communication was further clear and loud regarding the different roads and path which should be avoided. This method acted as one where proper guidance was provided and acting in the correct way was highlighted so those correct decisions can be taken.

Communications that were unsuccessful

Television: 24 th August: The communication was made regarding the sale of women’s garments. The communication was ineffective because in the first instance it didn’t meet my needs and requirements as I was not looking to shop. Secondly, the message was not constructed properly as it didn’t speak about the brands which were available on sale, the different garments which were available, and also didn’t highlight the date when the sale would end.

Phone: 25 th August: The communication was made regarding the mobile bill payment which has already been made. The call was ineffective because it was not required as the payment has been made and I had the required receipt. The call was instead a wastage of time. In addition to it, the call was not constructed properly and required to focus on areas through which a message would have been enough as a source of communication to ensure that the payment was correctly entered.

Reasons for communication not to be successful

The communication process can be improved in the following ways

Firstly, ensuring that the communication which is made is required and is addressed properly so that the person who receives the communication gains from it (Nicholas, 2013)

Secondly, providing complete information is essential as it will serve as a benchmark to evaluate the manner in which different information is passed (Anne & Bochner, 2007). It will also help to understand the important matter which has been spoken and will help to highlight the manner in which changes can make so that proper communication and message is passed

Thirdly, the targeted audience was wrong and it is important to correct the audience (Mehrabian and Susan, 2007). This will help to improve the validity and reliability of the communication and will ensure that the process of communication becomes effective and is directed towards the correct person

Fourthly, the process of communication needs to be improved and changed so that the message is correctly interpreted and passed with the same intention (Imahori & Lanigan, 2012). This will help the listeners to evaluate the message in the correct form and will help to ensure maximum response.

Fifthly, the media which are used needs to be chosen wisely as the usage of a message instead of a phone call for bill paid confirmation would have been more helpful and could have caught the attention of the audience in a better way. This would have multiplied the effectiveness of communication and would have helped to understand the important points and issues.

The process of communication thereby requires working on the smaller and important aspect so that the overall process of communication improves and helps to provide the required dimensions through which effectiveness can be gained in the manner messages are passed.

The paper “Why Did Telefonica Initially Focus on Latin America” is a perfect example of a business assignment. Based on Telefonica’s objectives of rapidly increasing shareholder value, profits and achieving growth, it had to take advantage of location economies. Hence, the company initially focused on Latin America, as it must have perceived FDI to be a means for circumnavigating trade barriers. Indeed, the reasons why Telefonica initially focused on Latin America are perceivable through the lens of the Uppsala Model Theory.

According to the theory, the internalisation of a company across many foreign markets is correlated to psychic distance, where the first entry is to foreign markets that are familiar and closer in regards to the psychic distance of the host country, before making subsequent entries in foreign markets with greater psychic distance. Psychic distance comprises the differences in culture, language and political systems (Falvo & Parshad 2005).

Within the perspective of Uppsala Model Theory, it should be argued that companies tend to gradually increase their activities in international markets through a series of incremental stages, where the succeeding steps are anchored in learning and adapting to foreign markets (Pandian & Sim 2002).

This implies that the firms fast gain experience from the markets, where they have closer cultural ties before expanding to foreign markets. For instance, Telefonica had to first gain experience as a telecoms operator in Latin America, since the region has deep cultural ties with Spain, where it is headquartered.

Strategic competitive advantages

The company’s decision to slowly expand to Europe appeared opportunistic as well as strategic. Europe had initially possessed trade barriers that lowered the chances of successful entries. Essentially, there is a correlation between culture and national competitive advantage, where countries that are likely to impose trade barriers, in terms of competition are bypassed in preference to those that are less competitive (Enu & Attah-Obeng 2010). This argument is based on Dunning’s Eclectic Theory, which hypothesises that a company will always seek to leverage their specific advantages, including marketing, knowledge, skilled personnel, technology and information (Dunning 2001).

In this case, the Latin American markets were growing rapidly. They also experienced an increased high adoption rate and usage of mobile phones and internet connections. Additionally, after the Spanish government privatised Telefonica and deregulated the Spanish telecommunications market, the company’s core objective became increasing shareholder value, profits and achieving growth.

This implies that profit maximisation is a major drive to foreign direct development; through the use of particular advantages the company has (Glesem et al. 1990). It, therefore, had to select a region that would enable it to achieve higher profits. The company selected Latin America over Europe. Latin America had few entry barriers, such as competition and government regulations, while Europe had greater barriers due to more competitors. This implies that imperfect competition within the marketplace is a key incentive for expanding abroad. Besides, European mobile telecommunications operators had agreed they would not invade each other’s markets. However, after the entry of America Movil into Latin America, Telefonica faced a stronger competitor, forcing it to expand to Europe.

Commenting on other student’s post:

Why did Telefonica initially focus on Latin America?  Why was it slower to expand in Europe, even though Spain is a member of the European Union?

While the student hinted at the growth of multinational enterprises, a brief outline detailing why the company expanded and reasons for expansion could have provided a more relevant backdrop. Additionally, the reference to the Socialist Party by Popular Part in the general election of 1996 was irrelevant and out of context. The student’s decision to link the factors for the European Union to the opening of the telecommunications sector was misplaced. Rather, the student should have selected reasons why Telefonica selected to begin operating in Latin America before making headway to Europe. However, reference to high competition in the sector in Europe was justified.

Accordingly, the student should have explored the close cultural ties between Spain and Latin America, as the major drivers that triggered Telefonica to first launch in the region before expanding to Europe. In supporting the argument, a reference to a relevant theory, such as the Uppsala Model Theory could have pointed to the reasons why internationalisation of a company across many foreign markets is correlated to psychic distance (Uhasselt. be 2005). This includes why the initial entry is mostly made in foreign markets that are familiar and closer in regards to the psychic distance of the host country. Afterward, an explanation of what this meant to Telefonica based on the theory could have been appropriate (Gustafsson & Zasada 2011). For instance, the student should have stated that firms get to fast gain experience from the markets where they have closer cultural ties before expanding to foreign markets.

The student should have based his arguments on Dunning’s Eclectic Theory, which proposes that firms tend to use their peculiar advantages such as marketing, knowledge, skilled personnel, technology and information (Rugman 2010). Further, he should have stated that companies view FDI as a means to circumnavigate trade barriers before going forth to describe the correlation between culture and national competitive advantage, where countries that are likely to impose trade barriers in terms of competition are bypassed in preference to those that are less competitive.

While the student was also justified in arguing that the company sought to maximise profitability and to increase shareholder value, no basis was provided to support the argument, based on the case study. At this stage, the student should have suggested a theory to support his argument (Morgan & Katsikeas 1999). Later, the student should have provided examples from the case study to defend the choice of the theory he selected. However, the student provided examples outside the case study, such as “Telefonica has been able to establish footprints in 24 countries and having an average of 120,000 professionals with consolidated revenues of 24,957 million euros in January-June 2014 and more than 315.7 million customers at June 2014”

Additionally, the reasons the student outlined as the likely motivators for Telefonica to launch first in Latin America before making entries in Europe cannot be justified, as they have not been argued appropriately. For instance, in suggesting political developments, taking policy advantage and the fact that the markets shared a common language, the student should have discussed the concept of psychic distance and the related theory, such as the Uppsala Model Theory.

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The Science of Strong Business Writing

  • Bill Birchard

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Lessons from neurobiology

Brain scans are showing us in new detail exactly what entices readers. Scientists can see a group of midbrain neurons—the “reward circuit”—light up as people respond to everything from a simple metaphor to an unexpected story twist. The big takeaway? Whether you’re crafting an email to a colleague or an important report for the board, you can write in a way that delights readers on a primal level, releasing pleasure chemicals in their brains.

Bill Birchard is an author and writing coach who’s worked with many successful businesspeople. He’s drawn on that experience and his review of the scientific literature to identify eight features of satisfying writing: simplicity, specificity, surprise, stirring language, seductiveness, smart ideas, social content, and storytelling. In this article, he shares tips for using those eight S’s to captivate readers and help your message stick.

Strong writing skills are essential for anyone in business. You need them to effectively communicate with colleagues, employees, and bosses and to sell any ideas, products, or services you’re offering.

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  • Bill Birchard is a business author and book-writing coach. His Writing for Impact: 8 Secrets from Science That Will Fire Up Your Reader’s Brain will be published by HarperCollins Leadership in April 2023. His previous books include Merchants of Virtue, Stairway to Earth, Nature’s Keepers, Counting What Counts, and others. For more writing tactics, see his website .  

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Business Start Up, Essay Example

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Starting a business is a hard, long, and confusing endeavor filled with much information, a lot of paperwork, but much instruction on how to steer your startup. When starting a business the basics of creating the name, deciding the market, and writing up the business plan is necessary in the initial steps to becoming a business owner. However, they are several important factors, financial, social, and more importantly legal factors that must require the assistance of a professional when starting your own business.

The job of a paralegal is to work as a legal correspondent in guiding individuals through legal matter, such as, starting a business. There are several aspects of starting a business the potential owner must keep in mind. The first step is deciding, what the business is. Once decided, the paralegal should reveal the importance of intellectual property, along with the need, if any, trademarking, and patenting the business. Whether it be online or in a physical location, the decision matters in terms of the different laws and regulations that are assigned. If starting a business in a physical place, environment laws, zoning regulations, insurance, taxes, work place safety laws, permits, and licenses are required to know, and this information is essential for the potential business owner. (SBA, n.d) When starting a business online the knowledge of sales tax, international sales tax, regulations, consumer protection, and customs are essential in success of the company.

One of the most important information that the paralegal needs to inform the potential owner, is contracts, there are an important day to day aspect that business owners must use to further their business. Contracts are initial in confidentiality agreements, purchase of goods or services, financial obligations, joint ventures, with employees, intellectual property, and other aspects. The paralegal must inform on the basis of reading the fine print, knowing the laws before signing, and knowing the consequences of the contract.

Overall, starting a business is long road, with a big payoff if successful. However, when starting out, there is a lot of information that needs to be obtained in order to be a success. The need for financial, social, and legal advice will aid in navigating through the startup phase. The paralegal’s job is to inform the potential owner in the confusing legal requirements and information that will help in progressing the business into whatever area or focus that the business owner entails.

“Learn About Business Laws & Regulations.” SBA. N.d

“Small Business Legal Issues: Contracts.” Virtual Advisor . 2009.

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5.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Business Ownership

Learning objective.

  • Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of business ownership.

Do you want to be a business owner someday? Before deciding, you might want to consider the following advantages and disadvantages of business ownership (Small Business Development Center, 2006).

Advantages of Small Business Ownership

Being a business owner can be extremely rewarding. Having the courage to take a risk and start a venture is part of the American dream. Success brings with it many advantages:

  • Independence . As a business owner, you’re your own boss. You can’t get fired. More importantly, you have the freedom to make the decisions that are crucial to your own business success.
  • Lifestyle . Owning a small business gives you certain lifestyle advantages. Because you’re in charge, you decide when and where you want to work. If you want to spend more time on nonwork activities or with your family, you don’t have to ask for the time off. If it’s important that you be with your family all day, you might decide to run your business from your home. Given today’s technology, it’s relatively easy to do. Moreover, it eliminates commuting time.
  • Financial rewards . In spite of high financial risk, running your own business gives you a chance to make more money than if you were employed by someone else. You benefit from your own hard work.
  • Learning opportunities . As a business owner, you’ll be involved in all aspects of your business. This situation creates numerous opportunities to gain a thorough understanding of the various business functions.
  • Creative freedom and personal satisfaction . As a business owner, you’ll be able to work in a field that you really enjoy. You’ll be able to put your skills and knowledge to use, and you’ll gain personal satisfaction from implementing your ideas, working directly with customers, and watching your business succeed.

Disadvantages of Small Business Ownership

As the little boy said when he got off his first roller-coaster ride, “I like the ups but not the downs!” Here are some of the risks you run if you want to start a small business:

  • Financial risk . The financial resources needed to start and grow a business can be extensive. You may need to commit most of your savings or even go into debt to get started. If things don’t go well, you may face substantial financial loss. In addition, there’s no guaranteed income. There might be times, especially in the first few years, when the business isn’t generating enough cash for you to live on.
  • Stress . As a business owner, you are the business. There’s a bewildering array of things to worry about—competition, employees, bills, equipment breakdowns, customer problems. As the owner, you’re also responsible for the well-being of your employees.
  • Time commitment . People often start businesses so that they’ll have more time to spend with their families. Unfortunately, running a business is extremely time-consuming. In theory, you have the freedom to take time off, but in reality, you may not be able to get away. In fact, you’ll probably have less free time than you’d have working for someone else. For many entrepreneurs and small business owners, a forty-hour workweek is a myth; see Figure 5.6 “The Entrepreneur’s Workweek” . Vacations will be difficult to take and will often be interrupted. In recent years, the difficulty of getting away from the job has been compounded by cell phones, iPhones, Internet-connected laptops and iPads, and many small business owners have come to regret that they’re always reachable.
  • Undesirable duties . When you start up, you’ll undoubtedly be responsible for either doing or overseeing just about everything that needs to be done. You can get bogged down in detail work that you don’t enjoy. As a business owner, you’ll probably have to perform some unpleasant tasks, like firing people.

In spite of these and other disadvantages, most small business owners are pleased with their decision to start a business. A survey conducted by the Wall Street Journal and Cicco and Associates indicates that small business owners and top-level corporate executives agree overwhelmingly that small business owners have a more satisfying business experience. Interestingly, the researchers had fully expected to find that small business owners were happy with their choices; they were, however, surprised at the number of corporate executives who believed that the grass was greener in the world of small business ownership (Cicco and Associates Inc., 2006).

Figure 5.6 The Entrepreneur’s Workweek

The Entrepreneur's Workweek

Key Takeaways

There are several advantages that, generally speaking, come with success in business ownership:

  • Independence . As a business owner, you’re your own boss.
  • Lifestyle . Because you’re in charge, you decide when and where you want to work.
  • Financial rewards . In spite of high financial risk, running your own business gives you a chance to make more money than if you were employed by someone else.
  • Learning opportunities . As a business owner, you’ll be involved in all aspects of your business.
  • Creative freedom and personal satisfaction . As a business owner, you’ll be able to work in a field that you really enjoy, and you’ll gain personal satisfaction from watching your business succeed.

There are also a number of potential disadvantages to consider in deciding whether to start a small business:

  • Financial risk . The financial resources needed to start and grow a business can be extensive, and if things don’t go well, you may face substantial financial loss. In addition, you’ll have no guaranteed income.
  • Stress . You’ll have a bewildering array of things to worry about—competition, employees, bills, equipment breakdowns, customer problems.
  • Time commitment . Running a business is extremely time-consuming. In fact, you’ll probably have less free time than you’d have working for someone else.
  • Undesirable duties . You’ll be responsible for either doing or overseeing just about everything that needs to be done, and you’ll probably have to perform some unpleasant tasks, like firing people.

(AACSB) Analysis

First, identify five advantages of small business ownership. Next, rank these advantages according to their importance to you. Why did you rank them as you did? What factors discourage individuals from small business ownership? Indicate which of these factors might discourage you from starting a business. Explain why.

Because you’re convinced that the best way to get rich is to work for yourself, you’re thinking about starting your own business. You have an idea and $100,000 that you just inherited from a great-aunt. You even have a location: Palo Alto, California, which (according to a Forbes magazine article) is the best place in the United States to get rich. But there’s a downside: to move to California and start your own business, you’ll have to drop out of college. What financial risks should you consider in making your decision? What are your chances of succeeding with your plan? Are you willing to take the financial risk needed to start a business? Why, or why not? Are you really likely to make more money running your own business than working for someone else?

Cicco and Associates Inc., “Type E Personality—Happy Days—Entrepreneurs Top Satisfaction Survey,” ,,1539,226838–-3-,00.html (accessed April 21, 2006).

Small Business Development Center, “Pros and Cons of Owning a Business,” =1&ie=UTF-8 (accessed April 21, 2006).

Exploring Business Copyright © 2016 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Persuasive Essay About Business

Caleb S.

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Are you studying business and finance and have to write a persuasive essay about it?

Persuasive writing is part and parcel of business. You need to be persuasive in order to achieve business success. It is important to know how to present an argument and make a convincing case for your point of view.

But how can you write a business essay effectively if you don't even know where to start?

Don't worry anymore! This guide will teach you how to craft an impressive persuasive essay about business. We'll provide examples and tips on how to write the perfect essay that will convince others of what you want!

So let's get started! 

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  • 2. How to Write a Persuasive Business Essay
  • 3. Business Essay Examples
  • 4. Examples of Argumentative Essay About Business
  • 5. Persuasive Essay Topics About Business

Persuasive Essay Writing - The Basics

A persuasive essay is a type of essay that is designed to convince the reader of your point of view.

It uses logic, facts, and evidence to present your side in an effort to sway their opinion. You also use other persuasive elements, like emotional appeal, to persuade others.

Persuasive essays use clear language to make the reader understand your position and see why it is the better choice.

You have now understood the basic definition and purpose of a persuasive essay. Check out the PDF sample below to understand what a persuasive essay looks like in practice.

What is a Persuasive Essay - Example

The Importance of Persuasion in Business

Persuasion is an important skill to have in the business world. You need to be able to persuade others so that you can get what you want. 

This can be in the form of a sale, convincing an employer to hire you, or even presenting a business idea to potential investors. 

Persuasive writing is also used in marketing. Businesses need to explain why people should purchase their product or service and convince them that it is the right choice.

It is important to understand the key techniques for persuasive writing so that you can be successful in business.

Here a video with a simple explanation of what is persuasion:

How to Write a Persuasive Business Essay

Writing a persuasive essay can be a daunting task, as it requires the use of correct persuasive techniques along with evidence. But with the right steps and guidance, you can create an impressive piece.

Continue reading to find out what these steps are.

  • Think of a Clear Topic Your essay should have a very clear topic that you want to focus on. This will form the basis of your argument and drive the rest of your essay.

Make sure to choose a topic that you are passionate about and has different sides to it that can be argued. It will also help you formulate the thesis statement, or the central point of your argument.

  • Research and Gather Evidence

After choosing the topic, research it deeply. Find out as much information as you can to make your essay more compelling.

You should also gather evidence in order to back up your argument. This could be in the form of facts, statistics, quotes, or even personal anecdotes.

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  • Organize Your Ideas

Once you have conducted your research, it is time to organize your ideas. You should have a clear direction that you are taking and the points that you want to make within the essay.

You could use an outline to help with this. It will give you a good idea of how persuasive essay 3-paragraph will look and flow together.

  • Write Convincing Paragraphs

Now it is time to write your essay! You should start with an introduction that sets the scene for your topic and explains what you will be discussing in the essay.

The body of your essay will be composed of several paragraphs that make up your argument. Each paragraph should focus on one point and have evidence to back it up.

Finally, the conclusion should summarize your argument and explain why you are right. It should also leave a lasting impression on the reader.

  • Check For Errors

Once you have finished writing your essay, it is time to proofread and make revisions . Check for any spelling or grammatical errors and make sure that the argument flows well.

You should also ask someone else to read your essay and give you feedback. This could be a professor or a trusted friend.

These are the steps that will help you write a compelling persuasive business essay. With these tips, you can now create an effective essay that will persuade others of your point of view.

Read on to find persuasive essay examples that will inspire you to write your own essay

Persuasive Essay About Business Examples 5 Paragraphs

Persuasive Essay About Business Examples PDF

Business Essay Examples

Business essay writing can be quite challenging. After all, you are required to provide evidence and arguments to back up your opinions.

But don't fret! You will get comfortable with it after checking out a few good examples and getting some practice. Here are some examples to help you get started on your own essay:

Persuasive Essay on Business Administration

Example of Persuasive Speech About Business

Persuasive Essay About Online Business

Persuasive Essay On Business Management

Examples of Argumentative Essay About Business

Argumentative business essays are a great way to explain your point of view in a logical and convincing manner. 

Business essays can be written about many argumentative essay topics. For example, to explain why certain business decisions should be made or to argue the pros and cons of different approaches. Here are some examples:

Argumentative Essay About Online Business

Argumentative Essay Business Example

Argumentative Essay About Small Businesses

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Persuasive Essay Topics About Business

Persuasive essays are a great way to engage your readers and make them think about the topic at hand.

When it comes to business, there are many interesting topics that you can explore in a persuasive essay. Here are some business topic ideas:

  • The Benefits of Outsourcing Business Processes
  • Why Corporate Social Responsibility Has a Positive Impact For Business Outcomes
  • Should businesses get more benefit from online social networks and social media platforms?
  • The Impact of Taxation on Small Businesses
  • The Pros and Cons of Starting a Business in the United States
  • Employee Training and Its Benefits for Labor Turnover
  • The Disadvantages of Mergers and Acquisitions for Working Conditions?
  • Should businesses be required to have a minimum wage?
  • Why should paternity leave be longer?
  • Why Is it fair to restrict competition in certain areas in order to provide better service to customers

We have some persuasive essay topics on other subjects for you as well - check them out!

To wrap up the discussion,

Writing a compelling business essay can be challenging, but it is also an important skill to have when you are entering the corporate world.  By following these tips and looking at examples, you can create an essay that will make your point of view clear and persuasive.

Do you need custom essay writing help ? has got your back! Our persuasive essay writing service offers reliable help to help you create a compelling and persuasive essay.

We have highly qualified persuasive essay writers who are experts in writing about business related topics. 

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Persuasive Essay

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  • Building Your Business
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The Benefits of Owning Your Own Business

Susan Ward wrote about small businesses for The Balance for 18 years. She has run an IT consulting firm and designed and presented courses on how to promote small businesses.

business owning essay

Independence and Control

Financial rewards, flexibility, directly helping people, opportunity for innovation, what to watch out for.

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There are plenty of challenges that come with operating your own business . For many people, though, the rewards of running a business far outweigh the difficulties. In fact, 76% of those who decide to run their own small business are "somewhat happy" or "very happy" with their decision, according to a 2020 survey conducted by Guidant Financial's Small Business Trends Alliance.  

This line of work isn't just for the entrepreneurial spirit, either. Running a business can prove exciting for many people and for many different reasons. Whether you are looking for a flexible lifestyle, are eager to innovate, or simply want more control over your work and earning potential, there are many benefits to running your own business. Here are just a few of the biggest.

Have you ever worked a job in which you felt you could do better if you had control over how the work was done? Let's face it, jobs can be constricting and sometimes don't allow you to maximize your knowledge and skill.

When you build your own business, you do what you want, how you want, when you want. You develop the product or service to the level you think is best. You have systems and routines that work best for you. And if you need a powernap in the late morning or afternoon to boost creativity and productivity, you can take one.

According to the Small Business Trends Alliance survey, 55% of small business owners started their own business because they were "ready to be their own boss."  

Granted, statistics on business success can seem grim. After all, roughly 50% of businesses survive to five years.   With that said, there is much you can do to improve your chances of success , and in fact, depending on your goals, opening a business might be a better financial option than working for an employer.

For one, with a business, you're more likely to earn what you're worth, especially if you're a woman. Instead of earning 82% of what a man earns, a woman can charge her value in a business.   As the business owner, you can set prices and grow your salary with the business. When you throw in the business tax perks , you could end up making more than you would in a job.

Running a business can work well for many different lifestyles. For women, especially, owning your own business can give the lifestyle flexibility necessary to raise a family and still have a successful career. Women-owned businesses have been showing up at a faster rate than new businesses in general—at 21% per year vs. 9%, respectively, from 2014–2019.   According to a series of case studies by the National Women's Business Council, flexibility was a major factor for many women who decided to pursue entrepreneurship.  

Millennials and Generation Z workers are known to look for flexibility in their workplaces, and running a business can work well for many of them.   Likewise, people who are close to retirement or already retired may find owning their own business gives them the chance to keep their hands busy while not demanding the same rigid schedule of a typical job. People who want to travel or live a particular lifestyle can benefit from entrepreneurship, plus you might be able to work from home —or anywhere else you like.

Many small business owners launch their own businesses to make a positive impact in their local communities. This can happen through the products or services they provide or through the local causes they support. Small businesses also account for nearly half of the private workforce in the U.S., so launching your own business is a great way to provide jobs for many in the local community.  

Established organizations can—and do—create great change and innovation. Often, though, the most powerful new ideas come from small business owners that venture out on their own when they can't get traction for their ideas in their current workplace.

Many business icons started with an idea that has changed the world. From Disney to Zuckerberg and Bezos to Gates, all of them had small ideas that turned into huge successes. Many of these entrepreneurs launched these companies from their garage .

If your current employer isn't interested in your ideas, it may be a sign that you should launch your own enterprise.

Despite the many benefits of running your own business, it's not right for everyone. Being your own boss comes with some major risks, including:

  • Financial risk : If half of businesses fail within five years, then you're taking a 50% chance of losing some money on your own business. That's why it's critical to write a thorough, clear business plan and make sure you have a reasonable chance at success.
  • Personal liability : Beyond merely losing the money you put into the business, you could put more of your personal assets at risk—from your car to your house—if you don't structure your business to protect them.
  • Time commitment: The feeling that you're always on the job can be a drain for many business owners, according to a 2016 Bank of the West Bank Small Business Growth Survey. Many business owners work much more than a 40-hour workweek.  
  • Stress : The West Bank survey also noted the fear of burnout as a major concern for many small business owners. This is particularly true in light of the ongoing public health and economic crisis, which saw daily stress rise significantly among small business owners.  

The Bottom Line

  • Owning your own business brings some great benefits, and many entrepreneurs are satisfied with their decision after they make the plunge.
  • The most common reason people launch their own business is to be their own boss.
  • Other benefits include flexibility, financial rewards, the opportunity to innovate, and a chance to impact your community.
  • Still, there are serious risks to launching your own business, and you should carefully consider and plan before you take the leap.

Guidant Financial. " 2020 Small Business Trends ." Accessed Sept. 23, 2020.

Bureau of Labor Statistics. " Table 7. Survival of Private Sector Establishments by Opening Year. " Accessed Sept. 23, 2020.

Center for American Progress. " Quick Facts About the Gender Wage Gap ." Accessed Sept. 23, 2020.

American Express. " The 2019 State of Women-Owned Businesses Report ," Page 3. Accessed Sept. 24, 2020.

National Women's Business Council. " Necessity as a Driver of Women’s Entrepreneurship: Her Stories ." Accessed Sept. 24, 2020.

Financial Executives International. " How Generation Z Is Transforming the Workplace ." Accessed Sept. 24, 2020.

U.S. Small Business Administration. " 2019 Small Business Profile. " Accessed Sept. 24, 2020.

SCORE. " How Hard Small Business Owners Work ." Accessed Sept. 24, 2020.

Gallup. " Stress and Worry Rise for Small-Business Owners, Particularly Women ." Accessed Sept. 24, 2020.

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Business Essay Writing: How to Start Your Own Business Essay

Table of Contents

Most people believe that launching a small business is the best way to achieve freedom. Even though this claim has some merit, it is debatable.

Why do people choose to launch their businesses? They yearn to be on their own. One can better manage his time by operating a small business. You can create the products and services he desires, attempt to be thoughtful and responsible.

The economy of any state relies heavily on small enterprises. Small business owners make significant contributions to the state budget.

One could argue that the complex of small and middle-sized businesses brings the nation the same profit as big enterprises. Simply put, a prosperous state cannot exist without small businesses.

Without small businesses, poverty cannot be eradicated. Allow me to discuss some factors that should be considered when starting your business.

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Factors to Consider When Starting Your Own Business

1. starting up is difficult.

It’s not simple to launch a small business . Whether you own a construction company or a business, you must be financially and mentally prepared for hurdles.

Additionally, having a basic understanding of management, marketing, and business is essential.

You should first familiarize yourself with the industry and market. Use trustworthy education websites to learn.

The most essential component is researching the market to determine what products and services consumers want.

If a product is needed, but no one is making it, you have the best chance of dominating the market.

2. the Cost and Caliber of Your Product

The cost and caliber of your product are the second things you should consider. Two choices are available.

The creation of pricey, high-quality products that will last a long time is a choice to make. The second choice has to do with consumption. You make cheap, subpar items and draw customers by offering the most affordable pricing.

Sadly, selecting the ideal solution might be challenging. Many people are willing to spend much money to own a high-quality item. Others steer clear of high prices and favor affordable goods. Consider requesting a title loan if you require title cash to launch your company.

3. Business Plan

You should write your business plan, which will include all of the details about how your company will operate. Consider the client’s target markets, production, distribution, storage, and retail.

It would appear that you should create and keep your stuff somewhere. Then, problems like revenue and expense would come up.

You will need to hire a few staff to run your firm profitably. To bring the appropriate people into your company, you will need to be picky, demanding, and careful.

You will eventually run into issues with rent, taxes, etc. A business is similar to a family. Pay attention to the slightest problem, question, or misunderstanding to enhance your income and build your small business.

The Peaks and Valleys of Starting Your Own Business

Starting a small business involves a lot of benefits and drawbacks, as one might anticipate. Independence is the strongest side. You are not required to labor for another person.

You can decide what to do and how and work to benefit yourself. If you don’t feel recognized and valued at work, you can implement your unique and entertaining ideas in your own company.

Ambitious people always attempt to launch a small business if given a chance. When you are late, you do not have to heed the advice and warnings of your boss. You will eventually start to make more money. The entire profit belongs to you because you are the boss.

However, there are a lot of things that can be problematic for a new business owner. Keep in mind that independence comes with responsibility.

You are accountable for your business’s success, your employees’ well-being, and both. Additionally, you are responsible for the well-being and lives of those who use your products.

You must understand how to build and enhance your small business profitably. You should be aware of how to act in emergencies and unforeseen circumstances.

To handle crucial issues and employee disagreements, you must be willing to work nights and weekends. You should be a skilled educator, psychologist, and negotiator who can settle disputes and inspire his team.

Starting a small business is a challenging but worthwhile endeavor. You can open your shop, café, restaurant, or bakery and implement your brilliant and eccentric ideas there. To protect and build your firm, you must face many challenges and work hard.

Business Essay Writing: How to Start Your Own Business Essay

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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How to Write a Powerful MBA Essay—With Examples

The MBA essay is critical to your business school application. Read our guide to writing the perfect MBA essay, with successful admit examples.

Posted April 4, 2024

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MBA Week (June 3-6)

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Table of Contents

What is the mba essay.

The MBA admissions essay.

Those words alone are enough to make most MBA candidates run screaming. Writing in general is hard enough. Writing about why you want an MBA? Your short-term goals and career aspirations? What matters to you most, and why? Forget it.

Of course, you still have to write these essays.

The MBA essay is perhaps  the most important part of the business school application. (It's also getting more and more important by the day, with some business schools moving away from traditional, quantitative measuring sticks, like the GMAT and the GRE.) Every other part of the application — your GPA, your test scores, your letters of recommendation — are quantified, cut and dried, or out of your control. The essay is your chance to show up as a fully realized MBA candidate, with hopes, dreams, and vulnerabilities. Admissions committees are not simply assessing your candidacy as a future leader — they're looking to admit human beings. That's where the MBA applicant essays come in.

That being the case, rather than being intimidated by it, treat the essay like the opportunity that it is — the chance for you to highlight your unique, iridescent self; the only moment in the MBA admissions process (prior to the interview) when you can speak directly to the admissions officers; the time when you'll show them who you really are. It's not easy to write something that will do that, of course, but with the tips and tricks in this guide, and some help from one of Leland's vetted, world-class admissions coaches, we know you can do it. Give the essay the time, attention, and respect it deserves, and you'll be on your way to an offer of admission at your dream school.

Without further ado, let's dive in!

business owning essay

Ultimate MBA Essay Guide

See the MBA essay prompts, top tips from experts, and real examples from admits with this comprehensive guide.

How Long Will My MBA Essay Take?

First thing's first: let's talk about timing.

The MBA application is a behemoth; between exams, resumes, gathering your official transcripts, letters of recommendation, and the applications themselves, there's a lot to juggle. That being the case, we suggest you give yourself ample time to draft, write, and revise your essays. The last thing you want is to be rushed to the finish line.

So, give yourself  at least three months to write your MBA essays. That should allow you ample time to draft, write, and edit. For more information on timing your entire b-school application, click here for  A Comprehensive MBA Application Timeline--With Chart .

Now, on to the critical question:

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What Makes a Great MBA Essay?

At the highest level, the answer is the one that is truest to you. The whole point of these essays is to shine through as an authentic, vibrant human being, so the best essays are the ones that cut through the clutter, and allow you do to that.

Which begs the question — how  do you cut through the clutter and shine through as a vibrant human being? Here are four critical tips to follow as you begin thinking about your essays.

1. Answer the Question

This one sounds obvious, but you'd be surprised how many applicants launch into their story, get carried away, and forget to answer the question. Follow the prompt, and answer the question the admissions committee has asked you. Those prompts can actually be very useful when writing your essays — it's a great deal harder to write when you have no guidance or guardrails. With the MBA essays, you have a very specific question you need to answer. So answer it!

2. Be Specific

Another mistake some MBA applicants make is to stay at a high level in their essays, keeping their writing abstract and therefore inaccessible to the admissions committee. If at any point, an admissions officer could replace your name with the name of another applicant, then your essay isn't getting deep enough. It's not enough, for instance, to say that you suffered adversity in high school, or that you really, really want a Wharton MBA. You need to explain, in detail, the adversity you faced, and give concrete and unique reasons why you think Wharton is the right program for you. The best essays offer hyper-specific examples and anecdotes, with details and anecdotes that no other candidate could bring to the table. To get those anecdotes, we recommend using the STAR template, as explained below:

  • Situation : What was the situation you were facing? Where were you? How old were you? If you were in a professional role during this anecdote, what was the role, and how long had you been in it? If you were volunteering, at what organization? How long had you been volunteering there? Why did you start? Offer all the relevant information that the admissions readers will need to understand your story.
  • Task : What was the task at hand? What went wrong? In your professional role, what was the challenge you faced? In that volunteering experience, what were the hurdles you had to overcome? You can't have a good story without conflict or tension, so after you set up the anecdote, explain what that conflict or tension was (and remember, be specific!).
  • Action : What was the action you took to resolve the problem? What did you have to do to fix that issue at work? How did you clear that hurdle in your volunteer experience? Again, be specific about how you came through on the other side of that conflict/tension — and while you're doing it, highlight your leadership capabilities as much as possible! Remember that top MBA programs are looking for future leaders who can assess a situation and decisively take action. (We'll say a bit more about this below, in the Personal Statement section.
  • Result : What was the result of your action? If you were facing a growth problem at work, were you able to increase sales? If so, by what percentage? If you were advocating for diversity and inclusion at your local charity, what new programs did you implement to help with that effort, and what was the enrollment like in those new programs? Detail what happened in your anecdote with as much specificity as possible — and quantify, quantify, quantify!

3. Get Vulnerable

Most MBA admissions essay prompts are written with the goal of getting to know as much about you as possible in the shortest number of words. To do that, you're going to have to share real things from your life — to get personal, intimate, and vulnerable. Do not shy away from this. If you're starting to get emotional during the reflection, drafting, and writing process, good — that means you're on the right track. Keep going. Pro tip: If it’s making you cry, it will make them cry. Another good rule of thumb is to put something real and true on the table. Admissions officers have to read literally thousands of applications from thoroughly qualified individuals, some of whom might come from similar roles to yours, with letters of recommendation from equally impressive supervisors. In order to cut through that noise, you'll have to share something honest. If you're doing it right, this can feel risky. At some point, you’ll likely think to yourself: “Can I say that?” The answer is: “Yes.” Of course, there is a line, you don’t want to be crass or offensive but err on the side of being open and authentic. The very worst thing you can do is be overly cautious, and write something you think will please the admissions committee. These poor people have to read thousands of essays. If yours is just like everyone else’s, they’ll fall asleep. Don’t let that happen. Wake them up by putting yourself —your true, bright, vibrant, quirky self—on the page.

4. Don't Exaggerate

Finally, do not exaggerate, over-inflate, or lie. This goes without saying, but admissions committees are looking for honest candidates. The surest way to get rejected is to lie about something. (Business schools do a background check on you before you're properly admitted, so they will find out.) Don't be the person who over-inflates on their essays, then has their offer letter rescinded.

The Types of MBA Essays

All right — since we've covered high-level approaches to the MBA essays, it's time to dig into the various types.

There are three general categories of MBA essays you'll see across the board.

1. Personal Statement

These questions ask you to offer up something sincere about yourself. They'll often touch on such things as your values and your character. In these, you'll want to be as authentic as possible, while also highlighting attributes like leadership, intellectual vitality, and teamwork, that business schools are looking for. Here are a few examples of personal statement essays:

  • As we review your application, what more would you like us to know as we consider your candidacy for the Harvard Business School MBA program? (HBS)
  • What matters most to you, and why? (Stanford GSB)

2. Why an MBA/Why This School

The next category of essays is the "Why an MBA" / "Why This School" set.

In these, schools first want to hear about how an MBA will fit into your career, both short and long term. Top MBA programs are looking for candidates who will: first of all, be gainfully employed upon graduating, second of all, have an illustrious career that will make their institution look good and encourage future generations of applicants to apply, and third, be consistent and generous donors. That being the case, they want to know about your career trajectory, and how an MBA will fit into it.

Pro tip: Here, you want to be ambitious and inspiring in laying out your future career, but not naïve. Walk the line between shooting for the stars and sounding dreamlike and uninformed.

In this set of questions, you'll also encounter questions geared at figuring out why you would want to attend a specific school. MBA programs want to know that you're serious about attending their school — yield, or the percentage of admitted candidates who accept their offers of admission, is an important metric for them — but they also want to envision how you'll contribute to their admitted class. What will you uniquely bring to the table, the things that you'll do that the other candidates wouldn’t be able to offer?

We've heard former deans of business schools say that, in choosing a class, they're curating a world-class dinner party, and that each person invited to the dinner party has to bring something different. What will you bring to the dinner party?

Pro tip: To demonstrate that you've done your research, and to help the admissions committee envision you in their program, indicate which classes you might take when earning your MBA and why, which professors you might hope to study with, and in which clubs you might participate.

Here are a few examples of "why MBA / why this school" essays:

  • How is a Columbia MBA going to help you? (Columbia)
  • What do you hope to gain professionally from the Wharton MBA? (Wharton)
  • Why Stanford? Describe your aspirations and how your Stanford GSB experience will help you realize them. (Stanford GSB)

3. Behavioral/Other

Finally, most other essays will either be behavioral, asking you about experiences, traits, strengths, weaknesses, and achievements. There's a wide variety of topics here, but all the guidelines from above apply, with the final note to always prioritize authenticity (as mentioned in the Personal Statement section) and leadership ability (remember, business schools are choosing future leaders). Here are a few examples of behavioral/other essays:

  • Describe the biggest commitment you have ever made. (Yale SOM)
  • Tell us about your favorite book, movie, or song and why it resonates with you. (Columbia)
  • Think about times you’ve created a positive impact, whether in professional, extracurricular, academic, or other settings. What was your impact? What made it significant to you or to others? (Stanford GSB)

Top MBA Program Essay Prompts (Updated 2022)

To help you get started, we've compiled the required prompts from a few top MBA programs below:

1. Harvard Business School (HBS)

As we review your application, what more would you like us to know as we consider your candidacy for the Harvard Business School MBA program? (900 words)

For more information, visit A Guide to the HBS Essay .

2. Stanford Graduate School of Business

What matters to you most, and why? (650 words)

Why Stanford? (400 words)

Read What Matters Most When Writing the GSB Essays.

How do you plan to use the Wharton MBA program to help you achieve your future professional goals? You might consider your past experience, short and long-term goals, and resources available at Wharton. (500 words)

Taking into consideration your background – personal, professional, and/or academic – how do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions to the Wharton community? (400 words)

For Wharton-specific advice, visit A Guide to the Wharton Essays .

4. Columbia Business School

Essay 1: Through your resume and recommendation, we have a clear sense of your professional path to date. What are your career goals over the next three to five years and what, in your imagination, would be your long-term dream job? (500 words)

Essay 2: The Phillips Pathway for Inclusive Leadership (PPIL) is a new co-curricular program designed to ensure that every CBS student develops the skills to become an ethical and inclusive leader. Through PPIL, students attend programming focused on five essential diversity, equity, and inclusion skills: Creating an Inclusive Environment, Mitigating Bias, Communicating Across Identities, Addressing Systemic Inequity, and Managing Difficult Conversations. Tell us about a time you were challenged around one of these five skills. Describe the situation, the actions you took, and the outcome. (250 words)

Essay 3: We believe Columbia Business School is a special place. CBS proudly fosters a collaborative learning environment through curricular experiences like our clusters and learning teams , an extremely active co-curricular and student life environment, and career mentorship opportunities like our Executives-in-Residence program .Why do you feel Columbia Business School is a good fit for you academically, culturally, and professionally? Please be specific. (250 words)

5. Chicago Booth

How will the Booth MBA help you achieve your immediate and long-term post-MBA career goals? (250-word minimum)

An MBA is as much about personal growth as it is about professional development. In addition to sharing your experience and goals in terms of your career, we’d like to learn more about you outside of the office. Use this opportunity to tell us something about who you are… (250-word minimum)

Read more at A Guide to the Booth Essays .

6. Kellogg Northwestern

Kellogg’s purpose is to educate, equip and inspire brave leaders who create lasting value. Provide a recent example where you have demonstrated leadership and created value. What challenges did you face and what did you learn? (450 words)

Values are what guide you in your life and work. What values are important to you and how have they influenced you? (450 words)

Read How to Nail Your Kellogg MBA Application Essays

7. MIT Sloan

MIT Sloan seeks students whose personal characteristics demonstrate that they will make the most of the incredible opportunities at MIT, both academic and non-academic. We are on a quest to find those whose presence will enhance the experience of other students. We seek thoughtful leaders with exceptional intellectual abilities and the drive and determination to put their stamp on the world. We welcome people who are independent, authentic, and fearlessly creative — true doers. We want people who can redefine solutions to conventional problems, and strive to preempt unconventional dilemmas with cutting-edge ideas. We demand integrity, respect, and passion.

Taking the above into consideration, please submit a cover letter seeking a place in the MIT Sloan MBA program. Your letter should conform to standard business correspondence, include one or more professional examples that illustrate why you meet the desired criteria above, and be addressed to the Admissions Committee (300 words or fewer, excluding address and salutation)

Applicants are required to upload a 1 minute (60 seconds) video as part of their application. In your video, you should introduce yourself to your future classmates, tell us about your past experiences, and touch on why MIT Sloan is the best place for you to pursue your degree.

How to Start Your MBA Essay

So you've read about the types of essays, and seen some of the prompts from top MBA programs. Now it's time to actually start diving into the essay.

The very first thing to do, before putting pen to paper, is to look inward.

Why do  you want an MBA? What role will this degree play in your professional growth? How do you imagine it will shape your life? What do you want out of your career? What is the most important thing in the world to you?

Yes, these are life’s deep-end questions, but you’ll need to tackle them in these essays, so before you start writing, take the time to think through them. Go for a run, swim some laps, bake a cake—however you get into the flow — and start a dialogue with yourself. Put down your work, turn your phone off, and give your mind permission to go to the places it usually avoids. That’s a good place to start. That’s where the answers are.

Pro tip: The first sentence is the hardest one to write. When you're starting out if it can intimidating and anxiety-producing. The trick is to simply put  anything  down — and don't look back. Keep putting one sentence after the other. You can edit later: let whatever comes to you out onto the page. If you’re struggling with self-critique, dim your computer screen until you can’t even see the words you’re typing. Then keep going.

Additional Tips & Tricks

Once you've started your essay, it's a matter of persistence: keep writing, then keep drafting and editing until you have something you're really proud of.

To help you with that process, here are a few more tips and tricks:

  • Take Breaks

When you hit the wall — you will hit the wall — stop. This is your brain telling you it needs to do something else. Walk your dog. Take a lap around your room. Eat some cheese. Your body needs sleep every night to function; your mind is the same way. That next leap of inspiration will come exactly at the moment when you’re least expecting it.

  • Read it Out Loud

When you finally have a draft, print it and read it out loud to yourself. Your ear will catch things your eyes miss. Reading out loud is the best way to pick up on spelling errors, clunky transitions, and paragraphs that still need ironing out. It’s also a good way to envision how the admissions committee will experience your essay.

Don’t be precious with your essay. Send it to anyone willing to read it. Solicit as much feedback as you can. If you don’t like what people have to say, you don’t have to incorporate it, but you need an impartial third party to give notes on what they’re seeing, thinking, and feeling. (You’re too close to things to do it for yourself.) This is where a Leland coach comes very much in handy!

  • Complete Everything Early

This is more of a timing consideration, but you do not want to trip at the finish line because your internet went down the night before the deadline, or your credit card was denied when paying your application fee (it's happened before). Don't let that be you!

Here is another article to get you started, written by an expert essays coach: 7 MBA Essay Tips to Make You Stand Out in 2022 .

Example MBA Essays

Finally, here are two essays to help inspire you. The first, a personal statement essay, was submitted by an admit to Berkeley Haas' Executive MBA program; the second, a career goals / why MBA essay, was submitted by an admit to Chicago Booth's deferred MBA program.

Haas Admit:

A person’s identity is shaped by many different aspects, including family, culture, personal interests, and surrounding environments. Please share a facet of your identity or story that is essential to who you are. (300 words) My upbringing in India, filled with countless myths and legends, had a profound influence on me. The most formative tale was about a sage who prays for years to the goddess of knowledge, but in vain. In the end, the goddess didn’t appear for the sage because he was turning his prayer beads the wrong way! As a child, this story upset me: the sage worked so hard and had the right intentions. As an adult, though, I’ve come to realize that the goddess of knowledge was right: you can’t succeed unless you do things the right way. Seven years ago, two friends and I started a company, XXXX: a digital health platform that would allow patients to store medical records online and consult doctors remotely. We had early success—we brought on 2,000 patients at XXXX, a gynecology clinic in XXXX—but ultimately we didn’t have the resources to properly scale, and had to shut the company down. Among the many lessons I learned, the most valuable was that ideas and hard work are common; businesses succeed or fail based on execution—on doing things the right way. Two years ago, I relearned this lesson in the most painful way possible: when my marriage ended. My wife and I loved each other, but we weren’t there for each other when it mattered most. Our feelings weren’t enough—we had to back them up with the right actions. It’s disheartening when you have good intentions but still fall short. When this happens, though, you have to keep trying—because eventually you will do things the right way. I carry the story of the sage with me always, not as a harsh lesson, but as a motivating goal: one that keeps me striving towards doing things the right way.

Booth Admit:

How will the Booth MBA help you achieve your immediate and long-term post-MBA career goals? (250 word minimum)
I want to start a geothermal company that will help lead the energy transition away from fossil fuels and toward renewable energy—by targeting existing oil wells as sites for geothermal plants. Oil fields are close to electric grids and have high nearby subsurface temperatures, making them ideal sites for geothermal plants. By building geothermal infrastructure nearby, my company will produce cleaner, cheaper energy, making it more profitable for operators to switch from oil to geothermal. As oil companies decommission their wells, I’ll negotiate for their land rights, so I can use their existing wells for new geothermal vents. I want my company to prove the case for economically viable, carbon neutral energy production. After getting an MBA I want to start a geothermal company which will help me lead the energy transition away from fossil fuels to renewable energy. I plan to target developed oil fields in Texas, where, in many places, producing wells are flowing enough hot fluid to generate clean energy. Using this geothermal heat, the carbon footprint of oil and gas extraction will decrease as fewer fossil fuels are utilized to power surrounding infrastructure. As the wells approach their economic life, I will negotiate the lease from various operators, saving them millions in plug and abandonment costs, and retrofit the wells for direct geothermal energy production via closed loop binary fluid systems, bringing emissions to zero. To accomplish this goal, I need to shore up my knowledge of energy economics and entrepreneurial finance, develop a strong sense of leadership, and build a network of like minded individuals that will help me lead the transition and I believe I can get those things at Chicago Booth. My immediate career goal is to develop my first co-production site in Shelby County, Texas at the Blanton well site, which produces abnormally heated fluid from the flanks of an active salt dome. Before investing in capital expenditures, developing a strong sense of energy economics and broader markets is necessary to verify financial feasibility. University of Chicago, through the Graduate-Student-At-Large: Business program, is already allowing me to accomplish this goal with my enrollment in “Microeconomics” with Professor Andrew McClellan. His instruction helped me understand the impact taxes and subsidies have on market equilibrium, an important aspect of renewable energy as green energy tax incentives continue to change on a yearly basis. As my company continues to grow, having a strong finance and accounting foundation is imperative to building and sustaining a healthy company. Electives such as “Accounting for Entrepreneurship: From Start-Up through IPO” will provide the skills I need to be successful by following the life-cycle of a business that originates as a start-up, and covers topics such as building an initial accounting infrastructure. I understand that execution of the business is as important as developing the idea and proof of concept, and Booth is the best place for me to develop financial fluency. Leading the energy transition will require a strong sense of leadership. Not only will I need to lead those I get to work with over my career, but to lead the energy transition, and reverse the impact fossil fuels have had thus far, I must have the emotional intelligence to inspire others to join me in my journey. The “Interpersonal Dynamics” course at Booth will allow me to develop my communication skills and better understand the emotions and perceptions of my colleagues. These skills, synthesized with leadership development acquired in “Leadership Practicum” will prepare me to act as a relational leader, who understands the needs of others. As a relational leader I hope to foster an environment which promotes happiness, and maximizes efficiency, not only to make our efforts in changing the world more successful, but to excite other people to join our cause.
To find the greatest chance of success in leading the energy transition, I will need a network of like-minded individuals who can provide a diversity of thought. Chicago Booth provides the opportunity to develop that network through different community experiences. The Energy Club’s “Energy Forward” conference, which designates time to topics in oil and gas and renewable energy will allow me to hear from industry leaders, build meaningful relationships with peers and contribute my sector experience to the public forum as I learn from those around me. Opportunities through the Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital Group such as “SeedCon” will help me connect with successful entrepreneurs and early-stage investors whose ideas and funding might change the course of my venture’s trajectory. Even in the GSALB program I have had the opportunity to connect with other students in various sectors, including the energy industry. I hope to continue to strengthen those connections and continue building new ones with matriculation into the full time program.

Here are several other articles that you may find helpful as you put together your MBA application:

  • The Most Frequently Asked Questions on MBA Applications
  • How to Answer the "Why an MBA?" Essay Question
  • My Top Piece of Advice for MBA Applicants
  • How I Nailed My MBA Interview and Gained Admission to Top 10 Business Schools
  • 4 Expert Tips on Paying for Business School

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20 Must-Read MBA Essay Tips

Business essay tips

Business school admissions committees care about more than (just) your  GMAT scores and GPA —they want to know who you are and why you belong in their program . Your MBA essays are your best chance to sell the person behind the résumé. They should tie all the pieces of your business school application together and create a comprehensive picture of who you are, what you've done, and what you bring to the table.  Here's a roundup of our best MBA essay tips to keep in mind as you begin to write.

How to Write an Unforgettable B-School Essay

1. communicate that you are a proactive, can-do sort of person..

Business schools want leaders, not applicants content with following the herd.

2. Put yourself on ego-alert.

Stress what makes you unique, not what makes you number one.

3. Communicate specific reasons why you're great fit for each school.

Simply stating "I am the ideal candidate for your program" won't convince the admission committee to push you into the admit pile.

Read More: Find Your Business School

4. Bring passion to your writing.

Admissions officers want to know what excites you. And if you'll bring a similar enthusiasm to the classroom.

5. Break the mold.

Challenge perceptions with unexpected essays that say, "There's more to me than you think."

6. If you've taken an unorthodox path to business school, play it up.

Admissions officers appreciate risk-takers.

7. Talk about your gender, ethnicity, minority status or foreign background....

But only if it has affected your outlook or experiences.

8. Fill your essays with plenty of real-life examples.

Specific anecdotes and vivid details make a much greater impact than general claims and broad summaries.

9. Demonstrate a sense of humor or vulnerability.

You're a real person, and it's okay to show it!

BONUS: Don't Make These MBA Essay Mistakes

1. write about your high school glory days. .

Admissions committees don't care if you were editor of the yearbook or captain of the varsity team. They expect their candidates to have moved onto more current, professional achievements.

2. Submit essays that don't answer the questions.

An off-topic essay, or one that merely restates your résumé, will frustrate and bore the admissions committee. More importantly, it won't lead to any new insight about you.

Attend UNC's top-ranked online MBA program without putting your career on hold. See how.

3. Fill essays with industry jargon.

Construct your essays with only enough detail about your job to frame your story and make your point.

4. Reveal half-baked reasons for wanting the MBA.

Admissions officers favor applicants who have well-defined goals. However unsure you are about your future, it's critical that you demonstrate that you have a plan.

5. Exceed the recommended word limits.

This suggests you don't know how to follow directions, operate within constraints or organize your thoughts.

6. Submit an application full of typos and grammatical errors.

A sloppy application suggests a sloppy attitude.

7. Send one school an essay intended for another—or forget to change the school name when using the same essay for several applications.

Admissions committees are (understandably) insulted when they see another school's name or forms.

8. Make excuses.

If your undergraduate experience was one long party, be honest. Discuss how you've matured, both personally and professionally.

9. Be impersonal in the personal statement.

Many applicants avoid the personal like the plague. Instead of talking about how putting themselves through school lowered their GPA, they talk about the rising cost of tuition in America. Admissions officers want to know about YOU.

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10. Make too many generalizations.

An essay full of generalizations is a giveaway that you don't have anything to say.

11. Write in a vacuum.

Make sure that each of your essays reinforce and build on the others to present a consistent and compelling representation of who you are, what you've done, and what you bring to the table.

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I Wish I Knew These Four Things Before Starting My Own Business Starting a business is hard work to say the least. These are four lessons I wish someone had shared with me before going solo, so I'm here to share them with you.

By Amy M Chambers Edited by Kara McIntyre May 18, 2024

Key Takeaways

  • Self-discipline is harder than you think.
  • Pick the right clients and partners.
  • It can get lonely sometimes; find ways to add human interaction into your day.
  • Building a network of your peers is imperative.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

No matter how gifted or driven you are, starting a business is hard, taxing work. In 2021, I left my 21-year career in finance and became a success coach, leadership consultant and author. I'd heard the statistic that 90% of all small businesses fail , but I thought starting my business would somehow be miraculously easy — it wasn't. Here are four things I've since learned.

1. Self-discipline is harder than you think

Owning a business means you're the boss. There are no assignments to turn in and no deadlines to meet. No one writes a performance review for you. However, this can be very difficult for some — and I had to learn this unexpected lesson the hard way.

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I've always been highly organized and structured. For the last decade of my professional career, everything I did was scheduled and calendared in advance. Things were different when I struck out on my own. Conference calls and meetings weren't on a recurring cadence, and that caused big gaps in my calendar. At first, it was hard to get in a rhythm. I began noticing I wasn't leveraging my time well. I was sleeping in. If I said I'd check email for 10 minutes, it often turned into an hour. I realized I was allowing myself to become distracted throughout the day because my day wasn't full of all the same hard stops that had previously existed.

I begin setting a schedule for myself. The only way I was able to write two books in my first two years was by scheduling time to write. At the start of each week, I write down the week's most important priorities and set goals for myself. I list what actions I'll need to take to achieve those goals. I schedule them on my calendar. Then, I stick to it. This takes willpower, but if you don't do it, you'll find yourself wasting time.

What gets measured gets done, so I also set goals and KPIs for myself. It's easy to lose motivation when you're not graded against a scoreboard — so I created my own. I set goals for how many hours, pages or words I'd write each week. I set goals for how many people I'd respond to and how many prospective calls I'd make. When my books hit the market, I tracked sales, revenue and income. On social media platforms, I set some KPIs for my engagement rates. Figuring out what metrics you're going to watch is critical for success.

Related: 10 Things I've Learned In 10 Years of Running My Own Business

2. Pick the right clients and partners

Not everyone is going to be a fit for your services and products, and you're not going to be a fit for everyone else's needs, either. One mistake I made in my first year was taking on anyone who would have me as a client or a partner. I've since parted ways with my business coach, two vendors and two clients. People who suck your energy or drain your time with nonsense shouldn't be on your calendar.

In the case of my "fired" clients , they resisted all my suggestions and were hesitant to take my advice. I eventually realized neither of us was getting much from the relationship. It feels good to hold space on my calendar for only those who are aligned in their thinking and want to achieve great things. Initially, because I was just starting out, I was afraid to let go of the income. If someone was willing to pay me, I was willing to take their money. That isn't the case anymore. Great businesses only work with great clients.

When it comes to vendors, I now shop around. Early on, I hired the first coach, web designer and publishing team I found. Some of those decisions were mistakes. I've since decided to broaden my search process when hunting for the right vendor. I do my homework and ask for referrals. In other cases, I like to see examples of prior work. When vendors can't produce that (or seem annoyed that I'm even asking), I know I'm not dealing with the right partner.

3. It can get lonely sometimes; find ways to add human interaction into your day

Before going solo, I was always part of a team. During most of my career, I interacted with a few hundred people at work. That all changed when I became a private coach and consultant — suddenly, it was just me. When you're an employee, you're often constantly involved in conversations with others. When I went independent, there were several hours a day I wasn't. Right away, I felt a twinge of loneliness . I didn't have an endless reserve of people with whom I could share ideas.

I now make a point to schedule lunch with clients, prospective clients or colleagues a couple of times a week. I also have found great joy in sharing what I call "Transformation Tuesday" videos with my network and regularly engaging on a few social media platforms with like-minded people. When I'm sharing videos and articles on leadership or mindset, it puts me into conversations with others about things that are important to me. That helps me overcome these solitary feelings. If your job is primarily done solo and you're feeling a bit lonely, find ways to connect with others regularly.

Related: I Started My Business In My Mom's Basement at the Age of 17. Here are 5 Rules I Wish I Had Known, But Had to Learn the Hard Way

4. Building a network of your peers is imperative

Initially, I was hesitant to meet other authors and coaches. To some degree, I saw them as competition . I've since had a complete change of heart. Last year, I was introduced to another coach who does exactly what I do. When we met, we'd both published our first books. Since then, we've written the forewords for each other's second books! It's been an honor and a joy to support each other like that. For my third book, I want to work with a publisher. I recently joined a group of authors, agents and publishers and went to one of their events. I couldn't believe the camaraderie and value I found there. I met other authors who are facing (but overcoming) the same challenges I face. I also met a plethora of agents and publishers who might help me. There's power in numbers. We are stronger together. Networking with others who are doing exactly what you're doing (and doing it well) can only help you, not hinder you.

I wish I'd known these four things on my first day as an entrepreneur, but I'm also grateful I know them now. Implementing them will only make you and your business stronger; I guarantee it.

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I quit my director job at Goldman Sachs to start my own company. There's always a cap if you're an employee.

  • Hong Yea spent 10 years as a trader but always had dreams of starting his own business.
  • Yea quit his director job at Goldman Sachs to start a crypto company, just as the industry tanked.
  • He had doubts, alongside everyone else, but a Korean proverb spurred him to pursue his startup.

Insider Today

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Hong Yea, a 36-year-old CEO and cofounder of GRVT. It has been edited for length and clarity.

In 2018, after five years of working in security lending at Credit Suisse, I started pondering what I wanted to do with my life. I was 30, living in Hong Kong. Did I want to keep working as a trader or do something completely different?

Around that time, a Goldman Sachs recruiter in Hong Kong approached me to work for them. After an interview, they offered me a job. I wasn't convinced I wanted to stay in banking, so I declined.

I took a two-week trip to Canada to meet with a good friend who worked at Amazon. If I was going to leave trading and start something new, I needed to be convinced by an idea or industry I could immerse myself in.

After two weeks of brainstorming with my friend, I didn't love anything we came up with. Luckily, Goldman hadn't filled the role, so I started working for them in November 2018.

Working at Goldman Sachs would always be limiting

I liked working as a trader at Goldman, but it wasn't fulfilling. I had this passion to start a business I couldn't let go of.

I worked at Goldman from November 2018 to July 2022. During that time, I started several side projects, including a restaurant and a home import service. I slowly realized that working for Goldman or any company, the end goal is limited to possibly being a partner. There's a cap.

I was promoted to executive director in 2019. The next step at the firm was managing director, a role with significantly more responsibility and compensation. I knew I'd struggle to walk away from my team and the money.

If I wanted to build something of my own, I needed to leave before reaching that point.

The 3 essentials for leaving my job

By 2020, I was seriously considering leaving my job to start my own business. But before I went out alone, I needed my new venture to be positioned in a fast-growing industry, have a business idea I knew I could contribute to and excel at, and have good co-founders to help me run the business.

I started researching crypto and blockchain in 2021. I'd invested in crypto since 2018 but wasn't that into it. But in 2021, the market was booming. I looked at the technology more closely, and it seemed applicable to the financial systems I was familiar with.

I booked a ticket to a crypto conference in February 2022 in Barcelona to learn more. The conference convinced me this was the industry to be in. There were many "crypto natives" there, but I saw a lack of traditional finance expertise. It felt like was a big opportunity for me to get in early.

When I got home, I spoke with two friends, Matthew and Aaron. Matthew was a trustworthy friend with a strong blockchain background. He'd introduced Aron to me as the best engineer he knew. I suggested we look into the decentralized finance space and see what improvements we could make, and they were on board.

I had all three requirements I'd set out to leave Goldman.

We started a crypto company weeks before the crash

By April 2022, we all decided to quit our jobs and dive full time into creating GRVT (pronounced gravity).

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GRVT would be a self-custodial cryptocurrency exchange designed to give users complete control over their assets. Basically, it would be a system to create more secure crypto trading and protect investors from third parties defaulting on their payments.

I had enough savings to cover my rent and living expenses for a year and other non-cash assets that I could leverage if needed.

For me, it didn't matter how much I'd saved. The key was having a team and project I felt confident could raise sufficient funds. Now we had that. There was no turning back.

I was working from Singapore in early May 2022. I emailed my boss in Hong Kong to say I was resigning. When I followed up on the phone with him, he said he was coming to Singapore a week later and wanted to talk with me in person.

At the same time all this was happening, Luna Crypto, followed by the crypto market, crashed.

The crypto industry had been decimated, and I'd lost around two-thirds of my savings in cryptocurrency. I couldn't help questioning my decisions. It was a really fragile time in my life.

When I told my parents and friends I had resigned from Goldman to start a career in the cryptocurrency industry, they were concerned. Many people asked why I'd leave Goldman for crypto during a crash.

"It is the best time to build when things are crashing as long as you have the conviction that industry will grow because it's the time when the fewest others will be building," I said in response to their worried questioning.

A Korean proverb inspired me to stick to my guns

My boss flew into Singapore and met with me. "Are you sure you don't want to come back," he asked me, half serious, half joking.

But after talking to my fiancé, I decided to stick with my plan. She reminded me of a Korean proverb: "If you've drawn your sword, you need to slay something before you put it back." I'd been careful and made all the right assessments. Even if the markets were tanking, I was committed.

In the following months, we focused on building and getting investor funding. It was the worst time to raise because no one was looking to crypto. It was daunting, and stressful, and required a lot of self-convincing.

In October 2022, we pivoted away from lending toward building a safer hybrid trading platform: a crypto derivatives exchange. That's when we started receiving our first proper investments.

It felt like the industry was entering a no-return stage after FTX

When FTX filed for bankruptcy in November 2022, it confirmed that we were building something the industry needed.

If you trust your funds to an exchange, they have full control over their management. GRVT solves that problem. User funds are never controlled by a third party. You always have control of the funds in your own wallet and trade through your own wallet.

After the FTX crash, there were moments when I thought the industry was entering a no-return stage because the sentiment was so negative.

The technology we believed in — blockchain and smart contract-based risk management — could be the answer to preventing future incidents like this. That conviction kept us going through the toughest times.

Since the FTX crash, things have gone up for us

We've raised about $9.3 million, which is pretty decent for seed rounds at the worst time. We're a team of 26 building what I think is the future of exchanges. We're looking to launch in the next two months. Over 2 million people are registered on our waiting list, and we have 500,000 followers on X .

Achieving these milestones step by step is exciting for myself and the team, even if we've built it through the worst times.

I wanted to dream up something big enough that when I fulfilled it, it felt so much better than working for a company. We weathered the storm, and it feels incredibly rewarding.

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