
special assignment thieves guild

Endon is a Redguard citizen who is usually in the Silver-Blood Inn in Markarth . He is the husband of the merchant Kerah and the father of Adara . He is often seen in the company of his daughter perhaps hinting that the two are close. Conversations between Endon and his family indicate that he also has a son, Cade, who has left Markarth to join up with the Stormcloaks .

Prior to completing Silver Lining , his house is locked and he wanders the streets of Markarth when he is not in the inn. After the quest is complete, he becomes a fence and can be found either in his home or wandering randomly around town (most often either in the plaza in front of the inn or on the stone bridge overlooking it).

Endon does not feel that his family is safe in Markarth and the attack in the marketplace only confirms his fears. After the attack he can be heard arguing with his wife Kerah. She wishes to stay in the city but Endon feels that it isn't safe and wants them to move elsewhere. However, any plans Endon might have to move his family out of Markarth are never acted upon and he can always be found within the city walls.

Endon wears a set of merchant's clothes along with a hat and a pair of boots . He carries the key to his house, Kerah's key , and a selection of upper-class items and gold . In combat, he relies on an iron dagger .

  • 1 Related Quests
  • 2 Standard Merchandise
  • 3.1 Fence Dialogue
  • 4.1 Silver Lining
  • 5 Conversations

Related Quests [ edit ]

  • Silver Lining : Recover a stolen silver mold for a silversmith .
  • This NPC is one of many potential quest givers or quest targets for one or more of the Radiant quests .

Standard Merchandise [ edit ]

This is the merchandise found in Endon's Merchant Chest , once Endon becomes a Fence . These items are only available if purchased from the merchant; they cannot be pickpocketed or stolen. They are restocked every two days.

Dialogue [ edit ]

His greetings:

When ending conversation:

Fence Dialogue [ edit ]

As fence, he will receive some new business-related greetings:

When spoken to:

After fencing some goods, he will end the conversation by saying

Quest-Related Events [ edit ]

Silver lining [ edit ].

When you are ready to perform the special assignment for the Thieves Guild in Markarth, you can go and speak to Endon:

When you either return from Pinewatch with the mold or already have it in your inventory when receiving the quest, Endon will be very content with you and the Guild:

Conversations [ edit ]

After the incident at the marketplace, Endon goes to talk to his distraught wife, obviously concerned with her safety:

Kerah : "What am I supposed to do? Never leave the house? You want that, Endon?" Endon : "You're closing the stall, and that's final." Kerah : "You want to give up now? Out of fear? Is that what we're teaching our daughter?" Adara : "Mama, why are you and papa fighting?" Endon : "We're not fighting we're just.... Why don't I get you something to eat? Mama and papa will talk later."

While Kerah is at her stall, Endon might come over to chat:

Kerah : "Hello, dear husband. Have you brought more silver jewelry for me to sell?" Endon : "Yes, I have. Adara made the rings herself. She is learning to bend the metal well." Kerah : "They are perfect. Thank you both."

Endon : "How are the necklaces selling, my wife? We could make more." Kerah : "I'm afraid the necklaces aren't selling well. Customers are not interested in medallions engraved with the symbols of other provinces." Endon : "Humph. Used to be everyone in Markarth wore a necklace showing his home province, from Elsweyr to High Rock to Hammerfell and Cyrodiil..." Kerah : "We don't have travelers from Elsweyr or Hammerfell anymore, Endon. Only the natives and the Nords stay in Markarth now." Endon : "As they always have, along with those crazed Forsworn . They've driven off the color that used to make this city great." Kerah : "I need to get back to the customers. We'll talk more of this when I come home tonight."

Endon may be seen having random conversations with his family in Silver-Blood Inn :

Kerah : "What should we have tonight?" Endon : "Something simple, a stew perhaps." Adara : "Stew again, papa? I want steak." Kerah : "Maybe we could spend a little bit more and buy some meat, Endon." Endon : "May be. Let me think about it."

Endon : "Markarth has changed, but the inn is as lively as ever." Kerah : "The city hasn't changed that much, dear. Some old dwarven stones gathering the same old moss." Endon : "The stones aren't what bother me, love. The Forsworn are tearing the Reach apart." Kerah : "Let's not talk about this over dinner."

At home, Endon and his family may have more conversations:

Adara : "Mama, when is Cade coming home?" Kerah : "He's off fighting, Adara, with the Stormcloaks. He'll return when the war is over." Endon : "Our son joining the Stormcloaks. If this war had never happened, Cade would have joined the Imperial Legion, like grandfather." Kerah : "Endon, we talked about this... Are you still disappointed in Cade's choice?" Endon : "No. I think if I was a young man, I would have done the same." Adara : "Can I join the Legion when I grow up?" Endon : "If there's still a Legion left, Adara. I'm sure you'd make a great soldier. Just like your brother."

Kerah : "We sold all those lovely little necklaces you brought me today. Did you make them yourself?" Adara : "That's right! Papa helped me with the clasps, but I did all the links on my own." Endon : "Adara bends the silver so naturally. Grandmother would have cried if she saw how deft our daughter has become." Kerah : "Well, I'm proud of both of you. I haven't been so busy since those nobles from Solitude come into the city three years ago." Endon : "I miss those days, before the Forsworn took up arms again, when you could walk the roads in peace." Kerah : "Endon, dear, please don't.... Save your frustrations for work." Endon : "You're right, dear. I'm sorry to worry you."

  • Skyrim-NPCs
  • Skyrim-Redguard
  • Skyrim-Redguard-Male
  • Skyrim-Male NPCs
  • Skyrim-Citizen
  • Skyrim-Level 6 NPCs
  • Skyrim-Merchants
  • Skyrim-Essential NPCs
  • Skyrim-No Crime
  • Skyrim-Voice-MaleEvenToned
  • Skyrim-Factions-CrimeFactionReach
  • Skyrim-Factions-MarkarthDoubterFaction
  • Skyrim-Factions-MarkarthEndonsHouseFaction
  • Skyrim-Factions-MarkarthSilverBloodPatronFaction
  • Skyrim-Factions-Thieves Guild No Pickpocketing Faction
  • Skyrim-Factions-TownMarkarthFaction
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8. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim The Thieves Guild

The thieves guild.

External image

Welcome to the shadows. The Thieves Guild is a secret professional criminal organization, their headquarters in Skyrim are hidden underneath the streets of Riften and with their network of secret members spread across Tamriel they are instrumental in just about every crime that goes. They mainly deal with contracted burglaries and smuggling, but they also have their hands, literally, in the pockets of many businesses and influential people around Skyrim. Being an organised faction, they have certain rules, and follow a creed to maintain order and discipline among their members, this creed prohibits:

  • Murdering, assaulting, or stealing from other Thieves Guild members - This includes anyone in the Ragged Flagon and Cistern, also 'Maul' found in Riften, 'Karliah', 'Mallus Maccius' in the Honningbrew Meadery, 'Gulum-Ei' in the Winking Skeever in Solitude, 'Niranye' in Windhelm marketplace, 'Endon' who wanders Markarth's streets, 'Enthir' at the College of Winterhold, after completing the side quest 'Caravan Fence Quest' detailed at the bottom of this page anyone in any Khajiit caravans, and finally (with the Dragonborn DLC installed) 'Glover Mallory' found in Raven Rock.
  • Killing anyone during a contract - This is normally restricted to named NPC's - as in characters who have unique names as opposed to simply being called 'bandit' or 'conjurer' etc. I have mentioned whether or not certain people can be killed during all Thieves Guild quests below.
  • R obbing the poor - The poor are the unofficial eyes and ears of the Thieves Guild; by name they are: 'Angrenor Once-Honored' and 'Silda' in Windhelm, 'Brenuin' and (with the Hearthfire DLC installed) 'Lucia'in Whiterun, 'Degaine' in Markarth, 'Edda' and 'Snilf' in Riften, 'Narfi' in Ivarstead, and 'Noster Eagle-Eye', 'Svari' and 'Dervenin' in Solitude.

Breaking any of these rules can cause repercussions, sometimes you simply forfeit a bonus during an assignment but more often than not you will punished more severely, and you'll have to make up for your transgression. To find out more information and how to re-enter the guild see the 'Making Reparations' section at the bottom of this page.

Why Join the Thieves Guild?

Aside from the three achievements attached to the Thieves Guild's main quest line, there are many other advantages to be had by joining. The achievement for unlocking '20' Shouts, 'Thu'um Master', requires the completion of the first six primary quests of the Thieves Guild. Other advantages include: unique sets of stealth armour unrivaled in the game for stealth attributes, exclusive access to master trainers for Sneak, Lockpicking, Archery and Pickpocket skills, access to illegal fences- allowing you to sell stolen items and buy rare discounted goods, the ability to avoid thief and highwayman attacks on the roads, the ability to bribe guards without a high speech skill or the 'Bribe' perk, and many other advantages to help you become the sneakiest thief in Skyrim.

There are '12' primary quests throughout your thieving career, some are longer and more elaborate than others, and there are only '2' achievements directly attached to the successful completion of these quests. There are '5' additional quests related to the Thieves Guild that have no achievements attached to them, however I have detailed them at the end of this page for your consideration. Also, throughout your time with the Thieves Guild, you will be offered an endless supply of mini-quests in the form of pickpocketing, petty theft, forgery and small heists etc- you are required to complete a certain amount of these for the final achievement; restoring the Thieves Guild to its former power.

In addition to the three achievements above you may also want to consider the fact that during your time with the Thieves Guild you are going to have to sneak a lot , and you'll have to pick many pockets and many locks. Such activities will put you well on your way to the:

Pick 50 locks and 50 pockets


Also you will no doubt have ample opportunities to go to jail and subsequently escape unlocking:

Escape from jail


It is also advisable but not essential to go for the 'Master Criminal' achievement during your time with the Thieves Guild or at least waiting until after completing this quest line as it is much easier to rid yourself of the gold bounties you may incur.

Bounty of 1000 gold in all nine holds

Master Criminal

Before starting your new shadowy career you may want to consider what type of person you are. It's no good donning a full set of heavy armour and blundering your way into Riften with the hopes of joining the secret stealthy Thieves Guild. I am not saying that you require a certain level in certain skills to be able to join the Guild but I am saying that you will gain many lucrative advantages if you play sneakily and skilfully and wait until you are little further in skills such as Sneak, Light Armour, Pickpocket, and Lockpick before starting this.


You should complete the Thieves Guild quest line before beginning the 'Dragonborn' DLC quest line. This is because an unfixable bug can occur at a later stage where you are required to complete a mini-quest that contributes towards the final achievement. This can still be completed by doing the mini-quests via another non-player character but it makes things more difficult.

I will highlight any actions that have potential to cause bugs in the game in ' bold text' , please follow these instructions carefully as they can cause glitches in the programming that may render you unable to complete a certain quest and subsequently unlock an achievement. I have also advised periodic manual 'SAVE' points for you to fall back on in case any bugs occur.

I have also integrated all achievement related collectibles such as; Word Walls, Standing Stones and Skill Books that you may come across into this page, these are highlighted in ' bold text' for your pleasure.

NOTE: Just a little side note here about a few collectibles that are lucrative, but are not linked to any achievements. Firstly there are seven unique items that you will automatically come across during the course of the Thieves Guild main quest line, picking up the first will activate the quest 'The Litany of Larceny'. These easily attainable items can be sold to a specific person at the Thieves Guild and they will be displayed forever in the guild's main hall. I have mentioned each of these in the Walkthrough below. Additionally there are '24' 'Unusual Gems' located throughout Skyrim, some will be encountered in locations essential for the Thieves Guild quest. Picking up your first one will activate the optional side-quest 'No Stone Unturned' please see the relative section at the bottom of this page for more information and all of their locations.

Joining the Thieves Guild

A chance arrangement.

> Travel to Riften, the major city by the lake in the south eastern corner of Skyrim. If you have never been there before the guards at the gate will tell you to pay a tax. You can pay the tax or you can try to persuade or intimidate them. However this is a good opportunity to test out your new thieving nature, two other more sneaky options are open to you that can help improve your thieving skills. You could sneak up to the guard and pickpocket the city gate key from him and then enter for free. Or you could commit a crime in the Rift, nothing too major, get arrested and find yourself in Riften jail where you can then test and prepare your sneaking and lockpicking skills by escaping into the city.

> Whatever option you choose you will find yourself inside the city of Riften, SAVE, do not leave Riften during this quest as you may bug the progression stages . Now find a Nord called 'Brynjolf', he will be in the main market area by day and in the 'Bee and Barb' in the centre of Riften by night, try to find him at night for a better way to do this quest. Talk to him and offer to help him frame a Riften merchant, but if it is daytime exit out of dialogue when you see the 'I'm ready' option and consider the options below, SAVE. Do not speak to Maul after speaking to Brynjolf, the miscellaneous quest 'Talk to Brynjolf about joining the Thieves Guild' may become stuck in your quest list indefinitely.

> You now have a few different options open to you, don't worry though, all options will result in joining the Thieves Guild but some are more lucrative than others:

> Conventional Way : For this you receive 100 Septims and 'Brand Shei' spends a week in jail. After talking to Brynjolf at night, sneak over to Madesi's stall in the marketplace, if you look around the back of the stalls they'll all have little doors- Madesi's is the one with the strongbox inside. There should be hardly anyone around to catch you lockpicking the door and then the strongbox inside, so SAVE before you attempt to unlock both of the locks, but do not steal the ring inside just yet. Wait until the next day after 4pm, find Brynjolf again and then tell him that you're ready. Brynjolf will now make an announcement to the crowd distracting everyone away from you and Brand Shei. Now go and stealthily steal the ring from Madesi's box and then reverse pickpocket Brand Shei, (your Pickpocket skill has been temporarily increased by 30% for this quest). SAVE before placing the ring from your inventory into his, now back away and watch Brand Shei get into some trouble.

> Quick Way : Faster way to do this but no reward and Brand Shei is spared jail. Simply steal the ring stealthily from the strongbox at any time then drop it on the ground, return to Brynjolf, he will be disappointed but you can progress into the Guild.

> Even Quicker Way : You'll get arrested, no reward and Brand Shei is spared jail. Purposely get caught stealing the ring, spend a little time in jail or escape jail, then return to Brynjolf.

> Whatever option you choose returning to Brynjolf and telling him 'I can handle it' will activate the next Thieves Guild quest, SAVE.

NOTE: At this point you are free to wander Riften before you need do the next quest, if you have not already done so, during the Main Story, you may want to consider going for the 'Getting Married' achievement now. Also note, however, that as an optional side-quest called 'Book of Love', later in the Thieves Guild (during 'Hard Answers') you will receive the starting item (normally costing 200 gold) required for getting married, for free). So the choice is either pay 200 gold now, or complete a short side-quest later and get it for free. Please see the 'Marriage' section of the Miscellaneous Achievements page to find out how to get married in either case.

Getting married will unlock:

Get married


Taking Care of Business

> Find the door to the Ratways, it's on the lower decks of Riften just below 'The Scorched Hammer' blacksmiths. Go inside, SAVE.

> You'll encounter a few hostile bandits in here, you can kill them or sneak past them, but you are aspiring to become a Thieves Guild member now so consider more sneaky options from now on. Progress until you encounter a raised drawbridge, jump down, you may want to unlock the expert gate for skill experience but don't go through that way. Proceed the other way through the sewers, watch for the trip-wire and you'll soon encounter another bandit called 'Gian the Fist', he has some unique gauntlets called the 'Gloves of the Pugilist' which increase his unarmed melee damage. Kill him and take the gloves for an advantage later in this quest. You'll also find the 'Beggar' Pickpocket Skill Book here, read the book and activate the lever on the wall, this will lower the aforementioned drawbridge giving a much quicker way in and out of the Ratways in the future, SAVE.

> You will come to the 'Ragged Flagon Inn', the Thieves Guild secret business front, talk to Brynjolf at the bar, he will ask you to go collect some debts from three dead-beats, accept and SAVE.

If anything happens during these debt collections that forces you into a 'Brawl' just equip your 'Gloves of the Pugilist' to help you win, but do not kill anyone.

> Leave the Ratways and head to the Bee and Barb Inn, enter and SAVE. Before you speak to 'Keerava' behind the bar, talk to 'Talen-Jei' near the entrance. He'll reveal some info that will make Keerava pay her debt, go talk to her and collect.

> Next head to 'Haelga's Bunkhouse', and upon entering SAVE. Turn to your right, steal Haelga's 'Statue of Dibella' before speaking to her, now threaten to throw the statue down a well and she will pay up.

> Lastly head across to the 'Pawned Prawn', enter and SAVE. Inside you'll find 'Bersei Honey-Hand', he mans the store from 8am-1pm then from 2pm-6pm, he may pay up immediately but if he refuses break his prized Dwemer urn (found there in the store) or win him in a brawl if the urn won't break. He will also pay up immediately if you won the brawls with the previous two dead-beats.

> Now return to Brynjolf in the Ragged Flagon, he will lead you to 'Guildmaster Mercer Frey' who will reward you with official membership into the Thieves Guild and unlock an achievement for you, SAVE.

Join the Thieves Guild

Taking Care of Business

You should now take some time to chat with a few Thieves Guild members to get an idea of where the Guild currently stands. Talk to 'Delvin Mallory' about some extra side jobs to help the Guild, take a look now at the bottom of this page at the section 'Under New Management'. These side jobs are mandatory for the final Thieves Guild achievement but you can complete them at your leisure during your quests through the Thieves Guild or at the end. Also talk to 'Vex' to learn more about the decline of the guild and then to 'Tonilia' to receive your unique set of Thieves Guild stealth armour, even if this armour is no good to you, you must keep it anyway, you get to upgrade it later on, but more importantly you need all of this armour for the final Thieves Guild achievement .

You may now use Tonilia as a fence to sell any stolen goods you will most certainly acquire.

This is a good opportunity to complete the 'Snake Tongue' achievement, or at least the bribe part of it, since you now have the option to bribe city guards for small offenses. See the 'Speech Challenges' section of the Miscellaneous Achievements page for more information. If you have successfully bribed, persuaded and intimidated someone, you will unlock:

Successfully persuade, bribe, and intimidate

Snake Tongue

Loud and Clear

> This is your first real Thieves Guild assignment- the 'Goldenglow Estate job'. Talk to Brynjolf and he'll task you with teaching the estate's owner 'Aringoth' a lesson. After receiving the quest speak to Vex and she'll tell you about a secret entrance, this is an optional objective that can be activated in your journal.

> Head out to the Goldenglow Estate just to the west of Riften, SAVE, if you wait until dusk you can sneak around to the bee-hives and burn them sneakily before you enter the building. You only have to burn three, burning more will forfeit your bonus. To burn a hive; equip either a torch, a fire Shout or a fire spell and carefully set the hive on fire, the standard 'Flames' spell is best, since there is a small chance that using other spells can fail to ignite the hives and forfeit your bonus . Burning a hive may cause some mercenaries to come out and catch you, so you can alternatively wait and sneak inside the estate now to steal the valuables then burn the Apiary during your escape.

> The secret entrance is located on the northern side of the main island, enter and SAVE, proceed through the sewers but be wary of the trip-wires and skeevers, About half-way through is an adept-locked cell where you'll find the Pickpocket Skill Book 'Guide to Better Thieving'. Go up the ladder at the end and you will emerge at the back entrance of the estate.

> Enter and SAVE, you can either kill the mercenaries or do what this quest was designed for and sneak through them, pickpocketing as you go. You're aim is to head upstairs and find 'Aringoth's' room. Get the safe key from Aringoth; you can get it by either pickpocketing him, killing him or persuading him to hand it over (with 75 Speech skill). Don't forget the 'Queen Bee Statue' in this room (it is the first of seven unique items that are part of a side-quest called 'The Litany of Larceny' and although it isn't linked to an achievement, collecting these items will gain some good leveled gold and they will be displayed in the Thieves Guild hall at the end), SAVE.

> Now head to the metal gate and enter the basement, open the safe and retrieve the 'Goldenglow Bill of Sale', a nearby gate will bring you back outside. If you didn't burn the hives before now is the opportunity to do so and escape in the confusion, SAVE when you're out of harm's way.

> Head back to the Ragged Flagon and report to Brynjolf, as long as you only burned three hives he will be very pleased and reward you with a levelled amount of gold. He will also point you towards 'Maven Black-Briar' to begin the next quest. Also make sure you ask Brynjolf why Maven Black-Briar is requesting a meeting to prevent a later bug.

Note three Thieves Guild cache barrels will be placed out for you, hidden around Riften. One in the northwest corner of the garden behind 'Honeyside', one in the northwest corner on the walkway outside the second floor of 'Mistveil Keep Barracks', and one is found just west of 'Valindor's House', across the canal.

Dampened Spirits

Lose any wanted level you have in Whiterun Hold before starting this quest

> Find Maven Black-Briar, she is normally hanging around the second floor of the Bee and Barb Inn. Talk to her, she wants you to replace the proprietor of the 'Honningbrew Meadery'. She will direct you to 'Mallus Maccius' in Whiterun.

> Travel to Whiterun, SAVE and find Mallus in the 'Bannered Mare', he wants you to poison one 'Commander Caius' during a special mead tasting at the meadery. You are to go there and offer to help clear out a rodent infestation, but you will also use the poison he gives you to poison the mead vats.

> Head out to the Honningbrew Meadery just southeast of Whiterun. Enter and SAVE, then talk to 'Sabjorn' and offer to take care of the skeevers in the basement. He will accept your offer and give you a key, you can also try a speech challenge to get half your payment now.

> Go down into the basement, SAVE, find the tunnel Mallus mentioned and wipe out all the poisonous skeevers and spiders. Watch out for the bear traps and trip wires through here, you will soon emerge into a chamber where a bandit-wizard called 'Hamelyn' resides. Kill the wizard and pick up the Sneak Skill Book 'Three Thieves' before moving on to the 'Boilery'.

> Upon entering SAVE, head upstairs and find the vat on the far side, activate the lid to poison the vat, go back down and find the 'Brewhouse Key' hanging on a hook to the right of the door. Go through the door to the outside, then go back into the meadery.

> Talk to Sabjorn again, he'll tell you to wait 'til after the tasting. You'll then witness a scene with Sabjorn and the commander, this will result in Sabjorn being taken to jail and Mallus being put in charge of the meadery, SAVE.

> Once the scene has ended speak with Mallus, he'll give you a key to the upstairs dresser, steal the 'Promissory Note'. Also check out the expert locked door nearby for the second unique Thieves Guild larceny item; the Honningbrew Decanter' and some other treasures including the Alchemy Skill Book 'A Game at Dinner', which is found on the table closest to the door, SAVE.

> Head back to Riften and meet Maven in the Bee and Barb Inn, after some dialogue you'll be directed back to Brynjolf at the guild, SAVE.

> Meet Brynjolf in the 'Cistern', beyond the Ragged Flagon, he'll talk more about the plot, reward you for your services and direct you to Mercer Frey, SAVE.

You can now use Mallus at the meadery as an easily accessible fence.

Scoundrel's Folly

> Upon speaking to Mercer after the previous quest he will come to the conclusion that someone is directly sabotaging the Thieves Guild. You are given a lead to follow; an Argonian by the name 'Gulum-Ei'.

> Gulum can be found in Solitude, so head out there now. Upon arriving SAVE, and go into the 'Winking Skeever Inn' on the main street.

> Find him and persuade, bribe or intimidate him for information. He may not give up anything useful and you'll be required to retrieve some 'Firebrand Wine' for him to talk more. There is a bottle in the 'Blue Palace' down the street, go there.

> Once inside the Palace find the wine on an end table in a corridor to the left of the main staircase, sneak over and SAVE before you steal it. You can also grab the 'Unusual Gem' from the Jarl's quarters, but make sure you are sneaking. If this is your first Unusual Gem you will activate the quest 'No Stone Unturned' (see the related section at the bottom of this page for details). Now exit and return to Gulum.

> SAVE before talking to Gulum. Even after bringing him the wine he still doesn't give up much useful information so you're going to have to, if you'll pardon the pun, tail him. Sneak behind him as he makes his way to the 'East Empire Company Warehouse' if you are spotted he will just tell you to stop following him. Try to avoid being spotted however, as sometimes you will cause him to stand still for a long time or even forever. Do not kill Gulum at any point before this quest is complete, you may trigger an unfixable bug that makes the quest impossible to continue . If Gulum dies by any means, make sure to reload your previous save, do not just continue on.

> Proceed into the warehouse, sneak after Gulum using the tops of the shelves to hide, if you are spotted by the 'Wardens' you can kill them, but try to avoid that, and remember to SAVE often throughout the warehouse. Try to visit the 'Dockmaster's Office', it overlooks the warehouse at the side, you'll find another special item for the Litany of Larceny quest; the 'East Empire Shipping Map' inside, you can return for it later but a lot of guards will respawn inside, so try to grab the map now.

> Eventually Gulum will reach the far end of the warehouse and turn back towards you so move out of the way and into the shadows. He will now go down some steps into the water. Keep your eyes on Gulum at this point because he goes into a secret and hard-to-find doorway leading to 'Brinewater Grotto'. If you lose him, look for a giant barrel on its side and go down the stairs into the water hugging the stone wall. You should see a narrow ramp in the wall that will lead up out of the water by some shelving units and into the Grotto, go in and SAVE.

> Inside the grotto your task is to confront Gulum, remain sneaking and watch out for the various traps here, it is also OK to kill the bandits found in here, it will not forfeit your bonus. Find Gulum at the end of the cave, kill the bandit boss and talk to him, he will reveal your next lead; a fellow thief called 'Karliah'.

> Use a lever near the gate to open a secret door to the rear of the cavern which leads you outside, once outside SAVE.

> Now return to the guild and tell Mercer the news. He knows Karliah and where she may be found; in a ruin north of Riften called 'Snow Veil Sanctum'. He will reward you with some gold and tell you to visit Tonilia to upgrade one of your Thieves Guild armour pieces. It is advisable to hang on to your armour for now, you still need it later.

Speaking With Silence

Get rid of any followers prior to starting this quest

> After speaking with Mercer Frey you'll want to head out to Snow Veil Sanctum with him, it's just northeast of Windhelm and should be marked on your map. Meet Mercer outside the entrance where he'll have some words for you and he'll become a temporary follower.

> Walk towards the entrance to find it locked, Mercer will open it for you so go inside with him and SAVE.

> Proceed through the ruin avoiding the traps and taking care of the leveled draugr inside. Use the chain in a niche to the left to open the metal gate and proceed onwards. You'll soon encounter another metal gate, open it using the chain to the right. After this you'll go down some stairs and reach a large chamber, take out the draugr here then go up stairs directly ahead, the fourth unique item for the Litany of Larceny, a 'Model Ship', is here on top of a booby-trapped pedestal. To avoid the fire damage and possibly losing the ship; use a telekinesis spell to take it if you have one. Now find the other stairs to the right of the chamber that leads to 'Snow Veil Sanctum', enter.

> Once inside, SAVE, kill the draugr and use the chain on the left to open the metal gate. Further on you'll encounter a draugr ambush, here you will find the 'Disarm' Word Wall required for the 'Thu'um Master' achievement and a copy of the Light Armor Skill Book 'Ice and Chitin', found on a table, SAVE.

> Proceed through another metal gate to the left of the chamber opened by the chain to the right. Go on until you find a Nordic puzzle-door, SAVE before approaching it and when you do Mercer should take care of it. If he fails to open the door for whatever reason, try waiting an hour and returning, or reloading the previous save. In the next chamber you will find Karliah and a scene will follow.

> You will eventually regain consciousness and find yourself outside the sanctum with Karliah. Don't worry she explains herself and following some dialogue you are directed to the Bosmer Sorcerer 'Enthir' in Winterhold. This ends the quest and begins the next quest; 'Hard Answers', SAVE.

Hard Answers

You must have either not started or fully completed 'The Staff of Magnus' and the 'Eye of Magnus' quests for 'Mirabelle Ervine' at the College of Winterhold before proceeding to Enthir.

> Go and talk to Enthir at the 'Frozen Hearth' inn in Winterhold. He will direct you to the wizard 'Calcemo' in Markarth.

> Go to Markarth and head up the stairs to the 'Understone Keep', once inside SAVE, find Calcemo down the tunnel on the left. He will not help you with your translation so you must steal the guide from his Dwemer museum.

> Depending on your previous encounters with Calcemo you have some different options open to you at this point;

  • If you have a high enough speech skill you can simply persuade him to give you the key to his museum.
  • If you have completed or want to complete the 'Book of Love' side quest for him, he will give you the key for free. To activate this quest go to the 'Temple of Mara' in Riften and talk to 'Dinya Balu' she will send you on three short errands to solve some love problems, one of which will win you favour with Calcemo. (NOTE: You will also receive a free 'Amulet of Mara' for this quest which is used to get married with, please see the 'Marriage' section of the Miscellaneous Achievements page for more information).
  • You can ask Calcemo if you can visit the 'Archaeological Site' this will prompt Calcemo to ask a favour of you; to kill the giant frostbite spider 'Nimhe', this is not a massive task and after doing this he will give up the key to his museum.
  • You can simply steal the key from the table next to him, however this option can lead to all the guards being hostile, incurring a bounty and forfeiting your bonus.
  • You can head directly to the museum and pick the lock, sneaking throughout the whole quest, again if you're caught you will incur a bounty and if you kill any of the city guards you will forfeit your bonus.

Personally I would recommend doing one or both of the side-quests, they will give you more sneaky experience and rewards in general and are the safer of the options.

> Whichever choice you make you will find the Dwemer Museum at the top of the stairs, just north of the main entrance to Understone Keep.

> Enter and SAVE. Enter the first room on your left to find an 'Unusual Gem', on a table to your right, it is important to get this now, as returning to the museum later can cause a serious unfixable bug.

> Continue past the guards and enter 'Calcelmo's Laboratory' SAVE. In here you'll find the 'Spider Control Rod' use this to control a mechanical spider to attack guards with. It is possible to sneak past all the guards however. Beware the hall with the poison gas; your health will drain rapidly until you exit, and it is not possible to eliminate the damage with poison resistances, even with items such as 'Hevnoraak's Mask'. Putting 40 pounds of weight (maybe the body of a dead guard or some armour) on the pressure plate at either end of the poison gas hall will stop the gas from spreading. Activating the valve at the other end of the hallway will also activate the Dwemer blade trap killing the guards in the area. For safe passage, activate it again and the blades will retract. Activating the trap will also send 'Aicantar' into a panic and he and any guards you may have sneaked past, will make a run for it, though the guards will be unlikely to escape due to the thresher trap.

> The shortest route to Calcelmo's quarters is barred from the other side, so you have to go through the lab, out onto the 'Wizard's Balcony' and up the stairs to the right then into 'Calcelmo's Tower'. The fifth unique item for the Litany of Larceny quest, a 'Dwemer Puzzle Cube', is located just before the door to the balcony exit.

> Once inside SAVE, move down a short hall, turn left, and go up the stairs to a room that contains charcoal and rolls of paper, pick some up then go over and activate the large black stone tablet to copy the guide.

> After copying the text, SAVE, two guards, the city captain, and Calcelmo's nephew will enter room and begin to hunt you down. You may fight them if you wish, but can simply sneak past them: If you look towards the exit, you should see a ledge up on both sides of the wall. Jump onto the pipe in front of you then onto the ledge and proceed out of the door.

> Once on the balcony SAVE. A waypoint will indicate an exit route; hug the right edge of the balcony and you'll see a small hole to the waterfall. If you fall into the waterfall you will take no damage and you can then fast travel to Winterhold. Alternatively, just look left and down when you reach the waterfall and there will be a path where you can make very small drops to multiple rocks and basically walk back to the entrance of Understone Keep. You can also just retrace your steps back through the museum, avoiding any guards you didn't kill earlier.

> Return to Winterhold, SAVE, Karliah and Enthir are waiting in the cellar of the Frozen Hearth inn. Enthir will use the copy of Calcelmo's tablet to translate Gallus' journal. Karliah will give you the 'Nightingale Blade' as a token of appreciation and invite you to meet her in the Ragged Flagon.

> After talking with Enthir and Karliah, the quest ends and the next quest 'The Pursuit' begins. Allow Karliah to leave first, if you leave before her you may glitch the next quest. Also continue straight on to the next Thieves Guild quest after this do not complete any other quest yet.

Also note: The stone rubbing from Calcemo's tablet will appear on the ground in the College of Winterhold after completing this quest. If you pick it up it'll be marked as a quest item and you cannot remove it from your inventory. If you then enter the Dwemer museum again this quest starts over and you have to copy the inscription on the stone again. This will cause the final Thieves Guild quest later on to become permanently broken, so do not touch the stone rubbing or enter the Dwemer Museum after this quest.

Also note: If you did not pick up the key to the museum from Calcemo's table never return and pick it up. You may trigger a bug that restarts the quest and halts other quest progression stages.

The Pursuit

> Go back to Riften, however avoid the main northern gate and go in via the south entrance. Also avoid the north eastern area of Riften altogether, and head directly to the Ragged Flagon.

> Once in the Ragged Flagon, SAVE, do not talk to Vex yet , find Karliah and talk to her, she will lead you into the Cistern to meet with Brynjolf.

> After some dialogue Brynjolf will task you with searching Mercer's house for clues. Mercer lives in 'Riftweald Manor' in Riften, it's adjacent to the 'Temple of Mara'. Before you leave you should first talk to Vex about a certain Nord named 'Vald'. Now exit the Flagon and locate Mercer's house, SAVE before you approach the property.

> The quest marker can sometimes be in the wrong place for this quest stage so just ignore it and find the manor yourself. When you arrive you'll find all the gates locked and the house guarded by Vald, at this point you have several options open to you:

  • Speech Challenge : With a high enough speech skill you can attempt to persuade him, (bribe and intimidate will never work), success will give you the key and his leave to enter the property.
  • Retrieve the Quill Side-quest: You can act on Vex's information and complete a very small side-quest to pay off Vald's debt with Maven Black-Briar. Simply head to the Bee and Barb in Riften and talk to Maven, she wants you to retrieve a unique 'quill' that Vald lost in nearby 'Lake Honrich'. Head out southwest from the 'Riften Stables', you should see a large ship, swim out towards the westernmost end of that ship and look west across the lake towards the Goldenglow Estate to see a similar ship docked there. Halfway to the other boat, the prow of Vald's sunken rowboat can be seen at the bottom of the lake. The quill is located in 'Vald's Strongbox'. Pick the lock and retrieve the quill. Now head back to Maven and she'll hand you a note to take to Vald excusing him of his debt. Returning to Vald now will win favour with him and he'll hand over the key to Riftweald Manor.
  • Indirectly Kill Vald : For a way to get the key that results in Vald's death by the hands of the town guards, sneak around the back of the house and shoot the contraption that holds up the ramp with an arrow or ranged spell.

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Vald will become hostile and chase you out into the streets, lure him into some guards and they will take care of him, leaving you free to take the key from his body.

  • Directly Kill Vald: You can simply attack Vald and kill him, although this can make you wanted in the Rift and incur a bounty consequently forfeiting your bonus.

> Either way you choose, lower the ramp and climb up and into the house.

> Once inside SAVE, you can sneak past all of the guards in the house or just kill them without forfeiting the bonus. You should reach the bottom of the stairs, head through the closed doors to the east and find an out-of-place cabinet in the north eastern corner. Activate the secret panel and head down into the cellar which leads into some tunnels, SAVE.

> Avoid the pressure plate when you first enter the tunnels, make a left and head south towards a room filled with circular traps. Looking at the tiles head south two squares, west two squares, north two squares, west two squares, and south two squares in order to avoid the traps. Avoid another pressure plate trap right around the corner. Follow the hallway, you'll come to another hallway filled with timed pendulum blades and battering rams.

> SAVE and then try sprinting past them. Head down the ramp and stop at the closed door. There is a dart trap trigger on the left side of the door. Open the door then pick up 'Mercer's plans', a note titled 'Many Thanks' and the Sneak Skill Book 'The Red Kitchen Reader'. On the desk is also the sixth unique Larceny item, the 'Bust of the Gray Fox', make sure you take this now. Continue along the path until you reach the entrance to the Ratway Vaults, SAVE.

> Be wary of some human enemies after you drop down a hole and then turn right to reach the Ragged Flagon. Return to Brynjolf and hand over the plans to him, after some dialogue SAVE.

Trinity Restored

> After the revelations uncovered during your previous quest, Brynjolf will decide that you need to catch Mercer during his final heist. Speak to Karliah, in order to compete with Mercer Frey both you and Brynjolf must become agents of Nocturnal- known as 'Nightingales'.

> Meet Karliah at the 'Shadow' Standing Stone just south of Riften. If Brynjolf fails to move over to Karliah try reloading the previous save.

> Upon arriving SAVE, be wary of a hostile high level conjurer and some skeletons at the stone, they will attack you if you get too close. You should find the entrance to the 'Nightingale Hall' here, have any followers wait outside and then proceed inside and SAVE.

> After crossing a bridge, you can find a copy of the Pickpocketing Skill Book 'Purloined Shadows' to the right. Your first stop is the armour chamber. Karliah will explain more about the Nightingales as you walk, if Brynjolf fails to move you can push him along, activate the stone to receive a set of 'Nightingale Armour', you must put this on in order to continue. Follow Karliah through the hall and agree to become a Nightingale then proceed into the oath chamber and SAVE.

> Stand on the platform indicated, Karliah will summon Nocturnal and she will induct you into the Nightingales, if nothing happens just move around a little until the scene begins . Now Karliah explains that you need to return the sacred 'Skeleton Key' to the 'Twilight Sepulcher' and in doing so restore the Thieves Guild to glory. This prompts the next quest automatically and directs you to a large Dwemer ruin to the west of Windhelm called 'Irkngthand'. I recommend you make your way there now as completing any other quests before this can cause stage quest bugs. Before you go however, talk to Brynjolf, he has some news for you and asks you to meet him and Karliah at Irkngthand.


> Head out to Irkngthand, be wary that a group bandits have made camp outside, you can kill them or sneak past them before heading up the winding path to the entrance of Irkngthand, once inside SAVE.

> Sneaking is advised throughout Irkngthand as the ruin is full of 'Dwarven Sphere Guardians' but they will only attack if you are spotted by the iris-like sensors on the walls. Proceed through the first room and take out the wandering Dwarven sphere before proceeding through a gate. Kill another three spheres before going down some stairs, turn right and follow the path in the upper floor to find a treasure chest.

> SAVE then continue to the next room and you'll come across some flame traps. Just follow in the same direction they're spinning and you can make it through unharmed, watch out for a couple of Dwarven spiders that will attack you along the way. At the end of the next corridor, there is a Dwarven spider and another chest. Activate the lever and you'll descend to 'Irkngthand Grand Cavern'.

> At the bottom SAVE, Karliah and Brynjolf will follow you. There is a trap on the left side of the door. After deactivating the trap wire, go through the door and continue down the hall. To open the door you have to activate the levers on either side of the room, once you pull the first lever you have to quickly pull the second before the gears activated by the first lever stop turning. Be careful while crossing the next chamber as there are multiple traps on the floor. Proceed on and kill any Falmer in your way, go up the ramps until you find a door.

> Enter the door and SAVE, behind an open gate you'll find some empty chests, scrolls of detect life (which will come in handy when fighting Mercer) and a message from Mercer. In the next room, shoot the 'Dwarven Centurion' with an arrow while still standing on the steps, the Falmer will then fight and destroy him (it can also be activated via a button located on the side of the steps, if you drop down on the right-hand side).

> Once you go up the stairs SAVE, move around to the door, you will see a frostbite spider nest with a few living spiders around, and several bear traps strewn across the room. Moving ahead, you'll find a door leading to 'Irkngthand Slave Pens'.

> Proceed inside and SAVE, defeat the Dwarven spider and head down the stairs, you'll find a torture chamber, you can kill both Falmer by sneaking through the grid and activating the trap lever. Proceed through the corridor on the left and Karliah will tell you that you have a choice between sneaking or fighting the Falmer.

> SAVE before entering the next room and complete the simple pipe maze. Further down the room you'll fight more Falmer before going down the path that leads to 'Irkngthand Sanctuary'.

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> After entering the Sanctuary you'll see a short scene with Mercer before the ledge you're standing on collapses, and after a short conversation you will have to fight him, SAVE.

> During the fight, Mercer will use his 'Agent of Subterfuge' power on Brynjolf causing him to attack Karliah and preventing them from helping you. Mercer will turn invisible occasionally during the fight, position yourself on the stairs and let Mercer come to you, so he doesn't sneak up behind you. Use the Detect Life scrolls, the Detect Life spell or the Aura Whisper Shout if you have it to see him. Once you defeat Mercer, a pipe at the top of the room will burst, flooding the room, SAVE.

> Grab the Skeleton Key and the 'Eyes of the Falmer' from Mercer's body, sometimes a bug occurs where you cannot retrieve these items, to fix it go out to one of the beds at the start of the dungeon and sleep in it, the game will ask you if you want to 'Serve your time in jail?' Say yes and you'll appear outside of a prison. Now you can return to Irkngthand and loot the corpse .

Also note that although the Skeleton Key is a Daedric artifact it does not count for the 'Oblivion Walker' achievement.

> The water will continue to rise but don't panic, once it gets high enough a hole will appear above the statue's head. Run out through the short passage to escape. This takes you to 'Bronze Water Cave' (if you had a follower that wasn't told to wait, this is where you'll find them). You can give the 'Left Eye of the Falmer' to Delvin for gold as part of 'The Litany of Larceny' side quest, the 'Right Eye of the Falmer' can be kept or sold to a merchant. Be sure to t alk to Karliah before leaving to complete this quest properly , she will give you a present, SAVE.

Darkness Returns

NOTE: completing this will remove the Skeleton Key from your inventory permanently.

> To start this quest head to the 'Twilight Sepulcher' located to the west of Falkreath, once inside SAVE.

> Proceed inside, you'll encounter an individual at the foot of some ancient steps. Do not leave this area until this quest is complete. Talk to him for a while and inquire all you wish about the tasks ahead. Inquiring further will give you a little mini-side quest to retrieve a very helpful journal, it contains clues about the five 'tests' you will be facing so it's worthwhile going for it. The journal is found on 'Nystrom's' remains on the east side of the chamber.

> SAVE then continue on. The first test is found just ahead in the form of two 'Nightingale Sentinels', one will be found in a room to the left, along with a secret chamber opened by pressing a button behind the table. The other Sentinel can be found wandering near the steps in the main room. You can either choose to fight them or try sneaking past them. Proceed on into the next hallway watching out for pressure plate traps. On top of the stairs ahead, there is another Sentinel keeping watch, kill him or sneak past then SAVE.

> The second test is a room with bright areas and a shadowy path running through them. Stick to the shadows to avoid very rapid, automatic health damage from the light. There are some tripwire traps in the shadows to avoid; the first one is on the first flight of stairs across the landing just ahead of you, the second is located just before you go down the second flight of stairs, the third is just before you travel across a wooden bridge, and the last one is located at the top of the last stairs going down. After you reach the end of the chamber proceed further onward until you reach the next room, SAVE.

> The third test contains a statue of Nocturnal and a wooden tray with some gold and soul gems in it. This test requires you to give Nocturnal an offering- an offering of 'Darkness'. Find the chains hidden behind the stone torches, pull them both to put out the flames and reveal a hidden passage behind the statue, proceed through and SAVE.

> The fourth test consists of a series of elaborate traps, including two pressure plates triggering darts from the ceiling and a pendulum trap straight ahead. However, you can avoid these traps by opening the master level door to the left of the pendulum trap, use your Skeleton Key to open it. This path leads to another chamber which has two Nightingale Sentinels and also contains a copy of the Lockpicking SKill Book 'Proper Lock Design' (on the table near the southeast corner of the room). A copy of the Sneak Skill Book 'Sacred Witness' can be found on the table near the altar on the northwest side.

> Continue through the corridors until you reach the door leading into the 'Twilight Sepulcher Inner Sanctum'.

> Proceed inside, SAVE and continue down a hallway and then through some doors opening into a room with a well in it. To help prevent a bug with Karliah use the 'Wait' function (cn_back) and wait here for at least 3 hours. It is very buggy down this well so make sure also to SAVE before dropping down.

> Wait for Karliah to show up before you examine the skeletal remains of 'Anders' as doing so will trigger a scene that she must be present for. After this, the floor of the well descends to reveal a room with three closed doors and a lock at your feet. Use the Skeleton Key to re-open the 'Ebonmere'. After some dialogue with Nocturnal you are given a choice of three special powers:

Agent of Shadow: This gives you a 2 minute invisibility power while sneaking.

Agent of Subterfuge: This gives you a Frenzy power causing all nearby enemies to fight each other for 30 seconds.

Agent of Strife: This gives you an absorb 100 health power.

You can return here any time to change your power if you wish, but only once a day. After choosing your power there will be some more dialogue with Nocturnal, to help prevent another bug with Karliah wait at least 3 hours before approaching her and asking about Gallus . After this you can now leave easily via the portal. Return to the Ragged Flagon and Brynjolf will greet you. If you have already completed enough reputation quests, as detailed below, you will be able to attend the 'Ceremony' and become the 'Thieves Guildmaster', see 'Ceremony' section below, either way you will unlock:

Complete "Darkness Returns"

Darkness Returns

Special Job Requests

Under new management.

Your task to restore the Thieves Guild to it's former glory and assume the title of 'Guildmaster' can begin at any time after activating the 'Meet the Family' quest. To restore the Guild you have to perform little jobs for Delvin Mallory and Vex, specifically you have to complete '5' jobs in the Haafingar, Eastmarch, Reach and Whiterun Holds followed by a special 'Reputation Quest' in each Hold.

Talk to Delvin or Vex to receive a job. These jobs are randomly generated 'radiant' mini-quests, and they can be in any number of locations in any of the aforementioned Holds. You can check how many jobs you have completed in each Hold via the 'Quests' log. If you receive a job in a Hold you've already finished with, then you can quit the job by talking to the quest giver or reload a previous save to get a job in the Hold you require.

During these jobs it is important never to kill anyone, this is about thievery and forgery not murder. Killing people during these jobs will not only forfeit your entire reward, but will also fail the job altogether. Also try not to get detected while you are trespassing, or picking locks or pockets as this will fail the job too. The respected jobs are as follows:

  • The Fishing Job - Pickpocket a special item from a specific target, this could be almost anyone in Skyrim.
  • The Numbers Job - Break in to any one of '28' randomly selected stores and fix the business ledger.
  • The Bedlam Job - Go to the Hold requested and steal over 500 gold worth of loot, can be anywhere in that Hold. Best to select large houses in major cities however, it's more lucrative.
  • The Burglary Job - Simply steal a specific item from a property, usually a special 'Jewelled' or 'Golden' item.
  • The Shill Job - Frame someone by planting a stolen item in a chest in any one of '29' randomly selected locations.
  • The Sweep Job - Break in to any one of '29' randomly selected houses and steal the three special items.
  • The Heist Job - Break in to any one of '28' randomly selected stores and steal a specific item from the strongbox.

After completing '5' jobs in a specific Hold, you will be given a 'Reputation Quest' these are not randomly generated and they are designed to improve the Thieves Guild's wealth and renown in Skyrim.

Reputation Quests

The reach hold - the silver lining.

> Once you completed at least '5' jobs in The Reach you will be given this special assignment. Talk to Delvin who will direct you to a Redguard called 'Endon' in Markarth, go there and SAVE.

> You'll usually find Endon in the 'Silver-Blood Inn' near Markarth's main entrance, he wants you to retrieve a unique 'Silver Mold' from the bandits at 'Pinewatch'. If you have already found this Mold by accident just hand it over and the quest is completed, otherwise it's off to Pinewatch which is located northeast of Falkreath.

> Don't go killing the first people you see at Pinewatch, as they are civilians. Enter the interior of Pinewatch, SAVE.

> You can bribe a Nord named 'Rhorlak' into revealing the location of the bandit hideout. A button next to the bookcase in the basement will open the door to the bandit camp, head down, you are free to kill any and all of the hostile bandits in this area.

> SAVE, then proceed until you encounter three bandits, you can avoid them by dropping to the lower area and carefully making your way around the back up the planks, or you can just kill them. The exit is on your left if you fought across the bridge and right if you sneaked up from behind. Proceed on to find another three bandits in the next room and one more in front of the door to 'Pinewatch Bandit's Sanctuary', sneak past or kill them at your leisure.

> After entering the Sanctuary SAVE, you'll find some bandits around a table, they can be avoided by sneaking around to the left and going up the path to the right, or you can kill them. The next bandit can be avoided by staying in the shadows if you wish. Move on and you'll reach a dark room with some dead draugr and a bandit, grab the Unusual Gem in a treasure room to the right.

> Proceed on until you hear bandits talking. It's hard to sneak past these but you could hug the left wall or use invisibility to sneak straight through the middle of the room, SAVE.

> You'll come to the room of the bandit leader 'Rigel Strong-Arm' she will patrol this area, and she can be a tough opponent. Watch for the bone-rattles here, you can pickpocket the treasure room key from Rigel, or kill her and take it. Either way proceed on but be careful of all the traps Rigel has set. Proceed down the tunnel and over a bridge, then on through some more tunnels and rooms until you reach the final door to the treasure room. Take the Silver Mold and all the loot you can carry from here. Go out of the exit door that takes you back into the first section of the cave, SAVE.

> Return to Endon in Markarth and give him the Silver mold, he will reward you and offer his services as a fence, SAVE.

> Now return back to Delvin in the Flagon, he'll congratulate you and this will unlock a new merchant in the Thieves Guild and restore a part the Guilds reputation. This will also unlock the three Thieves Guild cache barrels in Markarth.

Haafingar Hold - The Dainty Sload

> After completing at least '5' jobs in Haafingar Hold you can receive this reputation quest from Delvin, make a SAVE before talking to him and if the quest does not initiate in your journal reload the save and talk to him again . Delvin will direct you to the Thane of Solitude 'Erikur', he can be found in the 'Blue Palace' in 'Solitude', go there, SAVE and find him.

> Erikur will explain that you need to frame a certain ship's captain named 'Volf' by placing some highly illegal 'Balmora Blue' wine in his footlocker. I n some games, where a lot of days have passed, Erikur may have glitched off the map of Skyrim. H e can still be reached, however, by getting underneath the regular map. To do so, hop onto the roof of 'Angeline's Aromatics' and use the 'Whirlwind Sprint' shout to reach the lower roof of 'Bits and Pieces'. Head west along the roof and hop into the space that joins to the roof of 'Radiant Raiment', then navigate to Erikur's quest marker.

> To attain some Balmora Blue you must find a Nord warrior named 'Sabine Nytte', she can be found aboard the 'Red Wave'; a ship docked outside Solitude. Head out to the docks and make a SAVE before talking to Sabine.

> She will ask for 1500 Septims for the wine, if you don't have or don't want to pay 1500 you can pick her pocket for the key to the chest which is underwater- underneath the dock next to the Red Wave, SAVE before trying this though, alternatively you could just swim down and pick the lock if you're skilled enough. Make sure the wine has went into your inventory before moving on, if not reload previous save and try again.

> With the illegal wine in hand head up to the 'Dainty Sload'; a ship anchored out next to 'Solitude Lighthouse', found on the north coast.

> SAVE before boarding the Sload, if the ship hasn't rendered properly and you fall through it just reload this save point. There are two guards on the deck, kill them or sneak by them into the ship's interior. There are some guards inside, sneak by or kill them and go down to the bottom of the ship then back up the other side into the captain's quarters.

> The first mate will be guarding here, you can either sneak by him and pick the adept lock, pickpocket the key from him, or kill him and take the key. Enter the captain's quarters and plant the Balmora Blue. Also grab the Unusual Gem and the Speech Skill Book 'A Dance in Fire V6', SAVE then leave.

> Return first to Erikur at the Blue Palace, he will be pleased and will reward you, SAVE.

> Now head back to Delvin at the Ragged Flagon to complete the quest, Delvin will inform you that a new merchant has set up shop in the Thieves Guild and another Hold has been won over, SAVE.

Whiterun Hold - Imitation Amnesty

> After completing at least '5' jobs in Whiterun Hold this special job becomes available from Delvin. Speak to him in the Ragged Flagon and he will direct you to a Nord warrior called 'Olfrid Battle-Born', he's usually found wandering the streets of Whiterun by day.

> Go to Whiterun, SAVE and then talk to Olfrid, he wants you to help his friend 'Arn', whose been arrested. You can do this by stealing a convicting letter to the Jarl and changing Arn's name in the prison registry. Both are located in 'Dragonsreach', the letter is in the Jarl's quarters and the registry is on the steward's desk.

> Go into Dragonsreach and SAVE, (if you have previously completed the side-quest 'Bleak Falls Barrow' in the Main Story, you can just walk into the Jarl's quarters and take the letter and also walk into the steward's room and change the registry without risk of being arrested). Otherwise you are trespassing and you need to sneak.

> Find the servants' entrance to the Jarl's quarters located in the kitchen, and head up to the steward's room, run to the Jarl's study up the stairs and to the right of the dining table, close the door behind you and steal the letter. Also grab the Unusual Gem here and then run back to the steward's room, sneak, activate the register, and then exit as quickly as possible, SAVE.

> Return to Olfrid who will be glad you saved his murderous friend and he'll reward you.

> SAVE then return to Delvin at the Ragged Flagon, he will reward you also and inform you that a new merchant has opened a shop in the Thieves Guild and another portion of the Guild has been restored to full glory.

Eastmarch Hold - Summerset Shadows

> After completing at least '5' jobs in Eastmarch Hold, this quest will be available from Delvin. SAVE before talking to him and he will direct you to a Nord farmer named 'Torsten Cruel-Sea', he can be found either inside or outside the city walls of Windhelm. If the quest does not appear in your journal try reloading the previous save, if this still doesn't fix it then continue straight on to the next quest stage and go talk to Torsten.

> Upon arriving at Windhelm SAVE, find Torsten and talk to him, he wants you to find an Altmer thief called 'Niranye', she can be found at her stall near the 'White Phial' during the day or in the 'New Gnisis Cornerclub' during the evening, go find her but SAVE before talking to her.

> You have to use your Speech skill here to persuade or intimidate her into telling the truth, so buff up your speech skill as much as possible before talking to her. If you fail to convince her you're going to have to go to her house and obtain some evidence against her.

> Niranye's house is located right next to the east side of the main gate, break in and find the hidden panel to the rear of the eastern room leading to the basement. Steal the letters from 'Linwe' from the safe and return to Niranye with the evidence. (If you chose the wrong option and she becomes hostile you can kill Niranye and not incur a bounty, however she is a good merchant and becomes a useful stolen goods fence after this quest). Either way you'll be directed to 'Uttering Hills Cave'; a bandit cave in the mountains west of Windhelm, head there.

> Your objective here is just to sabotage a rival guild, you do not need to kill anyone, not even the boss, but you can if you wish. Either sneak past or kill the lookouts outside the cave, enter and SAVE.

> There are two paths here, and both lead to the same room. There are two 'Shadows' by a fire, sneak past or kill them, a door leads to a circular room where a bandit patrols and another one is sitting at the far end of the tunnel. There is a 'Summerset Shadows Banner' you have to burn in the next room, do not burn it just yet, this banner is quite buggy so SAVE when you see it.

> You may want to take out the guys in the room to the left and Linwe (the boss) to the right of the banner and pick up the One-Handed Skill Book 'Mace Etiquette' before you burn it with a fire spell. If it doesn't burn or it isn't even visible try casting fire spells where it should be or reload the save. You must at least pickpocket Linwe's locket and burn the banner to complete the quest. With the locket or with Linwe and her Shadows dead and the banner burnt leave the cave the way you came in and return back to Torsten in Windhelm.

> Torsten will reward you and become friendly with the Guild, SAVE.

> Now return to Delvin, he will also reward you and inform you that the Thieves Guild has yet another new merchant and a portion of the Thieves Guild has been returned to it's former glory, SAVE.

Guildmaster's Ceremony

> After completing all four of the Reputation quests, the Darkness Returns main Thieves Guild quest, and restoring the Thieves Guild to it's full former glory, you will be offered to attend a ceremony to become the official new Guildmaster.

> Talk to Brynjolf and go to the Cistern where a crowd will be gathered to witness your coronation. After this talk back with Brynjolf, he will hand you the 'Tribute Chest Key' and the 'Amulet of Articulation'. The key unlocks the chest near the Guildmaster's desk in which the Guild members periodically place loot as a tribute to you.

> Brynjolf also tells you to see Tonilia about getting your 'Guildmaster's Armor' set- a boosted version of your other Thieves Guild Armor. This will end your main career in the Thieves Guild and unlock the final achievement associated with it:

Returned the Thieves Guild to its former glory

One with the Shadows

Your time with the Thieves Guild doesn't have to end here however, there are some additional (non achievement related) side-quests I've detailed below.

Additional Quests

Caravan fence quest.

This small side quest will only become available after completing at least three of the Reputation Quests.

> Find Tonilia in the Ragged Flagon, she wants you to deliver a satchel of moon sugar to the Khajiit peddler 'Ri'saad' to secure an alliance with the Khajiit trading caravans.

> This Khajiit caravan travels between Whiterun and Markarth and camps for two days at each site. Sometimes, by the time you fast travel there, they may have already moved on. You can either repeatedly fast travel and hope they still remain or get close then run after them, try to anticipate their direction of travel.

> Once you have found the caravan and Ri'saad SAVE, talk to him and he will pleased to accept an alliance with the Guild, this makes the caravan a fence for stolen goods and lowers their prices.

> Return to Tonilia for her thanks and your reward, SAVE.

The Litany of Larceny

This is not a quest as such, there are seven special items that can be collected throughout the Thieves Guild main quests. Find them and return them to Delvin Mallory to receive a levelled amount of gold, and to display them in the Thieves Guild Cistern as trophies of your heroism for all to see. I mentioned their locations during each of their associated quests, but here are there locations again if you fancy going back and finding them all:

  • The Queen Bee Statue : In Riften, in the Goldenglow Estate, on a table in Aringoth's room.
  • The Honningbrew Decanter: In the Honningbrew Meadery southeast of Whiterun, in a room on the upper floor.
  • The East Empire Shipping Map : In the East Empire Company Warehouse near Solitude, found in the Dockmaster's quarters overlooking the warehouse.
  • The Model Ship : Snow Veil Sanctum located north-northeast of Windhelm, on a booby-trapped pedestal in the catacombs. It's best to use Telekinesis for this.
  • The Dwemer Puzzle Cube : Found in Calcemo's Laboratory in his museum in Understone Keep in Markarth. It's advisable not to go back for this unless until you have completed all the Thieves Guild quests.
  • The Bust of the Gray Fox : Found in Riftweald Manor in Riften, sitting on a table.
  • The Left Eye of the Falmer : Found on the corpse of Mercer Frey in the Irkngthand Sanctuary in Irkngthand located to the west of Windhelm.

After returning each item to Delvin you will receive a levelled amount of gold and his thanks. These items make a nice decorative addition to the Cistern and help with the notion that the Guild has been returned to its full power once again.

Toying With the Dead

You can begin this quest anytime after activating the Meet the Family quest.

> Talk to 'Vekel' in the Ragged Flagon he wants you to retrieve some journals from an ice cave called 'Yngvild' located on an island off the coast of Dawnstar, head out to Dawnstar and SAVE.

> Find the entrance to Yngvild by following the path to the north.

> Once inside SAVE, you'll find the first journal on a table guarded by some ghosts and draugr, defeat them and pick up the journal.

> Find the second journal on another table and then the third is found on yet another table just before the door to the 'Throne Room', pick up the journals and head into the Throne Room, SAVE.

> You can either fight the boss of Yngvild 'Arondil' and his ghost guards or you could sneak past all of them and remove the Soul Gem from the pedestal causing Arondil's own guards to attack and kill him. Either way go into the room behind the throne and grab the final journal along with an Unusual Gem, SAVE then leave the cave and head back to the Ragged Flagon.

> Return the journals to Vekel, he will be pleased and reward you with a levelled enchanted weapon, SAVE.

No Stone Unturned

This is another collectible quest for the Guild, albeit larger but more rewarding than the Litany of Larceny. There are '24' Unusual Gems located throughout Skyrim, '6' of these will be encountered during your course through the Thieves Guild quest line. I have mentioned the locations of these in the Walkthrough above but I will list them again here along with the locations of the other 18 for your consideration.

Once you have found your first Unusual Gem return it to Vex in the Ragged Flagon, she will tell you to retrieve the other 23, make sure you talk to Vex about the Unusual Gems before collecting the 24th or you may glitch the final quest stage . The first 6 gems, that are encountered during the Thieves Guild quests, are:

> During Hard Answers - The Dwemer Museum - On a table in the first room to the left. If you did not pick this one up during the quest 'Hard Answers' do not go back for it until you have at least completed the quest 'Darkness Returns'.

> During Scoundrels Folly - The Blue Palace - In the Jarl's bedroom, right side of the bed on top of the wardrobe.

> During the Silver Lining - Pinewatch Bandit's Sanctuary - Head down to the basement and press the hidden button to the right of the bookcase, providing access to the bandit's hideout. The gem is found in a locked room in the Bandit's Sanctuary.

> During Imitation Amnesty - Dragonsreach - In the Jarl's bedroom.

> During The Dainty Sload - Head down into the waterlogged bowels of the ship and up the opposing stairs, it's in the last room on the table.

> During Toying With the Dead - Yngvild Throne Room - In the bedroom behind the throne.

An additional '18' gems are scattered across Skyrim, usually these are in quest related areas so it is advisable only to go for them after activating the related quest to avoid bugs, the following '7' however, will not affect any quests and can be attained without any bug causing risks, these are:

> Whiterun's Jorrvaskr - In Kodlak's room on a bookshelf, note that if you are not a Companion taking this is stealing.

> Whiterun's Hall of the Dead - You will activate a side quest to retrieve 'Anders' Amulet' here so it's fine to take it now, the gem is inside the Catacombs; go down the left stairs and it will be to your left, next to a skeleton.

> Riften's Mistveil Keep - In the Jarl's bedroom, sneak up the stairs and through the locked centre door. It will be on the end table left of the bed.

> Ansilvund - This is a very interesting Nordic ruin located in the 'Velothi Mountains' to the far north of Riften. You may have read a book called 'Of Fjori and Hjolgeir' that hints about this accursed place. Upon entering you will automatically activate the Ansilvund side quest, the gem is found on the table at the end of 'Ansilvund Burial Chambers'.

> Rannveig's Fast - This is a Nordic ruin located south of Morthal, the gem is located next to the alchemy lab and chest on the right after falling down the trapdoor in front of the 'Kyne's Peace' Word Wall.

> Sunderstone Gorge - This is a dangerous cave system located to the west of 'Bloated Man's Grotto' which is to the west of 'Riverwood' and north of Falkreath. The gem is on the table with two bodies in front of the 'Fire Breath' Word Wall.

> Windhelm's Palace of the Kings - the gem itself is located upstairs, take the first door to the left upon entering the main palace area, then find 'Wuunferth's' room at the end of the hall.

The last '11' gems have quests related to them and you should only go for the gem while on the related quest:

> During the Main Story quest 'Diplomatic Immunity' - See the relative section of the 'Main Story' page for more information about this quest. (If you are not online and do not have the latest patches this gem will be located inside the 'Thalmor Embassy' in 'Elenwen's' Solar on the second floor). After patch 1.4 this gem is located inside 'Reeking Cave' which you go through at the end of this quest.

> Buying a house in Solitude - To buy this house you must first complete two quests 'The Man Who Cried Wolf' activated by talking to 'Falk Firebeard' in the Blue Palace and 'Elisif's Tribute' activated afterwards by talking to 'Elisif the Fair' also in the Blue Palace. After these are completed Falk will offer you a house in Solitude for 25,000 Septims. The gem is found on the top floor in the master bedroom, left of the door.

> Inside the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary - For information about joining the Dark Brotherhood see the Dark Brotherhood page. The gem is in 'Astrid's' room.

> The Dark Brotherhood Quest 'Mourning Never Comes' - Again for information about joining the Dark Brotherhood see the Dark Brotherhood page. During Mourning Never Comes you will enter the 'House of Clan Shatter-Shield', the gem is located on a bookshelf in a room to the left of the top of the stairs.

> The Forsworn Conspiracy - Your first visit to Markarth will trigger a scene in the marketplace, following this a Breton named 'Eltrys' will give you a note, meeting him will continue this quest. The gem itself is located in the 'Treasury House' on a bedside table in Thonar's bedroom, down the hall on the left from where you enter the front door. You may need to pick an apprentice-level door, but no one reacts.

> The College of Winterhold quest 'Under Saarthal' - For information on joining the College and activating this quest see the College of Winterhold page. The gem itself is in the Arch-Mage's quarters inside the college.

> The College of Winterhold side quest 'Hitting the Books' - Again for information on joining the College and activating this quest see the College of Winterhold page. After the Under Saarthal quest you can talk to 'Urag gro-Shub' he will direct you to a large fort located east-northeast of Whiterun. The gem is located up the stairs to the right.

> The Daedric Artifact quest 'Pieces of the Past' - For information regarding this quest see the 'Mehrunes Razor' part of the Daedric Artifacts page of this Walkthrough. The gem is located in 'Dead Crone Rock' on the stone altar opposite the 'Dismay' Word Wall.

> Promises to Keep - Activated by talking to 'Louis Letrush' in the Bee and Bard in Riften, the gem is located in the Black-Briar Lodge in the top floor bedroom next to the bed.

> Finn's Lute - The Bard's college in Solitude. Offer to complete a few side quests to retrieve various lost instruments, you must first find the college in the streets of Solitude and talk to the Headmaster 'Viarmo'. Complete the 'Tending the Flames' quest then talk to 'Inge Six-Fingers' about the lost lute. The gem is located in 'Stony Creek Cave' in south east of Eastmarch Hold (you can just go there without the quest but you risk creating bugs). The gem can be found on the table next to the alchemy lab in the room off to the side.

> Pantea's Flute - See 'Finn's Lute' above. Talk to Pantea at the college after Tending to the Flames, she will direct you to 'Hob's Fall Cave' located between Dawnstar and Winterhold. The gem can be found near the alchemy set under the bridge near the beginning of the cave.

After collecting the 24th and final Unusual Gem and returning them all to Vex at the Ragged Flagon she will give you one final task: To fetch the 'Crown of Barenziah' of which the gems belong to. The crown is in 'Tolvald's Cave' located in the Velothi Mountains northeast of Shor's Stone and south-southeast of Ansilvund.

> Proceed through three levels of Tolvald's Cave and find the crown in some rubble at the end of 'Tolvald's Crossing'.

> Return the crown to Vex and she will reward you with a unique power that causes significantly more gems to be found in random loot called the 'Prowler's Profit'.

External image

The Crown of Barenziah in all its majesty is then displayed in the Thieves Guild Cistern forever, along perhaps with all the others.

Making Reparations

If you break the rules of the Thieves Guild, (as described at the top of this page) you will be banned from the Guild. Getting banned will automatically activate a quest in your journal to restore your membership, this may be referred to as: Making Reparations.

If you have directly attacked a fellow member of the Thieves Guild and been caught you should cease attacking them immediately and leave the area as quickly as possible, also ensure no one gets killed by guards or other enemies and then wait at least 48 hours away from anyone hostile. Return to the Ragged Flagon when everyone has calmed down and speak with Vex. You will have to pay at least 1000 Septims to rejoin the Guild and more if your crimes are greater. This will restore full access to the guild.

Although you have now completed every available quest for the Thieves Guild your time there may never need end. You can complete the randomly generated mini-quests given to you by Delvin and Vex indefinitely and you can steal and pickpocket and fence your stolen wares for as long as you like. The Thieves Guild is also a great place to buy and sell your goods, stolen or otherwise and has some great master trainers and other training tools to be exploited as long as you remain, in the shadows.

Big thank you to The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages with permission for use of content granted under the Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License with due acknowledgement and thanks.

Thank you also to the guys from Bethesda Softworks LLC for providing additional information and writing the Official Elder Scrolls VI Skyrim Game Guide.

Elder Scrolls

How many jobs do I have do to restore the thieves guild

Thorayn the Magesassin's avatar

Alot. You gotta do a certain amount of quests in an area and then you'll be chosen by a "special person" in that area for a delicate quest.

LeemR 627's avatar

It requires all 'special' city quests from Delvin Mallory (not including Larceny Targets) as well as the entire chain of main quests to be completed. The 'special city influence quests' are offered by Delvin only after the five 'small jobs' have been completed in each city as follows: Whiterun, Markarth, Windhelm, and Solitude in order to restore the Thieves Guild's influence within that city and across all of Skyrim. Review the 'small jobs' and 'city influence quests' sections for details as well as Conditions and Tips.

Fozzes's avatar

Not only delvin,take my advice friend,when you attend to take a small job from delvin & vex,look where the job is in which city,for example,take a job in windhelm from delvin and vex,when you complete the job and return to delvin and vex,again take a new job from both of them in the same city,if delvin give you a job in different city just tell him to quit the job until he give and vex a jobs in tge same city.

Canis root tea's avatar

You have to do a total of five jobs, whether from Delvin or Vex, in each hold and finish those special quests in order to bring it back into business.

Gowther the Adamant's avatar

5 for each major hold

The imperial battlemage's avatar

You have the finish the questline and do 5 jobs for Vex or Mallory in every one of the 'special' cities in order to get the 'special' jobs.

Aphrodite Werewolf's avatar

So, basically 45 quests total

A way to mark your guide is pay attention to dialog quests. If it's white accept it. If it's gray then don't. That's how you know if you done it as it won't count towards your progression if you do gray thief quests.

Aquila2002's avatar

Basically, Vex and Mallory will offer small endless jobs that pay decent gold. You will want to complete;

-5 jobs for windhelm, and get its special quest

-5 jobs for Whiterun, and get its special quest

-5 quests for Solitude, and get its special quest

-5 jobs for Markarth, and get its special quest

I suggest just repeatedly choosing the numbers job and the sweep jobs, as they are the fastest and require the least skill. These quests are endless, proving the guild with endless gold!

From this all, 4 vendors will allocate themselves in the ragged flagon, allowing you to purchase and sell stolen goods.

Also, those 4 cities for the main questd will recieve a new fence. With this, you should have a fence in;

-Solitude (2)


-Riften (well duh)

The only places you will be left without a fence are Falkreath, Dawnstar and Morthal.

Adventurer-like-you's avatar

Mine glitched and now I can do infinite jobs. Pretty terrible because I can't do the last quest.

What do you think?

special assignment thieves guild

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

special assignment thieves guild

Originally posted by stabbykitteh : You can find the quest id's under Special Jobs here: Skipping that much has a high probability of breaking something else, but idk what or how and it might not show up right away...
Originally posted by Darkfiro : Oh it will break your game here a trick try to get vex and dev jobs in the same location... It Safer that way...

special assignment thieves guild

Originally posted by Zaric : It's not really skipping the grinding, but the "Localized Thieves Guild Jobs" mod really makes the grind more enjoyable. You get to pick which city to do your thieves guild quests in.

special assignment thieves guild

Originally posted by King Dice : what i'm trying to find is how to use commands to set it so im in the build because my scharacter is level 68, with a weapon that deals decent damage, and im using the belua sanguinare mod, and im at the top level of vampirism
Originally posted by Digstar : Originally posted by King Dice : what i'm trying to find is how to use commands to set it so im in the build because my scharacter is level 68, with a weapon that deals decent damage, and im using the belua sanguinare mod, and im at the top level of vampirism

special assignment thieves guild

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The Thieves Guild Side Missions

The elder scrolls v: skyrim special edition  — guide and walkthrough (ps4).


Guide and Walkthrough (PS4) by SENIORBILL

Version: 1.5 | Updated: 06/18/2018

  • Previous: Darkness Returns

Table of Contents

  • Next: The Companions Missions
  • Game Basics
  • Skyrim Main Missions
  • Before the Storm
  • Bleak Falls Barrow
  • Dragon Rising
  • The Way of the Voice
  • The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller
  • A Blade in the Dark
  • Diplomatic Immunity
  • A Cornered Rat
  • Alduin's Wall
  • The Throat of the World
  • Elder Knowledge
  • Alduin's Bane
  • Season Unending
  • Paarthurnax
  • The World-Eaters Eyrie
  • Dragonslayer
  • The College of Winterhold Missions
  • First Lessons
  • Under Saarthal
  • Hitting the Books
  • Good Intentions
  • Revealing the Unseen
  • Containment
  • The Staff of Magnus
  • The Eye of Magnus
  • College of Winterhold Side Missions
  • The Dark Brotherhood Missions
  • Innocence Lost
  • With Friends Like These
  • Mourning Never Comes
  • Whispers in the Dark
  • The Silence Has Been Broken
  • Bound Until Death
  • Breaching Security
  • The Cure For Madness
  • Recipe for Disaster
  • To Kill an Empire
  • Death Incarnate
  • Hail Sithis
  • The Dark Brotherhood Side Missions
  • Contracts: Narfi; Beitild; Ennodius Papius
  • Contracts: Lurbuk; Hern
  • Contracts: Anoriath; Deekus; Ma'randru-jo
  • Contract: Agnis
  • Contracts: Helvard; Maluril
  • Contract: Safia
  • The Feeble Fortune

The Thieves Guild Missions

  • A Chance Arrangement
  • Taking Care of Business
  • Loud and Clear
  • Dampened Spirits
  • Scoundrel's Folly
  • Speaking With Silence
  • Hard Answers
  • The Pursuit
  • Trinity Restored
  • Blindsighted
  • Darkness Returns
  • The Companions Missions
  • Take Up Arms
  • Proving Honor
  • The Silver Hand
  • Blood's Honor
  • Purity of Revenge
  • Glory of the Dead
  • The Companions Side Missions
  • The Bard's College Missions
  • Tending the Flames
  • Rjorn's Drum
  • Finn's Lute
  • Pantea's Flute
  • Civil War: Stormcloaks
  • Joining the Stormcloaks
  • The Jagged Crown
  • Message to Whiterun
  • Battle for Whiterun
  • Liberation of Skyrim: Fort Neugrad
  • Liberation of Skyrim: Compelling Tribute
  • Liberation of Skyrim: The Battle for Fort Sungard
  • Liberation of Skyrim: A False Front
  • Liberation of Skyrim: The Battle for Fort Snowhawk
  • Liberation: Battle for Fort Hraggstad
  • Liberation of Skyrim: The Battle for Solitude
  • Civil War: Imperials
  • Joining the Legion
  • The Jagged Crown: Imperials
  • Message to Whiterun: Imperials
  • Defense of Whiterun
  • Reunification of Skyrim: A False Front
  • Reunification: Battle for Fort Dunstad
  • Reunification: Compelling Tribute
  • Reunification: Battle for Fort Greenwall
  • Reunification: Rescue from Fort Kastav
  • Reunification: Battle for Fort Amol
  • Reunification: Battle for Windhelm
  • A New Order
  • Seeking Disclosure
  • Chasing Echoes
  • Beyond Death
  • Unseen Visions
  • Touching the Sky
  • Inner Sanctum
  • Kindred Judgement
  • Dawnguard Side Missions
  • The Temple of Miraak
  • Fate of the Skrall
  • Cleansing the Stones
  • The Path of Knowledge
  • The Gardener of Men
  • At the Summit of Apocrypha
  • Dragonborn Side Missions
  • Unearthed: Black Book Mission
  • Reluctant Servant: Black Book Mission
  • Lost Knowledge 1: Black Book Mission
  • Lost Knowledge 2: Black Book Mission
  • The Final Descent: Black Book Mission
  • March of the Dead
  • A New Source of Stahlrim
  • Lost Legacy
  • The Chief of Thirsk Hall
  • Retaking Thirsk
  • Skyrim Side Missions
  • Blood on the Ice
  • Forbidden Legend
  • The Forsworn Conspiracy
  • No One Escapes Cidna Mine
  • Infiltration
  • In My Time of Need
  • Kyne's Sacred Trials
  • Laid to Rest
  • Lost to the Ages
  • The Man Who Cried Wolf
  • The Wolf Queens Awakens
  • Missing In Action
  • Promises to Keep
  • Rise In The East
  • Rising at Dawn
  • Unfathomable Depths
  • The White Phial
  • Repairing the Phial
  • Daedric Missions
  • The Black Star
  • Boethiah's Calling
  • The Break of Dawn
  • The Cursed Tribe
  • A Daedra's Best Friend
  • Discerning The Transmundane
  • The House of Horrors
  • Ill Met By Moonlight
  • The Mind Of Madness
  • A Night to Remember
  • The Only Cure
  • Pieces Of The Past
  • A Taste Of Death
  • Waking Nightmare
  • Exploration Missions
  • Ancestral Worship
  • Angarvunde: Madresi Dran's Treasure
  • Angi's Camp
  • Evil In Waiting
  • Forgetting About Fjiola
  • The Hunter and The Hunted
  • Find Red Eagle's Sword
  • The Lost Expedition
  • Melka And Petra
  • Otar The Mad
  • The Pale Lady
  • A Scroll For Anska
  • Siege Of The Dragon Cult
  • Silenced Tongues
  • What Lies Beneath
  • Wilhelm's Specter
  • The Masks Of The Dragon Priests

Thieve's Guild Side Missions

No stone unturned :.

This task can be activated by finding an "Unusual Gem" and there are 24 of these Stones of Barenziah , making the acquisition of the full set a challenging long-term project. You will encounter a shady character named Maul when you first enter Riften . The conversation with him will turn to the Thieve's Guild and he will send you to see Vex about the value of the gems. You can also skip the encounter with Maul and find Vex through gameplay in the Ragged Flagon in the maze of tunnels beneath the town. Vex says that the individual stones aren't valuable unless you can collect all 24.

If you actually find all 24 Stones of Barenziah , return to Vex who says the stones must be inserted into the Crown of Barenziah to realize their full value. She says that the long-lost crown can be found in the maze of Tovald's Cave . Find it and add the 24 stones and she will offer a worthwhile reward for it.

Make your way to the maze of caves and battle your way through the Trolls , Falmer and their Chaurus pets to find the crown in a refuse pile. Return it to Vex to be rewarded with a perk called Prowler's Profit , which increases the amount of gems you will obtain while scavenging.

Delvin Mallory's Jobs :

Speak to Delvin Mallory in the Ragged Flagon in Riften after joining the Guild to trigger his side jobs. They will involve making changes in a ledger, retrieving, pickpocketing or stealing an item or gold. Using your stealth ability is crucial to completion of these tasks.

Vex's Jobs :

Speak to Vex in the Ragged Flagon in Riften after joining the Guild to trigger her side jobs. The missions will require stealth to retrieve items from the homes of wealthy people or a store or to plant an item in a wealthy person's home to implicate them in a theft.

special assignment thieves guild

Seattle police chief steps down amid department issues

(The Center Square) – Police Chief Adrian Diaz is stepping down from his role as head of the Seattle Police Department amid an increasing number of issues within the department.

Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell announced the move on Wednesday, stating that Diaz “will be stepping aside to work on special assignments.”

Former King County Sheriff Sue Rahr will serve as the interim police chief, but Harrell said she will not be considered for the permanent police chief position.

Last month,  Diaz was accused of grooming and harassment  by four female SPD officers, who filed a $5 million tort claim of damages against the city earlier this month. The officers allege sex discrimination, sexual harassment and a hostile work environment within SPD.

Harrell said there was not one event that triggered the move to have Diaz step down.

Harrell listed some of Diaz’s accomplishments since he served as the police chief in 2020. They include SPD meeting both federal consent decree provisions, launching the dual-dispatch pilot program that includes the CARE team, signing a new interim contract with the Seattle Police Officer Guild, and implementing new recruitment and retention initiatives.

Harrell called Diaz a “good human being” multiple times during the news conference.

“We are now looking at the internal culture, of course, at the police department,” Harrell said at the press conference.

Harrell said Rahr has a history of modern policing and is an expert in recruitment. The Center Square reported on statistics revealing that the department had 1,053 sworn officers at the end of March, a loss of 21 from the 2024 adopted budget that included 1,074 sworn officers.

Rahr intends to listen to SPD officers on the first day as interim police chief on Thursday and asked officers to be “brutally honest” with her.

“I am going to do my very best in the short time that I’m here to get you the tools and support that you need to deliver good policing to the people we serve,” Rahr said indirectly to SPD officers.

Along with Diaz, Lt. John O'Neil and Human Resource Manager Rebecca McKechnie are also named in the tort claim. Harrell declined to comment on their current status within SPD.

Last week, Assistant Chief Tyrone Davis was  placed on paid administrative leave  reportedly due to a complaint from the Community Police Commission, where Davis served as a department liaison.

Diaz spoke favorably about the progress SPD made during his four years as chief, but added that there “is more work to be done.”

“I will continue to support the city as I transition to this new role. I want to thank the men and women of the Seattle Police Department for their hard work,” Diaz said through tears.

Seattle police chief steps down amid department issues


  1. Welcome to the Thieves Guild achievement in The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited

    special assignment thieves guild

  2. Thieves Guild House : battlemaps

    special assignment thieves guild

  3. Different Worlds Publications

    special assignment thieves guild

  4. How to join Thieves Guild in Elder Scrolls Online

    special assignment thieves guild

  5. The Thieves Guild DLC Detailed for ESO

    special assignment thieves guild

  6. The Thieves Guild is renowned for their ability to steal anything. Its elite members have robbed

    special assignment thieves guild


  1. "Ahdarji's Heirloom and The Real Barenziah Part Four"

  2. GUILDS ARE ALMOST HERE! New Rewards, Customisation & More

  3. 5 Secrets and Tips in The Thieves Guild Only Veterans Know

  4. 😱 What Happens If You Entered The Thieves Guild Hideout Without Karliah in Skyrim? #skyrim

  5. Retro Unboxing GUILD OF THIEVES Amiga

  6. Skyrim SE Speak with Gunmar for an assignment


  1. Skyrim:Thieves Guild (faction)

    Under New Management: Become the Guild Master of the Thieves Guild. (30 pts/Silver) Special Job Quests . Delvin at his usual spot in The Ragged Flagon. Once you join the guild, you can speak to Delvin and Vex to receive radiant Thieves Guild quests. These jobs can be repeated indefinitely, and you can have one active job per quest-giver, but ...

  2. Under New Management

    This Quest is unlocked after you finish all four of the "special" assignments. ... In turn you will receive the thieves guild master armor set, and become the official leader of the Thieve's Guild.

  3. Skyrim:Delvin Mallory

    Skyrim:Delvin Mallory. Delvin Mallory is a Breton thief and an important member of the Thieves Guild in Riften. He is always found in the Ragged Flagon, located inside the Ratway. Like other patrons of the bar, he does not sleep. He is also an old friend of Astrid, the leader of the Dark Brotherhood. Delvin's outfit consists of a set of Guild ...

  4. How do you restore the thieves guild? : r/skyrim

    Complete the special contract and you'll slowly start to rebuild the guild with new members and merchants showing up. Complete all 4 special jobs and become guild master by continuing the Thieves Guild quest to fully rebuild the guild. Ignore Solstheim, Falkreath, Winterhold, Dawnstar, Morthal or Riften jobs, they don't contribute.

  5. is the Thieves Guild even worth it : r/skyrim

    Once you complete the special assignments you'll get access to a fence merchant who will buy stolen goods in the city. There will also be a marked barrel in each city that will spawn random loot, lots of gems and some leveled enchanted weapons. If you have Dragonborn DLC join the guild then go to Solsthiem and see Delvin's brother.

  6. Growing The Guild

    Doing these special assignments will further the Thieves Guild's rise to power once again, but you will also be rewarded yourself! For each city that you bring into the Thieves Guild's domain, you will be rewarded (see the rewards down below). The cities that we will be taking over are Solitude, Whiterun, Windhelm, and Markarth (note how ...

  7. Skyrim:Endon

    When you are ready to perform the special assignment for the Thieves Guild in Markarth, you can go and speak to Endon: Delvin Mallory sent me. "Oh thank goodness! I wasn't sure where else to turn..." Just start from the beginning. "Several months ago I ordered a special silver mold from some artisans in Valenwood by way of a Khajiit Caravan ...

  8. Guide for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    The Thieves Guild is a secret professional criminal organization, their headquarters in Skyrim are hidden underneath the streets of Riften and with their network of secret members spread across ...

  9. Thieves Guild (Skyrim)

    The Ragged Flagon - Cistern, home of the Thieves Guild. Origins []. Little is known about when and how the Thieves Guild of Skyrim was founded, but it is rumored to have been around as long as Riften has. As the Fourth Era continued, the Thieves Guild slipped further and further into obscurity and the members and regular clients began to leave (with the exception of Maven Black-Briar).

  10. Summerset Shadows

    Summerset Shadows. This mission is obtained by doing side missions for Devlin and Vex in the Thieves Guild. Once you do a certain number of side quests in a major city, Windhelm in this case ...

  11. Thieves guild markarth special assignment

    Thieves guild markarth special assignment. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 3 months ago. Modified 5 years, 3 months ago. Viewed 707 times 1 Have done 17 jobs in Markarth however I can't get the special assignment for Markarth. Have all the rest done want to finish thieves guild.

  12. Thieves' Guild Quests

    The Thieves' Guild is a clan stationed in the sewers of Riften. As the name suggests, they specialize in lockpicking, pickpocketing, and overall thievery. To start this questline speak to Brynjolf ...

  13. Category:Skyrim: Thieves Guild Trophies

    Skyrim: Thieves Guild Trophies. Category page. The Thieves Guild Trophies, special items that appear in the Thieves Guild to signify mission progress. B. Bust of the Gray Fox. C. Crown of Barenziah. D. Dwemer Puzzle Cube.

  14. How many jobs do I have do to restore the thieves guild

    The 'special city influence quests' are offered by Delvin only after the five 'small jobs' have been completed in each city as follows: Whiterun, Markarth, Windhelm, and Solitude in order to restore the Thieves Guild's influence within that city and across all of Skyrim. Review the 'small jobs' and 'city influence quests' sections for details ...

  15. Can someone tell me how to get special jobs from Delvin?

    To get a job, talk to Delvin Mallory or Vex - you can have one active from each quest giver. Once you have completed multiple jobs in a particular Hold, Delvin Mallory will offer you a Special Job in order to increase the Thieves' Guild influence in that Hold. Note: You are assigned targets at random, and you are not told how many jobs you have ...

  16. Skipping pre-req Theives guild 5x jobs per city for special assignments

    As above. I'm looking for console commands to skip the thieves guild jobs before the special assignments as I hate "grinding". The special assignments however I enjoy. I don't usually use console commands except when rezzing followers not flagged essential but I am very much interested in skipping the pre-req burglary etc etc quests.

  17. I can't give any of the items to delvin in the theive's guild??

    Check your objectives if you have an assignment to go talk to a specific person, and complete this task first. These particular assignments are to gain a foothold in one of the major cities, ultimately giving the Thieves Guild more jobs and popularity. When you have completed the task you should be able to get new jobs from both Vex and Delvin ...

  18. Delvin and Vex won't give me any jobs in Markarth for the ...

    Delvin and Vex won't give me any jobs in Markarth for the life of me. Im trying to become the guild master and complete the four special assignments, I've already completed the Whiterun, Windhelm, and Solitude assignments so I only need Markarth. They have been giving me no Markarth jobs, and I don't know if I'm doing something wrong ...

  19. The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim :: Stones of Barenziah

    Thieves Guild special assignment in Markarth: Crown of Barenziah. After collecting all the stones back to the Vex at Thieves' Guild, she said that there was only the last part — you need to find the Crown of Barenziah, and sends us into the Tolvald's Cave. After returning the crown you get a unique effect of «Thieves Fortune», which ...

  20. Thief guild special assignments issue

    Thief guild special assignments issue; DaSarcasticGuy 7 years ago #1. ... The thieves guild questline should have given more choice. 93 posts, 12/20 11:11AM. Possible Multi-level Skill Exploit. 1 post, 3/18 11:10AM. Playing on Legendary. Should I switch to two handed? 33 posts, 3/17 4:32PM.

  21. Thieves Guild Requirements SE at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus

    Customize how many radiant quests are required in each city before you receive the special assignment for that city. Adjust the number of radiant jobs required to display the Thieves Guild trophies. Change the amount of gold required to complete the bedlam job. Allows characters who are not members of the Thieves Guild to sell Unusual Gems to ...

  22. The Thieves Guild Side Missions

    The Thieves Guild Missions The Thieves Guild Side Missions Thieve's Guild Side Missions No Stone Unturned:. This task can be activated by finding an "Unusual Gem" and there are 24 of these Stones of Barenziah, making the acquisition of the full set a challenging long-term project.You will encounter a shady character named Maul when you first enter Riften.

  23. Seattle police chief steps down amid department issues

    Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell announced the move on Wednesday, stating that Diaz "will be stepping aside to work on special assignments." Former King County Sheriff Sue Rahr will serve as the ...

  24. Looking for a mod that will skip the mini quests for the Thieves Guild

    Thieves Guild Requirements by kryptopyr and Thieves Guild Alternate Routes by clarota TGR: Customize how many radiant quests are required in each city before you receive the special assignment for that city. Change the amount of gold required to complete the bedlam job. TGA: Focus the Thieves' Guild radiant jobs in a single city.