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Free IELTS Writing Essay✍️ Evaluation and Correction Service

Ann Smith

Updated On Dec 11, 2023

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Free IELTS Writing Essay✍️ Evaluation and Correction Service

IELTS Writing Prediction Questions for 2024

People are often confused about the quality of their answers for IELTS writing tasks, especially if they lack substantial experience regarding the requirements and standards of the IELTS examination. Candidates often look for IELTS writing evaluation sites online to get an idea of where they are standing in regards to their writing skills.

We at IELTSMaterial have realised the need for examiner style analysis of the writing tasks. For those of you out there, wondering why you are stuck in a 7.5 in the writing section and are looking for a reliable IELTS writing evaluation for your answers online, here is the solution.

Check for Topics

How to submit your essay for evaluation?

Step 1: select the topic of your choice.

Choose any of the task 2 essay questions given on the page and write your answer in not less than 250 words. Click here to choose topics.

Step 2: Write your essay for evaluation

There are two methods to submit your answer for evaluation.

  • If you have chosen to write on a topic that does not have a sample answer, then post it in the comments section below.
  • If you have chosen to write on a topic that already has a sample answer, click on the link, go to the respective page and submit your answer in the comments section of that page.

Step 3: When can you expect your assessment report?

One of our trainers will evaluate your answer in the same manner as the real exam, and you will receive your assessment report via email. Sometimes, your assessment report will be posted as a reply in the comments section.

Writing Task 2 Essay Topics

Given below are some oft-repeated questions in the IELTS. Research on essay ideas and topic related vocabulary to write an effective essay. Write an essay for any 1 topic which is given below, and post it in the comment section below.

  • Obesity is a serious problem in many countries, especially in rich countries. Discuss ways to solve the problem. Provide specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  • Some people think that the most important thing about being rich is it gives a person the opportunity to help other people. agree or disagree?
  • In some places, young people find it difficult to communicate with older people. Why is this? What are the solutions?
  • Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment; only governments and large companies can make a difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  • Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on young children. agree or disagree?


Topics with sample answers

Given below are some essay questions with sample band 9 answers by IELTS experts. Grab the essay ideas to frame your content. The sample answers may also help you understand the essay structure in a better manner. Click on any desired topic link below and write your essay on the comment section of that page.

  • Today the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not real needs of the society in which they are sold To what extend do you agree?
  • The best way to solve the environmental problems is to increase the price of fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
  • Some people say that in all levels of education; from primary schools to universities, too much time is spent on learning facts and not enough on learning a practical skill. Do you agree or disagree?
  • In many countries, the proportion of older people is steadily increasing. Does this trend have positive or negative effects on the society?
  • Improvements in health, education, and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations. However, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the poorer nations in such areas. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Here are some great tips for you to write a good essay

  • Beware of Task response: Don’t write beside the point
  • Please use a whole range of new words in the right context.
  • Divide your essay into 3-4 paragraphs and ensure logical flow.
  • Don’t make grammatical mistakes.

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Effective IELTS Essay Connectors for Writing Task 2 & Task 1

Ann Smith

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Posted on Jan 5, 2024

In today’s contemporary world, there is a debate among people that, the number of men and women who are accepted to universities should be same in every subject. In my following essay, I will totally disagree with this idea because of unsuitable subjects and tuition fees. Additionally, I will provide clear explanations for these reasons according to my own experience. On the one hand, some universities are based on single or particular subjects like military and medical. That is why, they accept students in various ways, in military universities, they test students’ physical status and strength. As a consequence, they have to receive more male students than female. In addition, students are hired to special jobs such as pilot or tank driver after they graduate these kinds of universities. Thus, women are rejected in most situations. Furthermore, universities which are specialized in art or design prefer to take girls rather than boys, because they believe that, girls are tended to learn their subjects easily and responsibleto their works. In addition, girls are good at creativity and comprehension. Therefore, if we look acceptance rate of these universities they give more grants to girls than boys every year. Moreover, in number of countries students have to pay tuitions for studying universities and universities announce price of fees in every year. Likewise, they have various cost according to faculties. Although, they give scholarships to their students, most girls are not able to pay for their tuition because of family condition and low salary. However, male can work after their studies, so they can pay their tuition fee independently. As a result, universities rather accepting more boys than girls because they want their students live without any problems while they are studying. For instance, two years ago, my sister applied to one university and after several weeks she received an email from university’s admission office. The email stated that, my sister was rejected because, she did not have a part-time job. In conclusion, some individuals believe that, universities ought to receive equal numbers of students in each subject. I firmly against this belief because of two reasons. They are unsuited subjects or fields and cost of tuitions.

IELTS Expert

IELTS Expert

Posted on Jan 6, 2024

Overall Band: 4.5
 There is limited and mechanical use of cohesive devices with some inaccuracy. Subordinate clauses are rare and simple sentences predominate. Cohesion between the sentences is missing and vocabulary used is limited. To Get a Detailed Evaluation, Unlock a FREE Expert-Led 1:1 Class here and Avail FREE BAND 9 Sample answer too.

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many manufactured food and drink products contain high levels of sugar which causes many health problems. sugary products should be more expensive to encourage people to consume less sugar. Do you agree or disagree Nowadays, some individuals are tempted by convenience food and drinks, which are high in sugar, sodium, and saturated fat which can result in numerous health difficulties. From my standpoint, The rise in the cost of prepared food might reduce their consumption while there are more effective ways to encourage people to eat healthier.

In today’s fast-paced world, Most people have busy schedules and limited time for meal preparation. As a consequence, they prefer eating convenience food rather than healthy meals which are required spending a great amount of time and a lot of energy to be prepared. It might be said that By rising in the price of these kinds of food people would be less interested in purchasing them however it is just a temporary way. For example, It might just influence an individual in a tight budget not wealthy people.

There are several significant methods to make a society avoid eating unhealthy food. For instance, by teaching children in primary school and making them aware of the demerits and drawbacks of prepackaged cuisine or sugary drinks, A majority of them might learn just to have nutritious food, control their cravings, and avoid consuming junk food, and low-nutrient food and unhealthy beverages and the sooner they adapt to this lifestyle, the fewer health issues they will face in the future. Moreover, It is crystal clear that advertising plays a pivotal role in this matter as it can bring people’s attention to either healthy or unhealthy diet especially when a renewed celebrity would encourage them to have a more significant impression on society’s decisions rather than just lifting the cost of prepackaged food.

In conclusion, While a majority of people are addicted to convenience food on the grounds of their limited time, It is of paramount importance to teach youngsters from the very beginning to choose the best diet and also promote healthy lifestyle through advertisements. I largely agree that These approaches are able to transform people’s attitude towards sugary products and convenience food more permanently which outweighs the effects of rising their prices.

Overall Band: 5.5
 Main ideas are relevant, but some are insufficiently developed and thus lack clarity, while some supporting arguments and evidence are generalised. There is a very limited use of cohesive devices with some inaccuracy. To Get more Insights on IELTS Writing,  Avail a FREE 1:1 Demo Class with Our Band 9 Expert here and Get Band 9 Sample answers FREE.

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There is a lot of pressure on young people today to succeed academically. As a result, some people believe that non-academic subjects, such as physical education and cookery, should be removed from the school syllabus so that children can concentrate on academic work.

To what extent do you agree or disagree? In the realm of todays education system, the young generation are being highly pressurized for having a good academic record has sparked a controversial debates. Advocates of this idea contend that some curriculum such as physical education and cookery ought to be removed as it encourage scholars to focus academically. This essay will strongly disagree with this point of view and further argue that pupils should get a balanced education including how to improve their personal skills. To begin with, subjects which teaches them about physical wellbeing holds significance as students are able to learn the importance of physical wellbeing. Additionally, It helps them to relax their busy and stressful mind. Moreover, healthy body is as crucial as healthy mind for one to have a desired goal. For example, If a child who is stuck in college and schools tuition get a chance to exercise for the certain period then he can relax his brain, improve his fitness and can better concentrate on his other subjects. Secondly, students must learn to perform general task such as cooking to uplift their individual skills for better future. Having said that these task prepare one to be independent for the future aspect. For example, if a pupil willing to receive a better education in abroad knows some basic skills such as cooking or basic electrical skills it would be huge benefit for him over there as he is away from family. In conclusion, subjects which are not included in academic categories are equally important because these fields boost the children skills, health status and prepare them for future. So, I strongly believe that non academics subjects should not be withdrawn from schools curriculum.

Overall Band: 4.5
 There is a limited and mechanical use of cohesive devices with some inaccuracy. Subordinate clauses are rare and simple sentences predominate. To Get a Detailed Evaluation, Unlock a FREE Expert-Led 1:1 Class here and Avail FREE BAND 9 Sample answer too.

To what extent do you agree or disagree? n the realm of todays education system, the young generation are being highly pressurized for having a good academic record has sparked a controversial debates. Advocates of this idea contend that some curriculum such as physical education and cookery ought to be removed as it encourage scholars to focus academically. This essay will strongly disagree with this point of view and further argue that pupils should get a balanced education including how to improve their personal skills. To begin with, subjects which teaches them about physical wellbeing holds significance as students are able to learn the importance of physical wellbeing. Additionally, It helps them to relax their busy and stressful mind. Moreover, healthy body is as crucial as healthy mind for one to have a desired goal. For example, If a child who is stuck in college and schools tuition get a chance to exercise for the certain period then he can relax his brain, improve his fitness and can better concentrate on his other subjects. Secondly, students must learn to perform general task such as cooking to uplift their individual skills for better future. Having said that these task prepare one to be independent for the future aspect. For example, if a pupil willing to receive a better education in abroad knows some basic skills such as cooking or basic electrical skills it would be huge benefit for him over there as he is away from family. In conclusion, subjects which are not included in academic categories are equally important because these fields boost the children skills, health status and prepare them for future. So, I strongly believe that non academics subjects should not be withdrawn from schools curriculum.

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Posted on Jan 4, 2024

Hi ,I sent my writing for you here

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In some places ,young people find it difficult to communicate with older people. Why is this ? What are the solutions?

The world and interactions between young and old people have become extremely difficult. Because of the difference in generation and age. Therefore, it is solved when the young help them and the elderly give the young their experiences.

To begin with, youngsters prefer keeping in touch with their friends.The youth, because of their low ages, like being more active. As well, elderly people suffer from a lack of energy, which causes them to not have interaction with the youth. In addition, some of them have different illnesses. For example, it has been seen that old people gather alongside each other in the parks and young people are not with them. Because they might not be capable of doing things, such as youth.

Moreover, more interaction between them is created when the young help the old. Furthermore, volunteering for responsibilities related to the elderly by the young causes their relationship to increase. In addition, using the experiences of elderly people by the young is a good idea for closing them to each other. For example, the young can help old people by shopping for their goods, and they respect old people through these activities. As well, elderly people can guide youngsters and give them some advice for their goals. Therefore, these activities cause them to be near each other.

In conclusion, although the relationship between youngsters and elderly people is not deep,I can be solved when the young respect the old and the elderly share their experiences with the young.

Overall Band: 3 Writer has not achieved the task response, answer for the second question is not completed.Main ideas are difficult to identify and such ideas that are identifiable lack relevance, clarity and support. Large parts of the response are repetitive. Relationships between ideas is unclear and inadequately marked. There is some use of basic cohesive devices, which is mechanical.

To Get more Insights on IELTS Writing, Avail a FREE 1:1 Demo Class with Our Expert Trainer here and Get a FREE BAND 9 Sample answer too.

Posted on Jan 3, 2024

Question: It is inevitable that traditional cultures will be lost as technology develops. Technology and traditional cultures are incompatible. To what extend do you agree or disagree? In this modern era, technological advancement has led to destruction of many traditional cultures. Some people arques that technology and tradition could not go side by side whereas other claims that it is possible to preserve ones ancient cultural aspect despite development in technology This essay will delve into reasons why these two aspects are not compatible with one another. To begin with, each passing day human behavior’s as well their needs ins are changing. In order to exist and fit in this world they prefer modern applications, as these appliances makes their work faster and easier rather than traditional machines For example, nowadays farmer uses modern tactors to plough field as ploughing by oxes consumes more time and efforts. Secondly, technological advancement has changed world into small villages. People can learn about others culture and can get easily influenced by them. They tend to think their own tradition as an old fashioned which will eventually lead to extinction. Additionally, todays generation has become more competitive and profit based. Using old techniques one could not compete to others which results in opting old ways for more advance techniques. For instance hand woven clothes takes huge amount of labor as well as patience so they are quite expensive However, modern machines produce hundreds and hundreds of clothes within a day and are comparatively cheaper. In conclusion, in this generation traditional cultures do not allow individuals to create a meaningful impact on their life as well as on society, so people prefer advance technology to earn name and fame. Thus these two aspects could not coexist with one another as following technological advancement is need of this era.

Overall Band: 5.5 Main ideas are relevant, but some are insufficiently developed and thus lack clarity, while some supporting arguments and evidence are not present. There is a limited use of cohesive devices with some inaccuracy.

To Get more Insights on IELTS Writing, Avail a FREE 1:1 Demo Class with Our Band 9 Expert here and Get Band 9 Sample answers FREE.

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The number of advertisements for charities on television and the Internet seems to be increasing. What is causing this? Is this a positive or negative development? In the contemporary epoch, advertisements are effective tools for public awareness about various social and other causes. recently, individuals have seen an increase in ads promoting charitable institutes. because it has a direct impact on donors, so, they have become aware of charitable trusts, also, people get faith that their money is used for a particular place, In my opinion, this is favourable development that is beneficial all .

To begin with, voluntary organizations promote their ads on social media and television hence charitable trusts smoothly attract people to help and donate money to needy people and animals, moreover, donating money to causes advertised on the internet,which is a hassle-free process, that requires only one click on payment transfer application, additionally, people can easily connect with the non-profit foundation through visual and distal platforms, this type platforms through donor freely verify beneficiary address and contact, so , donors can know about donated money.

In my overview, this is a positive advancement because it is helpful to society, this type of campaign directly connects donors, consequences, eliminating middlemen so helpers can smoothly connect with this type of foundation, such as , I have seen numerous charities advertised on Instagram, which is helped stray dogs and poor people in which many people are with contribute and donating money without hesitation.

To sum up, it is a fact currently charity trust ads are increasing on social media platforms because it budget-friendly and effective in attracting people, it is helpful for society and provide good platforms for donation

Overall Band: 4.5 There may be limited use of cohesive devices with some inaccuracy. Subordinate clauses are rare and simple sentences predominate.

To Get a Detailed Evaluation, Unlock a FREE Expert-Led 1:1 Class here and Avail FREE BAND 9 Sample answer too.

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Disclaimer This tool should be seen as a guide rather than a definitive score. Just like human reviewers, AI can be subjective, and the score provided may be accurate within 75%-95% when compared with an official IELTS score. Use this tool to complement your study, but not as a substitute for professional assessment or official IELTS grading.

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Say hello to our cutting-edge, AI-driven IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Checker, designed to transform your test preparation experience! This innovative online tool provides instant and free correction and evaluation of your IELTS essays, ensuring you’re on the right track to success.

Our advanced AI technology meticulously assesses your writing, delivering comprehensive feedback and invaluable insights to help you excel in both IELTS Academic and General Training. With this powerful assessment tool at your fingertips, you can confidently hone your writing skills and achieve your desired IELTS score.

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Ielts writing corrections and coaching..

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I have been teaching IELTS since 2009 and I noticed that most students struggle with the writing tasks. This is because many students do not have a reliable IELTS teacher to show them what mistakes they are making and students have unrealistic expectations, such as aiming for a Band 7 from a Band 6 with only one week to practice.

See this video here about having realistic expectations before you book your exam.

Many students do not get accurate feedback on their writing.

  • Are you still making the same mistakes again and again in your writing?
  • Are you still struggling to get past Band 6 in your essays?
  • Maybe you are tired of getting different advice from different teachers.
  • Good feedback on your writing is crucial if you want to see where you are going wrong.

I can help you hit your target score in IELTS writing

  • I will show you exactly what mistakes you are making and give you suggestions for improving your grammar and vocabulary.
  • Through this correction service, you will get personal feedback on your writing and you can contact me personally by email if you have any questions or problems.
  • Your essay will be marked according to the official IELTS marking criteria: Task Response, Coherence, and Cohesion, Lexical Resource, Grammatical range, and accuracy.
  • You will get detailed feedback and a Band score for each of the criteria. You will also get video feedback showing what areas you need to fix.
  • The corrections include a Band 8+ model answer essay to compare with.
  • This all includes links to resources and lessons online showing you how to fix your weak points in writing.

How does it work? What happens when you purchase this service?

  • You will get a PDF with a list of writing task 2 questions and writing task 1 (general and academic)
  • Choose the task you want to write about and email your writing back to me in your own time.
  • I will clean it up and correct it with detailed feedback, suggestions on grammar and vocabulary, a Band score for each criteria, advice on how to improve, and a model answer. Then It will be emailed back to you in PDF format within 36 hours
  • You will get 4 to 5 pages of feedback (includes corrections, band scores, and model answer)
  • You will also get free links to lessons showing you how to improve on your weak points in writing.
  • Video feedback is included using Loom video software ( 15-minute feedback video )
  • Through this process you can fix your weak areas and feel confident in reaching your target Band score.

Can I see a sample of a correction?

Yes, Click here to see a sample of an essay from a student who was stuck at band 6. It includes band scores and a model answer with video feedback.


> click here to see the testimonials <, how do i purchase.

Click the blue ‘Buy Now’ button and you will see a popup window, then enter your address. Next, you will see 2 payment methods, you have a choice of either paying by PayPal or by Credit Card / Debit Card. Either enter your credit card / debit card details or click the PayPal button. This transaction is 100% safe and secure .

ielts essay correction service free

Once you purchase you will get an email with an order number and a link where you can download the example task questions. Choose a question, write your essay, email it back to me and I will get to work on correcting it. This package will contain detailed written and video feedback, a clean up of grammar, suggestions for improvement, recommended links, Band scores, and a model essay.

All prices are in US Dollars.

If you have any questions email: [email protected], make sure you prepare well before booking the exam. watch this video first before purchasing.

Note: If you are purchasing one correction it means just one,  not a task 1 and a task 2. So choose either to send an essay or a task 1.

IELTS writing correction service

Email: [email protected] for the payment link

ielts essay correction service free

Does one correction include writing task 1 and writing task 2?

No , it means one piece of writing. Either choose writing task 1 or writing task 2. For example, if you purchase 3 corrections that means only 3 pieces of writing. So for example, you could choose to send me two essays and one task 1 report.

Is my information secure on your site?

When you pay for this service it will go through a special secure payment gateway. This is 100% safe and secure, your payment does not get processed through this website. I do not keep any of your personal information apart from your email address and name, which is never shared with anyone and I never send spam. I do not have any record of your credit card number. This is processed through a special secure payment platform (Stripe or Paypal) and used by them only.

Can I pay with PayPal or cryptocurrency?

Yes, PayPal is an option, once you have entered your address just click the PayPal button. All prices are in US Dollars. If you wish to pay with crypto please email us to arrange that.

Do you correct general and academic essays?

Yes, both types are corrected (general and academic essays are the same actually), also writing task 1 general and academic.

Can I send you essays on different days?

Yes, I recommend sending one essay first, waiting for the feedback then send the next essay. This way you will learn from my corrections.

When do I have to send you the essays?

You can send in your essays anytime you like, it is flexible… but weekends tend to be busy so it’s best to send them during the week.

How long will it take to get my corrected essay back?

You will get your corrected essay back within 36 hours . However, if you email the essay on a Saturday it won’t be returned until Monday as we are closed on Sundays.

Where can I get the IELTS task questions?

When you make a purchase you can then download a PDF with many questions that cover IELTS academic task 1 and task 2 as well as IELTS general. Please use the tasks from this PDF . If you use your own tasks make sure they are not from a fake IELTS website.  They should be from Cambridge or a trusted IELTS source , such as IELTS.org or the British Council.

Can I use my own questions?

Yes, as mentioned in the answer above but they have to be IELTS questions from official IELTS sources such as ielts.org or official Cambridge IELTS exam books. If you do not have these then please choose a question from the PDF that you get when you purchase.

Can you guarantee a Band 7 or 8?

No, nobody can guarantee a high band score , be careful of any school promising a high IELTS score. The purpose of the correction service is to show you what mistakes you are making and guide you in the right way. The correction service includes valuable feedback and an overall band score for each of the marking criteria. It also includes a model answer which is there to show you how a good essay is structured and what the examiner is looking for.

I am stuck at Band 5.5, my test is soon so can I get a Band 7 in two weeks?

No , jumping from a Band 5.5 to a Band 7 will take time and effort. You have to be realistic and you need to work on your weak points to improve. This takes a while. The learning process may take many months, it depends on your motivation levels and your study schedule. From a Band 6.5 to Band 7 is more realistic in a shorter period, as long as you work hard on fixing your weak areas. See this video here

Do I get video feedback?

Yes, I will upload a private video accessible to you only with extra detailed feedback and I walk you through the corrections. These are usually around 15 minutes long.

If there are any questions not listed, please email me at  [email protected]

Many Thanks

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IELTS Writing Correction

Learn to write error-free IELTS essays and reports. Our examiners and teachers will correct all your mistakes and give estimated band score and effective tips.


Improve Your IELTS Writing!

Do you feel as though writing IELTS essays doesn’t come naturally to you? You’re not alone! Writing is a skill, not a talent, which means that you CAN improve with guidance and preparation. Let Benchmark’s IELTS Writing Correction Service help you boost your writing skills. You’ll receive everything you need to get a 7 or higher band score on the IELTS writing exam, both Task 1 (Letter/Graph) and Task 2 (Essay).

Sample Corrected IELTS Writing Tasks

See for yourself how our experts give an evaluation of these corrected student tasks - IELTS Writing Task 1 and Task 2 for IELTS Academic and IELTS General.


IELTS Writing Correction & Feedback

Let Benchmark IELTS Writing Correction Service help you boost your writing skills. With IELTS Writing Correction, you’ll receive everything you need to get a 7 or higher band score on the IELTS writing exam, both Task 1 (Letter/Graph) and Task 2 (Essay).

  • We can help you predict your band
  • We’ll give your essay an assessment for the format, grammar, sentence structure, etc. to help you make corrections and improve your band score
  • You’ll get personalized constructive feedback
  • You’ll get tips and suggestions to help you as you practice, guaranteed on every IELTS essay you submit.

Let Our Professional Team Work for You

Benchmark’s professional IELTS Writing Task 1 & Task 2 Evaluation Team has read thousands of IELTS academic and general essays, letters, and reports from all over the world. Our team includes past IELTS examiners and teachers who have taught thousands of lessons, so we know what material IELTS examiners are looking for in your IELTS writing tasks.

Here’s a list of ways we can help you:

  • We can help you predict your writing band score
  • Well give your essay an assessment for format, grammar, sentence structure, etc. to help you make corrections and improve your band score
  • You'll get personalized constructive feedback on your writing tasks with online IELTS writing task checker
  • You’ll get tips and suggestions to help you as you practice, guaranteed on every IELTS essay, letter or report you submit.

You will be able to study smarter, not harder, and succeed on your essays with our feedback!

Don’t get stuck in a loop taking the IELTS writing exam again and again! Improve your writing score today with Benchmarks proven Writing Correction Service.

Our Packages

Quick return, super value.

*Please allow an extra 24 hours for handwritten or scanned tasks.

*Submit tasks at your own pace within one year, either gradually (at your own pace) or all at once.

*Essays submitted on Saturday and Sunday may take a few additional hours to return.

AliPay & WeChat Pay Here

Why Choose Us?

Why Chooose

Catching mistakes in your own IELTS sample essay is almost impossible when engaging in IELTS writing checking. When you read your own IELTS Task 1 or Task 2, your brain naturally substitutes what you intended to say instead of what you actually wrote. In general, it is difficult to make your own corrections and give your essay a good evaluation before the IELTS exam.

Also, you may not be sure of exactly what the IELTS essay topic means, or how to clearly organize and structure your essay. It is much easier and quicker to let trained examiners do the evaluation, spot each error you might have made and give you feedback.

It is tempting to turn to a generic sample study guide or a free online writing courses and lessons before the exam. You might find online samples of IELTS band 9 essays and other practice materials for students. They may help, but they can’t help you pinpoint where your own essay needs corrections – whether it’s grammar, correct essay structure, coherence, word choice, responding to the essay topic, complete sentences, and so on.

Benchmark’s IELTS tutors are experts at locating your most common mistakes and giving you the assessment and feedback you need to improve your essays. No matter what’s holding you back from achieving a high band score in the writing part of IELTS, we’ve got you covered with our online IELTS Writing Correction Service!

Hesitations? Try a Trial Task Correction

Give us a try and see how our online feedback can help you with your IELTS writing exam! Our IELTS essay correction trial lets you test us out by submitting one task for a small fee before purchasing a more complete package.

We believe in our system, and we’re sure that you’ll be so impressed with your trial experience that youll return for even more constructive feedback on your sample essays and other writing tasks. Our four-task and eight-task  packages  will allow you to see your IELTS writing improve with practice and with each submitted task and read for the exam.

Be sure to look through the online sample tasks with corrections above and send us your practice task today! Let us prove that we can give you the feedback you need to score well in IELTS writing tasks.

Don’t Leave It To Chance!

The IELTS isn’t just an English test; it’s the gateway to your future. Be proactive - don’t leave your future success to chance! Strategic preparation is important, so choose the right writing correction package today and give yourself the IELTS advantage you need to take the first step toward the rest of your life.

What Exactly Does Benchmark’s Writing Correction Service Provide?

At Benchmark, our expert team of past IELTS examiners and ESL/IELTS tutors read your essays and sample writing tasks as IELTS examiners would. They will project a writing band score for you based on criteria such as task response, coherence, grammar, and vocabulary.

In addition, our examiners will give you specific feedback about your errors on the writing tasks. If your essay was off topic, they will give you tips on how to make your essay relevant to the task. Maybe you made mistakes in grammar – prepositions, tenses, or passive voice. If the part you struggled with the most was sentence structure, their lessons will also help you with word choice and clarity.

You will receive your IELTS essay back with detailed corrections and suggestions, along with tips on how to improve. This personalized feedback enables you to study and practice the writing problems with which you struggle most.

Tips for Different IELTS Writing Topics

Benchmark’s Writing Correction Service helps you do much more than just fix your mistakes in English!

Essay Topics

Our IELTS Academic & IELTS General students learn not only what they’re doing wrong, but also how they can improve their essays through our tailor-made tips for different IELTS essay topics. Our lessons help you will learn how to identify the different kinds of essay topics you may receive (agree/disagree, discuss, advantages/disadvantages, two parts).

Improve Your IELTS Score

ielts essay correction service free

IELTS Letter Types

Similarly, you will learn to recognize how IELTS letter types are different (formal/semi-formal/informal) and what vocabulary and structure to use when writing General IELTS tasks. This will help you immensely as you practice the writing part.

Academic Task 1 Topics

You’ll also see the differences between Academic Task 1 topics (bar graph, line graph, picture, pie chart, flow diagram, etc.) and what information to include so you can impress the examiner.

When you see your IELTS essays improve with every submitted task, your confidence as an IELTS General or IELTS Academic candidate will increase tenfold.

What Do You Get Back When You Submit a Writing Sample?

  • All your writing errors will be highlighted, and corrections added by our examiners.
  • You’ll receive a detailed writing assessment with comments and feedback personalized for the way you write. We’ll give you suggestions and tips to help you avoid making the same mistakes again.
  • Your IELTS writing evaluation will be undertaken by trainers familiar with the latest IELTS scoring system. They will provide you with an estimated band in each of the four criteria
  • You’ll get a detailed explanation of your  estimated score.
  • And finally, they will give you suggestions on how you can further improve your IELTS essay and writing as you practice, so you will make fewer mistakes in the future..

How the Benchmark IELTS Writing Correction Service Works

This service works in 3 easy steps:

Step 1  - Choose from one of our three service packages ( Priority ,  Advantage  or  Trial ) listed below. Purchase the best online package for you based on your individual needs.

Step 2  - Write your practice task essays, letters, and reports according to the IELTS writing exam guidelines. We recommend simulating the test times and exam environment as completely as possible when writing your essay.

Step 3  - Send your writing tasks to us for feedback by following the submission instructions you received by email. Be sure to check your Spam folder in your computer if you do not receive an email from us after purchasing your desired package.

Now We Take Over!

We’ll check sample IELTS writing essay and send it back to you, with corrections and feedback, detailed comments, and your projected band score within 1 to 3 days, depending on your package selection. It’s that easy with writing evaluation IELTS!

Your Writing Will Be Professionally Scored According to IELTS Standards

The Benchmark IELTS Writing Correction Service is run by a team of ESL teachers and past IELTS examiners with ESL background and extensive IELTS exam assessment experience, especially in the writing sub-test. We have IELTS writing checker to check your practice IELTS essay and grade it on a computer according to best IELTS standards while comparing it against the IELTS writing topics. We’ll estimate your predicted IELTS writing band score and suggest corrections, including grammar tips, so you can realize your aim to earn a higher band in IELTS Academic or IELTS General. This is the best way to improve your score with writing checker for IELTS.

Absolutely! The format for IELTS Writing is the same for both IELTS paper and computer-delivered IELTS exam. So, our writing feedback works perfectly for both paper and computer format.

Yes, because we want to make it as easy as possible for students to receive our writing feedback service! You can also pay via bank transfer or Western Union. We also accept AliPay and WeChat payments for IELTS test takers from China. Just contact [email protected] and we will provide you with more details.

Your credit / debit card company will automatically convert the US dollars into your local currency, so you don’t need to worry about anything.

When we say "task", we mean the IELTS Writing Task 1 (letter or report) or the Task 2 Essay, but not both. For example, in a package of 8, you can send 8 essays, or 8 letters/reports, or 4 integrated writings and 4 independent writings, or any other combination of 8 tasks in total.

You can type on a computer your IELTS Academic or IELTS General practice essay as a Microsoft Word document or as a plain text file. Essays can be attached and emailed to the designated email address. Also, if you purchase the Priority package service, you also have the option of handwriting your Task 1 and Task 2 writings, scanning, or taking a photo of them, and then sending us the image. Please note, however, that handwritten essays will take an additional day to be checked and returned.

Clients who choose the Advantage or Trial packages will get their Task 1 and Task 2 writings back with corrections and comments within 3 days . If you have chosen the Priority package service, you will receive your writing tasks back in only 1 day! (Please note that tasks sent in on the weekends could take a few more hours to return). We will return your essays with corrections, comments, suggestions, and your estimated score back to the email address you provided when you purchased your desired package. Don't forget to check your email account’s spam folder!

All of the writing packages are valid up to one year from the day you purchased our service. This provides a student with plenty of time to write and submit multiple IELTS Task 1 and Task 2 writings before the exam - so you can take the necessary time to absorb the feedback, and so your online preparation for the IELTS exam won’t be rushed.

Not at all! You can submit them one by one online, or as many of your writing Task 1 and Task 2 essays at one time as you like.

We do! Our experience is not only limited to the IELTS exam. We are happy to check essays written for the OET , TOEFL , PTE , GRE, GMAT exam or for personal statements.

We're glad you asked! Our writing correction services are personalized to YOUR needs. We won’t give you some standardized writing tips or a checklist of common mistakes. Instead, we pinpoint YOUR specific shortcomings and give personalized advice, feedback and support on how to address them before exam.

Please don't hesitate to email us at [email protected] with any of your questions about our online writing correction service. We check our email regularly, and your concerns are important to us. We’re always happy to hear from you!

  • Reliability
  • Affordability

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IELTS Essay Writing Correction Service

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Expert feedback to help you improve!

Step by step instructions, how does our ielts essay correction service work.

  • Buy the essay correction pack you need.
  • On the ‘thank-you’ page you will find your essay question(s).
  • Type your essay answer and then send it to us (remember to check it for mistakes!).
  • Our team of native English speaking Ex-IELTS Examiners review your essay. We cover all four criteria: lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, cohesion and coherence and task response.
  • We send you your own video essay correction for you to review (see below).
  • From experience we know that getting feedback is the fastest way to improve your essay writing skills.

1. Buy the essay correction service you need.

2. Email your IELTS essay(s).

3. Within 24h you will get a complete essay correction, covering all criteria, and how to score higher.

ielts essay correction service free

Thank you Ellen and Ben for the course and feedback. :)” Laura finally achieved band 7 in writing after 8 tries!!

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2 months back I was barely getting 5.5 in almost anything even though I studied in English throughout my academic curriculum Today I proudly would like to share my marks with you . I got 7.5 in listening, 7.5 in reading, 7 in Speaking and 6.5 in Writing. Thank you very much Mr. Ben for bringing me here this far!

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Today I received my IELTS CBT test results and I am glad to inform that I received band scores L-8.5, R-8, S-7, and  W-7.5  with a total band score of 8.   Thank you very much for all the help you did which allowed me to achieve the band scores that I required to apply for my Canadian PR, please also convey my regards to Ben as well.

Who corrects your essay?

All our essay correctors are EX-IELTS Examiners.

Native English Speakers.

Over 20 years of experience in teaching.

Previously trained by IELTS IDP / British Council.

They work on IELTS essay corrections and also give feedback on the online course.

Feedback and Improvement for passing IELTS

Why choose IELTSPodcast?

You’ll receive expert feedback from experienced ex-IELTS examiners.

Detailed, professional, and personalised feedback within 24 hours .

You will discover mistakes you had no idea you were making and have each exam criteria explained and evaluated.

Our Essay Correction Packages

20 essay corrections, single essay correction (task 1 & 2), 9 essay corrections, all online courses + 8 essay corrections.

View our sample essay correction feedback so that you know what to expect from our service.


  • You have email support at every step
  • Your essay correction is a video, so you get to HEAR what your tutor is thinking
  • Discover mistakes you had no idea you were making.
  • Each exam component explained and evaluated
  • Task Response evaluated and guidance given on how to improve
  • Fast turnaround time
  • Cohesion and Coherence analysed with immediate feedback.
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy: Mistakes not only identified but corrections and suggestions given to push further improvements.
  • Lexical Resource reviewed and suggestions given to improve.

If you don’t find your answers below, please contact us .

Which IELTS Writing evaluation should I buy?

We have different packages to help you improve. The $19 single trial is useful if you have an exam coming up soon and you want quick feedback on exam and language mistakes in your writing. The full packages are suitable if you have a week or more to prepare and focus on your IELTS preparation…

Can I choose my own essay questions?

For the single essay correction packages, we don’t mind if you choose your own questions, but for the other packages, please follow our instructions.

How long will it take for me to get my feedback?

Our correctors work 6 days a week and we will return your essays within 24 hours but please take into consideration time zone differences.

Can I send a handwritten essay for correction?

No hand written essays. You can submit your work via email as an ms word document, a copy paste into the email, or a google doc, we are quite flexible.  

Do you offer refunds?

Yes of course! If the essay correction did meet your expectations.

Will this essay correction service improve my writing?

Absolutely yes!

Our tutors will explain the correct use of each word used incorrectly, you will hear them talk you through their logic and writing evaluation. You will also get a more correct word choice suggested for you, to help you in the next essay you write.

We see students improve quickly after getting into a habit of writing a few essays each week. We absolutely encourage, applaud, and motivate this momentum because it is one of the most powerful and easiest way for students reach their desired band score. 

Your corrected essay video is returned within 24 hours and details exactly what steps you need to take to get your target score and improve your IELTS skills. The detailed feedback covers all four areas of the writing section: task response, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, and cohesion and coherence.

Do you need an IELTS writing correction service?

Writing is often claimed to be the hardest IELTS test subject. This is because reviewing your own work has its limits especially compared to obtaining professional feedback.

The IELTS Podcast writing correction service enables students to improve their English language writing ability while also improving their specific IELTS exam skills.

The IELTS tests can be expensive and it is much wiser to know your level before entering the exam.

Begin with sentence structures that are more familiar to you, our  online course  has a an entire framework of high scoring sentences for you to use. 

Grammar mistakes can be made and in sentences without even realizing it. Also the same grammar mistakes will be repeated over and over again unless someone can spot them. Using an IELTS essay correction service such as the one here helps improving writing skills.

How else can I improve my essay writing for the IELTS test?

Band 9 sample essays are available  here , these are useful to get an idea as to what the examiner wants. Writing these out, word for word is a great, inexpensive way to improve your own IELTS essays. 

Academic language is often found in scientific or formal writing such as governmental announcements. Writing for the IELTS exam involves writing in the same academic style, formal style. A full guide is available  here , but in brief it includes no contractions, formal sentence structures, and an academic vocabulary. 

Most online tests will help you improve somewhat but they will most likely test your ability to spot errors or your own grammatical knowledge. However, this may not be so useful when it comes to evaluating your own writing.

One of the best ways to find out if you are writing in an academic style is to get feedback on your writing, get it evaluated by an IELTS expert  here . You can also compare your writing to the essays available  here . 

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The helpful tutors often share real examples and ideas while correcting your essay.

ielts essay correction service free

The writing task was the real problem for me. I was at band score 6.5 and needed to score higher in order to immigrate. Ben, Ellen, and Daphne reviewed my writing skills, set me new writing tasks. This was money well spent.

academic success

The essay correction package gave me a lot of ways to improve. After sending my essays I got a lot of answers and sample model essays of how I was supposed to write. With these I found new ways to improve and answer the tasks questions. My vocabulary score also improved because I got new suggestions with each essay corrected.

Correcting essays since 2012. All native English speakers. All Ex-IELTS examiners specialised in English for academic purposes (EAP).

Every month we interview students who have successfully passed the IELTS exam, either with our essay correction service or with our online IELTS course.

100% Human correction, although computer corrections are cheap they are far from perfect. We’ve even seen grammar errors on their home page!

How do I pay?

All our payments are secured by a third party credit card processor,  Stripe,  who encrypt all the card details while communicating with your credit card processor. In our six years of accepting credit card payments through Stripe and Paypal we have never had any incident of fraud or lost data. Your transactions are safe. Test takers can rest assured the transaction is 100% safe and secure.

Who owns IELTS?

Cambridge ESOL, the British Council, and IDP education are joint owners of the IELTS exam. They also own the trademark IELTS.

IELTSPodcast, or our evaluation service and professional practices are not affiliated approved or endorsed by any of the above organisations. Our essay correction service for IELTS students preparing for the writing test is wholly independent.

Free essay check

What is an essay checker.

Essay checking websites can give you some personalized writing help when you need to improve your writing score.

Many essay checkers are convenient, easy to use, and includes access to a grammar and spell checker, plus a plagiarism checker. With a single scan, you’ll receive personalized feedback to help identify problems and help improve your sentence structure, punctuation, grammar, and more. There are many different essay checker services available online , some free and many requiring subscription payments.

Why use an essay checker?

While it’s easy to practice reading and listening tests online to get an accurate score, the challenge with IELTS writing is that usually you need to get feedback from an IELTS expert, and either there is a limit to how many essays you can submit, or you need to pay for feedback. Here at IELTS Podcast we certainly recommend getting extra help with essay feedback and you can access our free IELTS essay marking service here – however, it’s often useful to get extra help from an essay checker when you are practicing your writing skills.

A Grammar Check for an improved Grammar score

How to improve your writing? You know that grammar plays a significant role in your IELTS essays. Not only does it factor into your overall grade, but without clear and precise language, your ideas can lose their impact or might even be misunderstood entirely. Still, with so many different parts of speech and rules to learn and apply to your writing, it’s not uncommon to get them mixed up.

An essay checker could help you. Scanning your paper with one of these free online essay check resources can check for grammar, spelling and other errors to help improve the sentence structure and style of your writing. Not only can this help ensure that you don’t get a lower grammar score for grammatical errors such as mismatched verb tense, but it can also help to clarify your meaning and strengthen your arguments by eliminating confusing punctuation and run-on sentences that confuse readers.

Reviewing your work to correct errors and refine the flow of your writing is a critical part of the revision process for all IELTS candidates. Even the best students might make mistakes, such as using a conjunctive adverb in place of a coordinating conjunction or pairing a plural determiner with an uncountable word. That’s why essay check websites are designed for all writers. In the IELTS writing test, for task 2, expressing your thoughts, ideas, and opinions is an uphill battle when you communicate them with less-than-stellar punctuation, spelling, and grammar. A missing or misplaced comma, for example, can entirely change your meaning. Checking grammar in your writing, your sentences become more clear and precise. Contrastingly, skipping the grammar check can leave your meaning up to interpretation.

ielts essay correction service free

How does an IELTS essay check work? (free vs paid service)

Once you upload an essay to the essay checker, the online IELTS essay checker scans your text and highlights IELTS essay issues within your document so you can see it in context.

For users running a free IELTS essay check , you will get an estimate of all four criteria score, premium users get a more detailed explanation.

Your feedback will include detailed explanations so you can understand why the text was flagged. Other highlighted areas will include examples of how the issues can be fixed.

Is an essay checker worth it?

Definitely. you can get a rough estimate of where you are and what you need to work on, instantly..

There’s no denying that IELTS revision can be challenging at times, and you probably also have other academic work or a job to fit in as well. It can be challenging to get everything done on time.

When you proofread and do a manual spelling check on work that you’ve written, you’re more likely to overlook mistakes. This is even more likely if you’re pressed for time or trying to complete several different assignments at once. There are tricks to help minimize this, such as reading your work aloud to identify poor grammar or reading each sentence backward to find spelling errors. When time is of the essence, though, these solutions aren’t the most convenient or useful options. That’s why many students seek the assistance of online tools that will run a grammar and plagiarism check on your work.

“ How do I check my IELTS essay online ?” Some checkers can help you find and correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. Our targeted feedback and free writing and citing resources help you learn as you go to improve your writing over time and this can help improve your spelling, sentence structure, punctuation, writing style, and grammar.

Why do so many essay checker sites mention plagiarism?

When you are completing an essay for school or university, you will carry out some research and have to summarise all your ideas. Although this will not be the case with most IELTS essays, as they are completed under timed test conditions, if you are assigned an essay for homework you must make sure that you do not copy any other person’s work.

You will obviously focus on the grammar checker support for your IELTS essays but if you use these essay check tools for any other course you are taking, you should always be aware of the importance of a plagiarize check – you might have memorised phrases from the research material without realising and writing it as if it is your own could lead to serious trouble.

Depending on the circumstances, academic dishonesty could result in outcomes such as:

  • You might get a zero for the assignment in which the infringement occurred.
  • You may receive a failing grade for the class. If it is a required course, this could leave you without enough credits to move on to the next level until you can repeat it and, in some instances, postpone graduation.
  • You may be expelled from your school or university.
  • The academic dishonesty may be noted on your transcript, which can lead to you not getting into your preferred college, graduate school, or Ph.D. program in the future.

Therefore, whatever type of essay you are writing, make sure you do not plagiarize any part of it.

114 Responses

Hi BEN, thank you for responding to my email. Hoping that you could help me with my situation right now. I really want to reach the needed band score that I am aiming for, but I cannot afford your services right now. Can you help me out just once.

Hai , i would like to join ,i am new to ielts.how can i join ?i need to fix my task 1 nd 2 . expecting your valuable replay through my email. Thank you

Thanks for getting in touch.

You can buy our $19 Single Essay Correction for one Task 1 AND one Task 2 IELTS essay here: https://sso.teachable.com/secure/110644/checkout/1709191/single-essay-correction

I strongly believe that human beings are keen learners and they would not want to miss on any opportunity of adding skills to themselves.

I agree to the statement that Children are more successful in foreign language studies and there are many reasons to that. First and foremost, children are full of energy and enthusiasm. They are always curious about their surroundings and look forward to learn and absorb new things around them. Looking at this attitude of children, the primary schools have started offering foreign language courses at this young age. This becomes part of their normal studies curriculum and it does not even make them feel that they are doing anything additional to their regular course. The second reason behind agreeing to this statement is that they are fearless and are not as conscious as adults. Since they are on a learning journey, they are not afraid of making mistakes. This attitude gives a boost to their hunger of increasing their knowledge. They tend to enjoy practising with their classmates whenever get time during school hours or even after that.

On the other hand, these days I have come across many adults too who are keen to learn foreign language. There are various options available to inculcate this skill – online and offline. In my professional network of friends, there are people who want to add this skillset to increase their value in the job market. Nowadays, people work remotely and for different countries sitting in their native place and hence knowing a foreign language expands their horizon. Also, there are scenarios where people have moved to different countries and in-order to be one amongst them, they try to know and understand their language. It is always easy to converse in the local language.

I would like to summarise this by stating that children are fast learners not only for foreign languages but for any other skill which we offer them.

Hi, I just emailed you your free essay check, GREAT WORK! Ben

I agree that with children, it is a lot easier to learn everything. Learning new languages will generally be easier for the children compared to the adults.

Children by nature are inquisitive and a lot more energized. They are always looking for newer opportunities to learn and be more informed. As science suggests, the brain development in children allows them to pick-up a lot of new information and grasp faster than adults. In some countries where there are two official languages, they are taught those at an early age. Over and above these official languages, the children also learn the regional languages if they are in countries like India where every 100 miles radius there is a different dialect.

Having said that, do we really think adults cannot take on the challenge to lean new language easily? It is not that adults are not receptive to learning new lessons in life, academic or workmen skills. There are many people who migrate to different countries for various reasons and are required to adopt the culture and language of their new home/work country. They may join classes to take help or self-learn and enhance their language skills. Whether they find this transition difficult or easy is an individual’s challenge basis the will to learn and the effort they put into understanding, accept, and adopt the new skills. The key challenges with adults to learn new skills are hesitation to accept they need to learn or mental blocks or inherent shyness to be a part of the learning group where they may be sitting along with a much younger crowd. They may take a lot of stress to deliver what they are signing-up for along with their other day jobs and hence, may not be able to devote the required attention and time.

While children have an advantage on learning capabilities due to their biological stage of lifecycle, if adults are determined enough, they can lean new languages at a similar pace as children.

Hi Rohit! I just sent your essay check to your email address. Ben

It is widely believed that learning foreign languages is easier for children. Overall since children are more fortunate in the study of non-native languages than in adulthood so it is better learnt in childhood. This essay will argue why it is completely preferable for children to study other languages when they are younger than in adult age.

First of all, children are victorious in learning borrowed languages over adult. This is because children have the ability to memorize and retain. As a result, they are fast-learners and also have the potentials of coping with multilingualism or bilingualism without any conflict. For instance, according to a recent report, 80% of multilingual people acquired it in their childhood. Hence, it is essential to begin the study of world languages when one is a child.

Furthermore, children’s minds are mostly unoccupied. This is due to being dependent on their parents for food, shelter, health care which gives them the opportunity to learn and assimilate other languages without any distraction. To illustrate, youngsters have luxury of time all to themselves, they eat, sleep, play and read. Therefore, since they have less to think, they memorize better.

Although children are successful in the study of foreign languages but some adults are also good at this, especially with the advent of language translator applications.

In conclusion, this essay argued that as a matter of choice, non-native languages are better learnt as a child because children have good memories and can retain easily than when they are adults.

Super work Anisi, I just emailed you your essay check:)

Please evaluate my essay if possible Big salary is much more important than job satisfaction. Do you agree or disagree? Provide relevant examples if necessary. Answer: Survival instinct is one of the foremost reasons to working in any job. A group of people argue that earning a higher renumeration has higher priority than having a satisfactory workplace. According to my opinion, it is indeed important to ensure a better salary as it provides financial freedom. To begin with, being able to earn a higher salary would bring financial solvency in the long term. Firstly one of the essential reason to work is to earn a living salary. The more an individual earns, the higher quality of life they can lead. Moreover, children would enjoy a better life, e.g. top schools, diet with proper nutrition due to good income. Secondly, a higher wage means the family would enjoy extra amenities such as access to recreation and entertainment facilities after meeting their essential needs. This would indeed lead to a better personal life and mental health. For instance, an affluent family would get a chance to occasionally take trips to their favorite spots which would refresh their mind. Therefore, a higher salary brings in more eventful and prosperous life. On the other hand, job satisfaction should not be also neglected, however, often it has to be created rather than getting it. One should consider a proper balance of better living wage and a decent workplace rather than sacrificing better opportunities. If people does not work hard to switch jobs or get promotions they would lag behind in their career development. Moreover, to survive routine and sudden inflation, people should push themselves for higher wages. A second important aspect to consider is one should not compromise the learning for the sake of comfortable work place. For example, a fast-paced work environment is often not comfortable but yields a lot of learning experience. In essence, one should prioritize their career and earning, and at the same time achieve a decent degree of pleasant experience at work wherever possible. In conclusion, as higher salary brings financial satisfaction, I would advocate to prioritize this first. By doing so, people can earn many long term benefits.

Hi, I did not correct your essay because I was just correcting essay on the ‘children learning foreign languages’ question. That is why all the essays are on this question.

Children are universally accepted to be brilliant and intelligent in learning things. It is often argued that children are capable of learning languages faster than grown-ups and they should learn from their early childhood. In my opinion, I agree with the statement that children ought to learn languages as it will greatly benefit them to become mastery in their whole life. A good reason to learn languages in the early stages of childhood is that it gives people already skillful in languages when they became grown-ups. This is because a child by two or three years of age has more synapses connecting neurons than twice more than they will have as adults. It means that children’s brains during the period of early stages can absorb everything. For example, a child can study the vocabulary quadruples in size when they hear speech than adults. Furthermore, children are much better at mimicking new sounds than adults. This makes them more fluent in the language they are learning which will grow gradually when they are getting older. Another point to consider is that children are natural learners to learn a new skill until they reach a certain age when they do not find a hurdle. Unlike being an adult, for example, as people grow older, they are buzy and it has probably taken a lifetime to learn a new language. It is, therefore, reasonable that children do not fear making mistakes, looking foolish, and overthinking things. They do not think that making a ludicrous sound when they are speaking a new language. This will result in increasing the level of language skills in children than in adults. To sum up, childhood learning is thought to be a must for people to get new languages rather than studying when they become adults. It has more benefits it brings to people becoming proficient in foreign languages.

Hi, GREAT WORK! I just sent you your essay correction. Next steps? Check out our online IELTS course here: https://www.ieltspodcast.com/online-ielts-course

Kids are more successful in learning foreign language than adults. Thus learning another language during childhood is the best. This essay agrees to the above statement and will discuss the reasons why.

The motion that adults struggle with learning new language than kids is agreed because as a kid is growing so is the brain developing and help them have retentive memory which helps them in learning a lot compared to adults whose brain have fully developed making it difficult for them to process information faster and better. Example, a research done by the department of psychology from the Kwame Nkrumah university of science and technology in 2001 revealed that the human brain process though faster when you a kid than when you an adult.

Moving on, kids are able to learn foreign language successful than adults because more often kids fed mostly with nutritious diets which help their brain to develop and work faster compared to adults. Also most adults live a busy and stressful lifestyle than kids whose parents provide for them so kids are able to concentrate and learn foreign language easier. Another example is from a study done by the university of Ghana department of languages. Their research used 10kids and 10adults for a four month French language studyiyin 2008. At the end of the study it was revealed that 8 out of the 10 kids were able to successfully learn the language compared to the adult where only 4 was able to learn and speak the language. Upon investigating the adults gave reasons that their minds were already occupied with stress from work, home and financial problems making it difficult for them to concentrate and learn the language but when asked the kids they responded that they were able to concentrate because they had no other problems aside studying which was a great help to them. Hence that results.

In conclusion, kids don not struggle with learning new language compared to adults because of their brain are developing and how nutritious they are fed together with how stress free they live.

Hi Vera, I just emailed your free essay correction. Ben

Children are generally more successful in foreign language studies than adults. Thus, it is better to learn languages in childhood. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Since the beginning of research on neuroscience it has been shown that neurons have the ability to change and model depending on how much they are stimulated, the types of social and cultural backgrounds and their age. For this reason, the theory of children’s major successful in learning is generally accepted, especially in studying foreign languages. In my opinion this is an unconfutable truth, and in this essay I am going to explain why. Neurons’ plasticity is age dependent, children learn to walk and speak during their first year of life, to acquire these abilities after that period would be indeed more complicated and the final result would not be the same. As an example, a child affected by autism and/or attention and behaviours disorders is less keen on learning these skills because his/her neurons’ plasticity has not developed as in normal children. Moreover, if young people are compared with old, it can be noticed that children’s speed of learning is completely different and higher than in the elderly, even though they have not the same experience. So, someone could argue that experience is an important tool when people have to learn a foreign language. It is indeed important to speak with people from abroad in order to learn their mother tongue, and the more someone practices a language the higher is the possibility of speaking and listening to it fluently. On the bases of this theory, if a man who has been travelling for his entire life and a child who is learning a foreign language at school are compared, it is likely that the former has acquired more skills. Nevertheless, if the mentioned child has lived for a short period abroad he would probably speak better than the man. Behind these observations there are years of research spent on functional imaging and neuronal molecular structures, which illustrated that the younger are the neurons the more functional they are, but also some personal experiences. For instance, my Italian cousins, who use to spend 1 month per year in the UK with their grandmother, speak a perfect English, whereas my uncle, who stays with them during their journeys, knows only the bases of this” peculiar” language, as he defines it. So, I tend to completely agree with the statement of this essay. Children are indeed more successful than adults in learning foreign languages, therefore it is too important that they start studying and travelling as soon as possible.

Hi Assunta, here is your free essay check: https://www.ieltspodcast.com/watch/TfGJHn9p-4s

Here is the free checker I used: https://essaycheck.ieltspodcast.net/ DISCLAIMER: It’s still a work in progress 🙂

It some times supposed that kids usually learn a new language better in compare to adults or even adolescents, I vehemently agree that children have more opportunity to be educated a language. This treatise will elucidate the numerous reasons behind this. To scrutinizing the given assertion and elaboration further it should be regarded that children learning is not limited to language abilities. Their mind is fertilized and prepared to learn various type of education. Secondly, children often have more free time which let them to spend more time on language lessons. Furthermore, children have not to dominate foreign language immediately, they have chance to pass many years to speak eloquently. Another reasons I consider is motivation. Speaking in non-mother tongue could be seen as remarkable achievement for a child among his or her friends whereas I don’t think adults care about that. Also, there are some reasons why learning language in adult is not simple as much as childhood. Firstly, adults have no much time to invest on new language.to site an example I can remember how much free time I had in childhood while I’m surrounded by university’s project at the same time that I need to know English language. Another aspect of this problem is that busy time table prevents folks to stay focused on specific topic however, children have free mind, Adults engaged many problems which make them exhausted and less patient to spend time on begin a language. of course, I think this language education shouldn’t be compulsory. Taking everything into consideration, I fully agree that childhood is the best time to commence new language

Hi Yasin, here is your free essay check: https://www.ieltspodcast.com/watch/H7kddLgG5Cw

In human phase children tends to generally learn more successfully in foreign language than adults hence I totally agreed with above opinion. To begin with, children generally have developed cognitive skills at early childhood and learnt faster than adults. Moreover, children has less or no responsibility to carry or think about unlike adults which enables learning. Furthermore when a child is exposed to foreign language apart from their mother- tongue language right from early stage and in a condusive and warmth environment, they learnt better and successfully. For instance, there was a particular french speaking family in my community but their children attended our regular school and taught in my own language, they understood what’s being taught them got good grade in their examination. In conclusion, it is good and more encouraging to expose children to foreign language right from childhood for they learnt faster unlike adults.

Hi, here is your free essay check: https://www.ieltspodcast.com/watch/VYUNRaalzqk

Here is your IELTS essay question:

Children are generally more successful in foreign language studies than adults. Thus, it is better to learn languages in childhood.

Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

The ability of learning new languages is a highly regarded skill today, and children are often believed to be quicker in assimilating new words than adults, to such an extent that they are sometimes compared to sponges. Personally, I feel that youngsters have indeed more ability to become proficient in a foreign dialect, and I will explain why.

Firstly, scientific studies have shown that children’s brains are more efficient in learning foreign languages, as youngsters tend to learn unconsciously, thus they almost make no effort to acquire knowledge. Therefore, they learn through a passive exposure to the new language, as they did when they were only toddlers. By listening to their parents, they retain their mother tongue, and they do likewise with another languages. Moreover, it is well-known that enjoyment in learning works better than dull lessons, and children who are open-minded and curious are eager to discover. For instance, schoolteachers have revealed that youngsters are not afraid to speak out loud in the class while learning new vocabulary, instead of memorizing it shyly at home, thus increasing the chances to communicate with other schoolmates in the language. As a result, I feel that an emphasis on languages should be a universal strategy in schools now. However, I do appreciate that some people think differently, saying that adults, who are more capable of acquiring complex knowledge, can learn just as well as children, especially through language immersion. Nevertheless, denying the strong evidence that learning a foreign language is more daunting for adults than youngsters might not be accurate.

Overall, I believe that children are capable of learning foreign languages with an astonishing ease. This is provided that they are exposed to new languages as soon as possible, and this is why multilingualism is an excellent goal for society to strive for.

Hi Sara, here is your free essay check: https://www.ieltspodcast.com/watch/ldLipGoouCA

It is abundantly agree that speaking more than one language is benefit to our lives. Some believe that language a foreign language in childhood is more efficient than adulthood. I definitely agree with the point that it is the best to learn it when we are at the young age. In this essay, I will explain why.

According to some analysis from the scientists, children are more easy to learn any new things in their formative period, including languages. Their brains are not mature and have a lot of possibilities, which is benefical for learning new things. In contrast of the elder people, they pointed out that it is difficult to learn a different languistic system because they have used to their mother tongue for a few decades. It is clear that it is efficient to learn a language in childhood.

Regarding to the study time, young people have plenty of time, compared to the adults. Children have the full time study at schools, which mean they have much more time to practice on the new language, including writing and speaking, with the professional assistance from their teachers. Whereas adults are busy with their jobs in the day time and need to do chores or take care their children in the night time. Since handling a whole new languages is time-consuming, the inadequate of time is a huge hurdle for them.

As a whole, language learning requires the brains with better learning function as well as abundant of time. In my opinion, it is a good choice to study the different lanuages in the young age.

Kacey! Great work: Here is your free essay check: https://www.ieltspodcast.com/watch/7J4VtF6JW50

It is proclaimed by a handful of experts that the success rate of children in learning a foreign language is greater than adults,due to this childhood is best age to learn language.I partially agree this notion because of some reasons.

Conspicuously,the first and predominant reason of agreement upon language learning in childhood is that children have receptive mind.It is a well-known fact that they grasp things quickly than adults;due to this children try to imitate others and behave similarly as people around them do.Thus,if young ones are exposed to distinct languages,they will learn faster.

Another evident reason on this trend is that tender age do not have fear of making mistakes.To elaborate it,children have less fear for making mistakes,while adults do feel ofference if they make any mistake.Children can learn language by fixing those mistakes with the help of tutor,whereas adults do not do that thing which they face difficulty.To cite an example,the study of Oxford University, California revealed that the percentage of children is greater than adults in learning language.

Nevertheless,there are some reason due to which childhood is not best age to learn international language.The major one is the level of understanding is advanced in adults life.They can learn different language without any difficulty,whilst languages have distinct grammer structure,pronunciation and rule so for children it would be challenging.

To summerize,while adults have good understanding,I believe that due to receptive mind and not making mistakes,teenager can learn international language than adults

Good morning! I just emailed you your free essay check. Let me know your thoughts please. Ben

Assunta IELTS STAR! Great work: Here is your free essay check: https://www.ieltspodcast.com/watch/TYcTZp7n3mQ

In the current generation students are tasting success in foreign language studies than adults as they prefer to study those languages in their childhood. I do completely agree the statement.

Learning a foreign language in the present scenario of world I being mandatory for children for their future purposes. As it helps them in future when they migrate to another nation and then it plays a vital role in their communication to deliver the content. It also helps to maintain a good relation with neighbour and office mates. For instance, my friend who moved to Germany for his higher education, he didn’t face any consequences over there, as he learned germen language in advance. He did exceptionally well in his field of work and deserved a very good cadre.

Foreign language also assists people to become adroit in that particular language when they learn it from there school days. Thereby they may become passionate in their fascinating language. And they are keen to show their knowledge that they grabbed through writing books. One of my elder brother writer in French. French has been his favourite subject since his childhood. And he worked really hard to become a professional writer, now he recognised as one of the best writer in in india. In this way learning a new language brings plethora of chances as it paves a way to their success.

In conclusion, it is recommended to people to learn a foreign language from their childhood days as it hard work pays off, it will asssit them in their future. And it also creates a way to live in other countries.

Hi Adithaya, Here is your free essay check: https://www.ieltspodcast.com/watch/UP_s8vG_Inc

It is commonly believed that teenagers can easily learn foreign language than youngster,so it is beneficial to study that particular language in childhood. I completely agree with this statement.In the following paragraphs I shall put forth my argument to support my view.

To begin with, some individuals argue that adults are more hardworking and active while learning new language,but young minds are more receptive and they easily remember and retain the knowledge. In other words, just like they pickup theri mother tongue with ease,they can also learn their second language easily if they start learning it at an early age. As a research done by linguistic experts showed that young learners seem to pick up other language quickly, without having been taught formal rules, but adults need to be taught rules and principles deductively.

Furthermore, adolescents are not afraid of making mistakes, whereas adults often have a fear of making mistakes when they are speaking in a new language. In fact, this fear is one of the biggest barriers for a person in their efforts to speak fluently. Last but not least, early years are considered the best time to learn a foreign language because there is less burden of other subjects. Children can spend more time learning the language as they studying less new things alongside.

In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that young learners have a natural ability to grab new things as easy as pie and there is on burden on them in their early years. Also, by making mistakes they can correct themselves and from their mistakes.

Sugnay IELTS star!!! Great work: Here is your free essay check: https://www.ieltspodcast.com/watch/k5MnO9ru3yQ

Task 2 from your newsletter sent out yesterday. I tried, but couldn’t fit the essay within the time limit. Exceeded by over 10 minutes, yeah I know, bad.

*There is a prevalent belief that learning foreign linguistic skills from a younger age in life deems fruitful than starting later. I strongly agree on this view for some major psychological and developmental reasons. We will delve and discuss in detail with some convincing illustrations.

It is a well-known fact that children, in their exploratory stage of life, have a great ability and sense to learn new things. Studies have proven that the cerebral development is rapid and highly flexible in the pre-teen which gradually slows down as we age. Learning a new skill such as a language can be easier at this level because the brain can be mended, for variations and pronunciation, more efficiently. We have seen children who are proficiently multi-lingual which can be a good example.

Developing a language skill can be elaborate and demanding which can assist the child’s ability to strategize and achieve the goal. The parents have a major part in setting this developmental trajectory which will help their children all along their lives. For instance, the techniques we teach for perceiving and handling the task in hand can structure the way how the child looks at a problem, which can go a long way in life.

To sum up, the above stated reasons clearly suggest that acquiring a skill for learning a whole language early in the life of a child is absolutely for the best. This can not only improve the learning skills of the child but also inculcate strategies that they can apply for different scenarios all through their life.*

Great work: Here is your free essay check: https://www.ieltspodcast.com/watch/boWV0_T3-fM

Specialists throughout the world have debated whether it is better to start learning a second language in early childhood or after becoming an adult. This essay will look at both sides using examples from the United Nation to demonstrate points and prove arguments.

On the one hand, there is ample evidence that it is more feasible to learn a foreign language as an adult. The central reason behind this is the development of the mother tongue. Most adult students find it easier to understand grammar correctly compared to the pupils in teenage. For example, ample research from the UN showed that having a sufficient mother tongue helps to appreciate the second language by comparing both. Therefore, it is conclusively clear that it is better to learn a foreign language after developing a sufficient mother tongue.

On the other hand, although there is favouring fact of catching language grammatically correct, the impact of having native pronunciation cannot be overstated. This is because most language learners desire to speak like a native speakers. According to the research, human often learns their pronunciation under the age of ten. Consistent with this line of thinking, it is crucial to start learning a foreign language during their childhood. Thus, it is possible to state beyond doubt that the earlier you start learning, the better speaker you will become in the future.

From the examples and arguments given, I believe that it is slightly better to start learning a foreign language during childhood in terms of becoming a confident speaker. It is predicted that language school for early childhood will increasingly grow in importance.

Kota Kota Kota! Great work: Here is your free essay check: https://www.ieltspodcast.com/watch/y7u0qK5CSho

children are generally more successful in foreign language studies than adults. Thus, it is better to learn languages in childhood. do you agree or disagree?

It has been observed that, nowadays children generally speak foreign language than grown-ups. Therefore, some people believe that it is better to learn language during childhood. If questioned, I strongly agree with this opinion. My inclination is explained in the upcoming paragraphs with valid reasons and appropriate examples. On the one hand, supporters of this view point to the retentiveness, most children who are been taught foreign language at younger age tends to be very perfect than adults. This is because, children’s ability to retain knowledge is higher than grown-up. As such they will be more successful than adults. A recent study showed that when a child acquires a certain knowledge, it sticks to his brain faster and remains eve-lasting. Unlike adults that might forget things as a result of many commitment. Moreover, frequent practice is also another reason why children are more perfect than grown-ups. Whenever a new vocabulary is to be taught to a child, most teachers prefer to use rhythmic pattern. Although the children might frequently repeat those words while playing, they may become perfect in it. For example, when I was in my grade one, we were taught French language using the song method. We repeated that song on our way home as well when playing within my peer group, this aided in perfecting our new learnt vocabulary. In short, retentiveness and repetitiveness are the reasons why children should be taught foreign language at a younger age. On the other hand, proponent of this view point to lack of interest for foreign language. Some children prefer to speak only their native language rather than being diverse and learning foreign language. As such acquiring the knowledge of foreign language at younger age will be ineffective since the child does not have the passion for it. To sum up, for the reasons mentioned above, I agree that learning foreign language at childhood is more beneficial.

Muhammad GOOD WORK! Here is your free essay check: https://www.ieltspodcast.com/watch/Xe0cANn_gw8

Question: Children are generally more successful in foreign language studies than adults. Thus, it is better to learn languages in childhood. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Essay: We hardly come across adults who are working on learning a new language; their learning capabilities are no longer as sharp as it used to be in their childhood days. Learning languages, or any new subject for that matter, is always easier before people reach their thirties. I agree to this view because of various justifications covered in this essay.

People in their forties, fifties and the elderly often complain about being unable to effectively communicate with people who do not speak their native language. If you have ever wondered why this is so, there have been multiple studies conducted to prove that as one ages, their mental capacity to store new information and ability to comprehend decreases. On the other side of the same coin, we often see that children pick up novel information to their memory much faster than their grown counterparts. For instance, if you ask people the age they studied the languages they are fluent in, most of them will give you a number below 18.

Moreover, children, are already able to understand many conversations in an unfamiliar tongue after watching a few shows in such a speech. In a few months, their caregivers will often find their offspring able to string together complete sentences which to them, sounds like alien gibberish. In my own experience, I have seen parents exclaim; they were surprised to hear that a child of 5 years is able to remember how to say a basic sentence (for example, “How are you?”) in a foreign language they had heard in a movie for hardy 5 seconds.

Therefore, I believe that it is important for people to start learning any tongue they assume would be useful for them as early on in their childhood as possible. However, it is not impossible to learn a new subject later on, depending on thier interest, necessity and training.

xxxxxxxxx (This essay is written for the free IELTS feedback. Thank you so much for doing this, Ben!)

Here is your free essay check: https://www.ieltspodcast.com/watch/-GG0relf3qM

It is common knowledge that children are better at learning a new foreign language than adults. As a result of this, many propose that it ought to be taught during childhood. In my opinion, I agree with this notion as it helps develop and refine skills required of them in the future which would in turn lead to greater prospects.

To begin with, learning a new language during a young person’s life is indeed beneficial, as it assists in the ability to communicate with all members of society. Globalization and mass migration has meant that there are many different cultures and languages living among each other, and so, the chances of one being in close contact with a person whose first language is not their own is high. Therefore, learning a language could assist with potential communications.

Another point to consider is that learning an international language develops and improves soft skills necessary for employment. For instance, it is generally accepted that in learning a new language critical thinking, problem solving and analytical skills are required. Such skills would be an asset to an individual and put them ahead of other candidates when they are seeking employment.

Finally, learning another language gives freedom to a child, in terms of the country they choose to reside in the future. As the potential language barrier that comes with migration can be what restricts a person from taking this bold step. Thus, being proficient in a language can be what tips the scale when deciding on possible migration.

In conclusion, children are undoubtedly more successful in taking up a new language compared to adults. The benefits that come with this are invaluable and therefore should be introduced in childhood.

Valerie! Here is your free essay check: https://www.ieltspodcast.com/watch/HT4OlwareGE

Hello, my name is Zilola. I’m here to get my essays checked.(I received an email about that, and want to say thank you to all of you, for giving us such an opportunity)

So, here’s my essay:

Many people say that children can learn new languages more quickly and effectively compared to adults. I completely agree with this opinion because of the following reasons.

The main reason why I support the idea of studying languages at a young age is better is that children can easily imitate people speaking foreign languages.What I mean by this is that their brains are not fully formed yet, and they just choose to follow adults.At this age(about 2-9 years old) they are not completely aware of the grammatical structures of their mother mother tongue, which allows them to adapt to form sentences and pronounce words correctly and quickly.In addition, children are eager to explore the whole world around them, so they pay detailed attention to everything that is new. For example, even if my cousin is only six years old, she learns English much faster than me.She usually watches cartoons and speaks with her mother, who knows English pretty well.My cousin just copies her mother’s intonations and learns how to use words in context.

Moreover, children don’t care about making grammar mistakes or pronouncing words in a wrong way and this is their advantage. Adults, on the other hand, tend to avoid all kind of mistakes related to a language being learned, which significantly limits thier chances to enhance a second language.

In conclusion, I believe that it is better to learn foreign languages since childhood because children are good at imitating others and less afraid of making mistakes

Zilola here is your free essay check: https://www.ieltspodcast.com/watch/qaCb-EdQ0mk

It is assumed that offsprings fare better than adults in international language studies and hence language learning should commence from early age. I strongly agree as this would be much easier considering the structure of the curriculum the child follows in school. This essay posits on the agreeing side while explaining points to support argument.

The curriculum the child undergoes in school goes a long way in language learning as most school inculcate at least a foreign language or two in their syllabus such as German or French. Because this languages are automatically infused in their pedagogical system and because they spend devoted time through class lessons, their ability to comprehend such languages becomes rapid. Also, because a child’s brain development is still at its prime and because their neuro-plasticidity is active when young, their ability to successfully understand new and complex ideas such as language learning keeps them at an overwhelming advantage over the adult counterpart. For example, scientific studies have shown that children are twice as likely to successfully learn new ideas as a result of their brain structure than the Elderly. Their retentive ability may as well improve their competitive edge as well.

In conclusion, although learning a language can be learnt at any age or stage in life, scientific studies have proven that the process is much rapid among the young.

Hey Jude! Here is your essay check: https://www.ieltspodcast.com/watch/4stv-ABzvGw

I just saw your video in YouTube regarding IELTS essay correction, here is my essay:

Learning new language is critical for any individual at any stage of life. It opens the path for new challenges, opportunities and introduced learners to whole different cultures, knowledge and experience which will absolutely be helpful for them in every sector of life. However, some people argue that children tend to be more successful in learning another language than adults. I completely agree with that because a child generally have more free time comparing to adults and able to learn faster. In this essay, the previous two reasons will be discussed in detail and with examples.

To begin with, it is obvious that children have more free time than adults due to the fact that adults generally are busy either with working for a living or with studying. In addition to that, adults have a lot of responsibilities such as taking care of their children, family or preparing for their future. In contrast, children do not have these kind of responsibilities which give them the advantageous of didact more time for studying or learning foreign languages. For instance, children can join some classes in school or after school for learning a second language.

Moreover, young people in general are able to learn faster than adults which is proved by science. According to Harvard university, a study stated that the brain of children or youth could memorized and learn faster than older individuals. This study support the idea of that a child is generally more successful than an adult. From my own experience, among our family, the only one was able to learn more than one foreign language was my younger brother because he started learning it since he was a child, where other started learning a foreign language in a late age.

To conclude, learning new languages benefits people and give them the opportunity to gain more knowledge about other cultures. The best time to start learn new languages is at a young age due to the fact that children have much free time because they only have few responsibilities. As well as, children in most cases could learn faster than adults. There is a very common saying in my culture that could sum up the whole idea which is (learning at young age is like writing on rocks!)

Hi, Good work, here is your free essay check: https://www.ieltspodcast.com/watch/i9K22w-Jt6M

As children learn foreign languages easily and successfully than adults, many think that learning languages in childhood is more effective. I agree with this statement and I think studying a foreign language at school is the best approach to master that language.

I believe studying languages in childhood is more effective than learning them in adulthood. Children’s brain is often more receptive than adults’ brain because children’s brain or mind is not clogged with too much responsibilities. They just start to learn new things and therefore, they can acquire skills such as languages easily.

Another point to consider is that learning languages during childhood helps to master the language. In other words, we normally do not forget the things which we learn as a child and those things retain in our brain for along period. Even if we learn only basics of a language in childhood, that will help us to study that language fast when we become adult. For example, children who start learning English at school often become proficient in it later in life.

Finally, it is better to learn languages in childhood because it helps in the development of brain. Many researchers and scientists suggest multilingual children’s brain creates new neurological connection which is advantageous for their future. Furthermore, when children study a foreign language, they learn about another culture also.

In conclusion, I think learning a language in childhood is better to learn it successfully.

Hi Achu! GREAT WORK, here is your free essay check: https://www.ieltspodcast.com/watch/cY5k1PFCSxk

Thank You for your feedback and for your valuable time.

In modern days, There are increase in trend of Non-native dialect . According to this, Children are usually very advantageous in overseas language learning than being mature. For that reason, It is preferable to grasp language in little age. I totally agree with the statement, above essay will explain as follows. Firstly, The initial year of life, When the brain is developing and maturing , is the most intensive period for acquiring speech and language skills. This expertise evolve best in a world that is rich with sounds, sights, and consistent exposure to the speech and language of others. By studying how children absorb different sort of words, studies emplifies the way their word learning. However, It is said that kids have stronger multitasking skills, creativity, and working memory. They can discover word structures relatively quickly than adults. Research show that language ability boost problem solving, critical thinking and listening skills. In addition, to improving memory, concentration, and the ingenuity to multitask is also necessary. Rather than adults are mature, have lack of focus and learning capability as well as slow in capturing new tongue. To sum up, Here I am concluding that youngers are proficient in exotic tongue than mature human. Although, It is good time to adapt languages in early ages.

Hi Dipal! Here is the free essay correction:


Young children have better cognitive skills which enables their speed to learn new skills or talents whereas the grown people struggle more. From my point of view, this statement is widely acceptable as there are many procuring reasons to support this which will be discussed in detail in the following paragraphs. Off-springs in the early ages tend to show keen interest in all matters as the excitement to know and learn stuffs which in turn help them grab the knowledge passed as much as possible in many aspects. Despite their slowly developing senses their ability to grab complicated information such as a whole new different language which is a whole different script is greater. For instance, young students are introduced to three languages from their kinder-garden class to excel in two more languages in addition to their native mother tongue in India such as English, Hindi or French is widely preferred as not only entitled to local languages which has acute similiarities but also foreign languages which is totally alienated.

On top of this, kids are more eager in being a multi-lingual person as one of the first things they have been taught from childhood is to master a language while growing up the same interest is shown towards the foreign languages. Some of the translators are said to be multi-talented in languages as they are practiced in the same way since their childhood .

In conclusion, I strongly that their minds which has capacity to fill on many things is greater than adults in terms of learning. If they are properly guided their capability can be put to tremendous use.

Good work Sophia, here is your free essay check: https://www.ieltspodcast.com/watch/JB7wj7nU5hw/

Hello, Can i have my predicted IELTS score band with the (Single Essay Correction (Task 1 & 2) package.

Hi Murtadha, we generally avoid giving our students band scores because the essays are not written under strict exam conditions. Our essay correctors will review your essay, point out your mistakes and give you feedback on how to improve.

The speed and ease with which children learn new skills such as swimming or playing a musical instrument are remarkable. I completely agree. In this essay, I will argue that the best age to acquire a language is in childhood.

Children all over the world learn a language successfully and effortlessly no matter what the language is. It seems children are naturally equipped to learn a language as no child has ever been reported to have failed in learning his/her first language except children who are born deaf. Adults on other hand have often been observed to drop out of language courses in some cases even after one month after they signed up for the course. To take up my personal example, I acquired my mother tongue in my childhood without any apparent effort on my part. However, I have been learning English for more than a decade now, but my mastery of English is nowhere near my first language.

The second reason for a child’s successful language learning is the order that they follow to learn a language. Children make their first ever contact with language through listening and then they proceed to master speaking. After that, they are taught reading and writing. Why they follow this order is due the fact that children do not know reading and writing. By contrast, adults, in most cases, are exposed to only reading and writing only, which is why they struggle in language acquisition as it is listening and speaking which constitute the core of a language, and not reading and writing.

It must also be pointed out that adults can also learn a language successfully provided they are motivated to do that and provided they really need that language in some way. Many adults manage to learn languages to varying degrees of proficiency, myself included. Several polyglots around the world such as Steve Koffman have learnt languages even after their middle age. The good thing is any adult can learn any language at almost any age if they are truly committed to that task.

All things considered, children breeze through language acquisition for they are somehow naturally gifted and for the order (listening, speaking, reading, writing) they follow to learn a language. But adults too can learn a new language successfully if they make efforts in the right direction.

Super work Hamid! Tomorrow you will get my feedback in the comments 🙂

Great work Hamid! Here is essay: https://www.ieltspodcast.com/watch/HctjZ0zYHVs/

These days some people have conflicting views when it comes to the issue of learning foreign languages. A significant number of people opine that young generations are more capable in learning foreign languages whereas others hold a different outlook on this. I strongly agree with the given statement due to the following reasons.

There are a number of plausible reasons why it is asserted that it is better to learn languages particularly foreign language in childhood. To begin with, during his early life, a child’s brain cells does not occupied with other items. In other words, as the cells of the brain is a vital part to keep memories of different situations, a child can easily recall the words or terms when he heard or learned in the very childhood. This is because, the space in his brain is almost blank during that stage therefore while hearing an exotic term, he or she can learn it quickly and thereby store the new language in his fresh brain cell. In addition, childhood is a phase of life when a young boy or girl is much sporty to face the new things since they are curious about everything. Therefore, it is quite evident that if a foreign language is taught in childhood, a child can be more successful in it while learning the same language in the adult age.

However, those who are against this argue that instead of studying foreign language in childhood, it is better to learn it when people reach their adulthood. This is mainly due to the fact that after reaching the stage of maturity, people can learn any language more deeply. For instance, a large number of people prefer Europe for higher studies where they need to communicate in foreign languages. Therefore during that time, they will learn those languages by properly understanding the grammar rules not only by memorising it. Moreover, learning foreign languages in childhood probably can have a negative impact on child’s life while speaking in his mother tongue but this is unlikely to happen during adult age.

To conclude, I would say that although studying foreign language in childhood leads to some unexpected problems, it is one of the best ways to learn new dialect at the very beginning of a child’s life. Therefore, my view is that it is better to learn new languages in childhood compared to adulthood.

By that way, it is the question:

Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience

Here is your free essay check: https://www.ieltspodcast.com/watch/U7dXhOAfCM8

You’re welcome.

You’re welcome, friend. I am glad you found it useful.

Some children spend hours every day on their smartphones. Why is this the case? Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?

Children nowadays are dedicating hours of their daily lives to cell phones. Despite the benefits of phones, the underlying reasons for the case such as the content of smartphones as well as a child’s desire for fitting in groups should be discussed. This essay will also state why I regard this as a negative development for youngsters in terms of health and learning. One reason behind this phenomenon, to my mind, is a phone’s interior features curated to have addictive nature. As free-spirited individuals, teenagers are drawn to games and media sites on smartphones, which punctually provide new content to deal with. In fact, this is also linked to their wish for being on par with friends. Because most of them value bonds between mates, exposure to a social circle that is reliant on the device might eventually result in them wanting to try them too. This then leads to youngsters considering the habit as a norm and thus, becomes a part of their routines. Nonetheless, the case turns out to disrupt their daily cycle of life. For instance, having been exposed to screens for hours, blue lights produced are likely to disturb the eyes and hence, make an individual feel awake at night. This, in the long term, will affect the child’s health as well-being deeply relies on a proper sleeping schedule. Moreover, addiction to cell phones means less time for academia. As a result, the learning progress of children will be hindered as they are more prone to lack in certain aspects of the materials in a shorter period of study, which allows for worse performance in exams afterward, on the whole. In conclusion, I believe that not only the overall layout of phones but also teenagers’ desire for approval from buddies contribute to their daily phone hours. I also consider this manner to be an obstacle to the well-being and scholarly performance of children.

Great work! I’ll post my feedback tomorrow!

Really glad on accidental finding of this website,helpful tips and very detailed feedback.

You’re welcome. I am glad you found it useful for your IELTS preparation.

Very interesting information!Perfect just what I was searching for! “We are shaped and fashioned by what we love.” by Johann von Goethe.

Academic task 2 Q: some people say history is one of the most important school subjects.other people think that, In today’s world, subject’s like science and technology are more important than history. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Answer: Education is an integral part of the human life.After several surveys,a standard Universal curriculum has came into existence,as per age of the kids like kindergarten, primary and secondary schools and subjects like mathematics, science, history and technology and so on.A very few people believes that science and technology surpress other domains such as history, contrary to others who contraindicate this preference over History. Which branch of study exceeds over other and more favoured is a debatable issue.It is important to admit that both views have their own merits and in this essay ,i will discuss the possible reasons that support their sides and the benefits they bring to society. On the one hand,it is significant to consider history as a major course because in start of every chapter,we will learn a brief begining,what is acheived so far and struggles associated with it. For example, the origin of species (science) comes under this particular region.Moreover,by learning previous failures and reasons behind their unsuccessful ventures,the present scholars will succeed in their future endeavours. However, the other fraction who thinks science and technology should get more encouragement primarily based on various environmental issues our planet is facing.For instance,ever increasing earth’s temperature leading to global warming,loss of biodiversity due to unusual extinction of species. To solve this problems several reasearch work is going on like bio-recycling of human waste, reintroduction of extinct species by DNA replication using DNA template of closely related species. To conclude, from my perspective, the biased importance of one subject over another is inappropriate.It is always better to study these courses and make their fundamentals strong for a successful future.

Another great essay! I’ll post my feedback tomorrow!

In 9 Essay Corrections package my own 9 essays are being checked, right?

Correct Alenya. We send you the questions and you work through them sending us your answers as you write them. All via email.

I purchased the 9 essay corrections. The feedback itself was great. You can learn a lot of things to improve your essays. However, you should not expect it “within 24 hours”. It often takes more, so be careful when you make your study plan.

Thanks Shinji!

Thanks for the very helpful feedback!

You are welcome friend!

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Hi Manjesh, sure you can buy the online course and take the online classes from India.

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This website is one of the best for IELTS preparation. Tutorials and explanations are meticulously explained. It is very beneficial to everyone who prepares for IELTS. Thanks Ben and team!

Thank you Durga!

Thank you i hope i can get a lot of useful information from you

Hi, I am sure you will.

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Thanks for free easy correction.

I’ve used Single Essay correction task 1 and task2 only for $19; in addition, I got a mini-essay writing course for free, and both of them were useful for me! Thank you very much for Ellen and Ben! Finally I realized the IELTS essay structure, and I understand how to develop ideas in the right way to meet all requirements of the IELTS writing part! Improvements get be reached only by receiving proper feedback!

You’re welcome Gulsana and thank you for your kind comments. I can’t wait for you to pass IELTS

Thank you for the useful information

You are welcome Bella! I hope you have a successful IELTS exam and reach your target band score!

Can still post task 1 general writing here

Hi, Yes you can email in your General Task 1 writing to us and we will review it for you, no problem. Good luck with your IELTS test!

Great thanks to Ben! His tutorial and teaching methods are just so practical and I have full confidence to get band 7 this time! what’s more it seems that Ben is not only a tutor but also a good and trusted friend!

Thanks Wen!!!! Really appreciate your kind words!

Thank you Ben IELTS podcast for sharing interactive handouts that are helpful for IELTS takers to improve their scores in Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. If you want to improve your band scores in IELTS make sure to subscribe to their podcast and avail to their practice package.

Thanks for your kind words Desiree!

Thank you for free lessons you are giving on the mini course .. the tips has been very helpful.

You are welcome Doreen! Can’t wait for you to pass IELTS!

The mini-course was helpful to improve my writing skills. The tips/tricks Ben provided were useful and extremely helpful.

This is the best Ielets training online so far. The teacher is very helpful and friendly. Better to check it out and try it yourself for those who are doubted.

Thank you for your kind words 🙂

I got to know your website while I was searching in my Spotify podcast about IELTS and I’m very greatful that I did and found your team. Seriously, by just listening to your spotify podcast anyone can agree with me that its already very helpful, informative and motivating to someone like me that aspiring to pass IELTS with a good score. I join the course and currently in progress of my study and practice although a bit slow progress for me as I struggle balancing between my work, family and study but I am positive that I am improving and will still make my dream to happen because of your team.

Thank you. Keep pushing with your IELTS prep and you will achieve success.

Thank you for these helpful courses 🙂

You are welcome Fatma!

Is there a average number of fancy words that we need to use in our essays to get 7 band?

I don’t think so. To be honest Fatma, approaching the IELTS writing exam thinking about the ‘amount of fancy words’ might be counterproductive. It could lead you to force some words into your essay that won’t sound natural and ultimately cost you points.

Thank you for your feedback. I used your services, and it was really helpful.

Thank you. I am glad you found it helpful.

keep it up 🙂

Thanks Auchst! 🙂

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IELTS Essay Correction Service

IELTS Writing Task 2 Essays – Learning the right way for a high score.

  • Do you want to learn the right way to write a high band score essay?
  • Are you struggling to hit band 7 in writing task 2 or increase your score even higher?
  • Do you want to understand what the examiner is looking for?
  • Do you want professional training for IELTS essay writing?
  • Do you struggle with ideas and topic related vocabulary?
  • Do you want to review all the common topics for IELTS essays?

If you answer is Yes to questions 1-4, then you need to get my Advanced Writing Task 2 Lessons .

If your answer is Yes to questions 5 & 6, then you need to get my Ideas for Essay Topics E-book .

Click here: Visit IELTS Liz’s Store

IELTS Essay Marking Service

I hope to have this service active by September 2020.

Meanwhile, use my Advanced Lessons to learn what you are doing right and what you need to change to get a higher score. The more you learn about the right techniques based on the band score requirements, the easier it will be to get a high score.

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Free Check IELTS writing, ✍️ Evaluation and Correction Service Online


Best Essay Corrector Free Websites For IELTS

ielts essay correction service free

While starting to write English essays for any reason and especially for the IELTS exam, you continuously need someone to check your essay to tell you your mistakes to avoid it in the future.

Half the mission needs a human English teacher to check “cohesion and coherence” and “task response”, which means, in other words, the logical idea of the essay and how is it easy to be understood.

The other half “vocabulary and grammar” could be assessed by automatic proofreading websites, which provided by many websites.

In this article, IELTS Game will mention 6 of the best essay corrector free websites to check your IELTS writing essays for task 1 and task 2 for both academic IELTS and general IELTS.

IELTS Writing .

IELTS writing section is considered as one of the hardest parts while preparing to IELTS exam due to a couple of reasons:

  • You may not know the right way to write an academic essay or misunderstand the band descriptor criteria.
  • You need an IELTS tutor to evaluate your essay, who will take a lot of money to do this.

IELTS essay correction service .

1. paid services.

Many websites offer paid services to correct your essay and send your feedback to improve your writing style. IELTS Game highly recommend this method if you are able to pay the cost, as it will tell you which part you should focus on it and will decrease the time you spend on IELTS preparation.

2. Free essay checker services

On the other hand, many applications and websites offer free grammar and punctuation checker and corrector for your essays.

Although they will not give you full feedback about your piece of writing, they will help you to avoid many mistakes related to grammar rules and punctuation.

Best essay corrector free websites for IELTS .

Here are 6 websites which offer a free essay correction for grammar and punctuation, as well as giving you synonyms to all words in your essay:

1. Grammarly

Talking about the best online free essay corrector, Grammarly for sure comes at the top of the list due to many reasons:

The Best It is the best online grammar checker on the web being used by over 6 millions students daily. Accurate It is the most accurate automatic essay checker and corrector. Easy to use It can be used online on all devices (Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android). You can download it to your desktop and check your essays while writing on Microsoft. Also, you can add an extension to the browser (Google chrome - Firefox - safari - Edge). Free You can use the automatic proofreading services for free to correct the misspelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes. Human proofreading Additional service to check your writing by professional English tutors, who will correct your sentence structure and suggest advanced vocabulary to your work. Grammarly Website .

2- scribens.

Another essay corrector online website, which checks your essay and gives you more advanced vocabulary suggestions.

In addition, scribens will give you some statistics about your essay as:

  • how many words and characters in the passage,
  • which vocabulary is repeated and how many times,
  • and how many simple and compound sentences?

Scribens Website .

3- paper rater.

Number three in our list of the best free essay corrector apps is paper rater.

In addition to the grammar and spelling checkers, it has a useful vocabulary tool that enables you to know the word definition and examples of its use in complete real sentences.

Paper rater website

Paper Rater Website .

Besides its free essay correction services, Reverso introduces an online translator to many languages and you can upload a complete word file to check it as a unit.

Reverso Website .

5-polish my writing.

It also will suggest more corrections to your essay.

Polish My Writing Website .

6- sentence checker.

The last one is sentence checker.org, which check your sentences’ fragments and gives you a hit about your writing style plus it can detect plagiarism.

Sentence checker Website .

After telling you about the best essay corrector free service websites to check your IELTS writing tasks, you should know that all these sites will help you in 50% of your writing mission as the online proofreading checkers focus only on the grammar, spelling and punctuation.

You still need an IELTS trainer to tell you more about cohesion and coherence in your writing, as well as whether your performance in task achievement is accepted or not.

You can find many IELTS centers that offer IELTS essay correction service either online or offline.

The IELTS Reading Module: A Comprehensive Guide

How to improve ielts writing skills-useful tips, how do you translate roman numerals to english, one comment on “best essay corrector free websites for ielts”.

Many people say that globalisation and the growing number of multinational companies have a negative effect on the environment. To what do you agree or disagree?

In the competitive world, every nation is keen to increase their economy, therefore they emphasize the soaring number of companies and their market at the international level, while several individuals argue that globalisation has a negative impact on the environment. I agree with this statement because it affects our health.

To embark upon, there are plenty of reasons why they hurt the environment. Firstly, the increasing amount of multinational companies requires adequate land for the establishment as well as their transportation and production storage, thereby deforestation spiked that affects the cultural diversity and loss of some species of animals. To illustrate, in Brazil, around one-fourth of the forest area is, now, vacant due to cutting the trees and building the industrial zone. Hence, where their oxygen level continuously declines and air pollution inclines.

Besides, those companies produce a high amount of harmful gases and release them into the atmosphere so air pollution increases. Those industries release not only detrimental gases but also liquid chemicals into rivers and that makes it poisonous water. For instance, around 95% of people suffer from diseases like heart-related problems and stifling problems in Northern Russia because this is one of the adverse zones on the earth and there is no clean water, air and land for people who live there.

To conclude, globalisation and the developing number of multinational companies have their pros and cons as they provide job opportunities and advanced technologies, whereas, in my opinion, environmental protection is our priority. And they damage the climate in different ways. So, the government should take action against them and make rules and regulations for them.

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IELTS Essay Correction Service

Free IELTS Essay Correction Service


  Guide Lines and tips: Your essay must include  an introduction paragraph, at least 2 body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Introduction Paragraph (around 50 Words) Body Paragraph 1 (around 90 Words) Body Paragraph 2 (around 90 Words) Conclusion Paragraph (around 30-50 Words) Example essay  Click Here . Try to write your answer with clarity and examples to explain your viewpoints. Write at least 250 words. Try to find out the keywords from the question and focus your easy on those keywords. You should spend 5-10 minutes on planning. Address all parts of the task.  You can submit an essay of your own choice, or if you want a topic, choose a topic from the below-given topics.  We will not give you scores/band, however, we will mark your essay to point out your grammatical mistakes and task achievement. We will also provide a few tips about how you can improve your writing. You will receive the correction report on your email.

Choose your topic for Writing Task 2:

Q: Some people think that paying tax is their only duty, while others believe that we have more responsibilities towards our society. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Q: As well as making money, businesses have social responsibilities. Do you agree or disagree?

Q: Some people say that school children should learn how to grow food and cook with it in their lessons. What is your opinion about that?

Q: Some people say that spending time to develop a successful career is the most important thing. Others say that spending time with friends and family is more important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Q: In the modern world, it is possible to shop, work and communicate with people via the internet without any face-to-face contact with others. To what extent is this a positive or negative development?

Q: Some people believe that it is better to spend more money to eliminate the cause of crime, while others think that the government should spend more on punishment. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Q: Some people believe that all companies decisions should be decided by the mangers, while others think it is better to include employees in decision making.

Q: Despite the environmental concerns raised by scientists, people are not changing their lifestyle. Why is this the case? What could be done to encourage people to save the environment?

Q: Some people think that children should start primary school later in life, others that they should start it before 7. Discuss both views, giving your own opinion.

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  • Common Grammar Mistakes [for IELTS Writing Candidates]

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ielts essay correction

Getting a high band score for IELTS writing is difficult. Despite all your efforts, you keep scoring band 6.5! 😩 You study harder and harder but your score stays the same. It seems that nothing can push you up to band 7. Why?

We need feedback on our writing in order to improve. Without knowing our mistakes, we cannot change them. It’s that simple. Only with a qualified IELTS expert providing you detailed feedback can you reasonably expect to score band 7 or higher.

Why Should You Trust Me?

ielts writing correction tutor

At this point, I should mention that I am currently offering my own writing correction service . 😄 If you are a regular reader of this website, then you probably know me already. I post daily lessons on Facebook , Twitter, and Instagram , as well as weekly articles about IELTS, and the occasional YouTube video.

For people who are new here, then you should know that I am qualified to help you with your IELTS writing because:

  • I have been teaching IELTS at leading universities since 2010.
  • I have written four books about IELTS (and several books on other topics)
  • My knowledge of English grammar is excellent. (I’m a native speaker and a professional writer and editor.)
  • I understand how to explain difficult problems in simple ways.

ielts books

You can learn more about me here or send an e-mail to [email protected] . I reply to every e-mail and am happy to answer your questions. 😊

What will you get from my IELTS writing correction service?

If you want me to correct your essay, I offer the following:

  • Full corrections (including grammar, vocabulary, cohesion, etc.)
  • Feedback and advice on each area of the marking rubric
  • A band 9 model answer
  • 24-hour turnaround
  • A band score estimate for each section
  • A personal response so you can ask me questions about your essay

Check out 3 sample corrected essays below

Want to see more samples? Contact me here: [email protected] . I’d be happy to explain more. 😊

What do others say about my IELTS writing correction service?

The TED-IELTS writing correction service is a great example of a high quality service for an affordable price. Every correction includes so many details and suggestions that I had been spending hours analysing the feedback. It is also amazing how fast David sends back corrected essays even if one submits him an essay exploring a subject of their own choice. David’s sample answers are always full of advanced elements and instantiate perfect grammar, vocabulary, and sensible use of cohesive devices.

Network Engineer , Uzbekistan

Mr. David would correct the essays very carefully, with extra links if he finds you have some weakness. It is very helpful to have the essay correction since he can help you find out what makes you lose scores and what blindpoints you have. The price is also decent, especially there is a great discount with 20 essays. It can improve scores immediately after you read what Mr. David points out, modifies and comments on your original essays and do as he says.

Hi, my name’s Nina Beust and I teach ESL students. I have been working with the IELTS exam for the past 7 years and since 2019 all my students have had their reports and essays corrected by David. Because I always have students taking the test, I can assure you that his correction is flawless. Not only are the band estimates precise, but also his feedback is extremely useful and has helped my students achieve their goals in the IELTS Writing test. I believe I have already placed more than 50 orders by now, and I plan on continuing doing so. 

Teacher , Brazil

You can also read lots of reviews on Trustpilot .

Easy 4-Step Ordering Process

instructions for ordering ielts writing correction service

  • Choose a package below.
  • Write your essay. (You can find a question here .)
  • E-mail me your essay (as a Microsoft Word document) to [email protected] .
  • Receive your corrected essay within 24 hours (except for Sundays).

Note: If there is any problem with your order, you can contact me at [email protected] or the TED-IELTS Facebook page. I will do my best to solve any problems quickly.

IELTS Writing Correction Packages

Frequently asked questions, how can i pay for this service.

You can order through the links above. This will let you either pay via   Paypal   or   Stripe . If   Paypal   is blocked in your country, you should still be able to order with a credit card using   Stripe .

Do you accept other forms of payment?

Yes. Please e-mail me at [email protected] and I will try to arrange something else. I can accept:

  • Transferwise
  • Other cryptocurrencies

Do I choose my own writing question, or do you provide them?

You can send me any sort of IELTS writing question you like but I recommend you to choose from this list of IELTS writing questions. Why?

  • Many questions published online are fake.
  • Many of them are filled with spelling and grammar mistakes.
  • These can actually make your English skills worse!

What kind of IELTS essays do you accept?

I can help you with:

✔ Academic IELTS Task 1

✔ Academic IELTS Task 2

✔ General IELTS Task 1

✔ General IELTS Task 2

Is there a deadline for submitting my essay?

No, you can send me your essay at any time. I will mark it within 24 hours of receiving it.

Is there a limit to the word count?

For IELTS writing, you should aim to write at least 150 words for task 1 and 250 words for task 2. However, you should also avoid writing too many words. This is explained here . In terms of my essay corrections, I reserve the right to reject any essay that is more than 400 words as this is far too long for IELTS. 

Do you do other kinds of editing?

I am an editor of books as well. I have edited many things in my life, including government documents, magazine articles, and work on a literary journal. If you want me to edit something for you that is not related to IELTS, please just send me an e-mail.

What kind of feedback will I receive?

I assess your writing according to the IELTS writing marking rubric. I check:

  • spelling errors
  • punctuation
  • cohesive devices
  • task achievement 
  • structure 
  • logical flow

If you have any problems, I will fix them and then show you why they were wrong.

I'm a teacher. Can you mark my students' essays for me?

Yes. However, please make that clear when you send your essays. This service was designed with the intention of marking individual students’ essays and my feedback is personalised. 

What is an IELTS writing correction service?

It is a system where you send your essay to an expert to help you recognise and fix problems. You receive:

  • edits and comments on your writing
  • a sample answer
  • estimated band score
  • enough feedback so that you can study smarter to achieve a higher score.

Should I send all of my essays together?

No, it’s completely up to you but I recommend you to:

  • send one essay
  • learn from the corrections
  • learn from the accompanying sample band 9 essay
  • implement them in your next essay
  • submit new essay

Does one essay include both task 1 and task 2?

No. One essay is one essay . It is not two essays. You can send me either task 1 or task 2.

The reason is that most people need to practise a certain essay type (for example, task 2) and so they might order a 20-essay package and focus entirely on that. This gives them more flexibility. 

I Accept the Following Payment Methods:

ielts essay correction service free


Liu rae

Is there an expiry date for these orders? I mean, if I order this week can I send my essays next month or do I need to finish soon?

David S. Wills

There is no expiry date. Once you order, you can send your essay(s) at any time!

– David

Ok sir. Thank you for your help.

You’re welcome.


will you check FCE(CEFR) letters

Yes, sure. I can help you with that.


Hi Mr TED I want to know can you accept IELTS general essays or only academic ones? I sit general test so I need to write a letter. I want you to mark it for me.

I can mark either academic or general IELTS essays (and letters). You can feel free to send me any piece of IELTS writing and I will mark it for you.

James Oluwasegun

Hi, David I am taking my IELTS exam in a month time. please will you be able to assist me with quick preparation before then. i have been having band 6 in my past exams.

Hello. Of course. I help people with their essays every day. I’d be happy to help you, too.


Do you correct academic and general writing task 1 & 2 ? Do you give band for it?

Yes, I provide the same service for both General and Academic Training. I always provide an estimated band score, regardless of whether it is essay or letter.


Can we send a photo of essay written on paper ??

No, sorry. The problem is that I couldn’t give full feedback. If you look at my sample essays, you can see how I use Microsoft Word to present detailed corrections.

Kim Songjun

Thank you for all your excellent resources on the site Mr David. I plan on ordering your essay service next week in preparation for my coming exam. Wish you can help me.

I look forward to helping you. Get in contact at [email protected] if you have any questions or need help ordering.


To what email should I send my essay to, sir?

You should send it to [email protected]


sir writing correction service is available now .

Hello. Sorry for the inconvenience. It was unavailable for a few days while I took a short holiday. I am back to work now and the service is available again. Thanks.


Hi, can I send Cambridge A level general paper essay for correction?

Please e-mail me the details at [email protected] and we can discuss it.

Ahmed Sakr

Can I send essays during Christmas or you are off Thanks

Hello. I will take Christmas Day (25th December) off, but I will be working all other days.


sir i have just sent u a mail can u please make corrections


i want to purchase the 5 essay pack is there any discount in it since its in Euro the exchange make it heavy on the pocket. I have given ielts twice and currently stuck at 6.5

You can use the coupon code WELCOME10 for a 10% discount on your first order.

Lincy Gyamfi

Hello sir, how do you confirm payments? Should I email you afterwards? I’m lost. Please help.

After ordering, you will receive an automatic reply from the website. I will also receive that notification. You can send your essay to david (at) ted-ielts (dot) com at any time after that.


Hi, does the correction service still work?

Hello. Yes, I still mark essays every day.


Hi, I saw info box on your youtube channel there was a discount coupon code for writing correction service subscription. Is the discount coupon code still in effect?

It depends which code. If it was just for a limited time, then it will be finished. Some codes remain, however. You can trying entering it.


Hello sir, I will take paper based test because i have no practice of typing on computer. What should i do in order check you my writtings?

Sorry, but I only check typed essays because otherwise it is impossible for me to give detailed feedback.


Hi, Could you also proofread and correct my documents for a job application? For example, my CV, cover letter, and statement.

Hi Kento. Sure, no problem. I do all sorts of editing. Drop me an e-mail at [email protected] and we can discuss it.

Khanh Tran

Hi, I already paid for the 20-essay package. Could you please check if my package is available?

Hi. I have received your order and am awaiting your first essay.


Is the writing correction service still available?

Hello Kevin. Yes, I still mark essays every day. I’d be happy to help you with yours.


Can I choose my own essay questions to be corrected? Or are there designated questions? I personally prefer to be able to choose my own questions.

Hello Kenji. You can choose your own questions. I strongly recommend, however, that you choose authentic ones. Most questions you find online are fake. Best, David

Thanks for the reply. I am a student living in Japan and I am not sure about using this service because it is very expensive to convert Japanese Yen to Euro. Do you have any coupons or other ways to make this service cheaper?

It’s already the best mix of price and quality, but you can use WELCOME10 to get a further 10% discount.

Thanks for the reply. I can’t see the comment I just posted because the server is down, so I’m posting it again just in case.

I am a student living in Japan and I am still wondering if I should use this service because it is very expensive to convert Japanese yen into pounds sterling. Are there any coupons or other ways to use this service at a discount?


Hello, I tried to make the order online, but it said out of stock. Do you still offer the essay correction service?

Hello Joe. I’m still doing it but I’m taking a break from new clients until May. I am too busy right now to take on anyone new, but I’ll be open again to new students from May 5th.

Pietro Sillano

Hello, are new student positions available again? thanks

Hello Pietro. Yes. I am currently open to new students again.


I was interested in purchasing your ebooks and a writing correction package so that I can rectify the recurring grammatical errors and, in particular, punctuation issues in order to be able to score higher in IELTS writing.

I’d like to know if, in your feedback, you would point out parts of the grammar the candidate should focus more on. How many essays would suffice to identify the most recurring grammatical issues in your estimation?

P.S: I am taking the test within the next month and half

Hello Cass,

First of all, yes I do try to point out the parts of grammar that you should be focused on. If something emerges as a recurrent problem, I will try to note that for you so that you can change work on it. I also usually provide some resources for common areas like articles, conditionals, etc.

As for how many essays… Well, that depends. It’s different for different people. Usually, three essays will allow you to see the majority of your errors, but obviously more will help. Even one essay will probably allow you to understand some of the big issues in your writing.


How much time would we have before submitting an essay? Is it okay if I buy a 10 essay bundle and share it with my spouse . Or you would rather us buy separately instead ?

Hi Nazanin.

1. There is no expiry date, so you can send your essays whenever you want. 2. Yes, you can share it with someone else, but please inform me whose essay I am marking because I make the comments specific to that person’s development.


Hello David,

what should I do if I want to make a purchase but ask another person to pay? Should I leave a note for you in the additional box that the essays would be sent from my email and not from the email of the person who pays?

Hi. Lots of people do that. It’s not a problem. You can just send me the order number (on your email receipt) or give me the email address of the person who paid.

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IELTS Preparation

IELTS Writing Correction Service  Academic & General Training

Achieve your goal!

Are you wondering why you seem to be stuck at the same IELTS Writing band score? Not making any progress? The answer is simple. All students need feedback and guidance. Especially with writing as it is the most difficult IELTS skill.

Our team of experienced IELTS tutors are here to help. With their guidance, you'll be able to identify your strengths and weaknesses, and improve your writing skills.

Click on the links below for PDF IELTS Writing feedback samples. 

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Feedback

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 Sample Feedback

IELTS General Training Writing Task 1 Sample Feedback

Our Writing Correction Service is for those who:

Are preparing for the IELTS Academic or General Training Module for the first time or looking to improve their score.

Need extra writing practice.

Find IELTS writing especially difficult.

Want to check if they are ready to achieve their band score.

Want to know how to raise their writing band score.

Writing Correction Service includes:

Overall band score for your Task 2 essay/Task 1 diagram report/Task 1 letter*

Band score for each grading criteria – Task Achievement/Response, Coherence and Cohesion, Lexis and Grammar. *

Scores given by former IELTS examiners and highly experienced and qualified IELTS tutors.

Personalized feedback on each band score according to the IELTS Public Band Descriptors.

Spelling, punctuation, and task structure proof reading.

Lexis and grammar error correction.

A band 8 sample answer for each task.

Insights, tips, and strategies for improvement.

Links to free IELTS writing resources.

A personal response so that you can ask your tutor about your feedback.

Feedback and score returned within 48 hours.

* Total-IELTS does not offer a guarantee you will get this score in the official IELTS test as various factors can affect a candidate’s score on the day.

How does it work?

1. Choose and buy the package below to suit your needs.

2. We will immediately send, to your email address, a package of authentic Cambridge writing tasks from IELTS past papers on a Microsoft Word document.  

3. Choose which tasks to complete and write them on the Microsoft Word document we sent or your own Microsoft Word document.

4. Attach your answer to an email and send to [email protected]

We will reply with your corrections, feedback report and grades within 48 hours. Please note that the 48-hour turnaround is for 2 tasks. Add around an extra day for each extra one you purchase though we'll get them back to you as soon as we can.

You will get all the IELTS Writing Services listed above for each package.

IELTS Writing Correction

When corresponding with Total-IELTS use the same email address.

The list of tasks we send you on a Microsoft Word document has examples of ALL Task 1 & 2 question types. Choose the one(s) you feel you need most practice with.

To receive an accurate report and grade, write the task under test conditions.

20 minutes for task 1, 40 minutes for task 2 and 1 hour for both tasks.

Since we use real tasks from Cambridge IELTS past papers, you can find sample answers online if you search for them. We advise you not to read these before writing your answer as you will not get an accurate report and score.

What does ‘task” mean?

Task means 1 task – either a single IELTS Writing Task 1 or 2.

If I buy a 2, 4 or 6 package, can I choose which tasks to submit?

Of course. You can choose to submit, for example – all task 1 or task 2 assignments.

Can I choose my own tasks?

Yes, you can. After you have bought a correction service package, you’ll be sent a Word document with authentic Cambridge writing tasks from IELTS past papers. This is to ensure the questions are real and to maintain quality.

Note: If you choose to submit a task not on the list, we cannot provide a band 8 sample answer.

How do I submit my task?

You should type your tasks as the Microsoft Word document we send to your email address. Attach your answer to an email and send to [email protected]

How long will the correction take?

Will my correction task score be the same as the real IELTS test?

Our writing corrections service gives you an excellent indicator of your likely score in an IELTS test. However, we cannot guarantee that your score in a real test will be identical. There are many factors you should take into account that can affect a candidate’s score on the day.

Can I receive feedback on specific areas I want to improve?

Our feedback service is pretty comprehensive, but you can also specify any particular areas you'd like to focus on when you submit your task.

Our experienced tutors provide personalized feedback tailored to your individual strengths and weaknesses in writing.

What’s “personalized feedback”?

All submitted tasks are corrected and graded according to your answer. We DON’T use automated templates or AI.

Is the Total-IELTS Writing Correction Service relevant for the computer delivered and paper-based tests?

Of course. The paper-based and computer delivered tests are exactly the same.

Can I pay in my own currency?

You can pay through our secure PayPal service. Prices are in $US and converted into your local currency.

Do you have a refund policy?

Total-IELTS Correction Service does not operate a refund policy. However, if you are not satisfied with our service, please send your concerns using the designated email within 30 days of receiving the writing correction report and it will be taken into consideration. All requests will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

After buying a package, how long do I have to use it?

All of the writing packages are valid up to one year from the day you purchased our service. This gives you plenty of time to write and submit multiple IELTS Task 1 and Task 2 before your exam - so you can take the necessary time to absorb the feedback.

Do I need to submit all the tasks I purchased at the same time?

Not at all! You can submit them one by one online, or as many of your writing Task 1 and Task 2 essays at one time as you like. When you submit tasks at different times, use the same email address.

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IELTS Writing Band Score + Feedback

Academic and general training - task 1 & 2.

Would you like know your writing band score for Task 1 and 2? Would you like some basic feedback for each writing criteria?

If so, with this IELTS writing service, you can submit your Task 1 or Task 2 for checking.

For each writing piece you submit you will get:

The Package:

  • Overall score for your essay/graph/letter 
  • Band score for each criteria (Task Response/Achievement; Coherence and Cohesion; Lexis; Grammar)
  • Brief feedback on why each score was given
  • All scores and feedback guaranteed to be provided by an experienced ex-IELTS examiner , so you can be assured it's an accurate assessment*
  • Feedback and score returned to you in 2-3 days

*there is no guarantee you will get this score in the test as  various  factors can affect a person's score on the day

This is an example of the type of feedback you will receive (this was for an essay):

Example Feedback:

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Feedback, June, 2020:

I just wanted to thank you for your help last month. After 3 attempts, I finally got 7 from writing and 8.5/8/9 from the others.

Your scores and comments were extremely useful when practicing over and over again for 2 weeks.

All the best,

Deniz (Turkey)

Making a purchase

Click on the ' Add To Cart ' button to add a correction to your shopping cart. Amend the total according to how many you would like to buy.

You can pay by credit / debit card or paypal.

Buy IELTS Writing Corrections

After making the purchase.

Once you have made the purchase, you will be sent some questions to choose from, though you can also choose your own if you wish.

You then simply email it back on the email address you'll be provided with. 

Please note that the 2-3 day turnaround is for 1 submission. Add around an extra day for each extra one you purchase though we'll get them back to you as soon as we can.

Just wanting timed exam practice plus your band score?

Check out these computer based practice tests . 

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IELTS Advantage

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IELTS Writing Correction Service

Need an ielts writing correction service, our ielts writing correction service includes :.

  • A video explaining all your key mistakes, your scores, and how to improve.
  • Correction of grammar and vocabulary mistakes.
  • How to improve ideas, vocabulary, writing skills, academic language, and structure.
  • A reliable IELTS band score from a former examiner.
  • Band 9 sample answer.
  • Free lessons on IELTSAdvantage.com
  • Essays returned within 48 hours* of sending.

Only do the test after you get expert feedback. Feedback does cost money, but not as much as failing the test.

Get your essays checked and pass first time.

How does the writing correction service work?

  • Choose the package you want below.
  • You will be immediately sent a package of real essay questions to your email.
  • Do the questions at home and then submit them to us.
  • We will reply with your corrections and examiner’s report within 48 hours* .

Buy Essay Correction Service

Click the ‘Buy Now’ buttons below to pay by credit card or debit card.

You can then instantly download all the instructions and questions.

1 essay correction- $29.95 USD

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3 essay corrections- $74.95 USD

5 essay corrections- $99.95 USD

You will receive a PDF with all the questions and instructions for sending your essays to us.

Prices are in US Dollars, but you can pay in your currency by clicking the buttons above.

100% safe and secure.

Below is a sample feedback report. Your feedback report will contain the same level of detail.

Please feel free to email me at [email protected]

Success Stories

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Can I trust your site? 

Our IELTS Essay Correction Service is for those who:

  • Don’t want to risk failing the IELTS test, which can be very expensive
  • Want to check if are ready to take the test
  • Have failed the test many times and need help
  • Are preparing for the IELTS exam and need extra writing practice and feedback
  • Find the writing part particularly difficult

Writing Correction Service: Advantages

Most test takers have no idea how many mistakes they are making. This can mean that you could fail the test multiple times and have no clue why you continually fail. Our service tells you the exact reasons why you might fail so that you can avoid these common mistakes on test day and get the score you need.

You are also using one of the most trusted IELTS companies in the world. All of our teachers are former examiners with at least 10 years of experience working for some of the best IELTS schools in the world. We also boast the largest number of IELTS success stories in the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

Most of your questions should be answered below, but if there is anything else you need help with, please email me- [email protected]

Can I pay in my own currency? I don’t want to pay in US Dollars. 

You can pay in your currency using a credit or debit card. The amount is in US Dollars, but it will be converted to your own currency.

Do you correct both Academic and General Training Essays? 

Yes. You will be sent a pack with both types of question.

Can I choose my own questions? 

You will be given a list of questions when you buy. There is a very wide selection of over 30 Task 1 and Task 2 questions. You should choose your questions from this list. This is to ensure the questions are real and to maintain quality.

Can I send you one essay at a time? 

Yes, no problem.

Can I send you different essays on different days?

What happens if I am not happy? 

If you don’t think that our service improves your writing we will issue a refund.

Are you an IELTS examiner? 

IELTS examiners are not allowed to tell people they are actual examiners, so even if I was one, I couldn’t tell you. However, all of the teachers working for IELTS examiners are former examiners.

Does one essay include both Task 1 and Task 2?

No, one essay means one essay.

Is your service 48 hours?

Yes, you will always get your feedback within 48 hours.

Can I submit pictures of my essay? 

All submissions must be typed and entered into our online submission portal.

Refund Policy:

If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, you can email us and get a full refund.

You can get a refund within 30 days from the date you purchase.

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About Christopher Pell

My name is Christopher Pell and I'm the Managing Director of IELTS Advantage.

I started IELTS Advantage as a simple blog to help 16 students in my class. Several years later, I am very humbled that my VIP Course has been able to help thousands of people around the world to score a Band 7+ in their IELTS tests.

If you need my help with your IELTS preparation, you can send me an email using the contact us page.

IELTS Exam Preparation: Free IELTS Tips, 2024

  • elektrostal'

Take IELTS test in or nearby Elektrostal'

There is no IELTS test center listed for Elektrostal' but you may be able to take your test in an alternative test center nearby. Please choose an appropriate test center that is closer to you or is most suitable for your test depending upon location or availability of test.

Closest test centers are:

Make sure to prepare for the IELTS exam using our Free IELTS practice tests .

Moscow, Russia

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  • Orekhovo-Zuyevo
  • Sergiyev Posad
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  • Ryazan'

An Overview of the IELTS

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is designed to measure English proficiency for educational, vocational and immigration purposes. The IELTS measures an individual's ability to communicate in English across four areas of language: listening , reading , writing and speaking . The IELTS is administered jointly by the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment at over 1,100 test centres and 140 countries. These test centres supervise the local administration of the test and recruit, train and monitor IELTS examiners.

IELTS tests are available on 48 fixed dates each year, usually Saturdays and sometimes Thursdays, and may be offered up to four times a month at any test centre, including Elektrostal' depending on local needs. Go to IELTS test locations to find a test centre in or nearby Elektrostal' and to check for upcoming test dates at your test centre.

Test results are available online 13 days after your test date. You can either receive your Test Report Form by post or collect it from the Test Centre. You will normally only receive one copy of the Test Report Form, though you may ask for a second copy if you are applying to the UK or Canada for immigration purposes - be sure to specify this when you register for IELTS. You may ask for up to 5 copies of your Test Report Form to be sent directly to other organisations, such as universities.

There are no restrictions on re-sitting the IELTS. However, you would need to allow sufficient time to complete the registration procedures again and find a suitable test date.


The reading, writing and listening practice tests on this website have been designed to resemble the format of the IELTS test as closely as possible. They are not, however, real IELTS tests; they are designed to practise exam technique to help students to face the IELTS test with confidence and to perform to the best of their ability.

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Rusmania • Deep into Russia

Out of the Centre

Savvino-storozhevsky monastery and museum.

Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar Alexis, who chose the monastery as his family church and often went on pilgrimage there and made lots of donations to it. Most of the monastery’s buildings date from this time. The monastery is heavily fortified with thick walls and six towers, the most impressive of which is the Krasny Tower which also serves as the eastern entrance. The monastery was closed in 1918 and only reopened in 1995. In 1998 Patriarch Alexius II took part in a service to return the relics of St Sabbas to the monastery. Today the monastery has the status of a stauropegic monastery, which is second in status to a lavra. In addition to being a working monastery, it also holds the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum.

Belfry and Neighbouring Churches

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Located near the main entrance is the monastery's belfry which is perhaps the calling card of the monastery due to its uniqueness. It was built in the 1650s and the St Sergius of Radonezh’s Church was opened on the middle tier in the mid-17th century, although it was originally dedicated to the Trinity. The belfry's 35-tonne Great Bladgovestny Bell fell in 1941 and was only restored and returned in 2003. Attached to the belfry is a large refectory and the Transfiguration Church, both of which were built on the orders of Tsar Alexis in the 1650s.  

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To the left of the belfry is another, smaller, refectory which is attached to the Trinity Gate-Church, which was also constructed in the 1650s on the orders of Tsar Alexis who made it his own family church. The church is elaborately decorated with colourful trims and underneath the archway is a beautiful 19th century fresco.

Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is the oldest building in the monastery and among the oldest buildings in the Moscow Region. It was built between 1404 and 1405 during the lifetime of St Sabbas and using the funds of Prince Yury of Zvenigorod. The white-stone cathedral is a standard four-pillar design with a single golden dome. After the death of St Sabbas he was interred in the cathedral and a new altar dedicated to him was added.

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Under the reign of Tsar Alexis the cathedral was decorated with frescoes by Stepan Ryazanets, some of which remain today. Tsar Alexis also presented the cathedral with a five-tier iconostasis, the top row of icons have been preserved.

Tsaritsa's Chambers

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is located between the Tsaritsa's Chambers of the left and the Palace of Tsar Alexis on the right. The Tsaritsa's Chambers were built in the mid-17th century for the wife of Tsar Alexey - Tsaritsa Maria Ilinichna Miloskavskaya. The design of the building is influenced by the ancient Russian architectural style. Is prettier than the Tsar's chambers opposite, being red in colour with elaborately decorated window frames and entrance.

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At present the Tsaritsa's Chambers houses the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum. Among its displays is an accurate recreation of the interior of a noble lady's chambers including furniture, decorations and a decorated tiled oven, and an exhibition on the history of Zvenigorod and the monastery.

Palace of Tsar Alexis

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The Palace of Tsar Alexis was built in the 1650s and is now one of the best surviving examples of non-religious architecture of that era. It was built especially for Tsar Alexis who often visited the monastery on religious pilgrimages. Its most striking feature is its pretty row of nine chimney spouts which resemble towers.

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  20. IELTS test centers and test dates 2024 in Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast

    Find your IELTS test location and test dates 2024 in Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia. Test centers are available at locations all over the world. ... Make sure to prepare for the IELTS exam using our Free IELTS practice tests. Moscow, Russia. 52 km Students International - Moscow CB. Address Schipok St, 20, Office 203. Tel: +7 (495) 956 1923.

  21. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal. Elektrostal ( Russian: Электроста́ль) is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia. It is 58 kilometers (36 mi) east of Moscow. As of 2010, 155,196 people lived there.

  22. Moscow Oblast

    Map of the Moscow Oblast. The Joseph-Volokolamsk Monastery in Volokolamsk. Flag Coat of arms. Moscow Oblast (Russian: Моско́вская о́бласть, Moskovskaya oblast) is a federal subject of Russia.It is located in western Russia, and it completely surrounds Moscow.The oblast has no capital, and oblast officials reside in Moscow or in other cities within the oblast.

  23. Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

    Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar ...