Civil and Environmental Engineering Communication Lab

Statement of Purpose

Most recent revision of this article was led by Ignacio Martin Arzuaga Garcia.

Criteria for Success

  • Focus on the aim.  Convince a faculty committee that you are qualified for their program.
  • Customize it.  Show the admission committee that you are a good fit for the particular program you are applying for.
  • Stand out.  Highlight your skills and experiences that convey your strengths and differentiate you from other candidates.
  • Be precise.  Focus on concrete and quantitative examples.
  • Be concise.  Your Statement of Purpose should be no more than 2 pages. The MIT CEE graduate program recommends 1 – 1.5 pages.

Structure Diagram

statement of purpose for phd in environmental engineering

The graduate school Statement of Purpose is a document that complements your resume and application form, describing your profile in a narrative way and convincing the admission committee that you would be a good match for a particular department or program. Take into account that matching goes both ways: they should be interested in you, and you should be interested in them. Your Statement of Purpose should make this match clear.

Analyze Your Audience

Your Statement of Purpose will be read by a graduate committee – a handful of faculty from the program. They’re trying to determine if you will be a successful graduate student in their department and a successful scientist after you graduate. They are interested in your qualifications as a researcher, your career goals, and how your personality matches their labs and department.

The graduate committee probably reads hundreds of applications every year. To make it easy for them to figure out that you are a good fit, consider the following suggestions:

  • Make direct, concrete statements about your accomplishments and qualifications.
  • Create a narrative that serves as a personal brand and helps them remember you.
  • Give them some unique examples that describe you and make you stand out, and which will make them remember you as “that candidate that was so passionate about…’ or “who has lot of experience in…”, although they might not remember your name.

Create a narrative

PhD programs invest in the professional and scientific growth of their students. Get the committee excited about investing in you by opening your essay with a brief portrait of what drives you as a scientist. What research directions are you passionate about, and why? What do you picture yourself doing in 10 years?

Close your essay with a 2-3 sentence discussion of your long-term career interests. No one will hold you to this; this just helps your committee visualize your potential trajectory.

Describe your experiences

Experiences are the “what” of your essay. They are the most efficient and easiest way to prove your capabilities to the admissions committee.

  • What experiences led you to develop your skill set and passions?
  • Where have you demonstrated accomplishment, leadership, and collaboration?
  • Include research, teaching, relevant extracurriculars and leadership positions.
  • State concrete achievements and outcomes like awards, discoveries, or publications, or projects completed.

Achievements are not limited to research projects or publications. You can discuss, for example, a research-oriented class project in which you stood out, and that is related to the type of work you expect in graduate school. Think about experiences demonstrate your ability to conduct research.

Quantify your experiences to show concrete impact. How many people were on your team? How many protocols did you develop? How many people were in competition for an award? As a TA, how often did you meet with your students? Describe actions. Rather than share how important the company was or how renowned the professor you worked with is, always direct the message to highlight your performance, which may include both independent and collaborative work.

As a senior, I received an A in a graduate-level Structure Mechanics course. My interest in structural analysis led me to take advanced coursework to learn more about Steel structures. At the graduate-level Structural Mechanics course, I learned about joints design which boosted my interest in…
During my third year, I worked on a project for my Hydrology class that made me get interested in numerical modelling. During my third year, I had the chance to conduct a research-oriented class project about the hydrology of the Mississippi river and the impact of global warming in its regime. In this project, I ran a hydrological numerical model using the open source software … While working in this project, I faced with the difficulty of getting updated topographic data of the study area. I managed to overcome this issue by…
I volunteered at the Career Fair for the last three years. At this position, I demonstrated my leadership and management skills. Committed to being a great ambassador of our class, I volunteered at the Career Fair for last three years, welcoming the companies’ representatives, guiding them to their locations, and helping them assemble their booths. This experience allowed me to gain training on dealing with time constraints and a large group of people. Last year, for example….

Demonstrate a match to the program

A key point on writing your Statement of Purpose is to demonstrate that you have done previous research about the program to which you’re applying, that you understand its characteristics and objectives, and that you are really interested in joining it and willing to do your best to be successful in it. To do this:

  • Read the program’s website . Learn about its faculty members and the projects they are working on. Check what topics and high level goals the department is committed to. Identify the main research areas.
  • Get in contact with faculty and students in your target program. If you have had a positive discussion with someone at the department, you can include in your essay how those interactions confirmed that you would be a good match for the program.

State which professors in the program you would be interested in working with. Show how their research areas align with your background and your goals. You can even describe potential research directions or projects.

 “Statement of Purpose” vs. “Personal Statement”

Many schools distinguish between the Statement of Purpose/Objective and the Personal Statement, providing different writing prompts for each. The main difference between these two types of essays is that the Statement of Purpose focuses on your professional background, goals and research interests, while the Personal Statement is more about your personal history and where your motivation for graduate school comes from.

Resources and Annotated Examples

Annotated example 1.

This statement of purpose resulted in admission to the CEE doctoral program. 101 KB

Annotated Example 2

This statement of purpose resulted in admission to the CEE doctoral program. 76 KB


Applying to the ESE Graduate Option

We welcome applications to the ESE graduate option from anyone with undergraduate preparation in science, engineering, or mathematics. Admission is limited to students intending to pursue the Ph.D. degree. Information on how to apply is available from the Office of Graduate Studies . The deadline for applications is December 15 of each year.

What is an "option"?

At Caltech, we have a unique organizational structure. An "option" is our word for "academic program". At Caltech, most options are housed within one of Caltech's six academic divisions. ESE has faculty members from several divisions, including the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, the Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, and the Division of Engineering and Applied Science.

When you apply to Caltech you apply to an option, not a division. Your option will determine what classes you take, the requirements for completing your Masters and then PhD, and also the structure of your qualification exam. At Caltech, our small size allows us to be flexible in terms of course requirements and research projects, which often span multiple options. Some faculty members have dual appointments in different options and divisions, and you are allowed to work with faculty outside of your option. We strongly encourage applicants to contact potential advisers to seek advice on the option to which they apply.

How many grad students are in the ESE option?

There are approximately 3-8 incoming students per year, for a total of about 30 graduate students. It is common for students from other options in GPS, EAS, and CCE to work with ESE faculty as well.

How many apply to the option?

We typically receive over 100 applications to the ESE program each year. The option gives each application a full review.

Do I need a specific degree/background to apply to ESE?

Preparation in one or more areas of science, engineering, or mathematics is a prerequisite. However, students in ESE come from all disciplines, including pure and applied mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, atmospheric science, oceanography, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, computer science, etc.

What are the criteria for admission to Caltech?

There are many routes to Caltech admission including some that are considered non-traditional. No matter your route, we admit students who have demonstrated, through their personal statement and/or prior experiences, that they are passionate about research and their decision to pursue a Ph.D. and who have the academic background needed to be successful at Caltech. For example, successful applicants may have a strong transcript in a curriculum that includes significant quantitative science, mathematics, and/or engineering coursework; evidence of previous research/scholarly experience; and strong letters of recommendation from those who know them well and can speak to their ability to be successful at Caltech. For more details, please review our admissions rubric .

How much does it cost to apply?

There is a cost of $100 to apply to graduate school at Caltech. A fee waiver is available, and we encourage anyone for whom the fee represents a burden to apply for a waiver. The fee waiver is available within the online admissions system and is submitted to the Graduate Studies Office. If the fee, which supports the Graduate Studies Office in processing the applications, represents a burden, please request the waiver without concern.

Which faculty members are accepting students for next year?

Students are admitted to the ESE program through a decision by faculty committees; they are not admitted directly to work with individual faculty members. The number of new students faculty members accept in a given year is often in flux. Potential applicants may contact individual faculty members or other members of their research groups.

Should I write to a faculty member if I am thinking about applying and have interest in the research in the specific lab?

You are welcome to contact potential advisers, but admission offers to ESE are provided by faculty committees. You will be admitted to a Caltech program but not directly into a research group. During your first year in residence you will have an opportunity to work in several groups and find one that matches your interests. So, as you develop your application make sure to think about several groups that you would like to explore. It is helpful to the admissions committee to mention in your application letter those faculty members that you feel could be suitable advisers for your research interests. Some faculty members have dual appointments in different options (even divisions), so it is best to contact them individually if you are unsure which option to apply to. You can find a list of ESE faculty here .

What should I write in my Statement of Purpose? How long should it be?

The Statement of Purpose should reflect your reasoning for applying to the PhD program in Environmental Science and Engineering at Caltech. Things you can include in your statement are:

  • your motivations, your research interests and why you feel that ESE would be a suitable fit; this could include any faculty with whom you would like to work;
  • any previous personal, educational, research, or professional experiences that qualify you as a researcher;
  • concrete examples of how you solved a challenging research or coursework problem;
  • thoughts about your future career paths and why Caltech is a great choice for you; and
  • any extenuating circumstances and how you have overcome any challenges that have impacted your career path thus far.

An ideal statement is brief (2 pages) and clearly written.

Do I need to take the GRE to apply to ESE?

We do not require GRE scores as part of our application package. However, we also believe in letting every applicant showcase their academic and research success in whatever form that may take: research projects, competitions, exams, awards, experiences, etc. If in special cases, an applicant feels that GRE results provide key information that is not evident from other aspects of their application, they are welcome to submit official scores as a separate attachment. We do not use GRE cutoffs or other quantitative rankings. We consider any submitted test scores as one aspect of academic achievement, but we take a holistic approach to our application evaluation.

If I am offered a spot, when will I hear about a decision?

Decisions are typically made by the end of January. We will provide information on the admission decision via email.

Can I visit campus before I make a decision about where to attend graduate school?

ESE holds an open house weekend for admitted prospective students in late February or early March. We generally provide support for the cost of flights and accommodation during the visit. We highly recommend that prospective students come to campus and interact with potential faculty advisors and their research groups, meet the other prospective students , and explore the campus and surrounding area. If you are unable to make it to the scheduled visit weekend, you can contact the graduate options manager Julie Lee to schedule an individual visit.

Am I allowed to defer an offer of admission?

Deferrals can be granted on a case-by-case basis after the student has been officially admitted.

Who should I contact with further logistical questions about applying?

For further questions, you can reach out to the graduate options manager for GPS, Julie Lee.

What are the salary and benefits for graduate students?

Graduate students are paid a stipend of $45,000 a year (as of 2023-2024), this typically increases year-to-year to account for cost-of-living increases in Pasadena). In addition, the graduate student fellowships cover all tuition charges. Stipends are uniform across ESE and do not depend on whether the student is serving as a teaching assistant or not. Caltech also offers a subsidized health insurance plan that covers a majority of physical and mental health needs and it operates a health center on campus. There is also subsidized dental and vision insurance available.

When will I get paid? What costs will Caltech cover?

You will receive your stipend payment at the end of every month (beginning with your first month at Caltech, typically October). Caltech offers subsidized housing (see next question) and subsidized health care (see previous question). If the initial costs are a barrier, you can apply for a New Graduate Student Start-Up (NGSS) Loan of $2,500 from Caltech, which is disbursed during orientation week and payments begin 6 months later. For further details, you can confidentially contact the Dean's Office or the graduate options manager for GPS, Julie Lee.

Is it expensive to live in Pasadena?

Yes, unfortunately. However, the stipend does adequately cover housing costs for students. Many students choose to live with roommates to reduce costs, as housing near campus can be expensive. Information about graduate housing in the Catalina apartments and other Caltech-owned and rent-controlled properties is available through Caltech Housing .

How are ESE students financially supported?

All ESE students are guaranteed funding through the department through the fall term of their second year. We are committed to funding students throughout their graduate career, which transitions to support organized by the faculty advisor in year 2 generally via federal and private research grants and contracts. We do encourage and support students to personally apply for external fellowships. Some of the more common ones include:

  • AMS fellowship
  • NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
  • DOE Office of Science Graduate Fellowship
  • National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate Fellowship
  • Soros Fellowship for New Americans
  • Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST)
  • Hertz Foundation Fellowship

Assistance and advice for applying to fellowships is offered by the Caltech Fellowships Advising office .

How long does the MS/PhD typically take to complete?

Students complete their MS within two years. The average time to complete the PhD is 5.5 years. Almost all students finish within 6 years.

Will I get/have to be a Teaching Assistant?

Yes. Graduate students in ESE are expected to serve as teaching assistants (TA) one term per year starting from their second year. Caltech is on the quarter system and has three "teaching" terms: fall, winter, and spring. Many of the classes ESE students TA are graduate level classes and are an excellent opportunity to hone your skills as an instructor.


Do i need an official translation for my transcript and recommendation letters.

If your recommenders are unable to write their letters in English or your transcript is not in English, please contact the graduate options manager for GPS, Julie Lee.

What is a GPA? What should I do if my grades are on a different scale?

GPA is a Grade Point Average. We are experienced with scales from different countries, so there is nothing specific you need to do.

Is the TOEFL required?

For non-native speakers, there is a language test requirement but you will have a choice between TOEFL, IELTS, Pearsons, or Duolingo. In addition, Caltech offers English as a second language (ESL) courses for those who might benefit from improving their English skills. If there are reasons why you can't take a language test, please contact the graduate options manager for GPS, Julie Lee and we will attempt to find an alternative solution, if required.

What funding opportunities are available for international students?

This varies by country of citizenship, but certain governments offer competitive fellowships that STEM students can support PhD studies. Eligibility of most US government fellowships only extend to US citizens or permanent residents, but there are some that are open to international students as well:

  • Fulbright Foreign Student Program

My professors don't know how to write a recommendation letter. What should I tell them? What are you looking for?

Ultimately the admissions committee is trying to assess your potential to excel as a researcher. Ask your recommenders to write about not their experience with you as a student in a classroom, but also about your skills as a researcher, your prior research experience, or how your skills in the classroom can translate into skills in the lab. Our admissions rubric provides advice on what aspects of the recommendation letters will be considered during the application process.

If I am accepted, how much money do I need to start grad school?

In most cases, before starting your PhD you will need to pay for a visa, SEVIS fee, and travel to Pasadena. If you use Caltech housing and health insurance, those costs can be paid later in the academic term, after you start receiving your stipend. If you need help with start-up expenses, you can apply for a New Graduate Student Start-Up (NGSS) Loan of US$2500 that is disbursed in person during orientation.

Civil and Environmental Engineering

How to Apply

Main navigation, application deadline.

The Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering accepts applications to our graduate programs once per year for fall quarter entry. 

The application deadline is posted on our Application Timeline & Deadlines page. 

Late applications will not be accepted. Any application materials over email will not be accepted. You cannot make any changes to your application materials after submission. Please note that we cannot guarantee the review of materials, including letters of recommendation , received after the deadline.

Application Materials

Scores from the  general or subject Graduate Record Examination (GRE) are not required for admission  to any CEE Graduate Program.

1. Completed Online Application

Access online application

2. Transcripts/Education History

Applicants are required to upload copies of their transcripts/academic records (including any legends/keys) directly into the online application. Please ensure that your scans are legible since the Admissions Committee will use them in their review process.  Official transcripts will only be required for applicants who are admitted and accept the offer of graduate admission. Please do not arrange for any official transcripts to be sent to the department or Stanford graduate admissions until that time.

When completing the “Educational History 1” section of the application, you will be asked to list every college and university you have attended for a year or more, and any degree program in which you are currently enrolled.  Please list the highest undergraduate degree awarded (e.g. Bachelor’s, Diplom, Maitrise) in the “Post-Secondary Institution 1” section.

3. Statement of Purpose (1–3 pages)

The maximum length is three pages (single-spaced); the recommended length is two pages (about 1,000 words). Your statement of purpose should be a well-structured essay that effectively communicates the information below while demonstrating your expository writing ability; it is often effective to open with a summary paragraph rather than e.g., a personal anecdote.

In your statement of purpose, you should succinctly describe your reasons for applying to the CEE Graduate Program you are interested in, which may include:

  • Preparation and motivation for graduate study in Civil & Environmental Engineering
  • Research and relevant work experience
  • Specific features of the program you are interested in and our university that make us a good fit for you
  • Possible general areas of Civil or Environmental Engineering that you might pursue in your career
  • Possible general areas of research you might pursue
  • Any faculty member’s research that is of specific interest to you
  • Aspects of your background and interests outside of research that are directly relevant to thriving in graduate school, such as obstacles overcome and experience in service and leadership
  • PhD applicants may be contacted for follow up interviews during the review of applications. However, please note that the number and timing of interviews do not signify any particular outcome regarding admissions decisions.

4. Three letters of recommendation

Recommenders should know you well and be able to comment on your strengths and your potential for graduate study. Our admissions committees strongly prefer letters of recommendation from academic (or professional) references who can speak to your academic and/or research background (e.g., professors who have acted as instructors or research supervisors who have had extensive individual interactions with you). Additionally, our admissions committees find it helpful to hear from references who can comment on your personal qualities that would enable you to succeed in our graduate programs (such as your passion for learning, your work ethic, commitment to goals, and capacity to overcome adversity).

NOTE: CEE will not consider letters of recommendation submitted through Interfolio.

5. Resume/Curriculum Vitae

Your resume/CV provides the admissions committee with additional information to better evaluate your preparation and fit for our program. Your resume/CV is an opportunity to summarize your qualifications, honors, educational accomplishments, any research accomplishments (e.g., publications and presentations) and other interests.

6. TOEFL scores

If your first language is not English, you are required to submit an official test score from the  Test of English as a Foreign Language Internet-Based Test (TOEFL iBT) . Please see the  Test Scores  page on the Stanford Graduate Admissions website for more information on Stanford's TOEFL test requirements, reporting scores, exemptions, and waivers.

7. Application Fee

Applicants who need assistance with the application fee are encouraged to apply for a  fee waiver . Preference is given to low-income, first-generation, and underrepresented minority students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

For applicants who are not receiving a waiver, a nonrefundable application fee of $125 is required for each application submitted to a graduate program at Stanford University. The fee must be paid through the payment section of the online application. The only accepted method of payment is by credit/debit card (Visa or MasterCard only).

Additional Information about Applying

Important submission notice:.

Individual faculty members and staff are unable to accept informal or ad-hoc documents or appeals for informal evaluations. We encourage potential applicants to consider discussing their application materials with faculty recommenders at their home institutions who know them well and can give individualized academic advice.


While most applicants to our advanced degree programs have traditional civil engineering backgrounds, we do accept applications from students in other related fields. Those with non-traditional backgrounds should expect, if admitted, to spend some additional time acquiring the background necessary to complete a graduate degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering. For reference, the requirements for a Stanford BS in Civil Engineering can be found in the  Handbook for Undergraduate Engineering Programs .

How to get more help:

Please carefully review the information on our website under the Graduate Admissions sections since most of the answers are posted there. If you still have further questions that are specific to graduate admission to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, contact  [email protected] .  Please be patient as we get many inquiries, especially around admission season. For help with the online application system and required application documents, submit a help ticket through your application portal instead. 

NOTE: Decision feedback is not available to applicants denied admission. We recognize that you devote a great deal of time and effort to your application, and may wish to discuss it with a member of our admissions committee or a faculty member. Regrettably, we are unable to provide individual feedback to any applicant due to the volume of applications received.

Future students

How to apply.

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Washington welcomes applications for both master’s and Ph.D. programs.

Deadline    Statement of purpose    Letters of recommendation    Transcripts    GPA    GRE    Additional items for PhD    TOEFL    Application rubric    Graduate funding

The majority of graduate students are admitted annually, in autumn quarter, although a few online programs welcome new students on a quarterly basis. For graduate students admitted in autumn quarter, preference is given to applications for admission and financial support that are received by December 15, 11:59pm Pacific Standard Time. Applications received after the deadline are considered on a space available basis. 

Applicants may check the status of their application by logging into their online application and checking the status page. Applications will not be reviewed unless they are complete.

Deadline Applicants Notes
December 15 Priority deadline for students applying to research tracks (PhD and MS Thesis), and PMP students who want decisions by March 15. Applicants by this deadline would be eligible for an invitation to departmental visitation events.
May 1 For Professional Master's Program students only and final deadline for international applicants not already in the United States. Individuals would receive an admissions decision by June 15.
September 1 Final deadline for Domestic Professional Master's Program students on a space available basis. Before submitting an application please contact to inquire about the possibility of applying.

Application process

Applications for the program are submitted through the UW Graduate School’s online application . Please do not submit any materials directly to UW CEE as they will not be reviewed. The online application requires a non-refundable $85 application fee. When completing the online application, you will be asked to submit the following items:

Statement of purpose

In the UW Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering we are looking to admit graduate students who are passionate about learning and exploring the use and application of engineering for the betterment of global society. We encourage prospective applicants to explore the research opportunities in the department and contact the faculty they are interested in working with before they submit an application if they are interested in a research track position. We welcome applicants who have varied cultural, educational, and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Please answer each of the following questions in your statement of purpose. These responses can be broken out separately or addressed in a single essay. Please save and submit as a single document.

  • Why are you seeking a graduate degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Washington? What knowledge and skills do you hope to achieve from the graduate program that will be useful to your long-term career goals? We are looking for evidence that you are passionate about the field and also why a graduate degree from CEE will help you to achieve your goals.
  • The graduate student experience and life in general can involve a range of challenges. Describe an example of how you have shown resilience and/or perseverance in the pursuit of your academic goals or in your personal life and how you have grown as a result.
  • What do you expect to be challenging about graduate school? What strategies would you use to manage these challenges?
  • Which CEE faculty members’ research are you most interested in and why? A list of CEE faculty members can be found here . Please indicate at least three CEE faculty you would be interested in doing research with.
  • (Optional) Please add anything you would like to say in support of your application or anything that puts your application in a broader context that is not addressed by the questions above.

Letters of recommendation

Two letters are required for master's applicants, three for Ph.D. applicants. Letters must be submitted via the online application system. After entering email addresses for your letter writers into the online form, an automatic email will direct them to a secure Web site to upload their letter. It is recommended to submit email addresses early, to give recommenders ample time to submit letters. At least one letter should be from a faculty member at the last school you attended as a full-time student (unless you have been out of school for more than five years). Substitutions for faculty recommendations may include work associates or supervisors, or others who can comment on your academic potential for graduate work.


Submit unofficial transcripts (PDF format) with the online application. Before uploading, please make sure your transcript is legible, otherwise the review committee will not be able to review your application. The file size limit is 2 megabytes. If you are offered admission by the department, the Graduate School will require an official final degree transcript prior to registration. The department does not require an official transcript.

Applicants must enter their GPA for the past two years of study (or 90 quarter credits or 60 semester credits), based on a 4.0 scale. If your previous institution did not grade on a 4.0 scale you will need to convert it. For information on computing and converting an international GPA, please refer to the following documents:

  • Computing International GPA
  • Converting International GPA
  • International GPA Calculator

Official GRE scores

No longer accepted for applications.

Additional items for Ph.D. applicants

  • Resume A resumé is required for Ph.D. applicants; optional for master’s applicants.
  • Writing sample Ph.D. applicants may submit a writing sample, however it is not required.

English proficiency : Required for international applicants

Applicants whose native language is not English must submit official test scores, which must be less than two years old. Ask the testing company to send official test scores directly to the University of Washington Graduate Admissions Office, institution code 4854. The minimum score required by the Graduate School is 92 for TOEFL, 120 for Duolingo and 7.0 for IELTS. Applicants admitted with a score below the minimum will be required to take English as a Second Language (ESL) classes. For details on the English language proficiency requirements, review the English Language Proficiency Requirements .

You will be asked to self-report your scores on the online application. If you have not yet taken an exam, enter the date you are scheduled to take the exam. Official scores should be received by the university before the December 15 application deadline.

Note: A bachelor's, master's or Ph.D. degree from the U.S. will fulfill the English proficiency requirement. International students who were enrolled in a bachelor’s program where all instruction was in English (documentation required) would not be required to provide English proficiency test scores.

Application rubric

Applicant’s to CEE graduate programs will be evaluated on the following criteria.

  • Academic Preparation - Courses that prepare them for this program and their research interests (could be chemistry, physics, math, computer science, engineering, etc.). The applicant’s undergraduate institution and resources that were available to the student are taken into account.
  • Research Experience - Has research experience and articulates the connection to motivation to pursue this degree. Is able to put research experience into a broader context of both the field and the applicant’s career trajectories. (Not required for PMP applicants)
  • Motivation, Resilience, and Perseverance - Evidence of passion and curiosity for the field/learning in general. Clearly stated motivation and objectives for joining our department’s graduate program.  Evidence that the student is self-driven and a self-advocate. Willingness to question their own work/results/performance.
  • Contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusivity - Potential contribution to our department’s JEDI initiative
  • Practical and leadership Experience - Relevance of the practical and/or leadership experience to the field of application.
  • Program fit and long term goals - How well does the program and department fit with the applicant’s stated goals for after the program. This can include specific alignment with research groups or faculty, interest in specific coursework, etc.

Applying for graduate student funding

Funding from the department is typically awarded in the form of Research and Teaching Assistantships, or fellowships. All graduate applicants are considered for financial aid from the department if that request is indicated in the Financial Aid section of the online application. No separate application is required.

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How to Write a Statement of Purpose for PhD Admission


The dreaded doctoral statement of purpose — every PhD program asks for it, but why is it so difficult to write? Writing a strong statement of purpose is essential to getting into your top PhD programs. A PhD statement of purpose gives admissions committees an introduction to your research interests and why their specific program is of interest to you.

Like a cover letter for a job application, a great statement of purpose allows you to highlight your strengths, interests and experience. If you need statement of purpose advice, keep reading for guidance on how to write a successful statement of purpose that will make your PhD application stand out.

Statement of purpose vs. personal statement

Though the two may sound similar, they’re not necessarily interchangeable. A personal statement gives insight into who you are, while a statement of purpose is meant to showcase what you want to do. Rarely will you be asked to write a personal statement for a PhD program.

As you go through the PhD application process, you will likely see schools requesting either a statement of purpose or a research statement. In most cases, they're both looking for the same thing. Admissions committees want to know about your academic background, your research goals and what you hope to accomplish as a candidate in a PhD program.

Your research goals should align with faculty research

Being admitted to a PhD program is a great feeling, but if you enroll in a program that doesn’t match your research interests or help support your career goals, you may be setting yourself up for disappointment later down the road.

Applying for admission to a program is all about fit. Faculty reviewers are looking for students who best represent the department’s mission and will help them obtain their research objectives.

By the time you apply, you should have a solid understanding of what the department’s primary research and content areas are, as well as which faculty members you’d like to work with more closely. This might mean finding information about what their labs do and reading published articles related to their work.

Be sure to include how your interests and past experiences align with the work that they do and how you would be an active contributor to those endeavors. This approach shows that you took the time to look into their program, so the committee will be more willing to invest theirs in reviewing your application.

Don’t be afraid to address your weaknesses

Many people assume they should avoid listing their shortcomings in their essays. The whole point of applying to a program is to impress the reviewers, right? But constructively addressing your weaknesses can be a great way to demonstrate how this program can help you achieve your academic goals.

Look at the catalog and read through the courses that are part of the program. If there is a particular class that fascinates you, talk about how it could help you obtain a new skill or a better understanding of a concept that you’ve struggled with before.

This demonstrates that you are actively seeking programs to help you better your education. It also exhibits that you’re mindful of what areas of your knowledge need some improvement, which shows maturity and the ability to self-assess.

Keep it succinct

If your program of interest does not specify a page word or word limit, it’s best to assume that your statement should not exceed two pages total. It should be enough to give them a glimpse of who you are and what you have to offer but not share your life story.

The aim is to communicate how and why this particular program will help you meet your academic and career goals. Limited space means you must prioritize what you include in your statement.

Create an outline before you start writing to ensure you are including points that are relevant to your application and the program to which you are applying. Your statement is also an example of how well you can write. By framing your essay before you write it, you can avoid stream-of-consciousness writing that can often come across as undefined and incoherent.

Proofread! And read it over and over

When you think you have a finished product, read your essay out loud. This makes it easier to catch typos, poor grammar, and oddly worded sentences. If you have a friend who is also applying to grad school, help each other out by editing each other’s essays.

Having someone else read your statement and ask questions can help you clarify your points and make it more compelling. Your statement is your one chance to present yourself professionally in your own words. The occasional mistake is excusable, but messy writing will make them think you lack attention to detail.

Before you hit submit on that application, be sure that you have attached the correct document for the right institution. It can be very embarrassing if your statement mentions the wrong faculty member’s name or refers to another school’s library! It could also cause the reviewers to think you are not as serious about their program.

You’ve spent a good amount of time perfecting your application, so take your time to review everything before you submit it so you can rest easy knowing you’ve presented your best.


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statement of purpose for phd in environmental engineering

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    University of Houston
  Jun 29, 2024  
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2024-2025 Graduate Catalog (Catalog goes into effect at the start of the Fall 2024 semester)

Cullen College of Engineering    > Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering    > Environmental Engineering, PhD

The Environmental Engineering Program of the University of Houston is an interdisciplinary graduate engineering program within the Cullen College of Engineering , administratively housed in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. The Program and its faculty are internationally known for their research and teaching in water, wastewater, microbiology, nano- and biotechnologies, bioremediation, soil and hazardous waste treatment and modeling, and airborne particulates. The emphasis of study and research is placed on municipal and industrial water and wastewater treatment, water reuse, hazardous-waste management, and groundwater restoration with elective courses in the fields of air pollution modeling, measurement and control, engineering management, business and public policy, environmental law, water resources engineering, chemical engineering, chemistry, biochemistry and geosciences.

In addition to continued study of a broad range of environmental engineering fundamentals, candidates for the doctoral degree enjoy intensive exposure to a specific field of environmental engineering research.  Individual research is the major focal point for doctoral students, who are expected to expand the frontiers of knowledge in their area of endeavor.  Moreover, candidates learn and experience the general philosophy, methods, and concepts of research and scholarly inquiry.  Acceptance into the full-time Ph.D. program is generally accompanied by financial support.

A fast-track Ph.D. program (B.S. to Ph.D.), available to undergraduate students upon completion of a bachelor’s degree within that program, is also available in Environmental Engineering.

Admission to the Ph.D. program is highly selective.  Satisfying the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission.  All applicants must be approved by the Environmental Engineering Admissions Committee and the Associate Dean of Engineering for Graduate Programs.  Since a research dissertation is required of all Ph.D. candidates, it is highly recommended that a prospective Ph.D. student contact individual faculty members whose research programs are of interest and a match to the student’s skill sets to discuss the possibility of performing research under their guidance.

Admission Requirements (B.S. to Ph.D.)

  • A BS degree in engineering or in a science related to engineering from an accredited college or university or the foreign equivalent of an accredited American BS or MS degree in engineering. Non-engineers with degrees in related fields may be considered for admission after certain prerequisite courses are completed. A list of pre-requisites and leveling courses can be found on the Information for Non-Engineers page. Applicants with non-science bachelor’s degrees in fields such as technology, management, business, and the arts must obtain an accredited engineering degree before applying.
  • A minimum grade point average (GPA) of “B”, i.e., 3.0 on a 4.0 scale on the last 60 hours of course work attempted.
  • Satisfactory scores on the General Aptitude test of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). The Quantitative + Verbal scores combined should be at least 1100 using the prior GRE scale (Verbal minimum is 450 and Quantitative minimum is 650) or 301 using the current GRE scale (Verbal minimum is 150 and Quantitative minimum is 151); however, this does not guarantee admission.
  • The applicant must meet English language proficiency requirements, either via degree completion in the US or another certified English-speaking nation, or via submission of TOEFL/IELTS scores. Full details are found on the Graduate School/International students web page.
  • Submit a complete application. It must be completed via the online application found on the How to Apply to UH Graduate School page.

Admission Requirements (MS to PhD)

  • Met the requirements listed above for BS to PhD
  • Completed an MS degree with thesis in Chemical, Environmental, or Civil Engineering with an Environmental emphasis with a GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale from an ABET- accredited engineering program or a foreign equivalent thereof.  A copy of the title page, signature page, and thesis abstract as well as excellent letters of reference from faculty familiar with the research must be submitted with the application.

Degree Requirements

Credit hours required for this degree: 52.0

The Ph.D. degree requires 52 credit hours of approved study beyond the M.S. degree. These requirements translate to a minimum of 24 credit hours of organized course work (eight 3-credit non-research courses) beyond the Master’s Degree plus 28 hours of Ph.D. research and dissertation. It is also possible to obtain the Ph.D. degree without obtaining the M.S. degree (a total of 14 3-credit non-research courses are required for this option). A maximum of 100 credit hours as a Ph.D. student also applies. After 100 hours, the student is no longer eligible for the lower, Texas-Resident Tuition.

A Post-M.S. student becomes a Ph.D. student after passing the qualifying examination, which is usually taken after two semesters in residence (three semesters for B. S. to Ph. D. option). The qualifying exam consists of a critical review of a manuscript published in the peer-reviewed literature, and related to the student’s research area chosen by the chairman of the student’s dissertation committee. The student has 10 calendar days to write a comprehensive critique of the article and then, approximately two weeks after submitting the written critique to the examination committee (consisting of the core faculty members) the student presents and defends the critique in front of the committee. The result is pass (excellent, good or fair) or fail (poor). The examination may be retaken once.

After the student has completed 1-2 years of course work and preliminary research, they prepare a formal research proposal as their Candidacy Exam and select a dissertation committee consisting of a chair, two program faculty members and two faculty members from outside the CEE Department. Members are chosen by agreement between the student, the chair, and the potential member. All committee appointments must be approved by the Program Director and the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies. A candidacy examination consists of a formal proposal presentation and defense in front of the dissertation committee. The result is pass or fail. If the result is pass, the Ph.D. student becomes a Ph.D. Candidate. Even with a pass, the committee may point out deficiencies in the proposed research and recommend additional course work or require that specific experiments be completed. The exam may be retaken once.

After completing the research and writing the dissertation, the candidate defends the dissertation in a public meeting of the committee, interested faculty, staff, and students. The result is pass or fail with a pass usually being accompanied by recommended changes to the final draft.

Although all graduate students must maintain a “B” average (GPA 3.0), a Doctoral student should aim for a GPA of 3.5.

Academic Policies

Regulations for comprehensive screening examination.

  • The qualifying exam may be taken any time after core coursework or equivalent has been completed. Student’s graduate GPA at UH should be 3.50 or greater. Exceptions may be made in the case of students required to take particularly difficult courses outside the EnvE Program.
  • Student’s major advisor (Chair of Dissertation Committee) will select one or more related technical publications for the student to review and critique.
  • Advisor will circulate publication(s) to other EnvE faculty members for advice and counsel. Faculty with comments should respond within one week.
  • Students will have ten calendar days to analyze the publication, read related material, and prepare a written review in the format requested. One copy of the written review will be delivered to each EnvE faculty (mailbox or personal delivery) by the due date.
  • Candidate will present and defend the written review before the EnvE faculty. The oral exam will be held 7-14 days after the written exam is submitted. Effort must be made to schedule the exam when all EnvE faculty can attend. If this is not possible, the exam may be held with no more than one missing EnvE faculty.
  • Written and oral presentations will be judged by all core EnvE faculty. Grading will be “Excellent”, “Good”, “Fair”, or “Poor” with “Fair” or better required for passing. Separate written and oral grades will be assigned based on the student’s demonstrated analytical and writing abilities, presentation skill, and ability to answer faculty questions. If failed, the test may be retaken only once.

Format for Written Critical Review

Abstract: A 300-word abstract of what the candidate thinks the authors are saying.

Overall Evaluation: Student’s general impression of the paper- what is the contribution? Approximately 150 words in length supported by the following Detailed Evaluation.

Detailed Evaluation of Strengths and Weaknesses: The following factors should be considered and reported upon in some logical fashion in the written critique. This list is not an outline to be rigorously followed for the written critique.

  • Is the presentation clear?
  • Is the literature search adequate?
  • What is the quality of the experimental data?
  • Do the models make sense; are they built on sound assumptions with correct equations?
  • Is approach innovative, creative, unique?
  • Are results and conclusions believable?
  • Are results useful?
  • Is the work significant?
  • Is work state-of-the-art?
  • What additional experimental work or modeling might have been performed?
  • How does this work extend, contradict, or confirm the literature?
  • Are the findings in this paper related to your doctoral research? If so, how?

NOTE: Total length of critique is not to exceed 10 double-spaced typed pages exclusive of references and additional figures.

Candidacy Examination:

The student must prepare and defend a research proposal for their dissertation research as the candidacy exam. The objectives of the examination are to ensure that the research topic is appropriate and manageable, the student is capable and prepared to undertake the proposed research, they have investigated the research point thoroughly and that they are proposing a reasonable approach. The candidacy examination should be taken after the student passes the comprehensive examination.

The student will prepare a written dissertation proposal and submit it to the dissertation committee (see below) in advance of the oral examination. During the examination, the student should present his/her proposal to the committee orally, and answer their questions. The proposal should include:

  • tentative title, objectives and scope of the proposed research;
  • the results of a literature search on the subject (with a selected bibliography) indicating the present status of related work;
  • a discussion of the proposed problem;
  • preliminary data collected to date;
  • plans for completing the research; and
  • requirements of any computer work that is included.

As soon as the student passes the examination (which implies the committee’s approval of their proposal), the student can formally proceed with the research plan and enroll in the dissertation (CIVE 8399, 8699, or 8999). Upon successful completion of the Candidacy Examination, the student is formally considered a Ph.D. candidate.

The candidacy examination is administered by the student’s dissertation committee. This committee consists of at least three environmental engineering faculty members from the student’s major and supporting (if needed) areas, including the major advisor as committee chair, and two faculty members from outside the CEE department. The advisor will ask the program director to appoint the dissertation committee. The advisor’s request should propose the committee’s membership, which should include those faculty members with the most expertise in the proposed research topic (that enables them to contribute effectively and to judge adequately). This request should be submitted as early as possible after the student passes their comprehensive examination and selects their research topic (form). The program director, after consulting faculty members in the major area, will appoint the committee (with any appropriate changes in the proposed membership judged necessary).

The major advisor is responsible for arranging the candidacy examination and transmitting its results (i.e., the committee’s decisions) in writing, to the student, to the members of the committee, and to the program director. The candidacy exam result is pass (excellent, good, fair) or fail (poor).

The dissertation committee has the responsibility of passing final judgment on the student’s degree plan (and imposing additional courses, if necessary), administering and grading the candidacy examination, supervising the dissertation research, passing judgment on the student’s defense of their dissertation, and approving and signing the completed final copy of the dissertation document.

Department Academic Policies

Graduate Academic Policies: Cullen College of Engineering    

University of Houston Academic Policies    

Colorado State University

Civil & environmental engineering walter scott, jr. college of engineering.

Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering

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  • What is Environmental Engineering?
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Graduate Application Information

  • Non-Civil Engr BS Applicants
  • Engineering BS Applicants
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Traditional Sub-Disciplines
  • Grad Student Forms
  • Grad Assistant Opportunities
  • Graduate Distance Learning
  • Degrees Conferred Last Five Years
  • Course Descriptions
  • Scholarships & Funding
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  • Attend Engineering Events
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  • Support Engineering
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  • Search for:

Application Information

We are hosting several virtual information sessions this fall to help you learn about our degree programs, the application process, and how to craft a strong application. Click the button to review all available sessions and register to receive a Zoom link.

The GRE is no longer required for domestic and international students effective Spring 2024.

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Colorado State University offers a Master of Engineering (M.E.), Master of Science (M.S.), and Doctoral (Ph.D). Reach out to the Graduate Advisor ( [email protected] ) to learn more about our graduate programs! 

Required Documents for Application

  • Application fee: $60 non-refundable application fee for domestic students or $70 fee for international students
  • Official transcripts of all previously earned credits: One official original transcript from each college or university attended should be sent to the Office of Admissions and must include all previous undergraduate and graduate work. Any document you upload is considered unofficial. Transcripts are not required from current CSU students. International students are required to provide official English translations of all transcripts, diplomas, and graduation certificates in addition to the originals.
  • Three letters of recommendation: Letters must be uploaded directly to the online application system from the recommending party. Recommendations should be from individuals who can accurately evaluate your skills as a student, engineer, scientist, and/or researcher.
  • Statement of Purpose:   There are several required short answer questions under the supplemental material section of the application. The questions are required and have a word limit. 
  • Current resume

Submit English proficiency scores directly to the Office of Graduate Admissions at Colorado State University, 1062 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1062. The institution code is 4075. Photocopies will not be accepted.

In general, students applying to the Ph.D. program should have a prior master degree. Students without a master degree but have significant research experience will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

In very rare cases the Department is willing to consider an applicant with a GPA below 3.0.  In such cases we look very strongly at 5+ years of work experience in Civil Engineering and if the PE exam has been taken and passed.

The Department does not require GRE scores. 

Apply Online

Visit our online application to apply.

Submit Application Materials

After submitting your online application and paying your application fee, begin submitting your supporting materials to complete your application.

  • Upload a variety of supporting documents directly to your application. As a reminder, the short answer supplemental questions are required. Please adhere to the stated word limit.
  • To submit official transcripts, contact your previous institutions to request they submit official transcripts to Colorado State University (use institution code 4075).
  • To submit test scores, contact the testing agency to request that scores be sent to Colorado State University (use institution code 4075).

For any documents that cannot be uploaded, submit paper copies directly to the Office of Admissions at:

Graduate Admissions       Colorado State University        Office of Admissions       1062 Campus Delivery             Fort Collins, CO  80523-1062

Check Your Application Status

View the status of your application at any time to ensure your application checklist is complete or check on updates.

Civil & Environmental Engineering Department Graduate Application Deadlines:

Deadline Dates
TermApply for Graduate Admission OnlyApply for Graduate Admission and Financial Support
Fall (begins late August)May 1January 15
Spring (begins late January)December 1October 1

Berkeley: Civil & Environmental Engineering

Frequently Asked Questions

May i take graduate courses in cee without being admitted into a cee degree program, do you offer any online degrees or classes, may i enroll in a graduate degree program part-time, how long does it take to earn the different degrees, may i transfer coursework completed at another institution, are interviews required, may i defer my admission, what type of funding is available, if i was a previous graduate student in cee at uc berkeley and i want to apply for another degree in cee, do i need to submit an application.

  • I am a Masters student in either Architecture, Urban Planning or Public Policy and I want to add the MS as part of the joint program. What should I do?

Do you accept applications for the spring semester?

  • May I apply to more than one degree at the same time?

I applied last year and want to reapply this year. Do I have to submit everything again?

What do i do if i started an application in the wrong degree.

  • Should I apply for the MS or MEng, or the PhD?

What should I write in my Statement of Purpose and Personal History Statement?

How long should the statements be, what is the minimum gpa for admission, when should i take the gre.

  • What are the minimum GRE and TOEFL scores?

If my scores are within the average range stated in the previous answer, what are my chances of being admitted?

Who qualifies for a toefl exemption, who should write my letters of recommendation, what is the last day i can submit test scores and letters of recommendation, do i need to send any materials via paper mail, when will i find out if i've been accepted or not.

  • Useful links  

General questions

Through UC Berkeley Extension's Concurrent Enrollment program, you may be able to enroll in regular CEE courses, with instructor approval. Note: when enrolled through Concurrent Enrollment, you are considered an Extension student, not a Berkeley student. Concurrent Enrollment is not intended as a means of accumulating credit toward a Berkeley degree by a student who has not been formally admitted to Berkeley. See University Extension .

No, we currently offer only on-campus courses and degrees.

We currently have 2 part-time MEng degree programs .

  • Full-time Master's degrees (MS and MEng) take 1 year (2 semesters) to complete
  • Part-time MEng program takes between 2-4 years to complete
  • A PhD degree takes on average 5 years to complete

The UC Berkeley Graduate Division does not allow the transfer of units toward a doctoral degree. Graduate Division regulations do permit a maximum of 4 semester units of coursework taken at another accredited institution to be applied toward a master's degree. Requests for transferring degree credit are not considered until an applicant has been admitted into a degree program and has consulted with his or her adviser.

You will not be required to retake courses you have already completed. Courses relevant to your degree would be substituted.

No, we do not conduct formal interviews for any of our graduate degrees.

Deferrals have been granted on a case-by-case basis after a discussion with the applicant's Admissions Officer after the student has been officially admitted.

Most funding is reserved for PhD students which means there is limited funding for MS-only students. Most MS students will try to secure teaching assistant positions (GSIs) or Reader positions that will offer partial to full fee remission. We also suggest that students apply for outside funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Ford Foundation, and the Fulbright Scholar Program.

Yes, you will need to fill out the Graduate Admission's Application. You must inform the CEE Academic Affairs Office of your decision to apply. Contact [email protected]  to notify them of your intention.  Additional materials may need to be submitted, but you may not need to fully complete the application.

I am a master's student in either Architecture, Urban Planning, or Public Policy and I want to add the MS as part of the joint program. What should I do?

You will need to submit the Graduate Admission's Application.  Please apply to the joint program (not just the MS).  

Application questions

No, we only accept applications for the fall semester.

May I apply to more than one program at the same time?

No, you may apply to only 1 graduate degree program on the Berkeley campus per admissions cycle.

You will need to re-submit the online Graduate Application and pay the application fee. We have the letters of recommendation, transcripts and test scores on file in our database. We suggest you add 1 new letter, change your statements, and add any coursework you may have taken since your last application.

If you have opened an application for a specific degree goal and you realize that is incorrect or wish to switch to another degree, contact the Academic Affairs Office . State your full name, application ID number, the degree you have an application under, and the degree you wish to be switched to, and AAO staff will move you to the correct degree goal.

It is possible that some information may be lost during this transfer and you will have to re-enter it.

Should I apply for the MS or MEng or PhD?

If you are looking for a professional engineering degree apply for the MS or MEng. The MS covers more technical courses while the MEng has a business and leadership component. Note: the MEng is considered a terminal degree while MS students can continue on for the PhD.

The PhD is a research-oriented academic program for those who already hold an MS degree and have a clear research goal in mind. If you apply for the PhD without an MS degree, you will earn an MS degree while progressing to the doctorate degree.

See Degrees .

The Statement of Purpose should reflect your reasoning for applying for the specific degree and the specific CEE Program. For instance, what you are interested in researching within the CEE Program (and any faculty you would like to work with if applicable), and list any previous experience that qualifies you for acceptance.

For the Personal History Statement, although the prompt states you should write about some type of diversity or disadvantage, you can speak more to what in your life brought you to engineering.

Both essays should be no more than 2 pages long single-spaced. There is no word limit.

The campus GPA for admissions for master's degree programs is a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. This is not necessarily a competitive GPA, but the application will be evaluated holistically.

CEE department no longer requires, or accepts, the GRE.

What are the minimum TOEFL/IELTS scores?

The minimum TOEFL score is a 90/120 on the iBT  (or 7 on the IELTS).

The CEE admissions process is comprehensive, i.e., CEE bases its decision on the entirety of your application, not just test scores. We will not be able to answer this question without having seen your entire submitted application.

  • If you have a basic or advanced degree from an accredited US institution
  • If you have a basic or advanced degree from a recognized institution in a country where the official language is English
  • If you have completed at least 1 year of full-time academic course work with a grade of 'B' or better from an accredited US institution

We suggest that at least 2 out of 3 of the required letters of recommendation should be written by a faculty member who either served as your instructor or with whom you have worked. The other recommendation can be from an employer, etc.

  • You can submit official test scores and letters up until 2 weeks after the application deadline; however, we cannot guarantee that late materials will be reviewed.
  • We suggest that you take your tests no later than the end of November to ensure that they reach us by the time applications are reviewed.
  • You should request letters as soon as you start the application process to allow recommenders enough time to compose and submit your letter.

All materials should be uploaded or sent electronically directly to the online application.

The CEE admissions process is lengthy and intensive; we notify applicants of their status as soon as possible, usually in March. You will receive an e-mail regarding our decision, whether favorable or not. Be patient and check your e-mail often.

Useful links

  • Graduate Division: Applying for Graduate Admissions
  • Fung Institute for Engineering Leadership (MEng degree)
  • Berkeley Office of the Registrar: Registration and fees

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Statement of Purpose for Environmental Engineering

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With this self-discovery I entered the graduate program in Applied Chemistry at Beijing Industrial and Commercial University. The three-year period of my graduate study was like a race with time. To me, the course work, however demanding, was the greatest source of fun. I was deeply attracted to courses like Chemical Engineering and Chemical Reaction Kinetics, because they provided powerful tools to treat environmental problems. Because of my diligence and my love for this subject of learning, I remained a student of top-ranking GPA in the class, and won the Scholarship of the First Class for three consecutive years. In my thesis"A Study of the Applications of Titanium Dioxide as a Semiconductive Photochemical Catalyst in the Degradation of Wastewater," I targeted the traditional separating process in treating wastewater, which often resulted in secondary pollution. As an alternative, I proposed a new method of treatment without secondary pollution. After much library research, I decided to use titanium dioxide as the semiconductive photochemical catalyst. Titanium dioxide, however, needs be excited by near ultraviolet rays, since its catalytic effects are quite low within the range of visible light. To solve this problem, I applied special modifiers through doping with iron, which significantly enhanced the catalytic effects of titanium dioxide. The thesis was well received by experts in the field. PhD research guidance
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Environmental and Water Resources Engineering Graduate Degrees

Ms in environmental and water resources (ms envr-wr).

Graduate students in environmental and water resources engineering pursue coursework and research in a wide variety of areas, which include:

  • Air quality
  • Water quality
  • Water treatment
  • Wastewater treatment
  • Solid and hazardous waste
  • Bioremediation
  • Stormwater treatment
  • Wetlands management
  • Environmental Fluid Mechanics
  • Water Resource Management
  • Sediment and Nutrient Transport
  • River Ecohydraulics
  • Landscape Connectivity
  • Hydroclimatology

The MS degree program in environmental and water resources engineering is open to full-time and part-time graduate students. Students may start their graduate studies in the fall, spring or summer semester. A bachelor’s degree in a field of engineering is required for admission to the MS degree program in environmental and water resources engineering.

Degree Requirements

The  MS degree in environmental and water resources engineering  can be completed through one of 7 tracks. 

statement of purpose for phd in environmental engineering

Environmental Tracks

Water and wastewater process design.

This track is concerned with the supply of safe drinking water and the effective management and treatment of wastewaters.

Environmental Remediation

This track is concerned with the fate and transport of environmental pollutants and the protection of people and the environment from their harmful effects.

Environmental Science

This track addresses the study of physical, chemical, and biological processes in the environment and their use to solve environmental problems.

statement of purpose for phd in environmental engineering

Water Resources Tracks

This track is concerned with land-atmosphere feedbacks, runoff generation, drought mechanisms, and climate uncertainty.

Environmental Hydrodynamics

This track is concerned with the interactions between hydraulic phenomena, ecosystem dynamics, and water quality.

Water in the Built Environment

This track is concerned with the delivery, storage, treatment, and regulation of constructed water systems to meet human demands.

Water Resources

This track is concerned with the hydrologic cycle and its interaction with social, biogeochemical, and physical systems.

A minimum of 3.0 GPA is required for admission into the environmental and water resources engineering graduate degree program.

Candidates for the MS degree in environmental and water resources engineering have 3 options.  Option A  requires 30 credit-hours including a thesis of 6 to 10 hours and a final oral examination including defense of the thesis.  Option B  requires 30 hours including a 3- or 4-hour special problem investigation in the specialization and a final examination. It does not require a thesis.  Option C  requires 30 credit hours of coursework. It does not require a thesis, special problem investigation, or final oral examination.

Courses to be applied toward the MS degree must be listed on a Plan of Study form approved by the student’s major professor and examining committee and the departmental graduate advisor. All graduate students must have an approved  Plan of Study on file by the beginning of their second semester of study. Graduate courses offered by the CEAE department are identified by the prefixes CE, ARCE, and CMGT and are numbered 700 and above.  No more than 9 hours of courses from other departments or more than 6 hours of courses numbered below 700 (of which only 3 hours may be within the department) may be applied toward the degree without approval of the department’s graduate advisor.

A student who wishes to enroll in a special-problem or directed reading course must submit a written request to the director of Graduate Studies with a detailed syllabus provided by the instructor. The director of Graduate Studies, along with at least one more faculty member, will review the request to either approve or deny the request. No more than 4 hours of special-problem credit may be applied toward the degree without approval of the department’s graduate advisor.

(Approved by CEAE faculty on 10/6/2023)

Admission – How to Apply

The CEAE Department does NOT offer application fee waivers.

A minimum of 3.0 GPA is required for admission into any of the graduate degree programs in the CEAE department.

Complete the online application:  APPLY

Application Fees are:

Degree-Seeking, Domestic: $65 Degree-Seeking, International: $85 Certificate-Seeking: $30 Non-degree seeking: $30 Permit to Re-enroll: $20

Undergraduate Preparation

Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering  – An ABET-accredited BS degree in engineering, or the equivalent from abroad, is required for admission to our graduate degree and certificate programs in civil engineering, environmental engineering and architectural engineering.

Environmental Science  – A bachelor’s degree in a field of science is required for admission to our graduate degree programs in environmental science.

Master of Construction Management –  A bachelor’s degree in engineering or a relevant non-engineering field such as architecture or business.


Before you can be admitted, we must receive an official transcript from each university or college you have attended. The official transcript must be sent directly from the university or college to the KU Graduate Application Processing Center at this address:

Graduate Application Processing Center 313 Strong Hall 1450 Jayhawk Blvd. Lawrence, KS 66045

Email:  [email protected]

Alternatively an official electronic transcript can be sent directly from the college or university.

When you submit the online application, a  copy of official  transcripts may be uploaded to your application. However, we must receive official transcripts  by the end of your 1st semester .

GRE Exam 

The GRE exam is not required for admission to graduate programs in the CEAE department. However, MS and PhD applicants are strongly recommended to take the exam, as some funding decisions are made that include consideration of GRE scores (analytical, quantitative, and verbal). Admitted students with highly competitive application packages will be considered for GRA/GTA responsibilities, and strong GRE scores are one component of a competitive application package.  

When you request a GRE score report from ETS, specify the University of Kansas as the institution (institution code 6871) and "engineering, civil" as the department (department code 1102) for all degree programs in the CEAE department.


In the online application, enter the names and e-mail addresses of three persons who will provide recommendations for you. The online application system will send those persons an e-mail with a link to an online recommendation form.

Resume and Statement of Purpose

Upload your resume and statement of purpose to the online application site. The statement of purpose is a brief explanation of your academic and career interests and goals and your desired area of specialization. A statement of purpose is not required for admission to the graduate certificate programs.

International Applicants

International applicants who are non-native English speakers must meet KU’s  English proficiency requirements.

For admission to any of the CEAE Department’s graduate degree programs, international applicants must submit TOEFL or IELTS scores that meet the following requirements:

TOEFL – Reading, listening and writing part scores all 20 or higher.

IELTS – Overall score 6.0 or higher, with reading, listening and writing part scores all 5.5 or higher

International applicants who wish to be considered for financial aid must submit TOEFL or IELTS scores that meet the following requirements:

       TOEFL – Reading, listening and writing part scores all 23 or higher

       IELTS – Overall score 6.5 or higher, with reading, listening and writing part scores all 6.0 or higher

TOEFL or IELTS scores are not required for applicants with a baccalaureate degree (or higher) earned in residence from an accredited English-medium U.S. college or university or a college or university in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, English-speaking province of Canada, or an English-speaking Caribbean country, with instruction conducted in English. Degrees earned online may not be used to verify English proficiency.

All applicants must submit an  official  TOEFL or IELTS score report (not student’s copy), with scores achieved  not more than two years prior to the requested start date  for graduate study. Submit TOEFL or IELTS scores to:

Graduate Program Coordinator CEAE Department, 2150 Learned Hall 1530 W. 15th St. Lawrence, KS 66045

When ordering TOEFL scores, specify institution code 6871 and program code 65.

Applicants from institutions that use consolidated mark sheets (as in India and Pakistan) must also provide official copies of individual mark sheets. Applicants from institutions that use diploma award certificates (as in P.R. China) must provide an official copy of this certificate.

KU International Student Services  provides helpful information and assistance to international applicants.

Deadlines for submission of all required application documents are as follows.

Priority Deadlines (MS and PhD)December 1September 1
Rolling Reviews (all CEAE grad programs)Two business days before start of classesTwo business days before start of classes

There are no priority application dates for the MCE and MCM programs or the Graduate Certificates.

Applications are processed immediately upon receipt of all required documents.

M.S. and Ph.D. applicants who wish to be fully considered for all types of financial aid should submit all application documents before the priority date.  Applicants admitted after the priority date are considered for any remaining financial aid.

Financial Aid

A variety of scholarships, fellowships, and assistantships are available to M.S. and Ph.D. students through the School of Engineering and KU. Individual funding is awarded on a competitive basis. Not all admitted applicants receive funding offers.

Review of Applications

When we have received all of your required application documents, the Graduate Admissions Committee will review your application, and the Director of Graduate Studies will inform you of the committee’s decision by e-mail. You will receive an official notice of the decision from the University a few days later.

You can check your  application status online . If you have any questions or issues regarding your application or admission, please contact the Graduate Program Coordinator.

We are happy to visit with you individually and assist you in planning your graduate studies. Contact us to arrange a visit and tour.

CEAE Director of Graduate Studies

Jian Li, Ph.D.

Email:  [email protected]

CEAE Graduate Program Coordinator [email protected]

Many full-time MS and most full-time doctoral students in environmental engineering receive financial support from research assistantships, teaching assistantships, fellowships and scholarships. There is no separate application for financial aid.  If you are admitted, we will consider you for financial aid.  The professors in your desired area of specialization will be informed of your admission and asked to consider you for a graduate research or teaching assistantship.  Graduate research assistantships are awarded by individual professors with funded research projects.  Graduate teaching assistantships are awarded by the professors in charge of specific courses.  Some assistantships are awarded to incoming students; others are awarded to continuing students who have excelled in their studies. Graduate research and teaching assistants are typically employed 50%-time (20 hours per week) and receive payment of tuition and fees in addition to a salary. Many graduate research assistants and teaching assistants also receive a supplemental scholarship or fellowship.

The CEAE Department, the  School of Engineering  and  KU Graduate Studies  award a variety of scholarships and fellowships to new graduate students. KU’s  Self Graduate Fellowship  provides four years of generous financial support for outstanding doctoral students. If you wish to be considered for a specific award, please inform the Professor Dennis Lane, Director of Graduate Studies, well in advance of the deadline for the award.

PhD in Environmental and Water Resources Engineering (PhD ENVR-WR)

Doctoral students in environmental and water resources engineering pursue coursework and research in a wide variety of areas, which include:

Students may start their graduate studies in the fall, spring or summer semester. A bachelor’s degree in a field of engineering is required for admission to the PhD degree program in environmental and water resources engineering.

Exceptionally well-qualified baccalaureate degree holders may be accepted directly into the fast-track PhD degree program without prior completion of a master’s degree. Students in the fast-track PhD program are not required to write a master’s thesis or complete the MS degree en route to the PhD.

A minimum of 3.0 GPA is required for admission into the Environmental and Water Resources Engineering doctoral degree program.

Doctoral graduate students must satisfy the university’s requirements that apply to all doctoral degrees.  These requirements are stated in the "Doctoral Degree Requirements" section of the  Academic Catalog . The student also must complete additional requirements of the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering.

1.   The student must pass a qualifying exam to the satisfaction of a faculty advisory committee. This committee shall consist of the proposed dissertation advisor and at least two other members of the graduate faculty. At least two of the committee members must be  CEAE faculty members  holding regular graduate faculty status. A student with a master's degree must take the qualifying exam after completion of 12 credit-hours toward the doctoral degree. Students admitted to the doctoral degree program directly from the bachelor's degree must take the qualifying exam after completion of 30 credit-hours toward the doctoral degree. The final examination for a master's degree granted by the KU CEAE Department may also serve as the qualifying exam for the doctoral degree. In this case, the examining committee would make two separate pass/fail decisions: one for the master's exam and another for the doctoral qualifying exam.

2.   The student must submit a completed Plan of Study form before the end of the first semester of study. The Plan of Study must be approved by the advisory committee identified in Item 1 above and must list the following:

(a)  The course work to be completed.  The amount of coursework required for the doctoral degree depends on the student’s needs and level of preparation.  The student’s advisory committee will decide how many credit-hours of course work are needed and may require specific courses.  The course-work requirement may not be less than 24 credit-hours beyond the master’s degree, or 48 credit-hours beyond the bachelor’s degree for students without a master’s degree.   

(b) One proposed foreign language or research skill.  Any course work taken to satisfy the foreign language or research skill requirement shall be in addition to the course work required in item 2(a).

(c) The student's dissertation topic or the general area proposed for the dissertation.

3.   A minimum of 6 hours of research credit (CE 991 and CE 999 combined) are required. The student should enroll in CE 991 before the passage of the comprehensive exam and CE 999 thereafter. The student’s enrollment in research hours should reflect the demand on the research advisor’s time.

4.  A student who wishes to enroll in a special-problem or directed reading course must submit a written request to the director of Graduate Studies with a detailed syllabus provided by the instructor. The director of Graduate Studies, along with at least one more faculty member, will review the request to either approve or deny the request.

Email: [email protected]

Priority Deadlines (MS and PhD)December 1September 1
Rolling Reviews (all CEAE grad programsTwo business days before start of classesTwo business days before start of classes

CEAE Director of Graduate Studies Jian Li, Ph.D.

Email: [email protected]

Most full-time doctoral students in environmental engineering receive financial support from research assistantships, teaching assistantships, fellowships and scholarships. There is no separate application for financial aid.  If you are admitted, we will consider you for financial aid.  The professors in your desired area of specialization will be informed of your admission and asked to consider you for a graduate research or teaching assistantship.  Graduate research assistantships are awarded by individual professors with funded research projects.  Graduate teaching assistantships are awarded by the professors in charge of specific courses.  Some assistantships are awarded to incoming students; others are awarded to continuing students who have excelled in their studies. Graduate research and teaching assistants are typically employed 50%-time (20 hours per week) and receive payment of tuition and fees in addition to a salary. Many graduate research assistants and teaching assistants also receive a supplemental scholarship or fellowship.

The CEAE Department, the  School of Engineering  and  KU Graduate Studies  award a variety of scholarships and fellowships to new graduate students.  KU’s  Self Graduate Fellowship  provides four years of generous financial support for outstanding doctoral students.  If you wish to be considered for a specific award, please inform the Professor Dennis Lane, Director of Graduate Studies, well in advance of the deadline for the award.

Water Resources Graduate Certificate

This certificate program enables students to broaden and deepen their knowledge in the area of Water Resources while learning the most up-to-date theory and techniques used in practice.

The certificate program offers an opportunity for practicing engineers to enhance their skills in Water Resources without necessarily completing a Master’s degree. The program consists of four courses (12 credit-hours).

Courses and Requirements

Four courses are required to complete the certificate. Students select four courses from the following list:

  • CE 730 Intermediate Fluid Mechanics
  • CE 736 Environmental Monitoring and Fluid Methods
  • CE 751 Physical Hydrology
  • CE 752 Physical Hydrogeology
  • CE 753 Chemical and Microbial Hydrogeology
  • CE 754 Contaminant Transport
  • CE 755 Open Channel Flow      
  • CE 756 Wetlands Hydrology and Introduction to Management
  • CE 757 Pipe-Flow Systems
  • CE 759 Water Quality Modeling
  • CE 760 Stochastic Hydrology
  • CE 775 Stormwater Treatment Systems Design
  • CE 776 Water Reuse
  • CE 855 Free Surface Flow II
  • CE 857 Sediment Transport
  • CE 859 Erosion and Sedimentation

The minimum grade for any course to be applied toward the certificate is a grade of B. No credits may be transferred from another institution for this certificate.

A bachelor’s degree in engineering with a grade-point average of 3.0 or better or a bachelor’s degree in a science field with a GPA of 3.0 or better and completion of MATH 126 or equivalent is required for admission to this graduate certificate program. 

  • Report a Concern
  • Calendar of Events, Dates, and Deadlines
  • Current Graduate Students
  • Alumni and Giving
  • Rankings and Recognition
  • All Graduate Programs at Four Campuses
  • Graduate Degree Programs
  • Certificate Programs
  • Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs (OIGP)
  • University Academic Catalog
  • Course Information
  • Publications
  • Graduate Programs Office
  • Office of Graduate Assistance (OGA)
  • Guidelines for Graduate Student Mentoring and Advising
  • Prospective Students
  • Preparing for Graduate School
  • Graduate Program Requirements
  • Why Choose Purdue?
  • Tuition & Fees
  • How to Apply
  • Check Application Status
  • Transcript Upload Tips
  • Admitted Students
  • Visit Campus
  • Global Ambassadors
  • Purdue Graduate Student Center
  • International Students
  • Request Information
  • Fellowships
  • Professional Development
  • Information Management and Analysis
  • Data Requests
  • Database Project
  • Purdue West Lafayette (PWL)
  • Environmental & Ecological Engineering

Environmental and Ecological Engineering

Supported Degree Objectives

  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
  • MS in Environmental and Ecological Engineering (MSEEE)
  • Graduate Certificate

Required Supporting Documents

  • Transcripts
  • Recommendation Letters
  • Expected GRE scores: Above the 5oth percentile
  • Personal History Statement

English Proficiency Requirements

  • The following English proficiency minimum scores are required by this program for the tests listed below. To view additional English proficiency options accepted by this program and the Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars , visit the English Proficiency Requirements page.

TOEFL: Internet-Based Test (IBT): Minimum Overall Required Score: 90 Minimum section requirements:

  • Reading: 19
  • Listening: 14
  • Speaking: 18
  • Writing: 18

Master's Degree Program Requirements

  • Completion of a baccalaureate degree at a college or university of recognized standing
  • 3.0 or equivalent (A=4.0)

Doctoral Degree Program Requirements

  • Must have completed a Master's degree or equivalent coursework in an appropriate discipline.

Application Deadlines

December 15 September 15 No Entry U.S. Citizen
December 15 September 15 No Entry International

Program Contact Information

Michelle Indarjit
Graduate Office
Environmental and Ecological Engineering
Purdue University
500 Central Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907

Additional Information

  • Current master’s students wishing to move to a doctoral degree program in this same graduate program will not be required to submit a new application.

The following English proficiency minimum scores are required by this program for the tests listed below. To view additional English proficiency options accepted by this program and the Graduate School, visit the English Proficiency Requirements page.

Purdue West Lafayette campus


Statement of purpose (SOP) sample for Environmental Science

Statement of purpose (SOP) sample for Environmental Science

It doesn't matter which country you choose to apply for your student visa; that could be the UK, USA, Canada, Australia or any other country; SOP is a mandatory application requirement.

A well-crafted comprehensive SOP plays a significant role in a successful study visa application for any country. This guide presents you a Statement of Purpose (SOP) sample for students looking to enrol on Environmental Science.

These are the quick tips you need to follow while composing your SOP for Environmental Science:

  • Mention when you developed a passion for your intended course Environmental Science.
  • Present your independent research and reasons behind choosing Environmental Science and Care, country and the university.
  • Mention your academic achievements. Also, do not forget to write about your projects, research papers and experiences.
  • Assert your career plans and how the chosen degree will help you achieve them.
  • Talk about your goals based on your home country.


I am delighted to introduce myself as <your name>, son of <father name> and Mrs.  <mother name>, born on [date], a permanent resident of <address> holding the passport number ***as a *** citizen. Since childhood, I  have always wanted to be out and about in nature. I hope to complete a Master of Environment at  <your applied university>. So that I can be benefitted from not only a degree but also a new style of learning with international standards, innovative methods of self-development skills and the ability to survive among the fittest.  

Family Background

Regarding my family member, I have a small family, including my father <name>  who run a company holding 100% share <compnay name> whereas my mother, <name> work as <..> in <...>. My sister, <name> work as a teacher in <..>. My parents know my hardworking nature and interest in pursuing further studies abroad. So, to enlighten my future, they are sponsoring me for my studies in Australia. 

Academic Background

I completed my 10th grade in [dae] with a GPA of 3.7 from  <school name>. I enrolled in <school name> to complete my intermediate level. On [date], I completed my 12th grade in the science stream with a GPA of 3.6. After exploring career options, I pursued my bachelor’s in environmental science. Thus, I took admitted in <university name> and studied an undergraduate where I secured a GPA of 3.1 in [date].  I appeared in the PTE examination on [date], securing an overall score of 75 with each band score 68.

Why not <home country>? 

<home country> Being a developing country, it lacks proper maintenance of the education system. According to my research about the universities and colleges of <home country>, they don’t provide proper education.  The main reason for me not to choose <home country> is that the education system of <home country> is based on a theoretical way rather than practical. The knowledge is very much limited and confined to books unsuitable for an international platform. However, <home country> universities are not globally recognized, and it isn't easy to match with degrees from abroad. Similarly, the science degree in <home country> holds no proper job destination. 

After completing my bachelor's, I started researching my further studies. I gathered enough information through the internet, my friends, siblings, and family. In my research, I found some universities providing courses such as Masters of Geology, Master of Physics at < university **>, <university **> etc. However, the seats are very limited, and it is not enough for the estimated number of students. These universities conduct very competitive entrance examinations, and many students lose year since they cannot compete in the harsh environment. Even if I get a degree from these universities, they will solely be base on theoretical knowledge and students wanting to broaden their knowledge and have more practical-based education skills for international colleges in developed countries like Australia,  the USA, Japan, Canada and other European countries.  

The lack of research facilities and skilled manpower without proper industrial collaboration in the universities in <home country> makes the education here attained primarily theoretical. There is less exposure to the real practical world after studying in <home country> compared to studying in a developed country with a growing economy and research-based culture. I concluded that if I am to study masters for the professional development with the proper modern education platform, I have to apply for overseas study. Studying abroad also helps me develop international professionalism and enables me to compete in the global market. For upgrading and improvement of my education in this critical phase, I intend to study the course in one of the finest destinations of study with a research-based culture that will only enable me to develop professionally and compete globally, which I  cannot ensure while studying in my home country <home country>.

Why not other countries?

I have also researched other countries like the USA, Canada, Germany, Japan and their universities offering this course through online sources like and various Facebook pages and attended seminars and education fairs. 

India also possesses a similar teaching practice as in <home country>, which is based on theory knowledge. But Australian University provides quality and updated courses. 

USA: Applying in the USA requires pre-enrollment tests like GRE or GMAT examinations, and there seem to be security issues too. That is why my parents are unwilling to send me to the USA. Apart from these, there are many visa rejection issues without proper reasoning. Also, the USA is one of the unsafe countries for international students. 

UK: the UK is also an expensive nation their currency rate is 1GBP = 160.38NPR. The duration of a master’s degree in the UK is 1 year which does not make it on the same level of recognition as that of  2 years. 

Canada: Applying to Canada too requires pre-enrollment tests like GRE or GMAT examinations and the entry requirement is too high. Including these, the climatic condition of Canada is extremely cold, which is not favourable for me to adjust to. 

Germany/Japan: The living cost of these countries is high, and they have their native language. Due to the language barrier and high cost of living, I didn’t consider these countries. 

Considering all the factors like cost of living, quality of lifestyle, climate, fee structure, and quality of degree, I finally decided to study in Australia. 

Why Australia?

The sole reason for choosing Australia is its academic credentials and leading countries for environmental science. Australia has been one of the most preferred countries for international student and is currently the third most popular destination for international student in English speaking world which clearly reflect its popularity. Furthermore, among the 100 top universities of the world, seven of them are Australian Universities. Australian qualifications are recognized all around the world as it tends to promote practical learning and conceptual skills. 

Australia has always been the foremost choice for international students, especially Science students like me due to its availability of courses, affordable fees and living expenses compared to other countries. Choosing Australia means choosing a multicultural society as it offers a fresh and different perspective in the education sector mainly because it's dynamic and diverse. I want myself to gratify in an enriched cultural and lingual environment that would flourish me as a person with a better personality apart from one with stronger academic potential. Australia offers a  comprehensive range of simulators to aid in the teaching of key procedures and practices.  Simulation dummies are a valuable teaching resource sure to be a key part of any curriculum. 

Professionally designed to give the greatest realism in terms of material, movement, and response can give us more confidence. 

Australia has different Acts to protect the right of international students like ESOS, TPS (Tuition  Protection Service) which have been providing rigorous protection for international students. 

The Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) framework protects the interests of overseas students and Australia's reputation for delivering quality education services by setting out standards, roles and responsibilities for education institutions that teach overseas students, as well as providing tuition and financial assurance for students. 

The Tuition Protection Service (TPS) is an initiative of the Australian Government to assist international students whose education providers cannot fully deliver their course of study.  The TPS ensures that international students can either complete their studies in another course or with another education provider or receive a refund of their unspent tuition fees. Australia has a well-established international education sector with over 1200 education providers delivering a high-quality education to international students.  

For many years now, Australia has been a world leader in protecting the tuition fees of international students studying in Australia on a student visa. Recent changes to the Education Services for  Overseas Students (ESOS) Act have further strengthened protections for international students by introducing the Tuition Protection Service (TPS). The TPS will assist us in finding an alternative course or getting a refund if a suitable alternative is not found. TPS assist international students in case their education provider cannot fully deliver their course of study. And the other act, education Service for Overseas (ESOS) protects the right of international students studying in Australia including the right to receive, before enrolling current and accurate information about the course, fees, mode of study, and their information. Hence, Australia has a modern and practical educational system where knowledge and research both ate emphasize upon through which I can overshadow my weakness and perform creatively. Also, students like me from <home country>  choose Australia because of similar climate, adaptation would not be much difficult. Many senior and batch mates of my previous university have been pursuing different careers and studying various courses in Australia and I have been receiving only positive feedback and admiration regarding the country and the system. In comparison with other countries like the USA, Canada, and India, I found Australia the best choice for me as my study point and I wish to pursue my master’s degree in  Australia. 

Why <your applied university>? 

Amongst all the universities here in Sydney,  <your applied university> has been my most favoured university as the course offered Master of Environment perfectly matches my expectation from master’s degree. The total of *** AUD scholarship grants for the study period made my option clear with this university.

The crucial factors that influenced my choice were location, tuition fees, scholarship opportunities and course coverage. I did research on a few other Universities based in Australia that offered a similar program as *** university which had Masters of environmental science with a fee structure of AUD *** per annum. The other University I did had thorough research was  Masters of environmental science which has the fees of AUD ** per year, I even had a deep interest in other similar programs as environmental science offered at the University of **,  Masters of environmental science at **, Masters of Bioethics offered at University of **  etc., the course content offered for these programs were much interesting however few of the programs were not designed for international students and few others were too expensive. 

Since <your applied university> has an outstanding reputation for its learning environment across various disciplines. It also allows international students from all countries to provide them with a united platform by offering more courses. No wonder it has a higher employment rate after completion of degree and cost is also affordable to study. <your applied university> is a leading  Australian university with an international reputation for academic excellence. 

<your applied university> is consistently ranked in the top ** of universities in the world by its performance in international rankings such as The Times Higher Education, QS World University  Rankings, and the Academic Ranking of World Universities. It is consistently ranked among the top Australian universities for the quality of its teaching, research, graduate employment rates and student experience. <your applied university> provides an inspiring study environment whose main campus is located about **. 

<your applied university> readily offers scholarships for deserving students, including AUD  ** per year scholarship for South Asian Students. But the University of ** and University of ** do not offer scholarships as <your applied university>. This too was an incentive for picking <your applied university>. 

I have wanted my higher education in Environment for a long time and <your applied university>  offered the same course. While the university of ** offers a course named Master in Global Science and  Management whose course structure and outcome are completely different from that of <your applied university>. Thus, its course structure does not merely focus on the particular subject that is Master of Environment. Likewise, ** University course structure contains subjects like Skills in  Science, Advanced Chemistry, Scientific Communication Skills but does not have the specialized course “Chemical and Biomolecular Sciences Innovation” and the course structure does not match my specific interest. 

The University is aesthetically pleasing. It is spread over an area of **-hectare. Its park-like campus houses state of art facilities which will help students make the most of their time at  <your applied university>. I am intrigued by <your applied university> Library. It is said that the rich libraries feature high-tech robotic cranes that deliver students their books in minutes. <your applied university> champions sustainability and aims to be “ecologically viable”.  

Beyond academics, <your applied university> offers unique programs like Professional and Community Engagement (PACE) that allows students to go out of their usual lecture halls and place them in the heart of their chosen careers. Global Leadership Program is designed to provide unparalleled opportunities to enhance study experience by helping us develop valuable leadership and intercultural skills. Others feature like careers fairs, diversity, campus hub and almost unanimous acclaim of the university by past and present students on their online reviews encourage me to apply at <your applied university>.

Why Master of the Environmental Science?

My graduate education at <university name> has provided me with a comprehensive background to theoretical knowledge and practical skills required to apply geological,  agricultural, animal, biological, botanical, ecological, environmental, and Zoological problems.  However, I wanted to grab a degree that would come along with blended learning like Master of  Environment. Master of Environment includes issues such as environmental degradation,  pollution, climate change and species extinction, which are some of the major concerns of our time. This multidisciplinary degree will provide the skills and knowledge needed to evaluate the social and biophysical drivers of environmental change so that a graduate will be equipped to seek innovative solutions to issues emerging around human-environment interactions. 

Key features 

  • Learn how to manage human activities to protect and enhance the environment for future generations. 
  • Taught by world-leading senior academics at the forefront of their disciplines with expertise ranging from environmental planning to in-the-field environmental management. 
  • This degree combines scientific learning with understanding the social mechanisms that can be used to address complex environmental problems. • A strong focus on practical work in the field and modern laboratories will foster your problem-solving ability, collaboration skills and cutting-edge scientific research knowledge. 
  • This degree is accessible to those without prior scientific study at the undergraduate level. 

A course may comprise three zones: Foundation, Core, and Flexible. 

Future Carrer Plan

After graduation, I will return to <home country> with esteemed professional experience. I will then utilize my knowledge and skills to revolutionise the education field here. Being a  developing country, <home country> has a high scope of career opportunities in the environmental field. I am committed to grabbing those to contribute and reform <home country>. After completing my master’s program, I plan to return to <home country>. Still, then through the website, I learned about the Post Study Work (PSW) visa, which allows graduates to work in Australia temporarily after completing their studies, which the Australian Government offers. After completing the degree, I expect to get a PSW visa, which will strengthen my knowledge of the field. It will provide real work experience and allow me to enhance my skills related to organizational and management practices. Only because of the PSW opportunity, I am planning to work in Australia for 2 years to gain international experience otherwise, I would have returned to <home country> after completion of my studies. 

During the PSW period, by working in Australian companies my knowledge and skill will get enhanced so I will get better job opportunities in terms of post and salary in <home country>. I will look for jobs in Australia through various portals such as , etc. 

After my master’s and PSW, I will return to <home country> as Various Offices as a government office, <company name>, <company name>, <company name> are always in need of expertise and professionalism with the international degree. 

The Society for Conservation Biology in <home country> has actively taken an initiation towards preserving **one-horned rhinos, *** Bengal tigers, and a good population of Asiatic elephants, gaur, red pandas, and more within the ** per cent of forest area and other areas of this tiny country.  <home country>’s results have not been obtained easily, SMART (Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool)  patrolling, GPS (Global Positioning System) and GIS (Global Information System), and drones, among other technologies, have been deployed to scientific research the outcomes of wildlife conservation. I plan to come up with various other ideas for preserving and conserving these resources.  

After returning to my country, I am targeting to work in the following companies which are prominent in different sectors like <company name>, <company name>, <company name> as a position like <position>,<position>,<position>.

Financial Arrangements

My parents will sponsor me for my Australian studies. My father, <name>  generates an annual income of ***. Similarly, my mother <name>has an annual income of worth *** and my sister <name> annual income of  ***. All total annual income of my family is ***, equivalent to ** (exchange rate 1AUD = ** ). 

Balance of **, which is equivalent to AUD** ( AUD 1 = **) has been maintained in the saving account of my father at Bank of **. And has a fixed deposit of ** (AUD **) at the same bank. My father also  owns the land and building in <home country>, which values approximately *** (approx. in  AUD **). Having all these sources of income, I  can assure you that I can stay there without any financial difficulties and can confirm that my sponsors can finance my education, living and travel expenses during my study periods in Australia. 

Return of Investment

Suppose my family is investing a good amount of money in me. So, for example, if we end up spending ***/- for my tuition and living expenses, I can earn this money back in 6 years. Table 1 displays my estimated calculations based on me getting the minimum salary level. For the period of the next 6 years, the standard increment percentage in my field of work is applied to showcase how much I can earn in 6 years’ time frame. During my research for the salary package, I found that the minimum salary package of an international degree holder starts from  **/- and goes up to **/-. 

1ST Year Starting Salary: ***/- per annum (approx. in AUD **)

2nd Year salary after appraisal @ **%:  ***/- per annum (approx. in AUD  ***/-)

3rd Year salary after appraisal @ **:  ***/- per annum (approx. in AUD  ***/-)

4th Year salary after appraisal @ **:  ***/- per annum (approx. in AUD  ***/-)

5th Year salary after appraisal @ **:  ***/-per annum (approx. in AUD  ***/-)

6th Year salary after appraisal @**:  ***/- per annum (approx. in AUD  ***/- )

Total Amount  ***/- (approx. in AUD  ***/-)

In 6 years, I will accumulate approximately  ***/- (approx. in AUD  *** /-) .  Hence, I place my return on investment at a target of 6 years for the date I join a reputed company upon returning to <home country>.  

Incentives of return to my home country

As a <home country> I citizen, working for my country and its people is my prime duty. I have been taught from a tender age that mother and motherland are superior to heaven. So, as I have mentioned earlier, I wish to work for my country as a qualified person. With the help of a wide range of knowledge and skills that I will gain from studying in Australia, I believe that I can help the people of my country live a better and healthy life. I have always been a brilliant student since my school days and my prime intention is to complete the courses with excellent academic results and with international work exposure. 

As growing up in a caring family, as one of the most loved ones in the family, it would be a  nightmare for me to stay away from my home, but it is our misfortune that we have to choose abroad study to gain higher education still as I am cheerful and an enthusiast person. I always look for the brighter side and think of serving my country. Staying with my family always brings a smile to my face. As I have a clear vision and goal, I do not intend to stay in Australia. This international degree will fetch me great opportunities back in my home country to earn well while living with my family. Our hierarchical property is in  <home country>, which must be looked after during my parents’ golden age. Thus, I genuinely intend to return to my own country. 

Visa Obligations

I am very much aware of Student Visa Subclass 500 and its conditions. I am clear on international students' tuition fees, living expenses, and work permits. 

  • I must maintain at least 80% attendance. 
  • I must maintain a 50% pass grade throughout the study program. 
  • I must maintain Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the duration of my student visa. • I must notify the education provider/DHA in writing within 7 days of arrival in Australia about the residential address and any change to that address in Australia. 
  • I must maintain payment of Tuition fees by the census date of each term in which I am enrolled to study. 

Therefore, it would be a great pleasure if I got to be a part of Australian education on a Temporary Student visa. It will be a great platform to bring out the best of me. I will be a qualified professional after completing my studies in Australia which I can utilize after returning to my home country. Being a sincere and genuine citizen and student, I ensure that I will return to my motherland once I finish my course. I appreciate your time and look forward to the positive consideration of my desired educational plan in Australia. 

Yours Sincerely, 

<your name>

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Environmental Engineering Statement of Purpose Sample

EssayEdge > Blog > Environmental Engineering Statement of Purpose Sample

In this statement of purpose sample, the applicant communicated clear focus and direction while remaining flexible in terms of academic pursuits and long-term career plans. The essay’s technical nature is perfectly appropriate for application to a graduate program in the natural sciences. Look through this statement of purpose examples science-based essay to understand how to structure your own.

While my undergraduate and Master’s curriculum have provided exposure to a wide variety of environmental engineering topics, I have gained extensive knowledge in relatively few areas. I have, however, found an area in which my curiosity and my ability are suitably paired. As an M.S. student I have held a research assistantship position for the last year and a half, working both at the university and at a national laboratory. The strengths of the Civil (Environmental) Engineering Department at the university, as well as those of the group at the laboratory, lie in the investigation of the fate and transport of subsurface contaminants, along with general groundwater quality and flow characteristics, and it is also within these areas that my research interests reside.

[Here the applicant describes his specific research experience enlisted with natural science examples to prove the experience].

Although my strengths are concentrated in these areas, my curiosity is by no means limited to these topics. I believe that I have a solid foundation, but through a program of graduate study and research I hope to develop expertise in these and other related areas. One such area of interest is the remediation of contaminated groundwater and contaminant plumes by incorporating microbial processes with in situ treatment techniques. I also find the interdisciplinary relationship between environmental engineering and ecology to be of great personal interest. One particular example is the growing trend toward identifying and controlling diffuse source contamination from areas of heavy agricultural activity. The processes involved in this contamination, as well as the resultant heavy down-gradient nutrient loadings, play an extensive role in the ecological development of receiving waters and need to be understood more comprehensively. The curriculum in the Environmental Engineering Program, particularly through interactions involving the Studies in Physical & Chemical Hydrogeology program, provides an opportunity to expand my knowledge in these areas while pursuing my ambitions in the area of subterranean contaminant transport processes. Further, your graduate program would permit me to incorporate my areas of interest into an applied research project under the mentorship of the faculty in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

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Ultimately, I aim to gain a faculty position at a university and to continue my involvement in innovative research in the field while directly encouraging the development of aspiring engineers, both in the classroom and laboratory. In this manner I believe I can make a significant and purposeful contribution to the scientific community while gaining a great deal of personal satisfaction.

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Graduate School


2024 Maeder Graduate Fellows study social norms and the water-energy nexus

Man woth croseed arms and woman woth hands in pockets stand in room with olive green wall

2024 Maeder Graduate Fellows Jinyue (Jerry) Jiang, left, and Jordana Composto stand in the Andlinger Center lobby (photo by Adena Stevens).

Two graduate students, Jordana Composto and Jinyue (Jerry) Jiang , have been awarded the Maeder Graduate Fellowship in Energy and the Environment. Composto and Jiang received the fellowship for their work, respectively, to understand how individuals and organizations respond to climate change and to analyze the role of water and wastewater treatment in catalyzing the energy transition.

The fellowship, which is awarded to one or two graduate students each year who demonstrate strong potential to develop solutions for a sustainable energy and environmental future, is supported by the Paul A. Maeder ’75 Fund for Innovation in Energy and the Environment. The fellowship will cover both students’ tuition and stipend for the 2024–2025 academic year.

Jordana Composto

Woman stands against white wall

 Composto (photo by Adena Stevens).

Composto, a graduate student in psychology and social policy , researches how individuals and collectives work to address climate change. She is advised by Elke Weber , the Gerhard R. Andlinger Professor for Energy and the Environment and professor of psychology and public affairs .

Composto is particularly interested in understanding how people within organizations perceive and interact with social norms, the collectively endorsed rules and expectations that guide how people should act. For instance, she has previously discovered that independent of personal attitudes and beliefs, employees at a company were more likely to act sustainably if they thought their company would support their actions.

“There is a lot of literature suggesting that norms are important in shaping attitudes, behaviors, and policy support. But there is still a lot of heterogeneity — in some contexts they work, and in others, they don’t,” Composto said. “I’m ultimately trying to examine the underlying cognitive mechanisms to understand why and when norms are effective.”

Composto also studies how trust influences the direction and speed of the energy transition. She investigates the level of trust that exists between stakeholders in the energy sector, where there are significant trust gaps, and whether behavioral science interventions can help to build trust for emerging technologies such as carbon capture and sequestration.

“Behavioral science cuts across any climate solution that we have, because people are the ones addressing climate change,” Composto said. “It helps us understand why some solutions are really hard to implement or why the best technologies might not be adopted by individuals or integrated into companies.”

The fellowship will support Composto’s progress toward her professional goal of being a behavioral scientist working alongside engineers and policymakers on multifaceted climate solutions.

“Addressing the climate crisis will take all of us working together,” Composto said. “It’s both a daunting challenge and an inspiring, collaborative issue to work on as a researcher.”

Jinyue (Jerry) Jiang

Man stands next to green wall

Jiang (photo by Adena Stevens).

At the beginning of his graduate career, Jiang studied new technologies for decarbonizing the water and wastewater treatment sectors. Yet as he enters his fifth year as a graduate student in civil and environmental engineering , he has shifted his focus to study how water itself will play a role in the overall decarbonization of society.

“Water and energy are strongly intertwined, and the relationship between them goes both ways,” said Jiang. “Many of the steps for extracting and treating water are surprisingly energy-intensive, and on the other hand, many energy technologies require quite a large amount of water, both as a feedstock and for cooling purposes.”

Advised by Z. Jason Ren , professor of civil and environmental engineering and the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment, Jiang began at Princeton working on microbial electrolysis cells, which utilize microorganisms to break down organic matter while generating clean hydrogen as a product. He studied these cells from the lab bench to the pilot scale, even spearheading a demonstration project in Illinois to convert food waste into hydrogen and jet fuel.

Now, Jiang is investigating the costs, opportunities, and feasibility of utilizing treated wastewater as a water source for the emerging hydrogen economy.

One of the most promising methods for clean hydrogen production is electrolysis, in which water is split into hydrogen and oxygen using electricity from renewable sources like solar energy. Yet Jiang said many seemingly ideal locations for such a process, such as California, with its large solar generation capacity, are already water-stressed. Consequently, deploying these technologies at scale in those regions would exacerbate existing water challenges, siphoning away potable water that could otherwise be used for human consumption.

“Currently, almost every electrolyzer is pulling water from the public supply,” Jiang said. “If we could instead integrate these technologies to use treated wastewater effluent, it could be an efficient and widely available way to deploy clean energy without significantly worsening water shortages.”

Since wastewater treatment plants are ubiquitous across the U.S. and the world, Jiang said being able to pair wastewater treatment with clean energy technologies means the treatment plants could have an important role to play in accelerating the energy transition.

“I want to move past the idea that wastewater treatment is just there to get rid of society’s unwanted things,” Jiang said. “There are so many opportunities embedded in the wastewater treatment process for creating valuable products and catalyzing the energy transition.”

The Paul A. Maeder ’75 Fund for Innovation in Energy and the Environment supports the Maeder Graduate Fellowship. The Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment administers the fund and fellowship. More information on the program and past recipients can be found   on the Maeder Graduate Fellowship page .

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  1. Fillable Online SAMPLE STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: Environmental Engineering

    statement of purpose for phd in environmental engineering

  2. Professional Examples of Statement of Purpose Writing

    statement of purpose for phd in environmental engineering

  3. ⭐ How to write statement of purpose phd. Excellent Start for PhD

    statement of purpose for phd in environmental engineering

  4. Statement of purpose PhD

    statement of purpose for phd in environmental engineering

  5. Statement of Purpose PhD Engineering Sample by PhDSoPSamples on DeviantArt

    statement of purpose for phd in environmental engineering

  6. Check this SOP sample for PhD in engineering and learn how to write

    statement of purpose for phd in environmental engineering


  1. USA PhD in Physics with Full Scholarship

  2. Fully Funded PhD as an International Student with No Publication #phdinusa #internationalstudents

  3. Dissertation101 Purpose Statement (

  4. Islamia University Bahawalpur: BS, MS, PhD Environmental Science #smartphone #iub #admissionopen

  5. HOW TO PURSUE PhD Aborad.How to Write Problem Statement and tackle Reviewers Comments.PhD PROPOSAL



  1. Sample Statement of Purpose Environmental Engineering (admitted to UIUC

    The following statement of purpose is written by an applicant who got accepted to top graduate programs in environmental and sustainability engineering. Variations of this SOP got accepted at UIUC, ASU, and RIT. Read this essay to get inspiration and understand what a top engineering school SOP should look like.

  2. Statement of Purpose : Civil and Environmental Engineering

    The MIT CEE graduate program recommends 1 - 1.5 pages. Structure Diagram. Purpose. The graduate school Statement of Purpose is a document that complements your resume and application form, describing your profile in a narrative way and convincing the admission committee that you would be a good match for a particular department or program.

  3. Civil and Environmental Engineering, PhD

    Statement of Purpose. Submit a statement of purpose of 1,000 words or less in the online application. This statement should cover your technical areas of interest, coursework emphasis, research experience, professional goals, faculty members you are interested in working with, and any other items relevant to your qualifications for graduate school.

  4. Apply

    The Statement of Purpose should reflect your reasoning for applying to the PhD program in Environmental Science and Engineering at Caltech. Things you can include in your statement are: your motivations, your research interests and why you feel that ESE would be a suitable fit; this could include any faculty with whom you would like to work;

  5. How to Apply

    In your statement of purpose, you should succinctly describe your reasons for applying to the CEE Graduate Program you are interested in, which may include: Preparation and motivation for graduate study in Civil & Environmental Engineering; Research and relevant work experience

  6. How to apply

    The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Washington welcomes applications for both master's and Ph.D. programs. Deadline Statement of purpose Letters of recommendation Transcripts GPA GRE Additional items for PhD TOEFL Application rubric Graduate funding. Deadline

  7. Application Instructions

    See below for instructions and GPA calculator link. Upload the required Supporting Documents (Transcripts, Letters of Recommendation, Advanced GPA worksheet, GRE scores, and TOEFL scores) to the Graduate Division application above. Review the links on the online application for specific instructions. Everything must be submitted online.

  8. How to Write a Statement of Purpose for PhD Admission

    A PhD statement of purpose gives admissions committees an introduction to your research interests and why their specific program is of interest to you. Like a cover letter for a job application, a great statement of purpose allows you to highlight your strengths, interests and experience. If you need statement of purpose advice, keep reading ...

  9. PDF Ph.D. in Engineering (Civil and Environmental Engineering)

    Statements of purpose: The applicant should indicate their area of interest (environmental, geotechnical, structural, or transportation) in the statement of purpose. Application requirements: • Degree: Applicants must hold a four-year bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college or university

  10. Program: Environmental Engineering, PhD

    The Environmental Engineering Program of the University of Houston is an interdisciplinary graduate engineering program within the Cullen College of Engineering, administratively housed in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. The Program and its faculty are internationally known for their research and teaching in water ...

  11. PDF Environmental Science PhD Personal Statement Sample

    Personal Statement Environmental Science Ph.D.Please include relevant information regarding your background (without simply restating your resume or transcript), your goals for what you hope to gain in the graduate program, and why you would like to attend the Environment and Natural Resources grad. e program, and career goals upon graduati.

  12. PDF Civil and Environmental Engineering PhD Dissertation Proposal and

    supervisory committee. Students should consult with their advisor to plan their submission. Proposals should be submitted to the committee at least 2 weeks prior to the planned proposal defens. date to allow adequate time for the committee to review the proposal prior. to the defense.Proposal Defense: Students must schedule an oral defense of ...

  13. PDF University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate School Statement of Purpose

    Statement of Purpose Graduate schools require a written statement --often called a "statement of purpose," "personal statement," or "letter of intent"-- as a part of the application. Some statements require rather specific information--for example, the applicant's intended area of study within a graduate field. Still

  14. Graduate Application Information

    Statement of Purpose: There are several required short answer questions under the supplemental material section of the application. The questions are required and have a word limit. ... Civil & Environmental Engineering Department Graduate Application Deadlines: Deadline Dates; Term: Apply for Graduate Admission Only:

  15. Frequently Asked Questions

    The PhD is a research-oriented academic program for those who already hold an MS degree and have a clear research goal in mind. If you apply for the PhD without an MS degree, you will earn an MS degree while progressing to the doctorate degree. See Degrees. What should I write in my Statement of Purpose and Personal History Statement?

  16. Civil and Environmental Engineering

    The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering offers two graduate degrees: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and Master of Science in Engineering (M.S.E.). Students must be admitted to one of these two degree programs. For each of these degree programs, the department offers individualized tracks of graduate study that are aligned with the ...

  17. Sample Personal Statement Environment and ...

    Variations of this personal statement got accepted at Stanford, UC Berkeley, and Caltech. Read this personal statement to get inspiration and understand what a top engineering school essay should look like. You might also be interested in reading this Sample Statement of Purpose in environment and sustainability that got admitted to UIUC, and RIT.

  18. Statement of Purpose for Environmental Engineering

    I, therefore, look forward to joining your department as a graduate student. (NAME) Please don't copy this Statement of Purpose (SOP) for MS in Environmental Engineering or use it for admissions. saarkaar15. With this self-discovery I entered the graduate program in Applied Chemistry at Beijing Industrial and Commercial University.


    • an undergraduatedegreein civil engineering, environmental engineering, or environmental science or an undergraduate degree in an associated area plus approved additional coursework • a 3.0 GPA or above from an accredited university or college • completed Statementof Goals or Purpose (500 words or less)

  20. Environmental and Water Resources Engineering Graduate Degrees

    A minimum of 3.0 GPA is required for admission into the environmental and water resources engineering graduate degree program. ... The statement of purpose is a brief explanation of your academic and career interests and goals and your desired area of specialization. ... Most full-time doctoral students in environmental engineering receive ...

  21. Environmental & Ecological Engineering

    Address. Graduate Office. Environmental and Ecological Engineering. Purdue University. 500 Central Drive. West Lafayette, IN 47907. USA. Additional Information. Current master's students wishing to move to a doctoral degree program in this same graduate program will not be required to submit a new application.

  22. Statement of purpose (SOP) sample for Environmental Science

    I completed my 10th grade in [dae] with a GPA of 3.7 from <school name>. I enrolled in <school name> to complete my intermediate level. On [date], I completed my 12th grade in the science stream with a GPA of 3.6. After exploring career options, I pursued my bachelor's in environmental science.

  23. Environmental Engineering Statement of Purpose Sample

    Updated: April 8, 2024. In this statement of purpose sample, the applicant communicated clear focus and direction while remaining flexible in terms of academic pursuits and long-term career plans. The essay's technical nature is perfectly appropriate for application to a graduate program in the natural sciences.

  24. How to Write Your Master's in Engineering Statement of Purpose

    Structuring an Engineering Statement of Purpose. Your SOP will ideally include the following: An introductory paragraph that grabs the reader's attention and sets the stage for the paragraphs to follow. A few highlights of your abilities, education, and work accomplishments. Reasons for any gaps in your chronological work history or lower ...

  25. 2024 Maeder Graduate Fellows study social norms and the water-energy

    Two graduate students, Jordana Composto and Jinyue (Jerry) Jiang, have been awarded the Maeder Graduate Fellowship in Energy and the Environment.Composto and Jiang received the fellowship for their work, respectively, to understand how individuals and organizations respond to climate change and to analyze the role of water and wastewater treatment in catalyzing the energy transition.

  26. Long Term Hold

    California Quantitative Marketing PhD Conference; California School Conference; China India Insights Conference; Homo economicus, Evolving; Initiative on Business and Environmental Sustainability. Political Economics (2023-24) Scaling Geologic Storage of CO2 (2023-24) A Resilient Pacific: Building Connections, Envisioning Solutions ...

  27. Engineering Strong Teams Through Communication and Personal Growth

    The team worked on new mission and purpose statements, and focused on multiple team-building challenges. They completed a number of interactive exercises designed to promote cohesiveness, examine personal space, interpret non-verbal communication, improve brainstorming, address commonalities and differences, strengthen public speaking skills ...