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Essays About Body Image: Top 5 Examples Plus Prompts

Essays about body image tackle delicate subjects like insecurities and mental illnesses; to effectively discuss it with tact, see our top essay examples.

The term “body image” refers to how you see and feel about your appearance. Although many support body positivity today and push for body acceptance, studies still show that 86% of women suffer from negative body image and want to lose weight . The inability to accept oneself results in low self-esteem, stress, and depression. Picking body image as your essay topic lets you join the discussion regarding this always-timely issue. Consider the examples listed below as inspiration for your essay:


1. Long Essay on Body Image by Prasanna

2. gender and body image essay by anonymous on, 3. the negative body image presented by the media by anonymous on, 4. social media and body image by anonymous on, 5. negative body images essay by writer valeria, 1. aspects of body image, 2. body image: the good and the bad, 3. factors affecting teenager body image, 4. beauty pageants: pros and cons, 5. body image and mental health, 6. victoria’s secret models and body image, 7. men’s body image, 8. what is body shaming, 9. knowing what’s real: curating my body image, 10. my journey to self-love.

“People have forgotten the concept of inner beauty. A person should always think of themselves to be perfect in front of the mirror.”

Prasanna explains what body image means, including its consequences in the form of disorders. She delves into how a person’s perception of their physical appearance affects their lives and how it’s now a big problem in today’s society. The author believes cultivating a supportive environment dramatically improves one’s body image. In the end, she reminds the readers how God made everyone unique in their own right and to start having a positive attitude towards their bodies.

You might also be interested in these articles and essays about appearance .

“Online blogs, television, and films all provide examples of perfect female and male bodies. When real people compare themselves to these ideals, they experience dissatisfaction with their body that results in body image issues.”

The essay scrutinizes ideals that trigger someone’s body issues, often leading to physical and mental problems. For example, today’s ideal female body is fit, with low body fat and a slim waist. Meanwhile, men should be muscular with sharp facial features. Because these are the only acceptable “right” bodies, many go through unhealthy diets, take dubious pills, and engage in strenuous exercises. The writer supports the body positivity movement that demands diversity from mass media.

See how to write an essay about diversity if you want to write about it instead.

“The media also provide unrealistic body image that no human can meet without causing harm to themselves.”

Harmful diets, dangerous treatments, expensive surgeries – people do these and many more to achieve and maintain the perfect body presented in mass media. This “false advertising” even results in eating disorders and food-related diseases. The essay adds research findings and relevant cases to support the author’s distaste for mass media’s impact on individuals’ perceptions of themselves.

“… social networking can cause an individual to set a high expectation on themselves. The media encompasses a set thought of what is attractive and what is not attractive.”

While social media is a great platform to promote healthy living, the author brings up how it also presents unrealistic body standards. Although most are thanks to digital editing, photos depicting perfect body images of celebrities, models, and influencers on social media still affect individuals’ concept of how they should look. By constantly seeing these “perfect” photos online, people turn to doctoring their pictures and deluding themselves into thinking they look like something they aren’t. Sometimes, people even go under the knife to replicate their altered photos.

“Seeing overly skinny models in the media does not enhance women’s self-esteem, self-worth or self-image.”

In this essay, Valeria shares her review of the book Understanding Negative Body Image by Barbara Moe which focuses on the culture’s obsession with weight, shape, and body image. The writer includes her favorite part of the book, where flat chests are fashionable in Ms. America. She compares it to today, where bigger breasts and thinner bodies are preferred. Valeria believes the media needs to show more diverse and realistic body shapes to reduce negative body image.

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10 Helpful Writing Prompts On Essays About Body Image

Are the samples above effective in giving you inspiration for your essay? If you’re still thinking of what to write about, you can use the following prompts:

Identify and explain the four main aspects of body image: perceptual, affective, cognitive, and behavioral. Provide examples to make it easier for the readers to understand how they differ and contribute to a person’s overall body image. Add surveys or research findings to support your statements and increase your essay’s credibility.

You don’t create your body image with your eyes alone. Your feelings and thoughts about your body are also part of the equation. These are all the results of your experiences, whether they are positive or negative. For this prompt, share any encounters that affected how you look at your body. 

Youngsters in their puberty are the most affected by today’s body image pressures. First, discuss factors that significantly impact how teenagers value themselves. Then, share steps to help young people overcome these issues. You can also write down the causes and warning signs of a negative body image.

Essays About Body Image

Write your opinion about the “beauty” standards in beauty pageants and whether you favor them or not. Talk about its benefits and drawbacks to children, adult participants, and anyone who consumes such media. To demonstrate the severity of these standards, present cases where a contestant’s appearance or body became the matter in question.

The pressures of attaining a perfect body take their toll on an individual’s quality of life. These taxing pressures, such as eating disorders, anxiety, and mood swings, spill over the person’s relations and even hinder everyday living. Therefore, incorporate the importance of maintaining a positive body image to achieve healthy psychological and physical well-being.

Victoria’s Secret, a brand known for its skinny models, hired its first-ever plus-size model in 2019 . Find out why the brand made this significant change and how its customers received it. Include your opinion about the brand’s decision. Add if you believe the company did what it did to start a more diverse line of clothing or because it succumbed to people’s demand of wanting to see more realistic bodies in media.

Although most body image essays are about women, men also cope with self-acceptance. Discuss common problems men have to deal with daily regarding their appearance. Integrate how men are described in books and movies and probe how these visuals can affect a man’s ego. To make your essay more compelling, you can also delve into why there are more rigid rules on beauty standards imposed on women versus men.

Explore what encompasses body shaming and add why people do it. Relay to your readers how it affects people with a history of depression, low self-esteem, trauma, and other mental illnesses. Through this prompt, your essay will help raise awareness against body shaming. You might also be interested in these articles about eating disorders .

One excellent way to improve body image is to tailor what you see, especially on social media. Then, remind yourself that these photos are altered and unnatural. For this essay, list steps that can help protect one’s self-image away from the fake “perfect” bodies flooding mass media. For example, add joining groups highlighting edits in photoshop pictures, etc.

Everyone has something they want to change regarding their appearance. Through this essay, share what you did to overcome the struggles of accepting yourself as you are. You can also recommend books that helped change your perspective.

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Essay: Finding peace with my body image

Rachel Armany, a freshman majoring in journalism, is a Hatchet opinions writer.

Early memories have the power to shape who you are. Everyone has experienced specific things that have influenced how they act and think as an adult. Unfortunately, in my life, many of my formative moments centered around my struggles with body image.

For most of my life, I have been very aware of how others perceive the way I look. My tendency to analyze social interactions in several aspects of my life is sometimes helpful, but often forces me to be harder on myself and the way I look. Ever since I was in high school, whenever I’m around someone I don’t know well – perhaps at a job interview or a school orientation – I actively use body language to make myself appear thinner.

college essays on body image

I’m not unique in disliking parts of myself. Most people have things they wish they could change about their appearance. But my size isn’t just something I’ve struggled with “liking.” From a young age, I have believed my weight and appearance were how I would be defined and would dictate how others treat me. I began to think that any weight I gained would just be more of a reason for people to dislike me and that any weight that I lost would account for my popularity.

I never thought less of anyone else who gained weight – it was a completely personal struggle. When it came to my body, I felt like I had to compensate: I had to be funny or smart or artsy to avoid being defined by my physical appearance.

I started to notice that my body didn’t look like my friends’ when I was in fourth grade. I remember sitting with my best friend and asking, “Do you think I’m fat?” Given our age and lack of any education or discussion on body image, she was startled by my question and immediately responded, “No, of course not.” But her response didn’t comfort me. I felt like she said those words out of pity. My friend didn’t mean any harm. In fact, she probably meant to make me feel better. But since then, I have been hyper aware of my body because I realized that the way I see myself isn’t the same as how others see me.

My confidence in my body and weight hasn’t always been dictated by the number on a scale or by the way I feel. But rather, hearing people talk about weight gain as a negative has affected how I feel about myself. One friend always used to tell me I’m on “the good side of plus-sized.” Although that might be an innocent enough statement, all it does is tell me that I’m overweight but not in an aesthetically displeasing way. The statement indirectly warns me of the “bad side of plus-sized” – the scary fate that is being overweight enough to claim the title of “the fat girl.”

Being on the “good side of plus-sized” comes with complications. My mom’s friends used to question her on what she let me eat because they feared I would “get fat.” In middle school, I felt like I had to prove to my friends that I was active and healthy. And even today, I worry over normal weight fluctuations – all to try and avoid people sharing their “concerns” with my size. Although those people might think they’re just looking out for me, they should not feel compelled to comment on my weight if I am not at risk for health problems.

Discussing body image is difficult, especially as a young girl, and even now as an adult. Talking about insecurities is always scary. But with body image, people are quick to tell you that things are just in your head if they aren’t expressing their concerns about you. Even today, hearing things like, “You’re not even fat” does little to help me. Hearing that confirms that if I were a bit heavier I should feel bad about myself and makes me even more fearful that people will judge me for gaining weight.

What I have found to be most helpful is when people allow me to speak openly about why I feel the way I do about my body and talk with me about accepting myself – not about changing it. For example, a positive conversation is one that encourages me to exercise because it makes me feel better, not because I should lose some extra weight. Those conversations are the ones that contribute to my self confidence, because I feel that my voice is being heard, even though the discussion may be more uncomfortable than a friend simply saying I’m not fat.

I understand that sometimes friends or family members may not always know how to respond to someone struggling with the way they look. Those closest to us love us the way we are and want us to accept ourselves, too. So I remain patient with the people in my life, but I am also honest with them. I try to let people know as often as I can when I feel like they are not taking an issue seriously or they are attempting to take the easy way out of an awkward encounter. Ultimately my problems are my own – it is up to me to work on them – but having these conversations with people who care about me helps.

Though my personal struggle with my weight is ongoing, I have made great strides in learning how to live with the body I have. I am beginning to listen to my body and understand how it works in order to develop a healthy lifestyle. I hope to stop overanalyzing and keep developing my confidence, instead of treating a number on a scale as the key to a better life.

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Body image: A better perspective

Many people think of body image as a women’s issue or a young person’s issue. in actuality, we all  have a perceived body image that affects so many aspects of our lives — including the opportunities we seek. .

What exactly is body image, and how can we cultivate a better, more healthy image so that we get the most out of life? To learn more, we talked to Dr. Kristine Luce , p sychologist and clinical associate professor in psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine. 

Your body image is defined by your personal perception. 

Dr. Luce defines body image as how a person thinks of, feels about and perceives their own body, and how a person imagines others perceive their body.

“Body image is an aspect of identity. Most people tend to self-identify by segmenting their lives into different roles. For example, a person may self-identify according to their profession, relationships, hobbies, etc. Body image is one aspect of a person’s complete identity, and within it a person can hold many perceptions, even contradicting perceptions.”

Although body image is commonly understood as having to do with weight and shape, the term actually encompasses all aspects of a person’s perceived physical appearance  — including age, facial attributes and gender. 

Body image exists on a continuum.

Dr. Luce views body image along a continuum, with “positive body image” on one end, “negative body image” on the other and the middle composed of varying aspects of both. 

Dr. Luce describes a positive body image as a healthy self-image, in which a person has self-compassion and appreciation for their body. They recognize the amazing functions of their body and don’t let how they feel about their appearance limit how they live their life. On the other end of the spectrum, a person with a negative body image tends to be strongly self-critical and less attuned to the beneficial capabilities and functions of their bodies. 

Most people, however, do not fall on one extreme or the other. The vast majority of people have varying degrees of appreciation and criticism for their bodies. Terms like “positive” and “negative” tend to be inadequate for fully capturing a person’s felt experience, which is generally more nuanced than binary. For example, when speaking about body image, a person may “fragment” and speak about parts of their bodies they like, and parts that they don’t like. Others might describe feeling positive about their bodies overall, but still want to change certain physical aspects.

A person’s body image is dynamic and ever changing throughout the lifespan. People tend to move along a continuum of how they perceive themselves at various stages of life, such as when they age or gain or lose weight.

Many factors contribute to a person’s body image.

Dr. Luce explains that we are constantly inundated with body image messages from many different sources, including history, economics, religion, family of origin and the media, which is the most prevalent.

Luce describes a series of studies conducted in Fiji before western TV was brought to the island. At that time there were no known cases of eating disorders in Fiji. The studies revealed that the first cases of eating and body image disorders emerged after western TV was brought to their culture, indicating that media presence was at least a contributing factor in how people perceived their bodies. 

“Culture has long influenced body image by defining and dictating what is attractive. The media is a strong force that can shape and influence culture, for better or for worse.” 

Other societal factors, including economic history and religion, can also contribute to one’s body image. Luce mentions that a higher body weight used to be a sign of fertility and wealth when resources were more scarce, but as resources have become more accessible, thinness or fitness is seen as a symbol of wealth because it indicates more time for self-care. For some religious groups, a thinner appearance could indicate a greater ability for fasting, which is associated with the virtue of self-control and used as a measure of spiritual virtue. 

Finally, an individual’s personal history and upbringing can influence the way they perceive themselves and their bodies. For example, if someone is raised in a household or social environment in which a person’s value is very closely tied to their physical appearance, a person may begin to perceive their bodies as a measure of their self-worth. 

With the constant onslaught of information we are receiving about how we think we should look, Dr. Luce assures us it is understandable if we feel pressure to look a certain way. 

Body image can impact the choices we make in our lives.

Put simply, overconcern about appearance can limit what opportunities a person seeks. Dr. Luce gives several examples of this phenomenon, termed “self-handicapping” in social psychology. Self-handicapping is a cognitive strategy in which people avoid an opportunity to protect their self-esteem against the possibility of failure. For example, if a person makes the assumption that they will be discriminated against because of their appearance, they may not go for a promotion. 

“Research on this subject shows that a strong enough limiting self-belief can restrict access and experiences throughout the lifespan. This is based on an assumption that may or may not be true.”

Other common examples of self-handicapping due to body image include postponing dating until reaching a particular appearance or avoiding visiting the doctor until reaching a desired weight. According to Luce, these are paradoxical approaches that rarely work, and often bring us further from our desired outcomes. 

“When you think about it, most people want to look a certain way for more access in life, whether it be jobs, partners, health or something else. By avoiding promotions, dating and doctor visits due to body image concerns, our access to our desired outcomes becomes more and more limited. On the other hand, people who feel positively in their bodies are more likely to seek out opportunities in all of these areas.”  

Negative body image persists throughout different demographic groups.

According to Luce, there used to be evidence that negative body image occurred more for women than for men, and more for white women than for other ethnic groups — but the gap has narrowed over time.

“In the last 20 to 30 years, there has been a proliferation of body image marketing to every ethnic group and gender. Now you can find body image advertising that targets everybody, thus increasing body image concerns and eating disorders across all types of people. I call it, ‘equal opportunity in the direction we were not hoping for.’”

Research conducted in the 1980s showed it was rare for people to feel positive in their bodies, which is a feeling that still persists, according to a 2018 poll .

There are many strategies for cultivating a more positive body image.

Dr. Luce encourages her patients to act according to their values rather than their negative self-beliefs. An example of this would be encouraging someone to go to the beach, if that is what they enjoy, even though they might also feel uncomfortable in a bathing suit. This is called a “cognitive dissonance intervention,” based on the theory that increasing the tension (or dissonance) between a person’s thoughts and actions will eventually create a new belief. Dissonance interventions are really about being aware of one’s values, living in alignment with them and not letting one’s beliefs limit opportunities in life. 

“Sometimes the discomfort gets better at first, and sometimes it takes a while. But feeling the warmth of the sun or the coolness of the water can make the volume of those negative thoughts turn down, or at least fade them into the background.”

Another intervention, applied on a more macro scale, is counter-attitudinal marketing, which features people of various body sizes, shapes and ethnicities in advertisements.

“I used to have a lot of optimism around counter-advertising and counter-marketing as a strategy for improving body image across culture. I still believe it can work for people who are open to it.” 

However, counter-attitudinal ads represent a very small percentage of mass media and social media images. The vast majority of media displays are not representative of the average body type: many are altered by image editing applications like Photoshop and filters, and some even represent an unhealthy body image. By understanding this fact, and being selective of our media exposure, we can begin to combat some of the negative effects of body image marketing.  Luce acknowledges this is not an easy feat:

“Negative body image beliefs are deeply entrenched for some people and changing these thoughts, for some, can be very challenging.” 

Luce goes on to describe how undoing a belief can be harder than building a new one, especially when we are exposed to so many media images and messages that are constantly reinforcing certain ideas. 

  Dr. Luce also encourages us to think about the way we speak about bodies and how this might affect body image for ourselves and our communities. 

“We can all refuse to engage in conversations about other people’s bodies. By choosing to not engage in appearance-based conversations, we can influence the world by modeling our values.”

A similar strategy is reconsidering our appearance-based decisions as a message to the world. Dr. Luce admits that she doesn’t color her hair because she doesn’t want to give into the pressures around ageism. However, she acknowledges this type of action can be challenging because ageism and appearance-based discrimination exists in many fields. 

“I am a psychologist in academia, so looking ‘old and wise’ is still valued. I recognize there are many people who feel they have to look a certain way to keep their jobs.”

Although we may not all be able to take such a strong action, everybody can do something to show the perception of feeling comfortable in the body they have. By choosing an alternative action that goes against societal pressures around body image, we can make changes that influence ourselves and the world around us.

Dr. Luce closes with a note of encouragement. “Body image is not static. Throughout life we move along a continuum of how we perceive ourselves. Regardless of how we feel about it at any given moment, we can have a full and meaningful life in the bodies we have.”

Mia Primeau July 2020

Select resources: Stanford Health Image Body Program The Body Positive Stanford Research Project Stanford Children’s Health: Boost Your Teen Daughter’s Body Image National Eating Disorders: The Body Project

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Body Image Essay | Essay on Body Image for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Body Image Essay:  Body image is a person’s perspective of their body. It means how a person sees themselves. It includes positive and negative thoughts about themselves.

People from all around the world try to impress others with body image. Majority try to improve their body image, just to fit in today’s world of perfect physical appearance.

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Long and Short Essays on Body Image for Students and Kids in English

We are providing the students with essay samples of a long essay of 500 words in English and a short essay of 150 words on Body Image in English for reference.

Long Essay on Body Image 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Body Image is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

The concept of body image is the perception a person has regarding their body and physical appearance. Body image can be negative or positive. A person with a negative mindset regarding his or her body image might feel self-conscious about themselves. They suffer from low self-esteem and try to change their physical appearance trying to look attractive. But this creates higher risks and disorders.

Positive body image, on the other hand, means when a person perceives their body correctly, celebrating and appreciating one’s appearance. Family dynamics, mental illness contribute to a person’s body image. There are various side effects if a person is not happy with their body image.

A person might perceive themselves to be overweight when they are underweight. How a person feels about their body is their compelling body image. It is the amount of satisfaction and dissatisfaction a person thinks with the shape, weight and appearance of their different body parts. The way a person feels regarding their body is known as the cognitive body image.

Having a negative body image can impact a person’s life in a very negative way. You cannot turn your negative body thoughts into a positive body image. One always needs to feel good about themselves. A person should appreciate everything that their body can do. A person should always remind themselves that true beauty is still the inner beauty of a person, and it cannot be decided based on physical appearance. Every person deserves to feel comfortable in their own skin and their own body. They should not worry about how they look. Body image has become an enormous problem in today’s society. It is mostly affecting teenagers who are going through puberty.

Friends, family, society tend to point out to teenagers, or even adults, about their body type and thus it results in the teenagers to crave for the perfect body, and they end up harming themselves. Body image can highly be influenced by the people surrounding that individual.

Many are facing problems with body image insecurity, mostly the females of the world. Getting the perfect body has become the primary goal of every individual nowadays, but it comes with its bagful of dangers. People are affecting their health, to look perfect in front of society, forgetting about the nourishments that their bodies require.

Every individual is unique due to their own physical trait. Every human being is made in a different manner with a body type solely for themselves. People should make up their minds that the media or society will not influence them. One should eat healthily and stay healthy, and not think about how they look because humans are God’ gifts, and each individual is made beautifully. People have forgotten the concept of inner beauty. A person should always think of themselves to be perfect in front of the mirror. To have a positive attitude towards your body will help you in the long-run.

Short Essay on Body Image 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Body Image is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

One’s body makes them feel what they are. Every individual has an opinion regarding how his or her body should be. Changing a person’s personal features will take away their individuality from them. Body image is how people picture themselves. It is what a person feels about their body. It is their imagination, emotion and physical sensations of their body.

Nowadays, society promotes unrealistic body ideals. To fulfil the needs of the society, of how society sees an individual, people are going through depression anger and even self-loathing. One should have a healthy body image of themselves because it forms a significant pillar for self-esteem. It also influences self-acceptance and attitude towards daily life activities. People have become more sensitive nowadays. With the body-shaming doing the rounds in the present-day society, a simple compliment to someone, regarding their appearance, will not only boost them but will also increase their confidence. It will help them to be themselves, not caring about what the society has to say.

10 Lines on Body Image in English

  • Almost 92% of females around the world are unhappy with their bodies.
  • Only 5% of women obtain the body that they yearn for.
  • People who are not satisfied with their body image might suffer from eating disorders.
  • Body image is very closely linked to self-esteem.
  • Mostly teenagers face the pressure of being overweight.
  • Media plays a significant role in body image.
  • Negative body image can lead to suicidal thoughts in an individual.
  • Higher body dissatisfaction is associated with a more inferior quality of life.
  • Body satisfaction has led to the overall well being of an individual.
  • 37% of teenagers feel ashamed concerning their body image.

FAQ’s on Body Image Essay

Question 1. How can a person improve their body image?

Answer:  There are many ways in which a person can improve their body image. A person should always look at themselves as a whole person and not just the physical appearance. A person should always surround themselves with positive people. True and inner beauty is not skin deep.

Question 2. How can a person stop body image problems?

Answer: A healthy lifestyle, with proper diet and sleep along with daily exercise, will help to reduce body image problems.

Question 3. What are the four aspects of body image?

Answer: The four aspects of body image are affective, cognitive, behavioural and perpetual. It is all about how a person sees themselves.

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Essays on Body Image

Body image essay topics and outline examples, essay title 1: the impact of media on body image: examining stereotypes, unrealistic standards, and their consequences.

Thesis Statement: This essay investigates the influence of media on body image, highlighting the perpetuation of stereotypes, promotion of unrealistic beauty standards, and the resulting psychological and social consequences on individuals.

  • Introduction
  • Media Portrayals: Analyzing the Representation of Bodies in Advertising, Film, and Social Media
  • Unrealistic Standards: Identifying Idealized Body Types and Their Pervasiveness
  • Psychological Effects: Exploring Body Dissatisfaction, Low Self-Esteem, and Eating Disorders
  • Social Consequences: Investigating Peer Pressure, Bullying, and Societal Expectations
  • Media Responsibility: Discussing Accountability and Potential Solutions
  • Conclusion: Reflecting on the Need for Positive Body Image Promotion

Essay Title 2: Body Image and Gender: A Comparative Study of Body Dissatisfaction Among Men and Women

Thesis Statement: This essay examines body image concerns among both men and women, comparing the factors contributing to body dissatisfaction and the unique societal pressures faced by each gender.

  • Gendered Expectations: Analyzing Societal Norms and Stereotypes for Men and Women
  • Body Dissatisfaction Among Women: Factors, Causes, and Consequences
  • Body Dissatisfaction Among Men: Influences, Pressures, and Effects
  • Comparative Analysis: Identifying Commonalities and Differences
  • Media and Gender: Examining the Role of Media in Shaping Body Image
  • Conclusion: Encouraging Inclusivity and Acceptance of Diverse Body Types

Essay Title 3: Promoting Positive Body Image: Strategies for Building Self-Esteem, Confidence, and Healthy Body Image

Thesis Statement: This essay explores strategies and interventions aimed at promoting positive body image, fostering self-esteem, confidence, and a healthy relationship with one's body.

  • Body Positivity Movement: Overview and Goals
  • Self-Esteem Building: Strategies for Enhancing Self-Worth
  • Media Literacy: Teaching Critical Evaluation of Media Messages
  • Educational Programs: Implementing Body Image Curriculum in Schools
  • Supportive Communities: Creating Safe Spaces for Discussions and Support
  • Conclusion: Empowering Individuals to Embrace Their Bodies

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Body image refers to an individual's perception, thoughts, feelings, and attitudes toward their own physical appearance, including their size, shape, and overall attractiveness. It encompasses the subjective evaluation and interpretation of one's body, influenced by societal standards, cultural ideals, personal experiences, and internalized beliefs.

The term "body image" originated in the early 20th century and emerged as a concept in the field of psychology. It was first introduced by Austrian-American psychoanalyst Paul Schilder in his influential book "The Image and Appearance of the Human Body" published in 1935. Schilder used the term to describe the mental representation or perception an individual has of their own body. He recognized that body image is not solely based on physical appearance but also influenced by one's subjective experiences, emotions, and cultural factors.

The historical context of the concept of body image is rooted in the cultural and societal values that have evolved over time. Throughout history, different civilizations and time periods have held varying perceptions and ideals of physical beauty. In ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Greece, and Rome, physical attractiveness was often associated with ideals of symmetry, proportion, and strength. These ideals were reflected in the art, sculptures, and literature of the time. During the Renaissance period, beauty ideals shifted to embrace fuller figures, as seen in the works of renowned artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael. However, in subsequent centuries, a slender and delicate physique became more prominent as the desired standard of beauty. In the 20th and 21st centuries, mass media and globalization have greatly influenced body image perceptions. The rise of fashion magazines, advertising, and the entertainment industry has propagated a narrow and often unrealistic ideal of beauty, emphasizing thinness and specific physical features.

Internal factors include personal experiences, emotions, and cognitive processes. These include past traumas, social comparisons, self-esteem, and the development of one's self-concept. Personal beliefs, attitudes, and thoughts about body size, shape, and appearance also play a role in shaping body image. External factors encompass societal, cultural, and media influences. Societal beauty standards, cultural ideals of attractiveness, and media portrayals of the "ideal" body can significantly impact how individuals perceive themselves. Media platforms, such as magazines, television, and social media, can shape body image by promoting unrealistic body standards and presenting edited or curated representations of beauty. Family, peers, and social interactions also contribute to body image. Supportive relationships, positive feedback, and acceptance from significant others can foster a healthy body image, while negative comments, teasing, or bullying can have detrimental effects.

Positive body image: Individuals with positive body image have a realistic and accepting view of their bodies. They appreciate their bodies for their functionality, health, and unique qualities, rather than solely focusing on appearance. Negative body image: Negative body image involves a distorted and critical perception of one's body. Individuals with negative body image may experience dissatisfaction, self-consciousness, and preoccupation with perceived flaws or imperfections. Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD): BDD is a psychological disorder characterized by an obsessive preoccupation with perceived flaws in one's appearance. Individuals with BDD may have a distorted body image and engage in compulsive behaviors or seek excessive cosmetic interventions. Body dissatisfaction: Body dissatisfaction refers to a general sense of discontentment with one's body. It can range from mild dissatisfaction to extreme distress and may be influenced by societal beauty standards and cultural ideals. Body appreciation: Body appreciation involves having a positive and accepting attitude towards one's body. It focuses on self-care, self-acceptance, and nurturing a healthy relationship with the body.

Body positivity: There is a growing movement advocating for body positivity, which promotes acceptance and appreciation of diverse body types and challenges traditional beauty standards. Supporters emphasize the importance of self-love, inclusivity, and embracing one's unique features. Body shaming: Body shaming involves criticizing or ridiculing individuals based on their appearance. It can come from societal pressures, media influences, or personal biases. However, there is an increasing awareness of the harm caused by body shaming and efforts to combat it. Unrealistic beauty standards: Many people believe that media and advertising perpetuate unrealistic beauty standards, leading to negative body image issues. These standards often promote thinness, muscularity, or other specific physical attributes, which can contribute to feelings of inadequacy or pressure to conform. Mental health implications: There is a growing recognition of the impact of body image on mental health. Public opinion is increasingly acknowledging the need for support, education, and resources to address body image concerns, including eating disorders, body dysmorphia, and low self-esteem.

Media: In recent years, there has been an increased effort to feature diverse body types and promote body positivity. Brands like Dove have launched campaigns celebrating real beauty, challenging narrow beauty ideals. The popular TV show "This Is Us" has been praised for its portrayal of characters with different body shapes and sizes, promoting body acceptance. Literature: Books like "Dumplin'" by Julie Murphy and "The Beauty Myth" by Naomi Wolf have tackled body image issues. "Dumplin'" explores the journey of a plus-sized teen challenging beauty pageant norms, while "The Beauty Myth" critically analyzes the societal pressures placed on women's bodies. Social media: Influencers and content creators on platforms like Instagram and YouTube have played a significant role in shaping body image discussions. Body-positive influencers like Ashley Graham and Iskra Lawrence promote self-love and body acceptance through their platforms. Documentaries: Documentaries like "Embrace" and "The Illusionists" delve into the impact of media on body image and challenge conventional beauty standards. They examine the relationship between media representation, self-esteem, and body image issues.

1. According to a survey by the National Eating Disorders Association, 81% of 10-year-olds are afraid of being fat. 2. Research indicates that exposure to thin-ideal media images can negatively impact body satisfaction and contribute to the development of eating disorders. 3. The fashion industry has faced criticism for promoting unrealistic body standards. In a study analyzing popular fashion magazines, it was found that 70% of women featured were considered underweight. 4. Body dissatisfaction affects both men and women. Approximately 45% of men in Western countries reported being dissatisfied with their appearance. 5. Studies show that individuals who spend more time on social media platforms are more likely to experience body dissatisfaction.

The topic of body image is an important subject to explore and write an essay about due to its widespread impact on individuals and society. Body image issues are pervasive in our culture, affecting people of all ages and genders. Understanding the significance of body image is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, body image has a profound impact on individuals' mental health and well-being. Negative body image can lead to low self-esteem, body dissatisfaction, and the development of eating disorders. Exploring the causes, consequences, and potential solutions to body image issues can help raise awareness and promote healthier attitudes towards one's body. Secondly, body image is closely linked to societal standards and media influence. Analyzing how media, fashion, and advertising industries perpetuate unrealistic beauty ideals allows us to critically examine the impact of these industries on individuals' self-perception and self-worth. Lastly, body image intersects with various social issues such as gender, race, and body diversity. Addressing body image concerns involves understanding the complex dynamics of identity, representation, and inclusivity.

1. Cash, T. F., & Pruzinsky, T. (Eds.). (2002). Body image: A handbook of theory, research, and clinical practice. Guilford Press. 2. Dittmar, H., & Howard, S. (Eds.). (2004). Body image, eating disorders, and obesity in youth: Assessment, prevention, and treatment. American Psychological Association. 3. Fredrickson, B. L., & Roberts, T. A. (Eds.). (1997). Objectification theory: Toward understanding women's lived experiences and mental health risks. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 21(2), 173-206. 4. Garner, D. M., & Garfinkel, P. E. (Eds.). (1997). Handbook of treatment for eating disorders (2nd ed.). Guilford Press. 5. Grogan, S. (2016). Body image: Understanding body dissatisfaction in men, women, and children (4th ed.). Routledge. 6. Halliwell, E. (2015). Body image: Understanding body dissatisfaction in men, women, and children. Sage Publications. 7. Levine, M. P., & Smolak, L. (Eds.). (2014). The Wiley handbook of eating disorders (2nd ed.). Wiley-Blackwell. 8. Rumsey, N., & Harcourt, D. (Eds.). (2005). The Oxford handbook of the psychology of appearance. Oxford University Press. 9. Tiggemann, M. (2018). Positive body image: A handbook of science, practice, and prevention. Oxford University Press. 10. Thompson, J. K., & Smolak, L. (Eds.). (2001). Body image, eating disorders, and obesity in youth: Assessment, prevention, and treatment (2nd ed.). American Psychological Association.

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college essays on body image

Body Image - Essay Examples And Topic Ideas For Free

Body image, the perception that an individual has of their physical self and the thoughts and feelings that result from that perception, significantly affects self-esteem and overall mental health. Essays on body image could explore the factors influencing body image, including media representation, societal expectations, and personal experiences. Discussions might also delve into the impact of negative body image on mental health and the importance of promoting a positive body image. Additionally, exploring the initiatives aimed at challenging conventional beauty standards and promoting body positivity can provide insight into the ongoing efforts to foster a healthier societal attitude towards diverse body shapes and sizes. We have collected a large number of free essay examples about Body Image you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Social Media and Body Image Essay

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Social Media and Body Image

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The Definition of Body Image and Social Media Essay

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Data Collection Methods to Study Body Image and Social Media

Body checking questionnaire (bcq), reference list.

The definition of body image and the perceptions driven by social media are topics that attract significant attention from scholars. According to Alebachew and Ashagrie (2017, p. 330), body image encompasses a multidimensional paradigm describing a person’s perception or depiction of their outward look. Thus, it revolves around mental images held by individuals regarding their physical appearance. Vannucci and Ohannessian (2018, p.786) point out that body image dissatisfaction (BID) is one of the hypothesized concepts that discuss the incongruity between the ideal and current physical appearance, mainly body size estimation (Ho, Lee and Liao, 2016). Saiphoo and Vahedi (2019, p. 260) assert that social media affects the behavioural, cognitive, affective, and evaluative components of an individual.

Therefore, social media is associated with body image due to its power to influence the psychological aspects of a person that translates to feelings of discontentment with physical appearance (Fardouly, Pinkus and Vartanian 2017, p. 31). Media and culture significantly influence an individuals’ perception of their physical appearance and overall body image. Jung and Jeong (2017, p. 268) allude that exposure to idealised images makes a person feel dissatisfied with their body. As a result, victims exhibit depression and low self-esteem. Thus, people exposed to idealised beauty through social and mainstream media develop or reinforce negative feelings.

Social media has positive impacts on individuals’ perception of their physical appearance based on comparison attributes. For instance, some people feel motivated when they compare themselves to others with better physical attributes (Cramer, Song and Drent 2016, p. 742). In this regard, Social Comparison Theory (SCT) posits that individuals liken their looks to assess their abilities (Robinson et al ., 2017, p. 69). It confirms that people who compare themselves constructively on social media maintain a positive outlook of their body image. Slater, Varsani, and Diedrichs (2017, p. 91) assert that females who read inspiration statements on social media have better physical satisfaction, high positive mood and appreciate their body compared to those who view unbiased images.

Conversely, social media adversely affects an individual’s view of their body appearance. Consequently, they engage in binge eating or food deprivation to attain ideal body size ( The link between social media and body image , 2019). Individuals also change how they look by participating in disordered eating behaviours due to social comparisons (Santarossa and Woodruff, 2017). Social media triggers low self-esteem in people dissatisfied with their body image. A study in the United Kingdom established by Kelly et al . (2018, p. 59) found that girls demonstrate low self-esteem (12.8%) and body-weight displeasure (78.2%) more often compared to 8.9% and 68.3% in boys, respectively. The outcomes underscore the adverse effect of social media on self-esteem due to negative body image perceptions.

Body Image Avoidance Questionnaire (BIAQ)

BIAQ is one of the leading tools used to collect data for evaluating the implication of social media on body image perception. BIAQ includes self-reported questions that focus on behavioural avoidance of situations or practices that influence body image-related distress or displeasure. According to Legenbauer et al . (2020 p. 3), the form contains 19 components spread across four subcategories, which include clothing, social activities, restraint, and grooming/weighing. However, a German version of the questionnaire encompasses three elements; it contains clothing, eating restraint, and social activity, founded on 11 sublevels. The survey consists of a 6-pointscoring scale that establishes the occurrence of targeted behaviour; it starts with never (0) and ends with always (5) (Sandoz et al ., 2020). BIAQ measures behavioural evasion across several purviews that reflect body image discernments.

Therefore, the scale is useful in helping clinicians understand body image concerns demonstrated by patients. Internal consistency validates BIAQ’s significance as a tool for assessing the implication of social media on physical appearance perception. Legenbauer et al . (2020, p. 3) confirm that the questionnaire has good internal consistency marked by a Cronbach’s α=0.64-0.76. Besides, it shows stable test-retest reliability between α=0.64 and α=0.81. Another evaluation by Stapleton, McIntyre and Bannatyne (2016, p.103) found that BIAQ has a dependable internal validity between α=0.64 and α=0.8 based on psychometrical measurements. The tool also provides appropriate, discriminate data across age and gender and between clinical and non-clinical groups.

Body Image Assessment Scale-Body Dimensions (BIAS-BD)

BIAS-BD is an assessment tool examined in 2009 by Gardner et al . that helps collect data to examine how body size affects females’ perception of their physical appearance. The survey utilizes a pictographic scale of profile figures intended to characterise different body proportions ranging between 60% and 140% of a representative Body Mass Index (BMI) of females. Wagner, Aguirre and Sumner (2016) explain that the U.S. Air Force created BIAS-BD through the Material Command Unit with the help of the Generator of Body Data (GEBOD) program. Accordingly, the developers used a sample of 4,325 respondents and ran a regression analysis to produce outlines within intervals of five per cent for each size of a female body (Wagner, Aguirre and Sumner, 2016). Thus, it contains 17 shapes representing diverse BMIs while upholding body dimensions. BIAS-BD is useful in predicting BMI as a positive correlation component associated with people’s sense of dissatisfaction with physical appearance (Sharif, 2017, p. 718). A review by Wagner, Aguirre and Sumner (2016) shows that BIAS-BD produces significant results when assessing the influence of social media on body image elements, such as actual size and dissatisfaction. For instance, the bivariate correlation study conducted by Lewallen (2016, p. 109) indicates that Instagram induces a moderately positive relationship between real BMI and dissatisfaction. Both components had a mean of 21.59 and 13.76 and standard deviation of 3.17 and 11.74, respectively, at r = 0.44 and p < 0.001 (Wagner, Aguirre and Sumner, 2016). Although there is no sufficient evidence to ascertain the validity of BIAS-BD, the statistics exemplify its significance in collecting data to investigate the correlation between social media and body image.

BCQ is a self-administered survey used to collect data for assessing the ways people react to their bodies when exposed to elements, such as social media, which influence their perception. The survey contains 23 items ranked using a Likert scale ranging from one to five (Maïano et al ., 2019). The rating helps to determine how usually a particular behaviour occurs when exposed to triggering factors. Reas (2017) expounds that BCQ considers the total score of individual components between 23 and 115. Besides, it includes a single measurement factor (Body checking), which is compared to interrelated sub-factors. In addition, an Idiosyncratic Checking Scale (ICS) with five elements is integrated into BCQ to examine unusual control behaviour. Legenbauer et al . (2020, p. 3) confirm that BCQ has a reliable internal consistency with Cronbach’s α=0.83-0.92. A German version of BCQ shows similar validity levels marked by Cronbach’s alpha between 0.83 and 0.95. The robust stability makes BCQ a useful tool for collecting data to study the implication of social media on body image perception.

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IvyPanda. (2022, February 23). The Definition of Body Image and Social Media.

"The Definition of Body Image and Social Media." IvyPanda , 23 Feb. 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'The Definition of Body Image and Social Media'. 23 February.

IvyPanda . 2022. "The Definition of Body Image and Social Media." February 23, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "The Definition of Body Image and Social Media." February 23, 2022.


IvyPanda . "The Definition of Body Image and Social Media." February 23, 2022.


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