child labour essay css forum

Child labor

child labor

  • August 2, 2020
  • Daily Write-Ups , Featured , Opinions

Wordsworth has said: ‘’ the child is the father of the man.’’ Children are our future. Today children are the adults of tomorrow. Now when they are so important, we must realize what we are doing for them. But child labor is an evil prevailing everywhere. Have we succeeded in providing them the basic necessities of life such as education and health care? Although the Government, Non- Government Organization, and other organizations are busy solving the problem of child labor, yet nothing seems to have come out of their work. Poverty is the main cause of failure. The poor parents are forced to push their children into practical life at an early age. Such children face a life of hardship and deprivation. Another cause is the exploitation of children by the industrialist and feudal. They have to pay less for the children.

child labour essay css forum

Children can be seen working everywhere. Most of the children are 8 to 10 years of age. They work in a small industrial workshop, office boys, and staff assistants. They are seen cleaning cars parked on roads, polishing shoes, selling goods, and many other such odd jobs. Little girls are seen in homes, scrubbing floors, washing clothes, furbishing utensils, and looking after little babies. There are about two million Families in Pakistan living in bondage in various sectors. Of these nearly eight million are children. The main sector in which children are made to work are the agriculture sector, the brick kiln industry, carpet weaving, and domestic service. These children earn money for their families. They are to work from eight to twelve hours a day. They are maltreated. They are deprived of the joy of childhood. They cannot go to school to get an education. Because of continuous overwork, they fall a victim to various diseases. Most of them suffer from malnutrition, and as such die an early death. If the survive these hardships, they live a life of misery. This is a very deplorable situation.

The government and non-government organizations should take some steps to tackle this problem of child labor. The government should enact a comprehensive law for the elimination of child labor from its very roots. It should create the welfare of children. It should declare that child labor below fifteen years of age is a criminal offense. Non-government organizations must support people’s struggle for justice and emancipation. They should supplement the government’s efforts for the welfare of children. They should work to influence and encourage rich people to donate funds for building hospitals, clinics, and the purchase of medicines for children. Child labor is a curse. We must work to get rid of it at all costs. Our children need education rather than work.

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child labour essay css forum

Essay on Child Labour

Here we have shared the Essay on Child Labour in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 250, 400, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Child Labour in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

Topics covered in this article.

Essay on Child Labour in 150 words

Essay on child labour in 200-300 words, essay on child labour in 500-1000 words.

Child labour is a global issue that deprives children of their childhood, education, and well-being. It involves exploitative work that is mentally, physically, socially, or morally harmful. Children engaged in labour-intensive jobs face hazardous conditions and miss out on opportunities for education and personal development. Poverty, lack of access to education, and inadequate enforcement of laws contribute to the persistence of child labour. Efforts to eliminate child labour require a comprehensive approach, including policy implementation, social protection measures, and awareness campaigns. Global initiatives and conventions aim to eradicate child labour and promote quality education for all children. It is crucial to create an environment where children can thrive, receive proper education, and break free from the cycle of poverty. Every child deserves the right to a childhood filled with learning, growth, and protection.

Child labour is a pressing issue that continues to plague societies around the world. It refers to the exploitation of children through any form of work that deprives them of their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend regular schools, and is mentally, physically, socially, or morally harmful.

Child labour deprives children of their basic rights and hampers their overall development. It denies them the opportunity to receive proper education, resulting in limited opportunities for future growth. Children engaged in labour-intensive work are exposed to hazardous conditions, risking their physical and mental well-being.

The root causes of child labour are complex and multifaceted, including poverty, lack of access to education, social and cultural norms, and inadequate enforcement of laws and regulations. Eradicating child labour requires a holistic approach, involving the implementation of effective policies, social protection measures, and increased awareness.

Efforts are being made globally to combat child labour, including the enactment of laws, international conventions, and initiatives aimed at eliminating this practice. It is crucial to create an environment where children can receive a quality education, enabling them to break free from the cycle of poverty and contribute to the development of their communities.

In conclusion, child labour is a grave violation of children’s rights and a hindrance to their overall well-being and development. It is imperative for governments, organizations, and individuals to work together to address the root causes and eliminate child labour. Every child deserves a childhood filled with learning, growth, and opportunities for a brighter future.

Title: Child Labour – A Stolen Childhood

Introduction :

Child labour is a grave global issue that robs children of their childhood, dignity, and fundamental rights. It refers to the exploitative employment of children in work that is mentally, physically, socially, or morally harmful. Child labour is a complex problem with deep-rooted causes, including poverty, lack of access to education, social norms, and weak enforcement of laws. This essay examines the causes, consequences, and efforts to combat child labour, emphasizing the urgent need for collective action to protect the rights and well-being of children.

Causes of Child Labour

Child labour is often driven by economic factors, with families living in poverty compelled to send their children to work in order to supplement household income. Limited access to quality education, lack of affordable schooling, and inadequate social support contribute to the prevalence of child labour. In some cases, cultural and social norms perpetuate the idea that children should work, depriving them of their right to education and nurturing childhood.

Consequences of Child Labour

Child labour has severe consequences for children’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Children engaged in hazardous work face significant health risks, including injuries, illnesses, and developmental delays. They are often denied the opportunity to attend school, hindering their educational development and limiting future opportunities. Child labour perpetuates the cycle of poverty, as illiteracy and limited skills trap individuals in low-wage, exploitative employment in adulthood.

Exploitative Industries

Child labour is prevalent in various industries, including agriculture, manufacturing, mining, construction, and domestic work. In agriculture, children are often engaged in hazardous tasks such as pesticide application, heavy lifting, and long hours of work. In manufacturing and mining, children are exposed to dangerous machinery, toxic substances, and exploitative working conditions. Domestic work exposes children to long hours, physical abuse, and isolation.

Legal and Ethical Perspectives

International conventions, such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions, condemn child labour and call for its elimination. Many countries have enacted laws to protect children’s rights and prohibit child labour. However, weak enforcement, limited resources, and gaps in legislation hinder the effective eradication of the problem. Ethical considerations highlight the importance of corporations and consumers in ensuring responsible supply chains that are free from child labour.

Efforts to Combat Child Labour

Various organizations, governments, and civil society groups are actively working to combat child labour. They focus on initiatives such as providing access to quality education, vocational training for adults, poverty alleviation programs, and social protection measures. Advocacy campaigns raise awareness about the harmful consequences of child labour and mobilize support for its eradication. International collaborations and partnerships aim to address the systemic issues that perpetuate child labour, fostering sustainable solutions.

Conclusion :

Child labour remains a grave violation of children’s rights and a barrier to their development. It is a global problem that requires collective action to address its root causes. By addressing poverty, improving access to education, enforcing protective legislation, and promoting responsible business practices, we can create a world where children are protected, educated, and free from exploitation. Efforts must be intensified to ensure that every child enjoys their right to a childhood, education, and a future filled with hope and opportunity. Together, we can work towards a world where child labour is eradicated, and all children have the chance to thrive and realize their full potential.

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Essay on Child Labour for Students and Children

500+ words essay on child labour.

Child labour is a term you might have heard about in news or movies. It refers to a crime where children are forced to work from a very early age. It is like expecting kids to perform responsibilities like working and fending for themselves. There are certain policies which have put restrictions and limitations on children working.

Essay on Child Labour

The average age for a child to be appropriate to work is considered fifteen years and more. Children falling below this age limit won’t be allowed to indulge in any type of work forcefully. Why is that so? Because child labour takes away the kids opportunity of having a normal childhood, a proper education , and physical and mental well-being. In some countries, it is illegal but still, it’s a far way from being completely eradicated.

Causes of Child Labour

Child Labour happens due to a number of reasons. While some of the reasons may be common in some countries, there are some reasons which are specific in particular areas and regions. When we look at what is causing child labour, we will be able to fight it better.

Firstly, it happens in countries that have a lot of poverty and unemployment . When the families won’t have enough earning, they put the children of the family to work so they can have enough money to survive. Similarly, if the adults of the family are unemployed, the younger ones have to work in their place.

child labour essay css forum

Moreover, when people do not have access to the education they will ultimately put their children to work. The uneducated only care about a short term result which is why they put children to work so they can survive their present.

Furthermore, the money-saving attitude of various industries is a major cause of child labour. They hire children because they pay them lesser for the same work as an adult. As children work more than adults and also at fewer wages, they prefer children. They can easily influence and manipulate them. They only see their profit and this is why they engage children in factories.

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Eradication of Child Labour

If we wish to eradicate child labour, we need to formulate some very effective solutions which will save our children. It will also enhance the future of any country dealing with these social issues . To begin with, one can create a number of unions that solely work to prevent child labour. It should help the children indulging in this work and punishing those who make them do it.

Furthermore, we need to keep the parents in the loop so as to teach them the importance of education. If we make education free and the people aware, we will be able to educate more and more children who won’t have to do child labour. Moreover, making people aware of the harmful consequences of child labour is a must.

In addition, family control measures must also be taken. This will reduce the family’s burden so when you have lesser mouths to feed, the parents will be enough to work for them, instead of the children. In fact, every family must be promised a minimum income by the government to survive.

In short, the government and people must come together. Employment opportunities must be given to people in abundance so they can earn their livelihood instead of putting their kids to work. The children are the future of our country; we cannot expect them to maintain the economic conditions of their families instead of having a normal childhood.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What causes child labour?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Child Labour is caused by many factors. The most important one is poverty and illiteracy. When people barely make ends meet, they put their children to work so they can have food two times a day.”} }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How can we prevent child labour?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”Strict measures can prevent child labour. Unions should be made to monitor the activities of child labour. Education must be made free to enroll more and more kids in school. We must also abolish child trafficking completely to save the children.”} }] }

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Child Labour Essay

Many children are forced to labour in a variety of dangerous and non-hazardous occupations, including agriculture, glass manufacturing, the carpet and brass industries, matchbox manufacturing, and household labour. Here are some sample essays on child labour.

  • 100 Words Essay On Child Labour

Child labour is defined as the employment of children for any type of work that interferes with their physical and mental growth and denies them access to the fundamental educational and recreational needs. A child is generally regarded as old enough to work when they are fifteen years old or older. Children under this age limit are not permitted to engage in any sort of forced employment. Because child labour denies children the chance to experience a normal upbringing, receive a quality education, and appreciate their physical and emotional wellbeing. Although it is prohibited in certain nations, it has still not been totally abolished.

200 Words Essay On Child Labour

500 words essay on child labour.

Child Labour Essay

Children are preferred for employment in many unorganised small industries because they are less demanding and easier to handle. Sometimes the children's own families force them into child labour because they lack the funds or are unable to provide for them.

These kids frequently live in poor, unsanitary circumstances with little access to school or medical care. These kids are also forced to live in seclusion and aren't permitted to play, engage socially, or make friends. Such a toxic workplace is difficult for kids and frequently contributes to mental illnesses like depression. These kids frequently use drugs and other substances, which worsens their physical and mental health.

Why Is Child Labour Prohibited?

The employment of children in a manner that denies them the chance to enjoy childhood, receive an education, or experience personal growth is known as child labour. There are many strong laws against child labour, and many nations, like India, have standards of imprisonment and fines if a person or organisation is found to be engaging in child labour.

Even while there are rules in place to prevent child labour, we still need to enforce them. Children are compelled to work as children owing to poverty and to help support their families.

Child labourers are either trafficked from their home countries or originate from destitute backgrounds. They are fully at the power of their employers and have no protection.

Causes Of Child Labour

Here are some reasons that lead to child labour:

Poverty | Child labour is a problem that is greatly influenced by poverty. Children in low-income households are viewed as an additional source of income. These kids are expected to help out with their parents' duties when they get older.

Illiteracy | One significant component that fuels this issue is illiteracy. Because they must invest more than they receive in return in the form of wages from their children, the illiterate parents view education as a burden. Children who work as labourers are subjected to unsanitary circumstances, late hours, and other hardships that have an immediate impact on their cognitive development.

Bonded Labour | Unethical businesses like using children as labourers over adults since they can get more work done from them and pay them less per hour. Children are forced to work in this sort of child labour in order to pay off a family loan or obligation. Due to bonded labour, poor children have also been trafficked from rural to urban areas to work as domestic help, in tiny manufacturing houses, or simply to live as street beggars.

How To Protect Children From Child Labour?

Multiple facets of society will be required to support efforts to abolish child labour. The effectiveness of government initiatives and its personnel is limited. Therefore, we ought to come together and channelize our efforts in the right direction to stop child labour. Here are some of the ways to stop child labour–

Notice | Be cautious when eating at a neighbouring restaurant or shopping at a neighbourhood market. Inform local authorities or call CHILDLINE 1098 if you see any children working as child labourers.

Know The Law | The first step in preventing child labour is to understand the constitution's role in child protection. Knowing the laws gives you the knowledge you need to combat the threat and alert those who use child labour.

Educate And Aware | Child labour may be avoided by educating others about its negative impacts, especially business leaders and employers. Discuss with them how child labour affects children's physical and emotional health, and tell them what the laws and punishments are.

Conversation With Parents | If you are aware of a parent in your area who is forcing his or her child to work as a youngster, speak with that parent and explain the dangers that child labour poses to the future of their offspring and highlight how education and skill building may protect their child's future.

Enrolment In Schools | In your community, you may establish a setting that encourages learning for street kids. You may assist disadvantaged youngsters in learning and self-education by raising money to create libraries and community learning centres in your area. Additionally, you may help the parents enrol their kids in school.

A country cannot advance if its children are living in abject poverty. To stop the exploitation and employment of children in certain industries, it is essential to identify these sectors and create the required legislation and laws. This should be society's and the government's shared duty.

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Child Labour Essay | 1400 Words

Outlines of the english essay on child labour, child labour essay.

Child labour means ‘perforce work carried out by children for sustenance that deprives them of their childhood and their basic rights such as education, mental and physical nourishment, etc.’ According to the United Nations, children employed under the age of 18 would fall under the definition of child labour.

This phenomenon is very common in third-world or developing countries. It is very common to see small children (young boys) working at workshops, restaurants, industries, mills, shops, service stations, etc. in such countries. On the other hand, young girls are mostly involved in domestic work.

There are multiple reasons and factors that give rise to child labour. As it is considered an evil in society that gives rise to multiple social issues in the long run; child labour must be curbed from society otherwise it will continue wreaking havoc in multiple ways.

Reasons & Factors Behind Child Labour

Poverty is one prominent reason behind child labour. Many poor parents, who cannot afford their daily-based expenses, force their children to do labour and earn money at a very young age.

According to United Nations’ Millennium Development Goal Programme, 6.7 per cent of India’s total population is living below the poverty line. Similarly, according to Asian Development Bank’s report , 24.3 per cent of the total population in Pakistan is living below the poverty line.

Culture of Poverty

Illiterate parents.

Another major factor behind child labour is uneducated or illiterate parents. An illiterate person does not understand the worth of education. So he abstains from spending money on his children’s education.


Illiteracy and overpopulation go hand in hand. Without any prior thought to future implications, illiterate parents pay no heed to proper family planning. Hence, when it becomes difficult for them to raise or sustain their many children; they force their children to work and earn.

Moreover, the government also fails to make effective policies for a growing population. Owing to budgetary constraints, it fails to provide free education or allowances to all children.

Government Negligence

Consequences of child labour, a rise in illiteracy rate.

When these children grow up, they become a burden on society. They lack the fundamental knowledge and skills to play their role in the progress of society.

A Rise in Terrorism and Social Crimes

Impact on social progress & development.

Any country that has a high child labour rate will always be low on the progress scale. As education is the key to progress and development; when children are deprived of education, they fail to become responsible citizens of the country. Rather than playing a positive role in a country’s development, they hamper the progress of the country.

Malnourishment and Health Issues

More child labour in future.

A child who has done labour at an early age, when grows up and becomes a father; tends to follow the example of his father. This is what the culture of poverty is all about. This is a vicious circle that continues for ages.

Suggestions/Way Out

Following are some suggestions to root out child labour from society.

Role of Government

Role of ngos.

Moreover, these organizations can also do door-to-door campaigns to raise awareness among parents. They can also educate/guide parents on the rights of children and their proper nourishment.

Role of Media

To cap it all, child labour must be put on the front burner and dealt with on an urgent basis. As an adage goes, ‘Child is the father of the man’; hence, proper attention must be paid to the upbringing of the children. Children are the future of the nation. Water them today and they will bear fruits for society tomorrow.

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Essay on Child Labour in 1000 Words for Students

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  • May 21, 2024

Essay on Child Labour

Essay on Child Labour: A study called ‘ Campaign Against Child Labour ‘ revealed that around 12.67 million child labourers exist in India. Child labour refers to the forceful employment of children at shops, domestic and hazardous places like factories and mines. Child labour exploits children for their basic childhood rights and affects their physical and mental growth. According to the International Labour Organization, the minimum age to work is 15 years. However, some countries have set the minimum working age at 14 years.

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In India, the Ministry of Labour & Employment is responsible for protecting children’s rights. The Ministry launched the National Child Labour Project (NCLP) scheme for the rehabilitation of child labourers.

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 Poverty and Unemployment
  • 1.2 Lack of Access to Education
  • 1.3 Lack of Enforcement Laws
  • 1.4 Debt Bondage
  • 1.5 Ignorance and Lack of Awareness
  • 2.1 Education Deprivation
  • 2.2 Impact on Physical Health
  • 2.3 Impact on Mental and Emotional Health
  • 2.4 Cycle of Poverty
  • 3 What is the Global Perspective?
  • 4 Child Labour in India
  • 5 5 Steps to Eradicate Child Labour
  • 6 10 Lines to Add in Child Labour Essay

5 Major Child Labour Causes

Poverty, unemployment, lack of access to quality education, lack of awareness, etc are some of the common causes of child labour. Understanding all the causes of child labour is very important to eradicating its practice.

Poverty and Unemployment

Poverty and unemployment are the primary causes of child labour. Families living in extreme poverty force their children to work and meet basic needs such as food, shelter, and healthcare. On top of this, employees take advantage of their poverty and pay them low wages.

Lack of Access to Education

Children belonging to poor families have limited access to education due to inadequate infrastructure, insufficient resources and social discrimination. Due to this reason, children who are supposed to go to school are pushed towards labour instead of attending school.

“The Best Way to Make Children Good is to Make Them Happy” – Oscar Wilde

Lack of Enforcement Laws

A lot of countries do not have strict laws against child labour. Unethical employers are not afraid because the laws against child labour are not strict. Child labour is persistent because employees do not fear the law. In some cases, insufficient coordination among government agencies, NGOs, and international organizations leads to gaps in the enforcement of child labour laws.

Debt Bondage

Debt bondage or bonded labour is a type of child labour where individuals are forced to work to repay a debt or a family loan. These impoverished people have no other option but to work as bonded labourers in domestic places. 

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Ignorance and Lack of Awareness

The lack of awareness becomes an important cause of child labour, as these people have no idea about the long-term consequences of child labour. 

Impacts on Children

Child labour can have serious impacts on a child’s physical and mental growth. However, the impacts of child labour are not limited to children only. 

Education Deprivation

Child labour deprives children of their right to education. In India, the Right to Education is a basic Fundamental Right and is also a Fundamental Duty. The Indian Constitution says that any person, who is a parent or a guardian, must provide opportunities for education to his child or ward between the ages of six and fourteen years.

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Impact on Physical Health

Children who consistently work in dangerous or tough conditions sometimes get hurt, and sick, and can face long-term health issues. Children working in factories and mines are exposed to harmful chemicals, pollutants and dust. Prolonged exposure can lead to respiratory problems, skin disorders, and other health issues.

Impact on Mental and Emotional Health

Working for long hours in hazardous conditions is a deadly combination. These conditions can contribute to high levels of stress and anxiety, affecting the mental well-being of children. In addition to this, these children are denied the right to education, which limits their cognitive development and prospects.

Cycle of Poverty

Children are supposed to go to school and study, not work in factories or as domestic helpers. Child labour perpetuates the cycle of poverty. The cycle of poverty can only end if child labour ends. 

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What is the Global Perspective?

According to UNICEF, 1 out of 10 children are subjected to child labour worldwide and some are forced into hazardous work through trafficking. Child labour is a complex issue with its regional challenges. In 2020, around 16 crore children in the world were subjected to child labour. 

International organisations like the ILO, UNICEF, etc. are constantly fighting against children. They collaborate with global governments, NGOs, and private organisations and discuss the root causes of child labour, such as poverty, lack of access to education, cultural norms, armed conflict, and economic pressures. It is very important to address these factors for effective solutions.

Child Labour in India

In India, there are five major sectors where child labour is most prevalent. These sectors are:

  • Agriculture – The largest number of children are employed in the agricultural sector and related activities. Children in rural areas are employed in sugarcane, wheat and rice farms, where they are forced to work for long hours in scorching heat.
  • Brick Kilns – For ages, the brick kiln industry has been employing children at low wages. In several brick kilns, children work for long hours with their parents and are exposed to toxic fumes and pollutants.
  • Garment Industry – The Indian garment industry constitutes a large portion of child labour. Most of the Indian garment industries are managed by local start-ups, who hire children at low wages to preserve their profit margin.
  • Fireworks – Firework factory owners hire a significant number of children at low wages. Children working in fireworks factories work in cramped conditions and are exposed to toxic fumes and hazardous chemicals, which hampers their physical and mental health.
  • Unorganised Sectors – The unorganised sector includes local dhabas, food and tea stalls, vegetable and fruit vendors, etc. These people employ children as helpers and servants. 

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5 Steps to Eradicate Child Labour

  • Raising Awareness: Raising awareness about child labour can be the first step to eradicating child labour. If people, especially parents, are aware of the consequences of child labour, they might not force their children to work in hazardous places. 
  • Support Families: Traffickers prey on vulnerable children, especially those who come from poor families and are not aware of child labour. We need to support these families by providing them with financial assistance, job training for adults, and other resources. When families have enough money to live on, they are less likely to rely on their children’s income.
  • Strict Laws: There is an urgent need for stringent laws against child labour. Strict laws against child labour can bring long-lasting social changes. In India, child labour is a crime. According to the Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act of 1986, children below the age are prohibited from working. However, this law is not strictly enforced.
  • Pro-child Laws: Today, various NGOs are working in collaboration with local and state governments to implement pro-child laws.
  • Education for All : Education must be made compulsory and accessible to all. In India, the Right to Education is a fundamental right. Yet, a lot of children are deprived of this basic constitutional right. Strict laws and easy access to education can bring a big change, ending child labour in the country.

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10 Lines to Add in Child Labour Essay

Here are 10 lines on child labour. Feel free to add them to your child labour essay or similar topics.

  • Child labour deprives children of their right to a proper childhood.
  • It involves children working in harmful environments. 
  • It Disrupts their physical and mental well-being.
  • Poverty is a major factor pushing children into the workforce at an early age.
  • Lack of access to education often perpetuates the cycle of child labour.
  • Children engaged in labour are vulnerable to exploitation and abuse.
  • Hazardous conditions in factories and mines pose serious health risks to working children.
  • Child labour hinders the development of necessary skills and knowledge for the future.
  • Long working hours and limited leisure time impact a child’s social and emotional growth.
  • Addressing the root causes, such as poverty and lack of education, is crucial in the fight against child labour.

Ans: Child labour refers to the practice of employing young children in hazardous places like factories and mines. Child labour exploits children for their basic childhood rights and hampers their physical and mental growth. According to the International Labour Organization, the minimum age for work is 15 years. However, some countries have set the minimum working age at 14 years.

Ans: Poverty and Unemployment, Lack of Access to Education, Law of Enforcement Laws, Debt Bondage, etc. are some of the primary causes of child labour.

Ans: Child labour is banned in India. According to the Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, of 1986, no child below 14 years of age is allowed to work in hazardous or domestic places, like factories, mines or shops.

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Home — Essay Samples — Social Issues — Child Labour — An Argument against Child Labour


Negative Side of Child Labor: Arguments

  • Categories: Child Labour

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Words: 1531 |

Published: Jul 17, 2018

Words: 1531 | Pages: 3 | 8 min read

Table of contents

Child labor essay outline, child labor essay example, introduction.

  • Introduction to child labor as a significant issue
  • Mention of childhood as an important period of learning and development
  • Introduction to the argumentative essay on child labor

Issues of Child Labor

  • Prevalence of child labor in many countries
  • Reasons for child labor, including lack of prevention and young children's vulnerability
  • Impact of child labor on education and future prospects of children

Impact on Children

  • Discussion of the age group most affected by child labor (ages 5-14)
  • Low wages and exploitation of child laborers
  • Importance of education and how child labor denies children this opportunity

Root Causes of Child Labor

  • Factors such as poverty, lack of job opportunities for adults, and cultural norms
  • Children forced to work to support their families
  • Role reversal between parents and children

Dangers and Abuses in Child Labor

  • Long working hours, dangerous conditions, and physical/sexual abuse
  • Impact on life expectancy and overall well-being of child laborers
  • Cultural differences in some developing countries

What Can Be Done?

  • Awareness and activism by individuals, organizations, and activists
  • The role of organizations like UNICEF in combating child labor
  • Steps required to eliminate child labor, including education and birth registration
  • Recap of the arguments against child labor
  • Importance of taking actions to end child labor for the benefit of all children

Issues of child labour

What can be done, works cited.

  • Bales, K. (2005). New Slavery: A Reference Handbook. ABC-CLIO.
  • Batstone, D. (2010). Not For Sale: The Return of the Global Slave Trade and How We Can Fight It. Harper Collins.
  • Edmonds, E. V., & Pavcnik, N. (2005). The effect of trade liberalization on child labor. Journal of International Economics, 65(2), 401-419.
  • Ennaji, M. (2009). Multilingualism, Cultural Identity, and Education in Morocco. Springer.
  • Giannakopoulos, N. (2007). Child labour and human rights: Making children matter. Ashgate.
  • ILO. (2017). Global Estimates of Child Labour: Results and trends, 2012-2016. International Labour Organization.
  • Levison, D., & Foshay, R. (2012). Grown Up Digital: How the Net Generation is Changing Your World. McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Lloyd, C. B., Dearden, K. A., & Santosh, R. (2005). School quality and educational outcomes in rural Ethiopia. International Journal of Educational Development, 25(5), 525-541.
  • United Nations. (1989). Convention on the Rights of the Child. United Nations.
  • UNICEF. (2005). Child labour and education: Progress, challenges and future directions. United Nations Children's Fund.

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77 Child Labour Essay Topics & Examples

Researching the subject of child labour for an essay, you will see that it’s quite challenging to write about. That’s why we’ve listed useful topics here.

🏆 Best Child Labour Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

🎓 good child labour project topics, 👍 interesting child labour essay topics, ❓ research questions on child labour.

Even today, in our progressive world, this is a pressing issue that you can discuss in detail, relying on region and global statistics. We would love to facilitate this task for you by providing good child labour essay topics. Our experts have collected this list on the causes, solutions, and other aspects of the issue. So, check our essay ideas and research questions on child labour and start writing!

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Table of Contents

Child Labour Essay: Child Labour refers to the employment of children aged 5 to 17 years to deprive them of their childhood and force them into a life of deprivation and illiteracy. The main factor behind child labour is poverty; therefore, it is more rampant in developing or underdeveloped countries. Children in these countries are often forced into labour to supplement the daily income of their families.

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Short and Long Essay on Child Labour

For your information and knowledge, we have provided a short and long essay on Child Labour in English. These Child Labour essays have been written in simple yet effective English for you to make it easy to remember them and present them when required.

After going through the essays, you will learn a lot about child labour and its vital statistics. You will also know about the industries employing child labour in India; the negative effects of child labour on children; ways to tackle child labour; how child labour is related to poverty; the history of child labour; types of child labour in India, and statistics of child labour in India 2019.

These Child Labour essays will be extremely useful in your school/college assignments and competitions like speech giving, debate, and essay writing competitions.

Child Labour Essay 1 (100 Words)

  • Child labour is the employment of children, often aged 5 to 17 years. At such a young age, children are a lot less demanding and could be very easily managed by the employees. For this reason, many unorganized sectors worldwide prefer to work with child laborers.
  • There are nearly 152 million child labors worldwide, most driven by poverty. Low-income families unable to meet daily nourishment requirements are forced to send their children to manual work in different sectors. This way, the children could supplement their family’s income apart from fending for their vital requirements.

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Child Labour Essay 2 (150 Words)

  • Child labour is defined as the employment of children in such a way as to deprive them of their childhood, education, and growth opportunities. Many unorganized small sectors worldwide prefer to employ children for they are less demanding and easily manageable.
  • Sometimes, the families of the children themselves push them into child labour for want of money, or they cannot feed the children. Such children often live in unhygienic and deprived conditions, with no medical aid and no education opportunity.
  • Child labour forces a child into the vicious cycle of deprivation, illiteracy, and poverty. Such children cannot find a decent and suitable job as adults and are often regarded as socially backward. They live solitary lives of isolation and often take to unwanted and unethical means.

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Child Labour Essay 3 (200 Words)

  • Child Labour refers to the employment of children in various sectors worldwide. It cludes mining, production industries, farming, and other unorganized sectors. Chil ren is often employed in these sectors for they are paid less and easy to manage.
  • Child labour is widely practiced worldwide and deprives children of their childhood, education, and other growth opportunities. Chil ren is forced to engage in hazardous working conditions to support their families by supplementing their income.
  • They work under a verbal or written contract between their employer and parents. Sometimes, it is to repay a debt taken by their families from the employer. Chil labour is more common in developing and underdeveloped nations. Love ty is the main driving factor behind child labour as the children are forced into child labour by their own families to fend for their everyday requirements for food and other necessities.
  • There are many strict laws against child labour, and many countries, including India, have norms of imprisonment and fine if a person and organization is found involved in child labour. Deep te all the laws, we still need to forcibly implement them if we want child labour to be eliminated.

Child Labour Essay 4 (250 Words)

  • The term “Child Labour” refers to the employment of young children in various sectors like industries, hotels, farming, etc. The time is used mainly to denote the employment of children falling in the age group of 5 – 15 years.
  • Child labour deprives the children of their childhood and proper physical and mental growth opportunities. It a so considerably reduces a child’s possibility of getting educated and progressing in life.
  • Worldwide, around 218 million children aged 5 to 17 years are employed as child labour. The children are subjected to live in poor hygienic conditions and are deprived of the basic necessities of life.
  • They never get an opportunity to go to school, forcing them into decades of poverty and labour. Working in poor health conditions, they also become susceptible to various diseases, and their conditions are rarely addressed.
  • Such children are also subjected to living in isolation and are not allowed to interact with people socially and make friends or play. Such a poor work environment is stressful for a child and often results in several mental conditions like depression. Such children often take drugs and other substances, resulting in further physical and mental damage.
  • There is a need to strictly supervise the sectors prone to employing children and impose harsh penalties with money and imprisonment on them for doing so.

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Child Labour Essay 5 (300 Words)


Child labor is the employment of children for different works to interfere with their normal mental, physical, and social growth opportunities. T al o deprives the children of the much-needed education.

Industries Employing Child Labour in India

There are five major sectors in India employing children as child labors. ey an e as described below-

  • Garment Industry – Child labour constitutes a considerable workforce in the Indian garment industry. E industries operate in small owner-managed setups mainly operated from homes. Ads of children in Delhi are employed by the garment industry and are subjected to loud noise, extensive working hours, and sharp tools.
  • Unorganized Sectors – This sector is one of India’s greatest employers for children. It every easy to spot a child working in dhabas, roadside eateries, tea shops, and other businesses. Children are also employed in small shops as servants or help. Based businesses prefer to employ children as they are easily manageable and cost less.
  • Brick Kilns – The brick kiln industry of India has long been witnessing child labour. E children in brick kilns work for long hours with their parents. Working in the brick kiln are exposed to hazardous conditions and toxic fumes, and heated temperatures.
  • Fireworks – The fire sector is India’s most significant employer for children. N this sector often work in cramped spaces and are exposed to dangerous chemicals and hazardous substances, posing a risk to their health and life, and so forced to work for long hours during the festive season.
  • Agriculture – The agriculture sector might be the biggest employer of children in India. E hired in cotton, sugarcane, paddy, and other agriculture-related fields. C il e working in agriculture have to work for longer hours, are paid less, and work in unhygienic conditions.

Children are forced into child labour due to poverty and to supplement their family’s income. E s d to identify these sectors and make necessary policies and laws to prevent the employment and exploitation of children in these sectors.

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Child Labour Essay 6 (350 Words)

The engagement of children as manual labors in different organized and unorganized sectors is termed child labour. Derives t children of their educational opportunities, growth opportunities, socialization, and health. D bo I physically and mentally harmful to the students.

Adverse Effects of Child Labour

  • Child labour has many negative impacts on children. D e wo n as child labour often works in challenging and life-threatening conditions with no one to care for them. Re pai e than an adult doing the same job; moreover, they are underfed.
  • Their employers do everything to keep them cut off from the other parts of the world, forcing them to live a life of isolation and labour; re not n allowed to talk to or meet anyone. An io like this often results in mental disorders like depression, drug addiction, substance abuse, etc.

How can we Help to Stop Child Labour?

We can take a few simple steps to help stop child labour. s ould be an Sf the child labour laws in the country and must always diligently follow them.

Also, keeping an eye on the businesses employing children and reporting the same to competent authorities will prove helpful in eliminating child labor.

A workplace risk assessment for the dangers it poses to the children must also be carried out. Hiring chi e for work should be immediately stopped at any cost.

Child Labour and Poverty

One of the main factors behind child labour is poverty. D en e forc i o labor mainly to supplement their families’ income. e the are gi c actual labour by the family to the employer in exchange for money, or the family employs them in any of its traditional businesses.

For instance, poor farmers in India are forced to use their children as labor because it would be difficult to pay for adult laborers.

Child labour is a severe threat that impedes a nation’s growth and the world. O er, i depriv t child deprives childhood, love, and education and forces them into arduous, hazardous, nonsociable, and pathetic conditions.

Child Labour Essay 7 (400 Words)

Child Labour refers to the employment of children in various sectors to deprive them of their childhood, education, and other growth opportunities and cause physical and mental harassment. p ime reason beh Pild labour is poverty, and more often than not, the children are employed to supplement their family’s income.

History of Child Labour

  • During the preindustrial societies, the concept of childhood was in existence. Den as ung as 1 year was engaged in hunting, woodcutting, farming, etc. though it wasn’t child labour in the true sense, the children did these jobs to facilitate the survival of their group or family.
  • Low productivity and low life expectancy were two of the main characteristics of the preindustrial area. e preven ng the l en from engaging in productive work would mean stalling their progress and lowering their survival chances. An ion in t se days s t considered necessary for survival than skills.
  • The exploitation of children as child labour began in the late 18 th century with the industrial revolution. Br tain, cities like Birm gham and Liverpool fast grew into big industrial cities, attracting millions from villages and other rural areas. S situation was the same S the develop same economies.
  • The Victorian era in Britain ranged from 20 June 1837 to 22 January 1901. It was the most infamous for child labor as you as your ar are employed in factories and mines in the Victorian era and worked in unimaginabl rd us and life-threatening conditions.

World Statistics on Child Labour

World Statistics reveal that nearly 218 million children worldwide are employed. E children f l in the g of 5 to 17 years, and approximately 152 million are, in the true sense, employed as child labour.

Statistics also reveal that nearly 73 million children worldwide work in hazardous and life-threatening conditions.

By the numbers, Africa has around 72.1 million children employed as child labour, nearly half of the world’s figure of 152 million. The Pacific has 62 million child labors; America has 10.7 million child labors, while Central Asia, Europe, and Arab states have 5.5 million and 1.2 million, respectively.

Child Labour has existed for centuries, even in some of the world’s developed economies. t mes the rea n is to ma the child employable, and sometimes it is to supplement their family’s income; nevertheless, in both cases, it interferes with the child’s ability to grow, get educated, and be happy.

Child Labour speech 8 (500 Words)

Child Labour refers to the physical exploitation of children by engaging them in work that deprives them of their childhood, education, growth, and development and is physically and mentally harmful. c laws prohib ing child ou are in place in countries worldwide, including India, but there is a need to implement them more effectively than before.

Causes of Child Labour in India

The UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund), a United Nations agency responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children around the world, states poverty is the biggest cause of child labour in India and other developing and underdeveloped countries around the globe.

Due to poverty, children are subjected to labour to supplement their family’s income. the absence of good e at nal infrastructure in rural India and a lack of awareness are reasons behind child labour in India.

Types of Child Labour in India

Two types of Child Labour exist in India: debt bondage child labour and the employment of children to supplement their family’s income. r less, in bo kin of c d bour, the will of others is partially or fully forced upon the child.

In debt bondage child labour, a child is employed for work through a verbal assurance or written agreement, specifically to clear the debt taken by his parents from the creditor. g the legislation bans the s ci tion of child labour in India, the instances of bonded child labour continue even today.

Another form of child labour is where the parents of a child agree with the employer to employ their child to supplement the family’s income. v r, poverty is t main facto eh d all the types of child labour in India and other parts of the world.

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Child Labour in India Statistics 2019

Statistics provided by UNICEF revealed that nearly 10.1 million children in India engaged in child labour. Children fall in the age 14 years 4.5 million girls and 5.6 million boys. 0% of child labors employed n ral India.

Child Labour in India is more prevalent in Uttar Pradesh (2.1 million), Bihar (1 million), Madhya Pradesh (0.7 million), Maharashtra (0.72 million), and Rajasthan (0.84 million).

Indian industries employing a major share of child labors in India are the cotton industry, matchbox making industry, agriculture sector, and other small unorganized sectors.

Child Labour Laws in India

Several laws enacted in India prohibit the engagement of children in the workforce. m jor laws are the Juvenile Justi (c e and protection) of Children Act -2000 and the Child Labour (Prohibition and Abolition) Act -1986. e acts form the basis of all other il labour laws in India.

Child Labour a serious hindrance to the growth of a nation and its social and economic development. There are many la to eliminate il labour, they must effectively implemented.

A range of students studying in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc., classes can use any of the above-given essays on child labour. a e worded to let students understan wit ut any difficulty. t from the child labo essay, you ca et ther related essays and information such as:

  • Slogans on Child Labour
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