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Welcome to the Symbiosis Center for Distance Learning(SCDL) blog. This blog is for the students of SCDL who are doing post graduate diplomas in management from Symbiosis Center for Distance Learning SCDL Pune. Here they can get solved assignments and exam related information. It contains assignments for PGDBA PGDBFS PGDHRM PGDP&HRM PGDIB PGDEXIM, PGDBCL PGDCRMPGDSCM PGDRM, PGDDS PGDIT PGDPM PGDEM PGDTWBM PGDIBM PGDEA PGDID PGDSC PGDPTT PGPAM PGDJMC PGDPC PGCBA PGPF PGCHM PGCDT PGCFMA etc

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Wednesday, june 7, 2023, legal aspects of supply chain management scdl paper - 1.

 Legal aspects of supply chain management

1. Which legislation governs the formation and enforcement of contracts in India?

   a) The Indian Contract Act, 1872

   b) The Sale of Goods Act, 1930

   c) The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881

   d) The Consumer Protection Act, 1986

2. Which act regulates the sale and purchase of goods in India?

3. Which law deals with the issuance and transfer of negotiable instruments in India?

4. Which act provides protection to consumers against unfair trade practices?

5. Which legislation ensures accuracy in weighing and measuring instruments used in trade?

   c) The Standards of Weights and Measures Act, 1976

6. Discuss the key provisions of the Indian Contract Act, 1872, that are relevant to supply chain management.

7. Explain the rights and liabilities of a buyer and a seller under the Sale of Goods Act, 1930.

8. Describe the various types of negotiable instruments and their characteristics as per the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881.

9. Analyze the significance of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986, in protecting consumer rights in the context of supply chain management.

10. Discuss the obligations and responsibilities of suppliers under the Standards of Weights and Measures Act, 1976.

11. _______ laws regulate the establishment and operation of insurance companies in India.

12. An _______ is a legal agreement between an individual or entity and an insurance company to provide financial compensation for specified risks.

13. The _______ Act, along with its amendments, governs the taxation of income in India.

14. The _______ Act, 1944, deals with the levy and collection of excise duty on goods manufactured or produced in India.

15. _______ laws encompass various regulations related to employment, wages, working conditions, and industrial disputes.

16. The _______ Act and the Contract Labour Act provide specific provisions to protect the rights of child laborers and contract workers, respectively.

17. Documentation laws ensure that necessary _______ are maintained in the supply chain process.

18. The _______ Act, 1988, regulates the licensing, registration, and use of motor vehicles in India.

19. The Indian Contract Act, 1872, specifies that an agreement is valid only if it is made by the free _______ of parties competent to contract.

20. _______ laws impose certain obligations on insurance companies to protect the interests of policyholders and regulate their operations.

   Answer: a) The Indian Contract Act, 1872

   Answer: b) The Sale of Goods Act, 1930

   Answer: c) The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881

   Answer: d) The Consumer Protection Act, 1986

   Answer: c) The Standards of Weights and Measures Act, 1976

Fill in the Blanks:

11. Insurance Laws regulate the establishment and operation of insurance companies in India.

12. An Insurance Cover is a legal agreement between an individual or entity and an insurance company to provide financial compensation for specified risks.

13. The Income Tax Act, along with its amendments, governs the taxation of income in India.

14. The Central Excise Act, 1944, deals with the levy and collection of excise duty on goods manufactured or produced in India.

15. Labour Laws encompass various regulations related to employment, wages, working conditions, and industrial disputes.

16. The Child Labour Act and the Contract Labour Act provide specific provisions to protect the rights of child laborers and contract workers, respectively.

17. Documentation laws ensure that necessary records are maintained in the supply chain process.

18. The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, regulates the licensing, registration, and use of motor vehicles in India.

19. The Indian Contract Act, 1872, specifies that an agreement is valid only if it is made by the free consent of parties competent to contract.

20. Insurance laws impose certain obligations on insurance companies to protect the interests of policyholders and regulate their operations.

at 11:39 PM 0 comments    

Labels: Legal aspects of Supply Chain Management

Monday, June 5, 2023

Performance & potential management exam paper - 10.


PGDHRM-“Performance & Potential Management” exam paper – 22 March

Subjective Questions:

1.        Do’s and Don’ts of coaching.

2.        Who are eligible for higher Promotions?

3.        What the steps followed during 360-degree evaluation process?

1.        Competency model links competency with ____________. (Competency goals, competency analysis, competency job)

2.          The notion of performance management partnership clearly denotes that there is a shared responsibility between the; 1] jobholder 2] supervisor

3] colleague

3.        What does contribution related reward includes

1] Planned pay

2] Reward for individual/team contributions

3] Target given to individual 4] Management

4.        What is supervisors responsibility in Performance planning

1] Make Task Assignment 2] Train and coach employee 3] Give ongoing feedback

4] Controlling

5.        Judgemental objective focuses on ____________________.

6.        Match the Following

1] Specific                            clear objectives 2] Measurable                    quantitative term

  3] Ambitious                      think out of the box

4] Realistic                          achievable yet exciting

                                           include key check points

                                           define target date

7.        Choose the correct order of steps to be followed in PMS implementation process:

(the correct order is as below)

a.        Goal setting

b.        KRA’s

c.         Actions

d.        Self-appraisals

e.        Joint Review

f.         Management action

8.        Spontaneous feedback is most often informational – True

9.        Judgemental objective focuses on ________.

10.     A Supervisor must also recommend measures to help remove weaknesses.

11.     Read HALO effect, HORNS effect, Defensiveness.

12.     Read about “Assessment Centres”.

13.     Compensation is what employees receive in exchange for their contribution/service to the organisation.

14.     Read about supervisors and managers responsibilities.

15.     Flow chart of Performance Management System (PMS).

16.     Read about MBO – Management by Business Objectives. (Compulsory question on this topic).

17.     Read about 360-degrees evaluation/feedback/assessment process, its drawbacks, who are all the sources for this type of feedback, steps followed during the this evaluation process.

18.     (Compulsory question) read about PA-Performance Appraisal.

19.     Read about counselling, coaching and training.

20.     Development is seen to be very effective amongst individuals who are open to ----------------- and learning from feedback.

21.     Employees look forward for growth and opportunities .

at 6:28 AM 0 comments    

Friday, May 26, 2023

Big data with data warehousing and data mining - 2.

------------------------------------   Submitted By: Shaurya   Thanks Shaurya for sharing and helping other fellow students.  ------------------------------------ 1. What is the primary purpose of a data warehouse?    a) Real-time transaction processing    b) Data storage for backups    c) Analyzing large volumes of data    d) Managing relational databases 2. Which of the following best describes data warehousing?    a) Storing data in a centralized repository    b) Performing online transactions    c) Analyzing real-time data streams    d) Creating data visualizations 3. What is the difference between operational data and data warehouse data?    a) Operational data is historical, while data warehouse data is real-time.    b) Operational data is structured, while data warehouse data is unstructured.    c) Operational data is used for daily operations, while data warehouse data is used for analysis.    d) Operational data is stored in cloud servers, while data warehouse data is stored on-premises. 4. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a data warehouse?    a) Integrated data    b) Real-time data processing    c) Subject-oriented data    d) Historical data 5. What is the main purpose of an Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) process in a data warehouse?    a) Extracting data from external sources    b) Transforming data into a suitable format    c) Loading data into the data warehouse    d) All of the above 6. Which architectural component of a data warehouse is responsible for storing large volumes of data?    a) Data mart    b) Data cube    c) Data warehouse server    d) Metadata repository 7. What is the role of a data mart in a data warehouse architecture?    a) Storing detailed transactional data    b) Storing aggregated data for specific departments or business units    c) Managing ETL processes    d) Performing data mining operations 8. In dimensional modeling, what is a fact table?    a) A table that stores textual descriptions of data    b) A table that stores primary keys and foreign keys    c) A table that stores numerical measurements or metrics    d) A table that stores metadata information 9. What is a dimension table in dimensional modeling?    a) A table that stores primary keys and foreign keys    b) A table that stores textual descriptions of data    c) A table that stores numerical measurements or metrics    d) A table that stores metadata information 10. What is OLAP short for?     a) Online Analytical Processing     b) Operational Language for Analyzing Patterns     c) On-Demand Localized Analysis Platform     d) Offline Logical Aggregation Procedure 11. Which of the following is NOT a step in the ETL process?     a) Extraction     b) Transaction     c) Transformation     d) Loading 12. What is data mining?     a) Extracting valuable minerals from the earth     b) Analyzing large volumes of data to discover patterns and relationships     c) Managing data in a structured database     d) Storing data in a data warehouse 13. What are the main goals of data mining?     a) Predictive modeling and trend analysis     b) Data cleansing and data integration     c) Data visualization and reporting     d) Database optimization and query performance 14. Which data mining technique is used to classify data into predefined categories or classes?     a) Clustering     b) Association rule mining     c) Classification     d) Regression analysis 15. Which data mining technique is used to discover patterns or associations in data?     a) Clustering     b) Association rule mining     c) Classification     d) Regression analysis 16. Which industry commonly uses data mining for fraud detection?     a) Healthcare     b) Retail     c) Banking     d) Education 17. What is the goal of market basket analysis?     a) Predicting customer churn     b) Identifying associations between products     c) Analyzing social media sentiment     d) Estimating customer lifetime value 18. What is big data?     a) Data that cannot be analyzed     b) Data that exceeds the capacity of traditional database systems     c) Data that is stored in the cloud     d) Data that is generated by artificial intelligence algorithms 19. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of big data?     a) Volume     b) Velocity     c) Variety     d) Validation 20. What is Hadoop?     a) A programming language for data analysis     b) A distributed file system for storing big data     c) A data integration tool for ETL processes     d) A database management system for data warehousing

at 11:09 PM 0 comments    

| Big data with Data Warehousing and Data Mining SCDL Exam Paper 2 |

| Big data with Data Warehousing and Data Mining SCDL Exam Paper 1 |

at 4:54 AM 0 comments    

Labels: Big data with Data Warehousing and Data Mining

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SCDL solved assignments, exam papers and projects

December 8, 2017 by studymumbai Leave a Comment


Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning (SCDL) SCDL solved assignments, exam papers and projects.

Have no time to do your assignments? Let us do the research for you. We help SCDL students with all kinds of writing assignments: term papers, research projects, book reports, essays, dissertations and thesis. We have experienced professionals who will help complete paper of any difficulty and on any topic.


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We assist in providing solutions for assignments and projects for SCDL – SYMBIOSIS Pune (MBA) for various disciplines.

  • SCDL Solved Papers: We provide assistance to solve SCDL Papers for main exams. We provide expert guidance to solve your papers.
  • SCDL Assignments: Our dedicated research team helps complete SCDL Assignments, well written, yet detailed.
  • SCDL Exam Paper Help: Need help on your exam papers? You can seek our assistance.
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Today's business leaders require greater flexibility, a broader vision and the ability to operate in an increasingly diverse environment. Hence, it becomes imperative for them to keep abreast of modern concepts so as to increase their efficiency and productivity. The Corporate Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration, at Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning, functions as a facilitator in enabling participants from the industry to understand and appreciate the latest industry offerings.

Teaching is conducted at the corporate premises and course work highlights the change you bring at your work, with respect to your peers, colleagues, organizations and environment. The program focuses on strategizing the complexities of a business situation. Instruction aids such as simulations, videos, cases, books, reading material and online resources form an important part of the teaching strategy.

Infosys, BOSCH, WNS, Amby Valley, Hewlett Packard, Reliance, EXL Service, TIS, Aztechsoft, Xansa, Dr. Reddy, Steria India Ltd., Ranbaxy Laboratories, ICICI, Kingfisher Airlines, Deloitte Consulting & many more corporates successfully completed their Corporate Courses from Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning

"SCDL is today an education provider to leading global corporates such as IBM, Wipro, Cognizant, Collabera, Vodafone, Cipla, Eaton, HCL, Airtel, Hindalco, TATA AIA, Bajaj Finance, Fact Set System and many more"

Symbiosis Center for Distance Learning has received an overwhelming requirement from the Industry to offer programs specially designed for their employees. Responding to the need of the corporates and knowing the need of the time, Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning (SCDL) has come up with a unique program with the philosophy of 'Learn While You Earn'. The Corporate , Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (C-PGDBA) is one such program developed for corporate students in order to provide an excellent opportunity to pursue / enhance a management career.


  • Graduate in any discipline, from a recognized University.
  • International/SAARC Graduates from a recognised/accredited University/Institution.
  • The duration of the program is two years.

Total Credit Points : 80

Application Form fees (Non-refundable): ₹ 1200/-

Program Fees: The fee for the Corporate Post Graduate Program in Business Administration is Rs. 70,000/-

Note : Program Fee under revision.

  • Computer based Assignments: For each subject there will be an Computer based assignment. Students can avail a free re-attempt in the Computer based assignment in which they have failed.
  • Computer based Examinations: For each subject there will be an computer based examinations.
  • Computer based Examination within India: SCDL shall make necessary arrangement for students to appear for Computer based examinations at the corporate premises once a month as per the mutually agreed schedule OR student can take Computer based examinations from SCDL-ATC centre provided in India.
  • Computer based Examination outside India: Examination is conducted in an 'administered mode' from an authenticated location such as company, university, embassy, consulate or school, etc.

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Assignment Help Is Available For SCDL Courses:

  • PGDBA – PG Diploma in Business Administration
  • PGDIT – Post Graduate Diploma in Information Technology
  • PGDHRM – Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management
  • PGDSCM – Post Graduate Diploma in Supply Chain Management
  • PGDBF – Post Graduate Diploma in Banking and Finance
  • PGDIF – Post Graduate Course in International Business
  • PGDEXIM – Post Graduate Diploma in Export and Import Management
  • PGDRM – Post Graduate Diploma in Retail Management

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This course offered by SCDL is of immense help to students who want to make their career in International business and also to businessmen having Import/Export business.

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Total Credit Points : 80

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  2. SCDL Solved Assignments and Sample Papers: Corporate Governance SCDL

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  3. SCDL Solved Assignments and Sample Papers: Corporate Governance SCDL

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  4. SCDL Solved Assignments and Sample Papers: Corporate Governance SCDL

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  5. SCDL Solved Assignments and Sample Papers: Corporate Governance SCDL

    corporate governance scdl solved assignments

  6. SCDL Solved Assignments and Sample Papers: Corporate Governance SCDL

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  1. Corporate Governance SCDL Solved Paper

    Corporate Governance SCDL Solved Paper - 08. This solved paper of SCDL Corporate Governance of SCDL Pune has been contributed by Siddharth Lath. Thanks To: Siddharth Lath. Note: Please tally the answers and verify them from SCDL textbooks as all answers might not be correct. at 9:04 AM.

  2. SCDL Solved Assignments and Sample Papers: Corporate Governance

    Welcome to the Symbiosis Core since Distance Learning(SCDL) blog. This blog is to the our of SCDL who are doing post graduate degrees in management from Symbiosis Center available Spacing Learn SCDL Pune. Here they can get fixed assignments and try related news.

  3. SCDL Solved Assignments and Sample Papers: Corporate Governance

    Welcome at and Union Center since Distance Learning(SCDL) blog. This blog is to the student of SCDL who are doing post degree diplomas in executive from Embrace Center in Aloofness Studying SCDL Pune. Here they can get solved assigning or exam relatives information.

  4. SCDL Solved Assignments and Sample Papers: Corporate Governance

    Welcome to the Symbiosis Center for Distance Learning(SCDL) blog. This blog is for the students of SCDL who are doing post graduate diplomas in management from Symbiosis Center for Distance Learning SCDL Pune. Here they can get solved assignments and exam related information.

  5. SCDL Solved Assignments and Sample Papers

    Welcome to the Symbiosis Center for Distance Learning(SCDL) blog. This blog is for the students of SCDL who are doing post graduate diplomas in management from Symbiosis Center for Distance Learning SCDL Pune. Here they can get solved assignments and exam related information. It contains assignments for PGDBA PGDBFS PGDHRM PGDP&HRM PGDIB PGDEXIM, PGDBCL PGDCRMPGDSCM PGDRM, PGDDS PGDIT ...

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  9. SCDL solved assignments, exam papers and projects

    We assist in providing solutions for assignments and projects for SCDL - SYMBIOSIS Pune (MBA) for various disciplines. SCDL Solved Papers: We provide assistance to solve SCDL Papers for main exams. We provide expert guidance to solve your papers. SCDL Assignments: Our dedicated research team helps complete SCDL Assignments, well written, yet ...

  10. SCDL Solved Assignments and Sample Papers: Corporate Governance

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  11. SCDL Solved Assignments and Sample Papers: Corporate Governance

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    Welcome to the Symbiosis Core for Distance Learning(SCDL) blog. This blog is for the students are SCDL whoever been how post graduate diplomas in management from Embrace Center available Space Learning SCDL Pune. Here they can get solved assignments also exam related information.

  15. PGDBA Finance| SCDL Solved Papers

    scdl exam pattern We are in the field of education since 2 decades and our online presence started in year 2005. We are Gurgaon based Educational providers and have a reputation as one of India's pioneering online educational provider.

  16. SCDL Solved Assignments and Sample Papers

    This document contains a blog post from SCDL (Symbiosis Center for Distance Learning) that provides sample questions and answers related to Management Accounting - 1. It includes multiple choice, true/false, and matching questions covering topics like accounting principles, financial statements, costing techniques, and budgeting. The purpose of the blog is to help SCDL students in postgraduate ...

  17. PGDBA Management Accounting

    It covers latest accounting standards and GAAP regulations and use of IT in accounting. We as www.knsolutionz.com help students pursuing there SCDL PGDBA with specialization in Management Accounting by offering services like SCDL Solved Assignments Management Accounting, SCDL Solved Exam Papers Management Accounting and SCDL Project Report ...

  18. Scdl Assignments & Papers New Pattern

    Since SCDL EXAM PAPERS don't have any fixed weightage of chapters so acing your SCDL ONLINE TESTS become difficult. SCDL ONLINE PROCTORED EXAM 2021 includes a variety of MCQs from several challenging topics of different subjects, not many of you are able to secure your dream grades. However, with our expert online exam test helper you can now ace your SCDL EXAMINATIONS or ASSIGNMENTS or SCDL ...

  19. SCDL Assignments Help Provider In India

    For SCDL Assignments Contact Now : +91 8510092683. Answer to all these questions is Yes and it is possible with SCDL ( Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning ) which is known as one of the best institutes for distance learning courses in India. It offers many courses for the students who wants to seek the degree of MBA while doing their regular ...

  20. PG in International Busines

    This course offered by SCDL is of immense help to students who want to make their career in International business and also to businessmen having Import/Export business. We as www.knsolutionz.com in response to the popularity of this course designed and drafted latest sample papers and right solutions to the objective questions that are being ...