Purchase requisition for account assignment Table in SAP

  • EBKN Table for Purchase Requisition Account Assignment Table Type : TRANSP Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • VSEBKN_CN Table for Version: Purchase requisition account assignment Table Type : TRANSP Package : CNVS Module : SRM-EBP
  • T161F Table for Release Point Assignment for Purchase Requisition Release Table Type : POOL Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • CDBD_PR_H Table for Purchase Requisition header - CDB table Table Type : TRANSP Package : CDB Module : CRM-MSA
  • CDBD_PR_I Table for Purchase Requisition item - CDB table Table Type : TRANSP Package : CDB Module : CRM-MSA
  • EBAN Table for Purchase Requisition Table Type : TRANSP Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • EBAN_TECH Table for Purchase Requisition for External Sourcing Table Type : TRANSP Package : MEREQ Module : MM-PUR
  • FDM2 Table for Cash management line items from MM purchase requisition Table Type : TRANSP Package : FF Module : CRM-MD-PCT
  • MEREQX Table for Purchase Requisition Change Parameter Table Type : TRANSP Package : MEREQ Module : MM-PUR
  • PREXT Table for Enhancement Fields for Purchase Requisition Table Type : TRANSP Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • PSPR_GRP_IND_PR Table for Grouping Indicators and purchase requisition numbers Table Type : TRANSP Package : PS_ST_EHP3_SFWS_SC Module : PS-ST
  • SER09 Table for Doc. Header for Serial Numbers for Purchase Requisition Item Table Type : TRANSP Package : IQSM Module : CRM
  • SNWD_PR_I_TPL Table for EPM: Purchase Requisition Item Database Table Template Table Type : TRANSP Package : S_EPM_AIE_TPL Module : BC-SRV-NWD
  • T161G Table for Release Prerequisite, Purchase Requisition Table Type : POOL Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • T161H Table for Fields for Release Procedure, Purchase Requisition Table Type : POOL Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • T161S Table for Release Indicator, Purchase Requisition Table Type : POOL Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • T16CR Table for Version-Relevant Fields of Purchase Requisition Table Type : TRANSP Package : MEDCM Module : MM-PUR
  • TEE001 Table for Purchase Requisition from Easy Execution Table Type : TRANSP Package : CKEXECUTION Module : CO-PC-PCP
  • TME_TOL Table for Overdraw tolerance for Purchase Order / Requisition Table Type : TRANSP Package : FMFG_E Module : PSM-FM
  • VSEBAN_CN Table for Version: Purchase requisition Table Type : TRANSP Package : CNVS Module : SRM-EBP
  • /SAPSRM/SH_PO_RC Table for Table for ERP Search Help Purchase Requisition Release Code Table Type : TRANSP Package : /SAPSRM/PDO_SHARED Module : SRM-EBP-PD
  • /SAPSRM/SH_PR_RC Table for Table for ERP Search Help Purchase Requisition Release Code Table Type : TRANSP Package : /SAPSRM/PDO_SHARED Module : SRM-EBP-PD
  • /SAPSRM/SH_PR_RG Table for Table for ERP Search Help Purchase Requisition Release Group Table Type : TRANSP Package : /SAPSRM/PDO_SHARED Module : SRM-EBP-PD
  • /SPE/CRMD_PR_MAP Table for Mapping Table Purchase Requisition CRM Sales Order Table Type : TRANSP Package : /SPE/CRM_GENERAL Module : LO-SPM-OUT
  • JKSDPORDERFLOW Table for IS-M: Assignment of Purchase Order Book to Purchase Order Table Type : TRANSP Package : JSDI Module : IS-M
  • DPR_OBJLINK_SCPO Table for Purchase Order and Purchase Order Item for SRM Shopping Cart Table Type : TRANSP Package : DEVELOPMENT_PROJECTS_SRM Module : PPM-PRO-EXT
  • TOIAE Table for Purchase Fee Account Assignment Table Type : TRANSP Package : OIA Module : CRM
  • CRMC_ACC_MAP Table for Assignment of Account Assignment Group to Account Table Type : TRANSP Package : CRM_LEASING_SRM Module : CRM-LAM-BTX
  • CDBC_REQPRIO Table for MM Requisition details table Table Type : TRANSP Package : CDB Module : CRM-MSA
  • EREC_GENERAL Table for General Requisition Form Settings Table Type : TRANSP Package : PAOC_MSS_E_RECRUITING Module : EP-PCT-MGR-HR
  • EREC_ISR_TYPES Table for ISR Requisition Scenario Types Table Type : TRANSP Package : PAOC_MSS_E_RECRUITING Module : EP-PCT-MGR-HR
  • EREC_ISR_TYPES_T Table for Text table for ISR Requisition Types Table Type : TRANSP Package : PAOC_MSS_E_RECRUITING Module : EP-PCT-MGR-HR
  • EREC_METHODS Table for Start Methods for Requisition Creation Table Type : TRANSP Package : PAOC_MSS_E_RECRUITING Module : EP-PCT-MGR-HR
  • MEREP_TREQUIS Table for MI Testtool - Requisition Table Type : TRANSP Package : S_ME_TESTTOOL Module : BC-MOB
  • MEREP_TVENDOR Table for MI Testtool - Requisition Table Type : TRANSP Package : S_ME_TESTTOOL Module : BC-MOB
  • NMATO Table for IS-H: Material requisition by nurse station Table Type : TRANSP Package : NPAS Module : CRM
  • T161A Table for Linkage of Requisition Doc. Type to Purchasing Document Type Table Type : POOL Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • T16LA Table for Texts on Status of Requisition Processing Table Type : TRANSP Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • T16LD Table for Routines for Structure of Requisition Lists Table Type : TRANSP Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • T16LE Table for Texts for Routines for Structure of Requisition Lists Table Type : TRANSP Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • T16LF Table for Routines for Data Retrieval in Requisition Lists Table Type : TRANSP Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • T16LG Table for Texts for Routines for Data Retrieval in Requisition Lists Table Type : TRANSP Package : ME Module : SRM-EBP
  • T75REQST Table for Requisition Status Table Table Type : TRANSP Package : PBNA_REC_MYSAP Module : PA-PA-US
  • TNM02 Table for IS-H MM: Material Requisition Parameters Table Type : TRANSP Package : NPAS Module : CRM
  • /ISDFPS/MEMMTRQ Table for Customizing: Requisition Types (Mobile) Table Type : TRANSP Package : /ISDFPS/ME_MM Module : IS-DFS-MA-MM
  • /ISDFPS/MEMMTRQL Table for Customizing: Requisition Type for Document Cat. (Mobile) Table Type : TRANSP Package : /ISDFPS/ME_MM Module : IS-DFS-MA-MM
  • /ISDFPS/MEMMTRQT Table for Customizing: Texts for Requisition Types (Mobile) Table Type : TRANSP Package : /ISDFPS/ME_MM Module : IS-DFS-MA-MM
  • /SAPCEM/BD01 Table for Planning: Default Values for Requisition Note Table Type : TRANSP Package : /SAPCEM/DISPO Module : IS-EC-CEM
  • /SAPCEM/BDKO Table for Header Data for Requisition Note Table Type : TRANSP Package : /SAPCEM/DISPO Module : IS-EC-CEM
  • /SAPCEM/BDPO Table for Requisition Note Item Table Type : TRANSP Package : /SAPCEM/DISPO Module : IS-EC-CEM
  • ACCRAC Table for Assignment of Acr./Def. G/L Account to Accruals Account Table Type : TRANSP Package : ACCR Module : FI
  • REQTYPE Table Data element for Requisition Type of the Mobile Requisition
  • /ISDFPS/ME_MM_REQTYPE Table Data element for Requisition Type of the Mobile Requisition
  • CO_BANFN Table Data element for Purchase requisition number
  • CO_BNFPO Table Data element for Item number of the purchase requisition in the order
  • SCEND_ACT Table Data element for Ind.: Purchase requisition at activity finish date
  • BBP_ES_RFP_TEXT_ID_PR Table Data element for Text ID for Storing RFP Reference in Purchase Requisition
  • BBSRT Table Data element for Purchase Requisition Document Type
  • BANFN Table Data element for Purchase requisition number
  • BNFPO Table Data element for Item number of purchase requisition
  • CREATE_IND Table Data element for Creation Indicator (Purchase Requisition)
  • CFB_BSART_PR Table Data element for Document Type for Creating Purchase Requisition from RMC
  • MRPDS_PURCHASE Table Data element for MRP DS: No Purchase Requisition Creation from APO

Purchase requisition for account assignment Table in SAP

Purchase requisition for account assignment related terms


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SAP Purchase Requisition Tables EKPR,MARC and EKKN

by Haq Nawaz | Mar 16, 2024 | SAP Tables

SAP Purchase Requisition Tables EKPR,MARC and EKKN

SAP Purchase Requisition Tables are multi-featured tables to support the industry in generation professional industry based requisition to smooth the business activities in and outside the business organizations. Each table in the ERP System is designed as a repository to hold the intended information. With the following generated example, one can have an idea about the under-discussed tables.  

EBAN – It is one of the core SAP Purchase Requisition Tables to accommodate general data concerning purchase requisitions like requisition number, creation date, requester and purchasing group. It is the main table in the database to reside the purchase requisition header information.

EBKN- Purchase Requisition Account Assignment  This table has attributes to store the information about account assignment details like cost centre, internal order, and general ledger account. Moreover, it assists the organisation in tracking financial aspects related to purchase requisition line items.

sap table for purchase requisition account assignment

SAP Purchase Requisition Table: Improving Procurement Control

Home > Insights > SAP Purchase Requisition Table: Improving Procurement Control

Managing procurement efficiently and effectively is essential to a company’s success in the ever-evolving landscape of modern business.

And, at the heart of this crucial process lies Purchase Requisition Tables in SAP — intelligent tools that streamline the journey from request to purchase and integrate with various areas of your organization, ensuring budget control, approval workflows, and meticulous tracking of purchase requisitions.

In this article, we explore the key features and capabilities of SAP Purchase Requisition, how it can help companies create procurement schedule lines and stock transport orders, and where our expert SAP consultant team can come in to help.

What is Purchase Requisition in SAP?

A purchase requisition is a formal request made within an organization to initiate the purchase of goods or services and can be created manually or automatically. It is typically the first step in the procurement process and serves as a formal document that initiates the purchasing process.

Purchase Requisitions can be created for the following procurement types:

  • Subcontracting: Provide raw materials to the vendor and receive a finished material.
  • Standard: Receive finished material from the vendor.
  • Consignment: Procure materials kept on the company’s premises and pay the vendor for materials.
  • External service: Get services like system maintenance and procurement strategy from an external third-party vendor.
  • Stock transfer: Acquire material from within the organization or internal storage location.

Key Features of Purchase Requisition Tables in SAP

SAP Purchase Requisition tables are database tables that store, retrieve, and manipulate purchase requisition data. Here are five of the top features of SAP Purchase Requisition tables:

  • Data Storage: SAP Purchase Requisition tables are a structured repository for storing purchase requisition data, including requisition numbers, item details, quantities, and requested delivery dates.
  • Data Retrieval: Users can retrieve data from these tables to generate reports, conduct analyses, and make informed decisions. This allows organizations to track the status of purchase requisitions, monitor spending, and evaluate procurement processes.
  • Seamless Integration: These tables are tightly integrated with other SAP modules, like Materials Management (MM) and Supplier Relationship Management (SRM), to ensure data from purchase requisitions can seamlessly transfer to other parts of the SAP system.
  • Customization: Organizations can define or modify additional fields to capture unique data elements and leverage customization tools to meet unique business requirements.
  • Security and Access Control: SAP provides robust security features to control access to these tables and their data. Access permissions can be configured to ensure that only authorized users can view, modify, or delete data in the tables, helping maintain data integrity and confidentiality.

How are Purchase Orders Related?

Once the purchasing department creates the purchase requisition, it is converted to a purchase order — an external document issued by the purchasing department to the vendor to describe the specific material, quantity, and price required by each customer.

Purchase orders are created with reference to existing purchase requisition documents generated in SAP tables during the procurement process using specific transaction codes.

Understanding Purchase Requisition Activities in SAP

Here are the main steps in creating or converting purchase requisitions in the SAP landscape:

Creating a new purchase requisition:

  • Enter the ME51N transaction code in the SAP SD Master Data Screen or navigate the following path: Logistics, Materials Management, Purchasing, Purchase Requisition, Create.
  • Complete all required fields: Purchase Requisition document type as NB Standard, Header Note, Source Determination, and Type for Material, Plant, Quantity, Vendor, and Purchasing Organization.
  • Create new purchase requisition.

Converting purchase requisitions to purchase orders:

  • Enter the ME21N transaction code in the SAP SD Master Data Screen.
  • Click on Purchase Requisitions from the dropdown of the Selection variant.
  • Enter the purchase requisition number to create a purchase order.
  • Drag the standard reference Purchase Requisition to the cart next to NB Standard PO.
  • Complete all required purchase requisition fields: Purchase Requisition Document Type, Value for Vendor, Purchase Organization, Purchase Group, Company Code, and Purchase Requisition Number.
  • Click “Enter” and “Save” to create the standard purchase order.

List of SAP Purchase Requisition Tables

  • EBAN: Purchase Requisition
  • VSEBAN_CN: Version – Purchase Requisition
  • MEREQX: Purchase Requisition Change Parameter
  • EBKN: Purchase Requisition Account Assignment in Purchasing
  • T16LB: Scope of List – Purchase Requisitions
  • T16LC: Description of Scope of List – Purchase Requisitions
  • EBAN_TECH: Purchase Requisition for External Sourcing
  • TEE001: Purchase Requisition from Easy Execution
  • T161G: Release Prerequisite – Purchase Requisition
  • T161S: Release Indicator – Purchase Requisition
  • T161H: Fields for Release Procedure – Purchase Requisition
  • VSEBKN_CN: Version – Purchase Requisition Account Assignment
  • EKBEH: History per Purchasing Document
  • EINA: Purchasing Info Record – General Data
  • EKPO: Purchasing Document Item
  • LFA1: Vendor Master – General Section
  • T161W: Order Types for Stock Transfer
  • EKKO: Purchasing Document Header Data
  • T161P: Check of Document Type, Document Category, and Item Category
  • EBUB: Index for Stock Transport Requisitions for Material
  • T161A: Linkage of Requisition Doc Type to Purchasing Doc

How Can We Help?

Whether you need help outlining an intelligent release strategy for each purchase requisition, additional support managing field and material groups within each purchase order, or just an extra hand understanding the critical components of Purchase Requisition tables in SAP, Surety Systems can help.

Our senior-level, US-based SAP consultant team has the technical knowledge, functional skills, and real-world experience to help resolve all your most critical SAP-related issues, achieve project goals, and optimize efficiency across your entire SAP landscape.

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Interested in learning how to leverage Purchase Requisition (PR) tables in SAP to improve efficiency across the entire procurement lifecycle or where our SAP consultant team can fit in your organization?

Contact us today!

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sap table for purchase requisition account assignment

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3077580 - "account assignment category" of Purchase requisition is "U"

The "account assignment category" of the purchase requisition created by MRP is "U" (unknown)


SAP S/4HANA Cloud 

Reproducing the Issue

  • Run MRP for a Non-Valuated Materials  to create purchase requisition.
  • The "account assignment category" of the purchase requisition is "U"

In SSCUI  102156 , the Account Assignment for Non-Valuated Materials is set as "U"

Change the account assignment category accordingly.

account assignment category, Non-Valuated, value updating, MRP, schedule MRP run, MD01N, purchase requisition, account assignment, unknown, U, 102156 , KBA , PP-MRP-PP , Procurement Proposal , PP-MRP-PP-2CL , Procurement Proposal (Public Cloud) , Problem

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Purchase requisition account assignment, recommended now, fire tv stick lite essentials bundle.

This bundle contains Amazon Fire TV Stick Lite and Mission USB Power Cable. The USB power cable eliminates the need to find an AC outlet near your TV by powering Amazon Fire TV directly from your TV's USB port. Includes special power management circuitry that enhances the peak power capability of the USB port by storing excess energy and then releasing it as needed.

sap table for purchase requisition account assignment

The table EBKN ( Purchase Requisition Account Assignment ) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package ME .

Technical Information

Fields for table ebkn, sap erp dictionary.

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SAP Master Data

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  • Characteristic
  • Material Document
  • Notification
  • Purchasing Document
  • Sales Order
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SAP Purchase Order Tables: Main PO tables in SAP MM – SAP PO Tables

List of SAP Purchase Order Tables in SAP MM SAP PO Tables

In this post, you will find the main SAP Purchase Order Tables for header, item, and historical.

As well as, all relevant SAP tables related to Purchasing process.

First, we will explain the main Purchase Order SAP Tables, then we will list the main SAP Table for Purchase Document in SAP MM (Material Management).

Table of Contents

SAP Purchase Order Tables

The main SAP Purchase Order Tables or SAP PO Tables as commonly called are:

Check also this post for more detail about SAP Purchase Order Overview

EKKO Table in SAP

EKKO Table in SAP is the Purchasing Document Header.

The most important SAP Purchase Order Tables is EKKO. Each Purchase order is identified by EBELN (PO Number)

The main EKKO fields are:

  • SAP Purchase Order Process & Doc. Flow SAP SD / MM (Tcodes & Tables)
  • Complete list of SAP Purchase Document ME21N Exit and BADI
  • EDI 870: Order Status Report SAP ORDERS05 IDoc Explained


The lines of SAP PO (Purchase Order) can be found in EKPO table.

The main fields at EKPO are:

EKBE Table is SAP

The Historical data for a SAP Purchase Order Tables is set on EKBE . The details are saved by items.

The main fields for EKBE are:

Check this book Materials Management with SAP ERP: Functionality and Technical Configuration (SAP MM) (4th Edition) (SAP PRESS) 4th Edition

SAP Purchase Order Reference Tables

Purchasing document category bstyp.

The purchasing document category allows differentiation between the various kinds of purchasing documents (e.g. purchase order, scheduling agreement, contract).

The purchasing document category determines the applicable number range, for example, and the fields that are offered to you for maintenance.

The relevant document category is suggested by the system when you create a purchasing document.

Purchasing document categories can be further subdivided into Purchasing Document Types.

List of Purchasing Document Category Value

The Document Category (EKKO-BSTYP) values are set on Value Range for Domain EBSTYP.

The different Values of SAP Purchasing Document Category are:

Purchasing Document Type BSART

The Document Type EKKO-BSART  differentiates between the different kinds of requisition and purchases order in the SAP system.

The order type controls the number assignment for a purchase order, for example, and determines which fields you must maintain.

The reference table for Document Type is T161

The Document Type are a subdivision of Document Category. The keys for T161 are BSTYP and BSART .

Vendor Account Number

The vendor Master Data table in SAP is LFA1 for general information.

Full list of SAP MM Purchasing Tables

Sap tables for po (purchase order tables in sap).

The first list contains only PO Data Tables. The next part will list the customizing tables for purchase orders in SAP MM Purchasing.

SAP Purchase Order Tables are:

SAP Table for Purchase order history

The Purchase Order History can be found in the standard Table EKBE .

The Key fields for PO History Table are :

There is also SAP Tables for Purchase Order Further History such as:

  • EKBEH, Removed PO History Records
  • EKBZ, History per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs
  • EKBZH, History per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs

SAP Customizing Tables for PO

The main customizing for PO or Purchase Order can be found in the following Table.

SAP PO Customizing Table Part 1

(Note that some following SAP tables contain SAP PO related Master)

Read also List of Important SAP Material Types in SAP MM

T161* PO Customizing Table Part 2

The next list of Purchase Document SAP Customizing Tables starting with T161* are:

T162* PO Customizing Table Part 3

Here the list of SAP Purchase Order Customizing Tables starting with T162*

T163* PO Customizing Table Part 4

Here the list of SAP Purchase Order Customizing Tables starting with T163*

T165/T166* PO Customizing Table Part 5

Here the list of SAP Purchase Order Customizing Tables starting with T165/T166*

Sap Purchase Order Tables: T16F* PO Customizing Table Part 6

Here the list of SAP Purchase Order Customizing Tables starting with T16F*

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Creating a Purchase Order for Lean Services

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Create a purchase order for lean services


In this unit, you will learn how to complete the steps of a lean services procurement process consisting of a purchase order and a service entry sheet.  

The following video describes the process, focusing on the first step, a purchase order for a lean service.

Purchase Order Creation for Lean Services

As with the procurement of materials, a purchase order for lean services can be created manually or with reference to a purchase requisition. To create a purchase order for lean services, use the Manage Purchase Orders app. There is no specific app for ordering lean services. 

This graphic illustrates the text in this paragraph about creating a lean services purchase order.

When creating a purchase requisition or purchase order item for lean services, there are two options:

Description of lean service at item level with a short text, which means that there is no material master record for the lean service.

Use of a material master record for the lean service, which means that a specific material master record has been created for the lean service with the product type group Service (2) .

The following screenshot shows the entries that must be made manually in a purchase order item for a lean service if no material master record exists for the lean service.  

The data required includes: 

Short text that describes the lean service

Material group

Product type group Service (2) , which must always be used for the procurement of lean services

Account assignment category, as lean services can only be procured if the account assignment data is specified

As previously described, the screenshot shows which entries must be made manually in the details of a purchase order item for lean services if no material master record exists for the lean service. 

If, on the other hand, a material master record exists for the lean service, the short text and the product type group Service (2) are automatically copied from the material master record to the corresponding purchase order item.

When you procure a material, you typically know exactly which material and in what quantity you need it. When you order a service, however, you do not always know in advance all the services to be performed. For example, when a machine is being maintained, you do not know whether the settings need to be adjusted or whether parts need to be replaced.

By specifying a limit for unplanned services in the purchase order, you can control the costs of unexpected and unplanned services. Without a limit, the provision of unplanned services cannot be entered in the service entry sheet.

The screenshot shows the details of a purchase order item for an enhanced limit. The required data highlighted in the screenshot is described in the text below.

The following information must be entered for a limit item for a lean service:

Product type group Services (2)

Account assignment category

Overall limit and expected value

In the following demo, you can see how to create a purchase order for lean services using the Manage Purchase Orders app.  

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  1. Purchase requisition for account assignment Table in SAP

    A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields. List of Purchase requisition for account assignment tables in SAP. EBKN for Purchase Requisition Account Assignment. VSEBKN_CN for Version: Purchase requisition account assignment. T161F for Release Point Assignment for Purchase Requisition Release.

  2. Account Assignment in Purchase Requisition

    Some important measures and attributes are: Purchase requisition number. Purchase requisition item number. Profit center. Business area. Cost center. Note. One or more elements of this CDS view were deprecated with SAP S/4HANA 2021. SAP may make the deprecated elements unusable, usually no earlier than one year after the deprecation.

  3. Creating Purchase Requisitions

    A purchase requisition is an internal document that the purchasing department uses to procure a particular quantity of a material or a service for a particular date. A purchase requisition can be created directly or indirectly. Directly. Directly means that a purchase requisition is created manually in the department that has the need.

  4. SAP Purchase Requisition Tables EBAN, EBKN and EKET

    EBAN - It is one of the core SAP Purchase Requisition Tables to accommodate general data concerning purchase requisitions like requisition number, creation date, requester and purchasing group. It is the main table in the database to reside the purchase requisition header information. EBKN- Purchase Requisition Account Assignment This table ...

  5. EBKN

    Purchase Requisition Account Assignment. EBKN (Purchase Requisition Account Assignment) is a standard table in SAP R\3 ERP systems. Below you can find the technical details of the fields that make up this table. Key fields are marked in blue. Additionally we provide an overview of foreign key relationships, if any, that link EBKN to other SAP ...

  6. Account Assignment

    Account Assignment; Purchasing (MM-PUR) 6.0 EHP3 Latest. Available Versions: 6.0 EHP8 Latest ; ... If you do not have an SAP ID, you can create one for free from the login page. ... Purchase Requisition and Purchase Order . Purchase Requisitions (MM-PUR-REQ) RFQ and Quotation (MM-PUR-RFQ)

  7. E3EBKN

    Below you can find the technical details of the fields that make up this table. Key fields are marked in blue. Additionally we provide an overview of foreign key relationships, if any, that link E3EBKN to other SAP tables.

  8. Create Purchase Requisition

    Key Features. You can use this app to: Create a purchase requisition by selecting a Document Type, view the same, edit and delete a purchase requisition based on its status at the header and item level. Add material, service and limits items to a purchase requisition. Copy an existing purchase requisition and create a new purchase requisition.

  9. SAP Help Portal

    Use. With this app, you can display purchase requisition items based on their account assignments. By default, purchase requisition items are grouped based on the cost centers to which they belong. This app is available for the role Accounts Payable (A/P) Accountant.

  10. SAP Help Portal

    Context. In the app Manage Purchase Requisitions - Professional, you want to create a purchase requisition with multiple account assignment. This procedure is based on default content and UIs. Depending on your configuration settings, the procedure may be slightly different.

  11. Purchase Requisition Tables in SAP

    Purchase Requisition Database Tables in SAP (60 Tables) Login; Become a Premium Member; TCodes; Tables; Table Fields; SAP Glossary; FMs; ABAP Reports; ... Account Assignment in Purchasing Document MM - Purchasing: Transparent Table 29 : E1BPEBANTX: BAPI purchase requisition: Item Text MM - Basic Functions:

  12. SAP Purchase Requisition Table: Improving Procurement Control

    Converting purchase requisitions to purchase orders: Enter the ME21N transaction code in the SAP SD Master Data Screen. Click on Purchase Requisitions from the dropdown of the Selection variant. Enter the purchase requisition number to create a purchase order. Drag the standard reference Purchase Requisition to the cart next to NB Standard PO. OR.

  13. 3077580

    The "account assignment category" of the purchase requisition created by MRP is "U" (unknown) SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public. ... schedule MRP run, MD01N, purchase requisition, account assignment, unknown, U, 102156 , KBA , PP-MRP-PP , Procurement Proposal , PP-MRP-PP-2CL , Procurement Proposal (Public Cloud) , Problem ...

  14. SAP Table EBKN

    Two choices for easy smart lighting - Start setting the mood with Hue Smart bulbs and your Echo device, supporting up to 5 Hue Bluetooth & Zigbee smart bulbs. Add the Hue Hub for whole-home smart lighting (up to 50 light points) and bonus features. The table EBKN ( Purchase Requisition Account Assignment) is a standard table in SAP ERP.

  15. Account Assignment

    Entering Account Assignments. Specifying Single Account Assignment. Specifying Multiple Account Assignments (ME21, ME22) Outline Purchase Agreements with Vendors (MM-PUR-OA) Purchasing Info Records (MM-PUR-VM) Optimized Purchasing (MM-PUR-SQ) Entering Text, Printing, and Transmitting Documents. Reporting in Purchasing.

  16. SAP Purchase Order Tables: Main PO tables in SAP MM

    The Document Type EKKO-BSART  differentiates between the different kinds of requisition and purchases order in the SAP system. The order type controls the number assignment for a purchase order, for example, and determines which fields you must maintain. The reference table for Document Type is T161.

  17. Outlining a General Procurement Process

    A purchase requisition informs the purchasing department of the need to procure a material or service. A purchase requisition can be created manually or automatically (for example, by an MRP run) in the SAP system. Source of supply determination ... The regular execution of this program is the task of Financial Accounting and is not discussed ...

  18. Creating a Purchase Order for Lean Services

    Account assignment category, as lean services can only be procured if the account assignment data is specified. If, on the other hand, a material master record exists for the lean service, the short text and the product type group Service (2) are automatically copied from the material master record to the corresponding purchase order item.