English Compositions

Short Essay on Our Culture Our Identity [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

Culture is the most significant identity of human beings. So, knowing own culture is very much important. In this lesson today, you will learn how to write an essay on the popular phrase: Our Culture Our Identity.

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Short Essay on Our Culture Our Identity in 100 Words

Culture plays an important role in our lives. Every person is unique and different from the other. It is mainly because of their culture. People belong to several nations and communities. So their language changes, their dresses are different, their habits also do not match with each other. All of these happen because we belong to several cultures.

Our culture builds us to be complete human beings. It is our identity. Culture affects our behaviour, manners, and style. It includes the nature we have. Also, it comes from our family background, the teachings we receive and the moral education that we are given. If we are well cultured, then everyone will praise us. 

Short Essay on Our Culture Our Identity in 200 Words

The line ‘ Our culture our identity’ comes from the country Nepal. Nepal is a land of diversity. It has various types of flora, fauna, festivals, food, dresses, and culture. But now this is applicable to every country living on Earth. Culture is a part of our identity. It builds our character and manners. If we are cultured, then we are praised by all.

Culture also includes language and our behaviour. It also contains our social activities. Culture differs from person to person. It happens due to different nations. We grow up under a definite culture. It affects our moral development. Culture comes both from our family and also from our surroundings. 

Culture Whatever we believe comes from our culture. It remains throughout our life. Nowadays, several people are going to different countries. They study or work abroad. Then the culture of that foreign land affects the person. He mixes the foreign culture with his own. Everything in our life is controlled by culture. It makes us what we are. Our wishes are also part of our culture.

When we succeed in our life, our culture is praised. Culture includes our religions and festivals. Durga puja is now an important festival in foreign countries. All know about Durga Puja. So this helps the Hindu religion and Indian culture get more popular. We live for our culture. Our culture is our pride.

Short Essay on Our Culture Our Identity in 400 Words

We are Indians and we are proud of our nation. We are proud of its people, culture, diversity, independence, nature, and surroundings. What is important for us is the culture we have. Culture makes our identity. As Indians, we have a specific culture. It is different from what others have.

Our culture separates us from others. It is something that makes us unique. It teaches the right and the wrong. We start learning about our culture from childhood. So that we can forever remember it. So culture is our strength. If we follow our culture and its rules, then we will be praised forever. 

The identity of a person is formed by his culture. Whatever we believe comes from that. If we have plans for the future, then our culture helps us in it. When we work for our nation, our culture is praised. Every culture has its own value. We cannot forget that. As we grow up, we have to maintain those values. It helps to grow our lives. It makes our lives more beautiful.

These values are different from one another. Every country has its own culture. It has its own values and morals. We see different habits, people, their practices, festivals, foods, clothes, and language. All of these happen because of culture. Our behaviour and manners are also important. It shows how beautiful our culture is. 

We are taught about our culture from our childhood. Parents always teach their children about the cultures of their country. Even a small society has a separate rule. Culture comes from our family. If we are well behaved, then people praise our family background. Our grandparents also give us lessons on our culture. They are old and wise.

They know a lot about the culture of the nation. Our environment plays an important role in building us as well. If we have a bad surrounding, then it affects us. We do not learn good manners, we become rough, and also go the wrong way. It becomes very difficult for us to adjust if our culture is not good. So culture creates good and strong personalities. 

The line ‘our culture our identity’ comes from Nepal. Nepal is a land of diversity. It has a different language, nature, clothes, food, festivals and people. But now this is applicable to all countries. Culture is very important for us. We must know about it. It makes us proud of what we have. A cultured person is always the best human being on Earth.

In this session today, you have learned how you can write essays on the popular topic:  Our Culture Our Identity. In this lesson, I have tried to discuss the topic from a very easy perspective to make it easier to understand for all kinds of students. If you still have any doubts regarding this context, post them in the comment section below. 

Join us on telegram to get the latest updates on our upcoming sessions. Thank you for being with us. See you again, soon. 


Essay on My Culture

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Culture in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Culture


My culture is an integral part of who I am. It’s like a colorful tapestry, woven with traditions, customs, and values that have been passed down from generation to generation.

Family Traditions

Family traditions are a significant part of my culture. They include celebrating festivals, preparing and sharing traditional meals, and storytelling sessions that keep our heritage alive.

Language and Values

The language we speak at home is another cultural aspect. It connects me to my roots. Additionally, values like respect for elders, kindness, and honesty are cultural teachings I hold dear.

In conclusion, my culture shapes my identity, guiding my actions and thoughts. It’s a treasure I cherish and will continue to uphold.

250 Words Essay on My Culture

Culture is an intricate tapestry, woven with threads of traditions, values, and experiences. It shapes our identity, influencing our beliefs and behaviors. My culture, a blend of South Asian heritage and modern Western influences, plays a significant role in defining who I am.

Traditional Roots

My culture is steeped in ancient traditions, each carrying profound meanings. From the vibrant festivals like Diwali, symbolizing the victory of light over darkness, to the daily rituals such as meditation, promoting inner peace, these customs provide a sense of belonging and continuity. They serve as a bridge, connecting me to my ancestors and their wisdom.

Western Influences

Growing up in a multicultural society, my culture has also been shaped by Western influences. The emphasis on individualism and freedom of expression has encouraged me to question, explore, and form my own beliefs. This fusion of cultures has led to a unique blend of values – respect for diversity, emphasis on education, and the pursuit of personal growth.

Impact on Personal Identity

My culture, a blend of tradition and modernity, has shaped my worldview and personal identity. It has taught me to appreciate diversity, strive for knowledge, and maintain balance in life. It has also instilled a sense of responsibility to uphold these values and pass them on to future generations.

Culture is not static; it evolves, influenced by time, place, and people. My culture is a testament to this dynamic nature – a harmonious blend of old and new, East and West. It is an integral part of my identity, shaping my thoughts, actions, and aspirations.

500 Words Essay on My Culture

Defining my culture.

My culture is a beautiful amalgamation of shared beliefs, practices, and traditions that have been passed down through generations. It is a social construct, born out of the need for a collective identity, yet it is also deeply personal, shaping my individuality. It is a complex interplay of history, geography, religion, language, and art.

Language and Communication

Language, an essential component of my culture, is more than just a tool for communication. It encapsulates the essence of my cultural heritage, carrying with it the stories, wisdom, and ethos of my ancestors. Each idiom, each proverb, each dialect is a window into the collective experiences and values of my community.

Traditions and Rituals

Values and norms.

At the heart of my culture lie the values and norms that guide my behavior and interactions with others. They instill in me a sense of responsibility, respect, and empathy, molding my character and influencing my worldview. These values, embedded in the fabric of my culture, serve as a moral compass, guiding me through life’s challenges and dilemmas.

Art and Expression

Art, in its many forms, is a powerful expression of my culture. It is a mirror reflecting society, a canvas depicting our dreams, fears, joys, and sorrows. Be it music, literature, dance, or visual arts, each piece is a thread in the intricate tapestry of my culture, adding depth, color, and texture to the narrative.

While cultures may vary enormously across the globe, they all share one thing in common: they are the lifeblood of human societies. They provide us with a sense of belonging and identity, and help us understand our place in the world. By cherishing and preserving our individual cultures, we contribute to the beautiful diversity of the human race.

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Essays about Culture and Identity: 9 Examples And Prompts

Writing essays about culture and identity will help you explore your understanding of it. Here are examples that will give you inspiration for your next essay.

Culture can refer to customs, traditions, beliefs, lifestyles, laws, artistic expressions, and other elements that cultivate the collective identity. Different cultures are established across nations, regions, communities, and social groups. They are passed on from generation to generation while others evolve or are abolished to give way to modern beliefs and systems.

While our cultural identity begins at home, it changes as we involve ourselves with other groups (friends, educational institutions, social media communities, political groups, etc.) Culture is a very relatable subject as every person is part of a culture or at least can identify with one. Because it spans broad coverage, there are several interesting cultural subjects to write about.

Our culture and identity are dynamic. This is why you may find it challenging to write about it. To spark your inspiration, check out our picks of the best culture essays. 


1. Sweetness and Light by Matthew Arnolds

2. how auto-tune revolutionized the sound of popular music by simon reynolds, 3. how immigration changes language by john mcwhorter, 4. the comfort zone: growing up with charlie brown by jonathan franzen, 5. culture and identity definition by sandra graham, 6. how culture and surroundings influence identity by jeanette lucas, 7. how the food we eat reflects our culture and identity by sophia stephens, 8. identity and culture: my identity, culture, and identity by april casas, 9. how america hinders the cultural identity of their own citizens by seth luna, 1. answer the question, “who am i”, 2. causes of culture shock, 3. your thoughts on dystopia and utopia, 4. gender inequality from a global perspective, 5. the most interesting things you learned from other cultures, 6. the relationship between cultural identity and clothes, 7. describe your culture, 8. what is the importance of honoring your roots , 9. how can a person adapt to a new culture, 10. what artistic works best express your country’s culture, 11. how has social media influenced human interaction, 12. how do you protect the cultures of indigenous peoples, 13. are k-pop and k-drama sensations effectively promoting korea’s culture , 14. what is the importance of cultural diversity.

“… [A]nd when every man may say what he likes, our aspirations ought to be satisfied. But the aspirations of culture, which is the study of perfection, are not satisfied, unless what men say, when they may say what they like, is worth saying,—has good in it, and more good than bad.”

Arnolds compels a re-examination of values at a time when England is leading global industrialization and beginning to believe that greatness is founded on material progress. 

The author elaborates why culture, the strive for a standard of perfection, is not merely driven by scientific passions and, more so, by materialistic affluence. As he esteems religion as “that voice of the deepest human experience” to harmonize men in establishing that ideal society, Arnolds stresses that culture is the effort to “make reason and the will of God prevail” while humanizing gained knowledge to be society’s source of “sweetness and light.”

“Few innovations in sound production have been simultaneously so reviled and so revolutionary. Epoch-defining or epoch-defacing, Auto-Tune is indisputably the sound of the 21st century so far.”

Reynolds shows how Auto-Tune has shaped a pop music genre that has cut across cultures. The article maps out the music landscape Auto-Tune created and examines its impact on the culture of song productions and the modern taste for music. While the author debunks accusations that Auto-Tune destroyed the “natural” process of creating music, he also points out that the technology earned its reverence with big thanks to society’s current custom of using technology to hide blemishes and other imperfections.

Looking for more? Check out these essays about culture shock .

“… [T]he heavy immigration that countries like Italy are experiencing will almost certainly birth new kinds of Italian that are rich with slang, somewhat less elaborate than the standard, and… widely considered signs of linguistic deterioration, heralding a future where the “original” standard language no longer exists.”

American linguist McWhorter pacifies fears over the death of “standard” languages amid the wave of immigration to Europe. On the contrary, language is a vital expression of a culture, and for some, preserving is tantamount to upholding a cultural standard. 

However, instead of seeing the rise of new “multiethnolects” such as the Black English in America and Kiezdeutsch in Germany as threats to language and culture, McWhorter sees them as a new way to communicate and better understand the social groups that forayed these new languages.

“I wonder why “cartoonish” remains such a pejorative. It took me half my life to achieve seeing my parents as cartoons. And to become more perfectly a cartoon myself: what a victory that would be.”

This essay begins with a huge fight between Franzen’s brother and father to show how the cultural generation gap sweeping the 60s has hit closer to home. This generation gap, where young adults were rejecting the elders’ old ways in pursuit of a new and better culture, will also be the reason why his family ends up drifting apart. Throughout the essay, Franzen treads this difficult phase in his youth while narrating fondly how Peanuts, a pop culture icon at the time, was his source of escape. 

“…Culture is… your background… and Identity is formed where you belong to… Leopold Sedar Senghor and Shirley Geok-Lin Lim both talks about how culture and identity can impact… society…”

In this essay, Graham uses “To New York” by Senghor and “Learning To Love America” by Lim as two pieces of literature that effectively describe the role of culture and identity to traveling individuals. 

The author refers to Sengho’s reminder that people can adapt but must not forget their culture even if they go to a different place or country. On the other hand, Lim discusses immigrants’ struggle to have double identities.

“Culture is something that surrounds all of us and progress to shape our lives every day… Identity is illustrated as the state of mind in which someone or something distinguishes their own character traits that lead to determining who they really are, what they represent.”

Lucas is keen on giving examples of how his culture and surroundings influence an individual’s identity. She refers to Kothari’s “If you are what you eat, then what am I?” which discusses Kothari’s search for her identity depending on what food she eats. Food defines a person’s culture and identity, so Kothari believes that eating food from different countries will change his identity.

Lucas also refers to “Down These Mean Streets” by Piri Thomas, which argues how different cultural and environmental factors affect us. Because of what we encounter, there is a possibility that we will become someone who we are not. 

“What we grow is who we are. What we buy is who we are. What we eat is who we are.”

Stephens’ essay teaches its readers that the food we grow and eat defines us as a person. She explains that growing a crop and harvesting it takes a lot of effort, dedication, and patience, which mirrors our identity. 

Another metaphor she used is planting rice: it takes skills and knowledge to make it grow. Cooking rice is more accessible than cultivating it – you can quickly cook rice by boiling it in water. This reflects people rich in culture and tradition but who lives simpler life. 

“Every single one has their own unique identity and culture. Culture plays a big role in shaping your identity. Culture is what made me the person I am today and determines who or what I choose to associate myself with.”

Casas starts her piece by questioning who she is. In trying to learn and define who she is, she writes down and describes herself and her personality throughout the essay. Finally, she concludes that her culture is a big part of her identity, and she must understand it to understand herself.

“When it comes to these stereotypes we place on each other, a lot of the time, we succumb to the stereotypes given to us. And our cultural identity is shaped by these expectations and labels others give us. That is why negative stereotypes sometimes become true for a whole group or community.”

In this essay, Luna talks about how negative stereotyping in the United States led to moral distortion. For example, Americans are assumed to be ignorant of other countries’ cultures, making it difficult to understand other people’s cultures and lifestyles. 

She believes that stereotyping can significantly affect an individual or group’s identity. She suggests Americans should improve their intellectual competence by being sensitive to other people’s cultures.

14 Prompts on Essays about Culture and Identity

You can discuss many things on the subject of culture and identity. To give you a starting point, here are some prompts to help you write an exciting essay about culture. 

If you are interested in learning more, check out our essay writing tips and our round-up of the best essay checkers .

Understanding your personality is vital since continuous interaction with others can affect your personality. Write about your culture and identity; what is your personality? How do you define yourself? Everyone is unique, so by writing an essay about who you are, you’ll be able to understand why you act a certain way and connect with readers who have the same values. 

Here’s a guide on writing a descriptive essay to effectively relay your experience to your readers.

Sometimes, people need to get out of their comfort zone and interact with other individuals with different cultures, beliefs, or traditions. This is to broaden one’s perspective about the world. Aside from discussing what you’ve learned in that journey, you can also focus on the bits that shocked you. 

You can talk about a tradition or value that you found so bizarre because it differs from your culture. Then add how you processed it and finally adapted to it.

Essays about Culture and Identity: Your Thoughts on Dystopia and Utopia

Dystopia and Utopia are both imagined worlds. Dystopia is a world where people live in the worst or most unfavorable conditions, while Utopia is the opposite. 

You can write an essay about what you think a Dystopian or Utopian world may look like, how these societies will affect their citizens, etc. Then, consider what personality citizens of each world may have to depend on the two worlds’ cultures.

Today, more and more people are fighting for others to accept or at least respect the LGBTQ+ community. However, countries, territories, and religions still question their rights.

In your essay, you can talk about why these institutions react the way they do and how culture dictates someone’s identity in the wrong way. Before creating your own, feel free to read other essays and articles to learn more about the global gender inequality issue. 

The world has diverse cultures, traditions, and values. When you travel to a new place, learning and writing about your firsthand experiences with unique cultures and rituals will always be an interesting read.

In this prompt, you’ll research other cultures and how they shaped their group’s identity. Then, write about the most exciting aspects you’ve learned, why you found them fascinating, and how they differ from your culture.

Those proud of their culture will wear clothes inspired by them. Some wear the same clothes even if they aren’t from the same culture. The debate over cultural appropriation and culture appreciation is still a hot topic. 

In this essay, you may start with the traditions of your community or observances your family celebrates and gathers for. Then, elaborate on their origins and describe how your community or family is preserving these practices. 

Learning about your roots, ancestors, and family cultures can help strengthen your understanding of your identity and foster respect for other cultures. Explore this topic and offer examples of what others have learned. Has the journey always been a positive experience? Delve into this question for an engaging and interesting essay.

When a person moves country, it can be challenging to adapt to a new culture. If there are new people at work or school, you can interview them and ask how they are coping with their new environment. How different is this from what they have been used to, and what unique traditions do they find interesting?

Focus on an art piece that is a source of pride and identity to your country’s culture, much like the Tinikling of the Philippines or the Matryoshka dolls of Russia. Explore its origins and evolution up to its current manifestation and highlight efforts that are striving to protect and promote these artistic works.

The older generation did not have computers in their teen years. Ask about how they dated in their younger years and how they made friends. Contrast how the younger generation is building their social networks today. Write what culture of socialization works better for you and explain why.

Take in-depth navigation of existing policies that protect indigenous peoples. Are they sufficient to serve these communities needs, and are they being implemented effectively? There is also the challenge of balancing the protection of these traditions against the need to protect the environment, as some indigenous practices add to the carbon footprint. How is your government dealing with this challenge?

A large population is now riding the Hallyu or the Korean pop culture, with many falling in love with the artists and Korea’s food, language, and traditional events. Research how certain Korean films, TV series, or music have effectively attracted fans to experience Korea’s culture. Write about what countries can learn from Korea in promoting their own cultures.

Environments that embrace cultural diversity are productive and innovative. To start your essay, assess how diverse your workplace or school is. Then, write your personal experiences where working with co-workers or classmates from different cultures led to new and innovative ideas and projects. Combine this with the personal experiences of your boss or the principal to see how your environment benefits from hosting a melting pot of cultures.

If you aim for your article to effectively change readers’ perspectives and align with your opinion, read our guide to achieving persuasive writing . 

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  • How to Write a Diversity Essay | Tips & Examples

How to Write a Diversity Essay | Tips & Examples

Published on November 1, 2021 by Kirsten Courault . Revised on May 31, 2023.

Table of contents

What is a diversity essay, identify how you will enrich the campus community, share stories about your lived experience, explain how your background or identity has affected your life, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about college application essays.

Diversity essays ask students to highlight an important aspect of their identity, background, culture, experience, viewpoints, beliefs, skills, passions, goals, etc.

Diversity essays can come in many forms. Some scholarships are offered specifically for students who come from an underrepresented background or identity in higher education. At highly competitive schools, supplemental diversity essays require students to address how they will enhance the student body with a unique perspective, identity, or background.

In the Common Application and applications for several other colleges, some main essay prompts ask about how your background, identity, or experience has affected you.

Why schools want a diversity essay

Many universities believe a student body representing different perspectives, beliefs, identities, and backgrounds will enhance the campus learning and community experience.

Admissions officers are interested in hearing about how your unique background, identity, beliefs, culture, or characteristics will enrich the campus community.

Through the diversity essay, admissions officers want students to articulate the following:

  • What makes them different from other applicants
  • Stories related to their background, identity, or experience
  • How their unique lived experience has affected their outlook, activities, and goals

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Think about what aspects of your identity or background make you unique, and choose one that has significantly impacted your life.

For some students, it may be easy to identify what sets them apart from their peers. But if you’re having trouble identifying what makes you different from other applicants, consider your life from an outsider’s perspective. Don’t presume your lived experiences are normal or boring just because you’re used to them.

Some examples of identities or experiences that you might write about include the following:

  • Race/ethnicity
  • Gender identity
  • Sexual orientation
  • Nationality
  • Socioeconomic status
  • Immigration background
  • Religion/belief system
  • Place of residence
  • Family circumstances
  • Extracurricular activities related to diversity

Include vulnerable, authentic stories about your lived experiences. Maintain focus on your experience rather than going into too much detail comparing yourself to others or describing their experiences.

Keep the focus on you

Tell a story about how your background, identity, or experience has impacted you. While you can briefly mention another person’s experience to provide context, be sure to keep the essay focused on you. Admissions officers are mostly interested in learning about your lived experience, not anyone else’s.

When I was a baby, my grandmother took me in, even though that meant postponing her retirement and continuing to work full-time at the local hairdresser. Even working every shift she could, she never missed a single school play or soccer game.

She and I had a really special bond, even creating our own special language to leave each other secret notes and messages. She always pushed me to succeed in school, and celebrated every academic achievement like it was worthy of a Nobel Prize. Every month, any leftover tip money she received at work went to a special 509 savings plan for my college education.

When I was in the 10th grade, my grandmother was diagnosed with ALS. We didn’t have health insurance, and what began with quitting soccer eventually led to dropping out of school as her condition worsened. In between her doctor’s appointments, keeping the house tidy, and keeping her comfortable, I took advantage of those few free moments to study for the GED.

In school pictures at Raleigh Elementary School, you could immediately spot me as “that Asian girl.” At lunch, I used to bring leftover fun see noodles, but after my classmates remarked how they smelled disgusting, I begged my mom to make a “regular” lunch of sliced bread, mayonnaise, and deli meat.

Although born and raised in North Carolina, I felt a cultural obligation to learn my “mother tongue” and reconnect with my “homeland.” After two years of all-day Saturday Chinese school, I finally visited Beijing for the first time, expecting I would finally belong. While my face initially assured locals of my Chinese identity, the moment I spoke, my cover was blown. My Chinese was littered with tonal errors, and I was instantly labeled as an “ABC,” American-born Chinese.

I felt culturally homeless.

Speak from your own experience

Highlight your actions, difficulties, and feelings rather than comparing yourself to others. While it may be tempting to write about how you have been more or less fortunate than those around you, keep the focus on you and your unique experiences, as shown below.

I began to despair when the FAFSA website once again filled with red error messages.

I had been at the local library for hours and hadn’t even been able to finish the form, much less the other to-do items for my application.

I am the first person in my family to even consider going to college. My parents work two jobs each, but even then, it’s sometimes very hard to make ends meet. Rather than playing soccer or competing in speech and debate, I help my family by taking care of my younger siblings after school and on the weekends.

“We only speak one language here. Speak proper English!” roared a store owner when I had attempted to buy bread and accidentally used the wrong preposition.

In middle school, I had relentlessly studied English grammar textbooks and received the highest marks.

Leaving Seoul was hard, but living in West Orange, New Jersey was much harder一especially navigating everyday communication with Americans.

After sharing relevant personal stories, make sure to provide insight into how your lived experience has influenced your perspective, activities, and goals. You should also explain how your background led you to apply to this university and why you’re a good fit.

Include your outlook, actions, and goals

Conclude your essay with an insight about how your background or identity has affected your outlook, actions, and goals. You should include specific actions and activities that you have done as a result of your insight.

One night, before the midnight premiere of Avengers: Endgame , I stopped by my best friend Maria’s house. Her mother prepared tamales, churros, and Mexican hot chocolate, packing them all neatly in an Igloo lunch box. As we sat in the line snaking around the AMC theater, I thought back to when Maria and I took salsa classes together and when we belted out Selena’s “Bidi Bidi Bom Bom” at karaoke. In that moment, as I munched on a chicken tamale, I realized how much I admired the beauty, complexity, and joy in Maria’s culture but had suppressed and devalued my own.

The following semester, I joined Model UN. Since then, I have learned how to proudly represent other countries and have gained cultural perspectives other than my own. I now understand that all cultures, including my own, are equal. I still struggle with small triggers, like when I go through airport security and feel a suspicious glance toward me, or when I feel self-conscious for bringing kabsa to school lunch. But in the future, I hope to study and work in international relations to continue learning about other cultures and impart a positive impression of Saudi culture to the world.

The smell of the early morning dew and the welcoming whinnies of my family’s horses are some of my most treasured childhood memories. To this day, our farm remains so rural that we do not have broadband access, and we’re too far away from the closest town for the postal service to reach us.

Going to school regularly was always a struggle: between the unceasing demands of the farm and our lack of connectivity, it was hard to keep up with my studies. Despite being a voracious reader, avid amateur chemist, and active participant in the classroom, emergencies and unforeseen events at the farm meant that I had a lot of unexcused absences.

Although it had challenges, my upbringing taught me resilience, the value of hard work, and the importance of family. Staying up all night to watch a foal being born, successfully saving the animals from a minor fire, and finding ways to soothe a nervous mare afraid of thunder have led to an unbreakable family bond.

Our farm is my family’s birthright and our livelihood, and I am eager to learn how to ensure the farm’s financial and technological success for future generations. In college, I am looking forward to joining a chapter of Future Farmers of America and studying agricultural business to carry my family’s legacy forward.

Tailor your answer to the university

After explaining how your identity or background will enrich the university’s existing student body, you can mention the university organizations, groups, or courses in which you’re interested.

Maybe a larger public school setting will allow you to broaden your community, or a small liberal arts college has a specialized program that will give you space to discover your voice and identity. Perhaps this particular university has an active affinity group you’d like to join.

Demonstrating how a university’s specific programs or clubs are relevant to you can show that you’ve done your research and would be a great addition to the university.

At the University of Michigan Engineering, I want to study engineering not only to emulate my mother’s achievements and strength, but also to forge my own path as an engineer with disabilities. I appreciate the University of Michigan’s long-standing dedication to supporting students with disabilities in ways ranging from accessible housing to assistive technology. At the University of Michigan Engineering, I want to receive a top-notch education and use it to inspire others to strive for their best, regardless of their circumstances.

If you want to know more about academic writing , effective communication , or parts of speech , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

Academic writing

  • Writing process
  • Transition words
  • Passive voice
  • Paraphrasing


  • How to end an email
  • Ms, mrs, miss
  • How to start an email
  • I hope this email finds you well
  • Hope you are doing well

 Parts of speech

  • Personal pronouns
  • Conjunctions

In addition to your main college essay , some schools and scholarships may ask for a supplementary essay focused on an aspect of your identity or background. This is sometimes called a diversity essay .

Many universities believe a student body composed of different perspectives, beliefs, identities, and backgrounds will enhance the campus learning and community experience.

Admissions officers are interested in hearing about how your unique background, identity, beliefs, culture, or characteristics will enrich the campus community, which is why they assign a diversity essay .

To write an effective diversity essay , include vulnerable, authentic stories about your unique identity, background, or perspective. Provide insight into how your lived experience has influenced your outlook, activities, and goals. If relevant, you should also mention how your background has led you to apply for this university and why you’re a good fit.

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Courault, K. (2023, May 31). How to Write a Diversity Essay | Tips & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved July 4, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/college-essay/diversity-essay/

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My Culture, Identity, and Cultural Identity

This essay about cultural identity explores how culture deeply influences personal identity through traditions, language, art, and cuisine. It examines the integral role culture plays in shaping individual perspectives and how it evolves over time through interactions within a global community. The narrative highlights the importance of cultural heritage in connecting with one’s roots and the broader human experience, emphasizing culture as a dynamic, enriching force in the modern interconnected world.

How it works

Within the vast mosaic of human existence, culture emerges as a profound element, serving as a lens through which we view the world, mold our identities, and integrate into the wider societal matrix. My cultural identity is not simply a collection of customs and traditions; it represents the core of my existence, seamlessly integrated into my personal narrative.

From my early days, I was enveloped in a diverse array of cultural influences. The values, beliefs, and traditions of my family laid the foundation of my personal identity.

The inviting scents from my grandmother’s cooking, the sounds of folk music during celebrations—each experience was imbued with the essence of my cultural heritage.

Language has been a vital component in shaping who I am. The rhythms and nuances of my native language resonate within me, linking me to my forebears and anchoring me to my cultural roots. Through language, I keep alive the wisdom and tales handed down over generations.

Culture is more than language; it includes numerous elements that inform our perspectives and shape how we perceive the world. From social norms to the meaning behind gestures, each component of my culture provides insight into the collective psyche of my community.

Artistic expression is a significant reflection of cultural identity, whether through the vibrant colors of traditional art, the pulsating rhythms of native drums, or the rich stories in classic literature. As an artist, I draw comfort and motivation from the myriad of artistic forms that are part of my cultural background.

Cuisine also acts as a portal into the essence of a culture, offering a taste experience that goes beyond words. The aroma of spices, the sounds of cooking, and the explosion of flavors recall communal and familial celebrations, each meal narrating the culinary skill and cultural amalgamation that characterize my gastronomic legacy.

However, I acknowledge that cultural identity is fluid and ever-evolving, influenced by time and interaction with the world. As a member of the global community, I am keen to engage with different cultures, learning and enriching my own through these interactions.

In our globally connected society, cultural identity serves both as a point of pride and a bridge for mutual understanding. It is a collage of various influences, each adding to the unique fabric of my being. As I traverse the complexities of contemporary life, I carry the legacy of my ancestors, the customs of my culture, and the endless opportunities for cultural interaction.

In essence, my culture is more than a reflection of history; it is a beacon for the future, guiding my path of self-exploration, fostering connections, and celebrating the richness of diversity. It reminds us that, despite our varied backgrounds, we are all woven into the same complex human tapestry, united by our collective experience of what it means to be human.


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Cultural Identity Essay

27 August, 2020

12 minutes read

Author:  Elizabeth Brown

No matter where you study, composing essays of any type and complexity is a critical component in any studying program. Most likely, you have already been assigned the task to write a cultural identity essay, which is an essay that has to do a lot with your personality and cultural background. In essence, writing a cultural identity essay is fundamental for providing the reader with an understanding of who you are and which outlook you have. This may include the topics of religion, traditions, ethnicity, race, and so on. So, what shall you do to compose a winning cultural identity essay?

Cultural Identity

Cultural Identity Paper: Definitions, Goals & Topics 

cultural identity essay example

Before starting off with a cultural identity essay, it is fundamental to uncover what is particular about this type of paper. First and foremost, it will be rather logical to begin with giving a general and straightforward definition of a cultural identity essay. In essence, cultural identity essay implies outlining the role of the culture in defining your outlook, shaping your personality, points of view regarding a multitude of matters, and forming your qualities and beliefs. Given a simpler definition, a cultural identity essay requires you to write about how culture has influenced your personality and yourself in general. So in this kind of essay you as a narrator need to give an understanding of who you are, which strengths you have, and what your solid life position is.

Yet, the goal of a cultural identity essay is not strictly limited to describing who you are and merely outlining your biography. Instead, this type of essay pursues specific objectives, achieving which is a perfect indicator of how high-quality your essay is. Initially, the primary goal implies outlining your cultural focus and why it makes you peculiar. For instance, if you are a french adolescent living in Canada, you may describe what is so special about it: traditions of the community, beliefs, opinions, approaches. Basically, you may talk about the principles of the society as well as its beliefs that made you become the person you are today.

So far, cultural identity is a rather broad topic, so you will likely have a multitude of fascinating ideas for your paper. For instance, some of the most attention-grabbing topics for a personal cultural identity essay are:

  • Memorable traditions of your community
  • A cultural event that has influenced your personality 
  • Influential people in your community
  • Locations and places that tell a lot about your culture and identity

Cultural Identity Essay Structure

As you might have already guessed, composing an essay on cultural identity might turn out to be fascinating but somewhat challenging. Even though the spectrum of topics is rather broad, the question of how to create the most appropriate and appealing structure remains open.

Like any other kind of an academic essay, a cultural identity essay must compose of three parts: introduction, body, and concluding remarks. Let’s take a more detailed look at each of the components:


Starting to write an essay is most likely one of the most time-consuming and mind-challenging procedures. Therefore, you can postpone writing your introduction and approach it right after you finish body paragraphs. Nevertheless, you should think of a suitable topic as well as come up with an explicit thesis. At the beginning of the introduction section, give some hints regarding the matter you are going to discuss. You have to mention your thesis statement after you have briefly guided the reader through the topic. You can also think of indicating some vital information about yourself, which is, of course, relevant to the topic you selected.

Your main body should reveal your ideas and arguments. Most likely, it will consist of 3-5 paragraphs that are more or less equal in size. What you have to keep in mind to compose a sound ‘my cultural identity essay’ is the argumentation. In particular, always remember to reveal an argument and back it up with evidence in each body paragraph. And, of course, try to stick to the topic and make sure that you answer the overall question that you stated in your topic. Besides, always keep your thesis statement in mind: make sure that none of its components is left without your attention and argumentation.


Finally, after you are all finished with body paragraphs and introduction, briefly summarize all the points in your final remarks section. Paraphrase what you have already revealed in the main body, and make sure you logically lead the reader to the overall argument. Indicate your cultural identity once again and draw a bottom line regarding how your culture has influenced your personality.

Best Tips For Writing Cultural Identity Essay

Writing a ‘cultural identity essay about myself’ might be somewhat challenging at first. However, you will no longer struggle if you take a couple of plain tips into consideration. Following the tips below will give you some sound and reasonable cultural identity essay ideas as well as make the writing process much more pleasant:

  • Start off by creating an outline. The reason why most students struggle with creating a cultural identity essay lies behind a weak structure. The best way to organize your ideas and let them flow logically is to come up with a helpful outline. Having a reference to build on is incredibly useful, and it allows your essay to look polished.
  • Remember to write about yourself. The task of a cultural identity essay implies not focusing on your culture per se, but to talk about how it shaped your personality. So, switch your focus to describing who you are and what your attitudes and positions are. 
  • Think of the most fundamental cultural aspects. Needless to say, you first need to come up with a couple of ideas to be based upon in your paper. So, brainstorm all the possible ideas and try to decide which of them deserve the most attention. In essence, try to determine which of the aspects affected your personality the most.
  • Edit and proofread before submitting your paper. Of course, the content and the coherence of your essay’s structure play a crucial role. But the grammatical correctness matters a lot too. Even if you are a native speaker, you may still make accidental errors in the text. To avoid the situation when unintentional mistakes spoil the impression from your essay, always double check your cultural identity essay. 

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7 Great Diversity Essay Examples and Why They Worked

Supplemental "diversity" or "community" essays are becoming increasingly popular components of college and university applications. A diversity essay allows you to highlight how your individual circumstances, values, traditions, or beliefs could contribute to the vibrant mix of cultures on a college campus.

The importance of the diversity essay lies in its ability to showcase aspects of your identity that may not be fully captured elsewhere in your application . It provides a platform for you to express your authenticity, highlight any obstacles or challenges you've overcome, and demonstrate how your unique viewpoints could enrich the learning environment. 

This trend is in part driven by institutions' heightened efforts to increase the diversity of their student bodies, as many elite schools have historically favored wealthy and/or white applicants. These diversity essays provide a valuable opportunity for students to give context about their identity and background, which supports colleges' missions of fostering more inclusive campus environments.

The push for diversity essays has been compounded  by the recent Supreme Court decision ruling affirmative action policies unconstitutional. With this ruling blocking colleges from directly considering an applicant's race or ethnicity in admissions decisions, many institutions have turned to supplemental essays as an alternative way to gauge how a prospective student's unique experiences and perspectives could contribute to a richly diverse student body. While not explicitly factoring racial or ethnic backgrounds into admissions, compelling diversity essays enable colleges to indirectly account for the varied identities and circumstances that applicants would bring to enrich the campus community.

However, even students who do not hold identities historically underrepresented at colleges, or face discrimination, are encouraged to approach the diversity essay thoughtfully. These essays allow all applicants to shed light on their individualized experiences that could add meaningful value to the institution's diversity and culture. Ultimately, colleges aim to curate an incoming class of students whose collective array of backgrounds fosters an environment of mutual understanding, intellectual growth, and cross-cultural exchange.

In this blog, we’ll walk through 7 examples of strong diversity essays, and give a brief discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of each one. 

Note that for the sake of concision, only the first 150-250 words of each essay is included in the article. You can find links to the full text of each essay at the bottom of the page!

1. Finding My Voice (Hopkins)

I looked up and flinched slightly. There were at least sixty of them, far more than expected. I had thirty weeks to teach them the basics of public speaking. Gritting my teeth, I split my small group of tutors among the crowd and sat down for an impromptu workshop with the eighth graders. They were inexperienced, monotone, and quiet. In other words, they reminded me of myself…

I was born with a speech impediment that weakened my mouth muscles. My speech was garbled and incomprehensible. Understandably, I grew up quiet. I tried my best to blend in and give the impression I was silent by choice. I joined no clubs in primary school, instead preferring isolation. It took six years of tongue twisters and complicated mouth contortions in special education classes for me to produce the forty-four sounds of the English language.

This essay is highly effective in several ways. The author opens with a vivid, engaging anecdote that immediately draws the reader in and provides context for the essay's overarching theme of finding one's voice. The personal story of struggling with a speech impediment as a child and overcoming insecurities to become a confident public speaker on the debate team is powerful and memorable. The essay’s beginning, where Jerry is faced with the daunting task of teaching public speaking to a large group of eighth graders, is reminiscent of his own struggles with communication.  This scene immediately captures the reader's attention and establishes a connection between Jerry's personal journey and the theme of the essay.

Throughout the essay, Jerry skillfully weaves together his experiences of overcoming a speech impediment and finding his confidence through participation in the debate team. He candidly reflects on the challenges he faced, such as stuttering and feeling like a "deer in the headlights," and how he persevered through practice and determination. By sharing specific anecdotes, such as watching upperclassmen and adapting his speaking style, Jerry demonstrates his growth and development over time.

The continued arc of the essay conveys the broader significance of Jerry's journey by highlighting how his newfound confidence extended beyond the debate team to his interactions in school and leadership roles. Through his own experiences, Jerry founded a program to help other students overcome their insecurities and find their voices, thereby paying forward the empowerment he received. The conclusion nicely ties back to the introduction and leaves the reader with a positive, uplifting sense of the author's journey and values.

One potential area for improvement could be spending slightly more time underscoring specific insights, challenges, or ways this experience shaped the author's goals and worldview could make the essay even more impactful for admissions officers evaluating the author's ability to contribute to a diverse community.

2. Protecting the Earth

I never understood the power of community until I left home to join seven strangers in the Ecuadorian rainforest. Although we flew in from distant corners of the U.S., we shared a common purpose: immersing ourselves in our passion for protecting the natural world.

Back home in my predominantly conservative suburb, my neighbors had brushed off environmental concerns. My classmates debated the feasibility of Trump’s wall, not the deteriorating state of our planet. Contrastingly, these seven strangers delighted in bird-watching, brightened at the mention of medicinal tree sap, and understood why I once ran across a four-lane highway to retrieve discarded beer cans.

Their histories barely resembled mine, yet our values aligned intimately. We did not hesitate to joke about bullet ants, gush about the versatility of tree bark, or discuss the destructive consequences of materialism. Together, we let our inner tree-huggers run free.

This essay captures the transformative power of community and shared values through the author's experience in the Ecuadorian rainforest. The opening sets a vivid scene, drawing the reader into the narrator's journey of joining a diverse group of strangers united by their passion for environmental conservation. By contrasting the indifference of their conservative suburban community with the shared purpose and enthusiasm of their newfound companions, the essay immediately establishes a theme of community and belonging. The examples of the group's enthusiasm and "inner tree-huggers" bring an authentic voice to the narrative.

In the body of the essay, the author skillfully portrays the camaraderie and mutual support within the group, despite their diverse backgrounds . The shared experiences of bird-watching, discussions about medicinal tree sap, and collective efforts towards environmental advocacy highlight the strength of their bond and the alignment of their values. Through anecdotes and dialogue, the author effectively conveys the sense of empowerment and inspiration derived from being part of such a community.

The essay additionally conveys the personal growth and transformation experienced by the author as a result of their time in the rainforest community.  The realization that they can make a difference in the world, coupled with a newfound sense of purpose and determination, serves as a powerful conclusion to the narrative. The essay communicates the importance of community in shaping one's beliefs, values, and aspirations, while also highlighting the potential for individual agency and impact.

Where the essay could be strengthened is providing more insight into how this experience will shape the author's future contributions to building and leading communities. While it's impactful to convey the determination instilled to devote one's life to environmental advocacy, expanding on the specific ways the author hopes to foster community around this work would add depth. Additionally, reflecting on the personal growth sparked by stepping outside one's insular worldview could highlight the importance of diversity of perspectives.  Overall, however, this is a strong essay that captures the power of an eye-opening experience bonding with others over shared values and passions.

3. Activism (Rochester)

To Nigerians,

It’s been eight years since we’ve been subjected to the tyranny of bad governance. Our medical systems have been destroyed, economy devaluated, and freedom of speech banished. But we need not worry for long. Just 5 years left!

By 2027, I will have explored the strategies behind successful revolutions in Prof. Meguid’s Introduction to Comparative Politics Class ( PSCI101) in my world politics cluster, equipping me to successfully lead us through the revolution we’ve eagerly awaited and install a political system that will ensure our happiness. With the help of the Greene Center, I will have gained practical experience of the biomedical engineering career field by interning at Corning’s biochemical department, enabling me to contribute to the rebuilding of our medical system. I will have developed a Parkinson-stabilizing device from my experience analyzing human motion with MATLAB in Professor Buckley’s BME 201-P class. I hope to later extend this device to cater for poliomyelitis, a disease that has plagued us since 1982. I will have strengthened my ability to put corruption under check through music by developing my soprano voice at Vocal point.

This essay, earning the author admission to the University of Rochester, blends a personal narrative with a vision for the future, demonstrating the author's determination to address the challenges faced by Nigeria through education and practical experience. The author begins by painting a stark picture of the current state of governance in Nigeria, highlighting the systemic issues that have plagued the country for years. This sets the stage for the author's ambitious plan to enact change within their homeland.

The author's strategic approach to addressing these issues is given a college admissions focus by outlining their academic and professional goals at the University of Rochester.  By detailing specific courses, internships, and extracurricular activities, the author demonstrates a clear path towards acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to lead a revolution and contribute to rebuilding Nigeria's medical system. This strategic planning reflects the author's commitment to effecting tangible change and underscores their preparedness for the challenges ahead.

To further strengthen its impact, the author could provide more context or examples of their previous activism or engagement with Nigerian issues, with clear links between the specific experiences and opportunities at the University of Rochester and their goals. 

4. Taking Care of Siblings (Cornell)

He’s in my arms, the newest addition to the family. I’m too overwhelmed. “That’s why I wanted you to go to Bishop Loughlin,” she says, preparing baby bottles. “But ma, I chose Tech because I wanted to be challenged.” “Well, you’re going to have to deal with it,” she replies, adding, “Your aunt watched you when she was in high school.” “But ma, there are three of them. It’s hard!” Returning home from a summer program that cemented intellectual and social independence to find a new baby was not exactly thrilling. Add him to the toddler and seven-year-old sister I have and there’s no wonder why I sing songs from Blue’s Clues and The Backyardigans instead of sane seventeen-year-old activities. It’s never been simple; as a female and the oldest, I’m to significantly rear the children and clean up the shabby apartment before an ounce of pseudo freedom reaches my hands. If I can manage to get my toddler brother onto the city bus and take him home from daycare without snot on my shoulder, and if I can manage to take off his coat and sneakers without demonic screaming for no apparent reason, then it’s a good day. Only, waking up at three in the morning to work, the only free time I have, is not my cup of Starbucks. 

The opening scene of the essay, where the author holds their newest sibling while their mother prepares baby bottles, immediately sets the tone for the essay and introduces the central theme of familial responsibility and sacrifice.

The author candidly reflects on the challenges of balancing their familial obligations with their desire for personal growth and independence.  The author's frustration and sense of overwhelm are palpable as they navigate the demands of caring for multiple siblings while also trying to pursue their own goals and aspirations. The contrast between the author's responsibilities as the oldest sibling and their longing for "sane seventeen-year-old activities" effectively highlights the tension between duty and personal desires.

The message of the essay effectively communicates the author's resilience and determination in the face of adversity.  Despite the challenges they face, the author demonstrates a sense of agency and resourcefulness, such as waking up at three in the morning to work and finding moments of freedom amidst their responsibilities. This resilience reflects the author's inner strength and determination to overcome obstacles and pursue their dreams.

5. East Asian Bibliophile / Not “Black Enough”

Growing up, my world was basketball. My summers were spent between the two solid black lines. My skin was consistently tan in splotches and ridden with random scratches. My wardrobe consisted mainly of track shorts, Nike shoes, and tournament t-shirts. Gatorade and Fun Dip were my pre-game snacks. The cacophony of rowdy crowds, ref whistles, squeaky shoes, and scoreboard buzzers was a familiar sound. I was the team captain of almost every team I played on—familiar with the Xs and Os of plays, commander of the court, and the coach’s right hand girl.

But that was only me on the surface.

Deep down I was an East-Asian influenced bibliophile and a Young Adult fiction writer.

Hidden in the cracks of a blossoming collegiate level athlete was a literary fiend. I devoured books in the daylight. I crafted stories at night time. After games, after practice, after conditioning I found nooks of solitude. Within these moments, I became engulfed in a world of my own creation. Initially, I only read young adult literature, but I grew to enjoy literary fiction and self-help: Kafka, Dostoevsky, Branden, Csikszentmihalyi. I expanded my bubble to Google+ critique groups, online discussion groups, blogs, writing competitions and clubs. I wrote my first novel in fifth grade, my second in seventh grade, and started my third in ninth grade. Reading was instinctual. Writing was impulsive.

In this essay, the complexities of identity and personal growth are presented through a multi-dimensional portrait of the author's cultural experiences and interests. The opening vividly describes the author's immersion in the world of basketball, showcasing their athleticism and leadership on the court . The essay quickly moves into substantive analysis, revealing the author's passion for literature and writing, as well as their deep connection to East Asian culture and philosophy.

Through anecdotes and reflections, the author skillfully juxtaposes their outward persona as an athlete with their internal world as a bibliophile and writer. This contrast highlights the complexity of identity and challenges stereotypes, demonstrating that individuals can possess a range of interests and talents beyond societal expectations. The author's journey of self-discovery, from devouring young adult literature to emulating authors like Haruki Murakami, adds depth to the narrative and underscores their intellectual curiosity and growth.

The internal and external conflicts faced by the author are developed in the essay body, including the pressure to conform to stereotypes and the challenges of balancing multiple passions. The author's experiences of being judged and bullied for not fitting into narrow expectations highlight the importance of embracing individuality and resisting societal norms. The author unpacks their overall resilience and determination to pursue their diverse interests despite obstacles, including overcoming ACL injuries and transitioning to homeschooling.  By detailing their involvement in various extracurricular activities and nonprofit initiatives, the author demonstrates their desire to make a positive impact and empower others to reach their potential.

6. Instagram Post

On “Silent Siege Day,” many students in my high school joined the Students for Life club and wore red armbands with “LIFE” on them. As a non-Catholic in a Catholic school, I knew I had to be cautious in expressing my opinion on the abortion debate. However, when I saw that all of the armband-bearing students were male, I could not stay silent.

I wrote on Instagram, “pro-choice does not necessarily imply pro-abortion; it means that we respect a woman’s fundamental right to make her own choice regarding her own body.”

Some of my peers expressed support but others responded by calling me a dumb bitch, among other names. When I demanded an apology for the name-calling, I was told I needed to learn to take a joke: “you have a lot of anger, I think you need a boyfriend.” Another one of my peers apparently thought the post was sarcastic (?) and said “I didn’t know women knew how to use sarcasm.”

One by one, I responded. I was glad to have sparked discussion, but by midnight, I was mentally and emotionally exhausted.

This is a strong essay, effectively recounting a journey of self-discovery and activism, beginning with a pivotal moment of speaking out against the majority opinion on abortion rights at their Catholic high school. The author's courage in challenging societal norms and expressing their beliefs, despite potential backlash, is evident from the outset. B y sharing a personal anecdote of facing criticism and derogatory comments on social media, the author gives a clear look at the emotional toll of standing up for one's beliefs in the face of adversity.

The essay integrates the author's reflections on their evolving understanding of social justice and feminism, sparked by their experiences and research following "The Post." Through engaging with feminist literature and studying historical movements like the Civil Rights Movement , the author demonstrates a growing awareness of systemic inequalities and the importance of dissent in effecting change. The author's decision to volunteer with Girls on the Run and engage in political activism, such as signing petitions and advocating against discriminatory policies, underscores their commitment to advancing social justice beyond their personal experiences.

This ambition reflects the author's desire to contribute to positive societal change and advocate for marginalized communities on a broader scale.  The essay effectively conveys a sense of optimism and determination for the future, encapsulated by the author's vision of becoming the first Asian woman on the Supreme Court.

The labels that I bear are hung from me like branches on a tree: disruptive, energetic, creative, loud, fun, easily distracted, clever, a space cadet, a problem … and that tree has roots called ADHD. The diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder made a lot of sense when it was handed down. I was diagnosed later than other children, probably owing to my sex, which is female; people with ADHD who are female often present in different ways from our male counterparts and are just as often missed by psychiatrists.

Over the years, these labels served as either a badge or a bludgeon, keeping me from certain activities, ruining friendships, or becoming elements of my character that I love about myself and have brought me closer to people I care about. Every trait is a double-edged sword.

The years that brought me to where I am now have been strange and uneven. I had a happy childhood, even if I was a “handful” for my parents. As I grew and grew in awareness of how I could be a problem, I developed anxiety over behavior I simply couldn’t control. With the diagnosis, I received relief, and yet, soon I was thinking of myself as broken, and I quickly attributed every setback to my neurological condition.

The author begins the essay by candidly acknowledging the various labels and stereotypes associated with their condition, illustrating the challenges of navigating societal perceptions and self-perception.  By highlighting the gendered aspect of ADHD diagnosis and its impact on their experiences, the author sheds light on the complexity of neurodiversity and the importance of recognition and understanding.

Throughout the essay, the author reflects on the dual nature of their ADHD traits, acknowledging both the struggles and strengths associated with their condition. They eloquently describe how their ADHD has influenced various aspects of their life, from friendships to academic performance to sports achievements. By sharing personal anecdotes and reflections, the essay effectively captures the author's journey of self-acceptance and reframing their perspective on their ADHD. 

The author acknowledges the initial sense of relief upon receiving their diagnosis, followed by feelings of brokenness and self-doubt. However, through introspection and self-compassion, the author ultimately embraces their neurodiversity as a fundamental aspect of their identity. This shift in mindset from viewing their brain as "wrong" to recognizing its uniqueness and resilience is a powerful testament to the author's growth and resilience.

By volunteering at a mental health resource center and advocating for the normalization of neurodiversity, the author demonstrates a desire to create a more inclusive and compassionate society.  The essay effectively communicates a message of empathy, acceptance, and celebration of diversity, encouraging readers to embrace their own differences and those of others.

Links to full essays:

Essay Three

Essay Seven

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Alexej is a graduate of Princeton University, where he studied Linguistics, Cognitive Science, and Humanities & Sciences. Alexej works in college admissions consulting, and is passionate about pursuing research at the intersection of humanities, linguistics, and psychology. He enjoys creative writing, hiking, and playing the piano.

  • college applications

me and my culture essay 200 words

How to Write an Essay about Your Culture

me and my culture essay 200 words

Do you need to write an essay about your culture but don’t know where to start? You’ve come to the right place! I’m Constance, and I’ll show you how to write an essay about your culture. I’ll guide you step by step, and we’ll write a sample essay together. Let’s dive in. 

Writing an essay about your culture includes 5 steps:

Step 1. Plan how many words you want in each paragraph.

When you know the exact number of words you need for an essay, planning the word count for each paragraph will be much easier. 

For example, a 300-word essay typically consists of five paragraphs and three key elements:

  • The introductory paragraph.
  • Three body paragraphs.
  • The conclusion, or the concluding paragraph.

Here’s a simple way to distribute 300 words across the five paragraphs in your essay:

me and my culture essay 200 words

You’ll get 300 when you add up these numbers. 

Step 2. Decide on what your main and supporting points will be.

First, you must take a stand, meaning you must decide on your main point. What do you really want to say about your culture? Whatever you want to say, that becomes your thesis. 

For example, “My culture is very rich.” That is enough to get started. You’ll get a better idea of how to expand or tweak your thesis after the next step.

Next, divide your topic using the Power of Three to prove the point that your culture is rich using three supporting ideas.

me and my culture essay 200 words

The Power of Three effectively divides an essay’s main idea into its supporting points. It means your main idea is true because of the three reasons you will provide in the body. So, it is a three-part structure that helps produce your body paragraphs .

Let’s try it for an essay about Filipino culture!

For example, here are three supporting ideas explaining the richness of Filipino culture:

  • The Philippines has incredible food .
  • Traditional Filipino clothing reflects the country’s heritage.
  • Family values in the Philippines are essential.

Great! Now we have everything we need to write an essay about Filipino culture. We’re all set for the next step!

Step 3. Write your introductory paragraph.

Here are the key components of an introductory paragraph you need to remember in writing your essay:

me and my culture essay 200 words

Our first sentence is the introduction, which should pull our reader into the world we want to portray in our essay.

And the rest of the introductory paragraph is our thesis statement. It includes our main idea and three supporting points.

Example of an introductory paragraph about culture

“Having been colonized for centuries, the Philippines boasts a vast heritage. It has a rich culture characterized by food, clothing, and family values. Filipino culture has delicious food inherited from diverse parts of the world and periods of conquest. Traditional Filipino clothing reflects the country’s history, as well. And Filipinos prize their family values probably above all else.”

Look at how the introductory paragraph goes from a general statement to specific ideas that support our main idea.

Our introductory sentence is a general statement that serves as the opening in our essay. It briefly sets the essay’s context. Next comes the thesis statement — our main idea. Finally, we have three supporting ideas for our thesis.

Step 4. Write your essay’s body paragraphs.

Again, a 300-word essay typically has three body paragraphs containing your three supporting ideas. Here’s how to structure a body paragraph:

me and my culture essay 200 words

Looking back at our word count plan, we know that our body paragraphs should have roughly 70 words each. Remember your word plan as you write.

Body Paragraph 1

“The Philippines boasts a diverse food culture. It reflects indigenous flavors and foreign influences, such as American, Spanish, Indian, and Chinese. Whether it’s a typical or special day, Filipinos love eating these various dishes with rice, a staple. For example, rice goes well with curry, noodles, and adobo. It is also common to see various foods like pizza, pancit, lumpia, paella, (Filipino-style) sweet spaghetti, cakes, and ice cream at parties.”

As you can see, the first sentence in this body paragraph is a topic sentence . It gives context to the paragraph and briefly summarizes it.

The second sentence explains why the Philippine food culture is considered diverse. 

The remaining sentences illustrate your main point (topic sentence) by providing examples, starting with rice in sentence 3.

Body Paragraph 2

“Traditional Filipino clothing reflects Philippine cultural heritage. Although Filipinos now conform to current fashion trends in their everyday lives, the traditional clothing style is often used during celebrations. The traditional fashion sense exhibits influences from indigenous tribes, Chinese immigration waves, the Spaniards, and Americans, portraying the chronology of Philippine historical events. For example, the Philippines’ national costume, the baro’t saya, is an elegant blend of Spanish and Filipino clothing styles. Even some modernized forms of clothing also display other global influences.”

Just like Body Paragraph 1, this paragraph follows the same structure outlined in the diagram. It proceeds from a general statement to more specific points :

  • The topic sentence.
  • An explanation.

Body Paragraph 3

“Family values are vital in the Philippines. The daily lives of most Filipinos revolve around close and extended family, making them known for their family-oriented lifestyle even when they’re overseas. It’s common for children to live with their parents after reaching legal age; some even stay after getting married or obtaining a job. Filipinos also cherish their extended families (aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins) and hanging out or celebrating significant events together.”

Once again, this paragraph follows the body paragraph structure. Now, we’re all set for the final step — the conclusion.

Step 5. Write the conclusion.

The easiest way to write a concluding paragraph for your essay on your culture is to restate your main idea and its supporting points using different words. You can even paraphrase your introduction — a time-proven method!

Let’s write the conclusion for our essay.

“Because of its history, the Philippines has a rich, diverse culture rooted in a vast heritage. Filipino cuisine is a blend of indigenous and foreign flavors. The nation’s history is reflected in its traditional clothing. And family values display a distinct Filipino trait.”

Note that this conclusion uses different words to restate the points we’ve already made, including those in the body paragraphs. 

Hope this was helpful. Now go ahead and write an essay about your culture!

Tutor Phil is an e-learning professional who helps adult learners finish their degrees by teaching them academic writing skills.

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Importance Of Culture Essay: Get Inspired By Our Samples and Tips

By: Tasha Kolesnikova

Importance Of Culture Essay: Get Inspired By Our Samples and Tips

Every student exploring cultural and other social studies may face the task of writing a thematic essay. This type of educational activity is an independent reflection of a person on a scientific problem, using ideas, cultural backgrounds, associative images from other areas of their own culture, personal experience, and social practice.

Good Essay Sample

Why is it a good essay, an interesting start: let's intrigue the reader.

  • Body: The Most Informative Block 

Logical Conclusion

Speech culture, clothing culture.

  • Religion Culture 

Food Culture

The result of such work can affect a lot of things, including the final grade or the teacher's impression. So, we have prepared some of the most important guidelines for writing an essay. Of course, we will try to give specific examples. Well, let's go for an A +!

This is a good essay on the topic "The Culture and Society" written by Chloe. Some of the principles of creating a first-class work will be explained taking the excerpts from this text as a reference:

"Culture plays an essential role in the life of a person and society. It acts as a means of accumulation, storage, and transmission of human experience. It is the culture that shapes people into who they are as they gain knowledge, learn the language, symbols, values, norms, customs, and traditions. It is the glue that holds all these achievements. To prove this, I conducted research and found out what culture really gives to society.

First, culture helps to develop a variety of skills. Cultural involvement and creative potential were essential to the "universal man" of the Renaissance. One of the most famous examples is Leonardo da Vinci. He combined scientific and writing activities with art. In the modern world, many celebrities agree. Jared Leto is a prime example. He created a rock music band, then developed his acting skills over time. Thus, the desire to master new knowledge in the culture of cinema, music, art helps to develop.

Second, culture creates new needs. The culture of energy-saving and rational use of natural resources covers for such needs as:

  • creation of infrastructure for sorting and utilization of various types of waste;
  • installing solar panels on homes;
  • access to budget electric transport.

For example, in 2017, Tesla Motors presented buyers a model of an electric car worth 35 000 dollars, while now the cost of cars is about 100 000 dollars. Therefore, it is essential for people to preserve nature and not deplete resources, so people are inspired to create new projects to satisfy their needs.

Third, culture contributes to the economy. The turnover of the cultural and creative industries is $1,3 trillion, and the growth rates are outstripping the industries of production and services. Cultural tourism accounts for about 40% of the global industry's revenues and has shown steady growth over the past decade. Thus, throughout the world, culture is an increasingly important source of employment and income.

Fourth, culture helps cities. In 1997, the Guggenheim Museum was opened in the city of Bilbao in northern Spain. The design's originality turned this place into a vibrant landmark that breathed new life into the provincial town. In the first three years of the museum's operation, tourists who visited Bilbao left more than $110 million in regional taxes. This influence of architecture on the urban economy is now called the "Bilbao Effect."

Fifth, culture preserves and transfers knowledge to the whole world. For example, culture conveys knowledge about society's life in southern England in the first half of the 19th century. From what dances were popular to the traditional daily routine. You can glean such information not only from history books but also from the novels of Jane Austen. You can already find London life details at the end of the century in a series of books about Sherlock Holmes.

Thus, culture is truly the glue that holds all achievements together. It is not only complex and diverse but also highly mobile. It is a living process, constantly moving, developing, changing. Culture helps the world to be better in every way. You can draw strength and inspiration from it. I advise all people to learn about culture because it is of great value to the modern world."

Generally speaking, Chloe managed to create a good written work, which is likely to receive a B grade. Her work is concise and covers a variety of cultural aspects.

In Chloe’s essay:

  • 534 words or approximately 1 typed page;
  • An average reading time is about 4-5 minutes.

Such a volume is enough to concisely explain the importance of cultural features. On the other hand, reflections on cultural differences and the value system are not too long, which will allow the professor to study the work quickly. And this is great because no one likes lengthy "everything and nothing" essays.

However, there are no clear criteria for the volume of essays on cultural studies, as they highly depend on your educational institution. Sometimes short essays are highly rated, and the long ones don't impress the teacher. After all, the most important role is played not by the number of pages of the essay but by its content.

Creating an A+ Importance Of Culture Essay Structure

Writing a good length essay is not enough to prove an understanding culture of the issues. An essay focusing on such a vast topic should have a clear structure. It doesn't matter if you write about material culture, health care, cultural traditions, or globalization — your text should contain an introduction, a body, and a conclusion for an excellent mark.

It is important to gradually reveal the topic but not lay out all the trump cards immediately — that is why any essay about socialization or even cultural identity needs an interesting intro.

Let's analyze Chloe’s essay introduction in detail. The advantages are:

  • It gives a brief overview of what culture is;
  • The reader is smoothly led to the main body of the essay.

However, there are some disadvantages as well:

  • The introduction doesn’t hook the reader, it appears monotonous;
  • There is no focus provided in the intro, making it unclear what the essay is going to be about

In fact, you can do better! The main key — make the introduction more specific. The introduction should be able to explain why a student is exploring a topic of, for example, cultural values or ethnicity.

Also, don’t make the introduction too small. Regardless of which cultural heritage you are going to write, 1-2 sentences will definitely not be enough. Here is an example of what an A+ introduction would look like:

“Culture plays an essential role in the life of a person and society. We feel its presence from early childhood, as it gradually shapes us into who we are. It acts as a means of accumulation, storage, and transmission of human experience, making it a fascinating and diverse topic to study. In this essay, I decided to focus on figuring out how cultural aspects influence our lives nowadays. “

Here the author not only gives the reader a general idea of the topic but also provides information on what the essay will be focusing on in a brief yet intriguing manner.

Body: The Most Informative Block

When creating an essay about material culture, the values of different groups of people, enculturation, and other similar topics, it is important to structure the text. If you have any arguments, main thoughts or provisions, it is better to highlight them at:

  • Paragraphs — if the essay is quite small (up to 500 words);
  • Subheadings — if the essay is long enough (more than 500 words).

For example, in Chloe’s, each cultural component of cultural influence on human beings has a separate paragraph.

Here are some additional tips for improving the body of the essay to receive an excellent grade for it:

  • Make sure it contains enough examples. This will allow you to write about the sense of belonging to different cultures more clearly.
  • If you are sharing any socialization research, do not forget to attach a link to the source. You can do this in the "Sources" section, or you can highlight a couple of keywords in the text with HTML.

Likewise with the intro, when writing about the daily lives or globalization issues, remember to use linking words .

Let’s take a look at how Chloe’s essay’s main body could be improved using one paragraph as an example:

“Also, culture plays a crucial role in urban development. For instance, in 1997, the Guggenheim Museum was opened in the city of Bilbao in northern Spain. The design's originality turned this place into a vibrant landmark that breathed new life into the provincial town. Notably, in the first three years of the museum's operation, tourists who visited Bilbao left more than $110 million in regional taxes. Since then, this influence of architecture on the urban economy is now called the " Bilbao Effect ."

You can see that the use of linking words ensures a better flow of thought in your written work, contributing to a clear and logical structure. Also, note how the term now contains a link to a reliable source.

We have come to a very important part of the essay, the conclusion. It will allow the professor to understand how deeply the student has understood the topic. Unfortunately, the conclusion of Chloe’s essay is watery and doesn’t provide value to the reader.

Worry not! We will give other ideas for completing your essay on organizational culture or different ways of life topic. As a rule, there are three good tricks for creating a logical ending:

  • Citations. The most common and easiest way to complete an essay, but not always the most actionable. The teachers are already a little tired of quotes from great people. So, you should do your best with the choice of a suitable quote.
  • Rhetorical question. Firstly, although rhetorical questions do not require an answer, they involve an invisible dialogue with the reader. Thus, you should present your perspective after the question, and the reader can agree or disagree with it.
  • Summarizing the author's position. It is a good way to outline the main idea of the work. Make sure that the summary doesn`t turn into a retelling — be brief and just generalize. The goal is to bring the reader to a new level of thinking on a given topic.

Here is an improved variant of Chloe’s essay, providing its summary:

“My research has proven that the importance of culture is difficult to overestimate. A variety of cultural aspects are the glue that holds members of society together. It has been this way in the past and keeps being true until now. Culture is a living process, constantly moving, developing, and changing. Our goal as human beings is to acknowledge its impact on society and contribute to its development.”

Well, the structure is clear! Are you ready to write about Asian culture, modern values, or other interesting topics?

Best Ideas For Culture Essays

Sometimes the head is ready to turn into a melting pot while choosing a suitable topic for writing a culture essay. In fact, you can choose any country or nation from different parts of the world and write about their customs. Also, you can reveal one of such topics:

  • Material culture in the 20th and 21st centuries
  • New generation cultural values
  • Cultural change: how moving to New York will change the norms of human behavior?
  • The ritual culture in the ancestors’ lives
  • Globalization and the cultural impact
  • How to identify a person's culture by dialogue?
  • Why did the culture of the ancient peoples praise various gods?
  • Why do some modern people appreciate the culture of ancient traditions?
  • Will the new cultural norms completely destroy the old traditions?
  • A cultured person is a good person — is that true?

However, culture is not only about traditions, habits, and upbringing. You can write about certain parts of human life, such as clothing, religion, speech, or food.

Speech is a reflection of a person's inner world. When we feel bad or good, we always try to share it with a friend or family. On the other hand, speech is an indicator of how a person relates to the world around him and how he was brought up.

That is why the culture of speech is a great topic for an essay in which you can reveal the following points:

  • the impact of the rapid language modernization on the speech culture
  • profanity and where did the taboo on swearing come from
  • culture of formal and informal communication

The main points of such essays are usually concluded in a similar thought:

«Speech represents one of the essential characteristics of humanity from other living beings in this world. At the same time, people have figurative speech, so they can transmit some elementary signals and fantasize, use logical thinking, and much more. In fact, having the ability to speak makes us human.»

There are many aesthetic education methods, but the culture of clothing is considered one of the main ones. You can write an essay about:

  • the formation of aesthetic preferences depending on the particular country culture
  • business dress culture
  • the clothing culture in different decades

In addition, the formation of aesthetic taste is influenced by personal characteristics, i.e., age, lifestyle, specialty, place of residence — this topic is also perfect for a culture essay.

Religion Culture

For thousands of years, religion has been an important factor in the cultural life of people. Without faith in something divine, most likely, no nation would exist now in the form in which our contemporaries see it.

For a long time, religion was the only worldview culture system. However, the world does not stand still, so now God`s existence is a huge question — this is why agnosticism and atheism appeared.

In your essay, you can cover the following topics:

  • How does the country of residence affect the culture of religion?
  • How do modern culture and religion interact?
  • Culture in Christian and Muslim families

In general, you can write on any other similar topic because religion is a very wide area with many unanswered questions.

When a tourist arrives in a new country, the first thing to do is trying the local cuisine. And this is the first step towards a foreign culture! Food, its type of presentation and the way of eating, its taste — this is a whole complex of cultural characteristics of a particular nation. For example, in India, you cannot eat with your left hand, and in Muslim countries, pork meat is prohibited.

Thus, you can easily write a culture essay about:

  • tabooing certain products in different countries
  • food intake culture and features of national dinners
  • dining etiquette

All the examples and tips provided will allow you to choose the most interesting topic for creating the perfect culture essay. Enjoy the writing!

Check out our other web pages for more essay help and essay editing . Alternatively, you may wish to use our proofreading services for polishing and perfecting your essay to give you that extra grade boost!

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Indian Culture Essay

India is renowned throughout the world for its tradition and culture. It is a country with many different cultures and traditions. The world's ancient civilisations can be found in this country. Good manners, etiquette, civilised dialogue, customs, beliefs, values, etc., are essential elements of Indian culture . India is a special country because of the ability of its citizens from many cultures and traditions to live together in harmony. Here are a few sample essays on ‘Indian culture’.

Indian Culture Essay

100 Words Essay on Indian Culture

India's culture is the oldest in the world and dates back over 5,000 years. The first and greatest cultures in the world are regarded as being those of India. The phrase "Unity in Diversity" refers to India as a diverse nation where people of many religions coexist while maintaining their distinct customs. People of different religions have different languages, culinary customs, ceremonies, etc and yet they all live in harmony.

Hindi is India's official language. However, there are 400 other languages regularly spoken in India's many states and territories, in addition to the country's nearly 22 recognised languages. History has established India as the country where religions like Buddhism and Hinduism first emerged.

200 Words Essay on Indian Culture

India is a land of diverse cultures, religions, languages, and traditions. The rich cultural heritage of India is a result of its long history and the various invasions and settlements that have occurred in the country. Indian culture is a melting pot of various customs and traditions, which have been passed down from generation to generation.

Religion | Religion plays a significant role in Indian culture. The major religions practiced in India are Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism. Each religion has its own set of beliefs, customs, and practices. Hinduism, the oldest religion in India, is the dominant religion and has a vast array of gods and goddesses. Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism are also widely practiced and have a significant number of followers in the country.

Food | Indian cuisine is known for its diverse range of flavors and spices. Each region in India has its own unique style of cooking and distinct dishes. Indian cuisine is known for its use of spices, herbs, and a variety of cooking techniques. Some of the most famous Indian dishes include biryani, curry, tandoori chicken, and dal makhani. Indian cuisine is also famous for its street food, which is a popular and affordable way to experience the diverse range of flavors that Indian food has to offer.

500 Words Essay on Indian Culture

Indian culture is known for its rich art and architecture. The ancient Indus Valley Civilization, which existed around 2500 BCE, had a sophisticated system of town planning and impressive architectural structures. Indian art is diverse and includes painting, sculpture, and architecture. The most famous form of Indian art is the cave paintings of Ajanta and Ellora, which date back to the 2nd century BCE. Indian architecture is also famous for its temples, palaces, and forts, which are a reflection of the rich cultural heritage of the country.

Music and dance are an integral part of Indian culture . Indian music is diverse and ranges from classical to folk to modern. The classical music of India is known for its use of ragas, which are a set of musical notes that are used to create a melody. The traditional Indian dance forms include Kathak, Bharatanatyam, and Kathakali. These dance forms are known for their elaborate costumes, expressive gestures, and intricate footwork.

My Experience

I had always been fascinated by the rich culture and history of India. So, when I finally got the opportunity to visit the country, I was beyond excited. I had heard so much about the diverse customs and traditions of India, and I couldn't wait to experience them firsthand. The moment I stepped off the plane and hit the streets, I was greeted by the overwhelming smell of spices and the hustle and bustle of the streets. I knew right away that I was in for an unforgettable journey.

My first stop was the ancient city of Varanasi, also known as Banaras. As I walked through the streets, I was struck by the vibrant colors and the sound of temple bells and chants. I visited the famous Kashi Vishwanath Temple and was amazed by the intricate architecture and the devotion of the devotees.

From Varanasi, I traveled to Jaipur, also known as the Pink City . Here, I visited the famous Amber Fort, which was built in the 16th century. The fort was a perfect example of the rich architecture of India and the level of craftsmanship that existed in ancient India.

As I continued my journey, I also had the opportunity to experience the food of India. From the spicy curries of the south to the tandoori dishes of the north, I was blown away by the range of flavors and the use of spices.

I also had the chance to experience the music and dance of India. I attended a Kathak dance performance and was mesmerized by the intricate footwork and the expressiveness of the dancers. I also had the opportunity to attend a classical music concert and was struck by the beauty of the ragas and the skill of the musicians.

My journey through India was truly an unforgettable experience. I had the chance to experience the diverse customs and traditions of India and was struck by the richness of the culture. From the ancient temples to the vibrant street markets, India is a treasure trove of history and culture. I knew that this would not be my last trip to India, as there is so much more to explore and experience.

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200 Words Essay Examples & Topic Ideas

How long is 200 words? A 200-word text is perfect for conveying concise and focused thoughts on a topic. It takes less than one double-spaced or 0.4 single-spaced pages , so it requires you to prioritize the most crucial points while preserving clarity and consistency. This word count is typical for abstracts, annotated bibliography entries, discussion board posts, position papers, and book reports.

In this article, we will discuss how to structure a 200-word essay to make it compelling and engaging. As a bonus, you will also receive a list of interesting topics, writing prompts, and practical samples. You can check out IvyPanda free essays for more inspiration!

  • 🔝 Best Essay Topics
  • 📝 Obesity Essay Examples
  • 💡 Essay about Myself
  • 🤰 Pregnancy Essay Examples
  • ✍️ How to Write a 200-Word Essay
  • ⚡ Alternative Energy Essay
  • 📱 Social Media Prompts
  • 🖊️ Essay Examples on Life after Covid-19
  • 📋 Sample Essay Prompts
  • 🖥️ Essay about ICT: Samples

🔝 Best 200 Words Essay Topics

  • Why is it important to recycle?
  • The significance of education in society.
  • How does social media influence teenagers’ mental health?
  • My role model for my career.
  • What are the benefits of being bilingual?
  • Effective ways to decrease depression among youth.
  • My first trip abroad.
  • Modern technology: the key drawbacks.
  • People should protect the environment.
  • How does fashion impact self-expression?
  • Teenage abortion: for or against.
  • The value of time management.
  • Gambling should be banned in the United States.
  • Why is it crucial to forgive?
  • The benefits of a positive mindset.

📝 Causes and Effects of Obesity Essay 200 Words: Examples

  • “Childhood and Adolescent Obesity”: Article Review In the article “Childhood and adolescent obesity: A review,” the authors examine the different treatment options for obesity and argue that current medication is the most effective approach to addressing this issue.
  • “Obesity, Physical Activity, and the Urban Environment” by Lopez Additionally, the study had proved that suburban areas’ features could not be connected to the higher risks of obesity since the inner-city population has higher rates of illness.
  • Disseminating Evidence: Childhood Obesity The attendees at the meeting will also publish the proposed solutions and results of the research study. It is also vital to mention that researchers of the study will be expecting feedback after the convention.
  • Management of Obesity and Social Issues That Emerge With Its Development The article by Omole focuses on recent shift in the management of obesity and the social issues that emerge with its development, namely, the culture of fat-shaming, by considering some of the alternatives toward evaluating […]
  • Obesity Among the Elderly People in Warren Township Obesity among the elderly people living in Warren Township could be a result of different measures of socioeconomic status which may include; the family, cultural factors, biological pathways as well as ethical and sociopolitical factors […]

💡 Prompts for a 200 Words Essay about Myself

Here are some helpful 200-word essay example prompts that you can use to reveal your personality or talk about your life experience:

  • Autobiography about yourself 200 words. In your essay, you can describe your place of birth, childhood, or major life events that have shaped your worldview.
  • Who am I: essay 200 words. Write about your bad and good habits, values, and hobbies. Also, you can describe your personality traits and preferences.
  • 200-word essay about the importance of research to you as a student. Provide the benefits you get from conducting research. Examples include acquiring new knowledge, clarifying complicated concepts, understanding research methods , and balancing between collaborative and individual work.
  • How will counseling help you get through with your problems: 200 words essay. Discuss how counseling may be a beneficial resource in dealing with personal issues that prevent you from achieving your ambitions.
  • My first job essay — 200 words. Describe your first employment, the lessons you learned from it, and how it shaped your outlook on work and responsibilities.

🤰 Adult & Teenage Pregnancy Essay 200 Words Examples

  • Adolescent Pregnancy and School Dropout After COVID-19 in Kenya The article of Zulaika presents the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on adolescent pregnancy and school dropout among secondary school girls in Kenya.
  • The National Campaign End Teenage Pregnancy in Ohio The dream of most parents is to ensure their children lead to a successful future which may be affected by the occurrence of unplanned teenage birth.

✍️ How to Write a 200 Word Essay

Writing an essay in 200 words may be difficult since you must present a logical and convincing point in a limited number of words. It requires you to be precise and selective in choosing the information you want to cover, making every word count.

In the following paragraphs, we will discuss the structure of a 200-word essay in detail!

This image shows the 200-word essay structure.

What Does 200 Words Look Like?

A 200-word essay usually consists of 3 parts:

  • Introduction (2-3 sentences)
  • Main body (4-5 sentences)
  • Conclusion (2-3 sentences)

A 200-word essay’s main body should be focused and clearly address your chosen topic. Each sentence should efficiently express your point of view while staying within the word limit.

Try our outline generator to create a compelling 200-words example outline!

200 Word Essay Introduction

The introductory paragraph of a 200-word essay is about 50 words in length. Since the paper is short, you can begin your opening paragraph with a strong thesis statement. After the thesis, summarize the points you want to reveal in the body paragraph.

To make the process of writing the introduction easier, use our hook sentence generator , thesis statement tool , and research introduction maker .

200 Word Essay Conclusion

The conclusion of the 200-word article, like the introduction, should be about 50 words. It must briefly outline the main thoughts and restate the thesis statement. Also, the last paragraph should provide the reader with a sense of closure and emphasize the importance of the topic.

We also recommend you use our concluding sentence generator to write your essay’s conclusion quickly and effectively!

How Many References in a 200 Word Essay?

The number of sources depends on the type of work and your teacher’s requirements. On average, for 150 words, you need to include 1 reference. As a result, for a 200-words paragraph, you will need 1-2 sources.

Our citation generator is a helpful online tool that can assist you in creating the reference list for your essay within several seconds.

⚡ Alternative Sources of Energy Essay 200 Words: Examples

  • Energy: Types and Conversion Process This process is called energy conversion, and it is one of the most important concepts in understanding energy. An example of energy conversion in daily activities is the shift from electric energy to heat in […]
  • The Nuclear Power Passages: Rhetorical Analysis At that, the writer also provides some data utilized by the former vice president and some information to show the negative side of power plants.
  • Technology and Wind Energy Efforts by the elite members of the society enlightened the global countries about the benefits of renewable energy sources in conserving the environment prompting the need to consider wind energy.
  • Non-Renewable Energy and Gross Domestic Product of China The use of non-renewable energy in China has the negative impact on the GDP, as indicated by the negative values of DOLS and CCR coefficients. The generation of renewable energy has a negligible negative impact […]
  • Building Energy Assessment and Rating Tools Houses are rated prior to building them or after building them and the rating depends on the dwelling’s plan; the erection of its roof, walls, windows and floor; and the direction of its windows relative […]

📱 Essay of 200 Words on Social Media: Prompts

Writing an essay on social media? We have prepared for you good writing prompts that can be helpful when crafting a 200-word paragraph on social media. Find a suitable 200-words sample prompt below:

  • The advantages and disadvantages of Facebook: paragraph 200 words. Discuss the pros and cons of Facebook. Its benefits can include networking, access to new information, and dating. Among the disadvantages are privacy issues , addiction, unnecessary criticism, etc.
  • The impact of social media on mental health: essay 200 words. Explore how social media might damage mental health. You can also come up with possible solutions.
  • Impact of social media on youth: essay 200 words. Investigate the effects of social media on young people, emphasizing the benefits and risks social platforms may have for teenagers’ behavior and development.
  • Facebook should be banned: essay 200 words. Provide arguments for or against banning Facebook. Support your opinion by sharing your experience using this social media platform.
  • 200 words essay on social media addiction. In your essay, you can focus on a specific aspect of social media addiction . For example, you can dwell on its major signs, risks of developing, or ways to deal with it.
  • Virtual life and real-life paragraph 200 words. Compare and contrast virtual life with real life, highlighting differences and possible intersections. Discuss how virtual life can make you less social.

🖊️ Essay on Life after COVID-19: 200 Words Examples

  • Post-COVID-19 Pandemic Policy Changes The case of COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the necessity for governments to institute new policies swiftly in order to address the spread of infections.
  • The Healing Wings Project After COVID-19 The pandemic of COVID-19 did not only pose a threat to the physical health of the population but also put many people in a position in which they had to deal with the loss of […]
  • The Issue of Gender Inequality After Covid-19 To date, the role of women in society has increased many times over, both in the economic, social, and political spheres of public life.
  • World Medical Relief After COVID-19 In conclusion, patients’ needs for healthcare equipment and supplies are critical, and the failure to receive the appropriate medication might be life-threatening.
  • Future of Public Health After the COVID-19 The pandemic acted as a detonator of the problems of the key sphere of life support of the population. In my opinion, public medical institutions will improve themselves under the influence of factors such as […]
  • Digital Economy After the COVID-19 Pandemic With the spread of COVID-19 in the world, more and more people work remotely using video conferencing services and instant messengers.

📋 Essay 200 Words: Sample Prompts

Check our writing prompts for a 200-word essay now to receive some more fresh ideas:

  • Online classes vs traditional classes essay 200 words. In your 200-words text, you can provide several reasons why online courses can be better than traditional ones. Support your opinion with a real-life example.
  • Should smoking be banned: essay 200 words. Examine both sides of the issue while discussing the health, economic, and societal effects of smoking prohibition .
  • Essay on Pythagoras in 200 words. You can start by providing a biography of Pythagoras and the most memorable events of his life. Then, dwell on the contribution he made to the philosophy.
  • Coping with stress: essay 200 words. Discuss ideas and strategies for efficiently managing stress and preserving mental well-being.
  • A trip to Mars essay 200 words. You can describe the fictitious expedition to Mars. Try to provide details about preparation, challenges you may face, and your emotions about such an experience.
  • Outdoor activities essay 200 words. Emphasize the physical and mental advantages of participating in outdoor activities and spending time in nature. Then, write more about your favorite outdoor activity.
  • You are what you eat: essay 200 words. Discuss how food choices affect general health and well-being. You can also highlight the importance of nutrition in daily life.

🖥️ Essay about ICT 200 Words: Best Samples

  • Health Information Technology: The Main Benefits The promising functionality of HIT has attracted media attention, but its eventual implementation faced obstacles such as a lack of technological resources or inability to understand which types of HIT must be used. Thus, HIT […]
  • How My Organization Uses Technologies for Communication In addition, new forms of communication are constantly being improved, enhanced, and updated, allowing one to optimize the existing work in the right direction.
  • Evaluation of Health Information Technology Since most data will be categorical, this can be a terrifically effective technique of analyzing data because it will also be immensely useful to this project.

📌 200 Word Essay: Answers to the Most Pressing Questions

📌 how many pages is 200 words double spaced.

How many pages are 200 words of academic text? According to the guidelines of all the key citation styles, one page should contain approximately 250 words (12-point Times New Roman, double-spaced). If you follow these guidelines, your 200-word essay will be one page. If you make it single-spaced, it will take half a page.

📌 How Much Is 200 Words in Paragraphs?

How many paragraphs is a 200-word essay? Since a typical paragraph in academic writing contains 50-100 words, an essay of 200 words will consist of 2 to 4 paragraphs.

📌 How Many Sentences Is 200 Words?

How many sentences is a 200-word essay? A typical sentence in academic writing consists of 15-20 words. So, 200 words are not less than 10-13 sentences.

📌 How to Outline a 200-Word Essay?

When you write a 200-word essay, proper planning is the key to success. Such a short piece will consist of three to five concise paragraphs. A 200-word paper outline can contain a short introduction with background information, 1-3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

📌 How Long Does It Take to Write 200 Words?

How long does it take to write a 200-word essay? It will take you 4-8 minutes to type 200 words on your keyboard (the total time will depend on your typing speed). Writing an academic paper will take more time because you’ll have to research, make an outline, write, format, and edit your text. It would be best if you planned to spend not less than 40 minutes for a 200-word paper.

📌 How to Reduce Word Count in a 200-Word Essay?

The easiest way to do that is to get rid of the less important arguments you consider in your 200-word essay. Rank your arguments and eliminate those weaker. Another idea is to edit your paper in order to make sentences shorter. For instance, you can remove some of the adverbs.

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IvyPanda. (2023, November 23). 200 Words Essay Examples & Topic Ideas . https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/200-words-essay-examples/

"200 Words Essay Examples & Topic Ideas ." IvyPanda , 23 Nov. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/words/200-words-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '200 Words Essay Examples & Topic Ideas '. 23 November.

IvyPanda . 2023. "200 Words Essay Examples & Topic Ideas ." November 23, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/200-words-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "200 Words Essay Examples & Topic Ideas ." November 23, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/200-words-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "200 Words Essay Examples & Topic Ideas ." November 23, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/200-words-essay-examples/.

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Essay On My Country: Sample Essay in 150 & 200 Words

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  • Mar 18, 2024

Essay On My Country

India, a land of mystique and diversity, captivates the world with its vibrant tapestry of cultures, traditions, and landscapes. Nestled in South Asia, it stands as the world’s largest democracy and a cultural kaleidoscope-like no other. Its history spans millennia, giving rise to a rich tapestry of heritage that includes the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, the Mughal Empire, and the struggle for independence led by Mahatma Gandhi.

me and my culture essay 200 words

The subcontinent’s breathtaking geography encompasses the towering Himalayas to the north, lush forests, fertile plains, and sun-kissed coastlines. India’s influence on art, cuisine, spirituality, and philosophy is profound, making it a captivating subject of exploration. Find out more about India after reading different Essays on My Country. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 Geography and Landscape
  • 2 Historical Significance
  • 3 Festivals and Traditions
  • 4 Sample Essay On My Country in 150 words
  • 5 Sample Essay On My Country in 200 words
  • 6 10 Lines Essay on My Country

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Geography and Landscape

India, a vast South Asian nation, boasts diverse geography and landscapes. In the north, the mighty Himalayan mountain range stands tall, harbouring some of the world’s highest peaks, including Mount Everest. These snow-clad peaks not only define India’s northern border but also influence its climate and river systems.

Moving southward, the fertile Gangetic plains stretch across the country, nurturing agriculture and supporting a significant portion of India’s population. To the west lies the Thar Desert, a stark contrast to the lush plains, characterized by arid expanses and shifting dunes. India’s eastern regions are adorned with lush forests, hills, and the Sundarbans delta, famous for its rich biodiversity. Finally, the Indian Peninsula is surrounded by a vast coastline, featuring pristine beaches, coastal plains, and diverse ecosystems. 

Historical Significance

India boasts immense historical significance, with a rich tapestry of achievements and milestones:

  • Indus Valley Civilization: Home to one of the world’s oldest urban civilizations, dating back to 2500 BCE.
  • British Colonialism: India’s struggle for independence was led by figures like Mahatma Gandhi.
  • Independence (1947): Gained freedom from British rule, becoming the world’s largest democracy.
  • Partition: Witnessed the division into India and Pakistan, leading to significant socio-political changes.
  • Economic Growth: Emerging as a global economic powerhouse.
  • Cultural Diversity: A mosaic of languages, religions, and traditions, making it a cultural treasure.

Festivals and Traditions

India is renowned for its vibrant tapestry of festivals and traditions, reflecting its rich cultural diversity. Diwali, the Festival of Lights, illuminates the country with lamps and fireworks, symbolizing the victory of light over darkness. Holi, the Festival of Colors, is a riotous celebration marked by playful colour fights and festive music, celebrating the arrival of spring.

Religious traditions like Ramadan and Eid are observed with fasting and communal feasts by Muslims, while Christians celebrate Christmas with midnight masses and carols. India’s diverse population also celebrates regional festivals like Pongal in Tamil Nadu, Navratri in Gujarat, and Durga Puja in West Bengal, each with unique rituals and customs. These festivals not only strengthen cultural ties but also offer a glimpse into the vibrant tapestry of India’s traditions and spirituality.

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Sample Essay On My Country in 150 words

India is a homeland of myriad contrasts and a rich tapestry of ancient traditions and modernity. As the world’s largest democracy, it harmoniously embraces diversity with over a billion people representing an abundance of regions, languages and customers.

From the snow-capped Himalayan peaks in the north to the pristine beaches in the south, India’s geography mirrors the kaleidoscope of its people. Its history echoes with the saga of mighty empires from the Mauryas to the Mughals, and the reasonating struggle for independence led by Mahatma Gandhi.

Today, India stands tall as the economic powerhouse, a hub of technology and innovation, while preserving its cultural heritage. The land of contrast ideally mixes ancient wisdom with modern progress. This blend offers an encouraging journey through time and traditions.

Talking about modern India, which is rapidly rising as an economic powerhouse with other industries such as information technology, pharmaceuticals, renewable energy, and more, is giving the country an edge. Furthermore, the prestige of the country´s prestigious space program has achieved remarkable feats like the Mars Orbiter Mission. 

The soft power of India resonates worldwide through its flourishing movies, music, literature, and cuisine. Moreover, major cities like Delhi, Mumbai, and Bengaluru are cosmopolitan hubs driving innovation and entrepreneurship, paving a new and progressive path of development for a new and modern India.

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Sample Essay On My Country in 200 words

India, my beloved nation, is a captivating tapestry of history, culture, and diversity. Nestled in South Asia, it spans a vast landscape, from the towering Himalayas in the north to the sun-kissed beaches of the south. India’s essence lies in its unity in diversity, with a population that speaks hundreds of languages and practices various religions.

Historically, India has been the cradle of ancient civilizations, including the Indus Valley, Mauryan, Gupta, and Mughal empires. It was here that profound philosophies, such as Buddhism and Hinduism, were born. The struggle for independence, led by luminaries like Mahatma Gandhi, transformed India into a sovereign nation in 1947.

Today, India stands as the world’s largest democracy, a vibrant melting pot of traditions and modernity. It’s an economic powerhouse, driven by sectors like information technology, manufacturing, and agriculture. The iconic Taj Mahal, Jaipur’s royal palaces, and the spiritual city of Varanasi are just a glimpse of India’s architectural marvels.

India’s cultural diversity is equally enchanting. Classical dances like Bharatanatyam and Kathak, classical music with its mesmerizing ragas, and a variety of regional cuisines tempt the senses. Festivals like Diwali, Eid, and Holi add a riot of colours and celebrations to our lives.

India, with all its complexities, is a land that leaves an indelible mark on the heart of anyone who experiences its magic.

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10 Lines Essay on My Country

Find the short and simple Essay on My Country in 10 lines:

Also Read: Essay on Indian Culture in 500 Words

A. India, a diverse nation, boasts a rich history, culture, stunning landscapes, and a billion people from various backgrounds.

A. India’s uniqueness lies in its cultural diversity, ancient history, and being the world’s largest democracy, blending tradition with modernity.

A. “India is my country, a land of vibrant traditions and diverse cultures, where unity amidst diversity thrives.”

Related Reads

We hope this blog gave you an idea about how to write and present an essay on my country that puts forth your opinions.

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  1. How To Write An Essay On My Cultural Identity

    me and my culture essay 200 words

  2. My Culture Essay

    me and my culture essay 200 words

  3. Culture Essay Example for Free

    me and my culture essay 200 words

  4. Write a short essay on Our Culture our Identity

    me and my culture essay 200 words

  5. 📌 Culture Identity

    me and my culture essay 200 words

  6. 10 Easy Steps: How to Write a 200 Words Essay in 2024

    me and my culture essay 200 words


  1. मेरो देशको गौरव र स्वाभिमान निबन्ध । Essay on My Country My Pride । Essay on Mero Deshko Gaurav

  2. Essay on My school in English /200 words Essay on My School /Paragraph on My School in English

  3. My Beautiful Family || My Family essay || Family Essay in English || Essay on My Family|| #family

  4. My Country Essay

  5. My school essay

  6. Essay on My Country In Punjabi |ਮੇਰਾ ਦੇਸ਼ ਭਾਰਤ ਲੇਖ |My Country Essay In Punjabi


  1. Short Essay on Our Culture Our Identity [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

    Short Essay on Our Culture Our Identity in 200 Words. The line ' Our culture our identity' comes from the country Nepal. Nepal is a land of diversity. It has various types of flora, fauna, festivals, food, dresses, and culture. But now this is applicable to every country living on Earth. Culture is a part of our identity.

  2. The Important Aspect of My Personal Identity: My Cultural Heritage

    Moreover, my cultural background has influenced my career aspirations. It has inspired me to work in fields that promote cultural exchange, diversity, and intercultural understanding. My values, rooted in my cultural identity, drive me to contribute to a more inclusive and equitable society. Contribution to Personal Growth and Development

  3. Essay on My Culture

    Speech on My Culture; 250 Words Essay on My Culture Introduction. Culture is an intricate tapestry, woven with threads of traditions, values, and experiences. It shapes our identity, influencing our beliefs and behaviors. My culture, a blend of South Asian heritage and modern Western influences, plays a significant role in defining who I am.

  4. My Cultural Identity: Who I Am: [Essay Example], 1059 words

    My Cultural Identity: Who I Am. Culture identity has a lot to do with mental health and how you are raised up. So, having the ability to be able to identify with culture benefits and makes the knowledge of humans stronger and able to relate to more people and interact and form groups with those in the same culture as them.

  5. My Culture: Diversity and Cultural Significance

    Culture is a complex and multifaceted concept that encompasses a wide range of beliefs, customs, traditions, and practices that are passed down from generation to generation. As a member of a diverse and multicultural society, I have been exposed to a variety of cultural influences that have shaped my identity and worldview.

  6. Essays about Culture and Identity: 9 Examples And Prompts

    Cooking rice is more accessible than cultivating it - you can quickly cook rice by boiling it in water. This reflects people rich in culture and tradition but who lives simpler life. 8. Identity And Culture: My Identity, Culture, And Identity by April Casas. "Every single one has their own unique identity and culture.

  7. How Am I Shaped and Influenced by Culture

    Cultural identity is marked by the influence from the family, regional, and religious aspects. For instance, am a mixture of Chinese and Indonesian, born in Indonesia and have lived there my entire life. My family background is relatively humble although my parents provide for my basic needs. However, Luxuries are not always present when needed.

  8. How to Write a Diversity Essay

    Tell a story about how your background, identity, or experience has impacted you. While you can briefly mention another person's experience to provide context, be sure to keep the essay focused on you. Admissions officers are mostly interested in learning about your lived experience, not anyone else's. Example.

  9. My Culture, Identity, and Cultural Identity

    My cultural identity is not simply a collection of customs and traditions; it represents the core of my existence, seamlessly integrated into my personal narrative. From my early days, I was enveloped in a diverse array of cultural influences. The values, beliefs, and traditions of my family laid the foundation of my personal identity.

  10. Cultural Identity Essay Writing Guide with Examples

    Сultural Identity Essay Examples. First and foremost, a cultural identity essay is the one where you share your vision of the world and personality. Below is an example that you might consider when writing your next cultural identity essay. I was born in Italy to a German family. My mother comes from the capital of Germany - Berlin, while my ...

  11. 7 Great Diversity Essay Examples and Why They Worked

    7. ADHD. The labels that I bear are hung from me like branches on a tree: disruptive, energetic, creative, loud, fun, easily distracted, clever, a space cadet, a problem … and that tree has roots called ADHD. The diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder made a lot of sense when it was handed down.

  12. How to Write an Essay about Your Culture

    Let's dive in. Writing an essay about your culture includes 5 steps: Step 1. Plan how many words you want in each paragraph. When you know the exact number of words you need for an essay, planning the word count for each paragraph will be much easier. For example, a 300-word essay typically consists of five paragraphs and three key elements:

  13. How My Culture Influenced Me: [Essay Example], 514 words

    How My Culture Influenced Me. My culture has played a significant role in shaping my values, beliefs, and behaviors. As a member of the Hispanic community, I have been exposed to a rich tapestry of traditions, customs, and cultural practices that have left an indelible mark on my identity. In this essay, I will explore the ways in which my ...

  14. Guide to Writing a Culture Essay: Example Topics and Tips

    Pop culture essay topics. — The rise and fall of high school movies. — The appeal of K-dramas: the secret of global popularity. — How "Netflixing" as a consumer habit changes the ...

  15. What Does My Culture Mean To Me

    What Does My Culture Mean To Me. Satisfactory Essays. 200 Words. 1 Page. Open Document. After taking the assessment form, I scored 32 points, meaning that I have given thought to and are actively involved in talking and addressing some of the issues that was stated in the assessment. I think that this score is spot on for me, because I feel ...

  16. My Culture: What Makes Me Who I Am

    According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, culture is " the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time.". Culture is a very broad term, but in the Armenian community or race, it is the way you are supposed to live your life and the things you can or cannot do. There are certain rules and roles one has to take ...

  17. Mastering the Importance of Culture Essay: Pro Tips, Examples, and

    Paragraphs — if the essay is quite small (up to 500 words); Subheadings — if the essay is long enough (more than 500 words). For example, in Chloe's, each cultural component of cultural influence on human beings has a separate paragraph. Here are some additional tips for improving the body of the essay to receive an excellent grade for it:

  18. Essay My Personal Culture

    Essay My Personal Culture. Culture defines people's values, beliefs, and personal interests. Culture is important because it allows people to maintain a unique identity society. Many cultures have common interests, while others may have customs that differ greatly from that of another. Technology has had a huge impact on present day cultures.

  19. I Am Proud of My Cultural Identity: [Essay Example], 1139 words

    I am a strong Mexican American female from the south of San Antonio and I am proud that this is my cultural identity. A person's identity is shaped by many elements such as nationality, physical appearance, race, ethnic group, religion, and language. All of these elements may affect one's identity but only few of them affect them significantly.

  20. Indian Culture Essay in English

    200 Words Essay on Indian Culture. India is a land of diverse cultures, religions, languages, and traditions. The rich cultural heritage of India is a result of its long history and the various invasions and settlements that have occurred in the country. Indian culture is a melting pot of various customs and traditions, which have been passed ...

  21. 200 Words Essay Examples + Topic Ideas for a 200 Word Paragraph

    Find a suitable 200-words sample prompt below: The advantages and disadvantages of Facebook: paragraph 200 words. Discuss the pros and cons of Facebook. Its benefits can include networking, access to new information, and dating. Among the disadvantages are privacy issues, addiction, unnecessary criticism, etc.

  22. The Importance Of My Culture: [Essay Example], 833 words

    Culture plays a crucial role in shaping our identities, beliefs, values, and behaviors. It is a powerful force that influences how we perceive the world around us and interact with others. In today's globalized world, where cultures are increasingly intermingling, it is essential to recognize and celebrate the importance of one's own cultural ...

  23. Essay On My Country: Sample Essay in 150 & 200 Words

    Sample Essay On My Country in 200 words. India, my beloved nation, is a captivating tapestry of history, culture, and diversity. Nestled in South Asia, it spans a vast landscape, from the towering Himalayas in the north to the sun-kissed beaches of the south. India's essence lies in its unity in diversity, with a population that speaks ...