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Nonprofit Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Business Plan Outline

  • Nonprofit Business Plan Home
  • 1. Executive Summary
  • 2. Company Overview
  • 3. Industry Analysis
  • 4. Customer Analysis
  • 5. Competitive Analysis
  • 6. Marketing Plan
  • 7. Operations Plan
  • 8. Management Team
  • 9. Financial Plan

Nonprofit Business Plan

You’ve come to the right place to write a nonprofit business plan.

We have helped over 10,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create nonprofit business plans and many have used them to start or grow their nonprofit organizations.

Sample Business Plan for a Nonprofit Organization

Below are links to the essential sections of our sample nonprofit business plan template to help you with the business planning process for your organization:

  • Executive Summary – The Executive Summary of your nonprofit business plan explains your overall strategic plan to achieve success as a nonprofit business. It will include your nonprofit mission statement, goals, and objectives. This section will also include information on your target market, competition, and marketing strategy.
  • Company Overview – Also called the Organization Overview, you will include the mission statement and history of your nonprofit including the organization’s goals and any significant milestones achieved to date.
  • Industry Analysis – Sometimes referred to as the Market Analysis, this section will provide an overview of the nonprofit industry, trends, and the competitive landscape.
  • Customer Analysis – The Customer Analysis section details the demographics and psychographics of your target audience and how you plan to reach them.
  • Competitive Analysis – In your Competitive Analysis, you will identify and describe the competition, both direct and indirect, including other nonprofits with the same mission. You will also include your strategic plan for competing in the market.
  • Marketing Plan – The Marketing Plan will detail your products, programs and services, your overall marketing strategies and tactics, and how you will measure success. It should include information on your target market, positioning, branding, communications, and lead generation.
  • Operations Plan – Your operational plan will outline your day-to-day operations as well as the specific objectives needed to achieve your long-term business goals and how you will measure success.
  • Management Team – In the Management Team section of your business plan, you should include the organizational structure of your nonprofit business as well as bios of your executive team and each board member.
  • Financial Plan – The Financial Plan is one of the most important sections of your nonprofit business plan. You will establish your financial goals and include financial statements such as the income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement to show how your nonprofit will be sustainable. This section should also include your fundraising plan including potential donors, fundraising goals, and other funding sources for your organization.

Next Section: Executive Summary >

Nonprofit Business Plan FAQs

What is a nonprofit business plan.

A nonprofit business plan is a roadmap to start a nonprofit organization or as the organization grows. Among other things, it outlines your charitable concept, identifies your target customers, presents your marketing plan and details your financial projections. Your non profit business plan should be a living document that is updated frequently as your nonprofit grows.

You can  easily complete your nonprofit business plan using our Nonprofit Business Plan Template here .

What Are the Main Types of Nonprofit Organizations?

There are many types of nonprofits, but each has a charitable mission to help an underserved segment of society. For example, there are nonprofits that serve the underserved youth, abused or abandoned animals, homeless, veterans and impoverished. There are also many nonprofits that support social awareness and global issues such as the environment, education and equality.

What Are the Main Sources of Revenue and Expenses for a Nonprofit Business?

The primary source of revenue for nonprofit organizations are monetary donations from sponsors, government grants and funding, and tax incentives through 501c3 designations.

The key expenses for a nonprofit business are staffing, supplies, rent, utilities, program costs and working capital to ensure the sustainability of the non profit. Proper business planning will help your nonprofit thrive financially.

This differs from a for profit business plan because you do not have to show profitability.  Nonprofits focus away from profit and instead center on accountability.

How Do You Secure Funding For Your Nonprofit Organization?

Most nonprofit organizations are likely to receive funding from banks, grants, and donors. As the majority of the funding will come from government grants and funds, grant proposals will need to be compiled and proposed to the necessary funding organization.

A solid business plan is key to showing investors you are well-prepared to start your own business.  A nonprofit business plan template is key to proper business planning and getting started quickly.

Where Can I Download a Nonprofit Business Plan PDF?

You can download our free nonprofit business plan template PDF . This nonprofit business plan outlines the key elements that should be used when drafting a business plan for a nonprofit organization.

The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Nonprofit Business Plan

A business plan can be an invaluable tool for your nonprofit. Even a short business plan pushes you to do research, crystalize your purpose, and polish your messaging. This blog shares what it is and why you need it, ten steps to help you write one, and the dos and don’ts of creating a nonprofit business plan.

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Nonprofit business plans are dead — or are they?

For many nonprofit organizations, business plans represent outdated and cumbersome documents that get created “just for the sake of it” or because donors demand it.

But these plans are vital to organizing your nonprofit and making your dreams a reality! Furthermore, without a nonprofit business plan, you’ll have a harder time obtaining loans and grants , attracting corporate donors, meeting qualified board members, and keeping your nonprofit on track.

Even excellent ideas can be totally useless if you cannot formulate, execute, and implement a strategic plan to make your idea work. In this article, we share exactly what your plan needs and provide a nonprofit business plan template to help you create one of your own.

What is a Nonprofit Business Plan?

A nonprofit business plan describes your nonprofit as it currently is and sets up a roadmap for the next three to five years. It also lays out your goals and plans for meeting your goals. Your nonprofit business plan is a living document that should be updated frequently to reflect your evolving goals and circumstances.

A business plan is the foundation of your organization — the who, what, when, where, and how you’re going to make a positive impact.

The best nonprofit business plans aren’t unnecessarily long. They include only as much information as necessary. They may be as short as seven pages long, one for each of the essential sections you will read about below and see in our template, or up to 30 pages long if your organization grows.

Why do we need a Nonprofit Business Plan?

Regardless of whether your nonprofit is small and barely making it or if your nonprofit has been successfully running for years, you need a nonprofit business plan. Why?

When you create a nonprofit business plan, you are effectively creating a blueprint for how your nonprofit will be run, who will be responsible for what, and how you plan to achieve your goals.

Your nonprofit organization also needs a business plan if you plan to secure support of any kind, be it monetary, in-kind , or even just support from volunteers. You need a business plan to convey your nonprofit’s purpose and goals.

It sometimes also happens that the board, or the administration under which a nonprofit operates, requires a nonprofit business plan.

To sum it all up, write a nonprofit business plan to:

  • Layout your goals and establish milestones.
  • Better understand your beneficiaries, partners, and other stakeholders.
  • Assess the feasibility of your nonprofit and document your fundraising/financing model.
  • Attract investment and prove that you’re serious about your nonprofit.
  • Attract a board and volunteers.
  • Position your nonprofit and get clear about your message.
  • Force you to research and uncover new opportunities.
  • Iron out all the kinks in your plan and hold yourself accountable.

Drawing of a nonprofit business plan.

Before starting your nonprofit business plan, it is important to consider the following:

  • Who is your audience?  E.g. If you are interested in fundraising, donors will be your audience. If you are interested in partnerships, potential partners will be your audience.
  • What do you want their response to be? Depending on your target audience, you should focus on the key message you want them to receive to get the response that you want.

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10-Step Guide on Writing a Business Plan for Nonprofits

Note: Steps 1, 2, and 3 are in preparation for writing your nonprofit business plan.

Step 1: Data Collection

Before even getting started with the writing, collect financial, operating, and other relevant data. If your nonprofit is already in operation, this should at the very least include financial statements detailing operating expense reports and a spreadsheet that indicates funding sources.

If your nonprofit is new, compile materials related to any secured funding sources and operational funding projections, including anticipated costs.

Step 2: Heart of the Matter

You are a nonprofit after all! Your nonprofit business plan should start with an articulation of the core values and your mission statement . Outline your vision, your guiding philosophy, and any other principles that provide the purpose behind the work. This will help you to refine and communicate your nonprofit message clearly.

Your nonprofit mission statement can also help establish your milestones, the problems your organization seeks to solve, who your organization serves, and its future goals.

Check out these great mission statement examples for some inspiration. For help writing your statement, download our free Mission & Vision Statements Worksheet .

Step 3: Outline

Create an outline of your nonprofit business plan. Write out everything you want your plan to include (e.g. sections such as marketing, fundraising, human resources, and budgets).

An outline helps you focus your attention. It gives you a roadmap from the start, through the middle, and to the end. Outlining actually helps us write more quickly and more effectively.

An outline will help you understand what you need to tell your audience, whether it’s in the right order, and whether the right amount of emphasis is placed on each topic.

Pro tip: Use our Nonprofit Business Plan Outline to help with this step! More on that later.

Step 4: Products, Programs, and Services

In this section, provide more information on exactly what your nonprofit organization does.

  • What products, programs, or services do you provide?
  • How does your nonprofit benefit the community?
  • What need does your nonprofit meet and what are your plans for meeting that need?
E.g. The American Red Cross carries out its mission to prevent and relieve suffering with five key services: disaster relief, supporting America’s military families, lifesaving blood, health and safety services, and international service.

Don’t skimp out on program details, including the functions and beneficiaries. This is generally what most readers will care most about.

However, don’t overload the reader with technical jargon. Try to present some clear examples. Include photographs, brochures, and other promotional materials.

Step 5: Marketing Plan

A marketing plan is essential for a nonprofit to reach its goals. If your nonprofit is already in operation, describe in detail all current marketing activities: any outreach activities, campaigns, and other initiatives. Be specific about outcomes, activities, and costs.

If your nonprofit is new, outline projections based on specific data you gathered about your market.

This will frequently be your most detailed section because it spells out precisely how you intend to carry out your business plan.

  • Describe your market. This includes your target audience, competitors, beneficiaries, donors, and potential partners.
  • Include any market analyses and tests you’ve done.
  • Outline your plan for reaching your beneficiaries.
  • Outline your marketing activities, highlighting specific outcomes.

Step 6: Operational Plan

An operational plan describes how your nonprofit plans to deliver activities. In the operational plan, it is important to explain how you plan to maintain your operations and how you will evaluate the impact of your programs.

The operational plan should give an overview of the day-to-day operations of your organization such as the people and organizations you work with (e.g. partners and suppliers), any legal requirements that your organization needs to meet (e.g. if you distribute food, you’ll need appropriate licenses and certifications), any insurance you have or will need, etc.

In the operational plan, also include a section on the people or your team. Describe the people who are crucial to your organization and any staff changes you plan as part of your business plan.

Pro tip: If you have an organizational chart, you can include it in the appendix to help illustrate how your organization operates. Learn more about the six types of nonprofit organizational charts and see them in action in this free e-book . 

Example of a top-down organizational chart.

Step 7: Impact Plan

For a nonprofit, an impact plan is as important as a financial plan. A nonprofit seeks to create social change and a social return on investment, not just a financial return on investment.

Your impact plan should be precise about how your nonprofit will achieve this step. It should include details on what change you’re seeking to make, how you’re going to make it, and how you’re going to measure it.

This section turns your purpose and motivation into concrete accomplishments your nonprofit wants to make and sets specific goals and objectives.

These define the real bottom line of your nonprofit, so they’re the key to unlocking support. Funders want to know for whom, in what way, and exactly how you’ll measure your impact.

Answer these in the impact plan section of your business plan:

  • What goals are most meaningful to the people you serve or the cause you’re fighting for?
  • How can you best achieve those goals through a series of specific objectives?
E.g. “Finding jobs for an additional 200 unemployed people in the coming year.”

Step 8: Financial Plan

This is one of the most important parts of your nonprofit business plan. Creating a financial plan will allow you to make sure that your nonprofit has its basic financial needs covered.

Every nonprofit needs a certain level of funding to stay operational, so it’s essential to make sure your organization will meet at least that threshold.

To craft your financial plan:

  • Outline your nonprofit’s current and projected financial status.
  • Include an income statement, balance sheet , cash flow statement, and financial projections.
  • List any grants you’ve received, significant contributions, and in-kind support.
  • Include your fundraising plan .
  • Identify gaps in your funding, and how you will manage them.
  • Plan for what will be done with a potential surplus.
  • Include startup costs, if necessary.

If your nonprofit is already operational, use established accounting records to complete this section of the business plan.

Knowing the financial details of your organization is incredibly important in a world where the public demands transparency about where their donations are going.

Pro tip : Leverage startup accelerators dedicated to nonprofits that can help you with funding, sponsorship, networking, and much more.

Step 9: Executive Summary

Normally written last but placed first in your business plan, your nonprofit executive summary provides an introduction to your entire business plan. The first page should describe your non-profit’s mission and purpose, summarize your market analysis that proves an identifiable need, and explain how your non-profit will meet that need.

The Executive Summary is where you sell your nonprofit and its ideas. Here you need to describe your organization clearly and concisely.

Make sure to customize your executive summary depending on your audience (i.e. your executive summary page will look different if your main goal is to win a grant or hire a board member).

Step 10: Appendix

Include extra documents in the section that are pertinent to your nonprofit: organizational chart , current fiscal year budget, a list of the board of directors, your IRS status letter, balance sheets, and so forth.

The appendix contains helpful additional information that might not be suitable for the format of your business plan (i.e. it might unnecessarily make it less readable or more lengthy).

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Do’s and Dont’s of Nonprofit Business Plans – Tips

  • Write clearly, using simple and easy-to-understand language.
  • Get to the point, support it with facts, and then move on.
  • Include relevant graphs and program descriptions.
  • Include an executive summary.
  • Provide sufficient financial information.
  • Customize your business plan to different audiences.
  • Stay authentic and show enthusiasm.
  • Make the business plan too long.
  • Use too much technical jargon.
  • Overload the plan with text.
  • Rush the process of writing, but don’t drag it either.
  • Gush about the cause without providing a clear understanding of how you will help the cause through your activities.
  • Keep your formatting consistent.
  • Use standard 1-inch margins.
  • Use a reasonable font size for the body.
  • For print, use a serif font like Times New Roman or Courier. For digital, use sans serifs like Verdana or Arial.
  • Start a new page before each section.
  • Don’t allow your plan to print and leave a single line on an otherwise blank page.
  • Have several people read over the plan before it is printed to make sure it’s free of errors.

Nonprofit Business Plan Template

To help you get started we’ve created a nonprofit business plan outline. This business plan outline will work as a framework regardless of your nonprofit’s area of focus. With it, you’ll have a better idea of how to lay out your nonprofit business plan and what to include. We have also provided several questions and examples to help you create a detailed nonprofit business plan.

Download Your Free Outline

Image showing the title page of the Nonprofit Business Plan Outline e-book.

At Donorbox, we strive to make your nonprofit experience as productive as possible, whether through our donation software  or through our advice and guides on the  Nonprofit Blog . Find more free, downloadable resources in our Library .

Many nonprofits start with passion and enthusiasm but without a proper business plan. It’s a common misconception that just because an organization is labeled a “nonprofit,” it does not need to operate in any way like a business.

However, a nonprofit is a type of business, and many of the same rules that apply to a for-profit company also apply to a nonprofit organization.

As outlined above, your nonprofit business plan is a combination of your marketing plan , strategic plan, operational plan, impact plan, and financial plan. Remember, you don’t have to work from scratch. Be sure to use the nonprofit business plan outline we’ve provided to help create one of your own. 

It’s important to note that your nonprofit should not be set in stone—it can and should change and evolve. It’s a living organism. While your vision, values, and mission will likely remain the same, your nonprofit business plan may need to be revised from time to time. Keep your audience in mind and adjust your plan as needed.

Finally, don’t let your plan gather dust on a shelf! Print it out, put up posters on your office walls, and read from it during your team meetings. Use all the research, data, and ideas you’ve gathered and put them into action!

If you want more help with nonprofit management tips and fundraising resources, visit our Nonprofit Blog . We also have dedicated articles for starting a nonprofit in different states in the U.S., including Texas , Minnesota , Oregon , Arizona , Illinois , and more.

Learn about our all-in-one online fundraising tool, Donorbox, and its simple-to-use features on the website here .

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Raviraj heads the sales and marketing team at Donorbox. His growth-hacking abilities have helped Donorbox boost fundraising efforts for thousands of nonprofit organizations.

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How to Write a Business Plan For a Nonprofit Organization + Template


Creating a business plan is essential for any business, but it can be especially helpful for nonprofits. A nonprofit business plan allows you to set goals and track progress over time. It can also help you secure funding from investors or grant-making organizations.

A well-crafted business plan not only outlines your vision for the organization but also provides a step-by-step process of how you are going to accomplish it. In order to create an effective business plan, you must first understand the components that are essential to its success.

This article will provide an overview of the key elements that every nonprofit founder should include in their business plan.

Download the Ultimate Nonprofit Business Plan Template

What is a Nonprofit Business Plan?

A nonprofit business plan is a formal written document that describes your organization’s purpose, structure, and operations. It is used to communicate your vision to potential investors or donors and convince them to support your cause.

The business plan should include information about your target market, financial projections, and marketing strategy. It should also outline the organization’s mission statement and goals.

Why Write a Nonprofit Business Plan?

A nonprofit business plan is required if you want to secure funding from grant-making organizations or investors.

A well-crafted business plan will help you:

  • Define your organization’s purpose and goals
  • Articulate your vision for the future
  • Develop a step-by-step plan to achieve your goals
  • Secure funding from investors or donors
  • Convince potential supporters to invest in your cause

Entrepreneurs can also use this as a roadmap when starting your new nonprofit organization, especially if you are inexperienced in starting a nonprofit.

Writing an Effective Nonprofit Business Plan

The key is to tailor your business plan to the specific needs of your nonprofit. Here’s a quick overview of what to include:

Executive Summary

Organization overview, products, programs, and services, industry analysis, customer analysis, marketing plan, operations plan, management team.

  • Financial Plan

The executive summary of a nonprofit business plan is a one-to-two page overview of your entire business plan. It should summarize the main points, which will be presented in full in the rest of your business plan.

  • Start with a one-line description of your nonprofit organization
  • Provide a short summary of the key points of each section of your business plan.
  • Organize your thoughts in a logical sequence that is easy for the reader to follow.
  • Include information about your organization’s management team, industry analysis, competitive analysis, and financial forecast.

This section should include a brief history of your nonprofit organization. Include a short description of how and why you started it and provide a timeline of milestones the organization has achieved.

If you are just starting your nonprofit, you may not have a long history. Instead, you can include information about your professional experience in the industry and how and why you conceived your new nonprofit idea. If you have worked for a similar organization before or have been involved in a nonprofit before starting your own, mention this.

You will also include information about your chosen n onprofit business model and how it is different from other nonprofits in your target market.

This section is all about what your nonprofit organization offers. Include information about your programs, services, and any products you may sell.

Describe the products or services you offer and how they benefit your target market. Examples might include:

  • A food bank that provides healthy meals to low-income families
  • A job training program that helps unemployed adults find jobs
  • An after-school program that helps kids stay out of gangs
  • An adult literacy program that helps adults learn to read and write

Include information about your pricing strategy and any discounts or promotions you offer. Examples might include membership benefits, free shipping, or volume discounts.

If you offer more than one product or service, describe each one in detail. Include information about who uses each product or service and how it helps them achieve their goals.

If you offer any programs, describe them in detail. Include information about how often they are offered and the eligibility requirements for participants. For example, if you offer a job training program, you might include information about how often the program is offered, how long it lasts, and what kinds of jobs participants can expect to find after completing the program.

The industry or market analysis is an important component of a nonprofit business plan. Conduct thorough market research to determine industry trends, identify your potential customers, and the potential size of this market. 

Questions to answer include:

  • What part of the nonprofit industry are you targeting?
  • Who are your competitors?
  • How big is the market?
  • What trends are happening in the industry right now?

You should also include information about your research methodology and sources of information, including company reports and expert opinions.

As an example, if you are starting a food bank, your industry analysis might include information about the number of people in your community who are considered “food insecure” (they don’t have regular access to enough nutritious food). You would also include information about other food banks in your area, how they are funded, and the services they offer.

For each of your competitors, you should include a brief description of their organization, their target market, and their competitive advantage. To do this, you should complete a SWOT analysis.

A SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis is a helpful tool to assess your nonprofit’s current position and identify areas where you can improve.

Some questions to consider when conducting a SWOT analysis include:

  • Strengths : What does your nonprofit do well?
  • Weaknesses : What areas could your nonprofit improve?
  • Opportunities : What trends or changes in the industry could you take advantage of?
  • Threats : What trends or changes in the industry could hurt your nonprofit’s chances of success?

After you have identified your nonprofit’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, you can develop strategies to improve your organization.

For example, if you are starting a food bank, your SWOT analysis might reveal that there is a need for more food banks in your community. You could use this information to develop a marketing strategy to reach potential donors who might be interested in supporting your organization.

If you are starting a job training program, your SWOT analysis might reveal that there is a need for more programs like yours in the community. You could use this information to develop a business plan and marketing strategy to reach potential participants who might be interested in enrolling in your program.

This section should include a list of your target audience(s) with demographic and psychographic profiles (e.g., age, gender, income level, profession, job titles, interests). You will need to provide a profile of each customer segment separately, including their needs and wants.

For example, if you are starting a job training program for unemployed adults, your target audience might be low-income adults between the ages of 18 and 35. Your customer analysis would include information about their needs (e.g., transportation, childcare, job readiness skills) and wants (e.g., good pay, flexible hours, benefits).

If you have more than one target audience, you will need to provide a separate customer analysis for each one.

You can include information about how your customers make the decision to buy your product or use your service. For example, if you are starting an after-school program, you might include information about how parents research and compare programs before making a decision.

You should also include information about your marketing strategy and how you plan to reach your target market. For example, if you are starting a food bank, you might include information about how you will promote the food bank to the community and how you will get the word out about your services.

Develop a strategy for targeting those customers who are most likely to use your program, as well as those that might be influenced to buy your products or nonprofit services with the right marketing.

This part of the business plan is where you determine how you are going to reach your target market. This section of your nonprofit business plan should include information about your marketing goals, strategies, and tactics.

  • What are your marketing goals? Include information about what you hope to achieve with your marketing efforts, as well as when and how you will achieve it.
  • What marketing strategies will you use? Include information about public relations, advertising, social media, and other marketing tactics you will use to reach your target market.
  • What tactics will you use? Include information about specific actions you will take to execute your marketing strategy. For example, if you are using social media to reach your target market, include information about which platforms you will use and how often you will post.

Your marketing strategy should be clearly laid out, including the following 4 Ps.

  • Product/Service : Make sure your product, service, and/or program offering is clearly defined and differentiated from your competitors, including the benefits of using your service.
  • Price : How do you determine the price for your product, services, and/or programs? You should also include a pricing strategy that takes into account what your target market will be willing to pay and how much the competition within your market charges.
  • Place : Where will your target market find you? What channels of distribution will you use to reach them?
  • Promotion : How will you reach your target market? You can use social media or write a blog, create an email marketing campaign, post flyers, pay for advertising, launch a direct mail campaign, etc.

For example, if you are starting a job training program for unemployed adults, your marketing strategy might include partnering with local job centers and adult education programs to reach potential participants. You might also promote the program through local media outlets and community organizations.

Your marketing plan should also include a sales strategy, which includes information about how you will generate leads and convert them into customers.

You should also include information about your paid advertising budget, including an estimate of expenses and sales projections.

This part of your nonprofit business plan should include the following information:

  • How will you deliver your products, services and/or programs to your target market? For example, if you are starting a food bank, you will need to develop a system for collecting and storing food donations, as well as distributing them to the community.
  • How will your nonprofit be structured? For example, will you have paid staff or volunteers? How many employees will you need? What skills and experience will they need to have?
  • What kind of facilities and equipment will you need to operate your nonprofit? For example, if you are starting a job training program, you will need space to hold classes, as well as computers and other office equipment.
  • What are the day-to-day operations of your nonprofit? For example, if you are starting a food bank, you will need to develop a system for accepting and sorting food donations, as well as distributing them to the community.
  • Who will be responsible for each task? For example, if you are starting a job training program, you will need to identify who will be responsible for recruiting participants, teaching classes, and placing graduates in jobs.
  • What are your policies and procedures? You will want to establish policies related to everything from employee conduct to how you will handle donations.
  • What infrastructure, equipment, and resources are needed to operate successfully? How can you meet those requirements within budget constraints?

The operations plan is the section of the business plan where you elaborate on the day-to-day execution of your nonprofit. This is where you really get into the nitty-gritty of how your organization will function on a day-to-day basis.

This section of your nonprofit business plan should include information about the individuals who will be running your organization.

  • Who is on your team? Include biographies of your executive director, board of directors, and key staff members.
  • What are their qualifications? Include information about their education, work experience, and skills.
  • What are their roles and responsibilities? Include information about what each team member will be responsible for, as well as their decision-making authority.
  • What is their experience in the nonprofit sector? Include information about their work with other nonprofits, as well as their volunteer experiences.

This section of your plan is important because it shows that you have a team of qualified individuals who are committed to the success of your nonprofit.

Nonprofit Financial Plan

This section of your nonprofit business plan should include the following information:

  • Your budget. Include information about your income and expenses, as well as your fundraising goals.
  • Your sources of funding. Include information about your grants, donations, and other sources of income.
  • Use of funds. Include information about how you will use your income to support your programs and operations.

This section of your business plan is important because it shows that you have a clear understanding of your organization’s finances. It also shows that you have a plan for raising and managing your funds.

Now, include a complete and detailed financial plan. This is where you will need to break down your expenses and revenue projections for the first 5 years of operation. This includes the following financial statements:

Income Statement

Your income statement should include:

  • Revenue : how will you generate revenue?
  • Cost of Goods Sold : These are your direct costs associated with generating revenue. This includes labor costs, as well as the cost of any equipment and supplies used to deliver the product/service offering.
  • Net Income (or loss) : Once expenses and revenue are totaled and deducted from each other, what is the net income or loss? 

Sample Income Statement for a Startup Nonprofit Organization

Revenues $ 336,090 $ 450,940 $ 605,000 $ 811,730 $ 1,089,100
$ 336,090 $ 450,940 $ 605,000 $ 811,730 $ 1,089,100
Direct Cost
Direct Costs $ 67,210 $ 90,190 $ 121,000 $ 162,340 $ 217,820
$ 67,210 $ 90,190 $ 121,000 $ 162,340 $ 217,820
$ 268,880 $ 360,750 $ 484,000 $ 649,390 $ 871,280
Salaries $ 96,000 $ 99,840 $ 105,371 $ 110,639 $ 116,171
Marketing Expenses $ 61,200 $ 64,400 $ 67,600 $ 71,000 $ 74,600
Rent/Utility Expenses $ 36,400 $ 37,500 $ 38,700 $ 39,800 $ 41,000
Other Expenses $ 9,200 $ 9,200 $ 9,200 $ 9,400 $ 9,500
$ 202,800 $ 210,940 $ 220,871 $ 230,839 $ 241,271
EBITDA $ 66,080 $ 149,810 $ 263,129 $ 418,551 $ 630,009
Depreciation $ 5,200 $ 5,200 $ 5,200 $ 5,200 $ 4,200
EBIT $ 60,880 $ 144,610 $ 257,929 $ 413,351 $ 625,809
Interest Expense $ 7,600 $ 7,600 $ 7,600 $ 7,600 $ 7,600
$ 53,280 $ 137,010 $ 250,329 $ 405,751 $ 618,209
Taxable Income $ 53,280 $ 137,010 $ 250,329 $ 405,751 $ 618,209
Income Tax Expense $ 18,700 $ 47,900 $ 87,600 $ 142,000 $ 216,400
$ 34,580 $ 89,110 $ 162,729 $ 263,751 $ 401,809
10% 20% 27% 32% 37%

Balance Sheet

Include a balance sheet that shows what you have in terms of assets, liabilities, and equity. Your balance sheet should include:

  • Assets : All of the things you own (including cash).
  • Liabilities : This is what you owe against your company’s assets, such as accounts payable or loans.
  • Equity : The worth of your business after all liabilities and assets are totaled and deducted from each other.

Sample Balance Sheet for a Startup Nonprofit Organization

Cash $ 105,342 $ 188,252 $ 340,881 $ 597,431 $ 869,278
Other Current Assets $ 41,600 $ 55,800 $ 74,800 $ 90,200 $ 121,000
Total Current Assets $ 146,942 $ 244,052 $ 415,681 $ 687,631 $ 990,278
Fixed Assets $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000
Accum Depreciation $ 5,200 $ 10,400 $ 15,600 $ 20,800 $ 25,000
Net fixed assets $ 19,800 $ 14,600 $ 9,400 $ 4,200 $ 0
$ 166,742 $ 258,652 $ 425,081 $ 691,831 $ 990,278
Current Liabilities $ 23,300 $ 26,100 $ 29,800 $ 32,800 $ 38,300
Debt outstanding $ 108,862 $ 108,862 $ 108,862 $ 108,862 $ 0
$ 132,162 $ 134,962 $ 138,662 $ 141,662 $ 38,300
Share Capital $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
Retained earnings $ 34,580 $ 123,690 $ 286,419 $ 550,170 $ 951,978
$ 34,580 $ 123,690 $ 286,419 $ 550,170 $ 951,978
$ 166,742 $ 258,652 $ 425,081 $ 691,831 $ 990,278

Cash Flow Statement

Include a cash flow statement showing how much cash comes in, how much cash goes out and a net cash flow for each year. The cash flow statement should include:

  • Income : All of the revenue coming in from clients.
  • Expenses : All of your monthly bills and expenses. Include operating, marketing and capital expenditures.
  • Net Cash Flow : The difference between income and expenses for each month after they are totaled and deducted from each other. This number is the net cash flow for each month.

Using your total income and expenses, you can project an annual cash flow statement. Below is a sample of a projected cash flow statement for a startup nonprofit.

Sample Cash Flow Statement for a Startup Nonprofit Organization

Net Income (Loss) $ 34,580 $ 89,110 $ 162,729 $ 263,751 $ 401,809
Change in Working Capital $ (18,300) $ (11,400) $ (15,300) $ (12,400) $ (25,300)
Plus Depreciation $ 5,200 $ 5,200 $ 5,200 $ 5,200 $ 4,200
Net Cash Flow from Operations $ 21,480 $ 82,910 $ 152,629 $ 256,551 $ 380,709
Fixed Assets $ (25,000) $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
Net Cash Flow from Investments $ (25,000) $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
Cash from Equity $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
Cash from Debt financing $ 108,862 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ (108,862)
Net Cash Flow from Financing $ 108,862 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ (108,862)
Net Cash Flow $ 105,342 $ 82,910 $ 152,629 $ 256,551 $ 271,847
Cash at Beginning of Period $ 0 $ 105,342 $ 188,252 $ 340,881 $ 597,431
Cash at End of Period $ 105,342 $ 188,252 $ 340,881 $ 597,431 $ 869,278

Fundraising Plan

This section of your nonprofit business plan should include information about your fundraising goals, strategies, and tactics.

  • What are your fundraising goals? Include information about how much money you hope to raise, as well as when and how you will raise it.
  • What fundraising strategies will you use? Include information about special events, direct mail campaigns, online giving, and grant writing.
  • What fundraising tactics will you use? Include information about volunteer recruitment, donor cultivation, and stewardship.

Now include specific fundraising goals, strategies, and tactics. These could be annual or multi-year goals. Below are some examples:

Goal : To raise $50,000 in the next 12 months.

Strategy : Direct mail campaign

  • Create a mailing list of potential donors
  • Develop a direct mail piece
  • Mail the direct mail piece to potential donors

Goal : To raise $100,000 in the next 24 months.

Strategy : Special event

  • Identify potential special event sponsors
  • Recruit volunteers to help with the event
  • Plan and execute the special event

Goal : To raise $250,000 in the next 36 months.

Strategy : Grant writing

  • Research potential grant opportunities
  • Write and submit grant proposals
  • Follow up on submitted grants

This section of your business plan is important because it shows that you have a clear understanding of your fundraising goals and how you will achieve them.

You will also want to include an appendix section which may include:

  • Your complete financial projections
  • A complete list of your nonprofit’s policies and procedures related to the rest of the business plan (marketing, operations, etc.)
  • A list of your hard assets and equipment with purchase dates, prices paid and any other relevant information
  • A list of your soft assets with purchase dates, prices paid and any other relevant information
  • Biographies and/or resumes of the key members of your organization
  • Your nonprofit’s bylaws
  • Your nonprofit’s articles of incorporation
  • Your nonprofit’s most recent IRS Form 990
  • Any other relevant information that may be helpful in understanding your organization

Writing a good business plan gives you the advantage of being fully prepared to launch and grow your nonprofit organization. It not only outlines your vision but also provides a step-by-step process of how you are going to accomplish it. Sometimes it may be difficult to get started, but once you get the hang of it, writing a business plan becomes easier and will give you a sense of direction and clarity about your nonprofit organization.  

Finish Your Nonprofit Business Plan in 1 Day!

Other helpful articles.

How to Write a Grant Proposal for Your Nonprofit Organization + Template & Examples

How To Create the Articles of Incorporation for Your Nonprofit Organization + Template

How to Develop a Nonprofit Communications Plan + Template

How to Write a Stand-Out Purpose Statement + Examples

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Nonprofit Business Plan Template

Download our Non-Profit Business Plan and create a business plan for your non-profit!

Nonprofit Business Plan Template

Updated September 24, 2023 Written by Josh Sainsbury | Reviewed by Brooke Davis

Running a successful non-profit organization is challenging. A business plan is one tool that helps steer your organization in the right direction. It clearly articulates your goals and details how to accomplish them.

It also shows external stakeholders that you’re serious about your non-profit and reassures them that they can work with you or provide you with funding.

This guide helps you understand how to write a non-profit business plan and includes a free template to help you get started.

Why You Need a Business Plan for Your Non-profit Business

How to write a business plan for a non-profit, non-profit business plan example.

A business plan is a roadmap. It shows where your organization is now, where you want to go, and how to get there.

Typically, a non-profit business plan spans the upcoming three to five years. Every non-profit organization should have a business plan, regardless of size or financial status. It helps you:

  • Stay organized
  • Identify essential stakeholders in your organization
  • Understand the feasibility of your work
  • Attract volunteers and an administrative board
  • Uncover new opportunities

A non-profit business plan is also an essential document for securing funding. If you hope to get significant donations or grants, you must show donors or grantmakers your goals and objectives.

They want proof that your organization will achieve its goals, and there’s no better way to reassure them than with a clear, concise business plan.

Writing a business plan is easy if you take it step-by-step and use a template to create each section. As you write, keep your target audience in mind: How do you want them to respond to this business plan?

1. Executive Summary

The executive summary gives a general outline of your entire business plan. It gives the reader a clear idea of what to expect in the rest of the document. An executive summary also contains enough information so that someone who doesn’t have the time to read your entire business plan can get a sense of your organization, goals, and methods.

In your executive summary, cover what your non-profit does, the basic need you address, and why that need exists. Most importantly, explain how your organization plans to meet the demand. This first section of your business plan concisely tells your story. Your goal in crafting it should be to sum up the whole document while convincing the reader to keep reading.

As this section is a general summary of the rest of your business plan, it helps to write the executive summary last.

2. Management Team

The second section in your non-profit business plan covers your management team or organizational structure. Here, you explain who runs your organization and what their tasks are. You should also mention which type of non-profit you are (501(c)(3), fraternal beneficiary, horticultural, labor, etc.).

In addition to discussing your management team or board of directors, mention if your organization has employees, utilizes volunteers, or both.

If you have a facility dedicated to running your non-profit, here is the place to describe it. Noting your previous successes in this section may help convince donors to fund you.

If you are a new organization, use this section to describe your vision and how you’ll use practical methods to solve real problems.

3. Products and Services

In the products and services section, discuss your plans for achieving your goals. Describe, in detail, the needs of your community that your organization addresses.

Then, document how you will meet those needs. Do you create and offer products that improve lives? Do you run programs that provide needed services and support? Be explicit about what you do and how it helps people in need.

When describing your products and services, use numbers. For instance, if you run a food pantry, provide statistics about food insecurity in your area. Mention your daily capacity for distributing food based on your expected number of donations.

Also, include information about the people administering your products and services. Who works at your food pantry? Who organizes the donations and assigns volunteers?

This section should contain specific and concrete facts about your non-profit’s work, as these numbers will help convince donors and partners to fund or work with you.

4. Customers and Marketing

Your non-profit business plan should contain a marketing strategy. In the customers and marketing section, describe how you promote your efforts and be specific. Some common types of non-profit marketing channels include:

  • Printing and distributing promotional materials
  • Online marketing
  • Social media posts
  • Email newsletters
  • Maintaining and updating a website
  • Marketing partnerships
  • Fundraisers
  • Outreach events

If you’re a new non-profit and haven’t started marketing, mention your plan. State the scope of your marketing efforts, including your target demographics and whether your strategy is local, national, or international.

In addition to marketing methods, this section of your business plan should iterate your messaging.

What type of language will your campaigns focus on? Do you have critical slogans, logos, or other brand assets you plan to use? If not, how will you develop those assets? If you’ve done a marketing analysis, include it in this section.

5. SWOT Analysis

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. A SWOT analysis is a critical part of any business plan, whether for-profit or non-profit. SWOT is a strategic framework that helps you identify your vital areas and room for improvement.

To find your strengths , ask what your organization does well. Which unique resources do you have that you can draw on? Also, evaluate what competitors or other organizations might see as your strengths.

To find your weaknesses , ask what your organization can improve upon. Which resources are you lacking? What might external stakeholders identify as your weaknesses?

To find opportunities , look at the trends in your field upon which you might capitalize. Opportunities usually come from outside your organization and require a forward-thinking mindset.

To find threats , think about what could harm your non-profit. What is your competition doing better than you are? Which external factors may hurt your operations?

6. Financials

Your non-profit cannot operate without funding. Your financial section covers how you plan to pay for everything you need. This section is essential because you can’t carry out your other activities without a solid funding source.

Mention your current financial status, including assets and liabilities. Also, include essential financial documents such as income statements, a cash flow sheet, and a balance sheet.

What else should go in your non-profit business plan’s financial section? Be sure to highlight:

  • Your fundraising plan
  • Grants you’ve received or a plan for applying for grants
  • Potential obstacles to gathering funding and proposed solutions
  • What you’ll do with surplus donations
  • Startup costs if you’re not established yet

You cannot give too much financial information, so always include anything you think might be relevant. Your potential partners and donors want a clear picture of your financial situation.

7. Operations

Explain how you plan to carry out your programs or provide your services in your operations section. Your products and services section is the “what,” and your operations section is the “how.”

Retake the food pantry example. You’ve already described what it is using numbers and statistical data; now, you explain how it runs.

Is it open every day, and for how long? Where and from whom will you collect food donations? Are there any goods you will not accept? Can you hold food drives with schools, churches, or other organizations? What rules will you have about distributing food for volunteers and the recipients?

As you develop your operations strategy, ask yourself, “How.” Keep asking until you have a clear, detailed plan that describes your work. Don’t forget to include a sub-section about your team, volunteers, or the people carrying out your operations.

Their strengths will also keep your non-profit running, so you should mention them in your business plan.

8. Appendix

The appendix of your non-profit business plan is where you attach additional documents that your readers may find helpful. Charts, data, or lists typically go in the appendix. Add any information that seems too lengthy or complex to read in the body of your business plan.

Some examples of appendix documents include:

  • List your board of directors
  • Status letter from the IRS
  • Balance sheets
  • Management flow chart
  • Budget for the current fiscal year
  • Market analysis

With an appendix, you don’t have to be as concerned about structure as you are with the body of the business plan. Think of it as a reference section for your readers.

A sample business plan already has the structure for you; you have to fill in each section with the relevant information.

Writing a non-profit business plan is simpler when you work from a template. Download our free PDF or Word template and fill it out independently.

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Business Planning for Nonprofits

Business planning is a way of systematically answering questions such as, “What problem(s) are we trying to solve?” or “What are we trying to achieve?” and also, “Who will get us there, by when, and how much money and other resources will it take?”

The business planning process takes into account the nonprofit’s mission and vision, the role of the board, and external environmental factors, such as the climate for fundraising.

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Ideally, the business planning process also critically examines basic assumptions about the nonprofit’s operating environment. What if the sources of income that exist today change in the future? Is the nonprofit too reliant on one foundation for revenue? What happens if there’s an economic downturn?

A business plan can help the nonprofit and its board be prepared for future risks. What is the likelihood that the planned activities will continue as usual, and that revenue will continue at current levels – and what is Plan B if they don't?

Narrative of a business plan

You can think of a business plan as a narrative or story explaining how the nonprofit will operate given its activities, its sources of revenue, its expenses, and the inevitable changes in its internal and external environments over time. Ideally, your plan will tell the story in a way that will make sense to someone not intimately familiar with the nonprofit’s operations.

According to  Propel Nonprofits , business plans usually should have four components that identify revenue sources/mix; operations costs; program costs; and capital structure.

A business plan outlines the expected income sources to support the charitable nonprofit's activities. What types of revenue will the nonprofit rely on to keep its engine running – how much will be earned, how much from government grants or contracts, how much will be contributed? Within each of those broad categories, how much diversification exists, and should they be further diversified? Are there certain factors that need to be in place in order for today’s income streams to continue flowing?

The plan should address the everyday costs needed to operate the organization, as well as costs of specific programs and activities.

The plan may include details about the need for the organization's services (a needs assessment), the likelihood that certain funding will be available (a feasibility study), or changes to the organization's technology or staffing that will be needed in the future.

Another aspect of a business plan could be a "competitive analysis" describing what other entities may be providing similar services in the nonprofit's service and mission areas. What are their sources of revenue and staffing structures? How do their services and capacities differ from those of your nonprofit?

Finally, the business plan should name important assumptions, such as the organization's reserve policies. Do your nonprofit’s policies require it to have at least six months of operating cash on hand? Do you have different types of cash reserves that require different levels of board approval to release?

The idea is to identify the known, and take into consideration the unknown, realities of the nonprofit's operations, and propose how the nonprofit will continue to be financially healthy.  If the underlying assumptions or current conditions change, then having a plan can be useful to help identify adjustments that must be made to respond to changes in the nonprofit's operating environment.

Basic format of a business plan

The format may vary depending on the audience. A business plan prepared for a bank to support a loan application may be different than a business plan that board members use as the basis for budgeting. Here is a typical outline of the format for a business plan:

  • Table of contents
  • Executive summary - Name the problem the nonprofit is trying to solve: its mission, and how it accomplishes its mission.
  • People: overview of the nonprofit’s board, staffing, and volunteer structure and who makes what happen
  • Market opportunities/competitive analysis
  • Programs and services: overview of implementation
  • Contingencies: what could change?
  • Financial health: what is the current status, and what are the sources of revenue to operate programs and advance the mission over time?
  • Assumptions and proposed changes: What needs to be in place for this nonprofit to continue on sound financial footing?

More About Business Planning

Budgeting for Nonprofits

Strategic Planning

Contact your state association of nonprofits  for support and resources related to business planning, strategic planning, and other fundamentals of nonprofit leadership. 

Additional Resources

  • Components of transforming nonprofit business models  (Propel Nonprofits)
  • The matrix map: a powerful tool for nonprofit sustainability  (Nonprofit Quarterly)
  • The Nonprofit Business Plan: A Leader's Guide to Creating a Successful Business Model  (David La Piana, Heather Gowdy, Lester Olmstead-Rose, and Brent Copen, Turner Publishing)
  • Nonprofit Earned Income: Critical Business Model Considerations for Nonprofits (Nonprofit Financial Commons)
  • Nonprofit Sustainability: Making Strategic Decisions for Financial Viability  (Jan Masaoka, Steve Zimmerman, and Jeanne Bell)

Disclaimer: Information on this website is provided for informational purposes only and is neither intended to be nor should be construed as legal, accounting, tax, investment, or financial advice. Please consult a professional (attorney, accountant, tax advisor) for the latest and most accurate information. The National Council of Nonprofits makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or timeliness of the information contained herein.

Non-Profit Business Plan Template

Non-Profit Business Plan Template

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Updated January 09, 2023

A non-profit business plan is a written roadmap for a non-profit organization. It serves to communicate the core purpose, funding needs, and action plan of the organization. Non-profit business plans typically describe in detail the organization’s mission and values, administrative structure, staffing, industry analysis, revenue and donations, key milestones, and other elements specific to the organization type.

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Home > Business Plan Templates > 10-Part Nonprofit Business Plan Template (With Examples)

10-Part Nonprofit Business Plan Template (With Examples)

Mar 26, 2024 | Business Plan Templates

A woman who works for a non profit business.

Table of Contents

Does a Nonprofit Need a Business Plan?

Yes. A nonprofit needs a business plan just as much as any for-profit enterprise. A business plan for a nonprofit organisation serves several critical purposes: it outlines the mission and vision, sets clear goals and objectives, and details the strategies for achieving them. Additionally, it plays a vital role in securing funding from donors, grants, and other sources by demonstrating the organisation’s potential for impact and sustainability.

A well-crafted business plan helps nonprofits to effectively allocate resources, manage risks, and measure progress towards their goals. It also provides a roadmap for growth and development, ensuring that the organisation remains focused and aligned with its core values and objectives.

In essence, a business plan is indispensable for a nonprofit organisation’s success, guiding its efforts to make a meaningful difference in its community.

So, without further ado, here is our nonprofit business plan template!

1. Executive Summary

The executive summary provides a concise overview of your nonprofit organisation and summarises the main aspects of your plan. Although it comes first in your business plan, you might find it easier to write this part last, ensuring it captures all the important points from the rest of your document.


Begin with a brief introduction to your organisation. What is its name? What causes does it support? Whether you’re focusing on environmental conservation, community development, etc., make it compelling and engaging.

Example: The Helping Hands Foundation is a nonprofit organisation committed to uplifting disadvantaged communities through access to quality education, healthcare, and basic amenities.

Organisation Overview

Here, provide a high-level summary of your organisation. Discuss the core activities and why the work is crucial. Include the types of services offered and any significant initiatives.

Example : Our organisation mainly operates in rural areas, where we undertake various community development projects and run a healthcare centre and a school.

Mission and Vision Statement

Write your Nonprofit’s mission and vision statement. This should communicate your organisation’s purpose, its strategic goals, and its commitment to the cause.

Example: Our mission is to empower underprivileged communities by providing education, healthcare services, and resources that foster a sustainable livelihood. Our vision is to create an equitable world where every individual has access to basic human rights and opportunities needed for personal and communal growth.

Geographic Reach and Accessibility

Discuss where your nonprofit operates, explaining where you have the most significant presence or impact and the communities you are serving in those regions.

Example: The Helping Hands Foundation currently extends its services to the marginalised communities in two rural towns in Montana, reaching over 5,000 individuals directly.

Service Type

Explain the kind of work your nonprofit does. Whether you provide direct services, advocacy, research, etc., describe in detail.

Example: We offer direct services, including running a healthcare centre that provides basic medical services and a school that offers quality education from Kindergarten to 5th grade. We also have several livelihood programs that equip adults with skills to earn a living.

Key Goals and Objectives

Outline what you’re striving for in the short and long term. These should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound) goals.

Example: Our main goal for the coming year is to expand our services into two more towns and to increase our direct beneficiaries by 20%. In the long term, we aim to establish a network of schools and healthcare centres across Montana.

2. Programs and Services

This section provides the reader with a detailed understanding of your organisation’s specific programs and services, their purpose, and their impact.

Program Definition and Theme

Describe the programs or services your organisation offers in detail. Explain the principles guiding these programs and the kind of expertise involved.

Example: We run three main programs: the Community Health Initiative, the Learning Support Program, and the Adult Skill-building Program. Each of these programs follows a participatory model, where community members are active participants, ensuring culturally and contextually relevant interventions.

Service Range

Enumerate the range of services you offer under each program. Highlight key elements and features of these services.

Example: The Community Health Initiative includes services like regular medical check-ups, basic treatments, immunisations, and health awareness workshops. The Learning Support Program offers a comprehensive curriculum, while the Skill-building Program offers vocational classes in various trades.

Beneficiary Analysis

Describe who benefits from your programs or services, detailing how they are chosen and why they are the focus of your efforts.

Example: Our beneficiaries predominantly include underserved individuals and families from the marginalised communities in rural Montana. The selection is made based on household income, with priority given to those below the poverty line. We focus on these groups because we believe that providing them with access to healthcare, quality education, and skill-building can lead to a significant upliftment.

3. History and Governance

This section provides a glimpse into the historical background of your nonprofit and an insight into its governance structure.

Legal Status and Structure

Specify the legal status of your nonprofit. Is it a nonprofit corporation, a public charity, a private foundation, or another type of legal entity? Why was this type chosen?

Example: The Helping Hands Foundation is a Public Charity under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code. This structure allows us to accept donations, contributions, and gifts that are tax-deductible for donors, which is beneficial in raising funds for our cause.

Board of Directors

Introduce your board of directors briefly, highlighting their experience and roles. Point out their key contributions to the organisation.

Example: Our board comprises five dedicated members, including a physician, an educator, a social worker, a business entrepreneur, and a legal professional, each offering expertise in their respective fields to help guide and govern our organisation.

Key Milestones

Highlight significant milestones in your organisation’s history to show the progress and impact over time.

Example : Founded in 2015, the Helping Hands Foundation started as a health outreach program serving a single community. By 2017, we expanded our services to education, and in 2019 added our Adult Skill-building Program. We’re now serving multiple communities across Montana and have positively impacted over 5,000 lives directly.

4. Business Model

This section will outline how the nonprofit organisation functions and generates revenue to support its mission and programs.

Main Income Sources

Discuss your nonprofit’s main sources of income. These could include individual and corporate donations, grants, fundraising events, service fees, etc.

Example: Our main income sources include individual donations, corporate partnerships, and grants. We also generate revenue through our annual charity run – “Run for Help”.

Planned Collaborations/ Partnerships

Discuss any planned collaborations or partnerships. These could be with other nonprofit organisations, for-profit businesses, government institutions, etc.

Example: We are planning to partner with local businesses for some of our skill-building programs. These businesses will not only provide practical training but also potential job placements for our beneficiaries.

Special Projects

If there are any special projects or initiatives planned that will bring substantial funds or support to the organisation, detail them.

Example: We plan to launch a “Sponsor a Child’s Education” initiative that encourages donors to cover educational expenses for a specific child for a period of one year.

5. Market Analysis

This section provides an understanding of the broader context in which your nonprofit operates, including the current need, target beneficiaries, and competitive landscape.

Current Community Need

Describe the current community need that your nonprofit is addressing. Use data and real examples to illustrate the need.

Example: According to the latest census, the rural parts of Montana that we serve have 35% of the population living below the poverty line. Lack of access to quality healthcare, education, and job opportunities persist as significant challenges.

Beneficiary/ Constituency Analysis

Detail the demographic, geographic, socioeconomic, and other relevant characteristics of the people your organisation serves.

Example: Our primary beneficiaries are families living below the poverty line, struggling with limited access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities. They present a diverse age group, from children requiring educational support to adults needing vocational training.

Related Organisations and Competitive Analysis

Identify other nonprofit organisations working on similar issues, examine their approach, and highlight what sets your organisation apart.

Example: While other nonprofits in the region primarily focus on either healthcare or education, The Helping Hands Foundation sets itself apart by offering a holistic approach – providing access to healthcare, quality education, and skill-building programs for sustainable livelihoods.

Positioning and Strategy

Explain how your nonprofit is positioned in response to the need, target beneficiaries, and competitive landscape. Describe your strategy to deliver your mission.

Example: Our organisation is positioned as an all-encompassing solution for the challenges faced by our target community. Our strategy involves a holistic, participatory approach that acknowledges and works around the cultural and contextual realities of the community.

6. Public Relations and Fundraising Strategy

This section deals with how you plan to generate awareness about your organisation’s purpose and work, as well as how you plan to solicit donations.

PR Strategy

Outline your strategy to garner visibility and positive coverage in the media and community.

Example: Our PR strategy includes issuing press releases about milestone achievements, hosting town hall meetings to engage community members, and inviting local influencers or media to cover our key events and initiatives.

Fundraising Plan

Describe your approach to raising funds. This may include details of fundraising events, online campaigns, donor recognition strategies, and plans to apply for grants.

Example: We plan to conduct an annual charity run event, “Run for Help”, which is our major fundraiser. We also run online crowdfunding campaigns around specific causes like “Back-to-School” and “Vaccinate a Village”. We acknowledge our generous donors through a ‘wall of fame’ on our website and an annual appreciation dinner.

Community Engagement/ Volunteer Plans

Discuss how you plan to engage community members and volunteers in your work. This can bring additional resources to your organisation through volunteer time and word-of-mouth advertising.

Example: We welcome community members to volunteer in our learning centres, health camps, and other initiatives. We also encourage volunteer involvement in event organisation, fundraising, and spreading the word about our work.

7. Operations

This is where you’ll outline how your nonprofit will function day-to-day, including details about staff recruitment, facility needs, technology, and overall operational flow.

Team Recruitment and Roles

Describe how you plan to staff your nonprofit. This includes the roles you require, criteria for each position, expected number of hires you plan to make per year, and any recruiting strategies.

Example: We plan to hire qualified professionals for roles like Program Managers, Field Coordinators, and Fundraising Coordinators. We also rely on volunteers to help us in various capacities. We actively participate in job fairs and conduct regular recruitment drives to find passionate and committed individuals for our team.

Board Composition and Roles

Discuss the current and expected composition of your board. What roles do they play in your nonprofit, and how often do they meet?

Example: Our board comprises five members, specialising in different areas like healthcare education, legalities, business, and social work. They meet quarterly to review our progress and annual plan. They are instrumental in providing strategic direction to our organisation.

Technology Needs

What kind of technology does your nonprofit require to function seamlessly? This might include software for managing donor data, a website for online presence, project management tools, etc.

Example: We use a donor management software to streamline our fundraising efforts, an accounting software to track our income and expenses, and social media platforms to reach out to our followers and prospective donors.

Facility Needs (If Applicable)

What are your facility needs? Do you need an office space, a storage room, a community centre, etc.?

Example: We currently operate from a rented office space in downtown Montana. Due to the expansion of our programs, we plan to rent additional storage space for our education and healthcare supplies.

8. Marketing and Communications Strategy

This section involves how the nonprofit plans to market its programs and services to its beneficiaries and prospective donors.

Marketing and Outreach

Describe how you plan to increase awareness of your nonprofit in the community you serve, among potential donors, and the public in general.

Example: We plan to conduct regular community awareness programs in schools and public places to educate people about our work. Also, we use digital marketing channels like social media, email newsletter, and our website to increase our visibility among potential donors.

Website and Social Media

Discuss your organisation’s online presence. This may include details about your website, blog, and social media accounts.

Example: Our website provides comprehensive information about our programs, stories of impact, and ways to get involved. We also maintain an active presence on various social media platforms, where we share updates, appeal for donations, and engage with our followers.

Community Engagement

Discuss how you plan to engage with the community beyond the direct provision of services.

Example: We regularly host town hall meetings to engage with community members and gather their feedback. We also participate in local events and festivals to further integrate ourselves into the community culture.

9. Financial Plan

This section focuses on your nonprofit’s financial aspects, detailing how funds will be raised and spent.

Startup Budget/ Current Annual Budget

Lay out the current or expected budget for your organisation, including income and expenses.

Example: Our annual budget for this year is $500,000, with the majority of the funds divided between education and healthcare programs. We allocate 10% for administrative expenses, and the remainder is used for fundraising and marketing.

Proposed Financing

Discuss your proposed financing options. These could include a detailed breakdown of expected revenues from various sources like donations, grants, government funding, special events, etc.

Example: We hope to raise 40% of our funds from individual and corporate donations, 30% from grants, 20% from special events like ‘Run for Help’, and the remainder 10% from government funding and other sources.

Key Financial Assumptions and Justifications

Clarify any assumptions in your financial plan, explaining why these assumptions have been made.

Example: We have assumed a 5% increase in donations from last year as we have seen a steady growth in our donor base. We also anticipate securing a major grant that we’ve applied for based on our past successes with similar applications.

10. Appendices

This section includes any additional documents or supportive material related to your business plan, such as:

Organisational Chart

Include a visual representation of your nonprofit’s structure, showing the roles and departments within the organisation.

Example: Our organisational chart distinguishes between our board members, management team, employees, and volunteers, providing a clear understanding of the functioning of our nonprofit.

Resumes of Key Staff/Volunteers

Attach resumes or brief bios of key team members to provide a sense of their skills, expertise, and experience.

Example: We have included the resume of our Program Manager who holds a master’s in Public Health and has over seven years of experience working in the nonprofit sector.

Detailed Budget

If your financial plan refers to a detailed budget, include a copy here.

Example: A detailed breakdown of our annual budget, including income and expenditure, reflects our judicious allocation of resources.

Related Market Research

Include any market research that validates the need for your nonprofit’s services.

Example: A Local Community Survey report, conducted by us, indicates a significant need for our healthcare and educational services among the local populace.

Wrapping Up Our Nonprofit Business Plan Template

In essence, a business plan helps you articulate and present your nonprofit organisation’s mission, operations, and financial activities with accuracy and persuasiveness. It enables you to highlight your organisation’s unique vision, services, and strategies robustly.

From charting organisational history and governance, presenting market analysis, to detailing your PR and fundraising strategy – a perfect business plan showcases your nonprofit in a compelling light. Remember, it’s crucial to tweak and adjust our guidance to fit your specific context, allowing your unique story, approach, and goals to shine through.

Follow this roadmap, and remember, a well-crafted business plan is more than just a document – it’s an opportunity to bring your organisation’s work to life, foster stakeholder understanding, build support, and ultimately, amplify your nonprofit’s impact.

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Nonprofit Business Plan Template [Updated 2024]


Nonprofit Business Plan Template

If you want to start a nonprofit business or expand your current nonprofit organization, you need a business plan.

Fortunately, you’re in the right place. Our team has helped develop over 100,000 business plans over the past 20 years, including thousands of nonprofit business plans.

The following nonprofit business plan template and example gives you the key elements you must include in your plan. In our experience speaking with lenders and investors, the template is organized in the precise format they want.

You can download the nonprofit business plan template (including a full, customizable financial model) to your computer here.

Nonprofit Business Plan Example

I. executive summary, organization overview.

[Organization Name], located at [insert location here] is a non-profit organization that provides assistance to at-risk youth in Westchester County, NY. For the past 10 years, [Organization Name] has helped over 10,000 teenagers learn valuable skills and become more education-focused in order to improve their ability to live fulfilling lives.

Services Offered

[Organization Name]offers group counseling services as well as one-on-one mentoring to youth. We also provide training, individualized coaching and support, and numerous group activities to supplement the one-to-one support.

Customer Focus

[Organization Name]primarily serves the at risk youth within a 5 mile radius of our Somers, NY. The demographics of these customers are as follows:

  • 27,827 residents
  • Average income of $34,700
  • 58.9% married
  • Unemployed: 23%
  • Below Poverty Line: 8.3%
  • Median age: 38 years

Management Team

[Organization Name]is led by [Director’s Name] who has been in the non-profit world for 20 years. [Director’s Name] has successfully led [Organization Name] for the past 5 years in serving over 10,000 at-risk youth.

[Director’s Name] is supported by a team which includes [individual 1] and [individual 2] that have experience running both for-profit and non-profit ventures. Specifically, our team has solid experience in organizing events, marketing to the local community and achieving key goals.

Success Factors

[Organization Name] is uniquely qualified to succeed due to the following reasons:

  • There is a massive need to serve at-risk youth in our community. Doing so will increase the quality of life and decrease crime rates among numerous other benefits.
  • There is no other organization supporting this critical need.
  • The management team has a track record of success achieving the goals of our organization and other organizations for which we have worked.
  • Members of our community fully support and believe in our mission.

Financial Highlights

[Organization Name] is currently seeking additional donations of $[X] in order to fulfill our mission. Specifically, these funds will be used as follows:

Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5
Revenue$200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000
Total Expenses$176,390 $230,030 $250,431 $261,901 $273,920
EBITDA$23,610 $69,970 $149,569 $238,099 $326,080
EBIT$23,610 $69,970 $149,569 $238,099 $326,080
PreTax Income$23,610 $69,970 $149,569 $238,099 $326,080
Income Tax Expense$13,344 $19,409 $52,349 $83,334 $114,128
Net Income/Surplus$10,266 $50,561 $97,220 $154,764 $211,952

II. Organization Overview

You can download the Non Profit business plan template (including a full, customizable financial model) to your computer here.

Who is [Organization Name]?

[Organization Name], located at [insert location here] provides assistance to at-risk you in Westchester County, NY. Since inception, [Organization Name] has helped over 10,000 teenagers learn valuable skills and become more education-focused in order to improve their ability to live fulfilling lives .

[Organization Name]’s mission is to support 100% of at-risk youths in our community. We hope that through our training and support programs, that all youth in our community will have the opportunity to achieve success in their lives.

[Organization Name]’s History

[Organization Name] was founded by [Founder’s Name] because she felt nothing was being done to serve the at-risk youth in her community. [Founder’s Name] was unable to sit by and watch while her community “was being destroyed” by ignoring key problems.

[Organization Name] was founded in that year as a 501c3 non profit organization and has been growing ever since in terms of staff size and number of community members served

Since our founding, the Organization has achieved the following milestones:

  • Staffed the organization
  • Developed an outstanding Board of Directors and Board of Advisors
  • Effectively impacted and improved the lives of over 10,000 at risk youths and their families
  • Won several awards for outstanding community service

[Organization Name]’s Services

[Organization Name] has been dedicated to making a difference in the lives of at-risk youth since we began.

In order to achieve this, we offer many services including the following:

  • Recruiting adult volunteers to be matched one-to-one with youth
  • Training programs to teach job skills
  • Individualized coaching and mentoring
  • Individualized support sessions
  • Group activities to build teamwork skills and self-confidence

Our child mentoring services are perhaps our program with the most impact.

In order to offer these services, we recruit adults from the community and surrounding areas who have achieved personal and professional success in their lives.

We have a training program for these volunteers to teach them how to teach the youth the skills and lessons they have learned in a highly nurturing environment.

III. Industry Analysis

[Organization Name] operates in the U.S. youth mentorship market.The following industry size facts and statistics define the U.S. youth mentorship market.

The US Census showed that the United States has over 35 million young people between the ages of 10 and 18.

While all youth can benefit from youth mentoring, it is obvious that some young people, as a result of life circumstances, could benefit more than others from quality mentorship.

There are a number of factors that put youth particularly at risk of not becoming successful adults. Those factors include:

  • performing poorly in school and dropping out
  • engaging in substance abuse
  • having sex at an early age
  • engaging in delinquent behavior

Youth are categorized by risk status:

  • Very high risk (10 percent of young people) – young people with multiple problem behaviors who commit serious offenses, drop out of school; use heavy drugs and have sex without contraception, etc.
  • High risk (15 percent) – youth who participate in two or three problem behaviors but at a slightly lower frequency and with less deleterious consequences;
  • Moderate risk (25 percent) – youth who tend to experiment in committing minor delinquent offenses, using substances occasionally but not hard drugs, have sexual intercourse with contraception, etc.; and
  • Low risk (50 percent) – young people who do not commit any serious delinquent acts, do not abuse substances and are not yet sexually active.

Based on recent US population estimate, the number of high and moderate risk youth exceeds 15 million.

Within our surrounding areas, based on similar statistical reasoning, we believe there are 115,000 at-risk youths currently and the number is growing each year.

IV. Customer Analysis

Demographic profile of target market.

[Company Name] will serve the residents and businesses operating in [company location] holding special events and meetings.

The area we serve is affluent and has the disposable income/profits required to demand off-premises catering services.

The precise demographics of the town in which our business is based are as follows:

Total Population26,09710,725
Square Miles6.893.96
Population Density3,789.202,710.80
Population Male48.04%48.84%
Population Female51.96%51.16%
Target Population by Age Group
Age 18-243.68%3.52%
Age 25-345.22%4.50%
Age 35-4413.80%13.91%
Age 45-5418.09%18.22%
Target Population by Income
Income $50,000 to $74,99911.16%6.00%
Income $75,000 to $99,99910.91%4.41%
Income $100,000 to $124,9999.07%6.40%
Income $125,000 to $149,9999.95%8.02%
Income $150,000 to $199,99912.20%11.11%
Income $200,000 and Over32.48%54.99%

Customer Segmentation

We primarily target the following three“customer” segments:

  • Very high risk youths.
  • As mentioned previously, these youth generally have committed serious offenses or dropped out of school.
  • For these youth, we offer intensive one-on-one counseling, mentorship and training.
  • As mentioned above, these youth participate some problem behaviors but at a lower frequency.
  • These youth are also offered intensive one-on-one counseling, mentorship and training
  • These youth tend to experiment in committing minor delinquent offenses
  • [Organization name] offers these youth training programs and mentoring to improve their life skills and train them to achieve success.

V.Competitive Analysis

Direct & indirect competitors.

The following organizations provide related services either nationwide or locally to our customers:

Boys & Girls Club of America

Boys & Girls Clubs of America (or BGCA) is a national organization whose mission is to “enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.”

Boys & Girls Clubs of America has a lineup of tested and proven nationally recognized programs that address today’s most pressing youth issues, teaching young people the skills they need to succeed in life.

National programs are available in the areas of education, the environment, health, the arts, careers, alcohol/drug and pregnancy prevention, gang prevention, leadership development and athletics.

Boys & Girls Clubs of America has more than 4,000 autonomous local Clubs which are affiliates of the national organization. Clubs serve some 4.8 million young people – generally between the ages of 6 and 18 – through membership and community outreach, and are located in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and on U.S. military bases in America and around the world. Professional Club staff total some 49,000 worldwide.

The 2,686 US-based YMCAs make the organization one of the largest not-for-profit community service organizations in the United States.

Today’s YMCAs serve thousands of U.S. communities, uniting 21 million children and adults of all ages, races, faiths, backgrounds, abilities and income levels. YMCAs are committed to helping:

  • Children and youth deepen positive values, their commitment to service and their motivation to learn
  • Families build stronger bonds, spend time together and become more engaged with their communities
  • Individuals strengthen their spiritual, mental and physical well-being

At every stage of life, YMCAs strive to help children, families and individuals reach their full potential.

YMCAs are the nation’s largest provider of child care, with nearly 10,000 child care sites across the country that provide high-quality, affordable care to more than 500,000 children.

Competitive Advantage/Differentiation

Boys & Girls Club of America and YMCA are excellent organizations. However neither organization provides the level of youth mentoring depth that is provided by [Organization Name]. Specifically, [Organization Name] offer the following advantages to our community:

  • Location: [Organization Name]’s location is near the center of town, giving members of our community easy access. The nearest YMCA and/or Boys & Girls Club is 15 miles away. This makes them highly inconvenient for the at-risk youth who have no transportation.
  • One-on-one mentorship: Neither the YMCA nor Boys & Girls Club offers one-on-one mentorship to at risk youth. While both programs provide meaningful interaction, at-risk youth need one-on-one help from volunteers who are trained and focused. [Organization name] provides this critical benefit.
  • Recruitment: [Organization name] has recruited hundreds of adult volunteers in our surrounding community areas to help our youth. These volunteers have been recruited, checked and trained and only work for our organization.

VI.Marketing Plan

The Marketing Plan describes the type of brand [Organization Name] seeks to create and the Organization’s planned promotions and pricing strategies.

The [Organization Name] Brand

The [Organization Name] brand will focus on the Organization’s unique value proposition:

  • Providing assistance to at-risk youth.
  • Offering one-on-one mentorship and training programs.
  • Providing a safe haven for youth

Promotions Strategy

[Organization Name]promotes itself to the community in order to reach at-risk youth and potential donors. The Organization’s promotions strategy to reach these individuals includes:

Direct Mail

[Organization Name] blanket neighborhoods with direct mail pieces. These pieces will provide general information on [Organization Name], and discusses program offerings and donation and volunteer opportunities.

Public Relations

We frequently contact local and area newspapers and television stations to tell them about the unique value proposition of [Organization Name].


[Organization Name] does low-cost advertise in local newspapers and sponsors community events in order to gain awareness.

Ongoing Customer Communications

[Organization Name]maintains a website and publishes a monthly email newsletter to tell constituents about new events, accomplishments and more.

VII.Operations Plan

Functional roles.

In order to execute on [Organization Name]’s business model, the Organization needs to perform many functions including the following:

Executive Functions

  • General management of the organization
  • Meeting with key constituents including local government officials
  • Hiring and training staff
  • Maintaining the vision of the organization

Administrative Functions

  • General & Administrative functions such as bookkeeping, etc.
  • Tactical functions such as legal, marketing

Service Functions

  • Recruiting and training volunteers
  • Scheduling activities for youth

Special Functions

  • Putting on our annual fundraising events

[Organization Name] expects to achieve the following milestones in the following [] months:

[Date 1]Finalize location agreement
[Date 2]Serve our 15,000th at risk youth
[Date 3]Recruit and train our 500th volunteer
[Date 4]Launch our first local celebrity mentorship program
[Date 5]Reach $1 million in annual donations

VIII. Management Team

Management team members.

[Founder’s Name]currently serves as Executive Director for [Organization Name].

Prior to joining [Organization Name], [Founder’s Name] managed GE’s East Coast philanthropic and volunteer initiatives for more than ten years. She has served in the field as an educator, program manager, grant maker, and advisor for nonprofits and corporate philanthropy programs for the past 20 years.

[Founder’s Name] has directed partnerships with a diverse group of education based community organizations including The National Literacy Program, and the At-Risk Technology Grant Initiative.

[Founder’s Name] has also been involved in the National Philanthropy Day Steering Committee, and the Orange County Community Relations Consortium.

[Founder’s Name] graduated from the University of ABC where she majored in Communications.

Hiring Plan

In addition to our current team, upon successfully getting more donations, we plan to hire the following personnel:

  • Public relations director
  • Volunteer coordinator
  • Finance director

IX. Financial Plan

Revenue and cost drivers.

[Organization Name]’s “revenues” come from donations and the solicitation of donations from both individuals and corporations.

Capital Requirements and Use of Funds

[Organization Name] is currently seeking donations totally $300,000 in order to hire new staff and expand its program offerings.

Specifically, these funds will be used as follows:

  • Salaries: $X,000
  • Administrative Expenses: $X,000 to pay for lease costs and ongoing operational expenses

Key Assumptions & Forecasts

Below please find the key assumptions that went into the financial forecast and a summary of the financial projections over the next five years.

Individual Donations
YearDollars Raised
FY 1$100,000
FY 2$150,000
FY 3$200,000
FY 4$250,000
FY 5$300,000
Corporate Donations
YearDollars Raised
FY 1$100,000
FY 2$150,000
FY 3$200,000
FY 4$250,000
FY 5$300,000

5 Year Annual Income Statement

Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5
Product/Service A$151,200 $333,396 $367,569 $405,245 $446,783
Product/Service B$100,800 $222,264 $245,046 $270,163 $297,855
Total Revenues$252,000 $555,660 $612,615 $675,408 $744,638
Expenses & Costs
Cost of goods sold$57,960 $122,245 $122,523 $128,328 $134,035
Lease$60,000 $61,500 $63,038 $64,613 $66,229
Marketing$20,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000
Salaries$133,890 $204,030 $224,943 $236,190 $248,000
Other Expenses$3,500 $4,000 $4,500 $5,000 $5,500
Total Expenses & Costs$271,850 $412,775 $435,504 $454,131 $473,263
EBITDA($19,850)$142,885 $177,112 $221,277 $271,374
Depreciation$36,960 $36,960 $36,960 $36,960 $36,960
EBIT($56,810)$105,925 $140,152 $184,317 $234,414
Interest$23,621 $20,668 $17,716 $14,763 $11,810
PRETAX INCOME($80,431)$85,257 $122,436 $169,554 $222,604
Net Operating Loss($80,431)($80,431)$0$0$0
Income Tax Expense$0$1,689 $42,853 $59,344 $77,911
NET INCOME($80,431)$83,568 $79,583 $110,210 $144,693
Net Profit Margin (%)-15.00%13.00%16.30%19.40%

5 Year Annual Balance Sheet

Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5
Cash$16,710 $90,188 $158,957 $258,570 $392,389
Accounts receivable$0$0$0$0$0
Inventory$21,000 $23,153 $25,526 $28,142 $31,027
Total Current Assets$37,710 $113,340 $184,482 $286,712 $423,416
Fixed assets$246,450 $246,450 $246,450 $246,450 $246,450
Depreciation$36,960 $73,920 $110,880 $147,840 $184,800
Net fixed assets$209,490 $172,530 $135,570 $98,610 $61,650
TOTAL ASSETS$247,200 $285,870 $320,052 $385,322 $485,066
Debt$317,971 $272,546 $227,122 $181,698 $136,273
Accounts payable$9,660 $10,187 $10,210 $10,694 $11,170
Total Liabilities$327,631 $282,733 $237,332 $192,391 $147,443
Share Capital$0$0$0$0$0
Retained earnings($80,431)$3,137 $82,720 $192,930 $337,623
Total Equity($80,431)$3,137 $82,720 $192,930 $337,623
TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY$247,200 $285,870 $320,052 $385,322 $485,066

5 Year Annual Cash Flow Statement

Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5
Net Income (Loss)($80,431)$83,568 $79,583 $110,210 $144,693
Change in working capital($11,340)($1,625)($2,350)($2,133)($2,409)
Depreciation$36,960 $36,960 $36,960 $36,960 $36,960
Net Cash Flow from Operations($54,811)$118,902 $114,193 $145,037 $179,244
Net Cash Flow from Investments($246,450)$0$0$0$0
Cash from equity$0$0$0$0$0
Cash from debt$317,971 ($45,424)($45,424)($45,424)($45,424)
Net Cash Flow from Financing$317,971 ($45,424)($45,424)($45,424)($45,424)
Net Cash Flow$16,710 $73,478 $68,769 $99,613 $133,819
Cash at Beginning of Period$0$16,710 $90,188 $158,957 $258,570
Cash at End of Period$16,710 $90,188 $158,957 $258,570 $392,389

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Top 10 Non-profit Business Plan Templates with Examples and Samples

Top 10 Non-profit Business Plan Templates with Examples and Samples

Samradni Pradhan


Are you a non-profit organization looking for funds to support and increase awareness of your cause? Adding eye-opening and soul-stirring data, you need other compelling reasons to persuade investors to back your cause. One of the reasons which can add value to your meeting with investors is a well-structured presentation that highlights your foundations and showcases your work.

A presentation can walk your audience through your other charity events and support you in asking for funds in a persuasive and graceful manner. Professional presentations may not be an easy task and may require additional help, this can be made easier through professional PowerPoint Templates. Getting these highly customizable PowerPoint non-profit business templates will not only make your job easier, but will also add a professional look to your presentation. It is important to stand out from the crowd and these templates will do just that for you!

Stay on track with your strategy and run your fundraising project smoothly with content-ready fundraising timeline templates.

In this article, we will look at the top non-profit business plan templates that you can use for your organization and leave an impact on your audience.

If you wish to explore some additional business plan templates then you can explore them here !

Template 1 : Red Cross non-profit organization Template

This template outlines the functional areas of your non-profit business. Additionally, there is space provided below each of the functional areas to highlight relevant information. It also makes use of vector graphics for a professional and classy look. Grab this template today!

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Download now

Template 2 : Non- profit organization PowerPoint Slide

Core values of any non-profit business form the crux of the organization. Use this content-ready PowerPoint Template to state your business’s mission, vision, and principles. Showcase how each belief and principle of your organization drives your business and make it stand out.  Download now!

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Template 3 : Non-profit organization PPT Template

Strategy and aim for any organization go hand in hand because only through the right set of strategy can help you reach your aim/goal. This template exhibits steps that you would take for your business to reach your goal. This content-ready PPT template also highlights processes and activities that help you build communities. Showcase the impact on society after your organizational work with this ready to use PowerPoint slide.  Download now!

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Template 4 : Red Cross non-profit organization PPT Slide

Strategic planning models help you to streamline your efforts and get the desired results. This ready-made PowerPoint template outlines the efforts of a non-profit organization with respect to products, programs, and services . Deploy this ready to use PowerPoint design and highlight strategic planning steps that will help you achieve goals for your company. Go ahead and grab this template!

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Template 5 : Red Cross non- profit organization Template

Expenses need to be managed well for a non-profit organization. Keep tabs on the money spent and the amount required for specific areas using this template. This slide provides you an insight on the budget set and expenditure for your company in a tabular form. Keep track of the expenses and highlight your financial frugality to investors to increase the credibility of your business. Download now!

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Template 6 : Red Cross non-profit organization Slide

When you are looking at providing an overview to your target audience, you must make a lasting impression. This will typically be a part of your initial few slides in the presentation deck and hence ensuring that it creates a good impression is crucial.  Therefore, use this content-ready PowerPoint Template to provide a brief introduction about your company. Talk about how the company started, its team members, mission, vision, and more using this appealing and professional slide. Go ahead and access it now!

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Template 7 : Non-profit organization strategic planning Template

This is another great add-on for your presentation deck. Access this amazing non-profit organization strategic planning template that includes content divided in four buckets. Each of these buckets can be further edited as per your requirement and business needs. With the addition of vectors, this template can steal the attention! Download now!

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Template 8 : Business Fundraising Plan for Non- Profit Organization Template

This template outlines six stages required to build an effective business fundraising plan for non-profit organization. Right from setting your organization goals to raising budgets and everything in between is covered in this template for your operational plan . You can customize the stages. Grab this template today!

six stages to build an effective business fundraising plan for non profits

Template 9 : Red Cross non-profit Template

There are times when you are not looking to include a plethora of information but instead targeting the inclusion of only some highlights including information around data collection . In such a situation, you can access this template that provides the perfect design to mention business highlights. Download it today!

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Template 10 :   Red Cross non-profit organization PPT Template

Guiding principles of a non-profit organization are crucial to highlight in a presentation or meeting where top business management is present. These guiding principles create an impression of how the organization behaves currently and where it wishes to arrive. You can get access to all of it in this template. Download it now!

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Download Now

Template 11 : Red Cross non-profit organization Slide

Your mission and vision form the heart of the matter of your organization. Through this template, you can highlight the mission and vision of your organization and create the right impression on your client. Add this template to your presentation deck and engage your audience today!

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Strategizing on a non-profit business plan is a lot of effort, however, having a set of editable templates can be a game-changer and can help you in creating the right impression.

Our business plan ppt templates are highly customizable and can do wonders for your brand. Download our premium PPT Slides through our monthly, semi-annual, annual, annual + custom design subscriptions  here .

PS: Want to design a crowdfunding proposal? Explore this guide replete with crowdfunding PPT templates to build your entire plan to attract investors effortlessly.

FAQs on Non-profit business plan

How do i set up a business plan for a non-profit.

A business plan is required to ensure the smooth functioning of the business where apt tools and techniques are used considering the time limit and budget for the same. While setting up a business plan, it is important to consider the scope of the program, the needs of the target audience, the location, and so on. As most non-profit organizations are focused on raising funds, proper planning and strategy are a must to ensure effective outcomes. A non-profit business plan provides a roadmap for the business functions for at least 3-5 years giving a clear idea of the manner in which the business functions have to be carried out. The business plan has to be prepared considering the financial plan aspects as it is integral for obtaining loans and grants whenever required for business functions. Such a business plan will help in conducting better research and creating a proper outline for carrying out different functions.

How do I write a non-profit plan?

While writing a non-profit business plan, certain steps have to be followed considering the needs and functions of the business. The initial step involved in a non-profit plan is writing an executive summary along with an organization description to get a clear idea of business operations. A proper market analysis needs to be conducted with a detailed description of your plans and services. In a non-profit plan, you must include marketing, logistics, operations, impact, and financial plan to cover all aspects of the business.

How does a non-profit make money?

The main source of income for a non-profit is through donations, grants, and memberships. In addition to it, non-profits make money through the sale of products and services also whereas at times the donated items are also put on sale. One of the important ways adopted by a non-profit is through services provided to the public in domains like education, health etc. Even though the main objective of a non-profit organization is to serve the public good rather than make profits, it can be seen that non-profits can make profits. The donations coming from private individuals along with funding obtained through grants from the government are used by organizations to earn money and make profits, to plough even more resources into their stated mission.

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NonProfit Business Plan Sample

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A nonprofit business plan is a crucial document for nonprofit organizations seeking to achieve their goals and make a difference in their community. According to the National Center for Charitable Statistics, there are over 1.5 million nonprofit organizations in the United States alone, highlighting the importance of a well-crafted nonprofit business plan sample.

Some of the sections to include in a nonprofit business plan of any organization are a mission statement, a description of its programs, a market analysis, a fundraising plan, and a financial plan. To help you deal with the hurdles you face in business planning, we have created a sample business plan for a non-profit organization.

A solid nonprofit business plan can attract donors, volunteers, supporters, and secure funding from various sources, such as grant-making organizations. If you’re writing your own business plan, sample business plans can be a helpful resource. Our nonprofit sample business plan pdf can provide you guidance on what to include in your own nonprofit business plan.

Fill the Form to Download Cannabis Business Plan Example

If you require assistance with drafting a non-profit business plan, we have a comprehensive guide  on how to write a busines plan available to aid you in the process. Here is a nonprofit business plan sample of Holistic Wellness and Lifestyle. Let’s take a closer look at this sample.

Table of Contents

1. business plan title page.

Cover page depicts the introduction of acopany and should be clear and straight-forward. A business plan title page should include the name of the company, the founder, the address, phone number, email, and website.

nonprofit business plan

What makes a great cover page for a business plan?

Visit our page on business plan cover page examples to download our free business plan cover page templates and create a beautiful cover page yourself.

2. Executive Summary

The executive summary highlights the organization’s commitment to promoting spiritual and physical wellness, financial balance, and total higher consciousness.

Led by founder Sara Johns, the non-profit offers personalized health coaching, workshops, and retreats to empower modern professionals to live healthier lives. With projected revenues of $31.2 billion and $24 billion in 2026 for Mental Health & Substance Abuse Clinics and Alternative Healthcare respectively, the organization targets clients experiencing stress, depression, chronic diseases, and mental imbalances.

By providing superior resources and solutions, Holistic Wellness and Lifestyle aims to become a leading player in the wellness industry.

To understand more about this section, we have a extensive executive plan sample for you, that you will definately want to cover to avoid ambiguous decisions in terms of your business plan.

Useful Resource:   How to write an executive summary for a business plan

Executive Summary

3. Market Overview

How a proper market analysis should be done? let’s have a look at market analysis of Holistic wellness and lifestyle. As per stats and our instinct, Alternative Healthcare Providers industry is growing due to rising consumer interest, increasing disposable income, and a health-conscious population. Market reasearch shows that the industry is expected to grow at a rate of 3.5% to $21.3 billion by 2021, driven by the acceptance of complementary and alternative medicine therapies. After a decline in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the industry is expected to recover with a 9.7% rise in revenue in 2021

The aging population and increasing disability incidence will continue to drive demand for industry services, resulting in a projected revenue growth rate of 2.4% to $24.0 billion by 2026. The industry landscape is also expected to expand, with the number of enterprises projected to increase at an annualized rate of 3.1% to 292,731 companies over the next five years.

service segmentation

4. Competitive Analysis

Holistic Wellness and Lifestyle can benefit from conducting a competitive analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the market and develop strategies to gain a competitive advantage. Here are some competitors.

non profit business plan second competitor

5. Swot Analysis

The SWOT analysis reveals its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats within the industry of alternative addiction treatment. Through its customer-centric approach, flexible product offerings, and partnerships with healthcare providers, Holistic Wellness and Lifestyle has the potential to become a market leader, though it faces challenges such as competition, regulatory compliance, and limited financial resources.

SWOT analysis for nonprofit business

6. Marketing Plan

Holistic Wellness and Lifestyle aims to become a market leader in the alternative addiction treatment industry by offering flexible products, robust customer service, and a positive reputation, while building symbiotic relationships with other healthcare providers, and that what a successful marketing plan in a business should be like.

To market effectively, Holistic Wellness and Lifestyle can use networking tactics such as attending industry events and registering with relevant associations, direct and print methods such as providing clear signage and offering marketing collateral, and social media and internet strategies including maintaining a presence on major social networks and optimizing their website for SEO.

branding and marketing

7. Funding Request

The Holistic Wellness and Lifestyle organization plans to use online business fundraising strategies to obtain cash, donations in kind, and volunteer work without any market-based material return.

  • The Organization will use click-and-donate websites and fundraising portals for online donations and resources.
  • Building relationships on the internet consists of four stages: information gathering, decision making, donation, and post-donation relationship building.
  • Critical areas of impact include donor acquisition, donor retention, speed of response, administrative efficiency, and income periodicity.
  • The Organization’s donations will be exempt from taxes, and donors can claim tax deductions by keeping donation receipts.

allocated funds

8. Management Summary

The section of management team includes the key members, including their backgrounds and experience is presented in the management summary. It should also highlight any unique leaderships skills or qualifications  for the new managers that make them well-suited in leading the business.

Our management team is experienced and growth-focused analyst adept at improving workflows and maximizing resources to enhance operational performance and contribute towards strategic objectives. Proven track record of identifying opportunities and implementing efficient operational structures and process improvements to boost productivity and achieve organizational goals.


9. Financial Highlights

The financial highlights of Holistic Wellness and Lifestyle include a projected business financials performance with standardized measurement indicators for profitability, leverage, asset turnover, and liquidity. We believe that financial plan must include the numbers are attainable and affordable but acknowledges that actual results may vary. Have a look!

financial indicators

Download NonProfit Business Plan Sample PDF

We will show you some real-world business plan examples so you may know how to write your own, especially if you are seeking a bank loan or an outside investment and need to use SBA-approved formatting.

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Nonprofit Business Plan

sample nonprofit business plan template

Business plans  are the foundation of nonprofit organizations. Without it, nonprofit organizations would not really prosper and serve their ultimate purpose since they will have a hard time obtaining support from external donors. Simply put, a business plan for non-profit organizations  describes the company, recognizes and addresses gaps, and creates a course of action for the organization over the next few years. The process of designing a business plan alone helps you to understand your organization better, which, in turn, will contribute to its further development. So how do you formulate a substantial business plan? Scroll down below to check out our examples.

10+ Nonprofit Business Plan Examples

1. general nonprofit business plan template.

General Nonprofit Business Plan Template

  • Google Docs

Size: US Letter, A4 + Bleed

2. Contemporary Business Plan

Contemporary Business Plan

Size: 483.9 KB

3. Formal Nonprofit Business Plan

Formal Nonprofit Business Plan

Size: 807.5 KB

4. Infographic Business Plan

Infographic Business Plan Example

5. Mary Robinson Foundation Business Plan for Climate Justice

Mary Robinson Foundation Business Plan for Climate Justice

Size: 323.7 KB

6. Modern Nonprofit Business Plan

Modern Business Plan

Size: 876.1 KB

7. New Events and Opportunities Nonprofit Business Plan

New Events and Opportunities Nonprofit Business Plan

Size: 2.1 MB

8. Nonprofit Business Plan for Harvest of Hope

Nonprofit Business Plan for Harvest of Hope

Size: 363.6 KB

9. Nonprofit Business Plan for Orphanages

Nonprofit Business Plan for Orphanages

Size: 2.6 MB

10. Nonprofit Business Plan Sample with Guide

Nonprofit Business Plan Sample with Guide

Size: 1.3 MB

11. Short Nonprofit Business Plan Example

Short Nonprofit Business Plan Example

Size: 180.8 KB

What Is a Non-Profit Business Plan?

Are you aware that 25% of small businesses begin operations without any financing whatsoever? It takes a leap of faith to get started in that manner, but many more businesses and organizations do have to come up with a plan for their own good. If you’re aware of what a company business plan  is and what it’s for, then it won’t take long for you to guess what the non-profit business plan is. This document serves as the culmination of your research, the epitome of your will, and the written word of your message. Even a non-profit organization business needs this not just for guidance, but to get the right loans, donors, and grants needed.

How to Create a Non-Profit Business Plan

If downloading a one-page non-profit business plan template isn’t in the cards, then you’ll have to create your own. Coming up with a non-profit blueprint does not have to be overly complicated. Whether it is a non-profit housing business plan or a non-profit ministry business plan, the steps below are sure to be of use.

Step 1: Specify Your Organization’s Goals

The key to any plan, especially something like a non-profit strategic plan , is to be clear with one’s goals. Take this opportunity to spell out what you intend to achieve through your organization.

Step 2: Articulate Your Mission Statement and Core Values

For the next step, explain what your non-profit mission statement is, along with the core values that you intend to follow. What you come up with does not have to be overly long or complex. Take for example the mission statement of UNICEF, which is only three hundred words long.

Step 3: Continue With the Outline

For the third step, this is the part where you push through with your written outline. What this comprises of will include parts of the plan that you have yet to discuss or divulge. This may involve sections like how you want to go about with your human resources , the budget that your organization will need, as well as any marketing efforts that you will have to put in. This is important because it can serve as your roadmap of sorts. There’s no need to go too much into detail here since many of the specifics will be explored later on.

Step 4: Talk About Your Services, Products, or Programs

This is the part where you describe in detail what your non-profit organization actually does. Talk about the specific services that you want to make available to others, the programs you want to start, and the products that you plan on offering. In this step, you may get into your  product marketing  for a bit, because it can tie into the next step.

Step 5: Work on Your Marketing, Operations, and Financial Plans

For the penultimate step, you must brush up on what your  marketing plan  is, along with your organization’s financial and operational plans . All will play a significant role in your non-profit going forward, so it pays to keep close attention to detail to each one. The specifics of these plans may change over time, as your organization evolves.

Step 6: Wrap Up With the Appendix

The last part is often reserved for the appendix where you can cite helpful information that may not otherwise have a suitable spot on the plan. Among the information you may put here includes your organizational flow chart , the list of your company’s board of directions, the balance sheets, and others.

What are examples of non-profit businesses?

Prime examples are churches, national charities, and foundations. Universities and hospitals also count, but only in select cases.

How much does it cost to start a non-profit?

Since a non-profit organization often operates as a business would, you need to consider where your capital comes from. Create a non-profit layout so you can map out how that capital will be spent and on what. There won’t be any set amount; instead, determine it according to your plans for the organization. If you are set on finding out specific costs, take note that you will still have to apply to the IRS for non-profit status. Once you do that, you’ll have to spend on forms like Form 1023, which costs $750. Those with projected revenue under $40,000 will see that fee reduced to a mere $400.

Is it possible to make money with a non-profit business?

Those who start non-profit businesses aren’t allowed or entitled to any profit from their organization’s net earnings. However, there are still other ways to make money, both for the individual and the company. For the latter, income can come from somebody’s fundraiser budget and corporate sponsorship.

Let it be said that plans are what makes amazing things happen, regardless if you get profit out of it or not. Like learning how to create a  non-profit proposal , coming with a non-profit business plan is one of the most important things you’ll ever do for your organization. Download a template or create your own; what matters is that you get your plans done right. So don’t waste another moment and browse through our collection of templates right now!


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Write your business plan

Business plans help you run your business.

A good business plan guides you through each stage of starting and managing your business. You’ll use your business plan as a roadmap for how to structure, run, and grow your new business. It’s a way to think through the key elements of your business.

Business plans can help you get funding or bring on new business partners. Investors want to feel confident they’ll see a return on their investment. Your business plan is the tool you’ll use to convince people that working with you — or investing in your company — is a smart choice.

Pick a business plan format that works for you

There’s no right or wrong way to write a business plan. What’s important is that your plan meets your needs.

Most business plans fall into one of two common categories: traditional or lean startup.

Traditional business plans are more common, use a standard structure, and encourage you to go into detail in each section. They tend to require more work upfront and can be dozens of pages long.

Lean startup business plans are less common but still use a standard structure. They focus on summarizing only the most important points of the key elements of your plan. They can take as little as one hour to make and are typically only one page.

Traditional business plan

write traditional plan

Lean startup plan

A lean business plan is quicker but high-level

Traditional business plan format

You might prefer a traditional business plan format if you’re very detail-oriented, want a comprehensive plan, or plan to request financing from traditional sources.

When you write your business plan, you don’t have to stick to the exact business plan outline. Instead, use the sections that make the most sense for your business and your needs. Traditional business plans use some combination of these nine sections.

Executive summary

Briefly tell your reader what your company is and why it will be successful. Include your mission statement, your product or service, and basic information about your company’s leadership team, employees, and location. You should also include financial information and high-level growth plans if you plan to ask for financing.

Company description

Use your company description to provide detailed information about your company. Go into detail about the problems your business solves. Be specific, and list out the consumers, organization, or businesses your company plans to serve.

Explain the competitive advantages that will make your business a success. Are there experts on your team? Have you found the perfect location for your store? Your company description is the place to boast about your strengths.

Market analysis

You'll need a good understanding of your industry outlook and target market. Competitive research will show you what other businesses are doing and what their strengths are. In your market research, look for trends and themes. What do successful competitors do? Why does it work? Can you do it better? Now's the time to answer these questions.

Organization and management

Tell your reader how your company will be structured and who will run it.

Describe the  legal structure  of your business. State whether you have or intend to incorporate your business as a C or an S corporation, form a general or limited partnership, or if you're a sole proprietor or limited liability company (LLC).

Use an organizational chart to lay out who's in charge of what in your company. Show how each person's unique experience will contribute to the success of your venture. Consider including resumes and CVs of key members of your team.

Service or product line

Describe what you sell or what service you offer. Explain how it benefits your customers and what the product lifecycle looks like. Share your plans for intellectual property, like copyright or patent filings. If you're doing  research and development  for your service or product, explain it in detail.

Marketing and sales

There's no single way to approach a marketing strategy. Your strategy should evolve and change to fit your unique needs.

Your goal in this section is to describe how you'll attract and retain customers. You'll also describe how a sale will actually happen. You'll refer to this section later when you make financial projections, so make sure to thoroughly describe your complete marketing and sales strategies.

Funding request

If you're asking for funding, this is where you'll outline your funding requirements. Your goal is to clearly explain how much funding you’ll need over the next five years and what you'll use it for.

Specify whether you want debt or equity, the terms you'd like applied, and the length of time your request will cover. Give a detailed description of how you'll use your funds. Specify if you need funds to buy equipment or materials, pay salaries, or cover specific bills until revenue increases. Always include a description of your future strategic financial plans, like paying off debt or selling your business.

Financial projections

Supplement your funding request with financial projections. Your goal is to convince the reader that your business is stable and will be a financial success.

If your business is already established, include income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements for the last three to five years. If you have other collateral you could put against a loan, make sure to list it now.

Provide a prospective financial outlook for the next five years. Include forecasted income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements, and capital expenditure budgets. For the first year, be even more specific and use quarterly — or even monthly — projections. Make sure to clearly explain your projections, and match them to your funding requests.

This is a great place to use graphs and charts to tell the financial story of your business.  

Use your appendix to provide supporting documents or other materials were specially requested. Common items to include are credit histories, resumes, product pictures, letters of reference, licenses, permits, patents, legal documents, and other contracts.

Example traditional business plans

Before you write your business plan, read the following example business plans written by fictional business owners. Rebecca owns a consulting firm, and Andrew owns a toy company.

Lean startup format

You might prefer a lean startup format if you want to explain or start your business quickly, your business is relatively simple, or you plan to regularly change and refine your business plan.

Lean startup formats are charts that use only a handful of elements to describe your company’s value proposition, infrastructure, customers, and finances. They’re useful for visualizing tradeoffs and fundamental facts about your company.

There are different ways to develop a lean startup template. You can search the web to find free templates to build your business plan. We discuss nine components of a model business plan here:

Key partnerships

Note the other businesses or services you’ll work with to run your business. Think about suppliers, manufacturers, subcontractors, and similar strategic partners.

Key activities

List the ways your business will gain a competitive advantage. Highlight things like selling direct to consumers, or using technology to tap into the sharing economy.

Key resources

List any resource you’ll leverage to create value for your customer. Your most important assets could include staff, capital, or intellectual property. Don’t forget to leverage business resources that might be available to  women ,  veterans ,  Native Americans , and  HUBZone businesses .

Value proposition

Make a clear and compelling statement about the unique value your company brings to the market.

Customer relationships

Describe how customers will interact with your business. Is it automated or personal? In person or online? Think through the customer experience from start to finish.

Customer segments

Be specific when you name your target market. Your business won’t be for everybody, so it’s important to have a clear sense of whom your business will serve.

List the most important ways you’ll talk to your customers. Most businesses use a mix of channels and optimize them over time.

Cost structure

Will your company focus on reducing cost or maximizing value? Define your strategy, then list the most significant costs you’ll face pursuing it.

Revenue streams

Explain how your company will actually make money. Some examples are direct sales, memberships fees, and selling advertising space. If your company has multiple revenue streams, list them all.

Example lean business plan

Before you write your business plan, read this example business plan written by a fictional business owner, Andrew, who owns a toy company.

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FREE 16+ Nonprofit Business Plan Samples in PDF | MS Word | Google Docs | Pages

9 Nonprofit Business Plan Samples PDF Word

Ask anybody you know, and more likely than not, they’ll associate companies and organizations with profit. It’s an easy connection to make, but we also know that nonprofit groups exist. For nonprofit workers, the need for business plan examples cannot be overstated. In this article, we’ll be discussing the topic of the nonprofit business plan while giving you professional examples of what an effective nonprofit business plan should be.

Nonprofit Business Plan Samples

16+ nonprofit business plan samples, 1. sample nonprofit business plan, 2. nonprofit marketing plan template, 3. nonprofit strategic plan template, 4. sample fundraising plan template, 5. annual fundraising plan template, 6. charity fundraising plan template, 7. non profit fundraising plan template, 8. nonprofit business plan development sample, 9. the do-good business plan template, 10. printable nonprofit business plan sample, 11. nonprofit social services business plan template, 12. business plan for nonprofits, charities, and volunteer organizations, 13. nonprofit organization business plan sample, 14. foundation business plan sample, 15. blank business plan template, 16. nonprofit arts district business plan sample, 17. nonprofit association business plan, what is a nonprofit business plan, steps to crafting your own nonprofit business plan, 1. know your audience, 2. do your research, 3. don’t be stingy with the details, 4. don’t forget the executive summary, should you stick to a specific format, can i operate a nonprofit organization from home, how much do nonprofit ceos make.

nonprofit business plan

  • Google Docs

Size: A4, US

nonprofit marketing plan template

Size: A4 & US

sample fundraising plan template

Size: 212 KB

Creating a business plan for a nonprofit organization or any organization is a challenging task. That is because of the many factors that one must consider in its development. So before you start with writing your business plan, you first need to know about the basic and essential things there is to learn about a business plan. This nonprofit business plan development sample is the perfect tool to use to help you get started. You should check it out now!

the do good business plan template

Size: 168 KB

The do-good business plan template is customization and a print-ready template that will help you create a reliable business plan for nonprofit organizations, charities, and volunteer organizations. It has a catchy and unique name to it and uses an elegant layout design. You can learn a lot by using this template and also be guided on how you should write the contents of the entire document. This  sample plan template is sure worth your time.

printable nonprofit business plan sample

Size: 473 KB

How do you take advantage of business plan samples? There are a lot of ways on how you can take advantage of business plan samples, and the most obvious way is by using them as reference or guide materials. There is no doubt that a lot can be learned from various samples, especially if they are those that are relevant to what you are looking for. This printable nonprofit business plan sample is just one of the many samples that you will find helpful.

nonprofit social services business plan template

Size: 254 KB

sample business plan for nonprofits charities and volunteer organizations

Size: 27 KB

nonprofit organization business plan sample

Size: 220 KB

foundation business plan sample

Size: 120 KB

blank business plan template

Size: 219 KB

nonprofit arts district business plan sample

Size: 898 KB

The document you are about to learn more about can be referred to in different ways. You may call it a nonprofit organization business plan, for one. Then there’s the nonprofit strategic plan . Regardless of what specific term you have for it, the purpose remains the same. This is used to help map out the direction in which the organization intends to travel on for the next few years. The details contained within—such as the nonprofit budget—may be short, middle, or long-term. With this at any nonprofit’s disposal, donations and investors are much easier to come by, and there will be far less worry in regards to its immediate future.

It’s easy to download items like a nonprofit strategic plan template or a one-page nonprofit business plan template. Perhaps that’s why some people prefer to make their business plan from scratch—it’s just more challenging, which is fun for those people. If you’re one of them, here’s your chance to write your plans. These tips will help you reach the level of success that you’ve always wanted.

Just like with a retail marketing plan , for example, you need to know who your stakeholders are. Although you can just write without any worry about who is eventually going to need it, an audience-focused document will lead to far greater success. Determine your audience, and we guarantee your business plan will be much more effective.

Business is rarely without necessary research data collection . It’s not a good idea to base everything off assumptions, even if what you’re trying to accomplish is relatively low-risk. Do extensive research on your marketing, your finances, and other vital areas of consideration.

No business plan succeeds by being vague, especially when it comes to product development and services. This is the same, even for nonprofit groups. Be as clear and specific as you possibly can. Take note that you can still be concise with your work, provided that what you’ve written is easy to understand and can educate the readers about your cause.

Having an executive summary can help clue readers in from the get-go about what you’ve got in store. After all, this is where you can dictate your organization’s mission, vision, and values. Don’t be tempted to think that this isn’t necessary; write it last, but place it first on your business plan for the readers’ benefit.

That’s not necessary as long as you adhere to the common elements like consistency in overall formatting paper , the use of 1-inch margins, and checking for errors.

Many businesses—both profit and nonprofit—start at their founders’ homes. Doing so is practical for several reasons, such as not having to spend on a rental property .

Judging by the average salary history of nonprofit CEOs, it stands that these individuals make up to $120,000 in a year.

It’s pretty exciting to learn about the nonprofit side of organizations, isn’t it? By now, it’s clear that there’s more to a business plan for the nonprofit organizations than initially thought. You can now confidently say that your knowledge of how to write a nonprofit business plan and its many nuances are greater than it was before. So do us all a favor and put what you’ve learned here to good use today!

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Table of Contents

5 steps to create a non-profit strategic plan, 8+ nonprofit strategic plan templates, 1. fundraising strategic plan template, 2. nonprofit strategic plan template, 3. non-profit fundraising plan template, 4. annual fundraising plan template, 5. non-profit fundraising plan template, 6. final nonprofit strategic plan, 7. non-profit five-year strategic plan.

  • 8. Non-profit

9. Sample Strategic Plan

Plan templates.

A nonprofit’s effectiveness and long-term value to its stakeholders are largely decided by how effectively it is being managed. It’s challenging to lead a philanthropic organization towards success and recognition. It is even more challenging to get the right people and organizations to fund and support it. Many nonprofits also suffer an ill-fated path towards coming up with a traditional 5-year plan only to change it three months later. This makes it all the more important for you to put together a nonprofit strategic plan that works.

sample nonprofit business plan template

Step 1: Be inclusive.

Step 2: do your homework., step 3: define your goals., step 4: avoid a rigid timeline., step 5: work with your team..

fundraising strategic plan

  • Google Docs

nonprofit strategic plan

8. Non-profit Strategic Plan Sample

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Nonprofit Organization Strategic Plan Template

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  1. FREE 13+ Sample Nonprofit Business Plan in Google Docs

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  2. FREE 23+ Non Profit Business Plan Templates in PDF

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  3. Nonprofit Business Plan Templates

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  4. Nonprofit Business Plan Templates

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  5. FREE 23+ Non Profit Business Plan Templates in PDF

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  6. Npo Business Plan Template Pdf

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  2. Creating A Nonprofit Marketing Plan To Boost Growth In 2023

  3. How to Start a Nonprofit Organization With No Money

  4. How to use an Advanced Business Plan Template by Paul Borosky, MBA

  5. Creating a Business Plan for a Non-Profit Organization

  6. How to write a business plan step by step guide + template


  1. Nonprofit Business Plan Templates

    This template has all the core components of a nonprofit business plan. It includes room to detail the organization's background, management team key personnel, current and future youth program offerings, promotional activities, operations plan, financial statements, and much more. Download Nonprofit Business Plan Template for Youth Program.

  2. 3 Sample Nonprofit Business Plans For Inspiration

    A nonprofit business plan is a living document that should lay out your business and financial goals and a strategic plan for how your organization grows. Below are three sample nonprofit business plans to help guide you in creating your own nonprofit business plan. Download our Ultimate Nonprofit Business Plan Template here

  3. Nonprofit Business Plan Template & Example (Updated 2024)

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  4. The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Nonprofit Business Plan

    Step 3: Outline. Create an outline of your nonprofit business plan. Write out everything you want your plan to include (e.g. sections such as marketing, fundraising, human resources, and budgets). An outline helps you focus your attention. It gives you a roadmap from the start, through the middle, and to the end.

  5. Business Plan For A Nonprofit Organization + Template

    A nonprofit business plan is required if you want to secure funding from grant-making organizations or investors. A well-crafted business plan will help you: Define your organization's purpose and goals. Articulate your vision for the future. Develop a step-by-step plan to achieve your goals. Secure funding from investors or donors.

  6. Free Non-Profit Business Plan Template

    A sample business plan already has the structure for you; you have to fill in each section with the relevant information. Writing a non-profit business plan is simpler when you work from a template. Download our free PDF or Word template and fill it out independently. Create your Non-profit business plan using our template and learn everything ...

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  8. Free Non-Profit Business Plan Template

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    BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE DISCLAIMER Any articles, templates, or information provided by Smartsheet on the website are for reference only. While we strive to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accura cy, reliability,

  10. 10-Part Nonprofit Business Plan Template (With Examples)

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  11. PDF Free Nonprofit Business Plan Template PDF

    Free Nonprofit Business Plan Template PDF. Written By: Dave Lavinsky. Dave Lavinsky is the Co-Founder and President of Growthink, a premier business advisory firm. With over 25 years of experience in business planning, capital raising, and new venture development, Dave has significantly impacted entrepreneurs and small business owners worldwide.

  12. Nonprofit Business Plan Template & Example [Updated 2024]

    Our team has helped develop over 100,000 business plans over the past 20 years, including thousands of nonprofit business plans. The following nonprofit business plan template and example gives you the key elements you must include in your plan. In our experience speaking with lenders and investors, the template is organized in the precise ...

  13. 11 Best Non Profit Business Plan Examples + Template (2024)

    Develop a strategic plan with clear goals and objectives. Choose a suitable legal structure for your non-profit organization. Establish a dedicated board of directors for guidance and governance. Create a strong fundraising strategy to secure funds. Build partnerships for collaboration and extra support.


    SAMPLE NONPROFIT BUSINESS PLAN OUTLINE TEMPLATE PRESENTED TO: DATE PREPARED CONTACT. CONFIDENTIAL Page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ... templates, or related graphics contained on the website. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. Created Date: 20200930052241Z ...

  15. Top 10 Non-profit Business Plan Templates with Examples and Samples

    Template 1 : Red Cross non-profit organization Template. This template outlines the functional areas of your non-profit business. Additionally, there is space provided below each of the functional areas to highlight relevant information. It also makes use of vector graphics for a professional and classy look. Grab this template today!

  16. FREE 23+ Non Profit Business Plan Templates in PDF

    Sample Non-Profit Business Plan Template. . Details. File Format. PDF; Size: 93 KB Download Now. This is a sample nonprofit business plan templates in word which the process of planning for a nonprofit organization's business is discussed deeply. Illustrations can be of great help to make you understand concepts better.

  17. Free NonProfit Business Plan Sample in PDF 2024

    Sample. A nonprofit business plan is a crucial document for nonprofit organizations seeking to achieve their goals and make a difference in their community. According to the National Center for Charitable Statistics, there are over 1.5 million nonprofit organizations in the United States alone, highlighting the importance of a well-crafted ...

  18. Nonprofit Business Plan

    Coming up with a non-profit blueprint does not have to be overly complicated. Whether it is a non-profit housing business plan or a non-profit ministry business plan, the steps below are sure to be of use. Step 1: Specify Your Organization's Goals. The key to any plan, especially something like a non-profit strategic plan, is to be clear with ...

  19. 11+ Nonprofit Business Plan Templates in Google Docs

    Business planning for a nonprofit should be a collaborative effort. Aside from a business plan, you must also come up with sample non-profit strategic plan templates so you can allocate your resources and distribute work tasks accordingly. Hence, your final nonprofit business plan must contain all the necessary information that can help involved entities identify their responsibilities ...

  20. Write your business plan

    A good business plan guides you through each stage of starting and managing your business. You'll use your business plan as a roadmap for how to structure, run, and grow your new business. It's a way to think through the key elements of your business. Business plans can help you get funding or bring on new business partners.

  21. FREE FREE Nonprofit Business Plan & Examples Templates

    Nonprofit Organizations Need to Have Their Own Business Plan. Make One Using's Free Nonprofit Business Plan Templates. Our Collection of Templates Are Perfect for Creating a Nonprofit Marketing Plan Outline, Blank Proposal, Social Enterprise Grant Proposal, Executive Summary, Proposal Template, Strategic Plan, and Profit Organization Startup Plan. Download Now!

  22. FREE 16+ Nonprofit Business Plan Samples in PDF

    8. Nonprofit Business Plan Development Sample. 9. The Do-Good Business Plan Template. 10. Printable Nonprofit Business Plan Sample. 11. Nonprofit Social Services Business Plan Template. 12.

  23. 8+ Nonprofit Strategic Plan Templates

    Strategic planning helps put a nonprofit organization's mission and vision into words and actions. Otherwise, it will be harder to start activities and get the right people to fund them. Make sure to get this Non-profit Strategic Plan Sample in PDF file format. This template is the perfect tool for you.