How to Write an Informal Essay

During their college years, students write dozens of papers, which, when stacked together, can occupy an entire room. These pieces, including articles, reports, or just final papers for the specific course in their nature, are formal writings. So, this guide is devoted to introducing you to the formal side of informal essays.

By this time, you may catch yourself being happy about the chance to say whatever you like about anything that concerns you in the most suitable form. However, this is still an academic assignment, and there is a list of distinctive features of an informal essay you should follow.

What is an informal essay?

what is an informal essay

● The characteristics of an informal writing style allow the covering of controversial topics. ● Another peculiar feature of informal essays, which also flows out of a personalized writing style, is a similarity with conversation. ● In the end, your personality is the first aspect that the reader should see.

In the case of informal essay writing, you can pretty much ignore strict requirements.

While writing an informal essay, you are supposed to put great emphasis on creating a connection with your audience rather than just proving your opinion or telling a story.

How to write an informal essay: video guide

We know that some people understand information better in video format. That’s why we invite you to watch and hear informal essay writing instructions on YouTube below.

Difference between formal vs informal essay

What are the major differences between a formal and informal essay? There are several peculiarities about the structure of informal essays you should know before you start writing:

1) Informal types of papers do not have a specific format and can be determined by the author personally. You can now forget the “introduction, body, and conclusion” structure. When it comes to an informal essay, you are even allowed to use fiction to interest your readers. 2) There is no conventional way of organizing the thoughts, judgments, and presentation to readers, as well as there is no agreement about the length of informal essays. Of course, your writing should follow general writing rules, such as being logical and concise. Still, you don’t need to place the topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph and follow other strict rules of academic writing. 3) There are no requirements for informal essays to contain strong theses or even thesis statements as such. The desire to create friendly relationships between the writer and future readers together with the primary objective (the pleasure from the reading process), dictates the situation when structure gives way to a more exciting presentation of thoughts.

formal vs infomal essay

How to write an informal essay in 5 steps

The good thing about informal essay writing is that you don’t have a strict plan to follow. We will provide you with the main guidelines on topic choice and completing your essay to help you lead your creativeness in the right direction:

1. Determine the purpose of the future essay. 2. List as many subjects in the focus of your interest as possible. 3. Evaluate each of the topics in the list. 4. Develop a topic of choice using any paper structure you like. 5. Double-check and proofread the completed paper.

How to choose informal essay topics

choosing a topic for informal essay

The key to a well-written essay is choosing a good topic to write about. Writing about something you are sincerely interested in will drive your creativity and writing process.

For example, a teacher has asked you to write about a person or event that has determined your decision to pursue a degree in a particular sphere. How to understand that moment? You will need to dig into your memories. Maybe it was a specific moment in a movie, or your aunt has become a role model you wish to follow. Think about what you have felt and the touching points.

Another case is when your teacher didn’t give you a research question, so you must pick a topic yourself. Then the best way is to brainstorm about the topics that interest you the most or look through the news to discuss the most topical issues.

If you suffer with finding a good topic for your informal essay, you can always ask us to write my essay anytime. Our writers will find a good topic and explore reliable sources to write a unique informal essay for you.

Informal essay topics list

Here is a list of various topi ideas you can use as a basis for your paper. Pick one and use brainstorming techniques to find the ideal topic for the informal essay.

  • Traditions in my family and their importance.
  • Why I choose religion as my life path.
  • How celebrities and influencers affect our choices.
  • My view on femininity and feminism.
  • The moments of my life that I wish I could have changed.
  • Best location in your hometown or elsewhere.
  • How advertising uses sexuality for more attraction.
  • The best memories from my childhood.
  • What is wrong with sex education in schools?
  • The worst disappointment I ever had.
  • Event or person that influenced your academic interests.
  • Describe the event when you have experienced discrimination personally or witnessed discrimination against other people.
  • Why do people procrastinate?

How to create an informal essay outline

infomal essay mindmap

Use Mind Map to develop your topic and make your structure clear. Write the issue in the center, then start adding new boxes around it with ideas you wish to include in your paper. The more boxes you create, the better. Subsequently, you will choose the best ideas and readily see the structure of your future writing. Add details near boxes to expand your thoughts. You can use just paper and pencil, use online services like Canva, or create a mind map in Word.

While informal essays don’t have strict recommendations for the structure, you can follow a typical three-part outline:

  • Introduction
  • Conclusions

Introduction. You may be seriously puzzled by a question on how to start an informal essay. The answer is: imagination. Informal writing gives you an unlimited version to create your text.

For example, you can use the following starting points:

  • Highlight the topic you are going to discuss.
  • Tell why the subject matters.
  • Ask a question.
  • Take a confident position to cause tension.
  • Start with a quote.

Main body. While there is no need to follow an ordinary essay structure, the text of your essay should still be logical. If you are writing on a topic that specifically relates to your personal experience or thoughts, don’t be shy to add a vivid description of what you feel and think. Make your readers feel the scene or how you feel about the subject. You can choose several points of the issue and cover them with descriptions, your personal experience, and facts.

Conclusion. You can’t just leave the text without closing words. Write a brief summary in one or two sentences to point out the main ideas you have covered in the essay.

Tips to write a good informal essay

Before you start writing, check out these short but valuable tips, and check the list of free essay writing tools from EssayShark to create a fantastic informal essay that will leave your readers in speechless awe:

● End the whole paper with a sentence that stimulates the readers to think further about the raised issues, or at least to think outside the box. ● Use more lyrics! It is well-known that lyrics capture the reader, so do not forget to use as many epithets, metaphors, and comparisons as possible. ● The bigger the introductory part, the better the reaction presented by readers. Remember that you are writing to tell a story, not to prove a point. ● Do not give any concrete ideas about the central issue of the essay because you need to stimulate your readers to think and form their own opinions and feelings.

informal essay writing tips

Informal essay writing checklist

When you complete your essay, follow this list of questions to help you improve your writing.

– Does the whole essay reveal the topic that was carefully chosen for your informal essay writing task? – Is the essay’s style in a less formal tone than traditional academic papers? – Did you use everyday words, slang, and colloquialisms, and “you” and “I”? – Did you check whether you used the first-person perspective to address the reader directly? – Does the essay stimulate readers to raise questions in their minds with the information you have provided? – Does the essay fit into the framework of the standard five-paragraph type of structure? – Is the subject described in an entertaining manner? – Did you use examples, quotes, diagrams, anecdotes, narratives, and other types of testimony?

Example of informal essay

Below, you can read an informal essay example written by one of the EssayShark writers. Read it carefully to understand the structure and tone of this type of essay. Also, notice how the author addresses the topic of the most embarrassing memory and uses touching points to describe the situation better.

The Most Embarrassing Memory

Each summer as a child, my parents would surprise the family with a week-long trip. Many summers we would be surprised with a beautiful beach trip or tent camping in a remote forest. I can remember one summer more prominently than others because of how memorable the vacation was. Not because it was one of our best trips, nor because we went on our first long road trip. This trip is burned into my memory primarily due to the fact I had never been more embarrassed as a kid than what happened on this family vacation.

Like most children, I experienced embarrassing moments. I would not say I was more sensitive to experiencing them, but even when I try to forget, my parents still bring it up to this day. The morning of our trip started early. I stared out the window for what seemed like hours. After I finished listening to a few CDs and drank my entire water bottle, I was thrilled to find that we were pulling into a rest stop. The rest stop was full of vehicles and visitors looking at the different historic maps and pictures that had decorated the place. My mom said to be quick, and without skipping a beat, cd player in hand, I headed to the restroom. It was nice to finally stretch out, use the restroom, and get away from the vehicle for a few moments.

Once I was finished, I ran back to the car, got in my seat, and buckled up. As I was staring out the window, I could see my mother off in the distance. She seemed to be worried, but I didn’t pay any mind, as it always felt like she was worried or in a hurry. The car was getting hot and I wondered when my family would make it back to the car, especially since they said to be quick. Seconds turned into minutes, and I was getting bored of waiting. I then heard my mother and father calling my name. I had suspected they knew I was in the car, but from that moment, I knew they hadn’t seen me.

I opened the car door, and with a puzzled look, an older lady was staring at me. She stated, “Are you lost, dear?” I was puzzled, thinking, no, I am just getting out of the car. It was then my mother came running up to me, yelling, “What are you doing!?” As I turned to point to the car, I realized I had gotten into someone else’s car. My father laughed, my mother shook her head, and the older lady joined in, and the laughter seemed to rumble to my core. I felt so embarrassed to not have only climbed into the wrong vehicle, but people I didn’t even know were laughing at my poor decision and lack of awareness.

The road trip to the big red tree forest that year was a great one, though the drive couldn’t have felt longer due to the constant chatter of what I had done. This trip was not memorable for the mountain high trees, the flowing rivers, or even the cave exploration. No, this trip was memorable because a young kid couldn’t look up and notice that he hopped into the wrong car, and everyone, including strangers, laughed.

FAQ about writing informal essays

Q: What is the first stage in writing a short informal essay?

A: First of all, you need to read the assignment carefully, as teachers frequently ask you to do something in the essay or consider several important points. Only then can you start brainstorming about the topic and start writing the text.

Q: How to end an informal essay?

A: An informal essay is an exceptional academic paper, since it allows you to end it as you wish. Think about how books usually end or how authors conclude a long blog post. You can use a question to finish the essay, restate the idea you have covered in the text, call for action, or create a vivid image.

Q: How to identify an informal essay?

A: The main things that distinguish an informal essay are a highly personal tone and the absence of specific structure. Blogs, personal reflections, and magazine articles are great examples of informal texts.

Q: Is an expository essay formal or informal?

A: Usually, this kind of essay explains or describes something. It is typically written with formal language in the third person perspective, but it may be informal depending on your assignment requirements.

Q: Is an argumentative essay formal or informal?

A: It’s mostly an academic type of writing that should follow a formal writing style. In certain cases, the teacher may ask you to write an informal essay on an arguable topic. We also recommend checking teachers’ recommendations.

Order an informal essay from EssayShark

If you still can’t get how to write this type of essay, you can use our informal essay help . We know all the peculiarities of informative writing and can assist you with any essay type. We know that picking a really impressive topic and following an informal tone may be particularly challenging, especially when you face such an essay type for the first time. That’s why we are here to cover your back! Please submit an order on our webpage, and our experts will start working on it promptly.

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Photo by JJ Ying from Unsplash

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Most students are more familiar with formal essays since they come in the form of academic writing assignments. Formal essays are typically written for specific reasons and have a well-defined structure. However, there are just as many informal essays that students have written without even realizing it. Informal essays are almost the complete opposite of formal essays.

This article highlights an informal essay's features and characteristics and gives guidelines for writing a compelling informal essay. Continue reading to find out more about this genre that you're probably an expert on already.

Informal essay defined

Also known as a familiar essay, an informal essay is generally a non-fiction writing piece with an un-defined structure as an individual's reflection. This essay type tends to be more personal. The writer uses a conversational tone to speak more directly to the reader, unlike in a formal essay where the writer acts as a silent presence behind the words.

You do not have to worry about sounding academic when writing an informal essay. You simply have to exhibit your personality without being sloppy.

Informal essay format

While formal essays are typically drawn from literature, shared historical events, or other forms of knowledge, informal essays are drawn from the everyday events in the writer's personal life.

In formal essays, the research question is clearly stated and positioned in the first or second paragraph. However, in informal essays, the research question may not be explicitly stated, and if it is, it may appear anywhere in the essay.

Informal essays use a conversational tone that is more subjective and personal. You should write your essay as if you are talking to a friend. You should make the information in your essay as accessible as possible to the average person by steering clear of the academic writing tone.

The academic writing tone used in formal essays tends to be objective and more removed from the subject. Concerns are explored through powerful rhetorical devices and strong arguments, while emotions are kept in check.

Informal writing typically features the use of first and second-person pronouns, contractions, and words and phrases commonly used in everyday conversation. Informal language involving the use of slang and colloquialisms is permitted in this essay type. You must, however, refrain from explicit and offensive language.

Formal essays generally follow the highly standardized 5-paragraph essay format. This structure features an introduction, body, and conclusion. Informal essays do not have a definitive structure. They tend to be shorter than formal essays, but there is no restriction on length unless directed by the instructor.

Formal essays typically focus on supporting a clearly stated thesis, in a structure that develops one argument at a time. Writers have no regulations on how to arrange their thoughts. For this reason, informal essays may not have a clear thesis or statement of the writer's purpose or idea.

Formal essays appeal to their audience with the use of strong logical connections and rhetorical devices that grab attention and direct it towards persuasion and information. They rely on presentation and critical evaluation of facts and ideas, arguing and analyzing a point in detail.

Informal essays generally have no definite purpose, but there is always a reason for writing them. Writers can use informal essays to influence readers through stories and ideas. Instead of using rhetorical tricks of the trade to captivate their audience, informal essay writers often rely on the personal connection to an already attentive audience. Their purpose is directed more towards entertainment and general reflection.

Steps for writing an informal essay

To improve your informal essay writing skills, you should read informal essay examples from those who've mastered the craft. Works by contemporary writers and articles in magazines are excellent places to look for various informal essay topics. Research the techniques used by other writers. Take note of the qualities you should incorporate into your essay.

With informal essay topics, the sky is the limit. If the instructor has not chosen a topic for you, you can go wild with your selection. Start by thinking about the subjects that interest you or that you are generally very knowledgeable about. Make a list of several evaluation essay topics that come to mind and choose one the most suitable for you.

Informal essays do not give you the green light to present sloppy and nonsensical work. You need to outline to better organize the thoughts and ideas you want to cover in the essay. Although an informal essay can have any structure you choose, the standard 5-paragraph format is an excellent place to start.

Fill your outline with words. Follow a logical flow of thoughts and use transition words to give your essay some flow. Avoid being too technical and use informal language instead. Although informal, your work should still be based on facts.

Final Thoughts

An informal essay may be given as an assignment in a school or by a psychologist. These essays have numerous applications. Although referred to as informal, your writing style should match the subject and education level. The focus of the essay is more on the events being recounted than on their significance. This makes the genre ideal for testing creative skills.

Before writing an informal essay, you should have a detailed plan detailing the chain of events you plan to tell in your writing.

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  • Informal Essay

The informal essay is written mainly for enjoyment. This is not to say that it cannot be informative or persuasive; however, it is less a formal statement than a relaxed expression of opinion, observation, humor or pleasure. A good informal essay has a relaxed style but retains a strong structure, though that structure may be less rigid than in a formal paper.

The informal essay tends to be more personal than the formal, even though both may express subjective opinions. In a formal essay the writer is a silent presence behind the words, while in an informal essay the writer is speaking directly to the reader in a conversational style. If you are writing informally, try to maintain a sense of your own personality. Do not worry about sounding academic, but avoid sloppiness.

The essay, which follows is an opinion piece that was written for The Globe and Mail. The style is therefore journalistic but aimed at a fairly sophisticated readership. Paragraphs are short, as is normal in a newspaper with its narrow columns, and the tone is more conversational than would be appropriate for a formal essay. Notice the clear statement of the thesis, the concrete illustrations in the body of the essay, and the way the conclusion leads to a more general statement of what is perhaps to come in the future. It is included here both because it is a good example of the essay form and because it explores the kind of problem you will come up against as you try to punctuate your essays correctly.

The essay topics of the informal essay type are not limited to any specific subject, you can write your informal essay on any topic. For example, here are some popular essay topics to give you an idea:

  • The Best Journey of My Life
  • The Point in My Life Where I Would Start Over
  • The Perfect Woman, Marriage and Divorce
  • My Religion
  • The Celebrities Give Us Bad Examples
  • Reincarnation
  • The “Delights” of Our School Cafeteria

You should be well familiar with the informal essay topic you choose. Also, you have to consider the interests of your readers. You should show your personality and the attitude in your informal essay.

informal essays questions

Useful links

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  • Admission Essay
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  • Classification Essay
  • Comparison Essay
  • Critical Essay
  • Deductive Essay
  • Definition Essay
  • Exploratory Essay
  • Expository Essay
  • Literature Essay
  • Narrative Essay
  • Personal Essay
  • Persuasive Essay
  • Research Essay
  • Response Essay
  • Scholarship Essay

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Informal Essays: Your Personal Writing Playground


Table of contents

  • 1 What Is an Informal Essay Writing
  • 2.1 Flexibility in Topic Selection
  • 2.2 Tailoring Your Writing to the Audience
  • 2.3 Generate Ideas and Insights
  • 2.4 Format of an Informal Essay
  • 3.1 Add a Personal Voice
  • 3.2 Maintain Authenticity
  • 3.3 Infuse Your Unique Style
  • 3.4 Use Contractions
  • 3.5 Address the Reader Directly
  • 3.6 Playing With Punctuation
  • 3.7 Experimentation With Sentence Structure
  • 4 So, How to Come Up with an Informal Essay?

Every student writes an essay from time to time while studying at university. In academic writing, essays are often associated with formality, structure, and a rigid set of rules. However, not all essays adhere to this austere template. Writing informal essays is a versatile and liberating form of written expression. It allows the author to break free from the constraints of conventional essay writing.

This article will help you understand:

  • how to make an engaging essay;
  • differences between formal essay and informal essay;
  • what must be included in your paper;
  • principles of college essay informal writing.

If you already have a topic for writing an informal essay, you can follow this guide to complete the assignment in the best possible way.

What Is an Informal Essay Writing

An informal essay definition says that it is a piece of nonfiction writing that conveys the author’s thoughts, emotions, and ideas on a particular subject. It’s not like a formal essay. It adopts a casual and approachable tone as if the author were engaged in a friendly conversation with the reader or a sarcastic tone at some questions.

If teachers want this type of essay from you, they are interested in your attitude to a specific issue, experiences, and thoughts. Therefore, feel free to describe them, and don’t be afraid to make a mistake.

How to Write an Informal Essay?

Writing an informal paper does not require strict standards. However, several rules make working with this type of task easier. They help students quickly produce high-quality informal essays and be satisfied with the results. Next, we will analyze these rules in more detail.

Flexibility in Topic Selection

First, let’s determine how to choose the right topic for your essay. It is easy to do if you are interested in the subject on which you have been asked to write a paper. Therefore, experts recommend choosing a topic according to one of the categories:

  • Personal Reflections and Experiences. Here, you can describe your experience, how you found yourself in certain circumstances, what it gave you, and why it is essential to deal with the chosen issue.
  • Current Events and Pop Culture. Current events and pop culture also evoke different emotions in each of us. Moreover, current events and culture influence the development of the community as a whole. Therefore, an essay on one of these topics can be exciting and helpful to write.
  • Observations and Anecdotes. Usually, the anecdotes reflect some hot topic in the community, and your observations are happening to you right now. Therefore, an essay topic chosen based on anecdotes or observations may express some pressing social issue.

Formal essays have strict rules and a formal tone. Informal essays are not so tough. Formal essays have their laws and strict rules. Informal essays are not so strict. In a formal essay, you need figures and research. In an informal essay, it is not necessary.

Tailoring Your Writing to the Audience

Have you ever heard of speaking to an audience in their language? For example, if you are writing a paper a professor will read, they will want to see formal language, numbers and data, and scientific conclusions. If a child will read the finished text, you must write in simple phrases, informal language, and words. You can choose direct contact with the reader and keep the message clear.

Think about the informal tone and what words and arguments are appropriate for your informal essays, and stick to these rules.

Generate Ideas and Insights

Writing an informal essay is about embracing creativity and sharing your unique perspective. Do you struggle with how to start an informal essay? Here are some tips to help you generate ideas and insights for your informal essay:

  • Reflect on personal experiences.
  • Look at your everyday life.
  • Ask thought-provoking questions.
  • Read widely.
  • Make conversation and dialogue.
  • Use mind mapping.
  • Think about emotions and feelings.

Format of an Informal Essay

A formal paper has strict formatting rules , but an informal essay does not. Therefore, every student who receives an assignment to write an informal essay has a question: What should it look like? What is the primary objective?

Typically, there is no common outline of an essay . The informal essay outline can consist of five paragraphs: introduction, thesis statement, body paragraphs, research or arguments, and conclusion. However, the structure can vary depending on what you’re writing about and what information you need to give readers to explain your point. So, don’t be afraid to create your structure for an informal essay.

Tips and Techniques for Informal Writing

If you have never written informal texts or papers, the following tips will help you finish your work quickly and efficiently. Just follow step by step and perfect your paper.

Add a Personal Voice

An informal essay reflects your experiences and emotions, so first, decide how you will write an informal conversational essay and choose a conversational tone. You can describe your experiences, thoughts, facts, and your attitude. You can write with a cohesive flow and clearly with a thesis statement or choose a more artistic style. Don’t be afraid to write “I believe,” “I think,” etc. It will make the reader feel like they are exploring your experience. Your voice is, well, unique. Thus, don’t try to mimic someone else’s style. Embrace your natural way of expressing thoughts and ideas. It’s your authenticity that will connect with your readers.

Maintain Authenticity

One of the defining features of an informal essay is its authenticity. It’s your opportunity to be real, genuine, and authentic to yourself. Here’s why and how you should maintain authenticity in your informal essay:

1. Be honest: Authenticity begins with honesty. Share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, even if they make you vulnerable. Honesty connects your readers, who can relate to your genuine voice.

2. Embrace imperfections: Nobody is perfect, and that’s perfectly fine. Refrain from presenting a flawless image. Embrace your imperfections and the lessons they’ve taught you. It’s these imperfections that often make your story more relatable and compelling.

3. Write from the heart: Let your emotions guide your writing. If a topic evokes strong feelings, express them. Writing from the heart can be powerful and moving, drawing readers into your narrative.

Infuse Your Unique Style

When you incorporate your style into your writing, it reflects your personality, voice, and perspective. Your writing voice is like your literary fingerprint. It’s the tone, style, and personality that make your writing distinctive.

Personal experiences and conversational style are a goldmine for infusing your writing with authenticity. Draw on your life experiences, whether joyous, challenging, or reflective.

Part of infusing your style is the revision process. Edit your work with a critical eye. Remove unnecessary clutter and refine your sentences. Sometimes, your unique style emerges during the editing stage.

Use Contractions

Contractions are shortened forms or combinations of words created by omitting one or more letters and replacing them with an apostrophe. They help make the site informal, lively, and more understandable because no one communicates in complex scientific language. If you want your essay to be simple, understandable, and appealing to your readers, use contractions.

Address the Reader Directly

In informal essays, building a dialogue with the reader is crucial. It makes the reader feel like an active participant in the essay as if you’re speaking directly to them. And the narrative is more personal. By directly addressing the reader, you capture their attention and maintain their interest. Readers will likely be engaged and invested in your essay when they feel personally acknowledged.

Additionally, when you address the reader directly, you prompt them to think about the main idea and reflect on the topic alongside you. It creates a dynamic interaction where you’re presenting information and inviting the reader to ponder and respond.

Playing With Punctuation

In the writing world, punctuation isn’t just about rules and structure; it’s a versatile tool that can infuse your informal essay with personality, rhythm, and emphasis. Here’s an example of how to play with punctuation to add flavor to your writing process:

  • to add energy: “What a beautiful day to hike!”
  • to add some pauses: “I thought about it… and then I realized…”
  • to make some alternatives: “The decision ─ difficult yet inevitable ─ weighed on my mind.”
  • to add additional information: “The concert (which, by the way, was incredible) left me awestruck.”
  • to create a specific rhythm: “In the morning, I brew coffee, take a deep breath, and start my day.”
  • to explain something:  “Here’s the secret to success: hard work, determination, and a positive attitude.”

Experimentation With Sentence Structure

Experimenting with the arrangement of words and phrases can breathe life into your writing, making it engaging. Here’s how to play with sentence structure and some informal essay examples to inspire you:

  • Short and Punchy Sentences: “She opened the door. There it was, her childhood teddy bear, sitting on the shelf.”
  • Long and Flowing Sentences: “As I strolled down the cobblestone streets, the scent of blooming flowers filled the air, casting a warm golden hue over everything, made me feel like I was in a dream.”
  • Parallel Structure: “She liked to read, to write, and to dream.”
  • Repetition: “The storm raged on and on, relentless and unforgiving.”
  • Rhetorical Questions: “Why do we hold on to memories, even when they bring pain?”
  • Emphasizing With Fronting: “In the heart of the city, I found solace.”
  • Interrupted Sentences: “I was so excited about the trip, but then…life got in the way.”

As you can see, work on the informal paper and its structure differ from the formal essay structure .

So, How to Come Up with an Informal Essay?

As you already understand, informal essays have no hard-and-fast rules. It makes it complex and simple at the same time. It is simple because you can meet a few requirements for your familiar essay to be high quality. And it is complicated because you must try to make it attractive and practical. If you are looking for essays for sale , be careful because the paper must show your personality.

The main thing is to understand these few rules. They will help you achieve your goal more easily:

  • Use your writing style and share your thoughts.
  • Choose an exciting topic that fascinates you and evokes something to say.
  • Share your arguments and conclusions so the reader understands your idea and main point.

Experiment, add your thoughts, and make your essay unsurpassed!

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informal essays questions


Extended Essay: Formal vs. Informal Writing

  • Extended Essay- The Basics
  • Step 1. Choose a Subject
  • Step 2. Educate yourself!
  • Using Brainstorming and Mind Maps
  • Identify Keywords
  • Do Background Reading
  • Define Your Topic
  • Conduct Research in a Specific Discipline
  • Step 5. Draft a Research Question
  • Step 6. Create a Timeline
  • Find Articles
  • Find Primary Sources
  • Get Help from Experts
  • Search Engines, Repositories, & Directories
  • Databases and Websites by Subject Area
  • Create an Annotated Bibliography
  • Advice (and Warnings) from the IB
  • Chicago Citation Syle
  • MLA Works Cited & In-Text Citations
  • Step 9. Set Deadlines for Yourself
  • Step 10. Plan a structure for your essay
  • Evaluate & Select: the CRAAP Test
  • Conducting Secondary Research
  • Conducting Primary Research
  • Formal vs. Informal Writing
  • Presentation Requirements
  • Evaluating Your Work

Differences Between Informal and Formal Essays

When writing your extended essay you should use language that is formal and academic in tone.  The chart below gives you some idea of the differences between informal and formal essays. See the box below for examples of the differences in tone in informal and formal essays written on identical topics. A PDF of this chart, and the examples below, is in the box to the right , along with a list of tips for avoiding colloquial writing.

Informal essay (sometimes also called personal or familiar essay)
Author’s viewpoint Usually uses first-person pronoun; directly addresses the reader. Usually uses third-person pronoun.
Subject/content: Sources of evidence Frequently drawn from life of the student and everyday events. More commonly drawn from shared historical events or literature or other forms of knowledge.    
Tone Frequently more personal and subjective; may be ironic, amusing, thoughtful, angry or serious; conversational and casual. Tends to be removed from the subject and appears to be objective; tends to hold emotions in check and express concerns through strong arguments and powerful rhetorical devices.
Structure Appears to be more loosely structured. Follows a structure that focuses on the development of one clear argument at a time to support a clearly stated thesis.
Location of the research purpose/question


May appear anywhere in the essay; may not be explicitly stated. Stated explicitly, generally located in the first or second paragraph of the essay.
Vocabulary Everyday words; slang and colloquialisms; contractions; uses “you” and “I”. Technical words according to subject; no slang or contractions; avoids “you” and “I” (the use of “I” in the introduction and conclusion of an essay is permitted but in the body of the essay is best avoided in order to maintain an academic tone).
Purpose Entertainment; gentle reflection. Presentation of facts and ideas with critical evaluation, arguing a point and analyzing in detail.

Examples of Informal and Formal Tone in Essay Writing

The following examples highlight the differences between formal and informal tone.

Language B - English


I decided to write an extended essay on how hip-hop works as protest of the lower classes because I think the music is cool and really gets people dancing, inspiring those people who wouldn’t normally think there’s any point in being against anything to listen to the message. Being an enthusiastic hip-hop dancer myself, I really wanted to find out some more about this.


This extended essay on how the lyrics of hip-hop developed as a form of protest against a society segregating the working classes is based on the premise of the music having a distinct and energizing rhythm that really inspires people thereby reaching out to audiences who wouldn’t normally believe in protest, let alone speak out in public. Thus, the music becomes a vehicle for words of protest that can and indeed have changed the world. My own experience with dancing hip-hop at a relatively advanced and skilled level fuelled my desire to research this topic in more depth.


Biology has always been a passion of mine. Ever since I was searching for frogspawn in my grandparent’s pond as a four-year-old and annoying my mum with a battery of jam jars on the window sill in which I was trying to raise tadpoles I have been fascinated with observing nature in detail. Even in English, reading Death of a Naturalist by Seamus Heaney, I found myself thinking up an experiment to do with dragonflies and bluebottles. I have a fish tank at home with three different sorts of fish. I’ve noticed that they all respond differently when I feed them. I’m wondering what else is different in their behavior so, in this extended essay, I’m going to find out how they react to light.


This extended essay is focused on investigating the phototaxic responses of three different species of fish that occupy different areas of an aquarium: danios ( ), which group near the surface of the water, black skirt tetra ( ), which swim in the middle of the tank, and kuhli loach ( ), which swim near the bottom of the tank. It is anticipated that they will respond differently to light according to their niche within the tank.

The outcome of my investigation could inform the feeding strategy used for different fish as well as highlight the adaptive nature of toxic response in fish. In addition, this essay may help to inspire some fellow students to view their fish with new interest, and consider their own strategies in populating a fish tank.


When I go into a supermarket there is always gentle background music playing, although in the clothes shops I like it is always loud pop music. At breakfast my dad likes to listen to Rossini string sonatas, while my little brother has heavy metal on his iPod and will head-bang his way through a bowl of cornflakes. My extended essay is trying to research why people rely on certain types of music to influence their mood and how music is used in this way for advertising. I am not sure if there is a connection and whether the music does affect, for example, people’s shopping habits, but it will be interesting to try to find out, especially to see if different peoples’ brains are wired differently when it comes to music.


This extended essay intends to investigate whether there is a causal relationship between music listened to and the mood of individuals. Additionally, it will seek to explore whether this relationship is used in advertising to encourage people to spend money.

  • Formal vs. Informal Writing A chart giving the differences between informal and formal essays in seven areas (author's viewpoint; subject/content (sources of evidence); tone; structure; location of the research question; vocabulary; and purpose. Also included are examples comparing informal and formal writing for essays in English, biology, and psychology.
  • How to Avoid Colloquial (Informal) Writing While it may be acceptable in friendly e-mails and chat rooms, excessive colloquialism is a major pitfall that lowers the quality of formal written text. Here are some steps/tips that you can follow to help improve your overall writing.
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25 Informative Essay Writing Prompts for the Secondary ELA Classroom

25 Informative Essay Writing Prompts for the Secondary ELA Classroom

Looking for informative essay writing prompts? I’ve got you covered!

An informative essay is a staple in middle school ELA and high school English classrooms. An informative essay is a type of writing meant to inform the reader about a specific topic. Informative essays are based on facts and evidence and are not meant to persuade or argue a particular point of view.

When I teach informative essay writing to my students, I specify that essays should all be in one tense and written entirely in the third person. To help my students keep their writing in the third person, I like to use this Writing Spotlight: Writing in the Third Person mini-unit alongside my Informational Essay Writing Unit .

I’ve got you covered if you are looking for informational, informative, or explanatory writing prompts to use in your classroom!

Here are 25 informative essay writing prompts to get you started.

  • Write an informational essay about the history and significance of a major world event (e.g. the fall of the Berlin Wall, the first moon landing)
  • Write an informational essay about the life and accomplishments of a significant historical figure (e.g. Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi)
  • Write an informational essay about the causes and effects of a major environmental issue (e.g. climate change, deforestation)
  • Write an informational essay about self-driving cars,
  • Write an informational essay about an endangered animal and its habitat.
  • Write an informational essay about the development and impact of a major scientific or technological breakthrough (e.g. the invention of the internet, the discovery of antibiotics)
  • Write an informational essay about the role and importance of a specific branch of government (e.g. the judicial branch, the executive branch)
  • Write an informational essay about the effects of a natural disaster (e.g. an earthquake, a hurricane) on a specific community or region
  • Write an informational essay about the history and significance of a major cultural movement (e.g. the Harlem Renaissance, the feminist movement)
  • Write an informational essay about the impact of social media on communication and relationships
  • Write an informational essay about the causes and effects of poverty in a specific region or country
  • Write an informational essay about what makes someone a hero.
  • Write an informational essay about the impact of globalization on the economy and culture of a specific country or region
  • Write an informational essay about the causes and effects of obesity in the United States
  •  Write an informational essay about the effects of advertising on consumer behavior
  • Write an informational essay about the effects of air pollution on human health and the environment
  • Write an informational essay about the role and impact of the media in shaping public opinion
  • Write an informational essay about three causes of social media addiction
  • Write an informational essay about the causes and consequences of cyberbullying
  • Write an informational essay about the impact of video games on mental health and social development
  • Write an informational essay about how sugar affects the brain
  • Write an informational essay about the history and significance of a major world landmark (e.g. the Great Wall of China, the Eiffel Tower)
  • Write an informational essay about the role and impact of the arts in society
  • Write an informational essay about the effects of music on the brain and behavior
  • Write an informational essay about the impact of technology on the education system and learning.

I hope that you find these informative essay writing prompts helpful!

If you are looking for more writing prompts, be sure to check out these additional blog posts:

  • 50 Argument Essay Prompts
  • Growth Mindset Writing Prompts
  • Back-to-School Writing Prompts

Informative Essay Teaching Unit

Engage your students in this informational and expository essay unit that will help them learn how to write academically! This explanatory, expository, and informational writing unit includes everything you need to teach informational and explanatory writing to your middle and high school students.  Plus, all of the digital and print materials are included!

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“ This is a fantastic resource. The graphic organizers have been amazing for supporting my students as they write essays. The guide says it is for grades 7th through 10th, but I am working with my 6th graders on informative writing and I think these are great resources and tools for them too. Thank you!”

“ Amazing product. This has everything you need to strengthen your student’s writing skills. The Daring English Teacher’s Blog is what I recommend for all my new teacher friends so they can see what a quality lesson includes. The handouts are easy to follow, and slide decks are thoughtfully laid out.”

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Informal Essay


Essay guide

Essay examples, what are informal essays.

Informal essays are a type of written composition that typically express the author's thoughts, opinions, and experiences on a particular topic in a relaxed and conversational style. Unlike formal essays, which adhere to strict academic conventions and often follow a rigid structure, papers allow for a more flexible and personal approach to writing.

In an informal essay, the writer can use a first-person perspective and employ a casual tone as if they were having a conversation with the reader. This type of paper often incorporates anecdotes, humor, and personal reflections to engage the reader and convey the author's unique voice and perspective.

Remember, that you can read tens of thousands of examples of essays on any type on StudyMoose

How to Write a Informal Essay

Writing an informal essay allows you to express your thoughts, opinions, and experiences in a relaxed and conversational manner. It provides a platform to connect with readers on a personal level, showcasing your unique voice and perspective. Whether you're writing a personal blog post, a reflective journal entry, or an opinion piece, here are some tips to help you craft an engaging and effective paper.

Choose an Engaging Topic

Select a topic that you feel passionate about or have personal experience with. It could be an interesting anecdote, a reflection on a recent event, or a social issue that matters to you. The key is to choose a topic that will captivate your readers and encourage them to connect with your narrative.

Embrace a Conversational Tone

Write in a conversational style that mimics a casual conversation with your readers. Use first-person perspective and adopt a tone that reflects your personality. This creates a sense of intimacy and allows your readers to connect with you on a personal level.

Start with a Compelling Introduction

Begin your essay with an engaging introduction that grabs the reader's attention. You can use an interesting anecdote, a thought-provoking question, or a vivid description to draw them in. The introduction should set the stage for your essay and provide a glimpse into what you'll be discussing.

Incorporate Personal Reflections and Anecdotes

Infuse your essay with personal reflections and anecdotes that add depth and authenticity to your writing. Share your experiences, emotions, and insights to connect with your readers on an emotional level. This helps create a relatable and engaging narrative that keeps your audience hooked.

Organize Your Thoughts

When you write informal essays it's still important to organize your thoughts in a logical manner. Consider creating a rough outline or a mental map of your main points. This helps ensure a coherent flow of ideas and prevents your paper from becoming disjointed or confusing.

Use Vivid Language and Descriptive Details

Make your essay come alive by using vivid language and descriptive details. Paint a picture with your words, allowing your readers to visualize the scenes and experiences you're describing. This enhances the reader's engagement and makes your essay more memorable.

Include Humor and Personal Touches

Inject humor, wit, or personal touches into your writing to add an extra layer of interest and entertainment. A well-placed joke or a relatable quirk can make your paper more enjoyable to read. However, be mindful of your audience and ensure that the humor aligns with the overall tone and topic of your essay.

Conclude with a Meaningful Ending

Reflect on the main ideas discussed in your essay and leave your readers with a lasting impression or a call to action. Your conclusion should provide a sense of closure while leaving room for further contemplation or discussion.

Remember, the beauty of informal essays lies in their freedom and personal expression. Don't be afraid to take risks, share your unique perspective, and experiment with your writing style. By embracing a conversational tone, incorporating personal reflections, and engaging your readers, you can create an paper that resonates and leaves a lasting impact.

Informal Essay Writing Prompts

  • Prompt - "A Turning Point": Write about a significant event or moment in your life that brought about a major change or transformation.
  • Prompt - "Lessons from Nature": Reflect on a memorable experience you had in nature and discuss the lessons or insights you gained from it.
  • Prompt - "My Favorite Childhood Memory": Share a cherished memory from your childhood and explain why it holds a special place in your heart.
  • Prompt - "In Pursuit of Happiness": Explore your personal definition of happiness and discuss the strategies you employ to cultivate happiness in your life.
  • Prompt - "The Power of Music": Describe how music has influenced your life, shaped your emotions, or served as a source of inspiration.

Informal Essays Topic Ideas

  • The Value of Kindness in Daily Life
  • My Favorite Book and Why I Love It
  • The Influence of Social Media on Relationships
  • Embracing Imperfections: Learning to Love Yourself
  • Lessons Learned from a Personal Failure
  • The Magic of a Starry Night Sky
  • The Impact of Music on Mood and Emotions
  • Exploring the Joys of Gardening
  • Finding Inspiration in Everyday Moments
  • The Importance of Self-Reflection
  • My Most Memorable Birthday Celebration
  • Overcoming a Fear and Gaining Confidence
  • The Beauty of a Handwritten Letter in the Digital Age
  • A Childhood Lesson that Shaped My Values
  • The Power of Random Acts of Kindness
  • Discovering the Benefits of Mindfulness and Meditation
  • My Role Model and Their Impact on My Life
  • The Joy of Exploring New Places and Cultures
  • The Art of Storytelling: A Family Tradition
  • The Lessons I've Learned from Traveling Alone
  • The Impact of Nature on Well-being
  • Navigating the Ups and Downs of Friendship
  • Finding Comfort and Solace in Art and Creativity
  • The Joy of Disconnecting from Technology
  • Celebrating Small Victories: Embracing Life's Achievements
  • The Importance of Mental Health Awareness
  • Lessons Learned from a Personal Hero
  • The Beauty of a Simple Life
  • The Power of a Hug: Connection and Healing
  • Reflections on the Meaning of Success

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Informative Essay — Purpose, Structure, and Examples

What is informative writing.

Informative writing educates the reader about a certain topic. An informative essay may explain new information, describe a process, or clarify a concept. The provided information is objective, meaning the writing focuses on presentation of fact and should not contain personal opinion or bias.

Informative writing includes description, process, cause and effect, comparison, and problems and possible solutions:

Describes a person, place, thing, or event using descriptive language that appeals to readers’ senses

Explains the process to do something or how something was created

Discusses the relationship between two things, determining how one ( cause ) leads to the other ( effect ); the effect needs to be based on fact and not an assumption

Identifies the similarities and differences between two things; does not indicate that one is better than the other

Details a problem and presents various possible solutions ; the writer does not suggest one solution is more effective than the others

What is informative writing?

Purpose of informative writing

The purpose of an informative essay depends upon the writer’s motivation, but may be to share new information, describe a process, clarify a concept, explain why or how, or detail a topic’s intricacies.

Informative essays may introduce readers to new information .

Summarizing a scientific/technological study

Outlining the various aspects of a religion

Providing information on a historical period

Describe a process or give step-by-step details of a procedure.

How to write an informational essay

How to construct an argument

How to apply for a job

Clarify a concept and offer details about complex ideas.

Purpose of informative essays

Explain why or how something works the way that it does.

Describe how the stock market impacts the economy

Illustrate why there are high and low tides

Detail how the heart functions

Offer information on the smaller aspects or intricacies of a larger topic.

Identify the importance of the individual bones in the body

Outlining the Dust Bowl in the context of the Great Depression

Explaining how bees impact the environment

How to write an informative essay

Regardless of the type of information, the informative essay structure typically consists of an introduction, body, and conclusion.


Background information

Explanation of evidence

Restated thesis

Review of main ideas

Closing statement

Informative essay structure

Informative essay introduction

When composing the introductory paragraph(s) of an informative paper, include a hook, introduce the topic, provide background information, and develop a good thesis statement.

If the hook or introduction creates interest in the first paragraph, it will draw the readers’ attention and make them more receptive to the essay writer's ideas. Some of the most common techniques to accomplish this include the following:

Emphasize the topic’s importance by explaining the current interest in the topic or by indicating that the subject is influential.

Use pertinent statistics to give the paper an air of authority.

A surprising statement can be shocking; sometimes it is disgusting; sometimes it is joyful; sometimes it is surprising because of who said it.

An interesting incident or anecdote can act as a teaser to lure the reader into the remainder of the essay. Be sure that the device is appropriate for the informative essay topic and focus on what is to follow.

Informative essay hooks

Directly introduce the topic of the essay.

Provide the reader with the background information necessary to understand the topic. Don’t repeat this information in the body of the essay; it should help the reader understand what follows.

Identify the overall purpose of the essay with the thesis (purpose statement). Writers can also include their support directly in the thesis, which outlines the structure of the essay for the reader.

Informative essay body paragraphs

Each body paragraph should contain a topic sentence, evidence, explanation of evidence, and a transition sentence.

Informative essay body paragraphs

A good topic sentence should identify what information the reader should expect in the paragraph and how it connects to the main purpose identified in the thesis.

Provide evidence that details the main point of the paragraph. This includes paraphrasing, summarizing, and directly quoting facts, statistics, and statements.

Explain how the evidence connects to the main purpose of the essay.

Place transitions at the end of each body paragraph, except the last. There is no need to transition from the last support to the conclusion. A transition should accomplish three goals:

Tell the reader where you were (current support)

Tell the reader where you are going (next support)

Relate the paper’s purpose

Informative essay conclusion

Incorporate a rephrased thesis, summary, and closing statement into the conclusion of an informative essay.

Rephrase the purpose of the essay. Do not just repeat the purpose statement from the thesis.

Summarize the main idea found in each body paragraph by rephrasing each topic sentence.

End with a clincher or closing statement that helps readers answer the question “so what?” What should the reader take away from the information provided in the essay? Why should they care about the topic?

Informative essay example

The following example illustrates a good informative essay format:

Informative essay format

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Tips for Online Students , Tips for Students

Formal vs. Informal: Best Writing Practices

informal essays questions

Updated: June 19, 2024

Published: April 5, 2020


Langston Hughes once said, “The prerequisite for writing is having something to say.” But you are probably aware that there are many different styles of writing — and it pays to know which to use situationally. When it comes to formal vs informal writing styles, there is a time and place for each. By understanding their nuances and respective best practices, you can continue to improve your writing.

We will break all of this down and more, with examples. This can serve as a useful guide on formal vs informal writing for you throughout your educational journey (and beyond).

Defining Formal vs Informal Writing Styles

Formal writing is written for an audience you do not know on a personal level. It is often the main style in academic writing (unless otherwise noted) and is more complex than informal writing. Formal writing is serious.

Informal writing consists of short sentences and is used in more personal settings, such as writing a letter to a friend or writing a diary entry. It is much more relaxed than formal writing.

Photo by  Annie Spratt  on  Unsplash

Which style is appropriate.

Knowing the difference between formal and informal writing is only half the battle. The other important aspect is knowing which to use. Here are some examples of when you would use formal vs informal writing.

Use Formal Writing When:

  • Writing professionally (reaching out to a client or prospect)
  • Academic writings (essays, research papers, etc.)
  • Job applications ( resume writing , CVs, and cover letters)
  • Reaching out to someone you do not know

Use Informal Writing When:

  • Writing to a friend
  • Sharing a story or writing a personal blog
  • Writing creatively
  • Instructed to do so (if in school)
  • Writing dialogue and conversations
  • Writing an outline

If you are unsure of whether to use informal or formal writing, it’s generally the rule of thumb to start out writing formally. Then, when you make the connection and you see how the other side responds, you can ease up on the formality.

Key Features of Formal vs. Informal Writing

While the above gives a simple overview of the differences and uses of each style, let’s take a deeper look into what each style entails. That way, it should become more obvious how to recognize and structure each.

Formal writing tends to include the following:

  • Long and complex sentences: Sentences tend to be compound and contain commas to link two ideas or use transitions like “Furthermore” and “To exemplify,”
  • Does not use contractions: Would use “cannot” instead of “can’t”
  • Objective: Does not offer personal opinions
  • Doesn’t use colloquial language: You won’t see any slang or common everyday vocabulary
  • Diverse vocabulary words: Vocabulary is of a higher level
  • Use of words that are subject-specific: For example, if you are writing about biology, you’d use words like “epithelial cells” instead of “skin cells”
  • Use of third person: Does not use first person pronouns like “I” or “me”

Informal writing includes the following:

  • Can use first person, second or third: You can use any type of pronouns, including “I”
  • Can use slang: The use of everyday language and slang terms can be used, such as “It was cool that…”
  • Active voice: Sentences tend to be written with a subject acting on the verb, such as “We chilled the drinks and went out to the sea” instead of “The drinks were chilled…”
  • Personal emotional tone can be detected: Since the writing is personal, it can include feelings and the sharing of emotions
  • Contraction and abbreviation: It’s okay to use “can’t” instead of “cannot” or “it’s” instead of “it is”
  • Empathy: You can put yourself in the shoes of your audience and address their problems directly. This shows the author as coming from a place of understanding their situation.

Formal vs Informal Writing Comparison Guide

Formal vs Informal Writing Comparison Infographic by UoPeople

Additional Considerations

There are a few more things to take into account when starting out on any writing endeavor. These include the following 3 questions:

  • “Who is my audience?” – This is the first question you should ask when writing anything. You want to write to your audience, so you have to define them.
  • “How formal is the project I’m working on?” – This goes hand-in-hand with the audience and the project goals. However, knowing the level of formality will help you write accordingly.
  • “What medium should I use?” – For both informal and formal writing, you can produce the piece digitally or by hand. If it is for academic purposes and on the job, you’ll want to type your work. But, if you choose to write a formal letter by hand (such as a thank-you letter after a job interview), then it is advised to write on thicker card stock paper to look more professional. Remember, presentation is everything when it comes to formal work!

Here’s an Example!

Along with this list of references , here is a (meta) example on how this article would be written both formally and informally:

  • Formal: When writing academically or professionally, it is important to show respect to your audience by electing to write in a formal style, rather than informally. This means that sentences are longer than usual and tend to feel complex. Writing complex sentences with hyperfluent vocabulary shows your audience that you are well-informed on the subject matter. Furthermore, this writing style depicts unbiased information eluding emotions and first-person pronouns from the content.
  • Informal: Formal writing feels harder than informal writing. I think it’s because I can’t use contractions or short sentences. The only reason I’d write informally is if I had to, like if it was professional or academic. But when I write like this about formal writing, it’s easier. My vocabulary doesn’t matter as much. As you can see, I still care about grammar. Writing like this feels like I am talking to a friend.

Photo by  Glenn Carstens-Peters  on  Unsplash

Tying it all together.

There are many differences between formal vs. informal writing. That being said, they both serve their respective purposes. That’s why it’s important to understand both styles, as well as when to use them.

When writing professionally or academically, opt for formal writing. Remember to leave out contractions and remain unbiased.

On the other hand, informal writing comes from within. It’s aimed towards a personal audience, so you can write as if you are speaking to them. That way, you can use contractions, shorter sentences, colloquialism, and the like.

Regardless of why you are writing, always be sure to reread your work to check for typos and mistakes. The most important thing for writing is having something to say, but it’s also making sure that what you say can be understood!

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Informative Essay

Informative Essay Topics

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The Ultimate Handbook for Informative Essay Topics

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Informative Essay Topics

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Informative Essay - Writing Tips, Examples and Topics

Informative Essay Outline - Steps, Template. & Samples

Have you ever found yourself struggling to choose a captivating topic for your informative essay? The pressure to select a topic that is not only interesting but also relevant can be a daunting challenge.

Also the process of selecting an engaging subject for an informative essay can often leave you overwhelmed and unsure where to begin.

Fret not! 

In this blog post, we will provide you with compelling informative essay topics. 

By the end of this article, you'll have a number of informative essay topic examples to choose from, making the writing  process stress-free.

So, let’s dive in!

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  • 2. Easy Informative Essay Topics for Middle School Students
  • 3. Informative Essay Topics for High School Students
  • 4. Good Informative Essay Topics For College Students
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  • 30. How to Choose Good Informative Essay Topics?

Informative Essay Topics for Primary School Students

As a student, you're likely looking for topics that not only captivate your audience but also showcase your ability to convey information effectively.

Below we have gathered a list of easy topics for an informative essay for students.

Informative Essay Topics for 3rd Grade

  • What are emotional support animals?
  • Discuss the significance of wearing a uniform
  • What is the significance of taking minerals and nutrition in your diet?
  • What is the impact of gun control on minds?
  • How to weave a carpet?
  • How to read the map?
  • How to solve your maths paper?
  • Discuss the history and evolution of video games
  • How to find a good roommate?
  • Discuss a trip to Paris

Informative Essay Topics for 5th Grade

  • How to train your dog?
  • Discuss Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
  • Discuss different cultures of the world
  • Explain the Taboos in Africa
  • Evaluate the education system of the United States
  • How to overcome phobias?
  • How to become a billionaire?
  • How to throw a surprise party?
  • What are the causes and effects of World War II?
  • How to control bullying?

Easy Informative Essay Topics for Middle School Students

Middle school is a crucial time for students to develop their writing skills and explore various forms of expression.

Here are some topics for middle school students to get a better idea.

6th Grade Informative Essay Topics

  • The life cycle of butterflies: a fascinating journey
  • How photosynthesis powers plant growth
  • The basics of volcanoes: how they form and erupt
  • Exploring the solar system: a tour of our planets
  • The importance of recycling: reducing waste for a greener planet
  • How your digestive system works: from food to energy
  • The wonders of ancient civilizations: egypt, greece, and rome
  • Animal adaptations: surviving in different environments
  • The water cycle: nature's way of recycling water
  • Understanding ecosystems: how plants and animals interact

Informative Essay Topics for 7th Grade

  • Discuss the concept of Vegetarianism
  • What is domestic violence?
  • How is making tattoos interesting?
  • Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of plastic surgery
  • Is organ donation legal?
  • Describe the importance of a Balanced diet
  • Discuss Homosexuality and its effects on society
  • What are gambling and its results?
  • Discuss the negative consequences of drinking
  • How is water pollution affecting the environment?

Informative Essay Topics for 8th Grade

  • Discuss the Theory of relativity
  • What are the causes and effects of cancer?
  • Discuss the Big Bang Theory
  • What is the Greenhouse Effect?
  • Discuss the functions of DNA
  • Describe the importance of recycling
  • What is the impact of deforestation?
  • How is space exploration effective?
  • Discuss the Law of Gravity
  • What is the history and origin of the Anatolian Shepherd?

Informative Essay Topics for High School Students

Here are topics to inspire critical thinking and encourage students to express their ideas with clarity.

Informative Essay Topics For 10th Grade

  • Discuss different mental disorders 
  • How is unemployment affecting third-world countries?
  • What leads to drug addiction?
  • What is the impact of illegal immigrants on the country's economy?
  • How to overcome anxiety?
  • What is the significance of death penalties?
  • What are the factors of teen pregnancy?
  • Discuss artificial intelligence and its importance in today’s world. 
  • What is cybersecurity?
  • What are the effects of global warming?

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Good Informative Essay Topics For College Students

For college students, choosing a topic for their informative essays is a challenging task. For your help, we have compiled a list of some ideas to create a well-written essay.

  • What is the history of the Bible?
  • Discuss the significance of higher education.
  • What is the history of Voodoo magic?
  • What are the effects of consuming fast food on health?
  • Discuss different herbal medicines and their effectiveness.
  • How to cure post traumatic stress disorder?
  • How to handle a panic attack?
  • How is a sleeping disorder affecting our lives?
  • How does the government eradicate poverty?
  • What are the causes of Anorexia Nervosa? 

Easy Informative Essay Topics

  • What do dog shows look like?
  • How to find a nice roommate?
  • A guide to hiking on your closest trail
  • Effectiveness of online education
  • The best vitamin to give children
  • What is the working of social engineering?
  • How can a war affect the citizens of a country?
  • Effects of earthquakes
  • How to choose an informative essay idea?
  • How to grow herbs and vegetables at home?

Funny Informative Essay Topics

  • How to perfectly delay everything?
  • A comprehensive guide to surviving family dinners
  • Discuss the most famous fails in basketball
  • Enlist some funny incidents at the Olympics.
  • The struggles of remembering names
  • How successful are songs made?
  • Why do rock stars break their guitars on stage?
  • The art of witty comebacks: a guide to quick thinking
  • The dos and don'ts of awkward elevator encounters
  • Why do some people and their dogs look alike?

Controversial Informative Essay Topics 

  • The ethics of genetic engineering in humans
  • Mandatory vaccination: balancing public health and personal freedom
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on employment and society
  • Legalization of recreational drugs: pros and cons
  • Gun control: striking a balance between safety and individual rights
  • Should assisted suicide be legalized? examining ethical dilemmas
  • The morality of animal testing in scientific research
  • The Death penalty: justifiable punishment or human rights violation?
  • Censorship in the age of the internet: protecting vs. restricting free speech
  • The role of government in regulating social media content

Informative Essay Topics About Animals

  • What are the effects of poaching?
  • How do climate change and global warming affect the animal kingdom?
  • Describe the anatomy of a bird.
  • Explain how bees help in pollination.
  • Discuss the different types of animal cruelty.
  • How does overpopulation affect wildlife habitats?
  • What are the effects of deforestation on animal habitats?
  • How do you protect endangered species?
  • Explain how dolphins use echolocation.
  • Discuss the importance of proper pet care.

Informative Essay Topics About Mental Health 

  • Exploring the connection between nutrition and mental health
  • Teenagers and mental health: navigating challenges in high school
  • Workplace stress and Strategies for employee mental health
  • The effects of sleep quality on mental health
  • Examining the link between substance abuse and mental health disorders
  • Mental health in the lgbtq+ community: challenges and support
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (ptsd) and coping mechanisms
  • Mental health education in schools: importance and implementation
  • The influence of cultural factors on mental health perception
  • Technology addiction and its impact on mental well-being

Informative Essay Topics About Health 

  • The importance of a balanced diet for overall health
  • Benefits and risks of intermittent fasting on health
  • The impact of regular exercise on mental and physical health
  • Understanding the role of gut microbiota in digestive health
  • The relationship between sleep patterns and health
  • The dangers of sedentary lifestyles and ways to combat them
  • Exploring alternative medicine practices and their health benefits
  • The effects of stress on the body and mind: coping strategies
  • The role of genetics in determining health conditions
  • The impact of smoking on respiratory and cardiovascular health

Interesting Informative Essay Topics

  • What is the future of AI in the medical field?
  • Discuss the different types of renewable energy sources.
  • How does virtual reality work and what are its potential applications?
  • The history of cryptocurrency: from bitcoin to altcoins
  • Describe the history of animation and its importance in modern media.
  • Discuss genetic engineering and its effects on human life.
  • What are the effects of political unrest in different countries?
  • Discuss the impact of social media on society.
  • How does quantum computing work and what are its applications?
  • Explain the concept of blockchain technology.

Good Informative Essay Topics 

  • What are the effects of poverty on educational opportunities?
  • Describe how music affects mental health.
  • Explain the concept of microaggressions.
  • Discuss how drug addiction can be treated.
  • Explain online privacy and its importance.
  • What is cyberbullying and what are its long-term effects?
  • How do racism and discrimination affect mental health?
  • Discuss the challenges of women empowerment.
  • How do technological advancements help in protecting the environment?
  • Explain the history and importance of public transportation.

Informative Process Analysis Essay Topics 

  • How to create a budget and manage finances?
  • Explain the process of composting and its benefits.
  • Discuss how to maintain healthy skin naturally.
  • What are the steps in creating an effective CV?
  • Describe the process of making a perfect omelet?
  • Explain how recycling works and why it is important?
  • How to create an effective marketing plan?
  • Discuss how to build a successful career.
  • Describe the steps of making homemade soap.
  • How does a car engine work?

How-To Informative Essay Topics

  • How to write a successful college application essay?
  • How to manage time and prioritize tasks?
  • How to build a strong online presence? 
  • How to create a successful YouTube channel? 
  • How to Bake a Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie
  • How to Grow Your Own Organic Vegetable Garden
  • How to Master Basic First Aid Techniques
  • How to Develop Effective Public Speaking Skills
  • How to Create and Manage a Blog

Social Studies Informative Essay Topics

  • What are the effects of censorship in different countries?
  • Discuss the importance of digital literacy in the modern world.
  • How is technology changing the job market?
  • Explain the idea of net neutrality and its importance. 
  • Describe the history and evolution of social media.
  • Discuss how to promote gender equality in society. 
  • What are the causes and effects of racism? 
  • How does the economy impact our lives?
  • What are the effects of using non-renewable energy sources? 
  • Explain how mass media affects public opinion.

Science Informative Essay Topics

  • What are the benefits of stem cell research?
  • Discuss the history and progress of space exploration.
  • How does human activity affect climate change? 
  • Explain how renewable energy sources work. 
  • Describe the effect of air pollution on human health. 
  • What are quantum physics and its applications? 
  • Discuss the causes and effects of deforestation.
  • How do viruses and bacteria spread?
  • What are the effects of ocean acidification? 
  • Explain the differences between nuclear and renewable energy sources.

Pop Culture Informative Essay Topics

  • Discuss the influence of hip hop culture in modern society.
  • Explain the history and importance of comic books.
  • What are the effects of reality TV shows?
  • How has streaming changed the entertainment industry?
  • Describe how social media creates trends.
  • Discuss the impact of video games on mental health.
  • What is the power of influencers in digital marketing?
  • Explain the evolution and history of fashion.
  • How does advertising shape our views on gender roles?
  • Discuss the power of K-pop music around the world.

General Topics for Informative Essay

  • How do sleep patterns affect physical health?
  • Discuss how sports can be used to build character. 
  • What are the effects of bullying in school? 
  • Explain the importance of music in education. 
  • Describe the impact of technology on communication. 
  • How does poverty lead to poor health outcomes? 
  • Discuss the power of positive thinking. 
  • What are the benefits of exercising regularly? 
  • Explain how volunteering can make a difference in society. 
  • How do advancements help in protecting the environment?

Informative Narrative Essay Topics 

  • Describe a life-changing event that happened in your family.
  • Share an experience of facing a natural disaster. 
  • Recall an inspiring moment when you felt proud of yourself. 
  • Explain the importance of learning from mistakes. 
  • Discuss how creativity can help overcome hardships. 
  • Describe the power of storytelling and its impact on society. 
  • How did a special person in your life shape who you are today? 
  • Discuss the beauty of self-expression through music and art. 
  • What have been some of the biggest challenges you faced growing up? 
  • Explain how travel has changed your worldview. 

Compare and Contrast Informative Essay Topics

  • Compare and contrast the benefits of working remotely versus in-office.
  • Compare and contrast the effects of high school vs college education. 
  • Explain how online education differs from traditional classroom learning. 
  • Compare and contrast the pros and cons of living in a city or a rural area. 
  • Discuss how different types of music can affect the brain. 
  • Compare and contrast the impact of digital media and print media. 
  • Explain how different generations view technology differently. 
  • Compare and contrast the three major religions in terms of their beliefs. 
  • Discuss how traditional values differ from modern values. 
  • Compare and contrast the benefits of online shopping versus in-store shopping.

Informative Essay Topics on Religion

  • Discuss the concept of original sin in Christianity. 
  • Explain how free will differs between Islam and Christianity. 
  • Describe the impact of religion on culture and politics. 
  • What are some similarities and differences between Hinduism and Buddhism? 
  • How have religious beliefs changed over time? 
  • What is the meaning of karma in different religions? 
  • Explain the purpose of religious rituals and ceremonies. 
  • Discuss how religion can foster compassion in society. 
  • Describe the role of faith in helping people cope with difficult times. 
  • What is the importance of prayer in various religious traditions?

Informative Essay Topics About Stress

  • What are the physical and mental effects of stress? 
  • Explain how lifestyle changes can reduce stress levels. 
  • Discuss how social media can heighten anxiety. 
  • Describe how different people cope with stress. 
  • What strategies can help manage stress effectively? 
  • Discuss the power of positive self-talk in reducing stress. 
  • Explain how exercise can help alleviate stress. 
  • What are the benefits of engaging in mindfulness activities? 
  • Describe different techniques of relaxation. 
  • Discuss the importance of self-care for reducing stress levels.

Informative Essay Topics on Social Issues

  • Discuss the challenges of poverty in developing countries. 
  • Describe the effects of gender inequality on society. 
  • What are the causes and consequences of racism? 
  • Explain how mental health issues can be addressed through policymaking. 
  • How does technology help combat global warming? 
  • What strategies can be used to reduce homelessness? 
  • What is the impact of access to clean water on global health? 
  • Discuss the role of education in promoting economic stability. 
  • Describe how human rights violations can be prevented. 
  • Explain the importance of making a difference in society.

Business and Economics Informative Essay Ideas 

  • Describe the different types of business models.
  • Discuss the importance of financial literacy. 
  • Explain how to start and manage a successful business. 
  • What are the economic impacts of globalization? 
  • How do entrepreneurs use technology to their advantage? 
  • Discuss the importance of innovation in the business world. 
  • Explain how companies can reduce waste and conserve resources.
  • What strategies do businesses use to increase profits? 
  • Describe the legal implications of starting a business. 
  • Discuss the different marketing tactics used by businesses.

Informative And Surprising Essay Topics

  • Describe the effects of climate change on societies.
  • Explain how learning a second language can benefit you. 
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of genetic engineering? 
  • Discuss how to become a professional gamer. 
  • What is the future of artificial intelligence? 
  • How can virtual reality be used to improve education? 
  • Describe the impact of technology on society. 
  • What is the importance of space exploration? 
  • Discuss how travel can broaden your worldview. 
  • Explain the benefits of living a minimalist lifestyle.

Informative Essay Topics about Technology

  • Describe the impact of the internet on communication. 
  • How do social media platforms influence behavior? 
  • Explain how machine learning is changing our world. 
  • Discuss the effects of AI on businesses. 
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of 5G technology? 
  • What strategies can be used to protect data privacy online?
  • How is virtual reality being used in the medical field? 
  • Discuss the potential implications of quantum computing. 
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of using robots in manufacturing?
  • Explain how blockchain technology can revolutionize banking.

Informative Essay Topics On Sports

  • Discuss the effects of doping in sport. 
  • Explain how different sports promote physical fitness. 
  • What strategies can be used to prevent injuries in sports? 
  • Describe the role of sports in developing teamwork skills. 
  • How does technology help improve performance in athletics? 
  • What are the benefits of playing a team sport?
  • Explain the importance of sportsmanship in competitive sports. 
  • Discuss the effects of racism on athletes and teams. 
  • How has coaching changed over time? 
  • Describe the different nutritional requirements for athletes.

Informative Essay Topics About Education

  • Describe the benefits of a liberal arts education. 
  • Compare and contrast different learning strategies. 
  • Explain how technology can help improve educational outcomes. 
  • What are the implications of homeschooling? 
  • Discuss the role of teachers in student development. 
  • How does access to quality education impact society? 
  • What strategies can help students be successful in the classroom? 
  • What are the benefits of using learning management systems?
  • Discuss the different criteria for selecting a college. 
  • Explain how to create an optimal study environment.

Informative Essay Topics About Politics, Government, And Immigration 

  • Describe the role of government in society. 
  • Discuss the causes and effects of political corruption. 
  • What strategies can be used to address income inequality? 
  • Explain the different forms of government around the world. 
  • How does immigration law shape public policy? 
  • What are the pros and cons of globalism?  
  • Discuss the challenges of achieving world peace. 
  • What strategies can be used to combat terrorism? 
  • How does international trade impact economic growth?
  • Explain how trade agreements shape global politics.

How to Choose Good Informative Essay Topics?

Choosing an informative topic doesn’t really involve an official procedure. But there are some steps that professional essay writers take to make the paper writing process easier.

Writing an informative essay aims to educate the audience about the topic so that every aspect is covered in detail. So while choosing a topic, ensure that it should be in-depth and useful for the audience.

If you are finding it hard to choose topics for an informative essay, follow the below-given steps.

1. Brainstorm Ideas

The first step that a writer takes to decide a topic is to brainstorm ideas. If your instructor does not assign you a topic, think of interesting ideas. The best trick is to analyze your passions and see what you are interested in telling the audience about.

Another way is to pick something relevant to your field. For example, if you are a science student, you can search for interesting discoveries or theories to write your informative essay.

2. Identify the Audience

Determining the audience can help select the topic as well. When you know who you are writing for and what they expect from the essay. It gets easier to select a topic idea.

For example, if your audience is your instructor, impress him by choosing theories and other discoveries related to their field.

3. Search for Credible Sources

Thinking of a good topic is not enough if you lack credible sources of information. Therefore, when gathering information on the topic, the sources used should be credible and authentic. Informative essays are based on facts and objective data, so the sources should be reliable.

If you fail to find these sources for your topic, reconsider the topic idea.

4. Form a Strong Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is directly related to the topic as well. It is a stance that a writer takes to discuss the topic, and the whole essay content will revolve around it. A strong essay topic will help the writer develop a good thesis statement as well.

5. Finalize the Topic

Passing your raw idea from the above filters will help you finalize the topic. The end product that you will receive will be the ideal and the best topic. With this, you can begin writing your informative paper.

All in all, the significance of choosing a great topic to write your essay can not be ignored. Now you have a list of informative essay topic ideas to choose from. Remember, writing a good one depends on how strong and catchy your subject is. 

If you are stuck and can not think of a good essay theme, or if you have a topic in hand but have no clue how to start, get help from 

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Barbara P

Dr. Barbara is a highly experienced writer and author who holds a Ph.D. degree in public health from an Ivy League school. She has worked in the medical field for many years, conducting extensive research on various health topics. Her writing has been featured in several top-tier publications.

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How to Write an Informal Essay: A Beginners' Guide


A typical academic essay is serious writing. It is serious because it is often well-researched and written formally. The typical informal essay is the exact opposite of this.

how to write an informal essay

It is often not researched at all and is written in a casual tone. Furthermore, it is commonly written for enjoyment rather than serious discourse. And for that reason, it is a non-fiction essay that does not follow the writing conventions and is purely based on the author's reasons, reflections, and ideas.

In this guide, you will discover everything crucial you need to know to write a brilliant informal essay.

What is an informal essay?

An informal essay is an essay that is written for enjoyment rather than to argue or support a thesis with scholarly evidence. The essay is usually personal in nature and based on memory. A good example of an informal essay is – The happiest day of my life.

To write this essay, you simply need to recall the happiest day of your life and then write about it chronologically. As you can see, you don’t have to do much research to write an informal essay.

The fact that an informal essay is written for enjoyment does not mean that it does not have a set structure. The typical informal essay is a five-paragraph essay with three key parts – introduction, body, and conclusion. In terms of word count, the essay is often between 700 and 1,000 words long. The only thing informal about it is the fact that it does not need serious research. Moreover, unlike most essays, the informal can be written in a casual or conversational tone. This means that it can be written in the first and second person.

In most cases, informal essays are written for consumption by the author – to show their creativity, journal an experience, or release emotions through writing pieces.

Structure of an Informal Essay

Like most college students, you are probably used to following the five-paragraph essay structure that most professors recommend for formal essays . While using this structure to write your informal essay is okay, it is not necessary. The rationale for this is that the informal essay is informal and doesn’t follow any rigid structure.

Informal essays involve subjective opinions or ideas through prose. Some common examples of informal essays include impromptu speeches, diary entries, journals, social media posts, personal essays, and personal notes.

While the informal essay does not have a rigid structure or format, it must include four elements – topic, introduction, body, and conclusion.

The informal essay must have a title. It might be informal and without a structure, but it must have a title, and the title must be specific. By giving your informal essay a title, you are basically creating a compass that you can always refer to when writing your essay to ensure you are in the right direction. If, for example, you want to argue a point but are unsure whether it deserves to be in your essay, you can refer to your title to evaluate its importance. If the point helps to contribute to your title, you should include it in your essay. If it doesn’t, you should quickly ignore it.

2. Introduction

The informal essay must have an introduction . In other words, it must simply have a paragraph presenting what you will discuss in the body section. When writing the introduction of an informal essay, there is no specific formula to follow. The only thing that you must do is to make the introduction as interesting as possible. You can do this using a relevant quote, an interesting fact, or a related statistic.

In the body of your informal essay, you must go all out to tell the story you set out to tell in the introduction. You must do the title justice; you must make sure that anyone who reads your essay will agree that what you discuss or talk about in the body section is exactly what they expected. While there is no specific structure to follow when writing the body paragraphs of your informal essay, the best way to write them is chronological. This is because chronologically written paragraphs are easy to follow.

4. Conclusion

After writing your essay, you must write the conclusion part of your essay. The conclusion is usually the easiest part to write when writing an essay. This is because all you need to do is to summarize what you have written in the body section or body paragraphs. After doing this, you simply need to end your essay with a powerful closing sentence to complete it.

The Steps to Take to Write an Informal Essay

An informal essay is written in a conversational tone, which is laid-back, entails breaking academic writing rules, and sounds like everyday communication. You can use informal transition words, short sentences, contractions, common and cliché words, adages, expressions, and personal examples.

Here are the steps to take if assigned to write an informal essay.

1. Choose a topic

When you are asked to write an informal essay, you are normally allowed to choose your own topic. If this is the case, you should choose a topic that is very interesting to you. Because by doing so, the fact that the topic is interesting to you will result in you naturally writing an interesting essay. And interesting is what you want your informal essay to be to get a top grade.

Below the informal essay sample that follows this guide is a list of exciting informal essay topics. This list should inspire you to develop your own exciting informal essay topic; a topic that will make your essay interesting.

2. Create an outline for your informal essay

After choosing an interesting or exciting topic, you should create an outline for your informal essay . An essay outline is an essay writing plan. It highlights what you will include in the introduction section, the body section, and the conclusion section of your essay. To create an outline, provide a short summary of what you will include in your introduction paragraph, your three body paragraphs, and your conclusion paragraph.

But how do you know what you will include in your informal essay paragraphs? Well, it depends. If you are writing an informal essay based on a personal experience topic, you must recall as many details as possible about the experience to plan your essay. If you are writing an informal essay based on an academic topic, you will need thorough research to find as many details as possible about the topic to plan your essay.

3. Write the first draft of your essay

After creating a comprehensive outline for your informal essay, you should write the first draft of your essay. Do this by first writing your essay introduction. After writing your essay introduction, you should write its body paragraphs and the conclusion.

Writing the first draft of your informal essay after creating an outline for it should be a relatively straightforward job. You need to follow the outline like a map and use information from it to begin and structure your paragraphs.

The body paragraphs of an informal essay should each express your main message, perspective, or point of view. You can use persuasive writing skills to convince your readers. It would help to think of the topic as a forum thread where you defend your personal views against opposing opinions. Therefore, you must develop resilient supportive facts to defend your stance.

When developing the body paragraphs, you are allowed to use informal language. You should write short, clear, concise sentences, as long formulations are boring and misleading. You should center your discussions around some emotional vibe, express your personality, and write with vigor and respect.

Following your outline will make your informal essay well-organized and structured. However, it won’t guarantee flow in your essay. You will have to create a flow with your writing and transition words. Also, it won’t automatically give your essay a conversational and laid-back tone. You have to do this on your own using conversational words and writing.

Related Articles:

  • Using I in an essay.
  • How to format paragraphs for better readership.
  • Steps to come up with a great thesis statement.

4. Edit your essay

After writing the first draft of your essay, you should edit it thoroughly. Do this by reading it to eliminate ambiguous and unclear words and statements. After reading it to eliminate unclear words, you should read it to remove all types of grammatical and punctuation errors.

The next thing you need to do with regard to editing your essay is to review it one more time using or similar software. This will help you to catch the errors you may have missed and to correct them.

After proofreading your essay using, it will be ready for submission.

Informal Essay Example

Title: Benefits of living in a remote location They say no man is an island. While living in a community surrounded by friends and neighbors is a good thing with many benefits, living alone in a remote location also has its benefits. I have been living alone in a remote Pacific island for the last eight months, and the experience has been bliss. The island has a single cabin research station with basic amenities and a satellite connection. The nearest settled island is over 500 kilometers away. I had doubts when I first stepped on the island. I thought I wouldn’t last long. However, this has obviously not been the case. My stay on this island has been quite amazing. I have enjoyed many benefits, including improved mental health, improved safety, and a low cost of living. When I was living in Sydney, Australia, I was in a bad place mentally because I felt a lot of pressure to succeed. I also felt depressed and was frequently on depression medication. Living in a remote location has changed all this. I no longer feel any pressure. I no longer feel depressed or miserable. Just about every day is a good day nowadays. I wake up, check equipment, spend hours on the beach, and eat fresh food I grow in the station’s garden. I feel amazing mentally. I feel like a new person because life is so slow-paced on this island and devoid of the pressures of city life. Regarding safety, I believe living alone on a remote island is much safer than living in a big town or city. I feel safer on this island because there is literally no one around to cause me harm. I do not have to look over my shoulder when walking, sleeping, or doing anything on this isolated island. I also have no reason to watch the news, so I am not exposed to the constant reports of insecurity that city dwellers are exposed to. Not being exposed to constant reports of insecurity makes me feel even safer. Furthermore, in case of any emergency, there is an emergency number I can call at any time of the day to request urgent help. Lastly, regarding the cost of living, living isolated on a remote island is much cheaper than city or town living. I literally do not pay any rent on this island. I also grow much of my own food, and supplies are brought to me biweekly. Furthermore, I do not pay taxes and am not exposed to constant adverts that force city dwellers to make impulse purchases. And even if I want to purchase something, I wouldn’t because it probably wouldn’t have much use on a remote, isolated island. In conclusion, living in a remote location is very beneficial. If you choose to do this, you will be happier, safer, and less stressed financially. I can only equate it to living in paradise.

Informal Essay Topics

Below are some informal essay topics you can use as inspiration to come up with your own informal essay topic if asked to choose your own topic by your professor.

  • The best meals in our college cafeteria
  • Celebrities who are excellent role models
  • My religion and why I love it
  • My thoughts on marriage and divorce
  • The best day in my college life
  • The most embarrassing incident in my life
  • How parents can understand their children better
  • Why my mother is the most important person to me
  • The most famous African American inventors
  • Entrepreneurs who changed the world
  • Alcoholism among teenagers
  • Why home education is bad
  • Elon Musk and life on Mars
  • The Illuminati and other conspiracy theories
  • Legal migration and its benefits
  • Mental health in the USA
  • Communism and its benefits
  • The United Nations and its failures
  • Gender violence in California
  • Freedom of speech around the world
  • The effects of sanctions on Cuba
  • Education during the peak of the pandemic
  • East African culture
  • Why the death penalty should be abolished everywhere
  • Abortion and the right to life
  • What would I do if I became a millionaire overnight?
  • Why soccer is the most popular sport in the world
  • The pros and cons of video gaming
  • The Second Amendment and its protections
  • Why I would like to become a doctor
  • Why I love intermittent fasting
  • How I won a half marathon when undergoing chemotherapy
  • Lessons from my close friend who betrayed me
  • How I plan to win the next marathon
  • The car I love most
  • My dream job
  • Places I would like to visit
  • Why I love my step-dad
  • The last day at my first job

Dos and don’ts when writing an informal essay

  • Do write your essay in the first person. This will make it clearly informal and casual. It will also make it read much better.
  • Do write short sentences. Long sentences will make your essay difficult to read. In contrast, short sentences will make your writing easier to read and more casual (which is something you want when writing an informal essay).
  • Do rewrite your essay. After writing your informal essay, you should read through it to make it flawless. Do this by editing or rewriting anything that appears out of place in your essay.
  • Do proofread your essay. After you are done improving the flow of your essay, you should read it one more time to ensure it has zero grammar, punctuation, and formatting errors.
  • Do ensure your essay is chronological. While it is unnecessary to make your informal essay chronological, making it chronological will make it easy to read and understand.
  • Do use humor. It is okay to use humor in an informal essay. But you should only do it sparingly to avoid making your essay sound like a comedy script.
  • Do use conversational language. Using conversational language will make your article to read like a blog, which is a good thing when writing an informal essay. But do not go overboard with conversational language. It could make your essay difficult to understand.
  • Do read any informal essay examples. Before you write your informal essay, you should try to find and read informal essay examples online. This will help to make it easy for you to write your essay because it shows you the pattern you need to follow.
  • Do let your personality show. If you have a way of expressing your ideas, arguments, and so on, you should let your personality show in your writing. Let your writing be as unique as it can be. Do not try to make your essay look or even feel academic. Just write it as you would write a blog to be read by a friend. This will help make your essay delightfully informal.                                                                                                                     
  • Don’t forget to ensure a good flow throughout. While an informal essay doesn’t have a set structure, it must have a good flow. Therefore, you should ensure your essay is understandable throughout.
  • Don’t forget to edit your essay. The best informal essays are flawless ones. So after writing your essay, you should read it severally to edit it and ensure it is flawless.
  • Don’t make it formal. When writing informal essays, many students usually use the conventional academic language they use in formal essays. This is not right. You should try hard to make your essay as flawless as possible.
  • Don’t forget to include a thesis . At the end of your introduction, you should have a thesis statement, and your entire essay should be centered on this statement. A thesis is what distinguishes an informal essay from a blog article.
  • Don’t include weak arguments. It is important to ensure that your essay only contains strong arguments. Doing this will ensure you get a top grade. If you include weak arguments, you risk getting an average grade.

Parting Words!

Writing a good informal essay is not an easy job. It will require you to know the structure and style you must follow when writing an informal essay. Fortunately, you now know these two things. You also know exactly how to go about writing an informal essay. So go ahead and write yours. If you get stuck at any point, hire us to help you.

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70+ Fascinating Informative Essay Topics for Kids and Teens

Tell them what you know.

How has the role of women in the workplace changed in the last hundred years?

Informative essays are a chance to show what you know. They’re all about informing the reader, without trying to persuade or offer an opinion. Informative writing can include how-to process essays, biographical writing, an in-depth analysis of a topic, research papers, or compare-and-contrast essays . Just remember to stick to the facts, and be clear and descriptive. These informative essay topics offer something for all interests and ages.

How-To Informative Essay Topics

Social studies informative essay topics, science informative essay topics, pop culture informative essay topics.

Teach your reader the steps or process to:

  • Cook a recipe
  • Set a table
  • Make a quilt
  • Change a tire
  • Start a recycling program
  • Play a game
  • Build a birdhouse
  • Plant a garden
  • Make and care for a compost pile

Make and care for a compost pile.

  • Care for an animal
  • Start a business
  • Catch a fish
  • Tie a necktie
  • Train for a marathon
  • Prepare a campsite
  • Make a campfire
  • Clean a room
  • Wrap a gift
  • Plan a party
  • Kick a bad habit
  • Use social media responsibly

Use social media responsibly.

  • Manage time effectively
  • Make a budget
  • Describe the life of a world leader.
  • How has the role of women in the workplace changed in the last hundred years?

How has the role of women in the workplace changed in the last hundred years?

  • Explore the current path to becoming an American citizen.
  • What are some of the possible ways the pyramids were built?
  • Describe a time period in history.
  • How does one country’s economy affect another country?
  • What is the difference between socialism and communism?
  • Explore the benefits and drawbacks of legalizing drugs.
  • Describe the political system in a foreign country.
  • Explore the causes of a specific war or armed conflict in history.

Explore the causes of a specific war or armed conflict in history.

  • How is a new law passed in the United States?
  • Give an overview of the history of any country, state, or city.
  • Describe the three branches of American government.
  • Explain how the American judicial system works.
  • Describe the evolution of fashion throughout history.
  • Describe a science experiment, including the hypothesis, process, and conclusion.

Describe a science experiment, including the hypothesis, process, and conclusion.

  • Explain what it means to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • What is the relationship between calories and fat?
  • What is the physics behind a bicycle?
  • How do plants convert sunlight into energy?
  • Describe any element from the periodic table, including its makeup and uses.
  • What is the difference between a crocodile and an alligator?
  • Describe the life cycle of any animal.
  • What are the benefits of recycling?
  • Describe the life of a prominent scientist.
  • Explain what E = mc 2 means.
  • Describe any disease, including its symptoms and treatments.

Describe any disease, including its symptoms and treatments.

  • Why do leaves change color in the fall?
  • Explain the difference between climate and weather.
  • Describe a specific ecosystem, including the plants and animals that live there.
  • Describe the history of video games.
  • What are recent trends in the video game industry?
  • Describe your favorite superhero.
  • Explain the motivations of any fictional villain.
  • Describe the life of your favorite celebrity.
  • Explore the development and growth of a main character in any book series.

Explore the development and growth of a main character in any book series.

  • Describe the process of making a movie or TV show.
  • Tell the story of any band, including its founding, successes and challenges, and breakup (if applicable).
  • Describe the life of a famous artist.
  • Explore the history of Disney World (or any theme park).
  • Plan the perfect fantasy football league team.
  • Describe popular trends and fads from any decade.
  • Explore the history of the Olympics.
  • Describe the music of a generation and how it reflected that time.

Describe the music of a generation and how it reflected that time.

  • Explain the history of the internet.

What are some of your favorite informative essay topics? Come share your ideas in the WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook .

Plus, check out the big list of essay topics for high school (100+ ideas).

70+ Fascinating Informative Essay Topics for Kids and Teens

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informal essays questions

Informative Essay Topics to Suit Every Preference

informal essays questions

Hey there! Let's chat about informative essays - they're pretty cool when you think about it.

You know how sometimes you just want to learn about something without someone trying to convince you one way or another? That's where informative essays come in. They're like your friendly neighborhood knowledge-spreader, covering everything from the wild ride of internet history to why meditation might be your new best friend.

Discover the essence of informative writing as our paper writing experts delve into what is an informative essay and unravel the art of selecting a compelling topic.

how to choose informative essay topics

What Is an Informative Essay

Informative Essay stands as a unique form of writing with the primary objective of imparting knowledge rather than steering opinions. This genre encapsulates a diverse array of subjects, ranging from the historical trajectory of the Internet to the tangible advantages associated with meditation practices. What distinguishes these essays is their adaptability, accommodating various writing styles such as descriptive, comparative, cause and effect, and even narrative approaches.

Contrary to being exclusive to academia, this type of essay writing offers a pathway for inquisitive minds to expand their knowledge horizons.

The neat thing about these essays is how flexible they are. You can describe stuff, compare things, talk about cause and effect, or even tell a story - all while dropping knowledge bombs. It's like being a teacher, but in writing!

Now, here's the fun part - the research. I know, I know, "research" might sound like a snooze-fest, but hear me out. It's like going on a treasure hunt for cool facts. You dig around, find some gems of information, and suddenly you're the expert on whatever you're writing about. Pretty awesome, right?

And get this - informative essays aren't just for school. They're for anyone who's curious about, well, anything! It's like having a backstage pass to learning about whatever catches your fancy.

The best part? When you're writing one of these, you get to be like a fact superhero. Your mission? Deliver the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. No bias, no opinions - just straight-up, reliable info.

So, ready to dive into picking a topic that'll make your informative essay shine? Stick around, and we'll explore how to choose something that'll not only grab your reader's attention but also teach them something new. Trust me, it's going to be way more fun than it sounds!

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A List of Good Informative Essay Topics

The key to a compelling, informative essay lies in selecting the right topic, a choice that significantly influences the quality and engagement of your piece. With numerous options available, the challenge often lies in where to begin. In the following paragraphs, we'll delve into various informational topics to write about, spanning current events, social issues, science, and technology, offering a diverse array of subjects for students. These topics not only provide ample opportunities for research but also cater to different purposes—whether your goal is to educate, persuade, or simply inform. So, let's explore some great informative essay examples , sparking inspiration and setting you on a path for a successful academic writing journey!

Easy Informative Essay Topics

These easy informative essay topics are great starting points for those who want to write a straightforward and informative essay without getting too complicated.

  • How Do Plants Make Food?
  • Why Do Birds Migrate?
  • The Life Cycle of a Frog
  • What Causes Earthquakes?
  • Types of Clouds and What They Mean
  • Why Do Leaves Change Color in Fall?
  • How Do Bees Make Honey?
  • The Importance of Recycling
  • Why Do We Need to Drink Water?
  • What Causes Thunder and Lightning?
  • The Journey of a Raindrop
  • How Do Vaccines Work?
  • Why Do Some Animals Hibernate?
  • The Role of the Sun in Our Solar System
  • The Process of Photosynthesis
  • What Causes Tides?
  • How Do Our Lungs Work?
  • Why Do Stars Twinkle?
  • The Importance of Exercise for Our Bodies
  • How Do Magnets Work?

Informative Essay Topics for Middle School Students

The following informative paper topics are tailored specifically for middle school students and cover a wide range of subjects that are both interesting and relevant to their age group.

  • How Computers Work: Inside the Box
  • Amazing Animal Adaptations for Survival
  • Exploring Ancient Egyptian Pyramids
  • The Life Cycle of Butterflies: From Caterpillar to Butterfly
  • All About the Solar System: Planets and Beyond
  • Discovering Dinosaurs: Giants of the Past
  • The Water Cycle: From Clouds to Rain and Back Again
  • Volcanoes: Nature's Fiery Spectacles
  • Understanding the Human Body: Organs and Systems
  • Unraveling the Mystery of Genetics: Traits and Heredity
  • The Power of Renewable Energy: Wind, Solar, and Water
  • The Wonders of the Amazon Rainforest: Earth's Green Lung
  • Incredible Inventions: From the Wheel to the Internet
  • The Importance of Saving Endangered Species
  • Exploring Ancient Rome: Gladiators, Emperors, and More
  • Ocean Life: Diving into the Deep Blue Sea
  • Weather Wonders: Tornadoes, Hurricanes, and Storms
  • The Magic of Chemistry: Elements and Reactions
  • Famous Explorers: Journeying to New Lands
  • The Importance of Kindness: Spreading Joy and Compassion

Informative Essay Topics for High School Students

Here are some great essay topics for high school students. Our college essay writing service recommends conducting thorough research, providing evidence to support your claims, and presenting your findings in a clear and organized manner.

  • The History and Impact of the Printing Press on Society
  • The Science Behind Solar Energy: How It Powers Our World
  • Understanding DNA: The Blueprint of Life
  • The Role of Photosynthesis in Plant Growth
  • Exploring the Effects of Social Media on Teen Mental Health
  • The Importance of Recycling: Saving Our Planet One Step at a Time
  • From Farm to Table: The Journey of Food in Our Modern World
  • The Fascinating World of Cryptography: How Codes Keep Information Safe
  • The Story of the Internet: How It Changed Communication Forever
  • Inside the Human Brain: Exploring Neuroplasticity and Learning
  • The Power of Volcanoes: How They Shape the Earth's Landscape
  • The Evolution of Video Games: From Pong to Virtual Reality
  • The Art of Origami: History, Techniques, and Modern Applications
  • The Wonders of the Coral Reef: Biodiversity Under the Sea
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Polar Ice Caps
  • Understanding the Stock Market: How Investments Work
  • The Journey of a Raindrop: Exploring the Water Cycle
  • The Science of Dreams: What Happens When We Sleep?
  • The World of Microbes: How Tiny Organisms Affect Our Lives
  • The Beauty of Fibonacci Numbers: Mathematics in Nature

Informative Essay Topics for College Students

Here are some informative essay topics for college students that span a wide range of subjects that will help you in your academic and professional endeavors.

  • How To Budget Your Money Wisely
  • The Secrets of Efficient Time Management
  • Why Recycling Matters for Our Planet
  • The Power of Positive Thinking
  • Choosing the Right Career Path for You
  • Tips for Healthy Eating on a Budget
  • Understanding the Basics of Personal Finance
  • The Importance of Regular Exercise for Health
  • How to Develop Strong Study Habits
  • The Benefits of Volunteering in Your Community
  • Simple Ways to Reduce Stress in Your Life
  • Exploring Different Types of Renewable Energy
  • How to Start Your Own Small Business
  • The Impact of Technology on Daily Life
  • The Art of Effective Communication
  • Understanding Diversity and Inclusion
  • Basic First Aid Skills Everyone Should Know
  • The Importance of Setting Achievable Goals
  • Exploring Different Cultures Around the World
  • Tips for Building and Maintaining Healthy Relationships

Controversial Informative Essay Topics

  • The ethics of gene editing in human embryos
  • The debate over vaccine mandates
  • The impact of social media on democracy
  • The pros and cons of legalizing marijuana
  • The controversy surrounding capital punishment
  • The ethics of animal testing in medical research
  • The debate over gun control laws
  • The impact of pornography on society
  • The ethics of assisted suicide
  • The controversy surrounding genetically modified foods
  • The debate over immigration policies
  • The ethics of using performance-enhancing drugs in sports
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on job markets
  • The controversy surrounding abortion rights
  • The debate over climate change policies
  • The ethics of human cloning
  • The impact of violent video games on behavior
  • The controversy surrounding affirmative action
  • The debate over nuclear energy
  • The ethics of data privacy in the digital age

Informative Essay Topics About Education

  • The impact of technology integration in classrooms
  • The debate over standardized testing in schools
  • The role of arts education in overall academic performance
  • The effectiveness of bilingual education programs
  • The impact of socioeconomic status on educational outcomes
  • The role of physical education in schools
  • The debate over homework: Benefits and drawbacks
  • The impact of class size on learning outcomes
  • The role of parental involvement in student success
  • The effectiveness of early childhood education programs
  • The impact of school nutrition programs on academic performance
  • The role of vocational education in career readiness
  • The debate over school uniforms and dress codes
  • The impact of teacher quality on student achievement
  • The role of extracurricular activities in student development
  • The effectiveness of inclusive education for students with disabilities
  • The impact of bullying on educational experiences
  • The role of technology in special education
  • The debate over year-round schooling
  • The impact of environmental factors on learning

Fun Informative Speech Topics

These fun, informative speech topics are designed to engage and entertain audiences while still providing informative and educational content.

  • Crazy Sports You've Never Heard Of
  • Making Tiny Worlds: Model Making Fun
  • Strange Sea Creatures: Deep Sea Exploration
  • Why Are Pigeons the Funny Birds?
  • Ever Noticed Drama Among Dogs?
  • How Do Houseplants Ruin Decor Quietly?
  • Can You Relate to Being a Dancing Disaster?
  • Why Do Toddlers' Logic Puzzle Parents?
  • What's the Deal with Online Dating Adventures?
  • What Stories Do Sneakers and Their Laces Have?
  • Any Awkward Elevator Encounters to Share?
  • Ever Struggled with Parallel Parking?
  • Movie Magic: How Special Effects Work
  • Weird Jobs People Actually Do
  • When Does Coffee Save Your Day?
  • What's the Secret Life of Gym Equipment?
  • Ever Embarked on a Remote Control Hunt?
  • Any Public Transit Tales to Share?
  • How Creative Can Office Pranks Get?
  • Have You Survived Food-Fight Fiascos?

Compare and Contrast Informative Essay Topics

  • Traditional books vs. e-books: Reading experiences compared
  • Public schools vs. private schools: Educational approaches
  • Introverts vs. extroverts: Social and professional experiences
  • Vegetarian vs. omnivorous diets: Health impacts
  • Online shopping vs. in-store shopping: Consumer experiences
  • Renewable energy vs. fossil fuels: Environmental impacts
  • Dogs vs. cats as pets: Care requirements and benefits
  • Traditional art vs. digital art: Creative processes
  • City living vs. rural living: Lifestyle differences
  • Face-to-face communication vs. digital communication
  • Manual cars vs. automatic cars: Driving experiences
  • Coffee vs. tea: Cultural significance and health effects
  • Smartphones vs. tablets: Functionality and portability
  • Traditional medicine vs. alternative medicine: Approaches to healing
  • Freelance work vs. office jobs: Career paths compared
  • Winter sports vs. summer sports: Athletic experiences
  • Monarchy vs. democracy: Governance structures
  • Classical music vs. contemporary music: Compositional techniques
  • Homeschooling vs. traditional schooling: Educational outcomes
  • Film adaptations vs. original books: Storytelling mediums

Pop Culture Informative Essay Topics

  • The evolution of superhero movies in cinema
  • The impact of K-pop on global music trends
  • The rise of streaming services and binge-watching culture
  • The influence of social media influencers on fashion
  • The renaissance of board games in the digital age
  • The cultural significance of emoji in digital communication
  • The impact of reality TV on society
  • The evolution of video game graphics and storytelling
  • The influence of podcasts on media consumption
  • The rise of cosplay culture and conventions
  • The impact of meme culture on internet humor
  • The evolution of hip-hop from subculture to mainstream
  • The influence of anime on Western animation
  • The rise of true crime documentaries and their popularity
  • The impact of celebrity culture on body image
  • The evolution of LGBTQ+ representation in media
  • The influence of food shows on culinary trends
  • The rise of e-sports and competitive gaming
  • The impact of cancel culture on public figures
  • The evolution of dating apps and online romance

Creative Informative Speech Topics

These creative essay topics are designed to spark curiosity and interest in unique and unconventional subjects.

  • What Mysteries Lie Beyond the Stars in Astrophysics?
  • How Can Chemistry Spice Up Your Home Life?
  • From Ape to Human: The Epic Journey of Evolution
  • What’s the Secret of Shale Gas?
  • How Do Cyclones Come to Be?
  • Why Does Lightning Choose to Strike?
  • Can You Live and Breathe Music as a Lifestyle?
  • How Did Rock and Roll Shape Today's Music Scene?
  • Is Global Basic Income a Solution to Economic Inequality?
  • What are the World's Most Hilarious Traditions?
  • How to Transform Your Hobby into a Business?
  • Why are Reforms Vital to Combat Domestic Violence?
  • What are the Secrets to Low-Investment Business Launches?
  • How Does Hydroelectricity Work?
  • The Ripple Effect: Exploring Fluoride's Impact in Water
  • Can You Learn Moonwalking?
  • Tying the Knot: A Global Journey into Marriage Traditions
  • How Near-Death Experiences Transform Us?
  • What's the Magic Behind Northern Lights?
  • What Does Your Handwriting Reveal?

Extra Ideas for Informative Essay

These unique ideas cover various informative writing topics that can appeal to various interests and tastes.

  • Will Digital Banking Shape the Future of Money?
  • Who's Keeping Corporations in Check? 
  • How Global Policies Shape Businesses?
  • How Does Divorce Affect Kids?
  • Is Love Unconditional? Exploring Family Bonds
  • Siblings: Partners in Crime or Lifelong Influencers?
  • What's the Story Behind Our Money?
  • Is Dark Chocolate Really a Healthy Food?
  • Why Do We Need Vitamins and Minerals?
  • Clear Eyesight or Risky Business? The LASIK Surgery Debate
  • Are We Polluting Our Planet Beyond Repair?
  • Why Does School Keep Getting Pricier?
  • Feeling the Heat: How Global Warming Threatens Us All
  • Earth's Guardians or Destroyers? The Impact of Corporate Actions on the Environment
  • Why Are Farm Prices Going Up?
  • Can Stress Really Wreck Your Health?
  • Could Going Vegan Transform Your Life?
  • Is Knowing Health the Secret to Shedding Pounds?
  • What Makes Street Gangs Stick Around?
  • What Drives Millennials and Gen-Z?

Informative Essay Topics About Animals

  • The intelligence of dolphins and their communication methods
  • The social structure of elephant herds
  • The unique adaptations of deep-sea creatures
  • The process of metamorphosis in butterflies
  • The hunting techniques of big cats
  • The role of bees in pollination and ecosystem health
  • The migratory patterns of Arctic terns
  • The symbiotic relationships in coral reefs
  • The problem-solving abilities of octopuses
  • The mating rituals of peacocks
  • The hibernation process of bears
  • The echolocation abilities of bats
  • The camouflage techniques of chameleons
  • The pack behavior of wolves
  • The regenerative abilities of axolotls
  • The unique features of marsupials
  • The social behavior of meerkats
  • The venom production in snakes
  • The tool use among primates
  • The navigational skills of homing pigeons

Informational Paper Topics about Sports

These informative essay topic ideas cover a broad range of sports-related subjects that can be explored in an informative paper.

  • Does How You Play Change Soccer Matches?
  • What Factors Shape Athletes' Success?
  • What Makes Teams Click in Competitive Sports?
  • How Do Coaches Make Players Perform Better?
  • Do Tennis Routines Boost Performance?
  • Does Feeling Tired Impact Soccer Games?
  • Do Soccer Schools Make Better Players?
  • Can Fitness and Food Keep Athletes Safe?
  • How Do Sports Rules Differ Around the World?
  • How Do Our Minds Affect Sports Injuries?
  • Does When You Eat Affect How You Play Sports?
  • Can Food Make You Better at Sports?
  • Does Having Enough Nutrients Help Athletes Perform Better?
  • What Foods Make Tennis Players Ace Their Game?
  • Does the Court Surface Affect Tennis Injuries?
  • Do Special Programs Really Stop Sports Injuries?
  • Is Doping Cheating in Sports?
  • Can Sports Help the Environment?
  • Does Media Influence How We See Sports?
  • Do Sports Preserve Culture and Identity?

Informative Essay Topics About Politics

  • The process of impeachment in different countries
  • The impact of lobbying on policy-making
  • The role of social media in modern political campaigns
  • The function of electoral colleges in presidential elections
  • The impact of gerrymandering on election outcomes
  • The role of political parties in democratic systems
  • The process of passing a bill into law
  • The impact of term limits on political leadership
  • The role of diplomacy in international relations
  • The function of checks and balances in government
  • The impact of campaign finance on elections
  • The role of the United Nations in global politics
  • The process of forming coalition governments
  • The impact of populism on modern politics
  • The role of judiciary in interpreting laws
  • The function of political think tanks in policy development
  • The impact of nationalism on international relations
  • The role of local government in community development
  • The process of constitutional amendments
  • The impact of political polarization on governance

Informative Essay Topics About Stress

  • The physiological effects of chronic stress on the body
  • Stress management techniques in high-pressure workplaces
  • The impact of academic stress on student mental health
  • The role of exercise in stress reduction
  • Stress and its effects on sleep quality
  • The relationship between diet and stress levels
  • Mindfulness and meditation as stress-reduction tools
  • The impact of financial stress on personal relationships
  • Stress-induced health problems and their prevention
  • The role of social support in managing stress
  • Occupational stress: Causes and coping strategies
  • The effects of parenting stress on child development
  • Stress and its impact on the immune system
  • The use of technology in stress management
  • Cultural differences in perceiving and handling stress
  • The relationship between stress and addiction
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder: Causes and treatments
  • The impact of environmental stress on urban populations
  • Stress in healthcare professionals: Causes and solutions
  • The role of pets in reducing stress and anxiety

How to Choose Informative Essay Topics

Choosing the right informative essay topic is essential for crafting an engaging and insightful piece. The topic should be interesting, relevant, and informative. So, what is the first step to creating an informative essay? Here are five tips from our custom essay writing service for selecting a great topic for an informative essay:

Identify your interests and passions ❤️ Start your informative essay journey by tapping into your passions and interests. Consider topics that resonate with you personally, whether it's a hobby, a specific field, or an experience you've encountered. This personal connection not only makes the research process more enjoyable but also enriches your writing with genuine enthusiasm. If you're passionate about environmental sustainability, you might explore ideas for informative essay like the impact of urbanization on local biodiversity, the effectiveness of recycling programs, or innovations in eco-friendly technologies.
Research current events and trends 📰 Stay in the know by researching current events and trends that capture your interest. This approach ensures that your informative essay remains relevant and addresses topics that are both timely and engaging. Dive into topics such as the influence of social media on public discourse, the evolving landscape of remote work, or the ethical considerations surrounding emerging technologies like artificial intelligence.
Consider your audience 👥 Tailor your informative essay to your audience by considering their age group, interests, and needs. Think about what would resonate with them and what knowledge they might find valuable or intriguing. If your audience comprises young adults, you might explore topics like the impact of social media on mental health, sustainable lifestyle choices, or the role of technology in shaping future career paths.
Focus on a specific aspect of a broader topic 🔍 Narrow down broad topics to a specific aspect, allowing for a focused and in-depth exploration in your essay. Instead of tackling the broad theme of 'global health,' narrow your focus to the impact of a specific disease on a particular demographic or the effectiveness of a public health intervention in a specific region.
Brainstorm with others 💬 Collaborate with peers, classmates, or colleagues to brainstorm informative essay ideas. Engaging in discussions with others can bring fresh perspectives and novel ideas to the table. Discuss with classmates the potential informational paper topics related to advancements in technology, environmental sustainability, or societal changes. Their insights might lead to unique angles or specific aspects of these broad themes that you hadn't considered.

The Final Thoughts

In conclusion, selecting a topic for an informative essay can be challenging, but choosing a subject that is engaging, informative, and relevant to the target audience is crucial. Whether you are writing for high school, college, or professional audiences, there are endless possibilities for good topics for informative essays. Now that you understand what is the purpose of an informative essay, you must know that the key is to identify a topic you are passionate about, conduct thorough research, and present your findings in a clear and organized manner.

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What Are Some Informative Essay Topics?

What are good informative essay topics.

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

informal essays questions

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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  • The D.C. Brief

Calls for Biden to Step Aside Are About to Get Deafening

This article is part of The D.C. Brief, TIME’s politics newsletter. Sign up here to get stories like this sent to your inbox.

For Democrats who tuned into Thursday night’s debate looking to calm their worries about President Joe Biden’s age and acuity, they came away with zero remedy. Within 10 minutes of the CNN-hosted event’s start, some of even Biden’s most loyal supporters found themselves asking if the nomination was, in fact, settled.

How bad was it? Vice President Kamala Harris rushed to join the clean-up, booking late-night cable appearances.

“Yes, there was a slow start but a strong finish,” said Harris, whose prospects for replacing her boss on the top of the ticket were getting hard scrutiny in real time as the debate unfolded. “Listen, people can debate on style points, but ultimately, this election and who is the President of the United States has to be about substance, and the contrast is clear,” she said on CNN in a show of unity with her boss.

At times jarring and deserving of double-takes, the evening left Democratic insiders gobsmacked . His campaign team tried to mask the disaster but there was no denying things did not go as planned. And with a painful 53 days until Democrats have their next big night in front of a national audience with the opening of their nominating convention in Chicago, the fumbling impression left Thursday evening is going to be the image that endures for a stretch.

Biden has faced pivotal nights like this before, the most analogous being his March State of the Union. Then, as now, voters were looking more at Biden’s performance than substance. The fears about the President’s capabilities faded somewhat when Biden nailed that performance. No one would say anything close to that on Thursday.

At times seeming to seize up and at others appearing confused, Biden rambled his way through a 90-minute session against former President Donald Trump. While it evened-out as the night progressed and Biden loosened up, the initial burst of anxiety among Democrats was not the prototypical bed-wetting that the President’s inner circle has proven adept at brushing off. The split-screen was impossible to ignore: Trump was not only more restrained than is typical for him, but he looked steadier even as he dodged specific questions in favor of populist platitudes.

Read more : Trump’s Debate Strategy Was to Let Biden Bury Himself

Biden took the stage with small, slow steps. He often steadied himself with both hands on his lectern. He looked down during some uncomfortable moments, appearing to zone out. And some of his answers veered wildly away from their intended marks, such as his invocation of Americans murdered by those in the country illegally. The question in play? About abortion rights.

"I spent half my career being criticized for being the youngest,” Biden said when asked directly about his age. Then, unprompted, he started talking about computer chips. “This guy is three years younger and a lot less competent,” he said of Trump.

There are some facts that no performance—even a flawless one—can erase or reverse. These are the two oldest presumptive nominees in history. The presidency takes a toll on everyone, and both men moved into the Oval Office as not-young men. At the time of their first head-to-head debate in 2020, they seemed like patrician party elders trying to steady a nation wrecked by a pandemic. Four years have not helped either look younger, and there is no denying that Biden, in particular, looks a little less steady, his voice a bit thinner, his jabs a little duller. Certainly, this Biden is not the man who stopped the panic inside Democratic circles in 2012 after Barack Obama’s objectively terrible first debate against Mitt Romney. 

The stakes for such an evening are always high. Americans are facing a choice between an 81-year-old sage with a literal senatorial vein and forgetful streak or a 78-year-old blowhard dragging behind him felony convictions and looming indictments. At the core of the decision is one posed by Ronald Reagan in the lone debate of the 1980 presidential race: “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?”

Read More : Our Exclusive Interview with President Joe Biden

The debate comes at a moment of a tight campaign, with Trump narrowly leading in most national polls and sitting stronger in the handful of states that will ultimately decide the race. Trump has narrowed Biden’s fundraising advantage and seems to have paid no real price for his 34 felony convictions in New York. And, it’s not exactly a secret even among Biden’s biggest defenders that the incumbent needed to knock it out of the park on Thursday .  

"I really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don't think he knows what he said either,” Trump said in an early moment that thwacked hard. “We’re trying to justify his presidency,” he said later.

Biden’s showing did little to remedy that reality. Message chains among Washington Democrats devolved as the night unfolded into crippling anxiety. “Unintelligible must have been the [closed captioning],” one senior Democrat strategist mused. “It would have been the most honest.”

Panic is not too strong of a word to describe some of those conversations . More than a few text chains were asking who knew the Democratic National Committee rules about how a nominee is locked in. Every elder strategist who still hopes to be part of the Biden orbit seemed to have found themselves on flights Thursday evening, unable to comment because they claimed they weren’t even watching.

Trump is, at his core, a showman with few beliefs of his own. Biden, who has a half-century of debating under his belt and spent a week secluded at Camp David practicing for the debate, did not put on a matching spectacle. Instead, Biden tried to prosecute the fact-based case against Trump while his predecessor danced around the specifics and hurled invective back across the eight-foot gap between the men.

“He gets paid by China. He’s a Manchurian candidate,” Trump said.

A cheap shot, sure. But it’s one that rings much louder than almost anything Biden had at the ready. 

“If he wins this election, our country doesn’t stand a chance,” Trump said, reverting to vague warnings. 

A disturbing echo of that sentiment kept coming through: if Biden remains the nominee, Democrats might not, either.

There were still small reasons for Democrats to hold out hope, however faint. Trump remains a petty figure who continues to insist the 2020 election was rigged and thus illegitimate. He continues to vow retribution against those who he thinks wronged him. “Joe could be a convicted felon,” Trump said. “This man is a criminal.” And Trump—who is a convicted felon—continued to hurl inaccurate statements and fling innuendo all while flagrantly misrepresenting his own histories.

"The only person on this stage that is a convicted felon is the man I am looking at right now,” Biden said.

Biden also tried to fact-check Trump and landed some rehearsed barbs. “You have the morals of an alley cat,” Biden said in one honed line, ticking through a litany of Trump’s history.

But Biden’s rejoinders were no match for Trump’s antagonism. It was clear Biden had prepared, but he suffered from the curse of someone who memorizes a script without understanding any of its subtext. To summon the words he hammered home, he often appeared to be staring off into space.

Trump, meanwhile, just showed up and was himself with a coded appeal to his base supporters.

“You’ve destroyed the lives of so many people,” Trump said, accusing Biden of ruining the lives of innocent individuals connected to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. He continued to insist that the protestors who sacked Capitol Hill were escorted in by police. And, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Trump continued to indulge in the Big Lie that he had actually won but the results were rigged.

“There’s no evidence at all,” Biden said.

He was right. But that’s the norm when it comes to Trump. What isn’t the norm—at least not to most Americans—is seeing a President seeming to sleepwalk through 90 minutes of live television.

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Kansas Department of Administration

INFORMATIONAL CIRCULAR NO.:      25-A-001                Supersedes: 24-A-006 DATE:                          July 2, 2024 SUBJECT:                   FY 2025 Private Vehicle Mileage Rates EFFECTIVE DATE:    July 1, 2024 CONTACT:                 Statewide Agency Audit Services Team  [email protected] APPROVAL:               Nancy Ruoff (original signature on file) SUMMARY:                FY 2025 Private Reimbursement Mileage Rates

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has announced the standard mileage rates effective January 1, 2024. The IRS rate for privately owned automobiles increases to 67 cents per mile, the motorcycle rate increases to 65 cents per mile, the moving reimbursement rate decreases to 21 cents per mile, and the airplane reimbursement rate increases to $1.76 per air mile.

K.S.A. 75-3203a provides that the mileage reimbursement rates shall not exceed the lowest of the following:

  • the rate allowed by the IRS;
  • the rate used in preparing the governor’s budget report under K.S.A. 75-3721, and amendments thereto; or
  • any revision of the rate as specifically directed in appropriation acts of the legislature.

Thus, per the requirements of K.S.A. 75-3203a, the Department of Administration has published the rates for mileage reimbursement for FY 2025, effective July 1, 2024:

  • $0.67 per mile for privately owned automobile
  • $0.65 per mile for privately owned motorcycle
  • $1.76 per mile for privately owned airplane (based on air miles rather than highway miles)
  • $0.21 per mile for moving mileage rate

INFORMATIONAL CIRCULAR NO.:      25-A-002                Supersedes: 24-A-004

DATE:                    July 2, 2024

SUBJECT:               FY 2025 Subsistence Allowances

EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 2024

CONTACT:             Statewide Agency Audit Services Team [email protected]

APPROVAL:           Nancy Ruoff (original signature on file) SUMMARY:            FY 2025 Meals and Incidental Expense (M&IE) and Lodging Rates for travel occurring on and after July 1, 2024

As authorized by K.S.A. 75-3207a, the Secretary of Administration has fixed subsistence rates for FY 2025. The GSA standard lodging rate remains $107.00. The standard M&IE rate remains $59.00.

For State of Kansas travel, federal per diem rates are followed to determine subsistence allowances. The CONUS per diem rate for an area is divided into two components: the lodging allowance and the meals & incidental expense (M&IE) allowance. These per diem rates are based on travel location and travel dates (seasonal rates may be listed for some locations).  If a specific travel location is not listed (or within the location definition), the standard rate, or “other” location rate is used. The following standard rates apply to many locations across the contiguous United States (CONUS).

For CONUS locations, the following standard daily subsistence rates apply for travel which occurs on July 1, 2024 and thereafter:

The Employee Travel Expense Reimbursement Handbook is updated to include this information regarding subsistence for travel occurring on and after July 1, 2024.

SMART maintains the official subsistence rates for CONUS and OCONUS travel locations and will be updated as needed quarterly January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1 for any interim rate changes which have occurred.  International subsistence rates are not loaded into SMART.  For international travel locations, employees will obtain M&IE rates directly from the U.S. Department of State (DOS) website listed below.  For international travel, payment for actual lodging expense is allowed.


Outside Contiguous United States (OCONUS):

Lodging Expense Limitations:

K.S.A. 75-3207a(f) provides that the daily lodging expense limitations established may be exceeded, upon approval by the agency head or designee, by the lesser of either: (1) an additional 50% of the applicable lodging expense limitation, or (2) the actual lodging expense incurred.

These lodging limits continue to be applied to the lodging rate before taxes.  Thus, the amount reimbursed or paid for lodging expenses may exceed the established lodging limitation by as much as the amount of associated taxes.

Conference Lodging qualified under K.A.R. 1-16-18a(c):

Agencies may authorize payment or reimbursement for actual lodging expenses when an employee is required or authorized to attend a conference, and the lodging rate exceeds the applicable lodging expense limitation (including the additional 50%).  The agency head must be provided with conference materials and rates.  These should be maintained with travel documentation.

Reduced Meal Allowance:

If the cost of meals is included within the cost of registration fees or other fees and charges paid by the agency or provided at no cost to the employee, the daily M&IE rate for the travel location should be reduced based on the percentages listed below.  For partial days, the quarter amount is calculated first and then the reduction percentage is applied.  The daily M&IE reduction percentages are as follows:








Same Day Meal Allowance:

Reimbursement for a same day meal, in accordance with K.A.R. 1-16-18(c)(2), is calculated as a percentage of the daily M&IE rate for the travel location, based on the approved meal, as follows:

Queries in SMART to Obtain M&IE Rates and Lodging Rates:

A query “ KS_EX_CONUS_RATES” is available in SMART to obtain all CONUS and OCONUS locations with the daily M&IE rates, meal reductions and lodging rates. Historical locations and rates from each quarterly update will be maintained in SMART.

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‘inside out 2’ writer reflects on the anxiety of writing a movie about anxiety.

Dave Holstein, who faced immense pressure penning a sequel to the beloved 2015 hit, pens an essay reflecting on the personal and professional questions he grappled with along the way: "Where was Joy in all this?"

By Dave Holstein

Dave Holstein

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Box Office: 'Inside Out 2' Delivers Historic $155M U.S. Opening and $295M Globally in Huge Pixar Comeback

It’s a practical joke to ask a screenwriter to write about anxiety.

The very nature of the occupation is to walk around constantly asking yourself: What’s the worst thing that could possibly happen in this moment? To this character? To someone the character loves? To someone I love? To me?

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It had been a dream of mine to write at Pixar. Six years ago I had interviewed with director Dan Scanlon to write  Onward , but the timing didn’t work out when Showtime greenlit my Jim Carrey-starring series  Kidding.   Now, here I was again, passing beneath the giant Luxo lamp, getting the writer baton passed to me by the first movie’s author, the brilliant and incomparable Meg LeFauve, who had to leave the project to focus on a live action film she’d been working on with her husband. 

Not only would I be writing in her shadow but also the incredibly long shadow of a part cat, part elephant, part dolphin who cries candy. And although the Newtonian physics inside the world of Riley‘s mind are negotiable, perhaps the one scientific truth is that Bing Bong can only die once. 

So when I landed at Pixar’s campus in Emeryville there was a specific orange tang in my mouth — a flavor of anxiety created by looking up at this high bar and constantly wondering: Is the only successful version of this movie a somehow more perfect film that also has to clear $1 billion at the box office and also bring Pixar audiences back to theaters and also make you laugh and also cry and also answer a big philosophical question around minute 79 that you didn’t even know you needed? Also why is my hair turning gray? Will my six year old son watch it? Will he think it’s better than Cars? Can a movie truly compete with itself if you can only kill Richard Kind once? 

Those aren’t coat hangers hanging in Anxiety’s closet. Those are question marks. 

My father-in-law was the closest thing I had in this world to the character of Joy. He made friends in line at the grocery store. His kindness was Covid-contagious. His thick Maine accent and deep lexicon of regionally specific verbiage meant he could’ve easily pulled off a line like “jiminy mother-lovin toaster strudel” — even giving Amy Poehler a run for her money. 

We lost him in January after a long battle with mesothelioma — a lung cancer brought on by asbestos exposure from working in a steam plant in his 20s, an experience he said he would repeat if given the chance because it was how he met his wife. 

In the same 12 month period while writing this film I also lost the final three of my grandparents, including my grandmother, Audrey. The only reason I have a career in Hollywood is because 50 years ago she bought a house next door to the creator of  Family Ties  and asked if her sons could help on set. 

These are sad and stressful things, and perhaps too dark of a backdrop for writing the script for an animated family film — yes, even one for Pixar, whose siphoning of humanity’s tear ducts over a generation of heartfelt moviemaking could fill a sixth Great Lake. But they helped me answer the question I needed to answer. 

My original question of “Where is Joy in all this?” became “What happens to Joy as we get older?” Does Anxiety just take over? Does the dark stuff just add up and overwhelm you? Does the pressure to live up to the original film bury you under so many peppermints and gum drops? 

As we grow up, does Joy stop driving? Is the character’s pain just that? In the last movie she discovered the value of Sadness. In this movie, does she need to see the value of herself drifting away with time? But like, in a funny way? 

I remember looking over to our fearless director Kelsey Mann one day in the story room. He had more pressure on him than any of us – this was his first feature – and yet I never saw him crack once. I never saw him get angry or lose his patience or control. I saw him choose Joy. I saw him choose Joy every day. 

Now Joy isn’t always a choice. And Joy is definitely not an easy thing to create. But if the process of making this film has taught me anything it’s that she  begins  as a choice. And as we get older, Joy becomes more valuable, not less, because of the effort it takes to make that choice.

I hope audiences, young and old, experience this film without feeling the anxiety that it took to write, but rather the joy it took our entire team to complete. And I hope they leave the theater wanting to check-in with their own Joys. Their own Anxieties. And ask them how they’re doing.

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QuillBot AI Review: Everything You Need to Know (2024)

informal essays questions

Artificial intelligence (AI) is evolving quickly, and new AI tools and platforms are constantly appearing. In an era where clear, concise writing is highly coveted, AI writing tools are becoming increasingly crucial. One such impressive technology is QuillBot AI . Starting as a simple paraphrasing tool, QuillBot has become a robust AI writing assistant that symbolizes a significant stride in AI content optimization. This review thoroughly explores QuillBot AI, focusing on its key features, pricing structure, and strengths and weaknesses.

  • 1 What is QuillBot AI?
  • 2 How Quillbot AI Works
  • 3.1 1. The Paraphraser
  • 3.2 2. The Grammar Checker
  • 3.3 3. Summarizer
  • 3.4 4. Citation Generator
  • 3.5 5. QuillBot Plagiarism Checker
  • 3.6 6. The Translator
  • 3.7 7. Quillbot Extensions
  • 4 QuillBot AI Pricing and Plans Review
  • 5.1 Pros of Using QuillBot AI
  • 5.2 Cons of Using QuillBot AI
  • 6 How QuillBot Compares to Other Similar Tools
  • 7 Should You Use QuillBot? (The Verdict)
  • 8 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is QuillBot AI?

quillbot AI tool

QuillBot AI is a leading AI writing companion and paraphrasing software designed to help anyone elevate the quality of their writing. At its core, it functions as one of the best AI rewriter tools to edit, rephrase, and enhance content like a professional.

It presents various features, including grammar checking, plagiarism detection, and content summarization. As such, QuillBot AI delivers substantial benefits for academics, essayists, and writers. Creating high-quality professional content can be time-consuming, and Quillbot streamlines the process using AI to improve your writing quickly, offering real-time suggestions and one-click solutions. Plus, it is an all-in-one solution that replaces the need to invest in multiple tools, making it cost-effective.

The versatility of the software caters to a diverse audience. While students can utilize its various writing tools, professional writers can efficiently collaborate and summarize lengthy text. If you want to improve your writing process, whether writing an email, an essay, or a long-form blog article, you will find Quillbot AI to be a valuable addition to your writing toolkit. It can revolutionize your writing process to produce surprising results.

How Quillbot AI Works

You can access QuillBot by visiting their online platform on their website . You don’t need to create an account; you can use a free version of QuillBot with limitations. Once you are there, you will see the available tools in the left sidebar. Click any of the tools to launch the user interface for each.

QuillBot User Interface

Each tool will have a consistent layout with different features that you can use to start refining your content. For example, when using the Grammar Checker, you can copy and paste your content into the user interface. QuillBot will readily analyze your text, pinpointing broken sentences and grammatical errors you can fix with a single click.

And the other other tools share the same easy-to-use interface and functionality. For instance, the Summarizer makes condensing long-form content or essays easy. Paste your text to generate a summary of key points. Additionally, it features a plagiarism checker, which helps identify and fix plagiarized content to ensure the originality of your content.

QuillBot’s AI functions by learning from datasets. Comprehending grammar, spelling, punctuation, tone, sentence structure, and readability, these datasets serve as knowledge accumulations. So, when users regularly disregard a specific suggestion, the AI adjusts to present more contextually relevant alternatives.

Breaking Down QuillBot AI Features

QuillBot AI offers several features for easy and effective content organization. We’ll delve into these features now.

1. The Paraphraser

QuillBot AI includes a paraphrasing tool. It empowers writers to rephrase text while preserving its central message. It’s an ideal tool for students and aspiring authors, requiring no account signup. Options for ‘Fewer Changes’ or ‘More Changes’ are available, with premium users getting maximum adjustments.

Paraphrase Modes

QuillBot AI assists users in paraphrasing and refining text. It employs seven unique modes, each tailored to specific objectives, to enhance the quality and readability of written content. Whether striving for clarity, professionalism, creativity, or conciseness, QuillBot AI offers a mode to suit your needs.

Here is an example sentence I added to the paraphraser text input area:

“It was a tough match. After three hours of immense struggle, I was able to get the job done.”

1. Standard Mode

Standard Mode serves as the default setting. It balances modifying the text for clarity and fluency while preserving the original meaning. The result is a refined text that maintains its natural flow and readability.

After clicking the Rephrase button, QuillBot swiftly provided a paraphrased output in Standard Mode. It merits noting that the level of paraphrasing hinges on the level of synonyms you set in the Synonyms bar at the right of the Modes bar above the content. The higher the level, the more liberty you give QuillBot to change the words of the original content.

The ensuing result was generated with a low Synonyms bar:

“It was a challenging game. I had to struggle for three hours before I was able to finish the task.”

quillbot ai standard mode

The following result was generated with a maximum level of Synonyms:

“It was a challenging game. I had to battle for three hours before I was able to finish the task.”

quillbot ai standard mode

With just one sentence, you can see that only one word changed, but with larger blocks of content, you will see that QuillBot will make more word changes with a higher level of synonyms.

2. Fluency Mode

In Fluency Mode, QuillBot AI ensures that the text is grammatically sound and genuinely readable. It makes minimal changes, primarily correcting grammar and providing the text sounds natural. Synonym substitutions are kept to a minimum, preserving the original meaning.

We paraphrased the same content in Fluency mode . It generated the following output:

“It was a difficult match. I completed the task after three hours of intense effort.”

quillbot ai fluency mode

3. Formal Mode

Formal Mode is the ideal choice for those working in academic or professional contexts. It transforms the text to sound more polished and professional, making it suitable for business reports, academic papers, and formal documents.

We paraphrased the same content in Formal Mode . It generated the following output:

“ It was a difficult match. After three hours of arduous effort, I was able to complete the task. ”

quillbot ai formal mode

4. Academic Mode

Then, we paraphrased the same content in Academic Mode . Unlike the other modes, it doesn’t have any Synonyms bar. Instead, it seemed to give the content more details and wording suitable for academia. It generated the following output:

“ The contest was challenging. Following a prolonged period of three hours, characterized by significant exertion and effort, I successfully completed the task at hand. ”

quillbot ai academic mode

5. Simple Mode

Simple Mode simplifies the text, making it easier to understand and more accessible to a broader audience. It is an excellent choice when clarity and straightforward communication are essential.

We paraphrased the same content in Simple Mode . It generated the following output:

“ It was a hard game. I was able to finish the job after three hours of hard work. ”

quillbot ai simple mode

6. Creative Mode

Creative Mode is the way to go if you’re looking to unleash your creativity and generate entirely unique content. This Mode substantially changes the text, potentially altering the original meaning. It’s a valuable tool for content creators seeking a fresh spin on their writing.

We paraphrased the same content in Creative Mode . It generated the following output:

“ That was one intense contest. It took me three hours of relentless effort, but I finally completed the task at hand. ”

quillbot ai creative mode

7. Expand Mode

Expand Mode is perfect for those aiming to increase the length of their text. It adds words and details while retaining the original meaning, making it valuable for projects requiring a higher word count.

We paraphrased the same content in Expand Mode . It generated the following output:

“ It was a difficult match to watch. I had to put in a lot of effort for three hours before I was finally successful in completing the task. ”

quillbot ai expand mode

Then, we produced an output with a high level of Synonyms as follows:

“The contest was a challenging one. I was able to finish the work, despite the fact that it took me three hours of intense effort.”

quillbot ai expand mode

8. Shorten Mode

Shorten Mode comes to the rescue when you need to reduce the overall word count while maintaining the essence of your text. It trims unnecessary words and phrases, delivering a concise version of your content.

Lastly, we paraphrased the same content in Shorten Mode.  It generated the following output:

“ The match was hard. I finished after three hours of intense struggle. ”

quillbot ai shorten mode

Paraphraser Statistics

The ‘Statistics’ feature offers insights into text complexity and readability. It aids writers in adjusting their style to the desired tone and audience. Premium subscribers unlock tonality analysis, which assesses reader perceptions to enhance persuasive writing.

I have used the same content as the previous one in the “Fluency” mode. It has generated the following statistics.

quillbot ai statistics

The Statistics of the generated content are based on the following aspects:

  • Average words in a sentence
  • Average Syllables in a word
  • Readability
  • Sentence Count
  • Character Count
  • Percent Change
  • Longest Unchanged Words

Paraphraser Settings

quillbot ai settings

The “Settings” feature in the Paraphraser tool provides options to control how you want your content to be paraphrased and how you want the results to be displayed on the interface. In terms of paraphrasing the content, you choose the following:

  • Paraphrase quotations
  • Use contractions
  • Prefer active voice

Under the Interface options, you can select the following:

  • Use yellow highlight
  • Show tooltips
  • Show legend
  • Show changed words
  • Show structural changes
  • Show the longest unchanged words

Overall, these settings do seem to give users more control and help them identify changes to their content much easier.

Paraphraser Compare Modes

Compare Modes is a valuable feature exclusively available to premium users, offering a comprehensive view of how a sentence is transformed across different modes within the platform. This feature enables users to evaluate and choose the most suitable rendition for their content by comparing various paraphrased versions. To access Compare Modes, locate and click on the dedicated icon in the settings bar on the right side of the page.

quillbot ai compare modes

Once activated, Compare Modes opens a sidebar on the right-hand side of the screen, displaying the original sentence before paraphrasing and the results generated by all available modes simultaneously. The system defaults to the effect produced by the Mode in which the sentence was paraphrased. You can easily click the “Select” button next to the desired text to select your preferred sentence, seamlessly replacing the paraphrased sentence in your results. Additionally, you can further modify individual sentence results by clicking on circular arrow icons or making copies of them with a simple click on the copy icon. This powerful feature empowers users to fine-tune their content according to their specific needs and preferences, streamlining the content creation process.

Paraphraser History

By accessing the history feature, you can go through all the previous content you have modified. In my case, I checked my history, and it showed the last text paraphrased. It also shares the date and time when the content was modified.

quillbot ai history

The “Tone” feature in QuillBot AI paraphraser allows users to control and tailor the emotional and stylistic tone of their paraphrased content. With this feature, users can choose from various preset tones, such as casual , unfriendly , wordy , complex , and unclear . It ensures that the paraphrased text aligns perfectly with the desired style and intent. Whether you need your content to sound professional and academic or friendly and conversational, the Tone feature empowers you to achieve the right mood for your writing.

quillbot ai paraphraser tone

Paraphrasing for Different Languages

Quillbot AI supports 23 different languages for paraphrasing purposes. Not only does this make the tool more accessible, but it also comes in handy for making tweaks to the content generator by Quillbot’s translator tool.

quillbot ai languages

2. The Grammar Checker

Quillbot AI offers a user-friendly and free Grammar-checking feature that doesn’t require signing up. When you paste your text into Quillbot’s editor, it identifies and highlights grammatical errors, including punctuation and spelling. With a convenient Fix All Errors option, you can swiftly correct multiple issues simultaneously. This Grammar Checker enhances writing precision and consistency. It quickly pinpoints potential errors in red, simplifying the editing process. This real-time underlining and instant correction feature saves writers time and improves productivity.

For instance, here is an example sentence I added to the grammar checker text input area:

“ Manchester United signed Sofyan Amrabat on a season-long loan move from Fiorentina. The Morocco midfielder has been desperate to join Erik ten Hag’s team since getting linked to the Red Devils in June. However, Manchester United’s plans differed on Deadline Day as they wanted to sign Fulham’s Joao Palhinha instead. ”

After copy-pasting the text into the Grammar Check, it will detect all the potential errors within the content. By putting your cursor on the underlined words, it will show you the errors individually.

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Once you remove all the errors, it will provide you with the correct grammatical content. It will generate the following content.

“ Manchester United signed Sofyan Amrabat on a season-long loan deal from Fiorentina. The Morocco midfielder has been desperate to join Erik ten Hag’s team since getting linked to the Red Devils in June. However, Manchester United’s plans were different on Deadline Day, as they wanted to sign Fulham’s Joao Palhinha instead. ”

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Furthermore, it seamlessly integrates with Quillbot’s Paraphrase tool, offering a comprehensive writing experience without needing an account. Its grammar-checking feature is valuable for writers seeking error-free, professional content.

3. Summarizer

Quillbot AI provides a Summarizer tool that condenses lengthy texts or articles into concise summaries, making it invaluable for students, researchers, and professionals.

Users can choose between Short and Long summarization options to control the level of detail. The Short summarization offers a brief overview, ideal for quickly grasping the central ideas or skimming through multiple articles. In contrast, the Long outline provides a more comprehensive summary, suitable for in-depth analysis or a deeper understanding of the text.

Quillbot AI’s Summarizer utilizes natural language processing to extract critical information while preserving the original context. It offers two summarization types: Key Sentences and Paragraph modes.

For instance, I added a block of content to the summarizer text input area. Using the Key Sentences feature, the tool has created five articulate points that summarize the content.

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Changing the Summary Length can increase or decrease the depth of those points.

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Selecting the Paragraph mode will provide a summary of the content in paragraph form.

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Like the Key Sentences mode, the length of the summary can be changed by adjusting the Summary Length .

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This feature streamlines research, study, and content review processes, enhancing productivity and comprehension for users across various fields.

4. Citation Generator

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QuillBot’s Citation Generator is a valuable tool that simplifies the often complex process of citing sources in academic and professional writing. It allows users to choose from various citation styles and formats, ensuring compliance with specific guidelines and educational requirements. This feature dramatically reduces the potential headache associated with accurate source attribution.

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It supports common APA, MLA, and Chicago styles, covering reference types like books and websites. With an intuitive interface, it swiftly generates in-text and complete citations, labeled and exportable to Microsoft Word. By automating this process, QuillBot’s Citation Generator saves users time and ensures proper crediting of sources, benefiting those involved in research and academic writing projects.

5. QuillBot Plagiarism Checker

Quillbot AI provides a plagiarism checker, which is a premium feature. It eliminates the need for external tools to verify content originality. Premium users can paste their content into the checker, receiving results within minutes, indicating if the content is unique or plagiarized. Premium members can scan up to 20 pages per month with this tool, making it suitable for various types of content, including research papers.

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Its plagiarism checker stands out by accommodating research paper plagiarism checks, scanning up to 20 pages (approximately 5000 words) monthly. Consequently, it proves to be a valuable resource for essayists and academic writers, ensuring the integrity of their work.

Plagiarism detection is based on identical words , minor changes , paraphrased words , and omitted words .

6. The Translator

QuillBot AI provides its users with a Translation feature, allowing them to translate text into over 30 languages, making research and writing accessible across language barriers. It offers ad-free translation of up to 5,000 characters at once, includes integrated writing tools, and provides quick and accurate translations. The best part is that it’s free, enhancing convenience and accessibility for writers and researchers.

As a test, I added a block of content in the German language. The translator automatically detected it as German.

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Then all you need to do is select the language you want it translated to on the right and click the Translate button.

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7. Quillbot Extensions

The tool offers three convenient extensions and applications to enhance your writing experience across different platforms.

QuillBot Chrome Extension

Quillbot AI Chrome extension

The QuillBot Google Chrome extension is a valuable tool for online writing. It seamlessly integrates with your web browsing, allowing you to check grammar, paraphrase, and summarize online documents (Google Docs), emails, and social media posts. Moreover, it ensures your writing is polished and error-free across the internet.

QuillBot for Word

Quillbot AI Microsoft Word extension

If you’re working offline in Microsoft Word, this extension empowers you to access the full capabilities of QuillBot. It assists you in crafting high-quality documents, reports, and essays, ensuring your writing is clear and concise, even when you’re not connected to the internet.

QuillBot for macOS

Quillbot AI macOS

For Mac users, QuillBot offers a browser-free desktop application. This standalone tool simplifies the writing process, providing a smooth and efficient writing experience on your macOS device. Moreover, it’s perfect for those who prefer a dedicated desktop application for their writing needs.

QuillBot AI Pricing and Plans Review

QuillBot's Pricing Page

QuillBot AI provides three different pricing options to suit different needs and budgets.

The Basic (Free) Plan allows you to experiment with the tool before attaining its subscription. With it, you can paraphrase 125 words. It provides Standard and Fluency modes with limited use of the Synonym Slider. Moreover, you can summarize up to 1,200 words through the Summarizer mode.

The premium version of QuillBot AI allows unlimited words for the Parphraser, more writing style modes, and up to 6,000 words in the Summarizer. It also provides access to Plagiarism Checker, Paraphraser History, and Compare Modes.

You have the choice of three different payment plans for premium. The Annual Plan costs $8.33 monthly, with $99.95 billed every 12 months. The Semi-Annual Plan costs $13.33 monthly, with $79.95 billed every six months. The Monthly Plan costs $19.95 per month. By subscribing to either of these premium subscriptions, you can paraphrase unlimited words in Paraphraser. The Summarizer will allow you to summarize up to 6,000 words, and you can fully use the Synonym Slider.

Pros and Cons of QuillBot AI

As we delve deeper into our comprehensive review of QuillBot AI, it becomes imperative to assess the advantages and disadvantages of this sophisticated language processing tool. While this tool boasts various features and capabilities, no technology is without its strengths and weaknesses.

Pros of Using QuillBot AI

  • A free plan is available, and there’s no need to sign up.
  • There is a refund policy in place.
  • Extensions for Microsoft Word, Google Chrome, and macOS are readily available.
  • You can access a free Language Translator.
  • The option to upgrade makes it very affordable to access additional features.
  • An app for content summarization is available for free.
  • Additionally, there is a free Grammar Checker app provided.

Cons of Using QuillBot AI

  • Only two writing modes are available for free.
  • OpenAI GPT AI writing is unavailable.
  • There is no AI content detection feature.
  • Manual intervention is usually required.
  • Both free and paid plans have character limitations in place

How QuillBot Compares to Other Similar Tools

QuillBot AI offers valuable features for text enhancement, including effective paraphrasing and translation. Its free plan is a budget-friendly option, making it accessible to a broad audience. When compared to Grammarly , QuillBot outshines Grammarly’s ability to rephrase content. However, Quillbot’s grammar-checking capabilities fall short of Grammarly’s robust editing features.

Tools like and Rytr AI may offer more comprehensive solutions for advanced AI content generation than QuillBot. These alternatives excel in generating content from scratch, making them suitable for various writing needs.

Regarding accessibility, QuillBot stands out with extensions for Microsoft Word, Google Chrome, and macOS. This enhances its usability and integration into daily writing tasks. It also eliminates the language barrier, whereas Grammarly,, and Rytr AI primarily focus on English.

Ultimately, choosing these tools depends on your specific requirements and budget. QuillBot is a reliable option for text enhancement, while other tools may be better suited for advanced AI content generation and comprehensive grammar checking.

Should You Use QuillBot? (The Verdict)

QuillBot AI offers undeniable value as an AI writing assistant for various teams and individuals. Need an alternative version of your original article? QuillBot can generate a new and improved version swiftly. It is handy for optimizing blog posts and other content, outperforming many free and paid AI rewriter tools . Its ability to paraphrase content significantly reduces plagiarism risks for academic assignments and research papers. Although some detectors, like , may still recognize QuillBot paraphrased content in some cases. No AI content generator is 100% human. That said, thanks to its versatility and proficiency, QuillBot is a worthwhile asset for writers, students, and content creators.

Looking for more? Check out our list of top AI writing tools . And for all aspiring writers, check out these AI story generators . You can also explore more of the best overall AI tools you can use to boost your productivity in various  ways .

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By fahad hamid.

Fahad enjoys writing about a diverse range of topics, from business and marketing to design. Alongside this, he balances his love for tennis, showing skill both on the page and on the court.

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informal essays questions

Where did you get that annual price? I would love to get it. When I visited the site the price was twice as much ($99.95) if I paid the full year in advance.

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Hi, Carlos. The pricing must have changed since writing the post. I have updated the article. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

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Carlos – for me, it’s showing as: USD Annual Save 58% $4.17 USD per month $49.95 billed every 12 months

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These classic ’60s books shout from the shelves to be read again

Rachel Carson, Jane Jacobs, Harper Lee and others asked provocative, brave questions about many of the same urgent issues we face today.

The National Book Awards will celebrate its 75th anniversary at this year’s ceremony, on Nov. 20. To mark the occasion, The Washington Post has collaborated with the administrator and presenter of the awards, the National Book Foundation, to commission a series of essays by National Book Award-honored authors who will consider (and reconsider), decade by decade, the books that were recognized and those that were overlooked; the preoccupations of authors, readers and the publishing industry through time; the power and subjectivity of judges and of awards; and the lasting importance of books to our culture, from the 1950s to the present day. In this essay, Prudence Peiffer — longlisted for the nonfiction award in 2023 for “ The Slip: The New York City Street That Changed American Art Forever ” — looks back at the 1960s.

“Art hurts. Art urges voyages–/ and it is easier to stay at home,/ the nice beer ready.”

This is poet Gwendolyn Brooks at her best, stinging sentiment followed by a swig of damning, ordinary detail from the fridge. We’ve worked hard for a drink that shuts out the world. The lines are taken from her collection “In the Mecca,” a National Book Award finalist in 1969. An adjacent thought from another poet, Elizabeth Bishop, in “Questions of Travel” (1966 finalist): “Should we have stayed at home and thought of here?”

Writing is both the staying at home and the difficult voyage, which makes it particularly useful for time travel. And from mushrooms to the moon, no decade in the United States is more known for its mind-expanding trips than the 1960s. Despite that era’s iconic male voices (you may have read a few), its women writers have moved me most in influencing my work: Bishop, Brooks, Hannah Arendt, Rachel Carson, Jane Jacobs, Harper Lee, Flannery O’Connor, Susan Sontag — and names that, sadly, don’t ring as loudly today, like Alice Kimball Smith.

With intimate assurance and often radical insight, these authors took up a looming anxiety of the postwar and Cold War era: What does community mean? Another way of asking this is: Where does home end and “elsewhere” begin, and how does that define one’s responsibilities? These were provocative, even brave, questions to pose as a woman in 1960s America; it makes these books that much more relevant and alive to us lucky enough to read them today.

In her environmental cri de coeur “Silent Spring” (1963 finalist), Carson illustrated the interconnectivity of life via unforgettable images, like an owl in convulsions after eating a shrew that in turn ate earthworms that in turn ate decomposed leaves that had fallen from a tree sprayed with chemicals for Dutch elm disease.“Most of us walk unseeing through the world, unaware alike of its beauties, its wonders, and the strange and sometimes terrible intensity of the lives that are being lived about us,” Carson wrote. She was describing how, venturing out into the garden at night with a flashlight, we’d be amazed and horrified at the vicious balance of nature. But that sentence could just as easily have come from Jacobs’s “The Death and Life of Great American Cities” (1962 finalist), in which Jacobs argued that we need to understand and celebrate urban complexity, and make sure that complexity is not demolished in the name of profits for the few. A city needs to be for everybody, but also: Everybody makes a city great.

I’m struck by how these classics from Carson and Jacobs can be read in succession as pendant volumes of community activism. In that era of fervent capitalist nation-building, they were daring warnings of democracy’s fragility, the importance of living with and trusting strangers. Carson’s most radical move was calling out a different kind of life cycle, one in which scientists’ research was funded by the very industry their findings were supposed to regulate.

It wasn’t just nonfiction writers who captured the “strange and sometimes terrible intensity” of the lives around us. That’s also reflected with cold brilliance in O’Connor’s “Everything That Rises Must Converge” (1966 finalist), her blunt portrait of the rural South. (Bishop almost made a pilgrimage to see O’Connor in Milledgeville, Ga., where the writer famously lived on a farm with her peacocks, but timing thwarted the visit; instead, Bishop sent her a cross in a bottle.) Like so many of the writers in this remarkable decade, O’Connor showed people in a rapidly changing landscape where a community is under threat. She knew a good title and she always stuck the landing, often with a violent death that shattered a character’s self-righteousness. I’ve never flinched so much while reading. She spared no one, including herself, if unintentionally: We can feel O’Connor working through her questions about the fallibility of her White, Catholic views, which maintained their own ingrained bigotry. What does it mean to be a good Christian when everyone’s life feels preordained? Published just a year after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the ban on segregation, “Everything That Rises” is a reminder of racism’s rooted legacy in daily thinking — our most intimate language — especially in characters who are trying to perform a kind of morality. Scenes like the one on the bus in the title story, or in the doctor’s waiting room in “Revelation,” are primers for the barbarous truth that can hide in idle conversation.

O’Connor famously called Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird” (1961 finalist) a children’s book. (It’s true that it has maintained its central place in the national consciousness through its pervasiveness on high school reading lists, and some of its most powerful scenes take place in the schoolyard.) Though its tone could not be more different than “Everything That Rises,” it’s also a work of fiction teeming with neighborhood life in the still-segregated South and concerned with our moral responsibilities to the community around us. The judgment in Lee’s book is tied more to the law and its democratic processes than to the Bible, but Lee gives Atticus Finch a radically empathetic vision of religious intensity.

Defining and modeling empathy around community had different stakes for different writers. “In the Mecca” was a fulcrum for Brooks: It was her final book with a major trade publisher before she chose to work only with smaller, Black-run presses — a powerful statement coming from a Pulitzer Prize winner who had just been appointed poet laureate of Illinois. Like Jacobs’s book, “In the Mecca” is about the death of American cities (here, Chicago) through neglect, racism and poor planning, but also about the life in them, through their people and art.

Arendt’s “Men in Dark Times” (1969 finalist) ties community to responsibility, or our knowing turn away from it: “More and more people in the countries of the Western world, which since the decline of the ancient world has regarded freedom from politics as one of the basic freedoms, make use of this freedom and have retreated from the world and their obligations within it,” she wrote. In arguing for the necessity of a community of thinkers in the worst of times, Arendt read across media and history, a dexterity of thinking shared by Sontag, who embraced the Doors and Dostoevsky. Both Arendt and Sontag describe what is happening in plain sight and language, the “luminousness of the thing in itself,” as Sontag describes it, “of things being what they are.” Sontag identified the bliss in aesthetics; she claimed to see a film a day during this decade. Her essay collection “Against Interpretation” (1967 finalist) is brimming with evenings out experiencing things, followed by evenings in describing them (including a merry takedown of Ernest Hemingway). Her sentences are alive with unresolved, still-in-process thinking; the collection ends just before she turned to writing against the Vietnam War.

Arendt’s thought was rooted in World War II and the culture it arrested, the future conflicts it had already failed to stem. In her essay on the German writer Walter Benjamin, exiled from his home country by war, Arendt seems to implicitly pick up Jacobs’s treatise on the importance of a city’s sidewalk life, extending the strangers we meet there to the homeless and stateless who might still find some place to gather. When Arendt writes that technology has made surprising communities, so that every country is “the almost immediate neighbor of every other country, and every man feels the shock of events which take place at the other side of the globe,” social media is the premonition. She, of course, is talking about atomic weapons.

One of the more fascinating and now less-known books of this era is Alice Kimball Smith’s “A Peril and a Hope” (1966 finalist), which examines, sometimes in hour-by-hour detail, how scientists involved in the Manhattan Project tried to manage the impact of the nuclear bomb during its development and in the years just following its use in World War II. (Smith later co-edited an anthology of Robert Oppenheimer’s letters.) Her book is ultimately about the failure of two distinct communities — science and politics — to find a common language through which to understand each other. Though scientists were not in consensus, many of them wanted the United States to be transparent with other countries about its nuclear capabilities — the original hope was that the mere demonstration of an atomic bomb, like the test in the Nevada desert, would persuade our enemies to surrender. Where does home end and the “other” begin?

I admire the small but profound choices of emphasis these writers made. In “Silent Spring,” Carson gave “housewives” the same weight as scientists, citing numerous letters they wrote to newspapers, town councils and ornithologists noting the effects of insecticides and weed killers on wildlife in their neighborhoods. Women may have barely been represented among the scientists employed in the atomic project, but that didn’t stop Smith from writing that community’s definitive story. (Despite having earned a doctorate, Smith is still mostly identified as the wife of one of the Manhattan Project scientists, underscoring why she was better positioned than most to understand the perils of secrecy. Her book is out of print and difficult to access, even in libraries.)

The 1960s cemented a certain intellectual curiosity and urgency around the environment, race and war, subjects that remain the sources of the deepest schisms in our communities. It’s hard not to feel these books shouting from the shelves to be read again for what they can tell us about their time and our own, as the present continuously, swiftly becomes history. Think of microplastics in our water and forever chemicals in our organic salads; the “epidemic” of loneliness diagnosed by the surgeon general, whose recommended treatment directly maps to Jacobs’s prescriptions for a city block; the ongoing racism across the country that turns back small gains made since 2020; Russia’s investment in atomic satellites and deployment of “tactical” nuclear weapons; the uprooting, starvation and death of tens of thousands of children in Gaza and elsewhere.

These writers have shown me that it’s better to step into the mire, to be not at peace with the world but constantly making something of it. That something can be small and local. It can be beautiful and pleasurable in spite of — even because of — what is at stake. Or as Brooks put it, “Conduct your blooming in the noise and whip of the/ whirlwind.”

Prudence Peiffer is the author of “The Slip: The New York City Street That Changed American Art Forever.”

informal essays questions


Justices Limit Power of Federal Agencies, Imperiling an Array of Regulations

A foundational 1984 decision had required courts to defer to agencies’ reasonable interpretations of ambiguous statutes, underpinning regulations on health care, safety and the environment.

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An exterior of the U.S. Supreme Court building.

By Adam Liptak

Reporting from Washington

  • June 28, 2024

The Supreme Court on Friday reduced the power of executive agencies by sweeping aside a longstanding legal precedent, endangering countless regulations and transferring power from the executive branch to Congress and the courts.

The precedent, Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council , one of the most cited in American law, requires courts to defer to agencies’ reasonable interpretations of ambiguous statutes. There have been 70 Supreme Court decisions relying on Chevron, along with 17,000 in the lower courts.

The decision is all but certain to prompt challenges to the actions of an array of federal agencies, including those regulating the environment, health care and consumer safety.

The vote was 6 to 3, dividing along ideological lines.

“Chevron is overruled,” Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote for the majority. “Courts must exercise their independent judgment in deciding whether an agency has acted within its statutory authority.”

In dissent, Justice Elena Kagan said the ruling amounted to a judicial power grab. “A rule of judicial humility,” she wrote, “gives way to a rule of judicial hubris.”

Justice Kagan summarized her dissent from the bench, a rare move and a sign of profound disagreement. “Courts, in particular this court, will now play a commanding role” in setting national policy, she said.

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  1. How to Write an Informal Essay: Guide, Tips, and Sample

    Determine the purpose of the future essay. 2. List as many subjects in the focus of your interest as possible. 3. Evaluate each of the topics in the list. 4. Develop a topic of choice using any paper structure you like. 5. Double-check and proofread the completed paper.

  2. Informal Essay Topics & Examples

    In formal essays, the research question is clearly stated and positioned in the first or second paragraph. However, in informal essays, the research question may not be explicitly stated, and if it is, it may appear anywhere in the essay. Tone; Informal essays use a conversational tone that is more subjective and personal.

  3. Informal Essay Definition, Format & Examples

    Ask questions. The goal of an informal essay is for an author to share ideas, thoughts, experiences, and reflections so that the audience feels they are involved in the process or conversation ...

  4. How to Write an Informative Essay: Expert Guide

    Keeping It Real: These essays are all about the facts. No opinions allowed. We want to keep things fair and honest. Topics Galore: You can write about anything you find interesting, from science and history to things about different cultures. Where You Find Them: Informative essays can pop up anywhere, from your classroom assignments to the pages of magazines or even online articles.

  5. Informal essay writing help, ideas, topics, examples

    The informal essay tends to be more personal than the formal, even though both may express subjective opinions. In a formal essay the writer is a silent presence behind the words, while in an informal essay the writer is speaking directly to the reader in a conversational style. If you are writing informally, try to maintain a sense of your own ...

  6. How to Write an Informal Essay

    An informal essay definition says that it is a piece of nonfiction writing that conveys the author's thoughts, emotions, and ideas on a particular subject. It's not like a formal essay. It adopts a casual and approachable tone as if the author were engaged in a friendly conversation with the reader or a sarcastic tone at some questions.

  7. Extended Essay: Formal vs. Informal Writing

    A chart giving the differences between informal and formal essays in seven areas (author's viewpoint; subject/content (sources of evidence); tone; structure; location of the research question; vocabulary; and purpose. Also included are examples comparing informal and formal writing for essays in English, biology, and psychology.

  8. How to Write an Informal Essay

    Steps for Writing an Informal Essay. Here are the steps for writing an informal essay. Select the topic: You have an extraordinary chance to choose any subject for your paper. A casual method of composing gives an incredible opportunity to expound on anything you desire. Pick a theme that will be truly intriguing to you.

  9. Examples of Informative Essays

    Informative essays must be educational and objective. Follow a guide to structuring one, download a sample essay, or pick a topic from our list of examples.

  10. Writing an Informal Essay

    The informal essay can be much less restricted by structural conformities and much more personal in both approach and expression. Allow your personal opinions and mode of expression to show through in an informal essay, rather than trying to sound 'academic'. Your own 'voice' should be clearly audible in the informal essay and you ...

  11. How to Write an Informal Essay: A to Z Guide to Succeed in Writing

    To create a striking conclusion, one should inform about a research topic once again, restate a thesis statement, and sum up the key points of an essay. One should not include or introduce new information in this section because an introduction fits this purpose or the body. The conclusion is a full stop, not a comma.

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    Here are 25 informative essay writing prompts to get you started. Write an informational essay about an endangered animal and its habitat. Write an informational essay about what makes someone a hero. Write an informational essay about the impact of technology on the education system and learning.

  13. Explore Free Informal Essay Examples: Topics, Outlines, Samples

    Informal essays are a type of written composition that typically express the author's thoughts, opinions, and experiences on a particular topic in a relaxed and conversational style. Unlike formal essays, which adhere to strict academic conventions and often follow a rigid structure, papers allow for a more flexible and personal approach to ...

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  15. Writing an Informative Essay

    A well-written informative essay should include an introduction (hook, bridge, thesis), a body (topic sentence, research, explanation), and a conclusion (reframed thesis and call to action). While ...

  16. Formal and Informal Writing—Explanation and Examples

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  17. Formal vs. Informal: Best Writing Practices

    Informal: Formal writing feels harder than informal writing. I think it's because I can't use contractions or short sentences. The only reason I'd write informally is if I had to, like if it was professional or academic. But when I write like this about formal writing, it's easier. My vocabulary doesn't matter as much.

  18. 100+ Informative Essay Topics for Students (2024)

    Writing an informative essay aims to educate the audience about the topic so that every aspect is covered in detail. So while choosing a topic, ensure that it should be in-depth and useful for the audience. If you are finding it hard to choose topics for an informative essay, follow the below-given steps. 1. Brainstorm Ideas

  19. Informal Essay: Steps, Tips, Outline, Example, Topics

    Some common examples of informal essays include impromptu speeches, diary entries, journals, social media posts, personal essays, and personal notes. While the informal essay does not have a rigid structure or format, it must include four elements â€" topic, introduction, body, and conclusion. 1. Title.

  20. 70+ Fascinating Informative Essay Topics for Kids and Teens

    Informative writing can include how-to process essays, biographical writing, an in-depth analysis of a topic, research papers, or compare-and-contrast essays. Just remember to stick to the facts, and be clear and descriptive. These informative essay topics offer something for all interests and ages. Jump to: How-To Informative Essay Topics

  21. 150+ Informative Essay Topics for All Students

    The following informative paper topics are tailored specifically for middle school students and cover a wide range of subjects that are both interesting and relevant to their age group. How Computers Work: Inside the Box. Amazing Animal Adaptations for Survival. Exploring Ancient Egyptian Pyramids.

  22. Calls for Biden to Step Aside Are About to Get Deafening

    The evening left Democratic insiders gobsmacked. At times seeming to seize up and at others appearing confused, Biden rambled his way through a 90-minute session against former President Donald Trump.

  23. FY 2025

    INFORMATIONAL CIRCULAR NO.: 25-A-002 Supersedes: 24-A-004 DATE: July 2, 2024 SUBJECT: FY 2025 Subsistence Allowances EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 2024 CONTACT: Statewide Agency Audit Services Team [email protected] APPROVAL: Nancy Ruoff (original signature on file) SUMMARY: FY 2025 Meals and Incidental Expense (M&IE) and Lodging Rates for travel occurring on and after July 1, 2024

  24. Opinion

    We can remember Mr. Spurlock as a #MeToo casualty. Or we can look at him as a model for how people might honestly face up to the harm they've caused — and how the rest of us can better ...

  25. How Inside Out 2 Writer Cracked the Anxiety Code for the Movie

    Dave Holstein, who faced immense pressure penning a sequel to the beloved 2015 hit, pens an essay reflecting on the personal and professional questions he grappled with along the way: "Where was ...

  26. QuillBot AI Review: Everything You Need to Know (2024)

    Yes. There is a chance that QuillBot-generated content can be detected as AI. There are several AI Content Detectors available for this purpose. Plagiarism and AI detectors like Originality.AI and Turnitin have developed innovative AI to identify content that QuillBot or similar AI writing tools have altered. These detectors have been trained extensively to recognize AI paraphrased content ...

  27. These classic '60s books shout from the shelves to be read again

    Writing is both the staying at home and the difficult voyage, which makes it particularly useful for time travel. And from mushrooms to the moon, no decade in the United States is more known for ...

  28. In pictures: Biden and Trump face off in CNN presidential debate

    President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump faced each other in a historic debate on Thursday night.

  29. Supreme Court's Chevron Ruling Limits Power of Federal Agencies

    A foundational 1984 decision had required courts to defer to agencies' reasonable interpretations of ambiguous statutes, underpinning regulations on health care, safety and the environment.