66 Forgiveness Essay: Examples, Titles, & Thesis Statement

A forgiveness essay is an exciting yet challenging task. In our article, you can find good forgiveness essay examples in literature, history, religion, and other spheres

📝 Writing a Forgiveness Theme Statement

🏆 best forgiveness essay examples, 🔍 simple forgiveness titles for essay, 💡 interesting forgiveness essay examples.

In your forgiveness essay, focus on different aspects of forgiveness. Some good forgiveness titles for the essay reveal themes of revenge, justice, and personal forgiveness. You can write an excellent reflective or argumentative essay on forgiveness – it is a versatile topic.

Regardless of your forgiveness essay’s specific topic and type, you should develop a strong thesis statement. Below we will provide recommendations on making a good forgiveness theme statement. This will help you come up with a solid base and arguments to prove your position.

Check these tips to make a powerful forgiveness thesis statemen:

  • Determine the primary idea. What are you trying to prove? Can anything be forgiven, or are there cases when it’s not possible? Introduce your one main idea and the angle from which you will look at it. You can also include some facts or opinions about the acuteness of the topic.
  • Work out your argumentation. It is crucial to have a firm structure in your forgiveness essay. You need to support the thesis statement with several arguments and evidence to demonstrate the consistency of your paper.
  • Think of the opposing views. Every argument has a counterargument. When working on your forgiveness theme statement, always keep an opposite thesis statement in mind. Having considered counter positions, you gain additional arguments for your position.
  • Don’t quote others in your thesis statement. A thesis statement is the first and foremost chance to introduce your point of view. Use your own strongest words to reach a reader. This is where they get the first impression about the whole work.

We also have lots of other tips on developing A+ thesis statements. Check our free thesis statement generator to discover more information and get a perfect forgiveness theme statement.

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IvyPanda. (2024, February 24). 66 Forgiveness Essay: Examples, Titles, & Thesis Statement. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/forgiveness-essay-examples/

"66 Forgiveness Essay: Examples, Titles, & Thesis Statement." IvyPanda , 24 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/forgiveness-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '66 Forgiveness Essay: Examples, Titles, & Thesis Statement'. 24 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "66 Forgiveness Essay: Examples, Titles, & Thesis Statement." February 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/forgiveness-essay-examples/.

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Forgiveness Essay

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Topic: Why is forgiveness important

Throughout your life, you will have to forgive people. Often times, forgiveness can be difficult. A wise man once declared, “Holding a grudge does not make you strong; it makes you bitter. Forgiving does not make you weak; it sets you free.” Forgiving others allow you to overcome your anger, to heal spiritual wounds, and to be set free.

First, forgiving others allows you to overcome your anger. If you hold a situation against someone, you begin to also hold a grudge. This is also known as bitterness. Bitterness builds up over time and eventually, you become a negative form of yourself. Anger is not something you should hold in. It’s proven that anger is more than just an emotion, it has physiological effects on you.

Secondly, forgiving allows you to heal spiritual wounds. Matthew 6:14-15 “ For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” Once you forgive others, our Father in Heaven will forgive you. Healing spiritual wounds will allow you to grow closer to Jesus and your family in Christ. With spiritual wounds, you will never be fully whole.

Last, forgiving simply sets you free. Forgiving others will allow weight to come off your shoulders. When you do not forgive, a bad feeling exists inside of you. It makes you feel hatred. One element of life is loving everyone, you cannot do this until you forgive. You have to be a blessing. With bitterness in your thoughts and mind, you cannot do this.

Overall, you will have to forgive people every day. Everyone makes mistakes. You should forgive people as fast as you would want them to forgive you. Forgiving gives you the chance to overcome your anger, to heal your spiritual wounds, and to set you free. Forgiveness is the key to life.

Explain why it is important to forgive

The Freedom of Forgiveness

It is very important to forgive others. Forgiveness means to forget someone’s bad deed or mistake. Life becomes easier when you learn to accept an apology you never received. You react to someone else’s mistake can be vital to your life and the lives of the others around you. Avoiding forgiveness can leave frustration in your heart and destroy your personality. You must learn to forgive others and yourself. It is very important to forgive.

First of all, it is important to react in the right way to someone else’s mistake. When you act in a response to an act or mistake, it could cause damage to good and bad sides. Fighting or taking revenge will only make a situation worse and it also means that you would commit a bad deed as well. If you do not fight or take revenge, but choose to forgive, you are at a higher place than the other person. By acting mature and not fighting or taking revenge, you will not damage your self-respect. Also, there will be peace between you and the other person because you both acted in a mature way. It is important to react in the right way to someone else’s mistake.

Secondly, it is important to forgive because avoiding forgiveness causes frustration in your heart and destroys your personality. If you forgive someone, you will feel better about yourself. Your heart and your mind will become more relaxed because you have peace in knowing that you do not have to be angry with anyone. In history, war broke out because countries could not forgive each other. If you simply learn to forgive, your mind and heart will be at peace instead of at war. Forgiveness is very important.

Lastly, forgiveness is important to you and the people around you. If you do not find forgiveness in yourself, others can become victims of your ego and revenge. If you are too prideful to forgive someone, you need to change your mindset. If someone does you wrong, you must treat everyone in a kind way because it is not their fault. If you don’t forgive yourself, you can’t forgive others. Forgiveness is very important to you and the people around you.

In conclusion, it is very important to forgive others. It is important to react in the right way to someone else’s mistake. It is important to never avoid forgiveness. Also, the way you react to forgiveness will affect you and the people around you. It is very important to forgive others.

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Essays on Forgiveness

Hook examples for forgiveness essays, anecdotal hook.

"In a moment of profound hurt, I found the strength to forgive, and it transformed my life. The power of forgiveness is a force that can mend even the deepest wounds."

Rhetorical Question Hook

"What does it take to let go of anger, resentment, and seek reconciliation? The concept of forgiveness prompts us to explore the complexities of human relationships."

Startling Statistic Hook

"Studies show that holding onto grudges and refusing to forgive can have adverse effects on physical and mental health. How does forgiveness impact our well-being?"

"'To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.' Lewis B. Smedes' words resonate with the profound transformation that forgiveness brings to both the forgiver and the forgiven."

Historical Hook

"From ancient philosophies to religious teachings, forgiveness has been a recurring theme in human history. Exploring the historical context of forgiveness reveals its enduring significance."

Narrative Hook

"Join me on a journey through personal stories of forgiveness, where individuals found the strength to heal relationships and find peace within themselves. This narrative captures the essence of forgiveness."

Psychological Healing Hook

"How does forgiveness promote emotional healing and psychological well-being? Analyzing the psychological aspects of forgiveness adds depth to our understanding."

Religious and Spiritual Perspective Hook

"Forgiveness is a central theme in many religious and spiritual traditions. What do these teachings reveal about the transformative power of forgiveness in our lives?"

Social Reconciliation Hook

"In societies marked by conflict and division, forgiveness plays a crucial role in the path to reconciliation. Delving into the role of forgiveness in social healing offers important insights."

Interpersonal Relationships Hook

"How does forgiveness impact our relationships with others? Exploring forgiveness within the context of interpersonal dynamics sheds light on the bonds we share."

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Is it fair to forgive student loans? Examining 3 of the arguments of a heated debate

Scott Horsley 2010

Scott Horsley

persuasive essay on forgiveness

Student loan borrowers stage a rally in front of The White House on Aug. 25 to celebrate President Biden cancelling student debt. The plan has sparked heated debate, including about its economic fairness. Paul Morigi/Getty Images for We the 45m hide caption

Student loan borrowers stage a rally in front of The White House on Aug. 25 to celebrate President Biden cancelling student debt. The plan has sparked heated debate, including about its economic fairness.

President Biden's plan to forgive hundreds of billions of dollars in student debt is sparking heated debate.

Biden last week announced plans to forgive up to $20,000 in federal student loan debt for Pell Grant recipients and up to $10,000 for others who qualify.

The news will provide relief for borrowers at a time when the cost of higher education has surged.

Student loan forgiveness is politically popular. But not all Democrats are on board

Student loan forgiveness is politically popular. But not all Democrats are on board

But critics are questioning the fairness of the plan and warn about the potential impact on inflation should the students with the forgiven loans increase their spending.

Here are three key arguments – for and against the wisdom of Biden's decision.

Raising living standards or adding fuel to inflation?

Undoubtedly, student debt is a big burden for a lot of people.

Under Biden's plan, 43 million people stand to have their loan payments reduced, while 20 million would have their debt forgiven altogether.

People whose payments are cut or eliminated should have more money to spend elsewhere – maybe to buy a car, put a down payment on a house or even put money aside for their own kids' college savings plan. So the debt forgiveness has the potential to raise the living standard for tens of millions of people.

Critics, however, say that additional spending power would just pour more gasoline on the inflationary fire in an economy where businesses are already struggling to keep up with consumer demand.

Inflation remains near its highest rate in 40 years and the Federal Reserve is moving to aggressively raise interest rates in hopes of bringing prices back under control.

Not all economists believe the debt forgiveness will do much to fuel inflation.

Debt forgiveness is not like the $1200 relief checks the government sent out last year, which some experts say added to inflationary pressure. Borrowers won't suddenly have $20,000 deposited in their bank accounts. Instead, they'll be relieved of making loan payments over many years.

persuasive essay on forgiveness

President Biden announces student loan relief in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington, D.C. on Aug. 24. Olivier Douliery/AFP via Getty Images hide caption

President Biden announces student loan relief in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington, D.C. on Aug. 24.

Because the relief is dribbled out slowly, Ali Bustamante, who's with left-leaning Roosevelt Institute says Biden's move won't move the needle on inflation very much.

"It's just really a drop in the bucket when it come to just the massive level of consumer spending in our very service- and consumer-driven economy," he says.

The White House also notes that borrowers who still have outstanding student debt will have to start making payments again next year. Those payments have been on hold throughout the pandemic.

Restarting them will take money out of borrower's pockets, offsetting some of the additional spending power that comes from loan forgiveness.

Helping lower income Americans or a sop to the rich?

Another big point of contention has to do with fairness.

Forgiving loans would would effectively transfer hundreds of billions of dollars in debt from individuals and families to the federal government, and ultimately, the taxpayers.

Some believe that transfer effectively penalizes people who scrimped and saved to pay for college, as well as the majority of Americans who don't go to college.

They might not mind subsidizing a newly minted social worker, making $25,000 a year. But they might bristle at underwriting debt relief for a business school graduate who's about to go to Wall Street and earn six figures.

persuasive essay on forgiveness

Students from George Washington University wear their graduation gowns outside of the White House in Washington, D.C, on May 18. Economists worry President Biden's plan to forgive student loans could encourage more people to take on debt in the hopes of also being forgiven. Stefani Reynolds/AFP via Getty Images hide caption

Students from George Washington University wear their graduation gowns outside of the White House in Washington, D.C, on May 18. Economists worry President Biden's plan to forgive student loans could encourage more people to take on debt in the hopes of also being forgiven.

The White House estimates 90% of the debt relief would go to people making under $75,000 a year. Lower-income borrowers who qualified for Pell Grants in college are eligible for twice as much debt forgiveness as other borrowers.

But individuals making as much as $125,000 and couples making up to $250,000 are eligible for some debt forgiveness. Subsidizing college for those upper-income borrowers might rub people the wrong way.

"I still think a lot of this benefit is going to go to doctors, lawyers, MBAs, other graduates that have very high earnings potential and may even have very high earnings this year already," says Marc Goldwein senior policy director at the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.

Helping those in need or making college tuition worse?

Goldwein also complains that the loan forgiveness doesn't address the larger problem of soaring college tuition costs.

In fact, he suggests, it might make that problem worse — like a Band-Aid that masks a more serious infection underneath.

For years, the cost of college education has risen much faster than inflation, which is one reason student debt has exploded.

And now what? The question that follows Biden's student loan forgiveness plan

And now what? The question that follows Biden's student loan forgiveness plan

By forgiving some of that debt, the government will provide relief to current and former students.

But Goldwein says the government might encourage future students to take on even more debt, while doing little to instill cost discipline at schools.

"People are going to assume there's a likelihood that debt is canceled again and again," Goldwein says. "And if you assume there's a likelihood it's canceled, you're going to be more likely to take out more debt up front. That's going to give colleges more pricing power to raise tuition without pressure and to offer more low-value degrees."

The old rule in economics is when the government subsidizes something, you tend to get more of it. And that includes high tuition and college debt.

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  • student loan debt
  • student loans
  • student debt forgiveness

Reasons to Eliminate Student Loans


The total amount of student college loan debt has been on the rise in the recent past. In every research done in America, it seems that the statistics on student loan debts are worse than the last. In the US today, attaining a college degree is the most fundamental qualification for getting a skilled job employment opportunity. The present young generation wants white-collar jobs because they attract higher pay.

Employers expect job candidates to have a primary qualification of at least a Bachelor’s degree for any entry into the job market, but the cost of tuition has continued to rise. To achieve their childhood, family and society expectations, many students have resulted in applying for student loans. A student loan is a very intricate issue in the current economy. There are many players involved in increasing student loans (Mason 39).

Why Student Debts Should Be Eliminated?

These players encourage students to go to college and get a loan then end up with significant loans to buyback. Private players, state government and federal government are always on campaigns encouraging students to pursue education because it is the only way to get well-paying jobs. The federal government promises student loans that attract lower interests compared to private or bank loans. However, many students still find it hard when it comes to repaying these loans. The federal government offers four types of loans.

The federal direct loan forms the largest student loan program in America. Under this program, the U.S. Department of Education functions as the financier. In this program, students are given direct subsidized loans, direct unsubsidized loans, and direct plus loans or direct consolidation loans. Each of these loan packages promises students to aid them to complete their higher education (Gradeless 56).

In the past, a college education was affordable to many, and it was a guarantee for a higher standard of living. Today, going to college and being guaranteed a high standard of living is a daydream to many. In the current economic downturn, many Americans are finding themselves laid off, and the need to go back to school intensifies. Many do this with the aim of remaining relevant in the 21st-century job market. As more and more Americans are joining higher education programs, and are succeeding in getting financial aid, the already under-serving economic aid system is further stained. The decline in support for higher education has been felt both at the state and federal level. Every year, many students fight tooth and nail on both federal and state levels to ensure that the government commits more funds to support higher education (United States Student Association Education).

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Many of the elected officials always promise to invest in education during their campaign trail. However, they maintain silence when education budgets get slashed resulting in tuition fees skyrocketing and financial aid decreasing. Since the early 1980s, tuition fees in many colleges have increased by over 500%. A project aimed at determining the student debt in America showed that the average college senior who graduated in 2010 had $25,000 as an outstanding loan.

This has resulted in loan debt for the student to stand at $1 trillion. The gap between tuition fees and the total amount available has worsened the situation felt by many students. It has made the current students become indebted. Additionally, the current generation of students has been left jobless after graduation something that makes many students unable to pay their loans (Gradeless 21).

The number of Americans who want to attain a college degree is getting higher and higher every year. According to the National Panel Report, approximately 75% of students currently in high school reported that they would like to join college after graduating from high school. Those from a humble background said that they would go to the extent of getting a loan from any agency to get through college. Additionally, adults who mostly get laid off reported that they would like to go back to school to get a degree so as to continue their professional development.

Policymakers, employers and families’ put pressure on students and breadwinners to get into college because it is an unavoidable choice that will enable them to survive in the current society. This is regardless of the high cost of college fees as students are promised loans, which they end up paying dearly. Most students end up depending on some forms of financial aid. Realistically, getting a scholarship in the U.S. today is very challenging, because of increased competition.

As an alternative, most students turn to student loans as an easier way to get the necessary tuition. What many students do not realize is that most students forget that financial aid is indeed a loan. This means that this money earns interest and must be returned. Approximately, 20 million American students attend college every year. Out of the 20 million students, around 12 million, which is approximately 60%, borrow every year to help cover their college fees (Scott).

The Federal Reserve Board of New York reported that the outstanding student loan borrowers stood at 37 million. In 2012, students who took loans under the age 30 were 14 million, those aged 30-39 were 10.6 million, 5.7 million were aged 40-49, 4.6 million were aged 50-59 and, finally, those aged above 60 were 2.2 million. As a result of huge student loan debts, many American families continue to face a lot of stress. The cost of daily living has increased, yet many students who have benefited from either private or federal loans cannot maintain comfortable lifestyles (Collinge 76).

Today two-thirds of students graduating from American universities and colleges have substantial amounts of debts. Institute for College Access (TICAS) reports that an average student borrower in the US graduates with an approximately $26,000 loan debt. On the extreme, there have been reports that some students have graduated with crippling debts of $100,000 or even more. What is astonishing is that this is just a case of only 1% of graduates, because the majority of graduates accumulate more than $40,000.

This is a negative game for both the students and the economy. Student loan debt has been ranked second after mortgages. The question that many begs to ask are whether financial aid to the student should help students or should it enrich some people. The federal debt stands at $16.7 trillion while student loan contributes to 6% of this debt. Although the government has tried to bring into force some laws such as the Student Loan Fairness Act, loan debt for many students remains high (Mason 67).

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Free Persuasive Essay Examples from Elite Essay Writers

Wealth results what a person owns minus all liabilities, yet the amount of wealth in many families that have taken student loans continues to decline. One of the considerations that every student is made aware of is that he or she should start paying on the agreed date. In the minds of many students, they see themselves getting employed immediately after graduating. However, the bitter truth is that the majority remain unemployed. Therefore, many concerns come forward with respect to a college education.

One of these issues is whether a college education is even affordable. The most significant problem that faces many graduate and their families are the intricacies of paying the ever-rising tuition fees. In an effort to come up with a solution to this threat, the federal government has come up with various actions to control the rapidly rising higher education cost and loan debt. The united president is not of the idea that colleges and universities should lower their tuition fees. Instead, the president wants to raise higher education funds mostly through federal loan programs. This is not well-timed as the current student loan debt stands at over $1 trillion (Gradeless 23).

Whether a student in the U.S. may be seeking to reside “in-state” or go out, the current college fee is still high and private firms, banks, State and federal governments continue to give loans. To attend a four-year college degree, it will cost a student approximately $9,000 for ‘in-state’ residents. The amount for non-residents needs to pay is approximately $27,000. Although the financial aid sounds to be a superior plan, it causes college students who take these loans to pay back the amount in their later life and even have a large sum of debt.

According to USSA, student debt has continued to grow throughout the Great Recession in the year 2012. Student loan debt now averages approximately $27,000 for every student who is graduating currently in America. Additionally, as student loan defaults and student debt continue to escalate; private student loan lenders continue to increase their profit margins such as Sallie Mae, which tops the list of student loan lenders (United States Student Association Education).

Loan debt has even penetrated community colleges. In the year 2008, 38% of students graduating from community colleges had debts. The Student Loan Fairness Act lowered loan rates from 6.8% to 3.8%. However, working with an average loan debt of $26,600 and compounding for interest year over year using the 10-year payback plan, a total cost of $26,600 loan will be $38,600. If this is broken down to monthly payments, $320 will go towards student loan repayment and continue making students' life after graduating very hard (H.R.1330-Student Loan Fairness Act).

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