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10 Words to Describe Missing Someone a Lot

By A.W. Naves

words to describe missing someone a lot

If you’re searching for words to describe missing someone a lot, we’ve include 10 below that you need to know about!

1. Yearning

Desire, wanting ; a strong sensation of need.

“She was filled with yearning as if a piece of her had been ripped away.”

“Carlos couldn’t shake off the persistent yearning that filled his dreams.”

How it Adds Description

“Yearning” describes a powerful compulsion to be reunited with one who is sorely missed. It defines an emotional response, highlighting the strong attachment to and the significance of the person who is being missed. This state of mind can motivate prospective actions or decisions aimed at reconnecting with the loved one in a story.

2. Emptiness

Void, absence ; feeling devoid of somebody that you miss.

“Hannah left behind a hollow emptiness as if a part of Tom’s soul was gone forever.”

“She tried to fill the emptiness with distractions, but nothing could replace her lost love.”

The word “emptiness” conveys a profound hunger for someone that leaves a hole. It’s not just a portrayal of grief, but a complete vacuum that engulfs a character. This highlights the impact of the person’s absence on their life. The need to fill this abyss becomes the motivation that drives them to reconnect with their loved one or find solace through other means.

3. Haunting

Persistently recurring, difficult to forget ; evoking strong emotions.

“Her memory lingered like a haunting aura, a constant reminder of what was lost.”

“Sayed’s voice echoed in Julie’s head, haunting her with thoughts of their time together.”

The term “haunting” describes the sensation of a lingering presence, where memories of a person are intertwined with their absenteeism, creating an almost ghostly experience. This description helps to set the stage for a journey of self-discovery, healing, or a quest to reunite with the missing person.

Longing, desire ; to feel an intense infatuation.

“He spent sleepless nights pining for her, lost in memories of their time together.”

“The pining was a constant ache, a reminder of the empty space left by his former spouse.”

Using the word “pining” hints at emotional distress that goes beyond ordinary want. This can highlight a character’s motivation and provides insight into their private journey. It sets the stage for potential actions the character may take to alleviate their pining, such as embarking on a search, making sacrifices, or pursuing a reunion, adding tension and character depth to the plot.

Sore, painful ; characterized by or causing distress.

“She was aching for his return, a persistent need that seemed to have no end.”

“The aching in his chest grew with every day that he spent without Samantha.”

“Aching” adds a poignant and visceral description of the experience of missing another person. It signifies that this is not just a passing feeling but something that deeply affects the character’s thoughts, actions, and motivations. Such a description can become a driving force in the plot, propelling the character to take action, seek resolution, or find a way to alleviate their agony.

6. Wrenching

Agonizing, heartbreaking ; causing great pain or discomfort.

“The separation was soul wrenching , tearing at the very fabric of their connection.”

“He felt a wrenching void in his chest without Carolyn by his side.”

The term “wrenching” adds a poignant description of lacking someone’s presence. It describes a profound ache, indicating that the connection was substantial and that possible consequences may emerge based on a character’s sentiments. Such thoughts can prompt a richer exploration of a character’s role in the plot and the decisions they make.

7. Consumed

Overwhelming, all-encompassing ; taking up one’s attention, interest, or energy completely.

“Remembrances of his absent children consumed him, leaving little room for anything else.”

“She was consumed by a need for his touch, her psyche constantly occupied by reflections on him.”

“Consumed” suggests that thinking of a person has become all-encompassing and dominates a character’s emotions, conveying that their emotional state as something that cannot be easily ignored or suppressed. This can foreshadow the potential impact a future return or reconciliation may have on the character and the storyline.

8. Melancholy

Sadness, mourning ; a feeling of pensive gloom.

“A wave of melancholy washed over her whenever she thought of him, a deep sense of longing mixed with bittersweet memories.”

“Chad stared into the distance with a melancholy expression, absorbed in the thoughts of a woman he still loved.”

“Melancholy” encapsulates the profound and lingering sense of sadness, nostalgia, and want that a character feels without a much-missed loved one. It provides a glimpse into their state of mind and the impact the absence has on their well-being. By highlighting this depth of being without another person, the writer allows readers to empathize with the protagonist’s struggle.

Hunger, thirst ; an intense hankering for a loved one.

“She had an insatiable craving for him, a hunger that could not be satisfied.”

“Dan’s mind was occupied by an overwhelming craving after his fiancée disappeared, a need that seemed to grow stronger daily.”

While lacking someone alone conveys a perception of longing, the addition of “craving” amplifies the depth of emotion involved. It suggests an insatiable desire that goes beyond mere want for a person’s presence. This word choice implies that the character’s emotions are overpowering, perhaps even bordering on obsession.

10. Heartache

Sorrow, pain ; a deep ache in the heart.

“Every breath was accompanied by heartache , a constant reminder of the person she missed.”

“He carried the weight of heartache , a burden that grew heavier with each passing day.”

The term “heartache” expresses the misery and sorrow that a character feels without a certain individual. It taps into the universal understanding of the term, evoking a sense of empathy and relatability among readers. This sort of intensity propels the plot forward by highlighting the significance of the relationship between the character and the person they miss.

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Who vs. Whom: A Simple Way to Determine Which Word to Use


Written by  Scribendi

When it comes to misunderstood words, the award for Most Confusing Pronouns definitely goes to  who  vs.  whom .

Although they are the bane of both native and non-native English writers who believe that  whom  is simply an archaic and out-of-fashion form of  who , both words do have their grammatically correct place in the English language. 

The Quick Answer: When to Use Who and Whom

A quick way to decide between  who  vs.  whom  is to learn the following rule:

If a question can be answered with  him , the pronoun  whom  is correct—just remember that both words end with an  -m !

  • To whom are you singing?
  • I'm singing to him.

If the question can be answered with  he , the pronoun  who  is correct—here, remember that both these words end with a vowel.

  • Who went to the dog park?
  • He went to the dog park.

"But what if a woman is performing an action?" you ask.

First, way to be vigilant about calling out gender inequality.

Second, no need to worry! This mnemonic device simply utilizes the male pronouns  him  and  he  to help you determine whether to use  who  vs.  whom . Once you know which word to use in the question, you can substitute the appropriate pronoun in the answer.

A Closer Look: The Difference between Who and Whom

1. when to use who.

To understand the difference between  who  and  whom , you must first understand the difference between the subject and object of a sentence. The subject is the person a sentence is about or the person completing an action. When you refer to the subject of a sentence, use the pronoun  who . Here are some examples:

  • Who is going to the cottage with us?
  • Who is the best wizard at Hogwarts?
  • Who brought the puppy to work?

 In these sentences,  who  is the subject, because  who  is completing the actions (i.e., going to the cottage, being the best wizard, and bringing the puppy). Any person's name could be filled in here (e.g., Daphne is going to the cottage, or Kevin is the best wizard), and this person is the sentence's subject, making  who  the appropriate interrogative pronoun to use in this context.

2. When to Use Whom

Meanwhile, the object of a sentence is the person to whom the actions of the verb are being done (or, to put it another way, the person receiving the actions of the verb):

  • Whom did she invite?
  • Whom do you love?
  • Whom are you going to beat in the dance-off?

In this context,  whom  can be substituted with the person receiving the action (e.g., she invited Joey to the party, or I love my mom).

Occasionally, the prepositions  for ,  to ,  by ,  with , and  about  may need to be used with  whom  to ensure the sentence makes sense:

  • With whom are you going to the pub?
  • For whom are you making these cupcakes?
  • This was painted by whom?

Parting Advice

Just remember our quick tip, and you'll never have trouble deciding between  who  vs.  whom  again. Cement your knowledge with our article on pronouns , and if you're curious to learn more grammar tricks, browse the articles in our resources section.

To help you move forward with confidence, you could also consider asking one of our professional editors or proofreaders to review your writing. They've helped thousands of people ensure that their writing is error free.  

Image Source: Andy Chilton/Stocksnap.io

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Scribendi's in-house editors work with writers from all over the globe to perfect their writing. They know that no piece of writing is complete without a professional edit, and they love to see a good piece of writing turn into a great one after the editing process. Scribendi's in-house editors are unrivaled in both experience and education, having collectively edited millions of words and obtained nearly 20 degrees collectively. They love consuming caffeinated beverages, reading books of various genres, and relaxing in quiet, dimly lit spaces.

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How to Deal With Missing Someone

Candis McDow is from Atlanta, GA, and has been a mental health advocate since 2014. She has lived experience and charges to bring awareness to the oblivious and provide hope to peers.

essay of the person whom you have missed

Ann-Louise T. Lockhart, PsyD, ABPP, is a board-certified pediatric psychologist, parent coach, author, speaker, and owner of A New Day Pediatric Psychology, PLLC.

essay of the person whom you have missed

Vladimir Vladimirov / Getty Images

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When you are missing someone , there's no denying the raw emotion that you feel. You can't get it out of your head; it lingers, like an annoying fly buzzing around in the summertime. Missing someone is quite common, but what you do when you feel that way can vary.

Learn why you might be missing people who are no longer in your life, and what to do when you miss someone (to deal with all of the emotions). We also discuss how to deal with missing someone even if they don't miss you back.

Effects of Missing Someone

As humans, we naturally connect to people and build bonds and relationships over time. If these bonds or relationships are broken or lost, you might feel like there is a void or emptiness in your life. Missing someone can also affect you physically.

Feelings of loss can increase stress, which reduces immune system function and leaves your body more susceptible to viruses and bugs. They can also lead to high blood pressure, heartburn, changes in appetite, and trouble sleeping, potentially even making current health conditions worse.

When You Miss Someone, Can They Feel It?

While we could find no scientific evidence of this, some people believe that the answer is yes and that if you have dreams about the other person often or can feel their presence, these are signs that they're missing you.

What Causes Us to Miss Someone?

"When you miss someone, it means you really care about the person and you value them," says Katie Lasson , Clinical Sexologist & Relationship Advisor. "You need this person in your life because it makes you feel better and you are happier. That's why you miss somebody."

We can miss people for a multitude of reasons, but once that emotion arises, it can be hard to shake it.

When there are fresh wounds of hurt, anything can trigger you. Emotions run wild when you miss someone and anything can spark up old memories. The mind is powerful with the amount of information, memories, and emotions it can hold.

April Maccario , Relationship Expert & Founder of Ask April, states that places, food, songs, scents, and even random things can make us miss someone. Inevitably, these things lead us to reminisce. However, Maccario believes it is crucial to learn what you can do when you feel those emotions.

When You Realize You Are Missing Someone

Really owning how you feel is key. When you miss someone, don't run from that feeling. You may miss someone who has passed away, someone who is incarcerated, someone who was once a close friend , or simply someone who has moved away. Whatever the case may have been or currently is, something changed.

One thing about life is that it keeps going. So, cherishing memories is perfectly fine, but allowing those memories to hold you back from moving forward is not helpful.

Lasson believes it's also okay to think of a person you miss—to recall the nice times, some funny moments, and everything else. The most important thing is not to overthink or spend too much time dwelling on the memories because the goal is to feel better and not hurt or sad.

Missing Someone Who Doesn't Miss You Back

Knowing that someone doesn't miss you as much as you miss them is not a great feeling, but what can you do? Cry? Get depressed? Lose sleep? It's possible that all of those will occur and it's perfectly okay to feel what you feel.

Once you allow yourself to feel a range of emotions, you can then begin to move forward.

"Obviously, it [not being missed in return] is a sad feeling," says Sonya Schwartz , a relationship expert and founder of Her Norm, "but life must carry on. We can't make things happen on our own. Simply put, trust the process."

The best thing to do in circumstances like this is to keep moving forward, no matter how much it hurts. Eventually, the pain will fade and you will find someone who can appreciate you for all that you are. Never lose hope. You are worthy of genuine happiness and love.

What to Do When You Miss Someone

Coping with missing someone can be brutal to the heart, especially if you really loved (or still love) that person. But just like heartache , the feeling of missing someone won't last forever.

Coping Tips When You're Missing Someone

Maccario offers some things you can do to cope with the feeling of missing someone:

  • Accept and understand what you are feeling and try to express yourself
  • Engage in activities that can help you divert your attention and mood
  • Interact with other people and make new connections

Moving forward is always the best policy when you aren't able to rekindle relationships or get rid of the feeling of missing someone.

Doing things out of your comfort zone will also be beneficial as you are opening yourself up to new possibilities, new experiences, and the chance to meet new people .

Turn Inward

Facing yourself in the rawest form can be scary, but life-changing. There is healing in dealing with hard issues, and missing someone can be quite painful.

When you miss someone, it can affect your day, your mood, and your overall outlook on life. So, ask yourself why you miss that person. Ask yourself how missing them affects you. Be honest in your thoughts and decide if you're ready to begin moving on.

Write a Letter

Letters always bring clarity to cloudy situations and are great outlets to express yourself freely . Writing a letter (which you don't have to send) can allow you to say everything you would want to say if you had the opportunity to speak in person.

A major benefit of writing a letter is that you don't have to hold back anything, and you'll feel relieved afterward.

There's no greater noise than when your mind is cluttered with endless thoughts of someone you miss. You find it hard to get anything done because you're consumed with endless thoughts of that person and the memories and experiences you've shared.

Try meditation to make peace with those thoughts . If you really tune into yourself, you'll figure out why you miss that person and get to the bottom of why you aren't in communication at the moment. Meditation offers an opportunity to see things clearly.

Tell the Person That You Miss Them

Sometimes you just have to talk to the person you've been missing. If you're feeling brave and are capable, talking to the person who's causing such drastic emotions might be the route for you.

Go to the person, respectfully, and have an honest and heartfelt conversation . You can be direct about the fact that you miss them. Who knows? It's possible that they've been missing you too and just didn't know how to communicate that with you or were too fearful to do so.

Telling someone you miss them might unlock an opportunity to make amends and revitalize your relationship.

Redirect Your Energy

You may not see it in the beginning, but some relationships have to end because they've run their course. You could miss them terribly but it's possible that the relationship was toxic . Or, maybe one of you had to move and now you can no longer meet up as frequently as you once did or at all.

After you feel your emotions, instead of wallowing in them, redirect your energy and be thankful for what you do have. Remind yourself of the people you have in your life and focus on the positive things you have going on.

A Word From Verywell

Grief is a part of life. Don't allow people to control your life and affect it in such a huge capacity that it consumes you. You may feel at your lowest, but you are stronger than you think. Allow yourself time to feel down and out, that's expected and normal—but don't get stuck there. If you're finding it difficult to cope with missing someone, reach out to a mental health professional .

Leary MR. Emotional responses to interpersonal rejection .  Dialogues Clin Neurosci . 2015;17(4):435-441. doi:10.31887/DCNS.2015.17.4/mleary

Harvard Health Publishing. Grieving? Don't overlook potential side effects .

Tang YY, Hölzel BK, Posner MI. The neuroscience of mindfulness meditation .  Nat Rev Neurosci . 2015;16(4):213-225. doi:10.1038/nrn3916

By Candis McDow Candis has been a mental health advocate since 2014. She has written several articles about mental illness, and her memoir Half the Battle (available on Amazon and candisymcdow.com) encompasses her journey of living with bipolar disorder.

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Essay Samples on Someone Who Inspires Me

At its core, inspiration is a powerful force that ignites passion, propels dreams, and molds individuals into extraordinary beings. It is the vibrant pulse that surges through our veins, pushing us to achieve greatness even in the face of adversity. Crafting an essay about someone who inspires you allows you to shine a spotlight on the transformative power of such individuals.

How to Write an Essay on Someone Who Inspires Me

Here are some useful example you shpuld consider when writing a college essay about someone who inspires you:

  • Consider beginning with a heartfelt introduction that captivates the reader’s attention and sets the stage for the awe-inspiring journey to come.
  • Share a personal anecdote or a defining moment that sparked the connection between you and your inspirational figure, allowing the reader to empathize with your experience.
  • Delve into the qualities and actions that make this individual so inspiring. Explore their accomplishments, perseverance, and unwavering determination. Showcase how their words and deeds have impacted your life, shaping your values and aspirations. Be vivid and descriptive, illustrating the profound influence they have had on your personal growth and development.
  • Weave in personal reflections throughout your essay. Share introspective thoughts and revelations, highlighting the lessons you have learned and the ways in which your perspective has evolved. By doing so, you invite the reader to embark on a transformative journey alongside you, creating a powerful emotional connection.

To aid you in your writing process, we provide a sample essay about someone who inspires you. It serves as a guiding light, illustrating the structure, tone, and depth needed to craft an outstanding piece. Drawing inspiration from this sample, embrace your unique voice, infuse your essay with passion, and let your words leave an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of the readers.

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Best topics on Someone Who Inspires Me

1. A Bond Beyond Words: Reflecting on My Relationship with Someone Special

2. A Beacon of Inspiration: A Descriptive Peace about the Person I Admire

3. A Person I Will Always Remember: My English Teacher

4. My Grandmother as My Role Model: Her Role in Shaping My Identity

5. My Role Model and My Heroes: Mother and Father

6. Audrey Hepburn: Life Of A Timeless Inspiration Of Mine

7. Oprah Winfrey and Ariana Grande: Women That Inspire Me

8. St. Bernadette: The Woman That Inspires Me

9. Simone De Beauvoir One of the Greatest Woman

10. Ned Kelly: American Hero Or Villain

11. Joan of Arc One of the Most Heroic Women in French History

12. Who Inspired Me to Become a Nurse

13. Mary Kom, The Person Who Inspired Me to Pursue My Dreams

14. The People Who Shaped Me

15. Three People Who Influenced Me Throughout My Life

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  • Personal Experience
  • Personality

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Interesting Literature

10 of the Best Poems about Missing Someone

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University)

Missing someone can take many forms: we might miss an absent loved one, or miss someone we’re close to but who will never love us; we can miss someone we loved and lost to someone else, or someone we loved and mourned when they passed away. The following poems are by turns romantic, elegiac, and moving, expressing as they do the emotions we feel when we miss that special someone.

1. Sir Philip Sidney, Sonnet 106 .

O absent presence, Stella is not here; False flattering hope, that with so fair a face Bare me in hand, that in this orphan place Stella, I say my Stella, should appear. What say’st thou now? Where is that dainty cheer Thou told’st mine eyes should help their famished case? But thou art gone, now that self-felt disgrace Doth make me most to wish thy comfort near …

Sidney (1554-86) was one of the wittiest and most technically accomplished Elizabethan poets, and among his other notable achievements he wrote the first long sonnet sequence in the English language. The above poem is Sonnet 106 from that sequence, Astrophil and Stella , in which Astrophil (i.e., Sidney) laments the unrequited love he harbours for Stella (i.e., Lady Penelope Rich, who had recently married Lord Robert Rich).

In this poem, we get a powerful depiction of the power an absent loved one has over us in that opening oxymoron: ‘O absent presence’ (for the absent person is with us in our thoughts wherever we go).

2. William Shakespeare, Sonnet 33 .

Even so my sun one early morn did shine, With all triumphant splendour on my brow; But out, alack, he was but one hour mine, The region cloud hath mask’d him from me now …

Often interpreted as a poem inspired by a (perceived or real) slight from the Fair Youth, the blond-haired nobleman who is thought to have been the muse for many of Shakespeare’s Sonnets, ‘Full many a glorious morning have I seen’ (as Sonnet 33 begins) is perhaps one of the most moving poems Shakespeare ever wrote about missing somebody whom one has lost.

3. Mary Robinson, ‘ Absence ’.

When from the craggy mountain’s pathless steep, Whose flinty brow hangs o’er the raging sea, My wand’ring eye beholds the foamy deep, I mark the restless surge – and think of THEE. The curling waves, the passing breezes move, Changing and treach’rous as the breath of LOVE; The ‘sad similitude’ awakes my smart, And thy dear image twines about my heart …

Robinson (1757-1800) was an English actress, poet, dramatist, and novelist; she was also one of the mistresses of a young King George IV. As ‘Absence’ demonstrates, she was clearly a talented poet, whose meditation on absence here seems to fit somewhere between the ordered Augustan poets of the mid-eighteenth century and the Romantics who came along at the end of the century.

4. Walter Savage Landor, ‘ Absence ’.

Here, ever since you went abroad, If there be change no change I see: I only walk our wonted road, The road is only walk’d by me.

Yes; I forgot; a change there is – Was it of that you bade me tell? I catch at times, at times I miss The sight, the tone, I know so well …

This poem from the English poet Walter Savage Landor (1775-1864) is not just about missing someone, but about losing and forgetting someone who has gone away to live in another country and how the poet, left behind, now does things alone which he once did with that loved one.

5. Thomas Hardy, ‘ Thoughts of Phena, at News of Her Death ’.

Not a line of her writing have I, Not a thread of her hair, No mark of her late time as dame in her dwelling, whereby I may picture her there; And in vain do I urge my unsight To conceive my lost prize At her close, whom I knew when her dreams were upbrimming with light And with laughter her eyes …

This poem was written about the death of Hardy’s distant cousin – and possible lover – Tryphena Sparks (‘Phena’), who had been one of Hardy’s close companions in his youth. Nothing seems to have inspired Hardy to write great poetry so much as the death of a woman he was once close to but had grown estranged from: in this case, he misses not only having Phena around but also the signs and keepsakes of her life which he missed the chance to acquire while she was still alive.

However, this poem makes a virtue of an apparent regret: that he does not have any physical memento by which to remember Phena now that she has died.

6. A. E. Housman, ‘The Half-Moon Westers Low, My Love’.

The half-moon westers low, my love, And the wind brings up the rain; And wide apart lie we, my love, And seas between the twain.

I know not if it rains, my love, In the land where you do lie; And oh, so sound you sleep, my love, You know no more than I.

Housman (1859-1936) may as well be called the Laureate of the Broken Heart. In this short poem – reproduced in full above – the poem’s speaker addresses his beloved at night while she (or ‘he’: Housman had a lifelong love for Moses Jackson, whom he met at Oxford) lies miles away from him.

But there is a suggestion that the poet ‘misses’ this person in the deeper, more tragic sense: ‘so sound you sleep’ implies that the addressee has died.

7. Charlotte Mew, ‘ Absence ’.

Sometimes I know the way You walk, up over the bay; It is a wind from that far sea That blows the fragrance of your hair to me. Or in this garden when the breeze Touches my trees To stir their dreaming shadows on the grass I see you pass …

Charlotte Mew (1869-1928) was a popular poet in her lifetime, and was admired by fellow poets Ezra Pound and Thomas Hardy, among others; the latter helped to secure a Civil List pension for Mew in 1923. She is often associated with the Georgian poets, who were active in the second decade of the twentieth century and sought to modernise English poetry, albeit in a quieter and less radical way than their contemporaries, the imagists.

This poem is about missing a loved one and having that person in your thoughts while they are absent.

8. Claude McKay, ‘ Absence ’.

Your words dropped into my heart like pebbles into a pool, Rippling around my breast and leaving it melting cool.

Your kisses fell sharp on my flesh like dawn-dews from the limb, Of a fruit-filled lemon tree when the day is young and dim …

McKay (1889-1948) was a leading African-American poet of the Harlem Renaissance during the 1920s. In long lines, he discusses the absence of a loved one using immediately arresting imagery: the kisses falling like lemons from a tree is especially memorable.

9. Pablo Neruda, ‘ Love ’.

Although we may miss someone whom we remember a great deal, we can sometimes forget – unwillingly – the love and touch of someone we held dear to us. This poem from the Chilean author of sensual love poetry, Pablo Neruda (1904-73), is touching and true: ‘I have forgotten your face, I no longer / Remember your hands’, he tells his lost beloved.

10. Carol Ann Duffy, ‘ Words, Wide Night ’.

A short poem, this, to conclude our selection of poems about missing someone. This poem takes one of Carol Ann Duffy’s most important themes: how to use language to express our feelings to another (see ‘Text’ and ‘Syntax’ for two other prominent examples). If you’ve ever lain awake at night and longed to address an absent lover (or would-be lover), this poem will surely strike a chord.

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2 thoughts on “10 of the Best Poems about Missing Someone”

No Emily Dickinson?

These English poems are very good to read, i remember, few of them i learn. Thanks for sharing this, subscribed your blog for more updates.

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  • Writing Tips

Writing Tips: How to Use Miss, Mrs., Ms. and Mr.

4-minute read

  • 21st August 2020

We use titles like “Miss,” “Mrs.,” “Ms.,” and “Mr.” when using someone’s first name could sound too familiar. For instance, when addressing someone you don’t know well, you might say “Dear Ms. Turner” rather than “Dear Sophie.” But there are rules about how to use these titles in your writing .

In this post, then, we’ll look at:

  • Common female honorifics, including “Miss,” “Mrs.,” and “Ms.”
  • The male honorifics “Mr.” and “Master.”
  • Gender-neutral titles and when you might want to use them.
  • How American and British English differ in punctuating honorifics.

Read on below to find out everything you need to know.

Female Honorifics: Miss, Mrs. and Ms.

Traditionally, female honorifics are based on a woman’s marital status:

  • “Miss” refers to an unmarried woman.
  • “Mrs.” refers to a married woman.

These are still common today. However, we don’t always know the marital status of the person we’re addressing. And some women prefer not to be defined by whether they’re married. This led to the introduction of “Ms.” :

We have contacted Ms. Harris about her refund.

So, how do you know which term to use? We suggest:

  • Using “Miss” or “Mrs.” only when you know the person’s marital status and you know they don’t mind using these traditional titles.
  • Using “Ms.” as a default when you don’t know the information above.

You might also hear the word “mistress,” which used to be the full version of “Mrs.” However, it now usually refers to a woman who is taking part in an adulterous relationship, so it’s best not to use this term as a formal title!

Male Honorifics: Mr and Master

The only common male honorific is “Mr.,” which is short for “Mister.” As such, you should use this title when addressing any male in formal writing:

I spoke to Mr. Thompson yesterday.

You may also come across “Master,” which is a title for boy too young to be called “Mr.” This is quite old-fashioned, though, so it is rare outside of very formal writing, and you’re usually better off sticking with “Mr.” for simplicity.

Gender-Neutral Honorifics

The titles we’ve discussed so far are all gender specific. However, many now prefer gender-neutral titles. Probably the most common of these is “Mx.” Pronounced “mix” or “mux,” this title is popular with non-binary people and those who prefer not to be identified by their gender:

Mx. Sampson will be speaking at the event on Tuesday.

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The key is to use the person’s favoured term if you know it. So, if someone prefers to use a gender-neutral title, you should respect their choice.

American vs. British English: Punctuating Titles

In American English, we typically add a period at the end of abbreviations . And this includes titles like “Mr.” and “Mrs.” In British English, though, these titles are written without the period at the end:

US English: Mr. Selby and Mrs. Lyle are waiting outside.

UK English: Mr Selby and Mrs Lyle are waiting outside.

The same applies to dialects based on UK English, such as Australian English.

“Ms.” and “Mx.,” meanwhile, aren’t abbreviations, but we punctuate them as if they were in American English for consistency with similar titles:

Are Ms. Booth and Mx. Tate here yet?

“Miss,” however, is a full word, so it doesn’t need a period in either dialect:

US English: Miss Joyce will see you now.

UK English: Miss Joyce will see you now.

You should now be able to use these titles correctly in your writing. But if you’d like any help using these terms, or with any other aspect of your writing, why not submit a free sample document for proofreading ?

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Remembering a Person Essay Assignment

The Basics:

3-5 typed pages (8-12 paragraphs).   I encourage you to devise an original title.


In this assignment, I am asking you to write about someone you once knew well and no longer know in the same way.  

In the narrative assignment, I spelled out a fairly specific strategy that I hoped you would follow: work quickly to a climax and then explore one critical instant from several perspectives.   Here, I won’t be as specific, but I will encourage you to think about using a single, specific anecdote as the heart of your essay.   You might build up to that anecdote or you might start off with it but, either way, it will probably be the part of your essay that reveals the most individual qualities of your person.

If you do focus on an anecdote, that leaves you with the rest of the essay to describe your person in more general terms.   Think of yourself as having three different elements you will use in whatever way you think most strategic: your anecdote, your overview, and some end (usually an end both to the essay and to the relationship as you once knew it).   I want you to think about various possibilities so that you can then focus on the one that you think will be the most effective.

Appropriate topics:  

Think about the people you have known well.   It may be some childhood friend, or perhaps someone you knew in high school who has now left town.   It might also be a relative who has moved away or passed away.

You do not need to find someone who was an inseparable part of your life.   You might find that you are able to write a thoughtful essay about someone you knew well enough to take for granted, a neighbor or a teacher, for instance.

A good subject for this is someone about whom you know several stories and for whom you feel a lot of emotion.

Some pitfalls:

Beware of writing about someone you find that you did not know all that well.   It may be that you loved a grandparent very much when you were a child, but that does not necessarily mean that you knew him or her as a person.   An essay like this will probably not work if you write about someone with whom you have no clear and specific memories.   You should be able to describe at least 2-3 specific stories that involve you and that person.

Look out also for any essay that never gets particularly specific.   Stories that stay only at a general level don’t usually have the power to evoke strong reactions of any kind.   Think about what makes your person memorable and then try to find a single story that shows him or her in that particular light.

Take the idea of anecdote carefully.   Be sure to focus on a specific event and not a repeated or general series of events.   If you and your friend did a particular thing all the time, then it isn’t memorable in the way the best (or weirdest, or wildest) example of that thing is.  

Features of the best essays:

I think the best of these essays manage, first, to reveal another person in an interesting and original light.   After I read a remembering person essay, I like to close my eyes and imagine how the person looks.   The best essays make me feel as if I would recognize the person if he or she came walking down the street.

More than that, though, the very best are also about you, the writer, as much as they are about the person.   We are who we are in large part through our relationships with other people.   When you reflect on someone you now know differently, you might find that you know yourself differently as well.

  • Condolences & What To Say

‘Missing You’: 20+ Short ‘I Miss You’ Messages to Share

Updated 04/28/2022

Published 06/17/2020

Sherrie Johnson, BA in Liberal Studies

Sherrie Johnson, BA in Liberal Studies

Contributing writer

Discover the best ways to say 'missing you' including messages for friends, family, partners, and others.

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Whether we’re separated by time, distance, death, or the regular busyness of life, missing the ones we love can be a difficult process. So how can we deal with the separation in a beneficial way? By communicating what we’re feeling. 

Jump ahead to these sections:

How to say ‘missing you’ to a friend, how to say ‘missing you’ to a family member, how to say ‘missing you’ to a spouse or partner, how to say ‘missing you’ to a deceased loved one.

Sharing what we feel is an important part of relationships. After all, unless we tell people what we’re feeling, they might not ever know.

No matter what separates you from your friend, telling them things like “ you will be missed ” will help them know just how much they mean to you.

1. “I wish we could sit down for a nice long chat and a cup of coffee [or tea]. You always know how to help me feel better when I’m going through a difficult time.” 

This message is perfect for those friends who love to talk and chat over a cup of coffee or tea. Send this in an email, a text message, or over social media.

2. “I miss your hugs, your smiles, and your jokes. You are closer than a sibling and I’m so thankful you’re my friend.”

This works best for friends who feel like relatives. For those people who are closer to you than your own siblings, send this message to let them know how much they mean and how much you miss them.

3. Create a photo slideshow 

Choose pictures that make you think of your friend the most, and create a slideshow you can send them through email.

Add a message like, “Do you remember the time we [insert memory]? I love thinking back to all the fun times we’ve had together. We’ve made so many memories and I cherish them all. I hope you enjoy this walk down memory lane as much as I did.”

4. Send a card

If your friend is moving away, give them “ open when letters ” and include messages such as, “You know what I miss about you the most? Your smile. And that awesome [insert food or drink item here] that you make! I wish I could come over for some right now.”

5. “It is such a joy to be your friend. You are one of those rare people who make all those around you feel loved, blessed, and happy. Even though we’re miles away, I still hold you close and it feels like you’re right here with me.”

Whether you email, text, call, or message, sharing how much you appreciate your friend will mean the world to them. Separation is never easy, especially when the friend you’re separated from is close to you.

Keep the friendship alive by letting them know how much they mean to you and that you’re never so far away that you’ll forget their role in your life.

Whether life separates you because of a job, marriage, a long-distance move, or a career choice, being distanced from family members is never easy. Use these options to tell your loved ones how much they matter.

6. Post on their social media page 

If you want a way to publicly let them know how much you miss your family member, post to their social media page and share a message like, “Even though we’re miles apart, you are always, forever, in my heart.”

7. “No matter how many miles separate us, you are always held close in my heart and thoughts. Your love, support, care, concern, and encouragement go with me no matter where I am.”

This message works well when you’re the one moving away. It can be hard for family members to be the ones who stay behind while they watch their son/daughter/brother/sister move away. Be sure they know that the physical distance won’t diminish how much they mean to you.

8. Give them a picture frame 

Send your family member a picture frame with a picture of the two of you doing your favorite activity. Include a note that says something like, “Some of my fondest memories of spending time together are when we [insert memory depicted in picture]. I look forward to the day when we can do that again.”

9. “I look forward to spending time with you again. I know life has been busy and I may not always let you know, but I miss you. I treasure the time we’ve had together and I hope you have as many good memories as I do.”

This message works well when the busyness of life has kept you from spending time with your family member. Let them know how much they mean to you and encourage them by saying that you want to spend time together.

10. “Summer [or another season] will never be the same if we can’t spend part of it with you. This year might be different, but I look forward to the next time we can get together and enjoy the passing of the seasons.”

This message works well when traditional family gatherings can’t happen for some reason. Send this message to those you normally gather together with and let them know that you look forward to gathering once again.

Being separated from your spouse or partner is never easy. Whether they’re away on a business trip, gone to see family, or overseas, be sure to tell them just how much you miss them.

11. Write a love note 

Tuck love notes inside their suitcase for them to find when they get to their destination. Include a picture of the two of you and a message like, “We might be far apart because of business and things we can’t change, but I want you to know that not one day goes by that I don’t think of you, miss you, and wish you a safe return.”

12. “I can’t tell you how proud of you I am. I miss you like crazy but I am so proud of what you are doing. I look forward to seeing you again with all my heart.”

Sometimes our spouse is away to pursue a goal, a dream, a passion, or a business opportunity. Knowing that you support what they are doing will mean the world. Be sure to send this message when they’re away through a private message or text.

13. Send a letter 

For those spouses and partners who are incredibly close and hate being away from each other, write a letter in addition to talking while they’re away. A letter is another method for communicating how deeply you’re in love and how much you miss them.

Include sentiments such as, “I know we talk every day but I just have to say, I miss your presence. I miss your arms around me, your smile, the way you light up every room you walk into. I miss you.”

14. “I can’t wait until we see each other again. I can’t wait to talk to you for hours on end, laugh at funny things, and walk through the park hand-in-hand. I miss you more than I can say.”

When you’re married to your best friend, being apart is harder than it sounds! Send your partner a message like this to tell them how much they mean, how much you miss them, and how much you await their return.

Include a “To-Do” list with your note of things for you to do when they get back like go on a date, watch the sunset, or eat at a favorite restaurant.

15. Send video messages 

There’s nothing better than seeing the face of the one you love when you’re far away from their presence. Record yourself saying sweet messages and send one message each day during the time your partner is away.

You don’t need to record a long message. Short ones work just as well such as, “My love, I look forward so dearly to your return. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you, love you, and hold you close. I look at your picture each day and kiss you goodnight in my mind. Life is not the same without you.”

No matter what the circumstances are when a person passes away, dealing with their death is a process of grieving and healing. Telling them how much you miss them can be beneficial in dealing with their absence.

16. Take flowers to their grave

This is one of the oldest, most time-honored traditions. Visiting the grave of a loved one can help you feel closer to them even though they are no longer present.

Take flowers or another token to brighten up their headstone, and stay awhile. Share with them how you’re feeling, what you miss about them, and the fact that you wish they were still with you on earth.

17. Write a message on their social media

Many families choose to leave a loved one’s social media site up even after they’ve passed away. If this is available, post an “open letter” to the person on social media.

Let them know how much you miss them and how much they mean to you. Write to them as if they were reading the letter. Just keep in mind that other people may see it, so if you wish to make it private, send them a private message, instead.

18. Write a letter

Sometimes a short message isn’t enough. One action you could take is to write a letter. You can then take the letter to their gravesite and read it, or read it out loud at a location that is special to you and the person who’s no longer with us. 

19. Listen to music

Sometimes songs about missing someone can help us process through our feelings of sadness and grief.

Listen to these songs as well as some favorites of the person who passed away. This will help you acknowledge that you’re not alone in your grief and will help you feel closer to them through music.

20. Light a special candle

The first holiday season without a loved one can be particularly difficult. Remember them and keep them part of your family traditions by lighting a special candle in their honor, hanging a special ornament, or displaying a keepsake of theirs for all to see.

These reminders of their presence will help keep them close even when they’re no longer physically present.

21. Build a memorial

Building a memorial to remember your loved one can be done simply and in your own home.

Simply create a table with a picture of your loved one and a few things that were special to them. Every time you pass by the table, you’ll be able to pause and reflect on their place in your life and how special they were to you.

Share Your Heart

Whether we’re telling someone we love that we miss them or we’re speaking to someone who has passed away, communicating the deeper feelings of our heart is an essential part of processing our emotions.

Just remember, no matter what you say or how you say it, the most important part is simply communicating how you feel.


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The Person I Admire The Most Essay

Essay On The Person I Admire The Most - They are the people who make us believe that good things do exist. We are blessed to have those people in our life. They are the people who motivate us to grow. Here are 100, 200 and 500-word essays on “The Person I Admire The Most”.

We all have someone or another whom we admire the most. We love the other person so much that we can do anything for the other person. They are the people who make us believe that good things do exist. We are blessed to have those people in our life. They are the people who motivate us to grow. These are the people who support us to the fullest. Here are some sample essays on “The Person I Admire The Most”.

The Person I Admire The Most Essay

100 Words On The Person I Admire The Most Essay

The person I admire the most is my sister. She is an inspiration to me. She motivates me to do things that I am not sure about. She takes care of me and supports me whenever I need her. She has achieved so much at such a young age. Her attitude, patience, and confidence really inspire me a lot. She does everything in such a perfect way and never complains about her responsibilities. She is such an inspiration to me that I try to infuse her values within me. She is a person who motivates me every time I need her.

200 Words On The Person I Admire The Most Essay

When asked about a particular person, I admire the most, a lot of names come across my mind. These include my mother, sister, father, and even a few celebrities' names come to my mind. I can proudly tell that the person I admire is my grandmother. She is a woman to be looked upon. She is a great lady who has not only given enough to her home as well as to the world. She is a superwoman who handles her work beautifully simultaneously with her family. For people, Wonder Woman is Gal Gadot, but for me, Wonder Woman is my grandmother.

Why My Grandmother Is My Hero

My grandmother secured a gold medal at her graduation. She was the first female officer in the Audit General Office all over the Northeast. She is also a poet, writer, and novelist. Her work is being published, and it is getting all the love from its readers. She has also done much social work. Due to her social work, she still gets immense love from people. She inspires me a lot. She teaches me it does not matter if you are a girl or a boy, if you have the will to do a particular task you can do it. I still have a lot to learn from her, and I will continue admiring her.

500 Words On The Person I Admire The Most Essay

We all have someone or another whom we admire the most. The person I admire the most is Virat Kohli.

Virat Kohli - the Person I Admire The Most

Virat Kohli is considered one of the most successful international cricketers, and I try to imbibe some of his virtues that will help them succeed in life. Virat has always inspired me with supremacy, success, and class in his game. Regardless of the team's situation during the match, Virat always tries to finish the game with self-determination, bravery, talent, and the ability to win.

I also try to succeed in my studies by drawing inspiration from his personality traits. What made Virat Kohli a youth icon is his passion for playing cricket and winning matches for his country. His commitment to his game is no longer a hidden fact. Virat has amassed runs in his successful career due to his involvement in match runs as he does not hand wickets easily to bowlers.

Why I Admire Virat Kohli

I still remember the Ipl season of 2016 when he scored 973 in a single tournament. He shocked everyone that it is possible for a man to be so good at a craft. He had stitches in his hands despite that he made a brilliant century. This day opened my eyes that we can do it whatever may be the circumstances. That day he became an idol for me. He showed that our interest comes secondary to that of the team's interest. It is one such instance of why I love him so much.

Virat Kohli: An Inspiration

His professionalism inspires me to pursue my goals regardless of the circumstances. Virat Kohli is a fitness icon in the sports world, and athletes and their fans look up to him for his fitness. His commitment towards fitness teaches me the value of healthy living and fitness. Self-discipline and practice are the most important aspects of his personality. To master his game, Virat practised more and more to succeed.

Having firmly established himself in every format among many fierce rivals, Kohli is undoubtedly one of the crowning jewels of Indian cricket. Virat Kohli is a symbol of passion and dedication.

A source of inspiration to the youngster, he is a disciplined batsman and was a prolific captain who had led the Indian side to success under his captaincy. His never giving attitude really makes me his fan. He has always motivated me and showed me the ray of hope that with passion everything can be achieved. He is an inspiration to millions including me. His infused values will remain forever in me and he will continue to be my idol.

Therefore we all have someone or the other who makes our love worth living. One who teaches us that the sky's the limit and one who always pushes us to go out of our comfort zone. They are the people who teach us to be the best version of ourselves and we should always hold onto these people and learn from them.

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Best “i miss you” essay.

For this activity, I have only chosen one from both sections; I think this is the only essay that is well-written because of the clarity of the sentences and it has the SINCEREST intention; it doesn’t have pretensions  as it is fearless of its forecast; and more importantly, the parts of an essay are all present and it has moved me a lot. =]

by Loreyn Daradar, BSIT201

                                                 It is always so overwhelming to feel the presence of someone who truly respects you, listens to every story you will tell, and someone who will accept you even with the darkest secrets that you have. When will you realize that you are missing someone? It is when you feel so excited to see him or her again after being apart for quite some time. And maybe, when you feel uncomfortable when the thought of that person crosses your mind.

                                               This person whom I misses so much is the one I have not seen for a month or so—- “my boyfriend”. I do not know if I can still call him that way. The last thing I remember is that when we argued about the very common thing about us—my parents’ hatred for him. My parents did not like him for me. The reason is that we are still young and we have o permanent jobs yet to create our own lives in the future. At this point, we are still finishing college. But nevertheless, we still try to keep in touch through all the barriers in our relationship; although lately, the barriers become worse. Whenever he calls me at home, my parents say that I am not around eventhough I just stayed there the whole day. Because of what happened, he started being cold and uneasy. He gets mad easily, gets annoyed easily, too, although there is nothing to be mad and annoyed at. It is embarrassing but there is nothing better I could think of doing.

                                              Experiencing that situation, we decided to set the fire low between the two of us. That actually means that we will never see each other until everything goes well. So that’s it. Cool-off, whatever it is. It really confused me. Questions run in my mind like bolts of electricity. The question is like, “What the hell? Is it over?”  But those thoughts did not come out of my mouth. I just uttered “Okay”, and then we parted ways. We have no declared closure. Up to this moment I am writing this essay, I have no idea how to get on again with him. I do not really have the courage to even send a short text message to make him realize that I terribly miss him.

                                                Right now, I am making things better. I am trying to improve my grades so I will not disappoint my family. I can never really tell the future for us. But for the benefit of it, I am preparing myself when the day comes for our moment of truth. I am helping myself getting through the day although I am missing him so much. I know that when you are missing someone, you should do something on it. Act upon it. But right now, I am not sure of what I am going to do. My inspiration everyday  is the saying, ” love comes to those who wait” and “never focus on something you are not sure you are going to have.” As a whole, we should consider love as an inspiration.

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Someone Who Inspires Me — Person Who Has Influenced Me


Person Who Has Influenced Me

  • Categories: Influential Person Someone Who Inspires Me

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Words: 475 |

Published: Jan 29, 2024

Words: 475 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

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Body paragraph 1, body paragraph 2, body paragraph 3.

  • Miller, S. (2018). The Importance of Having Role Models and Mentors. Forbes. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/shelleyzalis/2018/10/24/the-importance-of-having-role-models-and-mentors/?sh=57cc70251c67
  • Koutsofta, E., & Flouri, E. (2016). How the Importance of Different Roles in Early Adolescence Predicts Later Life Satisfaction , Worthwhileness, and Depression. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 36(3), 281–304. https://doi.org/10.1177/0272431614556353

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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essay of the person whom you have missed

How to write an email to a friend you haven't contacted in a long time exercise

Writing a good email to a friend you haven't spoken to in a long time should be easy. Because you haven't been in contact in a long time, you should have a lot of interesting things to say or questions to ask them. So why do many people struggle when writing one and end up writing a boring one, a very short one or not writing one at all?

The main reason is because they don't plan before they start writing the email. Doing two things at once (thinking about what you are going to write at the same time as trying to write it) is never a good thing. So you need to sit down (or walk the dog) and just think of things to ask and tell them.

But to plan well, there are two things you need to know before doing it:

  • 1. What type of things to write about.
  • 2. How to organise what you write.

It is important that you know what type of things you should write about. There are some things that you should include in this type of email (e.g. a funny event, ask them what they are doing etc...) and some things you shouldn't (e.g. ask them to do a big favor, tell them how perfect your life is etc...).

To learn more about what type of things you should and shouldn't write in an email to a friend, read my article on ' how to write emails to friends '.

When you know what types of things to write about, you need to know how to structure this (know where to write these things in the email). Having a good structure not only makes the email easier to read for your friend, but it also makes it a lot easier and quicker to write for you.

So let's now look at the structure you should use when writing an email to a friend you haven't had contact with in a long time.

Structure of the email

  • Part 1 You begin the email by asking them short questions about how they are, what they've been doing etc... Between asking them questions, apologise for not contacting them in a long time.
  • Part 2 In this part tell them about experiences and situations that have been happening to you or plans that you have in the future. I would also recommend that you ask them questions connected to what you've written about yourself. So, if you have told them something about your job, ask them a question about theirs (e.g. 'Are you still working at .....?').
  • Part 3 In this part write about and ask them questions about shared interests (e.g. football, music etc...) or about people you both know.
  • Part 4 If you are going to invite them to something (e.g. a birthday party etc...) or you want to meet them, do it here at the end. If you are going to ask them to do something for you (and only things which they can do very quickly!), you should write it in this part.
  • Part 5 Finish the email by saying that your are looking forward to hearing from them. At the very end, pass on a greeting from somebody else (if you have one) if that person has asked you to (e.g. 'Simon says hi' or 'Sarah gives her love').

So now that you know what structure you should use, see it used in the below example email. Reading this will show you not only the structure you should use, but also give you examples of types of things to write about and English vocabulary and phrases you can use in your own emails.

After the example, you'll find a quiz/test. This has been designed to both explain how and what to write in this type of email and to make sure that you remember what to do.

To see exercises and examples for over 20 other types of emails and advice on writing them, go to our email exercise menu .

Exercise & Example:

In the following email, Bill is writing to a friend of his (John) who he hasn't had any contact with in a long time.

From the context, try to guess what the meaning and the use in the email of the words/phrases in bold are. Then do the quiz at the end to check if you are right.

How are you? It's been ages since we last spoke . I hope everything is going well.

Sorry, I haven't been in contact recently . I've been meaning to write to you for the last couple of months, but I just haven't got round to doing it. Sorry for my laziness.

What have you been up to lately? I remember you telling me that you were thinking about moving house. Did you do it or are you still living in the same place?

I don't know if you've heard , but since the last time we spoke I left my job. I'm now working at Omega in Manchester. It's a similar job to what I had before, but I have more responsibility (and more hours unfortunately) and the pay is better (which is nice). Are you still working at Tyson or have you changed too?

I've also bought a new car (a Honda Civic). You know how I don't like to spend money, but I had to buy a new car after the car I had (the blue Ford escort) kept breaking down. The last time it happened, I was in the middle of the nowhere. I had to wait for 2 hours until the break down service arrived!

Apart from that, nothing much has changed . I'm still living in the same house in Sheffield and still going trekking in the mountains every other weekend.

A funny thing happened to me and Julia when we were in trekking in Wales about 2 months ago. We were walking up Snowden when it suddenly started to snow. I thought that it wouldn't last for long, so we continued going up. But it did and it got a lot worse. So we decided to turn back and return to the car.

Unfortunately, when we eventually got back to the car, we couldn't move it because of the snow. After an hour of trying to dig it out, it still wouldn't move. At that point, we had to decide whether we'd stay in the car the night or walk back to the nearest village, which was 10 miles away. We decided to walk to the village.

It took us over three hours to walk to the village. As you can imagine, Julia wasn't happy. She blamed me for everything and refused to talk to me for most of the journey. An interesting weekend to say the least.

In summer (so fortunately no snow!) we're planning to go to the Pyrenees in Spain for a week. You've been there, haven't you? Have you got any suggestions of places which we should visit when we are over there?

Are you still going to watch Leeds United? They are not having a good season this year. But that's nothing new!

Have you heard anything from Jeff? I was thinking the other day about when we all went to London for the weekend. Do you remember how drunk he was on the Saturday? You had to take him back to the hotel in a taxi and put him to bed. Always trouble, but such a nice guy.

We really should meet up some time . Go out for a few drinks at the pub? Let me know if you fancy it.

Anyway , I have to get back to doing some work.

Hope to hear from you soon.

P.S. Julia gives her love.

Below is a definition/description of each of the words/phrases in bold from the above text. Now choose the word/phrase from the question's selection box which you believe answers each question. Only use one word/phrase once. Click on the "Check Answers" button at the bottom of the quiz to check your answers.

1. A phrase you use in the email to introduce an amusing/funny story, is

2. A suggestion to meet with the person, is

3. A phrase used to ask your friend if they are continuing doing something (e.g. a job), is

4. A phrase that is used to apologise for not having contacted/spoken to your friend earlier, is

5. A word that is used in emails to inform the person reading it that the email is about to end, is

6. A phrase which is used to introduce some important news you want to tell to your friend about, is

7. A phrase used when you want to ask your friend about something they were planning to do, is

8. An abbreviation which is used at the very end of the email that you can use to introduce a greeting from somebody to the person you are writing to, is

9. A phrase that means 'it's been a long time since we had contact', is

10. A phrase used to introduce an experience or situation from the past, is

11. A phrase used when you want to tell your friend what things are the same since the last time you spoke, is

12. A phrase used when you want to ask your friend about another person, is

Now that you understand the topics to write about, vocabulary to use and structure; practise them by writing your own email to a friend you haven't spoken to in long time.

©2024, Blair English

This is me, Chris Clayton, the owner and main writer for Blair English. I'm also a part-time English teacher in sunny Spain. I have a love of history and the web. I hope you find the website useful.

English Recap

9 Polite Ways to Email Someone After They Missed a Meeting

essay of the person whom you have missed

Are you concerned about how to politely tell someone they missed a meeting?

Perhaps you’re worried about the best way to approach this situation in formal cases.

Well, it’s a good thing you came across this article.

We’ll teach you how to email someone about a meeting they missed to ensure you hit that polite tone just right!

Is It Rude to Tell Someone They Missed a Meeting?

It is not rude to tell someone they missed a meeting. You can do it whenever you need to, especially if the meeting is quite important.

For the most part, it’s best to do this in an email . You can also take someone into your office and bring it up privately.

However, we don’t recommend calling someone out for missing a meeting in front of others. After all, you never know exactly why they missed the meeting until they tell you!

There is a chance they won’t want to say their reason in front of others. That’s why it’s always better to do it privately.

  • It’s a clear way to let someone know they were supposed to attend a meeting.
  • In an email, it’s often quite a formal choice.
  • If you don’t know someone’s reason or excuse, it could lead to difficulty or complications.
  • It’s sometimes unnecessary.

So, there’s nothing wrong with telling someone they missed a meeting. However, now, you have to come up with some good phrases to get your point across politely.

Keep reading to learn what to say when someone doesn’t show up for a meeting. We’ve gathered a list of some of the best synonyms to help you explore your options.

How to Politely Tell Someone They Missed a Meeting

  • You couldn’t make it to the meeting
  • We missed you at the meeting
  • It’s a shame you couldn’t attend the meeting
  • Unfortunately, you weren’t able to attend the meeting
  • Regrettably, you missed the meeting
  • I can see you were unable to attend
  • Don’t worry that you couldn’t make it
  • Did you forget about the meeting?
  • I’d like to rearrange this for when you’re free

1. You Couldn’t Make It to the Meeting

We recommend starting with “you couldn’t make it to the meeting.”

This is a great way to be polite when you realize someone didn’t attend a meeting.

It works best when emailing an employee . It shows that you noticed their absence and you’d like to hear why they weren’t able to attend.

For the most part, it retains a formal and genuine tone. So, even if something bad happened, you can use this to ask why someone wasn’t available.

Also, you can review this email sample to learn more about it:

Dear Matilda, You couldn’t make it to the meeting , and I’d like to know why. However, I’ve also attached the minutes from the meeting to show you what you missed. Best wishes, Katie Cleric

2. We Missed You at the Meeting

Next, you can write “we missed you at the meeting.”

This is a great synonym if you’re trying to sound more friendly and caring . It shows that you were hoping someone would be able to attend, but you noticed they were absent.

For the most part, this works best when contacting a coworker .

It shows you hope they’re okay, and you want to check in to find out why they might not have been able to make it.

If you’re still unsure how it works, you can check out this example:

Dear Michelle, We missed you at the meeting this morning. Is everything okay? Let me know if I can help with anything. Yours, George Cornforth

3. It’s a Shame You Couldn’t Attend the Meeting

You can also write “it’s a shame you couldn’t attend the meeting” when you want to email a professor who missed a meeting.

For instance, let’s say an important speaker in your professor’s field came to your college.

Well, it might have been a good chance for your professor to meet them, but they might have been too busy.

This phrase keeps things sincere and formal when you want to highlight that your professor missed something quite important.

Of course, you might not know why they missed the meeting. This phrase is good, even if you’re unsure about why.

Check out the following example if you’d like more help with it:

Dear Ms. Martinson, It’s a shame you couldn’t attend the meeting . I learned a lot from it, and I hope you’ll be free next time! Best wishes, Sian Grimes

4. Unfortunately, You Weren’t Able to Attend the Meeting

You can also use “unfortunately, you weren’t able to attend the meeting.” This can work well if you want to tell your boss they missed a meeting.

For instance, your team might have set up a meeting about a project that you all wanted your boss to attend. It could have been a good chance for them to see how things were developing.

However, if your boss chooses not to attend (or simply can’t make it), it means they miss out on valuable information.

So, this keeps things respectful and sincere when reminding someone they missed a meeting.

If you still need help, check out this example:

Dear Mr. Clarkson, Unfortunately, you weren’t able to attend the meeting . However, we managed to take notes of what was discussed. Yours, Brian May

5. Regrettably, You Missed the Meeting

You can also write “regrettably, you missed the meeting” in a no-show email to an employee .

This phrase allows you to email someone who is not attending a meeting. It suggests that you did not see them there, so you can only assume they decided not to attend.

From there, you can ask for their reasons. It’s quite a formal and direct way to get an excuse out of someone if you need to know more.

Also, it’s worth reviewing this example to learn more about it:

Dear Paola, Regrettably, you missed the meeting . Please get back to me when you can to explain why that was the case. All the best, Bethany Shaw

6. I Can See You Were Unable to Attend

You can also write “I can see you were unable to attend” when someone wasn’t able to go to a meeting.

This suggests that you had access to the attendance report and noticed an employee wasn’t present.

You should use this to privately find out the reason why they didn’t show. After all, there could be any number of reasons why an employee wasn’t able to go to a meeting.

Also, it’s worth reviewing this email sample to find out more:

Dear Hillary, I can see you were unable to attend this meeting. Do you have a reason as to why you couldn’t make it? Yours, Georgina Nelson

7. Don’t Worry That You Couldn’t Make It

We recommend writing “don’t worry that you couldn’t make it” in more friendly situations.

For instance, this works well when a colleague can’t attend a meeting.

If you reach out to them after the meeting, a phrase like this will put their mind at ease .

It suggests that they might have missed a meeting, but they weren’t expected to attend. So, they won’t have to worry too much about explaining whatever led them to miss the meeting.

You can also review this example if you need more help:

Dear Matilda, Don’t worry that you couldn’t make it . It wasn’t the most important meeting, and our boss didn’t seem to mind. All the best, Zoe Jones

8. Did You Forget About the Meeting?

We haven’t touched on any question alternatives yet, so let’s do that briefly!

You can ask “did you forget about the meeting?” as a light-hearted and friendly synonym.

It’s a good one if you get on well with the email recipient. For instance, you can use it when reaching out to a coworker who might have missed a meeting.

If the meeting was worth attending, it might be wise for you to share some details about it. That way, the question remains polite while also helping the coworker to understand what they missed.

If you’re still unsure how it works, check out this example:

Dear Margaret, Did you forget about the meeting? I’ve attached some notes that I took since you missed quite a lot of information. All the best, Ron Denver

9. I’d Like to Rearrange This for When You’re Free

Finally, we recommend writing “I’d like to rearrange this for when you’re free.”

This works well if a student misses a meeting . For instance, you might want to meet with a student regarding their recent grades or performance.

If they were unable to attend a scheduled meeting, you might need to rearrange one for a time that’s better for them.

This is a reasonable and respectful way to let a student know you’re happy to meet them on another day.

Also, you can review this email example to find out more:

Dear Morris, I’d like to rearrange this for when you’re free since you missed the first one. Don’t worry; we’ll work it around your schedule this time. Best wishes, Dan Bradbury

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essay of the person whom you have missed

When to use “miss” and “missed”

  • by Amnah Shurfa
  • 31 May 2019

What’s the difference between “I miss you” and “I missed you”?

As you may know, it’s the school holidays and for me, it’s the time to  balik kampung  and connect with family and loved ones.

So I didn’t get the chance to write a post yesterday (Thursday) because of this. Now that I’ve found some time to write, I thought I’d share something that Azimah posted on our Instagram Stories .

The difference between “I miss you” and “I missed you”.

This is a mistake we often see among Malaysians and second language learners.

“I missed you” is often said when you fail to meet somebody at an event.

Example: “I missed you last night because you went home early.”

It can also be said when you no longer miss that person.

Example: “I missed you (but not anymore because you’re here now).”

Now, “I miss you” is said when you feel longing for a person. 

Example: “I miss you very much and hope to see you soon.”

This is a way to express how much you miss a person right now.

Check out how “missed” and “miss” are used below:

We missed Mama so much that we took a road trip to Kelantan. When we saw Mama, we said, “We missed you so much, Mama.” When it was time to head back to KL, we said, “I will miss you, Mama.” Now that we’re back in KL, this is what we said to Mama over the phone, “I miss you so much, Mama.”

I hope this has been helpful! Happy Holidays and  Selamat Hari Raya !

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Tell us about the person who has most impacted your life and why – Sample answers & more

Life is an amazing journey . We are born with nothing and die with nothing, but in-between those two points in time, we experience ups and downs and meet hundreds of people. Some of them venture into our life for a brief moment only. And some stay there for decades. And then you have a special group , people who impacted your life in a major way . Those who helped you shape your values and opinions , or even make you to change them completely. Or people who gave you a helping hand in your humble beginnings , and helped you reach the life you live right now. Think about it for a while. Every meeting has an impact on our life , regardless of whether we realize it or not.

Anyway, when facing this question in an interview –be it a job interview or a school admission interview, you do not necessarily have to come up with something groundbreaking. The key is to show your ability to give other people credit , to appreciate the value of human connections, and to show that you are a grateful individual, someone who can appreciate good things in life, instead of constantly complaining about this or that thing.

The person who has impacted your life can be someone very close to you –your mother, brother, your son or daughter, your life partner. But it can also be a role model you looked up to , such as some sporting celebrity, or a scientist, and have been trying to model your life after . You can also opt for a rather philosophical answer, giving credit to all people you’ve been lucky to meet in your life. Let’s have a look a t sample answers for each of these options and more.

7 sample answers to “Tell us about the person who has most impacted your life and why” interview question

  • My mother . And I mean it in a good way. She always tried to raise me in a humble way, without spoiling me as a child . She encouraged me to ask questions, and to read a lot. And she never tried to convince me to follow her faith or her views. On the contrary, she wanted to me find my own path in life, to decide on my own. I am forever grateful to her , and definitely my life would not be the same without her. And I hope to follow her example one day when I also have my own family.
  • It may surprise you, but I have to pick my daughter . Before having her, when I was living on my own, life was simple in a way. You tried something, it didn’t work, you moved on. If you didn’t like the city, you got a rent in a new one, found some job, and went on with life. But as a single mother, I couldn’t roam around freely anymore. And it isn’t a bad thing. Because my daughter made me more responsible , and she taught me to plan life, to plan my days, to set goals, to try to actually give my life some structure . She has impacted the way I spend my days more than anyone else has ever done, and I guess there won’t be anyone with such an impact from now on.
  • No doubt it is my husband, Noah. He was the half I have been always missing , and made my life complete. Of course, we experience arguments sometimes–it belongs to every marriage, but we also complement each other wonderfully , and I feel my life is so much better with him. We learn from each other, and help each other to grow both personally and professionally. He has impacted my life in a way nobody has ever done.
  • My answer may surprise you, but I have to pick one of my high school teachers , Mr. B. As many others, I had my crisis of adolescence a few years ago. Suddenly I didn’t see a point in studying, and almost dropped out of high school. I hanged up with wrong guys, got involved in addictions, and so on. Many people gave up on me, but Mr. B didn’t . He got me some books to read, and often talked to me in person. Believing in my potential as a student and helping me to see a meaningful purpose in life, he helped me get back on track, graduate, and eventually be able to apply for a place at your college. Without him I would likely sit in prison now, or roam the streets. But I have a clear direction in life, and I am motivated to reach my goals. Credit goes to the teacher, and I am eternally grateful for the connection.
  • I have to go with Mahatma Gandhi . I’ve been his admirer since childhood, and the way he acted towards others and lived his life has had a profound impact on my decisions, and my own relationships. I think it is great to have a role model you can look up to. Of course, I realize I am not going to become the next Gandhi , though no doubt our age would need one. But I have my own path, my own dreams, and whenever I am unsure how to approach this or that situation, I can think what my role model would do in the same situation. It helps a great deal to be honest.
  • I think it would be a mistake to give credit to one person only . In my opinion, every interaction we have impacts our life , though the way in which it does it isn’t always obvious. But all the words we here and scenes we seen in interactions with others form us, and no doubt have some impact on our decisions , and subsequently on our life. The way I am today, the way I think and talk to you, is the result of all these interactions. Some people may have played a bigger role than others, but then you also never really know . I can just say that I am grateful for the diversity of my connections , and cannot wait to get to know even more interesting people at your school.
  • Actually it was a stranger . It is a situation I will never forget. I was walking home from work, lost in thoughts after another difficult day, tired, and with headphones. It was raining and the visibility was poor. Walking the same streets every day I didn’t pay particular attention to what was going on around me. However, exactly on that day the city changed the traffic signs, and I, unaware of it and absent from my surroundings , walked straight into the line of a car that was speeding its way. Suddenly I saw it, just meters away, still going pretty fast. I froze. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was a short instant, but a random passerby grabbed me and and pulled me back , so I escaped the collision at the last moment. This person has impacted my life more than anyone else, since without him I would likely not live anymore . Or I would end up on a wheelchair, or whatever. Anyway, I am eternally grateful to him, and walk with my eyes open ever since. Not only to avoid making the same mistake, but also to be able to help someone else in a similar situation…

Ready to answer this one? I hope so! Do not forget to check also 7 sample answers to other tricky interview questions:

  • Who has impacted you most in your professional career?
  • What inspires you in life?
  • Tell us about a time when you felt overwhelmed with work.
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Help! Our Cruise Operator Went Bankrupt and We Are Out $17,905.

A couple purchased an Arabian Sea voyage, but Vantage, the cruise company, went under. Their travel insurance was supposed to cover financial default, but the claim was repeatedly denied.

An illustration of a dollar bill folded up to resemble a boat sinking in a whirlpool in a sea of green.

By Seth Kugel

Dear Tripped Up,

In September 2022, I booked a 17-day Arabian Sea cruise through Vantage Travel Services to celebrate my 80th birthday with my wife. The cruise was to set sail in October 2023. I used my credit card to leave a $2,000 deposit and paid the remaining $17,905 shortly afterward by bank transfer. I also bought the Worldwide Trip Protector plan from Travel Insured International (for $1,954), in part because it covered financial default and bankruptcy of cruise lines. Vantage then canceled the cruise and offered me an alternative date I could not make; I also declined their offer of credit and asked for a refund, which they agreed to. But no refund ever came, and they stopped answering the phone. My credit card returned the $2,000, and I filed an insurance claim for $17,905. It was denied, as was my first appeal. Then Vantage filed for bankruptcy, and my second appeal was denied too. The reasons given by the insurer were outrageous. They cited a vague parenthetical phrase in the policy’s bankruptcy clause, claiming I wasn’t covered because I purchased the cruise directly from the cruise line (rather than, say, through a travel adviser). Then they said my policy lapsed when I canceled the trip. But I did not cancel; Vantage did. I also filed a complaint with the New York State Department of Financial Services, which was rejected. Can you help? Michael, Smithtown, N.Y.

Dear Michael,

When Boston-based Vantage filed for bankruptcy last year, it owed thousands of customers a total of $108 million for cruises and other travel products they had paid for but never received. The company’s former owner is facing lawsuits in New York and Pennsylvania. But you had purchased an insurance policy to cover just such a risk, a smart move. Or so you thought until the insurance company, Travel Insured International, denied your claim and then used exasperating logic to fend off your two appeals, first interpreting the policy’s financial default and bankruptcy clause in a maddening way and then twisting the meaning of the word “cancel.”

You made a few mistakes as well — most notably, by making a claim based on a financial default that had not yet happened. But after speaking with law professors, insurance experts and competing insurance companies, I believe Travel Insured International was wrong, at least by the time of your second appeal, and should pay up.

What does it have to say for itself? For nearly five months, Travel Insured International and its parent company, Crum & Forster, did not respond to my detailed inquiries. Days before publication, however, a spokeswoman, Amy Whilldin, sent the following statement:

“The claim was properly considered, and the correct determination was made based on the facts of this claim, which was to the satisfaction of both the New York Department of Financial Services and the New York State attorney general.”

Ms. Whilldin is correct about the state’s financial services department . An examiner with the department, which regulates the insurance industry, rejected your complaint. “After a review of the policy language," he wrote, “we do not find they are acting in an arbitrary or capricious manner,” referring to Travel Insured International. I disagree with that determination, as we are about to get into.

But the attorney general’s office was not satisfied. You had complained to its Department of Consumer Frauds and Protection, and they did not receive a response from the company. “Despite our repeated efforts,” an employee wrote, “they have failed to respond.” The letter goes on to recommend you consider suing the company.

I have a better idea. You should file a formal grievance with Travel Insured International, which under your policy allows you to submit new evidence, and if that fails even argue your case in person. (You told me you are not interested in a third option, to accept travel credits under the conditions offered by the Australian company that bought Vantage’s assets.)

In the meantime, your story provides great lessons on how travelers should choose the appropriate travel insurance policy, and what can go wrong even when they do.

In your initial claim to Travel Insured International, filed in late 2022, you cited Vantage’s “very poor record” in refunding its customers and your “assumption that the company is in default in making payments.”

This was an error: Your policy defines financial default as “the total cessation of operations,” and Vantage at the time was running at least some cruises. Travel Insured International’s response simply said that “your travel supplier canceling your trip is not a covered reason.” True.

When you first appealed in April, Vantage was two months short of declaring bankruptcy outright, and was not yet in financial default as defined by the policy. But it was teetering. (That one of its cruises left at all made headlines in The Boston Globe .) This time, Travel Insured International denied your claim, citing the bankruptcy clause, which protects policy holders in case of “Bankruptcy or default of an airline, cruise line, tour operator or other travel provider (other than the Travel Supplier, tour operator, travel agency, organization or firm from whom you purchased your travel arrangements).”

That parenthetical says you are not covered if the organization that sold you the cruise goes bankrupt. You purchased the cruise directly from Vantage, so you are not covered, according to the claims adjuster’s reasoning. (Why the company even cited this clause, if the cruise line was not yet in default, remains a mystery.)

Similar clauses appear in many travel policies, but that’s not what they’re supposed to mean, said Loretta Worters, vice president for media relations at the Insurance Information Institute , an industry group.

Such provisions, she explained, are intended to exclude coverage for an unscrupulous or financially flailing middleman that goes belly-up after collecting your money but before passing it along to the actual travel provider.

“Some of these are fly-by-night, travel-agencies-in-their-kitchen kinds of things,” Ms. Worters said. ( We encountered one such agency in a previous Tripped Up column .)

Guess who agreed with Ms. Worters: The agent who answered the phone when I called Travel Insured International’s customer care line as a potential customer. I asked about the clause and she agreed it was ambiguous, checking with a supervisor before saying: “If you are booking directly with the company and the company itself goes under default or bankruptcy, you would be able to file a claim for the nonrefundable portion of your trip.”

Ms. Whilldin, the spokeswoman for Travel Insured International, did not specifically answer my question about this apparent conflict. But it seems their claims adjuster made a mistake, aided by the ambiguous language of the underwriter who wrote the policy. (That’s United States Fire Insurance, another Crum & Forster company.)

Now, let’s discuss the second appeal. “Once you cancel your trip, the coverage under the plan ends,” Travel Insured International said. Your argument is that you did not cancel; Vantage did.

I think almost anyone who isn’t a lawyer would agree with you. But Oren Bar-Gill , a professor at Harvard Law School and the author of “Seduction by Contract: Law, Economics and Psychology in Consumer Markets,” explained to me the opposing argument. Vantage was contractually allowed to change the dates or offer credit, and you refused, the equivalent of canceling.

But, he added, when Vantage agreed to refund your cruise, it could be “considered a waiver of their contractual rights,” weakening the argument that you canceled your contract.

In a lawsuit New York State filed against the now-defunct Vantage and its former owner, Henry Lewis, the issue also comes up: The suit says Vantage “deceptively” mislabeled cancellations as “postponements.”

Even Travel Insured International admitted that Vantage had canceled, in its original letter rejecting your claim. “It is our understanding that your travel supplier, Vantage, canceled your cruise,” the claims adjuster wrote. Somehow, however, by the third response you had gone from cancelee to canceler.

You also missed a red flag when you chose your policy. Suzanne Morrow, the chief executive of InsureMyTrip , where you found your plan, told me you called the company within minutes of your purchase and asked an agent to point you to the bankruptcy clause. (You confirmed this to me.)

That means you’re not the typical insurance customer blindsided by small print you never read. If you were so concerned about the cruise line’s solvency, you could have canceled your plan during the insurer’s “free look” period and chosen one with more straightforward language — I found several on the InsureMyTrip website.

What lessons can we take away from your debacle?

To begin with, pay for everything with a credit card when your credit limit allows. Because of an odd quirk in a 1974 law , card issuers are required to reimburse you if the company you interacted with goes bankrupt.

Beyond that, the basic advice for travel insurance remains unchanged: Shop for a plan separately through a provider you trust or an aggregator like InsureMyTrip, rather than adding trip protection by checking a box just before you purchase a big-ticket item. Read the policy summaries fully and click through to the actual policy document to read fine print on issues that concern you most (say, bankruptcy protection or medical coverage for pre-existing conditions).

If you don’t understand anything, call the company. If it cannot answer satisfactorily and follow up in writing, choose another provider.

If you need advice about a best-laid travel plan that went awry, send an email to [email protected] .

Follow New York Times Travel on Instagram and sign up for our weekly Travel Dispatch newsletter to get expert tips on traveling smarter and inspiration for your next vacation. Dreaming up a future getaway or just armchair traveling? Check out our 52 Places to Go in 2024 .

Seth Kugel is the columnist for “ Tripped Up ,” an advice column that helps readers navigate the often confusing world of travel. More about Seth Kugel

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Justin Long Shares Why He Still Has 'Deep Affection' For Ex Drew Barrymore

Kimberley Richards

Trends Reporter, HuffPost

essay of the person whom you have missed

Justin Long ’s romantic relationship with Drew Barrymore might’ve ended years ago, but clearly the affection he feels toward her has remained the same.

In an appearance on podcast “Dinner’s on Me with Jesse Tyler Ferguson ” posted on Tuesday, Long shared that he still has “deep affection” for Barrymore, whom he dated on and off from 2007 to 2010.

Long was reflecting on his emotional reunion with Barrymore in a 2022 appearance on her show, “The Drew Barrymore Show,” telling host Jesse Tyler Ferguson that being on his ex-girlfriend’s show reminded him of Barrymore’s “wonderful” glow.

“I know her so well, and when I’m with her there’s such a familiarity that I swear to God, Jesse, I forgot the nature of the thing,” he said, explaining that he had momentarily forgotten he was speaking in front of a live audience during his conversation with Barrymore.

“I don’t think love disappears,” he later continued. “I meant that, I mean that about her. When I think of her... I have such deep affection and always root for her. I love her.”

Long, who’s now married to fellow actor Kate Bosworth , then admitted that at the time, he didn’t consider how his exchange with Barrymore would’ve affected his then-girlfriend Bosworth until he heard other people’s reaction to the episode.

“This makes me sound kind of, like, thoughtless, but I didn’t consider that it might be a really weird thing for her (Bosworth) until I heard people’s reaction,” he said. “It was so not weird for her.”

The “Goosebumps” actor said that Bosworth had even sent Barrymore flowers after Long taped the episode.

Barrymore posted a video on Instagram thanking Bosworth for the flowers at the time, calling the “Blue Crush” actor her “hero.”

Drew Barrymore and Justin Long photographed on Aug. 23, 2010, in Los Angeles, California.

Long told Barrymore in his 2022 appearance on her daytime show that he will always love her. The two reflected on their past romance during that episode, with Barrymore declaring that they were “hedonistic” and “immature” when they were lovers.

“We would get together, we would break up. There was chaos ― it was hella fun!” she said.

Bosworth appeared on Barrymore’s show months later and told the host that she was “so excited” about Long’s appearance on the show.

“There’s so much love between the two of you,” Bosworth said.

She later added that she was raised to believe that the love between two people in a relationship might later “occupy another space of the heart, but it doesn’t go away.”

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Kate Hudson Says Daughter Rani Is a ‘Firecracker’ and Already ‘Very Particular About Her Wardrobe’ (Exclusive)

The actress is mom to three kids — sons Ryder and Bingham and daughter Rani

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Kate Hudson's daughter is following in her mother's fashionable footsteps.

Speaking with PEOPLE for this week's cover story, Hudson, who released her debut album,  Glorious , on Friday, May 17, opened up about her daughter Rani, 5, whom she shares with fiancé Danny Fujikawa , 37. Noting that she's gotten so big, Hudson says she's "like the Karlie Kloss of her grade. She's so tall."

"She's the best. She's so magical," the proud mom continues. "She's definitely her mother's daughter. It takes her forever to get out of the house. She's very particular about her wardrobe and her clothes and her vibe."

"She is just a total firecracker, but then she's much more emotional than I think I was when I was little. She's much more of an empath where I was like, yeah. She's just very empathetic and emotional," Hudson noted.

Never miss a story — sign up for PEOPLE's free daily newsletter to stay up-to-date on the best of what PEOPLE has to offer, from juicy celebrity news to compelling human interest stories. 

Alongside Rani, Hudson is mom to sons Ryder, 20, whom she shares with ex Chris Robinson , and Bingham, 12, whom she shares with ex Matt Bellamy .

Later in the interview, Hudson spoke about how close her family is , especially with her exes' other children.

“We are very connected, and we are very close,” Hudson says. “Love can change form. It’s interesting when you have that modern family; there’s so much love for all the kids.” 

For more on Kate Hudson, pick up the latest issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands Friday, or subscribe  here .

Kate Hudson /Instagram 

“I think the thing that's so unique about my life is that in this very patchwork family, we all have figured it out … The kids feel like they have this huge family,” she says, adding that her exes' daughters and Rani “are like sisters … There is something that has been able to be nurtured in our family that is personally what I think is, it's very rare.”

The actress says she recently watched over Bellamy’s daughter Lovella while he and Elle were away.

“I'm like, ‘Yeah, come, bring her over,’” Hudson recalls. “And I'm sitting with all the kids and I'm like, I am so happy we have this real family unit that’s big. It’s beautiful. Everybody’s open to it and understands it’s the most mature thing for the kids. And you can see it in them — they feel loved, they feel protected, they feel safe.”

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In January, Hudson spoke to PEOPLE about how she prioritizes making time for her three kids at the end of a busy work day.

"I am busy, I am  really  busy, but my day is done at 5:00 p.m., and I am in that kitchen making them something," Hudson said of spending time with her kids.

Even though she tries to prioritize quality time with her family, the  Almost Famous  star said that her busy lifestyle sometimes makes it challenging to always be around.

"It's hard to get it together when you are a working mom, and it was especially hard when I was a single mom," she noted. "But at the end of the day, I want people to not put so much pressure on themselves."

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  6. The Person i Admire The Most

    essay of the person whom you have missed


  1. my best friends🐶🐶🐶


  3. The Ninth Man by Mary Heaton Vorse

  4. essay on the person I like most/paragraph on the person I like most in english

  5. there’dn’t’ve

  6. This is very serious. The person whom you love blindly is deleting their call history because...God


  1. 10 Words to Describe Missing Someone a Lot

    It defines an emotional response, highlighting the strong attachment to and the significance of the person who is being missed. This state of mind can motivate prospective actions or decisions aimed at reconnecting with the loved one in a story. 2. Emptiness Definition. Void, absence; feeling devoid of somebody that you miss. Examples

  2. How Do You Determine Whether to Use Who or Whom?

    Response: "Him.". ( Whom is correct.) Note, however, that sometimes you can avoid the problem of determining which form to use by omitting a relative pronoun altogether, and the result is often an improvement. For example, the sentence "I am the person who you are looking for" is better rendered as "I am the person you are looking for

  3. Who vs. Whom: A Simple Way to Determine Which Word to Use

    you ask. First, way to be vigilant about calling out gender inequality. Second, no need to worry! This mnemonic device simply utilizes the male pronouns him and he to help you determine whether to use who vs. whom. Once you know which word to use in the question, you can substitute the appropriate pronoun in the answer.

  4. Who vs. Whom: When and How to Use Them with Examples

    Who or whom—quick tips. Whether you're a native English speaker or not, you can use who and whom the right way to raise your credibility and communicate more clearly. Remembering any of the following tips can help you choose the right one: The person performing the action is who, while the one having the action done to them is whom.

  5. How to Deal With Missing Someone

    Coping Tips When You're Missing Someone. Maccario offers some things you can do to cope with the feeling of missing someone: Accept and understand what you are feeling and try to express yourself. Engage in activities that can help you divert your attention and mood. Interact with other people and make new connections.

  6. Essay Samples on Someone Who Inspires Me

    To aid you in your writing process, we provide a sample essay about someone who inspires you. It serves as a guiding light, illustrating the structure, tone, and depth needed to craft an outstanding piece. Drawing inspiration from this sample, embrace your unique voice, infuse your essay with passion, and let your words leave an indelible mark ...

  7. 10 of the Best Poems about Missing Someone

    This poem is about missing a loved one and having that person in your thoughts while they are absent. 8. Claude McKay, ' Absence '. Your words dropped into my heart like pebbles into a pool, Rippling around my breast and leaving it melting cool. Your kisses fell sharp on my flesh like dawn-dews from the limb,

  8. On Absence: Missing someone. This text is part of a series of essays

    Missing someone is a complex feeling. Sometimes it's a positive feeling and connects us to the memory of the person we miss. Sometimes it's negative as it makes us feel anxious and lonely. Most of…

  9. Writing Tips: How to Use Miss, Mrs., Ms. and Mr.

    Female Honorifics: Miss, Mrs. and Ms. Traditionally, female honorifics are based on a woman's marital status: "Miss" refers to an unmarried woman. "Mrs." refers to a married woman. These are still common today. However, we don't always know the marital status of the person we're addressing. And some women prefer not to be defined ...

  10. Remembering a Person Essay Assignment

    Remembering a Person Essay Assignment. 3-5 typed pages (8-12 paragraphs). I encourage you to devise an original title. In this assignment, I am asking you to write about someone you once knew well and no longer know in the same way. In the narrative assignment, I spelled out a fairly specific strategy that I hoped you would follow: work quickly ...

  11. 'Missing You': 20+ Short 'I Miss You' Messages to Share

    9. "I look forward to spending time with you again. I know life has been busy and I may not always let you know, but I miss you. I treasure the time we've had together and I hope you have as many good memories as I do." This message works well when the busyness of life has kept you from spending time with your family member.

  12. The Person I Admire The Most Essay

    They are the people who motivate us to grow. Here are 100, 200 and 500-word essays on "The Person I Admire The Most". We all have someone or another whom we admire the most. We love the other person so much that we can do anything for the other person. They are the people who make us believe that good things do exist.


    And maybe, when you feel uncomfortable when the thought of that person crosses your mind. This person whom I misses so much is the one I have not seen for a month or so—- "my boyfriend". I do not know if I can still call him that way. The last thing I remember is that when we argued about the very common thing about us—my parents ...

  14. Person Who Has Influenced Me: [Essay Example], 475 words

    Person Who Has Influenced Me. When it comes to reflecting upon the people who have had a profound impact on one's life, it is difficult not to think of those who have contributed to our personal growth, values, and aspirations. Throughout my life, I have been fortunate enough to have many people who have influenced me in various ways.

  15. I'm Glad You Called

    Cassandra Lipp. Cassandra Lipp is managing editor of Writer's Digest. She is the author of Queen City Records, which tells the stories behind the indie record shops of Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. Her work has appeared in Greener Pastures, The Belladonna, Little Old Lady, Points in Case, and Ohio's Best Emerging Poets 2019.

  16. Describe a memory of someone whom you miss in an essay

    The question requires you to describe a memory involving a person that you miss. This could be a loved one, a friend, or even an acquaintance who has had a significant impact on your life. Think about specific moments you shared with this person that were significant to you. Maybe it was a specific event, a conversation, or a shared experience ...

  17. Missing You

    Missing You. I miss you when something really good happens, because you're the one I want to share it with. I miss you when something is troubling me, because you're the only one who understands me so well. I miss you when I laugh and cry, because I know that you're the one who makes my laughter grow and my tears disappear.

  18. How to write an email to a friend you haven't contacted in a long time

    A suggestion to meet with the person, is. We really should meet up some time: (phrase) In an email sent to a friend where there has been no contact in a long time, you should (if you live near them) make a suggestion to meet with them at the end of the email. This is what 'we really should meet up some time' is used to do.

  19. 9 Polite Ways to Email Someone After They Missed a Meeting

    5. Regrettably, You Missed the Meeting. You can also write "regrettably, you missed the meeting" in a no-show email to an employee. This phrase allows you to email someone who is not attending a meeting. It suggests that you did not see them there, so you can only assume they decided not to attend.

  20. When to use "miss" and "missed"

    Example: "I miss you very much and hope to see you soon.". This is a way to express how much you miss a person right now. Check out how "missed" and "miss" are used below: We missed Mama so much that we took a road trip to Kelantan. When we saw Mama, we said, "We missed you so much, Mama.". When it was time to head back to KL ...

  21. Describe someone whom you miss

    Describe someone whom you miss. Describe someone whom you miss. When somebody asks me who the person I miss a lot is, I will say my mom. My. mother is the greatest woman that I have ever met. I do believe that every person in this. fantastic world will have a moment that we really miss our mother.

  22. Tell us about the person who has most impacted your life and why

    The person who has impacted your life can be someone very close to you -your mother, brother, your son or daughter, your life partner. But it can also be a role model you looked up to, such as some sporting celebrity, or a scientist, and have been trying to model your life after. You can also opt for a rather philosophical answer, giving ...

  23. Vantage, Our Cruise Company, Went Bankrupt. We Are Out $17,905.

    A couple purchased an Arabian Sea voyage, but Vantage, the cruise company, went under. Their travel insurance was supposed to cover financial default, but the claim was repeatedly denied.

  24. Justin Long On His 'Deep Affection' For Ex Drew Barrymore

    Long told Barrymore in his 2022 appearance on her daytime show that he will always love her. The two reflected on their past romance during that episode, with Barrymore declaring that they were "hedonistic" and "immature" when they were lovers. "We would get together, we would break up. There was chaos ― it was hella fun!" she said.

  25. Kate Hudson Says Daughter Rani Is a 'Firecracker' and Already 'Very

    Kate Hudson's daughter is following in her mother's fashionable footsteps. Speaking with PEOPLE for this week's cover story, Hudson, who released her debut album, Glorious, on Friday, May 17 ...