
Service Industry : An Industry Essay

2.1 Service industry Service industry is an industry that creates services. In economy, economic activity are divided into two categories which are goods and services. Goods-producing industries provide tangible object namely mining, manufacturing, agriculture, and construction. Service industries include other activities apart from goods-producing industries such as wholesale, retail trade, banking and communications. In developed countries service industry plays an important role in the economy while primary activities, for example, agriculture and mining are dominant in less-developed countries’ economy. (The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica, 2015.) Since the beginning of the 1990s, service industry has created enormous growth of employment in Europe especially in commerce and distribution, welfare services, finance and business services and hotels and catering. In the early 21st century, more than three-fifths of the global GDP are generated from service industries and more than one-third of the labor force worldwide are working in this industry. (The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica, 2015). It can be seen that service has gradually become a crucial element in the success of organizations. The emergence of electronic business opens opportunity to the world and intensifies competition in markets. Consequently, there is a need for service reliability. Technology has a huge impact on service revolution. At present, service are commoditized providing efficiency and

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The new service economy has positive and negative aspects. The United States labor was once based on agriculture, then manufacturing and has now turned into an economy based on services (Hodson & Sullivan, 2008). Over the years, Americans have gained more capital and with that capital services such as education, health and entertainment have increased. (Worldbank, n.d.) Because service jobs are not based on the use of machines like manufacturing, jobs are continuing to grow in the

Discussion Board: Financial Accounting

An example of a service industry would be a plumber. They come and provide a service to a customer in which they are paid. Another type of service industry would be a Tax Accountant in such that when they prepare tax papers for a client, they are providing a service. On the other hand, merchandising businesses are places that provide goods for sale such as clothing at a retail store or groceries at a grocery store. (Hanly, n.d.)

Do Sweat The Small Stuff Analysis

Good customer service has become something that is hard to find in today’s digital world. People are often being replaced by computers, recorded messages, and machines of all sorts that will do the job of the person who used to do it. The problem with this, as I’ve pointed out, is that you cannot bond and interact with a computer device. You will never get to know the computer, feel cared about by the computer, and you won’t ever feel compelled to tell others to go see the computer at a particular place because it will treat you right.

Challenge For A Service Organization

There has to be an understanding of the complexity of services before one can begin to determine what challenges face the service industry and the most efficient means of facing those challenges to maintain success. A service organization provides intangible services for a monetary value as perceived by the consumer (Lovelock & Wirtz, 2011). A simple definition is that there are no physical items exchanged in a service transaction as opposed to retail where an item is given in exchange for a predetermined price point. This paper will provide

Process Essay-Let's Talk Taxes

On-the-other-hand, today’s Service Industry offers an ever-growing assortment, for instance: a dentist cleaning teeth; the busboy clearing the dishes; private school teachers; cable television linemen; the court stenographer recording your case; the ever-popular dating web sites; the doctor taking out your appendix; the water taxi in the marina and so on. In our free economy, the sale of products creates profits where services create wealth.

Customer Service Of Health Care

service is to deliver outstanding services so the customers will have a great experience. I

Technology In E-Business

Advancement of technology and globalization has changed the way companies are undertaking their business operations in the current dynamic and competitive business environment. Internet access as led to usage of technology for myriad of reasons including communication, business and education (Chaffey, 2014). The business community has been changed completely by internet. Recently, internet has become an integral part of companies as a means of carrying out business. This has led to emergence of electronic business where organizations are using internet to conduct business externally or internally. E-business makes use of internet technology to entice, satisfy and keep consumers who purchase its services and products. E-business also uses internet technology to streamline its supply chain, procurement system and manufacturing in order to deliver efficiently the right services and products to the consumers. For an e-business to be a success, various internet-enabled applications such as portals, e-commerce websites, online marketplaces, customer relationship and supply chain management (Meier and Stormer, 2009).

Is3220 Term Paper

The contemporary school of thought in service science is currently dominated by the notion of service-centric services (Lusch & Vargo, 2008), whereby it is believed that the end users are the determinant of value of a given service and co-producing a service with the end users would enhance the value of the service. A main assumption made by this school of thought is that all aspect of services, from creation to delivery process, is the domain of the service providers. However, the emergence of disruptive technologies such as the internet, social media, etc has reduced the operational barriers, empowering the end users to become services provider themselves. This empowerment has led to the creation of what is known as

Analysis Of Bill Gates 's ' Ride The Inflection Rocket '

In chapter 4, “Ride the Inflection Rocket”, a central point that Bill Gates bring out is that businesses need to change and adapt to the new digital way of business. There are many people that will one day use computers at work, at home, and at schools. Those businesses will one day, be customers going online to shop while only using customer service for support. Customers’ service is going to be valued a lot more as the internet grows bigger with technology.

Moment Of Truth Essay

Service customer interaction can also be between the customer and technology. The customer may be required to interact with technology in a technology based service encounter to experience the service on offer. In such a service encounter the customer is in control and might be willing to participate but not possessing the necessary skills, knowledge and abilities to operate the machinery for example for a customer to purchase goods online or book a hotel reservations using the company’s website requires the customer to be computer literate hence when not and fails to place an order the service on offer would be deemed by the specific customers as of poor quality. Lovelock and Gummesson (2004) suggest that the service offer and encounter are less variable when machine-intensive technologies are utilised in service encounters since variability of the service encounter posses a great threat to the quality of service on offer. In a case where the customer successfully interacts with the technology in the service

Essay about Service Marketing

  • 21 Works Cited

In an ideal situation, customers would not have to wait for the delivery of products and services. However, in the real world, organizations cannot always match exact capability and demand; therefore, waiting is frequently inevitable while purchasing, especially in service marketing, as service firms can barely inventory their “stock” for sale at a later date (Lovelock, 1992, p.154). In general, waiting in lines – known as “queuing”, happens when the number of customers arrive at a facility exceeds the capability of the system to serve them (Lovelock & Wirtz, 2011, p.260). Basically, this essay will state the relationship between queuing and customer satisfaction, as well as relationship between customer satisfaction and

Outsourcing In India

The service industry now makes up almost as much as 60-65% of the global economy with India being a major contributor to this industry (KPMG, 2016). India has dignity to know that its country is one of the fastest-growing service sectors in the world. According to KPMG (2016), services remain the key driver of India’s economic growth and continues to grow strong and steady. The services sector contributes more than 50% to India’s GDP and is growing at about 10% per year. IT outsourcing has been a major source of employment for the people living in India. The service sector in India has exceed agriculture with a greater share of GDP and is now considered a service based economy instead of an agriculture economy. In general, the service

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Best topics on Service

1. The Importance of Service: Unlocking the Essence of SERVQUAL Model

2. History of Food Service Industry: the Integration of Automation

3. The Importance of Humility and Service to Others

4. Healthcare Service Improvements and Clinical Setting

5. The Analysis of the Freshco Corporante Balanced Scorecard

6. The Sociological Imagination in Human Service Work

7. Account of a Service Experience in the Hotel Industry

8. A Report On The Wave – The Ecocampus Initiative

9. Experiment Report On RFID System Services

10. Legal Services: Injury Compensation & Immigration Law In Australia

11. Total Quality Management In A Service System

12. Advances In Treating Perpetual Diabetic

13. The Role Of Different Factors In Medicare & Medicaid Services

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Service Industry Essay

Introduction With 81 percent of the U.S employment comprised of the service industry, it should come to no surprise the importance of understanding why this trend exists and will remain for years to come. Although consumers will continue to demand goods for purchase, decoding the reasoning behind the increasing demand of services is crucial for businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs. Furthermore, it is important to understand such characteristics as intangibility, inseparability, heterogeneity, and perishability that differentiate services from traditional goods purchased by consumers. Even though services and goods have their distinct differences, both of their industries complement each other in such a way that each enjoys success from its counterpart. Trending Factors of the Service Industry Throughout the twentieth century, the service industry has grown to become the largest component of the U.S economy (Cleveland, 1999). Much of this growth is a result of demand from demographics. With the baby boom and aging population, people are in need of medical care such as nurse, home health, and physical therapy. In addition, more and more households are comprised of Two-earners requiring the need for services such as child-care, housecleaning, and lawn-care. Along with the population growth, technology growth is apparent, causing an increase in demand for careers such as computer engineers, systems analysts, and information managers. Furthermore, companies that manufacture products can attribute a portion of their success to the service sector. For an example, customers who look to purchase products such as copy machines, look to the same manufacturer to provide maintenance and repair services to their purchased products. This is one example of how the two sectors benefit each other and provide a form of complementary growth for each (Ferrell, Hartline, Lamb, Hair, & McDaniel, 2011). With this ever-growing demand for services from demographic influences and technological advancements, the robust service industry offers attractive opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs. Service businesses often mandate a much smaller initial investment as opposed to the more typical, larger capital investment, required to launch a product themed business such as manufacturing, wholesaling, or retailing. For an example, new service businesses often start out of the home, therefore avoiding additional expenses such as renting, buying, or building a location for the newfound business. In addition to some of the examples previously mentioned, these start up services providers can include consulting, tutoring, personal shopping, event planning, as well as computer and electronic technicians due to the increased complexity of high-tech consumer products (Service Businesses, 2014). Distinguishing Services from Goods Services differentiate themselves from traditional goods by the use of four distinct characteristics that include intangibility, inseparability, heterogeneity, and perishability. Intangibility is the most basic differentiating characteristic between services and goods. Unlike goods, services are not physical and cannot be touched, seen, tasted, heard, or felt. Such characteristics can make services difficult to evaluate and review prior to the consumer’s purchase, otherwise known as search qualities. However, compared to goods, services exhibit more experience and credence qualities. An experience quality is a characteristic that can be assessed only after use, such as one’s experience on a vacation. In addition to experience quality, credence quality is another characteristic assessed by consumers after purchase. Unfortunately, consumers can have difficultly assessing such qualities due to the lack of knowledge or experience in such fields as medical and consulting services. Because of these characteristics, marketers often have difficulties communicating the benefits of intangible services when compared to the benefits to that of a Show More

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Service Industry Term Paper

The use of email in the field of education goes both ways. It can be used by the educational institution for the purpose of sending instructions, lessons, links or other needed materials that the students use for their class. It can also be used to send attached files to the teachers or schools for the purpose of turning in work. Often times teachers will assign something to the students and ask that the assignment be turned into the teacher through an email attachment. This method allows the teacher to accept assignments 24 hours a day around the clock thereby eliminating any excuses by the students that they could not get to the class, or they showed up and the teacher had already left. It allows a complete freedom on the part of the student and the teacher to get the assignment turned in without having to have a trip to the school. Another positive aspect of having the educational material sent via email is the ability of the teacher to change the fonts once it is received which makes it easier for the teacher to read. The students also have reasons to support and enjoy the use of email in the educational setting. When one sends an email the email is date and time stamped, which provides proof that the student did indeed send the email. This is proof that the assignment was indeed sent in because the student can save it and it will still have the file attached. This provides proof that the actual assignment was turned in. The email solution allows students from far away to send their work into the teacher for evaluation and grading (Essays, 1999). The negative aspects of email include isolation and technical problems. If the student is only communicating with their teacher or their classmates through email they can become isolated. In addition they can become less motivated to do the work. Another potential problem with the use of email as an educational delivery tool is that the attachment can fail to upload, or once uploaded it can fail to open. The final concern with the use of email as an educational delivery is the potential for a virus. Opening an email attachment can place a virus on one's computer and each time one receives an attachment they run the risk of getting a virus if they open it. As with other methods of education and technology there have already been attempts to use email to cheat. Students in Tokyo, Japan were caught at a prestigious university using email functions on their cell phones to cheat on their e-commerce exam (Exam, 2002). "Professors became suspicious when identical answers, mistakes and all, showed up repeatedly on the final, taken by roughly 500 students in July, said Hitotsubashi University Vice President Takehiko Sugiyama. He said one student is believed to have left the classroom during the exam and e-mailed answers to his classmates using his cell phone (Exam, 2002). Twenty-six students later admitted to cheating after performing poorly on a makeup exam, Sugiyama said. The university decided not to suspended the 26, but they were failed on the test, Sugiyama said (Exam, 2002). " While the potential is there for cheating, viruses and failed uploads there are still many benefits to using email to deliver and disseminate educational materials. INTERNET Another technological tool that is currently being used for the purpose of delivering educational materials is the Internet course. Internet courses are courses that do not require a classroom and they are offered to anyone who has the ability to get online. Internet courses have several advantages. One of the most important reasons to offer educational delivery through an internet course is the fact that it does not require classroom space. The use of an internet course allows the student to work from home or anywhere else that he or she has access to a computer and an internet service. The instructor can place the materials on the site and is not tied to a classroom or waiting for students to arrive to begin teaching the material. Students are able to check in and see the material and get the assignments within their personal time frame. Some students study best first thing in the morning while other students do better if they wait until evening. This is an important aspect of using an internet course instead of a traditional classroom. "CIT's department of information technology is one of few learning institutions anywhere in the world to offer introductory Internet courses online. With people around the world accessing the course, there's no doubt…

Sources Used in Documents:

Success Number 2: The outcome of the planning grant was the award of the 1995 Implementation Grant Award from TEA -- Projects for Educational Technology, East Texas schools partnered in the Implementation Award Grant, known as "Creating Connections." Twelve East Texas school districts received funding for installation of the multi-media, distance learning classrooms. Other schools in the East Texas area participated in the training component. An additional seven school districts from Limestone, Hudspeth and El Paso counties joined the consortium to participate in the wining for teachers. The schools in the Central and Far West Texas schools either had video conferencing systems or were planning for full-motion audio-video networks. Their need focused on training. The final estimated total of the project including contributions from all partners including the two telephone companies was over $6,000, 000. TV 12 East Texas schools now have state of The art technology in the classrooms and access to full broadband services, including audio-video, Internet and data services. Texas A& M. University -- Commerce built its classroom along with Jarvis Christian College. The addition of the universities to the partnership had been sought from the early days of planning. The award for training and classroom build-out provided the teams of students, community members and educators the opportunity to articulate the many needs they had that could be addressed through the telecommunications network. They were among the first in Texas to think about the telecommunications technology in non-traditional ways. Success Number 3: The "partnership building process" continued and resulted in another award. The ET-LINC schools and Texas Alliance for Education and the Arts planned together over an 18-month period. It was agreed that The Texas Alliance would be fiscal agent for a project to utilize the distance learning network as a means of providing innovative programs for students in the elementary grades. The partnership with the Texas Alliance for Education and The Arts was designed to provide staff development to teachers in the distance learning environment in grades 2-6. The teacher-training component included use of the multi-media environment to integrate math, reading, and the fine arts. A Meadows Foundation Award provided for elementary teachers to receive training online in the two-way, real-time, interactive classroom. During this three-year initiative, students in these grades will be involved in a variety of special projects in which the arts are infused into the core academic

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Service Industry Essay Examples

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Proper Essay Example About Human Resource Management & The Service Industry

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Workplace , Hotels , Hotel , Industry , Hospitality , Employee , Employment , Human Resource Management

Words: 3250

Published: 03/30/2023


The Role of HRM in Hospitality

Jerpi (2016) discusses that there are many issues related to HR in the hospitality industry. These issues include management skills, company procedures and policies, and training. The author states that as far as management skills, that many within the industry are often promoted without receiving the necessary training to actually do their job. As such, there are managers within hotels and other hospitality related businesses who do not have the specific skills and/or training to deal with issues related to customer service. It appears as though human resources departments along with individual supervisors are recommending that people get promoted on the basis of having been a long-time employee and this is not a good metric for such practice. Regarding the company policies and procedures, there are many businesses within the industry, that simply do not follow the parameters that are set forth. This can range from not following proper protocol as it relates to health and safety to overall practice of how to handle consumer complaints. Businesses should have an extensive and thorough written procedure and/or policy that details how to tackle certain issues and problems that will undeniably arise within the industry (p.1). The training aspect is also another significant issue within the industry. Both Lye (2007) and Jerpi (2016) write that the hospitality industry tends to have high turnover. One of the key reasons behind this is that there is a lack of training, or adequate training before individuals are put in their respective positions. Given the high turnover, this often leads to having to obtain staff from agencies in both the short and long term, who may not have a background in customer service nor any formal training in hospitality (2007; 2016). It is essential and crucial for the industry to assess and examine the ways in which it operates as it relates to understanding how to come up with solutions to the training problem it is facing. Therith (2009) and Schroeder (2012) comment that HRM planning is necessary. With a continually growing industry, having a specific practice of planning and making the best decisions within a specific hotel or other hospitality related entity is fundamental to the continued survival of the industry. This is due in part to the growing demand that many around the world are having in terms of frequenting these organizations. Therith (2009) specifically argues that HRM plays a pivotal role in the satisfaction of employees and their overall performance and productivity. As a result of this, having a proper protocol for these individuals to follow is crucial because a certain level of resources is being put to effectively and efficiently making sure that the particular hotel is being represented adequately. The planning aspect also relates to the types of systems that are being used within the hospitality organization. One key concept is that of total quality management, which is that businesses need to use the capabilities and talents of both management and labor to the fullest extent that they can. This also means having the latest in technology such as systems and machinery, that allows the individuals to do their jobs effectively and efficiently - and consequently, improve the overall productivity and quality of meeting the needs of consumers.

Employee Relations in Hospitality

Lucas (2004) observes that the hospitality industry is a labor-intensive one. Particularly, the industry is dominated by businesses that are typically small or medium, and because of this there is a low level of employer organization and trade union affiliation. The working conditions within the industry are also observed to be very different than that of other industries. Mondaq (2009) contends that workplace relations are often shifting continually because of employment standards and overall practices within the industry. These practices include those related to negotiation, unionization, and various procedures related to both disciplinary actions and grievances. Some hospitality unions are active in attempting to work with the industry to create better workplace elements at each and every organization. As of 2009, it is said that there were two important changes that took place with respect to employees being dismissed unfairly. The first is stated as the following: "the 100 employees’ exclusion has been removed and employers who employ less than 15 employees must comply with the Small Business Fiar Dismissal Code prior to dismissing an employee. [The second change is the following: that] the exclusion for dismissals based on operational requirements has changed, requiring an employer in a redundancy situation to follow consultation obligations in the relevant industrial instrument and to try to redeploy the employee elsewhere in the business, or the business of a related body corporate" (p.1). The 100 employees’ exclusion is defined by Cornell University School of Law (n.d.) as a specific measure and law that relates to the employer needing to execute certain provisions within the policies and procedures that related to the how it conducts its business and the responsibilities that it has toward ensuring that certain tasks and duties are carried out (p.1). This can range from how certain individuals within the company receive affordable healthcare coverage to the paid time off. Kamau & Waudo (2012) argue that due to the dynamic and complexity of the hospitality industry that there are challenges that it faces directly to that of employment and the enforcement of certain employment acts. Employment law encompasses a significant part of the industry because employers must thoroughly and comprehensively understand the laws and the ever-changing elements associated with them. This ensures that the proper practices are being follows and also allows for innovations and changes to be introduced. By each individual within the industry - particularly, HR professionals keeping up with the times, they can pass this information on to the necessary individuals and in turn, create a more synergistic environment in the hospitality organization and in effect, create better quality. One of the key factors that has caused the hospitality industry to be wobbly in the area of employment law is the limiting or rather unclear definition of how to properly develop and grow (p.56). The reasons for this vary, of course - but nevertheless, they exist. Therefore, by having proper mandates and enforcements of individuals within the industry to read and understand the laws and policies related to employment prior to actually being employed is becoming something that is very necessary. Kamau & Waudo (2012) further write that employees should be taught certain laws when they are trained. These laws include those related to general service, competencies regarding decision making, management oriented models and general hospitality related education. Moreover, that hospitality organizations need to take the time to develop the training aspects of the particular positions that they offer. This creates competent employees in an industry that is ever-evolving. It also affords these entities an understanding of where they are lacking in terms of innovatively solving problems related to overall management of said organization, and contributing to the satisfaction of consumers. It also allows for a trustworthiness to be built between the entity and employees, because each individual can observe that the company wants to do the right thing as it relates to the law and procedure, as well as creating a good working relationship between themselves and the customer. There is also a belief that employees will be able to develop additional personal attributes such as foresight, creativity, the right attitude, confidence and general respect for others when they themselves are treated with such (p.57). It would seem then that much of the dynamic falls on the shoulders of the industry to correctly understand the laws and procedures related to employees, and in turn, put them into practice continually so that there are minimal issues. By employees also understanding the specific hospitality organization’s procedures and practices, this creates better morale as it relates to the overall environment. Employees are able to make suggestions, when necessary, while also learning more about how to navigate the industry in a manner that innovatively changes it when necessary.

Job Description

The following is a description for the job of hotel receptionist that the Lensbury Hotel needs. According to Euspert (2015), the job of a hotel receptionist is considered to be both a challenging and exciting one. The receptionist is essentially the face of the hotel. As such, having an individual who is both friendly and enthusiastic at the front desk is essential. This ensures that the customers frequenting said hotel will feel welcome. The hotel receptionist should comply with the mission and vision of the hotel, through abiding with its values and making sure that they are displayed in attitude and behavior throughout their tenure at the hotel (p.1). A receptionist is an administrative employee who performs specific office related work at the front desk of a business. Typically, receptionists greet clients as well as answer telephone calls. The receptionist at a hotel, then, will perform duties related to the hotel. This includes cashiering, key control, messaging and guest registration and checks on credit. Some hotel receptionists will also set appointments, perform record keeping and other tasks related to the hotel, such as emailing and faxing. Moreover, the receptionist can potentially act as a security guard for the hotel when there is not one on duty in verifying the various people who frequent the hotel, and observing activities and suspicious people who may come. Most hotels require that the receptionist has some prior experience in an administrative capacity, which affords them an understanding of how to be both professional and courteous at all times. Most, if not all receptionists - especially ones at a hotel, will have a positive attitude, take initiative and have a well-groomed appearance (National Careers Service, 2016). National Careers Service (2016) goes on to state that hotel receptionists are often required to have general education of some type (i.e. a high school diploma and/or degree) and that they should be aware of reservations systems and telephone switchboards. Some hotel receptionists are required to have experience in customer service as well (p.1). Regarding the Lensbury Hotel, since the organization is centered on providing exceptional customer service to its members and guests, the following person specification is required.

The main duties of the hotel receptionist at the Lensbury Hotel are:

booking rooms and other related events via phone, letter, fax, e-mail and/or face to face completing the necessary procedures related to check-in and checkout handing out keys and selecting rooms preparing bills and taking payments from customers passing on messages to guests, when applicable accommodating special requests from guests answering both general and complex questions regarding the amenities of hotel handling complaints and problems in a professional manner

Desired skills are:

familiarity with accounts, payroll and returns on VAT (Euspert, 2015).

Knowledge of Microsoft Office or Lotus

Prior hospitality and/or customer service experience Familiarity with health, safety and first aid (Euspert, 2015). The expected salary for the hotel receptionist is between £17,000 to £20,000 DOE. The question becomes, how does a company like The Lensbury Hotel ensure that they hire the right person for the receptionist job? Gusdorf (2008) considers that when it comes to the cost associated with both recruitment and selection, that there should be a considerable amount of planning involved. Companies need to consider the conditions of the labor market in which they operate in, to specifically assess the ways in which they can construct their job descriptions for quality applicants. Several laws should be taken into noteworthiness when hiring and these relate to employment acts, disabilities related acts and other aspects of a similar nature (2008). To this end, the hotel should take all of these into consideration and subsequently, have a few recruiters tackle the job posting process. Most hotels similar to this one have recruiters who scour through resumes in order to find the best candidate available. Gusdorf (2008) argues that organizations should run advertisements both online through job boards like Indeed and Monster, as well as on their actual website. It is also beneficial for local newspapers and/or radio/television to have advertisements about the job. After there is a specific amount of applicants who are believed to be viable for the receptionist position - or any position for that matter - then the company needs to begin the interviewing process (2008). It can be reasoned that the selection process will be cumbersome in terms of finding the right candidate for the hotel receptionist position. Holloway (n.d.), Oracle (n.d.), Stabilet (1997), and Mueller & Baum (2011) state that there is no definitive marker that reveals the best candidate for a particular position. It is essentially up to the interviewer and/or panel. There are obstacles that are encountered throughout the recruitment process. These include lack of a diverse candidate pool (either minority or otherwise); wanting someone to meet all of the criteria when there is a minimal amount of people applying for said position that have everything; believing that younger workers will outperform older workers; believing that more experienced candidates will perform better than entry level ones; improper talent databases. One of the largest issues is the talent database. For the hotel, there is a need for a database given the size and reputation. As such, having a database means having an applicant tracking system. Applicant tracking systems can be quite problematic. Thus, the hotel will undoubtedly run into issues regarding finding the best possible candidate for the position - hotel receptionist. This is due to the system and how it screens for keywords in resumes rather than checking on the candidate as a whole. The hotel may want to consider having an email option for candidates, but this does not necessarily curtail the obstacle, because it means that HR has to enter the candidate information into the database manually - and there is often a small amount of time for this to occur. Goodman (2012) writes that if organizations are going to use applicant tracking systems, then they need to ensure that each recruiter thoroughly understands the purpose of keywords - and how to actually use the systems. Moreover, there needs to be specifications about the type of files that are needed for the position (i.e. .doc, .pdf, etc.) (p.1). This will minimize the obstacles that are often encountered. Even still, with more and more companies using this type of recruitment technology in their request to find the best candidate, the hotel is likely to not only use this but also encounter its own share of issues in finding the best hotel receptionist.

This paper discussed the issues facing human resources departments within the hospitality industry. Specifically, this paper delved into a discussion on the relevance and importance of HR departments more closely understanding the laws and practices as it relates to hiring, and training employees. The paper also explored the topic of the ever-evolving role of HR in the hospitality industry, and the necessity of proper planning of training protocol to ensure that problems are minimized once individuals are put into the particular organization. The paper also detailed what a hotel receptionist does and the essential aspects that this individual should encompass for not only some hotels, but the Lensbury in particular. Through an extensive amount of research from both scholarly and career based websites, the paper articulated the best skillset that this individual should have in order for the hotel to be satisfied with the candidate that they select. The paper also detailed the problems that are often faced by organizations within the hospitality industry when they seek to hire the best candidates. These problems have included individuals who are not very knowledgeable about customer service enough to sufficiently and successfully handle problems. It has also included individuals who do not have any prior administrative expertise. Moreover, the paper also explained the obstacles that organizations meet in the recruitment process such as bad databases and applicant tracking systems. This has hindered the process substantially. The paper recommended how companies can best handle the issues that they face moving forward, especially given the demand from consumers in terms of frequenting places like the Lensbury. There is tremendous belief that if the Lensbury Hotel adopts some of the suggestions that are put forth in this paper, that they will be able to effectively minimize the problems and issues that undoubtedly arise within the industry. The idea is that the hotel will hire the right receptionist, who will convey a positive attitude and behavior when dealing with other employees and customers – and who understands the laws and policies that they themselves are entitled to by working at the organization.

Australia: What Is Happening In Workplace Relations In The Hospitality Industry? (2009, November 2). Retrieved from Mondaq website: Best Practices for Recruiting the Best Talent. (n.d.). Retrieved from Oracle website: Goodman, D. (2012, August 8). Problems With Resumes and the Applicant Tracking System. Retrieved from Career Realism website: Holloway, P. (n.d.). The Right Person for the Job. Retrieved from Hotel receptionist. (2016). Retrieved from National Careers Service website: Jerpi, L. (2016). HR Issues in Hospitality. Retrieved from Kamau, S. W., & Waudo, J. (2012, April). Hospitality industry employer's expectation of employees' competencies in Nairobi Hotels. Journal of Hospitality Management and Tourism, 3(4), 55-63. Retrieved from Lucas, R. E. (Ed.). (2004). Employment Relations in the Hospitality and Tourism Industries. Routledge. Lye, P. (2007, June 27). Human Resource Issues in the Hospitality Industry. 4Hoteliers, Retrieved from Mueller, J. R., & Baum, B. (2011). The Definitive Guide to Hiring Right. Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 12(3), 140-153. Retrieved from Schroeder, H. (2012). The Importance of Human Resource Management in Strategic Sustainability: An Art and Science Perspective. Journal of Environmental Sustainability, 2(2), 75-82. Retrieved from Stabilet , S. J. (1997). The Use of Personality Tests As A Hiring Tool: Is The Benefit Worth The Cost? U. PA. Journal of Labor and Employment Law, 4(2), 279-313. Retrieved from Therith, C. T. (2009). The importance of HRM. Retrieved from 29 U.S. Code § 2101 - Definitions; exclusions from definition of loss of employment. (n.d.). Retrieved from Cornell University website: Work as receptionist in Hotel. (2015, May 4). Retrieved from Euspert website:


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An Introduction To Food Service Industry

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3.2 The role of food service

3.2.1 the food and beverage operations, figure 5: food and beverage operations., 3.3 service quality concept, 3.4 dimensions of service quality, figure 6: the ten principle dimensions., figure 7 – service quality model to conference food function, 3.4.1 expectance and perception of service quality, figure 9 – customer’s expectation model, 2.4.2 customer expectations, 2.4.3 customer perceptions, 3.5 food and beverage service employment.

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3.6 The concepts of food quality

3.7 importance of food quality, 3.7.1 customers role of food quality, 3.7.2 influence of food sensory aspects on costumers, sight, appearance, kinaesthetic, touch, texture, temperature, 3.7.3 the influence of food sensory attributes on customers, the importance of appearance, flavour and texture, 3.7.4 expectation and perception on food quality, 3.8 menu planning, table 6 – advantages and disadvantages of cyclical menus., disadvantages, 3.8.1 menu selection, cite this work.

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California’s Restaurant Industry Can Keep Its Controversial Service Fees

The new law creates an exception for fees tacked on to restaurant checks, which have in recent years become a popular way to offset costs for service worker benefits like healthcare

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essay for service industry

California restaurant owners can now sigh with relief after Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill on Saturday, June 29, that allows restaurant surcharges to remain legal, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Significantly, Senate Bill 1524 went into effect immediately, superseding the state’s “ junk fee ban ” that outlaws undisclosed fees from rental car dealers and ticket sellers — and until Saturday, restaurant service fees — and goes into effect Monday, July 1. The new bill keeps restaurant fees legal so long as they present additional fees “clearly and conspicuously.”

SB 1524 was a last-minute bid by lawmakers to extract restaurants from the junk fee ban known as Senate Bill 478 , which Newsom approved in October 2023 . That law prohibits “drip pricing,” or “advertising a price that is less than the actual price that a consumer will have to pay for a good or service” but it didn’t specifically address how restaurants were affected, if at all.

Restaurant service fees are typically added to a bill as a percentage of the total charges and are regularly used to cover various costs outside of ingredients and labor, such as offsetting employee healthcare costs . Reem’s , for instance, uses a worker resilience charge to replace tips .

A co-author of Senate Bill 478 initially told Eater SF that the bill allows restaurant service fees so long as it is disclosed on menus. But in October, officials speaking on background indicated that the law would make those fees illegal. The restaurant industry reacted strongly , given that a ban on service fees would necessitate a drastic shift for restaurants, requiring businesses to fold costs covered by service fees into the advertised pricing of items sold. “That’s a tough spot for us,” San Francisco chef Anya El-Wattar told Eater SF at the time. “It makes it almost impossible for a restaurant. It’s just one more weight for us to carry.”

Indeed, at the end of April 2024, Bonta confirmed that SB 478 would prohibit restaurants from tacking on any charges other than taxes to the final bill, releasing a list of Frequently Asked Questions about the new law. However, the California Restaurant Association pushed back aggressively against the rule, arguing that the legislation shouldn’t apply to restaurants and paving the way for a potential court battle over SB 478 ahead of its implementation on July 1. But in early June, Senator Bill Dodd (D-Napa) introduced Senate Bill 1524 , a workaround for the initial SB 478 was approved last year, where it zipped through the necessary hoops and became law with Newsom’s signature on Saturday.

While many in the hospitality industry are likely relieved, customers are mostly not pleased with the carve-out granted to restaurants, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Of 1,000 respondents to a recent Chronicle survey, the paper reports that more than 81 percent think restaurant surcharges should be illegal. Eater LA also reports that service fees have become a huge point of discussion between diners and restaurant owners, with Reddit users listing Los Angeles and Chicago restaurants that charge these fees. Meanwhile, two San Francisco residents started a petition to ban “drip-pricing,” the Chronicle further reports, potentially leading to an upcoming ballot measure.

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Essay on Industry

Students are often asked to write an essay on Industry in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Industry

Understanding industry.

An industry is a sector of the economy that produces goods or services. Industries can be classified into three types: primary, secondary, and tertiary.

Types of Industries

Primary industries involve the extraction of raw materials, like farming or mining. Secondary industries transform raw materials into products, like manufacturing cars. Tertiary industries provide services, like teaching or nursing.

Importance of Industry

Industries are vital for economic growth. They create jobs, contribute to the GDP, and promote innovation. Industries also fulfill our daily needs and wants by providing various goods and services.

Challenges Faced by Industries

Industries face challenges like environmental concerns, labor issues, and competition. Therefore, they must continually adapt and innovate to thrive.

250 Words Essay on Industry

The evolution of industry, the industrial revolution.

The Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries marked a significant turning point. The advent of machinery and factories revolutionized production methods, leading to a surge in economic growth. It set the stage for the modern industrial landscape, characterized by mass production and global trade.

Industry in the Modern Era

In the 20th century, the focus shifted towards automation and digitization. The rise of the Information Technology industry transformed not only the means of production but also the nature of products and services. Today, software, data, and digital services are as vital to the economy as traditional goods.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution

We are now in the midst of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, characterized by the fusion of technologies that blur the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres. This revolution, driven by advancements in Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, the Internet of Things, and Quantum Computing, is reshaping industries and economies.

The industry, as a human endeavor, is continuously evolving, driven by technological advancements and societal changes. As we move further into the 21st century, it’s crucial to understand the profound impacts of these industrial transformations on our economy, society, and environment.

500 Words Essay on Industry


Industry forms the backbone of any economy, acting as a catalyst for its growth and development. It refers to the production of an economic good or service within an economy. The industrial sector encompasses a wide range of activities, from manufacturing to high-tech services, each contributing to the economic fabric of society.

Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 signifies the ongoing transformation of traditional industries due to digitization. It is characterized by interconnected systems where machines interact with each other and with humans in real-time. This revolution is enabling unprecedented levels of automation and efficiency, but also presents new challenges in terms of cybersecurity, data privacy, and workforce adaptation.

The Role of Industry in Economic Development

Industries play a pivotal role in economic development. They provide employment, foster innovation, and contribute to GDP. Moreover, industries stimulate the growth of other sectors, such as services and agriculture, through demand for inputs and the creation of infrastructure. However, the benefits of industrialization must be balanced against potential environmental impacts and social inequalities.

Industry and Sustainability

The future of industry.

The future of industry is marked by continuous innovation and adaptation. The integration of AI, IoT, and other advanced technologies will further revolutionize industrial processes. Simultaneously, industries will need to navigate challenges such as regulatory changes, geopolitical uncertainties, and the need for sustainable practices. As such, the future industrial landscape will be shaped by a complex interplay of technological progress, environmental considerations, and socio-economic factors.

In conclusion, the industry plays a vital role in economic growth and societal development. Its evolution, from the First Industrial Revolution to the ongoing Industry 4.0, reflects the continuous quest for efficiency and innovation. Looking ahead, the industry must balance technological advancements with sustainability and inclusivity to ensure a prosperous and equitable future for all.

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‘It’s All Happening Again.’ The Supply Chain Is Under Strain.

As Houthi rebels intensify strikes on vessels headed for the Suez Canal, global shipping prices are soaring, raising fears of product shortages and delays.

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A cargo ship in the ocean carrying shipping containers.

By Peter S. Goodman

Peter Goodman has reported extensively on the global supply chain since the early months of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Stephanie Loomis had hoped that the chaos besieging the global supply chain was subsiding. The floating traffic jams off ports . The multiplying costs of moving freight . The resulting shortages of goods . All of this had seemed like an unpleasant memory confined to the Covid-19 pandemic.

No such luck.

As head of ocean freight for the Americas at Rhenus Logistics, a company based in Germany, Ms. Loomis spends her days negotiating with international shipping carriers on behalf of clients moving products and parts around the globe. Over the last few months, she has watched cargo prices soar as a series of disturbances have roiled the seas.

Late last year, Houthi rebels in Yemen began firing on ships entering the Red Sea en route to the Suez Canal , a vital artery for vessels moving between Asia, Europe and the East Coast of the United States. That prompted ships to avoid the waterway, instead moving the long way around Africa, lengthening their journeys by as much as two weeks.

Then, a severe drought in Central America dropped water levels in the Panama Canal , forcing authorities to limit the number of ships passing through that crucial conduit for international trade.

In recent weeks, dockworkers have threatened to strike on the East and Gulf Coasts of the United States, while longshore workers at German ports have halted shifts in pursuit of better pay. Rail workers in Canada are poised to walk off the job, imperiling cargo moving across North America and threatening backups at major ports like Vancouver, British Columbia.

The intensifying upheaval in shipping is prompting carriers to lift rates while raising the specter of waterborne gridlock that could again threaten retailers with product shortages during the make-or-break holiday shopping season. The disruption could also exacerbate inflation, a source of economic anxiety animating the American presidential election.

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CDK hack upends U.S. auto industry, sending dealers back to paper forms

U.S. auto dealers grappled with an ongoing cyber attack-led software outage on Monday, with some reverting to manual paperwork as car industry technology provider CDK worked to restore systems used by more than 15,000 retail locations.

The outage impacting CDK’s dealer management system, used to complete deals, track store profitability and monitor employee compensation, has “plunged the auto retail industry into disarray”, JPMorgan analysts said last week.

AutoNation, a leading auto retailer in the U.S., said the outage was disruptive and had adversely impacted its business, though its outlets remain open, continuing to sell, service, and buy vehicles.

Peer Lithia Motors said on Monday it had experienced disruptions in its CDK-hosted system in North America, and that the incident was likely to have a negative impact on its business operations till the systems are fully restored.

Jim Seavitt, owner of Village Ford dealership in Dearborn, Michigan, said the outage has so far not dampened sales, but it has made the process of getting cars to customers more laborious.

The dealership sold nearly 100 cars during a large sale it put on last week, Seavitt said, but because CDK generates the paperwork needed to formally pass the car off to the customer, those vehicles are in limbo.

Seavitt expects the vehicles to be transferred this week after his team developed other ways to complete the necessary paperwork. CDK has told him that services will likely be down until mid-week.

“We don’t want to see this thing drag on,” Seavitt said.

CDK, which reported the outage last week, said on Monday it had begun the restoration process, reiterating that it will take several days to complete.

AutoNation and peer Group 1 Automotive said they were using alternative processes such as manual paperwork to conduct their business. Both said they had taken precautionary steps to protect their data.

“The timing of the restoration of other impacted CDK applications remains unclear at this time,” Group 1 said in a statement.

Bloomberg News reported on Friday that a group of hackers  claiming responsibility  for the attack on CDK’s software systems had demanded millions of dollars in ransom to put an end to the hack.

Seavitt said he hopes CDK pays the ransom so dealers can resume business as usual.

Though auto retailers have not outlined any sales hit, analysts have flagged a possible impact. “We note some potential risk to late-June (U.S. auto sales) volume from the reported CDK dealer disruptions,” Citi analysts said in a note last week.

Auto retailer Sonic Automotive last week said the CDK outage was likely to have a negative impact on its business operations until the systems were fully restored.

essay for service industry

Service Industry Essay Example

Service Industry Essay Example

  • Pages: 2 (550 words)
  • Published: August 24, 2018
  • Type: Essay

The person holding the interview will be able to listen to your conversation and your explanations about your credentials, and when they observe that you speak politely and present yourself to be respectable and courteous, this will most certainly positively influence the person holding the interview. Interpersonal skills are extremely important in determining whether the candidate will be suitable for the position that needs to be filled and demonstrating these skills, which are acquired during the educational hospitality classes will then prove to be most beneficial for the candidate applying for this position.While checking into educational hospitality courses, there will be several basic areas of expertise that will be learned in the hospitality specialty and these are very typical areas in the education program such as Hospitality Sales and Marketing, Technology Policies in Hospitality, Human

Resources in the Service Area, Legal and Social Issues in the Hospitality Service, Contemporary Issues and Ethical Considerations in the Service Industry, Administration in the Service Industry, Communications in Organizational Settings, Economic Aspects of the Hospitality Industry, just to mention some of the various programs that may be now offered in the Hospitality Education classes.

You should speak to an advisor, whenever possible, while determining whether your specific field of expertise will require the educational hospitality course, and unless you are working in an area where you will never be working with the public, either face to face, or by telephone or computer, and even then, it is important to still use proper representation of the company by being courteous to the customer or client, which will always be taking notice in the service that they are receiving from the company’s

representative. While seeking out a career in Hotel Management, it is quite desirable for a representative from our company to be efficient and also educated in hospitable service while representing our hotel chain, explains Mr. Frasier. (p. 9, Frasier)While representing a large or even small hotel chain, it is imperative that we use our most polite gestures and acts of decency while representing the company. The Hospitality Educational courses will properly educate a student in all basics of professional etiquette.

The Hotel Manager must be always courteous and show professionalism while on the job. If for any reason, the manager isn’t feeling ready to demonstrate his skills, acquired during specialized hospitality education courses, he must then continue to show professionalism by displaying a very friendly or appearance, and by speaking in a courteous and professional manner with all customers at the hotel establishment.He must also be aware of the other employees who work under his supervision and properly adhere to a certain guideline while speaking with these employees, as he continues to show his professional gestures of politeness and self-control. It is extremely important for the entire staff to be on board, with the manager and very often the hotel chain will offer their own ideas on what they expect from every employee that works for the hotel chain.

I do suggest that when applying for any position, in question, in the hotel industry that you seriously attempt to take an educational class in hospitality so that you will potentially be capable of landing the job in question or be successful in the job or career that you have gained.

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Essays on Service Industry

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Essay On Service Industry

Chapter:1 Introduction About Service Industry Service industry is a firm of industry which provide intangible service In the present scenario. service industries plays an important role in contributing to the global output and employment. service industry is also called as tertiary industry which works for the customer but does not involves in the production function. Service is the vast and gradually increasing sectors in the world economy these industries will not produce the goods but satisfies the customers providing services. The main purpose of the service industries is that satisfy the customer needs and wants as well as business. Services are becoming helpful for the development of the country. In the recent trend service sector developing vastly and the contribution of service industries in the GDP is higher than the …show more content…

Service industry helps in the growing rate of India’s GDP. According to the India’s service sector contribute about 61% to gross domestic product, groeing strongly at approximately 10% annul in 2015-2016, a report launched second Global Exhibition on services. The services sector is the main source to India’s GDP, but has also attracted significant foreign investment flows, contributed significantly to exports as well as provided large-scale employment opportunities. India’s services sector covers a wide variety of activities such as Health care, trade hospitality, hotel and restaurants, transport, storage and communication, financing, insurance, real estate, business services, community, social and personal services, and services associated with construction etc. 1.

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Industrialization had a massive toll on America and Europe. Industrialization is the period of social and economic change that transforms a human group from an agrarian society into an industrial one, involving the extensive re-organization of an economy for the purpose of manufacturing. While some might argue that Industrialization had primarily positive consequences for society because there were many job opportunities, although it was actually a negative thing for society. Industrialization’s negative effects were that the children were forced to work so they could help out their families, air and water pollution, and horrible working/living conditions.

Although many historians believe that there was a negative impact of industrialization and technological changes on American society; however, the positive impact of the two factors overpowers the negative impact on American society economically and socially between the time period of 1900 to 1930. Economically, there were positive impacts on American society due to the industrialization and technological changes that the nation was undergoing. In Theodore Roosevelt’s “The New Nationalism” 1910, he points out that no man in American society can be a good citizen because of the wage he makes that isn't ample enough to cover the bare cost of living, and the hours of labor are too long which doesn't give him energy and time to bear his share

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With an array of new challenges and responsibilities to tackle, inexperienced managers often need suitable training to understand their roles and responsibilities. This course will train managers in critical skills required for planning, supervising, and communicating effectively. For a manager to reach out to the employees efficiently, it is vital to be aware of the various channels of communication. This course will guide you through the various barriers to effective communication and suggest solutions to overcome them.

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It is the major source of employment and revenue for India. It is supported by both the public and private players. The public health care sector is governed and monitored by the Government. It has limited expansion and concentrates more on providing the basic facilities required for the citizens in rural as well as urban areas. But, due to the changes in technology and politics, even the Government hospitals are eager to cater the needs of specialized category of health services and hence led to the improved medical services.

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The Rise & Influence of Virgin America Airline: a Case Study in Service

This essay about Virgin America Airlines explores its significant impact on the U.S. aviation industry since its launch in 2007. Founded by the Virgin Group under Sir Richard Branson, the airline introduced innovative features such as mood lighting, advanced in-flight entertainment, and Wi-Fi connectivity, setting new standards for passenger experience. Virgin America’s commitment to exceptional customer service and sustainability, including a modern, fuel-efficient fleet and carbon offset programs, earned it numerous awards and a loyal customer base. Despite these achievements, financial pressures led to its acquisition by Alaska Airlines in 2016. The essay underscores Virgin America’s lasting legacy of innovation and customer-centric practices in the aviation sector.

How it works

Virgin America Airlines, launched in 2007, quickly established itself as a game-changer in the U.S. aviation industry. With its headquarters in Burlingame, California, the airline was founded by the Virgin Group, led by Sir Richard Branson, renowned for its commitment to innovation and customer-centric business models. Virgin America sought to inject a fresh perspective into a market dominated by legacy carriers and, in doing so, redefined passenger expectations and industry standards.

From its inception, Virgin America distinguished itself through a unique blend of stylish branding, cutting-edge technology, and a relentless focus on customer experience.

The airline’s aircraft featured mood lighting, leather seats, and an in-flight entertainment system that was ahead of its time. Passengers could enjoy touch-screen entertainment, on-demand food and drink orders, and Wi-Fi connectivity—a stark contrast to the often outdated amenities offered by competitors. This approach not only attracted tech-savvy and younger travelers but also set a new benchmark for in-flight comfort and convenience.

Beyond aesthetics and technology, Virgin America was committed to delivering exceptional service. The airline invested heavily in training its staff to provide a friendly, efficient, and personalized travel experience. This emphasis on service was reflected in the numerous awards and accolades the airline received, including being named the top U.S. airline by Condé Nast Traveler and Travel + Leisure readers multiple times. Virgin America’s dedication to service excellence cultivated a loyal customer base that valued not just the journey but the overall travel experience.

Virgin America’s business model also emphasized sustainability and environmental responsibility. The airline operated a modern fleet of Airbus A320 aircraft, which were more fuel-efficient and had a lower environmental impact compared to older models used by other airlines. Additionally, Virgin America was one of the first airlines to offer carbon offset programs, allowing passengers to mitigate the environmental impact of their flights. This commitment to sustainability resonated with eco-conscious travelers and positioned Virgin America as a forward-thinking leader in the industry.

Despite its many successes, Virgin America faced significant challenges in a highly competitive market. The U.S. aviation industry is notoriously difficult to navigate, with high operating costs, regulatory hurdles, and intense competition from established carriers. Virgin America’s innovative approach and superior service helped it carve out a niche, but it struggled to achieve the economies of scale necessary to compete with larger airlines on price. This financial pressure ultimately led to its acquisition by Alaska Airlines in 2016, a move that was met with both optimism and sadness from loyal customers.

The merger with Alaska Airlines was a strategic decision aimed at creating a stronger, more competitive airline. While it marked the end of Virgin America as a standalone brand, many of its innovative practices and customer service principles were integrated into Alaska Airlines’ operations. The merger also expanded Alaska Airlines’ footprint, providing more routes and enhanced services to its passengers. Although the Virgin America brand ceased to exist, its legacy of innovation and excellence continues to influence the industry.

Virgin America’s story is a testament to the power of innovation and the importance of prioritizing customer experience in a competitive market. The airline’s ability to challenge industry norms and introduce new standards of service reshaped the U.S. aviation landscape. Virgin America’s legacy lives on through its impact on the industry, inspiring other airlines to elevate their service offerings and embrace new technologies.

In conclusion, Virgin America’s rise and influence underscore the significance of blending innovation with a customer-centric approach in the aviation industry. The airline’s pioneering efforts not only enhanced the travel experience for millions of passengers but also left an indelible mark on the industry. While Virgin America is no longer a standalone entity, its contributions to aviation continue to be felt, reminding us of the enduring power of vision, creativity, and a relentless focus on excellence.


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  14. An Introduction To Food Service Industry

    The purpose of this chapter is to critically review the literature relating to Food Service Industry, the position and attributes to gain costumers perception. The arrangement starts with the role of food service, with investigation into the food and beverage operations. Subsequently, considerations into Service Quality point were dimension ...

  15. Service Based Industry Free Essay Example, 502 words

    Service Based Industry, 502 words essay example. Essay Topic: service. These are the few examples of industries and its approximate market sizes. Service Based Industry Service based industry is the part of the economy that creates tangible services. Service industries include everything else banking, communications, wholesale and retail trade ...

  16. Service Industry Organizations Essay Examples

    Service Industry Organizations Essays Internal Communication in Service Industry Organizations Internal communication is among the fastest growing specialty in public relations, and it is garnering increased attention as a result of a number of causes, including the emergence of employer branding and the uncertainty in the workplace brought on ...

  17. California's Restaurant Industry Can Keep Its Controversial Service Fees

    The restaurant industry reacted strongly, given that a ban on service fees would necessitate a drastic shift for restaurants, requiring businesses to fold costs covered by service fees into the ...

  18. 100 Words Essay on Industry

    500 Words Essay on Industry Introduction. Industry forms the backbone of any economy, acting as a catalyst for its growth and development. It refers to the production of an economic good or service within an economy. The industrial sector encompasses a wide range of activities, from manufacturing to high-tech services, each contributing to the ...

  19. Supply Chain Under Strain as Houthis Intensify Red Sea Strikes

    Since October, the cost of moving a 40-foot shipping container from China to Europe has increased to about $7,000, from an average of roughly $1,200, according to data compiled by Xeneta, a cargo ...

  20. CDK hack upends U.S. auto industry, sending dealers back to paper forms

    U.S. auto dealers grappled with an ongoing cyber attack-led software outage on Monday, with some reverting to manual paperwork as car industry technology provider CDK worked to restore systems ...

  21. Industry Essay Industry Essay

    Service Industry : An Industry Essay 2 Service industry Service industry is an industry that creates services. In economy, economic activity are divided into two categories which are goods and services. Goods-producing industries provide tangible object namely mining, manufacturing, agriculture, and construction. Service

  22. Service Industry Essay Example

    Service Industry Essay Example 🎓 Get access to high-quality and unique 50 000 college essay examples and more than 100 000 flashcards and test answers from around the world! ... Contemporary Issues and Ethical Considerations in the Service Industry, Administration in the Service Industry, Communications in Organizational Settings, Economic ...

  23. Essays on Service Industry

    Service Industry. Technology. Words: 1675 (7 pages) Evaluate the impact of technology in increasing Malaysia's quality of the service industry. 1.0Introduction Nowadays, with the continuous growth of competition in the market place, understanding customer satisfaction has become very important in service industry (Chun Wang, 2006).

  24. Essay On Service Industry

    Essay On Service Industry. 1237 Words 5 Pages. Chapter:1 Introduction About Service Industry Service industry is a firm of industry which provide intangible service In the present scenario. service industries plays an important role in contributing to the global output and employment. service industry is also called as tertiary industry which ...

  25. Amazon Plans to Fend Off Temu, Shein With New Service for Low-Cost

    Amazon Takes On Chinese Rivals Temu and Shein With Plans for New Discount Service. Move marks a significant step by the U.S. e-commerce giant to safeguard its market leadership at home. By .

  26. CDK hack upends US auto industry, sending dealers back to paper forms

    U.S. auto dealers grappled with a cyber attack-led ongoing software outage on Monday, with some reverting to manual paperwork as car industry technology provider CDK worked to restore systems used ...

  27. The Rise & Influence of Virgin America Airline: A Case Study in Service

    This essay about Virgin America Airlines explores its significant impact on the U.S. aviation industry since its launch in 2007. Founded by the Virgin Group under Sir Richard Branson, the airline introduced innovative features such as mood lighting, advanced in-flight entertainment, and Wi-Fi connectivity, setting new standards for passenger experience.

  28. CDK Global outage has been hamstringing car dealerships for days ...

    CDK Global, a software provider to some 15,000 car dealers, was waylaid by debilitating cyberattacks this week that have had a crippling effect on the auto sales industry.

  29. Explore the Ericsson Mobility Report June 2024

    Read the Ericsson Mobility Report June 2024 for industry-leading insights and trends. New figures and forecasts for 5G, IoT, Fixed Wireless Access and more. ... Reports and papers Ericsson Mobility Report Mobility Reports 5G: ... There is an exciting future ahead of us as leading communications service providers prepare to build high-performing ...

  30. Serial Acquisitions and Industry Roll-ups

    This paper was prepared as a background note for discussions on "Serial Acquisitions and Industry Roll-ups" taking place at the December 2023 session of the OECD Competition Committee.