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How to Finish an Essay Last Minute and Do it without Losing Quality

Adela B.

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It’s the start of the week; you head to college and realize everybody is talking about the research paper submission. “Isn’t that due next week?” you ask, only to be told it was due the previous day. You hurriedly check your calendar and are in for a rude shock – you missed the deadline.

Just then, your alarm rings, and you wake up sweating. Thankfully, it was a dream!

However, the fact remains that you have a submission in four days, and you are nowhere close to starting it.

Given the busy college schedules, academic pressures, tight deadlines, and in many cases, even juggling a part-time job, it’s no surprise that college students are struggling with stress and anxiety.

According to a 2018 American College Health Association report , over 60% of college students said they had experienced “overwhelming anxiety” in the past year. Looming essay deadlines have a significant role in contributing to this stress.

Smart Last-Minute Essay Writing Tips You Can Use

Doing an essay last minute is enough to give you the chills. Regardless of how much you plan to start early, you constantly find yourself racing against time.

However, doing an essay last minute does not mean you compromise on the quality. Here are 14 smart ways to write your last-minute essay and still do a good job.

#1. Stop panicking

At this point, you are filled with anger, self-loathing, and guilt. You keep telling yourself that you should have started earlier and hate yourself for putting off the college essay till the very end. While you are bound to have such negative thoughts, you must do away with them because they are futile and will only obstruct your concentration.

The first step to approaching a last-minute essay is to stop panicking and actively start working toward your essay. It would be best if you created a positive mindset and workspace to do full justice to it.

#2. Stay away from distractions

When you begin work on your essay, you receive a notification on your phone, and the next thing you know, you have spent the next few hours doing everything else but working on your college essay.

It’s easy to get distracted and away with time, but you must remind yourself that you cannot afford to do so. Doing an essay last minute requires your undivided attention, considering you have limited time.

So, whether it’s Instagram, Netflix, or even your friends, stay away from distractions and focus on completing the essay.

Here’s an interesting TEDx Talk by Chris Bailey on focusing better.

#3. Commit to a topic

Writing a last-minute essay makes you more likely to doubt yourself and be in two minds. After reading the instructions carefully and researching, choose an essay topic and stick to it. By second-guessing yourself at every point, you will only be wasting time.

#4. Work on the outline

You may wonder if you can afford to work on an essay outline when you run out of time. The answer is yes; structuring your essay is always worth it.

Having an effective essay outline saves you time, ensures you have covered the key points, and maintains a logical flow throughout. For instance, if you are writing a research paper, the outline needs to include the following sections:

  • Title – the shortest page; this needs to mention what your paper is about succinctly;
  • Abstract – a summary of your paper in 150 – 200 words;
  • Introduction – include the essay hook, explanation of the topic, and the thesis statement;
  • Methodology – describe the methods used to conduct the research;
  • Results – state the outcome and substantiate it with statistical data, tables, and graphs;
  • Conclusion – reinstate the thesis statement while summarizing the findings of the research;
  • References and Citations – cite all the references in this section.

Once you have established these, note down the points you plan to include under each section before you begin writing.

#5. Set mini-deadlines

In an ideal world, one would finish the essay in a single sitting, but we all know that’s a little too difficult to achieve. There does come the point when we reach a stage of exhaustion, and pushing ourselves to work beyond that means doom.

To avoid burnout, break your writing into parts and give yourself mini-deadlines. For example, aim to finish writing three sections in four hours and then allow yourself to relax. Tackling the paper in parts keeps your mind fresh, and you can think more clearly in the process.

#6. Set a timer

Since you have already created an outline, set a timer for writing every essay section and try to finish it before the timer goes off.

For instance, you can set a time of 15 minutes for writing the introduction and try to complete it before the end of the 15 minutes. Once you finish the introduction section, take five minutes to review it and see if it makes sense without bothering to correct the grammar.

Set the timer again for the first body paragraph, then the second, until you have covered all the sections on your outline.

#7. Increase your typing speed

It won't be easy to finish your essay fast if you’re a slow writer. To finish writing within the shortest time possible, you need to increase your typing speed.

How do you increase your typing speed? Sit upright and maintain a good posture while typing (ensure you are not looking at your screen at an angle). Let your elbows rest on the table and slightly elevate your wrists.

As you type, focus on the screen instead of your hands. This will help you start typing faster.

#8. Use writing and editing tools to save time

Want to save time? Several writing and editing tools can automate some processes to save time and help you finish your work faster. Some of the best online tools you can use when writing last-minute college essays include:

a) Grammarly

Grammarly is one of the best editing tools for editing your essay. The software uses artificial intelligence to identify errors related to spelling, punctuation, sentence structures, and even plagiarism.

After you finish writing, pass your essay through Grammarly to help you identify and correct grammatical errors. It will save you the time you’d spend revising your essay to identify and correct such mistakes manually.

b) Evernote

To finish your essay faster, you’ll need to organize your notes to promote the flow of thought and help you write more quickly.

Evernote is an online writing tool that will help you organize your notes effectively, so you don’t need to keep everything in your head when doing research. You can take clips, and screenshots of relevant web pages, reference documents, images, and graphics for later use when writing.

This way, you won’t need to surf the internet all over again when you start writing. You can use the software anywhere, at any time, without any charges.

c) Hemingway Editor

Another editing tool to help you edit faster when writing last-minute college essays is the Hemingway Editor. You can decide to type your essay on the app or copy-paste it after you finish writing.

Instead of spending time reading your essay and trying to identify errors alone, Hemingway will help you highlight lengthy and complex sentences and suggest ways to improve them.

It will also identify adverbs and weakening phrases to eliminate from your essay to make it more meaningful. This online editor will improve readability and make your essay easy to read and understand.

d) Dynalist

Nothing makes writing easier and faster than outlining. They help you organize your ideas ahead of time so that when you start writing, you won’t get stuck in the middle. An essay outline will also help you stay on topic and answer all the essay prompts effectively.

The good news is that you can use online tools to write outlines fast to save time, and one of them is Dynalist. You can use the free version of this online tool to capture your points into flawless outlines and flesh them out later when you start writing.

These tools will help you finish writing fast since you won’t spend much time editing manually after writing.

#9. Turn off spelling and grammar checks

While writing tools help you edit your work, the best way to write faster is to turn off the spelling and grammar checkers until you finish writing your first draft.

Since you want to write fast to finish your last-minute essay, underlining errors as you write may be more of a distraction. The checkers sometimes underline correct words, and you may spend time thinking about how to replace the word or correct sentences instead of focusing on writing.

Therefore, consider turning them off until your first draft is ready; you can turn them on and start editing your essay.

#10. Write the introduction and conclusion at the end

Introductions and conclusions tend to require more time when writing an essay. This is because they are supposed to be compelling, thoughtful, and engaging. You, therefore, need a little brainstorming to write these parts.

To save yourself some time, skip the introduction and go straight to explaining your points in the body paragraph.

You’ll spend less time on this section since you have already researched and identified your sources. After completing the essay body, you’ll have a clearer picture of your essay, and the introduction will take you less time to write.

The conclusion will also take less time to write since it will summarize the points you already discussed in the essay.

#11. Cite references alongside

Citing references is an integral part of essay writing. Citing sources and providing evidence to support your claims shows you pay attention to detail and adds to the credibility of your essay.

However, given a situation where you are writing a last-minute essay, there is a chance of making more errors or skipping this step altogether. To avoid this mistake, citing references and writing the essay is a good idea.

What does this mean? Every time you include a quote, fact, or piece of information that needs referencing, ensure you make a note of it immediately so you don’t waste any time hunting for it later.

Alternatively, you can also use a citation generator.

Citing all your reference articles can be time-consuming and deter you from completing your essay fast.

You can use several citation generators to cite articles accurately to have your essay references right. You must copy and paste the generated citation to your list of references at the end of the essay.

Some of the best citation generators you can use include MyBib, CiteThisForMe, CiteFast, and Bibme. The tools help you format your references in APA, MLA, or Chicago style, depending on your essay instructions, all for free.

#12. Proofread

Proofreading the college essay must not be overlooked regardless of how much time you have in hand. This is even more crucial while writing an article in a hurry because you are more likely to make mistakes.

After all the effort put in, the last thing you would want is to submit an essay with grammatical mistakes and formatting errors.

So, put aside quality time to proofread your essay and edit it accordingly. It is also a good idea to share a copy with your parents or friends and get a second set of eyes on your work.

#13. Take short breaks

Even though it’s the last minute and you want to finish writing your college essay fast, short breaks can still come in handy.

Sitting on the table for too long can tire your mind and body, making you a less effective writer. When your mind is clogged up, it hinders the flow of ideas, and you may be unable to knit your ideas into meaningful paragraphs.

Therefore, consider taking short breaks of 5 to 10 minutes, after which you can return to your table and write with a fresh mind.

#14. Get professional help

Doing a last-minute essay can be overwhelming. Sometimes you don’t know where to begin, and your anxiety gets the better of you.

However, college essays affect your grades, and you should not submit substandard work. So, if you find yourself stuck, reach out to a last-minute essay writing service. Writers Per Hour is one such essay writing service that can save you from all the stress and anxiety that comes with last-minute essay writing.

Our instant essay writers are trained to meet deadlines and tackle all sorts of specialized essays ranging from math, law, and chemistry to nursing, biology, and accounting.

Be it 24 hours or 1 hour, when you turn to our urgent essay writing service for last-minute essay writing help, you are sure to receive nothing but high-quality, original essays right on time to meet your deadlines.

Are you stuck on writing an essay?

Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about writing last-minute college essays.

How long should it take to write a college essay?

The longer the essay and the more complex the topic, the longer it will take to write. A typical 5-page essay would take around 14 hours to write:

  • Brainstorming, researching, and outlining: 8 hours;
  • Writing: 4 hours;
  • Proofreading, editing, and formatting: 2 hours.

Is it possible to write an essay in one day?

Absolutely! It’s possible to write an essay in one day. All you need to do is prepare and do the research in advance. When you start writing, focus on your essay, and turn off distractions like social media notifications and chatting with friends.

Can I pay someone to write my last-minute college essay?

Yes, however, the person you hire needs to be a subject matter expert and a skilled writer who can deliver quality work quickly.

For instance, Writers Per Hour has urgent essay writers trained to deliver essays within the stipulated deadline. One page paper in 5 hours will cost you $33.99 if you are in high school. If you are a college student, the price will be $41.99 - $47.99, depending on your course.

We recommend you check our prices and discounts before making any decision, as we regularly conduct promotional campaigns for new and regular customers. So, check out our offers and essay promo codes which start from 15% to 25% off any order.

How do you write an essay 10 times faster?

To write an essay ten times faster, plan your writing and research. Create an outline and bookmark the relevant sources you’ll be using. Increase your typing speed, and use online writing tools to help you edit faster.

Irrespective of how much time you have, don’t make the mistake of plagiarizing someone else’s work, as it can lead to severe consequences such as expulsion or ruin your chances of getting selected. Hence, always ensure you submit original work and if you cannot do it yourself, seek help from last-minute essay writing services.

Last-minute essay writing is not ideal, but, in many instances, it cannot be helped either. So, the next time you find yourself in a similar situation, instead of hitting the panic button and haphazardly approaching the essay, follow these smart tips and don’t let the lack of time affect the quality of your essay.

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4 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count

What does a four page essay look like? If you’re searching for an answer to this question, you’re in the right place! Such a paper is a standard high school and college assignment. That’s why it might be written on almost any topic. Police brutality, the Holocaust, overpopulation, and religion are just some examples.

A 4 page essay word count is usually 950 to 1000 words (12 pt., double-spaced). The length of a typical academic paragraph is 100 to 150 words. So, there are 6 to 10 paragraphs in a four page essay.

If you need 4 page essay examples, take a look at the list below. We’ve collected A+ samples for you to get inspired. Good luck with your essay!

4-page Essay Examples: 19288 Samples

Art history: female figures in ancient greek sculpture.

  • Subjects: Art Sculpture
  • Words: 1031

Patricia and Her Family

  • Subjects: Psychological Issues Psychology
  • Words: 1158

Studying and Practicing – The Best Ways to Learn?

  • Subjects: Approach to Learning Education
  • Words: 1114

The City of Khor Fakkan: History and Tourism

  • Subjects: Countries Studies Sciences
  • Words: 1088

Google in the 21st Century: Why it remains A Market Leader

  • Subjects: Business Company Analysis
  • Words: 1258

Influences Of An Adopted Child’s Behavior

  • Subjects: Behavior Psychology
  • Words: 1272

Gang Violence: Discussing the Problem of Gang Membership

  • Subjects: Criminal Law Law
  • Words: 1225

Concepts of Environmental Protection Legislation

  • Subjects: Environmental Law Law
  • Words: 2416

Democratic and Undemocratic Elements of the Constitution

  • Subjects: Government Politics & Government
  • Words: 1573

Gilgamesh: Significance of the Literature of That Period of Time

  • Subjects: Art Film Studies
  • Words: 1168

The Jungle by Upton Sinclair: An Allegory of the 19th-Century America

  • Subjects: American Literature Literature
  • Words: 1434

Types, Causes and Theories of the Psychiatric Disorders

  • Subjects: Health & Medicine Psychiatry
  • Words: 1360

Global Warming: Accumulation of Greenhouse Gases

  • Subjects: Environment Global Warming
  • Words: 1160

Citizen Participation and Political Process

  • Words: 1117

Amazon Company Analysis

  • Words: 1146

“On Killing” by Dave Grossman

  • Subjects: Literature World Literature
  • Words: 1153

Who is a Leader?

  • Subjects: Business Management
  • Words: 1409

The Communist Manifesto: the Statement of Germany Revolutionary Group

  • Subjects: Politics & Government Social & Political Theory
  • Words: 1239

Lest Innocent Blood Be Shed and My Personal Role in the World

  • Subjects: Historical Literature Literature
  • Words: 1111

Situational Leadership Theory & Path-Goal Leadership Theory

  • Words: 1092

Essay about Exercise – Benefits

  • Subjects: Fitness Sports
  • Words: 1188

Transformational and Transactional Leadership

  • Words: 1358

Why Is Bilingual Education Important

  • Words: 1778

Psychodynamic Approach Survey

  • Subjects: Applications of Psychology Psychology
  • Words: 1154

Trading Symbol From NYSE

How ptsd affects veteran soldiers’ families.

  • Subjects: Sociological Theories Sociology
  • Words: 1170

Racial and Ethnic Inequality

  • Words: 1187

Comparison of Night by Elie Weisel and Cry of the Beloved Country by Paton

  • Subjects: Historical Fiction Comparison Literature
  • Words: 1121

Different Cultures in Tito’s Good Buy and in the Land of Free

  • Subjects: Comparative Literature Literature
  • Words: 1370

Impact of illegal immigrants on America

  • Subjects: Immigration Sociology
  • Words: 1166

Supply Chain Management as an Indispensable Business Component

  • Subjects: Business Logistics
  • Words: 1083

Royal Dutch Shell

The japanese culture of ukiyo-e and ikebana.

  • Subjects: Cultural Studies Culture
  • Words: 1226

Reading Incentive Program from a Goal Orientation Perspective

  • Subjects: Education Education Theories
  • Words: 1104

Paragraphs’ Analysis of Winter’s Tale by Mark Helprin

  • Words: 1093

Fidel Castro and the Cuban Revolution

  • Subjects: Historical Figures History
  • Words: 1531

Mental Process: Creative Intelligence Styles

  • Words: 1374

Process Improvements in Operations

  • Words: 1173

Critical Thinking and What Really Constitutes Critical Thinking

  • Words: 1098

Investigation of One of the States of the United States. -Iowa

  • Words: 1169

Black Americans in the Revolutionary Era

  • Subjects: African American Studies History
  • Words: 1184

Punctuality at Work: Examples & Analysis

  • Words: 1224

Threat to Biodiversity Is Just as Important as Climate Change

  • Subjects: Environment Environmental Studies
  • Words: 1100

Case Management for Breast Cancer Patients

  • Subjects: Health & Medicine Oncology
  • Words: 1174

The Major Point in Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong

  • Subjects: History United States
  • Words: 1131

Mergers & Acquisitions in the Telecommunication Industry

  • Words: 1313

Politics of Globalization in Taiwan

  • Subjects: Economics Globalization

American History During the Colonial Times

  • Words: 1126

Lauren Kessler: Immigrant Identity in “The Stubborn Twig”

  • Words: 1376

Facebook Pages and Local Saudi Car Dealerships

  • Subjects: Advertising Entertainment & Media
  • Words: 1229

Gun Control in the USA

  • Words: 1262

The Year 1000’ by Robert Lacey and Danny Danziger

  • Subjects: History Medieval History
  • Words: 1128

Langston Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance

  • Words: 1164

Thanksgiving vs. Christmas

  • Subjects: Sociological Issues Sociology
  • Words: 1075

Club IT’s Data Management

  • Subjects: Data Tech & Engineering

Renato Poggioli: The Concept of a Movement: The Theory of the Avant-Garde

  • Subjects: Literature World Philosophy Literature

Filippo Marinetti’s Futurist Manifesto

  • Subjects: Art Art Movement

Infernal Affairs: High Concept in Hong Kong

  • Words: 1215

Grades as Valid Measures of Academic Achievement of Classroom Learning

  • Words: 1122

Profile of Mike’s Express Car Wash Success

  • Subjects: Business Company Information
  • Words: 1192

Form Follows Function: Relationship between Form and Structure

  • Subjects: Design Worldwide Architecture
  • Words: 1097

Multiculturalism and “White Anxiety”

  • Subjects: Racism Sociology
  • Words: 1102

Native Americans: The Sad Aftereffect of Decentering

  • Subjects: History Native Americans History
  • Words: 1411

The Culture of Okinawan Music

  • Subjects: Art Music Genre
  • Words: 1137

Concepts of Corruption as Threat of Security

  • Words: 1185

The Holocaust: A German Historian Examines the Genocide

  • Subjects: Nazi Germany Warfare

Summary of Chapters on Music

  • Subjects: Art Music
  • Words: 1208

Gender Stereotypes on Television

  • Subjects: Gender Studies Sociology
  • Words: 1119

The Knights Templar: The Warrior Monks

  • Words: 1106

Nature of Taboo Words

  • Subjects: Linguistics Stylistics

Fitzgerald’s American Dream in The Great Gatsby & Winter Dreams

  • Words: 1140

Multicultural Psychology as a Subspecialty of Psychology

  • Subjects: Psychology Social Psychology Deviations
  • Words: 1056

Rio Bravo: A Western With Deep Relationship Insight

Car pollution in moscow.

  • Subjects: Ecology Environment
  • Words: 1156

Psychological Development: Racism, Affirmative Action and Health Care

  • Words: 1280

Music in Corporate America

  • Subjects: Entertainment & Media Theories of Advertising
  • Words: 1233

The Newtown School Negotiations

  • Subjects: Education Education Issues
  • Words: 1201

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

  • Subjects: International Organizations Politics & Government
  • Words: 2321

Policing the Drug Problem in United States

  • Words: 1176

Arizona Immigration Law: What For?

  • Words: 1107

Communication Skills and Technologies

  • Subjects: Communications Sociology
  • Words: 1212

Conflict of Generations in Smoke Signals and “Two Kinds”

  • Subjects: Family Drama Literature
  • Words: 1186

Legal Aspects in Professional Psychology

  • Subjects: Professional Psychology Psychology
  • Words: 1223

Informative Synthesis on Movie: The Crucible

  • Words: 1113

Murder in the Cathedral: The Constant Battle Between the Two Antipodes

  • Subjects: British Literature Literature
  • Words: 1197

Arguments Against California’s Proposition 8

Masjid – i – nuh gunbad at balkh. history, desoghn and architecture., should juveniles be tried as adults.

  • Subjects: Judicial Process on Criminals Law

Women and Beauty

  • Words: 1328

What Every Business Graduate Should Know Before Entering the Business World

  • Subjects: Business Business Communication
  • Words: 1612

Citizen Engagement in Community Policing

  • Subjects: Law Enforcement Politics & Government
  • Words: 1325

Database Application at Amazon

The life and history of a. philip randolph.

  • Subjects: Civil Rights Activists History
  • Words: 1269

Critique of a Peer-Reviewed Article by Taylor and Abasi

  • Subjects: Education Writing & Assignments
  • Words: 1172

Ancient Works of Literature

  • Subjects: Literature Mythology
  • Words: 1366

Importance of Berlin in Cold War

  • Subjects: History Western Europe
  • Words: 1161

Organising A New Year Party

  • Subjects: Entertainment & Media Events
  • Words: 1385

The Life of a Human Being in C. S Lewis “The Great Divorce” and “Man’s Search for Meaning” a Book by Victor Frankl

  • Words: 1109

Club IT’s Supply Chain Management

  • Subjects: Business Case Study

The Effects of the Media on Creativity and Self-Esteem

  • Subjects: Cognition and Perception Psychology

Charlotte Perkins Gilman Life and Bibliography

  • Subjects: History Women Studies

Ethical theories

  • Subjects: Business Business Ethics

Industrialization After the Civil War

Histrionic personality disorder.

  • Words: 1130

Artistic Renaissance Humanism

Dialogue over the interfaith christian and buddhist perspectives.

  • Subjects: Religion Religion Theories
  • Words: 1143

How meth affects women and their children

  • Subjects: Health & Medicine Healthcare Research
  • Words: 2001

Child Marriages in Modern India

Why it is safe to say that northrop’s book exposes the roots of racism in america.

  • Subjects: History Racism in USA

Two Ethical Cases and Their Implications

Social theories of crime in explaining gang violence.

  • Words: 1278

The battle of Normandy

  • Subjects: Warfare World War II
  • Words: 1507

Eleanor Roosevelt and Her Humanitarian Activity

American government, balancing democracy and rights.

  • Words: 1419

Sexual Development and Orientation Paper

  • Subjects: Development Psychology
  • Words: 1103

A Pair of Silk Stockings Analysis – Literary Devices

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Least Developed Countries

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Abigail Adams in American Revolution

  • Words: 1238

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How long is a 4 page essay?

A 4-page text usually contains 950 to 1000 words in case you use 12-point Times New Roman, double spaced. This is the most common format for all the major citation styles.

How long does it take to write a 4 page essay?

It will take you 5 to 10 minutes to type one page on a keyboard. However, if you need to write a 4 page essay from scratch, it will take you not less than 4 to 5 hours.

How many paragraphs are in a 4 page essay?

A paragraph in academic writing should be at least 75 words long. So, a 4 page essay is to contain 10 to 13 paragraphs.

What does a four page essay look like?

A four page essay is a typical high-school assignment. One might write such a paper to demonstrate their knowledge of the topic and the ability to organize their thoughts. You are likely to be assigned a four page book review, persuasive essay, or critical writing.

How to write a 4 page essay in 2 hours?

If you’re short of time, the key to success is planning. A simple outline consisting of an introduction, 4 to 5 body paragraphs, and a conclusion will help you organize your thoughts efficiently.

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Age and Gender Discrimination in the Workplace

Introduction Discrimination in the offices and among colleagues is a serious issue in the modern world that is claimed to be tolerant and equal for everyone. This topic and its causes and consequences are widely discussed by specialists in diverse spheres such as sociology, psychology, human resources, and management. It...

Mintzberg’s 5 Ps – The Otago Museum Strategic Plan

The Otago Museum’s strategic plan covers the organization’s core values, as well as the priorities of its stakeholders. The plan reflects the collective work of the active community inside the institution. The work encompasses three main goals upholding the mana of the collection, community engagement for further curiosity and inspiration,...

Main Aspects of New Product Development

At a new workplace, it is important to prove people one’s professionalism. The new product development process requires its managers to be competent in different areas. The managers have to be able to identify customer needs and provide them with high-quality products based on the market demands. In order to...

Legalization of Marijuana Essay Example

The legalization of marijuana is still among the most controversial topics for American society. At the moment, state laws significantly vary in terms of the limitations imposed on those willing to use marijuana for recreation and as part of treatment strategies. Even dozens of studies conducted to explore the effects...

  • Communication

Sleep Deprivation

Introduction Over the past years, lack of sleep has become a health issue affecting a significant number of people across the globe. Many individuals do not obtain enough quality sleep, which then affects their health, and their capacity to undertake their daily routines. SD is caused by aspects such as...

The Causes and Significance of the Cuban Missile Crisis

Introduction The Cold War is a period in world history from 1946 to 1989, characterized by the confrontation of two economic and political superpowers, the USSR and the United States. Both countries aspired to world domination and the status of the most mighty power in the world. The United States’...

Confederation Articles vs. Constitution

The Articles of Confederation: Strengths and Weaknesses The Articles of Confederation (further referred to as the Articles) were developed due to wartime necessity and are now considered the first Constitution of America. In June 1776, when Thomas Jefferson was authorized by the delegates to the Continental Congress to draft the...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media Essay

Social media is an online platform with a large population of users that share information that can critique, sometimes interact with, or publish useful information and news. The essay will define some of the key social media terms. The use of social media has evolved and has resulted in a...

Social Media and Work Productivity

In today’s world, many people constantly use social networks, which affects the change in business and its strategies. First, the companies themselves pay attention to their media and Internet presence. Secondly, company employees have constant access to social networks, which encourages them to develop addiction (Priyadarshini et al., 2020). The...

The Significance of Social Justice in Nursing Practice

Introduction Delivering equal opportunity for medical treatment for all people, irrespective of their specific traits is essential in healthcare and is referred to as social justice. Social justice, according to the AACN, is the equal manner in which individuals are treated despite their socioeconomic situation, race, ethnicity, age, nationality, impairment,...

Collective Bargaining and Shared Governance in the Healthcare Sector

Collective Bargaining Modern organizations had to work in extremely complex environments characterized by a high level of rivalry, new demands to the quality, and pressure from society. For this reason, they have an increased sophistication of relations between various departments, coworkers, and managers. It means that there is a critical...

Effects of the Pandemic on Organizational Culture Adaptability

Introduction These days, all companies have their unique organizational culture, which supplies a decent level of performance and establishes a healthy and strong working environment. According to Spicer (2020), “Organizational cultures are the signs and symbols, shared practices and underlying assumptions of an organization” (p. 1737). However, the COVID-19 outbreak...

Reflection on Organizational Behavior Theories

Organizational behavior knowledge is of utmost importance in the workplace since it provides an understanding of why people behave in a particular way. Therefore, it is critical not only to study these theories but to reflect on them to be able to apply them in professional life and career plan....

Organizational Behavior: Theory X, Theory Y, and the Hawthorne Studies

Explain McGregor’s Theory X and Y The approaches to managing organizational behavior are numerous and very diverse, yet most of them can be grouped according to specific criteria and categorized accordingly. McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y, which are expected to explain the rationale behind leadership choices and the effects...

  • Environment
  • Discrimination

Lessons Learned from Operation Anaconda

Introduction The causes of successes and failures of the operation Anaconda in Afghanistan can be revealed by considering the most critical conditions. They include several aspects which were essential for the outcomes and equally affected the failures and the ultimate victory of the plan. Thus, the examination of the preparation,...

Use of Nanotechnology to Produce Electric Power on Mars

Nanotechnology has emerged as one of the critical sources of inspiration in the development and production of components that can be used to produce energy in various environments such as in the harsh undeveloped Martian atmosphere. According to Lyons and Whelan, the possibility of using nanotechnology to produce electricity has...

An Interview about Continuing Education in Nursing

Introduction The present paper is devoted to an interview that I carried out with a master’s prepared nurse (MPN) who is currently working as a nurse educator. I chose this MPN since her scope of practice is very similar to my personal interests: I am specializing in nursing education as...

Cherokee Music and Culture

Summary The music of Native Americans has one of the longest and richest histories in the world. Musical concepts and ideas in the different music give the audience an idea of the origin and period of the music (Harris, 2016). The musical concepts were different depending on the community, their...

Interprofessional Collaboration Examples in Nursing Case Study

Introduction The case under study has exposed the importance and the need for different healthcare experts’ cooperation for better patient outcomes. Interprofessional collaboration is the joint participation of numerous specialists in the medical field working with patients and communicating each other’s distinctive viewpoints in providing the highest quality care (Vatn...

A Reflective Analysis of OneDrive’s Features and Benefits

One of the main tasks during the educational process is word processing, which includes developed skills for writing research papers, lab reports, and other assignments. Modern digital technologies significantly optimize the writing process by offering the student virtual applications and OneDrive cloud storage. OneDrive belongs to Microsoft’s MS Office family,...

Benefits of Health Information Technology

Information technology is changing the way people work, learn, and interact in the world today. Artificial intelligence is at the center stage of machine and human surveillance, redefining the health systems on the ground. This change had to happen because of the existing flaws between the service providers and customers...

Policy Solutions to Address Homelessness in California

California has recorded a significant increase in the rates of homelessness since the 19th century. The state’s rapidly growing economy has attracted many people to the region, causing hardships in purchasing or renting a house. This has made people look for alternative means of shelter, which are not worthy of...

Health Disparities Among African Americans in the US

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to analyze the health status of black people residing in the United States. Black people are exposed to significant health risks as a result of the disparities they experience in relation to their health. Discrimination faced by black people has been a significant...

Family Nurse Practitioner as a Primary Care Provider

It is commonly accepted that the roles of advanced nurse practitioners in the sphere of health care can greatly vary in accordance with the location of the practices. The responsibilities of a nurse practitioner can include the diagnosis and treatment of chronic disease, the performance of minor procedures and surgeries,...

  • Relationship
  • Performance

Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic Health Records

Advantages EHRs, particularly those equipped with Clinical Decision Support (CDS) capabilities, have been experimentally related to greater compliance to evidence-based medical recommendations and improved care. Despite the best intentions of physicians, patient interactions may not comply with the best management recommendations due to several issues. Some explanations for this noncompliance...

Consequences of Divorce of Parents for Children

Introduction A divorce is a widespread phenomenon in modern society, and the community does not condemn people when they decide to end their marriage. However, a divorce is typically considered a negative event because it brings emotional and often financial challenges to all parties. According to the official statistics, the...

Legislation to Stop Domestic Violence Against Women

Introduction Domestic violence has been recognized to take many forms including physical, emotional, sexual, and psychological threats or abuses. These forms of disagreements can happen to both male and female sexual categories. In most cases, such vices are directed towards women in a domestic setup. Some researchers also posit that...

MAP-IT Framework for Disaster Recovery Plan for the Vila Health Community

Vila Health Disaster Recovery Plan Purpose When a natural disaster or health threat hits a community, it is essential to have a comprehensive and well-designed recovery plan. It is necessary to assess the needs of the community and all its members to improve access to health services and level out...

Benefits and Challenges of Faith-Based Nursing

Patterson, Wehling, and Mason (2008) argue that “faith-based nursing provides autonomy thus improving the level of flexibility and creativity” (p. 39). Parish nurses can collaborate with faith-based communities to promote the best health practices. The approach encourages more people to develop the new mind, interpersonal, body, spirit, and environmental connections....

Case Study of Pain Management: Chronic Pain Treatment

Chronic pain can be potentially debilitating, reducing a patient’s functional status and quality of life. Available treatments for this condition include either multidisciplinary interventions or single-discipline approaches with varying levels of efficacy. Various studies have evaluated the effectiveness of opioid use, alternative medicine, cognitive-behavioral rehabilitation, and other therapies for pain...

Causes and Consequences of Childhood Obesity

Introduction Children obesity is an acute problem that is frequently met in the modern society. An unhealthy diet and the abundance of the junk food in the children’s menu leads to their gaining weight rapidly (Scherer, 2011). In order to address this problem properly, it is essential to examine its...

ADHD & Personality

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is characterized by neurological impairments in human behavior that begin in childhood. The disease often manifests itself at the age of seven years or with the start of regular schooling or preparatory group. ADHD is characterized by inattention and high distractibility of the child in...

Significance of Statistics in Health Care

Introduction Statistics have an essential place in modern-day healthcare, directly affecting its most significant components. In particular, the correct application of statistics contributes to the quality and safety of care and promotes beneficial health practices. Furthermore, statistics can point to more effective leadership practices, improving the care process. This paper...

Social Changes in the United States: 1920s-1960s

The 1920s was a decade of contradiction in the United States of America since the country was experiencing a period of great prosperity and progress.1 On the other hand, there was a lot of social and political turmoil. The Roaring Twenties was a time of economic growth and technological innovation....

  • Comparative Literature

Music From China Ensemble

Organized at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, commonly known as The Met, a musical presentation from five Chinese was to perform on the so-awaited Music from China. On the 19th of January 2010, at the Central Park located venue in New York, United States. The concert, starred by Frederick Rose,...

African American Women & Higher Education – Literature Review

Bonaparte, Y. (2016). Leaning in: A phenomenological study of African American women leaders in the pharmaceutical industry. Advancing Women in Leadership, 36, 11-16.  The negligible percentage of African American women in leadership positions in different industries reflects the challenges these members of the community have to go through. The purpose...

The Impact of Advanced Practice Nursing in Healthcare

Introduction Advanced Practice Nursing refers to improved and broadened healthcare interventions and services offered by nurses who, in an advanced capacity, affect clinical health outcomes and provide direct medical services to individuals, communities, and families. An Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) is a nurse who has obtained the expert knowledge base,...

Imagination vs. Control in The Yellow Wallpaper

“…the color is repellant, almost revolting; a smouldering unclean yellow, strangely faded by the slow-turning sunlight… This wallpaper has a kind of sub pattern in a different shade, a particularly irritating one, for you can only see it in certain lights, and not clearly then. But in the places where...

Conflict in The Metamorphosis Essay Example

The Metamorphosis is a book based on Gregor Samsa, a traveling salesman who does a strenuous job to provide for his family. On waking up one day, he realizes he has transformed into a colossal insect (Kafka 8). His father, mother, and sister recognize something is wrong when they knock...

The Main Character in A Rose for Emily

Introduction A Rose for Emily recounts the lonely life and odd relationships of Miss Emily Grierson, the protagonist in the story. Emily’s father brings her up in isolation, but after his death, she yearns for relations that paradoxically fail due to her obsession. The grotesque is a theme that is...

Conflict in A Rose for Emily Essay Example

The critical theory by Lois Tyson offers a literary analysis of the psychoanalytic theory whereby it seeks to explain individual character depicted in an individual who is lacking in terms of character and moral standing in his or her actions. The short story A Rose for Emily takes on a...

Nestle Annual Report: Main Points

Located in Vevey, Vaud, Switzerland, Nestlé S.A. is an international food and beverage processing diversified business firm. As other responsible businesses and firms around the globe, Nestle publishes publicly available annual reports, which encompass various types of corporate information, including financial statements. In general, ten essential financial accounting indicators were...

Managers’ Roles in an Organization: Theories and Principles

Introduction The management of the described processes also required integrating theory and practice, thus drawing parallels between theoretical tenets and the management of practical tasks. Thus, the transfer from the abstract conceptualization of quality management to the actual enhancement of product quality had to be seamless and effortless. Although the...

Effects of Public Smoking and Arguments for the Prohibition of Public Smoking

Smoking is one of the most preventable causatives of death in the world since smoking is just an acquired behavior that many people have the authority to avoid. Smoking is either directly or indirectly responsible for causing the death of one out of five people who die in the United...

  • Historical Figures
  • Social Media

Emergency Management in Past Acts of Terrorism

Introduction It is necessary to note that September 11 can be regarded as the day that shaped the concept of terrorism, acts of terrorism, as well as emergency management. The attacks on the so-called Twin Towers are associated with the largest number of victims and responders to various emergency situations...

Game Zone Company’s Analysis

Game Zone is a company that offers a unique opportunity for video game enthusiasts to frequent a place of a welcoming and pleasant atmosphere. Game lovers will enjoy a possibility to play any video game prior to its purchase. Moreover, Game Zone provides an excellent opportunity to find other video...

Healthy Eating Habits and Nutritional Plan

Introduction Nutrition is basically the most fundamental part of human living. A human being’s health is basically the result of what he or she eats. What we consume in our bodies determines how our health is going to be. The greatest challenge for most human beings is identifying a good...

The Condemnation of Galileo

The condemnation of Galileo by the Catholic Church is a prime example of the vast dispute between religion and science. It is widely believed that his support of Copernicanism, the theory that the earth rotates on its axis, led to his condemnation by the Catholic Church. However, modern historians disagree...

Theatre Play: “The Addams Family”

The Addams Family is an action-packed musical comedy based on a book by Marshall Brickman and Rick Elice with the characters taken from the eponymous cartoon. It is another adaptation of the well-known story of the weird, macabre family, making clumsy attempts to live among normal people, who find them...

How Access to Clean Water Influences the Problem of Poverty

The problem of water scarcity is one of the central factors that define global poverty. This research aims to examine the significance, development, and reasons for the issue to understand how people can improve it. It is determined that access to clean water becomes more problematic, and it influences the...

Great Lakes Chemical Corporation Supply Chain

There are different companies in the globe and each produces different products. Though some companies may be dealing with similar products or services, they are differentiated. Furthermore, companies have different policies hence differentials in operation. Supply chain map is the different levels that a product goes through before reaching the...

Civil Rights Activism in the 1960s Virginia by Simon Hall

The process of African American people gaining essential human rights was complex and excruciatingly challenging, with multiple sacrifices having been made and multiple people’s lives taken in the process. The 1960s represent a point in time when the effort made by African American people to put an end to rampant...

The New Balance Brand’s Marketing Overhaul

Introduction New Balance has provided its clients with superior goods and services. The company has a solid reputation in the industry and is well-known for its sneakers. In recent years, despite its solid reputation, New Balance has had significant difficulties. Competitors have been gaining market share, and the company’s brand...

Disorders of Ventilation and Gas Exchange: Case Study

Introduction Hypoxaemia and hypercapnia show pathogenesis and lung inability to generate enough gas exchange, while normal lungs readily exchange breathing gases. To effectively care for individuals with lung disorders, it is essential to comprehend how gases are moved and why gas exchange is inadequate. This essay studies the case of...

  • Advertising

Cooperation, Social Dilemmas and Game Theory

Introduction Many social connections are still competitive if humans are perfectly capable of cooperating and if ethics, social justice, and other characteristics of humans encourage cooperation. It is possible to assume that the character of the social condition had more to do with competition than with the individuals (Barreda-Tarrazona et...

MLB and CBA: Consequences of a Lockout and Strikes

Lockouts and strikes are becoming more common in professional sports. MLB, NFL, NHL, and NBA teams have had eight labor disputes. According to Wen and Tsai (91), the NBA and players’ union have been operating under a CBA since 1998 that will last three more years. From 1998–1999, the NBA...

General Motors: Transformational and Inclusive Leadership

Introduction The selection of a leadership style by a company’s management plays a crucial role in pursuing organizational goals and encouraging performance excellence in the workforce. Indeed, since it is the employees who undertake the tasks within the business processes, it is essential to ensure that their leader possesses the...

The Business Ethics Workshop: Advertisement and Consumer Protection

There are two types of advertising; information and branding advertising. Information branding is commercials that present facts to influence consumer buying decisions; it is characterized by price comparison. It also has its focus on reasonable consumers and is also transactional because it is transactional since it deals with the exchange...

The Business Ethics Workshop: Sex and Drugs at Work

Sex in the Office Some of the ethics governing sex in the office are using sex to sell products, sell oneself, and at work. Some ethical issues such as prurience, product sincerity, and objectification arise due to sex in the office. Product sincerity determines the transparency and openness of the...

Use of Feasibility Concepts, Techniques and Methods for Decision Making

Economic Feasibility An economic feasibility of a project is essential before making a decision to invest in it. The process involves developing a break-even analysis of a business to analyze the costs against the returns of a project. It assists investors to determine the time required for the project to...

Individual Decision-Making and Argument

Complex processes, structures, and environmental interactions characterize contemporary institutions and organizations. One challenge economists, analysts, and marketers face is understanding the decision-making process. Likewise, scholars have shown increased interest in understanding decision-making outcomes to make better theoretical predictions, develop effective strategies, and suggest better public policies (Jiménez & Brocos, 2021)....

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Merger

Companies can decide to merge or acquire other businesses to grow further or solve a problem within the firm. For example, some organizations may see a merger to reach a new market or expand to new locations. In contrast, others wish to reduce the number of potential competitors and acquire...

Abortion and Its Legal and Moral Status

Abortion is a highly contentious topic worldwide because of diverse cultures and conflicting ideas regarding women’s reproduction and the life of an unborn fetus. Individuals opposing abortion suggest that no one has the right to determine whether a fetus lives. However, apart from being a moral issue, abortion is a...

Lean Systems Thinking for an Organization

Lean Production Systems Lean production systems are at the heart of sustainable products and services. Lean production systems entail configuring the business to maximize the production of goods and services while minimizing the waste encountered. Lean production started with Japanese auto manufacturer Toyota with its Just-In-Time system, which has been...

  • African American
  • American Politics
  • Intelligence

Quality Management and Leadership Principles

Introduction The work of any organization and its ability to achieve existing goals depend on the approach used by management to address current issues and resolve them. At the same time, every unit might have problems with the quality of provided services and products, impacting client satisfaction. Under these conditions,...

The Advanced Practice Nurse Consensus Model

The Impact of the APRN Consensus Model on APRN Practice The professional training of medical personnel is carried out in many areas, among which nursing is diverse. Different staff qualifications allow hospitals to allocate workloads and shape work processes adequately. Nurses at different levels study for different years, their programs...

Mexican Peso Crisis: Restructuring and Forgiveness

Introduction By the middle of the 1990s, Mexico seemed to be a prime example of economic liberalization. The country managed to attract a significant inflow of foreign investments. However, the success was short-lived since the political instability led to a drastic deterioration of the investment climate. The situation worsened because...

Kat Stratford from The 10 Things I Hate About You Film

Plot At the center of the film’s plot is Kat Stratford, whose last name is a reference to Shakespeare. Unlike her younger sister Bianca, she is not popular at school, so she has to protect herself from the increased attention of guys. She has to go on dates to control...

Family Health Assessment: Weaknesses and Strengths

Introduction Understanding a family’s features is an essential aspect of nursing practice as it helps determine the right approach for intervention. However, the assessment requires data that can be collected through observation or survey. This paper will examine the benefits of interviews to assess the structure, weaknesses, and strengths of...

Pathogenic Microorganisms: Description of the Research

Reference Information The evolutionary development of pathogenic microorganisms, expressed in increasing resistance to disinfectants, is a severe problem for clinical and domestic environments. Infectious diseases have high mortality rates, which means an urgent need for in-depth research into the effectiveness of disinfectants against various bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The author...

Discussion: Ethics in Healthcare Research

This assessment critically evaluates two peer-reviewed journal articles concerning ethics in research. The first is “Publication pressure versus ethics, in research and publication” by Bahl and Bahl (2021), and the second is entitled “Research and publication ethics in developing countries” by Sharma and Ghimire (2021). The two research articles go...

Uber: The Systems Applications and Products

Chapter 9 Case Review The problem addressed in the case study was the organization’s adoption of a new SAP system. Versum continues using its IT infrastructure after being split from its parent firm (Laudon, 2021). However, the holding company quickly demanded that Versum converts to an autonomous IT structure within...

Ireland’s Education System and Student Performance

Introduction Education is an essential aspect of a person’s development. It allows people to obtain knowledge, various skills, and social identity. Social factors of education include the building of confidence, compassion, and the ability amply to communicate one’s thoughts and feelings. It allows pupils to obtain a wide-encompassing perspective of...

Illegal Immigration: Causes and Consequences

Introduction The issue of immigrants has been of global concern in the recent past. This is because of the increasing number of immigrants in most of the developed nations. Immigrants entail people who decide to leave their country of origin to other nations where they settle (Williams, p. 83). The...

  • Christianity
  • Climate Change
  • Mental Health
  • Nursing Theory

NonParametric Tests in Parametric Setting

Questions about Non-Parametric Procedures Non-parametric tests are choice tests if the dataset does not assume normality in its distribution (for skewed data) (Field, 2009). In addition, data that does not heed to the assumption of homogeneity of variances calls for the use of non-parametric rather than parametric tests. The preference...

Independent-Samples T-Test with SPSS

IAbstract The number of hours worked by male and female respondents does exhibit apparent differences. The study then performed independent-samples t-test to determine if the apparent differences are statistically significant. Evidently, independent samples t-test indicate that the mean number of hours worked by male respondents is statistically significantly higher (32.61±...

Social Identity and Moral Justification: Membership With a Perpetrator

Abstract This study aims to assess how group membership with perpetrators affects empathy towards the victim and moral justification towards the perpetrators’ actions among Malaysian citizens. A between-group experimental study was conducted virtually in which the participants answered an online questionnaire. In this study, the independent variable of group membership...

Risk Management Plan for a Task Management Software Plan

Time pressure and the increased number of responsibilities and issues to control may cause a serious reduction in the quality of the end product. Therefore, for a project to be successfully implemented, the introduction of task management software is essential. However, the designated change is fraught with multiple issues in...

Organizational Theories: From Classics to Contemporary

Organizational Theory Organizational theories have been prevalent over the last century, dominated by sociological perspectives. Haveman and Wetts (2018) hypothesized that the theories emerged through Marx, Weber, and Durkheim’s works. Marx idealized that organizations were divided into classes of workers, managers, and owners in an organization. Technological advancements were manipulated...

Inflammation, Tissue Repair, and Wound Healing

Introduction In many cases, inflammation response includes redness, loss of function, swelling, heat, and pain. Inflammation refers to the immune response of the body resulting from tissue injury, attack by pathogens, and effects from chemicals and radiation (Abdulkhaleq et al., 2018). In the provided case study, the physiological mechanism causing...

Ethical and Legal Considerations in Psychological Assessment

Introduction Psychological assessment of people in the workplace allows employers to increase productivity and income. Personality testing helps employees choose a career path and show high performance. Psychological assessments are able to index the level of competence, personal skills, role in the team and the rates of employee satisfaction. Psychological...

Health Campaign Audience and Implementation

Engaging the Target Audience The proposed public health campaign aims to stop the spread of Ebola in Sierra Leone. The target audience is Sierra Leone citizens. There is no demographic distinction of this population because the disease could affect anybody in the country. Sensitizing everybody about how to prevent new...

The Impact of Zero-Hour Contracts on Employees’ Contract Rights

Introduction In today’s business, zero-hour contracts are becoming more typical. However, they have come under heavy fire as a means for companies to exert more authority over their workforce. Interestingly, some research suggests that people with zero-hour contracts are more likely to experience psychological discomfort and are less prone to...

Treatment After Surgery on Abdominal Organs

Effect of chewing gum on bowel motility in post operative patients following abdominal surgery: A clinical outcome based study One of the problems in the treatment of patients after surgery on the abdominal organs is the restoration of intestinal peristalsis. Violation of intestinal motility in the early postoperative period is...

  • Corporation

Truth in Mathematics, Ethics and Arts

This essay aims at illustrating in what way truth in mathematics, ethics and arts is different. It is widely believed that mathematical truths are objective, universal and agreeable to all in all situations. It is also widely accepted that truth in art is more of subjective i.e. depends on individual...

What Factors Influence Self-Identity?

Introduction For people, existing without self-identity is impossible, which has defined the significance of exploring self-identity. Though the subject matter is completely intangible, it constitutes a vital part of one’s self. In fact, even defining an identity is quite hard due to the number of components that it contains and...

Mohr et al.’s Qualitative Business Research Method

Characteristics of a Good Qualitative Research Credibility Credibility is an essential criterion for judging the soundness of qualitative research. This criterion entails establishing the capacity of qualitative research results to be believable from the dimension of research participants (Guba and Lincoln, 1981, p.61: Barbour, 2003, p.1019). From the perspective of...

Amazon Company’s Customer Service

Why Did Books and CDs Sell Successfully Online Immediately While Many Other Products Took Some Time to Sell Online? It is easier to sell such items and books and CDs online because these goods have fixed contents. If one goes to an e-store to purchase a book, they are likely...

The Behavioral System Model: Analysis

Theory Description The Behavior System Model of Nursing is well-known and practiced nowadays. It was originally introduced in 1968 by Dorothy Johnson, a professor of nursing at the University of California (McEwen, M., 2018, p.155). The process of creating this framework started in the late 1950s when she investigated the...

Competitive Analysis and Market Research Application

Introduction Competition has always been a central element in the field of analysts, directors, executives, entrepreneurs, founders, planners, and managers. Successfully positioning the company, adequately deciding on resource allocation, and defining an acceptable level of performance are key tasks of senior decision-makers. Regarding the former, a competitive analysis paired with...

Tort Law and Negligence: The Case Study

Introduction This case study’s purpose is to show an in-depth comprehension of tort law, with particular attention paid to tort law. The topic of carelessness will receive the most attention in Tort Law, and students will learn about its practical applications by analyzing a media piece pertinent to the construction...

Philips vs. Matsushita: The Competitive Battle

Management practices are essential in a business since they provide the way forward for the company to grow from the local level and traverse international borders. A business must have different plans to attain a good reputation and improve product consumption by the international community. The management must bring together...

Product Roadmap Chapter and Template

Introduction For many years a financial report is no longer about the performance of the previous periods only, it is expected to reflect the value of the company much more than ever. After some decades of creating value on the balance sheet as a lucrative instrument to fund all sorts...

The Legal Position of Free Appropriate Public Education

In 2004 the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act was enacted to cater to children with disabilities. Under IDEA a free appropriate public education consists of educational instruction specially designed to meet the unique needs of children with disabilities supported by such services that are necessary to permit the child to...

  • Domestic Violence

Fiji’s Integrated Ocean Policy for Sustainable Blue Economy

Integrated Ocean Policy in Fiji in the Context of Blue Economy An Integrated Ocean policy in the context of the blue economy of a Pacific island country such as Fiji refers to the sustainable use of resources derived from the ocean to promote economic growth while protecting the marine environment....

Pressure Ulcers and Recommended Care Techniques

Introduction to the Problem Bedsores are frequent in long-term care Continuous pressure on the skin Problems related to proper blood circulation Sepsis and bacterial infections (cellulitis) A review of PU aversion methods PU protocols to be improved Pressure ulcers (PU) belong to the most common wounds associated with long-term hospital...

Summery of “The Fog of War” Documentary

The Fog of War is a documentary that serves as food for thought and in which former US Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara outlines the lessons government officials learned from their experiences in the Cuban Missile Crisis, WWII, and the Vietnam War. In his lessons, McNamara illuminates human nature, luck,...

Suicide and Homicide in Sophocles’ “Antigone” and “Electra”

Introduction Sophocles, who is usually considered one of the best minds of his time, was an influential person in Athens and was elected to important government posts. He was also famous in the literature field, having written 123 works, of which only seven have survived, including the tragedy Antigone. Sophocles...

Town Hall House Lighting Analysis

Location on Level 1 The café, library, and lobby are combined into one room on level 1 of the Town Hall House. Its modern design does not provoke its visitors to take some irrational steps but use rationality as the main arguments for the actions. Though there are many purposes...

Restaurant Manager: Functions, Factors, Performance

Store manager As a store manager, the key is to have good forecasting sense and ability to lead a team. The store manager has to motivate a team consisting of employees at all the levels, there are certain unexpected times such as dissatisfied customers complaining or claiming a refund, as...

Nursing Students’ Attendance at Learning Activities

Nursing Students’ Attendance at Learning Activities in Relation to Attainment and Passing Courses. A Prospective Quantitative Study The authors of the article are Rejnö, Nordin, Forsgren, Sundell, and Rudolfsson. It was published in the journal Nurse Education Today in 2017. The article was selected to exemplify a quantitative study design....

Fashion Sustainability for High-End and Low-Cost Brands

Introduction In recent years, the concept of sustainability became highly essential in the sphere of manufacturing all over the world. In particular, fashion companies demonstrate a growing interest in their products’ environmentally and ethically appropriate manufacturing, distribution, and consumption. However, according to many consumers, the option of sustainability in the...

Customer Relationship Management Study Critique

Introduction The world is constantly changing which affects consumers’ demand for goods and services. Companies have to deal with heterogeneous trends not to lose clients as well as to acquire new ones (Bai et al, 2019). As a part of my business and economics course, I have researched a paper...

Application of Statistics in Healthcare

Introduction In healthcare, statistics have a critical application because they help healthcare professionals to make evidence-based decisions, improve care delivery, enhance patient outcomes, and advance hospitals’ quality. Oster and Enders (2018) recommend that healthcare providers have statistical competence to boost their capacity to consume research findings and translate them into...

  • Health Promotion
  • Globalization

Themes and Styles in Anne Bradstreet’s Poems

Introduction The three poems by Anne Bradstreet, namely: In Honor of That High and Mighty Princess Queen Elizabeth of Happy Memory, To the Memory of My Dear and Ever Honored Father Thomas Dudley Esq. Who deceased, July 31, and of his age 71, and Contemplations have a number of elements...

The Book “Philosophy: The Power of Ideas”

Explain and critically evaluate the notions of Karma, Samsara, and Nirvana Karma refers mainly to the concept of deeds and intentions that an individual or a group does while being alive in the world. It also captures the effects of those actions on other people and the rest of the...

Climate Change and Social Responsibility in the UAE

The UAE is rapidly developing for the several decades already, which has a positive influence on the well-being of the population. However, the changes that entail this process affects the environment adversely. People tend to use cars, which spoil the air, dangerous substances, and chemicals that can pollute water and...

Neurological Alterations and How They Can Be Managed

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How to Write an Essay in Under 30 Minutes

Last Updated: December 19, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Arash Fayz . Arash Fayz is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of LA Tutors 123, an academic consulting and private tutoring company based in Los Angeles, California. Arash has over 10 years of educational consulting experience, managing the tutoring of students of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds to score higher on standardized tests and gain admission to their target schools. He has a BA in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of California, Los Angeles. There are 12 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 602,307 times.

If you’re taking your SATs this year, you may be preparing to write a solid essay within the 30 minute time limit. Or you might be trying to improve your writing speed to complete essay exams faster and more efficiently. Writing a five paragraph essay in under 30 minutes can seem daunting, but with the right planning and time management, it is certainly achievable.

Sample Essays

how to write a 4 page essay in 2 hours

Planning the Essay

Step 1 Spend 10 minutes planning the essay.

  • For example, you may get a prompt in the form of quotation: “Time has a doomsday book, on whose pages he is continually recording illustrious names. But as often as a new name is written there, an old one disappears. Only a few stand in illuminated characters never to be effaced.” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow [3] X Research source
  • You may then receive a question attached to the prompt: “Are there some heroes who will be remembered forever? Or are all heroes doomed to be forgotten one day?" Plan your response, and then write an essay to explain your views on this issue. Be sure to support your position with specific points and examples. You may use personal examples or examples from your reading, observations, or, knowledge of subjects such as history, literature, science. [4] X Research source

Step 3 Brainstorm your thesis...

  • For example, you may brainstorm the Longfellow quote/question by thinking of personal examples of heroes who are remembered or forgotten, such as family members, friends, teachers, or peers who have acted as heroes to you or to others. Or you may focus on a historical figure who seems to be a forgotten hero or a decorated hero.
  • This essay question is asking for two sides of the discussion, the forgotten hero and the remembered hero. Your thesis should discuss both sides and choose one side to argue for or against.
  • You may choose to spotlight a historical figure who encountered opposition and challenges in her life, such as the suffragette Susan B. Anthony. Anthony worked tirelessly for decades to get the government to recognize women’s right to vote, and was often derided by the government and by individuals within her own organization. She is a good example of a hero who was not recognized as a trailblazer until late in her life, though she is now remembered as a heroine in history. Try to refer back to the quotation in the essay prompt in your thesis, if possible, to show you have read the entire question.
  • A possible thesis statement could be: “Though Longfellow argues that names, or heroes, may be forgotten over time, one historical figure, Susan B. Anthony, was derided in her lifetime for her beliefs but is now remembered as a heroine of her time.”

Step 4 Create an outline.

  • Introduction: Your beginning paragraph should contain an engaging first sentence and your thesis statement. Some writers find it easier to write create a temporary introduction and revise it once they are finished with the essay. This will ensure the introduction is cohesive with the rest of the essay.
  • Conclusion: This paragraph should summarize your main argument and restate your thesis. You may also want to include last thoughts around the essay question.

Writing the Essay

Step 1 Take 15 minutes to write the essay.

  • Try to spend two to three minutes on each body paragraph. Then, take three minutes on your conclusion paragraph and go back to your introduction. Spend the last three minutes revising your introduction so it matches the tone and perspective of the rest of your essay.

Step 2 Use a hook in your introduction.

  • An interesting or surprising example: This could be a personal experience or a key moment in the life of the historical figure you are discussing in your essay. For example, you may discuss Anthony’s childhood as a Quaker and her later adoption of more casual dress and growing interest in social reform at the age of 26. [9] X Trustworthy Source University of North Carolina Writing Center UNC's on-campus and online instructional service that provides assistance to students, faculty, and others during the writing process Go to source
  • A provocative quotation: This could be from a source you used for your essay or one that feels relevant to your topic. For example, you may use a well known quote from Anthony, such as: “Cautious, careful people, always casting about to preserve their reputation and social standing, never can bring about a reform. Those who are really in earnest must be willing to be anything or nothing in the world's estimation, and publicly and privately, in season and out, avow their sympathy with despised and persecuted ideas and their advocates, and bear the consequences.” [10] X Research source
  • A vivid anecdote: An anecdote is a very short story that carries moral or symbolic weight. Think of an anecdote that might be a poetic or powerful way to start your essay.
  • A thought provoking question: create a question that will get your reader thinking and engaged in your topic. For example: “Did you ever wonder how women received the right to vote in the United States?”

Step 3 Write your three body paragraphs.

  • Body paragraph 1: You may start by discussing Anthony’s early successes. Look at the establishment of the Women’s Loyal National League in 1863 by Anthony and Stanton. As the first national women’s political organization in the United States, it had a membership of 5000 and provided a platform for women to speak out on issues like slavery and women’s right to vote. [11] X Research source
  • Body paragraph 2: You may discuss Anthony’s mid career struggles. Look at the split in the women’s movement in May 1869, with the establishment of the National Woman’s Suffrage Association (NWSA) by Anthony and Stanton, and the rival American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA). Note how after the Civil War, Anthony devoted her time and life to the suffrage movement, assuming leadership of the NWSA in 1890 and continuing to advocate for women’s rights. Anthony also remained unmarried, which gave her an advantage under the law, as married women at the time were not permitted to sign official documents and had to defer to their husbands. [12] X Research source
  • Body paragraph 3: You may discuss Anthony’s later life, including her many speaking engagements throughout the United States on the need for women’s suffrage and equal rights. Though Anthony died in 1906, and did not live to see the passing of the Nineteenth Amendment of the Constitution, affording women the right to vote in the United States in 1920, her forty years of tireless work paved the way for the legal precedent and gave women a strong sense of empowerment and equality. [13] X Research source

Step 4 Summarize your thoughts in your conclusion.

  • For example, you may restate your thesis: “Throughout her life, Susan B. Anthony’s sacrificed her time, energy, and personal livelihood to advocate for women’s rights, proving that though many heroes may be forgotten, their actions will live on in history.”

Editing the Essay

Step 1 Use the last five minutes to proofread your essay.

  • For example, an essay on Susan B. Anthony could have the title: “An Unsung Heroine” or “Susan B. Anthony: An Advocate for Change”.

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Arash Fayz

In order to successfully write an essay in under 30 minutes, you need to plan it out and work efficiently. Take a good 10 minutes to plan out the essay and come up with a thesis statement that will convey your argument and help guide your essay. It may seem like a large chunk of your time, but it will save you from having to rewrite or restructure your essay later on. Then, take 15 minutes to write your introductory paragraph, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Use the last 5 minutes to proofread your essay and look for spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. Don’t worry about coming up with a title until you’re finished. It will be much easier then. For tips about how to edit an essay you write in under 30 minutes, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Hacks How to Write a 10 and 20 page Paper in One Night

Updated: July 15, 2022

Published: April 19, 2020


It’s the night before a big paper is due. For whatever reason, you find yourself needing to write an entire research paper in a very short amount of time. While procrastination isn’t ideal, extenuating circumstances may have caused your timeline to get pushed back. So, here you are, looking for how to write a 10-page paper or how to write a 20-page paper in one night.

It goes without saying the best way to write a paper is to give yourself enough time to outline, draft, and edit. Yet, it’s still possible to write in less time. Take heed of these best tips and tricks to organize your thoughts and get your thesis on paper as fast as possible.

Photo by  Adolfo Félix  on  Unsplash

How to prepare before you write, 1. create a schedule to maximize your time.

You’ve likely already spent time panicking. Once you calm yourself of the anxiety of having to finish a 10- or 20-page paper in one night, organize your plan of attack. First, you should designate an area free of distractions so that you can focus. Aside from a few breaks and snacks, it’s best to set up a comfortable place to write. Give yourself some time to outline and find/cite research . Once you know how you’re going to approach the subject, then you can start drafting.

2. Determine your Main Topic

If you’ve been given a prompt, then your topic is clear. However, sometimes you have the freedom to choose what your research will be about. In this case, it’s smartest to choose a topic that you are already knowledgeable about. That way, you will save yourself key time that would have otherwise been spent on research. If you don’t feel strongly about any particular topic, then at least try to pick one that has a lot of information available.

3. Perform Research

Start looking up sources to cite that support your thesis, or main argument. As you research, be sure to take notes. One of the best ways to do this is to use a word processor like Google Docs or Microsoft Word to copy and paste URLs. For each source, it would be best to copy/paste one main sentence that covers its point.

Then, you can write brief notes in your own words that summarize what you have read from that source. While you are performing research, you can start to put together an outline, or the flow of how you will present your ideas broken down by topic and argument.

4. Outline 3-5 subtopics

Once you’ve chosen your topic, then try to pull 3-5 subtopics from it. Each sub-topic should be juicy enough to be able to write a lot about it. The subtopics are your supporting paragraphs which fill the body of the research paper. They should basically be mini essays within themselves.

Writing in One Night

Writing a long research paper in one night isn’t ideal, but it is doable. Some of the best ways to get it done is to follow these 5 tips:

1. Plan and Outline

Take those few extra moments to plan and outline your paper. While it may feel like a waste of valuable time, it is going to help you stay on track. When you have an outline and you get to the middle of your paper, you won’t feel lost as to how to continue. An outline will be useful to you like a map is on a journey.

2. Use Specialized Search

Take advantage of search tools that are designed for scholars. For example, a few of these include: Google Scholar and Elsevier .

3. Leverage Tools

There are citation management tools that will help you find sources for your topic. Mendeley is just one of them. You can type parts of your paper into the tool and find quotes of value. Be sure to cite everything you use to avoid plagiarism .

4. Proofread and Edit

Once you complete writing 10 to 20 pages, you may feel like throwing in the towel and going to sleep for a few hours. However, it is crucial to power through and proofread your paper. If you have anyone available who can read your paper over, that would be best because it’s hard to catch mistakes when you’ve been looking at the same thing for so long. But, if no one is available, try to read your paper back to yourself out loud. This way, you may be able to catch typos better.

5. Check Formatting

Every research paper needs to adhere to a particular format guideline. Whether it’s APA, MLA, or another standard formatting practice, be sure to double check that your layout adheres to the guidelines.

Photo by  Christin Hume  on  Unsplash

When to start writing.

If you have yet to find yourself trying to write a paper at the last minute and all the notes above are scaring you out of procrastination, then that’s a good start! Perhaps you were recently assigned a research paper. In this case, the best way to tackle the project is to do the following:

Start Early

Get started right away. Even if it means just performing early research or writing an outline, starting early is going to save you from having to write a paper in one night down the line. When you start early, you benefit greatly because you can: leverage peers for ideas, take the necessary time to edit and rewrite, and you lower your risk of picking a topic with too little information and having to change topics at the last minute.

Writing in Stages

Starting early also affords you the opportunity to write in stages. You can think of writing as a cycle when you write in stages. First, you can create your outline. Then, you can write the introduction, edit it, and rewrite anything you may need to before moving on to the next piece (or the first body paragraph, in this case).

Use a Timeline

Create a timeline for your writing in stages. If you start four weeks in advance, for example, you have time to do all of the following:

  • Fully understand the assignment and ask any questions
  • Start to read and document sources
  • Create notecards and cite books for sources
  • Write a summary of what you’ve discovered so far that will be used in some of your paper
  • Create 3-5 subtopics and outline points you want to explore
  • Look for more sources on your subtopics
  • Start writing summaries on each subtopic
  • Write some analysis of your findings
  • Start to piece together the research paper based on your notes and outline (almost like completing a puzzle)
  • Edit and proofread / ask for feedback

The Writing Process

The actual writing process is a little different for everyone, but this is a general overview for how to write a 20-page paper, or one that is shorter.

  • Start with a Thesis: Your thesis is one sentence that clearly and concisely explains what you are going to prove with research.
  • Include a Menu Sentence: At the end of your introduction, you will briefly outline your subtopics in what is often referred to as a “menu sentence.” This allows the reader to understand what they can expect to learn about as they continue to read your paper.
  • Create a Detailed Introduction: Your introduction should be detailed enough so that someone with little to no knowledge about your subject matter can understand what the paper is about.
  • Keep References: Be sure to write your references as you go along so that you basically can create your bibliography in the process of writing. Again, this is where a tool like Mendeley may be useful.
  • Write First: Write first and edit later. You want to get all your ideas down on the page before you start judging or editing the writing.
  • Save Often: Create the draft on a cloud platform that is automatically saved (i.e. Google Docs in case your computer crashes) or email the work to yourself as you go.

The Breakdown of a 10-Page Paper

The Breakdown of a 10-Page Paper infographic table

Sources to Consider Using

When writing your research paper and finding sources, it’s best to use a mix of sources. This may include:

  • Internet: The Internet is filled with limitless possibilities. When you use the Internet, it’s best to find credible and trustworthy sources to avoid using fake news as a source. That’s why tools like Google Scholar can be so helpful.
  • Textbooks: It’s more likely than not that you’ll be able to use your class textbook as a source for the research you are conducting.
  • Books: Additionally, other books outside of those you read within your class will prove useful in any research paper.

Final Steps: Editing and Formatting

Once you’ve written all your ideas on the page, it’s time to edit. It cannot be stressed enough that editing is pivotal before submission. This is especially true if you’ve been writing under immense pressure.

Writing a 10- or 20-page research paper in one night is not easy, so there are bound to be mistakes and typos. The best way to catch these mistakes is to follow these tips:

  • Take a break before you edit so you can come back to the page with somewhat fresh eyes and a clearer head
  • Read it out loud to edit and catch mistakes because sometimes your brain will override typos or missing words to make sense of what it is reading
  • If possible, ask someone else to look it over
  • Consider using footnotes or block quotes
  • Format according to how your university asks – MLA or APA, etc.

The Bottom Line

Life throws curveballs your way without warning. Whether you are holding yourself accountable for procrastinating or something out of your control came up, you may find yourself needing to write a big research paper in one night. It’s not the best-case scenario, but with the right tools and tricks up your sleeve, you can surely get it done!

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20 Strategies to Write an Essay in 2 Hours

This article is your ultimate list of strategies to boost your essay writing speed. Only two hours left before the deadline? You can handle that anyway.

Ready? Steady. Go!

20 Strategies to Write an Essay Super Fast

Essay Writing in 2 Hours

1. Keep calm: You can do it!

Two hours seem too short, but they are enough to craft a standard college essay if you’ve prepared and organized everything beforehand. So, the most efficient strategy would be to relax and not panic:

Try a short meditation session before writing, consider the above infographic, and keep reading to see what you need.

2. Organize your workspace

A well-organized workplace allows a student to focus and complete assignments faster.

(Yeah, it doesn’t sound realistic, given that many learn their materials and prepare for exams wherever possible — in bed, on the way to college, you name it! And yet, there’s a science behind it.)

So, if you want to write an essay faster, do it in a precisely organized place. Let it be a corner of a room with proper lighting ( temperatures around 3500K-4000K stimulate the brain and influence productivity), a table, and a comfortable chair. Also, make it encouraging and inspiring:

  • Prepare all the tools you’ll need for writing
  • Place your favorite photos or quotes nearby
  • Put a plant on the table (more on that below)

When sitting in an organized workspace, your brain gets a signal saying: “ It’s time to work! ” When you’re in bed with your laptop or on a cozy sofa you usually use to rest or read a book, your brain doesn’t have such associations; it’s lazy and wants to procrastinate.

Remember that, and “cheat” your brain like a boss. Make it focus and work when it should be focused and productive.

3. Try writing in a new place

A change of scenery can be refreshing, boost ideas, and encourage productivity. New places inspire people and give energy, so why not try this trick when you have an essay to complete?

Let’s take a coffee shop as an example:

Working there makes people more creative and efficient. It’s because of The Coffee Shop Effect : the perfect dose of noise (it enhances cognitive flexibility and improves performance) + visibility (others see us working, which satisfies our subconscious need for approval, aka social instinct).

Other examples of alternative places where you can write:

  • Local libraries
  • Coworking spaces
  • Public parks
  • A friend’s house
  • Botanical gardens

4. Eliminate distractions

Distractions in Writing

It can be challenging to do, but please do your best to remove everything (and everyone, lol ) that can distract you from writing.

Turn off your smartphone and laptop notifications. Ensure that you walk your dog before you start working and tell your friends and family members that you’ll be busy for the next two hours so that they won’t disturb you.

Take some snacks to avoid feeling hungry and minimize the noise around you.

Speaking of noise:

While background music and voices frustrate some writers, killing their inspiration and productivity, others work better in noisy environments. Find a quiet place if you’re one of the former and can’t focus when in a room with others.

If the circumstances don’t allow that, noise-cancellation headphones will help.

5. Put on your headphones

First, they’ll muffle outside sounds so that nothing will distract you from essay writing.

Second, they will signal to your relatives or roommates that you’re busy, so they shouldn’t touch you. Let them know they can’t ask you questions (yes, even quick ones), clarify any routine details, give you any duties, etc. When you’re in headphones, it means you’re absent.

If you’re okay with background music when studying, put on some with your headphones. Choose compositions that boost creativity and help you focus.

Most experts agree that the best music for work and study is soothing, melodic, and without lyrics. (Hearing a song’s words may take a listener’s focus away from their task.) Instrumental or classical music, jazz, nature sounds, and movie soundtracks are the most favorable options.

There are tons of corresponding playlists on YouTube. Choose one that helps you set the right mood.

6. Take a cup of coffee/tea before writing

Are you a coffee addict? Great! Let’s use this habit for your benefit.

Do your best to take a cup of your favorite coffee-based drink between 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m . It’s the best time to reap the most from it: Cortisol levels start to dip, and the effect of the caffeine will be at its maximum.

Coffee helps you stay alert, improves creativity and mood, and stimulates productivity.

Coffee for Writing

Oh, you don’t drink coffee, do you? Try green tea instead.

Its ingredients positively influence health, and two specific ones — L-theanine and caffeine — stimulate the brain and help you stay bright-eyed. According to research, green tea boosts cognitive functions like attention and reaction time.

(That’s what you’ll need to write an essay fast, huh?)

7. Have a cat or plant nearby

Your cat can help you write faster. Communicating with these pets boosts a person’s mood and reduces anxiety and feelings of panic (such as those you might have about missing a deadline, for example).

Also, your fluffy four-legged friend will encourage you to take a short break during those two hours of writing (which are critical and pur-r-perfect for productive work and creativity boosts, by the way.)

As for plants, it’s worth having at least one at your desk. They reduce stress, sharpen your attention, and increase productivity.

8. Research and outline beforehand

Essay writing isn’t only about putting words on paper. First, you need to choose a topic (if your teacher didn’t assign any), research to choose references, decide on the arguments and evidence you’ll use, and craft an essay plan to organize all that information.

It sounds impossible to do in two hours, right?

That’s why you must organize your time with all this pre-writing work in mind.

You know the deadline and have two hours to complete a paper. Do preliminary research and craft an initial outline for your essay beforehand. Thus, you’ll know what to include in each paragraph and write your essay draft super fast.

9. Prepare a reward for yourself

Do you know about dopamine?

It’s a neurotransmitter responsible for our brain’s reward and pleasure system. Besides reinforcing behaviors essential for survival, it also impacts our ability to concentrate.

What does that have to do with essay writing?

Once you complete a task, your brain will release dopamine, which creates a sense of reward and satisfaction.

Why not “cheat” your brain and prepare a reward beforehand? Understanding the reward is waiting for it after you finish an essay will help the brain focus and make a sustained effort toward achieving this goal.

In plain English:

Tell yourself that you’ll eat that yummy chocolate once your essay is ready. The anticipation of this reward will cause the release of dopamine, optimizing your mental energy and cognitive performance and thus motivating you to complete the task faster.

What can be your reward?

  • Eating your favorite food
  • Watching a movie
  • Hanging out with friends
  • A weekend vacation
  • Relaxing procedures (a SPA session, massage, etc.)
  • Anything you love and that inspires you

10. Cut the writing into time blocks

Set a deadline for completing each part of your essay. It will help you focus on one specific task at a time and will serve as a psychological trick to “calm down” your brain:

Now, it knows it has, say, 30 minutes to write a paragraph, seeing it as a more achievable goal. Remember the “bird by bird” principle by Anne Lamott ? Just do a task step by step, “forgetting” about how lengthy or complex it is.

For example:

You have two hours (120 minutes) to write an essay.

Leave 15-20 minutes for a break (yes, you’ll need it!) and cut the rest of the time into sections. Let’s say that you leave 20 minutes for an introductory paragraph and 20 for a conclusion. So, 60 minutes are left for the body of the essay.

Not that bad, huh?

A standard 5-paragraph essay has three body paragraphs, so you have 20 minutes for each. It’s possible to achieve, don’t you think?

11. Write the body of the essay first

Most authors admit:

The most challenging part of the writing process is crafting the first sentence. It’s the blank page syndrome when you stare at the screen and can’t find the words to start your draft. Here’s the trick to avoid that:

Write the body of your essay first to initiate the process, and you can complete the introductory paragraph and conclusion later.

The key is knowing your thesis statement in advance so that you understand how to organize the text’s claims, arguments, and evidence.

12. Use essay templates

Ready-made templates save a huge amount of time!

Craft and save the outline templates for various essay types: argumentative, narrative , compare and contrast , etc. Every time you get a corresponding task assigned, you’ll already know its structure, thus saving time on outlining. All you’ll need to do is fill in the gaps with the necessary components.

(This also works for reference lists, title pages, and essay formatting.)

13. Set a timer

Remember Tip #10? You set deadlines for each part of the essay.

Want this strategy to be even more applicable? Set a timer each time you start a new paragraph and write nonstop within that period. It will be your extra motivation to finish writing before the alarm rings.

Use a traditional table clock, a corresponding app, or your smartphone’s timer. In knowing you have limited time, you will subconsciously try to make it — and write faster as a result. 14. Take a 15-minute break to recharge Please don’t write for two hours in a row: You won’t be more productive but will get tired sooner and slow down the whole process. Taking a break to clear your head and recharge your inner “battery” for more efficient work is critical.

So, here’s the plan:

You write for 45 minutes and then have a 15-20-minute break to recharge.

What to do during a break?

  • Have a snack. (Important! Don’t do it while scrolling Instagram on your laptop. Give your eyes some rest too.)
  • Take a walk in a nearby park.
  • Play with your pet.
  • Do some exercises: squats, push-ups, you name it! (Mini elliptical trainers are a great option to try.)

15. Drink water while writing

Water for Writing

Good hydration is critical for clear thinking.

Have a glass of water at the table when you write — and drink it once in a while. You’ll help your brain cells maintain a hydro-balance and stay productive for a faster and better writing performance.

16. Use the same document for your notes and draft

Write the essay in the same document where you crafted the outline and made notes. That way, you will have all the information in front of you to help boost your thought flow:

You won’t be switching back and forth between documents (shifting your focus from writing to other activities).

17. Try speech-to-text programs

Google Docs, Apple Dictation, Amazon Transcribe … These are just a few tools that can turn your spoken words into written text.

Dictate your essay out loud, and the program will convert it into text. This way, you’ll save time and only have to check the draft for errors, logical flow, grammar mistakes, the presence of all necessary elements, etc.

18. Write first; edit afterward

The most common piece of writing advice that works:

Don’t edit on the go (as you write). It will slow you down, distracting your brain from working. Writing and editing are different tasks, so do your best to separate them.

Don’t stop to edit your sentence even if you see a mistake. This is challenging for perfectionists, but they should remember a core idea behind fast writing:

“The first draft of anything is s**t.” ( Ernest Hemingway )

Make it a habit to “forget” about grammar mistakes and stylistic imperfections while writing. You’ll revise and polish everything later.

Extra read: How to Edit Your Academic Writing Draft

19. Speed up proofreading and editing

You won’t submit your essay for review once you’ve finished the draft, right? Proofreading and editing come next, so you’ll need some tricks to do it fast.

Examples of such tricks include:

  • Reading your draft aloud. (You’ll “hear” the typos and mistakes.)
  • Printing it out. (You’ll notice the flaws more easily.)
  • Reading the draft backward. (Do it sentence by sentence, starting from the last one

(Also, you can use grammar and plagiarism checkers to make the process faster.)

Here’s your checklist for faster self-editing:

Essay Proofreading

20. Delegate

The most evident and easiest way to get an essay ready in two hours is to delegate it to a professional writer.

Please don’t hesitate to ask for help with researching or outlining, try an essay writing app, or let an expert write a draft for you if you see that you can’t handle everything alone as fast as you need to.

Ready to Join The Fast Essay Writing Challenge?

Now that you have so many useful tips and strategies in your pocket, you’ll write your essay fast. If you still need help from someone to process your “ write my essay in 2 hours ” request now, our professional writers are here to assist you. Just ask!

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How to Write an Essay in 2 Hours: A Complete Guide

how to write a 4 page essay in 2 hours

The essay writing process isn’t easy, more so if it has to be done fast. However, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Academic assignments often come with tight deadlines. In some cases, short deadlines are deliberate to push learners to find efficient strategies to express their ideas and research findings quickly and succinctly. That 7 pages critical analysis that you may be working on could be a test of your art of fast writing without compromising on quality.

Approaching an Essay with a Tight Deadline

Here’s how you can approach an essay with a tight deadline.

Analyze the assignment

Before you write, make sure you understand what is required. A common problem with students is not paying enough attention to the assignment. The work won’t be complete if you do not answer the professor’s question. Remember, you can always ask for clarification if the question is not clear enough. Keep all requirements in mind not to waste time.

Use professional services

Tight deadlines and overlapping assignments can really test your limits. But all is not lost. Urgent paper writing services like FastEssay can help you complete your “ write my essay in 2 hours ” request. Yes, you heard that right. Whether your paper is urgent or otherwise, they got you covered. This company offers specialized expertise in virtually all disciplines and all academic levels from high school to PhD. They have experienced writers who can produce high-quality essays and be your lifeline in urgent situations.

Plan out time

A good plan is the secret to managing time and writing an essay in 2 hours. You need to know how much time you have and exactly what you need to do. For example, you can approach a 6 pages paper as follows;

  • Crafting thesis statement – 15 minutes;
  • Creating an outline – 10 minutes;
  • Research – 30 minutes for every page of the paper approximately.
  • Writing – 30-40 minutes;
  • Editing – 20 minutes.
  • References – 10-15 minutes.

Create thesis statement

The thesis statement is your paper framework, so pay attention to it. It’s the main idea you will dwell on in your paper. Trust us when we say you’ll stay focused and write a paper in 2 hours if you narrow your thoughts down to one. Only after establishing the focus of your paper is when you can decide what to write and how to convince your readers of your position.

Start with a flat outline

Creating an outline gives your paper a general structure and a step forward in writing an essay fast. It will help you avoid blank page fear. When you know what to write about, it becomes easier to keep focus and not get distracted. The trick is to write the argument in the outline. So, if you have any idea for the argument, put a note in the outline as well.

Research efficiently

Conducting research with a limited time may seem difficult. We all know that by now. But don’t worry, you can manage that as well. Do not get distracted. Look for specific information since you already have the topic and thoughts around it. Remember that to write an essay fast, you must conduct research quickly. Worry not about researching extensively. You can always do more research later.

Start writing

Many writers struggle to start with the introduction part, but that’s normal. If that’s the case with you, start with the body. You can always write the introduction and conclusion afterward. Starting with the body is much easier after all; how could you introduce something you haven’t done? Let the flow guide you, and then you will edit later. Another trick here is not to do more than you have to. If it’s a 6 to 10-page paper, why go for 10 when time is a constraint? Keep in mind that it’s about quality, not quantity.

How Can I Write an Essay in 2 Hours?

The most student thing ever is doing an assignment at the last minute. Every college student knows there’s never enough time to start early or do something without a hustle. Writing a complex essay is time-consuming and might need a whole day. However, sometimes, you may need less than 2 hours to complete the assignment due to such issues as procrastination, a tight schedule, or an unexpected deadline. The reality of needing to produce a high-quality essay quickly can strike anyone at any time.

But how can you manage to do a college essay within 2 hours? Therefore, you must refine your time management and writing skills to be able to express your thoughts and ideas concisely and effectively under pressure. All in all, students need proper training and a solid strategy to be able to write an essay within a short turnaround time. Let’s explore ideal strategies and tips to complete essay assignments while racing against the clock.

7 Best Tips to Write an Essay in 2 Hours

What are some of the strategies we can employ to write urgent essays? Many students need such tips since we’ve all been there where we must submit a paper urgently. The pressure to quickly produce a comprehensive and coherent piece on a complex topic can overwhelm even the most diligent learners. Yet, poorly researched essays or hurried writing can fail to meet the required standard. The following tips can be the easiest way to draft a successful essay .

  • Identify your essay topic. Do not underestimate the essence of your essay topic. It is very crucial. Depending on a few parameters, essay questions can either be given or will be open for writers to choose. In many cases, the title is always given. Whether in general overview or a specific approach, you should always focus on the type of analysis to accord with the article. Besides, decide the subject of the essay, the best approach plan, and the objectives you wish to meet in under 2 hours.
  • If you need to research, remember that you’ll not have time to think about your entire piece. Straight-up search for more specific facts and points. Find the main concept that you will apply to your essay. Due to time constraints, go for the kill – main points.
  • Outline your topic ideas. Have an outline to visualize the final paper. It’s easy to crack this. Start by stipulating your topic, follow by respective ideas, and remember to leave a space for further expounding. Lastly, make more detailed explanations related to your main idea.
  • Design your thesis statement. A thesis statement tells the reader how you will interpret the significance of the subject matter under discussion. It’s a road map for the paper. So, ensure it conveys the purpose of your essay and emphasizes the topic. Please do not take more than 5 minutes on it. It should be straightforward.
  • Write the body first. Begin with the body paragraphs where you argue your main points. This approach allows you to get into the crux of your essay immediately. It ensures you don’t run out of time before making your key arguments.
  • Draft the introduction and conclusion. Once the body of your essay is in place, drafting the introduction and conclusion becomes much easier. This strategy ensures that your opening and closing sections accurately reflect the content and direction of your entire essay. Begin with an attention grabber, something like a quote or some statistical data relevant to the subject. In conclusion, restate the thesis statement and connect it with the evidence you provided in your body.
  • Proofread your essay (5-10 minutes). This last step is equally essential. The main focus is ensuring that sentence construction is perfect, grammar is correct, and no errors and spelling mistakes are included. Polish your English to make it outstanding. Pay attention to the thesis statement and the topic sentences. That’s it! Your essay is now ready.

It’s Possible Within 2 Hours!

Yes, it is possible to write an essay in 2 hours. You now understand that it’s completely possible to be more efficient and fast with your college papers. All you need is a proper plan, focus, and dedication with your college essays. Get into it, write fast, and edit slowly. Good luck!


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8 Tips to Write Any Academic Paper in 2 Hours

how to write a 4 page essay in 2 hours

  • Last Updated: April 14, 2023

Doing an assignment last minute is the most student thing ever. There is never enough time to start early or do something without a hustle. Everyone who studied in college has been there. But with the right strategy, you can write any academic paper much faster, even in a couple of hours.

Let’s be honest, the easier way to get an academic paper done fast is to ask for professional help. It is no secret that an academic term paper writer from WritePaper can do any type of paper in a limited time and with excellent quality. The secret is experience and expertise, of course. If you are doing something every day, it comes so much easier. Also, professional academic writers waste no time. They know exactly what to start from. How to be efficient with research, and they do not fear a blank page.

Getting help is a normal thing; it is helpful to keep in mind that it is out there. You can google internet research guide 2022 to find some options. But if you want to work on your own and get quicker with your writing, these tips will help you out. Take this approach to complete any academic paper in a couple of hours.

Analyze the Assignment

A common mistake among students is not paying enough attention to the assignment. Before you start writing, make sure you understand what is required. If you do not answer the professor’s question, the work won’t be sufficient.

Remember that you can always ask for clarifications, and it only shows your initiative and interest in the subject. Keep all requirements in mind to not waste time on doing something unnecessary.

Plan Out Time

The secret to time management is to have a plan. You need to know exactly how much time you have on your hands and what exactly you need to do. Divide the tasks into steps and assign deadlines to each of them. For example:

  • Crafting thesis statement – 15 minutes;
  • Creating an outline – 10 minutes;
  • Research – 30 minutes for every page of the paper approximately, if you can do it faster – it is amazing;
  • Writing – 30-40 minutes;
  • Editing – 20 minutes.
  • References – 10-15 minutes.

Create Thesis Statement

The next step is to create a thesis statement. It is the main idea you’ll dwell on in your paper. Narrowing your thoughts down to one will help to stay focused and efficient.

It is a framework of the future paper, so pay attention to it. Decide what you want to accomplish with this writing and how you are going to convince the reader of your position.

Start with Flat Outline

Creating an outline helps to avoid blank page fear. And when you know what to write about, it is easier to keep focus and not get distracted.

It doesn’t need to be difficult or have a specific hierarchy. For instance, the flat outline for a simple essay goes like this:

  • Introduction;
  • Paragraph one – argument 1;
  • Paragraph two – arguments 2;
  • Paragraph 3 – argument 3;

The trick is to write the arguments in the outline. You should have an idea of what they will be after you are done with the thesis statement. If you have any ideas for each argument, put a note in the outline as well. You can put quotations and notes there while doing research.

Research Efficiently

Now it is time to research . Do not get distracted – 30 minutes per one academic page is enough. Otherwise, you can get into procrastinating. But make this time matter with these simple tips:

  • Use Google Scholar to only find peer-reviewed results;
  • Use academic databases, college online or offline library;
  • Put notes and quotes in the outline with the link or reference to the source while researching;
  • Do not read each result – look at the summary and topic, or use keywords to find the information you need.

There is no reason to worry about not researching enough. You can always do more research later. Right now, you need just enough data to start writing.

Finally, Get to Writing

To get right into it, start with the main body. You can create an introduction and conclusion afterward. After all, how could you introduce something you haven’t done yet?

Starting with the main body is much easier, and it will save you lots of time. Also, do not edit just yet. Simply write – let the flow guide you. At this stage, there is no room for harsh criticism.

Another trick is to not do more than you have to. If the paper must be 5-7 pages, one might think that having 7 is better. No, it is never the case. If the arguments are strong, 5 can be enough. Going for quantity over quality will dilute our ideas.

Proofread and Edit

It would be great if you could take a break before proofreading. Have at least 5 minutes to get a bit of rest.

Then, read the paper through. Is the flow logical? Are there concise transitions between arguments? Is your thesis statement illustrated enough? Did you achieve your goal?

After that, let’s go into detail. Check grammar and style – to do it faster, you can use the Grammarly proofreading tool, for example. Make sure you have followed the guidelines in terms of fonts, paragraphs, and formatting style.

Add References

Referencing is one of the tedious tasks no one likes to do. It is especially hard after all the work is done. But there are some tricks to do it faster.

First of all, when you use Google Scholar, you can get references formed in one of the major styles right there. Just click on the quotation mark sign near the search result and copy the reference in MLA, APA, or Chicago.

Secondly, you can use one of the many great referencing tools and apps. Some of the best are Zotero, EasyBib, and RefMe.

It is completely possible to be more efficient and fast with your college papers. All you need is a proper plan, focus, and dedication. Cut down the distractions, get right into it, and set deadlines for each task. Write fast and edit slowly.

how to write a 4 page essay in 2 hours

About Author / Diana Smith

Diana Smith is a full time mom of two beautiful girls interested in topics related to home improvement and interior design. In her free time she enjoys exercising and preparing healthy meals for her family.

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How to write a 2000-word Essay: What works Best?


Writing a remarkable 2000-word essay is an overwhelming task for students. This type of essay requires an overwhelming amount of knowledge, time to write, and the ability to organize your thoughts concisely. This guide will explain everything you need to complete a 2000-word essay.

How long is a 2000-word essay?

In academic writing, a 2000-word essay is the same as four pages of a single-spaced document or eight pages double-spaced one . Double spacing means there should be blank lines between each line of text that prevent them from blurring together. Your instructor may ask you to double-space the essay to make it easier to read and to allow reviewers to make comments or suggestions about the assignment.

Each page of single-spaced content has 500-550 words, while a double-spaced page has 250-275. If you are using MLA or APA formatting style, the formatting standard for an essay should be (1) double-spaced, (2) Times New Roman font, and (3) one-inch margins all around. If you use Ariel font pages

How Many Paragraphs is a 2000 Words Essay

A 2000-word essay consists of between 7 and 9 paragraphs, each having between 3 and 5 or more full and coherent sentences. Please note that there are no proper rules on how many sentences your paragraph should have since each paragraph discusses different ideas relating to the main topic of your essay.

Some paragraphs could be shorter and others longer. Some paragraphs could be a sentence shorter, and others about half a page long. What matters more is how you structure and complete the paragraphs.

However, you should not concern yourself with the length of your paragraph that you forget what matters most: the content of the paragraphs. Communicate effectively the quality of the message to ensure you answer the topic.

Can I Write 2000 Words in Two Hours?

Writing a 2000-word article in two hours is challenging but not impossible. Typically, a good essay requires in-depth research, a clear structure for the paper, and an organization of your ideas, which requires adequate time.

However, quickly completing an essay depends on your familiarity with the topic and typing speed. Most adults have an average typing speed of 40 words per minute (WPM). However, for experienced typists, the average typing speed is about 76 words per minute. Many college students trying to finish their assignments on time usually type 60-70 words per minute.

If you are having an essay crisis and can’t seem to figure out how to write a 2000-word essay in two hours, use the following tips;

Plan your essay

Take 10 – 15 minutes to organize your thoughts by identifying your essay's main topics and ideas. Focus only on key ideas and avoid unnecessary details to save time. Then, decide how you will organize them in your paper. A great tip is to have a logical order, ensuring a link between all ideas.

Research Efficiently and effectively

All academic papers, especially long-form essays like a 2000-word essay, require in-depth research to gather supporting information for your topic. You need to dedicate a few minutes to gather sources before writing.

Write the Introduction

Use 5-10 minutes to write a compelling introduction, beginning with a hook to grab readers' attention. Then, provide some context about the topic and state your thesis statement.

Write the Body Paragraphs

Allocate 10- 15 minutes to discuss each idea supporting your main topic. If you have 5 ideas, it will take you about 50 minutes to finish writing the body of your essay.

Write Your Conclusion

Use 10-15 minutes to finalize your essay by restating your thesis statement, summarizing the main points, reminding the readers why they should care, and providing recommendations/ suggestions for the main topic.

Revise Your Essay

Use 20 minutes to review your draft to correct any mistakes you made while writing. The final draft should be free of any errors (punctuation, grammar, and spelling) and be plagiarism-free. You must also ensure that all ideas are clearly and concisely written.

Please note that writing a 2000-word essay under time constraints will likely affect the quality of your work; however, following the above tips ensures you finish a well-structured 2000-word essay quickly.

What is the Format for a 2000 Word Essay?

A 2000-word essay is an academic paper with the same format as others. This means it has an introduction, a body paragraph, and a conclusion. Your introduction and conclusion should comprise approximately 25% of the total word count of the essay, while the rest of 75% should be dedicated to the body.


An introduction of a 2000-word essay is 5-10% of the total word count. It should be between 100 – 150 words of concisely written content. If you have no idea what to include in the introduction, the following tips will offer a starting point.

  • Set the scene
  • Introduce the topic or problem under discussion.
  • If needed, provide definitions of complex concepts.
  • An explanation of why the topic or problem matters. (provide the size or the scope of the matter).
  • The purpose of the essay.
  • Introduce the thesis statement, which is the central idea of the essay.
  • Briefly provide the outline you will use to explain the paper's logic.

Your introduction should be a paragraph or two long since a paragraph is made of 100 words.

The Main Body

A body of a 2000-word essay will make up about 75% of the total word count. It should be divided into 5-7 paragraphs, each discussing one central idea that identifies the main topic. These paragraphs should be 150- 250 words, each supported by 2 or more references. Note that the longer the assignments, the more important it is to provide links that refer to earlier points, thus connecting ideas.

When you begin writing the body, your ideas will likely flow randomly from the mind. Since you are writing for readers with different backgrounds and viewpoints, you must organize these ideas to make it easier for them to process and understand. Use the following format to organize the body of your essay;

  • Write a topic sentence that identifies the paragraph topic you will discuss.
  • Supporting information , such as examples, details, and evidence, contributes to the main topic. When you provide evidence, ensure you explain why it is relevant to the topic.
  • A concluding sentence also acts as a transition to the next paragraph. Provide a conclusion that reminds readers of what they have read and shows the topic's significance.

Use the above format to organize the rest of the body paragraphs. Consider writing this plan on paper and pinning it on your desk to remind yourself whenever you write an essay. 

Additionally, consider using the following writing techniques and tools to help finish your essay in under two hours.

Technique 1: The Pomodoro technique

The Pomodoro Technique. This technique involves working continuously for 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break. The Pomodoro technique is effective because it allows you to focus while avoiding burnout. Research shows that taking regular breaks can increase well-being and performance.

Technique 2: Write in Batches

Writing in batches is an effective method to finish a 2000-word essay in two hours. It involves dividing your essay into sections and working on them before taking a break.

Use tools such as Grammarly and Hemingway Editor to help edit your work and ensure no errors before submission.

This is the final paragraph of your essay. Like an introduction, a conclusion makes up about 5-10% of a 2000-word essay. This means that a conclusion for a 2000-word essay has approximately 100-150 words.

If you follow the above format, the total word count will 2050.

How Long Will It Take to Write a 2000 Words Essay?

Finishing a 2000-word essay will take 6-8 hours on average. However, if you are just typing the essay without doing any in-depth research, outlining the work, or adding citations and references, it will take about 50 minutes. For a handwritten essay, it takes about 1.7 hours to finish a 2000-word essay.

Please note that some students can finish a 2000-word essay in just under two hours, while others can take at least five days (2 for in-depth research, 2 for writing the essay, and one for revising and editing) to finish. All this will depend on the complexities of the topic. A complex topic will probably require more time for research, especially if getting the sources for the topic is challenging.

The assignment deadline will also influence whether someone can finish the essay quickly or not. Many students often find themselves swamped with assignments, wondering which to prioritize. If you have a 1000-word essay and another for 2200 words, prioritize the latter and focus on finishing the shorter one later.  

If you want to finish your essay quickly, avoid distractions such as social media, TV, friends, etc.

How Many References Are in a 2000 Words Essay

A 2000-word essay should have between 10 and 20 high-quality references. Please take note that these are just suggestions. Logically, there should be a source in every paragraph. Each argument supported by credible evidence must have a reference. Some factors that will determine how many references each of your paragraphs will have include:

The Type of Research

If you are conducting empirical research, you will need more references compared to doing research for a theoretical paper. This is because the latter focuses on synthesizing existing concepts.

Depth of the Research

If your 2000-word essay is about a complex topic, you must do more thorough research to locate all the evidence supporting or refuting your claims. This means your essay will have more references than one that does not need much research.

Assignment’s Requirements

Your instructors will specify the number of references to use in your essay; they might verbally communicate this in class or highlight it on the assignment prompt. Thus, it's essential to always read and understand your prompt before working on the assignment.

If there are no specifications about essay references, check with your instructor how many are appropriate for the type of essay you are writing.

Writing Time by Word Counts

The following table outlines how long it takes to complete an essay, depending on the number of words.

From the above table, it's clear that a person's typing speed will dictate whether they can finish an assignment quickly or not.

Writing Time by Page Counts

Wondering how long it takes to complete a page? The table below will let you know how long it will take to finish an essay based on page counts.

This rough estimate is based on slow, average, and fast writers.

Tips to Help You Finish a 2000 Words Essay

So, you left your 2000-word essay until the last minute and can't seem to figure out how to finish it on time? No worries. The following tips can help.

Eat a Good Breakfast

A study published in the National Library of Medicine has shown that eating a good breakfast is associated with positive outcomes for learners and professionals. Breakfast gives you energy after fasting overnight for more than 7 hours. Take some brain food fuel, such as yogurts topped with berries, to give you steady energy as you write your essay. This will prevent you from feeling hungry, which could be a distraction.

Pick Your Equipment and Workstation

When you sit down to write, everything must be within reach. So, pick a conducive environment away from distractions and collect all materials like your laptops, pens, notebooks, etc.

Set Time Management Goals

When you have an urgent assignment that is 2000 words long, time management is key to success. Good time management skills will help you finish the task quickly while avoiding distractions. You can break up your tasks into chunks and work on them individually.

Use Online Tools to Speed Up the Research Process

Research can take an awful amount of time, especially for a complex topic. So, speed up the process by using online tools like Google Scholar to find sources for your essay.

Also, check if your instructor has published a list of sources on your module's online platform. Most of them are kind enough to put them online.

Write Your Notes directly on Your Laptop.

Normally, when researching a topic, you will write ideas in a notebook and then use it later when typing on your laptop. However, since you are in a hurry, skip this step and directly type the ideas and their sources on our computer. Once you are done, you can drag and drop paragraphs in the correct order.

An essay that is 2000 words long is a common type of essay you will encounter in school. You must be well prepared by understanding what it takes to complete this type of essay. Whether you are a seasoned writer or a beginner, the above guide will be helpful when writing a 2000-word essay.

If you are struggling with writing a paper or essay that is 2000 or 2200 words long, we can help. EssayManiacs has a team of professional writers who can write such an essay in under a day or between 7 and 8 hours or less. Therefore, if you want help with your assignments , we are online and ready to help. Please place an order, and we will assign your paper to a writer within the next few minutes. In terms of cost, it should cost you around $18-25/page, depending on the urgency. Engage us for a discount.

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    Divide the tasks into steps and assign deadlines to each of them. For example: Crafting thesis statement - 15 minutes; Creating an outline - 10 minutes; Research - 30 minutes for every page of the paper approximately, if you can do it faster - it is amazing; Writing - 30-40 minutes; Editing - 20 minutes.

  18. Writing a 2000-word Essay: Length, Time-to-Write, and Tips

    Finishing a 2000-word essay will take 6-8 hours on average. However, if you are just typing the essay without doing any in-depth research, outlining the work, or adding citations and references, it will take about 50 minutes. For a handwritten essay, it takes about 1.7 hours to finish a 2000-word essay.

  19. Can I write 5 pages (double spaced) in two hours

    Easily. Type with double space on and word vomit until you hit 5.5-6 pages. Insert sources and information, reread and cut whatever isn't your favorite/shouldn't make the cut, and turn it in. I did this for every paper in college, usually resulted in anything from A+ to a C+.

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    Once you have those two half the job is done. Then just come up with a rough outline, and go at it. You may find it helpful to write the conclusion first, simply list the main points and "pretty it up" later. Then write the paper around the conclusion. Do this enough times and your first draft is your essay.

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  22. How long should it take to write a 4 page paper? : r/college

    Writing a good paper that long takes at best 3 days. One day for researching and drafting, second day to rewrite it, third day for proofreading. Outlines will always help but it won't speed you up. Now writing without a caring about your grades or good the paper is should take you 6 or so hours. One hour reading, one hour drafting, 4 hours ...

  23. How long does it take you on average to write an essay? : r/UniUK

    Probably an average of 15-20 hours. Although I'm not exactly the most efficient worker, so it's probably still a solid 10-15 hours of actual work. Assuming it's 4-5000 words. I'll spend a while (week or two on research) getting the planning sorted and a week to write, long but needed.