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cover letter for job application for unemployed

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How to Write a Cover Letter When You’re Unemployed: Tips and Guides 

  • Editorial Team
  • June 15, 2023
  • Job Search , Resume & Cover Letters , trending

cover letter for job application for unemployed

When you’re unemployed and applying for jobs , one of the most common questions you’ll be asked is “What have you been doing lately?” Your cover letter is the perfect place to address this question and explain your employment situation. Here are some tips and guides on how to write a cover letter when you’re unemployed:

  • Start by explaining your employment situation in a brief paragraph. For example, “I am currently seeking full-time employment after being laid off from my previous job.”
  • Use the remainder of the cover letter to highlight the skills and qualifications that make you the ideal candidate for the job.
  • Be sure to proofread your cover letter carefully before sending it off.

following these tips will help you write a Cover Letter that will give you the best chance of getting an interview and, ultimately, the job.

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What is a cover letter?

A cover letter accompanies your resume and serves as an introduction to your skills and experience. The Cover Letter gives you a chance to highlight the parts of your resume that are most relevant to the job you are applying for, and it also allows you to explain any gaps in employment.

When you are unemployed, sending a Cover Letter along with your resume is still essential. A Cover Letter is an opportunity to sell yourself to the employer and explain why you would be a good fit for the job. Cover Letters should be tailored to each individual job, so it is essential to do your research ahead of time.

Some Cover Letter tips to keep in mind when you are unemployed:

  • Keep it positive: focus on what you can bring to the company and how your skills will benefit them.
  • Use language from the job posting: This will show that you have read and understand what the company is looking for.
  • Highlight your skills and accomplishments: Even if you don’t have paid work experience, you likely have transferable skills from other experiences such as volunteering, internships, or coursework.
  • Use specific examples: Don’t just say that you are a “hard worker”, give an example of a time when you went above.

Keep in mind that your Cover Cover Letters should be free of typos and grammatical errors.

How to Write a Cover Letter When You’re Unemployed

Cover letters can be very helpful in getting your foot in the door with a company, even if you don’t have a lot of work experience. Here are some tips and guides on how to write a cover letter when you’re unemployed:

First, don’t mention that you’re unemployed.

First, don’t mention that you’re unemployed in your cover letter. There’s no need to draw attention to this fact and it will only give the employer the impression that you’re not currently actively looking for work. Instead, focus on highlighting your skills and experience and how they match the requirements of the job you’re applying for.

If you’ve been out of work for a while, you can also use your cover letter to briefly explain the circumstances that led to your unemployment. For example, if you left your last job to raise a family or take care of a sick relative, you can mention this in your cover letter.

Finally, don’t forget to highlight any volunteer work or other activities you’ve been involved in during your period of unemployment. This will show that you’ve been using your time constructively and keeping your skills up-to-date.

That way, you sound positive, and confident tone throughout the letter.

Focus on your skills and accomplishments, rather than your employment history.

When you’re unemployed, there are a few ways to approach writing your cover letter. You can focus on your skills and accomplishments, rather than your employment history. This is especially useful if you’re starting your job search after a long break, or if you’ve been unemployed for a while.

You can also use your cover letter to explain your employment situation. If you’ve been laid off, for example, you can mention this in your cover letter and explain why you’re the perfect candidate for the job despite being unemployed.

Whatever approach you take, make sure to focus on your skills and accomplishments, rather than on your employment history. This will help you stand out from other candidates and show employers that you’re the right person for the job.

When you’re unemployed, there are a few ways to approach writing your cover letter. You can focus on your skills and accomplishments, rather than your employment history. This is especially useful if you’re starting your job search after a long break, or if you’ve been unemployed for a while.

Highlight any relevant volunteering or internships you’ve done

If you don’t have any paid work experience, you can still use your Cover Letter to show off your skills and accomplishments.

When you’re unemployed, it’s especially important to tailor your Cover Letter to each job you apply for. This means specifying why you are a good fit for that particular role.

It can be difficult to write a Cover Letter when you’re unemployed, but there are ways to showcase your skills and accomplishments even if you don’t have paid work experience. Highlight any relevant volunteering or internships you’ve done, and be sure to tailor your Cover Letter to each job you apply for. By specifying why you are a good fit for that particular role, you can increase your chances of getting hired.

Make a connection

Research the company and find a way to connect yourself with its mission/values.

When you’re unemployed, one of the most important things you can do in your cover letter is to make a connection with the company. This means doing your research and finding a way to connect yourself with their mission and values. Cover letters are all about selling yourself, and this is especially true when you don’t have a job.

Think about what you can offer the company that no one else can. This might be something like relevant experience, a unique skill set, or a passion for the industry. Whatever it is, make sure to highlight it in your cover letter.

Use Personal Stories and Examples

In your Cover Letter, use personal stories and examples to illustrate your skills and qualifications. This will help the employer see how you would be a good fit for the job.

For example, if you are applying for a job as a salesperson, you could write about a time when you successfully closed a big deal. Or, if you are applying for a job as a customer service representative, you could write about a time when you went above and beyond to help a customer.

Personal stories and examples will make your Cover Letter more relatable and memorable, and they will help the employer see how you would be a good fit for the job.

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Emphasize your eagerness to learn and grow in the role

If you’re unemployed and seeking a new job, one of the challenges you face is explaining why you’re not currently employed. In your cover letter, it’s important to address this issue head-on, and explain why you’re looking for work.

One way to do this is to emphasize your eagerness to learn and grow in the role. You can highlight your skills and experience, and explain how you’re ready to take on new challenges. Additionally, you can mention any side projects or volunteer work you’ve been doing to stay busy and keep your skills sharp.

By addressing the issue of unemployment in your cover letter, you can show that you’re honest and upfront about your situation. Additionally, you can demonstrate that you’re a proactive job seeker who is willing to go the extra mile to find work. With this approach, you can set yourself apart from other job seekers and increase your chances of landing an interview.

Keep it short and sweet

A good rule of thumb is to keep your cover letter to one page or less, especially if you’re unemployed. You want to make sure that the hiring manager can quickly read and digest your letter, and that’s tough to do if it’s overly long and drawn out. So get to the point, and don’t worry about adding in extra information or details that could clutter up the letter and make it more difficult to read.

Finally, be sure to proofread your cover letter before sending it off to potential employers! Typos and grammatical errors can create a poor first impression and make it more difficult for you to get your foot in the door.

use industry-specific terms and action verbs

If you’re unemployed, focus on what you were doing prior to becoming unemployed, such as volunteering, part-time work, or online courses.

If you’re a recent graduate, focus on any internships or relevant coursework you’ve completed.

Cover Letter Templates

When you are unemployed, you might feel like your job search is taking forever. One way to speed up the process is to have a great cover letter.

A cover letter template can give you a starting point for creating your own letter, but be sure to tailor the template to fit your own circumstances and personality. Here are some tips for how to write a cover letter when you’re unemployed:

Basic Cover Letter Template for Unemployed Job Seekers

When you are unemployed and looking for a job, it can be tempting to simply submit your resume without a cover letter. However, this is not advisable. Cover letters are still an important part of the job application process, and can help you stand out from the competition.

If you’re not sure how to write a cover letter when you’re unemployed, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. Here are some tips and guides to help you get started:

1. Start by introducing yourself

In the opening paragraph of your cover letter, it’s important to briefly introduce yourself and explain your current situation. For example, you might say something like: “I am a recent graduate of XYZ University and I am currently seeking full-time employment.”

2. Highlight your skills and qualifications

Even though you may not have much (or any) job experience, that doesn’t mean you don’t have the skills and qualifications that would make you a good fit for the role you’re applying for. In the second paragraph of your cover letter, focus on highlighting these skills and qualifications.

3. Explain why you’re the perfect candidate for the job

In the third and final paragraph of your cover letter, explain why you believe you are the perfect candidate for the job. This is your opportunity to sell yourself and make a case for why you should be hired.

4. Close with a call to action

End your cover letter with a call to action, such as requesting an interview or asking for further consideration. For example, you might say something like: “I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further with you. Please contact me at XYZ telephone number or email address to arrange a time.”

By following these tips, you can write a strong cover letter that will help you get noticed by employers, even if you’re unemployed.

Samples Cover Letter for an Unemployed Job Seeker

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to express my interest in the XYZ position that you have advertised. I am a recent graduate of XYZ University and I am currently seeking full-time employment.

I believe that I have the skills and qualifications that would make me a perfect fit for this role. In particular, I have experience in XYZ and I am knowledgeable about XYZ. I am confident that I can be a valuable asset to your team and contribute to the success of your organization.

I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further with you. Please contact me at XYZ telephone number or email address to arrange a time.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

123 Main Street

Anytown, CA 12345


September 1, 2018

Mr. John Doe

Human Resources Manager

Big Company Inc.

123 Business Rd.

Business City, NY 54321

Dear Mr. Doe:

I am writing in response to your advertisement for a XYZ position on the ABC website.

I am a recent college graduate with a degree in XYZ and I believe I have the skills and qualifications you are looking for in a candidate.

I am a hard worker with a go-getter attitude, and I am confident that I would be a valuable asset to your team.

Please find attached my resume for your review.

I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this XYZ position with you further.

Cover Letters Do’s and Don’ts for the Unemployed

When you’re unemployed, there are a few things to keep in mind when writing a cover letter. First, don’t mention that you’re unemployed. It’s not necessary, and it may actually work against you. Second, focus on what you can bring to the table, rather than what you’ve done in the past. Finally, be sure to proofread your letter carefully before sending it off.

Here are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind when writing a cover letter as an unemployed job seeker:

  • Focus on what you can bring to the company, rather than your past experience.
  • Highlight any skills or qualifications that are relevant to the position you’re applying for.
  • Use positive language, and avoid sounding desperate.
  • Focus on your strengths, and be confident in your abilities.
  • Take the time to proofread your letter carefully before sending it off.


  • Mention that you’re unemployed.
  • Focus on your past experience.
  • Use negative language, or sound desperate.
  • Focus on your weaknesses.
  • Send off a letter that’s full of typos and grammatical errors.

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While it may seem difficult to write a cover letter when you’re unemployed, there are ways to do it. By using these tips and guides, you can put your best foot forward and increase your chances of getting the job you want. Cover letters are an important tool in the job search process, so take the time to make yours stand out.

cover letter for job application for unemployed

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Template: Currently Unemployed Cover Letter

If you’ve been unemployed for a period of time, a cover letter is your prime opportunity to explain any gaps on your CV that a hiring manager might be questioning.

It’s an unfortunate situation to be in, but it happens! It’s important to not let your confidence take a knock - get right back out there and apply for new opportunities. Writing a top-notch cover letter will help your application stand out from the crowd and help you get your career back on track.

Don’t try and hide the fact that you have been unemployed - even if it has only been for a short period of time. Describe the reason why you’re currently unemployed, before moving onto an explanation of why you’re ready to return to work. You can use our article on finding a job after being made redundant as a guide.

Always mention how you’ve been spending your time in this period of unemployment. Any volunteering or upskilling is great to showcase to potential future employers.

If you are looking for more guidance on how to write the best cover letter , we can help!

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How to Address Unemployment in a Cover Letter

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Unemployment can raise red flags with employers if work gaps on your resume are not effectively addressed in a cover letter. A hiring manager with an active imagination might worry that you have trouble finding and keeping a job due to chronic alcoholism, laziness or an attitude problem.

Briefly explaining the reasons for being unemployed in a cover letter brings the focus back to your unique skill set and impressive qualifications. Hiring managers may have experienced periods of unemployment in their own career trajectories, so don’t assume they won’t understand or care about difficult life circumstances.

Provide Context for Unemployment

Millions of Americans have experienced periods of unemployment so that fact alone shouldn’t be a barrier to landing a good job. Economic downturns often result in unforeseen layoffs and hiring freezes followed by a slow recovery. For example, 10 million workers were still jobless one year after the beginning of the pandemic, reported CNBC on May 7, 2021.

When addressing unemployment, a letter of explanation should offer context that helps explains what caused your unemployment. For example, you might mention that you were one of many workers who were let go due to budgetary reasons rather than poor performance. Other understandable reasons for joblessness include quitting to care for a family member or to attend school full time.

Offer Familiar Explanation

Cite the typical reasons that candidates give for being unemployed assuming they pertain to you. Forbes suggests that hiring managers are accustomed to seeing a gap in work history and will likely look past it if the applicant lists familiar reasons for being unemployed in a cover letter. Common explanations include unemployment due to company-wide layoffs, organizational restructuring, declining revenue or budget constraints.

Personal reasons frequently given for being out of work include parenting responsibilities or relocating with a spouse. In most cases, a one- to two-sentence explanation in a cover letter will suffice. Volunteering more information than necessary can be a distraction and raise suspicions.

Emphasize Newly Acquired Skills

You can use periods of unemployment to your advantage by showing how you grew personally and professionally during that time. If you quit a job to travel, you can talk about how the experience deepened your understanding of other cultures, increased your language skills and exposed you to new perspectives that will be helpful in your role as a business leader, educator or social worker, for instance. Indeed Career Guide suggests that personal gaps can be listed separately as a job.

​ Example: ​ Full-time caregiver, 2020 to present | Stepped away from professional position to care for terminally ill family member

If you were out of work or underemployed for several months or years, you should mention what you’ve done in the interim to stay current in your occupational field. Your cover letter might mention contributing to professional organizations, earning industry certificates, refreshing technical skills, launching a startup, writing a blog or completing continuing education courses. The key is to relate recent professional development activities to the skills needed to excel in the job you’re seeking.

Be Honest and Upfront

Omitting a few months of unemployment on a resume is an acceptable practice that doesn’t require explanation in a cover letter if you were only out of work for three months or less. However, longer gaps will likely pique the curiosity of an employer. Career Sidekick cautions that misrepresenting dates of employment or fabricating reasons for being out of work could backfire and disqualify you from further consideration. Dishonesty is likely to be discovered when references are checked.

Candid disclosure is advisable even if you were terminated from your last job. In the case of being fired or resigning, your unemployed cover letter sample might state: “My last position was not the best fit for my skill set. I realized that I’m better suited to working with people in sales and customer service than entering data on spreadsheets day after day even though I had a high accuracy rate.”

  • CNBC: 29% of Unemployed Americans Have Been Jobless Over a Year
  • Forbes: Five Tips for Explaining Gaps in Your Employment History
  • Indeed Career Guide: How to Explain Gaps in Employment
  • Career Sidekick: How to Explain Gaps in Employment (With Examples)
  • If you were unemployed for a period of time by choice, such as taking a leave of absence, raising a family or changing career focus, describe this in your cover letter. Emphasize your commitment to re-entering the workforce.
  • If your unemployment was related to a messy divorce, home foreclosure or some other traumatic event you don’t wish to share with potential employers,
  • note the reason for your absence as, “attending to private matters of a personal nature.”
  • If you were terminated from a job under less-than-ideal circumstances or were unemployed because of incarceration, consider leaving that explanation for a face-to-face interview. Sensitive issues are best explained in person, and if you have a criminal record, you may be precluded from holding some types of jobs.

Mary Dowd holds a doctorate in educational leadership and a master’s in counseling and student affairs from Minnesota State Mankato. Helping students succeed has been her passion while serving in many areas of student affairs and adjunct teaching. Currently she is a dean of students at a large, public university. Dr. Dpwd’s writing experience includes published research, training materials and hundreds of practical online articles.

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  • 1 Unemployment Gaps on Your Resume Due to Illnesses
  • 2 How to Get a Job After Depression
  • 3 What Do You Say in a Cover Letter if You Have Been Unemployed for a Long Time?
  • 4 Explaining a Gap of Unemployment on an Application

Written Samples

10 sample cover letters explaining gap in employment.

In the contemporary job market, gaps in employment are not uncommon. However, effectively explaining these gaps in cover letters remains a challenge for many job seekers.

Whether the gap is due to personal reasons, educational pursuits, or unforeseen circumstances, it’s crucial to address it in a way that is both honest and professional. This article provides ten sample cover letters, each tailored to different situations and reasons for employment gaps.

Sample Cover Letters Explaining Gap in Employment

These samples aim to guide and inspire job seekers in crafting their own compelling cover letters that transparently and effectively communicate their unique situations.

Sample 1: Personal Health Issue

Dear [Employer’s Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], as advertised on [Where You Found the Job Posting]. My professional background in [Your Field/Industry], combined with my commitment to personal growth and development, makes me a strong candidate for this role.

I would like to address a gap in my employment from [Start Date] to [End Date], which occurred due to a personal health issue. During this period, I focused on my health and recovery, ensuring that I could return to the workforce with renewed vigor and dedication. This time away also allowed me to engage in various online courses and workshops related to [Your Field/Industry], keeping my skills and knowledge up-to-date.

I am now fully recovered and eager to bring my enhanced perspective and capabilities to your team. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my experience and skills will be beneficial to [Company Name].

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Sample 2: Family Care Responsibilities

I am excited to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. With a strong background in [Your Field/Industry] and a proven track record of [Specific Achievement or Skill], I am prepared to make a significant contribution to your team.

Before delving into my professional qualifications, I wish to clarify the gap in my employment history from [Start Date] to [End Date]. This period was dedicated to providing essential care for a family member undergoing a serious health challenge. While this was a time of personal commitment, it also afforded me the opportunity to develop valuable skills such as time management, empathy, and resilience, which I believe are beneficial in any professional setting.

Now that I am returning to the workforce, I am eager to apply these skills, along with my professional expertise, to the role of [Job Title] at [Company Name]. Thank you for considering my application.

Sample 3: Educational Pursuits

I am writing to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], as listed on [Where You Found the Job Posting]. My background in [Your Field/Industry], along with my recent educational advancements, positions me as a strong candidate for this role.

I would like to highlight the gap in my employment from [Start Date] to [End Date], which was due to my decision to further my education in [Field of Study]. During this time, I completed [Degree or Certification] at [Institution Name], which has significantly enhanced my skills in [Specific Skills or Areas]. This academic pursuit was a strategic step to deepen my expertise and broaden my capabilities within [Your Field/Industry].

With my updated qualifications and renewed passion for [Your Field/Industry], I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name] and achieve [Specific Company Goals or Projects].

Sample 4: Volunteering and Travel

I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to apply for the [Job Title] role at [Company Name]. My experience in [Your Field/Industry], coupled with my commitment to personal and professional growth, makes me an ideal candidate for this position.

I would like to address the gap in my employment from [Start Date] to [End Date]. During this time, I engaged in a combination of volunteering and travel. My volunteer work with [Organization Name] in [Location] allowed me to develop [Specific Skills or Experiences], while traveling provided me with a broader world view and an appreciation for diverse cultures and practices. These experiences have enriched my professional abilities, particularly in areas such as [Relevant Skills or Perspectives].

I am now eager to apply these enriched skills and perspectives to the role of [Job Title] at [Company Name]. Thank you for considering my application.

Sample 5: Starting a Business

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. My extensive experience in [Your Field/Industry] and my entrepreneurial background make me a unique and valuable candidate for this role.

I wish to explain the gap in my employment history from [Start Date] to [End Date], during which I pursued an entrepreneurial venture by starting my own business in [Industry/Field]. This experience was immensely valuable, equipping me with skills in [List Relevant Skills, e.g., leadership, financial management, strategic planning]. While the business eventually closed, the lessons learned and skills acquired are directly applicable to the [Job Title] role at [Company Name].

I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to bring my unique blend of traditional employment experience and entrepreneurial spirit to your team. Thank you for considering my application.

Sample 6: Mental Health Break

I am interested in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] and am excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and experience in [Your Field/Industry] to your esteemed organization.

In the spirit of transparency, I would like to address the gap in my employment from [Start Date] to [End Date]. This period was a necessary mental health break, allowing me to focus on personal well-being and self-improvement. During this time, I engaged in activities that enhanced my professional competencies, such as [List Activities or Skills Developed, e.g., online courses, volunteer work].

Fully rejuvenated, I am now eager to re-enter the workforce and apply my refreshed perspective and skills to the role of [Job Title] at [Company Name]. Thank you for considering my application.

Sample 7: Pursuing a Personal Project

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. With a solid background in [Your Field/Industry] and a passion for continuous learning and development, I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your team.

I would like to bring to your attention the gap in my employment from [Start Date] to [End Date]. During this period, I dedicated myself to a personal project in [Describe Project or Area]. This project not only honed my skills in [Specific Skills], but also provided me with a deeper understanding of [Relevant Industry/Area Knowledge]. The experience has equipped me with unique insights and competencies that I am excited to bring to the [Job Title] role at [Company Name].

I appreciate your consideration of my application and look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my unique experiences can benefit your organization.

Sample 8: Dealing with a Personal Loss

I am applying for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], confident that my professional experience in [Your Field/Industry] aligns well with the demands of this role.

I would like to address a gap in my employment history, which occurred from [Start Date] to [End Date]. This period was marked by a significant personal loss, which necessitated time away from work to focus on personal matters and healing. Throughout this challenging time, I maintained my commitment to professional development by engaging in [List Any Relevant Activities, e.g., part-time courses, freelance projects].

As I return to full-time employment, I bring not only my professional expertise but also a renewed sense of resilience and emotional intelligence. I am eager to apply these qualities to the [Job Title] role at [Company Name].

Sample 9: Career Transition

I am excited to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. With a diverse background in [Previous Field/Industry] and now transitioning into [New Field/Industry], I bring a unique perspective that can add substantial value to your team.

I would like to explain the gap in my employment from [Start Date] to [End Date], which was a strategic career transition phase. During this time, I focused on upskilling and retraining for [New Field/Industry] through [List Training, Courses, or Certifications]. This deliberate move was aimed at aligning my career with my passions and strengths, and I am now well-equipped with [List Newly Acquired Skills or Knowledge] relevant to the [Job Title] role.

I am enthusiastic about bringing my combination of experience and new skills to [Company Name] and contributing to your success.

Sample 10: Sabbatical for Personal Growth

I am eager to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. My extensive experience in [Your Field/Industry], coupled with my recent sabbatical for personal growth, positions me well for this exciting opportunity.

I would like to discuss the gap in my employment from [Start Date] to [End Date], which was a purposeful sabbatical devoted to personal growth and exploration. This time allowed me to engage in activities such as [List Activities, e.g., volunteering, travel, studying], each of which has contributed significantly to my personal and professional development. These experiences have enhanced my abilities in areas such as [List Relevant Skills or Qualities, e.g., cross-cultural communication, adaptability, creative problem-solving].

I am now ready to re-enter the workforce with a refreshed perspective and a wealth of new ideas that I am excited to apply in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. My unique journey during this period has provided me with invaluable insights and skills that I am eager to bring to your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to [Company Name] and achieving new heights together.

In summary, when explaining gaps in employment in cover letters, it’s important to focus on the positive aspects of what you learned or how you grew during that time. Whether it was personal development, acquiring new skills, or overcoming challenges, these experiences can be valuable in the workplace.

The key is to communicate this effectively and professionally, as demonstrated in the samples above. Remember, every gap in employment is an opportunity to showcase resilience, adaptability, and a commitment to continuous learning and improvement.

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How to Address Unemployment on a Resume & Cover Letter

  • Written by Editorial Team
  • Updated September 9, 2022

How to Address Unemployment on a Resume & Cover Letter

It’s no secret that unemployment is at an all-time high. So, if you’re one of the unlucky ones currently unemployed, how do you address it on your resume and cover letter?

While it may be tempting to avoid mentioning your unemployment status on your resume and cover letter, doing so can actually hurt your chances of getting hired.

In this blog post, we’ll teach you how to address unemployment on a resume and cover letter in a way that will make potential employers take notice.

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How to address job unemployment on a cover letter

Unemployment on a CV without a cover letter can raise red flags for employers . Employers search for competent applicants with proven career histories, so eliminating resume gaps is crucial.

Employment history isn’t everything, though. Your cover letter is a chance to show your employer how well you communicate and present yourself.

Demonstrate your professional skills and personality with anecdotes demonstrating your ability to solve problems and make others feel comfortable around you.

Explain why you want to work for this particular employer. Showcase your relevant skills and experience. Don’t just list your responsibilities and accomplishments—explain how you achieved those goals.

Here are some more tips to help you with this matter:

Provide Context for Unemployment

cover letter for job application for unemployed

While some employers may be reluctant to hire someone whose previous employer laid off employees, others may be willing to consider applicants based on their qualifications and experience.

When addressing unemployment, a letter explaining why you left your former position could help you land a better job. You might explain that you were laid off due to budget cuts or that you had to take a lower-paying job to support yourself and your family.

You might also mention that you chose to resign to focus on education or care for a sick relative. This type of information provides context that helps explain what caused your unemployment.

Employers want to understand how applicants fit into their organization and what makes them unique.

Offer Familiar Explanation

The job market is tough. Job seekers often struggle to find employment , especially during economic downturns. To help applicants stand out, many companies ask about previous jobs, including those held outside the field of study. However, there’s no reason to go into too much detail unless the position requires a specific skill set or experience.

For example, if someone is applying for a sales role, mentioning that they worked at a nonprofit organization could be helpful. But don’t list a lengthy resume. Instead, focus on what you learned from each job and why you left. If you’re looking for a marketing manager position, mention how you improved your skills over time.

Focus on the Positive

If your most recent position was only temporary or you were laid off due to COVID, don’t downplay your achievements; highlight them on your resume.

While it might seem negative to highlight your previous employer, highlighting accomplishments will show how well you performed during your tenure there. Include those items on your resume if you received recognition, such as a promotion or commendation.

Highlighting results using metrics (numerical data speaks volumes) and keeping things positive will help you stand out among candidates. When writing about your work experience, don’t just list dates and tasks completed. Instead, use numbers to describe your performance. Emphasize Newly Acquired Skills

cover letter for job application for unemployed

Another way to address unemployment on your resume and cover letter is to emphasize any newly acquired skills. If you took the time to learn new skills while you were unemployed, be sure to highlight these on your application.

This will show employers that you are committed to professional development and willing to invest in your career. In addition, emphasizing your newly acquired skills will help to offset any dates on your resume that may raise red flags for employers. By showing that you are always learning and growing, you can prove that you are the best candidate for the job.

Be Honest and Upfront

In today’s competitive hiring environment , you must present yourself honestly and openly about what happened during your career.

Don’t try to hide behind excuses if you were let go because you didn’t meet expectations or weren’t performing well enough. Be honest and upfront about why you left your previous job.

You never know when someone else is checking up on you and will find out about your history of poor performance. Include that information in your cover letter if you were fired or resigned.

Your goal is to ensure that potential employers understand how you performed in your last role and that you possess transferable skills to their organization.

Job gaps on a resume: what are they?

Employment gaps were periods during your career when you didn’t have formal employment. They can happen for many reasons, such as being out of work due to illness or injury, taking some time off to raise children, pursuing education, traveling abroad, volunteering, or working part-time.

While there’s no set number of years, you must wait between jobs. Avoiding gaps longer than three years is best.

An employment gap on a resume can make employers question whether you’re reliable, dedicated, and trustworthy. If you want to show potential employers that you’ve been able to bounce back quickly from previous challenges, you might consider explaining what you learned during your employment gap.

How to explain job gaps on your resume

How do you explain gaps in employment on your resume? If you want to get hired, you must ensure you don’t miss out on opportunities because of gaps in your work history. But how do you explain those gaps without making yourself look, like a slacker?

Here are some tips to help you explain (or hide) your gaps in employment on your resumes:

List Years Instead Of Months For Previous Positions. (e.g., “2014–2016”)

You could look unprofessional if you list the number of months you worked for each job. You might even come off as lazy. So try listing the total amount of time you spent working at each job.

I’ve Used This Method When I Had A Couple Of Small Gaps Between Jobs.

Another way to handle gaps in employment is to list the total amount of time spent at each position. However, this doesn’t always work well. Sometimes, multiple jobs are listed under one employer, and you only worked at one of those jobs during a given period.

In this case, you’ll likely have to break down the total time into smaller chunks. For example, you might write something like “2006–2007,” “2008–2009,” etc.

If you’re currently out of work, it can be tough to know how to address the issue on your resume and cover letter. But don’t worry. Our expert team is here to help.

We can guide you through what information to include and how to frame your unemployment in a positive light.

Plus, we can help ensure your resume and cover letter are polished and ready for potential employers. Contact us today for a free consultation, and let us help you take the following steps towards finding your dream job.

cover letter for job application for unemployed

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Home » Covering Letters » Unemployed Cover Letter Example

Unemployed Cover Letter Example

By Guest Author

Unemployed Cover Letter example can be used for your job applications. Amend it as suitable and use it for free.

Covering letter for a unemployed job seeker.

Be the first applicant to be called for an interview with your CV accompanied by the best cover letters you can ever write. Writing an effective and powerful cover letter can be tedious and boring at times. However, practice can make you a perfect candidate for the job you are applying for. Take serious efforts in learning how to write a good letter and CV for your own sake. There are best cover letters that you can see but personalising them and making them your ticket for the job interviews takes a lot of efforts and serious study. For one,a good resume cannot stand alone;hence,it needs the help of a good cover letter to hold the interest of the reader. He/she may or may not check further the details you have provided in the CV.

The best cover letters can stand alone because they already summarise your CV. Simply put,the letter must have the right format and well organised thoughts. The highlights you have written in the letter reveal your personality and must therefore speak of your qualities as required of the job. Most employers do not have the luxury of time to read long letters and CVs. If you are able to capsulise your skills, experience and abilities relevant to the position you are applying for, chances that you have held the interest of your reader are high. To write best cover letters – refer to the qualities and job requirements that the company is looking for from the candidate. You can briefly indicate your qualifications in each specific requirement. The resume’s goal is to back up your cover letter.

There are several approaches in writing letters but you have to take into account the qualities that make up the best cover letters. Your letter must be able to convince the employer that you are the fittest person for the job by being relevant to the position. It should be able to explain briefly your skills and experiences/training to match the job requirement. Employers are only interested in applicants who meet the requirements and who can be an asset to the company because they know what they can get from you and not what you get from them.

Mrs Janine Brown 1 The House Something Street Anytown AB12 3ZY Mrs H Stanley

SuperBig Department Stores 22 The Square Townland

Dear Mrs Stanley

I am writing to express my interest in working for your store as a Purchasing Assistant, as advertised.

I am currently unemployed, although I am extremely keen to get back to work as soon as possible. In my previous job, I worked as a junior procurement assistant, which involved me working as part of the purchasing team for a large store like yourselves. I was also responsible for managing invoices and communicating them to the Accounts Department for payment.

I have a diploma in Business Management through The Big University, as well as familiarity with the role you need to fill. I am also very organised and have outstanding communication skills, which is essential when negotiating purchases with clients. My skills and qualifications are detailed further in the attached copy of my CV for your perusal at your earliest convenience.

Should you wish to interview me, I can be available within just a few days and I can provide references at the time of interview should they be required. I look forward to hearing from you.

Kindest regards

Janine Brown

Unemployed Cover Letter Example

Reader Interactions

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October 30, 2018 at 10:51 am

Make sure you don’t sound like you’re unemployed because you’re unemployable or lazy.

Two types of people look for jobs: those who are unemployed and those who are looking to change from one job to another.

You could explain why you’re unemployed. If you’ve left a job, don’t make it sound like it was because you can’t stick at anything. If you were sacked, you don’t stand a very good chance of being favoured, unfortunately, but just don’t make yourself sound like a terrible person to employ.

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Unemployed cover letter example 2

Christine Graham Hiring Manager Dayjob Ltd 120 Vyse Street Birmingham B18 6NF

16 th July 2021

Dear Ms Graham,

A business is only as good as the people it employs, and without wishing to sound boastful I believe that I am the best candidate for your recently advertised ……………… vacancy.

Even though I come to you as a someone who has been out of work for the past one year, I believe that being unemployment should not be a deterrent to being selected for an interview.

After spending three years working as a ……………… I was unfortunately made redundant. However, in the two years since I was laid off, I have been engaged in a range of career building activities such as volunteering, securing freelance casual part-time work and assuming leadership roles in charitable organizations. Combined all of these have given me the confidence and skills needed to apply for your current vacancy.

In my previous role I achieved a number of successes, including, …………………. I believe I can bring the same level of performance to your operations. Indeed, after reading your job description, I quickly realised that I possess all of the competencies you require of a candidate. I particularly want to highlight my ability to …………………… and ……………………….

On a personal level, you will find that I am punctual, have an excellent work ethic and am a fast learner.

I would also like to say that I have researched your company and am very impressed by its values and mission statement. Aspects, that have reinforced my desire to work for you.

Right now, I want to join a company like yours where I can belong and where I can make a real difference to what is going on around me.

I sincerely hope you will be in touch with me within the next few days as regards an interview and I would like to remind you that I can be contacted directly either on my mobile…………… or by email on …………………………

Yours sincerely,

Name Address 1 Address 2 Tel: 0044 123 456 7890 Email: [email protected]

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