Your Guide To Thesis Editing in Australia

A background to thesis editing.

Thanks to friends, family, supervisors and fellow students, thesis editing has been around as long as postgraduate degrees, but professional thesis editing services are relatively new, especially in Australia.

As a result of intense competition, higher standards and the ever-increasing demands of academic success, postgrad students wanting to progress in academia, win funding or land a good job now find themselves looking for an edge to increase the quality of their thesis as well as any publications, like journal articles, they write along their journey to graduation.

Professional thesis editors and proofreaders provide this edge by making theses as perfect as possible. A highly trained copyeditor will ensure that the thesis topic, research, reasoning and conclusions are clearly and concisely set out and easy to understand. All this makes a favourable impression on thesis examiners.

The Importance of Thesis Editing for Students

You could have the best thesis topic in the world, with groundbreaking insights, and life-altering conclusions, but if your grammar is sloppy, your formatting inconsistent, and your referencing incomplete, your brilliance will most likely be overlooked.

Perhaps your formatting is clear, and your referencing meets university requirements, but you’re prone to ‘silly’ mistakes (like incorrect apostrophes) or switch between American and Australian English.

You could proofread your own thesis, but your brain tends to compensate for these mistakes by reading correctly what is incorrectly written. Research shows that every time you read a document, your brain automatically uses less energy to do so. It sees what it thinks is there, not what is there. And how many times have you read your thesis?

There are thesis editing apps and programs, which are considerably cheaper than hiring a professional thesis editor to proofread your work. But they tend to miss mistakes and make incorrect suggestions. We are all familiar with the basic errors they miss, such as homophones, where the spelling is correct, but you’ve used the wrong word, like leek instead of leak. But when it comes to the sophisticated level of language that you should be using in your master’s or PhD thesis, a spelling and grammar checker will miss even more because it will often misinterpret your meaning. There’s no AI replacement for the human brain, yet!

A reputable thesis editing company with experienced academic editors and proofreaders will pick up the smallest mistakes and inconsistencies so that your hard work is presented in the best possible way.

The Increasing Popularity of Thesis Editing

Demand for professionals to proofread and edit theses is growing for several reasons. 

Many universities have a growing contingent of international students for whom English is a second or even third, fourth or fifth language. They need someone to proofread and edit their work to ensure the language, grammar, and syntax are correct, and the information is clear and well organised. Thesis proofreaders ensure international students are not handicapped by the tricky (and sometimes nonsensical) English language.

Many academic supervisors recommend thesis editing services because they make their lives easier. It’s more pleasant to read error-free writing than work spotted with mistakes that distract and detract from the work and muddy meaning and intent. 

Proofreading and editing take a long time, especially if it’s a 100-page undergrad thesis or a 300-page postgrad dissertation. No matter how good they are at writing, it’s remarkably difficult for anyone who isn’t a professional editor to remain focused and conscientious, and to catch every error. Hiring professional editing services saves time, lessens stress and guarantees the 100% focus and attention that your work deserves.

Ethics and Guidelines of Thesis Editing

There is a distinct difference between editing to improve content (i.e., research, ideas, information and sophisticated matters of structure) and editing to correct and improve grammar, syntax, spelling, consistency, formatting and referencing. The first essentially rewrites work and is considered cheating. It’s referred to as ‘substantive editing’ and is prohibited by university guidelines. The second cleans up work to remove ambiguity, confusion and inconsistency in language, citations and cross-references.

Ethical thesis editing abides by the standards determined by professional editing organisations and universities to guide service offerings. Unethical editors throw the guidelines out the window and provide any service students are willing to pay for, even if it is technically plagiarism or cheating.

Always hire editing and proofreading professionals who clearly state their code of ethics and can name the guidelines that they are following. Avoid those who don’t and who dodge questions about their professional academic editing accreditations.

Why Thesis Editing is Permissible by Universities

Thesis editing is permissible for postgraduate students provided you and the professional editing and proofreading service provider you choose abide by the guidelines developed by the Institute of Professional Editors (IPEd) in collaboration with the Australian Council of Graduate Research (ACGR). These important rules are called the ‘Guidelines for Editing Research Theses’. Universities draw the line at changes to content and sophisticated matters of structure. So editors can correct your grammatical errors, cleaning up your commas and colons, but can’t wholly rewrite your sentences.

Your supervisor or your department’s friendly admin staff might be able to recommend particular professional thesis editing service providers that are familiar with your university’s rules and your specific department’s preferences when it comes to things like formatting and referencing.

Editors and proofreaders eliminate mistakes and ensure consistency. They aren’t there to do your research and write (or rewrite) your thesis for you. Some unscrupulous editing service providers may offer these services. If they do, run a mile because it’s a violation of all academic editing guidelines.

The Institute of Professional Editors Limited (IPEd)

IPEd is the professional association for Australian and New Zealand editors. It provides professional accreditation and helps members stay on top of their craft with ongoing professional development opportunities. It establishes and promotes professional standards, and holds members to these standards.

The IPEd website has a guide to editing research theses, including guidelines for ethical editing specific to academia and creative work submitted for examination purposes. The institute is responsible for publishing any revisions, approved by the IPEd Board and endorsed by the ACGR, to the thesis editing guidelines. 

Thesis editors and proofreaders, academic supervisors, and research students themselves must familiarise themselves with the guidelines and follow them, especially regarding restrictions and limitations imposed on academic editing. 

Accreditation is not easy to come by, as applicants have to achieve a grade of over 80% in a rigorous four-hour exam. IPEd strongly recommends that editors have more than three years’ full-time experience before they even attempt the exam. Accredited editors must renew their accreditation every five years.

Australian Thesis Editing Companies

You have two options if you want to hire professional thesis proofreading and editing services:

  • Choose a company that specialises in academic proofreading and editing.
  • Choose a freelancer that specialises in academic proofreading and editing.

Specialisation is the key: there is a world of difference between editing a corporation’s annual report and a 200-page doctoral thesis. The requirements and standards are like chalk and cheese, as are the rules and ethics regarding what is and isn’t allowed in academic editing.

We’re going to look at four of the top thesis editing companies in Australia and the freelancing option with regard to three points:

  • Delivery time

1. Capstone Editing

Ethics: .

  • Capstone Editing abides by the ‘Guidelines for Editing Research Theses’, the Australian Standards of Editing Practice and specific rules and guides for each university concerned—no substantive (structure or content) editing for students. 
  • Most of the editors employed are Accredited Editors and Professional Members of IPEd.
  • The company is a corporate member of IPEd.
  • The website has a Code of Ethics .

Delivery Time: 

  • There are three delivery options: Standard, Express and Priority.
  • There is a Last-Minute service available on request—provided a suitably experienced thesis editor is available.
  • Turnaround time varies according to word count and the level of editing service selected.
  • The Premium editing service with Standard delivery for 5,000 words is 3 days; Priority delivery is 24 hours.
  • For 5,000 words, the Platinum package has a Standard turnaround of 4 days and Priority turnaround of 2 days.
  • Long theses (up to 100,000 words) have a Standard turnaround of 14 days and Priority time turnaround of 7 days.
  • Capstone Editing has an On-Time Guarantee.


  • Cost depends on word count and the editing service and turnaround selected.
  • For example, 5,000 words of Premium editing with a Standard 3-day delivery is $282.49. 
  • On the other end of the spectrum, 80,000 words of Platinum editing with Standard delivery of 14 days is $2,696.11—for the Priority service of 7-days, it’s $3,165.69.
  • Capstone Editing is the only editing service to offer interest-free repayment plans.

2. Elite Editing

  • Elite Editing abides by the requirements of the ‘Guidelines for Editing Research Theses’, the Australian Standards of Editing Practice and specific rules and guides for each university concerned—no substantive (structure or content) editing for students.
  • There are four delivery options: Standard, Express, Urgent and Extra Urgent (if thesis editors are available). 
  • Turnaround time varies according to word count.
  • Up to 5,000 words, Standard delivery is 5 days, and Urgent is 2 days.
  • Up to 50,000 words, Standard delivery is 14 days, and Urgent is 7 days. 
  • *More than 50,000 words require a special quote.
  • Elite Editing has a 100% Delivery Guarantee.
  • Cost depends on word count and turnaround selected.
  • 5,000 words of with a Standard 5-day delivery is $280.
  • Higher up the scale, up to 50,000 words with Standard delivery of 14 days costs $1,745 and $2,155 for the 7-day Urgent service.

3. Expert Editor

  • Expert Editor abides by the Institute of Professional Editors guidelines for editing research theses—will not assist with content.
  • Students enter a preferred return date, and Expert Editor undertakes to meet that deadline.
  • Short turnaround times may be accommodated.
  • If a deadline is too tight, an alternative delivery time is suggested.
  • Expert Editor has no guarantees regarding meeting deadlines.
  • Cost depends on word count. Turnaround times need to be negotiated.
  • 5,000 words costs $221.
  • 80,000 words costs $2,080.
  • Payment is normally upfront. But for large thesis projects (over 80,000 words), it’s possible to pay half up-front and the other half before the delivery date.
  • Scribbr is a Dutch academic proofreading and editing company that operates internationally. 
  • Not all thesis editing services provided to students are permitted by Australian universities. 
  • It’s up to students to know exactly what is and isn’t permitted and purchase the services allowed by the ‘Guidelines for Editing Research Theses’ and the rules relevant to their university.
  • Turnaround times are negotiated, with services of 1, 3 and 7 days offered for short documents. The website notes that at least 7 days are required to edit up to 75,000 words, and that more time might be required depending on the quality of the document.
  • Scribbr has no guarantees regarding meeting deadlines.
  • Cost depends on word count, level of study, amount of editing services chosen and turnaround selected.
  • 5,000 words with a turnaround time of 3 days costs $245 if you are a master’s or PhD student, or $328 if you add on a Clarity Check—something that is already included in Capstone Editing’s and Elite Editing’s standard editing services.
  • Going up the scale, 80,000 words will set you back $2,275 for the Proofreading & Editing service only, or $3,155 when you add on the Clarity Check.
  • **There is a $25 setup fee.

5. Freelancers

  • Individual thesis editing freelancers determine their own code of ethics. 
  • If in doubt, look for an Accredited Editor who is also a Professional Member of IPEd.
  • They should abide by the ‘Guidelines for Editing Research Theses’.
  • Delivery time depends on the freelancer’s schedule and on the student’s needs. 
  • Delivery estimates are worked out on a case-by-case basis.
  • Students should be aware that if their freelance editor is unable to complete the job for any reason, there may not be anyone in place to replace them automatically.
  • The cost of editing provided by a freelancer will be determined by that individual, based on factors such as his or her qualifications and experience. The tend to quote per project rather than having set fees, and they might charge by the hour instead of according to word count. Rates can vary widely.
  • The Institute of Professional Editors has recommended rates for freelance thesis editors and proofreaders. 
  • For example, freelancers with fewer than two years’ experience should normally charge $60 to $80 per hour. 
  • Freelancers with extensive or specialised experience normally charge $110 to $160 per hour.
  • Many freelancers advertise on niche job websites. 

Factors for Selecting a Thesis Editing Service

Your thesis has the potential to set the tone for your career, so you need to research your options and choose the professional editing company that best suits you, your needs and your means.

Google is a blessing and a curse. It will give you thousands of search results, but it doesn’t tell you which of the thesis editing and proofreading companies that come up are genuinely reputable and which might be popular but have no regard for ethics.

There are three important criteria to consider when making your choice:

Let’s take a closer look.

Does the company abide by the guidelines set by the Institute of Professional Editors and the Australian Council of Graduate Research? These guidelines determine which services are ethical and permissible for postgraduates to use for their academic editing and proofreading and which aren’t. 

For example, it’s okay to correct grammar and syntax and ensure consistency and completeness concerning, for example, formatting, references, capitalisation and punctuation.

It’s not okay to change the content or structure of the thesis, and it is certainly not ethical to carry out additional research or rewrite sections. While the thesis editing and proofreading guidelines are standardised in Australia, it’s important to note that some departments may have their own guides that explain what is allowable.

For example, express permission to use a thesis editor may be required, or you may need to show your supervisor both the unedited and edited versions of your thesis. Make sure you know and follow your department’s specific rules.

Delivery Time

Editing delivery time depends on the length of the document or thesis being edited. It also depends on what you want to be done; that is, a standard editing or proofreading service, or one that is heavier and more extensive (while still following the guidelines). For example, it’s not possible for a 25,000-word thesis to be properly edited and proofread in 24 hours.

Some thesis editing service providers have different levels of service, which affects turnaround time. For example, a standard service package at a standard delivery time could take anything from three to 28 days. Many companies offer a priority option, in which case it could take between one day and two weeks.

You might need something more than a standard service, though, especially if English isn’t your first language or you have dyslexia. Extra-strength thesis editing needs extra time. For example, a 25,000-word thesis requiring heavy editing or additional editing services could take a minimum of five days, even with a priority turnaround time.

While you can rely on the quality of work from reputable editors and proofreaders, it’s recommended that you give yourself plenty of time to carefully read the finished product to ensure that everything is as it should be. Depending on the level of service chosen, a specialist academic editor might also provide you with guidance and advice about additional work you need to do yourself to improve or complete your thesis, for example, if references are missing or more support for your argument is required.

The cost will depend on your document’s length, turnaround time, level of service and service provider. It also depends on whether you go with a thesis editing company or a freelancer. Quality and reputation can also affect the price. While expensive services don’t always equate quality, super cheap rates generally indicate shoddy, ethically ambiguous work.

A few cost examples:

IPEd has recommended rates for freelancers; this varies from $60–$80 per hour for someone with fewer than two years’ experience (a level of expertise that would typically not be considered adequate for academic editing or thesis editing) to $110–$160 per hour for someone with extensive experience and a specialisation. (Rates calculated by IPEd in January 2020 and to be reviewed annually.)

If you go with a thesis editing company, you’re looking at (approximately) $370 to $500 for a 10,000-word Honours thesis. For an 80,000-word PhD thesis, you’re looking at (approximately) $2,080 to $3,200.

Capstone Editing is the only thesis editing company to offer payment plans that allow you to pay the service cost over a chosen period (3, 6, 9 or 12 months). This is invaluable for students who can’t come up with a wad of cash in one go, especially scholarship students and international students already paying high tuition fees.

Expert Editor offers undergrad and postgrad students the ability to pay for half of their thesis editing up-front and the remainder upon delivery of the edited service, another helpful option for cash-strapped students.

5 Tips for Writing Your Thesis

Hiring a thesis editor or proofreader is all good and well, but first, you need to have something to send them. Let’s take a quick look at how to write your thesis.

1) Pick a subject you find interesting

You’ll be working on your thesis for a long time, so you better find the subject fascinating. This way, you’re more likely to engage anyone who reads your thesis and make them interested too.

2) Drill beneath the surface to discover your research questions

Once you’ve chosen a thesis subject, you need to delve deeper and discover the questions about it that remain to be answered. You and your supervisor can work together to look for areas that require deeper exploration. While it is acceptable for an Honours research project to simply do something that has been done before in a different way, a master’s or PhD thesis topic must allow your research to make a unique contribution to the field.

3) Tackle your thesis a little bit at a time

Performing your research and writing a thesis is a big project, and it can be daunting; so start with what you know and what you want to prove, and put together a research plan and a basic thesis structure. You can then tackle the larger project one small step at a time. 

4) Use the correct formatting and preferred templates

Find out whether your university supplies a template to guide the structure and formatting of your thesis. Some departments even provide a specific Word template for their students to use.

Use the template from the get-go, even for recording your research, so you don’t create unnecessary stress for yourself by having to re-do work later on.

Find out your department’s preferred referencing style and use it from the beginning, at the research stage. Record all the sources you have read and accessed, in the correct referencing style, not just for your own records but also in case you are asked to provide a bibliography rather than just a reference list (which only includes those sources that you have cited in your thesis).

5) Don’t get bogged down by order

When it comes to writing up your thesis, don’t worry about putting it into words in any precise order. Opinions vary, but a general guide is to start with the easiest bits to gain momentum and then finish with the parts you find the most difficult. So long as you have a detailed plan before you begin writing, it doesn’t matter in what order you write your sections or subsections.

Two quick tips before we go:

1) Take advantage of your academic supervisors’ experience, but don’t rely on her or him.

2) ‘Save As’ your work at least once every 20–30 minutes (don’t just ‘Save’ over top of your work!) and back it up on external devices and the cloud. The last thing you need is to lose hours of work because your computer crashed, let alone months or years because—God forbid—your house burned down during your postgrad degree! (Hey, it’s happened!)

Final Points

If you’re looking for a thesis editing and proofreading provider, a quick Google search will show you’re spoilt for choice. However, it takes a little more than a few search phrases to find a quality, reliable, reputable and accredited professional editor—let alone one qualified and experienced enough to edit your doctoral thesis as opposed to a short story or a company’s brochure.

Delivery time and cost are important factors in choosing a thesis editing company or freelancer, but don’t underestimate the value of professional accreditation. Accreditation by itself doesn’t guarantee quality either, but it’s an indication that the company or freelancer concerned is suitably qualified and operates ethically, that is, within universities’ acceptable parameters. 

Don’t be afraid to ask editing service providers probing questions, and if you encounter resistance, close the tab and look elsewhere!

Good luck! Use the research and analytical skills you’ve obtained during your degrees in your search for a thesis editor, and we are confident you will end up in good hands!

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Elite Editing

Thesis Editing

Don’t let errors cause your thesis quality to falter at the last hurdle! A thesis represents many years of intensive research. Perhaps it is your first foray into academic publication. Elite Editing understands the enormous amount of time you have invested and the challenges you have overcome to reach this critical stage in your academic journey.

Coherent presentation of arguments and accurate  thesis editing  and  proofreading  are essential at this point. Only a fresh yet experienced pair of eyes can truly provide the clear, accurate thesis editing you need. Here lies the value of having your thesis reviewed by Elite Editing. Our dedicated thesis editing service ensures word perfection and professional layout in this foremost document of your academic career. Your thesis will be treated by us with the care it deserves.

Thesis editing by specialist eyes

Elite Editing  thesis editors  are the most accomplished in the business and fluent in the many conventions of thesis editing and writing. We have meticulously proofread and copyedited work for countless postgraduate candidates over many years. So we understand firsthand the ‘error blindness’ that even the most accomplished authors face on such intensive projects.

Our expert  academic editors  are not only highly qualified in academia themselves; they have also received rigorous in-house training covering all aspects of specialist academic editing, from appropriate conventions of academic language and tone to in-depth referencing knowledge of all styles, including all arts, science and legal conventions. Our thorough editing and proofreading ensures your text is error free and compliant with all style requirements, including stringent university thesis presentation requirements. In addition, with a fresh perspective, we apply specialist thesis editing to ensure all arguments are clearly articulated. We work quickly and efficiently to return a publication-worthy thesis that retains  your  distinctive voice.

Meet some of our editors here on our site to learn more.

Beat error blindness with professional thesis editing

You and your thesis need some distance! When you’ve shared such a long-term relationship, it is almost impossible to see the errors in your own work. Your eye will tend to see what it expects to see instead of what is actually there. Don’t chance typos, confusing sentences or jumbled ideas going under the radar. Elite Editing brings a fresh set of experienced academic eyes to edit and proofread your thesis thoroughly.

Our full thesis editing service ensures:

  • Coherence – logical flow and articulation of all presented arguments
  • Competence – flawless grammar, spelling and punctuation
  • Compliance – accurate layout and format according to academic conventions
  • Consistency – uniformity of style, language, key terms and referencing throughout

We’ll even perform some of the most labour-intensive thesis preparation tasks on your behalf. We will:

  • Create a compliant Table of Contents, List of Figures and List of Tables
  • Correctly place, format and number all thesis figures and tables
  • Create university-specific preliminary pages in the correct order and format for a thesis.
  • Cross-check all abbreviations, ensure correct usage and create a List of Abbreviations
  • Satisfy specified university formatting guidelines or format to generally accepted academic standards
  • Cross-check all in-text citations against end reference lists
  • Detect any missing information in the reference list
  • Format your appendices for internal consistency

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 and any department-specific thesis editing policies

Impeccable client support

Elite Editing puts academic writers first and we keep the communication channels open. If required, your editor will contact you to raise any questions about your thesis editing. If you need to contact us at any time, our client support team is available 365 days a year to provide you with all the professional attention you need, from pre-edit inquiries to dedicated aftercare. Any last-minute messages you have for your editor will be passed on immediately to ensure seamless and efficient communication and thesis editing.

Academic integrity and IPEd membership

Elite Editing is a corporate member of the Institute of Professional Editors (IPEd). We uphold their  Australian Standards for Editing Practice and follow their Guidelines for Editing Research Theses . Australian universities require all editing of higher degrees by research theses  to be conducted in accordance with these important standards and ethical guidelines. This means that your thesis will be polished to perfection by us without altering the structure, content or individual expression of your work. For this reason, many Australian universities have an ongoing professional relationship with Elite Editing and keep us on their list of trusted editors for students.

Put our thesis editors to work for  you

You deserve a thesis that does justice to your years of hard effort. Elite Editing’s comprehensive service covers everything from specialist thesis editing to eagle-eyed proofreading.

Do you have some questions first? Check out our frequently asked questions  or see what others think of us by reading some client  testimonials . Or just  call us . We would love to assist you.

Thesis Editing Referral Program

Once we have returned your edited thesis to you, you may take advantage of our Thesis Editing Referral Program. You can receive cash back for each person you refer to us who uses our thesis editing service (for a thesis of over 20,000 words), and there is no limit to the number of people you can refer. You can read more about the program here  or  contact us  for more information.

Elite Editing Thesis Write-up Scholarship

As part of our dedicated approach to supporting students during their postgraduate journeys, every year Elite Editing awards a scholarship of $6000 to a postgraduate student to provide financial assistance for a period of 12 weeks. The scholarship is intended to free the student from other forms of employment and allow them to concentrate solely on the task of writing their thesis. More information about our Thesis Write-up Scholarship and how to apply can be found here .

Elite Editing: The intelligent choice

  • World-class thesis editors reviewing your  work
  • Constant availability – thesis editors on hand 24/7, 365 days of the year
  • Experienced coaching ­– expert guidance to improve your thesis writing
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee – our thesis editors work until you are happy
  • On time delivery guarantee – if we are late your editing will be free
  • Value for money – best possible thesis editing for lowest possible price
  • Upfront pricing – clear quotes and inclusions at the outset mean no surprises
  • Road-tested thesis editing – see our  Testimonials from satisfied clients
  • Fast, accurate service – special Urgent Service meets your tightest deadlines
  • Trusted reputation – university professors, lecturers and tutors recommend us

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Thank you Elite Editing for a great job! The work you have done was fast, excellent and professional! Elite Editing not only edited my work beautifully, they also sent me a sheet detailing comments on further improvements I could make. I appreciate your service greatly not only for the high quality work but also, your professionalism and endeavour to assist! It was an amazing experience and I have learnt a lot.
I was so delighted that Elite Editing made it exclusively possible for my thesis editions for submission. It was money's worth. Great job with maximum satisfaction!! Elite Editors rock with fantastic invaluable written reports and advise.
Thank you for the highly skilled editing service provided for my thesis. I am thrilled with the formatting and the greatly improved presentation, including tables and figures. The attention to detail in identifying errors and lack of clarity throughout is much appreciated. The reference list obviously need a lot attention too and I’m grateful for the patience shown in addressing missing information.
As a PhD student and a single mum of 2 small children, meeting the deadline for submission has been a challenge. To be able to send my thesis to Elite Editing and know that my thesis will come back to me 300% better was such a relief. The quality of work that I received was amazing....can not thank you enough for the tremendous work you have completed to my thesis. Thank you
I would highly recommend Elite Editing!!!. Not only Elite Editing copy edit my thesis to an acedemic writing standard, they also formatted my thesis to an APA standard. On top of that Elite Editing also formatted my entire thesis according to my University requirement which the editor downloaded from my university website, how cool is that. In addition to that, the editor read in detail all my references, format it and let me know if they were any references missing in the text I should add at the end. This saves a lot of my time since the final stages of PhD is extremely stressful. I would defenitely use Elite Editing again in the future.
Elite Editing were exceptional. The assistance I received from Peter initially, then Maise and Kellyanne was beyond what was expected. I made last minute changes and needed help quickly which was no problem for the team at Elite. I am extremely grateful and would certainly recommend to anyone who needs fast, polite and understanding service.

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  • Choose 'leave formatting as it is' if you would like us to maintain the current formatting in your document. We will make sure it is neat and consistent.
  • Choose 'I will upload the formatting guidelines' if you have specific instructions about formatting that need to be followed, for example, if you are submitting a thesis for editing and your university has specific thesis-formatting guidelines. Then, upload these guidelines when you upload your document for editing.
  • Choose 'Elite Editing House Style' if you would like us to format your document according to our own guidelines, which have been specially designed to meet general university requirements.
  • Choose 'APA 6th edition' if you want your document to be formatted according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition. APA formatting is designed specifically for draft manuscripts of journal articles and certain aspects are not appropriate for a thesis that is divided into chapters and is in its final form. If you are submitting a thesis we will modify APA style according to the preferred thesis style of most universities.

Editing guidelines

Please paste a link to the journal editing guidelines if possible.

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  • Food Science
  • Graphic Design and photography
  • Health and physical education
  • Marine Biology
  • Mathematics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Media sciences
  • Political science
  • International relations
  • Public relations
  • Pre-medicine
  • Women studies
  • Telecommunications

If there is any other Thesis major or course you need professional writing help in, do let us know. Our writing services are sure to be helpful with that as well.

Order Our Professional Thesis Writing Services Today & Get Your Thesis At A Cheap Rates

If you order our thesis writers now, you can benefit from our reduced prices. So, avail our services and place your order today.

We are a professional company online that cares about the students. We are concerned about student’s budget; therefore, our rates have been strategically created to reduce financial burden on the students. Have a look at some of the main features that help customers buy our pricing plans conveniently:

  • No Fee For Referencing
  • FREE Topic Selection
  • No Extra Charges for Bibliography
  • No Hidden Charges
  • FREE Revisions
  • FREE Cover Page.
  • FREE Plagiarism Report

Our professional thesis writing service was initiated by academic writing professionals who have seen students at different academic level being stuck under a never-ending stack of research work. Academic standards are increasing, teachers and college professors have more expectations from students, and this has exerted more pressure the students to perform well. We here help students buy the best quality services online.

We are passionate about building long-term relationships with our customers, providing them with thesis writing services whenever they are in need of it. Thence, we have adopted a tailored, individual approach to all orders.

thesis writers in australia

What makes our professional Thesis writing services the right choice?

Thesis Buddy is one of the best and most professional Thesis writing services providers in Australia that helps students buy top-class Thesis writing assistance online at cheap rates. Here are some of the factors that help us excel in the industry:

  • Thesis writing help from the scratch
  • Original and plagiarism-free content
  • Online writing services from the best-in-field, professional Australian Thesis writers
  • Quality content in 24 to 48 hours.
  • Free formatting, title page and referencing.
  • Custom assignments aligned with your unique requirements
  • Easy to afford online services that won’t cost you an arm and a leg
  • Frequent discounts and referral offers to make savings
  • Unlimited revisions in online assistance for free.

At Thesis Buddy, we believe that it is very important to establish a balance between fun and study for enjoying a splendid college experience. Therefore we provide exceptional Thesis writing services to help our students get the best possible grades and pass their college life without doing unnecessary struggles and hard work. Our Thesis Australian writers online are second to none; we have hired the former professors and teachers from different Thesis fields to assist you in writing quality assignments and getting your graduate or master’s degree with flying colors.

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Best Thesis Writing Service You Can Trust

This is AustralianWritings, a thesis writing service Australia focused on assisting students with their easiest – and their toughest assignments. We are there for our customers from the very start and at any point during their journey. We write their small assignments and the difficult research papers. When our customers reach the end of their studies, they’re faced with the toughest assignment of them all – a graduation thesis.

At this point, they have a brilliant solution on hand – a qualified  Australian essay writing service  that can handle the entire thesis research and writing process for them!

Not only does our thesis writing service help with this, but we do this better than anyone else. This is a serious and complex assignment and we always tackle it with utmost care and dedication. If it’s too nerve-wracking for you, the solution is right in front of you – use the best thesis writing services online!

The Process of H elp With Thesis Writing

From the topic-choosing to the proposal to the actual writing part, a thesis can be a true challenge for most students. You will probably need to dedicate all of your free time, or at least most of it for months to complete all this. Let’s take a closer look at the process.

  • Choose the topic.  Lucky for you, this is part of our  online thesis help . If you’re struggling with finding the topic, we can assist you with it.
  • Craft an engaging proposal.  Your graduation paper needs to be accepted to be turned into a thesis. This requires tons of research and brilliant academic skills. Luckily, we have the best  online thesis writing help  at your disposal.
  • Perform a very thorough research.  Most theses are dozens, even hundreds of pages long. This demands tons of research to support your hypotheses, findings, and arguments. It can take forever – but not with our writing thesis services. We can do everything for you – you won’t even have to lift a finger.
  • Plan and outline.  All that research data is hard to organize. You need plans, notes, and outlines before you even get started. This is what our thesis writer service is known for – we never start writing before we have a great plan in hand.
  • Write and edit.  Here come the two most dreaded parts – writing thesis and editing it over and over again. Such a big paper takes forever to write, and even longer to edit and format. It all falls under our thesis writers services. We can provide you with full-scope  dissertation help  regardless of your requirements.

Reasons to Hire an Expert: How the Best Thesis Writing Service Can Help

Those who haven’t used our thesis writing company before, not for any paper or academic project, can have reservations about investing in such a big paper. This is a bigger investment compared to buying a 2-page essay, so it’s only natural that you want some guarantees about the thesis writing Australia you’ll be getting.

More than that – you need guarantees and assurances that everything will go well and that no one will find out that you paid for thesis help Australia. At this service, you get all that – and much more.

View our thesis writing help as an amazing way to finish school without headaches. Many people do this. Some of their reasons for it include:

  • The thesis is too important to be average, so they need a thesis Australia that is without flaws. If you aren’t so sure of your skills, you can be certain of ours.
  • This is too tough a project. People employed at our thesis writing services do this for a living – and do it every day. It’s not only simpler for them, but they also have all the time to get it done – and do it right.
  • You wish you could rid yourself of this one. With so many tasks, studying ahead of you, applying for higher academic levels, or simply saying goodbye to your college and university friends, our thesis help in Australia can be life-changing.

The Perks of Buying from AustralianWritings

Some of the reasons why students think that we are one of the best thesis writing services include:

  • We guarantee the quality of your online thesis – and provide free revisions;
  • Our thesis service keeps your information confidential from all;
  • You can reach out to our thesis help service at any time of any day;
  • We have the best writers available to provide PhD thesis writing to students.

Why Our Thesis Writers are the Best

How do we know that we’ve hired the best people to provide PhD thesis writing services, you might wonder? We know this because we only select writers who are native English speakers, have years of experience, a university degree, and pass our rigorous testing.

Proven and Tested Custom Thesis Writing Service in Australia

If you’re already buying from a thesis company, you shouldn’t settle for anything less than the very best out there. That’s us – the company you can rely on completely. You can just send us your paper and forget about it until it’s ready to be submitted and defended – that’s how great we are!

Feeling Stuck? Pay a Low Price for Quality Thesis Writing Help!

You’d be amazed at how affordable it can be to get your thesis from our service, especially if you pick our longer deadlines. We make it worth your while – and won’t burn holes in your pockets. Just fill out our order form and rid yourself of months of endless research, tough organizing, weeks of writing every chapter, and even more time spent on editing.

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Essay writing service FAQs

Do you have australian essay writers.

Every essay helper on our team is a professional Australian academic writer. We don't work with undergrads or dropouts. Instead, we exclusively collaborate with degree-holding essay specialists fully committed to walking the extra mile to ace your assignment. We boast experts with degrees ranging from BA to PhD, capable of producing original, plagiarism-free papers fast and up to standard.

Feeling busy, tired or exhausted? Then, our Australian experts will help you cope with the workload. Take advantage of the high-quality academic writing offered to you by Oz Essay! Our essay service is available 24/7 to provide dependable, results-minded assistance with all types of essays.

At our Australian essay writing service, we have hundreds of competent experts ready to help you do homework at an honest price. Say goodbye to burning the midnight oil in the library – we'll handle all your assignments A to Z! Just give us the go-ahead, and a professional Aussie essay writer will take over your paper and write it from scratch.

How to get essay writing help from Oz experts?

Our order process is quick and simple. Follow the three essential steps below to have a genuine academic essay written by the best essay writer Australia!

STEP 1 – FILL OUT THE ORDER FORM: Complete the order form by selecting the relevant options and providing your personal instructions. If you also have a rubric or a brief from a tutor, upload it as well. Opt-in for additional services, too, if you want to boost the quality of writing to the maximum.

STEP 2 – MAKE A PAYMENT: Securely purchase your essay written by a professional Australian essay writer using your debit/credit card. It's also possible to make a payment using one of the online services that we work with. Rest assured, your payment details will be transmitted via a 2048-bit SSL secure channel.

STEP 3 – COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR WRITER: Feel free to contact your essay helper directly using a message board tool found in your personal area. This will help you stay in the loop regarding the current order status.

You can also contact us for essay help Australia via the 24/7 Customer Support hotline or Live Chat. Our friendly managers are available to help you choose the best service and address any academic concerns you may have.

Do you also have a paper writing service?

Essays are an inevitable part of college homework in Australia, alongside term papers, coursework, case studies, Math assignments, PowerPoint presentations and dissertations. Join our custom writing service to receive assistance with any challenging papers you may be facing. Let an expert in your subject area contribute to a wholly original document that meets your tutor's demands, ensuring you achieve a positive mark without spending your evenings on it!

In addition to custom writing, we also offer expert editing and proofreading of already completed texts. So, if you've recently written a paper but feel too worked up to proofread it, let a specialist look into your writing and fix all the possible typos, grammar flaws and syntax errors. Our Australian specialists can make sure your academic document is appropriately written and 100% proofread. Submit a flawless paper that will bring you a good to excellent mark, while all the hard work will be done by a dedicated Aussie writer!

Is essay help allowed in Australia?

Buy Australian writing safely on our website! Our service prioritizes the security and confidentiality of every customer and their order details. With custom essays guaranteed to be plagiarism-free, you can confidently advance in your college journey.

While our paper service is fully permitted in Australia, we advise adhering to a mindful non-disclosure protocol. There's no need to disclose the source of your papers to anyone. Neither your friends, family or partner need to know that you buy custom papers. It's common sense to keep the essay help between you and your Australian academic writers.

We uphold academic integrity by ensuring tutors receive original papers that meet all requirements. Let's maintain this standard until you graduate from college. The fewer people who know about custom papers, the smoother the process for everyone involved. Although our professional essay writing service is 100% secure, confidentiality is strongly recommended.

How to choose the best academic writer for me?

Our website offers three types of Australian essay writers, allowing you to choose the expert level that suits your budget, paper difficulty and studying goals. Our team includes the following experts available round the clock:

BEST AVAILABLE. With plenty of expert writers on the team, we can fulfil any order fast (within 1-3 hours), affordably and to a high standard. For most assignments, the best available writer will suffice, ensuring skill, knowledge and expertise in your writing.

TOP WRITER. The most popular choice of students on our website is a top writer in a subject. While the best available writer is suitable for most orders, some tasks require extra quality and consistency. If this is the case for you, select a top writer in your topic for additional expertise.

PREMIUM WRITER. Representing the best of the best, premium writers excel in meeting tight deadlines and tackling extra-difficult topics. Even a simple 5-paragraph essay can pose a serious challenge, especially after a hard day in college. A premium writer will help you produce a stunning essay quickly.

As a high school or college student in Australia, feel free to switch between the available types of writers on our website. Hire specialists tailored to each specific assignment to effectively manage your workload and save funds along the way!

What sets you apart from other Aussie essay companies?

Eleven competitive advantages help stand out from other Australian essay writing companies. They are as follows:

  • The best essay service in Australia.
  • Superior Aussie essay writers.
  • Expertise in every topic.
  • Writers with BA, MA, PhD or equivalent qualifications.
  • Coverage of all subjects and topics.
  • Quick and easy order process.
  • Honest pricing with no hidden fees.
  • Rock-solid money-back guarantee.
  • No missed deadlines.
  • 100% authentic Aussie writings.
  • Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) with writers.
  • We're in touch with our customers 24/7.

The specialists of our essay writing help company possess the necessary skills, experience, commitment and training to produce exceptional papers for you within a short timeframe. Partner with true professionals who are dedicated to helping you achieve top marks!

What are the guarantees of your essay writing service?

We offer 5 comprehensive guarantees designed to make your customer experience smooth and rewarding:

BEST AUSSIE WRITER. Our essay service collaborates with the best writers in Australia, ensuring that your work is completed by a subject-matter expert with the necessary credentials.

ZERO PLAGIARISM. What you pay for is a brand-new academic text written based on your instructions. Each paper undergoes thorough plagiarism and quality checks; detailed reports are available upon request.

TIMELY DELIVERY. Our specialists consistently deliver orders on time, helping to meet even the most desperate deadlines.

SERVICE CONFIDENTIALITY. Your login details and payment information are securely protected, allowing you to purchase assignments with confidence.

FUNDS RETURN. We're perhaps the only Australian essay writing company with a legitimate fund-returning policy. If you want to return funds, there will be no ifs and buts!

If you're facing challenges with high school or college essays, you can always count on a goal-focused service that will get the job done well and on time. Our straightforward approach and proactive attitude ensure you receive the desired outcome at a fair price.

Can you write an essay in 1 day?

Simplify your homework load with the Oz Essay service! Our experienced writers have successfully completed numerous school and college projects, making them well-equipped to craft fully authentic papers for you within just 24 hours.

Are you in a rush? No problem! We can produce a new essay for you in less than 3 hours! Our seasoned writers provide same-day paper writing services on favourable terms. While we recommend placing orders in advance to save time and money, rest assured that every professional essay writer on our team is capable of delivering high-quality work overnight.

Is it secure to buy essays on your site?

With OzEssay, your customer experience is entirely secure. All order information and login details are transmitted via a 2048-bit SSL secure channel to ensure maximum protection. Payment statements contain only safe information to maintain confidentiality.

All orders are processed in accordance with our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, as well as the best DMCA practices for handling payment data and customer details.

Third parties have no access to our customer database or any orders. We strictly maintain the confidentiality of all sensitive information, including customer data.

How to get a better price?

Enter the promo code 'first15' on the order page now to receive a 15% welcome bonus on your first order.

Log in to the system and join our Loyalty Program to earn bonus funds for every new order placed. These funds can be applied towards your next essay writing service Australia.

Lastly, placing your order well before the deadline can result in significant savings. Order now and see for yourself!

#1 writing service in Australia is a top Aussie writing service.

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Essay on the topic ''Economics''

This paper is really good! The writer was fast, and followed all my instructions. I will order more projects soon. Great job! Thanks!

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Essay on the topic ''History''

This writer is very good with history questions! One of the best I have experienced.

Australian Best Essay Writing Service and Essay Writer

When you sense that you are too tired or lack motivation to write your paper, it’s important to know that you have help at your fingertips. The professionals at essay writing service are the top-rated among Australian students. With our expertise and reasonable rates, there’s no reason to stress over tough assignments or hard-to-meet deadlines.

You can knock on the virtual doors of our essay writing service at any time and for any assignment. We deliver all sorts of academic content, including essays, research papers, dissertations, and more. Not just that, but we offer all our services in every subject. You can come to to request papers in psychology, physics, literature, mathematics, chemistry, economics, social sciences, etc. In our team of hundreds of experts, we have writers who specialize in varied fields.

Choose the Best Essay Writers to Do Your Paper

If you entrust us with your paper and your grades, we’ll make sure to provide you with quality, essay writing services before your deadline ends. As soon as we receive your order, we’ll select the most suitable writer to work on it. This person will be a specialist in the academic field of your academic paper, therefore guaranteeing that your order will be tackled by someone with the necessary expertise.

Whether you need to submit a small article, a long essay, or a very complicated thesis, is right here to assist you. Our essay writing service Australia is the leading provider of academic content worldwide. With thousands of happy customers who received our papers, we have a lot to be proud of.

In addition to offering all sorts of custom papers, we also offer students the opportunity to get their papers edited or proofread by professionals. If you don’t have the time or find this process to be hard, you can simply toss it at our experts for some final polishing. We’ll do this at an affordable rate and provide amazing quality, as we always do.

Here at Best Essays AU, you will pay reasonable and competitive rates, and be able to claim a variety of discounts depending on your status. We guarantee the timely delivery of your paper, its originality, as well as grant you free revisions on request.


Once you place your order, we will assign it to a professional writer with knowledge and experience in your exact academic field to ensure your total satisfaction. Additionally, we have the resources to conduct the necessary research for any project you may have.

Whether you need a simple essay or a complex dissertation, remember that is here to help! Try our custom-writing services today and you will understand why we are the leading, custom-writing provider in Australia and beyond!

Get the most cost-effective assignment writing service. We offer the perfect solution for Australian students who need help with their assignments. Our services also include editing any type and style of custom papers, at any academic level. You can order an essay or any other type of project for a really affordable price. We give you tons of advantages. Discounts are available, too! You’ll be entitled to free revisions, so you can rest assured you’ll be happy with the results.

Why Choose

1. Countless Australian students are satisfied with our professional writing services

2. Custom-written essays, original term papers, and professional research help

3. Educated, professional writers with proven experience writing academic papers

4. Valuable savings - our discount savings program saves you time and money

5. Our customer service is available 24/7 - when you need help, we are here for you

6. 100% privacy guaranteed - your private information is strictly confidential

7. Free revisions on any academic paper until you are fully satisfied with your order

8. Free title page, contents page, reference page, and proper formatting

Academic performance now matters more than ever. With an array of young people pursuing education for bigger chances in the job industry, a lot of your future will be based on how well you do in school. Because of this, all students strive to hire an amazing essay writer to do their papers.

And why wouldn’t you? When you’re spending your hard-earned and limited cash on essay writing help, it is normal to demand high quality. Even so, there are few companies that guarantee and continuously deliver top-notch essay help online. Known as the best essay writing service Australia, is the perfect place to get your papers.


What better way to deliver top-notch content than hiring the best writers?

In pursuit of offering you top-notch essays, we have hired professional essay writers whose skills are unmatchable. All of our online essay writers need to be qualified in various fields to secure a position with us. These include:

  • At least 3 years of experience in delivering quality academic papers
  • Native English speaker from either of these countries; Australia, USA, UK, or Canada
  • Master’s Degree or Ph.D. degree holder
  • Submit standard related work samples and provide academic certificates in our desired field
  • Submit a reference letter from your previous employee
  • Excel excellently in our English proficiency test
  • Scale through our 3 months’ probation period without any difficulties

Due to our strict policy in the selection process, we hand-pick just one candidate out of seven applicants. Our writers are a reflection of our company’s image, and as such, there’s isn’t room for mediocracy.

Bringing your essay to us saying “write my essay” for me, means you trust us to deliver to your expectation. When you come to us with an essay task, we assign it to a professional writer, who will deliver an essay that will boost your academic performance.


First on the list is quality, however, it doesn’t end there. When students tell us “write my essay for me”, we go the extra mile to ensure that deadlines are met, and you end up with a quality essay, free of plagiarism. writers are very attentive, so, they make no mistakes or miss out on important details when working on your essay.

On the rare occasion where you aren't satisfied with our essay help, we have customer support that's available 24/7 to listen to your complaints.

If you need something changed or added to the essay writer finished work, we'd be readily available to help out. At our essay writing company, we offer free revisions, meaning your essay is in the right hands.

For years, we have made sure to expand on the services we offer. Our services aren’t limited to just essay writing; it extends to papers from any academic level, institution, and subject. Yes, we are that vast!

Once you decide on contracting for your essay writing, you can send us a direct message with your order and requirements or spent a few minutes to fill out the order form, which is very simple.

If you are working on a tight deadline, be sure to communicate that to us, so we can work with your timeline. Once your essay is completed, you’ll receive a notification from us.


At we are open to assisting all students – college students, undergraduates, post-graduates, and even doctoral students – who need our help.

We have professional writers who are well experienced in dissertation writing, case studies, descriptive and personal essays, thesis writing, and case studies. If the type of essay you need to be written isn't listed, send us a message so we can have a customized package just for you.

Our services cover a broad range of subjects, including; History, Marketing, Economics, Literature, Engineering, Philosophy, MBA, and Marketing. Also, if your desired subject isn’t mentioned, don’t fret, because we still have you covered. The writers at Best Essays are capable of writing essays on any academic field.


You expect quality above all else, and that is understandable. But, as a student who is probably careful with their budget, you must worry about prices too. Most students these days take jobs to cover their expenses or have big student debt that doesn’t allow them to spend too much on things like papers.

Knowing all this led us to carefully create a pricing system that will make an affordable, yet the highly trusted source of academic assignments of all sorts. We have prices that fit the qualifications of our essay writers, but also discount offers that will turn the already reasonable prices into an amazing bargain.

Papers have never been better and more affordable than this! If you want a combination of great pricing and even greater quality, is the company to hire to provide it.

Your loyalty means a great deal to us. We grant discounts to welcome new customers, but always appreciate the loyalty of those who come back for essay help because they trust us. We have thousands of regulars every year and all of them have access to great discounts that are part of our loyalty program.

Ordering sooner than later is your best strategy when you buy online. Don’t waste any more time. Order right now to claim a nice bonus and get the best price from our list. If you need some clearing up, our support is right here at your disposal, on email, phone, or live chat.

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Prepare your thesis

Throughout your research candidature you will work toward producing your final thesis. There are some key points to keep in mind when you start this process.

Your thesis must be a coherent and cohesive whole. You can submit a thesis including publications but we don't accept thesis by publication. Refer to the relevant Thesis and Examination policy (pdf, 392KB) and discuss this with your supervisor.

There are also certain formatting and referencing requirements that are outlined below.

You can also find more general information on research skills, planning and writing your thesis in the research skills for HDR students page. This includes literature reviews, writing up results and theses including publications.

Proofreading and editing

You can use an editor to prepare your thesis for submission. Make sure you discuss your plans with your supervisor and provide your editor with a copy of the University’s Thesis Submission and Examination Procedures (pdf, 180KB) .

When you use an editor:

  • include the editor’s name and a brief description of the service provided in your list of acknowledgements at the front of your thesis. For creative work, make sure this information is included when it's presented for examination.
  • you need to state the editor’s current or former area of academic specialisation if this is similar to your own.


You will find information on word limits in the below policies and procedures, or in your faculty or school handbook.

Word limits include footnotes and all material in the main body of the thesis. Bibliographies and appendices are not included in the overall word count.

  • University of Sydney (Higher Degree by Research) Rule (pdf, 877KB)
  • Thesis and Examination of Higher Degrees by Research Policy (pdf, 194KB)
  • Thesis and Examination of Higher Degrees by Research Procedures (pdf, 180KB)

If you have questions about formatting, you can speak to your supervisor or postgraduate coordinator.

Thesis frontispiece sections

The frontispiece includes the parts of your thesis before the main content.

Thesis title and abstract

The following upper limits apply to your title and abstract content submitted on RECS for the final lodgement:

  • thesis title: maximum 250 characters including spaces, in title case not uppercase.
  • thesis abstract: maximum 2000 characters including spaces.

Login to Sydney Student (go to ‘My studies’, then 'Research details') to update and maintain your thesis title and thesis abstract.

Note that there are no characters limits for the title and abstract in the actual pdf of the thesis. 

Your thesis title page should state:

  • title of the thesis
  • faculty name
  • the University’s full name – The University of Sydney
  • for theses only: A thesis submitted to fulfil requirements for the degree of Doctor/Master of Philosophy (or other higher degree by research)
  • for theses with a creative component: A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of requirements for the degree of Doctor/Master of Philosophy (or other higher degree by research).
  • a statement if you have been in receipt of a Research Training Program scholarship: "This research reported in this thesis was supported by the award of a Research Training Program scholarship to the PhD Candidate."

Statement of originality

You need to include a statement of originality, usually placed after the title page, for example:

This is to certify that to the best of my knowledge, the content of this thesis is my own work. This thesis has not been submitted for any degree or other purposes.

I certify that the intellectual content of this thesis is the product of my own work and that all the assistance received in preparing this thesis and sources have been acknowledged.

Signature* Name

*you should only include the signature in the copy you submit for examination, not the library copy.

Authorship attribution statement

If your thesis contains material you have previously published, you need to discuss an authorship attribution statement with your supervisor and submit this statement as part of your final thesis submission. It should indicate the name and publication details of the published work, as well as specify your contribution.

Such a statement typically appears in the frontispiece of your thesis.

If the publication in which your work has previously appeared has a convention about author order, then you need to include this information after each relevant attribution statement (for example,  Journal of XXXX  requires that the lead author must be corresponding author).

This only applies where you have made a substantial contribution to the paper. You cannot present minor contributions to published works in the main body of your thesis – these can only be included as appendices.

Example: Chapters published as papers/edited book chapters

Chapter x of this thesis is published as [citation]. I designed the study, analysed the data and wrote the drafts of the MS.

Chapter y of this thesis is published as [citation]. I designed the study, extracted the data and wrote the drafts of the MS.

Chapter z of this thesis is published as [citation]. I co-designed the study with the co-authors, interpreted the analysis done by A.N. Other and wrote the drafts of the MS.

Example: Published material distributed through the thesis

This thesis contains material published in [citation]. This is section x.y; figure s.t, and pages p-q of section y.z. I did... [describe your role].

Attesting your authorship attribution statement

You and your supervisor need to attest to an authorship attribution statement under the  Thesis and Examination Policy and Procedures (pdf, 185KB) . The following are suggested:

In addition to the statements above, in cases where I am not the corresponding author of a published item, permission to include the published material has been granted by the corresponding author.

Student Name, Signature, Date

As supervisor for the candidature upon which this thesis is based, I can confirm that the authorship attribution statements above are correct.

Supervisor Name, Signature, Date

You should refer to the Thesis and Examination of Higher Degrees by Research Procedures (pdf, 180KB) for information about the inclusion of published material you wrote, or contributed to as an author. This includes use of citations and quotations.

If your thesis contains material you have previously published, an authorship attribution statement, outlined above, may be included.

More information can be found in the Thesis and Examination of Higher Degrees by Research Policy (pdf, 194KB) and the University of Sydney (Higher Degree by Research) Rule (pdf, 877KB) .

The responsibilities of all researchers, academic staff and students are outlined in our Research Code of Conduct (pdf, 484KB) . This defines research misconduct and breaches of the Code related to plagiarism.

File type for submission

You need to submit your thesis as a pdf file. This is the required format for us to submit your thesis into Turnitin for similarity detection. If we receive a file in another format, then the conversion to pdf will not be controlled by you and may result in unacceptable or undesirable formatting changes. Be aware, once a thesis file is submitted for examination, it is not possible to withdraw it for revisions unless under the provisions of the Thesis and Examination of Higher Degree by Research Students Policy .

Related links

  • Thesis submission
  • Research skills for HDR students
  • Research progress
  • Research supervision
  • Academic integrity

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Thesis structures

  Whether you're writing a traditional thesis, thesis by compilation or an exegesis, your work needs to have an argument (some disciplines use key message, narrative, story or exposition). The argument is your answer to your research question/s, and the structure of your thesis should support the argument. A thesis argument map can help you to stay on track and can save you a lot of time writing. 

Thesis argument maps

Key points:

  • a thesis needs a clear research question/s or aim/s
  • a thesis needs an argument that answers the research question/s
  • each part of the thesis should contribute to your argument
  • the thesis structure should support your argument
  • an argument map can be very useful to guide you throughout your project

While there are different ways to produce an outline, we recommend using an argument map. Having an argument map planned out can be helpful for people in both the early and later stages of a research project. Even though in the early stages of your project you won't know exactly how it will turn out, it's still helpful to have a sense of where you are going and what you need to do. In the later stages of a project, you can revisit your argument map to see whether the different parts of the project still fit together logically.

On this page there are links to argument map examples and templates that you can choose from to help you organise your thesis or exegesis.

Filling out your argument map

To fill out your argument map, do the following. 

  • Write down your research question/s or aim/s in the top part of the map. 
  • Underneath the research question or aims, you'll see 'Argument' or 'Central narrative'. You might like to think of your argument as the take home message that tells the reader what your research has found overall. Even if you don't yet know the answer to your research question, write down what you anticipate your main answer/s will be. Having an idea of your argument or narrative helps you to plan out your chapters logically. 
  • Reflect on your argument: does it answer the research question? If it doesn't, do you need to clarify the argument? Or do you need to refine your research question? 
  • The introduction column outlines common elements of an introduction. Jot down your ideas in relation to each of the points. 
  • Write down the broad purpose of each chapter in the first row of the chapter columns. How will that chapter help you to answer your research question? How do the chapters follow on from one another?
  • Jot down what you will argue in each of your chapter sections. You may have fewer than three sections in a chapter, so adapt the template as you like. How does each chapter section contribute to your chapter's argument? What evidence will you draw on?   
  • Reflect on your overall thesis structure. Are the chapters in a logical order to answer your research question/s? Does the structure best emphasise your analysis or themes? Are the sections organised around your themes or analytical points? Do you leave plenty of room to address counterarguments? Would another structure work? If so, which structure do you think most clearly answers your research question/s and shows a logical progression of analysis?

When you have a draft outline, carefully review it with your supervisor: is there unnecessary material (i.e. not directly related to the research question/s)? If so, remove or rework it. Is there missing material to add? Whenever you want to make a major change to your work, outlining it first can help you to consider new, more persuasive possibilities for structure.

Another way to test whether your thesis structure is persuasive and logical is to talk about it with someone who knows very little about your topic. You could try explaining it to a friend, to see whether they need to know the information in a certain sequence, and to see whether there are ideas you need to spend more/less time on explaining. You can also make an appointment at Academic Skills  to discuss your argument map.

Principles of structure

The main principle of writing an outline is to work out a structure that best supports your argument. To do this, first consider your research question, and how you would persuade someone that your response is defensible. For example, if you have a question that asks for a comparison of two or more case studies, your structure needs to enable you to make that comparison effectively. You might have a chapter or section that provides a brief overview of each case study. Then, you could have a chapter that compares the case studies in relation to one variable or theme. You could then follow with a chapter that compares the case studies in relation to another variable or theme, and so on. In this way, you would have a structure that enables comparison.

If a part of your thesis does not seem to fit in, ask yourself how it helps you to answer the question. This can help you to identify where it would fit better. Otherwise, you might need to cut the section out of your thesis - you could consider whether it would work well in a separate publication instead.

To decide which structure is best for you, it's useful to have a look at other examples in your area. You can access past ANU theses on the ANU Library's  digital thesis collection , you can ask your supervisor, and/or you can ask your College administrators to show you some past samples. When you look at them, consider:

  • is it clear how each section of the thesis answers the research question?
  • does the structure logically support the argument?
  • is there a lot of background information that could be condensed?
  • if the thesis is making comparisons, does the structure help you to understand the comparisons?

Thesis by compilation

Reference documents

  • Exegesis narrative map (DOCX, 65.15 KB)
  • Long Thesis Argument Map (DOCX, 65.8 KB)
  • Sciences thesis argument map (DOCX, 64.9 KB)
  • Short Thesis Argument Map (DOCX, 64.48 KB)
  • Sample Epidemiology thesis argument map (PDF, 27.17 KB)
  • Sample International Relations thesis argument map (PDF, 23.64 KB)
  • Sample Film Studies thesis argument map (PDF, 45.92 KB)

Use contact details to request an alternative file format.

  • ANU Library Academic Skills
  • +61 2 6125 2972


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Finding UNSW theses

UNSW PhD or Masters by Research theses can be located via  UNSWorks . For honours theses, contact the UNSW faculty, school or the author directly.

For more information on rights of use and removing material in UNSWorks see  Copyright - UNSWorks .

Finding Australian and international theses

Australian theses.

To find Australian theses, search via:

Library collection To find UNSW Library’s collection of Australian and international theses in print, search  Library collection  for a title or keywords. Refine your results by selecting  Refine my results > Resource types > Dissertations  in the column on the left.

Trove - Australian print and digital theses Trove includes theses at all levels, including PhD, masters and honours. To limit your search to Australian theses only, use  Trove - Research & Reports  search. Tick the  Australian content  box. Next to  Format - select  Thesis  from the drop-down list.

International theses

To find international theses, search via:

BASE BASE academic search engine provides access to the repositories of 8,000 institutions. 60% of the full-text documents are open access.

CORE CORE aggregates open access research outputs from repositories and journals worldwide.

DART-Europe e-theses portal DART-Europe is a partnership of research libraries and library consortia working to improve global access to European research theses.

EBSCO open dissertations Includes the content from American Doctoral Dissertations in addition to theses and dissertations from around the world. Coverage from 1955.

Open access theses and dissertations OATD provides access to open access graduate theses from over 1100 colleges, universities, and research institutions.

Theses Canada Theses and dissertations in the Library and Archives Canada (LAC) collection.

Web of Science The Web of Science ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Citation Index provides the citation information of theses from around the world. To search for thesis citations, change the search from Web of Science Core Collection to ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Citation Index .

Non-UNSW theses

To obtain a thesis that is not available via the resources listed above, contact the library of the holding/publishing institution directly. Conditions of access to a thesis are determined by the author and holding library, and is outside the control of UNSW Library.

Depositing your thesis

How to  deposit  your UNSW thesis.

Finding theses

University of sydney theses, higher degree by research theses.

We hold theses written by the University’s Higher Degree by Research (PhD or Masters by Research) students in our collections.

You can find a University of Sydney thesis by searching the  Library catalogue . Select the “Advanced search” and then select “USYD Theses” from the “Material type” dropdown menu.

You can also find digital theses by searching directly in the Sydney eScholarship repository .

Access a digital or digitised thesis

Many of the University’s digital and digitised theses are openly available for download through the Sydney eScholarship repository .

Theses marked “University of Sydney Access” are only available to current University staff and students. Libraries and private researchers can request to purchase a copy of a University of Sydney Access only thesis for AUD$18.50 (incl. GST, within Australia) or AUD$40.00 (international requests).

To purchase a digital thesis, you need to complete one of the relevant request forms below and submit it to [email protected] :

  • Individuals requesting a thesis, or library requesting on behalf of an individual
  • Libraries requesting a copy to be included in their collection

All requests for copies of material held at the University of Sydney Library must comply with the  Copyright Act of 1968 .

Access a hard copy thesis

Theses that are only available in printed format can be viewed in the Rare Books and Special Collections Library , Level 1, Fisher Library.

We are currently running a project to digitise hardcopy theses. You can request an update to find out where a particular thesis is in our digitisation queue by emailing [email protected] .

We don’t digitise theses on request.

Honours or postgraduate coursework theses

Search for an honours or postgraduate coursework thesis in the repository , then use the filters on the left side of the results page to narrow by “Type”.

You can also search the Honours and Postgraduate Coursework theses collection for a faculty, school or discipline (if available).

There are limited numbers of honours theses in the Sydney eScholarship repository as we have strict requirements for submission of honours theses . If you can't find the thesis you're looking for, we suggest contacting the relevant faculty office.

Theses from other Australian and New Zealand universities

Find a thesis from other Australian or New Zealand universities by searching:

  • Australian theses via Trove
  • Libraries Australia for Higher Degree theses awarded from 1989 onwards
  • Education Research Theses for citations and abstracts from theses submitted from 1919 onwards.

If you’re interested in a thesis that isn't available online, you can request the item through our Resource Sharing Service .

International theses

For theses written and submitted at universities outside of Australia, try the following resources:

  • Open Access Theses and Dissertations
  • DART-Europe E-theses Portal
  • British Library Electronic Digital Thesis Online Service (EThOS)
  • EBSCO open dissertations
  • French Thesis-On-Line Repository
  • History Online – postgraduate theses in History submitted in the UK since 1995
  • Index to Theses – listing of theses with abstracts accepted for higher degrees by universities in Great Britain and Ireland since 1716
  • Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations – North American theses
  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global

Related information

For more help finding and accessing theses, speak to our friendly library staff.

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How to Write a Good Conclusion (With Examples) 

How to Write a Good Conclusion (With Examples) 

  • Smodin Editorial Team
  • Published: May 31, 2024

Students often spend a great deal of time crafting essay introductions while leaving the conclusion as an afterthought. While the introduction is one of the most vital aspects of an essay, a good conclusion can have just as much of an impact on its effectiveness. Knowing how to write a good conclusion is crucial, as it encapsulates your main points and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

A well-crafted conclusion should serve as the final pitch for your arguments. Your reader should walk away with a clear understanding of what they just read and how it applies to the core of your thesis. With the right approach, your conclusion can transform a good essay into a great one, making it both memorable and impactful.

This article will guide you through four simple steps of writing compelling conclusions. Each step is designed to help you reinforce your thesis and articulate your final thoughts in a way that will resonate with your teacher or professor. With a bit of practice, you can learn how to stick the landing and give every essay the finale it deserves.

What Is the Purpose of the Conclusion Paragraph?

Understanding the purpose of the conclusion paragraph is essential for effective essay writing. The conclusion paragraph should be more than just a summary of your essay. It should consolidate all your arguments and tie them back to your thesis.

Remember, all good writing inspires emotion. Whether to inspire, provoke, or engage is up to you, but the conclusion should always leave a lasting impression.

If in doubt, Smodin’s AI Chat tool can be handy for gauging the emotional impact of your conclusion.

By mastering the art of writing a powerful conclusion, you equip yourself with the tools to ensure your essays stand out. Whether it’s the first or last essay you’re writing for the class, it’s your chance to leave a definitive mark on your reader.

How to Write a Good Conclusion

student writing a conclusion

This approach ensures your conclusion adds value and reinforces your arguments’ coherence. Here are three simple and effective practices to help you craft a solid conclusion.

Restating Your Thesis

Restating your thesis in the conclusion is a common practice in essay writing, and for good reason. It helps underscore how your understanding has deepened or shifted based on the evidence you provided.

Just understand that a restatement of your original thesis doesn’t mean a complete word-for-word repeat. You should rephrase your original thesis so that it elucidates the insights you touched on throughout the essay. Smodin’s AI Rewriter can help refine your restatement to ensure it is fresh and impactful.

Here are a few tips to effectively restate your thesis

  • Show Complexity : If your essay added layers or nuances to the original statement, be sure to articulate that clearly.
  • Integrate Key Findings : Incorporate the main findings of your essay to reinforce how they supported or refined your thesis.
  • Keep It Fresh : Again, you want to avoid repeating the same things twice. Use different wording that reflects a nuanced perspective.

Finally, always ensure that the restated thesis connects seamlessly with the rest of your essay. Always try to showcase the coherence of your writing to provide the reader with a strong sense of closure.

Using AI tools like Smodin’s Outliner and Essay Writer can ensure your writing flows smoothly and is easy to follow.

Providing an Effective Synthesis

Providing an effective synthesis should enhance your original thesis. All good arguments should evolve and shift throughout the essay. Rather than simply summarizing these findings, you should integrate critical insights and evidence to demonstrate a deeper or more nuanced understanding.

Draw connections between the main points discussed and show how they collectively support your thesis. Also, reflect on the implications of these insights for the broader context of your subject. And once again, always use fresh and engaging language to maintain the reader’s interest.

The last thing you want is for your reader to view your essay as a collection of individual points. A good essay should read as a unified whole, with all the pieces tying together naturally. You affirm your argument’s significance when you tie all the pieces together in your conclusion.

Providing New Insights

provide insights when writing conclusion paragraph

Also, think of this step as your opportunity to propose future research directions based on your findings. What could a student or researcher study next? What unanswered questions remain? If you’re having trouble answering these questions, consider using Smodin’s research tools to expand your knowledge of the topic.

That isn’t to say you can leave open-ended or unanswered questions about your own thesis. On the contrary, your conclusion should firmly establish the validity of your argument. That said, any deep and insightful analysis naturally leads to further exploration. Draw attention to these potential areas of inquiry.

(Optional) Form a Personal Connection With the Reader

Forming a connection with the reader in the conclusion can personalize and strengthen the impact of your essay. This technique can be powerful if implemented correctly, making your writing more relatable, human, and memorable.

That said, slime academics discourage using “I” in formal essays. It’s always best to clarify your teacher’s or professor’s stance before submitting your final draft.

If it is allowed, consider sharing a brief personal reflection or anecdote that ties back to the main themes of your essay. A personal touch can go a long way toward humanizing your arguments and creating a connection with the reader.

Whatever you choose, remember that your conclusion should always complement the analytical findings of your essay. Never say anything that detracts from your thesis or the findings you presented.

Examples of Good Conclusions

Let’s explore some examples to illustrate what a well-crafted conclusion looks and sounds like. The following are two hypothetical thesis essays from the fields of science and literature.

  • Thesis Topic: The Impact of Climate Change on Coral Reefs
  • Introduction: “Coral reefs act as the guardians of the ocean’s biodiversity. These underwater ecosystems are among the most vibrant and essential on the entire planet. However, the escalating impact of climate change poses a severe threat to their health and survival. This essay aims to dissect specific environmental changes contributing to coral degradation while proposing measures for mitigation.”
  • Conclusion: “This investigation into the impact of climate change on coral reefs has revealed a disturbing acceleration of coral bleaching events and a significant decline of reef biodiversity. The findings presented in this study establish a clear link between increased sea temperatures and coral reef mortality. Future research should focus on the resilience mechanisms of coral species that could influence conservation strategies. The fate of the coral reefs depends on humanity’s immediate and concentrated action to curb global emissions and preserve these vital ecosystems for future generations.”

Notice how the conclusion doesn’t simply restate the thesis. Instead, it highlights the definitive connection between climate change and coral health. It also reiterates the issue’s urgency and extends a call of action for ongoing intervention. The last sentence is direct, to the point, and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

If you’re struggling with your closing sentence (or any sentence, for that matter), Smodin’s Rewriter can create hundreds of different sentences in seconds. Then, choose the sentences and phrases that resonate the most and use them to craft a compelling conclusion.

  • Thesis Topic: The Evolution of the American Dream in 20th-Century American Literature
  • Introduction: “The American Dream was once defined by prosperity and success. However, throughout the 20th century, the representation of the American Dream in popular literature has undergone significant changes. Are these representations indicative of a far-reaching sentiment that lay dormant among the American public? Or were these works simply the result of disillusioned writers responding to the evolving challenges of the times?”
  • Conclusion: “Works by F. Scott Fitzgerald, John Steinbeck, and Toni Morrison illustrate the American Dream’s evolution from unbridled optimism to a more critical examination of the American ethos. Throughout modernist and post-modernist literature, the American Dream is often at odds with core American values. These novels reflect broader societal shifts that continue to shape the national consciousness. Further research into contemporary literature could provide greater insight into the complexities of this concept.”

You will know exactly what this essay covers by reading the introduction and conclusion alone. It summarizes the evolution of the American Dream by examining the works of three unique authors. It then analyzes these works to demonstrate how they reflect broader societal shifts. The conclusion works as both a capstone and a bridge to set the stage for future inquiries.

Write Better Conclusions With Smodin

Always remember the human element behind the grading process when crafting your essay. Your teachers or professors are human and have likely spent countless hours reviewing essays on similar topics. The grading process can be long and exhaustive. Your conclusion should aim to make their task easier, not harder.

A well-crafted conclusion serves as the final piece to your argument. It should recap the critical insights discussed above while shedding new light on the topic. By including innovative elements and insightful observations, your conclusion will help your essay stand out from the crowd.

Make sure your essay ends on a high note to maximize your chances of getting a better grade now and in the future. Smodin’s comprehensive suite of AI tools can help you enhance every aspect of your essay writing. From initial research to structuring, these tools can streamline the process and improve the quality of your essays.

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Talented storytellers celebrated at 2024 WA Premier's Book Awards

  • Premier's Book Awards showcase the best in Western Australian writing
  • Novelist Gail Jones and poet John Kinsella inducted into the Western Australian Writers Hall of Fame
  • Premier's Prize for Book of the Year, sponsored by Writing WA, awarded to A Better Place by Stephen Daisley
  • Scout and the Rescue Dogs by Dianne Wolfer named Children's Book of the Year
  • $60,000 Western Australian Writer's Fellowship awarded to Kylie Howarth

The 2024 Western Australian Premier's Book Awards were announced this evening at the State Library of Western Australia, alongside two new inductees into the Western Australian Writers Hall of Fame.

The winners across the five Premier's Book Awards categories are:

  • first-time novelist Michael Thomas for his historical fiction novel The Map of William (Fremantle Press), whichtook home the Premier's Prize for an Emerging Writer ($15,000). The rite-of-passage tale takes the reader on the expedition of a lifetime in Western Australia's north-west;
  • Albany-based author Dianne Wolfer's Scout and the Rescue Dogs leapt to the winner's podium in the Children's Book of the Year category ($15,000). It is described as a junior fiction novel perfect for young minds with tender souls;
  • visceral and powerful World War II novel, A Better Place (Text Publishing) by Stephen Daisley, joined the ranks of winners of the Premier's Prize for Book of the Year, which is sponsored by Writing WA ($15,000). Daisley's novel has been lauded nationally and internationally;
  • Dusty Tracks by daughter and mother writing duo Marly and Linda Wells, who are based in the Northern Territory, took out the Daisy Utemorrah Award for Unpublished Indigenous Junior and Young Adult Fiction ($15,000 and a publishing contract); and
  • Kylie Howarth received the major $60,000 Western Australian Writer's Fellowship. Howarth is an award-winning children's book author and illustrator. Her commitment to inclusivity and ability to connect with young readers make her a worthy recipient of the prestigious Fellowship.

The induction of Gail Jones and John Kinsella into the Western Australian Writers Hall of Fame brings its membership to 20. Each member is highly respected within the industry and broadly recognised for their distinctive work and contribution to WA literature.

Gail Jones is a celebrated novelist and academic from Western Australia. She is the author of 10 critically acclaimed novels, including One Another (Text Publishing, 2024). Gail's work has been translated into several languages and she has received numerous literary awards. She is Emeritus Professor at Western Sydney University. 

John Kinsella is a prolific poet who is strongly influenced by the Western Australian landscape. He also works as a novelist, essayist and editor, and teaches at Curtin University. His life's work has been compiled in a new three-volume collection by UWA Publishing, which spans more than 40 years of writing. 

The Daisy Utemorrah Award is administered and funded by Broome-based Indigenous publisher Magabala Books, with support from the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries and Copyright Agency, and is open to Indigenous writers Australia-wide.

For more information on the Western Australian Premier's Book Awards and Writers Hall of Fame, visit

Comments attributed to Premier Roger Cook:

"The Premier's Book Awards is one of the ways my Government recognises and celebrates the Western Australian writing industry.

"This year's awards showcase the best in Western Australin storytelling, and I encourage everyone to support our exciting talent by delving into the captivating and engaging stories that won and were nominated.

"I'd like to also congratulate our new Writers Hall of Fame members, Gail Jones and John Kinsella, who have been honoured for their significant achievements and lasting contributions to the Western Australian writing sector."

Comments attributed to Culture and the Arts Minister David Templeman:

"Tonight was a fantastic night celebrating local literature at the State Library of Western Australia.

"Our State has a reputation for enormous creative talent and the Premier's Book Awards and Writers Hall of Fame proves this. 

"Congratulations to the winners, and all of the shortlisted authors and illustrators, for their contribution to Western Australia's literary landscape."

Premier Roger Cook

Hon. Roger Cook

Minister David Templeman

Hon. David Templeman

Acknowledgement of country.

The Government of Western Australia acknowledges the traditional custodians throughout Western Australia and their continuing connection to the land, waters and community. We pay our respects to all members of the Aboriginal communities and their cultures; and to Elders both past and present.

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Computer Science > Computers and Society

Title: chatbot-supported thesis writing: an autoethnographic report.

Abstract: The release of the large language model based chatbot ChatGPT in November 2022 has brought considerable attention to the subject of artificial intelligence, not only in the public. From the perspective of higher education, ChatGPT challenges various learning and assessment formats as it significantly reduces the effectiveness of their learning and assessment functionalities. In particular, ChatGPT might be applied to formats that require learners to generate text, such as bachelor theses or student research papers. Accordingly, the research question arises to what extent writing of bachelor theses is still a valid learning and assessment format. Correspondingly, in this study, the first author was asked to write his bachelor's thesis exploiting ChatGPT. For tracing the impact of ChatGPT, methodically an autoethnographic approach was used. First, all considerations on the potential use of ChatGPT were documented in logs and secondly, all ChatGPT chats were logged. Both logs and chat histories were analyzed and are presented along to the recommendations for students regarding the use of ChatGPT suggested by Gimpel et al. (2023). In conclusion, ChatGPT is beneficial in thesis writing during various activities, such as brainstorming, structuring and text revision. However, there arise limitations, e.g., in referencing. Thus, ChatGPT requires a continuous validation of the outcomes generated fostering learning. Currently, ChatGPT is to be valued as a beneficial tool in thesis writing. However, writing a conclusive thesis still requires the learner's meaningful engagement. Accordingly, writing a thesis is still a valid learning and assessment format. With further releases of ChatGPT, an increase in capabilities is to be expected and the research question needs to be reevaluated from time to time.
Comments: 26 pages
Subjects: Computers and Society (cs.CY); Computation and Language (cs.CL); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC)
classes: 97U50 (Primary), 68T50 (Secondary)
 classes: I.2.7; I.2.1; K.3.1
Cite as: [cs.CY]
  (or [cs.CY] for this version)
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  13. Prepare your thesis

    Your thesis must be a coherent and cohesive whole. You can submit a thesis including publications but we don't accept thesis by publication. Refer to the relevant Thesis and Examination policy (pdf, 392KB) and discuss this with your supervisor. There are also certain formatting and referencing requirements that are outlined below.

  14. Thesis structures

    a thesis needs an argument that answers the research question/s. each part of the thesis should contribute to your argument. the thesis structure should support your argument. an argument map can be very useful to guide you throughout your project. While there are different ways to produce an outline, we recommend using an argument map.

  15. Thesis Writing Service Australia from PhD and Expert Writers

    Go Paper Writer is a global venture that operates and offers its thesis writing service Australia to students of Australia. We have our branch office in 5 different cities of Australia where only native Australian writers, editors, and proofreaders are recruited to serve you a professional thesis writing service.

  16. Top 3 Thesis Writing Help Websites In Australia

    Seeking thesis writing help in Australia can significantly enhance the quality of your work and ensure academic success. Whether you need comprehensive writing assistance or specific support with ...

  17. Top 3 Thesis Writing Service In Australia

    The top three thesis writing services in Australia, namely The Student Helpline, Assessment Help, and Coursework Help, emerge as invaluable allies in this journey, offering personalized assistance ...

  18. Theses

    Next to Format- select Thesis from the drop-down list. International theses. To find international theses, search via: ... UNSW Sydney NSW 2052 Australia Telephone: +61 2 9065 9444. UNSW CRICOS Provider Code: 00098G TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12055 ABN: 57 195 873 179. Connect with us

  19. Finding theses

    If you can't find the thesis you're looking for, we suggest contacting the relevant faculty office. Theses from other Australian and New Zealand universities. Find a thesis from other Australian or New Zealand universities by searching: Australian theses via Trove; Libraries Australia for Higher Degree theses awarded from 1989 onwards

  20. Thesis writers in australia

    A doctoral thesis requires deep-rooted research and analysis Find thesis writing ads. Get UPTO 50% OFF on Your 1st Assignment. India's leading Writing Research Center for Custom Australia Thesis Writing Service since 2011 for Australia Thesis Writing Help From Professional PhD Writers and On Time Delivery of Australia Thesis.

  21. Theses and Dissertations: Find Australian theses

    Search TROVE to find links to all theses from Australian Universities. On the Research & Reports page in TROVE enter your keywords, title, author (creator) or subject. Then select 'Thesis' in the 'Format' dropdown. TROVE have created a Quick search guide to help you locate theses on their site. The National Library of Australia holds a ...

  22. How to Write a Good Conclusion (With Examples)

    Restating your thesis in the conclusion is a common practice in essay writing, and for good reason. It helps underscore how your understanding has deepened or shifted based on the evidence you provided. Just understand that a restatement of your original thesis doesn't mean a complete word-for-word repeat.

  23. Thesis and Dissertation

    Graduate Writing. Overview; Introduction to Graduate Writing; Graduate Writing Topics; Graduate Writing Genres; Thesis and Dissertation; Subject-Specific Writing. Overview; Professional, Technical Writing; Writing in Literature; Writing in the Social Sciences; Writing in Engineering; Creative Writing; Healthcare Writing; Journalism and ...

  24. Top 3 Thesis Writing Help Websites in Australia:

    List Of Top 3 Thesis Writing Help Websites In Australia. The Student Helpline - Best Thesis Help Service Provider In Australia. Assesment Help - Best Onine Thesis Help Service Australia. Help With ...

  25. Welcome to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

    The Purdue On-Campus Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement. The Purdue Writing Lab serves the Purdue, West Lafayette, campus and coordinates with local literacy initiatives.

  26. Graduate Writing

    Welcome to the Purdue OWL. This page is brought to you by the OWL at Purdue University. When printing this page, you must include the entire legal notice.

  27. Thesis Help Australia

    Thesis Help Australia is a dedicated thesis writing service that focuses on helping students with their thesis and dissertation projects. With a team of experienced writers and researchers, they ...

  28. Talented storytellers celebrated at 2024 WA Premier's Book Awards

    $60,000 Western Australian Writer's Fellowship awarded to Kylie Howarth; The 2024 Western Australian Premier's Book Awards were announced this evening at the State Library of Western Australia, alongside two new inductees into the Western Australian Writers Hall of Fame. The winners across the five Premier's Book Awards categories are:

  29. Chatbot-supported Thesis Writing: An Autoethnographic Report

    However, writing a conclusive thesis still requires the learner's meaningful engagement. Accordingly, writing a thesis is still a valid learning and assessment format. With further releases of ChatGPT, an increase in capabilities is to be expected and the research question needs to be reevaluated from time to time.

  30. Hierarchy K-Drama: Cast, Release Date, Plot

    From director Bae Hyeong-jin and writer written by Chu Hye-mi, the K-drama stars Roh Jeong-eui, Lee Chae-min, and Kim Jae-won. A scholarship student embarks on a perilous mission for revenge in this teen series. From director Bae Hyeong-jin and writer written by Chu Hye-mi, the K-drama stars Roh Jeong-eui, Lee Chae-min, and Kim Jae-won. ...