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business ethic topic essay

80 Outstanding Business Ethics Research Paper Topics

Business Ethics Research Paper Topics

A business ethics research paper has to be engaging and a solution to a particular economic challenge. We have a compilation of the best business ethics topics to help you achieve this task. Read on.

Social Media Business Ethics Paper Topics

Writing a research paper for a high grade is not an easy task for every student. Check social media business ethics topics to get some inspiration.  

  • Is monitoring employee’s online behavior by companies ethical?
  • Should a company fire an employee if they find their information on social media detrimental to its image?
  • What is the role of social media in achieving responsible business
  • The impact of CSR initiatives on Facebook and Twitter
  • How do new product introductions perform on social media?
  • How do enterprises manage negative responses on Facebook?
  • How to increase positive responses without eroding business ethics
  • Is the notion of ‘controversial fit’ on social media ethical?

Business Ethics Research Topics on Privacy

  • Installation of surveillance cameras to supervise employees
  • To what extent can bosses watch over the actions of their staff?
  • Is intercepting and reading E-mail messages in an office ethical?
  • What ethical problem does the merging of databases containing personal information pose?
  • The emergence of hackers and crackers and the threat to privacy
  • Software for decoding digital information
  • Who decides the personal or private information to gather?
  • Do businesses adhere to the confidentiality of information policy?

Health and Safety Business Ethics Paper Topics

  • How does organizational ethical climate affect personal safety ethics?
  • The conflict between personal safety ethics and professional safety ethics
  • Is the office ergonomics a pressing concern?
  • The role of the Occupational Safety and Health Act
  • Facility design consistent with health and safety regulations
  • Hazard identification and correction by companies
  • Who is responsible for shutting down dangerous activities
  • Provision of medical surveillance in workplaces

List of Business Ethics Topics on Environmental Damage

  • Are businesses using energy-efficient lighting?
  • Proper thermostat control of heating and cooling systems
  • Do companies have computer equipment operating efficiently?
  • Use of wind power and solar panels by industries
  • Reducing the business’s environmental impact and carbon footprint.
  • Replacing plastic packaging with biodegradable materials
  • Examining the effects of the business practices on other species
  • Dealing with activities that involve clearing land and destroying animals’ habitats

Ethical Research Paper Topics on Internal Relationships

  • Job satisfaction and dedication levels of employees
  • Impact of bullying and discrimination on workers
  • Productivity levels fall of employees when companies do not care about them
  • How to sustain a healthy atmosphere among employees
  • Unfair treatment due to race, religion or gender
  • How effective is the anti-discrimination law?
  • Bias among employees
  • Eliminating unethical behaviors within an organization

Ethics Research Paper Topics on Business Leadership

  • What is the mark of an ethical leader?
  • Objectivity and transparency as leadership traits
  • Leaders with strong, virtuous values those with weak values
  • Maintaining your temper as a leader
  • Dealing with anger in business as a leader
  • Can leadership prevail in the use of strength and violence?
  • How a leader’s moral stance determines his ethics
  • Are women better business leaders than men?

Interesting Business Ethics Topics on Social Responsibility

  • Making ethical decision making in big corporations.
  • Understanding the concept of corporate responsibility.
  • An inspiration for social responsibility in the workplace
  • Investing in corporate social responsibility
  • How CSR trends are evolving over time
  • Striking a balance between profit and social responsibility
  • Achieving competitive advantage and CSR
  • How learning can contribute to CSR

Business Ethics Paper Topic Idea in Sports

  • Encouraging character development through sports
  • How unethical behavior affects ones moral and ethical standards outside the pitch
  • Are sports competitions alienated from real life?
  • How games serve as a primary outlet of our ethics
  • Is faking a foul or injury ethical?
  • How athletes attempt to get a head start in a race
  • Using performance-enhancing drugs
  • Intimidating or taunting opponents

Advertising Ethical Issues Topics for Papers

  • Should children appear in adverts?
  • Is it right for half-naked ladies to appear in adverts?
  • Is exaggerating ads ethical?
  • Talking about the side effects of products in ads
  • Alcohol ads on TV
  • Cigarettes and tobacco
  • Fooling customers through practical things
  • Ethics of advertising a sanitary napkin

Bonus Ethics Paper Topics

  • The roots of business ethics in psychology.
  • The relationship between business success and personal integrity
  • The place of moral leadership in a company
  • How to make the right decisions every day at work
  • Implications of leadership malfunctions and ethical failures
  • How far can an ethical mishap take a company?
  • Who should be the moral police in a corporate organization?
  • What are the kinds of ethical dilemmas that people face at work every day?

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After going through the comprehensive list of topics concerning papers on business ethics, nothing can stop you now. All you need to do is to select one and get going. Nonetheless, if you still find it difficult, we have guru writing help on how to write business ethics research papers and much more! Give your assignment a professional feel by using our top-rated assistance now! The process is as easy as pie. Just c ontact us with a “ do my custom research paper now” request and get an A+. Why try to work on a paper and risk failing when an expert is only a click away! 

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What Are Business Ethics & Why Are They Important?

Business professional pressing a graphic that reads "Business Ethics" and is surrounded by icons

  • 27 Jul 2023

From artificial intelligence to facial recognition technology, organizations face an increasing number of ethical dilemmas. While innovation can aid business growth, it can also create opportunities for potential abuse.

“The long-term impacts of a new technology—both positive and negative—may not become apparent until years after it’s introduced,” says Harvard Business School Professor Nien-hê Hsieh in the online course Leadership, Ethics, and Corporate Accountability . “For example, the impact of social media on children and teenagers didn’t become evident until we watched it play out over time.”

If you’re a current or prospective leader concerned about navigating difficult situations, here's an overview of business ethics, why they're important, and how to ensure ethical behavior in your organization.

Access your free e-book today.

What Are Business Ethics?

Business ethics are principles that guide decision-making . As a leader, you’ll face many challenges in the workplace because of different interpretations of what's ethical. Situations often require navigating the “gray area,” where it’s unclear what’s right and wrong.

When making decisions, your experiences, opinions, and perspectives can influence what you believe to be ethical, making it vital to:

  • Be transparent.
  • Invite feedback.
  • Consider impacts on employees, stakeholders, and society.
  • Reflect on past experiences to learn what you could have done better.

“The way to think about ethics, in my view, is: What are the externalities that your business creates, both positive and negative?” says Harvard Business School Professor Vikram Gandhi in Leadership, Ethics, and Corporate Accountability . “And, therefore, how do you actually increase the positive element of externalities? And how do you decrease the negative?”

Related: Why Managers Should Involve Their Team in the Decision-Making Process

Ethical Responsibilities to Society

Promoting ethical conduct can benefit both your company and society long term.

“I'm a strong believer that a long-term focus is what creates long-term value,” Gandhi says in Leadership, Ethics, and Corporate Accountability . “So you should get shareholders in your company that have that same perspective.”

Prioritizing the triple bottom line is an effective way for your business to fulfill its environmental responsibilities and create long-term value. It focuses on three factors:

  • Profit: The financial return your company generates for shareholders
  • People: How your company affects customers, employees, and stakeholders
  • Planet: Your company’s impact on the planet and environment

Check out the video below to learn more about the triple bottom line, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more explainer content!

Ethical and corporate social responsibility (CSR) considerations can go a long way toward creating value, especially since an increasing number of customers, employees, and investors expect organizations to prioritize CSR. According to the Conscious Consumer Spending Index , 67 percent of customers prefer buying from socially responsible companies.

To prevent costly employee turnover and satisfy customers, strive to fulfill your ethical responsibilities to society.

Ethical Responsibilities to Customers

As a leader, you must ensure you don’t mislead your customers. Doing so can backfire, negatively impacting your organization’s credibility and profits.

Actions to avoid include:

  • Greenwashing : Taking advantage of customers’ CSR preferences by claiming your business practices are sustainable when they aren't.
  • False advertising : Making unverified or untrue claims in advertisements or promotional material.
  • Making false promises : Lying to make a sale.

These unethical practices can result in multi-million dollar lawsuits, as well as highly dissatisfied customers.

Ethical Responsibilities to Employees

You also have ethical responsibilities to your employees—from the beginning to the end of their employment.

One area of business ethics that receives a lot of attention is employee termination. According to Leadership, Ethics, and Corporate Accountability , letting an employee go requires an individualized approach that ensures fairness.

Not only can wrongful termination cost your company upwards of $100,000 in legal expenses , it can also negatively impact other employees’ morale and how they perceive your leadership.

Ethical business practices have additional benefits, such as attracting and retaining talented employees willing to take a pay cut to work for a socially responsible company. Approximately 40 percent of millennials say they would switch jobs to work for a company that emphasizes sustainability.

Ultimately, it's critical to do your best to treat employees fairly.

“Fairness is not only an ethical response to power asymmetries in the work environment,” Hsieh says in the course. “Fairness—and having a successful organizational culture–can benefit the organization economically and legally.”

Leadership, Ethics, and Corporate Accountability | Develop a toolkit for making tough leadership decisions| Learn More

Why Are Business Ethics Important?

Failure to understand and apply business ethics can result in moral disengagement .

“Moral disengagement refers to ways in which we convince ourselves that what we’re doing is not wrong,” Hsieh says in Leadership, Ethics, and Corporate Accountability . “It can upset the balance of judgment—causing us to prioritize our personal commitments over shared beliefs, rules, and principles—or it can skew our logic to make unethical behaviors appear less harmful or not wrong.”

Moral disengagement can also lead to questionable decisions, such as insider trading .

“In the U.S., insider trading is defined in common, federal, and state laws regulating the opportunity for insiders to benefit from material, non-public information, or MNPI,” Hsieh explains.

This type of unethical behavior can carry severe legal consequences and negatively impact your company's bottom line.

“If you create a certain amount of harm to a society, your customers, or employees over a period of time, that’s going to have a negative impact on your economic value,” Gandhi says in the course.

This is reflected in over half of the top 10 largest bankruptcies between 1980 and 2013 that resulted from unethical behavior. As a business leader, strive to make ethical decisions and fulfill your responsibilities to stakeholders.

How to Implement Business Ethics

To become a more ethical leader, it's crucial to have a balanced, long-term focus.

“It's very important to balance the fact that, even if you're focused on the long term, you have to perform in the short term as well and have a very clear, articulated strategy around that,” Gandhi says in Leadership, Ethics, and Corporate Accountability .

Making ethical decisions requires reflective leadership.

“Reflecting on complex, gray-area decisions is a key part of what it means to be human, as well as an effective leader,” Hsieh says. “You have agency. You must choose how to act. And with that agency comes responsibility.”

Related: Why Are Ethics Important in Engineering?

Hsieh advises asking the following questions:

  • Are you using the “greater good” to justify unethical behavior?
  • Are you downplaying your actions to feel better?

“Asking these and similar questions at regular intervals can help you notice when you or others may be approaching the line between making a tough but ethical call and justifying problematic actions,” Hsieh says.

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Become a More Ethical Leader

Learning from past successes and mistakes can enable you to improve your ethical decision-making.

“As a leader, when trying to determine what to do, it can be helpful to start by simply asking in any given situation, ‘What can we do?’ and ‘What would be wrong to do?’” Hsieh says.

Many times, the answers come from experience.

Gain insights from others’ ethical decisions, too. One way to do so is by taking an online course, such as Leadership, Ethics, and Corporate Accountability , which includes case studies that immerse you in real-world business situations, as well as a reflective leadership model to inform your decision-making.

Ready to become a better leader? Enroll in Leadership, Ethics, and Corporate Accountability —one of our online leadership and management courses —and download our free e-book on how to be a more effective leader.

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Business Ethics Essay Examples

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