How to Write the Perfect Dating Profile (With Examples)

Fact Checked by: Debbie Gutfreund, MA

  • How to Write the Perfect Dating Profile

“You want me to talk about myself…on the internet…to strangers?!!! I HATE talking about myself.” If this sounds like you, you’re in the right spot. Whether you’re brand new to online dating or you’re looking to spice up your current situation, you’re probably curious if your online dating profile is…well, any good. In this guide, we’re going to walk you through exactly how to write the perfect online dating profile .

Writing the perfect dating profile is not as easy as it sounds. The fact that you’re here with us, though, probably means we don’t need to tell you that one. By now, you’ve probably been staring at a blank page for a while, or you’ve written 800 different versions and hate them all. Either way, we’ve got you covered.

Your dating profile should be your milkshake that brings all the boys (or girls) to the yard.


Writing a dating profile is about one thing (or at least it should be about one thing) – effectiveness. It doesn’t matter if you write a dating profile that could be the next great American novel or it’s written at a second grade level… all that matters is that your dating profile attracts the type of people that you want it to .

And real quick before we get started, if you want to really turbo-charge your chances of success with a well-written dating profile, here are a few great app options with free trials to use. The more places you have your gem of a profile, the more chances of success you’ll have.

  • Try Eharmony – Best for Serious Relationships
  • Try Elite Singles – Best for Professionals
  • Try Zoosk – Most Flexible Dating App
  • Try SilverSingles – Best Online Dating Over 50
  • Try Higher Bond – Best for Christian Singles

That said, the time has come to help you plan the perfect dating site profile (Regardless of what apps you choose to use). Enjoy the tips!

A Great Catchy Dating Site Headline

If there is one thing that singles obsess about when writing their online dating profile, it’s the few words that go into the headline space. What’s the headline for those of you that are newbies? Your headline is the “catchphrase” that you get to put at the very top of your profile.

On many dating sites, it’s the first thing that people see outside of your username and your main picture .

Here’s what these look like on a few popular dating sites:

Dating Profile Headline Elite Singles

Since it’s one of the first things they’ll see, it’s obviously important for a great first impression.

So, what should you be aiming to do with your dating site headline? This is a great spot to be witty, funny, inspirational or any other awesome descriptive word you can think of. Because you’re limited in the space you have, this can be challenging.

Here are a few ideas of angles you can take to come up with the perfect headline FOR YOU. Remember, the headline has to be specific to you. Finding “the best” headline won’t do you any good if it doesn’t say much about who you are.

You really can’t go wrong with using a quote as your dating site headline. Yes, a lot of people go this angle, but that’s because it’s a great angle to go. If you’re worried about originality, be original in the quote you use. Don’t use something super popular unless you want people to know you’re a fan of something.

For example, let’s say that you want people to know you’re a funny guy or gal and you’re a fan of watching comedy movies. This could be your header:

Super Troopers

I swear to God I’ll pistol whip the next guy who says “Shenanigans.”

If you aren’t aware, this is from the hilarious comedy Super Troopers . Using this as your headline accomplishes a few things. It shows you’ve got a sense of humor, it shows you love to watch good movies, and it acts as a filter to weed out some people you might not click with. If people aren’t on the same comedy wavelength as you, they probably won’t be interested in your headline. You won’t mesh well with these people anyway, so it’s going to save you some time.

In addition to comedy, you can go the angle of determined or hardworking. If you are someone who is a hustler or really gets after life, this might be a great spot to showcase your determination and drive with a quote.

A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.

It doesn’t even matter if the singles looking at your dating profile headline have ever heard that quote before ( it’s from Colin Powell ). What it quickly demonstrates is that you are a go-getter with a lot of passion and who isn’t afraid to commit to getting what you want in life. These are all great traits to showcase.

You can also go the romantic route if you want. If you’re a hopeless romantic who is all about the warm and fuzzies, go ahead and put a romantic quote in your headline. In reality, you can use any quote you want in your headline. Just make sure that you ask yourself what the quote is portraying and if that is the correct image you want to give off about yourself .

You + What You’re Looking For = Successful Headline

Don’t worry; this isn’t a math problem. What this is showing is a simple and fool-proof formula to come up with a headline that will convert. By convert, we mean getting the right people to click through and read your profile. You start the headline off with who you are and then end with what you are looking for.

Here’s the spin, though. You want to leave things a little mysterious. You don’t want it to sound like a missing person’s report or be too direct. You want it to intrigue and get people to wonder more about you.

The second part should also be left a little mysterious so that people reading it can interpret it how they want.

People have a big tendency to interpret things they read to be about themselves. In your dating profile headline, this is great because they’ll assume they are what you’re looking for.

Here are some examples:

  • Well-traveled man looking for a partner in crime
  • Inspirational girl in search of a man who can inspire
  • A funny guy who needs someone who loves to laugh until they snort
  • Driven girl looking for someone to have fun with

Make sure that you are not selling yourself short in your headline . Don’t call yourself an “ordinary girl” or “just a guy” or anything like that. While this isn’t about selling yourself, you do need to get people to read your profile so they can see how awesome you are. That’s going to require you to sell yourself a bit.

If you honestly have no redeeming qualities and are plain and boring, you may want to work on yourself a bit before you start dating online. We’re pretty sure that no one is that boring, though—yes, even you.

> See Even MORE Dating Headline Examples Right Now

About Me – What to Write About Yourself on a Dating Site

The part of the dating profile writing that everyone dreads the most is the fact that you have to write about yourself. Knowing how to describe yourself on a dating app is a tall task. Even professional writers who write thousands of words a day struggle when it comes to writing about themselves.

Here’s something you aren’t going to like to hear. Nothing that we say is going to make this easy, but we are going to help make it easier. Boooooooooo!!! Yea, we know. We’re going to do our best to lighten the load, though. The About Me section of your dating profile doesn’t have to as hard as it probably already seems.

Here’s how we want to approach this. We figure that since we have a bunch of different thoughts and tips that may work better for some of you and not for others, we’d list them all off in absolutely no particular order.

Read through these tips, and hopefully, you’ll find some that really help you write about yourself. If they don’t, we always have a link to some example profiles for men and for women further down in the guide.

Get Help from Friends

We aren’t saying that you should get your friends to write your dating profile for you (unless they will), but we are saying that you should ask your friends what they think you should put on your dating profile. If they can at least get you some bullet points or a few ideas of what your strong points are, you’ll be off to a great start in writing the perfect dating profile.

If you’re nervous about telling your friends you’re dating online, don’t worry about it! As long as they are supportive friends, you should be in good hands. Sure, they may give you a hard time in good fun, but they’re also going to help you out too.

It’s Not a Biography

Biography Online Dating

You are not writing your Wikipedia article . You are writing your online dating profile. The point of it is not to teach people a bunch of facts about you, but it’s to help them get to know you better. This means, don’t include facts that no one would care to hear about. Also, make sure to try and make things interesting with a bit of character in there. For example, here’s an example of what NOT to do:

I am from Florida. I was born in Michigan. I went to college. I have a job.

Let’s clean this up a bit. You can actually give these facts, but give something more exciting and personal with them. For example, here’s how we could make this dating profile write-up better.

I grew up in Florida originally, so I’m in love with the beach. Originally, I was born in Michigan, and that’s where most of my family is. I stayed in Florida for college because I couldn’t leave the beach, but I finally did to move out here for my job serving at my absolute favorite restaurant on Earth! (Maybe I’ll tell you where it is 😉

Notice how we said the same things but we took them a step further and included an interesting fact about ourselves. This profile write-up now gives the other singles checking us out a better idea of who we are and what we’re about.

The key to how to describe yourself on a dating app that really helps you stand out is to share the ‘why’ behind things.

Don’t Be Too Cool for School

We see this one ALL THE TIME. People will write their dating profile and spend the whole time talking about how much they hate writing about themselves and how awkward it is. Look, EVERYONE knows it’s awkward to write about themselves . Here’s another spoiler. WAYYYYYYY too many people talk about this on their profile, and it gets old to hear time and time again.

Be different. Own the process. Don’t be scared to write confidently about yourself. You don’t have to put a disclaimer that it’s weird and awkward and you’re no good at it. Be proud and write confidently and it will come across a lot better than you probably think that it does.

Something is Better Than Nothing

If you’re struggling to write about yourself, don’t sweat it. Get something down on paper and loaded up and come back to it later. Having ANYTHING up is better than a profile that has NOTHING up . It shows like you have no commitment to the process if your profile isn’t filled out. You may be missing out on matches that think you aren’t committed to the process just because you have nothing up.

Put up whatever you have now and then come back to it tomorrow and edit. Keep coming back until you’re happy with it or until you find somebody. Just don’t have a blank profile or one that says “will get to this later!” 

Good Usernames for Dating Sites

Having a great username for your dating profile is a must. Even if you know how to write a great dating profile (and have accomplished it), you could sink yourself with a bad username.

TurdLover69 might work on XBOX Live, and QueenB*tch88 might work…somewhere?…but they certainly aren’t going to help you out much in the world of online dating. Below are some tips for creating the perfect online dating username.

  • Be careful of security.
  • Utilize special characters.
  • Leverage your interests.
  • Remember, you’re an adult.
  • Don’t overthink it.

Online Dating Screen Name

If you need more help, we’ve also got a completely separate guide to help you come up with the perfect online dating username . It’s a good read that we recommend you check out.

Dating Profile Examples for Men

Ladies, scram! This is for the boys. Alright gents, now that the ladies have left, let’s get through some specific dating profile examples for men. What we’re going to focus on are the main sections that you’ll need to fill out. REMEMBER, these are just examples, and you should not copy these word for word. Your dating profile should be about you and not the people that we took these examples from.

About Me Section Examples


Let’s start off with undoubtedly the toughest dating profile section for people to write – the about me section. This is the section where you are forced to introduce yourself to every other single that’s looking at your profile. Here are a few simple guidelines to follow and then we’re going to get into the examples.

  • Don’t be cocky. Confidence is fine, but don’t be a douche. Women DO NOT like it.
  • DO NOT LIE. Seriously, it’s sad we have to tell this to adults, but do not lie. This includes exaggerating.
  • It’s ok to show that you’re capable of some emotion.
  • Be funny if you’re a funny person, but don’t worry if you’re not. Not everyone is a comedian, and that’s okay.

Hi! My name is Mark, and I’m originally from the East Coast. I moved out here a few years ago because I knew you were here. Kidding! I moved out for my work and have loved every minute of my time since I’ve been here. For fun, you’ll probably see me hiking, working out, or spending way too much time with my dogs at the dog park. They’re going to be your toughest critics, so get yourself ready to meet Bowser and Layla. There’s so much more to me, but let’s save that for when we finally meet!

Where to begin? Well, I’m a graphic designer originally from Idaho (no, I wasn’t a potato farmer :), who moved to town…for a woman. Yes, I know..big mistake/don’t do it. I’m someone who loves to follow their heart, though, and isn’t scared to take a chance. My friends were right, but I don’t regret it one bit. Things didn’t work out but that was years ago, and I’m ready to meet someone special right here in my home city!

My hobbies include music, concerts, and hanging out with my awesome friends. I’d love to be able to include a special lady into my life, and hey, maybe that’s you.

These are two examples of online dating profiles that we think are great. If you notice, they both follow the same formula that you can certainly copy. It goes like this.

Introduce yourself > Tell what you do and where you’re from > Tell what you like to do > Mention what you’re looking for

If you follow this simple formula, you’re going to have a great About me section written up on your online dating profile.

“What I’m Looking For” Section Examples

This is the other major section that you’re going to have to write at most online dating sites. This is where you “tell the ladies” what you’re looking for. The formula here is simple. TELL THEM WHAT YOU’RE LOOKING FOR 🙂 Yup, it’s that simple. You don’t have to worry about being super creative here or anything like that. Be honest, and say what you’re looking for.

Men, here is one rule, though. Don’t get into the physical characteristics that you’re looking for. Even if you have a type you’re looking for, leave it off here. It will make you look shallow and scare off a lot of the women that might normally be interested. Let’s look at a couple of examples.

I’m looking for a woman who complements my life. I’m in a great spot with my career right now, and I’d love to find a woman to share that with. If you’re a woman who likes to laugh, have fun, and is genuinely a happy person, we might get along great.

Ideally, I’m looking for a woman who has her life together. I’ve grown up out of my “party” days and am looking for someone to settle down and eventually start a family with. I’m in no rush to get there, but I’d like to date someone who that is at least in the back of their mind somewhere down the road.

Dating Profile Examples for Women

Men, it’s your time to get out of the way. Scroll to the next section and leave the ladies alone. Ladies, what we’d like to do is walk you through a few examples of some of the more important sections of your online dating profiles that you will be writing. Remember, these examples are only examples. You should NOT take these word for word. Your profile needs to be YOUR profile with information about you.


Here are a few general ideas for you for writing your dating profile.

  • Don’t spend the whole time bashing men or men who have wronged you. Don’t mention it at all. It will scare men away.
  • Don’t be too forward about your plans to get married and make babies. It will scare men away.
  • Remember that you’re not writing your profile for the approval of other women.

This is hands-down the most important section of your dating profile. The About Me section is your time to introduce yourself to other singles and hopefully get them interested enough to send you a message or respond to your message. If there is one area of your dating profile you’re going to spend some extra time writing, let it be this one. Let’s take a look at some examples.

Hi! I’m Erica. I’m a server who loves life and loves to have a good time. I’ve been in the city my entire life and don’t see myself leaving anytime soon. I love to go to the movies, drink wine with my girlfriends, volunteer, and go to church. I’m looking to meet a guy who is as excited about getting out of bed in the morning as I am. If that’s you, send me a message and let’s chat.

I’m Angie, nice to meet you fellow singles. I work as an account executive for a local hotel where I’ve been for the last five years. I love my job and couldn’t imagine doing anything else. I’ve only been in the city for five years, and as you might guess, I moved here for the job. For fun, I love going to the lake and running. If you’re a funny guy who likes to get outdoors, we should meet.

We told this to the men earlier, but we’re going to share it here too. Here’s the formula for a perfect About Me section. Follow this, and you’ll have no problems coming up with something interesting to say about yourself.

The other major section that you’ll be writing at most online dating sites is the “What I’m Looking For” section where you talk about your ideal match. The absolute best advice we can give you here is, to be honest, and upfront about what you are looking for. Whatever you do, DON’T talk about what you want by talking about what you don’t want.

For some reason, women dating online have an issue with doing this. “I don’t want a man who’s going to run around on me,” is not something that inspires a man to message you. Speak positively about what you want and make sure not to be TOO forward about your long-term goals.

My ideal man is a strong-willed, Christian man who lives a faith-based life. If God is not what is most important to you, we probably won’t get along. Eventually, I’d like to get married and start a family, but I’m in no rush to get there.

I’m looking for a man who loves to get dirty. The outdoors is where I spend most of my time, and if you’re scared to play in the mud, we aren’t going to get along. I love to laugh and would love a man with a sense of humor. If this sounds like you, shoot me a message.

Biggest Dating Profile Mistakes

Hopefully by this point you have a really great idea on how to write a dating profile. Before we send you out the door to do great things, though, we want to make sure to share a few quick don’ts when it comes to profile writing.

  • Don’t come across egotistical. Yes, it’s totally cool to talk about yourself (that’s the point) and even to brag a little bit. However, when you start to talk about how you’re the best at something or compare yourself to other people or pour it on too thick—it’s a turn off.
  • Don’t rush the process. Getting a great online dating profile might take you a while. If you think it’s something you can complete in 10 minutes (and have perfect), you need to rethink things. Plan to invest some time into the process, and you’ll reap what you sow.
  • Don’t expect it to be a one and done process. Just when you think you have your dating profile perfect, you’ll find opportunities to improve it. And guess what? That’s okay! You should constantly be working to make your profile as accurate, up to date, and awesome as you can.
  • Don’t obsess over it. Yes, it’s important to write a great dating profile. However, it’s very easy to fall into the trap of worrying too much about it and overthinking things.
  • Don’t lie. There are zero instances where lying is okay on your online dating profile. Period. End of sentence. If you still have some thoughts about this, we have an article in the additional resources section below that goes way more in-depth into this you should check out.
  • Don’t play the comparison game. We’ve heard a lot of stories of people changing their gender interest on a dating site or making a fake profile as the other gender to see what they’re up against. Don’t do this. It’s not healthy, it doesn’t do you any good, and it also runs the risk of you getting permanently banned from the dating site. Do you, focus on showcasing the best you, and go with that. It’s not a competition.

Dating Profile Tips

Before we send you out the door, we wanted to share some extremely helpful tips for writing a dating profile. These tips are applicable to About Me sections, headlines, short answers, and anything else you need to fill in on your dating profile. The goal? To make it awesome so you can attract the man or woman you’re looking for.

1. Something is ALWAYS Better than Nothing

Having a boring dating profile is 100x better than having a blank dating profile. What we recommend if you’re wanting to get into the scene quickly is take some time to fill out your profile with thoughtful answers, but don’t worry if it’s perfect. As you go, you can always continue to edit and mold it into the perfect profile for you.

2. Avoid the Negative Talk About Past Relationships

It’s terrible when people have to go through bad relationships. And while those situations may have made you who you are today, it’s not necessarily something you want to write about on your dating profile. Putting something like “don’t contact me if you’re a player” or adding paragraphs about how badly you were treated does nothing to help your cause. The first isn’t going to stop “players” from messaging you and the latter is just going to make people think you’re not over your ex (even if that’s not true).

3. Length Matters

You’ll want to find the happy medium of profile answers that are long enough to really let people get to know you but not so long that people aren’t reading them. While there is no fixed rule on this, here is a general idea you can follow. Aim to answer short answer questions in about 4-8 sentences. This should be about 2-3 short paragraphs.

Also, it will depend on the question you are answering. If you are answering what your occupation is, obviously that only requires a few words. But if you’re answering the section About You, that might be closer to the 8 sentence side of things.

4. Formatting Also Matters

If you are answering a question with a little longer answer, break it up into shorter paragraphs. In fact, aim for 2-3 sentences per paragraph and no more than 4. Why? Well, when you put more than 4 sentences together on a small cell phone screen, it smashes it together and it looks like a wall of text. People naturally don’t want to read a wall of text.

5. Don’t Use Big Words

Your dating profile is not the spot to try and show off your big vocabulary or worse, try and use words you don’t know how to use just to try and sound smart. Write conversationally and it will read better to your potential matches.

6. Never Lie, Embellish, or Exaggerate

It can be tempting to really talk yourself up on your dating profile. And while we are advocates for never selling yourself short (it’s okay to brag a little), don’t go overboard. Under no circumstances should you lie or say something that just isn’t true. All this does is set you up for failure and heartache down the line.

7. Get Help From Your Friends

Thankfully, online dating isn’t some crazy faux pas that you have to secretly do and hide from your friends anymore. Long gone are the days of online dating being weird and not socially acceptable. Utilize your friends. Ask them what they would say about you on your profile. Ask them what your strong suits are. They might be lightyears better at describing you than you are.

8. Don’t Copy

While there are no plagiarism checkers that are going to crack down on you, there’s no real reason to copy someone else’s dating profile. If you are really stuck, check out our examples list to get some ideas to inspire you. Your dating profile sections can be close to these but they really need to be tweaked heavily to be about you. The weirdest thing you could see happen is someone else with the same profile information as you pop up online.

9. Have Fun

Yes, it can feel like a chore introducing yourself on a dating site. However, the process is still supposed to be fun! Enjoy the time to get to know yourself better. Welcome the challenge of learning how to share your best sides with the world. And remember, it’s not about competition. What you put up is going to attract the right guy or gal for you.

10. Keep Things Updated

While certain sections of your dating profile will stay the same, there are sections that might change. For example, if you get new hobbies or what defines you changes, you may end up updating your About Me section of your profile. Embrace this and stay on top of it. This goes for your pictures too!

The Final Word

Hopefully, you’re now an expert on how to write the perfect online dating profile! We’ve done our best to walk you through everything you need to know. Remember, it is YOUR profile, and as long as it showcases who you are in the right light, you have nothing to worry about.

If it sounds awkward to you, that’s ok. Any time that you write about yourself, it’s going to seem that way. It’s a lot like hearing your own voice on a recording; it just sounds strange even though it’s your normal, everyday voice.

Photo of author

Author: Matt Seymour, MSF

How To Write A Dating Profile Bio: Templates, Examples, And Words To Avoid

  • What To Include
  • Words To Use
  • Words To Avoid

Dating apps make it easy to meet new people any time, but they also add a stressful element to the mix: having to describe yourself in a dating profile bio. Even for the most charming and witty person, having to come up with a bio that shows off your best qualities and attracts attention from people you might like is a big ask. Luckily, there are specific words and strategies you can use to make the process easier and help your profile stand out from the crowd. Here are 10 words to use (and 5 you should avoid) to write the most compelling dating profile bio and find your next match.

What to include in a dating profile

First, let’s talk about what kinds of information you need to include in a good dating profile. Ideally, you want to make sure you have these three areas covered:

Quality photos

Space is limited on a dating profile; however, as the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. A great photo isn’t just about looking attractive; it’s also a way to show your personality or what you’re interested in. Choose one that is of high quality and that captures you at your best.

What’s interesting and lovable about you

What makes you tick? What are the unique qualities you bring to your relationships? What makes you a good friend or partner? These are things to think about as you write your dating profile. Your bio should give people a sense of who you are and what you have to offer. Much like when writing a resume ( and we’ve got a guide for that, too ), it’s important to sell yourself and really focus on what makes you stand out.

What you’re looking for

Ultimately, your dating profile is intended to help you meet people, so don’t be afraid to talk about the types of people you’d like to meet. Focus on the positive attributes you admire in other people, which qualities you enjoy in the people you spend time with, and interests or hobbies that you might like to share with someone else. 

Remember: a successful dating profile is one that gives people a more complete picture of who you are and what you’re looking for, so put effort and care into creating a profile that feels like it truly represents you.

Everyone brings unique qualities to the table. Learn how to play up your strongest attributes on your dating profile.

Words to use in your dating profile bio

If you struggle to find the right words to use in your dating profile bio, you certainly aren’t alone. Here are some words that real people say stand out to them when they’re perusing new profile bios on dating apps.

To be honest means to be truthful, ethical, and fair. It’s a key value that many people prioritize in relationships. That also makes it a good one to mention when you’re talking up the attractive qualities you possess or explaining the traits and values you seek in the people who catch your eye.

A review of the most successful profiles on showed that most of them mention music . Whether you make it or just enjoy listening to it, mentioning music and finding common ground on the types of music you enjoy can help you find harmony with potential dates.

3. optimistic

Are you the kind of person who takes a favorable view of things and always expects a good outcome? If so, a lot of people are into that! Optimistic is one of the most popular words used on successful dating profiles according to eHarmony , and it’s a good one to add to your bio if you’re someone who always seeks the bright side.

4. spontaneous

Plans may not be your thing, but you should plan to mention your spontaneous nature in your dating profile bio. Spontaneity, or acting on natural impulse and being unconstrained, can be a fun quality in relationships, especially while dating. Adding this word to your bio increases the odds that you’ll catch the eye of someone just as fun and exciting as yourself.

Like honesty, kindness is one of the major traits many people value in a significant other. It means being “of a good or benevolent nature or disposition.” You can include the word kind in your descriptions of yourself, and you can also talk about the things you do that put your kindness on display.

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6. outgoing

Outgoing people are those who are interested in and responsive to others, friendly, and sociable. They have a certain magnetism, and they’re a lot of fun to be around. That explains why using this word in your dating profile can help fuel a boost in your matches.

A part of dating is finding someone to laugh and have fun with. That’s why it’s a good idea to mention both looking for and being someone funny in your profile bio. Funny means different things to different people, but no matter what, it’s a promise that you can provide fun, laughter, and amusement.

Don’t underestimate the importance of letting others know that you’re the type of person who shows care and compassion to others. Mentioning that you’re caring in your bio is a simple way to help your good qualities stand out and attract the attention of people looking for meaningful connection.

9. perceptive

It can be easier to connect with people who are intuitive, insightful, and understanding. One strong word to describe those qualities is perceptive . According to one analysis of successful profiles , perceptive is one of the five most popular descriptors.

10. ambitious

Being ambitious , or having the desire to achieve and succeed, can be a really attractive quality. If that describes you, be sure to mention it. And remember, the word ambitious doesn’t only apply to professional goals. You may have ambitions to be a better cook or to improve your physical fitness. Whatever your ambition, talking about it in your bio will help you find someone whose goals match yours.

Want more inspiring and uplifting ways to describe yourself to the dating pool? Check out our list of positive words from A to Z.

Words to avoid

There are also words you shouldn’t use when you’re updating your dating profile, either because they’re too vague or they might send up red flags. Here are five things to edit out as you write:

We all have personal turn-offs and dislikes, but avoid using your profile bio as a space to share a list of things you don’t want. Surveys show many people are turned off by this type of negativity. Plus, this is your chance to talk about what you do want in a partner, so focus on the positives.

To explore means to traverse for the purpose of discovery. The problem with expressing your desire to explore the dating landscape in your dating profile bio is that it’s vague for the person reading it. Are you open to something serious? Wanting to keep it casual? Aren’t sure? Instead of saying you want to explore, dating experts suggest being specific about what you want.

3. good vibes 

The phrase “good vibes only” has started to pop up on some dating profile bios, but according to some surveys, people tend to see it as a red flag. If you’re only open to good vibes , or positive feelings, how well do you handle disagreement? Are you mature enough for a relationship? It’s hard to tell from this phrase, so it’s better to avoid it.

Sarcasm can be funny sometimes, but it’s also defined as bitter derision or using irony to point out deficiencies or flaws. Not exactly great date behavior, right? Mentioning your love of sarcasm on your profile may cause potential dates to wonder if you’ll be rude or subscribe to a brand of mean humor. Until you know each other better, it’s probably better to avoid phrases like “fluent in sarcasm.”

 A Winking Face emoji 😉  or a Red Heart emoji ❤️ can be a cute addition to your dating profile bio, but proceed with caution. Overuse of emojis tends to come off as juvenile and immature. Instead, think of emojis as a little extra pizzazz you can add to sections that need it, but let your words do the majority of the talking.

Examples of successful dating profile bios

Now that you know what words to use in your dating profile, here are some ideas for how to write it, whether it’s a longform bio on a website or a shorter profile for an app.

Simple and engaging

I’m a teacher by day and a music lover and fine dining enthusiast by night. I value honesty and kindness just as much as a great sense of humor. My ideal partner is caring and ambitious and loves dancing in the kitchen or watching old episodes of Parks and Rec just as much as a night checking out a new bar with friends. I’m a romantic, and I’m looking for someone who’s as interested in a long-term relationship as I am.

Pick three words

Three words to describe me: adventurous, optimistic, spontaneous. I work in tech, so I’m always open to new possibilities. Seeking casual dates and lots of fun. First drink’s on me if you can make me laugh.

Choose a theme

I’m a video game addict looking for my Player 2. I also like great conversation, long hikes, and going to the movies. Hoping to level up my love life with someone kind, honest, and caring. Must love cats or it’s game over.

Found a match but not a lasting connection? Check out some breakup words to use and avoid.

how to write a personal statement for dating site

Ways To Say

Synonym of the day

13 Top Tips for Nailing the Perfect Dating Profile, According to Dating and Relationship Experts

how to write a personal statement for dating site

Dating apps are part of the fabric of modern dating—and the fact that they’re so commonplace in our culture has done wonders for destigmatizing this totally valid way of meeting a partner. Still, it’s possible to have too much of a good thing right at your fingertips. And the seemingly endless stream of potential matches in today’s app-laden dating world can make swiping feel exhausting and overwhelming . That’s why creating a unique, personal dating profile is so important: It can help you cut through the noise and attract the matches you actually want.

Whether you’ve just started dating again after a breakup or have been dating around for some time now , sifting through profiles that aren’t a fit and lame responses can feel discouraging to even the most romantic among us. But there’s a lot you can do while crafting your profile to tailor your experience—namely, using it as an opportunity to show off a few different sides of your personality and have some fun while you’re at it.

  • Adelle Kelleher , certified dating and relationship coach and founder of Coaching Hearts Consulting
  • Jess Carbino, PhD , relationship expert and former sociologist for Tinder and Bumble
  • Shaneeka McCray , certified matchmaker, law of attraction coach, and founder of the HelpMeet Club
  • Susan Trombetti , celebrity matchmaker, relationship expert, and CEO of Exclusive Matchmaking

What are the elements of a great dating profile?

According to Susan Trombetti , matchmaker and CEO of Exclusive Matchmaking , a great dating profile will show off who you are and entice others to want to date you. It’s your chance to make a first impression, so it’s critical to put your heart into it. “Think of your profile as a preview to your first date, so nothing should be too heavy, serious, or negative, but it should tell an honest story of who you are,” she says.

“Think of your profile as a preview to your first date, so nothing should be too heavy, serious, or negative, but it should tell an honest story of who you are.” —Susan Trombetti, matchmaker

The key pieces of a standout dating profile include an intro that conveys that story in a compelling yet concise way, as well as answers to prompts that reflect your core values and interests, as well as what you’re looking to find on the app. It’ll also include clear photos that reflect how you naturally look and the kinds of experiences you enjoy.


What should I write on my dating profile?

To figure out exactly how to tell your story on your dating profile, Trombetti recommends coming up with three pieces of information “that you think define the true you.” Are you the oldest child of six siblings, or did you grow up on a houseboat, which perhaps gave you a strong sense of adventure or independence? These are just examples to help you consider what the defining experiences of your life may be outside of your job, and how you might distill these experiences into a couple sentences that you include in your dating profile

You can also make a list of the kinds of traits and values you’re looking for in a partner, and consider what facets of your lived experience might reflect similar qualities, suggests certified matchmaker Shaneeka McCray , law of attraction coach and founder of HelpMeet Club , a dating service for professional singles. For example, let’s say you’re looking for someone spontaneous or adventurous; if you once took a solo camping trip on a whim, you might include that detail in a prompt answer or share a photo from the trip as a conversation starter, given that it shows off your own adventurous spirit.

“People may be nervous or struggle with how to reach out, so making sure your profile gives people an opportunity to ask you a question is really important.” —Jess Carbino, PhD, relationship expert

It’s also a good idea to include answers to prompts that encourage people to ask questions and find out more, says relationship expert Jess Carbino, PhD , former sociologist for the dating apps Tinder and Bumble. “People may be nervous or struggle with how to reach out, so making sure your profile gives people an opportunity to ask you a question is really important,” she says.

To do this, include a few details about yourself that offer an easy “in” for conversation. Maybe you were born and raised in the Bay Area and have a lifelong allegiance to the Golden State Warriors; highlighting this somewhere in the profile can invite others to connect with you about basketball, whether it’s to say they’re also fans or for some playful razzing. If you took a trip to Italy this summer and learned how to cook a delicious tagliatelle from someone’s nonna, you could say something like, “Ask me about my secret to making the best pasta ever” as a direct invitation for others to reach out and engage on a topic you’d love to discuss.

Below, the experts share additional tips for how to personalize your dating profile and attract the kinds of people you actually want to meet.

13 tips for creating a dating profile that’ll help you get off the dating apps

1. tailor your profile to the app.

There’s a dating app for pretty much everyone’s preference and dating style , and each has unique features. Adelle Kelleher , certified matchmaker and founder of Coaching Hearts Consulting , recommends tailoring your profile to match the app for which you’re creating it. For example, Hinge offers lots of written prompts, so it’s important to include several on your profile, while Tinder is mostly a visual medium so you’ll want to have plenty of great pictures to share.

2. Write an introduction that tells your story

Most apps offer a space to include a short introduction or summary of yourself—filling this out is crucial, both Kelleher and Trombetti say, because it’s like a topline view of what you’re all about. This is where you can share the details you’ve brainstormed above about what really makes you you , and create an invitation for someone to message you based on your interests.

3. Pick prompts that highlight the traits you’re looking for in a partner

Most apps require (or suggest) that you pick several writing prompts and answer them with details about yourself, so you’re not just relying on your introductory paragraph and photos to get discussions going.

Some common prompts include, “Dating me is like…”, “Green flags I look for are… ”, “My perfect Sunday morning is… ”, “My most irrational fear is… ”, and “My perfect first date is… ” They’re ways to spark conversation and share more about yourself while allowing others to share about themselves, too.

It’s best to pick the prompts that’ll allow you to include as much of what you’re looking for in a partner as possible, says McCray. For instance, if you’re looking for someone who likes to dine out at fancy restaurants, perhaps you pick the prompt that allows you to describe your ideal first date at the hottest reservation in town. Or, if you’re trying to find someone who’s particularly independent and career-driven, you might choose the prompt that allows you to list these kinds of attributes as your key green flags. The idea is to use your ideal partner as your north star, and choose prompts that match the traits you’re seeking out, adds McCray.

4. Be positive

We’re all multi-faceted beings who aren’t happy all the time, but airing out your frustrations and wasting precious space on your profile by sharing what you don’t want from a partner can make you seem overly negative and can be a turn-off to others, says McCray.

For instance, answering a prompt like, “Swipe left if you like to wake up early and hate cooking at home” doesn’t do much to target the kinds of matches you are seeking out. A better use of this space would be to say, “Swipe right if you like to sleep in and prepare a great brunch on the weekends.” After all, “you’ll attract what you give out,” says McCray, “so, it’s important not to list the things you don’t want.”

5. Use a mix of photos to convey who you are

The purpose of photos on an app profile is to represent your full image—not just your face, abs, cleavage, or any single part of you. That’s why it’s a good idea to pick at least three to five photos (Kelleher says no more than eight) that reflect your full face and body, and demonstrate your interests and values.

What does this look like in practice? If you’re a pet lover, include a picture of you cuddling your dog. Photos from a recent trip are great to include as a means to show off your sense of adventure, and photos at a family gathering are a smart way to demonstrate how close you are with your brood. These are just a few examples, and what’s true to you might be completely different; the point is to ensure the mix of photos you include reflects different aspects of your core personality.

6. Include only accurate photos

You expect others to be honest on their profiles, so it’s important to extend the same courtesy their way. That means not using outdated photos that look nothing like you; aim for photos taken within the past year or so that match your current appearance, says Kelleher, and nix any heavy filters or face- or body-distorting poses.

Don’t have any photos you feel great about? McCray says that means it’s time for a photoshoot. Put on an outfit you love or that reflects an element of your personality, and enlist a friend to capture some shots while you’re out and about; this could be a friend with a camera or just one with a smartphone. “I had a client who is really athletic and that’s part of her personality, so in her photoshoot, she had on some athletic clothing,” says McCray, “and that really worked for her profile because it went with her storyline.”

7. Minimize your use of group shots, sunglasses, and selfies

Nobody wants to play, “Where’s Waldo?” when looking at a dating profile, so be sure it’s clear where you are in all your photos, too. If you post a picture of your ultimate frisbee team posing at a team dinner but you’re all the way in the back, someone might just keep scrolling because they can’t tell which person in the photo you are. Or worse, they might assume you’re a different person in the photo and be disappointed when they learn you’re someone else, says McCray.

Group photos are a good way to show that you like to hang out with friends, that you’re social, or that you enjoy certain group activities, but you want to make sure you’re easily identifiable, says Kelleher. You might try blurring others’ faces, or making sure to pick photos that only include a couple other people and where you’re prominent in the shot (and include them alongside solo shots), so it’s clear who you are.

By the same token, avoid pictures where you’re wearing sunglasses or a large hat. You want your whole face to be visible (in your first photo at least), so others swiping can get a good look, says Dr. Carbino.

She also recommends cutting down on the selfie shots. Too many can give the appearance that you’re vain or self-absorbed. Not to mention, the selfie angle cuts out the opportunity for background details that can shed light on what you like to do and where you like to go.

8. Smile in your main profile photo

Include at least one photo that shows off your smile. This way, you’ll come off approachable and kind, which Dr. Carbino says is essential in the context of dating. After all, you want to seem accessible to the strangers looking at your profile, and including a photo without a smile erases one key opportunity to do that.

9. Include your deal-breakers

Many apps have places to indicate other aspects of yourself beyond prompts and photos. This section typically includes checking boxes about certain preferences, like your plans related to children, your typical consumption of alcohol and drugs, whether you want a long-term or short-term relationship, if you’re looking for monogamy, and your religion and political affiliation.

If any of these boxes reflect key deal-breakers (let’s say, you won’t date someone of a different religion, or you won’t date someone who smokes), it’s especially important to fill them out. While, sure, you might normally avoid discussing topics like politics or religion on a first date, Trombetti says it’s important to highlight these items on your profile if they constitute absolute musts and are key to who you are. This way, you won’t find yourself weeding through ill-fitting matches or wasting time on people you wouldn’t seriously consider.

10. Be specific in what you write

Because there are so many people on dating apps, you want to stand out. You’re not alone in your love of SoulCycle and traveling, for instance, so Dr. Carbino and Kelleher say you should highlight why specifically you enjoy any commonly beloved activities you mention.

Maybe you like the uninterrupted time to yourself an hour-long spin class provides, or the city lights in Paris make your heart swell, or you’re mainly into traveling because of the chance to try local cuisines or collect unique skin-care products. In any case, it’s better to go more specific than general in your prompt answers and tidbits.

11. Use humor, but sparingly

You want to make an impression and be memorable, and using humor on your profile is one way to do that. But Kelleher cautions that some jokes won’t land with potential matches because everyone finds different things funny.

“Sarcasm, self-deprecating humor, and politically heated jokes can be great ice-breakers, but only if you know your audience and are confident that they will understand your tone and point of view,” says Kelleher. You don’t want to risk coming off rude, insensitive, or confusing people because you only have so much time and space to make an impression on a dating profile.

However, if having a partner who gets your sarcasm is at the top of your list, you’ll want to highlight that—while still aiming to do so in a way that’s not potentially alienating. “If you can find a way to allow your unique humor to shine without fear of misinterpretation, then, by all means, go for it,” says Kelleher, “but otherwise, proceed with caution.”

12. Be honest

There’s no point in lying on your profile about what you like and want because that defeats its purpose. You want to tailor your profile to find the best matches for you (not great matches for someone different from you), and you can’t do that if you’re not representing yourself accurately. “If you hate partying, don't say that you love to go out every weekend,” says Kelleher, “because you want to use your profile and descriptions to attract the right partner.”

13. Telegraph your values

If you’re on the apps to find a life partner, Dr. Carbino says you want to highlight the values you’re looking for. Strong, lasting relationships are built on shared values , so you want to find a match whose compatibility with you extends beyond a shared love of, say, tacos or hiking.

So, how might you do this? Without writing a novel, Dr. Carbino recommends “trying to frame certain aspects of your life and the choices you made around your values.” For example, maybe your high school friend group organizes an annual summer trip; you could describe this on your profile in a way that highlights your loyalty and how important those friendships are to you. Or maybe you have core values around ambition and striving to make a name for yourself in your career. If that’s the case, you might share a recent career win that showcases how important your job is to your identity and helps attract someone with a similar ethos around their work.

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A Conscious Rethink

How To Write A Dating Profile That Gets Matches: 31 Top Tips!

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Your dating profile is how you present yourself to the thousands of available people of your preferred gender.

Those people are going to decide whether they’re interested in getting to know more about you based on what they find out from your profile.

To get lots of good matches, you ought to take this part of online dating very seriously.

Getting matches is not about making yourself look like the most amazing person in the world. You want to get matches based on who you are and your preferences. If you are dating with a purpose , you’re looking for someone similar to you that you could have something real and lasting with.

Whether you’ll find this person or not depends a lot on how you write your dating profile. Even if you’re just looking to meet new people and/or have fun, there’s no point in getting matches that you don’t click with in real life.

To write a dating profile that gets good matches, you should showcase your personality, explain what you’re looking for, choose the right photos, and complete and verify your profile. Here’s how:

Showcase your personality:

Your profile description should be mostly about who you are as a person. Showcase your personality, and you will be more likely to find people similar to you.

Creating a profile with no description or a generic description isn’t going to get you matches, especially not good ones.

Your picture is a very important part of your dating profile, but your profile description is the most important one. Here’s how you can showcase your personality when you write the description:

1. Describe your hobbies and interests.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time? This will give people an insight into your life and your personality, so make sure to mention it in your profile.

Do you enjoy skiing, working out, or watching sci-fi movies? There’s certainly someone who likes the same things as you do, so mention your hobbies and interests.

This is useful to people who don’t share your interests too. To one person, your hobbies and interests might indicate that you’re their ideal partner. To another, they might show right away that you’re not a good match. Either way, it helps in finding the right person for you.

Go into detail when you describe your hobby. Instead of simply stating, “I work out,” write “I try to keep in shape and I’m a regular at the local gym” since this gives people more information. It should sound interesting too.

For instance, you could mention that you secretly write poetry or have a collection of coasters. Think about hobbies and interests that apply to you but are not generic. Feel free to use your sense of humor if you have a great one, but don’t make it look like you’re trying too hard.

2. Find an interesting way to describe your job.

Any job can be described in an interesting way. Try it. You don’t have to mention your job in your dating profile, but if you want to do that, find an interesting way to describe it.

For instance, if you’re an accountant, you could say that you’re amazing with numbers, and people pay you to handle their money. Mention that you’re an accountant too—don’t let them keep guessing what that job is, but have a great introduction to your profession.

What you do for a living is one of the first questions that someone who doesn’t know you is going to ask. So, why not answer it even before they ask, and do it in a fun way? Your job and your hobbies can help other people decide whether you’d be a good fit for each other and increase your chances of getting the right kind of matches.

3. Mention a strong opinion.

This is not about your political views or something else that could start a debate. Most importantly, this is not about your dealbreakers and criteria, which will be discussed later.

Mentioning a strong opinion is about stating something specific that you believe in that could be a great thing to have in common with your potential match. Consider things that aren’t that important, but you strongly care about, and not a lot of people do.

Do you hate olives? Is autumn the best season? Do you start your day early or tend to sleep in? How do you feel about trains? Do you have a favorite dinosaur?

Creating a good profile is all about making it fun and interesting while staying honest and true to yourself. So, what do you feel strongly about that not a lot of people would agree with?

4. Be positive and interesting.

While you’re making your profile interesting, don’t overdo it and make it sound snobbish or like you’re trying too hard. These are negative things, and you want your profile to portray you as a positive person, not just an interesting one.

When you’re writing your profile description, think about things that make you happy. Besides your hobbies and interests, this could be the way you relax after work or where you’d like to travel.

By getting specific about your likes and dislikes, you’re also showing that you’re not desperate. You’re not going to settle for just anyone, and you’re looking for a person who shares the same interests or can enjoy them with you. By being specific about who you are, you’re also specific about what you want.

5. Don’t go overboard with quirkiness.

Someone will love your quirks but don’t go overboard with listing and describing them. If you do, it will look like there’s no other person like you, when really you’re dating online to find that person.

Also, you don’t want to reveal everything about yourself in your profile. There are certain things that a person should find out after you get in touch and when you start dating in person.

So, don’t be an open book. You don’t have to list all your hobbies and pursuits, pick just a few of your most interesting ones. Your profile should spark people’s interest just enough to want to meet you, not get them to know you already.

6. Avoid clichés.

Avoid things that everyone says, such as “long walks on the beach.” Steer clear of any clichés, and try to be witty and unique when you write your description. Think of things that could serve as conversation starters instead of general things.

For instance, instead of “I like to laugh and have fun,” write “I like to go to comedy shows and watch Jim Carrey movies.” Instead of “I like jazz,” write “I’m a big Sinatra fan and a regular at the jazz club, but I’m mostly into electro swing.” Again, being specific is the key.

Your profile should be just as unique as you are, and it should offer something new compared to other profiles. So, what makes you unique? “I like to dance” sounds pretty generic. You could write, “I’ve studied ballroom dancing, but I’m also up for dancing in clubs as long as I get to show off the moves I invented.”

7. Keep it short but detailed.

While you should go into details and get specific, keep in mind that no one wants to read an essay on a dating site. So, keep your profile description relatively short. There are plenty of things that you can tell people once you get in touch, so just include an interesting introduction on your profile.

The purpose of your profile description is to get people interested in you. So, consider which things about you are relevant for this. Maybe you love to travel, and it’s important that your future partner likes to travel too. In that case, be sure to mention something about it.

However, maybe you enjoy fishing, but you don’t care whether your future partner will like fishing too. In this case, don’t include fishing in your profile description. You can show this hobby by posting a picture of yourself fishing if you care about your potential partner enjoying spending time in nature. Pictures are also a great tool for showcasing your personality, but more on that later.

8. Be your authentic self.

Do you genuinely like the things that you say you like? Make sure to be your authentic self on dating sites. It can be tempting to present yourself differently to how you really are. A lot of people do this, but you’re not doing yourself any favors by pretending that you’re someone you’re not.

Eventually, your date is going to get to know the real you, so don’t make them expect someone who’s not going to show up. Be your authentic self when writing your dating profile, as well as when you communicate with your matches.

You’re creating this profile so that you can find a person who likes you. There’s no point in it if you make them like the person you’re pretending to be. Find people who like you for you by being honest about what you enjoy and want.

9. Mention the music that you like.

What do you like that someone else might like just as much? Your favorite travel destination, food, or music could be a great conversation starter. When it comes to their interests, people usually mention music, sports, movies, and books, but music seems to be the most popular choice.

So, mention your favorite band or the kind of music that you listen to. You could also mention a memorable concert that you’ve been to or include song lyrics in your profile description.

Think about it, if you and your date like the same music, it gives you a great opportunity to ask them out on a date. Simply suggest a concert or a bar where you could enjoy the music that you both like.

10. Highlight your best qualities, but be honest.

It’s okay to present yourself in the best possible light, just make sure that you’re not doing it to the point where you’re being dishonest about who you are. As you already learned, it’s very important to be your authentic self. Write about the person that you are, not who you’d like to be.

The goal is to appear interesting and positive while still being honest and not exaggerating your good qualities too much. You should also be honest about what you’re looking for.

Explain what you’re looking for:

Your dating profile should include information about who you are, but it should also include what you want. What kind of partner are you looking for? What kind of relationship are you hoping for? Are you looking for someone adventurous or for someone to settle down with? Here’s how to point it out in your profile to get good matches:

1. Be honest and specific.

Whether you’re looking to find the love of your life, or just want to have some fun, be honest about it when writing your dating profile. This will save you the trouble of going on dates with potential matches just to find out that you’re not on the same page. Be honest about what you’re looking for to increase your chances of finding it.

Think about what your ideal partner should be like too. What are the things that matter the most so that the two of you could have a future? Maybe they have to want kids someday, or they should be up for traveling for the next five years.

Be specific when describing the kind of person that you’re hoping to find. What would be the biggest indicator that you have found them or the biggest sign that they’re not who you’re searching for?

2. State dealbreakers.

It’s perfectly fine to state your dealbreakers in your profile description. Maybe you have some strong beliefs, and you’re looking for someone like you. For instance, you could write “Looking for someone who attends church every Sunday.”

It’s also common to write about what kind of relationship you’re hoping to find in terms of dealbreakers. For instance, if you’re looking for the real deal, you could write “No hookups” at the end of your profile description.

Maybe you have some other dealbreakers. For instance, maybe it’s important to you that your date doesn’t smoke or drink. While it might be okay to exclude everyone who smokes and drinks, consider how many other things you could have in common with them and how many people you’re excluding.

So, focus only on dealbreakers that really matter to you. Because, ultimately, the purpose of dealbreakers is to help you realize whether you could have a future with someone or not.

Try to keep an open mind. While having the same political views can bring you closer together, it might not be what you want to base your search on. Look for someone who has the same core values and relationship goals as you do. If you’re determined to find people with the same beliefs, habits, or hobbies, search for an app or website that caters exclusively to those people because there’ll probably be one.

3. Focus on what you’re looking for, not what you’re trying to avoid.

It’s okay to write down your dealbreakers, but when you do, try to turn them into what you want, not what you don’t want. For instance, instead of writing that you’re looking for someone who doesn’t smoke or drink, write down that you want someone who leads a healthy lifestyle. Instead of “No hookups,” you can write “Looking for a serious relationship.” The same rule can be applied to anything you don’t want.

Don’t include too many dealbreakers in your description. When you do include some, phrase them as what you are searching for, not what you’re trying to avoid. This will help you find that person just the same as the other way around.

But, it will also give a chance to those who’d be perfect for you other than the dealbreaker. You don’t have to give these people a chance, but this way, you’ll at least get to know who they are and be able to consider it. Again, it’s important to keep an open mind and look beyond your type.

4. Don’t describe the physical appearance of a person.

What if your ideal partner doesn’t look the way you’re imagining them? By describing the physical appearance of a person you’re searching for, you might be eliminating your perfect match.

Don’t focus on height, weight, hair color, eye color, body type, or anything else regarding the physical appearance of your perfect match. You will still get to decide whether you’ll give someone a chance based on their picture, but not just based on that.

Describe the kind of person they are, not what they look like. Are they adventurous, funny, smart, well-read, or ambitious? Maybe it’s important that they have respectable manners or that they are a good listener.

Describe the person, not the body. Think about it. Would you rather give a chance to someone who is your ideal partner or to someone who just looks like one? Don’t assume what your perfect match looks like, or even what you’ll find attractive in someone.

5. Focus on what matters to you in the long term.

Maybe it’s currently very important to you that your perfect match likes rock music because you could go to upcoming concerts and festivals together. However, does it really matter to you what kind of music your partner listens to when you’re thinking about it in the long term?

Maybe it does, and that’s okay. However, maybe you just care about the upcoming concerts, and music doesn’t matter that much to you. If so, don’t make rock music a must-have.

Think about your plans for the future. Where do you see yourself five, and even ten years from now? Maybe you would like to move to another country or start a family. So, this is what your perfect match should want too. You can mention that your match must like travel or must want to have kids someday.

6. Keep an open mind.

Like most people, you probably have a type. However, keep in mind that your type is not necessarily the same as your ideal partner. Don’t blindly stick to finding the person who’s exactly your type when there are lots of people who could open up a new world to you.

When dating, it’s important to get out of your comfort zone and expand your horizons. In addition, you can’t really figure out whether the person’s right for you based solely on their profile. They might look like your type but have nothing in common with you, or look nothing like your type but be perfectly compatible with you.

It’s good to have an idea of who your ideal partner is. However, don’t let the idea of a person block your view to the point that you don’t see actual potential matches. Give people a chance and search for compatibility, chemistry, and an almost effortless connection.

If you have that with someone, it doesn’t really matter if they’re not your type. Remind yourself that your type changes too, just like you do. Someone who was perfect for the old version of you might not be right for the person that you’re trying to become.

Choose the right photos:

You can have a great profile description, but if your picture’s not just up to scratch, you’re going to miss out on a lot of potentially good matches.

This is not about looking like a supermodel. There are things that people notice about your pictures on an online dating app that make them decide whether to swipe right or left.

Here’s what you need to do to make sure that your photo gets you more matches:

1. Choose four to six photos.

People can’t really tell what you look like based on only one picture. In addition, having only one picture suggests that it’s either a fake profile, the person isn’t serious about dating online, or they don’t want to show what they really look like.

Either of these things will make you lose matches. So, make sure to include at least four to six pictures in your profile. Don’t put less than three pictures, and make sure that they are all different. You don’t need three selfies in a row.

2. Choose photos that showcase your personality.

Your main profile picture should be of your face, but the others don’t need to be. In fact, it’s even better if they are action shots that showcase your personality.

Maybe you are rollerblading, skiing, playing chess, or painting in the picture. Let your photos tell a story about you, not just show your face. Seeing you in action will help people get a better idea of how you look and what kind of person you are.

Let your photos showcase your everyday lifestyle, especially if you like to engage in outdoor activities. Include head shots, action shots, and body shots in your profile pictures. This will make you more interesting to potential matches!

3. Avoid old photos.

People on dating sites don’t care about how you looked five years ago, they want to know who they’ll see when they show up for a date now. So, don’t choose old photos, especially those that don’t resemble you anymore. Make sure that all of your photos were taken recently.

If you don’t have any good recent photos, make a decision to take them before creating your dating profile. You could even hire a professional to take your photos, just remember that photos need to show how you really look, not how you’d like to look.

4. Don’t hide your face.

Wearing sunglasses in a picture entirely hides your face. You might look cool with sunglasses on, but those who don’t know you can’t tell what you look like. So, don’t choose pictures where you’re hiding your face.

The point is for people to see your face, so don’t use hats, sunglasses, or anything else that would prevent them from seeing you clearly.

You might not be comfortable with showing your face because you think that you’re not attractive enough. However, that is for your potential matches to decide, and you just need to look relaxed, fun, and approachable.

After all, there’s no point in hiding on dating sites when your goal is to meet people in person. They aren’t going to be willing to see you in person if they can’t see you in a picture.

5. Don’t use too many group photos.

Having a group photo as one of your profile pictures might be okay, because it shows that you are social. However, this can’t be your main picture, and you shouldn’t make people guess who you are from all the faces in the photos.

It’s also a very bad idea to choose pictures where you’re with people of the opposite sex, and a terrible idea to use photos where you’re with your ex.

Ultimately, it’s safer to avoid group photos altogether. However, as long as you make sure that people can clearly recognize you and that they won’t assume that you were sleeping with someone from the photo, you’ll be fine.

6. Take a picture with your pet.

Many people like pets, and people look friendly and loving when they’re with a pet in the picture. So, if you have a pet, pose for the cutest picture in the world.

Not only does this present you in a positive light, but it also lets your potential matches learn more about you. In addition, it’s a great conversation starter as well as something that you can have in common with your matches.

Are you a dog person or a cat person? Do you have a guinea pig? A snake? A picture with a pet makes you look interesting too!

However, avoid taking a picture with someone else’s pet if you don’t have one. People will assume that it’s your pet, so you’ll just waste time explaining yourself.

7. Smile in the pictures.

Smiling in a picture makes you look genuine and inviting, and it’s attractive for both genders. You don’t have to smile in every photo, but if you’re smiling in most of them people will sense the positive vibe and be attracted to it.

You should never choose a photo where you look depressed or worried. Your photos should radiate positive energy, so pick the ones that show you when you are in a good mood, comfortable, and relaxed. After all, that is when you look your best and how you will look when you’re in a happy relationship!

8. Choose high-quality pictures.

Poorly cropped, blurry, distant, and dark photos don’t belong on your dating profile. Choose high-quality photos and show that you’ve put some effort into presenting yourself properly. You can always hire a professional if you lack quality photos.

Your pictures shouldn’t be heavily edited either. Avoid too many filters and make sure that you look like the person that your matches are going to see when you go on a date.

9. Actually look like you do in the photo.

This has to be emphasized once more—you need to really look like you do in the photo. Obviously, you want to highlight your best features and present yourself in the best possible light… But it needs to still be you.

Think about how you would look if you were dressed up for a date with your ideal partner. You would probably present the best version of yourself. That is how you should look in your photos.

Don’t let your dates expect someone else when you show up for the date. A lot of people make themselves look significantly better than they really do. It’s okay to do this by dressing up and using cosmetic products, but don’t go overboard with editing. You shouldn’t even overdo it with dressing up and cosmetic products unless that’s what you normally do.

10. Update your profile regularly.

Your photos can quickly become old and outdated. Don’t forget to update your profile on a regular basis. Maybe you don’t like skiing anymore. So, you should remove that picture. Maybe you’re suddenly okay with hookups, so you want to remove that dealbreaker from your description.

Keep your photos and your description regularly updated. Most likely, you aren’t going to find the perfect match quickly. So, you’ll spend a while on the dating site, and things will change in time.

Even if you do meet someone great right away, you could later realize that it’s not working out and go back to your profile. So, make sure that it shows who you are right now, not who you were a few months ago.

Complete and verify your profile:

The last part of a good dating profile is completing and verifying your profile. Incomplete and unverified profiles get fewer matches. If you are serious about finding a great match, you should increase the odds by not leaving anything blank. Here’s how:

1. Don’t leave the description blank.

A profile that has only one picture and no description isn’t going to get matches. Whatever you do, don’t leave the description blank. You don’t have to write everything that you’ve read about so far, but make sure to write something. It should include who you are and what you are looking for.

This is usually necessary to complete your profile and get good matches. Profiles with a lot of information show up more to users, and people are more likely to message a person when they can read something about them first.

2. Post several photos.

It’s already advised that you post at least four pictures, but posting several photos is also often necessary to complete the profile. So, don’t skip this step, even if you feel reluctant at first. Post as many pictures as you need for your profile to be complete, whether it’s less or more than four.

Don’t forget to make these photos different. To sum up again, you should include headshots, body shots, and action shots. Avoid group photos, low-quality photos, and photos where you’re hiding your face with sunglasses or a hat. Don’t forget to smile and say cheese!

3. Complete your profile.

Most of the time you will be required to write a description and post several photos for your profile to be complete. However, if the app or site requires something more than this, do that as well. Most apps and sites will display complete profiles more often than those with little to no information.

4. Verify your profile.

If the app has a verification feature, verifying your profile will help you get more matches. This reassures potential matches that you’re a real person and not a scammer or a fake profile. To verify your profile you will usually be asked to post a picture and imitate a certain pose.

Since it’s that easy to verify a profile, an unverified profile represents a huge red flag in the online dating world. You will lose a lot of potential matches if you skip this step.

5. Proofread everything.

In the end, don’t forget that grammar and spelling matter too. Consciously or not, some people might decide not to contact you just because you have grammar and/or spelling errors in your profile. The reason for this might be that failing to fix the errors indicates that you’re not putting a lot of effort into online dating.

People also don’t expect to have a stimulating conversation with someone who makes grammar and spelling errors. Proofreading everything before making your profile public is the least you can do to make sure that your profile looks good and inviting.

If you need help with this, ask a friend if they could read through your profile to check for mistakes or even to suggest better ways to write a certain thing.

So, remember to showcase your personality, explain what you’re looking for, pick the best photos, and complete your profile. If you do these things, you are likely to get a lot of matches while dating online, and some of them will be good enough to match with you in real life as well!

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About The Author

how to write a personal statement for dating site

Ana Vakos enjoys writing about love and all the problems that come with it. Everyone has experiences with love, and everyone needs dating advice, so giving these topics more attention and spreading the word means a lot to her.

how to write a personal statement for dating site

Examples of How to Introduce Yourself on Online Dating Sites & Apps

Don't stress about introducing yourself. Use these dating site introduction examples to help you craft the perfect line to show your match the authentic you.

Michele is a writer who has been published both locally and internationally.

Learn about our Editorial Policy .

So you've created a dating profile and found a few people with potential. Great! But now what? It's time to let your personality shine through with a winning first message. If you're not sure how to introduce yourself on a dating site or app, try out these fun options.

Basic First Message Examples

Just as you would introduce yourself to someone in real life, start with a form of "hello" and the short version of why you're reaching out.

  • Hey there, stranger, wanna become acquaintances?
  • Bonjour/Ciao/Hola, I see you're free to travel the world, but are you free to chat?
  • Hello, it's nice to virtually meet you! (Insert handshake or high-five emoji.)
  • Hi, are you up for the challenge of communicating awkwardly through text?
  • What's up? If you're interested in chatting, message back with the answer to this question. (Include a simple question that requires them to read your profile such as "What's my favorite color?")
  • 14 "About Me" Dating Site Examples to Help You Find the One
  • 25 Best Opening Lines for Online Dating
  • How to Respond to Hey: 14 Responses Based on Your Interest

Related: Insider Tips to Write the Perfect Dating Profile

Messages That Emphasize Similarities

Your similarities are the things you can bond over from the start of any type of relationship. Find a creative way to incorporate something you both like into your first message to show you've paid attention to who they are.

  • Looks like we're the only two people in the world with a passion for narwhal conservation, maybe we should team up and talk strategy?
  • Hello, fellow Dodgers fan. Did you catch that play last night?
  • I just finished reading The President Is Missing too! Did you see that ending coming?
  • I can't believe I found another person who's been to Chincoteague Island! What was your favorite place to explore?
  • Is it creepy or cool that we're wearing the same T-shirt in our profile pictures?
  • I see we're both dog lovers! Tell me about that cutie in your profile picture. First your dog, then you. (Insert winky face emoji.) 
  • I've always wanted to get into (insert hobby they enjoy here). Do you have any tips or advice for beginners like me? 

Related :   25 Best Opening Lines for Online Dating

Lead With a Question to Get Their Interest

Start the conversation off with an active request that includes a general interest question . Look for topics the other person is interested in on their profile, then come up with a fun question to break the ice .

  • After reading your profile, I'm dying to know — who is your favorite Spiderman? Tobey, Tom, or Andrew? 
  • I'm new to online dating, any tips on how to start up a conversation?
  • Sending this message is the most spontaneous thing I've ever done. What's the most spontaneous thing you've ever done?
  • They say a picture's worth a thousand words. What would your profile picture say if it could talk?
  • Laughter is supposed to be the best medicine. What's the funniest thing that's happened to you recently? 
  • I noticed you're a book lover. What was your last five-star read? 

Try a Flirty Message to Introduce Yourself 

It's okay to lead with a little flirtation , just be careful not to come on too strong or sound like all you're after is a physical relationship.

  • Can I call you Q.T., or do you prefer Jeff?
  • Whoever makes the first move wins this round. That's one point for me.
  • I'm interested, what are you gonna do about it?
  • There's only one way my day could get better — a message from you.
  • I need to update my profile, I forgot to add one of my likes — you.
  • Do you believe in love at first swipe, or should we unmatch and swipe again? 
  • This might be too  cheesy but you look really gouda in your profile picture. 

Related :   How to Reply to Online Dating Messages the Right Way

Introduce Yourself With an Intro Inspired by Pop Culture 

Use your favorite movies, television shows, songs, and other pop culture references for a casual intro that speaks to your interests and personality.

  • Joey's classic pickup line from Friends: "How you doin'?"
  • Fonzie's catchphrase from Happy Days: "Aaay!"
  • Use the Breaking Bad line: "I am the one who knocks." Follow this with:"Are you the one who answers?"
  • Ask: "Do you want to get to know each other better?" followed by the line from How I Met Your Mother: "It's gonna be legen - wait for it - dary."
  • From Friday Night Lights: "Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose."
  • The classic alien line from sci-fi movies: "I come in peace."
  • Use a play on the iconic Stranger Things character: "On a scale from 1 to 10 you're definitely Eleven." 
  • From the Barbie movie: "Hi Barbie!" 

Put Your Best Message Forward

Getting started in online dating is all about taking the leap to send that first message, and these introduction lines for dating sites will help you open a conversation. Keep the message short and to the point, but include some of your own personality or interests to give it a personalized feel. You can never go wrong by being yourself! 

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  • Dating for Women
  • Dating Websites & Apps
  • Self Development
  • Online Dating

47 Christian Dating Profile and Headline Examples

15 Christian Dating Profile and Headline Examples

It is not a secret that dating as a Christian is hard, especially if you are looking for someone with similar beliefs.

The main challenge is that the pool of available candidates is pretty small.

If you are not having much luck with finding your soulmate in church or during your bible studies, the next logical step is to try online dating.

With online dating, it is easier to meet other Christian singles that you might not be able to meet otherwise.

You probably should skip mainstream dating apps like Tinder and Bumble because they are mostly used for casual dating.

how to write a personal statement for dating site

After joining the dating website, the next step will be creating your dating profile.

For many people, it is the most challenging part because most of us are not good at describing ourselves.

That’s why to make it easier for you, we wrote 47 dating profile examples that will help you to get started.

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Christian Dating Profile Examples

I am a single mom of a 10-year-old boy. I work full-time as a nurse, but I still find time to volunteer at my church and help out with my kid’s activities.

I am looking for someone who is responsible, intelligent, and has a strong faith in god.

I am a God-fearing woman who loves spending time with family and friends. I also enjoy reading, spending time outdoors, and trying new things.

I am looking for someone who will love me no matter what, and who wants to build a life with me that is centered around our faith in God.

I am a down-to-earth woman who loves going on walks, playing video games, watching movies, and hiking in the mountains.

I am looking for someone who is kind-hearted and genuine, and who wants to make a difference in the world.

God is the center of my life and I strive to put Him first in everything that I do. I love spending time with family and friends, reading, going on walks, watching movies, and working out.

I am looking for someone who loves God with all their heart, is honest and trustworthy.

I am an outgoing person who loves to socialize and have a good time. I enjoy spending time with my friends and am always up for trying new things. I believe in God and am actively involved in my church.

I am looking for someone who wants to have a relationship that is based on mutual respect, understanding, and love.

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I am a down-to-earth person who loves spending time outdoors, going on hikes, and bike rides.

I also like to read, watch movies, and work out. I am a Christian and attend church regularly.

I want someone who will be my best friend and whom I can trust with anything and everything.

My name is Matt, and I am a devoted Christian! Some things that make me happy are spending time outdoors (especially at the lake), playing sports, riding motorcycles, catching up with friends over dinner and drinks, and pretty much anything else that gets my adrenaline going.

I am looking for someone with whom I can share my passion for serving God and making a difference in the world.

Hey there! I’m a fun-loving guy who loves spending time outdoors (especially camping and fishing), playing sports, watching movies, and hanging out with friends. I have a heart for missions and love to serve others.

I am looking for someone who is faithful, loyal, and has a good sense of humor.

My name is Jesse! Some things that make me happy are playing sports, hiking, fishing, listening to music, and just spending time with friends.

I want to find someone who will support me in my faith journey and encourage me to become the best person that I can be.

Example #10

My name is Stephanie, and I am a pediatric nurse. I love spending time with my family and friends. I am also a big movie buff and love to go to the theater.

I am looking for someone who is kind-hearted, intelligent and has a good sense of humor.

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Example #11

Hello! My name is Jesse, and I am a teacher. I love spending time with students and helping them grow in their faith.

In my free time, I enjoy playing sports, reading, watching movies, and going on walks.

I am looking for someone who is honest, loving, and easy to get along with.

Ultimately, I would like to find a spouse that loves the Lord with all their heart.

Example #12

I’m a pretty simple guy with a passion for life. I work hard during the week so that I can enjoy my weekends hiking, biking, or surfing.

I grew up in a Christian home and my faith is very important to me.

I am looking for someone who also has their faith at the center of their life and wants to share that with me.

Example #13

Hi! My name is Rachel, and I’m an accountant by day and a musician by night (or whenever I can find the time). When I’m not working or practicing music, you can usually find me hanging out with my dog or watching movies.

I’m looking for someone who is intelligent, funny and has a strong faith in God.

Example #14

My name is Hannah and I am a single Christian woman looking for a serious relationship with a Christian man.

I have a heart for missions and love volunteering both locally and internationally. Some of my favorite things to do are reading, playing sports, and watching movies.

I am looking for someone who can make me laugh, loves God with all of his heart, and is ambitious about life.

Example #15

My name is Jen and I am a 32-year-old single Christian woman. I work in the medical field and love my job! I am passionate about helping others and serving God.

Some things that make me happy are spending time with my friends, traveling, going to the beach, and skiing in the winter.

I am looking for someone with who I can share my life and who will be there for me through thick and thin.

Don’t miss: Dating Profile Examples For Women Over 50

Example #16

I am a dedicated, hardworking man who puts God first in everything. I love helping others and find joy in serving in my church’s community outreach programs. My idea of a perfect evening is a quiet dinner and deep conversation about faith, travel, and gardening.

I am searching for a woman who is kind, compassionate, and has a strong relationship with God.

Example #17

As a devout Christian, I seek to live a life that is pleasing to God. I enjoy outdoor activities – hiking, camping, and bird watching. I also have a passion for music and play the guitar in my church’s worship team.

I’m looking for a woman who shares my faith, has a love for nature, and enjoys music.

Example #18

I am an easygoing man with a great sense of humor. I love to cook and enjoy hosting dinner parties for friends and family. My faith is important to me and I actively serve at my local church.

I’m hoping to meet a woman who values faith, family, and good food as much as I do.

Example #19

I am a woman who loves to laugh, enjoys good books, and appreciates art. My relationship with God is the core of who I am. I volunteer at my church’s Sunday school because I believe in nurturing the next generation in faith.

I’m looking for a man who loves God, has a sense of humor, and appreciates life’s simple pleasures.

Example #20

A man of faith and prayer, I believe in the principles of love, respect, and honesty. I enjoy sports, particularly basketball, and love to travel. In my spare time, I mentor young people in my community.

I am seeking a woman who is not just my partner but also my best friend, someone with whom I can share life’s ups and downs while growing in faith together.

Example #21

I am an outgoing woman who loves serving God through music. As the choir director at my church, I enjoy bringing people together to praise God. I love spending time with family and traveling to new places.

I’m looking for a man who shares my passion for music, loves family gatherings, appreciates travel adventures, and most importantly has a strong relationship with God.

Example #22

As a dedicated Christian man, I find peace in prayer and fulfillment in reading scriptures. An architect by profession, I love designing beautiful spaces. In my downtime, I enjoy hiking and photography.

I’m on the lookout for a woman who shares my faith, has an appreciation for art and design, loves nature, and understands the power of quiet moments.

Don’t miss: 17 Red Flags When Dating an Older Man

Example #23

I am a passionate man who enjoys spending time with my children, going on adventures, and serving my community. My faith in God is what keeps me grounded and gives me a sense of purpose.

The woman I am looking for is loving, understanding, and has a close relationship with God. She must also be family-oriented and willing to be a part of my children’s lives.

Example #24

As a woman, my faith comes first. I enjoy volunteering in my local church and exploring the depths of His word in bible study groups. In my free time, I love cooking, reading, and visiting art galleries.

I am searching for a man whose faith is as profound as mine. A man who is supportive, respectful, and shares similar interests.

Example #25

I am a simple man with a heart full of love to share. I love nature, playing the guitar, and spending quiet moments in prayer. My faith guides my everyday life.

I seek a woman who is compassionate, humble, and has a strong faith in God. She should love music and appreciate the simple joys of life.

Example #26

As a Christian woman, I live by the principles of love and kindness. I am an active member of my church choir and I love to make people happy through my music. Painting and hiking are my favorite hobbies.

I am looking for a Christian man who is caring, devoted, and has an unwavering faith in God. He should also appreciate art and nature.

Example #27

Being a Christian doesn’t just mean going to church on Sundays for me; it’s about living according to His teachings every day. I am an avid reader and love spending time with family.

I am seeking a woman who is committed to her faith, is family-oriented, and loves to live life to the fullest.

Example #28

I am a God-centered woman who enjoys volunteering at church events, traveling to new places, and spending quality time with loved ones. My faith guides every step I take.

My ideal partner is someone who is God-fearing, caring, adventurous and appreciates the gift of life.

Example #29

My faith in God guides my path daily. I’m an outdoorsy guy who enjoys hiking, fishing, and camping. I find peace in nature’s beauty.

I’m seeking a woman who shares my love for nature and values her relationship with God above everything else.

Example #30

Hi there, I’m a devoted Christian gentleman who values kindness, respect, and love above all. I serve in the church choir and enjoy spiritual discussions. I also love nature, often finding peace in long walks and the soothing sound of the ocean.

I’m in search of a kind woman who cherishes her faith as much as I do. Someone who enjoys small moments of joy and is ready to build a Christ-centered relationship.

Don’t miss: 23 Signs That a Godly Man is Pursuing You

Example #31

Hello! I am a God-loving woman, passionate about serving others in my community and church. I enjoy cooking, reading inspirational books, and savoring peaceful moments during a beautiful sunrise.

I’d love to meet a man who understands that a relationship is a partnership and believes in treating his partner with love, respect, and integrity. Together, we can journey in faith and love.

Example #32

! I am a fun loving, adventurous man with a deep love for God. My faith is the cornerstone of my life. In my free time, I enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, cycling or just star-gazing on a clear night.

I want to find a woman who loves God, someone with whom I can share my life and grow spiritually. A lady who appreciates the beauty in life’s simple pleasures.

Example #33

Hi! I am an easy-going guy, fervent about his faith, and always eager to help those in need. Apart from being actively involved in church activities, I enjoy photography, traveling, and trying out different cuisines.

I’m looking for a woman who is compassionate, has a zeal for life, and holds her relationship with God close to her heart.

Example #34

Hello there! I am a strong-willed woman whose faith is at the heart of her life. I am passionate about music and serve in my church’s choir. In my downtime, I enjoy volunteering at the local animal shelter or exploring new recipes.

I’m seeking a man who is kind-hearted yet strong, someone who values faith, family, and commitment. Let’s embark on this beautiful journey of love together under God’s guidance.

Example #35

Hi! I am an energetic man with an unwavering faith in God. My hobbies include playing sports, working on DIY projects, and enjoying a good book or movie.

I yearn for a woman who understands that our relationship with each other should reflect our relationship with God – full of love, patience, and forgiveness. A woman ready to journey with me in faith as we create wonderful memories together.

Example #36

A vibrant woman of faith, with a heart full of love for the Lord. Aside from my devotion to my faith, I also enjoy volunteering, exploring new places, spending quality time at home, and cooking delicious meals. My faith is my compass.

I am searching for a man who is equally committed to his faith, has respect for others, and values family as much as I do.

Example #37

I am a dedicated Christian man who is devoted to God, family, and the pursuit of knowledge. In my free time, I enjoy playing music, reading good books, and outdoor activities such as hiking and fishing.

I’m looking for a God-fearing woman who values honesty, integrity, and kindness. Someone who isn’t afraid to live life by Christian principles and maintains a positive outlook on life.

Example #38

An adventurous spirit with a deep love for God, nature, and traveling. I am compassionate and believe in the power of kindness. In my free time, I enjoy painting, reading, and hiking.

I’m seeking someone who shares my faith and passion for life. A partner who can join me in serving God and growing together in faith.

Example #39

I strive each day to walk with the Lord, fostering a life of gratitude and worship. When I’m not busy with work or church activities, you can find me playing soccer or simply enjoying the peace of nature.

I dream of meeting a woman who cherishes her relationship with God and wants to create a home filled with love, faith, and mutual respect.

Example #40

I am an optimistic woman with an unwavering faith in the Lord. Aside from being active in our local church community, I also enjoy gardening, baking, and doing crafts.

I want to meet a man who loves God and has a strong sense of responsibility. Someone who I can share life’s journey while serving God together.

Example #41

I am passionate about faith, family, fitness, and every other gift God has graced me with. A dedicated volunteer at our church and a fitness enthusiast who loves hiking on weekends.

In search of a man who appreciates life’s simple pleasures and carries his faith at the center of everything he does.

Example #42

I am an adventurous and devoted Christian man looking for someone to journey through life’s adventures with. I have a passion for traveling, exploring different cultures and cuisines. I find immense joy in serving at my local church and participating in community outreach programs. I believe in living a life filled with purpose and faith.

I am looking for an equally devoted Christian woman who enjoys life, loves to laugh, and wants to join me in my walk of faith. A woman who values family, has a heart for charity, and finds happiness in little things in life.

Example #43

As a simple, God-fearing woman, I believe my calling is to be a light unto others. My faith is pivotal to my day-to-day life, as I enjoy active participation in Bible studies and church activities. In my downtime, I love cooking, reading, and enjoying nature.

I am looking for a Godly man who will appreciate my journey with Christ and join me in growing our faith together. A man who prioritizes kindness and compassion, cherishes family values, and possesses an infectious zest for life.

Example #44

A hardworking and committed Christian man, I strive to live by the principles of love, honesty, and respect. I enjoy outdoor adventures like camping and fishing, watching sports, and volunteering at my local church.

My ideal partner is a strong Christian woman who values honesty, loves unconditionally, and cherishes family time. She should be ready to walk beside me on our spiritual journey while enriching our lives with joy and love.

Example #45

I’m a cheerful woman of faith who loves serving at my church and inspiring others with my positivity. My hobbies include painting, gardening, and exploring different coffee shops around town. My relationship with God is an integral part of my daily routine.

Searching for a kind-hearted man whose life is rooted in Christian principles. A man who’s not afraid to lead a family towards a closer relationship with God and cherishes everyday blessings.

Example #46

As a dedicated Christian man with a zeal for mission work, I find fulfillment in serving others. My love for music often finds me leading worship sessions at church or strumming my guitar during quiet evenings at home.

My heart yearns for a God-loving woman who respects the sanctity of marriage, prizes loyalty, and shares a common desire for meaningful service. Together we can cherish the beauty of life grounded in faith while nurturing each other’s spiritual growth.

Example #47

I am an enthusiastic Christian woman who cherishes each moment of life. As a teacher by profession, I love shaping young minds. Besides teaching, hiking through the serene woods is my way of finding peace.

Longing for a God-fearing man who values education, appreciates nature’s beauty, practices empathy, and aims to nurture a deep relationship with God. This man should be ready to lead our future family based on Christian values.

Don’t miss: How to Say You Are Looking for Something Serious?

Examples of Christian Dating Headlines

In addition to writing your bio, another important element of every dating profile is your headline.

A good headline will help you to stand out and get more messages from other Christian singles.

Here are a few dating headlines that you can use on your profile:

1. Looking for a God-fearing girl to share my life with

2. Christian girl looking for her prince charming

3. Looking for someone special to share my faith with

4. Want to date a Christian girl? You’ve found her!

5. My faith is important to me, looking for someone who understands that

6. Looking for a Christian woman who can keep up with me!

7. Looking for a family-oriented Christian girl

8. I’m a Christian man looking for a God-fearing woman

9. I’m looking for a serious relationship with a Christian girl

10. Christian girl looking for the love of her life

11. Are you looking for your forever partner?

12. Christian woman searching for her soulmate

13. God-loving girl looking for a Christian guy

14. Looking for someone to share my faith and love with

15. Looking for a Christ-centered relationship

16. Searching for a spiritual soulmate to share His blessings.

17. Genuine Christian seeking genuine Love.

18. In search of a prayer partner and lifelong companion.

19. Searching for the Noah to my Ark.

20. Our love story could be the next testament.

21. Are you the answer to my prayers

22. Searching for someone to share Sunday service and brunch!

23. A Christian lady in search of a faith-filled friendship that may lead to love.

24. Man of Faith seeks Woman of God!

25. Seeking love as strong as my faith in God.

26. Searching for my Ecclesiastes 4:9 – “Two are better than one”.

27. God-centered gal hoping to meet her match made in Heaven.

Continue reading: 150 Best Catchy Headlines for Dating Sites

Dating Sites to Try in 2023!

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How to Write an Unbelievably Good Dating Profile as a Senior Single

three senior women looking at a phone and smiling

Are you looking for love but don’t know where to start? 

If so, an online dating site for older adults might be a great place to meet new people and potentially find the perfect match. 

It can be difficult to find someone with shared interests and goals in life. But there are many wonderful people out there who may just need some help navigating the online world of dating.

If this intrigues you, it’s time to brush up on your online dating game and learn how to write an amazing dating profile as a senior single.

5 Steps to Write the Perfect Older Adult Dating Profile 

#1 be honest (with yourself).

Have you ever seen an online dating profile that struck you as too good to be true? The person who wrote it might be using photos of themselves from 10 years ago, or maybe they are lying about their height, weight, or relationship status.

Many people lie on their dating profiles to get more attention from potential matches (which is a big red flag ). In fact, according to an online dating report by Kapersky , a whopping 57% of online daters admitted they lie, most of whom (67%) turned out to be married men. 

If you want to find companionship, don’t start with deception. Dishonesty can only lead to relationship problems , even before the relationship even begins.

But more importantly, if you’re not honest about who you really are, your purpose, passions , and your story, you won’t attract your true match. So stop hiding behind a mask of perfection and proudly show your true self – to both you and your potential partner.

#2 Share Your Story

An online dating profile should be more than just facts, like your name or age. 

It is the perfect opportunity for you to tell a story about yourself in an engaging way that influences potential matches. While it doesn’t have to tell every detail about your personal secrets, it should at least paint an accurate picture of you. 

If you want to be sure that your dating profile is attracting the right kind of people, then it’s important to write in an open and honest manner. 

So, join the 22% of online daters that ask friends for advice and craft your story in a way that highlights your best qualities. Your friends likely see your best sides and you might be surprised by the qualities they mention. 

#3 Put Your Best Face Forward

The photos you use are the first impression you make, so it’s important that they’re top-notch (and realistic)and show off who you really are. 

Think about how many people see your profile every day and what kind of message they get from just looking at your photo. 

After all, 55% of first impressions are based on what people see.

If you want them to know that you’re friendly, approachable, and someone worth talking to, think about what kinds of pictures to use in online dating profiles? 

For choosing the best dating profile photos, here’s what we recommend you: 

  • Choose recent photos — according to a study on the accuracy of online dating photographs , about a third of the photos don’t match reality. 
  • Smile — studies show that smiling makes you seem more attractive and approachable
  • Show your personality — let your hobbies and interests shine through in your profile to attract like-minded partners

how to choose a dating profile photo - make it recent, smile, and show your personality

#4 Keep it Positive

Dating as a senior single, especially dating after divorce , can be tough. After a couple of failed attempts, it’s easy to fall into the trap of explicitly writing about the things you dislike or don’t want.

But nobody’s attracted to negativity or a list of complaints. The key to finding the right partner is not to actively avoid the wrong people contacting you, but focusing on attracting those who will make you happy and highlight your authentic self.

Also, remember that your positivity can be contagious.

Plus, it’s super healthy, especially when you consider studies like the one from Johns Hopkins that revealed positive people are 13% less likely than their negative counterparts to have a heart attack or other coronary event. 

In a nutshell, writing your online dating profile – with a positive spin and while you’re in great spirits – can work wonders.

#5 Focus on What You Truly Want

And finally, if you’re looking to meet someone through online dating, there’s a good chance that you’ll have to answer the question, “What do you want?” at some point.

Try to share something more specific about yourself that adds a personal touch. Instead of saying “I’m looking for someone with whom I can spend my free time”, be specific and say “I’m a huge Star Wars fan” or “Looking for my new travel partner”.

Think back to your core values, your vision and personal mission statement, and your ideal retirement goals. This person needs to support that version of you, so you don’t end up sacrificing too much, just to avoid being lonely.

As researcher Angela Bahns from Wellesley College puts it:

“Change is difficult and unlikely. It’s easier to select people who are compatible with your needs and goals from the beginning.”

The most important thing is that you know what kind of person would make for the ideal partner for you . It’s not just about the physical attraction or escaping loneliness; it’s also the emotional connection and compatibility with your ideal retirement lifestyle .

Mature Online Dating Profile Examples

To help you understand these five steps on how to write a great dating profile as a senior single, we’ve written a couple of senior dating profile examples to inspire you:

I have traveled the world, walked on glaciers in Antarctica, and seen some of the most beautiful places on Earth. Since I retired, I split my time between hiking with my dog, playing board games with friends, and traveling. Let’s just say I don’t spend my time in front of the TV, so message me if you want to join me on my next adventure!

how to write a senior dating profile example for a man

Jenna, 71. 

I retired from the Army, but now I volunteer at the local homeless shelter. It’s great hearing their stories and cooking delicious meals for them. When I’m not volunteering or cooking, you can find me on my porch reading a book (or two). If you’re looking for a reliable companion, come and say hi!

how to write a senior dating profile example for a mature woman

I’m a green thumb and a bit of a plant hoarder. I love going to the nursery and picking up new plants to add to my garden. I spend most of my time working around the house, but when I’m not out in the yard, I’m likely watching one of my favorite TV shows (Downton Abbey fan) or spending time with my grandkids. I’m looking for somebody who shares my interests, but can also challenge me to try new things. Are you the one?

man over 50 dating profile examples

I’m a go-getter who spends retirement in new creative pursuits! I love trying new things, and I’m always up for a new challenge. I’m also a bit of a jokester – I love making people laugh. You’ll never be bored with me around! I’m looking for someone who shares my love of new experiences and is up for a good time. If you can make me laugh (yet also know when to be serious) send me a message. I’m excited to hear from you!

examples of dating profiles for females over 60

Get Ready for Online Dating

The key to meeting the right people is being your authentic self. Do not be afraid of who you are or what your core interests, passions, and values might be. 

Online dating can be a daunting process, but we hope that these tips on how to write a dating profile help. 

Remember to be realistic about expectations, don’t settle, and don’t give up if you don’t find someone right away. Plus, here are a couple of additional dating rules to help keep you on the right track.

It is so common to feel like a crazy rollercoaster of emotions, with lots of ups and downs, while exploring different dating options and connections. 

We recommend keeping it light and breezy, having fun with it, and working on being the healthiest, best version of yourself independent of any relationship. 

It’s true – when you work on yourself first and become happy and fulfilled as a single, only then do you attract the right person with ease.

We wish you success in finding your perfect match.

For more dating advice, check out our comprehensive Guide to Dating After 50 .

What's Your Retirement Purpose?

portrait of Cyn Meyer, founder of Second Wind Movement and a certified retirement life coach

Retirement Life Coach

As a certified retirement life coach since 2018, Cyn has helped thousands of older adults turn their retirement years into remarkable years full of growth, purpose, and passion. Through her signature program Rewire My Retirement, she helps people achieve their best life across the 5 Rings of Retirement, which covers topics Growth, Community, Health, Giving Back, and Finance.

Cyn combines specific life coaching tools, neuroscience, and her extensive background in marketing (spanning 17 years) to make a powerful impact with Second Wind Movement – an organization dedicated to providing educational resources and coaching for seniors.

With meticulous research, insight, and passion, Cyn’s mission is to usher in a new wave of positive experiences for generations of retirees.

As a certified retirement life coach since 2018, Cyn has helped thousands of older adults turn their retirement years into remarkable years full of growth, purpose, and passion (beyond the stereotypical financial planning side of retirement). 

She combines specific life coaching tools, neuroscience, and her extensive background in marketing (spanning 17 years) to make a powerful impact with Second Wind Movement – an organization dedicated to providing educational resources and coaching for seniors.


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A cartoon with pastel colors shows a hand touching a heart on a phone with an image of a girl with brown skin. There are other circles and hearts also showing cartoon images of women with different colored hair and skin.

Laws meant to keep different races apart still influence dating patterns, decades after being invalidated

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Professor of Law, Seton Hall University

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Solangel Maldonado does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

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If you are single and looking for a romantic partner, chances are that you have used a dating app . But the likelihood that others will like, or even see, your profile may depend on your race .

Studies have found that all people on dating apps, regardless of their own race, are more likely to contact white people using the app. And all people using dating apps are least likely to contact African American women and Asian American men .

Until recently, some popular apps, including OkCupid , Match, Hinge and Grindr , provided race and ethnicity filters that allowed users to categorically exclude daters based on race and ethnicity. Although most apps, including Grindr, removed their ethnicity filters in the past few years , others, such as Hinge and Match, have not .

While people may think that whom they find desirable is a personal preference, attraction is influenced by family members’ views , the schools people attend, friends and society in general and dating sites themselves . I am a legal scholar who researches race and the law. As I argue in my new book, “ The Architecture of Desire: How the Law Shapes Interracial Intimacy and Perpetuates Inequality ,” the legacy of discriminatory laws that have been struck down still influences people’s romantic preferences by limiting opportunities for interracial relationships to develop.

A black and white photo shows a woman sitting next to a man, with his arm around her and their heads touching.

Segregation laws limited interracial relationships

Until the 1960s, some U.S. state laws prohibited white people from marrying Black Americans, Asians Americans and Native Americans. These laws – known formally as anti-miscegenation laws – were in effect in 41 states, including Maryland, California, Oregon and Virginia , at some point between 1661 and 1967.

Then, Mildred Loving, a Black woman, and Richard Loving, a white man, successfully challenged Virginia’s anti-miscegenation law known as the Racial Integrity Act . They were convicted of violating this law by marrying each other in another state and returning to their Virginia home. In the case aptly named Loving v. Virginia , the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that these anti-miscegenation laws were “designed to maintain White Supremacy” and declared them unconstitutional.

Other old laws in effect until the 1960s also hindered interracial relationships indirectly.

The Naturalization Act of 1790 provided that only free white persons could become naturalized U.S. citizens. Although the Naturalization Act of 1870 extended eligibility to persons of African descent, it did not extend eligibility to other racial and ethnic groups.

The Supreme Court affirmed these laws when it determined in 1922 and also in 1923 that people of Asian ancestry were not white and could not become naturalized U.S. citizens. These laws significantly reduced the pool of desirable marital partners by ruling out people of Asian ancestry. The Immigration Act of 1924 also barred individuals of Asian ancestry , except for Filipinos, since the Philippines was a U.S. colony, from immigrating to the U.S.

Congress abolished these race-based exclusions in 1952 when it passed the Immigration and Nationality Act . But it did not eliminate the U.S. government’s preferences for immigrants from Western European countries until 1965, when it passed another Immigration and Nationality Act that abolished quotas for immigrants from particular countries.

Housing and educational discriminatory laws

Until the late 1960s, federal, state and local governments promoted and enforced discriminatory housing policies , such as redlining and racially restrictive covenants , that segregated African Americans and other racial groups from white people.

These policies determined where people of color could live and send their children to school. Since they could not live in predominantly white neighborhoods, their children could not attend schools with white children, as students were assigned to their local school.

State laws and local practices in most Southern states , as well as California and Texas , among others, required Black , Asian American , Mexican American and Native American children to attend separate schools without any white students. These policies’ primary goal was to “to prevent the formation of interracial relationships in public schools” , as the legal and race scholar Reginald Oh has argued.

The legacy of old discriminatory laws

These explicitly discriminatory laws that impeded interracial relationships until 1967 have all been abolished.

The Fair Housing Act banned housing discrimination in 1968. School districts can no longer separate or exclude children based on race.

There are now federal laws and laws in every state that prohibit businesses open to the public from discrimination based on race or ethnicity.

Yet, these old laws left a legacy that still limits opportunities for interracial interactions online and offline.

Residential segregation persists as a result of decades of federal, state and local practices that excluded racial minorities from white neighborhoods.

Houses and apartments in predominately white neighborhoods remain out of reach for many people of color , as real estate prices have skyrocketed. Affordable housing is also concentrated in low-income and predominantly minority neighborhoods .

As a result of this residential segregation, many Black and Latino children attend what education scholars Gary Orfield and Danielle Jarvie refer to as “ apartheid schools ” in high-poverty neighborhoods with few white students.

The opportunities for meaningful interactions across race in the workplace – where some people meet their romantic partners – are also limited. Black Americans, for example, are disproportionately clustered in low-wage positions and sectors , making intimate relationships with the predominantly white managerial and professional staff unlikely.

A phone is blacked out except for a white rectangle and the word 'Tinder,' and is in front of many other phone screens with photos of different people.

Boundaries on dating apps

Online dating is now the most common way to meet a romantic partner , so you might assume that the lack of opportunities for meaningful interracial interactions at school, in the workplace and around the neighborhood do not matter. I believe that they do matter. By facilitating segregation, these defunct laws not only influence whom people meet offline but whom they are interested in meeting online.

The internet may not have geographical boundaries, but psychological boundaries follow us online.

When seeking a romantic partner, whether online or offline, people gravitate toward others who are similar and familiar to them – not people whom they have been taught to see as fundamentally different from their family, friends and neighbors.

Attraction is complicated, and race might always play a role in whom people choose to bring into their bedrooms and family. But I think that people should be concerned by the role that these discriminatory laws continue to play in their intimate lives, especially when it reproduces racial inequality.

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  • School segregation
  • Dating website
  • Anti-discrimination laws
  • immigration laws
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  • Dating profiles
  • immigration quotas
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The 7 most shocking claims from rolling stone’s exposé on sean “diddy” combs .

The piece details Diddy's alleged long-time history of abuse, narcissism, and sex/drug related indiscretions.

By Amber Corrine

Amber Corrine

Staff Writer, News

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Sean "Diddy" Combs

Two years ago, Sean “ Diddy ” Combs was honored with a standing ovation as he accepted the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2022 BET Awards. Just last year, he accepted the Global Icon Award at the 2023 MTV VMA’s, where his children stood beside their music mogul dad on stage.

Describing their father as “a little bit of strict, a little bit of fun,” ultimately D’Lila Star, Jessie James and Chance dubbed Diddy as “the best dad ever.” Christian Combs added that he’s watched his dad since he was young, and described himself as the businessman’s “biggest fan.”

Although the 54-year-old may have been a super hero to his children — for others, he’s been the immortal villain in their story for years.

Thanking God that night and a list of people who have contributed to his powerful and successful career — including Cassandra “Cassie” Ventura, whom he was just seen assaulting on video earlier this month — Diddy asserted: “Anything I do is through love. That’s what I evolved to be, and that’s what I’m doing right now.”

Even if his evolvement is real, that very moment at the BET Awards has become a taunting smirk at the very skeletons he’s kept buried for years at the cost of others’ pain. Now, those bones and more have been unearthed and put on display for the world to see. Cheyenne Roundtree and Nancy Dillon of Rolling Stone have now opened a few more windows in an exposé that includes alleged experiences of Diddy’s abusive, menacing behavior by former friends, employees, artists and more.

Of the very detailed piece, VIBE has pulled seven shocking claims that may or may not have been heard of before, and have definitely been amplified now.

Check them out below.

Diddy's Abuse Allegedly Dates Back To College

Sean Combs

Allegedly, Diddy ‘s violent and abusive behavior started long before he became who he is known to be today. Several women who attended Howard University with the super-producer shared with the outlet that they saw “signs of a controlling and abusive personality” decades ago. 

Per allegations, there were incidents involving unwanted touching and “fits of rage” on campus by Diddy and women he was interested in. One woman claimed that she “kept as far away as possible” from him after he “caressed her back without warning.” Another former student claimed that Combs “flew off the handle” after she called him out for cutting the cafeteria line.

Additionally, another former student alleged that Diddy would repeatedly harass a young lady by tapping on the window of her English class to get her to skip class. “She would tense up [when Combs appeared],” a former student, who sat next to the woman in class, told RS. “He just had a weird control thing. I felt like she was fearful.”

In another incident at HU, an anonymous woman told the outlet that she witnessed Combs outside of their dormitories screaming belligerently for his girlfriend to come outside. The source added that shortly after, Diddy who went by “Puff” at the time, was heard and seen attacking his then-girlfriend outside, literally “whooping” her with his belt.

“Puff is out here acting crazy. He’s beating her,” the fellow students recalled. “He screamed and hollered and acted a stone fool until she came downstairs,” said another HU student who witnessed the alleged attack. She claimed he appeared “super angry” and was “screaming at the top of his lungs.” And that he “whupped her butt — like really whupped her butt.”

Speaking to the terror written all over the victim’s face, the woman added, “She was trying to defend herself a little bit. She was crying. And we were telling him, ‘Get off of her.’ We were screaming for her.”

Sister Souljah Allegedly Warned Joi Dickerson-Neal About Diddy

Sister Souljah

In the exposé, it was revealed that Sister Souljah, author of the beloved novel The Coldest Winter Ever , warned alleged victim Joi Dickerson-Neal to stay away from Diddy . It’s noted that the New York Times bestseller declined to comment.

Dickerson-Neal told the outlet that she recalled getting a “warning” from Sister Souljah to keep her distance from Diddy, “given his infamous reputation.” The former video vixen sued Combs for sexual assault in 2023 for “revenge porn” and per  Rolling Stone , her decision to come forward “isn’t about money,” but to “make sure the world sees that this man who rose to the level of an ‘icon’ is actually sick and has left so many victims in [the wake of his] unpunished disgusting behavior for years.”

She detailed that her relationship with him began when she “reluctantly” agreed to go to dinner with the budding music mogul in 1991. She alleged that Diddy spiked her drink while they were out and later pressured her into smoking weed. She recalled feeling her legs become “rubbery” and being raped by Diddy, who she says also recorded the incident and paraded the video around.

Combs denied the allegations at the time, stating through his lawyers that “[This] 32-year-old story is made up and not credible. Mr. Combs never assaulted her.”

Diddy Allegedly Attacked A Woman In His Own Bad Boy Office

Sean "Diddy" Combs

Kirk Burrowes, Bad Boy’s co-founding partner and president, shared that he once saw Diddy attacking a woman inside his Bad Boy’s office in 1994. Allegedly, an ex-employee told  Rolling Stone  that she and Burrowes had to “tear Combs off a woman” after hearing screams and the sound of shattering glass. The alleged victim declined to comment to the outlet.

The first manager of Bad Boy’s recording studio, Felicia Newsome, added that she once had to restrain Diddy from “beating this girl’s a**” after a fight broke out between two women. “I’m holding him by his waist, saying, ‘You need to calm down. This is not your fight,’” she recalled.

Another former intern, April Lampros, made claims this month that Combs got violent with her in the past and even “forced her to her knees to perform oral sex.” She claims that he sexually assaulted her on four different occasions. According to  TMZ , Lampros claimed that in 1996, Diddy “ordered” her to his apartment, where she was introduced to Kim Porter .  She alleged Diddy drugged her and Porter, then forced them to have sex as he masturbated.

She is suing him for battery,  sexual assault , infliction of emotional distress and gender-motivated violence.

Diddy Slighted Biggie Smalls On A Posthumous 'Rolling Stone' Cover

Biggie Smalls, Diddy

Diddy has always been vocal about his love for The Notorious B.I.G, but according to sources, the “Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop” rapper slighted the late rapper from getting a posthumous Rolling Stone cover.

Burrowes claims that the magazine approached Bad Boy with the opportunity for Biggie’s legacy, but instead Diddy wanted the spot. “I was telling Sean, ‘Let’s make it Biggie. You still have a chance [for a cover in the future],’” Burrowes recalled, to which he says Diddy responded, “‘No, he’s dead. I’m putting out [Combs’ debut album,  No Way Out ] in July. I need to be on the cover of  Rolling Stone .’”

Combs ended up on the 1997 cover of the pub titled, Puff Daddy: The New King of Hip-Hop .

The exposé also touched on how many felt that Diddy capitalized off of Biggie’s death. In 1999, Diddy sort of backed those rumors as he told RS , “I think his passing added to the fame. At least 2 million [of the nearly 5 million copies of  No Way Out ] sold were due to [his death], straight up. And that doesn’t necessarily feel good, but that’s the reality.”

Diddy Allegedly Broke A Chair Over Late Music Exec's Head For Dating His Late Ex, Kim Porter

Kim Porter, Diddy

Another shocking allegation has come out that in 2000, Diddy attacked late music executive Shakir Stewart with a chair. Per sources, the late model and mother of his twins, Kim Porter, began dating Stewart, who Diddy had disdain for. During L.A. Reid’s wedding in Italy, the Bad Boy founder allegedly broke a chair over Stewart’s head.

“He left him bleeding on a hotel floor in Italy,” Stewart’s mother, Portia, stated. “He had to have stitches and then [Combs] threatened him … ‘I’m going to kill you’ … That’s when I said you need to get out of this business. This man is crazy.”

That wouldn’t be the first time Diddy sought vengeance over someone else dating a former girlfriend of his. When Cassie began dating Kid Cudi in 2011, Diddy allegedly told her that he would blow up the rapper’s car, which Cudi confirmed. In a statement to  The   New York Times  last year, the rapper said, “This is all true,” when asked of the incident.

Diddy's Former Private Chef Alleges He Requested A "Postcoital" Meal And Greeted Her Naked

Sean 'Diddy' Combs

Combs was sued for sexual harassment by his former personal chef, Cindy Rueda, according to the exposé that shared more details.

In 2015, Rueda worked for Combs and claimed that he “regularly” asked her to serve him meals while he engaged in “sexual activity.” She also said that the former Revolt CEO once requested a “postcoital meal” while greeting her naked and asking her if “she liked his naked body.”

According to the former staffer of his, she once was taken back to see Diddy engaging in sexual activity with model, Gina Huynh. She claims that upon the discovery, she “dropped” the food on a table and ran. Reportedly, Rueda’s lawsuit was arbitrated and settled privately.

Huynh, however, made claims in 2019 that Diddy physically abused her and offered her $50,000 to terminate a pregnancy. She alleged that the disgraced Hip-Hop icon once “shoved her to the ground and dragged her by her hair in 2018,” as well as “stomped” on her stomach.

Diddy Was Allegedly "Jealous" Of 2Pac And Biggie's Friendship

Biggie Smalls, Tupac Shakur

Burrowes shared that Diddy had a certain “jealousy” for Biggie’s friendship with 2Pac ahead of their rivalry. He alleged that Combs wanted a friendship with Pac, but the Death Row rapper wasn’t interested.

“Pac didn’t have any kind of respect for Puff,” added 90’s photographer Monqiue Bunn, who had personal relationships with Biggie and other Bad Boy artists. She also claimed that Pac felt that Diddy was a “corny executive” and that he was “on the sidelines, jealous.”

Burrowes also shared that Diddy encouraged Biggie “to write certain songs,” that felt “beefy.” Reportedly, Diddy had released Biggie’s single “Who Shot Ya?” in 1995, as it was clear that it would be viewed as a shot at Pac. Biggie was adamant that it wasn’t. 2Pac responded with “Hit ’Em Up,” pushing the narrative even further that there was beef between the East Coast and West Coast rappers.

Unfortunately, the “California Love” wordsmith was murdered at the young age of 25 in 1996 in a drive-by shooting in Las Vegas, with Crip member Duane Keith “Keffe D” Davis being charged for his murder decades later. Davis made claims that Diddy offered him $1,000,000 to kill Pac, which Diddy denied. Six months after Pac’s murder, Biggie was killed after attending a Soul Train Music Awards afterparty in Los Angeles.

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It Called Itself a Yoga School. Prosecutors Say It Was a Sex Cult.

The Buenos Aires Yoga School promised spiritual salvation, but former members and prosecutors say it pushed some female members into prostitution as it cultivated powerful friends.

A ten-story while building with balconies in the middle of a city block.

By Ana Lankes

Reporting from Buenos Aires

Juan Percowicz was an accountant with an unusual side hobby: teaching self-help classes around Buenos Aires with a heavy dose of ancient philosophy and New Age spiritualism. He was a hit and, with donations from his followers, he built an organization known as Buenos Aires Yoga School, or BAYS.

For more than 30 years, he ran the school, which promised spiritual salvation through lectures and self-help classes.

But now, Mr. Percowicz, 85, and more than a dozen BAYS members are facing criminal charges, accused of running a “sex cult,” not a yoga school, that coerced some of its female members into prostitution and laundered the profits in real estate.

Prosecutors say the organization exploited and drugged some of its female members, forcing them to sell their bodies and generating hundreds of thousands of dollars monthly from clients in Argentina and the United States. BAYS also ran an illicit clinic where some members were administered drugs to induce prolonged sleep, sometimes as a form of punishment, according to prosecutors.

“Cults exist here, but we’ve never seen one that operated at this level,” said Ricardo Juri, the investigator who oversaw police raids on BAYS properties in August 2022.

The accusations against BAYS shocked Argentina, yet for many people, they also felt eerily familiar.

In the 1990s, Mr. Percowicz and his school first gained notoriety after an Argentine family accused the organization of brainwashing their daughter. During the investigation, some former members talked of being forced to work as “slaves” and said the school promoted prostitution.

But that original case stalled in the courts. Argentina did not yet have laws on human trafficking or money laundering, according to investigators. The country’s justice system was still being overhauled after the end of the military dictatorship more than a decade earlier in which tens of thousands of people were killed.

A 1999 State Department report said Argentina’s judiciary was “hampered by inordinate delays, procedural logjams, changes of judges, inadequate administrative support and incompetence.”

There also remained a lingering distrust of government and the judicial system — and defenders of BAYS tapped into that, including Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, an Argentine Nobel Peace Prize winner, and the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, whose children had been “disappeared” by the authoritarian regime. They accused the Argentine judiciary of corruption and human rights violations connected to the case.

Eventually, the case against BAYS was dropped.

Now, with updated laws, prosecutors are again targeting Mr. Percowicz and his followers in a new investigation examining BAYS operations dating back to 2004.

“The people are the same, the decisions are the same, the activities are similar, but there are two very important laws now with big penalties that prohibit the core activities these people were doing,” said Ariel Lijo, a judge who oversaw the initial stages of the case. Mr. Lijo was nominated for Argentina’s Supreme Court in March by President Javier Milei.

In the 2022 raids on BAYS, investigators said they found more than $1 million in cash , five bars of gold, stashes of pornographic films, checkbooks from American banks and dossiers on wealthy individuals, including some who live in the United States. American authorities have cooperated in the investigation, according to Argentine investigators.

The U.S. Justice Department declined to comment.

Prosecutors say that the seven women named as victims were brought to BAYS by their parents when they were minors, or that they joined as young women and were eventually forced into prostitution. But the women in the case have denied ever having sex in exchange for money, or being victims of any crime.

Defense lawyers for Mr. Percowicz and current members of BAYS have denied all charges, arguing that no one in the organization was exploited. Instead, they say that the accusers — whose identities are protected in the case — want revenge on the organization for personal reasons.

“This is a case of human trafficking without victims of trafficking,” said Jorge Daniel Pirozzo, a lawyer who represents Mr. Percowicz and five other BAYS members. “It hasn’t been proven that anybody has been sexually exploited.”

Mr. Percowicz and BAYS members declined interview requests.

While prostitution in Argentina is not illegal, promoting or economically exploiting the practice of prostitution using deception, abuse or intimidation is. The prosecutors say they intend to show that the victims do not recognize themselves as such because Mr. Percowicz and his allies psychologically manipulated the women over years.

As both sides prepare their arguments, the organization continues to have prominent allies, including in the United States.

In October 2022, the Rev. Jesse L. Jackson Sr. sent an email to Mr. Lijo, the judge, which was reviewed by The New York Times. The message said that BAYS members were “victims of brutal and egregious human rights violations by elements of the Argentine legal system.” It was unclear why Mr. Jackson, 82, sent the email.

He did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

‘They Raised His Self-Esteem’

Caterina Sanfelice was a hairstylist in her forties when a friend first invited her to a BAYS lecture around 1993. “It was like going to a fancy café with an orator,” she said.

Mr. Percowicz spoke of finding inner strength, she recalls, hooking people with promises of answers in the next session. Ms. Sanfelice said she started going to the talks at least once a week with her family.

Eventually, she said, it became clear something was off. Ms. Sanfelice said Mr. Percowicz told her that “he felt like God.” His closest followers started calling him “angel” or “master.” Then, at a BAYS party, Ms. Sanfelice said two women propositioned her husband while other members undressed to prepare for an orgy. She ran out of the building.

When Ms. Sanfelice told her husband she did not want to go back, she said, he replied that the school saw in him what she did not see: a great architect.

“They raised his self-esteem,” she said. “That’s when he started to feel important. And I became the witch.”

Ms. Sanfelice said her husband, who could not be reached for comment, left her in 1993 and stayed involved with BAYS. She said she was exasperated and felt like no one believed her.

Then came some validation: the first criminal case against BAYS, which captured international attention.

At the center of it was Maria Valeria Llamas, who was 20 and jobless when a family friend offered to take her to a BAYS lecture in 1990.

“At first we saw it as something positive,” said Martín Sommariva, Ms. Llamas’s half brother. “We went from a Valeria who didn’t go out, who was stuck in her room the whole time, to this Valeria who got on the bus and had an interest in something.”

But over the next few years, the yoga school consumed her life, her family said. Ms. Llamas broke up with her boyfriend and lost touch with friends. She stopped going to family outings. She began working at a pharmacy run by BAYS members.

Soon after, her mother said, she found out Ms. Llamas had been pressured by the school to have an illegal abortion. When her family questioned her, Ms. Llamas replied that Mr. Percowicz was “an immortal angel.”

The next day, two BAYS members showed up at the house, escorted by police officers, according to the family and court records from the case. They said they were suing the parents for “unlawful deprivation of liberty.” The police moved Ms. Llamas’s belongings into an apartment owned by BAYS, her family said. Ms. Llamas later accused her stepfather of sexually assaulting her, court records show.

“Suddenly the world came crashing down on us,” recalled her mother, Elena. “We thought: What are we going to do now?”

No rape charges were ever filed against the family members. Ms. Llamas did not respond to requests for comment.

The family filed a criminal complaint in 1993, accusing the school of being a cult that had brainwashed their daughter.

The accusation ended up in the docket of Mariano Bergés, a young judge starting his career. Under Argentina’s judiciary system at the time, judges could both investigate cases and oversee the court proceedings. As part of the investigation, Mr. Bergés said in an interview, he authorized a raid of the headquarters and some of BAYS’s other properties.

He said the raids found boxes of letters that showed members paying Mr. Percowicz for a higher spiritual ranking in the organization. This was not illegal, but, combined with the testimony of former members, it led investigators to believe there was illegal activity underway. Mr. Bergés then ordered wiretaps on Mr. Percowicz and his top deputies, which Mr. Bergés said indicated a scheme to steal the assets of a deceased BAYS member.

In depositions reviewed by The Times, several former BAYS members later said that Mr. Percowicz and his inner circle forced younger followers to be “slaves” to higher ranking members, making them carry out tasks like housework without pay. Former members also said that the organization promoted prostitution, the depositions show, though none said they had been prostituted themselves.

But without human trafficking or money laundering laws in Argentina, Mr. Bergés said, he had to build a case around fraud, promotion of prostitution and a flimsy charge known as “corruption of adults.”

In late 1995, Mr. Bergés withdrew from the case after being threatened with impeachment by Argentina’s Congress. In an interview, he said the Congress and Supreme Court, as well as human-rights groups, pressured him to step down, saying that his investigation tactics, like the wiretapping and raids, violated the suspects’ civil rights. He denies the accusations.

Outside his house, he said, “The walls were plastered with posters and things against me.”

By the mid-1990s, BAYS had opened wellness companies and a foundation in Chicago, Las Vegas and New York. It had gained a reputation as an education center for philosophy and wellness whose members included scholars, professionals and musicians.

BAYS had also cultivated supporters in the U.S. Congress, though it is unclear how the lawmakers first became aware of the organization or whether any of them had any real knowledge or connections to the group.

In Argentina, the criminal case against the organization continued to drag through the courts. More than 50 congressional members sent letters to the country’s government demanding the investigation be closed, according to the House record. (There is no evidence that any U.S. politicians were members of BAYS or investigated by Argentine officials.)

Edolphus Towns, a congressman representing part of Brooklyn, said in House testimony that BAYS members were being harassed by Argentine judicial officials, had been unlawfully imprisoned and subject to antisemitism. Mr. Percowicz and some of his top deputies are Jewish.

Mr. Towns, 89, retired in 2013 and did not respond to requests for comment.

Robert A. Underwood, a former congressman from Guam who signed a letter sent to President Bill Clinton calling for him to intervene, said in an interview that such missives were common. “Nobody really puts a lot of thought into it because you are signing letters all the time,” he said.

Mr. Clinton, in his final year in office, responded to members of Congress in September 1999 and said that U.S. Embassy officials in Buenos Aires had “recently reiterated to senior Argentine officials the importance of resolving this case as quickly as possible,” according to a letter provided to The Times by the Clinton Presidential Library.

The White House’s written response to Congress “reflects the extent of President Clinton’s involvement in this,” said Angel Ureña, a spokesman for Mr. Clinton.

In Argentina, the criminal case against BAYS was eventually closed in the early 2000s with no convictions.

Trying to Make a Billion Dollars

Over the next 20 years, BAYS flourished, with little attention from Argentine authorities. During this period, Mr. Percowicz made clear he was in the business of making money.

“If what we wanted to do here was write a book about the life of Jesus, we wouldn’t be thinking about anything other than the life of Jesus,” Mr. Percowicz told his followers in 2006 in a video obtained by investigators. “But what we are trying to do here is make a billion dollars, one billion dollars, goddamn it!”

Then, in 2021, BAYS ran into new trouble.

Argentina’s federal public prosecutor’s office for trafficking and the exploitation of people opened an investigation into the organization.

Investigators tapped the phones of Mr. Percowicz and some of his allies, capturing conversations that, according to prosecutors, show the work of managing a prostitution operation.

Transcripts filed in court show that in one call, Mr. Percowicz goes over the logistics of arranging what investigators say was a sexual encounter. In a separate recording, a BAYS manager tells Mr. Percowicz that a woman is bringing in only $6,000 a month, which is not enough money, suggesting she needs to bring in more for the organization.

The wiretaps also recorded conversations with a man whom prosecutors say is Plácido Domingo, one of the world’s most famous opera singers, who has faced numerous accusations of sexual harassment in recent years. In one call, he speaks to a woman who prosecutors say was a senior member of BAYS to discuss how she could get to his Buenos Aires hotel room without being noticed.

Argentine prosecutors have not brought charges against Mr. Domingo in connection to the BAYS case.

A spokesperson for Mr. Domingo said in a statement that the opera singer had not been charged “and he is completely unrelated to the investigation.”

Prosecutors said that the majority of BAYS’s income came from sex-trafficking activities, and was then laundered into real estate in Argentina and the United States, and they estimated BAYS’s total assets at nearly $50 million as of December 2020.

Prosecutors say they are confident that the evidence and new laws will enable them to bring Mr. Percowicz and other defendants to justice. The case is currently working its way through the courts. No trial date has been set yet.

For Pablo Salum, whose mother first brought him to BAYS when he was only 8, justice is already too late. He left the organization when he was 12 and has become estranged from his mother and sister, who remain BAYS members.

“This could have ended 20 years ago,” he said. “Everything that is happening now would not have had to happen. And I may even have recovered my family.”

Glenn Thrush contributed reporting from Washington.

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French Open Men's Semifinal 2024: How to Watch, Stream Alcaraz vs. Sinner From Anywhere

The highest-ranked players remaining in the tournament's face off for a place in the final.

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The two main contenders to lift the coveted Coupe des Mousquetaires are set to battle it out on Friday as Carlos Alcaraz and Jannik Sinner face off in this French Open Men's semifinal. 

With defending champ Novak Djokovic's withdrawal through injury on Wednesday, the path looks clear for this much-anticipated clash between Wimbledon winner Alcaraz and Australian Open champion Sinner. 

Despite question marks over their fitness coming into this tournament, both players have dropped just a single set each on their way to this stage. Alcarez will draw encouragement from winning the most recent encounter between the two at Indian Wells back in March, a result which brought the pair level at 4-4 in their head-to-heads. 

Below, we'll outline the best  live TV streaming services  to use to watch the French Open 2024 live wherever you are in the world.

Tennis player Carlos Alcaraz at full stretch to reach the ball, playing on a clay court.

Carlos Alcaraz saw off the challenge of Greek star Stefanos Tsitsipas with a straight sets win in the quarterfinals to set up this tie.

Carlos Alcaraz vs. Jannik Sinner: When and where?

This semifinal clash between Carlos Alcaraz and Jannik Sinner takes place on Court Philippe Chatrier at Stade Roland Garros in Paris on  Friday, June 7 . The game is set to get underway no earlier than  2:30 p.m. CET local time  in France, making it a  8:30 a.m. ET or 5:30 a.m. PT start in the US and Canada , and a 1:30 p.m. BST start in the UK . For tennis fans in Australia, the match is set to get underway at 10:30 p.m. AEST .

How to watch or stream Carlos Alcaraz vs. Jannik Sinner in the US

The French Open is being shown live on NBC, Tennis Channel and Peacock. If you don't have a cable or satellite TV subscription, you can watch the matches on NBC and Tennis Channel with a live TV  streaming service . For the big matches at the end of the tournament on NBC, however, you will need to make sure you can get a live feed of NBC in your area. In some markets, you can watch on-demand but not live content from NBC and the other local networks.

If you live in an area with good reception, you can watch matches on NBC for free just by attaching an  affordable (under $30) indoor antenna  to nearly any TV. 

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Live afternoon coverage for $6 a month

Peacock offers two Premium plans: The ad-supported Premium plan costs $6 a month, and the ad-free Premium plan costs $12 a month. You can watch the French Open live with either plan. 

Peacock will have live afternoon coverage most days of the tournament and will show the big matches live at the end of the tournament, including the men's and women's semifinals and finals.

Read our Peacock review .

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Carries NBC and Tennis Channel for $51 a month

NBC is included in Sling TV's $40-a-month Blue package, and you can also add the Tennis Channel for an extra $11 a month. Enter your address  here  to see which local channels are available where you live.

Read our Sling TV review .

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Carries NBC and Tennis Channel for $84 a month

YouTube TV costs $73 a month and includes NBC. You can add Tennis Channel as part of the $11-a-month Sports Plus add-on package. Plug in your ZIP code on its  welcome page  to see which local networks are available in your area. 

Read our YouTube TV review .

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Hulu Plus Live TV

Carries nbc and tennis channel for $87 a month.

Hulu Plus Live TV costs $77 a month and includes NBC. You can add Tennis Channel for an extra $10 a month. Click the "View channels in your area" link on its  welcome page to see which local channels are offered in your ZIP code.

Read our Hulu with Live TV review .

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DirecTV Stream

Carries nbc and tennis channel for $95 a month.

DirecTV Stream's basic $80-a-month package includes NBC, but you'll need the $15-a-month sports package if you also want Tennis Channel. You can use its  channel lookup tool  to see which local channels are available where you live.

Read our DirecTV Stream review .

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Carries NBC and Tennis Channel for $103/$106 a month

Fubo's basic $80-a-month Pro package includes NBC, but Fubo charges an RSN fee (either $12 a month if you get one RSN or $15 a month if you have two or more in your area) that raises the monthly charge to $92 or $95. Adding Tennis Channel costs an additional $11 a month.  Click here to see which local channels you get.

Read our Fubo review .

How to watch the French Open from anywhere with a VPN

If you cannot view the tournament locally, you may need a different way to watch -- that's where using a VPN can come in handy. A VPN is also the best way to stop your ISP from throttling your speeds on game day by encrypting your traffic, and it's also a great idea if you're traveling and find yourself connected to a Wi-Fi network, and you want to add an extra layer of privacy for your devices and logins.

With a VPN, you're able to virtually change your location on your phone, tablet or laptop to get access to the game. So if your internet provider or mobile carrier has stuck you with an IP address that incorrectly shows your location in a blackout zone, a VPN can correct that problem by giving you an IP address in your correct, nonblackout area. Most VPNs, like our  Editors' Choice, ExpressVPN , make it really easy to do this.

Using a VPN to watch or stream sports is legal in any country where VPNs are legal, including the US, UK and Canada, as long as you have a legitimate subscription to the service you're streaming. You should be sure your VPN is set up correctly to prevent leaks: Even where VPNs are legal, the streaming service may terminate the account of anyone it deems to be circumventing correctly applied blackout restrictions.

Looking for other options? Be sure to check out some of the other great  VPN deals  taking place right now.

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Best VPN for streaming

ExpressVPN is our current best VPN pick for people who want a reliable and safe VPN, and it works on a variety of devices. It's normally $13 a month, and you can sign up for ExpressVPN and save 49% plus get three months of access for free -- the equivalent of $6.67 a month -- if you get an annual subscription.

Note that ExpressVPN offers a 30-day money-back guarantee.

How to watch or stream Carlos Alcaraz vs. Jannik Sinner in the UK

Tennis fans in the UK will need to subscribe to Eurosport or the streaming service Discovery Plus to watch the French Open.

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Discovery Plus

Carries the french open in the uk.

A subscription to Discovery Plus in the UK costs £7 a month or £60 for the year.

The service is available on a wide array of devices, and also includes access to all Eurosport TV channels. 

How to watch or stream Carlos Alcaraz vs. Jannik Sinner in Canada

Canadian tennis fans can watch the tournament via streaming service TSN Plus. Existing TSN cable subscribers can watch at no extra charge using the details of their TV provider.

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Carries French Open tennis

TSN Plus is a direct-streaming service that costs CA$8 a month and offers coverage of PGA Tour Live golf, NFL games, F1, Nascar and the four Grand Slam tennis tournaments.

How to watch or stream Carlos Alcaraz vs. Jannik Sinner in Australia

Good news for sports fans Down Under: They can watch the French Open without paying a cent, thanks to free-to-air channel 9Gem. That also means you'll be able to watch the tournament live online via its streaming service 9Now . 

Aussies also have a second option for streaming the action from Roland Garros via pay TV sports network Stan Sport, which is livestreaming every match on every court without ads. A Stan Sport subscription costs AU$15 a month on top of a AU$12 Stan subscription.

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Carries French Open Tennis

9Now has apps for most smart devices. In addition to offering a wide range of sports, the service carries Love Island UK .

Quick tips for streaming the French Open using a VPN 

  • With four variables at play -- your ISP, browser, video streaming provider and VPN -- your experience and success when streaming the tournament may vary.
  • If you don't see your desired location as a default option for ExpressVPN, try using the "search for city or country" option.
  • If you're having trouble getting the game after you've turned on your VPN and set it to the correct viewing area, there are two things you can try for a quick fix. First, log into your streaming service subscription account and make sure the address registered for the account is an address in the correct viewing area. If not, you may need to change the physical address on file with your account. Second, some smart TVs -- like Roku -- don't have VPN apps you can install directly on the device itself. Instead, you'll have to install the VPN on your router or the mobile hotspot you're using (like your phone) so that any device on its Wi-Fi network now appears in the correct viewing location.
  • All of the VPN providers we recommend have helpful instructions on their main site for quickly installing the VPN on your router. In some cases with smart TV services, after you install a cable network's sports app, you'll be asked to verify a numeric code or click a link sent to your email address on file for your smart TV. This is where having a VPN on your router will also help, since both devices will appear to be in the correct location. 
  • And remember, browsers can often give away a location despite using a VPN, so be sure you're using a privacy-first browser to log into your services. We normally recommend  Brave .

Services and Software Guides

  • Best iPhone VPN
  • Best Free VPN
  • Best Android VPN
  • Best Mac VPN
  • Best Mobile VPN
  • Best VPN for Firestick
  • Best VPN for Windows
  • Fastest VPN
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    It lets potential dates know who you really are, what you like, and whether they want to get to know you better. Dating someone based solely on their profile pic is out, and authentic bios are absolutely in. Examples of creative "about me" sections can help you craft your own and bring you one step closer to finding your ideal match.

  3. 29 Dating Profile Examples

    Dating Profile Headline Examples. Again, if you want to find the easiest way to write a perfect dating profile headline, check out our complete guide on how to write an online dating profile (it's free), where we have a formula for knocking the headline out of the park!. The only goal of your dating profile headline is to get enough interest for the man or woman to click on your profile to ...

  4. How to Write the Perfect Dating Profile (With Examples)

    Don't Use Big Words. Your dating profile is not the spot to try and show off your big vocabulary or worse, try and use words you don't know how to use just to try and sound smart. Write conversationally and it will read better to your potential matches. 6. Never Lie, Embellish, or Exaggerate.

  5. How To Write A Dating Profile Bio: Examples And Words To Avoid

    Single and ready to (digitally) mingle? We're here with some tips to help you put your best foot forward as you craft your dating profile bio.

  6. 10 Great Dating Profile Examples [Templates Men Can Copy!]

    This example shows the 70:30 rule in action, and it has a solid framework you can follow to get awesome results: The profile text in the above example is written for a site like, where longer profiles are the norm. For online dating sites, a good rule of thumb is keep the length of your profile down to about 300 words or less.

  7. How to Write an Online Dating Profile

    So, pick the most important qualities you're looking for and be more specific about those instead of creating an exhaustive list. For example, "Volunteering for my local Humane Society is my true passion, and I'd love to find someone who cares about animals, too.". 4. Include Words Like Surfing or Yoga.

  8. 60 Memorable Dating Profile Bio Examples (Female)

    5. Keeping It Concise. When you write your dating profile bio, it's important to be brief. With many profiles to sift through, focus on what makes you unique without overwhelming potential dates. Highlight key aspects of yourself like character, interests, what makes you laugh, and what you seek in a date.

  9. Writing a Dating Profile: 13 Tips From Dating Experts

    13 tips for creating a dating profile that'll help you get off the dating apps. 1. Tailor your profile to the app. There's a dating app for pretty much everyone's preference and dating style ...

  10. How to Write an Outstanding Dating Profile: Tips & Examples

    Be as specific and descriptive as possible; and paint a picture of your personality instead of just telling people your traits. For example you could write, "My best friend says I have a silly and quirky sense of humor. I laugh a lot, and I'm most myself and relaxed when playing "Apples to Apples."

  11. How To Write A Dating Profile That Gets Matches: 31 Top Tips!

    Either of these things will make you lose matches. So, make sure to include at least four to six pictures in your profile. Don't put less than three pictures, and make sure that they are all different. You don't need three selfies in a row. 2. Choose photos that showcase your personality.

  12. Best Short Dating Profile Examples [That Work On Any App!]

    Super Short Dating Profile Examples. On some apps like The League, your dating profile bio has a 190-character limit.That means you've got a couple sentences max to make a good impression, which is crucial if you want a shot at meeting a potential match in person. "The Great Catch" Example: Frequent flyer. Finance exec.

  13. What to Write for a Dating Profile

    Write a paragraph about what you are looking for in a partner. Be sure to include some information about the type of person you are hoping to meet in your profile. Here you will want to focus on values or character more than characteristics. For example, rather than specifying that potential dates must have a master's degree or higher, think ...

  14. 8 Online Dating Profile Examples for Seniors (From Text to Photos)

    To help, we've come up with eight online dating profile tips (with examples) for mature daters in need of guidance. 1. Keep Your Bio Short & Leave a Little Mystery. I know it's tempting to give your whole life story on your dating profile. You want everyone to understand who you are and where you come from — but you need to rein it in.

  15. How To Write A Match Profile That Will Get You More Dates!

    The ideal length for this section is between 225-275 words. Of that, 70% should be about you, 30% should describe your ideal partner. Research has shown that ratio hits the maximum attraction sweet spot. Bonus "Hack" for Make small changes to your text and profile picture lineup every now and again.

  16. Examples of How to Introduce Yourself on Online Dating Sites & Apps

    From Friday Night Lights: "Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose." The classic alien line from sci-fi movies: "I come in peace." Use a play on the iconic Stranger Things character: "On a scale from 1 to 10 you're definitely Eleven." From the Barbie movie: "Hi Barbie!"

  17. Top 7 Dating Profile Headlines to Catch the Eyes

    Well, when eharmony U.K. analyzed over 12,000 profiles in 2014, they discovered that female profiles that included the words "sweet, ambitious and thoughtful," saw between 20 to 45 percent more approaches 1. For men, the three most attractive words you can use to describe yourself are: physically fit, ambitious, and perceptive.

  18. 47 Christian Dating Profile and Headline Examples

    Christian Dating Profile Examples. Example #1. I am a single mom of a 10-year-old boy. I work full-time as a nurse, but I still find time to volunteer at my church and help out with my kid's activities. I am looking for someone who is responsible, intelligent, and has a strong faith in god. Example #2.

  19. 5 Steps to Write a Perfect Older Adult Dating Profile

    1 5 Steps to Write the Perfect Older Adult Dating Profile. 1.1 #1 Be Honest (With Yourself) 1.2 #2 Share Your Story. 1.3 #3 Put Your Best Face Forward. 1.4 #4 Keep it Positive. 1.5 #5 Focus on What You Truly Want. 2 Mature Online Dating Profile Examples. 3 Get Ready for Online Dating.

  20. How To Write a Good Personal Statement (With Examples)

    Include information that describes more about you than the details in your transcript. 5. Identify your plans for the future. Part of your personal statement can include future goals and ambitions. Explain what can happen if you gain acceptance to the university of your choice or you receive the job you want.

  21. How to Write Your Personal Statement

    Strategy 1: Open with a concrete scene. An effective way to catch the reader's attention is to set up a scene that illustrates something about your character and interests. If you're stuck, try thinking about: A personal experience that changed your perspective. A story from your family's history.

  22. Online dating is personal

    Online dating is now the most common way to meet a romantic partner, so you might assume that the lack of opportunities for meaningful interracial interactions at school, in the workplace and ...

  23. Laws meant to keep different races apart still influence dating

    While people may think that whom they find desirable is a personal preference, ... friends and society in general and dating sites ... Write an article and join a growing community of more than ...

  24. 11 Online Dating First Message Examples That Get Responses

    Message Example #6: ( Note: A long message like this example is a better fit for dating sites like Match, OkCupid or POF. You're going to want to keep your messages quite a bit shorter on apps like Tinder and Bumble .) Notice how it starts off with a light compliment.

  25. The Most Shocking Claims From Rolling Stone's Diddy Exposé

    Per sources, the late model and mother of his twins, Kim Porter, began dating Stewart, who Diddy had disdain for. During L.A. Reid's wedding in Italy, the Bad Boy founder allegedly broke a chair ...

  26. Welcome to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

    Mission. The Purdue On-Campus Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement. The Purdue Writing Lab serves the Purdue, West Lafayette, campus and coordinates with local literacy initiatives.

  27. 31 Best Self-Help Books That Will Inspire You to Make a Change

    via merchant. 11. Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth. You've probably heard the saying that genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. In the 2016 ...

  28. It Called Itself a Yoga School. Prosecutors Say It Was a Sex Cult

    June 8, 2024, 5:00 a.m. ET. Leer en español. Juan Percowicz was an accountant with an unusual side hobby: teaching self-help classes around Buenos Aires with a heavy dose of ancient philosophy ...

  29. Adobe Creative Cloud for students and teachers

    Try Creative Cloud today. After your free trial, your Adobe Creative Cloud membership is only. US$19.99/mo US$59.99/mo . See terms. Buy now. Free trial. Purchase by phone: 800-585-0774. Students and teachers are eligible for over 60% discount on Adobe Creative Cloud. Get access to Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro and more.

  30. French Open Men's Semifinal 2024: How to Watch, Stream Alcaraz vs

    The game is set to get underway no earlier than 2:30 p.m. CET local time in France, making it a 8:30 a.m. ET or 5:30 a.m. PT start in the US and Canada, and a 1:30 p.m. BST start in the UK. For ...