
ETD Administrator- Electronic Submissions

Steps for dissertation and thesis submission, submission section examples.

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Submission Process illustration

The submission process provides assurance that all of the critical areas needed for properly publishing a dissertation or thesis have been covered.  It includes the following steps:

  • Submit -- Authors will review all of the rules, guidelines, and options for publication and initially submit to administrators.
  • Review  -- An assigned institutional administrator will review the submitted material to assure it has been properly formatted and submitted.
  • Revise & Approve -- Active communication takes place between author and administrator regarding any needed changes, followed by approval when completed.
  • Deliver --  Administrators submit all approved dissertations and theses to ProQuest, either individually or in batches.
  • Done -- ProQuest will process all received material and publish them according to agreement and in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses .

Resources and guidelines page

Resources and Guidelines

Publishing options page

Publishing Options and Agreements

Creative Commons page

Creative Commons (Optional) -- U.S. Only

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Contact Information

Dissertation and thesis details page.

Dissertation / Thesis Details

Dissertation and thesis upload page.

Upload Dissertation / Thesis

United States copyright page.

Copyright -- U.S. Only

Copies and order page.

Order Copies

Order summary and submission page.

Summary / Submission

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Ed.D. Dissertation Guide: Publishing - ProQuest

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What is ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global?

  ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global is the largest collection of dissertations and theses in the world.   It offers access to over 4 million graduate works from 1861 to the present day. 

  • ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global - Advanced search

How to submit your dissertation to ProQuest

You can submit your dissertation to ProQuest via the  ProQuest ETD Administrator , a unique site for students that will guide you through uploading your manuscript. The submission process is easy and free to you.

For assistance, contact Jessica Scott, Graduate Program Manager, at  [email protected] .

ETD Administrator tutorial videos

ETD Administrator FAQs

  • ProQuest ETD Administrator Guide

ProQuest and embargo options

If you are submitting your dissertation to a journal or a book publisher for publication or if your dissertation is already accepted for publication, you may want to consider an embargo option, i.e. a delayed release, during which ProQuest will make your work unavailable for a certain period of time. 

  • ProQuest embargoes and restrictions

Registering for copyright

  • You can register your dissertation yourself by filing for copyright directly through the  Registration Portal of the U.S. Copyright Office . The registration fee is $35.
  • You can request that ProQuest files for copyright with the  U.S. Copyright Office  on your behalf. The service fee is $55.00.

Registering your dissertation for copyright is optional.

ProQuest publishing options

There are two publishing options in ProQuest: traditional publishing and open access PLUS.

Traditional publishing

  • Citation information for your dissertation will be available in the subscription-based ProQuest Dissertation & Theses database as well as subject specific databases that purchase information from ProQuest.
  • The full text of your dissertation will only be available to those institutions that subscribe to the ProQuest Dissertation & Theses database 
  • You will receive royalties on any purchases of your dissertation
  • There is no fee associated with the traditional publishing option
  • ProQuest traditional publishing agreement

Open access publishing PLUS

  • The full text and information about your dissertation will be available through the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses subscription database and freely available through the  PQDT Open   platform
  • You will not receive royalties on any purchases of your dissertation
  • You will pay a one-time fee of $95.00 to publish your dissertation in an open access format  

See the chart below to compare the benefits of ProQuest's traditional publishing services and Open Access Publishing PLUS.

  • ProQuest Open Access Publishing PLUS versus traditional publishing

ProQuest fees

  • Traditional publishing:  free
  • Open access publishing:  $95.00 (paid directly to ProQuest at the time of submission)
  • Registering for copyright:  $55.00 (paid directly to ProQuest at the time of submission)
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Submitting an Electronic Thesis to ProQuest

  • Preparing Theses for ProQuest Submission
  • How to Upload/Submit a Thesis to ProQuest

ProQuest Traditional Verses Open Access Publishing

Registering for us copyright (optional), copyright faq.

  • Embargos on your Thesis or Project

how long does it take proquest to publish dissertation

ProQuest offers students two publishing options for theses, Traditional Publishing or Open Access Publishing PLUS.

Traditional Publishing

There is no cost for this option. Your thesis will only be made available by ProQuest through their ProQuest Dissertations and Theses subscription database and for sale through their Dissertations Express service. Authors are entitled to royalties for these sales as set out on the full  Traditional Publishing Agreement .

  • The   thesis   will not be freely available in PQDT Open. 
  • There is no fee charged.
  • The author is eligible to receive royalties.
  • The   thesis   will be available for purchase through ProQuest.
  • The thesis will appear in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, a subscription database.
  • A record for the   thesis   (may include citation, abstract, preview, etc.) will appear in  other  ProQuest  resources, in library catalogs and in indexes such as ABI, Art Bibliographies  Moder n .  Ebsco  and others.

Open Access PLUS

Theses are made available through the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses subscription database and through the  PQDT Open  platform that allows anyone with Internet access to access and download the thesis for free. 

  • The thesis will be freely available in PQDT Open.
  • The author waives rights to receive royalties.
  • The thesis will be available for purchase through ProQuest. 
  • The thesis will appear in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, a subscription database, and in PQDT Open 
  • A record of the thesis (may include citation, abstract, preview, etc.) will appear in other ProQuest resources, in library catalogs and in indexes such as ABI, Art Bibliographies Modern. Ebsco and others.

Comparison of the two options

As part of the ProQuest thesis submission process you will have the option to pay for ProQuest to register your thesis for US Copyright on your behalf and deposit the necessary copies for you with the Copyright Office. The cost is $55. Registration offers certain legal benefits if someone infringes on your copyright and you wish to bring suit.  More information is available in the "Optional Copyright Registration" section of this page:

  • How do I get copyright for my thesis/dissertation? As the author of a thesis or dissertation, you own the copyright to your work.  Under U.S. Copyright law, a creator of an "original work" created in a "fixed tangible medium" is immediately and automatically the copyright owner of the work, and your work is protected. 
  • Do I need to register my work with the U.S. Copyright Office? As stated above, your thesis or dissertation is automatically protected under copyright.  However, there are some important practical and legal benefits to registering your copyright, particularly the right to collect " statutory damages " in a successful infringement lawsuit.  Essentially, if at some point you might want to take legal action in order to protect your work, you should register it with the  U.S. Copyright Office . 
  • How do I register my work? In the course of this submission, you can request that ProQuest/UMI file for copyright with the U.S. Copyright on your behalf.  ProQuest charges a $55 fee for this service.You can also do the filing yourself directly through U.S. Copyright Office at .  You will be charged a $35 registration fee.
  • Finding and Using Images:  Fair Use
  • Citation and Copyright : Fair Use

The information in this section is adapted and expanded from "Submitting Electronic Theses and Dissertations to ProQuest" from the Regent University Library.

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Q: How do I publish my dissertation manuscript via ProQuest?

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Answer Last Updated: Aug 28, 2017 Views: 655

You will receive instructions on submitting your manuscript for publication from the Doctoral Success Center (DSC). Once you have accessed the ProQuest ETD Administrator site, you can review the Resources & Guidelines and Submitting your Dissertation/Thesis pages for information on submitting your manuscript, how to check the status of your submission, and how to revise your submission. After submitting your manuscript using ProQuest ETD Administrator, it will be sent to the DSC for review. Upon completion of the review, the DSC will forward the submission to the dean for review and final approval. Upon dean's approval, the submission will then be delivered to ProQuest  ETD Administrator for publishing and archiving.

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  • Published Dissertation
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Publishing Dissertations

  • 1. Preparing
  • 2. Submitting
  • 3. Publishing Agreement
  • 4. Publishing Options
  • 5. Copyright
  • 6. Ordering Copies

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How Long Before My Dissertation is Published?

After you submit your dissertation for publication, it is held by the Library until the end of the semester of submission/graduation. We do this so any last-minute changes can be accommodated before we release it to ProQuest.

When the Library releases a dissertation for publication and ProQuest receives it, the dissertation is locked. If changes are needed after release for publication, the student author must work with ProQuest directly to do so, and ProQuest charges fees to make changes.

Once the Library system administrator releases your dissertation for publication by ProQuest, you can expect that it will be 8-10 weeks for you receive the printed copies you may have ordered. 

But It will only be 4-6 weeks until ...

  • your dissertation's bibliographic information  will begin to appear in the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses service and in Google Scholar results,
  • your full-text dissertation will be  available for download or viewing  on the PQDT platform,

And your dissertation take its place as part of the scholarly conversation of education!

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Theses & Dissertations

  • Submitting your Thesis or Dissertation
  • Depositing with ProQuest
  • Understanding Copyright
  • Understanding Embargoes
  • Frequently Asked Questions

ProQuest Open Access Fee

ProQuest's publishing agreement allows students to specify their choice of either Open Access Publishing PLUS or Traditional publishing when they submit.

Students who chose to publish their dissertation or Thesis in the Traditional Publishing model with ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT) database. 

Students who choose ProQuest's Open Access Publishing PLUS publishing option costs $95. This one-time fee funds the perpetual hosting of the student’s work for electronic public access.

There is no cost to make a thesis or dissertation open access in the CMU KiltHub Repository. 

With the Open Access Publishing PLUS from ProQuest publishing option, graduate students can publish their dissertations and theses with ProQuest on an open access basis. Once published, open access graduate works will be made available in the following ways, ensuring the widest possible exposure of the author’s graduate research:

  • PQDT : Open access graduate works will be available for free download to all users of the ProQuest® Dissertations & Theses (PQDT) database, the world’s most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses.
  • PQDT Open : Open access titles can be retrieved via the ProQuest database PQDT Open . Anyone with access to the Internet will be able to read and download open access dissertations and theses for free.

ProQuest Open Access Publishing Versus Traditional Publishing

More information.

Please see Open Access Publishing PLUS FAQ or feel free to contact ProQuest directly at  [email protected]  or call 800-521-0600 x 77020

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how long does it take proquest to publish dissertation

Copyright, Open Access & Publishing Support

Scholarly Communication at Tufts

FAQ for Dissertation & Thesis Writers

Here are some common student concerns and questions about what it means to make a copy of a dissertation/thesis available via ProQuest Dissertations & Theses and in the open access Tufts Digital Library:

Q: Will making my dissertation/thesis openly available in the institutional repository hurt my chances for publication?

Q: Can I delay the release of my dissertation/thesis? What’s an embargo?

Q: I published a chapter of my dissertation/thesis as an article last year.  I’m getting ready to submit my dissertation/thesis to ProQuest and it asks if I am the copyright holder of all the material I’m submitting.  I think I transferred my copyright to the publisher in order to get the article published.  What should I do?

Q: What options do I have if my research contains information about a patent and/or contains sensitive information provided to me by a third party?

Q: Do I have to publish my dissertation/thesis?  It is not as complete or as polished as I would like it to be.

Q: Could someone steal my ideas and publish them before I can if I make I my dissertation/thesis openly available?

Q: I want to use graphs, charts, and images created by others in my dissertation/thesis.  Do I need to seek permission to use them?  What about fair use?

Q: What are the benefits of registering my copyright?  Should I have ProQuest do this on my behalf?

Q: Do I need to pay ProQuest to make my thesis/dissertation available open access? What is open access?

A: Talk to your advisor, others on your committee or in your department, basically anyone you know, to get a sense of the publishing landscape in your field.  It may be that publishers in your sub-field are not really that concerned about the existence of an earlier, not blind peer-reviewed copy in your institutional repository.  Remember a dissertation is not a book. It’s a different animal altogether.

You could also think about seeking an embargo to give yourself a little more time.  Embargoes delay the release of the full-text.  They are available for 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years.

A: Embargoes delay the availability of the full-text of your work to a specified duration of time. Once submitted, a record of the dissertation/thesis is still visible, which provides metadata, such as the title, author, year, abstract, school, and subject matter, just not the full-text of your work. Embargoes are available for 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years.

Should you need to extend the embargo period (because of a patent application, publishing process, or privacy concerns), you may request a one-time extension of the embargo from ProQuest and Tufts Archival Research Center . Depending on the request, you may need approval from your advisor or Dean.

For information about embargoing a thesis or dissertation, consult your program’s thesis/dissertation guide.

When you submit your thesis or dissertation in ProQuest, the embargo option is listed as “Delaying release in ProQuest”.

A: Try to hunt down a copy of the author’s agreement that you signed with the journal publisher.  Some agreements include statements on re-using the published article in your dissertation/thesis.  Depending on what the agreement indicates, you may need to seek an embargo of your dissertation/thesis, which delays the release of the full-text (6 months, 1 year, or 2 years), or you may need to get in touch with the journal editor to discuss adding an addendum to your signed agreement that allows you to re-use the article.

If you can’t find the author’s agreement you signed, you might want to look up your journal in SHERPA/RoMEO , to see the typical author’s agreement for that journal, before contacting your editor to explain the situation. You can also check out the MIT Libraries page on Thesis Content and Article Publishing for links to relevant policies for several publishers.

Of course, if you retained copyright, for example, if you were publishing with an open access journal using a Creative Commons license, you do not need to ask permission to re-use your article.

A:   You have a couple of options – embargo or redaction. Consult with IRB and your advisor for more information about either of these options.

An embargo would delay the release of the full-text. Embargoes are available for 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years.

Talk with your advisor, you may seek to redact the specific sensitive information and submit the redacted dissertation/thesis without an embargo if:

  • You acknowledge that dissertation/thesis is reacted and you describe what kind of information was redacted; and
  • The redaction does not compromise your argument.

Should you need to extend the embargo period because you are in the midst of patent negotiations, your advisor may request a one-time extension of the embargo from ProQuest and Tufts Archival Research Center.

A: This is an understandable concern, but remember, this is a required step in getting your degree. If you are concerned about future publication possibilities, speak to your advisor about placing an embargo on your work, which would delay the release of the full-text for 6 months, 1 year, or 2 years.

A:  This is a valid concern, and we have ways to deal with it.

You can place an embargo on your work, which means no one can access the full-text of your dissertation/thesis for 6 months, 1 year, or 2 years.

You could pay to have your work formally registered with the US Copyright Office.  You can do this process on your own at any time once your work is in a “fixed” format, or you can ask ProQuest to register your copyright on your behalf during the submission process.  Formal registration establishes a claim on your particular “expression” of your ideas.  Registration is a necessary step should you want to sue for copyright infringement.

A: In some cases, fair use may be appropriate.  Depending on the amount and type of material being used, it may be more appropriate to seek permission .  If the material you want to use in your dissertation/thesis is in the public domain , you don’t need permission or to do a fair use assessment, just don’t forget to cite it!

A: Your thesis/dissertation is automatically copyrighted as soon as you write it, therefore it is not necessary to take any other steps to initiate your copyright  Nevertheless, there are reasons you might seek to formally register your copyright with the U.S. Office of Copyright. Registering provides a date-stamp, which can be useful in establishing primacy of your work.  If your work is very creative or you think it has potential to be re-used or mis-used by others, you might want to register.  Plus, they put a copy of your work in the Library of Congress; you’ve arrived!

You can register your copyright at any time; it does not need to occur at the moment of submission to ProQuest.  However, the earlier you register your copyright, the more money in statutory damages and attorney fees you are eligible for should you end up suing someone for violating your copyright.  You need to register before you can sue someone, and if it was not registered earlier, you are limited to seeking only actual damages and no attorney fees.

ProQuest can register the copyright for you for a fee.  Or you can register the copyright yourself . Registering the copyright yourself will have a smaller fee.

Remember, this is not a required step – and it has nothing to do with your being the copyright holder. You are the copyright holder the moment you create the work.

A: Open access publications can be freely accessed online and means that anyone with access to the internet can read your thesis/dissertation.  It does not affect your copyright.

Tufts libraries receive copies of all theses & dissertations submitted to ProQuest and load a copy into the Tufts Digital Library . That copy is available open access and you do not need to pay ProQuest to provide an open access copy . if you’ve placed an embargo on your work, the Tufts Digital Library will follow the same embargo.

With the traditional publishing option (non-open access) in ProQuest, ProQuest has the ability to sell copies of your thesis/dissertation and you, as the author, receives modest royalties from those sales.

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Thesis Submission

Changes or edits, copyright and publication considerations, access to your thesis.

As of the Fall 2020 all GSD master theses and doctoral dissertations are being submitted through a new Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) tool from ProQuest that Harvard University has subscribed to. Submission of theses is now managed through this tool.

If you are a doctoral student, please become familiar with the DDes Guidelines for the Dissertation . It includes details on the Form of the DDes Dissertation . You will submit your dissertation using the ProQuest ETD submission tool .

To submit your master's thesis or doctoral dissertation please go to the ProQuest ETD submission tool , where you will see the GSD logo in the top right section. Once there, you will see the  Welcome to the ETD Administrator @ Harvard Graduate School of Design   banner, where you can start the process of submitting your thesis when you log in as a student (using your GSD email address and HarvardKey credentials). The  My ETDs  tab will guide you through the submission (you will basically go through the left navigation menu step by step). 

Please read the instructions included in the Instructions page.   It includes information about a cover sheet (for master theses) and/or dissertation acceptance certificate (for doctoral dissertations) that you will need to include with your PDF. The academic department administrators and/or coordinators provide guidelines for those.

Masters theses have a cover sheet with information on author, title, program, academic department, statement and signatures. The academic department coordinators can give you a template. As long as all the information in that template is included in your cover sheet you can design the cover sheet with the typeface and colors that you want to match your thesis book design.

There is no submission fee, unless you request that ProQuest register it with the US Copyright Office (see Copyright and Publication Considerations below) or you request a printed and bound copy from ProQuest.

In cases of multiple authors, each author would want to submit individually. Each submission is published with its own metadata and publication number, and are not flagged as duplicates. Multiple authors on a single submission are not supported.

  • PDF copy of your dissertation/thesis.  This must be a single file. If your manuscript is in Word or RTF format, you must convert it into a PDF.
  • Optional Supplementary files (images, data, etc.)  that are an integral part of the dissertation/thesis, but not part of the full text.
  • Advisor and other Committee Members' Names
  • Subject Categories:  1-3 that best describe your dissertation/thesis'  subject area  [PDF]. These categories are fixed subject categories.
  • Keywords:  You will have the option to add additional tags that you think would enhance discovery and access to your thesis.

You can start your submission, save, and come back later to finish. When finished, remember to hit the Submit button.

While there is no limit to the quantity of files received by ProQuest for an individual submission, there is an 8GB single file size limit. If you have a single files that is for example 20GB, you need to break that up into files that are 8GB or less (such as 7GB+7GB+4GB). Any file larger than 8GB would not make it to the ProQuest platform, so they have to be broken up into files that are 8GB or less.

ProQuest accepts any file format including .mp4 files being submitted as supplemental files. Supplemental files are posted to the database and users would view them using the appropriate program for that file type from their computer. For print copies, all supplemental files are copied to disc and inserted in a back pocket. If ProQuest editors find a problem they will contact you. 

Yes, you have the option of putting an embargo (delaying the access to your full theses). Reasons for an embargo range from patents pending to personal reasons. 

If in the future you need a print copy of your thesis you can obtain one from ProQuest for a fee.

Additional information related to the formatting and submission of your thesis may be included in this ProQuest PDF document .  

If a submission has been delivered to ProQuest and is not yet published, ProQuest is able to "undeliver" the submission so that edits can be made. Please communicate with your academic department coordinator to start this process. ProQuest will change the status from "delivered" to "ready for delivery" at which point you will be able to upload a revised PDF copy before re-delivering. You can do that in the Revisions/Changes section, where you will be able to Replace the existing PDF with the revised PDF.

Can I make changes to my thesis once published by ProQuest?

For a thesis to be already published in ProQuest it has already gone through the process of being certified by the thesis advisor, accepted by the academic chair. Any changes, including the extraction and/or correction of significant errors must be approved by the thesis advisor and department chair. ProQuest will require a letter or email containing the permission or approval, a complete corrected version of your thesis, and a fee. Please be reminded this will only be applicable to the original version published by ProQuest, not to the original version published in DASH. We recommend working with your academic department in order to address any changes to the copy of record.

Once the work is published, the student can contact ProQuest ( [email protected] ) and ask for it to be removed from their service.

You will be presented with publishing options while submitting your thesis. Harvard University recommends that you choose  Traditional Publishing. When choosing this option, theses will be available online as open-access publications through Harvard’s institutional repository (IR),  DASH . DASH ensures the availability, longevity, and functionality of your thesis.

After uploading your thesis/dissertation and submitting information about it, you will be presented with the option of having ProQuest register it with the  US Copyright Office . Harvard University does not recommend this option. You already hold the copyright by having authored your thesis and putting it in tangible form, and you will avoid paying a fee to ProQuest for that service.

Ask the Harvard Office for Scholarly Communication:  [email protected]

You hold the copyright to your thesis. Some students include the copyright symbol © with their name on the cover sheet to indicate that.

Currently, Harvard students cannot choose a CC license during submission via ProQuest. But! Although the non-exclusive license agreement for DASH is not CC-BY, it is essentially the same set of rights.

Once published by ProQuest the theses are available to everyone (other universities included) that subscribe to Dissertations and Theses Online, unless you have put an embargo on your thesis. Once published in ProQuest and ingested into Harvard Library systems, the thesis will be available to the world (not only to those with a subscription to ProQuest) through DASH, the open access digital institutional repository for Harvard, unless you have put an embargo on your thesis.

You will have access to your thesis through ProQuest's Dissertations and Theses Online and through DASH. The HOLLIS record for your thesis will link directly to DASH.

Once approved and submitted by the department administrator it should only take a few weeks for the work to show up in ProQuest and in DASH, it may take longer to show up in HOLLIS.

This depends on current workflows and coordination between ProQuest and Harvard Library related to depositing, processing, and cataloging. The library or your academic department coordinator can find out and tell you where the thesis is in the processing workflow.

During the submission process you can choose to put an embargo on your thesis if you want a delayed access. Some students may choose to add an embargo for personal reasons (including personal safety) and/or have patents pending.

You have the option of choosing between 6 months, 1 year, or 2 years for an embargo. If you want to embargo your thesis for a longer period, you can stipulate that timeline within the tool as YYYY-MM-DD to whatever timeline fits your needs.

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Submitting Electronic Theses and Dissertations to ProQuest

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ProQuest Fees:

You will have the option to purchase personal copies of your work during the submission process.

Permanent Embargoes: If you receive approval for a permanent embargo of your work, you need to deliver a print copy of your document, printed in single-sided format, to your School Administrator , who will submit it to the Library to be bound and added to the collection. You will be responsible for the printing and binding fees (Submitting a print copy to the library is not required for short-term embargoes). 

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  1. How Long Does It Take To Include My Dissertation Or Thesis ...

    How Long Does It Take To Include My Dissertation Or Thesis In ProQuest? Article Number: 000032609. The process generally takes 8 to 12 weeks from the time we receive your materials. Be advised that universities sometimes hold materials before sending them on to ProQuest. If you have submitted electronically you will receive a confirmation email ...

  2. Has My Dissertation Been Uploaded To ProQuest?

    The average time it takes to do this work is 4-6 weeks. When the work is complete, your status will change to 'Published by ProQuest.'. Published by ProQuest: Congratulations, your dissertation or thesis is now in ProQuest. If embargoed, the full text of your dissertation or thesis will become available when the embargo period you specified has ...

  3. Why publish a dissertation or thesis with ProQuest?

    ProQuest Dissertation Publishing provides the only comprehensive service in the world for publishing, archiving and disseminating graduate research. Over the past 70 years, we have published more than 2 million dissertations and theses. Most graduate schools in the United States require their students to publish with ProQuest.

  4. Including Dissertations and Theses for Student Authors

    Publish Your Thesis or Dissertation. By publishing your thesis or dissertation with ProQuest Direct, you are joining global research communities through ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global and now, Web of Science.Your scholarship will not only advance your field of study, but also contribute to a global knowledge network, connecting research across time and space.

  5. ETD Administrator- Electronic Submissions

    The submission process provides assurance that all of the critical areas needed for properly publishing a dissertation or thesis have been covered. It includes the following steps: Submit -- Authors will review all of the rules, guidelines, and options for publication and initially submit to administrators. Review -- An assigned institutional ...

  6. How long will it take to get my order?

    When you submit your dissertation or thesis to ProQuest and order one or more print copies, you can generally expect to receive your order within 4-6 weeks of when your work is published and available on ProQuest. The following steps need to be completed before your work can be published: Revision and approval. Delivery to ProQuest.

  7. Ed.D. Dissertation Guide: Publishing

    Citation information for your dissertation will be available in the subscription-based ProQuest Dissertation & Theses database as well as subject specific databases that purchase information from ProQuest. ... You will pay a one-time fee of $95.00 to publish your dissertation in an open access format ;

  8. PDF Preparing Your Manuscript for Submission (Including ...

    ProQuest Dissertation Publishing in Adobe PDF format. When preparing your PDF, be sure to do the ... Dissertations Acquisitions ProQuest 789 E. Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1346 Embedding Fonts This guidance assumes you are writing your manuscript in MS Word on a PC. If you are using a Mac,

  9. Publishing Options in ProQuest

    The thesis will be available for purchase through ProQuest. The thesis will appear in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, a subscription database. A record for the thesis (may include citation, abstract, preview, etc.) will appear in other ProQuest resources, in library catalogs and in indexes such as ABI, Art Bibliographies Moder n. Ebsco and others.

  10. How long will it take to get my order?

    Contact ProQuest Support. ----- When you submit your dissertation or thesis to ProQuest and order one or more print copies, you can generally expect to receive your order within 4-6 weeks of when your work is published and available on ProQuest. The following steps need to be completed before your work can be published: Revision and approval

  11. Q: How do I publish my dissertation manuscript via ProQuest?

    Aug 28, 2017 653. You will receive instructions on submitting your manuscript for publication from the Doctoral Success Center (DSC). Once you have accessed the ProQuest ETD Administrator site, you can review the Resources & Guidelines and Submitting your Dissertation/Thesis pages for information on submitting your manuscript, how to check the ...

  12. Arrendale Library: Publishing Dissertations: 7. How Long?

    Once the Library system administrator releases your dissertation for publication by ProQuest, you can expect that it will be 8-10 weeks for you receive the printed copies you may have ordered. But It will only be 4-6 weeks until ... And your dissertation take its place as part of the scholarly conversation of education!

  13. Depositing with ProQuest

    Overview. With the Open Access Publishing PLUS from ProQuest publishing option, graduate students can publish their dissertations and theses with ProQuest on an open access basis. Once published, open access graduate works will be made available in the following ways, ensuring the widest possible exposure of the author's graduate research:

  14. FAQ for Dissertation & Thesis Writers

    When you submit your thesis or dissertation in ProQuest, the embargo option is listed as "Delaying release in ProQuest". ... Some agreements include statements on re-using the published article in your dissertation/thesis. Depending on what the agreement indicates, you may need to seek an embargo of your dissertation/thesis, which delays ...


    UMI® Dissertation Publishing ProQuest Information and Learning 789 East Eisenhower Parkway Ann Arbor, MI 48106 1. 800. 521. 0600 x. 7020 [email protected] . ... long and short of it: a sample title." Whenever possible, use full proper names of people, organisms, places, etc. For

  16. Special Collections: Theses at the Frances Loeb Library

    Once published by ProQuest the theses are available to everyone (other universities included) that subscribe to Dissertations and Theses Online, unless you have put an embargo on your thesis. Once published in ProQuest and ingested into Harvard Library systems, the thesis will be available to the world (not only to those with a subscription to ...

  17. ProQuest


  18. Submitting Electronic Theses and Dissertations to ProQuest

    Permanent Embargoes: If you receive approval for a permanent embargo of your work, you need to deliver a print copy of your document, printed in single-sided format, to your School Administrator, who will submit it to the Library to be bound and added to the collection.You will be responsible for the printing and binding fees (Submitting a print copy to the library is not required for short ...