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Home Personal & Family Demand Letter Refund

Refund Demand Letter Template

Use our free refund demand letter template to request the return of a payment.

Refund Demand Letter Template

Updated September 27, 2023 Written by Ioana Gagiuc | Reviewed by Brooke Davis

A refund demand letter is a formal written request to return money paid for goods or services. This letter is used when a customer is unsatisfied with the transaction and wants to inform the seller about the issue and ask for a refund.

You may also send the letter after you’ve made an informal request for a refund and have not received it or are not pleased with the response from the seller.

If you want to request payment or action from another party before filing a lawsuit in a local small claims court, use our small claims demand letter .

What to Include

Refund demand letter example, how to demand a refund, how to write, refund demand letter sample, frequently asked questions.

A refund letter must lay out your right to a refund, your reasons for requesting a refund, and how and when you expect the refund to be paid. Your refund letter should be concise, demanding payment, and include relevant information.

Essential Information:

  • Your address and contact information.
  • The address of the business.
  • The date on which the letter was sent.
  • The refund you are owed and why.
  • A reference to the company’s refund policy.
  • The amount of time given for the refund to be paid before taking things to the next level.
  • How and where the refund should be paid.

The refund demand letter is typically sent before any legal action is taken.

Below is an example of what the body of a refund demand letter should look like. Notice how it sticks to the facts of the case and the order in which those facts are laid out.

You can use this sample letter to create your refund demand letter or our free refund demand letter template, available below.

August 25, 2023

Dear Ava Suzuki,

This letter formally demands a $500 refund — the total amount paid to Phones Pit on August 10, 2023, for a refurbished Samsung Galaxy S10. 

Your company’s refund policy states that if the phone is defective, it may be returned for a full refund. As we discussed in our recent phone conversation, I found the screen cracked, and many controls were unusable when the phone arrived. I have returned the phone and await a refund.

Please refund the balance to the debit card used to purchase by September 5, 2023. A copy of the receipt for the original transaction is attached. If I do not receive payment by this date, I will seek legal remedies and promptly file a consumer complaint with the attorney general’s office. 

Celeste Beaufort

In most cases, if you are unsatisfied with your product or service, there will be some option for you to make a formal request and receive a refund. Follow these steps to send a refund demand letter and consider any potential next steps in demanding your refund.

Step 1: Check the Refund Policy

Before you draft a refund demand letter, check the refund policy. Most companies have some refund policy or warranty. However, a time limit may be within which a refund must be requested.

If that time limit has expired, you may not have a right to a refund. Other companies may have a strict no-refund policy, so look at all the conditions that allow for a refund .

Step 2: Locate Your Purchase Receipt

This is why it’s essential to hold on to purchase receipts. You will need to provide proof of purchase. Your receipt will show the exact amount you paid on the date. This will give the business or the state attorney general evidence of your purchase and will help to back up your demand for a refund .

If you made an online purchase, you will likely have an online receipt rather than a physical receipt. Check your spam or trash folders if you don’t immediately find your purchase receipt.

Step 3: Provide Reason for Refund

In your refund demand letter, you must provide a reason for the refund:

  • If this was a service you ordered, you must state why that service did not leave you satisfied.
  • If the refund is for purchased goods, you must explain why those goods did not serve the purpose they promised.

Your reason for a refund must fit within the terms of the business’s refund policy .

Step 4: Outline the Payment Details

Make sure that you explain how you would like the payment to be refunded . If you made a cash purchase, you may request a check or money order for a refund. The process will be more straightforward if you purchase the item on a credit or debit card.

Ask for payment to be refunded on the same card with which the good or service was purchased and for which you have the original receipt. The business will have a record of this purchase and can make this refund.

Step 5: Finalize the Demand or Consider Further Action

Sign the demand letter and send it off. From there, if a refund is not made or if the business does not respond to your written request, you may need to consider further action . This should be laid out in your demand letter, as well.

For example, look at the refund demand letter example above. The sender gives a specific date by which they expect the refund to be paid. She states that she will file a consumer complaint with the state attorney general if it is not paid by that date.

Make sure that you promptly follow through if further action is necessary:

  • Reach out to your state attorney general to learn how to file a consumer complaint and what your rights may be when it comes to a refund.
  • Your local Better Business Bureau or Chamber of Commerce may also respond to your negative review and offer further suggestions for pursuing legal avenues.

Before writing a demand letter, ensure you have the proper documentation, mainly your purchase receipt. If the refund policy demands a product return, return the product before sending a refund demand letter.

Your letter will need your contact information, the business’s street address, and your contact for the refund. From there, state the amount you want to be refunded, the company’s policy, and your reason for requesting a refund.

In the final paragraphs, you should:

  • Tell the recipient when you expect to receive the refund.
  • Add the next steps you plan to take if they do not refund the payment by that date. Although this may seem aggressive, it is an excellent way to assert your legal rights if you have to take legal action in the future.

Sign the letter and send it to the recipient by certified mail once the letter is finished. You should request a postal service return receipt confirming that the recipient received the refund demand letter by a specific date.

You can use post office receipts in further legal action to prove that the company received your demand letter but did not refund you.

refund demand letter template

Do I need to hire an attorney to write a refund request letter?

You do not need to hire an attorney to write a refund request letter, especially if you use our free template. However, an attorney can be useful in providing advice and supporting you through possible future legal action.

What if the refund request letter doesn’t work?

If you still do not receive your refund, you should follow through with legal action. Contact your state attorney general’s office about filing a consumer complaint.

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Refund Demand Letter Template

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How to Write a Refund Request Letter and Samples

Refund Request Letter

In the case of goods or services, a refund request letter is a formal request to return money paid for them. It is written to the merchant and should contain information about the transaction, the reason for the refund, and the expectations for reimbursement. You may request a refund for several reasons. Whether you are an unsatisfied or angry customer , there are always diplomatic ways to go about all these.

Why is a Refund Request Letter Essential?

If the goods or service you purchased did not meet your expectations, you must notify the retailer in writing through a refund request letter.

Best Practices for Writing a Refund Request Letter

  • Request a refund politely and in a proper manner.
  • Include product information, such as what you bought, when you bought it, and how much it cost.
  • Make clear why you’re returning the product.
  • Ensure essential details about the transaction, such as the delivery date and location.

How to Write a Refund Request Letter

Before you even approach an organization for a refund on goods or services, you need to know the best way to go about everything. With this guide, you will learn the best scenarios of when and how to write a refund request letter.

Make Sure You’ve Read the Policy on Refunds

Some retailers do not provide refunds. Even if a policy did exist, it wouldn’t matter if the seller didn’t explicitly communicate the transaction conditions.

Unless the retailer has a specific return policy, customer rights will generally be dictated by state law. However, keep in mind that even tight “no return” rules may not be enforced if the given products or services are faulty, hazardous, or otherwise not as promised.

If you’ve ever had to return an item to the shop, you will know that the procedure is unpleasant but straightforward. In most retail stores, you may seek a refund within 30 or 60 days after the purchase date, although others may have a no-refunds policy.

Find Your Receipt

The importance of documentation cannot be overstated. Although it may be challenging to get a copy of the original receipt, you should not give up hope since your bank’s online account summary page will likely include a copy of the transaction.

9 Examples of Replies to Customer Complaints Email

Detail the Reasons for a Refund

When writing an email to refund money be specific about why you want a return, but be sure that your request is within the parameters of the refund policy. The better the problem, the more objective and provable it is.

Request Payment or Credit

Do not be vague in your letter of complaint. Verify that the retailer has received the refund request letter and take the necessary steps to ensure receipt. With refunds, timing is crucial. Therefore, it’s best to seek a refund as soon as possible after the initial transaction has occurred.

Take Additional Action

Unfortunately, there are still retailers who will not budge even after a refund request letter. If you haven’t received a refund by the due date, it may be time to escalate the situation. To get your money back, you may file a consumer complaint with the State Attorney General’s Office: File a consumer complaint or post an unfavorable evaluation of the business online.

A problem arises when the store in issue is a long way away. Many gaming platforms, such as Origin, Steam, Blizzard, and well-known e-commerce companies like eBay and Amazon, have their policies for seeking refunds.

Even if you prefer to purchase online, you may run into issues with missing components, broken goods, or long delays.

Refund Letter Examples, Samples, and Templates

Refund request letter template: refund letter format to bank, refund email example 1: refund request letter, refund letter sample 2: request sample letter for refund of money from bank, refund letter sample  3:, sample letter for refund of money from company, request for update for refund, sample email of refund money to customer.

Getting a refund can be messy and sometimes frustrating. But, if you know the right way to go about the whole thing, you can rest assured that the process will be smooth. So, instead of going through the turmoil of raising voices, follow the guide in this article to write the perfect refund request letter. The templates here can also be of great assistance to you.

Check out more  Refund Request Letter templates and samples

About The Author

sample application letter refund of money pdf

Jim Blessed

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Refund Request Letter (Free Template)

Ready to create your free refund request letter using our AI-powered tool?

Most businesses have set refund policies that allow people to request a refund within a specific timeframe. However, these days most of us rely on e-commerce websites like Amazon, eBay, etc. The request process may not be so straightforward in situations involving online purchases. Or even if you go to a physical store and ask for a refund sometimes the store refuses to honor its refund policy.

If you end up in any of these situations, consider contacting the seller by sending a refund request letter . In this article, we discuss how to write a refund request letter, what to include in the letter, and provide a sample refund request letter.

Did you know we have a free tool powered by AI that helps you create a refund request letter?  Check out our letter writing tool.

Common Reasons to Send a Refund Request Letter

Unsure of when to send a refund request letter? Here are some common reasons we have seen: 

A business billed for an item you never received.

You received an item that was damaged or defective. 

The item the business sent you was not what you ordered.

The service or product the business provided was not satisfactory.

You paid a contractor or mechanic for work they never did. 

The auto repair shop improperly repaired your car.  

Why is a Refund Request Letter Important?

A refund request letter is a written request for the return of payment for products or services. A well-crafted refund request letter can be a useful tool if you are having problems with a business. For example, if the business refuses to honor its refund policy even though they have delivered a damaged product you can send them a refund request letter. 

Here are some reasons to first send a refund request letter to a business before taking legal action:  

Depending on the state you are filing a lawsuit in, you may be required to demand payment from the business before filing. For example, in California, small claims court demanding payment is a requirement. Some small claims courts want to see that you reached out to the business before filing a lawsuit. The easiest way to do this is by sending a refund request letter. 

A refund request letter signals to the business that you are serious about getting your money back and you are willing to take action. 

Sending a written refund request letter assures you there is a record of your attempt to seek payment . So while requests for refunds can be made orally, we recommend making any offers in writing. Writing a letter can sometimes be very effective as it is a more formal way of making a request. 

The most important reason to send a refund request letter is that it may lead to you getting your money back quickly and efficiently!  

Do I Need to Hire an Attorney to Write a Refund Request Letter?  

Many of our clients ask us if their letter requesting a refund needs to be written by an attorney. There is no formal requirement that states you need an attorney to write your refund request letter, you can do it on your own. Further, it may be hard to find an attorney to write a refund request letter for you because an attorney may not be willing to take on a case that might settle easily. Ultimately, the decision to hire an attorney or not is up to you. 

What to Include in Your Refund Request Letter

Unsure of what to include in your letter? Below we have included suggestions on the most important things to include in your refund request letter. Always make sure the letter is addressed to the business that sold you a product or provided a service. For the most part, the letter should include basic details about the transaction, the reason why the refund is sought, and expectations for repayment.

Here are a few suggestions of what to include in your refund request letter:

Include details about the transaction. For example, if you paid for services not rendered and are now asking for a refund make sure to include an invoice from the business for the services.   

Explain why you are seeking a refund, but make sure that your reason falls within the refund policy. For example, was the product defective and if so does the business’s refund policy allow refunds for defective products? 

Include your contact information so that the business can reach you in case they would like to accept your refund request. The best way to communicate with a business is in writing, include an email address along with any other form of communication you are comfortable with. 

Include where you would like to receive payment. If you paid for the product or service with a credit card consider asking the business to refund the balance to the credit card you used to make the initial transaction. 

Attach other documents that may be necessary and could be used as evidence later in case of legal action. For example, a receipt for the item or an invoice from the business for services rendered. 

Include a deadline to respond to you. You may want to consider giving the business 14 days to respond to you and state that if they do not respond within that time, you intend to sue them. 

Once you have sent a refund request letter, keep it in your records. In the event, you do end up filing a small claims lawsuit you can bring it to the hearing and show it to the judge. This is especially handy if the business states they didn't receive the letter.

Refund Request Letter Sample 

Here is a video on how our letter-writing tool works:

Below is an example of a refund request letter. This sample refund letter involves someone requesting a refund of their initial money payment. When using this sample replace those facts with facts from your situation and insert the relevant information. For example, if you are requesting a refund for services not rendered you can still use this sample letter just make sure to insert the correct corresponding details. 

sample application letter refund of money pdf

How to Send a Refund Request Letter

We recommend sending your refund request letter in a way that ensures that it was  delivered.  This way, you know that the other party received your letter. If you later need to escalate to court, you can provide this evidence to the judge.

Sending the letter via email:  if you send the letter via email, you will want to use a software that tells you whether the other party received your email and opened it.  With our letter-writing tool, you can track whether your email was delivered and opened.  Check out our letter-writing tool.

Sending the letter by mail:  you will want to obtain tracking information for your letter to have proof of delivery. In my experience, it tends to be difficult to obtain signature confirmation at delivery as many individuals will avoid signing for mail or they will sign illegibly. However, many times a letter tends to be presumed delivered as long as the letter was mailed to a known address and tracking states that it was delivered.  Pro Tip:  I have also learned that USPS tends to not be the most reliable at providing tracking information as they fail to finish scanning the letters at delivery. You will want to be prepared to use FedEx or send multiple letters via USPS.  With our letter-writing tool, you can mail your letter and obtain tracking.  Check out our letter-writing tool.

If I were sending a refund request letter, I would email and mail the letter. Mailing the letter is a more formal approach and you may be taken more seriously.

What To Do If the Refund Request Letter Doesn't Work?

If you sent a business a refund request letter and do not receive a response, you may want to consider suing them in small claims court.  Small claims courts handle a variety of cases at a low cost. This is because small claims courts were intended to be affordable and user-friendly. In some small claims courts, attorneys are not even allowed to represent you! Consider filing a small claims lawsuit if a business refuses to provide you with a refund.  

Learn how to file a lawsuit against a business in our 50-state guide to small claims.


Claudia Diaz

Legal Educator @ People Clerk. Claudia holds a J.D. degree and is a certified mediator in New York and Florida. She has participated in dozens of small claims mediations in New York City courts.

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Refund Request Letter

How does it work?

1. choose this template.

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2. Complete the document

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3. Save - Print

Your document is ready! You will receive it in Word and PDF formats. You will be able to modify it.

Refund Request Letter

The Refund Request Letter is a document used to demand the return of money paid for goods and services . This letter is sent to the vendor that received payment for the goods or services. This document allows a customer or client to explain their reason for demanding a refund. It includes the information about the transaction , which include a description of the product or service and the payment details.

This document provides the customer with the opportunity to receive payment for an unsatisfactory product or service. Please note that every vendor or service provider has policies regulating their refunds. Customers should review the vendor's return and refund policy to understand their rights.

How to use this document

This document should be used by the party requesting the refund. This is a simple document that requires basic information, such as the name and contact details of the customer, the name of the vendor or store where the purchase was made, the name and description of products or services, the purchase price, and date of purchase and delivery.

After completing the document, it should be printed and signed by the customer . The signed copy should be sent to the vendor or service provider. Please note that this document can be sent as a letter or as an email. The party sending the letter should keep one copy of this document for their record.

Applicable law

Under the Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Act, 2019 , a consumer has the right to reject goods or services and request refund where the goods are defective or broken and where the goods are not fit for purpose or does not match the quality or standards described in a Sales Contract . Also, the general rules of contract also apply to this document.

How to modify the template

You fill out a form. The document is created before your eyes as you respond to the questions.

At the end, you receive it in Word and PDF formats. You can modify it and reuse it.

Other names for the document:

Letter for Refund of Payment, Letter to Request a Refund, Letter to Request for Services not Received, Letter to Seller for Refund of Overpayment, Letter to Seller for Refund of Payment

Country: Nigeria

Consumer Issues - Other downloadable templates of legal documents

  • Airline Complaint Letter
  • Letter to Request Delivery or Refund of Undelivered Goods
  • Letter of Complaint to Retail Business
  • Letter to Correct a Billing Error
  • Letter to Disable Automatic Billing
  • Letter to Close Bank Account
  • Other downloadable templates of legal documents

sample application letter refund of money pdf


Application for Amount Refund (with Samples & PDFs)

I have listed sample templates to help you craft an effective and professional application for amount refund.

Also, I would like to point out that you can also download a PDF containing all the samples at the end of this post.

Regarding Request for Refund of Amount – Application for Reimbursement

First, find the sample template for application for amount refund below.

To, The Manager, [Company Name], [Company Address], [City, State, Pin Code]

Subject: Application for Amount Refund

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to request a refund of the amount I paid for the [Product/Service] on [Date of Purchase]. I have attached the receipt for your reference.

I am not satisfied with the [Product/Service] as it did not meet my expectations. I have already informed your customer service team about the issue but did not receive a satisfactory solution.

I kindly request you to process the refund at the earliest so that I can get my money back. I would appreciate your prompt action on this matter.

Thank you for your attention to this request.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

Below I have listed 5 different sample applications for “application for amount refund” that you will certainly find useful for specific scenarios:

Application for Refund Due to Cancelled School Trip

Application for Refund Due to Cancelled School Trip

To, The Principal, [School Name], [School Address], [City, State, Pin Code]

Subject: Application for Refund Due to Cancelled School Trip

Respected Principal,

I am [Your Name], a student of [Your Class and Section]. I am writing to request a refund for the school trip that was cancelled recently. I had paid an amount of [Amount Paid] for the trip scheduled on [Trip Date].

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the school trip had to be cancelled, and I understand the reasons for it. I kindly request a refund of the amount I paid for the trip so that I can use it for my educational expenses.

I have attached a copy of the payment receipt for your reference. I would be grateful if the refund process could be initiated at the earliest.

Thank you for your understanding and prompt action in this matter.

[Your Name] [Your Class and Section]

Application for Refund of Overcharged Fees

Application for Refund of Overcharged Fees

To, The Manager, [Name of the Organization], [Address of the Organization], [City, State, PIN Code].

Subject: Application for Refund of Overcharged Fees

I am writing this letter to bring to your attention that I have been charged extra fees for [mention the reason, e.g., tuition fees, library fees, etc.] at [mention the name of the school/college]. I have carefully reviewed my fee receipt and noticed the discrepancy.

I believe that there has been a mistake in calculating the fees, and I kindly request you to refund the excess amount that has been charged. The extra charges are causing financial difficulties for my family, and it is important for us to have the correct fees reflected in the receipt.

I have attached a copy of the fee receipt highlighting the overcharged amount for your reference. I would appreciate it if you could look into this matter at the earliest and process the refund accordingly.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to a prompt resolution.

[Your Name]

Application for Refund for Faulty Product Purchase

Application for Refund for Faulty Product Purchase

To, The Manager, [Company Name], [Address], [City, State, Pin Code]

Subject: Application for Refund for Faulty Product Purchase

I am writing to inform you that I recently purchased a [Product Name] from your store on [Date of Purchase]. However, I regret to say that the product I received is faulty and not working as it should.

I have tried to use the product several times, but it does not [explain the issue briefly – e.g., turn on, heat up, play music, etc.]. This has caused me a lot of inconvenience as I was looking forward to using it.

I kindly request you to refund the amount I paid for the product so that I can purchase a working one. I have attached a copy of the purchase receipt for your reference. I hope you understand my situation and take prompt action to resolve this matter.

Thank you for your attention to this issue. I look forward to a quick resolution.

Application for Refund of Unused Gym Membership Fees

Application for Refund of Unused Gym Membership Fees

To, The Manager, [Name of the Gym], [Location of the Gym].

Subject: Application for Refund of Unused Gym Membership Fees

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you that due to unforeseen circumstances, I am unable to continue my gym membership at [Name of the Gym]. I am kindly requesting a refund for the unused portion of my membership fees.

I have been a member at your gym since [Month, Year], but unfortunately, I had to discontinue my gym visits from [Date]. This decision was made due to [Reason for discontinuation, e.g., personal reasons, health issues, relocation, etc.].

I believe I am entitled to a refund for the remaining months of my membership that I will not be using. I kindly request your assistance in processing this refund at your earliest convenience.

I have attached all the necessary documents, including a copy of my membership contract and proof of payment, for your reference. Please let me know if there are any additional steps I need to take to facilitate the refund process.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter. I look forward to your prompt response.

[Your Name] [Your Contact Number]

Application for Refund for Duplicate Payment Made

Application for Refund for Duplicate Payment Made

To, The Accounts Department, [Company Name], [Company Address], [City, State, PIN Code]

Subject: Application for Refund for Duplicate Payment Made

I am writing to inform you that I, [Your Name], made a payment of [Amount] on [Payment Date] for [Reason for Payment]. Upon checking my records, I discovered that the same payment was made again on [Duplicate Payment Date]. This was unintentional and resulted in a duplicate payment for the same invoice.

I kindly request your assistance in processing a refund for the duplicate payment made. I have attached copies of both payment receipts for your reference.

I would appreciate it if the refund could be processed at the earliest convenience. Your prompt attention to this matter would be highly valued.

Thank you for your cooperation in rectifying this issue. I look forward to your prompt response and the refund of the duplicate payment.

How to Write Application for Amount Refund

Some writing tips to help you craft a better application:

  • Start with a clear subject line: “Application for Amount Refund.”
  • Address the recipient politely, like “Dear [Recipient’s Name]”.
  • State the reason for requesting a refund briefly and clearly.
  • Mention the amount to be refunded and provide any relevant details like invoice number or payment date.
  • Explain any circumstances or reasons for the refund request if necessary.
  • Express appreciation for their attention and request prompt processing.
  • Include your contact information for easy communication.
  • End with a courteous closing like “Thank you for your prompt attention.”

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  • Application for Amount Debited From My Account
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I am sure you will get some insights from here on how to write “application for amount refund”. And to help further, you can also download all the above application samples as PDFs by clicking here .

And if you have any related queries, kindly feel free to let me know in the comments below.

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Refund Request Letter Sample: Free & Effective

With extensive experience in drafting refund request letters for various scenarios, I’ve learned that clarity, politeness, and thorough product knowledge are key to effectiveness. I’m here to guide you through creating a persuasive letter to secure your refund.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand the purpose and importance of a refund request letter.
  • Learn the essential components of a refund request letter.
  • Follow a step-by-step guide to write an effective letter.
  • Free Templates : Access customizable templates for personal use.
  • Discover tips for increasing the success rate of your request.

Understanding the Purpose

A refund request letter is a formal way to ask for your money back when a product or service does not meet the promised standards. It’s not just about stating your disappointment; it’s about presenting a clear case as to why you deserve a refund.

Essential Components:

  • Personal Information: Your name, address, and contact details.
  • Company Information: The name and address of the company.
  • Details of Purchase: Include date, amount, and nature of the purchase.
  • Reason for Refund: Clearly explain why you are seeking a refund.
  • Supporting Evidence: Attach receipts, photos, or other relevant documents.
  • Request for Action: Clearly state your expectation for a refund.
  • Closing: Politely thank them for their attention to the matter.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Gather Information Collect all relevant information about your purchase, including receipts, order numbers, and any previous communication with the company.

Step 2: Draft the Letter Start with your personal information, followed by the date and company details. Then, clearly state your reason for requesting a refund, supporting it with evidence.

Trending Now: Find Out Why!

Step 3: Be Clear and Concise Explain your situation in a straightforward manner. Avoid overly emotional language; stick to the facts.

Step 4: Attach Evidence Attach all supporting documents. This could be a receipt, photos of a defective product, or email correspondence.

Step 5: Review and Send Proofread your letter for any errors and ensure it sounds polite yet firm. Then, send it via email or post, depending on the company’s preferred method.

Real-Life Example

When I received a faulty blender, I wrote a refund request letter. I included photos of the defective product and highlighted how it differed from the description online. My request was processed within a week.

Template for Refund Request Letter

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number]

[Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Company’s Customer Service Department],

I am writing to request a refund for [Product/Service Name] purchased on [Purchase Date]. The reason for my request is [briefly state your reason].

Despite [describe your experience or the product issue], the product/service failed to meet the expected standards. Attached, you will find [mention any attached evidence like receipts, photos, or correspondence].

I kindly request a full refund of [Purchase Amount]. I have attached the necessary purchase documentation for your reference.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I hope to receive a prompt response to my request.

[Your Name]

Writing a refund request letter doesn’t have to be daunting. By following these steps and using the template provided, you’re well on your way to articulating your concerns and getting the refund you deserve. Remember, clarity and politeness are your best tools.

Tips for Writing a Refund Request Letter:

  • Be polite but firm.
  • Provide all necessary details.
  • Attach supporting documents.
  • Keep a copy of your correspondence.
  • Follow up if you don’t receive a response.

Comments Request: Have you had experiences with writing refund request letters? Share your stories and tips in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A middle-aged Hispanic woman in business casual attire

Q: What is a refund request letter?

Answer : A refund request letter is a formal letter that is written by a customer to a company or business requesting a refund for a product, service, or deposit that was paid for but did not meet the expectations or requirements of the customer. 

The letter should be written in a polite and professional tone and should provide all necessary information and documentation to support the request.

Q: When should I write a refund request letter?

Answer : You should write a refund request letter when you have purchased a product or service that did not meet your expectations, or you have overpaid for a service, or you are entitled to a refund of a deposit that you paid. 

You should first attempt to resolve the issue with the company or business directly, and if that fails, then you can write a refund request letter.

Q: What information should be included in a refund request letter?

Answer : A refund request letter should include the following information:

  • Your name and contact information
  • The name and contact information of the company or business
  • The date of purchase and the amount paid
  • The reason for the refund request
  • Any supporting documentation, such as a receipt, invoice, or contract
  • A clear request for a refund
  • A polite and professional tone.

Q: What is the format of a refund request letter?

Answer : A refund request letter should be formatted as a formal business letter. It should include the recipient’s name and address, a subject line that clearly states the purpose of the letter, a salutation, the body of the letter, and a closing.

Q: What should I do if I don’t receive a response to my refund request letter?

Answer : If you do not receive a response to your refund request letter, you should follow up with the company or business by phone or email. If that fails, you can file a complaint with the relevant consumer protection agency or seek legal advice. It’s important to keep copies of all correspondence and documentation related to the refund request

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I found the post extremely helpful, as it provided clear and effective guidelines that made my refund process much smoother!

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Michael Alexis

How to Get a Refund

How to ask for a refund is an important life skill, and it’s surprising how many people don’t know how to ask effectively. Getting your money back from a company is actually really easy. I’m going to share some word for word scripts below, and a detailed breakdown so you can customize the scripts for your own needs. You can copy these scripts for your own refund requests.

For your convenience, here are quick links to the example request for refund letters.

Sample Request For Refund Letter #1

  • Sample Request For Refund Letter #2
  • Sample Request For Refund Letter #3

Hello Customer Service,

I am a customer of [The Business].

I had a bad experience with [specific product] and this caused [specific headache].

Can you please refund the purchase price?

[Your Name]

The refund letter sample above is simple, but includes the four essential elements of an effective refund request. I’ve used this email script to request refunds from a variety of businesses. The rest of this article includes more information about how to ask for a refund politely, specific examples of how I’ve successfully received refunds, and how to customize the refund request letter for your own needs.

But first a little about WHY you should ask for a refund.

Why You Should Ask For a Refund

Businesses exist to earn profit for their owners, and corporations actually have a legal obligation to pursue that profit.

On the shareholder end, dividends and buyouts are dope. But as a consumer, it’s all your money going into their pockets. I believe you have a moral obligation to protect your money. That obligation doesn’t mean you need to horde your pennies, and it doesn’t mean you need to be stingy with others. The moral obligation means that if you can maximize your earnings and avoid wasting money then you should be in a great position to push humanity forward , which IMO is what we should all be working on.

In Canada and the US and many other countries a contract is basically “a meeting of the minds”, which is represented most clearly by offer and acceptance.

You: “I offer you $85 for this wooly cardigan.”

Store Clerk: “Why that would be just fine, I accept your offer. Here is your wooly cardigan.”

Every time you purchase a product or service you are making a contract like this. It doesn’t matter if you are a visionary billionaire trying to purchase second-hand rockets from Russia, or if you are me buying Rainbow Light Fish Oil Capsules on Amazon; a contract exists.

Your part of fulfilling the contract is easy, you give the business money or a promise to pay the money within a specified amount of time.

In return, the business gives you a product or service that meets the agreed specifications.

To the extent the product or service you receive falls short of those agreed specs, you deserve a refund. And many businesses are HAPPY to return your money; their reputation matters more than your $10.

For example, my company Museum Hack has a generous refund policy: LOVE your museum tour or get 100% of your money back. The reality is that most folks do love the experience, however if they didn’t we would rather give their money back than have them feel like it was a waste or not really worth it.

So, how do you get a refund? Here are three specific examples…

Example #1: Chipotle Refund

I love Chipotle. I wish Chipotle would open more locations in Canada and China so that I could eat Chipotle every day, instead of just every day that I’m in the US.

Chipotle is awesome because you can get big portions of reasonably good quality food, fast and pretty affordable. Even with the limited options, your meal feels very customized. “I’ll take a bowl for here, with brown rice, both beans, sustainable pork, veggies, mild, medium, cheese, guac, and any lettuce you can fit on top.”

But Chipotle’s fast, customized service, combined with how busy they usually were pre-e coli scare, means that sometimes they blow it. I’ve had burnt Chipotle, undercooked Chipotle and unfriendly Chipotle. I ask for a refund every time.

TBH, the first time I asked for a refund from Chipotle it was kind of a douchey email, and if I received it I would be like, this guy is a Rule #1 . But mechanically it worked; Chipotle sent me a gift card for a free burrito.

The second time, they sent me two free burritos.

The third time? Four free burritos.

I call this Exponential Burrito Growth Theory. Though full disclosure: the second time I requested a refund, Chipotle actually denied it. So of four requests, three were granted, with a total of seven burritos.

The infamous 4x burrito refund from Chipotle; AKA the "Golden Ticket"

Here is an actual request for refund letter I sent to Chipotle:

Sample Request for Refund Letter #2

Hi Chipotle,

I’m a big fan of your restaurant — I eat there a few times per week.

But tonight’s experience was really disappointing. I introduced three friends as first time customers, and the food wasn’t good. The rice was really under-cooked, the veggies were burnt, the meat & guac portions were very small (kind of sprinkled on instead of the normal portion). Your staff were friendly but they seemed very new and not well trained yet.

I’d like for you to refund my bowl ($12 pork w/ guac). My friends don’t know how good it usually is (one of them didn’t finish), so it would be nice if you sent coupons for free bowls so they can try again.

My address is: ####

Thank you, Michael

And here is Chipotle’s reply…

I’m really sorry the food was such a let down when you brought some friends to experience the deliciousness of Chipotle! I’ll get in touch with our #### Chipotle team about this, and I’d be more than happy to invite all of you back with a meal-for-four card (to be used in one visit). Since you’ve already provided your address, I’ll get that in the mail for you.

Sincerely, Zach

Customer Service Coordinator Chipotle Mexican Grill

FYI, when Chipotle sends you a gift card it’s actually for a full meal, so you can load it up with guac, nachos, etc. and it’s still covered. That means the 4x meal card was worth like $64.27. That was enough to feed me, two friends, and the lady in front of us in line.

Why do you get your refund? Because it’s an easy tool for customer service to keep people happy and because the four step ask format works. Notice the email has a logical flow, which is basically this:

  • I establish credibility, “I’m an existing customer”;
  • I explain the problem, “the food today was level 0 burrito”;
  • I explain why it matters, “my friends were trying Chipotle for the first time”; and
  • Make a clear ask, “please send all the free burritos to this address.”

Note: Do you want to ask for a Chipotle refund? Submit your request on this page .

Alright, onward to a popcorny example: movie theatres.

Example #2: How to Get a Refund From a Movie Theatre

Going to a movie should be a very standardized experience: there is no rice to undercook and no sustainable pork to under-serve. In fact, movies theatres really just have to get two things right:

  • Show the movie that you bought a ticket for, even if it’s terrible; and
  • Provide a reasonably acceptable environment for you to watch it in (clean, quiet, etc.).

The last time I asked a movie theatre for a refund, it was because even though Godzilla was good, the guys in front of me talked through the entire thing. I don’t have the original refund request, but it was something like this.

Sample Request for Refund Letter #3

Hi Movie Theatre,

I’m a regular customer; I come to your theatre five or six times per year.

Last night I had a bad experience. The movie, Godzilla, was good, but the three guys sitting in front of me talked through the whole thing. It was hard to focus on the movie.

Would you be willing to send me two free passes to try again?

My address is ####.

And here is the movie theatre’s reply:

Thank you for your recent note regarding your visit to #### to see Godzilla in AVX last week.

I am sorry to hear that your viewing was disturbed by a fellow guest. If anything like this were to happen again, please feel free to let a cast member or manager the day of and we can work to rectify the situation immediately.

If you would provide me with your mailing address I would be happy to send 2 courtesy passes to your attention.

Chris is right, I should be less of a passive bystander in my own life.

This email followed a similar format as the Chipotle one, so I’ve included it here for two reasons. First, because having a few specific examples to draw from may help you craft your own messaging; and two, because you may not believe companies are willing to provide refunds.

One more example.

Example #3: How to Get a Refund From Your Phone Company [Advanced Mode]

This section could also be called, “how to get a refund from your bank or credit card company.” Both of these institutions are notorious for adding fees that make you sad, and a great way to get happy again is to have them reverse the $4 charge on your account.

Unfortunately, here is how most of these conversations go:

You: “Hi, ummm, I don’t recognize this $78 charge on my account. Can you help me figure it out?”

Customer Service: “Sure, I see here that you made a three hour call to your uncle Louie while you were hiking through the mountains in Kyrgyzstan, so these are roaming charges.”

You: “Oh, but I didn’t know there would be roaming charges. Is there anything you can do?”

Customer Service: “No.”

And then you grumble about terrible customer service at big phone monopolies. The truth is, the company couldn’t give you a refund because you didn’t ask. The next time you call your phone company, bank, credit card company or really any scenario where you didn’t read your service agreement and still want a refund; all you have to do is replace “is there anything you can do?” with “can I have a refund”? And watch what happens. Those five magic words can melt fees away.

Now for a few more rules…

The Rules of Asking For a Refund

Just because you know how to ask for a refund, doesn’t mean you should. And even if you should ask, you still have to play within reasonable parameters.

Here is what I recommend…

  • You need to have a legit reason to ask for a refund. You’ve just learned ninja-magic advanced persuasion tactics for asking for a refund and this power should never be abused. Follow the Spider-Man Rule (with great refund power comes great refund responsibility).
  • You need to ask clearly. If you send a 37 page request for refund letter, customer service won’t know exactly what you want. Instead, ask for exactly what you want and do it in a concise way.
  • You need to ask for a refund politely. Customer service reps deal with cranky people all day long. Ask politely and they will want to help you.
  • You need to ask for your money back in a reasonable amount of time. A nightmare in customer service is, “I bought this six months ago and now it doesn’t work.” It’s your own fault for buying into planned obsolescence.

Bonus Tip: If a company will not refund your money after the first ask, then it’s okay, and sometimes necessary, to ask for a refund more than once.

Example #4: The “Company Will Not Refund My Money” Request

Themeforest.net has bad customer service, or at least the two times I have engaged with them. The first time was because I bought a blog theme and the blog titles didn’t display at all; at the time I didn’t know how to fix this code on my own. Themeforest refused to refund my money. The second time, the code I bought was for the payment processor on the my anti-child slavery fundraiser. I wanted a popup subscription form, which the plugin appeared to have but actually didn’t. On the first request for refund, Themeforest gave me credit but refused to give cash. On the second request for a cash refund, they refused to give it. On the third request, they gave the cash refund. Note that I think Themeforest’s product is good and acknowledge they have a unique challenge; their product is code which means people could easily take advantage by asking for a refund and then just using the code anyway; but still, IMO better to have great customer service than to maximize your margins.

And if all else fails, complain on Twitter.

Important: Confirm Your Refunds

Earlier this year I bought a mattress online for ~$700. I returned the mattress, and the merchant sent me an email saying the funds would be returned to my account in 7 to 10 business days. Great! Two months later, I realized I didn’t recall the funds coming through, and I couldn’t find any record of the transaction in my bank account. I emailed the company and they said they were waiting for me to send in photos of the mattress tags, which was a requirement of another refund method but not the one I did. The mistake was on the company’s end, and they corrected it immediately. However, in the two months waiting period, the company sent zero notifications of the hold up. The mattress scenario is just one of many potential mixups, so my recommendation is that if you are waiting on a refund for a significant amount, to check and make sure it comes through.

The Top Google Answers for “How to Ask For a Refund”

If you Google “how to ask for a refund” the results are pretty terrible (and similar for “how to get a refund” or “how to ask for a refund politely”).

These are some of the top results:w

  • wikiHow has a 15 step guide , plus pictures of a lady writing her new novel, “Give Me a Refund or Face the Legal Consequences.” You don’t need to write a letter that long, and you don’t have to get legal.
  • reddit being reddit . The advice isn’t bad, it’s just super vague, “don’t be a dick because then customer service won’t want to help you.”
  • This SEO site that cares more about appearing on the first page of Google than it does about helping you. The examples are okay, but we can do better.
  • Steam’s refund page , which is specifically for requesting refunds for computer games on Steam. Interesting fact: There are ~720 monthly Google searches for “how to get a refund”, and 12,000+ for “how to get a refund on steam.”
  • Paypal’s cancel payment feature , which is useful but not super relevant.
  • This FeeX thing , which appears to be a useful service but the post itself is all fluff.
  • This token Quora answer , which has reasonably good tips but no full script you can use.
  • A language learning page , where they translate “I want a refund” to Japanese.
  • This guy , who is pondering how to REPLY to a refund question.
  • And this 30 minute podcast , which is seriously a 30 minute podcast about how to ask for a refund.

3 thoughts on “How to Get a Refund”

Thanks sir. Well written, and hopefully it will motivate me to be more assertive, instead of seeing money just melting away. I appreciate your writing style.

Very much enjoyed this blog. Very helpful information – in particular being polite and establishing credibility. Thanks for the email samples – very helpful.

I want to.take refund for my money that they charge thru to my gcash… I don’t know what happen and I’m.surprise of that… I need it for my payment but they took 255p

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Refund Request Letter

Refund Request Letter

A refund request letter is a formal document addressed to a merchant or service provider, requesting a refund for a product or service that did not meet the expectations of the customer. The letter typically includes details of the purchase, the reason for the refund request, and any supporting documentation such as receipts or order numbers. If you are a merchant or a service provider, you can use this Refund Request Letter from Jotform to collect refund requests with e-signatures on any device.

Feel free to update the terms of this Refund Request Letter, change text fonts and colors, add or remove fields, and make other design changes with our drag-and-drop builder. Once your fully-customized Refund Request Letter is ready to go, share it with customers via email so they can fill it out and submit it in seconds — a great way to minimize messy paperwork and automate your workflow. By streamlining your e-signature process with Jotform Sign , you can save time better spent where it counts.

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Refund Policy Template - Sign Templates

Refund Policy Template

Refund Policy is a document that shows the refund, return, and exchange policy of companies from different businesses. This document is important for e-commerce businesses, retail shops, manufacturers and brands that provide online or in-store shopping to inform their customers regarding the refund and return policy of their companies. Build your own with Jotform’s Refund Policy Template.Customize your document to show the eligibility of the items for refund and exchange, refund exceptions for purchases, return processes, refund times in a table, and partial refunds and restocking fees. With Jotform’s online builder, you can provide a form element that enables the customer to accept and agree to the terms and conditions of this Refund Policy Template. Make refunds easier with Jotform Sign.

Shipping Policy Template - Sign Templates

Shipping Policy Template

A Shipping Policy is a document created by businesses and companies that outlines their policies for orders and shipping. This type of document is usually sent from a business to their customer or client in order to gather acknowledgement and e-signatures. Build your own professional Shipping Policy Template for free with Jotform Sign.Personalizing your own Shipping Policy Template is a breeze with our easy-to-use online document builder. Simply drag and drop to edit letter text, upload logos or branding images, change fonts and colors, and more depending on your needs. You can even create a custom, automated signing order if your shipping policy requires more than one signature.

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E-commerce Sign Templates

Create refund policy documents for your business. Drag and drop to personalize. Works on all iOS and Android devices. No coding needed. Free to use.

Create a shipping policy form for your business. No coding required. Collect customer acknowledgments and e-signatures. Works great on all device types.

Refund Request Letter - Sign Templates

Create a professional refund request letter for free. Drag and drop to customize. No coding required. Works on smartphone, tablet, and desktop devices.

About E-commerce Sign Templates

Selling your products online is easy with JotForm. You can create any e-commerce forms that you can use in your online business like order forms, website surveys or lead generation sales form. Even after your customer submits their order or information, it doesn't end there. It is also necessary that you keep your customers engaged. There are many ways to do it by providing them vouchers, special offers or good-looking invoices or receipts. Here in this category, you can find all the e-commerce Sign Templates that are going to be useful for your online business.

If you're an e-commerce manager or running your own or family business online, our e-commerce PDF template will surely help your e-commerce backend workflows. It can help decrease your workload while increasing efficiency, revenue and more importantly, customer’s satisfaction and trust. We have a variety of professional e-commerce Sign Templates that includes invoices, receipts and vouchers that’s guaranteed to wow your customers. You can start with these e-commerce Sign Templates and customize it to reflect your unique brand or you can create from scratch in the PDF Editor. Whether you’re looking for an e-commerce template with elegant, bold, chic or modern design, we have something for you.

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sample application letter refund of money pdf

College Verdict

sample application letter refund of money pdf

How to Write a Fee Refund Request Letter

sample application letter refund of money pdf

As college applications become more and more competitive, many students are finding themselves struggling to pay the associated fees. In some cases, these fees can be upwards of $100 per application. We shall help you write an application for refund of money from college.

Many universities are implementing policies that allow for a partial or full refund of the application fee or even tuition fees. To apply for a refund, students must write an argumentative letter of request which can be sent as an email or as hard copy.

Admission Fee Refund Letter

It is not uncommon for people to change their minds after paying an application fee. Perhaps they've decided the school isn't right for them, or they can't afford the tuition. Whatever the reason, it is possible to get a refund of your admission fee - but you will need to submit a formal letter requesting it.

The first step is to send your letter to the school's principal or financial department. In it, explain why you are requesting a refund and provide any supporting documentation. The school may require that you submit a copy of your receipt or other proof of payment.

Once your letter has been received, the school will review your request and determine whether or not to approve it. If approved, you should receive a refund of your admission fee within a few weeks.

Admission Fee Refund Letter Sample

Name Course enrolled in Desired university - Hello, my name is ____________ and I am writing to request a refund of my admission fee. I was recently accepted into ___________ University and have decided to attend that school instead. Enclosed please find a copy of my acceptance letter for your records. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Tuition Fee Refund Letter

A tuition fee refund request is a letter to the university’s administration asking for money back on a tuition payment.

Colleges and universities typically offer students a tuition fee rebate if they are not able to attend the course. Schools, on the other hand, do not charge fees in advance.

Educational institutions are increasingly offering students the option of receiving a refund on their tuition fees. To do this, they need to submit fewer documents than before.

Why Would You Want a Tuition Fee Refund?

sample application letter refund of money pdf

One of the main reasons for applying for a refund is that the quality of education doesn't meet your expectations. However, there are many other reasons why students ask for their tuition fees back. Some may stop studying or take a hiatus in between semesters because they have shifted countries, do not have enough money or are getting married. They may also need a break from studying due to fatigue or some other personal reason.

Governments have advised universities and colleges to collect tuition in advance for no more than one year. This is meant to prevent students from accumulating a large debt during their studies.

A refund of tuition fees can be obtained by students who decide to leave their studies before the end of their course. The percentage of the refund will depend on how long they have been studying and can range from 50%-100%.

It may seem like a daunting task, but drafting a request for a refund of tuition fees is not as complicated as it seems. There are, however, certain things that can make the process more difficult and time consuming. This article lists all of these things so that you can successfully get all of the money that you deserve back from your university or college.

Letter Formatting

A format is an important part of any application for a refund from a college or university. If you are applying to a school that has its own format, it is best to follow it. To apply for a refund, you should write a letter to the company. You can use this sample template as a guide or ask them for their own template.

The recipient’s address is the first thing that should be included when applying for a scholarship. It includes things like the recipient’s designation, their university and city, and their country.

To help the recipient find the letter, it is helpful to include their address and when they received it. It is important to include the dates when you sent and received the application so that you can find it later.

Including the sender’s name and address in your application letter is an important step so that the recipient knows who it is from and can process it accordingly.

A subject line is a short description of what the application is about. It should be clear enough so that the reader knows what they are getting into before they even open the message.

The salutation is the part of the letter that starts with phrases like ‘Respected Sir’ or ‘Honorable Sir.’

The body of your application is the most important part because it’s where you explain why you would be a good fit for the job. It usually contains two to three paragraphs, which is plenty of space for you to explain your main argument.

The sender’s contact details should be included at the end of the letter. This is so they can be contacted if there is any confusion about what has been said or what needs to be done.

A Sample Fee Refund Letter

To, The Director, XYZ Institute. From, Name of Student  (roll number).   Karachi; May 12. I am writing to request reimbursement for the tuition fees that I have paid. The amount is $ I am writing because I need a refund of the tuition fees paid for the classes that I will be unable attend starting next week. Due to a new job in Islamabad, I will not be able study there for some time and therefore cannot attend your classes any longer. Therefore, it is requested that you provide me with the amount due by May 20 so that I can use it while looking for another educational institution in Pakistan and re-registering there before classes start on June 1st or before the deadline expires on May 31st if this is not possible. Your generosity would be greatly appreciated as this is an urgent matter and has financial implications for me which are difficult to overcome without your help. Thank you very much for your attention and kind consideration of this request which I hope will be approved by your institute as soon as possible so that I may proceed with my educational pursuits at another institution before classes begin on June 1 or before the deadline expires on May 31 if unable  to find an opening elsewhere . Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions about my request or need more information; please feel free also send any reply using email instead if you prefer since it is easier than mailing letters back and forth which could take longer depending upon how long they are delayed in transit or how often they get lost along the way . My contact information is listed below: Phone number: xxxxxxxxxx Email address:  

Sample Letter Asking For Tuition Fee Discount

Dear Scholarship Committee, I am writing to explain my current financial situation and to request a tuition fee discount for the upcoming academic year. As you may already know, I have been a student in good standing at this school for many years. My academic record is excellent, and I have been involved in various extracurricular activities. Despite all of this, my family is currently facing some financial difficulties. My father recently lost his job, and as a result, money is tight right now. I am asking that the school waive my tuition fee for the upcoming academic year. I understand that there are many other students who also need financial assistance, but I hope that you will be able to help me out. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Wrapping up

Students should be sure to have a clear purpose when writing any type of document, especially a request for a fee refund. If you letter is not argumentative engough it will most likely result in the request being denied.

Different educational institutions have different departments that handle tuition fees and requests for refunds. If your school has a designated department for handling fee refunds, you should address your application to the department head or send it to the principal if there is no one else who can approve it. You need to include your full name, mailing address, and any other contact info so that they can get back in touch with you about your request if needed and also so that you know how to follow up on theirs if needed as well.

Also make sure not to leave any mistakes or typos when writing out your application because these will most likely cause them not take you seriously which could lead them not approving of your request or giving you less money back than what was originally intended.

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Refund Letter Templates

Are you looking for a way to request a refund? Look no further! Our refund letter collection is here to help you reclaim your money. Whether you need to request a refund for a security deposit, an activity, or a payment made through Paygov, we have you covered. With our easy-to-use templates, you can effortlessly draft a refund request letter tailored to your specific needs. Don't let your hard-earned money slip away - take advantage of our refund letter collection and get the reimbursement you deserve.

  • Form number

Security Deposit Refund Letter Template

This is a document given at the expiry of the renting period that indicates the size of the tenant's security deposit that is being refunded.

Refund Application - Rhode Island

This form is used for applying for a refund in the state of Rhode Island.

Request for Paygov Refund - Nevada

This document is for requesting a refund from Paygov in the state of Nevada.

Activity Refund Request

This document is used for requesting a refund for a certain activity or event.

Request for Refund - City of Miami, Florida

This document is a request for a refund of a payment made to the City of Miami, Florida.

Refund Request - Georgia (United States)

This Form is used for requesting a refund in the state of Georgia, United States.

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Refund Request Letter

Refund Request Letter

A Refund Request Letter is a formal request you make to a business or individual demanding a refund after an unsatisfactory transaction. Our sample Refund Request Letter is an easy-to-edit document that will help you communicate the deadline within which the refund must be made before starting a litigation process. Get the template for free and seek compensation for any damaged goods or poor services received.

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When you’re dissatisfied with a product or service, you can ask for your money back. Your desire for a refund must be communicated in the form of a formal letter. This official communication is dubbed the refund request letter.

We’ll explain the ins and outs of a refund request letter in this tutorial, including providing a template at the end for you to follow.

What Is a Refund Request Letter?

Refund request letters are formal notifications to merchants or service providers. In rare cases, they are directed toward relatives and friends. Both individuals and companies can write refund letters. They communicate several things:

  • Dissatisfaction with a product or service.
  • A specific reason or reasons why the product or service failed.
  • A desire for a refund.

With a refund letter, you give the company a fair chance to make things right. If they act, you don’t have to take them to court or file an official complaint against them. You must include a due date for payment in the letter.

If the company fails to pay by then, you can use the refund letter as documentation (evidence). You can also write a refund letter if you want your money back for some other reason – such as opting out of a subscription before it begins.

How to Request a Refund?

Follow these simple steps to request a refund:

1. Go through the refund policy

Merchants and service providers are legally required to offer a refund policy. Skim through it for an idea of what you can expect. Even if the business has a “no refund” policy, it does not apply if the product or service was dangerous, didn’t work, or was drastically different than advertised.

The seller or service provider can’t send you a policy after you request a refund. It must be done before for it to be legal. If a merchant doesn’t have a refund policy, then the local state law will apply. This should work in your favor.

2. Locate your receipt

You’ll need a receipt to prove you made a purchase. If you’ve lost or misplaced the receipt, you can still use the transaction record for the payment. This is applicable if you purchased by card or other electronic means.

3. Determine why you want the refund

In compliance with the merchant’s refund policy, concisely outline one or more reasons why you’re requesting a refund. You can jot them down or think them up. These reasons go into the letter.

Some examples include:

  • Defective product out-of-the-box
  • Not-as-advertised

4. Write the Letter

Draft the actual letter – you can use the template at the end of the page. Include the total amount you wish to receive and how you should be paid. Also, provide a due date. Then send the letter to the merchant’s official correspondence address.

Requesting a refund from a business, friend or family can become complicated without appropriate documentation to legalize this process. Our Refund Request Letter template is your guide to requesting a refund lawfully. Download the free customizable sample now.

What Is Included in a Refund Request Letter?

We recommend putting the following in your letter:

  • Specify the goods and services for which you’re seeking a refund.
  • Concisely outline why you need a refund.
  • Note the exact amount to be refunded.
  • Offer transaction details: mode of payment, date, and location.
  • Be formal, polite, and professional.
  • Make it to the point, don’t go off in tangents.
  • If applicable, include reference codes relevant to the purchase.
  • Attach supporting documents – pictures of damaged products and receipts are some examples.

What to Do If the Merchant Refuses to Pay?

If the merchant doesn’t respond to your letter or refuses to pay outright, wait until the due date has passed. Then you can escalate matters:

  • File a consumer complaint with the attorney general’s office.
  • Contact the local chamber of commerce.
  • Get in touch with BBB.
  • Consult an attorney and seek damages in small claims court.

If you write a negative review on social media, where other potential customers can see, it may jolt the merchant into quickly dealing with the problem.

Ideally, refund letters should be requests, not demands. Don’t escalate things unless you have to. Most merchants settle dues fairly quickly if you ask politely.

Use the refund request letter template on the Cocosign website to draft your letter. It should help you maintain a formal tone. We also offer other helpful templates for agreements .




Date: __________________, 20____

Dear __________________,

This letter is being sent on behalf of __________________ to formally request the refund of $_________ for the following: _____________________________________.

The refund is being requested due to: _______________________________________.

If a refund is not administered by __________________, 20____ a court filing may be filed against you . In addition to the refund amount, a request for reimbursement of filing fees, attorney’s fees, and any other costs associated with obtaining the refund amount may be pursued.

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Refund Request Letter Template: How To Get Your Refund

When you finally get your long awaited order and open it up and.....it sucks. Either because it's not what you ordered or it's not right for a whole nother reason. That's when you need to whip out your refund request letter template. 

In this article, we'll show you how to write a refund request letter template that not only grabs attention but also persuades companies to act in your favor. You'll learn how to nail the basic structure for clarity and impact and why keeping things professional can turn the tide in your favor. 

Writing the Perfect Refund Request Letter

When it comes to writing a refund request letter, structure and tone are your best friends. Structure and tone act as your allies, ensuring your message is both clear and professional.

The Basic Structure of a Refund Request Letter

A well-written refund request letter includes several key components that guide the reader through your issue and desired resolution:

  • Evidence and Resolution Request

How To Write A Refund Request Letter Template

Here's a basic structure to follow when writing a refund request letter, ensuring it is clear, concise, and polite:

Your Name : Full name of the person requesting the refund.

Address : Your current address.

Date : The date the letter is written.

Company Name : The name of the company from which you are requesting a refund.

Company Address : The address of the company.

2. Salutation

A formal greeting such as "Dear [Company Representative's Name]" or "Dear Customer Service Team," if you do not know the name of the person who will be reading the letter.

Brief Introduction : Start with a sentence that states you are writing to request a refund.

Order or Service Details : Include relevant details such as order number, date of purchase or service, and the amount paid.

Reason for Refund : Clearly explain why you are requesting a refund. Describe the issue with the product or service, including any previous attempts to resolve the problem if applicable.

Reference Company Policy : If relevant, mention the company's refund or return policy that supports your request.

Supporting Documents : Mention any supporting documents you are including with your letter, such as receipts, order confirmations, or email correspondences.

4. Evidence & Resolution Request

Provide any copies of any correspondence you have relating to this refund. The more details you include, the better your chances of things going your way. State explicitly that you are requesting a refund and specify the amount. It’s also helpful to mention your preferred method of refund, whether it’s a return to your credit card, a check, etc.

Thank You : Express appreciation for their consideration of your request.

Contact Information : Include your contact information and express your willingness to discuss the matter further if needed.

6. Signature 

Signature : Close with a polite sign-off such as "Sincerely" or "Regards," followed by your signature (if sending a hard copy) and your typed name. If you’re sending any documents along with the letter, list them here (e.g., "Enclosed: Receipt dated [Date], Email correspondence with customer service").

Basic refund letter template:

[Your Name]   [Your Address]   [Date] [Company Name]   [Company Address] Dear [Company Representative's Name], I am writing to request a refund for [product/service name] purchased on [Date] with order number [Order Number]. Unfortunately, the [product/service] did not meet my expectations due to [reason for dissatisfaction], and I believe a refund is warranted. Sincerely, [Your Name] Enclosed: [Enclosed Documents, if any]

Note:  You can use the free Magical Chrome extension to write letter templates like this (and store them) so you can call them up with one click. Check it out:

Refund Request Letter Template Samples

1. defective product refund request.

Dear [Company Representative's Name], I recently purchased a [Product Name] from your [Store/Website] on [Purchase Date], with the order number [Order Number]. Upon receiving and using the product, I discovered that it is defective [provide brief description of the defect]. According to your return policy, products that are found to be defective can be returned within [Return Policy Time Frame] for a full refund. I have attached photos of the defect, along with my purchase receipt as proof of purchase. I kindly request a full refund of [Amount Paid] to my original payment method. I have also included the product in its original packaging for return. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I can be reached at [Your Contact Information] should you need any further information or discussion regarding this request. Sincerely, [Your Name]

2. Service Not Rendered Refund Request

Dear [Company Representative's Name], I am writing to request a refund for the [Service Name] I purchased on [Purchase Date], under the invoice number [Invoice Number]. Unfortunately, the service was not provided as scheduled on [Service Date], and I have not received communication regarding a reschedule. As per our agreement and your service guarantee, I am entitled to a full refund if the service is not rendered as promised. Therefore, I respectfully request a refund of [Amount Paid]. Please process the refund to my original payment method at your earliest convenience. Should you require any further information, feel free to contact me at [Your Contact Information]. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Sincerely, [Your Name]

3. Subscription Cancellation and Refund Request

Dear [Company Representative's Name], I am contacting you to request the cancellation of my subscription for [Subscription Service] and a refund for the unused portion. My account is registered under the email [Your Email Address], and the subscription was last renewed on [Renewal Date]. After reviewing your subscription policy, I understand that customers are eligible for a prorated refund for the unused portion of their subscription. Given that I am canceling [X months] into my annual subscription, I request a refund for the remaining [Y months]. Please confirm the cancellation of my subscription and the processing of my refund to the original payment method. I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and can be contacted at [Your Contact Information] for any further details required. Sincerely, [Your Name]

4. Event Cancellation Refund Request

Dear [Event Organizer's Name], I am writing to request a refund for the [Event Name] tickets I purchased on [Purchase Date]. The event was scheduled for [Event Date] but was unfortunately canceled, as announced on your official website and social media channels. As per the event cancellation policy stated at the time of purchase, ticket holders are entitled to a full refund in such cases. My ticket order number is [Order Number], and the total amount paid is [Amount Paid]. I kindly request that the refund be processed to my original payment method. Attached are copies of the ticket purchase confirmation and any other relevant documents for your reference. Thank you for your understanding and prompt resolution of this matter. Please contact me at [Your Contact Information] if you need further information. Sincerely, [Your Name]

5. Poor Service Experience Refund Request

Dear [Manager's Name], I am reaching out to express my disappointment with the service I received at [Company Name] on [Visit Date] and to request a refund. Despite my anticipation for a pleasant experience, the service provided fell significantly below the expected standards due to [Brief Description of Poor Service]. Given the circumstances and in line with your commitment to customer satisfaction, I believe a refund is justified. I am requesting a refund of [Amount Paid], which represents the cost of the service on [Visit Date]. I hope this situation can be rectified promptly, and I am willing to discuss this matter further if necessary. I can be contacted at [Your Contact Information]. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, [Your Name]

6. Product Not Delivered Refund Request

Dear [Company Representative's Name], I am writing regarding my order [Order Number] placed on [Order Date] for [Product Name]. As of today, [Current Date], the product has not been delivered, and it has surpassed the expected delivery date by [Number of Days Late]. I have attempted to resolve this issue through your customer service but have not received a satisfactory explanation or solution. Therefore, I am requesting a full refund of [Amount Paid] due to the non-delivery of the ordered product. Please process this refund to my original payment method. For any further information or documentation required, please contact me at [Your Contact Information]. I appreciate your immediate attention to this matter. Sincerely, [Your Name]

7. Wrong Product Received Refund Request

Dear [Company Representative's Name], I am contacting you regarding my recent order [Order Number], placed on [Order Date], where I received the wrong product. Instead of [Ordered Product Name], I received [Received Product Name]. After consulting your return policy, I understand that I am eligible for a full refund in such cases. I have attached photographic evidence of the product received and my original purchase receipt. I kindly request a refund of [Amount Paid] and instructions for returning the incorrect product. Please process the refund to my original form of payment. Thank you for your understanding and prompt resolution of this issue. Should you require further details, I am available at [Your Contact Information]. Sincerely, [Your Name]

Legal Recourse If Your Refund Request Is Denied

Finding out your refund request has been denied can be frustrating. But, it's not the end of the road. There are legal steps you can take to pursue your case further.

When to Involve Small Claims Court

If direct communication fails and your refund remains unprocessed, small claims court is an option worth considering. Opting for this pathway offers the chance to articulate your grievances independently, bypassing hefty legal fees in quest of settling disagreements tied to purchases. 

Before heading down this path, drafting a written request or demand letter outlining your complaint is crucial. It serves as formal documentation that you've sought resolution before taking legal action.

In only about 5% of cases do denied refunds escalate to this level; however, being aware of this option empowers consumers with knowledge on how to proceed if needed.

Documentation is Important

When preparing for any form of legal action, including going to small claims court or writing a demand letter requesting further review by the company involved in denying your refund request, detailed records become invaluable. Make sure you have all receipts, email exchanges regarding the refund denial and any other relevant documents organized and ready for presentation.

A Final Word

We all have had to deal with the unpleasant situation of having to return something. But when you're armed with evidence coupled with a well written refund request letter template, your chances of getting what you want increase greatly. You may even get more than you ask for, depending on the company.

Make sure to use the free Magical Chrome extension to store and create your letter templates (or any templates you have). Magical is used by 600,000 people (and counting) to save 7 hours a week. Try it yourself!  

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Refund Letter Format

Regardless of a person’s shopping preferences, one can always encounter problems with missing delivery parts or damaged items or delays in delivery. In such situations, where the customer is not satisfied with the service and has returned the product, a letter asking for a refund of the amount paid for the product is written, known as a refund letter.

It can be written when a person has returned an item either online or off-line and is waiting for the refund of the amount. Sometimes it takes longer to get a refund for an item or service, and for that, you write an email to the customer service executive asking for the refund. Most of the retail shops and online sites will let you request a refund within a specific time frame usually, 30 or 60 days from the date of purchase. This article will help you in writing a refund letter format.

Refund letter format

Refund Letter Format: Guidelines and Tips

  From the point of view of customers:

  • Ask for a refund in a polite and respectful manner
  • Include the details about the product such as was purchased, when and at what price
  • Mention why you returned the item
  • Mention the relevant information of the transactions such as the date and place of delivery
  • Do not include unnecessary information in the letter
  • Do not lie or exaggerate the reason for requesting the refund
  • Make sure you are aware of the return/refund policy of the organisations

From the point of view of the service provider:

  • Communicate respectfully and politely
  • Listen to what the customer has to say and complain about
  • It is important to understand the customer’s point of you as well
  • Respond quickly, and provide quick solutions to the customer’s problem

Refund Letter Format  

Sender’s address

Date: (dd/mm/yyyy)

Receiver’s address

Body of the letter

Yours Sincerely,

Sender’s name

Attachments: (if any)

Sample of Refund Letter 1 – From the Customer

55, Aadish Complex,

Airport road,

Mint designs,

Subject: Request for a refund for the product

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

I, Tanmay Sharma, write this letter to you to request a refund for the clothes I ordered from your store. I’ve got a lot of positive reviews and which is why I ordered clothes worth Rs.15,000 for my birthday. But when I received them, I was not satisfied with the material of the clothes. I felt that the quality of the clothes was lower compared to what I had paid for them.

I have attached a copy of the order receipt with this letter. You may either make the payment to my account number 123-4325-5652 or can send a signed cheque to my address mentioned above.

I hope to receive better quality the next time I order from your store. Looking forward to quick action.

Tanmay Sharma

Contact: 3791747382


Order receipt photocopy

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Sample of Refund Letter 2 – From the Service Provider

Thank you for reaching out to us about the refund request of your recent purchase from a website. The request for a refund of your order number AM123716B91 has been generated.

We are really sorry to hear that your perfume was damaged during the shipment. We do our work with pride and love, and it’s always our intention to provide the very best to our customers. We have taken a serious look into the matter and discovered that there was improper handling by our delivery partner regarding your order.

We have generated a refund for your order, which will be processed within the next 48 hours. We deeply regret the inconvenience caused to you because of the process.

We welcome you for any further feedback that can help us improve our service. Thank you for being patient. We would love for you to shop again from our website.

Have a nice day.

Customer Care Executive


Sample of Refund Letter 3 – Refund Request through a Mail

  To: abc@xyz

Subject: Request for a refund

Dear Customer Relations Executive,

I write this to inform you that the refund for the product I had ordered from your website has not been processed yet. I ordered a pair of heels worth Rs.6500 20th of January with the order number AWB199378. I received a damaged pair of heels, the buckle of one of them was broken and thus I have returned them.

I was supposed to receive a refund for the product by the 10th of this month, but haven’t received any amount yet. I had also called on your customer service number, but my calls went unanswered.

I am attaching the image of the damaged product as well as the order receipt with this mail. I will also provide my bank account details for the refund amount to be transferred.

I hope this will be resolved at the earliest, I am looking forward to quick action.

Sakshi Pawar

  • Order receipt
  • Images of the product received
  • Bill for the payment made

FAQs about Refund Letter  Format

Question 1. What is a refund letter?

Answer. When the customer is not satisfied with a product/service and has returned it, a letter asking for a refund of the amount paid for the product is written. It can be written when a person has returned an item either online or off-line and is waiting for the refund of the amount.

Question 2. What are the various methods of asking for a refund?

Answer. If a person is not happy with a product and wishes to return the product, there are several ways to ask for a refund. Some of the common methods are:

  • Visit the store in-person
  • Contact them via phone-call
  • Contact through email

Question 3. To whom is a refund letter addressed?

Answer. A refund letter is written to the store manager in case of an offline purchase and to the customer care executive in case of an online purchase.

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  • Fee Refund Application

Fee Refund Application: How to Write and Sample Letters

If your fees have been paid and you want your refund for some reason, then write a fee refund application addressing the principal of your school informing about the issue. To write an application for a refund of fees paid, you must know the format for the same. Read the below article to know the format of writing the application for the refund.

How to Write an Application for Refund of Fees Paid?

Application fee refund from college, refund of admission fees in school due to covid-19, frequently asked questions on fee refund application.

In order to get a refund of the fees paid to the school, you will have to write an application mentioning the reasons behind the refund. There can be various reasons like, you get a better opportunity somewhere else, or you want to rethink the admission. Then you can stake a claim for the fees paid. In order to write an application for a refund of your fees paid, you will have to follow the formal letters format we use for other official letters.

The fee refund application should be written to the Principal of the institution following the format mentioned below.

From address

The Principal

Name of School

Respected Sir/Madam,

Body mentioning the details and reasons behind the fee refund.


The application for refund to the school is similar to any application to Principal which we often write. To know the format in detail, check the samples given below.

Samples of Fee Refund Application

Read below to check out samples of the fee refund application letter. The samples have been provided to help you make the refund process easier. You can refer to the samples provided below for a better understanding of the format and the language to be used while writing a fee refund application.

Akriti Sharma

4th Block, Jayanagar


Date: 22nd February 2022

Jain University

Jayanagar, Bangalore

Sub: Request to refund the application fees paid

Respected Sir,

I had applied for the BA English course in your reputed university with application number 23889. I have paid an amount of Rs. 3000/- with transaction ID XXXXX for the application fee. But now I have got an admission at Oxford University, London, and I wish to discontinue the course here, and join the course at Oxford.

Therefore, I kindly request you to cancel my enrollment and refund the amount paid for the application fee to the account number XXXXXXXXXX, Axis Bank. I shall be highly obliged to you for the same

Yours faithfully


Contact- 9999999999

Mail- [email protected]

2nd Main Road, Sector – 7

Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra

Marian International School

Sector-7, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra

Sub: Refund the admission fees in School due to Covid-19.

Respect Sir,

I am Akash Jha, father of Nikhilesh Jha studying in class 2 in section C with admission number XXXX. He joined the school on 1st January 2022. I wish to cancel my child’s admission due to the imposition of lockdown following the COVID-19 outbreak. Since he is already attending online classes in K12 home school, and the lockdown is again imposed around the country, there are fewer chances of reopening schools now. Therefore, I would like to request you to cancel his admission and refund the amount of Rs. 25,000 to the account number XXXXXXXXXXXXXX in ICICI Bank.

I have attached the payment receipt along with the letter for your reference. I shall be highly obliged to you for any help you can provide.

Yours sincerely


  • Payment receipt

What is a fee refund application?

A fee refund application is a letter to the principal or the head of an institution written to request a refund of the fee paid for the admission of a child.

How can I write an application for a fee refund?

You can write an application for a fee refund following the formal letter format which we follow while writing any application to the Principal. You can write the application mentioning the details of your child, the payment details, the account details, etc.

Do I need to provide any document along with the fee refund application?

You can provide a copy of the payment receipt as proof that the fees have been paid. You can also provide the bank details for making the refund to your account.

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FREE 34+ Refund Application Samples in PDF | MS Word

refund application image

Applications for refunds are essential documents that help to maintain customer satisfaction and trust. Companies and organizations that handle refund requests transparent, fair, and timely can strengthen their reputation and improve their customer relationships. If they fail to do so, it can result in negative reviews and even legal complications. In addition to payment receipts and purchase invoices , some of the other alternative documents that support refund applications are product images or videos, shipping documentation, email correspondence, service agreements, and affidavits or sworn statements.

Refund Application

34+ refund application samples, 1. claim of refund application template, 2. refund of duty application template, 3. refund application template, 4. fee refund application template, 5. member refund application template, 6. refund or credit application template, 7. sample refund application template, 8. employee refund application template, 9. motor vehicles refund application template, 10. basic refund application template, 11. hostel refund application template, 12. tuition fee refund application form template, 13. refund application form template, 14. international student refund application form template, 15. printable refund application template, 16. insurance coverage failure fee refund application template, 17. deposit refund application template, 18. domestic student refund application template, 19. standard refund application template, 20. property tax refund application template, 21. formal refund application template, 22. refund of taxes paid application template, 23. fuel vendor refund application template, 24. refund general application template, 25. simple refund application template, 26. real estate transfer tax refund application form template, 27. refund application example, 28. refund of contributions application template, 29. tax refund application template, 30. refund application format, 31. student refund application form template, 32. draft refund application template, 33. refund of security deposit application template, 34. vehicle registration refund application template, 35. refund application in doc, what is a refund application, how to create a refund application, step 1: collect necessary information, step 2: include supporting documents, step 3: write a clear explanation of the application’s purpose, step 4: submit the refund application, what is the basic format of refund applications, what are the most commonly used types of refund applications, what are the reasons for using a refund application.

claim of refund application template

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refund of duty application template

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fee refund application template

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Refund applications are submitted by a customer to a company or organization to request the return of funds they paid when they purchased a product or service. These requests are commonly sent when the customer experience dissatisfaction and issues with the service or product. The refund application contains important information like the customer’s personal details, the date of the transaction, the item or service in question, the reason for seeking a refund, and other supporting documents that can contribute to the claim.

A refund application might include payment receipts, sale invoices, product images, and other pieces of evidence that can validate the customer’s complaint. When a business received a refund application, they usually follow a standard procedure to assess and evaluate the validity of the claim which involves investigation, verification, and cross-referencing of the claim with the company’s refund policy . Businesses also use other documents like invoices, purchase orders , contract agreements , receipts, quotations, employee contracts, policies and procedures , financial statements, and reports such as sales reports, market research reports, and progress reports.

Collect relevant information such as the customer’s name, contact information, date of purchase, and transaction or reference number. Let them provide specific details about the product or service like its cost and the reason for seeking a refund.

Include relevant documents to your application to support your claim which can involve receipts, product images, invoices, shipping labels, and other evidence that can validate your refund request.

Write a clear and coherent explanation of why you are applying for a refund request by clearly stating the issue you have encountered like receiving a defective product, billing error, or dissatisfaction with the service.

Submit the refund application on the business’s preferred channel which can be through email, web forms, or a formal letter. Make sure that the application is written in the proper format, attachments are organized, and the content is free from any error.

The basic format that clients use when writing their refund applications includes the header, subject line, salutation, introduction, description of the issue, supporting evidence, requested action, additional information, closing statement, signature, contact information, attachments, and closing salutation.

The most commonly used refund application types are the product return refund application, service dissatisfaction refund application, billing error refund application, cancellation refund application, and late delivery refund application.

Refund application provides both the business and customer with clarity and formality, documentation and evidence, consistency in process, efficiency and accuracy, customer relationship management, and data analysis and improvement.

A refund application aims to rectify customer issues and complaints by reimbursing them with the original payment amount they paid for the product or service they purchased. When the customer submitted a refund request and the company deemed it legitimate, the business will initiate the process for the refund which can include a refund return to the customer or offering them alternative resolutions like giving them store credit.

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Sample Refund Request Letter Formats

If you are not satisfied with any product or service then you can request for refund. If that company has a refund policy they will definitely pay back your money. Nowadays most companies are willing to refund instead of getting negative reviews from unsatisfied customers.

When to ask for a refund?

  • If actual product specifications don’t match with advertisements (or) product descriptions.
  • For damaged products
  • If you are not satisfied with the product or service 
  • If the product doesn’t suit you.
  • If you find a better product

Required things to apply for a refund?

  • Product in good condition
  • Bills/ receipts
  • Date of purchase
  • Reason for refund
  • Request letter (or) email.

How do I apply for a refund?

If your purchase a product or service once line then you can contact their customer care to request for refund. Some websites like Amazon and Flipkart will have options to return the purchased goods up to a certain time period.

If your purchase from any store, then you need to visit that paritular store to get a refund.

Different ways to contact the company for a refund?

Here are the different ways by which you can contact the company to get a refund o your money.

  • Through Company website
  • By making a call
  • By sending an email
  • Directly at the store
  • Use socialmedia platforms

Sample refund letter formats

Sample letter for refund money to customer

To Company name, Address.

Sub: Refund request letter.

Dear [company name] team,

I, [your name] purchased [product name] in your store/shop/website on [date] , but is defective and not working properly. Therefore I would like to return it and want to get a refund.

I am not interested in any replacement. So kindly repay my amount of ____ Rs.

Please find attached a copy of the payment receipt with this letter.

As a reputed company, hope you consider my request.

Thanking you.

Sincerely, Your name. Mobile no.

Sample refund request letter format,

Email for a refund of money

Sub: Refund request.

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is [your name] made a purchase of [product name ] in your store/shop/website on [date] . I am not satisfied with its features and performance. So I want to return the product.

Here I request you to refund my amount of ___ Rs and kindly find the attached receipt with this email.

I hope you refund my money soon.

Regards, Your name. Mobile no.

Refund request email

Sample refund letter for tuition fee

To The principal, School/College name, Address.

Sub: Request for refund of tuition fee.

Respected Sir/Madam,

My name is [your name] made a payment of ___ Rs on [date] to join [course name] in your school/college . But because of some personal reasons, I couldn’t able to join the course. 

Therefore I request you to kindly refund my fee amount. 

Please find the attached copy of the payment receipt enclosed with this letter.

Sincerely, Your name.

Sample letter for refund of money from the bank

To The branch manager, Bank name, Address.

Sub: Request for refund of money.

I am [your name] , the account holder of your bank with a/c no. 3214XXXX456  writing this letter regarding the refund of my money. 

On [date]   at [time] I made a transaction of Rs ____ on [website/shop name] using your bank’s intent banking service.

But the transaction was failed and the amount was deducted from my bank account twice. Therefore I request you to kindly refund my money of _____ Rs.

Kindly find the enclosed bank statement herewith for your verification.

Request letter for refund of advance payment (Format 1)

To [Sender details], Address.

Sub: Refund request for the advance amount.

Dear Sir/Maam,

I , [your name] made  an advance payment of ______ Rs towards the purchase of [product/service name] . But unfortunately, I couldn’t able to arrange the remaining money as I am not getting any bank loan.

Therefore I want to cancel my transaction and request you to refund my advance amount.

Please find the attached proof of payment.

Advance Payment Refund Request Letter (Format 2)

To [Sender Details], Address.

Sub: Advance amount refund request. 

My name is [your name] paid an advance amount of___ towards [product/service] on [date] . But till now I haven’t received the product/service , even after __ days since my order/booking.

As I don’t need that product/service anymore, I would like to cancel my purchase and kindly refund my advance amount of ____ Rs.

Please find the attached payment receipt

Refund letter sample for tuition fee

Sub: Application for refund of tuition fee.

My name is  [your name]  studying [course name] at [college name] , writing this letter regarding the refund of my tuition fee.

I have been suffering from Typhoid for the last 15 days therefore I cannot able to attend the semester exams. Therefore I decided to take a gap for this academic year.

Hence I am not attending my semester exams I request you to refund my tuition fee amount of _____ Rs, which will be a great help to me.

I shall be obliged to you in this matter.

Yours faithfully, your name.

Tuition fee refund letter from univestiy/college

To The Principal, University/College name, Address.

Sub: Refund request of tuition fee.

I am [your name] ,  got an admission in your college/university to study [course name] , and  I have paid a tuition fee amount of _____ Rs on [date] .

But after attending the second counseling I got admission at [college name] to study [course name] . Keeping in view of my future I would like to join there.

Therefore I request you to kindly refund my tuition fee, which will be very helpful to me. 

Please find the fee payment receipt enclosed with this letter.

I hope you consider my request.

Yours sincerely, Your name. Mobile no.

Request letter for refund of down payment

Sub: Downpayment refund request.

I am [your name] paid a downpayment of _______ Rs to order/book ________ [product name] on [date] through cash/netbanking/phonepe/cheque . But due to some personal reasons I would like to cancel my order/booking.

Therefore I request you to kindly cancel my order/booking and refund my downpayment amount.

Please let me know if you need any further information.

I hope you will refund me soon.

Thanking you

Letter for a refund of money from the insurance company

To The branch manager, Insurance company name, Address.

My name is [your name] paid an amount of ________ Rs in the favour of [insured person name] on [date] through net banking/cash/cheque /Phonepe towards [policy name]. But after doing some research I got to know that the policy is not suitable for me.

I know that my policy is not registered yet, so I request you to please cancel my registration and return my amount.

An inappropriate policy doesn’t fulfill my insurance needs, so keeping this in consideration kindly refund my amount.

You can repay me through any of the following modes like cash/net banking/UPI/ cheque mode . Please give me a call on 9456XXX564 for any further information.

Regards, Your name.

Request letter for return of mistaken/wrong payment

To The principal, School/college name, Address.

Sub: Request for refund of excess payment.

I am [your name] paid a fee of ______ Rs on [date]  towards the admission fee for [course name] . But by mistake, I have paid an excess amount. My actual fee amount is ____ Rs but I have paid ______ Rs. 

Therefore I request you to kindly refund my excess amount of _____ Rs either by cash (or) through online mode. 

Here is my bank account details:

Full Name:_______________

Bank name: ____________

IFSC code: ____________

Pone pe/Googlepay no. _________.

Kindly find a copy of the payment receipt enclosed with this letter. 

Wrong payment request letter to bank

Sub: Refund request letter for wrong payment .

My name is [your name] , a savings bank account holder of your bank with a/c no. [3245XXXX25] . This letter is regarding the refund request for failed mobile recharge.

While recharging my mobile on [date] at [time] through net banking, the amount was deducted but the transaction was failed. When I tried to recharge for the second time then the transaction was successful, but overall I have paid twice.

Therefore I request you to kindly refund the amount for the failed transaction, here is the reference number of that transaction ____________.

Looking forward to getting a refund.

Sincerely, Your name, Mobile no.

What to do if the company won’t refund me?

If a company is not fulfilling their refund policy guidelines then you can contact the consumer forum (or) you can also proceed legally through a lawyer.

In how many days companies will refund?

It depends on the payment mode used using the purchase, in most cases, companies will refund in 3-14 days. In case of direct purchase & return of physical goods in a store, you can get a refund even in one day also.

Can the store refuse a refund?

Yes, depending upon the return policy (or) condition of the returned product companies may refuse to refund. 

Is it bad to ask for a refund?

It is not bad, if a product doesn’t fulfill your needs as per their advertisement then you can definitely ask for a refund. Most companies will refund without any issues. 


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Home » Letters » Refund Letters » Letter for Refund of Money from Builder – Sample Letter Requesting Refund from Builder

Letter for Refund of Money from Builder – Sample Letter Requesting Refund from Builder

sample application letter refund of money pdf

To, ________ (Name of the Builder). ________ (Address of the Builder)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

From, ________ (Name), ________ (Address)

Subject: Request for refund

This letter is in reference to the mutual agreement between us on __/__/_____ (date) for the _______ (construction work/purchase of property/other) at property ________ (mention address).

Respected, as per contract terms, it is to request you to kindly refund the amount already paid because __________(reason for refund). The amount to be refunded is _________ (mention amount). Amount may be refunded in the form of ___________ (mention – RTGS/ NEFT/ Cheque/ Cash).

I look forward to your quick response. You may contact me at the contact detail mentioned below.

_________ (Signature), _________ (Name), _________ (Contact number)

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  8. Refund Request Letter Sample: Free & Effective

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    Bank name, Address. Sub: Request for refund of money. Dear Sir/Madam, I am [your name], the account holder of your bank with a/c no. 3214XXXX456 writing this letter regarding the refund of my money. On [date] at [time] I made a transaction of Rs ____ on [website/shop name] using your bank's intent banking service.

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    request letter of refund.docx - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The letter requests the release of a Php50,000 construction bond paid on October 31, 2018 for the renovation of unit 506-508 in the Burgundy Empire Tower. A receipt from October 31, 2018 for Php50,000 is attached for reference regarding the request to have the ...

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