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ProWritingAid's passive voice checker pinpoints passive constructions and offers active voice alternatives so your sentences are clear and compelling.

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Passive to active voice converter FAQs

1. what is passive voice.

Active voice and passive voice are two different grammatical voices in the English language. When a sentence is written in active voice, the subject performs the verb. When a sentence is written in passive voice, the subject gets acted upon by the verb. For example, “I’m writing a novel” is in active voice, whereas “A novel is being written by me” is in passive voice.

2. Why should I avoid passive voice?

Passive voice isn’t a grammatical error, but it’s typically weaker than active voice. Sentences written in passive voice tend to feel unnecessarily convoluted or indirect. Unless you have a strong stylistic reason for using the passive voice, it’s better to write your sentences using the active voice.

3. How does ProWritingAid compare to Grammarly?

With 25+ different writing reports, ProWritingAid offers more detailed analysis of your writing than other competitors in the market, such as Grammarly. Plus, ProWritingAid’s premium package is cheaper and more affordable than Grammarly’s.

4. Can I detect passive voice in email? And on social media?

Yes. Use our browser extensions (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge) to access our passive to active voice converter across a wide range of websites, including popular platforms like Facebook, X, and Medium, as well as email providers such as Gmail and Yahoo.

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Passive Voice: Important Rules and Useful Examples

Posted on Last updated: December 21, 2023

Passive Voice: Important Rules and Useful Examples

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Understanding how to construct sentences in the passive voice is an essential skill that can enhance the variety and sophistication of your communication. Throughout this lesson, we will delve into the key rules that govern the formation of passive constructions and explore their appropriate usage in various contexts.

Table of Contents

Understanding Passive Voice

Active vs Passive Voice: Important Rules and Useful Examples

Definition of Passive Voice

Passive voice  occurs when the subject of the sentence is acted upon by the verb. The focus is not on who is performing the action, but rather on the action itself or the recipient of that action. Sentences in passive voice typically follow this structure: the object + be + past participle + by + the subject. For example, “ The cake was eaten by us ,” puts emphasis on the cake and the action of it being eaten.

Active vs. Passive Voice

Active Voice

The active voice illustrates a sentence where the subject performs the action that stated by the verb.


  • I do my home work.
  • My mom cooks the dinner.
  • Our teacher gives us a lot of homework.
  • She receives a letter from her father.

Passive Voice

In contrast, passive voice is describe a sentence in which the subject receives an action.


  • My homework is done (by me).
  • The dinner is cooked (by my mom).
  • We are given a lot of homework (by our teacher).
  • A letter from her father is received (by her).

Note: “By+…” can be taken out in passive voice.

When to Use Passive Voice?

 1. In formal texts

  • Active: They invite him to the party.
  • Passive: He is invited to the party. (sounds more formal)

2. To show interest in the person or object that receive an action rather than the person or object that performs the action.

  • The party was held in a luxury hotel. (we’re interest in the party rather than who held it.)
  • All tickets were sold out! (we’re interest in the ticket rather than who sold it.)

3. When we don’t know (or do not want to express) who performed the action.

  • My purse was stolen!
  • A whole pot of jam was eaten!

Passive Voice For All Tenses

Passive voice for all tenses in English.

  • V1 : Base Form of Verb
  • V2 : Past Simple
  • V3 : Past Participle

Present Simple Tense

Learn passive voice for present simple tense in English.

  • Active : S + V1 + O.
  • Passive : S + is/am/are +V3.
  • Active : He receives a letter.
  • Passive : A letter is received by him.

Present Continuous Tense

  • Active : S + am/are/is +V-ing + O.
  • Passive : S + am/are/is +being + V3.
  • Active : She is cooking the dinner.
  • Passive : The dinner is being cooked by her.

Past Simple Tense

  • Active : S + V2+O.
  • Passive : S+was/were+V3.
  • Active : I did my homework last night.
  • Passive : Homework was done by me last night.

Past Continuous Tense

  • Active : S + was/were + V-ing + O.
  • Passive : S+was/were + being +V3.
  • Active : He was playing the volleyball yesterday afternoon.
  • Passive : The volleyball was being played by him yesterday afternoon.

Present Perfect Tense

  • Active : S + have/has + V3 + O.
  • Passive : S+have/has been +V3.
  • Active : I have studied English for 10 years.
  • Passive : English has been studied for 10 year.

Past Perfect Tense

  • Active : S + had + V3 + O.
  • Passive : S + had been +V3.
  • Active : I had bought a new car.
  • Passive : A new car had been bought by me.

Future Simple Tense

  • Active : S + will + V1 + O.
  • Passive : S + will be +V3.
  • Active : I will make a cake on my Mom’s birthday.
  • Passive : A cake will be made on my Mom’s birthday.

Future Tense with Going to

  • Active : S + am/are/is going to + V1 + O.
  • Passive : S + am/are/is going to be +V3.
  • Active : She is going to do housework.
  • Passive : Housework is going to be done by her.

Modals Verb

  • Active : S + can/could/may/might… + V1 + O.
  • Passive : S + can/could/may/might…be +V3.
  • Active : She could lift this box.
  • Passive : This box could be lifted by her.

Modal Perfect

  • Active : S + should/could/may/might…have + V3+ O.
  • Passive : S + should/could/may/might…have been + V3.
  • Active : You should have finished the task on time.
  • Passive : The task should have been finished on time.

Interactive Exercises

Exercise 1: change from active to passive voice.

Rewrite the following active sentences in the passive voice. Be sure to keep the same tense.

  • The team is preparing the report.
  • The chef cooked a delicious meal.
  • The students will present the project next week.
  • The company has shipped your order.
  • The mechanic fixed the car.
  • The teacher is grading the exams.
  • The artist painted a beautiful portrait.
  • The gardener has planted new flowers.
  • The committee will announce the results tomorrow.
  • The kids are making a mess in the living room.
  • The report is being prepared by the team.
  • A delicious meal was cooked by the chef.
  • The project will be presented by the students next week.
  • Your order has been shipped by the company.
  • The car was fixed by the mechanic.
  • The exams are being graded by the teacher.
  • A beautiful portrait was painted by the artist.
  • New flowers have been planted by the gardener.
  • The results will be announced by the committee tomorrow.
  • A mess is being made in the living room by the kids.

Exercise 2: Identify the Correct Passive Voice Sentence

Choose the correct passive voice sentence from the options provided.

  • The novel (was written/was wrote) by the author last year.
  • The windows (are cleaned/were cleaned) every Saturday.
  • The song (has been sung/was been sung) by the choir beautifully.
  • The homework (must be finished/must finished) before the deadline.
  • The instructions (will be given/are given) by the instructor shortly.
  • The trophy (is being awarded/was being awarded) to the winner as we speak.
  • The agreement (has been signed/had been signed) by both parties.
  • The message (was being delivered/is being delivered) when the system crashed.
  • The new policy (is being implemented/was being implemented) starting next month.
  • The cake (was being baked/is being baked) when the power went out.
  • was written 
  • are cleaned 
  • has been sung
  • must be finished 
  • will be given 
  • is being awarded 
  • has been signed 
  • was being delivered 
  • is being implemented 
  • was being baked 

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I convert a sentence from active to passive voice?

To convert from active to passive, you first identify the object of the active sentence. Make this object the subject of the passive sentence. Then, add the appropriate form of the verb “to be” followed by the past participle of the main verb. If necessary, you may include “by” followed by the original subject to indicate who performed the action.

Can you provide some examples of passive voice in different tenses?

Sure, here are some examples:

  • Present simple: “The mail is delivered daily.”
  • Past simple: “The window was broken by the storm.”
  • Future simple: “The project will be completed by next week.”
  • Present perfect: “The agreement has been signed.”

What are some common mistakes to avoid when using passive voice?

Common mistakes include overusing passive voice, which can make writing seem dull or evasive. Make sure the subject of your sentence is clear, as sentences with obscured subjects can be confusing. Also, watch out for the correct form of ‘to be’ to match the tense of your sentence.

In what situations is using passive voice considered inappropriate?

Passive voice is typically avoided in writing that requires action and clarity, such as in most forms of academic writing, journalism, and calls to action. It’s also less appropriate when it’s important to know who performed the action.

How does passive voice affect the clarity of writing?

While passive voice can reduce the clarity of writing by shifting the focus away from the subject performing the action, it can also be used intentionally to emphasize the action itself or when the performer is unknown or irrelevant.

What tools can help me check if I’ve used passive voice correctly?

Grammar checking tools like Grammarly can help identify passive constructions. Additionally, word processing software often has built-in grammar checks that can highlight passive voice, allowing you to reconsider its usage.

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Thursday 11th of January 2024

I think it’s good memory.

Mustapha mohammed lawan

Tuesday 24th of October 2023

It's educating and so Interesting!

Tuesday 6th of December 2022

i am not going to school is it passive?

Friday 8th of July 2022

So confused with this.. difficult to get!

Friday 16th of July 2021




Passive Voice (with Examples)

What is the difference between the active voice and the passive voice in English?

Compare these two sentences:

Active = “The doctor gave me a prescription” Passive = “I was given a prescription”

The first sentence is in the “active voice”. The subject is the doctor, and the verb is “gave”. In active sentences, the focus of the sentence is on the subject.

The second sentence is in the “passive voice”. The object of the sentence (“I”) becomes the focus of the sentence.

How to form a passive sentence

1. Firstly, you need to make the object (from the active sentence) into the new subject.

For example, in “John helped me”, “me” is the object. The subject form of “me” is “I”.

Here is a list of objects and subjects:

me – I you – You him / her – He / She us – We them – They

2. Then you make the verb passive.

Put the verb “to be” into the same tense as the verb in the active sentence. For example, in the sentence “John helped me”, “helped” is the past tense. Therefore, you need the past simple tense of the verb “to be”, which is “was” or “were”.

“I was…”

Here’s a list of tenses for the verb “to be”:

Present simple – am / are / is Present continuous – is being / are being Present perfect – has been / have been Simple past – was / were Past continuous – was being / were being Modals will, can etc – will be, can be etc.

3. Then add the past participle of the verb. For example “gave” – “given”, “help” – “helped”

“I was helped by John.” “I was given a prescription by the doctor.”

4. If necessary, you can say who did the action. To do this, add “by” at the end of your sentence. “She was awarded a degree by the University of London .”

When to use the passive voice

As a general rule, speak and write in the active voice. But passive forms can be useful in formal writing (such as scientific reports) when the emphasis is on process and results, rather than on who did the action.

1. To change the focus of a sentence. Sometimes, the object of the sentence is more important than the subject. We can change the focus of the sentence by changing an active sentence into a passive sentence. For example, in the following sentence, the focus is on beautiful designs and colours – not on who creates or chooses them.

“Our beautiful designs are created by a team of experts. The colours are carefully chosen to blend in with the surroundings…”

2. If we don’t know who does an action. “My bicycle has been stolen” – I don’t know who has stolen it.

3. If we don’t want to say who did something. “The lights were left on all night.” (I don’t want to say that you left the lights on.)

4. If it is obvious who does something. “I was given a prescription” – I know that only doctors give prescriptions, so I don’t need to add “by the doctor”. “He was arrested” I know that the police arrest people, so I don’t need to add “by the police”.

Passive or Active?

Decide if the sentence is passive or active.

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Correct answer:

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Speak Confident English

#240: How & Why to Use the Passive Voice | English Grammar Practice

May 18, 2022 | Grammar

i am going to do my homework in passive voice

How, when, and why should you use the passive voice in English?

You may recall studying the passive voice in English grammar lessons but still feel unsure about how to use it. 

Today we’re going to solve that frustration.

In this Confident English lesson today, you’re going to learn 6 specific uses of the passive voice in English.

Along the way, you’ll get English grammar practice with the examples I share and the practice questions I have for you. 

To get ready, I recommend grabbing a pen and paper so you’re ready to practice with me.

6 Uses of the Passive Voice in English

Use #1: when the actor is unknown or insignificant.

English speakers use the passive voice when the actor (person/thing performing the action) is unknown or insignificant. 

This is especially true when reporting crimes or incidents when the perpetrator is unknown.

  • The store was robbed in broad daylight.
  • My wallet was stolen last year.

Practice : Think for a moment about your experiences. Have you ever had something stolen? Or maybe a car window was broken? 

But you don’t know who did it?

Using the passive voice, write down a sentence you might use if you were reporting the crime or telling a friend about it. You can follow my examples.

Before we move on, a second way to think about an unknown actor — or when the person who completed the action is unimportant — is when talking about architecture. Such as design, construction, or renovation. 

Recently members of my Confident Women Community practiced using the passive voice to describe specific places or buildings in their city. I’d love to challenge you in the same way.

For example:

  • Our home was renovated in 2019 . → We do not know or don’t care who did it.
  • This building was completed in 1813 and was designed in the Federal style .

Practice : What about where you live? Is there a famous building you could describe without stating who did it?

Use #2: The Actor Is Obvious

We use the passive voice when there’s an obvious and common understanding of who or what performed an action. So we don’t need to waste time stating the obvious

For instance, it’s common knowledge that your salary is paid by your employer. 

When describing your payment cycle, you could simply say, “ I’m paid biweekly.”

Pop Quiz: How would you rephrase this sentence to use the passive voice? The police arrested the robber last night. Answer: The robber was arrested last night. Since it’s obvious that the police are making the arrest, we can easily use the passive voice. 

*Tip: When you use the passive voice and want to specify who did the action, end the sentence with by and the actor. 

I’m paid biweekly by my employer .

Use #3: To Emphasize the Recipient

Remember that the object receives the action, in the passive voice. For this reason, English speakers use the passive voice to draw attention to the recipient.

For instance, rather than say: “The local government spent millions of dollars to restore the building.” The passive voice could be used to say: “Millions of dollars were spent to restore the building.” Moving the recipient to the front of the sentence and eliminating the actor, puts emphasis on the large sum of money that was spent instead of who spent the money. 

Practice : Can you think of a time when too much money was spent on something? An item? A project budget?

Rather than focus on WHO spent the money, think about how to focus on what was spent. 

Here’s a recommended way to start, “Too much money was spent on ______.”

Use #4: To Emphasize A Result

While the passive voice allows us to highlight that something or someone receives an action, it can also be used to shift the focus on the result of an action. 

English speakers achieve this by using the passive voice in addition to the stress on the verb.

  • For example, to place emphasis on the result of a budget cut, I could say, “Students were demotivated when they heard there would be no art program next year.”  

Now, you might be wondering: couldn’t use the active voice and say “The news of no art program demotivated the students” — still emphasizing the verb demotivated?

And the answer is yes, we certainly could. But doing so shifts the focus in the sentence. Now it’s the news of no art program that we pay attention to most.

Using the passive voice allows the speaker or writer to decide what is most important in the sentence — the fact that there is no art program? Or the fact that students were demotivated.

Use #5: To Protect and Avoid Blame

The passive voice is useful when the actor needs or wants to be protected. 

Imagine you’re the host of a party and someone accidentally broke a valuable object. To shield the person from further embarrassment, you might say “ It was accidentally knocked off the table .” In this case, the passive voice enables you to avoid naming the person.

In contrast, the actor can protect themself by using the passive voice to avoid responsibility. We often hear this in statements made by people of power.

For example, if a politician is making a speech to acknowledge a mistake and soften their role in the mistake, they might say “ Mistakes were made and we’re working towards a solution .”

Practice : Can you remember a situation when someone you care about at work accidentally broke something? Or missed an important deadline? Or forgot to complete an important task? 

In talking about it, you want to protect the person who did it. How would you describe what happened?

Use #6: To Describe Actions in Scientific and Academic Contexts

The passive voice is traditionally used in scientific literature or contexts. This is especially true in lab reports and research papers. 

  • “ The subject’s cognitive state was assessed at the end of each trial .”
  • “ Over 100 responses were collected in the survey. ”

Now you have 6 clear uses for the passive voice and your own examples to help you determine how you might use the passive voice in your own Egnlish communication. 

Feel free to share your examples with me below.

Or tell me how today’s lesson helped you. Share a quick comment in the comment section below to let me know.

~ Annemarie

P.S. Are you looking for a community to provide support, help you stay motivated, and guarantee that you grow? Check out our Confident Women Community .

i am going to do my homework in passive voice

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Hey there. Thanks for sharing this wonderful blog. The passive voice can be used to create a sense of detachment or remove the speaker from the action, which is sometimes desired. For example, if you are writing about a crime that was committed, you may want to use the passive voice to maintain impartiality. Additionally, the passive voice can make your writing sound more academic or formal.


Hi Annie! I was always trying to figure out the uses of Passive Voice, as I was only a fluent English speaker, learnt by listening and reading. Grammar was Greek to me! I have begun teaching English. Thanks a lot for this lesson for the students to know the objectives of the topic.


I’m so glad it was helpful to you, Imtiaz!


Ok, Let me read. I’ll let you know


Thanks Annemarie! well actually I’m preparing a scientific paper, so this lesson is definitely helpful for me.

Oh, this will be perfect for you!

Cinzia Cao

Hi Anne Marie! This lesson was very interesting for me, thank you.

Let me share with you my homework:

Use #1 My PC was stolen last year from my car last night. The last house of the ghetto, was demolished in 1947

Use # 3 Too much money was spent to built the new soccer stadium in Cagliari.

Use #5 An important file was inadvertently moved to a wrong folder. The good news is that we find it.

To the next lesson!

Great job, Cinzia!

I have one question about the first example: “My PC was stolen last year from my car last night. ”

I see ‘last year’ which means 2021 and I see ‘last night’ which means yesterday. Which one of these did you want to use in the sentence?

And in example 3, we can simplify this sentence by removing “to build” and instead use a preposition: “Too much money was spent _______ the new soccer stadium in Cagliari.” — Do you know which preposition we might use?

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The Passive Voice Complete Guide

In this Guide you will learn:

What is the passive voice?

In this example “The house” received the action but it is the subject of this sentence. This is not a common way to express a sentence in English and the passive voice can often sound formal. Keep reading to discover why we use the passive voice. The most common way to explain this sentence is the active voice.

What is the active voice?

So, you can see that in this sentence that “my father” was the actor of the sentence and he is also the subject. ( Subject/Verb/Object)

When to Use the Passive Voice

We use the passive voice for 4 situations, 1. when the subject is unknown.

If we don’t know the subject then we often want to place more emphasis on the action or the person who received the action.

My house was broken into last night.

 2. When the receiver of the action is more important.

The roads were destroyed by the typhoon. (Again the result is more important  because we don’t have roads!)

3. When the subject is obvious.

He was arrested at 6 am.

(It is obvious who collects the rubbish and it is more important that the rubbish was collected)

4 When the doer of the action is people in general.

(The people who accept this situation, in this case, is “everyone”)

Passive Voice Structure

How to form the passive voice, to form the passive voice we use the verb to be + past participle..

You need to use the correct verb tense of the verb to be. So if the sentence is in the future then you need to use will be + past participle.

More examples of the active and passive voice

Active : People play football all around the world.

Passive : The room was cleaned.

You can see from these examples that sometimes it is a good idea to use the passive voice if you follow the reasons why we use the passive voice. If you don’t follow the uses, you make the sentence more complicated than necessary. In fact, sometimes it just doesn’t make any sense in the passive voice.

Can you see how confusing the second sentence is?

Passive Voice Examples for all Tenses

Ok, so remember we need to conjugate the verb to be in the correct verb tense and then add the past participle of the verb we need to use. For example, the present perfect simple of the verb to be (have/has been) + the past participle( seen, done, etc)

TenseVerb to be + past participleExample

Learn more about the Passive Voice

Asking questions in the passive voice.

Question : Were you collected by the bus driver?

Positive : The pens have been bought.

Common examples in news reports

The Airstrike in Syria is expected to end soon.

Get and the passive voice

In informal English, it is also possible to use get instead of be .

(You can also say” Nobody was hurt”)

He got hit on the head by a golf ball (something happened)

The passive agent, 

How to include the person/thing that does the action in the sentence.

So we learned that the person that does the action is not as important as the person who receives the action. Sometimes, we still want to include this person and hen we do, we use the word by.

The children were brought to school by their mother. 

Active Voice vs Passive Voice: More Practice

Let’s look at some more examples of how the sentences can change from the active voice to the passive voice before we try some exercises.

Exercises on the Active and Passive Voice

Active-Passive Voice Converter

Boost your SEO and communicate more clearly by switching between active and passive voices seamlessly. Enhances readability and improve quality in a matter of seconds.


1. Enter the existing text in the designated area.

2. Choose the desired output: active or passive voice.

3. [Optional] Select output length from the drop-down menu.

4. Click "Change Voice"

5. Paste the generated copy into a document or rewrite your copy using our paraphrasing tool.

💡Pro Tip: Break down complex sentences into simpler ones before converting voice.

What is Active and Passive Voice?

Active and passive voice are two different ways of constructing a sentence. The active voice focuses on the subject of the sentence, who is taking direct action. It provides clear, straightforward sentences where the agent of action is easily identifiable, making it a favored choice in most writing styles.

The passive voice shifts the focal point to the recipient of the action. The subject becomes secondary to the action itself, thus presenting a more impartial narrative. It is extensively used in scientific and formal writing where the primary focus is the action, not the doer.

How to Identify Active and Passive Voice?

Active Voice: In active voice, the subject performs the action. It's direct and concise.

Example: "The chef (subject) prepared (action) a delicious meal."

Passive Voice: In passive voice, the subject receives the action. It's indirect and often used when the doer of the action is less important.

Example: "A delicious meal (subject) was prepared (action) by the chef."

Advanced Tip: To identify passive voice, look for forms of "to be" (e.g., was, were) followed by the past participle (e.g., prepared). In active voice, the subject acts on the object, making it easier to spot.

How to Convert Sentences From Active Voice to Passive Voice

Step 1: Identification of Subject, Object, and Verb

A sentence usually comprises the doer (subject), the action (verb), and the receiver (object). In "John reads a book," 'John' is the subject, 'reads' is the verb, and 'a book' is the object. Recognizing these essential components of a sentence is the first step to getting your transformations right.

Step 2: Reposition the Subject-Object Placement

You need to reverse the subject's and object's roles to convert an active voice sentence to passive voice. That means the object becomes the sentence's new subject, and the subject becomes a part of the sentence after the verb.

Taking the same example, the sentence changes to "The book is read by John."

Step 3: Alter Verb Form

The verb in a passive voice sentence typically involves a form of 'be' (is, am, are, was, were) followed by a past participle. So, 'reads' in active voice changes to 'is read' in passive voice.

Step 4: Include Preposition

When the original subject is included in the passive sentence, it is usually introduced by a preposition like 'by'. For example, 'by John' in our previous illustration. However, if the focus of your sentence is the action rather than the doer, you can omit this prepositional phrase.

To recap, the original sentence "John reads a book." is coverted to "The book is read by John" in passive voice.

When to Use A Sentence Voice Changer?

Use passive to active voice sentence converter when:.

1. You want to emphasize the action itself rather than the doer.

2. The doer of the action is unknown or unimportant.

3. Keeping the focus consistent throughout a series of sentences.

4. Avoid putting responsibility on a specific person or group.

5. To sound objective, scientific, technical, or logical.

Passive to Active Voice Example

Passive Voice: "The cake was baked by John."

Active Voice: "John baked the cake."

In the passive voice sentence, the subject (the cake) is acted upon by the verb. The primary attention is on the action done to the subject. In the active voice sentence, the subject (John) is performing the action of the verb. The primary attention shifts to who is doing the action.

Use Active to Passive Voice Sentence Converter When:

1. You want to emphasize the doer of the action.

2. Writing clear and concise instructions.

3. Avoiding ambiguity.

4. Writing non-scientific content.

Active to Passive Voice Example

Active Voice: "John ate the apple."

Passive Voice: "The apple was eaten by John."

In the active voice sentence, the subject (John) is the one doing the action (eating). In the passive voice sentence, the subject (The apple) is the one being acted upon, and the actor (John) is mentioned at the end of the sentence.

Who Benefits From Converting Sentence Voice?

Converting sentences between active and passive voice benefits a wide array of individuals.

1. Writers, editors, linguists, and students studying language or literature can enhance their craft and comprehension.

2. Professionals in marketing or PR sectors can critically analyze text, heightening their ability to produce persuasive content.

3. SEO specialists can optimize content, making it more engaging and search-engine friendly.

How to Make the Most of Active Passive Sentence Voice Changer?

Start by understanding the power of structure in your sentence. Don't merely convert your text; use this tool as an opportunity to refine your content, enriching your writing with diversity in sentence formation.

Apply variety by alternating between active and passive voices, enhancing your writing style and engaging your readers more effectively. Modify the sentence length according to your document needs, whether brief sentences for a swift read or lengthy, descriptive ones for detailed insights.

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Sentence Voice Changer FAQs

Is an ai sentence voice converter reliable.

Our AI sentence voice converter is highly reliable, guaranteeing consistent and accurate results for your writing needs. The tool is trained on massive datasets of text and code, which allows them to accurately identify and convert sentences between active and passive voice.

Is the copy generated plagiarism-free?

The content produced by our sentence voice converter tool is entirely plagiarism-free, ensuring your originality and peace of mind. It uses a variety of techniques to ensure that the output is unique.

Should you use active voice or passive voice in SEO & content marketing?

You should predominantly use active voice in SEO and content marketing as it makes your writing clearer, more direct, and easier to understand. However, passive voice can be used sparingly for variation or when the focus is on the action rather than the actor.

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Transformation of Sentence: Active & Passive Voice

Interchange of active and passive voice is something that we see every now and then in any “transformation of sentence” or “do as directed” grammar test like in the ICSE exams. Here in this guide, we are going to learn the various rule sets for changing a sentence from active voice to passive voice and vice versa.

— verb1 am/is/are + Verb3
— am/is/are + verb+ing am/is/are + being + verb3
— has / have + verb3 has/have + been + verb3
— verb2 was/were + verb3
— was/were + verb+ing was/were + being + verb3
— had + verb3 had been + verb3
— shall/will + verb1 shall/will + be + verb3
— shall/will + have + verb3 shall/will + have been+ verb3

= present form of verb; = past form of verb; = past participle form of verb
Passive voice is not in use for the remaining four tenses.

Voice change of Questions:

Voice change of imperative sentence (order, advice, request).

:                  Let + object + be + verb3
:                 Object + should (not) be + verb3
:              You are requested (not) to + verb1

Voice Change of Modal Auxiliaries

Can, could, should, would, may, might, need, ought etc. + be + verb3

Voice change of Infinitives (to + verb)

to + verb → to + be + verb3

Different preposition in place of ‘by’

Miscellaneous voice change examples:.

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i am going to do my homework in passive voice

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Homework: Passive Voice

So, did you steal your bike, or was your bike stolen? Will you take out your tonsils, or will your tonsils be taken out? Mastering the Passive Voice is a crucial rite of passage for any English learner, as it can change the meaning of a sentence entirely. However, as this versatile voice can be used with any grammar tense, this is often much more easily said than done, as no sooner have students established just when to use it than along comes the more daunting challenge of actually using it correctly. This homework sheet enables students to practise using the Passive Voice through a range of progressively challenging exercises.

After downloading your PDF: print it immediately or save and print later. Answers are provided for teachers on the second page.

Make your own worksheets with the free EnglishClub Worksheet Maker !


me. Jack. them. by the movie. by the movie. by the movie. me. Jack. them. by the movie. by the movie. by the movie.

I Shannon.
June Su and Ling. by me.
Su and Ling by June.
I the bathroom.
They the bedroom.
Susan the kitchen and patio.
The bathroom by me.
The bedroom  by them.
The kitchen and patio by Susan.

Passive form: 
am/is/are + being + past participle
was/were + being + past participle
the gift. the gift . by me. by Jack.
Steven Spielberg the movie.
Penny Marshall those movies.
The movie by Steven Spielberg.
The movies by Penny Marshall.
John the project next month.
They the projects before then.
The project by next month.
The projects before then.

Passive form: 
have/has been + past participle
had been + past participle
the gift. the gift . by me. by Jack. the cake. two cake . by me. by Sue.

Passive forms: will + be + past participle
is/are going to be + past participle
Tom to the party. Jeff to the party. Jeff to the party.) to the party by Sharon. to the party by Sharon. to the party by Sharon.) the future. the future. the future.) by Mai. by Terry. by Terry.) Katya a new office. the homework. Katya a new office. the homework. a new office by her company.
The homework by the lazy students.
Katya a new office by her company.
The homework by the lazy students. English verbs. cigarettes.   by students.   by children. English verbs. is rarely used) by students. English every day. whiskey. every day by students. by children. for a passport to travel abroad. that door. for. by customers. English every day. the dishes every day. her bedroom every day. their bedrooms every day. every day. by them every day. every day. every day. the composition. the stories in the book. the living room. candy and gum. dinner for the family. dessert. by me. . by Janet. by her. by them. by them.
the verbs. the window. by the students. by the children. the verbs. is rarely used) by the students. the composition. the story in the book. the living room. candy and gum. dinner. dessert.   by me. . by Janet. by her. by them. by them. Katya a new job. the paper. Katya a new job. the paper. a new job by that firm.
The paper by the students.
Katya a new job by that firm. by the students.

Purdue Online Writing Lab Purdue OWL® College of Liberal Arts

Changing Passive to Active Voice

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If you want to change a passive-voice sentence to active voice, find the agent in a "by the..." phrase, or consider carefully who or what is performing the action expressed in the verb. Make that agent the subject of the sentence, and change the verb accordingly. Sometimes you will need to infer the agent from the surrounding sentences which provide context.

If you want to change an active-voice sentence to passive voice, consider carefully who or what is performing the action expressed in the verb, and then make that agent the object of a by the... phrase. Make what is acted upon the subject of the sentence, and change the verb to a form of be + past participle. Including an explicit by the... phrase is optional.

This passive voice contains a by the... phrase. Removing the 'by the' phase and reworking the sentence will give it the active voice.

This passive voice contains a by the... phrase. Removing the by the... phrase and reworking the sentence will give it the active voice.

This sentence (most of the class is reading the book) now includes the active voice because the agent (most of the class) is now the subject.

Image Caption: Making "most of the class" the subject of the sentence moves the action of the sentence onto the class, and shifts the sentence from passive into active voice.

The sentence, results will be published in the next issue of the journal, does not explicitly include a by the...phrase. However, the agent is most likely the researchers, so making the agent the subject of the sentence will simplify it and give it the active voice.

The agent is not explicitly stated, but it is most likely researchers. Making the agent the subject of the sentence will allow you to use the active voice.

The sentence, the researchers will publish their results in the next issue of the journal, uses the active voice because the agent (the researchers) are now performing the action as the sentence subject.

This sentence now uses the active voice because the agent (the researchers) are now performing the action as the sentence subject.

The passive voice sentence, a policy of whitewashing and cover-up has been pursued by the CIA director and his close advisors, includes an agent of change (the CIA director and his close advisors) that are not performing the action in the sentence. Making the agent the subject will give the sentence the active voice.

The CIA director and his close advisors are the agent of change in this sentence, but they are not the subject. Making the agent the subject will transform the sentence into a more concise, active voice phrase.

The sentence, the CIA director and his close advisors have pursued a policy of whitewashing and cover-up, now uses the active voice because the agent (the CIA director and his close advisors) are performing the action as the sentence subject.

This sentence now uses the active voice because the agent (the CIA director and his close advisors) is performing the action as the sentence subject.

The agent is not specified in the sentence, mistakes were made. It is most likely we. This sentence uses the passive voice.

The agent is not specified in this sentence.

The sentence, we made mistakes, now uses the active voice because the agent (we) is the subject of the sentence.

This sentence now uses the active voice because the agent (we) is the subject of the sentence.

The sentence, the presiding officer vetoed the committee's recommendation, includes the agent (the presiding officer) performing the action as the sentence subject.

This active voice sentence's agent is the presiding officer, which is the subject.

The sentence, the committee's recommendation was vetoed by the presiding officer, now uses the passive voice. Changing the sentence subject from the agent (the presiding officer) to the object of the verb (the committee's recommendation) and adding a by the...phrase transforms the sentence into the passive voice.

Changing the sentence subject from the agent (the presiding officer) to the object of the verb (the committee's recommendation) and adding a by the...phrase transforms the sentence into the passive voice.

The active voice sentence, the leaders are seeking a fair resolution to the crisis, includes the agent (the leaders) as the subject performing the action of the verb.

This sentence includes the agent (the leaders) as the subject performing the action of the verb.

The sentence, a fair resolution to the crisis is being sought, now uses the passive voice because the subject was changed from the agent (the leaders) to the object of the verb (a fair resolution).

This sentence now uses the passive voice because the subject has been changed from the agent (the leaders) to the object of the verb (a fair resolution).

The scientists are the agent performing the verb's action in the active voice sentence, scientists have discovered traces of ice on the surface of Mars.

The scientists are the agent performing the verb's action in this active voice sentence.

The passive voice sentence, traces of ice have been discovered on the surface of Mars, no longer specifies the agent (scientists) and now uses the passive voice because the verb's object (traces of ice) is now the subject.

This passive voice sentence no longer specifies the agent (scientists) and now uses the passive voice because the verb's object (traces of ice) is now the subject.

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> > Change of Voice
Grammar Topics
Change of Voice
Active to Passive
Why do you learn music at School? (Active)
  Why is music learnt (by you) at School? (Passive)
Who will bell the Cat? (Active)
  By whom will the cat be belled? (Passive)
How far does the Driver take me in his Car? (Active)
  How far am I taken in his Car by the Driver? (Passive)
How does she draw this Picture? (Active)
  How is this drawing drawn by her? (Passive)
What can you do in your free time? (Active)
  What can be done in your free time? (Passive)
Which show would you see in this Multiplex theater? (Active)
  Which show would be seen in the Multiplex theater by you? (Passive)
When did you receive your guest? (Active)
  When were your guest received by you? (Passive)

i am going to do my homework in passive voice

Cats are being troubled by stray dog. (Passive)
  Stray dogs are troubling cats. (Active)
The motor bike had been repaired (The mechanic). (Passive)
  The mechanic had repaired the motor bike. (Active)
The homework had been completed by Adarsh. (Passive)
  Adarsh had completed the homework. (Active)
Not a single word was spoken by him. (Passive)
  He did not speak a single word. (Active)
It is said that figs are better than mangoes. (Passive)
  They say that figs are better than mangoes. (Active)
I let myself be heard. (Passive)
  (Please) Hear me. (Active)
He let himself be cheated. (Passive)
  He cheated himself. (Active)
  Change of Voice-Introgative, Negative, Imperative and Infinitive Sentences.
Active Voice Passive Voice
Where did she find a book? Where was the book found (by her)?
Who collets stamps? By whom the stamps are collected?
Why do you read this book? Why this book is read by you?
Which library do you visit? Which library is visited by you?
How does she prepare the notes? How are the notes prepared by her?
When does she buy books? When are the books bought by her?
What did you buy in Super-Mall? What was bought by you in Super-Mall?
Active Voice Passive Voice
Meena does not like coffee. Coffee is not liked by Meena.
No one liked the play. The play was not liked (by all).
He does not like late coming. Late coming is not liked by him.
Rekha does not like to see movies. Movies is not seen by Rekha.
The seller do not give discount. The discount is not given by the seller.
Active Voice Passive Voice
Allow him to go. Let him go.
(You) sit down. Let him be sited.
Let them come in. They be let to come in.
Don’t smoke. You are requested not to smoke here.
Please let him write. You are requested to allow him to write.
Don’t allow any one inside. No one / nobody be allowed inside.
Active Voice Passive Voice
I am going to write a book. A book will be written by me.
He has to write a report. A report has to be written by him.
I want them to help you. I want you to be helped (by them).
Cold drink is too cold to drink. Cold drink is too cold to be drunk.
I want Krupa to solve this puzzle. I want this puzzle to be solved by Krupa.
I would prefer him to teach my son. I would prefer my son to be taught by him.
The Government expects us to pay Taxes. The Government expects taxes to be paid (by us).
You will have to submit your project tomorrow. Your project will have to be submitted tomorrow by you.
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Passive Voice – Free Exercise

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the passive.

  • I don’t have to buy the paper because it (deliver)     to our house every day. simple present (signal: every day )|3 rd person singular: is + past participle
  • When Kylie went to school, she (pick up)     by her parents every day. simple past (signal: went )|3 rd person singular: was + past participle
  • You don’t have to clean the bathroom. It (clean/already)     by someone else. present perfect (signal: already, first clause in simple present)|3 rd person singular: has + adverb + been + past participle
  • Relax! From now on, I promise that everything (do)     for you. will future (signal: from now on, I promise )| will be + past participle|irregular verb: do-did-done
  • When I came home, dinner (cook/not)     yet. past perfect (signal: yet, first clause in simple past)| had been + past participle

Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice. Use the same tense as in the active sentence. Only use by if necessary.

  • They offer free trials twice a year. simple present|3 rd person plural: are + past participle|Do not include the agent when it is unknown/unimportant/obvious.   twice a year.
  • Someone is cutting the grass next door. present progressive|3 rd person singular: is being + past participle|irregular verb: cut-cut-cut |Do not include the agent when it is unknown/unimportant/obvious.   next door.
  • All parties have signed the contract. present perfect|3 rd person singular: has been + past participle|Use by to introduce the agent.   .
  • A car hit the traffic light. simple past|3 rd person singular: was + past participle|irregular verb: hit-hit-hit |Use by to introduce the agent.   .

Rewrite the sentences in two ways: once in the impersonal passive and once in the personal passive.

  • Visitors say that these museums have wonderful exhibits. It   these museums have wonderful exhibits. it is + participle of reporting verb + that |irregular verb: say-said-said These museums   wonderful exhibits. reporting verb: say (simple present) →|subject (3 rd person plural) + are + participle of reporting verb + main verb infinitive: to have |irregular verb: say-said-said
  • Everybody agrees that this sculpture is the artist’s greatest work. It   this sculpture is the artist’s greatest work. it is + participle of reporting verb + that This sculpture   the artist’s greatest work. reporting verb: agrees (simple present)|subject (3 rd person singular) + is + participle of reporting verb + main verb infinitive: to be
  • Experts assume that the diamond is priceless. It   the diamond is priceless. it is + participle of reporting verb + that The diamond   priceless. reporting verb: assume →|subject (3 rd person singular) + is + participle of reporting verb + main verb infinitive: to be
  • Experts believe that this jewellery belonged to Cleopatra. It   this jewellery belonged to Cleopatra. it is + participle of reporting verb + that This jewellery   to Cleopatra. reporting verb: believe (simple present) →|subject (3 rd person singular) + is + participle of reporting verb + main verb perfect infinitive: to have belonged |Use the perfect infinitive when the active main verb is in the past.

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Mastering the Passive Voice: Understanding "Have Something Done"

/ Grammar Lessons / B1-B2 Grammar / Mastering the Passive Voice: Understanding "Have Something Done"

i am going to do my homework in passive voice


Welcome to an insightful grammar lesson on the passive voice construction: "Have something done." In this lesson, we'll explore how this structure is used to indicate actions arranged by someone else, as well as its alternative form, "get something done." Additionally, we'll discuss a distinct usage of "have something done" to express events happening to someone or their belongings. Let's dive in!

Understanding "Have Something Done":

In English, "have something done" is a construction used to express actions arranged for someone else to perform. Let's break down its usage with the help of an example:

Example: Lisa had the roof repaired yesterday.

This sentence indicates that Lisa arranged for someone else to repair the roof, rather than doing it herself.

i am going to do my homework in passive voice

Key Points:

  • For example: "Lisa had her car serviced," "We are having a garage built."
  • It's important to note the word order: "have + object + past participle."

Alternative Form: "Get Something Done":

An alternative to "have something done" is "get something done," which serves the same purpose. This form is particularly common in conversational English. Let's see an example:

When are you going to get the roof repaired? This sentence has the same meaning as "have the roof repaired."

Distinct Usage:

It's crucial to understand that "have something done" can also express events happening to someone or their belongings rather than actions arranged by them. Let's clarify with an example:

Paul and Karen had their bags stolen while they were travelling.

In this context, "had their bags stolen" simply means that their bags were stolen, not that they arranged for someone to steal them.

i am going to do my homework in passive voice


Congratulations! You've mastered the passive voice construction "have something done." You now understand how to use it to indicate actions arranged by someone else, as well as its alternative form "get something done." Remember to pay attention to the word order and context to accurately convey your intended meaning. Keep practising, and soon, you'll wield this grammatical tool with confidence.

Happy learning!

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B1-B2 Grammar : Mastering the Passive Voice: Understanding "Have Something Done"

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Passive Voice - Exercises on Form

>mixed exercise on passive voice.

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

  • John collects money. -
  • Anna opened the window. -
  • We have done our homework. -
  • I will ask a question. -
  • He can cut out the picture. -
  • The sheep ate a lot. -
  • We do not clean our rooms. -
  • William will not repair the car. -
  • Did Sue draw this circle? -
  • Could you feed the dog? -

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Going To Future Passive

Forming going to future passive.

Object + am / is / are + going to + be + verb3 (past participle)
Am / is / are + object + going to + be + verb3 (past participle)

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Active and Passive Voice Exercise With Answers

Active and Passive Voice Exercise

We use passive voice when we do not know who the subject is, or it is not important who the subject is or when it is obvious to the listener or reader who the subject is because it is the person who usually does it.  When we give more importance to the object of the sentences rather than the subject, we use passive voice. Below we have prepared active and passive voice exercises for ESL students. Attempt the following exercise, then compare your answers with the correct answers given below.

Active and Passive Voice Complete Grammar Rules

Active and passive voice exercise.

Change the active sentences below into passive sentences. Write “No change” if you think sentences cannot be changed.

  • She writes a letter.
  • They go to school every day.
  • He doesn`t paint the wall.
  • Why are you crying?
  • Did the mechanic fix your car?
  • You should do your homework.
  • Don`t talk so loudly.
  • They are painting their house.
  • We have drunk milk tea.
  • Will you watch TV tonight?
  • I am not going to work today.
  • He has been teaching English for ten years.
  • When are you going to buy a car?
  • Who taught you the active and passive sentences?
  • She had cleaned the kitchen.
  • We will have eaten dinner by the time you get there.
  • People speak English in the USA.
  • Would you rather learn English or French?
  • You must not come late to class.
  • She has to pass the test.
  • He bought his son a book.
  • Bismo teaches us every day.
  • Who is your teacher?
  • Who fights the coalition forces?
  • Who have you invited to the party?
  • I`ll build a hospital if I have a million dollars.
  • If I had had a million dollars, I would have built a big mosque.
  • We will be playing cricket at this time tomorrow.
  • Aren’t they going to be building a house?
  • It has been raining since yesterday.
  • The explosion had killed many people.
  • I have never been to Egypt.
  • Have you been digging out the ground since morning?
  • I will have written a poem by the time you call me.
  • The heavy storm damaged a lot of crops in Mumbai.
  • I was playing football yesterday.
  • Could you help me, please?
  • Who can answer my question?
  • Will she have been watering the garden?
  • Milad is helping me solving the active and passive voice exercise.
  • A letter is written by her.
  • Not Change.
  • The wall isn’t painted by him.
  • Intransitive verb (Crying)
  • Was your car fixed by the mechanic?
  • Your homework should be done by you.
  • Intransitive verb (talk)
  • Their house is being painted.
  • Milk tea has been drunk.
  • Will TV be watched by you?
  • Not change.
  • English has been taught by him for ten years.
  • When is a car going to be bought by you?
  • By whom were you taught the active and passive sentences?
  • The kitchen had been cleaned.
  • Dinner will have been eaten by the time you get there.
  • English is spoken in the USA.
  • Would English or French rather be learned by you?
  • You are ordered not to come late to class.
  • The test has to be passed by her.
  • His son was bought a book by him.
  • We are taught every day by Bismo.
  • By whom were the coalition forces fought?
  • Who has been invited to the party?
  • A hospital will be built if I have a million dollars.
  • If I had had a million dollars, a big mosque would have been built.
  • Cricket will be played at this time tomorrow by us.
  • Isn’t a house be going to be built by them?
  • Many people had been killed by the explosion.
  • A poem will have been written by me by the time you call me.
  • A lot of crops were damaged by the heavy rain in Mumbai.
  • Football was being played yesterday by me.
  • Could I be helped, please?
  • By whom my answer can be answered?
  • I am being helped by Milad to solve the active and passive voice exercises.

Exercise 02:

active and passive voice quiz with answers

Change the following sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice and write your answers in the comment section below.

  • The chef prepares a delicious meal every evening.
  • People speak English in many countries around the world.
  • The company will launch a new product next month.
  • The teacher assigned homework to the students yesterday.
  • We are planting flowers in the garden this weekend.
  • The mechanic fixed my car last week.
  • The storm damaged several houses in the neighborhood.
  • The students are studying for their exams in the library.
  • The police arrested the suspect yesterday.
  • Someone will deliver the package to your house tomorrow.

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Active and Passive Voice Quiz with Answers

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Included question in question/ embedded questions, future perfect or future perfect continuous exercises, uses of adverbs in a sentence.

i am going to do my homework in passive voice

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i am going to do my homework in passive voice

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i am going to do my homework in passive voice

exercise is good to practice

i am going to do my homework in passive voice

33 and 39 can be passive if not can anyone explain why?

i am going to do my homework in passive voice

I don’t understand the question types. Could you explain me a little bit? Do I need to leave (you) in question type? Can (you) be used in its behind (by)?

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What Is A Passive Income And How Can You Earn It With A Full Time Job

Passive income may seem mysterious but there are many ways to achieve it.

According to American entrepreneur Grant Cordone, passive income is the key to building wealth. No matter how many hours you work, it may be impossible to reach your financial goals with a 9-5 job. Many people have their money work for them with passive income as a strategy. Passive income requires you to play the long game and is an investment over a period of time so if you are looking for a get rich quick scheme, this is not for you. Here are a few ways to earn a passive income with a full-time job with thoughts and real-life case studies of those who are putting in the passive income work.

There are quite a few ways to create passive income streams.

What is Passive Income?

Imagine waking up to notifications informing you of the money you made while you were asleep? That is the definition of passive income. It allows you to make money without actively working in real time. “Passive income, tends to be misunderstood by those who don't generate it, and is very real in an era dominated by automation and AI tools. Today, it's simpler than ever to create and distribute value using tools like open source software, free social networks, and affordable web hosting, which enable virtually anyone, from teenagers to seniors, to generate what I tend to call 'automated income.' Denying the existence of passive income fundamentally ignores the current reality where AI and an abundance of free and affordable tools give people unprecedented ability to produce value at scale,” says Roberto Blake, Founder of Awesome Creator Academy and Author of : Create Something Awesome: How Creators are Profiting from Their Passion in the Creator Economy.

Ideally, the minimal effort you put into a passive income is to create the business venture you use to generate it. If you want a life where the money you make is not determined by the hours you work, start building a passive income today.

Passive income often means nurturing a process for a while before it runs on its own.

“Passive income is a smart way to build diversification of your income streams. It enables you to stop relying on one single job and provides a safety net during economic downturns,” offers Brooke Sellas, CEO at B Squared Media. Conversely, Phil Pallen, a brand strategist and content creator, says, “There’s nothing “passive” about the process of building passive income streams—it can be long hours on top of an existing workload. However, moving away from the dependency on one income source can lead to a happier life with less pressure.” And Sol Orwell, co-founder at Examine, adds on “I've made a large chunk of passive income. To be honest, the work to get there was likely spent on doing work that would have made a non-passive income business heh. Plus, with Google's finickiness, it's much harder than before.”

There are many ways to earn a passive income digitally.

Do Your Research Into Passive Income Streams

There exist many ways to create your own passive income streams and success can be found in ways that are unexpected. Do your due diligence to make sure that you are picking the right opportunity for you and your financial goals. Ratana, a voice actor and performance coach, cautions “Passive income can be a misnomer. Most of us hear the phrase and think “set it and forget it.” It might be more like “set it and periodically reassess it.” I think even when you have products or services that you offer perennially, as a business owner you still have to review, service and adjust them, to make sure they are a fit for your customers and your business over the long term.” Shelly at Shelly Saves the Day goes further along this line of thought with “Passive income is always talked about as if it requires very little work to get massive returns. The truth is, while you can 'make money while you sleep,' what they fail to tell you is that it will take many sleepless nights to get to that point.”

Cynthia Griffiths adds on "Passive income can be a rewarding way to explore creativity in a manner that cultivates connection with special interest audiences - but despite the misleading buzz name, any passive income stream *does* require hard work. What I’ve learned designing stickers, t-shirts, and home goods, has led to additional income but also served as a thought exercise that became a force multiplier for career development in my day job marketing for video games.”

On the other hand, B. Dave Walters, writer and content creator, says, “I got my start in the insurance business, where passive income was the name of the game; those small residuals eventually built up into something significant. Now, I'm looking for some sort of back-end participation in any project I'm a part of.”

Passive income requires quite a bit of set-up before fruition.

And he’s not the only one. Christina Garnett, Founder and Fractional CCO at Pocket CCO, says “Passive income provides an opportunity for those who see a hole in the market and might struggle to scale their other work options. For creators and knowledge workers especially, passive income offers a way for them to share their knowledge through courses, books, and other materials that need to only be created once.”

“Passive income has never been my main source of revenue, but it’s such a powerful way to supplement your income when you’re freelancing or running your own business. As someone who’s largely sold physical goods, it’s been a fun challenge to dream up digital/passive income opportunities (like selling digital versions of designs, writing ebooks, maintaining virtual subscription platforms like Patreon, etc!),” enthuses Jordan Dené Ellis, founder of Jordandené and The Sartorial Geek.

There are thousands of passive income streams you can start, but here are a few of the most popular ways to create income on the side.

Properly set up, a passive income stream can pay for years to come.

Create Digital Assets

Use your skills and expertise to create digital products such software applications, online courses, and eBooks. Once created with the right kind of thoughtful marketing, you can create a very successful passive income stream. “Having digital comics and TTRPG adventures available for sale gives me the passive income that can often make or break a month. Honestly, I wish I had learned about it at a younger age or in art school because good business practices are art an within itself,” says Jen Vaughn, Cartoonist & Narrative Designer.

Andrea Casanova, creatorpreneur and viral marketer adds, “In today's ‘knowledge’ economy, the traditional 9-5 income model has evolved. Anyone can monetize their expertise through mini-courses, downloadable content, or building online communities. The possibilities are limitless.” Michelle Mitchell, Executive Producer at TEDx LongBeach Salon, focuses on how it can help a segment of people by offering “Increasingly, women entrepreneurs are turning to digital products for passive income, such as digital planners. Creating digital planners offers several advantages that make them appealing to creators and consumers alike. The pros are low overhead costs, scalability, ease of distribution, and automation.”

Passive income can rely on saving and reinvesting over time.

Digital assets seem to ring true as Audrey Boyle, CEO at Social Proxy says “As a creator, I prioritize reusable digital assets. The true time drain lies in constantly generating unique creative work – reusability is the key to unlocking passive income.” “Passive income has become an important part of my creative independence, allowing me to pursue my own projects and only take on client projects that I’m genuinely interested in. The freedom I’ve gained is invaluable, especially as I’m now needing to plan my own maternity leave. It takes time and effort to build, but it feels like a natural part of my work and what I already enjoy sharing,” says Mimi Chao, owner-illustrator of Mimochai.

“For creators, speakers, coaches, and knowledge entrepreneurs, passive income can exist in the form of selling digital products (think Kajabi), monetizing content (YouTube + TikTok), writing a book, and more. It allows for the opportunity to turn income from a linear, input-output relationship to one that may become exponential, even more so when you apply the principles of compounding,” offers Jerry Won, Founder, World Class Speakers.

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Passive income can help bridge the gap when a full-time job may not cover all expenses.

Monetize Talents and Hobbies

What do you enjoy outside of your 9 to 5? Art, singing, photography? Capitalize on your talents and hobbies and use them to begin to make extra money. There’s a variety of platforms where you can create and list physical products or have a dedicated audience sponsor your journey. These sites include Etsy, Patreon, Upwork, Fiverr and more. “I sell 3D models online on the side. It’s a passion of mine and the passive income gives me a sense of some stability and peace of mind,” says Sallia, Project Director at Paper Triangles. Another 3D creative and influencer, Joe "joemag" Magdalena, offers “ I have found that maintaining a passive income relies on a lot of active steps. Whether it was shipping Etsy orders, making content, or updating my Patreon I still need to be involved in keeping the plates spinning. If you take a back seat it quickly falls apart.”

On the other side of the creative coin, there are many alternatives. “As a filmmaker, writer, actor, and creative wearing many hats, navigating the gig economy means building multiple streams of income. Passive income sources like residuals and backend points are essential, providing a financial cushion that sustains and fuels my creativity between active projects,” offers Giovannie Espiritu, Telly-winning Director and Writer. “Designing patterns for Spoonflower and setting up a print on demand shop using Big Cartel have been low lift ways for me to dip my toes into making passive income while pushing myself creatively. Yes, not everything will translate into sales, but it's a fun exercise in gaining extra income while pushing your artistic curiosity,” says Emily Corbin, community manager and creative.

Passive income can appear as a windfall out-of-the-blue to outsides but takes work to set up.

Real Estate Investing

Whether through residential or commercial properties, investing in real estate is a great way to generate cash flow while you sleep. “Diversified passive income not only ensures financial resilience but also optimizes earning potential. By leveraging multiple income sources, you reduce risk and significantly enhance your capacity to achieve true financial freedom,” says Derral Eves, Youtube strategist. “There are two keys to being successful at building passive income: Patience & Persistent. Patience to allow for your efforts to grow and compound, and Persistent referring to a focus on recurring revenue streams,” offers Mike Allton, Strategic Marketing Leader in AI and Data-Driven Solutions at The Social Media Hat.

Invest in Stocks

Instead of putting your money into a savings account, invest some of it into dividend paying stocks. There’s also many other ways to do modest investing such as CDs or high interest rate savings accounts. Savvy investors know how to turn their investments into a reliable source of income.

“Passive income is money made when you don’t have to work. A few years ago I started investing into ETF funds that paid a monthly dividend. I liked this because it felt like I was getting a monthly income — and I knew if I worked hard I could get to a place where the income matched my living expenses,” offers Thomas Ma, Co-founder of Sapphire Studios.

Passive income has a few downsides that can occasionally outweigh the positives.

Work After Work

The last thing most people want to do after returning home from a hard day’s work is to get back on the computer and keep working. However, if you can’t leave your job because you have too many bills to pay, so the only way to earn a passive income is to work after work. Think about it like this, would you rather work a 9-5 until you retire while living a more mediocre lifestyle, or put in the extra hours for a few years, retire early and live a more fulfilling life?

Motivational speaker Les Brown once said, “You must be willing to do things today others won’t do, in order to have the things tomorrow others won’t have.” In other words, how successful you become is entirely up to what you are prepared to do. Brandon Groce, Co-founder of newform.community, focuses on the community side and says “Passive income is much easier to achieve when you start by building a community. By focusing on the needs of my audience first, I’ve been able to create products/merch that truly meet them where they are & solve their problems, leading to passive income. It’s all about putting the audience first and letting the products follow.” Also on the community-focused side, Chantel Soumis, Head of Marketing at Steelhead Technologies says “Having a circle of incredible humans is amazing, especially when you sing their praises to everyone you know. I have had a very lucrative passive income just from referring my friends to folks in the industry... when word of mouth is the strongest form of marketing, referrals go a long ways! My bank account gets a boost and I don't have to lift a finger. How great is that?”

Passive income requires strategy over time.

Working full-time while building a passive income may seem daunting, but with the right mind-set and strategy, it is more than possible.

“Passive income doesn’t just happen overnight; it takes building a strong community and delivering high-quality content that provides value. As the founder of XYZ Media, I leverage my expertise in media and marketing to build community through educational digital products and evergreen lifestyle, beauty, and food content on channels like Yummmier, inspiring individuals to elevate everyday life,” says XiXi Yang, Founder and CEO of XYZ Media.

“The fun part about entrepreneurship and passive income is playing the game to infinitely scale your business so you can make money in your sleep. The strategy and success comes from your inner drive, expanding your marketing and network, and a little bit of luck :). Unlike a salary, the sky is the limit!” enthusiastically offers Mayly Tao, who is an author, podcaster, content creator, and the personality behind Donut Princess LA. “Passive income is the purest form of entrepreneurship - working smart, delivering value, and building wealth. That’s also what makes it so elusive, so don’t feel bad if you haven’t figured it out yet!” adds on Gregarious Narain.

Thousands of people around the globe have become more financially independent and quit their jobs because they have built successful passive income streams. If you are determined and willing to put the work in, you can achieve similar results.


  1. Free Passive to Active Voice Converter

    When a sentence is written in active voice, the subject performs the verb. When a sentence is written in passive voice, the subject gets acted upon by the verb. For example, "I'm writing a novel" is in active voice, whereas "A novel is being written by me" is in passive voice.

  2. Passive Voice: How to Use the Active and Passive Voice Properly

    Active voice: S + am/ is/ are + going to + have + V3. The Passive: S + am/ is/ are + going to + have + been + V3. Example: I am going to have finished my report by the end of this month. (Active) My report is going to have been finished by the end of this month.

  3. Passive Voice: Important Rules and Useful Examples

    I do my home work. My mom cooks the dinner. Our teacher gives us a lot of homework. She receives a letter from her father. Passive Voice. In contrast, passive voice is describe a sentence in which the subject receives an action. Form: SUBJECT + VERB + "TO BE" + PAST PARTICIPLE. My homework is done (by me). The dinner is cooked (by my mom).

  4. Passive Voice (with Examples)

    us - We. them - They. 2. Then you make the verb passive. Put the verb "to be" into the same tense as the verb in the active sentence. For example, in the sentence "John helped me", "helped" is the past tense. Therefore, you need the past simple tense of the verb "to be", which is "was" or "were". "I was…".

  5. How & Why to Use the Passive Voice

    Use #1: When the Actor Is Unknown or Insignificant. English speakers use the passive voice when the actor (person/thing performing the action) is unknown or insignificant. This is especially true when reporting crimes or incidents when the perpetrator is unknown. The store was robbed in broad daylight. My wallet was stolen last year.

  6. The Passive Voice Complete Guide

    Passive : Football is played all around the world. Active : The cleaners cleaned the room. Passive : The room was cleaned. Active : John failed the exam. Passive : The exam was failed by John. You can see from these examples that sometimes it is a good idea to use the passive voice if you follow the reasons why we use the passive voice.

  7. Free Active-Passive Voice Converter

    Enter the existing text in the designated area. 2. Choose the desired output: active or passive voice. 3. [Optional] Select output length from the drop-down menu. 4. Click "Change Voice". 5. Paste the generated copy into a document or rewrite your copy using our paraphrasing tool.

  8. Transformation of Sentence: Active & Passive Voice

    Tolstoy interests me. - I am interested in Tolstoy. Light filled the room. - The room was filled with light. Miscellaneous voice change examples: Honey tastes sweet. - Honey is sweet when it is tasted. (quasi-passive voice) We know that Columbus discovered America. - It is known to us that America was discovered by Columbus. (complex ...

  9. Homework: Passive Voice

    This homework sheet enables students to practise using the Passive Voice through a range of progressively challenging exercises. After downloading your PDF: print it immediately or save and print later. Answers are provided for teachers on the second page. Make your own worksheets with the free EnglishClub Worksheet Maker!

  10. An English-Zone.Com Chart: Active and Passive Voice

    An English-Zone.Com Passive Voice Chart - Study passive voice, ... I am going to make the cake. Sue is going to make two cakes. Passive: Future with GOING TO ... The lazy students might not do the homework. Passive: MAY / MAY NOT Katya may be given a new office by her company.

  11. Changing Passive to Active Voice

    Changing Passive to Active Voice. If you want to change a passive-voice sentence to active voice, find the agent in a "by the..." phrase, or consider carefully who or what is performing the action expressed in the verb. Make that agent the subject of the sentence, and change the verb accordingly. Sometimes you will need to infer the agent from ...

  12. Change of voice

    The Government expects us to pay Taxes. The Government expects taxes to be paid (by us). You will have to submit your project tomorrow. Your project will have to be submitted tomorrow by you. English Grammar: Change of Voice in Active to passive and passive to Active examples of Interrogative, Negative, Imperative and Infinitive Sentences.

  13. Passive Voice

    It (clean/already) by someone else. Relax! From now on, I promise that everything (do) for you. When I came home, dinner (cook/not) yet. Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice. Use the same tense as in the active sentence. Only use by if necessary. They offer free trials twice a year. twice a year.

  14. Mastering Passive Voice

    You've mastered the passive voice construction "have something done." You now understand how to use it to indicate actions arranged by someone else, as well as its alternative form "get something done." Remember to pay attention to the word order and context to accurately convey your intended meaning. Keep practising, and soon, you'll wield ...

  15. Exercises on Passive Voice

    Rewrite the sentences in passive voice. John collects money. Anna opened the window. We have done our homework. I will ask a question. He can cut out the picture. The sheep ate a lot. We do not clean our rooms. William will not repair the car.

  16. PDF Passive Voice

    Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice. Someone will attend to you later. I don't remember Jack giving me the tickets. We must do something before the situation gets out of control. You can hear the music in all sections of the stadium. The company employs 5 people.

  17. 1-PASSIVE VOICE Flashcards

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like TENSE-MODAL-1 present continous: i am doing my homework my homework is being done past: i did my homework my homework was done past continous: i was doing my homework my homework was being done present perfect: i have done my homework my homework has been done past perfect: i had done my homework my homework had been done ...

  18. Going To Future Passive

    3. The teacher is going to give me a second chance. 4. Disneyland is going to give us a big discount. 5. They are going to train me for the job. We use object + am / is / are + going to + be + verb3 (past participle) to form going to future passive voice. Example sentences, explanations and exercises for students and teachers.

  19. Active or Passive Voice Flashcards

    Passive voice is used frequently when speaking and writing. ... The homework won't be corrected until tomorrow. Passive. I am going to call your mother! Active. Complete your homework this evening. Active. Has your homework been turned in? Passive. Have you given me your homework? Active. Speak English in class. Active. About us. About Quizlet;

  20. Active and Passive Voice Exercise With Answers

    Exercise 02: Change the following sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice and write your answers in the comment section below. The chef prepares a delicious meal every evening. People speak English in many countries around the world. The company will launch a new product next month.

  21. ChatGPT

    Give me ideas for what to do with my kids' art (opens in a new window) Help me study vocabulary for a college entrance exam (opens in a new window) ... With ChatGPT, you can type or start a voice conversation by tapping the headphone icon in the mobile app. ...

  22. What Is A Passive Income And How Can You Earn It With A Full ...

    According to American entrepreneur Grant Cordone, passive income is the key to building wealth. No matter how many hours you work, it may be impossible to reach your financial goals with a 9-5 job ...