The world’s most powerful career test

Using advanced machine learning, psychometrics, and career satisfaction data, we’ve reimagined what a career test can be.

By the numbers

Discover your top career matches using careerexplorer’s cutting-edge science, rapidly-advancing platform.

Our machine learning models train on millions of data points, constantly improving the reliability and validity of our career test results.

Comprehensive model

We provide career matches based on your interests, goals, history, workplace preferences, and personality.

Intelligent enhancements

We continuously tweak our algorithms and update our datasets to provide industry-leading match accuracy.

Up-to-date information

We update our database of 1500+ career and degree profiles constantly to reflect the ever-changing world of work.

Get personalized recommendations

Learn as you go.

Each part of the career test unlocks new discoveries — insights into what makes you unique and what career paths you’ll find most fulfilling, building up to your final results.

Insights worth mentioning

Share your discoveries with friends and colleagues.

Are you a Visionary? Scholar? Builder? Share your personality archetype and career matches with your community with one simple click.

Work on your schedule

Complete the career test on your time.

Our career test is thorough to give you the most accurate results, not just a quick, generic snapshot. Take the test on your phone, at your desk, on a commute — and come back to it anytime. You can always pick up where you leave off.

How We Determine Your Matches

Four dimensions of career fit.

Four Dimensions

Workplace 01

Will the typical workplace of this career make me happy?

Whether you’re in an office or outside, working on a team or independently, your environment is a large contributor to your at-work happiness.


Will my past work and education help me get a job in this career?

Where you live, your experiences, and your education are important to take into consideration when choosing a career.


Interests 03

Will I find this career interesting?

Research shows that interest in a career or field is the number one predictor of career satisfaction.


Personality 04

Will I be good at this career?

Personality fit with a career is one of the best predictors of on-the-job performance.

Whether you’re pursuing education, in the early career stages of your career, pivoting to a new path, or just looking for answers, we’re here to help you discover where you’ll find happiness in the world of work.

How our career test works, measure who you are.

We ask you a series of questions that correspond to 150+ personality traits and learn about your career interests, skills, and goals.

Calculate career attributes

We produce detailed profiles of 1,500+ careers and degrees based on labor market data, psychometric profiles, and other users’ reported happiness in them.

Compare the data

We compare these two datasets to determine your compatibility with the careers and degrees in our database.

Determine your top career matches

We surface the careers and degrees that are top matches for you, and provide insights on your unique personality.

What makes us unique

We have more data and tools to optimize our career predictions than any other career test on the planet. This means your results are accurate, thorough, and nuanced, not a quick, generic snapshot like so many other career tests.

Financial manager

Marketing manager, graphic designer, social worker, forensic scientist, psychologist, data analyst, veterinarian, robotics engineer, nutritionist, wildlife rehabilitator, dermatologist, sports writer, game tester, construction manager, questions we receive, how much does it cost.

We want to help everyone learn more about themselves and make informed career decisions, so we’ve made our entire experience free. You’ll get your career and degree matches, insights, and even reports for free.

How long will the test take?

The full assessment takes about 30 minutes to complete. The thoroughness of our career test allows us to deliver personalized, nuanced results. We believe you shouldn’t base major life decisions — like your education and career — on a quick five-minute quiz. The assessment is made up of five sections and each unlocks an additional dimension of fit.

Why should I trust my career results?

We are very good at predicting the right career matches. During the test, we ask you for your general interest in a handful of randomly selected careers, as well as how satisfied you were in any previous careers. Our models use this information to get a baseline understanding of who you are and what you're interested in, but it's also anonymously combined with all the data we have from other users on their interests, as well as their satisfaction with their previous careers and degrees. We train ever better models from this growing dataset to better identify how your interests, work and education history, and personality inform what careers you'd be a good fit in. The predictions are unique to you but validated against millions of other users.

Can I retake the career test?

Yes, you can reset your account to take the career test more than once. Many people take the test on a semi-regular basis to see how their interests and results evolve over time.

Why do my results change?

Our career matching system updates in real-time, meaning that whenever you give us a new piece of relevant information, we will automatically update all of our recommendations for you. As we gather more data and create better models, it's also possible that your results might change as we better understand what makes a career the right fit for someone.

Who developed this career test?

Our career test items were developed by a team of I/O psychologists with years of experience in the field of psychometrics. Career data comes from numerous sources, including the the US Department of Labour’s O*Net Database, US Bureau of Statistics, UK government, CareerExplorer user data, and Sokanu’s proprietary in-house content team.

The career test platform is developed and maintained by the Sokanu team.

Who is this career test designed for?

People start new careers at many different stages of life, and nothing about our assessment is age-specific. We’ve designed a career test that works for adults as well as high school and college students.

Does your test discriminate?

We don’t use race or gender when generating matches, and we work hard to make sure that our test doesn’t discriminate where relevant.

How is my personal data handled?

We firmly believe that you own your data, not us. We never sell your personal data to third parties and we use industry-standard best practices, making sure your private information is always encrypted and secure. We are also happy to delete your data upon request.

Join millions of people at all stages of their career journeys using the CareerExplorer test to find their next steps.

Your dream career is waiting.

It’s time to start exploring.


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Career Aptitude Test

Find the right career for you with the career personality profiler™ test.

Test your career aptitude, job interests, and personality traits to find the right job for you. This free career assessment takes only 15 minutes and measures key interests and personality traits to show you the exact careers that suit your strengths. Based on the powerful Holland Code and Big Five systems, this career test is suitable for adults and students age 16 and up.

To take the career test, mark your interest in each activity shown.

Do not worry about whether you have the skills or training to do an activity, or how much money you might make. Simply think about whether you would enjoy doing it or not.


Career Test FAQ

Q. how does the career personality profiler™ aptitude test determine what career is right for me.

A. The Career Personality Profiler test measures your personality traits, strengths, values, and interests, and uses those scores to match you with a list of ideal careers. The career assessment is based on two scientifically validated models for career planning: The Big Five model of personality traits, and the Holland Code model of career interest assessment. Using a unique combination of these two powerful career matching systems, the career test will determine which jobs are most likely to match your aptitude and satisfy your individual personality and motivational factors.

Q. Is this a free career test?

A. Yes, this career test is free to take and to receive your basic results. You do not need to provide your email address. If you choose, you can purchase a comprehensive full report after viewing your free results.

Q. What is the best career test?

The best career test is one that has been professionally developed and validated, based on sound principles of career planning. Truity's Career Aptitude Test is based on the gold standard Holland Code methodology and has been extensively validated with a global sample. The career test combines interests and personality to provide the best recommendations for your career path.

When looking to decide what career is best for you, there are various types of career tests you can choose, each with their own benefits. These include:

  • Personality assessments. This type of test can help you find a career that suits your core personality traits and innate talents. A personality career test will measure your personality traits, and then show you what careers people with similar personality traits have chosen. Common career tests of this type include the MBTI® assessment and Keirsey Temperament Sorter.
  • Interest assessments. This type of career test can help you find a job where the day-to-day requirements are a good match for the tasks and activities you enjoy doing. A career interests test will measure how much you like various categories of work tasks, and match you to jobs that are a good fit for those tasks. Career tests of this type include the Strong Interest Inventory and Self-Directed Search.
  • Career aptitude tests. An aptitude test can measure a variety of determinants of job aptitude, including personality and interests, as well as skills like reasoning ability, reading comprehension, or intelligence. Skills-based aptitude tests are more often found when being evaluated for a particular job role, while more general aptitude tests can help you figure out what careers suit your natural inclinations.

If you are planning a new career or making a career change, the best career test is one that will give you a comprehensive assessment of your personality, interests, aptitude, and strengths. A multi-dimensional career assessment will help you to consider all the important factors that drive career satisfaction, and plan your career path in a holistic way. Truity's career aptitude test evaluates both your personality and interests, so that you can choose a career that suits your natural talents as well as your real-world experiences.

Q. How long does the career test take to complete?

A. The career aptitude assessment consists of 94 questions. It takes about 10-15 minutes to complete.

Q. What will my career test results look like?

A. When you complete the Career Personality Profiler test, you will first be shown a brief, free summary of your results and career recommendations. Then, you may choose to unlock your full report for a small fee. To see what you can expect from your full report, check out this career test sample report .

Q. Is this career test appropriate for adults making a career change?

A. Yes, the Career Personality Profiler job aptitude test is ideal for adults who may be changing careers or planning their next step. This career test will allow you to reference your past career experiences, as well as your knowledge of what you have liked and disliked on the job, to better understand how to plan a career move that suits you. In addition, the personality assessment included in this career test will ensure that your career recommendations are tailored to who you truly are, not just where you've been so far.

Q. Is this career test appropriate for students?

A. This career aptitude test can provide useful career guidance for students over the age of 14, with parental guidance and support. Students who are mature, self-aware, and have had experience with a variety of activities and hobbies will experience the best results from this career assessment.

This career assessment is not recommended for children under the age of 14.

Q. Is this career test printable?

A . Yes. If you purchase your full career test report, this can be downloaded to PDF for easy printing and sharing.

Q. Is the career test accurate?

A. The Career Personality Profiler aptitude test has been researched extensively to ensure it is valid and reliable, using a variety of statistical methods. It is based on two established theories which have conclusively been shown to impact job fit and satisfaction: psychologist John Holland's theory of career interest assessment, and the Big Five personality model. While no career test can perfectly predict which career will suit you, an accurate career test like the Career Personality Profiler can show you how your innate talents and individual interests can map to your ideal career.

Q. How can I access my career test results?

A. After you take a test, you will have the option to create an account by entering your email address. If you create an account, you can view your test results at any time by returning to and logging into your account. We do not email your results to you.

Q. Do I need to complete this career assessment all at once?

A. If you’ve created an account and are logged in when you take the test, your responses will be saved as you go through the test. If you do not log in to a Truity account before starting the test, your progress will not be saved and you will need to complete the test all at once.

Q. Are you going to sell my data?

A. . We do not sell your email or other personal data to any third parties, and we have a zero-spam policy. We carefully comply with applicable privacy laws in handling your personal information. You can read more in our privacy policy .

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What Is an Assessment Test for Jobs? Get to Know the Types and How to Ace Them

Ash ayvar de alcaraz.

As a dedicated Career Strategist, Ash’s mission is to empower individuals to discover their strengths, land their ideal roles, and thrive in an inclusive and diverse community. - Fact-Checking Standards's mission is to provide job seekers and career changers with accurate and reliable information to help them find their ideal career path. Our team meticulously verifies all content before publishing to ensure it meets the highest quality standards. We have stringent guidelines for our writers to ensure all articles have an open, considerate, and inclusive tone that respects individuals at all stages of their career journey. Plagiarism is never acceptable under any circumstances.

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In this ultra-competitive job market, the race is on for companies to identify and hire the most impressive, qualified workers for their teams. And, because the most important roles often demand applicants with specific experience or skills, these companies increasingly turn to certain tools and tests to streamline the hiring process.

For job seekers caught unaware by pre-employment testing, the experience can inspire panic or doubt. With a little preparation and planning, however, market-savvy applicants can use these tests as an opportunity to stand out from the rest of the pack and significantly increase their chances of securing a coveted callback.

Below, we'll go over the types of job assessment tests you're most likely to encounter when applying for a role, why companies use them, and how to turn them into an advantage when interviewing.

The Growing Popularity of Pre-Employment Testing

From their role in getting Americans back to work after World War II to their use by Han Dynasty emperors to evaluate would-be civil servants, pre-employment tests have a long, storied history.

Even so, perhaps no other era has seen these tests used as frequently and near-religiously as they are by companies in the 21st century, where more than 82% of hiring managers use some form of pre-assessment test to sift through potential hires.

But why has testing become so pervasive, and how can job seekers turn this trend to their advantage?

Benefits of Testing for Employers

For the average company, it costs anywhere between $4,000 and $20,000 to hire a new employee—and that's before any salary, benefits, or signing bonuses. Even then, prolonged candidate searches, top applicants dropping out during the final rounds, or even hiring the "wrong" person can double or triple this number.

Because of the amount of time and money invested in finding good employees, a skills test or other career test can help a hiring manager get the maximum return on investment and increase their chances of finding the perfect fit. Beyond that, career aptitude tests can help companies:

  • Objectively evaluate multiple candidates at once to ensure fairness.
  • Gain deeper insights into a candidate's career interests and goals.
  • Predict how well a candidate will perform in a certain role.
  • Gauge whether a candidate will be a good fit for the company's culture.
  • Increase efficiency by screening for compatibility before time-intensive interviews.

Benefits of Testing for Job Seekers

While career tests may seem like a daunting aspect of the application process, the truth is that these tests offer the well-prepared job seeker another opportunity to stand out from the crowd. Approached correctly, pre-employment testing can be used to demonstrate skills and values, show that you've done your homework about what the company is looking for, and ensure your application finds its way to the top of the stack.

  • Demonstrate what you've learned along your career path.
  • Showcase skills and abilities you couldn't fit into your resume or cover letter .
  • Highlight your personality and how you'd fit into the company's culture.
  • Go beyond surface-level impressions.
  • Prove you're committed to the opportunity and role.

A Breakdown of Common Assessment Test Types

Modern pre-employment testing is incredibly diverse, with different companies using different methods and testing procedures during the hiring process. Whether that means personality tests, values assessment tests, or even physical ability tests, researching a potential employer's test of choice can help you pass with flying colors when the time comes.

Some of the most common career assessments used today are:

Personality Tests

From the Big Five Model to the DISC, many companies have begun using psychology-backed personality tests to determine how well an applicant would perform in a specific role, team, or the company's culture as a whole.

Typically, tests of this type will assess an applicant's affinity for certain predetermined personality traits, such as reliability or creativity. For example,'s personality model CAPBOI uses the six areas of Communal, Analytical, Pragmatic, Bold, Orthodox, and Imaginative to sort its users.

Although it can be more difficult to "study" for this kind of test, taking a personality test early on in the job hunt can help you identify the companies and roles best suited to your natural personality.

Cognitive Ability Tests

As some of the most objective testing you'll encounter, cognitive ability tests measure things like your memory, analytical ability, attention to detail, and problem-solving capabilities. These may be more common in some industries than others but generally include tests such as Raven's Progressive Matrices or the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale .

Skills Assessment Tests

A skills assessment is a straightforward evaluation of what an employer can expect from your job performance. Depending on what the job description requires, this may include hard skills such as coding, proofreading, welding, or mathematics. Often, this type of test will be given as a sort of "homework" for applicants to complete prior to the next round of interviews.

Emotional Intelligence Tests

Over the years, emotional intelligence (EQ) tests have grown in popularity among hiring professionals to nearly rival other types of intelligence tests. Unlike their hard skills-focused counterparts, these assessments measure things like trustworthiness, loyalty, conflict resolution abilities, and leadership skills, then predict how well a person will perform in a given role.

Job Knowledge Tests

Similar to skill tests in many ways, job knowledge tests evaluate how prepared an applicant is to hit the ground running in their new role. Typically, this involves tests to gauge proficiency in different types of software, pieces of equipment, or other tools used specifically in the role for which you're applying.

Understanding How Personality Tests Are Used by Companies

While the type and specific purpose of personality testing may differ from one company to another, the general intent is the same: to see whether an applicant has the necessary personality traits to flourish in a role.

Rather than "labeling" or "sorting you into a box," these tests look to help employers better understand you as an individual and a professional so that they can supply you with the resources and opportunities needed for success. This may mean putting you on a team of people with complementary personalities, giving you duties or projects that energize you, or finding methods of motivation that resonate best with your values.

Depending on the personality assessment used, this kind of test measures personal qualities such as:

  • Leadership Style: Do you prefer to delegate or collaborate? Are you straightforward with directions, or do you let projects develop organically?
  • Work Environment Preferences: Do you work better within a rigid, reliable structure, or do you prefer flexibility and variance?
  • Energy Source: What types of tasks energize you? What types drain you? What kind of rewards or praise can be given to help you feel fulfilled?
  • Response to Pressure: Are you the type to perform best in a high-stakes environment, or do you need a predetermined plan to confront times of high pressure?
  • Feedback Preferences: Do you work best with constant input and directions or do you prefer the freedom to own your successes and failures?
  • Conflict Resolution: How do you handle disagreements or conflict in the workplace? Are you blunt, diplomatic, or conflict-averse altogether?

With personality tests, it's important to remember that there are no inherently "good" or "bad" answers. You are who you are, and a hiring manager's job is simply to see whether your personality is a good fit for the role in question. That said, knowing how best to communicate your personality traits and preferences can often mean the difference between impressive and lackluster results.

How to Prepare for Cognitive and Skills Assessments

Unlike other types of career assessments, cognitive and skills tests have clear right and wrong answers that can determine whether you land the job or get a dreaded rejection letter. Fortunately, this type of test's objectivity means you can practice for it like any test you may have encountered in school.

When going into a cognitive test or skills assessment, here are some tips to help make sure you perform at your best:

  • Learn the exact skills, tools, and concepts you'll be tested on, then spend time studying them.
  • Find practice tests or sample problems that match the test's structure and time limit.
  • Identify the materials or subjects most challenging to you, then dedicate time to memorizing important ideas.
  • Think of ways to communicate your history and experience with specific, high-value skills.
  • Get plenty of rest and nutrition prior to the test.
  • If testing from home, prepare the space in which you'll take the test.

What to Expect from Emotional Intelligence Tests

As one of the more recent types of pre-employment testing to earn widespread use, emotional intelligence tests can seem foreign or subjective to those unprepared to face them. Even so, employers are increasingly recognizing the value of hiring employees with high emotional intelligence, especially in high-pressure roles or positions of leadership.

Usually, this type of test will gauge your emotional stability, conflict resolution skills, and how well you manage various challenges that could possibly arise during your day-to-day in the role. When approaching an emotional intelligence test, there are some hard and fast rules to follow to make sure you leave a lasting impression:

  • Don't try to game the test. Answering honestly and consistently will almost always work in your favor.
  • Remember that these questions are more subjective than with some other employment tests. Read or listen carefully and make sure you understand each question fully before answering.
  • Extremes are okay—but only in moderation. Avoid defaulting to one end or another of any scales you encounter while taking the test.
  • Nuance and thoughtfulness are clear signs of maturity and high emotional intelligence, so don't neglect either in your answers.
  • Trust yourself and your instincts, but refine them with professional language.
  • Be authentic. It may be tempting to answer the way you think the company wants, but this often only kicks a problem of compatibility down the road.

How to Use Practice Tests for Professional Growth

When preparing for an upcoming assessment, one of the most important weapons in your arsenal is the practice test. Far from simple flashcards or memorization exercises, a well-built practice test can almost perfectly emulate the process you'll experience with an employer. That way, you can be calm, comfortable, and experienced when the time comes to take a test for real.

With's career tests, for instance, you'll gain the opportunity to:

  • Identify areas in need of improvement and proactively seek out learning opportunities.
  • Practice questions that may trip you up in a more formal setting.
  • Develop more persuasive, impactful language to discuss your strengths and work history.
  • Reflect on your personality traits and how they might improve your performance in a specific role or at a certain company.
  • Learn ways to communicate weaknesses in an earnest, mature way.
  • Determine whether additional help is warranted, such as career coaching.

Get a Head Start with

If you're looking for a way to get comfortable with pre-employment tests—regardless of which type you encounter— is here to help you gain new insights, sharpen your skills, and learn the tricks necessary to ace any job application from start to finish.

When you take our career test , you'll experience firsthand what to expect from even the most challenging job assessments. Once you're done, you'll have a custom-built set of results to take with you and use to practice, refresh your resume, or help build a compelling cover letter.

For those looking to take that advantage one step further, we can pair you with an expert career coach to provide insider tips and personalized advice designed to get you into the job of your dreams.

The right career is out there, so why not get a head start finding it?

About the author:

Ash Ayvar De Alcaraz is a committed Career Strategist, driven by her purpose to serve others. With a diverse background in education and startups, she brings a wealth of experience to her roles at Pathrise and Hired. Ash supports individuals in identifying their strengths and securing their ideal roles. Her commitment to diverse and low-income individuals is unwavering, and she’s deeply passionate about building an inclusive community. Ash’s work is fueled by her curiosity and a desire to be the mentor she once needed, making her a beacon in her field.

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The Ultimate Career Assessment Test for Students (Free)

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originally published on Forage

Zoe Kaplan

Written by Zoe Kaplan

Edited by  Emily Courtney

Updated on March 15, 2024

job assignment test

Forage puts students first. Our blog articles are written independently by our editorial team. They have not been paid for or sponsored by our partners. See our full  editorial guidelines .

Table of Contents

What is a career assessment test, how to do a career assessment, career assessment test (free).

  • Career Assessment Results: Do’s and Don’ts

If you’re feeling lost, confused, or  anxious about the job search , a career assessment can be a helpful starting point to understand what kinds of careers might be a good fit for you. The best career assessments will consider multiple factors, like your interests, personality, skills, and goals, without requiring extensive research or preparation. In fact, we’d go as far as to say that career assessments should be fun and low-stress — getting one step closer to your dream job should be exciting! 

Our career assessment test:

  • Is 100% free
  • Takes less than 10 minutes
  • Gives you personalized results right after you submit (no waiting for an email!)
  • Measures your personality, skills, interests, and career goals
  • Is fun and low-stress! 

Jump to Quiz

A career assessment test is a series of questions designed to help you understand what careers might be right for you. The best career assessments focus on various elements that factor into your ideal career, like your interests, personality, skills, and goals.

What do you like to do? Are there specific subjects you’re naturally drawn to? What do you do in your free time? Job satisfaction is important; while you might not always love your job all the time, genuinely liking what you do at work can improve your experience.

A career assessment test can measure your interests through questions about your hobbies and preferences. For example, our test will have you pick what you like to do on a rainy day and what kind of movies you like.


What traits do you identify with? How would other people describe you? How do you get along with others? All of these questions can help you understand your personality. 

>>MORE:  Looking for career results based on just your personality? Try our  Personality Career Quiz .

Why measure personality on a career assessment test? Work is more than your daily tasks; your job is also defined by your work environment,  company culture , and who you work with. Your personality affects what kind of role you’d thrive in. 

For example, someone who loves collaborating and cares passionately about making a difference would work well in a tight-knit company with a strong mission. I love working independently and quickly, which has made my role as a writer in a startup a great fit — my work is more independent by nature, and startups tend to be fast-paced.

What are you good at? What subjects do you naturally excel in? What are your weaknesses? Understanding your strengths is crucial to learning what careers might be a good fit for you. 

While you can always  upskill  on the job, it’s much easier to do a job you’re good at!

A career assessment test can measure your skills by asking questions about subjects you like, skills you use in your everyday life, and what kinds of problems are easy for you to solve. The best kinds of tests shouldn’t make you try to understand whether you have an aptitude for  programming ,  financial analysis , or business communication — what if you have no idea what those are? Instead, we’ll ask easily accessible questions that give you a basic idea of what you’re good at.

>>MORE:  Looking for a career quiz that assesses your skill set? Try  The Ultimate Career Aptitude Test for Students (Free) .

What do you want out of your career? It’s different for everybody. As a Gen Zer, I find I’m more likely to prioritize  work-life balance . Some of my friends are interested in landing a specific title, while others care about working on projects they’re passionate about. 

>>MORE:  ‘Problems’ With Gen Z in the Workplace (From a Gen Zer) — And How to Fix Them

A career assessment should also consider your  career goals  because they affect what you prioritize in a role. For example, if I know my goal is to have a good work-life balance, I’m likely to avoid industries notorious for long hours and little flexibility, like  investment banking .

The best way to do a career assessment is to self-reflect, be honest, and take the test as it is.

  • Self-reflect:  Before taking the test, take a few seconds to reflect on why you want to take the test and what you hope to get out of it. 
  • Be honest:  To get the best results for you, be as authentic as you can when answering the questions. “A prevalent misstep I’ve witnessed among students taking career assessments is their inclination to manipulate responses toward what they believe are more ‘desirable’ outcomes,” says Vit Koval, co-founder of Globy, a platform that helps companies hire talent from Latin America and Europe. “The most beneficial approach is to answer these assessments with utmost sincerity. This honesty ensures the assessment serves its purpose, acting as a mirror to your authentic self and guiding you toward paths that genuinely resonate with your personal and professional aspirations.”
  • Take the test as is:  Don’t try to figure out what each question answer means for your career results. Instead, focus on approaching the test without reading into the questions.

Trust that if you answer the career assessment test in a way that’s true to you, you’ll get the most out of it.

Ready to take the career assessment and learn what careers are your best fit? Take this quiz to find out. It’s completely free — you’ll just need to sign up to get your results!

Step 1 of 21. Pick a rainy day activity.a. plan a dinner partyb. play video games or do a crosswordc. hang out with friendsd. write, paint, or draw2. Pick a sunny day activity.a. go on a long bike ride to explore a new areab. host an outdoor picnicc. go on a nature-filled walkd. gather friends to play a pick-up game3. When I work with others, I play the role of…a. the facilitatorb. the note-takerc. the leaderd. the problem-solver4. I define success as…a. doing work I’m proud ofb. achieving financial securityc. solving complex problemsd. making a difference5. Pick a type of movie to watch.a. historical dramab. mystifying sci-fic. uplifting comedyd. informative documentary6. I describe myself as…a. inventiveb. empatheticc. resourcefuld. creative7. My teachers would describe me as…a. engagedb. expressivec. curiousd. motivated

Career Assessment Results: Do’s and Don’ts

Now that you know what kinds of careers are right for you, what should you do next? Here’s what the career experts have to say.

Do Research Your Results

“Spend time sitting with the results and reflecting on the information,” says Kelly Roehm, SHRM-SCP and founder of The Resume Realist. “Spend time researching the recommended paths to better understand what these opportunities look like in reality.”

Roehm advises researching things like: 

  • What’s the market like for these roles?
  • What does the starting salary look like? What’s the longer-term earning potential?
  • What unique requirements do these jobs have? Are you committed to pursuing additional training or education to meet them?
  • Does the work environment for these kinds of jobs align with your preferences? 

You can research using career advice resources like the  Forage blog , find salaries on sites like Glassdoor, and get an idea of what kinds of companies hire for these roles on job boards like  LinkedIn .

>>MORE:  The 85 Best Job Search Sites and Apps in 2024

Do Get Personal Insight

“ Networking  and  informational interviews  are tools of immense value, often underutilized,” Koval says. “Through conversations with established professionals, students can uncover the nuanced realities of various professions — insights that are seldom captured in classroom settings or through online research. These interactions have often led to pivotal moments of clarity for many individuals I’ve mentored, helping them align their career aspirations with practical experiences and informed perspectives. Engaging in this manner can dramatically demystify the path forward, making career choices less daunting and more driven by informed enthusiasm.”

Talking to people who have actually worked in these roles can give you an honest insight into the career path while expanding your network.

Don’t Take Your Results as the Be-All and End-All

“Many students mistakenly think that their career assessment results are concrete and absolute,” says Ken Sher, career and executive coach at Sher Coaching. “In reality, the results are merely a starting point for further reflection — a place to blend subjective information (their likes and dislikes) with career opportunities that align with their personal and professional aspirations.”

While our career assessment results should give you  types of careers  that are a good fit for you, your results shouldn’t define your final career decisions. Instead, consider them a good starting point for understanding what roles align with your skills, personality, interests, and goals.

“Many students feel like they immediately need to make long-term decisions based on the assessment data, when in reality it can be best to slow down before you go full speed ahead,” Roehm says. “Remember that career assessments are data points in your career journey and should be reviewed as part of the bigger picture.”

Image credit: Canva

Read more from Zoe Kaplan

Zoe Kaplan is a Senior Writer at Forage. Prior to joining Forage, she wrote and edited career and workplace content for Fairygodboss, the largest career community for women.

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How to Pass a Job Assessment Test

Last Updated: March 29, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Katherine Demby . Katherine Demby is an Academic Consultant based in New York City. Katherine specializes in tutoring for the LSAT, GRE, SAT, ACT, and academic subjects for high school and college students. She holds a BA in History and Political Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a JD from Yale Law School. Katherine is also a freelance writer and editor. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 188,268 times.

Many organizations use job assessment tests as part of the hiring process. These tests are usually meant to evaluate your personality and how well you'd fit the position. Sometimes there are also portions of the test that assess skills such as math, grammar, and proficiency with specific software programs. Ask your hiring manager ahead of time about the main subjects the test covers -- that way, you'll be able to do some preparation first!

Taking a Personality Assessment

Step 1 Ask your hiring manager to give you an idea of what to expect.

  • "Is there anything I can do to prepare for this test?"
  • "What kind of subject matter will I be tested on?"

Step 2 Take practice personality tests online to prepare.

  • Personality tests are used to determine how extroverted, rational, and emotional you are, among other qualities. Employers use them to evaluate personal qualities, like whether you are introverted or extroverted.
  • Practice tests can help you identify traits you can work on to become better suited for the job. For example, if the job requires a lot of interaction, you can work on being more outgoing.
  • Reader Poll: We asked 180 wikiHow readers, and 67% of them agreed that the best way to prepare for a test is to take online practice tests . [Take Poll]

Step 3 Provide answers that show you are a good fit for the job.

  • Don't be modest when answering questions about yourself, but also make sure not to misrepresent yourself either.

Step 4 Answer questions consistently.

  • For instance, if you call yourself extroverted in one answer but then say you prefer spending time alone in another answer, this will seem inconsistent.

Step 5 Choose answers that show you're ethical and positive.

  • For instance, job assessment tests often ask if you think it's normal to steal things from work. You should answer “no” to this kind of question. Answering “yes” may make you sound cynical or like someone who frequently steals.

Step 6 Give answers that show you work well with others.

  • When questions ask if you're outgoing, courteous, flexible, and so on, answer in the affirmative whenever possible.

Step 7 Choose answers that show you're level headed.

Passing a Skills Test

Step 1 Ask the hiring manager what skills you'll be tested on.

  • "What will the test cover?"
  • "Are there any materials I can review for the test?"

Step 3 Take skills quizzes for spelling, grammar, and math as needed.

  • Use your scores on these tests to figure out what skills you need to work on before taking the test. [11] X Research source

Step 4 Review any math skills you might be tested on.

  • Focus on studying math skills relevant to the job position. For instance, if you're applying to work as an architect you might be tested on your ability to calculate dimensions.

Step 5 Study writing skills if you need to improve on them.

  • If you need to sharpen your software skills before the test, set yourself sample tasks to perform so you feel confident using the program on the test.
  • Search for online tutorials if you need to refresh your memory of the software program.

Step 7 Create a positive environment for the test.

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Katherine Demby

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Katherine Demby

If you need to pass a job assessment test, don’t be afraid to politely ask the hiring manager what specific skills will be covered. By knowing the general topics, you can find skill quizzes at your local library or bookstore and prepare for the test. If the test covers math skills, spend at least an hour each day leading up to the test to answer sample problems. As you take the test, make sure to read each question thoroughly so you fully understand what you need to do before answering. To stay calm, take a few deep breaths when you feel stressed. Try not to worry about whether or not you’ll ultimately get the job, and instead focus on answering each question as best as you can. For more tips, like how to pass a personality assessment, read on. Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Practice aptitude tests, practice all employer tests, test publishers, what is an aptitude test.

An aptitude test is an assessment used to determine a candidate's cognitive ability or personality. They're extremely common in job assessments as they can be used to predict the likelihood of a candidate's success in a job role, whilst eliminating any bias through its standardized administration. You are likely to encounter them in selection for all job sectors; however, they will be specialized to cater for the specific job requirements of the role.

What are the different types of aptitude test?

Aptitude tests come in many different forms due to the range of skills required for different roles. Generally, they fall into two categories: verbal and non-verbal. Common non-verbal tests such as numerical reasoning or inductive reasoning, assess your ability to handle numerical data, patterns and problem-solving. Verbal tests such as verbal reasoning, comprehension and situational judgement tests are focused on your ability to analyse verbal data and make astute decisions.

How do I prepare for an aptitude test?

The best way to prepare for a test and maximise your chances of success is to practise. Practise will help you identify patterns, recognize question styles, and ultimately give you confidence in your test taking abilities. We have practice material for all aptitude tests and have helped millions of job candidates over the world improve their score. Browse our test material and advice and join the tens of thousands each year that we’ve helped take that first step into their dream career.


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Free Career Aptitude and Career Assessment Tests

job assignment test

What Is a Career Assessment?

How a career test can help, free career aptitude tests, how to explore career options, where to get career advice.

grivina /  iStock / Getty Images Plus

When you are not sure about what type of job you want or what you would like to do next with your career, a career aptitude test can help you narrow down your job choices and choose a career path that is compatible with your interests, skills, values, and personality.

Taking a career test is a little like playing "What do you want to be when you grow up?" but with a twist. Career tests don't just give you a chance to dream about what you want to do; they give you concrete ideas about what you may be best suited to do. They can also help you understand the type of environment and work that will help you thrive as a person.

Review information on how career assessments can help guide your career choices and what the assessments will evaluate, and try free career tests that you can use to learn about jobs that may be a perfect fit.

Key Takeaways

  • Career assessments can help you narrow down your job choices and explore career options.
  • Most career aptitude tests ask questions about interests, values, and preferred tasks, then generate information on potential occupations.
  • Taking career tests can be a good starting point for learning about different types of jobs that are a good fit for the next step of your career.

A career assessment is a way to learn about career options that may be a match for your skills, interests, and values. Different types of assessments can help you determine which types of careers may interest you—and which don’t.

Most assessment tools ask questions about what you like, what you don’t like, the type of work environment you’re comfortable in, and how your personality meshes with different jobs, and then suggest careers that are a match.

Career aptitude tests won’t give you a definitive answer on what the best job for you is, but they will give you options to explore and can help you narrow down your career interests.

When you're looking for your first job or considering switching careers, it’s much easier if you have some ideas about what you’d like to do. 

There are a variety of free career tests and quizzes available that address interests, values, and skills, but it is not essential to find a test that captures all of the elements.

Do keep in mind that some tests aren't scientifically validated. However, they are quick and easy to take and can provide insight into what types of jobs you might want to research. 

Spend some time taking a few tests and quizzes and see what results you get. Afterward, compare the job options you're given to decide which of them are worth exploring further.

The following tests are available free online and can be a good start to identifying your next career.

123 Career Aptitude Test

This popular aptitude test can help you gain insight into the careers that best fit your personality. The assessment shows you images depicting specific work activities and asks you to choose the activities that appeal to you the most and those that appeal to you the least. Then, it tells you the types of work environments and occupations that suit you best. Plan to spend up to 10 minutes taking the test.


CareerExplorer is a free platform for users to assess their interests, personality types, abilities, career values, and preferred work and social environments in order to find matches that will lead to satisfying careers. The assessment suggests careers after you respond to 40 questions, and it will take about 30 minutes to complete.

There's detailed information available on each of the suggested career options. In addition, users can browse occupations by clusters such as health and nutrition, law, arts and entertainment, animals, food and drink, politics and law, sports, travel, music, engineering, and science.

CareerOneStop Interest Assessment

CareerOneStop’s Interest Assessment is a quick and easy way to get a list of careers that might be a good fit for your interests. It will take about five minutes to answer 30 questions about what you like to do—and what you don’t like. 

After you complete the assessment, you’ll get a list of careers that are a match, with information on salary, educational requirements, and job outlook. For the careers that interest you the most, you’ll be able to review more information about the job and how to get a career started.

CareerOneStop Values Matcher

Work values are what a person believes is most important about their work. It could be finding a high-paying position, working as part of a team, working independently, or working in a job helping others. 

Use CareerOneStop’s Work Values Matcher tool to find careers and employers that match your personal values. The test asks questions about different aspects of a job or workplace to help you find your ideal work environment. It only takes a few minutes to complete by sorting cards in order of what’s most important to you.

CareerOneStop Skills Matcher

CareerOneStop’s Skills Matcher enables users to assess the skills they want to incorporate into their careers. You will rate basic skills such as reading, writing, speaking, scientific reasoning, and critical thinking, as well as more specialized social, technical, analytical, computer, problem-solving, and resource management skills to find careers that are a good match. 

Keirsey Temperament Sorter

The Keirsey Temperament Sorter assessment helps you understand your personality type and discover what type of temperament you have. Test results suggest a predominant personality type, including Artisan, Guardian, Rational, or Idealist. Your temperament influences career satisfaction, job search strategies, and job performance. 

It will take 10–15 minutes to complete the assessment. A free description of your profile will be provided with an option to purchase the full report.

O*NET Interest Profiler

My Next Move’s O*NET Interest Profiler is administered by the U.S. Department of Labor. Users take a 60-question assessment that yields a profile of six occupational interests and attributes: realistic, investigative, social, enterprising, conventional, and artistic.

You will see a list of careers related to each cluster and will then be able to sort those careers into five job zones representing different levels of preparation, ranging from little job preparation to extensive preparation. The site also has extensive career information related to a variety of careers.

Red Bull Wingfinder

Take a free 35-minute online personality assessment to identify and leverage your strengths in four different areas of your personality: connections, creativity, thinking, and drive.

Wingfinder test-takers immediately receive a free feedback report containing an analysis of their strengths, career advice, and coaching from Red Bull athletes who have the same strengths. 

With the TestColor test , a team of clinical psychologists, psychoanalysts, and mathematicians leads you through a two-part color selection process to determine your personality and aptitude. It only takes a few minutes to complete by first clicking the colors you like the best, then those you like the least. While the initial results are free and comprehensive, you can pay for a more in-depth analysis.

Truity Career Personality Profiler

Truity’s Career Personality Profiler evaluates your interests and your personality traits to help you find the best career options. You’ll learn about college majors, careers, and industries that match your results. The test also reports on activities, projects, and tasks that you would enjoy working on.  

The test has 110 questions and takes about 15 minutes to complete. A summary of your results and career suggestions is free, but there is a fee to receive a comprehensive report.

Truity Photo Career Quiz

This quiz only takes a few minutes, and it’s fun and easy to take. Simply click on which picture you like best in a series of photographs to take the free Photo Career Quiz . You’ll receive a profile of your career interests, and then you can search for careers and review more information based on your interest profile.

Once you’ve generated a list of potential career options, you can take a closer look at what each job entails to learn whether it would be right for you. Enter a job title in CareerOneStop’s Occupation Profile tool to get details on the occupation, including a job description, required experience, education or training, earnings potential, and job outlook.

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Outlook Handbook is a career guide with information on occupation groups and individual jobs. It provides details on what workers do on the job, the work environment, median pay, and job prospects, as well as the training, education, and certifications needed to get started in the occupation.

Even though career quizzes and aptitude tests are helpful, getting professional assistance is one of the best ways to get help planning your career. A career counselor or coach can help you explore options, plan your career, and achieve your employment goals. 

Many colleges and universities offer free career counseling for both students and alumni. If you’re a college graduate, check to see what services are available.

You may also be able to find free or low-cost career coaching services to help you with the career planning process.

CareerOneStop. " What Is an Assessment? "

123Test. " Career Aptitude Test ."

CareerExplorer. " Welcome to CareerExplorer ."

CareerOneStop. " Interest Assessment ."

CareerOneStop. " Work Values Matcher ."

CareerOneStop. " Skills Matcher ."

Keirsey. " What Is Your Temperament? "

 My Next Move. " O*NET Interest Profiler ."

Red Bull. " Give Wings to Your Career ."

Testcolor. " Your Free Personality Test ."

Truity. " Career Personality Profiler ."

Truity. " Photo Career Quiz ."

CareerOneStop. " Occupation Profile ."

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. " Occupational Outlook Handbook ."

job assignment test

Prepare for Your Online Assessment

Everything you need to know about online tests, how to ace online assessments.

Have you been invited to complete an assessment? Are you curious about taking a test? If so, then this is the right page for you!

We know that taking assessments can feel daunting, especially when it’s your first time. To help you prepare, we put together some introductory videos that explain what Online Assessment is and how you can prepare. Practice Tasks - Numerical Reasoning     Practice Tasks - Verbal Reasoning

What is an Online Assessment?

How to prepare for an online assessment.

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Online talent assessments measure the abilities, behaviors or characteristics required for work. Typically, an assessment process combines several tests and questionnaires which are completed online during recruitment. They are designed to help the hiring company understand how good a fit you are for the job you are applying for.

How is an online assessment developed? 

Online assessments consist of several tests or questionnaires to be completed by the candidate. Depending on the position you have applied for, various abilities and characteristics are evaluated. For example, an online assessment could consist of memory and concentration tests, as well as language skill tests. They could also include a personality questionnaire. Often you can choose the order in which you do the tests. It is usually not necessary to complete all the tests in one sitting, but rather you can take breaks between the tests.

How are the individual tests structured?

The tests developed by Aon are always structured in the same way. To begin, you will see a short introduction with descriptions of the test exercises . This is followed by an interactive sequence in which the test is explained in greater detail and the required actions are demonstrated. Usually, specific actions need to be performed in order to move on to the next part of the instructions. To ensure that you have understood the exercise properly, you are required to complete a few example exercises .

There is no time limit for these initial explanatory stages of the tests, which means you can take your time working through the example exercises and look over your work when you have finished.

After the examples, a final page appears, in which the most important points regarding the test are summarized. When you begin the actual test, you often have a set time limit. Once the time is up, the test automatically ends. As a rule, personality questionnaires are not subject to a time limit.

What types of tests are there?

There are several different types of tests. Performance tests (also called ability tests or aptitude tests) measure abilities, such as concentration, logical conclusions or text comprehension. Personality questionnaires evaluate qualities, such as willingness to cooperate, ambition or sensitivity. Specific professional knowledge is determined with the help of knowledge tests (also called skills tests).

What is not tested?

It is difficult to determine e.g. how willing you are to help, or how friendly you are in an online assessment. These requirements are, therefore, mostly determined in interviews, role-playing exercises or group discussions.

Why is online assessment being used more and more frequently, what are the advantages?

Online assessments have some very clear advantages compared to traditional pen-and-paper assessments. Not only are they easy for you, as a candidate to access and complete, they are also scored instantly and accurately, enabling the hiring company to access the results quickly. Assessments are a source of extra information to what you have already provided to the hiring company.

Additional practical advantages

  • An applicant can complete an online assessment at any time, from anywhere, e.g. from their home. This saves travelling costs and allows the test to be completed in the applicant’s own familiar, stress-free environment.
  • The automated evaluation of results saves time and money.
  • From a company’s point of view, the relatively limited amount of time required is one of the main benefits, as it enables the inclusion of a large number of candidates in the pre-selection process.

What kind of device do I need, how do I tackle nerves, and how do I best prepare for an online assessment? We cover these areas and more in this section and in the shorter videos below.

What type of computer do I need?

Almost all our tests are suitable for smartphones and tablets. However, we highly recommend taking the assessment on a PC, laptop or notebook. Please always ensure you are using the latest browser version, as older versions may no longer be supported and that you have a stable internet connection.

Do I need any additional materials?

Basically, you don’t need anything except a computer with a browser and internet access. Other materials are generally not required. However, for some tests it is useful to have a calculator or a pen and paper. For example, some of the exercises are made up of various steps and you might find it beneficial to jot down your thoughts. If any kind of aid is required or could be helpful, you will be informed during the test's introduction.

Is specific prior knowledge required?

You don’t need any special prior knowledge. However, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with online tests before tackling the online assessment.

How can I practice and where?

You can practice by watching the screencast videos below and understanding how the each test works. This way you will familiarize with the functions and the design.

What can I do to manage nervousness?

First, remind yourself that nervousness is absolutely normal. A certain amount of pre-test nervousness can have a very positive effect: it channels your attention and mobilizes your energy. You will probably feel better once you know what to expect. Watch the screencast videos below to get used to the tests and questionnaires.

I  require an adjustment to perform at my best. What should I do?

It may be more challenging for some individuals to participate in an online assessment process, for a variety of reasons. To ensure fair treatment of all candidates, adjustments can be made to the assessment process. In some cases, challenges can be overcome with technical aids or the right settings. For example, people with visual impairments can use a screen magnifier, or individuals with dyslexia can be given extra time. As each individual has their own unique needs, the adjustments provided should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. If you a require an adjustment, we strongly recommend that you contact the company or test provider. Being open about your needs can give you the opportunity to better show your skills and perform at your best.  

Best Practices for Taking Online Assessments

Is there a best time to do an online assessment, how long will it take, what do I do if I am interrupted? These questions and others are answered below and in the short video.

When should I take the test?

A great benefit of online assessments is that you can do them whenever you want to . If you’re a night person, there is no reason why you shouldn’t do the test at night. It’s just important that you feel well and alert – don’t take the test, for example, when you come home from work or school and feel tired or after participating in a strenuous sport.

What else should I keep in mind?

Ensure there are no interruptions or distractions while you are working on the tests. Once you start the actual test, you can’t interrupt it and continue later. For this reason, it is important to ensure you have a quiet atmosphere and sufficient time to work through the test from beginning to end. Be sure to turn off your phone, and inform your family or roommates that you can't be disturbed until you finish the test.

How long does the online assessment take?

There is no standard answer to this question because it depends on the requirements of the company and the position you applied for. In most cases, there will be no more than five tests to complete. The invitation to participate in the online assessment usually includes information regarding the amount of time you'll need to complete it.

Can I take breaks?

Once you start a test, you cannot interrupt it . In most cases, the individual tests last less than fifteen minutes. Please ensure that you are not disturbed during this time.

For many positions, multiple tests are required. However, you don’t have to take all of the tests in one go. You usually have several days to complete all the necessary tests. The amount of time you need to complete all the tests is not monitored and has no effect on the results. However, it is important to check the deadline given in your invitation email or letter.

What do I do if a test is suddenly blocked?

In rare cases, technical problems can lead to the test suddenly being blocked, for example, if the browser crashes while you are working on the test. This is not a catastrophe. Simply contact the company who invited you to do the online assessment so that they can unblock the test for you.

How can you tell if I really did the online assessment myself?

First, you should be aware that companies will not tolerate that somebody else completes the assessments for you . If this should come to light, you will be immediately excluded from the selection process.

Often, retests are performed. This means that if you are invited to an interview after the online assessment, you will be expected to complete a repeat module from the online assessment. If you cheated in the online assessment, it will come to light during the retest , at the very latest. To summarize: it isn’t worth cheating!

How much time do I have for an online assessment?

Generally, you have several days to complete all the tests, and you can do the tests on different days. However, it is important that you check the deadline given in your invitation email or letter.

Individual tests are generally subject to a time limit. The exception is personality questionnaires that, as a rule, don’t have a time limit. This is not done to give us an indication of how you deal with stress situations, but rather for methodical reasons. If there was no time limit, all applicants would get all answers right and, therefore, all results would be the same, making the test a waste of time. It is normal for candidates to be unable to answer all the questions in the allotted time.

How fast do I have to work to pass the online assessment?

Try to answer the questions quickly but carefully. However, to avoid mistakes, you shouldn't try to work faster than you did at school or during your studies, as incorrect answers generally have a negative effect on the final results.

How is an online interview developed?

A number of assessment processes include asynchronous video interviews which you can complete at your own convenience. You will be guided through text- or media-based questions which you can respond to by recording yourself with a camera and microphone or simply your smartphone. The interviewer will watch your responses once they have been uploaded. However, the asynchronous video interview does not usually replace the in-person interview at a later recruitment stage. This is because it allows more room to get to know each other and establish a personal connection.

Similar to other online assessments, asynchronous video interviews can be completed on any desktop and mobile device with a camera, microphone and stable internet connection.

How can I prepare for an asynchronous video interview?

Make sure that the device you are using to take the assessment has a camera and microphone and you are using the latest version of a common browser. If you are using an apple mobile device, you will be asked to download an app. Be aware that this is an opportunity for you to make a good first impression to the employer. The recruiter will see and hear you and your environment. Therefore, it is advisable to make sure you wear appropriate clothes and tape your recordings in a calm and appropriate environment. As with other assessments, make sure you are not interrupted. You will receive detailed instructions at the beginning of the interview and will be allowed to practice and familiarize yourself with the system.

How can I make the best impression?

A number of the questions will aim to get information about why you applied for the position or how you handled challenging situations in the past. You will be given enough time to prepare. In addition, most interview set-ups allow several attempts at making a recording. Use the STAR technique: start by describing the S ituation or event in which you found yourself. Explain what your particular T ask was. What was the A ction you took in order to complete the task or overcome the challenging situation? Close your response with the R esult of that action. Also include how others perceived the result. You may be asked to analyze information, such as texts, charts, emails and/or present your solutions to specific challenges certain issues. Take your time to analyze the information thoroughly. As soon as you proceed to the next page, you cannot go back, although you are allowed to make notes.

What Happens After the Online Assessment?

Well done, you have completed all the tasks. But what happens next, how are the results evaluated and what happens to your data? These and more issues are covered in this section or the video below.

What happens after the online assessment?

Once you have completed all the tests, all you can do is wait. The company you have applied to will be in touch soon to give you feedback regarding the tests and to inform you about next steps. If you want to know how the results are evaluated and what happens to your data you can also watch the video at the end of this section.

How is the online assessment evaluated?

In the case of performance tests, points are usually added for each correct answer and deducted for every incorrect answer. At the end of the test, the points are calculated to give the final result.

In the case of personality questionnaires, there are no right or wrong answers. Your own descriptions of yourself, with regard to specific dimensions of your personality, are captured. It’s more a matter of determining whether your personality is suited to the position and the company as a whole.

Do I get feedback?

Each of the tests has a feedback report that gives an explanation of the results. Ideally, the company you have applied to will make this report available to you.

What happens to my data?

Most important: your data remains your data. Any company you apply to is not allowed – without your explicit agreement – to use your data for any other reason other than the application procedure.

Different companies handle data differently. You should get information about how your data will be handled when you receive the invitation to the online assessment. Alternatively, you can ask the company about their data policy and what will happen to your data.

Normally the test results, as well as some personal data, such as name and email address, will be saved in a database for at least the duration of the application process. This database is usually on secured servers and access is limited to a few people within the company. Some companies delete the data directly after the application process is completed; some keep it for a specified time. Aon's Assessment Solutions (formerly cut-e) recommends companies retain the test results and personal data for a time but then to delete them. As a rule, data in our systems is deleted after 12 months. In addition, we work with an external professional data protection expert who is continuously checking and monitoring our databases and servers for data protection issues.

You can, of course, at any time, ask the company in question to delete your data.  

Aptitude & Skills Tests

Language skills (scales lt), what to expect.

  • 10 minutes to complete
  • Three task types to work through: fill in the blank sections, select words based on definitions and correct spelling errors

Mechanical Reasoning (scales mtu)

  • 15 minutes to complete 24 tasks
  • Measures mechanical and technical understanding using mechanical graphics. Select the correct answer

Numerical Reasoning (scales numerical)

  • 37 tasks, finish as many as you can
  • Determine the truth and accuracy of a statement based on the numercial data provided.

Understanding of Basic Instructions (scales verbal instruct)

  • 8 minutes to complete 24 tasks
  • Determine the truth and accuracy of a statement based on the written instructions provided
  • Can be taken on any computer and mobile device, such as tablets and mobile phones

Verbal Reasoning (scales verbal)

  • 12 minutes to complete
  • 49 tasks, finish as many as you can
  • Determine the truth and accuracy of a statement based on the verbal information provided.

Gamified Situational Judgment Test (chatAssess)

  • 20 minutes to complete
  • Measures your judgment regarding work-related scenarios
  • Reply to messages that are send to you

Basic Numerical Comprehension (scales eql)

  • 5 minutes to complete
  • Finish as many tasks as you can
  • Measures your ability to solve basic arithmetic functions using mental calculation

Working Memory (gridChallenge)

  • 9 minutes to complete
  • Complete nine tasks of varying difficulty
  • Measures your ability to keep something in mind while simultaneously trying to process other information

Complex Planning Capability (motionChallenge)

  • 6 minutes to complete
  • Measures your ability to plan ahead and to overcome barriers between a given and a desired state to solve as many puzzles as possible

Ability to Concentrate (scales e3+)

  • 2 minutes to complete
  • Measures your aptitude to concentrate over time and act quickly when faced with certain signals

Numeracy (digitChallenge)

Logic tests , inductive-logical thinking (scales cls).

  • 12 tasks, finish as many as you can
  • Understand the common rules in the patterns given and then assign new images to the relevant patterns

Inductive Reasoning (scales ix)

  • 20 tasks, finish as many as you can
  • Understand the common rules in the pattern given and then select the item in a series of 9 that does not fit the common pattern

Deductive-logical Thinking (scales lst)

  • Understand the pattern in the graphic provided, use logic to fill the empty cell to complete the pattern

Deductive Reasoning (switchChallenge)

  • Identify the right 4-digit number sequences for receiving the right result

Inductive Reasoning (scales clx)

  • Measures your ability to look at a group of items, observe common patterns and interrelationships in order to draw logical conclusions


Adept-15® work-related behaviour.

  • Approximately 30 minutes to read and rate 100 statements about your workstyle preferences
  • Select the statement that you agree with more

Determining Job Fit

Understand what makes you tick and how you are likely to behave at work. The ADEPT-15 ®personality questionnaire delivers insights into the type of work for which you are a good fit and potential development areas for you.

   Take Control of Your Career Identity

job assignment test

We are proud to be part of The Velocity Network initiave as trailblazing innovators! Together we are building a new reality of self-sovereign career identity. Why Join Velocity? Listen to the founding members answer this question.  

Online Assessment Guides

Get Started: How to Prepare for an Online Assessment?

Get Started: How to Prepare for an Online Assessment? Factsheet

What kind of device do i need, how do i tackle nerves, and how do i best prepare for an online assessment we cover these areas in this factsheet..

Get Started: How to Prepare for an Online Assessment?

Get Started: How to Prepare for an Online Assessment? Full Guide

What kind of device do i need, how do i tackle nerves, and how do i best prepare for an online assessment we cover these areas and more in this guide..

Get Started: Best Practices for Taking Online Assessments

Get Started: Best Practices for Taking Online Assessments

Is there a best time to do an online assessment, how long will it take, what do i do if i am interrupted these questions and others are answered in this factsheet..

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About Amazon

Let's prepare for assessments.

Before we get into the details of assessments, take some time to learn about Amazon, get to know our business teams, and “meet” a few Amazonians.

Leadership Principles

Next, dive into our Leadership Principles. We use our Leadership Principles every day, whether we're discussing ideas for new projects or deciding on the best approach to solving a problem. It is just one of the things that makes Amazon peculiar. All candidates are evaluated based on our Leadership Principles. The best way to prepare is to consider how you’ve applied the Leadership Principles in your previous professional experience.

Customer Obsession

Leaders start with the customer and work backwards. They work vigorously to earn and keep customer trust. Although leaders pay attention to competitors, they obsess over customers.

Leaders are owners. They think long term and don’t sacrifice long-term value for short-term results. They act on behalf of the entire company, beyond just their own team. They never say “that’s not my job".

Invent and Simplify

Leaders expect and require innovation and invention from their teams and always find ways to simplify. They are externally aware, look for new ideas from everywhere, and are not limited by “not invented here". As we do new things, we accept that we may be misunderstood for long periods of time.

Are right, A Lot

Leaders are right a lot. They have strong judgment and good instincts. They seek diverse perspectives and work to disconfirm their beliefs.

Learn and Be Curious

Leaders are never done learning and always seek to improve themselves. They are curious about new possibilities and act to explore them.

Hire and Develop the Best

Leaders raise the performance bar with every hire and promotion. They recognize exceptional talent, and willingly move them throughout the organization. Leaders develop leaders and take seriously their role in coaching others. We work on behalf of our people to invent mechanisms for development like Career Choice.

Insist on the Highest Standards

Leaders have relentlessly high standards - many people may think these standards are unreasonably high. Leaders are continually raising the bar and driving their teams to deliver high quality products, services and processes. Leaders ensure that defects do not get sent down the line and that problems are fixed so they stay fixed.

Thinking small is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Leaders create and communicate a bold direction that inspires results. They think differently and look around corners for ways to serve customers.

Bias for Action

Speed matters in business. Many decisions and actions are reversible and do not need extensive study. We value calculated risk taking.

Accomplish more with less. Constraints breed resourcefulness, self-sufficiency and invention. There are no extra points for growing headcount, budget size or fixed expense.

Leaders listen attentively, speak candidly, and treat others respectfully. They are vocally self-critical, even when doing so is awkward or embarrassing. Leaders do not believe their or their team’s body odor smells of perfume. They benchmark themselves and their teams against the best.

Leaders operate at all levels, stay connected to the details, audit frequently, and are skeptical when metrics and anecdote differ. No task is beneath them.

Have Backbone; Disagree and Commit

Leaders are obligated to respectfully challenge decisions when they disagree, even when doing so is uncomfortable or exhausting. Leaders have conviction and are tenacious. They do not compromise for the sake of social cohesion. Once a decision is determined, they commit wholly.

Deliver Results

Leaders focus on the key inputs for their business and deliver them with the right quality and in a timely fashion. Despite setbacks, they rise to the occasion and never settle.

Strive to be Earth’s Best Employer

​Leaders work every day to create a safer, more productive, higher performing, more diverse, and more just work environment. They lead with empathy, have fun at work, and make it easy for others to have fun. Leaders ask themselves: Are my fellow employees growing? Are they empowered? Are they ready for what’s next? Leaders have a vision for and commitment to their employees’ personal success, whether that be at Amazon or elsewhere.

Success and Scale Bring Broad Responsibility

​We started in a garage, but we’re not there anymore. We are big, we impact the world, and we are far from perfect. We must be humble and thoughtful about even the secondary effects of our actions. Our local communities, planet, and future generations need us to be better every day. We must begin each day with a determination to make better, do better, and be better for our customers, our employees, our partners, and the world at large. And we must end every day knowing we can do even more tomorrow. Leaders create more than they consume and always leave things better than how they found them.

About assessments

At Amazon, one of our highest priorities is hiring and developing the best, and we work hard to raise the performance bar with every hire. Amazon uses online assessments as one way to help us get to know you better, and we design them to measure key characteristics required for success in a role. Assessments also allow us to assess applicants consistently and equitably, as every individual is provided with the same experience and information needed to complete the assessment. Depending on the position, we may ask you to take an assessment during the application process or send it to you separately after you’ve applied. The type and number of assessments will depend on the role you apply for and in some cases, must be completed within a certain timeframe. The two common types of assessments are work style assessments and work sample simulations.


These assessments are centered around Amazon’s peculiar culture and Leadership Principles, and typically take 10-20 minutes to complete. In these assessments, we ask you to choose the extent to which a statement represents your work style. For instance, we may ask you which of the two statements "I like for things to be clearly structured,” or “I look forward to the opportunity to learn new things," best describes you.


These assessments ask you to complete virtual tasks related to a specific position and typically take 20 minutes - one hour to complete. They may ask you to make decisions based on our Leadership Principles, complete activities critical to success at Amazon, and demonstrate your problem-solving, prioritization, and interpersonal abilities. Depending on the role you are applying for, the assessment may ask you to interpret data from a chart, answer a customer question, choose how to resolve an issue, multitask, or find the right information from multiple sources.

  • For any Software Development Engineer I & II applicants we recommend reviewing our Software Development Topics to help you prepare for technical evaluations and interviews. For all other roles, no advance preparation is required to complete the assessment(s). Just be yourself and do your best.
  • Some questions may ask about your work style. Try not to overthink them or spend too much time on any one question. We want to get to know the authentic you, as there are many types of successful people at Amazon.
  • Before starting your assessment, read any information provided carefully since things like timing, deadlines, and assessment types can vary depending on the team.

The formalities

  • Most assessments are conducted virtually unless administered as part of a hiring event or on-site interview day.
  • During your assessment, be in a quiet and comfortable place with no distractions.
  • Review provided instructions carefully, as some assessments must be completed by a particular date. If an assessment deadline is missed, we’re unable to grant extensions. Many assessments are also timed, so be sure to set aside an appropriate amount of time.
  • All assessments require the internet, have a computer with a reliable connection and access to email. You will be notified of any additional technical requirements in advance.
  • If you have a disability or medical condition and need an accommodation , such as an ASL interpreter or a different interview format, or if you have physical accessibility needs, please reach out to us as we are committed to making reasonable provisions for all individuals.
  • Technical assistance is available for all assessments should you experience a disruption that you cannot resolve (e.g. assessment freezes or crashes). If an issue occurs, use the contact information provided in the assessment.
  • We take your data privacy very seriously. To learn about how we store your results review our privacy policy.
  • All assessments must be completed solely by the applicant.

Amazon supports pay equity. We will not consider a candidate’s current or historical compensation when determining whether to offer employment or in determining any aspect of offer compensation for any candidate or role located in the United States.

After assessments

  • In most cases, you will be notified via email if we’re moving forward with your application. You can also check your status any time in our application portal.
  • After you complete the assessment, certain roles may require you to participate in a phone/virtual interview, or come on-site for an in-person interview, which allows us to dive deeper into your skills and experience to learn even more about you. To help prepare, explore our prep guides for phone and in-person interviews.

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  • What To Expect
  • Group Exercises
  • Presentations
  • Assessment Centre Tips
  • How To Prepare For An Interview
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  • Hope To Cope With Nerves
  • PwC Assessment Centre
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  • Verbal Reasoning Test
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  • How to Prepare for UKCAT Exam? – A Definitive Preparation Guide with Practice Tests, Tips & Tricks & More
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  • How to Prepare for Prison Officer Selection Test?
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  • Personality Tests

How to Prepare for an Amazon Assessment in 2024 (Study Guide)

job assignment test

Congratulations – you’ve made the first step to further your career by applying for a role at one of the leading retail giants in the world!

With over 700,000 employees, the opportunities (and competition) for a place at Amazon are high.

Before being offered an interview with Amazon, you’ll be given one of Amazon’s online assessments to complete. With the right practice and mindset, there is no need to stress over these assessments!

In this guide, we will help you prepare for the Amazon assessment so that you can go in confident. We will cover:

  • What the Amazon Assessment Test is
  • Answers to common Amazon assessment test questions
  • How the recruitment process works
  • How to prepare for the Amazon work simulation test
  • The most common Amazon assessment tests
  • Common mistakes to avoid.

Let’s get into it!

Table of Contents

What is the Amazon Assessment Test?

When you apply for a role at Amazon, you will likely be sent one or more Amazon online assessments as part of the recruitment process. This helps the company identify the candidates most well-suited to each role. It also aims to give everyone a fairer chance in the hiring process from day one.

The amazon assessment tests are designed to evaluate your characteristics and skills. They will be sent to you during the application process or after you have applied and usually have a time limit in which to complete them.

The two most common types of assessment are the following. Whichever role you apply for your assessment will likely include one or both.

  • Workstyle assessment
  • Work sample simulation

The work style assessments usually take 10 to 20 minutes to complete and are centered around Amazon’s leadership principles. You can expect to be asked to rank to what extent certain phrases describe you.

The work sample simulation usually takes 20 minutes to an hour and relates to the specific role you are applying for. It may ask you to make decisions based on Amazon’s leadership principles.

Find Answers to Common Amazon Assessment Questions

You will find that there are commonly used questions in the Amazon assessment tests. One of the best ways to prepare for the test is to be aware of what questions recur, and regular themes.

Practice assessments use these recurring questions and allow you to think about your answers well before taking the real test. There are various tests available on Job Test Prep, including:

  • Amazon Work Style Assessment – A personality test sent to almost all applicants
  • Amazon Work Simulation Assessment – A test that looks at your analytical skills, decision-making ability, and leadership skills.
  • Amazon Area Manager Assessment – A practice test covering a wide range of tested topics

Other Amazon Tests-Including Pathway Tests, MBA Assessments, Financial Analytics, and more.

How Does the Amazon Recruitment Process Work?

job assignment test

How does the recruitment process for Amazon work as a whole? Let’s dissect it so you know exactly what to expect at every stage.

  • Application form and resume screening
  • Assessment test or tests
  • Phone Interview
  • Virtual interview or on-site assessment center

The recruitment process is fairly long, but also methodical and predictable. If you prepare yourself at each stage and align yourself with Amazon’s core values throughout the Amazon assessment process, you will boost your chances of success.

Prepare for the Amazon Work Simulation Assessment

The Amazon Work Simulation Assessment is considered one of the hardest Amazon​​ tests. The assessment is unique in the fact that it puts you in the shoes of someone who works at Amazon and asks you to resolve various scenarios that may occur.

There are various practice tests that can help you become familiar with the types of questions asked. You can expect 5 modules, which take 50 minutes to complete.

Each module will test your decision-making skills, reasoning, and alignment with Amazon’s Leadership Principles. 

Taking a couple of practice tests, and familiarizing yourself with these leadership principles, are some of the best ways to prepare for the assessment.

What is Amazon looking for?

Ok, so we have seen Amazon’s recruitment process, but what are they looking for in their candidates? Amazon calls itself ‘earth’s most customer-centric company,’ therefore whatever the role, Amazon always highly rates customer-obsessed workers. Of course, the necessary skills will vary depending on the role, but a good rule of thumb is to become very familiar with Amazon’s leadership principles. Amazon uses these principles as the underlying framework against which they evaluate every new hire.

Amazon’s Leadership Principles are:

  • Customer Obsession
  • Invent and Simplify
  • Are Right, A Lot
  • Learn and Be Curious
  • Hire and Develop the Best
  • Insist on the Highest Standards
  • Bias for Action
  • Have Backbone; Disagree and Commit
  • Deliver Results

Amazon’s Most Common Assessment Tests

Let’s take a look at Amazon’s most popular assessment tests. We will go through what to expect with each one and how best to prepare.

Amazon Work Style Assessment

Amazon’s work style assessment is Amazon’s most common assessment. It is designed to assess the personality of the candidate and judge the way that they work. Amazon uses this test to determine how well the candidate will fit in with the company’s unique workplace culture .

You can expect to see a number of pairs of statements and you will be asked to indicate the one that most represents you. Here’s an example of the kind of statements you might see.

a) I am happy to ask for help as soon as I encounter a problem. b) I am happy to ask for help once I have first attempted all ways of resolving the issue myself.

The work style test is judged entirely against Amazon’s leadership principles. Amazon looks for people that will take on and apply the principles in their work. While you should be honest when answering the questions, it can be very helpful to keep your answers aligned to these principles.

Can you prepare for the personality test? Yes, you can certainly familiarize yourself with the formats of pre-employment personality tests . This will help you feel prepared and answer in line with what employers are looking for. Learn more about pre-employment personality tests from Job Test Prep and get in-depth practice, tips, and analysis.

Take Amazon Assessment Test Now

Amazon SDE Online/Coding Assessment

The Amazon Software Development Engineering online test is the exam you will be given for technology-based and coding roles. These can be for internship positions, new graduates or experienced roles. The test usually includes a technical section on coding as well as behavioral assessments.

For the more junior roles like internships and graduates, the assessment usually includes code debugging, a coding test, a technical problem-solving test that simulates hypothetical role-specific situations, as well as a personality test. More experienced software developers will instead be asked to solve two coding questions, a coding approach questionnaire, as well as a work style personality test.

How to prepare? The best way to be fully prepared is to check out some similar practice questions, prep advice, and tips. Check out this prep guide, tips, and inside info by taking the test below to boost your chances of passing the Amazon coding and behavioral assessments. Make sure to learn Amazon’s leadership principles as these will be used to judge the behavioral tests.

Amazon Area Manager Assessment (Manager In Operations)

The assessment for area managers, also known as the Manager in Operations Virtual Job Tryout, is aimed to determine how well-suited your skills, experience, and personality would be to perform in the role. There are 5 different sections to the test which are the following:

  • Work scenarios – this section is a situational judgment test that presents you with hypothetical situations you might face in the role. You will need to indicate what you would be most likely to do in response.
  • Manage your day – this section involves prioritizing tasks based on their importance.
  • Run your area – specific to the area manager role, you will need to answer questions based on information or reports provided.
  • Tell us your story – this section is about getting to know you and your past experience and how relevant it is for the role.
  • Describe your approach – this section evaluates your personality where you are asked to indicate which statements represent you the most.

The area manager assessment takes around 45 minutes to complete. Some questions can be tricky, for example, work scenario questions may not always have one clear correct choice.

Make sure to be well versed in Amazon’s leadership principles as they will use these to grade your responses. If you would like to see how a real exam looks and do some practice questions with solutions, check out this sample test .

Amazon Maintenance Technician Test

If you are looking to work in a maintenance role, you will probably be given the Amazon maintenance test. It was developed by the Ramsay Corporation, the creator of two of the industry’s most popular mechanical skills tests .

It covers a range of technical topics such as electrical theory and control circuits, tools and equipment, power transmission, preventative maintenance, and print reading. There are 75 questions that are asked back to back so you need to be ready to work under pressure.

It is a tough test that needs highly specialized knowledge, and from when you receive the test invitation you only have 5 days to prepare. Therefore it is vital to prepare well and become totally familiar with the exam format and question types beforehand.

The best way to do this is by taking some simulation practice exams. The Amazon maintenance test PrepPack from Job Test Prep includes very realistic practice questions, exam time limits, and in-depth solutions and descriptions that can help get you ready in no time.

Amazon Control Systems Tech/Lead Test

The Amazon Control Systems Tech/Lead Test is very similar to the Maintenance Technician Test. This exam, however, has a heavier focus on electricity, electronics, and robotics. It is given to candidates applying to be systems technicians and team leads.

The test is a professional knowledge test conducted by Ramsay Corporation, the world’s top provider for technical exams. It tests the technical skills of candidates in a number of different topics listed here:

  • Schematics, Electrical Print, Logic Reading
  • Mechanical Elements
  • Process Control
  • Electrical Theory
  • Computers, PLCs, DCS
  • Power Distribution
  • Automation and Robotics

The test generally lasts around 90 minutes and you have five days to complete it after receiving the actual test invitation. The questions will be multiple choice with 4 options each. Learn more about the test here and check out the free sample questions to make sure you are ready to pass with flying colors.

Amazon Financial Analyst Excel Test

Want to become a financial analyst at Amazon? First, you must pass the Excel assessment. This assessment will be sent to you after the initial resume screening or during the interview phase. You will need to show your skills and prove your competency in different features of excel. These include:

  • Macro creation
  • Document properties

As well as the excel exam, you will also need to do some behavioral and case study interviews. These can be either virtual or in person. The case study interview involves being presented with a hypothetical, realistic workplace dilemma or task. You will need to think about and suggest a solution while explaining the thought process behind your answer.

How do you prepare for the excel exam? It is a good idea to study the features and areas of excel listed above. Make sure you are well versed in formulas and formatting as well as the layout of the program. You can also get specific practice questions and study guides for the Excel assessment for financial analysts with Job Test Prep’s PrepPack .

Amazon Hiring Simulation

This online assessment is about giving you a realistic look at the actual experience of an Amazon employee. You will be given some context into what your simulation will look like, and then be presented with emails and instant messages from your virtual team.

You will be given the information necessary to solve the problems you are given, such as charts, data or spreadsheets. Using this, along with your skills, you will need to answer questions and solve the issues that arise in the simulation.

The questions you are given will usually come with a set of different responses to choose from. You will be evaluated on your skillset and ability to multitask, prioritize and put Amazon’s leadership principles into action.

Amazon Solutions Architect & Cloud Support Associate Assessment

So this exam is for candidates applying for solution architect roles at Amazon Web Services. You will be evaluated on both specific technical skills as well as on behavioral competencies and preferences. The exam has five different sections which are the following:

  • Hiring simulation – this section of the exam includes real-life simulation scenarios in the workplace.
  • Amazon work style assessment – covered previously this is the personality test in the exam.
  • General technical knowledge – this part is to evaluate your role-specific technical skills.
  • Proficiency interest survey – here you show your proficiency in four different areas of technology.
  • Technical indicator assessment

How do the technical assessments work? The general text focuses on system design, compute, cloud migration, and cloud design and will assess your proficiency across the areas. Proficiency interest will include multiple-choice questions which are objective and situational-based questions.

While the behavioral tests are graded against Amazon’s leadership principles. The Cloud Support Associate assessment follows almost exactly the same format. The exam takes a total of 75 to 90 minutes.

Amazon MBA Online Assessment

If you are an MBA or masters level graduate applying for a full-time role, you will likely be given the Amazon MBA online assessment. This may also be applicable for some internships. The online MBA assessment is broken down into three different sections, each with different question types. These are:

  • Work simulation – this section will present you with simulation business cases that you may face when working at Amazon.
  • Work style assessment – this section of the exam is a personality test that measures how well suited your characteristics, attitude, and way of working are for the role.
  • Career experience survey – this is a questionnaire where you must give your preferences for the MBA roles available.

As always make sure you know Amazon’s leadership principles inside out as your answers will be measured against these.

Amazon Assessment Test for Warehouse

With more than 175 fulfillment centers worldwide, there are a vast variety of jobs to be found in the Amazon warehouse . If you are applying for one of these roles you will probably be asked to take an online exam called the Amazon Associate Game On Virtual Job Tryout.

This assessment is designed to evaluate how effectively you could perform in one of these roles. It also reviews how much your attitude and approach align to Amazon’s core values. The assessment is usually split into two sections which are the following:

  • Tell us your story – this part of the test asks candidates about their past personal and professional experiences. It will dig into your background, work ethic, personality, and workplace approach. It consists of 22 questions, each with multiple choice answers. You will also see statements to which you must choose how far you agree or disagree.
  • Stow Pro – if you like games, you might enjoy this part of the test. It focuses on the type of work a warehouse associate might do such as packing, sorting, and stocking. The format is three simulation games within a warehouse.

You might have to virtually pack items on shelves, place items into a shopping bag, or load up the correct packages.

Is it possible to prepare for this test? Make sure you have accurately read the job description so you know what kind of tasks you would be expected to do. Make sure you are familiar with Amazon’s leadership principles and think about how your past experience is relevant to the role.

You can find online practice tests to prepare for behavioral & personality assessments. Job Test Prep is also working on a PrepPack practice test and study guide which is coming soon.

Tips for Preparing for the Amazon Assessment

Luckily, there is plenty you can do to prepare for the Amazon Assessment. Here are some of the best ways to prepare for the test, so that you are confident on the day:

1. Research company values:

Amazon has various company values. Knowing what these are, and how to naturally weave these into your answers, is a great place to start.

Amazon is looking for people who will fit their ethos and will be assessing you to see if you are a good fit.

Company values include:

  • Customer obsession rather than competitor focus
  • Passion for invention
  • Commitment to operational excellence
  • Long-term thinking.

2. Practicing Behavioral Questions

One of the most challenging assessment questions in the Amazon hiring process are the behavioral questions.

Behavioral questions are designed to assess how candidates have handled specific situations in the past. These questions are based on the belief that past behavior is a good indicator of future behavior.

Amazon is guided by a set of leadership principles. The questions used in the test often align and reflect them. Practicing these questions in practice tests and learning their guiding Leadership Principles are great things to do in preparation.

3. Time Management

Oftentimes, the Amazon Assessments will have some component of time pressure to them. Taking practice tests is a great way to learn how to manage your time, and know when to skip over a question that is taking too long.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

There are undoubtedly some commonly made mistakes that can cost securing an interview at Amazon. Luckily, you can learn from the mistakes of others and ensure you do not repeat them!

Some Common Mistakes to Avoid include:

  • Not Reading Instructions Thoroughly: One of the most common mistakes is rushing through instructions. Take the time to read and understand each question or task before attempting to answer! Taking practice tests is a great way to know what to expect, and gauge how much time you have.
  • Poor Time Management: Amazon assessments often have time constraints.

Failing to manage your time properly during the assessments can leave you with incomplete sections or rushing answers at the end.

Practice time management with timed tests well in advance to avoid this.

  • Lack of Preparation: Some candidates underestimate the importance of preparing for Amazon assessments.

Whether it’s a behavioral interview or a technical test, being unprepared can significantly impact your performance. Read up on Amazon’s guiding principles and commonly asked questions, and take practice tests to avoid being underprepared!

  • Ignoring Amazon’s Leadership Principles: Amazon emphasizes its Leadership Principles throughout the hiring process.

Failing to align your responses with these principles during written assessments may be a missed opportunity to showcase your fit with Amazon’s culture.

Now we have covered the most popular online Amazon assessment types and you should be feeling more prepared for what awaits. Whatever your skillset and wherever your sights are set in the world of Amazon, stay calm, prepare and go get ‘em.

Related Study Guide – How to Prepare for Amazon TRMS Assessment?

1. Can you fail Amazon assessment test?

Yes, you can fail the Amazon assessment test . However, the majority of people who take the test pass it.

2. How do I crack the Amazon assessment test?

The Amazon assessment tests are difficult tests that measure your skills and abilities. To crack the test, you need to practice and prepare for it. The best way to do this is by using practice tests and studying the material thoroughly.

3. Are Amazon assessments hard?

Amazon assessments can be hard, but they are also a great opportunity to show your skills and strengths. The best way to prepare for an assessment is to practice as many questions as possible and to be familiar with the types of questions that are typically asked.

4. What is the Amazon assessment?

The Amazon assessment is a test that Amazon gives to potential employees. The test is designed to measure cognitive ability, problem-solving skills, and personality traits.

5. What if I miss Amazon online assessment?

If you miss Amazon’s online assessment, you may not be eligible for the role you are interested in. However, there may be other opportunities at Amazon that you may be interested

6. How long does an Amazon assessment take?

Each test varies in the length of time it takes to complete. Tests such as the Work Simulation tests take about 50 minutes to complete, while other tests such as the Work Style Assessment take 15 minutes to complete.

Sarah Duncan

Sarah is an accomplished educator, researcher and author in the field of testing and assessment. She has worked with various educational institutions and organisations to develop innovative evaluation methods and enhance student learning. Sarah has published numerous articles and books on assessment and learning. Her passion for promoting equity and fairness in the education system fuels her commitment to sharing insights and best practices with educators and policymakers around the world.

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Learn about the different types of questions asked in the Amazon Assessment with this sample practice test. Good luck!

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Elise Stefanik Panics On Fox News After She's Asked About Calling Trump A 'Whack Job'

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) lashed out at Fox News host Shannon Bream, who pointed out that the lawmaker had reportedly called former President Donald Trump a "whack job."

During an interview on Fox News Sunday , Bream asked Stefanik about her chances as a vice presidential candidate after a New York Times report quoted her saying negative things about the former president.

"They say you called him a whack job at one point," Bream noted, reading from the Times : "She told a New York radio station that he was insulting to women and that his candidacy would hurt the party's efforts to attract female voters. According to her former friends, they continue, she thought Mr. Trump was too awful and ridiculous to be taken seriously."

"So the question is when, more importantly, why did you change your mind about President Trump?" the Fox News host asked.

"Well, Shannon, it's a disgrace that you would quote the New York Times with nameless, faceless but they're quoting your sources," Stefanik complained.

Bream tried to clarify her question, but Stefanik refused to let the host speak.

"No, no, no, no, Shannon, Shannon, Shannon!" the lawmaker exclaimed. "They're not quoting my friends. Those names are not included because they are false smears."

"Just to be fair, there are a number of names of people who are quoted in the article," Bream said.

"Shannon, let me correct you," Stefanik replied angrily. "This is a false smear and let me tell you, let me tell you a fact, Shannon."

"In 2016, I was attacked as the only elected Republican from the Northeast who voted for President Trump," she added. "And I'm proud to be one of his strongest allies in Congress."

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Administrative Assistant 3 – 24141463

May 16, 2024

Job Overview:

This position resides in the  Business & Income Taxes Division  of Department of Revenue . Duties include assist office management and administrative support services for the division by providing reception, business communications, supply and equipment maintenance, scheduling meetings, mail distribution, and other support services for ongoing program operations and activities. The position reports to the BIT Division Management Officer and does not supervise other staff.

Knowledge of:

  • Bookkeeping practices
  • Individual tax types
  • State and federal tax laws, rules, policies, and procedures
  • Research and analysis
  • Accuracy and attention to detail
  • Conflict resolution & customer service
  • Microsoft programs and other data base applications
  • Written, verbal, and interpersonal communication.

You would be a great fit for this position if you have:

  • Self-motivated
  • Strong work ethic

Ability to:

  • Demonstrate self-motivation.
  • Follow instructions.
  • Provide timely, customer service.
  • Handling multiple priorities under deadlines

*This is an incomplete list of job duties. For a complete job description please contact Human Resources at [email protected] or (406) 444-9858.

To be considered for a Department of Revenue position, successful applicants are required to successfully pass tax compliance and criminal background check(s). DOR is an equal opportunity employer. Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Education and Experience

We prefer, but do not require, that you possess the following experience, or education, for the first day of work:

  • one year of technical school  and two years of job-related work experience including customer service in an office setting and/or clerical work.
  • Work experience should be made up bookkeeping and accounting with an emphasis in either individual income tax or investigative research.
  • Training in bookkeeping, accounting, or using computer applications is preferred.

Other combinations of education and experience will be evaluated on an individual basis.

*If you have documented postsecondary education, please attach your transcripts to your application for it to be considered in the evaluation process.

Applicant Pool Statement

If another department vacancy occurs in this job title within six months, the same applicant pool may be used for the selection.

Training Assignment Available

This agency may use a training assignment. Employees in training assignments may be paid below the base pay established by the agency pay rules. Conditions of the training assignment will be stated in writing at the time of hire.

Job Overview

Apply For This Position

The Education Donations Portal 2.0 is Now Available!

You may now register to receive donations as a Montana Public School District or Student Scholarship Organization.

For more information on tax credits for qualified education contributions, please see our guide .

Citizen Services Call Center

Contact Us Online

We’re available Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 pm. and Friday, 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.

Taxpayer Advocate

If you need help working with the department or figuring out our audit, appeals, or relief processes, the Taxpayer Advocate can help.

Payment and Filing Options

Payment options, filing options.

The Department of Revenue works hard to ensure we process everyone’s return as securely and quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, it can take up to 90 days to issue your refund  and we may need to ask you to  verify your return .

We encourage all Montanans to file early and electronically. This is the easiest and most secure way to file and get your refund as quickly as possible.

Remember, we are here to help. Please contact us if you need additional assistance.

Where's My Refund?

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The My Revenue portal will no longer be available after July 23, 2021. Department of Revenue forms will be made available on

If you have records currently saved in My Revenue, we ask you to log into your My Revenue account and download them before July 23, 2021.

Log into My Revenue

We understand COVID-19 impacts all aspects of our community. Throughout this event, we will work hard to keep you updated on the impact COVID-19 has on taxation, alcoholic beverage control, and property assessment.

We serve the people of Montana and are here to help you through this time of crisis.

If you have been impacted by COVID-19 and are facing hardships, we will work with you to find a solution.

To see how other agencies have been impacted by COVID-19 go to .

We are continually reviewing due dates and deadlines. Please check back regularly or subscribe for COVID-19 updates to receive notifications for future changes.

Information Regarding COVID-19 Stimulus Payments

Stimulus payments are being issued by the IRS.

The Montana Department of Revenue is unable to assist in securing your stimulus payment.

You can check on the status of your COVID-19 Stimulus payment at .

Subscribe for updates on COVID-19's impact on the Department of Revenue

Subscribe for Updates on COVID-19’s Impact to the Department of Revenue

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Yankees Star Juan Soto 'Open' To Extension To Finish Career With New York

Patrick mcavoy | may 17, 2024.

May 16, 2024; Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA; New York Yankees Juan Soto (22) advances to third on a

  • New York Yankees

The New York Yankees could end up retaining one of the best players in baseball for the foreseeable future.

New York acquired superstar slugger Juan Soto in a trade with the San Diego Padres this past offseason but he is only under contract for the 2024 season. The Yankees traded for Soto with the hopes of contending in 2024 and possibly extending him.

The Yankees have made it clear that they are interested in keeping Soto around for the long-term but it has been expected that he would enter free agency at the end of the season and possibly sign elsewhere.

While this was the case, it may not be any longer. The Yankees made it known on Thursday that are interested in discussing an extension with Soto's agent Scott Boras during the season. Soto didn't shut down the talks but actually said his "door’s always open," according to Newsday Sports' Erik Boland.

"Soto responding to Hal Steinbrenner’s comments to Jack Curry about having extension talks in season to make him a Yankee for life: “My door’s always open. Whenever he wants to start talking to Scott and all his people…they’re always open to hearing what he has (to say)," Boland said.

If the Yankees could find a way to sign Soto to an extension before he hits free agency, that would be the absolute best-case scenario. If Soto reaches free agency there are sure to be a handful of clubs interested in him including possibly the high-spending New York Mets.

Soto has fit in perfectly with the Yankees and currently is the favorite to take home the American League Most Valuable Player award. It sounds like they are going to do everything they can to keep him around.

More MLB: Yankees Mentioned As Landing Spot For All-Star Pitcher After Red-Hot Start

Patrick McAvoy


Patrick McAvoy's experiences include local and national sports coverage at the New England Sports Network with a focus on basketball and baseball. 

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