international journal of trend in scientific

IOT Based Weather Monitoring and Reporting System Project

Jan 29, 2020

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The IOT based Weather Monitoring and Reporting System project is used to get Live reporting of weather conditions. It will Monitor temperature, humidity, moisture and rain level. Suppose Scientists nature analysts want to monitor changes in a particular environment like volcano or a rain forest. And these people are from different places in the world. In this case, SMS based weather monitoring system has some limitations. Since it sends SMS to few numbers. And time for sending SMS increases as the number of mobile numbers increases. In order to know the information about weather of a perticular place then they have to visit that particular sites. Where everyone can see it. Anita M. Bhagat | Ashwini G. Thakare | Kajal A. Molke | Neha S. Muneshwar | Prof. V. Choudhary "IOT Based Weather Monitoring and Reporting System Project" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-3 , April 2019, URL: Paper URL:<br>

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  • soil moisture
  • humidity sensor
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  • soil moisture sensors measure


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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) Volume: 3 | Issue: 3 | Mar-Apr 2019 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 - 6470 IOT Based Weather Monitoring and Reporting System Project Anita M. Bhagat1, Ashwini G. Thakare1, Kajal A. Molke1, Neha S. Muneshwar1, Prof. V. Choudhary2 1BE Student, 2Associate Professor 1,2Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, 1,2J.D. College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India How to cite this paper: Anita M. Bhagat | Ashwini G. Thakare | Kajal A. Molke | Neha S. Muneshwar | Prof. V. Choudhary "IOT Based Weather Monitoring and Reporting System Project" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- 6470, Volume-3 | Issue-3, April 2019, pp.365-367, URL: m/papers/ijtsrd216 77.pdf Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Journal. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0) ( by/4.0) INTRODUCTION Climatic change and environmental monitoring have received much attention recently. Man wants to stay updated about the latest weather conditions of any place like a college campus or any other particular building. Since the world is changing so fast so there should be the weather stations. Here in this paper we present a weather station that is very helpful for any places. This weather station is based on IOT (internet of things). It is equipped with environmental sensors used for measurements at any particular place and report them in real time on cloud. To accomplish this we used Arduino Uno and different environmental sensors like DHT11, soil moisture sensor and rain drop sensor .The sensors constantly sense the weather parameters and keeps on transmitting it to the online web server over a wifi connection. The weather parameters are uploaded on the cloud and then provides the live reporting of weather information. This paper also focuses on the IOT application in the new generation of environmental information and provides a new paradigm for environmental monitoring in future. The system has been development particularly in the view of building smart city by giving the weather update of any particular place like a particular office or room. ABSTRACT The IOT based Weather Monitoring and Reporting System project is used to get Live reporting of weather conditions. It will Monitor temperature, humidity, moisture and rain level. Suppose Scientists/nature analysts want to monitor changes in a particular environment like volcano or a rain-forest. And these people are from different places in the world. In this case, SMS based weather monitoring system has some limitations. Since it sends SMS to few numbers. And time for sending SMS increases as the number of mobile numbers increases. In order to know the information about weather of a perticular place then they have to visit that particular sites. Where everyone can see it. Keywords: Internet of Things, Wi-Fi, Weather monitoring, Cloud, temperature and humidity sensor, soil moisture sensor, rain level sensor IJTSRD21677 Internet of Things (IOT): It is the future technology of connecting the entire world at one place. All the objects, things and sensors can be connected to share the data obtained in various locations and process/analyses that data for coordinating the applications like traffic signaling, mobile health monitoring in medical applications and industrial safety ensuring methods, etc. As per the estimation of technological experts, 50 billion objects will be connected in IOT by 2020. IOT offers wide range of connectivity of devices with various protocols and various properties of applications for obtaining the complete machine to machine interaction. LITERATURE REVIEW: In today’s world many pollution monitoring systems are designed by different environmental parameters. Existing system model is presented IOT based Weather monitoring and reporting system where you can collect, process, analyze, and present your measured data on web server. Wireless sensor network management model consists of end device, router, gateway node and management monitoring center. End device is responsible for collecting wireless sensor network data, and sending them to parent node, then data are sent to gateway node from parent node directly or by router. After receiving the data from wireless sensor network, gateway node extracts data after analyzing and packaging them into Ethernet format data, sends them to the server. Less formally, any device that runs server software @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID - IJTSRD21677 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2019 Page: 365

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470 could be considered a server as well. Servers are used to manage network resources. The services or information provided through the Internet that are connected through LAN and made available for users via smart phones, web browser or other web browser devices to make the system more intelligent, adaptable and efficient. SYSTEM DESIGN: the switch indicator will turn on. Brush off the water droplets, and where restored to the initial state, outputs high level. A rain sensor or rain switch is a switching device activated by rainfall. Temperature & Humidity Sensor: This DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor features digital signal output .It is integrated with a high-performance 8-bit microcontroller. Its technology ensures the high reliability and excellent long-term stability. It has excellent quality, fast response, anti-interference ability and high performance. Each DHT11 sensors features extremely accurate calibration of humidity calibration chamber. The calibration coefficients stored in the OTP program memory, internal sensors detect signals in the process, we should call these calibration coefficients. The single-wire serial interface system is integrated to become quick and easy. Small size, low power, signal transmission distance up to 20 meters, enabling a variety of applications and even the most demanding ones. The product is 4-pin single row pin package. Convenient connection, special packages can be provided according to users need. Soil Moisture Sensor: Soil moisture sensors measure the contents in soil. Since the direct gravimetric measurement of free soil moisture requires removing, drying, and weighting of a sample, soil moisture sensors measure the volumetric water content indirectly by using some other property of the soil, such as electrical resistance, dielectric constant, or interaction with neutrons, as a proxy for the moisture content. The relation between the measured property and soil moisture must be calibrated and may vary depending on environmental factors such as soil type, temperature, or electric conductivity. Reflected microwave radiation is affected by the soil moisture and is used for remote sensing in hydrology and agriculture. Portable probe instruments can be used by farmers or gardeners. WiFi Module: The Arduino Uno WiFi is an Arduino Uno with an integrated WiFi module. The board is based on the ATmega328P with an ESP8266 WiFi Module integrated. The ESP8266 WiFi Module is a self contained SoC with integrated TCP/IP protocol stack that can give access to your WiFi network (or the device can act as an access point). One useful feature of Uno WiFi is support for OTA (over-the-air) programming, either for transfer of Arduino sketches or WiFi firmware. LCD Display: A Liquid Crystal Display commonly abbreviated as LCD is basically a display unit built using Liquid Crystal technology. When we build real life/real world electronics based projects, we need a medium/device to display output values and messages. The most basic form of electronic display available is 7 Segment displays – which has its own limitations. The next best available option is Liquid Crystal Displays which comes in different size specifications. Out of all available LCD modules in market, the most commonly used one is 16×2 LCD Modulewhich can display 32 ASCII characters in 2 lines. To establish a good communication between human world and machine world, display units play an important role. And so they are an important part of embedded systems. Display units - big or small, work on the same basic principle. Besides complex display units like In IOT enabled weather monitoring system project, Arduino Uno measures four weather parameters using four respective sensors. These sensors are temperature sensor, humidity sensor, moisture sensor and rain level sensor. These four sensors are directly connected to Arduino Uno. Arduino Uno has inbuilt Analog to digital converter. Arduino calculates and displays these weather parameters on LCD display. Then it sends these parameters to Internet using IOT techniques. The process of sending data to the internet using Wi-Fi is repeated after constant time intervals. Then the user needs to visit a particular website to view this weather data. The project connects and stores the data on a web server. Hence user gets Live reporting of weather conditions. Internet connectivity or Internet connection with Wi-Fi is compulsory in this IOT based weather monitoring reporting system project. Arduino Uno: Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board developed by Arduino. Which is an open-source electronics platform mainly based on AVR microcontroller Atmega328. The current version of Arduino Uno comes with USB interface, 6 analog input pins, 14 I/O digital ports that are used to connect with external electronic circuits. Out of 14 I/O ports, 6 pins can be used for PWM output. It allows the designers to control and sense the external electronic devices in the real world. This board comes with all the features required to run the controller and can be directly connected to the computer through USB cable that is used to transfer the code to the controller using IDE software, mainly developed to program Arduino. Programming languages like C and C++ are used in IDE. Apart from USB, battery or AC to DC adopter can also be used to power the board. Arduino Uno are the most official versions that come with Atmega328 8-bit AVR Atmel microcontroller where RAM memory is 32KB. Rain level sensor: The rain sensor module is an easy tool for rain detection. It can be used as a switch when raindrop falls through the raining board and also for measuring rainfall intensity. The analog output is used in detection of drops in the amount of rainfall. Connected to 5V power supply, the LED will turn on when induction board has no rain drop, and DO output is high. When dropping a little amount water, DO output is low, @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID - IJTSRD21677 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2019 Page: 366

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470 graphic displays and 3D display, one must know working with simple displays like 16x1 and 16x2 units. The 16x1 display unit will have 16 characters and are in one line. The 16x2 LCD will have 32 characters in total 16in 1st line and another 16 in 2nd line. There are two control pins, this gives the flexibility. The contrast bit and READ/WRITE are not often used so they can be shorted to ground. This puts LCD in highest contrast and read mode. We just need to control ENABLE and RS pins to send characters and data accordingly. ADVANTAGES: ?IOT weather mentoring system project using Arduino Uno is fully automated. ?It does not require any human attention. ?We can get prior alert of weather conditions ?The low cost and efforts are less in this system ?Accuracy is high. ?Self Protection ?Smart way to monitor Environment ?Efficient APPLICATIONS: ?The weather forecasting plays very important role in the field of agriculture. ?It is also helpful at places like volcano and rain forests. ? It is quite difficult for a human being to stay for longer time at such places. FUTURE SCOPE: ?One can implement a few more sensors and connect it to the satellite as a global feature of this system. ?Adding more sensor to monitor other environmental parameters such as CO2,Pressure and Oxigen Sensor ?In aircraft, navigation and military there is a great scope of this real-time system. ?It can also be implemented in hospitals or medical institutes for the research & study in “Effect of Weather on Health and Diseases”, hence to provide better precaution alerts. CONCLUSION: By keeping the weather station in the environment for monitoring enables self protection (i.e., smart environment) to the environment. To implement this need to use the sensor devices in the environment for collecting the data and analysis. By using sensor devices in the environment, we can bring the environment into real life. Then the collected data and analysis results will be available to the user through the Wi-Fi. The smart way to monitor environment an efficient, low cost embedded system is presented in this paper. It also sent the sensor parameters to the cloud. This data will be helpful for future analysis and it can be easily shared to other users also. This model can be expanded to monitor the developing cities and industrial zones for pollution monitoring. To protect the public health from pollution, this model provides an efficient and low cost solution for continuous monitoring of environment. REFERENCES: [1]International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering ISO 3297:2007 Certified Vol. 5, Issue 9, September 2016 [2]International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 32 Number 2- February 2016 [3]International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, May 2017 [4]Sagar J. S. T. , M. S. Balamurugan and J. A. Vivek, “A wireless framework for automotive monitoring systems,” in Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 8(19), IPL0146, August 2015 [5] ensor_module.pdf [6] torial/2017/01/24/soilmoisture_sensor.html [7]content:// 21190655.mhtml [8] with-arduino-d89028 [9] @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID - IJTSRD21677 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2019 Page: 367

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Weather Reporting System Using IoT: Benefits & Use Cases

case study on iot system for weather monitoring ppt

Imagine a world where the weather is no longer an unpredictable force that catches us off guard. This reality is already here, owing to IoT based weather monitoring systems . How do they work, which industries do they serve, and what benefits do they offer?

This article has you covered as we dive into these and even more questions. Learn how IoT technology allows businesses to adapt to changing weather conditions and optimize performance with WebbyLab, an experienced IoT development vendor .

We’ll navigate you through the applications of weather monitoring system using IoT and explain the importance of such ventures. Drawing from our weather reporting expertise in projects like 2Smart Standalone , we’re here to elevate your business operations through the Internet of Things .

 Weather forecasting scenario in the 2Smart Cloud platform.

Weather forecasting scenario in the 2Smart Cloud platform.

The Role of IoT in Weather Reporting Systems

Traditional weather monitoring systems are getting outdated. They’re often prone to errors and inaccurate predictions — and these factors can damage your business. But with IoT in place, these systems transform dramatically. Here’s how.

  • Traditional weather reporting methods, while informative, often suffer from delays in data collection and transfer. IoT, in turn, gathers data from sensors in real time.
  • IoT takes forecasting to the next level when combined with internet-connected weather stations. It can predict the weather accurately and quickly for different geographic locations.
  • IoT-based weather monitoring systems seamlessly integrate data from a multitude of sources. Weather sensors , satellite imagery, weather stations, drones, and even personal devices are just some examples.
  • The Internet of Things brings precision to weather insights. Businesses can collect data from specific places, e.g., by improving crop watering based on soil moisture or changing flight paths to avoid turbulence.

Check how we build custom solutions for clients

Benefits of Weather Reporting System Using IoT

With the Internet of Things, weather monitoring systems have stepped up their game, becoming more accurate, consistent, and quicker in operation. Now, that sounds great, but what does this tech actually offer businesses? Here are the main benefits:

  • Real-time data collection. Thanks to IoT devices and sensors, businesses get weather updates from all sorts of locations right when they need them.
  • Higher accuracy. A weather monitoring system using IoT gathers data from numerous sources, providing a detailed picture of what’s happening with the weather.
  • Wider coverage. Traditional weather monitoring systems usually check conditions at just a few weather stations, leaving out other areas. When IoT technology steps in, businesses can cover more places, even the most distant ones.
  • Predictive analytics. IoT-powered weather reporting systems use historical data and current trends to tell businesses what’s coming. That’s how companies can adjust their operations before any weather-related challenges appear.
  • Reduced response time. Every second counts when the industry is about making fast decisions — aerospace or emergency services. That’s where IoT weather monitoring comes in as a solution , offering real-time insights for rapid response times.
  • Cost-effectiveness. A weather reporting system using IoT allows companies to optimize resource usage and reduce waste. For example, agriculture businesses can leverage weather forecasts to adjust their irrigation and crop protection measures.
  • Increased safety. Industries prone to weather-related risks, like construction or transportation, enjoy the advantages of IoT-based automatic weather stations . These businesses can plan their activities more safely with a minimum of accidents and disruptions.

Benefits of Weather Reporting System Using IoT

Industries That Benefit from Weather Monitoring System Using IoT

Now that you know the main benefits that IoT systems bring to weather monitoring, let’s dive into the industries that reap these advantages. Here are several examples:


Manufacturing processes are intricately linked to the weather. IoT technology ensures businesses time their production just right, coordinating with the best weather conditions. Whether it’s managing temperature-sensitive materials or adjusting supply chain logistics based on weather forecasts, manufacturing gains efficiency and precision. 

Flying safely and smoothly is the core of aviation, and the weather here is a big player. Thanks to IoT-based weather reporting, airlines and air traffic control get real-time updates on turbulence, lightning, and visibility — all necessary to make flights safer.


Imagine having a trusted partner in farming decisions — that’s what IoT weather insights are all about. When it’s time for planting, watering, or dealing with pests, these become essential. Farmers can get information on rainfall, temperature, and soil moisture with IoT to make smarter choices for their fields.

IoT based weather monitoring systems are handy in the automotive industry. When the weather gets worse and the roads get slippery, the Internet of Things may help. It assists in developing advanced driver assistance systems and fine-tuning cruise control based on visibility, ultimately adapting vehicles for safer driving.

Warehouse Management

Inventory management and logistics greatly depend on the weather. And that’s where IoT weather stations come into play. They help warehouses predict when severe weather might influence their goods and adjust storage conditions accordingly. The same goes for shipping schedules.

The energy sector, whether using renewable or non-renewable sources, is influenced by weather patterns. Using IoT energy management systems, this industry can predict when people will need more or less energy, ultimately optimizing resource allocation and enhancing grid stability.

Weather conditions are crucial for insurance companies. It’s a common instance in the US, where numerous insurance categories exist — from property protection in case of floods and hurricanes to evaluating risks for energy facilities, agriculture, health, and more. With IoT, insurers can assess risks and price their services properly.

Industries That Benefit from Weather Monitoring System Using IoT

Types of Sensors Used for Weather Monitoring

When learning how to develop IoT-based weather reporting system and considering deploying one, the sensors you choose depend on what you’re aiming to explore. There are various gadgets, each with its own particular purpose. Look at how different sensors work for various scenarios:

Boosting Crop Yields

If farmers are diving into smart agriculture, they need information on temperature, humidity, soil moisture, and rainfall. Here are the sensors used in such a case:

  • Temperature sensor
  • Humidity sensor or hygrometer
  • Soil moisture sensor
  • Rain sensor

Increasing Flight Safety

Think about pilots preparing for a smooth flight. They need to know all about wind speed, direction, atmospheric pressure, and even visibility. Check out the sensors suitable for this use case:

  • Barometric sensor
  • Visibility sensor

In a nutshell, the sensors you pick for weather monitoring depend on what you’re diving into.

Reasons to Invest in an IoT-Based Weather Reporting System

Whether in healthcare, agriculture, aviation, transportation, automation , warehouses, or laboratories, the right weather information is your compass. And here are the primary reasons to invest in a weather monitoring system using IoT :

  • Continuous climate monitoring. An IoT-based weather reporting system tracks all environmental changes, whether small or big. It means you always know what’s happening and can prepare for unfavorable weather beforehand.
  • Preventing losses. The IoT platform for weather monitoring serves as your early warning signal. It allows you to minimize damage and secure your business.
  • Avoiding business disruptions. With IoT in place, you don’t have to shut down your business even if the weather gets rough since you’re ready to adapt. You can adjust schedules, reroute logistics, and ensure smooth operations, leveraging predictive analytics and real-time insights.

WebbyLab Experience in Weather Monitoring Using IoT

WebbyLab has a profound background in leveraging the Internet of Things for weather reporting. Here’s our case study on IoT system for weather monitoring :

Leveraging Ready-Made Solutions

We understand that building custom weather stations from scratch might seem the way to go, but we’ve taken a different route. Recognizing the extensive resources and time invested in refining and testing existing solutions, we’ve opted to work with these well-established options. This decision lets us focus on what truly matters — extracting accurate and reliable weather data.

Using Modern Devices

In today’s market, especially in industrial contexts, weather station devices are often designed for large ecosystems. Their software isn’t necessarily tailored to specific clouds or applications. To bridge this gap, we employ separate gateways. These gateways allow us to run our software, connect physically to devices through interfaces like RS-485, RS-232, One Wire, or Ethernet, and process the collected data. Owing to that, we can integrate weather insights into our solutions easily.

Integrating Weather Monitoring into 2Smart Standalone and 2Smart Cloud

Ease of access and usability are critical for us. That’s why integrating weather data into our 2Smart Standalone platform has been a priority. We’ve established integrations with virtual weather platforms like OpenWeather and YahooWeather. With these in place, users can create virtual devices effortlessly and receive real-time weather data for their locations.

The virtual weather stations in the 2Smart Standalone platform.

The virtual weather stations in the 2Smart Standalone platform.

The same goes for our 2Smart Cloud platform , where anyone can set up a weather station and access weather information via our mobile application.

The weather station in the 2Smart Cloud platform.

The weather station in the 2Smart Cloud platform.

Tailoring Weather Insights for Specific Needs

We’ve also tailored weather insights to specific applications. Our smart greenhouse solution, built on the 2Smart Standalone platform , incorporates a unique sensor-based weather forecasting scenario. Users can easily integrate their real-time pressure and wind direction data. Our algorithm then calculates the nearest weather forecast, enhancing precision for greenhouse operations.

Get Weather Insights with WebbyLab

If you’re tired of Mother Nature’s surprises and want to protect your business from weather-related disruptions, consider using an IoT based weather monitoring system . This solution allows for real-time data collection and unparalleled forecasting accuracy, ultimately optimizing your processes.

Ready to feel the difference between traditional weather monitoring and IIoT-based monitoring system ? Contact WebbyLab experts . With our profound experience in IoT projects , we’ll elevate your business with precise weather forecasting solutions.

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Written by:

Kostiantyn Oliynyk

Kostiantyn Oliynyk

Head of IoT at Webbylab

With a robust academic background in Telecommunication Systems Engineering, I apply my knowledge to lead innovations in the IoT domain. Starting as the first team member in the newly formed IoT department at WebbyLab, I've spearheaded its growth, fostering the expansion into embedded and hardware development alongside our core software projects. My dedication lies in pushing the boundaries of IoT technology, fostering a culture of innovation and excellence that profoundly impacts our clients' operational success.

It uses sensors and devices that gather weather data, connect through messaging protocols , and transmit the information to a central hub or a cloud platform. The collected data is then analyzed to get up-to-date weather insights.

A weather monitoring system using Arduino can observe various parameters: temperature, humidity, air pressure, wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, soil moisture, UV radiation, and more.

Businesses can implement different security measures to protect their IoT weather monitoring systems. Some examples include encryption, robust communication protocols, authentication mechanisms, and adherence to the latest IoT standards .

Users typically get weather information through mobile apps, web interfaces, and dashboards.

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IoT based weather monitoring system architecture

Introduction : The system employs sensors to collect real time data on various atmospheric conditions such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, precipitation, rain etc. These systems play crucial role in various sectors which include disaster management, transportation, agriculture etc. The weather data can be checked from anywhere using mobile and web apps which helps in taking proactive decisions in response to change in weather patterns.

Weather Monitoring System

Like any other IoT system, it consists of sensors, MCU (Microcontroller Unit) or MPU (Microprocessor Unit) including wireless module, power supply and cloud connectivity. Sensors are installed at different locations as required for gathering weather related data as described below. MCU or MPU collects data from sensors and uploads them to cloud servers such as AWS, Azure, ThinkSpeak, Google etc. Power supply is needed to power the MCU/MPU. Cloud connectivity can be done using wifi or cellular connections.

IoT based Weather Monitoring System

Following are the common sensors employed to monitor various parameters related to weather. • Temperature sensors : Texas Instruments TMP Series and sensors from Maxim Integrated • Humidity sensors : Examples include Sensirion (SHT31, SHT35) and Silicon Labs (Si70xx series ) • Pressure sensors : Examples : Bosch BMP series, Honeywell HSC series • Wind sensors : Used to measure wind speed and direction, Examples : Davis Instruments 6410 series, Young Industries 05103 series • Rainfall sensors : Used to measure rainfall intensity and accumulation. Examples : Texas Instruments (Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge) , Hydrological Services TB series etc. • Solar radiation sensors : Apogee Instuments SQ series, kipp & Zonen CMP series etc. • UV radiation sensors : Examples : Skye Instruments UVS series, Vernier Software UV-VIS Spectrometer • Visibility sensors : Examples : Vaisala PWD series, Optical Scientific Visibility Meter etc.

Benefits or Advantages of weather monitoring system

Following are the benefits or advantages of weather monitoring system. 1. These systems provide valuable information on weather conditions to the farmers. These informations help farmers to optimize irrigation, planting, harvesting schedules and reduce crop losses due to adverse weather and improvement in overall agricultural productivity. 2. IoT sensors minitor weather conditions to optimize energy generation and consumption. It enables energy providers to adjust renewable energy production as per weather forecasts. Moreover it helps consumers to optimize energy usage for heating, cooling and lighting. 3. It provides real time weather data which enables accurate weather forecasting and helps in timely decision making. 4. These IoT based systems serve as early warning systems for severe weather events such as storms, floods, hurricanes and wildfires. 5. The collected valuable data helps engineers to design resilient structures that can withstand extreme weather conditions and enables proactive maintenance to prevent weather related damage. 6. It provides real time information to authorities which help them in planning rescue and evacuation efforts. 7. It tracks environmental parameters such as air quality, UV levels, pollution levels which provides valuable data for environmental monitoring and public health initiatives. 8. It provides valuable information to tourists and outdoor enthusiasts. This enables them to plan various activities including skiing, hiking and outings as per current and future forecasts. 9. It helps in meteorological studies, climate research and educational purposes. 10. It enables more precise predictions of weather patterns and phenomena.

Overall, IoT-based weather monitoring systems play a crucial role in providing accurate and timely weather information for various applications, from public safety and disaster preparedness to agriculture, energy management and environmental protection.

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IoT based weather monitoring system

IoT Based Weather Monitoring System Using Arduino

In this post we are going to construct an IoT based weather monitor system using Arduino which can report us weather status like atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity, air quality, light intensity etc. of your locality in real time and the data from the sensors are logged to an IoT cloud service called Thingspeak for monitoring and analysis.

We will see:

  • What is IoT based weather monitoring system?
  • Why we need an IoT based weather monitoring system.
  • Types of sensors involved in weather monitoring.
  • Block diagram of IoT based weather monitoring system.
  • Circuit diagram and description.
  • How to setup your Thingspeak account?
  • Program code for Arduino and ESP8266.
  • How to upload data to generic ESP8266?
  • Prototype images.
  • How to operate the circuit?

What is an IoT based weather monitoring system?

It is a system that involves in acquiring weather and environment data using advanced electronic sensors and sending them to a web server via internet for real time weather monitoring and storage of data for future analysis and study.  

Why we need an IoT based weather monitoring system?

  • Ease of monitoring your local weather conditions in real time from anywhere in the world.
  • For storing weather and environment data for short and long term for studying weather pattern changes and to understand how human induced climate change affected your local weather.
  • Easy deployment of the setup for monitoring local atmospheric conditions and microclimates for weather forecasting and prediction.

Types of sensors involved in weather monitoring:

We can find wide spectrum of electronic sensors involved in weather monitoring system depending on the kind of application.

For example:

Farmers need to know the temperature, relative humidity, soil moisture, rain fall etc. to enhance their crop production and the following type of sensors are utilized to obtain the data:

  • Temperature sensor.
  • Humidity / hygrometer sensor.
  • Soil moisture sensor.
  • Rain sensor etc.

For an airplane pilot he/she needs to know wind speed, wind direction, atmospheric pressure, precipitation, visibility etc. before they takeoff and they use the following sensors:

  • Barometric sensor – for measuring atmospheric pressure.
  • Anemometer – for measuring wind speed.
  • Rain sensor.
  • Visibility sensor – for measuring visibility during snow, rain, storm etc.

In conclusion, the sensors used for monitoring weather depends on the type application we going to deploy for.

Block diagram of IoT based weather monitoring system:

Block diagram - IoT based weather monitoring system

We are going to develop the weather monitoring system using the above illustrated blocks. The brain of the project is an Arduino board and the surrounding blocks are digital and analog sensors for acquiring local weather and environment data.

A generic ESP8266 is used for interfacing the circuit setup with internet via 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi band. The ESP8266 sends the sensor data to a cloud server where the data gets updated in real time and also gets stored for future analysis. We are utilizing a 16 x 2 LCD display to showcase the sensor data, so that we can observe real-time data locally.

Full circuit diagram for IoT based weather monitoring system:

IoT basIoT based weather monitoring system using Arduinod weather moniotring system using Arduino

The above circuit consists of the following modules:

  • 5V / 3.3V Power supply regulator.
  • Arduino Uno.
  • 16 x 2 display with I2C adapter module.
  • DHT11 temperature & humidity sensor.
  • MQ-135 sensor air quality sensor.
  • BMP180 – Barometric sensor.
  • Light depend resistor (LDR).
  • Generic ESP8266 Wi-Fi module.

Now, let’s explore what each of the module does and how it is interfaced with other modules.

Power supply 5V and 3.3V:

Power supply 5V/3.3V

The above illustrated module takes 9V to 12V DC supply from a wall adapter and converts to 5V and 3.3V for providing power to Arduino board and sensors.

There are multiple 5V and 3.3V supply outputs in this module and you need to connect 5V supply to 5V sensor modules and 3.3V supply to 3.3V sensor modules. Mismatching will lead to malfunction of the respective modules / sensors.   

A button is provided on the module to turn ON/OFF the 5V / 3.3V output. A green LED indicates that the module is powered ON. There is also a USB power output but we won’t be using it for this project.

16 x 2 LCD display:

I2C LCD display

We are utilizing a 16 x 2 LCD display to showcase sensor data locally and it can display 16 alphanumeric characters in 2 rows.

An I2C display module is used in this project to reduce the number of wires that connect from microcontroller to LCD display to four; otherwise we need to connect 16 wires.

I2C display module operates on I2C bus and has the following four pins:

  • SDA – Serial data.
  • SCL – Serial clock.
  • GND – ground.

The Vcc pin connects to 5V of the power supply module and GND connects to GND of the supply, the SDA connects to A4 of Arduino and SCL connects to A5.

The I2C module has backlight control, by removing the jumper we can turn off the backlight and vice-versa. You can adjust the display contrast by rotating the potentiometer (blue color on the module) using a small screw driver.

DHT11 temperature and humidity module:

DHT11 Sensor

DHT11 is a digital sensor responsible for collecting temperature and humidity data from your surroundings. It has three terminals namely:

Vcc connects to 5V supply, GND connects to GND and data pin connects to A0 of Arduino.

Note: The pin diagram for DHT11 module could differ from manufacture to manufacture and it is recommended to take a good look at your module to see which pins are Vcc, GND and Data before you apply power to the circuit.

BMP180 barometric sensor:

BMP180 barometric sensor

The above illustrated module is a barometric sensor which is capable of measuring atmospheric data; it can give out data like, atmospheric pressure at ground level, atmospheric pressure at sea level and altitude.

We will be only extracting atmospheric pressure data at ground and sea level to display it on the LCD, but we will be sending only the atmospheric pressure data at ground level to Thingspeak server, which is the relevant data for your locality.

It has the following pins:

  • Vcc – 3.3V.

Care must be taken while connecting the supply to this module as it operates on 3.3V DC and 5V will kill the module. It operates on I2C bus, same as I2C display adapter module.

MQ-135 air quality sensor module:

case study on iot system for weather monitoring ppt

MQ-135 is an analog air quality sensor which takes air samples from your surroundings and gives out an analog voltage at its output terminal. MQ-135 can detect the following gases:

  • Smoke, CO2 etc.

The operating voltage of MQ-135 is 5V and consumes around 160mA, the sensor has built-in heater for heating the sensor for its normal operation and if the sensor is exposed to strong wind we may get incorrect readings. The sensor takes typically around 3 to 5 minutes to reach optimum temperature depending on surrounding air flow.

The sensor has good sensitivity to detect the above mentioned gases, but the disadvantage is it cannot differentiate which gas or gases have been detected.

Generic ESP8266 module:

Genric ESP8266

The above illustrated module is called generic ESP8266 which is responsible for connecting the weather monitoring system to internet. This module is inserted on a breakout board adapter so that ESP8266 can be interfaced on a breadboard.

Pin diagram of ESP8266:

Pin Diagram of ESP8266

ESP8266 is not a just another ordinary module, it has a full-fledged 32-bit microcontroller which requires a program code to function. We will be using a programmer to upload the code to this ESP8266 module which we will see in the later part of this article. It operates on 3.3V and communicates on serial interface with Arduino.

Light depend resistor – LDR:


LDR is responsible for collecting data about the intensity of light at your surroundings and it is a passive analog sensor.

The LDR is essentially a resistor that is sensitive to the light, when higher intensity light falls on the photosensitive surface its resistance drops and when less light is received its resistance increases.

In other words, the resistance is inversely proportional to the intensity of the light on the photosensitive surface of LDR. 

This concludes all the modules and sensors used in the circuit setup.

Program code for Arduino:              

I2C LCD library : Click here

DHT library : Click here

BMP180 library : Click here

Program code for Generic ESP8266

Download Thingspeak Library : Click here

Insert your Wi-Fi credentials here the code:

Insert your Thingspeak credentials here:

How to upload code to generic ESP8266 module:

  • You need to download ESP8266 board package.
  • You need an ESP8266 programmer board.

1) How to download ESP8266 board package?

  • Copy this link:
  • Now open Arduino IDE and click on  File > Preferences .
  • A window will open like this:


  • Paste the URL on the box and click “OK”.
  • Now go to  Tools > Board > Boards Manager.

 A window will popup:

boards manager

  • Type “ESP8266” on the box as shown and you will get installation option, select the  latest version  and click install.
  • Now the IDE will download the necessary packages and this could take more than 5 minute to complete.
  • Now go to  Tools > Board > ESP8266 boards > select “Generic ESP8266”.
  • Now, copy the given ESP8266 program code and paste it on to Arduino IDE software.
  • Now press compile button (Green tick button). The compilation of code may take more than couple of minutes so be patient. If the compilation failed please check whether have you selected the “Generic ESP8266 Module” in the board option or not.
  • After successful compilation of code, now it’s time to upload the code to ESP8266.

2) USB ESP8266 Programmer:

ESP8266 Programmer

The above illustrated USB device is used for programming the generic ESP8266 module.

Please note that two pins on the programmer must be shorted before you upload the code, otherwise you will get errors while uploading.

Now insert the ESP8266 on the programmer and plug it to your PC’s USB port, like this and click upload:

ESP8266 Programmer

Once you successfully uploaded the code, you will the below info on your IDE:

case study on iot system for weather monitoring ppt

Now, you may insert the ESP8266 on your main circuit setup.

How to setup your Thingspeak account for receiving data?

  • To send sensor data to Thingspeak, you need a Thingspeak account and you can sign-up here .
  • Create a new channel and do the following to your Thingspeak channel:

Thingspeak channel settings

  • Scroll down and press save.
  • Please take note of your channel ID and you need to copy and insert the ID to the ESP8266 code.
  • Now go to API key tab and you will see “write API” and “read API” keys. Write API key is a secret code for writing data to your Thingspeak channel.

case study on iot system for weather monitoring ppt

  • You need copy and paste the write API key to the ESP8266 code.

Prototype images of IoT based weather monitoring system:

IoT based weather monitoring system

How to operate the IoT based weather monitoring system:

  • Make sure that you have connected all the wirings properly and all the modules are connected.
  • Plug a 9V to 12V DC adapter to the power supply module’s DC socket and press the ON switch.
  • You will see sensor data on the LCD cycling between sensors as shown below:

DHT11 temperature and humidity:

case study on iot system for weather monitoring ppt

BMP180 atmospheric pressure at ground and sea level (unit is Pa):

case study on iot system for weather monitoring ppt

MQ-135 Air quality sensor:

case study on iot system for weather monitoring ppt

LDR sensor – intensity of the light:

Lower percentage indicates low light intensity and higher the percentage indicates higher light intensity.

case study on iot system for weather monitoring ppt

Please note that air quality and light intensity values are between 0 and 100% and no unit. Also please note that MQ-135 sensor needs to heat up for its proper functioning, so initially while the sensor is heating up it will throw incorrect values and incorrect quality status like toxic or poor.

Data on Thingspeak:

  • DHT11 sensor:

case study on iot system for weather monitoring ppt

BMP180 and LDR:

case study on iot system for weather monitoring ppt

MQ-135 sensor:

case study on iot system for weather monitoring ppt

Note: Initially zero value will get updated on all the 5 fields on Thingspeak and after that real time data starts updating. 

If you have any questions regarding this project, feel free to ask us in the comment, you will get a guaranteed reply from us.

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My nick name is blogthor , I am a professional electronics engineer specialized in Embedded System. I am a experienced programmer and electronics hardware developer. I am the founder of this website , I am also a hobbyist, DIYer and a constant learner. I love to solve your technical queries via comment section.

81 thoughts on “ IoT Based Weather Monitoring System Using Arduino ”

I want the email please sir to communicate with you regarding this project is necessary.

Yes, you can ask you questions here…

Do we need usb cable for data to be transferred to thingspeak , or will it be updated through wifi

Hi, it will be updated through Wi-Fi.

Hlo sir, I am getting error while i try to upload the code.

Hi, Please add all the libraries as mentioned in the post

value_1 = ((value[1] – 0x30) * 10 + (value[2] – 0x30)); value_2 = ((value[3] – 0x30) * 10 + (value[4] – 0x30)); value_3 = ((value[5] – 0x30) * 10000 + (value[6] – 0x30) * 1000 + (value[7] – 0x30) * 100 + (value[8] – 0x30) * 10 + (value[9] – 0x30)); value_4 = ((value[10] – 0x30) * 10 + (value[11] – 0x30)); value_5 = ((value[12] – 0x30) * 10 + (value[13] – 0x30));

Can u please explain the above code?

Hi, The input data from arduino to ESP8266 is received as stream of individual number, here we are grouping the numbers of a sensor using array, so that a sensor data is combined correctly before sending it via internet. For Example, LDR data is sent to ESP8266 as 1 0 0 for 100%. The above block of code combines individual digits to 100 before sending to cloud. The received individual digits by ESP8266 will be their ASCII values, so to convert them to proper integer (before combining) we are subtracting the received individual data with 0x30 hex value. Regards

Thanks a lot:-) Can u please say which value corresponds to which sensor… And how is array length 15?

Hi, Value 1 & 2 are DHT11, Value 3 is BMP180, Value 4 is LDR, Value 5 is MQ-135. Regards

Hello, Could anyone please tell me what is the programming language used for programming here? Thankyou

C language.

Thankyou so much for you’re previous reply. I had another doubt like how the power supply given to the entire circuit?

Hi, The circuit requires 3.3V and 5V, in our circuit setup we used a power supply that accepts 9V in and 3.3V & 5V out. Regards

I am getting DHT 11 SENSOR ERROR others are working what may be the issue. Sometimes it shows the temperature and Humidity but majority of the time it shows as DHT 11 SENSOR ERROR

Hi, There must be loose connections on one or more wires of the sensor.

I am using Nodemcu instead of ESP8266 is there any changes in the code I need to make. Please Share. I am getting output in LCD the problem is I am not getting serial output from Arduino and Node MCU as well as thingspeak. Please help.

Hi, We need to make the project from starch if we want to use NodeMCU.

We got the method and all other things about this project but i have to make it with model so can u suggest some example for what mode can i make for iot based weather monitor ???

Hi, You can use any plastic junk box as enclosure for the project and make some vent hole so that there will be proper air circulation for the sensors. Regards

Please check your VCC and GND connections. Check DHT11 sensor out cable connection.

Can we add gsm module in this project.

Hi, Yes you can, also we need to do some additional programming depending your requirements.

Hi. Thanks for the code and setup. But when uploading my code to esp8266 board, I am recieving following error message: esptool.FatalError: Failed to connect to ESP8266: Timed out waiting for packet header

Can you please tell me its meaning and how to solve it?

Hi, Are you using the illustrated programmer kit? If so you need to short the two terminals as shown in one of the images. Usually, it takes only one attempt to program the ESP8266. Regards

What are the advantages over other projects of the same theme?

Hi, This circuit is well tested one and we have integrated a lot of relevant sensors. Regards

Thingspeak shows only zero values

Initially it will show zeros just for one cycle then, it will update actual values. If you can see values on your LCD check Tx and Rx connections between Arduino and ESP8266 for Tx and Rx. Don’t alter any delay in the code.

If arduino nano is used, does the programming code change?

Yes, you can use arduino nano.

1.Sir, after how much time it will show the data, meaning after how long we can see the weather.

2. Sir how we check the practical data with actual data.

Hi, The data will appear after 1 to 2 mins on Thingspeak, initially it will update zeros and then sensor data starts updating. I did not understand your 2nd question. Regards

Hey buddy it’s showing dht11 sensor error

Hi, Please find its correct Vcc, GND and output Pin. These are differs from manufacture to manufacture.

Sir, can we see the results in mobile?

Hi, Yes, you can by logging into your Thingspeak account on your browser.

Is there any alternate method to upload code for wifi module.

Yes, there is check this article and scroll down to the section where I explained how to upload it.

MQ 135 is showing constant data and it is not varying while connecting to arduino what is the i am not understanding

can you please tell what is the constant value? It is a wiring issue on your setup.

I am able to get the output on the serial monitor in the Arduino IDE but unable to get the output on the things speak app.i have uploaded the code on the esp8266 also but unable to get on the things speak app.please help me

Assuming you have correctly put your SSID, password and write API key on ESP8266 code, then the only thing is to check your wiring and more importantly check Vcc and GND voltage at ESP8266’s terminal, it should be more than 3.0V only then it can upload the data.

It is showing 16 and good throughout the run time

Hi, it is a wiring fault please double check your wiring connection.

I have uploaded the esp8266 code in the esp8266 and it successfully uploaded .I have connected the circuit as mentioned above but unable to get the data on the things speak app.i have uploaded the correct wifi credentials and thingspeak credentials.But unable to get the data on the things speak app.It is also not showing zero also.i am unable to solve the issue .please can you tell me whether I have to do any extra things.please help me

Check the voltage at Vcc and GND terminal of ESP8266 it should be above 3.0V and lower than 3.3V.

sir i need your help with this project my name is kiran and i choose this project as a mini project in my college so disclosing your contact info here is unsafe so iam going to post my mail id here so that you can contact me [PROTECTED]

Hi, You can ask you queries here and I will try to address it here.

Sir, this might be a dumb question but can you use a powerbank to power the board aka the power regulator?

You you can, but still you need to provide 3.3V from a regulator.

I see, can you explain the part of uploading the code to arduino cuz I got confused between uploading the esp8266 code first and arduino code later? Thanks for the reply btw 🙂

Hi, You need to remove the microcontroller from the arduino board so that ESP8266 can be programmed, later you can reinstall the microcontroller to the board and upload the code designated to arduino. You can also upload the code for arduino first, but to make things easy for newbies I mention that.

I see, thanks again for the help 🙂

Can I get the ppt of this project? Because it will use for my study to do my project.kindly send me sir.

Sorry, we did not document a PPT for this project.

I need help, already done uploading the code and everything but the lcd just flashing on and off without displaying anything and in thingspeak nothing showing up 🙁

You wiring to LCD is not proper and also check the voltage that is going to LCD.

Sir, I’m getting dht11 error on lcd and I didn’t get anything in thingspeak. I have checked my wiring and replaced them with new components but the results stays the same

Hi, Your issue with DT11 is pin configuration of the sensor, connect the sensor properly, its +Ve, GND and output. Even if any one of the wire is mismatched you will error. Regards

how data is analysed in thinkspeak ?

Hi, you can download the data from your Thingspeak account in various formats and you may analyze it visually or with a software.

What kind of simulation you using for the circuit?

No simulation was used for this project.


Hi, We will try to publish one in future 🙂

I am using Nodemcu instead of ESP8266 is there any changes in the code I need to make. Please Share I need it

Yes, you need to make a lot of change to the code! You may need to develop from scratch.

How do I add rain sensor to it ?

Hi, you can add a rain sensor on any of the digital pins (if your rain sensor’s output is digital). Configure the pin as digital input, create a new function for the rain sensor, put your values to send_data() function. You need to understand the code before you can start changes in your project. Regards

The ESP8266 is sending all values as 0. I have checked the RX and TX wires. They are connected properly.

Any modification from your side done in the code? only a few time it should update zero at max after that it should update the values.

i got dht 11 sensor error, my all wiring is totally ok, please help about the error

Hi, either you sensor is damaged or still your wiring to DHT11 is incorrect.

I am getting nan at the output terminal:

Hi, The serial terminal was not configured in the first place in this project 🙂

Sir the data is not showing in thingspeak website

Hi, Please give us more info about your circuit setup, is it updating on LCD display etc.

Hi sir I am facing an issue with the uploading of the arduino code it always says “programmer is not responding” what to do now ??

Are you using the programmer module?

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    This paper proposes an implementation of weather monitoring system using Internet of Things (IoT). A raspberry pi based implementation is proposed to monitor PM2.5, PM 10, temperature, humidity and the air quality index (AQI) of the Particulate Matter pollutants available.

  5. IOT Based Weather Monitoring System

    weather monitoring system - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This document describes an IoT-based weather monitoring system project being developed by a group of students. The system will use sensors to measure temperature, humidity, wind speed, light, and rainfall.

  6. PDF Iot

    Devices monitor the soil, the plant, the weather. A mathematical description of interactions among the environment, the host plant and the variables related to the pathogen that can lead to the development of the disease. Mainly used to: Predict the impact or severity of the disease and the development of inoculum.

  7. Iot Based Weather Monitoring System

    The document describes an IOT based weather monitoring system created by a group of three students. It includes an introduction to the project, objectives to ease monitoring weather conditions in real-time and store data. It also includes a basic block diagram, hardware and software specifications of the Arduino Uno, sensors and modules used, the circuit diagram and connections, design and ...

  8. PDF IoT-Based Real-Time Weather Monitoring and Reporting System

    on the online server system. Also system allows user to set alerts for particular instances. In today's world many pollution monitoring systems are designed by different environmental parameters. Existing system model is presented IOT based Weather monitoring and reporting system where you can

  9. IoT Based Weather Monitoring System for Smart Cities: A Comprehensive

    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a new paradigm that aspires to integrate all smart physical things such that they will always give smart and cognitive solutions to people. Internet of things (IoT) plays a significant role in the evolution of applications in different fields such as health, education, smart cities, homes, agriculture, and so on in the current era of research and technology. The ...

  10. (PDF) Weather monitoring and forecasting system using IoT

    The system proposed is an advanced solution for weather monitoring that uses IoT to make its real time data easily. accessible over a very wide range. The system deals with monitoring weather [1 ...

  11. Internet of things (iot) based weather

    This document proposes an Internet of Things (IoT) based weather monitoring system. The system uses sensors to monitor environmental conditions like temperature, humidity, light intensity, and CO levels at a particular place. The sensor data is sent to a web page where it is plotted as graphical statistics. The data from the implemented system ...

  12. PDF Internet of Things (IOT) based Weather Monitoring System

    The IoT is a wise system which associates all things to the Internet with the end goal of trading data and conveying through the data detecting gadgets as per concurred conventions. It accomplishes the objective of keen recognizing, finding, following, observing, and overseeing things . It is an augmentation and extension of Internet-based ...

  13. PDF Chapter 9: Case Studies Illustrating IoT Design

    design of a weather monitoring IoT system: Collect data on environmental conditions such as temperature, pressure, humidity and light in area using multiple end nodes. The end nodes send the data to the cloud where the data is aggregated and analyzed. The end nodes are equipped with various sensors (such as temperature, pressure, humidity and ...

  14. Iot Based Weather Monitoring System

    Presentation 5 - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This document presents a weather monitoring system project created by a group of engineering students. The system uses sensors to collect weather data and transmit it over an IoT network to allow users to monitor weather conditions from anywhere.

  15. Weather Monitoring System using Internet of Things

    The system proposed for monitoring weather conditions in a particular place like temperature, humidity, CO Level using sensors, sensors detect changes in environment and send it to the users for making statistical analysis, IoT is the technology used for monitoring, collecting, controlling and connecting the system to worldwide, which is the more efficient and advanced solution for accessing ...

  16. PPT

    The IOT based Weather Monitoring and Reporting System project is used to get Live reporting of weather conditions. It will Monitor temperature, humidity, moisture and rain level. Suppose Scientists nature analysts want to monitor changes in a particular environment like volcano or a rain forest. And these people are from different places in the world. In this case, SMS based weather monitoring ...


    In this project, a. straightforward weather monitoring system that can trac k a location's temperature and humidity is created. This project's weather monitoring system is an IOT device based on ...

  18. IRJET- Smart Weather Monitoring and Real Time Alert System using IoT

    This document proposes a smart weather monitoring system using IoT that measures various weather parameters like temperature, humidity, wind speed, etc. using sensors. The sensors send real-time data to a web page for access from anywhere. An app also sends alerts about sudden weather changes. While existing systems have limitations like high ...

  19. Weather Reporting System Using IoT: Benefits & Use Cases

    IoT, in turn, gathers data from sensors in real time. IoT takes forecasting to the next level when combined with internet-connected weather stations. It can predict the weather accurately and quickly for different geographic locations. IoT-based weather monitoring systems seamlessly integrate data from a multitude of sources.

  20. IoT based weather monitoring system architecture

    Moreover it helps consumers to optimize energy usage for heating, cooling and lighting. 3. It provides real time weather data which enables accurate weather forecasting and helps in timely decision making. 4. These IoT based systems serve as early warning systems for severe weather events such as storms, floods, hurricanes and wildfires. 5.

  21. IoT Based Weather Monitoring System Using Arduino

    We are going to develop the weather monitoring system using the above illustrated blocks. The brain of the project is an Arduino board and the surrounding blocks are digital and analog sensors for acquiring local weather and environment data. A generic ESP8266 is used for interfacing the circuit setup with internet via 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi band.

  22. weather monitoiring system.pptx

    The document describes the design and implementation of a real-time weather monitoring system using Internet of Things technologies. The system gathers data on temperature, humidity, rainfall, and light levels from various sensors and sends it in real-time to a local server and Blynk application. The weather station allows users to access ...

  23. Case Study of Constructing Weather Monitoring System in Difficult

    A high density real time weather monitoring system helps us to reduce the damage of disaster. We can utilize this data not only disaster but also agriculture, education material and so on. To install automatic weather stations (AWSs) to the real field, we have to consider a high temperature, dust, heavy rain, power outage, cost, etc. In India. In this paper, we describe how to install low cost ...