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By Nik Taylor (Editor, The Uni Guide) | 13 September 2023 | 9 min read

Personal statement FAQs

We've gone through some of the most commonly asked personal statement questions and put all the answers in one place

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Your personal statement is a big part of your uni application. It's where you can show universities why they should give you a place on your chosen course. Read on for quick tips on writing your personal statement. We'll cover what sort of things to include, along with answers to some of the most commonly asked questions that crop up over on our sister site The Student Room .  If you can't find an answer to your question here, try posting it to the personal statements forum on The Student Room .

When should I start writing my personal statement?

It’s never too early to start thinking about it! However, you'll need a good idea of what course you’re going to apply for before you launch into writing it. On the other hand, don’t leave it too late as it's quite a long process and you're likely to have a few drafts before reaching your finished product.

Remember:  your referee will need to see your personal statement before they can write your reference. If you get yourself organised over the summer, you can start by jotting down a few ideas over those few weeks - ready to start writing it when you arrive back to school or college in September.

The Ucas application deadline for most undergraduate uni courses starting in September 2024 is 31 January 2024. If you're applying to Oxbridge or for medicine, dentistry or veterinary science courses to start in 2024 there's an earlier deadline – 16 October 2023. You can find all the key Ucas deadlines and application dates for 2024 entry in this article . 

  • Read more: universities reveal all about personal statements

How long can the personal statement be?

Statements are limited to whichever is shorter of either:

  • 4,000 characters (including spaces)  OR

Be aware that software such as Microsoft Word may not give a character or line count that completely matches what the Ucas form says. The character count should be reasonably accurate, but the line limit is more difficult because lines may wrap at different points depending on the software you're using.

The only way to be 100% sure what the character and line counts are is to copy your draft statement into your online Ucas form (but be careful not to submit it unless you're sure it's the final version). You can edit and save your personal statement without submitting it as many times as you like, and you'll only be able to mark the section as complete when you're on the preview screen. 

If testing out your personal statement draft on your Ucas form still feels too risky, you can get a good indication of where you're at by using the Courier New font, size 10, with the default margins, to get a reasonable estimate how many lines your personal statement will be. If you've left a line between paragraphs, then you will probably reach the line limit before the character limit.

  • Read more: how to write an excellent personal statement in ten steps

Where do I start?

Most people won’t be able to just start writing the statement off the top of their head – so it’s a good idea to jot down a few notes first. The main things to think about are:

  • What do I want to study? (if you can't answer this, you should probably concentrate on working it out before writing your personal statement).
  • Why do I want to study it?
  • What personal qualities, interests and experience do I have which show I am suited to this subject, and to study at university?

Many people have trouble writing about themselves and their personal qualities. If you’re struggling with this step, it can be helpful to look up some information on writing a CV - there are a lot of parallels in how to put yourself forward effectively.

  • Read more: five practical tips to help with your personal statement

What sort of structure should I use?

Most people write their personal statement in an essay style, starting off with the course, and why they want to do it, then talking about their relevant work experience and skills and finishing off with extracurricular activities.

As a guide, spend around two thirds of the space talking about your course and how you’re suited to it, and one third on your work experience and other activities. Exactly how you write your statement depends on your subject – generally people write more about work experience for vocational subjects like medicine and law than they would for subjects like maths or English where work experience is less important.

  • Read more: avoid these ten biggest personal statement mistakes

No formatting of any type is allowed in your personal statement (except using capital letters), so any bold, italic, or underlined words will disappear in the preview.

Tabs and multiple spaces will be condensed to a single space, so it is not possible to indent lines. Single spaces at the beginning of lines will also be removed.

You have a very limited set of special characters. Common symbols that aren't allowed are € and the special quote characters “ ‘ ’ ” which will simply be removed from your statement, so remember to replace quotes with " and '.

Backslashes (\) are also not allowed, but will be replaced with forward slashes (/) and curly brackets will be replaced with normal ones.

What’s the most important part of the personal statement?

Write about your aspirations in a meaningful way. The crucial bit about a personal statement is where you talk about the subject you are applying for and why you want to do this at uni. Admissions tutors will always focus on this bit – so make this interesting and not just a list of books. Your personality should emerge here – they should be able to understand what is driving you to apply for this course, as well as getting a sense of your energy and enthusiasm.

  • Read more: how to write your university application

Should I talk about what I want to do after university?

You could, but only if you have a good idea of what you want to do. If you sound sure about what you want to do after uni it gives the impression that you’ve thought carefully about your course and what you want to do with it. It's also a nice way to round off your statement, rather than finishing on less important stuff like extra curricular activities. If you don’t have any future plans, then leave this bit out – you don’t want to be asked about them at interviews.

Should I talk about my qualifications?

No. There’s already a section on the Ucas form for this, so don’t waste the space on your personal statement. If you have something important which doesn’t go in the qualifications section, ask your referee to put it down in your reference – it will sound better if it comes from them than from you. This goes for module marks as well. Some people are told they should try to link each A-level to the course they are applying for. It can be far more effective to focus your time and space on talking about the subject you are applying for – that is what matters.

How do I write it for two different courses?

There’s no easy way to write a personal statement for two totally unrelated courses. If the courses are similar you may find you can write a statement relevant to both, without mentioning either subject by name. If the courses are completely unrelated, it may be impossible to write for both subjects without your personal statement sounding vague and unfocused. Instead you will need to concentrate on just one subject and just ignore the other – it sometimes works!

What are admissions tutors looking for?

Different admissions tutors are looking for different things, but in general they will be thinking things like:  “Do we want this student on this course?” , and  “Do we want this student at this university?”  And most will be looking for an interest in the subject you are applying for that goes beyond simply your A-level syllabus/reading list. 

Remember, most universities and departments now publish information on applications and writing personal statements, so reading the subject section of their website might list more specific information on exactly what they’re looking for. If in doubt, google the name of the university along with the subject/course and admissions statement.

  • Read more: 6 steps you need to take to apply to university

Is it worth doing loads of extracurricular stuff to make it sound good?

There’s no point doing extra things just to try and make yourself look good to universities – you won’t enjoy it and it probably won’t help much either. An interest and aptitude for the course is likely to be more important to admissions tutors than lots of extracurricular activities. If you do want to do something to boost your application, read relevant books or do work experience related to the subject instead. 

What happens if I lie on the personal statement?

If you aren't confident that the universities will accept you based on your predicted grades or something else, you might reconsider applying. 

It's best not to write anything which you can't back up in interview if necessary. Interviewers can and do bring up nearly anything in a personal statement as a basis for questions. 

Any last tips?

What have you done that's relevant to your subject, that is unique, and that it's likely no one else is going to write about in their personal statement? Many people have similar interests and work experience, so you need something to separate you from the crowd. For example, everyone who applies for economics seems to read The Economist, The Financial Times, and The Guardian. So if you put down those, don't expect them to be amazed by your reading around the subject. Have a deeper think – what makes you special? 

  • Read more: how to write your personal statement in an evening

And the most important thing?

Finally, remember that it’s your personal statement, and you can write  whatever you want  on it. If everything in this guide conflicts with what you’ve got already, but you think you still have a killer personal statement, then use that. A personal statement is about  you , and you shouldn’t let anyone tell you what to put – sticking blindly to a formula will just stop your true personality showing through.

Tricks to squeeze more in

  • Remember it's a personal statement, and leave out anything unnecessary.
  • Don't repeat yourself.
  • Cut out the waffle – be concise!
  • Get rid of pointless words, such as very specific details or unecessary adjectives
  • Ask your referee to mention some stuff that you cannot
  • Get some structure to your statement
  • If you can't get it under the line/character limit, you may just have to chop whole sentences

What should I do once I’ve written it?

Get people's opinions on it! Show it to your friends, parents, teachers, career advisors and so on and note down their comments. The most useful comments are likely to come from your teachers in the subject and the people at your school or college who handle Ucas applications. If you have enough time, leave your personal statement for a couple of weeks to a month and come back to it – if you’re not still happy with what you wrote, it’s time to start redrafting.

Definitely do not post it on an internet forum or discussion board. If your personal statement is published online before your application is complete, it may get picked up by Ucas' plagiarism detection .

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Students in City Campus courtyard

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We offer a blended learning experience, combining online and on-campus teaching, to ensure students gain as many practical skills as possible. We've put together information on what blended learning might look like in our FAQs -  What to Expect for Session 2024 - 25 .   

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, common app word limit for personal statement.

So, I'm working on my personal statement for the Common App and need some clarification. What's the max word count for my essay? Really don't want to go over! Thanks, guys!

The Common Application personal statement, also known as the main essay, has a word limit of 650 words. This word limit is strictly enforced, as the Common App platform will simply cut off any words past 650. So, it's important to make every word count and focus on telling a concise, compelling story while still showcasing your personality and experiences.

If your essay is over the word count and you're unsure where to make cuts, consider utilizing CollegeVine's Free Peer Essay Review Tool, or submitting your essay for a paid review by an expert college admissions advisor through CollegeVine's marketplace. Sometimes, a more objective set of eyes can give you a better sense of what's truly essential to your story.

Good luck with your personal statement!

About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ

CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.

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Writing a UCAS Personal Statement

How to write a ucas personal statement.

A personal statement is part of your application to study at a UK university . In a personal statement, the student writes about what they hope to achieve on a UK university course , what they hope to do after it, and why they are applying to this particular university. It is your first chance to show a demonstrable passion and understanding of your chosen subject away from exam results.

SI-UK will edit your personal statement and ensure the English is clear and grammatically correct. Arrange a free consultation with SI-UK London  to learn more.

What do I include in my Personal Statement?

  • Your career aspirations
  • How did you become interested in studying the subject
  • What, if any, relevant work experience you have undertaken that is related to the course or subject
  • What aspects of your previous education you have found the most interesting
  • What attracted you to the particular university
  • Other relevant academic interests and passions which display positive character and personality

Genuine experiences of extracurricular clubs, work experience, or knowledge around a subject are much more likely to make your personal statement stand out. Admissions officers are also looking for positive evidence of your character, which will make you a productive member of the university.

How long should my Personal Statement be?

The length of a personal statement varies depending on the university, but generally, the average length for an undergraduate application is between 400-600 words, around one side of A4 paper or a maximum of 47 lines. Certain  postgraduate programmes may require a 1000-word personal statement, but this will be specified.

Try not to exceed the given character limit, as admissions officers have many personal statements to review, and a clearly written and concise personal statement is more likely to stand out.

What are common Personal Statement errors?

  • The personal statement is too short/long
  • The personal statement does not include important information/includes negative information
  • The personal statement has a confusing structure

It is also important not to lie about any aspect of your personal life and education history or even exaggerate. Admissions officers will question you about almost all aspects of your application and will be able to see through any lies.

Tips for writing a Personal Statement

  • Express a passion for your subject
  • Start the statement strongly to grab attention
  • Link outside interests and passions to your course
  • Be honest, but don’t include negative information
  • Don’t attempt to sound too clever
  • Don’t leave it until the last minute; prepare ahead of the deadline
  • Have friends and family proofread it
  • Don’t duplicate material from your  CV/resume

In terms of presentation, attempt to create five clear paragraphs of text in a clear font such as Arial or Times New Roman, with a maximum size of 12.

Personal Statement Editing with SI-UK

Once you have completed your personal statement, arrange a free consultation with SI-UK London. We can edit your personal statement and ensure the English is clear and grammatically correct. Once this process is complete, we will return your personal statement within 1-3 working days.

Contact SI-UK about your application

Personal Statement FAQ

What should you avoid in a ucas personal statement.

Applicants should avoid misspellings and grammar errors and discuss topics unrelated to their application and character.

Do universities read personal statements?

Yes, universities read UCAS personal statements, and they play a major factor when shortlisting candidates.

What happens if you lie in your personal statement?

If you lie on your UCAS personal statement, your application will be rejected, and any offers will be revoked.

What happens if UCAS detects similarities in your personal statement?

If UCAS detects similarities in your personal statement, it will be flagged for review, and your university choices will be notified while it is under review.

Does UCAS tell you if you've been rejected?

UCAS will notify you if your UCAS application has been rejected. You may also receive an email from the university stating why your application has been rejected.

What happens if you make a mistake on your UCAS application?

Once your UCAS application has been submitted, it cannot be changed. So, before submitting, make sure you proofread your application or get it proofread by someone else to make it error-free.

Personal Statement Example

Please see below for an example of a personal statement to a Development Studies course.

International Student Example of a Personal Statement

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Welcome to Student Services at City of Glasgow College


Gillian Plunkett

Gillian Plunkett , Director for Student Experience

Welcome to Student Services:

My name is Gillian Plunkett and I am the Director of Student Experience. I lead the Student Services Team and we want to offer you a very warm welcome to City of Glasgow College where the student experience and success of our students is at the core of everything we do. We are immensely proud of our award winning Student Services Team and Students’ Association and of our world class campuses at City Campus in the heart of Glasgow and Riverside Campus on the banks of the River Clyde. Our professional and dedicated Student Services Team offer a wide range of support for learning and student life and we can help with:-

Making an application;

Choosing the right course;

Advice about money, benefits and student funding;

Help with the cost of childcare;

Personal support and counselling;

Careers advice and job vacancies;

Learning support and study skills;

Becoming a Class Rep;

Getting involved with events, sports and activities;

Leisure, evening or Saturday morning classes.

When we meet on campus I know that you will be impressed with all that my team can offer but for now I have made this short film on how to get started at City with our 5 Steps to Success.

Welcome Video

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Gillian Plunkett welcomes new students to the College and passes on the "Five Steps to Success" for a fulfilling experience at City of Glasgow College.

Below is a transcript in a Word file.

Welcome to Scotland’s largest college

Hello I am Scott Harrison and I am the Associate Director Learner Journey here in Student Services at City. I am working with our dedicated and experienced Student Services staff to help prepare all the support that will help you to success in your studies. As you will see from browsing this platform there is a vast amount of support available to you.

Your next steps should be to ensure that you have applied for your funding and submitted any associated documentation. And be sure that you have the appropriate I.T. equipment and software for your course.

We wish you every success this year. And we look forward to being a part of your future studies and career!

Scott Harrison, Associate Director Learner Journey

Scott Harrison , Associate Director Learner Journey

City of Glasgow College

Campus Locations and Contact Us

External view of our City Campus

Where to find us

Situated on the banks of the River Clyde our Riverside campus opened its doors to students and staff in August 2015. Together with City campus on Glasgow’s Cathedral Street it is part of a £228 million twin-site super campus providing world-class facilities for Glasgow, Scotland and the international community.

Riverside Campus 21 Thistle Street Glasgow G5 9XB

City Campus 190 Cathedral Street Glasgow G4 0RF

Tel: 0141 375 5555 Email:  [email protected]

 You'll find each campus on this map:

Before you arrive, please take a minute to read our visitor information leaflet. It'll help you learn a few important things about our security and health and safety policy.

  • Visitor information leaflet.
  • Car parking information .

Campus Opening Times

City campus .

  • Monday: 8am - 6.30pm.
  • Tuesday: 8am - 9.30pm.
  • Wednesday: 8am - 9.30pm
  • Thursday: 8am - 6.30pm.
  • Friday: 8am - 5.30pm.
  • Saturday and Sunday: Closed.

Riverside Campus

  • Tuesday: 8am - 6.30pm.
  • Wednesday: 8am - 9.30pm.
  • Thursday: 8am - 9.30pm.

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Looking for travel info? Traveline Scotland offers up-to-date and impartial advice about local public transport, including journey planning and timetables. Find out more here:

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Train stations

Glasgow's two main railway stations are:

Glasgow Queen Street North Hanover Street, Glasgow G1 2AF Tel: 0845 601 5929 Fax: 0141 335 4592 Textphone: 0800 9122 899

Glasgow Central Gordon Street, Glasgow G1 3SL Tel: 0845 601 5929 Fax: 0141 335 4592 Textphone: 0800 9122 899

City of Glasgow College

Student IT log-in guide

Close up view of a section of City campus building

Student IT Log-In Guide

This page provides a guide for students accessing College IT systems at City of Glasgow College including setting up your College IT account to use with Microsoft 365 email, College Wifi (also known as Eduroam) and the College’s Virtual Learning Environment, Canvas. 

Please note: After you have enrolled on your course, it takes one working day (24 hours) before you can setup your college account and become active on all our systems. You will know that you have been enrolled when you are given a student ID. Please wait at least one working day after your enrolment before you follow these instructions. After that you will be able to log in and access the college services, but your lecturer will inform you when you can access your class materials on Canvas.

Step by Step Guide to Logging into Your College IT Account

Please ensure you wait a full 24 hours after enrolling on your course before setting up your college IT account.  

If you applied or enrolled through the college website you will find your student reference number listed there.  It should also be on any email correspondence you've received from the college.  If you are still unsure of your reference number please contact student records on 0141 375 5196.

You can set up your college IT account from home if you have access to a browser and a separate smartphone.

If you are setting up your account in College you can use any college PC, Thin Client or Mac to complete the full setup of your account.

You can check you have completed your College account setup properly by visiting our new Account Checker.

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​If you are setting your account up from home.  O pen in a web browser on your computer and select 'sign-in' on the page (also available in the top right hand corner).

1.   Login using your email which is:  [email protected] 

2.  Type in your initial default password. This is the word City followed by your own date of birth -  CityDDMMYY.

Screenshot of the sign in page for a student Microsoft Account.

For example, if your student number is 12345678 and your date of birth is 21/11/01, your login details would be: Username: [email protected] Default initial password: City211101

 3.  Once you have entered your initial password successfully you will be asked to provide ‘More Information' as part of the initial configuration for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). 

By setting up MFA, you add an extra layer of security to your Microsoft 365 account sign-in. For example, you first enter your password and, when prompted, you also type a dynamically generated verification code provided by an authenticator app or sent to your phone.

Screenshot of the sign in page for a student Microsoft Account.asking for more information.

 4.  Click ‘Next’ to continue where you will be prompted to set up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).   

A screenshot of the Microsoft Authenticator App page

MFA requires an additional method to confirm your identity.  This can be by using the Microsoft Authenticator app, receiving an SMS text message or by phone call.  We recommend using the MFA Smartphone application detailed in the video below (skip to section 6 to see how to set up SMS text or phone call verification).

MFA Notifications

View on YouTube

You can download the Microsoft Authenticator App either from Google Play or AppStore for iOS using the QR codes below. 


Follow the on-screen instructions to set up the Microsoft Authenticator App.   Once the app is downloaded and installed, you will need to use it for continued secure access to your College account. Please do not delete the app during your time at College.

Screenshot of the Microsoft Authenticator App for setting up your account.

 5.  On your phone, within the Authenticator App, click on the ‘Add’ button or 3 dots on the top right corner and select “Work or School account” followed by “Scan a QR Code”. Scan the on-screen barcode with your MS Authenticator App.   

Screenshot of the Microsoft Authenticator App scan the QR code oage.

After clicking ‘Next’, it will prompt you to do a test of the application.  

If setup has been successful, a message will be shown with a green tick, which means MFA was configured properly. Click ‘Next’ to continue.

Screenshot of the Microsoft Authenticator App page showing notification approved.

6.   If you need to set up MFA another way, please watch the appropriate videos below for SMS and phone call.

Setting up Multi-Factor Authentication by SMS

Setting up Multi-Factor Authentication by phone call

7.  Back to your initial browser window where you will be asked to change your initial default password. Re-enter your initial default password (CityDDMMYY ) and choose a new password for yourself.  This password should be unique and not used for other websites or services. If you try to use a common password an error message will be displayed. 

Screenshot of update your password page for student email account.

If your password choice was accepted and everything is completed successfully, your new password will be set.   

You will see the next prompt asking you if you want to ‘Stay Signed In’.  If you are logging into your own device, choose ‘Yes’ to reduce the number of times you are prompted for your password. 

You can now use your College IT account and password to access IT services at College and home. Please now visit  CityLife your student intranet, where you'll find lots of useful information about studying at City and links to important college systems and support services. 

When you sign in to College services from home or your personal devices, you may be prompted for your MFA code via the Authenticator app or text message.

Microsoft Authenticator screenshot

Further Information

If you need help or support please contact the IT Service Desk

  • IT Service Desk self-service portal
  • Guest access for students with account problems who can't log in to College systems
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  • College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences
  • MVLS Graduate School
  • Writing up your thesis FAQs

Writing your thesis FAQs

Where can i find the thesis word count form.

You can download it here: Word count form . 

Does the word count include references, appendices and table of contents?

MD and PhD thesis - a maximum number of words in the thesis 80,000 but no minimum number will apply. If the thesis does not comply with the regulations, the case for a longer or shorter length should be discussed with your Supervisor in advance of the thesis being sent to the Examiners.

MSc(R) and MVM thesis - the maximum is set at 50,000 words; there is no minimum.

The word count does not include wording on diagrams, references, bibliography, and appendices.

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Word count form

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Writing up your thesis

TAP System -  Intention to Submit

Where can I find more information about the guidelines for writing my thesis? i.e. formatting, length, content, printing etc.

You can find guidance for thesis preparation in Appendices 5-7 of the PGR Student Handbook . 

We advise all PGR students to prepare their thesis well in advance so that they do not need to rush to meet deadlines. 

Physical copies are no longer required for examination purposes unless an examiner wishes a copy. In that case, printing and posting a copy would be your responsibility. You may also wish to contact your local PGR admin in your school in case they can print and post a copy for you.


  1. How To Start A Personal Statement

    city of glasgow college personal statement word limit

  2. College Personal Statement Template

    city of glasgow college personal statement word limit

  3. Personal statement word limits

    city of glasgow college personal statement word limit

  4. City of Glasgow College: City Campus

    city of glasgow college personal statement word limit

  5. Personal Statement Glasgow

    city of glasgow college personal statement word limit

  6. How to write a personal statement for a UK university

    city of glasgow college personal statement word limit


  1. Applying for Full Time College Courses

    We're open Monday- Friday 8.30am-4.30pm. Email - [email protected]. Telephone - 0141 375 5191. Address - Student Services, Floor 2, City Campus, 190 Cathedral Street, Glasgow, G4 0RF. Learn about the full time college course application process at City of Glasgow College including dates for application submissions and ...

  2. Frequently Asked Questions

    A: You need to pay a deposit of £10 at the College estore . Locker keys will be given out by the Faculty teams. Q: Does the College have a nursery? A: No, however, students can apply to the Childcare Fund for help with the cost of childcare. Contact our Student Funding Team for more information on applying.

  3. How to Apply

    When To Apply. For full-time courses, starting in August 2024 online applications open on 17th January 2024. For some courses, we'll ask you to submit a portfolio as part of the entry requirements. Here's some Portfolio Guidance on putting your portfolio together. For part-time and distance learning courses starting from August 2024 online ...

  4. Personal statement FAQs

    Personal statement FAQs. We've gone through some of the most commonly asked personal statement questions and put all the answers in one place. Your personal statement is a big part of your uni application. It's where you can show universities why they should give you a place on your chosen course. Read on for quick tips on writing your personal ...

  5. What's the word count that hits the sweet spot for the Common App

    The Common Application provides a strict word limit for the personal statement: 650 words. While students sometimes wonder if there's a 'sweet spot', the truth is that the quality of the writing and content is much more important than hitting a specific word count. I always recommend aiming to use the space provided to tell your story fully and effectively, whether that takes you all the way ...

  6. How Long Should Your Personal Statement Be?

    How Long Should a Personal Statement Be? The simple answer is, for the Common App main statement, 650 words max; for the Coalition App, 500-650; for the UC PIQ s, 350 max. The better answer is … a little more complex. Hence the quotes around "right" in the intro. For each of the above, you don't have to use every single available word.

  7. Personal Statement Format + Examples

    For example, Georgetown says things like "approx. 1 page," and UChicago doesn't have a limit, but recommends aiming for 650ish for the extended essay, and 250-500 for the "Why us?" ... We think there are two structural approaches that can work for anyone writing a personal statement for college admissions:

  8. PDF Preparing for College August 2021

    You will have to write a personal statement of 200-300 words describing why you are suited to your chosen course. If you look like a suitable candidate, you will be called to interview. Interviews are offered on a first-come, first served basis. Applications are read in order of submission. Interviews are offered.

  9. City of Glasgow College

    City of Glasgow College in Scotland has a wide range of full time and part time college courses, as well as evening and Saturday classes to choose from.

  10. Information for New Students

    City of Glasgow College welcome students to their new term. As a new student, this is an exciting time for you. ... Modern Slavery Statement; Connect With Us. Contact us. [email protected]; 0141 375 5555 City Campus, 190 Cathedral Street, G4 0RF; Riverside Campus, 21 Thistle Street, G5 9XB ...

  11. Common App personal statement word limit?

    The Common App personal statement has a word limit of 650 words. It's important to adhere to this limit, as the Common App system will not allow you to submit an essay that exceeds it. When you paste your essay into the text box, the system will automatically truncate any text beyond the 650-word mark, which could lead to an unfinished or confusing essay.

  12. City of Glasgow College

    Personal statement; Individual needs; What and where to study. Subjects; Subject tasters; Choosing a course; Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs) ... City of Glasgow College. City Campus190 Cathedral Street, Glasgow, G4 0RF. Visit our website. Contact details. Telephone 0141 375 5555. Course locations.

  13. Word limit on Common App personal statement?

    The word limit for the Common App personal statement is 650 words. You're right to be mindful of the limit beforehand, as it'll save you the hassle of having to cut down your essay later on. While you're working on your statement, I recommend keeping an eye on the word count to ensure that you stay within the limit while still effectively ...

  14. Common App word limit for personal statement?

    The Common Application personal statement, also known as the main essay, has a word limit of 650 words. This word limit is strictly enforced, as the Common App platform will simply cut off any words past 650. So, it's important to make every word count and focus on telling a concise, compelling story while still showcasing your personality and experiences.

  15. How To Write A UCAS Personal Statement

    Tips for writing a Personal Statement. Express a passion for your subject. Start the statement strongly to grab attention. Link outside interests and passions to your course. Be honest, but don't include negative information. Don't attempt to sound too clever. Don't leave it until the last minute; prepare ahead of the deadline.

  16. University of Glasgow

    Personal statements - get advice and information on how to structure and write your personal statement when applying for jobs.

  17. Top tips for writing your personal statement

    Resources section providing you with additional information about the University of Glasgow's online postgraduate programmes. Your personal statement is your first impression to your prospective university. Discover some tips to writing an impactful personal statement.

  18. Welcome to Student Services at City of Glasgow College

    Welcome to Student Services: My name is Gillian Plunkett and I am the Director of Student Experience. I lead the Student Services Team and we want to offer you a very warm welcome to City of Glasgow College where the student experience and success of our students is at the core of everything we do. We are immensely proud of our award winning ...

  19. University of Glasgow

    Frequently Asked Questions. Q: What should I say on my Personal Statement in my UCAS form? Does my Personal Statement matter? A: Yes, it matters. We are looking for students who a

  20. About Us

    Learn more about City of Glasgow College, the UK's number one college for WorldSkills. City of Glasgow College is a real melting pot of diversity, equality and excellence. ... Modern Slavery Statement; Connect With Us. Contact us. [email protected]; 0141 375 5555

  21. Campus Locations & Contact Us

    21 Thistle Street. Glasgow G5 9XB. City Campus. 190 Cathedral Street. Glasgow G4 0RF. Tel: 0141 375 5555. Email: [email protected]. You'll find each campus on this map: Before you arrive, please take a minute to read our visitor information leaflet.

  22. Student IT log-in guide

    1. Login using your email which is: [email protected]. 2. Type in your initial default password. This is the word City followed by your own date of birth - CityDDMMYY. For example, if your student number is 12345678 and your date of birth is 21/11/01, your login details would be: Username: [email protected].

  23. University of Glasgow

    Where can I find the Thesis Word Count form? You can download it here: Word count form. Does the word count include references, appendices and table of contents? MD ...