
Top 10 Tips on How to Write Engineering Assignments

10 Tips on How to Write Engineering Assignments

Engineering assignments can be challenging, especially for students who are new to the field or need help with academic writing. However, with the right approach and some helpful tips, writing engineering assignments can become a manageable task. In this blog post, we will provide the top 10 tips on how to write engineering assignments. These tips will cover various aspects of the writing process, including choosing a topic, conducting research, structuring your assignment, and writing effective sentences and paragraphs. Whether you are an undergraduate or postgraduate student, these tips will help you improve your engineering writing skills and achieve better grades on your assignments.

Tips on How to Write Engineering Assignments

Table of Contents

Here are some tips on how to write engineering assignments:

1) Engineering Assignments Should Be To The Point

The first tip for writing engineering assignments is to be concise and to the point. Engineering is a technical field that requires clear and precise communication. Therefore, it is essential to avoid using unnecessary words or overly complicated language that can hide your message. Instead, focus on delivering your ideas and arguments in a clear and straightforward manner. This will not only help you convey your message effectively but also demonstrate your understanding of the topic to your instructor.

2) Make Brief Intro

When you are writing an assignment you have to give a brief introduction of the topics that you are writing. You have to know that the subjects in engineering are technical so, you should know how to write engineering assignments. Give basic details of the topic that the person can know what you are writing on a topic. a brief intro also examines what you are talking about in all assignments therefore if it will be creative, brief, and informative, the more it will get value. This is one of the ways on how to write engineering assignments.

3) Do the Vast Research

When you are writing any topic, you have a vast knowledge of that topic. For that, you have to do vast research and know how to write an engineering assignment. Because the topics in engineering are quite technical. For making an easy task you can do one more thing during research or collecting information make some notes and note down every major point so that if you start writing the final assignments you shouldn’t be worried or any confusion about the topic. Thus this also helps you on how to write engineering assignments.

4) Add Some Creativity

You know how to write engineering assignments, for that you have to add some creativity in your assignments. Like, use the scales for majoring the diagrams and make some projects in that creative way so that anyone can be impressed by your work. So, add some creativity while doing the engineering assignments. Creativity not should only in the words but also in the style you are making.

5) Take Ideas from Seniors Assignments

When you know how to write engineering assignments but still you have to take ideas from your senior’s assignments. The way they present their assignments in a detailed way and what they write in the assignment can give more help to you when you start writing your own assignment. This will give you an idea of where to start the project or assignment. They have spent lot of energy, time, and creativity. So it would be easier for you to get the best idea to make your assignments more insightful, productive, and valuable.

6) Clear & Easy To Understand

If a person or the student has an interest in the engineering topics and knows how to write the engineering assignment. Then it will not create hurdles in his work and he/she can easily write anything about the assignment. But the projects or engineering should be clear to them and they have basic knowledge of the topics so that they can easily work on their projects. The more your assignments will be clear and easy for the examiner to understand, the more it will create a positive impact on the examiner. Using many hard words that would not be understood by everyone makes a little negative impact. That’s why the language should be clear and easy to understand. This is the way on how to write engineering assignments.

7) Give Examples To Make Point Clear

Writing an engineering assignment is not easy, if you don’t use the perfect examples then the assignments have no value and not worth making. You know how to write engineering assignments then it will be only possible if you give the proper examples to make it clear and give the best use of projects while working on the assignments. Giving examples shows the mindset that the students are having practical knowledge about the subject or not. This is also showing that students truly want to make clear to the examiner about assignments and it would be easy for everyone to understand through examples.

8) Add Some Infographics Prints To Make Assignments Interesting

If you start using infographics it would make more effective impact on the examiner. Infographics are something the right way in which you can discuss many things under fewer words.also, it makes your assignments more creative and truthful. Using only the textual part is sounds a little boring but if you use some infographics print in your engineering assignments then it would be an advanced advantage for you. This is how to write engineering assignments.

9) Add Your Research Study Experience

During making engineering assignments you must have to add your research study experience. How you did your research, how many research methods you have applied to make those assignments, and how many difficulties you faced during making assignments. You should also share some Do’s and Dont’s, this is the way to build an examiner’s trust in your assignments. This is one of the best tips on how to write engineering assignments.

10) Include Major Points During Finish The Assignment

In the end when you are going to finish your assignment make sure you should sum up everything that you have discussed in a brief point so that it will recall in the examiner mind what he/she already has studied. Recall must be there to understand everything in a short period of time. This is how you can make your assignments. This is the fines way on how to write engineering assignments.

How To Choose A Topic For Your Engineering Assignment In 2023

Here we will discuss some steps to choose a topic for your engineering assignment:

1. Choose According To Interest

Pick a topic that you enjoy and find interesting in engineering. When you like what you’re studying, it keeps you excited and focused.

2. Think About What’s Important Now

Look for topics that matter in 2023 and are relevant to what’s happening in the engineering world. Pay attention to things that can make a difference.

3. Don’t Go Too Big Topic

Select a topic that’s not too wide or general. It should be specific enough so you can explore it well and not get lost in too much information.

4. Find Enough Information

Ensure enough books, articles, and other materials are available for your topic. You don’t want to struggle to find information.

5. Ask Your Teachers

Check if your teachers know about your chosen topic. They can give you advice and suggestions.

6. Be Different

Try to find a topic that’s not commonly chosen by others. Being unique can make your assignment more interesting.

7. Make Sure It’s Doable

Think about the time and resources you have for the assignment. Pick a topic that you can realistically finish on time.

13+ Engineering Assignment Topics For Students In 2023

Here we will discuss 13+ engineering assignments topics for students in 2023:

  • Renewable Energy Technologies
  • Sustainable Building Design
  • Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing
  • Internet of Things (IoT) for Smart Cities
  • Autonomous Vehicles and Self-Driving Cars
  • Biomedical Engineering and Prosthetics
  • Green Engineering Solutions for Pollution Control
  • Advanced Materials for Aerospace Applications
  • 3D Printing in Engineering
  •  Cybersecurity in Critical Infrastructure
  •  Water Resource Management and Conservation
  •  Robotics and Automation in Industry
  •  Waste Management and Recycling Technologies
  •  Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Applications in Engineering
  •  Nanotechnology for Electronics and Energy Storage

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Writing format.

The format or flow of information is important in helping the reader easily understand and process the information. Learn more about the common format used in technical reports and how to use citations and references.

General Format

The format or flow of information is important in helping the reader easily understand and process the information. The format builds the scaffold upon which the communication is based. A strong consistent and recognizable format aids the reader in processing the information

In general, there is an orderly explanation that explains the logic of the work. The paragraphs are also arranged in a consistent format usually starting with a topic sentence and then other sentences related to the topic of the paragraph.

The format of the technical writing depends on the audience and purpose. A short memo may simply describe the purpose of the memo in the first paragraph and answer a few key questions in the subsequent paragraphs. A comprehensive lab or design report will be longer and typically divided into many sections. There is not one “correct” format. The main importance is that the writing is structured so that the reader can easily and quickly recognize important information. This section provides some format examples for technical reports and memos. The formatting requirements for citations, references, cross-references, and cover sheets are the same for all written communications.

Most technical reports reference other sources of information. As such, the use of citations and cross-references is important. If you are discussing the ideas in a source at length (for example, in a summary), you do not need to cite every consecutive sentence. Cite the first time you mention the source, as long the following sentences clearly indicate that the ideas come from the same source.

There are two common conventions in Engineering: 1) the author-date format and 2) the numerical format. You will use the author date format for all assignments in Engineering, however the numerical format is required by some journals (such as the American Concrete Institute journals).

Author-date format

The author-date format is the default format used by the ASCE style guide ( ) and will be the default format you will use in reports for the Civil Engineering program. The in-text citations consist of the names of individuals and corporate authors and the year of publication of the cited work in parentheses immediately following the information cited. All citations must appear in the list of references.

Basic format:

  • Reinforced concrete (RC) flat-plate structures, as compared with other RC structural systems, generally cost less and are faster to construct (Gilsanz et al. 2015).
  • “Buildings and other structures shall be designed to sustain local damage with the structural system as a whole remaining stable and not being damaged to an extent disproportionate to the original local damage.” (ASCE 2002, p. 2)
  • Qian and Li (2014) performed static and dynamic loading tests of multi-panel flat-plate subassemblies with reduced scales to examine the collapse resistance of flat plates.
  • Construction failure is avoidable (Feld and Carper 1977).
  • Innovative technologies can be used to determine the longevity of key infrastructure features (McCullough et al. 2004).
  • Previous cases of progressive collapse of buildings have been investigated by Sasani et al. (2007a, 2007b).

Numerical format

The numerical format is preferred by some journals and other publications. In this format, all the references are arranged numerically by the order in which they appear in the text. The citation simply consists of the number related to that reference either as a superscript or in brackets. This uses less room for the citation, but also does not provide information on who wrote the report or when the report was written.

  • Construction failure is avoidable 1 . -Or- Construction failure is avoidable [1].

If the author is mentioned in the sentence, the number is still used.

  • According to Wynham 2 , no additional support is necessary. -Or- According to Wynham [2], no additional support is necessary.

References give the reader the information they need to know so that they can find the reference for more information. Depending on where the report is published, the required format for the references may be slightly different. In Civil Engineering, the default format is the ASCE style. The excerpt below is directly from the ASCE style guide .

If a whole book is used (or pages here and there throughout the book), page numbers need not be given. If no author is listed, titles should be alphabetized. If a specific chapter is being used, the chapter title and inclusive page numbers should be included. Reports must include the full institution name and location.

  • Evans, G. M., and Furlong, J. C. (2003). Environmental biotechnology: Theory and applications , Wiley, Chichester, U.K.
  • Moody’s municipal and government manual. (1988). Moody’s Investors Service, New York.

Building Codes and Provisions

Building codes, provisions, and standards should be listed alphabetically by the name of the promulgating institution. If a title and code number are given, the title should be in quotes, and the code number in italics; if only a title is given, the title should be in italics.

  • ACI (American Concrete Institute).(1989). “Building code requirement for reinforced concrete.” ACI 318-89,Farmington Hills, MI.
  • Building Officials and Code Administrators International (BOCA). (1993). The BOCA national building code , Country Club Hills, IL.
  • CEN (European Committee for Standardization). (1992). “Design of steel structures, part 1.1.” Eurocode 3 , Brussels.

Electronic Materials

CD-ROM—The section, chapter, and page numbers should be provided if available:

  • Liggett, J. A., and Caughey, D. A. (1998). “Fluid statistics.” Fluid mechanics(CD-ROM), ASCE, Reston, VA, Section …, Chapter …, pp. …

The following elements should be included: author’s name (if known); year of publication or last revision (if available); full title of the document, in quotation marks; title of the complete work (if applicable), in italics; full web address, enclosed within angle brackets; and date of the visit (if applicable), in parentheses. If the Web page shows no year of publication, the year of the visit may be used in its place.

  • Arizona Dept. of Commerce. (2005). “Community profile: Hualapai Indian Reservation.” 〈http://www.azcommerce/com/doclib/commune/ualapai.pdf〉(Mar. 17, 2014).
  • “Acquisition reform network.” (1998). Arnet, 〈〉(Jan. 21, 2010)

Journal Articles

The standard format for a paper published in a U.S. journal is as follows:

Beskos, D. E. (1987). “Boundary element methods in dynamic analysis.” Appl. Mech. Rev.,40(1), 1–23.

ASCE Journals

ASCE no longer uses page numbers and has adopted a new format for its references (including those older papers that still contain page numbers). Use the following style for citation to an ASCE journal:

  • Authors. (Year of initial publication). “Title of paper.” Journal abbr. , DOI, CID/page range.
  • Irish, J. L., and Resio, D. T. (2013). “Method for estimating future hurricane flood probabilities and associated uncertainty.” J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Eng ., 10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000157, 04013015.

ASCE Committee/Technical Reports

ASCE committees, task forces, etc. publish reports, proposed codes and standards, commentaries on codes and standards, and so on. The committee is the author.

  • ASCE Task Force on Friction Factors in Open Channels. (1963). “Friction factors in open channels.” J. Hydraul. Div., 89 (2), 97–143.


In addition to referencing other sources of information, cross-references are also used to refer to figure, tables, and equation s within the report. You must refer to every table, figure, equation used in the text . For documents in Engineering use the full reference (i.e. Figure #, Table #, Equation #) instead of an abbreviation (i.e. Fig., Eq.). If the item (figure, table, or equation) is a noun in the sentence then use it as a proper noun and capitalize the first letter.

  • Figure 1 shows the stress-strain curve of aluminum.
  • The stress-strain curve of aluminum is shown in Figure 1.

If the item (figure, table, equation) serves as a reference (where to go for more information), then include it in parentheses.

  • The stress-strain curve of aluminum is non-linear (Figure 1).

All exhibits (Figures, Tables, Equations) should be sequentially numbered throughout the report (don’t skip numbers) and the cross-reference in the text should occur before the figure. If you change the order of your figures you have to renumber them. If the report is in several chapters, then the number may contain a chapter and/or sub-chapter number (i.e. Figure 3-4). The use of automatic features in Word makes keeping track of these things easier.

You can also use cross-references to refer to different sections in the report. This is common in technical reports in which the chapters and sub-sections are numbered.

  • Refer to Section 4.13 for details of the test setup.

Cover Sheet

Many reports will contain a cover sheet that provides basic information. The layout of the cover sheet may be dictated by whomever is to receive the report (i.e. the Graduate School has a pre-determined layout for thesis and dissertations). The cover sheet will generally include the following information:

  • Title of report
  • Names of group members (where appropriate)
  • Date submitted

Example Cover Sheet

Example cover sheet

Alternatively, you may be asked to provide a cover letter to a report or homework assignment. The cover letter also serves to identify the topic and authors of the report, but is written in the format of a letter and contains contact information.

Example Cover Letter

Example Cover Letter

Technical Reports

Sample Technical Report

Technical Report Template

Technical Report Organization

Most technical reports follow the well-recognized general organization described in this section. This can be applied to technical reports, lab reports, journal papers, etc. A technical report is usually divided into distinct sections. A common format for a report is as follows:

Introduction – explains what the report is about and why is it is needed.

  • Procedures – If the report is based on an experiment (lab) then this describes the procedure and apparatus used. If the report is a design report, then this may be the design procedures and calculations.
  • Analysis/Results – reports the outcomes of the experiment or design.
  • Discussion – explains the significance of the results and suggested recommendations.
  • Conclusions – summarizes the main points of the report. Nothing new is presented in the conclusions.

Each section should be able to “stand on its own”. Meaning that if you need to refer to information in a previous section you should use an appropriate cross-reference (i.e. see Section 4.3.2 for …). In addition, the sections should have a logical flow and structure within themselves. Each paragraph should define or explain a single topic, and there should be organization, transitions, and flow between the paragraphs.

Abstract/Executive Summary


The first part of the technical report is the introduction. This sets the stage for the reader and provides needed background information. As such, the introduction must cover the purpose of the design/experiment, scope of work, and any needed background knowledge.

  • Scope of Work – The scope of work is a description of the design or laboratory. This section should include a brief description of the project and outline the calculation requirements.
  • Given Information – This section should include information given in the problem statement. Typically, this section includes information that is provided by the professor or client and does not require interpretation.
  • Assumptions – This section should briefly describe any assumptions that are made in addition to the project description and requirements. Typically, assumptions are made by the engineer, not the client, and can be modified or changed.
  • Background – This section provides the needed technical background for the reader. If the reader is not familiar with this area of study this section will need to be quite detailed so that the reader can fully understand the experiment and results. Sometimes the background is it’s own separate chapter/section in a report.

engineering assignment format

This can be used to describe the equipment and procedures used for a lab experiment, or the basis/assumptions, codes, etc. used for a design. Usually one of the easiest sections to write – you are simply saying what was done and how it was done. Be sure to be concise with your writing (no overly long explanations) and make sure you completely cover the procedure (someone else could repeat the experiment or design based on the information you give them).

engineering assignment format

The results section simply states the results of the design or laboratory experiments. Depending on your writing style you may combine this section with the discussion section. It consists of properly formatted tables and figures with explanations and descriptions of the tables and figures (you must reference every table and figure in the text). You should present without analyzing or commenting on significance (unless you are combining it with discussion).

In an experimental or laboratory research report the results will typically consist of the results of the calculations and/or experimental data. It typically consists of the tables and figures as well as clear and direct wording that highlights the most important results. Do not draw conclusions or make comparisons to other work in this section (that is for the discussion). Reference to the table and figures must be provided in the main body of the report.

In a design report the results typically consist of calculation work done in interpreting the design. If the calculations required are not extensive then this can be included in the main body of the report. Each step in the calculations should have a brief description. Provide equations used. Each equation should have a number for reference and all variables should be defined. If the calculations are extensive they can be included in the appendix (i.e. Sample Calculations), however a brief summary of the procedure should be in the main body of the report.

engineering assignment format

The next section is the discussion of the results. This is the heart of the technical report and shows what you determined in the design or learned from the experiment.

In an experimental or laboratory research report, you should analyze your results by discussing the data and interpreting your results. State the significance of your results clearly, and compare your results with theory or other work. Be sure to use quantitative comparisons in your discussion. Indicate if the results support the underlying theory or contradict it.

In a design report, you should highlight the main recommendations of the design or compare the design with other alternatives. This may be where you evaluate the value vs. cost of the proposed design. The reader should have a clear understanding of why this design was chosen.

engineering assignment format


The final section of the report is the conclusions.  This section sums up what was learned from the experiment or recommended in the design.  It generally focuses on restating the main discussion points.   There should be nothing new presented in this section – all points were previously covered in more detail earlier in the report.

engineering assignment format

The appendices are used to document the information that is not included in the main body of the report. For example, the data that you measured in the laboratory, sample calculations, and mathematical derivations should be presented in the appendices. You can have more than one appendix. Assign each appendix a letter and a title, and group the items in a sensible manner – for example, “Appendix A: Measured Data.” Data that are not mentioned in your results should not be included in the appendices. When mathematical terms are used in the report, include an appendix titled “Notation.”

Technical Memos

Sample Technical Memo

Technical Memo Organization

Technical memos are essentially short technical reports geared to answer specific client questions. Generally, memos are much shorter than reports (only 1 to 2 pages) and have less introductory and background information. Often the memos are in the form of a letter or an email. Results are often given in a supplementary section (enclosure in a letter or attachment to an email).

  • Subject line – regardless of whether the form is a letter or email, there needs to be a short subject line for the memo Addressee – Memos are written for someone. You should address the memo to a person or a committee or group.
  • Introductory paragraph – Although the introduction is not a long as in a report, the memo still needs to state the purpose of the memo and any assumptions or given information that was used in the experiment or design.
  • Discussion paragraphs – These paragraphs answer the specific questions of the client. They are similar to a report discussion, but more targeted to the audience and the questions asked. All discussions should be quantitative.
  • Conclusion – This optional paragraph may sum up some important points or recommendation. It can also provide encouragement for the client to contact you for more information.

Example Technical Memo

engineering assignment format

Assignment Design

The most updated lab writing instructional modules are available:

Learning Objectives

Although all engineering instructors “know how to write”, they may struggle with assigning writing projects to students. Well-designed writing assignments lead directly to student learning. Traci Gardner from National Council of Teachers of English identifies three goals for a writing assignment:

  • Define the writing task.
  • Explore the expectations.
  • Provide supporting materials and activities.

In the context of lab report writing, engineering instructors need to address the following to students as explicitly as possible when preparing lab report assignment:

  • The audience (Specific people like instructors? engineers? peers? public?).
  • The pedagogical purpose of the lab report (Why is the assignment given?).
  • The “fictitious” professional purpose of the lab report (Why is the assignment given?).
  • Specific requirements (if there are any).
  • Checklists or Presentation Expectations (format, submission, deadline, etc.).
  • Assessment rubrics (or any type of grading guidelines): The details of assessment rubric design and development are introduced in the Lab Report Assessment Rubric Module Assessment Rubric Design .
  • Acceptable sample reports with or without addressing the standard conventions of finished and edited texts.
  • Unacceptable sample reports with or without addressing the standard conventions of finished and edited texts.
  • List of recommended reading resources.
  • Other resources to assist students’ writing process.

Sample 1: Lab Report (as a Technical Report) Writing Assignment

  • Overview: You (the writer of the report), a 2nd year engineering student, are assigned to write a technical report (the genre) to convey engineering and technical information, including the lab background, process, data, analysis results, and conclusion (the purpose of the report), to the instructor, the TA, and the peers (the audience of the report).
  • Lab Report Audience: Assume you are submitting the lab report as a technical report to a peer in class. Therefore, your audience is familiar with the lab materials; however, you need to explain the engineering and technical information as precisely as possible. The executive summary of your report should be able to be read by a professional audience such as industry partners, or other professors in the program.
  • Purpose of Lab Report: You are assigned to write a technical report on how your analytical analysis can be verified with the experimental results of the lab. Your report should include effective presentations of the lab data and thoughtful discussion based on the inspection, measurement, and test results. This lab requires conducting research with secondary sources (outside references available on the net and/or the library).
  • Required Lab Report Writing Style and Format: The technical reports are typically written using third-person perspective and past tense, and in many situations, an active voice provides better clarity and succinctness. One of the unique features of “technical reports” is a clear and easily accessible format. Technical reports need to be divided into sections that allow different readers to access different levels of information. Technical reports mostly consist of executive summary, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, and reference sections. Use the Metric System of units for this lab report.
  • Lab Report Submission: Please submit your completed lab report to the course website by the due date listed above. This allows you to have enough time to conduct data analysis and research with the secondary sources (references) as well as the primary sources (experimental data).

Sample 2: Lab Report (as a Research Paper) Writing Assignment

Assume you are an engineering intern working at the product design group of a company in the automotive industry, which may be similar to ABC Motors, City. Your boss, Ms. Boss, assigned you to conduct research on the mechanical properties and hardness of the materials used in a future project. Note that she is not asking you to pick the best material. All of these materials will be used for future vehicles because there are many parts and components. She will eventually share your report’s technical information with other engineers and/or people in the organization. For the project, three different material types such as 1018, 1045, and 4140 steels are considered. This means that you are assigned to write a lab report as a research paper primarily based on the testing results from the lab. This lab will provide you with the opportunities of reviewing knowledge on the mechanical properties and strengthening mechanisms of engineering materials (textbook chapters 6 and 7), conducting additional uniaxial tensile tests as well as hardness tests, conducting a comparative analysis with the obtained experimental data, and discussing the analysis with the outside sources or references in order to advance your knowledge.

In this experimental research paper, you can conduct a comparative study to compare three different steel samples in many different ways (e.g. 1018 vs 1045 to see the effect of carbon contents). In order to write a good research paper, you need to have good research questions to discuss. Your engineering team and organization might have the following questions:

  • Any technical questions from your own.
  • What would the effect of the carbon and/or alloying element contents have on the mechanical properties (strengths, ductility, etc) of the samples?
  • Does the fracture look ductile, brittle, or moderately ductile for each coupon?
  • Which sample does have the highest yield strength and/or UTS, ductility, toughness, hardness, etc. values? Why?
  • What are the average hardness and standard deviation values of each coupon? Is there a visible deviation in the measurement? What are the possible sources of errors?
  • Textbook page 179 shows the relationship between the tensile strength and the hardness values in HB for most steels. Is this formula accurate?

In order to write a good report or earn high scores, you do not need to answer all of these questions and/or come up with difficult-to-answer questions. A good lab report possesses well-defined questions and well-developed answers supported by both your experimental data (primary sources) and further research results using the internet or reference books (secondary sources). A good report has a well-defined introduction, body, and conclusion. In the introduction section, write about what you want to discover in the report. The objectives provide guidance on what you are going to say to your audience (your boss and engineering team in this case) throughout the report. In the body section, you summarize the experimental methods so the audience can confirm your testing was sound. You present the experimental data clearly and discuss them to follow your objectives. In the conclusion section, you need to summarize the main points of the lab along with a very brief restatement of the objectives and lab procedure.

Please submit your completed lab report in PDF on the course website by the due.

Sample 3: Lab Report (Memorandum or Letter as a Format) Writing Assignment:

Prepare a technical memorandum for your submission. The content of most memoranda to the technical audience can be organized into four main parts: heading, introduction, body (methods, results, discussion), conclusions, and closing. Depending on the intent and length of the memo, each part can be as short as a single phrase or as long as several paragraphs. Most memos are less than two pages. The following elements should be included

  • Letter/Memo Heading – TO: (readers’ names and job titles), FROM: (your name and job title), DATE: (complete and current date), SUBJECT: (subject of the lab).
  • Introduction – Objective and overview. Within the first two sentences, the purpose of the letter or memo is clearly stated. Provides background context for the discussion and educates the reader so they can understand the discussion.
  • Body – Methods, data presentation/analysis/interpretation. Include a brief description of the methodology, relevant findings, interpretation of data, and other significant items, including a brief explanation of significant errors.
  • Conclusions and Recommendations – Should recapitulate results and conclusions and recommend future work or action.
  • Courteous Closing (Includes your contact information).
  • References – Should be of sufficient quantity and quality, and cited properly within the text. Bibliographic information is included as a footnote.

Additional information to the written text is often required. Typical attachments include:

  • All figures and tables discussed in text, but self-explanatory.
  • Numbered and properly titled, contain units, and axis labels.
  • Referenced (if information not created by author).
  • Appropriate to communicate effectively.
  • Attachment 2* – Test Set-up: clear and self-explanatory, photos, sketches…
  • Attachment 3* – Data: self-explanatory data sheet; proper symbols and units.
  • Attachment 4* – Calculations: clear and self-explanatory, sources cited.
  • Additional attachments as required

Submit the lab report to your TA by the due.

Sample 4: A technical memo as a lab report (a technical memorandum) writing assignment

Structural Materials Supply, Inc.  

3201 Campus Dr.  

Klamath Falls, OR 97601  

To:              Materials Testing Consultants  

From:          MJ  Johnson, Ph.D., P.E.  

Date: June 24, 2022  

Subject:        Creep deflection of bookshelves  

Structural Materials Supply, Inc. is developing a line of bookshelves for use by prominent commercial office suppliers. Creep of bookshelves is a well-recognized problem across the industry. While we recognize that elastic deflections can be significant for heavily loaded shelves, we would like your help estimating the creep behavior of the Douglas-Fir beams we intend to use. Please help us determine a mathematical model of creep that can be used to predict long-term creep deflections so that we can further refine our product to meet long-term performance goals.   

Specifically, we would like you to load a 1×6 Douglas Fir beam with enough weight to observe creep deflections. Please collect deflection versus time data, fit with an appropriate trendline, and predict long-term creep deflection at 100 years. Provide a description of creep behavior and let us know if we should be concerned about it in our products.   

Please present your response in the form of a technical memorandum employing the IMRADC format. Submit this memo as a pdf along with a copy of the Excel file you developed to analyze the data.  Thank you in advance for your attention to detail and professional work.   

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Lab report writing assignment design.

Although all engineering instructors are professional writers, they may struggle with assigning writing projects to students. Well-designed writing assignments lead directly to student learning. Traci Gardner from the National Council of Teachers of English identifies three goals for a writing assignment: 

define the writing task.

define the expectations. 

provide supporting materials and activities. 

To support student learning and writing i n the context of lab report writing, engineering instructors should address the following to students as explicitly as possible when preparing lab report assignments:

Define the lab writing task:

t he audience (who is the specific audience, such as instructors, engineers, peers, or the public?).

the pedagogical purpose of the lab report (why is the assignment given?).

the “fictitious” professional or academic purpose of the lab report (w hat is the context and genre of the report ? ).

Define expectations for the lab writing task:

s pecific requirements related to the technical objectives.

checklists or presentation expectations (format, submission, deadline, etc.).

assessment rubrics (or any type of grading guidelines). The details of assessment rubric design and development are introduced in the Lab Report Assessment Rubric Module .

Provide supplemental and supporting materials:

a cceptable sample reports with or without addressing the standard conventions of finished and edited texts.

unacceptable sample reports with or without addressing the standard conventions of finished and edited texts.

a list of recommended reading resources.

other resources to assist students’ writing process.

Assignment Examples

Assignment examples for different types of lab reports are offered here :  

l ab report as a technical report.

l ab report as a research paper.

l ab report as a memorandum or letter.

l ab report as a technical memorandum.

These examples can be opened in Google Docs and downloaded as common filetypes by hovering over the example and clicking the b utton.

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If you missed the assignment example on the home page , be sure to look at it too! 

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Writing Memos

The purpose of this web page is to provide guidance for those using memos for technical communication purposes.

The Purdue University Online Writing Laboratory provides an excellent set of guidelines for memo writing.   Be sure to read this overview before completing your memo.

Memos are a type of informal report. Memos should be clear and concise documents.

  • The purpose of your memo should be clearly stated.
  • Headings can be used to make your memo clearer.
  • In some memos, especially longer memos, it may be appropriate to summarize your message before going into a detailed discussion related to the purpose of your memo.
  • Your memo should clearly state what you expect to happen next.  You should either provide a recommendation or a suggested action.

Microsoft Word has Memo Templates that can assist you with the overall format of your memo.  After Word is open, under File , choose New .   You should get a dialog box asking you what kind of document you would like to create. Look for the tab that says Memos. You will see that Word provides a selection of styles of memos.   Choose the one that best suits you.

This example memo uses Word's Elegant Memo format.

Your memo should have at least 4 parts:

Clearly state: 1) who the memo is to, 2) who the memo is from, 3) the date, 4) the specific subject of the memo, and possibly 5) the list of those receiving a copy of the memo

Purpose Paragraph

The first sentence of the memo should tell the reader the topic of the memo.  The reader will use this first paragraph to determine if  the rest of the memo needs to be read.

Summary Paragraph(s) [optional]

For a longer memo, these paragraph(s) can be used to summarize the contents of the entire memo.

Discussion Paragraph(s)

These paragraphs provide the information the reader is expecting.

Action or Recommendation

The final paragraph(s) should provide a closing that is often a recommendation or suggested action for what the reader should do next.

Types of Memos

Below are some examples of common types of memos that engineers and scientists write.

Trip Reports

Trip reports are used to summarize the experiences that an employee had while away from the organization.  The purpose is to provide the organization information about the trip.  Trip reports can be used when an employee goes to visit a client or attends a conference.  Below is a link to a trip report written by a senior environmental resources engineering student.

Example Trip Report

Field or Lab Reports

When an employee wants to provide an informal report of a field visit, or of some laboratory studies, a memo format can be used to summarize the work.  The memo should still address the expected components of a lab reports such as: 1) purpose, 2) methods, 3) results 4) discussion of the results.  In addition, the memo may suggest what should be done next.

Progress or Status Reports

Progress or status reports are used to provide a periodic update to a project.   The memo should honestly and clearly state the progress of the project.  If your project is not progressing well, avoid sounding defensive.  Do your best to "just state the facts".

A directive is a memo that states what task or procedure you want your readers to undertake.  Most the class assignments you have received from a faculty member are directives in a memo format.

The information in this web page is based on the following sources:

  • Markel, Michael (1998) Technical Communication, Situations and Strategies, 5th addition, St. Martins Press, New York
  • Purdue University Online Writing Laboratory

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How to Write an Engineering Report

  • Adam Singfield
  • Last Updated August 18, 2016
  • Category Technical Writing

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No matter what kind of engineer you are, you will eventually need to write an engineering report. This type of technical writing means knowing how to share information about research and analysis and then present it clearly in writing.

Writing a report about engineering services, like those we provide at Vista Projects, means communicating ideas in addition to furthering innovation and improvements. This skill makes you an even more significant asset to your company and allows you to solve problems and create solutions.

What Is an Engineering Report?

An engineering report is a type of technical editing that presents a problem, analyzes it, and offers solutions. It involves collecting and compiling data and ideas, conducting testing, and organizing the information you gained into comprehensible results for the reader.

Students learn to write these reports when they go through their education program, but writing them well involves knowing why you’re writing the technical report. While your purpose for writing technical reports will vary based on your specific field, the structure of all engineering reports remains the same: a summary, the body, and your conclusions.

Writing a report involves communicating a process for fixing a problem to a customer, community, business, or investor. Some engineers copyright their processes. Above all, your report should convey information clearly, offer information backed by evidence, and show why your solution stands out from the competition.

Why Write an Engineering Report?

Engineering report-writing should always focus on helping your firm achieve an objective. That may mean convincing a client to take action based on your solution or showing them how a project will benefit the public.

It may also help persuade your client to choose your company’s design or solution, get funding from investors, or encourage another business to partner with your firm on a project.

Other times, you may only want to inform your audience. For example, you may give your government the information it needs to decide on implementing a policy, show other engineers how to work from your proposed plan, or illustrate project outcomes for stakeholders.

Many students make the mistake of writing reports to show their personal knowledge. You do not want to teach your reader but instead, to offer a summary in writing to help them choose between two companies or engineers.

The body of technical reports should show your reader how your process affects them, include evidence to support your conclusions, and make a case for why your reader should support your ideas.


Do You Write an Engineering Report?

Before you start writing your report, consider the information you want to convey. Are you writing a trend report, an analytical report, or a trip report? Knowing the best way to share your information will help your audience understand your objectives.

Engineering students typically learn to write technical reports in their program, but different types of reports have different approaches. When it comes to report writing, remember these factors:

  • Consider your audience
  • Keep the proper structure and organization
  • Make your writing easy to skim
  • Only include pertinent information

The information and sources that you’ll need to compile your technical report will change based on the project. For example, a research report requires detailed information about your topic and the theory surrounding it. It involves citing textbooks, journals, and similar documents.

On the other hand, a site visit report should include the company history and operations, citing annual reports and the company prospectus. Fault reports also have different requirements, as they involve looking into a problem, determining the cause, and recommending an action to fix it.

Report writing means doing research, conducting tests, compiling evidence, and using that information to draw conclusions based on each previous section. Additionally, a strong introduction and summary will draw in your reader, and let them know what to expect.

Engineering reports should allow for selective reading and effective communication. Use headers, numbered lists, bullet points, and figures and tables to do more than explain your points in words. Readers will skim your writing, so make the important parts easy for them to find, such as in these technical report examples .


The Structure of Engineering Reports

Engineering reports follow the same structure. Your technical report should have these components:

  • Executive Summary
  • Table of contents
  • Introduction
  • Conclusions and recommendations
  • References and appendices

The first few pages of your report are some of the most critical. They show your reader where they can find information throughout the document. Remember, some investors will not read past your executive summary .

Title pages should clearly state the purpose of your writing. Your executive summary should be no longer than two pages, and it acts as a condensed version of your research, conclusions, and recommendations. If your reader wants more information, the table of contents should allow them to find the correct section in seconds.

You have some freedom in structuring the body, but it must make sense and inform the reader while justifying your claims and ensuring that your reader understands the purpose of the writing. By sticking to this structure, you make writing reports simpler and focus on the following content.

Technical Report Overview

Technical reports always contain an introduction that states your report’s purpose and the leading question your research answers. Does it offer information about why your city needs a new bridge or highway? Are you showing an investor why they should put money into your project?

Your technical report overview should also hook your reader. Tell your audience what you investigate and why it’s important. Refer to your client’s request and scope of work in your writing, and relate the information back to the needs of your client, stakeholder, or executive.


Your methodology section is often the most involved piece of writing in your report. Here, you talk about how you performed your study and why you approached it the way you did.

This section should show that you have done thorough research and should present your research protocol clearly. Your writing should detail how you got your information and how your methods offer something new to your field. This section should convey confidence in your company’s work so that your reader will, too.

If you used unique or original methods to gain your information and conclusions, you might  consider copyrigh t  for your work. That way, you keep your methods your own, which may help you in future reports and persuade other professionals to work with you.

When writing up the findings and results of technical reports, make sure not to make this section your conclusion. At this point, you should only state the outcome of your research, analyses, and tests. Include graphics to illustrate your results,

Your writing and structure should offer results conducive to the type of report. For example, design reports may evaluate the design of a new building and why it proves more stable than others. Other types of engineering reports, like proposals, will not require you to write a results section, as you are only offering a potential solution at this point.

Your writing will show the reader how you arrived at your final solution to their problem. Technical reports often require you to communicate dense information, so you should use similar language to that which you used in the technical report overview. That allows readers to make connections in your writing and understand how they relate to your report.

Recommendations and Conclusions

Your final section before writing your references and appendices includes your recommendations and conclusions . Here, you expand upon your results and tell the reader what they mean, how they affect the audience or community, and their benefits.

Align this section with your introduction, so your writing allows the reader to again make connections throughout your report. Let your reader know what you plan to do with the new information, and show them why they should care. Your writing may enlighten them to potential benefits like a greater profit, more convenience, higher productivity, or increased efficiency.

Above all, your writing sets out to answer a question. Your recommendations and conclusions are the final pieces in answering that question through research, allowing you to present how your client should respond to the situation.

Check out more  technical writing tips  in our resources section.

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For example ...

Every professional and scholarly journal applies a standard for citing sources and providing references. A given journal may ask prospective authors to apply a particular external standard (e.g. Chicago Manual of Style), or it may have its own particular way of doing things. The International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics is an example of the latter. On their website, authors preparing articles for submission can go to a page entitled "Guide for Authors" to get the detailed instructions they must follow. On this page, in the sections under 'References' -- Citation in Text, Web References, Reference Style -- you'll see that these guidelines and examples are very similar to the IEEE style in the next box on this page.

References: Citing Your Sources

Include a bibliography of any library or internet resources you use in formal written assignments..

In college writing you should always be prepared to identify the sources you've used for facts, data, and others' ideas or results. You'll note each source in your text, and you'll include a bibliography or list of "references" at the end of your text.

There are many reference and citation styles. Some are closely associated with particular areas of study, others are used in many disciplines (e.g. the APA style, from the American Psychological Association throughout the social sciences). In Engineering there is no one preferred style, but one that's widely used is the IEEE Style. Some basics are below. Here are links to other online helps:  IEEE Citation Reference and  IEEE Editorial Style Manual 2020  (if you really want to get more detailed -- 23p. PDF).

The basics: each time you introduce information for which a source must be given credit, follow that text with a number in square brackets, beginning with [1]; if you refer to the same source again later in your text, use the number previously assigned -- it identifies that particular article/chapter/book/website/etc. by that particular author.

Here are simple guidelines for the References list at the end of your text:

  • Title: References (Placed Flush Left)
  • Arrangement: Arrange the reference list by the order of citation, not by alphabetical order.
  • Spacing: Double-space both within and between entries
  • Indentation: Place the number of the entry at the left margin, enclosed in square brackets.  Indent the text of all entries 2 or 3 spaces to the right of the closing square bracket.
  • Follow the examples below to format your references with the author(s), chapter or article title, book or journal name, website name, publisher, volume and page information, and/or Internet location, as appropriate for each source used.

In very broad, general terms, citations include the following info, though details of punctuation and layout on the page can vary considerably:

[Who wrote it?], [What did they write?], [Where did it appear and when?].

[R.F. Follet and D. J Walker], ["Ground water quality concerns about nitrogen,"] [in Nitrogen Management and Ground Water Protection," Ed. R. F. Follet, Amsterdam: Elsevier Publishing Company Inc, 1989, pp. 1-20].

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  • Isolation Precautions Guideline
  • Disinfection and Sterilization Guideline
  • Environmental Infection Control Guidelines
  • Hand Hygiene Guidelines
  • Multidrug-resistant Organisms (MDRO) Management Guidelines
  • Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI) Prevention Guideline
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Infection Control Basics

  • Infection control prevents or stops the spread of infections in healthcare settings.
  • Healthcare workers can reduce the risk of healthcare-associated infections and protect themselves, patients and visitors by following CDC guidelines.

Germs are a part of everyday life. Germs live in our air, soil, water and in and on our bodies. Some germs are helpful, others are harmful.

An infection occurs when germs enter the body, increase in number and the body reacts. Only a small portion of germs can cause infection.

Terms to know

  • Sources : places where infectious agents (germs) live (e.g., sinks, surfaces, human skin). Sources are also called reservoirs.
  • Susceptible person: someone who is not vaccinated or otherwise immune. For example, a person with a weakened immune system who has a way for the germs to enter the body.
  • Transmission: a way germs move to the susceptible person. Germs depend on people, the environment and/or medical equipment to move in healthcare settings. Transmission is also called a pathway.
  • Colonization: when someone has germs on or in their body but does not have symptoms of an infection. Colonized people can still transmit the germs they carry.

For an infection to occur, germs must transmit to a person from a source, enter their body, invade tissues, multiply and cause a reaction.

How it works in healthcare settings

Sources can be:.

  • People such as patients, healthcare workers and visitors.
  • Dry surfaces in patient care areas such as bed rails, medical equipment, countertops and tables).
  • Wet surfaces, moist environments and biofilms (collections of microorganisms that stick to each other and surfaces in moist environments, like the insides of pipes).
  • Cooling towers, faucets and sinks, and equipment such as ventilators.
  • Indwelling medical devices such as catheters and IV lines.
  • Dust or decaying debris such as construction dust or wet materials from water leaks.

Transmission can happen through activities such as:

  • Physical contact, like when a healthcare provider touches medical equipment that has germs on it and then touches a patient before cleaning their hands.
  • Sprays and splashes when an infected person coughs or sneezes. This creates droplets containing the germs, and the droplets land on a person's eyes, nose or mouth.
  • Inhalation when infected patients cough or talk, or construction zones kick up dirt and dust containing germs, which another person breathes in.
  • Sharps injuries such as when someone is accidentally stuck with a used needle.

A person can become more susceptible to infection when:

  • They have underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, cancer or organ transplantation. These can decrease the immune system's ability to fight infection.
  • They take medications such as antibiotics, steroids and certain cancer fighting medications. These can decrease the body's ability to fight infection.
  • They receive treatments or procedures such as urinary catheters, tubes and surgery, which can provide additional ways for germs to enter the body.


Healthcare providers.

Healthcare providers can perform basic infection prevention measures to prevent infection.

There are 2 tiers of recommended precautions to prevent the spread of infections in healthcare settings:

  • Standard Precautions , used for all patient care.
  • Transmission-based Precautions , used for patients who may be infected or colonized with certain germs.

There are also transmission- and germ-specific guidelines providers can follow to prevent transmission and healthcare-associated infections from happening.

Learn more about how to protect yourself from infections in healthcare settings.

For healthcare providers and settings

  • Project Firstline : infection control education for all frontline healthcare workers.
  • Infection prevention, control and response resources for outbreak investigations, the infection control assessment and response (ICAR) tool and more.
  • Infection control specifically for surfaces and water management programs in healthcare settings.
  • Preventing multi-drug resistant organisms (MDROs).

Infection Control

CDC provides information on infection control and clinical safety to help reduce the risk of infections among healthcare workers, patients, and visitors.

For Everyone

Health care providers, public health.


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  12. Engineering: Technical report

    A sample of a student's Engineering technical report with a teacher's feedback.

  13. How to Write an Engineering Report

    When it comes to report writing, remember these factors: Consider your audience. Keep the proper structure and organization. Make your writing easy to skim. Only include pertinent information. The information and sources that you'll need to compile your technical report will change based on the project.

  14. How to write an Engineering Essay

    Structure. A typical structure of an engineering essay follows: Abstract - The abstract is a short concise summary of your work and is the place where the reader will decide whether or not to continue reading your work. The abstract should include a brief summary of your objective, the methods that you used, the key results and the conclusion ...

  15. PDF Software Engineering Project

    This document is intended as a sample template that can be copied and edited to suit a particular software engineering project. It was assembled from a combination of documents [1], [2], and [3]. Styles This document was written in Microsoft Word, and makes heavy use of styles. The

  16. Assignments

    Solutions to Problem Set 1 (PDF) The Concept of Stress, Generalized Stresses, and Equilibrium. (This problem set corresponds to Lecture 3.) Problem Set 2 (PDF) Solutions to Problem Set 2 (PDF) Development of Constitutive Equations for Continuum, Beams, and Plates. (This problem set corresponds to Lecture 4.) Problem Set 3 (PDF)

  17. Easy Engineering Lesson Plans & Activities for Ages 4-18

    Teach Engineering Through Simple & Engaging Activities. Explore IEEE Try Engineering's database of lesson plans to teach engineering concepts to your students, aged 4 to 18. Explore areas such as lasers, LED lights, flight, smart buildings, and more through our activities. All lesson plans are provided by teachers like you and are peer reviewed.

  18. Citing sources in Engineering

    Here are simple guidelines for the References list at the end of your text: Title: References (Placed Flush Left) Arrangement: Arrange the reference list by the order of citation, not by alphabetical order. Spacing: Double-space both within and between entries. Indentation: Place the number of the entry at the left margin, enclosed in square ...

  19. Writing in Engineering

    This resource is an updated version of Muriel Harris's handbook Report Formats: A Self-instruction Module on Writing Skills for Engineers, written in 1981. The primary resources for the editing process were Paul Anderson's Technical Communication: A Reader-Centered Approach (6th ed.) and the existing OWL PowerPoint presentation, HATS: A ...

  20. Infection Control Basics

    Infection prevention, control and response resources for outbreak investigations, the infection control assessment and response (ICAR) tool and more. Infection control specifically for surfaces and water management programs in healthcare settings. Preventing multi-drug resistant organisms (MDROs). Sources. Infection control prevents or stops ...