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How to Tailor Your Cover Letter for Each Job Application

7 min read · Updated on December 16, 2021

M.A. Smith

Create a customized cover letter that introduces you as the best candidate right off the bat.

Every year, businesses spend billions on brand identity and image. Corporate CEOs want the public to identify their business' brand with little to no effort. This means spending countless hours creating marketing materials to spread the company's vision, mission and reputation online and in print. Similarly, individuals must invest in their own brand identity to be successful in their professional lives.

Creating your best image and personal brand starts with the cover letter. The cover letter is the “door-opener,” “conversation-starter” and the first impression for hiring managers. When career counselors discuss the famous elevator pitch , they are referring to your cover letter. It's not the resume, interview, or job application recruiters scrutinize first; recruiters look to cover letters for a basic understanding and “feel” for potential candidates.

Though most job seekers understand the importance of personal cover letters and spend countless hours writing creative sentences and including their most valuable assets, they rarely consider tailoring their cover letter to fit the actual job. Inserting bland material aimed at all jobs will reduce your chances of landing the interview. On the other hand, crafting a customized, tailored cover letter and connecting the dots shows the recruiter how your experience and skills are best suited for their needs.

Here are a few strategies designed to help tailor a customized cover letter, without overwhelming your job hunting.

Start with relevant skills and abilities

Hiring managers look for candidates who fit their needs. Include skills on your resume that mirror the assets the company is seeking in an employee. Compare your resume to the company's job description . But steer clear of bland descriptions or copy-and-pasting. Focus on your notable contributions and major attributes.

“As a senior marketing manager with more than 15 years' experience creating campaigns and strategies to promote brand identity, I am able to ______. Some of my most recent accomplishments include:

Increased web traffic by 150% by analyzing current online trends, aligning company standards and strategies to match those trends and developing promotional products to draw traffic.

Won $15 million Fortune 500 contract by promoting company's brand and product, analyzing competition and aligning sales goals to match current market trends.

Awarded PRSA's “Top Company Newsletter” by redesigning publication, focusing on the information desired by the audience, utilizing graphics and images, including C-Level biographies and reducing overhead.

Names matter

Name dropping may be a dangerous pastime if you don't follow the rules carefully. But people do love reading their names in print. One area to include a name is the recipient's address and salutation. If the application or job description identifies a specific person to contact, be sure to address your cover letter and other application materials to that person. Even if the job post doesn't include an actual person, try to avoid using “To whom it may concern,” “Dear Sir or Ma'am” or “Dear Hiring Manager.” These are dry and very impersonal. Call the company and ask for the contact person, do some digging on LinkedIn, or ask them how they prefer to be addressed.

Mr. John Doe

Hiring Manager

[Company Name]

123 Main Street

Anytown, USA 12345

Dear Mr. Doe:

Sometimes companies have several team members working on applications. In those instances, you may not be able to address the letter to a specific person. These scenarios require a more professional technique. Address the letter to “Dear Hiring Manager:” or the equivalent person for the company. Stay away from gender-specific language (i.e. Sir and Ma'am) as this is dangerous and can cause some hurt feelings. The recipient's address should forego specific names and titles in this case. Use the company's name in place of an actual person.

124 Main Street

Dear Hiring Manager:

Tell them you want the job and why

We all tend to focus on our accomplishments and qualities but forget the hiring process isn't about us. Recruiters are looking for people who will benefit the company. In the last paragraph – not the closing paragraph – a customized cover letter should tell the recruiter you want the job and why. Explain this is the company you want to work for and why. Go online and research the company's “About Us” web page. Gather information about the company's mission and vision statements. Learn more about their community engagement. Use this information to connect both the company's and your goals.

“I want to commit long-term to [Company Name] because both our goals align. [Company Name] seeks to promote self-awareness and compassion within the community through its [program name]. Along those same lines, I have…”

Speak their language

Some companies have forgone the “human eyes” approach to reading cover letters. They use advanced software called Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) to weed out undesirable cover letters and resumes. In other words, you have to convince the computer before gaining access to the hiring manager. Go back to the job description and carefully look for keywords. These more likely are listed in the requirements section and include hard skills unique to the position. While resisting the urge to copy-paste the exact description into your cover letter, rewrite the description in your own words, aligning it with your resume and using the keywords.

“As a senior-level graphic designer, my current role entails using Adobe CS (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, and Dreamweaver) to create stunning digital and print images. My colleagues have credited my ability to design appealing, trending websites and social media accounts. Additionally, I have advanced knowledge of video editing using FinalCut.”

Don't forget the introductory paragraph

All cover letters start with an introduction. A well-written, customized cover letter should include the company's name, position and other identifiers included in the job description. Forego any personal greetings (i.e. “I hope this letter finds you well,” “Hope all is well,” etc.). These personal messages are sloppy and unprofessional. Focus your intro paragraph on the topic and outline of the cover letter.

“I am responding to your job advertisement on As a professional project manager, I believe I am a good fit for [Company Name]'s IT Project Manager position. As you will see, my attached resume details more than five years' experience managing technology solutions for competitive companies. My history includes…”

Creating an easy-fill template for cover letters

Customizing your cover letter doesn't mean creating a new cover letter every time you apply for a job. Templates are easy to make and an important time saver. Follow these easy steps to create your template.

Create your overall design. Choose a basic design that is professional and reflects your personality. Don't use colors, off-the-wall fonts or images. Creating a cover letter design just entails designing a header (stationary head) for your cover letter. It should include your name, the job title, and contact information.

Write a specific letter to start. Copy your first cover letter and start with this template. Highlight all tailored information and replace it with brackets “[ ]” for easy identifications. For example, “As a senior-level graphic designer, my current role entails using Adobe CS (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, and Dreamweaver) to create stunning digital and print images” can be changed to “As a senior-level graphic designer, my current role entails [tailored information].” Leave all bland, generic information and soft skills as is. This is transferable to all future personal cover letters.

Save as a Word template. To prevent overwriting past saved cover letters, save your document as a template. Once saved, every time you open the file, it creates a new cover letter, exactly as you formatted it. To save a Word file as a template click [File > Save As]. Choose Word Template from the drop-down box and name your file. Some versions of Word have different instructions which you can find in their Help Section .

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What Is an ATS? How to Write a Resume to Beat the Bots

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Is it a good idea to write a "straight to the point" cover letter?

Something like:

Hi! [or, "Dear hiring Manager"] I found the position really resonates with me and my career goals. I believe I could be a strong candidate because I have experience in X, Y and Z. Please check my experience E on my resume. Feel free to reach out to me to have a chat and get to know each other. Best, XXX

Any inputs, suggestions, critics are appreciated.

  • cover-letter

toolic's user avatar

  • Which position? Don't forget to include the job title at least, or the job requisition number. –  Stephan Branczyk Commented Dec 17, 2022 at 0:15
  • 1 Long cover letters tend to open the door to bs. They can be very tiring to read and invite rejection. Not that they can't be good, but that the mistaken belief that you need a minimum word count makes meaningless, aggravating fluff more likely. –  Luke Sawczak Commented Dec 17, 2022 at 13:20

4 Answers 4

The cover letter is often misunderstood, but it's actually quite simple

  • Your resume describes you and your experiences (same for all jobs)
  • The job descriptions describes the job and the requirements (same for all candidates)
  • The Cover Letter connects the two (custom for each job)

In the cover letter you describe how you meet the requirements (or not) by connecting them to specific line items on your resume. There is no need to get overly wordy or flowery. One sentence per requirement is fine. You can even do this as a table.

Keep in mind that in many cases the first person who sees your application is an HR staffer who does a first round of requirement checking to weed out the obvious misfits. These people often don't have a deep understanding of technical details of the job or the environment. If you do the work for them, they'll love you for it and it increases the chances for your application to actually get to the hiring manager.

Hilmar's user avatar

  • "you describe how you meet the requirements (or not) " — regarding this I had a long-standing worry. I came to think about this situation like, the hiring manager, or whoever approves the hire must thereafter remain responsible for that decision. E.g., if the employee later causes damage, the hiring manager's decision to hire the person could be attacked in retrospect: "This person declared their unfitness up front. Heeding this warning could have prevented the damage." For this reason I worry to mention any shortfalls in the CL, even if common sense or honesty would suggest to. Thoughts? –  Levente Commented Dec 16, 2022 at 22:47
  • @Levente: Open and honest is always the best approach. No one meets 100% of all requirements and a good interview team will double check everything anyway. So you might as well get it on the table up front. Every new hire has probation or onboarding period where there is plenty of safeguards in place to prevent damage. That's where you learn way more about a person than in an interview. If there are potential problem areas, the hiring manager will have to deal with it same as with any other employee –  Hilmar Commented Dec 17, 2022 at 11:03
  • I like this answer as it makes clear what a cover letter is for in theory. I would only add that it has fallen out of fashion somewhat - most employers are inundated with paperwork, and expect a short CV itself to demonstrate a clear link to the job profile, and then build on that at interview. Where the practice still exists for anything but the most senior corporate positions, it is often a sign of a pretentious and old-fashioned mentality (in the worst sense), or an outright attempt to filter candidates by whether they put the work into writing one (with its final content unimportant). –  Steve Commented Dec 17, 2022 at 13:07
  • @Steve: YMMV. In my experience the main target of the cover letter is the first round of interview screening which is often done by HR staffers that know little about the job and the slang. Many a good resume has been screened out since the staffer wasn't able to connect the entries on the CV with the requirements. Once your CV gets to the hiring manager, you are fine, but getting there in the first place is the tricky bit. –  Hilmar Commented Dec 17, 2022 at 15:02
  • @Hilmar, it's a good point. However my thinking would be that if you're facing that many other candidates where a reasonable CV might be crudely filtered like that, then I would not waste additional time on that particular employer (because your odds are clearly low, and such competition will have squeezed any quality out of what you could be ultimately offered), and instead use the available time and effort to send out more CVs to other employers. –  Steve Commented Dec 17, 2022 at 16:03

The point of a cover letter is to highlight things that aren't on your resume. Your resume should already say you have experience in X, Y, and Z. Why are those experiences relevant to the role? What is it about the position that resonates with you and your career goals? Why should the hiring manager make sure to look at your resume?

It's ok to be concise in your cover letter. You don't want it to be so long they don't bother reading it. Mine tends to be about 3 paragraphs long, and some might say that's even too long. But don't just rehash information that is already in your resume. Your cover letter should say why the information in your resume makes you a good candidate.

Seth R's user avatar

  • "Why should the hiring manager make sure to look at your resume" I don't understand.. how do I convince him/her to look at my resume? –  Bersan Commented Dec 16, 2022 at 22:12
  • @Bersan "how do I convince them to look at my resume?" One idea: you could demonstrate that you understand their pain / tension, and that you are capable of easing it. By pain I mean that the company is losing money because they could not equip a workstation with a worker. This issue is now pressing on the shoulder of the hiring manager, and the overworked workers in the department. You could create an impression of being able to offer a relief to this situation, by knowing how to jump into that seat and knowing what to do there that will help the department's production back on track... –  Levente Commented Dec 16, 2022 at 22:30

A cover is not normally required for hiring in most kinds of occupations, except to explain an unsolicited approach.

OP's example

I have to admit I find the example given quite bad. It is worded with fluff, it has a tone of considerable informality, and for anyone reading it it is probably a complete waste of time compared to if they had just proceeded to read the CV.

So I would suggest that providing no cover letter would be a better option than providing anything like the example, unless it's the job to be informal and talk empty fluff (to your own would-be employer, I mean).

The notion of a cover letter is really a vestige of the hiring practices of large corporations decades ago.

You couldn't just send a CV to a central hiring manager or personnel department, and expect them to know what your CV related to. You had to explain what position you were applying for. The letter might not even be opened by the principal in the first place.

And it also wasn't easy to retailor CVs. People often had several copies typed up at once on a typewriter - changes required access to machinery, a replanning and resetting of layout, and time and concentration to re-enter a few pages of text accurately.

The cover letter allowed people to scribble the introductory information, provide a few relevant bullet points which may not have been in the CV itself, and articulate other niceties in an era when written communication was regarded as more formal.

It's also worth nothing that back then there were alternative practices in smaller businesses, or in occupations where this level of sophistication couldn't be expected. Usually, a chat with the candidate, and then a chat with his current/most recent boss.

A short written application letter - as the primary document, not covering a separate CV - might have been expected for some routine positions where clerical competence was expected. The quality of handwriting would probably have counted for as much as the content.

Nowadays, job boards organise the introductory information that would have been in a cover letter - there is no need to include a cover letter on top when applying by these means.

And computerised CVs are easily modified - employers generally expect the CV to be produced so as to be sufficiently relevant and appropriate, not for candidates to act as if their CVs are fixed documents, which they then supplement with yet another document.

When a cover is required

The only time a decent cover would be required, would be if you were making a completely unsolicited approach by email, where it can't be assumed there is a process in place to gather CVs for later review, or for the recipient to even understand why you've contacted them.

Here, an immediate explanation of your motive is required, and niceties required to urge the recipient to read or retain your CV, which they weren't expecting to have to handle.

Steve's user avatar

There's straight to the point and then there is lazy/low effort.

I read yours as the latter.

Generally in a Cover letter, I will always look at the Company Website first and reference something from the Company. Can be a particular technology stack, could be corporate ethics, could be mission statement - whatever it is.

Your CV tells me what skills and experience you have, your cover letter should tell me why you want to work with/for me.

In your specific example - why does the position really resonate with you? Give me 1-2 reasons that you are excited for the role. Again, doesn't have to be overly verbose - no mentioning of your pet goldfish that died when you were 7, but likewise - a couple of sentences is perfectly fine - consider:

"This opportunity really resonates me as your statement on your website is 'We really love making money' and I really like making money too. I noticed as well that one of your marquee customers is a Government entity and I would like exposure to working with the public sector"

Just a couple of sentences is all you need.

A more general form of a Cover letter is:

A paragraph as to why you want to work with/for them. A paragraph outlining your relevant experience for the role. A last paragraph talking about the future - e.g. what you could do for them.

Going back to your example:

"I believe I am the best suited candidate for this position ( note, always use absolutes, using conditionals makes your writing weak ) because I have 5 years experience in the industry and the relevant qualifications. I also have an addition year experience in related industry that gives me a unique perspective."

This is your experience line - it's an overview of your CV - highlighting the relevant parts.

"With my skills, I look forward to leverage technology stack to drive better customer retention, leading to more consistent long-term income for the company and decreasing the costs associated with acquiring new customers"

Final line - what is it you want to do? What is your vision for your work at the company? What journey do you want to go on with our business relationship?

TheDemonLord's user avatar

  • "Give me 1-2 reasons that you are excited for the role." - point of curiosity, do you actually work somewhere where candidates on the whole get excited about your job before you've even acknowledged their application ? –  Steve Commented Dec 17, 2022 at 16:27
  • @Steve - Within reason, yes. I mean - we aren't talking about jumping up and down in excitement - however in reference to the OPs example 'really reasonates' is pretty excited - whether it's working for a big-name player in the industry, or you've heard good things about the company - you are always interested to some degree in working there. –  TheDemonLord Commented Dec 17, 2022 at 18:23

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cover letters should be modified to each specific position

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Targeted Cover Letters (Writing Tips and Samples)

cover letters should be modified to each specific position

  Caiaimage / Sam Edwards / Getty images

What does it take for your  resume  and cover letter to make an impact when an employer may have received hundreds of resumes for the position you applied for?

Employers can receive a tremendous number of resumes for every position they advertise. It may seem like an almost impossible task for a company to weed through them to find the best applicants to interview, or for you to be one of the selected candidates.

You can help make their job easier, and move your job application to the top of the pile, by writing a targeted cover letter and closely matching your credentials to the job.

How to Make the Cut

Employers do manage to reduce the pool of cover letters and resumes to a manageable number. How they do it can give you some insight into how to write cover letters that will make the cut. Because, if your cover letter doesn't pass muster, your resume won't even get a look.

If your cover letter and resume aren't perfect, they most likely will end up in the reject pile. And perfect means perfect - there should not be any typos or grammatical errors.

Employers typically won't even consider a candidate that they deem is not qualified at first glance. That first glance at your cover letter is your one opportunity to make a good impression and make it to the next round. 

Targeted Cover Letters Writing Tips

It's certainly easier to write generic or blanket cover letters than it is to write a cover letter specifically targeted to each position you apply for. However, if you don't invest the time in writing cover letters, you're probably not going to get the interview, regardless of your qualifications.

Here Are Suggestions on How to Write a Cover Letter for a Specific Job Opening:

Match Your Qualifications to the Job: This takes some time and effort and it's not always easy, but it's important. Take the job posting and list the criteria the employer is looking for. Then list the skills and experience you have. Either address how your skills match the job requirements in paragraph form or make a comparative list of the criteria and your qualifications.

Sample Job Posting: BOX OFFICE MANAGER. Conduct, oversee subscription and ticket sales for events. Generate and maintain reports, perform accounting activities related to box office revenue, oversee operations. Requires customer service skills and accounting experience.

Cover Letter Example 1: Paragraph

As Box Office Assistant for the Light Opera Company, I was responsible for customer service, ticketing patrons, and generating and maintaining box office reports. In addition, I maintained records and accounting reports for all box office transactions.

Cover Letter Example 2: List

Box Office Manager Requirements:

Conduct, oversee subscription and ticket sales for events

Generate and maintain reports, perform accounting activities

Customer service skills and accounting experience

My Skills and Experience:

  • Box office management including ticketing, maintenance of records and ticket database management
  • Maintain and generate reports
  • Box office accounting transaction and reporting
  • Customer service, seating, and ticketing patrons

As you can see, in both cases, the candidate has written a detailed cover letter that should survive the first screening. In order to pass that screening, you must specifically address the job ad and state why you are qualified for the position.

Given this competitive job market, it is critically important to target your cover letter and  your resume . That way the employer knows exactly why you are qualified for the position and why they should consider you for an interview.

Targeted Cover Letter Examples 

Here is an example of a targeted cover letter that takes the position requirements and matches the applicant's skills to those requirements. Download the cover letter template  (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online) or see below for more examples.

Targeted Cover Letter Examples (Text Versions)

Your Name  Your Address  Your City, State Zip Code  Your Phone Number  Your Email

Name  Title  Organization  Address  City, State Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:

I am interested in the Coordinator position advertised on XYZ. My resume is enclosed for your review. Given my related experience and excellent capabilities, I would appreciate your consideration for this job opening. My skills are an ideal match for this position.

Your Requirements:

  • Responsible for evening operations in Student Center and other facilities, including managing registration, solving customer problems, dealing with risk management and emergencies, enforcement of department policies.
  • Assists with hiring, training, and management of staff. Coordinate statistics and inventory.
  • Experience in the supervision of student staff and strong interpersonal skills are also preferred.
  • Valid Minnesota driver's license with a good driving record. Ability to travel to different sites required.
  • Experience in collegiate programming and management.

My Qualifications:

  • Register students for courses, design and manage program software, solve customer problems, enforce department policies, and serve as a contact for students, faculty, and staff.
  • Hiring, training, scheduling, and management of staff, managing supply inventory, and ordering.
  • Minnesota driver's license with NTSA defensive driving certification.
  • Extensive experience in collegiate programming and management.
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.

I appreciate your taking the time to review my credentials and experience. Again, thank you for your consideration.

Your Signature  (for hard copy letter)

Your Typed Name

In response to your advertisement in the Milliken Valley Sentinel for Vice President, Operations, please consider the following:

Develop and implement strategic operational plans.  15+ years’ aggressive food company production management experience. Planned, implemented, coordinated, and revised all production operations in a plant of 250+ employees.

Manage people, resources, and processes.  Developed and published weekly processing and packaging schedules to meet annual corporate sales demands of up to $50 million. Met all production requirements and minimized inventory costs.

Coach and develop direct reports.  Designed and presented training programs for corporate, divisional and plant management personnel. Created employee involvement program resulting in $100,000+ savings annually.

Ensure operational service groups meet needs of external and internal customers.  Chaired cross-functional committee of 16 associates that developed and implemented processes, systems, and procedures plant-wide. Achieved year-end results of 12% increase in production, 6% reduction in direct operational costs, and increased customer satisfaction rating from 85% to 93.5%.

I welcome the opportunity to visit with you about this position. My resume has been uploaded, per your instructions. I may be reached at the number above. Thanks again for your consideration.

Your Signature  (hard copy letter)

What To Do When You're Not a Strong Match for the Job

What do you do if you don't have the right stuff and it's hard to make the case that you should be considered for the job? It's a certainty that the person with ten years of childcare experience, and no computer experience, who applied for an Oracle programmer position won't get an interview. If your qualifications don't come close to matching the criteria for the job, save your time and the company's time and don’t apply. In most cases, there are too many qualified candidates whose cover letter and resume will make the cut.

Instead, focus on applying for jobs you do qualify for and spend some time gaining the additional skills or education (volunteer, take a class, etc.) you need to prepare to apply for positions that are a rung or two up the ladder. 

This Is the Cover Letter Advice Everyone Misunderstands

upset person

You’re probably the kind of person who takes your job search pretty seriously—which makes sense since you’re reading an article about cover letters in your free time. And when you find a position you’re interested in, you know to do some company research , tailor your resume, and put in the effort to write up a personalized cover letter. Way to go! What more can a hiring manager reasonably expect?

Well, it depends on how you’re interpreting “personalized.” People often interpret the advice, “Show you’re passionate about the company and understand what it does,” as “Tell the hiring manager what the company does.”

For example, if you’re applying for a role at The Muse, starting your cover letter with: “The Muse is a career website that helps Millennials figure out what they should do with their lives,” is not, let’s say, the most inspiring way to show your interest.

So, how do you show your excitement for a company without copying directly from its “About Us” page? Here are a few ideas.

1. Align With the Mission

Showing that you know what the company does is definitely one way to indicate your familiarity with it, but a better way to execute the delivery of this information is to get mission-driven . Offer a positive opinion about the product, goals, or even general trajectory of the company—then connect that with what you have to offer.

Using the previous example, you could write something like:

“I’m impressed with The Muse’s drive to connect job seekers to the best resources and opportunities. The profiles feature is a particularly thoughtful and beautifully crafted resource that clearly benefits both companies and applicants. I would be proud to use my experience in video production and shoot coordination to support this product.”

2. Focus on the People

Ask hiring managers from any company worth working for, “What’s the best part about working for your company?” or “What’s your company’s greatest asset?” and they’ll all say, “The people.” (Seriously, try it. It always works.)

It’s no surprise then that mentioning you’ve spoken with people at the company bodes well for you. It shows you went through the effort of finding and learning more from a current employee —and you (likely) have the approval of someone who was already vetted.

One thing to be careful about is sounding like you’re name-dropping. To avoid this, get specific about the conversation so that the emphasis is not so much “Look! I know this person!” and more about the information you garnered from the interaction.

Done right, it’ll look a bit like this:

“I recently spoke with John Smith about the new data science team, and the ambitious nature of the people and company goals really stood out to me. I’m most motivated when striving for the ‘near impossible’ and would be thrilled with the opportunity to help the company reach its impressive growth targets.”

3. Get Personal

How did you hear about the company? What was your first interaction with it? If nothing else works for you, you can always lean on human nature’s love of stories . Hiring managers like to ask about a candidate’s relationship with a company, so go ahead and answer that for them right at the beginning.

If you’re going to take this approach, one thing to be especially careful about is going too in-depth. Sure, you want to show your interest and how it came about, but never forget that your qualifications need to be the meat of your cover letter. That means you get one, maybe two, sentences for your story. For example, “I’ve been an avid reader of your publication since I first found it several years ago while doing research on the growing trend of outrage in political media coverage.”

Tailoring resumes is a subtle art, but cover letters are where you can really get creative when showing your fit and enthusiasm for a position. Don’t waste this chance to make a lasting impression by just telling the hiring manager what he or she already knows.

(And, if you want to really show off how much you love the company, here’s how to write a great letter of intent —yes, it’s different than a cover letter.)

cover letters should be modified to each specific position

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How to write a great cover letter in 2024: tips and structure


A cover letter is a personalized letter that introduces you to a potential employer, highlights your qualifications, and explains why you're a strong fit for a specific job.

Hate or love them, these brief documents allow job seekers to make an impression and stand out from the pile of other applications. Penning a thoughtful cover letter shows the hiring team you care about earning the position.

Here’s everything you need to know about how to write a cover letter — and a great one, at that.

What is a cover letter and why does it matter?

A professional cover letter is a one-page document you submit alongside your CV or resume as part of a job application. Typically, they’re about half a page or around 150–300 words.

An effective cover letter doesn’t just rehash your CV; it’s your chance to highlight your proudest moments, explain why you want the job, and state plainly what you bring to the table.

Show the reviewer you’re likable, talented, and will add to the company’s culture . You can refer to previous jobs and other information from your CV, but only if it helps tell a story about you and your career choices .

What 3 things should you include in a cover letter?

A well-crafted cover letter can help you stand out to potential employers. To make your cover letter shine, here are three key elements to include:

1. Personalization

Address the hiring manager or recruiter by name whenever possible. If the job posting doesn't include a name, research to find out who will be reviewing applications. Personalizing your cover letter shows that you've taken the time to tailor your application to the specific company and role.

2. Highlight relevant achievements and skills

Emphasize your most relevant skills , experiences, and accomplishments that directly relate to the job you're applying for. Provide specific examples of how your skills have benefited previous employers and how they can contribute to the prospective employer's success. Use quantifiable achievements , such as improved efficiency, cost savings, or project success, to demonstrate your impact.

3. Show enthusiasm and fit

Express your enthusiasm for the company and the position you're applying for. Explain why you are interested in this role and believe you are a good fit for the organization. Mention how your values, goals, and skills align with the company's mission and culture. Demonstrating that you've done your research can make a significant impression.

What do hiring managers look for in a cover letter?

Employers look for several key elements in a cover letter. These include:

Employers want to see that your cover letter is specifically tailored to the position you are applying for. It should demonstrate how your skills, experiences, and qualifications align with the job requirements.

Clear and concise writing

A well-written cover letter is concise, easy to read, and error-free. Employers appreciate clear and effective communication skills , so make sure your cover letter showcases your ability to express yourself effectively.

Demonstrated knowledge of the company

Employers want to see that you are genuinely interested in their organization. Mention specific details about the company, such as recent achievements or projects, to show that you are enthusiastic about joining their team.

Achievements and accomplishments

Highlight your relevant achievements and accomplishments that demonstrate your qualifications for the position. Use specific examples to showcase your skills and show how they can benefit the employer.

Enthusiasm and motivation

Employers want to hire candidates who are excited about the opportunity and motivated to contribute to the company's success. Express your enthusiasm and passion for the role and explain why you are interested in working for the company.


A cover letter should be professional in tone and presentation. Use formal language, address the hiring manager appropriately, and follow standard business letter formatting.


How do you structure a cover letter?

A well-structured cover letter follows a specific format that makes it easy for the reader to understand your qualifications and enthusiasm for the position. Here's a typical structure for a cover letter:

Contact information

Include your name, address, phone number, and email address at the top of the letter. Place your contact information at the beginning so that it's easy for the employer to reach you.

Employer's contact information

Opening paragraph, middle paragraph(s), closing paragraph, complimentary close, additional contact information.

Repeat your contact information (name, phone number, and email) at the end of the letter, just in case the employer needs it for quick reference.

Remember to keep your cover letter concise and focused. It should typically be no more than one page in length. Proofread your letter carefully to ensure it is free from spelling and grammatical errors. Tailor each cover letter to the specific job application to make it as relevant and impactful as possible.

How to write a good cover letter (with examples)

The best letters are unique, tailored to the job description, and written in your voice — but that doesn’t mean you can’t use a job cover letter template.

Great cover letters contain the same basic elements and flow a certain way. Take a look at this cover letter structure for ref erence while you construct your own.

1. Add a header and contact information

While reading your cover letter, the recruiter shouldn’t have to look far to find who wrote it. Your document should include a basic heading with the following information:

  • Pronouns (optional)
  • Location (optional)
  • Email address
  • Phone number (optional)
  • Relevant links, such as your LinkedIn profile , portfolio, or personal website (optional)

You can pull this information directly from your CV. Put it together, and it will look something like this:

Christopher Pike

San Francisco, California

[email protected]

Alternatively, if the posting asks you to submit your cover letter in the body of an email, you can include this information in your signature. For example:

Warm regards,

Catherine Janeway

Bloomington, Indiana

[email protected]

(555) 999 - 2222


2. Include a personal greeting

Always begin your cover letter by addressing the hiring manager — preferably by name. You can use the person’s first and last name. Make sure to include a relevant title, like Dr., Mr., or Ms. For example, “Dear Mr. John Doe.”

Avoid generic openings like “To whom it may concern,” “Dear sir or madam,” or “Dear hiring manager.” These introductions sound impersonal — like you’re copy-pasting cover letters — and can work against you in the hiring process.

Be careful, though. When using someone’s name, you don’t want to use the wrong title or accidentally misgender someone. If in doubt, using only their name is enough. You could also opt for a gender-neutral title, like Mx.

Make sure you’re addressing the right person in your letter — ideally, the person who’s making the final hiring decision. This isn’t always specified in the job posting, so you may have to do some research to learn the name of the hiring manager.

3. Draw them in with an opening story

The opening paragraph of your cover letter should hook the reader. You want it to be memorable, conversational, and extremely relevant to the job you’re pursuing. 

There’s no need for a personal introduction — you’ve already included your name in the heading. But you should make reference to the job you’re applying for. A simple “Thank you for considering my application for the role of [job title] at [company],” will suffice.

Then you can get into the “Why” of your job application. Drive home what makes this specific job and this company so appealing to you. Perhaps you’re a fan of their products, you’re passionate about their mission, or you love their brand voice. Whatever the case, this section is where you share your enthusiasm for the role.

Here’s an example opening paragraph. In this scenario, you’re applying for a digital marketing role at a bicycle company:

“Dear Mr. John Doe,

Thank you for considering my application for the role of Marketing Coordinator at Bits n’ Bikes.

My parents bought my first bike at one of your stores. I’ll never forget the freedom I felt when I learned to ride it. My father removed my training wheels, and my mom sent me barrelling down the street. You provide joy to families across the country — and I want to be part of that.”

4. Emphasize why you’re best for the job

Your next paragraphs should be focused on the role you’re applying to. Highlight your skill set and why you’re a good fit for the needs and expectations associated with the position. Hiring managers want to know what you’ll bring to the job, not just any role.

Start by studying the job description for hints. What problem are they trying to solve with this hire? What skills and qualifications do they mention first or more than once? These are indicators of what’s important to the hiring manager.

Search for details that match your experience and interests. For example, if you’re excited about a fast-paced job in public relations, you might look for these elements in a posting:

  • They want someone who can write social media posts and blog content on tight deadlines
  • They value collaboration and input from every team member
  • They need a planner who can come up with strong PR strategies

Highlight how you fulfill these requirements:

“I’ve always been a strong writer. From blog posts to social media, my content pulls in readers and drives traffic to product pages. For example, when I worked at Bits n’ Bikes, I developed a strategic blog series about bike maintenance that increased our sales of spare parts and tools by 50% — we could see it in our web metrics.

Thanks to the input of all of our team members, including our bike mechanics, my content delivered results.”

5. End with a strong closing paragraph and sign off gracefully

Your closing paragraph is your final chance to hammer home your enthusiasm about the role and your unique ability to fill it. Reiterate the main points you explained in the body paragraphs and remind the reader of what you bring to the table.

You can also use the end of your letter to relay other important details, like whether you’re willing to relocate for the job.

When choosing a sign-off, opt for a phrase that sounds professional and genuine. Reliable options include “Sincerely” and “Kind regards.”

Here’s a strong closing statement for you to consider:

“I believe my enthusiasm, skills, and work experience as a PR professional will serve Bits n’ Bikes very well. I would love to meet to further discuss my value-add as your next Director of Public Relations. Thank you for your consideration. I hope we speak soon.


Tips to write a great cover letter that compliments your resume

When writing your own letter, try not to copy the example excerpts word-for-word. Instead, use this cover letter structure as a baseline to organize your ideas. Then, as you’re writing, use these extra cover letter tips to add your personal touch:

  • Keep your cover letter different from your resume : Your cover letter should not duplicate the information on your resume. Instead, it should provide context and explanations for key points in your resume, emphasizing how your qualifications match the specific job you're applying for.
  • Customize your cover letter . Tailor your cover letter for each job application. Address the specific needs of the company and the job posting, demonstrating that you've done your homework and understand their requirements.
  • Show enthusiasm and fit . Express your enthusiasm for the company and position in the cover letter. Explain why you are interested in working for this company and how your values, goals, and skills align with their mission and culture.
  • Use keywords . Incorporate keywords from the job description and industry terms in your cover letter. This can help your application pass through applicant tracking systems (ATS) and demonstrate that you're well-versed in the field.
  • Keep it concise . Your cover letter should be succinct and to the point, typically no more than one page. Focus on the most compelling qualifications and experiences that directly support your application.
  • Be professional . Maintain a professional tone and structure in your cover letter. Proofread it carefully to ensure there are no errors.
  • Address any gaps or concerns . If there are gaps or concerns in your resume, such as employment gaps or a change in career direction, briefly address them in your cover letter. Explain any relevant circumstances and how they have shaped your qualifications and determination.
  • Provide a call to action . Conclude your cover letter with a call to action, inviting the employer to contact you for further discussion. Mention that you've attached your resume for their reference.
  • Follow the correct format . Use a standard cover letter format like the one above, including your contact information, a formal salutation, introductory and closing paragraphs, and your signature. Ensure that it complements your resume without redundancy.
  • Pick the right voice and tone . Try to write like yourself, but adapt to the tone and voice of the company. Look at the job listing, company website, and social media posts. Do they sound fun and quirky, stoic and professional, or somewhere in-between? This guides your writing style.
  • Tell your story . You’re an individual with unique expertise, motivators, and years of experience. Tie the pieces together with a great story. Introduce how you arrived at this point in your career, where you hope to go , and how this prospective company fits in your journey. You can also explain any career changes in your resume.
  • Show, don’t tell . Anyone can say they’re a problem solver. Why should a recruiter take their word for it if they don’t back it up with examples? Instead of naming your skills, show them in action. Describe situations where you rose to the task, and quantify your success when you can.
  • Be honest . Avoid highlighting skills you don’t have. This will backfire if they ask you about them in an interview. Instead, shift focus to the ways in which you stand out.
  • Avoid clichés and bullet points . These are signs of lazy writing. Do your best to be original from the first paragraph to the final one. This highlights your individuality and demonstrates the care you put into the letter.
  • Proofread . Always spellcheck your cover letter. Look for typos, grammatical errors, and proper flow. We suggest reading it out loud. If it sounds natural rolling off the tongue, it will read naturally as well.


Common cover letter writing FAQs

How long should a cover letter be.

A cover letter should generally be concise and to the point. It is recommended to keep it to one page or less, focusing on the most relevant information that highlights your qualifications and fits the job requirements.

Should I include personal information in a cover letter?

While it's important to introduce yourself and provide your contact information, avoid including personal details such as your age, marital status, or unrelated hobbies. Instead, focus on presenting your professional qualifications and aligning them with the job requirements.

Can I use the same cover letter for multiple job applications?

While it may be tempting to reuse a cover letter, it is best to tailor each cover letter to the specific job you are applying for. This allows you to highlight why you are a good fit for that particular role and show genuine interest in the company.

Do I need to address my cover letter to a specific person?

Whenever possible, it is advisable to address your cover letter to a specific person, such as the hiring manager or recruiter. If the job posting does not provide this information, try to research and find the appropriate contact. If all else fails, you can use a generic salutation such as "Dear Hiring Manager."

Should I include references in my cover letter?

It is generally not necessary to include references in your cover letter. Save this information for when the employer explicitly requests it. Instead, focus on showcasing your qualifications and achievements that make you a strong candidate for the position.

It’s time to start writing your stand-out cover letter

The hardest part of writing is getting started. 

Hopefully, our tips gave you some jumping-off points and confidence . But if you’re really stuck, looking at cover letter examples and resume templates will help you decide where to get started. 

There are numerous sample cover letters available online. Just remember that you’re a unique, well-rounded person, and your cover letter should reflect that. Using our structure, you can tell your story while highlighting your passion for the role. 

Doing your research, including strong examples of your skills, and being courteous is how to write a strong cover letter. Take a breath , flex your fingers, and get typing. Before you know it, your job search will lead to a job interview.

If you want more personalized guidance, a specialized career coach can help review, edit, and guide you through creating a great cover letter that sticks.

Ace your job search

Explore effective job search techniques, interview strategies, and ways to overcome job-related challenges. Our coaches specialize in helping you land your dream job.

Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

3 cover letter examples to help you catch a hiring manager’s attention

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How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter

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How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter was originally published on HospitalRecruiting .

Perfect cover letter tips

Writing a cover letter can be inconvenient, and some people wonder if writing a cover letter is even important when applying online. A cover letter is an important part of applying for a professional position, even when you are just submitting an online application. Neglecting the cover letter may cost you the opportunity for which you are applying, while including one provides a great opportunity to make your application stand out.

Your cover letter is the one area of an application that gives your application life and flavor. Most of your application will be data about where you worked, what you have accomplished professionally, and what your educational background is. The cover letter provides an opportunity to show your potential employer your personality and what makes you truly unique as an individual.

Because every employer, manager, and recruiter is different, there really is no such thing as a “perfect” cover letter, but there are many principles that you can follow to have your cover letter help your application stand out.

Individualize Your Cover Letter

A generic cover letter that you can attach to multiple applications may save you time, but it won’t add much value to your application. Using a cover letter that is tailored specifically to the position for which you are applying will show that you have researched your potential employer and are invested in succeeding in your application.

Individualizing your cover letter doesn’t mean that you have to write a brand new cover letter for each application. A good way to balance out the additional time requirements of individualizing each cover letter with the need to be efficient is to create a rough framework that can be modified to contain individualized information for each position.

Do Your Research

When individualizing your cover letter, research your potential employer carefully. The internet has provided a plethora of information that you can access through LinkedIn, Twitter, the company’s website, and other sources. The ability to easily access information makes research relatively straight forward and can help you to craft a cover letter than demonstrates you are interested in a company and the position you are applying for.

Start Strong

When writing a cover letter, one of the goals is to catch the attention of your reader. Starting by saying, “My name is John Doe and I am applying for the position of…” is boring and information the recruiter will already pick up on pretty quickly, anyways.

Instead, start with a strong sentence that conveys your main value proposition in an enthusiastic and researched way. Starting with something like, “Hello Jane, I am excited for the possibility of working for your company, because my background of ten years in sales will add tremendous value to your team!” will have a much stronger impact on the reader and help catch his/her attention.

Make it Easy to Read

What you write is only part of what goes into a cover letter. Formatting it correctly will also make a significant difference. A cover letter should only be one page long and should only contain three to four paragraphs. Avoid having long paragraphs, paragraphs with more than three to four sentences, or overly long sentences. Also try to use the active voice over the passive voice to make your writing more engaging. Shorter, more concise letters are more likely to be read and remembered.

One technique that help to emphasize your application’s key strengths is to use three to four bullet points in the middle of your letter. Bulleted points quickly sum up important information and attract the attention of the reader. This can help to emphasize your application’s strengths in a way that will stand out, even if the reader only skims its content.

Watch the Quality

While there are many potential advantages that a cover letter can offer, it will turn into a great disadvantage if it contains grammatical or syntactical errors. Make sure that your grammar, spelling, and syntax is correct. Often, when you are the writer, you will be less likely to recognize errors that you make because you will read what you meant to write, not what you actually wrote. It is always a good idea to have another person read what you wrote and ensure that your content is correct.

One common error to avoid is errors in the spelling of the company name or the name of the person to whom the cover letter is directed. Because you are not familiar with these names, you may be more likely to misspell them. The reader is also more likely to be sensitive to a misspelling of the company’s name or of his/her own name, making double-checking these spellings even more important.

By paying careful attention to how you craft your cover letters , you will have a stronger overall application that is more likely to capture the attention of the hiring manager. The work you put into your cover letter has the potential to significantly improve your chances of getting the job that you want.

cover letters should be modified to each specific position

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  • Apr 24, 2023

12 Ways to Quickly Customize a Cover Letter

cover letters should be modified to each specific position

From aligning your opening and closing paragraphs with specific info to being succinct and inviting questions, here are 12 answers to the question, "What are your most effective tips for customizing a cover letter when you don't have a lot of time?"

Be Specific in Your Opening and Closing Paragraphs

Respond to the instructions, keep a template and make small edits to customize it, help do the resume screener's job for them, mirror info from the job posting, try the “find and replace” function, go way back to build a connection, use the contact's name, find an online template or generator, incorporate the power of keywords, highlight your relevant experience, be brief, direct, and leave some questions unanswered.

When you're short on time for customizing a cover letter, focus on tailoring the opening and closing paragraphs to the specific company and job position.

Use the job description to identify the key skills and qualifications the employer seeks and highlight how your experiences align with them in the opening paragraph.

In the closing paragraph, express your enthusiasm for the company and the opportunity to contribute to its goals. Be sure to proofread and edit for any errors before submitting the letter. Remember that a well-crafted cover letter can still make a positive impression on a potential employer, even if not extensively customized.

Saneem Ahearn, VP of Marketing, Colorescience

The job listing you've looked up invariably has details related to the application process. Take a quick look at these instructions and any other hints and quickly address them in your cover letter.

This way, even in a hurry, you will respond to the criteria that matter the most to the hiring team. Also, this will make your cover letter a lot more specific, even if it's short. In addition to being crisp, it'll also reveal your attention to detail.

Riley Beam, Managing Attorney, Douglas R. Beam, P.A.

Rather than rewriting your cover letter every time, keep the base information the same and make edits to match the cover letter to the job ad. This allows you to customize your cover letter for the different jobs you're applying to but doesn't take up too much of your time doing it.

You should always customize the reason why you think you'd be a good fit for the job and where you talk about specific experiences that relate to the position you're applying for. Your basic info about your work history can remain the same for each letter.

Mark Pierce, CEO, Cloud Peak Law Group

If you're short on time, no cover letter may be better than a long, generic, or effusive one. But even better, there's one technique that is both quick and easy, but also one of the most effective approaches to using a cover letter.

Start with a very simple intro: "In response to your job posting for... please consider:" Then include a two-column table. On the left, "Your Requirements" where you list 4-6 selected requirements verbatim from the job posting. On the right, "My Qualifications" where you highlight selected items from your resume that directly address each of those requirements.

You're making the screener's job easy by directly making the connection between your qualifications and their needs.

Matthew Hamilton, Vice President, People Analytics, and HRIS, Protective Life

If you're applying for multiple jobs at the same time, customizing your cover letter for each one can seem like a big, time-consuming task. However, it doesn't have to be.

A quick and easy way to create a customized cover letter is to download a generic template for your industry and then incorporate keywords from the job posting. Mention specific skills, experiences, certifications, or personality traits the employer uses to describe their ideal candidate.

By using words and phrases that mirror the language used in the job ad, you can create a tailored cover letter that demonstrates both attention to detail as well as an understanding of what the position entails. And it'll save you time!

Samuel Johns, CPRW and Career Counselor, Resume Genius

If you don't have much time but still want to personalize your cover letter, simply perform a "Find and Replace" function in Google Docs or Word. Use this tool to quickly find company names or hiring managers' names and replace them with new ones. This way, you can turn around cover letters more efficiently.

Jarir Mallah, HR Specialist, Ling App

When it comes to customizing a cover letter, you don't need to go all out. One quick tip? Go way back.

By referencing the education or first job of the person you're trying to impress, you'll appear to be intimately acquainted with their entire industry history—even though all you did was scroll to the last entry on their LinkedIn. It's a great way to create familiarity when you don't have an actual connection.

Referencing one's alma mater or entry position also tends to bring up warm feelings for the sector as a whole, especially after years in the industry. It reminds people of the passion they had in their youth, and they'll associate that with your application.

Tim Walsh, Founder, Vetted

While it's not always possible to figure out who the hiring manager or HR person is for a specific position, it's worth spending a few minutes looking for the information. A cover letter that is addressed to me or that uses one of my peers' names means that the candidate has taken the time to at least look at Transizion's website, which I appreciate.

Beverly Gearreald, Product and Operations Lead, Transizion

One of the best tips for customizing a cover letter when you don't have much time is to use an online template or generator to create a professional-looking document quickly.

Utilizing an online template or generator will help you produce a cover letter that looks polished and professional, while still allowing you to quickly customize key sections. You can use these templates and generators to create a customized cover letter that fits the company's culture, job description, and qualifications.

Jeff Pollak, Partner, RadioActive Media Inc.

Identify about 10 keywords describing the position and the requirements in the job posting that you comply with. Focus on both soft skills demanded for the vacancy (e.g. detail-oriented, analytical skills) as well as the hard ones (e.g. copywriting, CRM systems). Then incorporate them into the template of your cover letter, whether in a descriptive way or by adding bullet points.

Make sure to make the expressions very visible and place them at the top of the list of your competencies. Such a technique will make your cover letter specific and personalized and, most importantly, will save you a lot of time.

Applicant tracking systems (ATS) have become a common practice used by recruiting teams. As soon as you become aware of it, you will automatically position yourself ahead of the competition.

Martyna Szczesniak, Community Expert, MyPerfectResume

I believe it is critical to highlight your relevant experience while customizing your cover letter. Utilize the job description to assess the most significant abilities and experience for the post, and emphasize those in your cover letter. Give specific examples from your previous job experience to show how you utilized these talents to get achievements.

For instance, if the job description states that the organization is searching for someone with experience in social media marketing, emphasize your experience in that field. Provide specific examples from your previous job experience to explain how you used social media marketing to produce objectives, such as increased engagement or traffic to a website.

Tim Allen, Director, Oberheiden P.C.

There's nothing wrong with keeping your cover letter short, to the point, and in a sort of “cliffhanger.” You can write what you need to, but also leave some questions unanswered in your cover letter. This would require the hiring manager to get in touch so they can learn more and have their specific questions answered in order to better understand exactly who you are, what you have done, and what you might be able to do.

Cover letters don't have to take up an entire page (I've seen some that are even shorter). You can keep them short and as brief as you can. In fact, in our busy world, this might actually be quite effective in certain situations.

Joe Davies, Co-founder, FATJOE

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What Should You Include in Your Cover Letter? [w/ Tips for 2024]

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You’ve spent weeks job hunting, and you’ve found the perfect job.

Your resume is all set, and you’re almost ready to send your application.

There’s just one thing left—you’re writing a cover letter to create a flawless job application.

The only issue? You're not sure what exactly to include in your cover letter.

There’s no need to worry! We’re here to help

In this article, we’re going to cover:

  • What Is a Cover Letter
  • What Elements Should Your Cover Letter Include
  • What You Shouldn’t Include in Your Cover Letter

Let’s get started.

What is a Cover Letter?

A cover letter is a document that you send as part of your job application, along with your resume or CV .

The cover letter’s purpose is to introduce you and briefly summarize why your professional background makes you the right person for the job.

On average, a cover letter should be between 250 and 400 words long and fit neatly on one page.

A cover letter is one of your first forms of communication with a hiring manager. It’s your opportunity to present yourself in your own words, stand out from other candidates, and get the hiring manager interested in learning more about you.

Let’s take a look at an example of what a cover letter looks like:

what to include in a cover letter

Why Do Cover Letters Matter?

After you’ve spent so long making the perfect resume , you might be wondering why you should even write a cover letter.

The truth is that while not all employers request a cover letter, you should always include one with your job application.

Adding a cover letter to your job application shows the hiring manager you’re willing to go the extra mile for the job, and you’re not just randomly applying and hoping your application sticks.

A cover letter is your opportunity to give the hiring manager more information about you as a candidate. This is your chance to personalize your application and provide additional information on your skills and experiences that align with what the employer is looking for and that you didn’t have space on your resume for.

But your cover letter is also your chance to go beyond your most important skills and experience. You can use it to talk about your passion for the industry or your enthusiasm to join this specific company’s team and show the hiring manager that you’re serious about the role.

If your cover letter is good, it can complement your resume and get you that much closer to an interview.

A badly written cover letter, on the other hand, could undermine even the best resume and lead to your application getting tossed in the ‘no’ pile, so it’s crucial to get this document right.

Need help preparing for an interview? Check out our guide to the most common interview questions and how to answer them!

What Elements Should You Include in a Cover Letter?

There are a few key elements you need to include to write a successful cover letter .

Let’s take a look at them one by one:

#1. A Professional Template

Your cover letter should be easy on the eyes and even easier to navigate.

This means you have to set the right page margins, adjust the line spacing, choose an appropriate font , and set it to the correct size, all while making sure your text never spills onto page two.

But what if there’s an easier way? 

Just use one of our cover letter templates instead.

Our free resume builder comes with built-in resume templates that you can match with a cover letter template for a stylish application.

You can automatically set your font style, size, and even the dimensions of the paper you intend to print it on - standard A4 or US letter format.

cover letter templates

#2. Neatly-Split Paragraphs

A cover letter should be easy to navigate at a glance.

If your cover letter is a huge chunk of text that fully covers the entire page, without paragraphs or ample white space, it’s going to look cramped and leave a bad impression on the hiring manager.

This is where your cover letter’s formatting comes in. You should divide the contents of your cover letter into a header with contact information, and then split the actual text into an opening paragraph, a main body, a conclusion, and a formal closing line.

Be sure to also use line breaks and bullet points to break up your paragraphs to increase your cover letter’s readability.

This can make it seem less of an overwhelming read to the hiring manager and easier for them to skim through it all to find what they’re looking for.

#3. The Date of Writing

The exact date you write your cover letter may seem like a small detail, but it can actually add an extra touch of professionalism to your job application.

This can help the hiring manager keep track of when you’ve applied for the role, and it reflects your attention to detail .

Just keep in mind that the format of the date should align with the standard in the country where you're applying. For example, in the US , the mm-dd-yyyy format (e.g., May 22, 2024 ) is the go-to, whereas most other countries prefer the dd-mm-yyyy format (e.g., 22 January 2024 ).

#4. Your Interest in the Company

It’s important to tailor your cover letter for the specific job you’re applying for to show the hiring manager that you’re a serious candidate who’s done their homework about the position.

This is why the body of your letter should always include a paragraph where you clearly explain why you’re interested in the specific company.

Start by doing some research on the employer . You have to show the hiring manager that you understand what makes the company unique and how you align with their values and needs.

Think about what you genuinely like about the company you’re applying for. Whether it’s their remote working conditions, their focus on diversity or sustainability, or something else entirely, be sure to mention it in your cover letter.

If you’ve used a product or service that the company provides, say so in your cover letter. On top of that, highlight what specific aspects of the company resonate with your career goals , such as their innovative methods or cutting-edge market strategy, that you want to be a part of.

You can also take the time to explain why you’re excited about the job itself. Talk about how your unique experience and skills make you a suitable candidate and how you’re confident you can contribute to the company’s goals.

Looking to write a cover letter for an internship ? Check out our detailed guide!

#5. A Call to Action

Every cover letter should end with a strategic call to action.

Your call to action can be a polite statement prompting the hiring manager to get in touch with you to go over your application or to discuss how you could contribute to their team.

Adding a call to action at the end of your cover letter shows that you’re proactive and eager to move forward with the hiring process. This highlights your enthusiasm for the role and makes it more likely for the hiring manager to get in touch with you after putting down your cover letter.

Here’s an example of a call to action at the end of a cover letter :

I am very enthusiastic about the opportunity to discuss how my artwork can contribute to Happy Hippo Book Publisher’s track record as the best children’s storybook provider on the market. Please feel free to contact me at the provided phone number so that we can discuss my application further.

Want to give your cover letter an extra kick? Use these tried and tested cover letter tips !

What Sections Should You Include in a Cover Letter?

When writing your cover letter, you can easily split the process into several key sections.

Let’s break them down:

  • Header with contact details. The top of your cover letter should include a designated header where you can input your contact information, such as your full name, email address, phone number, address, and links to any relevant social media. Make sure these details match your resume and double-check for any typos.
  • Company details. Do your research so you know exactly who to address your cover letter to. Add the hiring manager’s name, department, the company’s name, and the company’s address.
  • Personalized greeting. Skip the cliche and impersonal “To Whom It May Concern” and use a more memorable greeting instead. We recommend using “Ms.” or “Mr.” followed by the hiring manager’s last name.
  • Opening paragraph. Your cover letter should start with a brief and attention-grabbing paragraph . This should include a couple of your top skills, an impressive achievement, or a relevant qualification.
  • Main body. Take the time to explain some of your top achievements or skills in more detail, and cover anything you didn’t have the space to address in your resume.
  • Conclusion. Recap the main points in your cover letter so far, then wrap it up with a polite call to action.
  • Closing line. Choose an appropriate closing line to finish your cover letter with and sign your name underneath.

cover letter structure

What Should You Never Include in a Cover Letter?

A cover letter allows you to personalize your application and provide more details about you to the hiring manager.

But that doesn’t mean everything should make the cut.

Let’s look at what you should never include in your cover letter:

#1. Irrelevant information

Your cover letter should be concise and focus on the most relevant details that make you the right candidate for the job.

Hiring managers don’t have all day to spend on your application, and when they’re reading your cover letter, they want to get to the point quickly. If your cover letter includes too many personal anecdotes or irrelevant experiences, like how you worked as a dog walker at 15, they might get bored and stop reading it altogether.

A cover letter is, first and foremost, a professional document, not a personal essay. This means that focusing too much on yourself, as well as your wants, needs, and opinions, is not a good idea.

Your cover letter should focus on what you can do for the employer, not what they can do for you. If you miss the mark here, you’ll come off as an inattentive candidate and won’t be getting an interview.

#2. Overly Long Paragraphs

A dense, difficult-to-read text can discourage a hiring manager from going through your cover letter.

For example, if the body of your cover letter is contained in a single, thick paragraph, the hiring manager might skim over it and miss your main points.

Long paragraphs can also make your cover letter look poorly organized and make you come across as someone with bad written communication skills . Your essential qualifications and skills can get lost in that sea of words and hide the most important information you want to convey.

Overly long paragraphs also imply a lack of consideration for the hiring manager’s time. Keeping your text concise and easy to follow is just as important as the content itself. Otherwise, your cover letter might not catch the hiring manager’s attention at all.

#3. Salary Expectations

Unless the employer specifically asks you to, it’s considered taboo to include salary expectations in your cover letter, and it can even leave a bad impression on the hiring manager.

Talking about money in your cover letter can make it seem like your primary interest in the job is the paycheck. And, while there’s nothing wrong with wanting a specific salary, this can seriously undermine what you want to convey to the hiring manager about your enthusiasm for joining the company and your professionalism.

You should also keep in mind that talking about salary expectations so early on can even put you at a disadvantage in potential salary negotiations . If you mention a high number too early on, the hiring manager might reject your application before you even make it past the initial screening. But if you go too low, you could undervalue yourself.

This is why it’s recommended that you discuss salary expectations during an interview once you already understand the full scope of the role and have more context.

Are you just getting started on the job market? Check out our guide to writing an entry-level cover letter !

#4. Excessive Flattery

Writing a cover letter doesn’t mean writing a love letter to the company you’re applying for.

You don’t need to shower the employer with compliments to get the hiring manager to like you. In fact, if you use too many compliments or describe the company in the exact words they use on its website, you’re going to be severely disappointed.

For example, most companies you apply to may describe themselves as “innovative” or “ team-focused .” If that’s all you can say about them in your cover letter, it tells the hiring manager that you never researched the employer or paid much attention to what they do.

If you genuinely hold the company’s values, mission, or culture close to your heart, there’s no harm in mentioning how they inspire you. Just remember to keep it professional and related to how you can enthusiastically contribute to their work.

#5. False Information

This should go without saying but lying on your cover letter is just as bad as lying on your resume – very bad.

We get it; you want to impress the hiring manager. But exaggerating or falsifying information to make yourself look like the coolest candidate ever can easily backfire.

On one hand, the hiring manager is probably going to catch onto you while reading your cover letter. They’re going to notice the inconsistencies you didn’t pay attention to, and they simply won’t call you.

But it could be even worse. You could land an interview, only to have the hiring manager discover the truth face to face. Your professional reputation could suffer some serious damage, beyond just an awkward interaction during the interview.

Trust us – lying isn’t worth it. You’re capable of writing a standout cover letter without exaggerating anything you can’t back up.

#6. Grammatical Mistakes

You should always proofread your cover letter before submitting it with your job application.

Even when you’re absolutely sure there are no mistakes, sometimes you might miss something that the hiring manager will notice immediately.

This is why we always recommend you do several rounds of proofreading and editing before finalizing your job application.

Start by carefully reading your cover letter out loud. It might sound a little weird, but it helps you notice any awkward phrases or words that are out of place.

Then, run it through a spell-checking tool like QuillBot or Grammarly . They can help you spot any errors you might have missed.

Finally, ask a friend or family member for help. A fresh pair of eyes can read your cover letter and notice mistakes that both you and your robot sidekick might have skipped over.

#7. Complaints About Employers

As a general rule, you should never badmouth your previous place of employment.

If you were unjustly fired or passed over for a promotion for personal reasons, these are best explained during an interview.

It’s important to always maintain professionalism when your past employer or coworkers are brought up, especially in your cover letter.

For example, instead of saying you had enough of a chaotic work environment, you could say you’re “looking forward to joining a team that values structure and accountability.”

Check out these more common cover letter mistakes and keep an eye out while writing your cover letter!

29 Cover Letter Examples

Looking for inspiration? Check out these perfect cover letter examples for different professions.

#1. Customer Service Cover Letter

Customer Service Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a customer service cover letter here.

#2. Marketing Executive Cover Letter

Marketing Executive Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a marketing executive cover letter here.

#3. Medical Assistant Cover Letter

Medical Assistant Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a medical assistant cover letter here.

#4. Consultant Cover Letter

Consultant Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a consultant cover letter here.

#5. College Student Cover Letter

College Student Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a college student cover letter here.

#6. Retail Cover Letter

Retail Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a retail cover letter here.

#7. Team Leader Cover Letter

Team Leader Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a team leader cover letter here.

#8. Actor Cover Letter

Actor Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing an actor cover letter here.

#9. Digital Marketing Cover Letter

Digital Marketing Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a digital marketing cover letter here.

#10. Executive Assistant Cover Letter

Executive Assistant Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing an executive assistant cover letter here.

#11. Finance Cover Letter

Finance Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a finance cover letter here.

#12. Graphic Designer Cover Letter

Graphic Designer Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a graphic designer cover letter here.

#13. IT Cover Letter

IT Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing an IT cover letter here.

#14. Project Manager Cover Letter

Project Manager Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a project manager cover letter here.

#15. Sales Cover Letter

Sales Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a sales cover letter here.

#16. Accounting Cover Letter

Accounting Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing an accounting cover letter here.

#17. Business Cover Letter

Business Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a business cover letter here.

#18. Dental Assistant Cover Letter

Dental Assistant Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a dental assistant cover letter here.

#19. Human Resources Cover Letter

Human Resources Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a human resources cover letter here.

#20. Nurse Practitioner Cover Letter

Nurse Practitioner Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a nurse practitioner cover letter here.

#21. Receptionist Cover Letter

Receptionist Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a receptionist cover letter here.

#22. Architect Cover Letter

Architect Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing an architect cover letter here.

#23. Management Cover Letter

Management Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a management cover letter here.

#24. Physician Cover Letter

Physician Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a physician cover letter here.

#25. Substitute Teacher Cover Letter

Substitute Teacher Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a substitute teacher cover letter here.

#26. Software Engineer Cover Letter

Software Engineer Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a software engineer cover letter here.

#27. Administrative Assistant Cover Letter

Administrative Assistant Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing an administrative assistant cover letter here.

#28. Mechanical Engineering Cover Letter

Mechanical Engineering Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a mechanical engineering cover letter here.

#29. Attorney Cover Letter

Attorney Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing an attorney cover letter here.

FAQs About What to Include in a Cover Letter

Do you still have some questions about what to include in a cover letter? Check out the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions on the topic!

#1. What is a good example of a cover letter?

There are plenty of great cover letter examples for different professions that you can look at.

Overall, a cover letter that’s well done starts with your contact information in a designated header at the top. Next, you have to add the hiring manager’s contact details and include a personalized greeting.

Write a strong opening paragraph that references the job you're applying for and includes a standout achievement or relevant experience that makes you a strong candidate.

Use the body of your cover letter to expand on your key skills and experiences that match what the employer is looking for. Give specific examples to illustrate your greatest accomplishments and how you gained your most impressive skills.

Wrap up your cover letter by recapping your key selling points and including a call to action that invites the hiring manager to reach out to you. Lastly, add a professional closing line and sign your name underneath.

#2. How do you start a cover letter?

The opening to your cover letter should be brief and attention-grabbing.

Your first few sentences should be something that makes the hiring manager want to learn more about you. You don’t want to give them too many details—just enough to pique their interest.

Explain why you’re writing and why you’re interested in the specific role. We recommend including keywords from the job ad , especially ones that match your most relevant skills, experiences, or impressive achievements.

#3. How do you write a unique cover letter?

Your cover letter is your chance to give the hiring manager a unique insight into you as a candidate. It’s your opportunity to stand out from the crowd using your own words.

The best way to write a unique cover letter is to start by researching the company and referencing anything you find attention-grabbing about it. You should be able to easily identify what you like about the specific employer, such as their contributions to the industry, their values, and reputation, and mention it in your cover letter.

Use a polite but conversational tone to convey both your professionalism and personality. Instead of using passive language to explain that you “managed” this or were “responsible for” that, take advantage of action verbs and power words to make your experiences stand out.

Avoid using generic phrases like how you’re a “team player” or have “ leadership skills ” alone, and instead provide concrete examples that back up the skills and experience that make you the right candidate for the job.

#4. Should a cover letter be fancy?

Since a cover letter is a formal document, you might be tempted to make it fancy.

There’s no need to go over the top with your cover letter. Adding too much decoration or creative flair can detract from the information you want to convey to the hiring manager.

Your focus should always be on writing a clear, concise, and well-organized text that gets your point across.

More traditional industries, like law or finance, should stick to minimalistic cover letter templates with a clean and simple layout.

For professionals aiming for creative industries like illustration or graphic design, a bit of color can make your application pop. Even then, it’s important to strike a balance between creativity and professionalism, so your cover letter’s text remains the hiring manager’s primary focus.

Key Takeaways

And that’s all there is to what you should include in your cover letter!

Hopefully, after reaching the end of our article, you feel confident that your cover letter covers all the necessary bases. Good luck on your job hunt!

But before we say goodbye, let’s briefly recap what we've covered so far:

  • Your cover letter should be concise and avoid any irrelevant information. The hiring manager is interested in what you can do for the company, not in any personal information that doesn’t relate to the job.
  • Overly long paragraphs and a messy layout can leave a bad impression. Instead of trying to format everything yourself, use an online cover letter builder.
  • Our online resume builder offers resume templates and matching cover letter templates that you can use to create a stylish and professional job application in minutes.
  • Dedicate a portion of your cover letter’s main body to express your genuine interest in the company and the specific role. Do some research beforehand so you can identify several things you genuinely like about the company and position you’re applying for.
  • End your cover letter with a strategic call to action. This shows the hiring manager you’re eager to make it to the next step of the hiring process, and it makes it more likely for them to reach out to you.

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Do you customize cover letters for multiple job submissions

Hey guys, just curious what's the standard practice when you're applying for multiple jobs, do you have a canned cover letter and customize the cover letter to tailor to each job you submit? Or do you not provide a cover letter?


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  3. How To Write A Cover Letter: Useful Tips, Phrases and Examples • 7ESL

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  4. What Details Should Be Included in a Cover Letter

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  5. How To Write A Covering Letter Example

    cover letters should be modified to each specific position

  6. Cover Letter Heading Spacing

    cover letters should be modified to each specific position


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  2. Job Application Letter on Newspaper Advertisement @lettersapplications #youtubeshorts

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  5. The Secret Formula For A Great Cover Letter!

  6. How to Write a Cover Letter for a Job Application 2023


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    Save as a Word template. To prevent overwriting past saved cover letters, save your document as a template. Once saved, every time you open the file, it creates a new cover letter, exactly as you formatted it. To save a Word file as a template click [File > Save As]. Choose Word Template from the drop-down box and name your file.

  2. Is it a good idea to write a "straight to the point" cover letter?

    The Cover Letter connects the two (custom for each job) In the cover letter you describe how you meet the requirements (or not) by connecting them to specific line items on your resume. There is no need to get overly wordy or flowery. One sentence per requirement is fine. You can even do this as a table.

  3. How to Customize a Cover Letter for Each Job

    7. Explain the Benefits of Hiring You. Although you don't want to come across as bragging, your cover letter is not the place to be shy. Your cover letter should clearly explain why the hiring manager should schedule you for an interview. Explain how your work will specifically benefit the company.

  4. Cover Letter Do's and Don'ts: 10 Expert Writing Tips

    Here are some examples of ways to customize a cover letter: Find out the hiring manager's name and use it. Explain how you found out about the position. Tell the hiring manager why you're interested. Demonstrate your knowledge of the company. Mention specific skills that fit with the job requirements.

  5. Targeted Cover Letters (Writing Tips and Samples)

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    Here are a few ideas. 1. Align With the Mission. Showing that you know what the company does is definitely one way to indicate your familiarity with it, but a better way to execute the delivery of this information is to get mission-driven. Offer a positive opinion about the product, goals, or even general trajectory of the company—then ...

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    1. Personalization. Address the hiring manager or recruiter by name whenever possible. If the job posting doesn't include a name, research to find out who will be reviewing applications. Personalizing your cover letter shows that you've taken the time to tailor your application to the specific company and role. 2.

  8. How To Write a Cover Letter (With Examples and Tips)

    Middle paragraph (s) Closing paragraph. Letter ending and signature. Your cover letter should be one page long and use a simple, professional font, such as Arial or Helvetica, 10 to 12 points in size. Your letter should be left-aligned with single spacing and one-inch margins. Show Transcript.

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    A cover letter should only be one page long and should only contain three to four paragraphs. Avoid having long paragraphs, paragraphs with more than three to four sentences, or overly long sentences. Also try to use the active voice over the passive voice to make your writing more engaging. Shorter, more concise letters are more likely to be ...

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    And rewriting certain sections of your cover letter to focus on the key skills and qualifications of the position, as outlined in the job description. You don't have to rewrite the whole resume or cover letter, but you should absolutely spend time making sure your documents are keyword-rich using the same language from the job description.

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    Here are 15 things to avoid when writing a cover letter with tips and suggestions of what you can do instead: Not following instructions. Using the wrong format. Discussing why you are looking for a new position. Using the same cover letter for every application.

  12. 7 Key Components of an Effective Cover Letter

    A great cover letter uses a logical progression of ideas to advertise your skills. There are seven sections that every cover letter should include to fit employer expectations and highlight your best qualities: 1. Header. All cover letters start with a header that includes your contact information. People often use the same header for their ...

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    Respond to the Instructions. Keep a Template and Make Small Edits to Customize It. Help Do the Resume Screener's Job for Them. Mirror Info from the Job Posting. Try the "Find and Replace" Function. Go Way Back to Build a Connection. Use the Contact's Name. Find an Online Template or Generator.

  14. PDF Cover Letter Writing Guide

    Every cover letter should be tailored to each company, industry, and position. Showcase your experience as it relates to the specified position. ... State why you are writing the letter, the specific position or type of work you are applying for, and how you learned of the organization or position (Career Center, name of publication or website, ...

  15. What Should You Include in Your Cover Letter? [w/ Tips for 2024]

    The top of your cover letter should include a designated header where you can input your contact information, such as your full name, email address, phone number, address, and links to any relevant social media. Make sure these details match your resume and double-check for any typos. Company details.

  16. Custom Cover Letters: Step by Step Guide to do it Right

    This ultimate guide to creating a cover letter for a specific job explains when to do it and how to do it right. ... Anyone that is looking to make 6 figures should expect to send a unique cover letter with each job application. This will be expected by the hiring manager to provide context on your leadership style, interest in the job, and ...

  17. Specific Job Cover Letter Guide

    Paragraph 1 - Introduction. Tell the reader why you are writing, and name the position you are pursuing. You may state where you saw the position opening. If you have a networking contact at this company, you should refer to that person in the first paragraph. Remember, the first paragraph of a cover letter should spark the interest of the ...

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    Which résumé method accentuates responsibilities and capabilities s of positions held? Targeted. A résumé outline a person's __________. Qualifications. Community involvement and volunteer activities are appropriate to include on a résumé. True. Cover letters should be modified to each specific position. True.

  19. Types of Cover Letters (With Samples)

    A cover letter used with a resume submission or with a job application is called an application cover letter. The application cover letter should be custom curated to the job you're applying for. A tip you can use when writing your cover letter is to use as many of the keywords from the job description as possible to define your skills.

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    Instead, your cover letter should go beyond your work history to talk about things that make you especially well-suited for the job. For example, if you're applying for an assistant job that ...


    sending your résumé via e-mail, in many cases the e-mail message becomes your cover letter. GET TO THE POINT Brevity is key. Employers do not have time to read long cover letters. Keep it to one page. In the first sentence of your cover letter, explain what position you're applying for and where you found the position. e concise and make

  22. Cover Letter and Resume Assessment

    Cover Letter and Resume Assessment quiz for 11th grade students. Find other quizzes for Other and more on Quizizz for free! ... Cover letters should be modified to each specific position. True. False. 2. Multiple Choice. Edit. 1 minute. 1 pt. Which résumé method should be used if you have a stable work history and each job makes a logical ...

  23. Do you customize cover letters for multiple job submissions

    dayton967. • 1 yr. ago. Yes you should always customize the cover letter. The cover letter should state how you specifically match their requirements. Now the majority of your coverletter can be mostly canned (first paragraph, last paragraph). The middle paragraph (s), should be unique for each job, and it should go into detail how you match ...